#the way prom does the whole joking how could you before getting serious
calamity-jam · 2 years
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Promptis Week 2022 - Fav Scene | Orange | “Think what you will, but I think you’re good enough for me”
Episode Prompto end scene my beloved-
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jaeyunsz · 2 years
out of my limit (jake s.) - preview
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pairing: jake x fem!reader
best friend’s brother!au, secret relationship!au, kinda based on 5sos ‘out of my limit’
genre: smut, fluff, angst? 
warnings: smut [will add the details when it’s finalized], alcohol consumption
word count: 6k+ estimated
summary: after having feelings for your best friend’s brother for over two years, everything takes a turn when your boyfriend breaks up with you right before senior prom, only for jake to be your date. after an unpredictable and eventful night, you woke up tangled in his sheets with your best friend sleeping in the room across. now how were you going to spend the whole summer before going to college in your best friend’s beach house while his brother was a total snack who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
You're just a little bit out of my limit It's been two years now you haven't even seen the best of me And in my mind now I've been over this a thousand times But it's almost over Let's start over
a/n: send me an ask if you want to be on the taglist!
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‘’C’mon let’s dance.’’ He suddenly said, getting up and holding his hand out for you to grab it. Who were you to say no?
The way he held your waist as you swayed to the song playing in the background created a memory that you would never forget. There was only one thing bothering Jake at the moment and no, it was not Taehyun’s eyes burning at his back. You had been awfully quiet ever since he came to pick you up.
‘’Have I?’’ You replied when he asked. ‘’I don’t know, it just feels weird. You know, my prom date is my best friend’s brother. We’ve never been this close physically to each other.’’
‘’Does it… make you nervous? Being close to each other like this.’’ He questioned, you weren’t sure if he was just messing around with you or being serious.
‘’Why would I be nervous? Wait- Are you trying to flirt because of the ‘prom’ mood right now?’’ You chuckled, trying to joke around to get out of the situation he was putting you in. You were indeed nervous but Jake didn’t need to know that. So you did what you’d always done; tease him till he shuts up. ‘’Oooh you want to kiss me so bad…’’ You teased him looking in his dark orbs, a small smirk forming on your lips.
You saw him break eye contact, look down at your lips then look back up. ‘’Yeah I do.’’ He mumbled, only loud enough for you to hear.
‘’Stop messing around.’’ You said, a chuckle leaving past your lips.
Jake leaned in more, your noses brushing against each other, a frown replacing your smirk. He was close, too close. You could feel his hot breath on your face.
‘’Who says I’m messing around. I’m being dead serious.’’ He replied with a stern tone. ‘’If Yuna wasn’t right there, I would have kissed the shit out of you.’’
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babyjamiebarnes · 3 years
Part Eight
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, Steve, Sam, OC Monique, Tony
Warnings: language, implied smut, talk of pregnancy/children, pregnancy scare
Chapter Summary: Sam finds out about Reader and Bucky’s secret. Reader has a scare that helps Reader and Bucky have a very important conversation.
Author’s Note: This was originally going to be longer but in light of recent events in America, I decided to postpone a violent scene (so warning for the next part: violence). It’s kinda short and I’m so sorry but I wanted to give you something. As always, feel free to buy me a coffee!
Tags: @amourmarvel @fangirlvoice @kennedywxlsh @devilswaldorf @what-the-hap-is-fuckning @alyispunk @fredweasleysbitchh @wearegroot @sunflowerbebe107 @prestigious-tea
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
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Despite his frustration with finding out he was breaking way more than just company protocol, Bucky’s attitude simmered and eventually fizzled out as the day went on. You’d bet seeing you uncomfortably directing security where to put your lab equipment while Bucky’s cum stuck to the inside of your thighs had an impact on his mood.
The rest of the day went by surprisingly well, all things considered. You took the day to set up your at-home lab while Steve got groceries and cooked, Sam installed security cameras in all the common areas, and Bucky searched your place for any bugs or wires. No one was weird about things, aside from Bucky when you first arrived. Sam was his usual goofy self and Steve was a dad stereotype.
That night, however, Steve sat everyone down in your living room for a little chat. Steve and Sam sat on the sofa across from you and Bucky, almost like they were concerned parents talking to you before sending you to prom.
“Okay, time to address the elephant in the room. Who knew about who you are before it was leaked?” Steve asked, elbows propped on his knees and that signature crease between his brows.
“Other than dad, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy, just Monique,” you shrugged. “But it wasn’t her. She has nothing to gain from telling anyone.”
“Well, unfortunately we’ll have to look into her anyway,” Steve sighed. “But if it’s not her, it won’t be a problem. And you’re sure there’s no one else?”
“What about that boyfriend of yours?” Sam asked.
“It’s not him,” you said meekly. “I never told him.”
“Are you sure he couldn’t have found out?” Sam pressed.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Sam nodded but added, “We should still talk to the guy —”
“I didn’t know,” Bucky interrupted from beside you.
Sam looked confused, but Steve next to him was smirking, clearly trying to hold back a laugh.
“What?” Sam asked.
Bucky leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, his stance wide and fingers intertwined in the middle. If the situation wasn’t so serious, you’d be even more turned on.
“I didn’t know,” he repeated with a forced, tight-lipped smile. “I found out this morning and I was just as shocked as you were.”
“I said I was sorry!” you groaned, tossing your arms in the air in exasperation.
Bucky leaned back to wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you into his side. When he slid his arm over your neck, you instinctively gripped his forearm but the giggle you let out showed you weren’t trying to pry him off you.
While you wiggled in Bucky’s grasp to get comfortable, Sam’s eyes darted between the two of you in a mix of shock and curiosity.
“Man, how the hell did you get a girl like that?!”
Steve finally let his laugh out at this. Bucky just tightened his arm around your throat, making you moan quietly, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
“Trust me, she’s a pain in the ass,” Bucky teased. You giggled again and squirmed out of his grasp to straddle his legs, now that everyone in the room knew your secret.
“You can always be a pain in my ass,” you smirked as you draped your arms over his shoulders and scooted forward so your pelvis was pressed against him. He groaned in frustration and tossed his head back, gripping your ass cheeks in an attempt to ground himself.
“You better watch your mouth before I fuck you right here, right now, princess,” he practically growled. You bit your lip to tease him just a little bit more. He had only called you ‘princess’ twice but it was definitely doing something for you.
“I hate to be a buzzkill,” Sam started, “but her dad would skin you alive if he heard you saying that.”
“And then filet what’s left if he saw this,” Steve added.
“Bucky’d probably taste pretty good though,” Sam shrugged. “Especially if we got to the thighs.”
“Yeah, I’d go for the thighs,” Steve agreed, making Bucky roll his eyes.
“I’d go for something else,” you piped in.
“Okay, let’s end this before it gets out of hand,” Steve said. You frowned but plopped back onto the couch next to Bucky instead of on top of him.
The rest of the night was spent mapping out who knew about you, who might’ve figured it out, and what any of those people would’ve gotten out of leaking your secret. You adamantly ruled Monique out; she didn’t need the money or the attention and already knew the type of stress your secret put on you. And her concerned texts begging you to believe it wasn’t her and vowing to castrate whoever told the media helped support your case. Unfortunately, it led to a lot of dead ends. You knew it couldn’t have been Happy, Rhodey, or Pepper, but that left literally no one as a suspect.
Halfway across town, your dad, Rhodey, Happy, Pepper, and Bruce were going over their own documents and information to get to the bottom of it. None of the news stations were willing to divulge their source, claiming it was “anonymous” so they didn’t know who said it, but Tony wasn’t convinced. He was worried about you, but he also knew your temporary roommates were solid protection for you.
He just didn’t know the additional protection you’d need with one of those roommates.
Bucky was always great about your period. It usually only lasted a few days because of your birth control and was on the light side, but he had no issue with laying down one of his “safety towels” before laying you down during those three days. He even set reminders in his phone so he knew to be prepared. So when his reminder popped up on what was usually your final day, he walked in with a towel while you lounged in bed, but he was confused at your own confusion.
“Why do you have a towel?” you laughed.
“Babe,” he whined. It amused you to no end when the big bad Winter Soldier whined at you. “I’m horny.”
You laughed again as he tossed the towel onto the bed beside you and settled his weight between your legs.
“Okay? Why does that involve a towel?”
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Aren’t you on your period?”
It only took one second for the realization to make your breath catch in your throat. It took one more second for Bucky’s entire body to grow tense.
“You’re on your period, right?” he asked. The urgency in his voice did nothing but stress you out more. You pulled your body out from under his and ran into your bathroom, rummaging through the drawers looking for an old test you were sure you had lying around somewhere. You had personally only ever taken one as a joke, but you knew Britt had panicked and taken more than a couple at your place before she got married.
“[Y/N].” Bucky’s voice behind you as you crouched on your bathroom floor made you pause your searching. “Talk to me,” he pressed.
You didn’t look at him as you spoke.
“I’m late.”
He let out a huff behind you but quickly crouched beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders because if he thought he was scared, he couldn’t imagine what you were feeling.
“Okay. We’ll go pick up a test and cross our fingers in the meantime,” he said quietly.
“How are we supposed to get a pregnancy test, James? Everyone knows who I am now,” you snapped.
You hated how easily you could tear up because you didn’t want to cry over your situation, but the stress hit you too quickly for any other reaction to kick in first.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you muttered quickly, pawing at your face to wipe away stray tears. “I’ll call Monique and have her pick one up.”
“Okay.” Bucky was treading lightly, you could tell. “Do you want to be alone or do you want me to stay with you?”
You bit your lip and took a deep, shaky breath to push more tears back.
“I think I want you to stay.”
Bucky let you sit between his legs while you called Monique.
“Hey, what’s up?” she answered almost immediately.
“I need you to come over,” you said, trying and failing to cover the panic in your voice.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” You could hear rustling in the background and knew she was already sliding on shoes to rush over.
“I kind of need you to pick something up for me.”
“Um… I need you to grab a pregnancy test.”
“A preg—” she paused. “A… okay, yeah, I’ll pick that up and swing by soon.”
“Thanks, Momo,” you replied quietly, tossing out the nickname you gave her after you two rewatched Avatar: The Last Airbender a couple years prior.
“See you soon, love you,” she said as you heard the slam of her door.
“Love you.”
True to her word, Monique knocked on your front door less than 20 minutes later. Since Steve and Sam practically interrogated her just a couple days before, they didn’t hesitate to let her in. She proved she wasn’t one to just let them toss around unsubstantiated accusations.
“Hey booboo,” she cooed as she stepped into your room. “I grabbed three different brands just to be safe and threw in a bottle of sparkling grape juice and a bottle of champagne, depending on what results we get.”
You couldn’t help but finally laugh at the cross between a cringe and a smile on her face. You practically lunged off the bed to give her a hug. She held you a second longer than usual and started leading you to your bathroom. When Bucky started to follow, she turned sharply.
“Uh-uh. You stay put. You’re the whole reason this is happening.”
“Monique, it takes two,” you chuckled behind her.
“And he’s the one who ejaculated in you.” You scoffed and grabbed her arm to tug her into the bathroom with you.
“We’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Bucky loved seeing how easily your best friend could immediately lift your spirits, but hated being sequestered in the bedroom.
The minutes ticked by even slower for you. Monique tried to keep you occupied as your phone and her phone counted down until the results would appear. One only took three minutes but the other two took five, so you anxiously stared at the three-minute test lying face-down on the sink until Monique’s phone beeped.
You breathed out an early sigh of relief at the test that read “NOT PREGNANT.”
“Two more,” Monique reminded you.
Those last two minutes felt even longer than the first three. But once your phone dinged, you and Monique each grabbed one of the two remaining tests. Judging by Monique’s squeal, you had the same results. You peeked over just to make sure and barreled through the bathroom door, startling Bucky as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“Not pregnant!” you screamed in excitement.
You ran and tackled him, sending him onto his back on the bed.
“Do I need to remind you two what caused this in the first place?” Monique laughed behind you two.
All of your heads turned when your bedroom door swung open to reveal both Steve and Sam looking even more concerned than usual.
“Did you just say what I think you said?!” Steve asked.
“What do you think I said?” you asked, sitting up onto Bucky’s lap.
“We heard ‘I’m pregnant’!” Sam shouted.
“Not pregnant!” you clarified and held up the test you were still gripping. “No babies yet.”
“Yet?” Bucky parroted.
“Uh… yeah…?” you replied hesitantly.
It was something that seemed so far into the future for you two that you never discussed it, but you did want a kid or two someday. And judging by the scare you just had, it was something you should probably discuss soon, just in case.
But Bucky’s reaction pretty much answered your unspoken question. He moved a hand to the back of your neck and pulled you down for a forceful, heated kiss. He easily slid his tongue into your mouth and squeezed your ass — until Monique cleared her throat.
“You should probably use these next time,” she said as she tossed a box of condoms at you.
Bucky pulled away quick enough to catch the box before it hit you, but the rest of the room still laughed at your expense.
“You really like giving Stark a reason to kill you, don’t you?” Sam asked Bucky, who groaned out loud and collapsed back on the bed.
“I didn’t know!”
That night as you and Bucky were lying in bed — just a couple hours after your period finally started — you forced your nerves away and asked the big question.
“Hey, what were you feeling today? Before I took the tests, I mean.”
Bucky continued to stroke your arm, unfazed by the topic.
“Initially, fear. And then the more time passed, the more that fear turned into... excitement, I guess? I mean, I always wanted kids back in the day, but now I’m kind of worried, you know?”
“Why?” you prodded, propping yourself up on Bucky’s chest so you could look directly at him. He propped his head up with his hand to look back at you.
“Do I need to remind you that I was the deadliest assassin in the world 10 years ago?” he smirked.
“Well yeah, but not anymore!” you smiled back. “You’re my Bucky Bear now.”
“Mm, keep saying cute shit like that and I’ll actually get you pregnant next time.”
You giggled at this but shook your head.
“Monique got us condoms for a reason.”
“Do you want to use one now?” Bucky smirked.
“I gotta be totally honest,” you started slowly. You felt weird saying this but, “I don’t think I want to use them at all.” That cute little wrinkle popped up between Bucky’s eyebrows as he silently questioned your answer. “I just… I like feeling you.”
You swung a leg over his body to straddle him and pressed your body to his. Your lips attached to his neck before trailing up to his ear.
“I’m not against them if you want to use them,” you said softly. “But you should make that decision soon.”
He made up his mind real quick.
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This is so random and idk why I was thinking about it but... Hawkmetri hand kiss. Like maybe when everyone goes to prom together, they all start pairing off, and since Yasmine is out of the picture at this point, Demetri looks at Hawk and takes his hand & 'jokingly' is like "I guess it's just you and me" and then BOOM hand kiss. Or it could also happen during the prom photos they're all taking beforehand (bc I'm imagining this as Miyagi-Fang going to prom in a massive group) or maybe on the way into the building?? Idk I'm just a sucker for hand kisses and I would like to hear your thoughts
“Since Yasmine is out of the picture at that point” HA yeah, I like how we all seem to agree in the Binary Boyfriends fandom that there’s no way in hell those two would last XD
I can absolutely see Demetri especially giving Hawk hand kisses and Hawk’s entire face just goes REDDER THAN A GODDAMN LOBSTER and he starts stuttering and grumbling and being like “sTOP IT DEMETRI we have a REPUTATION to uphold” and Demetri, shit-eating smirk on his face as always, is like “Ah, but we ARE upholding it--by being the classiest ones here! No one is more suave than us, my dear Hawk” (going along with my headcanon that Demetri calls Eli “Hawk” when he’s roasting/teasing/flirting with him) and then he gives Hawk another little hand kiss and Hawk is just like “JXJNBIUBSDOVOYVSDYV”
Bonus points if this happens after Demetri and Yasmine have a big fight--like maybe they go to prom together, but Yasmine bitches about Hawk hanging out with them (because Hawk doesn’t have a date, and of COURSE Demetri invites him to third wheel because he wants his best friend around literally as much as possible since he got him back). After all, Yasmine’s reputation is already in shambles, and the LAST thing she needs is to be seen with the bed-wetting lip scar mohawk kid. And Demetri is like “Hey, that’s my best friend you’re talking about, and if you don’t like him being here, you can take a fucking hike” and Yasmine takes her corsage and just THROWS it in Demetri’s face like “Well, I hope you like going back to being a fucking freak who’s going to die alone, because you don’t have a prom date anymore!” and storms off. There’s a bit of an awkward silence for a while, and then Demetri turns to Hawk like “Well...I guess you have to be my prom date now, to save me the terrible embarrassment of having to go stag for the rest of the night after being dumped. Shall we?” And he just grabs Hawk’s hand and kisses it and starts leading Hawk toward the dance floor and Hawk fucking SHORT-CIRCUITS more than the crusty old computer lab desktop they worked with at coding camp.
Cue Demetri spending the rest of the night leading Hawk around by the hand and lifting his fingers up and kissing his knuckles and OBVIOUSLY it’s totally a joke, just “acting gay For the Memes” and to amuse all of their friends, OBVIOUSLY they’re not actually prom dates now--just Joke Prom Dates. And Hawk feels weird, because his stomach is all woozy and why the fuck should it be, if this whole thing is just an Elaborate Comedy Routine of sorts meant to make the school hoot and holler about the “gay karate couple”??? And then some slow song comes on, and Demetri’s like “Come now, Hawk, my avian love, let us dance to it!” You know, For the Lulz. Obviously. And Demetri pulls him out on the dance floor and the next minute he’s putting his goddamn bony, gangly hands all over Hawk trying to find where you’re supposed to hold someone during a waltz (like either of these boys know absolutely jack shit about traditional ballroom dancing) and goddamn it, if Hawk’s heart isn’t about to beat out of his chest at being this close to Demetri, at seeing green eyes inches away just glinting with smug amusement, like they so often do, at feeling his skin heat up a little every place Demetri’s long fingers brush up against his suit, at swaying in sync with Demetri in time to cheesy music. And Demetri’s humming along and insists on spinning Hawk a few times (which Hawk ABSOLUTELY does not enjoy, he will HAVE YOU KNOW), and at the song’s last Loud Triumphant Chorus, Demetri just suddenly full-on dips Hawk (when the hell did he get strong enough to do that??? Hawk wonders) and kisses him on the mouth. Once he processes what’s happening, Hawk shoves Demetri off because okay, that’s taking it WAY too far and he just GLARES at him and hisses “Okay, knock it off, asshole! I KNOW you’re just doing this shit for show.” And Demetri pauses for a minute, his entire expression just wilting, before he frowns and says “This was never for show, Eli. I just...I just figured you’d never want to do any of that kind of thing with me if it wasn’t just...just some joke. And I guess I indulged in it a little bit because I’m selfish, and I got caught up in the fantasy that we could...actually be something. But I know you don’t want that, and I should have respected that. I’m sorry.” And Hawk is just lost for words, because...Demetri was actually serious about all this??? And thought he was the one who wasn’t??? And how is Demetri so stupid that he doesn’t realize Hawk’s not pissed because Demetri’s getting too into acting gay--he’s pissed because it fucking hurts for Demetri to act like the concept of them ever being together is just some laughable joke???And--wait, why does that bother him so much?!
And then Hawk Moskowitz does his signature move--Flipping the Script like a total badass, and throwing caution to the wind. He sighs and grabs Demetri, muttering “you fucking MORON” before leaning up and kissing him hard (and he HAS to lean up, because fucking hell, Demetri is a goddamn snarky giraffe of a human). Pretty much the entire dance floor snickers and chortles but Demetri and Hawk just. Don’t. Care.
Meanwhile Yasmine roams the prom, finding the least-ugly guys going stag and hitting on them because it turns out being dateless isn’t nearly as fun and freeing as she thought, even if she ditched Demetri to Make a Statement. But alas, no one is interested in having Front Wedgie as a hot date.
Cue Aisha showing up out of absolutely nowhere, crashing the prom just long enough to give Yasmine another wedgie in front of the entire dance floor and then vanishing from the show again. Everyone begins to call Yasmine Double Wedgie. People are still calling her this at their high school reunion, 30 years later. Yasmine is not pleased.
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piet-ra · 4 years
Taylor Swift x Catradora Masterlist
So, this is a masterlist no one asked for but I'm doing anyway. It's basically every Taylor Swift song that think fits the dynamic perfectly or that I'm completely projecting a Catradora storyline into (it's canon universe, no AU). I’m basically SPOPfying TS’s discography. It can be just one line or the whole song. I will highlight the lyrics and it is sorted by album. I hope you enjoy it and if it helps my fanfic writers out there, all the best. (just an fyi, I’m listening to all of this through a very romantic filter, before anyone comes at me saying that “actually catra wanted more than Adora and their issues were deeper than just unrequited love and bla bla. I know. just let us enjoy this gay animated couple)
I might develop my reasoning more in some than in others, so if you want to know more about why I chose such song and all that, just send me asks, I love them! 
Let’s get on with the list now!
From “Taylor Swift”(Yee haw taylor at her finest)
Picture to burn
okay, so bear with me. Catra’s pov after Adora left her.
“there’s no time for tears/I’m just sitting here plotting my revenge”
“And if you’re missing me you’d better keep it to yourself/ cause coming back around here would be bad for your health”
“so watch me strike a match on all my wasted time/ as far as i’m concerned you’re just another picture to burn” -> I can just imagine catra scratching their doodles when i listen to this through a catradora lens.
Teardrops on my guitar
Teenage Catra’s pov pining over Adora.
“Drew looks at me/I fake a smile so he won’t see/That I want and I’m needing/ everything that we should be”
 “I laugh 'cause it is just so funny/ That I can't even see anyone when he's with me”
“[he’s] the only one who’s got enough of me to break my heart”
A Place in this World
Adora trying to deal with the new responsibilities and pressure She-ra brought her.
