#the way that just isnt possible between humans
petday · 22 days
your art is so so so so inspiring to me which is strange bc my style isnt very similar to yours at all. but it makes me happy to see your art, especially when you make art from things from childhood id forgotten about💫💫💫💫💫🩷🩷🩷🩷
Thanks. Your message and similar messages from others over the years inspired me to try to put into words why I draw 'nostalgic things'. I ended up writing a lot.
There was a period of time when I became cynical about being seen as an 'artist who reminds people of childhood' or a 'nostalgic artist'. I no longer feel that way but I will explain why. Some artists, who I like and respect, will sometimes mention 'nostalgia holding artist's growth back' and 'nostalgia causes learned helplessness.' But I feel differently.
Maybe I perceive time differently. I have lived long enough to witness cycles of 'what is valued, and what is not valued' repeated. For example, I loved what is now called 'Y2K' style, but during mid 2000s, for whatever reason it was derided as something to be left in the past, something embarrassing. "Aren't we glad we optimized things now, and they are 'sleeker' and less complex? Old things were childish, an embarrassing weakness for humans, we must advance and reach our ideal evolution." That became the common attitude. I felt pressure to have the same thoughts. I just couldn't make myself feel that way no matter what, though. Even with the increasing threats about, 'keep up with others or you won't ever develop positive social relationships!' I couldn't change my mind.
(If what is currently valued becomes devalued and then it becomes valuable after that… that's an odd cycle to me. For example, if we like bananas, even when bananas cannot be harvested, we still like them even though they occupy a smaller space in our minds but we don't deride them. Going even further, though, I sometimes wonder if it is possible for humans to eventually remove the 'devaluation' stage, particularly in art 'trends' as I am an artist. Whatever is considered valuable remains valuable. A counter arguement would be, 'no, the devaluation of the previous thing is exactly what causes the next thing to be valued, and then the cycle flows beautifully: X was valued -> Y is valued, X is devalued -> Y is devalued, X becomes valuable again. If you want X to always remain valuable, just develop better patience. Like we cannot pick fruit we like all year, we cannot simply keep adding onto the pile of things we like, something has to be seen as inferior by the majority of humans.' I disagree. I might explain my thoughts against this argument more in the future.)
Anyway, what people call 'Y2K style' or 'art that emulates how things commonly appeared in early years of 2000s' is popular nowadays. Even someone who did not grow up with it can become attracted to it. That 'desire' itself is a communication between past and present. Something can make someone feel 'lighter' [in sense of, "wow, the crushing weight of my circumstance feels not so crushing when I look at this'] -- a similar 'light' to how someone in the past was perceiving it when it was the present and not the past. So, even though two people were born in different eras and may not become friends or even meet, they're still connected by that 'lighthearted' feeling they both like. I know it will be seen as 'lower value' soon, but I truly cannot care because as I mentioned earlier, I might perceive 'time' weirdly.
When I started playing video games, a family member would point out, 'those games were made before you were born, interesting!' but that statement confused me at the time since my perception was, 'well, if these games are from before I was born, I don't understand why she is bringing attention to it. Why is it interesting? It's just regular. They're alive in the present now, because I'm in the present and so are they.' That was when I was a very young child. I subconsciously kept the same feeling even as I was reaching teenage and adult years. The feeling echoed when people liked to ask the question 'why are you still playing games from long ago?' as I got older but still played the same 'old' games. The answer: they are beautiful and will remain beautiful, and something made in the past is still communicating in the present, so are they really truly 'outdated inferior games'...? Just because the cycle of valued and devalued happened to be in a different position and those old things were seen as an embarrassment? (Now there are popular games inspired by the era of games many people ridiculed me for consistently enjoying, lol. Similarly, I was using 'crappy' old versions of programs even through 2017. Now people from wealthy upbringing and background use 'crappy' programs willingly. lol)
The present talks to the past all the time, nostalgia is not a dead end. In that sense I cannot see nostalgia as a death trap but rather a connection made from past to present. A string between the past and present that feelings can crawl across and communicate. Feelings such as 'I wish my life took a different direction. I can't make things like how they were back then, it won't ever be the same again, so I'll do nothing.' The criticism of 'nostalgia' is towards that last sentence. But there are things you can do with those feelings. 'Doing nothing is boring. And I keep thinking of that fun drawing I saw... I kinda wanna try to make something.' Making something while thinking of the past and present at the same time, so there is a communication between past self and present self. Pure bitterness communicating with slightly light-hearted view, the 'end result' is artwork/creation.
*I used light-hearted feeling as example, but nostalgia can exist for any feeling, and not just for people who were nice when they were younger. If someone was cruel as a child/teenager, after the person has been an adult for a while, they can communicate with their younger self about what was it about the cruelty that was enjoyable, and then extract a small part from the cruelty that they wish to bring back into the present -- example, the attraction to 'high speed activities, playful mischievousness' can be extracted from 'hurting people on purpose so they will acknowledge/react to you'. The dialogue could be something like, "'honestly, you and I both know spamming people with bad things felt pretty fun at the time, so let's just keep the 'high energy mischievousness' feeling and leave behind the crap that hurt people deeply, and let's make an animation while thinking of that high energy feeling.
^ I don't answer questions or reply to messages often because of giving answers that aren't too long or too short is tough for me. lol. Thanks for liking my art. I like a lot of art that doesn't resemble mine as well. It's fun! Like appreciating different flavours in the same meal even if you cannot make the meal yourself.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 4 months
Halfas and Fear Gas
Ive seen a lot of "fear gas makes danny high." Its hilarious and i love it. Other variations i recall seeing are: fear is not as potent, complete immunity, 'food supplement' fear gas, and the boring 'effects him like normal.'
I haven't really seen anyone treat effect effect on the brain and core as separate processes. In other words, humans get affected one way, ghosts get affected another way, and halfas get blasted by both.
We already know how normal humans are affected, so we dont really need to go over that. Ghosts, however, are free reign. (Unless there's a canon incident where a ghost like boston brand or gentleman ghost are exposed to a fear gas attack? Any DC canon nerds out there that know of something like that?)
The options I've seen or thought up so far:
Complete immunity - ectoplasm just doesn't react to physical matter in a way that impacts the ghost. Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, has no effect whatsoever.
Effects ghosts like humans. Straight forward, it's a bit weird if you think about it, but eh.
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is like ghost weed, or perhaps something stronger. Might be hallucinogenic, but in a bad trip sort of way rather than a worst fear sort of way
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is accidentally a super effective health suppliment for ghosts
If emotions are food to ghosts, fear gassed humans can span the range between 'delectable snack sprinkled with extra sugar' to 'weird chemical food that isnt healthy but will still sustain you' to 'supercharged health snack completely saturated by nutrients'
Fear gas, either the chemical itself or the people affected by it, has a distinct smell. It could be good, bad, or neutral, possibly related to how it affects the ghost. (Or deceptive, for humor and/or angst.)
Fear gas is outright toxic to ghosts. Perhaps the chemical itself is similar to, but just left of, ectoplasm. Like many artificial chemicals that can substitute various nutrients / usurp metabolic pathways in humans, it could have any number of mild to debilitating, short to long term effects on ghosts.
(If anyone has another idea, feel free to add)
Now we get to halfas, who have both a human brain and a ghost core. Dany has a human body and brain that are affected normally by the fear gas: hallucinations, panic attack, adrenaline response, etc etc. Someone better at biology can describe the actual biochemical processes going on.
But the ghost core? Added on top of All That? Can be excessively angsty, somewhat mitigating, or outright hilarious.
Going through the list of options:
Complete immunity.
This sounds boring, but its actually my favorite. Why? Because danny is getting conflicting signals. His brain is compromised and in full panic, but his core is telling him that he's completely safe. As a hybrid, Danny could be capable of having critical thought with both organs. If he's clever enough to recognize the seperation between the two, he can exploit it as a sort of anchor (I'm imagining it somewhat like how a multitasker can do different things with different senses, like listening to an audio book while solving a jigsaw puzzle - the book is auditory, the puzzle is visual and tactile, neither interfere with the other.)
Danny, in this scenario, is definitely in an altered state of consciousness, seeing things that aren't there and right on the cusp of panicking or defending himself. But if he can recognize that his core is unaffected, he can focus on the sensory input that his core is processing, and the whole situation might be somewhat equivalent to becoming lucid in the middle of a nightmare - its terrifying, but just the recognition that it isn't real takes the edge off. To him, it's now like being stuck in a VR horror game and being unable to take the headset off, flinching at all the jumpscares but recognizing that his body isn't actually being attacked or injured.
Affects ghost like humans
Danny could either be affected exactly the same as anyone else or effectively double-dosed as both brain and core fight entirely different hallucinations. Maybe if danny is lucky, he'll just black out from the sensory overload.
Ghost weed
This could make what was initially designed to be a really bad trip into something catastrophic... or mellow it out. Idk. I've never done recreational drugs. Both the brain and core are cut off from reality. The brain is terrified, and the core is tripping out. If his core naturally reacts to his emotional state, it's gonna amplify the effects, which is Really Bad. If the core is compromised to a point where it can't really process anything, then Danny is still trapped in a nightmare state, just more loopy and otherwise no worse than any human.
