#kind of dol related?
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porcelainebambi · 28 days ago
Seething with my little fists clenched at my sides as I sob and snot runs down my chin because I keep forgetting that Dolsville is in like fucking. The UK I think based on what people say??? But I'm very American, a fucking Texan yeehaw buddy, so I shake and seethe over the fact that I had such a southern gothic horror visual for so much stuff in the town but it's not like that because it's not in Texas where I just imagine everything to be because I'm a loser.
Like damn it i had so many mental images of freaky ass girls based in my own childhood memories and based on horror stuff people have made in the southern gothic theme. But now it feels out of place doing that because I don't know shit about the general UK area and I'm not gonna learn just for a porn game.
And I am not going to cope I'm gonna stay mad like a little bitch (I am not actually mad I am content and happy) and keep imagining my characters as weird southern freaks because why not.
If I can't imagine my dollies living in this overheated hellhole like I do then what is even the point.
If they are not trailer park trash in the shitty booty city what is even the point.
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Anyway hope y'all's days are going well I'm losing it over the stupidest thing possible.
Edit: Called Lilith European a while back but fuck that she's southern garbage like me
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hakusins · 29 days ago
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♡ PC Update ♡
Eri the Orphan -> Eri the Veil
In most common mythology/folklore, 'the veil' is often used in reference to the existence of a 'border' between two realities, one of the world of man and the other of the world of those beyond our comprehension. It is not exclusively meant to define a 'border' between worlds, but often the veil refers to the act of also obscuring things from other's gazes.
Auriga, the Dark Elk, the Violet Void - is the taint that threatens to corrupt and destroy the world as we know it. The source of all the depravity of the world and the main culprit to why the Town is the way it is. All that is natural is twisted into a perverted comedy all for the amusement of one cruel entity, and as of late - it threatens to come back into the World from whatever void it has been banished to. The cult of the 'Children of Auriga' has made it their life's mission to gnaw at the locks that keeps Auriga from coming back into their World to cause havoc. But how could they do so, when the 'veil' to Auriga is nowhere to be found?
That is because the 'veil' or also known as the 'gateway' is not a physical border that one can cross, but rather exists as a person. The person of interest that seems to have captivated everyone of the Town. The tether - the bridge for Auriga to find their way back into this world, through the body of one young woman whose dealt the worst hand by the fates. Eri, the Veil of Auriga. The Seed of Ruin. Auriga's Future Vessel.
Edit: ALMOST FORGOT!! big thanks to my good friend Lee for picking out Eri's new title!!!!
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pip-n-chips · 2 years ago
feeling extra feral today.
who wants to beat the shit out of each other and make out afterwards
I'm not good with my fists yet but I'm a biter
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foone · 9 months ago
AAA games? Pfft. Indie games? Double pfft.
I only play games from the alternate history where Hillary Clinton was elected in 2008 and banned all video games. You can only imagine how weird their underground gaming scene is. People like to call unlicensed games "bootlegs" but they've got actual bootlegged games! I've played games about helping your grandmother in hospice care realize she's a lesbian by reading Sappho to her, at 2am in a speakeasy in Baltimore. The cops raided it the next night, hundreds of Gamers were arrested. They posted pictures all over Friendster of the Baltimore PD destroying the arcades with axes.
I nearly got busted once because I was imaging old disks from a 386 and someone tipped off the gaming cops that there was a copy of Commander Keen in there. I had to prove that I didn't know it, I was imaging the disks blind and then indexing them later, and I would of course turn over any contraband to the proper authorities.
I was already on a watch list because I'd been known to have some gamedev-related activities pre-ban. They can't arrest me for making games back in 2007 when it was still legal, but they do want to keep an eye on me since I have the skills to break the law.
Anyway that universe's bootlegs are mainly PC games. Can't really have console games if there hasn't been a console release since the Wii/PS3/360 era. At one point Nintendo threatened to release the Wii SDK so game devs in the US could make unlicensed games, but that didn't happen as there were quickly no functional Wiis left in the US, except for very rare holdouts that never move. PC games are easy to distribute samizdat and hide on a USB stick or CD-R labeled "nickelback".
Japan's games industry is still going, so the later Nintendo and Sony consoles still exist, but Microsoft got out of the business of course. They sold the franchise to Sega who were hoping to release the 360 successor (the Xbox One in our universe) as the Sega Phoenix but it never materialized, either through their own financial incompetence or because of pressure from the US. There's a lot of international treaties that the US has pushed "and this aid only goes through if you ban games" clauses into. That would have been an official UN resolution if the USSR hadn't vetoed it. For once, thank God for the security council, eh?
I mainly get my gaming news through Japanese gaming sites (through a set of VPNs, since they're blocked at the border firewall), and some tor onion site run by a weird guy in Minnesota who is obsessed with documenting all the underground US games.
There's a lot being worked on, but it's always a tricky trade off. Too much attention and the police might be able to track down the creators, and it's basically impossible to fund underground games, as the VISA/PayPal etc funds get seized immediately. There's a whole task force for that.
Anyway one of the weirdest differences between our two time lines is that they've gone back and edited out gaming from a bunch of movies. Those that they can, of course. War games was just banned because they couldn't remove the tic tac toe ending. The Net just removed the scene at the beginning where she's playing Wolfenstein 3D, by recording some new screen footage and a new voice over. She's fixing a spreadsheet in the new edition.
