#their Twin Vibes are through the roof
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year ago
working on an odinson twin manifesto. going to be at least a few days till it's in a fit state to post but. teehee. i'm going to be sooo annoying about this >:3
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cc1306 · 2 months ago
hopeless romantic! suna, who can’t stop zoning out, while you’re telling him all about the fight the twins got in during second period. he stares at you blankly, thinking about the way your nose crinkles from laughter as you’re talking to him. cute.
hopeless romantic! suna, who asks, “sorry, what were you saying?” in response to you waving your hand in his face and snapping him out of his daze. with a slight blush on his face, he turns his head, mortified that you caught him failing to pay attention.
“seriously…keep up!” you reprimand him with a half-serious frown and a pout, and he forces himself to pay full attention not wanting to subject himself to such embarrassment again.
hopeless romantic! suna, who stays up late that night facetiming osamu, as he rambles on about some argument he and atsumu got into earlier in the day.
“sunarin, pay attention! quit thinking about [name], i’m talking to you,”
“i wasn’t thinking about her,” he defends, knowing full well that he was wondering if you were still awake before osamu interrupted.
“right, and i’m not the better twin. you know, you should just confess to her before it’s too late. someone else might make a move before you do, then you’ll never get to be with her.”
osamu’s statement made suna think hard.
“…yeah well she doesn’t like me like that. we’re just friends ‘samu.”
“you two are insufferable. let me know when you grow a pair and finally ask her out,” osamu groans out, growing tired of suna’s crippling fear of rejection.
“whatever… im tired now, bye,” suna cut off osamu’s rant with a yawn, before he ended the call.
would she really go out with someone else?
today was the day. suna decided that today would be the day he put his fear to the side and told [name] how he felt. he felt his hands tremble every time she was near and his heart pound, as adrenaline surged through his body.
during your lunch break, you sat on the roof together, just the two of you alone. suna saw this moment as his opportunity, the perfect chance to try and confess his feelings to you. you were currently rambling to him again, telling a story he honestly tried to listen to, but it proved difficult considering his heart was beating out of his chest, as he thought of how you’d respond to what he was about to tell you.
“and then aran and kita told me-“
“[name], i-“ he interrupts you mid-sentence, but his voice got caught in his throat. he cursed himself for being so nervous, all he had to do was say the three words but nothing came out.
“yeah, what’s up?” you ask him, as you drink from your strawberry milk carton contentedly.
“i…umm… i have something to tell you,”
okay yes, good start. just tell her.
“okay…should i be worried?” you ask, starting to get concerned about how serious suna suddenly became.
you thought he’d been acting strange the past week, like how he’s been zoning out recently when speaking to you, or just staring strangely. you’re getting the vibe that somethings wrong with him. maybe he’s sick? maybe he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore? you have no clue what to think, so you chose to hear him out.
“no…well, maybe.”
he felt his hands getting clammy and nervously rubbed them on his trousers. his eyes darted everywhere, looking at everything in the room except back at your own expecting pair. he realised he’d been silent for too long - he needed to say something now.
“i have to tell you how much you mean to me. you might not realise it, but i’m obsessed with you. i think of you before i sleep, and you’re the first thing i think of when i wake up. you consume me, and i don’t know what i would do without you,” he blurted out, speaking so quickly you wouldn’t have been able to keep up if you weren’t listening so intently.
you sat there, stunned in silence. of all things he could’ve said to you, you certainly didn’t expect this. he took your silence as a signal to continue his speech.
“i need you in ways that surely can’t be healthy,” he chuckled, releasing a nervous breath.
“you don’t have to accept it. i don’t expect you to tell me you feel the same, but i’d wait forever for you. if you want to be just friends then we will. but you have to tell me what to do. i like you so much. you can say you hate me. you can say you don’t feel the same. just tell me the truth.”
he couldn’t muster up the courage to look you in the eyes, so he kept his gaze trained to the ground, staring hard at the laces of his shoes.
“suna..” you started, forcibly sucking in a breath of air since you felt like all of it had been knocked out of your lungs.
“that’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me. thank you. i don’t now what i’d do without you either because i like you too,” you confessed as he rushed to hold you in his arms in a warm hug.
“thank God, i don’t know what i’d do if you rejected me,” he joked, covering up his anxiety with humour.
“i could never reject you,” you beamed at him in return. he felt his heart explode.
hopeless romantic! suna, who returned to last period that day with a smile from ear to ear, as he entered the classroom hand in hand with you by his side.
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zara-renata · 1 month ago
something something compare and contrast: sylus, caleb, two sides of the same coin, big caretaker vibes, both ruthless in protecting and keeping what has offered to be theirs (that's you, mc):
sylus: has waited lifetimes to find you again. you taught him to love, what it is to be human, what a heart and his human body are for. but he's not human, he's not dragon, he's both, he's neither. his compass is you. he's hungry and he's bored and he's been hurt over and over and over again, by humanity, by solitude, death and being forced back to life again, and not finding you, his curse, his other half. when he finally does, you don't even remember him. he has missed so much of your life already. he will either make you remember through cruelty (fails) or set such an elaborate trap so that you fall for him all over again, even without remembering him (succeeds). Poet, romantic, deeply loyal -> you're the one, the only. he has memories of a different time, a different way of wooing you -> gifts, patience, an animal attentiveness to every expression across your face, a shift in pheromones, your mood. You can't lie to him, or a fool him, even when you want to. he loves you, he worships you, he would never hurt you, not after he realized that his initial cruelty in an effort to make you remember was a failure and almost drove you away for good. he wants to play with you, he wants to have fun with you, he's a lover who follows your lead, give and take, negotiate and renegotiate, with your wishes and desires front and center. Turnabout is fair play -> you want to lead, then so does he. you are the other part of his soul, after all. he always asks, checks in, double checks, to make sure. he isn't always as sure as he seems, because he's been wrong before, he has hurt you before, after all. he can hardly believe you're saying yes again, and again, and again. everything leads back to you. he loves seeing your independence, your strength, your flippant entitlement. you're independent, but you have chosen him, you want him, what could be a higher compliment, a bigger testament to the fact that you're true kindred spirits? you're a true match for a dragon like him.
caleb: he has been there with you, for as long as you can remember. he is one of your first memories. he either knew you from before, in the lab, and you just don't remember the before, or he knew you from the moment gran introduced you, brought you under the same roof. it doesn't matter. what matters is that the moment he held out his hand and you took it, he was yours, and you were his. you were the gravity holding him together, twin stars orbiting each other, anchoring each other. he protected you, covered for you, laughed with you, pestered you. he was your childhood best friend, the closest to you that anyone has ever gotten, from the very beginning of you. somewhere along the way, as you grew together, around each other, into each other, twin trees planted close and eventually intertwined, nurtured from the same soil-> he notices you're not just cute, not just cherished, familiar, as much a part of himself as his own heartbeat, his own breath, but you're beautiful. you're so beautiful, it hurts. maybe he already knew, from the beginning, that he is supposed to be a tool, a weapon, that he's supposed to contain you, restrict you, hurt you. but none of that matters, from the first time you took his offered hand. he'll do anything, by any means necessary, to ensure that you'll be okay. orders from above, societal expectations, he will cross every boundary to protect you and keep you by his side. he is attentive, yes, but he already knows, because he saw you the first time you tried your favorite flavor, the first time you got seriously hurt, as you learned what you liked and didn't like; as you learned who you are, so did he. he was watching, etching you in his memories. he doesn't even have to ask, because he already knows. he gives you what you want, what you need, and he takes what he wants, and what he needs, in return. he spent too long hating himself, feeling guilty for everything he wanted, only to almost lose you for good when he 'died' and he had to let you think he was dead for such a long time. he's crawled back from the dead for you. he's not going to deny himself, or you, ever again. he needs you to need him, he loves seeing you accept what he provides, even though he knows you could do it for yourself. he prefers to be in control, because there's so much he can't control, fate and his intended purpose, your destiny, what he knows is waiting for you if he fucks up. but he knows that you have been striving to be independent, to be his equal, once he left for the DAA, and he respects you for it, even as he will never get over the urge to do everything, anything for you, every chance you'll let him. he is shocked, whenever he is wrong about what you want, what you need, whenever you have acquired a new taste since he was gone. his existence is defined by your need for each other, in a world with just the two of you.
neither of these idiots are going to intentionally hurt you or ignore you when you're crying or put their own needs above yours. both of them admire, respect, are nuts about you. both of them want to provide for you, care for you, give you what you need, be the one to do it. sylus has the self assurance of the other half of your soul, but worries you'll forget him again if he's gone for too long. caleb has the self assurance of knowing you best, from the very beginning, but worries you'll outgrow him, leave him alone in the solitude he forced himself to be in for years when he refused to admit to himself and to you how much he wanted you beyond being his closest friend, the other person in his family. both are incredibly powerful, willing to do anything to ensure your safety and presence in their lives, including hurting and/or killing other people. both of them are going to center your wants and desires over their own because that's the fantasy infold is offering with how they write them.
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk. i figure if i'm going to complain about stuff i see in fandom discourse/fic then i should provide a counter-argument to how these fictional loverboys are characterized.
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heckitall · 10 months ago
Heck I am climbing in through your window on the heels of that SAINWB ask because I am so curious as to why Rise!Donnie and Leo don't trust 2k3!Leo. Is it vibes? Is it the little kid sense where they can pick up on it when someone is uncomfortable around kids? (Are they gonna do the cat thing where they hone in on the one person who's allergic to them and harass him?)
(Also I'm being very normal about Rise!Splinter being super attentive to 2k3!Donnie in what I'm sure is totally not the kind of attention his teenage sons might be a wee bit jealous of 👀👀)
AHHHHH come, come sit around and lemme share some background notes i have on all our kids --
sainwb is tentatively set in season 3 of 2k3, where Leo's bad boy vibes were still def under wraps, but any big change would shake loose feels. in the main series, these feels were pulled off by near death experiences and some tough choices that REALLY werent choices at all huh
basically leo hates when drastic things happen that are WILDLY out of his control and takes the blame for them.
kind of like... not being there when your two youngest brothers go looking for random readings on a roof top and go missing for hours (enter the beginning of sainwb)
Ancient One bandaid does not get to happen in sainwb.
basically, cute little baby Rise!twins only remind Leo, especially in the early days, His Big Mistake. thats something young impressionable turtles pick up, yanno?
Also Leo is just really bad with kids lmao
dude rise splinter being super Here For a brand new baby doesnt really impact Mikey so much, cuz as the baby he had gotten a lot of attention from outside sources. dad not being on the up and up was not something his big sibs let him know about. if anything, he gets annoyed when Lil Donnie shies away from all the attention.
you wanna take bets on who DOES get extremely upset about it? if youre thinking raph, youre only half right. yeah, god does it sting watching your dad be there for all the things you stepped up for as a kid. but, as raph dealt with the loss of the twins, he came to a certain understanding about his dad and why he is the way he is. lotta forgiveness, tho maybe not verbally, was given Splinters way. doesnt stop the hurt tho, does it?
nah you know who hates it the most? big sis April.