Health supplement and/or literal food
This one is confusing. Brain is terrified, core is satiated? Energized? A boost to his powers is gonna make him much more difficult to contain and treat. When he comes out of it, there's real potential for angst from danny worrying that the conflicting emotions of absolute terror and hunger satiation are a sign that he's turning evil. Especially if his core was instinctually feeding off of the fear of nearby civilians who were also gassed during the trip. That undercurrent of predatory satisfaction is gonna leave him awake at night for a few weeks.
On the plus side, feeding his ghost core might help it clear out the toxin faster, so the trip is much shorter. Maybe he even pulls out of it before he accidentally causes any damage with his powers.
Pretty straightforward. If it smells bad, Danny is automatically gonna hold his breath, limiting his exposure. If it smells good, he might take a good few wiffs before realizing what's up and holding his breath, or just keeps dosing himself more and more as that effects, good or bad to the core and definitely bad to the brain, settle in.
Has the potential to be much more long-term and insidious. You can run the full gamut here. Does he need to be restrained and taken to the far frozen for days or even weeks of treatment? Does the ectoplasm incorporate the drug, and Danny has to suffer weeks or months of microdosing until it's used up, turning him into a paranoid schizophrenic during that time? Is it blood blossoms 2.0? Does it have no mental effects but screws with his powers? Does it influence his emotional self-control? Does he grow the ghost equivalent of a tumor that encapsulates the toxin and has to be surgically removed? Does he need supplemental ecto to remain healthy, temporarily, or permanently? Does it affect his ectosignature or peak power level? Injure his core? Lower his healing factor?
All of this is on top of the initial fear gas trip, which he may have never even fully pulled out of. The angst possibilities are endless.
Then, there are liminals who have the potential to be affected like halfas or in an entirely different way. Does your headcanon give them proto-cores or baby ghost cores, or are they just severely ectoconaminated? How would that change their symptoms?
Anyways, just some ideas for people to use. My favorite idea so far, that I'd love to see someone use, is that Danny has learned to use his separate brain and core as insurance against mind control and mind-altering drugs. The freakshow incident was a sort of catalyst that helped him recognize the differences between his brain and core, and he taught himself how to lean into one or the other for various advantages in different situations. (Sort of like how a person can lean on either logic or intuition to make different types of choices.)
There's a lot of interesting potential here. Essentially, Danny could teach himself to be immune to mind-control and greatly resistant to drugs, as he can evaluate his surroundings with both organs and identify differences. Mind control wouldn't work unless it targeted BOTH brain and core, as he could shift to the uncontrolled one to break away. Any drug designed to knock out or roofie a human is countered by the fact that danny's core still remains conscious of his surroundings, and creative use of ghost powers counters the accompanying paralysis.
If ghosts dont sleep, one could argue that Danny's core is in a meditative state when his brain rests, which is why his ghost sense can wake him up from a dead sleep - he's never fully unconscious. Workoholic danny could find a way to get homework or paperwork done, or solve a problem, or design a piece of tech, or even play a videogame, while 'sleeping,' even using ectokinesis to move stuff while his body is sleep-paralyzed. Sleep-deprived danny is still functional because his core isn't affected by his brain's lapses in consciousness from micro-naps. (He is a lot moodier, though. His core is more emotion-focused while his brain is more logic-focused, on top of the normal mood-swings from sleep deprivation.)
This version of danny, after being fear-gassed, immediately recognizes that his brain and core are suddenly experiencing two different realities. He would be able to talk himself down from a panic attack and slowly find his way to safety. He probably wouldn't trust himself to hold back if he got in a scuffle, but he would be coherent enough to vaguely understand his surroundings to avoid danger.
And lastly, something I dont recall seeing in any fics - if the bats encountered fear-gassed Danny, and he's aware enough to refuse an antidote, I dont think the bats would push it. Yeah, forcing more medical trauma on our favorite blorbo is all good and fun, but he clearly has an altered metabolism that was affected differently by the fear gas than normal, so there's a heightened risk that the antidote would also have an altered affect, for the reward of removing the effects of fear-toxin (which is no longer guaranteed), which danny is already showing he's capable of working through.
On top of that, medical professionals are not allowed to force treatment if the patient refuses them and can walk it off. (If they are unconscious or can't get up on their own, they can intervene.) Medical conditions and allergies are a thing too, and its the priority of the patient to inform the medical worker as soon as possible to prevent complications. Jazz may have coached Danny about "in a medical emergency, declare closet-meta status with highly modified metabolism and unknown reactions to most drugs."
I see the conversation going something like:
"If you can hear me, im going to administer an antidote."
"Dont. Give it to someone who actually needs it."
And then the bat treats everyone else before approaching danny again to ask how they can help. They would be trained to take all of this into account:
Human male, visibly uninjured (unless the fic writer has different ideas) experiencing non-standard reaction to fear toxin. Probable indication of meta or enhanced status.
Victim is cognizent, replied to verbal communication, denied treatment. Appears to be managing the effects of the fear toxin. Not currently a danger to themselves or others.
Nonstandard reaction to fear-toxin implies potential non-standard reaction to antidote. Victim may be aware of medical condition that could complicate treatment, and is reasonably stable at the moment. Further questioning needed.
There are other victims in the area that are less cognizent, they become higher priority. Approach victim again when all other victims are cleared out, (in case of uncontrolled meta powers, to avoid further casualties), ask more questions and ascertain situation.
Once questioned further, danny drops the memorized line about altered metabolism and unknown effects, and giving Danny the antidote basically immediately becomes a non-viable option. They will probably argue Danny into being taken to Leslie's clinic, as he'll refuse a hospital (probably quite hysterically, given the fear toxin), which i'd imagine is the bat's normal protocol for closet-metas.
At least, that's how I imagine the situation panning out. Danny noping out before the bats return to him or during mid-interrogation is also extremely likely, which is gonna put the bats in panic mode for the next several hours. (Going to *any* secondary location with the bats is a non-option to Danny, for many potential reasons.) Danny is definitely going on a watch list (as in, possible meta with unknown powers, keep an eye out in case he gets caught up in another rogue scheme, need more information).
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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rough beast ganondorf design + sketches + notes design combines the typical boar form (dark beast + cloud form from botw), the oni one (demon king gan) hint at the draconic one to come but keep part of his humanity with his clothing being mostly intact
as the battle with Demon King Ganondorf comes to an end, the sages previously knocked out start to wake up again, he is cornered and hurt and as fear of being imprisoned, tortured and exploited overwhelms him he transforms into the Beast form, breaking the arena you were fighting him in and him going for Zelda as she is the biggest threat (he remembers her destroying dark beast gan and she reminds him of sonia, who is the one you sealed his human body back in the day)
you and zelda flee through the cracks of the earth as more earthquakes happen with a beast at your heels thats now truly only out to kill as fast as possible as he burrows after you (first sketch)
the path takes you both just below the surface and as you are trapped in a dead end zelda shields herself and link with her light shield ability, which protects you both from immediate damage but cant soften the impact from gan charging at you, the impact of which breaks you all three to the surface and the battle takes place in the same spot as botws dark beast fight-
fight is very challenging as gan is smaller than the dark best version, jumping and charging at you while still able to cast spells, now truly throwing everything he can at you in the hopes of ending you both
fight ends with you shooting an arrow at zelda, her deflecting it at the right angle and it shooting off the enigma stone on gans forehead; he falls seemingly defeated and as zelda runs to take the stone away gan through sheer panic lunges for the stone triggering his dragon transformation and making way for the final fight
(summary of the end: in the final fight gan snatches up both link and zelda once he transformed into the black dragon and takes flight toward the sky, zelda falls from between his teeth and knowing that she cant get to link and help him in any way from the ground she, while falling, takes out the enigma stone she has kept in a save container in her backpack all this time and swallows it for her own transformation, in her white dragon form she takes active action and charges at gans head so link is freed, then supports him in the fight itself; at the end link plunges into dragon-gans mouth to reach the stone on the inside where he makes use of the 'medicine' previously made using the moonbloom taked from kogas secret lab, link and the stone are spit out and as gan reverses into a human and falls link is caught by zelda and he uses the second charge of it on her to bring her back as well; as all three fall from the skies as the sages have made their way through the tunnel that beast gan made earlier, they help link and zelda getting to the ground safely while the yiga do the same for gan - final end end isnt determined yet but this is waht i got so far and even if i have written this once before i felt it was fitting to do it again and no you cant tell me this is too much of a wishfulfillment thing bc it literally is just that as i cant actualyl change whats in the game, so even if im trying to make it all fit well together i can still do what i want nhakjdbgshdbhsjka)
(totk rewritten project)
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Obey Me Next Generation Idea(aka-My au)
What about poly Au with the bros? I assume with demon culture, MC having kids and the bros all being the dad wouldn't be too surprising as I think monogamous relationships are seen just the same as polyamorous. Like neither really matter honestly in a "oh this is a big deal/drama!" Sense.
Plus its the 7 lords, they can do whatever the fuck they want
I know MC is mostly human but I think having kids is still possible as they got magic plus their pacts with the bros might make them stronger. Plus, historically, woman have been able to have multiple pregnancies, like more than 4 at least, so still- not impossible.
Just let me have my next gen shenanigans
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Varya (1st Born) (she/her)-25
Daughter of Mammon
Is more demon than human, possibly the most demon out of the kids.
Holds a very smiley but deadly aura around her.
Seems the opposite of Mammon in behavior but you can tell by her subtle acts towards her family, shes his kid alright.
Is the type of person to shake a person's hand but hold a knife in the other.
"Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you"
Lights up at the mentions of crocheting, dogs, and weird but oddly alluring creatures around Devildom.
She does have a small habit of gambling when out with Mammon, but is actually able to keep her wins because no one expects it through her gold-winning smile.
Mess with her family and its on sight.
Lilith the 2nd (3rd born-1st triplet) (she/her)-21
I headcannon Lucifer to at least be the only one to name their daughter after their sister. Not to replace, never, but to honor her.
Is in a strange middle between Half demon-mostly demon
Sweetheart by default
That big sister you can always talk to and she wont judge.
Will make passive agressive remarks when peeved off.
Definitely denies acting like Lucifer yet can do the stance-arms crossed and glare- exactly like him.
Even does the whole hand chest like him too. Shocked look and all.
Calls all the brothers papa but Lucifer father, not as a distance way but thats just how she's always been.
Theatre kid- almost always lead.
Anna from Frozen vibes at times.
Hopeless romantic too.
Basically Lucifer if he actually showed more emotions.
Daddy's girl 100%
May or may not be in a secret relationship with Diavolo's heir👀
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Rhomb(2nd Born) (he/him)-23
Son of Leviathan
Named after the Loch ness Monster
A nice balance between human and demon
But has "mutations" that make him have scaly patches on his body, his tail out almost 24/7, and bad eyesight.
Stern attitude most of the time.
Big bro protector
Tallest of all the kids
Softer on the younger kids but will smack a bitch if they act up.
Cant play video games much cause eyes so turns to more physical games that include puzzles.
Likes games with strategy to follow like War tanks, or chess. Is the type to make a DnD game the best cause he makes amazing stories too despite not reading much.
Likes mystery shows too and tries to figure it out before the answer is revealed, could go on rants about why. Gets it right 11/10 times.
If Leviathan wasnt his biological dad, people would believe he was Satan's kid.
Doesnt like cats tho.
Quinn (4th Born- 2nd Triplet) (He/they/doesnt care) (21)
Asmo just thought Quinn was a pretty name so picked it lol.
Also a nice balance between human/demon. Tho his wings stay out constantly.
Very much vibes from that yellow bird in Rio.
Laid back personality but is an outgoing dude.
Also very protective of their siblings, and will not hesitate to cut a bitch.
Isnt as flamboyant as Asmo but does have a just as great fashion sense.
Has a hard time dating as people automatically assume hes just like Asmo so will try to date him for that reason only.
Love his dad but hates the reputation he gets because of being said son.
So he resorts to just sticking to his siblings or the few friends he trusts.
Besides MC, is the second most popular face to pop up on Asmo's Devilgram
Fucking adores axolotls for no particular reason, just loves them to no end which Asmo makes sure to get many axolotl themed plushes, shirts, etc. for him.
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Libbey(Liberty) (5th Born- 3rd triplet)(she/her)-21
Another balance between human/demon, maybe a tad more on the demon side.
Tho, also has "mutations" like very enhanced hearing.
Bookworm to the max
Loves reading dramas and fantasies, but seems to enjoy multiseries more than stand alone.
Very quiet and shy kid of the group.
Sometimes cant even talk so signs instead because earaches or headaches.
Likes cats but perfers reptiles more.
Has a small turtle in her room from the human realm, set it up beside her bed and everything. Their name is Casey after one of her favorite human novels she read.
But despite all this, isnt called the daughter of wrath just for nothing beside biology reasons.
Is like Satan 2.0 when pissed, she wont yell or scream but you can just tell from the drop of room temperature and the subtle tilt of her head.
Her eyes glow an electric green when shes pissed.
Had more anger issues when younger, but cause Satan knew how to handle his better now, taught her how to aswell.
Satan is probably the main one to understand her issues with such a problem, despite being more mellowed out now that shes older.
Is definitely a cryer when really angry tho.
Ryder(6th Born) (1st twin)- 19
Ngl, everyone was surprised that they had twins. Including Belphie himself.
But then again, they did have triplets before them so....eh?
Ryder is a tad more human than demon, but still powerful enough to have his own demon form like his older siblings.
His tail is seen smaller than Belphie's, and a bit thinner too.
The sloth genes affact him only so much, making him more likely just want to procrastinate then outright not do anything.
He honestly enjoys the human world more than Devildom, mainly cause everything is less..hectic per say.
Hes the type of brother/older friend that will cover for ya if you have to hide something but will subtly suggest how to fix whatever their doing.
Like one time Quinn came home slightly tipsy and past curfew, and he snuck them into his room. Though he scolded them in the morning, he covered for Quinn at breakfast, saying they ate too much sugar last night, thats why hes queasy and has a headache.
Quinn did fix that habit up quick after Ryder threatened to leave him on his own next time it happened.
Calls everyone bro or dude, no matter their gender.
Gen z vibes too in most areas.
Has a fixation with cow bells for some reason, likes the noise is all he can say.
If he were told what Belphie did to their mom/human parent way before they were born, he says "Cowabummer" while screaming inside.
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River(7th born-2nd twin)(they/them)-19
How is this Belphie's kid?
Too hyper, tad crazy
Probably has ADHD, who knows.
While Ryder is the slightly responsible twin, their the reason why Ryder needs to be said twin.
Their just about the same range of human/demon as Ryder, can have a demon form, but only uses it to fuck with people than to actually be scary with it.
They may have alot of power, but their personality alone can kill people.
Is the type of kid to crawl on the ceiling when they were 2.
Is also the type to hop outta window to get to the lower floor faster. Thank Belphie for their demon powers otherwise we'd have another Lillith situation.
Has scared even Lucifer at one point, has made him yelp out of surprise. Will not go on how, no matter how much Papa Satan and Belphie ask them. Just has a toothy grin when they ask.
When calm, is actually a pretty chill dude. They like odd patterns and get fixated on the most random things.
MC gave them one of those sand timers that you flip to restart and when she came down to tell them food was done about 2 hours later, she found them sitting on the table, holding it while watching the sand go down. They use it now to relax and focus on when overstimultated or just having too much of a fuzzy head.
Has spent nearly a how week with Leviathan because they got hooked on one anime with him. Now has frequent solo movie nights with him cause.
"They're tad confused, but got the spirit"
Literally had to have someone (Rhomb) explain to them what the LGBTQ+ letters meant. Legit thought it was just new alphabet pattern, was still happy to find out what it all means.
If you told them what Belphie did to their mom before they were born, they'd think it as a joke. Dont tell them otherwise or they will cry.
Frankie(8th Born)(She/her)-16
Everyone thought that she would be the biggest child when MC was pregnant with her, since y'know, it was confirmed Beel's kid.
Yeah, she came out small. Like scary small for a baby.
It was then everyone knew she would be the most human. Has a little demon in her, but clearly not enough to have a demon form nor mark.
Lucifer's wallet cried in relief.
She does eat a good bit more than the average human but overall, nothing compared to Beel.
She does adore sweets to the max, especially gummies. Give her some and she'll love you forever.
Sweetest little sunshine in the world, everyone adores her. If they dont, then they will soon.
Shes like Mirabel in encanto, kinda wishes she had more demon powers but is still overall happy with who she is.
Like big papa Beel and his sweet little girl all smiley and pure. Best father-daughter relationship out of all the siblings and fathers.
Shes kinda like pinkie pie from MLP but like more hyper as fuck. Can and will speak so fast when excited that it just comes out as squeaks at that point.
Since her more human side, shes more likely to stay in human world when their mom is on Buisness there, so she has alot of human friends.
Shes in gymnastics, which definitely helps keep her figure more smaller despite all the sweets she eats. Does work out with Beel too.
Mess with her and you have a whole army on yer ass.
"Bounce to the beat of my own drum!"
You can just tell how much I love this dear. HA
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loousir · 3 months
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[Dragon] Unfamiliar
Male Dragon x Male Reader
Prompt posted by @writing-prompt-s:
During the annual Familiar summoning course for first year students at the magic academy, some students end up with creatures like Beetles to bunnies to even a lion, you on the other hand wound up summoning an Arch-Dragon in his human form
Notes/Warnings: This one is LONG. I was gonna do two parts but... HOLY FUCK I HATE POSTING THROUGH MOBILE THIS ISNT FINISHED I JUST WANTED TO SAVE IT 😭😭😭
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No one knew how you did it. Not even you knew how you did it. You followed the familiar summoning spell just like everyone else. At first you, like many, were shocked. A human as a familiar? Classmates mumbled and talked amongst themselves before the smoke cleared and you could see their features. He was tall and broad. He had horns sprouting from his head and faint scales lining his cheeks and naked torso. His eyes were a bright blue with slit pupils. There was also a dragon-like tail curled up behind him. He is the definition of beauty to most humans.
He didn't seem confused on why he was here, rather, as if he had expected to be here. "Strange, I was just about to bathe..." He mumbled out to himself, eyes scanning the room with a sharp gaze. A small smirk crossed his lips once he found who he was looking for. He saw the most confused and concerned gaze which happened to be yours "So it was you?" He questioned, walking over to you. It became clear just how much he towered over you. You couldn't so much as even nod your head, still not processing what had just happened.
His sharp eyes squinted as he examined your features. His clawed fingers grabbed your chin and used it as a way to examine your face closer. The man laughed and pulled his hand away. "There's no possible way you of all mages summoned me!" He still continued to laugh, voice echoing through the room. "You're not worth my time." He said, walking back to the summoning circle where he had originated from. The man looked to cast his own spell but it failed, only offering an embarrassingly small puff of smoke. He tried it again and failed once more. The tone of the room quickly changed. The mumbles went silent and the air stilled as his burning gaze traced everyone in the room, ultimately coming back to you. "What did you do." He growled, feet leaving faint, searing imprints on the floor as he walked over to you again.
