#the yale episodes are so fun
saebaragi · 2 years
listen, i'm a paris x rory enthusiastic but i can't ignore the tension between paris and janet, they start arguing and i'm like "kiss! kiss! kiss!"
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sakuralovespossums · 2 months
Human Frylock x GN Reader
Honestly, you getting with Frylock makes the most sense
He’s objectively the most attractive, smart, charming, good with kids, you get it
But just cuz he’s the most humble, doesn’t mean he isn’t equally insane
There was a whole episode where he went full yandere and implanted his brain in the corpse of his crush’s dead boyfriend
Calls you “babe” or “hon” often
Always has an arm around your waist when going out
It’s also a subtle way of showing people your his when someone tries to hit on you. He doesn’t get aggressive or anything but his usual frown does deepen and his tone gets more blunt
If the harasser still doesn’t take the hint and really gets on his nerves, he’ll use one of his inventions to brutally mutilate them then act like nothing happened
Other than that, he’s still generally a pretty chill guy and is the best boyfriend
Always plans ahead for alot of things like dates, trips, grocery shopping, special events (my ADHD ass is so thankful)
For those who deal with periods, he even keeps track of your cycle for you and buys all the things you need like pills, snacks, blankets, etc.
His deep voice is so soothing and he takes full advantage of it lol
One time you saw him without his goatee and you swore for a millisecond he was someone else. It’s just so weird seeing him with a bald face
Shake is an annoying pest who’s always following you around and tries to convince you to ditch Frylock and get with him instead
Carl just thinks your a weirdo for wanting to date one of his weirdo neighbors
There are days where you just walk into your bf’s room and plop your chin on his shoulder as he types away on his computer. No words. Just silence and occasional kisses
He def wears cologne
The only guy to ever make braces look hot
It would be cute if you guys met at one of those prestigious universities like Harvard or Yale. Either you bumped into each other in the same dorm/class building or were assigned to work on a project together. You guys slowly bonded and became friends, to eventually something more
You help him put in his yellow hair dye every few weeks, but you also really like seeing his natural hair color
One time you put in the wrong hair dye by accident and Frylock was left with an ugly colored hair for weeks. You desperately tried to hold back your laughter at seeing how moody he was with messed up hair. Shake wouldn’t stop making fun of him for days
You can’t help but feel a bit bad for him as he has to deal with his chaotic roommates (mostly Shake) all the time, so you help him however you can
Cooking and bringing him food, dragging him out of the house to your place or somewhere fun, buying new science supplies or books with him
He used to go shop for those by himself, but now can’t think of doing it without you since you make it way more fun
He never quite realized how lonely he was until you came along
He teases you about wearing his red sweaters all the time like it’s yours now and sometimes chases you around the house to “get it back”
Frylock is noticeably in a better mood when he’s with you. He doesn’t smile but has an upturned smirk instead of his typical frown and always plays along with whatever joke you tell him. That’s how much in sync you guys are
Everyone sees you two as Meatwad’s parents (his teachers, the neighbors, hell even Carl and Shake)
It doesn’t help that you often go with Frylock to Meatwad’s student/teacher conferences
Or play with/babysit him when your bf’s too busy
Or how you and Frylock always hold Meatwad’s hands when walking to the park
Or come to Frylock’s aid in lecturing him why he’s still listening to MC pee pants when his bed time was an hour ago and………..
Ok maybe you are his parents
NSFW stuff
I just see him as a top. He likes being the one to lead but will let you take the reigns if you want
Again, he uses his voice to his advantage ;)
He likes using toys depending on the mood
I feel like he would tell you he doesn’t mind if you sometimes wanna go solo with your toys (nothing wrong with sexual independence) but secretly grumbles and is jealous lol
Shake has def walked in more than once just to annoy you two and ask if he can join
*slams the door in his face*
He has more length than girth
Frylock has a pretty well toned build, which really doesn’t help make you any less desperate for him
And maybe also make you feel a bit self conscious of your own body. He tells you he finds you gorgeous just the way you are
You love how his goatee scratches your skin, lips, thighs, everywhere as he kisses you all over
Is so amazing at aftercare. Always checking if he didn’t go too hard on you, gets you a towel, water, snacks, anything you need
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picklesaremyenemies · 10 months
rory's 'dropped out of yale, DAR' era is so bad, but then there's also the lorelai parts of the episodes where its just luke, lorelai and her psychotic dog Paul Anka, which is fun.
I love dog Paul Anka.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Both Emily and Lorelai are planning to attend Rory's "Swearing In" for her Vice Presidency at Chilton So, this is a very similar scenario to the one that happened 4 episodes back in "Lorelai's Graduation Day". Yes ma'am, it's another "Lorelai is unhappy about having to be at a place where her mother will also be but Rory wants them both there" situation. Yeehaw.
