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alj4890 · 2 years ago
(Drake Walker x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance drabble
Thirty Days of Thirty Kisses Challenge with the prompt: kissing your enemy while holding them at knife point
@krsnlove @sirbeepsalot @lodberg ​ @mynameiskaylabella @museofbooks @elbenmond @gibbles82 @twinkleallnight @thehonorarybeaumont @tessa-liam @kingliam2019
Thanks so much @twinkleallnight for the suggestion of this couple with this particular prompt. 😂 My Pinterest recommendations now are filled with different disguised knives after my search for the perfect one for Olivia to use 🤣
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The palace was silent, save for the faint chime of a nearby clock alerting the lone, female figure prowling the royal library. The number of chimes let her know it was three in the morning. She paused in her search through file cabinets just long enough to make certain no footsteps were coming her way.
Olivia grimaced at yet another dead end. There had to be something about her parents amongst the historical documents. The anonymous letter she'd received at Liam's coronation had to be false. It simply wasn't feasible that her parents would turn traitor and take a chance on losing everything they had.
Surely they wouldn't have risked leaving her alone.
Olivia readjusted her pen light as she flipped through another file folder. Frustrated tears began to sting her eyes as she caught her parents' names as being in attendance for the mundane things at Court such as balls and council meetings.
Nothing was here. Not one shred of information to either prove or disprove that horrid, threatening letter had been found after a week of searching.
She'd already combed her duchy for anything that her parents might have inadvertently left behind. Yet, nothing was there.
She knew she should check the family vault. Yet, she couldn't make herself do it. Something about that part of her home scared her. It wasn't her ancestors' violent history she feared. She was terrified of finding something about her parents that would ruin the few precious memories she had of them.
She detested she'd been thrust into this situation. She was the Duchess of Lythikos! No man or woman had ever been able to make her do anything. She was the one to make the rules. Make the decisions. Make her own way.
Not some coward hiding behind an anonymous letter!
As she closed another dead end of a file folder, she heard a slight shuffle coming her way.
She cursed herself for not having a knife in her pocket. The few she had on her body were difficult to get to without alerting the person behind her.
Her lips curved as she thought of the one she always kept close at hand. It was a knife unlike any other she possessed. Disguised as a tube of lipstick, the blade was sharp enough to pierce the skin and do some wicked damage to whoever crossed her.
Pulling the black tube out, she whipped off the top and spun around in her chair. With a quick flick of her leg, she had the mystery person's legs swept out from under them.
A grunt echoed in the chambers as she pinned what was clearly a man to the floor.
Olivia pressed her knife against his jugular then flashed her pen light at his face.
Drake blinked, squinting up at her.
"Olivia?" He gasped once he could make out who it was. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"What the hell are you doing here?!" She demanded in a harsh whisper.
"I couldn't sleep." He glared at her. "I came down here for something to read and saw your flashlight."
His eyes narrowed even more when he noticed she hadn't removed the knife from his neck. In fact, it felt like she was pressing it even harder against his skin.
"I thought you went back to Lythikos."
"I did." She hissed.
"You should have stayed there." He snapped, getting angrier by the moment. "Liam chose Madeleine. There's nothing for you here."
Olivia hid how much his words hurt. She hated that she wasn't Liam's choice, but there was little she could do about it now. She had to discover the truth about her parents before she contemplated marriage to anyone, much less Liam.
The soft thud of footsteps echoed outside of the library, drawing both their attention.
Drake knew it had to be one of the guards doing his rounds. He wasn't certain what Olivia was up to in here, but he doubted Liam or anyone else for that matter would be pleased with it.
He sucked in a breath to yell out for help.
His eyes widened when Olivia slammed her mouth over his.
She'd dropped the flashlight so she could keep his wrists pinned above his head. Her other hand kept her lipstick knife steadily pressed to his tender vein as she forced Drake to remain silent with the pressure of her mouth.
What she hadn't anticipated though, was his response.
He stiffened underneath her. Then as if against his will and better judgement, his lips softened and opened beneath hers. His tongue dipped into her mouth, startling her as it tentatively caressed hers.
Olivia closed her eyes as the kiss continued. She could feel her will falter for a couple of seconds with the stray thought of how good of a kisser Drake was.
That was all the time he needed to switch their positions.
He flipped her over onto her back and pinned her hands over her head.
