#the world is a trashfire
thatstormygeek · 1 year
Because printers are the way they are, I could not print a copy of my lab order as mine decided it needed yellow ink to print in black.
Because all of this tech that supposedly talks to each other doesn't, Quest apparently could not use any of the information on the digital copy of my paperwork to pull up said order on their system.
Because Google actually is evil (wtg, guys), gmail refused to actually send the email with the lab order attached to the dude at Quest.
Because T-mobile devoured Sprint, my cell service is exceptionally shitty, making everything much more time consuming than it needed to be.
Because I'm just one human with no power to change the system, I'm expected to eat shit and smile while clambering over and around the obstacles put in the way of every aspect of life by greedy assholes.
It didn't have to be this way.
Because of that, the rest of it is just so much more infuriating.
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tcfactory · 5 months
Okay smartass how would you fix Bingqiu if you had your way?
If you actually want to know you could do to be less of a rude little shit about it, anon, but all right.
This is not about 'fixing' anything. Bingqiu is a wildly popular ship and a lot of people enjoy the exact kind of delusional insanity these two have about each other and that's honestly great. Love it for them. Not my cup of tea though.
I think the easiest and fastest way to make them sort their shit out and maybe put them in a position where I might actually be interested in what's going on with them is to take the protagonist halo away. Maybe the System short circuits, maybe it just gets automatically turned off after the extras, don't know don't care.
A lot of Shen Qingqiu's self delusions are fueled by his unshakeable belief that Luo Binghe, being The Protagonist, is Perfectly Fine the way he is. Binghe is the Protagonist, so when there are no character development or obligatory angst events going on he is happy and healthy and a slightly charred good boy and Shen Qingqiu is The Happy Wife who dotes on his hubby and Everything Is Right In The World. Endless honeymoon with their responsibilities only coming to bother them every once in a while. And it makes it way too easy for Binghe to cover up that he's still hurt, still unstable and still insecure by what went down because Shen Qingqiu is willing to take him at face value when he presents his insecurities as just being shameless neediness for his husband. Of course he happily indulges Binghe! But that isn't really helping with the core of the problem now, does it?
Like, Binghe takes steps towards ensuring Shen Qingqiu's mental wellbeing even at the cost of his own as soon as Maigu Ridge is over when he takes him back to the sect. Shen Qingqiu tries too, in his own way (the entire segment in the tombs is all about him putting himself in very real danger for Binghe's sake) but at the same time, this is a guy who completely missed the writing on the wall that Bingge was deeply unhappy in PIDW. As long as he can hold onto his internal picture that The Protagonist Suffered A Lot But He Is Fine Now I don't think he can really offer the right kind of emotional support for Binghe to actually heal from what happened to him and move on to a healthier frame of mind.
If you take the protagonist halo away, then first of all Binghe can, you know, suck a little. Or a lot, actually. The world not making excuses for him and him being a little defanged would be good for him. He gets really nothing he actually wants from being the protagonist - Shen Qingqiu will love him anyway. Mobei-jun will still stick around to back him up and help him out, because he's still Shang Qinghua's favorite fictional son and Qinghua is happy to see Binghe happy, just, you know, somewhere way over there where he can't get jealous tsundere over Cucumber bro and maybe murder him about it. Sha Hualing is still going to be his buddy because he's her best source of human trivia and the writing inspiration for her girlfriend. Not having to be demon emperor and getting more time to spend with his husband would be a relief.
But he would have to be more aware of other people because he's not above them anymore. Maybe even forced to make a few new friends to get by. And his mask will fail and Shen Qingqiu will have to see him for what he is: just Luo Binghe, still hurt and still confused half demon, who loves him very much, but can't make sense of him and is afraid that he will be left behind or pushed away without explanation again and that's kinda Shen Qingqiu's own damn fault.