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Shhh. Nobody tell her.
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This is such a great line, and I don't fancy myself much of a Quote Lover, but I love this one so much I want to make it a magnet and stick it on my fridge next to my "Why did you drop out of Yale" magnet.
Nothing of great consequence or interest happens at the ceremony. Rory and Paris give mediocre speeches. Things between Lor and Emily are still chilly. Emily wants to meet Lorelai for lunch at Luke’s the next day. I see Francie up on stage and remember, tis the season for an incredibly boring storyline involving mean-girl nonsense and school politics 🥱 Francie is the Jason of S3.
I plan to forward past a lot of that sillyness and save myself some time.
Rory tells Paris after the first student body meeting that she wasted everyone’s time and nothing was accomplished and nobody ate the doughnuts that were provided. Paris is incredibly turned on and asks Rory if she wants to get married.
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Just more Jess erasure... Alright, alright! This was Sookie's directive (supposedly) and it was said in jest. And here I was about to cancel Lorelai again for banning Jess from her stupid inn filled with mice. I've canceled her more times than an unwanted subscription to Dean Forrester Monthly magazine.
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Not me going "what is this stupid obscure reference that nobody will understand", then googling it only to find out it's from The Godfather, the award winning book and movie series that half the population alive has seen but not me. I don't watch movies, okay?
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Yes Ma'am!
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I hate this stupid bullshit. Blew past the entire scene.
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That's more like it.
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Luke: Kirk came to me for advice about whether or not he had a shot with you. I told him you liked movies and junk food and talking incessantly but we both agreed that there's nothing like some good lovin to shut someone up." So then you agree, the only thing that would get Lorelai to shut up is to fuck her? Take your own advice already, Sir, and do it already. You're killing us here. Lorelai: Can you bring me a sharper fork? I'm not sure this one will go through your hand. Ah, I see that like me, Lorelai is also a connoisseur of making jokes about injuring people with forks. We're not that different, you and I.
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What the hell else is there to do for fun in Stars Hollow?
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More Crusty nonsense. Followed by student council nonsense.
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Well if that isn't the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Pot calling the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Kettle black.
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At least Santa Claus visits his Children once a year, which is more than Christopher does.
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Not me and @frazzledsoul discussing just yesterday how often answering machines were used as a plot device on tv in the 90's and early 00's. AmyShermanPalladino in particular is obsessed with the humble answering machine. Because social media didn't exist yet and the male characters must have some way to harrass the women when they're apart. At least It's only Kirk this time so he probably meant well. Probably. He's kinda a perv. Lorelai: i hate my life. Maybe if we look into each other's eyes and say "I wish I were you" we could pull a Freaky Friday. (Imagining I'm me, Salty, and NOT Rory, Freaky Friday'ing with Lorelai): Let's see, let's see switching lives with Lorelai: The whole "fucking Luke" thing is good But then I'd also have to fuck Dean And I'd have to fuck Crusty.. Max? (eh?) Alex? (sure) Have Emily as my mother... Working at a dumb Inn... Idk if having sex with Luke is worth all that. Rory: "If we switched bodies, I'd have to date Kirk." If you switched bodies, Lorelai would have to date Dean. I don't hear her complaining about that.
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The real star of Gilmore Girls.
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Oh no. Not the LOR.
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*smashes that bottle of wine over Crusty's head*
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45? FORTY FIVE? He tripled the record held by the previous contender. Dean better step his harrasment game up if he wants to surpass that number. Crusty: "You don't get to dictate what to do! I called you (45 times) and you didn't respond so I did what I had to do. You can't shut me out, that's wrong! Your'e keeping Rory from me! Why hasn't she called me back?" EXCUSE ME? EXCUSE MEEEE??
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Oh my, the whiplash of seeing Rory stand up for herself and get into Crusty's face, only to have her head to Doose's in a few moments where Jess will give her the peg-lowering of a lifetime and she'll limp away defeated with her tail between her legs. I'll put that in my next chapter. Things Googled While Watching Gilmore Girls: Clemenza, I Take A Nap Gif, Now Kiss Gif, Spelling Of Connoisseur Cutting Room Floor A joke about how Jess won't be invited to any more Bracebridge Dinners since he's vegetarian and he's banned from the inn.
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lingthusiasm · 2 years
Lingthusiasm Episode 74: Who questions the questions?
We use questions to ask people for information (who’s there?), but we can also use them to make a polite request (could you pass me that?), to confirm social understanding (what a game, eh), and for stylistic effect, such as ironic or rhetorical questions (who knows!).
