#the yelling reminds me of we best love confession scene which is my all time fav so this is now also one of my all time favs.
putterphubase · 25 days
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What happened? If you've got something on your mind, Ai, you don't have to hold it in. Just shout it out if you want.
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buthowboutno · 10 months
Thank you to everyone who participated in the one year anniversary poll!! I still maintain that it would be funny as /fuck/ to just delete “And They Were Lab Partners” in a memento mori fashion, but alas; Only one person voted for it.
Cowards /j
In any case, the majority voted for the behind the scenes stuff, so here we are! The tidbits of how ATWLP turned into the fucking beast it is.
I would like to personally blame @morning-sun-brah , @hitechlatte, and @ordin-arily for being such big inspirations in this corner of the fandom. You guys are amazing and I probably wouldn't be where I am today without your works.
Shout out to all my losers in the backrooms for keeping me going and being such terrible influences. You are all responsible for the horrors that have been unleashed. A solid third of my content exists because of your sins /aff. 
@beckerboopin is the best beta anyone could ask for and has only brought this story up to the next level. I would die for you becks <3
Also @betyoudidntcthatcoming-blog is the love of my life that I only met ‘cause of this fic or whatever. They’re pretty neat. I guess. :p
(Major Spoilers Ahead Pre-Chapter 23)
I would like to remind everyone that ATWLP was only supposed to be 50k words. You can still witness my naivety in the notes of “Pudge ‘Preciation.” 
How… simple those times were. 
How I so firmly believed the idiots would be kissing by chapter 16. How a projected word count of 150k words seemed unfathomable for a single work, much less a work with multiple published and planned companion pieces.
Crazy. (I was crazy once.)
There was a lot of ATWLP that ended up getting scrapped as I got further into the story. The idiots had a lot of opinions and tugged at me a few different ways as I got to know them better. (aka they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them to fucking kiss already.)
Anyways, some of the few major structural changes:
Casey was originally supposed to reveal that he knew Sweet’s in the bad timeline during the “Intro to Sparring” chapter. That chapter was also originally slotted to happen /before/ the kidnapping debacle, but it just so happened to fit in better later
The stage kiss from “Hit the Club” was going to be in the Nerd Prom chapter. It felt too corny at the time (and lowkey still feels corny) so I put that in my pocket for later. For as much as y’all yelled at me for it, it barely made the final cut lmao.
The way the idiots are going to confess to each other is a COMPLETE 180 from how I planned the story from the beginning, which was already entirely different from the first idea for this fic. I wrote a whole ass chapter about an accidental kiss being the tipping point of them positively macking on each other, which I did end up cutting into convenient pieces for other stuff. (I PUT A PART OF IT DOWN BELOW)
Sweets was going to be kidnapped twice and the whole Purple Dragons debacle was going to be drawn out more. There was a lot more action planned than slice of life content at ATWLP’s conception. For better or for worse, this is where the story led us.
Donnie’s mating season wasn’t going to be as involved in the story, if in it at all. I grew to be hornier and less ashamed. You’re welcome.
The first title for this fic was “Lab Rat: a Story of Nerds Falling in Love.” For the life of me I cannot remember what compelled me to change it, but holy shit am I glad I did.
I was going to use (y/n) in this fic. No hate to those who do, but stylistically I’m pretty happy with not doing that.
And because I have no control over the idiots, quick rundown of the chapters that weren’t supposed to happen.
Kart Conflict
The Christmas Issue
The Recovery: Day Two 
Valentine’s Day Episode
Hit the Club
Aquarium? Hardly Know ‘Em
****Pool Excursion
****Beach Episodes
****honestly just like the entire endgame of this fic
All the ficlets/ alternate POV’s
All the smut! I still have it written down in my original notes that ATWLP was gonna be completely PG lmao. Once again y’all have @morning-sun-brah and her fucking fabulous fics to blame for that
The Valentines’ and aquarium chapters are COMPLETELY different than how I had originally planned, even with being forced to include them in my chart. The Valentine’s day plans that the brothers had “ditched” with Sweets was the og plot for the chapter. The aquarium chapter was supposed to be a rooftop picnic with feels~~, no aquarium even fucking mentioned in my outline.
I don’t have much control over what happens tbh. I am praying that the 37 planned chapters will be the final chapters. 
We’ll…. we’ll just have to see how that turns out.
The scrapped plots as a little treat for y’all <3 ~~~
Cut Stage Kiss (after the lift in Nerd Prom)
You leaned closer to Donnie’s face, intent on screeching in his ear for pulling that stunt.
“Kiss them already!” May yelled from the inner edge of the crowd. You turned bright red, blinking at her. You shook your head at her, but the crowd started to catch onto the idea. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
Donnie laughed, a little incredulous. He leaned in close to your ear, whispering, “Theatre kid protocol?”
You nodded in agreement, allowing him to put a hand to your face. He leans into your mouth, making the crowd go wild. You giggle against the thumb separating your lips, smiling against it. Donnie pulled away from you with a dramatic ‘mwah’. You threw your head back, fully laughing as Donnie lifted you up from the dip. 
First Valentine’s Day Outline
The final four move to the living room
Sweets: “We’re making friendship bracelets while we watch the most romantic movie of all time.”
Raph: “Shrek 2!”
Donnie: “This is ridiculous”
Sweets: “This holiday is ridiculous, now pick out your five favourite colors of embroidery floss”
Donnie: “....Fine."
Donnie is actually terrible at making bracelets lmao while mikey has wristfuls of them
Donnie: “I don’t understand! I’m following the blueprints exactly!”
Mikey: “The... instructions?”
Donnie: “Whatever! How are you making those so fast? You don’t even have that many friends!”
Mikey: “Physical therapy is a hell of a time, my brother.”
Sweets: “Is Donnie being ableist again?”
Mikey: “I do believe he is.”
Donnie: “I am autistic!”
Sweets: “Bless you.”
And it all starts like most things in your life do: a silly mistake.
“Donnie,” you whined. You were working on your physics homework at his desk while he was soldering a new motherboard for the Turtle Tank’s controls.
“Little pest,” he mimicked your tone without looking up. He kept on soldering as you stared at him, not a care in the world. 
“Would you be so kind as to look over my work for this problem? I’m following the steps but I’m not getting the right answer.”
“Mmm,” Donnie said. At that moment, a spark flew from his project and caught his exposed cheek. He flinched back, dropping his wire and soldering rod on the table and rubbing his face. You batted your eyes at him while he scowled. 
“I don’t know how, but I blame you for that.”
“I would *never*,” you teased. You pushed your chair to the side a bit so Donnie could stand next to you. 
He moved his goggles to his head and put his left arm over the back of your chair, leaning over you. He parsed through your work for a minute and tilted his head down to tell you what you needed to fix.
It just so happened that you tilted your head up to ask him a question at the same time, the two of you meeting in the middle with a kiss. 
Well, it wasn’t so much of a kiss as it was the two of you accidentally brushing your lips together for a moment. Seconds, almost nothing at all. 
But the way that Donnie looked at you when the two of you jumped apart…
That…that wasn’t nothing. 
You could almost laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation. You could’ve cracked a joke, played up your ridiculous game of pet names and intellectual bravado. 
(To be honest, you almost did.)
But then you thought about the way Donnie’s lips felt against yours. You thought about the way you’d dream of that moment and then proceed to do everything in your power to banish those thoughts away. Your mouth hung open slightly as you looked up at him, trying to will yourself to do anything, anything at all.
Donnie ended up making that decision for you. That oh, so familiar churring started emanating from his chest. He took your face in his hands, looking into your eyes for just a hint of confirmation before leaning in for a real kiss.
(Yeah, you could get used to this.)
There was nothing more you could do than press yourself against him, against his touch. You felt him smiling into the kiss, pressing you down into the chair. 
Donnie was *everywhere*, like he was trying to encompass you. His hand moved to your hair, the other to your hip. You smiled when you remembered his adoration for your love-handles all that time ago. You traced along his plastron, making nonsense shapes and mapping out every scar.
He was so responsive. The chirring increased tenfold for every touch to his chest, every soft bite you gave his lips. You recalled all the times he would make noises from you touching along his shell. You pressed your hands fully against him, doing your best to draw out more and more of those sounds.
What Donnie lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm. He followed your lead, matching your pace every step of the way. You licked along the seam of his lips, gasping as his mouth opened for you. Donnie’s tongue against yours was tentative, shy even. You did everything in your power to ease Donnie into deepening the kiss. 
When he moved from your lips and started kissing down your throat, your soul could have left your body right there. He was so…*gentle*. 
Donnie always has been. From when he was slinging his arms around you to kicking your ass in sparring, Donnie has never failed to treat you with care and reverence. 
You feel it now, with every soft bite he gives you, every gentle peck behind your ear.
Donnie pulled away from you after what felt like decades. (Never enough, it would never be enough.) You leaned forward after him, trying to close the space he was creating. He looked bashful.
“This might be the proper time to tell you that I have a massive crush on you,” Donnie said. His face was fraught with nervous determination. 
“Yeah, no fucking shit,” you said. You stood up from the chair and used your body to push Donnie against the desk. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down to your height.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for forever, can we get on with it?” you said, looking into his eyes. Donnie turned bright red.
“But– you? Do you?” Donnie stammered a bit.
“Donnie,” you deadpanned, crowding into his space, “I’ve had a crush on you for a year, thanks for noticing. Will you *please* lean your face down a bit so I can reach it?” 
Donnie looked at you a bit incredulously, like you were a problem he didn’t know how to solve yet. He made quite a picture, all red faced and calculating with a dumb half-smile while he looked at you. But, giving in, he put his arms around you and leaned in to kiss you again.
“Aye, aye, captain.”
You smiled into the kiss, humming with contentment.
He likes you.
He likes you.
Aaaaand some random headcanons because I love you guys and I am truly so thankful to this kickass community <3 I truly do not know where I would be without the support y’all have given me.
Donnie has a hella oral fixation
NOT IN A KINKY WAY (most of the time) But as an autist, Donnie do be biting
One of his biggest shows of trust if he bites you while just chilling
Like if donnie is big spoon, he just nom on a shoulder and stay there chillin
Or if reader is body pillow, he’ll lean around and bite their bicep
Good sensations
Donnie draws on eyebrows every day, he for sure would be very good at doing intricate makeup on reader
Gently holds their chin up, concentrated as hell while reader blushes like mad
Donnie keeps getting banned off of roblox
Didn’t matter tbh, he knew how to hack into it to get his account reinstated
Also makes money off of roblox??
never explains to Sweets, very suspicious
Sweets likes to kiss along donnie’s neck/where his battle shell usually sits
The word here is reverence
Donnie is egotistical, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have insecurities about being a mutant turtle and you being a human
Lots of tracing along his arms, his face, his shell
Donnie likes his coffee to be half coffee, half milk to cut down on bitterness. Sweets is a tea drinker normally, but opts for coffee when they can’t focus (which ends up being most of the semester).
Sweets drinks black coffee when they’re on the struggle bus
To quote them, “Black coffee can’t hurt me more than Calc II already has”
But they prefer two creamers and two sugars when they have it in their dorm.
That’s all, congrats on making it to the bottom of this long ass post lmao <3
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Rwrb movie review, obviously spoilers below
Half a star for “Prince Henry belongs to Britain. Henry Fox has to belong to himself or else he’ll vanish.” “Can he ever belong to someone else?” “Only momentarily.” 
Half a star for this masterpiece:
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Would have been a full star if it had been longer.
Half a star for “My life is the crown and yours is politics and I will not trade one prison for another.”
Aside that, the movie is a 2/5
The book is much better.
Things I liked:
Sweet moments between Alex and Henry.
Henry after the lakehouse.
What they did with the text messages (see above). I think it was incredibly creative and I really like it.
Things I did not like:
What they did to Alex’s character. They completely butchered my boy and I’ll never forgive them. What do you mean the meeting at Rio is the only reason Alex disliked Henry?? What about the constant comparison between both of them than the media and the public makes which is just a constant reminder to Alex than he will always have it harder for being brown and the son of the first woman to be president?? Why about the whole thing leading to Rio?? The magazine, Alex kind of idealizing Henry and wanting to meet him and Henry to turn out to be not what he expected so there’s just another bitter taste on top of it?? What do you mean his parents are not only together, but happily together? If they were together but unhappy it would make sense. They can’t divorce, Ellen already has it hard enough being a woman and a democrat to also be a divorced woman. But happily married?? Tf? We already knew June wouldn’t be there but I still miss her, and without her something about the movie falls flat. Alex overworking himself, his insecurity, his public persona, etc etc where the fuck is it. Why did they make Alex a one dimensional character? I’ll never forgive them for what they did to him. That being said, I think Taylor did a good job portraying him, and the problem is just the script and the decisions made. If the script and all was good, I think Taylor would have really been able to fully show and portray Alex.
This guy Miguel, I skipped every scene he was in except the one where we meet him. I hate him, why was he even added. I genuinely don’t get that writing decision.
I get we didn’t get more Bea and Pez, we didn’t have enough time to show everything, but what shocks me is not getting more Philip / the king. Something to fully show monarchy’s homophobia would be nice. They just added everything in the last second and it was incredibly rushed.
No Dear Thisbe???
Half the e-mails either being cut up or replaced by new e-mails, taking away the best ones and the feelings of having to hide, of loving each other from distance, etc etc
Many many scenes taken away. I understand there was not all the time in the world, I don’t need everyone to come yell at me in the replies, I know. This is all criticism while having in mind than it’s a movie, not a tv show. But that’s what bothers me. A book with so many subplots, all equally important should have been a tv show not a movie.
Your song was not on the movie at all, not part of the soundtrack not even mentioned. Can’t Help Falling In Love With You for the v&a dance is a good decision. The symbolism of it (Henry thought himself of incapable of being loved, his position and being closeted and everything and just the way he was too much of a burden, but Alex plays that song specifically, he can’t help falling in love with Henry, it’s not a chore.) But it also takes away from us the I love him on purpose, since these two statements contradict each other.
The lake confession, but since Alex apparently has no depth I’m not surprised.
Alex coming out to the world and confirming their relationship, therefore also outing Henry without even consulting him??? What even was that
These ones are not really important but I don’t get it: why is bea younger, why are Henry’s last names different, why do random women just kiss Alex in New Years without even asking
Some photos:
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By the way, this is what I call cinema:
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I Have Found You
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Click here for my masterlist.
Add yourself to my taglist.
Aaron Hotchner Taglist - @braelyniskool, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @ready-4-spencie, @mrs-scottmccall, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29
Prompt - I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I have found you.
You and Aaron had had a long week at work, each on separate cases but both equally as drained as the other. Your job saw you travelling to and from New York each day, working for one of the states best law firms, it was hard working your way up but you did it and now you were dealing with high profile cases day in and day out.
This case was particularly gruelling but it was finally finished and you had won. It was a small victory for the family but it was a victory nonetheless.
Aaron was working on his own case, he had been in Las Vegas for the past four days dealing with a serial killer who was targeting families. The unsub was organised, too organised, and more families were killed before they finally caught a break. From there it had been a matter of hours before they caught the man and the team was back on the jet.
Aaron finished up on the phone before dropping down into his seat beside Rossi who raised an eyebrow at him.
“Short of an emergency we all have Friday and Monday off, I don’t want to see any of you for four days.” Aaron announced to the jet, smiling as it was filled with cheers and laughter.
“So, big plans?” Rossi asked, smirking at Aaron who just rolled his eyes.
“I plan on doing absolutely nothing.” Aaron replied with a smile, already thinking of how great it would be to spend a long weekend with you and Jack, it had been far too long. He had already spoken to you and upon hearing the good news of your case asked if you could get two days off and thanked god that you could.
“I hear you, man.” Derek spoke up from opposite Rossi. “Four whole days of nothing but me and my girl.”
“What about you, kid?” Rossi asked, looking at Spencer who sat opposite Aaron.
“There’s a film festival I really wanted to go to actually, it's showing a bunch of different films in their original language.” Spencer told him and the grin on his face was enough to stop any teasing.
“Have a good time, pretty boy.” Derek smiled back, ruffling the younger man's hair causing him to pout.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile at the scene but as much as he loved this family, he couldn’t wait to get back home to you and Jack.
“How hard can cupcakes be, right?” You asked Jack, who stood on a chair in front of the counter. The two of you were staring at the ingredients that were spread out, not knowing where to start. When you suggested Jack make something for Aaron you were thinking more along the lines of a picture but when the kid suggested cupcakes well…you really wanted cupcakes.
“Right.” Jack agreed, grinning up at you.
Turns out it was harder to make cupcakes than either of you thought.
Aaron walked into the house, smiling immediately as he heard Jack giggling madly. He was quick to follow the noise but stopped abruptly as he stared into the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Jack yelled, quickly scrambling off the chair and throwing himself at Aaron who caught him and lifted him with ease despite the cupcake mixture that stuck to his clothes, face and hair.
“Hey buddy,” He grinned, turning his attention to you. There you stood, cupcake mix splatter on your face, in your hair and on your shirt. You looked dejected as you held an electric mixer, clearly the culprit of the cupcake explosion. “It looks like you and Y/N are having fun.” He said with a laugh, watching how you pouted up at him.
“We were gonna make cupcakes for you, daddy, but Y/N put it on too high.” Jack informed Aaron, giggling madly as he did.
“I didn’t know!” You defended, there was a reason you weren’t trusted in the kitchen.
Aaron’s smile grew and he couldn’t wait any longer to move closer to you, the hand that didn’t hold Jack caressed your cheek and he brought you in for a soft kiss. It didn’t last long, how could it with Jack laughing and making kissing noises, but the two of you pulled away with matching, love struck smiles before you and Jack began laughing together at the cupcake batter that was now perched on Aaron’s nose.
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight back the smile.
“Alright, alright,” he said, gaining both of your attention, “how about you two get cleaned up and we can all go out for dinner and then get some cupcakes, hm? That sound good?” He asked Jack who nodded with a grin and squirmed for Aaron to put him down. Once he did, Jack shot off to his bedroom and Aaron turned his attention to you.
“You can’t of thought that was a good idea.” He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning in to steal another kiss.
“The kid said cupcakes, who was I to say no?” You responded when he pulled away, giggling as he trailed kisses to your jaw and then peppered them down your neck.
Your eyes closed as you tilted your head back, giving the man more access and you couldn’t help but whine as he pulled away. The whine quickly turned into a laugh as he leaned closer and licked a blob of batter that had stuck to your neck.
“Go clean up, baby.” He said before kissing your head and untangling himself from you.
You and Jack were quick to clean yourselves up and soon you were all out the door and heading to a restaurant that you often frequented when you had Jack.
It felt like forever since you had been out with the Hotchner boys and you enjoyed every minute of it, no annoying work calls pulling one of you away, no looming threat of Aaron being called to a different state. No, just you, Aaron and Jack going out together, eating good food, catching up with each other properly.
It was wonderful.
“Cupcakes now daddy?” Jack asked as the waitress cleared the plates.
“Yeah, cupcakes now daddy?” You echoed with a smirk watching as Aaron playfully glared at you.
“Sure thing buddy,” He said to Jack, causing you to let out a quiet laugh. “Pick which one you want.”
Aaron couldn’t tell you who smiled wider when dessert was brought out, you or Jack. Both of you tucked in with the same hunger and he just smiled at the scene.
When you and Aaron had first met, it was to do with a case he was working on. He never expected it to blossom into this. The friendship was unexpected but not unwelcome and then before either of you had realised it you had developed feelings for one another.
You were quite a bit younger than him and he was hesitant to bring the feelings up, not understanding what you could possibly see in an older, divorced, single father.
That was the other issue, sure you knew about Jack but there was a difference between knowing about him and wanting to be a part of his life and as much as Aaron had liked you he knew he couldn’t bring somebody into his life who couldn’t accept Jack.
So the pining went on for months as Aaron made the decision for you that you didn’t want to be burdened with a child that wasn’t yours. And when you finally pulled Aaron’s head out of his arse and made him talk about the feelings between you, you could have slapped him silly.
Sure kids weren’t exactly your forte but you’d at least have liked the chance to decide that. From there Aaron had introduced you to Jack after the two of you went on a few dates. The two of you decided the best place would be out in public, a little less daunting and that’s how you ended up at the zoo.
Jack had warmed up to you rather quickly and you surprised yourself with how good you were with him. Eventually it was Jack asking if you could have a sleepover at their house rather than Aaron trying to explain that you might be there in the morning sometimes.
Aaron was so glad you had talked him out of his own head way back when, and as he watched you with Jack, he knew, not that there was any doubt, that he’d made the right choice.
“Can we watch a movie?” Jack asked as the three of you entered the house.
“Buddy, it’s nearly bedtime.” Aaron reminded him as he took your coat from you before taking his own off.
“Please daddy,” Jack pleaded, turning on the puppy dog eyes, “I’ll brush my teeth and put my pyjamas on.”
He looked at you but you were looking down at Jack with a soft smile and he couldn’t say no if he wanted to.
“Deal, teeth and pyjamas, we’ll meet back here in five.” Aaron said and grinned as Jack took off running.
“C’mere baby,” He mumbled as he pulled you closer to him, wrapping you up in his arms. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too.” You confessed into his chest before titling your head up. Aaron was quick to turn his head, leaning down and capturing your lips in a soft, slow kiss. When he pulled away he didn’t go far, resting his head on your forehead.
“Can’t wait to have you all to myself these next few days.” He told you quietly, fingers brushing against your waist.
“Me neither, it’s going to be heaven.” You replied, matching both his tone and the smile on his face.
“Daddy,” Jack’s voice pulled you away from each other and you turned to see the kid grinning up at Aaron showing his freshly brushed teeth and proudly wearing his Captain America pyjamas. “You and Y/N/N need your pyjamas too.”
“Of course we do!” You exclaimed, taking Aaron’s hand in yours and pulling him towards the bedroom with instructions for Jack to put a movie on.
“Really can’t wait to have you all to myself.” Aaron said again as he watched you pull your shirt over your head.
“Down boy.” You laughed, throwing the shirt at him.
