#the way my metabolism works is it wants a lot of snacks throughout the day and one main meal
kil9 · 11 months
i luv doing what i call "passive breakfast" which is rather than having something that i have to eat in one sitting, finding smth that i can just snack on and pick at for the first 3-4 hours of me being awake
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fatlooover1 · 2 years
Fattening Jim Halpert Part 1
This is my first go at gainer fiction. I’ve been thinking about a fat Jim Halpert from the US Office the past week and finding no gainer fiction out there, I decided to start writing. This will be part 1 with more to follow. 
Jim moved to the Stamford branch to get away from Pam as she seemed determined to marry Roy. He enjoyed his new surroundings and threw himself into building new client relationships. A lot of that revolved around entertaining them with lunches and dinners, which Jim didn’t mind. Coupled with the fact that he had started to eat his feelings to fill the void left by Pam, he had begun to fill out. Jim had always been thin and being tall had helped. However, the extra calorie intake daily from large meals and constant snacking throughout the day, inevitably led to his metabolism slowing down and his body softening up. The business meetings paid off and he quickly started making great sales, his commission going towards treats like a few extra donuts each morning or another pizza ordered in.
Jim didn’t really keep in touch with the Scranton team, he avoided talking with Michael as much as possible. However, he did regularly check in with Ryan as he had taken over Jim’s clients. Ryan had taken naturally to the promotion and with Jim’s advice was excelling in the sales game even overtaking Dwight as lead salesperson which Jim loved hearing about. Ryan would occasionally be in town in Stamford and would treat Jim to a meal or a beer as a thank you for his advice. This sparked something of a bromance which neither of them had ever really thought would happen. Ryan did notice Jim’s figure start to change and his waistline fill out. It was subtle to start with but after 3 months since Jim’s transfer, the comfort eating was clearly having an effect with Jim’s shirts and pants which had always been loose, look particularly tight. Ryan didn’t quite know what to make of his feelings towards it, he was strangely intrigued by Jim’s weight gain but didn’t bring it up in case it embarrassed Jim.
Probably nothing more would have happened if Josh Porter had not left Dunder Mifflin as Manager unexpectedly. David Wallace at Corporate wanted fresh blood and Ryan’s impressive sales record as well as new ideas for growth made him an obvious choice. Ryan couldn’t believe his luck; he was incredibly young to be a branch manager and he had progressed so quickly from being a temp in less than a year. Jim was delighted for his new buddy and didn’t mind the idea of working under Ryan despite him being technically senior in experience. The two friends celebrated the weekend before Ryan officially took up his new post with a large meal out with plenty of beers. Ryan was eager to treat Jim to anything he wanted as he felt he owed it to him and insisted ordering a lot of food, extra appetizers and large mains as well as additional desserts. Ryan of course didn’t eat nearly as much as Jim who after polishing off his second dessert looked fit to burst out of his work clothes. He took another swing of beer and belched loudly drawing Ryan’s attention to his belly. ‘Man I’m stuffed, I don’t think I’ve eaten so much’, he patted his stuffed gut, which by this stage was a definite pot belly ‘I should not have said yes to that second dessert you offered’.
‘Relax Jim, besides we’re celebrating, I owe you!’ Ryan waved away his complaints and paid for the bill. He persuaded Jim to go to another bar where they both drank a lot more. Several beers in they were both drunk and Jim started talking about Pam. ‘I don’t know if I’ll find someone like her again to be honest. I thought we had a special connection, guess I was wrong’, he mused and took anther swig of beer. ‘No way man, you’re definitely going to find someone. Look at you, you’re a catch. You’ve still got the looks. Someone else will come along when you least expect it'. Jim interrupted ‘I’m not sure anymore, I’ve started getting a bit chubby. I’ve kinda let myself go since moving to Stamford, not as slim as I used to be’. He patted his meaty middle for emphasis and Ryan could only stare. Jim’s belly was showing through the gaps between the buttons of his shirt. ‘No way you still look handsome to me anyway, the weight suits you.’ Ryan didn’t really know what he was saying at this point and pulled his eyes away and offered to get them shots. That put an end to the conversation and the alcohol began dumbing their minds.
They got up to leave messily an hour later and Jim dropped his wallet on the floor. Ignoring how painfully stuffed and swollen he was he bent down to get it. The button on his pants and one on his shirt gave way to unbearable weight pressed against them and flew off. Jim didn’t realise until he felt the cool night breeze against his exposed naval when they stepped outside. Ryan noticed at the same time and couldn’t help but stare open mouthed. Jim didn’t know what to say and muttered ‘Ugh sorry’ stupidly. Both men got awkward and said their goodbyes quickly.
Jim slept heavily and woke up late the next morning. He groggily realized he was still wearing the shirt from last night but had managed to take off the ruined pants. He stumbled to the bathroom and began unbuttoning the shirt in the mirror. As he revealed more of his torse, he began examining his body and realizing just how much he had filled out. He was covered in a layer of soft flab everywhere. Even with the beer bloat from last night, his belly was full and round. His chest had softened, and it looked like a pair of moobs were forming. He turned and could see in the double mirror that he was getting love handles and his ass was looking very round and perky. He needed to cut back on his eating and do some exercise. He wasn’t convinced by what Ryan had said, he needed to not let himself go anymore.
Ryan couldn’t stop thinking about Jim’s weight gain all weekend. He knew only one thing, as his boss he was determined to make Jim fatter.
Monday was Ryan’s first day in the new office and he arrived with several boxes of donuts to give to his new team, but mostly Jim. Jim arrived wearing a new bigger suit which he had bought over the weekend to replace the one he’d outgrown; he had needed one 2 sizes up from the old one. He also brought his gym bag to go after work. He needed to stay the course and not get lazy and slip into bad habits again. He had had a small breakfast before coming to work which was fine until mid-morning when his stomach started growling. ‘Hey Jim, good to see you man, did you get one of the donuts I brought in?’ almost on que Ryan came out of his office and clapped Jim on the back. ‘Ugh no I didn’t, I’m trying to be good’ Jim said not very convincingly. Ryan insisted on bringing at least one to his desk ‘c’mon buddy, live a little. It’s only my first day as your new boss once’. Jim did eat it; the sugary goodness was delicious after eating so little all morning. Later in the kitchen when he was getting a cup of coffee and no one else was around he snuck another three. He would work them off at the gym, he told himself. However, his plans to eat light the rest of the day didn’t work out so well as Ryan bought everyone lunch from the local pasta place. He tried not to, but he couldn’t say no, helping himself to a large portion of lasagna and garlic bread.
The afternoon went quickly and at 5pm Jim got up to leave. ‘Hey Jim, give me a hand with these, will you take these donuts home with you, there’s too many leftover’ Ryan pushed a box of a dozen in front of him as he approached the door. ‘Sure thing yeah’ Jim cursed himself when he got outside, what was wrong with him. How could he not say no to Ryan. There was something in the way he looked at him, his eyes pleading.
Jim did manage to get to the gym and do some exercise afterwork. He had bought new gym clothes too, knowing without trying on his old ones, that they would be too small as well. He did some cardio on the treadmill, but it was a lot harder than he remembered and then did work with some weights. Man he was unfit but he needed to keep at it. He got to his car tired and more than a little sweaty, the box of donuts in the front seat tempting him. No, I won’t eat them. I’ll throw them out when I get in, he thought to himself. He ate a small weight loss meal and watched some TV when he got home. His stomach gurgled an hour later. He tried to ignore it but then his mind went to the donuts, he hadn’t thrown them out. He gave in and retrieved them from the car. He was already munching on one as he headed back to his apartment and sat down happily on the couch. He ate one after the other, unable to stop himself from greedily scoffing them down. Before he knew it, they were all gone. He reprimanded himself for letting his willpower slip for a moment, he let his greedy nature get the better of him. It would have to stop. He sat back and rubbed his full belly, telling himself he would be better tomorrow.
The first month of Ryan’s time as manager went by quickly. Ryan would usually grab lunch with Jim; one or two other colleagues might join them, but it was mostly the two friends. Jim found himself eating more than he intended too around Ryan, his light lunch forgotten about as the pair joked and caught up on work business. Also, Ryan had a habit of leaving snacks around the office for Jim and there were nearly always donuts in the kitchen in the mornings. As a result, and with Jim’s lack lustre attempts at going to the gym not going very well, he wasn’t losing any weight at all. In fact, his clothes seemed to be getting even tighter. It didn’t help that Pam and Roy were getting married this weekend and he didn’t exactly feel like cutting back and giving into his cravings. Ryan was headed back to Scranton Friday evening to the wedding and said he’d see Jim on Monday ‘Bet you it will be crap, man. I don’t want to go. How am I going to avoid Kelly?’ Jim chuckled good naturedly but when he got in his car all he wanted to do was eat. So he drove himself to the nearest drive thru and ordered an excessive amount of food for himself. To say he gorged himself all weekend as a distraction from the wedding was an understatement. He didn’t hold back, ordering in whatever he wanted. Something in the back of his mind told him he would regret it, but he just kept eating.
He knew he had overdone it when he looked at himself in bathroom mirror on before work Monday morning. His body looked even softer and flabbier than it had a month before after Ryan’s promotion. Everything had a heft and jiggle to it now. He couldn’t deny that he now looked like the office chub. He thought back to that night when he had bust his buttons and remembered Ryan telling him he looked good still. He thought about how Ryan tended to make sure he ate well, always encouraging to eat more. Was Ryan into this he thought as he put his hands on either side of his gut and shook his doughy belly? Maybe he was enabling him deliberately. The thought was an intriguing one and made Jim’s head spin a bit excitedly. His cock also twitched which he couldn’t quite figure out. He was running late and he packed himself into his suit which by now was not filling so well despite being bought only a month ago. He would skip the gym this week.
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chubbytummy · 3 years
(first official post!!! pls enjoy and support!!! sorry in advance for any typos! T^T)
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♡✰ 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 ✰♡
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
(bts taehyung-seokjin centric)
taehyung has never had the best eating habits, indulging in junk food to his heart's content. what happens when it finally catches up with him, and his roommate/crush happens to notice?
tw: weight gain, mild feederism, eructo, mentions of past abusive relationships, mentions of insecurity, language, slight nsfw (barely)
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
it was no secret to anyone around him that taehyung, as sweet as he was, gave absolutely no fucks about his eating habits. that was one thing he would tell you straight off the bat, and he was completely shameless about them too. if it was yummy, it was yummy. and if it was yummy, he was going to eat it. life was short, and wasn't the point of life to enjoy yourself and be happy?
that's what taehyung believed, anyway.
taehyung wasn't shy by nature; a social butterfly, if you will. he loved making new friends, chatting, and bringing people out of their shell. he was naturally charismatic and funny, and with the added-luxury of movie star looks, a deep and sultry voice, and a great physique, he always had a group of buddies around him. that's just how he was. he loved making people smile and laugh, enjoying the warmth and love that radiated off of those close to him. so, as it seemed, taehyung's life was a blissful stream of joy. he didn't have a care in the world, especially about his food.
that was until he graduated highschool and went off to college. you see, taehyung was quite athletic in highschool. participating in track and field and being in dance with his best friend, jimin, gave him plenty of, if not excessive exercise to burn off all those calories he consumed throughout the day. perhaps he was able to get away with his atrocious eating habits back then. however, there was a teeny problem. now, taehyung wasn't pursuing athletics or dance in college-- he was majoring in fine arts. that meant he wasn't getting the amount of exercise his body was used to. turns out, he didn't have as fast of a metabolism like he'd falsely believed, he just did a lot of cardio. so, factoring together the absence of any exercise (minus walks to classes and to the fridge), no changes in his diet, and the constant late-night junk food binges, things quickly started to add up.
it started with his cheeks. taehyung had been thin, bordering underweight, most of his life, so of course the little bit of newfound plumpness to his face would be noticable. yet, despite his soulmate's comments over 2 am facetimes saying "jesus, taetae, you look so young! drop the skin care routine, bestie," taehyung didn't see the changes. his cheeks poofed out and softened like freshly baked bread, and they always seemed to be puffy, like he'd just woken up. well, he had been taking a lot of naps lately, maybe that's why? he didn't really care, anyways.
the next noticable change was his hips, thighs, and ass. not only was taehyung blessed with a face sculpted by the gods, he also had a body to die for. if there's any higher power, they CLEARLY pick favourites. with a slim, trim waist and a naturally curvy figure, the weight gain only accentuated his hourglass shape. his hips widened generously, thighs thickened like heavy cream, and ass plumped out lusciously, filling up any seat he sat on to the brim and earning him more whistles and lustful stares then he was already receiving. yet, despite the constant catcalling from other students on campus, and the snugness of his pants, taehyung remained oblivious to his altered form.
the final shift in taehyung's appearance settled itself softly on his midsection. although he'd never had chiseled, drool-worthy abs like his new friend jungkook, who practically lived at the campus fitness center, his stomach had always been completely flat. now, it had softened entirely; he had a bit of a tummy. it wasn't very noticeable, at first, due to his knack for wearing baggy clothes, but it began to show over time. it was chubby and pudgy, and spilled over the waistband of his pants when he sat down. his belly was fluffy like the stuffing of a teddy bear, the surface doughy, as if you could sink your hand into it and leave behind a handprint. it was even more noticeable after he'd eaten. taehyung always bloated terribly. whether he'd had a bellyache, gas, or had just eaten something rather filling, his tummy always swelled up and pushed over his pantline and into his shirt. as well, love handles began to form, curling around his middle and warmly hugging his sides.
he was by no means overweight, but he wasn't exactly skinny anymore. he was softer, warmer around the edges. it suited him.
strangely enough, taehyung hadn't really noticed. besides a passing comment from a loved one, or a short-lived "hmm, that's new," in front of the bathroom mirror before dashing off to an already-late-to lecture, taehyung was pretty ignorant.
but how long can you ignore such a growing issue?
leaning back and gazing up at the tile ceiling, taehyung sighed. he was currently in his friend jungkook's tiny dorm, sitting on his bed and waiting for his roommate, hoseok, to return with pizza. he really hoped he'd hurry up already. his belly was growling like it was angry with him. it was getting kinda scary.
"i really don't know, jungkook-ah, he's just... ugh." he mopplingly prompted his chubby cheeks in his hands and huffed.
"what do you mean you don't know, hyung?" jungkook asked crossing his beefy arms and shooting his friend a skeptical look. "you're like... the hottest and most outgoing guy i know. how haven't you scored a date with him yet?"
the "him" in question was taehyung's new roommate, seokjin. well, he wasn't exactly new. he'd been his roommate for over 5 months now, since his last roommate dropped out. yet, honestly, taehyung didn't think he'd ever get used to seeing that worldwide-handsome face in the same vicinity as him everyday. that would always be a shocker, no matter how many times they saw one another.
having a crush was new for taehyung. to put it bluntly, he knew he was good-looking. he definitely wasn't conceited or snobbish about his natural attractiveness, he honestly didn't care about looks. however, he was used to having a secret admirer or two, and unfortunately had to let many people down with his unrequited feelings. he never had any romantic attraction for anyone, even if he knew he was bisexual. in fact, romance really didn't play a role in his life. taehyung liked to paint, watch cartoons, eat snacks and play videogames. he chose friends and food over chasing after boys and girls. he hadn't even watched porn before, that's how uninterested in sex and relationships he was. call him immature or weird, but romance just didn't do much for him. it seemed boring. why would people waste there time on a silly boyfriend or girlfriend when they could be having fun? it just didn't make sense to him.
that was until he met his roommate. now, that was all he could think about. well, besides school and food, that is.
"that's rich coming from you, mr. i have muscles and a six-pack and tattoos and a fucking eyebrow piercing but i'm still too shy to even talk to jisoo." taehyung shot back with a smirk.
at that, jungkook flushed completely. it was true, despite being a 5 course meal plus desert, jungkook was the shyest person taehyung had ever met. he didn't have many friends besides taehyung, his roommate, hoseok, and hoseok's boyfriend. and the latter was just a friend of circumstances. the younger man also couldn't even look a girl in the eyes without blushing profusely and damn near pissing himself from nervousness. jungkook had a slight lisp and an occasional stutter as well, but taehyung found it quite endearing and sweet.
"t-that's not the point, hyung, and you know it!" jungkook replied hastily, still blushing. "why don't you just tell him how you feel? you've been pining after this dude for months!"
taehyung sighed heavily, the sigh morphing into a deep groan.
"because i literally don't know how! jin-hyung isn't going to take my confession seriously if i just say it! he's already rejected half the campus! he needs a gesture! some bold statement," taehyung explained in an exasperated manner, not caring if he was kinda rambling. "he deserves more than some half-hearted bullshit. i have to find a way to catch his attention, something to show him i'm different than the others. that i'm not just another idiot underclassmen trying to win him over! i just don't know what-!"
taehyung took a deep breath, ending his rant. he was beginning to feel upset, having a tendency to work himself up easily. he took a moment to collect himself, or at least try, and looked at the younger expectantly.
