banqanas · 5 months
saw an edit of rmpg livestream (?) on my tiktok and it was them pulling the cards from BOT wafers
and iM CRYINGGGG RYUCHA who just watched the excitement from afar 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and only silently joined them when Shogo and Kaisei came in too 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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leeyura97 · 1 year
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northwest-cryptid · 1 year
Meet the Mabi Squad, I figure if new players have a few friendly faces they can recognize it might make it easier to approach people:
I guess if we're starting off introductions I best explain myself, that only seems fair. I'll try to keep these quick and snappy
Meet Akitovt, named after the Vtuber who plays the character. I'm extremely casual but well rounded with a focus on production now that I have most my advanced magic and melee worked out. More often than not you'll find my ass waiting around for someone to want to do something that I can tag along for. At this point I'm pretty much up for whatever but I'll always have a focus on getting my Engineering and Magic Craft ranked ever higher so I can make people gear.
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Next up we have Galurre the Grandmaster Blacksmith and all around cool dude. This lad is known for his love of the moon, foxes, women, and his generosity and ever helpful nature but also for his absolute lust for destruction. I'm not joking this man terrifies me sometimes because he gets a little trigger happy with his alchemy and magics, but hey if you need some armor or a cool sword Galurre's your guy.
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My partner and the leader of our guild Ryuchan might just be one of the most powerful among us if I'm being totally honest. She excels with magic, music, and cooking and can typically be found wearing yet another set of expensive fashion or dragging me along for a dungeon or shadow mission that she could easily handle on her own but I'm not going to complain about getting to spend more time with my wife, unless she tries to drop a meteor on me again then I won't have time to complain because I'll be too busy running away.
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We also have Burlington, the newest arrival in Erinn who is our resident tailor and fisherman. They have a love for spiders and tend to focus on the production and gathering side of things over the fighting side of things but I've not seen them say no to being dragged into a dungeon or two. It's been a blast seeing them develop their skills and come into their own. I've never seen this lad not rocking their iconic beard.
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Khiyo is an absolute wild card of a player who is rarely around but is always a pleasure to have in the party. The man's current mission is to make his Red Panda absolutely massive to which I've been repeatedly running the bean dungeon with him and making him a ton of tofu. Typically swapping between Archery and Knuckle skills with a high focus on Luck and speed he's an absolute monster with crit hits and combos because he refuses to let the game put him in the "You're an elf and you will play a squishy ranger character" box unless it's specifically to go Falcon and blast everything with Magic Missile, which is the kind of punk attitude we applaud around here. The lad often plays as a young elf but has been known to use transformation so you may encounter Khiyo without knowing it, or perhaps he might just be too fast for you to notice. He's such a rare encounter that I don't have many pictures of him so have a fairly outdated one
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and of course we have the individual who's name never fails to amuse me; I will call them Peachy because they're a fellow Vtuber by the name. However their IGN is Dearesteachy because they didn't know you couldn't put capital letters in the middle of your name and didn't notice the lack of the P in Peachy. They tend to log in on even rarer occasion than Khiyo but are always a welcome inclusion to the squad; they focus primarily on the fashion aspects of Mabi with a love for dragons and fairies.
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If you should ever encounter us in the wild don't be scared to come say hi, we're literally the most non-threatening group of players you'll ever meet I promise.
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pryncipy98 · 7 months
BLUE Boy - Ryuchan
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kakkollumination · 7 years
the-ryuchan replied to your post: in case anyone wanted any updates on the “wow my...
OMG KAKKO are you getting medical attention now? Please tell me they didn’t run tests then be like LOL BYE.
well it was the ER, they ran tests, gave me results, then told me to seek an OGBYN with my primary care doctor who is just NOT picking up their phone
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takis-scribbles · 4 years
I so wanna be the asshole who sends Xaldin/Luxord ship and have you fill out the whole thing for them but mainly because I hadn’t heard of/thought of that ship until I cam across you and I’d absolutely love to hear your take on them (and if you don’t wanna do all then maybe just the ones you wanna do? You can ignore this if you’d like I’m just curious lol)
How did they first meet? In the Organization when Luxord was first recruited
What was their first impression of each other? Xaldin was probably very unimpressed by Luxord and his antics at first but he starts to warm up to him the more time they start to spend together - finding himself drawn to Luxord’s charm and wit, inwardly admitting that his first impression was very wrong. Luxord for his part enjoys spending time with Xaldin and what he can tease out of the man, he also enjoys the challenge in both entertaining Xaldin and debating with someone with Xaldin’s intellect. Xaldin’s dry sense humor is one of Luxord’s favourite discoveries.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Nobody really cared. Vexen will have words with both of them as his sleeping schedule has undergone an unprecedented change since their get together
Who felt romantic feelings first? Luxord
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Xaldin. He refuses to admit he feels anything and will shut down debate on the matter whenever Luxord tries to breach the subject. He would look at his relationship with Luxord in a very clinical, scientific way.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Xaldin would scoff, he doesn’t believe in things like that. Luxord would also not take it too seriously but would not hesitate to endlessly tease Xaldin about it. 
