#them both cute huhu
shinobiscribe · 2 months
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What a fearsome young prince!
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httpxxg · 23 days
idc gojo literally gave birth to megumi 🫶 they both have the same giddy and cute smile 💟
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chrisbangs · 1 year
my jpn encore maniac merch arrived today 😻💗
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sulumuns-dootah · 18 days
If WHB had PvP: King interactions
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Started playing new gacha game with PvP arena and got me thinking how the kings would react to having to fight other kings or their own selves ^^
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Satan vs. Satan
"Wait, that's me?! Do I also have clones now like that fly bastard?"
"Hahaha I hope he enjoyed that as much as I did!"
"I'm not that short, c'mon!"
"Do you think that guy also has his own Sitri or do we both share him?
Satan vs. Mammon
"Who are you calling short?"
"This is what you get for taking what's mine!"
"Do you notice me now?"
"Heh, you won't see this one coming"
Satan vs. Beelzebub
"No matter how many clones he has, I'll beat him anyway"
"You stay away from my knees! Don't want a repeat of last time."
"This was the last time your clones took turns with MC!"
"After we're done here, wanna grab drinks?"
Satan vs. Leviathan
"Here's a little taste of what will happen the next time you'll try to kill MC!"
"About time someone burst that bubble of yours!"
"Time to wake up and smell the roses!"
"Who even is this guy, wanting to go back to school?"
Satan vs. Belphegor
"Man, imagine being able to sleep. Couldn't be me!"
"Oh hey, did anyone else see that corpse reanimate itself?"
"For someone who sleeps all the time, he sure does look tired."
"That guy Beleth, I could use someone like him too."
Satan vs. Lucifer
"Heh, look who just became a harmacist!"
"I wonder... if he injured me, would he also heal me afterwards?"
"When I first met him, he seemed weaker... Still, he's no match for me!"
"I heard a squeak earlier... Did I accidentally step on that tiny piss ballon?
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Mammon vs. Satan
"Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't notice you down there."
"I don't mean to be rude. It seems he's very insecure about many things."
"He's like an adorable kitten when he wants to play punch."
"I like small things"
Mammon vs. Mammon
"Ah, what a strange state of affairs. I must've somehow gotten multiplied."
"If there's two of me, does that mean we must share?"
"Do I own him or does he own me?"
"So this is what it feels like to be a Beelzebub."
Mammon vs. Beelzebub
"My subjects tell me he's more in Tartaros than in his own country"
"His food is palatable with enough gold on it."
"If I recall correctly, he tried to eat one of the pillars in my castle."
"I won't hold back the next time he whisks my master away."
Mammon vs. Leviathan
"That coffin seems valuable, I shall look into it more"
"I must admit, Hades is a beautiful country."
"Leviathan could use a visit to one of many Tartaros' spas."
"He's so pale. He should go out more."
Mammon vs. Belphegor
"I do respect a country which hasn't descended into chaos with the king mostly absent."
"I shall send him some new bedsheets. Who knows when was the last time he's had them changed."
"Ahahah, I do admit you do have a very unique power!"
"Such lifestyle does look appealing, alas my country would greatly miss my presence."
Mammon vs. Lucifer
"I respect you deeply. This is nothing personal."
"If you require financial aid, do not hesitate to ask."
"I hope Buer is satisfactory in his position as a healer"
"Do you miss your father as much as I sometimes do?"
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Beelzebub vs. Satan
"Huhu, you're cute trying to fight me!"
"Oh, we were fighting?"
"I'm bored, let's jump someone together!"
"Hm, I kinda want a snack now."
Beelzebub vs. Mammon
"I could use a bigger meal."
"I just heard one of the Tartaros' beaches calling me. I have to go."
"Maybe we could go visit my favorite Abyssos casinos afterwards!"
"Hm, I wonder how the pillars in his castle taste like."
Beelzebub vs. Beelzebub
"Oh hello, me!"
"I see you're handling everything here, so I'll just get going."
"If you go to that café in Gehenna, I can go to that stall with fish sweets in Hades..."
"Are you Bael or are you really me?"
Beelzebub vs. Leviathan
"Levi! Nice to see you again!"
"I wonder if he liked the last souvenir I bought him..."
"C'mon, next time I'm in Hades I'm treating you to a fish steak!"
"Sometimes I think he'd love to give me a noose around neck too."
Beelzebub vs. Belphegor
"You won't mind if I borrow Beleth for a few weeks, right?"
"Ah, how is Andrealphus doing?"
"I wish I wasn't so busy and could just lay in bed all day!"
"If only Bael was here to see how well can a country flourish without the king being around all the time."
Beelzebub vs. Lucifer
"Next time invite your angel brothers along."
"I don't need anymore shots for now."
"Another Seraphim down."
"Paradise Lost is pretty, but the smell is horrible."
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Leviathan vs. Satan
"Ah, how pitiful you'd even try to mesure up to me."
"Size matters, don't you know?"
"I expected nothing less from you."
"Someday you might grow out of it."
Leviathan vs. Mammon
"A shame, truly. You seemed as a worthy ally."
"Money isn't really what matters. It's beauty."
"That palace of his is very tacky, don't you think?"
"I've won, of course."
Leviathan vs. Beelzebub
"Ugh, just please stop talking."
"You're lucky you're not one of my subjects."
"I shall end you quickly to end my suffering."
"I wish I could be back at my castle."
Leviathan vs. Leviathan
"Finally, I get to defeat myself and come as the winner!"
"Who dares to multiply me and make me compete with myself?!"
"Hm... That color doesn't seem to suit my complexion."
"I'm jealous of other people for being able to see me from such point of view."
Leviathan vs. Belphegor
"Oh, to be able to stay at home all day without being interrupted."
"My coffin is way more comfortable than that cheap bed."
"Hades is beautiful and blooming, unlike Niflheim."
"Where is this Beleth I keep hearing about?"
Leviathan vs. Lucifer
"I shall keep an eye on you at all times."
"All angels are deemed untrustworthy in my eyes."
"I will never forgive your kind for what you've done to us."
"Perhaps, you'd also like to forget your past?"
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Belphegor vs. Satan
"Man, your existence's gotta be terrible..."
"Jeez, why are you so loud?"
"Anger drains so much energy..."
"Couldn't be me..."
Belphegor vs. Mammon
"Nice pillows..."
"All that gold looks uncomfortable.."
"Wonder how nice the hotels are in Tartaros..."
"Can ya get me some figures at the Hellcon?"
Belphegor vs. Beelzebub
"Ya exhaust me..."
"Tell Bael I ain't givin' Beleth to anyone.."
"Ya gotta be tired from all that runnin' 'round..."
"Ugh, I'm exhausted..."
Belphegor vs. Leviathan
"Six... I'll have ya obliterated!"
"Ya remind me of that one anime character that dies in the end..."
"Imagine putting all that work in just to look like that..."
"I wonder when they'll announce another season..."
Belphegor vs. Belphegor
"Well, what in tarnation?"
"Makes me double tired..."
"Ope, am I still dreamin'?"
Belphegor vs. Lucifer
"Hospital beds ain't comfy..."
"This Hell might be big enough for the two of us..."
"Agares might need ya soon, if he don't shape up..."
"That Andrealphus, he seems hurt, check up on him, will ya?"
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Lucifer vs. Satan
"Humans believe you've taken on all my wrath towards my father. Thank you for relieving me of such impure emotions."
