#the way that mew ALWAYS smiles even when he was unconscious and they were broken up 😭😭😭😭😭
forcebookish · 2 months
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*cuddles* bonus forcebook:
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voorheehees · 4 years
the talisman
a little thing I wrote for my slasher oc :p 
The neon lights of the city looked almost muted behind the tinted windows. Red, green, gold, and pink letters spelled ‘Poker’, ‘Lobster Dinner’, ‘Live Nudes’, ‘Dead Nudes’, ‘Girls Girls Girls’. It was beautiful. Jonas watched the lively strip from his top floor suite, like a king watching over his peasants. The view from the top of The Talisman Hotel & Casino could not be beat, depending on who you asked of course. Jonas kept one hand was clasped around a glass of scotch, the other tucked casually into his white pants pocket. He looked like a cliche pornstar, washed up, sleazy, but a decent enough frame to rake in a few bucks. His brown hair was forced back by a thick layer of gel, exposing a pale face with cold, blue eyes. If it wasn’t for the expensive suit and solid gold chain around his neck, one might assume he was nothing more than a busted used car salesman. But busted as he may have been, Jonas Deihl was no cheap bastard. The Talisman Hotel & Casino had been in his family for generations, passed down from father to son. Old, old money. And despite his reckless casanova reputation, Jonas was no fool when it came to running the family business. The Talisman was known for its luxury and top-of-the-line services, attracting all customers from celebrities to billionaires to wasted bachelorettes. It was a sinner’s eutopia. And most everyone knew the devil that ran it. Although the general opinion of Mr. Deihl was that he seemed like a bit of a sociopath, reeked of overpriced cologne, and overall came off as quite off at times, people could in no way deny his sickening charm or the thick wad of cash he kept generously in his breast pocket. And Jonas devoured the attention. It was a rare feat to see him roaming the bar or lobby without a model or drag queen or two wrapped around his arm, and a signature devious smile plastered on his face. He was like the poor man’s Hugh Hefner.
The shrill sound of a meow which could only be compared to the sound of a slow, painful death suddenly tore Jonas’ attention away from the Las Vegas cityscape. He turned to see a tortoiseshell cat sitting perched on the glass coffee table, her orange eyes glaring daggers directly into her master’s chest.
“What’s the matter Camile?” Jonas cooed, approaching the animal.
“Daddy not giving you enough attention?”
He set his glass down on the table and reached out to scratch Camile’s head. Without warning, she hissed loudly, whipping her paw around to sink a set of sharp claws into his hand. The man yelped as he ripped his hand away, unintentionally making the damage of the scratch worse. Camile seemed pleased with herself at the sight of blood dripping down his bejeweled fingers. Jonas swore under his breath and once again lifted his glass, making sure to take one last, large gulp of the liquid. 
“Little bitch.” He grumbled.
The two of them had never particularly gotten along. Yet over time, Jonas had become very attached to Camile, thinking of her more as a baby than a pet, and she liked the free food, catnip, and designer collars. The man pulled a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and pressed it to the wound. It seemed that sharp nails were his only kryptonite. The clear, small but deadly ones of sweet little Camile, and the colorful ones of desperate, panicked fingers attached to soft, trembling hands. He smiled at the thought of them, unconsciously tracing over the pink, fleshy scars on his collarbone. He remembered the woman who had put them there. It was three months ago. Her nails had been green with little gold hearts on each of the ring fingers. They looked cute, different. That’s why he had picked her. He liked the ones that stood out in some way, whether it be their nails, shoes, hair, anything really. He had an eye for unique pieces. 
The images of past conquests dancing in his head reminded him of his latest one, whom he had so rudely left alone in the bathroom. He smiled to himself, tossing the bloodied handkerchief onto the coffee table. 
He could hear muffled whimpers even before he reached the door handle. The sound was music to his ears, an itch to his groin. He opened the door like it was some game show reveal of his million dollar prize. Yet there was no car or all inclusive trip to Aruba waiting there for him. It was so much better.
The woman on the bathroom floor made the best attempt of a scream at the sight of him, which was unfortunately cloaked by the wash cloth stuffed deep in her mouth. Jonas grinned down at her, slowly removing each of his rings as she scooted her bound body towards the bathtub in a trivial effort to escape. He found it sort of amusing, in a sad kind of way. Her legs had been broken, and it took every fiber of his being to not burst into laughter at the sight of her struggle. She had just moved to the city with hopes of becoming a burlesque star. Jonas had smiled at her wide, eager eyes as she told him her plans at the downstairs bar, all the while mentally howling at how pathetic she was. It was no trouble to get this naive little princess up to his suite. 
He slunk towards her before crouching down to her level. She winced as he removed her gag, gasping at the sudden sliver of freedom. Her two front teeth had a large gap, like Pattie Boyd. That’s why he had chosen her.
It was all such an incredible high to him. Better than any drug, liquor, or orgasm could ever give him. The fear in her eyes, the gore of her now useless legs, the thick stench of sweat and adrenaline that filled the windowless room. He got off on the power, the idea that for a short moment in time, he was God. He wiped the mix of tears and mascara from her cheek, hands hot and vile against her cold skin. 
“Why’re you crying baby?” his voice attempted to carry out a sweet tone, which only sounded more bitter. 
The woman’s lower lip quivered, her eyes frantically trying to avoid his own. 
“Please don’t hurt me. Just let me go home.” she choked out. 
Jonas smiled and sucked his teeth, seemingly drinking her words up slowly in contemplation. His ego felt swollen, not dissimilar to how the patrons of his casino must have felt when they won a jackpot or when they knew they were about to get lucky. 
“Sorry beautiful,” he spoke finally, “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”
She couldn’t even blink before the man pulled a knife from a holster around his ankle and plunged directly between her still wet eyes. A look of shock and hopelessness remained painted on her face as her body fell onto the tile floor with a thud. Jonas removed the knife and placed it back into the holster. His heart raced, his eyes were wild. It was pure ecstasy and he didn’t want it to end. He slowly rose to his feet, shifting his attention to the sink to wash away the crimson residue. His high was wearing off fast, and the self-loathing and restlessness began to creep back into his mind. He looked into the mirror. His eyes were baggy and dark, pristine white suit now riddled with blood. He looked like shit, to say the least. He splashed cold water onto his face and stripped down, leaving only his chain and weapon on his naked body. A red, silk robe hung on the back of the bathroom door which he slipped into. He felt drained, miserable even, crashing back down to his decrepit existence after such sheer moments of bliss. This was always the worst part of what he did, the aftermath. He plopped down onto the couch with a grunt and propped his feet up next to Camile who hadn’t left her spot on the coffee table. She used his legs as a bridge and climbed over his body to rest on the back of the sofa next to her owner’s sleepy head. 
“Are you ready to be nice now?” Jonas asked her in a condescending tone. 
She mewed in reply, glendly pawing at his hair. Jonas smiled and scratched her chin, his eyes becoming increasingly heavier. He let them close, already dreaming about his next great high. 
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nightmaretyrantvantas · 5 years
The Journey for Mew Part 2: The Distressed Aftermath and the Lost Start of the Adventure
Alright guys the story continues in part 2 as morning rises on our bois after the previous hellish night!
What will happen to the good bois....time to find out!
Im also trying something a little different so I hope it works out right
Buckle back up this is gonna be another long one
Patton jolted at the sound of slightly frantic knocking at the front door, snapping him out of dozing off and his head falling into the carrots he was cutting. He set the knife down and rubbed his tired baby blue eyes, adjusting his glasses and trying to put on a happy face as he shuffled through the house to the front door and undid the locks. He pulled open the door with a smile plastered on his face, hoping he didnt look as exhausted as he felt.
“ Oh, Emile! Remy! This is a surprise I didnt know you guys were back in town, you never called! Cmon come on in im just getting lunch done and prepping dinner.” He led the two taller gym leader males into the house and to the open kitchen and dining room, gesturing for them to sit down and make themselves at home. 
Remy glanced around and then out the big open windows, where he could see Roman and Remus outside rebuilding parts of the fence, fixing up broken and demolished sheds and pokemon habitats, and adding burnt trash to a slowly growing disposal pile seperating them. Even in the distance he could faintly make out the bandage patches and nasty bruises covering Remus whenever he turned towards them. Then he looked back towards Patton who was cheerfully catching up with his fiance Emile as he finished making lunch. One of Patton’s pokemon, a gentle natured Gardevior that helped run the nursery, came into the room from the back with a basket of berries, smiling and greeting them softly. 
“ Well heya Viola! Hows motherhood been treating you?” Emile chuckled with his question, watching the small line of hatched Ralts waddling after the older pokemon, each holding their own berry. Viola smiled and shooed them to the nursery while setting the basket down. 
“ Oh Viola’s been having a fun time raising the ralts, they all adore her and follow her around whenever they can, I always know she’s nearby if I see a ralts.” Patton chuckled as he finished the burgers and salad and set some down for the guests and set some aside for Roman and Remus and himself before sitting down with them at Viola’s insistence. Taking a closer look at him the other two shared a concerned glance.
Patton, to be frank in Remy’s opinion, looked like shit. His round glasses were smudged more than usual and one side of them looked like it had been hastily repaired as they now sat lopsided on his freckled face. His skin was pinkish as if recovering from a sunburn and his eyes were tinged around the corners, bags of exhaustion forming under them. Once he sat down the shorter trainer slumped a little into his chair, giving them a smile and sipping some lemonade as he asked how their lives were. Remy leaned back, crossing his arms.
