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normalbrothers · 8 months ago
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s03ep04 | s06ep05
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dailykoreanpop · 2 years ago
[NOTICE] ATEEZ(에이티즈) 멤버 우영 일본 스케줄 변동 사항 안내
ATEEZ(에이티즈)에게 아낌없는 관심과 사랑을 보내주시는 팬 여러분께 ATEEZ(에이티즈)의 멤버우영 군의 건강 ���태와 관련한 안타까운 말씀을 전해드리게 되었습니다. 
최근 우영 군은 발목에 통증을 느끼고 이에 대한 회복에 집중하던 가운데, 팬 여러분과 약속된 무대에함께하고자 하는 본인의 강한 의지로 몇 차례 의자에 앉아 공연을 진행하였습니다.
이후 통증이 계속 됨에 따라 당사는 전문가의 진단과 집중 치료가 필요하다고 판단하여, 우영 군을 비롯한 ATEEZ(에이티즈) 멤버들과의 충분한 논의 끝에 우영 군의 일정을 잠시 중단하고 의료기관의정밀 검사와 그에 따른 치료를 진행하기로 결정하였습니다.
이에 우영 군은 예정되어 있던 'THE DANCE DAY LIVE 2023' 및 'KCON 2023 JAPAN' 스케줄에는 함께 하지 못하게 되었음을 알려드립니다. 
우영 군의 건강을 고려한 이와 같은 결정에 팬 여러분 모두 너그러이 양해해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
갑작스러운 소식으로 심려 끼쳐 드린 점 죄송하다는 말씀을 드리며, 당사는 우영 군의 건강을 최우선으로 하여 빠른 회복을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 
This is KQ Entertainment. 
It is with utmost regret that we relay the news of ATEEZ member WOOYOUNG’s healthto the fans whohave shown such generous love and care for ATEEZ.
Recently, WOOYOUNG obtained an ankle injury and has been focusing on recovery.Despite this, he hasbeen performing on stage while sitting in a chair due to his strongwill to fulfill his promise with the fans.
As the pain has continued, it was decided that he would need a thorough examinationand treatment ata medical institution. After a long discussion with WOOYOUNG andall the other ATEEZ members, thedecision has been made to suspend WOOYOUNG’sschedule for a period of time so that he canundergo treatment accordingly.
As a result, WOOYOUNG will not be able to join the following schedules of ‘THEDANCE DAY LIVE 2023’and ‘KCON 2023 JAPAN.’ We ask for your understanding, as this decision has been made inconsideration of WOOYOUNG’s health.
We apologize for the sudden news and will do our absolute best to ensureWOOYOUNG’s quickrecovery, as his health is our biggest priority. 
Thank you. 
#NOTICE #공지사항
Credit: KQ엔터테인먼트 
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fanfictiondramione · 5 years ago
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Hello. For those who do not know, I have a literary blog in Brazil, and whenever I can I am posting some recommendation of foreign Dramione fanfiction. Today, I made a very special post recommending the fanfiction "The Decision" from TodaySheWrites, and recommend this WONDERFUL story to you too!
Shaped by the decisions of others, Draco Malfoy finally has a chance to decide for himself - and he decides that a world where Hermione Granger doesn't exist just doesn't fit.
"— It was also very clear—he whispered closer, —that the moment I decided to save you was the moment I decided to save myself as well."
The decision of the boy who never had a choice.
The Decision begins specifically in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, at a time when Hermione is being tortured by Bellatrix. There has clearly been a change of events and Hermione is left to die on the floor of Malfoy Mansion after being cursed by Bellatrix's dagger.
Draco who witnessed his torture, is the only one to make sure to get rid of the body that is already very weak by the curse and amount of blood he has lost. Narcissa, present in the room knew better than anyone what his true intentions were, because while magic vibrated in the air felt the exact moment when his son made his decision... For the first time in his life Draco makes a decision for himself, one that will change and align his path to the destination from which he was predestined.
I have to congratulate this author, because this is a very common beginning in some Dramione stories, because it is obvious that this is a decisive moment when Draco could have made a decision and saved Hermione when she needed it most, but, perhaps, one of the few fanfics that brought originality in a surprising way by picking up one of Draco's great talents that is the practice of the art of occumência. The whole story revolves around this gift that in a way for him is unique because throughout his life he was forced to cognitively organize a proper way of hiding his feelings, intentions... This brought to history, a magic so vibrant that it is almost felt in the air, literally, so at this point it's like there's a break in that "wall" that he has raised to the long of life to close out the outside world that is so dangerous to the people he loves the most.