Their breaths were loud in the darkness from more than struggling against one another for domination.
Olivia softly cursed when she felt his fingers tighten around her thin wrists.
"What are you doing here?" He demanded.
"If you must know," she bit out, "I'm investigating my parents."
Of all the answers that was the one that left him speechless.
"You're what? Why?" He finally managed to say.
"It's none of your business." She spat.
"It's Liam's business." Drake spat back. "He's king now in case you forgot. This is his library and--"
Olivia lifted her hips in an attempt to escape, rendering him silent once more. He just barely managed to keep her pinned to the floor as she struggled to break his hold on her.
He was also struck speechless from the flash of desire her hips rising up to meet his flared within him.
Drake swallowed and tried once more to get some answers out of her.
"Liv," he said in an even tone.
Olivia stilled at hearing him use one of her childhood nicknames again after all these years.
"What happened?" He whispered.
"I..." She blinked at the stray tears that began to slip out. "I received a letter at the coronation ball."
The whole story eventually came out. She could have remained silent, her will was certainly strong enough to do so. But Olivia was tired of facing this alone. As much as she hated his guts, he was better than having no one to discuss this with.
She was exhausted from having to do everything on her own.
Drake listened quietly as she explained the proof she needed.
"Will you wait on telling Liam?" She asked. "Once I discover what really happened to them, I plan on explaining it to him."
"I'll wait." Drake promised. "You want me to help you go through the files?"
Olivia blinked in surprise. She would have bet a large fortune that of all the people in Cordonia, Drake Walker would be the last person to ever willingly volunteer to help her.
"Thank you," she couldn't believe she thanked him! "But I don't think the information I need is here."
Drake eased off of her then held his hand out to help her stand.
She eyed it warily before grasping it.
Once they were upright, they avoided making eye contact.
"I'm," Olivia cleared her throat, "I'm going to return home."
"Okay." Drake rubbed the back of his neck. "Listen, if um..."
Olivia waited on him to finish his sentence.
"If you need some help with this," he continued, "I'll do what I can."
"You will?" She asked in complete surprise.
"I just said I would, didn't I?" He grumbled.
"Then I'll let you know if I do." She mumbled, gathering her things.
"Okay." Drake coughed. "I'll uh, I'll see you later, Liv."
Her eyebrows drew together over him using her nickname again.
"See you later, Drake."
He nodded then quickly made his escape out of the library.
Once he was back in his bedroom, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and downed it. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby mirror as he poured a second glass.
His eyes widened first on the trickle of blood on his neck from where her knife cut him. They then focused upon his lips coated in her red lipstick.
He quickly downed his second glass before wiping away the evidence of how she so effectively silenced him.
Drake was not about to try and figure out what happened in that moment when he felt her lips on his.
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zee-has-commitment-issues · 2 years ago
What do you think would be the bad takes of the people in YR Sweden/world about Wilmon now that they know? Of course there's the basic "Simon is only doing this for money/fame" and the "Wilhelm is irresponsible" and even the "it's just lust, they're hormonal teenagers", but I'm talking about the unhinged ones. The ones on reddit. The flatearthers ones.
I myself love the idea of someone saying "Simon is latino and he knows voodo and witchcraft, that's how he turned our poor Crown Prince gay". I'm also into "it's a fake relationship and the royals just wanted to seem LGBT-friendly to pander to the woke agenda, that's why they picked a boy who's also poor and brown".
What else do you think they'd say? I love fake conspiracy theories. 😅
I think this ask is so funny, but I honestly cannot think of anything other than Americans going "illuminati." Like I can 100% see the people of America weighing in on the state of the Swedish monarchy just to say that, somehow, the illuminati was involved.
I can see people saying it's a PR stunt. I can see the most batshit of people saying something about witchcraft. Maybe someone brings up Erik's death as a reason for Wilhelm's sudden change of heart towards the "LGBT lifestyle." Maybe someone claims they have "tested the water" at Hillerska and found that it's turning the frogs gay. Who knows?
That's all I have for now lol.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years ago
As a fellow demisexual, I also headcanon Wille as demi, thank you very much.