"don't look at me like that, hyung." he said after a moment, watching warily as taehyung took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. "you know what you gotta do, so do it." he shrugged, still observing his friend. "leth' talk about something else, okay?" jungkook suggested, not wanting his hyung to get anymore upset.
before taehyung could protest, there was a knock at the door.
"that must be hobi-hyung." jungkook spoke, getting up to let his dormmate in. taehyung stayed seated.
as the elder entered the room, the heavenly aroma of pizza followed, wafting around the dorm and into taehyung's nose. his mouth watered. pizza was the perfect comfort food. it always made him feel sated and happy. he could never get tired of it.
"hey tae-ah, i didn't know you would be here!" hoseok beamed, as he brought the pizza boxes over and placed them on the table. "how are you?"
"stressed and hungry."
hobi laughed loudly, his sunshine-like smile lighting up the room. taehyung always liked him. he was sweet, funny, and very handsome. he had a slim build, was a hip-hop dancer, and taehyung had seen his abs before. he'd be jealous if he cared about looks.
"aren't we all?" he joked, before he turned around and looked back at the still open door. "aish, yoongi-hyung, get your ass in here already!"
a low, "i'm coming, fuck off," emitted from beyond the threshold, before hoseok's boyfriend entered the room with a goofy grin and cases of beer and soda in his arms.
looking up at him, taehyung was taken aback.
the last time he'd seen yoongi, at least long enough to get a decent look at him, he'd been skinny. not just skinny, but nearly malnourished looking. his face had been gaunt and he was tiny in comparison to a healthy body. a good wind could have knocked him over. that was months ago. the yoongi he saw now looked quite different. he was filled out, his cheeks plumped and colored as apposed to pale and lifeless like before. his midsection as well, was that a belly? small, yes, but it was there. he looked so much... different. he wondered why.
taehyung had heard about relationship weight many times, and had seen it first-hand as well. when someone gets into a safe and loving relationship, they naturally gain weight. hoseok had opened up to jungkook and taehyung a few times, admitting that yoongi had been in an abusive relationship in the past. however, he was in a healthy one with hoseok now. honestly, it warmed taehyung's heart to see the once frail and sad-looking boy happy and healthy-looking.
it made him wonder if he would ever find a relationship like that. would he put on weight as well? probably not. his metabolism was way too fast, anyways.
"i brought some beer, jungkook don't drink it all this time." yoongi grunted, setting the packs by the desk and plopping down next to his boyfriend on his bed. "oh, taehyung's here. good thing we bought too much pizza."
the others chuckled. taehyung cocked a brow and frowned slightly. what was that supposed to mean?
"i'm starving." jungkook stated to no one in particular, grabbing himself a slice of pizza and a can of beer. taehyung wouldn't be having any alcohol, though, because it always made his cholinergic urticaria act up, and he wasn't in the mood for an itchy rash. besides, he liked soda much more.
"i thought you were on a diet, kookie-ah!" hoseok fake scolded. jungkook scoffed playfully.
"it's called bulking, hyung." he joked. everyone knew he rarely let himself eat like this. he was extremely disciplined. taehyung might've been jealous. "and what about you? thought you were on a diet!"
"i am." the elder replied. "this is all i'm eating. i've still got that dance competition next week- yah! yoongi, don't get sauce on my sheets, you pig!"
he swatted weakly at the mint-haired boy, who nudged him in return and rolled his eyes. it made taehyung smile.
"you can have some too, taehyung-ah." hoseok spoke after a bit. it was then taehyung realized he hadn't gotten any yet. "i know how much you like pizza."
once again, another comment.
"i mean, i don't like it that much." he mumbled, grabbing a slice and and taking a bite. he knew he was bluffing. pizza was the best.
jungkook snorted.
"bullshit tae, you almost always eat an entire pizza whenever we hang out!"
it was true. on an empty stomach, he could scarf down a whole pizza. more if he was especially hungry.
he decided not to reply, finishing his first slide and heading for a second. sinking his teeth into the slice, he all but moaned. it was supreme pizza, his favorite.
"honestly, i have no idea where he puts it all." the redhead commented, finishing up his slice. that was all he'd probably eat, seeing as he's on a diet and all.
"i-i do!" jungkook teased, stuttering slightly from the excitement. "he puth' it all right here."
suddenly, taehyung felt a finger poke his belly. he froze. he looked down to see jungkook's tattooed pointer finger sunk into his plush middle.
"wow, taehyung-hyung." the younger softly exclaimed. "i didn't know your tummy was this squishy."
taehyung felt himself blushing. not out of embarrassment, but something else. jungkook was still touching his belly.
"no way, let me feel!" hoseok reached over, but all too late. taehyung swatted them away and curled into himself, arms wrapped firmly around his middle.
"don't! i'm ticklish!" he lied. yes, he was ticklish, but that's not why he didn't want them to feel his stomach.
it was a strange sensation, really...
a pizza and a 2L of soda later, taehyung felt warm and fuzzy and full.
hoseok and yoongi had left for yoongi's dorm. taehyung was assuming they wanted some alone time, and he knew yoongi had his own private dorm. he didn't want to think about what they'd do, though. ew, just... ew.
taehyung leaned back and closed his eyes, feeling sated. he gently patted his taut tummy and let out a deep burp, sighing afterwards. that was another thing he was shameless about. if he had to burp, he always just let it out. leaving the trapped gas in his belly only made it hurt, so he didn't hold back. besides, it felt good and it was only natural. he usually didn't even say "excuse me." he didn't understand why he had to. everyone burped; why excuse yourself for something completely normal? unlike jungkook, who'd probably die from humiliation, taehyung wasn't shy about it. the only person he'd be even remotely embarrassed in front of was seokjin, but that's a different story.
"mmm, that was yummy, kookie. i'm stuffed."
jungkook was drinking another beer, beyond drunk by now. he mumbled something incoherent, followed by a hiccup and a groan.
"aw kookie, are you drunk?" taehyung teased, ruffling the maknae's soft, black hair. the younger grumbled again. "tired, little guy? let's get you to sleep, bun."
gently, taehyung guided the nearly-passed-out jungkook's head to the pillow of his bed.
"sleep well, bun." he whispered sweetly, leaving a feather-light kiss on the younger's forehead. he'd probably have to stop by tomorrow morning to take care of him when he woke up with a hangover. he was bound to have a killer one with all the beer he guzzled down, and taehyung knew hoseok didn't do well with vomit. he didn't mind, however. taehyung loved to take care of his friends, anyways.
before he left, taehyung cleaned up, ate the last couple pieces the boys left, and did some of the dishes for them. he also really needed to pee, so he made a quick trip to the bathroom.
once he'd gone and washed his hands, he took a moment to observe himself in the mirror.
i looked really good today, taehyung thought, peering into the mirror and adjusting his gold-framed glasses. despite being quite handsome, he still felt insecure sometimes, especially as of lately. with some of the comments his friends had been making, he wasn't sure what to think. it was almost as if there was some kind of big joke, and he was the only one who wasn't in on it. he really didn't know.
before taehyung could turn away and exit the small bathroom, his eyes caught something in the corner, by the shower.
a scale.
he had forgotten that jungkook did weight training. it was probably his to keep track of that. or maybe it was hoseok's, since he was on a diet and all. it didn't matter. it shouldn't matter.
however, for some reason, he wanted to try it. knowing your weight couldn't hurt, right? it's just a number, anyways. besides, he was curious.
taehyung pulled the digital scale out and stepped on it, waiting patiently for the box to calculate his weight. it couldn't be too much. he was thin, after all.
looking down, his eyes widened.
he blinked.
huh. so that's how much he weighed.
the last time taehyung had been properly weighed was his physical exam before freshman year. that was nearly a year ago. he was so thin, weighing in at 60.3 kg. since then, he'd gained roughly 17.8 kg.
wait a minute, that couldn't be right, could it? but he had a fast metabolism! not to mention, he's fairly active. well... sometimes. but he does do a lot of walking! something had to be wrong.
taehyung stepped off the scale, allowing it to level back to a clear screen. he then stepped back on.
this didn't seem possible. maybe it's because of his clothes. maybe he needed to strip down to his underwear like when he had a checkup at the doctor's. quickly, taehyung peeled off his corduroy pants and baggy sweater, leaving him in his undies and tata-themed socks.
what? they were cute!
standing back on the digital scale, taehyung peered down at the number expectantly.
it was the same, the clothes only weighing a little.
maybe it was all the food he just ate, or maybe he had to use the toilet? but that doesn't explain all those kilos...
he placed himself back on the ground, dumbfounded. how did he manage to put on that much? that was like the freshman 15 (lbs) tripled!
taehyung sighed lowly, before turning to face the mirror.
in just his undies, and for the first time since freshman year, taehyung noticed his body.
his thighs were thick, clinging together like chunky glue. gentle stretch marks adorned the insides, which weren't new, seeing as he's always been a bit thicker than his peers growing up. however, they were more prominent. spinning around, he viewed his ass, which giggled almost lewdly with the slight movement. the plump, golden globes looked even plumper than they had. he had always had an ass, but now? he could probably play a pixar mom in a live-action film.
last, but certainly not least, his eyes settled on the most obvious change: his stomach. his tummy hung over the waistband of his underwear, extremely bloated and round from his big dinner and all the soda he drank. yet, despite being stuffed with pizza, it had softness to it. taehyung ran his hands over his belly, pinching the excess pudge. it wasn't too big, but it was noticable. more than noticable.
taehyung wasn't skinny anymore. he had gotten a bit chubby.
and, strangely enough, he didn't care. infact, he liked it.
taehyung knew he ate a lot of unhealthy foods, that was just who he was. why would he deny himself all the yummy things he liked to eat, just to maintain an "attractive" body? so what he wasn't slim like hoseok or muscular and shredded like jungkook? his body was perfectly fine. it did it's job, and that was the important thing.
above all things, taehyung was shameless. having gained weight didn't mean a thing to him. he was an artist, after all, not a model. his figure really didn't matter in the long run. he was still the same handsome guy, just with a little extra chub. and, honestly, he wondered what he'd look like with just a little bit more. just another layer of cream on his body. he's sure he'd like it, especially with how he reacted to having his tummy poked earlier by jungkook.
so, with the new information tucked in the back of his mind, taehyung dressed and left the small bathroom, making his way out of his sleeping friend's dorm. after double checking on jungkook and leaving the wastebasket beside his bed, just in case he woke up sick, the fluffy-haired boy exited the dorm and began his walk down the hallway, back to his own dorm.
after eating, taehyung usually felt sleepy, so it was no surprise to him that he found himself growing sluggish and drowsy as he strode back to his room. it was a pleasant feeling, really. he'd probably take a nice nap when he got back. maybe make some hot chocolate and catch up on some dramas. yeah, that sounded nice.
as he opened the door to his dorm, he was met with a flush of warmth and soft light. faint music played in the background, and a scent immediately met his nose as he stepped in. it smelled delightful. that could only mean one thing.
taehyung hadn't expected seokjin to be home so early. he wished he'd known; he'd like to have put more time into his appearance. welp, baggy sweater and messy-haired taehyung would have to do.
"ah, tae! you're home!" he heard seokjin call from the stove as he shucked off his loafers. he suddenly felt uncharacteristically shy, shifting his weight from his left foot to his right as seokjin walked up to him, all broad-shouldered and stupidly handsome. "how was your day?"
taehyung smiled as seokjin went in for a gentle hug, sinking into his warm embrace and inhaling his calming scent. seokjin was a real hugger, which taehyung appreciated because he, himself, was an absolute cuddle monster and jumped for any physical affection. it didn't help the butterflies in his stomach, however. he'd hope to just digest them already and move on from this silly crush.
"my day was a happy one, thank you," taehyung replied, nearly pouting as seokjin pulled away from the embrace. "how was your's, hyung?"
"better now that you're here." the elder smiled warmly, and taehyung felt his face heat up. seokjin always knew the right things to say to get his heart racing like mad. "come sit in the kitchen and keep me company while i cook?"
the younger nodded timidly, feeling pleasantly small next to his hyung. he followed him like a puppy to the dorm kitchenette, taking a seat at the small bar table.
"so," seokjin began, as he stirred a pot of glass noodles, keeping an eye on the vegetables and pork strips in the frying pan. he was making japchae, one of taehyung's favorite dishes. "have you eaten dinner yet?"
"oh, i ate pizza at jungkook and hoseok-hyung's place," he answered, hand going instinctively to his still-bloated tum, giving it a fond pat. "truth be told, i probably overate." he let out an uneasy chuckle in an attempt to distract himself from the warmth growing in his lower belly. what was happening to him?
seokjin waved him off.
"there's no such thing as overeating if it tastes good," he countered, and before taehyung could understand what was going on, a steaming plate of japchae was placed in front of him. it was a heaping serving, the small plate only making it look bigger. "here, have some of this."
taehyung flushed, gingerly sliding the plate away.
"um, i-i shouldn't, hyung," he stammered, hand still on his middle, almost defensively, as if he were guarding it. "thank you, but i'm still pretty stuffed."
seokjin chuckled deeply, full lips curled into a smirk. he pushed the dish back in front of him. taehyung gulped.
"taehyung-ah, i've seen you demolish three times this and more in one sitting. i'm not exactly convinced that 'stuffed' is in your vocabulary."
there it was. another comment about his eating habits. however, this time, instead of irritation, he felt something... else.
"jin-hyung, i-"
"you wouldn't let all my hard work go to waste, would you?" seokjin questioned, pouting. taehyung felt his heart jump. "i made this all just for you."
"well... alright. i'll have a bite or... two." taehyung finally spoke, unable to look his hyung in the eye. picking up the pair of chopsticks, he hesitantly began to eat.
it was delicious. of course it would be.
in all his time, taehyung had never met as good a cook as seokjin. not even his own mother --who could whip up a mean bibimbap like nobody's business-- could compare to his skills. the younger male couldn't even count on two hands how many times he's had his belly nearly bursting out of his pants from seokjin's cooking. whatever it was he was making, taehyung was sure to gorge himself to new heights every time; now was only proof of that. seokjin didn't seem to mind. infact, he encouraged it.
"taste good?" the elder quizzed, taking a seat in front of the eating boy and gazing at him fondly, if not a bit intently.
taehyung took a moment to finish chewing his mouthful and swallow. he grinned.
"amazing," he answered, licking his lips. "your cooking always is the best, hyung. it's, like, ethereal."
seokjin let out his iconic windshield wiper laugh, which only made his dongsaeng giggle.
"well, if it's good enough to pull out the 50 cent words for," be mused, leaning a tad closer. "then it's good enough to finish, yeah?"
taehyung's smile faded, as he peered up at the taller man wordlessly.
"you know i don't like leftovers, taehyung-ah. scrape your plate. clean."
he didn't have to tell taehyung twice. something about the subtle command in his tone --the sprinkle of dominance within the seemingly innocent words-- sparked a flame that licked into taehyung's belly.
he continued to eat, and before he could really process anything, his chopsticks clinked against an empty plate. instantly, a crimson heat spread over his face. it was as if he were a different person for a moment.
"all done?" seokjin questioned, taking the plate from the boy as he nodded sheepishly. "good job, tae-ah! you did so well!"
taehyung felt his pants become tighter at his elder's words of encouragement.
"feeling full?"
taehyung's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
"i-" a burp interrupted him. he stayed quiet for a moment, hand covering his mouth, before he spoke up again. "excuse me, sorry."
he was blushing like mad. shameless taehyung who?
seokjin snorted. "guess that answers my question."
the slight teasing only increased the tightness of his pants, though he remained oblivious.
to say taehyung was full was a gross understatement. he'd passed the limitations for being full. he felt like if he moved even an inch he'd explode, literally. he looked 7 months pregnant.
"jin-hyung," he began with a taut hiccup, a slight whine to his voice. "i think... i think i ate too much."
and there it was, the rarer side of shameless taehyung. the one who needed affection after overdoing it, and wasn't afraid to beg for it.
"aw, you poor thing," his hyung cooed, helping the younger stand. his belly felt heavy and stuffed to the brim. "let's get you to the couch yeah? how's some hot chocolate sound? sound nice?"
taehyung nodded and hummed, blissed out from the tight fullness. he'd never felt this way from just eating before.
he took a seat on the couch as seokjin scurried off to make hot chocolate, and he used the opportunity to unbutton his pants. although he wasn't exactly too keen on being so unkempt in front of his love interest, his pants were digging into his bloated stomach something fierce. slowly, he undid the buttons and pulled down the zipper, freeing and allowing his tummy to rest atop. he sighed in relief, though it was short-lived when he noticed the slight bulge in his pants. well, that's new?
wait a minute--
oh fuck.
he frantically attempted to pull his sweater down to cover his lower region, but it was too snug around his plush middle to budge much. thankfully, it wasn't entirely noticable.