"You. I'd expected you taller."
"I deeply apologise for all the grief my brothers have caused you."
"Morax asked me to remind you to wear your mouth guard."
Lucifer vs. Mammon
"Ah, father must've been very generous while creating you."
"I can sense a deep sadness within you..."
"If your horn stump becomes painful, my doctors can help you."
"There were many demons who required back pain treatment after carrying his riches."
Lucifer vs. Beelzebub
"I was told my brother fears you. If that is what will keep him in line, I shall support such occurence."
"That Phenomenon, what exactly is it?"
"I believe you're due in for another health check up."
"They call him wandering king and yet I have yet to see him vacation in Paradise Lost."
Lucifer vs. Leviathan
"My lord, you truly are the epitome of vanity."
"Could you please keep your servant in check, so we do not have to use spells to ensure our morgue doesn't get broken into?"
"The amount of Hades demons addmited to the hospital because of thorn injuries is great. I wonder why?"
"I am deeply sorry for all the horrible things you've been through. I should've intervened."
Lucifer vs. Belphegor
"I feel insulted to be now considered your fellow."
"I believe we do have a cure for narcolepsy, If you'd be interested."
"Beleth, that name sounds familiar..."
"That halo doesn't seem like it was your to begin with."
Lucifer vs. Lucifer
"Has... father created another copy of me?"
"Am I so easily replaceable?"
"So this is how all the other demons see me... I now understand."
"If there's two of me, I shall work twice as hard now..."
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elllisaaa · 15 days
desperately need you to make a jihoon version for bf thoughts huhu 😭😭😭
BF!JIHOON who sometimes gets lost in his own world, but you're always here to bring him back to reality, and he never fails to show you how grateful he is for you.
music takes such a huge part of his life, it's impossible for him not to involve you in all of this. he tried to keep it away at first - because it was work and he didn't want to annoy you. but as soon as you show him that you're interested in what he does, in how he produces his music, jihoon is more than happy to introduce you to his universe. he makes you sit on his lap while he explains to you how he creates his music step by step, and he feels both so shy and so proud whenever you tell him that he's talented or that he's a genius. it leads to him letting you spend a lot of time with him at the studio - jihoon loves to have you there because you're his main source of inspiration, and you love to be with him because it motivates you to work too. you're always the first one he shows a song to, because he values your thoughts a lot, the most important opinion is yours. jihoon has definitely written so many songs for you, or about you. one time, you listened to a song he wrote before the two of you even got together and you noticed that jihoon was talking about you. you always get emotional when he does music for you and your boyfriend melts inside everytime you listen to the songs he made for you.
"can you listen to this and tell me if you like it, jagiya ? i'm not sure about what i've done with the vocals but maybe your voice could be a cute addition, don't you think ?"
jihoon gets so sleepy around you. some would argue that it's because he often comes by after work or because his sleep schedule isn't the best, but he knows that it's much more than that - it's because you're his home, and when he learned that you tend to feel sleepy when you're with people you deeply trust and love, he was sure that you were the one. jihoon also loves it when you're the one falling asleep on him, be that on his lap, on his shoulder or against his chest, he will wrap his arms around you and caress your hair every time. he has so many pictures of you sound asleep in his arms that he cannot count them - it means that you're just as comfortable around him that he is around you, and it makes him feel like the luckiest man in the world. jihoon always gets shy when you decide to attack him with random marks of affection. it makes him blush like crazy, but he's so cute with his red cheeks that you can't help it and he's so in love with you that he doesn't stop you - plus he cannot deny how it makes his heart melt every time.
"you won't ever stop, right ?" - "never." - "good, i like it when you kiss my nose…"
he's very attentive to every detail about you and your habits. jihoon knows literally everything about you, and it's so soothing to feel this loved. he always makes sure that you feel included in every conversations, especially when you're spending time with his members. he knows that thirteen people can be a lot, so he always take care of you so that you feel heard and listened to. if you're talking about something and you stop mid sentence because you think no one he's listening, he makes sure to remind you that he always listens and he asks you to continue, fully focused on you. he loves, loves, loves when you do your nails - that he obviously pays for - and especially when they're very long because it feels so good when you scratch his back or his scalp with them. jihoon almost purrs like a cat when you do that, his eyes fluttering shut and he nuzzles his head in your neck. you love it so much when he gets so cuddly and soft, and jihoon loves to be babied by you sometimes.
"let's just stay like this for a little while, please ?"
BF!JIHOON who's sweet when he's with you, but who cannot hold back his possessiveness once the two of you are alone.
jihoon works on his muscles too much to not use them to his advantage. it all started when you began to compliment his muscles every time he came back from the gym. it fuels his ego, yes, but it also makes him hard in his shorts. to know that you find his strength attractive, to know that he could overpower you every second when you're playfully fighting, it drives him crazy. so now, everytime you piss him off, everytime you're being a brat, he's using his strength to manhandle you in every position he wants. the fact that he can do anything with your body is turning him on too. when he's fucking into you and not letting you cum, he grips your hips tightly to stop you from squirming around. when you're not allowed to touch him but you try either way, he pins your hands down to the mattress. when he's having you from behind, he holds your hips up and forces his cock into you no matter how much you moan and cry. jihoon loves to know that he's able to take over you so easily, loves to know that he can do whatever he wants from you and that you're gonna love it.
"you're not moving until i let you, you know that so why are you trying ?"
he's a producer, he loves people's voices and he loves to work with them. so it's no surprise that jihoon is addicted to the way your voice sound. he thinks it's soothing when he's stressed, and it's so sexy when he's fucking you. he loves how he can always tell how you're feeling by the sounds you're making. he drinks every noise you make - gasps, moans, wimpers, whines and mewls, he loves it all. that's the reason why he prefers to fuck behind closed doors, where he can make you scream his name without risking anyone hearing you, where he doesn't have to muffle your pretty moans that make him even harder. when you gasp and whine against his mouth when he's kissing you, he speeds up his thrusts, and when you wrap your arms around his neck and whimper against his ear, he has to squeeze your waist harder to not lose his mind. jihoon even goes as far as holding back his own moans to hear yours better. he loves your noises so much that he might put them in one of his songs, and he seriously considers releasing it, just to make it clear that you're his.
"that's it jagiya, let everyone know who's making you feel good… shit, i love your pretty moans so much."
one thing about jihoon is that he loves to hear you moan, yes, but he also likes when you're begging him, begging for him. when he's already fucking you rough and that you plead for him to go harder, it makes him lose his mind. he asks you to beg for virtually anything in bed - you want him to eat you out ? beg. you want him to fuck you from behind ? beg. you want to suck his cock ? you have to beg for it. jihoon will never admit it, but he kinda likes it too when you're teasing him in public by begging him for something simple but you both know he cannot help thinking about your words in another context. one thing he will never tell you either is that he thinks it's hot when you are the one making him beg sometimes. not gonna lie, it's not easy to get him there - you have to catch him on a day he's tired because then he lets you take care of him and ride him. but when he does beg for you, it's so attractive you just want to do it all over again. jihoon is shy about it though, and he still prefers when you're the one saying please and being putty in his hands.
"you want me to fuck you ? then you know what to say, uh ?" - "please, jihoon, please fuck me." - "that's right, good girl."
