#the way he looked at her in the 3rd gif while she was talking like i need a moment!!!!
drrav3nb · 3 months
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AYO EDEBIRI as Sydney Adamu WILL POULTER as Luca THE BEAR SEASON 3 | Episode 10 - Forever
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ambrosiagoldfish · 5 months
Adam x third spouse part 3 I’m begging pookie ❤️
like a time skip to when Charlie appeared and proposed the idea
Benifit of the doubt Pt.4
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, a little bit sad for a moment but it’s ok. Gn! Reader! honestly that’s about it I think?? Wow this is the first time it’s been this short in this series.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 4617~
A/n: So… it’s been almost 2 months… whoops. In all seriousness though I’m sorry it’s been so long. I’ve just not been in the mood to write and a lot of stuff has been happening (which is finally over) and I’m glad I could finally post this. I was also, if I’m honest, nervous to post this, cause I’m not sure if everyone’s ready for the direction of the story. But I have made it clear that I wanted to do a time skip to the show at somepoint and decided to do it now! If you enjoy this, please let me know cause I’m really nervous about (Not my words of affirmation love language coming out-) ALSO to the requester, I know you said part 3, but I used it for part 4. I got your request as I was making part 3 soooo my bad. Hope you don’t mind tho <3 this will be the last part before the angsty finale (and maybe an epilogue)
Reblogs are always appreciated!
Anyways this was NOT beta read unfortunately, I tried to get as many errors out during the writing process so hopefully it’s fine. Also, there’s probably some words I might have wanted to italicize or make bold that aren’t, but I’m too tired to care honestly.
Tags: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily @hcneyiced @v3r41ynn @ghostdoodlen @nxptvne-13 @ximenavc-che @edgyfluff @ericityyy @diffidentphantom @faimmm @slasher-whore69 @1-randomized @ozzersauce @fanlovedlt @alientee (if I forgot someone or you want to be added just tell me !!)
Days turned to weeks, to months, to years. Until eventually an eon had passed. An entirety filled to the brim with an indescribable happiness and love, threatening to spill over at any given moment. You loved Adam and Adam loved you.
To say it was all happiness would be a lie, there were some moments of sadness and pain, but all relationships were like that, even ones that lasted for eternity. You both always bounced back, apologize and moved on with a stronger bond than before. And you loved every second of it.
A lot has changed in these last few eons. Adam formed a band and is now the most popular guitarist in all of heaven. You both made new friends, some got into heaven while others were made there. Emily was one of these people to you, she looked up to you for being older than her. You’ve existed for almost all of human existence so, of course she’d look up to you.
Adam had also made new friends, his band members, some officials in heaven, but someone he’s grown close to recently was Lute. You're really happy about his friendship with Lute. She seems like a strong and loyal friend, someone that can keep him grounded while still encouraging him to be more himself. Overall, you really liked her.
How they became friends though is something… less tasteful for you. All the way back when Heaven and Hell had their first meeting on what to do with the surplus of sinners in hell causing an uprising. Neither side came to an agreement in the end, you do feel partially to blame for that, but you still stand by what you did.
You never returned to any of the follow up meetings
But Adam did, surprisingly to you. In the end, you were called to talk with Sera and Adam. You were told of the agreement between Heaven and Hell, about the yearly “cleanse” that Adam and his “Exorcists” would have to commit. At first you were shocked, sure, you didn’t have the best experience with sinners and especially with the rulers of hell, but was death really necessary? You didn’t know what to say, and Adam clearly saw this.
“Babe, you alright?” He puts his hand on your shoulder rubbing his thumb in circles. You place your hand on his.
“Yeah it’s just a lot to take in. Are we sure it has to be done… that way?”
Sera looked down in pain “they’re… uprising and are becoming to much of a threat to heaven.”
You sighed as Adam took you in his arms. Adam was fully aware that you don’t share the same sentiment towards sinners as he does. His hatred towards the unholy souls down in hell was brought about by events that you simply cannot understand. Which he is thankful for, he never would want you to experience what he did.
“If there isn’t anything else we can do then… I guess we have no choice. But I don’t want to… kill anyone, even if they are sinners.”
Adam holds you closer “You won’t have to,” you smile at him, the now familiar flickering of his LED mask meeting your gaze before softly frown “you ok?”
You nod, “yeah, just…I wish there was another way.”
That was it. Adam would take his exorcists down to hell to kill as many sinners as they could each year. Adam knew you didn’t want him to talk about it , he kept it as separate as he could from your life. You did have to attend meetings regarding it, as one of the very few people to know about it, that was your duty.
You were fine with having that part of the job. You weren't sure if you could kill someone, sinner or not. So, for the countless years to follow, you played your part with every new extermination, attending meetings to deal with the repercussions of each cleanse.
Adam would also have to attend the occasional meeting. Which is exactly what today was. Sera had called you both in to talk.
“Thank you both for coming. I have to inform you that you will be attending a meeting tomorrow.”
Adam groaned “What! Again? This is like the 4th fuckin’ one this week! Ugh fine! Where is it this time? halo city? Cherub towne” Adam’s voice mocked the locations you’ve both been sent to countless times with a high pitched voice. Even you have to admit that the meetings could drag a bit.
Sera's face turned into a slight grimace as she looks away from you both, she sighs and continues “The meeting will be in… hell.”
“What!” Both your voices raise in shock
“Sera, you know I don’t want to go down there again!”
“Why can’t you just send the other fucking dipshits who know about-“ Adam crossed his arms defiantly
“Stop,” Sera raises her hand toward you both “no one wants to go there, and I know you both especially don’t.” She pauses “But you both are the only available angels who know of the cleanse that aren't busy. Please… I understand your disdain but heaven’s business comes first.”
“Who are we even gonna be talking to -Wait a damn minute- Don’t fucking tell me we have to talk to him.”
“I'm sorry…” You all sat in silence for a moment before Sera begins to speak again, “But you both won’t have to worry about physically being there, we have prepared holograms for you, so neither of you would be in any danger.”
“I'll have an Angel escort you to the ‘meeting’ room tomorrow, please, get some rest. I’m sure you both have had a long day.”
With that, you and Adam went home, you were definitely not feeling well about the meeting, but the fact you wouldn’t actually be there calms your nerves a bit. You had to be a little honest with yourself, hell wasn’t really the issue for you, it was more so the people. Lucifer for one, that made you feel uneasy.
The next morning, you and Adam got ready, you had to motivate him a little. He was clearly not excited for this meeting like you. The entire way there he held you close, even though nothing could have hurt you it made him feel better knowing how close you were.
On the way there, you also got Adam some ribs, his favorite. You thought it would help his nerves a bit. Turns out, Lute was the one Sera assigned to escort you both there. That also made you both a little calmer knowing a mutual friend would be there.
The three of you waited in the ‘meeting’ room for a while, about an hour. At first you thought the meeting might had been canceled or moved and you just weren't told. But then, Lute walked up to you both.
“Sir! The Seraphim has told me to inform you that there’s been a change in plans!”
“What? The fucks that mean?” Adam said stuffing a rib into his LED mouth
“Lucifer won’t be attending the meeting, instead… his Daughter will be here in his stead.” Lute’s mask showed a continuous frown and stern expression as she spoke.
“Daughter?” Your voice shook a little. This was news to you, as long as you’ve existed you had never heard he had a daughter while in hell. You look over to Adam to see His LED eyes were wide in shock but his mask turned into a smile as he sighed.
“Phew boy, we sure dodged a big ass bullet, huh Sweetcheeks?” He laughed as his arm pulled you closer. The whole thing caused you to join in. Suddenly your nerves felt a lot better than before.
“When should she be arriving, Lute?”
“Within the hour.”
Adam scarfed down another plate of ribs as you all wait for the “princess of hell” to arrive. The entire time you just had to wonder what kind of person she’d be. The daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. The more you thought about it, the more bizarre it seemed.
But suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the sliding doors opening to the meeting room and a girl steps in, asking if anyone is there.
“She can’t see us?”
“Yeah, Sera gave me a long ass lector on how this stuff works before we got here. Let’s see here…” Adam pushes a button causing a click to sound out as he says “Sup!”
The girl jumps back and falls to the floor, shocked by Adam’s sudden appearance in the room. She introduces herself as Charlie. Adam offers her to shake his hand, only for it to go through.
“Ha! I fuckin’ got you! Did you fucking see that? Good shit.”
You let out a slight laugh, as you sit and watch the meeting happen. Well, you say “meeting” but nothing about it seemed very professional. Adam for the last hour (you honestly wasn’t sure at this point) had been talking about the most random of things.
You or Lute occasionally shakening your head yes or no while listening to him, while Charlie seemed quite tired already. Not that you could blame her, people who weren’t used to Adam’s banter definitely weren’t cut out for it. But You love every word that comes out of his mouth.
Eventually Adam decides that it’s time to get into what you all came here for. Pulling out a bunch of papers, Charlie begins explaining her solution to hell’s overpopulation. You were only really half listening at first, at least before she mentioned that her solution could stop the extermination which peaked your interest.
She explains her “Hazbin Hotel” and its purpose to rehabilitate sinners, you wanted to hear more of it but Adam cut her off.
The meeting didn’t really go that well, At least for Charlie. But the whole thing left quite the impression on you. The idea of ending the extermination was stuck in your head for so long, and now you had someone who had an alternative.
“Adam, are you sure that it couldn’t have worked?”
Adam looks at you in surprise “What? Do you think that shitshow could have actually worked?” He laughed as he placed a hand on your back. “Don’t even pay it any mind, alright Babe?”
“I know, it’s just… you know I don't like the extermination. So another way to lessen the population of hell should at least be looked into.” Your voice was soft enough to barely hear.
Adam’s gaze softened but he didn’t say another word, only wrapping his wing around you pulling you closer. You lean towards him, snuggling into his soft robe. No matter how much you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. You needed to do something, anything.
So that night, after Adam fell asleep, you asked to talk with Sera. Leaving a note for Adam saying you went to buy something just in case he woke up.
“What is troubling you?” Sera’s voice was clear and concise.
You looked toward the ground, your nerves feeling tighter than ever, as you struggled with how to put your words together. “You're aware of all that happened in the meeting with Lucifer’s Daughter, right?”
Sera nods her head “of course, all meetings are documented about as they happen.” She tilts her head slightly “What about it?”
“Well!” You steel yourself before continuing “I would like permission to observe Charlie Morningstar’s ‘Hazbin Hotel’”
Sera’s eyes widen, breaking her calm demeanor before giving a firm “No”
“It’s too dangerous for you to be there, Adam wouldn’t want that anyways”
“He would listen if it was an order from you!” Your eyes felt watery but you continued “Please Sera… I know you don’t want the extermination to continue. Just let me do this!”
Sera looked away from you, her feelings evident on her face, any mask now down. ‘Just a little more’ you thought
“Sera, I promise you, I’ll be careful! We don’t even have to fully support them yet, just let me observe them. It would be devastating if so many souls parish if we failed to seek all options!” You beg
Sera sighed, shakingly “…I’ll see what I can do.”
Your eyes gleamed up at the tall woman “Sera, thank you, thank you!” You wanted to hug her but out of courtesy, you advised against it.
Sera tells you that she can’t guarantee anything but she will try as she sends you home to rest.
A few days past after that and you haven’t heard anything from Sera. It was a little worrying and felt like a bad sign to you. That was, until you were informed by Sera that your request was accepted!
“But.” Sera stops you before you can celebrate “You're only there to keep track of the progress and to make sure nothing is happening under our noses” You nod your head in understanding
“Also…” she pauses “If anything involving this hotel happens, you will have to take full responsibility, understood?”
You nod again “yes I understand. Have you… told Adam yet?”
She shakes her head
“Ok… can you… not tell him it was my idea, please. I don’t think he’d agree if he knew.”
Sera sighs before nodding her head “Very well, I’ll tell him after you leave”
“Thank you.”
You return home, when you got back Adam was already gone, Sera must have already called him to the office. You dreaded when he got back. You didn’t want to see him upset, it hurt you to know how worried he was for you.
A few hours later, Adam comes through the door in a panic. He stomps up to you and pulls you into a warm and intense embrace.
“Don’t go down there. I need you here with me” his voice hitches as his wings wrap around you both, curling you both into a warm and feathery ball.
“Adam…” you paused, was this really the best thing to do? No, It had to be. If this goes well, not only will the extermination stop but Adam wouldn’t have to go down to hell ever again.
“Adam, you know I can’t go against Sera’s orders.” You kiss his cheek “and I won’t be gone forever, I’m only supposed to be there till the next cleanse. Not to mention, I’ll always come back to see you.”
Adam grumbled a little “I know, I just… don’t like you being in the same place that bastard is, and in his brat’s stupid hotel! ”
You laugh softly “Adam…” grabbing his hand, you put yours in it, showing off the gold ring on your finger “I’ll never forget my promise. You know that, right?”
Adam looks at the ring, the gold wrapped around your finger with a perfectly snug fit. Everytime he looked at it was just a reminder of your love for him. That promise was something he could never forget. He slowly raises your hand to his LED mask, kissing the back of it. “Of course not.”
“Good. I promise I’ll be fine, ok?”
He nods. Hand in hand, you slowly lead you both to the bed. The both of you lay next to each other, your bodies linked together like knots. You slwoly remove his helmet from his head, laying it on the nightstand.
Your hands move up his body before landing on his face, cupping his cheeks before pulling him to a kiss before snuggling into his chest.
Finally it was Time for you to leave. Sera allowed you to create portals back to heaven in case anything happened and you were in need of assistance. Adam walked you to the front gate.
“Ok, do you have everything? You didn’t forget that fucking angelic dagger I had Lute get for you right-“
You shush him “Adam, I told you I’ll be fine!”
He’s sighs “Damn it- I know that but just make sure to text me while your there ok-
You kiss him deeply “Adam. I know, you’ve told me a hundred times.” You smile as you cup his face “I love you”
He sighs “Love you too Sweetcheeks”
With one final kiss, you give Adam a tight hug before waving goodbye as you went through the flaming portal. As you went through, you take a second to look at your surroundings. In front of you was a tall building. You take a few steps back to see LED lights of a sign flashing the words ‘Hazbin Hotel’
You let out a sigh of relief. You had been a tad bit worried you’d spawn somewhere random and you’d have to find the building yourself. But it seems heaven at least spared you of that.
The red skies of hell were quite different from the pristine blue ones of heaven. Even though you just got here, you could already hear the sounds of screams and explosions in the distance. How welcoming.
You steel yourself and with three hard knocks to the door, you wait for someone to open it. Muffled Scurrying sounds of footsteps approach the door before it creaks open revealing the young blond woman in the doorframe, Charlie Morningstar.
“Hi! I’m-“
The door is slammed shut, Before opening again
“Be not afraid-“
It shuts again…
Well, this may be a bit harder than you initially anticipated. You go to knock again only for it to open once more. This time, the door doesn’t close again, instead the girl mutters a quick “Hi” before going quiet.
“Hello! I didn’t mean to scare you!” You give a small laugh before continuing “I believe we met a couple days ago?” You bring your hand towards her for a shake, to which she reciprocates.
“During the meeting with.. Adam? Right?” She grimaced when she mentioned Adam, which you decided to ignore, you simply smiled and nodded. ”but I don’t believe I caught your name?”
You tell her about yourself, about how your there to stay and monitor any progress the hotel may have. You made sure to pronounce ‘may.’ While you were hoping for this idea to show some kind of positive results, even you weren’t sure if it’d would work.
“Charlie? who’s at the door- WhatHolyShit-“ a woman with a red X over her eye suddenly shouts in surprise. You look over at her, She looked very familiar…
“Wait, you are-“
“Vaggie! Charlie’s sinner girlfriend! And you are?!” The woman known as Vaggie, highlighted the word sinner while performing a “be quiet” gesture with her hand. Your eyes widen a little at the ex-Angel in front of you but you simply smile a nod “I’m Y/n, I don’t believe we’ve met, yes?”
Look, lying is the last thing you’d want to do as a citizen of heaven but you figured that it would be fine if it was to protect someone. Vaggie nodded, her face scrunched up in a tense look.
“You feeling ok Vaggie? You’re looking a little… red?”
“I’m fine! *ahem*, Hun, how about you give them a tour of the hotel.”
Charlie gasped “Yes that's perfect, you may as well get acquainted with everyone if you’re going to be here more often!”
Charlie ran off, telling you “this way! This way!” Over and over. Before you went to follow her, you leaned toward Vaggie and said a quick “Relax, I won’t tell anyone.”
She lets out a sigh before muttering “Thank you”
You both follow Charlie as she shows you the various rooms in the hotel before leading you back to the hotel’s lobby and lounge area.
“Hey! Hello everyone!” Charlie’s voice picked up a little “I’d like to introduce you to our uh… new staff member?” You nod in agreement with the title. The room in front of you was shrouded in looks of both horror and amazement.
“What the hell’s an angel doin’ here?” A lanky spider demon spoke up first
“It’sss an ambush! seek Cover!!” The Snake demon shouted, seemingly grabbing an army helmet from thin air before taking a deep dive behind the couch.
“No Pentious-” She sighs “they’re here to monitor the hotel! Heaven sent them to scout any potential progress the hotel will have”
“It’s nice to meet you all” you look at the people in front of you, to say it was a colorful cast would be an understatement.
“These two are our current tenants of the hotel! Angel dust and Sir Pentious!”
The snake slithered slowly from behind the couch up to you, while the Spider demon remained rested on the couch
“Oh… *ahem* Excuse me dear! I am Sir. Pentious! Formally known as ‘the Architect of destruction’!” He laughs, a slight hiss sounding in his voice.
He offers a handshake which you accept. To which you immediately regret. ‘ Slimey’ you thought, before wiping your, now wet hand on your clothes.
The spider demon, who you now know as Angel Dust, just gives a wave with one of his 4 arms.
“And-“ Charlie extends the word as she quickly walk to a bar by the entrance “this is the recreational area, run by our Bartender, Husk!”
The winged bartender seemed entirely uninterested in your presence or even Charlie’s. The most you got was a small glance before he takes a swig of his alcohol and walks off.
“He’s not the most… social guy in hell” she awkwardly laughs before moving on to the next person. “And this is Nifty, our one and only maid at the hotel! Nifty say hi.”
The short woman scurried moved around you, her eye quickly looking at every every nook and cranny of you as she moved. She made numerous attempts to touch and grab various things on you, your clothes, wings, and eventually she tried to climb up you to get to your halo. That’s when you finally grabbed her in place “you're a… fast one, huh? Nice to meet you!”
“And last but not least! This is Alastor, the hotel’s executive producer and our first -and only- overlord sponsor!”
Immediately, you could tell there was something off about Alastor. The entire aura he gave off was as if he was restraining something completely and utterly ungodly. The static that surrounded him was just one of many whispers you could hear from his soul.
“Hello! It’s quite a pleasure to meet someone of your… holy status!” He offers a hand to which you, hesitantly, shake. “And what do we owe the pleasure for your service?”
“They’re going to be here to keep track of the progress of the hotel…” Charlie paused “you know I’m starting to sound like a broken record- here, it’s late, how about we all get some sleep and we can talk about it in the morning!”
“Fine by me, I am waaay too sober to be having social interaction this late” Angel picks himself up and stretches “I’m gonna hit the hay”
“Here I’ll show you to your room!” Charlie smiles “We -obviously- didn’t have time to make your own so I hope you don’t mind using one of the guest rooms” she laughs
She and Vaggie walks you to your new room before leaving you be, The room was nothing more than just your average hotel room. Of course it did have its differences, a multitude of… eyes seem to be on the wall, staring at you. Well, that’s not the least alarming.
You place your stuff down and begin unpacking, you mostly just brought the basics. Clothes, hygiene stuff, your phone, and, most importantly, a framed photo of Adam.
You sat the photo on your nightstand, angling it just right so that it would always be visible to you. As you do so, you think about the memory the photo brings, you took it on one of the first dates you went on with Adam. It was a relatively tame date, you and Adam, having a picnic by a lake at night. You brought candles so you both weren’t completely in the dark, and you just loved the way he looked, his golden eyes watching the water. The dim candle light illuminating his face with a warm golden shade. Adam hates photos of him with his mask off but… You just had to keep that moment in time forever.
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*
Speak of the- well, you know the rest. The bright light from the phone comes with the notification sound displaying Adam in bold letters. You smile as you read his messages.
Heyy Sweetcheeks, it’s been a bit since you left
You there??
Fucking answer
You let out a small laugh at Adam’s barrage of messages. He’s not used to you being away from him for more than a day, huh? Not that you could blame him, this is honestly nothing compared to how you feel each year he has to do the extermination.
Hey love
Everything’s fine, I’m ok.
Aside from not having you with me :’(
Fucking finally
You know you don’t have to do this
If I bitch enough to Sera I can get you back by tomorrow
Please don’t, Sera already has enough on her plate.
I promise I’m going to be fine
I’ll be back before you know it.
I know
This shit just worries me
Gonna miss hearing your sexy ass voice at night too ;)
You blush at the message before sighing. Whenever you or Adam approached a topic that made him uncomfortable, he would always try to change the subject to something that made him feel better. You knew why, Adam’s someone who rarely talked about his feelings, even after all these eons together that was something he hadn’t changed. You knew exactly what he needed, even if he didn’t explicitly tell you.
I already miss yours too <3
Do you want to help me fall asleep with that heavenly voice of yours on the phone?
Whatever you want Sweetcheeks <3
You smile when, almost immediately, Adam begins calling your phone. You click the lights off before You make your way in your new bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes you’ve been wearing. You grab the cover and pull it over you and tapping the answer button.
You yawn “Hey handsome, I missed your voice”
You hear his voice hitch before he caused on “Of course you did, no one has a better voice than the dick master. But uh, yours is a close second”
You’re let out a tired giggle, “such a charmer, you. How’s your day been huh?”
“Oh! don’t even get me started on that- Lute took me to get some ribs to ‘calm my nerves’ or some shit and they had me, ME, wait in line for like 15 minutes! The fucking audacity!”
You smile to yourself as Adam tells you about his day, the sound of his voice was like a sweet lullaby to your ears and you couldn’t get enough of it. But eventually…
“And then when I got home, I couldn’t find my damn charger and it took me like 40 fuckin’ minutes to realize it was under our bed, do you have any idea of how it keeps getting there?” He waits for you to respond only to be met with silence. “Uh bitch, I’m talking to you.”
More silence… well no, actually if Adam focused on listening, he could hear the faint sound of your snoring from the phone. Adam sighs,”Long day, huh?”
Adam lays back in your shared bed, getting comfortable. He sets the phone beside him, plugging it in while keeping it on speaker. He yawns, “Goodnight Sweetheart, can’t wait to see you again”
Slowly, the soft sounds of both yours and Adam’s snores filled each others rooms, a distant, but intimate connection. Even in slumber, you couldn’t stop thinking of your handsome and caring soulmate.
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barbarianbookhoe · 4 months
I swear I'm never gonna find the love I know I right-fucking-fully deserve
I just rewatched Bridgerton season 3 for the 3rd time already, and MY GOD, if a man does not yearn for me like a Bridgerton man😩
Request: Kaz Brekker x drunk (fem) reader (this is a long fcking one)
Too Sweet
TW: fluff, mention of assault
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"And then, THEN he said I am just as useful as a rock. A damn rock!," she scoffed as she swayed in her seat. "Rocks can bee useful," she mumbled, "you can throw 'em at people. Like me! I can be thron at people," she hiccuped once before pointing at her glass for the bartender to re-fill.
The guy just shook his head at her and told her to stop shouting at costumers, or find someplace else. Apparently, she's been a lot friendlier than she thought.
She dropped some kruge on the counter, not having enough common sense left to count if it was even enough.
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"But his eeeyes while he looked at me, oh Saints, his eyes are so beautifuuul, and sooo blue, they make me swoooon," Y/N told a waitress, who just laughed at the lovesick girl, who's been talking about a boy for the past 10 minutes.
"Oh honey, you have such a soft spot for that boy!" She laughed, and Y/N just nodded. "Yeah, and-and you should see his cheeks and ears, that when he gets flustred, no, flusterred, uh, flus-tered, yes, they turn red but he hides it, and no one sees, but I see it, because he has such a preeeetty face," she tells her on a high pitched voice, and even rests her head on her arms and lets out a sigh.
Y/N talking about her love life being the only thing actually happening in the small bar, the waitress sats down in front of her after getting out a round of drinks. The two women began their discussion about the boy, and the way Y/N cannot stop smiling while talking about him makes the waitress smile herself.
The sound of a cane tapping on the floor makes the lady turn around, only to find the Bastard of the Barrel himself staring right at her. No, not at her, but the girl on the other side of the table. She gets up and with a quick goodbye slips out of her seat, to make her way to the other side of the place.
Kaz Brekker, as if he had all the time in the world, slowly walked over to his Crow, who was supposed to be in the Club with their group hours ago.
He'd only been trailing her for an hour or two, but in that time she already went through 3 bars. Not counting the one, or ones, where he wasn't present. And without paying. Kaz made sure she wouldn't be in debt by the next morning. As he looked at her drunken state, he began questioning his own plan to get her home as soon as possible.
"Jeeesss!" Y/N looked up at him giddily, practically dragging her words out. "Come 'ere you silly," she signaled for him to sit down, to which Kaz just rolled his eyes. She must've drank quite a lot if she thought him to be the sharpshooter. "Why you in black?" She shook her head as if getting rid of her question and looked at him giddily yet again.
Kaz couldn't shake the bittersweet feeling that slowly made its way into his well-guarded heart. The feeling that she looked the happiest in that moment, drowned in alcohol, probably on the edge of alcohol poisoning, and staring at him with such joy Kaz rarely saw anymore on her, even less in his life. It was clear to him that she was going through something, he just didn't know what it was.
If he had any talent for it he would've drawn her right in that moment, to capture her smile, the shine of her eyes, to keep her this happy at least on paper, to keep her smiling.
"Alright, get up. You're going home," Kaz sternly told her to which she just scoffed. "Ah, but Jesper we have so much to talk aboouuuut," she whined as he took a step closer. "This wasn't a question. You. Are. Going. Home."
"Alrigh', alrigh'," Y/N mumbled to herself as she tried to steady herself enough before attempting to walk on her own. After a few seconds of failing to do so, she quickly straightened her back and began her uncoordinated, swaying march for the door. Kaz was just two steps behind her, and when they got out on the street, he took half a step closer as he stepped next to her.
"Am I late for that meeting? Nahh," She mumbled loud enough for Kaz to hear. "It don' matter. What do I do?" She turned her head to Kaz for a split second before loudly continuing. "I'm talking Jespeeerr!" Kaz quickly shushed her, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to them.
"Don't ssssshhh me, Kaz sssssh-ushes me, not you!" She said and had it not been for Kaz, she would've tripped in her own foot. "I feel like he doesn't like me anymore," she said then, but Kaz just kept quiet, waiting for her to continue. "I want to tell him to shut up for once, to give 'im my opinion," she began gesturing before herself, as if she wasn't even talking to him anymore, more to herself.
"I feel like... punching him, givin' 'im a piece of mind. Yah, let'ss do that!" She quickly turned around, probably to find Kaz who was standing next to her, but Kaz caught her elbow and stood her in front of him. "You won't do that, alright? You're going home to sleep, and if you still feel like it, you'll give him a punch tomorrow."
"But whyyy? He's always up at night, and that'ss when we taaalk. I can't tell 'im during the dayy!" Her words began to slur again and she was swaying, so Kaz took it as a sign, that she was still in fact really drunk. He didn't let go of her elbow as he guided themselves towards her little flat near Fifth Harbor. It was more like one big room rather than a flat, but she didn't spend that much time there to care about it.
"And why can't you? Is there an unkown force keeping you from it?" He told her while he fought the nausea slowly coming up his throat. They'll be there in a few minutes, he reminded himself. "Jess, why are you the one asking? You're always telling me to lissen to my heart, to not overthink, to just say it. You're not Jesper, that's why!" She said more to herself than Kaz.
"Say what?" Kaz turned to Y/N for a few seconds, trying to see her face to determine what she was feeling. He found himself as curious when he was just a small boy, watching the magicians on the streets of Ketterdam. He watched every little detail of her face, from the flatter of her eyelashes to the unnoticeable tremble of her lips, trying to guess what she was going to say.