"here you go, taebear," seokjin said as he walked back into the small living room, two mugs of hot chocolate in his hand. one of them had tata all over it: you can guess whose it is. "careful, it's hot. let it cool before you drink it."
taehyung nodded bashfully in reply as the older of the two turned the tv on, switching the channel to some random drama taehyung had seen bits of but couldn't remember the name of. when jin sat down next to him, he immediately snuggled up to his side, head on his broad shoulder.
this. this was heaven right here.
seokjin smiled sweetly, arm wrapping around the younger. his fingers carded through taehyung's fluffy brown hair, earning a quiet sigh and pleased noises from the latter. taehyung's eyes fluttered shut as his scalp was scratched lightly.
soon enough, after finishing his hot chocolate, he felt himself grow drowsy. his belly felt warm and heavy, rising with every deep breath he took.
just as he had nearly dosed off, he felt something warm slip under his sweater and dance against his stomach. it felt like a hand.
he sighed. he must have been dreaming.
slowly, the palm of the hand traced over his swollen tummy, fingers ghosting over his navel. he all but purred at the feeling.
it began to rub circular motions onto the bloated skin with a gentle pressure, releasing a few soft burps from taehyung, who mewled at the lovely sensation. he began to fall deeper into slumber, the warm feeling being the last thing he could remember before he completely fell sound asleep.
when taehyung awoke, he was in his own room, in his own bed. he was under the blankets, glasses neatly placed on the bedside table. yawning, he looked around, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
had he been dreaming this whole time?
placing a hand on his middle, he was shocked to feel how bloated and round it was.
nope. it was all real.
and it felt completely, utterly, shamelessly good.
"hey hobi-hyung, what's up?" taehyung spoke into the receiver of his phone after answering hoseok's call. he was currently working on an oil painting while munching on the oreos he'd bought at the campus snack venue on his way home.
"hey tae," he heard a strained voice answer. someone was in the background coughing. "could-" hoseok was cut off by what sounded like a particularly loud heave "ugh. could you do me a solid, tae. i'll pay you back, i promise."
and just like that, taehyung was on his way over to jungkook and hoseok's dorm. he'd debated bringing his painting with him, but eventually decided against the idea. he didn't want to make sick jungkook even sicker, nor did he want hoseok to complain about him stinking up the dorm with his paint.
the second he opened the door, hoseok rushed out.
"thanks a million, taehyung," he spoke frantically, clearly frazzled but trying to stay calm, though it was evident he was hanging on by a thread. "i hate to do this to you but you know how i am."
taehyung gave him a reassuring smile.
"hobi-hyung don't worry, it's alright! i don't mind!" he explained, placing a hand on his hyung's shoulder. "how's he doing?"
hoseok closed his eyes.
"ugh, he's just... ugh."
taehyung laughed and shook his head.
"aish, i told that dummy not to drink so much," he playfully face-palmed, giggling. "alright hyungie, head over to yoongi-hyung's. i'll take it from here."
hoseok sighed a breath of relief.
"you're a little saint, you know that, taetae?"
he pinched taehyung's full cheeks, kissing his forehead before rushing off. taehyung blushed and giggled to himself softly.
hoseok was really something else.
upon entering his friend's shared dorm and turning on the light, his eyes instantly landed on jungkook, who looked like he'd seen better days.
"taehyung?" he heard the younger croak from his bed, eyes squinted nearly shut. "shit, kill the lights will you, please?"
taehyung quickly flicked the switch off.
"oh, sorry kookie-ah," taehyung apologized, making his way in the dim room to the bed, where he sat.
"it's alright hyung, my head is just absolutely murdering me right now."
"feeling pretty bad, aren't we, bun?" taehyung murmured softly, rubbing the younger's back tenderly.
"god, 'm never fucking drinking again."
taehyung chuckled, shaking his head. he knew that was a lie; he'd probably be in the same position next weekend taking care of the hungover boy.
"okay, bun," he replied, fondly. "can i get you anything? painkillers, perhaps?"
jungkook shook his head, instantly wincing at the movement.
"no i already took some before you came." he answered. "could you just hold me for a bit, please?" his doe eyes found taehyung's gaze in the dark.
the elder boy swallowed back an 'awwww' as he laid down on the bed, taking the sick boy into his arms. he ran his fingers through the younger's silky, black hair. jungkook sighed.
"thanks, hyungie." jungkook mumbled into taehyung's warm chest. "you're the best."
a soft smile melted onto taehyung's lips. the two boys sat in a quiet trance for a while, the only sound being breathing and the hum of the ac. after some time had passed, jungkook broke the silence.
"um, hyungie?"
"what is it, bun?" taehyung replied, looking down at the boy.
"i-i um..." he began, stuttering from what taehyung assumed was nervousness. his stutter always worsened when he was nervous, the elder noticed. "i'm s-s-sorry about what i said yesterday."
taehyung haulted his movements, cocking a brow in confusion.
"what are you talking about, jungkook?"
"yes'therday," he paused to grimace at his lisp, before going on, "with hobi-hyung and yoongi-hyung." jungkook responded anxiously. "i-i shouldn't have c-commented on your body or how much you eat like that. if someone had made a comment about m-m-my stutter or lisp, i'd have been sad. it wasn't cool of me to point out an insecurity like that. i'm- i'm sorry." his voice broke a tad at the last part, though taehyung nearly didn't catch it.
taehyung blinked, taking a moment to process his dongsaeng's confession.
"okay, kookie, three things," taehyung replied after some thought, returning to stroking the boy's hair. "one: it's alright, don't worry about it. i'm definitely not upset with you, honey. two: your stutter and lisp are perfectly fine. they make you unique, make you you, so don't be embarrassed about how you talk, and don't take shit from absolutely anyone about it. got it?"
jungkook nodded, eyes still glassy.
taehyung smiled and continued.
"and three: what makes you think i'm insecure about my body?"
jungkook froze for a moment, clearly trying to conjure up an answer that wouldn't hurt his hyung's feelings.
"is it because i'm chubby?"
jungkook didn't say anything, causing taehyung to sigh audibly.
"i have no reason to be insecure about my body, you know, jungkook?" taehyung calmly retorted, not in a mean or scolding manner, but in a blunt one. "i love my body. my tummy's job is to digest the food i eat and convert it to energy. that's it, and he's doing a pretty good job at it. so, therefore, i have no real reason to be insecure, and i'm not. a little tummy fat never hurt anyone."
jungkook looked up to gaze at his hyung.
"so, it didn't hurt your feelings when i t-touched your belly, then?" he asked, voice still slightly broken. taehyung wiped the stray tears from his dongsaeng's cheeks.
"of course not, kookie-ah," the older boy reassured, lips spreading into a grin. "in fact... i liked it."
jungkook went stiff.
"u-um... i-i'm flattered, hyung, i really am... b-but i like girls..."
taehyung let out a deep, rumbly laugh.
"don't be silly, bun!" he teased, still chuckling. "i wasn't talking about you! i wouldn't date your lame ass anyways, even if you did like guys!"
this earned him a playful slap.
"but you did... like it?" jungkook questioned after a comfortable silence.
taehyung nodded a bit stiffly.
"yeah, i... i guess i did." he admitted. "to be honest... i wouldn't mind if seokjin touched m- woah! sorry about the tmi! literally forget i said that, please. like, erase it from your memory."
taehyung flushed in embarrassment as jungkook burst out laughing.
"yah, don't make fun of me! i'll kick your ass you little shit!"
despite the teasing, taehyung definitely wouldn't mind if seokjin touched his belly. infact, he'd fucking love it.
and, well... this all was... new. he'd like to explore this more in the future.
however, little did taehyung know, he wasn't the only one with a bit of experimentation in mind.
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hi!! hope you enjoyed this!! maybe a part 2?? please let me know what you think!! love you!!
~ jelly ૮ᴖﻌᴖა
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scattered-winter · 3 years
it's been a while since my last "superheroes and health" post, and I've been thinking about speedsters and running, since running is what I do, so it's what I know the most about! This might get kind of long, so I added a cutoff haha
First of all is the food intake. I've touched on this subject before with the Batfam, but the basic thing to remember is that food gives you calories, which are in turn burned when you're engaging in physical activity. The more calories you burn, the more food you have to eat to refuel. I'm going to venture a guess and say that Barry and Wally and the other speedsters burn at least 3 million calories a day. It's just a guess, since the average runner burns about 3,100 calories a day, and speedsters are the farthest thing from average, with their hyper-fast metabolisms and all. That means they have to eat roughly 3 million calories a day, which isn't even taking into account how much protein and healthy fats they would need. To effectively fuel their bodies, they would need to eat an ungodly amount of carbs (pasta, bread, etc) and protein (meats, nuts, eggs), not to mention fruits and vegetables. In a pinch, if they needed energy quickly, they might have some candy bars on hand, since sugar spikes your energy really high really fast, but the crash would probably be extremely drastic because of the way their bodies process energy so much more efficiently than ours do. They all probably eat a lot of pasta and bread (whole wheat or whole grain, not white; whole grains have a lot of fiber, which gives your body consistent energy instead of a spike like white bread does) and all kinds of proteins. Since it’s canon that Wally (maybe other speedsters too, I don’t know for sure) carries snacks around with him in his suit during missions (from what I’ve seen of the animated shows), he probably carries things like nuts, granola bars, and crackers. Things that’ll give him the calories he needs without being too heavy....
.....which brings us to the other thing. (tw vomiting throughout this paragraph) Runners have to be careful about eating too soon before competition, because you will throw up during the race if you’ve eaten too much too soon. I’ve had people on my team drop out of races because they were vomiting and cramping so badly that they couldn’t run. They had eaten a sandwich or something similarly sized about half an hour before racing. I’m not sure how speedsters would be affected by this because they burn everything so quickly, but it’s just something to think about. (I don’t think eating too much too soon would be a huge issue unless they did a very long-distance run without stopping, but it’s just an interesting thing to consider.)
Staying on the thread of fueling their bodies, I don’t even want to think about how much water a speedster would have to drink. Normal human runners need about 2-3 liters a day, more when it’s hot and dry, so the speedsters probably drink water in the GALLONS. Their bodies just process food and fluids so quickly that they probably have to be drinking water pretty much all day long, every day. (It probably freaked the JL the fuck out the first time they saw Barry chug an entire gallon of water in 5 seconds flat). They would also need plenty of electrolytes, so I like to imagine that the Watchtower and Titans Tower fridges stay pretty well-stocked with sports drinks.
Nutrition and hydration aside, there's still a lot of things we runners have to do to take care of our bodies. Running is a very repetitive motion that is repeated for a very long time, so runners have some of the tightest muscles in the athlete world. We have to stretch and roll out our muscles pretty much every day to keep them loose and relaxed. My coaches like to give us golf balls to roll out and massage the arches of our feet, and foam rollers for our calves, shins, quads, and thighs. There's also a lot of different stretching routines we do, but I won't get into those that much.
There's also the matter of flexibility. The more speed work you put into a workout or race, the less flexible your body becomes. Basically, the more you train to be faster, the harder it is to be as flexible as usual. In the late weeks of the season, none of us can touch our toes. It's hilarious. What I'm getting at here is that the speedsters are probably the Least flexible superheroes on the planet. I can just imagine sooooo many funny interactions here ("Wally why can you only reach down to your knees?" "shut the hell up Dick I'm trying")
Runners also have to sleep A Lot. Sleep = energy, and running takes a lot of energy. We don't have to sleep More than the average person, but we definitely have to sleep as much as possible. I don't think this would be affected too much by the speedsters' powers, but they would all definitely be trying to stay on top of their sleep. (honestly, the same could be said for All of the superheroes and vigilantes. sleep is important)
that's all I have for now! I'm having a lot of fun thinking about stuff like this!
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 years
Wholesome Cat!Atsushi hc pt3
For context; this is pretty much just a silly little collection of ideas centering around the topic of “Atsushi’s ability gives him cat urges”.
This is pt 3, you can find pt’s 1-2 linked at the end of this post & on my master list
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This goes with the “Atsushi has the violent urge to swat things off tables” hc from part 1; Anything dangling, Atsushi will try to swipe at literally doesn’t matter what it is.
Computer cables, the chains on the lamps, Kunikida’s ponytail, Akutagawa’s coat belt, etc. If it’s dangled in front of him, Atsushi will try to swat it
Atsushi has even swatted at Rashomon a few times. Not because Akutagawa has attacked Atsushi with his ability, but just because he couldn’t help himself and b/c he was bored
Dazai will occasionally loosen the bandages around his wrists so the end is dangling, and will let Atsushi play with it
Dazai actually has an array of cat toys in his desk for Atsushi to play with (not laser pointers though, see part 1 for the reason why)
Most of the toys are just crumpled balls of paper and milk jug rings. For Atsushi even the simplest of object can act as like the best toys
He also loves boxes. Like if the agency gets a big shipment, then you can bet Atsushi will have claimed the box as a new hiding place or napping spot.
Purring, purring, PURRING!
Atsushi purrs whenever he’s happy, excited, or calm. Give him head scratches, he purrs. Find him napping for the fourth time that day, he’s purring up a storm. Take him out for Chazuke, you’re most likely gonna hear him purr while eating.
Even though no one in the agency would ever blame Atsushi for the urges his ability gives him, the purring is definitely one of the more welcomed urges
Though he’d never admit it out loud, the purring is Akutagawa’s favourite thing about Atsushi
Head nuzzles are also a welcomed habit as long as it isn’t interfering with the work day
Luckily for everyone, like the purring, Atsushi really only does the head nuzzles when he’s happy or excited
The most common times are as a morning greeting or in celebration of a job well done
Atsushi is the human definition of “if I can fit my head through it, then I can fit my entire body through it.”
This boy is so flexible and skinny that he’s able to fit into the tightest of spots without so much as batting an eye
Atsushi is surprisingly a leash kid. If he isn’t being watched like a hawk, especially when he isn’t on a case, he will most likely wonder off.
Like one minute he’s walking around Yokohama with whoever he’s working with that day, and the next he’s just gone
He will most likely be found in the park chasing birds (usually with the little kids), or he’s wondering around the shopping district looking for the next set of random gifts to give his coworkers
Atsushi can also be very clingy from a mix of his ability and the trauma he endured at the orphanage
Though the clinginess can range from him just wanting to be around other people to him trying to be as close to someone as humanly possible.
Like he could either be content with just spending the day with Kyoka or Kenji, or he could be borderline on someone’s lap with how close he’s sitting next to them.
Atsushi has a bit of a complicated relationship with water
He’s fine with water and being in the water doesn’t bother him when he wants to be in the water. So bath time, office field trips to the beach, etc, he has no issues with
But try to force him into the water and it will usually end in water getting everywhere and someone walking away with scratches and bite marks
Dazai once tried to push Atsushi into Yokohama Bay just to see what the weretiger’s reaction would be...they both returned to the office soaking wet b/c Atsushi dragged Dazai into the water with him
This one is also sort of a mix between his time in the orphanage and his ability, but Atsushi has a big appetite
If the 30 something bowls of Chazuke he ate when he first met Dazai and Kunikida wasn’t proof enough. Atsushi just naturally has a big appetite
He says it’s the tiger that makes him so hungry, since his ability burns a lot of calories and he has a fast metabolism
He’s learned to curve his cravings by eating decently sized meals and then having small snacks throughout the day.
So this could be a nice, decent breakfast. And then a few smaller servings of fruit or maybe a pack of crackers or something. And then he’d have a good sized lunch, and repeat.