(Yes, I've seen The Net from this alternate timeline. On Laserdisc, of course. I'm just that kind of person!)
They even edited Star Wars. You know that scene where R2-D2 is playing holochess with Chewie? They edited it to be a board game instead of holograms, because that made it too "video gamey".
Technically it's not illegal to show gaming in a movie, but it needs to be an 18+ film and you have to show the deleterious effects of gaming and/or the gamesters coming to a bad end.
This has affected films less than you'd think, to be honest. They were never great about showing video games even before they banned them.
Anyway, go have fun playing your AAA games with hundred-million-dollar budgets. I only play indie games made by people under a constant threat of arrest for their art.
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hakusins · 1 year ago
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I heard you wanted to do things to me. Why don’t you show me in the prayer room, hmm?
@hakusins you’re welcome u3u
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strange-guy-in-the-forest · 4 months ago
harper appreciation/analysis rant
i think harper would hate anything that would make them feel weak or vulnerable BUT they would get turned on by it. they'd be mortified but also grateful for the unique experience then go jerk off about it or maybe make their patients re-enact it for them.
i also don't think they mind appearing weak. they are after all just a humble doctor who takes on tough cases like traumatized orphans, not a mayor or high elk or whatever, despite being a skilled hypnotist. as long as they feel in control in a situation, it doesn't bother them. probably because they think they're the smartest person in the room and out-scheming everyone else.
they're also just, so, so, so. all of the harper love points are gotten through being sexually receptive to harper, in situations where harper is in complete control. harper is vulnerable when they're overtaken by lust! they're stuttering and no longer the logical doctor so it makes sense that they'd much rather enact their lust through voyeurism + masturbation where they don't have to look like a fool. or they only enact it on people (cough cough orphans, the insane) whose opinions don't really matter. harper feeling affection for a pc who sees them in this maximally-controlled vulnerability and is responsive to it, is just, cute.
im sorry-not-sorry but harper is an evil monster but an adorable pathetic evil monster.
but like the patheticness doesn't detract from the scariness and that's like the best part! harper is deeply bitchless BUT you're going to be their bitch whether you like it or not. and, you will like it soon enough.
i just love the combo of them being this evil pervert with a need for control. they are so excessive in their lust and it's just boiling under this professional persona. like you can guilt Harper over the fact that they're a doctor into not abducting PC! they do seem to take actual pride in their work, it's not a complete farce. they're very against even letting other people directly force PC to do things. the elk cult seems like it's existed in some form for a long time, i wouldn't be surprised if harper's thought the cult was inevitable and that they were being a good person by hypnotizing sex slaves into enjoying it, so everyone's happy.
harper actually considering morals in their actions is just the cherry on top. im trying to avoid referencing the q&as as those aren't canon, but vrel has said that harper has a code of ethics and that harper's greatest flaw is that they don't do the right thing when no one's watching. like you're telling me harper feels GUILT when they're being a shameless rapist. that's fucking delicious. like their giving into their lust not only overpowers the ability to appear professional and intelligent it also causes them to loose their actual morals. like the guy who is trying to get people to give up their minds to lust is actually also giving up their mind to lust too! that's like the one morally consistent thing harper does actually!
and i dont think sexual abuse occurs because people "give into lust" or whatever, you can just get a dildo (at sirris' shop! but this isnt going to turn into a sirris post). harper's abusing their institutional power because they can get away with it. but this analysis is in the context of a game where there is evil magical horny corruption. though, i will say institutional violence is a big theme in dol, especially in relation to harper.
i just love the tension between harper's intelligent kind professional persona and their animal lust. the lust threatens to overwhelm this doctor who i think actually thinks of themselves as kind and intelligent. it's just we see pc's POV where they are cruel to the "lessers" of society. they are in a situation where they can abuse anyone and in a way their freedom to give into their lust, controls them! honestly, it probably scares them, going back to them feeling out of control from their lust. it's why they're a voyeur and why they prefer their sexual partners hypnotized or drugged.
harper isn't trying to fuck pc, they have these ethics where they think turning PC into a happy brainless slut is the right thing to do but they understand its wrong to take advantage of their patients, but they just can't help themselves to have some of pc too. and so them abusing their power to have sex with pc is also, a vulnerability and corruption of their self.
anyway i feel like im reaching and/or repeating myself now so this is all to say:
Harper is both very powerful and very vulnerable when they're lusting over PC and so PC should fuck them in the ass and take their virginity. 😋😋😋
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terminal-doll-theatre · 1 month ago
I've been working on kind of a Increased Violence Horrory AU based kinda loosely on Degrees of Brutality in the idea of it, but in a Doing My Own Thing way,,,, I decided to set it in the 1930s for Depression reasons since that seemed thematically fun for a DoL related thing, so uh. yea. here's my silly OC designs for that AU with some notes on what they're Up to there
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the gang gets a little Silly
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malkaleh · 18 days ago
Anyway in a effort to like, just ignore somewhat the fact that I’ve had one actually restful sleep session in the past three weeks I’m going to do some Gold Cages Fic. But first here, have some headcanons about my own AU! (Feel free to add on @themalhambird @plotdesigner <3333)
The first few days in Lindon absolutely none of them believed it was real basically. Because it can’t be. Because if they believe it and then it isn’t, it will destroy them and they’ve had dreams of home before.