"Again with the questionss," she mumbled and right after spoke up on a sad tone, her vice slightly trembling, almost as if she was holding back from crying. "You sound like my landlord. Saints, I hate 'im. He's always angry a-and yelling, and soooo tall, taller than Matthias," she said and Kaz noticed the barely noticeable crack in her voice, making him worry about what more she had to say.
"I mean, I fought 'im twice yesterday, you know, 'cause he was demanding the rent I already payed, givin' me a great punch to my ribs, but like, you know, I'm a fighter, I can take 'im any day, but I mean, he's sooo tall and, and I was tired, so you know I didn't have too much "fight" in me." Y/N rambled, probably unaware of admitting that she was assaulted and making it seem less serious than it was, but still, it made Kaz's vision fog up with red.
How did he not know? How could he let this happen under his watch? Why didn't he felt the need to investigate her place, like he first intended to?
She was still rambling about her landlord and their multiple fights, yes, multiple Kaz realized, getting angrier by the second, when she stumbled and Kaz had to yank her up before she fell on the hard ground.
Without a second thought, or any thought at all, Kaz put her arm around his shoulder and carefully slipped his other arm around her waist to keep her somewhat standing. They were just a block away from her place, but Y/N seemed to cling to Kaz, her legs barely functioning at this point, and Kaz had to lean themselves against an old brick building before they both collapsed.
He also had to take a breather from all the touching, not being used to touching her for this long. Yes, they've stitched up each other countless times, sometimes even caring enough to change each other's bandages. But that never lasted longer than half a minute, or one, which was the limit for Kaz.
As soon as he calmed down, he felt warm fingers touching his face.
He froze in his spot and he had to close his eyes and concentrate on his breathing if he didn't want to start panicking. A minute passed by, and the hands still didn't leave his face, but they began to explore his every feature. It started at his cheeks then to his jaw, his forehead, the hand smoothed over his eyes so carefully as if he was made from glass, then the fingers stopped at his lips. He didn't even know he was forcefully keeping them in a thin line until the warm touch made them slightly part.
When Kaz opened his eyes he felt his heart stop and melt all at once, he felt it cease to beat only to then began pumping his blood with so much force he felt as if his heart was trying to fire up his veins.
Y/N was looking at him with a longing gaze, as if this was her last, yet the first time seeing him. As if he was something worth looking at.
She kept looking at him even though Kaz swore his heart was about to burst into a mess of blood and flames. Her fingers lingered on his lips as her other hand came up to softly caress the side of his face, touching a strand of hair. As if she wasn't able to stop touching him. Kaz felt his lips part even more than before, and his breath got stuck in his throat at her touch. He kept his eyes on her as he felt the need to close them for just one second. He felt his heart throb too fast for his liking, feeling his head getting dizzier by the second.
He was sure he was about to faint.
When her thumb caressed his lips for one second, just one second, she moved both of her hands to the side of his face ever so gently, and Kaz felt his knees tremble under her gaze. They never once broke the eye contact, which made the moment feel even more intimate. The way she was looking at Kaz, the way her eyes reflected the dim light next to them on the street made her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, and Kaz felt himself quietly gasp for air.
Kaz Brekker gasped for air, mesmerized by the sight of her.
He was trying to figure out the emotion behind the look she was giving him all night, when she mentioned him or his name, when she realized he wasn't Jesper, when she took his face in her hands, as she caressed him with such tenderness, as if one wrong touch could shatter him like the finest porcelain.
But when she moved her thumb back to his lips again, slightly caressing it without even noticing, Kaz finally dared to speak up.
"What are you-," He couldn't finish the words he was whispering, because Y/N put his handkerchief between their faces, holding it onto Kaz's lips, as if she was about to...was she? Was she about to...kiss him? Kaz felt like fainting again.
When she spoke up, the drunk look was somewhat gone from her eyes, and bittersweetness took over. "My imagination is wicked, but this might be the cruelest thing it ever did to me, making me see you as if you were real, as if you were here." She whispered it so gently that Kaz had to take a second to grasp what she was saying. "I'm here Y/N, I've been here all night." He said, but she just sadly shook her head.
"You're another hallucination, dream-Kaz, because I can never kiss you in the real world. And even in my dreams, I can't do it without respecting you first," she whispered, smoothing the handkerchief over his lips.
Kaz couldn't pin-point when did his heart pumping began too loud for him to hear, or when did he forget to breathe, but what he knew exactly, was the fact that these all made his thoughts cease to exist. Except one.
"You...dream about me? Above all people you could have choosen, you chose me to dream about?" He asked breathlessly, not believing how small his own voice sounded. Still, tears began welling up in Y/N's eyes, which she tried to keep at bay, but a single drop escaped and she let it stream down her face as she spoke up.
"You're... everywhere, all the time, and I can't escape you from my imagination, sometimes even preferring to hallucinate because that's where I know I'll find you, where I'm brave enough to-to say 'I love you' to your face, without having to deal with your rejection, because I-" As she glanced away from him trying to blink away her tears, Kaz gently took the handkerchief away from his lips and instead held her hand which put the handkerchief on him.
Kaz finally realized how she looked at him. If their racing hearts, her shallow breath, the tremble of her voice wasn't enough clue, than her touch certainly was. Throughout her speech her hands were still on his face, unmoving, not daring to move, instead keeping them there in a tender touch. She was in-
"I'm irrevocably, unconditionally, and fatally in love with you Kaz Brekker."
Sharp breaths and worried looks.
Unnoticeable steps and reassuring nods.
A trembling exhale.
One quick step, and Kaz was kissing her.
Their lips colliding against one another like the sun sets on the dark sea, like the moon takes the sun's place, like fireworks lighting up the sky. Her lips a mix of cheap alcohol and something sweet, his the scent of coffee and something salty. Her shyness, afraid of hurting him, clashing with his yearning movements, all of a sudden forgetting everything that wasn't her. His hand found its way onto the back of her neck, while the other gently touched the side of her face, just as she did mere seconds ago.
Kaz couldn't begin to think about his aversion, nor his nausea, because he was surrounded by her. Her scent, her lips, her hands on his face, her gasp in the kiss. He kissed her as if she was the air he was breathing, and he had been drowning, therefore he took the breath that belonged to him. Kaz never kissed anyone before, nor did he imagine himself doing so, but he did it with a strange hunger, as if he was a starving animal in captivity.
In a way both of them were animals, walking the cruel roads of the city, taking down anyone that crossed their paths in the need of survival. In a way, Kaz was no better than a starving animal, looking for crumbs to feed his hunger, finding any way for revenge to ease his anger. And in a way, Y/N was the first healthy taste that could keep Kaz from starving again.
She was addicting. The kiss couldn't have lasted more than 5 seconds, but Kaz already felt himself in need of another. He only tasted her once but he wanted more. So much more.
His knees didn't stop weakening, and he still couldn't quite catch his breath, and maybe it was from the lack of air in his lungs, or his heart beating too loudly in his ears to hear anything, but despite his past with touch, despite his head trying to tell him to stop, almost as soon as they broke apart Kaz captivated her once again.
This kiss was more tender than the first. Kaz still kissed her with wild hunger, but now he took his time getting familiar with her lips. Although, Y/N didn't let herself fall under his spell this time, she daringly smoothed her fingers through his raven hair, stopping at the nape of his neck and gently caressing some strands. She stood still, letting Kaz do what he wanted with his hands on her.
It all felt like a dream, a dream that she was bound to keep like a memory, not just another one of her hallucinations. She knew this wasn't real, it couldn't have been, because she knew her Kaz could never touch her like this. Not in this lifetime. So she let herself get lost in this dream more than she should've let herself to, because she knew her drunkenness would be a reasonable excuse.
Therefore she couldn't bring herself to step away from him. She wanted to kiss him, needed to kiss him, desperately, and if this was the only way she would do so, in her drunk imagination, then she would have to settle for it. She had to accept that this lifetime wasn't meant for them.
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Kaz knew his anger. It was hot and messy, uncalculated, selfish and greedy, which brought out the monster in him. It made him destroy everything in his path, without a single care about who's coming down with him. Kaz knew his anger.
Except this time. As he stepped inside Y/N's flat, looking at the broken chair in the corner, the different marks on the walls, and the small droplets of dried blood at the entrance, he felt a deep rage take over him, and out of instinct he tightened his arm around Y/N just a bit more.
He imagined every scenario as Y/N talked about the fights, from the bad to the worst, but seeing the remnaints of those fights in the organized and neat place felt almost ridiculous to him.
Y/N didn't bother with covering about the damage. She kept her place clean and comfortable as always, and now her place looked like as if the two sides of her life clashed against one another.
Kaz walked over to the bed with her and sat her down, before he grabbed a glass and poured her some water. He signaled for her to drink it and she agreed, probably unaware of what she was drinking. Meanwhile Kaz looked around and lit up a few candles around the room. Then Y/N moved to take off her boots, failing to do so. After multiple attempts and swearing under her breath, Kaz spoke up.
"Stop that and lie down. I'll help," he told her and set his cane down on the bed next to her. She began giggling as he knelt down on one knee to take her boots off. "If you wanted to get me into bed, you could've just asked," she chuckled and Kaz felt his face heat up. He was grateful that she couldn't see his face right now.
"And what would be the fun in that?" Kaz asked and Y/N could hear the cockyness in his voice. "The easiness. I would let you without thinking, you know." Kaz sat her boots next to her bedside table and looked up at her as she slowly sat up.
"You're not an easy woman Y/N, therefore I wouldn't want easy with you." Kaz told her and watched her smile faltered and her eyes got bigger, like when she was concentrating on something. He took it as a sign to continue.
But before he did, he took a moment to really look at her like this. Face red from drinking, eyes shining in the candelight, her gaze full of emotion, hair messy from touching it too much, a few strands sticking to the side of her face, probably from sweat. Kaz moved to tuck those strands of hair behind her ear, and Y/N watched his tender movements with a sleepy smile, but a smile nonetheless.
Kaz, still on his knees, told her to go to sleep and she happily obliged. She fell back on the bed, quickly moving around for a comfortable position then closed her eyes and fell asleep in just a few minutes.
"I'll be right here," Kaz whispered as he got up from his kneeling position, and got to work.
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Y/N woke up to the sound of keys jingling. Against her tired muscles she quickly sat up and grabbed her knife from under her pillow. When her front door opened she threw the knife without hesitation.
Knowing that she probably didn't aim right she grabbed another knife from her bedside table and rushed to the intruder. She grabbed the back of their coat and held the knife to their throat, or she would've, if the person didn't block them with their cane. With the beak of the crow.
"This is how you greet your friends?" Kaz asked mockingly to which Y/N just rolled her eyes and took her knife away from Kaz's face. "Why are you here?" She asked back.
"Good morning, yes I'm quite fine, how are you?" He said and the small grin on his face made Y/N want to kick his cane from under him. "Been better. Could do without the slight headache though, but I'm sure it comes and goes with you," Y/N told him and turned her back to get the knife back in its place.
"You were much better company last night." She turned around abruptly. "What did I do?" Kaz didn't answer at first, which made her worried she did something stupid again. "Kaz, what the hell did I do last night?"
"For starters, you hit up probably half a dozen bars to drown yourself in whatever was cheapest. Then you poured your heart out, probably would've fallen into the canal if it wasn't for me," He said the last words with a mix of mocking and smugness. "Better question: what did you do?"
"A thank you would suffice for saving your ass," He told her and she just scoffed. "Thank you, for being a-" Y/N started but as she hopped down on her bed she felt her ribs ache and she had to breathe loudly to ease the pain. Kaz was in front of her in seconds and had an almost worried look on his face. "What is it?"
"Nothing, it's just-nothing. Probably slept in a bad position," she winced as she put a hand on her left side, but she didn't miss the fact that Kaz reached his hand out. It was only a second, or half a second before he took it back, but she saw it.
Imaged of him touching her flashes through her, his hands in her hair, on her face and neck. She could still feel the touch on her lips, and for a second she just stared back at him in surprise. Was it...was it real? Kaz looked at her questioningly, not knowing what just went through her mind.
Then Kaz sat his cane on her bedside table before he got rid of his coat and put it next to her on the bed. Another image came up: the same position, but he was kneeling in front of her. Y/N shook her head a little, trying to get rid of the images.
"Kaz, what are you do-AH," Y/N shouted as Kaz lifted up her shirt and put his hand on her ribs. He kept poking her left side all the while she was cursing him into oblivion. When Kaz finally stopped and reached for the hem of her shirt she grabbed her clothing and clutched it.
"Hey! No more of this! What do you think you're doing?"
"Measuring up your bruises. I need to know how many punches you took," Kaz told her as a matter-of-factly, and Y/N stared back in confusion. "From who?!"
"Your landlord. Mr. Kozar."
Silence fell over the room. Kaz could see the confusion turn into embarassment, then into fear. Y/N was still clutching her shirt, but this time with a tight grip to ground herself in reality.
"How do you-" She started, but then stopped as she looked up at him. "I told you last night, didn't I?"
"Yes, everything," Kaz had to slightly bite down on his lip, so as not to tell her what did he plan for her landlord tonight. The sight of her, slowly curling in on herself, looking as if she wanted to disappear, when Kaz knew better than anyone that she always made her presence known everywhere she went.
Kaz gently touched the hem of her shirt, next to the piece of fabric she was currently holding in an iron grip, when she looked at him again, this time with uncertainity. Kaz just waited.
"If you want to take off my clothes, at least ask my permission first. Be a gentleman," Y/N told him quietly and loosened her grip on her shirt. Kaz scoffed quietly as he kneeled down in front of her. "I'm anything but gentle," he said, his touch on her shirt never tightening.
"Can I?" Kaz asked on a voice so soft it could've melted gold. Y/N never heard him talk that way, therefore she had to take a moment to grasp her head around how sweet his voice sounded. "Can I take off your shirt?" Kaz asked her again, his soft, sweet voice not faltering. Y/N gently nodded. "Yes."
The minutes while Kaz looked at her bruises, sometimes poking them again, she felt like crying the entire time. Not from the pain, that she was used to living in the Barrel for this long, but from how tender his touches were. He may believe he's not a gentleman, but Y/N knew the truth. She knew the heart behind the iron bars.
After Kaz finished, he handed her shirt back and even helped when she had to stretch out her side. He told her one of her ribs might be fractured, but it shouldn't cause her any trouble tonight.
"Is there a job tonight? Wait, was the meeting I missed last night about this?" Y/N asked Kaz quickly after she reached for her boots to put them on. She was stopped by Kaz's cane snatching them away. "This isn't a job, only if you want to look at it that way," he said carefully and it made Y/N suspicious.
"What did you do?"
"I? I did nothing. Your landlord, on the other hand, did more than what's understandable, even more so, hurting someone close to me, which I believe you don't tolerate either, therefore I set up a meeting with him," Kaz said and rested his hands on the top of his cane, looking at everywhere except her eyes. Y/N didn't miss the way he described their relationship. Someone close to me. Was she still dreaming? Or was this real life? Before she could ask him about that little detail, another thought formed in her mind.
"What meeting?" She asked but the way Kaz glanced at her for just a few seconds before putting his coat on to go on his way, told her more than his words could've. "Oh, a meeting, as in, torture,"
"Only if you want it to get to that point," Kaz said and Y/N was up on her feet right in front of him, and her subconscious got giddy at the fact that he didn't move away from her. "Why Kaz? You didn't have to bother with any of-"
"I did." He said suddenly, and his tone made Y/N go silent. "I do, because I wasn't careful enough to investigate this place like I did with the one before, because I trusted you enough to handle things, because I knew ypu would fight your way out of it. Then you told me you were assaulted, multiple times, multiple fucking times Y/N andyou never once told any of us. You never onced mentioned it, not to anyone, not to me." Kaz told her getting angry at himself for not making sure you were alright, because he was too absorved in his own thoughts, in his feelings for you, trying to punish himself for feeling the way he did. Meanwhile it got to a point where he forgot to protect you. He forgot. He never forgot to look after you. "You didn't ask my help."
"You had enough on your plate now that Pekka's out of the picture. You had business to run, I couldn't have just walk through your door saying my landlord is a greedy asshole who's attacking me at any inconvenience. You wouldn't have cared."
"I would!" Kaz said louder and Y/N looked at him in shock. She was about to speak when Kaz interrupted her. "I do. I do care. I care about your well-being enough, that I wouldn't care at which time of day or night you came for my help." He practically whispered the last few words and he could almost feel her lips against his, the memory suddenly blinding him. "Never be too stubborn to ask for my help. Just come to me."
Y/N could hardly breathe in that moment. All of the flashes from her dream, they weren't dreams at all. She really touched his face, and Kaz really kissed her. Now she remembered how his lips moved against hers as if he had been hungry all his life. And as Kaz looked at her with his pale blue eyes, she was reminded of the fact that he initiated the second kiss. Y/N wanted to know how he kissed, now that she was sober. If it felt addicting while she was drunk, she couldn't begin to imagine what it would feel like now that she's sober.
"I need your help Kaz," she whispered and Kaz's face turned serious at the mention of his name. "I'm afraid I don't remember much from last night." Y/N whispered as she slowly held her hand up next to his face, not wanting to be too quich with her movements, but Kaz gently grabbed her hand and put on the side of his face.
"And now?" Kaz asked raspily. Y/N felt like fainting, as she took a quick inhale. "Not familiar," she said and Kaz moved her other hand to the nape of his neck while he put a hand under her jaw, on her neck. "How about this?" He asked, the words a whisper against her lips. "Still not remembering," she moved her head just a little closer to him and heard Kaz quietly gasp for air, to which she let out a small smile.
"This, you remember," Kaz didn't waste time hugging her even closer to him, so he could finally kiss her again. Saints know he's been itching to do so.
Y/N let out a small gasp in the kiss and Kaz poured all of his years of yearning into their kiss.
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Since that night the Barrel had something worse to fear from Dirtyhands: his love and devotion.
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Lowkey need yandereJake sex… imagine you finally get comfy enough to mate with him and he litteraly treats you like a princess the entire time constantly praising you for any action you do 😭
Mating time (Yandere! Jake Sully x Fem! Reader)
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language, this hasn’t been proofread yet, it is an extremely loooong one-shot.
General warning: SMUT, if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of this 3 meters tall aliens having monster cocks, please don’t read this 🤠 I have the strange idea that the queue/braid can give them orgasms, so it will be used as an overstimulating prop.
Specific tags for this smut: dirty talking, praising, Jake being a pussy eater (it is already a accepted headcanon in the fandom lol), foreplay, handjob, belly bulge (even if you are a Na’vi), overstimulation, squirting, cum eating. Soft dom! Yandere! Jake Sully. Jake Sully purring and whining. Porn without plot.
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
Jake beamed at Y/n as she finished saying that she was ready to mate with him. He had waited so long, trying to not manipulate her. He wanted this to be real, for her and for him.
His tails swished with excitement as he looked at her. “Let’s do this” he said.
They went to a secluded area, Jake seemed so happy he could die. Y/n felt a little bit concerned about it.
“Baby, I am so happy” he said, pulling her towards him and roughly kissing her. His tongue explored her mouth with force, yet his hands were drawing soft and gentle patterns into her skin.
Y/n moaned and Jake could swear he saw the stars. He wanted to hear more of that. He stared peppering kisses along her neck, making her whine. He swore he got harder just for that.
He undid her loincloth rather easily, pushing aside the necklace that worked as a top. His hands traveled the inside of her thighs, not quite touching what was important. His mouth licked, sucked and kissed every patch of skin on her breasts, making the moment hot and romantic. His gentle and caring movements relaxing Y/n.
His hand pressed softly against the skin of her entrance, he caressed every spot with softness. It even seemed like he was teasing her instead of pleasing her.
“Mmmm.. MaJake” Y/n muttered, her whines and moans getting in the way “more…”. Jake smiled proudly, lowering himself until he could start eating her out. Her hands flew to his hair in an instant.
He started licking in circles around the labia, sometimes penetrating her with his tongue. Jake knew exactly what he was doing.
Once he found the clit, he started sucking, making slurping noises just to embarrass her. “Jake, oh Eywa” she moaned, her ears flattened against her skin, her moans escaping her parted lips. “Come on, sweetheart” Jake said, introducing one slender finger into her. She moaned and her back arched.
He continued to make her feel pleasure while he waited patiently for her to cum. Her breath hitched in her throat, her toes curled and for a moment her eyes rolled back. He drank her cum as she released and came down from her high.
“Ah… ahh” she said “For the love of Eywa, Jake, how do you do that?” She asked, amazed. “Do what?” He passed a finger upwards her slit, making her shiver with the tiniest overstimulation.
They began making out again, Y/n tasting herself in his mouth. Her hand began traveling downwards until she found his cock and started playing with it. Jake’s attitude changed, he became whinier and started panting as soon as she started pumping.
Jake moaned deep in his throat. Pre-cum leaked from his top while he started moving his hips to meet the movement of her hand. He didn’t stop once the kissing and he slowly started giving hickeys to her neck once they separated.
“I want to put it in you…” Jake growled as he began softly bitting one of her nipples. She nodded. “Do it” her voice close to a whisper as she continued masturbating him.
Jake steadied himself, giving Y/n one last kiss before aligning his dick on her pussy. “I am going in…” he moaned once he felt the tightness around his dick. “Is so hot I feel I could melt” he says.
Face to face, both moving at the rhythm of their moans and the sound of skin against skin. “Ah… baby” Jake sometimes moaned. He pulled it almost out completely before, without much force, turning Y/n completely around, now she was riding on a reverse cowgirl style.
He started rutting into her with speed, pulling her thoughts up and down with his strong hands. He pressed her to himself, her back against his chest. “Oh look, love” Jake said, stoping the unhuman speed humping to play with her stomach. In the lowers my point of her tummy there was a a bulge that appeared and disappeared as Jake’s cock entered and came out.
Y/n whined with shyness. “Such a beautiful sight” Jake murmured against her hair and pressed one hand against her belly. She moaned, moving her head. Jake noticed that they had just mated “human” style but their queues were yet to be connected.
He took his, nearing hers and seeing how they connected. Soon both of them felt an overwhelming feeling. They could feel their own pleasure but a ten times stronger experience.
“Ahhh… Jake, what are you doing?” Y/n moaned. The new sensation had her body’s sensitivity going over the roof. Her pleasure tingling in every muscle of her body. She felt the coil in her stomach stronger, growing closer to an orgasm.
“Ahhhh, Jake, oh Eywa, what a sensation” she moaned, her pussy clenching around his dick with such force he felt heaven. She came again, her fluids running down his cock and into his thighs. She began a trembling mess, little chills going up and down her spine.
“Ahh, I am coming” Jake said. “Where do you want it?” He asked. Suddenly Y/n turned around dumbfounded. “Where?” She asked.
“There isn’t enough time” he pulled out started immediately jacking off. As Y/n was now sitting on the floor, he got up, lowered himself and demanded “open your pretty little mouth, atta girl”.
Y/n did as ordered, opening her mouth and receiving all of Jake’s load, not letting a single drop be wasted.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Fifteen: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, panty/scent kink, mask kink(Ghostface), gaslighting/manipulation, public/semi-public, spitting, cumplay, nude vids/pics, masturbation, oral, PIV, dick piercing, forced orgasm, bondage/blindfolds, biting/slapping/spanking/cutting, rape kink, NONCON/DUBCON/CNC, Somno, blood, knife, Gunplay, mention of past rape, homophobic comments GEN. SMUT [All possible tags, not all apply]
Info: Ghost = kinky, your petty plans are interrupted, frat guys are the worst, if any male says 'tomcattin'' run, very, very fast; as a southern gal trust me on this one, sudden remembrance that Ghost is a criminal [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+
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Date & Time
September 3rd, 11:45
“Wine coolers in the hot tub, yes ma’am.” Luke sighed, leaning back against the rounded wall right in front of one of the jets, letting it pelt his back.
“You can’t stay in for long Luke it’ll irritate your sunburn.” Your sister spoke up, snatching the vape from your hands and hitting it.
“I know that, mother.” He grumbled, enjoying it while he could despite the nagging. He looked over to you and rolled his eyes when he saw you texting what he assumed was Anakin.
“Seriously?” Luke whined, reaching out for your phone but you held it up and away from him with a scowl.
“Leave me be.” You huffed, “I’m plotting.”
“Yes. Your demise.” You grinned and smiled wider when your sister snorted and covered her mouth, the drunken giggles making it more funny than it was.
“Shut up. You’re sexting Anakin aren’t you?” Luke smirked, putting his arms up to rest on the lip of the hot tub.
“So what if I am?” You laughed, rolling your eyes. “You made me take a picture of you after you’d practiced flexing your non-existent abs.”
“Okay and?” Luke snapped, waving you off.
“And? You’re a whore just like me.” You smirked, laughing at Luke’s face. His mouth dropped open and he raised his eyebrows in feigned shock.
“That’s a low blow.” He shook his head.
“Mhm.” You nodded, finishing up your text and sending it off. “Like the one you gave Han under the dinner table?”
“Luke!” Lauren gasped, leaning forward and nearly tipping her drink into the bubbling water. “You did not!”
“Hey! Hey, shut it-“ He smacked at your shoulder with beet red cheeks.
“Well it was a low blow wasn’t it?” You giggled, your face almost sore from laughing at his spluttering voice as he tried to talk his way out of it.
“I told you that in confidence!” Luke muttered, embarrassedly shifting away from you to sulk.
“Shhh,” you reached over to pat his shoulder. “It’s nothing compared to what I’ve done.”
“Do tell.” Your sister prodded, shimmying her shoulders and giving you a cheeky expression.
“Absolutely not.” You broke out into a laugh, surprised at yourself for letting the alcohol loose your lips. “Shouldn’t have even said that.”
“I knew it.” Lauren said, scrunching up her nose and pointing at you. “I knew Ani was a freak. You owe me money Lukey.”
“What?” Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “You bet on my sex life?”
A sick feeling settled in the pit of your belly, rumbling and clawing at the sensitive little insecurities that resided there. You looked around you, scanning the tree line but not seeing the man you were looking for. Grabbing your phone you switched it off, your intuition telling you this wasn’t a conversation Ghost needed to hear.
“My husband SWEARS he saw Anakin walking into a sex shop a while back.” Your sister said, a prideful smile on her face. “Luke was with me when he mentioned it and Luke said ‘No way. He’s too calm.’ and I said that those are the ones you gotta watch out for.”
“So, Lukey owes me $5.00.” She clapped her hands once and rubbed her palms together.
“Did… are you sure?” You asked, your voice a bit louder than you meant it to be, so you dialed it back a bit. “Like he was for sure it was Anakin?”
“I mean… I wasn’t there. But he saw someone who dresses like him. Black hair, tall. Long sleeves though so didn’t see his tattoos.” You sister explained. “He only saw the back of him. But he was pretty sure it was him.”
“W-why didn’t you say something to me?” You asked, getting irritated at her nonchalance.
“I didn’t want to embarrass you!” She scoffed, “what’s your problem?”
“I- I don’t know… I’m sorry.” You shook your head and crossed your arms, taking another big swig of your drink. “How long ago was this?”
“I don’t know, a week or two? Something like that.” She shrugged, making eye contact with Luke nervously. “Why?”
“Nothing.” You said again, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “Nevermind.”
“I- I’m sorry. Did I make you upset?” Your sister asked, grimacing.
“No.” You shook your head, looking out over the lake at the warm orangey red reflected by the setting sun. “No… I just- I’m thinking too much into this.” You took another big swig of your drink and coughed from the bitterness.
“Oh no…” Luke said quietly, looking over at your sister and back to you as if he knew exactly what you were thinking. “Hey, no. Don’t… there’s no reason to worry, Anakin isn’t like that. He loves you too much. He’s not that kind of guy.”
“I know that!” You huffed, leaning your head back in a deep groan. “But… you always said he was too good to be true! What- I mean he is a bartender.”
“Quit. You’re working yourself up over nothing sissy.” Lauren said, scooting closer to put an arm around you. “Maybe he just hasn’t found the right time to introduce… whatever it was he got. Or maybe it wasn’t even him! It’s okay.”
“Logically I know you’re right. But… but there’s something, I mean I’ve always felt like I wasn’t the best person for him,” you admitted sadly, thinking about your secret trysts with Ghost. “maybe he’s just finally figuring that out for himself.”
Could you have really been so caught up in your hidden life that you’d missed the signs of Anakin becoming more distant? He still always texted when he got home. He still always answered when you called. He still told you in detail about his shifts at work. You’d seen him turn a girl down twice.
It doesn’t make sense. Of course it doesn’t make sense, because Anakin would never do something like that. He would never act like you.
