lewd-lockhart · 3 days
Andrea was visiting a college. She was looking for a nice night with someone. She sees tifa and approaches her. "Hey beautiful~ you interested in a fun night?" She asked seductively
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"--Eh?" How bold...she was normally used to being flirted with by men...but a woman? That was new for her. The other seemed quite interested in the brunette and luckily for the other, she hadn't any tests or assignments to work on for the time being. She was just thinking about what to spend her evening on.
"...Maybe? That depends. What...kind of 'fun'? Are you...asking me out on a date?"
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bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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sparticus2000art · 3 months
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Here’s a bad guys line up!
I’ve been thinking about how I want to draw these guys recently, and I figure I may as well draw it out!
I’ll be using these designs for any projects I tackle with them going forward! (Unless I change my mind on things)
Nightmare by jokublog
Dust by askdusttale
Killer by rahafwabas
Horror by sourapplestudios
Cross by jakei
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vodkartoons · 4 months
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shadybug and claw noir
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shambelle97 · 1 month
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We need answers 😭
Art by: raychelwho
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the-cactus-taco · 6 months
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I will forever love the idea of them being nerd ass boyfriends
Also, a little edit of errors reference which I did while listening to this Metaroom song:
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fl00mie · 2 months
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something i did when i saw a post of joku talking about this topic: it's an interesting concept but practically impossible because nothing stops artists from continuing to create (this is convenient for ink), based on this i tried to adjust the words of the creator of dreamtale herself to her characters under an objective truth— there is no limit to the multiverse
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here's the post and the translation
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kabishkat19 · 15 days
Princess Counter Parts🖤
(The Grimm Legends vs. Disney)
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shokuto · 1 year
Gwen didn’t not tell Miles about the canon event because she didn’t care, she didn’t tell him because she thought he’d die trying to stop it. It’s explicitly why she tried to stop him from changing Pav’s canon, why she freaked out when the rubble fell on him, and why she’s more dissident against Miguel after. Like the point with her is she buys into Miguel’s agenda of being powerless against the narrative until Miles averts it in front of her and inspires her to believe in the impossible
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
imagine this jason todd coming home from a hard day and being embarrassed to ask for cuddles
i think about this daily because he doesn't want to seem needy or codependent but he needs your touches and affection because what else does he go out every night for?! who else is he making this city safe for?!
jason doesn't hate nor love what he does, but he does it because he has to. he has to be ruthless when others won't and he has to protect the weak. and it exhausts him. tonight especially because he had to do something he hadn't done in a while, kill someone. so when he gets back to your shared apartment, all he wants to do is hold you. he just wants to have you in his arms and never let go but he doesn't know how to go about that. you always asked for them and you didn't seem to want them right now. thats what he thought at least.
he sits down next to you on the couch, gently placing his head on your shoulder, hoping you'd do something but all you did was kiss him on the cheek. "how was patrol tonight, jay?"
"it was…difficult," he said quietly, he didn't want to project the way he was feeling onto you. he just wanted to hold you in his arms y'know? and never have to even think of you being hurt.
"do you need anything? i could make you some tea" you say getting up
but he pulls you back down by the waist and clears his voice before the big ask, "no no…i just want cuddles…"
"jaybird i can't hear you-"
"jesus woman, i just want to hold you"
jason would've felt a lot better about yelling that if you hadn't burst into laughter. this felt almost like you mocking him even though he knew you weren't trying to insult him. you didn't have to laugh in his face though.
"you want to cuddle?"
you lay your head on his chest and warm your arms around him. he relaxes and pulls you close, taking in your scent. there was no better feeling they having you in his embrace, even if he was embarrassed to ask.
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
"I'm sorry."
It's the first thing Steve says after everything.
After getting Vecna Cursed. After nearly dying. After a hallucination of Eddie saved him. After running through a looped forest. After finding sanctuary in Steve's memory of that Starcourt bathroom. After Eddie reveals himself as Eddie.
It's the only thing he can think of. It's not big enough to fit everything, but it's the only thing that fits in his mouth.
"Don't be."
Maybe that's the only thing Eddie can think of too. The only thing Eddie can bear to say.
Because don't be can't stop Steve's eyes from watering when he sees the vest in his closet. Don't be can't stop Steve's feet from dragging him to the cemetery every evening to clean Eddie's graffiti-covered tombstone. Don't be can't stop Steve from sitting beside Wayne and listening to him talk about the Eddie he remembers. Don't be can't stop Eddie's body from showing up in Steve's dreams, nor Eddie's corpse from his nightmares. Don't be couldn't keep the pain away enough, didn't stop Vecna from latching onto it while Steve was walking alone in the woods.