In this episode, your hosts Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch get enthusiastic about questions! We talk about question intonations from the classic rising pitch? to the British downstep (not a dance move...yet), and their written correlates, such as omitting a question mark in order to show that a question is rhetorical or intensified. We also talk about grammatical strategies for forming questions, from the common (like question particles and tag questions in so many languages), to the labyrinthine history that brings us English’s very uncommon use of “do” in questions. Plus: the English-centrically-named wh-word questions (like who, what, where), why we could maybe call them kw-word questions instead (at least for Indo-European), and why we don’t need to stress out as much about asking “open” questions.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
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Take our listener survey here!
‘British intonation: Meghan teaches us’ post from English Speech Services
‘Question–response sequences in conversation across ten languages: An introduction’ Editorial, Journal of Pragmatics
Wikipedia entry for question grammar in Modern Standard Chinese
WALS entry for Polar Questions
All Things Linguistic post on tag questions
Yale Grammatical Diversity Project English in North America entry on Canadian Eh
Liz Stokoe Twitter thread on open-ended questions
Lingthusiasm episode ‘Corpus linguistics and consent - Interview with Kat Gupta’
Confirmation or Elaboration: What Do Yes/No Declaratives Want? by Lucan M. Seuren & Mike Huiskes
Dariusz Galasiński blog post on open questions
Superlinguo post ‘New Publication: Questions and answers in Lamjung Yolmo’
Lingthusiasm episode ‘You heard about it but I was there - Evidentiality’
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening. To receive an email whenever a new episode drops, sign up for the Lingthusiasm mailing list.
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Gretchen is on Twitter as @GretchenAMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Twitter as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, and our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles.
This episode of Lingthusiasm is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA).
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dontirrigateme · 4 months
*arrives at lecture hall and takes out notebook* *raises hand* 4, 12, and 24 please!!!
I'm sorry, the lecture has ended. Thank you for your interest.
lol anyhoo, thanks for the ask, stranger...however, I'm going to find it a little difficult to lecture when i feel like we've talked about these things to no end. That being said, let's see what I can come up with.
4. The character I relate to the most I think is the bazooka. I seem inconspicuous, but I'm volatile and I'm also kidding. You know my answer is going to be Nixon (minus the wads of cash and Yale education). The sleep issues, the cynicism, the way we value pets over children (kidding again, stand down). But also, if he has a job to do he doesn't screw around (I mean...not a lot). Another character might be Speirs - he does the job and moves on to the next thing, doesn't indulge in rumors (except to perpetuate them...I'd totally offer cigarettes to people if I caught them talking about the POW story). But he does what's necessary for the given situation, and moves on. Like when the war is going on, he abandoned hope and accepted that he'd probably die, because that's what he had to do in order to be effective. Then, when the war is over, it was okay to hope again, and the mission now is to preserve life (so to speak), so we see him doing everything he can for Chuck when he gets shot. Also, we have the same mindset when it comes to looting (for anyone reading, when I saw this episode for the first time and saw Harry not sharing the silverware with Ron, I told my sister, "I'd be taking shit off the walls then," and Ron promptly goes for the giant nazi banner).
12. I think i mentioned somewhere that I was more shocked at the things that were true (like the stuff Speirs did, I don't know how that guy lived through the war, he had no business being that badass). I had said it was Blithe's death, and the most shocking thing about it was that first they had you believing that it took about 4 years for his wounds to finally kill him, and then that they just shrugged and were like "our bad" and never fixed the episode where it says he died. Weird.
24. A character to be my best friend? Can I say all of them? Assuming I can't, I'm gonna go with the smokestack. Favorite character, I freaking love that guy. Smokey would be an absolute blast to hang out with - he's scaring Tab with bugs, swimming in the Roman baths at British museums, and telling the military that his dad wrote a note that says he has to come home now. The guy sounds like so much fun and he deserved more screen time dammit.
I know, not much of a lecture. I will hang my head in shame accordingly. But I appreciate the ask. 🙃
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radiant-reid · 2 years
waittttt em went to an ivy??? which?
she did !! we love a smart queen.