Pushing your guilt and shame onto him like this only heightened the insecurities, what if he is cheating because he suspects that you are?
“Aright, I think that’s enough.” Luke said, gently taking the beverage from your hand and sitting it aside. “Let’s go get some food in your belly, yeah?”
You nodded, standing up and letting the water drip off you for a moment before stepping out of the hot tub. You grabbed your phone and walked into the cabin without even wrapping your towel around you. Tipsy-stumbling into your room you grabbed shorts and a shirt along with a sweatshirt, going back to the bathroom to rinse off the chlorinated water with a quick shower.
Not bothering to wash your hair, you were in the middle of nowhere after all, you scrubbed up and rinsed off in record time. You hear a bit of noise and a soft thud before the shower curtain was ripped open and your face was grabbed by a leather hand.
Your natural instinct was to scream as your eyes widened in surprise, but hand had gripped you firmly beneath your cheekbones and over your mouth.
“Shhh- shut it. You outta be used to this by now.” Ghost grumbled, removing his hand only to smack you across the face with his other one.
“Where’s your phone?” He demanded, looking through your pile of clothes on the sink counter and finding it. “This isn’t ever supposed to be turned off. Do you understand me?” He said angrily, shutting off the water and pulling you out of the shower.
“Ghost! Be careful! Quiet, they’ll hear you.” You whispered, nervously glancing toward the door and yanking the towel off the rack to wrap around yourself.
“They won’t hear shit.” He said, nodding toward the door. “They’re still outside.”
He fumbled with your phone, switching it back on impatiently. Shaking it in front of your face when the screen lit back up.
“Never again.” He growled and grabbed the back of your neck, pushing you into the bathroom counter. With your phone tossed on the bathroom rug, he deftly unbuckled his belt and pulled out his cock.
“Do you understand me?” He asked, smushing your face against the mirror with one hand, his other on your hip to steady himself as he drove his cock into you from behind. A deep groan escaping his lips when he sheathed himself fully into your warmth.
“I asked you a fucking question.” He grunted, thrusting into you at a ruthless pace. Your ragged breath fogging up the mirror and gathering condensation as you tried to form words.
“Understood.” You whimpered, quiet and meek.
“What’d you say to them?” He demanded, pulling your hair roughly to tilt your head back. The motion so quick that it made you dizzy, you fumbled to pull your towel back up as it started to slip but realized it was no use, you may as well just let it fall to the floor.
“N-nothin’. Didn’t say anything.” You shook your head unable to look at him in the mirror, unable to look at yourself for fear of seeing your anxiety reflected back at you.
“You lying bitch.” His hand left your hip, reaching into the back of his jeans to pull out his gun.
He stopped his quick thrusts and changed his grip on your head, his fingers digging into the tender flesh beneath your jaw, squeezing the sides of your throat. The tip of his cock slowly, deliberately, nudging your cervix. It was uncomfortable, feeling him so deeply in such an odd position. The sharp ledge of the bathroom sink pressed into the soft tissue of your lower stomach paired with his deep, brutal strokes had you wincing in pain on the ascent and moaning with pleasure as he slowly dragged himself back down again.
The blood rushing through you crescendoed into a deafening roar as it swirled behind your eardrums, his fingers squeezing so tightly around your neck that your vision went blurry.
“Tell.” Thrust. “Me.” Thrust. “Now.”
The next thing you heard was the sound of the gun’s barrel spinning, his grip on your neck loosened just enough to let you breathe and restore your vision so you could see him clearly when he pressed the gun to your temple. His pointer finger running alongside the barrel.
“Didn’t say anything.” You squeaked, your hands clawing at the faux granite countertop.
*Shk* *click* *click* nothing.
“Six rounds.” He said sternly. “That’s five left and one of ‘em has a bullet with your name on it.”
“Y-you wouldn’t dare.” You whispered, your eyes wide open in fear as you stared at the black eyes and gaping maw in the mirror.
“Guess we’ll see won’t we?” He asked, continuing with his slow pace, rolling his hips against you. “You trusted me with it yesterday, you don’t look like you trust me now. Why’s that?” He asked mockingly.
“Cause… cause you’re mad.” You whimpered.
“Oh, my Doe.” He shook his head, the cold and stone hard emotional wall he had up let out the tiniest bit of the warm comfort he often radiated. “I’m not mad.”
“I’m…” He sighed, tsk’ing before reinforcing that concrete wall to shield you from his feelings. He nudged your temple with the gun again, cocking it back with his thumb.
“Why’d you turn it off? What’d you say that you didn’t want me to hear?” He demanded, pressing it harder into your skull.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You whimpered, eyebrows furrowing, trying to shake your head.
“Did you tell them about me?” His thrusts getting faster the angrier you made him.
“No!” You denied it quickly, thinking back to what he’d most likely heard before you switched off your phone.
“Really? Cause it sounded like you were getting ready to tell them all about how you love it when I treat you like a cheap whore.”* His words smacking you in the face with the weight of the mechanical timbre behind it.
*link to AI audio
“N-no no I swear I didn’t.” You said frantically, trying to steady yourself and plant your hands firmly on the sink’s edge. “I promise I didn’t.”
*shk* *click* *click* and… you’re still breathing.
“Four.” He grunted and relaxed his grip on your neck, your face turning a blue shade that he wasn’t a fan of as he realized he was actually choking you. You coughed, your eyes watering as you tasted a metallic tang in your mouth. You’d split open the cut on your lip again.
“I didn’t say anything about you Ghost I promise I didn’t.” you heaved, sucking in deep half-breaths as he continued to plow into you.
“Then what was it?” He started to yell and remember where he was, quieting himself and stopping his movements to listen for any sign that Luke and your sister had heard him.
“It was Anakin.” You wheezed, “I wasn’t talking ‘bout you. I was talking ‘bout Anakin.”
Ghost laughed, a big hearty chuckle, the chin of his mask touching his chest as he lowered his head and the gun momentarily. He cleared his throat and continued on with his line of questioning after he’d collected himself.
“M’kay, what’d you say about him then Doe?” He asked, languidly thrusting into you, the gun pointed at you through the mirror instead of directly at you.
“I was just… projecting I think.” You said, your eyes darting away from his.
“Don’t… it’s not a big deal. It’s fine, I’m over it.” You lied as if you’d been able to easily banish the thoughts from your mind.
“It’s not fine. I know you.” He said angrily, tapping the mirror with the tip of his gun. “Look at yourself.”
“Ghost- it’s really…” you scowled suddenly, realizing you weren’t the only one who deserved to be questioned. “How did you get Anakin’s ring?”
“I stole it.” He answered automatically and turned the gun back to you again, moving it slowly and he twisted his wrist to tuck the barrel beneath your chin. “I’m asking questions. Not you.”
*shk* *click* *click *snap*
His leathered middle finger and thumb slipped past each other, his middle finger snapping against the meaty space where his thumb connected to his palm, making you jump and eliciting another chuckle from Ghost.
“Three. You really want to risk more? You’re at half way Doe.” He taunted you as he trailed the cool metal down your neck, stopping to nudge your stiff right nipple before continuing its journey to the heated, swollen bundle of nerves nestled between your puffy folds.
“Shhh, listen.” He said in a low tone, letting you hear the soft *tik* as he hit the safety on the pistol. “Hate to hurt my pussy before I’m through with her.”
The sight along the top ridge of the pistol was just a tiny bump along the smooth metal barrel, but it felt heavenly against your hot to the touch clit as it throbbed and begged for attention. His hips pistoned forward, his thighs smacking yours while he rubbed that dangerously delicious bump in circles over your clit.
A sinful moan left your lips, your eyes rolling back in your head as a wave of goosebumps so intense that it prickled all the way up to your cheeks, passed over you when he lodged himself deep inside and rutted up into you.
“Dirty little girl aren’t you? You like this?” He laughed, tapping the barrel against you to make you flinch before resuming the movement that had your head spinning.
“N-no.” You squeaked, through your clenched teeth that mirrored the firm squeeze your cunt gave his cock as it pulsed around him.
“So you are a liar.” His deep voice rumbling in his chest.
“Uh-uh.” You shook your head, biting your lip and sucking on the wound leaking a droplet a blood into your mouth. “Love it.”
“Fuck.” He groaned, feeling like his legs would give out after hearing your admission. “Christ, babydoll.” He moaned, a fresh gush of your wetness coating his length as he struggled to keep hold of his sanity.
Ghost wanted nothing more than to consume you. It was a feeling he hadn’t ever felt before. A burning desire for something more intimate than sex. More intimate than a tender kiss. He was inside you yes, but in that moment even that wasn’t enough. He wanted to devour you, he wanted to flay his ribcage open and shove you inside, even then he wasn’t sure that would be enough.
He thought he loved you before. He thought that deeply rooted need for you was the most powerful love capable of being felt. But he reminded himself in that moment that you were a goddess after all and you’d finally opened up the gate to your own slice of heaven and invited him to push it farther and farther until he could walk in and plant himself there for eternity.
That’s what faith is right? An all consuming desire for more, more, more. To be the best, to be worthy, to be loved. And just trusting blindly that it will eventually be returned? Is this what he was meant to feel when his mother dragged him to church as a kid? Is this feeling what they meant by ‘bask in the glory of god’s love’?
Because this must be what it feels like to love and be loved by a goddess. He was certain of it.
It was an all encompassing feeling that was so intense that he stopped moving completely and squeezed his arms around you as tight as humanly possible, maybe even akin to the strength of something a little less than human and a bit closer to beast. His breath was hot, heavy and ragged. His embrace so tight that it pushed the air from your lungs in a squeaky wheeze, he didn’t stop there. He kept going until his arms were shaking from the strain on his muscles and the pressure of it popped your back in a surprisingly good way.
Only then did he slowly unfurl his arms. He’d unknowingly used you to give himself a temporary compression vest; the kind that calms the nervous system with deep pressure therapy. He felt so much, so quickly that it had completely overrode his ability to function correctly.
For the first time in his life, Anakin Skywalker had fawned.
“Can you be really, really fucking quiet?” He panted, moving you even before you could whimper out a pitiful yes. He guided you onto the floor, too hazy with lust to care about anything but getting as close to you as he possibly could.
“Hold ‘em.” He said, tapping the side of your leg with his slick coated pistol. “Just like that.” Ghost groaned staring down at you as you wordlessly begged for him to dick you down like you so desperately needed him to.
With the crooks of your knees in your hands you pulled your legs to your chest and out to the sides, prying yourself open for him.
“Holy shit.” He breathed out, looking at the creamy mess between your legs. “I thought you were wet when I fucking raped you. You should see yourself right now.”
“Let’s see…” he said, taking his cock in his left hand to stroke slowly while he used the tip of the gun to slide over your puffy folds and nudge your clit again.
The cold metal circled your entrance and it took every ounce of self control you had not to scream out when he pressed the barrel past your pussy lips, plunging it as deep as the trigger.
*shk* *click* *click* “Goddamnit are you-“
He looked down at you in a state of awe as he watched you cum. Your stomach tensed so tightly he could see the individual muscles pulling beneath your soft flesh. He didn’t even care that you were letting out a devastating moan, long, breathy and drawn out. Unmistakable for anything other than pure, absolute, bliss.
“Good fuckin’ girl.” He growled, gently removing the barrel before plunging his thick length into its rightful place. He carelessly wiped the pistol on the side of your face just to humiliate you, but you were too out of it to care.
“Gods you’re beautiful.” Ghost spoke in a strained voice, even through the voice modifier it was noticeable. “So beautiful.”
“Takin’ me so well in this little fucked out pussy. Lettin’ me do what I want.” He whined, slipping his hands beneath you to grip your shoulders. His upper body keeping your legs pinned back so far that your knees touched the ground on either side of you. You felt him so deep, so extremely deep inside of you that if you weren’t already on cloud nine he would’ve sent you to an early grave.
“Gods, you sound so pretty... please shut up.” He panted, straining to cover your mouth from the awkward position his arms were in beneath you. “Shh, shut the fuck up. Please.”
“So wet. Squeezin’ me so tight. I’m gonna cum Doe,” Ghost’s hips thrust erratically, sloppily driving into you, pounding you down into the floor. “Want me to cum inside, huh? Be my little cumslut?” He grunted, the forehead of his mask tucked into the crook of your neck.
“Nasty bitch. Gettin’ fucked on the bathroom floor, loaded gun in your pussy and you just cum like the goddamn whore you were meant to be.” His hips driving into you in a way that made you feel him in your guts, but even that wasn’t good enough for Ghost he needed to be closer despite already cradling your folded body beneath him.
“Giving you a proper dickin’ aren’t I?” He chuckled, “too stupid to talk.”
“Mhm.” You breathed out from under his palm, just taking what he was giving without complaint because… what was there to complain about? He was giving you everything you needed and more.
The front door open and shut, the drunken slurring of Luke and your sister floating muffled and distorted beneath the bathroom door. Your nostrils flaring in panic, but Ghost kept going, shaking his head no.
“Almost.” He whined quietly, rutting into you at an unreasonable rate, only slowing when he pumped his load inside you, thick, creamy white mixing with your slick to make the most disgustingly gorgeous sounds possible.
“I… I will be back.” He panted, quickly pulling out and not bothering to even clean himself up as he fixed his clothes.
“Kisses.” He tapped the cheek of his mask with his pistol, waiting for you to give him a peck there before he tucked it away and stood you up on unsteady feet.
“I love you,” he squeezed your upper arms in his big hands, sliding his palms down the back of your arms to fold your fingers over his, holding them in place with his thumbs and bringing them to his ‘mouth’ to kiss. A gesture that sparked a nostalgic feeling in your stomach.
“Better clean up, we have shit to do.” He grunted, dropping your hands he hoisted himself up and swung one long, lanky leg out the window so he could land clumsily on his feet and jog behind the cabin and out of sight where he’d stashed his backpack, which happened to be a bit heavier than usual that night.
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Diary Entry: September 4th
I’ve never been more happy. My life just keeps getting better and better and it’s all thanks to you. I can’t even be mad that I didn’t get an answer from you. Jesus Christ.
Never in all my gross little fantasies did I imagine I would be fucking my girlfriend with a pistol. Good fucking lord I’m so goddamn lucky. It’s truly a miracle, this is something of bucket list pipe-dream. Now if only I could get rid of the thoughts that came after. Those aren’t ones I would be willing to share for fear you’d ship me off to a freak farm for an extended stay. Honestly I’m a bit concerned now, after that.
I’m supposed to take you over to commit some level crime (not real crime). How can I survive seeing that after what I’ve just done with you? I’m not supposed to ravage you in the woods, but I might end up doing that. Though at this point I’m almost positive you’d be willing to let me. Maybe I will.
Gods I don’t know anything other than I love you… and I need to be headed back toward your cabin within the next hour.
Maybe I don’t need to be afraid of telling you who I am anymore. That would feel so… relieving. Despite my best efforts it really does eat away at me on the rare occasion. I’m stressed out, I’ve kept this up for way longer than I originally planned. I love it, the separation makes it easier on me mentally. The fear of rejection is almost obsolete. Ghost is capable of things with you that would be relatively impossible for Anakin. I’ve been the best man I could be, everything you deserve and more. But now it will all seem like a sham to you won’t it? After being Mr. Perfect I’ve ruined my opportunity to be a regular guy who’s made a few questionable choices.
I am that guy. I’m a good person. A good man.
But I am also Ghost. I am both. I don’t think it’s sustainable to be separate beings for much longer.
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Date & time
September 4th, 12:27 Am
A tap-tap-tap on the glass of your window caught your attention, turning your head you saw the familiar plastic mask you’ve become so oddly attached to. Zipping up your black jacket you opened up the window and stepped up onto the nightstand beside the bed, much less gracefully than Ghost had done before. His leathered hands gripped your forearm and helped you pull yourself out of the window. Ghost thrust your very own small backpack in your hands.
“Hey! When did you grab this?” You asked with a tinge of annoyance. “Where’s all the stuff that was in it?”
“Chill out would you?” Ghost huffed, closing your window but leaving a small rock inn the tracks at the bottom to allow the both of you reentry later. “It’s in the top drawer of the dresser in there.”
“Ew.” You grumbled while following closely behind him. “Apparently you don’t know me as well as you seem to. You’d know I hate putting my things in places like that. Who knows what else has been in there!”
“Oh my god. You’re impossible.” He scoffed, reaching behind him to grab the back of your neck to pull you forwards to walk beside him. “I put it all in a gallon ziploc baggie. I do know you that well. Don’t ever doubt that again. Understand?” His tone was clearly annoyed, his body language changing slightly to a more guarded stance.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, receiving a grunt of acceptance.
You walked in silence, after a few hundred yards he finally relaxed again, slipping his arm over your shoulders instead of the iron grip he had previously on your neck. He rubbed your upper arm, as if apologizing through the comforting motion.
“Here’s the plan: We stake it out for a bit, see if anyone there smokes so-“
“Why would it matter if one of them smokes?” You interrupted him.
“I’m sorry, would you like to be in charge?” His ‘question’ dripping with condescension, tilting his head toward you with a small disapproving head shake. “As I was saying, We’ll need to see if anyone smokes. That way we will know how much time we have before someone comes outside.”
His head turning toward you again when you let out a soft ‘Oh.’ Of realization. He made a noise in his throat like he had expected you to say something snarky instead.
“After that we’ll start with the TP around the house, silly string the trees… then we’ll move on to chalking their cars. We’ll do it in that order.” He said firmly.
“Why? I figured we’d do the cars first, won’t they be closer?” You asked, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yes. That’s exactly why we’ll be doing them last.” He said with a nod. “Why would we start at the end of our route? We’ll be leaving the way we come in. Easier escape if they come out, you know?”
“Oh… yeah okay.” You nodded, giving him a suspicious look.
Although you knew he was a delinquent, it still surprised you when there were these moments of clarity. These were the moments when you realized he actually was a real criminal and not just someone playing a part. It was easy to forget all the things he’d done to you, all the horrendously illegal acts he’d committed just to gain entry into your life. He made himself so likable that it was startling even when it shouldn’t be.
“Mhm. That’s why I’m in charge of this operation and you’re not.” He chuckled, squeezing your shoulder affectionately.
“How do you know this stuff?” You asked in an accusatory tone.
“I have a colorful resume.” He shrugged his shoulders and dismissed it but you weren’t satisfied with such a vague answer.
“Ghost?” You asked in a softer, less hostile tone. “Have you ever stalked anyone before me?”
“What?” He asked, stooping you abruptly by throwing out his arm across your chest. He turned to face you directly, keeping a pointed finger centered on your sternum. “You know better than that.”
“Why would you ask me something like that Doe?” He asked, a hint of pain in his strained voice. “No, no I’ve never… I wouldn’t. I’ve never felt this strongly for someone in my entire life. I risked everything for you and I continue to do so every time I come in contact with you. Do you think I’d do that for anyone else?”
“Wait- hold on I didn’t mean anything by it Ghost I’m sorry.” You grabbed his wrist in a gentle grip to attempt to ground him. You didn’t think he’d be so offended by the question considering how he answered your previous inquiry. ‘Colorful resume’ seems like the kind of thing one might label stalking under.
“What did you mean then?” He asked, stepping closer to you.
“I just… I guess I’m curious. I mean can you really blame me?” You asked carefully trying to navigate the conversation. “You know so much about illegal things.”
“Just because I’m good at it doesn’t mean that I’ve done it before.” He grumbled. “I researched, I studied. Just like you would do to get information on anything else.”
“I’ve never loved anyone like I love you, I know what I’ve done is wrong. I’ve admitted that before.” He said it like he’d expected you to forget his transgressions the moment he apologized for them.
“I have no reason to lie about this. I’ve lied about… that’s beside the point okay? I’ve lied about stuff before but it was only to protect you as well as my identity and its not like I enjoyed it!” He raised his voice slightly, pulling you along with him as he restarted your trek along the lakeshore.
“You’re right, you’re right I’m sorry Ghost.” You said ashamedly, feeling bad for questioning him. You realized now that it would’ve sounded like an insult or a straightforward accusation to him.
“I shouldn’t have asked you that. I don’t really think-“ You paused, hearing him take a deep breath. “I guess I should say that I didn’t actually think you’ve stalked someone before.”
“I don’t like that word you know.” He said, the voice changer crackling from the quietness of his words. “Stalking makes it sound bad. What I did or do, it’s not stalking. Stalking conveys harm. I’m the last person on earth who would hurt you. I watch you.”
“I suppose you’re right about that.” You nodded, understanding his approach. Stalking definitely was what he was doing, but it also definitely held a really negative connotation which didn’t fit the situation entirely, maybe in the beginning but certainly not now.
“I know I’m right.” He grumbled, shaking his head at you in disappointment. You couldn’t help but chide yourself for ruining the more upbeat mood you’d started off the night with.
“I- okay you know what?” He sighed taking your hand in his and lacing your fingers together. “I’ve never ‘stalked’ anyone but you. But there’s other stuff. I’m so good at ‘this stuff’,” He air quoted. “Because I’ve got a juvenile record for a few small time crimes. Theft, Break and Enter, Assault.”
“Ah-“ He stopped you by clapping his unoccupied hand over your mouth when he heard you breath in sharply. “Not sexual assault. I beat someone up because they saw me doin’ something I didn’t want them to see.”
“Oh, well… okay that makes me feel better.” You nodded, believing him because- well why not? He was willingly sharing this information with you. He felt the need to explain himself and he was finally sharing some real personal information, possibly identifying information. Although there was one thing that made you doubt the truth in his confession. “So, why the rape kink then? And that’s not me accusing you of lying, I’m just genuinely curious.”
He chuckled, surprised yet strangely proud that you were brave enough to question that. “Good girl. See? I’ve made you a brave little Doe haven’t I? I figured you’d straight up not believe me.”
“I have no reason to think you lied about it. I mean, I know what you’ve done to me.” You trailed off, suddenly rethinking your choices to trust his word. He had sexually assaulted you in many ways on many occasions even if you didn’t admit it to yourself. Even though you didn’t want to see it that way, that’s the truth. “You told me about it, showed me pictures, so I guess i don’t have a reason to doubt you.”
“That’s one way to look at it I suppose.” He shrugged, swinging his arm back and forth as he held your hand. “Well anyway, I watched a bunch of horror movies when I was a kid. I had unchecked access to the internet and my mom didn’t check my rentals from the Blockbuster.”
“Rented some horror movie with a cheerleader in it when I was like eight, had some really brutal scene in it but, it was the first time I saw a girl naked so I think I traumatized myself. So, its really not my fault.” He didn’t sound the least bit ashamed at the admission but you can’t really blame him can you? You enjoyed what he’d done, you thought it was hot when you realized why you’d been so ridiculously horny for so long.
“I mean…” You laughed a little bit, unable to come up with a good response to this new bit of information you’d managed to dig out of him.
“Mhm.” He chuckled, “Any questions? I know you have some.” You could just imagine the grin on his face from the tone of his voice. It was clear he was elated that you took his word for gospel.
“Why’d you steal stuff? Break into peoples houses?” You had a third question, but refrained from asking for fear of being a bit insensitive and possibly a tad ignorant. Not everyone steals because of necessity.
“I don’t know.” He said with a small laugh. “No reason really, I guess just because I could.”
“That’s s-“
“Stupid? Yeah it was.” He laughed, the sound mechanical but with a rich timbre that was warm, hearty.
“So the guy you assaulted. What’s that all about?” You asked, looking out over the lake to appreciate the beautiful night waters while you listened to him talk.
“Right.” He sighed, his hand snaking beneath his mask to scratch his neck anxiously. “Well here’s the thing: I made some mistakes. I know that. I knew it then too.”
He looked down, shoving his unoccupied and jittery hand in his pocket before kicking a pebble into the lake, disrupting the serenity of the black liquid. He took a deep breath and tilted his head up to the sky, letting it out through his nose in an effort to reach into his mind and come up with something that didn’t sound as bad as it actually was.
“Alright, I was a weird kid. Believe it or not.” He chuckled nervously, trying to use a bit of self deprecating humor to lighten up the subject. “I won’t go into too much detail, because I personally don’t like to think about it and I’m sure you won’t want to think about it.”
“The long and short of it is this: I was 14 and I hurt some… thing. I was mean.” He admitted, skillfully being as vague as he possibly could. “The guy, some kid I went to middle school with, it was his dad that saw me. So I realized I couldn’t talk myself out of it, you know since he was an adult.”
“Well we lived in a subdivision and there was a big dumpster toward the back entrance, that’s where I was.” He audibly swallowed, you could tell by the way his grip on your hand changed that his palms were sweating beneath his gloves.
“Someone had thrown out some furniture, sawed a janky old table up to make it fit in the dumpster. So I grabbed one of the wood pieces and swung it at him.”
“If I didn’t have a real good lawyer and a therapist behind me they would’ve charged me with attempted murder.” He said in a softer voice, apologetic as he spoke.
“I was just scared. He was yellin’ and he was a big dude and I wasn’t the most buff kid on the block.” He said with a slight laugh, giving you a half glance as if he were afraid to see your expression.
“I… I’m sorry that happened.” Your words surprised him so much that he needed you to repeat them. So you did.
“Why?” He asked in confusion.
“Sounds like you just needed some help.” You replied with a sad smile.
In reality, Ghost was one hundred percent in the wrong, you knew that. Despite his age at the time, what he told you and didn’t tell you were both obvious crimes. He may have been 13 but he admitted he knew it was wrong even then.
He wasn’t apologetic because he felt bad about it. He was apologetic because he hated that you had to hear it.
The information wasn’t a groundbreaking story, nor was it an earth shattering revelation that you would’ve never expected to hear from him. Were you surprised he’d shared the information with you? Absolutely, but, surprised about the content? Not at all.
You had more questions.
What was the ‘something’? Why was he there? Why did he do it? What exactly did he do? It must’ve been something serious for him to reflexively clock a grown man with a wooden plank. None of those were questions you really wanted to ask though. You were curious, just not curious enough to willingly soil your gold plated version of him if you didn’t have to.
“Did you get charged for the other thing?” You asked, thinking that might be enough to quench the curiosity.
“No I didn’t.” He shook his head. “My lawyer handled it. I didn’t go to Juvy either like I should’ve.” He clicked his tongue, kicking at another rock. “Some how the lady got the judge to agree to me ‘serving’ out my time in a state school for little shitheads. I spent 8th through 10th grade with kids who were just as bad or worse than I was. Summers doing ‘volunteer’ work, which is just legal jargon for unpaid child labor.”
“I guess the state thought if I was too tired from digging ditches and doing grunt work, then I’d be less inclined to reoffend.” He shrugged, crouching down in front of you when he saw you were getting a bit tired of walking.
You climbed up, holding onto his shoulders and letting him hoist you up on his back. Those strong hands of his gripping the backs of your thighs.
“Did it work?” You asked, resting your chin atop his head.
“Well I certainly haven’t hit anyone with any furn- er well a piece of a table since then.” He laughed nervously, thankful you couldn’t see the horribly worried look he had on his face.
“So when did you do all the breaking and entering? Before or after?” You asked.
“Both.” He said simply.
You could tell the conversation was wearing on him in a way that seemed unpleasant. You didn’t want him to have a dampened mood just because you’d pried to hard. This was immense progress, he’d never shared this much about himself before and you didn’t want to ruin the chance of it happening again.
You allowed the flow of exchange to trickle into a complete stop. Letting him piggyback you in silence while you finally took an opportunity to scan your surroundings. When you did, you realized just how far you’d walked, you could see your cabin from across the lake, caddy-cornered to your current position but it wouldn’t be much longer until you were staring staring at it from in front of your target.
“Alright, hop down baby Doe.” He patted your hip, motioning you to crouch down behind the bushes with him to survey the area and figure out a time frame in which you could safely trash the place.
“How long will we wait?” You asked, grabbing his wrist for balance.
“Thirty minutes should do it.” He said quietly, watching the front door and the movement in the soft yellow lighting filtering through the curtains in the cabin. “Most people, especially if they’re drunk, chain smoke or at the very least every fifteen to thirty minutes.”
“You smoke don’t you?” You asked him and he tilted his head toward you with a light laugh.
“Yeah I do. How’d you know?” He asked, you could hear the smile in his voice.
“You taste like it sometimes.” You admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Aright Doe.” Ghost nodded, “what brand?”
“Huh?” You looked at him with confusion, how in the hell were you supposed to know that?
“C’mon. I know you’ve smoked before. They all taste different.” He teased, turning his attention back to the front door. “Menthol or regular?”