Actually, he's Simon-sexual. He has no interest in anyone else, case closed, thank you for your time.
you are so right bestie 😌 Wille is Simon-sexual and tbh i cannot even blame him
aha but seriously, Wilhelm just gives such STRONG aspec vibes to me i literally cannot see him as anything else. am i hardcore projecting bc he's my favorite character who i identify a lot with and im asexual so i want to have that one more connection to his character? it's incredibly likely. doesn't matter, he's demi, it's decided, it's law, case closed, thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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hilliska · 2 years ago
Are we sure he deleted the messages? We saw him deleting the number. I mean, sure, he asks Simon to, but there's no proof he did it. (let me believe this)
(in response to my tags on this post)
Well, it's not incontestible, that's true, and this may very well be one of those things I always assumed was true without really questioning it but-
To me at least it's heavily implied that Wille deleted their texts as well. If only because I think Wille knows that what he's asking of Simon is no small thing. So to ask Simon to delete the texts, without having deleted them himself? It feels hypocritial. And I'm not claiming Wille is an angel (he's not), but he's not a hypocrite - not when he has a say in it at least. I mean, him struggling with having to keep up a facade, pretending to be someone he's not, ... is sort of a central point in the series. He wants to be honest, and he hates that he's forced to lie by his mother and the Royal Court.
I just think that Wille respects Simon too much, that he wouldn't ask him to (symbolically) erase their entire relationship, if he hadn't done so himself either.
Did he regret it as soon as he did? Fuck yeah.
But he still did.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm happy for you to disagree with me, cause then at least there is a universe where he can go back and read and remember the way things started and have proof that it happened and that it was REAL.
And now I've made myself cry.
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hillerskalibrary · 2 years ago
A BIG BANG!!! Yes, please! I've been thinking about that! With plenty of time, since it'll be most people's first, but I think that's a great idea!
Also (looks at her own sideblog), smaller challenges would be nice too, like prompts lists and such. And (looks again) author's interviews? Oh, and a Wilmon week? And maybe week for other pairs? Or a rarepairs week?
There's plenty of things that can be done, but of course you can't do all of it at the same time 😅 But for sure some events would be nice while we wait for S3. Let me know if I can help somehow (with expertise, I'm too tired to help with organization lol)
I've been DYING to do a YR Big Bang!! Like, for real, since before I started this blog. I can't tell you why but I feel like it would be so much fun (the main problem being that I am shit at organizing, but I won't let such a silly shortcoming stop me!). And the Wilmon Secret Santa brought together quite a few writers so I feel there's some experience there already?
Wilmon week could be a good start for a small-scale event though! And one for other pairs as well, for sure - obvs we all (?) love our Wilmon but there's plenty of other ships floating about in this little fandom!
*opens notes app* Prompt challenges, author interviews, ... do continue, I'm taking notes ;).
But yeah, as you say, choices will have to be made because my time is indeed limited and, again *points at self* actually shit at organizing :D. Which is why I wanted to hear from you guys first what you are most interested in before I start anything - no point in organizing a big bang if there's only 3 authors and 1 artist interested in participating, or setting up a bunch of forms for author interviews if no one fills them in.
Thanks for all the input, and mostly for the consultancy offer, I'll for sure need it! ;)
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dairogo · 2 years ago
The smell of cinnamon rolls wafted from the bakery, alluring the passerby.
He could tell it was the rolls - they'd been in the window for all of one minute when he was certain he’d be smelling of them as he went home that evening, and her stride paused on the street beside them with an air of that familiar “do I, don’t I?” guilty moment that many of their customers had.
Cute, he thought, idly pulling apart the bread tags Maes had left for him when Roy swapped to the front to get away from the heat for a while.
She turned those big, brown eyes to the front counter and caught him staring at her. Roy smiled something in the region of his customer service smile - the one Maes said made it look like he was flirting with all the customers to con them into buying more.
It was the wrong move. She closed her eyes briefly in an expression of great forbearance and sighed. But she still came in.
Roy smiled down at the bread tags as she entered, pretending he’d been entirely uninterested in anything other than her money as he put them aside to serve her.
“The cinnamon rolls got your attention, miss? They’re fresh out of the oven.”
“They look just like my father’s,” she said.
When he looked up, she was the one smiling - the slightest curve pulling at the corner of her mouth and eyes that he had seen hundred of times before shining with mischief. Riza Hawkeye, after all these years.
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dreamsatdusk · 2 years ago
Character ask: Fuery
Thank you!