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iwanttobepersephone · 10 months ago
So I sent this message to @findingcrow
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And I ended up explaining literally all of the emojis. Here they are (in order of explained, not order of how they were put). I spent 3 hours explaining this and it's a LONG post, so, sorry lol
👯‍♀️-The twins are just a pair of dancers, and I love the vibes of Scar and Grian dancing together in the desert
🫧-The bubbles are because their love has the same vibes as the way a child loves bubbles. The child thinks bubbles are pretty and fun, but often pops them due to a lack of understanding of their fragility
⚖️- The scale is a symbol for justice, something that Grian had the intention of bringing to the server, and yet, in the end, he hated following through with it (killing Scar)
🪬- The hand is called a hamsa, as far as I'm aware, and is a symbol for protection and guidance, something that Grian offered to Scar throughout the entire time they knew each other
✨️- The sparkles are about how attractive and nice their love seemed to Grian, how shiny the prospect of loving Scar was
💌- Well, to me, it feels like keeping his love hidden inside him, leaving only hints of its existence. You cannot read what's inside the envelope until you open it, but the heart implies it was sealed with love. He hides his feelings in the envelope like a letter never meant to be read
💃- Ok, so, the dancing one is the same as the pair dancing
🌌- The galaxy is about his home, as I like to think the Watchers live in sorta in space-ish. I think a lot about Grian routinely going up on the roof in any season of the series and just, staring at the stars. "Oh wow," he'll say, "it's so much more beautiful looking up than down"
🫀- I tend to use the real heart for situations when my love feels, well, *real*, more so than the typical cartoons heart can express. When it feels almost as if the other person is less of a loved one, more of a part of me, like we've become so very intertwined that I can never forget them. I think you can guess why that applies to Scar and Grian
🎭- The drama masks are, once again, about how he hid his feelings. "No," he said, "I'm not in love. He's just my partner in crime." It's also about how he acted out a personality that fit his needs, too. He always wanted to win, and Scar was a part of that. "I made a deal, I have to live up on it" while he's actively helping kill people, knocking down the number of who he'll have to kill once he's red. In the end, all his actions were for his own gain, but slowly the facade he put on them of being for Scar became real, the mask became his face
🕯- And the candles, well, "the light of the server." A candle in the dark. A fire, something so fierce and destructive, becoming passive and helpful. Something so necessary for some. Plus, they're often associated with magic and rituals, a tool for manifestation and summoning and communication. But a fallen candle, a flame forgotten before bed, it can become destructive again. That's what burns down houses, what takes lives. And if it doesn't lose control, it burns, and burns, and keeps burning until all of itself has melted, until it's nothing
⚔️- For the swords, I thought mostly of when Grian attacked him. Y'know, "YOU TRAITOR!". #1, I like to think of it as him putting his sword to Scars throat, so swords are obvious there. #2, he also was guarding himself! He trusted Scar, showed him parts of himself he never showed anyone else (maybe even revealed he's a watcher?????), and then Scar KILLED HIM! As part of a stupid game! (Yes I'm aware of the irony there it drives me insane I can rant about that themes about that for so so so so long and the guilt Grian feels for being the cause the games Rzaurskr74us4s4ua). So, obviously, he started to guard his heart, like swords across an entrance
⚰️- Coffin is 2 things, first, the way their love died as Scar did. I like to think that Grian tried to bury him a little, Scars final resting place was also the resting place of their love (at least, the final resting place of SCARS love). The second thing is that Scar would sell coffins, remember? But he never got one. He never got what he gave, but he did get everything Grian had
���- So, the horse isn't JUST a horse, it's a merry-go-round horse. Y'know, from a carousel? So, in all the seasons, their relationship kinda follows the same main story-beats, right?
•Early betrayal/beginning of a grudge
•They're forced to make up, even if just briefly
•Help each other out with something
•They fall out again
•They die (sometimes being the CAUSE of the others death, even if indirect)
It happens again and again.... like how a carousel goes around and around and around. You CHOSE to get on the carousel, Grian, and you can't get off until it's over, you know that, Grian
🏜- Anywas, for the desert, well, they're the desert duo
🦙- For the Llama, don't tell me you forgot about Pizza!
🌓- Ok the half moon, Let's see how effectively we can put this into words. So it's 2 sides of the moon, right? It's the same thing at its core, the moon, but two entirely separate appearances, light and dark. It's the same thing at its core, a game, but two entirely separate experiences, the player and the creator. 2 sides of the same coin sorta deal, yeah? They both play the game, too, and in my mind, Scar sorta creates the game, too, in his own way. Would Grian have ever stuck around the game the way he did if Scar weren't there? Scar kept things interesting for him, kept him from getting bored. Grian bent and created new rules to make sure Scar had fun, the game was created just as much for Scar as it was for Grian. And again, Grian plays too! Grian has plans blow up in his face, Grian faces punishments of breaking the rules, and despite what the other players may say, Grian lost, too. It's the same thing at its core, a game, unwinnable, but malleable
❤️‍🩹- The bandaged heart is a bit more on the nose,
I like to think both Grian and Scar were, in some way, hurt when they met. Maybe Grian had become used to the ultimately selfish love of the watchers, and had trouble believing that any other sort of love could exist. Maybe Scar hated his namesake, and wished he could hide it. (Examples, I can't quite decide on what I wanna do with it, lol. But as they grew closer, that changed. Grian began to believe in selflessness, and Scar began to find beauty in every part of him. They bandaged each others wounds and healed each others hearts
🧨- So, the dynamite is also pretty obvious, I feel like, like it's Grian. Now I COULD do some sort of deep meaning, pretty easily in fact (blowing up in the emotional way instead of the physical way, losing control of his emotions, once again circling back to "YOU TRAITOR"), but that's really not what I had in mind when I put it there
🏳️‍🌈- The queer flag.... do I need to explain that
🕰- So, the clock is a really cool one, because Grian knew from the very beginning that this would never last. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had a timer in the back of his mind, constantly ticking, for when it was all gonna end. It was only ever a matter of time, but he pretended it wasn't. He pretended it would last forever. Maybe, if he hoped for long enough, the clock would stop ticking, but it didn't
⏳️- Now, the sand timer has, once again, a very similar meaning. It's a timer till the end of it all, the knowledge that it will always run out, *always*. But he still joins the games, over and over again. He flips the hourglass over and restarts the timer. The sand will keep pouring, it will never change, it will end the same, always
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phantom-of-the-501st · 6 months ago
So I can't work out if I hate this or not but here you go
This feels very different from the other fics I've written before. More supernatural vibes I guess? Still depressing tho. I seem to be incapable of writing happy fics.
But enjoy... whatever this is!
Tagging @saturn-sends-hugs and @inkstainedhandswithrings
Depths of Despair
Echo and Fives find themselves in a dire situation
CW: blood, violence
They just wouldn’t stop. Wave after wave after wave. Joints creaking, mouths gaping, hands grasping. Fives shook his arm as he felt another creature dig its fingers between the plastoid of his armour and into soft flesh. He had already determined from an alarming number of close encounters with these things that they didn’t have claws, but their nails were so ragged, and carved so deeply, that they may as well have done. Fives was fairly certain that he was bleeding under his blacks, but now was hardly the time to focus on that.
A blaster shot. The creature shrieked and crumpled to the floor, looking no less off-putting as a malformed heap on the ground than it had done when it was scrambling towards him just a few moments ago. Fives glanced sideways at his brother, who had gone back to fighting his own attackers after saving Fives from another close shave with death. If one thing was for certain, it was that he was glad to have his brother here with him. Suffice to say, without his brother having his back, he would have been toast more than once by now.
Although, if there was a second thing to be certain about in this very moment, it’s that they were both certainly going to be toast within the next few minutes unless a miracle happened, like these creatures dropping dead, or disappearing, or simply deciding that tearing two ARC troopers to ribbons was not nearly as fulfilling as they currently seem to think.
Simply put, they were done for.
Firing his blaster at anything that was within shooting distance, Fives inwardly cursed his superiors every which way he could. Rex and Cody had recruited the twins for a scouting mission, pitching a simple drop and search of an abandoned building in the middle of a wet, rotting forest. Admittedly, “abandoned building” and “wet, rotting forest” were two perfectly good reasons to have said no and to curl up in a bunk with a warm cup of caff instead. However, the two had insisted that it was fine, and that a commander, a captain, and two ARCS were more than capable of handling a mission where the worst of their worries would be wet socks and bug bites.
In comparison to the current situation, wet socks and bug bites sounded like an absolute dream.
The four had decided to split off into pairs in order to cover as much ground as possible, and for a for a while, nothing of note seemed to have appeared for the twins. The planet was exactly what you would expect for something covered in old, damp forests: wet, mulchy and rather gloomy. The smell wasn’t great either. A plethora of leaf litter meant that everything smelt like decomposing vegetation, and that smell clung to their clothes like a sad, mildewy fog. The building had definitely seen better days, with cracked tiles, window arches without any glass, and weeds sprouting from every crack they could squeeze through. And on top of all that, the air felt heavy. Not just because of the (frankly near-unbearable) humidity, but because the air almost seemed to thrum with energy. Fives wasn’t quite sure how to describe it other than the atmosphere seemed to vibrate at a low frequency that was starting to give him a headache, and the air felt dense enough to carve a knife through it. It wasn’t exactly paradise.
He and Echo were verging on turning back and finding the others to announce their rather lacklustre findings, when they had stumbled across an old atrium. Wide and circular, with a domed roof that seemed to have stayed far more in-tact than the rest of the building. There were no windows, so the only light filtering in was through the arches down the corridor they had just exited from, making it even more gloomy and depressing than everything else Fives had had to wander through up until now. It had seemed rather nondescript. Kind of cool (if you were into old, mouldy architecture) but non-descript, and Fives was ready to turn around and find somewhere dryer where he could put his feet up.
Or at least, that was the plan. The moment they turned around to head back the way they came, the ground had started to tremble. A low rumble that sent a strong vibration through Fives’ bones and made his already nagging headache twinge even more. Some of the floor had begun to move down and before they could fully comprehend what was happening, the twins had found themselves standing on a pillar of stone in the middle of a gaping chasm with absolutely no way to get back to the exit. Brilliant, thought Fives, this is just what we need.
Although, looking back on it, the initial confusion and annoyance was far better than what had come next. At first it had just been a whisper in the dark, a low hum at the bottom of the deep column of black around them. And then it started to get louder and louder, a series of shrieks and clicks and snarls that grew in volume and in number until gnarled hands started appearing over the edge of the platform. The place was clearly nowhere near as abandoned as they had originally thought.
And this was how the Domino Twins had found themselves fighting for their lives against hordes of… things that Fives wasn’t even sure how to describe. They were vicious: biting, tearing, clawing. It was starting to look rather dire. They didn’t seem to stop. As soon as one was taken down, another would appear from the dark, just as nasty as the one before. Exhaustion was starting to kick in, a deep ache that was dragging Fives down, making it harder and harder to keep fighting. Echo seemed to be fairing no better, looking just as bloody and beaten as he felt. Fives flailed as his foot skidded on a loose pebble behind him. His boot managed to find stable ground just a fraction of a second before he had to duck out of the way to avoid an outstretched hand that had almost gouged out his throat. He was really not looking forward to the fate that lay out before him. Being left in pieces, smelling like iron and mouldy leaves. Definitely not the hero’s ending he had imagined. And definitely not an ending he had imagined sharing with his twin. The Domino Twins. Live together, die together.
And get found by their superiors in a miserable heap together (assuming Rex and Cody hadn’t already met a similar fate. Fives was starting to hope that they had).
Fives felt sticky. Whether it was from sweat, or blood, or the general humidity, he wasn’t sure. Probably a combination of all three. His blacks were clinging to him uncomfortably and he could feel drips of moisture running into his eyes, making it harder to see the creatures attacking him. Fives grunted as he felt something shove him in the centre of his back and he whirled round to blast the monster, pushing the corpse off the precipice with his foot to take one of the living ones down the hole with it. He spun to take out another one that was gunning for his side and struggled to keep his footing as his boots slipped on the damp stone beneath him. There was no time to stop, to breathe, to take a break. The attack was relentless and Fives wasn’t sure how much he could take.
He heard Echo grunt beside him and glanced over to find that his brother had been knocked on his back, helmet cracking against the ground. Fives battled tirelessly to fend off the attackers gaining ground on his twin, who was trying to reorient himself as his head spun and black dots danced before his eyes. Fives’ watched Echo shake his head slightly before he lay, groaning, staring up at the ceiling above him. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. He started pushing himself up, only to flop back down, looking intently at the dome above him. Either that or he had fallen unconscious. Fives really hoped it wasn’t the latter.
“You with me, vod?” Fives yelled over the shrieks and growls of the creatures around them. “Echo? Are you with me?”
“The ceiling.” Echo wasn’t moving much and Fives was beginning to struggle even more with the number of things he was trying to fend off.
“What about the ceiling?” He grunted as he dodged another swipe at his head. “This is hardly the time to be admiring the construction work, Echo!”
“No. I mean, there’s something written on the ceiling. It’s hard to read though.”
“Okay, brilliant, someone decided to carve some words into a ceiling. I’m not exactly sure how that is helping us right now!” Another set of teeth came at him and he staggered as he tripped over his own feet trying to avoid it. “Are you able to get up? Are you injured?”
“Maybe.” Echo groaned. “Probably.” He began to shift slightly but showed no signs of picking himself up off the floor. His blaster was held in a trembling hand as he shot in the direction of a monster coming at him over the edge of the platform. This was hardly ideal. Fives was struggling hard and his brother couldn’t even bring himself into a sitting position. Hope was dwindling. And fast.
“There’s something strange written up there.”
“Kriff, Echo. Are you seriously still trying to read it? This isn’t helping! I don’t see how some nonsensical ramblings from some person who is probably long dead are going to get us out of this mess!” Fives could feel tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. They were going to die. This was it. Yes, Fives had been in a number of situations where he had questioned his own survival, it was part of the job, but this was different. This time it truly felt like it was over.
“It could be important!” Another grunt and another weak shot from Echo’s blaster. “This is obviously some kind of trap! What if the words can help us?”
“What sort of moron writes the escape plan to a death trap on the ceiling? Nobody! It’s pointless!”
“Okay, well maybe it’s not a trap then! Maybe it was a challenge of some sort!”
