#thelostboys 1987
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
•Favorite Place To Kiss You•
Specifically the back of the hand
But he also loves kissing your palm
Just a little bit less
He holds it in both of his hands
And looks you in the eyes as he smiles and kisses it gently
He does it like
The time
Sitting in the cave relaxing? Hand kiss
Out on the boardwalk picking a snack? Smooch
Worried about something he’s about to do? Hand kiss “don’t worry babydoll, I’ve got this under control”
The first time he kisses you & all the boys was a hand kiss
He’s obsessed with it
This one is pretty obvious
I know Billy Wirth is 5’ 11”
But I imagine Dwayne as 6’ 4” or more
So it’s objectively the second easiest place to kiss you
But he has a reason to prefer it over the top of your head
Kissing someone’s forehead is a sign of adoration
It’s also a way to comfort someone
When Dwayne specifically does it, he’s telling you that you’re safe from harm
That he’ll always be there to protect you
Emotionally and physically
He does it as a hello and goodbye
And also uses it as an “I love you” w/o having to verbally say it
It’s a gentle kiss
But if he was worried about you or you’re hurt it’s quicker and a bit forceful
Usually hugging you when he does it
He’s a big fan of the classic
Let’s be real
Paul kisses you all over no matter where you are
But most often it’s the lips
Also says something cheesy
“Give me some sugar, Sugar;]”
Very rarely is it a peck on the lips
Paul would make out with you every time if you let him
Sometimes he forgets that you need to breathe
If he’s excited about something which is basically all the time he puts some extra passion into the kiss
But also gives really sweet, long, gentle kisses when it’s a more chill environment
The first time he gives you one of those kisses is when you two say I love you for the first time
And believe me
You’re trying to get another one of those asap
He’s the most territorial of the boys imo
They all are,
But Marko wins by far
What’s his is his and gods save the dumbasses who try to interfere
Besides his brothers, he can share with them
And the best way to let everyone know you’re his?
aalllllll over this area
The other boys are genuinely concerned you’re hurt right after you leave Marko’s nest
Marko also just likes to see your reaction
Anytime your heart rate increases
A shiver runs down your spine
Or goosebumps appear on your skin
Marko relishes in the fact he caused it
And you bet your ass he does this shit in public
Specifically when someone flirts with you
Mid sentence while you’re rejecting them
He just comes up behind you and starts marking you
Making eye contact with the idiot until they go away
He also eats them later but whatever
Another benefit he enjoys
He can hear the blood pulsing through your veins and feel your pulse
He always kisses a new hickey gently after making it
——— TAGS ———
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scansfrommagazinesandbooks · 5 months ago
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miragiri-haruto · 1 year ago
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Traditional drawing of Marko ✨ I actually finished this before Paul, but I was just so excited to post since it took almost a week to finish my digital piece
He’s fr a Greek sculpture 😩💖
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gothreeves · 6 months ago
If you only see The Lost Boys as an 80s horror film and not a piece of queer art, did you even watch the film?
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thedieingchild · 23 days ago
Did this piece in school:) turned out okay I don't paint a whole lot.
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arieslunaangel · 1 month ago
Thou Shall Not Fall
The LoSt BoYs
Chapter Seven:
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Trigger Warnings ⚠
A/N: I know its been a long time since I've written for this story but I'm determined to keep this story alive so here's a new chapter! (2 years later)
It took me a while to write this one after such a long break but I really enjoyed getting back into the swing of it. I hope you enjoy!
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Word count: 2831
Song: There She Goes By The La's
(Please ignore that this song hasn't been released yet in the story timeline.)
(This song is intended to fit this chapter)
Not being able to tear her eyes away, she watched as he peeled down the opposite end of the boardwalk, the other boys following close behind -- each one sparing her one last glance before disappearing into the darkness beyond the boardwalk's lights.
"Holy Shit." The feminine voice gawked in astonishment. The girls body becoming stiff at the sight of the slender figure walking past the shop window.
Jodi couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the pretty figure of her missing friend stride past her boutique, her dark curls bouncing energetically in the early Santa Carla sun.
Dropping the left-over pieces of jewellery onto the shop counter, Jodi made a beeline towards the front of the store, her colleague Drew calling out her name in confusion.
"Did you see her? Don't tell me you didn't see her! She just passed the window!" She questioned in shock, her dark brown eyes scanning the walkway for the glossy cascade of chocolate ringlets and pretty red halter top that she spied the girl wearing as she walked past.