1: sexuality head-canon
I hadn't given this much thought previously and I don't recall if there's any mention one way or the other about him dating/who it might be. I've heard Team Mustang featured more heavily in FMA 2003, but I only saw a few episodes of that one before it was taken down rom the streaming service I saw it on - I mention that as an influencing factor on all thee answers. But anyway, I could see Fuery dating men or women really. It feels more down to the right personality than anything.
2: otp
I do not as yet have one for him.
3: brotp
Difficult to decide between Fuery and Havoc, or Fuery and Black Hayate. Actually, they should all three go on an adventure together.
4: notp
No one in particular in mind here. Although something that popped into mind as a, you know, people will write fic about anything, so I wonder if there's Olivier/Fuery out there?
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
This has been a vague notion harboured since seeing the short bit with him in FMAB after Roy's team is split up and Fuery is shown running through...a trench I think? underfire. Clearly he survived harsh conditions during the time prior to the Promised Day, so I've thought he maybe picked up some skills from Riza and Havoc, for example, that started his comrades during that time that did not expect it from the small radio guy.
6: favorite line from this character
The scene where he introduces Hayate was cute.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Tech nerds, unite!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Nothing that I can recall, though that may change as I get through the rest of the manga. Still working on it!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Fuery is about the most cinnamon roll you can find in the Amestrian military I think!
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💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
ahhh thank you!!!! ✨🥰💖💖
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goneadrift · 2 years ago
Fic asks 🛒 🏆 💞
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. So far I only ever finished one-shots so every work is relatively chamber like and rather straightforward. In almost every one the pov character has a moment of self-reflection. At this point it's like an involuntary pattern. I wish I could make some prettier imagery but alas, my mind gets stuck.
🏆 What’s your most popular fic? "Is this the ending of what we've begun?" for Spy x Family. I didn't expect such activity but I suppose that's because the fandom is relatively new.
For FMA it's "Hold Me Closer". Guess people wanted the dose of fluff 😊 I have extra love for it because it was a birthday gift 🥰
💞 Who’s your comfort character? Mmm, by now it's Rebecca Catalina. Maybe because I feel like I get more freedom in creating my interpretation of her.
emoji ask
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zutaralesbian · 2 years ago
Mickey for the character bingo
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Almost a bingo. And I was tempted to fill in “they have done nothing wrong” just to make a bingo but I had to be honest with myself lmao. I can’t say that about any Shameless character.
Ahhhh Mickey. Stanning him has been a rollercoaster of a battle that was often painful. And even when it stopped being painful it became painful in other ways once they brought him back.
….Which explains why I circled “I like the fanon version better”. It’s not that I don’t love canon Mickey (I do. He’s my fave on the show). But fanon keeps his characterization more consistent than the show does. And with fanon we don’t have to deal with stupid ooc shit like him throwing chairs during a tantrum. (FUCK that scene. Truly.) But to be fair, I feel that way about pretty much all of the Shameless characters. They all got dumbed down by the end and I hate it.
Moving on from that, I will always love Mickey because of his great character development in seasons 1-5. When I first started watching the show I never thought he would end up being my favorite but here we are. I also love how complex and layered he is. He has the capability of loving hard and being nightingale when he wants to but also won’t hesitate to cut a bitch if they cross him or someone he cares about. We love a man with multitudes lol.
And despite not being thrilled with the way he was written a lot of the time in S10 and S11, I’m still very relieved and happy he got his happy ending. I still would be sad to this day if 7x11 had truly been the last we saw of him.
Thank you!
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years ago
14 and 24
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
one of them is probably "a moment of repose". simply bc i saw the fanart and it was like. instant inspiration. idk where the drive came from to suddenly whip up a fic in such a short space of time but i'm grateful for it haha. it's a wonderful piece of art by @mienaime and it was a joy to work with!