“The biggest challenge I have right now is trying to keep your sorry ass alive while you ramble on about ancient scribbles!” Fives fell as he was pushed again from behind. He scrambled up and skirted sideways to avoid stepping on his twin, who was still sprawled on the floor. Echo’s foot flew outwards as he kicked one of the creatures off the side and his arm swung out sideways to smash his blaster into the face of another.
“I’m telling you, there’s something there, Fives!”
“Stars, Echo, I don’t need this right now! Are you able to get up or are you going to lose consciousness on me!” Fives was starting to get desperate and it was making him snappy.
There was no response.
“Echo? Echo!” Panic ran through him like ice in his veins. “Are you okay, Vod? Oh kriff no, please stay with me.”
“I have it.” His brother’s voice sounded distant and weak.
“I know how you can get out of this.” Well that was unexpected. Fives’ heart stuttered as his brother slowly began to push himself up off the ground, loosely waving his blaster at the never-ending tide of monsters.
“Really? How?”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Okay, well this isn’t exactly an ideal situation here! I think anything would be better than this!” Fives strained against the deep ache in his bones and the pain that coursed through his muscles. “Wait… Did you say how I could get out?”
Echo refused to look at him, keeping his attention entirely on the creatures around him.
“You meant we, right? Like both of us? Because I’m not leaving you behind!” Still no response. “Echo!”
“We can’t get out of this. Not together.” Echo’s voice was hard and cold. That worried Fives. The only time his brother’s voice ever went like that was if it was bad news or if Echo wasn’t going to take any arguments. This felt like both and that terrified him.
“What do you mean, Echo?” Another dodge, another swipe, another groan of pain as Fives rolled out of the way of more blows. “What do you mean?”
“I’m going to get you out of this, okay?”
“Please, vod. I need you to stay with me here."
“Either one of us goes, or we both go. I’d rather you got out alive.”
Fives felt pain and anger course through him. “And you want me to leave you here to die? Are you insane? I can’t do that, Echo!"
“You have to”. Echo’s voice was still cold but there seemed to be an underlying weakness, like his throat had closed up and he was trying to swallow down his emotions. “I need to do this, Fives. You're my brother. I have to protect you.”
“But what about you? I’m supposed to be protecting you too!”
“You’ve done more than enough, Fives.” Echo stumbled over, fighting his way towards Fives. He grasped his brother’s shoulder and looked at him, eyes obscured by the scratched visor of his helmet. “I love you, you know that right?”
“Echo…” Fives’ voice trembled. “Please, vod. What are you doing? What are you doing!”
No response. Echo simply gave his shoulder one last squeeze before he turned and ran forward, grabbing two of the creatures in front of him, clinging to them as he dragged them along the platform.
And right over the edge.
“Echo!” Fives fought as hard as he could, pushing his way over bodies and through flailing arms and ragged nails. More monsters came, clambering over the edge, mouths wide open, strings of saliva hanging from their lips. But no Echo. Fives felt his heart clench and his eyes sting. He gasped and struggled, trying to fight his way to the precipice, to where his brother hadn’t returned.
Suddenly, everything went white. He felt a burning sensation behind the eyes as a bright light filled his vision. His breath came out staggered and uneven. His chest felt tight and sore.
“Fives? Fives can you hear me?” Fives felt cold.
“Come on, vod, come back to me.” The light began to fade and the atrium began to reform in front of him. He felt a cool presence along his back, hands resting on his arms. They were cold. He could feel it. But there was nothing there.
He could see himself fighting, moving, swinging and blasting and scrabbling to fight off the hoard. But he couldn’t feel it. He couldn’t feel himself moving, the strain of his muscles, the strength of his grip. He couldn’t feel himself moving. It was like someone was moving his limbs for him, puppeteering him.
“Come on, Fives. I need you to concentrate. Come back to me.”
Fives tried to focus. The voice. It sounded comforting. Familiar. It sounded like-
“Heya, vod. You back with me yet?”
But Echo wasn’t here. He couldn’t see him. The invisible hands were still on him. The coolness was still there. He had to be dead right? This didn’t feel normal.
“Echo?” His voice was weak and trembling. He could still feel his body being moved even without him trying.
“Fives, I need you to focus alright? This isn’t going to work with just me controlling you. That wouldn’t be any better than us fighting individually.” The voice sounded like it was next to his ear, but not quite. Close but distant. Warm but cold. “You know what to do. Keep fighting and you can get you out of this. I can help you.”
Fives fought to come back to his senses. He felt the sting in his muscles as he swung his arm at an attacker. He felt the joints in his legs creak as he launched himself forward. And then he felt light. Each move felt easier and quicker. Each blow fell harder, each blast hit cleaner. He felt the cold grasp on his arm tighten, felt the coolness sharpen. Everything felt like a blur. Creatures shrieked and fell and tumbled and crumbled and collapsed. The floor became even slipper with blood but Fives kept going, kept pushing. Because he felt stronger, faster.
Like two people fighting in one body.
He doesn’t know how long it went on for, how long it lasted, but eventually, the tide began to dwindle. Fewer monsters came. Fewer claws grabbed at him. And then… they stopped. There were no more. Fives stood, breathing heavily, surrounded by bodies and drenched in sweat. It was over.
“You did good, vod. Well done.” We felt a ghostly hand squeeze his shoulder and then nothing.
He couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t see. The world came crashing down around him as he struggled for breath. He could feel the ground below him tremble again as the chasm began to rise up, as the floor sealed back into place, bringing everything back up with it. Every body, every broken and bent creature and…
And Echo.
Fives gasped and heaved. He wanted to throw up but he couldn’t. His body wouldn’t let him. His throat burned. His eyes watered. He wanted to look away but he couldn’t. He was frozen. It was too hot. He could feel himself burning. The sweat was running down him and he just couldn’t catch a breath. His ears rang and he felt so utterly and completely alone. The coldness was gone, the presence was gone. He felt heavy and drained and broken.
Echo was gone.
There were footsteps thundering down the hallway, but Fives couldn’t hear them. The sound of blood rushing in his ears was deafening. He still couldn’t look away.
Cody and Rex came barreling into the room and stopped.
Fives stood, gasping, panicking, scratched and bruised, surrounded by bodies and staring. Staring and staring and staring at the crumpled heap of blue white and red in front of him.
And then he screamed.
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ra1-reality · 1 month ago
HI MY FAVORITE BATTERY EATER/hj. What’s your favorite thing about your family and how did you fall for Izu?
My favorite thing about my family? There’s a lot of things I love about them. One of them is that most of them aren’t by blood. (Found family plays a HUGE part for my in my dr if it’s not obvious) BUT I’ll section it out cause there’s a lot:
For my parents, I like to joke I have 2 sets because I do lmao. Toshinori and Camile (my adoptive parents) have one of the purest forms of love for each other oh my god. I have a memory in particular where me and Ant were coming home (I think from training) and our parents were in the kitchen, it had that Christmas lightning (like yk that warm pinkish Christmas tree lighting vibe? That was the overall lighting throughout the kitchen) and they were slow dancing to “Something Stupid” by Frank Sinatra and it was just so precious and pure oh my god. They’re so inlove and happy and it means sm to me that they found eachother and get to be happy together.
For my Papa and Dad (Yoichi [he prefers me to call him papa lol] and Kudou) I think my favorite thing about them is that they’re with me. Like how Izuku can see them, I’m also able to see and engage w/ the ofa users. Physically as well, so it’s like talking to a living person, only I can see them :) I’m so glad they found each other, especially after my papa had such a shit relationship with my bio mom. I’m so thankful he found someone who gives him the love he deserves. (In my dr, they got to be together for 3 years rather than 2 months). I love how sincere and pure my papa is. One thing he’s said is “I mean everything to him” and I started sobbing holy shit dude. He means the world to me. And for Kudou? My favorite thing about him is that our relationship is so strong. At first, we were both a little hesitant to get close, but he’s like my third dad now and he means so much to me. I recently learned that he has tattoos on his arm, and has one dedicated to me!! Another thing is I have a necklace inherited from them. Military tag necklaces to be specific (since Kudou was in the military). One of them says “Love”, and one says “My World” that he gave my papa :) I later got it in the current timeline (and izuku gave me a tag too as a gift because he knows how much they mean to me HEKCOSOCIW)
We also have this running joke that I call Kudou; “mama kudou” because he’s like an overprotective mom. I have a memory that I was chillin with Zuku on my room cause we were both pretty tired and I was laying on him and fucking Kudou appears and goes “hands above the covers you two😐” ITS SO STUPID BUT I STILL LAUGH ABOUT THIS LMAOO. I call him Dad (along with Toshinori) and Yoichi Papa :)
My siblings (adopted and family figures) mean sm to me. Ant and Katsuki are like my older brothers, Denki’s like my twin little brother, Caro’s like my little brother, Ai’s like my cousin, Satoshi and Zula are like my auntie and uncle, Kaina (Lady Nagant) is like my aunt/older sister, Tomura’s my adopted cousin and we bicker all the time and it’s so funny lmao.
Holy yap about my family oml.
And now Izuku. Heh.
So fun fact, we actually met the day he met my dad/All Might!! Yk that one scene where after AM saves him he grabs onto him and they fly through the air? During that, Izuku’s analysis notebook fell out of his hand AND FUCKING FELL ON ME WHILE WALKING HOME. THAT HURT. But anywho I followed them and gave it back after finding him crying on the roof and awkwardly comforted him by giving him my water bottle lmao.
So I’m actually very stupid and dense when it comes to my feelings so fun fact Katsuki was the one who told me I liked Izuku during the whole “kidnapping” (which was just my friend snatching us to hangout lmao) for me to realize I did in fact have romantic feelings LMAO. After realizing that fact, he (Izuku) visited me in the hospital (I was in there mainly because my nerve damage spread to my arms) and I almost caused a blackout from my quirk lol. I fried and broke the heart monitor with my quirk when he gifted me my now arm bands I wear for my quirk lol. I learned from channeling he actually has had a crush on me since we met lmao, around the beginning he started his training LMAOO he was just scared to tell my dad lol
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years ago
Pure vanilla cookie x reader who adopt sorbet shark cookie and choco chess part 4 in the day of the reunion where hollyberry and dark cacao come to the vanilla kingdom soon as both know that reader sorbet and choco chess are okay both are completely joyful specially knowing that sorbet and choco chess are alright soon as clotted cream cookie come and after that incident during the council sorbet choco chess trows at him a huge cake right on his face in front of everyone to give him a lesson then soon after the kids secretly goes with gingerbrave to the cream republic
The waiter at Olive Garden has been waiting for me to say when. There is a cheese stacked to the roof. It’s been eight hours. Three people have died. I will not yield./j
Trying to get some more motivation to write! Haven’t had much, but eh, I’ll just do the words and stuffs
Anyways, here’s your part 4!! Hope you enjoy!
The glorious part 4
PV x reader & SS CC. Ft, DC HB CC ++
Romantic & Platonic
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mmm big family reunion. While everyone’s talking about war and death the children are just having an entire rave in the corner of the room. Wildberry brought them child-friendly drinks while they dance to the sound of everyone arguing.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Financier tried to jump in the way of the cake with her sword when Sorbet Shark decided to literally push it down on top of Clotted Cream, but defending the Consul from a giant cake is different from an enemy, and both of them ended up caked in cake! This also led to a soft ridicule of Sorbet Shark, though mostly from you. Pure Vanilla tried to tell them what they did was uncalled for but immediately stopped at the horrifyingly sad look the mercookie sent their way. The Chess Choco twins were just vibing in the corner watching this all go down and taking pictures, along with Strawberry Crepe.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hollyberry is just on the floor laughing for a good bit. She can’t stop. Someone please help her. Wildberry is just waiting for her to stop laughing, to be honest. Dark Cacao, on the other hand, is literally PRAISING Sorbet Shark. Like hand-on-shoulder “You have some good instincts, kid” type of praising. He ends off his monologue speech “but don’t do that again.” when he sees the way that Vanilla and you are looking at him.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ After the reunion, Pure Vanilla is freaking out when he can’t find the kids. He is literally running around the palace moving window curtains and checking under furniture type of panicking.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “I LOST THE CHILDREN!” “You whAT-“ “THEY’RE GONE!”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Once Strawberry Cookie finds a rogue Sorbet Shark digging through their jellies, Gingerbrave sent a note via bird to Pure Vanilla and you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Trusting Gingerbrave in babysitting, you get a small break to spend with your significant other before the children return safely and in one piece. Pure Vanilla will not leave them alone for a while after that. You could tell he had missed them- it was pretty hard not to with him practically moping around- and he wanted to make sure they didn’t run off on a surprise adventure again.
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lolasturniolo · 1 year ago
Grow old with me
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Ye this is my first time doing writing. So just like tell me anything I can improve on, anything you like , idk ye
Warnings: Little bit of swearing that basically it
You and Matt have been dating since 15, you are both now 25 with twin boys Jake and Tom age 4.