It's brilliant in my view how the author captured this particularity that is noticeable in Draco because whether he wanted it or not, he was a young man who suffered a lot during the process of becoming a death Eater and was basically contrary to how Voldemort acted on his beliefs of race. This point in the story really surprised me, and the way the other characters, Draco's friends being them Theo, Blás, Pansy and Daphne were being docked to form a new juvenile armada of order in this struggle over the tyranny of Lord Voldemort. This fanfiction was everything I've wanted for a long time, which was what?
The J.K. Rowling really value a little some participants of Slytherin who are not only cunning and malice, there are good intentions and we can perceive through some attitudes of Draco, Snape and even Narcissa Malfoy. So what I expected was that peace and relief for most of the young sonserinos who suffered and that for the next generations there would be more opportunities showing another facet of the slytherins, and this does not happen in a very efficient way and resulting even in a very clear divergence on she it showed and finished the story of the characters of Slytherin vs. Gryffindor , which is clearly the most privileged house in Harry Potter history in the sense of being acclaimed and Slytherin being underestimated.
FF.NET: The Decision | Number of words: 122k | NOT COMPLETED
MY BLOG: READING CORNER (If you are a writer, and want to have your fanfiction recommends on my blog please contact me and I will have the pleasure of reading, and recommend).
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quovadisgates · 4 years ago
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Rent payments are only good for 31 days ... Mortgages are good for 30 years ... and Ownership is good for Centuries ... You must make the decision that’ll because benefit you and the person you plan to be in the future ... Come talk to me about living in your dream now, stop all of that “one day” or “when I grow up” shit ... We’re grown ... ————————————————— Look. Look Y’all, know what you're signing up for. Alright... if you’re paying $1000 rent, you're paying the same amount. If not, very similar to somebody who has a $200,000 mortgage. If you're paying $1500 it you paying the same amount. If not, very similar to somebody who has a $250,000 dollar mortgage if you’re paying $2,000 a month you're paying the same amount. If not, very similar to somebody who has a $300,000 And if you go all the way up to paying somebody $2,500 maybe even $3,000 dollars a month for rent. You're damn near buying a $500,000 spot. That's half a Million that you will never see again. Look. Put yourself in the mortgage if you willing to pay that amount of money and at least on the place because with that rent, you know own shit. ————————————————— #signing #paying #rent #amount #similar #mortgage #dollar #buying #Million #money #millionaire #payments #Ownership #thedecision #benefit #future #livingYourDream #LivingMyDream #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent #RealEstateInvesting #RealEstateInvestor #RealEstateBroker #RealEstateGoals #RealEstateArdvice #ChicagoRealEstate #ChicagoRealtor #ChicagoInvesting #ChicagoRealEstateAgent #LetsWinTogether (at Auburn Gresham) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9LFw4g8um/?igshid=1k4jzzskygr3l
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sneakerhistory · 6 years ago
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Can we talk about how the Nike Zoom Toki was everywhere back in 2010?