This way he isn’t over eating during meal times and then working on an empty stomach the rest of the day
Atsushi is said to have very soft hair, like even before being taken in by the Agency. Dazai often describes it as feeling more like fur then like hair.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (you are here)
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mreugenekrabs · 3 years
im pretty sure all my followers are porn bots but this is for whoever sees it and needs it
i have no idea what the fuck im talking about virtually ever; in this case, however, listen the fuck up. if you or someone you care about is/has been struggling with an ED due to diet culture / family comments etc etc. please stop using a scale. please reassess your relationships with food. please. i’m going to start w my story and end with what i can say that might help. TW talk of bulimia anorexia and binge ED.
growing up, i had overweight parents. they were always dieting. i ate weightwatchers food growing up. and jenny craig. did juice cleanses. did tummy teas. did adkins. followed along the whole time because my parents made it very clear my metabolism would be shot very soon and i’d “look like them.” when i was 12 was the first time i ever really fell into a physical eating disorder beyond binging on the weekends. i was puking my meals as a fucking 12 year old child. i would only net about 900 calories a day max but usually would do 500/400/300 alternating. the thinspo movement was full fuckin force in 2011 so i followed nothing but extreme calorie drop diets all throughout said movement. one day, a friend and i stole diet pills from kmart around age 13. i would take one only on eating days. these worked for awhile until i no longer knew what hunger was. i still don’t have a healthy relationship with food 10 years later and have no concept of what hunger in my body feels like. rumbling can be anything. digestion, thirst. beats me. as i got out of middle school and a bit further away from thinspo and wanting a thigh gap; i started to only desire to be pretty for those around me. thin was becoming less important in terms of thighs and ass, so my only issue was my belly and my “gma arms” and of course eventually my large tits. (against my will i grew honkers that hang. and trust me my whole life small boobed girls make sure u know how lucky they are to not deal w this.) in high school, especially early on i started to completely restrict food. i think this is because it’s a time period where comparing yourself gets way too easy. i justified starving myself by eating a cookie a day. im eating whatever i want so of course 500-900 calories is just fine paired with a 1000 calorie volleyball workout. i had senior girls (who i later found out also were dealing with EDs) tell me i looked so skinny and they would ask how. the praise is always never ending when you look thin through an ED. now imagine my surprise when i drop out of volleyball and go through a depressive episode and develop a heavy binge ED (the one im still struggling and stuck with) and can do nothing but put on weight even if not eating most of your day. adult bodies work a lot differently. learning this has been really hard. hell, stretch marks and thoughts of loose skin are even harder. unfortunately though there’s only one true and sure way to lose and keep off unwanted weight and it’s to be mindful of your calories. end of the day, log them all. if that triggers you, just stick to three meals a day, no leftovers. snack on fruits, veggies. 2000 cals a day is pretty standard but check online to see what deficit is right for you. you have to have a HEALTHY CALORIE DEFECIT to see progress in your body. your body needs carbs and fats for energy. keto is not sustainable and neither are any diets restricting an entire macro. even intermittent fasting is just fancy talk for starving yourself. fasting everyday literally means starve yourself. except for 6 hours a day does not mean your body isn’t being starved. of course i am no where close to being a doctor, but as an ED veteran, please forget about the scale during your journey. whether you want to maintain your weight or lose weight; do what is healthy for your mindset. i personally only weigh myself once a month in the morning only. i don’t restrict any food but buy any food that may trigger a binge in small portions. sucks to have tiny packages of something you could buy in bulk, but if it helps it helps. lastly, please be gentle on yourself. your body will NEVER be what it was in high school and even if you can reach that place, it will be hard to stay there and any deviation from that “goal weight” is gonna hurt like a kick in the face. as afore mentioned i am still in recovery and am working away from this 10 year old burden. just don’t be like me and put it off until your body hurts. your skin is all you really have.
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meliaaizawa · 3 years
Inspired by the intro to Marriage Story, when Charlie and Nicole go over what they love about each other, but Sho and Mei are NOT getting a divorce.
Word count: 1,478
~What I love about Shota~
What I love about Shota… Shota doesn’t care what others think of him. He is sure of himself and his abilities. He is skilled and strong yet is never proud. Shota loves coffee and drinks at least two cups a day… the caffeine doesn’t affect him in any way, he just loves the flavor. Shota is a simple man and is content with the things he has and is never in want of anything new or improved. Though Shota is always grumpy, deep down, I know him to be soft and incredibly kind. Though he rarely lets even his friends see that side of him, I can see through his tough guy act. He especially enjoys cuddling our cats and taking care of them at home. Shota is incredibly fit and healthy. He doesn’t diet… in fact, he usually eats like crap. His metabolism and hero work manages to keep up with him though, so there’s really no need to worry about what he eats. His genuine smile melts my heart, but it can only be seen during rare candid moments. If he actually tries to smile, the result is horrifying… but cute.
Though he’d never admit it, Shota loves kids. He is a wonderful teacher and mentor to so many. He knows the best way to push his students to make them become better. Even if his methods are more strict than the average teacher, he is well meaning. I know he would make the best father. Shota isn’t a fan of PDA, much like me. When we are alone though, he loves touch… whether it’s his arm around me, us holding hands, or even just our feet barely touching under the kitchen table, I think physically feeling that I am with him brings him comfort. Shota can play the bass. He hates playing in front of others, and he doesn’t have any opportunities to do so, so hearing him play is rare. For a guy who doesn’t care about appearance, Shota can be bashful when it comes to the attention of others, especially when he is dressed up nicely. I think he likes his appearance to be overall disheveled so that most people wouldn’t give him a second glance… plus he’s just lazy. Anytime he has to dress up in a suit, he hates it. I think he looks handsome either way.
Though he seems irritable at times, Shota never raises his voice at me and is so incredibly patient in dealing with my indecisiveness. He makes quick decisions, so he is always willing to help where I struggle. He is also the best at giving advice. He thinks everything through rationally and is able to view a situation from every angle when assessing it. Shota is an immense help around the house. He helps me with the dishes and folding laundry and cleaning. It gives us even more time together, even if we don’t say a word while cleaning. Shota is rarely cleanshaven, which I prefer. I always love the familiar feeling of his scruffy face when he kisses me or rests his head on me. Part of me thinks it’s because he’s just lazy, but at the same time I’m convinced he keeps the scruff because I just love it. Shota is a good listener. I don’t always have a lot to say, but when I do, he just sits and listens. He will also comfort me when I am sad and knows just what to say if I am feeling lonely or unworthy.
Shota is an incredibly hard worker. He stays up late nearly every night, either out on hero patrol, or finishing grading his papers. He never procrastinates and gets everything done in a more than timely manner. If Shota cared about ranks, he would easily be in Japan’s top 10 heroes. He is incredibly accurate in the use of his capture weapon, his strategy when going against villains is always spot on, and he makes the most of his quirk, despite its many drawbacks. He is also strong- both in mind and in body, and has saved countless people, even if they didn’t realize it, since he always works behind the scenes. Shota is very eloquent in the way he speaks. He may look homeless, but the man is incredibly smart. He puts a lot of thought into what he says and how he says it. He never wastes his words. He is also not afraid to speak his mind and is always willing to put people in their place if he must.
~What I love about Meiya~
What I love about Meiya… Meiya loves to eat. I don’t know where she puts it all away, as she has an overall fit body, but she seems to always have a pair of chopsticks or a snack in her hand. She always has food in the house. Not just enough for us, but also enough for any unwanted guests that may show up. Meiya has an air of self-confidence. Though I know that she often doubts herself, she doesn’t let it show. She doesn’t care what others think of her and is always genuinely herself no matter the audience. Because of this, others are often comfortable being themselves around her, so she had a lot of friends because of this. Meiya is diligent in everything that she does. She keeps our home clean despite its unorganized appearance, and she always decorates our home in her own way. I never cared about decorations, but our home is more presentable thanks to her. Meiya is loyal to a fault. She trusts others easily, and until that trust is broken somehow, she is fully devoted to that person and would sacrifice herself for them. She likes being unique and never conforms to those around her. In fact, she oftentimes goes out of her way to try and be different.
Though I can be incredibly stubborn, Meiya is constantly patient with me. She knows how to convince me to do things I don’t want to and is usually willing to stand in the gap between me and those I don’t want to interact with. I can’t tell you how many small talk conversations she has saved me from. Meiya doesn’t necessarily need to be romanced in the classical sense of giving her flowers and chocolate. She prefers to just have quality time. A simple kiss on the cheek, a nap together in the sleeping bag, or a bowl of freshly made ramen are enough to remind her how much I love her. Meiya is one of the most competent heroes I know. She is proficient in using many different kinds of quirks, she is a skilled fighter, she cares for others deeply, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her loved ones and society. She is also a wonderful teacher. The kids are all just drawn to her, and she is incredibly kind and helpful in the way she helps the students learn more about their quirks.
Meiya loves karaoke. She gets overly competitive when going out with Mic and Ectoplasm. Although she claims she can’t sing well, she has a nice voice, but even more amazing is how well she knows all of the songs and is able to hit every word and note with accuracy. I just enjoy watching. Though Meiya is not a huge cat person, she was willing to get cats with me. She loves them too, though I doubt she would admit it, and she takes time throughout her day to play with them and care for them. Meiya is emotionally strong and a dependable wife. She remains level-headed in stressful situations, and she knows how to support those around her. Despite this emotional strength, she still cries frequently when watching movies. Meiya goes to sleep early and wakes up early, though I am more of a night owl. She will often fall asleep on the couch with me while I grade papers. Even her tired, unconscious presence is enough to make me feel at home. It also gives me the chance to carry her to bed and tuck her in on those nights.
Meiya is a responsible adult, but she is also a child at heart. She would prefer to go to an arcade or festival over a fancy restaurant or party any day. And as far as gifts go, she would much rather have the latest volume of her favorite manga over a piece of jewelry. Along with being a pro hero, Meiya also enjoys dabbling in support things like costume designing. She has an eye for art, and she is good at anything she sets her mind to. Meiya packs us both lunch every day, because she knows I like her food over Lunch Rush’s. We often eat in the teachers lounge, but we also find ourselves on the rooftop, where we used to eat as high schoolers.
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fitnesstimesblog · 3 years
Disclaimer: There is no shortcut. If you have more to lose you will have to change your lifestyle drastically. If you only need to lose a couple of pounds you will still need to make some changes. Unless you have a very fast metabolism (which, if you are actively trying to lose weight, you most likely don’t) you will not lose 10 kg in 2 weeks. I am not creating this post as a weight loss programme, it is a guide to help you in making decisions on how you want to lose weight.You need to do this for yourself.
Bad Habits that Make You Put on Weight
Mindless snacking: if you are going to eat snacks take a look at the serving sizes and stick to that. If you have a bag of popcorn actually weigh out the stated portion size into a bowl and only eat that. If you are dieting I would suggest not snacking or sticking to one snack a day.
Low levels of activity, this is bad habit most people picked up during lockdown. People count steps for a reason - it is healthy to walk 10,000 steps a day and if you are trying to lose weight walking 10,000 - 15,000 will help a lot.
Takeaways. It is okay to get a fast food takeaway once or twice a week. A problem arises when people order takeaways almost everyday. I don’t have to tell you why that is not healthy. If you seriously want to lose weight stick to one takeaway a week or none at all. If you do buy takeaway make sure to purchase from the children’s menu as the portion sizes are smaller.
Lack of sleep. I am the biggest culprit of this, but you must get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. The negative effects lack of sleep has on your body seep into every aspect of your life. Turn off your phone at 10 pm and get some quality sleep
Not drinking enough water. Anyone successful weight loss journey involves a person up-ing their water intake. You should be drinking a minimum (and I mean bare minimum) of 2 litres of water everyday but when I am losing weight I like to up my intake to 3 litres +. On the opposite end of the spectrum don’t drink too much water (I know, contradictory right?). Drinking too much water is very dangerous so I would say slowly raise your uptake and never drink over 4 litres a day.
Disclaimer: There are no shortcuts. When you have more to lose, you need to radically change your lifestyle. If all you need to do is lose a few pounds, there are still a few changes that you need to make. Unless you have a very fast metabolism (which you probably don't if you want to actively lose weight), you won't lose 10 kg in 2 weeks. I am not creating this article as a weight loss program, it is a guide to help you make decisions about how you want to lose weight. You have to do it yourself.
Bad habits that make you fat
Mindless Snacks: When you are snacking, watch your portion sizes and stick to them. If you have a bag of popcorn, weigh the serving size in a bowl and eat it. If you are on a diet, I recommend that you avoid or stick to one snack per day.
Low activity levels are a bad habit that most people develop while in detention. People count steps for a reason: it's healthy to take 10,000 steps a day, and if you're trying to lose weight, 10,000-15,000 steps will do you very well.
Take away. There's nothing wrong with buying takeaway fast food once or twice a week. A problem arises when people order takeaway food almost every day. I don't need to tell you why it's unhealthy. If you really want to lose weight, limit yourself to one or no intake per week. If you are buying to take away, be sure to buy from the children's menu as the portions are smaller.
Lack of sleep. I'm the biggest culprit for this, but you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. The negative effects of insufficient sleep on your body permeate all aspects of your life. Turn off your phone at 10 p.m. and get a good night's sleep
Not Drinking Enough Water Any successful weight loss involves a person increasing their water intake. I should drink a minimum (and I mean the minimum) of 2 liters of water a day, but when I lose weight I happily increase my intake to 3+ liters. On the other side of the spectrum, you shouldn't be drinking too much water (I know, isn't that a contradiction in terms?). Drinking too much water is very dangerous so I would say increase your intake slowly and never drink more than 4 liters a day.
Of course, calorie control is an important factor in dieting, but it has to be a healthy restriction. I would say never go under 1,500 calories. Very restrictive diets (<1500) are unsustainable, unhealthy, dangerous, and generally a bad idea.
Here are some of my diet "tips" that have helped me lose weight:
Drink soups. Creamy, stringy, veggie-filled, warm, and nutritious soups (can you say I love soups)? Soups are great for dieting because they are generally healthy, high in vitamins and nutrients, and more easily digested. I know that when I drink soups, I don't have gas and never feel that bloated. Serve with a slice or two of French baguette for a light dinner.
Eat five small meals throughout the day. If you limit your calories to 1,500, you can have five meals of 300 calories evenly throughout the day.
By stocking up on vegetables and fruits, you can eat more for fewer calories, such as: For example, eat a 250-calorie muffin or large banana, a bowl of raisins, and a can of raisins (230 calories). Try to get your nutrient sources from low fat options. Instead of getting your calcium from whole milk, go for skimmed milk, yogurt, sardines, beans, and lentils.
Cut down on carbohydrates. Not exactly, but you should try not to eat more than 2 slices of bread a day. Try not to eat more than 2 bowls of rice a day (choose brown rice, it's more nutritious). Eliminate juices, sodas, and other sources of unnecessary sugar. Prepare meals so you can make informed decisions about what to eat
Here is an example of how I ate while on my diet:
6:00 am - a large banana and oatmeal with soy milk 9:00 a.m. - a bowl of raisins and 1/2 sardine sandwich (1 slice of wholemeal bread) 12:00 - a plate of white rice with sauteed chicken breast and vegetables. 3:00 p.m. - Celery, cucumber and carrot sticks with hummus and grilled salmon 6:00 p.m. - Carrot soup with coconut milk and a slice of French baguette
The scourge of my existence. Sorry I didn't come here with advice on the gym and lifting for a six pack. I do not know how. I can only say that if you want to lose weight, cardio helps a lot (in my experience).
Just do cardio every day. Here are some examples:
Swimming (30 minutes) Walking (more than 10,000 steps) Jogging (30 minutes) Skipping rope (15 minutes) Elliptical trainer (30 minutes) Stationary bike (30 minutes) Rowing (20 minutes) Sprint intervals (30 minutes) HIIT, high-intensity interval training I've lost most of my weight through jogging and rowing, and I used to jog for 30-60 minutes three times a week and go to the rowing club twice a week. Remember that every route to weight loss and to the body is different. Find out what works for you.
The key point is that you try to start cardiovascular exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and when you can increase the frequency and duration of the workouts.
General information
As I said, your journey is your journey. Do not compare your weight loss to anyone else's or try to rush the process. Think of it as a lifestyle change. A way to restore all of the unhealthy habits you have developed since you were born. Let it motivate you. Buy a goalkeeper you want to fit into and try on them regularly when you lose weight
That will be controversial. Weigh yourself once a month. Trust me. If you see this number drop after a month of hard work, you will feel a lot better. People who weigh themselves daily can base their diets and emotions on the number on the scales each day when weight loss is a combination of days and weeks of concerted effort.
Be nice to yourself; Allow yourself to make a mistake and start over. You have to give yourself love, not hate and harsh words. Like telling a child who has fallen off a bicycle that everything is okay and needs to try again, the same grace and understanding should be shown. Join a weight loss support group or a neighborhood walking group - having support can be very uplifting and can make friends Occupy. When you're busy, don't eat. The way I maintain my weight loss and not fall into bad habits is to keep busy. Horseback riding, ballet, reading, bowling, gardening, work. Do whatever you can, don't sit idle and you will subconsciously increase your activity and end up eating without thinking.
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I Used To Be Anxious
I used to have terrible anxiety. Throughout high school, I had panic attacks so severe I felt like I couldn’t breathe. At my worst, I would shut down, in tears, unable to take a deep breath, while my whole body shook. The pit in my stomach would get so heavy I was sure I would be sick. Sometimes, I did get sick.