And Shen Qingqiu can't hold onto his delusions about The Protagonist. He can't willfully ignore that things are not fine with Binghe because he's not the Protagonist anymore and the world only allows that special privilege for the Protagonist. Binghe is just a guy now and he has so many heart demons he needs help with. His trauma from the abyss or Xin Mo can't be brushed off with 'oh that's just part of his blackening he's fine now' anymore. And it might need a little bit of adjusting to internalize that these problems have always been here just below the surface, but Shen Qingqiu genuinely loves Binghe and would want to help him become happier and more stable in any way he can.
Binghe becoming part of the world in a way that's one person among many - building a support network! maybe befriending new demons or actually getting to know and making up with the QJ disciples or finding common ground with LQG and becoming sparring buddies - rather than a protagonist in a sea of NPCs is a lot more interesting to me than whatever he has going on at the end of canon. And Shen Qingqiu can be there with him on that journey, because he already started unlearning the sense of unreality the System conditioned into him, but he still has a long way to go.
#i feel like a lot of very real hurt and mental scarring Binghe suffered just get brushed aside as 'oh it's just part of his blackening'#like the aftereffects of Xin Mo alone would deserve a mention but Binghe Has The Love Of His Life Now So Everything Is Fine#also I think people really undersell how hard SQQ can delude himself when he tries#he already had practice in it convincing himself that he's absolutely het and not even a little gay at all#but then the System really fucked up how he sees the world#made him see things structured completely around the arc of a harem and then romance protagonist#and neither of those frameworks ALLOW him to see how mentally scarred LBH is by everything#like he would occasionally get a moment of 'oh LBH might actually need more friends he looks lonely hanging out with just me and NYY'#but then his idiot reader brain reasserts itself and he convinces himself that it's FINE because the protagonist can't be maladjusted#I joke a lot that Binghe is a red flag and that's Shen Yuan's favorite color#but it's more a case of “you say that it's a red flag but I won't see it because the narrative can't allow it to be red”#Shen Yuan's attachment to the source material and the roles he constructs based on it are actively harming both of them#and I don't feel like it really makes things better that by the end he moved himself from the role of the Villain to the role of the Wife#they are still roles that impact how he interacts with reality n still constrict how well he's able to understand or be understood by Bingh#tl;dr.: Shen Yuan needs to become less of a delulu millennial trashfire bc it's holding both of them back from healing#anyway these are my unfiltered Bingqiu thoughts take it or leave it
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Hey so according to the Once Upon A Time Wikipedia page there were apparently conversations about the possibility of a revival as recently as February of THIS YEAR and boy oh boy
Do we need this? Probably not
Am I going to sit down and watch every single episode if it does come to pass? Absolutely I am in the trenches for this for the long haul
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bugsmaytrix · 2 years
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twitter’s gonna die lmao
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birbwell · 1 year
same anon, sorry i didn't really elaborate, fear and hunger Has a story but it is nowhere near as story and text driven as the other games in the post, it's mostly a shock value game with graphic gore and rape etc, it hinges entirely on grossness, it's just really not a story type game
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i suppose in that case I'll temper my expectations about it not being as story-driven as the others, which. i sort of already do expect it to be different in that regard what with it seeming to be a dungeon crawler (?) turn based rpg.
I'm aware of the gore but not of the rape,, tbh now that I'm properly warned I'm still curious about it, now I'm just holding a stick at the ready
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fluorescentbrains · 1 year
i am once again moving to the canadian wilderness like that dead guy on yellowjackets
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i-eat-worlds · 6 months
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
For anyone of your choice!!! <3
thanks for the ask!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Joseph was a phantom of the late quarantine. He and Alex sat very lonely on a massive google doc full of proto-whump for a couple years before I found this whumpblr. Little did they know what they’d be become.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
There’s definitely been a couple changes. Though, honestly his design still isn’t super fleshed out. I still do not know if he has a penis or not. Is hasn’t come up yet, and probably won’t lol
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reddpenn · 5 months
Something I love about writing fanfiction is that when canon drops an absolute dungheap of a writing decision, you do not have to just sit there and be disappointed about it. You have a whole world of interesting options.
