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conjcosby · 1 year ago
Stardate: 202312.31 ▫ We've made to the last day of 2023. It's been eventful. Thank you for the memories. 😊🙏🎊🎉 #new #year #years #eve #2023 #2024 #happy #newyear #newyears #newyeareve #newyearseve #happynewyear #happynewyears #happynewyeareve #happynewyearseve #newyear2024 #newyears2024 #endoftheyear #endof2023 #startof2024 #beginningof2024 #theendoftheyear #theendof2023 #lastdayoftheyear #thelastdayoftheyear #lastdayof2023 #thelastdayof2023 #december31st #december31 #potd
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imsoftpleasebegentle · 4 years ago
this was by far the hardest year of my life, and I made it through, I survived, and I'm more proud of myself than I have ever been.
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juan--87-blog · 6 years ago
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See you sun... see you next year... #gaeta #italy #sunset #thesungoesdown #hastalavista #theendoftheyear #happynewyear (presso Gaeta, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsD00Odgt18/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uczo07g8l7x5
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jgreyblog · 7 years ago
Someday, you're gonna see the things that I see, you're gonna want the air that I breathe, you're gonna wish you never left me...
Clouds, One Direction 
-Reflecting on 2017
Submit a poem or quote from you’re collection!
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spencersarc · 4 years ago
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Well it’s been a year hasn’t it? And to be honest the past week has really been the pits of the year if I’m honest. I can’t say I’m looking forward to 2021, excited for plans or full of inspiration for the coming days or months. What I will say is I made a bit of a slideshow while we had our new year dinner. A slideshow full of memories from the past 12 months. We had all forgotten how many memories we had made. It may be one of the worst years in our lives but we have made the best of the worst days. From a driveway Socially distant VE party, to a road trip at home. Lots of hot tub time and lots of cold water fun too. So let’s drink to the end of the 💩show that has been 2020 and to hopefully better days coming soon. Raise a glass to remember the lives lost, the family’s that haven’t seen each other for months the friends that have supported via messages and the front line workers of all professions that have kept this country afloat. We all rock. #herestotheendof2020 #bringon2021 #yearend #theendoftheyear #newyearseve #happynewyear #felizañonuevo #feliz2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJeeLpRFzwx/?igshid=1iodbdlzske7l
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smartalec326 · 4 years ago
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I’m so proud of myself 💯 I appreciate everyone that took the time to listen to my work 💯 Thank you to everyone who worked with me this year ‼️ @curi0sity__ @jeimuni @badsoulsss 🎶 #spotifyartist #spotifywrapped #spotifymusic #theendoftheyear #rnb #pop #lofiaesthetic #spotifyartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CITx6E6jAj_/?igshid=4x2fm28yfp39
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cynthiabanessa · 7 years ago
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Ring in the New Year! Happy New Year!!! 2018 #crochet #crochetersofinstagram #crochetbells #2018 #abrandnewyear #lovetocrochet #crochetholly #theendoftheyear #crochetlove #crocheter #crochetofinstagram #ilovetocrochet #happynewyear2018 #ringinthenewyear
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delphesdc · 5 years ago
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Il y a deux semaines exactement, c'était un jour banal à l'école. Les parents sont venus chercher les enfants, on a bavardé un peu en faisant un peu de rangement. Oh mince, je n'ai pas vidé la poubelle. C'est pas grave, on le fera plus tard. Allez, j'y vais, à demain. Mais il n' y a pas eu de lendemain. Le soir même on nous annonçait que les écoles fermaient. Qu'on ne reverrait plus nos élèves cette année. Qu'on en aurait une nouvelle fournée en septembre. Attendez !! Je ne leur ai pas dit au revoir ! Je ne leur ai pas dit au revoir ... Alors j'y suis retournée. J'ai dit au revoir à ma classe. C'est exactement comme ça depuis deux semaines, rien n'a bougé. A un détail près : j'ai vidé la poubelle. "The abandoned classroom" March 26, 2020 #theabandonnedclassroom #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #theendoftheyear #plusdecole #onrestealamaison #stayhome #nomoreschool https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MuSMAAl7u/?igshid=huft669eaglp
