#their lore is a little insane but. They're weird too.
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leucoratia · 4 months ago
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Kraz, royal healer
Kraz (Razzy if they like you(but they like everyone)(except Jerry)) is a human (?) mage who voluntarily exiled themselves to the underground to follow monsterkind during the war. They are later appointed royal healer by the king and queen and has devoted themselves to the betterment of monster society ever since. They are the only human the royal scientist ever tolerated (although would you call sharing lab coats and beds tolerating or...something else?)
-Species : mage (half monster, half human)
-Age : older than the barrier. As long as they will to live, it appears that a mage cannot age.
-Gender : apparently born a female, although it is unclear how sexual dimorphism develops in mages. Kraz does not specifically care.
-Soul : Green
-Height : 1.99m (6'5)
-Hair colour : Black (somehow iridescent ?)
-Eye colour : deep dark brown. Their sclera is grey as well.
-Build : sickly thin, actually skin and bones. They never eat much of anything, claiming that they do not need a lot of food. It worries people quite a lot, especially Toriel, but they have been like this for hundreds of years so... at least they're not dead ? Still, they scare the kids.
-Personnality : a sweet, calming presence. They exude an aura which makes anyone around them feel at peace. Although they are quite akward and generally anxious, they smile easily and brightly. Kraz is very friendly, caring, and kind to a fault. Has quite an outdated manner of speech. A jokester. Always does their best to please people around them. Deeply devoted. Probably has some sort of attention deficit. Easily fascinated. Suffers from chronic bird behaviour (will bring you trinkets??).
-Likes : gardening, playing the piano, snow, cooking, puzzles, collecting shiny trinkets, science, herbal medicine, cultivating bacteria, fuzzy and furry fabrics, gift giving, late 1800's fashion, dark spaces, funny socks, Gaster.
-Dislikes : loud noises (especially clamoring crowds), being watched, sudden movements, bright reflective surfaces, small enclosed spaces, bitter foods, novelty and breaking their routine.
Kraz was born to a human mother and a monster father during the war, as mages often are. Abandoned by their mother, who could not endure the shame of their birth, they were taken under their father’s wing and raised amongst a small monster village. Early on, they manifested an extremely intense green soul and spectacular magical power, even for a mage. Although unequipped and unprepared to nurture such potential, the monsters in Kraz's community did their best to encourage the toddler's magical prowess, such as having them heal cuts and bruises, or speed up a few carrots' growth. But as war progressed, human armies swept through monster territory and eventually raided the child's village, pillaging and slaughtering everyone in their path. In these times mages were rare, being the product of monster-human relationships, but extremely sought after by humanity, who could only manifest minor magic potential. Stumbling upon the young Kraz and recognising in their physiology the traits of a "hybrid", human soldiers immediately identified them as a mage and took them away to be raised amongst humans. Their father, if he ever survived the attack, never stopped looking for his little bird until his dust settled on the ground. And so Kraz was raised in human war camps and settlements, amongst soldiers and other mages. Being so young, they only ever had vague memories of their time amongst monsters and soon put them to rest. As they grew, their healing powers grew with them, and it was soon clear to the commanders that Kraz may as well be the most spectacular healer that they had ever known, capable of rising men at death's door back on their feet and ready to fight in mere minutes. Suffice to say, as one of their greatest asset, they were sent from battlefield to battlefield, from division to division in order to rise the almost dead and reinforce the dwindling human forces. But they had a fault. Kraz, at their heart, was kind. Compassionate. Caring. And oh so, so young still, no more than fifteen. And the pain, the suffering inflicted by and to monsters broke their soul into pieces. See, despite all the propaganda, they could never quite bring themselves to hate monsters. Hate half of themselves. And so in the midst of the battle's confusion, in secret, they would slip a hand or a green bullet towards a bleeding frog here. A dusting lion there. They wished they could just run to them and pour their whole magic into the wounded, but the human soldiers watched them. Always. But eventually, as war was nearing its end, temptation was too great. They could take it no more. And so during a bloody battle, they slipped away from the soldiers surrounding them and ran to a fallen monster, who was already dusting away. A skeleton. The young mage fell to their knees, reaching for the monster's broken face with magic already at their fingertips and reassurances spilling from their lip, and poured everything they had left as the soldier tried to struggle and speak. He barely was able to call to them, in a language they didn't know, his bones just starting to reform, but fate is oh so cruel. Kraz could only slip their guard's attention for so long, and just as life started to flicker back in the man's face, they were torn off his bloodied body and promptly covered in his dust, their work undone by the fall of a sword. As the soldiers dragged the teen away, they could only claw down at the dusty floor to rack up the dust, and a nametag. Dingbats.
"Traitor", they were deemed. "An error of nature", "a freak", they were called. But a valuable freak nonetheless. Their magical abilities were still wholly unmatched through all of the land. They were needed. And so Kraz was beaten down, corrected, whipped back into shape. Into following orders. Royals spoke of banishment. Of a barrier. And they needed mages.
Finally, monsters were defeated. They were to be sealed underground. Kraz and the other mages assembled, staring down at a beaten monsterkind, a sea of eyes and bleeding hearts crying out at them as they chanted the words.
They couldn't do it. They couldn't.
They ran to them.
As the barrier rose up, this child fell to their knees in front of Asgore and Toriel and begged them to let them stay. To right this wrong. To help. They did.
And so Kraz poured their heart out. It wasn't easy, getting monsters to accept human help, even though they shared some physical traits. They slaved away for nothing in return, growing crops magically in dead ground and never taking even a grain of wheat for themselves. Endlessly imbuing water with their energy to create remedies for everyone. Only accepting the bare minimum of food to stay alive, even though they felt as if they were tearing this food away from the hands of the needy. They tried so, so hard to repair humanity's sins. Clear their name in the eyes of monsters.
And eventually, it somewhat worked. Instead of frowns, they were faced with smiles. Children stopped crying when they saw the healer's incomplete beak and started to spare them a smile. The elderly stopped refusing treatment from them. And even though they still had to face a seemingly unclimbable wall as they began further studies in medicine, biology and microbiology, chemistry, agricultural sciences, magical studies, anything to broaden their knowledge and help, they made it. (No thanks to the shy, awkward, standoffish and straight up rude engineering-chemistry-physics student which whom the king and queen pushed Kraz to hang out with. They said that it would "help the both of you, you kids would work beautifully together". Not that the mage minded, as a matter of fact they quite enjoyed his presence and always did their best to be agreeable and overall lovely company; but the skeleton never quite seemed to get over his absolute loathing of humans. Oh well, no matter. They'll keep trying anyways.). Eventually they did succeed and ascended to the position of "tolerable fellow student who I regularly hang out with" in the eyes of their adversary. When Kraz got their first doctorate, in medicine, WingDings even cracked a smile. And as the two completed their studies, the now mage-doctor was promoted to "acceptable collaborator". A win for the ages!
Kraz finally moved out of the derelict place they were practicing medicine in since the war to a more acceptable place (which was, well, their newly furnished house, courtesy of the royal family for their friendship and as a congratulatory gift for their doctorate) and kept working as always. But with an official title to strengthen their position, and what some may call a reluctant friend, things seemed lighter. Monsters were flocking to their office, business (which was still free but their patients insisted on leaving little somethings) was booming, their ties to their fellow "collaborator " deepening, and the doctor became sincerely appreciated in their community. Maybe not in all monsterdom yet, memories of the war never quite fading, but it was progress. Things were going well.
But it seemed that fate had other plans.
One day, plague broke out. The illness decimated monster populations, entire families perishing from an unknown condition.