“I don’t know what I want/ so don’t ask me/ ‘cause I’m still trying to figure it out/ don’t know what’s down this road/ I'm just walking/Trying to see through the rain coming down”
“I’m alone, on my own/ and that’s all I know/ I’ll be strong, I’ll be wrong/ oh but life goes on/ oh I’m just a girl/ trying to find a place in this world”
The outside
Catra’s pov(on her way to redemption)
“So, how can I ever try to be better?/ Nobody ever lets me in/ And I can still see you, this ain’t the best view/ On the outside looking in”
“You saw me there, but never knew/ That I would give it all up to be/ A part of this, a part of you/ And now it's all too late, so you see/ You could have helped if you had wanted to/ But no one notices until it's too late to do anything/ How could I ever try to be better?”
Tied Together With a Smile
Catra to Adora and her self sacrificial complex.
“hold on, baby, you’re losing it/ the water’s high/ you’re jumping into it/ And letting go and no one knows/ That you cry but you don’t tell anyone/ That you might not be the golden one/ and you’re tied together with a smile/ but you’re coming undone
Should’ve said no
Catra to Adora(season 1)
“you should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home/ you should’ve thought twice ‘fore you let it all go/You should've known that word like what you did with her/ Would get back to me/ and I should’ve been there, in the back of your mind/ I shouldn’t be asking myself why/You shouldn't be beggin' for forgiveness at my feet/ you should’ve said no, baby, and you might still have me”
“I can’t resist, before you go, tell me this/ was it worth it?”
I’m only me when I’m with you
just general catradora because this is effing cute
“I'm only up when you're not down/Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground/ It's like no matter what I do/ Well you drive me crazy half the time/ The other half I'm only tryna let you know that what I feel is true/ And I'm only me when I'm with you”
A Perfectly good heart
Catra’s pov(season 1)
“Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart now/ Why would you wanna make the very first scar/ Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart”
“Maybe I should've seen the signs/ Should've read the writing on the wall/ And realized by the distance in your eyes that I would be the one to fall/ No matter what you say, I still can't believe/ That you would walk away/ It don't make sense to me”
From “Fearless”(platinum edition)
Forever and always
ohhh the promises.... catra’s pov.
“And then you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all/ And you flashback to when we said forever and always/ And it rains in your bedroom/ Everything is wrong/ It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone/ 'Cause I was there when you said forever and always/ You didn't mean it baby”
Come in with the rain
this one i think it fits both Adora and Catra singing the same thing to each other(while they were still stranged) and if you want the whole reasoning behind, ask haha cause otherwise this is going to be even bigger. 
“I've watched you so long, screamed your name/ I don't know what else I can say/ But I'll leave my window open/ 'Cause I'm too tired at night for all these games/ Just know I'm right here hoping/ That you'll come in with the rain/ I could go back to every laugh/ But I don't wanna go there anymore”
The other side of the door
this is pure catra. just pure catra. seasons 1- 4 Catra and what she did vs her real feelings. (very fitting for ”promises” too)
“In the heat of the fight I walked away/ Ignoring words that you were saying/ Trying to make me stay/ I said, "This time I've had enough"/ And you've called a hundred times/ But I'm not picking up/ 'Cause I'm so mad I might tell you that it's over/ But if you look a little closer/ I said, "Leave," but all I really want is you/ To stand outside my window throwing pebbles/ Screaming, "I'm in love with you"”
“Me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone/ Going through the photographs, staring at the phone”
“So babe if you know everything/ Tell me why you couldn't see/ When I left, I wanted you to chase after me”
“And I'll scream out the window/ I can't even look at you/ I don't need you but I do, I do, I do/ I say, "There's nothing you can say/ To make this right again, I mean it, I mean it”/ What I mean is/ I said, "Leave," but baby, all I want is you”
White Horse
okay, that’s just a joke. but I wanted to share the mental image my brain created. I just can’t stop imagining Catra on princess prom, looking longingly at Adora dancing with some nameless girl and singing “I’m not a princess, this ain’t a fairytale/ I’m not the one you’ll sweep off her feet/ lead her up the stairwell” and then catching a glimpse of swifty “Now it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around”
i’m so sorry for this, but I’m actually not.
oh and the more serious interpretation is Catra refusing Adora and her fucking hero complex, saying it’s too late for her to try to go and fix things.
You belong with me
Just to mention this song fits every childhood friends to lovers ever. so that’s it.
Tell me why
Adora’s pov(season 3-4). I feel this is Adora getting more and more frustrated with Catra and especially after she “gave up” on catra after the portal.  and this connection made me sad.(and I’m not by any means calling Catra abusive with this, because I know how the song depicts a somewhat abusive relatioship and I’m not by saying Catradora is that(it isn’t, at all), but their relationship throughout the seasons is fucking messy.)
“I took a chance, I took a shot/ And you might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not/ You took a swing, I took it hard/ And down here from the ground I see who you are/ I'm sick and tired of your attitude/ I'm feeling like I don't know you”
“And I need you like a heartbeat/ But you know you got a mean streak.”
“And I know you see what you’re doing to me/ Tell me why”
and the one that hurts:
“I take a step back, let you go/ I told you I’m not bulletproof/ Now you know”
You’re Not Sorry
Adora’s pov, post portal
“All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around/ I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down/ And it's taken me this long, baby, but I've figured you out/ And you're thinking we'll be fine again, but not this time around”
“You don't have to call anymore/ I won't pick up the phone/ This is the last straw/ Don't wanna hurt anymore/ And you can tell me that you're sorry/ But I don't believe you baby like I did before/ You're not sorry”
so everything here might be a lot of a stretch, but I can’t really control what my head comes up with. The song progresses and so does Catradora’s story in this. like, I feel the song starts when they are kids in the Horde and then teenagers promising each other they will rise in the ranks and rule the place and then after defeating Horde Prime and getting their new beginning.(And maybe both of them singing, but I feel Adora would fit better, dunno)
“And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you/Somebody else gets what you wanted again and/ You know it's all the same, another time and place/ Repeating history and you're getting sick of it/ But I believe in whatever you do/ And I'll do anything to see it through/ Because these things will change/ Can you feel it now?” -> Adora singing to catra imo, but you see it however you want to honestly.
“These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down/ This revolution, the time will come/ For us to finally win/ And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah” -> Here it’s the promise they made when they were younger, that they would be running the place together and even the “nothing rly bad can happen as long as we have each other” one.
“So we've been outnumbered, raided, and now cornered/ It's hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair/ We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/ They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared” -> maybe their teenage years strengthening their resolution. 
“Tonight we stand, get off our knees/ Fight for what we've worked for all these years/ And the battle was long, it's the fight of our lives/ But we'll stand up champions tonight/ It was the night things changed/ Can you see it now?” -> this could be so so so many things, but I chose to see as a time skip and it is the night they defeated horde prime just to make it interesting. (this whole thing was such a stretch, but I’m having fun with it, so fuck it i guess)
From “Speak Now”
 Sparks Fly
Adora’s pov
“The way you move is like a full on rainstorm/ And I'm a house of cards/ You're the kind of reckless/ That should send me running/ But I kinda know that I won't get far”
“Take away the pain/ 'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile/ Get me with those green eyes, baby/ As the lights go down/ Gimme something that'll haunt me whenever you're not around/ 'Cause I see, sparks fly, when you smile”
“My mind forgets to remind me, your a bad idea”
Back to December
Catra’s pov(call from Horde Prime’s ship and interactions on Darla)
“Your guard is up and I know why/ Because the last time you saw me/ Is still burned in the back of your mind”
“So this is me swallowing my pride/ Standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night”
“It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you”
“These days, I haven't been sleeping/ Staying up, playing back myself leaving”
“I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't/ So if the chain is on your door, I understand”
That’s just Catra singing to Shadow Weaver, I’m sorry. the whole song fits here, so just my top picks.
“You, with your words like knives/ And swords and weapons that you use against me/ You have knocked me off my feet again/ Got me feeling like I'm nothing/ You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard/ Calling me out when I'm wounded/ You, picking on the weaker man”
“You, with your switching sides/ And your wildfire lies and your humiliation/ You have pointed out my flaws again/ As if I don't already see them”
“All you are is mean/ And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life/ And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean”
The story of us
both Adora and Catras(basically the whole song lol)
“I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us/ How we met, and the sparks flew instantly”
“I used to know my place was a spot next to you/ Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat/ 'Cause lately, I don't even know what page you're on”
“Oh, a simple complication/ Miscommunications lead to fallout/ So many things that I wish you knew/ So many walls up, I can't break through”
“Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room/ And we're not speaking/ And I'm dying to know/ Is it killing you like it's killing me?/ Yeah, I don't know what to say/ Since the twist of fate when it all broke down/ And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
“How I was losing my mind when I saw you here/ But you held your pride like you should've held me”
“Why are we pretending this is nothing?/ I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how/ I've never heard silence quite this loud”
“This is looking like a contest/ Of who can act like they care less/ But I liked it better when you were on my side”
“But I would lay my armor down/ If you say you'd rather love than fight”
(let’s ignore that the song actually ends in tragedy lol)
Why did you leave, Adora, for fuck’s sake. Catra’s pov.
“Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/ I thought I had you figured out/ Something's gone terribly wrong/ You're all I wanted/ Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/ I thought I had you figured out/ Can't breathe whenever you're gone/ Can't turn back now, I'm haunted”
“Stood there and watched you walk away/ From everything we had”
oh and a sad bonus. Catra’s pov from when she was Chipped:
“He will try to take away my pain/ And he just might make me smile/ But the whole time, I'm wishing it was you instead/ Oh, holding my breath/ Won't see you again/ Something keeps me holding onto nothing”
Last Kiss
I’m realizing with this list that Taylor is a Catra Kinnie(and she condones murder now, so great!). Catra’s pov.
“I still remember the look on your face/ Lit through the darkness at 1:58/ The words that you whispered/ For just us to know/ You told me you loved me/ So why did you go away?/ Away”
“All that I know is I don't know/ How to be something you miss/ I never thought we'd have a last kiss/ Never imagined we'd end like this”
Long Live
The very fortunate aftermath of the Heart of Etheria and the defeat of Horde Prime. anyone can be the narrator in this, but for me is Catra and Adora, together(but some Catra solos)(I’m such an Adora kinnie, but fuck if this isn’t dominated by my fav catgirl)
“I said: Remember this moment/ In the back of my mind/ The time we stood with our shaking hands/.../ The night you danced like you knew our lives/ Would never be the same/ You held your head like a hero/ On a history book page/ It was the end of a decade/ But the start of an age”
“Long live the walls we crashed through/ All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you/ I was screaming, long live all the magic we made/ And bring on all the pretenders/ One day, we will be remembered”
“And the cynics were outraged/ Screaming, "This is absurd"/ 'Cause for a moment, a band of thieves/ In ripped up jeans got to rule the world” (fourth wall breaking, catra is actually singing this to her haters)
“I'm not afraid/ Long live all the mountains we moved/ I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you/ I was screaming, long live that look on your face”
“Will you take a moment?/ Promise me this/ That you'll stand by me forever”
just a cute song, go listen to it and insert literally anyone in it.
From “Red”
i feel like it fits the vibe of the dynamic, but I don’t feel like expanding on it lol
All Too Well(because ofc)
I honestly don’t know who narrates this one. either Catra or Adora fit well, but I’m more inclined to say Adora but idk why. it’s just the vibe I’m getting.
“And I know it's long gone and/ There was nothing else I could do/ And I forget about you long enough/ To forget why I needed to” -> in this one i was like, Adora for sure
“Maybe we got lost in translation/ Maybe I asked for too much/ But maybe this thing was a masterpiece/ 'Til you tore it all up/ Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well” -> But then this one came and I was like, well, depending on the pov, it fits both.
“And you call me up again just to break me like a promise/ So casually cruel in the name of being honest”(best lyrics c’mon) -> and the whole break me like a promise thingy made me think Catra’s pov, but then I guess you could also put it in Adora’s pov if you wanted to, so up to y’all.
I Almost Do
C’mon, Catra once again.
“And I just want to tell you/ It takes everything in me not to call you/ And I wish I could run to you/ And I hope you know that/ Every time I don’t/ I almost do, I almost do”
“I bet you think I either moved on or hate you/ ‘Cause each time you reach out, there’s no reply/ I bet it never, ever occurred to you/ That I can’t say hello to you/ And risk another goodbye”(kill me now, there’s still a lot of heartbreak for me to go through)
The Last Time
Catra’s pov, before she leaves Adora and has the little breakdown with Melog.
“This is the last time I'm asking you this/ Put my name at the top of your list/ This is the last time I'm asking you why/ You break my heart in the blink of an eye”
“Just like all those times before/ You wear your best apology/ But I was there to watch you leave/ And all the times I let you in/ Just for you to go again”
Everything has changed
baby Catra and baby Adora meeting and immediately clicking.(Tay is Adora and Ed is Catra for me, but as always, you do you.)
“I just wanna know you better/ Know you better, know you better now”
“'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"/ And your eyes look like coming home/ All I know is a simple name/ Everything has changed/ All I know is you held the door/ You'll be mine and I'll be yours/ All I know since yesterday/ Is everything has changed”
“ And all my walls stood tall, painted blue/ And I'll take 'em down, take 'em down/ And open up the door for you”
Come back… be here
it talks about leaving and all, and the obvious choice is Catra, but Imma put it down as an Adora pov.  for as much as I talk about Adora leaving Catra, Catra also left Adora. justified or not, their reasons, their motives or wtv is not what i’m here to talk about. I’m just stating that Adora asked catra to stay many times and catra didn’t. So the feelings of abandonment also fit Adora very well depending on the way it is weaved. Some are rly just plain Catra, tho. back to the song.
“And this is when the feeling sinks in/ I don't wanna miss you like this/ Come back, be here, come back, be here”
“And now that I can put this down/ If I had known what I know now/ I never would've played so nonchalant”
“This is falling in love in the cruelest way/ This is falling for you when you are worlds away”
“But you're in London, and I break down/ 'Cause it's not fair that you're not around”
From “1989”
general catradora
“And when we go crashing down, we come back every time/ 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style”
Out of the woods
general catradora
“We were built to fall apart/ Then fall back together”
All you had to do was stay 
Catra’s pov. the line “picking up the pieces of the mess you made” just hits me where it stings, because I remember Catra trying to cover for Adora and then Adora not coming back and then having to deal with the wrath of Shadow weaver alone.
“Now, you say you want it back/ Now that it's just too late/ Well, could've been easy/ All you had to do was (Stay!)”
“Here you are now, calling me up/ But I don't know what to say/ I've been picking up the pieces/ Of the mess you made”
“Let me remind you/ This was what you wanted/ You ended it/ You were all I wanted “
I wish you would
Catra’s pov.
“Windows down, you pass my street, the memories start/ You say it's in the past, you drive straight ahead/ You're thinking that I hate you now/ 'Cause you still don't know what I never said/ I wish you would come back/ Wish I never hung up the phone like I did, I/ Wish you knew that/ I'd never forget you as long as I live, and I/ Wish you were right here, right now,/.../ I wish you would”
“We're a crooked love in a straight line down/ Makes you want to run and hide/ But it makes you turn right back around”
“You always knew how to push my buttons/ You give me everything and nothing”
Bad Blood(original version, not the remix)
Originally I thought, “oh this is Adora” but then I decided it was both of them together.
“’Cause baby, now we've got bad blood/ You know it used to be mad love/ So take a look what you've done/ ’Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!/ Now we've got problems/ And I don't think we can solve 'em/ You made a really deep cut/ And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!”
“Did you have to do this?/ I was thinking that you could be trusted/ Did you have to ruin what was shiny?/ Now it's all rusted/ Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?/ Baby, I couldn't breathe/ And rub it in so deep/ Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me”
“Did you think we'd be fine?/ Still got scars in my back from your knives”(i really thought Adora here just cause of the literal scars in her back)
Wildest Dreams
if you want to headcanon a pre she-ra Catradora relationship, this song is really good. Since I’m trying( and def failing in many instances) to be as canon compliant as I can, I’ll skip it.
This Love
Catradora in the heart of etheria. could be both povs: either Catra holding Adora’s dying body and like “this love came back to me” or Adora prepared to die, dreaming about Catra, letting her love go, but in the end came back to her. for me, this is Adora’s, the whole song feels like her to me
“Currents swept you out again/ And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone” -> she’s fading, she’s being fully consumed now and the currents swept catra out from her. 
“In silent screams and wildest dreams/ I never dreamed of this” -> she never allowed herself to dream that Catra would love her or that she wanted a future with Catra, but now she’s being faced with the loss of exactly that.
“This love is good, this love is bad/ This love is alive back from the dead/ These hands had to let it go free, and/ This love came back to me” -> their love is a very complicated thing, is not easy. they have a history of being enemies that tarnish it a bit and when it was too bad, they had to let it go. but the love came back to them in full force. alive back from the dead, literally and figuratively.
“Lantern, burning/ Flickered in my mind, only you/ But you were still gone, gone, gone”
“Been losing grip, on sinking ships/ You showed up just in time” -> adora dying, being saved in the most dramatic way possible.
“This love left a permanent mark/ This love is glowing in the dark” -> just the imagery, wow. and the antithesis of the mark of  scars left by love and now the mark of it is the glowing.
“Your kiss, my cheek/ I watched you leave/ Your smile, my ghost/ I fell to my knees/ When you're young, you just run/ But you come back to what you need” -> finally reunited yay
I know places
Catradora in the Horde being super cute and hiding everywhere, just because.
“Something happens when everybody finds out/ See the vultures circling, dark clouds/ Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out/ It could burn out”
“'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes and guns/ They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run”
“Baby, I know places we won't be found/ And they'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down/ 'Cause I, I know places we can hide/ They are the hunters, we are the foxes, and we run”
“Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love”
From “Reputation” (Not expecting much from this one)
Catradora being all cute and insecure after the end of the war and learning how to navigate their relationship, the old and the new. Catra’s pov, probably.
“This ain't for the best/ My reputation's never been worse, so/ You must like me for me/ We can't make/ Any promises now, can we, babe?/ Is it cool that I said all that?/ Is it chill that you're in my head?/ 'Cause I know that it's delicate (Delicate)/ Is it cool that I said all that?/ Is it too soon to do this yet?”
so, i think this song is extremely cute and would fit very well in many various au’s, even some of mine, so I’m just leaving it out here, check it out if you haven’t, but won’t expand on it. 
Dress(I was pleasantly surprised bout this one)
Catra’s pov.
“All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation/ My hands are shaking from holding back from you/ All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting/ My hands are shaking from all this”
“Say my name and everything just stops/ I don't want you like a best friend/ Only bought this dress so you could take it off/ Take it/ Carve your name into my bedpost/ ’Cause I don't want you like a best friend/ Only bought this dress so you could take it off/ Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me/ Flashback to my mistakes/ My rebounds, my earthquakes/ Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me/ And I woke up just in time/ Now I wake up by your side”
 New Year’s Day
Another super sweet song that doesn’t exactly fit in the canon compliant list, but that I definitely use in my future Catradora headcanon, so I’ll just put in a few lyrics. 
“There's glitter on the floor after the party/.../You and me from the night before, but/ Don’t read the last page/ But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you’re turning away/ I want your midnights/ But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day”
“But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or we're making mistakes”
“You and me forevermore”
From “Lover”(this album is so sweet fuuuuck)
the whole song. just, future catradora. Adora’s pov tho because this is such a dorkish in love song and that bit about “You’ll save all of your dirtiest jokes for me”, Adora saying this to Catra. that’s it
 Paper Rings
future again. this whole album might be just me fantasizing about their future, who knows.
“Cat and mouse for a month or two or three/ Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe/ Darling, you're the one I want, and/ I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this/ Uh huh, that's right/ Darling, you're the one I want/ In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams/ Oh, you're the one I want”
 Death By A Thousand Cuts
I forgot this song and I’m adding it now at the last minute. extremely tired. not gonna paste the song here. but go listen, it’s really fitting for catradora.
“saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts”
this is one I didn’t want to put in here, just because of a few lines specifically, but it made me think of Catra’s apology, so here it goes. (the parts “it’s all in my head” and “It’s all me” that bug me so, but we’ll pretend they don’t exist)
“I pinned your hands behind your back, oh/ Thought I had reason to attack, but no”
“Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves/ Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us/ Why'd I have to break what I love so much?/ Sorry that I hurt you/ I don't wanna do, I don’t wanna do this to you “
From “Folklore”
OKay, so now that we got here, we’re gonna get a bit creative and take everything with a grain of salt(more than we’ve already been doing) cause I doubt we’re gonna manage to be canon compliant in every one(this includes evermore too, I’m about to go off in these two albums), but everything just oozes catradora, so bear with me. and if you made it this far, damn you’re hot.
The 1
Adora’s pov. before they actually got together.  
“I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit/ Been saying "yes" instead of "no" -> her new life in Brightmoon and all her new good experiences.
“And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow” -> such an Adora thing to say.
“But we were something, don't you think so?/ Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool/ And if my wishes came true/ It would've been you/ In my defense, I have none/ For never leaving well enough alone/ But it would've been fun/ If you would've been the one” -> the longing, the yearning
“And it's another day waking up alone“ -> :( 
“I persist and resist the temptation to ask you/ If one thing had been different/ Would everything be different today?”
Catra’s pov. 
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan/ Under someone's bed/ You put me on and said I was your favorite”
“A friend to all is a friend to none/ Chase two girls, lose the one/ You drew stars around my scars/ But now I'm bleedin'”
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss/ I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs/ The smell of smoke would hang around this long/ 'Cause I knew everything when I was young/ I knew I'd curse you for the longest time/ Chasin' shadows in the grocery line/ I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired/ And you'd be standin' in my front porch light/ And I knew you'd come back to me”
now rlyyy bear with me. It gets confusing. And big. It's the whole song too.
Bon iver's verse + Swift's chorus is Catra seeing adora move on so quickly and leaving Adora behind. 
Swift's verse + Bon Iver's chorus is Adora's pov. And then they merge in the bridge to air their grievances. I'll demonstrate below.