"JoJo how many times do I have to tell you not to discard the stores' products like that? They're not cheap y'know!" Drew sighed heavily, ignoring her friend's outburst and instead focusing back on the muddled assortment of scarfs strewn across one of the many small counters that were dotted around.
"Drew I'm not playing around! I saw Hanna!" Jodi exclaimed, her voice raised and her tone dire.
With her back towards the blonde, Drew rolled her eyes in frustration before replying curtly, "You 'think' that you saw Hanna, Jodi. Just like last night at the boardwalk. Honey, she's long gone." Drew replied without much care, putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'long' and 'gone'.
Dejected by her friend's obvious refusal to believe her words, Jodi made her way towards the door; her mind set on finding out once and for all if she truly was just seeing her best friend or if she was finally going insane.
"Uh! Where are you going?" Drew tutted, her green eyes narrowed accusingly at her blonde friend who now stood with one sneaker out the door.
"I'm gonna prove to you that she's back." Jodi replied simply, her short blonde locks flying around her head like a halo from the strong breeze blowing through the open door.
"No girl, Mrs Alvarez just stepped out, she'll be back any moment and I ain't getting in trouble again because of you." Drew deadpanned turning away.
"C'mon it'll be quick." Jodi countered, inching further out the door.
"No!" Drew snapped as she turned back around, her pale green eyes widening at the sight of her friend almost completely outside.
"Girl, you're out of your goddamn mind! Mrs Alvarez will literally fire your ass for slacking!" Drew yelled, the sound of her bangles chiming together filled the space between them as she rocked to the side with her hands on her hips.
"So? we'll be back before her. If we go now then we will have at least 20 minutes before she checks in. I swear it'll be quick."
Staring into her friend's hopeful brown eyes, Drew caved in with a deep sigh; her hand reaching up to ruffle her tight caramel curls before sashaying over towards the till to grab the store keys,
"It better be her."
Walking briskly along the pavement, Hanna eyed the seafront curiously. The crowds, though considerably smaller than what it was a few nights ago, still seemed to be taking up much of the boardwalk and beach.
Although the sun was sat high in the Californian sky, the cool air flittering across the open ocean sent cold shivers down Hanna's spine - her mind briefly running over the fact she forgot to bring a jacket.
It had been almost a week since she stumbled into this 'dimension' and ever so slowly she had started to come to terms with her predicament.
Well, almost.
Her dark curls bounced across her back as she walked, her footsteps light and airy on the cement lining the wooden decking leading onto the fairground. The further she walked the more unsure she became of where she was supposed to go.
According to Grandpa Emerson, the pet shop should've been right up ahead from where she was. However, as she looked around, all she could see were old record stores and other miscellaneous shops she had yet to discover.
Huffing out a disgruntled sigh, she turned sharply on her heel, only to reel back in surprise.
She managed to swallow a scream as she came face to face with a girl not much older than she was. Her short blonde hair a complete mess from the breeze and her dark brown eyes glistening with emotions Hanna couldn't quite put a finger on.
"Oh my god - you scared me!" Hanna laughed in shock; her cold hands pressed softly against her chest to try and comfort her racing heart.
Her laugh died out as she took in the girl's facial expression, her pretty face void of any indication of what she could possibly be thinking.
Worried that she somehow offended the girl, Hanna spoke again, this time her voice slightly confused,
"Are you okay?"
"Holy fuck." Came another feminine voice, directing Hanna's eyes towards a taller darker skinned girl with a typical 80's perm.
"Hanna." The blonde girl choked out. Tears swelling up in her eyes as she suddenly embraced the bewildered brunette.
"Hanna you fucking idiot — where have you been?" The blonde chocked out between sobs.
Speechless, Hanna stood there with her mouth agape. Her mind was racing with confusion from what was happening.
Who were these girls?
Not quite knowing what to make of the situation, Hanna once again let out a small flustered laugh, all the while attempting to shake of the small blonde attached to her waist.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Her honeyed voice was light despite the complexity of the situation. The last few days were already hard enough as she tried to trapeze her way through what she could only describe as a fever dream.
Burned by the brunette's words, the blonde jumped back in astonishment. Her brown tear-filled eyes narrowing in pain and her mouth drawing quickly into a quivering line.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The taller of the two yelled in upset, left arm coming up to wrap around the short blonde's shoulder in comfort.
"I-I'm sorry," Hanna stuttered, once again taken aback by the tall girl's crude words and hostility.
"Do you know how worried we all were for you? We had people out at all hours of the day looking for you! We all spent months searching for you and this is how you act now that you suddenly show up out of nowhere?!" The teary-eyed blonde sobbed. Pedestrians passing by now beginning to notice the small scene she was creating.