1) Nothing here is salvageable. This plot point is a trash fire and it’s quickly setting the rest of the franchise ablaze. We as a fandom have elected to ignore it. It did not happen. I will write events as if they continued correctly.
2) Nothing here is salvageable, trashfire, etcetera, but let’s just play in the space for a moment. If we allow that fine, this incredibly stupid thing happened, can we mulch it down and grow something interesting from it? What led to things ending up so off the rails? Where do we go from here? What are the worldbuilding implications? I will dig deeply into this dungheap and make something worthwhile out of it.
3) There is the seed of a really good idea in here. The execution was garbage, but if it had been done differently, with better writing, with better pacing, with more thought and care and tact, it could have been golden. I will redo it, but better.
And there are many interesting combinations of correct/worthwhile/better! I love delving into this in my own writing, and seeing it in other people’s writing, because suddenly your fic is having a conversation with the original work. It’s transformative! It says something about what you personally loved and hated and took away from the story!
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astrologysaysno · 3 months
A Mobei-jun that plays hard to get cannot win over Shang Qinghua without outside intervention 99.99% of the time, and I have a vision why.
The thing I envision the most out of Shang Qinghua is that when he created Mobei-jun, never really decided on a lover for him. It was Shang Qinghua's and for Shang Qinghua only. Blue eyes, broad physique, stoic demeanor, all his type, 100%. Someone to love him and hold him in his dreams as he writes out this ever increasing trashfire novel he writes to survive.
But he lives in the PIDW world now. A world that has filled in the gaps with everything that he once wrote. So he thought maybe he had a chance. He made Mobei-jun as a perfect pair to him.
Then Shen Yuan arrived. Then everything else happened.
Now Shang Qinghua grapples with the thought that, of course they are nothing like the characters in the novel. Just look at Binghe. He was supposed to be this suave, conniving demigod of a person who would conquer civilizations in a heartbeat. Now he's stickily clinging onto his former master turned husband for dear life, obsessed and unequivocally in love.
What does that mean for the rest of the characters?
Shang Qinghua built Mobei-jun in the image of his ideal love interest, to give him affection and someone he can shower his love to. But just like Luo Binghe, Mobei-jun isn't that version he created in his novel. He has desires. Desires Shang Qinghua has not built into the lore. Thought processes and reactions that are not in line with his version of Mobei-jun.
And he is not Shen Yuan. He believes he has no capability to change the world Shen Yuan did as Shen Qingqiu. In his time as Shang Qinghua, every single major event in PIDW before Shen Yuan's arrival played exactly as it was supposed to. And the one time he had the chance to change it, he stuck to the story and saved Mobei-jun.
So when his king begins to date someone, a demon or cultivator that's clearly much prettier, smarter, stronger, and much more ruthless, Shang Qinghua bows his head and gleefully accepts their romance, for he is a coward.
Mobei-jun is not the version in PIDW he has created just for him. To box him into that image would be blinding yourself to the fact that this is not your novel anymore. This is its own world. And Mobei-jun is not his to keep. He is his own person.
So he won't think twice when Mobei-jun stares at him for a bit too long as Shang Qinghua congratulates him. He won't speculate as Mobei-jun looks at him in the party ball, his arm wrapped around the arm of his date. He will not question as he sees Mobei-jun's significant other leave his chambers or his king's increasingly frigid attitude towards him, nor will he ask about how it feels as if Mobei-jun is waiting for something, longing for something.
Shang Qinghua is not Mobei-jun's keeper,and Mobei-jun is not for Shang Qinghua to have.
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thatdeadaquarius · 9 months
Aquarius’s Genshin Impact... MASTERLIST for 2024!!
Support me with an iced coffee?! :D
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* = Art made by me for the post!