"Nothing..!" You manage to get out one word and it doesn't seem to be the one he wanted to hear. He roughly gripped your jaw, angling your head up to face him. "What. Did. You. Do." He paused between his words that were spoken through clenched teeth. "I summoned... My familiar..." You said, struggling a bit due to his strong grip that will more than likely leave a few marks. He didn't seem as jovial as he was before, eyes holding a sharp glare. "Tell me what you really did." He growled, not taking his eyes off of yours. It was hard to say anything else as you had already told the truth of what happened. "Please let me go." You managed to squeak out. A moment passed before he dropped you, as if he had done so unwillingly. "Well, it seems it is true..." The teacher finally stepped in, having been watching but not intervening. He moved over to the half-naked man and walked circles around him, examining his frame and features. "By God's, you really did it..."
The teacher turned to you and cupped your face with his hands, albeit a little gentler than the mysterious man. "You've got a dragon familiar!" He said excitedly, clearly a little giddy about the circumstances. 'What's' and 'hows' could be heard around the room, most not believing what's happened either. "What?" The man growled. "You my sir are a dragon no?" The teacher asked, quickly turning to face the man who, upon looking at, did resemble a dragon. He didn't respond until you spoke up. "Answer." His eyes flicked to you, harsh glare still prevalent. "Yes." His answer seemed unwilling like when he had let go of you.
The teacher laughed triphantly, celebrating cartoonishly. "Oh it confirms everything! You are by far the strongest here!" He said, pulling you into his little happy spin. You still couldn't comprehend what was going on, it was all spinning, literally, too fast for you. "I still don't get it..." You mumbled out once he stopped spinning you. "What's your name?" The teacher asked, focusing back on the man. It was clear he was about to reject sharing but the stare you held on him seemed to get him to answer. "Azazel." He growled out half-heartedly. You were finally processing that it was true, you really got a dragon as your familiar. Familiars don't disobey their masters here and he hadn't once disobeyed you yet.
"Can we talk? Privately?" You asked, walking over to Azazel. He stared down to you, clearly pissed at the situation before walking to the door and stepping out. His long strides left you behind and you exited not too long after him. He didnt speak and just glared down at you. "I know you think I did something to you. But I didn't. It's our familiar summoning course and we don't exactly pick what we get." Azazel just rolled his eyes. He knew all well how magic worked. He was just pissed that you of all mages had gotten him as a familiar. "Let me tell you something." His tone still held anger.
"I refuse to be your familiar. Once before I've been deemed as a familiar. That was millenias ago. He was the first to ever have a beast like me. You are not deserving to be the second." Azazel had gotten closer with each sentence, effectively pinning you against the wall as he stared down at you. You looked up to him with slightly shocked but soft eyes. "Look. You don't have to stay... But, I will call you when I need you. I can't exactly exchange familiars." You said, walking past him and back into the classroom.
Azazel watched as you went back in, not understanding what you were thinking. He had been alive and alone for so long he had forgotten how to interact with people. Or forgot what it felt like. He hated that you had been the one to get him as a familiar. You were just like the one he had before, your words almost verbatim to the first time. "Fuck." He mumbled to himself, raising a hand to rub his chest before walking back in. People seemed a little shocked that he had followed you back in, assuming he would have left judging by what you had said. Of course they listened in but didn't say anything.
He didn't say a word as he stood behind you, eyes watching another class mate summon their familiar as well. They got a small bunny. Even though it wasn't nearly as impressive the teacher still applauded and congratulated them. The rest of the class went on as normal but you couldn't help to feel the cold stare that occasionally made its way to your back. "Alright class! I've got a new assignment for your break next week. Please read over the paper carefully and take your time to do this. I'll need it back by the end of the two weeks at least. Giving those who procrastinate a little more time" He said, handing out papers to everyone but you. "I have a special assignment for you. We'll speak after they've left." He said quietly so that only you and Azazel could hear. You nodded and he stood up fully. "Right! Class is dismissed, enjoy your break!" He said, making a little pop of confetti appear from his hand.
It didn't take long for students and their familiars to clear out, leaving Azazel, the teacher, and you. It was a bit awkward as they didn't say anything. "Your assignment for the next two weeks is to keep a journal." He said, pulling out a small note book. "Its just a daily thing. I want the both of you to try and get along. Understand each other." He paused and looked up to the other who towered over both of you. "I know of your history as a familiar. For one, I'm sorry. And secondly... Please take care of him just like before." He said with a soft smile before letting them know they could leave.
Azazel's brows furrowed at the comment but it wasn't hard to tell that the teacher knew some things. "You can do whatever. I'm gonna go home and get some sleep." You said, looking up to him for a moment before leaving first. Azazel looked at the teacher for a moment longer before poofing away. He had gone back to his home to put some clothes on since he had been in just a pair of loose fitting boxers that whole time. This gave him some time to think about all the things that happened so quickly.
With a yawn and a stretch, you started getting ready for bed early. The magic you had used during class wore you out and you couldn't be bothered to cook dinner. It was mostly quiet until you hear something in the living room. You didn't think much of it at first until you heard the TV in the living room turn on. Sitting up in bed, you stared at the door for a moment before grabbing your wand and quietly stepping out into the hall. The colorful light flickered on the walls and you could see the silhouette of a man sitting on the couch. You quietly made your way over to him and pointed the wand to the back of his head.
"What are you doing in my house." You demanded more than asked. He didn't respond and you asked again. He turned back to you with an unamused expression for a moment before turning back to watch the TV again. You sighed and turned on the light, your guard dropping. Your heart was still pounding as you tried to calm down. "You can't just invade like that. I never called for you." You said, moving to lean against the kitchen counter. He had noticed your unease and stood up, walking over to you. Azazel pinned you to the counter, hands on either side of you. "As of earlier today, I'm officially your guard, if you will." He said lowly, making your heart beat quicken again.
Azazel didn't think much of the position he had put the two of you in while you were slightly freaking out again at your proximity. "Ok just. Maybe knock on my front door next time? It's not very fun being half asleep and having to deal with what you think is an intruder." You said, wiggling your way out of his grasp. You opted to just go back to laying down, not wanting to deal with him anymore than you already have. Azazel watched you walk away and eventually followed you. He peaked through your cracked door to see you laying down and getting comfortable again. After watching for a moment, he stepped in and sat at the edge of the bed. You felt the shift but didn't care, brain too tired to even look.
"Is there something you need?" You asked, voice slightly muffled by your covers. He didn't say anything and you could feel the bed shift again, this time, towards where you were laying. Azazel sat down next to you before laying down, opting for his back. The bed was big enough to hold both of you and he made sure his arm didn't brush up against your back. You were too tired to care at this rate and just thought that as long as he stayed over there, you were good. He was your familiar after all... You had to get used to it at some point.
The night came and went. Your sleep was usually pretty rough but you felt like you slept well for once. The sun shines through the sheer curtains hanging over the window. As you started to wake up, you could feel a semi-hard, yet still soft heat source under you. Without thinking, you snuggled up to the heat more, not wanting to wake up just yet. "And here I thought you didn't like me..." A rough but sexy voice spoke up, making you instantly look up. It was clear by your expression you were still tired and werent quite sure what was happening but that was also when you noticed the strong arm wrapped around you. He smiled and pulled you closer. "Let's enjoy this for a moment before we go back to hating each other..." He said softly, head falling back against the pillows.
Your tired brain liked the sound of that as you snuggled up to him again, closing your eyes.
About an hour of you two cuddling had passed before you woke up again. You instantly sat up out of bed and rubbed your face, a yawn forcing its way out. Azazel didn't seem phased by your sudden movement and stayed relaxed. His eyes though, trailed you and your movements throughout the bedroom, unbeknownst to you. Thinking he was still asleep, you changed into your normal day clothes. And in turn he saw you fully naked. Azazel let you have "privacy" for a moment longer before feigning his awakening. He stretched and sat up from the bed, one leg hanging off the side as he let out a mighty yawn. You turned to look back at him for a moment to see he was only in a tight tank top and briefs, causing your cheeks to flush as the fabric didn't hide anything.
"You have clothes to wear right?" You asked, turning your head away from him. You were feeling a little awkward and fiddled with some small decor that sat on top of your dresser. "Of course. I'm going to bathe and change." He said standing up. He brushed past you and went straight to the bathroom. You weren't sure if he explored while you were sleeping but you wouldn't be surprised. Once the shower started to run, you sighed and left for the kitchen, your decision to not eat coming back to bite you in the ass. A ham and cheese croissant sounded good. Even though your feelings on Azazel were mixed, you made him one as well, knowing you would feel bad if you didn't. In the middle of making his, you were too lost in thought to hear him join you. He leaned back on the counter and watched you cook. "How sweet." He teased, voice echoing around the kitchen. You jumped at his "sudden" appearance and looked over at him from the corner of your eye. "You like to assume things don't you?" You snipped back, focusing again on the food cooking in front of you.
He pulled himself away and sat on the bar stool, his little dragon tail flicking back and fourth. You could feel his eyes watching you as you cooked and neither of you spoke, making you feel a little awkward. When the food was finished, you plated one for yourself and one for him. He stayed at the counter and you took yours into the living room to watch TV while you ate.