“I can see you standing, honey/ With his arms around your body/ Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all/ And it took you five whole minutes/ To pack us up and leave me with it/ Holdin' all this love out here in the hall”  +  “I think I've seen this film before/ And I didn't like the ending/ I'm not your problem anymore/ So who am I offending now?/ You were my crown, now I'm in exile, seein' you out/ I think I've seen this film before/ So I'm leaving out the side door = Catra’s pov
“I can see you starin', honey/ Like he's just your understudy/ Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me/ Second, third, and hundredth chances/ Balancin' on breaking branches/ Those eyes add insult to injury”  +  “I think I've seen this film before/ And I didn't like the ending/ You're not my homeland anymore/ So what am I defending now?/ You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out/ I think I've seen this film before = Adora’s pov
and then the bridge with both.(it’s one hell of a giant bridge, not gonna paste it here lol)
My tears ricochet
This one i see as a conversation, one that I'll again exemplify lol.
“And if I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes, too/ Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe/ All the hell you gave me?/ 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you/ 'Til my dying day” -> both of them 
“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace/ And you're the hero flying around, saving face” ->Catra
“And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> Adora
“Look at how my tears ricochet” -> both
“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace/ 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave” -> Adora
“And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> Catra
“Look at how my tears ricochet” -> both
“And I can go anywhere I want/ Anywhere I want, just not home/ And you can aim for my heart, go for blood/ But you would still miss me in your bones/ And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)/ And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)” -> both
“You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same/ Cursing my name, wishing I stayed” -> both
“You turned into your worst fears/ And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain” - > Adora
“Crossing out the good years” ->both.
I could honestly make a whole post about this song and Catradora, dissecting lyric by lyric, I even have an animatic for this song thumbnailed, so I’ll jump to the next one before it gets too out of hand. again y’all can ask me anytime if you want to know more.
Adora and her self sacrificial bs and not being rly her so she can be what everyone expects *from* her. Make me cry more, why don’t you!
“I'm a mirrorball/ I'll show you every version of yourself tonight/ I'll get you out on the floor/ Shimmering beautiful/ And when I break, it's in a million pieces”
“Hush, when no one is around, my dear/ You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes/ Spinning in my highest heels, love/ Shining just for you”
“Hush, I know they said the end is near/ I can change everything about me to fit in/ I'm still on that tightrope/ I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me/ And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why/ I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try/ I'm still on that trapeze/ I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me”
Baby Adora to baby Catra. 
“And I've been meaning to tell you/ I think your house is haunted/ Your dad is always mad and that must be why/ And I think you should come live with me/ And we can be pirates/ Then you won't have to cry/ Or hide in the closet/ And just like a folk song/ Our love will be passed on”
older teen/adult Catra reminiscing about younger teen Catra dealing with her love for Adora. Probably the last August before Adora joined the rebellion. (ignoring the love triangle ofc)
“But I can see us lost in the memory/ August slipped away into a moment in time/ 'Cause it was never mine/ And I can see us twisted in bedsheets/ August sipped away like a bottle of wine/ 'Cause you were never mine”
“I remember thinkin' I had you/ Back when we were still changin' for the better/ Wanting was enough/ For me, it was enough/ To live for the hope of it all/ Cancel plans just in case you'd call/ And say, "Meet me behind the mall"/ So much for summer love and saying "us"/ 'Cause you weren't mine to lose”
This is me trying
Catra's pov/redemption
“I've been having a hard time adjusting/ I didn't know if you'd care if I came back/ I have a lot of regrets about that/ Pulled the car off the road to the lookout/ Could've followed my fears all the way down/ And maybe I don't quite know what to say/ But I'm here in your doorway/ I just wanted you to know that this is me trying/ And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound/ It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you/ You're a flashback in a film reel”
Illicit affairs
Just leaving it out here cause it is so gayyy. And I'll prob write an au for this once I'm through with my five thousand WIPs.
Invisible string
Just the feeling of the song, not exactly catradora specific. More generic.
“Time, curious time/ Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs/ Were there clues I didn't see?/ And isn't it just so pretty to think/ All along there was some/ Invisible string/ Tying you to me?/  Time, mystical time/ Cutting me open, then healing me fine”
Mad woman
Catra's pov S1
“Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy/ What about that?/ And when you say I seem angry, I get more angry/ And there's nothing like a mad woman/ What a shame she went mad/ No one likes a mad woman/ You made her like that/ And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out”
Adora dying in catra's arms and dreaming about her future with catra. 
“"Sir, I think he's bleeding out"/ And some things you just can't speak about/ With you I serve, with you I fall down, down/ Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out, out/ Only twenty minutes to sleep/ But you dream of some epiphany/ Just one single glimpse of relief/ To make some sense of what you've seen”
Another case of a song with STRONG catradora vibe, but too au- ish. The imagery of the song is too clear. Still, these parts here… 
“The worst thing that I ever did/ Was what I did to you/ I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything/ But I know I miss you/ Yeah, I showed up at your party/ Will you have me? Will you love me?/ Will you kiss me on the porch/ In front of all your stupid friends”
adora's pov. I think is Adora kinda warning Catra that she can’t promise to stop saving the world, she can’t stop being she-ra, it is who she is and danger is going to follow her, so, is it enough if she can never give Catra peace?
“I never had the courage of my convictions/ As long as danger is near/ And it's just around the corner, darlin'/ 'Cause it lives in me/ No, I could never give you peace”
“All these people think love's for show/ But I would die for you in secret”
“The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me/ Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
From "evermore"(FUCKING FINALLY and everything is going to be au-ish I guess)
Champagne problems
Adora's pov, but i resent this cause THEIR PROBLEMS ARE NOT CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS OKAY? but nevertheless, It’s adora leaving Catra behind and breaking my heart in the fucking process.
“You booked the night train for a reason/ So you could sit there in this hurt”
“Because I dropped your hand while dancing/ Left you out there standing/ Crestfallen on the landing/.../ Your heart was glass, I dropped it”
“You had a speech, you're speechless/ Love slipped beyond your reaches/ And I couldn't give a reason”
How evergreen, our group of friends/ Don't think we'll say that word again/.../ I never was ready so I watch you go/ Sometimes you just don't know the answer/ 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you”
Gold rush
Catra's pov pining over Adora before and after she became She-ra, but especially after with the bit “I don’t like that everyone would die to feel your touch”. After all the pining and imagining what a perfect relationship they could have she wakes up to reality and sees that “it could never be”, “It will never be”. 
“Gleaming, twinkling/ Eyes like sinking ships on waters/ So inviting, I almost jump in”
“I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush/ I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch/ Everybody wants you/ Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you”
“What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?/ With your hair falling into place like dominoes”
“At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit/ And the coastal town we wandered 'round had nеver seen a love as pure as it” 
“My mind turns your life into folklore/ I can't dare to dream about you anymore”
“'Cause it will never be”
‘Tis the damn season
Adora’s pov. Adora being the one who left because she has to, but she misses Catra and their old times together. However, she knows she won’t be able to stay so she’s asking for this weekend and breaking her own heart in the process.
“There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me/ But if it's all the same to you/ It's the same to me”
“So we could call it even/ You could call me "babe" for the weekend/ ​'Tis the damn season, write this down/ And the road not taken looks real good now/ And it always leads to you and my hometown”
“You can run, but only so far/ I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave/ But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me/ Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake/ I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay/ So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends/ And wonder about the only soul/ Who can tell which smiles I'm fakin'”
“And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own/ To leave the warmest bed I've ever known/ We could call it even/ Even though I'm leaving/ And I'll be yours for the weekend”
Tolerate it
Catra’s pov and how she thinks Adora feels towards her. How she only tolerated Catra until something bigger, better and shinier came along and she abandoned her.(what to expect from a track five, huh?)
“While you were out building other worlds, where was I?/ Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?/ I made you my temple, my mural, my sky/Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life/ Drawing hearts in the byline/ Always taking up too much space or time”
“You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I/ Break free and leave us in ruins/ Took this dagger in me and removed it/ Gain the weight of you then lose it/ Believe me, I could do it”
“If it's all in my head tell me now/ Tell me I've got it wrong somehow/ I know my love should be celebrated/ But you tolerate it”
adora’s pov. I feel this is Adora letting Catra go after season 3. just, she loves Catra and there were many great moments because of her, but that doesn’t mean the hurt isn’t there now. also doesn’t mean she’ll be forever miserable, proved by her new life in Brightmoon. It’s her realizing that Catra is actually hurting her, and being angry and then letting go.(god this reminds me of a fanfic where catra stated that she was happy without Adora, could be happy without Adora. But with her, she could be happier)
“There'll be happiness after you/ But there was happiness because of you/ Both of these things can be true/ Past the blood and bruise/ Past the curses and cries/ Beyond the terror in the nightfall/ Haunted by the look in my eyes/ That would've loved you for a lifetime/ Leave it all behind/ And there is happiness”
“Tell me, when did your winning smile/ Begin to look like a smirk?/ When did all our lessons start to look like weapons/ Pointed at my deepest hurt?”
“I can't make it go away by making you a villain/ I guess it's the price I paid for seven years in Heaven/ And I pulled your body into mine/ Every goddamn night, now I get fake niceties/ No one teaches you what to do/ When a good man hurts you/ And you know you hurt him, too” -> this whole bridge, man. THIS RIGHT HERE. They both hurt each other, there’s no simple clean cut way to look at things, to make Catra the big bad villain. but that also doesn’t erase the pain felt, so argh, this kills me.
“All you want from me now is the green light of forgiveness/ You haven't met the new me yet/ And I think she'll give you that” -> and this little hint of hope.
Dorothea(i swear, i will write a Dorothea/tis the damn season au)
Adora is dorothea and this is Catra’s pov
“Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?/ When we were younger down in the park/ Honey, making a lark of the misery”
“You got shiny friends since you left town/ A tiny screen's the only place I see you now”
“It's never too late to come back to my side/ The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo/ And if you're ever tired of bеing known for who you know/ You know that you'll always know me, Dorothea (Uh-uh)/Dorothea”
coney island
again, both povs. one to each other, illustrated below.
“Did I close my fist around something delicate?/ Did I shatter you?/ And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island/ Wondering where did my baby go?/ The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go/ Sorry for not making you my centerfold” -> adora
“Over and over/ Lost again with no surprises/ Disappointments, close your eyes/ And it gets colder and colder/ When the sun goes down” -> both
“The question pounds my head/ What's a lifetime of achievement/ If I pushed you to the edge?” -> catra
“Were you waiting at our old spot/ In the tree line/ By the gold clock/ Did I leave you hanging every single day?” -> adora
“Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?” -> Catra
“And when I got into the accident/ The sight that flashed before me was your face” -> Adora
“Sorry for not making you my centerfold” -both
Ivy (hold on tight, this is big)
this is a good one.
“How's one to know?/ I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones/ In a faith forgotten land/ In from the snow/ Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow/ Tarnished but so grand”
“And the old widow goes to the stone every day/ But I don't, I just sit here and wait/ Grieving for the living”
“Oh, goddamn/ My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/ Taking mine, but it's been promised to another/ Oh, I can't/ Stop you putting roots in my dreamland/ My house of stone, your ivy grows/ And now I'm covered in you so” ->  for me, this is Adora in the moments preceding the failsafe and the Heart of Etheria, and the person she’s committed to is She-ra(and dying as she-ra). And she’s trying to fight and be strong to make the sacrifice she knows she’ll be asked to, but she simply can’t stop Catra from “putting roots in her dreamland”. Catra’s touch enlightened her, even though tarnished by their years of being enemies, it felt grand and it could chase the pain away; just for a moment, all her pain fit in Catra’s hand. But, she grieves for this touch for she knows it’s only a dream. Even though she’s now “covered” in Catra, she’ll never be able to fully have her, not when she’s so committed to She-ra.
“I wish to know/ The fatal flaw that makes you long to be/ Magnificently cursed/ He's in the room/ Your opal eyes are all I wish to see/ He wants what's only yours” -> now here she’s in the heart of etheria and wondering why would Catra want her so much when she knows she can’t have her, when she knows she’s doomed. the He in this is Horde Prime. As we see in the “future hallucination”, all she wants is Catra and he wants(to destroy ofc) what’s Catra’s only - herself.
“How's one to know?/ I'd live and die for moments that we stole/On begged and borrowed time/ So tell me to run/ Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become -> Adora know it’s only borrowed time, it will end and she feels like there’s nothing she can do about that.
“So yeah, it's a fire/ It's a goddamn blaze in the dark/ And you started it/ You started it/ So yeah, it's a war/ It's the goddamn fight of my life/ And you started it/ You started it” -> here Adora is finally fighting back against Destiny, Prime, The Heart… and it’s all because Catra started it just by loving Adora, covering her in her ivy and making Adora so unable to not love her back.
(can you tell this is one of my favorite songs in the album?)
long story short
honestly, post-war catradora. Adora’s pov.
“Fatefully/ I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me/ Misery/ Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep/ And you passed right by/ I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides/ The knife cuts both ways/ If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break”
“When I dropped my sword/ I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door/ And we live in peace/ But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready/ No more keepin' score/ Now I just keep you warm (Keep you warm)/ No more tug of war Now I just know there's more”
“And I fell from the pedestal/ Right down the rabbit hole/ Long story short, it was a bad time/ Pushed from the precipice/ Climbed right back up the cliff/ Long story short, I survived”
catra to adora pre season 5
“it's been a long time/ And seeing the shape of your name/ Still spells out pain/ It wasn't right/ The way it all went down/ Looks like you know that now”
“Yes, I got your letter/ Yes, I'm doing better/ It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone/ I know that it's over, I don't need your/ Closure, your closure”
“Don't treat me like/ Some situation that needs to be handled/ I'm fine with my spite/ I know I'm just a wrinkle in your new life/ Staying friends would iron it out so nice/ Guilty, guilty, reaching out across the sea/ That you put between you and me/ But it's fake and it's oh so unnecessary”
just the message in general i think fits season 5 catradora very well. how, yeah, the pain sucks and it’s terrible but it won’t be for evermore. Justin’s bridge exemplify very well just the desperation of being in the middle of this whirlwind of pain, begging for a pause just to see if there’s any way to be recovered from that. it just so happens, there is. 
no exemples in this one, the vibe of speaks for itself and I’m rly tired right now.
oof, so there was it. Hope you liked it! show me some love cause this took a while lol(but a got my TS marathon done without feeling guilty, because at least… content? so there’s that). if you made it this far, THANK YOU!! stream evermore and good night y’all(or morning or afternoon, wtv works for your timezone lol) 
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kidnappedbycartoons · 3 years
Thoughts On Noah
I said I was going to do another character, so now I’m doing Noah. Let’s get it.
At First:
One thing I want to point out is that Noah never stepped forward on Day One. Not even when Hope came out, she went to him and chose him but he didn’t step forward at all. Was he waiting for someone more his type or was he just being shy? I honestly don’t know. But after this, we do see Noah making some moves on Hope on the first day like with the boyfriend material joke or when the text came that a new islander was coming in, he looked at her. I do think that Noah is the kind of guy who doesn’t date around. Like, he locked things in with Hope early on, to the point where on Day Three if MC goes to talk to him before the recoupling, he rejects her immediately.
I’m just going to say it though. I feel like Noah was playing the game a bit. Let me explain. On the first week of Love Island, no one is really serious yet. Everyone is getting to know each other and feel each other out. But he and Hope were practically acting like a married couple within the first week. The two of them already slept together within the first three days, he let her paint his nails and whatever she was doing with his eyebrows, they were feeding each other, like, all of this adds up. Do I think he genuinely liked Hope? Yes. But I feel like he was playing the game a bit, because why would anyone lock themselves in so fast? He didn’t let ANY of the girls get a chance and it was only the first few days.
Now, when I did his route, I had MC ask him on the date for Day Nine. He’s a bit torn, clearly. It’s like he wants to get to know her, but doesn’t want to ruin things with Hope. I think he actually did want to get to know MC and Priya to an extent, but because of his relationship with Hope, he held back. And I noticed that on Day Eight when Rocco gets dumped and we get the text that there is a recoupling, he reassures Hope but then looks at MC. I think he had a bit of a crush on her, but he held back because of his feelings for Hope.
God. I have to talk about it though.
Operation Nope:
I’m not going to talk about how wrong it is because I could go on all day about it. But, imagine how Noah feels if MC and Priya goes for him. He would have to know something is up then. Both of them try to kiss him on the same day? Same afternoon at that? Now, even if MC doesn’t kiss him, it’ll still be weird because they would’ve just had their conversation about how Noah feels about being with Hope and whether or not he should stick it out with her. And then a while later, Priya kisses him? And if MC isn’t participating, she can bring up Priya’s name as an option for him? He’s not stupid. I think that’s probably why he distances himself from them following Operation Nope, especially if Bobby told him the whole truth (Or half of it). 
But it does mess with his head. Because we know that he and Priya have spoken before, like on Day Two, and Priya even tried to grind against him on Day Four. We also know that he has a small crush on MC. But he also has feelings for Hope too. He’s a mess. He’s confused. He’s stressed. Boy probably had gray hairs by the time he left the villa. But! On the disaster recoupling, he was going to choose Hope. Now, let me explain why.
Sticking with the fact that there is no way that Noah couldn’t have picked up on Operation Nope, he probably felt a bit disgusted with MC/Priya. He also sees how upset Hope is about it and probably feels guilty about his part in it. So on Day Thirteen, he was going to couple up with her so that they could work on their relationship and give it another shot, but then Jakub chooses Hope and he’s left to choose either Priya or MC. They were his second choice. Now, he’s open to exploring the relationship since Hope practically dumped him and they’ve shown interest in him, plus he also wanted to get to know them anyway. But up to this point, I think he was still more into Hope. 
How could I forget? On Day Nine, if you take him on the date, he says he tends to give into people with strong personalities. And I just realized the girls he was paired up with have strong personalities. Not to mention that he doesn’t like yelling or arguing. I’ve noticed him try to calm Hope down before during the Mean Tweets episode and on Day Two. That could explain his actions during the aftermath of Operation Nope and why he tries to run away from Hope. He probably needed space to think and collect himself, but she was badgering him for an answer and then throw Priya and MC in there and it’s a mess. That could explain why Noah wanted to choose Hope on Day Thirteen too. Oh wow.
After CA:
So, after Casa Amor, if you’re on his route he brings back Blake. I’m not going to say much because it’s coded that way, but she probably manipulated him into switching. Now, we know that he was a mess during Casa Amor. He grew a break up beard, he saw one of the girls and thought she looked like Hope, and that he was upset at Jakub for sleeping with a girl only one day after coupling up with Hope. Up to this point, Hope is still his number one.
After everyone is reunited, Hope and Noah practically get back together after talking things out and Lottie and Bobby save them. Here’s the thing. I think Noah is the type of guy that when he messes up in a relationship, he goes all in to fix it. Because remember on Day Nineteen when Noah comes in fully dressed while everyone is sleeping and asks Hope if she wants something to drink? And then Lottie admits in the dressing room that he was going to come to bed fully clothed? And we’re supposed to think that’s cute? Hell no! He’s doing this in order to stay on Hope’s good side. Everyone knows Lottie isn’t a threat to the relationship, he could’ve just slept in the bed. But since things were still rough with Hope, he went back to how he was acting in the first week. Shutting girls down, only focusing on Hope, and making sure it’s known that he’s only into Hope.
However, if you’re on his route and you say you wish you were coupled up with him on Day Nineteen, it shows Noah how serious you were. That Operation Nope wasn’t some dirty joke, but that you actually are into him. I think this is the point where he truly starts to see MC in a different light, because she’s actually interested. And if you don’t switch during Casa Amor, that counts too. 
His Route:
So, I’m going to focus on Day Twenty forward because we get little scenes with the longing gazes, small conversations, and whatnot, however he still sticks with Hope. Let me explain without using the “He was playing the game” theory. One quote I remember is him saying “Have you ever been so afraid to hurt someone that you choose their happiness over yours? And don’t go after what you want?”. Here’s my thing. As he falls for MC, his feelings for Hope wane. He wants to couple up with MC, he wants to be with her, he wants to. But he chooses Hope on Day Twenty-Two. Here’s why.
Bobby saved Hope solely for Noah. He knows this. He also knows that Hope wants to be with him the most in the villa and no one else. He also knows that mostly everyone in the villa is rooting for them to get back together. Remember how he gives in to strong personalities? I feel like he gave in because he felt pressured to get back with her. If he had coupled up with MC, then who would’ve gone for Hope (If Lucas isn’t there)? He didn’t want to put her at risk or let everyone else down, so he stayed true to her, despite his growing feelings for MC.
Not to mention that he’s realizing that he and Hope aren’t really that compatible. Remember the Baby Boom episode on Day Twenty-Seven? It’s so sad watching Noah pretend like it was just a bit of fun and give in to Hope when he clearly wants kids and he was having a good time. Call him a coward and I’d agree...slightly. I do think he has cowardly ways, but I also think he doesn’t like to let people down. This isn’t like it only affects Hope. Everyone else in the villa is lowkey invested in this relationship and the outside world as well. But I think this episode is when Noah realizes that he’s all in with MC and that the feelings he had for Hope at the start have gone.
The Prom episode...it’s painful. I hated his speech to Hope. “Anyone would be lucky to be with her”? He’s indirectly saying that he doesn’t want to be with her. And he even glances at MC during the speech too. It’s the disrespect in that moment for me. And then the sleeping with him thing? Okay. I don’t agree with that. That’s not the Noah we’ve come to know. But I’ll say that maybe it’s just all the tension and feelings coming to surface. He and MC are clearly into each other, clearly attracted to each other, and you could only take so much longing gazes and accidental touches before you break. He broke. Or he was playing the game, but that’s another thing.
The Finale:
So, the only way to get with him is to take the money. If you split it, then he breaks it off with you and goes back to Hope. Here’s what I think, without the player theory. Noah sees MC split the money and he probably assumes that means she wants to continue on with her partner. But if she keeps the money, then that means she wants to be with him as there is no way she and her partner can come back from that. If she’s willing to do something as big as that, then that probably gives him the courage to break up with Hope. 