(Pls search "aqua fanart" tag on my blog to find fanart, yes FANART, for my bs stories!! Lmao)
Turn on the background music?
Chronological order, check the bottom of sections for newer posts!
Everything Else:
Harry Potter x Genshin Impact Crossover * Possession AU fanfic, AO3 Only (ongoing) You're the God of Teyvat. ...as a child Player 2 World Join Request? You're being witch-hunted?! ...sike lol
Powerpoint Night, last one standing wins.
Aqua gets isekai'd w/a follower, what mischief will we do...
You fell down, and no one's gonna help you?? Wowww (ur clumsy this happens all the time)
Imposter AU (NOT dark/yandere) U can good better than anyone in Teyvat, cont. Of this mini-series, starting here!
Imposter AU (NOT dark/yandere) U have powers from every video game youve played, ever, good luck lol ...
Language Shenanigans:
Blunt Language AU! : Harbinger but ur still their god, slay 💅
* Language Barrier back at it again, but comics this time!
Singer!Reader who is also a polyglot (speak many languages!) ◇ Other Stuff: Loading...
Safe Travels Traveler!
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thatstormygeek · 1 year
A kid's 18th birthday is an emotional rollercoaster for a parent, at least here in the US.
Your child is suddenly a legal* adult and still your baby. The days of cradling their tiny, sleeping form against you are long gone, yet seem impossibly recent.
There's a sense of accomplishment: you did it! You took a being who didn't exist two decades before and kept them alive through it all to reach this cultural milestone! Not that you're done--parenting is a lifelong commitment--but it's still a big deal to get this far.
And there's fear. Because you know there's still so much out there that can hurt them and you can't protect them from it all. Shouldn't do so, even if you could.
For me, there was also relief. A vast wave of it swept over me, leaving me breathless with the sudden absence of a creeping dread that had been present so long I'd ceased to notice its weight.
My kid was 18. Yes, he was still in high school and living at home, but he was an adult. No longer did I need to worry he'd be taken away from me because of who I am: trans. queer. fat. non-monogamous. leftist. satanist.
Despite providing for my child to the best of my ability, making sure he had physical, emotional, and mental sustenance and support, the possibility of losing him was never far from my mind.
And I'm white. Which does a hell of a lot to mitigate my risk when interacting with the system at any level. But that risk was still there. Until it wasn't.
Says something, really, about this country. That a person can worry their kid will be removed from their custody, not because of abuse or neglect, but because the white supremacist cisheteropatriarchy we live in has demonstrated its willingness to go to any lengths to maintain power and crush anyone who doesn't fit in their rigid categories.
So yeah. I sure as fuck was relieved when that birthday was reached. And I'm sending strength out to parents who still have that particular concern on their plates. Especially those who don't have the varying privileges I do. It shouldn't be like this. And we're going to keep fighting in the hope that some day it won't be.
* - legal adulthood not to include the use of tobacco, marijuana or alcohol. Complimentary predatory lending solicitations and aggressive armed forces recruitment provided. Age of adulthood for purposes of punishment can be reduced at the whim of the State. Access to certain types of healthcare may be restricted. Terms and conditions apply.
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tcfactory · 5 months
Been thinking about MoShang and the question of how they would handle SQH ascending, because depending on how the world works (which we don't really know based on canon tbh) the heavens might be a completely separate plane of existence you can't easily come back from if at all. Also what about BingQiu? Bingge or Bingmei, he would raze everything to the ground, kill everyone and salt the earth if he got separated from his Shizun.
I know the easy answer is MBJ's teleportation powers or SQH pulls some author nonsense, but hear me out:
Heavenly demons are called that because they were originally kicked out of heaven. Probably primordial deities of sorts. So technically it should be possible for them to ascend again.