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lavena · 1 year
Since I am so incredibly desperate for tmnt fic recs, here I am supplying mine. All of these i HAVE READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES
pretty much all Mikey centric and jsyk every one I recommended I reread b4 posting this. Sorry If I repeat any, this took me over a week, college is kicking my butt and midterms are next week, kill me. If you have any you red please lmk either in comments or with rb I need the ficss guys please I am desperate.
On AO3
Train-wreck of thought by halogalopagost
A beautiful 2003 tmnt where Mikey is having trouble meditating and gets some tips from his dad and brothers, he struggles with his ADHD, he over comes it and turns out there is a lot more to this meditating than he thought. he intends to use it to his advantage.
The Legend of the Heiwa no Buki by abz_the_turtle
2012 Mikey is pure of heart and turns out that causes some problems for him, his brothers and a certain bother in blue from the future
exhaust trails through space by SpectrumWriting
2012 B team realizes they really need a break, after a fight between Leo and Donnie, B team pull a few favors and go to visit a few planets, look at some extraterrestrial inventions and get to see a festival of food. Each brother learns new things about each other and finally get to take a few deep breaths.
Surface Pressure by TheKeyBladeMaster1994
Mikey watched Encanto and something abut their family feels familiar. Honest to go so good, it is unfinished and only at 3 chapters but it is 32k words and by god if it isnt one of the best books I have read over 5 times already, featuring mikey being a helpful little brother and managing to stress his big brothers out in the proccess.
Pretend That I Never Left by redstingraven (sirimiri)
2003 Mikey gets taken into the Horizon Zero Dawn universe rather than the superpowered turtle universe in the SAINW episode. Positively glorious, he gets bashed and bruised and comes out the other end with an arrow sticking out of him.
All The Small Things by taizi @taizi
2012 Donnie gets deaged and Mikey gets to be a big brother. Positively adorable, Mikey is an enabler and the poor toaster will never be the same, plus just the right amount of angst to make me squeal.
Underdark by Nekotsuki
2003 Mikey and Leo and stuck in the sewers after a collapse, both are hurt and oh looky here it seems Leo has fainted and Mikey is panicking, it would be great if he could take a full breath to hyperventilate with.
We've been here all along by Taizi
Beautiful 2007 tmnt, Mike gets shot, worries about making Donnie abandon him, Casey says fuck that.
walk with open hands by taizi
Mikey can't get over his fathers death and knows his brothers cant get over it either, and he is going to do something about it, been if it almost costs him everything. Was originally 1 chapter, but a second chapter from Splinters POV makes everything gorgeous.
traveling so far to get there by taizi
different age turtles, 2012 universe, Mikey and Raph gets transported to a post-apocalypses time-line aptly called the after party, no one lives, but Mikey does manage to find himself a monkey companion and Raph really wishes his little brother and him would be back home. Little moment of Mikey and Donnie being twins that is positively adorable and I need more of it ASAP. Its 10k words but reads like 30 in the best way possible, like literally a must read!
Closer by Taizi
adorable human woodyangelo
Problem child by taizi
human AU, Mikey is going to give his big brothers a heart attack, he makes questionable friends, and it seems he has a lot of growing up to be doing
Things You Never Outgrow by taizi
Mikey might just have picked up some less than stellar habits from his family as a baby, and now its coming out to bite him in the butt as his brothers notice.
Know the world in yourself by taizi
Donatello is an aspiring Egyptologist, and close friends with part-time thief and sometimes-scoundrel Casey Jones, who pickpockets an ancient map of the fabled City of the Dead off a young man he stumbles across in the Casbah—a young adventurer, it turns out, and none other than the little brother Donatello hasn't seen in almost eight years
Small spaces by Taizi
After 2012 Mikey gets captured and held by the Kraang, it seems he might just have a new fear, his brothers are not happy about it.
While you're here enjoy the view by taizi
Cute little woodyangelo 2012. They have my heart
Sleepwalking by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Splinter wakes up in a cold sweat and notices that Mikey is missing, and it seems like a dark entity is after his littlest sons light, good thing its just a nightmare, right? A few nights later it seems that is not so. Only 4 chapters but has 30k words and is a positive joy to read, I hope it continues to update.
The Ultimate Weapon by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Mikey is pure of heart and just about everything knows it, including but not limited to an eldritch entity that he swears is just try to make his life hard no matter what it tells you.
Interrogation or Malpractice by Professor_Anxietree
2012 Mikey when he got captured by the triceritons, their mind reading machine doesn't do quite what was intended and it spells out pain and sufferings for the smallest of the Hamato clan. Its pretty much being over stimulated to the max, like your skin feels too tight and you can hear your nerons firing in your brain type stuff, beware if you have overstimulation.
Someone to Protect by Koalagriton
2012. Mikey's big bothers get captured by Hun and Mikey doesn't take it well, that's going to become Huns problem.
Flowers by intomyfireyoushallfall
Mikey meets Tang Shen
The shinobi's garden by taizi
buncha one shots that you have to read, you have to istg 66k words of nothing but amazing.
family sticks together, bruh by hellomyoldheart
Mikey (Bayverse) discovers online shopping and sends it to Aprils place, April gets a package addressed for Mikey O'neil
too bad, but its the life you lead by angelmichelangelo @angelmichelangelo
2k7my beloved. Mikey is having trouble at home, good thing this new cat he found, affectionately named Klunk, can help a little. You will cry, I cried, still have read it four times, but crying non the less, read the tags or it will hit you like a freight train
the dad diaries by angelmichelangelo
pepaw Ronin and the new babies, adorable and angst ( in the form of flashbacks) nuff said
a minute from home by taizi
bteam for the win, I cant get enough, baby don and mikey wonder off and survive 3 months, it changes them
I've been afraid of changing by taizi
2007 Mikey really hates his job, Donnie didn't get that, but now he does
Give up the ghost series by taizi
Mikey can see ghosts, and that means he can see his one and only dead brother too, donnie, it causes problems for eveyone around him. human AU
The Gauntlet by T33la
Mikey and Don have to take a leap of faith, good thing Mikey has complete trust in his big bros tech
Flipbook by T33la
the 2003 SAINW donnie boy planned just in case and mikey finds the first bit of the plan, talks happen
Chronicles of the Cretaceous by T33la
Mikey boy manages to befriend a T-rex because of course he does
Words to be Spoken by Mona_E_Lisa @mona-e-lisa
Soulmate Au with woodyangelo, its got angst, just not for the boys, nd holy shyt I need more
The Silver Sentry by Mona_E_Lisa
2003 Mikey gets a son, and he deffo has some problems with Splinter, and I love him more than words
2088 by Mona_E_Lisa
If you haven't read this you haven't lived and that's all I can say. What are you doing? go read it??? like asap, will change you. Its 6k and this post will still be here when you get back, get going now sho sho
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx @unorthodoxx-page
ATLA x tmnt 2018, everyone thinks they are spirits, donnie boy isn't going to correct them, and mikey ends up malnourished, but it updates this sunday so GO Go Go asap, it great
turning over stone by angelmichelangelo
2012 mikey gets angry, and kami does it suck, but good thing his big brother has experience in dealing with it.
caught in the rip tide by angelmichelangelo
Mikey gets hurt, and it might just be leos fault. 2012 based on the season 4 episode broken food.
yolk by angelmichelangelo
Mikey can't take the fighting anymore, too bad it took wrecking a midnight breakfast for his brothers to notice.
december 18th: raise a glass by angelmichelangelo
Mikey turns 21, and they really should be winding down by now, but Donnie doesn't have the heart. technically tagged with 2012 and IDW, but could totally see it with 2007 if u ignore that raph is in japan
december 15th: a size too big by angelmichelangelo
2007 Mikey was supposed to be bac an hour ago, he is gonna be the death of Donnie I swear.
the Kappas constellation by angelmichaelangelo
bunch a one shots
Honestly just anything by angelmichelangelo or taizi, but you can see that with how often they show up in this list
Its a cycle by GhostiesandGhoulies
Adorable 2007 Mikey being hurt while doing cowabunga car and his brothers looking after him
Clogged drain by Goblin cat KC
Horror, the poor boys were not ready for this one but I adore it. Nothing more I can say than they will have nightmares and all of them will have night lights.
Hero among them by oliviasbizzaremind
2007 gang gets a call after a rough night, its for cowabunga carl, so how exactly does this lady know Mikey's name? Mikey always was a bleeding heart.
If Wishes were Fishes by Taisi (this is also on A03 I believe I just found it on ff.net fist so i figured id share that here too)
Human AU, adorable must read, like I cant stress this enough, you haven't lived without this. And as a former foster kid, damn.
Mikey's truly awful, incredibly sucky, super hella bummer of a day by Orange4Days
Exactly what the title says and you will enjoy this boys suffering and eventual comfort.