in her first episode, she says she corrects Hotch when he asks about her going to Brown and says she went to Yale (ironically, Spencer's safety). and it actually makes her the character who went to the school with the lowest acceptance rate
Then there's Spencer and Penelope both went to Caltech, although she dropped out so she likely doesn't actually have a degree. Spencer also mentions going to MIT in one episode but he's got like 100 degrees so maybe he lived in Cambridge for a while. i love that this is technically canon and i will never admit it was a writer's mistake
in terms of acceptance rates, next is Morgan who went to Northwestern and then presumably Northwestern law on a football scholarship, fun fact. Then he became a police officer. why go through all that to be a cop ?? who knows
at .1% higher acceptance is Doctor Tara Lewis, also an Ivy girl, who went to Dartmouth (smart queen again)
Alex Blake went to Berkeley for her undergrad but she has a PhD, possibly from there but maybe from somewhere else since she taught at Georgetown and worked for the FBI from 24
Hotch went to George Washington University for his JD, presumably there for his undergraduate as well ? (sidenote: GWU is not Georgetown !!! let's get it right) then he worked murder cases long enough to want to join the FBI, where he worked in the Seattle field office before joining the BAU
JJ went to University of Pittsburg on a soccer scholarship, but her senior year at least was at Georgetown, which she mentions to Rossi. I'm guessing her major was communications and she was considering going into politics
i think that's all they mention but if y'all know any others lmk
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kissandships · 3 months
My Gilmore Girls Opinions Now That I’ve Finished The Series & The Revival
Rory is not as horrible as people are saying
Michel is annoying AF. I only understand half of what he says, and he’s so unnecessarily mean and rude
Sorry but I’m with Lorelai— I would not want my daughter to be hanging around a boy like Jess
I don’t really like Dave. But I don’t hate him either. He’s just kinda… meh
How come Dean became such a big jealous, controlling jackass?
Dean is a good boyfriend as long as he doesn’t feel threatened
👆🏻Which means he has a small dick
Jess is terrible
Richard is an asshole and a cheater
Paris is one of my favorite characters
I don’t think Rory choosing Yale is so… disappointing
Man, this show is Jewish. I love it ❤️
Poor, poor Lindsey 😭
Also Rory in 4x22… 🤬
First impression of Logan: what a gigantic ASSHOLE
I agree with Luke in 5x5– Rory and Dean shouldn’t be together
Michele deserved that chewing out from Lorelai
Emily deserved every chew out from Rory and Lorelai
Luke would have told Lorelai about April, ASP totally changed his character in season 6
6x16 shows what kind of Dad Christopher really is, and Lorelai should be thanking God that he left high and dry
Rory and Logan shouldn’t have gotten back together after he cheated on her
Did I miss the episode where Jackson resigned from town selectman or whatever the hell it is that Taylor does?
Sleeping with Christopher had everything to do with Luke
I really hate Michele. It’s gotten to the point where I either skip his scenes or mute him
Okay, okay, I’m just going to say it. I’m going to say it: Christopher has a small dick
Rogan are growing on me
What happened to Sookie’s third baby?
I cried when Lorelai sang I Will Always Love You to Luke 😭
Luke Danes is the DEFINITION, the EPITOME of “if he could, he would”!!
Why are Netflix shows and movies so dark?
Luke and Lorelai forgetting Rory’s boyfriend Paul is funny, but Rory wouldn’t forget him like that
Luke and Lorelai would’ve been married by now, and they definitely would’ve had The Kid Talk
Paris is still very insane 😂
Luke not telling anyone the WiFi password is so Luke
The Real Paul Anka is still living? (As of 2016)
Fall was a nice episode, Spring was fun because of Paris, but Summer and Winter? 🥱
The delivery of The Gazette was actually funny and in tune with the original series
I hate, hate, HATE that they’ve reduced Rory to “the other woman”
The musical was weird as hell. It seemed like they were just wasting time. And I know it happened before Brokenwood s9, but it felt like they were ripping that off
Carole King belting out I Feel The Earth Move and everyone saying it wasn’t catchy was funny, I gotta admit. I like that sort of meta humor
They did Lauren Graham so dirty, putting her in that lacy black dress
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furiarossa · 1 year
Gargoyles vs ChatGPT
It seems that ChatGPT knows NOTHING about the tv show “Gargoyles” and tends to... invent a lot of things. We tried to correct some of these errors in the beginning, to tell the AI "Hey, this is not exactly what happened in the episode", but in the end we thought... but yeah.. why not indulge, then?
So here is the TV series "Gargoyles", narrated by ChatGPT.
1. Talk me about love... in a weird and wrong way... and why is Angela there? (Also, loving the “Blind date Owen Burnett”. We’ll talk about that later.).
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2. He loves redheads... and Margot Yale, I guess?
(Also, Owen weeping in a corner because he got replaced by Margot).
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3. Okay, okay, this is the plot of a fanfic. Which of you wrote this?
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4. Uhm... this Alexander's "origin story" is all wrong, but, oh, okay. Now we know the power of the Cauldron of life (???).
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5. An epic Dragonball style fight between Titania and Fox! We... we didn't remember this.
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6. Ah, that time in "Eye of the Beholder", in which Lexington saves Matt Bluestone with an helicopter, from the evil Demona...