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jellicatty · 2 months
Hello! That's great to hear! May I request Tenya Iida x reader? Tenya is pinning for reader and vice versa and not established relationship, yet. :>
I want a scene where Tenya reacts to reader that used to have very long hair and the next day, she surprised everyone with her whole haircut, like Haruhi short, or two-block haircut that's normally for boys— and it shocked the whole class 1A.
The reason? "It's easy to manage, and no I'm not a lesbian. 😅 I actually feel more confident in myself!" This is kinda personal for me, I hope this is okay!
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❝ A NEW LOOK ₊˚ ❞
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Class 1A's President shamelessly falls head over heels again when he sees your new haircut.
╰┈➤ contains : tenya iida x gender neutral reader. reader had long hair. flirty iida (?) (a bit ooc). sfw. fluff. 976 words.
╰┈➤ note : thank u for requesting! i applogize if this took a bit long huhu, hope you like this ♡
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It was no secret that Class 1A's president favored someone. It was no secret even to you, the object of his affection.
Tenya Iida is known to be an abider of rules, never breaking them for the sake of short-lived joy. However, his strict principles seem to crumble in your presence.
One of those instances was when you both stayed back for intense training, under the guise of "improving our skills together".
"You... You've shown great progress, Y/n." Tenya struggled to say as you pressed his arms down harder against the training mat. His flushed cheeks only darkened at the pressure he felt from your legs straddling his torso. Your cockiness also added a charm that only made his heart beat faster.
"Can't say the same for you, President." You giggled and continued your actions. "You think so?" And in a flash, you were lying on your back, caged between his arms that trapped your arms.
"Wasn't expecting that, huh?" Tenya glanced down at you, adoring your cute flustered face.
You once thought scenarios like this only existed in books. You never once hoped something as cliche as this to happen to you. However, the feeling of being held down by your president, your crush— a small part of you was glad it happened.
Unfortunately, your fairytale only lasted for two seconds. He sensed the tension thickening with each passing second, then immediately released you from his grip. An awkward silence hung, eyes avoiding each other while your mouths refused to open.
"F-Forgive me for my rudeness!" He suddenly blurted. "No, no, it's training Iida."
Looks like training is over, you thought. Before you could go to your things, Tenya walked towards you with slight hesitation in his steps.
Without warning, his hand went up to your face, pushing aside the strands of hair that covered your eye. If the situation earlier wasn't enough to send your heart skyrocketing to the stars, then this moment surely did.
"I'm looking forward to improving my skills with you again, Y/n!"
And that was how the night ended— at least to you.
︶ ⏝ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ⏝ ︶
The light chatter of Class 1A went normal, just like every day. Bakugo screaming at whoever disturbed his peace, Mineta being weird, Kaminari and his friends laughing at their jokes, Momo and her girls in their corner, Shoto reading alone— and Tenya, obviously in front of the class reminding everyone of the rules they need to follow (his words are like white noise to them).
"How did training go with Y/n yesterday, Iida?" Midoriya curiously asked his friend. The sudden question caught Tenya off guard, stumbling at his words when he tried to explain.
"Did something happen~" Ochako wiggled her eyebrows, teasing their president.
How can Tenya even explain his affection for you that only grew every day? After all, romantic feelings were new to Iida. Sure he did have small crushes on some superheroes but to a classmate? His beautiful, kind, and passionate classmate?
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the collective gasps of the class. Concerned by their reaction, he searched the room for the cause of their shock. Then, his eyes met yours.
"No way!" The whole class erupted in awe at your new look. Your face was normal, your uniform was the same, and nothing unusual could be noticed from you.
Except, for your hair.
The long, flowing, and gorgeous hair that Tenya admired. Now, it was transformed into a cut that matched the boys.
"I guess it fits me...?" You sheepishly questioned their reaction and happily went to your seat. Instantly, a crowd gathered around you, your classmates asking different questions at the same time.
"Woah! This new look definitely makes you manlier!"
"I wish I had the courage to cut my hair that short."
"Was the haircut intentional?"
"Why the sudden change, Y/n"
You laughed at their interest in your new look.
"Short haircuts are just easier to manage, you know? And it hasn't been a day since I cut my hair and I already feel confident!" You joyfully explained your reasons.
"You sure about that?" Mineta squinted his eyes, doubting your explanation. You rolled his eyes at his suspicions, "It's not because I'm lesbian, you idiot."
Amidst the commotion inside the class, Tenya stood frozen in his position, legs not wanting to walk forward in your direction.
He'll surely miss your hair that's for sure, but god you look stunning as ever even in your new look. He's head over heels for you, and now he's wondering why you can't notice his undeniable fondness for you.
Just by briefly glancing at you, his heart beat as fast as recipro burst's speed. He shamefully stared at you again, legs turning jello at the graceful smile you gave to your classmates.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" Tsuyu asked Tenya who remained motionless, only snapping from his thoughts at Tsuyu's question.
His stiff body betrayed his screaming mind, walking towards where you sat. The crowd had finally died down and now it was just you in your seat, in your own little world.
Now's the chance.
Tenya gathered his bravery for the courageous move he was about to do. With a ferocious spirit, he declared his thoughts on your new look.
"Although typically done for boys, your beauty has not faltered despite the new haircut!"
Silence fell between the two of you. Tenya began to worry about the sudden confrontation, but his anxiety faded when he heard your small laugh.
"Thank you, President." You thanked him for his compliment, eyes sparkling with unspoken emotions.
He let out a sigh and smiled back at you. Now, Tenya only wished confessing his feelings was just as easy as this.
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© jellicatty | no plagiarising please (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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crimsonbubble · 10 months
I can see that you put your entire crimussy into the railao/johnshi smut and ily for that 🥺 but also how cute it is for tomas to invite reader because he couldnt handle being showered that much love huhu
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I can imagine Tomas stumbling out of a room and he's just got lipstick marks all over him. He's all flustered and embarrassed as he tries to figure out where he is.
And he jsut sees reader and is like "help. me."
He hides behind you when Kung Lao or Johnny tries to drag him back inside. You are literally his human shield and just being jostled around.
Johnny and Kung Lao just look at each other and grab both of you. Like Kung Lao has you over his shoulder and Johnny has Tomas. Both of you are kicking and screaming while Raiden and Kenshi just sigh and follow them in.
Mainly bc it's now their turn to love you and tomas <33
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
ooo hi!! can i request something with marc where he tells the reader a secret (any secret) while they're laying in bed together? just something cute and sweet and maybe a lil vulnerable, thank you!!
Forever Feels Like… (Marc Spector x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Wanna be Tagged?
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A/N: Heya lovely! Thanks for the ask, this is so pure ughhh. I added a little change but I hope you like this huhu <33 THIS GIF OF MARC LORD I WILL SIN HES SO BEAUTIFUL!! also THIS SONG UGH TAYLORRRRR
Word count: 1.4 k
One of your favourite things in the world was coming back home to a soft warm bed where no secrets are kept. It was a promise you made with the love of your life and he had intended to keep that promise, no matter how much the truth hurt. It was a difficult process, trying to get Marc to open up, but when he started doing it, he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he realized that if he ever had secrets he wouldn’t mind sharing them with you.
Today was a particularly cold night. The city below was exceptionally silent and it wasn’t hard to get cosy in bed. You had a book in your hands, mouthing the words as Marc dried his hair off from his late shower, lighting one of your favourite scented candles before climbing into bed. He crawled towards you and settled his head on your tummy, wordlessly placing your hand in his hair and you smiled down at him, letting your fingers lazily twist his damp locks.