You are happy with Matt. And he’s happy with you. You live in a big house up the top of a hill surrounded by nothing but trees. A brick house painted white, with black shutters and black tiled roof. Anything you could ever ask for was here.
You are currently sitting on the couch drawing trees and what not, as Matt plays soccer outside with the boys. You hear a ding.
You mutter. You forgot about the stake in the oven.
You quickly get up and speed walk to the kitchen. You scan the room for your oven-mits, but you can’t find them and the stake is slowly burning.
You find them but it was too late by the time you open your oven the stake is practically black.
“Fuck sake.”
You say under your breath, putting the tray down, turning off the oven and going to tell Matt what happened.
“Hey baby.”
He says seeing you walk outside.
He walks up to you as Jake and Tom kick the ball back and forth.
He gives you a kiss on your head and you smile kissing him softly on the lips.
You hear a dramatic gag from your son Tom behind you as Jake does the same. You giggle and pull away from matt resting your head on his chest looking at the boys as Matt wraps his arms around your waist.
You say looking up at him.
“Yes my love?”
He replied looking down at you his hands still on your waist.
“I burnt the stake.”
You say looking down disappointed in your self. By this time the boys went back to playing soccer and are not paying attention to their parents conversation.
“Oh what will I do with you.”
He says giggling letting go of you, and walking back into the house out of your site.
You’re confused by it but 2 minutes later he walks out with his car keys with a smile.
“C’mon boys! last one to the car has to clean the kitchen!”
He says running to the car and your sons run past you eagerly running to the car.
No way you’re cleaning that kitchen again!
You call out running behind them your in heals no way this was fair!
You end up being the last on in the car.
“I would end up cleaning it anyway”
You say getting in the passenger seat.
“Most likely”
Matt chuckles as he plugging the boys in there car seat in the back. Then gets into the drivers seat with a smile.
“Where are we even going?”
You ask, he didn’t even tell you what was going through his mind about where you were all going.
“Don’t worry about it”
He says with a smug grin on his face. ‘Oh lord’ I say in my head.
Matt pulls up outside a familiar looking restaurant.
“No way!”
You gasp, seeing yours and Matt favourite place you used to go when you were young and in love.
“Yes way! c’mon”
You two haven’t been there since you were 18. You didn’t even think it was still standing, but there it was before your eyes, your forever favourite place that holds so much memories.
You get out the car holding Tom and Matt holds Jake.
You walk in it was the exact same from 10 years ago not anything changed. They kept the 90s kinda vibe and kept the same 60s love music playing.
You smile seeing the old dance floor, red booth you and Matt ALWAYS sat in, it was far in the corner so no one really saw you two but it was just by the dance floor. Thankfully no one was sitting there, so you practically run over to sit there.
Same menu, same posters, same lamp shades, same walls everything. You check under one of the posters to see if it’s still there as Matt sits him and the boys down.
There it was Matt+Y/n in a red heart you drew with your lipstick.
You look across at Matt who is now sat in front of you Jake to his left and Tom to your left. The day you write this you didn’t think 8yrs later you would be back, with kids.
There was a small speaker right above your head. And it was currently playing
Be My Baby-By The Ronettes
You tap your foot to the beet, as you help Jake and Tom red the menus to see what they wanted.
You and Matt obviously knew what you wanted the usual, like back when you were 17. Which was a burger with extra cheese.
Once your food arrived you all got a sprite. Tom got chicken nuggets and fries so did Jake.
You all got out the booth about to leave, but then you hear a familiar song.
You then hear THE song play. THE song that played when Matt told you he loved you first.
I Want You Back-By Jackson 5
Since that day, this song holds a true memory in your heart.
You take Toms left hand, and Jake’s right hand as you pull your sons to the dance floor.
“When I had you to my self I didn’t want you around”
You sing pointing at your sons, bending down slightly to be at there eye level.
Matt watches from afar.
“Those pretty faces always makes you stand out in the crowd”
You say taping your feet and pointing around the room, as other family’s around the diner join in on the dance floor.
You walk over to Matt pulling him on the dance floor. You had the BIGGEST smile ever as you continue to make more memories.
Matt wraps his arms around your waist spinning you around.
“OH, baby give me one more chanceee”
You sing
“(To show you that I love you)”
Other people around the diner including workers sing some even recording you dance with Matt, Jake and Tom.
Once the song finishes you grab your stuff with a big smile plastered on your face. Walking out the diner Tom on your right Jake on your left next to Matt.
When you get into and the boys are all bulked in their car seats, Matt gives you a soft kiss.
He cups your cheeks in his hand as he whispers something only you can hear.
“I love you, grow old with me my love”
He whispers followed by another small kiss and focusing on the road.
You all drive off into the night sky back up the hill to your house.
Forever together.
Forever in love.
AUTHORS NOTES: YALL! I know the kids literally said 1 thing but it’s not there love story (I also forgot they could speak) ops 🤷🏻‍♀️
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deaconsleatherpants · 4 months ago
not directly Halloween-related but I wanted to whip up something to fit the spooky vibe all the same 😌
The little cabin in front of you was only dimly lit, soft candlelight filtering through grimy windows; green fingers of ivy crept up the outer brick walls, while twin crows perching on the roof cawed out ominously, silhouetted against the setting sun. Really, the place looked like the stereotypical witch's house described in every storybook, plucked straight out of the pages and dropped right in front of you.
If the stories had any grain of truth to them, it would be silly to knock on the door. But when you glanced around, you saw only dark woods in every direction. Even if this cabin was an obvious trap, it wasn't like you really had many alternative options at the moment. Getting lost in a creepy forest hadn't been in your plans for the evening, but here you were, and you'd been lucky enough to find this cabin, a welcome beacon of civilization in a forest that seemed strangely... otherworldly.
Which was probably silly, of course.
But you still knocked on the door, because what else were you supposed to do at this point?
You really didn't know what you expected. A stereotypical witch to match the stereotypical house, perhaps - but you definitely didn't expect the man who opened the door. His long black hair framed his face, green eyes sharp and perhaps a bit suspicious, although not hostile. Your gaze fell to his tidy grey waistcoat and ornate jewelry, then to the velvet cape with its dapper teal lining - this man was very well put-together, for someone who ostensibly lived alone in the middle of a thick forest. Somehow he didn't look caught off-guard by your impromptu visit, either, even though there couldn't have been anyone else around for miles.
Clearing your throat, you did your best to explain your predicament, and how it would be a great help if he would only let you find shelter under his roof for the night. He didn't seem surprised by this, gesturing for you to come in with a grace that suggested he was either just a particularly welcoming host who just so happened to live like a hermit, or had somehow been expecting your arrival. Which couldn't be, of course. That was patently ridiculous.
Cautiously you let him usher you inside, eyeing dusty bookshelves full of thick tomes and displays of beautifully carved crystals. There were runes carved over each doorframe, tiny little sigils that seemed to glow with some internal power. You stared at them curiously.
The man showed you to what must have been the living room, worn velvet armchairs arranged in a semicircle around an inviting fireplace. You wondered what his name was, and in the same beat you clearly heard him say "Haxan." You blinked. How did he do that?
"I am Haxan." The man - Haxan - grinned at you, sitting down in one of the chairs and steepling his fingers. Unsure what else to do, you perched in the chair opposite. This situation felt so strange, and though there were alarm bells going off in your mind, you also felt a profound sense of calm. Like whatever else he might be, Haxan would never harm you in any way. It was silly that you should feel that way mere moments after meeting the man, but you figured it was probably some sort of magic he was sending out, and you weren't sure if that thought should make you feel better or worse.
"I have been expecting you," he said finally, and you decided you were just going to have to get used to the idea of things not making any sense. So you just nodded, figuring that it would be easy to escape into the endless woods if anything were to go wrong. Whatever was going on here, you were in the thick of it now.
"Perhaps you can... help me." He continued, leaning forwards in the armchair, green eyes narrowing playfully as his lips curled upwards in a grin. You weren't really sure what you could do that a mysterious forest witch couldn't, but your curiosity piqued.
"What do you need?" It wasn't a promise by any means, but his grin only widened, and sharpened into something triumphant.
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geothe-isnazeya · 2 months ago
Travels of Vigrid
Chapter 3: the council hall
Summary: She looked to be in her early twenties, with a fair and smooth complexion, silver eyes round and large, and thick eyelashes fluttering as she squinted at people. Her high nose bridge and full lips, with twin braids wrapped around, covering her ears, reminded me of a sheep with fluffy wool. The golden circlet across her forehead signaled her status. She had an air of pride and sanctity that made me forget all the rehearsed words.
CW:I just want to keep trying different styles. I realized that Vigrid is actually located in France on the map, so I wrote about some accurate or fictional French history. In this chapter, you can see that the religions are quite mixed. I haven't established a unified doctrine or a closed loop for Umbra yet, and I mean no offense at all.Just letting you know, the whole series is getting updated bit by bit on AO3
We got to the square, and the ground was covered in these square, shiny white tiles. Right in the middle, there's a fountain. The council hall is this majestic, square building with a white body and a roof made of brass tiles.
It's got four floors. The first floor is held up by these colonnades, and you can't really see inside through the dark purple, arched glass doors. The second and third floors have these classic French-style, round-arch windows. The fourth floor kind of sticks out, it's got this little square dome with stained glass that's all painted up. That pattern looks like the yin-yang symbol.
This time, I saw it really clearly. There's a big circle with three smaller circles touching each other horizontally inside. The design is split into black and white, filling each other out. The fish-like curve in the middle looks like an eye, and the script on top flutters like a woman's eyelashes... I was just staring, mesmerized.
"Snap out of it, Austrian girl." I felt a pat on my shoulder, which made me jump a bit.
So, Ophélie saw me stop and came over to make sure. Her red hair was peeking out from under her headscarf. "You really are a wandering scholar, come on, the Virgins has spotted us already."
Following her silvery gaze, I saw there were two more ladies behind the fountain. The vibe of our group got tense real quick. The sentries hustled us into line, marching us over to them with big steps, and then they all saluted with their elbows crossed over their chests. I glanced over, and on the table next to them were incense burners, fire pits, water containers, and a bunch of plants, plus some ritual stuff that was all new to me.
The priestesses were dressed in long black robes, and they were really skinny. Their faces weren't covered, but they wore veils that draped over their heads. The headscarves curved like half-moons pressed against their foreheads, and under the misty veils, they had eyes that sparkled like galaxies, as if they were looking right through me and Elius to something else.
That symbol must has been painted to represent their eyes.
"The purification ritual is ready. To seek the favor of the Demon Lords, stranger, tell me your true name," her voice was ethereal and clear, like dewdrops in the morning mist.
Elius coughed repeatedly, and I was noncommittal about his hints. Revealing my full name means exposing a vulnerability in the realms of magic and the extraordinary; it's said that many spells require the precise pronunciation of the person's name to be cursed. But these women are closely linked to the Moon Lord—why would they harm a simple pilgrim like me? I also have no reason to harm Vigrid.
"Nadia, Nadia Krämer," I responded.
The priestess nodded, then used a dish to scoop up some spring water and dampened a bunch of leaves. She went through the directions—north, west, south, and east—and made her plea to the spirits of each: "May the spirits of the blaze, the gale, the chasm, and the flood grant Nadia Krämer, daughter of a Viennese merchant, protection and guidance."
Then she sprinkled the branch over my head and around my feet. The end of the branch that hold was polished, showing off the golden wood. The leaves were long and narrow with irregular, wavy edges. It must be an oak tree, right?
After that, the priestess called the next person forward. Elius reluctantly mumbled something, and Ingrid took over, briskly guiding my friend to step up: "This man is named Elius Schreiber."
Virgin priestess went through the same routine again, calling out Eli's family business and hometown, and I couldn't help but look at him with suspicion as he hung his head. Did he spill everything in just one night? Or do the Virgins really have psychic powers?
"Sentries, set up the scene as usual," the tall, thin priestess clapped her hands together.
The soldiers scattered at the command, some helping the priestesses to light the braziers and crush the herbs; others stripped us of our clothes; some went off to bring our two horses; and some tested musical instruments—I recognized a lute and a hand drum right away.
Ophélie was in charge of the search and undressing. She raised her eyebrows, swiped the dagger from the sole of my boot, put her index finger to her lips to shush me, and nodded her head as if to say, "Lucky they didn't find this." I could only give an awkward laugh to play it off.
So, after about the time it takes to drink two beers, Eli and I were left in just our thin clothes and socks, hugging each other's arms and shivering in the autumn wind.
With the clear notes of the lute, the two Virgins held the lit incense burners and prayed in a mix of French and an ancient language I'd never heard before. The priestesses circled us counterclockwise, moving their arms to the beat of the drum, sprinkling powder from bowls onto the flames. Then, they lifted their veils and blew the ash onto us.
