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#578 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"It's a pity we never met Prime Lorca. I'd be interesting to see Jason Isaacs break the typecasting and play a genuine nice Picard style paragon captain."
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mwah <3 you have been blessed by my kissy
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kissy…. owoag….. wowie zowie
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pan-withnoplan · 2 years
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@thelesseroftwoweevils I didn't want to submerge the original post with comments that don't relate to the subject being discussed so I made my own, hope that's ok.
I suggest you reread the comments. I find hard to believe you didn't understand the context, but as I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, I'll explain.
I said "whose only crime was to be his crush's best friend and at the wrong place when Sirius was bored". Because I was referring to Snape's Worst Memory, which I was discussing with another person. Of course House prejudice is the reason why it all starts. If I'd been talking about the start of the bullying, of course I would have included it. By the time the attack happened however, it would have (while still rampant) undoubtedly been shadowed by a way more personal hatred, and yes, their feelings for Lily which Severus at least was aware they both nurtured.
Because if you're saying that being Lily's, whom he fancied, friend didn't play a huge part in why James bullied Severus, oh boy. Really? I think I'm a little offended on his behalf. Like he wouldn't have been jealous, come on. Why do you think he used Levicorpus on him again after Lily rejected him and left, when he "looked furious?” It's the reason why I listed being Lily's friend to Severus's "crimes" in my comment. Of course Lily is one of the reasons. Just because there are others doesn't mean we should ignore it. Think carefully, try to see James as the teenager he was. You know the answer.
Alright then. It started because of House prejudice. I knew that. The first war started in 1970. I actually didn't know that, and for that I thank you. We both agree that none of what either you or I listed as James's reasons for hating Slytherin, and Severus by association, excuses him doing what he does. You have no idea how glad that makes me. I hope I was able to clear any misunderstanding. Have a nice day, today or tomorrow.
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
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A Very Harry Birthday (2020) : Masterlist of DRARRY fics
harrypotter-birthdayparty@DW || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 26 works The Mods : @thelesseroftwoweevils & torino10154 Banner © : mywitch (official banner) & @digtheshipper's Sweet as you.
1. Dreams That You Dare to Dream Really Do Come True by @drarrelie [E, 11k]
Today, Draco’s new boyfriend turns nineteen and the annoying tosser has refused to present a wish list. It’s not Draco’s fault if he felt compelled to get a little creative, right?
2. From Worst to Best by enchanted_jae [T, 300]   *not on AO3
Harry turns his birthday around.
3. Love Someone by @acupforslytherin [E, 3k]
In the peaceful morning of his husband's birthday, Draco wonders how he got so lucky. or When Draco just wants to go straight into the fun (and hopefully sexy) celebration but Harry wakes up with a midlife crisis.
4. Pick Me Up After Hours by BelladonnaLee [T, 2k]
One summer night finds Draco in the restaurant's wine cellar, busy at work after hours. He does not expect visitors, least of all a certain Harry Potter who brings him a plate of dessert and something more.
5. Returning The Favour by hannelore [G, 100]
When Draco comes looking for his wand after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry finds a moment to make up for lost opportunities.
6. Sparkles by @penguinanimagus [G, 600]
Harry's birthday always brings him something special; a sparkle of magic, in the shadows of his cupboard.
7. Their First Kiss by @ladderofyears [G, 100]
Harry finally gets the birthday present he has wanted for a age.
✔ other fests in 2020 ✔ fests in other years
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hp-nextgen-fest · 5 years
2019 HP Next Gen Fest Reveals!
The time has finally come for the 2019 @hp-nextgen-fest​ reveals!
Thank you so very much to everyone who has made this fest such an amazing success! We were incredibly impressed with the overwhelming enthusiasm you all have for our favorite Next Gen characters. Everyone who submitted stories and art, and those who read, reviewed and recced: You guys are amazing!!
It's been really great seeing everybody's fantastic creations, and we hope you all enjoyed the fest as much as we did!
Without further ado, here's a list of all the amazing participants who worked so hard to create fabulous things for this year's fest!
@julcheninred​ drew Walking In Your Footsteps [Harry & Teddy | General] Harry wants to be the kind of godfather who would make his own godfather proud. He knows he’s got big shoes to fill.
@fidgetyweirdo​ drew First Friend [Lily Luna & Rose | General] Lily's never had a big sister, but she imagines if she did, she'd be a lot like Rose.
@keyflight790​ drew Blind Adventure [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen] Teddy's been gone for years, searching for an adventure.
tea & cinnamon [James Sirius/Teddy | Teen | 6.8k] James did not take the job at the bakery in Hogsmeade just because Teddy Lupin happened to run a bookstore down the street. And he really was interested in the books Teddy recommended him, even if they were about dragon scales and ancient witch trials. Yes, it was all rather sudden but that didn’t mean it had to mean anything.
@lordofthegoods wrote Electric Touch [Harry/Scorpius | Teen | 6k] Whenever Scorpius touches him, Harry feels electric.
@malenkayacherepakha wrote Scar Tissue [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit | 15.6k] When his friendship with James turns into something more, Teddy thinks he's found the one. When James's soulmark stubbornly refuses to appear however, things start to go wrong. Can Teddy salvage what they had?
@minervasprout wrote Love at First Hermione [Lily Luna/Hermione, Lily Luna/OFC | General | 1.1k] From age four, Lily Luna is helplessly in love with her Aunt Hermione.