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transgenderer · 4 months
have increasingly come to the belief that the "human experience" is so multifarious that to talk of it as one thing is basically meaningless. i think this is true on multiple "scales".
on the personal scale, even if we are in the same culture, even if we participate in the same activities, human variation is large enough that the structure of our thoughts, our...thought-flow, our consciousness of reality, can be so distinct as to admit little comparison. but this is the weakest layer. or maybe it isnt, its also the least knowable layer. beetles, boxes, etc.
next up, there's the "lifestyle" scale maybe, that the way we live our lives, occupy our time, etc, can be very different, in ways that are not conducive to universality. what i mean is that...you can be a person that does lots of different things, or a person who does a much smaller set of things. but the thing is, while maybe the person of diverse experience has in some meaningful sense "more" experiences, theyre not experiencing what it is like to have a more circumscribed experience! if youre some world traveler experiencing a bit of lots of different cutures, youre not a writer dedicating all their time to the craft, or a homemaker focusing everything on your children and your house and your local social sphere, lives are short. its the agony of plath's figs. and the personal scale ties in very heavily here, youre strictly limited by your nature, by your constitution. i mean, it depends how strictly you mean strictly, you can do a huge variety of things with your fixed constitution, and yet *things are still closed off by you*. some things you just wont enjoy! and you dont get to experience what its like to be the sort of person who enjoys those things! it sucks!
anyway ON TOP of the other two, which would be bad enough on their own, there's the cultural layer!!! people raised in other cultures can have fundamentally different culturally-cultivated experiences of the world! an understanding of what it means to be a person, an understnanding of their own consciousness, in a way that gives them a different strange loop, that affects the way their consciousness "runs". and you can be raised in two cultures but then as above youre not fully raised in either culture, you're a third thing, experientally speaking.
i mean. obviously theres not NO overlap between people, in exeprience. there's a lot of overlap. humans are a very restricted subset of possible minds. but. theres not as much overlap as there COULD be. there are very few universals, for some sense of "very few"
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red-elric · 10 months
i hear yall on 'girls can wear pants just bc jane does doesnt mean shes a trans guy' but homestuck is a deeply symbolic webcomic. its different! the skirt in homestuck is used as a signifier that a character is a girl more than it is as a genuine fashion choice in the early days of the comic; with the sprite as the only representation we have to go on, rose in particular with her shorter hair becomes more obviously feminine with the skirt, eyelashes, and lipstick at a glance. the need for the skirt as a visual distinction decreases as the readers become more familiar with the comic and the art style advances, but the original motive still remains! and is turned on its head when we are introduced to the trolls; while aradia, kanaya, and feferi wear skirts, nepeta, kanaya, and vriska decidedly DONT. this choice is intentional; we are told explicitly that in troll society the differences between men and women are arbitrary, with fewer rigid rules and distinctions than in human society. the extent to which that is actually TRUE is a little bit up for debate, but it definitely has some truth to it, and nepeta, terezi, and vriska all have a level of gender fuckery about them that aradia, kanaya, and feferi dont quite have in the same way. (kanaya of course has a DIFFERENT kind of gender fuckery about her, but its a different vibe and not really relevant here.)
then we meet the alpha kids. the skirt as a signifier is irrelevant at this point; we already know which characters are boys vs girls because we have the background of their adult counterparts. you can argue that jane is introduced wearing a skirt to make it clear that it is her and not jake in her first teaser panel, since she also has short hair! and thats about it. janes narrative is all about her own agency and her lack of control in her own life. she is brainwashed, she is locked in her own home for her own protection, she is kept in the dark from her friends' true feelings and secrets because they dont know how shell react. every choice she makes for herself prior to entering the medium is framed as a mistake that ruins things for everyone; her dad, roxy, dirk. and yet, when she does enter the medium, she is alone and free from other influences for the first time. her dad is missing, condy cant (or, more accurately, currently isnt interested in) access her, and she is outside the realm of societal pressure from earth, with her three friends who have never met another person in real life before. and with her newfound freedom, she chooses to wear pants; the first human female character in homestuck to do so. she has a hands free computer headset that gives her a faux moustache. and i think thats relevant!
of course, when she becomes god tier and immediately crockertiered, all her agency and control is lost in a way that doesnt ever return to her, even in post canon content. from that moment on, she is the maid or the heiress only, and cannot express her own desires in the narrative; she has been reduced to a caricature of what condy and aranea believed of her, and in this narrative she is grossly feminized in the worst possible way. just. food for thought.
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vegannerdgirl · 1 year
wait riding a horse is exploitation to you 😭 pls be fr. theres a dif between forcing your horse and harming them (which im not saying isnt common with equestrians honestly We need to put so many of those ppl down i stg) and riding them for fun or going on a trail or smth. riding your horse is not inherently anything, you dont have to! but its literally what we domesticated them for, its like saying working your border collie is exploitation. (horse racing, rodeo etc does not apply we need to kill people)
You freely admit that abuse is possibly common in the equestrian world, and in the next thought admit these people should be killed. But you seem shocked that I believe a system in which horse riding for pleasure is inherently exploitative. This confuses me a little.
Working my bordie collie for what, exactly? Herding sheep I plan to sell to slaughter? I'm not sure you want me to say here. I am against any system that exploits both humans and non-human animals. Saying they are "working" when they have no control over their lives nor do they have consent, whether or not they enjoy it, is not a system I wish to support.
"There's a difference between forcing your horse and harming them" That is exactly what breaking entails, forcing young horses to accept being ridden. It is force. We do not ask them politely, we force them to accept a rider until they no longer fight them off. A horse that does not accept being ridden is a horse with no monetary value, and is therefore useless to the market. How long do you think such horses last before being put down?
In terms of domestication, horses did not willingly submit to being used by humans. Do you freely admit this as well? When we captured them and rid them, did they simply comply? Or did they buck and struggle and fight to get away? Just because we have historically used them for a purpose does not mean we should keep doing so. Part of growing up is learning the behaviors you do that are harmful, and choosing to change them. We do this individually and on a societal level, and we look at this as progress.
There is nothing wrong with reevaluating our relationship with animals, and realizing in most cases, it is entirely one-sided. Which is not, inherently, a relationship at all. It is exploitation.
Adopting a horse to care for them, giving them space to exercise and socialize, is not exploitation. Buying a horse to ride for pleasure is, and always will be, an inherently exploitative system. Because every step along the way was a human forcing a horse to obey.
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beesmygod · 4 months
@ the other anon: sure, on a biological scale, everyone is unique and special. but on a societal level, a larger scale? we're all specks of dust. exceptionalism, the belief that individuals are all uniquely special, is inherently a kinda selfish mindset. it erases the commonalities between us, turns us all into isolated aliens, disparate from one another. it creates ego: if I am special, and everyone else is special but in different ways than me, then I must be more special than others, and if I am more special, then why should I help? why should I support others? why should I be inconvenienced for the sake of someone special-but-different than myself???
I am one of the billions of people on this planet. everyone in the world is just like me. there is no unique talents or perspectives that I possess that could not be perfectly replicated or reached by any number of other people, currently, or in the past or future. and that connects me to the world. I am a single blade of grass in a field, indistinguishable from the thousands and millions beside me. I have more in common with every unspecial person on this planet than I possibly could with a universe of uniquities. and it drives me to help, to support, to want to protect people, because we're all in this together, and it isn't special to care for others. my life isn't worth any more or less than anyone else's, not even my enemies, not even people who have done heinous crimes.
I'm just an ape on a rock orbiting a giant nuclear reactor hurtling through space. and the stars will not weep for me someday, just like they did not weep for my mother or my grandmother or anyone else, just like they don't weep for ants or beetles or blades of grass. because when I'm gone, there will still be others just like myself. apes on a rock.
yeah, this. more like this. i am not special and its comforting. my suffering is not unique and others have weathered it, my successes follow in a long line of dubs for the human race.
the point of life isnt to be special, its to have a good time. we should facilitate that by helping each other out. its a short turn on the planet after all
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Gabimaru & Chobei; Their Humanity & Some Parallels
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Both Gabimaru and Chobei are one of the most dangerous, strongest, violent criminals of the story. Even though, they dont interact much because they have their own story and journey, its like there is this Aza brothers and Gabi-gang. Be carefull for the spoilers :)))).
1- Humanity of Two Crazy Savages;
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Those two characters are easiely one of the most interesting characters in series because of humanity in them, despite the fact that they are bloody criminals and what makes it better is its different for both of them.
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With Gabimaru, every interaction and connection he made with others shows a different side of him. First, with his wife Yui, first person who ever kind to him and we get cute, blushy side of Gabi and later with Sagiri, she saves his life and despite the fact that her job is killing him, she empathise with him as person, not only it helps her to grow better and she also helps him to grow too, they connected deeply. And his interaction with Yuzuriha is sassy and they dont really get along but it still feels geniue, like sibling relationship. And with Mei, he decides to help that little girl because he remembered that she was treated horribly, just like Yui was and he empathize her desire to live normal life which is something he desperately wants too. And with other comprades he made with Tamiya, Fuchi and others, he naturaly gets along with him because why not? They dont have any reason to fight and all so we get this another side of Gabi with the connections he made with multiple people. We get version of him being flustered, sassy, grumpy, nekomaru etc, its fun to explore of him because he is not hollow. And the fact that he is small guy makes it funnier, lol.
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With Chobei, another criminal we explore his humanity, during the story but in opposite way because Chobei doesnt really care about other people the way Gabi did. He has no interest in them and he has no motivation to change and to him, he already has everything he needs. Power, respect, Toma. He is egoistical barbaric guy who can easiely get along with others but he simply dont want to so what makes his character interesting isnt the ‘interaction’ he had with multiple people, it is just one person, his little brother Toma. Everything he did, his beginning, his ending, his motivation, everything is connected to his love for his brother. Chobei become a bandit to survive so that he could protect Toma. His one of the most important memories are being big brother. ‘Break down. Come apart.’ Something he repeatedly said from that specific memory. He doesnt mind dying for getting hurt for him and always ready to protect him. He loves Toma, he wants to protect him, he wants to be with him. It is interesting because he is very self-absorved character who couldnt care less about other people, except he will throw it all away for Toma.