Watching the blonde girl cry caused an uncomfortable feeling to wash over Hanna as she stood there awkwardly. The disappointed looks she received from passer-by's made her want to shrivel up and hide.
"I'm sorry. Please don't cry." Hanna soothed, her hand reaching up tensely to try and comfort the blonde to stop her crying.
"Where did you go Hanna? Why didn't you tell us that you were leaving?" The dark skinned girl pushed, reaching out and grabbing Hanna's shoulders gently.
Not wanting to cause anymore tension, Hanna decided to play along. How could she explain to these two strangers that she has no idea what they're talking about without causing them to lash out again?
"I'm sorry. I just needed some... space... out of town..." She breathed out, completely lost on what to say.
Looking into the tall girls soft green eyes, Hanna could see them harden slightly at her words, the girl obviously not believing what she was saying.
With a slight squeeze of her shoulders, the green eyed girl stepped back, her face now void of any emotion, "Lets go JoJo. We're done here."
As the words left her friends mouth Jodi wiped the last few salty tears from her red rimmed eyes, her fingers deftly sweeping a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Then without another glance or a single word she turned away, allowing her friend to grab her wrist and retreat back the way they had came.
Not expecting them to walk away, Hanna watched on in silence. Her mind was reeling with what had just transpired and all she was left with emotionally was deep perplexity and a mild sense of discouragement.
What had she fallen into?
After searching for a while, Hanna eventually stumbled across the pet shop tucked away on a tree-lined street not far from where the boardwalk was situated; her spirits dampened after the interaction with those other girls causing her to debate on whether she should even bother facing the owner of the store who apparently was her employer before she 'ran away'. Fighting back her growing uncertainty she scrutinised the building before her. An assortment of signs littered the large window with images of cats and dogs with the occasional small furry here and there. An open sign was positioned on the old door inviting customers to enter, the red paint now chipped and faded from years of use.
With a deep breath she ready herself to step into the store, her hand reaching up and grasping the cool metal handle and twisting it down with a push. Bells jingled above her as she pushed the door open, and she was immediately hit with the smell of hay and sawdust, the fragrant smell enveloping her and filling her nostrils.
The shop was void of any people, making Hanna feel a little bit more relaxed, 'At least I can think about what I'm gonna say before I meet the owner of this place' she though to herself quickly as she began to chew the skin around her nails. Her relief was short lived though as an older skinny man emerged from the back, his attention not once falling on her. His round spectacles were perched on the tip of his broad nose which he promptly adjusted as he began to sort through a huge pile of papers next to the till.
Swallowing tightly, Hanna stood next to the door awkwardly. It seemed as though the man hadn't realised she was there, or perhaps he was ignoring her on purpose. Regardless, she could feel her palms begin to sweat as she decided to address the man stood behind the counter flipping through what she could see was the newspaper.
"Good morning, Mr Hughes. I was wonder-"
"So you decided to finally come back, then?" His voice was firm and cold, cutting her off mid sentence. The ice in his voice and words caused her mind stop and her words to falter as she replied,
"I-I'm sorry, Mr... Mr Emerson told me that he spoke to you yesterday? A-At the pier? He told me that you needed to see me." From where she stood she found it difficult to read Mr Hughes expression as he remained locked onto his paper, the only sound to be heard was the occasional chatter from the people outside.
"Yes," He said bluntly, finally setting down the paper and removing his gasses to finally look at the young woman, "I don't like doing this kind of thing, but considering the circumstances, you haven't really left me much of a choice."
A sinking feeling began to slowly creep over her at the direction this was going in.
"You're fired."
The words were swift and direct leaving no room for debate. Fired? she'd never been fired before and she had to say it didn't leave a very good taste in her mouth, especially considering that it wasn't even her fault in the first place. Taken aback by his words she couldn't help but bite back without thinking,
"For what exactly? Going missing?" Her words held a small spark of defiance, sarcasm dripped off her tongue promptly, exposing an attitude she wasn't aware she had.
For a moment there was silence, her words hanging heavily in the air. It wasn't until she saw his expression harden that she slightly regretted her choice of words.
"That! That right there is the issue, Missy. You disappearing for 3 months was just the last nail in the coffin. It's your attitude you constantly bring around here that's led to me doing this. I remember when you started working here last spring - you were so dedicated. Reliable. But ever since you found yourself that boyfriend of yours who socialises with those thugs, you've changed; and I cannot keep you here any longer. It's bad for my business." His words were stern and final, causing Hanna to stand there speechless. 'Didn't Mr Emerson say this this guy would be happy to have me back? Didn't he explain my situation?' Her mind was spinning with confusion at the hostility this man was exhibiting.