Watching you undress made Aaron long to touch you but seeing you dressed in his clothes, sweatpants that were way too big for you and a college shirt that drooped off your shoulders was somehow infinitely sweeter.
“I love you.” He told you, pulling you close to place a kiss on your exposed shoulder.
“I love you too.” You smiled before turning around and kissing him. “Get changed.” You ordered.
“Yes ma’am.” Aaron laughed but did as you said.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile as he held his family in his arms. Jack was half in your lap and half in Aarons and you were sat flushed against him, head resting on his shoulder and your hand holding Jack’s leg.
The movie was still playing but Jack was fast asleep against his chest and you were pretty close to following. Despite that though, Aaron couldn’t bring himself to move and send you both to bed. Instead he tightened his grip on both of you, smiling as you cuddled further into him.
This, this was all he needed, you and Jack by his side. His little family, both of whom had been through so much. All he wanted to do was protect both of you and he would, god would he do anything to protect the pair of you.
You were one of the best things that had happened to him, he had known it since the day he had met you and he had known it two weeks ago when the team finished a case in California and he walked into the jewellers to buy the ring and he knew it now, looking down at you holding onto him and Jack.
He knew you were the best thing to happen to him in a really long time and he would forever be thankful that he had found you.
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aoitrinity · 4 years
Why Do I Have to Feel Like a Fucking Conspiracy Theorist -- OR -- How I Find a Semblance of Peace on Sunday Night
I’m also going to start this out with a GIANT DISCLAIMER.
I am about to theorize about what may have happened to the SPN finale. I have absolutely no insider knowledge. I am merely speculating here based on the panels and a bunch of Twitter and Tumblr posts that I have been reading over the last few days. If you are not in a good place to read such things, TURN BACK PLEASE. Go take care of yourself and your mental health. You and your feelings are valid and deserve to be handled gently right now.
Additionally, if you are here to give me shit for being unhappy with the ending, please walk away as well. I am here to reach out and share my feelings with people who might be struggling to make sense of something that upset some of us in very deep-seated ways. I am not here to bother you or critique you or tell you that you’re lesser because you liked the ending. If you felt it was good, then go enjoy it.
Long-ass post beneath the cut, everyone.
Alrighty folks...I debated whether or not to do this because I have been spiraling down the hell that is the SPN finale since Thursday. The travesty of what happened to our show--to this beloved show that seemed to have been so perfectly and precisely written for at least four years that it had basically already paved its own tarmac on which to land its plane and we all thought we knew exactly what we were going to get. And then we didn’t. We had a nigh Cas-less and entirely Eileen-less ending. We had no goodbye between Cas and Jack. We had Dean dying young after finally finding his freedom, only to ascend to heaven with no one but Bobby. We had the weird, weird, weird incest-y death scene. We had the bridge crane shot thing because...sure. You do you, Robert Singer.
It was so terrible, so truly awful, and I couldn’t seem to square any of it with anything we had known going in. I tossed and turned and cried and didn’t eat or sleep all weekend. I spent hours just reloading tumblr and twitter, going to the Misha panel, reading and reading and listening and trying to figure out what the fucking hell is going on because I needed to know exactly where to direct my anger. And after a fuckton of talking with @winchester-reload, I think we have at least a very plausible theory about what happened here--I’m laying it out below as much for my own peace of mind as anything else, because otherwise all of these thoughts are going to continue to spin around in my head for weeks and I won’t be able to do jack shit.
Now to start off, unfortunately I do think Dean was slated to die from the beginning of this season. I don’t know WHY they thought that was the best way to go, and I wish they had listened to Jensen on this one. Part of me wonders if it was an order from on high based on the discussion between Becky and Chuck earlier this season--the writers knew it wasn’t a great choice, but they were trying to signal to us that we should feel free to write our own endings to the story because they’d be better (I can wax poetic on the signs of why many of the writers probably wanted Dean to live, but that’s another post). I’m not defending that choice by any means, just laying it out there that I think they didn’t necessarily all want to kill Dean like they did.
However, what I THINK I can explain now is what happened with Misha and why we got so jerked around with Cas’s story. Consider what we know (I can’t immediately source all of it, but I did my best):
At the end of episode 15x19, Lucifer has been returned to the Empty after being killed AGAIN. He talks with Cas. Maybe harasses him a bit about Dean, idk. But then...Jack shows up. New God Jack. And he picks up Cas and pulls him out of the Empty, leaving Lucifer behind, because seriously. Fuck that guy (also leaving behind his abusive father is character growth for Jack, so yay for that).
-Misha was contracted to film 15 episodes this season. He was only in 14.
-Misha told Michael Sheen he had to go back to film 1.5 episodes after the shutdown in March. (Starts at 6:13)
-Misha was in Vancouver during filming of the finale.
-Mark P said at Darklight Con that the last scene he filmed was with Alex and Misha (and Mark P was only in episode 19).
-Misha implied that he was present for various filming moments, including Dean’s death (start at 35:15), and said that it felt like a “mini-reunion.”
-Various sources have mentioned that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale.
-After episode 18, Stands tweeted a fan who was angered and hurt by Cas's death that they could talk about the “bury the gays” issue after the finale aired.
-In episode 19 we know there were takes of the parking lot scene where the only thing fans observing could hear was Dean yelling “CAS” at Chuck (fuck I can’t find this one right now, but it’s definitely out there)
-Also in episode 19, we had a very strange, awkward montage at the end of the episode.
-In episode 20, we know there were a FUCKTON of missing scenes
-We also had no opening montage, but three other separate montages.
-Carry on My Wayward Son was played TWICE, back-to-back at the end of the episode.
-Episode 20 was shorter than normal and had surprisingly little dialogue. The pacing was VERY strange.
-The cast and crew has been almost completely silent about the finale since it came out. When they have spoken, it has been with an awkward excuse of “Uh...COVID?”
-Samantha Ferris has specifically noted that, despite the Harvelle’s being back in play and a big heaven reunion having been planned pre-COVID, neither she nor Chad Lindberg received any such invitation to return.
-Cas and Dean POP Funko figures were pictured together in a replica of Harvelle’s in 15x04.
NOW with all of this in mind (and I’m probably missing some stuff too because there is so much--feel free to add on to that list), please bear with me because here is what I think we were SUPPOSED to get POST-COVID (after it was determined that the reunion couldn’t happen because of the virus):
In episode 20, we start with our NORMAL OPENING MONTAGE, like always. It traces everything that happened during the season. We are reminded of Cas. The confession. Rowena. Eileen. Jack. Billie, God, the Empty, all of it. 
Things then follow along in the episode where they did up until Dean dies and wakes up in heaven. After his conversation with Bobby, he drives off to find Cas (who, in the script, was listed as “Jimmy Novak” in order to protect against script leaks--who wouldn’t want to do their best to avoid spoilers about the finale with the wrapping of a fifteen-year show?). He does indeed find Cas. We get Dean’s end of the confession. Hell, maybe we even get a kiss. And then Dean sets up his new heaven home in the recreated Harvelle’s. Maybe Cas even fucking moves in. 
Years pass. We get Sam having his life on Earth (still can’t explain why they cut Eileen and couldn’t even have Sam signing vaguely to the blurry brunette in the background; if anyone wants to take that on, go for it). Eventually, Cas tells Dean that it’s almost Sam’s time. Dean takes Baby and goes to meet Sam at the bridge. The cover of Carry on My Wayward Son plays during this much shorter sequence. End of episode.
But that’s not what we got. Instead, much of what I just wrote about was excised from the episode. The remnants were stitched together after shooting had been wrapped. Filler was added in the form of montages and long, unnecessary extra shots to get the episode to something approaching a reasonable length. 
But why? Why would they spend all that time and money and quarantining on Misha, only to almost completely cut him out of the finale? I struggled with why the fuck the CW would want this mammoth show to go down as the greatest queerbait in TV history when they had the chance to do something truly beautiful and monumental with it? It couldn’t just be sheer homophobia, right? Well, I think that factored into it, my friends, but here is where my head is at right now.
It was about cold, hard cash.
Now I could be wrong, but this is what I’m thinking at the moment: Supernatural is going off of the air. Supernatural, the CW’s cash cow for fifteen years. Sure there is still money to be made on blu-rays and merchandise and cons...but they need people watching their shows. They need that sweet advertising revenue. And you know what show they have about to premiere? A show that could, potentially, bring with it a chunk of that SPN revenue?
And if any of you know anything about the original Walker Texas Ranger, you know that the show was predominantly a show about a very heterosexual white man being very excessively heterosexual. And for SOME REASON over the years, many of the execs at the CW still seem to think that this show, Supernatural, is really attractive to a lot of middle-American white men...whom they desperately want to watch this new show with this guy from Supernatural that they already know.
Now here’s where COVID fucked us. I think Destiel was greenlit by TPTB, at least in SOME form, before COVID. But then the pandemic happened, and they panicked. They got the cut of the last two episodes and watched them in their original, probably queer form. And then, the execs at CW looked at the economy. They looked at their cash cow, about to make its journey to the great beyond. And they looked at this new little calf Walker that they were so desperately worried about. And they made a choice.
They decided that it would be too risky to take the step with Destiel. They were worried about frightening off their ever-so-valuable hetero male demographic with the possibility that a traditionally masculine man in his 40s could be in love with another man in an overt way. It was homophobia mixed with greed, spun up by fear for their revenues because of COVID.
So they called in Singer, possibly Dabb, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they went straight to Singer. They told them that Destiel had to go: executive orders. And the only way to make it go in a way that removed any trace of what had been there was to rewrite what happened to Cas and cut him out from the last two episodes entirely. It was too late to reshoot anything. They had to just cut and stitch and fill with bullshit montages. 
They removed the scene at the end of 19, probably because Cas and Lucifer discussed Dean. All that was left of Misha there was his voice on that fake phone call. They may have cut other things too, but I would bet my life that they cut a scene from the end of the episode and replaced it with that very strange montage. Then they moved onto 20. They cut out every scene with Cas. And left in only two platonic mentions of him, neither made by Dean. They tried to imply that Cas might show up in Dean’s heaven at some point, but that was as far as the editors could go in the time they had. They filled in with montages, awkwardly long shots, anything they could do to fill all of those missing scenes.
And they even had to take the opening montage, because literally everything in it pointed to Cas being there at the end of it all. They wouldn’t be able to leave out his scenes, they were too critical to the season. They couldn’t cut his confession without raising eyebrows. So they cut the whole thing and moved “Carry On My Wayward Son” to one of the newly-added driving montages at the end. Which is why we awkwardly had both songs play back-to-back--again, such a strange choice unless they were out of options and couldn’t exactly buy rights to a new track or compose anything else.
And so we were left with the shadow of the finale that we deserved, that Cas and Dean deserved. We were left without resolution or happiness or words. Bobo told us the most important thing about happiness is just “saying it” and our characters were silenced without anyone ever knowing the truth.
I think the writers might have known and been given the new party line that “Misha never filmed, he couldn’t, sorry, it was COVID, no one’s fault!” But I don’t think most of the cast even knew it had happened until they watched the finale on Thursday with us (though they might have been confused why the bit from 15x19 was sliced, they could reasonably have assumed it was a time thing and also BL episodes don’t make sense anyway). Why do I say that?
Well, first of all, Misha started sending out a bunch of excited texts to fans with some old BTS pictures about an hour before the show started airing on EST. He also wanted his children to see the episode, his YOUNG children. Why would he show them such a traumatic episode if their Dad wasn’t in it? What if it was because he wanted them to witness what was going to be a monumental moment in queer television history that their DAD got to be a part of? And then that was all dashed.
Which is why I think the cast and crew went almost completely radio silent the next day. I don’t think they knew. And based on how they have been acting on social media since then, I think many of them are absolutely furious, but they have been silenced because of NDAs, because they want to find work again in a cutthroat industry, because they don’t want to bring down the hellfire of Warner Brothers Entertainment upon themselves. So the most we have gotten is a little acknowledgement from the MERCHANDISING COMPANY trying to validate our pain (god bless Shirts, she is a LIFESAVER) and a response to my salty tweet about keeping good stuff in the closet from Adam Williams (the VFX coordinator) that seemed to acknowledge the validity of my complaint.
Then there was a scramble behind the scenes, I would bet my life. Talking points were fed to the boys who had panels today, to CE, to all the cast and crew:
Toe the party line. Misha never filmed. This was always about COVID. Do not mention Destiel. Do not mention Dean’s feelings for Cas. Do not promote the Castiel Project or anything that validates the idea that this was anything less than a superb ending.
And that is why we have heard so little from the cast on this front, and what we have heard has been muddled and contradictory. That is why the writers are saying nothing. That is why we have been left adrift.
Now before I close this out, I do want to say that I really, genuinely do not think this was on the writers at all. I feel like they tried to give us the best ending that they could, in a writers room that we know is notorious for splitting along party lines about the overall story (BL and Singer, who have always been about the brothers and their man-pain vs. Dabb and the rest who always seemed to want more for them and for Cas). I think they did everything in their power to at least end with Dean and Cas happy together. If they could give us nothing else, they wanted to give us that. And then the network took it from them. From us. From everyone.
For the sake of fucking money. 
And the WORST PART OF IT ALL, for me, is that in the wake of this disaster, the fans have been left to try and figure out what happened. We have had to wade through a mire of conflicting information in the midst of all of our collective anger and grief over this garbage ending of a show many of us have loved and even relied on for YEARS, all the while wondering if we’re just fucking crazy, if we have all fallen collectively into the hole of conspiracy theories. That hurts ESPECIALLY badly because we have taken so many hits over the years from other groups on social media saying we were crazy for seeing things that weren’t there (especially Destiel), for writing meta and analyzing tropes and believing the evidence of our eyes and ears. The network has made us relive that entire nightmare WHILE processing our grief for a show we wanted so badly to celebrate and which instead we now have to mourn.
So again guys, I cannot prove that this is exactly what happened at all; this is simply my idea of what may have happened. But right now, it’s the most sense I can make from this mess, and to be honest, the act of typing it out has helped me enormously in my processing of it all. I feel like I can see more clearly, like I know where to target my outrage and where to direct empathy. I feel like just fucking maybe, I might be able to do my job tomorrow without bursting into tears at random moments. 
I really hope that this post has helped some of you to, in some small way, process this too. We get through this the way that Misha told us at his panel this morning, the way the writers have told us to do all season long...we throw out the story God gave us and we make it better. We write our characters the happy endings they deserve. 
We save them.
One last thing--if you have not already, please consider channeling your rage into a donation to one of the five causes our fandom has put together to pay tribute to our beloved show and to mourn the ending it should have had:
-The Castiel Project
-Dean Winchester is Love
-Sam Winchester Project
-The National Association of the Deaf
-The Jack Kline Project
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Season 3, Episode 7 Thoughts
I know this is literally me skipping straight to the end, but I absolutely love seeing Maddox doing the opening recap. I’ll be honest, I thought she was just going to be a series regular for this season only and that the Maddox/jet storyline was just for this season. It was going to be wrapped up in a pretty bow for camp. But the ending with Maddox having feelings for Ashlyn makes it seem like this isn’t the end? I don’t know if they will have her return next season (which idk how because I think they’re from Cali, not SLC) or have her and Ashlyn writing and then maybe bring her back for an episode or two next season? I’m just really curious how this storyline will play out. That’s the one thing about this show. I see storylines (like ricky and lily) and think they’re going to go on and on and they end in like, one episode. But then I see other ones (like p*w needing to break up) and think they will end in a few episodes and they go on for longer than expected. I really am kept on my toes quite a bit with this show
Lol this is a small detail but during the recap they overlap the sounds from one scene to the next and when EJ rejects Gina’s promposal, the show overlapped that scene with the cheers from color wars and Jet winning 😭 I’m weak that is so funny
This is going to sound freaking weird, but I loved the scene of ricky eating the pizza. It was really cinematic?? Like the budget was showing. Idk why it all went to Richard shoving his face full of hot grease but I’ll take it. It kind of reminded me of a scene you would have seen in something like those cartoons come to movie (captain underpants, diary of a wimpy kid, etc.)
Also i doubt Joshua was acting at that point because i heard that’s why people don’t eat a lot in movie scenes: because they have to take bites for every single take. And having to eat bites of something for 20 takes in a row can really add up… so he might have been feeling a little ill after depending on how many takes this scene was
Lol the fact that ej was compared to a 1980’s villain and then wears THAT attire to the dance (it could be late 1970’s). He really went fully into character 😂
I LOVE Carlos and ricky’s friendship. Ricky helped Carlos with seb and I think Carlos not only caught on to what gina was saying last season when she talked about “someone” bothering her, but he also sees that ricky has the hots for gina, so he might have connected some dots. I’ve been saying this for a hot minute now but I think Carlos and Ashlyn are going to be key players in rina getting together and they kind of already have been. Ashlyn knows Gina’s backstory and Carlos knows about Ricky’s crush and that gina was bothered by “someone” (him) last season. It’s going to be cool to see how it all plays out, but I love Carlos being on the lookout for ricky. Especially where he can be known to “instigate” or “stir up drama”, I think he and ricky have a good enough friendship that Carlos has his back and that’s why he warned ricky the confession could be shown sooner than he thinks. I’m totally rambling but it’s only because it makes me feel soft inside 🥺
And Carlos used his one phone call to know more about the tea?? I don’t think it was all for ricky, but like, he probably asked because he was looking out for him. I’m just AHHHHH
Ricky throwing up over gina. He screamed (yelling at the cameras and Corbin about best summer ever), he cried (in his bunk), and now he’s throwing up. The perfect trifecta ❤️
I loveeee seeing all the girlies get dressed up beforehand together. It’s just so cute. Some of my favorite moments with my friends are just in the time we’re getting ready before we go out and we just hype each other up. This scene just brings back those happy mems ❤️
This has been pointed out on tumblr (as well as some of my other thoughts probably so I’m sorry if I’m a little repetitive) but I love that Gina talks about the possible history of camp prom and then they parallel it with ricky. Great minds think alike ig
Ashlyn you’re so cute!! And I love that they made her coming out a big thing for her but not big in a negative way. They kind of handled that scenario more with Maddox, but with Ashlyn it’s just been chill. She learned more about herself like she would a new hobby, and she finds it positive because “her dating pool got bigger”. It was also cute to hear her say she has a crush on Val. Obviously there is going to be some… discussions had when she gets with big red again because they’ve made it clear this season they’re still talking, but for now I am just enjoying seeing Ashlyn finally accept who I have seen her be since season one with her sword 😂
Something that bothers me about gina saying in front of all the girls, including Ashlyn EJ’s COUSIN, is that she felt like EJ’s been ignoring her. I guess maybe they didn’t want to make it their business but why didn’t anyone say anything? Is it because they thought gina could handle it on her own? Idk it just makes me sad that they knew he’s been a tool but it seems everyone’s kept quiet with him
They really were leaning into the 70’s vibe with him huh 😭 it’s so good. I just can’t stop thinking of him sitting in the cabin picking his hair to get it that big and it’s like, one my favorite hc’s ever. Maybe he had the other boys helping him? Lol
“No I already did that jet” PLS Maddox you dont have to be so loud
Ricky and his cleavage is SENDING me. Boy, if only 😂 i saw someone post pics of him on twitter where he wore even deeper v necks irl (josh) and i just love when shows make little call outs like this. Like in Valentine’s Day when Taylor Lautner says he is uncomfy taking his shirt off. Just GOLD
There’s some camper in the background getting dressed and to idle he is doing little dance moves and I don’t know why but it’s killing me 😂 like he couldn’t think of anything else to do. And then sometimes he just stands there like 🧍 Just watch him next time you rewatch this scene hahahaha
“Like slapping?” PLS RICHARD again why is everyone on this show so LOUD. Just so out of pocket and for what 😭
I love that JOJO is a guest star but is still wearing the most Jojo siwa outfit I could think of. They really weren’t going to let her get out of loads of colors and sparkles
I actually feel a little bad for Jet. Like I know he screwed up but over time we’ve learned that a lot of his actions weren’t intentional and I think Maddox just refused to listen to his side so much that is caused more catastrophe than what it was worth. This scene was hard to watch because it seemed like Maddox didn’t care what the explanation was going to be or how hard he was trying, she was still going to decide to be mad. I’m glad they didn’t drag it on much past this because I think I would have started to dislike Maddox instead of understanding her side, which is not what I wanted to do
Lol Maddox saying, “maybe I do need a friend” and jojo just nods like, “please girl I know” hahahahaa I don’t think jojo meant to make that face though
This is completely irrelevant but I remember watching this thinking how much I wouldn’t enjoy this dance because I wouldn’t know ANY of the music. I’m probably in the older crowd of people who watch this show and even I don’t know a lot of 70’s music so I don’t know how literal gen x’ers would be having that much fun dancing to it
Carlos you do NOT look like miss Edna from hairspray. Hairspray is one of my FAVORITE movies of all time and that is not what he is giving 😂 i don’t get this joke. I think there were about a million other references that would have gotten closer. I think he looks more like a Cheetah Girl than anything but that’s just me
Look I KNOW ej is stressed about the play, but ricky is right. He could have waited even an hour or two and then returned back to his work. As much as EJ doesn’t want to be like his dad, the workaholic side seems exactly like a “Cash” quality and I don’t know that he realizes that yet
Interesting that ej chose a quote about Kristoff wondering why Anna chose to be in a relationship with a guy she just met. This was foreshadowing to the break up later, no doubt
Also if you have the captions on, ricky says in quotes “wait. You got engaged to someone you just met?” And then NOT in quotes, to Carlos, he says “he’s got a point” (talking about Kristoff). Even ricky is wondering why someone would just jump into a relationship with someone they barely know. I know this is definitely more towards p*w, but this could also reflect ricky trying to date lily as a last resort as well. There are just layers and layers to this show guys
I mean what-
Just like this man is literally DUMBFOUNDED by Gina’s beauty
His reaction is 10 times bigger than her own boyfriend’s
I said this before but her BOYFRIEND asked if ricky was ok. If ricky needed air 😭
Ricky’s eyes are THE BIGGEST heart eyes i ever did see. The other time they get this big is in their convo scene outside the barn when they’re on the bench
And also gina left him speechless??? Like that’s queen behavior.