“Good, that one was easy.” He laughed, nodding for you to go ahead with your next guess.
“Marlboro Red.” You said with a grin.
“Damn. Look at you, fuckin’ creep.” He laughed and reached over to squeeze your knee.
“I only know that cause of A- er well, never mind.” You cut yourself off, scowling at the fact you’d almost mentioned Anakin in front of him. Anakin had already unknowingly salted your mood earlier in the night and there was no reason to rehash that unsavory moment now.
“Oh, right.” Ghost nodded, shifting slightly to kneel. He pulled his phone from his pocket, turning the screen away from you before slipping it back in his pocket. “Let’s go babydoll.” He whispered, pulling you up by your arm.
“Need to piss before we toss this toilet paper all over the place?” He handed you a roll from his backpack with a childish giggle.
“No thank you.” Shaking your head he motioned for you to crouch down again, staying low and out of sight from the window. The closer you got to the cabin, the louder the music inside grew.
“Wanna look inside?” He asked as he tapped your shoulder, “See what a boy sleepover looks like?”
“Bet they’re all half naked, pillow fightin’ and giggling like school girls.” He snickered at the way you had to stop yourself from laughing out loud.
Raising up from your hiding spot you peeked in the window through a tiny sliver of space in between the curtains. Inside were the group of frat boys that had pestered you earlier in the day. Although they were not having a lusty pillow fight, they were doing something just as bad, maybe worse.
“Ah! Oh my god.” You squeaked and covered your eyes, turning away quickly.
“What? Did they see you?” Ghost gripped your upper arm and moved you out of the way to have a look for himself, his hand poised and at the ready to pull out his knife. Instead, he snorted and fell to his hands and knees. “Shit, sorry I should’ve looked first.”
“I’ve heard of strip poker, but I’ve never heard of strip pong.” You shivered, knowing you’d never be able to erase that tainted image from your brain. Four mostly nude guys playing beer pong was not on your list of deviant activities for the night.
“C’mon. This just proves they deserve it, huh?” He stood up and dusted himself off, poking his head around the corner to makes sure the coast was clear. “Oh, almost forgot.” He said, pulling your pink silk handkerchief from his back pocket.
“Let me put this on you, just in case.” Lifting it up and tying it around the lower half of your face.
“Do I look the part?” You teased, one hand on your hip and the other holding up the roll of TP like a football.
“Oh yeah.” He laughed, “Giving Thelma and Louise a run for their money.”
“Shut up.” You giggled and followed him to the back of the cabin where he gave you a designated spot to stand while he ran back to the front.
Soon enough you saw a roll sailing through the air toward you, followed by two more. After hitting the ground and unfurling a bit more you picked one up and tossed it back over the cabin, repeating the process until all six of the rolls he’d brought with him were strewn across the roof of the small cabin.
You heard a sharp ‘woo-hoo’ whistled out into the night, following the sound to the side yard where Ghost tossed a can of silly string the size of a hairspray can to you. You watched for a minute, just smiling at the way he was so happily running in circles around a tree, spraying in one continuous string until the trunk was sufficiently silly-strung.
It was like watching a kid go to a playground for the first time. He was treating this like a play date at the monkey bars, hopping around with a spray can in each hand to aim as high as he could.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked, sounding a bit winded from his sudden burst of the human zoomies.
“Just… watching.” You grinned, grateful he couldn’t see just how big that smile you were hiding was.
He sprinted toward you, holding out both cans, spraying you with them as he chased you through the yard to the other side, where he hadn’t gotten any of the trees yet.
“Ghost!” You squealed when he caught up to you and pulled you to the ground with him. “Quit it! You’re gonna get us caught!”
“No. You’re the one screaming.” He laughed, hovering over you with his hands planted firmly on the ground at either side of your head.
“Not my fault.” You grumbled as he helped you back up, dusting your clothes off for you which was really just an excuse to grope your ass.
“Well it’s not my fault either.” He said, snaking his arms around your waist. “It’s just so cute when you run from me.”
He gave you a soft smack on the ass before sending you off to work on the remaining trees in the yard, leaning against the side of the cabin. It was his turn to watch. He liked seeing this side of you, a little adventurous, dipping your pinky toe into danger but still the same sweet girl he fell in love with.
“Next up.” He tossed the empty silly string cans into a pile in the front yard near the porch steps, replacing the one in your hand with a can of washable spray chalk.
“I call the truck.” He said, pointing toward a huge white Dodge Ram. He waved you off to take care of the two smaller vehicles.
Ghost took his time with red chalk paint to graffiti a tiny dick with a massive set of balls on the hood of the truck, it might be 12 year old boy humor but it still made you laugh. That’s all it should’ve done. Give you a giggle.
A graffiti dick shouldn’t really provoke intense thought should it?
It reminded you of how Anakin always said guys with obnoxious trucks were ‘compensating’ for a small dick. A weird coincidence, or maybe you were just still subconsciously thinking of Anakin and how he’d made you upset, so your brain was just selecting things that you associated with him and making them stick out to you.
You didn’t have too much time to think on it however because while you were busy painting the little grey Mazda with random doodles, Ghost had gotten the two of you in a bit of a pickle. He’d taken the time to consider smoke breaks, but frat boys are unpredictable off-paper. Mixing alcohol and stupidity often leads to unexpected activities and generally unwise ideas. In this case it seemed your group of targets had decided it was a really great idea to take a post midnight dip in the lake.
“Hey, what the hell is this?” One of them drunkenly laughed out loud after stepping out into the grass barefooted.
You heard Ghost’s boots crunch on the gravel before you felt his big arms scooping you and your bag up, packing you to the woods edge. He sat you down as gently as he could during his panicked scramble.
“Which one of you fuck-heads spray painted my truck?” A different guy who sounded familiar, possibly the one who’d spoken directly to you, yelled at his group of friends. He clumsily jogged over to his vehicle and climbed up on the driver side wheel to assess the damage. He laughed, thinking it was funny until he realized his friends were all denying responsibility.
“Wasn’t me man. We’ve all been inside with you for the last two hours dude.”
“Brandon! It was you wasn’t it?” The white truck guy hopped down from the tire and stumbled over toward his friend group.
“What? No!” Brandon yelled, shoving his friend away from him with a sloppy swing of his left arm.
“Chill out, it wasn’t anyone here.” The only one of the group who I sounded a bit more sober than the rest. “I know for a fact it wasn’t Brandon. He was chucking his guts in the bathroom for an hour and then he was playing pong.”
“Well who the hell was it then?”
Meanwhile Ghost was holding you still behind the bushes, trying to figure a way out of the situation he’d put the two of you in. He had just wanted some quality bonding time with you, outside your apartment and all had went swimmingly up till these drunken fools ruined it for him. He couldn’t just stand up and walk off, they were too close, especially white truck guy. There was not way he was willing to put you in harm’s way like that.
“Alright doe, just stay quiet.” He said, his voice low and dropping in and out of the filter.
“Ghost, lets just go." You whispered, tugging on his arm.
He grumbled, grabbing both you wrists and pinning you down. “Shut your goddamn mouth stupid bitch."
“Did you hear that?” One of the guys slurred, the voice coming closer along with a few separate pairs of footsteps.
Ghost held his hand over your mouth to keep you from nervously rambling. These frat boys posed no real threat for Ghost in a one on one, but there was a group of them and they were wasted, which meant they were a threat to you. 
“Listen, I’m sure whoever it was is long gone now.” The least drunk one shouted out to the rest of the group that had begun to walk your way. “We’ll clean up in the morning.”
“I’m not cleaning shit!” White truck guy yelled back to him. “I didn’t do this, I’m not cleaning it up.”
“Adam calm down, it was probably just some kids.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! They spray painted my fucking truck, Wyatt!” Adam shouted, stomping around the vehicles, crouching down to look beneath them for any clues.
“Maybe those girls will help, you know the ones from across the lake?” Adam suggested, thinking maybe the suggestion would calm his friend down, not realizing there was an angry Ghost bristling with irritation at the mere mention of you and your sister.
“Fuck ‘em.” Adam grumbled picking up a long stick to poke around in the brush surrounding the edge of the yard. “Those bitches are probably in on it.”
“C’mon man don’t be like that. They didn’t do this, you're just mad they didn’t wanna fuck.” Brandon laughed.
Ghost gripped you a bit tighter as he listened to them. He could call you a bitch, he meant it affectionately but these guys didn’t have that privilege. They don’t know you, they don’t have any right to call you anything, let alone feel entitled to the opportunity to lay their hands on you. Or your sister for that matter.
“So what?” Adam said angrily, “They were just actin’ coy cause that queer kid was there.”
“Just didn’t want the little fag to feel bad that they were dick magnets and he wasn’t.” Another one of the boys joined in, each word from their mouths making Ghost’s blood boil a bit hotter and make your stomach churn a little more.
“Bet I could go down there and get sweet cheeks in bed with me, make her clean this shit up in the morning before I drive her back over there.” Adam cackle laughed, throwing the driver side truck door open the keys already in the ignition judging by the way the interior lights turned on along with the beep of the indicator light.
“Sweet cheeks?” Ghost muttered, “They’re talkin’ bout you. See? This is why I don’t like you going places without me!”
“What if I wasn’t here, huh? What if these assholes rolled up and it was just you and your sister?” He whispered angrily.
“Luke would-”
“Luke would do his best, he would. But he doesn’t carry a weapon now does he?” He snapped back at you.
“No.” You answered quietly, muffled behind his hand. You definitely understood where he was coming from, but also not really. You went places without him all the time, of course he was always aware of your location and now he was aware of your audible conversations too. But, he wasn’t always there physically.
“That’s right. Now get ready to run.” He said quickly, shifting his weight to lift himself to his knees.
“What?” You said in a panicked voice, eyes wide with a sudden streak of fear.
“Just do what I say and it’ll be fine Doe.”
“Remember that uh, that one chick from East Greene?” Brandon said, nudging his friend in the side.
“Oh! Yeah, yeah the redhead we did poppers with?” Adam laughed, jumping back down from his truck, shutting the truck door for the time being, the annoying dinging coming from inside the cab finally coming to a halt.
“Mhm, that’s not what I remember her for.” Brandon clapped him on the back, “What’d we call it? ‘Redhead n’ Spread’.”
“Hey, let’s not talk about that.” Wyatt cut in, trying to stop the conversation before it went too far. “Someone wasn’t there remember?” He nodded over to his right at a skinny, short guy in pastel golf shorts.
“Aw Zach ain’t gonna say nothin’.” Adam shushed him, “Not if we bring him with us tonight.” 
“Tonight? What’s going on tonight?” Wyatt asked him with a bit of confusion.
“Going tomcattin’.” Adam grinned, laying on his faint southern accent just a little bit thicker.
“Shit, alright.” Wyatt laughed, bouncing on the heels of his feet excitedly. “Let's get Zachary fully initiated.”
“No way, really?” Zach spoke up, hearing the tail end of the conversation. “I thought I still had another week left?”
“Not if you tomcat with us.” Adam said, cracking open a new beer. The group seemed to have completely forgotten the mess you and Ghost had made, obviously more interested in the plans they were making.
“Alright, well I’m not a good ol’ boy like you.” Zach snickered. “What the fuck is tomcattin’?”
“Well, youngin’.” Adam threw his arm around his friends shoulder and leaned in, poking him in the chest with his pinky finger before upturning the beer in the same hand to pour into Zach’s mouth while he explained. “ Tomcattin’ is when some eligible bachelors such as ourselves, go prowl for a bitch, or well, I suppose we outta call ‘em a kitty shouldn’t we?”
His buddies howled out in drunken laughter at his horribly offensive, demeaning joke. Now, they were talking about something Ghost couldn’t excuse or dismiss. It’s one thing to have a wandering eye. If he were to jab out the eyes of every man who looked your way, half the city would be eligible for a service dog. But this, this was different. This was a threat, not just the drunken ramblings of some idiot, this was clearly something this group, or at the very least, Adam, did more than once. 
“What’d ya say? Ready to corner a kitty?” Wyatt smacked Zach on the arm.
“Corner a girl?” Zach asked with a confused look. “You mean like, go out to the bar and see if I can find someone to take home?”
“Why the hell would we do that when there’s perfectly good pussy right over there?” Adam snorted, pointing across the lake toward your cabin.
“There’s two, plenty to go around.” Brandon chimed in, a sick smile on his lips. 
“Didn’t that one say she was married? I don't think they seemed very interested.” Zach said with an awkward laugh.
“Shit, they don’t have to be interested. As long as you’re interested that’s all that matters.” Adam laughed.
“C’mon don’t be a bitch Zach.” Wyatt elbowed him, trying to egg him on. “We’ve all done it. I did it for initiation, Brandon did it last year and we all hopped in on it. Might as well do the same this time right?”
“Yeah, don’t you wanna get some puss?” Adam laughed, rubbing his hands together. 
“I’ve heard enough.” Ghost gritted his teeth, his fingers flexing in preparation. “Change of plans.” 
“You’re going to get in that truck and book it back to your cabin. Pack up and leave.” He grabbed your arm roughly, forcing you to look at him.
“What?” You whispered in surprise “I’m not doing that!”
“Oh, yes you will.” He said squishing your cheeks in his other hand. “Kisses.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned in to kiss the cheek of his mask, pulling your arm out of his grasp. He hesitated, keeping those big, dark eyes trained on yours. 
“I want you to go.” He said in a gentler tone. “Please?”
“No.” You shook your head and crossed your arms in defiance. “I will not be stealing a truck and I will not be leaving.”
He growled, putting his head down and then looking back over to the group of men. With both of your hands in his he put the forehead of his mask against yours. He dropped your hands, pulling you against his chest tightly, cradling your head in the crook of his neck.
“Swear to me you won’t look.” He pleaded, sounding desperate.
“What are you gonna do?” You asked nervously.
“Swear to me.” He demanded, squeezing you tighter to put stress on his warning. “I’m just gonna scare them, but you have to promise me doe.”
“I promise.”
“Head down, don’t move.” He said, petting your hair and scratching your scalp with his gloved fingers. “This is for you. Just in case, gun’s in the bag.” He opened up his backpack to show you the gun and bullets and then shoved the rose handled butterfly knife into your hand, enclosing your fingers around it.
“Wait, don’t you need this?” You asked with a grimace, not wanting to think about the possibility that either of you would need to use it.
“I have two more.” He said as if it were completely normal to carry around three knives at any given time. You watched as he fished around for a ziploc bag full of zip ties, taking out a handful and shoving them in his pocket.
“Don't you dare do anything stupid, you hear me?” He grabbed your face with both his hands and pressed his forehead to yours once more.
“Yes sir.” You gave him a nervous smile.
“Now is not the time to be a smartass.” He grumbled, pushing you down gently to make sure you wouldn’t see whatever it was he planned on doing.
Ghost crept around the side of the big white truck, flipping out one of his knives from his back pocket in a showy spin. He jabbed the back left tire of the truck, a loud hissing pop coming from the pierced rubber. It was loud enough to catch the groups attention, their heads turning toward the noise. Ghost stood still, twirling his second favorite knife around the back of his hand by hooking it with his thumb.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Adam yelled, throwing his beer can at Ghost. It fell about three feet in front of him, a sloppy throw executed by a sloppy drunk. “You’re gonna pay for that!”
“I’m your vet, heard you needed to be neutered.” Ghost said, his filtered voice echoing through the trees. He walked toward them slowly, flicking his wrist to hold the knife in a back handed grip, running the tip of the blade down the side of the truck as he walked past. The sharp steel on the bright white paint scraped it off with a loud, grating, screeching noise.
“Alright, who the hell sent you here?” Adam stormed over to him and shoved his shoulder. “Those little shits from Delta Chi?”
“Mm, no.” Ghost grabbed his wrist and dug his thumb into the tender spot just below the heel of Adam’s palm. 
“Did you do all this?” Adam asked angrily, trying to twist his arm out of Ghost’s firmly closed fist. “You’re gonna clean this up or I’ll call the owners.”
“I think this mess is the least of your worries, Adam.” Ghost growled, shoving him backward and letting him fall to the ground, landing on his ass.
“Yeah?” Adam stood back up, stumbling on his feet and landing against the side of his truck for support. “You went to the fuckin’ Party City and think you’re some kind of big tough guy?”
“No,” Ghost grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him up against the truck door, using his forearm to press against Adam’s windpipe. “I actually went to the Spirit Halloween.”
“Like you could take on all of us? With that little thing?” Adam laughed loudly, nodding toward Ghost’s knife with the small range of motion he had in the position he was stuck in.
“All of you?” Ghost chuckled, throwing Adam to the ground and following him so he could grab him by the hair, lifting his head to show him that all his ‘friends’ had left him to fend for himself.
“So much for frat loyalty.” Ghost laughed, kneeling on Adam’s back to keep him pinned down. He wrenched the man’s hand out from underneath him, splaying his fingers out on the ground in front of his face. “Listen, I know what you were planning to do. I heard you.”
“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!” Adam yelled, putting up quite the fight against Ghost, enough that he needed to fully straddle him to hold him still. 
“Tomcatting, RedHead n’ Spread…” Ghost repeated, “You make me sick.”
“Oh whatever.” Adam spat, sounding strained as he kicked and squirmed. “Brandon!” He shouted, breathing in to call out again.
“You ever played Nerve?” Ghost asked, twirling his knife, returning it to a backhand grasp to stab into the dirt between Adam’s fingers. 
“Shit- Brandon! W-Wyatt! Get your ass back over here!” He squealed while Ghost threaded the knife back and forth through his fingers, stabbing it rapidly into the dirt.
“You know, one of those ‘kitties’ you were thinking about hurting… she’s mine.” Ghost growled, purposely nicking Adam’s thumb, making him yelp.
“I’m sorry! Jesus- let me go man. I- I was just tryin’ to mess with the recruit!” Adam panted, trying to turn over beneath Ghost.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Ghost grunted, slicing the side of Adam’s hand.
“Fuck!” Adam screamed, thrashing around, trying to bite at the leather glove closest to his face. “Brandon! This guy’s tryna kill me!”
“If I wanted you dead, you would be.” Ghost plunged the knife into the meaty part of Adam’s hand between his thumb and forefinger. He drove it all the way into the dirt below, trapping it there while Adam’s hand shook from the pain.
“Sorry, don’t have a paperweight buddy.” Ghost sighed, his tone dripping in apathy. 
Ghost fished around in his pants shorts pockets, finding his wallet and cellphone. He lifted up Adam’s head by his hair to use the face ID on his phone, once it was unlocked he scrolled through it, ignoring the whiny protests from the guy trapped beneath him. With several contacts and a few screenshots of social media accounts airdropped to his own phone he chucked Adam’s somewhere out into the yard. He then picked though his wallet, taking out his credit cards with his second knife, he stacked them together and chopped them up like he was cutting through a bar of soap.
“What the hell is your problem?” Adam cried, snot dripping from his nose. 
“You are my problem.” Ghost chuckled, taking the cash from the wallet and tucking it away in his pocket. Ghost grabbed Adam’s pinned hand, jerking it backward quickly to make the removal of the blade just a tad more painful. 
“God, would you shut up? It’s not that bad.” Ghost grumbled, zip tying his hands together behind his back, making him stand so he could lead him into the cabin. “Let’s go say hi to your friends.”
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 Part Sixteen
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero r @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @hopesworlld @lonaah @guiltycherries s @syralix @doblasftcisco @demieyesore
THE TAGS LIST IS FULL! But if you want to be tagged I will comment ur username for you. Love you all so many.
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With Discretion - Part 2 **
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Part 2 is here! We'll get to learn more about Harry's side of things and be exposed to a bit more of the mess Caleb is in, and of course...the reconnection of Y/N & Harry! I hope you guys like it! I think there will be a 3rd/final part to this fic:) Read Part 1 HERE & find my masterlist HERE.
Warnings: verbal argument, dirty talk, oral (f-receiving), hand job, p in v (unprotected), creampie, breast play, infidelity,
WC: 14.2K
When Harry saw your smiling face at the bar, asking him about some fictional business trip to Tokyo, his lips involuntarily turned up in a smile. He hadn’t forgotten about you because you had dropped a huge bomb on him when you revealed to him that his CFO was married. He didn’t care too much about his employees’ personal lives, but after learning that he started to notice how big of a flirt he was around the office. Those observations then led to him dedicating the occasional thought to you and how you might be fairing. He was pleased to see that you seemed to be doing well.
But there was also a part of him that felt sad for you . He thought that perhaps the knowledge of yet another lie Caleb had told you would weigh heavily on you and surely break you but he was surprised that as the night carried on you were the most composed out of your friends. You didn’t seem like you were upset in the slightest even as you drank, which was what usually drew the emotions out of people. You were having fun and singing and dancing, talking with everyone as if your life was a dream. Harry wanted to get in your head and see for himself what it was that you were thinking; he couldn’t stop looking at you…you were too beautiful to not draw his gaze so he kept looking until you were looking back just as much. And after an hour he was planted beside you, talking to you and flirting a bit and it didn’t seem to bother you. You were flirting back and he was having a lot of fun getting to know you. You were smart and kind and so much fun to be around! 
What he was enjoying the most was that you seemed to be on the same wavelength internally and that was rare for him to find. Harry was great at connecting with people on the surface, but it was special for him to meet someone who made him feel like they got him. And you seemed to get him really well, he could feel this pull…an attraction that he hadn’t felt to another person in far too long, and it was electrifying and it was keeping him on his toes. He knew that there was nothing he could do to fix your situation with Caleb, but he wanted to go out of his way and shower you with kindness and chivalry while he could and maybe something in your head would click and make you leave that sorry son of a bitch, Caleb. “Harry?” You said as you came up to him.
“Yeah?” He asked, placing a hand at the middle of your back as he leaned his ear down to your mouth.
“I think I’m gonna head out. Cecilia is way too drunk, I want to get her back to the hotel before she blacks out on me somewhere and I can’t do anything about it.” You explained, “But thank you for including us tonight, it was so kind of you!”
“S’not a problem! And look, I have a car waiting around the block, I can help you take Cecilia to her hotel. Are you also staying there?”
“Yeah, we all are! But don’t worry about it! Stay and enjoy, have fun!” You assured him.
“Don’t know how much fun I can have after you’re gone, love.” He flirted and you smiled bashfully and looked away for a moment.
“Sure, sure…”
“I’m serious and also about taking you guys! I’ll feel better knowing I left you both safe and sound, alright? Please, s’no bother at all.” He said over the music and you sighed.
“OK, alright. I really do appreciate it, Harry.” You said with gratitude drenching your expression.
“Not a problem. Alright, let’s get to it.” He said as you started to get your things together.
Of course, there was a bit of traffic, even at 1am, and he watched as you ran your fingers through the top of your friend’s hair before gently massaging her scalp after she had laid down in your lap. He wanted to feel you like that; to be close to you and to smell your perfume and feel your fingers in his hair as he dozed off. 
He continued talking to you, this time asking if you worked or if you had any projects you did in your spare time. And well, he learned that you ran your own event planning company, you had two masters degrees, one in Business Strategy & Leadership and the other in Finance & Accounting. You also enjoyed music, cooking, swimming, and traveling. Between the two of you, you had a lot in common, talking made the drive go by way too soon. But when you arrived at the hotel you two were in stitches as you tried to get Cecilia out of the car. 
“I wonder if they have a wheelchair? Or maybe they’ll let us use one of the little luggage carts the bell boys use?” You asked through your laughter and he sputtered out a laugh.
“Unlikely. I ummm, I’m positive I can carry her.” He said to you.
“Oh my god, no. You’ve done more than enough tonight, Harry-”
“Just let me show off a bit, alright Y/N?” He teased and you giggled.
“Don’t think you need to carry Ceclia for that, but alright…” you smirked and he chuckled. 
He was careful as he pulled her out of the car and well, he asked you to ensure the skirt of her dress wasn’t ridden up before you made your way inside. He noticed how friendly you were with the staff as well and that put a another good feeling about you in his chest. He wanted to know…to understand… to be able to rationalize Cal’s infidelity because from everything he had seen so far you were an angel in the flesh. Sure, some people were totally fake and had this dark side hidden within them. He’d fallen victim to that since he was young because of his family’s money and well, now his own money, so he could tell those people apart with ease now and if you were one of them he was none the wiser. 
Before he knew it you guys were in the lift and you were looking through your friend’s bag for her room key. You looked relieved to find it and then shared a story about how one time in university the “responsible friend” was given the room key but lost her purse at some bar, so you all had to wait to get a replacement at the front desk. However, they had all been quite drunk so it complicated a fairly simple plan and a few of them ended up blacked out in the hallway and you and another girl had to drag them into the room when you got the replacement key.
“Are you the put-together friend, then?” Harry asked and you giggled.
“After my undergrad, yes.” You said and he chuckled.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, I was the only one who was going to grad school. I got into the Marshall School of Business on a really good scholarship, I couldn’t do anything to risk losing that. I had to have my wits about me at all times. The USC network is just so extensive, especially in LA, so I would probably run into another alumnus randomly at a taco bell at midnight. They’re very gossipy as well so while in school it’s good to just be on your best behavior.” You explained to him. 
But soon enough you were leaving Cecilia in her room and he just wasn’t ready to leave you yet. So he offered to take you up to your room. Yeah, he’d been thinking about possibly kissing you or more throughout the night because there was chemistry between the two of you. The electricity was buzzing and he wanted so badly to see what would come of all of that attraction in an intimate setting, but you were married…to his CFO nonetheless! And well, he just had to ask you about what the deal was between you and Caleb. And he was shocked to learn that you’d been married to him for seven years though because Caleb had never once mentioned a wife and had always brought other dates around for parties or work outings and he felt angry at Caleb now. He wanted to tell you that this one affair wasn’t the only one, but that wasn’t his business to share. But it was shocking to him…he didn’t know how you kept your composure when you knew about his infidelity…he mentioned something about getting revenge on Caleb and he got a bit worried when your expression changed, maybe he had pushed you too far? And he was awaiting your response.
“I mean…thankfully, I don’t think I need that validation from anyone else.” You explained. Harry’s lips turned up in a smile as soon as he heard the words leaving your mouth, “I know who I am and I am happy with who I am, in every way. And not to sound arrogant, but I know what I bring to the table as a partner and if that’s not enough for someone then… their loss.” You said with ease.
Harry was absolutely blown away. He felt like his world had come to a screeching halt at your response. If he didn’t already like you before, he did a whole heck of a lot more now. He’d never met a person more put together than you and it was like a breath of fresh air. He had done a lot of challenging and painful work on himself in therapy, so he often found that most people lacked in self-worth or had no self-awareness, but you did. You were at his level mentally and emotionally and in truth, he had struggled finding partners because there was never really anyone out there who seemed to be on his level as well. If you’d been on a date he would’ve proposed to you then and there. 
“You’re absolutely extraordinary.” He said without a single hint of inhibition. 
And well, next thing he knew you were kissing ardently and then he was making you come over and over, showing you exactly how you deserved to be loved on. He was showing you how he would love on you if he were your man. And just getting to sink into you…he hadn’t had an experience that pleasurable in years. He was infatuated with your body and how it reacted to his. He wanted to ask you what felt good because he needed to make sure that he was doing exactly what you liked so that you could get off with intent. And hearing his name dripping from your beautiful lips was otherworldly. Everything about you was perfect and he made sure that he was treating you as such. You definitely needed the fuck, but you needed his tenderness and romancing just a little bit more. You needed to feel appreciated and seen above all else and he was going to give that to you while it was his chance to. Because as much as he was enamored with every part of you and longed to get lost in you, he knew that this was a first and last. A mere fluke of luck in his insignificant existence on this earth.
After everything he did to you, you had passed out almost immediately after he had cleaned you up. You were tucked safely into his side, cheek smushed against his brawny chest. His right leg was tucked securely in-between yours and his hand was smoothing up and down your lower back and just a bit of your bum. He couldn’t sleep without experiencing you like this for a bit. He wanted to see your soft and delicate features up close without alarming you in anyway. He wanted to get to smell you long enough to figure out what that perfume you were wearing was. He wanted to imprint in his memory what your skin felt like bare against his. 