If this story was longer and if Toma wanted to have normal life, i think Chobei would abandon his bandit king life. Their relationship is easiely one of the most interesting thing in story because it affects each others character, they mess each others up by only closing theirselves off from others, they are trauma bonding and has several abandonment issues but also their love is so pure that at least they have each others. Its just, no matter what happens, they will always be each others number one. (One of the funniest thing about this is the fact that only reason Chobei didnt try to/murder main squad is simply because they just little take care of his precious brother.) And no matter what kind of life they have, they would most likely still be close as possible, because thats how they are. (Relationship between Aza brothers is too much to talk so for now, thats it.)
Both characters want to go home, something they mentioned during the story. Gabi wants to Yui and Chobei wants to Toma because its their home, their humanity. I guess, what makes Gabi and Chobei different is for Gabi had nothing, so its about him finding people whom he can see as family, friends, lover etc while Chobei lost all of it at once except Toma, so he wants to protect that one family he has forever, he doesnt need others because to him, Toma can fullfil all roles for him.
2- Parallels; The Hollow and Bandit King
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Gabimaru was born into nothing, he lost his family before able to knowing and fully connecting with them. He has nothing, this is why he was empty, until he met his wife. Chobei was once had everything. He was royal boy who has nice family and cute little brother but then, one boy one, he lost all of them except his little brother. Ironically, the reason they become ‘villain’/criminals are opposite. Gabimaru became criminal because he had nothing, Chobei became criminal because had something to lose. And ironically, being criminal made Gabimaru prisoner of his messed up village while it made Chobei free from messed up rules of society.
Gabimaru had no reason to feel any feeling for those he killed because thats how he was raised but Chobei wasnt raised that way but he still had to survive, he had no choice but to adapt to protect the one he care about. Chobei mirrors the people who stronger than him to adapt sitution which eventually turn him into bandit. We can say they both didnt have much choices in life.
Later after meeting his wife, Gabimaru found something he doesnt want to lose, he started to regain his humanity and during his journey, he regain it more, with the help of Sagiri and other people he encountered during his journey. He and Sagiri connect and later, he decide to help Mei anyway and he connects with others.
Though, unlike Gabimaru, Chobei is a lot closed off towards strangers. Thats why while Gabi changes during the story, Chobei remains the same at core, only his little brother who learns to connect with others change and Chobei adapts to it. While Gabimaru wants to redeem and live normal life, Chobei wants to continue live his life as criminal. Gabimaru is a lot like hero while Chobe is a lot like villain but they are very human characters in the end. Despite they seem opposite, i think it is important to remember that their beginning is different and they both are ready to give up on their humanity to return to ones they dont want to lose. Their home. Their family. For Gabimaru, its his wife Yui and for Chobei, its his little brother, Toma.
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They both have compatible partner, (platonic soulmates) in a way. They have opposite, perfect match partners for them.Gabimaru’s partner is Sagiri, even their element are matching. Fire and wood. For Chobei, his partner is Toma, their elements are matching too. Metal and Earth. Sagiri is tall, black hair girl while Gabi is short, white hair boy. Sagiri has mature, compatible, mother energy, she is obsessed with rules while Gabi is cat like, stubborn, desire his freedom but also obedient. Chobei is dominant, masculine energy while Toma is obedient, feminine boy. They match perfectly. (Sagiri and Toma are kinda parallels too, in a way with their loyalty and support, etc.)
Whenever Gabimaru and Chobei about to loose their humanity, Sagiri and Thoma are the ones who reminds them to their humanity. (Though, in Gabimaru’s case, its both his wife and Sagiri.).They do their best to help them.
Another difference is about their desire to live. Gabimaru wants to have normal life for himself, thats why he tries his best to survive during the story while Chobei only wants to survive to protect his little brother, its for someone else’s sake, the moment he thought his brother can handle things by himself, he was okay with dying, thankfully he didnt.
At the end of story, both Gabimaru and Chobei die and become plant-person and saved by Sagiri and Toma. Gabimaru finally receive the normal life he wants with Yui and Chobei continue to his weird adventures with Toma.
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There are many things to say but for now, thats it. Jigokuraku specifically focus on humanity of criminals and craziness of samurays so its interesting to explore, especially Gabi and Chobei gets many focus so i would like to talk about them more. There were too many pics that fits here but well, i didnt want to use too much. I read this manga years ago, kinda in a mood to talk about it more.
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despazito · 1 year
like i have such conflicting feelings about the pathologizing of mental illness nowadays and the culture it creates. i think the need to have ones dx, at least in my case, was driven by a fundamental urge for validation that what i’m feeling isn't just a phase or something that will sort itself out. i think women especially have had our pain and struggles so minimized, i had lows wishing i just had a broken leg so others could at least see my pain. i clung to my dx and feet like waving it to the world shouting its not just in my head!! i’m not just lazy!!
in some ways getting the dx is like getting a pedigree for your fucked up brain. like this isnt some backyard bred tiktok adhd, this is PUREBRED adhd with the papers to prove it!!! all these women like myself who were looking for a voice and affirmation through dx to prove they “aren’t just one of those girls who’s too sensitive and googled their symptoms”, but now that’s also created its own trope of “overdiagnosed girl in her 20s” and there’s a whole new stereotype to mock and invalidate. there’s just no winning, it really feels like our pain will never get taken seriously by society to matter which route we take to get heard we are dismissed.
but of course these slips of paper become vital if you need any assistance or accommodations, so they are incredibly beneficial to have.
my issue is the more i reflect, the more i do feel like many emotional disturbances or brain funkiness ESPECIALLY depression and anxiety are the result of, or at least become more aggravated, by unluckiness in your childhood relationships and the narrative we created about it. turns out you don’t need to be textbook abused to have adverse experiences, and a failure to have a healthy secure relationship to your primary caregiver fucks with you for life but nobody wants to talk about that. i do think we live in a society here in canada where parental rights to parent how their want is overstepping on the child’s right to have the healthiest possible environment to be raised in. i had spent years reading about the lifelong effects of parental deprivation or bad socialization in dogs and parrots before reading about it in humans, and i think we forget how much humans are also animals.
but the thing is you can work on relationships, you can begin to process trauma. when i tell myself “i’m a person with anxiety” it feels really loaded with a sense of finality that i will always live this way.. the more i use that language the more futile it feels about ever improving, when so often depression and anxiety are the result of deeper unresolved issues. I see so many people with phobias or fears resign to living painful lives than trying to work on any exposure or processing their fears. i’d still be miserable if i never worked through my intense fears of intimacy, i was perfectly resigned to a life of being alone and thought i was content with that.
turns out growing up with trauma can cause the same unfocused and disorganized presentation as clinical adhd.i’ll admit i didn’t like learning that one, as adhd already has so many deniers my kneejerk response was anger at my adhd being invalidated. but i think a lot of adhd people fall somewhere in between that venn diagram, and rejecting a traumagenic theory for some people’s symptoms means they will be prescribed the wrong treatment plan. and this is why all treatment plans put emphasis on talk therapy just as much as pharmacological intervention.
obviously some things aren’t the result of your childhood! your mom yelling at you doesn’t cause autism, but chances are if you’re autistic and had cruddy support you’ll face more adversities and mental health struggles than a good supportive environment. similarly, you could’ve grown up with all the love and support to thrive but one day your thyroid decides it’s time to make you feel like roadkill.
idk, what i’m trying to say is don’t corner yourself or resign from living life because of your mental health dx or think that you’ll never get better because you “have” this, chances are there’s always room to feel better. the most hurtful thing is our inner voice if it’s internalized negative language, and there’s exercises you can practice to drill more positive or at least neutral nonjudgemental language into your inner critic. because even if you have something that will never be cured, the way we talk to ourselves about it is a variable we have some power over.
the narrative part experiencing trauma is uniquely human. some people will experience horrible things and internalize the negativity or self blame, but resilient people have better prognosis because they have ability to frame things in a narrative that don’t assign self blame, and critiques the behaviour instead of the self. because so many complications and struggles arise out of kicking ourselves when we’re down. but the thing is this usually can’t happen on its own, we need to see this modeled by the people around us. but thankfully if we missed the boat, we CAN retrain that voice
anyway that’s my musings from my perspective. for anyone curious here’s a lecture that really resonated with me, its got some hard hitting truths i didn’t want to hear but sometimes you gotta hear things that make you uncomfortable
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
feelings on the ‘link who went into the shrine of resurrection isnt the same one who came out’ theory/hc? apologies if this has already been clarified
sigh. this theory occupies the exact same niche in my mind as the "link is dead in mm" theory tbh (by which i mean its the bane of my fucking existence.) Technically, i believe it is possible within the preestablished lore of the franchise. However, I think the only way you come to a conclusion like this is by deliberately ignoring a lot of the writing of the game.
in my opinion, loz as a franchise is at its best when it functions as a thematic narrative. my favorite games in the series all function as narratives on two levels--the first is the obvious one, the hero's journey story that the player actually physically plays through. the second level is the one that really hooks ME on these games though, and that's the thematic level. oot, for example, is essentially a story about a young boy going on a journey to save his kingdom. But on a thematic level, it's about the relationships between adults and children and the trauma of growing up. breath of the wild functions similarly. essentially it is a story about a boy waking up with no memories and saving a princess from a monster. but on a thematic level, botw is a commentary on trauma and growth and healing.
the gist of the theory you're talking about is that the original pre-calamity link was unable to be resurrected and the shrine of resurrection just made a new one in his place, and that's why he has no memories. depending on how deep into the theory you go, some suggest that everyone the original link knew pre-calamity is in on this conspiracy and are deliberately gaslighting the new link into believing he is the same person as the original. to be entirely honest, i think it technically works on a purely literal level. COULD the shrine of resurrection have probably made a new link? yes. COULD zelda and everyone else be conspiring to convince link he's a real boy? sure. technically yes. there's not REALLY anything wrong with this from an in-universe standpoint. it's all technically possible. but imo the only way to come to this conclusion is to ignore the fact that botw functions on a secondary level as a metaphor.