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svartabergetart · 5 years ago
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Årets slut LJUDBOK, finns nu på Youtube och Facebook. The end of the year, audio book, are now on my Facebook and Youtube. SVARTABERGET ART!! Follow the links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaV7-9fIKAP4FaMHlqSucpA https://www.facebook.com/Svartabergetart/ #theendoftheyear #happynewyear #ljudbok #ljudbokstips #audiobook #saga #berättelse #audiobooks #svenska #winter #willderness #landscape #sweden #fjäll #huldra #adobeaftereffects #sketchbookpro #darkfantasy #fantasyart #svartabergetart #jonfjell (p��/i Troll Grottan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B65TMqvAwtB/?igshid=152frpblsq263
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paoliniguarlotti · 5 years ago
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The best of 2019 #paoliniguarlotti #bestof2019 #bestof #2019 #theendoftheyear #bernardaud #germanshepherd #disneytraditions #alessi #coffee #coffeetime #christofle #saintlouiscrystal #abitare #origami #cribs #woodworking #pemawoodcarvings #winniethepooh #kinglion #aladin #sposacadavere #timburton #borse #noplastic #tartufobianco #tartufo #christmas (presso Paolini Guarlotti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6xvvefoQar/?igshid=ye56c5n9pl24
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aya-kakeda · 5 years ago
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Wishing you a lovely the end of the year💕Last post of 2019. Looking forward to see new places and beautiful art in 2020🤩 #theendoftheyear #lastday2019 #illustration #lastpostoftheyear #fridakahlo #frida #thetwofridas #mexico🇲🇽 @museoartemodernomx #riso #risograph #risoprint #zine #happyholidays (at Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uPmeMDdYM/?igshid=11oa2594rksrc
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pennycandyllc · 5 years ago
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💙#sweetdecember #tanzanite 🥳 100% Glycerin Soap 🧼👀 #wemadeittotheend 🤗 #refresh 🧖‍♀️#beforethe 💃 #party🎉 #celebration #celebrate #partylikeitsyourbirthday #decemberbaby #theendoftheyear #newbeginnings 😘 www.pennycandyllc.com💫 (at Penny Candy LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tfOKgHarB/?igshid=1wnp8zexrbw73
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ninimanson · 5 years ago
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Vamos a dar por terminado este año, este hermoso y horrible año a la vez. Seguimos a nuestro futuro que ya falta poco, paso a paso. 💕 Vete ya 2019, que a pesar de todo lo que vivimos este año, seguimos en pie. #2019 #theendoftheyear (en Mar del Plata, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tOo3pFqB6p2qltGozkQBnflxRnfpwCWF02T40/?igshid=1vvn6kumcm2fc
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jgreyblog · 7 years ago
Tell me if you’re for or against me,
So I will know where we stand.
Once more I proclaim
I desired so passionately-
so ardently,
to give my all to the altar
but you proudly dismissed me for my adolescence.
That was the part of the story you were supposed to admire those young ones
that wanted to make a stand,
but you didn’t.
You made it so difficult to minister I almost stopped;
pried me away from the Altar of my Lover
I wanted to stand closer than we do but we are eons apart:
we are not kindred spirits, and never will be.
-Reflecting on 2017
Submit a poem or quote from your collection!
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beerlovers-daily · 5 years ago
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Frozen day🌲 . 凍った日🌲 . 冰凍的空氣🌲 . . . . . . #frozenday #theendoftheyear #winterday #sunset_pics #sunsetmoment #landscapepics #onedayattime #moment . . . . #年末 #冬 #夕日 #サンセット #風景写真 #ある日 . . . #冬天 #夕陽 #景色 #landschaft https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rHhUgoAwE/?igshid=jpktzscta66i
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tinaminor · 6 years ago
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Ďakujem 2019tka za každý jeden okamih🙏🏻 Bola si rýchla, no nádherne pestrofarebná☀️✨ . . . #mybestnine2018 #bestnine #lastyear #summary #friends #friendship #collaboration #partnerships #grateful #mood #theendoftheyear #silvester #daylikethis #celebration #party #photography #memories #illustrator #life #art #artist #artistdiary #vsco #vscocam #tinaminorillustration (na mieste Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDYQW8g7TN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x7tqny83dud4
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