First, it was the bitter scent of sandalwood, like burnt toast, followed by the sweet of camphor, then a sharp, cool spiciness. I covered my mouth to muffle the cough in my hand. My nose was running, and my eyes were burning, like I'd rolled around in a kitchen that had been used to stir-fry chilis until it was pitch black. Finally, there was citrus and pine, and the air returned to its slightly bitter state.
The Virgins scooped water to wash my eyes. I clasped my hands together, asking her to give me water, and buried my face in the spring water to drink the coolness. My eyes could see again, my mouth could speak again, and the fatigue and soreness were all gone. I felt like I could ride a plow ox and till ten acres without getting tired.
The priestess who was giving orders asked me to flat out my hand, and my fingertips overlapped with her palm, loosely hooking our wrists together as we moved in sync through the smoky fire. At that moment, the drumbeats were intense and fast; at that moment, the gut strings of the lyre also vibrated in resonance. She loudly asked the Demon Lords for mercy on me, promising a bountiful offering with a long, drawn-out inflection: "We gather here, beating with the most sincere hearts, to offer Umbra respects to you, asking with boundless compassion to forgive this outsider."
I looked back to see Elius, holding onto the hem of another priestess's robe, also stepping into the smoke. Then, the sentries carried our clothes across the fire in several trips. When we all reached the end, the Virgin sprinkled the ash from the incense burner under the horses' hooves, "And welcome to you too." As she stood up and offered one oak leaf to each horse, the two animals with different personalities both nuzzled their jaws against the shoulder of the priestess in a sign of affection.
The music was dying down, and the ceremony was over. We finally got our clothes back to warm up (except for the dagger). I was surprised to see that the women, after all that, didn't seem out of breath, not even a drop of sweat on their foreheads. Did that mean they were all super fit or something?
As I was getting dressed, I asked my childhood friend in German, "Eli, psst.psst.. Eli! Why did you call them witches before? Did you spill all our secrets?"
"You didn't know? They didn't show you... that terrifying power? Nadi, I'm counting on you. I rarely wielded a sword even in my squire days..." His dusty face started to tear up as he spoke, "They've been kind to you, Nadia, please help us. Ask them to let us go... Friend, friend, forgive me this time."
"I don't know what? Can you be a little clearer??" I was starting to get anxious.
The commotion caught the attention of the priestess, who was sitting on the pristine relief of the fountain, cleaning the dirt from her hands. She called over the leader of the sentries and whispered something to her. Ingrid glanced at me, nodded in understanding, and after their conversation, she approached us.
"Get ready to go inside and see Her Highness. Elder Renée wants you to speak. Keep your follower in check; if he dares to make a scene and cry in front of the heir, I'll cut out his tongue." Ingrid looked me straight in the eyes and then glanced at Eli, spitting out the threat.
"Huh!..." My friend let out a wail as the sentry strapped a leather muzzle over his mouth. When I reached to take it off, Ophélie grabbed my arm and shook her head. For the first time, I angrily shook off her grip. In an instant, the leader pinned me to the ground; the tiles were bitingly cold. She was incredibly strong, and no matter how much I wriggled, I couldn't break free.
"This farce is over." The high priestess named Renée swept her robe past my nose, and the sentry quickly let go. I got up grumpily, straightening my clothes. The disparity in strength was so vast, and I gave Elius a steady look, silently vowing that whether we get through this ordeal or not, it's all on me.
Holding my breath, I rehearsed in my mind how to argue against any questions that might come my way. Led by the group into the meeting place, I wasn't in the mood to appreciate the golden, symmetrically elegant carvings on the supporting pillars, whether lit by the bonfire or the sunlight. The long corridor with iron doors on both sides made me feel oppressed. Our shadows, swallowed and then released by the columns, seemed like ghosts swaying.
The raised platform in the distance was just a few steps high, and the lake green light refracted from the ceiling totem made the floor tiles seem as cool and quiet as pebbles washed by a stream. The chatter died down as we approached, and as Renée, the Virgin, stepped forward, I looked up and observed her settling into the empty chair. Every chair at the crescent moon-shaped table was occupied by a woman in black, except for the one in the center with a bright red figure.
She looked to be in her early twenties, with a fair and smooth complexion, silver eyes round and large, and thick eyelashes fluttering as she squinted at people. Her high nose bridge and full lips, with twin braids wrapped around, covering her ears, reminded me of a sheep with fluffy wool. The golden circlet across her forehead signaled her status. She had an air of pride and sanctity that made me forget all the rehearsed words.
If she claimed to be the Moon Lord herself, no one would doubt her.
We were still in the stage of sizing each other up. I should have greeted her with courtly manners for men, but considering the local custom where women hold the reins, I switched to a curtsy. But since I was wearing trousers, I had to make do by grabbing the hem of my coat and pretending it was a skirt, bowing low to the heir with my eyes cast down in submission.
"Your Highness, my name is Nadia, and I represent the Austrian royal family, extending to you our respect and greetings."
I thought I'd be scolded for this awkward gesture, but when I looked up at the round table on the high platform, several elders were frowning and pursing their lips, their expressions full of confusion and criticism. I stole a glance at Her Highness and caught a fleeting smile at the corner of her red lips.
Perhaps winning the heir's favor was easier than I thought.
"You may rise, envoy from Vienna, I have received your greetings," she said, her voice clear and serene.
"Where did this court jester come from? You barged in uninvited, dirtying the sacred soil of Vigrid with your filthy boots, and now you try to cover up your rudeness with so-called 'respect'?" An elder with an official hat on her head and a crescent moon on her shoulder leaned both hands on the table, speaking out harshly.
I glanced at Her Highness again; she neither argued nor agreed, calm and composed, only her eyes twitched slightly at the beginning of this accusation.
"The purification ritual is complete, and the watchers of the demon realm have raised no objections." The Virgin's words were still melodious and pure; I wasn't sure if she was defending me or just stating the facts.
"Renée, as you've been sizing them up, have you seen any signs that this is another well-crafted trick by the Lumen Sages? Their hypocritical reach has been getting longer and longer in recent years," said the elder, holding the royal document I brought and passing it to her colleague on the left after reading.
"The traces are faint, but..." As soon as she said this, murmurs of doubt echoed around, drowning out the Virgin's plea.
As I caught whispers about punishment and imprisonment methods, the heiress rose from her seat and interrupted, "Silence! The words of the Virgins are not to be interrupted. Why does Umbra now ignore the advice of the Demon Lords' servants?" Once the room quieted down, she sat back down and said, "Priestess Renée, please continue."
"Just as Brigitte said, the Lumen Sages have set up missions in every corner of Europe. Our two foreign guests seem to have been corrupted by that radiance. However, the spirits whisper in my ear that Nadia of Vienna remains true to herself."
"Let's just slaughter the man as a sacrifice and send her packing. It's that simple," another elder interjected, her body lean and powerful, as she drummed her fingers on the table to get everyone's attention.
"This is a wrong judgment! I can prove our innocence. Please give me a chance!" I shouted, but the many eyes that turned on me were like arrows, dousing my cry. It was as if my voice was as insignificant as an ant's, not worth their consideration at all.
"Honey, handling swords and staffs is your forte, but dealing with these courtly political games isn't as simple as a dance. Before we dive deeper into this absurdity, remember, these Austrian royals are diplomatic guests, not enemies. Let's hear what the sentries have to say first, alright?" The owner of the soft voice crooked her finger at Ingrid.
"Sentry Leader Ingrid, I call you forward to testify. There's no need to be nervous. Now, please recount your experience from last night in front of the elders." The heir leaned forward, passing a glance.
Upon being nominated, the female soldier nodded, stepped forward, and saluted, "Yesterday at dusk, during our patrol on the hillside, we came across three individuals acting suspiciously. One of them went down the mountain ahead of the others, so we apprehended the remaining two suspects at the pass, searched them, and found royal letter. We then carefully knocked them out. The woman was properly taken care of at an inn, while the man was brought to the prison for questioning. After a thorough check, we confirmed they weren't carrying any narcotics or poisons; they were as fragile as chicks."
"Now you may speak, Nadia of Vienna, and tell us the true reason you've come to Vigrid," the heiress in the bright red motioned for me to step forward.
"The Habsburg dynasty sent us to Vigrid to document the local customs and people, so that we might serve the Moon Lord more devoutly. As for the Lumen Sages, I know nothing of them, and no one has identified themselves as such to me. The one who left ahead was our local guide," my voice trembled a bit, and I continued with a sense of grievance, "We've never set foot in Vigrid before and were unaware of the forbidden rules; we meant no disrespect... and certainly no harm..."
"Jeanne d'Arc! I thought moving the prison from the tower to the city center was already the height of absurdity, but I didn't expect you to be considering pardoning criminals, giving them a chance to lie and wriggle their way out. This will lead to irreversible consequences!" The elder wearing an official hat was on the attack again, but this time, the target of the accusation was the heir herself.
"I know what I've done." It was the first time I saw Her Highness snap back, and this time the twitch in her eye was even more noticeable, "Moving the prison to the city center was to increase administrative efficiency, and it's in the best interest of the people."
"Goodness, it's been almost forty years, and you still won't let go of that poor mother and daughter. Isabella, Rosa was once your pride and joy. Honestly, I feel sorry for you." The elder with the soft voice feigned nonchalance and yawned.
"Quoi ??"
This attack seemed to light the fuse on a powder keg; the elders all stood up, pointing fingers and shouting accusations at each other. Amidst the uproar, the heir barely managed to give the leader of the sentries orders to avoid our awkward stares: "Ingrid, take them out, the council still needs to discuss... wait for further summons."
So we moved outside the hall, and after a long, agonizing wait, the sunlight shifted from the lake surface to directly above us, when we were finally allowed back into the chamber. The elders were all seated again, sitting upright and glaring at each other. The heir looked a bit weary, propping her head with her hand, and she was the only one to pronounce the result in a hoarse voice.
Out of diplomatic courtesy and Umbra's mercy, the council has offered an alternative to imprisonment. One option is that I become Eli's guardian during my stay in Vigrid, where he would have to wear specific attire and shackles, and there would be two soldiers accompanying us throughout the assessment period. The second option is that I can move about freely, but Eli would be imprisoned until the travel is over. The third option is that I can stay, but Eli must have his memories of this place blurred and leave Vigrid immediately. I chose the third option and agreed with Eli that he would wait for me in the town at the foot of the mountain; every day, I would send a message to the town. If the messages stop, it means something has happened to me.
As for my punishment, I have to spend a couple of hours a day doing community service in the city. Being an explorer, I had already planned to immerse myself in the local life here, so this is hardly a punishment at all.
In short, the diplomatic trial was a nerve-wracking experience, but it went smoothly. After I bid farewell to the dazed Elius and grabbed some dried food from my satchel, it was already afternoon. I asked the innkeeper from this morning to draw a rough map of the Vigrid area for me and bought a set of local clothing.
When I started my formal travel, the first thing that came to mind was to visit the temple of the Virgins. So, I rode my horse across the grand bridge at a gallop, which was long enough for me to recite a few poems.
As I studied the map in my hands, I was allowed to roam freely around Vigrid, which let my thoughts take flight. The bell tower on the highest cliff... the plaza below it, a web-like structure... temples, schools, and the council building scattered around. That means the north end of the bridge is the real center of power. I'm curious if this is the birthplace of civilization here, perhaps where the queens of yore settled the people, and then the residences radiated outwards to the inn where I just stayed.
I've seen similar layouts in many territories: a castle on high, surrounded by the upper lands where the nobility live, then the common townsfolk's activity center, and often the slums and red-light districts at the bottom. Vigrid doesn't have clear city walls but uses bridges to separate the commoners from the nobility. The temples and the city council hall are interspersed, reminding me of ancient Rome during its republican period. And I haven't visited the slums of Vigrid yet; perhaps there are still marginalized groups here, just not easily encountered on the main streets.
I finally looked to the south, where in the distance on the mountains stood round, white buildings, milky-white connected cottages with a very Mediterranean, perhaps Greek, flair, but nestled in the mountains. There were also continuous aqueducts, bringing mountain springs to the town.
I returned to the area near the council and made my way to the temple I'd heard about, said to be a charming, circular building. The ladies in black, seeing me wandering alone on this side of the bridge, cast curious glances my way, yet never allowed me a real chance to speak with them, always disappearing around the corner the moment I noticed them.
I dismounted and approached the building with a dome like a moon disk; its door was a narrow one, resembling an upside-down crescent. The door was carved with insects that had their wings fully spread—scarabs? Butterflies? Moths? I unfolded a parchment and sketched it down. The ancient Egyptians believed that the emerald green scarab had the power of rebirth. Could it be that I would learn similar revelations from the teachings in Vigrid?