Not only is he speechless but he is sweating and shaking!!! Someone get this boy some milk! 🥛
Like gina honey, ej was never going to care about you like ricky does and this whole scene proves it
Not to mention ricky and Carlos see her first… EJ looks up a few seconds later when he’s not so immersed in his work! They purposely leave him looking up a little bit later in the camera. That is symbolism people!! He is putting his work and everything else in front of seeing gina. He looks at her second because the person who puts her first is already looking! (They do this again later in the episode when she is sad and looking for ej and the person who sees her first, ricky, is already looking at her yet again!)
And can we talk about the ROMCOMIFICATION of this entire episode… well season? I know it’s intentionally supposed to feel like one but this scene did it justice. The slow motion, music in the background, gasps ricky is trying to gasp next to her boyfriend… I literally feel like I’m just watching one of my favorite movies right now. AND, this is my favorite “boy sees pretty girl” reaction I think I have ever seen… ever. Which is saying a lot because I watch a LOT of romance.
And like, they show Ricky’s face first and you just KNOW that he sees gina. EJ’s dialogue about needing to “stay in the zone” helps set this up, but even without it, you can just tell how WHIPPED this man is from the second he sees her. And while we never saw it, let’s not pretend he didn’t do this every time he saw her this season because she honestly looked SO CUTE in every outfit
All 3 girls were serving breakfast lunch and dinner as they should!!!
Again the show breaking the fourth wall “you refuse to dance in front of people” “I have two left feet” and one of the biggest things jojo is known for is dancing hahahaha
I love the swing in the cabin it’s so cute
I like that Maddox’s parents weren’t upset about her being gay. They alluded to this in the first few episodes, so I’m glad that was a misdirect and that her parents were nice to her about it
“The night’s not over, neither is the summer” I really hope this means that some of the characters spend time together throughout the summer and that the show talks about it a little in s4. I answered an ask tonight about this and how cute it would be if rina spends summer together before school starts
But does anyone realize the implications of this!! We never see Ashlyn tell anyone she is queer in the show but Carlos shows up with the pin. And she talks about it a little in the cabin when she talks about “vibes”. This means that within the span of one night she’s already opening up to people about it which I think is so sweet! I am just so 🥺🥺 proud of her!
As much as ej has been not the ✨greatest✨ I really appreciated this part with him reassuring Carlos. It brings me back to the other seasons EJ’s which i liked quite a bit. (Aside from the beginning of season 1). It feels very much like something HE would say and not this self-centered version he’s becoming. I like seeing that part of him still inside him.
I also feel really fondly of Carlos storyline because body image is something frequently addressed in women. While it is a bigger concern for women, it doesn’t mean that men don’t deal with it. You ever wonder why there are gym rats that are typically male? That’s typically a body image/low self-esteem thing they are trying to cope with. It’s nice to see some male perspective on this topic too ❤️
SEBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he is so cute 🥺 the show feels so much more whole with him back. I am really excited to see the full cast (ig outside of nini) back together next season. They just work so well together and play off each other in a really nice way. It’ll feel complete 💕
I’ve also seen this talked about so i wont say too much on this, but I think it’s really important that we recognize why ricky didn’t say anything when gina asked him to dance. This shows his character development. He actually looks a little misty eyed when gina asks (like seriously i have it paused rn and it looks like he might cry). And I think that’s because he might feel not only a little like a second choice, but also because he wants to dance with her so bad but knows it would be hurtful to ej after their little back and forth they’ve done all season. Literally three cheers to josh for his acting this season because WOW. You can just see so much complexity behind his thoughts in this moment and really feel the hurt, confusion, and fear that he’s working through in that moment. He walks away out of overwhelm again and it’s just… AHHHH
I’ve seen some people say they don’t like this version of “I wouldn’t change a thing” and some of the other music this season but I actually have liked the campiness of the songs. I think they did a good job making them their own without taking away from what they used to be. This was a really fun version of this song and I think it was well performed
Also, I LOVED the line “maybe we’re ready to be happy again” are you kidding me?? 🥺 that was SO SWEET. It’s just so simple but I think that’s how sibling relationships work. While there might be tough dynamics at times, for the most part, a lot of the relationships started off as simple. Playing together, little fights on the playground, getting tucked into bed by your parents. This line brings back the simplicity of who they used to be and the song reempahsizes that because it was her favorite to sing when they were little. It was just a well-worded speech from Maddox
“If you’re thinking of dancing, you’ll regret it if you don’t” MR CASWELL. ELTON JOHN. Do you have ANY idea the words you speak? Or do you just say words and hope they mean something? Because his emotional insight as of right now is about at a 0 🙄
And then he LOOKS AT GINA and walks out?? Either he knows he messed up big time or he really just could care less about making things right with her. I think both things might be true at this point. I didn’t even notice him leave this part until this second watch around. Elton john is who is gonna drive me insane song, that’s who
Ok seb chile like this song wasn’t even meant for them but they just ran up and took the mic and the seb decided to absolutely slaughter everyone else’s performance with his vocal run but slay ig
I made a post about this already but the lyrics they used to overlap this scene with gina being sad because the partner she was SUPPOSED to have the last dance with was ej. But as I noted earlier homeboy left. So when she looks, she sees ricky (also noted above that he’s already looking at her). “I can’t stay mad at you for anything” “we’re Venus and mars” (completely different planets- gina is change and ricky is stability), “the harmony to every song i sing” gina is the music in ricky which is why he has the rina cue every time he gets stronger feelings for her. There are LAYERS TO THIS. I want to scream from the rooftops how much I love this show and I still don’t think it would be enough
And then Ricky trying to cheer her up?? But then he’s probably thinking he hurt her when he didn’t dance with her and that’s why she isn’t reacting, so then he stops. But also technically he is still dancing at gina (not really with but I digress)… so this could be like him still showing up for her in the best way he knows how. He is such a silly, sad boy 😭 literally just a golden retriever it hurts so bad
Did you hear how Ashlyn said “we have heard… SO much about you?” Oooh i don’t know that Maddox’s feelings are unreciprocated 👀
This entire scene is just gina stating was Rina’s have been saying since day one about why p*w doesn’t work
Timberly GETS it or else it wouldn’t be stated so explicitly in the show
He is putting everything, even this important scene where gina wants to check in, before gina. Her asking him to put the binder down was a lot bigger than maybe this scene is making it out to be. She’s been asking him to put his work aside all season and she just never comes first to it
And listen, I said I don’t want to talk about this too much and I don’t, but the age gap allegations aren’t out of proportion! I’ve seen people say the age gap shouldn’t matter. If they love each other they will make it work… which yes and no. But gina is literally stating IN THE SHOW that their ages and life stages are in completely different points. That EJ isn’t a camper anymore; he’s acting more like an adult/post camper in charge of the younger ones.
Then when ej tries to make a point that ricky is the problem (an argument I’ve seen) gina again says, it’s not about him! Because it isn’t. Ricky had been minding his own business and just being a good friend. In fact he put p*w first several times above his own desire to be with gina. He even did it IN THIS EPISODE in front of gina when she asked him to dance. She states that she just wanted a future with ej! That the problem lies within p*w’s relationship!
And then she NAILS IT ON THE HEAD with what Rina’s have said a million and five times. Gina is CHANGE. She doesn’t want maybe. She wants stability. Someone who shows up and stays. Not someone who keeps her on her toes and uncertain all the time.
And that they were great for five minutes at the beginning of the summer. They were only a honeymoon phase like Hans and Anna!
“Could it really be over if it never got a chance to start?” But when it is boiled down to it, there were no fireworks. There was no chemistry. The thing that they were hoping and searching for that would make them last was never there (which was stated last episode)
And then him just walking away 😭
I saw someone comment about how they were thinking about how long and how hard seb must have been searching for ej just to say that and that makes this part SO MUCH FUNNIER
This gives the same energy as when the whole cast was fighting and ricky completely unprovoked was like, “JET AND MADDOX ARE SIBLINGS???”
Not ricky dumping his traumas from s1 on a stranger 😩
Ricky is SO soft in this season. What an interesting parallel AGAIN to gina wanting to come first and ricky literally leaves his convo halfway through to chase after her and make sure she’s ok 😭 I’m so-
And then the show just stating the parallel to the homecoming dance. The only other parallel i wish they had was gina pouring a drink on ej 😔 maybe in another life
But this scene shows so much care and compassion from ricky. When she drops the things out of her purse and he just reassures her that it’s really ok while helping her pick up the mess she’s made (read that last sentence again there might be symbolism there). He just wants to help her feel ok about her feelings and that is soooooo
And not only here, but later on when he’s about to reveal his crush, he sees that she is vulnerable and it’s not a good time. If he was a jerk he would do it at the time because he would care more about his needs getting met. That HE was heard and he got this worry off of his chest. It would be s1 ricky behavior. But this time, because he sees that gina just needs him to be there for her, he puts his needs aside to make sure she’s ok. “Love is putting someone else’s needs before your own”-Olaf.
But also look at Gina’s face when he tells her he has something to say. And the tone of her voice? You can’t tell me she didn’t sound excited? Intrigued? I think she was hoping ricky might have opened up about his feelings tonight but again, he knew it was the wrong time and place. But when it’s the right time? Right place? The payoff is going to be SO GOOD. And she said thank you when he told her it can wait. Like she appreciated him not putting too much on her right now since it wasn’t the right time. I don’t think she’s upset at all about waiting for what he has to say here.
THE RINA CUE I’M- just wheel me away 😭 I’m not gonna survive this season
Also I think Dewey cutting in was our way of knowing that it could have been a kiss but I also think it wasn’t supposed to be heavily implied. They don’t lean into it or get close enough to have one. They just look at each other close and it’s in these shared moments that we can see that spark between them. I said this in another post but their shared looks are almost more intimate than a kiss and I think that says something about just how deep their relationship goes.
Kourtney’s song being a prayer is so beautiful. She has mentioned being religious before (singing at church) and so I think it’s sweet hearing her bring this part of her into her music
Also Dara wrote such a lovely song. I am really impressed by the writing and singing talents of this whole cast. They’re just so talented and it shows well in these deeper moments.
Kourt climbing the wall to overcome her anxiety is symbolic of else climbing the mountain to overcome her fear. She talks about how her ice powers live in fear and the way to calm them is with love. We see that the love kourt feels from the other girls calms her enough to climb the wall. ❤️
Ricky and carlos calling each other bro is something so special to me?
Also i like that ej was the one who dunked ricky with water. Idk it kind of made me feel like this was the show hinting at them possibly becoming friends… again? I know it’s been debated if they were or not but at the beginning of the season and a couple times last season it seemed like their friendship was starting to go somewhere. The scene when ricky comes in the cabin and they both say their night was confusing…. I kind of wish we would have seen a little more than that. A discussion about why could have been healing and bonding for them, but I understand with time constraints and the need for gina to tell ricky she broke up with ej why they didn’t. I’m just saying… it might have been a nice scene. I really do hope that now that p*w is bones, maybe ricky and ej can find a place to try to heal their hurt friendship again
“You’re one of us now” this was so?????? After her feeling so left out and distant from everyone it was really sweet seeing them verbally say that she belongs
Carlos explaining the show premise to seb 😭 this is the seb i missed sm!!!! Can’t wait to have him back next season ❤️
RICKYS GLEE AND HUG when carlos called him his hero 😭😭 you cannot tell me they don’t have the SOFTEST friendship in the world. I’m so obsessed with their dynamic!!!!
And now that gina feels better, ricky starts to tell her but then he’s sees ej so he backs off? He KNOWS they’re broken up, but he AGAIN doesn’t want to put his fear (or need) in front of gina when she’s already been through so much that night. His decision to just hold off was a HUGE sign of his growth… especially with how quick and on the spot he made that decision
I already talked about this a lot in an ask so I won’t get too deep into it but I have been bothered by gina saying “friendly fibs” are ok when she went off so much about how she hates liars? I think she had to say it so that ricky wouldn’t feel bad about walking around what he wanted to say for the sake of not stressing gina out on an already difficult night… but this line felt SO counterintuitive? Idk. I just found it a little off? I’d love to hear your guys’ opinions on it though
And you can’t tell me gina didn’t know where this convo was going. The lead up to it was ricky talking about WDYKAL and how intense it was romantically… like cmon. My girl might be a little heart broken but she’s not stupid. This is gina porter we’re talking about here. I’m just waiting for the “say it”, so he ACTUALLY states what he feels instead of dancing around it one of these days. (Maybe episode 8??)
I don’t feel like we’re going to have to wait until next season for the pay off with this plot (of ricky confessing his feelings because of the doc). It would be weird for them to make a whole plot around Ricky’s feelings and this documentary, as well as the scene in the bushes for a whole season- just for there not to be any conclusion to it this season. The seasons, while a part of a whole show, still act as complete stories within themselves. The documentary and summer camp are a complete story that needs resolutions that lead into potential cliff hangers next season. I think gina will find out Ricky’s feelings because of the doc but the cliff hanger will be that we won’t know hers and they won’t get together until next season. That wraps up the storyline this season but still rolls over into the next season to make the season feel more enmeshed with the show as a whole
Ok ricky don’t act so excited they broke up 😭 lmaoooo
The third “good night Ricky” of the show 😭 and then the look back???? Why are andi Mack plots making an appearance in hsmtmts?? Lol
I’ve seen some people say she looked back because she knew there was more and wanted him to say it and ricky didn’t because he thought that him fibbing had ended that problem. Which yes, could be. And also look at that smile on her face?? Ooh she knows there’s more and it’s some VERY good news for her
But either way, gina is going to find out about the doc, so fibbing doesn’t really resolve his issue, but maybe he found resolve in just letting it be instead of trying to get on top of it or fix it due to stress. Ricky you’ve grown so much my boy 😭
The “buckle up” was another parallel to “buckle up wildcats” 🥰 cuteeeee
Also what the h*ck is gonna happen episode 8? As I’ve said in another post, reviewers said they aren’t getting early access. Literally ALL of us are in the dark outside of a couple of screenshots and a title. We knew drama would be stirred up ep 5 but people still had access to it, so to me that seems like the show wasn’t AS worried if a review accidentally said too much. But where this is SO secretive and we know Channing and Corbin want MORE drama than before, me thinks this episode is going to be 3x5 on steroids. Even Sofia said there will be twists and turns we weren’t expecting. I’m freaking scared for 3x8 😂 but also hyped. If you have any guesses or predictions (spoiler free please!!) feel free to send them my way!
I love how much Tim is putting into the show even OUTSIDE of it. His care for making sure things go exactly the way they need to makes these episodes more exciting and thought provoking. I just feel more invested in this show than I have in one in awhile and that feeling is really nice ❤️
Gosh this was long!!! I didn’t think I had so much to say but I guess I lied hahaha enjoy ig if you make it this far!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 316: We've Had One, Yes, But What About Second Explosion
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all “[powers up like whoa because it’s time to end the fight]”, and he saved Overhaul from getting not-shot, and then smashed up Nagant’s arm with the power of his new rechargeable super knees. Nagant was all “yoooo this kid is crazy strong whaaaat, it’s like he’s some kind of protagonist or something.” Deku was all “I AM A PROTAGONIST, ACTUALLY, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN FORCES AND FIGHT BAD GUYS WITH ME?” Nagant was all “ah shit why the hell no -- ” and then AFO was all “SURPRISE” and everyone was all “?!?!?!” and AFO was all “TIME TO EXPLODE NOW” and made Nagant explode because he’s an absolute fucking dick. And then Hawks showed up, because Horikoshi just wanted to stuff as many plot points as humanly possible into a single chapter I guess.
Today on BnHA: Hawks is all “good job giving motivational shounen redemption speeches Deku but I’ll take it from here” and screams very earnestly right in Nagant’s face until she finally wakes up. Nagant is all “oh hey it’s my successor, you seem surprisingly unfucked-up from your own HPSC tenure, how did you manage that?” Hawks is all “fandom is going to love hearing this one, but basically it’s because I’m very upbeat and also I had the world’s best role model Endeavor to look up to,” and I swear this man stirs the pot on purpose, but damn it I still love him so damn much. Overhaul is all “HELLO AGAIN, JUST A REMINDER THAT, THE BOSS!!” and Deku is all “MAYBE TAKE TWO SECONDS TO REFLECT ON HOW YOU TORTURED A LITTLE GIRL,” which, thank you, lol. Nagant is all “btw AFO’s hiding in a house in the woods”, and so Deku and the gang go to the house in the woods. Video recording!AFO is all “hi I’m AFO welcome to Jackass” and blows up the house. Sometimes I wonder if this manga is just a weird dream.
I am once again reading the Bean version because I think it was actually the best out of all three translations last week. and that is surprisingly including Viz’s. “faux” is not nearly as entertaining as “knockoff”, and also I have literally no idea why Caleb thought Deku was saying the Third’s lines lol
oh hey, Endeavor’s here too! not that you’d ever be able to tell from this first panel lmao
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glad you received All Might’s call, mysterious unidentified glowing smudge
oh snap he says he’s weaker in the rain. is that why AFO told Nagant to attack then?? except that as we discussed the other day, I believe that AFO fully intended for Nagant to lose the fight, so him giving her info that would give her an advantage doesn’t really fit in with that. maybe he wanted Deku to be separated from Endeavor and the rest for maximum angst, though
btw Deku’s eyes are unsurprisingly back to the new normal here
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alas, the angst continues. I say, pretending like I’m not totally eating it up each and every week and writing essay after essay about it lol
anyway so apparently Hawks can’t actually fly lmao. he was just yeeting himself with style
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for some reason this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen omfg. wave to Hawks, kids! say “bye, Hawks!”
j/k of course Deku is catching them. -- except???
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wow so he was just running on fumes there at the end. well, good to know there is actually a limit to his shenanigans, particularly regarding this new “knockoff” 100% OFA. it will definitely not alleviate any of the discourse, but it’s good for my own peace of mind because it’s solid confirmation that he still needs his pals in order to win this thing
anyway, but on to the rest of this conversation, which is basically Deku deducing what we all deduced last week -- AFO implanted some sort of trap into Nagant when he gave her Air Walk. though I’d still like to get the actual details from AFO and/or Horikoshi, because this was particularly wild even by quirk standards lol
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she still has a face after all!! so it’s confirmed, Horikoshi has no idea what “blowing up” actually means. we might have guessed, based on what happened to Toga in the MVA arc, and also based on everything Katsuki does ever, but shhh
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this is actually kind of touching though because even though we all know (or most of us acknowledge at any rate) that Hawks is a pretty caring person, it’s rare to see him actually panic over someone’s welfare like this
oh shit Horikoshi is really doubling down on it
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I wonder how much Hawks knew about what really happened between Nagant and the HPSC. regardless, he probably sees her as a kindred spirit of sorts, and I’m more than happy for Deku to pass the redemption torch onto him now that he’s on the scene. like no offense Deku but they actually know each other and stuff lol
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apparently being freed from his HPSC shackles has finally given Hawks the space to embrace his own inner shounen protagonist. is there anything more shounen than trying to motivationally scream someone awake when they’re lying in your arms inches from death?? 100% guaranteed to work
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SO SHE IS ALIVE. THANK GOD. Horikoshi doesn’t want to meet with my emotional distress lawyer today after all
love how she’s all “just gonna stir up the weekly Hawks Discourse pot here by implying that he probably committed a lot of Atrocities just like I did, so now people can get all hopped up about that, even though there’s no evidence he’s ever killed anyone aside from that one horrible ‘damned-if-you-do...’ situation with Twice.” no one asked for your provocative speculation young lady!! trust me Nagant, our rabbles don’t need the rousing lol
but nice save there with the “so how are your eyes so untainted” well you see it’s because even when he was following the HPSC’s orders he always went to great lengths never to go against his own moral compass. which just to be clear was incredibly difficult, and led to a ton of pain and suffering on his part, because the life of a spy is basically just one impossible situation after another. but in spite of that he never stopped trying to do his best to help people. I don’t really know where this tangent came from or is leading to, lol, but anyway p.s.a. I love Hawks a lot and he’s a good kid dammit
oh shit??!?
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how is the League always able to swing all these fancy forest mansions. where do they find them. how many do they have
so Deku’s dropping them -- very roughly, not sure if he was reacting to finally getting AFO’s location, or if his energy really is giving out -- and now Nagant’s saying that AFO hired other villains as well. well of course he did. gotta keep chipping away at OFA’s ninth successor little by little
now Nagant is asking Hawks how he’s able to keep making “that” face. I assume she’s again talking about the fact that he somehow didn’t let the HPSC wear down his spirit
oh my god???
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thanks for stuffing this chapter to the brim with good nutritional Hawks Feels, Horikoshi. what a good. he just keeps on trudging forward undeterred no matter what bullshit comes his way. what a steadfast little guy. I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM DISCOURSE MY SWEET SUNSHINE
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anyway so you don’t really need me to tell you that Overhaul is immediately starting in with the “BUT THE BOSS WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE ME TO THE BOSS YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD TAKE ME TO THE BOSS” stuff again. but I will go ahead and tell you anyway. so yeah. he’s doing that
OMG YOU GUYS LOOK AT DEKU’S “of all the fucking assholes to just randomly drop in on my life once again why did it have to be you” FACE THOUGH, OMG
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fun fact, if you go back to chapters 124 through 160, there was an entire story arc where Overhaul imprisoned and tortured a little girl. yeah, I know!! suuuuuuuuper evil. anyways just an interesting little anecdote for you all that’s somewhat relevant to the current situation
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(ETA: so apparently there’s some discourse about this because some people are interpreting this as Deku saying “you should apologize to Eri”, which would obviously be a terrible idea even if Overhaul actually wanted to do that, because Eri shouldn’t ever have to see him again. however I just want to point out that there is a HUGE difference between saying “it would be nice if you could direct that feeling of regret/being sorry towards Eri as well”, vs saying “you should also apologize to her.” all Deku is doing is rightfully pointing out that Overhaul has hurt way more people than just his boss, and if he really is remorseful, then he should extend those feelings of remorse to Eri and the rest as well. it’s not a directive to take any specific action, and I’m 1000% sure no one at U.A. would let Overhaul within 100 miles of Eri ever again.
tl;dr “try feeling remorse sometime” =/= “do you want me to fly you over to U.A. right now to surprise the little girl you traumatized”, lol.)