And Kraz, oh Kraz, tried everything. Every spell, every potion, every cure they could think of. Nothing worked. They asked for help to the other healers, consulted with other scientists, even asked the engineers if they could think of something, anything. Nothing worked. They could only watch as the malady swept through monsters, powerless to watch them die, just like they did during the war.
No. No.
They would not stand for it, they would not STAND FOR THIS !! They will find a cure. At any cost.
They locked themselves in their laboratory.
One day. Two days.
Three days.
Six days.
Eight days.
Their colleagues had tried banging on the door, shouting at them to come out, to go home, they would not answer. They called for the doctor’s friends, to no avail. Eventually, it was WingDings Gaster, the royal scientist himself, to be at their door threatening them to “kick their feathery ass if it’s the last thing he does” in order to get them to open the damn door.
No answer.
But the royal scientist was a stubborn man. And when words failed, he proceeded to take the door’s security system apart and barge into the lab, only to be taken aback by the stench. He covered his non-existent nose with a sleeve and bit back the urge to let last night’s dinner see the light of day again, ushering the doctor’s worried coworkers away. It reeked of illness. It reeked of plague. The skeleton, being the only one without lungs and hence immune to all airborne diseases, made his way through the mess of papers, vials and…patches of blood and hair…to the form bent over his friend’s table. Kraz was staring straight at him with their big, beady dark eyes which seemed to be glazed over. They looked even paler than they usually do, which is to say whiter than snow, and seemed so frail that they could snap at any moment. Their face was also swimming in what seemed to be bloodied spit, over a mountain of papers scribbled with words that made no sense. Suffice to say, they looked like death itself. They looked dead.
It was as if Gaster’s bones were made of ice. Barely thinking, he grabbed his friend’s limp body, by Asgore were they TALL, and zapped away somewhere safe. Somewhere clean. His place, apparently.
He cleaned Kraz. Changed them. Laid them in bed. Listened to their delirious babbles, relieved that at least they were alive. In a moment of clarity, the doctor pleaded him to retrieve some instruments from their lab and conduct a series of tests on samples of their blood, which he was urged to collect daily.
“I need to help them Dings. Please. Please, I beg of you, do this for them. Or else I would have done this for nothing. Please.”
Eventually, the unthinkable happened. They got better, the little colour their cheeks normally had returned. As soon as the healer could walk again, they were out of their friend’s house and back in their lab (ignoring everyone’s admonishments). Barely a week later, there was a cure for the seemingly incurable plague.
Monsterkind was saved.
And everything was truly fine. Kraz was promoted to Royal Doctor (a fact they endlessly teased Gaster with, because Now you can’t boss me around anymore mister science man), was granted a whole department in the Hotland labs, and was now revered though the kingdom! Their promotion to head doctor was also accompanied by another, to the exclusive rank of “beloved special stupid idiot who gave themselves the plague” in the soul of a certain someone. They weren’t going to live that one down anytime soon. But well, when the royal scientist’s coworkers noticed that his lunch was packed daily in the common room fridge with “Do not forget nourishment today dear, I will see you tonight at our usual, -A stupid idiot “stuck to it, let’s say that the air in the Core labs was decidedly more pleasant. And Alphys, a young intern that the Doctor befriended during one of their numerous visits to their collaborator-friend-lover(?),  could barely contain her gushing to anyone that might listen.
Yes. Times were good.
Until a human fell.
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deesea-ao3 · 1 month ago
Fun Lore Ideas for Fawcett City
I've been sitting on these concepts for ages and need to get them out of my system. For my current WIP, it was important that I have a strong concept for what kind of city Fawcett was going to be. While the plot isn't technically taking place in Fawcett, a huge amount of my lore interpretations/characterisations rely on there being a solid original setting to draw from. Also, it's super fun to extrapolate history and economy for a fictional magic city to try and make it feel as plausible as possible.
Now, to start with, I had to establish where the city would actually be located. Fawcett is typically represented and/or thought of as being in the Midwest, so I was able to whittle down my options even more. I couldn't have it too close to Central City, Keystone City, or Smallville since I wanted Fawcett to retain its isolated feel. It'd be harder for it to get away with being magic if it was a stones throw from speedster stomping grounds, for instance. In the end, I looked up old maps of America DC Comics had officially released for inspiration. What I got were these:
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The first didn't have Fawcett at all, and the second had it placed near the border of Wisconsin. The latter was serviceable for my purposes. However, I wanted something more to draw from. I wanted to make Fawcett feel like an actual city with history before I slapped on the magic superhero. It technically was just an ordinary city until Shazam placed a portal there after all.
My second go of looking for inspiration was much more fruitful. I looked at a few fan-made maps and eventually stumbled upon this one in a reddit forum:
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Upon closer inspection, I realised something.
That's fucking Chicago.
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The idea that then formed was brilliant, my best one maybe ever. If I don't want to write a 2K+ document detailing an organic history of fictional Fawcett City, coupled with local industry and culture to boot, I can just STEAL a real one!
The existence of IRL Chicago is not necessary for my story, and its absence would be barely noteworthy in the grand scheme of things. Functionally, it wouldn't even be gone. Its location and major historical events would still have occurred, just under a different name. It not only saves me tons of labour as a writer, it's also fucking hilarious.
The heart of ALL of magic lies in an abdoned subway station in downtown Chicago Fawcett, the Windy city that houses pagan subcultures, talking animals, cursed objects and people who still think it's 1945.
Southern Lake Michigan has freshwater mermaids. The flat lands of the city proper are surrounded by bluffs as old as the ice age, which thrum with prehistoric magic. The sunset is always pink, and moonbeams are brighter somehow here. In the river that flows through art-nouveau styled skyscrapers swim fish with rainbow scales. The people are happy and chatty and full of little secrets, kept close and safe for rainy days. The woman who dresses in leaves and sleeps on park benches is liable to be simply human, but the jolly old milkman who visits you every morning is fae through and through. Weird is normal and normal is weird.
All while in Chicago, Illinois, one of the most populous, wealthy cities in America since the 1870s. The mechanic who enchanted your car to not break down anymore was raised by regular steel mill workers. The politician who dreams of addressing the city's entrenched class divides is stuck doing paperwork to establish legal protections for the local gnome population's tree houses. When it snows in winter, Yetis clear driveways and salt the sidewalks. No one talks about it much because what is noteworthy about public servants doing their jobs? So what if they're Yetis? You got a problem with that?
Fawcett blows Gotham out the goddamn water for weirdness, but because they're so nonchalant and humble about it, Gothamites walk around smugly assured of their tolerance for insanity, unaware of the bigger fish, which is the average Fawcett citizen. When tourists come to visit, the very genre of reality changes the second they step foot within city lines.
Fawcett solos, tbh. DC writers are weaksauce for not seeing the vision that is mystic Chicago city, home to all of magic.
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bridoesotherjunk · 8 days ago
why do people even like the sonic movies? they're not even good, people probably just like the feeling of having cyberbullied a movie studio into compliance.
the movies completely mischaracterize sonic, turning him from a confident, somewhat rebellious, independent cool-kid figure to a weird lonely outcast who spouts a hundred cringey pop-culture references a minute and befriends a *cop* of all people. that's like the last person sonic would associate with. he's against the establishment and for freedom.
jim carrey isn't even recognizable as dr. eggman, he's just 90s jim carrey, tails is the "friend in distress", knuckles has a very unfitting voice that just sounds really weird and borderline racist because 'haha indigenous-coded character is the dumb one' and shadow is just some kind of fancast to appease the 'oOoOo kEaNu' fans. aside from tails all the voices are celebrities who sound nothing like the character, they couldn't even be bothered to give the original voices like jason griffith back as much as possible. the third movie in particular was literally just a worse version of sonic adventure 2, you're better off just playing the game again because the movie felt like yet another overly-hyped nostalgia cash-grab.