The silence between the both of you was something of a luxury, rich and comfortable, a silence that made you feel like everything was going to be alright whenever he was by your side. Sometimes, one of you would punctuate the silence with something that the both of you would giggle about and when your peripheral caught Marc staring up at you, you knew it was his turn today.
“Do you ever just pretend like you are in a music video when you’re listening to music?” Marc whispered.
“Huh?” you were caught off guard with his statement and you sat up a little, confused.
“Uhhh, nevermind…” Marc reeled back and your heart almost stopped.
“No, no, wait, do you?” you stutter out before you could lose your husband to his own dilemmas.
After a long pause, you finally got an answer from Marc.
Your mouth twisted into a grin as Marc hides his face in his hands. You caught a blush creeping up his face and your heart fluttered at his cuteness.
“Tell me how.” you whispered, letting your hands curl around his wrist, gently tugging his hands to expose his beautiful face.
“No.” he mumbled.
“Baby, come on, you can’t spring a secret on me like that and not dwell into it. You know I will never ever judge.” you felt Marc’s vulnerability pulling at your heartstrings.
Marc takes a deep breath as you lace your fingers with his, kissing his knuckles gently. He gets up from where he is laying down and changes his position, so that now he was facing you.
“Sometimes, I just close my eyes and let the music soothe everything and it means that I eventually forget all my troubles and fall into a dream world.” he whispers, his breath fanning your face with how close he was.
You nod, egging him on.
“It’s just me alone, in a world without people and it feels safe and comfortable.”
Marc used a lot of things to cope over the years. He had believed in himself and therapy had been slowly taking the edge off things. You were glad that your husband was getting all of the help that he needed. Often you would find him doing things that would make you smile.
He’d like to seem tough around you but in reality, he was a real softy who deserved the world. Sometimes you would catch him fast asleep with his headphones on, and when you leaned down to press a kiss onto his cheek, you would catch Taylor Swift’s beautiful voice, making you giggle at his choice of music. It was endearing, the way he would smile softly in his sleep and snuggle his nose into the pillow.
“Then when I met you, you kinda changed everything, because then, all the songs had you in it.”
His statement caught you way off guard now and your heart thudded in your chest furiously.
“Yeah, you.” He smiled softly and you swore in that moment, you will literally do anything for him.
“Oh Marc…” you whispered, tracing your fingertips on the lines on his face.
“Winters here are cold and miserable but you make me feel warm and loved.” He whispers, his lips meeting yours softly.
Healing was something that was hard for Marc. The idea of mortality was so confusing for a man that had died and come back to life. When the songs started to sound like they had been written about you and him, Marc choose to believe that he needed to cherish his mortality, choosing to hand it to you instead because he knew that you were the only one he could trust it with.
“Sometimes I catch myself daydreaming about you and I hate being a romantic but I guess it's ok since it’s you.” He sighs and you giggle.
“Says the man who lets me steal his favourite cookies.” you boop his nose and his face scrunches.
“You and me both know that the missing cookies are the work of elves.” Marc grumbles and you barked out a laugh before kissing his forehead. “Very sexy wifey elves.”
You used to dream of a man like this, one who would give you everything without a single question. You knew his love was genuine and he had so much love to give, so much so that it exhausted him. You searched hard for years but he turned up when you least expected him to and now here he was, this beautiful man, barring his secrets to you.
“I guess it’s my turn now huh, Spector?” you say, taking a deep breath and preparing yourself.
Marc nodded encouragingly into your chest where he had settled his head in. You gently wrapped your arms around him and held him close, twisting his hair between your fingers.
“Okay, mine has been a little thing I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. I’ve stopped wearing setting spray.” You sighed and Marc brought his head out of your chest and glared at you.
“Wait! Before you say anything, hear me out.” You say before Marc could berate you about that not being a real secret.
He nodded, snuggling back into your chest.
Marc had always been a big fan of the blush you wear. Everyday you thank the goddess called Selena Gomez and slowly press the cream foundation over your foundation. Marc always noticed when you wore it and would watch you with his head perched on his palms as you skipped around the kitchen making breakfast.
One day, you had forgotten to spray your setting spray and Marc kissed your cheek before you could say anything. When he pulled away, you noticed that the blush had transferred onto his lips, the light tinge of colour making your heart swell with happiness. He left to work like that before you could say a thing and from that day on, you decided to skip out on your setting spray.
“So yea, you’ve been going to work with my blush on your lips, babe.” you say finally and almost jumped when Marc began to laugh in your arms.
“I know.” Marc stuttered out between laughs.
“Yea, I know, I’ve been doing it on purpose.” He raised his head to kiss your cheek with a big ‘MUAH!’
“You looked so cute the first time I did that to you, there was a small imprint of my lips on your cheek and I pretended not to notice, but I loved it. It just gave me a reason to come back and kiss you again and again.” he said, kissing you between sentences as you writhed and giggled under him.
“What god brought you to me?” You sighed, pressing your forehead to his.
“Weirdly, an Egyptian one.” Marc murmured.
“Ok, let’s not talk about big bird and summon him here.” you rolled your eyes at the thought of your husband’s ex employer.
“Mmhm, I’d most definitely wish to be alone now with my sweetheart.” Marc mumbled as his lips dropped to yours again and his arms curl around your waist, pulling you impossibly close.
You relaxed into his touch, accepting every single path you had taken to get to this single moment. Your heart swooned as Marc hooked your legs behind him, his nose dragging gently along your neck.
Secrets had never tasted so good.
Reblogs are appreciated~~~
Tagging: @fandxmslxt69 @randomnessfangirl @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @whatsliferightnow @minigirl87 @wonderfulboiledcoldpotato @alexxavicry @autismsupermusicalassassin @flordelalunas @marygraceee @bloodredwolfsbane @euphoricosmo @sky-robin @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sugarpunch-princess @violet-19999 @celiaswife @swiggy-needs-mental-help @ghostheartbeat @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @spookyysilverr @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie @pimosworld @undermoonknightwalk
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kairiscorner · 1 year
my ambiverted ahh couldn't help myself huhu, so imagine:
the atsv babes with an ambiverted partner
miles probably would have thought you were introverted ngl, you two would have gotten close for your shared love of art, whether you create it or just admire it. he'd've thought you would appreciate it if he did the first move for you because you came off as a little reserved to him, but nah, when he got to know you more, he learned you had a more outgoing and sociable side to you--he was the extra push you needed to get out there. though occasionally, you would like some time alone; miles wholly respects that. he wouldn't force you to talk if you didn't want to, he loves talking to you and hearing you speak, even if you would sometimes prefer to be on your own or with others. i think miles' favorite thing to do with you would be to just draw together, or teach you how to draw if you didn't know how. he loves it when you're so focused on something, when you're in your element; you look so at peace, so happy with what you're doing that he wants to capture that moment forever, keep you happy forever.