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7. The “perfect man”?
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8. Don't like "The Goliath Chronicles"? Worse for you: you’ll miss the fabulous cameo of... Scrooge McDuck?
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9. And finally... the Owen’s blind date episode. It was fun, right? Everyone remembers it!
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Actually, now I’m very curious about the other four interns - the Princeton, Yale, Penn, and Parsons “Blair Waldorfs”. Were they similarly hyper-competitive and insane, or were they normal people thrown in the middle of Dan and Blair’s antics? I wish Dan had stayed at W longer, because I honestly feel like the office shenanigans there could have been really fun to watch.
Yes!!!! I want to know more!!! I will forever and always want more W content.
I think it would actually be really fun to have Blair reckon with other "Blair Waldorfs" I mean, I get that that line was a throwaway by Epperly who hasn't really gotten to know Blair as a person yet, but getting an internship at a major publication has to be hella competitive, and these interns had to have been formidable to get a spot. (and let us not forget, by basic syllogism, this makes Dan the "Blair Waldorf" of NYU lmaooooo)
The thing is, Blair is never really made to grapple with her gifted kid syndrome in any meaningful way. She treated NYU as academic purgatory (even though it's like...not.) and then at Columbia she just recruited more minions? as if being an Ivy undergrad leaves you room for extracurriculars like doing some nepotism baby's errands.
they did this with blair's posse at constance too. like Isabel & Kati & Penelope & Nelly canonically were all distinguished students and accomplished in other things, all the ingredients for well-roundedness were right there and then they just...did nothing with them.
this is just to say, it would have been a FASCINATING development of Blair's pursuit of "powerful womanhood" to be competing with young women with the same goals and advantages and skills as she, and how that could teach her to give herself and other people a little more grace. And Dan leading that challenge as her continued top competition at W (because he should have worked there longer than an episode)? delicious. gimme.
also you said "office shenanigans" so now the image in my head is dan being the jim halpert to blair's dwight schrute at w and them antagonizing each other until they fuck.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i was absolutely obsessed with gilmore girls way back when it first aired, like it was the highlight of my week for so many years, and seeing you post about it really makes me feel all nostalgic about it. okay so a gilmore girls question for you: which storyline/character arc is your favourite and/or least favourite?
remember when i said i didn't watch dawson's creek as it aired because i wasn't born for most of it and you said that made you feel old. sorry again. but also same with gilmore girls😭
ignoring a year in the life into because i only watched it once and i never think about it
i knew what my favorite character act was immediately but i had to think about my least favorite for a bit and i think i'm gonna go with rory and lane. rory favorite character arc lane least favorite character act. everyone's like oh rory's awful once she gets to yale and she is at times but i love watching her evolve and start to find her place in her grandparents' world and i think it's really well-done (lorelai telling her "i just assumed you'd be running with me" in like episode 3!) and i think it's just fun to watch. and i really like lane and like her arc of her getting her independence and being honest with her mom and moving out and her band and everything but after season 4 it seems like they...didn't know what to do with her and her getting with zack was a big miss for me. and her getting pregnant WITH TWINS the very first time she has sex and talking about how she "barely got to be a person" because she went from repressed kid to overburdened mother in like two years...s7 writers what is wrong with you!!! there's a lot wrong with them and with season 7 but this is one of their worst crimes
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waltcrewlog · 2 years
Something I love about old Disney is how you can see a lot of the same talent crossing over in different projects. Whether it be a lot of the original WED/Imagineering guys like Marc Davis, John Hench, and Yale Gracey coming from the animation studio, hearing J. Pat O’Malley in The Wind and the Willows and Alice in Wonderland and then seeing him in live-action with Spin and Marty, etc. The reason I bring this up is because I was watching Zorro a few days ago and was so pleasantly surprised to see Sebastian Cabot featured in an episode! Though it was strange to hear him put on an accent when his natural English one is so iconic!
And even within the same divisions, it’s still cool to see familiar faces and artistic touches and hear familiar voices. Watching The Shaggy Dog was such a fun experience after having watched the Annette serial because of the reteaming of Tim Considine, Annette, and Roberta Shore.