Final Thoughts:
Now, I love Noah as a character. I do. Excluding the playing the game theory (Which only really came up because of how Fusebox did his route so dirty). I feel like he doesn’t date much, and when he does, he’s all in. I like to think that after the villa, he learns how to stand up for himself more and not to give into what other people want all the time. I feel like that has something to do with him being the oldest in his family and practically raising his siblings. He’s the kind of guy that probably wants a nice house with a garden where he can be a nice househusband and watch over his four kids while his wife makes that paper. His route is disgusting, but I don’t think he’s a full coward. Just a half coward. 50% coward, if you will.
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haroldtea · 4 years
i wrote something!!
soooo I’m a pathological “i have a fic idea and i’m never going to write it or I write a few pages and then fall off” writer buuuut I had this very cute idea and wrote 4k words of it! I wanted to post it here before ao3 because 1) not sure if I’m a fan of starting a multichapter WIP because I still may abandon it like my other stuff 2) i want feedback before i continue!!
here’s the gist: it’s princess prom except it’s a high school au and princess prom is actually homecoming. Adora is very happy and supportive of Glimmer and Bow running for king/queen. Glimmer is very, very passionate about winning. The problem is they’ve naturally got competition, in the form of Perfuma (who is equally as passionate about winning, for her own reasons) and her new girlfriend Scorpia. In a sitcom-style mishap, Adora sort of accidentally signs up to run as well...with Catra, Scorpia’s best friend who Adora doesn’t not have a crush on. The two decide to go through with it with the intention of getting eliminated from the race as soon as possible. Then, their friends come up with a different plan for them.
so, take a read below at 4k of stupidity and let me know what you think, and if you would be interested to read more :) (fyi there is a lot of swearing lol)
Adora shrieks, flailing her arms and almost knocking her lamp over in the process. She whirls around in her desk chair to face the intruder, arms raised in karate chop form (she does not know any martial arts), and finds Glimmer, who has flung her bedroom door open and has that crazed Glimmer look in her eyes that only means trouble.
“Fuck! Glimmer, you can’t just sneak up--wait, how did you get in my house?!”
“Didn’t you hear what I said?! Also, the door was unlocked,” Glimmer replies, kicking off her shoes and launching herself onto Adora’s bed, which she had just painstakingly made.
Adora presses her hand into her face, sighing. “I was kind of busy trying not to piss myself. Haven’t you heard of knocking? What if I was, you know...” she says, gesturing vaguely.
Glimmer rolls her eyes. “Please, Adora. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Anyway--the student council decided to bring back the homecoming pep rally!” she squeals, gleefully kicking her feet in the air.
Adora leans back in her chair, brows furrowed. “Bring back? Didn’t we have one last year?”
“Yes, but after the water balloon thing they weren’t gonna let us have it anymore, but it turns out that one senior who wasn’t gonna graduate did graduate so I guess they figured it would probably be fine, ‘cause like, who’s ever gonna try and top that?”
“Right,” Adora hums, thinking back to last year’s pep rally. Just before homecoming court was announced, a group of rogue seniors had risen from the bleachers, unleashing dozens of water balloons they had stashed in their backpacks. What ensued was a pandemonium Adora could only remember in flashes, resulting in almost the entire student body and the school’s hallways being completely soaked.
The catch was that the seniors had filled the balloons with blue paint. It had taken the janitorial staff weeks to get the gym bleachers, the lockers in the science wing, and the cafeteria ceiling (don’t ask) to look normal again. Classes were cancelled for almost an entire week because the paint had messed up something with the internal plumbing. It was single-handedly the coolest thing Adora had experienced in her living years.
It was all led by the legendary Mara Hart, notorious for sticking it to the man during her K-12 years. The prank had all but gotten her and her friends expelled, but given that she was otherwise an A+ student and no one could technically prove who was behind it (her friends were loyal to each other to the bitter end), she walked at Bright Moon High’s graduation to uproarious applause from her classmates.
Adora knew some of the more grisly details because Mara had been captain of the girls’ lacrosse team last year--effortlessly cool Mara, endlessly caring Mara, definitely part of Adora’s gay awakening Mara--but it had become something of an urban legend at BMHS over the past year.
“Wait, how do you know any of this?” Adora asks, because while she was personally connected to Mara in a small way, she hadn’t been aware that they were going to cancel the pep rally indefinitely.
Glimmer arches an eyebrow. “Um, hello? My mom’s the principal?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And Mermista totally let it slip when I asked her about it after the student council meeting,” Glimmer adds, then pauses. “Okay, it was more like I didn’t even wanna be there and I wish no one had ever voted for me and I’ll tell you whatever, but still. I’m...” she props her face in her hands and bats her eyelashes, “in the know.”
Adora smirks and rolls her eyes fondly, turning back to her desk to shut her textbook and put her notes away. She can never get anything done when Glimmer’s around. “Okay, so, pep rally’s back--that’s cool,” she says.
“It’s not just cool, Adora,” Glimmer scoffs. “Being homecoming queen is literally all I’ve wanted since I was a kid. I thought my dream had died with Mara’s academic career, but now there’s hope again--it’s meant to be, Adora. It’s destiny.”
Adora had literally never heard Glimmer talk about this, but, “Um, okay.”
Glimmer huffs and dramatically rolls onto her back, flinging her arms out and further messing up Adora’s sheets. Lesson learned, it isn’t worth the effort for Adora to make the bed anymore. “My mom was the homecoming queen like a hundred years ago, and my aunt was the homecoming queen before that. It’s, like, my birthright!”
Adora lifts a shoulder, twisting around in her chair to look at Glimmer. “Okay, then we’ll just get you to be the homecoming queen too. Can’t your mom just...make it happen?”
“Ugh, no,” Glimmer sighs. “I already asked. It’s a student vote.”
“Oh!” Adora brightens. “That’s easy, then. Everyone loves you.”
Glimmer pouts. “I know, but it’s not just a popularity contest--it’s, like, a whole thing. Me and Bow are gonna have to do a talent show, and there’s a relay race, and other stuff that if we don’t do well in we won’t even get to be in the final vote.”
“Wait, what?” Adora doesn’t remember any of that from last year. “What do you mean, Bow? Is...he's running for homecoming queen too?”
“Ha! No,” Glimmer laughs, then her expression darkens, eyes narrowing. “I would crush him.”
“Right...” Adora says. Actually, Bow would make a pretty good homecoming queen. But Adora values her life, so she decidedly does tell Glimmer this.
“No, every queen nominee has to also have someone to run with them as their ‘king,’” Glimmer explains, making air quotes with her fingers. “There’s no boy/girl bullshit, but you do have to be in a pair.”
“I don’t remember any...talent shows, or whatever,” Adora points out. “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of one of those happening in real life.”
“Well, obviously you never went. It would’ve all been during your lacrosse thingies and you would've been too busy making googly eyes at Mara Hart,” Glimmer replies, wiggling her fingers at Adora.
Adora crosses her arms and blushes a deep red. “I would not. I would’ve been playing lacrosse. And stuff.” Okay, maybe she did make googly eyes at Mara, but only sometimes, as a treat, and Glimmer doesn’t need to know that.
Glimmer flips back over on her stomach and levels Adora with a pout. “Adora, this means a lot to me. We’re gonna need your help to win this.”
Adora has no idea how she could possibly be of any help with this, but hey-- “Of course, Glimmer. Whatever you need. I’m there.”
Glimmer grins, eyes sparkling. “Yaaaaay. Also, my mom’s making meatloaf tonight, you in?”
Adora pumps her fist in the air. “Sweet. Hell, yes.”
“This is a joke, right? Like, you’re joking?” Catra says into the receiver as she shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth.
“I am usually a pretty funny gal, it’s true--but, ah, no. This time I’m serious,” Scorpia replies on the other end.
Catra hoists her phone higher up on her shoulder while she adjusts her grip on her Xbox controller. “Okay, please explain,” she says between chews.
Scorpa sighs, and Catra visualizes her sitting cross-legged on her bedspread, hugging one of her many stuffed animals to her chest. “I know it’s kind of silly, but Perfuma sounded really excited about it, ‘cause I guess if you win, you get to pick what charity the proceeds from the dance ticket sales go to, and...I just couldn’t say no?”
Catra smirks, mashing a series of buttons on her controller as her TV screen lights up in front of her. She’s been trying to get past this level for weeks, but she’ll probably die right before the end again whether she’d answered Scorpia’s call or not. “You are so whipped,” she says.
Scorpia sighs again, but this time Catra can hear a smile in it. “I guess so, kitty cat. Still, it sounds kinda...fun? I mean, it’s more time spent with her, if anything else. She’s talking about writing an original song together for the talent show and incorporating her Tibetan singing bowls into it.”
Catra takes that in and barely suppresses a laugh. Her New Year’s resolution was to make fun of her friends less. Some days are harder than others. “Um, wow,” she says instead. “That’s, uh...that’ll be interesting. Do I have to call you Queen Scorpia if you win?”
“Oh, Perfuma doesn’t believe in gendered royalty,” Scorpia replies. “She wants us to be known as Homecoming Monarchs.”
“Of course she does,” Catra mutters. Perfuma is endlessly kind and patient and makes Scorpia smile, so by default Catra likes her, but otherwise they...don’t exactly share identical values, let’s say. Catra brings her own point home by pressing a button on her controller and chainsawing an alien in half on screen.
“Do you...think it’s a stupid idea? The whole...running for homecoming thing, I mean.”
Catra hears the telltale signs of Scorpia-doubting-herself in her reply, so she pauses the game. “Nah. If it’s something you guys wanna do, you should go for it. Fuck what anyone else thinks.”
“Okay, thanks,” Scorpia says, sounding lighter. “I think it means a lot to Perfuma. It would be cool to win it for her.”
“Well, hey,” Catra continues, un-pausing her game. “If you need any help, let me kn--oh, fuck!”
“Catra?” Panic sets in Scorpia’s tone. “Kitty cat, speak to me--do I need to call 911?!”
“No, no, Scorpia, please don’t do that,” Catra groans, tossing her controller aside. “I just got blown up in my stupid game again, that’s all. I’m never gonna beat this final boss.”
Scorpia sighed in relief. “Aw, don’t give up, kitty cat. One of these days, you’re gonna really give it to--what’s the dude’s name again?”
“Prime something-or-whatever,” Catra grumbled, reaching for her popcorn.
“Yeah, that guy. He’ll never know what hit him.”
Catra snickers into the receiver. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Scorpia.”
The lunch period at BMHS is, naturally, chaotic. Being a regional high school, every inch of the place is usually crawling with students, and the cafeteria is no different. The student population is small enough and the cafeteria big enough to condense into one lunch period, although Adora has oftentimes heard Perfuma lament about the ethics and health concerns of overcrowding.
Adora likes chaos. She likes that the overlapping sounds of chairs scraping and garbled chattering combine to form a comforting din that allows her to drown out whatever weird TikTok plans Bow’s making (ok, to be real, she will be asking about them later) and quietly observe the antics happening at tables around them.
She takes another bite of her pudding and her eyes land on the table to their right where Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio from her math class always sit together. Lonnie is mechanically chewing her gum as she stares into a compact mirror, examining her eyebrows with fierce concentration. Across from her, Kyle is holding up something on his phone to Rogelio with one hand and gesticulating wildly with the other as he holds a corn dog. Rogelio is nodding along but is staring down fondly at Kyle rather than at the screen Kyle’s pointing to, one arm hanging loose around Kyle’s shoulders. Lonnie slaps her compact shut and shouts something at them, pointing emphatically to her eyebrows. They all pause for a moment before bursting into laughter. Then Kyle drops his corn dog.
Adora pointedly does not observe the table across from theirs. She’ll gladly watch the Star siblings silently and intensely do their homework for the next period, or listen to Mermista fight off Seahawk’s PDA attempts, but nothing could compel her to look at the table straight ahead.
That table was where Catra Weaver and her friends sat.
Including: Perfuma’s new girlfriend, Scorpia Garnet; Entrapta Dryl, who was dating one of the Hordak twins (Adora was ever completely sure which one); the Hordak twins in question, one of which who usually broods silently and one of which who usually stares around smiling at nothing and everything; the stylish and blonde ruler of the theatre kids who has been nicknamed Double Trouble for as long as Adora can remember; and finally: Catra Weaver. Effortlessly cool, effortlessly gorgeous, effortlessly effortless Catra Weaver, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed, coolly regarding the rest of the cafeteria as she holds court at her table of wonderful misfit toys.
Today’s effortless ensemble: cool jean jacket, a cool crop top, cool black jeans, cool combat boots, she got a haircut recently so--
“Um, Earth to Adora?”
“Huh?” Adora says, jerking her head up.
This is why she avoids looking at Catra Weaver’s table. Or Catra Weaver in general.
“We were talking about homecoming,” Glimmer says from her seat across from Adora, raising an eyebrow. “You were totally spaced out.”
Adora clears her throat, willing herself not to blush. “Sorry,” she replies, digging back into her pudding.
“Glimmer’s trying to convince me not to run for court,” Perfuma continues, crossing her arms.
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s totally lame and stupid and a waste of time,” Mermista answers from beside Perfuma, inspecting her nail polish. She glances up when she senses everyone at the table staring at her. “What?”
“Mermista, you’re on the homecoming committee,” Bow says.
Mermista shrugs. “So? I said what I said.”
“Look, Perfuma,” Glimmer starts, sliding her hand across the table toward Perfuma. “I just don’t want you to be disappointed if you lose. Homecoming’s a really big deal to me, and I really want to win.” She smiles saccharinely, tilting her head at Perfuma, eyes gone wide. Bow and Adora exchange a look.
Perfuma smiles back. “Oh, don’t worry about me, Glimmer! I’m sure our classmates will select the most deserving and talented couple to win,” she says, then goes back to stabbing a fork into her salad.
Glimmer’s eye starts twitching. Bow slowly and gently takes Glimmer’s hand and slides it back to her side of the table. “Glimmer, we’ll do great. The most important thing is to have fun,” he says, patting her hand.
“The most important thing is the charity,” Perfuma mutters.
“That too.”
“Is anybody else we know running?” Adora asks. Glimmer and Perfuma both shake their heads in response, until Mermista sighs dejectedly.
“Unfortunately,” she groans, raising her hand.
“Wait, what?! You just said it was stupid and lame!” Bow squawks.
“It is,” Mermista rolls her eyes. “But the rest of the student council said it would look really bad if I was on the planning committee and didn’t run. I was forced against my will.”
“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” Glimmer asks, gripping her lunch tray so tight Adora wondered if she was going to launch it at Mermista’s head.
“I don’t know? I guess not? I’m planning on getting cut as soon as humanly possible though, so whatever,” Mermista replies, flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
“We won’t win with that attitude, my love!” Seahawk roars, throwing his arm around Mermista’s shoulder and raising a fist triumphantly. “You and I are going to be the greatest King and Queen this school has ever seen!”
“Oh my god, please stop,” Mermista groans, hiding her face in her hands.
“Picture it: you, me, newly crowned, gliding down the science wing--the students stop and stare! Could it really be our King and Queen in the flesh? The teachers stare too! I am going to give them both straight A’s!”
“Please just sit and eat your sandwich,” Mermista begs.
“Never,” Seahawk says, then kisses her on the cheek and acquiesces, taking a big bite of his sandwich. Adora tries to hide her smirk when she sees Mermista blush a deep red. She elbows Glimmer and nods in their direction so she can see.
“Aw, how cute. I’m going to destroy them,” Glimmer whispers in Adora’s ear.
“I know,” Adora whispers back. “But try to at least be nice about it.”
“No promises.”
“Ok, I have to pee,” Adora announces to the table, grabbing her lunch tray as she stands, grinning at Bow’s groan of TMI, Adora!
She makes her way over to the trash cans by the cafeteria exit, waving to her friends on the lacrosse team as she dumps her leftovers in the trash and sets the tray in the dish bin beside it. She should probably go over and check in with them about practice tonight, but she really has to pee, which reminds her that she forgot her water bottle all the way back to the table and needs to refill it before her next class.
“Damn it,” she mutters to herself, still smiling at her lacrosse friends as she whips around to head back--
And crashes right into someone, their heads knocking smack together.
“Ow!” Adora yelps, losing her footing for a moment. She rubs at her stinging forehead, glancing up as she apologizes, “Shit, sorry, sorry, that was totally my fault, I--”
And stares right up at Catra Weaver.
She blinks a few times, but yes, that is Catra Weaver, rubbing at her own forehead and fixing a few strands of hair that had come loose from behind her ears. Catra Weaver, up close and personal, who she hasn’t talked to since...
“Your forehead is fucking hard. And big,” Catra says, holding her tray in one hand as she narrows her eyes up at Adora.
“Oh, um, you too...I mean! Thanks? I grew it myself,” Adora replies spectacularly, and then promptly wants to crawl into a hole and never come out.
Catra raises one eyebrow at her. “How hard did I hit you?”
Adora scrambles to answer. “Oh, not at all! I mean, not hard. It was my fault. Are you, um, are you okay?” This is going amazingly.
“I’m fine, Greyskull,” Catra replies, sending a tingle up Adora’s spine. She goes to deposit her tray. “Just watch where you’re going.”
Adora grins dopily. “Yes. I mean--I will. Sorry. Again.”
Catra glances Adora up and down, eyebrow still raised, and goes to say something else, when they’re interrupted by a foreboding, familiar voice.
“Ah, Adora! I’m so pleased to see you taking an interest in student affairs.”
Adora turns to see Glimmer’s mom looming over them, hands neatly clasped together. Maybe looming isn’t the right word as she’s smiling brightly down on her and Catra, but she’s tall, ok? “Oh, hi Ang--,” Adora starts before remembering they’re at school, “um, Mrs. Moon. What’s up?”
Angella gestures between her and Catra. “I was just observing how wonderful it will be that Glimmer will have a friend to share the homecoming experience with.”
Adora tenses again, remembering that Catra is still standing very close to her. “Oh, haha, yeah, super great. Wait, what?” Sharing?
Then she notices that her and Catra are standing in front of the wall where the Homecoming Court Signup Sheet is hanging. A sparkly pen tied to the clipboard is dangling within Adora’s reach.
“Oh, um, actually, Perfuma’s already--”
“I think this activity will make a fine addition to your college applications, Adora. And you know how Glimmer gets,” Angella leans in conspiratorially, not bothering to lower her voice. “I think it will calm her nerves to have a friend by her side. A bit of friendly competition, even!” she claps her hands together, delighted. “I remember having so much fun with my friends back in my day.”
“But, I’m already on the lacrosse team...” Adora mumbles, scratching the back of her neck. She glances down at the pen.
“Oh, but you know schools these days, always looking for that something that makes a student stand out,” Angella says, waving her hand dismissively. “And don’t worry, I’ll speak to Coach Huntara about any scheduling conflicts. You’ll get to have the best of both worlds!”
Wait, but lacrosse was Adora’s whole thing--does she not stand out enough? Will she seem boring to UEternia? “I...”
“Oh, Ms. Weaver!” Angella says, as if she’s just now noticing Catra. “I didn’t take you for the...school spirit type.”
“I’m not,” Catra replies, crossing her arms. She smiles saccharinely and adds, “ma’am,” for good measure. God, she’s cool.
“Ah,” Angella says, creating an awkward pause before brightening again. “Well, still, here you are. Are you Adora’s running mate?”
So, sometimes Adora panics.
Look, she’s in a high-stress situation. The girl she doesn’t not have an embarrassing crush on bumped into her, talked to her, and then her best friend’s mom swooped in basically saying that lacrosse is boring and dumb and running for homecoming court will get her into UEternia. At least, that’s what Adora got from all that. And then she insinuates that she’ll be doing that with Catra Weaver.
So, she panics. She panics, and she grabs the glittery pen, and she continues to panic.
“Yep! We’re running together!” she says, grinning.
“Say what?” Catra hisses.
“Oh, wonderful!” Angella squeals, clapping her hands together again. “I must say, I think this will turn out to be a very interesting competition. You’ll have to come dress shopping with us, Adora.”
“Haha, yeah...” Adora says, quickly scribbling Adora Greyskull & Catra Weaver on the signup sheet. Oh fuck, oh god.
“Hang on a fu--” Catra starts, then clamps her mouth shut, because the goddamn principal is still talking to them.
“Oh, I wonder what you’ll do for the talent show! I can’t wait...well, I’m off. It was great catching up, girls!” Angella says, and winks, and does weird-mom-finger-guns, and then she’s gliding away as quickly as she came.
Adora continues to grin and wave awkwardly until Angella is out of sight, then she deflates. That was so weird.
Then she turns and sees Catra reach for the pen that’s still in her hand. Adora has half a mind to snatch it away. Or half a brain cell, at least. “Hey!”
“Cross our names out. Right. Now,” Catra growls through gritted teeth, still trying to grab the pen. Adora tries to hold it up out of reach, but it’s still attached to the clipboard, so the best she can do is weave her hand in and out of Catra’s way.
“Um, no? I just told her we were running!”
“Well, we’re not. Give it to me!”
“No!” Adora grunts, yanking the pen away. “You heard her--she’s gonna talk to Coach Huntara. I can’t back out now.”
“Well, I can!” Catra says, grabbing at Adora’s arm, where she has the pen tucked under her armpit. “Find someone else to run with you!”
“I can’t! They’ll want to win!” Adora says, twisting her body away from Catra. She’s having a slight meltdown over Catra touching her so much, but she’s focusing on the pen for now. “No one’s gonna want to run with me anyway.”
Catra mutters something under her breath that Adora doesn’t catch, then she snakes her hand under Adora’s and takes hold of her wrist. Adora stifles a gasp. “Wait, you don’t want to win?” Catra asks, eyebrow quirked.
“Noooo,” Adora furiously shakes her head. “No, no, no. Glimmer would kill me. She wants to win. I just, um, panicked. I guess?” The heat from Catra’s hand is searing into her wrist.