"if you need to talk to me or ramble or for me to leave you be for alil while, i gotchu ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )"
"ty, i love you : ) also did you know (goes on rambling for hours on end while miles smiles at every message you send his way thinking how cute you are)"
gwen would've met you when you seemed extroverted. you'd probably have met when the mary janes had a gig near your area, and you in your extroverted bout somehow had the courage to tell her how awesome she was on the drums. you'd go on and on about how much she carried the performance, and you joked how you wished you could be everywhere all at once so you could watch her play. it warmed her heart, really. when she told you she doesn't do friends anymore, which was a lot for her to say honestly, poor girl, you'd've smiled at her and told her you'd wait for the day she's ready to make new friends, hoping you'll be one of her very first new friends you and miles would get along for that fr. now i don't think gwen would do very well with small talk, so you being an ambivert and knowing how that feels, you adjust to what she's comfortable with and talk to her about things she likes, too. she loves when you guys are just hanging out together, not really talking or doing anything, just being next to each other or in the same room, enjoying being in each other's presence; because, if anything, gwen loves the quiet when you're around--it gives her a break from all the chaos in her life and makes her remember there are people who care about her just as much as she cares about them.
"i know you said you don't do friends anymore... but i'm really glad you never hesitated to be mine the moment you were feeling like things can get better from here."
"that's because of you, my... ray of sunshine. was that too cheesy? sorry, i just, you really brighten up my life."
now pav would bare with both sides of you, honestly. he's bright, bubbly, and extroverted; but he knows when to back off and let you breathe for a bit. he'd encourage you to talk to others when you're feeling anxious, but he wouldn't force you to, of course. he'd do things for you when you feel like wanting to be on your own for a bit because he doesn't want to bother you. you'd've been his classmate at school, and at first, you found him... kinda quirky, but he was super cute, you couldn't deny it. you felt like he outshined you sometimes, so you kinda hid in your shell for the first few days of knowing him. but when pav noticed how quiet you were, he'd tell you not to be scared of him or anything, and you weren't! you were honestly just feeling a little worn out from talking to people for a bit, he did that mainly for you, and he always did it with your best interests in mind. but when it's just you two together, boy, you were both chaotic and bright. your extroverted side was kind of only really known to him, and he felt so freaking lucky to be that sole person who knew that other side of you. but he'd encourage you to get out there, too, and he'd help you every step of the way if you wanted him to.
"if you want to make new friends, go for it! i've already seen how amazing you are when it's just us two, everybody would love you as you are now and with that chaotic side of you."
"alright, just don't outshine me, pretty boy, i'm playing the chaotic one today."
hobie would actually be really fond of you, he likes having an explosive firecracker yet calm and unshakeable partner all at once. he doesn't believe in consistency, and if you didn't really have a consistent side to you wanting to talk to people or wanting to be on your own for a bit, hobie would be more intrigued with you. he loves that you have a heart for nearly everything, being with people, being alone--wanting to make friends, wanting to focus on yourself. he loves how thoughtful you can be, as well. you two would've probably met when hobie would be doing his rounds as spider man, and he caught you defacing a wall. he'd check it out, and instead of reprimanding you, he'd've complimented your work since it commented well on your stance on how society was so... chaotic. he liked you a whole lot after that, and his initial impression of you was someone who was kind of a lone wolf, someone who spoke up for their freedom without relying on other people--but lo and behold, you were someone who spoke up for their freedom, but loved making friends and going to parties, too, sometimes. he loved how nuanced you were, how every day, he finds something new about you. he really wants to make you feel comfortable around him, so every time, he asks if you're okay with whatever you two would plan to do, because he understands what it's like to be misunderstood. he just wants you to be free to be happy and to express yourself, never uncomfortable about being who you are, especially when you were with him.
"you're so inconsistent, so chaotic, so thoughtful, you're... you're a keeper."
"are you gonna be consistent and want to love just me, hobart? that's sweet of you, love."
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hirayaea · 6 months
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Seiya: Your emotions are spilling out.
Kinoa: You’re the same! You weren’t able to keep your cool when you met her, right?
Seiya: …
the jp lines differ so greatly from the eng lines in this part of the story; and to discuss it, we have to start with jeremiah’s voice acting
in the jp dub, when jeremiah meets mc, he’s so excited, then when mc thanks him he begins to sniffle, saying:
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Kinoa: No need to be so thankful. I never would have thought the day would come that I could be of service to you… huhu
the “huhu” there literally exists as 「ううっ」 which indicates sniffling/crying, and we can hear that clearly in the jp dub
after this, mc is kinda weirded about by how sincere jeremiah is, and this is the point where xavier steps between them and says something to the effect of: ‘ah, this guy is just overly friendly’
this is, of course, xavier’s way of covering up for jeremiah’s tears, because mc has absolutely no clue why jeremiah would be emotional about her
mc accepts this reason, and has that cute conversation with xavier where he gives her all the james bond stuff + flowers, and then she goes on her way
when she leaves, jeremiah and xavier have the conversation as seen at the start of this post
but in english, this is the conversation:
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first of all: I am very much aware that the main text is in cn, hence I’m not sure if, at this point, it’s just translator preference coming into play; but as I can only understand en and jp, I will focus on comparing those
I really don’t know why he says “it’s flawed” in the en version—it raises the question: what is flawed? mc’s presence? the plan? mc’s entry to the forbidden zone? it even makes less sense when jeremiah steers it back by asking if he was able to keep his cool when he met her. there’s no continuity to “it’s flawed”, but because jeremiah changes the topic, we accept it and the story goes on
now, if we go back above to the jp version, seiya uses the term 「綻びだらけ」 —which is a actually a very nuanced phrase. it usually means “full of tears” or “full of open seams”, but it can mean “full of emotions that broke through” or “being unable to keep emotions in” such as suddenly being unable to help but smile or cry
we use jeremiah’s voice acting and his response to identify our nuance. jeremiah was sniffling, then he replies 「お前も」 to seiya, which basically means “you too”, followed by the line “you weren’t able to keep your cool when you met her, right?”
so it only makes sense that the meaning of 「綻びだらけ」 here is being unable to keep emotions in, as both of them accuse each other of being emotional when they first meet mc, but they’re supposed to be not (because of their secret + non intervention policy)
it’s interesting also how in jp, jeremiah is certain seiya wasn’t able to keep his cool, as he phrases his sentence in an accusing manner; but in en, he asks it like a knowing question
honestly, in the end, the overall storytelling is the same, but I feel like due to the conversation, the subtleties of jeremiah’s character as both mc and xavier’s best friend is more pronounced in the jp version
again, just thought I’d share my thoughts on this!
ofc this post is for @skynapple as she made a post recently about jeremiah’s role in xavier’s life
source: main story
disclaimer: i am not a native jp speaker but i have studied it formally + lived in jpn! but if you see anything that needs to be corrected I’ll be glad to learn and discuss it! thank you!
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
🎭🚬 nonnie here! Thank you so much for the support Keshi!! I'm really honoured🥺🤍🤍
Anyways I made a small Relationship Headcanon to fresh up and see what's it like to be in a relationship with him (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)
warnings: a little ooc. generally fluff and angst if you squint
Ayatsuji is considered someone who tries dating in order to satisfy his curiousity in the systems of relationships. He's already content with the companies of his dolls, claiming they are more amusing than a real person, but we know this man truly craves for someone to be there with him through thick and thin.