“ Its been uneventful at the gym, something it seems I cant say for here. Time to cut the stalling babe, what the fuck happened here?” Patton winced and Emile elbowed his fiance.
“ Rem. You gotta be gentle when asking some things...” He sighed and looked at Patton with concern.
“ But Pat...what did happen? Half the fencing is destroyed on either side of the house, alot of parts of the property around it and in front of it look trashed and scorched....Is everything ok? Wheres Thomas and the others?” There was a sigh and Viola sensed her trainer’s distress, coming over and placing a calming hand on his shoulder. He smiled and looked at his lemonade, pulling off his glasses and rubbing his eyes without answering.
What had happened?
Where were the others?
These were things that echoed in his mind, getting lost in thought as he looked outside. 
Things were still a bit blurry towards the end of last night. Patton remembered the fire, feeling the heat dangerously close to his skin, burning him lightly as he struggled to douse the flames and keep grunts away from the pokemon.
He remembered them retreating and seeing Remus chasing them off more with a piece of the fence, angry pokemon following him to help him. 
He remembered hearing Logan scream, and running towards him.
He remembered being sick with horror seeing Virgil’s unmoving body in his arms and running, calling his name. And watching Logan collaspe into Darkrai’s waiting arms.
Take them inside, they will need treatment Patton human. Do not fret, I will keep any more threats away for the night. You will be safe.
He remembered helping Thomas and Roman carry the two inside and Remus stumbling in after, panicked because he couldnt find Janus anywhere.
Janus was gone. His older brother was missing.
He almost choked on a sob right there at the table thinking about it, about the fact Virgil lay unconscious upstairs, still not waking up. 
About the fact Logan was just as unmoving in his own room across from him.
He took a shakier breath and refocused on the two now very worried friends across from him, and dropped his smile.
“ It happened last night....” 
Janus wasnt sure where he was at first when he awoke, all he knew was he was warmer than before and not in bed. He looked around in a sleepy panic at the nature around him, noticing he was laying in a burrow covered in thick moss as a makeshift blanket and Mew still asleep in his arms. Seeing Mew brought back the memories of the night, and the fact a usually standoffish Dusknoir had pulled him to a bit of safety before teleporting him away before he could make a sound, and he had the foggier memory of wandering closer to the mountain pass opening after landing before the exhaustion blurred his memory too much. He did NOT remember making a bed in a burrow, and he carefully crawled out with a yawn. As he did the greenery around him shuddered and rustled and instinctively he held Mew tighter, his guard snapping him into full alertness.
“ Saandslash!” “ Krok? Krokorok!” 
And all at once he relaxed as two of his own pokemon stumbled out, both holding armfuls of edible herbs, wild growing vegetables, and fruits and berries. Both brightened upon seeing their trainer awake and hurried over smiling up at him happily. Janus let out a relieved laugh and sat cross-legged, placing Mew gently in his lap to rub their heads affectionately. 
“ Did you guys tuck us into a safe place to sleep? You even got food already...ha...You’re both great guys...” He ran a hand through his hair and watched Ethos his sandslash and Pathos his krokorok work together to tug a another clump of thick moss over to him and set the food down, plopping down beside him to eat breakfast. But he couldnt eat at first, looking up at the mountain beside him that seemed to stretch up past the clouds. What was he even doing here? Why did they send him here? What had happened to the Sanctuary, to his little brother, to his friends? 
Questions and worries whirled through his head at everything unknown to him. He was a good maybe...three of four days journey on foot from his home, partially lost in the wilderness with no supplies except for the pocket knife Remus gave him for his birthday and a compass he wore as a necklace, and his pokemon and an injuried legendary pokemon, and absolutely no idea what he was supposed to do. 
His mind flashed to thoughts of Virgil, of him throwing Mew to him and running into battle...of his body folding to the ground...to Remus, who was likely frantic and confused at his sudden absence. Who would get himself into reckless danger to try to find him...Janus squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to try pushing the images away. Dwelling on that too much right now wouldnt help him. With a sigh he looked down at the bundle and nudged it open more, watching Mew’s breathing with worry. 
“ Krok...” His eyes flickered up to see Pathos standing by his knee, holding out a rawst berry to him. He smiled and took it, patting his head. 
“ Good thinking Pathos....this should help them alot.” He watched the ground pokemon perk up happily and moved carefully to pull out his knife, trying not to jostle the poor smaller pokemon too much. Janus began cutting the berry into little bite sized pieces and set the knife aside to scoop Mew up closer and press a piece of berry to its mouth.
“ Cmon buddy...this will help you feel better...I promise...” Mew stirred and weakly pried open its eyes, keening at him softly and leaning its head away. He sighed and gently offered it again.
“ I promise Mew its ok...Its a berry...itll help...” It still refused and looked at him, making him smile in return.
“ Here, We’ll prove it.” He took a few pieces and popped them into his mouth, eating the contently and trying to ignore the ore bitter taste. He mightve not hidden the taste as well as he hoped, but he saw Mew smile and giggle faintly which made it worth it. After him both Ethos and Pathos took some pieces and ate some as well, giving Mew reassuring chirrs and nods. After watching them all Janus offered another piece, and one by one Mew ate the rest, though its tongue stuck out at the taste. He chuckled and then cut up an oran berry and repeated the process, and then with some more berries until Mew seemed full and nuzzled back into Virgil’s jacket for warmth. 
“ Good job buddy, now get plenty of rest...you deserve it.” He leaned down and lightly pressed his forehead to Mew’s, a sign of trust and respect he had learned in his time traveling and working at the Sanctuary. He felt Mew relax and smiled, moving its head up to touch noses. 
And suddenly his head was filled with blurry images. 
The mountain
A path off the main summit path. A cavern opening in the side of the mountain hidden by a weeping willow.
Tunnels in the cavern, crystals lighting the way.
Pokemon in the mountain.
Another path within the mountain, crystals densing and filling more and more of the walls
The heart of the moutain, and a cavern of light reflecting crystals
A pool of glowing water in the center
A blurry image of hands placing Mew within the water, and mew popping out of the water fully healed.
A destination, and a goal.
And just as suddenly as the images came they disappeared and he lifted his head slightly dazed to see Mew fall back asleep, breathing still weak but a little stronger than before. Once he regained his bearings he looked back up at the mountain before him, brows furrowing in determination. Janus may not have everything he was shown fully deciphered but now he had a place to start. And a goal to set his eyes on. With that he cradled Mew in his arms and got to his feet. Ethos walked up beside him and stood at his side, looking up at him with curious eyes. Pathos did the same on his other side, and he smiled down at the both before shifting Mew in his grip a little and looking up the path, mind racing to connect pieces.
“ Alright guys...lets make ourselves a makeshift bag and gather as much food as we can. We got a long journey ahead of us.” 
He just hoped he could make it before his friends did anything stupid to try and find him...
“ Patton this is a really serious problem. Shouldn’t you file a missing person report by now?” Patton sighed and poked at his food, food Viola persistently encouraged him to eat until he caved.  He looked up at his friends and their understandably horrified expressions, both their eyes wide. Though Remy’s expression was quickly turning into anger, eyes narrowing dangerously. 
“ I know...I know this is serious. Thomas is in town right now with Joan at the pokemon center....watching over the pokemon we couldnt heal here and reporting the attack to the police...and I want to file for a missing person...I really do...but with everything that happened what if Janus went to get Mew to safety? What if making his disappearance known puts him directly in Team Rocket’s sights and they go hunting for him? Theres just...there’s just too many what ifs and unknowns that we dont want to risk it...I know thats stupid but...” He sighed again and looked out the window.
“ Its also one of the only things keeping Remus from running off to search for Jay blindly. Hes...hes in a bad place right now, we all are, but he’s taking everything especially hard. He tried to run out last night and start searching the woods on his own...It took me, Roman, and Thomas everything we had to keep him in the house...I stayed up with him the rest of the night trying to reassure him jay would be back soon...and that helping out here would be what he’d want from us anyway...” Emile touched his hand tenderly.
“ He’s going to snap and go off on his own if he doesnt show up sooner or later Patton...you know this.” Pattons eyes flickered to Remy and he nodded, looking more exhausted and miserable than before. He was tired, drained, and sick with worries. But he and Thomas were the only things keeping everyone together, keeping them calmish and keeping them on track to getting everything put back together....Patton couldnt let himself break right now, not when he was responsible for keeping everyone else from breaking apart, not when Thomas needed his help and needed someone to lean on. He was one of the older ones here, he needed to be the strength they all needed. 
“ I know...but that isnt going to stop me from trying to help him not, and give him whatever support Remus may need to make it through this rough patch.” His voice was tired, but firm and set. He sat up straighter and put his glasses back on with a stern, stubborn expression.
“ Its what my big brother would want from me...what Logan and Virgil and Thomas and Remus and Roman all NEED from me. So for now...we’ll file the report of the attack and repair and rebuild. We’ll help Virgil as much as we can, and we’ll keep this house welcoming for when Janus comes back.” Not if, when. 
He couldnt accept any other alternative.
Maybe an hour later the two left promising to drop by tomorrow to help them rebuild more, as they wanted to go check on Thomas as well. Once the door shut Patton slumped heavily against it and stared at the ceiling before looking towards the backdoor, listening to the sounds of the boys working tirelessly amongst the sounds of pokemon chatter and grunts. His shoulders dropped and he didnt notice himself sliding down the door into a sitting position, nor did he notice his eyes tearing up as they drooped closed.
He didnt have time to sleep right now.
He had to help them with repairs...
...He just wanted his brother back and his friends to wake up....
.....Patton just wanted their normalcy back.....