Harry was infatuated in a way he hadn’t been since he was 12 years old! He used to get sick to his stomach with adoration for another person and he felt it now, that everything was stirring up inside of him. He’d always felt things very deeply, but he hadn’t felt something so big in quite a while. It could be overwhelming to feel so much, to be so vulnerable all the time, he’d been hurt so often in his youth due to the heart he so proudly wore on his sleeve. So he learned to toughen up, mastered stoicism, and became the level-headed tycoon he was today. He taught himself discipline, routine, predictability…so that he wouldn’t ever be caught off guard again. But then, there’s always someone who’s just so perfectly honey-sweet that they get through the cracks. And you were exactly that. Even after your first meeting he thought of you often…another pretty picture that lived in the gallery of faces in his brain. But yours always stood out. He did hope he’d see you again, and it seemed that fate was on his side because there you were resting safely, with total trust in his arms…
The stoicism returned the following day because he didn’t want to risk perhaps being a toy in a game between you and Caleb…because if you asked he would be there for you again however you wanted him. He’d be at your beck and call if it’s what you wanted. But even still, you were kind and assured him that he was right, that this couldn’t happen again and that was that.
  Harry had imagined that it would be a while before the impression you’d left on him would fully wear off…that he’d stop fantasizing about you eventually…but here he was, six months later and feeling his irritation swelling as he watched Caleb flirting a bit with Tamika, his intern. Tamika was great. She was the top undergraduate business student at NYU. And yes, Tamika was a beautiful young woman, but he had boundaries unlike some people, and she was also gay. Maybe Cal didn’t know that, or perhaps he didn’t care…after his encounters with Y/N he started to realize just how much of a flirt he was. But as long as people weren’t complaining or Cal wasn’t wreaking havoc amongst his employees there was nothing Harry could really reprimand him about and that kind of pissed him off.
“You’re crazy, Cal!” Tamika laughed as she came up to his office door and opened it up the rest of the way, “Give me just a second and then I’ll leave you guys to it.” She assured him. “Harry, Dr. Dopico’s assistant called, her meetings are running about an hour late. I called Dean Sundaram and he said he’s flexible to what you decide. So do you want me to push your dinner plans or reschedule the meeting with NYU?” She asked him.
“Depends on what Caleb’s here to tell me…” Harry said as he smiled at Cal. He had been working on landing this potentially huge account that would be the thing that pushed him into billionaire status by the end of the year. There was some suspense in the air, but when Caleb started to grin, Harry chuckled knowingly.
“We got it.” Caleb confirmed and Harry was elated. Tamika was screaming, jumping up and down because she had been involved in the investment proposal writing and service planning that was presented to this client. This was huge for her resume and CV for grad school. Harry liked hiring students because he felt it was important for them to really apply what they learned in class, like he had. His dad was a beast in business and now Harry was too and he wanted to give others the same opportunities to learn and grow in a real world setting. But more importantly, being a billionaire would help him to launch forth tons of charitable and educational projects around the globe, like the one he was meeting Dr. Dopico for. He wanted to do more and be able to help more people and now, he could do it at a scale that actually made a difference.They all hugged briefly in celebration of what this meant for each of them.
“I’ll push your dinner reservations and update your talking points for the meeting with Dr. Dopico.” Tamika said before hurrying out of his office. 
“Excellent job, Caleb! This is great news.” Harry was beaming despite his internal irritation towards his CFO. And then his smile dropped a bit as he wondered if Caleb would be sharing his big news with you tonight or someone else?
“Man, we all put in our piece. I’m glad we understood the client and them us, that’s what it came down to.” He smiled happily.
“Great work leading the team for this account though…ummm, I know I’m more reserved at work but I think this calls for a celebration with the team that made this possible.” Harry said, as his mind shot back to you. He wanted to see you.
“Oh no Harry, don’t worry about that-”
“No please, I insist! This is huge, I just want to properly thank you all for your dedication. Nothing wild, just a dinner? A nice formal one at my home up in Quogue, we can do it there. Everyone can bring a date and I mean, as you know, I have plenty of guest rooms if anyone gets a little too drunk, there’s room for everyone.” He said and Caleb smiled.
“If you’re really up for it I’m sure the team would really go for it.” Caleb assured.
“Cool. I’ll get something together tonight and send you guys an invitation. Plan for next Saturday, alright?” He said.
“Sounds good, thanks Harry.” Caleb said before heading out.
Harry wanted to see you again, that’s why he had planned this dinner. He knew that the chances of Caleb bringing you tonight were next to none, but he just needed to take the shot in the dark because he was losing his mind thinking about you and not knowing. And maybe seeing you on your husband’s arm would be the thing to snap him out of this infatuation he had over you. Harry was a bit nervous as he had just run off for a moment to make a quick phone call to his dad that he’d been putting off for the last hour since he was awaiting Caleb’s arrival. He hoped to God he didn’t miss you making your entrance if Cal did bring you along.
“Yes dad, we have exclusivity. Alright…yes, bye.” Harry mumbled and hung up before shutting off his phone, no more work, he deserved to celebrate tonight.
“Mr. Hargrove has arrived.” Gerard came up to him informing him, like Harry had requested he do earlier.
“Oh, wonderful! Ummm…did he… bring anyone with him?” Harry asked and Gerard nodded, “Anyone you recognized?”
“No, but ummm, sir. He’s…married? He’s brought his wife.” He said and Harry couldn’t even suppress his smile.
“Are you sure?” He asked he asked with a pounding heart.
“Yes. He introduced her as such.” Gerard shrugged.
“Was she the most effortlessly beautiful woman you’d ever seen?” Harry asked, twinkles of adoration were already visible in his eyes.
“I couldn’t say…the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen is my wife.” He said and Harry grinned.
“That’s really good, mate.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Gerard smiled timidly.
“Alright, I’ll go say hello.” Harry said and headed back to the large, bright dining room. He tried to be slow about it so that he could spot you first but you weren’t there. But he did see Caleb lingering near the bar, his eyes fixed on something else. He was alone, so he decided to approach him first. “Cal!” He called out to Caleb, who then turned quickly and immediately smiled. “It’s great to see you.” Harry stated with a bright, charismatic smile as he extended his hand to shake Caleb’s.
“Hey, likewise! Thanks for having us over.” He said as he shook Harry’s hand quickly. Harry smiled a bit brighter as he pulled his hand back, he didn’t miss the detail of Caleb thanking him for having “us” over. Maybe you were here. 
Harry was about to respond when a bright color in his peripheral vision diverged his attention from Caleb; he turned in it’s direction and he swore that the earth stood still as he saw you descending into the dining area. You were a vision. Your beauty and confidence commanded the attention of the room, he swore everyone grew silent as you looked around with a kind smile on your lips, eyes darting around to find a familiar face. Finally your eyes met his and he was fighting against every instinct that made him want to rush over to you with a smile so wide it hurt.
Harry felt the air being stolen from his lungs at the sight of you in that gorgeous gown and the way it framed your body. You looked sensational and his fingers were itching to get to touch your skin again. He longed to trace all of the spots that were exposed on you with his lips, kissing at you delicately and with reverie. He had no idea how he would be able to not just stare at you all evening long, it would certainly be a challenge. He was already shaking off the sinful thoughts he was having of you as you approached.
“Ah, perfect timing!” Caleb’s voice called him back down to reality, “Harry, this is Y/N, my wife. Sweetheart, this is Harry Styles, CEO of the firm.” Cal introduced you two. You were smiling up at him cooly, but he could see the sparkles in your eyes as they met his own once more. And oh…? Were you using the triangle method on him? Harry couldn’t help but gently bite down on his lip as his eyes glanced down to yours briefly.
“Mr. Styles, it’s wonderful to finally meet you.” You said to him as you extended your hand and he was gentle as he took your hand in his and gave it a shake.
“You as well, Y/N. Call me Harry, I insist.” He said with what he imagined was a polite smile, but to you he looked like a kid who was trying too hard to keep a secret to themselves. You wanted to hug him and it was almost cruel to have to pretend like you didn’t know of each other.
“Alright. Thank you, Harry.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“Can I offer you guys a drink?” He asked and you were the first to nod.
“Please.” You said quietly, but with zeal.
You nearly had a cardiac event when you saw that Harry was already with Caleb when you walked in. You were hoping to at least have something to hang on to prior to interacting with Harry. It excited you that he was so excited to see you, or so it seemed! You were just as thrilled to see him, even just feeling the warmth of his hand in yours made you start to spark up from the inside out. Your throat suddenly felt dry and you needed a drink, so you were quick to accept when he offered to head to the bar. 
“What can I get you, Harry?” The man at the bar asked with a smile.
“Just a whisky highball for me-”
“Make it two, please.” You spoke up and he glanced to you with a small smile.
“2 whisky highballs and for you, sir?” He asked Caleb.
“A scotch, neat.”
“Coming right up.” The guy said and turned to start on their drinks.
“Well it’s good to meet some fellow whisky lovers.” Harry said, sparking up some conversation. 
“Right! I got lucky with this one! Usually women can’t handle whisky.” Cal added and you saw how Cal’s mildly sexist statement made Harry furrow his brows a bit.
“I don’t think it’s so much a sex thing, it’s just the flavor is definitely one to train your palate for. Everyone struggles with it a bit at first.” Harry said and you nodded in agreement. “I mean, in my experience, women handle their liquor far better than any men I know.” Harry added and you smiled.
“I have to agree with Harry. Don’t see too many women forgetting to be decent human beings after a drink or two.” You said and Harry chuckled, but you could feel Cal’s unamused glance on you for a moment. “Well anyway, your house is gorgeous, by the way. Can’t wait to see it in the daylight.” You complimented and he nodded.
“Oh, so you two plan on staying tonight?” Harry asked with an arch in his eyebrows, his eyes quickly finding yours until Cal spoke up.
“Yeah, we’re staying. I want to let loose tonight and I do not trust her driving my Quattroporte.” Cal chuckled and you let out a fake chuckle, but Harry didn’t miss as you rolled your eyes.
“Well I hope you’ll enjoy the stay. I mean, if you’re early risers, the sunrise is definitely something you don’t want to miss.” Harry said, his eyes meeting yours briefly. 
“Here is the scotch neat.” The bartender said and when Caleb leaned forward to grab his drink you and Harry smiled at each other briefly, “And the two whisky highballs.” He added, causing you both to turn and also reach for your drinks. You all took a moment to try your drinks and you hummed.
“This is excellent. Thank you so much.” You complimented the bar tender.
“Thank you, enjoy.” He said before turning around to clean his area a bit.
“Well, now I know who to invite to the whisky bars.” Harry said with a charming smile and Cal chuckled.
“Definitely! We do know some pretty great ones in the city, don’t we sweetheart?” He turned to you and you nodded.
“Yeah. Haven’t been in a while but I’m sure they’re still stand up places.” You assured.
“What do you mean? We just went right around easter!” Cal looked at you incredulously and you knew that wasn’t true because he hadn’t been around consistently until the summer.
“Maybe you’ve gone with someone else more recently.” You said to him and his eyebrows furrowed, “A client or a friend perhaps, we haven’t gone there together since…at least a year ago.” You pointed out and he frowned a bit.
“Oh, you’re right…yeah, I think I went with someone else. Sorry, sweets.” He said and you smiled and shook your head.
“S’alright. You deal with lots of people so the outings blur together, I’m sure.” You assured him and he chuckled and nodded.
“Yeah. Ummm, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, can you hold this for me?” Caleb asked you and you nodded.
“When I’m back I’ll introduce you to everyone else.” He assured before he excused himself to you and Harry and then hurried off. As soon as he was gone you put down Cal’s drink on the bar top as you felt the tension between you and Harry becoming palpable. You turned around to say something to him when another woman walked up to both of you.
“Excuse me, Harry?” She said and he turned his attention to the young woman who had walked up.
“Hey, Tamika! Glad you could make it!” He greeted her happily with a hug. She then proceeded to introduce her girlfriend, Giselle to Harry as well.
“This place is incredible, thank you so much for inviting us.” Giselle said and he nodded with a smile.
“Of course, happy to have you guys here! Ummm, let me also introduce you guys to Y/N, Cal is her husband.” He said and Tamika’s eyes widened.
“Oh wow! I didn’t know Cal had gotten married. Congratulations! I’m Tamika, this is my girlfriend, Giselle.” She greeted and you smiled.
“Oh yeah, thanks! Nice to meet you Tamika and Giselle.” You said, extending a hand to one and then the other.
“Tamika is my intern/assistant. She’s the top business student at NYU and she’s just finishing up her undergrad.” Harry bragged and you smiled.
“Oh wow, congrats! Are you thinking about grad school?” You asked Tamika, who nodded.
“Yeah! Applications are due soon and I’m just trying to narrow down my options.” She explained to you.
“You know Y/N, Tamika is interested in USC…” Harry mentioned to you with a small, suggestive grin and your eyebrows arched up.
“Are you really?” You asked as you turned back to her and she nodded.
“Yeah, but it’s so competitive so I’m keeping my options open.” She explained.
“Well I ummm, I actually went to Marshall for my MS degrees. So I have connections, I still keep in touch with a lot of the faculty there. I can certainly put in a good word for you if you decide to apply.”
“Wait. Are you serious?” She asked with shock in her eyes and Giselle was just as shocked.
“Completely serious! I mean, if Harry’s working with you I’m sure it shows a lot of promise and potential. USC would be lucky to have you.” You said with a smile.
“Yes, she’ll take any help you can give her. I’m going there so please anything to help us reunite!” Giselle cut in and you all chuckled.
“I’ll give you one of my business cards before you leave, that way you can reach out to me when you apply. I’m sure I can set up a little meet and greet with someone on the admissions board.” You said to her.
“Wow, yes I would love that. Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, of course. What about you Giselle?” You asked her and then she went on to explain that she was actually also going to USC but to the Thornton School of Music, it was her first semester. This gave them all something more to talk about before Cal returned. Caleb seemed to have good rapport with Tamika, which aided in allowing you and Harry to continue stealing glances of each other as they spoke. 
But soon enough Caleb was excusing you both from Harry’s side and taking you around introducing you to a few others. He wasn’t really flaunting you like he said he wanted to though, something was off with him. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but he seemed distracted even, leaving you to do most of the talking to his coworkers while he just darted his eyes around the room. It was hard to focus on the people you were meeting when you could feel Harry’s gaze burning into you from across the room. It was making it hard to focus on the people who kept asking you questions about yourself and trying to hide their surprise as Caleb introduced you as his wife. Obviously, you knew about Cal omitting this information from Harry and from Gerard earlier, but it was getting to you the more it happened.
“Hey Cal, nice to see you!”
“Hey Amir! Likewise.” He said shaking the man’s hand.
“Thanks. This is my son, Louay. He is interested in business so I brought him along to show him how we reap the rewards of it.” He chuckled, smiling at the young man with pride. “And who’s this lovely lady on your arm?” Amir asked and Cal turned to you for a moment.
“Uh, this is my wife, Y/N.” He said and you politely extended your hand out to him. But Amir’s eyes rounded out as his eyebrows arched up in surprise.
“Oh wow! I had no idea you were married!” He said with a bright smile and shook your hand. You felt Cal’s wary gaze on you but just continued smiling at Amir as you greeted him and then his son. But Cal knew you well enough to notice the anger and frustration that were radiating off of you. You made some small talk with Amir and Louay and were interrupted by one of the staff announcing that dinner was about to be served. You glanced towards the table and your eyes met Harry’s who quickly glanced at the seats nearest to where you were before looking back at you. He wanted to sit beside you…but how? Unless you or him sat in the middle…which just wasn’t going to work.
“Cal, project leader, come here man.” Harry called and Cal grabbed your hand and pulled you along. You bit your lip as you thought of something and then slipped your hand out of his and he turned around and your eyes met.
“What’s the matter?” He asked and you gave him a look of irritation.
“Why’re your coworkers so shocked to meet me, Cal?” He sighed.
“Not now, Y/N.” He said lowly, pleading eyes on yours as you crossed your arms stubbornly.
“I don’t want to sit beside you.” You said and he sighed.
“Fine.” He accepted before he turned around to walk the few feet to the table, but you sped ahead of him.
“You can sit beside him, Harry.” You said and then took a seat beside a woman named Andrea. She’d been a bit shy, but you felt better knowing Harry was beside you and Tamika was settling in across from you. As soon as he scooted his chair in you felt his thigh brushing up against yours; it was a tight fit around the table, so you were all a bit close. Your lips twitched up in a smile when he glanced at you quickly. He spread his legs further and you nudged at him a bit, trying to keep a straight face. Caleb was distracted talking to the person on his left and so Harry reached off to the side, as if he was going to grab his chair, but then you felt his fingers just graze the outside of your thigh. The slit on your dress leaving your skin exposed and available for him to touch. You let out a breathy giggle and his lips twitched up in a small grin. When you glanced up at him through your lashes he bit his lip for a second.
“I wish I could have you as my main course.” He whispered with a smirk and then placed his hands back on the tabletop. Your body tingled as a chill passed through you, you wished that you could touch him at the very least. Every now and again your thighs would brush, but he was mostly talking to Caleb and you were just focused on your food because if you looked at Harry you would end up doing something stupid in front of all these people.
When the first course was brought in you smiled excitedly at just how beautiful and delicious the starter looked. It was a miso citrus salad, your mouth watered at the fresh scent emanating from the dish. And then you felt a gaze on you and you quickly looked up and your eyes met with the girl sitting at Tamika’s left, as soon as your eyes met her gaze flitted off to something else. Over and over it was happening, you kept making awkward eye contact with her. Finally you got the chance to look at her while something else had her attention; you wanted to see if maybe you knew each other from somewhere. you observed the slightly pained look in her eyes and the small frown on her lips. So you followed her line of sight and stopped at Harry, but he was leaned down eating his food. And when you leaned back a bit and saw Cal mirroring this woman’s expression the realization hit you like a ton of bricks. That was her! His mistress. Suddenly you lost your grip on your fork and it clanked against the porcelain plate loudly several times, causing everyone to look at you. You blinked a few times and forced a smile.
“Sorry, butter fingers.” You excused and everyone chuckled before they resumed their previous actions. You look down at your plate of food and suddenly felt disgusted by the fish and vegetables that had been unbelievably appetizing just moments before. Harry cleared his throat and you turned to him.
“Are you alright?” He asked lowly
“I ummm…I think so. I just…” you started and then just shook your head, “Never mind.” You smiled and forced yourself to have a bit more food. Thankfully, there was a nice break between the main course and dessert and so you took that time to go to the room and grab a business card for Tamika from your purse. You were just putting your wallet away when you heard the bedroom door open. You had hoped it was Harry, but when you heard the door click shut behind you quietly you knew it was Caleb. 
“Are you upset at me?” His voice was soft and had a hint of caution to it.
“You’ve been seeing someone else and she’s here tonight, isn’t she?” You said instead as you turned around, hands on your hips. You just wanted to know how much there was to it. You were ready to face this right now.
“She’s the only person you haven’t introduced me to, but she keeps looking at me from across the table and I saw how you two looked at each other-”
“She didn’t know I was married.” He said immediately and a sardonic smile came onto your lips.
“No one did! Apparently.” You said with irritation as you threw your hands up in irritation and he came closer to you.
“Look, we can be rational about this-”
“I think I’m responding pretty rationally to this situation, Caleb. Everyone thinks we’re fucking newly weds when I’ve given almost a decade of my life to you! We’ve been married seven years and you’ve been hiding it from people for three years?! Do you have any idea how this makes me feel? Why did you even ask me come tonight?” You questioned him and his lips dropped into a small frown. 
Maybe you didn’t love him like before, but having to hear over and over that no one knew about you was embarrassing and it was shaking your confidence to some extent. Why had he hidden your marriage so vehemently from everyone? Was it really just to be able to fuck around or was he ashamed of you for some reason? The not knowing was clawing at you horribly.
“I’m sorry. I just like to keep my personal life as separate as possible from my work and-”
“OK, that’s complete bullshit! Why would you do something as personal as fucking a coworker if you wanted to keep the personal and professional separate?” You challenged his rationale and he ran his hand down his face, a physical sign of his stress weighing him down.
“Y/N, I don’t think this is the time and place to talk about this.” He said cooly.
“Then I’d like to leave so we can discuss this at home.” You said with finality.
“I don’t want to go yet, Y/N. And I know I’m in no position to ask this of you, but I’d like to get my thoughts together before we talk about this. It’s…it’s a lot.” He said and you rolled your lips together as you felt your eyes starting to well up a bit as your simmering anger started to reach its boiling point.
“Fine.” You said softly and just walked past him and out of the bedroom. 
You closed the door behind you and just took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly to calm down. You hated so much that you cried when you were angry, but the emotion was just not one you felt often enough to know how to deal with it properly. You squeezed your eyes shut for a second to will the frustration away, but you were absolutely humiliated. It was believable and even excusable for Harry not to have known Cal was married. One typically does not to talk about their personal business with their boss, but to blatantly lie to everyone else he worked with and communicated with day to day? That was something else. Once you were calm enough you made your way back to the dining area. As soon as you sat down you felt the woman from across the table looking at you. You just glanced up to her, catching her gaze for a few seconds and she went beet red before looking away. 
You could only imagine how she felt having to see you there. He lied to her too and by the looks of it, she hadn’t taken it well. Suddenly everything started falling into place…the reason for why two months ago out of the blue Cal was home more and loving on you even more and spending time with you…something had happened between them and ruined the relationship, if he had been with her this entire time. He could’ve been with multiple people to your knowledge.
“Is everything alright?” Harry’s voice pulled you from your thoughts and you turned your head to him and shook your head.
“Is there another room I can stay in tonight? Or even just a motel or something nearby? I don’t want to be here anymore, Harry. I need to be as far away from Cal as possible.” You said softly and he frowned.
“Uh yeah, there are bedrooms upstairs as well. But I can find out about a motel nearby if you’d prefer that.” He offered. You saw Cal returning to the room from your peripherals.
“I’ll let you know.” You said before you turned back to the table and grabbed your cocktail and drank the remainder in one go. 
Shortly after, dessert was being placed before you all. It was a gorgeous tiramisu, one of your favorites, but you only picked at it for a bit, not really in the mood to eat or to chat with anyone any more. Harry would’ve probably talked to you, but Cal was engaged in a never-ending conversation with Harry so that he could constantly keep an eye on you; you could feel Cal’s scrutinous gaze on you. You just felt like the odd one out and you wanted this night to be over. 
Even when you all migrated to a lounge room to chat you noticed that he had tried and failed several times to approach this other woman. After about the third attempt Cal just started ordering drinks with reckless abandon and eventually headed off with a couple others to the billiard room, or at least that’s what you heard from their loud and drunken conversation. Harry was busy bidding farewell to those who were heading home for the night. It looked like Tamika was getting ready to go and you’d been meaning to chat with her again, but the woman from across the table had been with her the whole time. But as of now, she was nowhere to be found so you approached Tamika and Giselle before she returned from wherever she had gone to.
“Are you guys heading off as well?” You asked the two.
“Yeah. I’ve got a big exam on Monday that I need to study for tomorrow.” Tamika explained.
“Oh OK, best of luck! Ummm here’s my card though. If you decide to apply to Marshall let me know and like I said earlier, I’d be happy to help you network with the recruiters and faculty.” You reaffirmed.
“That’s just really kind of you, Y/N. Thank you so much. If there’s anything I can do to repay you for this-”
“Oh my gosh, no Tamika! If you decide to go there just keep doing your very best, that’s all.” You said, “Of course if only to make me look good…” You joked with a giggle, despite your low mood, and Tamika and Giselle laughed along with you.
“You’re too sweet. I hope Cal brings you around more!” She said and you just nodded and smiled, “If he doesn’t I’ll badger him about it.” She added with a playfully menacing tone and you just chuckled.
“You guys are all great, I’m glad I was able to come along tonight.” You said genuinely. You were about to ask them how far their drive was when Tamika lit up a bit.
“Dani!” Tamika called out as she looked past you and waved at the person she was calling over. You turned around and saw that, that was the woman from across the table and she looked petrified, “Come here!” Tamika insisted and you swallowed thickly as she made her way over.  Her eyes darted around the room, probably trying to find Caleb, but he was drunk and playing pool in another room of the house. When she was finally within reach, Tamika dragged her into her side, “Dani, this is Y/N. She’s Caleb’s wife!” She informed her excitedly and you saw in real time how Dani’s face started to pale as she swallowed thickly, which could only mean one thing. You looked around, trying to act quickly before she puked all over you, her friends, and herself. Finally, you saw a garbage can near the entrance of the room and just grabbed her hand and dragged her over to it. You had just put it in her hands when she started to throw up. You looked away, starting to feel disgusted at the sounds of her heaving and Tamika and Giselle rushed over to her.
“Wow, good save.” Giselle said to you and you just nodded as you turned to Giselle with a relieved expression.
“Yeah, I’d know that look anywhere.” You said as Tamika rubbed over her friend’s back as she just spat the taste out of her mouth. Dani’s tearful eyes met yours and you just offered her a sympathetic smile. Poor woman.
“Thank you.” She rasped out and you nodded.
“Yeah, of course.” You assured her. Just then Harry walked in and his eyes widened a bit upon seeing you four huddled up at the entrance of the room. 
“Harry, have you got some mouth wash and pepto or something for Dani? She got sick to her stomach.” Tamika explained to him and he nodded.
“Yeah, of course! Follow me.” He said and they went off with him, trash can and all.
“If her boyfriend comes back can you tell him we’ll meet him in the foyer?” Giselle asked you and you nodded.
“Yeah, of course.” You said with a smile and a nod.
“Thank you. And it was so nice to meet you, thank you for being so kind.” Giselle said as she hugged you briefly.
“It’s no problem at all! Drive safe.” You said and she thanked you as she hurried off to catch up with Tamika. It was just moments later when the man who had been sitting beside the person you now knew as Dani, came into the room and glanced around. “You’re Dani’s boyfriend?” You asked him and he nodded. “She had something to take care of with Harry and Tamika, they told me to tell you that they will meet you in the foyer.”
“Oh, cool. Thanks.” He smiled before hurrying out of the room. 
There were just a few more people in the room you were in, but they were laughing and chatting amongst themselves, so you were once again the odd one out. You decided to head off to the bedroom you’d been given and just get the toiletries you had unpacked back into your bag so that you could be ready to relocate. A few light knocks on the door caught your attention and you hurried over to open it. You saw Gerard standing there with a polite smile.
“Good evening, Miss. Mr. Styles informed me that you wanted to change your sleeping arrangements?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, please.” You said and he nodded.
“Certainly. He mentioned that you wanted a bit of space. I can offer you a bedroom upstairs? I called the motels in town and they are all booked out unfortunately.” He explained.
“Upstairs is just fine.” You assured him with a smile, “Thank you, Gerard.” 
“Not a problem. Can I take your bag for you?”
“Oh no, it’s alright. Just show me where to go.”
“No Miss, I insist.” He said and you smiled at him as you grabbed your overnight bag and handed it to him and he smiled, “Wonderful, follow me.” He said and you followed him through the house. You could hear the absurd commotion from the billiard room and just rolled your eyes as you followed Gerard upstairs. The lights on the sconces were dimmed, but you could still see how beautiful everything was. “I’m going to give you the room that Mr. and Mrs. Styles stay in when they visit from England.” He informed you, “You’ll have a balcony and a lovely view of the water from it.”
“Oh wow, thank you. I hear the sunrises are to die for.” You hummed.
“They certainly are captivating.” He agreed with you. He opened up the door when you finally arrived and he switched on the lights. Your eyes widened at the beautiful, modern set up of the room. You swore you had seen this room on Pinterest or something. A king sized bed, all to yourself? Yes, please. You thought as you smiled.
“This is amazing.” You said as you looked around. Gerard had just set your bag down on the little bench in front of the bed.
“I’m glad it’s to your satisfaction. Now the lights can be controlled with this remote.” He explained, showing it to you and then placing it back down on the bench. “And your bathroom is through there.” He said pointing to a door in the far right of the bedroom, “There’s a small cabinet by the shower that contains extra towels and washcloths, you can just leave them in the hamper if you use anything. The closet is in there as well. And the balcony is just through those doors.” He said pointing to the double glass doors that were partially covered by some long, floor length curtains.
“Perfect, thank you.” 
“My pleasure. And, I am sorry if I contributed to any unpleasantness between you and Mr. Hargrove. I had no intent to stir up-”
“Oh my god, no.” you pouted at him in endearment, “Don’t feel bad about a thing, Gerard. Frankly it’s…been a long time coming. It wasn’t because of you.” You assured him, “I appreciate your help tonight.” You smiled at him.
“Is there anything else I can do for you before I head out for the night?” He asked.
“Can you just thank Harry for me? Just for, indulging me.” You said with a small smile.
“Certainly.” He nodded.
“Thank you, again for all your help. Good night.” You smiled at him.