Catra glances down at their hands and back up at Adora. “So, your friend will kill you if you run for homecoming. And you just signed up in front of her mom?”
“Um...” Adora thinks for a second. “Yes?”
Catra huffs out a laugh. “Wow, you’re even more of an idiot than I remember.”
Adora feels her face redden, shocked at Catra’s casual mention of the past, and glances away. “Look, let’s just get eliminated as quickly as possible and then we can forget it ever happened. Deal?”
“Ugh,” Catra lets out a groan, leaning her head back. She tugs at Adora’s wrist a few times, finding that she isn’t budging. “Fine! As quickly as possible.”
“As quickly as possible,” Adora nods, finding herself grinning as Catra loosens her grip and pulls away. “I’m gonna take this pen home, by the way,” she calls out as Catra begins to head back to her table.
After Adora finally pees and refills her water bottle, she gingerly sits back down beside Glimmer. Poor, sweet, deadly Glimmer, who’s chattering away excitedly with Seahawk about some new music video or something.
She says, in a very tiny voice, “So, um...I think I’m running for homecoming queen?”
Glimmer whips her head around, nose flaring. She stands up, slamming both hands down on the table with a smack.
“You WHAT?!”
And then the bell rings.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 4 years
Hi! Do you think you could do a Monster Prom fanfic about the main 6 being childhood friends with the reader and they tell them that they like the reader? Thank you sm and I hope you have a good day 🥺💙💙💙
(A/N): This was a very cute thing to write! Thank you so much for requesting, hun! <3 I hope you have a good day too!
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Miranda Vanderbilt:
You stop eating the food Miranda just gave to you when you notice that she’s staring at you intently, her lips stretched out onto her cheeks as she holds her head from across the table. You suddenly can’t help but feel like something’s supposed to happen, like your imminent death, though that would surprise you since Miranda swore ten years ago that she would never harm you.
“So?” Her eyes light up after you gulp in your first bite. “What do you think?”
“Um…” You give out a nervous chuckle. “It’s good?”
“Good? That’s it?” Miranda gives out a pout. “But I worked so hard on it!”
“Worked-” You give out a gasp, your eyes looking between the food and your best friend. “Miranda, did you cook this yourself?”
“Well, yes!” A giggle comes out of her throat, her usual bubble of joy back. “This is a special day after all!”
You frown in confusion. “Special day?” 
“Aww, you don’t remember?” She flutters her eyelids at you. “It’s the anniversary of our first meeting!”
You blink a few times, then give out a wide smile. “We met in kindergarten fourteen years ago… I can’t believe you remember the exact same date!”
Her grin turns to a sweet smile as you take another bite of her food, which is surprisingly incredibly tasty. “Of course I remember. It’s the first day I start liking you.”
You almost choke on your bite, her expression turning to a worried one as you try to breathe. “Oh dear, are you okay, (Y/N)?”
“Y-You…” You clear your throat a few times, your cheeks warming up. “What do you mean by ‘liking’ me?”
“It means what it means, silly!” She gives out a giggle when she sees your face turn completely red, an ‘aww’ escaping her lips when you hide your face. “You’re just so cute! How could I not like you more than a friend?”
“But…” You shake your head, your lips turning into a nervous smile. “... why-”
“When I look at you, I see something I haven’t seen in a long time: A future.” She takes your hand in hers, your chest warming up when she looks into your eyes. “That is only if you want it, dear.”
You can’t help but smile sweetly at her. “A future with you is all I could ever ask for.”
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Damien LaVey:
You were binge-watching horror movies with  Damien in your room when the prince of Hell suddenly decided to put the movie on pause, a very shocked look being sent his way while you try to chug down the mouthful of popcorn. 
“Damien!” You take a pause to gulp in the rest of your food, giving him a pout despite the worried frown you’re noticing on his expression. “What are you doing? They were about to slice the guy up with a chainsaw!”
“We need to talk.” 
You give out a snort, having never heard him say those words with that tone in your entire life. “Okay.”
“This isn’t a joke, (Y/N)!” You give out a confused frown when you see the frustration mixed with embarrassment on his features. “It’s something important.”
“... oh.” You put the bowl of popcorn away, turning your body to his to show that you’re giving him your full attention. “Well… what is it?”
“It’s just… I… I-” He takes a breath in, his red skin becoming darker as he speaks with a voice. “I love your face… and the stuff in it…. and around it.”
You blink multiple times, both from the shock and the confusion those words are giving you. “Huh?”
He gives out a groan, then rubs his forehead in embarrassment. “I’m saying I want to date you, dumbass.”
“You do?” Your lips stretch out into the largest grin he has ever seen you worn, a teasing gleam in your eyes. “Well, isn’t that an interesting turn of events-”
“Just say if you want to date me or not.”
You give out a giggle at his annoyed expression, your grin turning to a warm smile. “Yeah… yeah, I’d like that.”
He couldn’t stop a genuine smile from forming on his lips.
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Scott Howl:
You’ve been playing a friendly game of basketball in your backyard with Scott for half of an hour now and, frankly, you were getting worried. Normally, your best friend would be crushing you completely, but he hasn’t really tried to win anything and you’ve managed to get a few goals yourself. You could tell that something was bothering him, but you didn’t want to force it out of him, so instead you throw the ball towards him and he catches it.
“Alright, Scott.” He looks up at you with an unreadable expression, your head showing off the hoop. “How about you make some points, huh?”
He looks down at the basketball with embarrassment, the werewolf slightly moving it between his hands. “H-hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?”
You lose your playful smile, a serious expression settling on your features. “Yeah, of course. Always.”
“So, the thing is-” He takes a small pause, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. -um… you know when we weren’t friends? But then, you know, we were friends? Are?”
You flutter your eyes for a moment, then tilt your head in confusion. “You mean when we were five?”
“Um… yeah? Yeah, so…” He looks into your eyes for a moment, looking down shyly. “What if I don’t want to be friends anymore?”
Something seems to punch you in the throat, your voice coming out as a squeal when you speak. “W-what?”
“Huh? Wait, no, that’s not what I meant!” He lets go of the basketball and reduces the large distance between you two, his hands moving frantically in front of him to try and erase his words while the basketball dribbles away. “I… I don’t wanna go back, I mean… it’s more like… I want to start… dating you?”
He gives out a yelp when you suddenly hit his shoulder with your fist, a frustrated pout on your lips while you blush. “You scared the crap out of me! I thought you hated me or something!”
“What-no, I love you!” He takes your hands in his, giving you his puppy eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to scare you…”
“I know you didn’t…” You stay silent for a moment before you grin. “But I’ll only accept your apology if we go on a date.”
He blinks a few times in confusion, then gives out a gasp. “Wait, does that mean-”
“Yes, I also wanna date you, Scott.”
“Yes!” You give out a yelp when he suddenly crushes you into his arms, a loud laugh escaping his throat. “Oh, I’m so happy, you have no idea!”
You manage to smile despite the lack of air going into your lungs, just happy to finally be sharing a moment like this with him.
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Liam De Lioncourt:
“Here.” You blink multiple times at the pair of tickets Liam is handing out to you while he’s scrolling through his phone. “I got this for you and me to go tonight.”
You don’t notice the blush creeping on his cheeks when your fingers touch his, your eyes going wide as soon as you read the words on the ticket. “Oooh, a (favorite kind of music) concert? We haven’t been to one of those in a hundred years!”
“Yeah, well… I know you like those, so-”
You give him a sweet smile. “Thanks, Liam. Oh! You know, I heard Polly liked this group-”
“We’re not inviting Polly.”
You frown at his tone, giving out a smile nonetheless. “I never said I wanted to invite Polly.”
“Good.” He gives you a small look before he turns his attention back to his phone, his cheeks seeming to puff up. “Because I don’t wanna invite anyone.”
“Don’t you get it?” He gives out a groan as he puts his phone onto the table, a frustrated look sent your way as the redness on his skin deepens. “I-I’ve tried to tell you, so many times, but it’s like you aren’t listening!”
“What-” You blink a few times, completely confused. “What do you mean? What are you trying to tell me-”
“I’m trying to say that we’re going on a date!” You stare shockingly at him while he goes back on his phone, frustration clearly settled on his features. “And if you invite other people, it’s not gonna be a date.”
“A… a date?” You blink multiple times, feeling your face warming up while your mind is still soaking in a bowl of confusion. “A real one? I thought you hated those-”
“I-don’t make me repeat myself!” He shyly looks back at you, clearly doing everything he can to suppress his usual mocking behavior. “You know how hard it is for me to embrace clichés…”
“Yeah… yeah, you do.” You both stay silent for a while after that, Liam anxiously scrolling through his Instagram feed while you watch him, then you give out a large grin. “I can’t wait to go on this date with you, though.”
His lips stretch out, his voice coming out as a whisper. “Me too.”
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Polly Geist:
You and Polly have been reminiscing your shared human life all night, drinking and laughing at all the dumb things you’ve been doing ever since you accidentally died together. This after-life was a whole lot more fun than when you were alive, and you couldn’t be happier to share it with your very best friend.
Polly gives out a warm smile as she watches you laugh. You notice, slowly letting your laughter die into a chuckle. 
“Okay… what?” You continue to chuckle for a bit, not noticing her eyes sweetening. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“If I kissed you, would you punch me?”
Your laughter dies in your throat, your eyes staring back at her with a shocked smile. “W-what?”
“Because I want to kiss you, but not if you’re going to punch me.”
You open and close your mouth a few times, then give out a grin. “Well, it looks like you’re gonna have to risk it.”
She gives out a playful scoff. “Are you challenging me to kiss you now? Because I will do it.”
“Well, you’re still talking and I’m not being kissed, so-” You get cut off by her lips being pressed against yours, your lips stretching out onto your cheeks as soon as she parts away. “So? Did I punch you?”
“You did not.” Polly gives out a chuckle of her own. “So I guess we’re dating now.”
“Yeah…” Your eyes sweeten just as your heart warms up. “Yeah, we are.”
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Vera Oberlin:
“So?” You let go of your straw to speak, turning your eyes towards a Vera typing text messages on her phone. “Who are you taking to prom?”
“I’m taking you.”
You give out a playful scoff at that, which makes her look up with the slightest hint of confusion in her eyes. “Okay, Vera… I know that we’ve been friends since kindergarten and, let’s face it, I’m awesome-” She rolls her eyes at your words, which only makes your lips stretch out even more. “-but you’re Vera Oberlin. You could literally go with prom with any one of these hot messes out there.”
“I’m taking you, (Y/N).” She continues to type on her phone, frustration slowly rising inside her soul. “End of discussion.”
“Okay, no-” You put her phone down, the gorgon woman giving you a glare that you easily ignore. “I know that no one has asked me to prom, but that doesn’t mean you have to take pity on me.”
“Oh, for fuck sake-” You open your mouth in shock at her words. “I’m taking you to the prom because I want to take you to the prom!”
“But…” You frown, utterly confused. “... why?”
“Why?” She squints her eyes at you, as if you just said the stupidest thing in the entire world. “Because I love you, okay?”
“Listen to me.” She claps her hands at every word she says, making sure that you hear every single one of them. “I. Love. You.”
You give out a shocked scoff, not quite being able to say anything back.
“And like I said before…” She goes back to typing on her phone, still frustrated. “You’re going to be my date to the prom and you can’t say ‘no’.”
“... well, good.” You take a sip of your beverage, Vera frowning in surprise as she looks back at you. “Because I don’t wanna say ‘no’.”
She only gives you a small genuine smile as a response.
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒐
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Hanamaki Takihiro x GN! Reader
Based off of the Laurie and Jo Scene in Little Women
Summary: Sometimes first loves never work out
Content: Angst, pure angst
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From pirate ships, to being monarchs and warriors of old, you and Hanamaki Takahiro, were best friends.
He was the little boy who moved in next door, snot running down his nose, hands stained with dirt as he offered you a piece offering of roly polies and leaves.
You were the little kid who rolled around in the mud and terrorized the other kids by throwing sticks at them.
Needless to say you immediately became best friends. And menaces to your parents, the neighborhood kids and society in general.
You were together from the young ages of kindergarten, you were there to witness Hanamaki's awkward stage of puberty. You were there to witness him making other friends than you and lovers.
He was there when he saw you make other friends than him, dating a lot of people. He was there when you were scared of going to middle school, was there when you had anxiety over grades.
You were there for each other all the time, ups and downs, triumphs and trials.
So it was natural, that Hanamaki fell, completely and hopelessly;
In love with you.
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You're running in the grass, rolling around with Hanamaki laughing your asses off. You guys have just graduated highschool and the two of you, being the dumb bitches you are decide to skip the family party to celebrate your accomplishments. 
“We’re adults now!” You yell, half skipping down the hill and eventually trip. 
You pick yourself up and start screaming. 
Hanamaki laughs, “Yeah says the one who barely passed history.” 
He grabs you by the arm and drags you through the flowers of the field and sets you down, all the while you giggle deliriously. 
Usually Hanamaki would be laughing along, making stupid jokes about your laugh. 
But he doesn’t. 
And it scares you. 
Before you even open your mouth to say anything, Hanamaki plops down beside you and thoughtfully asks, 
“What are we going to do, [Name]? After here?” 
The question sounded serious not like those ones where he asked you if he looked sexy for prom or if his crocs match the vibe of the weather that day. 
You paused to take in the question. 
“Well... I can’t really answer that Hiro Out of our whole friend group we’ve always been the floaters. The ones that never really know what we’re doing...” 
Hanamaki turns his head around, baby hairs sticking onto his skin from the sweat of running. His eyes are looking at you, no they’re looking through you. 
He breathes out a yes, like he’s been holding something from you. A secret he didn’t want to tell. 
You turn away abruptly hoping he doesn’t see your slight change of attitude. 
“Iwaizumi’s going to America, Mattsun is getting ready for college, and you know Oikawa is going over to Brazil to pursue volleyball.” 
“I honestly don’t know Hiro. I get that we can’t be kids who run around more and throw dirt at each other,” you say laughing softly. 
Hanamaki scoffs, “But you wish it was like that huh?” 
You sit up and pick the grass from the ground and throw it randomly into the air. 
“Of course! I still want to get a pirate ship and go and travel the world with you.” 
Hanamaki raises his eyebrows, “And steal gold from random people?” 
You smile cheekily, “Of course. Then we’ll build our chocolate empire, something that could rival Willy Wonka’s.” 
Hanamaki stands up and puts his hand out to you. 
You grab it, but why do you feel like the gesture is something much more than a friendly hand? 
The two of you start walking, swinging your arms around as you joke about your chocolate factory, your pirate ships, the adventures you’re going to have. 
The sun was setting, the long, green blades of grass turning yellow as you and Hanamaki run through them, creating scars and bumps on your skin. 
You were going to miss highschool. You were going to miss groaning about exams and certain substitute teachers. Miss skipping classes with Mattsun and Makki to go get wasted with cheap alcohol. 
You were going to miss Oikawa and his stupid smile and Iwaizumi and his stupid nicknames. You were going to miss crying with the 3rd years over lost volleyball games. 
Hell, you were probably going to cry when Oikawa and Iwaizumi left to continue their lives. You might even cry when Mattsun goes to college even if he isn’t going overseas. 
But at least you had Hanamaki. Your dearest friend. Though your relationship has gotten deeper and you were able to confide with each other, you were still the 2 children that fought other kids on the playground. 
You could always, always rely on him. Because you never changed with each other. 
You turn around and see Hanamaki. His eyes glowed with something. 
And it was not of the setting sun. 
“Yes?” You say, the sky turning darker as moments pass. 
“I know we talk about us being adventurous and going with the flow... but I feel like we could do something more, you know?” he says it quietly, his thumb subconsciously rubbing yours. 
You look up at him, “What do you mean? You just want to suddenly work a 9-5 job in a corporate company? We talked about this Hiro...” 
He looks taken aback, “No no, that’s not what I meant [Name].”
Hanamaki gets quieter, “We could always be little kids, playing with swords and sticks. Together.” 
You pause as Hanamaki looks up at your eyes. Together? You’ve always been together? Always. 
He couldn’t possibly mean. 
You pull back from his grasp, 
“No Hiro I can’t do that. Please no.” 
You start walking away from him and he advances as he argues, trying to salvage something. 
“[Name], no I love you and I have always loved you since we were little! I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else besides you!” 
You walk faster and wrap your arms around yourself, “No, no, no. Hiro you’re being ridiculous.” 
“Yes, YES!” 
“No! We can’t!” 
“[NAME]! COME BACK HERE LET ME SEE YOU!” Hanamaki says running towards you. 
You spin around and stare at him, “We can’t work Hiro! I could never love you that way, and I would be lying, God I would be lying if I said that I did. Our whole life together we’re going to be pretending.” 
He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, “Why?! We were just talking about doing adventures together! Why is that any different than what I proposed!?” 
You stomp your foot onto the ground, “Did you not just listen to me you dipshit? I could never love you romantically! Ever! I care for you, I worry for you but Hanamaki you are my friend. My closest friend. You are the one thing in my life that hasn’t changed so quickly and then you pull this shit?” 
You start shaking your head, “No, don’t say that.”
Hanamaki starts rambling, “You always tell me that words and actions are your love languages- 
“And I’ve been doing it, [Name]. I have. I have been there for you, anywhere and-and-”
“Takihiro stop.” 
“And I can’t feel like this anymore. I can’t let you slip through my fingers and watch you run away from me like everyone else has-”
The only things that you could hear were the sounds of your breathing and the crickets in the grass. 
“Takihiro, you’re being a child. You’re being stupid and ridiculous. Do not let the fantasies of a boy ruin your future,” you say sternly, begging for your tears to not fall onto the ground. 
“You say that, [Name], and then run from everything that requires commitment,” he says sharply. 
“You’re a coward, [Name]. You’re hurting me.” 
Hanamaki is stepped away from you know and he starts walking away. 
“My life has no meaning anymore-”
You scoff, “Takihiro your love for me isn’t worth your life!” 
Hanamaki walks away and his voice is racked with sobs. Oh god he seriously does love you. 
“Takihiro come back here!” 
You’re running towards him now, grabbing his arm but he pushes away. 
“Takihiro think with your brain! Just because we can’t be together the way you want doesn’t mean we have to sever all ties!” You say breathlessly. 
“I mean think about it, we could have never worked. You hate the fact I don’t eat your favorite ice cream, you constantly like to go out and I like staying home.” 
“I don’t care-” 
“I hate meeting your other family members because they look down on me, my family members have always been skeptical of you-” 
“I don’t care about that-” 
“And we would be miserable, Takihiro. Absolutely miserable with one another-” 
“No we wouldn’t,” he says stopping and grabbing your arm. Your noses were touching as his thin lips tried to connect with yours.
You pull away. 
“Admit it Makki. We are better off as friends, not lovers,” you say finally. 
“I’m ugly and I don’t care about my appearance like your other lovers do. I’m brutally honest with you and sometimes you cry about my opinion and-” 
“I love you [Name].” 
“I’m lazy and have no real goal in life, I have no foundation no, no rock or something. I don’t have a drive, Hiro! You’re going to be stuck with someone who doesn’t care.” 
“I love you.” 
“And you’re going to find someone else, a nice person, who likes eating your ice cream and dresses up. Who has a clear goal in life and someone your family will love-” 
“No one could ever replace you, [Name]-” 
You throw your hands up in frustration, “You’re mixing platonic and romantic feelings together and turning it into some big thing!” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Yes you are.” 
Silence surpasses you again and Hanamaki starts walking away. 
You spoke up, “But-” 
He turns around again and looks at you with hope. Hope for something more. 
“That I don’t think I’ll ever be with someone romantically, Makki. I’ve gone years without.” 
Hanamaki scoffs and starts to laugh cruelly, 
“I don’t believe that, [Name]. You’re going to find someone, and you’re going to fall hard.” 
You sneer, “How do you know?” 
“I just do, you’re impossible to not fall in love with. You’re the sunshine in my life.” 
“Takihiro don’t say that, please.” 
He looks back at you, “But you are! You are my world, my-” 
“LEAVE ME! OH MY GOD LEAVE ME!” You yell at him and turn away. 
This was the 1st time Hanamaki hears you with that voice. 
“YES! YES [NAME],” Hanamaki says. 
“You’re going to fall in love with someone and you’re perfect, care free life will turn upside down and they’re going to love you. And you’re going to be perfect with each other-” 
“And I will watch. I will watch you grow and love this person. I will watch it happen because I still love you and I don’t think I’ll love anyone else.” 
“And I will watch you, I will watch you [Name], and- and,” 
You couldn’t bear to see his tears fall from his eyes, so you turn away. 
“I will imagine that it could have been me and you-”
“Hanamaki please-” 
“I don’t know what to do with myself but I will still take care of you and I truly love you, forever and-” 
“I won’t ever stop, [Name]. Ever,” he says softly as he tries to reach out for your hand. 
You pull away, your voice breaking. 
“Hanamaki, go. I don’t want to see you right now,” you say softly. 
You don’t have to turn around to see him crumble. You can feel it. 
Because your heart was crumbling too. 
“I’ll go... get back safe, [Name],” he adds. 
You don’t say anything back, and hear the slow movements in the grass as your best friend walked away from you. 
The sky is dark, the stars seemed ashamed at your argument, and they don’t shine like they used to from years before. 
You stayed in the grass, silent tears on your face as you shielded yourself from the cold with your arms. 
You wanted to go home, but home wasn’t a place
It was a person. And his name was Hanamaki Takihiro. 
But home loved you, and you didn’t love it back the way they wanted. 
More tears flowed from your eyes at the sudden thought emerged from your eyes. 
You had no home anymore. 
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AN: Another random little oneshot I did for my boy Hanamaki! Please comment your thoughts or reblog and like! I need constructive critiscm loves so I know what I can write and appeal to! 