"I'm sorry for what I said Mr Hughes, it's just that Mr Emerson told me that you'd be happy to have me back." She spoke meekly, the spark from before extinguished. Shifting her weight slightly she moved away from the door and proceeded up to the counter where Mr Hughes stood tapping his bony fingers against the soft wood he was leading on.
With a quick exhale, the old man's expression softened slightly, "I am happy that you're safe, Hanna. It's been tough worrying about where you were and if you'd ever show up again," he paused, his grey eyes flicking to the array of newspapers stacked to the side, "So many kids have gone missing recently, no one was sure if you were gonna end up as one of those missing posters that just gets buried beneath the others." His voice trailed of solemnly, deep emotion brewing behind his old eyes.
This made her gulp in hard realisation.
Everyone had thought that she was dead.
Swallowing thickly, she steadied herself. Her hand reaching up to absently play with a lock of her hair, "I understand." She half whispered, Whether she was talking to him in that moment or herself she wasn't sure, all she could think about was the way everyone seemed to react to her sudden appearance the past few days. Her dark brown eyes flickered over to the newspapers automatically, her gaze slightly unfocused as she began to focus on the unpleasantness her situation was stirring.
"In any case, I've got your pay check here - I had to pull a few strings here and there but I managed to slip a few extra dollars in there." Mr Hughes stated, offering her a weak smile and a crisp white envelope. She could tell from his body language that even though he wasn't too pleased with her overall performance, he didn't really want to have to dismiss her, especially after her miraculous return to the risky coastal town.
But alas, some things were inevitable.
"Thank you." She mumbled delicately as she took the envelope from his fingers, the paper crinkling slightly as she did.
Turning on her heel, she slowly crossed over to the door, her mind now only focused on one thing. However, before she could open the door, Mr Hughes called out to her, "And Stay away from those biker boys - do you hear me? Nothing but bad news those four. Jut as bad as that boyfriend of yours. If not worse."
Hanna turned slightly at his words, unsure as to what the old man was talking about, "Who?"
"The bikers who would come up here almost every night asking for you. You know darn well who I'm taking about. They like intimidating my customers. " He grumbled irritably at her supposed feigned ignorance.
Her face scrunched up slightly at that revelation. 'There are bikers who ask for me? Does he mean the ones who gave me a ride a few nights ago?' Hanna pondered with a frown, the news that the handsome bikers would ask for her made her feel oddly giddy but there was a also small part that felt a bit creeped out at there continuous persistence.
With a tight lipped smile, Hanna exited the shop with a plethora or different emotions coursing through her body, her mind now focused on only one thing.
It seemed she needed to start digging a little deeper into who she was in Santa Carla.
Perhaps starting with Mr Emerson.
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literaryfandomangel · 1 year ago
The Promise Chapter Two
Chapter Two
The Range Rover my mother retained in the divorce was filled with little. Mom had a small trailer attached to the station wagon's rear, which contained most of our meager possessions. Mom only bothered taking a little from the marriage - just what she needed, like clothes and small possessions. 
Inside the trailer was my bicycle, amongst our other belongings. I had a driver's license, but my parents revoked my privilege when my eating disorder got out of hand. Therefore, my Schwinn bicycle was my primary method of transportation, which was a win in my eyes. I also got to burn off calories I hadn't even consumed. 
I started to remove the boxes, clearly labeled. Sam's comic box was one of the heaviest outside of my two boxes of books. During the move, I had to downsize my collection. But that was a good cleaning opportunity. It allowed me to review and evaluate every book I owned or collected. I determined if I liked the book enough to read again or if I thought that it belonged in my collection. At the end of my book cleaning, I was left with mainly classics, a few books that I read and wanted to reread, and then about six books that I didn't have a chance to read. 
Since I wasn't optimistic about the room situation, I grabbed the box of miscellaneous kitchen items. Sam tried to inch away, but I grabbed him by the collar. He yelped at a possible stretch when I dumped the box of comics into his arms. Sam huffed but followed me into the house. 
"When you put those boxes down, the empty rooms are up the stairs," Grandpa stated, momentarily breaking the conversation with Mom. I nodded to show that I heard, and Sam continued behind me, curious about the interior of the log-cabinesque home. 