I think there's a tendency among a certain type of superfan to forget that media is created by PEOPLE, and that writing decisions are made deliberately. especially in a game as vast and immersive as botw, it's admittedly easy to forget sometimes that the world and the narrative were crafted by human beings and therefore narrative and worldbuilding decisions were made for a reason. but if you take a step back and analyze it from a writer's perspective, botw's thematic narrative is almost richer than its face-value story. it's built into the characters, the world, the lore, EVERYTHING in the game is structured around its central themes. this is part of what i believe makes botw such a successful and relatable game. Its central message, that it's never too late for growth, that healing is possible, that just because things are broken doesn't mean they can't be fixed, is woven so beautifully into the very bones of the game. There's a REASON that link wakes up with no memories, and it's not because he's a victim of a kingdom-wide conspiracy about his own death. it's because he is meant to seem broken beyond repair. he wakes up on the near-abandoned great plateau--DELIBERATELY abandoned, because the player is meant to view the world as broken beyond repair at this point in the story, with no memories, no heart containers, no stamina. A shell of the warrior he once was. and the rest of the game is dedicated to the discovery that he can heal. he can find his memories, he can grow stronger, he can form new relationships and he can do better. hope was not lost when he fled hyrule castle 100 years ago. hope is never lost so long as there are people who are willing to keep trying to rebuild. hyrule is not a dead, abandoned kingdom as it first seems when you awake. Hyrule is ALIVE. there are cities and stables and merchants and travelers and people living and dying and continuing on every single day.
to suggest that link didn't actually survive requires you to, at best, deliberately ignore all of that thematic setup, and at worst, retcon it out of existence. if link isn't really link, if the whole world is conspiring against him, then that means that the original link really was doomed. that he can never heal from what happened to him. that he was exactly what he believed himself to be--a failure who doomed hyrule to a century of suffering. it removes link's agency and his impact as the main character of this story--if he was never hurt in the first place, he has nothing to heal from. there's no message there, nothing to be learned. he's just going through the motions of the story because he's been told to--arguably falling into the exact same trap that the original did.
again, is the theory technically plausible? yes. in-universe, the groundwork exists for it to have happened. but if you refuse to look at a narrative outside of its own governing universe, it's easy to forget that people tell stories for a reason. botw is written the way it is because its writers had something to say. Why does link lose all his memories after the shrine? In-universe, this is a mystery, yes. to someone who is only willing to examine that plot point within the confines of that universe, yeah, it seems like a plot hole, and yeah, this theory might explain it. but from a writer's perspective, it's not a plot hole at all. it's a clear, deliberate writing decision. just because a story asks you to suspend your disbelief a little bit for the sake of the greater narrative doesn't mean that the writers are actually secretly plotting a conspiracy and link isn't really link. it means you're being asked to either willingly suspend your disbelief, or examine why you're being asked to do so from a writing standpoint.
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chi-the-idiot · 8 months
Hi im back on my DC shit. Listen I will never really get into the comics. But character analysis?? That I can get into.
If you had to make me choose between Superman and Batman, I would say Superman. I don't think its really tapped into in the comics or shows (they mostly potray him as powerful and kind and that's that), but I love the possible analysis of "which alter ego is the REAL Clark". As in, who represents his personality more. Is Clark really the shy reporter that hides behind glasses and a slouching posture? Or is he the extroverted and kindhearted Superman?
My answer, in this case, would be both. Superman allows him to be more outgoing, show his strenght in full and all sides of his personality. Clark Kent is also himself, a more shy and insecure human side, that still retains the heart of gold that his superhero self has.
But I will never deny that Batman, as an analysis subject, is magnificently complex.
Because Bruce Wayne is a broken boy living in the adult body of a man. He lost his parents in a horrific accident, right in front of his very eyes, and never recovered. He had Alfred, of course, and he became a father figure too, but you don't just move on from that. And his answer was to avoid that pain through dedicating himself to fight crime. He left everything aside to become the protector of the city, completely neglecting to adress the emotional wreck he was after the tragedy.
And so, Bruce Wayne didn't only hide his pain through one mask, but two: the playboy, his public side that has no issues at all, that is vain and searches for pleasure and profit only; and Batman, the stoic dark knight of gotham, who keeps everybody at arms lenght in distrust.
Thus, Bruce Wayne the human being, the one who is emotionally broken, remains in the shadows of these two figures, and only sees the light of day with a select few. After all, Bruce has the BatFamily. It isnt only his protective instinct, its his inner self thoroughly relating with those kids and wanting to protect them from what happened to himself.
Im so sorry, im gonna go cry, and I will never forget what the Batman fans of way back when did to that poor Robin ( ;_;)
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skitterplant · 8 months
ok i have.. soo many thoughts about ur fic rni usually dont read or look through content with fem yns since it (personally) makes me uncomfy, but for some reason the way u write this one makes it very easy to actually read and not feel like im being forced into the role of Woman™️ (im ftm and its really frustrating how common that feeling is with fics). this yn actually feels like her own person which actually makes reading this a lot more interesting as well. something about the way she just... is is fascinating to me
anyway- i have sooo many questions, tho mainly about the yn. i dont expect any answers at all, im just throwing these for ur entertainment to witness
wtf is going on with yn? she clearly has a motive but wutever it is i cant pinpoint it. could possibly be something to do with fazbear? at least based on how she said that "while i hate ur attitude i hate liars more". if so, then y only target the dca? y them in specific? or does she have effects all over the pizzaplex?
also something ive been thinking about was that one conversation at the end of chapter 5 between the mechanics moon overheard. i wonder if that was some form of foreshadowing? maybe something about yn? or maybe it was simply just a point where moon realizes how little he knows about humans. (tho something i will note is that its actually somewut common for kids to just randomly kill or hurt animals. often times its out of curiosity to test the limits of things. usually wut stops kids from doing it is other ppl finding out and scolding them for it, therefore teaching them it isnt something "good" to be doing)
im just. so fascinated with the yn. while her actions r absolutely frustrating and makes no sense i feel as tho theres a reason behind it other than sadistic enjoyment (bc she didnt even seem to enjoy the times when shed hurt them, just annoyed)
im absolutely hooked on this now and i dont think im escaping any time soon OTL
The fact that you've picked up my work and enjoyed it despite usually avoiding this type of MC is a big, big compliment!
I wish I could answer properly because your questions are extremely important to the plot points I'm ACHING to get into😭😭😭 Really just went and tickled every sore spot on my brain, you sly weasel :/
Just know that your thoughts made me very happy. Thank you!!!
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soulofamy · 5 months
🌸 a ship others dislike but you don’t?
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚--- 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐬𝐤 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 ---ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
i dont think i have a more disliked ship i care about than angelscales tbh. and like honestly it makes no sense to me why that is. people keep saying that they cant see it, that the two have no chemistry and nothing in common, then turn around and advocate for ships that make even less sense
first of all, they literally do make so much sense. their stories in mk1 are written in such a way that already gives them both very unique insight into each others trauma and experiences. they both lived very harsh lives, both enslaved by sorcerers, and both lost their loved ones to said sorcerers. so like they have a lot of understanding between them. but then on top of that, they are both beings who are outcast from the rest of society. so once again, they have a lot of experiences between themselves that show just how well they would work together.
but then on top of that, their differences offer interesting ways they can learn from one another. ashrah wants to be a human, meanwhile syzoth can literally shapeshift into one. ashrah strives to shed her demon form, meanwhile syzoth shows a lot of pride in his zaterran heritage. they work so well to me because they understand one another in a way that very few else could but on top of that, are different enough that they could learn a lot from one another and grow together too.
people want to sit here and compare them to jade and kotal (which tbh i am not even entirely sure i understand why that ship is hated) or call angelscales toxic, they want to say that ashrah is abusing or manipulating syzoth, i have seen people say all these things. and it just kinda gets tiresome, when people try to claim that not shipping them makes you a more moral person somehow.
and before the 'but syzoths wife just died!!' crowd comes in here to argue, 1) we have literally no idea how long it took for ashrah and syzoth to become an item, there is quite literally no canon timeframe to go with so im going to assume it was a natural progression and 2) even if they did get together quickly ???? who cares? if i was syzoth and literally my whole life was ruined, i would want to find a path back to being as close to normal as possible as soon as possible. his wife isnt getting any less dead, if he decides to choose happiness over being in eternal mourning, let him! he deserves it!
anyway angelscales is canon and the people whining about it cant take that from me <3
thanks for the ask!
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