“Good night, Miss.” he said before hurrying out of the room. 
Once you were alone you dimmed down the bedroom lights before drawing the heavy curtains and slipping out onto the balcony. You shivered for a few seconds as you adjusted to the slightly cooler temperature outside as you leaned against the railing of the balcony. The lack of light from the bedroom helped you see the starry sky even better. And you sighed in relief as you could hear the waves crashing into the shore not too far off in the distance. The peace and silence in your brain lasted for just a few minutes.
You just couldn’t stop thinking about Dani now…how she literally threw up at the sight of you. She probably felt awful and guilty and you wished you could just tell her that you weren’t angry at her. That you didn’t blame her. She had been deceived just as much as you had. What was frustrating for you was that you were completely in the dark about Cal. You thought you knew the man you were married to, but evidently that wasn’t the case. It didn’t even matter what you lost at this point, there was no way of moving past something like this. Your marriage was through…both of you had cheated now, so what was the point? 
The sound of a door closing startled you and you whipped around quickly and saw Harry leaning back on the bedroom door. He offered you a timid smile as he started to walk across the space, but it was contagious to see his smile widening the closer he came. He met you out on the balcony and as soon as he was before you he sighed in relief and grabbed your hands.
“You look absolutely divine. You’re exquisite. Literal perfection.” He hummed softly, “Been dying to tell you all night.” He complimented you. His voice was soft as he spoke to you and you smiled at him coyly.
“Thank you.” Was all you could say as every other thought in your head vanished as you stood before him. Finally.
“Want to talk about what happened?” He asked you.
“I probably should.” You said and he smiled.
“I’ll listen if you want me to.” He assured you and you sighed.
“So obviously no one knew Cal was married and like…I don’t know, it got to me. Like I just feel humiliated a bit. Like…I don’t know if he did it on purpose to just, push me over the edge? But like, how did he expect people to react? And I think…well, I know now actually, that he’s been sleeping with some woman named Dani.” Harry looked surprised, “I don’t know for how long or if there’s more. She’d been avoiding me all night and Tamika introduced us and she just…got sick. I mean, she obviously didn’t know he was married and god, she probably feels like the worst person, you know?” You said with a frown. “Like how could he do that to someone? Poor woman.” You shook your head.
“So you’re upset that the other woman is feeling guilty.” He asked with a small smile and you shrugged.
“I know how insane that makes me sound but like…she didn’t know about me. That’s not fair to her. And like, I’ve at least known for a bit and have made peace with it…but who knows how she found out that she was the other woman. From the way he’s been acting I’d say it wasn’t good.”
“So what now?” Harry asked. You knew that his question was a lot more complex than how he posed it. There were subliminal implications that were being addressed without him having to ask them directly and it made you feel just a little bit better about all of this. He still cared. Whether his interest in you was platonic, solely carnal, or even romantic, he was asking because he wanted to know what this could mean for you two.
“Cal said he wants to talk about it after he gathers his thoughts because “it’s a lot”, or something like that.” You responded as you turned back to the vast darkness ahead of you.
“Do you think he wants to end it?” Harry asked cautiously.
“I have no idea, but I want to end it.” You said with certainty and well, Harry had no business feeling happy about that (selfishly, of course) but he remained composed with a slight furrow in his brow as he listened to you, “I mean, what’s the point of this sham of a marriage?” You asked through a sardonic laugh. “He’s been unfaithful for who knows how long, I’ve stopped letting myself love him and have also…committed adultery. Thank you very much for that, by the way.” You added with a teasing grin and a side glance, he smirked in response.
“Happy to be of service. By the way.” He replied haughtily and you both laughed softly. “So you…you want a divorce?” He asked to clarify and you nodded.
“I first thought about it after we spent the night together.” You shared, “I just…realized how much of my own heart had been out of it to like…go through with what we did and not feel remorse or anything close to it. But then he started trying again and so I took that card off of the table. But now that I’ve learned he’s been lying to everyone and living a double life I feel like I’m married to a stranger. Like who was I kidding? This has been over for a long time. So stupid…” You sighed in disappointment.
“You’re not stupid. A marriage is a huge commitment. Of course you’re going to try if you see him trying. But hey, now you’ve seen all the facets of the situation and you’ve made a choice for yourself, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You responded softly.
“Are you…are you alright?”
“Yeah, I think so. Just…letting the reality of it all sink in.” You said before exhaling. The exhale felt cathartic, like all your troubles would be gone soon just like that little puff of air released from your lungs. The silence between you two was nice, only the sounds of the waves on the shore were detectable and it was perfect.
“Can I…hold you?” He asked, breaking the silence and you nodded up at him and he turned and stepped closer as he opened up his arms and you stepped into his embrace. You inhaled deeply as your head rested against his shoulder and his arms squeezed tight around your body, “What can I do to make you feel better?” He asked and you smiled.
“This.” You assured and he smiled, “This is perfect. I needed a hug after this shit show of a night.” You hummed and he smiled as he let his cheek rest atop of your head. A comfortable silence settled over you both before you spoke up.
“I’m sorry it sucked so much for you, but it was kind of perfect for me.” He shared and you smiled, “I threw this party just…hoping Cal would bring you along. It was a fucking long shot but he did!” he chuckled and you did as well, “And now you’re here and I couldn’t be more pleased.” He said happily. You could hear the smile in his voice.
“I didn’t know you were throwing the party until we were about to arrive.” You confessed and he chuckled, “He had said it was with a few work friends, so I had accepted because I was just excited to meet some people Cal worked with. He told me to look sexy so he could "show me off”. When I found out about this being your party I was scared that you’d think I was just trying to seduce you by showing up like this.” You said and he chuckled.
“I know we don’t know each other that well, but I know that’s not how you are.” He said and you smiled.
“Yeah, definitely not.” You assured.
“You do look sensational though, you definitely met the mark.” He said and you chuckled a bit before you both just settled into the comfortable silence. He felt like a friend you’d known for ages. He was a person who you could be your authentic self around. It was rare to feel so safe with someone.
“Harry…do you think there’s any left over tiramisu?” You asked randomly, “S’my favorite dessert but I couldn’t really stomach mine when they served it.” You explained and you felt his body shake a bit as he chuckled.
“S’my favorite too so I know they made extra if only for me to take it home.” He responded, the smile he was wearing made evident by the tone of his voice. “Wanna get changed or get down there like this?” He asked.
“I think change first. Don’t want to risk getting the dress dirty…knowing me, I eat like a child.” You said and he chuckled as he gave you a bit harder of a squeeze before he started to let go.
“Alright then. I’ll change as well and ummm, I’ll come by and get you, yeah?”
“OK.” You smiled. You walked back in with him and left him at the bedroom door before he was off down the hall. You watched him until he turned around and gave you a final smile as he disappeared behind the last door down the hall. 
You proceeded to slip back into your own room and got your pajamas out of your bag. You also decided to get your makeup off while you were at it and were just toning your face when there were a few knocks on the door. You hurried over and opened it up to let him in.
“Just need to get my moisturizer on and then we can go.” You said and he nodded and followed you inside. He busied himself with closing up the balcony and just waiting for you at the foot of the bed. “Ready.” You said as you came out of the bathroom and he smiled and started guiding you down stairs. Upon making it down you guys could hear the muffled sounds of the others who had stayed in the billiard room. It was nearing 1am and they were drunk, so hopefully they passed out quickly. Harry guided you down a dark hallway before he pushed open a swinging door and switched on the lights. You had to blink a few times to adjust your vision, but then he switched on a warmer pair before getting the fluorescent ones off.
“God, I forget how bright these are.” He whinged and you giggled.
“This is like a proper restaurant kitchen.” You hummed as you looked around.
“Yeah, I usually use this home for holidays. Obviously, we don’t want to do the cooking then so we hire a chef for when we stay here. Or we do a lot of parties here as well, so again, it’s just convenient for how it’s used.” He explained as he headed over to the refrigerator and then he turned around quickly, “By “we” I mean my parents and other family.” He clarified and you chuckled.
“I figured. Gerard mentioned something to me about how the room he gave me is your parents’ favorite room to stay in or something?”
“Yeah.” He smiled and then looked through it to find the extra serving of the cake and he finally did and pulled it out. “Here we are.” He said and put it down on the counter before grabbing some forks, “Are we being civilized or eating from the container?” He inquired.
“Whatever you think is best. But be warned that I might feel like I need to eat it all if we have it in the container.” You joked and he chuckled.
“Plates it is…” he played along and you giggled as he just grabbed one from a nearby cabinet, “We can share.” He said as he came back over and you sighed as he started digging into the surface of the cake to break off a piece for you two.
“Fine…” you accepted dramatically and he smirked. Without even asking he just stopped and pulled his fork further back to make the slice larger, which caused you to laugh softly. “I was joking.” You clarified and his eyes drew away from his task and met yours knowingly.
“No you weren’t.” He said with a grin and you just laughed. Once he got that done he put the container back in the fridge and when he turned he found you already digging your fork into the cake. “Didn’t even have the decency to wait?” He scoffed jokingly and you grinned.
“It looks incredible.”
“Yet you wasted a perfectly good slice at dinner…” he quipped back and you groaned and tossed your head back dramatically.
“I’m sorry!” You croaked out and he laughed and instinctually reached his arm out to wrap it around you and pull you into him. You went with him easily and when you glanced up at him he was smiling down at you.
“It’s alright, I forgive you.” He said softly and your lips curled up in an easy smile.
“There’s like…a vibe between us right? Like I’m not delusional, right?” You asked and you saw him flush a bit but he nodded.
“Yeah, definitely.” He said and you giggled.
“To there being a vibe with us or that I’m delusional?” You asked and his smile widened as he realized what he’d said and he chuckled, his eyes darted away from yours briefly out of the nerves he felt tickling through his body. Then there they were again, those gorgeous green eyes meeting yours again. They were so vibrant despite his widened pupils, a tell tale sign of his attraction. You wondered how big your pupils were right now.
“The vibe.” He clarified meekly and you hummed.
“I don’t know, but it just feels like I’ve known you for a really long time. It’s really nice.” You said with a simple shrug.
“Maybe we’ve met in other lives.” He said quietly.
“That’d be pretty cool actually.” You responded with a pensive look on your face. “Am I allowed to kiss you?” You asked him and he instantly bit his lip as he nodded and started to lean down. You started to press up on your toes to meet him halfway. It felt extraordinary to feels his smooth, warm lips pressing into yours gently.
And when you pulled back the smack of your lips felt like it echoed and your eyes blinked open and then his did as well. This hungry look was exchanged between you, practically forcing you to kiss again. And again, and again, and again in quick little pecks. After the next one he just groaned and smeared his mouth against yours sloppily before pushing his tongue into your mouth. You moaned at the intensity at which he came into it. Your skin was littered in goosebumps and a delicious tingle shot down your spine to your toes and then flew back up to your core. You sighed in pleasant surprise as your pussy’s muscles tightened up and fluttered around absolutely nothing at all in response to his hands sliding up under your flowy pajama shirt, sliding up your back and then scratching down it with a bit of force.
Your hands fisted at his shirt almost as if the action tethered you to reality. You loved the place your mind went to when you were around him. Again, a feeling of safety came to mind and you kissed him back harder and reached for his arms and pushed them down to feel your bottom. As soon as he got there he took over, feeling groping, squeezing your butt like he’d wanted to all night. He also wanted to kiss that little sliver of your lower back that was peeking out of the cutout on the dress you wore. 
“Can I pick you up?” He mumbled and you nodded before huffing out a yes. He reached down to your thighs and picked you up before placing you on the counter. His hands were on your face holding you still as he licked into you slowly, savoring your taste just in case your paths didn’t cross for a while again. “Can I go down on you?” His deep voice rasped out, lips smearing against yours as he spoke into the kiss. Your widening smile interrupted your kiss, “What?”
“I’m just…so happy to hear you ask that. Been getting off to the memory of how fucking good you are at that. I came so many times I think I saw God.” You laughed softly and he grinned.
“Like that you think of me when you play with yourself. I do too.” He confessed. “One time I even…said your name when I was with someone else.” He said and you winced.
“Ouch…how’d they take it?”
“Not too good.” He chuckled, “When we slept together…it was way too good.” He said with a reminiscent grin.
“Yeah, like oddly perfect!”
“Right. Like you were made for me. We fit so well.” He said as one of his hands came off your face and rubbed over the crotch of your shorts quickly. You sighed and parted your legs further, giving him more access to your achingly needy pussy. “Do you have underwear on?” He asked and you shook your head. He smiled and slid his fingers into your shorts through the leg opening. He rubbed over your sticky and swollen crease before wedging his fingers into it and swirling around your clit in slow and steady circles. You exhaled slowly in satisfaction, grinding your hips against him, getting yourself even more wet for him, he loved hearing it almost as much as feeling it, “God you’re so fucking wet for me.” He smiled and you hummed.
“Mhmm…Ready for a taste?” You asked and he nodded, “Go on then.” You encouraged him and he kissed you once more before dragging your shorts down by the elastic band. You lifted your hips up to help him out and he just dropped them on the ground as he crouched down and spread you open wider before delving in without a second to waste. You moaned in satisfaction as his thick, warm tongue lapped over your sensitive clit, catching just at the top of your opening every time he licked up. Your toes curled and your fingers dug in his hair as the edge of your orgasm caught you by surprise, hitting you almost as quickly as a strike of lightening. “Oh fuck, don’t stop! Don’t stop! I’m going to…I’m going to come!” You gasped out as you pushed his head closer, you were desperate and impressed by just how quickly your yearning for him caused your undoing. Harry sped up his licks and after one, two, and three accurate and precise licks right to your throbbing little clit your thighs started to tremble and your breathing to hitch a few times before you just moaned out his name. He moaned into you, staying true to his mission as you ground your pussy against his face, drawing your orgasm out, shivering as he kept licking at your clit like that until you felt like you were on fire. You stopped breathing for several moments, the feeling stunning your existence into a pause. Harry’s breathy chuckles against you interrupted the pleasure.
“Breathe, baby.” He reminded and your inhaled sharply.
“Fuck keep going!” You demanded, he didn’t hesitate before delving back in, this time sucking at your clit until you were trembling again, moaning in ecstasy as that double orgasm swept you into an orgasmic oblivion. Your ears rung and your brows furrowed as those magnificent and addicting feelings coursed through every inch of your body. “Thank you! Fuck that’s so fucking good…” you praised and he hummed against you, making your tummy flutter as he started to reduce the intensity of his mouth on you as your orgasm started to dwindle. You swore there were little shocks randomly nipping at your legs and you started to massage his scalp after the hard grip you had on his silky hair. He kissed your clit before kissing your left thigh and pushing himself up to attach your lips together. You loved the taste of yourself on his tongue, it was erotic and made you feel so proud of yourself. “Mmm…wanna feel you inside me.” You mumbled and he sighed.
“Should we go upstairs? I don’t have a condom on me.” He muttered against your cheek before kissing you there.
“S’okay. Want it just like this, just you and me.” You said softly, your eyes flickered up to his so that he could clearly see your intent.
“Don’t tempt me like that, baby.” He shook his head with a devilish grin twitching his lips up to the left.
“M’serious! I got an IUD after I found out that Cal was cheating.” You shared and his eyebrows arched up.
“Oh…I mean, if you really want to. I don’t mind either way.” He assured you.
“I want it. Like really, really badly.” You grinned and he smiled.
“OK.” He stated decidedly. His lips pressed to yours once more and you started to tug at his shirt. He reared back to strip it from his body and he dropped it to the ground before reaching for the hem of yours. You raised your arms to aid him as he undressed you. He smiled and his hands went right to your breasts. He gave them a firm squeeze and you chuckled as he groaned in excitement. “Sorry, I just fucking love your body. Been dying to touch you again.” He breathed out and you smiled. His hands then slid down to your hips as you reached for his sweats. You needed him now.
You tugged at the white ties that were fastening the bottoms to him more snuggly. Once they were untied you tugged down on them until they just dropped down his legs on their own. Your mouth watered as his thick cock fell forward, bouncing a few times from how heavy he was. You immediately brought your hand up and spit into it before wrapping it around his tip, playing with it as he moaned in pleasure. You stroked up and dragged his foreskin to the tip before stroking down and sliding it back away from his thick and leaking head. He filled you up so fucking good, it was too good to be true…
“Please fuck me, Harry.” You begged, inciting an absolutely feral response in him and he nodded before he pulled you back down to the ground, turned your around, and guided his tip to your entrance. He rubbed through your sopping folds, enjoying just how aroused you got for him, he pressed himself against your entrance and you moaned in anticipation of being stretched open around his enviable girth. Your eyes were screwed shut as you waited for him to push in. He started to surge forward, opening your little hole up with his ragingly stiff cock. Once he got about halfway he reached into your hair with one hand and grabbed you tight at your hip with the other as he plunged the rest of the way in hard. You both moaned, shrouded in ecstasy at the feeling of him being inside of you again. You’d both been waiting, dreaming, longing to be connected this way again. He pushed you down into the counter to properly bend you over and you gasped as your bare chest was smooshed into the tiramisu, the ceramic plate scraped against the counter from the collision.
“The cake!” You laughed quietly and he chuckled, but proceeded with thrusting into you and started increasing his pace.
“Fuck you feel so good!” He hummed in delight, relishing in the feeling of your slick walls creating a feeling of suction and pressure around his pulsating erection. He’d been dreaming of having you again and this felt better than the last time because now he knew that you wanted him just as badly. He shifted a bit and then grinned as he heard you gasp when he plunged right against your spot; he couldn’t forget that. He loved just how easily you’d fall apart in pleasure when you were stimulated there.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed as he started to quickly thrust into it, making your legs feel like jello. You reached down and found your clit and you started to rub, making your eyes rolled back as a satisfied smile curled onto your lips. Your fingers were a blur as you rubbed tight little circles against your clit and your tummy started to clench up and then inevitably your inner muscles and walls started to contract around Harry’s cock. He choked out a moan and squeezed your hips hard as he started to thrust harder, you were seeing stars now, “I’m about to come!” You warned and he groaned.
“Come on then, baby. Cream all over my big cock. Show me how fucking good we are together.” He grunted markedly and you moaned a bit too loudly but neither of you had a single fuck to give as his filthy talk pushed you over the edge. You smiled and dropped your head back against his shoulder as you started to come undone. He held you up as your legs became all wobbly beneath you with the aftershocks of your orgasm. He wasn’t slowing down just yet though, his thrusts were getting harder and more erratic; you were impressed by the strength he had. “I’m so fucking close…shit!” He hissed and you tightened up despite your sensitivity and he moaned deeply, “Fuck…I’m right there, baby!”
“Come inside me.” You suddenly requested and he groaned, “Please, Harry.” You keened and he swore he was imagining it.
“Yeah? Want me to finish inside your delicious little pussy?” He panted and you nodded.
“Please. Want it all inside! Need to feel you coming inside.” You begged and he panted heavily.
“Fuck, I’m…oh fuck, I’m coming!” He mumbled quickly before surging his hips forward and then tugging your hips back against him. He ground his cock into you as you felt him twitching with each rope of come he was unloading deep inside of you. Harry swore he was about to lose consciousness from how hard his orgasm hit him. He felt his knees trembling and one of his hands came up over yours on the counter, interlacing your fingers while simultaneously gripping to the counter for support. His deep moans were vibrating deep into your soul, or at least it felt that way as his body was smushed right against yours.
You could feel his warmth filling you up until you felt a bit dripping down your sticky folds. Harry caught his breath as he held himself in you for a few moments before slowly pulling out of you. “Oh shit, s’a lot.” He muttered quietly, “Hang on to the counter for a sec.” he instructed and you nodded as he hurried to grab a hand towel from the counter behind them. When he returned he dabbed at your entrance.
“I swear I’m in another dimension.” You mumbled and he chuckled.
“Push a little bit for me.” He instructed. You did as you were told and he ran the towel over your swollen and throbbing pussy again, the fibers of it tickling you just a bit. You then felt him drag it down your right inner thigh, before he sunk to the ground and cleaned whatever had dripped down to the floor. “Good to go.” He said softly as he pressed a kiss to the small of your back, to that spot he’d been dying to kiss ever since he saw you. 
He then got up and you turned around and he chuckled, your tits were certainly smeared over with mascarpone and coca powder. You shrieked as he lunged you onto the counter again and you grabbed the edge of it and squeezed as his lips found your already pebbled nipple and sucked it clean before licking over your supple breast, cleaning it of his favorite dessert. He hummed contently as he sucked a little mark against the the underside of it before moving over to the other one. Your fingers raked through his curls and you tugged a bit when he sucked at your nipple too harshly, pulling it into his mouth forcefully before biting down on it a bit until you giggled in slight discomfort until it dissolved into a moan and he smiled and popped off of it loudly. He chuckled and then kissed up your sternum, neck, jaw, and then your lips again. Your smile was sincere as he rubbed his forehead against yours a few times, making the moment feel a lot more intimate.
“Alright?” He asked you.
“Yeah, just still coming off it.” You assured him and he smiled.
“Good.” He hummed before closing his eyes and you did the same, just basking in the intimacy you shared until a thought crossed your mind.
“Once again I did not get my cake.” You sighed and he chuckled.
“Well you got something…” he joked and you sniggered, “Don’t worry, we’ll get you a new slice.” He assured you before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Ummm…do you want to stay with me for a bit?” You asked timidly and he smiled.
“Definitely.” He confirmed.
So after getting dressed and getting another slice of the tiramisu, you were both making your way out of the kitchen quietly. You guys could still hear everyone else down the hall laughing and chatting animatedly, though you could tell they were all plastered. You made your way up the stairs and Harry dragged you down the hall to his bedroom, well it was more like a suite, so you cuddled up on to couch he had in front of the TV and you shared your cake as you watched Friends re-runs for a while.
“We should get you to bed.” You heard his voice through your drowsiness and yawned.
“Good idea.” You concurred, but you nuzzled closer to him instead of making a move to stand.
“Want me to carry you?” He asked and you smiled.
“If you really want to.”
“Yeah, come on then.” 
But after attempting and failing a few times because you both couldn’t stop laughing or making a serious attempt he just had you hop on piggy back. You leaned on his shoulder and held on tight as he walked you down the long hall and to the other bedroom. He walked you into the bathroom to brush your teeth and waited for you in the room. When you returned, a bit more awake now after dealing with the cold water, you cooed as he had turned down the bed for you. 
“Thank you, you’re too sweet.” You said caressing his cheek and he tutted.
“S’nothing. Get in.” He said and you did just that. The bed was as divine as it looked, you wanted one like this for yourself. He sat on the edge watching as you got comfy and once you were, you peered up to see him smiling down at you. Harry traced the high point of your cheekbone with his thumb, such a sweet and comforting gesture. 
“I ummm, I just want you to know that this isn’t just a sex thing to me.” He said quietly, “Like I’m not nice to you with the intent to fuck you. I like what I’ve seen of you so far and I just want to be there for you, you know? I want to get to know you. And I know things could get a bit complicated if you and Cal end things, so ummm we can just be friends until you resolve that if you want?” He asked.
“I think that would be wise.” You accepted. “I like you too and I also want to get to know more of you and I just don’t want to fall into something complex that could…hurt you while I’m already in the middle of this mess.” You said with a smile and he nodded.
“Sounds good. And I mean, I’m sure it’ll be hard even if your hearts aren’t in it anymore, so you call me when you need me, yeah?” He asked and you smiled.
“I will.” You assured and he smiled as he reached for the bedside table and handed over your phone so you could unlock it. He put his number in before setting it down on the bedside table again.
“There it is. I’m sorry it started out as a weird night, but I hope I made it a bit better for you.” He hummed and you giggled.
“That’s the understatement of the century, Harry.” You pointed out and he grinned bashfully.
“Don’t want to be too cocky, you know?” He said humbly and you shook your head with a grin. 
“Well yes, you made it better. Thank you again for everything tonight.” You expressed your gratitude.
“Course, love.” He said and kissed your lips quickly before making his way out of the room. 
You sighed and rolled onto your back with a big smile; you were completely enamored and taken by his way of being towards you. Of course, deep down you were a bit nervous about the big tell-all with Caleb, but you knew you were going to be alright after getting all of the information from him. There was nothing left to fight for with Caleb. Your heart was already drifting in another direction and you didn’t intend to do a single fucking thing about it.
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ineedhaikyu · 6 months
Chapter Two
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Summary: Inarizaki vs Karasuno. Foxes vs Crows. A match between two powerhouses competing for the next slot in Nationals and while tensions were high, Karasuno’s ace couldn’t help but look forward to the upcoming match. Or rather he was looking forward to seeing her.
Word Count: 8.9K
Warnings: A long fic with a huge amount of fluff! Once again Asahi's anxiety will be mentioned. Conversations are prolonged between reader and Asahi in order to establish a well-meaning relationship. Brief description of reader's hair.
A/N: PART 2 to Glass-Hearted Ace!! A lot of people wanted a continuation so here it is!! I had so much fun writing this because I absolutely love the adorable craziness that goes on in Haikyu as well as spreading more love to our gentle giant. Let's keep spreading our Asahi love!!
3rd POV
Day 2 of Nationals. The second round has already begun with the first match of the day. It wouldn't be long for the next match to start. Karasuno vs Inarizaki. The atmosphere was filled with the same energy of anticipation and eagerness just as it was the other day though multiplied by a hundred.
As this was her third and final year in participating in the Spring Tournament, (L/N) (Y/N) felt confident enough to say she was calm and collected. (Y/N) smiled to herself when she compared her younger first-year self to now. Back then, she was such a nervous wreck. Always getting lost on her way to the restroom or the time she followed the wrong team to the WRONG gym. (It wasn’t her fault that the team wore the same maroon jackets. Good thing that happened in her first year otherwise Suna and the Miya twins would never live it down.)
(Y/N) shook those thoughts away and continued her way to the gym where her team was preparing for their match. She was only gone for a few minutes as she had to fill up the water bottles, but knowing the second-years (Y/N) knew it was only a matter of time before something happened. Luckily, the Karasuno volleyball team hadn't arrived yet when she left but perhaps they have already.
The familiar warm feeling returned at the thought of seeing Karasuno’s team. More specifically the team’s ace. Azumane Asahi. The same guy that caught her eye when he played volleyball. The same guy she met yesterday who saved her from getting hurt. The same guy that made her believe in the lyrics of all those love songs.
(Y/N) wanted to say she was a good judge of character and she had a good feeling about Asahi.
A sweet guy, every bit of a gentleman. Very cute too. Every time his soft brown eyes met with hers, she swore it reminded her of a cute puppy. His smile didn’t bring a few butterflies in her stomach… No. They brought a swarm. Each flap of their metaphorical wings gave her the shivers but the grin on her lips never left when she was with him. Even his hair played a part of her enchantment on him. It’s not often to see guys with long hair, but Asahi pulled it off amazingly well especially when he has it in a man bun. Despite his tough guy appearance, Asahi was a gentle giant with a glass heart. In the little time she knew him, (Y/N) hoped she was able to help him realize his self-worth.
God. It hasn’t been 24 hours and not once has Asahi left her mind. They texted each other last night for almost two hours. The conversation between them flowed so easily. Just like before, (Y/N) enjoyed talking to him. Not once had he made her uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually.
The next morning she woke up early enough to do research on Karasuno’s team. While Inarizaki’s motto was: we don’t need the memories, (Y/N) couldn’t help but see how Karasuno was like from their past matches. They’re different from any other teams they’ve competed against. Besides, it was nice matching names with faces. Luckily, someone made ‘I’m Awesome’ videos of Karasuno’s starting lineup. She’ll admit whoever made these videos was good as they depicted amazing receives to jaw-dropping spikes.
She recognized Daichi, Suga, and Asahi immediately. Their libero, Nishinoya Yū, looked high caliber and so was their setter. She’ll keep her opinions to herself on Kageyama; she didn’t need Atsumu hearing her say that. They’ll have to keep a lookout on Karasuno’s #10, Hinata Shoyo. He’s on the short side considering he’s a middle blocker but judging by the video, the first-year is full of surprises.
Then again, the Inarizaki volleyball team has a few tricks up their sleeves too.
“Ah. Look, it's her!”
“(Y/N)- senpai!”
“Over here!”
The said manager snapped back to reality and was confronted by the usual crowd of fans in front of her. Inarizaki always show their pride with each event but with volleyball, they took it to another level. Then it doubled with the arrival of the Miya twins. Their popularity soared to new heights and as a result the marching band, cheerleaders, and several students took part in Nationals. Both a blessing and a curse.