"You two can pick first," Mom nodded at me. I smiled at my Mom in understanding and acknowledgment before I took my first step into the home. 
It looked how I pictured it. Dark wood, with a cabin-like appearance. There was a loft overlooking the living room but a lack of natural light. The furniture was dark and wooden, seemingly hand-hewn. If there had ever been a woman's touch in the decoration, it was lost underneath the numerous taxidermied animals and masculine furniture. 
"This is like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre!" Sam complained, being overly dramatic about the house. I rolled my eyes at his dramatism and theatrics, walking over the hardwood floors to the kitchen. Thankfully, the kitchen was lighter than the main cabin and could easily be seen in the gloom of the house. I just walked through the kitchen towards the back door, where I deposited the box of kitchen supplies by the door. 
"What's wrong with this picture!" Sam's voice was louder and squeaker as he continued whining about our new home. "There's no TV! Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV Aria! You know what it means when there's no TV? NO MTV!"
I didn't bother to voice a response to my brother. He was being dramatic and throwing a temper tantrum over a television set. I, for one, was glad to not have a television in the house. It would mean less distraction and more time for Sam to annoy me. Instead, I walked towards my brother, stopping momentarily and tapping on the comic book box. I raised an eyebrow, and then I walked around him. While he was distracted, I could pick a room. 
There were twenty steps leading to the second floor. When I had made it up about twelve steps, I had to stop for breath. My lungs burned, my thighs ached, and I had black dots at the edge of my vision. Not to mention the heart palpitations literally taking my breath away. I didn't want Mom or Sam to see me in this state, so when I heard footsteps and their voice coming closer, I continued my trek up the last few stairs. 
I poked my head into the rooms, finally deciding on the room that overlooked the paddock. The window allowed ample light to waft through the thin, lacy curtains. The room was big enough to be comfortable, and a bookcase was a bonus part of the wall. It was built in, which would mean less money to make the room more hospitable. 
I set the duffel bag full of clothing onto the bed. Sam ran up the stairs and tried to claim the room. I folded my arms in front of my chest and tapped my foot. Sam had to concede defeat. He chose the room that adjoined the bathroom. It was a Jack and Jill room. I rolled my eyes - Sam was utterly disgusting in the bathroom. He never cleaned, but at least we had separate rooms. 
I opened the window while Sam thundered down the stairs. I smiled, feeling the sun's rays warming my skin. Mom shouted at Sam to stop running. That's when I gathered the rest of the things from the car. 
Sam's astute awareness of my ailments meant he realized I was struggling to trek up and down the stairs. Thankfully, instead of making a scene about my weakened state, Sam brought the heavier boxes up the stairs. Once he was finished, I nodded at him in thanks. 
"Honey, did you find a room?" My mother asked, turning her gentle gaze onto me. I wished I could wear short hair like my Mom, mainly due to the sweat beading in my hairline. 
I nodded with a smile. I actually liked my new room. It was a sharp contrast to my previous room in Phoenix, but it was cozy. I had ample amount of room for my books and room for growth. I made my way up the stairs, feeling as though I might pass out by the time I reached my room. 
In case I did pass out, I shut the door. I didn't want my Mom or Sam to spy me sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. If I passed out, I knew from experience that I would wake up on my own. I sat on the bed, head between my knees, waiting for the feeling to fade. Once more stable, I stood and began removing the books from the boxes. 
"Honey," my Mom knocked on the door and peeked her head in. "I'm taking you and your brother to the boardwalk tonight. Dinner will be at 6, then we will leave around 7:30. Alright?"
I gave a nod to show I heard. Then, I continued to put my books on the shelves. I decided that it would take too long tonight to sort the books. I wanted them out of the boxes, not contained for months. Therefore, I could sort them by genre tomorrow and then alphabetize the novels.  Chapter Three
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beldamdoll · 6 months ago
Drafting up a new book a lost boys fic! I have potential titles but first i want a few opinions on what title stands out the most!
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dickgraysonsluvr · 2 years ago
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jason patric as michael emerson in 'the lost boys' (1987)
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loganisanerd · 8 months ago
Drew my fav vampire pookie pls accept me Lost Boys Fandom where ever you are
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edgelordfinalboss · 2 years ago
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Chapter: Introduction//Prologue
Fandom: The Lost Boys (1987)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Blood, Violence, Witch hunting, Witch burning, Witchcraft, Trauma and Character death.
Summary: A coven of witches living on the beach of Santa Carla have to deal with the death of their leader after a lethal witch burning that leads to the bounty hunting of both them and their romantic partners, the notorious lost boys of Santa Carla. Yet, something more terrifying lives in Santa Carla and it's the spirits of those killed by the hunting, begging for revenge.