Janus just wanted their normalcy back as he started up the mountain path grimly, looking back once towards his home before continuing resolvely. Because he couldn’t return until this was done.
End of part 2
Aaaaaaaand here it is! Part 2 is done!! 
Wow this came out longer than I thought it would but I’m really happy with it none the less! I hope you guys like it so far! Part 3 to come soon!
Deceits on an journey and the others are trying to pick up the pieces, whatll happen next I wonder....( I promise it starts to get less angsty from here)
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near-dareis-mai · 6 years
taking small steps back home (carol/maria)
(Also on Ao3)
They rebuild their small family little by little, in the stretches of time when Carol is not off in space fighting some threat or other.
There are big moments that define these stretches of time when she's home: the first time her and Maria confess their love to each other, the commitment ceremony they hold after she properly proposes to Maria,  Monica's graduation from elementary school.
But, right alongside these life-defining events, there are small and seemingly inconsequential ones, that let Carol know that she's truly found her family again, that she once more has a place in the world where she belongs.
Small things, for instance, like a simple photo.
"A family photo?" Maria blinks up at Carol. Carol notices that her hands are still unconsciously rifling through the high school admissions brochure she'd been skimming, even as her attention is focused on Carol.
"It's been eight years now," Carol says. " I've been looking at Monica's photoboard. It's about time we got an updated one to put on it, don't you?"
She smiles at Maria, and sees an answering smile bloom. It is, as always, a slow transformation of her face, in subtle shifts of elation. Also as always, Carol watches transfixed.
"Alright," Maria says in a low register, before raising her voice. "Monica? Come here, baby."
There's the padding of feet down carpeted stairs, and then Monica barrels into view, so fast that it's almost as if - and Carol is willing to bet that's the case - she'd been waiting for the call. She almost trips over the rug in her haste, as she reaches them, but Carol sweeps her up at the last time, in a windmill of arms.
"Careful!" Carol rights Monica, while Maria sighs and rolls her eyes upwards in a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "Could've gotten in some real trouble there, lieutenant."
"Sorry, sorry." Monica giggles, and squirms around until Carol lets her go.
"Since I'm sure you weren't eavesdropping at all," Maria says, fixing a stern look at her daughter, which is returned with a meek poker face by Monica that Carol is incredibly proud of. "I'm sure you didn't hear that we're gonna be taking a new family photo, and that you're gonna need to get dressed."
Monica nods meekly and barrels off again, and Maria fixes Carol with the same stern look.
"She got that from you," she accuses, getting up from the kitchen table and wandering in Carol's direction.
Carol just smirks back at her, and Maria's stern look dissolves into a smile that she seems to be physically fighting off.
"Come on." Carol slings an arm around her waist and draws her close, dropping the rest of her words against her ear in a lower register. "If we're fast enough in dressing, I'll show you what else she got from me."
Although Maria rolls her eyes, Carol still feels her melt into the hold. As she leans against Carol, the lines of Maria's face soften, as if some great weight has been taken off her.
"It's good to have you home," she says, quietly.
Instantly, Carol feels guilty. She tries to be home as much as she can. But, between finding the Skrulls a new home, and rounding up the thousands of refugees scattered in every sector of their galaxy, she finds herself stuck in space for weeks on end sometimes. Helping out on one planet or another, and unable to see the two most important people in her life except via the comms.
"I'm sorry," she says, "I should be home more, I know. I should be" - she sneaks a look back the admissions brochure left on the kitchen table - "I should be helping out more with things like that. I promise I'll be back in time to do the school visits with you."
"Hey, hey," Maria says quietly, jostling her to get Carol's attention. "I didn't mean it like that. I know you've got things to do, out there. I just meant, it's nice, having my co-pilot back, sometimes."
Instead of answering, Carol draws her closer, knowing that words aren't enough, not to explain everything she feels in her heart, towards Maria and towards their family. Words aren't enough to explain that the only regret she feels over her newfound powers is that they keep her away from the two people that she longs to be with always. Words aren't enough to explain that the only place she'll ever call home is the one she has made with the woman beside her, and her daughter rushing around upstairs.
Words aren't enough, so she holds Maria and deposits a soft kiss against her temple - knowing that if she made any further move, they'd probably be hearing a drawn out complaint from Monica - and hopes that someday soon, this war hanging over their heads will end, and they can go back to what they were again, just a family of three that had found each other amidst all the tumult of the world.
They make a short stop on the way to the photo studio, to pick up a very disgruntled Flerken from a very disgruntled Fury.
"Thought you were leaving her with me for the whole weekend," he grumps, as he hands Goose over. "Take good care of her, now."
"We'll be back with her before you know it, mom," Carol calls back, as they drive off, and settles back in her seat with a grin, while Goose climbs all over her, meowing out her dislike at being taken away from her favorite human.
"Damn, he really is attached to that cat, huh?" Maria remarks, glancing away briefly from the road.
"Mm-hmm," Carol murmurs, as the flerken finally climbs off her and dozes off to sleep on the dashboard. "You know, I think being a lethal weapon just made him fonder of her, somehow."
They make it to the studio in one piece, but it turns out that maybe having Goose in the family photos isn't as good an idea as Carol had initially thought. Because, the flerken takes one look at the glares of camera around them, and freaks out.
Carol manages to close her hands over Goose's mouth just in time to trap the tentacles, glancing sheepishly at the terrified photographer's assistant who had been helping them get settled in the booth.
"Um," Maria states into the elongated silence, which is broken only by a quiet snicker from Monica. "Maybe we should take a rain check, or just do this at home."
She leads the way out of the studio after many apologies for the cancellation, Carol keeping a watchful eye on Goose until they're out in the open air.
"Never a dull moment when you're here, is there?" Maria says, as they walk aimlessly in the direction of the crowds.
"It's why you keep me around, isn't it?" Carol says, smiling at her until she sees the unwilling upward tilt of Maria's mouth, before turning to wink at Monica. "Come on, Goose Danvers deserves to be in the photo."
"Goose Danvers?" Maria raises her eyebrows. "You've given the cat a last name? No, never mind, I'm not even surprised."
"I like it," Monica chimes in. "Welcome to the family, Goose Danvers!"
Goose mews back, as if in reply, and Maria sighs.
"I can see when I'm outnumbered," she says, shaking her head, before turning her attention to the ice cream stall on the sidewalk. "Alright, let's not waste an outing. How do flerkens feel about chocolate ice cream?"
Monica is off running towards the stall before she finishes the question, and Goose jumps out of Carol's arms, chasing after her.
"They like it as much as Lieutenant Trouble does, I think," Carol says, lazily looping an arm around Maria's shoulders - this part is new, that they're now in a time where it's more okay to do things like this, out in the open, and she revels in it every single time when they're out - and depositing a languid kiss against her cheek. "Why don't we go and find out?"
They walk towards their daughter, all disappointments about ruined photoshoots and lost time forgotten.
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greekowl87 · 7 years
Fic: Chicago Layover Pt 2
A/N: So, there is a touch of smut in the beginning. So I guess NSFW. Other than that, pretty much pure MSR fluff fest. Just a heads up. P.S. Miss the first part? Here.
Disclaimer: Still don’t own a thing. Just borrowing.
The blizzard continued to rage outside, the skyscrapers becoming invisible in the snow. Scully was bundled under the rich sheets, snuggled cozily against Mulder's side as Alfred Hitchcock's "The Crystal Trench" played on to the large tv in front of them. She never though Mulder as a cuddler. In all honesty, she never expected this to happen except in her dreams. Granted in her fantasies, they were usually wearing a bit less clothes, not the ones they normally slept in. But she wasn't going to complain.
They had devoured breakfast, the bloody marys. She was already slightly buzzed and just happy to have this. "Why Hitchcock, Scully?"
She shrugged. "You know I like the classics. Besides, the moral of this story is relevant. Don't go waiting in the past, move towards the present, or else you waste your life."
"Trying to tell me something?"
He lowered his mouth, gently nuzzling her forehead before finding her lips again. This time, the kiss wasn't so innocent. He gently plunged his tongue into her lips, them battling for dominance. She sighed against him. All those years of eating sunflowers, she wondered, what his tongue could do. Her thoughts trailed off as he broke away, smiling devilishly.
"Just wow?"
"Well, it's been awhile," she admitted. She got up out of bed. She did not want to admit it but prolonging it was a bit fun. Her blood was beginning to simmer. "Let's play a game."
"Like a slumber party game, Scully? Where we paint our toe nails and do a quiz to find our soulmates based on our zodiacs?"
"I read somewhere that Piceses and Libras get along really well together even though they can drive each other against the wall," she teased.
He rested his head on his elbow, smiling at her. "Really, Scully? I didn't think you were into horoscopes. Regardless, we're still not getting out of bed. So come back here."
He lifted the covers gently and she rolled back into them. She became the little spoon to his big spoon as they found themselves in the position they had woken up earlier that morning. This was quickly becoming their favorite thing. She sighed in contentment, watching the snow.
"Did you ever see anything like this on Martha's Vineyard," she asked softly.
"Hm. Not like this. You've heard of lake effect snow, Scully?"
"Yes. I think so."
"I mean, it's snow, roughly treated the same way. But the lakes have the main force. See, it wasn't like that on the Vineyard, even then, we would go inland during the winter months. I was seven and I was staying with my mother's parents and we were at Lake Erie for Christmas. This freak snowstorm came out of nowhere. The water was so cold that it formed sheets of ice on lighthouses and homes. I had never seen anything like it, and even then, I've never seen the sea capable of anything like that. It's like the lakes have a mind of their own." He nuzzled her cheek, enjoying this new closeness. "What about you? Ever see any snow in your travels?"