another would be "trick or treat". also simply bc it had been a v v Rough few months w absolutely no motivation or time or mental capacity to write anything, and then this bad boy pops out of nowhere?? u love to see it
24. favourite fic you read this year
ohya there's been so many bangers this year. p much anything written by the besties @megthemighty @tsaritsa and @firewood-figs bc they never miss and every piece of writing is stunning and an absolute joy to read. i thank them every day for "what started in beautiful rooms", "and delivered a crime", and "a study in reformation"
other top hits include, but are not limited to:
"i'm only me when i'm with you" by @nightofnyx8
"a little bit of care" by @vadeofspades
"a moment of weakness" by @sootyfeathers
"a moment of pride" by @klainelynch
"exchange" by @by-nina
"the shieldmaiden saga"
"blessings of magic: the norn's goddess"
a full list is in my ao3 bookmarks if u want more :) there are so many haha
fanfic end of year asks
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years ago
POA é muito úmida no inverno, é uma desgraça. De escorrer água pelas paredes, literalmente! De embaçar os espelhos, chão ficar pegajoso e porta inchar e ficar arranhando o chão.
Já fui pra Porto Alegre no inverno e lembro de odiar o espelho do banheiro do hotel sempre embaçado. Não tava tão frio quando eu fui, mas realmente o clima é bem úmido.
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zee-has-commitment-issues · 2 years ago
Found some pictures of Wille as a child
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I'm dying. He would do this as an adult, too.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years ago
25 and 30
hello!! <3
25. What do you look for in a beta?
i look for @cozy-fish-crow sldjfkshdf okAY i look for someone who won't hesitate to point out things that don't make much sense or that just seem off, who asks questions to clarify if something i wrote is actually necessary to the plot or if it's just pointless, and who give genuine feedback on if they think that it's good or if it could be improved and where it may be too weak or too strong
(so Milo <3)
30. Do you accept prompts?
i do!!! i love to receive prompts :] i may not always be the best at responding quickly, or i may respond so fast depending on what mood i get caught in and how much the prompt speaks to me, but whenever i get prompts i get so excited to try and build a story out of them <3
[ writer ask game ]
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gallavichthings · 4 years ago
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Continuing our series of interviews with acclaimed authors in the Gallavich fandom, we’ve flipped the script from last week, and I, Jen, have asked Lise the questions this time around. @thehonorarybeaumont​ aka Blodeuwedd on AO3, is the writer of over 70 Ian & Mickey fics, as well as the creator and moderator of this very fan blog. Some of their best known titles include: Written In the Stars, Always Starting Over, Across the Hall, and To College, Gay Clubs, and Best Friends.
GT: How did you come up with your username on tumblr/AO3? L: I change my Tumblr username a bit often. Not like, all the time, but once a year or so, depending on my latest obsession lol. I'm actually thinking of changing it again, might be time. But the one I have now it's because of a virtual novel in an app game called Choices.
GT: I actually always wondered about your AO3 name, because I don't recognize where it's from. L: [That]'s a username I've been using on and off ever since I was a teenager. It's the name of a woman made from flowers from a [Welsh] legend. I read the legend and it stuck with me, so I used her name once in something. I soon realized it was a very good username for websites where you can't have the same user as someone else, because no one else ever uses it! Lol
GT: Nice! I think I actually googled it one time, because I thought it was so unusual. Tell us a little bit about yourself. L: I love how unusual it is, though I don't think it being difficult to remember or spell helps me much. I always have such a hard time talking about myself, because I feel like I always say too much or too little, but I'll try. I'm Brazilian, I have lived in Ireland and I currently live in Montreal, I'm an English teacher but I studied Psychology and I'm currently studying Web design. I'm such a mix of things, lol. I love reading, though lately more fanfiction than books, and writing, though I haven't much lately. I also love listening to music and singing and dancing - I sing terribly, but I dance quite well, actually. Hm, I guess that's about it.
GT: Sweet. I didn't know you lived in Ireland. L: I did! For one year, ten years ago. I'd wanted to live abroad for years, and I'd also wanted to visit Ireland for years, so it was two dreams come true at once. I went there to study English, even though I was already a teacher back then - it was just the easiest way in, and you can always learn more, right? I worked as an au pair and lived with the family whose children I took care of. I learned a lot and I feel like I grew a lot too. I would love to go back one day, I loved Ireland.
GT: That's awesome. Can you share a bit about what it's like as a fan from another country participating in fandoms like Shameless, where it's predominantly American culture and English language being depicted both on the show and in fics? We have little pockets of fans from other countries, of course, but I'm wondering if that ever affects your connection to the material and the fandom, and if you ever befriend other fans from Brazil or other places you've lived. L: Watching shows from the US is very common in Brazil, so it isn't weird. Of course there are some references we may not get sometimes, or some jokes that aren't funny for us, or even some cultural aspects that we think are weird, but their culture isn't exactly unfamiliar to us because we watch so many movies and shows from there. So the weirdest that happens is me sometimes having to ask what a character meant by this or that sentence because I didn't get it. 