So clearly the best way to make MBJ eligible for ascension is to turn him into a heavenly demon. Do they borrow the heavenly aspect from LBH who can ascend either as a heavenly demon or just a regular cultivator? Do they go through a bunch of wacky hijinks ft. TLJ? (“It’s a bit like mold, divinity. You only need to give a little and if the target cultivates the right way it will spread and he will become a proper heavenly demon over time. I’ll help him get started!”) Who knows, I haven't thought that far, this idea starts and ends with 'what if heavenly demon MBJ ascending with his husband?' actually.
Also if they decide that LBH should ascend through his heavenly demon ancestry, then he would need to actually better himself and sort out all his insane neuroses which sure would be An Event. Shen Yuan trying to very belatedly instill Good Morals (any kind of morals, really) in his husband would be a trashfire. MBJ can cultivate towards detachment or something, he has the temperament for it, but LBH can't and it would bug him so much that MBJ is beating him in something. All the while TLJ is giving Advice (Wrong Answers Only) from the sidelines because he put off trying to ascend until ZZL gets reincarnated, but that doesn't mean he can't be involved in the proceedings and have fun.
And once they are all gods there can be some extra shenanigans, because I always thought that it must be one hell of a time to sort the twelve peak lords/new gods out and this batch comes with two extra. Transmigrator and Airplane reveal? Sure, why not. Shen Jiu waiting for them there because he lived Shen Yuan's life (got all the therapy he needed, bettered himself and worked off his karma) and then the universe short circuited and he got pulled back here ages ago and he's kinda pissed that his martial siblings took this long? Hell yes (QiJiu are my blorbos, Do Not Separate).
Just a whole pile of "We ascended to heaven and it was only a medium-sized disaster, actually".
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Meaningless Suffering ≠ Consequences: An SPOP Rant Analysis
so one huge argument i've seen from SPOP fans, when it comes to Catra's redemption is that “she got tortured and mind controlled by Horde Prime. she almost died at his hands. therefore, she faced the consequences of her actions.”
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now.. could this be considered a consequence of her actions? the important question here is: why did Catra get punished by Prime? for going against his rules and freeing Glimmer. she got punished for doing one good thing. this was the consequence of her doing something right. if anything, she would be more discouraged to do good in the future, because the first time she does something good, she almost gets murdered for it.
but i digress. i've seen this trope be used with quite a few characters in media. the other example of this i want to talk about is Marcy from Amphibia. (spoilers for Amphibia below)
in the s2 finale, Marcy is revealed to have stranded her friends Anne and Sasha on Amphibia on purpose, because she didn't want to be alone. while this wasn't as bad as any of the shit that Catra pulled, it was still a fucked up thing to do. Marcy deliberately took Anne and Sasha away from their home and their parents, for her own selfish reasons.
like Catra, Marcy also has abandonment issues. her parents had informed her that they had to move and Marcy was terrified at the idea of having to leave Anne and Sasha behind. but that was still not an excuse for what she did.
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not long after her secret was exposed, Marcy gets stabbed by King Andrias while trying to escape Amphibia. she doesn't die, of course, it's still a kid's show.
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but to make things worse, she gets possessed by the Core later on, which is shown to be an extremely painful and traumatizing process (which they barely touch upon later). and then they show in a flashback that Anne and Sasha used to ignore Marcy and make her feel lonely, when this was not touched upon earlier in the series. in fact, Anne was shown to be very caring and attentive to Marcy up until this episode.
at this point, it's clear that the writers are trying to make the viewers feel sorry for Marcy. if they keep adding reasons why she's so miserable and traumatized, maybe the viewers would forget what she did to Anne and Sasha. right?
there is a small scene in s3 where Sasha questions why she should forgive Marcy, but it is quickly fixed by Anne telling Sasha that she should forgive Marcy. there's also a moment of realization for Marcy but even that is done in such a cliché and lighthearted manner, where the severity of her actions aren't addressed. and that's it. Marcy is rescued, she apologizes, and is immediately forgiven.
but then again, like SPOP, the last season of Amphibia was trashfire. i refuse to believe that people genuinely liked that season, it was so badly written and ruined everything that was set up prior to it.