And oh my goodness, Moochie? What an interesting role to have in Disney history! 😂
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godheadjones · 2 years
part two of riverdale info dump (part one)
the core four are over for dinner and fake thornhill then penelope sends them on some missions where archie fights a bear, bee and vee drink poison and are slowly dying and jughead fights chic (imposter brother) for role of game master. betty must shoot her father to survive and she does. after surviving the night they escape the forest and are all traumatized even more. lovely. they talk in pops and with the clashing of milkshakes, we see a flash to spring of next year. around a campfire stand archie betty and veronica in their underwear covered in blood, throwing a bloody crown beanie in a fire. jughead is dead. how? thats yet to be revealed. a few months pass, summer ends and archies dad dies due to the passing of his actor. its a very heartfelt episode and its very well done but stuff goes to shit again. but good things are going for jughead! hes at a preppy school for his writing, attending with a bret weston wallis and donna sweett, who are besties and writers. also mentionable bettys real brother comes to town and guess what, hes also jugheads brother, while bugheads parents are dating. its basically incest but no one talks about it. jugheads class has a competition for ghostwriter and surprise! he gets it and a yale scholarship! thats so good for him, his loved ones congratulate. expect for the fact that it gets him killed. killed dead. bee vee and arch are all so sad, so sad that betty and archie get together! uh oh, it ignites old flames and jugheads not actually dead hes faking his death to prove the legend of stonewall prep. jughead besting death 2/? gifset. barchie cheat on their current partners and bughead and varchie break up around graduation time, which archie is too dumb to be able to do (he didnt have enough time to study with all his running away). 7, yes 7, years later, they meet up again. veronica is married to some guy named chad gekko. betty works for the fbi. archie just got back from fighting in ww1, a 4 year war. jughead published a book but at the cost of becoming and drunk. either way its a very lowkey interaction. jughead gets a job at pops and works with the new tabitha tate and they talk about the mothmen a lot. hm. what could that be? flames are kindled, couples get back and break up and its all a mess but before the season 5a finale we have betty and archie: fucking. archie and veronica: something is there. gay kevin and fangs: having tonis baby. jughead and tabitha: pining and a little kissing and handcuffs. chic and real half brother (charles) are actually gay criminals for each other so they try and kill betty after making her wed them. we get a hiram centric episode and the fans go wild. its only an episode tho, cause cheryl is starting a church to worship her dead brother. the mothmen are actually blossoms who incest incest and um. yeah. anyway pops blows up and they drive hiram out of town as his actor sadly leaves riverdale. hiram is not hiram forever. then archies house blows up and interrupts more barchie sex. now we’re in rivervale? and who is this jughead serling fellow showing us around town? most stuff is similar except the town sacrifices archie to the gods of the forest and no beta he die like jesus on the cross. more horrors haunt the town like the hot british devil, la llrona, and a history lesson on cheryls gay ancestors who is all one ancestor: abigal blossom. now archies alive again. yippee! jughead sees a dead jughead questions rivervale as she knows it and looks up on parallel universes. when archie is revealed as a killer (evil era) betty kills him and her and jughead make out with a bomb under the bed to try and destroy vale. twist tho. remember jughead serling. hes backkkk. he stops the make out ses and tells jughead vale to lock himself in a fuck bunker and write forever or else dale and vale die. by jughead have fun! dying is so fun tho you become a comic character with endless burgers at pops in heaven!
oh my god I need to make a part three of this. for just season 6b. that should be so fun
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Celebrating Grandparents
Fun with our Grandparents!
"Grandparents are both our past and our future. In some ways, they are what has gone before, and in others, they are what we will become." —Fred Rogers
Hosts Julia and Keerthi talk about the superpowers of grandparents. They possess the unique ability to turn every mundane event into an epic adventure. Each one is a treasure trove of adventure, mystery, and, quite often, questionable fashion choices from their youth. They’ve seen it all—wars, moon landings, and the evolution of the telephone from rotary to touch. Keerthi’s grandparents are Indian and don’t speak English, so they couldn’t be on the show today. But Keerthi shares how much she loves hanging out with them on their coconut farm when she visits India. One set of her grandparents is from the same village where Kamala Harris’ mom grew up! Julia introduces us to her two amazing and accomplished grandpas.
Yukon joined Julia and Keerthi for a lively discussion about how he came to America from China and became a renowned economist, not seeing China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China with an office in Beijing. His stories and advice will have listeners craving more. Unfortunately, Julia’s grandfather on her dad’s side was unable to come on the program but she interviewed him about his life earlier. Jonathan Howe is a retired four-star United States Navy admiral, who worked at the White House with Henry Kissinger and President Nixon. He was the Special Representative for Somalia to United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. He met his future wife at age 13 and the rest is history. Both grandpas have Wikipedia pages.
Yukon Huang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukon_Huang
Jonathan Howe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Howe .
This show honors grandparents everywhere! Grandparents are the heart of our history, the soul of our future. Celebrate your grandparents. Happy Grandparents Day!