As for fanfiction, I myself only read and write in English at the moment. I realized that since I watch the show in English, it doesn't feel natural for me to either read or write a fic about it in Portuguese because it feels almost OOC. It's like I can't "hear their voices" in another language, because that's not the language they speak in my mind. I don't know if that makes sense.
As for making friends that watch Shameless, I've only done so online, so all the conversation is in English anyway. I did convince my bestie to watch the first seasons, but she gave up after season 4 and I couldn't say I blamed her lol. 
GT: I know we have a good amount of Russian fans with their own little fic community, and some Chinese. But I haven't seen a whole lot in Spanish, and I don't think I've ever seen Portuguese. Maybe a few French? L: I've seen plenty of Italian fans too, and there's a bunch of Brazilian fans on Twitter that I know of because of the Gallavich Things account, but I don't think I've ever really talked to any of them.
GT: When did you start reading fanfiction and when did you start writing it? L: Oh my god, ages ago! I don't remember when I started reading it or what the fic was, but I assume it was for the Darkover fandom, which was the one I wrote my first fic for - in Portuguese, on a notebook. Darkover was a series of sci-fi/fantasy books that I was obsessed with when I was a teenager. In hindsight, I'm not sure they're actually good, but I absolutely loved them back then.
I used to play an email role-playing game for that fandom, and I think it started from there. Or the other way around, I honestly can't remember. Since I read most of those books in Portuguese, I actually had Brazilian friends in the fandom, as well as from other countries. I'm still Facebook friends with some of them, decades later. It makes me happy.
GT: When did you start watching Shameless and what made you ship Ian and Mickey? L: I started watching mid season 3. I binged all the available episodes in two days, starting on a Friday, then on Sunday watched the new episode - it was 3x06. Talk about trauma lol. And I already knew of Ian and Mickey through Tumblr, but I didn't know any details. I guess I started shipping them even before I watched the show, to be honest, but the way Ian looked at Mickey still in season 2, completely infatuated, and the way Mickey clearly liked him back but was trying to hide it sealed it for me.
GT: Wow. You came in during heavy, high drama and angst. Lol. Though I guess that's almost all there was for a whiiiiiile there. Lol L: I think I actually came in during a great time, because things were happening on the show and season 3 is still my favorite. That being said, yes, a lot of drama
GT: Did you think that was the end for them like every time they were split apart in canon over and over again? What was it like being a shipper back in those days? L: I don't remember exactly, but I think I wasn't very worried about their fate at the end of season 3, when Ian leaves, because I could see Mickey wasn't happy and I imagined Ian would come back and there would be more of them. Their story was clearly not over. I only thought it was over at the end of season 5, when we found out Noel wouldn't be returning for season 6. That was a slap to the face.
GT: Yeah, that dark time I remember. And early s6, and s7 endgame, and s9 endgame... lol L: I gave up watching after season 5. Not because I was mad, though I was, but because I realized I didn't like the show anymore and had only been watching for Ian and Mickey's story. I watched only the first episode of season 6 and realized I honestly didn't care what happened to any of those other characters.
GT: Yeah. I understand. I made it like halfway through s6, but came crawling back for s10. Sigh.  L: I watched the S7 episodes with Mickey, of course, but I doubted they'd end up together. I only believed he might when they were closer, but yeah, that didn't happen. When 9x06 happened, I was in shock! But it seemed like a somewhat adequate ending for them. I mean, at least they were together. I was very happy when they were announced for season 10, and I didn't think it was a terrible season. And I'm actually enjoying S11, to be honest.
GT: When did you start writing Gallavich fanfiction? What made you start? L: I think I started writing Gallavich fics shortly after I started reading them, so I think during the hiatus after season 3. At first my fics canon-compliant and were either fixing canon or creating alternate or filling scenes. Then I branched from that. It was around that time that I really joined the fandom and that I created the Gallavich Things blog too.