‌He's happy to be with someone who likes his interests and hobbies, especially if they want to take into it as well
‌I can imagine cafe, museum, or library dates>>>
‌He isn't really into PDA or maybe he's just generally shy about it, but if you are offering him a hug, he'll jump right in for the opportunity (but not that directly yk)
‌He's a big tease in private tho, he will suddenly tickle you haha he really loves your smile :((
‌He would definitely date a person who would initiate physical affection because he's so damn shy about it and it's also because he was never given proper love since he was a child huhu
‌He'll bury his face in your neck or chest, he really wants be buried in your warmth <3
Of course, he loves, loves, loves, LOVES giving you neck kisses too
‌Speaking of physical affection, I know he's the type to take of his hat before leaning in to kiss you, ESPECIALLY he would use his hat to cover both of your faces in public when wants to smooch (this is best of the most giddiest gesture this man can do)
‌He knows he's beautiful and you mostly can't deny him for everything, so if wants your attention, he'll shoot you a small pout and give you puppy eyes (this guy pouts a lot in the manga and fanmade comics I swear)
‌slow dancing together..... *drools*
‌calls you in names like: doll/darling/dollface
‌Doesn't men who have pet cats or are cat lovers are always the cuntiest? *Coughs and looks at Fukuzawa as well*
‌His main love language is gift giving. We know he's not so openly expressive but if taken a liking to something, he'll definitely buy it for you or he would just suddenly give you a cat loaf pillow and say something like; "I saw it outside a shop and it reminds me of you."
‌Doesn't this go without a saying how he'll buy you anything to doll you up? It's he's more than just happy if you let him be his dolly (aww)
‌He'll probably not tell you anytime soon, but this man would make a bunch of dolls of both you in different outfits and it's all probably made to recreate what you wore in your outdoor dates together skshdkskl
do I have to mention that he would also make one of both of you together with his beloved two cats as a testament of your bond with them?
He's OBSESSED with letting you scatter your things in his apartment or office, it makes him feel comfortable or assured in his own place since there's a sniper pointed in his head almost 24/7
It's the when he would buy the same perfume you frequently wear and he would spray on himself or on his duvet because he wants be reminded of you all the time.
that's all I can think of for now, have a wonderful day(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
i love all of these! definitely something yukito would do with his lover. though, i feel like since he's a very big tease in private, he isn't so shy about initiating affectionate gestures. but probably he does feel slightly embarrassed if he were to do it in front of other people—like ango or tsujimura, cough cough professionalism cough
they're all cute 🩶 we love ayatsuji yukito in this house <3
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lampiridaes · 6 months
HELLO!!! iys me again heheh, id like to request ermm.. tsukasa and minori, with a s/o that RARELY shows affection by physical touch, BUT gets really clingy when theyre half awake or when theyre sick,,, though when they fully regained their consciousness/health,, they get embarrassed about it? thank yew :3!!
♬ now playing: "suddenly clingy"
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-> when you've got a partner as aloof and reserved as you, can you really blame them for being so surprised?
★ — chars ; tsukasa , minori
★ — notes ; MWEHEHE HELLO AGAIN LYN (i hope thats ur name and im not misreading anything somehow huhu)!!! another tsukasa and minori req... rlly love writing them so im always grateful :3 DID U KNOW I DREW MINORI FOR MY CLASS PIN THING!?!?! my teacher was nice enough to print it out for everyone hehe... still have yet to receive it bc of break but just a fun little thing that happened!! hope u enjoy <3
★ — warnings ; implied fem!reader for minori (implies that reader also attends miyamasuzaka) , otherwise none!
★ — taglist ; @akitosheart , @mintchocaur (tsukasa!!)
affiliated with @virtualbookstore ★
★ track #1: tenma tsukasa
to put it simply, tsukasa was really surprised! just the night before, you were so calm and reserved, maybe holding his hand a few times. even kissing his cheek once or twice.
... but right now? after you just woke up? you're all over him. literally. he doesn't mind, please don't get him wrong! tsukasa finds it endearing, if anything. it's just...
"tsukasa... love you..."
feeling your entire body cling onto his with such desperation... he wants to question it, but at the same time, it might risk embarrassing you and making you back away again, which isn't what he wants at all!
though the embarrassment was basically inevitable, as 20 minutes or so later, you're back to your usual self, just a little more shy this time.
"oh, goodness... tsukasa, i'm sorry, i didn't-"
"not to worry, [name]! i don't mind it one bit!"
he knows that you don't show a lot of affection normally for a reason. maybe you're too shy, maybe you're uncomfortable with it. as much as he loves it when you do, tsukasa doesn't force you to do anything! sure, he'll ask once or twice every once in a while, but he's very understanding if the answer is no.
... though, if you do it when you're fully awake for the first time... expect him to suddenly get all quiet and freeze up. it's a good thing, no worries.
★ track #2: hanasato minori
minori's way of showing her love for you is mostly words of affirmation or gift giving, so she doesn't mind that you aren't too keen on physical affection!
that doesn't mean anything bad, of course! it's not like she doesn't want to hug you, hold you, or kiss you, it's just that... she's a little shy about it. which means your lack of physical affection works out just fine.
so you can imagine how perplexed she was when you started begging for her attention, holding her hand and asking her to stay with you when you got sick.
"minori, stay a little longer... i'll feel so much better if you're here..."
minori may be an idol now, but hearing compliments from someone she truly holds near and dear to her heart... might give her a heart attack.
... but she also really adores it. after all, it makes her feel loved and special, more so since it's coming from you, of all people.
with all the training and practices she needs to attend to nowadays, minori makes sure to leave cute, handwritten notes or sweet text messages to check up on you! if you're allowed to use your phone when you're sick, that is.
when you finally recover and go back to school, it's absolutely over for the both of you. minori gets flustered easily on her own, but now that you've also lost your cool, getting all red alongside her? it's quite a cute scene from an outsider's perspective.
... the outsiders being the rest of more more jump, of course. as silly and clumsy the two of you can be, you're really the perfect pair for each other.
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safetycar-restart · 10 months
Getting feelings over Max releasing a little Lion named Jimmy as merch. It makes me think about how maybe its based off of little!Max’s favorite plushie. And how maybe little!Max wants to give you one too, and he’s all shy about giving you the present but also a little proud bc it was his idea? And look its here now?? Huhu. All your littles just give me all the feels 😭😭
Also the D/S au lestappen idea of having the same professional dom in Monaco tho. 👀👀👀 Like, how do they find about each other? Did they run into each other when one was leaving/arriving? Maybe after it at first they’re kinda awkward around each other? And then maybe if they’re at like a triple header and haven’t seen their dom in like 3 weeks, they kinda commiserate with each other over how much they miss them???
Aw okay yes I love both of these ideas so much!! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying all the littles content! And yeah I'm also loving this lestappen idea, so I'm gonna tag it with 'D/S AU - lestappen' so that we can group all the content about it because I would LOVE to discuss it more and develop it further. I'm gonna discuss each of these ideas a little bit and then I can always expand on them in future asks if you guys would like :))
Jimmy the lion!!! Max is so so proud of him!! Of course max was absolutely terrified of releasing it as merch, and his management certainly looked at him like he'd gone insane when he first suggested it. But he wanted to do it so badly.
I almost think it's a way for max to accept his little space into his every day life? For so long he denied that aspect of himself, refused to acknowledge it until he couldnt stop a drop. He wouldn't prepare for it at all, never allowing himself to buy plushies or toys or cute jammies for his little self.
But now that he's grown to accept that side of him and actually allows himself to think about it and prepare for it and plan for it? He lets himself look over his schedule and allocate time just to regress and be cared for.