@fidgetyweirdo wrote Grow as we Go [Albus Severus/Scorpius | Explicit | 9.7k] It has been four years since they’ve seen each other—four lonely years since Albus has heard his voice or kissed his lips. But when Scorpius shows up in his town to plan his wedding, Albus is forced to deal with regrets long-buried. He isn’t sure how he’s supposed to handle another broken heart, though, when it never healed properly in the first place.
@spearmintstardust​ wrote curses and summer holidays [Lily Luna & Rose | General | 3.1k] Summers at Loch Tay are always eventful, especially when trouble finds Lily and Rose.
@gracerene09 wrote Come Alive [James Sirius/Teddy | Explicit | 29.7k] Teddy already stands out enough being an orphan, a Metamorphmagus, and the son of a werewolf—nobody needs to know he's also bisexual. He's attracted to women too, so it's not a lie if he ends up married to a witch, has children, and settles down to live a perfectly normal and unremarkable life. But when he's offered the chance to experience what it's like to have strings-free sex with a man, he's powerless to resist temptation. Even if he knows there's no such thing as sex without strings when it comes to fooling around with one's best mate.
@regblvck wrote Can’t Take My Eyes Off You [James Sirius/Scorpius | 4.9k | Teen] While staying with the Potters during the summer, Scorpius struggles with the Adonis that is James Potter.
@shiftylinguini wrote Red in Tooth and Claw [James Sirius/Teddy | 5.2k | Explicit] The first time Teddy asks if he can, James shrugs and says, "Sure, go for it", and Teddy has to rethink the whole thing.
@coriesocks wrote Wands Out! [Albus Severus/Scorpius | 23.7k | Explicit] Wands Out! is the number one dating app for wizards seeking wizards. Or so says everyone. Albus isn’t so sure. He’s yet to find anyone worth swiping right for… that is until he spots a very familiar face among his matches. But it couldn’t really be him, could it?
@maraudersaffair wrote A Cursed Love [Harry/Teddy | 5.9k | Explicit] Teddy has avoided Harry since he realised he wanted him. This changes when he is hit by a curse that forces him to fuck Harry or die.
@thelesseroftwoweevils wrote Sweet Distraction [Dominique/James Sirius | 3.2k | Explicit] Dom is stressed before her final Auror exam. James helps her relax.
@larvawaffle wrote Terraphasma Exolvo [Sirius/Teddy & James Sirius/Teddy | 30.4k | Explicit] When Harry asks his directionless, lovesick godson to clean up an old property to sell, he’d assumed the most Teddy would encounter would be Doxies and Bogarts. But when Teddy arrives at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, he discovers something neither of them could have anticipated
@candybarrnerd wrote I’ve got you stuck in my head [Albus Severus/Scorpius | 3.9k | Teen] They've shared kisses. Three to be exact. They haven’t talked about it, and Albus isn’t sure what the kisses mean for the two of them.
@fidgetyweirdo wrote Exactly as You Are [James Sirius/Teddy | 4.3k | Explicit] Teddy has always thought that he'd do anything to please his boyfriend, James. Even if that "anything" involves completing a ridiculous list of sexual experiences for the sole purpose of competing with Albus. But when the newest challenge involves using Polyjuice Potion in the bedroom, Teddy is unprepared for the emotions that come up during what is supposed to be a fun sexual act.
@xslytherclawx wrote ich will nicht nach Berlin [Albus Severus/Scorpius | 3.7k | Teen] Scorpius has the opportunity of a lifetime—the only problem is that it takes him across the Channel from Albus. He suggested a year-long tour of the continent to buy more time, but now they've arrived in Berlin—their final destination, before Albus is to go back to London—and Scorpius doesn't want to say goodbye.
@articcat621 wrote A Helping Hand [Hermione/Ron/Teddy | 2.3k | Explicit] Teddy is more than happy to help out his favourite 'Aunt and Uncle.'
@heaven-hell-and-humanity wrote Starlight [James Sirius/Scorpius | 9k | Teen] Fancying Scorpius when he was nothing but friendly with James was one thing, but fancying Scorpius when he was in love with Al was another level of hurt.
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hillnerd-art · 7 years
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art request for @thelesseroftwoweevils
“ may I request a picture feature James Sirius and Dominique, please? I'd love them to be late teenage, nearing the end of Hogwarts and James annoying Dominique somehow trying to get her attention.”
Hope you enjoy!
I always think of James as being a pure jock with a heart of gold, hidden behind a healthy dose of bluntness and seeming narcissism. 
I see Dom as being a bit of a tom-boy who marches to her own drum. She’s not the rebellious kid who yells and tries to get attention- she’s the kind who just quietly does as she pleases and if they don’t like it- eff ‘em. She’s very implacable and hard to shock/get a reaction from. She’s the kind who legit wills herself into not being ticklish.
So in this he tries to pull a scare on dom by suddenly jumping out from his broom upside down (well, kind of- he’s more trying to show off how fit he is to some random girls, demonstrating how adept he is at hanging situps from his broom, and uses this as an opportunity to try to scare Dom.) All he gets is an eye roll.
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#483 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"I'm really happy Peter David's Brikar species got ported into proper canon in Prodigy.
Rok-Tahk's a lovely character in her own right."
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#448 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"Given that Shaw deleted Riker's jazz from from it's computer, and it had twenty year old engines only he could hot wire, I wonder if the "Picard" writers/producers had meant the Neo-Constitution Titan to be Riker's original Titan only realised later "Lower Decks" had shown it as the Luna-class from the Pocket Books."
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#267 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"I really don't like SNW adding Scotty on top of all the other TOS retreads they use. The Engineers being original characters was great."
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