Note: Please Like and Repost! It would be much appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Fanfiction playlist:
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Night has long fallen.
Upon the pier sits a gathering of birds, crying out my summons within their own strange language. The beat of their wings, silvery and onyx along with the song of their caws once had filled me with awe. Now it's only a nuisance and a reflection of my shortcomings.
A witch without her familiar is as dangerous as holding a wild viper, no protection in her craft or against those who seek to harm her. The birds call out to a familiar seeking a witch but it seems that all of them are too far from earshot.
"Maybe they're dead, Kimora." The blonde lays across my lap, his blue eyes tinted with flecks of gold. "Or deaf."
"Don't speak of misfortune." I'm quick to hush him. "Paul, you know what happens when a witch loses her familiar or worse, never finds them."
"Maybe you have found them." Paul reaches for my hand, his bracelets shimmering and clinking against mine.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Star has David. She lost her familiar but with him, she seems quite fine." Our hands intertwine, the cold of his fingers becoming less bothersome with the passing of months. They cling on to the warmth of a recent feeding, but it's quickly passing, leaving the warm tone of his skin to pale to his unique silvery gleam.
"But she's not. You can't be my familiar, Paul. That doesn't even sound right." I lean back and listen to the magic below, the blue and turquoise waves crashing on the shore of the beach. It sounds much like electric currents, shifting through the waves, up and under the crash in the way that fish do.
"Oh, am I far too lame, not magical enough?" The dramatic part of him itches to push at my core but I can barely hinder my laugh, the true me that all the harsh training and shadow work could never bury away for good.
"No way."
"Then what is it?" Lifting himself, he throws his head back to slap me in the face with his golden hair. His beads and bangles chime softly, even the hook of sapphire stone and vibrant sea glass I hooked in his hair creates their own song.
"You don't understand witches. Our familiars can't be humans."
"You talk about witches like you're some kinda secret club, much like us vampires but witches always have to be superior, you can't sit with us types." Paul jokes around. "Well, I'm not human."
"Familiars have to be ancient spirits in the form of animals," I say, pretending to be tired of going back and forth with him. "Not human, not vampire, not werewolf, not witch."
"I know." His breaths slow. "But what about us? When that animal comes, cat, dog, or whatever you'll have less time for me. Less time for our jukebox dinners, less time to play records or shred a guitar with me. I'm scared that I'm gonna lose you."
Paul has always been the small feeling of warmth that lasts in my heart through the lonely nights, the reason I would sneak away from the coven's beach house at twilight. When I had first met him I was far different, plump with pecan tan skin and a hunger for familiarity, a hunger for the snow-capped mountains and the endless wildness of home.
Now my muscles have formed from straining the magic within my blood, dancing with it, and burning my skin under the scorching Santa Carla sun. My body, one I was unhappy in had grown consistent in muscle mass, yet, still, I've found no peace in my self-perception. Paul was a force to be reckoned with on his own but still, somehow he'd remained playful and carefree.
It was what drew me to him amongst other listable things, of course.
He was the cool water on the scorching sand.
"Do you really think a familiar will change things?" I lift my hand to his face, cupping his cheek.
"You'll be doing much more magic." He whispers. "You and the coven might disband."
"Star left the coven and joined us." He looks off in the distance as a ship rings its bell across the waves. The chime echoes in my head, ringing as I try not to get lost in my thoughts.
"She lost her familiar. It was no way that we could convince her that she was still one of us. She was also terrified of her family's judgment." I hold his hand tight.
We both sit in silence as the ship passes below us, heading towards the boardwalk. Leaning against his shoulder, I wonder if he truly believes it. Lines of bright gold lights up a clear path through the ocean as the blue and white hunk of metal slices through the waves.
"And you know how much Darla loves Marko and Dwayne has the hots for Angel."
"Your uncontrollable powers and my hunger for blood." He chuckles. "We make one deadly duo."
"And none of us will age." I say. "We'll always be young."
I stand up, called to the trees by something that rings through my blood like the bells of the ships docked. I know it isn't that though because this sound is far too strong. It isn't tangible or has a source I can pinpoint. Though, it's personal.
Paul stands with me, the metal decor of his jacket jingling softly as we leave the wooden pier and head toward the beach. He silently follows close, not questioning my reasoning as he used to. It's our ever-growing trust combined with the little things that my magic has found that keep him from stopping me. Antiques and small trinkets, sometimes trespassers on witchland that made him a nice blood snack, and another picture on the missing board.