This thought made me hesitate. Although the purification ceremony in the morning was kindly hosted by the Virgins, but the chaos that followed... It would be quite bold to ask her to explain their religion to me. Or maybe I should first go to town and find out what the Virgins like, look for a trendy gift or a bottle of fine wine to use as a conversation starter. I pondered deeply, my brows surely furrowed in concentration.
"Is there anything I can help with?" Lost in thought, I heard a voice that had made an impression on me earlier in the day. It was the heir and her guard approaching from the temple, addressing me.
She looked relaxed, as if she had shed the stress of the meeting.
"Oh! Your Highness, I didn't expect to run into you. I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to disturb the Virgins right now. You see, I was a prisoner just half a day ago." Now dressed in the local attire of Vigrid, I finally managed to perform the proper curtsy for her.
"I stepped back with one foot, lifted the skirt at my side, and curtsied with a smile and a nod.
“Stay vigilant, friend from afar; bowing to everyone might lead to unnecessary trouble. Especially with the elders,” her tone remained dignified, but her lips curled into an appropriate smile.
She approached me; she wasn’t wearing a veil or a mask, and that almost divine beauty was right in front of me. She handed me a lily brooch as a token, to prove that I was the heir’s guest: “Now, you can enter the temple with peace of mind.”
"Your Highness, about the next arrangements..." the guard, dressed in black and red, leaned in to remind her.
"I'm aware," the heir replied, her gaze steady. The quietness in her contemplation only amplified her beauty, "I look forward to reading your travelogue."
It was only after they had left for a while that I realized her last remark was meant for me.
1、Renée is an elegant and unique French name that comes from the Latin word meaning "reborn." 2、Brigitte is associated with St. Brigid of Ireland, who is regarded as the guardian of wisdom and knowledge. 3、Isabella means "God's promise" in French. This name has Hebrew origins. 4、Nadia Krämer means "merchant." 5、Elios Schreiber means "scribe" or "secretary."
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roseofithaca · 5 months ago
A Slip Through Worlds (Epilogue II)
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Aftermath of events for Mary and Silver in the Gore AU (created by @idiotwithanipad )
Bare feet stick out from under the blanket draped over her. She's far from cold, which at first doesn't surprise her only because she rarely feels the cold since she died. And yet she can feel the warmth. The warmth of the room, of the blanket, of the fluffy pillow she's resting against.
A pillow that moves. Breathes. Grumbles, in his sleep.
Silver's eyes flutter open. At last, the lights have been turned back on. She can see! Which means she must be back in Mummy's enchanted forest, or...dreaming. It must be the latter because Mummy's forest doesn't have a roof or floors, unless she's been at work building a cottage for them.
But she's been here before. Hasn't she? Ever so recently.
Her pillow purrs and grunts. Silver looks at it and giggles, recognising her beloved fluffy friend, or at least how her mind perceives him. A raggedy Direwolf. Noble, loyal beast with a short temper.
She leans in to give his muzzle a hug. He doesn't wake, nor does he shove her away with his paw. He merely nuzzles her, sleepily, with his nose.
"Best pillow. Hehe."
Her voice sounds different. Somehow even higher than normal.
But her face mouth...it no longer hurts. No cramping in her cheeks.
Sitting up, the blanket slides off and she looks down at her outfit. Similar to many of her favorite dresses but...this one feels strangely different and she isn't sure why. Softer, more like pretty pyjamas.
She glances around the living room, a roaring fire ablaze within the hearth. So funny that she chose to nap on the soft rug instead of the big sofa. Hadn't that been where her and her friends were supposed to sleep? Where were they?
At least there's no longer a storm outside. Sunshine streams through the window from a beautiful summers day. There's an apple tree outside, she can see the red fruit, ready for picking.
She'd like to go pick an apple or two. A whole basket full! Silver pushes herself up onto her feet and struggles to balance at first, her legs feeling too...little? Stumpy?
Her hands seem strange too. Podgy little fingers.
Once again, everything in the cottage is far too big. Even Mr. Floof may as well be a bed compared to her. It's not just the house, however. Silver suspects that even if she were to wander outside, she'd probably have to spend ages climbing a tree to reach an apple, then probably break her neck in the fall while trying.
Why was she still small? Hadn't all three girls chose to grow up?
Humming begins to sound from the kitchen.
Silver somewhat walks, somewhat toddles, out the living room and through the foyer. On the way she can't help but notice how different this cottage is to their usual environment. Very little Elven or Fae finery or fanciness. No royal Enchantress and her daughter vibes. It was far more...homely. Cute, but simple.
A Hobbit's kinda house, she giggled to herself, except if that's the reason why she's small then it didn't account for the house itself being big.
There are smells coming from the kitchen, the kind you'd expect to find in a Shire home. They make her tummy rumble. Freshly baked pastry and warm, sweet fruit.
Silver finds Mummy at the worktops, singing to herself as she mixes up some cake batter after adding the eggs. Even Mummy is dressed differently to how she normally appears. No glittery gown or elegant black and orange cloak. Not even her extra special seashell frock. Mummy wears a simple but pretty 'peasant' blue dress with an apron already dusted with flour.
Best of all, Mummy is smiling.
She spots Silver watching her, over her shoulder and puts down the bowl.
"There be my darling." She says, sweetly, "Did you have a lovely rest? You certainly needed it, after that big adventure you hads, hmm."
Adventure? She blinks.
Yes. She had gone on an adventure, she remembers. That's where she'd met her twin sister and other Amy and Sweet Robin and others. So many funny characters. Many of them had been kind and played with her lots. But then it had turned so dark and scary....
A tremble runs through as she remembers Mummy coming to find her. Mummy yelling. Mummy screaming. Mummy....crying...
"Oh, what's a matter, sweetheart?" Mummy asks, kneeling down to her level; "There's no need to be sad. All that trouble be over now. You is back where you belong, safe and sound with Mummy and dear ally. Back home."
Home. A smile creeps across her face. But why was it so different?
"Mummy. Am I asleep?" She asks.
"Of course you are, darling girl. Still got 'nother few weeks till the moon be big and beautiful again." Mummy explains, removing her apron and hanging it on a hook; "You is back on your bed o' flowers in our woods."
"But...this isn't what I usually dream?" She frowns.
Where was her fantasy land? Her talking stick friend? Her giant trolls and useless but endearing Elders? Was it all simply outside this little cottage?
"Hmm. That be true." Her mother nods; "Reason for that, my love, is Mummy's had to make some changes."
Silver blinks up at her in confusion.
Her mum gives her a sympathetic smile and takes a seat in a chair she pulls out from a table at the window. She pats her knee.
"Come here, darling girl. Mummy has need of your ears for a moment."
That usually never sounded good. Whenever parent said, in whatever words, 'we need to talk', it was rarely ever positive.
Silver nervously approaches. Mummy has always been taller than her, but now she may as well be a giant. Silver needs help just climbing up her dress and sitting on her lap. Mummy chuckles as she struggles to pull herself up and gives her a lift, settling Silver on her knee.
"What's the last thing you do remembers?" Her mother asks.
Silver blinks. Excellent question. It had all felt like a wonderful but also scary dream. Her own trip to Oz or Wonderland.
"We said goodbye to sister...and Sweet Robin...and there was the shiny Light Lady. She was the only one I could see." She tried to explain; "Everything else was so dark, Mummy. I haven't had anyone to turn the lights on for me since..."
Since she got lost. Since she wandered too far from home.
"I'm sorry, love. That must have been ever so scary. But they's back on now, yes?"
Silver nods, reaching a hand up to touch Mummy's skin. She looked so much like the Lady of Light...her sister's mummy. But with her own beauty. A darker beauty.
Mummy holds her fingers to her lips and kisses each of her tiny nails.
"So long as you stay close to Mummy, you know the lights will always be on."
She nodded.
"Are you okay, Mummy?"
The older woman's eyes widened; "Me, darling girl?"
"Yeah...I heard you crying. You sounded ever so upset. And I couldn't understand what was happening...I was afraid something bad was gonna-."
"Oh, sweetheart." Mummy wrapped her up into a tight hug; "Don't yous fret on any of that's. It all be over now. You is home, we is all together, and everything is as it should be."
Silver breathed out with relief and buried herself in her mother's warmth. Home. She was home. The lights were on.
Silver frowned at Mummy's voice turning a little deeper. She looked up at her.
Her mother smiled and stroked her fringe; "Mummy mays have tried to put too many 'taters in one basket." She admitted, a little sheepishly; "I gots in a bit over my head and...seem to have used up nearly alls Mummy's magic."
Silver gasped.
"Are you sick?!"
Her mother laughed; "No! No, darling girl. Oh, for that to be thy first concern, you precious thing." She planted a big, wet kiss on Silver's forehead; "No, fear not, Mummy isn't sick. Mummy is just...weak. Very, very weak."
The witchling came very close to asking if Mummy was going to die before realising what a stupid question that would be.
"You're not going to...go away, are you?" She asked, trembling; "L-like Sister's mummy did?"
"No! No, no and no, my angel." Mummy promised, furrowing her brow to show how serious she is; "Mummy is not going anywhere. If that light doth appear and try to drag me up to the stars, I'll throw a net around them all and pull them down with me!"
Even in her diminutive state, Silver sensed that wouldn't be as easy to do. But she appreciated her mum's determination.
"Listen, dear child. All this means is that Mummy is going to have to rest for a while to regain her powers. I is certain that after a long sleep, my strength shalls be restored." She said, confident; "So I shall sleep beside my darling girl till we both wake at the next moon."
That explained what Mummy was doing in her dream. It wasn't the first time, but she only ever made fleeting appearances to check on her daughter during Silver's big sleeps. Never a lengthy stay, as much as Silver always secretly wished she would.
It didn't hurt Mummy's skin to be hugged tightly in their dreams like it did when they were awake.
"But what about...your work? Patrolling our queendom?" Silver asked. That had always been Mummy's excuse before.
Must check the boarders, darling girl. Mummy has important work. We has to keep the Witchfinders and guards at bay...
"Dear ally has promised to take up some of my duties for me during this little sabbatical." Mummy explained; "We can trust him to protect us, hmm."
Silver smiled and nodded. If anyone dared try to hurt her or Mummy then Mr. Floof would make them suffer for it. She glanced over to the living room and saw that the fluffy Direwolf she'd been resting against has vanished, for now.
Mummy tickled her chin; "He'll be back when he needs rest. Protectin' the pack be in his blood, any danger that doth approach, he'll wake for it."
There was little worry in her heart. She trusted that their fluffy friend would take good care of her and Mummy. Perhaps he was more like Sweet Robin than she'd thought.
"The good news is, that while Mummy sleeps and dreams, I gets to properly be with my darling girl." The older woman said, "I dids hear what you spoke to your sister and the other Amy."
Silver frowned. What had she said? That whole experience had been such a fuzzy blur.
"'I wish Mummy spent more time with us'." Her mother reminded her.
Right. She blushed; "I know you have to work hard to protect us, Mummy..."
"Not for now. For the next few weeks, you gets to have Mummy all to yourself, darling girl." She tells Silver; "And even when I is back at full strength, wes can be together more when you rest, rather than just our three days of the month. How doth that sound?"
Silver grinned, "That's...Oh, Mummy, really?"
"Yes, really. Of course...I'm afraid I won't be able to create all the things you so enjoy. No magical lands, or dragons, or epic quests or grand balls for a time." Mummy said, apologetic; "Just you and Mummy, living here in our little cottage, a bit like what it was like for me growing up, 'cept without the child labour and disease...Oh, it might seem evers so dull-."
"No..." Silver smiled; "I don't need any of that other stuff, Mummy. I only ever wanted you."
Her mother's eyes twinkled, almost tearing up; "Oh, little'en. I promise to make it as fun as possible. It'll be just like as if those wicked folk hadn't stolen you at birth, and I'd got to raise you proper!"
That reminded Silver of her other big predicament.
"Is that why I'm little again, Mummy?" She asked.
Her mother's face turned serious as she looked Silver over, one hand reaching to fiddle with the lace on her soft bodice.
"Partly so, darling. But also...Well." She met Silver's eyes; "There be that elephant in the room who needs talkin' about, don't he."
Mummy sighed; "Silver, love...You did disobey me, didn't you, pet."
Oh. She suddenly stiffened.
"Mummy could not have been more clear about staying away from that dangerous wall when you traversed in your dreams. Not only did ye approach it regardless, yous tried to push through it!"
She squirmed, guiltily; "It weren't that bad, Mummy."
"Darling, you ripped a hole in the Universe!"
Okay that....made it sound very bad.
"Not only did you make it so Mummy couldn't find you, but another Silver got put at risk too! So much pain coulds have been avoided had you just done as Mummy said!"