"Hm. Navy brat, remember?" She yawned, stretched against him like a cat, and then relaxed. "I was always a California girl, west coast. But I remember I was...eight? Dad got transferred to Greenwich, Connecticut one year temporarily. He wasn't in the sub service, he was in surface warfare. Anyways, that was the first time I saw snow." Scully's eyes watched the infinite snowflakes whirl outside of the window. "It was amazing, waking up to it. I mean, I had read about it in books, but seeing untouched snow in morning light for the first time...Mulder, it was like an alien world. It was so beautiful."
A comfortable silence ensued between them. He kissed her cheek and watched the blizzard outside with her. "I'm glad though," he began after a moment's hesitation, "that I'm here with you, right now. And that this freak blizzard forced us in this unlikely room and situation."
"Me too."
More silence continued.
"Why did we stop talking, Scully?"
She sighed, closing her eyes, trying to memorize every detail of the moment. "You know the answer, Mulder."
"Try me."
"It begins with the letter 'D.'"
Scully half expecting him to pull away but he held her tighter instead. "There's nothing between us," he whispered. "Why all the distrust?"
"You were so quick to trust her and push me aside like I meant nothing," she confessed in a small whisper. "With Gibson Praise, in Arizona..."
"How many times do you want me to say sorry? You're the only one I would risk everything for. Does Antartica prove nothing?" His hand was traveling. She released a sharp intake of breath. "I have literally gone to the ends of the world for you."
"I know, Mulder," she whispered. His hand was growing more adventurous, slowly unbuttoning the lower half of her top. "But..." She sighed trying to focus but his touch felt so amazing. "But I thought we had something after six years."
"We do," he whispered. He felt her bare, silky skin. She sucked in a breath in held as he gently traced her stomach, the scar of her recent bullet wound from New York, then down to the drawstrings of her pants. "There is no else I would risk everything for but you."
"Mulder," she whispered. She let something of a mix of a moan and mew escape her throat.
"I wasn't lying," he whispered, his bold hand traveling further south. He finally reaches his destination, his fingers finding the silky end of the trail. "I would do anything for you, Scully."
He began to move those dexterous fingers against her. She gasped, her arms hugged his other arm that held her tightly against him. He began placing soft kisses against her neck until he found her lips. Scully's mind was blank but she was pretty sure this didn't happen at sleep overs. Unconsciously she pressed herself against her hand. "Show me, Scully," he whispered.
She took a free hand and gently guided him with the slightest of touches before he took over. She sighed again, silently thanking that unspoken communication they had. He was slow and methodical until he found that magic spot. The more he worked, the faster she felt it coming. But this one was different. It felt like a fire that ignited in her blood.
"Mulder," she gasped. "Oh my god, Mulder!"
She was like a tight coil and when she reached her release, she rode it out as long as she could with him. She collapsed against his chest, trying to catch her breath. He pushed back her hair and kissed her neck softly. "You're the only one I would do that for," he whispered. "Remember that. I do it out of love, because you enjoy it, not out of some obligation."
"Mulder...my god...that was..."
"Satisfactory?" he teased.
"Fucking amazing," she managed.
"Now, that's done," he whispered conspiratorially, "I've waited so long to do that."
"Hmph, Mulder," she chuckled, shifting against him, "are you just happy to see me?"
"Later. Now is about you right now. We waited six years, we can wait a few hours more. Besides, we're supposed to be having a platonic slumber party during this snow storm," he admonished. Mulder rolled with her, still hugged against him. "Now, we are going to platonically snuggle and there will be nothing sexual about it."
Scully chuckled and felt herself come down from her high. "You know, platonically speaking, this may be my new favorite thing. We should do it more often in the bullpen."
She rubbed her face against his chest and settled her ear against his heart, content to listening to his heartbeat. He turned off the television. "Music?" he asked softly. "Classical?"
"Hm. How did you know?" she murmured. She closed her eyes. She listened to Mulder's heart, focused on his breath, listened the blizzard raging outside the hotel window, the warmth of him and the expensive sheets. "You can't remember my birthday."
"I have my ways," he said softly. His fingers explored her hair, gently scratching her scalp, and he turned the tv back on until he found one of the music channels that played classical music. "And February 23rd."
She sighed, letting out a deep breath, as she drifted back to sleep. Mulder looked down at his sleeping partner. Maybe someone up there had a plan for them and this blizzard.
. . . .
Something about snow and being with someone you cared about, Mulder mused. Scully was beginning to snore softly, which of course she would vehemently deny. But he was falling in love with her all over again. He remembered after her abduction, that when he realized his feelings for her the first time. He silently vowed never to let anything happen to her again. Then cancer. He practically sold his soul for that chip for her. What else wouldn't he do for her?
He let his mind drift over the things she had told him. What had stood in their way and divided them? Diana. Had he cast her aside so easily?
He tried to remember when they found Gibson Praise. His usual photographic memory conveniently decides to slip. He was more interested in the truth, having physical evidence of the paranormal. He closed his eyes. And he had ignored Scully in favor of Diana just because...why exactly? Because Diana had made him believe so easily whereas Scully would make him work. Instant gratification versus something you worked for, the latter always being the best.
Kind of his relationship with Scully versus Diana. Scully had wormed his way into his life, embedded herself in his existence. There was no alpha without omega. There was no Mulder without his Scully. Sure Diana had been there when he found the x-files, but she had dumped him less than six months later, without even a note good bye, and left for Europe. Diana had broken his heart and drove him even further into his lonely existence. Scully had rescued him, even if he had been blind to see it in the beginning. Now he wanted no one else but her.
So what were they doing? What was he doing? He wanted to change everything between them and this was his chance. He pushed back her hair, kissing her temple. While she may love cuddling, kissing her was becoming h favorite thing. He was going to make this special for her and turn this unexpected delay into something special. Today was going to be all about her.
. . . .
Scully woke with a long sigh, still snuggled up against Mulder. She chuckled inwardly at herself. Never one to usually show her softer side, her partner was making her appear with as one big sap. Honestly, she was surprising herself. "Hm," she was whispered softly. "Morning."
"Afternoon," he corrected softly. He rubbed her back gently. "How did you sleep?"
"Hm. Good. I can't remember the last time I allowed myself to nap so much. Has the snow let up at all?"
"I think it actually got worse if that is possible."
Scully shifted in his embrace and grunted in approval. "Pity. I was hoping we could go out on the town tonight. I heard the Cubs were playing."
"First off, it is January. Secondly, we both know you're a de facto Yankees fan because of me. Choices for this afternoon are as follows, movie, more cuddling, eating..." his voice drifted off. He nipped at her neck.
"Among other things."
"Mulder, despite what you may believe, you know I am not a nun right? And I'm pretty sure you're not a priest."
"I was under the impression you wanted to wait," he teased. "Besides, today isn't about me, it's about you. I have a little making up to do. Do you want me to order room service?"
"Lunch or dinner?"
"A bit of both," she said. "I'm running to the bathroom. I need to stretch my legs. Do you want anything while I am up?"
"Didn't you say something about a wet bar last night?" he asked looking up towards her. "Because there is a coffee maker over there. I'm thinking Irish coffees?"
"Really, Mulder? Irish coffees?"
"Well, I'm not a very good bartender," he shrugged. "There'd be Baileys, right?"
"I think I like my cuddly Mulder more than I like Agent Mulder," she called disappearing into the bathroom before he could say anything else.
In the bathroom, she almost laughed at herself. Full bed head with her red hair sticking up in all directions, her face was completely free of makeup, her freckles, and more showing in all their glory. She smiled a real genuine smile. Scully had promised herself after cancer had gone into remissions that she was going to live more. Take better care of herself, eat better, do the simple things that made her happy. Another thing was to show Mulder how she truly felt about him. And he was seeing in her in a brand new light, quite literally. She smiled at that simple thought.
"Scully, get back here! This coffee isn't going to stay warm forever."
She grinned and finished her business in the bathroom. "You didn't," she said excitedly.
"I did."
"Mulder," she whined. She just burst out laughing. All this seemed so ridiculous. Too good to be true. "Mulder, what am I going to do with you?" He shrugged and sat up in the large king size bed. She crawled in next to him again, thinking she could get used to this. Very much so. He passed her the Irish coffee and she shook her head. "For the record, Mulder, you're a dork."
"That may be, but I do make a good drink."
"Did you order room service at least?"
"Shit!" he groaned. "Do you have the fancy menu thing?"
"Here." She set the coffee down and handed him the menu. "Make sure you get something good for us."
. . . .
Neither one of them could remember the last time they simply did nothing. Simply laid in bed all day. Simply enjoy each other's company with the reasons of work or saving the world. No. It was just nice to simply be with someone who you cared about. Dinner was simple where they shared a few things, laughing and watching whatever was on television. This weird domesticity they were sharing seemed so natural to them.
"What do you want to watch," he asked, fluffing the pillows.
Scully sat up, her mouth slightly slacken. "Did you just...Mulder, you just fluffed pillows."
"So?" he shrugged.
"Who are you and what have you done with Mulder?" she asked.
He chuckled. "Come here, Scully."
"Tomorrow," she warned, raising her finger, "it isn't going to be just about me. It is going to be about us, Mulder. Just fair warning."
She curled up against his chest and sighed happily as he coiled around her. "Do you still have any doubts about us anymore," he asked softly, nuzzling her cheek. "After today?"
"No," she whispered. Any lingering doubts or fears about them or Diana were gone. "Not one."