[slings an arm around Deku’s shoulders] you’re a good kid. I like you. I don’t know if I tell you that enough, but it’s true
meanwhile here is Overhaul’s “spare... a thought... for Eri...???????” face sigh
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the struggle is real y’all
(ETA: and that’s... the last we ever saw of Overhaul, I guess? well all right then. I assume Deku will make good on his promise, so we know he’ll get that little bit of closure before going back to jail or whatever, and I confess I’m more than fine with leaving the rest of it open-ended, especially given his character’s history. I think this was pretty generous all things considered.)
lmao holy shit
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All Might what did you do to those tiki torch guys?? did you thrash them. did you give ‘em those hands. did you deliver their own asses to them complete with a sticker reminding them Amazon Prime Day is on June 21. we missed out goddammit
so Endeavor, who wasn’t the one he was asking, is telling him that they captured (well let’s be real, Deku captured, give the credit where it’s due) Nagant and Overhaul. and so I guess they’re going to take Nagant to the ER now
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fire is no one’s weakness
-- oh my GOD I scrolled down and audibly gasped
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[is politely but firmly approached and asked to remove my arm from Deku’s shoulder by the physical manifestation of all this Dekuangst] “we’re sorry, he’s not allowed to have visitors right now” oh shit, my bad. [goes to stand behind a police barricade]
lmao what. did you run out of room on the previous page
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what an exaggerated fade to black lmao
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I actually can’t see what he’s reacting to so maybe I’m just seriously jumping the gun here lol, but THE HELL WITH IT. the next panel appears to be a cut to Haibori Forest, so I’m just gonna go ahead and declare that Deku ran off on his own all wounded to go have more Dekuangst, just like I manifested. now go call Katsuki goddammit
[scrolls three more inches down] oh
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yeah so like I said, Deku is walking very slowly a few feet in front of Endeavor, who’s telling him to wait up. yep. we’ve all gotta be so careful to not just jump to conclusions. I know we’re excited but still
anyway, so! welcome back to Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods (ARE YOU GUYS DATING) and Edgeshot! have fun walking into this obvious trap lol
dammit Deku why are you so determined to tempt fate
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[monkey puppet meme faces]
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that’s such a weird way of clapping who claps like that
unlike certain other people who shan’t be named, AFO doesn’t feel the need to inexplicably take his shirt off when recording sinister villain monologues. I think we’re all pretty grateful for that
high fives to everyone who called it!! yep yep
anyway so this whole scene has major booby-trap vibes, which I’m enjoying immensely even though I don’t think anything is really going to come of it lol. probably just another long-winded AFO Speech. but wouldn’t it be funny if like the ceiling started lowering down to try and squish Deku afterwards lol
(ETA: well the explosion was still pretty funny too ngl.)
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[“Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies]
anyway so yeah. he’s just hitting up all of his usual villain talking points. we get it, you’re so smart and you see right through the thin veneers of society and people who don’t conform are left to fend for themselves and labeled as villains and history is written by the victors, and blah blah blah dude are you just jumping randomly from one soundbyte to another lol. literally what are you talking about. what does this have to do with you blowing up Nagant
-- holy shit??
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[”Dekuangst is the trap” intensifies MORE?????]
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r.i.p. to this particular forest mansion. don’t worry they have a ton of backups
remember last week when I said maybe AFO thinks explosions are gauche. well never mind. he fucking loves explosions
anyway so that’s the end of BnHA, everyone. hope you enjoyed. it was a good ride while it lasted. see you all, good luck in your travels
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
I am loving your Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland stuff! Could you write something about Tom comforting the reader after Jesy leaving the band? 💙
Hello darling! Thank you for the request and I’m sorry for taking so long, I’ve been busy with school😩 But it’s finally here, I’m writing about Jesy leaving Little Mix😭Thank you again and happy reading💞
A Horrible Friend
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You knew it would happen one day, but didn’t expect it to be so soon. You knew all the hate and pressure would get too much for her, though you believed that she was strong enough to overcome their hateful words. Jesy is strong. As much as it hurt you and the other remaining girls to see her leave, you were all proud of her for finally putting herself first and doing something for her mental health. Away from the prying eyes of the public, you and the girls knew that Jesy had been struggling behind the scenes. From the constant pressure of being in one of the world’s biggest girl groups and living up to other people’s expectations; Jesy was unhappy.
“Before I share my announcement, can the girls and I just have a moment alone?” Jesy asked, turning towards the management team and producers. Your shared publicist nodded solemnly and ushered the rest of the people in the room outside. You shared a look with Perrie who shrugged with the same amount of confusion as you.
You eyed Jesy warily; her cheeks were a bit puffy and there was a hint of redness in her eyes. Her fingers nervously fiddled with each other while her eyes shifted between you and the girls.
“Babe, what’s up?” Perrie questioned her, concern lacing her voice. Jesy’s lip quivered and her eyes began to water. She shook her head then placed her head in her hands. Jade scooted closer to Jesy and brought her into her arms, “Oh Jesy, what’s wrong?”
You join Jade and wrap your arms around Jesy’s other side. You rest your chin on Jesy’s shoulder while rubbing circles onto her back. When she was ready to talk, she wiped her tears away with the pads of her thumbs, and grasped your hand with hers.
“I just want you to know that I love you all so much. I’m so blessed that you’ve all been part of a chapter in my life and I want to thank you for being the bestest friends I could ever ask for. You have showed me nothing but kindness and love, you supported me through literally anything. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, you guys mean the world to me. Without any of you, I might not even be here today.” Jesy spoke, fighting her tears and sniffling in between her sentences.
“You don’t need to thank us. We’re a family, Jesy, it’s what families do. We’ll always be here to support you no matter what.” Leigh-Anne reassured her, reaching across the table to take Jesy’s other hand.
“I don’t want you guys to hate me.” Jesy cried quietly. Your brows furrowed together. You squeezed her hand, “Jesy we could never hate you.”
Perrie leaned closer to Jesy, “Jes, what’s wrong?Tell us what’s wrong, please? We’ll do our best to help you, whatever it is.”
Jesy sighed and looked up at the ceiling to hold back her tears.
“You all know that I’ve been having a difficult time. With performing, making appearances—everything just feels like it’s too much now. I love our job and what we do, but for a while now I’ve been finding it hard to actually enjoy what we’re doing. I feel so suffocated always having to please other people and have people expect things from me. It’s to the point where I’ve had to fake my happiness and put on fake smiles just for people to think I’m okay. When in reality, I’m not.” Jesy confessed. From the words that were coming out her mouth and the physical state she was in, you had a feeling of what she wanted to tell you all. Jesy’s voice faded out while your eyes grew watery and your vision blurred.
“In regards to my mental health, I have come to the decision that I will be officially leaving Little Mix.” Jesy announced. The room was at a stand still. Nobody spoke, the only noise in the room were the sounds of you and the girls sniffling and crying to yourselves.
“I’m sorry.” Jesy cried turning to you. You shook your head at her, tears freely streaming down your face. You wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to be sorry, but you couldn’t find the strength to speak without breaking down, so instead you wrapped your arms around her and cried into her shoulder.
Tom heard the front door opening meaning that someone was home. It couldn’t have been Harrison or Tuwaine since they’ve both left to visit their families and Harry was locked in his room sleeping in for the day. Which only left one other person. You.
A wave of excitement rushed through his body since he knew you were finally back home. He also knew that you were coming back from a meeting with the girls, which usually meant talks of the next album, new projects, and possibly a tour. He couldn’t wait for you to come skipping into the living room and tell him all about it. Except you didn’t.
When you usually arrived home, you would loudly announce yourself or yell out a “Baby I’m home” to Tom. Instead, he heard the door distinctly shut and a sniffle coming from the hallway. The quietness and the sniffle was enough for him to worriedly rush off the couch.
“Babe?” He called out, leaning past the wall to peak behind it. You were shoving off your jacket and hanging it on the coat rack attached to the wall when you made eye contact with Tom. A small gasp passes through his lips once he sees your tear stained face. He was immediately by your side, wrapping his buff arms around your figure and letting you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Finally in the comfort of your lover, you let out all the sobs you were holding in since the meeting.
Tom softly shushed you, rocking you back and forth, while rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Oh darling, what’s wrong?” He cooed against your hair. You didn’t answer, only letting out small whimpers into his shoulder.
You felt his body tense up and his arms tighten around you, “Do I need to give someone a beating? Who made you cry? Was it someone at management? I’ll drive there right now and give them a piece of my mind for messing with my girl.” After two years of being together, Tom was aware of the mistreatment your previous record label had towards you and the girls. Ever since then, he’s been very protective of you (and the girls) when it came to anything involving management.
You shook your head against his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his torso. Tom suspected that you weren’t ready to speak yet; he felt you hiccup against him while your tears soaked his shirt.
Tom lightly patted your thigh, signaling for you to jump. “How about we go to bed for now? We could go to our room and get all comfy, how does that sound, darling?” You weakly nodded as Tom helped you wrap your legs around his waist. Before he can take you both to your shared room, he stopped by the kitchen and got you a bottle of water.
He gently set you on the edge of the bed, twisting the bottle of water open and handing it to you. He got a pair of his sweats and one of his shirts from his side of the closet and helped you changed into them. Your cries have slowly come to a stop, leaving you to hiccup against Tom’s chest, where your head rested on. He was leaning against the headboard with you cuddled into him.
You shut your eyes after feeling them burn from all the crying. One of Tom’s fingers were tangled in your hair and his other was resting against your back.
“What happened at the meeting?” Tom finally asked quietly.
“Jesy’s leaving the band.” You answer, voice coming out hoarsely. Tom stops his motions in your hair and leans back to get a proper look at you.
“Jesy’s leaving the band.” You repeated. Tom’s brows knit together in confusion. Like you and the girls, he was just as shocked as you all were.
“D—did she confirm it? Are you sure she wasn’t just mentioning it? Maybe she was joking, you know how Jes can get.” Tom stammered.
“It’s official Tom! I was fucking there!” You exclaim, voice raising in frustration. Your eyes were now open, meaning you didn’t miss the way Tom flinched at your change in tone. You sigh and shut your eyes again, rubbing your temples with your fingers. “I’m sorry.” You apologized.
“No, don’t be sorry, it’s okay.” He assured you, resting his palm against the back of your head to rest it in between his shoulder and neck. He placed a light kiss on your temple, repeating the action a few times to comfort you.
“Jesy said she couldn’t handle being in the band anymore.” You started. “The way she described it was so heartbreaking. Tom, she said hasn’t been properly happy for months now. She was faking it all this time just to make us believe she was fine.” You explained, voice wavering.
You breathed in, feeling the hiccups starting to bubble from your chest again.
“I’m a horrible friend. How could I have not noticed that something was wrong? I should’ve known that she wasn’t herself, I knew there was something off about her but I didn’t do anything.” You cried, tears forming in your eyes again. Tom frowned at you.
“No, don’t blame yourself for not knowing a thing. You couldn’t have ever guessed that she was going through something.” Tom tried to reason with you. He moved some strands of hair away from your face and tilted your chin up to look at him.
“Y—yeah but still—“
“But nothing. Just because you can’t detect how someone is automatically feeling does not mean you’re a horrible friend. You’re only human, sweetheart.” He cradled your face and made sure that you were listening to every word that came out his mouth. It already hurt to see you cry, but it was worse to know that you were blaming yourself for the departure of your friend.
“(Y/n), you’ve always been there for Jesy. You’ve been there to lift her up when she was low. You made her laugh, reminded her everyday of how beautiful she was inside and out—you’re far from a horrible friend. You’re one of the greatest friends she could have ever had. And I know Jesy would agree.” His thumbs wipe at the tears that trailed down your face. He sent you a small smile, attempting to get rid of that pout on your lips.
“I just wish I could’ve done something. Maybe if I did, she would’ve stayed in the band. With us.” You mumbled. Tom hummed in response, “But darling, Jesy said she was unhappy. Whether you or the other girls were to try something, she would’ve still left. Would you rather her continue to fake her happiness or would you want her to leave and take care of herself?”
You frowned, knowing Tom was right, “I’d want her to take care of herself. I don’t want us to hold her back and make her suffer. She deserves to be happy.”
Tom leaned down to connect your lips with his, “And you deserve to be happy as well. Don’t beat yourself up for Jesy leaving, you did nothing wrong. None of you did. It’s just time for Jesy to move on to a new part in her life and find happiness again.”
You hum sadly, “I know. I’m glad she’s decided to do something for herself for once, it just hurts to know that she won’t be there with us anymore.”
“That’s understandable.” Tom comfortingly rubbed your back, easing the tension in between your shoulders. “But I know she’ll still be supporting you guys from the sidelines, she wouldn’t let you guys get rid of her that easily.” He chuckled nudging you with his shoulders. A burst of happiness erupted in his body when he saw a shy smile form on your lips; he finally got you to smile.
Tom squeezed your shoulders at the idea he came up with, “Ooo, once you guys are on tour again can you put my seat next to Jesy? I’ll get to annoy her the entire time and she won’t have the option to leave because you’ll all be one stage.”
You snort out a laugh and smack his chest, “No! Do you want her to hate me? She can’t stand you.” Tom joined you in laughing, happy to see that you were feeling better.
“You know, I’m gonna miss her poking fun at me whenever I see you and the girls.” Tom reminisced after you both stopped laughing.
“Yeah, we’re all gonna miss that. Especially her embarrassing you every chance she gets.” You added giggling softly against his neck.
It was quiet between you two until Tom craned his neck to look down at you, “You guys are going to be fine without her. I know you guys might think it’s hard, and it’ll take some time to move on, but I believe you girls can do it. I know you all can.”
You offer him a grateful smile and press a kiss to the corner of his lips, “Thank you. I love you so much.”
Tom responds to you with a pout, “I love you too, darling. But you missed.”
“Missed what?”
“My lips!” He exclaimed making a show of puckering his lips out at you. You were about to kiss him but decided this was the perfect opportunity for some light teasing.
“Oh sorry, I couldn’t find them from how thin they are.” You apologized. Tom’s jaw dropped before he began scooting away from under you. From the playful glint in your eye, he obviously knew you were joking. Though he didn’t expect you to crack a joke at him, especially after such a heartfelt moment.
“So is that how it’s gonna be? You’re gonna be the one to make fun of me now?” He dramatically asked you, a hand on his chest.
“Well if Jesy’s not gonna be around as much, someone has to do it.” You shrugged, leaving him on the bed and moving to leave for the kitchen. Tom panned his eyes around the room like how they do in The Office.
“I’m just never going to catch a break, am I?”
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Untouchable (This Love pt 8)
Bucky x reader (elemental witch)
Set during TFATWS mainly episodes 4-5
Note: Little references on You All Over Me
Previous Part: Happiness
“I’m letting you go, Bucky.”
It felt like he watched a part of himself die as soon as those words left your lips. How could he have been so late to realize that he’s in love with you? And in the worst possible time ever; When you finally look like you’re in peace and ready to open yourself once more to the world.
“I’d really like to be friends with you again someday. Maybe as you’ve said before, I will thank you.” You genuinely smiled at him and he almost wanted to yell at you to take it back. To say that you still want to be together.
But that would be so cruel of him. So he merely returned a smile, hoping that it came off genuine.
“You go alert Sam. I’m gonna try my best to stall Ayo and the other women. Though I doubt I could buy you more than a few seconds once the eighth hour rolls around.” you grinned and turned to go find where the Dora Milaje were waiting.
Eight hours have passed and you were now taking the Dora Milaje to where Sam, Bucky, and Zemo would be.
Only when you were outside the door, you could hear an unfamiliar man’s voice almost threatening Sam into a fight.
“He’d die before he thinks he can hurt a friend to the throne.” Ayo commented, and before you knew it, one of them have thrown their spear before the man who you now can assume as discount Captain America could even raise a fist to Sam.
You walked in beside Ayo and based on Bucky’s expression, their business with Zemo wasn’t even close to done yet.
“Even if he is a means to your end, time’s up.” Ayo declared out loud in the room. “Release him to us now.”
“Hi. John Walker. Captain America.” The man interrupted. You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing. This didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky however, who was mentally kicking himself because now was not the time to be reminded that he knows how those felt against his. The little taste of heaven he got.
“You were like a little sister to Steve Rogers, right?” He turned his attention to you with a cheery voice. “Happy to finally meet your new big brother?” He jested.
“Sorry. That positions been long taken over ever since the potty mouth racoon started exchanging memes with me.” you retort with a shrug, which made Sam cough to hide his chuckles, and Zemo to look at you as if that was the craziest thing he’s ever heard.
“Well, let’s uh, put down the pointy sticks and we can walk this through, huh?” Walker tried to gain control over the room’s atmosphere.
“Hey, John. Take it easy.” Sam butted in. “You might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje. Or even worse, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I think I can take some water or rocks being thrown at me.” He smirked at you, making the side of your lip twitch.
“Careful, Walker, I’m almost twitching to blend that bloodstream of yours. I can control you like a puppet and I wouldn’t even have to move an inch from where I’m standing.” You smiled at him almost eerily, and Bucky was sporting a proud look on his face.
But of course, you weren’t gonna do it. You’ve long vowed to put puppeting the living off the table unless it was a life and death situation.
Walker gulped before turning once again to Ayo. “The Dora Milaje don’t have jurisdiction here.”
“The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.” You could almost see steam coming out of Ayo’s ears as she spoke. She could also feel that something didn’t feel right with this man.
Looking at his companion, you could see that unlike Walker, he was getting nervous.
“Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Walker played it off, before he layed his hand on Ayo.
Then all hell broke loose.
Ayo literally disarmed Bucky. Both of you shared the same shocked expression.
Walker was catching his breath after they handed his ass to him, and was failing miserably to remove the spear that held the shield up on the table.
Ayo opened the doors to where Zemo had last gone into, only to find it empty.
One of the women took the spear off effortlessly and picked up the shield as Walker was now on the ground looking defeated.
“He is gone. Leave it.” Ayo told her.
Picking his Vibranium arm off the ground, Bucky was still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.
“Did you know they could do that?” Sam asked, just getting up from the floor.
“Guessing from his reaction, no.” You commented as he attached it back and tested it. “Are you alright?” you approached him. His arm worked just fine. Relief flooded him.
“Yeah. How about you? You still got cuts and bruises from Madripoor.” He reaches out and holds a side of your jaw to turn your head as if to assess the minor damages on your face, causing your breath to hitch.
This was the first time he got to touch you again after all the distancing and avoiding you’ve been doing before. He smiled at you sweetly, making you confused. Sam was also giving Bucky a questioning look.
“I think I’m gonna help them look for Zemo. You guys gonna be alright?” you stepped back away from him and turned to Sam, and he nodded before giving you a hug and told you to be safe.
You gave Bucky a smile before leaving to catch up with the Dora Milaje. As soon as you were out of earshot, Sam turned to him with a smug expression.
“Have something to share, Bucky?” He asked playfully, already having a hunch why Bucky was acting all weird.
“Sam, I’m in love with her.” He replied, still staring at the direction where you just exited.
“Yeah, I figured.” he snorted in reply. It was about damn time.
“But just when it hit me, she then says she’s letting me go. Now I’m the one caught up in her.”
“Well that’s some angsty shit right there, man. Let’s grab something to eat first and talk about how your cyborg brain finally named the feelings you’ve had all this time.” Sam pats his shoulder before muttering that he was gonna need food for this discussion.
You had an inkling that Zemo was heading to Sokovia. And it seemed that Bucky had the same though as he caught up on you and the Dora Milaje on your way there.
The moment you saw him, the dried blood on his face raised your concerns, and he was trying to hide the fact that he was enjoying your attention when you insisted on patching him up, and you were oblivious to the Dora Milaje’s teasing glances thrown his way, and even when one of them mouthed the word simps to him.
He made a mental note to look up what that means later.
I thought you’d be here sooner.” Zemo spoke as he got nearer. “Don’t worry, I’ve decided I’m not going to kill you.”
“Imagine my relief.” Bucky replied, clicking the gun on his side.
“The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn’t listen to me. He’s as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him. But you... they literally programmed you to kill. James, do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere, and there’s only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission.” Zemo rationalized.
“I appreciate the advice. But we’re gonna do it our own way.”
Zemo chuckled softly. “Yeah. I was afraid you would say that.”
Raising the gun to his head, there was no once of fear in Zemo’s eyes, rather it looked like he was ready to be reunited with his family. This was further shown when he actually nodded at Bucky.
Only that nothing happened as he pulled the trigger. Instead, he raised his left fist, and as he opened it, the bullets fell off, clanking on the ground.
Just then, three of the Dora Milajes marched up behind him, ready to take him away this time.
“Ladies...” he acknowledged them before turning back to him. “I took the liberty of crossing my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do.” Bucky nodded, appreciating the gesture.
“Parting words of advice...” Zemo spoke again, this time lower as he knew you might be somewhere nearer and might hear what he’s about to say next.
“Like every other dollar in our pockets, you can’t change where it’s been, James. Much the same goes for you. But Y/N... She loves you nonetheless. And if my eyes don’t deceive me, I’d say you feel the same but she’s doesn’t know that.” he smiles at him
“I’d only realized it myself recently.” He confesses, only then realizing that the three women were listening and now had their brows raised in surprise.
“Don’t be too late.” Zemo grinned in satisfaction of his confession.
“I’m gonna work on that, thank you.” He returned the smile.
“Goodbye, James.”
As you saw them lead Zemo to the ship, you took that as your cue to finally approach them. You’d witness the entire thing, except that it was all inaudible from where you’ve been standing.
“It would be prudent to make yourself scare in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf.” You heard Ayo advise him as you were finally in earshot’s way.
“Fair enough.” he replies in understanding.
Ayo nodded at you as you came closer to where they were, and she shot you a teasing wink, confusing you while Bucky cleared his throat in embarrassment.