GT: I was just gonna ask about that. Which came first, writing fic or creating the Tumblr page? L: Good question! According to AO3, my first fic was in April of 2013, and I think I created the blog in May, so there's that. First Gallavich Week was June of 2013, so you can see I went all-in for this fandom lol.
GT: Was it the first blog exclusively for IxM content? L: No, I don't think so. We had Team Gallavich back them (who were the ones who came up with the ship name, actually), and I think theirs was already just for them. But it was still their personal blog, and I couldn't find any Tumblr that served as kind of a curator/collectionner for Gallavich content, which is why I created. I never thought it would become as big as it did or that it would last as long!
GT: Thank you for your service!  L: Hahah, you're welcome!
GT: What's the most fun thing about writing Gallavich? L: I love their dynamics, especially in everyday moments. I love when them bicker and when their differences put them in different sides, but I also love when they team up or when they're soft and sweet with each other. But yeah, I think the bickering and the teasing is the most fun.
GT: What's the most difficult thing? L: The angst, because I don't want to make them suffer, but sometimes I have to. I always struggle with angst, because I don't think I can write it well enough. Also, getting their "voices" just right is a bit tough, especially for Mickey, because of all the slang - as much as I rely on the show itself for inspiration, English is not my native language and, even if it were, I'm not familiar with the Chicagoan speech and the south side slang, so that can be a struggle.
GT: Do you prefer writing Ian or Mickey? L: It's funny, I said I struggle more writing Mickey, and yet I prefer writing from his pov. It depends on the story, of course, but most of the time I write it from his perspective or I at least start with him. I think it's because we got to see so little of him in the beginning that I was always trying to fill that void.
GT: Who are your favorite characters aside from Ian and Mickey? Do you write them too? L: I think at the moment it's Veronica, but I used to like Mandy a lot. I included Mandy in a few fics, but I didn't write stories for her a lot. I wrote a combo Ian x Mickey and Lip x Mandy fic once, a neighbors AU called Across the Hall, that I'm really proud of. And I wrote a bit more of her for Shameless Big Bang stories, but I think that was it.
GT: I just reread that recently. It's a good one. :)) L: Thank you. :)
GT: How much research do you typically do before or during writing? L: When I write drabbles and one-shots I hardly ever research anything aside from vocabulary. If I'm writing a multi-chapter though, then I research every little thing, especially places and other local details. As a reader, I hate when I'm reading something and a small detail that doesn't make sense (like someone crossing what I know is a long distance in a couple hours) takes me out of the story, so I try to be as thorough as possible. I'm sure I still miss something here and there, but not for lack of trying.
GT: Yeah. I make up locations sometimes or leave some things purposely vague, but if you're gonna give facts, they shouldn't feel incorrect to someone who would know about it. What kind of fics do you write the most? (One-shots, multi-chapters, canon, AUs, fluffy, smutty, angsty…) L: One-shots definitely! Domestic, slice-of-life drabbles are my favorite thing to write, and I usually make it fluffy. I occasionally write longer one-shots and multi-chapters, but long fics demand a lot of motivation that I don't always have. Also, planning. I used to write canon-divergent stuff most, but now it's mostly straight up AUs when it's something longer. And I like writing smut too, no problem, though fluffy stuff is easier. And angst is definitely the hardest, but sometimes that's the mood I'm in.
GT: What does your writing process look like? Do you outline? Do you post as soon as the chapter is done or do you accumulate chapters before you start posting? L: On long fics, yes, I outline a lot. I plan chapter by chapter, even though most of the time I don't stick to it lol. But I like having a plan either way, something I can look back at when I'm lost. If the story spans a long time, I usually have a timeline too.
I would love to be the kind of person who just dumps a whole finished fic one day out of nowhere, but unfortunately I need validation to motivate me, so I hardly ever do that (usually just for Big Bang fics, and even then not always).
GT: What’s your favorite type of comments to receive? L: ANY!! Lol. Really though, I get so happy whenever I receive that email notification from AO3, and I love it when it's in an old fic! Any comment is great, but the ones where people tell me their favorite parts or lines or how they felt when they read it are the best! I also love when people enjoy my characterization, because that's the most import thing to get right to me. And I'm not gonna lie, I do like it when people say they cried reading something I wrote. :P
GT: Lol. I understand. Eliciting an emotional response feels significant. What's your favorite Gallavich fic that you’ve written so far and why? L: I'm proud of a lot of fics I've written, but I think Always Starting Over is the one that makes me the proudest. It's very angsty, and like I said I struggle with writing angst, so it wasn't easy to write it, but it made me feel accomplished. It's a longish fic too, for my standards, but I think I did a good job. It was a labor of love.