She sighed, closing her eyes. He had left the tv on so he could watch it later. But all the lights were off. She listened to his heartbeat again, to the snowstorm still raging outside. She could live with this, Scully decided, she could live with this.
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promisedangel · 7 years
The Dark Spiral
This is a paid commission for an irl friend of mine who asked me to take as many moments from his fight with depression as possible and weave it into a small tale with a special, not real so don’t worry, end. I admit this is a lot more fragmented than my usual work, but vignettes are really all I could dig up.
It started off with just a question from myself, “James
 are you okay?” I looked at my friend across the table, his head facedown and nested in his arms. He mixed a whine and a moan, “I’m fine.” I knew better. We knew better. Behind me, I felt her materialize. My beloved creation. My genie, Clara. Only I could see her currently. She whispered in my ear, her long silver hair draped past, “It’s the same as you.” She was right. The disinterest in the PokĂ©mon TCG league around him, of which he was an unofficial gym leader, the lack of focus... This was depression. The same kind I suffered.
The ongoing weeks showed many more signs. Lack of interest, appetite, and aloofness for anything other than myself or Clara. He ended up quitting his gym leader position and began to go to league less often. He at first said he didn’t have money for the bus, but then we worried after three straight weeks of not going. Thankfully, his mother saw what was happening. She signed him up for therapy. He confided in me in person, “Hey
 could you not tell anyone yet that I’m going to therapy? I just
” He sighed, “I just don’t want anyone else to know yet.” I frowned, “Okay
” He smiled, “My first appointment is the 30th. Can
 you be there for support?” I grimace, “I dunno if they’ll let me in
 I’m not family
” “I’m sure we can think of something.” “
I’ll be there.” He gave a look of relief, “Thanks, Amy.” The day comes, and the homework I have is mountainous. I try to focus on it, try to get some of it done. After a few hours, I feel confident enough to take a break. I notice the time. I remember and panic. I begin to cry, “No
” I want to confide myself with someone, but I remember my promise. I quickly pull out my phone and text James in a panic, “I’m so sorry I was wrapped up in my homework that I totally forgot! T.T you’re probably in session right now or about to be. Gods, this is horrible of me.” I get a text back from James, “We’re here
” I continue with tears streaming down my face, “I don’t know if I could do anything there, I would be so late, gods the one time I don’t set an alarm is always the most important things!” I pause, I can feel Clara try to physically console me, but it goes right through my back. Forever a ghost on my plane of existence. She silently resigns herself to watch as I text James again while in sobs, “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry
” Through my sobs, I hear Clara, “You
 can still go
” I sniffle and close in on myself, “But-“ Clara floats in front of me from above, her face curious, but playful, “You can be there when he gets out. That’s something. You pushed for him to go to therapy. Sure, his mom noticed, but you were the one poking him about it. You did all this to help him, right?” I sigh and wipe my tears, “Yeah.” “So, don’t beat yourself up about it so much.” She smiled. I ended up going after all.  I gave James a hug after he got out and congratulated him on this first big step. Yet, there were still so many bumps along the way.
He began to be more aloof at league, often not playing any games or even conversing with our friends. I texted him as I arrived at league, “U coming today?” He responded simply, “No
.” “Why?” I could only imagine the sigh, “No money for the bus is the main reason. Also just meh
” Thinking he was done, I responded, “K.” He wasn’t finished, “I’m just losing interest in coming to league now. Seems like a waste of money every week. Anyway, don’t worry about me, I’m not that important anymore. Have fun at league.” I frown, “U r important.” “Doesn’t seem like it
” I feel at the loss of how to respond, so I end up not doing so. I find time to enjoy the TCG league, but he texted me later, “Well, once again, I make a mistake in life
 should have came to league instead of staying home
 or just stayed in my room
” I roll my eyes, “See? Isolation makes things worse.” “No
 I shouldn’t have gone and played basketball
 would have been safer to stay at home honestly
” I panicked, even Clara was now focused on the text, “Oh shit, what happened?!” “I got hit in the face not once
 but twice.” I lightly hit my head on the table around me and groan. I whisper to Clara and myself, “Really?!” Clara sighed and pouted, “Why did your mind jump to a broken limb?” “Because that’s how my mind works.” She shrugged as I continue the text conversation, “Oh
” He explained the incident, “Once while on defense, got popped hard on the chin. Surprised I’m still standing to be honest
 the other I didn’t see someone pass the ball back to me, didn’t expect it and well
 yeah.” “It happens.” “If I stayed home, wouldn’t have happened. I’m back in the safety of my home though now.” “Did you get some ice on it?” “No
 I don’t think it’s hurting that bad
 who knows
” I let it go, tempted to respond again, but knew it wasn’t worth it. But these sorts of put-downs continued from him. The sense of uselessness and loss of agency still remained. Therapy was only once a month at best. All the while, he locked himself in his home, often not going to league or even attempting to find something to do.
He found some comfort in talking to Clara. It was an interesting experience to have the genie either whisper in my ear or possess my body to talk/text directly. One day, I allowed her to occasionally control my hands from a distance as James texted his almost trademarked greeting via text, “Mew
” “Hi.” “What’s up, Clara?” My hands began to move by themselves, even as the genie was far away. Clara typed out, “The sky? But I’m also kinda high up atm. Flying is great when you don’t have to worry about planes!” “At least you’re having more fun than the sack of flesh I am.” “I’m sure you’re having fun! Amy’s being boring and surfing the web while using the tv.” “I’m going grocery shopping with my mom and uncle
” I could feel Clara’s tinges of disappointment, “Well, it’s doing something.” He texted hints he would say this in mumbles, “Still wish I was in an eternal sleep
” Clara texted back immediately, “No.” “Why?” I felt her pained tone, her voice began to echo in my mind. I was now focused on the conversation, “It’s horrible.” “Can’t be that horrible.” Clara immediately jumped into my body. She spoke with my own voice, “Sorry, Amy. He keeps asking
 he has to know
” I sighed, able to speak myself, “Go ahead.” Clara nodded before she texted him, her eyes lit crimson like fire. Her inner voice rang darkly yet sensual, as though it was someone else’s voice, “What you are wishing for will not help. In fact, it would only compound your problems. Putting your soul in an eternal sleep will only cause you to live your life over and over again while you sleep. You would never escape the torment.” There was a pause, which gave Clara a chance to calm down. The fire died down, but she continued, “Anyway, if you put your soul to sleep it will merely repeat not just your current life, but you could possibly delve into worse lives.” “Okay
 sorry if I offended you, Clara
 seems like I put both of you through a living nightmare with all my problems.” The fire inside Clara rekindled briefly. Her tone turned cruel as she gave a condescending laugh, “Your problems are a living nightmare? Do you remember what kind of character development you helped Amy form for me?!” I push Clara out of the conversation, unconsciously texting James as well, “What is wrong with you?!” Clara huffed as her eyes slowly fade away from crimson to their normal blue. I spoke to her only, “Stay there, I’m going to examine you after this.” I turn back to the text to see he has responded, “She’s right, though. Besides, you two have been taking care of me for almost a year now. I probably owe you so much.” I sigh, “You don’t owe us anything.” Clara chimed in once more, now calmer, “Just look for happiness, that would be more than enough.” “Well
 you both make me happy
 and well... video games.” I start to smile again, “See? Talking to people always feels good!” “I suppose it’s working for now
” Clara quickly took the texting power into her hands and wrote, “It always does. Humans are social creatures, and yes there are introverts, but there is a difference between introversion and self-imposed isolation.” I shiver slightly, I text and speak, “You sound like a psych ward.” James texted back, “Amazed they haven’t sent me there yet.” I grimace, “Those are for panic attacks and extreme cases. Your condition is not in that league. Granted, if it continues downward, it will.” “Yeah, you’re right.”
James’s depression continued. I began to think of ways to get him out of his house all of the time. I started driving him to league and encouraged him to seek out new activities. We texted each other one night, he texted, “Tomorrow marks 2 weeks
 one week from my next appointment
” I text back, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” “Doubt it
 still haven’t done the homework she wanted me to do
 doubt it’ll ever get done
 and I just don’t know anymore about this whole thing.” I remember my trepidation to my own therapist and decide to give some advice, “It always sucks at first, but you will progress with time. Since you have a couple appointments a month technically, give it a couple months. And if it’s not helping maybe another therapist will be able to help.” “I don’t have a couple months though to wait
 by then I’ll be like
 20 feet under and my life in worse shape. Why can’t we just agree that there’s a problem with me and I’m a hopeless case?” I groan and rub my temples. We’ve had this song and dance before. I growl lightly as I text, “You’re not a hopeless case. That’s how I felt at first. And I swear to god if you are seriously contemplating suicide I will never forgive you. I will reach into whatever afterlife you go to and I will slap you so hard, you will have a bruise in your next life.” “I doubt I could do something like that. I’d just hide in a dark hole for the rest of my life... All I know is that my future is dim and my options are very slim.” “Then look for new options, seek them out. You could search for a part-time job until you figure something out.” “But this whole thing was to figure out if I could hold down a job
” “It’ll get you out of the house, and give you some money. Look. There are some positions available at my work. Can you put in one application?” “I don’t know how.” “I’d obviously help you
” “Oh.” I could hear the deep sigh, “Fine... Only because you keep bugging me about it
” He applied, and I helped him along the way. He ended up getting a job in the department next to mine. I felt good that I could keep an eye on him. He seemed to do well. It was only a little over a week after he started that he asked me to take him home. Everything was okay at first, but he suddenly bent over and began to sob. I speak, “Whoa?! What’s wrong?!” He sobs, “I’m so useless!” “Wait, what happened?!” “Why does everyone think I’m good at my job when I’m shit?” I raise a brow, “But, you’re doing well! Your boss—heck, my boss likes you!” “But I’m barely doing anything!” I begin to sound upset, “You’re new! You’ve only been here just a week. They all know the struggle and can help you!” He just continued to cry. I sigh, “Just
 let it out
” At safe spots, I occasionally rubbed his back during the drive to help calm him down.