This is going to be such a hugely nerdy response, I love Sonic. I've played a bunch of the games, I've watched a bunch of the shows- I genuinely love the Sonic franchise. So I apologize to anyone who follows me that doesn't care about Sonic.
Look, you can have your own opinions on the Sonic movies, I know I have mine and i CERTAINLY have opinions on fucking Paramount, but I Completely disagree on the over-hyped nostalgia cash grab comment. The director of these movies literally has been working on the Sonic games since the early 2000s. (Shadow 2005 my beloved) He very clearly LOVES these characters and clearly puts a lot of love and care into these movies. I've seen videos from Sonic youtubers pointing out all of the little things he's added to these movies from games HE WORKED ON. The man has posted online about Sonic statues and figurines he's bought. The writers and the many animators/animation studios also all have worked with Sonic for YEARS. Several of them help animate the games on a regular fucking basis. The only person who genuinely has not seemed to be a massive Sonic fan has been the composer.
Putting the rest of this under a read more because it got real long real fast
""""the third movie in particular was literally just a worse version of sonic adventure 2, you're better off just playing the game again"""" --- not everything needs to be perfectly lore accurate, dude. reLAX. Sonic's got such insane lore, I honestly never expected them to make ANY of the movies 1 to 1 with the games. When I saw the second movie I was shocked they even did the Chaos Emeralds! Sonic's lore is WEIRD. It's not simple to try and translate into movie form.
Take this from the perspective of someone who is very very fucking white, but dude.. your comment on Knuckles completely took me the fuck out - borderline racist- Knuckles has been supposed to be black since the very beginning. from his very first game. His character has been a questionably racist issue for YEARS. - they originally had him Jamaican in the old games. He was supposed to have an accent and everything. ((The old games and their manuals were probably way more fucking racist than anything they've done with him recently, but I digress. His name was going to be fucking "Dreads" for crying out loud. Just... yikes, Sega.)) ALSO Knuckles is probably smarter than he's been IN A WHILE, in the movies, too. In the shows and games he had become an absolute shell of who he used to be. Like, sorry but you're just straight wrong about him being dumb in the movies. Yeah he's not as intelligent as Tails, but he's not stupid. I'd argue that he's smarter in the movies than he's been in fucking years in the games and shows.
Tails is the "friend in distress" - Sonic Forces would like a word, my guy. Nothing will ever be worse than that shit.
Jim Carrey... Literally with Jim Carrey as Eggman - the fucking VA for Eggman in the games is also a piece of shit, so there is no winning with this one. Both of them suck. Who else would you have picked to play him, though, honestly? Like, I wouldn't even picture Jim Carrey, but I genuinely have no idea who the hell I would pick to play Eggman. He's not really a character I've ever pictured in live action before.
And I'm sorry, again, your opinion on the movies is your own- but they really did not mischaracterize Sonic as far as being cringe - he's always been fucking cringe. He's always made references to current pop culture shit. (Some mediums are worse for it than others, but whatever.)
Now I WILL give you --- Him being friends with a cop- yeah, that one is absolute dogshit. Sonic would fucking never. That's ass.
I have no strong opinions on Keanu, like... at all, so I dunno. I would have absolutely preferred Jason come back, but Hollywood's gonna Hollywood now. When I first heard they kept Tails's VA from the games I was honestly shocked as hell. Hollywood does not do that anymore. It's ALL fucking celebrities. (((But you really can't say shit about Ben not sounding 'like Sonic' because Sonic's voice has varied WIDELY from the games and the shows and shit. Sonic's voice has really not been consistent. NONE of the characters's voices have. Ryan and all the cast that have been working since Sonic Boom have been doing it the longest, so I mean, they're the closest to a standard we're gonna get.)))
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thefirstknife · 8 months ago
You are so incredibly knowledgeable about this games lore and I feel like I am going crazy trying to find the answer to this. Maybe you know? Has there ever been an actual answer to why Osiris was so much more powerful than the rest and why he got the visions? Why was he the travelers favourite?
Honestly nobody really knows! Some Guardians just happen to be a lot more powerful and a lot of it definitely has to do with the personal choice to improve; as in, becoming a student and actively learning! Osiris chose to study with the Iron Lords. I'd also assume a Ghost has influence as well: Sagira too was very powerful.
Some of it might also have a lot to do with the amount of time he spent perfecting his skills. With the time dilation of the Infinite Forest, Osiris has lived an unfathomably long life and therefore had more time than most to get better.
Curiously though, he was already high above other Guardians even early on in his life. By early Dark Age, before studying with anyone, he was already using Dawnblade as we know it today. I'm personally of the opinion that he may have invented this in the first place, as the Dawnblade sword is fairly similar to his aesthetics and he used it so early.
Also way before the Infinite Forest, he was famous for the way he fought at Six Fronts; with his reflections. He was able to produce golden copies of himself that enabled him to watch every front in the battle. He was also able to teleport between them to quickly change his position and help on multiple fronts. This is an insane level of skill comparatively with other Guardians at the time. We still have no idea where and how he learned to do this. Or how it's done. There's also still unknown situation with this ability because at one point he specified a difference between "reflections" and "echoes," implying they're two different things:
[u.2:12] Reflections, Saint. I have no need for Echoes anymore. [u.1:13] What do you mean? What’s the difference? [u.2:13] One is a manifestation of Light. The other… reserved for Taken Kings. Better suited for traversing the Sundial because of what lies at its core.
Bestie. What does this mean.
As for visions.... Nobody knows. He claims that his visions are just things he analysed using the Infinite Forest, but he made the prophecies before he went to the Forest. He was exiled for them! Some of them also deal with paracausality, in particular the one about the Traveler waking up at the end of the Red War, something that the Forest would not be able to predict. You'd think this is a writing mistake or something, but it's not. This discrepancy is directly referenced in the lore as weird.
Osiris treats this as "it just be like this" but I personally do think that he's the Traveler's specialest little guy. And Sagira was too. However, was he really and why? Ultimately we don't know.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year ago
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"Mort: Ragnarick" was pure fun, but a different kind of fun than "Rickfending Your Mort" and "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie."
"Rickfending Your Mort" was a laid-back clip show that gave the viewer a break after the insanity of "Unmortricken"--a smart decision but not one with a lot of substance. "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie" has been controversial. I thought it was entertaining, but it would've worked better as a YouTube short.
If "Unmortricken" represented lore episodes at their best, "Mort: Ragnarick" was the best of classic Rick and Morty adventures: a wildly imaginative plot, goofy satire, fantasy science and Rick and Morty working together as a duo, reminding us how much they need each other.
Rick's the driving force behind these adventures, but without Morty, he's just a miserable old man trying to distract himself. Morty's the heart and voice of reason. He also gives Rick something to live for. Without him, Beth, Jerry or Summer, why do anything?
Rick pretends to live for science, but "science" just caused decades of grief and isolation. His family isn't a concept; it's an entity that loves him back.
Bigfoot, an evil pope, Pokeballs, Valhalla, clone bodies, infinite energy sources, zombie Summer, Rick screaming "PO-O-O-O-OPE!": only Rick and Morty could combine all those concepts into one cohesive episode. I never thought "Wow, that took me out of the story." The Pokeball came close, but the end credits scene tied it all together.
Jerry's scene was a standout, too. Chris Parnell's reading of "Nana!" was genuinely sweet. It seems like Jerry's becoming a (mostly) willing participant in Rick's schemes instead of a helpless guinea pig. Is Rick learning that releasing his iron grip on his family makes them more attached to him, not less?