GT: What are some of your favorite fics and/or writers in the fandom? L: I know I won't remember everyone, and I apologize in advance. Also, I haven't been that active in the fandom lately, so all my favorites are some of the oldies lol. I love MintSauce, Loftec, LanJevinson, Jinko, koganphrancis, anomalously, ElfyDwarf, magneticdice, romanticalgirl, Shamelessquestions and you, of course. :)
GT: Aw, thanks. That's sweet. 💕 We have a lot of fave crossovers. Lol. What are your favorite tropes? L: I love hurt/comfort fics, so that's definitely one. In AUs I love a meet-cute, but meet-uglies are my favorite. Also a big fan of soulmate AUs and childhood friends fics.
GT: Yes, first meetings are so delicious, no matter what. Lol. What's a fanfic pet peeve of yours? L: I can't read a fic with too many grammar mistakes, sorry. A few is comprehensible, we're only human after all, but if it's a lot or the flow isn't good I just can't go on. So that and when they're out of character are probably my biggest peeves. Also, one they're one-dimensional - Ian is super naive and romantic and Mickey is violent and cold. Or Ian is manic and Mickey is stupid. None of them are just that, so it bothers me when that's all the writer seems to go for.
GT: Understandable. All badfic hallmarks. You said season 3 is your favorite earlier. Do you have a favorite single episode? L: Yes, 3x05, The Sins of My Caretaker is my favorite until today! It's such a great episode. I also love 4x11, Emily, one of the S1 ones, I think 1x04, the one where Debbie kidnaps little Casey. And more recently I loved the Gallavich wedding episode, not only because it was their wedding, but because it had all of them around the same storyline.
GT: What’s your favorite Ian x Mickey scene? L: The talk before the wedding, when they talk about their future and wanting kids. It was so clear to see how much they love each other and how much they've grown and their relationship has evolved. They've been through hell and high water, but here they are, together at last. It's such an honest scene and I love that they showed this intimate moment between them, this moment when it's just them and no one else. It's honest and full of love and with a bit of bater too, I just love all of it.
GT: If you could go back and change one thing in canon, what would it be? L: The hard part is picking only one lol. But definitely 3x666. It started so many terrible things for them. They were starting to actually build a relationship and that was so horrible and it destroyed everything. I think a lot of other bad things would have happened regardless, but they'd have faced it better if they'd been together. But that? How do you recover from that? I'd very much like to erase that from existence.
GT: It was a big turning point. Even if the show has pretty much erased it from canon at this point. Lol. What's coming up next? Do you think you'll ever write Gallavich again? L: Oh my god, I do hope so! I have WIP that I left for dead years ago that I do intend to finish. I have it planned out, but the last time I tried continuing it I had no clue how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. The last time I wrote was a drabble for an event, probably Gallavich Week, and that's probably the next thing I'll write as well. I find it easier to write short fics because my motivation only has to last that long. So yes, probably drabbles and one that I'll finish that WIP.
GT: Awesome. I look forward to it! L: Oh please, don't hold your breath lol
GT: Well, thanks for being interviewed for your own blog. Lmao. Do you have anything else you'd like to say to the fandom, with the show wrapping up? L: Haha, thank YOU for interviewing me. Just that it's been a pleasure sharing this fandom with so many people, even when I wasn't getting any joy from the show itself. I stopped watching it for a while, but I never left the fandom. I've met great people and made real friends here, and I hope I was able to bring a bit of joy to some of you as well. :)
GT: I know you did. :))
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hillerskalibrary · 2 years ago
Omg I made the library!
Just so you know tho, my fic isn't a one-shot, it's multi-chapter.
Haha, I didn't realize 'making it to the library' was a thing to strive for now? :D Because really it's quite simple - if you write YR fic on tumblr*, you go into the library, simple as that! :)
But thanks for letting me know! Most fics for the Secret Santa were posted in one go as a oneshot so I (wrongly) assumed without checking not for the first time either. Changed it to 'wip' now!
*or maybe like, if I find your fic on tumblr, cause I definitely miss things sometimes
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