Everything was getting worse. He wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t eat. I sent Clara to console him, as some nights he would cry himself to sleep. Though he could not touch her, they could see and talk to her. He sighed, laying at the edge of his bed, “I don’t know what to do anymore
” Clara crooked her head, confused, “Don’t you have to sleep for work tomorrow?” James covered his face and curled slightly, “I don’t want to go to work.” “But, you have to, right? So you can get money, right?” “I don’t
 want to suffer through this life anymore.” Clara floated above him with a pout, “But you don’t suffer.” “Yes, I do.” “Maybe just your mind
” James was silent for a moment, deep in thought. Chara gave a curious look, “What’cha thinking about?” “You
 can grant wishes
 right?” “Well I am a genie!” “Then... can you affect my soul?” Clara hesitated, “
Yes.” His eyes gained confidence. He sat up and spoke clearly, “I want you to transform me into a character in your world.” Clara looked upset, “Why? Why would you want to just give up your life? It’ll be harder in my world-“ He nearly yelled, “I don’t care!” Clara jumped back slightly. He calmed down and began to sob, “I just
 can’t take it anymore.” Clara sighed, “What about Amy?” He groaned, “Shit, she’ll never forgive me-“ He perked up, “Wait! You could clone my soul!” Clara looked unsure, “I guess
 I could split your soul in half
 have one half keep the memories
 then I could do it. But, you’d lose yourself
” James smiled, “Sounds perfect. Clara. I wish for you to do all that.” Clara sighed. Magic began to dance around her and James until it focused on him. He felt a sharp pain in his chest before he felt his soul dragged from his body, which fell on the bed, unconscious. In her hands, Clara split the soul in two, keeping the memories in one. She shoved that half back into James’s body. It breathed heavily but remained unconscious. Clara looked at the soul in her hand and frowned. It looked familiar. A portal opened next to her and she smiled, “I guess this is really the first time we met. See you later, Chingu.” She tossed the soul into the portal before it closed and she immediately fainted.
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kalosstarters · 8 years
No longer a drabble but a full on one-shot 32. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified”
Requested by @torrence27
(Whoops, this got a bit too long. Mairin is 17 and Alain 22. Also I know this contradicts with my one of my earlier fics so forget about that one for a bit. The idea of Mairin having troubles with mega evolution is inspired by @modeststroke and @fairy-amy‘s fics. Mairin’s mega evolution catchphrase is a cowork between me and @torrence27. )
“Mairin! Mairin! What in Arceus’ name are you doing?” Alain panicked when he saw the young redhead holding a rainbow-colored stone in her hand, a Sceptile in front of her having a similar one on a necklace. They were standing on a battle field, clearly getting ready for a battle as he was speaking. Chespie the Chesnaught was waiting on the other side of the field. 
“Where did you even get those from?” He demanded to know when he didn’t get a proper response to his question. 
 I found them from Professor Sycamore’s lab..” she answered with a worried tone. She knew he wouldn’t like what he was about to find out.
“Did you take them without asking? Mairin?!” He got even angrier.
“Umh.. Yes. But only because you didn’t let me try them.”
“There is a reason why we didn’t. You are still so reckless, you don’t understand how strong that power is.”
“You were younger than I am now when you started using mega evolution!” 
“This is not about your age, it’s about your capability to understand what you are putting your PokĂ©mon through when you activate the mega evolution. While you are a much better trainer now, sometimes I still get the feeling that you don’t quite understand your PokĂ©mon’s limits. Remember how you lost to Korrina? That wasn’t because Florges wasn’t strong enough to beat Lucario, but because you were pushing her too hard.”
“Yes, but that was a long while ago. We have trained hard since then. I’ll show you!”
Alain knew nothing, not even him, could stop her when she had decided to do something, so all he could do was to ensure he’d be there to help if something went wrong. Mairin turned back to Sceptile and Chespie and started yelling her commands. After a bit of warming up she finally raised her hand and said:
“Keystone, hear my call! Let our bond change our destiny! Mega evolve!“ 
The space between her and Sceptile started glowing in different colors, and Sceptile started changing its form. So far so good, Sceptile did seem to have mega evolved successfully, Alain thought in his mind, but still stayed vary. Mairin continued the battle and told the mega Sceptile to use Leaf Storm against Chesnaught. It obeyed, and Alain sighed of relief.
However, he did it too early; soon after, Chesnaught, who was in a much better shape than the newly evolved Sceptile, managed to hit the forest PokĂ©mon with a Dragon Claw, and being weak to dragon type moves, Sceptile was pretty badly damaged. But instead of giving up after that, he got furious, and started attacking Chesnaught mindlessly. Mairin was no longer able to control him, and tried to call him back, but instead of returning into his pokĂ© ball, Sceptile turned around and started to run aggressively towards her. Alain run to pull her out of the way, but it was too late. Sceptile attacked Mairin with his Slam, and her head hit the wall behind her hard. She fell against it unconscious, and that also made the connection between her and Sceptile break. Alain found Sceptile’s pokĂ© ball on the ground and returned the also fainted grass type Pokemon into it. He had already let Charizard out to carry Mairin if needed, and was now checking her pulse and breath. They seemed fine, but she had hit her head hard, which meant she needed to be checked as soon as possible. 
Alain gently lifted Mairin on Charizard, careful about supporting her neck, and jumped on the fire lizard’s back as well, and together they flew to the nearest PokĂ©mon Center. Even though PokĂ©mon Centers were mainly for PokĂ©mon issues, Nurse Joys were also trained to take care of people’s health issues, which was why Alain rather took her there than to the closest hospital that would be much farther from them.
The Joy of Lumiose City immediately took Mairin (who had shown a few signs of waking up during the flight) and Sceptile in, and started the treatment. Alain run back and forth in front of the closed doors and was going through a million different feelings. He hadn’t even known he was capable of feeling that strongly about someone (besides maybe his Charizard), but now he was feeling worry, anger (because she hadn’t listened to him), and
 something very warm that made him slightly uncomfortable, and he swore that feeling was brand new to him. He did feel very deeply about Charizard and Professor Sycamore, as they were his best friend and his father figure, but this warmness was different from near him.  what they made him feel. He looked around in the PokĂ©mon Center’s waiting room and noticed a random couple sleeping against each other on a couch near him.
“Hold on,” he said out loud as a sudden realization hit him. “I. can’t. possibly
Charizard was looking at him like she knew what was going on in her trainer’s head, and when Alain whispered her his question, she reacted in a way that could only be understood as a “yes”.
Soon Nurse Joy came out of the emergency room and told Alain that both Mairin and Sceptile would be just fine, they just needed to rest and not do anything demanding for a while. Alain let out a deep sigh of relief and asked if he could see Mairin. Joy agreed, though she added that she was sleeping now after finishing the tests, but didn’t deny him the access to her room.
“Mairin? I don’t know if you can hear me, but
 uhh.. I should never have let you use those stones. I knew your bond and experiences weren’t still enough to make mega evolution work
 but I let it happen anyway. I guess I sorta wanted to test you and
 I’m so sorry.”
“I’m so glad you are gonna be fine though. I don’t know what I would have done if
 well, doesn’t matter. You are safe now.”
He took a deep breath, tried to calm his trembling hands, and continued:
“I never thought I’d say this, but
 I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified. Terrified because I don’t know what this could mean. To me. To you. To us. Terrified because I’ve never let myself get too attached to anyone because of things that happened in the past.. but now it has happened, without me ever asking for it. You just snuck into my and Charizard’s life just like that, and seemed really annoying at first. But you became much more than just someone who wanted to follow me. You became a friend. And now, I guess, something even more. Seeing you like that, it made me realize how much it would hurt if I lost you. It would hurt so much that
Alain was now nearly crying, and his voice was broken. But just when he was about to finish his sentence, he felt a finger on his lips. He looked down and noticed that Mairin was wide awake and looked a bit teary eyed herself.
“How... How are you feeling?” he managed to ask.
“It hurts, but could be worse,” she replied honestly.
“So... how much of my talk did you hear?” he asked after a little while, suddenly blushing, even though that happened to him really seldom.
“Pretty much everything. Alain
” she said in a quiet voice. “I love you too. Mew, I think I’ve had a crush on you since you saved Chespie from the megalith.”
“I always thought you saw me like a brother.”
“Funny, I could say the same thing about you
” she smiled slightly.
  what does this mean to us?”
“I guess whatever we want to. But I’m feeling very tired
 Can we talk about this later?” she asked, and he agreed. Alain was about to rise and get himself a room from the PokĂ©mon Center, but Mairin took a grip of his coat and said: “I’m sure Nurse Joy wouldn’t mind if you stayed here tonight. There’s enough room for both of us.”
“Fine,” he answered and set himself next to her, careful he didn’t accidentally pull any of the wires that were attached to her. He felt an arm wrap around him and soon he heard her breath got slower and steadier, indicating that she was sleeping. He fell asleep soon after, feeling happy and relieved. They would have plenty of time to talk later.