The lights of the ferris wheel and the millions of attractions splayed out across the boardwalk catch my eye but the feelings running strong through my veins keep me on my path, strengthening it so that if I wanted to break away from it, my attempts would be in vain.
The wood of the pier disappears into metal gates, chain link fences, and sand as we cross the threshold, the waters fading into golden sand stretches and shrubs. The salty smell of the water fills my nostrils, a smell that took nearly six months to get used to.
My eyes stay on the trees swaying in the wind, the shadows that dance on the forest floor through the space where light pierces through the veil of darkness. The birds on the pier, the servants of the witches lift and fade into the night as flashes of black.
Maybe it's my familiar. I doubt it though.
My feet don't stop as Paul steps to my side, his eyes filled with worry and a silent plea to turn around. It's unclear if he can sense that something is wrong. If even the vampire feels the stillness in the air, I know I should note.
The tree branches poke into my sides as I slap them away, moving farther and farther through the forest. They leave scars on my face, drawing blood as the pines reach out. The ground thins but my feet are dragged along by a sensation burning through my body, seeping into every part of my being. The sweet smell of pine hangs on the leaves, getting stronger with each step.
"No!" I fall to my knees as the earth slants downward, leaving me without a foothold as Paul does the same. Shocked, even he's not fast enough to hold us both up as we plummet down into the earth's pore.
Through the crashing and thrashing, nothing holds me. With every rock that my feet touch, they simply fall with me and the awkwardly twisting branches snap.
I dislodge pieces of the earth as I grapple at stones, slippery with what feels like ocean mist. My feet kick up stones and gravel as I fall. Paul calls me as he half floats, half falls through the space.
Halfway through calling me, he stops.
With one last slam into the earth, it all gives away and I hit the ground with no warning. Pines cones and needles lay under my back with the occasional stone ripping into my skin.
The sky hangs above dotted with thousands of blinking stars, twisting and twirling in the night sky. They fall around the moon as if in mourning, a sign that had only happened during the final witch trials, the symbol that marked the last burning, never happening before or again in history.
Crunching on the leaves breaks my eyes away from the sky, the panic of Paul reminding me that this isn't some weird dream. That this is real and my blood, the life of me led me here.
"Kimmy." His hands find my face.
I look up and see his fangs and the tremble of his body, the attempt to keep himself from vamping out.
"What?" I lift my eyes to the circle of sticks that surround me against the trees, each stick only a few feet away from the other in the clearing with charred lumps attached to them with the smell of magic and blood in the air. I can barely make out what they are, but like some ancient connection that ignites the primal fear of all witches, I scream loud and guttural.
I gasp, dragging myself up despite the pain in my back and arms. My feet threaten to drag me back down as Paul fights against his hunger and true nature.
"No. No. No!" I scream to the poles, to the bones that remain, and the blood that seeps from the pine wood to the earth. Small crosses litter the earth, poking up from the litter of dried-out pine needles.
My magic threatens to burst from my veins and set the entirety of Santa Carla's forest ablaze but Paul's grip on me keeps me restrained. Not that could but I would do anything to calm my anger and fear.
The memories of this place go straight to my head with a hazy fog as I touch a torn piece of fabric from a frilly young witch's blouse that hangs on the splinters of the partially burnt pole.
The scene comes to me. It smells of sage and warm cinnamon pies, the dinners of the witches of the bluff, a coven far from the boardwalk but within walking distance of the beach. They had always been rather kind but different from my coven.
The witches of the bluff were far more open with magic as the sight of tarot cards, wands, crystal balls, and herbs come to mind, attractions to bring in humans, to make money.
The scene shifts to darkness, of the blue-tinted sky of the evening shifting into the night, of the first stars blinking around the moon. They're alive.
Screams come next and magic, oh, glorious magic. Gold and pink, cobalt and deep green as men dressed in black march with each witch carried and dragged with rope, their powers subdued with flames upon wooden sticks wrapped with cloth.
A young hippie witch, much younger than me, dressed in pink falls to the ground as a man pulls on her ropes with a cruel laugh that boils my blood. Pieces of sleeves rip as she fights against a pole, her magic, a flash of bright yellow flares from her palm so bright that the man who holds her rope shrieks.
She's so ferocious and strong but in the face of hatred, in the face of terrified men, she's nothing but a weak attempt.
I gasp, my lungs burning as life returns to me and the past fades away. The witches are no longer fighting for the last bits of life. They're long gone, burnt corpses above us like angels of death.