anyway, let's come back to SPOP. it's clear that the writers of SPOP were also trying to do the same thing. put poor catgirl through the wringer, have her almost die and come back to life and voila! she is absolved of all her crimes.
for those of you who are still not convinced, let me try to make a real world comparison. let's just say i'm someone who bullies or abuses people. one day while getting home from school/work, i get hit by a car. i get grievously injured and go through a lot of pain. heck, maybe it even leaves some kind of permanent disability or injury.
is that a punishment for my actions? you can call it karma, but let's be real, karma doesn't exist. it's just a coincidence. and you bet i'm not going to wake up in the hospital thinking “this must be my punishment for abusing people”. if i really am an abuser who has no remorse for my actions, a random accident isn't going to change my mind.
and that's what happened with Catra too. she didn't consider Horde Prime's torture as a consequence of her actions. if anything, she used that as an excuse to mistreat Adora and the others even more. it's clear that she pitied herself for what happened. and everyone else pitied her, including the audience.
imagine if the good redemption arcs were written this way. imagine if, instead of working through his issues and facing actual consequences of his actions, Zuko was just tortured and traumatized even more by Ozai, and the Gaang just forgave him because they felt bad for him. yeah, people wouldn't be praising his arc anymore. or they would, who knows. i know i wouldn't be praising his arc.
because this is not the way to redeem a villain. the only way to redeem a villain is to have them face consequences of their actions and work for forgiveness. to show them consistently trying to make up for what they did and trying to be a better person, not because they want to be forgiven or accepted by the heroes, but because it's the right thing to do.
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vexwerewolf · 2 years
Heroes are all fucked up
I know this has been said before in a thousand different ways by a thousand different people and some of them said it better than me, but it's on my mind and so here goes:
Heroes are deeply fucked up people
The answer to "why would any normal person pick up a sword and go diving into caves full of monsters/strap themselves into a ten-ton death machine/fly between worlds in their spaceship doing crimes" is "no normal person would" because nobody with a happy, fulfilling life would need to.
Something happened to every D&D character that made them either want or need to put themselves in terrible danger on a regular basis. Something happened to every mech pilot in Lancer that makes them keep climbing into a walking weapon despite the risk. They don't have to enjoy what they're doing, they might hate it, but they need it because something happened to them that made them this way.
Firefly wasn't a perfect show, and not every aspect of it aged well, but it's such a good example of this. Malcolm Reynolds is a guy who believed in something enough to fight and kill for it, and he got to watch most of the people who trusted him die. Now he travels from place to place in a beaten up old trashfire of a ship putting himself in constant danger because it Makes The Thoughts Stop, and he tries to pass himself off as uncaring but he just can't help himself when an opportunity to do the right thing arises, because maybe, just maybe, if he does enough good things, maybe it will make up for his failures.
"Why do so many OCs have a tragic backstory" because we like to write about things that are interesting and the kind of people who live very happy, untroubled lives are not very interesting
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dorkynerd23 · 26 days
My Problem With Vanitymoth/My Thoughts.
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Hello guys!! Hope you're all doing good and well and you've been having a good and wonderful day/night. Now, this will sorta be a mixture of a critical/rant post, as this is someone I've been wanting to talk about as they're someone who's been criticized and talked about (mostly negatively) In regardless to the Murder Drones Community and I wanted to give my thoughts and opinions on this dude, as I don't think he's a very good cartoon reviewer but before I start PLEASE DON'T SEND ANY HATE!! This isn't meant for me to bash and send hate towards this dude, please don't do that shit as it's not worth it and doesn't make you any better, I just wanted to give my thoughts and criticisms about Vanity and his content, your allowed to critique him but don't send any hate. Anyways, the one I'm gonna be talking about is Vanitymoth and if you're not familiar and haven't heard of him, Vanity is basically a cartoon reviewer with about 12.8K subscribers and his first video which was uploaded back in 2022 (around the same year his channel was created) and was about Panty And Stocking and his channel wasn't as popular when he first started out and I discovered him around this time and thought his videos were decent and fine enough at the time, especially as he had a small following around the time but I honestly think it wasn't until he made his first MD video is when he really started to get more popular and I subscribed to him once he started making MD reviews as I was a huge fan around the time.