“We’ll wait for you in the ship.” she told you.
“I didn’t know you could be so theatrical, Bucky.” You grinned teasingly at him.
“Had to give you a little inkling to what was happening since you were so far away.” He gave you a boyish smile.
“You’re gonna pick those up later, right?” you gestured at the bullets still on the ground.
“Yeah, just after all of you are gone. Don’t wanna ruin the magic of that scene.” He replied scratching the back of his head, making you laugh.
"You’re going back to Wakanda with them?” Because if you are, then the universe was definitely punishing him since he can’t really go there right now as he pleases.
“Yeah, I’m long overdue for a visit.” You answered. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything to them. You’d be in their good graces again in no time.” you assured.
As you spoke, the sun was just starting to set behind you, creating a golden outline of you. The sight was making his heart pound. To him you were burning brighter than the sun.
Yep, the universe is definitely fucking me. He thought to himself.
And as you stepped closer, he felt like he was coming undone when you hesitantly pulled him in for a small hug.
“Take care of yourself, James.” you whispered.
James. She called me James. Heat was rising up in him.
Breaking off from the hug, you were blushing. “It’s alright if I call you that too, right? I mean I know I said that’s what I called 1940s you when we were testing the time portal, but it’s still you, you know, and-”
“You can call me whatever you want, sweetheart.” He cut off your rambling, smiling at you. “Just not Barnes again.” He added.
“Well, you were mad at me the whole time you did so.”
“Okay, dipshit.”
“Y/N.” he feigned offense.
You laughed at his expense. “I’ll let either one of you know if I’m back in New Asgard.”
“We’ll have a lot of catching up to do by then.” He smiled, and you turned to head to the ship where unbeknownst to you, the women and Zemo have been watching the two of you interacting.
“Hey Y/N?” Bucky called out to you at the last second.
He was contemplating whether he’d just tell you right then and there about his feelings. It was starting to eat him up, but then he shook it off, knowing that he and Sam still had a mission to finish first.
“I... I may have another favor to ask Wakanda.”
When he got to Sam’s hometown, he saw that there was a community of people helping repair a boat. It reminded him of his time working with in the docs.
He’s now offered his services to help Sam repair their family boat. He’s also met his sister Sara, nad he was surprised that when he made an attempt to be charming, it actually kind of worked.
They were now enjoying a drink together after a day’s worth of fixing.
“Talked to Y/N, yet?” Sam asked him, taking a swing of the bottle.
“She’s a lot more friendly to me now which is both a good and bad sign for me. But I haven’t told her yet. Not really a good time.” he answered in dep thought.
“You know before we got ourselves tangled into this mess, like way before Walker happened and you decided to show up, we were in constant communication.” Sam shared.
“Yeah?” he failed to hide the jealousy in his voice, causing Sam to crack up.
“Don’t get your metal panties in a twist, man. We were mostly talking about you." he clarified. “She knew you didn’t want to see her - which I beg to differ by the way – but she was somehow hoping you would at least be talking to me.”
“I’m sorry for ignoring your calls and text.” He says to Sam, which the man assured him was fine. “There were instances at night where I couldn’t sleep and my thoughts would be plagued with her. That I wish I hadn’t been so rash with making the decision to be alone and leave her the way I did.” this was the first time he talked about it to someone. His own therapist didn’t know a thing about it.
“Let me ask you something. Where do you want to stand in her life after all of this is over?” Sam knew this wasn’t what co-workers would be talking about but he knew that this was for the good of you both.
“I want to spend the rest of my years making it up to her. To let her know that while it took me long to realize it, we were actually always in the same page.” He found himself replying with no hesitation. Sam was satisfied with this answer.
“And how are you gonna convince her to give you a chance?”
He shrugged. He didn’t know just yet.
“Tell you what. The younger people around here know their stuff when it comes to matters of the heart. I’ll have them make a manuscript you could read, or a video tutorial.” He chuckles. He had no idea Sam was being serious.
“Well...” Bucky got up and clinked their bottles together. “Gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel for the night. Crash, you know?”
“You’re just gonna set me up like that, huh?” Sam grinned, shaking his head.
“Well I don’t wanna make it weird for your family.” He shrugged.
“Just stay here. The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don’t care if you wear small T-shirts, or if you have six toes, or if your mom’s your aunt, or that I work with a reformed cyborg that’s in love with a witch that’s practically an avatar, who apparently single-handedly secured her adoptive father’s kingdom’s economy-” Bucky chuckled at Sam’s ramblings.
“Okay, I get it. I mean, you know, the people are nice.” he concedes.
“But don’t displace your feelings for Y/n by flirting with my sister.” Sam pointed at him. “Cause if you do, I’ll have Carlos cut you up, feed half of you to the fish, and send the other half to New Asgard so they could to feed you to their fish.”
He was gazing up at the stars, feeling the soft grass underneath his lying figure. The comfort and peace it gave him was almost nostalgic.
“How is it possible that this place also has the best set of stars for us to look at?”  A voice spoke next to him. Turning his head to where it came from, his heart fluttered as he welcomed the sight of you lying next to him, looking up the sky with such wander in your eyes.
He recognizes this scenario. He had just woken up once again from a nightmare, and couldn’t fall back asleep despite your presence. So, you proposed you’d both get some fresh air and just lay out on the field while the rest of Wakanda was fast asleep.
At first he was hesitant, not wanting to keep you up any longer, but you insisted that you haven’t been able to sleep a wink before he woke up from his nightmare. That’s how he groggily got up and took the hand you offered up to him as you lead him out of your shared hut, and into the wide field before you.
“Ayo said you’re having progress.” you turned your head to look at him. This time, he was the one stuck looking up the sky. He merely let out a small grunt as a response.
“I’m proud of you, Buck.” He could almost hear the smile from your tone. The genuineness of it all made the side of his lip twitch.
Getting up halfway to face him, you were supporting yourself up with your elbow. “We could celebrate if you want.” you suggested.
“I’m not even fully recovered yet.” he replied.
“So? Every milestone to recovery should be celebrated.” you shrugged. “C’mon old man, it doesn’t have to be grand. Any piece of treat you have in mind?”
“I’ve been meaning to try sushi.” He muttered shyly.
“Consider it done.” you beamed at him, laying back down.
There it was again. The tingly feeling he had in his stomach, which only ever occurred every time you were near. Maybe this was the feeling of gratitude. You’ve never been less than nice to him.
Yeah, that explains it. He thinks to himself.
“Why are you so fine with spending your days here anyway? Don’t you have someone waiting on you out of Wakanda? Steve said you’re more social than him.” He found himself asking.
Still looking up, you were sporting a gentle smile on your face. “I spent a great deal reading up classic romance novels when I was just learning the Midgardian ways. And I’m still in love with the whole chivalry, slow-burn romance thing. Imagine my disappointment when the first civilian man I found inherently cute outright asked me if he could have some in the bathroom.” you pursed your lips, making Bucky crack a soft laugh.
“My ma would’ve had my head if I ever said that to a lady.” he replied smiling, his eye crinkling at the thought. “...is that why you said you find me incredibly attractive?” he found himself asking, surprising both of you.
Even underneath the stars, he could see the heat rising up your cheeks. “Oh, you remember that?” you chuckled awkwardly.
“It’s not every day a girl would say that to the world’s deadliest assassin whose just been accused of a bombing incident.”  he was mentally kicking himself for even opening up the topic.
“It’s Steve’s fault. He wouldn’t shut up about how charming and a gentleman you are. And it didn’t help that you’re annoyingly handsome.”
He shifted in his position. “Bet you’re disappointed now.” he said in a low voice.
“Not really.” you argued. “If anything, you’ve added the words hot and strong to the list.” you teased, poking him on the arm. He shook his head at how casual you were being.
“Sooner or later Buck, it won’t be just me crushing on you. Maybe you’d even find yourself falling for a civilian.” There was a hint of sadness behind your smiling eyes. Everybody in the kingdom knew of her allegedly having a crush on you, curtesy of Steve’s blabbering mouth, but this was the first time she actually admitted it.
He didn’t say it, but the thought of what you just said didn’t appeal to him. It felt almost wrong to imagine himself casually being open and carefree with someone else.
Carefree. This was what your conversation now felt like. You managed to somehow make him talk, far from his usual quiet and grunting self during daytime.
He opened his mouth trying to think if a reply when you cut him off.
“Don’t respond to that. You’ve already managed to make my drowsy self, confess having a crush on you.” he turned his head to look your way again, only to find that you now had your eyes closed, a small smile playing on your lips.
Letting you finally get some sleep; he turned his attention back to the sky.
And it's like the million little stars above him were spelling out your name.
Just then he wakes up from the dream, as the little whispers by the doorway caught his attention. Sam’s nephews were playing with the shield.
“Hey!” he raised his hand to greet them while still lying down on the couch.
“Put it back.” one of them said to the other. “Hurry, hurry.” and they both took off.
Alone once more, his thought went back to the dream of a memory he had with you.
He found himself smiling.
Y/N: Thanks for all the love! We're one chapter away. I'm just waiting for the last episode (brb crying) to decided where we go from here.
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit @tanyaherondale @eliwinchester-barnes @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @ebxny27 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @fadingdreamersportsmaker
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it-fits-i-ships · 3 years
Combing through every single episode of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous for Yasammy moments to write meta analysis about part 4 (parts 1, 2, and 3)
Once Yaz is inside the lab we see her frantically looking for the antidote, getting more and more panicked the longer it takes her, we even see her get so frustrated that she starts throwing things and when she sinks to the floor she looks ready to have a full-on breakdown, it’s only when she notices the medical case and has that spark of hope that she gets up to continue her search, this combined with the sheer relief she experiences when she doubtfully opens the case to find that it does in fact hold the antidote really goes to show just how seriously Yaz takes this mission, I think that Yaz would take this kind of mission seriously if it were any other member of the group as well but not to this degree, it’s clear she cares very deeply about Sammy, she collapses in on herself and starts crying a little bit as she clutches that case to her chest, her world has been in danger of completely falling apart and she just found the one thing that can save it Yaz is a real ride-or-die, especially when it comes to Sammy, she is willing to put herself in so much danger just to make sure that Sammy is safe, she jumps the river in one go (despite the realized risk of her landing wrong on her bad ankle), as she’s sitting there cradling her injured ankle she remembers the first time Sammy offered her meaningful support, encouragement, and affection, she remembers how Sammy says she never gives up when it comes to friendship, Yaz knows deep down that Sammy would never give up on her and she sure as hell isn’t going to give up on Sammy, this reminds her what she’s fighting for and she gets back up, Yaz yells at the scorpius rex, basically telling it, “Come at me, bro,” Yaz is done taking shit from anyone, nothing is going to stop her from getting back to Sammy with that antidote, not even a freak of nature franken-dino with venomous spikes, during the final stretch of her journey, tired, injured, and terrified, Yaz trips and has several more flashes of memory in a row of moments where Sammy was saving her or hugging her or telling her that she’s her best friend in the whole world As I said in the last post, the term best friend is often used in children’s media to reference closer relationships between same-gender pairings in a way that adds queer subtext so it makes sense that this last part of Yaz’s flashbacks feels like a love confession from Sammy (albeit an indirect one) Yaz clearly loves Sammy too (even if she hasn’t consciously realized it yet) as she is willing to risk everything to save her and fix their relationship, when she gets back near the fort and sees how grim and somber the atmosphere is she musters every last bit of strength she has and pushes herself to the finish line, she is immeasurably worried that she will be (or already is) too late and she’ll lose Sammy forever, even after Brooklyn administers the antidote it takes a while for Sammy to show any kind of improvement so Yaz gets even more anxious and desperate, she even admits that she really does care about Sammy and she didn’t mean what she said before, she needs Sammy to know that, this scene reminds me a lot of the scenes in shows and movies where someone’s significant other is in the hospital and the healthy one gets very upset and refuses to leave the injured/sick one’s side When Sammy does wake up we are again treated to her perspective, the first person she looks over to is Yaz and the first thing she does is casually great Yaz (which is just adorable, as is Yaz’s genuine relieved smile after finding out that Sammy’s going to live), Yaz does everything she can to help and support Sammy, from checking on her when she first starts sitting up to supporting her while she’s walking to trying (and failing) to improve general morale in Sammy’s stead, ultimately Yaz’s plan to improve morale just freaks everyone out but the fact that she’s trying for Sammy’s sake is really sweet Also, can we just talk about the fact that Yaz has her hand fully on Sammy’s thigh when she asks how Sammy’s feeling? Or the way Yaz practically melts into the hug Sammy gives her?
Or the way she keeps taking, like, every opportunity to touch Sammy (rubbing her shoulder and her back, wiping the extra water off her face, etc.)? I’m sorry, there’s no heterosexual explanation for that combo The way that Yaz holds and protects Sammy during the stampede, the way that Sammy clings to Yaz with both hands (fingers tense and digging into Yaz’s arm), and the way they huddle close to each other suggest that they are both dealing with some direct trauma, Sammy just narrowly escaped the clutches of death at the hands (spikes?) of a dinosaur and now here they are possibly about get trampled (again), she still doesn’t feel good and she turns to Yaz for comfort, likewise Yaz is still very much aware that she almost lost Sammy and she had to leave her in order to get the antidote so she wants to make double damn sure that Sammy knows she’s there and that she’ll protect her, when it comes time for them to run Sammy has a moment of self-doubt, Yaz knows that Sammy needs her to snap her out of it in her own Yaz way (as opposed to trying to be overly cheery and positive like she was earlier) Yaz continues to offer gentle touches to comfort Sammy on the boat and when Sammy finds out that Ben plans to stay on the island instead of coming with them on the boat, she also uses physical touch to share Sammy’s excitement when Ben decides he actually does want to come with the rest of them on the boat, she also continues to protect Sammy from the onslaught of dinosaurs they have to unleash to get rid of the shady guy working with Dr. Wu who made them leave the boat, Yaz pulls Sammy out of the way of multiple dinos and holds her close Last but certainly not least, when they finally get back to the boat and leave the island we get this absolutely precious moment where Sammy is sleeping and Yaz comes over, looks at her, gives a contented/relieved sigh, and smiles one of the warmest smiles we have ever seen her smile, if that’s not the face of someone in love I don’t know what is, here they are finally safe, Sammy can rest, Yaz doesn’t have to worry about being immediately by Sammy’s side all the time to protect her from danger and she can just enjoy being around her I suspect that in season 4 we will likely see their relationship develop further because of them having some time and space on the boat (and possibly wherever they go next) to process and confront their feelings and, given that Brooklyn canonically asked if Sammy has a crush on Yaz, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that they might even canonically end up in a romantic relationship Anyway, Yaz and Sammy are in love, thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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undyingskies · 4 years
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A/N: This one wasn’t a requested but I absolutely loved writing this one. I got the idea from a tiktok, the girl was listening to the song called Fallin’ by Why Don’t We for 3 hours straight. It made me listen to the song and it reminded me of Charlie for some reason which lead to the creation of this fic! To those who have request imagines know I have seen them and will get to them, I got caught up in this fic and another one for Owen, but I promise I’m going to get them out as fast as I can! I really hope you guys enjoy this one, I really love it! xoxo
Warnings: Few curse words.
Here you are again, caught up in the moment not thinking twice. Your sandwiched between the wall and Charlie, your hand tangled in his hair, his under your thighs, and your lips moving fast and passionately against one another.
The adrenaline rushing through your veins, everything frozen except the two of you in that small corridor, hiding from everyone else.
You see this whole thing with Charlie started about a month ago, you had no idea how it started or where it would lead but here you are again, melting into his touch. Even though you always tell yourself that one was the last time when he’s finished with you.
You and Charlie were just two close friends for the longest time. You were hired to work on season two of Julie and The Phantoms as an intern for Soyon. You always loved fashion and wanted to do costume work on sets so this was your opportunity and you weren’t going to let anything get in the way of that. You jumped on the first plane you could get and made your way to Vancouver, Canada. Your three bags in tow, carrying everything you owned.
Kenny and producers had arranged for an apartment for you but it wouldn’t be available until three weeks after you arrived. They underestimated your ability to pack quickly and find a ticket out almost immediately. The only apartment having three bedrooms being Owen and Charlie’s, which they were kind enough to let you use at Kenny’s request.
It all started out so innocent, you and the boys immediately had a connection. You and Owen sharing a similar humor and personality. Charlie and you sharing the same love for nature and love for adrenaline.
You and Charlie quickly started going on adventures with one another. You started exploring the city and the nature surrounding it. Charlie being Canadian came in handy as he was familiar with the hiking trails that surrounded you guys.  
One day he came up to you, about two days before you were finally moving into your own apartment. He told you that he found a new hiking trail with a bridge and on that bridge you could bungee jump off of it. You agreed immediately with no hesitation. That’s the day that changed the dynamic of your friendship.
You felt the adrenaline pumping through your body as you stood at the edge of the bridge. Charlie’s hand in yours, a bright smile on his face.
“You ready?” He leans over and asks you as you start to hear the countdown for the jump.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You tell him back with a similar smile on your face. Hearing the faint count of 3, 2, 1.
That’s when you jumped. Yours and Charlie’s yelling drowning out any other noises. You bounce up and down a few times, laughter leaving the both of you.
As you come to slow down, laughter still erupting from the both of you, Charlie’s eye lock in on yours. His laughter slowly dies down as he stares through what feels like your soul. Before you knew it or could ask him what’s up, you felt his lips on yours. That familiar feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins. You immediately reciprocate the kiss back.
That’s when it all changed. From that day on it was you and Charlie. Anytime you guys could find, his body was on yours and you couldn’t get enough of each other. On set he would pull you into empty closets, sets that weren’t in use, and every-time that adrenaline would come back pumping through the both of you.
You two had agreed to keep it a secret, it was a part of the fun. Knowing you could get caught. You also agreed that it was just physical nothing else. You never planned for the feelings to come with it, but of course like any story they did. Now here you are a month later telling yourself this was the last time; you wouldn’t let it happen again.
But your hearts beating fast and you can’t help but think why do I love this feeling?
Voices and steps break you out of your thoughts. Charlie’s lips and hands on you, making you feel more vulnerable. Your quick to detach your lips and body from his. That fire feeling fading away in the both of you. He gives you a confused look.
“People are coming Char.” You tell him, you grab his hand to pull him around the corner and out of the now occupied hallway. Your back in the parking lot of the set.
“That was a close one Y/N.” He says with a laugh.
“Ya a close one.” You tell him trailing off, beginning to get lost in your thoughts again. Charlie notices but doesn’t say anything, he had to get back to set to film in Julies garage.
“Well I guess I will see you after we’re done here. Meet you at my car tonight?” He asks you. You reach out to fix the beanie placed on his head, the stylist coming out in you. You start to fiddle with the sleeveless tank on him, trying to make it perfect so no one has an idea of what was just going on.
He laughs at your fiddling hands, grabbing onto them and pulling them away from his body.
“It’s fine they won’t know.” As much as you don’t want to admit it, Charlie knows you like the back of his hand and knows what you’re thinking even if you don’t say it out loud. He places a kiss to your forehead before he’s skipping off to set, sending you a wink before he’s gone. Heat rushes to your cheeks at his actions.
Then you’re left alone standing in the middle of the parking lot looking dazed. Savannah rounding the corner, laughing at the scene in front of her as you come into focus.
“Little sneak away fun with Charlie again?” She says sneaking up on you with a laugh at the look on your face.
“What? No? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tell her. She smirks at your words.
“Come on Y/N, you don’t think I’ve caught on? You two always disappearing and coming back together. You staying late when you don’t have too and leaving with him. Plus we’re best friends you don’t think I’ve noticed the way you two look at each other? It’s practically heart eyes from both ends.” She tells you, in a serious tone.
“Fine. You’re right but I don’t want to talk about it here.” She nods at your words, agreeing with you.
“My trailer?” She asks you; you follow her as she walks towards it.
That’s when you empty out all your thoughts and feelings to her. You didn’t realize how much you had been keeping in the last month. You told her how it started, the deal you guys made, and your feelings for him. And by the end of your story and all your confessions, all she had to say was,
“I think you should tell him how you feel.”
Did she not hear what you just said? How you guys agreed that this was a no feelings deal, it was for the purpose of pleasure and the two of yours addiction to adrenaline.
“I think you missed the point there Sav. I can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I would rather end it and keep our friendship than ruin it all.”
“Your delusional if you think he doesn’t like you back, you don’t see the way he looks at you. Everyone else does though.” She tells you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You should think about it at least.”
“Okay, I will.” You tell her. I don’t think either of you believing your words. Your eyes travel to look at the clock. It read 8:02, you were late meeting Charlie.
“Oh, I got to go. Thanks for the talk Sav, I appreciate it.” You tell her and pull her into a hug.
You make your away around the parking lot pretty quickly, looking to see the mop of brown hair that you really have come to love. You spot him next to the orange car, he refused to admit was a weird color. Your eyes land on him and then quickly to the figure standing in front of him with her hands on his arm laughing.
You stop dead in your tracks, your heart dropping into your stomach. Your throat tightening at the scene, hands sweaty and shaking by your sides. You don’t want to feel like this, you know you two promised each other that what you had was nothing. He was allowed to look and talk to other girls, but you can’t shake the feeling in your stomach.
Charlie looks up and notices you standing back just looking at the scene in front of you.  A smile makes its way onto his face at the sight of you. He quickly moves to the side of the girl, gently pushing her away, and is walking towards you.
“Hey Y/N, ready to go?” He asks you, stopping once he is in front of you. He grabs your hand but you quickly slip yours out of his. He frowns at your action but quickly composes himself.
He places his hand on your lower back and walks you to the car, opening the passenger door for you. You slide in, awkwardly smiling at the girl just standing there watching the interaction between the two of you.
“Well it was nice meeting you Josie, see you around.” He tells her, sending her a quick wave before he jumps  into the driver’s seat of the car and starts the engine. Not looking back at her once.
The two of you sit in silence, you consumed in your thoughts and him just confused by your actions. He tries to place his hand on your thigh but you move it out of reach. Another frown makes his way onto his face.