I also loved it when the Vikings called Rick a witch. He loves crystals, plays with magic, has two crows as familiars: damn right, he is!
You have to suspend your disbelief a couple of times, mainly when Bigfoot attacks Rick in the kitchen (he crushed Rick earlier like it was nothing, but now Rick walks away with a few scratches?) Still, the little character moments overshadow these flaws.
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Judging by old posts that I've seen floating around, I think Rick and Morty's relationship is finally becoming what fans wanted it to be in seasons 1-3. Rick's still mean, but he's less dominant and more of Morty's mischievous co-conspirator. An alien mobster freaking out in "The Jerrick Trap" because of Rick's "touch my grandson and die" policy is straight out of fanon.
Rick's more physically gentle, and Morty responds in kind. He grabs and supports him when Bigfoot attacks him at home and touches his arm during their weird, overdramatic Bigfoot send-off. His pained cry of "Rick!" when Bigfoot nearly crushes him is heart-wrenching. Operation Phoenix is back online, but Morty's tired of watching him die!
Season five is when Rick started showing emotions on his face besides that cold, pissed-off glare--we all know the one--and in season seven, it's accelerated to Rick crying in front of others. He matches Morty's feelings instead of pretending that he's above human emotions.
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Needless to say, dudebros have been flooding Adult Swim's Instagram comments and Twitter replies with "Rick and Morty is shit now!" "Rick's too nice!" "Rick and Morty has gone woke!" Justin Roiland's firing gave them more fuel, but they started even while he was still on the payroll.
Their favorite line is "Rick isn't Rick anymore!" And they're right. Rick's not the asshole from seasons 1-2 who had a couple of redeeming qualities. He's not the monster that he was in season three and parts of season four. He's not the defeated man in season five who started to realize that he's hurting people but still wanted Morty to look after him like a child.
Season six is when he started to grow up--not a lot, but enough that he began taking on adult responsibilities instead of thinking he's a teenage boy who sees another teenager as his peer. I wish we saw more therapy appointments, but while they're mostly off-screen, we're definitely seeing the effects.
This doesn't make Rick a great person or atone for what he's done. Some of his crimes are beyond atonement, and not just the obvious ones like blowing up planets. This is a universe where everyone has a body count and events that should've destroyed Earth have no effect on civilization. Death and destruction don't mean that much.
His worst crimes are the personal ones: destroying Morty's psyche in "The Vat of Acid Episode," treating his family like garbage for most of season three. You can't atone for that. You can't apologize for that.
However, I don't only judge characters by their past. I judge them by their capacity to change.
Walter White is a brilliant character, but he's not a personal favorite because his arc is a slow descent into hell. Rick's slowly climbing out of his crater, and while it doesn't erase the past, it's still happening. For me, that's more satisfying than watching a monster become a bigger monster.
Of course, he's still not above cosplaying as Odin while wearing a golden crown that literally says "GOD." But the former "no girls allowed" alpha male has become a dedicated therapy patient who's also a thirst object that would make bros cry about double standards. Sure, Rick, you're a god, now put on that weird half-shirt and prance around a little.
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raventreehall · 5 months ago
ok just came up with an AU where the starks visit jon on the wall:
- rickon is the only one allowed to bring his direwolf (w/o war the starks are more willing to leave them behind sometimes) bc he goes absolutely insane when separated from shaggydog and shaggydog also gets murderous. shaggydog pulling up and scaring the bejeezus out of everyone, like there's another one???
- they go up the winch cage, wind howling, all kind of like why am i doing this again. but everyone is awed once they get on top of the wall and see the land stretching out in front of them endlessly
- cat thinks about alysanne and wonders if a lady of winterfell has ever been to the wall before or if she's the first in 8000 years. also how this wall protects the entirety of westeros, riverrun and king's landing and dorne... and remembers childhood stories about the others, kind of shuddering but also tells herself she's being silly. she's the most existential about it all.
- ned is also thinking some of these thoughts, about the starks and their legacy, lots of thoughts about previous kings beyond the wall vs starks and worrying if he'll be the next lord of winterfell to fight one—or if robb will, or his sons, etc etc.
- benjen reminds bran that he was named after bran the builder ❤️ bran blurts out asking if the others are real, the only one to actually say it even though they're all thinking it, and robb laughs and tells him not to be so childish but jon says even if they are, the wall and the watch will protect them (taking his newfound Duty and Purpose very seriously)
- back on the ground, jon introduces his sibs to his friends. nw boys kind of awkward bc they're aware they're standing in front of nobles and the literal heir to winterfell. pyp tries to flirt with sansa and jon is like she's literally my sister and also a highborn lady wtf are u doing (his classism is so beautiful). she also talks to sam and politely tells him she thinks it's very brave that he chose to join the night's watch. cue him blushing bright red and jon's like ughh you too?
- if satin is there sansa can develop a crush on him, she thinks he's so prettyyyy. cat ned are like oh ok honey (to themselves: this dude is literally gay). arya thinks he looks like a girl
- bran really wants to go to the nightfort (oh my sweet summer child) and starts yapping on about the stories wondering if they're true and sam tells him that he's read a lot about the nightfort actually... and they have a nice little geek out session that's NICE bc they're not hungry tired traumitized and in grave danger
- catelyn's watching from afar and she's like why tf is there a tarly here??? when sam's away from jon she asks him about it and gets him to tell her the whole sad story. she's horrified that anyone could treat their child like that
- oh yeah also theon meets a guy who is ironborn which is v rare in the watch, says he took the black after the greyjoy rebellion and wow to see lord balon's son here is crazy, they're in the same position really, imprisoned far away from home. theon is like uh i'm not a prisoner and also weren't u supposed to die rather than get caught #loser (i'm making this bit of ironbore lore up but it feels right). cue sad look from ironborn guy and theon comes away from the interaction feeling weird but he doesn't really know why
- robb fights with swords with grenn, then asks jon if he wants to try, see if the nw training programme has improved his sword skills haha. cat is hearing kill bill sirens and jon is also having a bastard moment where he's like i can't be seen showing up my trueborn brother and also, secondly, what if i lose and embarrass myself in front of my friends 😑 so he suggests archery instead which he knows they're both shit at and it's a nice fun brotherly moment and also funny bc THEON comes out on top like woah ok hostage don't get ahead of urself now...