He's come so far and he just... he wants a way to represent his little self in his merch and in how people see him. The lion plushie is absolutely perfect for that and while his fans are a little confused when it gets announced, they absolutely LOVE it.
And oh my god of course he must give you one!! He's so nervous for that, so nervous to give you something like that because it's so so special to him. He waits until he's regressed, wrapping the present nicely in his adult headspace and leaving it with his toys for him to get when he regresses.
You're so shocked when little max crawls into your lap later and shyly hands you a gift, making you promise you won't laugh before you open it. And of course you love it!!! You give both your maxy and your new jimmy a forehead kiss, promising maxy that you'll take good care of your new plushie.
I love the idea that they run into each other outside of the building? So maybe you're a professional dom in Monaco known for being exclusive and private, so much so that you have your own studio that you use for scenes. This means that there's no way either of them could have been there for something different when they run into each other.
Max is exiting your studio, a small smile on his face and zero tension in his body because he's just finished his scene with you and he feels so good. What max loves about you is how you always give your subs as much aftercare as possible, allowing them to cuddle with you for hours until they're ready to leave.
On that day, max stayed even longer than usual so that when he left, Charles was already there waiting for his scene. Charles, conversely, was all stress and nervous energy. He needed this scene so bad, needed to be taken into subspace and made to feel whole again.
They're in shock when they run into each other, neither of them knowing what to say now that they knew. Even though both of them had official team doms to use an emergency, those doms couldnt raise a candle to you.
"You too?" max asks, surprised. Charles just nodded and headed inside, not being in the right headspace at all to think about the fact that max also scened with you.
Charles doesn't mention this to you when the scene starts, and he and max don't acknowledge it for weeks until it's the third race in a triple header and neither of them have been back to Monaco since before the triple header began.
Charles goes to max to complain about how much he misses you because he knows Max would understand. Anyone else he tells would just tell him to use the Ferrari team dom if he needs to be taken down, but no thats not what he needs. He needs you, and he knows max will understand.
Max does understand, and they end up talking about how good of a dom you are and how much they miss you. After that, they talk about it more and more.
I also think they'd start to talk about how much they both hate the idea of you domming other people? They know you're a professional dom and so of course you have other clients and neither of them have any right to be upset about that. But well... even though they're submissive they're both also possessive of you. They both want you with them all the time and their skin crawls when they think of how they're all alone missing you and you're busy domming other clients.
Interestingly, neither of them seem to mind that you dom the other though...
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wonhuihonwuiii · 6 months
jun + jeonghan pairing (junhan)
As mentioned in my JunCheol analysis, I have STILL been seeing people criticize Jun's relationship with the members. I cannot stress enough how adorable and unique each ship is so I have decided to do an analysis.
Here is JunHan!
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I feel like this pairing isn’t a rare sight to see because they actually often stay close to one another (whether intentional or not) so interactions are kinda inevitable.
BUT even so, I feel like this isn’t a popular ship because most of their interactions (similar to nearly all jun pairings) are quite lowkey.
Ok so now to start, I feel the need to point out that while Jeonghan is one of the members close to EVERYONE, there’s still something so refreshing about this duo. It isn’t as chaotic as the typical seventeen pairing you’d probably expect but instead, they’re both very soft for each other!
For example, Jeonghan is SO supportive of Jun, hyping him up every chance he gets. (Insert clips of jh saying “baksu” everytime jun says or does literally ANYTHING HUHU cuties) 
Jeonghan is also naturally clingy but I still find it so adorable when he clings onto Jun. (It’s usually jh grabbing jun’s arm or leaning on his shoulders) Mostly because I feel like Jun tends to get awkward with physical touch NOT initiated by him so the fact that he lets Jeonghan be that clingy is so cute. It also seems like he doesn’t mind, showing how it’s a natural and regular occurrence.
Observing their other interactions, I also noticed how Jun would often go to Jeonghan when he’s curious about something. You would always catch them whispering whether in the background of some GoSe episodes or even in random concert clips. The fact that this is a recurring thing means that he trusts Jeonghan enough to respond well to whatever he has to say.
Jun also seems like the type to hesitate to ask for favors so when he asked Jeonghan to buy him a blanket in one of their content (In the Soop 2) I WENT SOFT ON MY KNEES! It was just so nice seeing Jun ask Jeonghan with a soft voice and the latter responding the same way!
NOTE: I think it’s undeniable that Jeonghan is naturally reliable but I find it so wholesome when more quiet members like Jun express their gratitude because of how caring Jeonghan is (reference to that video of Jun thanking the older for being very considerate such as consistently asking if he's eaten his meals, etc). I find it so touching how Jun takes note of the little things and Jeonghan gets appreciated for being the members’ emotional support system.
In relation to this, the last point I’d like to make is when Jeonghan acts like a younger brother to Jun! This is particularly important to me because as we all know, Jun was like Seventeen’s “mother” before Jeonghan came so it’s nice to see Jun take care of the former for a change! Here are specific moments:
Do you remember that vlive where Jeonghan shared a story about jokingly (?) asking Jun to buy him a lego set? Jh wasn’t really expecting anything since it was a bit expensive, but Jun still bought it for him the next day because his hyung wanted it.
There’s also a part in the dingo drinking video where Jun reminded Jeonghan to slow down/calm down a bit because his arm injury wasn’t fully healed at the time.
Jeonghan also shared that Jun would NOT move an inch if you lay on his lap no matter how uncomfortable he may feel (reference to the 2nd picture!)
Idk about you but these give such big brother energy AND I LIVE FOR IT!
Overall, I love how even though they’re both known as the pranksters of svt, their relationship is actually very soft and they get along well!
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yakumtsaki · 11 months
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-Ah, another day as a neglected second cousin who can only get airtime when in the background of Bartholomew and Sunset's semi-incestuous affair begins..
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-Finally, I'm spotlight-adjacent!
Cyan please get out, with that hat/sunglasses combo you look like a legit pervert.
-I don't care!! We're all sick of your shit, we demand equal airtime!!!
It pains me to admit it but you people are right, I mean I don't even know half your names.
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-You don't know our names?!
Of course I know your name, buddy!
-Which is?
Uhhh.. Dorboi?
-Did you just spell 'Door Boy' slightly differently?
Ok you know what I'm too busy to talk, I have to break Barth and Sunset up, catch you later, Grinred!
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-I'm so worried about my popularity in the house tanking! Everyone is against me and Barth and our hot, taboo relationship!
Ok Sunset let's calm down, you're second cousins, it's not like we're Lannistering it up in this joint.
-Oh thank God the Matchmaker is here, she can save me from the torment of this forbidden love!
Ya I wouldn't count on it seeing as it's Margaret so you're either getting one of Cyneswith's discarded former lovers or a broken Bon Voyage NPC. We'd be better off with Lakshmi after the stunning success of Fedow!
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-Oh please Meadow was an one time thing, everyone knows it is I, Margaret, who is the superior Matchmaker!
Do we know that though because you've been exceedingly terrible.
-Silence! Now, young Unionette, I have the perfect match for you! Incoming in 3.. 2.. 1.. Make room on this porch..
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Omg it's Ty Bubbler!!! I actually don't hate it, they have 3 bolts, good job Marg!
-Thank you, that will be §5k.
Do you accept payment in the form of sleeping with Bartholomew?
-Not even if you paid me.