Don't be isn't enough for what Steve wants to hear. But even stuck here waiting, hoping, for someone to get Steve out, there just isn't enough time.
"I miss you."
Eddie says it back so quickly, so quietly, like it's just unfathomable to him. Maybe it is, considering their last memories. But their eyes meet and he looks just as sad, just as longing, as Steve.
"You were my friend."
Steve can't help but say it like that. Like they were friends for years instead of days. Like Eddie was that important to him in their final moments. Like his heart really aches for Eddie every second of the apocalypse.
Can't help but say it like he means it.
"I wish we could've had more time..."
Steve's voice cracks a little there as he turns away, hiding. It's all he wants. It's all Vecna used to entice him with. It's all that's keeping him going, to finally fulfill the last request Eddie made. It's all he has left to feel close to Eddie.
The Eddie that's sitting right next to him, silent, his sight weighing on Steve's skin. Conscious and aware and the real Eddie. Trapped in Vecna's head as a backup power source, yet who still risked everything to come save Steve. Who Steve will never see again because killing Vecna means killing Eddie for good, and his heart doesn't want it, is begging for another solution...
But for once, his broken head overpowers his shattered heart.
"Maybe we did."
Eddie takes Steve's hand. Meets Steve's surprised look with his own small smile of hope. They're both suddenly tearing up, eyes glistening with life in this gray stall.
"Maybe in another world, we got a second first chance. A first second chance. Maybe even a third, or fourth. Maybe in a different life, we had everything we wanted. Because you, Steve Harrington, are too good for me to be doomed to meet just once."
And for a moment, Steve sees it. Feels it. Versions of them connected through the universe.
Little kids playing in the lake. One with bruised skin and shaved hair, loud but unfathomably lonely. One with a bruised heart and soft eyes, timid but stubbornly hopeful.
A rockstar with glittering chains, center stage in the spotlight. A set of eyes in the crowd or behind the curtain, watching only him.
A werewolf and a vampire, two cryptids of horror, meeting in the dead of a full moon night to feel safe with the only other one who understands.
A future where they won, where the only death was the one that mattered. A process of healing and learning, coming home to a family every single day.
A world without pain, without their hell, where two high schoolers found freedom from their shackles and company in each other. Hiding away together in the dark corners of the town.
Steve even sees other versions of them. Versions that he knows were originally never supposed to meet, yet forces so much greater than them pulled them together.
A metalhead drug dealer, constantly getting into trouble with one nail-bat-weilding cop.
A criminal's fugitive nature leading him to a rugged trailer park, and the dangerous owner within one such home.
An eccentric king in an old coliseum, always choosing one particular warrior as his champion.
A young programmer being pulled away from his work by sobs above his apartment, running upstairs to check on the law student that recently moved in.
Two actors, finding an easy friendship in the months of filming one season of a show that would change their lives.
In that moment, Steve's overwhelmed by the closeness he suddenly feels with the soul beside him. Falling into tears, he pulls Eddie into a tight hug, holding him so so close to convey everything he can't say. Feeling Eddie hold him back, hearing everything Eddie can't say in return.
Familiar music comes on outside the stall. Robin's voice calls out to him, telling him to come home.
And when he does leave, Steve hopes that someone out there will understand that he never can. Because here in Eddie's arms is the only place that will ever truly feel like home.
"Thank you... for everything, Eddie."
Thank you, Steve. For everything and more..."
- List of AUs, in order, after, "Versions of them connected through the universe": Childhood Friends / Rockstar!Eddie / Werewolf!Steve & Vampire!Eddie / Eddie Survives / No Upside Down & High School
- List of Multiverse Steddie AUs, in order, after, "...yet forces so much greater than them pulled them together": Eddie x Gator / Baron x Michael / Geta x Sean / Keys x Eric / Quinn and Keery
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sparticus2000art · 3 months
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Here’s my entry into @junipers-insects dtiys!
They said to try re-doing dreams design, and I thought it would be fun to mess around with a few ideas, so here’s also some alternate costumes I tried out for him!
It was a pretty fun process!
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Stranded Danny AU
Danny gets pulled into a faraway Dimension by a Villain one day, just after the events of Phantom Planet. He is barely 15.
He has no way to get back, but he does manage to unlock the power to make Portals. Unfortunately, none of the dimensions he ends up in are his own, and none have enough Ectoplasm to open portals for very long. It takes up to a week to scrounge up enough Ecto to open a single Portal into the next dimension over.
And none of these worlds have Technology strong enough to take him home either. The few times he did find some tech that could potentially get him home, it never worked or it was destroyed before he could finish it.
He spends well over 30 years of his own Personal Timeline trying to get back to his home dimension, constantly gathering scraps of Ectoplasm and Tech until the day he eventually collected enough to build a safe way home.