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satire-please · 8 years
Where the Moon and Night Meet
Summary: For @the-all-seer‘s bday.  :)  Enjoy my dear, I love you to pieces.  I had this A/B/O idea for FFXV where what if the whole bloodline of Lucis were Omegas?  And what if an Omega Noctis meets an Alpha Luna for the first time as kids.  Adorable fluff with Awesome!Dad Regis and a bit of world building thrown in.
Long ago the Starscourge fell upon Eos and laid its land and people to waste.  Seeing the aftermath of the rampage, one of the six took pity at humanity scant and few on the surface.  Therefore she blessed humanity with secondary characteristics, secondary genders so they will always have the ability to multiply or prosper.  Each gender possessed a deep instinct or drive so their people could thrive.  
Alphas were to fight, protect and defend their own from all.
Betas kept order and peace throughout the land.
Omegas nurtured, gave and sacrificed what was necessary for tomorrow’s future.
Currently though as Noctis watches Prompto, he doesn’t feel really peaceful.  No, he feels like he wants to strangle the beta.  Huh, maybe then he’ll be at peace?
“So Noct are you excited to be getting married?”  The open road made Prompto excited and restless.  “I mean it’s Lunafreya.  She’s practically a goddess made flesh!” 
Noctis eyes Prompto and tries a gruff, “I guess.”  But he can’t really stop his heart from beating a little harder at the thought of their upcoming reunion.  Neither can he stop the pleased, but anxious scent that floods the Regalia.
“Awwwww, are you nervous? Don’t be!  Any Alpha is lucky to have you as their Omega.” And Prompto leans over the seat to get into Noct’s face and wag his eyebrows suggestively.  “And to think?  An Alpha putting a ring on our Noct.” 
Gladio snorts into his hand as he leans out the window, “Who knows, maybe Noct will finally listen to an Alpha for once.” 
“Ha, you wish.” Noct snaps back with a laugh. 
“Everyday.” Gladio mutters, “Every fucking day.”
“You would be surprised.” Ignis of course cannot help but add his two cents in. “Noct and Miss Lunafreya have always been quite partial to each other. Even when they first met, Noctis was very eager to most of her suggestions.”
” Noctis growls lightly sensing danger in the smug smell that Ignis emits.  This can’t be good.
Ignis just smirks in the rearview mirror.  “In fact, if I recall correctly, the prince even starting purring after Miss Luna suggested giving him a tour of the grounds herself.” 
Prompto whips his head around from Ignis to Noctis so fast that Noctis hopes that Prompto doesn’t have a neck injury.  Then he takes the thought back immediately when the biggest chocobo-eating grin that Noct has ever seen splits across his face.
“Oh realllllllllly.” Purring is an important sign omegas unconsciously give out only when they’re deeply content or happy about something. 
“Ignis shut up!” Noct whines.  He tries to get up to grab the driver’s shoulder, cover his mouth, or do something to shut the man up.  Anything to stop what’s definitely going to be an embarrassing, traumatic story about his early omega days.  Unfortunately, Gladio wants that hazing moment badly enough to reach over to push Noct back into his seat. 
“Sit down, and didn’t your pop ever tell you it’s not safe to disturb the driver.  Plus I desperately need to hear this.”
Ignis pushes his glasses up his nose, “Of course the tour of the grounds turned into a tour of the gardens and then Miss Lunafreya stated she must for diplomacy’s sake show him around the household, which of course turned into a tour—“
“Of her bedroom?” Gladio leers at Noct and blocks the punch aimed his way.  “Look at you Prince, a real lady killer I’m so proud~”
“It wasn’t like that.  We were just kids!” Noctis hissed, his ears bright red.  And the rest of the gang coo and aww like the assholes they are at the sight.  Any time Noct shows other emotions than brooding and quiet determination is a point in their favor. 
“Indeed, Gladio. There’s no need to be crude.  Such remarks reflect poorly upon the innocence of the two that practically bonded at first sight.  But yes, a tour of the bedchambers occurred at one point.” Ignis stops purses his lips in thought. “In truth during our short yet memorable stay, Noct could usually be found in her quarters.”  
“Oh my god, you’re making things worse.” Noct groans, burying his face in his palms and tries to find a reason not to hurl himself out of the car.  As if he can find one. Noct unbuckles the seat belt and leans over the Regalia’s side.  Maybe there’s a decent warp point from here.  The whiplash is going to suck but if he can get away from the ribbing
“Geez Noct, don’t look like that!” Prompto chides.  As a beta he starts emitting a calming scent at Noct’s caged expression.  “We’re just kidding!”
“Yeah, don’t get your panties in a twist, your highness.” Gladio grabs the edge of Noct’s jacket, because he wouldn’t put it pass the idiot to trying warping when they’re going 85 miles per hour. 
“Leave my underwear out of this,” Noctis snarls, but lets the pushy Alpha tug him back into place. “And just can it okay?” 
Prompto pouts.  “But you two must have been so cute!”
“They were.” Ignis reminisces, “They still are.” 
“But that stuff, it’s
ours. I don’t want to—I don’t need to share it.” Noct glances to the three before watching the scenery rush by.  “Does that even make sense?”
“Well, you have always been a private kinda guy.” Prompto says scratching his head. 
Gladio grunts. “Ha. That’s one way to put it, but fine.  I guess we’ll lay off for now.” 
“For the current moment. A quick respite.” Ignis acknowledges that there is a time and place, “Yet the closer we get to your wedding, the loser my lips will be.  I hope you can forgive me when I crack.”
“I’ll try.” Noct say dryly.  But is grateful for the break.  He takes a deep breath and for a while gets lost down memory lane himself.  And when he met her.  
She was the shiniest thing Noct had ever seen. 
When Dad said they were visiting Tenebrae to help with diplomatic relations as well as to acquaint Noct to kingdoms besides his own.  Noct had been sullen because Dad was lying.  Again.  Noctis isn’t an idiot; he does pay attention to his lessons.  Besides everyone knows Tenebrae is infamous for its healing magics.
This was another thing to try to fix his useless legs.  To try to fix him.
Insomnia’s doctors and medics had tried everything to cure the injury to his spine and legs
but nothing. Procedure after procedure was met with failure and Noct is sick with the way his father’s face twists from hope to heartbroken disappointment every single time.  As if each setback adds to guilt Regis carries of not being there for his son when the monster attacked.    
Noctis will never forget the way his Dad tore into that creature. 
Noct knows that in other countries, people like to color Omegas as the weakest cast, but if they could only see his father annihilate the threat to his child.  How the armiger glowed and burned stronger than the fire. Or the hands pressed on his back and sides trying frantically to stop the puddle of his blood from getting larger.
The worst part was when he woke up to his Dad sobbing. The broken, “We’ll find a way Noct, I promise. I promise.” 
“I know.” Noctis had weakly mewed.  But he wishes his father would be okay if they don’t.  If Noct does have to use the wheelchair for the rest of his life. 
And he knows that Dad will still love him, but Regis can’t stop the whispers of Noct not only being an omega, but an injured one.  Sure the whole royal bloodline of Lucis have always been omegas but the council does not need another excuse to be more overprotective and smothering to its rulers. Regis already regularly duels to show his fighting competence, that yes he can leave his crown city and come back in one piece.
Noct?  Noctis doesn’t have a chance right now. 
In this instance though? His bad mood, bad thoughts fade away. Her eyes are so blue.  They match a summer sky with hair so blonde it’s like starlight that frames her soft smile.
“Hello, Prince Noctis. My name is Lunafreya.  Welcome to Tenebrae.”  The girl bends just a little bit over his wheelchair to offer her hand. 
Noctis takes it, wow she’s so warm, and tries to swallow the lump in his throat.  “Hello. It’s nice to meet you Lunafffff-, Lunafre—” He feels his mouth snap closed, his cheeks on fire.  What the heck is wrong with him?
And Noct always thought Alphas were kind of intimidating or jerks, but the girl just seems to sparkle at his response.  “The pleasure is all mine.”  She feels her heart swell, taking in the red flush spreading on the boy’s skin.  She leans closer to him, the distance between them narrowing as she lets her presence soothe any embarrassment.  “If it’s alright with you,” Lunafreya drops her voice to a whisper. “Would you call me Luna?” 
“Luna.” Noctis breathes, his eyes so lovely with her reflection and oh Lunafreya is going to keep this person. 
“I like the way you say my name.”  Lunafreya can’t help but inhale the prince’s scent.  She wants to know it, be able to find in a crowd or across the sea if she needs to.  Noctis’ smell has the tint of sweetness all omegas carry, but it’s like earth after a thunderstorm, charged with lightning and fresh with rain. 
She loves it. 
She squeezes Noctis hand, turning her hold from passive to active and spins to her Mother rapidly. Her white fur cape brushes over Noct’s bare arm and his breathing hitches.  Underneath the cloth, Luna gently grips his forearm, pressing the scent glands at their wrists together.  Their scents will mix and though Noct doesn’t exactly want to let go, he kinda really wants to see what the new blend smells like.
“Mother, may I show Prince Noctis the grounds?  I’m sure Noctis would appreciate our national flower the sylleblossom.”  She looks imploringly to the Queen.  “It would do well to show him what makes Tenebrae great.”
It’s so slight, but Regis is close enough to discern the quiet noise coming from the back of his son’s throat.   Noctis is purring.  It’s been so long since Regis heard that sound, he feels his brow furrow.  Well. This is an unexpected turn of events.
When the Lucian King looks over to Queen Sylva, another Alpha in their family, he sees that he is not the only one who’s surprised.  “Why Lunafreya, that’s a lovely idea.  Thank you for being so accommodating.” 