The five of them have their own coping mechanisms/strategies now and also their own kind of language because they had to weave something together that Sauron wouldn’t know. But it means people look at them strangely, because What Is Going On
(The moment Adar really knew Celebrian was So Right for Elrond is when she learns it)
Gil-Galad just having a complete fucking sob because Elrond flinching away from him. Galadriel flinching away from him in a way that makes it clear exactly what had happened to them both. Celeborn holding it together by a very very small thread. Celebrimbor just also flinching but sure he’s going to be punished and then breaking down and asking the High King to please please he knows he doesn’t deserve it but can he get it over with.
Dissociation Hours. Also Galadriel and men who aren’t the other four.
All of them really really need to be outside a lot. Also the Havens really really help a lot (and so does Dol Amroth cc @nocompromise-noregrets because ocean and light and warmth ).
I uh, The Injuries. Because when I say Sauron treasured them and was gentle etc he was but also He Marked Them. I have a list of stuff in my head (major TW so under the read more)
They all have something like brands/tattoos on them - Elrond on his back (I think), Celeborn on his arms, Galadriel on her stomach and Celebrimbor has a lot of scars everywhere + his thumb but there are a lot of scarily beautiful scars on his hands.
Physically all of them are actually pretty…like Fading Threat Real because being in the place they were is not good for anyone but for elves it’s…there’s that and also eating and drinking is a struggle.
Trying to cut their hair (Celebrimbor and Elrond) and not being able to).
Elrond getting really sick with a human illness in Numenor - after effects still lingering (asthma related complications).
Celebrimbor and chronic pain.
(I won’t get into the sexual assault related stuff but uh yeah, That. Because when I say Sauron was ‘gentle’ he was but they are still sore and there is still damage to fix because when he wanted to Possess it was…yeah.
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dol-dogboy · 13 days ago
Nsfw ask meme this time!! Ft. Percy, Bowie, and Damon <3
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After doing the sfw ask meme I knew I had to do this one too, so yeag :)
-> warning for typical DoL themes, I forgot what exactly though because this shit got so long I forgot what I wrote whoops!
1. What’s their position in bed? (top, bottom, vers, sub, dom, etc.)
Dominant top!! They are a megalomaniac through and through, he needs to be the one in total control during sex at all times— if he ever does bottom then it’s in a ‘bottoming from the top’ sort of way…
… Unless they’re in heat. That’s the ONLY time they’ll ever sub for Anyone and even then he’s bitching about it the whole time
Submissive top leaning switch, likes bottoming and topping equally but. Well. People see his dick and are like I GOTTA have a piece of that
Vers switch, leans dominant in most encounters though since he used to be wholly submissive all the time. Making up for lost time yknow??? True submission from him nowadays is very difficult to experience, unless he’s in a vulnerable mood with someone he trusts deeply
2. What turns them on/off?
Hooo boy lessee, turn ons subject to change my memory is shit sooo just consider this a blanket vibes list, might do a more in depth posts abt their kinks at a later date wink wink nudge nudge
✅: Sadism (ofc), Knifeplay, Fearplay, Bloodplay, Dacryphilia, Humiliation (giving), Voyeurism, Predator/Prey, Stepping, Kicking, Biting, I’m just gonna start listing acts of violence by accident but well I mean it’s accurate—, Enjoys being worshipped
🚫: Pretty much take most of their turn ons except make it done to them that’s their turn offs, also feminization/misgendering/etc, that’s a one way street to getting him to despise you
✅: Humiliation (receiving), Praise, Degradation, Size difference, Groping, Orgasm denial, Voyeurism/Exhibitionism, Overstimulation, Cumplay, Breeding, Pregnancy (<- sooo embarrassed by this esp with partners that don’t want kids 😭)
🚫: Having his arms specifically pinned or tied up freaks him out, degradation/humiliation that veers into a genuinely mean territory
✅: Humiliation (giving), Bondage, Dacryphilia, Intoxication (all kinds <3), Voyeurism/Exhibitionism, Biting/Marking, Collars, Petplay (to a point), Overstimulation, Size Difference, Marathon sex, Dumbification, Somnophilia, Tentacles, Corruption kink but it makes him feel guilty, Roleplay except he does Not take it seriously and he’s giggly the whole time, Gap moe <3
🚫: Hypnotism. Used to like it but shit happens and now it’s just an annoyance (could maybe be convinced to try it out again in the far future though), also something that doesn’t necessarily make him flaccid but does really take him out of sex is calling him stuff like ‘pet’, (dog related stuff is fine!) ‘doll’, ‘toy’, etc
Universal 🚫: Daddy/mommy stuff, any sort of -cestplay really, Piss/Scat/etc., Bestiality ig they probably never ponder the idea of that ever happening since I have it turned off, for a game about being raped none of them really like that very much 😔
3. How long does it take for them to climax?
A While. Perks of having a low libido, since that just means he can hurt you longer <3
Cums stupidly fast during his heats and it humiliates him
It depends? Usually very fast though, if he’s trying his veryyyyy best to be a good boy and not cum without permission then he will try his damndest to only cum when he’s told to (with mixed results, he’s just so sensitive <\3)
Another depends!! Sometimes he’ll draw things out to be a tease, but he also cums faster when he’s intoxicated, so it rly depends on the scene and setting tbh