Silver's little chubby arms hugged herself, chest tightening. She knew that she'd been the one to instigate everything that had happened but she'd almost hoped it would have been forgotten amidst the chaos.
"You...You hurt people too, Mummy." She deflected with a pout.
Her mother sat up straight, lips pursed. For a moment, Silver was afraid she'd poked an angry bear and she began to quiver.
Then Mummy exhaled.
"Yes....Mummy did. That be true...And I is havin' to suffer the consequences for that." She nodded. "...I has lost both my powers, for now and...also your sister, who I did grow to love as I do you..."
A twinge of jealousy strikes Silver then. True, she had wanted the other Silver to stay too. In their short while together, she had been a better sister than either had in life.
But....this was her Mummy. Had....Had she wanted the other Silver to stay more than she wanted her own back?
Her bottom lip wobbles.
"Oh, my darling girl. C'mere." Mummy scoops her up against her chest as she gets to her feet.
As she walks from the kitchen to their cosy little living room, she bounces Silver softly in her arms, and Silver can't help but admit that it is...soothing to be carried like this. Carried by Mummy.
"You mistake me, little'en. I doth not blame thee for the events that occurred." Mummy assured.
Silver sniffed; "Y-you don't?"
"No, nos. I take on all the responsibility, my love." Her mother says; "T'is my fault. I gave you far too much freedom."
Too much? Silver blinks.
"I always kept watch over thee whilst you were awake but neglected to do the same as you slumbered. I underestimated how adept you be getting in the dreamworld." Mummy explained; "I did turn my gaze away and you nearly wandered far beyond my reach..."
She gulped; "But I was okay, Mummy. There were nice people who took care of me."
"You was fortunate, darling. What if you hads fallen into a crueller world? What if the Witchfinders had gotten their claws on thee?" Her mother looked her in the eye; "My precious little girl coulds have been placed upon the ducking stall or tied to a pyre or worse....And there woulds have been nothin' I could do to save her."
It seemed that Mummy's paranoia, which Silver had thought they'd been beginning to move past since she met Amy, had returned with a vengeance.
A tiny coherent part of her brain sighed with defeat at the knowledge there was no 'growth' for the souls stuck in this land. Mummy's trauma would forever scar her view of the world.
She stroked Silver's cheek; "Mummy peeked into your head to see what occurred in that world, little'en. T'was not all dancing and games with those friendly faces, was it?"
The girl cringed as she remembered what she did. Her drastic attempt to 'call' for her mother.
Mummy kissed her cheeks where she'd torn off the skin with her own fingernails.
"My beautiful girl. You must have been so scared..."
She nodded; "You weren't coming for me. I called and called but you didn't come and I thought-." Her voice broke off as she began to cry.
"Shh, shh." Mummy hugged her close, rocking her again; "Mummy's here now. Mummy's never letting you go again."
She clung to her mother's dress, feeling conflicted. She never wanted to lose Mummy again. Never wanted the lights to go off. But, at the same time, it made her nervous how Mummy sounded determined to be even more protective than she had before. She didn't think that was possible.
"...I'll be good, Mummy. I won't disobey...You don't need to make me small...."
"Oh sweetheart. This not be permanent. You're just clearly not ready to be a big girl yet." Mummy pats her back, "Fear not, your body still be that of ten and nine when you awake. This just be while we has our special time together."
"When I wake up I'll be big? Please. Amy's not gonna want to play with a little kid." She pouts.
Mummy taps her chin; "Hmm, maybe I shoulds make her little too as I did the other Amy? I is sure her daddy wouldn't object."
Silver scowled; "Mummy!' She wanted this to be taken seriously!
The fact that Mummy kept laughing didn't help.
"Oh your little grumpy face be so squishable." She gushed, squeezing Silver's button nose until her child squirmed back. "I is only teasing!"
"I don't wanna be little, Mummy, change me back!"
Mummy let out the biggest sigh.
"Well, if you do insist...Let me just clean up some of this mess on the side first."
Good. Victory, thought Silver with relief.
Her mother took back into the kitchen and stood her on a chair before turning back to the batter she had been mixing earlier.
A whiff of fruity sweetness caught her nose.
"W-what's that?" She tried to peer at the ingredients laid out.
"Hmm? Oh, Mummy had just started making a cake for us, darling girl. Victoria sponge with strawberry jams. Sound yummy?"
Her mouth watered at the thought. There hadn't been any food or drink in the other place, in Sweet Robin and Sister's world. Even when she'd slept, her dreams had kept her within that house. Safe and snug but kinda boring.
Mummy didn't just turn the lights on. She fed her, quenched her first, spoiled her with sweeties...
"We can has it for afternoon tea. 'Course, I was gonna let you lick the batter left in the bowl-."
"Can I?!"
That was always her favorite thing as a kid, whenever she would bake with her grandmother, when she was very little.
Her mother tapped a finger against her chin; "I dunno...I don't thinks that big girls get to lick the bowls. Sounds like somethin' just for little'ens."
Who made up that rule?! Silver pouted and tugged at her mother's sleeve.
"I'm a little'en, Mummy!" She declared, "See?"
"Huh. Well, I guess you may be, my love." Mummy smiled. She scooped the mix required I to the round pan and then handed what remained to her daughter; "Careful now."
She stuck her hand in, covering as much of her little digits as she could in the sugary paste and then licking it off. It was heaven!
Her mother chuckled as she watched her.
"Messy lil' wench. Do you wanna help Mummy make the rest?"
Silver nodded, eagerly, though she wanted to make sure the inside of the bowl was nearly clean first.
Mummy preheated the oven and then popped the mix in to bake.
"We're gonna wants some strawberries to decorate the top. How 'bouts you fetch one of Mummy's baskets and we'll go pick some fresh ones?"
Silver blinked; "O-outside?"
"No, love, from the cellar full o' spider webs." Mummy said, dryly, then giggled at her daughter's face; "'Course from outside, silly girl! Dids you think we was trapped in 'ere?"
The thought may have crossed her mind that Mummy would want her locked in, unable to risk her wandering off again.
She climbed carefully down from the chair and then ran over to a pile of large wicker baskets, grabbing the biggest one she could carry.
"C'mon, darling girl. Lemme shows you our gardens. It be no forest of enchantments, buts...."
Mummy took her hand and opened the back door.
Silver gasped. True, the garden was rather small, with a low brick wall separating them from the fields stretching off into the distance. But it was beautiful, full of flower beds and fruit and vegetable patches with all sorts of produce. Most of them were already ripe for picking, while others seemed to have a ways to go.
Living off the land. Simple life. The kind that Mummy grew up in. The sort of life Silver wanted for her ecofriendly Pagan lifestyle.
"Do you think you'd like to help Mummy tend to our crops and water the flowers?" The woman asked, patting her hair.
Silver nodded. Yes. Yes, that sounded lovely.
"S'like our own farm, Mummy!" She cheered.
"Exactly, darling girl. Except we won't be havin' need of ploughs or horses for pulling...though if you're good and Mummy gets stronger, mayhaps you could have a pony."
Silver gasped and bounced on her bare feet. Somehow the thought of her own pony seemed exciting as any dragon, which almost seemed like it had only been a dream, the more her reduced mind begins to settle in her tiny skull.
She picked up the basket and wandered upon the tomatoes and sweet potatoes and-
"St'awberries!" She cheered, skipping over to pick the reddest ones.
"Careful there, darling girl. We don't wants them squished, we has enough jam." Mummy chuckled as she guided her hand; "There, that's it. What a good girl. Such a helpful witchling."
Silver melted under the praise for her 'work' once her basket was full. They had far more than they needed to decorate the cake, but Mummy said they could keep some to have with fresh cream.
All thoughts about reminding Mummy that she needs to be turned back into a big girl fade from memory as they're replaced with more important matters. Like helping Mummy put the filling in the cake once it's finished in the oven and then plopping each strawberry on. And then bursting into giggles when she takes a bite of one and it squeezes onto her face and Mummy draws symbols on her cheeks in the red juice. Protection sygils, she says with a wink.
Mummy is still magic, thinks Silver with innocent glee.
Their work to prepare it all makes it all seem extra delicious when they're sat on the sofa, enjoying a slice of cake each, along with a cup of tea for Mummy and a glass of milk for Silver. Afterwards, when Mummy is done wiping the sugar and icing from Silver's face, she tugs her up onto her lap for a cuddle.
Yawning, Silver almost feels ready for another nap, even though didn't she already wake from one? Was that what it was to have a 'deep sleep', when you slept within a dream?
Mummy hums as she strokes her hair, her body and arms as warm as the glow of the fireplace.
"Would you like a story, my sleepyhead?"
Silver nodded, perfectly content.
"What's it 'bout, Mummy?"
Her mother kissed her hair; "T'is a story of the little Goddess of Spring who was stolen away by wicked forces. But, lucky for her, she hads a mummy who was willing to do everything it took to bring her little'en home."
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regina-cordium · 2 years ago
What are you newsies pjo au thoughts?? I’m so hyped about this
I'm SO glad you asked, because this is fascinating
(Giving a quick shoutout to Rehearsal_Dweller on AO3 and @roideny they've inspired my #thoughts the most)
I don't have parents for ALL the newsies, so I'm definitely open for ideas 👀
Jack - son of Hypnos. HEAR ME OUT. I was tempted to make him a son of Hermes, mostly so he and Race and Crutchie could be brothers. However, Jack's Whole Deal is how he's a dreamer at heart!!!! He sees the way the world could be!! (wait--) I like the idea of him being able to travel in dreams (there's a term for this, but I cannot for the life of me remember it). A lot of the things he paints are things he's seen in dreams, or general ✨vibes✨ he gets
Katherine - this is where I'm stealing from Rehearsal_Dweller and saying daughter of Zeus. Like....imagine being the daughter of ZEUS and JOSEPH PULITZER the need to make her mark as herself instead of as an extension of her fathers. The way she'd refuse to use any surname but Plumber. If you wanna play with pjo canon, her being a prophecy kid would add even MORE stress on top. Give me Katherine blazing her own path not because of, but despite her parents. Going against what they want and expect her to be, to become an actual person and not an idealized hero
Davey - I cannot be swayed from son of Athena Davey. I refuse. He's clever, he's analytic. Going to Newsies canon REAL quick, but I like the hc that he knew what he was doing when he was explaining what they needed to form a union and was posing it as a challenge to get Jack to work with him. Yeah. It also still gives that canon-level "Davey puts everything on his shoulders and feels like he needs to solve everything himself" of sheer anxiety. He's a son of Athena!! He needs to be perfect and smart and know how to do everything!!
Sarah - Davey's twin. She's also extremely clever and really good at reading people and working a conversation into a direction she wants. However, my favorite modern au hc for Sarah is that she's a fashion designer, so I see her focusing more on Athena's crafting aspect. As a result, other than Davey, she's closest with Buttons. She also has a ton of little hobbies that she's picked up because she finds herself going "well, I can't just stay doing the same thing all the time. I need to be well rounded!" and suddenly she knows how to customize dolls
Les - okay, thiiiiis is where I steal from roideny a bit. He has Davey & Sarah and Les are step siblings, and Esther and Meyer bonded over being parents of demigods. That being said, I go around and around on what godly parent he'd have!! Hebe is a good one, as goddess of youth. Hermes is good because Mischief™️ and Race being an awful influence. WAIT. Hold on. I'm going through the cabins and TYCHE. GODDESS OF CHANCE. Lets be real, he's the catalyst of everything!! Without him convincing Davey to work with Jack, nothing would've happened!!! If he hadn't convinced Davey to TAKE A CHANCE!!!! I'm settled, he's a son of Tyche
Race - son of Hermes. I refuse to be moved on this, either. Race is king of pranks. He's SO sneaky, too. That's the real reason he's called Race; one second he's on the cabin's porch, the next he's by the Big House. How'd he get there? Nobody knows. Is he fast??? We don't know. He's actually a REALLY great swordsman, but he prefers fistfights. Nobody expects to get punched in the face.
Crutchie - son of Hermes. Everyone is surprised when they learn that fact. They are in for a rude awakening when their clothes end up on the roof of their cabin. How did Crutchie get up there?? Nobody knows. He and Race are co-councilors, but it's mostly because he knows when to be serious. People tend to go to him with problems, though he and Race are good problem solvers. WAIT. I just remembered Hermes is god of languages too. Crutchie is SO good with languages. It also makes him such a great orator.
Buttons - throwing him here because I've already mentioned he's a son of Athena. I will say I was tempted to put him as a son of Aphrodite, but when I remembered Athena's weaving/crafting aspect I was like "NOW THIS IS BEAUTIFUL" and also Sarah deserves to have friends that aren't her brothers and Katherine
Spot - son of Nike. Again, people are surprised when he's not a son of Ares. However, going back to canon, everything would've been lost without Spot and Brooklyn; he was the key to victory. The Athena and Ares cabins always fight over him for capture the flag. He's so fucking tired.