- they get served dinner which is just boiled shit and ned cat and robb are very polite about it and pretend that it tastes really good. sansa kind of pushing food around her plate and arya straight up says she's not eating it bc it's gross (robb elbows her in the stomach to shut up, jon across the room secretly smiling bc well she's right). rickon really likes it actually, bran feeds him some from off his plate
- sansa is excited to meet a bunch of 'knights' (she heard someone call them the black knights of the wall) and see the beautiful order that protects them from the evil things beyond the wall but upon arrival is disillusioned, she thinks everything is grimy and mean and certainly no one looks like a knight, how could this be where uncle benjen lives... but then a singer in the mess hall sings brave danny flint for them and she's like wow showstopping beautiful amazing incredible. cut to someone telling her that the singer actually murdered three people and that's why he's at the wall. sansa: oh :///. singer: but i did it because i was protecting my little sister from being attacked! sansa: omg true knight confirmed <33
- arya meanwhile already thinking about disguising herself as a boy and joining the night's watch she's like wow what happened to danny flint was so sad but i could defff do that and not be caught i bet, rip to brave danny flint but i'm different. and she imagines up a whole scenario about how that would mean she could still be with jon and they'd go riding in the haunted forest and they'd practice swordfighting together and and :((
- at some point some ratty night's watch guy shows up like 🫡 lord stark it's an honor to serve you, i fucking hate wildlings and i love killing em and making sure they never get over the wall because they're trying to TAKE OVER westeros and steal our WOMEN!!! u know we're really just trying to prevent another bael the bard right lord stark nudge nudge. but ned is suddenly disassociating, having his 'promise me ned' ptsd moment. also another weird guy looks at sansa and laughs like ummmmm stay away from her
- they don't meet maester aemon (mutual preference—aemon is kind of wary about meeting robert's bff and also remembers the rhaegar and lyanna stuff, ned also doesn't want to meet him for the same reason 😈) but when jon mentions there's a targaryen at the wall arya and bran are like WHERE
- when they leave all the brothers are kind of cheering ned and they start cheering robb too as the next lord of winterfell. robb is beaming v happy about all this but it's cat's turn to feel uncomfortable watching a group of criminals call her son's name, something feels eerie about it and she wonders about the meaning of the wall and if there will in fact be a war with the wildlings
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ellzilla · 1 year ago
I like the silly Pokemon Parody Ark Ripoff game so here's my two cents if you're interested. Under the cut bc this post is long as fuck lol Also congrats Palworld for the 1.5 Milly player peak on steam, go you crazy ass indie game
After trying to find cute Palworld content on tumblr and seeing nothing but whining, it's surprising how many people hate this random ass indie game that was made on a budget of 10k? Like yeah the designs can be boring parodies with a handful of great original ones but the amount of people who are outright hateful's kinda.. odd? Like lads you can critique a game, it's designs and CEO without sending death threats to the developers right? Tumblr likes to steal from the rich so why is it bad when someone actually does? Anyway it's insane how there's people trying to prove the game stole assets from Nintendo and then compare models which. Are not the same poly and vertices wise? And even if it was, it's hard to take seriously when the poster is someone who admits they hate the game for... Animal abuse? Also insane how many people hate Palworld for the fact it has -human- slavery, Pals can do jobs for you 'so it's cruel' and has a certain Pal number 69 who's description is suggestive so the game's immoral and over all "trying too hard to be edgy" it's like. Since when do we police such topics in games of all things? Have you played games that aren't Baby's First Christian Game before? Scratch that because even shitty bad Christian games have harsher shit than what's in Palworld. Catching and selling ppl [who tried to kill you in the first place] in the game's exactly like catching 'mons and it's nowhere near as fucked up as Rimworld where you have to go out of your way to make prisons for people and, if you wanna be extra evil, you can extract their organs and sell them on the market n' nobody tried to cancel that game. In-game, Palworld discourages you from overworking your lil guys and asks you to make spas and beds and keep them well fed and to make sure they're medically sound and happy! Oh no! How cruel! I am asking my little teapot elephant to water my garden!!! Pokemon's also confirmed that people used to marry Pokemon in-lore and we have games like bg3 and DOS2 where. Um. Halsin is a bear in more ways than one yknow what I'm saying? also spider. Both pretty nasty and def not my cuppa but having a fit over a description in a game's kinda weird? Also for a game promoted on "Pokemon with guns" it is INCREDIBLY tame. Slavery is p-much "oh lol I can catch this guy. Anyway back to petting my fire fox :)" and put him in a box like any other creature bc who cares, videogame + the guy literally tried to Kill You. There's also no blood or gore or anything actually shocking tbh? Yeah there's guns but they're late game and you can literally chose not to deal with guns
Since when did we decide to yell at a game like the satanic panic of the original pokemon where ppl said it promoted cockfighting? Although it is fictional cockfighting gamewise, nobody cares because it's way more than that lol Also why does nobody complain that the game is literally ARK btw? Is it because ARK players don't give a shit or is it because some people will view a game and crit it for purely surface level assumptions with no nuance or understanding? Criticize it for lifting game elements from more than just pokemon, criticize it's CEO for being a regular ol' shitty CEO, criticize it's terrible official servers and buggy 'mon AI, but by all means do NOT spread false information and slander-ish claims against it jfc
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bengiyo · 8 months ago
Love Sea Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Tongrak and Mut started to have sex on the beach, but then Rak rushed them back to the hotel so he could write his thoughts out for his novel. Mut was understandably frustrated and went to take a shower, which of course ended in sex (but Fort showed ass!). Rak became possessive of Mut, and once again tried to use his money to lock Mut down. We had a great moment of Rak checking in about how out they can be, and the two shared insights into their histories. We learned that Rak sees his work as an outlet to express himself, and that Mut has worked his ass off to earn his place in this community as a respected leader. We ended on some trauma flashbacks underwater for Rak involving his father who abandoned them, and a friend who may have been pregnant. Meanwhile, Vie had Mook come over to clean up her house and eat with her in a flirting ritual that seemed to work for both of them.
Aya is really pretty.
This weird issue with the italicized subtitles not displaying on the TV apps is driving me insane. Why do I have to pull up the episode in two places now??
It rains a lot in Thailand, so I like when they incorporate it into the shows.
Chapter 3: Where the Sky Touches the Sea
It's nice to see that Rak is able to talk nicely with a friend. He and Vie feel like they've known each other for a while, and know what each is going through. I'm curious how deep we'll get into this tabloid drama Vie is facing.
Is Kwan Rak's sister? What's going on with their dad that they're scared about him showing up around the granddaughter? I thought he was out of the picture?
Wondering what Mut must be feeling after not seeing Rak for a few days now after that incident.
Mm, Rak reverting to be as rude as possible like it'll scare Mut away.
At least he apologized after relaxing for a little bit. I hope he opens up about what's got him so stressed.
Oh fuck yeah give me the lore. Rak's messed up because his mom poured all her money into a man who didn't love her back, and his and his sister's names are messages to him.
Let's bond over family problems.
Oh, I'm kinda into this "Try it while you're on the island" proposal.
Are they trying to mirror that with this fake girlfriend proposal?
I'm not keen on playing in the sea at night, but they do kiss well.
Why is he in that bed with a towel on?
Mut baiting Rak into being the big spoon is sending me.
Unsurprised that Mut is a conservationist.
I like that Mut acknowledged Rak getting up early to see the community meeting.
Oh they have Ja playing an actor who shoves his costar away immediately. How fun.
This joke about the length of novel titles feels like they're alluding to people missing the point of the novel because title is too cumbersome.
"I'm not bi." She and Lom should meet.
Mut seemed real nervous about Rak seeing how modest his home is.
Wow, Mut's dad sounds cruel.
Okay but Rak was even more turned on by the idea that the neighbors would hear them.
The timeline is a bit vague here.
I feel like we got here a little fast, but I kinda like the way Mut is chasing this feeling with Rak he wasn't expecting to feel.
I really like Mook.
I'm looking forward to seeing how both of these guys' issues with their families play out. I feel like.we.mkssed some things this week that didn't translate into the adaptation smoothly, but I like the idea of Mut reaching for something he didn't think he could have, and a cynic like Rak being taken by that earnestness. Also amused by Mook likely having a crush on Vie while missing that Vie has been flirting this whole time. I wonder what our Mut Exposition Fairy will do next week.
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gooselycharm · 2 years ago
hi there! i'd just like to say that your kris and noelle "something else" comic has been driving me insane /pos and i'd love to hear more of your thoughts on those two!! their relationship is one of my favorite things in deltarune and your comic just got everything about them so right 🙏
thank you for reading "something else"! oh man, [more of] my thoughts on kris+noelle.... i sure got some of those.