But time does not pass the same across dimensions.
What to him was a 30 year long Journey, was actually just 10 for his home Dimension.
And they had to move on without him.
Sam became a Business Woman who used her money to fund Nature Preservation Organizations. She hired Pamela Isley and helped her through her powers when she became Poison Ivy (still a Villain, but secretly working for Sam)
Tucker got a high ranking job at Star Labs, and helped Cyborg come to terms with his new life when he became a cyborg. He even helped upgrade his tech a few times.
Jazz became a successful Psychiatrist, and now works under Daina Lance as one of the Justice League's top Therapists, specifically their Child Psychologist for young Heroes
Ellie took his place as a Hero and became the new protector of Amity after he dissappear. After the Justice League was formed, she joined them and became one of their best members, always working and nor really taking many breaks.
They always wondered what happened to Danny, and spent many years trying to figure out what happened to him, but never succeeded. They finally began to assume that he was fully dead after a few years of searching. They had enough time to come to terms with it.
So one night, while a 22 yr old Ellie is resting on one of her rare days off, she gets called in by the League about a possible Dimensional Breach near her Home Town. JLD was deployed to investigate, and she was asked to tag along since she was the Resident Hero of the area.
But she refuses, thinking it's just some random ghost trying to enter the Living Realm illegally after she began regulating the Portal. JLD would be able to handle it on their own, let her sleep on her day off!
Meanwhile, JLD has located the spot where the Dimensional Breach is about to appear. They surround the Area, and prepare to interrogate whoever is about to appear, or deal with them if need be.
Space begins to tear apart as the fabric of Reality breaks apart at the seams. And from that wound in existence, an Adult Danny steps out. He is 44 years old, and looks like a less buff version of Dan without the mustache (basically imagine Danny as Ford Pines from Gravity Falls)
The JLD can sense that he is strong, but not too much so. It feels like he is powerful, but like that power has been starved for a while.
"Who are you?" Asks Wonderwoman, ready to jump into battle if needed. "What are your intentions in this World?"
Danny ignores them. He is staring into the Night Sky, eyes wide. The Constellations he hadn't seen in 30 years were there. The stars were in the right locations. He takes a deep breath, tasting the amount of Ectoplasm in thr Air. This is it. He's home. He's finally home.
"Finally" He says breathlessly. A slightly manic Grin on his face.
"What the hell does that mean?" Demands Constantine. The grin had unsettled him, and he began preparing a few spells just to be sure.
Danny ignored him again, this time deciding to close his eyes and finally eat his fill of Ectoplasm for the first time in 30 years. He was ravenous, this was the first decent Meal of Ectoplasm he had been able to have in 30 years. He was giddy, he was so happy to finally be home.
However the Heroes didn't know what was happening. All they knew was that some guy had ripped a hole in reality, said "finally" with a crazy grin on his face, and started emitting a dangerous amount of Death Energy for no apparent reason.
Constantine reacts on impulse, trying to cast a Banishing Spell on this guy.
Danny, feeling the spell begin to pull him away from his home after he had just found it again after Thirty. Fucking. Years. Does something that he would consider reasonable.
He quickly dashes over to Constantine and slams him through a tree.
This sparks a fight between Danny and the JLD. And at first he is having some serious trouble, but as he continues to feed on Ectoplasm and recover his strength, he becomes progressively more Powerful. It comes to the point where the JLD can't keep up anymore, and call in Backup.
Ellie was enjoying her night off, but the desperate Call from JLD about a powerful Entity at the edge of Amity finally got her going.
She rushes over and slams into Danny just as he is about to attack Constantine again. Neither of them recognize eachother, since they have changed since they were kids (Danny moreso) and continue to Duke it out.
Ellie is trying to banter with him, but Danny is really angry at this point. So he resorts to his final attack, his Ghostly Wail.
He levels a good chuck of the Forest, and in the end he is standing over Ellie as his anger fades. He says "Sorry" and he starts taking a look around him to see if there is anybody else.
Ellie is on the ground, shaken because she recognized that power.
She gets up, and asks "Danny?"
Danny finally gets a good look at her and says, and says "Ellie?"
Meanwhile JLD still has ringing in their ears and thinks that Ellie just called Danny "Daddy"
(Which makes sense because of the new age difference)
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concretesweetner · 12 days
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this is so rushed and bad but my friend is feeding me memes to draw and I just had to (also shut up I’m not coping about Geno not winning the polls shut up shut up shut up hfghssg)
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satellite-starss · 7 months
Can we get some passive nightmare with flowers on his head just being happy ? I need the fluff pleas 😭
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two normal brothers and their tree hanging out- so glad nothing bad ever happens too any of them 😎
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