The curse part? Well, as much as she loved her school’s support, the fangirls… Well…
“(Y/N)-senpai! Can you give this to Atsumu?!”
“Oh, please give these chocolates to Osamu! I made them last night!”
“(Y/N), is there any way I can get a picture with Suna? Please!”
Yeah… This was pretty much the usual for her but this time it was going too far. Girls ranging from first-years to third-years were blocking the entrance to the gym. She recognized some as fellow classmates but others she was almost positive they came from other schools. And they were all trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite player.
Despite the hectic scene in front of her, there were two girls that caught her attention.
One of them looked the same age as her with beautiful black hair that reached her shoulders and fair skin complexion except for the beauty mark underneath her lower lip. Her gray eyes seemed to sparkle behind her thin framed glasses. The other girl looked visibly younger with her petite frame and blonde hair that was styled with a star hair clip. Right away (Y/N) knew that the girl was a first-year. She could see the way the girl was trembling at the sight of the crowd.
They didn’t look like they were a part of the crowd, but they did look troubled. That’s when she noticed they were carrying water bottle carriers just like her. They must be the Karasuno team’s managers. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, (Y/N) decided to go talk to them.
The older girl noticed her first. She stepped in front of the blonde girl as if shielding her. (Y/N) didn’t let that get to her. Instead, she smiled and introduced herself.
“Hi. I’m (L/N) (Y/N). I’m the manager for the Inarizaki team. Are you two the managers for Karasuno?”
The two girls glanced at one another before nodding in unison.
“My name is Shimizu Kiyoko. Third-year.”
“I-I’m Y-Yachi H-Hitoka! F-First-year m-manager! I-It’s very n-nice t-to m-meet y-you!”
“Hey, there. No need to be scared of me. I’m just a manager, just like you.” (Y/N) tried her best to console the first-year’s anxious nature. It was almost like deja-vu with Asahi. “Are you excited for today?”
Kiyoko nodded, finally feeling at ease with her. “The team has worked hard to get to this point.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so nervous!” Hitoka added while trying to fan herself in order to cool down her face. “But the team is excited to play against the team that placed second place in the last Interhigh!”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “You’ve done your research. I’m impressed. But don’t worry, we still have some tricks under our sleeves. We know we’re up against a great team.”
The Karasuno managers felt the same warm feeling coursing underneath their skin at the compliment.
“Does that mean you’ve done research on our team?” Kiyoko asked.
(Y/N) nodded. “Of course. I like to be prepared.” Her cheeks began to warm up when she thought of Karasuno’s ace. “You two have impressive players on the team. Are they in the gym?”
“Yes. They’re practicing right now. We went to get some water for the match when this happened.” Kiyoko gestured to the sea of girls in front of them.
“We tried to get through but they’re scary!” Hitoka was practically shaking in her shoes. “The first match is already playing their second set.”
“Man! I swear time flies around here. Come on, I’ll help you through.” (Y/N) gestured to the girls to follow her. “We can’t let our teams forget us.”
“Are you sure?” Kiyoko asked her. “We can find another way.”
(Y/N) shook her head and gave them a carefree grin. “This is the best way into the gym. Trust me, I’ll get us in there.”
“W-Why a-are you h-helping us?” Hitoka stuttered out. “A-Aren’t you scared of them?”
“Well us managers have to stick together, right? And trust me, after dealing with the Miya twins for a year, these girls don’t scare me.”
Taking her word for it, the pair of Karasuno managers followed her. As expected the crowd of girls showed no sign of parting, in fact, it has grown in number. Kiyoko and Hitoka were waiting for (Y/N) to politely ask the girls to move aside, like they did before, but the Inarizaki manager did something quite unexpected.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Cover your ears.”
The girls obeyed. Lucky for them. Unlucky for the fangirls.
Because (Y/N) let out the loudest whistle anyone had ever heard. A series of groans and shrieks were heard from the fangirls. Then they all had turned to face the managers.
“(Y/N)-senpai? What was that for?!” One of the fangirls that she recognized as an underclassman.
“Oh, come on guys. I warned everyone last time this would happen.” The manager told them, not an ounce of fear in her voice as she addressed the crowd.
“B-But we just want to see the twins practice!” A girl holding a hand fan with the words ‘Miya Twins’ on it. “We aren’t doing anything wrong.”
“The boys need to warm up. You’ll see them on the court. Do yourselves a favor and find good seats to watch and cheer from.”
“Aww but (Y/N)!” They complained.
“You guys know the rules. Now, please, let me and my friends,” She stepped aside to reveal her new manager friends, “get into the gym. We need to do our jobs as managers. Don’t make me tell Kita-san and have him ban all of you from watching practice matches in the future.”
At the mention of the serious captain and under the threat of closed practices, the fangirls dispersed quickly. Some had the sense to apologize and others wished them good fortune on the upcoming match.
“W-Wow.” Hitoka said in awe. “You knew exactly what to do. That’s amazing.”
Kiyoko agreed before asking, “Does this happen a lot?”
(Y/N) let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Yeah… They’re big fans of the team and they mean well but sometimes their excitement can take it too far. As Inarizaki’s manager, sometimes I feel responsible for their behavior.” She bowed her head and continued on. “I apologize on their behalf for any trouble they may have caused you two.”
The youngest manager out of the three was speechless at the older girl’s sincere words in her apology. They’ve only known the Inarizaki manager for like ten minutes but she proved herself to them that she’s a kindhearted yet self-assured person. One look at her senpai and Yachi knew that they were thinking the same thing.
What Yachi didn’t know, Shimizu was smiling for a different reason. Yesterday, she accidentally overheard her fellow third-years talking. She didn’t mean to listen in and she was about to leave when the topic of the conversation caught her attention. Apparently, a girl caught her friend Asahi’s eye. A girl from the Inarizaki team that, according to Suga, sounded like the perfect girl for her anxious friend. So when the girl’s name came up, (Y/N), Shimizu wanted to see for herself what the girl was like.
Now that she has, Shimizu can see how and why Asahi would fall for her.
“Don’t apologize,” Kiyoko finally spoke up and offered the girl a kind smile. “Sometimes, these things happen.”
“You sure? I mean, this might happen again when we have to go into the main gym. There are some fans of the Miya twins that can be a bit… Fierce. If you want, I can help out. It’s no trouble at all.”
Kiyoko shook her head. “It’s okay, (Y/N). We can handle it. Right, Hitoka-chan?”
The first-year nodded eagerly. “Yeah! We’ll be okay. The guys on our team can be scary too. Ah! I need to tell the team that the first match is already in the second set. It was very nice to meet you!”
The third-year managers watched in amusement as she scurried into the gym. (Y/N) smiled before facing Kiyoko. She offered her hand for a handshake and said, “I know it’s customary for players to shake hands before and after the match, but I do it too with the managers. Let’s have a good game.”
Kiyoko took her hand and squeezed. “May the best team win. No hard feelings, right?”
(Y/N) laughed and nodded. “I like you, Shimizu, but yeah, no hard feelings at all.”
“Please call me Kiyoko.”
~Meanwhile inside the gym, ten minutes earlier~
‘Where is she?’ Asahi thought as his eyes searched the other side of the court. ‘Is she hiding from me? Did he say something that scared her away? What if he creeped her out last night when they texted each other?’
“Yo Asahi!” Suga’s energetic voice scared him back to reality. “Are you looking for someone?”
He didn’t miss his friend’s teasing tone that laced his words nor the way his eyes shined in amusement. Leave it to Suga to tease the hell out of him. Last night, for example, was too much. Even after he told his friends about his time with the Inarizaki manager, Suga still wanted to know everything, down to the last detail. Luckily, Daichi took pity on him and reeled Suga back on a somewhat normal level of interrogation.
But that didn’t mean he was going to drop the subject completely.
“I can’t find (Y/N).” He admitted to his friend. “Have you seen her?”
“Hmm. Not yet. But I wouldn’t worry too much. Her team’s here so I’m sure she’s somewhere around here. She’s their manager after all.” Suga clapped his shoulder. “But if you really want to know where (Y/N) is, why don’t you go ask her teammates?”
Suga pointed to the nearby Inarizaki members that were practicing their spikes. He recognized the Miya twins and Inarizaki’s ace, Ojiro Aran. And while he saw how they played from previous matches last night, it didn’t ease the anxiety clawing its way around his heart. It also didn’t help when one of the wing spikers turned the set into a powerful spike. The impact of the ball being slammed to the floor echoed throughout the gym.
Just the very action scared Suga’s suggestion out the window. There was no way he was going over there and ask about their manager! If they were anything like Tanaka or Nishinoya, then he’ll be ripped to shreds.
“N-No way!” He stuttered out a reply and waved his hands in front of him. The slight blush on his face was becoming more visible by each second. “But I’m worried. What if something happened to her?”
“Her who?” Daichi asked as he came up from behind them. “What’s going on?”
Suga answered before he could. “Well, our dear old ace here, is worried that his crush is somewhere out there dying without him knowing. And he’s too scared to ask her friends where she is.”
Karasuno’s captain chuckled and patted Asahi on the back. “Quit worrying. I know you saved her yesterday, but this isn’t a little girl you’re talking about. She can hold her own. After all, this isn’t her first time here in Nationals.”
“See, Asahi?” Suga, clearly amused by this whole conversation, told him. “There’s nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t be surprised if she walked through those gym doors right now.”
He pointed to the entrance and they followed it only to see a swarm of girls trying to catch a glimpse inside the gym.
“You mean those doors?” He asked his friend. “They look ready to burst in here.”
“Who are they?” Daichi asking the question everyone was wondering.
“Judging by the hand fans, I think they’re fans of the Miya twins. They must be really popular to have this many. That’s annoying.” Suga muttered the last part with a pout.
“Can anyone get through?” Asahi wondered as he avoided eye contact with the girls. Something about them unnerved him somehow even if they wore bright smiles and loud cheers. “They look vicious.”
“They’re fans, not witches.” Daichi stated. “I’m sure they’re nice. After all, they're showing their support to their team.”
“Let it go, Daichi. Asahi is only like this because he misses his dream girl.” Suga jested. “He’s going into withdrawal.”
“I was just hoping to see her. She texted me-”
“Woah! Woah! Texted?! When did this happen?” asked Suga, his eyes wide with this new information. “You’re at the texting-each-other stage?!”
“Was that who you were texting last night?” Daichi asked him.
“What?!” Suga exclaimed. “Daichi, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were asleep and I was tired.” The captain defended. “And it isn’t my business who Asahi texts. He’s old enough to make his own decisions… That being said, what did you guys talk about?”
“You didn’t tell her our secret weapons, did you?” Suga whispered his question, referring to all the tricks they perfected in the past few months.
“(Y/N) isn’t like that, Suga. She didn’t squeeze any information out of me. We picked up where we left off and talked about normal stuff. We thought it was better than to talk about the match between our schools.”
“And what did you guys text about?” The vice captain pressed, eager to know more.
For some reason, Asahi couldn’t help but recall how he initiated the conversation with the pretty manager from Inarizaki. Actually it was more like he couldn’t believe he was texting with (Y/N) last night. It felt unreal, like a dream. After reading her note, he remembered how hard his heart was beating and how warm his cheeks grew.
Ever since she mentioned it in her note, admitting how he made her nervous, Asahi took some comfort that he can do the same to her and vice versa.
Though, she did prove herself to be bravely spontaneous when she wrote the note and after texting with her last night, he hoped he could do the same. One of his many concerns since starting high school was that girls in his class were always disappointed after finding out his timid personality didn’t match his physical appearance. He’ll never forget the time when one of the girls called him a wuss. It was years ago but the girl’s remark was like a stab wound in the back. It healed over time but it still made its mark on his self-image.
Luckily, (Y/N) wasn’t like any of the girls in his class. She’s so kind when she bought him a shirt as a gift. She’s so understanding when she patiently listened to his problems. She showed compassion when she offered some advice to help ease the anxiety that almost suffocated him. Then there was that beautiful confidence she had in herself. He liked that about her and while he just met (Y/N) yesterday, he wanted to prove to her that he can be confident too.
That’s why he’s been looking for her. He wanted to be the first to greet her. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but it was to him.
‘Baby steps,’ He thought when he was second-guessing himself. ‘What was that saying? Rome wasn’t built in a day. Well, that applies here too. Bit by bit, confidence will grow.’
“Asahi? Earth to ace?”
“You zoned out there for a second.” A smirk appeared on Suga’s face. “Must be quite a conversation you had with her. Wouldn’t you say Daichi?”
It was always nerve-wracking to have both Daichi and Suga tease him. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if the captain joined in on the teasing. But to his surprise, Daichi clapped him on the back causing him to huff a bit under his breath.
“Well, I think (Y/N) is the kind of girl that can make our dear ace invincible. Make sure to show what you’re made of during this match.”
“Yeah!” Suga encouraged, his hand clapping the ace’s free shoulder. “Let her see how awesome you are on the court.”
“No pressure or anything.” Daichi added, his smile matching Suga’s teasing grin.
“None at all!” Suga piped in. “Just remember she’ll be watching you when it’s your turn to serve. Don’t mess up!”
“You guys aren’t helping!” He yelled at his friends. His face burned in embarrassment.
Daichi and Suga laughed but before anyone could say another word that could cause further humiliation for the ace, Asahi’s saving grace came in the form of their first-year manager running into the gym. He thanked whatever deity who was watching over this episode that spared him from further teasing from his friends.
“The first match is in the middle of their second set.” Hitoka informed them.
Daichi nodded and clapped his hands together. In a loud voice, he announced, “Alright, guys. Let’s get into our uniforms.”
Following the captain's orders, Asahi grabbed his alternate orange jersey and placed it over a nearby chair. He looked across the gym and saw the Inarizaki players putting on their uniforms as well. Still no sign of (Y/N).
“Hitoka-chan, wasn’t Shimizu with you?” Suga asked.
The first-year nodded. “We made a new friend just now. She helped us out when we couldn’t get into the gym. I think she’s still talking to her by the doors.”
Asahi tuned out their conversation as he took off his shirt. In his head, he had to concentrate on calming down his nerves. The scariest moments of his life played like an endless nightmare. Like the time when he was a kid and he had to show his parents the bad grade on his report card. Or the time he wanted to pet the neighbor’s puppy but ended up getting chased by the puppy’s mother. Or how Date Tech’s iron wall blocked every single spike; shaking him to the core so much that he temporarily stopped playing volleyball.
The whirlpool of anxiety and dread arrived on schedule in his stomach. Was it getting harder to breathe? Was the air getting warmer? Or was he getting colder? Yeah, no. He was definitely getting colder. His hands felt like a block of ice. Was he this nervous during the Shiratorizawa match? Probably. He made a mental note to trace 人 on his hand, hoping it was enough to settle down his nerves.
He threw his jersey on and was just about to fix his loose hair strands when he heard a familiar laugh coming from the entrance. He looked up to see Kiyoko laughing along with another girl. It was only a glance, a quick one, when he did a double take. He couldn’t believe it.
(L/N) (Y/N), the girl that caused his brain cells to go on a roller coaster ride, was standing there in all her beauty.
She was having a conversation with Kiyoko and by the looks of it, she must have said something funny because it made his usual shy and quiet manager laugh a little. Now he was 100% convinced that (Y/N) had a natural aura that eased people on friendly terms if she was able to hold an amiable conversation with Kiyoko.
Not to mention her smile that complimented her eyes that seemed to shine in excitement. Or how her hair was styled a bit different from yesterday. This time her hair was pinned back from her face with two small side braids connected together where it fell in rhythm with the rest of her hair. It looked cute on her, lovely even. Should he mention that to her or would that be too weird?
“Ow!” Asahi turned around to find the culprit who slapped the (for lack of a better word) living shit onto his back. Nishinoya didn’t have an ounce of shame or regret in his eyes. Quite the opposite actually as the libero was smiling ear to ear. “Nishinoya? What was that for?”
With no remorse, the second-year player ignored the question and asked several of his own. “That’s her, right? The Inarizaki manager? The one who’s talking to Kiyoko-san? The girl you like?”
He could feel his ears begin to burn. “H-How did you know?”
“That’s not important.”
Asahi begged to differ as he thought it made a world of difference now that Nishinoya knows about his crush.
With his arms crossed in front of his chest, the libero continued, “What are you doing standing here? Go over there and talk to her! Be a man!”
“I-It’s not that simple. I need to build myself up before I talk to her. And then I need to think of a topic that we can talk about. Then what type of questions I should ask-”
“Oh come on Asahi! You have to stop acting like a cowardly wimp. Man up and go! She’s right there!”
“J-Just give me a second and I will.”
Nishinoya was just about to retort back when he realized something. This was the first time Asahi was nervous, visibly and mentally, for a girl. Well, scratch that. Asahi was always nervous around girls but this was the first time he seemed to actively try to impress someone. Like the way he repeatedly made sure his jersey was tucked in, double-knotted his shoelaces, and double-checked his hair was safely tied in his usual bun.
So he did what any good friend would do. “You look great, Asahi.”
With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, the ace stood up straight. “You think so?”
“Personally, I don’t care about what other people think about my looks.”
Asahi physically deflated at those words. If only he could borrow some of his friend’s confidence.
“But then again I’m awesome.”
The ace couldn’t argue with that one. But before he could wallow in a pool of anxiety and dread, the libero’s next words saved him from drowning. Along with a strong slap on the shoulder that could echo throughout the gym.
“You’re awesome too. You’re the ace of our team. Take pride in that.”
Asahi took his friend’s words to heart as he stood up a bit straighter. He glanced up to look at (Y/N) who looked breathtaking while wearing her maroon Inarizaki jacket. If only she wore a black Karasuno jacket… He could just imagine the alternate dimension where she could have been a classmate, a close friend, or even something more.
“I… I don’t want to mess this up, Noya.”
Concerned, Nishinoya asked, “How would you mess up?”
“I don’t know! Anything could happen. With my luck, I could trip over myself in front of her. I want to be confident and go over to her and say hi-””
“Alright. Then let’s go.”
Asahi’s mind froze. “What?”
“You heard me. Let’s do what you said and walk up to your girlfriend-”
“She’s not my girlfriend!”
Nishinoya rolled his eyes but the grin on his face showed no sign of leaving. “Fine. The girl you wish to be your girlfriend. We’ll go together. You’ll say hi and introduce me to her because I want to know what kind of girl makes you act this way.”
Asahi could feel his face turning red. “Okay, let’s go. But please don’t say anything embarrassing. Daichi and Suga did enough of that yesterday.”
His friend laughed loudly before slapping his shoulder. “You really need to grow a backbone off the court, especially if you want to impress your crush. But don’t worry, I have your back.”
(Y/N) felt as if she met her long-lost sister through Karasuno’s manager. Kiyoko definitely could relate to the ups and downs that comes with managing a group of boys (especially rowdy second-years). But she admired her commitment. Being a third-year, specifically attending Nationals, it was their last chance to help their respective team to make it to the top.
“So, how are you feeling about being here?” She asked as they sat down on a nearby bench. They still had time before the ongoing match ended. Why not take the opportunity and spend time with her new friend?
“It’s unreal. Sometimes it feels like a dream. A lot of people doubted us since we were a forgotten powerhouse. We were devastated when we lost in the third round of the Interhigh to Aoba Johsai. Our only chance to get to Nationals was to win all our matches.”
“Woah, I can only imagine the pressure your team had on their shoulders. More so on the third-years.” She took a chance to look for Asahi. Her eyes automatically found him and she couldn’t help but smile. It looked like he was having a conversation with the libero. “How did you guys manage all that?”
Kiyoko shrugged her shoulders but she had a faint smile before answering, “It was rough. But we didn’t want to give up on volleyball. Not when there was a chance to make it here. It was a risk. Our advisor warned us third-years to take our future into account before we made our decision.”
“And now you guys are here! I have to give you and your team respect, Kiyoko.”
Kiyoko laughed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks. It’s been a journey and we’re ready to play against the best.”
“Trust me the feeling is mutual.”
“Speaking of feelings,” Kiyoko began with a teasing tone. “I’ve heard there’s a guy on my team that caught your eye.”
(Y/N) let out a nervous laugh as she looked away. “He told you?”
“Not directly but Daichi and Suga weren’t exactly keeping it down about it. Asahi is usually quiet. But he sounded happy when he talked about you. I think you helped him in more ways than one because I’ve never heard him sound so confident.”
“Really?” She couldn’t help but smile widely. “You're not just saying that, are you?”
Kiyoko shook her head. “I don’t know what you told him but it looks like he took it to heart.”
“I just spoke the truth. He helped me so it’s only fair that I helped him too. He’s a gentle giant that needs a boost in confidence.”
“Do you like him?”
“Well… It’s too soon to tell but I think so. Asahi is not like any other guy I’ve met. I just want a chance to get to know him more and vice versa.”
“So like a date before the actual date?”
“Exactly!” It was like Kiyoko and her were on the same wavelength. “Is that too weird? Or is it stupid? I mean, I just met him yesterday and so far he seems like a great guy but like… I’m nervous. He makes me nervous and… Shoot. I’m sorry for rambling.”
“Hey, it’s reasonable to think and feel that way. Take it from me, Asahi really is a good guy. He can be a scaredy-cat sometimes and can be insecure about a lot of stuff but he really means well.”
“I saw that side of him yesterday. He’s the type to shoulder all the blame, isn’t he?” (Y/N) asked.
Kiyoko nodded. “He’s still our ace and he’s been working harder than ever to prove it.”
(Y/N) remained silent, taking in all the information Kiyoko told her. She looked for Asahi again and smiled when she saw him getting clapped on the shoulder by the libero.
“Does that bother you?” Kiyoko asked, a hint of worry in her voice.
Confused, (Y/N) furrowed her brow before asking, “What do you mean?”
“Does it bother you that Asahi is the ace but he doesn’t have an ace-like presence?”
While Kiyoko hated asking the question she believed it was an important one. Girls can be ruthless. She heard the gossip from other girls and how they talk about Asahi behind his back. Calling him a wimp or how he was a part of a gang. As Asahi’s friend, she felt it was her responsibility to see if the girl he has a crush for is actually genuine in her feelings towards him. Because as much as she enjoyed (Y/N)’s company, Kiyoko will choose to defend Asahi over her.
“Should that be important? If anything, it goes to show how different Asahi is. When I saw him play yesterday, I knew he was an amazing ace but when I talked to him and got to know him… I saw a guy who’s not ashamed to admit his insecurities and who’s not scared to admit his feelings. I respect that. And after what you told me of what you guys have gone through, I know Asahi will show his self-worth on the court and show everyone why he’s the ace. So who cares that he doesn’t have the traditional personality of an ace? I think he’s already brave.”
Kiyoko smiled at her. That was the answer she’s been hoping for and (Y/N) delivered it. Her (E/C) eyes matched the conviction in her voice and Kiyoko loved it. Not to mention, the timing was absolutely perfect and she thanked the gods that (Y/N) didn’t notice the two people behind her.
Oh god. She could feel her heart falling to her stomach when she heard her name in that deep voice that made her feel everything all at once. Her face became warm in seconds and she didn’t dare move an inch. It wasn’t until Kiyoko let out a small cough that brought her from cloud nine back to the gym.
(Y/N) took a moment to center herself before turning around to see Asahi. His chocolate brown eyes met hers and she swore the butterflies from her stomach danced between her ribs.
“A-Asahi-san! Hey!”
She quickly stood up, a bit too fast as she accidentally knocked her team’s water bottles out of the carrier. Embarrassed, (Y/N) fell to her knees and grabbed the nearest bottle.
“S-Sorry about this.” (Y/N) didn’t dare look up as she already embarrassed herself in front of her crush and his friends.
“N-No! Don’t apologize. It was an accident.” Asahi kneeled, grabbing the last bottle before handing it to her. His breath hitched ever so softly when her fingertips touched his hand. It was as if the rest of the gym faded away. Being so close to (Y/N), he saw how her eyes were beautiful as he remembered. He swore it was no trick of the light that her eyes seemed to shine like stars in the night sky.
(Y/N) felt so self-conscious about how close she was to Asahi. She hoped she looked okay in his eyes. Usually she wouldn’t care so much on how she looked, but the idea was thrown out the window when she met Karasuno’s ace. His long hair was once again in a bun but this time it was neatly in place, a perfect bun any woman or man could be jealous of. The small scruff of facial hair on his chin suited him very well, giving him a sort of wild, intimidating appearance.
But she knew better because Asahi was an adorable giant with a large and gentle heart. If she was being honest, his presence was like springtime coming to wash away winter’s snow. His warmth was… Indescribable.
How was it possible for him to be that handsome yet so adorable at the same time?
The moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Loudly. (Y/n) looked up to see the libero, Nishinoya, with a large grin. His eyes were bright with excitement and amusement. She can immediately tell that this guy was the mischievous and energetic type. As they stood up, she could have sworn she saw Asahi blush.
“(Y/N), this is my friend Nishinoya Yū. He’s a second-year and the libero of our team.”
While he maintained a normal composure, Asahi was mentally beating himself up. ‘Why would you say that?! She’s a volleyball manager!! Of course, she knows that Nishinoya is a libero! She has eyes. She can see that he’s wearing a different color jersey! Asahi, you’re such an IDIOT!’
While the ace was mentally berating himself, (Y/N) formally introduced herself to his friend. During her introduction, Nishinoya could only gawk. When he heard from Suga and Daichi about his friend Asahi finally having a lucky break encounter with a girl, he couldn’t be happier for the ace. And it didn’t take a genius to see how hard Asahi fell for her.
“By the way, I’ve watched those ‘I’m Awesome’ videos.” (Y/N) brought up and immediately caught the attention from both boys. “That match with Shiratorizawa when you made a double save against Ushijima was so cool. It was so amazing that I had to replay it like five times. I even showed it to our own libero and he literally took my phone out of my hands.”
Nishinoya beamed. “Really?”
His chest swelled up with pride and the thought of another libero studying his techniques was just the icing on the cake, but to have a pretty girl, like (Y/N), praise his skills… Well that’s the cherry on top. He liked her already.
“And Asahi, you were amazing too. The way you were able to smash through Shiratorizawa’s defenses was unreal!”
The warm and fuzzy feeling from his chest exploded and it was as if all the heat rushed to his face. Asahi was sure his whole face was red. He tried to stammer out a reply but Nishinoya beat him to it.
“I know right!” He slapped Asahi’s shoulder repeatedly. “He went head to head against one of the best aces in the country and helped lead our team to victory. We wouldn’t be here without him.”
“T-That’s not t-true-”
“Of course it is!” Nishinoya looked back at the girl who was chuckling at their interaction. “Ignore that. He’s so humble whenever someone compliments him.”
Her eyes met Asahi’s and gave him a knowing smile. Although this was her second encounter with Karasuno’s ace, (Y/N) noticed the trend of Asahi’s friends building him up and teasing him at the same time. She had to stop herself from laughing at the lack of subtlety amongst them. Still, it was cute to see Asahi this way.
“Well,” (Y/N) began, her hand casually tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Asahi was listening intently. “Then I bet this next compliment is going to be unbearable because I thought you looked great during that match. It makes me wish I was there to see you guys play live.”
Nishinoya grinned. “Don’t worry, (Y/N)-san. You won’t be disappointed with our match. Asahi, here, will make sure of that. Right, Asahi? Oh, did I mention how-”
Kiyoko, who was silently watching the entire interaction, noticed the slight panic in Asahi’s eyes. She knew the libero means well but there were times he can take things a bit too far.
“Nishinoya, can you help carry this for me?”
“Anything for you, Kiyoko-san! I’ll follow you forever!”
Asahi was about to stutter out his friend’s name when he saw Kiyoko give a little head gesture towards (Y/N), subtle enough so she wouldn’t see it.
‘This is your chance, Asahi.’ That was the message she was telling him as Kiyoko led Nishinoya away. ‘Don’t mess up.’
“So, um, (Y/N)? H-How are you? You know, with everything?” Asahi could feel the goosebumps traveling up and down his arms at how cringy he felt.
The dark cloud of self-doubt and worry that plagued Asahi this morning has evaporated into thin air the moment she smiled at him. How was she able to put him at ease like that?
“So far, so good. I'm a bit nervous for today. Not the bad kind of nervous but the excited kind, you know?”
Asahi nodded as he knew exactly the feeling (Y/N) was talking about. He was feeling it right now! “I know that feeling very well. I feel it almost everyday.”