Image credit: Antonioguillem/Adobe Stock
I remember the progression from being a nervous person to realizing I had anxiety, to being able to recognize I was having a panic attack. Yet, I didn’t even realize how bad it was because I was used to living with chronic pain. But when I was 16, I had a severe panic attack, severe enough that I finally thought to myself, “This is not normal, and I am not okay. I can’t live like this.” It was another two years before I fixed the root of the problem.
For two years after that debilitating panic attack, I would practice deep breathing, and on rare occasions, take an anxiety pill to try and help calm my nerves. Unfortunately, my endocrine system was so messed up, there wasn’t much I could do to quell the anxiety without fixing the root of the problem.
I also used to weigh 320 pounds. I woke up anxious; I went to bed anxious. Every moment of my life was full of anxiety. After graduating from high school, I began to learn about the endocrine system. I’ve learned how my toxic lifestyle (diet, prescription drugs, and poor sleep habits) caused my hormonal imbalance and was at the root of my anxiety and numerous other health problems. If you would like to take a deep dive into how hormones work and how to fix the endocrine system, check out the following article:
The endocrine system is the collection of glands and glandular organs that produce hormones to regulate metabolism, tissue function, growth and development (which includes repair), sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, the immune system, and more.
My anxiety was caused by two major things that were totally within my control:
Poor diet
Poor sleep
I’ve learned that my endocrine system was functioning so poorly because of my diet and poor sleep, which was also affected by my poor diet.
Diet is imperative to fixing the endocrine system and getting rid of anxiety. Just like with most everything else, it starts in the gut. When I eliminated refined sugars, gluten, and processed foods, I felt better within days. When I started eating a salad and drinking a gallon of cranberry lemonade every day, my life changed for the better, irrevocably.
We have an excellent article about the hormonal system that I urge anyone to read if they want to learn how to balance and heal the endocrine system. It goes into why diet is paramount to healing the gut, the endocrine system, and chronic illness in general:
As OLM always says, it starts with diet. Supplemental therapies are much more effective with a healthy diet, and for most people, the right diet is all they need. But there are plenty of people who do not have access to healthy foods, and there are many who have such a depleted endocrine system that the body is just plain going to need a lot of help.
Two months after fixing my diet, I decided to fast for a week. Within days my depression was back. I wasn’t as anxious as I had been, but the anxiety made it difficult to talk about how I was struggling. I had stopped eating vegetables, and I had stopped working out. I don’t think my gut was healthy enough for me to reap the benefits of fasting. A week later, the first thing I ate was a salad. I felt better immediately. As I incorporated exercise back into my life, my anxiety continued to fade.
I start to feel a little anxious when I don’t eat well enough as well as when I don’t take time to get enough sleep. When I say I’m not eating well I should be clear. My idea of junk food is stuff like homemade pesto with brown rice pasta, or organic brown rice chips with a chunk of goat cheddar cheese. Sometimes we make raw food chocolate pie or sourdough bread. While the average person wouldn’t notice any problems with these foods, and may even feel better compared to a typical diet, I get anxious when I eat wheat or pre-packaged processed “healthy” snack foods.
Throughout high school, I would regularly sleep between 12-14 hours a day. I would often joke with my friends about how much sleep I got. While they were on one end of the spectrum, pulling all-nighters, I was on the other end, sleeping as much as possible. None of us were healthy. I struggled with depression throughout high school. I was always exhausted, no matter how much I slept.
Fixing your sleep schedule can be difficult or impossible if you’re not taking care of yourself in other ways. I sleep well when I eat well. Exercise helps, too. When I mess up my sleep schedule (which doesn’t happen often, but it does happen), I find that exercise is the best way to help me get back on track. No matter how mentally tired I am at the end of the day, I can still have a hard time falling asleep if I don’t go for a run or work out in some other way.
I also find that having a set bedtime and wake-up time helps. I generally go to bed by 9:30 or 10:00 every night. My wake-up time is not yet as consistent. Sometimes I’m up at 6:00 am, but other times, if my REM sleep is off, or I’m working out very hard, I can sleep past 8. I’m almost always awake by 9.
I find that my sleep schedule and my endocrine system are intertwined. It can be a vicious cycle when things aren’t going well! An unhealthy endocrine system makes it difficult to impossible to fix one’s sleep schedule, and a messed up sleep schedule makes it difficult to impossible to have a healthy endocrine system.
I find it interesting to pay attention to what happens when I don’t get enough sleep, and I get to experiment with this regularly. I have friends in college who often aren’t ready or able to talk or hang out until 8:00 or 9:00 pm when I’m ready to go to bed. And sometimes I can’t help myself, and I find I’ve pulled all-nighters or had too many consecutive days running on 3-4 hours of sleep while sticking to my very healthy diet.
when I don’t get enough sleep, the first thing that happens, obviously, is exhaustion. I have a hard time focusing and I feel very drained. Then I notice the anxiety. I notice a small pit in my stomach at the thought of doing something I don’t want to do. Something as simple as going on a run when I don’t want to can cause a slight twinge of anxious nausea.
The longer I go without sleep the worse my anxiety gets. It goes from that small twinge of nausea to a constant knot in my stomach at the thought of the unknown. My heart rate will spike unnecessarily at any unease. Happy excitement can turn into anxiety very quickly.
After one all-nighter or 2 days with less than 6 hours of sleep, I notice the bags under my eyes. They’re faint. Someone who doesn’t know me might not even notice them, but they’re there. Shortly after the sun comes up, I can barely see the purple-blue hues beginning to appear under my eyes.
I also experience dizziness when standing up if I’m not getting enough sleep. Recently, for two weeks, I did not get nearly enough sleep and was alternating between all-nighters and getting a couple of hours of sleep a night. Every time I stood up I would get lightheaded. I nearly fainted twice. There are multiple factors that go into this, but I believe that had I been getting proper sleep, it wouldn’t have been a problem. Since correcting my sleep schedule, the issues have gone away.
I remember what it was like to have severe anxiety. I know how hard it can be to treat. I find that like almost all other things health related, it starts in the gut. Fixing anxiety can take time. My panic attacks went away within days of fixing my diet, but it took months of regular exercise and a healthy diet to fix my endocrine system enough to alleviate my anxiety completely.
The Effects of Anxiety on the Endocrine System
Anxiety disorders are linked to inflamed thyroid glands
10 Ways to Naturally Reduce Anxiety
I Used To Be Anxious was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
30 Tips to Lose Weight and Burn Fat
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1. Write down your goal
You need to have a goal to ensure that you recognize what you desire as well as what you are functioning towards, it will likewise keep you motivated. Specify with your objective as well as make certain it is measurable jot down specifically what you desire to accomplish and when you desire it by. You might desire to begin preparing for putting on a bikini, service increasing muscle tone or flattening your tummy, lose the mufifn top etc - if you need to shed fat or perhaps you wish to go down a couple of pounds, specify with the quantity put a number to the pounds you intend to lose as well as take your body dimensions so you can see your development as considering yourself doesn't constantly show your result, especially if you are acquiring muscle as well as toning up.
2. Reduce Stress
Stress boosts cortisol in your body as well as this can bring about weight gain, anxiety can additionally trigger you to really feel tired which might well quit you from functioning out, as well as it has likewise been recognized to cause some emotional eating. Exercise is a terrific way of minimizing stress and anxiety, it helps you clear your mind and also makes you really feel fantastic afterwards as when you exercise your body releases endorphins which are the body's all-natural feeling great chemicals as well as along with the release of serotonin, adrenaline as well as dopamine all these chemicals work with each other to make you feel excellent. You can likewise take a yoga class, meditate, check out a publication, anything that si going to aid you de stress as well as relax.
3. Cardio
The fastest way to burn that fat is by doing cardio exercise, anything that is mosting likely to elevate your heart beat as well as obtain you functioning your cardiovascular system will have you burning that fat extra rapidly. Go for a run, biking, a swim, grab a skipping rope and also miss in the yard or outside, or perhaps in your residence if you have adequate space. Sign up with a spinning course you will have that really felt melting away. You need to do some cardio 5 days a week to see the most effective results.
4. Strength Training
Grab those weights and start exercising those muscular tissues. Once you lose that fat you want to be toned as well as prepared to display all that effort. Exercising with weights and tightening those muscle mass will actually raise your metabolism which means you will certainly be burning off that fat even when you are unwinding and even sleeping.
5. Drink Water
Dehydration decreases the weight loss procedure. Your body requires water to work properly, you require to consume alcohol approx 2 litres daily however this can differ depending upon your weight, degree of activity, temperature as well as humidity. Consume alcohol routinely throughout the day. You can get your 2 litres by consuming alcohol various other liquids such as juice however keep in mind that juices can be high in calories. If you do not like water by itself try adding a lemon or lime slice.
6. Eat Healthy
This is mosting likely to be the major means of losing the fat. Your diet plan is one of the most vital bit. A healthy balanced diet plan is something that will keep your body functioning with all the nutrients it needs as well as you will find it will have favorable effect on the problem of your skin. The approximated ordinary everyday calorie requirement is 2000 for females as well as 2500 for men, this is simply a price quote and will rely on your age, weight, height, body composition as well as degrees of activity. Do not just decrease your calories as a means to drop weight as you will be reducing your metabolic process and encouraging your body to save even more of what you consume as it will certainly go into hunger mode.
7. Drink Green Tea
Green Tea consists of antioxidants called catechins that will assist your body burn fat according to the American Journal of Medical Nutrition.
8. Smaller sized dishes yet more of them
As long as you consume on a regular basis as well as have the amount of calories you require after that your body wont intend to save fat. If you skip meals or consume irregularly that's when you will discover your body's metabolism will certainly reduce down as well as start to keep extra as it wont know when it's following meal is mosting likely to be. As well as on the other hand if you consume a lot of calories than you burn your body will save the additional as fat. I locate it easier to consume 5 times a day and also have smaller sections for my primary meals as well as healthy treats in between. In this manner I don't locate myself with that said feeling throughout the mid morning or mid mid-day where I need something to maintain me going up until lunch break or supper and it would typically lead me to grabbing a chocolate bar or a few biscuits. 3 meals a day 5? It depends on you. Try it out and discover which functions finest for you.
9. Low GI foods
If you intend to snack then select foods with a low glycemic index as these will leave you feeling fuller for longer. They will assist avoid you grabbing a biscuit or chocolate bar throughout the day for that added increase of energy.
10. Stop the fizzy drinks
Fizzy drinks are extremely high in sugar and also I make sure you have checked out the amount of teaspoons of sugar there remain in each canister. Too much sugar will trigger your body to start keeping fat. When you take in sugar your body responds by raising it's blood glucose levels (sugar) this subsequently triggers the launch of insulin that's major purpose is to maintain your blood sugar at a consistent and also safe degree. If you are not burning that added glucose (which is what the body makes use of for power) and also your cells that use it are currently full then the body will certainly keep it elsewhere - in fat cells!
11. Decrease high sugar as well as fat material foods
There is no demand to eliminate whatever that you like, just remember to keep things in small amounts. A dessert after a dish or a delicious chocolate bar must be taken into consideration a reward. Remember your goal as well as assume about exactly how much added workout you will certainly need to do that day to burn the added calories included in that delicious chocolate bar or pack of chips. Be cautious of foods with trans fats which are not excellent for your body they can bring about weight gain and also have actually been linked to different health risks.
12. Eat Slowly
Your body takes time before it understands it is complete, if you are starving then do not consume your meal truly fast as you will certainly greater than likely over eat and also once you have ended up as well as waited 10 minutes you will certainly feel over full. Reduce down take your time and chew.
13. Drink when hungry
Sometimes we error our body's signals, dehydration can typically be misunderstood as cravings signals. Next time you are really feeling starving have a glass of water very first and see if that does the trick. Do not change food with water, you still require to consume a healthy and balanced and also balanced diet, however in some cases if you have eaten after that a little bit later you are hungry again maybe that you are dried out. Consume a glass of water before you eat.
14. Reduce Alcohol
Alcohol can be preventing you from burning off those extra lbs as it lowers your body's capacity to melt fat. When you drink alcohol your body will certainly utilize that initially as gas to burn. So whilst you are burning that alcohol you are not burning the fat.
15. Posture
By sitting and also standing with excellent pose you will be engaging your core muscle mass, these are right around your middle so your lower back, abdominals as well as obliques. Structure muscle raises your metabolic rate which indicates more calories being melted. Plus an added advantage by sitting as well as standing with good stance you will look slimmer than you would if you just slouched.
16. Pay attention to songs whilst functioning out
Listening to songs assists break the dullness of the exercise as well as maintains you motivated. It additionally lowers your regarded rate of fatigue and also improves your capacity to exercise for longer meaning you will certainly be burning that fat in no time.
17. Read food labels
You might be surprised at the number of calories some foods include. Simply because they state minimized fat, lowered sugar does not necessarily mean they are the most affordable in fat or sugar or healthiest choice. It's not just food labels you should check out either, make sure you examine the labels on what you drink.
18. Core Exercises
The Plank - this is a wonderful workout for your core and abdominals. As soon as you have disappeared that fat you intend to have actually a toned belly and this is one of my much-loved exercises that I have actually located works the most effective to attain that excellent looking stomach. There are various variations of the Plank so if essential you can begin at a simpler level and work your means approximately the more challenging levels.
19. Motivation
The finest method for you to burn off that fat is to adhere to your exercise as well as healthy consuming. Inspiration is what will certainly maintain you going, compensate yourself when you reach your goals. Maintain a record of your results (the quantity of inches or centimeters you are shedding) compose them down. Go attempt on some brand-new clothes and see just how much better they fit. Take a photo of on your own when you begin and also then every 4 weeks so you can compare the difference. When you begin to see outcomes that's what will keep you going.
20. Exercise Buddy
Sticking to a workout program can be much easier if you have somebody to do it with, it is harder to miss out on an exercise session if there is another person relying upon you to join them. Plus it can make it a lot more fun, if you don't have a person to comply with a program with then you could join a course. Circuit training is a great way to combine resistance training and cardio to get a great fat loss exercise. There are many other courses available that will certainly aid you reach your objectives find ones that you will certainly enjoy which obtain you a cardio or resistance exercise or both a these are the workouts that will have you dissolving the fat as well as burning off that weight.
21. Take the staircases, get off a quit early, park the automobile better away
You can burn added calories throughout the day than you usually would as well as in addition to your regular exercise program. When going anywhere take the stairways as opposed to the escalator or elevator. If you take public transport to function or when you head out purchasing then leave a quit previously and walk the remainder of the way, perhaps you might even cycle to work as opposed to taking a bus. If you do have to drive anywhere how about car park better far from the structure than you would typically to make sure that you need to stroll that little further. You will certainly be stunned how much all of it includes up and you will be burning that weight in no time.
22. Sleep
Get in your full 7-8 hours sleep per night to see to it you have enough power to make it through your day and keep your metabolic process from slowing down. A slow metabolism implies less calories being burned.
23. Reduce the Salt
Too much salt can cause water retention so be careful just how much salt you have. You might be consuming even more salt than you assume, check the tags on your foods. Do not add too much salt to your food preparation or on your food at a dining establishment as you may not understand how much the cook already added.
24. High Strength Period Training
Increase the strength your exercise at during your cardio session, if you are running then alternate between jogging as well as running. Do a 1 minutes jog, 1 minutes run, 1 minutes jog, 1 min run and so on. If you exercise in this manner you can lower the amount of time you do your cardio and also you will burn off even more calories than addressing a steady speed. You can do this for any of your cardio exercises.
25. Do Compound Exercises
A compound exercise that makes use of greater than one joint and muscular tissue team and means a lot more calories shed throughout exercise. Squats, lunges and deadlifts use your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes (the most effective means to a company and also perky butt), reduced back and also core. Raise and also upper body press utilizes your chest as well as triceps. Rows (seated, curved over row, one arm row) use your back as well as biceps. Shoulder press uses your shoulders and triceps.
26. Portion Control
Portion dimensions have actually enhanced over the past decade, beware you don't inadvertently overindulge by filling your plate with food, restaurants frequently dish out larger sections so just consume what you need. Dropping weight is concerning eating healthy as well as exercising. If you absorb a lot of calories than you shed off in a day these added calories will certainly be kept as fat.
27. Inspiration
For you to lose weight and melt the fat off fast you require to be committed to your goal. Everyone experiences days where they do not want to exercise or they fancy a pizza or just shed their energy to keep working at losing the weight. Well just how about providing yourself some motivation. Find picture of bodies that you would like to have, there are numerous out there on the net, interest, tumblr they are all terrific areas for inspiration. Locate a few picture, publish them out put them somewhere you can see them. It is not impossible to get healthy and fit and lose the muffin top or that extra weight it just takes dedication as well as effort. You will be rewarded for your effort.