Taglist: @saladskittles​
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biconderoga · 4 years
Scenario: Kuroo thought he had come up with a foolproof promposal
Word Count: 1,253
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Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem! S/O
A loud resounding slam was heard throughout the gym. Then another, and another. It wasn’t anything unusual, since the volleyball club currently occupied the gym. However the members of the club could sense the tense mood that radiated off their captain. Their captain, Kuroo, aggressively spiked set after set. The intense gaze that he held made anyone in the area tense up.
Lev, who was unfortunate enough to make eye contact with Kuroo, shuddered, “Doesn’t captain seem a bit, on edge?”
Kenma shrugged, not even looking up from his game console, “Seems the same to me, Lev.”
“Are you sure? He’s really pushing Tamahiko through the wringer.”
Kenma sighed and paused the game on his console, “Why don’t you ask him if you’re so curious? I’m kind of busy here.” The shorter male resumed his game, completely ignoring the scowl that Lev formed.
After quietly mocking Kenma behind his back, Lev reluctantly listened to his advice. The lanky boy made his way towards Kuroo, careful to avoid any volleyballs that were shot in his direction. He took a deep breath, and practically screamed out, “What’s wrong captain?!”
Kuroo, who was about to jump for another spike, staggered and nearly tripped on his own foot. “Huh, what’re talking about?”
“You seem…” Lev paused, worried that he was about to set off an emotional bomb, “upset.”
“Is that so?” Kuroo rubbed the back of his neck, “You could say that. Had some bad luck this girl.”
Nearby, Yamamoto practically choked on his water. “A-a girl?! Kuroo Tetsuro, our captain, is having girl trouble?!” The wing spiker ran up to Kuroo, and clasped his shoulders, “So you aren’t some godly playboy?! How does it feel to be rejected for once!”
“I‘m not a playboy,” Kuroo deadpanned, “Just because some girls like me doesn’t mean I’m one. Can’t say you’d understand though.”
Yamamoto practically deflated, “Oh.”
“What girl was it?” Lev questioned.
Kenma, who was silent the whole ordeal piped up, “Was it that whole plan you had with S/O?”
Kuroo nodded, “Yep, clever as always! It was bad.”
The final bell had rang, and Kuroo rushed off to the culinary arts room. Usually the bed-headed male would loiter around the hallways or meet up with Kenma as he waited for practice to begin. However, this afternoon he was a man on a mission. This was because in a few weeks time, the ever renowned prom would be taking place at Nekoma High.
Normally Kuroo would be nonchalant about the whole ordeal. He had always pictured it being a night to hangout with friends. He would drag Kenma out of his room (then again that was a given for any social event) , and dance the night away with his friends. Just the usual stuff teenage boys would do. He hadn’t planned on asking a girl out.
Kuroo was well-known in Nekoma’s female populace, yet he never experienced a serious relationship. The kind where he would take a bullet for them. Sure, he’d push them out of the way, but his attraction never went to the ‘risking your life stage’. He never understood those coming-of-age films in which the male protagonist would drop everything to enact the perfect promposal for the love interest.
Despite all odds, Kuroo still found himself in his current situation. One girl had unknowingly pulled Kuroo into the stage where he would do anything for her! Kuroo had thought it was rather pathetic. To him, high school was a time to find yourself and make mistakes. He would dabble in romance as he studied away, but he never thought he would so hopelessly fall for a girl.
So now he understood those movie protagonists! For he too would want the best promposal for his crush. Kuroo had intricately planned it out. S/O, who was an avid member of the culinary club, enjoyed drinking coffee. So, Kuroo had based his plan around that. He enlisted the help of YouTube and figured out how to do the most basic of latte art! The second step of his masterful plan was to make it into the culinary arts before S/O did, and swiftly make them a latte. On top of the milky foam, he planned to write out in cursive ‘Prom?’.
Overall, it was a relatively simple plan and Kuroo was quite confident in his chances. S/O would swoon before she accepted, and then the night of prom he would ask to make things official!
As he mentally patted himself on the back, Kuroo had arrived to his destination. He had around ten minutes to work, as S/O was on cleaning duty that afternoon. He flicked on the room’s light switch and got to work.
As carefully as possible, Kuroo went about the process and made the latte. Then, it was onto the latte art. He grabbed a nearby toothpick and began to write his message. Just as he was about to add the finishing touches, the room’s door opened.
“Oh Kuroo! What’re you doing over there?” S/O walked into and attempted to peer over Kuroo’s shoulder.
Kuroo, who was shocked that she came earlier than expected, jolted. “Oh, hey,” He tried to play sauve, “surprised to see you here.”
“Kuroo, this is my clubroom.”
Kuroo rolled his eyes and pushed S/O to a nearby table, “Yeah, yeah. Sit down I have a surprise for you!”
S/O happily obliged to Kuroo’s request as she pondered on what the surprise could be. However, before she could get a solid idea of what it could be, Kuroo placed a cup in front of her.
A few seconds ticked by, and not a word was said. Kuroo nervously smiled, and hoped that S/O was just surprised, “So…?”
S/O awkwardly laughed, “Um…I don’t know how to respond to this?” She turned the cup towards him, “What do you mean porn? Is this a joke?”
“What?” Kuroo peered down to the cup, and lo and behold was a latte that said ‘Porn?’ in cursive. An uncharacteristic blush formed on his face. He was beyond embarrassed, how could he misspell prom?! “I was…It was supposed to say prom! I don’t know this could happen. I promise I’m not suggesting anything!”
S/O was shocked at the sight before her, the usually calm and stoic captain was a flustered mess! “Kuroo, don’t worry! It probably got messed up when I surprised you or when you brought it to me. It’s no biggie.”
“Yeah you’re right,” Kuroo rubbed the back of his neck, “and here I thought I had a foolproof promposal.”
“Oh? A promposal?”
“Yeah, but I to get to practice! See you S/O!”
“Hey wait!” S/O went to reach out for Kuroo’s sleeve, but he was gone in a blink of an eye.
Presently, Lev and Yamamoto intently listened to Kuroo as he ended his tale, while Kenma played his game nearby. Practice had officially ended, and the club was gathering up their equipment.
“Kuroo, you really are an idiot.”
“Ouch, Kenma, words hurt y’know?”
Kenma sighed at his friend’s antics, “Stop pitying yourself and get an actual answer from her.” With that, Kenma and the others left Kuroo alone.
Kuroo sat on a nearby bench and went to grab his phone. He opened his phone for the first time in a couple hours. He had a few notifications from his mom concerning dinner, but a recent alert caught his attention.
S/O had complimented the taste of his latte, and followed by asking if they should match with red or black.
Kuroo smiled down to his phone and quickly typed out black.
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yeocult · 4 years
euphoria | k.hj
genre: angst, inspired by ‘euphoria’
wc: 3.6k words
synopsis: sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other
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cw: explicit language, unhealthy relationship(?), panic attacks, slight mentions of addictions/meds
another sleepless night, another morning, another day. 
they all seem the same, and there weren’t anything you could do to help yourself escape this depressing hell hole. there wasn’t anything necessarily bad about your life, but when you hated your brain, the rest is hard to enjoy. then everything else collapses like a long, never-ending domino effect.
suddenly you find your whole days blending together creating one endless and suffocating loop.
exhaustion hits after a couple of hours of dancing, you sat on the concrete steps outside of the building. escaping from the intoxicating atmosphere of obnoxious teenagers filled with emotions and hormones packed together along with the noisy music ringing your ears. you weren’t a huge fan of the dj’s music taste in the first place.
everything felt blurry, you couldn’t make out the lyrics of whatever song was playing from the distance anymore. quietly watching people enter and exit as you quietly sat on the ground, hugging your knees close to your chest.
the feeling is similar to those special effects used in movies or shows; where the character is moving in slow motion, but their surroundings are racing past them while they are stuck in one spot.
the corner of your eyes caught a bright blue hair and you immediately knew who exactly it was. it wasn’t hard to miss hongjoong, especially with his current hair colour.
every year school dances would just be every other regular day. there wasn’t any excitement or joy in prom for you like the other students had found. well, it wasn’t like you had anyone to attend it with, so what’s the point? but this year was a little different. because ever since the new boy came to town, you knew things would not be the same.
never in a lifetime would you see yourself all dressed up, let alone go to school dance. you had to admit,  his influence was strong. you found yourself stepping out of your comfort zones more often when he’s around. he insisted to doll you up in anything other than your usual joggers and a hoodie. it was hard to reject his pout, he knew that too.
so you let him do his magic, you could tell he was having a blast playing dress-up with you. loving the way he dressed you up, the two of you even had a mini photoshoot before attending the dance. a new polaroid added to your wall along with the many other memories.
“what’s wrong?” hongjoong took a seat next to you on the steps. his cold fingers slightly brushing your ears, he gently tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear for a better view of your face.
“i fucking hate this town.” you blurted out.
hongjoong snorted at your blunt words, asking if you took anything today and you shook your head. you were dead serious and one hundred percent sober—you’ve been for a while now.
there wasn’t clearly a reason, but when you’ve been living in the same neighbourhood your entire life, you’re bound to grow sick of the place. you could say with your whole chest that this town did fucking sucked ass, but hongjoong made it a little brighter. he flashed you a smile, showcasing his perfect teeth. it was the type of smile that showed he was interested in whatever you were thinking.
“don’t we all? everyone in this town’s so fucking boring. i’d set it on fire and watch it burn to the ground if i could!” your eyes widen when he shouted his brutal thoughts out loud, not caring if the other students were glaring at him with a concerning look. because the last thing hongjoong could give a fuck about, was other people’s opinions.
student’s faces quickly turned away when met with hongjoong’s finger and his smirk. he leaned back spreading his legs out and supporting himself with his hands. he looks up at the sky, admiring the bright stars in the night inhaling the cool summer air.
nothing in the world compares to hongjoong. to you, he was without a doubt, the best thing to exist in life. he was attractive in every way possible. you always joked about how the heavens really took the time crafting hongjoong just to see him smile and burst in laughter. only knowing him for a couple months, you knew for the fact that he’s a fucking great guy.
glancing over to hongjoong, looked stunning tonight, causing you to swallow nervously. his eyes surrounded with glitter with little stars and dressed from head to toe with his most outstanding outfit. normally, his bold choice of fashion would make people turn their heads to him. either with admiration or confusion, sometimes both.
tonight took the trophy. his ears and fingers were decorated with jewellery that made him shine more than he ever did. he never held back on jewellery, “i didn’t poke ten holes in my ears just to cover them up”, he once told you. smiling to yourself at the memories of him flashes through your mind.
remebring just a couple of minutes ago in the dance. loving the way the fuchsia and blue lights softly bounced off of his smooth skin when the two of you were on the dance floor earlier. the orange lights shine bright in the background, complimenting his blue locks beautifully.
when you twirled him around, so would his little half skirt that he wore for this exact reason because he thought it was pretty. he held your waist with his hands, suddenly the world went dark and the only thing that mattered was the person standing in front of you.
even now, when the spotlight isn’t focused on him in the dark, his aura glows brightly like the sun. it makes looking at him for too long will burn you. but to have the sun so close is an honour, even if it burns you.
“it’s just—i’ve been thinking…” you trail off, biting your lips. you started to fidget with your shoelaces, unsure of whether the words you wanted to say was a bad idea. after being around hongjoong for so long, you lost the concept of bad and good. everything around you looked so grey.
ever since hongjoong walked into your life, a lot of your life has changed. that’s just how life is, right? it’s constantly changing, whether we like it or not.
he moved here from the city with his father for a fresh start, things around his small town have been different. was the change a good thing? you weren’t sure nor did you really care. all that mattered was that he made living a little bearable. you wanted to live because of him.
he painted this boring town with his vibrant colours.
the two of you immediately clicked. you’ve never had someone like hongjoong. actually, you never really had that many people in your life, to begin with. you would occasionally join any group of people that would allow you in, but they would all fade away and forgotten within a few weeks. they weren’t memorable.
with hongjoong, you didn’t need anybody else. he was worth millions, and you couldn’t afford to lose him.
you were both broken in your own ways, and yet you both attracted each other like magnets, holding on to each other’s broken pieces. maybe it was how he didn’t judge you no matter how fucked up you can be sometimes. or that he was just as fucked up as you and that you weren’t in the position to judge him either.
although you would never say it out loud, for a short moment, you believed that maybe hongjoong was your soulmate. it was silly of you to even think about it. then again, after watching so many people come and go throughout your life, you yearned for someone who could always be there for you. you craved the stability that you thought hongjoong could give to you.
there was no title that defined the relationship you have with hongjoong. little things he does with you might be couple worthy; how he kisses your lips once in a while, how he would fall asleep in your bed or knock on your window at three in the morning, he would twirl and spin you around in the kitchen like old lovers to some jazz music on your mom’s record player.
what you both have was unclear. after all, you’re both young teenagers who both have a lot to figure out. and teenagers don’t have to point a finger and settle for one person right away. maybe the best choice was to leave it how it is.
nothing more, nothing less. it’s not like you were going to marry him and the two of you could grow grey together happily ever after. it wasn’t that simple. however, it’s nice to have something to dream about, even if it’s for a moment.
hongjoong hummed a tune, letting you continue.
you took a deep breath before letting it all out, “fuck it. what if we, like just fucking left. what if we just went home and packed a bunch of our shit and just bought a ticket, and like went to a new city or something? what if we just ditched this dance—this whole town, and just fucking left?” letting out an exhale after your long ramble.
tilting his head to the side, hongjoong’s eyes widen at your spontaneous idea. “you’re fucking insane.” soon the shock face formed into a mischievous look with a huge grin and glimmering eyes, he liked the idea.
“yeah… you’re right, maybe i am.” you chuckled. looking up at the night sky, looking at absolutely nothing. the sky was clear of stars and the moon wasn’t in sight. “but you aren’t any better.” fuelling hongjoong with your words.
without any hesitation, hongjoong jolted up with excitement and adrenaline flowing through his whole body. “then what are we waiting for?” he grabbed your hand, pulling you up. “let’s get the hell out of here!” laughing in the cool air, 
two young souls without a care in the world, rushing towards the unclear future.
the both of you ran without stopping. your feet felt heavier with each step that brought you closer to his home. you held his hand tightly, strengthening your grip every now and then because you were afraid if you weren’t holding on to him tight enough, he would run off leaving you behind.
quietly opening his front door, the two of you tiptoed upstairs to his room making the least amount of noise as possible not to wake up his father who was sleeping in the room down the hall. he roamed around his room, grabbing a duffle bag and stuffing it with as many clothes and other belongings he could possibly fit.
you sat on the edge of his bed, panicky eyes start darting around his room. every time you feel good, you think it’ll last forever, but it doesn’t.
and that’s when it hits you. like an oil truck on the highway going a hundred miles per hour and you just got rear-ended, everything explodes with fire. it hits you that maybe this wasn’t the best decision, you needed more time to think this over.
but it was too late, hongjoong had already filled up his bag and was ready to leave.
feeling the wave of regret drowning you. he could feel your discomfort, it wasn’t hard to read your facial expression. dropping his bag, hongjoong stepped closer, holding your hand in his. he caressed your palm to relieve your nervousness, “we’re gonna be okay.” he says as he planted a quick kiss on your forehead.
there’s this saying that goes something on the lines of, “in the bad times, there will be good times. but that also meant during good times there will be bad times”, that’s what your mother used to tell you. wishing life was as calming as that sounds because if you were being honest, those words cause nothing but confusion.
in a blink of an eye, you two were no longer in his bedroom and hongjoong was already purchasing tickets for the train that was ready for departure in just a few minutes from now. he grabbed your hand and lead the way.
you know you shouldn’t be here, “joong, i just realized i left my phone at home and fuck—i forgot my medication.”
“we could like, get medication anywhere. plus, you could use my phone for now.” hongjoong suggested. there wasn’t any hint of anxiousness in his voice because the truth was, he’d been prepared to leave the moment he steps foot into town.
“n-no…i think if i miss a day that’ll be really fucking bad. and i need to call my mom, a-and what if something bad happens to her when i’m gone?” it’s fucking one o’clock in the morning, you started to stress over how your mother is going to react when you weren’t in your bed. you started to think of all the worst-case scenarios, you couldn’t help it. you owe it to them, you didn’t want to mess up again. one wrong move could fuck up every thing good in your life.
squeezing your hand, “you can always use my phone, okay? we’ll figure it out, i promise.” he reassured you that everything is going to work out well, like he always does. and he never fails to make you feel safe. but this time it didn't feel the warmth of his words like before.
the station was relatively quiet, with only a couple of people around, but your head was banging and noisy. the feeling was overwhelming. your stomach was like an ocean during a bad storm. water sloshing, crashing and hitting all sides, changing the intensity as it gets worse and worse. the heavy smell of gas and the dim lights flickering once a while wasn’t making the environment any better. frantically looking around the station, to the left, right, up, and behind. trying to keep your eyes busy with anything except the path in front of you.
realizing how small you were in this world, with everyone around you so calm while you felt like exploding and breaking down at any moment now. how insignificant your mere existence was, how you could disappear right now and everything would still be the same. the trains would still be running and the days will go on. and hongjoong would still go to the city.
the universe is just out here not giving a single fuck.
you began to panic and second-guess the whole plan. you can’t quite pinpoint the cause of your anxiety, or the cause of your chest pain and mouth feeling dry. all you knew was that this was a mistake, being here with him was a mistake, this whole plan was a mistake. your brain felt as if it was breaking down, being split into two hemispheres.
“joong, i-i don’t, i don’t think this is a good idea.” you couldn’t control how shaky your voice was.
he laughs it off, “but it was your idea.” he didn’t know why you were acting so strange all a sudden. when you offer or sort of just throw the idea out there that, “we could run off and just go to the city and be happy”, of course, hongjoong would jump at that in a heartbeat.
“i-i know it was, it was my idea. but now, i don’t think it’s good anymore, we should—”
“listen,” he cuts you off reassuring your anxiety that everything is going to be okay, “what do you mean? it’s a fucking great idea.” he says with a higher pitch than usual, an attempt to lift up your mood.
that’s because, for hongjoong, this is the most fucking brilliant idea. since he came to town, his life has become increasingly fraught.
hongjoong has been thinking about leaving this town multiple times. not even on his second day of moving to his new house, he had already lashed out at his dad for moving them here and that he rather stayed with his mother who currently lives in the city. maybe he was selfish for that, he just wished things were different.
the one time he left for a couple of days to visit his old friends in the city was the time when you and hongjoong weren’t on good terms, it was an outlet to cool off. experiencing some of the best moments of his life being surrounded by neon lights, busy roads, and his friend’s loud chatter. 
it was the best feeling, nobody knew what he was going through. he didn’t have to worry about all the negative thoughts, he didn’t have to overwhelm himself with unnecessary overthinking, he didn’t have that burden on him.
because here, nobody gave a shit. his only worry was which club he would show up that night with his friends.
coming back to the dull town he despises with this whole being after this trip being filled with adventure and high energy only made him crave the city even more. it’s what his friend would call addiction. having a taste of something once, coming off the high, and finding himself craving for more.
hongjoong appears to be glowing after his short visit to the city, you noticed that. it made you yearn to be the type of person he would use to describe his friend, someone he can enjoy the city life with.
he was smothered by the life he lives in the suburbs. he wanted an escape. a reinvigorating trip to the city might be the best for hongjoong.
but for you, all you wanted was to be in the comfort of his bedroom, having his arms wrapped around you as the two of you doze off to dreamland or watching some horrible rom-com tv show that he always failed to stay awake. 
those were the peaceful days, the days where your brain wasn’t flooded with thoughts that would weigh you down. you wanted hongjoong to be by your side at all times, even if it seemed selfish.
your feet failed to match his pace. “can we just slow down for a second? i-i’m trying to think. you know, my mom she’s probably freaking out right now. it’s one in the morning, and, and my sister, she won’t see me when she wakes up it’s just i, don’t want her to fucking panic—”
hongjoong stops his tracks for a second, meeting your glossy eyes. you can tell how much this means to him. “look at me,” tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ears for a better look. cupping your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumb.
and for a moment, you think that maybe it’s not that bad.
but that feeling was quickly swept away by the train that just arrived, opening its door for passengers. the swift wind blowing hongjoong’s little half skirt just like how it would when you would twirl him around.
“it’s not that far,” hongjoong stressed. his eyes disappear into crescents and gives you a small chuckle too short to be called a genuine laugh. how could he even have the energy to find amusement in a situation like this?
“and like, we’re good, okay? trust me. you can always call or visit them.” he continued his pace towards the train doors.
while hongjoong remain calm and unbothered by the situation, you were frantic and your head was spiralling. you started to think about your family, the look on your mother’s face when she overthinks about your wellbeing and the chance you might not come back. your heart sinks at the thought of your sister’s face when she wakes up the next morning only to find you weren’t in your bedroom.
with each step hongjoong dragged you towards the train’s door, the harder it was for you to breathe. there was no air. it felt like the two of yu were trapped in space and hongjoong was the only one floating while you were gasping for air.
no amount of deep breathes can help you. “yes b-but what the fuck am i supposed to say? they’re gonna think i’m missing—”
hongjoong step foot onto the train, “we’re good, c’mon. it’s gonna be great.” he coaxes you onto the train. you planted your feet on the ground while still intertwined with his hand.
“hongjoong…” there wasn’t much to say anymore, the usual nickname didn’t roll off your tongue as easily as it did before.
deep down, you just wanted to say, “fuck it”, and hop on that train with hongjoong. but the words die down in your throat. as much as you wanted to be the spontaneous, pack-up-and-go person for hongjoong, you know that couldn’t.
you came to realize that getting on that train could do more damage than healing.
hongjoong stumbled in your life without a map or a compass. eventually, he would leave, going back to where he originally belonged. at some point, he would have to make his choice. you loosen your grip on his hand, letting him free. sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other.
he grasped your hand back into his grip, you only shook your head telling him that you couldn’t do it. when your tears started to spill over that fact, hongjoong knew he was going to the city alone.