He makes the drive to your apartment, you agreed to go there tonight because Owen had an early day and would be at the boys apartment. He was already suspicious of the two of you so Charlie didn’t want to risk trying to sneak you in.
You quickly unbuckle your seat belt and hop out of the car. You keep a quick pace as you make your way into your apartment building. Charlie has to jog to catch up with you, seriously confused at your actions. He doesn’t know why you’re acting like this.
As you make your way into your apartment opening the door, Charlie takes the advantage of the moment and presses his body against yours. His lips finding their way onto your neck, trailing kisses up and down them. You freeze at the contact of him against you, basking in the pleasure for a second.
Your thoughts catch up with you and you move fast to get your body away from his. He stumbles at the loss of contact. He tries to reach for you again, the third time that night and you slip out of it again.
Charlie starts to feel frustrated at your actions, not knowing why you’re acting that way and starting to get nervous he did something wrong.
He goes to stand in front of  but you quickly make your way around him and into the kitchen. He’s right on your heel though.
“Okay Y/N what gives? Why are you acting so weird? We were fine earlier so what happened?” He asks you and you can hear the frustration and confusion laced in his tone.
You shake your head, trying to brush it off.
“Nothing, everything’s fine.” You tell him, pouring water into a cup. He takes it out of your hand and places it besides you. He has you turn to face him. The two of you are chest to chest, his arms placed on both sides of you so you can’t escape him or avoid eye contact.
He leans into kiss you but you turn your head fast, his lips making contact with your cheek. The frustration Charlie feels starts to boil over.
“Everything’s fine? Are you sure about that Y/N you won’t look at me or let me touch you!! What is going on?” He asks you, slightly yelling at this point.
You shove him off of you and walk past him. You don’t want to do this with him, not now. Well never really but at some point, you knew you would have too.
You lean your head against your fridge, letting out a sigh before you turn to look back at him.
“I can’t do this anymore Char, we’ve got to stop whatever this is between us.” His face falls at your words.
“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore? I thought we were having fun, just this morning it was fine...” He says slowly taking a step towards you. You put your hand up to stop him from walking closer.
“I know, but the more I think about it the more I need to stop it. Neither of us knew where this would lead when we started it and I just can’t do it anymore.” You let out with a sigh. Charlie feels sadness overcome him; his heart feels like it’s breaking a little bit.
Little did you know how Charlie was feeling. He never wanted to make the deal of keeping it just physical, but he agreed with you not wanting to ruin your friendship or stop what was happening between the two of you. He was just happy that he was getting a piece of you to himself. Charlie had fallen for you pretty much the second he saw you and heard your laugh.
“That doesn’t feel like a real reason Y/N, just an excuse. If you give me the real reason then fine, we’ll end this and we will just go back to being just friends. But I need a reason not an excuse before I leave.” He tells you, sounding desperate.
You don’t want to tell him the real reason. You don’t want to ruin the friendship you two have. It wouldn’t be the same if you told him, you two couldn’t just go back to being two friends if he knew your real feelings.
“That is the real reason Charlie.” You tell him, dropping your hand and looking down at your feet. You couldn’t handle his stare anymore.
You watch his feet walk towards you. His hand being placed under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Please just tell me.” He says just above a whisper, he no longer feels upset. He’s just sad.
You just sigh. You didn’t know what to do, the look on his face breaks your heart. You didn’t want to hurt him or make him sad and you can’t understand why this is doing that to him. You can feel the frustration boiling up in you.
You shove him off of you. You start pacing around your island.
“Tell you Charlie! You really want to know why?” This time you’re the one yelling. You can’t help but feel frustrated at your feelings and confusion. All he does is nod yes.
“Because Charlie! You make me reckless! The feeling of you and I together makes me reckless! I’ve been putting my job on the line to sneak around with you, I’m lying to my friends about what I’m doing when I am with you. I’m lying to myself and you!” You tell.
“What does that even mean Y/N, you’re lying to me?” He asks, his voice slightly raised.
“I love you, you idiot! I’ve been lying about my feelings to the both of us! I can’t do this anymore, this no feelings only physical stuff! It’s not fair to me.” You get quieter at the end of your confession.
Silence fills the air, neither of you say a word. He is just looking at you in shock. You standing on the other side of the island, your arms placed limply on the sides of your body. You look completely defeated.
Charlie doesn’t say a word just steps towards again. Again you lift your arms up, hoping to stop him. He grabs your hands.
“Would you just please let me get close to you?” He asks desperate. You let out a sigh and allow him to come closer.
He drops your hands and places his onto your cheeks, not allowing your head to fall so he could maintain eye contact with you.
“You don’t think I feel the same? Something about you makes me feel insane. I can’t control myself around you, I get a rush of adrenaline anytime I’m with you.” His confession being met with another cloud of silence.
You don’t know what to say, you just keep looking at him. You can see his eyes looking at you desperately, looking around your face hoping he could understand what you’re feeling based on your features. He can’t though.
“Please say something.” He practically begs.
“I don’t-, I don’t know what to say...” You trail off.
“Tell me you feel the same, you just admitted you loved me. Why can’t you admit you want more and that you feel the same adrenaline.” He tells you.
“Charlie...” You trail off. “You know I feel the same way about you. This whole time. You’re like a breath of fresh air, it’s never boring with you, the more we got together the more I needed you. I’m scared though, I’ve never felt like this before. Plus there are so many girls who you could get, why me?”
“Why you? Because Y/N, I’ve never met someone like you. You match me on every level, your love for adventure, your humor. You’re so sweet, you never hesitate to act in kindness rather than anything else no matter the situation. I love you. I have loved you pretty much since the minute I saw you.” He tells you. He places his forehead on yours, both of you breathing harder than usual due to the feeling of adrenaline rushing through the both of you because of your confessions.
“Will you please let me kiss you.” He asks you again the desperation laced in his words. You nod your head yes.
That’s when his lips meet yours, in the most passionate kiss the two of you have ever shared. His hands make their way down to your waist pulling you closer, as yours make their way up to the nape of his neck and entangling in his hair. You can feel the both of you pouring all your emotions into this kiss, letting each other know that both of your confessions are true.
You pull apart breathing heavy.
“Make me a promise, tell me that you’ll stay with me.” You tell him, your insecurities getting the best of you for a moment. He smiles at you though.
“Of course baby, I’m not scared to jump in if you want to.” He tells you, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Let’s just keep falling in love for the hell of it.” He tells you as you pull apart, his signature smirk plastered across his face, and he sends you a wink.
You laugh at his words.
“Ya of course, just for the hell of it.” You laugh as you pull him back into you, placing another kiss on his lips.
You pull apart and make your way to sit on the couch to just enjoy the company of each other. He places his head in your lap, you immediately start to run your fingers through his hair as if it’s second nature. He smiles at your actions and leans into your touch more.
“I guess I have to tell Owen he was right. I owe him 10 bucks.” Charlie says breaking the silence.
“What do you mean you owe him 10 bucks??” You say confused.
“Well you see, Owen and I may have made a bet about me falling for you. He said the minute you walked in the door and he saw my face when I looked at you, and he knew I was falling for you. I didn’t believe him.” You nod your head, encouraging him to continue the story.
“Then basically he bet me that I would  fall for you before the end of this year. I didn’t think us hooking up counted since it was a secret so I wasn’t gonna tell him he won. But I guess I have to now.” He says scratching the back of his neck as a nervous habit.
You laugh at his words, only Charlie would make such a bet. The adrenaline junkie and his competitiveness always getting the best of him.
“You’re not mad?” He asks you at hearing your laughter.
“Not at all, that is such a Gillespie move.” You tell him, leaning down to place your lips on his.
You can’t help but laugh at Charlie’s antics, truly he is the only person who would engage in such a thing. But that’s just another reason why you’ve fallen for the boy.
Charlie switches positions so he’s sitting next to you rather laying on top of you. He throws his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him. You lay your head on his chest, you smile and you feel him press a kiss to your head. This is just another start to a wonderful adventure with Mr. Charlie Gillespie.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
320 bits I wanna talk about
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Iieda looks like he’s doing the *inhale* before the BOI IF YOU DON’T- meme. Something along the lines of “BOI IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR ASS BACK TO UA-” kind of thing lol.
He holding something in definitely. Maybe charging up for an attack? Idk but he sure seems concentrated
Actually, Iieda seems kinda considering. Maybe he’s weighing up if he should join in the fight, as if he’s asking “Will I have to fight Midoriya, if it comes down to it? Or can the others handle this?” Something tells me he doesn’t want to have to weigh in on the fight. Maybe tear into Izuku verbally, but fight? No I don’t think he wants to do that
But also, I find it interesting that that black panel of text is under him and then it cuts to Bakugou yelling at Izuku. I mean, it could very well be Bakugou thinking that, but if that’s so, then why is Iieda the first person we see?
So, I think it’s Iieda thinking that. Tensions are rising, it seems. I’m expecting his turn to be full of a lot of emotion, or at least trying to get across to Izuku that he feels betrayed but mostly just wants Izuku to come back home.
I don’t really know what’ll happen with Iieda exactly, but I’m totally interested to see what happens
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I know Bakugou has problems with his emotions and words and stuff, but I also think here he’s trying to anger Izuku in order to get him to fight back, maybe so he’s more angry than flexible in a fight, so the end result would be Izuku getting too angry to predict anything and eventually tripping up, and that’s when 1A could capture him.
The one thing to remember about Izuku is that allowing him to think is going to be the opponent’s downfall. We saw in the Kacchan VS Deku 2 fight that Bakugou knew this and so kept attacking as much as possible so Izuku wouldn’t have time to think. Which worked, because Izuku is great at analysis, so making his “Win” attitude [getting competitive therefore putting more energy into attacking than strategy] come out over his “Save” attitude [you’re my friend and I want to help you] is kind of a weakness of his. That’s kind of one of the reasons he lost that fight.
Then again, maybe Izuku has improved since then? I don’t really know but I think enough time has passed for him to have maybe improved more on that so idk we’ll see
I really love Bakugou’s expression in that bottom screencap lol
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His wound!! All bandaged up!! I wonder if there’s a scar there or smthg :O
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I know Enji or Bakugou probably gave them details about the multiple quirks but I still find it wild that everyone just knows now
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KOUDA! MY SWEETHEART! I’m glad he’s getting a part in this too, along with Sero. Two of them who didn’t really hang around Izuku but still want him to come back :’)
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Sero and Black Whip! Finally! I mean it’s not much but it’s still better than nothing
Also, seems like Sero is trying to taunt Izuku to get him to attack him maybe [same as Bakugou feeding into Izuku’s competitive side] soooo idk Sero following Bakugou’s lead? Maybe :)
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Look at how,,,, innocent Izuku looks,,,,, *head in hands* AND SERO TEACHING HIM!!
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I knew this lil moment would come bite me in the ass at some point, I knew and yet I’m still tearing up goddamn
That “I thought she was going to tell me its a useless hobby” bit really drives home how Izuku’s friends are 1A, that he loves them and they were the only friends he’s ever had [except Bakugou but he was a bully at the time so I’m not really gonna count him for back then]. HOW many people before UA had gone around and told Izuku his taking notes hobby was useless? SHOW me the people!
I, mettywiththenotes, will NOT allow anybody to slander one of my own!
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I know it’s like the only moment Izuku and Ojiro shared, with the sports festival thing, but it’s still really sweet that Ojiro sees that Izuku stood up for him
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*head in hands*
Shouldn’t this kid be more worried that he’s likely going to get kidnapped?
“Yeah this super evil villain guy has decided he wants to kidnap me and take me away, but like nbd guys really, that’s why I left in the first place! So I wouldn’t be a burden!” Somebody get this kid a fucking therapist or some shit
This is kind of a chilling and pretty scene though. The rain falling above Izuku and him looking down with these piercing green eyes likely being the only light between them. Good stuff.
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Satou! Aha I like how he’s pulling all the stops, such as “I WON’T LET YOU BORROW MY INGREDIENTS FOR ERI!”
Also let’s appreciate that Satou caught Ojiro and Jirou and managed to land on a freaking traffic light. The balance on this kid! Very well done
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Kaminari putting Izuku in a headlock! How cute :)
Be cuter if they weren’t trying to subdue a martyr-complex cryptid from killing himself, but still
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Does Shouji have some kind of support-item?? Or could he always do the stretchy thing?? Or I guess maybe he’s just stretching his arms out like branches [like he usually does] and using them as more like a capture weapon rather than his usual stuff. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him use his heteromorph body and quirk for anything other than the 5 senses, though I could be wrong
Also Shouji remembering what Izuku said at the training camp, I’m so glad! Shouji always seems like the kind to be so protective over his friends, so I’m glad he remembered that. Then again, Izuku did compare them to freaking ALL MIGHT, but if the nice analytical kid in your class who knows your limits and strengths says you could basically beat A GOD, then that’s definitely one for the memory scrapbook lmao
“It’s nice and dark here, Dark Shadow.” Who said that?? Kami or Izuku?? I just have this mental image of Izuku being shrouded in darkness and trying to keep his eyes open from falling asleep haha
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Tokoyami remembering that from all the way back then!! It makes me think that not only have Bakugou and Izuku been watching each other, but that Izuku has always had everybody’s eyes on him! Which is true, he’s inspired everyone! It goes both ways; Izuku loving his friends, and them loving him back :’)
Kami telling him to take a bath lmao I love it. Finally somebody said it
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*ugly sobbing noises*
This kind of segment, with a mask falling, a space in-between and a reveal, reminds me of Compress’ reveal :) In that, the person is hiding their identity and then when the mask comes off, they reveal who they truly are underneath
While Izuku is of course determined to go after AFO and is quite the fearsome powerhouse, I really think when he takes off that mask, he’s showing who he really is underneath - a scared little boy who just wants everyone to be happy
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“The burden placed on you... it doesn’t allow for tears, right?” He sounds so sassy here.
Kind of like saying “Oh you look upset. But that’s weird, I thought Heroes weren’t supposed to cry.” Lol it really shows here how pissed Shouto is at Izuku
But then he relents from that snark and is like “Hey, come on, we’ll share this burden. I’m not letting you go it alone, remember that we’re all here.” :’)
I love when Shouto is sassy and passive aggressive but I also love it when he shows that soft side of him
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Okay, this is something I really love.
Tsuyu didn’t join the Bakugou Rescue Squad because “they would be just like Villains breaking the rules”
But here she is, learning from that regret of hers and coming right back to make sure Izuku isn’t the one struggling. She wants to be a part of this rescue squad and pick up where she left off :)
Tsuyu has always struggled with her regrets. It was shown after Kamino when she cried, but for me, I only realised this fully during the Joint Arc when she had her regrets about not making better decisions and not being quick enough [I think that was it].
“I won’t cry in such a flurry” reminds me of “I want to live a life without regret” and so that’s what she’s saying here. This won’t be another regret of hers. She wants to do her best to save her friend
“When scared, you’re allowed to tremble when it’s tough, you’re allowed to shed tears. That’s how you become a Hero like in the comics.”
I feel like that quote piggybacks off of Shouto’s “Heroes cry too”, in that, this is now 1A comforting Izuku. This is them fully coming up to him and telling him that they can help, and that he’s allowed to feel sad about his situation. Shouto’s quote was the teaser, while this entire chapter [and the rest that come to follow] is the main course.
And this is exactly who Tsuyu is. Reassuring, comforting, someone dependable. It says a lot that she’s come from not going to help in Kamino, confessing her feelings and crying about it, then coming back in a similar situation and offering her help - that she’s not willing to just let an opportunity go to better herself. I think I remember reading a few posts on her crying after Kamino and saying it was “performative” or that she just “wanted attention” or smthg like that, but I think she’s really just quite an honest person, and here she is making a great show of how she won’t let something like her guilt slow her down from being the hero she wants to be.
[A part of me feels like this is also a little more evidence with the whole People Not Caring About Bakugou’s Feelings Of Helplessness but like. I digress. It kinda counts but at the same time, it’s not what is going on at the moment.]
Seeing everyone try to reassure Izuku was lovely, and I can’t wait for the rest. I’ve seen a lot of people waiting more for Bakugou’s portion of the battle [AND YEAH DUDE ME TOO] but I really feel like Bakugou’s won’t come until like 2 chapters later or something.
Cause, if this chapter is anything to go by, we’ll probably get through Mina, Mineta, Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama next chapter, and then we’ll move onto the “more important” conflicts which will be Iieda and Uraraka, and if their segments are chocked with tension drama and tears, then Bakugou will have a whole chapter to himself hopefully.
Which means we’ll probably have to wait 2 more chapters until we get that sweet, sweet Bakugou chapter :( I hope I’m wrong and it comes sooner than predicted but whatever
I know for some people, that’s all they want, but personally I love these little bits that reflect on the background characters. As someone who isn’t really obsessed with the background characters but also likes them enough to appreciate their development/the little moments they have, I gotta say I really liked this :)
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
request: Hey, could you do a Spence request where you're all at Rossi's mansion for the weekend for poker, pasta and cigars. Spence is getting Rossi's place ready with him, and the guys and won't shut up about how much he fancies you, and the guys all encourage him to tell you and you're at Emily's with the girls getting in the car for the weekend. They know how you feel about him, and how he feels about you. One evening, you're all super drunk and Spence blurts out his feelings for you. 🥰💕🥰
Warnings:Strong language, Pure fluffieness
A/N: This idea was absolutely adorable! I had a lot of fun writing it down!
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Spencer wasn’t exactly subtle about his feelings towards you, anytime you were around, all he could focus on was you, the way your nose scrunched up when you laughed, the face of euphoria you made when you eat McDonald's after a long day, the frustration that exuded when you had a disagreement with Hotch (you’re the only one with the balls to argue with him) but he ended up ordering you to give up.
The only person on the team who didn’t know about Spencer’s love for you, was, well, you. You were too busy trying to keep your eyes off of him to notice his endearment for you. You had the same issue Spencer had, only you noticed how he tended to dart his tongue over his lips when he got nervous, or when he smiled at the sight of Henrey or Jack, the way he stuttered when he rambled around you, or the passion in his eyes when he talked about his mom.
Spencer didn’t exactly appreciate when the other members of the team teased him about his love for you, so when he got trapped with the men, getting ready for a party at Rossi’s mansion he tried to keep silent as to not drag attention to himself.
It didn’t work.
“I wonder if Y/N will wear a dress or a suit?”
Morgan spoke out, smirking at how Spencer’s cheeks turned bright red at just the mention of your name alone. 
“I think she’ll wear a dress, you know she loves them, even if she wears suits to work. what do you think Reid?”
Rossi asked, all eyes turned to a blushing Spencer who was making fruit punch. He was avoiding eye contact, stuck at the thought of you in a dress, or a floral suit you would wear to a bar, either way you were stunning to him.
“She’ll wear a suit, she’s more comfortable in them, a dress makes her feel too fancy, she admires the idea of wearing dresses, but she doesn’t wear them because she doesn’t want people to view her as too feminine for being an agent. So she’ll wear a suit, most likely a black coat with a floral dress shirt and floral pants.”
He didn’t even notice the wide smile on his face that slowly spread as he spoke about you. He was lost in thought until Morgan and Hotch’s laughs brought hime back to the present.
“Dude, you are whipped for her.”
Spencer’s brows furrowed, stammering as his voice goes up five octaves.
“Shut up Morgan! I’m not!”
“You are! You’ve been staring at her for years! Every time she’s in the same room as you you just stare like a lovesick maniac! I mean come on man! You gotta tell her!”
“Reid, do you love Y/N?”
Spencer doesn’t even know how to answer Hotch’s question. Did he love you? He knew he liked you at least, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready to admit he was in love again. He hadn’t said it since Maeve... However, just by thinking of you again, he was sure.
“I do...”
--At Emily’s apartment (the girls)--
“I do! I love it so much! Thank you Penelope!”
Penelope had purchased personally designed dresses made for each of the women, yours was a simple, dark maroon silk dress, it ended right above your knees, flowing freely around your cleavage.
“I knew you would like it!”
“It kind of reminds me of that red suit that Spencer wore to Rossi’s party at that one bar that one time, remember that?”
The girls look at you confused, No one has ever remembered every outfit Spencer has worn, except for Spencer.
“You seriously don’t remember? C’mon! That was one of his best looks!”
“I beg of you just confess your undying love for him tonight.”
You click your tongue. The girls were more straight-forward with you than how the men were with Spencer, yes they teased you endlessly, but they also begged you to confess your love to him constantly. Sometimes they would even text you on the jet when you were sitting right next to him.
“Can’t. You see, Spencer’s an intelligent man, he would know that I’m lying.”
Groans all around the room. You, unlike Spencer, are great at hiding your feelings for the man as long as the man himself is no where to be seen. However if he was around, you became a rambling mess, Spencer just thought you were embarrassed that everyone was insisting you liked him.
“C’mon Y/N, you may be able to hide it when Dr. Genius isn’t around, but honey oh honey you do not see yourself when he’s around. You get all blushy and flustered and it’s adorable and it’s killing me that you won’t admit it!”
“I’m very sorry for killing you my dearest Penelope, but I can’t. Even if I did like him, which I don’t, I don’t even begin to compare to him in any way. He wouldn’t go for me if I were the last girl on earth.”
Your mood clearly decreased to a sad lump of emotion, your back slumping as you lean against a wall, looking down at your heels. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop loving him.
--At Rossi’s mansion (tha bois)--
“Oh my god we finally got him to admit it! You love Y/n Y/L/N!”
The men at Rossi’s mansion (which were somehow finished with getting the party ready) wouldn't stop messing with Young Dr. Reid. The poor man couldn’t even sit down without being teased.
“We finally did it boys! We got him to admit it!”
“Now we need him to tell her!”
That made Spencer’s head shoot up, confess to his friends that he loved you? Sure, why not. Tell you?
Abso-fucking-lutely not. He wasn’t even remotely ready for that. 
“No. No! I’m not doing that! I can’t! Hotch, tell them I can’t!”
Hotch chuckles at the state of the fully grown man, the usually calm doctor had literal tears staining his eyes as he begged Hotch to stop Morgan and Rossi. 