“How could I not Mother, which such honored guests?”  Regis will admit the girl is very eloquent for one of her age.  Almost savvy, she’ll be a political, yet polite terror if or when she takes her mother’s throne.  
Sylva Nox Fleuret gives a sweeping gesture behind her, “I can only be grateful for such a hospitable daughter.  When you are finished, you can meet us at the courtyard.” 
“Thank you Mother.”   Slowly she detaches her hand from Noctis, who gives a downtrodden look until Luna whispers something into his ear so quietly not even Ignis holding Noct’s chair can hear. Yet when she places a hand on the chair’s handlebar
she sharpens. 
“Where to Miss Lunafreya? Or shall we just follow you?” Ignis says coolly. 
“Actually, I was thinking I could take over your duties for once.  As a royal retainer, there’s so much for you to do during a trip such as this. You could dedicate yourself to making sure the prince’s accommodations are suitable if you like.   I do not mind pushing the prince around.”  Lunafreya’s words are civil, but the look she gives
.is less so. 
As a Beta Ignis shouldn’t feel riled up by the little upstart, but two can play that game. “I’m sure I can balance all of my duties princess.  There’s no need for your concern.”  He smiles chillingly. 
“Nonsense.  Besides I’m certain the prince—“
“Noctis.  If I can call you Luna
you can call me Noctis or Noct.” Between the blondes, the prince mumbles.
“—I’m certain Noctis,” Luna rolls the name in her mouth like it’s delicious, “would enjoy spending time with someone closer to his age.” 
“Now see here—“
“Ignis.”  Noctis halts the tirade in its tracks.  “I-I’d like that.  Can I, I mean may I go?”   
And Ignis has never been good at denying his prince.  Ever. “Oh, alright.  I’ll expect you in the courtyard.”  The tired teenager relents.
“Thanks.” And that small appreciative smile is the reason Ignis folds like a deck of cards. 
Beaming, Lunafreya takes the handles somewhat graciously and wheels the heir away from the group. Her voice chattering in the distance, interspersed with a couple low tones from Noctis.
Regis pats Ignis’ shoulder. “Rest assured Ignis, Miss Lunafreya will give the best of care to our dear Noct.” 
“That’s what I’m afraid of, your Majesty.” Ignis dares to utter as he bows to leave.  “But as the princess mentioned I have things to attend to.”
Then it’s only the monarchs with their retinues in the clearing left.  Sizing up each other, Alpha to Omega, Sylva beckons with an expression of keen interest. 
“Come, you must be tired from your journey.” She takes in how exhausted the man looks, and the instincts in Sylva growl a bit.  Surely Lucia should do better to support their omegas.  “We now have even more to talk about.”  
The halls of the Fleuret Manor ring with Regis’ clipped footsteps.  The king searches for his son as the night waxes, passing room upon room of calming tones of blue and purple.   True, Regis could have had Ignis do the task, but there is a kind of fulfillment of putting one’s own child to bed. 
Also it is an excuse to escape the Queen’s clutches. 
The woman is a kind one, yet Regis wishes she would focus more on the care of his son than him. Sometimes he swears Sylva combines the mother-hening force of the entire Lucian counsel.  Her views on the care of Omegas
are different than his own. 
But besides his health, the monarchs have started to contemplate the future of their heirs.  Regis would rather ponder about Noct’s marriage when the boy is thirty.  But it is a possible match, a possible alliance.  Even this afternoon the conversation followed different variations of:
“Truly you can see the advantages of such an arrangement, Regis.”
“Yes, but I fear the fates have a very different picture of the future than we do.”
“Then should we not press for even the scantest trace of their happiness?” 
And Miss Lunafreya and Noctis are very fond of one another. They spend much of their waking hours in each other’s company and it is good to hear Noct’s laughter again.  In addition there is finally progress with Noctis’ injuries; the healers truly have earned their reputation well.  The prince exhausts quickly, only few steps before he collapses
usually into Lunafreya’s arms. 
On that note, Regis easily deducts Noctis’ whereabouts.  
He’s about to knock on the young lady’s door, but his hand freezes at the sound of Noct’s voice. 
“This feels kinda weird Luna.” 
“You think so?  I swear I’m doing it right.”  A rustle.  “Is it a bad weird or a good weird?” 
“I’m not sure
it almost tickles?” 
“Well you let me know if you want me to stop.”  And then there’s a wet noise. 
Regis gurgles and wretches the door open.  On Miss Lunafreya’s bed the two sit side by side with Luna’s head buried into his precious son’s neck. Their fingers intertwined as the girl kittenly licks Noct’s nape as if preparing to

The Dear Six, they’re attempting a mating bite.
“Lunafreya Nox Fleuret what do you think you’re doing?” Noctis jerks at Regis’ shout while Luna looks up frightened.
“Sir, I-I—“ Tears spring from the girl’s eyes.
“Get away from him.” The king strides forward with the intent to rip them apart.  “I cannot believe that someone of your prestige would dare—“
“Stop yelling at her, it was my idea!” Noct yells twisting his body in front of Luna’s. 
“Noctis.”  Regis stares at his son shocked. 
” He looks to his friend for guidance.  “Luna?”
Softly she explains, “We overheard that it is most likely for us to be married.”
“But no one asked us what we thought.  You didn’t, Luna’s mother didn’t.  Nobody even asked us what we wanted.”  Noctis blurts out shakily. 
“So we discussed it. We desired to do something
without being told to do it.” 
“So I asked Luna to be my bride.” Noctis states with determination. 
“And I asked Noctis to be my omega.” She stares at Noctis in wonder.  “He said yes.”
A quiet smile graces Noct’s face and he takes a second to nuzzle Luna’s face. “We both said yes
but words aren’t enough.  A mark is stronger, better.  It’s something that can’t be erased.” 
“B-but a mating bite?” Regis choked out.  He had planned to have this type of conversation with Noctis later.  Much, much, much later.
“Why not?” Noctis stubbornly retorts.  He points to Regis accusingly.  “You still rub the one Mom gave you sometimes.”
“And my mother still bares my father’s mark proudly, even years after his death.” Luna adds.  From behind she wraps her arms tight around her dear one’s waist.  If the king of Lucis wishes to remove her, they’ll have to cut her arms off first. Luna will hold on, Noctis is worth it. 
“So there’s no reason for you to be mad, Dad.  We did nothing wrong!”
Regis pauses and chooses his words carefully.  “It’s not necessarily that it’s the wrong action, as it is the wrong time.” 
“What do you mean?”Noctis glares when Regis finishes crossing the room to sit on the bed. 
“A mating bite is special. It should be done after your wedding ceremony.  When you’re together for the first time as a pair, alone and somewhere private.” 
“But we were together alone and somewhere private.  Until you butted in.”
“And older, Noctis.” Regis snaps, “Much older and mature.  You are still children for heaven’s sake.” 
He can see the two getting ready to argue more and puts up a hand. “But there is something that you can do now.  Something that’s more appropriate for your age and circumstance.”
“And what would that be, King Regis?” Luna asks eagerly. 
“A bite of intent.  A bite that designates a willingness to begin a courtship.” Regis looks to his hands.  “A relationship takes time.  Time to develop, time to grow.  Even if this arranged marriage does take place I, and your mother Lunafreya, would never force you children into something you’re not ready for.”
He gets up from the bed to kneel in front of the children.  “You can take your time.  And if you change your mind, we will wholeheartedly accept your decision.  Yet for now, there’s no need to rush.”
Luna and Noctis look at each other and then back to Regis.  “Alright.  How do we do a bite of intent?”  Noctis questions.
Regis takes a deep breath in relief.  Oh, thank the stars he found the pair before anything else could happen.  “The two of you will take the other’s wrist and bite down on the scent gland there.  It will hurt and feel strange as it does create somewhat of a fledgling bond, but I will watch you to make sure it is done right.”
Noctis nods and offers Luna his wrist, Luna does the same.  Luna presses gentle kisses to light blue veins she finds while Noctis mouths the pulse on hers, but neither do anything until Regis nods.
In unison the two bite down hard, wincing for a moment as blood fills their mouths but soon their expression turn relaxed and sated. 
Noctis feels something snap into place. It’s like going home or seeing an old friend you didn’t know you had.  It’s Luna.  A bright feeling of happiness almost overtakes the prince, and it increases as he realizes that Luna’s emotions echo his. 
It’s wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. 
Quietly, Regis reaches over to tug their wrists towards him to wipe off the blood, and wrap the sluggish wounds.  They’ll heal almost immediately, but they will leave a faint scar. 
All that’s left is to carry his wayward son to bed and think of ways to avoid Queen’s Sylva’s smug inquires tomorrow.
 “Now say goodnight, Noct.”  His son is getting bigger, but Regis treasures each moment he can still hold his boy like this.
“Goodnight Luna.” Noctis sends a feeling of contentment down the bond. 
The warm emotion bounces back with a peal of joy.  “May you have sweet dreams, Noctis.”
And he does.
In the present, Noctis rubs the white mark on his wrist hidden by bracelets and charms.  The bond is faint between his intended, distance stretches it as fine as a strand of hair, but it’s still there. 
Noctis feels a brush of apprehension, of excitement
of hope from her.  ‘I miss you too.’ He tries back, he can’t send words exactly but maybe the impression will be enough. 
Well at least that’s one thing Ignis can’t embarrass him with.  The memory of the ‘almost’ mating bite, their first step as a couple.  That’s all Luna’s and Noct’s.  It’s all theirs. 
‘I’m coming.’ Noctis thinks and prays.  ‘Just wait for me Luna, I’m coming
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