“please,” hongjoong begs from inside of the runaway train. “i love you.” he did. he loved you and you loved him.
still, you refused and let the door close, separating the two of you from each other’s reach. you look at him one last time with glossy eyes and watch the train leave from the platform.
it was all in slow motion, the train speeding past you while you were unable to move your feet. all you could do is watch people come and go and there wasn’t anything you could change.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Do you take lessons for anything? No. I’ve done so in the past, but not at the moment.
Has something really heavy ever fallen on you?  Other than siblings or cousins from when we played together as kids, I don’t think so.
If you wear makeup, what colors do you usually wear?  I never wear makeup but whenever my friends have used my face as a practice stage (lol) they’ve usually just used natural or nude-ish colors, which I find look okay on me.
Does your shower have curtains or a glass door/wall? It has a sliding door. I’m not sure what material it’s made out of, but I can tell you it’s at least not glass.
If you have more than one pet, do they ever get jealous of each other?  Cooper does tend to bark and/or whine when he sees me giving more attention to Kimi, but not always. Kimi couldn’t give less of a crap, but this is also because he is 13.
Is there a room in your house that you don’t like going in? I used to not like being inside my bedroom, especially after the breakup. For a long time it was a place I only associated with crying and breakdowns, so when I was doing the arduous task of starting over I haaaaated staying there because it only hurled me right back to square one. But I’m happy to say that I eventually got better, had enough strength to change the narrative for my room, and now I like being here again :)
Do you remember the last question you were asked? What did you answer? My mom just asked me to watch Cooper because he was having the zoomies.
Besides salt and butter, do you put anything on your popcorn?  Not a big fan of popcorn but if I had to pick a topping, I’d go with cheddar cheese.
Are you lonely?  I’ll feel it sometimes, but it only lasts for a moment or so.
What’s your favorite magazine to read?  Wow I haven’t read a magazine in years.
Do you like pineapple?  I hate it. In all forms. The pizza debate doesn’t even matter to me lmao, I just think pineapple downright sucks.
Have you ever seen fireflies? They used to be common in our village when we first moved in, back when there were only like 3 houses in the neighborhood (we were one of the first to move in here). As more houses were built and the place got more occupied the fireflies gradually lessened until they disappeared altogether.
Have you ever trespassed?  I very vividly remember taking multiple trips to the school cemetery back in grade school (I went to Catholic school and ours had a cemetery below our chapel, where all our deceased nuns were housed...I really shouldn’t be talking about this at 10 PM...). I am 100% sure that was an off-limits area but we went there anyway because we were a naughty group of kids and because no one was guarding the area.
Do you tell your parents where you are going? Yeah; if I live with them, they have the right to know. < Ooh, I’ve never even thought about it this way before but this is a very good point. I’ll second this, haha.
Do you agree with the notion that all people were created equal? Yes.
Do you raise your hand or participate in class? God never. I hid as much as I can and only recited if I was called on purpose.
Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not?  I like the malls that we have. But then again, malls are the only decent public spaces we have - we don’t have public libraries, parks, playgrounds, etc. – so it’s not like I have a choice on where I can go if I want to go out. 
Have you ever purposely hurt an animal?  Yeah I kill bugs when I see them. Soz, I have no feelings for them whatsoever.
Would you ever see a therapist?  I planned to finally do this last year but it just fell through haha and eventually I was able to care for myself too. Now that I’m doing a lot better for the most part, I feel like I’d have no clue what to talk about once faced with one.
Are you afraid of heights?  Only if I had to jump all the way down. But if I ever found myself staying at an extreme height simply to enjoy the view, or if I was ever in one of those towers where the top floor’s floor is made out of glass, I think I would enjoy that.
Are you afraid of the dark?  I always say I’m usually not afraid of the dark, and will only be if I was in a situation that was intended to scare me. I would definitely be afraid of the dark if I was in like an abandoned cave or a haunted house, but I would also find the darkness in my room comforting.
Are you a jealous person?  When I am it’s mostly been in a playful sense and rarely serious.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
What are you listening to right now? My very very old aircon doing its very very loud whirring thing. It’s become a running joke in the family because it is literally SO FUCKING LOUD hahahaha Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?  As a goody-goody, I can only ever do this to my mom; but yeah, she’s caught me many times.
Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?  Sure, but I’m not ~close friends with any of them. Just chummy enough to like their photos on social media once in a while or greet them happy birthday. My oldest friend was from Grade 1.
What is the most important thing to you?  Being happy with myself and making sure I don’t miss out on life and opportunities.
Do you like whipped cream?  I can take it or leave it.
Are you close to your mother?  We get along but not close.
Are you close to your father? I’m closer to him in the sense that I would be more comfortable around him, but we’re also not physically or emotionally close. 
Do you walk around bare foot when you're at home? Or do you wear socks?  I am Asian hahaha what do you think?
Do you like chocolate popsicles?  Sure! One would sound lovely right now, actually.
Would you ever be your school’s mascot who wears that costume?  Both of the schools I’ve attended don’t have mascots.
Would you rather see the Great Wall of China or Big Ben?  Great Wall for sure. Sorry but I can’t see myself getting excited over a giant clock, and I’m sure there are other lovely spots in London I’d much rather visit. 
Have you ever written a poem?  Always unsuccessfully. It’s never been my forte.
Would you ever be a tornado chaser?  That’s a thing? Uh...no way??
What is your favorite thing to eat with bbq sauce, if you even like that stuff?  Pizza. And anything, I guess. Barbecue sauce is the bomb.
Your parents tell you that this summer, you get to pick the vacation. Where do you plan to go?  Covid notwithstanding and budget permitting, probably New York City.
What do you think is a good theme for a prom?  I could not care less.
Have you ever had to do a class in summer school? Thankfully, never.
Do you get nervous when you go to the doctor? About what?  You know, I’ve always thought going to the doctor was no sweat until I realized just how nervous I was when I had to book a telemedicine consultation once as part of my job (PR can make you do the most random, out of context things sometimes, I swear haha). I surprised even myself with the reaction I had when I found out I had to do it, and how I felt like declining the offer...I guess I was scared about the possibility of underlying health issues suddenly being unearthed. Your whole life can always get turned upside down in the blink of an eye with just one diagnosis.
Have you ever been to the rainforest?  I’m pretty sure the climate I live in is called tropical rainforest, so I guess yeah.
Have you ever created a website?  Not from scratch. I had always made it under an umbrella website, like Blogspot.
Ever thought about writing a book?  Sure, as a kid.
Have you ever had a dream where you killed someone?  No. Whenever I have dreams of that nature it’s always me or a loved one being killed, but never me doing the killing.
Do you ever make up stories in your head and wish they come true? Yes.
Which is worse: stuffy nose or runny nose?  Stuffy. It sucks not being able to breathe freely.
Which is worse: Sick to your stomach or sore throat?  I super hate sore throat. I already get stomachaches frequently, so even though I know how sucky it can be I feel like the discomfort would be bigger with a sore throat.
Do you think your last relationship was a disaster?  The way it ended was, but it wouldn’t be fair to myself to invalidate the genuine happiness I felt when I was in it.
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube?  Never.
Who do you think is the easiest to talk to?  Angela.
Would you consider yourself to be emo?  No.
Do you have a favourite metal band or do you not like metal?  Not really, no.
What is your current desktop picture?  It’s just one of the provided desktop photos on my Mac.
Thick or thin blanket?  Thick.
Who are your favorite bands?  Paramore, Coldplay, and Against Me!
How do you mark through your word search puzzles?  Depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll strike through and sometimes I’ll go ahead and encircle the entire word altogether.
Have you ever sewn something?  I’ve done embroidery...does that count?
What did you eat for dinner last night?  We had breakfast for dinner, actually hahaha so my dad made an omelette, hotdogs, and tapa.
Ever been grounded? If so, for what?  Continued from last night. Yes, I was caught cursing all over Twitter when I was like 11 so my parents cut off my access to all my gadgets for a year or so. Which, in retrospect, is an acceptable consequence for my actions, but we’re also talking about a time when schools were starting to view the internet as a necessity in doing homework and research. I missed out on nearly all my homework for a while, and my mom didn’t buy it when I kept telling her I needed to do my research over the internet. At the same time, she kept demanding why my grades weren’t doing so well when she was the reason they kept being pulled down...so yep, not a very fun time.
Have you seen all of the Jaws movies?  No and I don’t really have the desire to. Doesn’t seem like my kind of movie.
When was the last time you played cards? (not on the computer)  Maybe 2 or 3 years ago.
Have you ever drank Cherry Coke? No, I don’t drink any soda.
Have you ever had a black eye?  Nope.
Have you ever eaten a bug?  Not to my recollection, but I would love to try cooked crickets and whatever bug can be prepared and eaten.
Do you like pranking people?  Never; the idea makes me cringe since I never know when it’s considered going too far. I’d rather watch people prank other people.
Did you ever take a cooking class in school?  Yeah, but we were required to take it. We also had some baking sessions, which to me was a lot more fun. I remember having to make macarons and rainbow cake which are both right up my alley, heehee.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?  No, idk what that is. I just know people turn everything green on that day lol.
Do you use Skype?  I’ve never used Skype on my own. That’s where I used to talk to my dad for video calls maybe around a decade ago, whenever he was abroad; but I never had my own account. These days I alternate among Microsoft Teams, Google  Meet, or Zoom.
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches?  I don’t think so, but I did join a few contests on some of those kid’s magazines we used to have...none of which I won.
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress?  No.
Is your ex sexually attractive to you still?  I haven’t seen her in 5 months, which helps...that said, I simply feel nothing. I’m neither sexually attracted nor not sexually attracted to her.
Describe the most romantic moment you’ve ever had.  I can think of one but I don’t see the point in still raising it, considering where I am in life right now.
Have you ever cheated on a test?  Yes, once. I hated it.
Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? Nope.
How often does your employer ask you to work overtime?  A few times a week. Sometimes I’ll do it willingly as well just to get the task over with or to save myself some deliverables the next morning. I’m fine with OT-ing tbh; since I work from home, I feel like my time is a lot more flexible.
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? I read A LOOOOOT as a kid. I was a total bookworm. < Yeah, same. You could always find me bringing a book to school and reading during breaks, even though they technically didn’t allow us to bring any non-academic book. My spark for reading died when I was around 12, same time as when my depression started to kick in, and it never really came back.
When was the last time you were scared?  Someone from the media called me up yesterday VIA LANDLINE to ask a question about a press release I had sent out that day. I usually read up on the materials we have, but I honestly didn’t give a shit about that particular story and didn’t really make an effort to know more about it, so I found myself stumped when he dropped the question. I ended up stalling for a bit before I was able to stutter an answer, so that was scary, but at least he was nice. Also, I hate phone calls.
What’s your favorite song by Rihanna?  KISS IT KISS IT BETTER
Can you speak binary?  No, I never understood it.
Would you rather live somewhere that had hurricanes or tornadoes?  I already do, at least for hurricanes. I imagine I’d be terrified of tornadoes.
Have you ever had a pet that you disliked?  Nooooooo, never. I was never close to Arlee but I still did my best for her to like me, and always fed her whenever my sister would be in her dorm.
When was the last time you saw hail?  Never. Doesn’t happen all that often here, and when it does it’s always in the provinces.
What is on your mind right this second:  I want to spend my remaining time awake reading fanfic (I’m into them again, omg) but I also wanna finish surveys...so I’m doing my best to breeze through this so I can finally look for something to read hahahahaha.
Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)?  Cooper is Cooperino to me. Sometimes I’ll call him Cooperino Cappuccino. Kimi is Kimchi, Kimmerl, Kimberly, The Kimster, and sometimes Lolo, which is grandpa in Filipino heheh.
When was the last time you shaved your legs?  Like 3 or 4 days ago.
Do you ever try free samples at the store?  Nope.
Do you like boys with long hair?  Physical traits don’t matter much to me.
Do you like rootbeer?  I’ve never tried it but I don’t really want to either haha. It smells weird.
What is the best fast food place, in your opinion?  KFC or Taco Bell. Or Jollibee.
Do you have faith in yourself?  Starting to.
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embrythecall · 4 years
a twilight tag game, you say?
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
I was tagged by @teamjacobthot -- thank you so much! I’m excited to get into this :) 
(obviously because i adore him with my whole soul) 
chill aka probably just shy let’s be real here
likes to bet on things? 
seems to have the most common sense
HERE WE GO, EVERYBODY *cracks knuckles*
def the smartest one out of him, jake and quil. 
an observer. definitely a people watcher. he reads the VIBEZ
very, super, ultra, mega sarcastic. almost cynical. I feel like he’s probably a realist in a lot of situations rather than either an optimist or a pessimist. probably leans a little more towards pessimism though 
refuses to learn about his dad (though, I personally believe it’s Joshua Uley, but that’s a long headcanon for another day unless someone specifically wants to know my thoughts on it more haha)
a super romantic without knowing he’s a romantic? 
real tight with his mom-- they’ve only ever had each other since old daddio has been out of the picture the entire time and she’s probably never really dated (once again, i have more thoughts on that too but you know, i digress)
also i SUPER headcanon that he almost ALWAYS only refers to her as, “Ma,” unless it is a serious situation in which he uses ‘mother’ but i do NOT feel like he is a ‘mom’ person. at least for his own mother. 
honestly these are just all my own headcanon i have no idea what people think about him :S 
for me, i think him and Jacob are closer than Quil is to either of them. In my mind, when embry’s mom Tiffany first got to town, she became really good friends with Sarah Black and thus, Jacob and Embry have kind of been friends since birth, quil only coming in a little later maybe and just not having the same kind of friendship that embry and jake have
I think him and Leah secretly get each other. Like they don’t talk much or anything, but Embry never makes comments to or about her and doesn’t participate in the guys being absolute jerks to her. 
also, he just guzzles that respect women juice. like, he was raised solely by his mother so like... he was taught to respect women and also i think this makes him more empathetic to other people which is why he wouldn’t be mean to leah or say mean things about her because he’d understand to a level and might even see pieces of his own mother in her because they both were screwed over by men and he never EVER wants to be that to anybody ever
probably plays guitar but NEVER shows anybody 
usually the but of a joke between jake and quil. 
also the decider in arguments between jake and quil
i have a zillion more but i’ll quit while i’m ahead
is a slut for muffins
he thinks he’s a ladies man (thinks) 
more outgoing?
likes hanging out with friends 
took his cousin to prom 
so, so, so funny as in a total dork with a lot of unearned confidence
book smart but NOT street smart
prefers name brand foods over generic because it just ‘has that extra something something’ and also, class
loves to debate with jacob. he always ends up taking it somehow more seriously than jacob does. 
i actually do not know why nobody talks about quil i feel like he’s super underrated and actually hilarious.
@teamjacobthot‘s one of this tag game mentioned he was a soundcloud rapper and i think i DIED so imma also go with that and second you there
very particular about how things are done 
a lover of the puns
toy story is his favorite childhood film, and he announces it as so. 
angry and bitter 
thinks nothing more than of sam 
hates vampires 
i absolutely LOVE practically every fanon i’ve ever seen of leah in the fandom like...ever. they are all so amazing and i actually just want tons and tons of fanfictions about all of them
Ngl, i really am a big AngelaxLeah fan
I PERSONALLY hc that leah gets fed up with being in the pack and she feels like there’s really nothing there for her. She ends up leaving la puzb to go off and explore the world-- she wants to see it and experience more than just the memories and the life that surrounds her in la push. she travels all over and often does so in wolf form when she can. I HC she imprints there-- on a real nice super cool lady from some other country. (this is another thing i could go on for days about, i will write a fanfic about it one day. ONE DAY i shall PREVAIL!) 
Honestly, i really do like Leah as she was canon. I think that it was the way everybody acted around her that i would change and i feel like the fandom as a whole agrees on that 
like yeah, Leah is a badass bitch with a great sense of humor. she’s witty and sarcastic and smart and wise and i just love her to pieces. everyone else just needs to wise up and be nicer
super supportive and kind and loving and understanding and THEN smeyer swooped in and DESTROYED MY BOY. 
like, don’t even get me STARTED on my feelings about what she did to her OWN CHARACTER 
i mean really
smeyer straight up didn’t know what to do with him so she did... all of THAT. it makes me want to wheep.
the fanons out there on Jacob are just... they are SO WONDERFUL and give me SO MUCH JOY 
i’ve heard him being a mechanic obviously, i’ve heard about the HILARIOUS details of his friendship with like, alice and rosalie and emmett like... that shit is so funny i live for it 
i could read jacob fanons all day
i guess personally, i just love to bits. he’s super patient. very funny but also is really understanding and can (and loves) to get into deep discussions about stuff and listen to other people’s passions and share his own. 
purposefully pushes quil’s buttons so he can get a rise out of him because he LOVES their dumb bickering and enjoys a good debate 
is also almost always right in those debates 
quil probably won like... twice in all of history and it was based on some kind of weird trivia fact he learned in a biology class or something lol
i bet that when the time came he had kids (not with you-know-who obviously cause just...no), he’d be SUCH a great dad and he’d be SUPER hands-on with them, like always taking them places and teaching them how to do various stuff
and if one of his kids was really into something he didn’t know how to do, you KNOW his ass is up on youtube all night long learning how to do it so he can spend THAT MUCH MORE TIME with his kids 
oh he’s just so sweet love him to pieces 
...I had to do this but i have a good reason:
absolutely does NOT exist
the only ONLY acknowledgement i will give her is i read a fanon somewhere about how she HATES her name. like she is downright royally not okay with it and when she gets older and has to go to school for eternity with her family (weird. seriously so weird but i’m pushing through this) she decides to announce that she is only going by this other name (personally i feel like it’s Carlie because it’s still her middle name and jfd;akfsd but also because it’s A NORMAL NAME) and so she is never called renesmee again because that is straight up a monster name and even her nickname is a monster so like, ugh. 
also, i REFUSE to believe that Jacob imprinted on her, okay? if she has to exist, he did NOT imprint on her and they can be buds or something but just... no. (i have so many issues with imprinting guys, i should just sit down and write a long post about it but the ENERGY and it isn’t like it’s not all things that have been said before. it’s more what I’d fix about it so it could still exist but not be a legit code word for grooming and an excuse for blatant p*d* grossness because that’s all it is and i HATE THAT) 
so I don’t talk to anyone in the fandom really because i don’t really know how to start conversations like... at all. I really WANT to talk to people but I’m a chicken and i have a hard time, BUT, i really admire so many of the blogs on here and i LOVE so much of their content. Off the top of my head, i shall tag: 
@chiefjacob @911esme @jacobblackredemptionblog @embrycallsmuffin @leahclearwaterdefensesquad AND anyone else who wishes to do this! it was so much fun! I say do it! and if you’ve already done it, i just tip my hat to you for being an awesome blog :) 
seriously! tag me when you do it, i want to see your answers!! 
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flowerspecial · 5 years
Enemy To Lover - High School Edition- Part 1
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So JB would be one of those people who everyone thinks is quite cool, but also a little bit scary. JB just has this very strong silent hero vibe about him. Everyone would either want to be him, or date him. He wouldn't say much in lessons, or in general, but he was never short of attention. You on the other hand, would be the opposite. For every introvert quality that JB possessed, you had the equal and opposite extrovert quality. You two were the same level of friendship and popularity, you just kinda got to where you are quite differently. At first JB could not stand your loud and boisterous personality, he didn't understand why you felt the need to shout about everything. You couldn't understand why JB had to be so moody all the time, like Jesus Christ lighten up a little bit. Therefore, when you two were in the same room, which sadly for you two was very often, because your friendship grouped often joined together, you couldn't stand it. It's not so much that you two would be mean to each other directly, it's more that you two would just avoid each other completely. You would stand at opposite sides of the room, and you would only talk to each other if it was absolutely necessary.  Maybe you two would be a little bit passive aggressive towards each other. If you were being particularly loud, you would notice that JB would roll his eyes. “Be careful, if you roll your eyes like that they might fall out of your head.” You would sneer at him. And when he is seemingly not joining in with the conversation, you would not so quietly mutter under your breath, “why come along if you aren't going to talk to anyone?” “Just because you need to shout everything to understand your own thoughts, doesn't mean that we all do.”
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So Mark was always the loner kid, he just generally preferred to hang on his own than in any sort of group. But because of this, he had this delinquency aura hanging over him. Every teacher dreaded having him in their class, in fear that he is somehow going to be disruptive. No student wanted to sit with him either, his reputation precedes him too much. Sadly, that includes yourself. You were a hardworking student, always wanting to get everything done on time, not wanting to rock the boat at all. So students like Mark, who had little care for other people’s education, really annoyed you. If they didn't want to be in the class that's fine, they should just leave. But don't sit at the back and disrupt everyone else just because you are bored, that isn't fair on anyone. Just to make matters worse, because he had this bad boy reputation going on, it also made him appear very attractive to most of the female population in school, and some of the male population. Thanks to that, in every lesson you shared, there was always some random girl sitting next to Mark, trying to work her way in there. So all you could hear for the entire lesson was their shameless flirting. Eventually, a teacher grew bored of this and decided to reassign seating, and unfortunately Mark was going to be sat next to you. “Are you serious? I don't want to sit next to Mark. Give me anyone else.” “Well I don't want to sit next to you either.” Mark would retaliate. “This is the new seating plan, and this is final, now sit down.” You and Mark would begrudgingly sit down next to each other. What infuriated you further was now you were sitting nearer to the back, which obviously was not the best place if you actually wanted to get any learning done. “Well this is going to be a fantastic year.” You would say sarcastically.