In the beginning I thought Vanity was a fine and decent enough reviewer and he seemed valid and gave some interesting points in his videos, but I started to notice some changes once he started putting out some more negative videos with one of the ones being his trashfire of a review on Lackadaisy and most of the time for his review he's just complaining and nitpicking as some stuff, (even though I do think in some aspects he can be valid) being negative most of the time, the only thing he really praises in Lackadaisy is the animation but doesn't bother really giving any more positive thoughts even though there is so much to adore and love about Lackadaisy, even if you aren't 100% familiar with the source material I think you'd still be able to follow along fine and enjoy the Pilot. But with Vanitymoth, it seems just didn't seem to understand and get the Pilot or what even the concept of a Pilot Is..the whole point of a Pilot Is to introduced you to the world, the setting where the story is taking place in and introduce the characters we'll be following along, and although Lackadaisy isn't perfect at all, no piece of media is, but I think they did a good job. Another thing Vanitymoth is that in his reviews for most of the time he thinks his opinions are the definitive answers to the direction the show is going and bashes people who actually know to have fun with the show and sees his opinions as definite facts.
He also constantly whined and complains about TADC getting more attention than MD, like he's complained about it a lot, he mentions it at some points in his "The Slow Death Of Murder Drones Fandom" and it seems he had an issue of another Glitch having another show going on that was more popular, like...you don't have to enjoy and like TADC but you don't need to put one show down to praise the other, why not enjoy both shows?? Also, the thing about the MD fanbase dying after the show ends, which I don't think will happen as the fandom has gotten bigger and popular since the Pilot's release and the show will still be rewatched and beloved by fans and others even now the show's over and just because a fandom doesn't interact 24/7 doesn't mean it's dead, that's like saying the Gravity Falls fandom died after the show ended..like the show is still popular and the fandom is still huge even years after the show's finale, besides Glitch has expressed that they wanna do more with MD in the future so we'll probably be seeing more of these characters in the near future, so that doesn't make sense and it seems Vanity only wants Glitch to favor MD only and it's just frustrating.
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Now, let's discuss his MD reviews..alright so first let me started off my saying that I'm fine with being critical and being criticism and there's many things you can critique about MD as it's NOT a perfect show but as I said the thing with Vanity is that he seems so damn negative in almost all his MD reviews even though some points can be valid, but most of the time to me..his criticisms just seems in bad faith, not valid and just him pulling stuff and random theories out of nowhere to fit his own narrative. Let's point out and start on how he just doesn't understand and gets the characters in the slightest, he doesn't shy away or even try to hide in the slightest that he's got hatred for both N and Uzi, Nuzi especially as a couple..but is totally fine and ships Cyn and N together and then got pissed at the fanbase and acted like a baby because nobody liked the ship, like jesus dude..