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this was one of the first tweets i made after finishing chapter 2 nearly... freaking 2 years ago. and basically i've just been saying that over and over again in different ways because i'm still not tired of the concept yet and probably wont ever be LOL. i'm obsessed with how badly the narrative wants to force them into an easily categorizable dynamic, especially the romantic one in snowgrave. the literal THORN RING, the more possessive dialogue options, spamton calling noelle a side chick LOL... it all creates this unnerving visual novel bad end atmosphere that feels manufactured by someone who's only ever learned about romance through secondhand sources. they're two queer teens trying to navigate their changing relationship with the only role models they know being their parents' own failed heterosexual marriages. they're so divorced² (divorced children of divorce).
i also like that for being so tragically doomed coded they can be funny! both in a dark humor way and also like, genuinely funny, like the stories of them as kids with kris covering themselves in ketchup and hiding under noelle's bed lmao. i mean there's even something funny about the romantic trappings of the snowgrave route, like trying to put wedding cake embellishments on a crime scene... you know, funny like kids trying on their parents clothes but they're too big and for some reason they're also crying and covered in blood? um.
i'm also SOOOO interested to see how snowgrave will continue in chapter 3! i really liked the hopeful note chapter 2 ended on (well. i took it as hopeful anyway). there's that bit where noelle is talking to herself and she says something like "recently kris has been acting so strange and no one else has noticed... i have to figure out why" and then kris jumpscares her LOL but i think i took that one line and really ran with it. noelle really is the one who knows kris best and despite how scared she is, she's still determined to help them... i like the little subversion of victim/hero going on, the implication that kris might be the one who needs rescuing.
the additional story/lore that came with the spamton sweepstakes made me CRAAAZYYYYY like my GOD... it's cute that noelle likes glitches/creepypasta when kris is kinda a walking creepypasta <3 also, god, noelle falling asleep listening to kris playing piano in the other room... there's so much like. wistfulness and nostalgia and this like... distant/detached intimacy packed into how noelle narrates that scene. it's kind of funny how much there is to dig into when like on a surface level they're just fairly regular childhood friends who grew apart LMAO they're extremely deep to me okay...
on another note i guess i do ship them? i like their dynamic whether it's platonic or romantic (the best is a weird mix of both 👍). it just can't be boring LOL like... this is one ship where trying to apply cookie cutter tropes to them really falls flat and the game is ahead of you on that anyway. in terms of romantically shipping them, i honestly don't think they're doomed to repeat patterns forever... i think they could actually be good for each other! but that's not really the aspect of their relationship that interests me akldjf;alk;sdg maybe i will make 60 page comic of kriselle going to couples counseling some other time
ANYWAY i'm going to cut myself off here, because i really could go on forever lol. i'll give you some links for further reading though
hellspawnmotel's deltarune art
lula pillowbug99's deltarune art
this art by raspbearis which features prominently in my internal kriselle bible
my own unfinished kriselle playlist
my own essay on gender & allegory in deltarune if for some reason u are not tired of hearing me talk yet
okay bye now & thanks again for reading my comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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megabuild · 5 months ago
dear scott, as someone who does actually enjoy owen's work outside of POW its genuinely infuriating that youre right about it being so corporate. it's baffling to me, because on one hand i do see the niche that they're trying to go for? it could be fun to have some more scripted smps, it could be fun to have little minigame dailies server events and such. but the way that theyre going about it is such a weird take on.......the art of storytelling? it seems to arise specifically as a take on fandom interaction as opposed to genuine interest in art. i love owen. i love his new life, and outsiders certainly did something to my brain tho i wouldnt necessarily say it's for everyone due to it's.... politics. but i think ultimately the problem with POW (and largely, Lore capital L in minecraft smps) is that it feels like an uncanny recreation of art as opposed to art for art's sake. i'm sure people will disagree with this, which i'm fine with, who am i to stop you. and i wouldn't say it's a moral failing, like, i'm not plato. so i just sort of heavily sigh and wait for my insane art friends to do something compelling with all that. love, evan
hi evan! i was holding onto this at first because i was hoping it would springboard me into actually explaining why pow comes across as so disingenuous even though i know that's not their intention and they're fully capable of making something good, but honestly, i am very tired and you summarised the entire thing too well to risk it gathering dust in my inbox. the way pow approaches storytelling reminds me a little of empires' take which came down to uncanny mimicry of whatever had the most likes in the fandom's tags, except instead of taking fan ideas pirates is so committed to telling a story it leaves very little space to play in? i think that there's scope for some sort of axis of dsmp-empires-rats/pirates (pick your poison as both had very flawed stories for completely different reasons)-qsmp irt smps that desperately wanted to acknowledge the love of storytelling that this fandom holds but ultimately failed for whatever reason, but i am too sleepy to think about any of that right now so it will have to wait for another day. love, scott
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hurlumerlu · 2 months ago
fanfic asks: 3, 14, 23, 25 (if applicable)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
I forgot this said "line/scene" and just went looking for lines, but given that most of my fics are pretty short it's probably more relevant anyway. Might sound weird, but I think it's that one:
The pool water barely ripples around him when he leaves, as though it likes him best.
Idk why I chose that one. I just like it! Your name's Ray and you're so unlovable your own pool prefers the other guy. Needless to say, it is not about the pool at all.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Almost all of them, actually. I had plans for specific fics last winter, and I did not finish any of them with the exception of Et les roseaux jaseurs. Everything after that? They're all surprises. (still, did not expect Sandray to grab me like it did. While watching the show I thought their romance was like. fine but predictable? I somehow did not realize it contained so many of the things I am deeply into until I was writing my longest fic yet for them. And then promptly proceeded to rewrite the same event from a different perspective. while agonizing over how much I love them and wether or not I was doing them justice. I am a clown.)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
I am so so so stuck in my Dan/Gram/Yok threesome fic. It has a pretty solid skeletton but, when it comes to the meat of it, it all always feel so disconnected. It doesn't help that it started as silly pwp crack I would have written for my wife, and then I started to have big feelings, because I always have big feelings about Yok ...and Gram ...and *anoyed sigh* Dan too. There's also the Gram/Black/Gene fic for which I've almost finished the first draft, like seriously, it's is almost done and I know exactly what I want to write in the part I haven't writen yet. So why am I not finishing that first draft? It's not like I don't think about it at least once a week. At this point I'm just looking at myself and going *dude. really?* and then shrugging in response. Then there's the weird Sandray fic I started on a whim where Sand suddenly wakes up as a kid when they both should be in their forties, and it's so out of my comfort zone in so many different ways (i usually have zero interest in age regression, i don't like writing kids, i started to write this directly on the computer and it worked but i never do that, it would be multi-chaptered) that I really want to write it whole but don't feel the confidence I kinda need to not lose steam. And then there's the fic of the Captain listening to Kant and Fadel fucking (bugged tattoo shop, you know how it is) in the most Kant and Fadel way possible. But that one requires some serious thinking on my part, and I haven't really done any. Pretty sure it would be called Carte Blanche, though.