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Let me tell you something, the relationship between you and Jackson was turbulent to say the least. Jackson was easily the most well known and the most like boy around school. He was also the star player in whatever sports team your school was famous for. This boy literally ruled the school, well almost ruled the school. You, on the other hand, were head cheerleader. You also were very well known and very popular around school. Everyone told you that you and Jackson should get together, you would make one hell of a power couple. But in real life, you two hated each other. You both hated the idea of having competition for the school’s affection, everyone’s eyes should be on you not him. Jackson would always tease you about being a cheerleader, because you have to go to all of his games and stand on the sidelines. “How does it feel knowing that people aren't actually here to support you? That you are just a little filler, some light entertainment before the real talent comes on the stage.” “How does it feel knowing that we have won more competitions than your team could ever imagine? At least my team is on top of it's game, whereas yours… well… at least you are trying.” Honestly you could cut the tension between you two with a knife, and it had no signs of letting up. Well, that was until prom season came around. Your brilliant cheerleader friends had the idea of setting everyone up with a member of Jackson’s team, and it was only natural that they decided to put you and Jackson together. “Why the hell am I going with him? We have this mutual feeling of hate for each other!” “Because you two look amazing together and seriously, all this tension is just pent up sexual frustration. So you two are going together, end of.”
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You had high ambitions at school, basically you just wanted to get the best grades possible so you could leave this town and never look back. It's not that you hated your home or anything, you just knew that there was more to this world than what was inside of the school grounds. You worked relentlessly in order to get the best grades and the best application colleges have ever seen. You were determined to get top of your class in everything, and any extra curricular activity you did, you were equally determined to succeed in that also. However, there was one small snag that was stopping you from achieving your ambitions, and that little snag was called Jinyoung. You and Jinyoung had been in the same school and the same class since you started school, and both of you were determined to be the best. It was just a constant ongoing competition between you two, and it was apparent to everyone. Your peers would always joke that there was absolutely no point even attempting to get first or second in class, because those two ranks were permanently reserved for you and Jinyoung. But the order of the ranks, well, that came down to the day. Every test you did, both of you were eager to find out the other’s score. Whoever managed to come out on top would always make a comment, you two had been fighting too long for the top position to not gloat when you achieved it. Because Jinyoung was your main competition, you resented him fiercely. You didn't have anything against him personally, but you hated that there was someone always in the way of you achieving your goal. Every night, you would revise for hours, wondering if Jinyoung is doing the same. As the time came for university applications, well, that was when the worst of both of you came out.
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You never understood those people who genuinely liked school, like seriously what was fun about it? For you, it was just a place of fake people, backstabbers, and people who create drama for fun. You had never been one for having a lot of friends, but that was always your choice. Why be friends with people who are going to leave you the second you are no longer of use to them? Who needs that kind of stress? You had made this decision quite early on in your school career, so you were pretty well known for having no friends. Sadly, this only made matters worse for you. Because you had no friends, people had a habit of spreading absolute rubbish about you. You had more myths surrounding you than bigfoot. It was fair to say that school life for you was not easy, and you resented anyone who walked around campus with a smile on their face. There was one person in particular that particularly got on your nerves, Youngjae. Every time you saw him, he had this smile plastered onto his face. He was always around his face, laughing and telling jokes. You aren't stupid, you knew that you resented him out of jealousy, but he still annoyed you. Unfortunately, you shared a lot of classes, so there wasn't really a chance to be able to ignore him. You always tried to sit at opposite sides of the classroom, and always in front of him. That way you couldn't be tempted to turn around and see that annoyingly adorable smile of his. “So class, today we will start our partner presentations, and yes, I have assigned the partners.” The whole class groaned, awaiting to see if their presentation was about to be a complete disaster or heaven on earth. Obviously as luck would have it, you ended up with Youngjae. Fantastic… that was just what you needed.
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They always say that the first lottery you ever play in is your birth, some people are born into high society, and some people are born on the bread line. Thankfully you never had to experience true suffering, you and your family always worked hard to make sure there was food on the table. Of course it was hard that you had to try and juggle school and working part time jobs. Of course it was hard that you always had to buy school uniforms second hand, and if they ever needed repairs you would have to sew it yourself and hope for the best. Of course it was hard that you could never afford to go on any school trips, so you felt like your school life was lacking in some way. What made matters worse was that you attended a very elite school, full of trust fund kids who have never had to lift a finger for anything. You were the school’s token scholarship kid, your intelligence saw you a fully paid scholarship and your parents practically forced you to go. Not all of your classmates are as bad as each other, there were a few nice ones. But there was one group in particular that really got your blood boiling. Think of them as the group from Gossip Girl, but ten times more rich and ten times worse. At the top of the hierarchy, was Bambam. Bambam was the richest boy in the school, and god did he make sure everyone knew it. He also pushed the limits with how much he could customise his uniform, just to show off whatever designer he has just bought. And seriously, who brings caviar for lunch? You tried to stay away from Bambam as much as possible, he wasn't someone that you wanted to get on the wrong side of. You were happy being invisible, you were happy with absolutely no one knowing your name. Well, life has a cruel sense of irony, doesn't it?
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School really wasn't how the movies portrayed it, in good ways and bad. One of the main ways that school was not like how it is in the movies was that you were not constantly surrounded by a group of amazing friends. In actual fact, you were somewhat of a loner. It was not that you tried to be a loner, you didn't intend on avoiding people. You just could never seem to make friends that would stick around. Eventually you just stopped trying to make friends, and learned how to be happy on your own. It wasn't the best of school lives. You had always dreamed of having a big social circle, going to parties, having sleepovers etc. But it seemed like this just was not in the cards for you. The good thing though was you were never really picked on for being a loner, people just tended to leave you alone all together. Except for this one group of boys, and bloody hell were they mean to you. You never really understood exactly what it was that you did to upset them, but they seemed determined to get their revenge. At the top of this little group, was Yugyeom. A boy who seemed so nice to everyone else, god he had more friends than you have had hot dinners. But to you, he was the devil. If you had to walk past him, he would either knock whatever it was that you was carrying, or trip you up so he could watch you fall flat on your face. The torment became so much that you would try to avoid Yugyeom at all costs. If that meant walking the long way round to your lesson and being late, then so be it. You liked to seek refuge in the music department, getting lost in the music was always like a form of therapy to you. One day, you spent a couple of your free periods in the large room, playing the piano. Once you had finished your piece, you heard a round of applause coming from the door.
💕Does anyone want the second part to this? 💕
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harryskalechips · 5 years
Will we ever be more than friends? Part 2
A/N I did not edit oops! anyways, here is part two because an angel must’ve enjoyed the last one. Thank you here’s your request! ♡
Words: 1775
Part 1
“Yeah, I think so? I mean you like her, she must have some good qualities.” I reply back whispering. I keep my gaze on the screen as I try my best to appear not interested at all. He twirls his finger around one of the curls in my hair and laughs.
“Trust me on this one, I really like Caitlin. I met her at Niall’s party last month. I thought a simple fuck would do but I couldn’t stop thinking about her after that.” I look at him and roll my eyes at his shallow behaviour. I take more popcorn into my mouth and continue to watch. 
“Look, Harry, I know you said the same thing about other girls before but if you’re really serious about this one, you need to show it.” 
“And how would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe ask her out?” I can’t believe I’m helping the guy I love to get another girl. Maybe I like putting myself in pain?
“I think I already did that.” He laughs and runs his thumb over my eyebrow. I stand up and laugh along with him, trying to mask my disappointment. 
“No, why won’t you try being romantic? Like bring her on a nice dinner date and formally ask her to be your girlfriend.” I shrug my shoulders and play with his phone in my hands.
“Ask her to be my girlfriend? Last time I asked someone out it was you like last summer ago. I got rejected so bad.” He fakes a pout. I playfully slap him and he laughs pulling me by the elbow to sit closer to him. 
“I only rejected you because you were drunk and you probably didn’t even mean it.” I talk quietly, trying to look at the flowers in the vase that Anne recently put. 
“Still though, you’re the only girl who broke my heart and will be the only girl I’ll give permission to do it again.” As I stare into his eyes, I can feel this connection between us. It’s familiar because I’ve always acknowledged its presence. As I feel myself leaning forward into kissing him, the light suddenly turns on and Anne appears by the door. 
“Oh my, I’m so sorry!” She smiles widely. “Just wanted to ask Y/N, are you staying over for the night?” I quickly sit up in Harry’s sweatshirt and my sweatpants, looking too comfortable in their house. I take my phone and smile back.
“No actually, I think I’m gonna drive back now, It’s uh getting late.” As we awkwardly part ways and I’m in my bed again, I can’t stop thinking about tonight. Does Harry like me? He definitely sent some signals. If he doesn’t, maybe I should get over him. The only question is if I can.
-A Week Later-  
“Hey Y/N, I’m Caitlin. It’s so nice to meet you!” She leans in for a hug as I greet them two at Jack Astor’s. She’s pretty. Her long curled blonde hair and a sweet scent that matched her perfect physique, no wonder Harry liked her. She was just his type. 
I couldn’t be the third wheel to them so I decided to bring a date plus it gave me an opportunity to get over Harry. Maybe if I see him with Caitlin more, it would push me to give someone else my attention. Am I a smart ass or what?
“Hi Caitlin, this is my date, Alex. Alex, this is Harry my best friend I told you about, and his girlfriend Caitlin.” Alex sits up and handshakes the couple as they soon sit in front of us. Alex is pretty charming and just talking with him while waiting for Harry and Caitlin made me realize how much potential we have. 
“I didn’t know Y/N was bringing a date?” Harry gives a confused look as he takes off his jacket and slides in his seat. “You know Alex, feel special. She hasn’t been on one in a while.” Harry tries to crack a joke. Caitlin slaps his arm secretly that I caught on. Never knew, I’d feel this embarrassed.
“Yeah, she’s mentioned that to me. I actually do feel very special though, I’ve been trying to ask her out for ages but she kept rejecting me. Now though, I can finally spend time with her even if it’s just for a double date.” Caitlin awes loudly as Harry looks intensely at his menu, just nodding along. I smile at Alex for his comment and laugh. 
“I’m sure we will have another date where it will be just you and I.” I flirt back and try to make him feel more comfortable despite Harry’s cold attitude. Harry though seemed to have enough the topic since he closes his menu and looks at me weirdly. 
“I’m sure you guys know what you want since you guys were here before us. I’ll just call the waiter.” Hary interrupts.
As dinner goes by, I can feel some tension at the table. Was it just me, or was it real? 
“You know Y/N, I never got to thank you for pushing Harry to actually asking me out. I was practically dying when we went out the other time and he never asked the question.” Caitlin gushes over her boyfriend as she eats a fry from her plate
“Oh really, that’s good. Hey, a sister can always help another sister out.” 
“Yeah. Now, I can say my girlfriend is this pretty lady beside me.” Harry wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek. I suddenly feel my heart crack. It wasn’t the first time Harry showed affection to a different girl. It’s just this time, this girl was probably the most serious he’s ever been with. It’s okay, it’s okay. I try to reassure myself.
“I hope one day, I can call this beautiful one beside me too.” Alex blushes as he takes a bite of his pasta. I would reply back but I felt too down about the display in front of me. God, why am I so whipped for him?
“Your girlfriend? Honestly, she would probably bore you to death! When I’m with Y/N all she does is talk about celebrities and random shit! What do you say Y/N?” He pauses sarcastically. “I can’t even remember because she rambles too much.” Harry laughs as he avoids looking at me, taking a sip from his beer. Caitlin awkwardly shifts in her seat as I stare at Harry with fire raging in my eyes.  
“I think she’s cute when she rambles.” Alex shrugs his shoulders and wraps his arm around me too. He obviously realized that the boy in front of me was insulting me. Harry stares at him after his act but all Alex can do is stare back at him. Yeah, there is tension but about what? How Harry my supposedly best friend, is supposed to have my back and not degrade me?
“Well, you won’t find it cute when you find out she’s practically in love with me,” Harry says nonchalantly, continuing to stare at him. Alex’s eyes widen as Caitlin looks at me in shock. As on cue, I throw my napkin from my lap on the table and leave. I can’t believe Harry knew I was in love with him! And what now? he uses it to push guys away from me? what the actual fuck! 
“Y/N, Please stop running!” Harry chases me outside the restaurant. There was still a light breeze and the moon was the only thing in the dark sky. 
“Fuck you, Harry,” I scream back at him trying to find my keys in my bag. “Fuck where are they?!” Harry pulls my keys out from my back pocket. As I try to reach forward for them he brings them higher. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N! Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that in there!” I cry more and lean back on my car just looking at him. Thankfully, no one was here in the parking lot and was inside eating. 
“I’m so fucking tired of loving you,” I whisper. “What’s fucked up is that you knew the whole fucking time I was in love with you, Harry. You just kept me here to be beside you! So what? You can use me? When every time a girl uses you, you can just lean on me!” I scream at him and punched at his chest. 
“You’re supposed to be there for me. You’re my best friend.” he throws my keys on the floor and uses his arm to shield me from people exciting the restaurant. He uses his other hand to wipe the tears from his eyes. “I didn’t know how to tell you I knew you were in love with me. I just- I felt it because you’re just with me and I heard your mom telling mine!”
“Fucking jerk.” I sob and hit him again. “you’re so arrogant that you just knew I was in love with you just like all the other girls who worship you at your feet?” I lean my head back. “You know Harry if you’re such a smart ass. You can know this. I don’t want to love you anymore. I’m so fucking tired of you and all you wanted to do was just continue to hurt me!” I take my keys angrily off the floor and unlock my car.
“Please don’t leave me.” He whimpers and falls onto his knees. My heart clenches seeing him fall onto the gravel as others can see. 
“Harry stop.” I try to wipe the tears from my eyes. 
“No, Y/N how do you think I knew you loved me. I love you too! I have always been in love with you!”
“Are you trying to make me feel better? Stop playing yourself, you didn’t harry! You didn’t.”
“I remember the first day you talked to me in Ms. Richardson’s class... you had an orange flower in your hair.” He pauses but then continues on, “Before you tried to talk to me, you would always look for me during recess and stare at me in class. During Prom, I knew your date had a bet going on with his friends that he would ditch you at prom during the night so I made you ditched him before he got to. Why do you think I got so drunk that night? I just- there are so many times when I wanted to tell you I love you but how could I when you’re my best friend! A girlfriend can happen but it will always lead to a breakup but our friendship is what kept us together and I just can’t gamble that away.”
“Harry, I have to go.” I proceed to sit in my car, starting it up. He stands up and rubs his face in frustration. I roll my window down before I leave. “Make sure you drive Caitlin home. She’s a nice girl. I do like her for you.” And with that, it was the last time I saw Harry during senior year of high school until...
part 3 (final)
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evanstanhoney · 4 years
A Different Place, A Different Time.
a/n: in this Shawn isn’t necessarily ‘Shawn Mendes’ but he is a musician.
summary: you’ve been friends for as long as you can remember, and shawn finally reveals some regrets. 
⚠️warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, its adorable yall
word count: 1.9k
You had known Shawn since you were kids. And every since you can remember you’d had one another. You made a vow after a very dramatic and traumatic prom night, that you’d always have each other. That no matter what you could always rely on one another. 
That only lasted for a short while after that. To no one’s fault of your own, it’s just what happens when you graduate. When you grow up. You had gotten so busy with your new life in a new city with new friends that you didn’t make time to text or call as you should. Sure you kept in touch, called him on birthdays and when big things happened, you’d comment on how proud you were of him on whenever he posted about a new gig he booked at whatever bar in town. But it wasn’t the same.
Shawn would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. You’d been by his side since you two were six years old. You played together, cried together, made music together. Although you weren’t very good at writing or singing, he insisted that you come over and sing with him. So after college when you decided to move back home, the first person that you called was Shawn. You weren’t too happy about moving back in with your parents, but the city you were in for school was too expensive to live alone and you figured it would be better to come home, save your money and get a new place once you’d saved up enough. It wasn’t ideal but it was a plan at least. And for consolation, you got your best friend back. 
Shawn was over the moon when you’d told him and even showed up at the airport with your parents to pick you up. It was like all that time apart from one another never happened. You were right back in the swing of things. Right into your old traditions, the conversation was never stale and you finally had your best friend back. You forgot what it felt like to be with someone and not feel judged, to be able to fully be yourself. You loved your friends from college and wouldn’t trade them for the world. You made memories that would last a lifetime. But nothing ever beats spending time with Shawn looking out at the city lights at the top of the hill of your little town. 
“Can I ask  you a question?” He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two of you. 
“Why’d you leave?” 
It was a question he’d asked himself many times in the few days after you’d moved cross country. When things were really bad and he felt extra lonely, he’d ask himself, and selfishly he’d wish you’d just come back home. Wished for things to be as they were. At the same time, he was so proud of you. You were doing something that you’d always dreamed of doing, you were getting a job in your dream career and he couldn’t have been happier for you. 
“Well, I had to go to college Shawn. Not all of us can sing like an angel and get paid for it.” You joke, nudging him with your shoulder. 
“No, I mean. You could have stayed here and gone to a school like what, an hour away. Why’d you leave.” 
“I don’t know. I just….wanted bigger things I guess.” you tear your eyes away from the city and take a look at your best friend. In hindsight, those ‘bigger things’ weren’t worth what you had given up. You were terribly homesick most of the time you were gone, and in the first few months you were convinced you’d made a major mistake, but you were happy. Well, content. Eventually. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder how life would be different.”
“Different how.”
“If I didn’t’ do music if you’d have stayed here. What life would be like.” He says nibbling at his bottom lip. A nervous tick he’s had ever since you could remember.  
“Probably pretty boring.”  you laugh trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t working. 
“I don’t think so.” 
Shawn shakes his head and a sad small smile comes along, “I think I’d be happier. We wouldn’t have drifted apart.” he looks up at you, staring right into your soul and there’s something in his eyes that lets you know how sincere he was. That he meant every word.“I’ve missed you.” 
“Well I’m back now,” you say giving him a sad smile. 
“Yeah, I know,” he says leaning running a hand through his hair looking out over the city. He takes a moment and he mumbles something under his breath you don’t quite catch before he’s turning to you again. 
“You know when you told me you were leaving, I went home and cried. Spent two days listening to that ‘Sad Boy Hours’ playlist you made me.” He says letting out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “Listen, I’m going to tell you something and, I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out, or be weird after because that’s the last thing I want. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to lose you again.” 
You already know where it was all going. You knew what he was going to say because the truth is you felt the same. You hadn’t realized it until you’d moved back home. You couldn’t figure out why you’d felt like something was missing in the years that you were away. Why you couldn’t fully settle. 
“Shawn I -” 
“Just let me say this - please.” you nod your head encouraging him to go on, and your heart began beating out of your chest, “I’ve known you pretty much my whole life, and you mean so much to me. We’ve been through so much together, and when you left, I felt like...I don’t know like I wouldn’t see you again. Like things would never be the same again. And  I know this sounds stupid and dramatic, but when you left it felt like I was losing a part of myself. I mean up until then we’d spent nearly every day together since we were kids. We were so close and then you just left, it just....” the words came rushing out, and he wanted to stop them as soon as he started because all you’ve done was look at him hardly blinking. 
What he didn’t know was that you were just trying to process everything. That you were trying to wrap your head around the fact that he felt the same way. That he missed you just as much, because somehow over the years you’d convinced yourself that he was fine. That he didn’t miss you. He was a musician for crying out loud. His days were spent writing music and performing at dive bars at night. He didn’t even have time to think about you. But apparently, you were wrong. You were very wrong and your heart wanted to explode. 
His shaky hands reached out for yours, interlocking your fingers together. A gesture that on its face meant nothing, you’d held hands many a time before, but now something so small seemed so intimate. “And we had to grow up, and it was inevitable that things were going to change, I get that. But...I never expected it to hurt as much as it did. Not talking to you every day, or not having our movie nights.” 
“Shawn -” 
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. And I’ve loved you for a very long time, and it wasn’t until you left when I didn’t have you that I finally realized it. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but the only thing I ask is that you let me be there for you because you mean the world to me. I’ll be anything you need. If it’s just a friend, I’m okay with that. But I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, I just...I had to tell you.” 
He lets out a deep breath, the weight of it all finally off of his shoulders and looks down at his hands. He doesn’t regret it like he thought he would. The short silence that followed his confession made him a little anxious 
“Can I talk now?” you ask, making him look up at you, and your sporting his favorite smirk making him smile back at you.  
“Yeah, sorry.” He says through a chuckle. He moves to remove his grip on your hands but you pull them back lacing your fingers together and he admires how small your hands are wrapped up in his massive ones. 
“What I was going to say was that I know.” 
“I know how you felt because I felt the same. I feel the same.” You squeeze his hands a bit and he looks up at you with soft eyes that only melt your heart. “God the number of times I’ve thought about prom,” you laugh
“Oh god -” he sighs through a chuckle.
“I’m serious. I think about that night all the time. And the promise we made to each other and I part of me has always felt guilty for breaking it because I left. I left you behind and nothing felt right after. The whole time I was away, Shawn I thought about you constantly. And I just - I didn’t have it in me to call like I should or come back for visits like I should because I got scared that maybe it was just...puppy love. But I know that it wasn’t. It’s not. I love you, Shawn.” 
“Holy shit.” He smiles, and you can’t help but chuckle at him. You move a little closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his.“So what, are you my girlfriend now?” He smiles looking down at you admiring the city. 
“Why don’t you take me on a date first, how about that?” 
“Does this count? As our first date?” 
“Sure. If you want it to be.” You smile up at him, and you see his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips a few times. 
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers too scared to ruin the tender moment. You bite at your bottom lip before nodding profusely. He brings his hand up, cupping your cheek and gently bring his lips to yours. It’s soft and sweet, and everything you’d ever imagined it would be like to kiss Shawn. Your lips move together perfectly like they were made one another. He pulls away after a moment, with two quick pecks, resting his forehead against yours. 
“You’re a good kisser, ya know.” He jokes with a smile. 
“Your not so bad yourself.” 
“Thank you.”
“For what?” 
“Just...Making me happy. I feel like the happiest guy in the world right now.” he confesses, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“So, what do you think would have happened if I hadn’t have left?” 
“I’d’ve gotten to kissed you a lot sooner.” He smiles and you smile back at him with a dopey lovesick grin, happy to finally have gotten your best friend back.
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Tag list: @outlandishnerd @justanotherfangurl272 @itrocksmysocks @turtoix
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