“Okay okay, leave Reid alone. The party hasn’t even started and He’s having a mental breakdown.”
A small ding rings out in the laughter of the men, Rossi pulls his phone out. 
“Looks like the ladies are on their way over, finally, apparently there was a tiny issue so they might be a tiny bit late.”
--In Emily’s car (the ladies)--
“Intoxicate me now, with your loving now, I think I’m ready now...”
You and the rest of the women aggressively shouted the lyrics to Toxic while on the way to Rossi’s mansion. After your half-assed love confession to your girls, you had a nervous breakdown and broke out in tears for a solid ten minutes. 
Penelope managed to get you up though, lifting your spirits with the power of Britney Spears. 
JJ’s phone rings, and she pulls it up to her ear.
“Hey Hotch! Her outfit color? Why? Yeah it’s maroon, how did you-”
She pulls the phone away from her ear, looking at the rest of the dancing ladies. Y/n and Penelope were screaming random song lyrics while Emily records it, chuckling at the scene unfolding before her. 
You weren’t even drunk yet and you were already excited, poker nights at Rossi’s were the best. He would select one person (occasionally two) to help him cook pasta, and cooking with him was super fun. Music would play in the background, making you drag random team members to the ‘dance floor’ and forcing them to dance with you. 
They did end up enjoying dancing with you however, but they’ll never admit it.
“We’re almost there!”
--Rossi’s mansion (the entire team)--
“Oh boys! The party has arrived!”
Penelope yells out as the four of you walk in, champagne and beer resting in your hands. The others were probably in the kitchen, sat at the island as Rossi gets the ingredients for pasta out.
“We’re in the kitchen!”
You follow the sound of music and laughing Hotch to find three of four male team members sitting down. Spencer was missing. His absence immediately smacks the smile off of your face, looking around blankly for him.
“Where’s Reid?”
Smug, shit-eating smiles spread across everyone’s faces as you set the beer down, grabbing a handful of chips from a bowl and shoveling them down your throat.
“Pretty boy’s upstairs getting dressed. You gonna go join him?”
You fake a gag as a blush crawls up your neck. They didn’t know how much you actually wanted to.
If only I could...
You smirk before sitting down next to Hotch, bringing your hand to his hair and ruffling it around, laughing as he grimaces. 
“Hotch, you should try new hairstyles. The ol’ sweep back look ain’t doing you justice.”
“I’ll wear my hair as I want to thank you very much. Now stop messing with it, as soon as Reid gets down here, he’s announcing who’s helping him cook.”
You giggle and pat the counter excitedly, looking at the ingredients Rossi’s pulling out.
“Those don’t look like ingredients for pasta Rossi...”
He looks up at JJ’s question, smiling with a wink.
“It’s not pasta. tonight we are making a classic Italian pepperoni pizza.”
‘ooooo’s and ‘aaaaaaa’s fill the room. Pizza sounded wonderful, especially considering all of the drinking you planned on doing tonight.
“We’re having pizza instead of pasta?”
Your head turned to the stairs to meet the excited voice of mystery. Your lungs froze as you meet Spencer’s eyes. He was wearing that damned velvet red suit that made you so excited.
It was as if the world had stopped when the two of you saw each other. He was adjusting his hair, but his hands pause when he sees you, he couldn’t stop the smile that spread when he noticed the colors of your outfits matched. It all clicked as to why Hotch and Morgan yelled at him to get back to his apartment to retrieve the suit.
Meanwhile you were struggling to tear your eyes away from him, you didn’t notice the matching velvet pieces, instead you noticed the stars in his eyes, the way he paused at the bottom of the stairs to smile at everyone, the happy smile that reached his starry eyes. 
Neither of you noticed how everyone else snickered, or how they actually pulled their phones out, it wasn’t until Emily was shaking your shoulder and Morgan smacked the back of his head that you two snapped out of it, acting as if nothing happened and simply looked back at Rossi.
“Yep. And my helper will beeeeeeeeee...”
His finger moves around the room rapidly, before landing on you.
Groans and clapping fill the room as you walk to the other side of the island, wrapping an arm around Rossi.
“Alright, now the rest of you. Out.”
You say. laughing as they all leave, but you miss the way Spencer’s eyes travel over your body a final time before walking into the room with all the cold drinks.
“Alright,” you start, looking at Rossi with a wide smile, “Let’s get started.”
almost twenty minutes later you and Rossi were putting the uncooked pizza in the oven, the hooting and laughing of already-drunken FBI agents making you and Rossi laugh.
“Y’know, I’m shocked that Reid decided to drink. He never drinks around us.”
You say, smiling while watching the pizza darken. More accurately, Reid never drank around you in fear that Drunk Spencer would say something dumb. Or worse, that Drunk Spencer would confess his love for you.
“Yeah that is pretty weird.”
Rossi looked at you, you were laughing while watching him, a wide smile on your face as Emily and Spencer dance drunkenly together.
“So, just between you and I,” You turned to meet Rossi’s gaze, watching his shit-eating smirk spread, “How do you feel about the kid?”
You freeze up at the question, letting it bounce around in your brain as you watch Spencer laugh happily. Your heart ached at the sound of his gorgeous laugh. Like, it physically hurt. 
“I love him... Oh god... I’m in love with him Rossi.”
You giggled a giggle of pure fear as you finally admit your love to yourself and to someone else. It felt scary, it felt so real all of the sudden. 
“You finally admit it huh? Well, you should go after him before some other girl who isn’t nearly as brilliant as you sweeps him up.”
You laugh and shake your head, doubt swimming in your brain.
“Nah. There’s no way he would go for someone like me. He has three P.h.D’s and is literally a genius. meanwhile I can barely remember what I ate last night. It won’t happen.”
Rossi sighs. How dense could the two of you be? You two were in love with each other, yet you were so fucking blind.
Meanwhile in the other room, everyone was trying to get Reid to confess his love to you. He was like a drunken puppy that tried his best to listen to commands, but just couldn’t.
“Just go up to her and tell her you love her! I’ll steal her away if you don’t.”
That was Emily. 
“Nooooooo! Don’t touch her! I love heeeeeeer!”
Spencer cried out from the floor. He was laid out like a starfish with an empty beer can in his hands. He didn’t know why he started drinking, but once he started, he couldn’t stop.
“Then gooooo!”
Spencer stood reluctantly, groaning as they all pushed him towards the kitchen.
You and Rossi watched in shock as Spencer ran into the kitchen, breaking out into tears when he met your eyes.
“Woah woah woah... What’s wrong Spencer?”
You ask, mama mode taking over at the sight of his tears. However you really weren’t expecting what happened next.
He yelled out before running into you, falling onto his knees before you while clutching your lower back and resting his head on your tummy.
“I looooooooove you! ‘m in looooooooooooove with you!”
You froze up, not noticing how everyone was recording this from the couch, Rossi clamping a hand on your shoulder. You just kept petting his hair as he sobbed against your stomach.
“Hey, Spencer, bud, why don’t you stand up and tell her properly?”
He listens to Rossi’s advice, standing on his feet and grabbing your face in his hands before leaning in.
He cuts you off with his lips, melding the two of you together as everyone cheers and claps. You were momentarily frozen, but you quickly kissed him back. You were eager to take whatever love you could get from him, even if he doesn’t remember in the morning. 
When he pulls away, you simply stare in shock as he tries to pull you away from the kitchen, your gaze flashes over to Rossi, who simply ushers you off with the young genius.
“C’mon! We gotta get out of here!”
You giggled and laughed the entire train ride back to Spencer’s apartment, cuddling in his bed the entire night.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen in the morning, you only knew that you were spending tonight in his arms.
“Hey Spencer?”
“I love you too.”
He smiles against your skin, pulling you closer against his bare chest. He was warm against your semi-cold skin, making you smile into his neck. 
You really didn’t want this moment to end ever.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Mike comes out  to El , Mileven breaks up for good, and the future of byler (s4 theory)
*this is based off the stranger things movie inspirations they listed on twitter , in the show, or in interviews/other outside materials. All movies mentioned have been said to be inspo for the show.
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So I’ll be mentioning mostly the movies- sw*ngers, what women want, wet hot american summer and splash (and others). Along with Tootsie -which was shown in s4 bts.
Before I give a rough outline of what may happen. I have to specify I don’t think El will be “heartbroken” over mileven cause I don’t think she loves Mike romantically . I’ve already discussed why i think she doesn’t love him romantically at nauseam - but regardless  mileven brings out the worst in  El and Mike. And literally inhibits her character growth. So as an El fan- I’m super excited for mileven to be put to rest. SORRY.  I’ll trade El & Kali teaming up to get closure from their ab*ser ...over mileven any day of the week XD. 
I think Mileven broke up in s3 (and remained broken up) . But we’ll have more closure and a more official breakup in s4  when Mike visits the byers. (And Mike admits he’s gay to his ex )- before byler officially begins. Essentially, I think- Mileven broke up, but El still calls constantly .And Mike starts ignoring her calls so El demands an explanation and he admits to her he’s gay and doesn’t want to get back together. 
So first lets talk about Phone calls 
I think based off the movies and s3 we’ll see El call quite a bit in s4 (almost obsessively) . And Mike has had enough. In s3, he said he’ll call so often -she’ll have to turn her walkie off . But I believe it’ll be the opposite-with El calling so much he’ll turn it off.
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We see foreshadowing for this in s3 when Mike hangs up the phone after saying “El ? no, sorry, not interested.” Or when he hangs up on her multiple other times that season ( he even technically hung up the walkie on her in s2 , as well ). But, in defense of El,  given her lack of socialization (and seeing mike call her constantly between s1-2 I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought this was the norm).
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-In splash there’s a scene similar to s3 - a blond relative picks up another phone to eavesdrop on him talking to his gf. He yells at the blonde relative and when the gf asks if he loves her -he tries to dodge the question. But they break up and he admits to his relative he never loved her. Maybe confessing to Karen?
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* This reminds me of that supposed rumor with El saying “I love you” and Mike not into El just saying “I know” in return.Or Mike in s3 saying quickly “i miss you-bye.” And immediately hanging up on her.
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-some other aspects of the s3 breakup may be taken from  “pineapple express .Which had comedic breakups via phone  . When broken-up he says  “I love you “ and she says it back to him (like mileven). He IMMEDIATELY  says he takes it back and  “I made a mistake” (when he sees she took him seriously). And then he specifies that’s it’s because she’s must be too “  naive and immature” to willing to take him back after how horrible of a bf he was to her in the past. Which yeah -fits mileven: they said the ‘L word’ when broken up, Mike did immediately try to take it back , and he may have realized at the s3 finalie how naive el was -to still want him back despite him not being a good bf to her. In ‘p.i’ the girl’s mom even says  maybe it’s best she find someone new who actually appreciated her or ‘better yet just be single’ and hang out with her gal pals (lol if joyce gave this advice to El-that’d be great)!  El doesn’t need romance to be her own-happy person! Also in ‘p.i’ Dale + his male bff are always assumed to be gay for eachother as a running gag .So ... I’ll technically throw that as another byler hint- lol.
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-In sw*ngers Michael (yes that’s his name) who is made fun of for being perceived as gay gets a call from his ex gf of 6 months). And he hangs up on her to talk to his other love interest who asks if he wants to see her. Michael (specifically hangs up on his ex as she says “I lo-” to talk to this new love interest. He later brags to his friend (at a dinner) about not calling her back (despite her wanting to get back together) and he says proudly she was “always his ex”- when his friend incorrectly calls her his “gf” . 
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  -While in ‘what women want’- an ex gf goes to him cause he didn’t answer her calls. In ‘tootsie’ the gf does the same and is pissed that her bf Michael (yes, yet another michael) didn’t answer her calls for a week. And he LIES saying his answering machine was broken. Would not be surprised if mike made up such an excuse.
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Similar to ‘tootise’  & in ‘what women want’-both gals who’s phone calls were ignored ask if their bf (in mileven’s case -ex bf ) is gay. And in ‘swingers’ someone makes fun of mike for being gay. too  Lol-i’m sorry 2 movies where a guy named Mike is called out for being gay /and 2 movies where a gf who’s phone calls are ignored asks is they’re bf is gay is suspish XD
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In ‘tootsie’.  We also have movie-mike give her a present before she asks if he’s gay /they breakup -it echos what previously happened in s3. 
- Michael (from the film) despite not want to be with her anymore (and loving someone else) tries giving her a gift to patch things up - despite his lying/ignoring her. The gift /empty gesture annoys her. Which is similar to st- mike not apologizing for lying- but trying to give El a gift to make up with her (but he doesn’t even do as much as film-Mike).
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Right after this is when she asks if he’s gay (aka so for mileven we have the gift scene for s3  & El asking if he’s gay in s4-which were both borrowed from ‘tootsie’).
In ‘tootsie’, she finds romantic letters Michael has from another guy and this causes her to ask him if he’s gay .(20+ movies have romantic letters). In ‘littlewomen’ the artist gal and her future husband (who used to have a crush on the painter’s sis) exchange letters.And in ‘wet hot american summer’- a guy ditched his friends to write a letter (and his friends make a gay joke about him because of his letter writing-not knowing he’s actually gay.  
In ‘what women want’ when confronted- he admits he’s gay to his ex gf. In ‘tootsie’ she asks if he’s gay and he avoids the question but after she demands that he be “truthful for once in your life”. And, we all know how Mike constantly “lied” to EL .michael finally says he’ll stop lying to her and admits he’s in love with someone else. 
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And she says in turn she’s not angry he doesn’t love her but that he lied (and similar to s2 where Mike calls Hopper a “liar”. The ex gf calls movie-mike a “liar” over and over). In fact they use the identical phrase of “you liar. you liar.”
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Not to mention- she does sound like El.  She says she’s more upset about the lying than the fact movie-mike doesn’t love her. 
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But I do think they eventually get closure and El realizes she doesn’t love Mike (romantically either) before her real character/story arc begins. 
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movies: twister & you got mail
I’m so ready for the El & Kali teamup in s4. It’s like s2 (we get El & Kali pursuing Brenner + byler moments).
But what happens before Mike says this?I assume before this -mike & Will may confide in others about their feelings. And Mike/Will may be bullied for being perceived as gay .
 -In “welcome to the dollhouse” a boy is bullied for being seen as gay in school & at an arcade- and a character who is made fun for being a lesbian defends him at school/the arcade (so maybe robin?)Since Robin works next to the arcade/is gay.  Similarly, Fin’s character (at an arcade) is bullied and called a “fairy” and f*g” in ‘It 2′. And movie-Mike is made fun of for being perceived as gay in ‘sw*ngers’. Along with the guy (who was gay) being called homophobic names for writing letters (in wet hot american summer).We also know hawkins will most likely have a ‘satanic panic’ over d&d, rock music, and other things- which was historically rooted in christian fundamentalism.In ‘Kingsmen’ the churchgoers pretty much go on a rant being hom*phobic, r*cist, anti-science, anti-athe*st, anti-other religions, and anti-democrat and equate all of these groups of people to the endtimes/the anti christ. So one guy just snaps and says he’s gay, loves science , etc and says after “so... hail satan .And have a lovely day.”And storms out.  lol not sure about all that -but it’d be hilarious XD. Trigger warning for hom*phobic sl*rs.
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-Proof For Will was : In ‘heathers’ the jocks make fun of the new guy in the cafeteria- by asking him if he misses his boyfriend  and call him the f-sl*r .in ‘superbad’ the guy who draws is called hom*phobic sl*rs and in ‘wedding crashers’ someone calls the male-painter character a “homo”. In “hackers” the (computer-nerd) who just moved to town is asked by his single mom if he “likes girls”.etc
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 Also, in “The guest” a computer-nerd in highschool is bullied for being perceived as gay (and he’s given really bad advice about how to deal with it by a lonnie-esque character who is visiting his house/family for a while).  The advice is also similar to the advice given in the st comic (from Troy’s dad).
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Honestly just the fire ref makes me nervous. The computer-boy eventually snaps (after never standing up for himself) and beats up his homophobic bullies.
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*whenever Lonnie comes back - I assume we’ll see he’s a bad influence on Will pretty quickly
In ‘the guest’ they also made a joke that the clearly older guest must be the gay highschoolers’ boyfriend (which is not the case).
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While In ‘stoker’ ,the highschool painter eventually loses it after dealing with constant harrassment- and stabs the bully’s hand (to block a punch coming their way) after the bully made an inc*st joke about the painter & the family guest.  So a joke like that could certainly cause Will to finally snap (as opposed to the other gay jokes they used earlier). In ‘dukes of hazzard’ a guy also snapped and got into a fight over a inc*st joke (and in ‘girl interrupted” they make a similar messed up inc*st joke).
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 Given my theory on Will’s trauma with his dad (which he doesn’t remember)-I would not be surprised even on a subconscious level such a comment finally gets him to snap -maybe accidentally unleash his powers for the first time?Lonnie could say something about how Will should light his bullies on fire, they make a triggering joke about Lonnie &himself... and Will the wise does have fire powers after all. In the film ‘firestarter’ the kid who couldn’t control their fire abilities also lights a bully on fire accidentally so... maybe? In ‘skyhigh’ Will’s superpowers aren’t revealed until he accidentally unleashes them on a bully in the lunchroom. And 1 character in that scene says “don’t talk about my dad” before using his fire powers. Also... it’s not on the inspo list technically but the Duffers are known avengers/xmen fans.So Will could be based on scarlet witch’s son William (code name Wiccan) - he’s gay ,has lightning&fire powers and can alter reality. He’s been possessed In the past by the ‘demiurge’ - even spit up a slug too. He opens a portal to his world allowing the inter dimensional monster “mama” out (cough demogorgans are called “deep father”.)  And he’s constantly bullied for being gay- and the 1 time he finally decides to stand up to his h*mophobic bullies- is the day his powers activate for the first time and almost k*ll the bully. Not super confident in this theory but thought I’d mention it just in case.  Ok- this post is supposed to not be too plot heavy. So back to byler-
*Before Mike visits they may both confide in people about their feelings for the other . in skyhigh (at a dinner similar to the convo in sw*ngers where Mike talks about his ex gf) the bff of Will (yes his name) goes on and on about Will and how she’s known him since the first grade. And someone asks “so you’ve been in love with Will since the 1st grade?” Which she tries denying but quickly admits is true. And her friend says she should confess to Will.
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In fisher king - a women who works at a videostore tries setting up 2 people- a gal-writer and a guy with an alternate personality/ who hallucinates a fearsome mythical creature (obviously Will). When people doubt the idea the girl can love this mentally ill guy  she says “stranger things have been known to happen.” And in “altered states” the guy who would hallucinate flashing to another hell dimension (like Will)- has a wife. And people say “she’s crazy about him and he’s crazy.” When they weren’t together she says to her friend she had to pretend anyone she dated was him and she says “it’s crazy” in response the friend says “i think that’s how it’s supposed to be.” Plus in fisherking one character wrote a book dedicated to his wife (which had the same title as the movie they’re in) . And someone says about this author “ he was crazy about her” as he holds the novel in his hands.
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* The ‘pretending the person you’re dating is someone you’re actually in love with’ was also mentioned in ‘children of paradise’ (reffed by Robin in s3).
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*I’ve also talked about Mike projecting his feelings for Will to El-here.
Will confiding in someone is harder to say. in ‘reality bites’ when asking about why she doesn’t want to be involved in romance a friend asks “because of Michael?” Which she first denies but later admits is part of the reason. 
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 And in ‘hellboy’, (while taking pics) John Myers tells the fire wielding character (with mental health issues) that her bff is in love with her and asks how she feels . The 2 bffs are endgame but at first she tells John that she’s unsure because she’s known him practically her whole life (but she thinks of him everyday). 
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Lol not sure if Jonathan would ever be so straight forward but it’d be nice callback to s1/2 convos they had (Jon saying in s1 to not like things cause you’re supposed to / saying being a “freak” like queer david bowie is cool) .In “twister” & “it’s a wonderful life” a family member also tells a character that their childhood friend that they’re in love with (isn’t into the person they’re currently with). In ‘ wonderful life’ she says they’re “not crazy” about the other person-but them.  And they say they know this cause they “have eyes.” And In “twister” the family member says them visiting them  is proof they love them. 
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*plus Sam who is supposedly crazy about her (also isn’t crazy about marry). Aka El isn’t crazy about Mike- but Will assumes she (along with mike). Cough El saying “what makes you crazy?” in s3.
-While in “hackers’ the kid (with a single mom) who is into computers, and upset they were forced to moved to a new city -is asked by the mom “Do you like girls?” . And he angrily denies and says he’s ‘not gay’ (which could followthrough with what happened in s3- Will not opening up to her about romance, like him telling Joyce he’d never fall in love. so he may lie to her if asked that question? Unlike Jon?
 So it’s possible Will confides in Jonathan (and or Joyce) & maybe Mike to his mom/nancy?/a friend (maybe Robin or Max) (hard to say). My top guesses are Will &Jon. And Mike with Robin (and maybe his mom or sister a bit after Robin?)
Mike visiting the Byers
In ‘Tootsie’, michael (disguised as a woman named dorothy...long story XD) meets up with the person he really loves and gives them a present. The 2 low-key have like a psuedo-gay courting for most of the movie (before they get together). In ‘paddington 2′, the main character even gets multiple jobs to save up for a birthday present for a loved one (another contrast to mileven- who Mike,despite being rich couldn’t even spend $3.50 on.  They did that alot -show contrasts with both ships .So s4 would be no different.And It’s Will’s b-day in s4 after all so Mike getting Will a present makes the most sense. 
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*last pics from ‘scarface’- I have no idea what he’d get Will for his b-day but if it’s engraved with “crazy together” I will lose my mind. Also the parent glaring during this scene-makes me suspect Lonnie . I do suspect Lonnie will sabotage byler-but it may end up being a s5 plotpoint instead of s4? (I guess in s4 it could be El-since el has been known to get very jealous in the past (like with max).