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ronlouisfoster · 3 years ago
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It was a good time as usual meeting up with my dear friend and brother @stefanleipold, the CEO of STARK. He is a specialist in Cyber-Security. You need to check out his videos on the subject on YouTube. You will learn something new I promise you. . I am so proud of this guy here. He just released the story of his life journey (Homeless to CEO) pursuing and getting the American dream, in his new book "The Decision: The Sky is Not the Limit " @amazon which has been translated into several languages. You will be encouraged. . #amazon #forbes #fox #ft #financialtimes #abc #stark #stefanleipoid #ronlouisfoster #ronlouisphotos #thedecision . @forbes @foxnews @abcnews (at New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUay4a2rViy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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artofspencerjoh · 7 years ago
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“Change a little, change a lot, just change.” #animorphs #andalite #andalitebandits #altuniverse #animorphsaltu #thedecision #artofspencerjoh
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cuentosdeana · 4 years ago
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Libre albedrío. “Déjame entrar en tu conciencia para elegir cuidadosamente esos deseos reprimidos y hacerlos realidad.” Se descalzó cuidadosamente y se metió con agilidad por ese pequeño espacio que la llevaría a un lugar del que posiblemente no quisiera regresar. #cuentosdeAna #thedecision #freewill (en Les Invalides) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVhAPGDORp/?igshid=bf8q59hewjny
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mindsetofrich · 5 years ago
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It is your decisions, not your conditions, that determine your destiny. ~Tony Robbins ----- You are always one decision away from a totally different life. . . . Follow 👉@mindset_of_rich . . . . #decisión #decisionday #decide #decisionmaking #decisionmaker #thedecision #lifechangindecisions #lifechanging decision #makedecisions #motivationwednesday #motivationallines #motivationalmoment #motivationquotes #inspirationalpost #inspirationalquotesdaily #successmind #successquotes #successinlife #mindsetmentor #mindsetmotivation #mindsetquote #mindsetgoals #wealthymindset #ceolife #quoteforyou #getinspired #determination #dedications #habits #strongmindset (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-b_mmnuFL/?igshid=ra7vdzbtgzbs
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nmgpodcastnetwork · 5 years ago
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@tombrady running outta Boston like @meekmill 🤣🤣🤣 #thedecision #tombrady #endofanera #nfl #patriots #blvdave #blvdaveradio #nmgtv #podcast #chicago #latenightspod #womantowoman #yallpodcast #thechroniclesofoldmanlogan #hottakewrestlingpodcast #nmgenterprisesllc #makeitcount #believethat #music #sports #movies #entertainment #marathonnotarace #nmgnetwork #anchorfm #soundcloud #applepodcasts #spotify #stitcher #iheartradio (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91-UsQnuce/?igshid=25a1eq4o36dg
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khadevis · 5 years ago
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KHADEVISM: #110 Make the DECISION! #khadevism: Y 👁 BELIEVE! Who you with? Step Yo Game Up!♦️🥇 m #khadevism #whensecondscount #stepyourgameup #godisgreat #thecoachescoach #wearenotthesame #iam #thedecision (at TITLE Boxing Club Pickerington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B53pj-tgy5E/?igshid=89iqnc35q31h
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spankyward · 5 years ago
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SUSPENSE TIME! Got 13 minutes? Check out my latest short film "The Decision." Link https://www.amazon.com/Decision-Mason-D-Davis/dp/B07RHCBYGJ #spankyward #grizzlychihuahuafilms #thedecision #thedecisionmovie https://www.instagram.com/p/B4F_0bDhEb2/?igshid=1i0az9cxx6kfw
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danimagining · 7 years ago
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#inktober2017 #mysterious it took me a while to find a song but then I landed on “The Decision” by NSP and HAD to. #Inktober #ink #pen #ninjasexparty #nsp #thedecision #dannysexbang #ninjabrian #funny #song #music #theme #notsogrump #danavidan #brianwecht #art #fanart #illustration #danimagining
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animorphsaddiction · 6 years ago
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#tobias #birdboy #redtailhawk #nothlit #willow #chee #fail #holographic #allseeyingeye #animorphs #kaapplegate #book18 #thedecision #scholastic #bringbackanimorphs #90s #animorphsaddiction https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOOEUunKSY/?igshid=50elchix5h71
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ladyflava · 6 years ago
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#Every #Accomplishment #Starts with #TheDecision To #Try #ThinkAboutIt #YourLife #YourChoice https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWWFk_HTxU/?igshid=1tvtide4u8qz
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extra-hoops-blog · 6 years ago
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🇺🇸 the backlash from “The Decision” had a huge impact on the media vote. LeBron generated more points for his team (and more efficiently) than D-Rose and had a comparable record with a completely new team ! Agree or disagree❓ - 🇫🇷 les retombées de “The Decision” ont eu un impact important sur le vote des journalistes. LeBron générait plus de points pour sa team que D-Rose et de façon plus efficace, tout en ayant un bilan comparable ! D’accord ou pas❓ - - - - - #derrickrose #drose #derrickrose1 #bronjames #thedecision #bronbron #nbamvp #mvpnba #explorepages #explorepageready #doubletap #lebronjamesjr #bronnyjames #crossover #killercrossover #anklebreaker #hewasntready #ballhandling #nba #bball #hoopsnation #ballislife #nbaextra #EXTRAHOOPS #instanba #handlelife #handles #thisiswhyweplay (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxC_mAMFkYg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8gruytzqe4gz
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