28. Take your measurements
I stated this under establishing on your own an objective. There is nothing even more motivating for losing weight than seeing results and also the very best way to see exactly how your body is transforming is by seeing the inches leave. Procedure your hips, midsection as well as breast at the start and after that every 4 weeks. This is far better than weighing on your own as once you lose fat and also begin to gain muscular tissue the scales might disappoint much of a difference, this is due to you firming up those muscle mass as well as the old claiming goes that muscular tissue weighs more than fat. Although most of us recognize that weight is weight so if you have a 1ln of muscular tissue then a 1lb of fat is exactly the same, yes but the density of muscular tissue as well as fat are different so you can shed a 1lb of fat as well as place on a 1lb of muscular tissue however you will still be smaller sized in dimension as muscle mass is a lot a lot more dense than fat so takes up much less room.
29. Dance
Dancing is a fantastic type of cardio, you can either join a dancing class such as Zumba or simply dancing in your very own residence. You will certainly enjoy as well as that fat will certainly be burning off in no time.
30. Don't Give Up
If you miss out on a day of exercise don't quit, you have not stopped working, simply get back available and also begin once again the following day. It will be less complicated to return into it the quicker you start once again. Remember why you are doing it, remember your goal, look at the development you are making as well as maintain going.
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provenreview-blog · 4 years
ProVen [4 Reason to AVOID] Read Side Effects & Reviews
ProVen – The search for weight loss is a recurring problem for many people. Indeed, it is more than common to feel overweight. Many people have trouble with their image, which returns an appearance to which they do not identify. It can be very difficult to maintain good self-esteem when extra pounds start to accumulate. We all suffer at one point in our lives from too many kilos. 
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This is the subject on everyone’s lips, at home, at work, and at the beach. And although it is important to accept oneself as one is and to love one’s own body. Even if it is different from the image of “perfect” bodies presented on TV or in magazines. It is perfectly normal to want to lose those few pounds that bother us.
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To do so, the first advice of nutritionists is to pay attention to his diet. In fact, to lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle for a healthy body. It is very important to monitor your diet and bring in all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs. However, nowadays, foods are often of lower quality than before, and it can be complicated to fill up with vitamins that our body needs. It is for this reason that ProVen exists: to help you to consume these essential vitamins to the good functioning of your organism. This miracle product will allow you to lose weight effectively, in no time, without harming your health, allowing you a regular and lasting weight loss. Find out more about this miracle cure in this article, namely its effects, forum reviews, price, and where to buy it, you will not be disappointed!
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Introduction to ProVen:
ProVen is very beneficial to our body. It is even recommended by doctors to help with weight loss. It is an ally in all circumstances to lose those few extra pounds, without damaging your body with toxic substances harmful to the body. For this reason, we can expect that prices are higher than average, and it is not so. ProVen was developed by specialists who sought above all to help the greatest number, to make them benefit from the exceptional advantages of the product. Thus, its price is very reasonable and will be accessible to all budgets. In addition, via the official website of the brand ProVen, You can benefit from preferential offers, advantageous rates, and discounts when ordering. So you can refuel this magic remedy without breaking the bank!
In this way, ProVen is very different from other supplements that promise to make us lose weight. Indeed, instead of tiring our body by limiting its energy intake, ProVen nourishes the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning, which allows to keep it healthy throughout the diet. 
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In the same way, this product helps us to restore our food, by bringing to it the nutrients of which it misses. These nutrients and vitamins are themselves directly related to weight loss, since they act on the body by accelerating its metabolism, to quickly eliminate fat that could accumulate and turn into pounds too much. Similarly, they produce a feeling of satiety faster when you eat, allowing you to reduce the size of your meals, and avoid nibbling between them. You will be able to notice a significant and lasting loss of weight thanks to ProVen.
100% Natural Ingredients:
A natural composition that allows excellent efficiency, to ensure you have unparalleled efficiency, ProVen researchers have developed a product that uses only natural ingredients. It is very important when ingesting a tablet daily, to take into account the list of ingredients and to be certain that they are of natural origin. In this way, we ensure better effects on our health, as well as the prevention of side effects. Discover these natural components:
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Garcinia Cambogia: This plant is native to Southeast Asia and West Africa. She is known for her healing powers of many ailments, including Edema, constipation, and rheumatism. In addition to these effects, it also contains hydroxycitric acid, which helps lower cholesterol, helping to eliminate saturated fats faster. It is, therefore, a very interesting ingredient for weight loss because it helps to turn fat into energy to prevent it from accumulating in the body, and it also helps to give a feeling of satiety faster. In this way, you will need to eat less to feel full, and so you will stop snacking or nighttime cravings that can often be high in sugar.
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Ascophyllum Nodosum: This plant is also called black seaweed. It is highly appreciated for its extremely rich contributions it provides to the body, namely a large amount of fiber, minerals, and trace elements in their most natural form possible. Helps the body to fill the nutrients essential to its proper functioning and the elimination of fat. It is, therefore, a very effective plant to lose weight while taking care of his health.
Guarana Seeds: In turn, this plant is also very appreciated for the beneficial effects it has on our body. Indeed, it has a very interesting stimulating effect that speeds up the metabolism, in order to evacuate waste faster and thus prevent fat from accumulating. This is a very important effect to help with weight loss, the results of which are proven by many studies and used in many existing drugs such as ProVen.
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ProVen effects on your Body?
As you can see, the ingredients used in the composition of ProVen are excellent for your health and guarantee you lose weight while taking care of your body, thanks to their natural origin. Being careful to choose natural ingredients, ProVen effects will surprise you with their speed on your body. As you know, when you consume foods high in sugar or saturated fats, your body responds very poorly to these foods and fats are stored to impede the arteries, forming cholesterol that can be very dangerous for our body but doesn’t worry Thrive Society Keto also help you. It’s the same for sugar, which can be responsible for diabetes, another very harmful condition to our body. To be healthy, it is, therefore, more than necessary to pay attention to our diet.
Testimonials of ProVen
To get a better idea of ​​the effects of ProVen on your weight loss. The opinions of ProVen forum are a very good indicator. Let’s discover together their opinions on ProVen. What do consumers think? Let’s see below:
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After my pregnancy, I had a hard time losing the pounds taken for 9 months. I let myself go thinking that I will lose everything after pregnancy. However, this was not the case and I had a hard time accepting this new image of my body. I wanted to die without having to deprive myself and damage my body. It is for this reason that I turned to ProVen, reading the advice that advised him to lose weight smoothly. I am not disappointed with my purchase!! Almost I lost three pounds since I started the cure, and as far as I’m in good health and I do not miss anything. I recommend it!
Marie Weller, 36 Years Old
By force of excess, I had to undergo a heart intervention 3 years ago because of cholesterol impeding my arteries. As a result of this operation, I had to completely review my diet to reduce fats and sugar consumption. It’s not easy. To help me lose weight and get plenty of nutrients, my doctors recommended that I take ProVen. It’s been a few years since I consume very regularly, and I could not notice any side effects. Quite the contrary, I see only positive, and this is also the case of my doctors! My metabolism is faster, this helps me to eliminate harmful foods faster in my body and I’m also full of essential vitamins. It’s a real find that works every day!
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Richard Gilbert, 42 Years Old
I had a cumbersome weight for a few years now. Always had a few extra pounds, and I got used to my appearance, so after the holidays. I took a lot more weight than usual and I very badly priced this change of my body. I eat rather well, but I often have a very large hunger. Which tends to make me eat more than I normally need. It is for this reason that I was very intrigued by the satiating effects touted by the consumption of ProVen. After a few weeks of taking regular, I already see significant changes in my diet! I eat much less than before, I manage to regulate my hunger and my appetite, which is a real change. I don’t question the viability of this product.
Clifford Coleman, 27 Years Old
Where to buy?
All that remains for you now is to place an order to start using ProVen as soon as possible. To do so, many consumers ask themselves the same question, namely, “I dream of testing ProVen, Where to buy it? What is the best way to get one? “. To answer this question, we must first advise against placing your order on Amazon. Indeed, it is on this site that you can very easily get ripped off and receive a product of very poor quality. It is therefore very important to go through the official website of ProVen. On which you will also find many offers on the product. It is on this site that you will guarantee the authenticity of the product. Its lowest price, excellent customer service, and very fast delivery. All you have to do is order!
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In addition to these great effects, you can get ProVen cheaply on the official website of the product. You can benefit from the lowest prices and fill up with supplements to multiply its effects over time. Remember that to lose weight, the answer often comes from the diet, and ProVen will help you to improve it. This is one of the best supplements available on the market today. Do not hesitate, ProVen is for you!
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Final Verdict:
As we have seen, ProVen is a supplement that will have many positive effects on your health in your search for weight loss. At first, it is good to remember that this is not a product that will lose weight in a very short time. Because ProVen respects the metabolism of your body and does not damage it. Its natural composition allows exceptional effects. Which ensure its effectiveness over time, allowing you to not regain weight when your cure ends.
You will notice its satiating effects that will allow you to reduce the size of your meals. And avoid nibbling between them, these unnecessary snacks are often very rich in fat and sugar. ProVen will help you set up a healthy and balanced diet for every day. So you can lose weight smoothly and avoid side effects on your body. Your metabolism will also be stimulated and accelerated. Allowing you to eliminate waste faster so that they do not remain stagnant in your body.
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Shaky Hands - Whumptober 2019 No.1
I’m trying to do Whumptober this year! We’ll see what happens. I know I’m trying to work on a lot of other things right now, so please be patient with me! 
I want to start a tag list, so If you want to be tagged send me an ask! 
Read on Ao3 Here
The last 164 hours had been hell for Tony. The inventor felt like he had been on a roller coaster that had an infinite amount of twists and turns and was fueled by pure panic. In that time the man had hardly slept, hardly eaten, and definitely hadn’t showered. But none of that mattered because his children were missing.
They had been taken nearly a week ago. Ambushed as Happy escorted them to Central Park. Morgan had been begging to go back to the city. The young girl had been a few weeks prior and had fallen in love with the large park. There were so many dogs for her to make friends with and she loved the wooded paths and quiet coves that could be found in the park. Not to mention the giant squirrels that would beg for snacks. Of course Tony and Pepper were too busy to make another trip back right away, so when Peter offered to take the girl after school, the family jumped at the opportunity.
Peter and Morgan had been almost inseparable since the events of the second snap. From the first time Peter came to the lake house, Morgan was glued to his hip. She had to spend as much time with her “big brother” as she possibly could.
“I know you can handle yourself Pete, but I’ll have Happy drive you guys there. Just in case anything happens,” Tony remembers saying to the teen. There had been an eye roll, but a smile as Peter reluctantly agreed. That was the night before everything went to shit.
At four o’clock in the afternoon, on a Friday, as the three were driving from Midtown High to Central Park, the car had been ambushed. The car was totaled, Happy incapacitated and the children taken. It was an unnamed group that Tony had no information about. They didn’t contact the billionaire about ransom or any sort of bargain. They were just gone.
Of course Tony tried to track Peter’s phone, watch, and suit. He was sure the kid had the suit in his backpack, and Peter never went anywhere without his technology. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that both the watch and the phone must have been destroyed.
Two days passed with no new information coming in. It honestly felt like the two kids had just fallen off the face of the earth, and Tony felt hopeless. And then suddenly, at three in the morning on the third day, Tony got a call.
“Boss, I have a call from an unknown number,” Friday called out, pulling Tony from his stupor. “It seems to be Mr. Parker,” she added. And oh hell did that wake Tony up.
“Answer it Friday,” Tony commanded, his heart jumping into his chest as he sat up from his desk. “Now.” The line was silent for a moment and Tony wondered if his AI had actually followed his directions before a voice sounded over the line.
“Mr. Stark?” A voice called out. It was unmistakably Peter.
“Kid,” Tony choked out. “Are you okay? Is Morgan with you?” He asked, his heart rate elevating as he spoke.
“I’m okay. I mean, we’re okay,” Peter corrected as he spoke. His voice was light, and slightly airy as he spoke. He seemed to be out of breath. “Morgan’s okay. She’s scared, but she’s fine,” Peter continued, trying to put the father’s mind at ease just a bit. But before Tony could respond, Peter was talking again. “Look Mr. Stark. I don’t have much time to talk. I stopped them, for now. But they’re going to get us again if Morgan and I don’t move. I don’t know where we are. I-I think they did something to my suit, because Karen says her signal is being blocked. All I know is that we’re somewhere west. Maybe Montana? I don’t know,” the teenager explained, his voice increasing in speed as he spoke.
“Peter listen,” Tony interrupted. “Just stay put and-”
“No Mr. Stark. I’m sorry but that’s not an option,” Peter quickly interjected. “Look, I was just calling to let you know we’re okay. We gotta’ go. Please hurry and find us,” Peter stammered, and before Tony knew it, the phone connection was lost.
That was four days ago. Tony had tracked down the signal from the phone Peter had used. It had come from a base in the middle of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness in Idaho. A collection of small buildings in the middle of the wilderness is what Tony found, in addition to a helicopter landing pad. From there it was easy to track down the people that had taken Peter and Morgan, and even though he had them in custody, he still didn’t know where his children were.
Selway was a large area. With almost 1.3 million acres of land to search though, and an enhanced teenager with four days of travel time, the two could honestly be anywhere. Tony knew that Peter would do everything in his power to make sure that Morgan was safe and as comfortable as possible, but it still didn’t ease his worry. Because they had to go up against Mother Nature, and she was unforgiving.
There were massive search parties all throughout the wilderness. A local search comprised of Natasha, Bucky, May, police, rangers, and volunteers searched the ground while Tony, Pepper, Rhody and Sam searched from the skies. During that time, temperatures dropped below freezing and it rained. And as the hours ticked by, the more Tony was expecting to find bodies. Oh God if they could at least find bodies.
And then, nearly a week after the two had disappeared, Tony heard the words he had been desperate to hear.
“I found them,” Bucky’s voice cut through the coms, making Tony come to a halt mid-flight. All he could do was hover because...had he actually heard right? “Tony, Pepper I found them. They’re alive. I’m sending you and evac. my coordinates,” The soldier said, as a dot appeared in Tony’s Heads-Up Display.
“Is Morgan okay? Peter?” Pepper quickly asked.
“Morgan’s awake. She’s a little scratched up, and she seems to be sick, but she’s okay,” Bucky explained.
“And Peter?” Tony asked again as he changed his flight path to meet up with the soldier.
“He alive Tony, but he’s in a bad way,” Bucky said, his voice heavy as he spoke.
When Tony arrived on the scene, Pepper was already there. She was out of the rescue suit and holding their small daughter up against her chest as she cried into her hair. Morgan was audibly crying as well, and as Tony got closer, he realized that she was wearing Peter’s Spider-Man suit. It was too large for her. The over sized arms and legs swallowed her form and made her look even smaller than she actually was.
“Daddy,” Morgan wailed as the inventor got closer. Suddenly the girl was shifting in her mother’s grasp before she was transferred to Tony’s arms. Now that he was holding her, he realized that the suit she was wearing was stuffed with dead leaves and dried grass. “D-daddy. Petey. He won’t wake up,” the young girl stammered, her voice rough as she spoke. The signs of a cold.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. We’re here now baby. Peter’s going to be fine,” Tony soothed as he placed a kiss on the top of his daughter’s head. And while he said that, Tony just prayed that he wasn’t wrong. He hadn’t even seen the boy yet.
After scanning the area around him, Tony’s eyes landed on Bucky who was kneeling down next to the boy as he laid on the forest floor. He looked sick, that was for sure. His skin was pale and dark circles were underneath his eyes. He looked absolutely exhausted. After giving a single kiss to Morgan’s head, he gave the girl back to her mother before making his way towards the teen.
“He’s got a dangerously weak pulse,” Bucky muttered as he pulled away his flesh hand from Peter’s neck. All Tony could do was drop down beside the soldier, his hands ghosting over the boy’s body, but not daring to touch it.
“How did you find them?” Tony asked, his voice weak.
“I broke off from the group, going through some terrain that the other couldn’t do on their own. I heard Morgan crying though. I found them here, huddled under the tree,” Bucky said as he surveyed the space around him. “Peter had pulled  a bunch of branches and foliage over them. If It wouldn't have been for Morgan making noise, I probably would have walked right past them,” Bucky explained.
Once back in safe arms, the two children were taken to the nearest hospital. Morgan had a nasty cold and was suffering from an intestinal infection from drinking contaminated water. The Spider-Man suit she wore was completely ruined with her own mess, but when they peeled it off of here, Tony was shocked to see she was wearing another layer of Peter’s clothing underneath, and that the heater from the suit was still running. In fact, without the heater running, it was determined that Morgan probably wouldn't have survived the ordeal. Peter on the other hand was another story.