 - In ‘waynes’ world’ the ex gf refused to accept the breakup initially (despite it being months ago).  And she didn’t understand how breakups worked . Which given El’s lack of socialization -  I get her confusion on the concept. Like how in s3 Max had to correct El that Mike was her “ex boyfriend”. In the film, she even tried giving him a present for their ‘anniversary’ (hopefully El doesn’t try to do something like that out of jealousy of the prior gift giving -cause Wayne just says the gift shows how little she knows him). 
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*You have to admit this scenario of Mike having to explain breakups isn’t that far-fetched.
(even when broken up with wayne- she wore a necklace with his name on it. ) Which reminds me of How El had a bunch of Mike related stuff in her room-including things that said “mike” on them.
in waynes’ world: The ex gf would follow her ex and still refer to him as her bf and be a 3rd wheel and interrupt every attempt for wayne to romantically confess to his new love interest (like in ‘dumb and dumber’/’high fidelity ‘).A similar scenario also happens in ‘tootsie’- Michael (as dorothy) almost confesses (on a swing set) but is interrupted by another person interested in him (Mike). Personally, I assume El would just do this unintentionally- assuming Mike wants to be with her and being a bit pushy but probably being oblivious of byler.
Not to mention the Duffers are petty AF and probably got annoyed with all the jokes that Will was a 3rd wheel to mileven- when literally Will wasn’t even around the 2 interacting alone . A 3rd wheel- has a group of 3 consisting of a couple and a third superfluous person. Which never really happened? Plus,we saw the ‘burns’ they did of mileven over the past 3 seasons- it’ll probably get worse.
And again we already know El had no qualms spying on her ex (mileven even dances to ‘every breath you take’  a song about a stalking ex gf).And El also watched the  ‘all my children’ ep with Erica & mike roy. Which in the show after their breakup - had 1 of them refuse to accept the other didn’t love them and want to get back together- and stalk them/ sabotage their exe’s romantic pursuits. Only to eventually accept reality and move on. Although, I think this is mostly un-intentional on El’s part.
In ‘clueless’ she flirted with a gay guy who she thought was straight/in love with her and kept trying to make a move-much to his discomfort . And in ‘birdcage’ the ex gf would hit on her gay ex bf- and his male partner catches the 2 and misinterprets it as not one sided ). That scenario happens in quite a few movies. I could see Will (before byler happens/mike tells el the truth ) misinterpreting and assuming mike and El are still romantically connected or will get back together .
New Swings scene (almost confession)/possible swing-flashback 
Ok back to (tootsie) .In the film,Michael’s love interest was raised by an older sibling- and he even tries to confess to her when they’re on a bench swing together . Not even the only movie with a gay gal character + gal bestfriend swinging on a bench together (’silkwood’ ). In ‘enter the void’ there was also a flashback of a little kid asking the other “do you love me?”/ and him saying “a lot” .  
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* it’s like a subversion of what happened in s3 at the hospital. Also like the Wayne’s world scene of the ex gf interrupting...
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But i don’t think El will be the only one trying to get mileven back together. But Will as well.In ‘Emma’ & ‘clueless ‘ :character A assumes her guy friend is into their mutual friend and tries to get them together (despite him being into character A only). I could see Will misinterpreting mileven and trying to be a good friend and get them back together (despite his own feelings). In ‘emma’ and ‘clueless’ (before they fight) there’s is a party/dance (it’s in a lot of movies).It’s possible mike, Will, and El go somewhere to dance - a lot of films have the 2 people in love-dance with others -but stare at eachother the entire time.In ‘clueless’ 2 gay guys and cher (who is flirting with one of the gay guys) all dance together. In karate kid, referenced by Max to El. Has a guy kiss his ex without her permission (on the dance floor)- and the karate kid sees the girl he likes being kissed by her ex and misinterprets the scenario (assuming they’re back together). I suppose the fact they changed the s2 script where Will was watching Mike dance with El may come back up in a later season? Could also be a callback to when Mike looked mopey at Will dancing with a girl (after encouraging him to dance with her).  Will could do the same (as mike in s2). Or they both stare at eachother while dancing with other people. or it’s just a concept they scrapped- it’s hard to say.
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*movie list (truman show,16 candles,step up 2,karate kid, backdraft 2 & stormship troopers)
Confession & fall out
In ‘emma’ & ‘clueless’: character A (after the dance party) goes with the guy home and he tries kissing her . She dodges it confused saying he’s mistaking her for her friend! And he explains he was never romantically interested in her friend. In ‘emma’ he even bought her a super expensive gift before hand and she still assumed he was into her friend not her. And he even specifies in Emma- the reason he came to visit her house was for her (not her friend). A similar scenario happens in ‘weird science’ and he says she just thought of the gal he used to be infatuated with  as a “sister” (and we all know the sibling parallels in mileven). And in ‘little women’- the artist gal dodges a kiss and says to her love interest “I won’t be courted with someone in love with my sister.” And he explains exasperated he doesn’t love her sister- despite constantly trying to be with her sister previously.
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 In ‘tootsie’, what caused Mike (dressed as Dorothy) to try and kiss her was-  the other gal saying she feel like she wants something she can’t have and because of that -their friendship makes her feel lonely (it’s very queer coded dialogue). She dodged mike/dorothy’s kiss but then says she has the same (gay) “impulses” as Dorothy but that she’s not mentally sound enough to be in a relationship.  A thought that may cross Will’s mind.
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But, before they can talk about the almost kiss-her dad calls via phone and interrupts. (They eventually do get together though). But she tells Mike/Dorothy she ‘can’t love’ her,before this. 
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*may not come across in photos-but she’s crying when sayin this.
Also, a fight about “what they are-friends/or romantic” before a phone call interrupts ( happens in ‘it’s a wonderful life’ and ‘the fisher king’ too.) Those pairings were also both endgame. In wonderful life the artist gal yells why he even came to visit her . And he implies she knows why (aka his romantic feelings) .There’s a similar convo in ‘fisher king’  (asking why they’re there) + 1 of them saying it’s “bullshit” and “stupid” to pretend they’re ‘just friends’. (We all know the context of the phrases “bullshit’ and “stupid” by now). Even Han implies Leia wants him to stay cause he has feelings for him-which she denies . Thus, irritating him.
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*(I’ve already mentioned before how in s1 byler was paralleled to a gay Han/leia while mileven was directly paralleled to luke/leia-mentioned this in the ‘mileven burn’ hyperlink).
All 3 movies have eventual couples arguing cause 1 character (mike) is saying he’s done pretending to be just friends and he came to visit (Will) for that reason. And he knows Will returns those romantic feelings- but Will refuses to stop the charade and admit his true feelings.
In ‘good Will hunting” a similar event happens. Will (yes that’s his name) is poor and has severe trust /psych issues caused by his ab*sive dad.  And he has “abandonment issues” so sabotages his romantic relationships before they can even begin. When the brunette admits her feelings for him he dismisses it as a phase/confusion on her part. She in response says she knows he finds the idea she doesn’t love him ‘scary’ (and she’s scared too but at least she’s trying and being honest about her feelings). She also says she wants to “help him” with his issues -but this just angers him more. Cause he doesn’t liked being pitied/treated like he’s broken . She says she wants to help because she loves him- not pity. But he doesn’t believe her romantic confession. And every time she says she loves him he yells “Don’t BULLSHIT ME”! So when she yells “say you don’t love me?” He says he doesn’t love her- which the audience knows is a lie. But she’s left a sobbing mess alone on the floor.
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Which yikes- I feel like even if you don’t understand the obvious reasons  Mike used El as a beard + lied saying he loved her. You’ll feel bad at the possibility of how badly it blows up in his face. Will not believing his confession/thinking Mike loves El or scared he’ll change his mind -so Will (for that + a myriad of other reasons)just rejects Mike COLD. Similar to clueless & Emma & empire strikes back.
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I’m not that surprised since Will claimed he’d never fall in love (so when he does - he may just deny it). Like the therapist said in ‘good will hunting’ he’s afraid it’ll go wrong so never even tries to begin a romance.  I hypothesize a lot of stuff happens after this, that makes getting closure on their relationship in s4 difficult. 
So essentially to summarize a rough idea of what may happen: mileven stayed broken up. Mike and Will probably exchange letters between seasons. And El and Mike call eachother- but the excess of calls becomes too much. Mike and Will  are probably bullied for being perceived as gay- and before meeting up they may or may not confide in someone (about their mutual feelings). Mike visits for Will’s b-day/spring break and gives Will a present. El (because she sees Mike as a source of comfort) tries getting back together with him and becomes pushy and a 3rd wheel. While Will even helps El- thinking he’s being a good friend to Mike (by trying to get them back together). Mike eventually comes clean and come to an understanding and El goes on her plot/character driven arc of trying to find Brenner with Kali.  Mike eventually confesses to Will but Will for a myriad of reasons lies about loving Mike- and rejects him. And that’s all the (non supernatural) plot stuff I wan’t to talk about now...
Sorry, if this post was just hard to understand. I wouldn’t call this a ‘theory’ per say ( I usually feel more confident in those). This is more like a rough idea given what we have available to analyze so far.
Personally - I hated the mileven/couple breakup drama in s3. So as long as it doesn’t last long and most breakups like say-lumax and jancy happen early in the season... and don’t drag the actual supernatural plot/character developement . I’ll be fine.
 Contrary to popular belief- I’m a byler shipper who’s most excited for the actual plot. I’m a bit more confident in my plot theories than the exact details in this post . But I thought I’d share XD. I’ll eventually do a whole s4/5 theory- post which will focus on other characters/supernatural plot points.(but i may rewatch some movies first) . I’ll probably also do a byler post too with s5 predictions (which connects more heavily to important plot points spanning across s4-5). 
Happy belated new year :)
I expect so much hate from this XD
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Hey! I hope you're well. I started watching AOT and realized that levihan was a ship. And after reading the manga Ive come to the conclusion that they were more than friends if not just friends. Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her? And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on. At first I thought its because of how they met maybe but their first meeting was so sweet. Hange seemed impressed by him and he even thanked her for her compliments. I didnt think their interaction would lead to something like this. So what are your thoughts because I wonder alot on this. Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
Hi! I am well, thanks! And thank you for leaving me an ask! I always appreciate hearing what people have to say. I’m gonna try my best to answer your question without going on any tangents lol (but I can’t promise I won’t). This is going to be long.
Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more.
I 100% agree with this. When I read the manga and watched the anime, I thought maybe Isabel was a love interest (AT FIRST). When I realized she would call him “aniki” (brother) and the way he acted around her (patting her head), I knew there was a different relationship between Isabel and Levi. He saw her as a little sister and was always trying to avoid his two friends from getting into trouble. That’s why he decided for all of them to join the SC after all.
But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her?
I think that the reason Levi had always acted different with her than anyone else was because of their first interaction. It was not in the anime but it WAS in the manga where Hange approaches the trio saying “I was watching you at that crucial moment!” (Not to mention the chapter Hange appears for the first time is called “Hearts” and in 139 we see “...hearts” over her head). At this point, Levi, Farlan, and Isabel were ready to kill Hange since they thought she found out about their plan to kill Erwin. What actually happened was she had seen how cool they all were and wanted to pay them a compliment. Ever since that trio left the underground, Hange was the first person to show them kindness. I don’t think this is something Levi would forget or take lightly. If it were me, I’d definitely remember that moment. I know there is a post somewhere comparing how Levi looked at Hange for the first time vs how he admired the nature outside the walls for the first time. After Farlan and Isabel died, who did he have? Practically no one. It’s my own HC but I’d like to think that Hange stuck by his side. Levi and Hange both have lost so many comrades that they found solace in each other. They bonded through grief I suppose. Also, I think Levi was intrigued by Hange’s personality. Their personalities complement each other: Hange is extroverted, loud, messy; Levi is introverted, quiet, reserved, clean.
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When I first saw them, I definitely felt some romantic attraction of sorts. We eventually learn he is a clean freak, yet he has no issue grabbing her hair (which probably was greasy and unclean). Also, I believe that wasn’t in the manga and Isym requested it be added? I can be wrong with that, but I think that if there was nothing planned for their relationship, he wouldn’t have requested it. From the second I saw them, they reminded me of an old married couple. The way they bickered and how Hange never felt threatened by him.
One of my favorite scenes is when Hange enters the room that Levi’s squad is in at the castle.
E: Oh, I’m not sure if I have the authority to help you.
H: Levi, what is Eren doing tomorrow?
L: Cleaning the courtyard.
H: Okay! It’s settled!
See how she doesn’t ask permission? See how Levi doesn’t retaliate? If it were anyone else, I’m sure that 1) someone wouldn't ask that and 2) Levi wouldn’t have responded that way. We have seen all throughout the anime and manga that he usually goes along with whatever she wants to do. Remember in the OVA where Levi grabs her and yells at her? She doesn’t retaliate from his tone either. She SMILES at him. Why? Because he is expressing concern for her. He is showing he cares about her (also he’s grabbing her and bringing her close again). Eventually at the end of the OVA, we see how Levi tells Hange that Erwin agreed to capture titans for experimenting.
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And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on… Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
I am not sure if there was a specific moment, but I do believe it definitely developed over time. One specific moment is the one you mentioned later on in your message, “If you don’t know something, go figure it out. Isn’t that what the Survey Corps is all about?” Levi looks at Hange almost in a surprised manner. In my biased LH eyes, it shows that Hange really is a brilliant and wonderful Commander, and Levi is appreciating her and her intelligence. In reality, it is most likely because it is something similar to what Erwin would have said as Commander. In all seriousness, her statement is entirely true. I think we can all learn from and use that statement in our everyday lives. But I think that in this moment, he possibly starts to realize how much he admires the Commander. We can also see Hange taking her own advice in chapter 126? 127? Where she forms the alliance with Pieck. She is not sure how to stop the Rumbling, so she goes to figure out how she can by talking with Pieck. As it turns out, she is successful in forming the alliance.
Overall, I think that Hange and Levi complement each other perfectly. Even if you aren’t looking too deep, I think their relationship is quite obvious. I mean… why would you ask someone to live with you if you didn’t care for them or even love them? I think that this is one of the points that other shippers bring up to break up LH (how L dislikes H or vice versa). Levi didn’t reject her. If Isym wanted him to reject her, he would’ve made him say something similar to Erwin’s “Give up on your dreams and die” statement when Erwin stated his selfish dream and was willing to sacrifice all of humanity for his selfish desire. Hange told him while he was unconscious and “not listening”, and he didn’t reject her. He says “if we run and hide, what will that get us?” and “I know you aren’t able to stay out of the action” when he sees her building the cart. We also see Levi “confess” or “respond” in 132 to Hange’s statement in 126. “Dedicate your heart”?? OMG Do not get me started on that lol.
Getting back on track, the pair is almost always together in the anime. They’re together in the manga panels when they don’t have to be. They don’t even need to speak actual words to communicate. They are the sun and moon, two wings of a bird. Levi is almost always looking at Hange in the official fanarts. We know from the smartpass AU’s that Hange says “he is a good guy” and “he doesn’t say what he means.” That’s why I think they use nicknames frequently. Four-eyes could be seen as an endearing comment coming from him. Also, Levi making Hange chocolates in the Junior High manga?!?!! Oh, yeah, its definitely to shut her up.
Im sorry for the huge tangent but I hope some of this answered your question. I enjoy reading the levihan analysis’ from other blogs. Thank you for reading if you did read this far. Have a good day/afternoon/night <3
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lucysometimeswrites · 4 years
Could you maybe write a story where the reader sees the new released picures/trailer for Cherry where Tom is kissing his co-star and she gets a bit jealous/insecure?
of course! :) hope you like it 
“Darling, it’s out now!” Tom yelled from his spot on the couch.
“Ooo, coming!” I yelled back, quickly putting away the remaining laundry and running back down to jump beside him on the couch.
“Oomph” he said as I crashed into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his chest. He pressed kisses to my temple as I hurried him to open his laptop and play the video.
Today, finally, the trailer for Cherry was being released. Me, being the supportive girlfriend I am, have been incredibly excited for any kind of material or sneak peek that I can get since Tom has made it a rule to not spoil anything. Surprisingly, he’s kept his word, so I’ve been finding out about it at the same time his fans have been. You can understand why I’ve literally been counting the minutes for this to be released and Tom has basked in every moment of my fangirling.
I waited anxiously as he pulled up the video, biting my lip with an excited smile on my face.
“You really are excited, aren’t you?” Tom asked, scanning my face with soft eyes.
I whipped my head to look at him, as if he’d deeply offended me, “Of course I am! I truly do believe this is some of your best work and if my nagging for you to tell me anything about the movie isn’t enough to prove that and how excited I am, then I don’t know what to tell you”, I said, prompting a laugh out of him as he leaned in to kiss the corner of my mouth.
“Ready?” he asked
“Play it already!” I demanded, jokingly punching his arm. I got comfortable beside him as he set the laptop on the table in front of us, pressing play. 
“Oh my gosh...” I whispered, the excited smile never leaving my face. I chuckled, “I can’t get over your hair in that phase”, watching him in the student phase.
He nudged me, jokingly saying, “Leave me alone”.
I watched as Tom told Ciara how he liked her, in character of course, in a little shy but also a little forward manner. It reminded me of how he confessed his feelings for me, confidently but also nervously. It made my smile falter a bit. 
As the trailer continued, many cute Ciara-Tom moments came up, such as the small part where the caressed her naked body, him saying that she was “it” for him, their wedding, them cuddling and comforting each other. It was almost as if I hadn’t seen the the other parts of the trailer, just focusing on those, and I hated myself for that. I knew I shouldn’t be jealous, but the what-if’s started to plague my mind. 
Tom noticed that, even after the trailer ended, I stayed quiet and entranced on the screen. 
“So? What did you think?” he asked expectantly.
I shook my head as if I wanted to shake my thoughts away, and quickly put on a smile on my face, “Sorry, I’m just- I’m literally speechless”.
“Are you sure?” he eyed me suspiciously.
“I am! I can’t believe what I just saw. Tom, I-” I sighed, “I can’t even begin to express how proud of you I am. The film looks unbelievably amazing. Can’t wait to watch you ace it” I told him, caressing his face. I was reminded of the way Ciara did it in the video, and removed my hands from him.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me,” I said as I left his embrace, “I have to cook dinner, would pasta and garlic bread be okay with you?”
“We could order in, if you’d like?” Tom suggested, holding onto my hand to prevent me from leaving.
“Oh no, don’t. We have food in the kitchen” I waved him off, quickly making my way to said place and left him behind.
While getting everything out and waiting for the water to boil, I got lost in my thoughts again. I couldn’t stop thinking about the scenes between Ciara and Tom. They looked so real. And I knew that was the point of the film, for their chemistry to look as real as it could to sell their loving relationship and its importance. But man, they look amazing together. In real life too, they are great friends and have hung out multiple times and given the hardships of this movie, she was a great person of comfort for him because, in a way, they were going through the same thing. She could be there in ways I couldn’t. I know Tom would never to anything drastic but what if he realized how great she was? She’s funny, beautiful, smart, incredibly talented, and in so many ways better than me. Watching her hands softly cupping Tom’s face in the trailer reminded me of when mine were there; the way they passionately kissed, embraced, and found solace in each other...Wow. If I’m like this with the trailer, how will I get through the movie?
“Y/N!” Tom said loudly behind me.
Startled, I turned around and said, “What?”
“The water’s been boiling for a while now and you’re just standing there looking at it”
Looking back at the pot, bubbles furiously rose in it along with some steam,
“Oh, silly me” I dully chuckled, grabbing the pasta and carefully letting it fall into the water.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked once more. Without turning back, I answered with a high-pitched mhm.
Tom came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and letting his lips touch my shoulder, “Was it the trailer?”
“What are you talking about?” Ugh, who am I trying to fool.
“Don’t play dumb, talk to me, love” he pleaded, turning me around to face me.
I felt ashamed about my feelings, and couldn’t look him in the eye. Gently bringing my chin up to look at him, he encouraged me with a “Hm? Tell me, what’s bothering you?”
I decided that the only way I was going to get rid of these feelings was talking to him about it, so I said, “Well,” my eyes looking away, “watching you and Ciara may or may not have made me...I don’t know...a little insecure?”.
His eyes softened and as he went to speak up, I interrupted him, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to feel this way. I know how hard you and her have worked and I’m so proud but it just looks so real. And don’t get me wrong, great job!” I said with a small laugh and thumbs up, which quickly faded, “But it feels like you’d be better off with her. I mean she’s so much cooler and talented and she’s in your same line of work and to the public you’d look-”
“Okay, hey, stop it,” Tom quickly said to stop my rambling, “You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna let you talk about my very beautiful and amazing girlfriend like that”, I scoffed and looked at him as if saying Really?. 
“I mean it!” he defended, “Listen to me. What I do in my job most of the time represents nothing from my personal life. This is one of those times. Working with Ciara was great and all, but you know what kept me going through those rough patches?” he asked me. 
“What?” I mumbled.
“You, sweetheart. You were my rock through the whole process, even though you don’t realize it. Thinking of your laugh, your cute little face, or listening to your 15 second voice messages gave me the strength I needed to continue my day. You are my everything, and I’ll be damned if I let you go. So please, do me a favour and don’t leave me? Because I’m not gonna be able to handle it” he said, the last bit in hopes of making me laugh, which it did.
I shook my head with a smile, “You’re such a cheeseball-”
“But I’m your cheeseball” he proudly said, his face coming closer to mine.
“Thank you. Really, it means a lot” I told him as I finally put my arms around his neck, his forehead against mine and feeling a lot better than I did earlier.
“Anytime, babe. Communication is key” he winked, slowly peppering kisses to my cheek, my nose, and the corner of my mouth as I giggled.
“And what kind of communication do you have in mind?” I asked him with a mischievous smile.
“Do you wanna go find out?” he answered in the same way, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I’d love t- oh wait, dinner!” I gasped, remembering the boiling pot beside us.
“Noooooo” Tom whined, throwing his head back and deprived of his true desire while I just laughed, gave him a quick kiss and turned back to the pot, his presence nor his kisses never leaving my side. 
feedback and requests appreciated! thanks for the appreciation on Kiss the Girl (2) <3
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