4. Most sensitive part(s) of their body?
… Their cunt, to their own chagrin. Being inside them brings out things during sex that Percy would Never show otherwise
His boobs and his dick (probably has something to do with the underground farms gel thing), can ABSOLUTELY cum solely from having his boobs played with
Made his nipples hypersensitive when I started up his save bc hehe <3, messing with them is the easiest way to get him worked up he Will jump you if you tweak them a bunch
5. Easiest way to seduce them?
Cry when he beats you. Like full blown bawling, he wants it to be as ugly and raw as possible— for more of a slowburn he just likes meekness in general
Emphasize your chest around him, whether that be by wearing a low cut top, going into positions where he sees as much of your chest as possible, etc. Doesn’t matter how little boob you have his eyes are going as wide as saucers
Loves a fellow tease <3 being able to fall into a back and forth of flirting is just so fun to him, it certainly endears you to him pretty fast— also, for more hyper specific scenarios, someone who is usually more stern or serious either softening or perking up when they see him gets him throbbing INSTANTLY (gap moe fetish 😔)
6. How often do they masturbate?
Maybe once a week? Two sometimes? Just ain’t a high priority for them
Well! Well. Well…. Every day. Multiple times a day. Especially if he hasn’t gotten milked in a while then he’ll spend like an hour just milking and cumming, He Hates It
Not a lot, maybe once a week. Whenever he wants to inflict psychic damage on a partner/situationship. Sorry losers he’s actually out laying pipe and getting bitches
7. What’s their favorite position?
Scissoring or any position similar to it, generally likes having either one or both of his partners legs over his shoulders so he can see how far they can be pushed down before they start saying that it hurts (gets a little disappointed if they’re very flexible)
Any position where he’s being ridden, and if he’s being penetrated then hm…. Whatever position requires the least amount of flexibility, I’d say push his face into the bed but then you wouldn’t be able to see his pretty tears :(
How can he choose a favorite when they’re all so beautiful…. Supposes that he does have a special fondness for doggy style, either way <3
8. How did they lose their virginity?
Forest. Black box for Landry. Two guys showed up. They’d really rather not think about it too hard
First punishment for not paying Bailey, some dogboys in an alleyway… there’s a reason he doesn’t like his arms pinned
He forgor (said in a very serious tone)
9. Favorite place to have sex?
Has a fondness for floor sex of any kind anywhere, though if he’s actually involved in sex (and not just like. Beating the shit out of you) then he wants it in private
If asked he would say in the bedroom, but that 6/6 exhibitionism stat says otherwise !!!
That prayer room is his favorite room that has ever existed
10. Ever been caught having sex or masturbating?
No, since technically beating people up isn’t sex
Yeah . Technically not masturbating but the amount of times he’s came in public Haunts Him
Probably, not like he cares though lmaoooooooo
11. Are they loud or quiet?
Quiet in terms of noises but they are a YAPPERRRRRR they cannot shut the fuck up about how much you suck when you have sex with them. During their heats though???? Has to make an active effort to not start whining and whimpering at the slightest touch
Crying, sobbing, whimpering, moaning like a porn star, whining, begging— I think you get the idea you Will have to manually shut him up yourself
Another fuckin’ yapperrrr he refuses to shut up during sex, teasing and degrading and praising constantly, with certain partners he’s certainly trying to challenge them to shut him up. In terms of noises he’s actually pretty quiet, mostly just shaky breaths and groans, though he absolutely can be louder if you’re into that <3
12. Do they own any sex toys?
Heavy are the hips that wear the strap. Also mostly has toys for sexual torture reasons, also an emergency dildo for himself cause sometimes fingers ain’t enough
Breast pumps for the milkers, sheepishly bought Alex a strap once, vibrator for when he’s gotta get those cream buns MADE!!!
I can’t make an itemized list of sex toys when my brain is at half mast but yes he has a lot, primarily collars and ropes are his favorites, but he does have some hands on toys for enhancing sex— and since you can buy them at the sex shop in game I’ll include the fact that he Always has aphrodisiacs on him. Sometimes he just pops em for goofs
13. Do they prefer giving or receiving?
Both? Giving in terms of pain and generally being in control, receiving in terms of you lapping at his cunt or licking his boots, as he rightfully deserves in his mind
Receiving lmao he can be a lil bit of a pillow princess at times, if you Tell Him to put in some more effort then he will though
No preference <3
14. How often do they have sex?
Depends on who they’re with really, Kylar is pretty needy but even then it’s only like… twice a week. Beating people up is a near daily thing however and that’s even better than sex so—
Also depends on who he’s with !! There was a while there where he and Alex were having daily creampies happen so truly he can go daily. Even multiple times a day. Please
Every day as per the tf lifestyle, sometimes he can just legitimately forget and get seared with holy light at night though. And yet he never learns 😔
15. Their biggest sexual desire?
Ask vers here !
To have someone completely at his mercy, bleeding and crying because of the pain HE inflicted. To be wholly in control of the situation, to have someone’s life held solely in his hands…. Yeah they’re pretty normal about that
He wants to get teased and denied so much he’s writhing and crying in overstimulation, particularly with his sexual partner sitting above him, only juuust barely brushing against his dick— biggest desire is getting his ass bullied basically!! But then being pampered even though he’s the one that just rearranged his partners guts
That would be like choosing a favorite child for him… maybe it’s flustering and embarrassing someone who’s usually all big and strong? Orrr being hopped up on aphrodisiacs so every touch feels ten times more intense? Super long marathon sex until someone passes out? So many decisions…….. or maybe it’s that he wants to be intimately held and loved and finally be able to trust someone with his full submission but he’s shovin’ THAT one down into the deepest pits of his mind!!!