The boy was suffering from an intestinal infection as well and that had caused him to be severely dehydrated. To make matters worse, it was clear that the two had not eaten much. Morgan was showing signs of malnutrition while Peter looked like he had been severely starved. And Tony knew that Peter’s crazy metabolism did nothing to help the situation. So with dehydration, exhaustion, starvation, and no warm clothing, it was no surprise to find out that Peter had hypothermia.
It had been a few hours since the two had been brought back to civilization, and Tony found himself sitting at Peter’s bedside. The lights were off and the only thing illuminating the room was the glow from the monitors in Peter’s room, and Tony’s phone. The inventor knew that while Karen’s signal had been jammed, she had been functional the entire time. And that meant that she was recording, both audio and visually.
In all honesty, Tony didn’t want to listen to what happened while his children were out in the wilderness, fighting for their lives, but he had to know what happened. So that’s how he found himself slipping on a single earbud to listen and watch what had happened those missing seven days.
“Karen, baby monitor protocol. The first time stamp after they were taken,” Tony instructs, and the screen flickers to life.
Peter’s wearing the suit. It’s clear that he is swinging through the dense forest, but Tony can tell that the boy is struggling to keep his momentum up.
“Peter, I’m scared,” A small voice cries out, and after a moment Tony realizes that Peter is swinging with only one arm while carrying Morgan in the other.
“I know Momo, I know,” Peter soothes, his voice tight as he takes in a labored breath. “But we got to keep moving. We got to get as far away from those bad people as possible.” Peter explained.
“But where are we going?” the girl demanded.
“I don’t know Mo,” Peter says, and Tony swears he’s never heard Peter sound so sad. “But dad is going to find us okay? He knows where to look now.”
After forwarding through the footage, Tony watches as Peter approaches his daughter. The young girl is sitting on a log as rain soaks through their clothing. Her face is red as tears mix with the rain as it runs down her face.
“Here Mo,” Peter says as he lifts the mask from his face, and suddenly the camera angle is obscured. “This will keep your ears warm,” and in another moment the camera is fixed and Tony realizes that Peter had placed the mask on Morgan’s head.
For most of the video he has been able to see Morgan, but now he gets a good look at the teenager. He looks wrecked. It is so clear that the boy is sick and running on empty, and in these snippets alone, Tony has to wonder how the kid managed to last a few more days from this point.
“There’s a heater in this,” Peter explains to the girl and suddenly he is taking his Spider-Man suit off of his body and putting it on the small girl. “Don’t take this off, no matter what,” Peter says, helping the girl adjust the suit.
From there Tony watches the hours go by in fast forward. Peter has his backpack with him and  suddenly he pulls out a hoodie and sweats. Tony thinks that maybe the kid will put them on himself, only to remember that they had found Morgan wearing the clothing. About a day later Peter then stuffs the leaves and grass in between the suit and clothing to keep the young girl insulated.
Of course they continue to move. They don’t eat much, But with Morgan wearing the mask, Tony can see that Peter is doing is best to scavenge for some sort of meal for Morgan. It’s mostly berries and plants. And when they come along a stream, Peter somehow is able to catch fish. Of course the little girl opposes most of the sustenance Peter offers her, but after begging her to eat, Morgan gives in. She’s starving after all.
In one video Peter is kneeling in front of her, holding on to a piece of raw fish. It’s chunky and sloppily cleaned, with scales still stuck to the meat, but it’s obvious that Peter has worked hard to make it appetizing for Morgan. Tony can hear his daughter crying in the background as he watches Peter sitting in front of her. He can tell how spent Peter is based on how bad his hands are shaking. Maybe he’s shaking because he’s so cold, or maybe he’s hungry and tired. Tony can’t tell because each could be a possibility.
“Morgan, Please,” Peter begs, his own tears falling down his cheeks as he pleads with the child in front of him. “I know you’re hungry, and I know it doesn’t taste good, but you have to eat for me. Please,” Peter begs, tremors shaking through his hands and causing the piece of fish to vibrate. “If you want to see Mom and Dad again, you have to eat,” Peter instructs, only to get more shrieks of protest in return.
Tony continues to watch various videos that are similar to the ones he’s seen before. That, and the two just sitting in one place, waiting. By the time it gets close to the sixth day, the two hardly move. Morgan is uncharacteristically quiet as she huddles against Peter. At some point Peter takes Morgan underneath a tree and begins pulling in larger tree limbs with the leaves till on them and begins to make a cover for them. From there he pulls in nearby foliage until the two are completely covered. Peter then take’s Morgan and lays her down under their cover before wrapping his body around the girl to give her more warmth. And they just lay there, for hours.
“Mr. Sark’,” Peter slurs over the recording. Morgan still has the mask wrapped over the top of her head, so Tony can’t see much, but he’s surprised to hear the teen speak after so much silence. He’s slurring his speech though, and Tony’s heart only sinks because he knows that those are the symptoms of hypothermia that is taking over Peter.
“Mr. Sark’,” Peter stammered again as a sob wracks through Peter’s chest, and suddenly the boy is crying, yet still not waking the girl who sleeps next to him. Without any warning the mask his pulled from where it sits and the imagine begins to shake. Peter is holding the mask and now Tony can tell that he’s shaking violently. “M’ Sorry. I don’t think we’re going to make it. I-I tried so hard. I’m so sorry Morg’n got taken. It-it’s all my fault. An’ n-now we’re going to die here,” Peter sobbed. “I love you. Both you and Morgan and Pepper. And I’m so sorry this happened. It’s my fault Mr. Sark’. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” Peter began to chant. Slowly Peter just began to blubber nonsense and Tony’s heart broke as he listened to his kid fall apart.
“Oh Peter,” Tony muttered as he paused the video before his eyes flickered up to the boy who lay in front of him. He looked so fragile as he was hooked up to more machines than Tony liked. He looked like he would break by just looking at him, but Peter was here. He had been through hell and back, all to make sure that Tony’s daughter survived. Leaning forward, Tony took hold of Peter’s hand and squeezed gently. Tears began to build at the corners of Tony’s eyes and suddenly the man was breaking down.
“God. Peter I thought I had lost you. Both of you,” Tony whispered as he covered his face with his free hand. “I-I love you too bud,” Tony gasped, suddenly wishing that he had told the kid that more often. “You- You did so good Pete. I can’t thank you enough. You did so good. Thank you,” Tony cried, squeezing the boy’s hand one more time.
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nakedecon · 6 years
diet that actually works
alright everyone. i'm about to share with you a diet that is super easy to stick to and actually yields results.
now, just a disclaimer, this may not be as fast/extreme as some of you would like, but i can guarantee you all that this pace allows you to be consistent and prevents you from constantly falling into a binge cycle.
within a month of starting this meal plan, i have lost 13lbs. that is an average of 3.5lbs a week.
average daily intake: 800 calories
EVERY morning, i drink a profast chocolate shake. they're sold at a local metabolic weight loss center, and they are admittedly pricey, but they are definitely worth it. if you can find a similar/cheaper substitute, even better.
i also ALWAYS drink coffee with a packet of splenda and .25-.5 cup of cashew milk. the foods you eat on this diet are pretty limited so i need my caffeine in the morning, as well as some fat to keep me satiated.
profast shake: 100 calories, 7g carbs, 1.5g fat, 15g protein
1-2 cups of coffee: 20 calories, 3g carbs, 1g fat, .5g protein
for school, i only pack one thing: a very, very basic salad. it encourages me to stick to smaller portion sizes and it also relieves my growling stomach at just the right time of day. if i ever am feeling weak/faint, i will pick up leftover scraps/snacks from my friends and classmates.
chopped romaine (2 cups): 16 calories, 3.2g carbs, .2g fat, 0g protein *2g dietary fiber*
grilled chicken breast (1 oz): 53 calories, 0g carbs, 2.1g fat, 8g protein
sliced cucumber (.5 cup): 8 calories, 1.9g carbs, 0g fat, .3g protein
lite ken's balsamic vinegrette (2 tbsp): 60 calories, 3g carbs, 4.5g fat, 0g protein
it really is essential to have some source of protein—i have struggled for years to implement a plant-based diet in my household. given that i'm an 18 year old living with my parents, i really did not get much of a say in dinner selection. a meat protein, however, has the ideal macronutrients ratio for this diet, and also will keep you the most full throughout the day while also repairing your muscles after heavy workouts.
while you also may assume that you can go without the salad dressing, please know that the dressing often times contains your highest amount of fat for the day. as i'm sure you know, you will be very constipated during this diet and i suggest sticking to natural means of achieving bowel movements—so stick to coffee and keep this portion of fat in your diet.
i am very privileged to have a mother willing to work with me on this diet, and i am very grateful for the work she puts into preparing my dinners. while we do switch up the dinner menu every night to avoid monotony, it is ALWAYS a vegetable paired with a meat protein.
typical vegetables: broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, zucchini, brussels sprouts
typical proteins: chicken, salmon, turkey, pork tenderloin
i try to eat as early in the evening as possible, around 6:30pm, so my body has plenty of time to digest and also burn off any additional calories before i go to bed. to avoid late night snacking, i focus on homework or watch youtube videos, specifically mukbangs or 10,000 calorie challenges. if i really cannot resist the urge, my go-to treat is 1 outshine fruit popsicle. the no sugar ones are 25 calories and they're just the right size to satisfy me. it also makes me think that i'm cheating on the diet, so having just one is enough to keep me from going back.
this is so important for this diet, and i definitely credit it for speeding up my weight loss process. even as someone undoubtedly suffering from body dysmorphia, i am starting to see positive changes in my physical state. my legs are slimmer and have more defined contours, showing off my muscles. my stomach is MUCH flatter than i was at my starting weight, and my hipbones actually protrude out.
i play lacrosse for my school, meaning i exercise roughly 4-5 days a week. practice extends for 2 hours, while games last 50 min, plus our 1 hour warm-ups.
i'm definitely not saying you NEED to pick up a sport in order to do well, but i am telling you that being obligated to teammates and a coach really pushes me to workout every weekday, and prevents me from excusing myself from exercising.
before practice every day, our team runs 1 mile together, with the average pace being 6.5mph. at my weight, 150lbs, that burns me roughly 100 calories.
during actual practice, we do a lot of jogging/sprinting throughout all of the drills, but we also wait in lineups and whatnot, so when i calculate my burned calories in myfitnesspal, i always underestimate the time of my workout. instead of logging 2 hours of lacrosse, i typically log 35 minutes, which burns 320 calories for me. i'd rather underestimate than overestimate.
for those of you that are not committed to a sport: i highly recommend purchasing the p90x package. once my lacrosse season ends, i will be turning to that as my form of exercise. p90x provides a great workout plan for those who are specifically looking to become lean, rather than bulky, while still building defined muscle. i'm pretty sure the average p90x workout burns around 450 calories, and if you pair that with a mile run, that'll give you a total of -550 calories a day.
PLEASE do not skip this aspect of the diet— if you think you can just create a calorie deficit without implementing some form of exercise and strength training, you are not going to get the results that you want. yes, you will lose weight. but that weight will be a combination of fat AND muscle.
the more muscle you have, the higher your BMR is, simply because it requires more energy to maintain muscle than fat. in addition, having muscle will make you look much more toned rather than flabby/one-dimensional. i promise you that you will not bulk up like a body-builder if you eat protein or workout. instead, you're going to achieve a flat stomach/abs and toned arms/legs. the only way you would bulk up is if you eat a caloric surplus, so you have nothing to worry about.
cut out oils. this is so so important— oils contain way too much fat and way too many calories. your body needs to be using the fat it already has for energy, not new sources of fat that you put into your body
the macronutrients ratio: 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates, 20% fat. you want to really boost your protein intake in order to repair your muscles after working out. carbohydrates also provide your body easily-accessible energy, but a majority of those carbs should come from vegetables.
NO fruit. fruit contains way too much sugar and while they do contain fiber, you can do without them.
NO grains. grains, such as pasta and bread, are extremely high in calories and, honestly, do not really keep you full. i understand eating a bagel right before an extreme workout in order to get some energy, but grains really do not provide much sustenance and i highly suggest you do not indulge.
gastrointestinal issues. yes, you are going to be constipated. stick to coffee and the salad dressing as natural laxatives, but if you NEED a bowel movement, consider drinking smooth move tea. or milk of magnesia. and a TON of water. as someone who often suffers from painful bloating, i recommend buying gasx chewables— they are so relieving and they actually taste like candy, without having any calories.
buy a lifewater. lifewater is my saving grace. by purchasing a 1L bottle, it encourages me to drink SO much water throughout the day. i normally keep it room temperature and i end up drinking over 3L within 24 hours, and i am TERRIBLE at reminding myself to hydrate. water is so so important for this diet, especially if you are working out often. it also encourages more bowel movements and prevents your body from retaining too much water.
avoiding a binge. i actually keep a list of foods in my notes app. it features a ton of meals/snacks that i am dying to indulge in. for some reason, it helps me. also, try to remind yourself that the primitive part of your brain is fueling your irrational cravings, but your advanced brain is control of your motor functions. YOU are in control of whether or not you grab snacks and feed yourself, NOT your cravings.
feel free to send me any messages if you have any questions! hope this works for you all!
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ketoplex-diet-blog · 5 years
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KetoPlex Diet According the Herbalife plan you simply drink two shakes a day, you can have two snacks a day, you have a sensible meal, and then you take three vitamin supplements per day. You will likely need to visit your doctor for checkups throughout the following year. The combination of fast food and ready cash is one major reason for America's teenage obesity epidemic. Both of these conditions is terrible for your health and that is not something that you want to hear when you are looking to live a long life free from any health problems.
Unfortunately, weight loss is not something that happens overnight! I love to share with - well, okay, anyone who will listen - that there is a way that each of us overweight, obese, or fat women can gain this understanding and learn to love herself large as I did. Make sure you discuss this with your doctor before you receive treatment or undergo any procedure.
You've probably tried a number of diets so you probably know how that works. As a matter of fact, one of my friends joined one of those programs, catered for those who wish to lose weight without too much fuss, and touted to make participants lose weight - at least 20 to 30 pounds within weeks. It not only speeds up your metabolism naturally weight loss but it also detoxes your body of any toxins. It often happens that businessmen or students are too busy in their routine to follow a diet plan or go for exercising. In closing, make sure your cat has been inoculated for illnesses associated with cats.
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Keto Plex Diet If you consider every skinny person, model and body builder you have seen, they do exercise in the morning for this sole purpose, to kick the metabolism and fat burning. Dieting and stress usually goes hand and hand but it does not have to be that way with a comfortable program that really works. Stubborn belly fat is the biggest weight-related complaint among most people who are trying to lose weight and it is the topic of numerous TV specials, magazine articles and books and products that claim to banish the unsightly bulge!
Drinking water is an obvious weight-loss suggestion, but did you know it can also affect your appetite at mealtime? Although they are not directly linked to weight loss, the toxins are washed away by drinking enough water so that we can run an extra mile on the treadmill. Eating fruits and vegetables in their raw form also helps in cutting calories.
Well if you are looking to jumpstart your weight loss and are looking to lose 9 pounds in 11 days without starving yourself then here is a plan for you. Foods that give you that full feeling are things that have protein, like fish. It actually helps tone the dermis to make it less susceptible to wrinkles.
Saunas also relieve a lot of muscle and joint pain, as in cases of fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms include sluggishness, dehydration and excessive shedding. So, would it not make perfect sense to develop a weight loss program that is 90% mental? Vitamin D can also be found in foods such as cod liver, eggs and animal fat. That's the part that really counts in the end... getting rid of the excess fat.
There are many ways in which people can succeed in weight loss. Would you rather not live a long life that does not mean years of fighting off diseases and constantly worrying about your health? Simply burn more calories than you're taking in, and you'll be on your way to a slimmer body. In order to have the most effective strategy to lose weight, here are some useful losing weight tips.
Click Here:- http://amazon4expert.org/ketoplex/
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Survey #229
“goddamn, need some help, ‘cuz my girlfriend’s in love with someone else.”