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
So it is perhaps weird to say that everyone should read a fic in french since english's the internet's lingua franca, but pleaaaase let me shill for SayNevermore Ce que veulent les monstres. It is literally so good. I still haven't read even one chaper of Haikyuu!! and yet I love this fic so so so dearly. Japanese Golden Age of Piracy but with Broken Earth Trilogy-like monsters, that some people can mind-link with and control and it's this absolutely crazy bond where you kinda know where the other is always? And the monster is your weapon but it's also the other half of your soul? And the sea is slowly eating the world also? And the worldbuilding is incredible, and the lore so lovingly crafted and well-integrated into the plot, and the attention to little historical details helps make everything more real and there and visible? And the protagonist is insane but so endearing? And he's already so attuned to this tiny sun of a monster he keeps complaining about? And if none of this convinces you, listen. Listen. You could so easily put [REDACTED] into this univ- *GUNSHOT* (anyway for a fic in english, In this darkness, light me is also a fic with magic and monsters and an enticing lore that is cleverly delivered and I love how Sand POV is written and manages to tell us things about Ray that Sand doesn't actually notice or even things about Sand that Sand doesn't notice, or before he notices them, and last but not least the scenes where vampire Ray feeds on Sand are just hot, like, what do you want me to say)
Thank you so much!!! Wailing about fics I am not writing was very cathartic ^^
fanfic end of the year asks
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watcherwithathousandeyes · 1 month ago
So uh... No idea if this will get attention as I've been gone for a long flipping time, but my hyperfixation on Starkid is kind of back, but I don't have any jokes to post lol (I do I'm just too lazy to do them right now)
So I revamped some of my Hatchetfield oc's! From self inserts to mostly original!
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First off we have Tritorapoth, or as he was formerly known as: Jestorapoth. He's a Lord in Black oc, but in his lore the others kind of just... Forgot about him. So now Tri hangs out in the human world fucking people up lol (he's so forgotten that Webby is even surprised to see him)
Text translation: Tritorapoth
the one in threes
the Forgotten Lord in Black
Btw the human he's towering over is called Kasey (might redo her as well at some point lol)
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Next up we have Aria Knots! Formerly known as ViVi Goatman. They're also known as Cousin Aria (original, I know /s) they're a silly little guy and I like them.
Text translation:
Aria(na) Knots.
Serves the Lord's in Black, but favours Pokey
Found the Black Book in 2002, and went a little insane
Looks to be in their early 20s
Technically a part of the Hive
"Cousin Aria"
Chronically tired.
Aria: Ew
Webby: )::::
Wilbur: "Cousin Aria"? How original...
Aria: ✨
Aria, looking at Miss Holloway, thinking: Weird...
Aria ate a Wiggly doll during Black Friday
I love Aria they're so cute teehee. Also their last name is Knots because... Because Knots and Crosses... Like the game...teehee
Anyway, hopefully I'll be back with more money posts, goodbeye 👁️
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luminaryofblood · 2 months ago
Y'know despite how Mogh is a walking bloody controversy, I still like him a lot, to me, he's not a angsty edgelord even though he looks the part, trust me I have my fair share of edgelords and trust me these bitches are INCREASINGLY ANNOYING the more I see new variant of them, they always act like they're the victims and it can get so annoying, to me everyone is a victim of something but it gets honestly weird and dumb if they keep clinging on the victim complex ALL THE TIME
Mogh ain't the victim complex rather it feels to me that he's trying to grow out of that, to be better in his own twisted way, cuz having that complex is anything but good
I mean the Mogh treatment is similar to the Marika treatment, they're both in a position of being ridiculously criticized and having all kinds of stereotypical labels put on them by so many fans without a care of trying to understand their stories
Also hard to hate Mogh or Marika when all of the cast do questionable and outright insane things
I can't say my opinion is valid or that accurate, because I'm not that active in Elden Ring and do not exactly know too deeply about the lore, I'm way past my Elden Ring phase and I don't play the game even and have only been watching tons of vids of the work
But anyway I feel like everyone should try to look at the story in a less biased way and a normal way instead y'know trying to vilify any character who did anything remotely bad, I mean looking at stuff in a more gentle way just makes things a little less agonizing and less complicated cuz it's already complicated as it is, overalls I like Elden Ring cuz it does give into perspective on what can be wrong or right
The biggest, arguably the most infuriating thing about this whole feud is that there is a really large fandom that is convinced that Miquella can do no wrong; that Miquella had the right idea in seeking godhood and bewitching the masses; that Miquella was perfectly justified in bewitching Mohg, and Mohg deserved having his body desecrated, and Ansbach is a biased old man who's hellbent on revenge and is secretly trying to recruit us to his cause. And the amount of hostility they show really does mirror Leda's devotion, and they're constantly pushing it to the point where you're left thinking: "Crap, ya' know, maybe Mohg actually WAS innocent and Miquella's just the absolute worst" partially out of spite.
And it's NOT helped when there's another camp who has a very specific way of enjoying a character -- in this case, Mohg -- and like, I have no issue with HOW people enjoy the character, but I do not appreciate the attitude of "you're not a true fan of X if you don't enjoy X in this specific way. You only like him for the aesthetic. You don't truly grasp this character."
Like what the hell, what happened to the whole openness to Alternate Interpretation? Why is everything else fine to headcanon this way or that, but Mohg in particular is an incredibly hot topic -- like you can ONLY enjoy this character in this one specific way -- and I'm...
Rrrrrr I'm bloody frustrated! And, like, you'd think people would have settled down after the DLC -- No, they've only gotten worse!
That's all I'm saying, because honestly, I'm tired of this particular topic.
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cepn · 2 months ago
what or who is womb wizard?
the womb wizard is the person involved in this meme
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which i was actually there to witness as a matter of fact... they got into an argument with a mutual i had at the time about being a tcc blogger/horny for serial killers, the mutual sent them weird garfield pictures as a joke and they decided to curse their womb. funnily enough the womb wizard later had a total hysterectomy
people started digging and now i think they have a kiwifarms thread lol which a lot of tumblr users seem to skim to find dirt on them. fair enough because the womb wizard's story is super crazy. in 2010 they got chased off deviantart and banned from having a phone by their parents for grooming teenagers by pretending to channel the ghost of michael jackson and gaining their favour (they were all obsessed with him for some reason, not gonna judge them for it i get kids can be into weird random celebs)
keep in mind for timeline purposes, in the womb wizard screenshot they're like 28 and at the time of the michael jackson grooming thing they were in college. currently they're 36
they spend their days online bragging about being a social worker and community activist because they have a master's degree and a facebook page, they're also allegedly a norse pagan and druid with a close personal connection to most norse gods and goetic demons... and at the same time they're so stuck up and snobby it's actually unreal. they're like "i have a master's, i shouldn't have to work any kind of menial low wage job" after getting like fired from multiple places for violating patient privacy (photographing old people with dementia and posting them on their youtube and tumblr) and now they don't work at all, their teeth are all rotting and they're like "i don't want to be one of those nasty poor people with bad teeth"... and they constantly complain about the crackhead who lives in their building while also preaching online about Respecting Addicts. like girl you are such a hypocrite and loser. accept that your life sucks and either stop being judgmental or work to better yourself
there's like way more to this too like being engaged to the norse god loki, being in relationships with jeffery dahmer and richard ramirez (they're a medium who can access the astral realm and channel spirits, hence the mj grooming thing - btw they still to this day maintain it was actually michael jackson's fault the kids got groomed, but simultaneously argue he actually was not a pedophile irl), they're in the midst of a "pro-paraphilia" phase where they got chased off tumblr for like the third or fourth time for defending pedophiles and getting mocked by edgy tcc teens they tried to befriend. they jump around online like "i'm a paraphile!" when people talk about stuff like pedophilia and zoophilia and then when people get mad they're like "yeah i'm a hybristophile i'm sooo oppressed for wanting to fuck serial killers" which 1) totally different levels here 2) i think all these people should be locked up for various different reasons. anyway i digress
so like idk at some point i started to learn the womb wizard lore through osmosis and it's insane like decades worth of stupid shit happening on the internet and every once in awhile i'd just see bits and pieces and i got increasingly curious (i was actually a deviantart teenager at the time of the grooming incident and my sister and i vaguely remember seeing bits and pieces of the drama when it blew up lmao)... um it's like kind of sad that i know this much but i was unemployed for a little bit after graduating and reading their story did a lot to scare me away from my lazier tendencies lmao
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generic-sonic-fan · 5 months ago
in one of your fics, i think it was the funeral talk one with team dark? omega stated that he was going to go play "VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES" did he really play violent video games? if so what kind? if not violent video games, question still stands, what kind?