16. What’s the best term to describe your OC sexually?
Vengeful Sadist, the game really hit the mark with that one
Crybaby sub
Boytoy except he isn’t fully jiving with it
17. Their bra or dick size?
I do not know the sizes of bras or dicks at a glance but yknow. I’ll try my best !
‘Budding’ itty bitty boobs. I’m talking those cute lil mosquito bite boobs (they would hate if you pinched their boobs but I personally am advocating for pinching their boobs pls). They got clitoromegaly so their clit is a lil smaller than the size of a thumb, I’d say 2 inches or so long??
Enormous boobs and dick, boobs are big enough to have serious heft when held, dicks big enough to make you go “oh their poor hole…” about whoever he’s fucking. It’s definitely bordering on a foot
Flat chest, large dick, he takes dick enhancement pills because he thinks it’s funny. His dick is far more manageable than Bowie’s but still big ! Six inches maybe? Bigger? Idk
18. What do they think about when they masturbate?
Ask vers here !
They don’t masturbate very often, but whenever they DO it’s usually after they just got worked up beating someone up… so usually he’s just thinking back on how absolutely helpless they looked, the blood dripping down their face, etc etc
A lot of things really, but the biggest one is just… imagining someone’s body, particularly their chest, just playing that visual over and over in his head makes him so insanely horny. He’s the most likely to jack it over porn mags out of the trio
Surprisingly doesn’t jack off as much as you’d think, after all he can just go out and fuck someone whenever he wants to……. He does like stealing fuckbuddies/partners clothes and jacking off while wearing em though, for ultra pervert points, plus it always get a very.. fun reaction out of whoever he does it to when they find out <3
19. What’s their sexual orientation?
When told the definitions for certain orientations, the only one who would choose to label himself is Bowie, who is pan! Percy and Damon don’t really care about labels like that (tiring for the former, confusing for the latter), so they’re both unlabeled queers! They just do whatever they want always
20. What’s their favorite thing to do sex-wise?
Stepping probably, he loves those damn boots y’all—
Creampie-ing honestly. Either way it just happens more with him in someone else, but him getting creampied would rewire his brain
Loves oral, big oral fixation, something he finds hot either way but he does have a slight preference for being collared and performing oral on his partner, and the only way he’s allowed to get off is by humping at their leg <3
21. Weirdest place they’ve had sex?
Kylar loves fucking them in alleys
Barn probably
Tentacle plains, weird But he loves it
22. Their favorite place on the body to be kissed?
Inner thighs (Not on his scars), something about the soft fondness in worshipping him makes him. Feel weird in a way he doesn’t like thinking about
Cheeks or forehead, it’s so sweet it makes him emotional
Neck and lips! It’s romantic… makes him fall into the small fantasy that he’s capable of loving and being loved for a moment
23. Worst sex experience?
See answer 8!
See answer 8 as well!
Hm. Sex with Harper at the asylum. Both the best and the worst. The best in the moment, he felt so loved and appreciated… but after the fact he realizes that he was appreciated only for being an interesting subject. He wasn’t really anything to him. That makes him feel empty inside.
24. Have they ever orgasmed more than once in one go?
During that time with the two guys in the forest yeah, but during regular sex he most certainly wouldn’t unless it was Very Long
He has the orgasm addict trait I think that’s answer enough. He’s never fully satisfied only cumming once during sex, he’s came ten times in one go for his chef job lmao
Yeag <3 he loves overstimulation and marathon sex soooo much he loves going until either he or his partner have been fucked stupid
25. How often do they think about having sex?
Ask vers here !
If you go by Percy’s definition of sex which includes stuff like ‘breaking someone’s nose by kicking them in the face’ then it would be quite a bit… but, like, traditional pants off sex? Ehh like twice a week, maybe three, they have a surprisingly low libido for someone living in doltown
… Like once or twice a day, maybe even more if he’s pent up, but he’s completely humiliated by it. He has to jerk off daily because he can’t stop thinking about it… its a Problem
If you leave him to his own devices then he will inevitably start thinking about having sex. It’s both in his lustful nature and also just kinda required for his incubus lifestyle, just part of his stream of consciousness now it’s normal for him
26. Are they self-conscious about any part of their body?
Teeth 100%, was drilled into their brain when they were younger that their teeth are ugly and it still takes him a lot of effort to not instinctually cover his mouth when smiling
Everything <3 there’s not a single thing about his body that he can’t find something to be insecure about
In particular though? Mentioned before but his heights a big one, also deeply insecure about his tits for a variety of reasons (leaking milk is humiliating, everyone keeps on thinking he’s a woman, everyone Always points them out, etc)
No not really, all of his self consciousness is aimed at the inside— other than like, sometimes he gets a little frustrated with his height purely because he has a lower strength threshold so protecting people he cares about is a bit harder, but even then 99% of the time he likes his height