What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? Idk. I don't watch TV. Are you currently sitting on your bed or some other place? Where? I'm lying in my bed. Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house? What kind? No. When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? Today/technically yesterday but w/e. My school offers it free, but the connection isn't strong. Do you know anyone who is on drugs? Are you personally on them? I mean, I know people with prescriptions of course. If you mean illicit drugs, yes. I don't take them. Name one interesting fact about yourself that people might not know about? Uhhhh I used to be a dancer. Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it, or not? Oh yeah, I don't even have my own phone number memorized. Who was the last person you talked to on an instant messaging service? Hm. Oh, Facebook says the friend of my sister whose wedding I shot. I did it like, two or three or so years ago and she wanted to know if I had the raw photos I took, and I'd literally JUST cleaned out my OneDrive a couple days ago, so they were deleted. Talk about bad timing. What color are your curtains? Are you satisfied with this color? Maroon. Yeah. Does your phone have texting? How many times a day do you text, estimate? Yeah, and I don't have a clue. Sara and I generally text all throughout the day. When was the last time you were stung by a bee? What kind was it? Uhhh over a year ago or something. Was the only time. It was just a bumblebee. Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? Yes. Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? Ohhhh, I'm sure it could get even worse. Who would you consider to be your favorite American Idol on the show? I've watched so little of that show. Do you know anyone who has their septum pierced? Does it look painful? I know two, off the top of my head. And I mean, a piercing is a needle shoved into your skin. It's obviously painful to a degree. I'd imagine the septum to be more painful than a lot considering the thick cartilage. Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing? Did you believe them? Yeah, and I dunno. I don't generally like my singing voice, but I think I sing some songs okay. Do you know someone who constantly tries to embarrass you on all occasions? Omg no, I could never handle someone like that with how poorly I handle embarrassment. Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain? Did it seem romantic at the time? Yeah, and I guess, only really because it's an "accepted" thing as romantic. Something you're taught young. What is one part on your body that hurts at this moment, if anything? Nothing, at the moment. What was the last song you listened to? Did you enjoy this song? This metal medley I adore of Shadow of the Colossus pieces is on rn. What is your heritage? Do you have a bunch of mixed heritages? German, Irish, and Polish. When was the last time you listened to a genre of you music you despise? I didn't really *listen* to it, but some ass was blaring his rap music in FYS today. Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? NO, do NOT. That shit is noooot a joke. People have died. Do you ever countdown to anything? Not really, at least not seriously. Who was the last person to visit your house besides family? A friend of mine and Mom's, Randy. My rat Mitsu apparently fell or something, and her teeth were knocked crooked, and they became grossly overgrown and had to be clipped. He works at a wildlife rehab clinic and is overall just real experienced with animals. It was so awful though, seeing her like that. He's coming over about once a month now to keep them clipped; he's quite sure she has... damn, what was it? Metabolic bone disease (very common in rats), I think, that will push her teeth to keep growing. I can't remember exactly what he said, but. Are you allowed to watch rated R movies? I'm... nearing 24, lmao. How many bedrooms are in your house? Two. Do you see more of your mom or dad’s side of the family more? Mom's. I see both very rarely since they live states away, but yeah, Mom's. I haven't seen anyone in Dad's fam since I was a little kid. Are there any tattoos that you really want to get? lol got a few hours to talk? Do you really believe that everyone has a soul mate? Definitely not. You are compatible with sooooo many people. Do alligators scare you? I mean I wouldn't walk in front of one or anything, but as animals themselves, no. I think they're cool as fuck. Dinosaurs, man. Do you have abs? *ugly wheezing laughter* Have you ever been in detention? Twice I think, but only for too many tardies arriving at school. Do you believe in vampires? Uh no. Can you play the guitar? Not anymore. Have you ever kissed someone while they were dating someone else? Wow, no. Do you like hot dogs? Sadly. Are glasses a turn on or turn off for you? I don't care. Do you have a hot tub? Darling we poor. Would you ever try one of those dating websites? I like to pretend that one time NEVER fucking happened. I very much doubt I would again. Do you like to be tickled? Ew no don't. When’s the last time you flew a kite? Not since I was little. Do you ever take a bath and eat food at the same time? ... Does anyone do that?? Do you hate long surveys? No, I prefer them. I just do them over time. Gives me something to do... and I also don't spam where I share them. Do you like the taste of blood? UM no. Has anyone ever given you flowers? Yeah. When was the last time you swam in a lake? Wowie, I couldn't possibly guess. Who was the first friend you made in Junior High? That's a good question. Maybe Hannia? If you could learn any language, what would it be? GERMAN. I wanna be fluent. When was the last time someone asked you your age? Uhhh idk. Have you ever been on a train? No. Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you? No, but one girl literally told me she almost punched me. I used to hate her more than anyone in the world because she's Jason's ex and really hurt him, and yet now we're friends, lmao. Oh, how things can change. When was the last time you were angry? Last night because my headache wouldn't fuck off. What’s your worst subject in school? Math. I'm failing like, badly. What’s your favorite genre of music? Metal. Have you ever been called too skinny? OH MOST DEFINITELY NOT. Do you prefer analog or digital clocks? Analog clocks are way more aesthetically pleasing, but digital are more convenient. Do you have any stickers decorating your computer? Bruh I have tape, get on my fckng level. Tell me about the last nightmare you remember having. It was about seeing my grandma, who's really beginning to suffer from her chemo. What snacks do you usually get at the cinemas? Popcorn and a drink, then rarely a candy. Usually Sour Patch Kids. What scent is the deodorant you use? That's. A good question. I haven't payed attention. What did you last receive in the mail? The book Sara sent me. What is your favorite kind of fruit? Strawberries. How far away do you live from your place of birth? Like... 10-ish minutes? Have you ever been in a police car? Only when being transferred from the ER to psyche hospitals. How do you mark through your word search puzzles? I draw a line through them. Or circle them. Depends on the font and size, really. Have you ever sewn something? Idk how to sew. Name a CD you have or one you would like to have. Ha ha, the very first CD I personally bought was the "You're Awful, I Love You" album by Ludo. When I knew like, only three songs, ahaha. Have you ever watched an episode of Barney? I loved him as a kid, so, y'know. Can you name more than five U.S. presidents? Yeah, but I definitely don't know a lot. Are any of your neighbors’ yards in desperate need of a grass cutting? No. Do you still have your tonsils? Yessir. What does your mother’s wallet look like? What about your dad’s? Idk. I don't pay attention to Mom's and I very rarely see Dad. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom and one of my school advisors. And people who walked into the library. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? He may still want to be, idk. It doesn't matter though. Does your ex hate you? The only ex I have that I think might is Jason. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to? Girt. Does anyone call you babe? Sara sometimes. Is your school’s mascot an animal? Yes. All my schools' were, lol. What would happen if you were stuck in an elevator with the person you’ve fallen the hardest for? I don't want to imagine it. Do you think that hair extensions and colored contacts make a person fake? Oh my god. Where do your hands go during kissing? I mean that. Depends. Generally just around a person's sides. Conservative or liberal? I'm such a mix. Do you have unlimited texting? Ye. Were you ever in the spelling bee? Never been a part of one. Do you dress suggestively? No. A very explicit song you’ve listened to recently? Ahaha, "Love Rhymes With Fuck You" by Jeffree Star is on right now and it is. Intense. When did you last see someone you know in public? Errrrr good question. Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? Hell no. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? The meerkat RP I've done since I was 10. My friends and I have made novels upon novels worth of stories. Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No. Are you an impatient person? YEP!!!!!!!!! Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? Friends, no. It's awkward with family, though. Who sings the last song you listened to? Jeffree Star. Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? No, other than being a blind mfkr. Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? Yes. Don't have one as I don't really care for it. Do you have sensitive teeth? Yes. Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? Nah. And I mean at the dentist they numb you, so not really. When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? I have no clue. Does anyone ever say they miss you often? Sara. I mean we talk all the time, but she means like, physically being there. Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? Idk. I like vampires more, but a wizard sounds funner. Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? I've talked about the apartment situation enough. Are your parents divorced, married or separated? Divorced. Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? I'm diagnosed with it. Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? YEAH. What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? White Chicks never fails to get me. Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? Recently the site I used to upload large .gifs I needed to use online shut down & I'm still mega tilted. There's probably others. Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? I only live with my mom. Is there a television show out there that you never miss? No. What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Ha ha, The Lion King I & 2 and Finding Nemo. What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Take care of my pets. How cold did it get where you live, last winter? Idr. Very, for NC anyway. Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? I only ever wonder about Jason. Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? Never told a biggie lie to 'em. Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? No. Are you sober at the time being? Yeah. Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? Possibly? Are you more tolerant of hot or cold weather? Describe a time when you were extremely cold? Describe a time when you were extremely over-heated? I handle the cold far, FAR better. I physically cannot last very long in like, even 80 degrees. The coldest I've probably ever been was when Sara and I were walking once up at her house and it was really windy. I think the absolute most over-heated I've been was when I was taking bridal shots of my sister's friend outside in the summer for a long long time. I was nearly to the point of tears and was absolutely soaked in sweat. When we got back in the car, I literally finished at least three water bottles in a very short period of time. I think I even downed half of another. What was something weird that you did as a child? Did anyone make fun of you for it? Were there any other children you knew who did the same thing? I actually created this trend in elementary school of digging tunnels in the sandbox with my hands because I wanted to feel like a meerkat, lol. No one made fun of me, I think? And as stated it kinda became a thing, so yeah, there were others. What has been the hardest thing about growing up? What was the easiest thing about it? Was there ever a time when you wanted to stay young forever? Was there ever a time when you wished that you could be older? Accepting my mental illnesses was by far the hardest. Easiest, uh... idk. Enjoying more freedom? There was definitely a time I wanted to be a kid forever; I remember I criiiied when I got my period for the first time because I didn't feel like one anymore. Simultaneously, there were certainly times I wanted to be older. Who was the last person you yelled at? Do you often yell at this person? Are you on good terms with them again, or are you still upset with them? I practically roared at Mom for pulling the rudest shit on me like a month or so back. I definitely don't yell at her a lot. We're on good terms now, yeah. If you work, do you get along with your coworkers? Which one of them have you known the longest? Is your current place of work somewhere that you plan to stay for a long time? Sadly no, so these questions are N/A. Name three items that have much sentimental value to you. Who gave you these items, and for what occasion? Do you ever have a harder time throwing away things that people have given you? My pebble from Holly Hill, my childhood plush moose Brownie that I got in Ohio, and the stuffed meerkat Jason gave me. It's not really because of it being from him, but rather because it comforted me deeply after the break-up. The little guy is so worn from all the love I gave it. I do have a hard time getting rid of things people give me. Who do you speak with more often: your online friends, or those that you see face-to-face? Of which type of friend do you have more? Which of those friendships do you value the most? Online to all three questions. Are you often misunderstood, or do you think that people can get where you are coming from pretty well? Do you think that you have a good ability to understand others? If yes, explain? Eh, idk, really. I feel like I don't communicate how I feel well enough, but I think people understand me decently. Most, anyway. I know I'm pretty good and relating to people. When was the last time that you had a headache? What did you do, if anything, to help it feel better? Which is worse for you: headaches or stomach aches? As previously mentioned, last night. I took medicine, but it was sleep that actually helped. AND I CANNOT DEAL WITH STOMACH ACHES. Gimme a headache over that shit any day. Have you ever had a crush on someone you met online? If yes, what happened between you and that person? Do you think that online relationships are legitimate relationships? Yes, and we're dating now lol. And of course I do!! Out of all of your past friendships and romantic relationships, which one was the worst? If that person were to show up at your place, would you be willing to talk to them? Friendship: Colleen. No, I wouldn't talk to her. Romantic: Tyler, but I mean sure, I'd talk to him. Well, Jason was the traumatic one, but the *relationship*, on my end, was a fairytale. It was the breakup that was... yeah, y'all know. Yeah, I'd be willing to talk to him, but quite honestly I'd probably end up collapsing into a sobbing heap because yeah PTSD. If any, how many friends have you made in the past year? How many have you lost? Is making friends something at which you are good, or does it take you awhile to form friendships? I've made a couple friends online, and I lost none, I think anyway. I can be someone's friend very easily, but it's the trust that really takes a while. If you are 18 or older, did reaching your 18th birthday make you feel like you were an adult? If not, what moment (or moments) made you feel like you were finally maturing? I don't remember, honestly. As a kid, did your parents force you to eat everything on your plate? If you had them, how did you feel about family meal times? If you were to have children, would you have structured meals with them? Well, Mom tried, but my picky ass usually won, lol. Some days I miss family dinners, other days I'm glad to do my own thing. If I were to have kids, I'd probably want to have family dinners, really. What was the last new thing that you tried? What is something you did a long time ago that you might like to do again? I don't know. I don't try new things often. From my past... I dunno. It's too late to think of all this stuff. What is your least favorite part about going to the doctor? What about going to the dentist? Which of those people would you rather see? THE GODDAMN WAIT. My dentist is usually pretty quick, so that's not typically a problem there. Instead, I fucking hate when I have to get x-rays done because I have a very small mouth, and the things they stick in your cheeks to bite down on are always way too big for me. I have to use a size down from adults. Do you ever take care of anyone younger than you (ie. babysitting, watching a younger sibling, etc)? Do you like doing this, or does it get to be a hassle? No, and hell no.
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calorieworkouts · 5 years
How to Get Back Your Pre-Baby Bod
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As you understand, maternity, breastfeeding, as well as raising kids can wear both your mind and body. However, even if you're a mom, doesn't mean you can't look excellent about yourself. You are not being vain or selfish by taking a little time to yourself-- and also do not let any person tell you in a different way! Right here are a pair techniques for obtaining your body back and also providing your self-confidence a boost.
Use a Planner
First appearance at your family members's timetables for the week. Compose every little thing out and also include as much information as possible-- going to beds, methods, school, work, snoozes, tasks, dishes, playdates, birthday celebration parties-- you name it. Organization can aid you feel less overwhelmed with all things you require to do throughout the week. Utilizing a coordinator or calendar will certainly also help you squeeze in a little time for workout. I locate that when I do not prepare my workouts into my timetable, I tend to miss them.
Meal Prep
Meal prepping throughout the week will not only conserve you time however can likewise conserve you cash. You will certainly have your suppers all set to appear the microwave or stove for reheating, so there will be no reason to throw away loan dining in restaurants. Dish prepping generally suggests healthier food as well as proper section dimensions. Being in a thrill or on-the-go are generally the moments when individuals mistake and choose mac and also cheese or frozen pizza.
Ask for Help!
Being a mother is much from easy. Do not be too prideful to request for assistance. Ask your loved one, household participants, or friends to enjoy the children every occasionally so you can get in an excellent exercise, a night out on the town, or a lengthy nap.
Eat Right
The last point you must be doing is a crash diet or restricting your calories. You need nourishing food to assist offer you energy to deal with the day. Nursing mamas need those calories a lot more. Go for lean meats, entire grains, fruits, as well as veggies. Try to keep away from refined food and also anything that has ingredients you can't pronounce.
Stay Hydrated
Drink lots of water throughout the day to speed up your metabolic rate and also maintain your stomach complete to stop unneeded snacking. A great policy is to always maintain a recyclable canteen with you at all times. If water is close by, you'll possibly drink it without also thinking.
Power Nap
A short snooze of around half an hour has been shown to improve awareness, efficiency, memory, as well as finding out capability. As any type of mommy of a newborn knows, running on 2 hrs of rest and also a large coffee is not a lasting way to live. A brief nap throughout the day can give you the power you need to power with your day while your rest timetable is out of whack.
Talk to Your Local Plastic Surgeon
Pregnancy usually creates a condition called diastasis recti-- separated stomach muscles. And after breastfeeding, numerous females establish drooping or deflated breasts. Regrettably, this sort of loosened skin as well as sagging breasts can not be fixed with diet as well as exercise alone. If you are unhappy with the way your body takes care of pregnancy, think about a mommy transformation treatment. According to female plastic doctor Dr. Sugene Kim, that specializes in restorative procedures for mommies, a Mom Transformation can tighten your apart muscle mass, get rid of excess skin, do away with unwanted fat pockets, as well as restore a vibrant bust contour-- done in one procedure.
Try At-home Workout Apps
Getting yourself to the fitness center can be hard when you have children, so it's not always one of the most practical plan to obtain a fitness center subscription. Rather, download and install a health and fitness application on your phone that gives you step-by-step workouts. A lot of these apps have actually H.I.I.T. regimens that just last regarding half an hour, so you can do them while your child takes a nap or you youngsters see TELEVISION. Many of these exercises require no devices, so you can even do them in the convenience of your living room.
Take a Moment to Destress
Not only is anxiety negative for your mental health and wellness, but it can likewise create weight gain. When the anxiety hormone called cortisol rises, your insulin degrees will certainly likewise climb, as well as your blood sugar level will certainly drop. This leads to those sugary, junk food desires, and long-term stress and anxiety typically brings about weight gain. Attempt meditating, yoga, or breathing workouts. Also just a couple of minutes of these activities can help remove your stress.
Be Patient
Try not to come down on yourself if you aren't seeing the outcomes you want-- good ideas take time. Remain as encouraged as you can since a favorable overview will certainly make the procedure a lot less complicated. Do not focus excessive on the numbers on the scale. Try to focus more on exactly how you feel.
Remember, you are worthy of to really feel confident. Utilize what little totally free time you need to better yourself. A pleased, stress-free, and also self-assured mother will produce a satisfied household!
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