We WOULD be paying you, that's what I'm saying.
-Not enough money in the world!
Ok I don't think we're understanding each other. Just take the last of our money and go, hope none of you kids wanted to eat this week.
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This is actually kinda cute right, I'm liking them together, Ty is so chill and Sunset is so.. uhh..
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-That's great, I like ice cream :)
Ok I'm starting to feel Ty might not be quite the guy to shake Sunset out of this Bartholomew kick..
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..and looking at this visage, can you blame her?? Looking amazing, Barth!
-Thanks, I know!
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T̶H̷E̶ ̴S̴P̸I̵R̴I̵T̶ ̶O̷F̶ ̴I̶N̶A̸P̶P̶R̴O̷P̴R̶I̵A̵T̸E̶ ̵R̷E̴L̷A̴T̶I̸O̷N̶S̶H̶I̸P̷S̶ ̸C̶O̷M̶P̶E̶L̷S̴ ̴M̵E̵
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-You're not alone, Sunset! I gave Margaret a dollar and scored this super hot date with the elderly Good Witch!
Spice what the hell.
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Oh man is this gonna be Reginald and Half-Alien Prof all over again?? I need a drink.
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-Say no more! -I'm on a date with someone else, Bartholomew! What more do I have to do to get your attention?! -Sorry, Sun, blood is thicker than water, but whiskey is thicker than both! Huhu! -What? -Ya I don't know, this is my eleventh morning drink.
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-Ah finally, time to serve a magnificent meal for my beloved Meadow and have a wholesome evening away from all this degeneracy..
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-Couldn't agree more, Fel!
-That's right, I made a big deal about air time and made you drive Sunset into Ty's arms so I could have Barth all to myself! Muahaha!
But you're the good one, you're like your mom! 10 nice points!!
-My mom June?
-My mom June who spent all of college obsessed with her cousin Sugar??
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schizoidcel · 11 months
Could you possibly write a ragatha fluff alphabet?
I'll use the same alphabet I used for Jax huhu
Activities (What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?)
She loves knitting with you.
She might be a doll but she still loves it.
You defintiely knit scarfs and other shit for eachother!! Even if it's nor really needed
Boo! (How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?)
She LOVES suprises so much.
Not so much if its just you scaring her, but she'd still be ok with it, since it's you.
But, if you surprise her with for example a gift or anything similar she gets so happy like it lifts her mood up so much
Cuddling (How do they like to cuddle?)
UGHHH she's so SOFT
you fall asleep in her arms instantly.
She could hold you for a not even a nanosecond and you would immediately go mimimir
Date (What does their ideal date with you look like?)
She LOVES taking walks with you outside the tent.
It feels refreshing for both of you, and sometimes you can see goofy ass shit happen.
Emotions (How do they express emotion around you?)
Ragatha is very vulnerable around you, since she trusts you alot.
She dosen't tell you all of her worries ofcourse, but she does it from time to time because she likes sharing her thoughts with you.
Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
She just FEELS like a character who'd love to marry someone.
Poor girl is in her 30's aswell ...
She sometimes rambles about the life you both would/could have in the real world and she comes up with the cutest scenarios
Gifts (What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?)
I think you both give lots of gifts to eachother!
You both got these things that remind you of eachother and decide to just give them to one another.
Like, you could see a red flower and be like "Omigosh. Ragatha." and you give it to her and she is SMITTEN
Holding Hands (When/how do they like to hold hands?)
SHE LOVES IT!! And you do too.
Her hands are way too soft and warm. So if you have cold hands it's the best way to warm them up ...
As much as ahe loves them though, it's like a 50/50 chance everyday whether you two actually hold hands or not
Injury (How would they act if you got hurt?)
She'd get worried about anything, though the scale varies.
If it's a tiny scratch she won't be that worried but she'd still be upset you got hurt
But if it's like, a HUGE ass scar on you from someone or someTHING she would start bombarding you with questions immediately and try to soothe your pain to the best of her abilities
Jokes (Do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
She dosen't joke around that much.
Teases you only sometimes, but it's all lighthearted and you can sense it by her tone
Kisses (How do they like to kiss you?)
She loves them so much. They feel like a reward to her. She seems like somebody who'd love cheek kisses most
Love Language (What are their love langauges?)
I feel like Ragatha has all the 5 Love Languages.
The ones she's most fond of is definitely words of affirmation, quality time and acts of service though
Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
God shes so comfy you don't even want to get up.
Hoe not even that you CAN'T get up.
Ragatha is definitely a morning person and she will try and force you out of bed. Like literally DRAG you if necessary
And as cute as she finds it you can't keep being glued on to her even when you're both out of bed
Nightmares (What are their fears?)
Shes scared of you leaving her in any way.
Abstracting, death, breaking up, getting pulled out the digital world without her SHES JS AFRAID
Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
It's not that obvious for both of you, maybe Ragatha or you would be abit more awkward when you're both left alone but all in all it isn't THAT obvious.
Atleast I wouldn't think so
Pet Names (What do they like to call you?)
As a certified pet name lover, I diagnose Ragatha with pet name user.
She loves calling you sugar or a cute pet name based off of ur avatar
Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
God she remembers EVERYTHING you tell her.
Like everything about you that you tell her she remembers.
"Ugh, I can't find my keys!" "Oh, like how your uncle lost them once!" what.
Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ragatha's favourite moment of you two was the day of your first date.
Whether it was the digital worlds most perfect date ever or if it was the complete opposite with everything going wrong, she'd still love that day most
Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She'd defend you for life.
There will be NOBODY disrespecting her S/O.
Though if it's about protection it's probably up to you
She can't protect herself that well since she's a literal doll ..
Time (How long did it take you to get together?)
It didn't take that long for you two to get together
Since it's Ragatha, you thought it wouldn't be that bad to confess to her, since even if she says no she probably wont make things awkward between you two
Well, ofcourse you'd still be abit nervous thou lol
But Ragatha was NERVOUS as SHIT and she could not build up the courage to tell you how she feels about you at all .
You two eventually got there though
Unique (What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?)
She sometimes squishes you out of nowhere.
Whether cheeks, arms, hands, she just likes doing it.
She'll stop immediately if you don't like it, though
Value (How important is the relationship to them?)
You're her everything.
She'd go thru so much for you.
She dosen't really expect the same back either, which should literally show you how much she appreciates you
Wild Card (Random headcanon)
She always wanted to go on a concert date.
Whether it be rock or pop or whatever genre, she always wanted to know what it'd feel like to go to one
X-Ray (How well are they able to read you?)
She can read you to a certain level.
She tries not to mention it much though
For example, if you feel sad and Ragatha sees it, even if she wants to talk with you about what's been bothering you, she trusts you enough to come to her when something is worrying or upsetting you
Ragath dosen't want to bring up something you might not want to talk about
Yearn (How do they act when they miss you? Do they show it?)
Ragatha dosen't want to show that she misses you because she dosen't want to worry or rush you if you have anything important to do
You can obviously see how dissapointed she gets though when you two have to be apart for awhile (She can handle it if it's not too long) 😭
She'll make her happiness very visible subconciously once you two finally are together again (God I love her
Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She sleeps like STONE.
Yes she's very soft but you cannot move her at all once shes asleep.
It's also very hard to wake her up.
You probably have to throw a whole shelf
Even that might not work actually . Plus u might hurt ur girl
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
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