27. How long does sex normally last with them?
Depends. They can have torture sessions that go on for hours if they’re feeling manic and/or furious enough for it
Whatever you want ! But like he can go for sooooo long if you’ll let him 🥺 pretty please? 🥺
Note answer 24, this can literally last several hours if you can match his freak. Even if you or he passes out there’s always the permission there to Keep Going until BOTH of you are down
28. Are they serious during sex or do they like to laugh?
Pretty serious, if they get into their own head and start babbling degrading shit then they start to get a bit more maniacally giddy over the whole thing
Depends on the mood being set, but usually he falls pretty squarely into the role of weepy submissive on his own, can get giggly if the sex is softer <3 it’s real cute
The sillayyyyyyyyyy, unless he’s gotten firmly into the role of mean dom then he is a silly lil bastard he’s cracking jokes and making fun the whole time, sex is Supposed to be nice and fun and chill to him so damnit he’s gonna make it nice and fun and chill!!
29. Wild-card. Give us a fun fact!
He’s got a thick bush and happy trail, and when they’re older they get a harrier chest and arms too, I love body hair <3
Closest thing to him domming is sometimes when he reallllly wants to please his partner he’ll just press their back to his chest and fingerfuck their brains out, all while probably groping at their chest with the other hand, it’s like the horny spirits overtake him and he’s just humping against their back babbling about how he’s doing a good job right? You feel good right? Pretty please tell him he’s good he’s so hard please—
Gets weird possessive streaks where he can’t help but just maul his partners neck with bites, just gets the urge to mark ‘em up randomly when he’s usually pretty lax about ‘possession’ stuff
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anghraine · 5 months ago
Normally I would not crowdsource my editing decisions or put any poll related to (my) original fiction on my fandom account. But (you had to know it was coming) there's an issue I've been contemplating with two possible solutions, and I've been trying to decide which would be less confusing for people. And I truly don't know, because I tend to be confused by very different things than other people!
It finally occurred to me that I could simply ask the SF/F readers who follow me, since I know you're out there. But it's purely a personal favor to me and not at all an obligation, of course.
Scenario: you're reading a novel set in a more or less conventional fantasy secondary world—a bunch of made-up countries, cities/towns, and cultures, a large cast with different agendas and fantasy names, occasional conlang words, etc. One particular location encountered early on is a stronghold within a larger region ruled from that stronghold.
For an obvious example: in my beloved Gondor, we essentially see both options—
Originally, Minas Ithil was the stronghold attached to the region of Ithilien. Minas Tirith was Minas Anor, the stronghold attached to the region of Anórien.
Meanwhile, the powerful region of Belfalas is ruled from the stronghold of Dol Amroth (hence the title of Belfalas's lord: Prince of Dol Amroth).
I'm not asking you to state an absolute preference for one kind of name over the other—both are common IRL and in fantasy. I'm just curious about whether it's helpful to you personally, while you're still early in a novel of this kind, to have some obvious link between the unfamiliar names of the larger region and the stronghold to remind you of the association between them ([Region] City, New [Region], [Region] Castle, etc). Or is it more helpful for the names to be entirely distinct so you don't confuse the stronghold and the larger region it's in?
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 5 months ago
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Guarding Alliances
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Status: Complete (4/4)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor | Kingdom politics | Political Alliances | Established Relationship | BAMF Bilbo Baggins | Thranduil is a jerk | but he has his reasons | Bilbo & Thranduil Adventure | Bilbo still finding trouble
Summary: Bilbo Baggins, Ushmar Uzbâdu and newly engaged to the King of Erebor, must now face a challenge of a different kind: a manipulative Elf King. However, with his own brand of finding trouble and getting out of it again, Bilbo may just be able to get to the heart of the matter and improve relations between their kingdoms forever.
New Chapter: Chapter 4- A True Guardian of Kings
“I assume you have a plan?” Thranduil pestered him for the umteenth time. 
“I’m working on it.” Bilbo grit out.
Thranduil pursed his lips but didn’t utter another word. Bilbo could see he was hurting. His leg injury was no joke, and the orcs weren’t about to take it easy on them. Sometimes speeding up to a jog until Thranduil would fall over. Then they would drag him back to his feet and begin their march again. 
The problem was, they were outnumbered, they had no weapons, and even worse, Bilbo had lost his clever little ring. In fact, he had gone nearly maniac when he realized that fact until an orc bashed him over the head with its fist. There was still an itching under his skin that demanded he go back, but he needed to bide his time. His sword, on the other hand, was hanging from the lead orc’s belt. He took one look at it, gave Bilbo a long assessing look, before stuffing it in a spare loop. Bilbo didn’t know what that meant just yet, but he had a feeling he was going to find out. 
Dol Guldur stood in the distance, a dark looming ruin, promising evil things. However, the orcs stopped a little ways outside the fortress. Where the webs were still thick in the trees. 
“Bring the little one forward!” The orc in the lead ordered.
Bilbo cursed and struggled, Thranduil almost looking worried for him, as he was brought to the front and thrown to the ground.
“Ugzaul!” The orc cried into the woods. “We have brought your Stinging Fly!”
For more of this chapter, please click the AO3 link above!
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porcelainebambi · 21 days ago
This was originally meant to be me talking about some reblogged photos being a lot like younger Lilith but my brain spewed all over the keyboard. SO I deleted the first one cause it made no sense to keep as a reblog to me. Just didn't look right.