Paul holds me tight, suppressing his hunger. His claws dig into my skin as I linger at the foot of a pole.
My head twirls again and I hear her voice. The voice of our High Priestess calling in my head, her cries strained by sobs and gasps for air. Between her screams for help is the sound of leaves crunching as something heavy drags across the earth.
Her life flashes away like smoke, the scene of ropes binding her hands as magic the color of fire spills from her fingers as she tried to do what was right fades.
I know her intentions as if they're my own. She gave her life as the ropes of death snatched her noble existence away in little more than a few seconds. Now our coven is without a leader. Without a teacher, without a figure to keep us strong.
She's dead, snatched away from my coven when I should have been right at her side, even if that meant death.
And I'm without a glimpse of the faces and the bloody hands that took her away from me.
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gothamslostboy · 1 year ago
Dwayne W/ A Werewolf Mate
A mix between David and Paul’s reactions
He wants to seek you out the second he senses you
Bc duh
Mate bond
But he’s nervous you’ll attack him
Or the boys
Orr that you have a pack that would attack them
So he spends a few hours watching from afar
Even though you know he’s there
And he knows you know
It’s kind of a stand off between who will summon the courage to approach the other first
It’s him
Dwayne followed you into a bookstore and saw you pick up three books on his tbr list
So he just had to talk about them with you
As soon as he approaches, you know he’s your mate
It was uncertain until he got close enough for you to get a good sniff
The two of you end up talking for hours
Getting some human food to snack on while you get to know eachother
This leads to more and more dates until you eventually meet the others
It goes…. Better than Dwayne expected
David only threatened to fight you instead of actually doing it so he sees it as a success
Once David starts to trust you it makes Dwayne even happier
You two have really great communication
But don’t often use words
Just by watching each others body language also using Dwayne’s scent in your case you know exactly how the other is feeling on any given day
Which is how you knew about Dwayne’s discomfort with your mortality
Stronger than a human, but not enough to beat Father Time
So you went to max
He was the head vampire after all, if anyone could figure this out it’d be him
You and Max worked for days to find something, hoping to suprise dwayne
Eventually you found a book of spells and rituals that did the trick
When he realized you were immortal now, Dwayne did a literal backflip off the fountain
Now that your safety is less of an issue, you two did some experiments to see if werewolves or vampires were better
All in good fun of course
Raced eachother in human and monster form
Hunted for prey
Punched solid rocks
Ya know typical relationship things
In the end you guys didn’t care who won, just enjoyed each other’s company
It wasn’t a total issue to switch from sleeping at night to during the day, but you struggled a bit
When it was time for bed, you find it more comfortable to sleep in wolf form
Dwayne pets your fur until you fall asleep and then uses you like a pillow
When it comes to the Emerson’s attack, you were the one who convinced the group to have an actual plan
The Frogs’ missed Marko’s heart by a few inches, so David put him in a hidden section of the cave while the 4 of you went to the house
Just in case
In wolf form, you approached first, a little before sundown, to distract nanook
Michael had just assumed you were a vampire too, and now assumed you were just a big ass dog
You convinced nanook to run off with you
Leading him to a cage in the woods set up earlier in order to turn him into a hell hound for Sam later
Next you snuck in the house and found laddie
He was like yours and Dwayne’s son, so you wanted to make sure he was safe before anyone else
Putting him on your back, you carefully made it back to the cave a little after it officially became night
Paul put him in charge of watching Marko and flew you to David and Dwayne
There, you four went one by one in capturing the ppl in the house, working together instead of separately
They were all except Star and Michael given a choice of being a vampire or werewolf
Sam and Allan chose vampire
Edgar chose werewolf
It took about a decade for the group to be fully peaceful
You mentored Edgar while Dwayne taught the other boys, eventually seeing them as your other 3 kids
Nanook turned out to be a pretty great hell hound, and a decent conversationalist
——— TAGS ———
@britany1997 @crustyboypix @g4ywastaken
@lazywerebat (hope you don’t mind the tag, thought you’d like this one:])
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scansfrommagazinesandbooks · 5 months ago
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miragiri-haruto · 1 year ago
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Finished drawing of Dwayne!
His hair took so long, but honestly it was therapeutic. I love drawing hair ♪( ´▽`)
Next up, I’ll likely be drawing David and maybe I’ll post some quick sketches (who really knows)
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thedieingchild · 7 months ago
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someone showed me this on everskies so im gonna post it here thought it was cool!!!!:3❤️🦇
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