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Bio: Yukon Huang:
Yukon Huang, Julia’s grandpa, was born in Chengdu/Sichuan and grew up with his grandfather in Changsha/Hunan. In 1949, his grandfather sent him to the United States, where his parents were studying. He did not see China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China and had his office in Beijing. He attended school in Washington, then the only Chinese among 600 students.[3]Yukon Huang is a senior fellow with the Asia Program. He was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China and earlier director for Russia and the Former Soviet Union Republics. He is an adviser to the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and various governments and corporations. His research focuses on China’s economy and its regional and global impact. Huang has published widely on development issues in both professional journals and the public media. His articles have appeared frequently in the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, Bloomberg, Foreign Affairs, and the National Interest. His books include East Asia Visions, Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia, and International Migration and Development in East Asia and the Pacific. His most recent book, Cracking the China Conundrum: Why Conventional Economic Wisdom Is Wrong  (Oxford University Press) focuses on U.S.-China Economic and Technology tensions. He has a PhD in economics from Princeton University and a BA from Yale University. https://carnegieendowment.org/people/yukon-huang?lang=en
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/151308/fun-with-our-grandparents
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mikereads · 6 months
Blair is rehearsing for Romeo and Juliet with a boy and he brings her home. He tries to kiss her but she pulls away saying she is busy with doing her poem assignment. He insists reciting a poem “let me count the ways” (🤮). Thankfully they are interrupted when the lights get turned on. Blair assumes everyone is asleep but is mistaken. She says they are just rehearsing and shakes his hand goodbye.
The episode is called “Emily Dickinson”. Mr.Bradley says the girls may not like poetry because it’s “flowery” aka gay! He asked Blair if she has hers done and she lies she does. Late Tootie asks her if she’s finished yet and Blair says no she just needs some inspiration. She teases Blair about the boy she saw but she shrugs her off still not inspired even after they kiss. She then picks up a book of Emily’s poetry. Aka the episode title. She teases she can’t be much based on her hair but once she reads a poem it’s a different story. She reads Beauty crowds me. Tootle doesn’t get it but Blair does
“I just have to get inspired, poems by Emily Dickinson”.
“Its a beautiful poem. You know she writes the way I’d write if I had the time.”- Gay!
In true sitcom fashion this gives her the idea to change a few lines and plagiarize it. Passing it off as her own by giving it a Blair touch. Tootie says it’s a bad idea but Blair doesn’t listen. She makes an excuse it’s okay since shes already dead- teen logic. When she first picked up the book she pretended she wasn’t familiar with her but she knows she died in 1886. More on that/ Blair is someone staying up late and reading Emily Dickinson poems alone under the covers, lesbihonest!
Blair feels guilty when she gets an A+ and everyone gets bad grades. Yes it’s to show plagiarism is wrong but also how did a English teacher who teaches poetry not recognize an Emily Dickinson poem that a teen girl slightly altered - no wonder he is fired before s2!
“So what are you going to do now Miss. Emily Dickinson,”- Tootie, I agree Blair is gay like Emily Dickinson.
“Poetry is like love it is better the second time around.” Blair x Jo!
Blair says she couldn’t sleep and Mrs, Garett asks her if it’s about Jason(?) she says no she has been busy thinking about Emily Dickinson, gay. She confesses she copied the poem and is convinced to come clean since she feels quite ugly for stealing. Jason then comes over and says he wants to kiss some more but Blair is preoccupied and not interested. She wants to come clean for what she did but Mr. Bradley says she can leave so Jason pushes her out the door.
Aka Jason is 17/18 not sure but he is doing college applications, Blair is 14, EW!!!!! 🤮
He then tries to wrap his arm around her and kiss her pulling all the “moves” but Blair isn’t interested. She is actually quite annoyed. When he leans in to kiss her she pulls away and turns her head having him kiss her cheek instead which is still to much.
“I’m leaving” “I know” That is her response she wants him gone, mood! Then makes fun of saying he’s going to college not war calm tf down. He says it twice insisting to kiss her which is just disgusting. He’s a creep, goodbye “doughboy” mood
“I’m sorry Jason I’m just not into this.” Gay!!!! Actual dialogue need I say more!
He still insists saying he is into (EW, no means no asshole ) but Blair says no she’s not and that she feels guilty. He asks her why they haven’t done anything. She says she has and he thinks she means something else (again the perceptions) but Blair clarifies she means cheating on her poem. He says it’s not a big deal he is cheating to get into Yale. (Which for Blair in later seasons is a big no-no the way she sees Ivy League schools.) He tells her to come here and pulls her towards him. She does try to kiss him but still isn’t into it. She cuts it off again saying sorry she needs to do her poem. The OG washing my hair excuse to get away from a guy and she runs inside. To confess she cheated and that she may be gay like Emily but she can’t write like her- sort of.