Now some rapid-fire hcs that I have no good reason for, I just like the vibes
Elmer - Hebe Albert - Apollo Hotshot - Ares Finch - Hephaestis Stray - Demeter Splint - Apollo Romeo - Hecate Much - Aphrodite Blink - Tyche
I am ALWAYS down to discuss other hcs tho 👀
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loorain · 1 year ago
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Home Stretch
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As Sigrid and Robin's wedding is now days away (yes, it's finally happening!), Sigrid heads to the venue to do some final checks to make sure everything is in order. Anya, ever the supportive sister-in-law and major help in the planning process, meets her to do one last check of the space.
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Anya: Ah, been a minute since we've been here, huh?
Sigrid: I'm just glad we found this place. All thanks to you of course.
Anya: Well I know some things about wedding planning. Of course I have to use my learned skills to help my sister! Thank goodness you have me too, Robin would be so lost trying to do any of this stuff.
Sigrid: I'll admit he's been a bit naive to this whole wedding planning thing. It's nice to have your help. I just hope everything is coming along inside.
Anya: Well there's only one way to find out! After you, bride-to-be!
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Anya and Sigrid make their way inside, taking a good look at the reception space which is looking very nice as things are being set up for the big day.
Anya: Another wedding happened here just yesterday so they're still switching things out, but this is looking very nice so far!
Sigrid: I agree! These vibes are perfect. Looks like everything is coming along in here. Can't wait to see the final result.
They take a good look around the reception space, making notes about the room and anything they may need to follow up on to make sure everything's perfect for the big day. Then, as they finish up they make their way to the ceremony room.
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Anya: Wow...
Sigrid: Tell me about it...
Anya: I know we picked out this space for this reason, but... wow. This is beautiful.
Sigrid: It's perfect.
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Anya: Is it starting to feel real?
Sigrid: It is... felt like this day would never come, to be honest. When I got pregnant with the twins, it felt like my life was being written for me and I was just having to go along for the ride. I love being a mom, but it doesn't mean it's been easy. But finally, something that I've really wanted for myself is coming true.
Anya: It is. You're finally marrying my blockhead brother.
Anya can't help but giggle to herself a little, watching as Sigrid admires the space as if she's not even there anymore. Sigrid imagines her future with Robin and their family, and her heart swells. Through it all, she knows that life has been leading her to this moment. Things seem brighter, and Sigrid feels at peace, albeit also a little flirty thinking about her love.
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After finishing up at the venue, the two head to the next-door karaoke bar for a simple cocktail, Anya's treat. It allows them time to unwind, go over wedding plans, and bond deeper.
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Anya: ...Trust me, married life has its ups and downs, but it's also so lovely. And you and Robin have literally the most perfect love story in the world, like, nauseatingly cute, and he's head-over-heels for you, so I'm sure things will be fine.
Sigrid: How did you know Haru was for you?
Anya: It was difficult. I really didn't know for a long time. I was involved with him and another guy for a while, but not really committed strongly to either of them. Then I got pregnant with Colt, and all of a sudden our paths were permanently intertwined. He was ready to go all in, but I felt the pressure coming in from all sides, and honestly, I choked. I had Colt, but I immediately gave him to Haru and said I couldn't be the mother he needed at that time. I didn't even really start getting to know my own son until he was a child. Still, through it all Haru always expressed his desire to be with me and to bring our family together under one roof. I was so focused on my career, and a kid and husband threatened to upend everything I worked towards.
Sigrid: But...?
Anya smiles softly, recalling her past.
Anya: But... over time... I realized I was running from my own destiny. I was afraid of not living up to the expectations I put on myself. That I wouldn't be a good mother like mine was to me. That I had failed her by following in her footsteps in becoming a teen mom. That I had completely screwed up my life simply because I was angry at the universe that it had taken her from me. In reality, being a mom, wife, and successful actress were all things I was made to be together.
Sigrid: I know what it's like to feel lost after the loss of a parent. I lost both of mine way too soon. Not to mention two of my siblings. It's always felt like life was happening to me, and I wondered if things would ever go the way I want them to. Getting pregnant so soon was not the plan, but the moment Robin expressed such excitement about being a dad, and when we saw them on that screen for the first time, I knew this was my path, as rocky as it may be.
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Anya: Robin loves you. He has since the first time he met you all those years ago when he was just a dorky teenager. And now he's a dorky man.
Both Sigrid and Anya laugh.
Anya: No, but seriously, my brother is wonderful. He's a simple guy, and all he's wanted in life is to create the family Armani lost too soon. He idolizes his dad, and for good reason. He was amazing. He even became the dad I needed. After all, it was him that walked me down the aisle. My father came and gave some general congrats, but that was it. He was never there for me. Armani filled that void as best as he could, and he tried to fill it when that void grew stronger after my mom died. It wasn't always enough, but that's a lot to put on one sim. Despite this, he did his very best, and Robin has always intended to do the very same. I know my brother is a bit naive at times and maybe a bit too idealistic, but his passion for dreaming is what led him to you, and it's led both of you to this moment.
Sigrid: I love Robin. I do. I love our family. I love that you all have let me into your lives so warmly.
Anya: You're my sister. I'm always going to be here for you, and so will everyone else. We want the best for both of you.
Sigrid sighs.
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Sigrid: Guess this is really what my life has always been leading up to.
Anya: Well, cheers to life taking us right where we need to be.
Sigrid smiles.
Sigrid: Cheers to that.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 years ago
I've written a lot of fics, but I do have a lot of original work too. I decided to share some.
I'm gonna put them up into sections.
First section is called "stuff I wrote when I was younger and gave up on":
I am not gonna include stuff I wrote under the age of 10. I'm gonna include stuff I wrote from age 11-15 and thought "this will be a big hit if I just finish writing it".
There was this one story about an entire class of students getting expelled from their school, so they are sent to this boarding school where ~wacky stuff~ happen. All I remember is that they all slept in the same room and there was these giant bunk beds - like we're talking 10+ beds on top of each other. There were two of these 10+ bed bunk beds and then the remaining kids got to sleep in hammocks tied together in the roof??
This story about a girl who discovers she could visit people in their dreams. So she decides to visit all of her classmates and kiss them in their dreams, just so she could see their reactions at school the next day. I mean, what if everyone in class dreamt about the same person kissing them and then seeing said person? Chaos and confusion ensues.
I kinda predicted covid, except I was a bit off. In like 2013/2014, I wrote a story that said that in 2017, a pandemic would come and take a lot of lives. Two girls pass away in this disease, and then when their mutual best friend grows up, she gets pregnant with twins and names them after her lost friends. But, here is the plot twist: Her children are possessed by the spirits of her best friends. So not only have she named her children after them, it's also them *reborn*... oooooohhhh. Also I had too many jokes about her best friends reacting that they were teenagers now trapped in babies' bodies, instead of like. Moving on with the story-
I had this full world of characters that I thought would eventually be included in some animated show I was so sure I'd make and it would be famous. Anyway, it was about these 12 year old twins that were going through life. They had a neighbour who had a rainbow T-shirt and a guy friend who was all silly but he had a tragic past. There was not much plot tbh, everyone just vibed and I just liked drawing them in different scenarios. They still live in my head. I may or may not have created a blog about them when I was 11 and I posted drawings of them there and I have no idea how to delete that blog so it's still there on the internet somewhere.
I have always been liking stories about large families and I have tried to make countless stories based on large families I’ve had on the Sims. They have never gotten far. I have also tried to create stories based on moviestarplanet films.
Alright, and now we are moving on to ”stories I am trying to write every now and then”.
These include two primary ones. The first one is called ”The Six Spins”. You will def see where I have gotten inspo from.
There is six siblings in a household. Oldest is almost 16 and the youngest is 10 months. Their surname is Spins.
They find out their parents have died in a plane crash, so now they gotta live with one of their relatives.
The relatives try to discuss where to put them, and many want to split them up cause no one can take all six. Until their father’s cousin takes them.
He lives up north at the countryside (in which country they live in, it’s never stated. I gave them pretty western names though, and I am wondering if I should change some to make it more diverse + unclear where they really are from).
They find out they are neighbours with these twins named Matias and Martina. I originally wanted them to be named Marcus and Martina but people would think I’d got that from the norwegian twin duo (Markus and Martinus). And it’s very important the other twin is named Martina.
One of the Spins siblings have this thing for Martina and they have a deep conversation in a tree. I actually wrote this very tree scene for a ”short scene” in my writing class in high school and I got an A for it 😊 Which has been my biggest wish in all my years in school - go get top score for a creative writing assignment.
Something is incredibly weird with the twins’ dad. Like his whole vibe is off.
One day, the twins’ mother is missing. They later find her corpse.
After they did, the father suddenly takes the twins and drives tf away from there. So it’s up to the Spins siblings to go look for them.
Here I am not as sure about all the details. I know all six will sit on a rooftop in a city and they’ll also meet their aunt who is like ”wtf are you doing here does your guardian know you’re on the run” and they are like ”Yeah we left a note”
And here is my other story. Currently unnamed and does not have as much plot yet. But I wanna make a comic or something about it later.
It’s about a girl named Monica who when she was 1 lost her parents in a car crash (don’t ask what it is with me and crashes), so she grows up with her aunt and her cousin.
Her aunt is cold asf and both her and her cousin have trauma from her during their childhood. But at some points, they get along fine with their aunt. It depends on the day, really.
Monica is starting upper secondary/high school. I again do not know in which country this should take place in, and I will base it kinda on my own school system… but she starts 10th grade, that is all you need to know.
She gets a friend who is blonde and that is all I know about her looks and personality rn. One time she follows this friend home and learns she’s an identical triplet, so there is just a bunch of pics of three identical girls everywhere.
She also has two other friends who has this thing going on in the bg kind of. One time they start getting a bit intimate in an empty classroom and Monica walks in and then at the same second walks out again before even reacting. Hard to explain, but kinda like this Violetta scene:
Both her and her cousin are WLW in some way and they kinda bond over it. Her cousin has a bigger plot regarding it, though.
The rest is just random half-done scenes in my head that makes no sense or have no context.
So Yeah! That are some original stuff I have written or am trying to write.
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cringefaillosersummit · 2 years ago
leo rottmnt? ^^
i actually never had the chance to rotate rise leo in my brain ive been.... preoccupied (stares at mikey and donnie)
One aspect I love: i love the change of him being the second oldest tbh it lets leo's character breathe in a way it hasn't been able to and to really act out! (and give him some cool new insecurities lmao) i do love how there's so much more to his character and how he just doesn't think of him as all that but tries to pass it off as he is confident. he's incredibly hard on himself like every leo but hides it behind jokes instead of the older sibling/leader veneer.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: movie leo was absolutely scared shitless. he was acting out not because he truly thought he was doing the best job but because he didn't want to be leader. the whole movie is him learning how to be a leader and to grow into the position. what he was doing was definitely acting up because he was terrified. he's a perfectionist through and through and he is infinitely much harder on himself than anyone else is. he finally grows into his own throughout the movie and its the best development for his character
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about them: he's a kaito fan holds a grudge he will forgive but NEVER forget he is actually the only one of the brothers in the future who never grows hair. bald moment. slap his head and it sounds like you took a screenshot. loves learning languages. will just start picking up random ones but will rarely follow through unless he really vibes with it (hated french but spanish and portuguese was fun) THE CLOSET IS MADE OUT OF FUCKING GLASS LMAOOOO has negative sense of direction. will get lost in a straight corridor. think zoro from one piece. he's not finding SHIT.
One character I love seeing them interact with: the hamato clan def but i adore the disaster twins lmao (i am a donnie enjoyer)
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more: draxum frfr need more interactions where leo is still bitter about being dropped from a roof GIVE ME AN USAGI YOJIMBO CROSSOVER it doesn't even have to be yuichi it could be just a rise version of Miyamoto I JUST LOVE THE CROSSOVERS BETWEEN USAGI YOJIMBO AND TMNT
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character: donnie got him into vocaloid if he were to get a cloaking brooch he would look the most similar to yoshi leo and raph have long mask tails because they're older and they purposefully cut mikey and donnie's tails bc of The Incident when they were kids. he's a pulgero turtle 💀 draxum got him at the pulgero and he was in the shitty plastic container with the plastic tree got him for like 8$ leo was the first to start talking out of the turtles made a powerpoint presentation about sexuality and gender identity for raph donnie and mikey. the call was coming from inside btw he didn't even realize it was ringing. tried playing baseball once to help april with her pitching and got absolutely bodied by some deadballs. thats actually how they found out the turtles were just Built Different.
Send me more characters!
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