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And he's also mischaracterized the characters like most in the fandom do unfortunately but he's done it the most to both N and Uzi especially, like I said he doesn't shy away that he hates them with a burning passion. He's shown his hatered for Uzi (not even surprised in the slightest as he commissioned some hate art of Uzi getting beat up by J) and mischaracterized her and saying how her whole character is only involved around N and is blaming her just like some haters of Uzi and it's just frustrating..like UZI DIDN'T do anything wrong at all and characters can be characters on their own and have a love interest, I'm really sick and tired of all the Uzi hate is annoying as hell and frustrating, even after the finale Uzi is still getting hated and it's just so unjustified, Vanity and others need to realize that Uzi has gone through something called..."CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!" ✨💜 Y'all seem to NOT understand and get it and just wanna say certain things to make characters look worse and awful and overall don't get these characters, oh and don't get me started on his video about N's character analysis..and similar to Uzi, he doesn't understand and get N and called him "obsessive" over Uzi and and killed "Tessa" without a second thought and seems to see N as some yandere or something. And he's doing this all because he hates Nuzi, like you don't have to like this ship but acting this way and getting this mad and acting the way you do over a FUCKING ship is childish as shit, and another thing is that he literally pulled something from non-canon and called it a "pattern" because of Liam Vickers or some stuff like that and reading Vanity's so-called theories and analysis just reminds me of "Analysis so bad you don't even know what it's talking about anymore" thread over on Twitter, his video and the way he analysis N's character by ignoring his feelings and trying to paint him as this savior lunatic that's so obsessed with Uzi that he'd sacrifice the universe and loved ones just to have her is just...mischaracterization is an understatement, a straight-up bastardization of his entire personality and arc, Vanity doesn't understand or get any of these characters and gives these bad takes to make them look worse.
He's currently working on his review on the finale and I'm not looking forward to it in the slightest like as I said, I'm all for giving criticisms and you're allowed to love and be a fan of show I'm the same way, and I'm sure others are the same and don't blindly praise whatever they like 24/7 and see them as perfect, you're allowed to feel how you feel and you're valid and allowed to not like the finale. But most of the time in Vanity's videos is that it's mostly negative and he complains about almost anything, even nitpicking the smallest things and he barely discusses the positives about he reviews and uses his opinions as definite facts. It sucks because I really did enjoy and liked Vanity as a reviewer in the beginning as he did bring up some valid points and was decent as a YouTuber but as he kept on putting out more videos, getting more popular he just seemed to get more and more negative and I saw a quality drop in his videos, he's barely positive in his videos and it just makes him unpleasant and boring to watch and hard to fully enjoy his stuff.
Really hope this little rant sounded fair and was okay, I don't really do these type of posts anymore and don't wanna be mean as the intension of this post was to give some opinions on this person. Once again, this isn't me trying to send any hate to Vanity and I'll say once more, please DON'T send any hate and bother him, I just wanted to give my thoughts and opinions about him and his content as I've had some issues with his content since 2023'ish and wish he could improve as an reviewer and just be more fairer when it comes to what he reviews, along with seeing that people are allowed to enjoy and love more than one show and just because one show is getting more popular doesn't make another show any lesser, both TADC and MD are great and incredible shows made by talented and amazing people, Meta Runner is also another good (very underrated, btw) show and I know Gaslight District will probably be a great too, nobody shouldn't be holding and putting these shows against each other, bashing and praising different shows, please support all shows and indie animation as a whole. ❤️
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the-catboy-minyan · 8 months
I wonder how much of the performative activism with the whole i/p trashfire comes from gen Z's only experience with activism be through lgbtq spaces.
think about it, queer activism is about normalising lgbtq themes in real life and in media, it's about showing the world "we're here, we exist, and we're normal." that's why putting rainbows in your username is good, that's why drawing your favorite blorbos with queer flags is good, that's why talking about queer people is good.
the goal with queer activism is exposure and normalisation, the goal is for queer people to be seen as equal and normal, the goal is positivity.
what's the goal with the free Palestine movement? to bring awareness to the public's eye? the public is already very much aware of the situation. the goal should be helping their cause and to stop their suffering. what are you gaining by using watermelon filters and drawing cartoon characters holding Palestinian flags? how is that helping the starving and dead? how is it helping the ones trying to escape?
our generation is so used to bringing awareness without actually doing anything, because they're used to awareness being the only goal. awareness does nothing in this situation, it only brings harm by making every corner of the internet focused on politics, unsafe for people who are triggered by war, and hides other, bigger atrocities happening right now in other countries by overexposing a singular war.
people are already aware enough about what's happening in Palestine, it's time you do something about it.
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