Don't mind me y'all I'm just yapping because I have an hour before work. Don't expect any of this to make sense meow.
This is Lilith before she got traumatized crazy style she used to be a little pookie pie. Her nickname is Apple and has been for a pretty long time I just never mention it cause it's not important. My little girl failure America girl who isn't even American she was always meant to be like Chinese-Latino and occasionally European-ish if it fit the story I was working on. She's my honey honey and I am not going to shut the fuck up about her when I get off work because then my spring break begins.
Before she became an adult woman whore she was very cute girl in little dresses with ribbons in her braids and playing with roadkill. She still is that same girl just a little less childish because now she's adult and adults trying hard to be naive cute little girl has always kinda annoyed me. Like girl what you're 28.
I like her parents because they're normal good people (I am lying) up just dead now. Or in jail maybe who knows all that needs to be said is for a long time she was alone wandering around in her little cowboy boots and trying to eat roadkill. Could definitely yap about my Dollieverse bailey and the weird relationship those two had and their weird terrible little conversations they had but he's so far removed from canon while also still being him.
Everything I make is an au that exists strictly in the Texas Dollieverse because I don't like stepping in the way of other people's stories who have been into Dol longer than I have. Feels disrespectful even if anyone can do whatever they want with these characters. I like to keep it nice and organized and sectioned apart with little bridges in between.
Two kids fucked up in the head wandering down big empty roads to seek out dead armadillos to touch and melting asphalt getting stuck to their feet. One of my favorite childhood memories right there. Me and my siblings used to wander up and down the roads forever barefoot and getting that black gunk all over our feet. Our mom would make us sit on the edge of the tub washing our feet off in hot water but we would keep doing it anyway.
Walking along railroad tracks and taking big metal nails to sell at the scrapyard, living in shitty trailer parks, almost being shot by people, hiding in the doghouse to kiss, the amount of pit bulls owned. I love pit bulls so much fuck anyone who talks bad on them I hope you get food poisoning. Sweetest dos I've ever owned were pit bulls meanest one was a cat who thought he was a dog. Fuck that evil cat Toby he was one of the most aggressive animals I ever met bro was like that since birth. Genuinely just an evil animal who wanted everyone dead.
I love the lore behind their relationship and the fact that Lilith would be a romanceable character, but it is insanely hard to do and would take like one in game year to actually get anywhere unless you're like,,,an adult man or woman which many PCs and others are not. Her special trait would be memory because she loses majority of it every time she dies. Better make yourself a very important person in her life or have a ton of photos if you want her to remember you. If she likes you enough she'll obsessively study you and make a binder full of information so she never forgets you.
She has a surprisingly normal relationship to her fellow teachers because her day job still is being an art teacher at the local highschool. I think they'd view her decently normal too despite being aware that she's been alive a long time and has stopped aging. It's like what can you really do about it this town is crazy. She wants Doren so bad she needs him or she'll actually disintegrate and he has occasionally given into her patheticness because she is a real adult unlike many
Angel can now have both her favorite teachers in one place and she turns into screeching static when they kiss. Then Lilith sings songs and grooms Angel's wings and makes Doren explain random plays to her as background noise in a very affectionate way. Lilith loves them both very much and I should add that to my art list of things to draw of them.
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hakusins · 6 months ago
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cw // smoking
biker (???) whiteri comic
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mothinabottle · 7 months ago
Hey hey I don't know if I've asked you this already (if I have I'm so sorry I have the memory of a goldfish that embodies an orange cat ^^")
I'm planning on making my dol pcs in the Sims4 and I was wondering if it'd be alright if I did the same with yours? I wanna have my friends dol pcs live under a roof (and see what chaos will ensure and post about it xD) once I've set my computer back up and done all the updates...there are so MANY updates ;-;
I understand if that's not alright with you though ^^
Dearest, it is more than alright! In fact, I am really flattered that you'd like to recreate them in the Sims 💙
Pls do tag me whenever these little demons do stupid shit, because I know they will.
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Did a small relationship chart with the final school uniform designs to guide u a little.
Resumed description of each PC below
Hana is quite easy. She/them is obsessed with having a perfect academic record and is the most prideful person you'll ever encounter. No one can be better than her at school or she will lose her mind.
Partygoer, academic genius, socially dumb, can barely boil water and usually stresses herself to the point of fainting and bleeding. Prefers to talk things out. Smokes a lot, drinks a lot
Neat room, everything organized except from the amount of papers scattered around. Likes to show off trophies and medals. Tons of band posters. Her electric guitar is her most prized posession. Voice has an incredible range and is very powerful, thus a great singer
Hana crossdresses a lot to go out and such. Only wears female clothing at school. Extremely tall (1.95 cm). Doesn't know what to do with her life
Masculine body, fit but max ass. It's difficult to describe her, but some drawings give a hint of her body type
Kari is tricky. Really violent. Anger issues. Fights a lot. Scars on her arms which she covers wirh her clothes. Manipulative, really easy to anger. Cannot draw for shit. Prefers having short hair but is scared of being seen as less feminine.
Overdoses on pills regularly. Sexual things are a sensitive topic, but isn't above using her body to get what she wants. Really small (1.47cm). Does her best to be seen as an angel, has a meltdown if sometimes makes her realize she is less than pure.
Room looks like an elegant room of a hotel. Extremely fancy with expensive stuff, but it looks so soulless it hurts.