She wins a poetry contest third place but again how??? How did no one realize it was plagiarized. I mean Emily Dickinson is one of Americas greatest poets, one of the worlds greatest and changed poetry forever! How?????
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This is Blair on a date what a very heterosexual thing for a girl to do on a date. Loll a very not gay girl who doesn’t suppress thoughts of hugging and touching girls. How strange- lolll I had to. I mean she doesn’t look miserable at all (sarcasm)
The first line of her poem is how she doesn’t like what she sees when she looks in the mirror….- gay!
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
The thing with Logan in the planetarium episode that I can't really agree with is him using the fact that Rory is living at his place as a pointer against her when he offered for her to stay there. Sure, it's Rory benefiting from Logan having an apartment and not paying rent, but they're in a romantic relationship together and the key point here is that he offered. To me that comment of his is more of a personal attack against Rory in a similar way to how her article felt like a personal attack against him and his friends, but even that is not as comparable because we don't really see Logan be that incredibly close to those people. And it also feels lackluster when you recall that Logan has always had a love-hate relationship with the rich world he's a part of: in season 6 he was more than fine drinking during the day just to get through having to socialize with older rich people at one of the events that Rory organizes for her grandmother, he constantly argues that he's only being pushed through one door and has no further options because of his father, all while neglecting to consider the sheer benefits he has just from being in his family, and then in season 7, not even 5 episodes near the end, he's at least accepted that he's rich but is now all defensive about it?
It's just inconsistent writing on the character's part that in turn makes me feel disinterested in this whole side of his character that is so attached to who he is. If it was a more concretely written development for him, I'd at least accept it in season 7, but the writers felt like they needed to hammer in Logan slumming it in like 4 episodes before the end when he abruptly proposes to Rory and then dumps her. That's why the planetarium argument is neither here nor there for me when it comes to Logan and him calling out Rory. If he came from humbler origins I'd fully understand his criticism, but he doesn't. And he himself has such shifting feelings about being part of the rich world and his supposed friends, not to mention how this issue isn't even really resolved well within the episode for me because he goes from criticizing Rory's approach to being all "you intimidate me because you're such a good writer", that wasn't the issue they were arguing about. That's why I still don't agree with fans of his saying how this one scene is important in terms of Logan calling out Rory. Does this scene lead to any change in their relationship and Rory's own view of her privilege? No it doesn't. She still remains aloof as to how much privilege she has when she can't get into the NYT fellowship and Emily is even all "you didn't get it because of nepotism!". That even may be true, but Rory being able to finish Yale with no further student loans and a solid curriculum for future work is still more than other people get.
So pointing out that she doesn't pay rent there was a low blow for Logan and he knows it, which is why he apologized, but I don't think that makes every other point he made invalid. For me, it's not so much Rory's belief that "these people are rich, I'm not, therefore I have the right to make as much fun in them in print as I want, even though their chief sin is being boring!" but that these people were important to Logan, he needed them to further his goals, and she didn't care and decided to make fun of them anyway. It doesn't matter if they're his best friends or he likes them that much personally (they're not, he doesn't) you just shouldn't....do that. It's morally and ethically wrong. Find another angle. Rory didn't seem to care. The fact that Logan makes the connection with the website guy himself (to further her goals) when she doesn't care about his makes this even worse. However, I have little to no respect for Rory's profession in general because of stuff like this: journalists often seek to hurt and screw over any target they can find just because they can, and they don't care if their targets deserve it or the consequences of their actions. And I'll point out that Rory gets exactly in this frame of mind when she hurts Lorelai in AYITL by insisting on writing her side of Lorelai's life story when Lorelai all but BEGS her to find another angle and just write her side. You should tread more carefully when it comes to people you care about. Often she just doesn't.
This is why I kept going back to Jess, because Rory essentially ruined what should have been a great night for him because she was mad at Logan because her feelings took precedence over his. He didn't use her callousness against her (good for him) and she knew she had fucked up and treated him badly and apologized (good for her) but that doesn't mean any of it was right. In both cases Logan and Jess are trying to be adults and Rory has little respect for either of them.
How Logan feels about his privilege in general and Rory's ability to criticize it when she comes from similar privilege herself is a separate issue, but the fact that it is a conflict in the first place is reason enough for me to say no, this was not the second worst episode in the series and doesn't deserve it's reputation. And this is a low blow because Jennie Snyder Urman had no way of knowing this when she wrote this episode, but it's immensely amusing to me that Rory argues that she doesn't have a trust fund like Logan does when it's fairly obvious that she is using family money to get by in AYITL and ASP didn't want to say that outright.
So point being in general...this is not an altogether terrible storyline, Logan made some good points, and it's probably worth it enough by itself to move the episode out of the "second worst episode ever" category.
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