Oh he absolutely plays violent video games! They're one of the ways he satisfies his urge for destruction when there's no Badniks to destroy. First-Person Shooters are his all-time favorite!
Prepare for a long and rambly post beneath the cut:
He's a sucker for any DOOM game (except for DOOM 3, which is a little too stealth-based for his tastes) and his particular favorite is DOOM 2016! He loves the high-intensity action, he loves the more open-ended approach he can take to each arena, and he loves the gore!!! He also really enjoys how the only meatbag you're forced to interact with in the game is the insane antagonist who you're trying to kill.
(He knows that Doomguy is a meatbag, but he's deemed Doomguy to be in the special category of meatbag that Shadow and Rouge are also in. AKA Omega would be besties with Doomguy in an instant if Doomguy were real.)
Oh, and he also has the original DOOM 1993 downloaded directly on his own hard drive, so that way if he's ever caught having to wait he has something to do. He's gotten to the point where he's unintentionally speedrunning the game because of how many times he's played through it.
Another one of his favorite games is Ultrakill, duh. The movement was a little difficult for him to get the hang of- DOOM's slower run-and-gun style is more similar to his combat IRL and therefore more intuitive to him -but he's mastered it by now. He likes it for a lot of the same reasons that he likes DOOM- guns, gore, and no meatbags to be found. V1 is his personal idol honestly. He doesn't really care for the lore though, which is a shame.
Other games he's played are Halo and Gears of War:
Halo was like a 6/10 for him. It's a tad too slow for him. He actually skips all the cutscenes, which is hilarious. Ironically his favorite game of the series is Halo 5 because that game sped up the movement a little bit, made some of the enemies robots (yayyy destroying robots! his favorite hobby!), and allowed Cortana to go apeshit, which he was rooting for since day 1.
He considers Gears of War to be a puzzle game. (Which is. . . really weird if you know anything about this game.) You see, Gears of War is even slower than Halo, and it's based around a punishing cover system. You have to know when the best moments are to leave cover and shoot or advance forward. Omega plays it when he's in the rare mood for something more cerebral than "Enemies in front of me, must shoot them". He also skips all the cutscenes in this one because he finds all the human characters annoying. If he could turn off the squad member NPCs he would. He too participates in the time-honored Gears of War tradition of shooting Dom on accident because he looks just like a fucking enemy.
Some other games that he's tried but didn't like:
Titanfall 2. The gunplay was fun, but he fucking hated the story and the unskippable cutscenes. He hates BT and Jack Cooper with a passion- they're way too sentimental and whiny for him.
The Call of Duty series is. . . eh? He usually will play them when they come out, but it's a very rare one that he'll actually like. There's usually too many humans and the action setpieces are too tame for his tastes.
He has a love-hate relationship with the original Borderlands. The combat is a blast but the RNG weapons and the quest-taking format was never his favorite. He prefers more linear campaigns without the implication that the protagonist he's playing as is doing any kind of service for the local meatbag population.
And don't even talk to him about Borderlands 2+3. The characters are just too annoying for him.
Anyways, to finish off this long ramble of a post, let me talk about some other genres of games that he could at least sort-of like:
He can't stand normal puzzle games, but he watched a let's play of Portal 1+2 and immediately fell in love with GLaDOS.
Strategy games are off the table but he could be persuaded by a tower defense game. I think he'd like Defense Grid: Awakening if he ever had the patience to try it.
Other games where you cause wanton destruction could catch his interest, such as Kill It With Fire! (A game where you kill spiders. With machines guns and flamethrowers. Lots of fun.)
Minecraft, but only if he's playing on his friends' server, and only if he gets a diamond sword and TNT. He's the one blowing up villages because he thinks it's funny. He might have more fun on a modern patch with the new combat-focused trial chambers.
Among Us, with the friend group, because of course. He's a total troll even when he's not imposter because he thinks it's funny.
These are my headcanons for him! If you have any other games you think he'd like, you should add them onto this post :)
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bugslaststraw · 9 months ago
So because someone (@theblabarmy hope it's ok to tag) wanted to know. Um. I should make a self indulgent post about my brainchild on this blog. I guess. I have a side blog for her/sso related stuff (@vilda-ravenhill) but still. Hey.
So to preface Star Stable Online is an open world mmorpg about being the Chosen One horse girl who has to fight the bad guys. It's badly written but unfortunately really well concept'd. Got some good art direction. About half the character designs are ass and the other half are genius. Sometimes for the wrong reasons. The gameplay is fine. The fandom does nothing but complain and the creators are so sensitive that they keep listening to bad complaints just because they sound angry. It's got one hundred thousand lore retcons. There are books. The book lore doesn't match the game lore. It's a weird game. I've loved it since I was in like fourth grade and trying to survive being bullied so it's definitely special to me anyway ok more under cut this is long
It gets weird when it comes to the plot though. Cus, well basically it's like this: the whole plot takes place on a fictional island called Jorvik. Somewhere between Norway and England. Its its own country. Its rural and there's like one mall on the whole island. And on this island there are druids that know like actual nature magic and shit? And there's a nature goddess called Aideen, and she has a prophecy that four girls and four horses, called the Soul Riders, are gonna save the world or whatever. These Riders change with time when they get old and die and have to find new ones, but the Soul Horses reincarnate for some reason? Like they can remember their past lives and shit.
So there's this hippy nature cult around Aideen where some of the druids are devoted specifically to her and to training/protecting the Soul Riders, and they're called the Keepers of Aideen, okay. And each Soul Rider has a unique power with it's own symbol so there's like the Star rider the Sun rider etc and they do different things.
But as it turns out there's a secret second prophecy that says there's a FIFTH rider who's like super duper important and knows all FOUR magic circles and that's the player character. Who. Turns out. Is also reincarnating? Like you meet your own previous reincarnation in game and it's the dead mother of a character you already know. Star Stable is bad until it suddenly makes a U turn and does something really clever and there's so much potential and that's what drives me insane.
And there's also this other dimension called Pandoria? And it's got people in it too but Pandorians can't survive on earth because they're dearly allergic to time, yes, literally to time, and humans who stay in Pandoria for too long get very sick and their magical ability goes haywire. There's a pandorian on Jorvik who has created a bubble where time doesn't exist, and he just hangs out and occasionally tries to kill you.
There's also an in between void dimension full of literally nothing that you have to go through to get to Pandoria. Like it's The Void it's The Nothing it's The Fog. There are these magical trees that grow on Jorvik but that reach all the way into Pandoria through The Void and they've got a whole root system there. You can apparently get lost in The Void and never return. It's actual Limbo and it just hangs out there.
Oh and lets not forget the evil counter-cult masquerading as an equally evil oil company (sso has an environmentalist message) that have four DARK RIDERS and DARK HORSES and DARK EVIL VERSIONS OF THE GOOD MAGIC like Dark Sun and Dark Star I shit you not, and they worship an evil chaos god called Garnok who is Literally Just Cthulhu, and their leader is a little too into it for some reason, and also witches exist and they're sometimes evil sometimes not but also they're always evil but that got retconned because star stable is not a good game and keeps contradicting itself and never does anything with its potential or characters or story because it's bad okay holy shit Tumblr doesn't like it when I write this much text hold on I'm gonna continue in a reblog
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