Really curvy body. Max tits and ass. You get what I am saying
You can make her chubby, though. She would be happier if she was chubby like when she was a child. Only thin because fear of not being seen as conventionally attractive.
May is the trickiest. Since she is "dead", most things are left up to how you want her to be.
Important stuff would be:
-Very meek,
-Loves space and anything related to it. Best subject used to be Science
-Very kind. Selfless to the point of being an imbecile.
-Loves nature and is a huge dreamer.
- Hobby is knitting and watching movies.
-Unlike the first two, she always dreamed of having a family. Doesn't matter if big or small.
That would be all to kinda build sims for them. You can DM me if you have any doubts!
Thank you for this opportunity, teademoness, dear! 💙💙
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bruisedloverr · 7 months ago
Since I've been microwaving this AU in my head for some days (or a week?) now, I've decided to share it! DoL but it is a horror movie. It gets gory, warning for that (and perhaps disorganized thoughts)
To start, the situation of PC is not really that different to begin with, they still have to pay Bailey... but now there's murder in the middle! There has been a string of murders lately, and the Temple has been targeted, but some other people not related to it, too. Rumours says the people responsible for this target virgins and chaste people to offer their blood and bodies in demonic rituals, but could that possibly be true..? (Spoiler, it is. The Children of Auriga are the ones behind this). What it is clear, people disappear two weeks before a Blood Moon occurs, and they're either never seen again, or their corpses are found in the forest, near the Temple's garden.
So now poor PC has to work to pay a sudden debt they didn't knew they had, dodge rapists AND try to avoid being murdered, in the case they were deemed to be a suitable target. They can also find love in the way, yay! Bailey keeps them safe, in their own way (even if PC doesn't realize it. Some sort of "things are bad but could be much worse"). But that may or may not be enough.
I'll go explaining the LIs and their roles so far, there are lots of characters after all and I can't possibly fit them all in:
Sydney: The actions the player do with them kind of affect a LOT here. If the Player keeps them pure, they're basically the perfect target for the cult, but they will stay pretty much the same, albeit more paranoid. However, if the Player corrupts them... they not only become a lustful person, but also murderous and way less moral. Not towards the Player, of course, but towards the very religion that he used to find so much comfort in (Jordan is different in their mind and don't have those desires towards them, though). Investigating on their own, going through secret hallways in the Temple, the will find about the cult behind the murders (or the theories about it, at least), and aid them, basically luring innocent initiates that trust them to their death. A gruesome one, too. Basically, whether they're a target or a murderer depends entirely on PC's hands.
Robin: PC's childhood friend, as always. The more the town gets covered in blood, the more paranoid they become, and they start to act like in their traumatized state, distracted and withdrawn. They might pretend they're strong sometimes, depending on how the player treats them, but they're still a scared teen, and it will show. PC may be able to help them be truly strong... or not.
Whitney: Bully with a secret, that secret being the fact they're not dominant all the time, and that one of the reasons they're also a bully is the fact they crave control and status (with a mix of being a genuine asshole and a bit of peer pressure). They're not afraid to play dirty. Scared shitless of what's going on in the town, but they pretend it doesn't affect them. They start as a threat to PC, but that may develop into a relationship where PC can find some sort of protection... from others, anyway.
Kylar: Still a yandere, still full of grudges. Puts PC's wellbeing over their own. Would fight cultists if they had PC with them (and lose, prolly, unless they somehow get their parents involved). Everyone thinks they're the murderer or somehow involved due to being so weird but they aren't, and PC can either fight these rumours, perhaps starting to fall in love as the spend more time with Kylar (to confirm what they know, that they aren't behind the murders, of course!) or believe them, making them worse.
Avery: Sugar Daddy/Mommy, used to getting their way, their wealth is both a shield and a weapon, buying their compliance (and silence) while fueling their sense of entitlement and control. However, among rich people, their status is... bad. They get side eyed a lot. Know more than they let on.
Eden: Isolated and possessive, their love is a cage with bars made of guilt trips, forced domesticity, and maybe a few strategically placed bear traps. Also a literal cage if PC misbehaves. Their definition of keeping PC safe is not letting them go, ever. More comfortable with knives and gutted deer than human interaction.
Alex: They have seen the news, and feels bad for what the townies have to go through, but also glad it will not affect them (or so they think). Having them as LI is one of the best endings PC can have, as they will be away from the town, and completely safe from harm. Maybe.
Black Wolf/Great Hawk: They're animals, but maybe a true love kiss (hallucinations) will make them human! Sometimes. The Hawk's tower is completely safe, so it's definitely the best ending for PC. The wolf cave is also safe, but not that much. There's still the chance for danger.
And these are just the LIs so far! I have information about others, too, but this post is long enough.
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vansshuu · 7 months ago
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I come to present my twitter delusions here because I don't want to write it again haha but yes, since I started playing DoL my brain related it to some kind of connection with SDV It's just that I think it's great, I'm sorry, I think they have some similarities okay 😭
I have a HC about Harper in which she sometimes leaves town to go to SDV as Harvey, this came up because I didn't remember Harvey's name exactly and I thought his name was Harper too LOL Still, the thought of Harper having another identity where he pretends to be a middle-aged man who is also a doctor tempted me. Harper must have been good at acting classes in school JAKSJSHS
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