What would their lives be like if they had never met? Xaldin, as one of the main apprentices, would’ve maintained a very similar path. Luxord, if he wasn't recruited into the Organization would probably ‘cause more problems on purpose in his world of choice, taking advantage of his supernatural abilities until he was eventually struck down and was recompleted.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? Luxord was the one that made his interest known from the start. It went better than he could’ve expected. As Xaldin was mutually interested. 
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? Not an official date per say but Luxord did manage to get Xaldin to join him for a drink and they consummated the beginning of their relationship by the end of the night 
What was their first kiss like? As Nobodies? A little rushed and rough. When re-completed? Slow and tender
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? They’ve both had their fair number of experiences under their belt, so no. They’re both very experienced and know exactly what they’re looking for in their partner. Tho Luxord is one of the brattiest subs Xaldin’s ever had, but he enjoys the challenge. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference? Xaldin’s a  fucking unit, Luxord reaches just over his clavicle, even as Dilan he still has a good few cms over Luxord, who will only shrink down once he is re-completed as Rudol. Age-wise,  Xaldin is well on his way into his late 30s with Luxord following close behind in his mid 30s. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Dilan’s family, the re-completed Apprentices, enjoy Rudol’s company well enough. Rudol doesn’t have a lot of family to speak of.
Who takes the lead in social situations? Usually Luxord/ Rudol, being the more openly extroverted of the two. While I know shy Xaldin/ Dilan is a very popular take, I wholeheartedly disagree with it. I am a firm believer that Dilan while quiet, WILL speak his mind when he deems his input is necessary/ required. He's quiet, until he’s not. 
Who gets jealous easier? Xaldin, ironically. Dilan is to a way lesser degree.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear? Luxord/ Rudol, he just loves to test Xaldin/ Dilan’s resolve. On occasion, Xal/Dil will turn the script on Lux/Rudi for the satisfaction of watching him squirm. 
Who said “I love you” first? Luxord, but he dearly regretted it soon after. When re-completed? It was Dilan.
What are their primary love languages? Luxord loves giving gifts and words of affirmation, but he is a big fan of physical touch. For Xaldin it is quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation - and he is very eloquent. 
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? Lux/Rudi, without a doubt. It never fails to make Xaldin’s eyes roll in amusement or make Dilan snort.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? They will hold hands and share a small kiss at most
Who initiates kisses? It depends, but they both will. Dilan is remarkable less restrained than Xaldin tho.
Who’s the big and little spoon? Depends on the day
What are their favorite things to do together? Sparring, travelling space in Xal/Dil’s gummy ship, taking some time off in other worlds and playing board games/ cards together!
Who’s better at comforting the other? They both are. Xal/ Dilan is surprisingly good at it, a bit blunt which never fails to amuse Lux/Rudi.
Who’s more protective? Luxord/ Rudol
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Both
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? UH can’t think of one atm
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Luxord will mostly call Xaldin “love”, “darling”, in public but will keep “Xal” to when they’re alone, he keeps this trend when he’s re-completed as Rudol. Xaldin will refer to Luxord as ‘Ten’, ‘Number Ten’; Dilan will only call Rudol “Rudi" when they’re in private.
Who remembers the little things? Luxord.
If they get married, who proposes? Dilan
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Very small and discrete, only close friends and family
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? They are more than comfortable being Roxas, Xion, Namine and Sora’s numerous uncle figures.
Do they have any pets? Two dogs and a cat. They eventually get a fish tank. 
Who’s the stricter parent? Xaldin without a shadow of a doubt
Who worries the most? They are both surprisingly level headed but Luxord is a bit more rash
Who kills the bugs in the house? Both
How do they celebrate holidays? Apprentices, and especially Dilan and Aeleus have celebrated holidays together with their respective SOs
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Xal/Dil has an iron will, but Lux/Rudi is very persuasive. 
Who’s the better cook? Xal/Dil by a thin margin
Who likes to dance? Luxord, and Xaldin is a surprisingly excellent dance partner, to his delight. 
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banqanas · 1 year
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blessed by 🐉 in braids
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plumikii · 4 years
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bimboe · 3 years
whats the haechan ryujin ship name omg 😍😍 otp
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leeyura97 · 4 years
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moonedhalo · 4 years
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‘  i’m  sure  he  told  you  to  stay  away ,   you  can’t  help  yourself ,   can  you ?  ’
@salvationo​ ,    ryuchan  &  kirumi  !
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dragonaur · 6 years
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ladystarstorm · 8 years
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Ugh! It’s so awful! I’m glad I’m not alone, but jeez. It’s not their heads!! They can do what they want with their hair! I’m tired of being made to feel guilty about wanting to do what I like and what makes me feel confident with my own body. I need to move away from my folks in a big way, personally. Hahaha 😣 Mine is on me to dye my hair back to a "natural" color, because my baby shower is this weekend and I'll be having the baby in a few weeks. She's hated my purple hair since I started doing it and makes sure to tell me as much just about every time I see her. It's exhausting.
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kazumahashimoto · 4 years
kazu fucking teasing the shit out of saku being mushy like ryutann ryutannn
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