(Y/N) chuckled before replying, “At least, you’re honest, Asahi. Most guys usually lie about their feelings.” She glanced back at her own team where she saw Atsumu arguing with his twin, probably over something stupid.
“Well someone did tell me that it wasn’t a bad thing to express my feelings. I’m just following her good advice.”
The smile she gave him was like no other to know that Asahi was really taking her words to heart. Words can’t describe how happy this made her nor the warm feeling she felt stir in her chest.
“So, are you ready to play against us?” (Y/N) asked the ace in an effort to keep the conversation going. “Because we’ve been looking forward to this match.”
“It’s a bit nerve-racking that we’re playing against the team that placed second in the Inter-High. You have great players on your team.”
(Y/N) waved her hand in dismal with a shake of her head. “Oh don’t let that rattle you, that was yesterday.” Her school’s motto rings true in her words. “Besides, I’ve done my research. Karasuno isn’t like it was before. Your team has cool players too and that includes you. All you can do today is challenge yourself.”
Asahi couldn’t help but smile at her. “You’re just full of good advice, aren’t you?”
She beamed while tossing her hair over her shoulder in a joking manner. “I’d like to think so. But seriously, Asahi,” Her hand gently touched his bicep and Asahi didn’t shrink away. “How are you really feeling?”
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes looking up to him, patiently waiting for his response.
“I haven’t told anyone so d-don’t make fun of me but… I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m scared of failing. I’m scared to drag the team down. I’m scared to lose the trust my team has in me as the ace. I mean, I’ve watched the Inarizaki clip last night and I can’t help to compare-”
Asahi stopped talking when he felt a pair of warm hands wrap around his cold ones. The blush from before came back in full force. (Y/N)’s hands were small and so soft compared to his yet it was enough to calm his fast beating heart. With her holding his hands, it reminded Asahi of the time when Kiyoko held Suga’s hands during the fifth set of the Shiratorizawa match. He remembered how he, Daichi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka became jealous towards the vice captain. Now he was in Suga’s position and with (Y/N) holding his hands, Asahi understood the feelings Suga went through that day.
“Listen to me, Asahi, what you’re feeling right now… That’s normal, okay? You’re not the first ace to feel this way and even if you are the first that just goes to show how considerate you are to your teammates. I can tell you worked hard and you have skilled, trustworthy teammates. That’s why you’re here in Nationals, remember? You earned your spot on the team as the ace and I understand you carry a burden on your shoulders, but you’re not alone. You have your team with you.”
Asahi opened his mouth but no words came out. It was as if (Y/N) took his ability to talk. He felt enlightened in a way. He was pushed so much in the darkness by his own self-doubt, anxiety, and worry that he almost missed the ray of light that gave him hope.
“You with me, Asahi? I didn’t lose you, did I?” (Y/N) questioned, giving his hands a small squeeze. “Or did I say something wrong?”
“Oh! Sorry! No! I mean- Yes! I mean-”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Breathe, Asahi. There’s no need to be nervous. It’s just me. No one special.”
He shook his head. “That’s not true. At least, not to me.”
She blinked. Then blinked twice. Three times. When she realized that she hadn’t misheard him, she swore those butterflies in her stomach made their way to her chest and danced around her heart. The feeling never went away when he met her eyes. His brown eyes took her breath away while melting her heart at the same time.
Still, she wasn’t expecting Asahi to say that and judging by the obvious blush on his cheeks Asahi wasn’t either. Well, two can play at that game.
“Oh? I’m someone special to you? When we only met yesterday? If I didn’t know better, I would say you’re falling for me.”
Asahi felt his Adam's apple bob up and down. He was used to teasing by his friends and the second-years but never before has he felt like this. Wait a minute… Was this teasing or flirting? He hoped for the latter because he didn’t want it to stop.
“What if I am?” He asked, his confidence growing with every word. “Would it be a bad thing?”
(Y/N) smiled widely. “I… I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
Asahi felt his heart soar to new heights at this. Any anxiety he had began to slowly fade away. His hands were no longer cold but he wasn’t going to stray away from (Y/N)’s touch.
However, the universe thought differently.
“Hey. Do you mind not holding hands with my manager?”
(Y/N) grunted when she felt a strong arm swing over her shoulders. Even without looking, she could tell who it was. The same person who had no problem starting a confrontation with anyone. Not even his twin brother.
“Atsumu.” She warned, letting go of Asahi’s hands, hoping this action would relieve the tension her setter placed around them.
The blond-haired twin kept the same annoying smirk as he met his manager’s eyes. He knew that look very well as he was always on the receiving end of it.
“What?” He asked innocently. “I’m just looking out for you, (Y/N)-senpai. You’re our precious manager after all. Now, is this guy messing with you?”
(Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes while counting to ten in order to calm down. She could only imagine how this must look.
“He’s not. This is Asahi and he’s my friend. We were just talking before the match began. Asahi, this is Miya Atsumu. He’s the setter-”
“Star setter.” Atsumu interrupted as he shook Asahi’s hand, gripping it hard. “An All-Japan Training Camp setter.”
Confused but feeling bold, Asahi matched the twin’s grip strength. He took a tiny bit of satisfaction when Atsumu grimaced the tiniest bit.
(Y/N) raised her brow at them but shook it off. “Sorry about him. He can be a bit much. Anyways, Atsumu, Asahi is Karasuno’s ace. We watched their match yesterday, remember?”
Atsumu gave him an unimpressed look before shaking his head. “Not really. He must have not made a good impression for me to remember. I don’t remember players who suck-”
He was cut off by (Y/N)’s sharp elbow to his stomach. “What was that for, (Y/N)-san?!”
“That’s for lying!”
“I wasn’t lying!”
“Just yesterday you told me he made a lot of great plays. Not to mention, you praised his service ace.”
Atsumu could feel himself blush a little when his manager caught him in his lie. “I… I don’t remember.” When lying doesn’t work, denying is the second best option.
She rolled her eyes while pushing the setter’s head down, forcing him to bow with her. “Sorry about him. He can be incredibly insensitive at times.”
Atsumu twisted his head to look at his manager, quietly struggling underneath her surprisingly strong grip. “No, I’m not!”
(Y/N) sighed before letting go and ignored the glare Atsumu gave her. Instead, she focused on Karasuno’s ace. “I wish we can talk more, Asahi but I need to get the team ready before the match. But I’m glad we had the chance to catch up.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled at her, much to Atsumu’s displeasure. “Can we talk later?”
The manager grinned and was just about to answer when she felt a strong tug on her arm before getting dragged away. “Hey, Atsumu! What the he-”
“You said it yourself.” Atsumu pointed out. “You need to help get the team, our team, ready. Let’s go.”
(Y/N) yanked her hand back and gave Atsumu a glare before he could utter a complaint. “Atsumu, be a dear and take this,” She placed the water bottle carrier in his hands. “I’ll be right behind you.”
“But- I, er, we need you. Remember, there’s that thing… That important thing…” His eyes gestured to his hands.
To anyone who didn’t know the Inarizaki setter very well, it may have sounded like there was something urgent she, as the manager, had to do. But (Y/N) knew Atsumu and she almost wanted to laugh at the desperation in his voice. This happened every single time before a match. It was obvious that Atsumu didn’t want to admit his problem in front of Asahi, who had a confused look on his face.
“The stuff is in my bag, inside the small pocket. Just don’t use too much like last time.”
“Yes!” Atsumu fist-pumped before running back to the rest of the Inarizaki team, forgetting the reason he came over in the first place.
(Y/N) chuckled as she watched her friend dig into her bag before turning back to Asahi. “Again, sorry about that. He can be a bit much. But he does have a point, the match is going to start soon.” She offered up her hand for a shake. “Best of luck to you, Asahi.”
He wasted no time in shaking her hand. “You too. Good luck to your team.”
“And whatever happens, win or lose, we’ll be cool, right?” (Y/N) asked, hoping Asahi wasn’t one of those players that completely shuts down and shuns people when they lose. She really liked him so she hoped that wasn’t the case.
“Of course we will.” Asahi promised. “No matter what happens, we’ll give it our best.”
“Good. See you later, ace.”
With one final encouraging squeeze, (Y/N)’s hand slipped away before making her way towards her team. Asahi seemed frozen to the laminate gym floor as his eyes were fixed on her maroon Inarizaki team. His hand was still in the air where he could still feel her fingertips.
He flinched when he heard Nishinoya yell out his name and he almost fell over when he felt the libero hoist himself to do a handstand on his shoulders. It always amazes him how Nishinoya was able to do that effortlessly.
“H-Hey careful!” Asahi warned him. “And what happened to having my back?”
“You were amazing Asahi-san!” Nishinoya praised, stars in his eyes. “And I did have your back. We all had your back. We were watching the whole thing! You looked so cool talking to the girl you like!”
Was it just him or did that last sentence sound so loud?
“Don’t make it so obvious, Nishinoya.” Suga chuckled.
“Yeah, we don’t need Miya Atsumu to come back over here and scare Asahi again.” Daichi joked. “We had to pull Nishinoya back so he wouldn’t go feral on him.”
“I-I wasn’t scared! He just surprised me.” Asahi defended though he wasn’t going to admit that there was a tiny moment of fear when the Inarizaki setter confronted him. “He’s intense though.”
Kiyoko stepped forward. “You didn’t run away. I think that speaks louder than words.”
Asahi swallowed hard. “You think so?”
“Trust Kiyoko on this, Asahi.” Daichi said. “And trust all of us when we say, don’t give up. I know I give you a hard time with you being a coward and all-”
“Thanks.” He said sarcastically.
“Let me finish.” Daichi laughed. “I was trying to say… (Y/N) brings out the best in you. So keep going. Deal?”
“Alright, let’s go win!”
~Meanwhile on the other side of the gym~
“You done flirting with the enemy?”
“Does that bother you, Suna?” (Y/N) countered as she checked her bag, looking to see if Atsumu used all her hand lotion. (He’s always complaining about his fingertips being dry.) “I thought that’s what you guys wanted? For me to find someone?”
“At least give us a warning. Atsumu said it was that scary samurai-looking guy.”
“Atsumu’s dramatic.”
“Am not!”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“He literally was squeezing my hand off! Trying to ruin my perfect setter hands!” The blond complained. “I call sabotage!”
“Maybe you’re just that weak, ‘Tsumu.”
“Shut up, ‘Samu!”
“So,” Suna interrupted before the twins could start another infinite argument. “You like this Azumane guy?”
“Is he Lucky Schmuck #1?” Osamu followed up.
“Or Unlucky Schmuck #6?” Atsumu mumbled with his arms crossed.
“I think… He’s the one.”
Next: Chapter 3
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tightjeansjavi · 8 months
The Rite of Movement | drabble
“Teacher Tommy”
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written deliciously by @tightjeansjavi & @itsokbbygrl 💗🤭 LJ lost her smut v-card last night, and it calls for a celebration!
~word count: 7.0k~ (we…yeah 🥵)
Summary: Tommy teaches you how to properly eat pussy
Pairing | pornstar!tommy miller x f!readers (two unnamed female characters written in 3rd POV)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, amateur porn film, one mention of degrading language (purity culture) soft!dom Tommy, threesome, mff/wlw, oral (f receiving), pussy worship, unprotected piv, bush love, consent, sex positive environment, brief mention of Tommy’s sexuality (and a sprinkle of Joel’s) dirty talk, teasing, one mention of hair (unspecified length/no details) no other physical description of the readers, unspecified age gap (legal) +18 minors dni! (Let me know if I missed anything!)
series masterlist
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Unlike his brother Joel, who meticulously crafts his films and is stubborn as an ox, Tommy’s signature filming style revolves around spontaneity—spur of the moment changes to scripts and impromptu dialogue, creating a care-free and very, very fun set environment where his actors feel empowered to follow their instincts. Tommy isn’t too keen on having the perfect mood lighting or props to add to the ambiance. He likes amateur-style, low quality camera shots and iPhone POV’s from his partners. While Joel is truly making adult-film art, Tommy unabashedly loves making porn.
And Tommy’s girls are first and foremost, sexy. That’s not at all to do with their looks, although if you asked him, they’re all 10 out of 10 knockouts in their unique ways. No, to Tommy it’s all about confidence. A woman who knows what she wants and goes for it, no care for the names society might call her. Slut. Whore. Harlot. Jezebel. There is nothing in the world sexier than a sexually liberated woman, and Tommy has made it his literal job to show the world that.
Tommy checks the time on his phone’s lock screen and heads over to the studio. He’s scheduled to supervise and direct a scene between a couple of their female actresses. A younger looking couple, it’ll be listed as a first-time experience–horny best friends who are experimenting with each other for the first time, hopefully catching the budding chemistry between two women who already love each other one way turning into a simmering heat that leads to sexy fun. Tommy recalls some of his early days experimenting himself, that feeling of excitement at trying something new, learning how to make another person’s body sing like he knows his own, and he knows exactly how he’s going to help them bring that energy to set.
One of Tommy’s actresses is fairly experienced in the art of women loving women porn, but the second is a greenie and it’s evident that she’s feeling nervous and self conscious even before the filming begins.
“Hey, Tommy? Maybe instead of you just filming, you show her how to eat pussy? Make it a teaching moment?” His experienced partner suggests as she takes a sip from her water bottle.
Tommy mulls over the idea for a moment. He wasn’t planning on being in the scene today, but if the day called for it, he could jump in; expecting it from time to time with his line of work where he had to be ready for just about anything. “Think you’re onto somethin’ there.” He grins.
He makes his way over to his second partner who is sitting off to the side, aimlessly scrolling on her phone. Tommy notices her slightly trembling fingers and tense shoulders, clearly anxious. Well, that just won’t do.
“Hey doll, y’got a minute?” He asks softly.
She tenses for a second before looking up at him with a practiced pleasant smile. Fuck.
“Yeah, of course! What’s up?” she starts. When Tommy doesn’t speak right away, she sighs and continues, looking back at the phone limply held in her hands, “Look, I understand if you think that I’m maybe not the right fit for this scene. I’ve never—”
He interjects with a reassuring smile. “Hey, none of that, alright? I’m not kickin’ ya offset if that’s what you’re thinking.” He winks to ease her nerves. “Was actually gonna suggest that we make a change, put me in the scene with ya. Y’know, showin’ you the ropes on how to properly eat pussy. How’s that sound, doll?”
She looks at him as if he has suddenly sprouted five heads and her lips part in shock. “Wait, you want to like..teach me? Holy—I mean, I’m good with it if you both are?”
“Course, doll. I’ll teach ya, and then by the end of it, you’ll be a pussy eatin’ pro!” He laughs. “It was actually her idea to have me teach you. We both know you’re a greenie, and we want you to be comfortable, okay?”
“Well, thank you. I appreciate it. I honestly was dreading coming in for this today when you told me what the premise of the scene would be.” She visibly relaxes and then barks a laugh after a second, hand flying up to cover her mouth. Amused, Tommy prompts her to share her thoughts. “What if we titled it “Teacher Tommy?” she suggests with a small grin.
“Well, if that’s the case,” he leaned in close, “class is in session.”
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With everyone on the same page, Tommy double checks to make sure everything is ready to begin filming. He sets the lower quality digital camcorder he thrifted from a local camera shop up on the small table stationed next to the middle of the bed and turns on the attached light, bathing the three of them in a soft white glow that barely extends to the other side of the bed. Low quality resolution is a favorite stylistic choice of Tommy’s, loving the way it adds to the feeling of realism and spontaneity in his films, as if none of this was planned–they just pulled out the camera in the heat of the moment, wanting to cement the memory in history.
He moves to the far corner of the room where he has his phone sitting on an armchair next to a small speaker. He picks it up and opens his Spotify app, turning towards his partners.
“Hey girls, what sounds good? What’s the vibe?”
“Can I see your phone?” his scene partner asks.
“Yeah, baby, of course. Here you go,” he hands her the unlocked phone. She types for a minute and scrolls, finding what she was looking for and hands the phone back to Tommy. He gives the playlist a quick preview. “This will work,” he smirks.
He puts the phone back in its previous place and turns on the speaker, making sure it’s correctly linked to the input of the separate audio recording device so he can mute this particular track while editing the video, and presses play. He learned the hard way that not all background music is equal after they received a cease and desist letter from Universal Music Group for copyright infringement on one of their first videos produced at Miller-Co. Joel was less than pleased about that one, giving Tommy a tongue lashing about professionalism and an angry, “This is why we plan ahead, Tommy!” Since then he’s learned how to create a vibe in the studio conducive to generating the right feelings and reactions in his scene partners while simultaneously protecting their company’s assets. Tommy Miller is nothing if not a practiced multitasker.
“Everyone still ready to go?” Tommy checks in one final time, making sure he has enthusiastic “yeses” from his partners before he starts the camcorder and sits on the bed, starting the scene.
Tommy sits on the bed, the girls following the loose script they’d prepared. They giggle, one of them reaching over and grabbing the hem of Tommy’s cotton t-shirt, looking into his eyes and waiting for his nod before tugging it up over his head, Tommy raising his arms to assist with its removal. The light catches the peaks and valleys of his obliques as he moves. He leans forward, smiling, and reaches out a hand to cup her face and pull her into him for a heated kiss. He makes sure to angle her face with the hand on her jaw so the camera catches the way their tongues dance together while he uses his other hand to move to the waist of her denim shorts.
“Let’s take these off, sugar. Get you a little more comfy,” he drawls, looking her down and back up, meeting her eyes, then dipping to her spit slick, plush lips. She nods, utters a soft yeah, please in response. His fingers trace along the edge of the waistband until they get to the button, pushing it with his thumb through the hole, using his remaining fingers to pull the tab forward, and then pulls the zip down slowly, letting the tension build.
With the extra space, Tommy reaches inside her shorts, cupping his hand over her clothed sex and pressing up with his palm, giving her some friction. She lets out a soft whine. He smiles, atta girl. She pushes the shorts down her thighs and kicks them off with her feet. Now partially exposed, he spreads her thighs, making sure the camera can see his ministrations as he strokes his fingers over her panties, teasing. Her mouth drops open and head drops down, chin to chest, watching where he touches.
“Feels nice, doesn’t it, baby?” He asks and she nods in response. He tips her chin back up with his unoccupied forefinger and leaves another kiss on her mouth before he turns to their other partner, never stopping the teasing ministrations of his occupied hand.
“C’mere, doll. Lemme see you.” He removes his hand from his first partner’s mound, wet patch visible through her cotton panties where he’s pressed them into her cunt, splitting her lips, showing off the shape of her even through the material, and moves it to the collar of his second partner’s blouse. He attaches his lips to the underside of her jaw and nips, soothing the bite with his lips and tongue while his fingers deftly unbutton her shirt, pushing it gently from her shoulders, bare breasts exposed to the cool air of the room around her. She lets it slip off her arms and tangles her fingers in his thick, dark curls, anchoring him to her. He kisses from the spot along her jawline until he meets her mouth and she’s hungry for it, eating at his mouth with her own. He groans at her forwardness, this is his favorite part, he thinks.
Eventually he pulls back, taking a moment to admire her newly exposed skin. He leans forward, taking nearly the whole of one breast into his big hand, and brings it to his mouth, humming as he suckles at her, lathes his tongue over her peaked nipple. She throws her head back and moans. He allows himself one final deep suck before he pulls off with an audible, “pop.” He kisses up her chest, runs the tip of his tongue over the front of her neck, up and over her chin, over her parted lips, and leaves a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. The contrast makes her laugh, and the sound sets him and their other partner off in tandem, the sound tinkling through the room, and easing them into the next moment.
He turns and finds their other partner has removed her top while they were occupied, now only clothed in her damp panties and little socks. He shucks his pants and briefs, and the girls share a heated look before moving together. Tommy makes room, allowing them to explore each other for a moment while he reaches down and palms his half hard cock. They finish undressing each other as they kiss, hands roaming over torsos, before the first girl lets one hand drift lower, reaching the wet center of her partner, and she slides her middle finger through the glistening slick, gathering some before bringing it to her mouth, making eye contact and sucking it deep into her mouth, groaning at the tangy flavor that bursts on her tongue.
“Yum,” she says playfully, and they giggle. Tommy joins in, smiling, loving watching them have fun. This is what this is all about, he thinks, cock now fully hard in his grip, thumb gently stroking over his head, smearing the precum there, creating a sticky mess.
He rejoins them. “She taste nice, sweetheart?” He asks, tracing his fingers down her chest, her stomach, watching the muscles in her abdomen twitch and clench at the sensation. He looks up and sees her nodding. He grins back, fingers lightly playing with the soft curls at the top of her sex. “Should we compare?” He presses his fingers down, sliding between her lips, a quiet, “Shit,” leaving his mouth unbidden at the sensation of feeling her once dampness now fully blossomed into wet. He drags two fingers insistently through her, running from her hole to just below her clit and back, building her pleasure slowly. He pulls his fingers back, spreads them, lets the sticky mess of her stretch into clear strings between them, and he whistles lowly at the sight. “Ain’t that pretty,” he says, and then he brings them up to her mouth, resting lightly on her lower lip. “Open up, sugar, give yourself a taste.” She obeys, sucking his fingers into her mouth, winding her tongue around and between them, closing her eyes as she suckles, cleaning him fully before releasing them with a pop. “So, what’s the verdict?”
“Hmm,” she thinks on it playfully, tapping her fingers to her chin in mock deep thought. “I think I taste pretty good. Want a taste?” She asks, turning between both of her bed partners searching for a response.
Tommy, as pre-planned, turns and finds the greener of the two women fidgeting with her fingers in her lap. He chimes in, directing his response at her instead, “I’m up to share if you are?”
She raises her head and meets his eyes, her gaze full of trepidation and excitement in equal measure. Good actress, Tommy thinks. She speaks then, softly replying, “I’ve…um, I’ve never..” and gestures to their partners exposed, glistening cunt.
“You’ve never eaten pussy before, baby?” He asks her gently and she shakes her head, dropping eye contact. He reaches up, pushes his fingers through her hair as a comforting point of contact, strokes over the shell of her ear with his thumb, before resting his palm on the side of her neck. “That’s just fine, sweetheart. You wanna learn?” She perks up at the line, eyes alight with the possibility. She nods shyly and Tommy gives her a real smile then, easing her into the meat of the scene. “Well, just call me, “Teacher,” then, I suppose,” and he chuckles.
Here we go, he thinks. He turns back to his other partner, leaning in and giving her another soft kiss on her mouth, then another, and another, leaning her back onto the bed as he goes. “Now you, just lay here and look pretty. We’re gonna take real good care of you, sugar.” Once she’s laid fully on her back, he sits back on his haunches and reaches forward, grabbing under her thighs and hauling her forward by the hips, pressing her thighs back and exposing the center of her fully to their gazes. “Gorgeous little cunt,” he says, and turns to his new pupil. “Come take a look, babygirl. You ever seen a pussy so pretty?”
She scoots over, planting herself right next to Tommy, leaning into his side and looking at where her partner is on display for her. She speaks up then, “So pretty, wow, she’s so wet.” He isn’t sure she’s even fully aware of what she’s doing or if she’s just as pussy drunk as he’s starting to feel, but she reaches forward then, lets her fingers touch featherlight, exploring the feel of another woman for the first time.
“There you go, baby, give it a feel,” Tommy encourages, and she’s a good student, fingers moving more surely then, scritching lightly through her partner’s soft curls, making her stomach jump, and she smiles at the reaction she created. Growing bolder, she dips a finger lower, gasping softly at what she finds waiting for her.
“Oh my god,” their partner moans.
“Doing so good, sweetheart, keep going,” Tommy says, kissing her shoulder, nipping at it lightly, letting his hand explore her back, fingers trailing over the knobs of her spine, dipping ever so slightly into pock marks scattered here and there, tapping at the constellation of beauty marks and moles he finds. When he comes back around to face the scene in front of him, he’s pleasantly surprised to find her fully exploring now.
“Mmm, that nice, sugar? She makin’ you feel good?” Tommy prompts their receiving partner and she nods surely.
“Yeah, she’s so, mmm god, a natural. You’re sure you’ve never done this before?” she asks.
Pausing her ministrations briefly to chuckle, she looks up from where her gaze was trained on the slick slit where her fingers have been playing, “Nope, first pussy I’ve ever been in. It’s fun, I like it. Think I want a taste,” she responds, turning to look at Tommy.
“Yeah, babygirl? Alright, come here,” Tommy pats the space next to him and lays on his stomach, gesturing for her to do the same. She lays down next to him, kicking her feet up behind her and crossing them at the ankles. Cute, he thinks.
“Sugar, can you do us a favor?” He drags his hands up the backs of her thighs and pushes them towards her chest by the bend of her knees. “Can you hold these for us, please? Gonna be a little busy, need both of my hands,” he explains and winks at her. She groans softly in anticipation at his statement and complies, grabbing behind her own knees and maintaining a hold there, opening herself up to be further devoured.
“Ok, baby, now first thing’s first, every pussy’s a little different, every woman is going to like something a little different, too. But there’s two things for certain–” he leans in and presses his hands to the crease where her thighs meet her cunt, runs his thumbs reverently over her outer lips and spreads her open, “don’t overlook the power of gentleness, and always remember to love the clit.” He punctuates the end of his sentence by using the tip of his nose to rub a tight circle into her nub, inhaling deeply as he goes.
“Holy fucking shit,” she responds, squeezing her thighs tighter in her grip.
The woman next to him squirms, and he wonders if she’s feeling it, too, the phantom drag across her most sensitive spots.
He pulls his face back to move the scene forward, delivering a line they planned earlier. "Hey, sugar, you got your phone with you?” She lifts her head from where it was resting on the bed to nod at him. “Let's get this on video so babygirl here can watch it back later, give her a little coaching if she needs it,” he turns next to him, plants a kiss on his partner’s shoulder, “Or if she’s as much of a natural as I think she’ll be, you’ll both have a nice little souvenir for the wank bank," he ends crudely, almost jokingly, shrugging and chuckling.
She lets go of one of her legs and reaches over, finds her phone where it was resting in the sheets, unlocking it and turning on the camera, the flash illuminating their faces between her thighs, slick from her cunt making Tommy’s nose glisten. She whines at the sight.
“There we go. We makin’ a pretty picture for you, sugar?” Tommy teases.
“Oh, fuck yeah, this is for sure the hottest thing I’ve ever done,” she replies in earnest.
Tommy preens. He uses one arm to push the leg she dropped to pick up the phone back into position. “Alright sugar darlin’, need you to use both hands, hold that camera steady for us,” he instructs. “Now, baby, grab her other leg, yep just like that, push it back, give yourself some room to work. Perfect little student for me, aren’t you?” Access to their pussy re-granted, Tommy gets back to work, missing the way her eyes glaze over at the praise.
“Next lesson–multitasking. Now, when you’re getting fucked real good, right, you’ve got a nice cock inside you, stroking nice and deep, hitting those nice spots and that’s fine, but the ones who know what they’re doing, they do a little extra, don’t they baby?” He looks at his partner next to him, gently stroking the pussy in front of him with his thumb, making sure she stays nice and stimulated while he teaches. He receives an animated nod in return and continues, “that’s right. If they’re worth their salt in bed, they’re hitting all the good spots, inside and out. This is no different, baby. We’re going to start outside first. Watch me, then you take a turn, ok?” He doesn’t wait for her response before he dives in.
Tommy turns his head ever so slightly to the side, making sure the camcorder can see his tongue when he eventually moves it through her. He uses the hand not holding back her thigh to spread the lips of her cunt open further for him with his forefinger and thumb. He leans down all the way, leaving a kiss to the whole of her, before his tongue flicks out and licks a wide stripe from just above her hole to her pulsing clitoris, tongue contracting and flicking firmer as it passes over the sensitive nub. He earns a moan from her in response and repeats the motion again and again, lapping at her cunt like a cat getting the sweetest cream. He moans at the tangy taste of her, of pussy, the flavor incomparable to anything else he’s ever tasted and he loves this, the carnal delight of sex. He gives a final lap and kisses her clit as a parting gift before passing the reins to his partner.
“Alright, sweetheart, you ready for a turn?” She nods eagerly, pupils blown wide, mouth lush and swollen with arousal. Tommy moves over a little, giving her room to get situated. He removes her hand from the other woman’s thigh, giving her the comfort of having both hands to work with for her first time. Their partner lets her leg fall from where it was being held and instead opens up at her hip, resting it in a frog-like position with her knee on the bed, letting her calf and foot rest on the other woman’s upper back. Good girl, thank you, he thinks, making quick eye contact with her and in silent communication.
Hesitantly, she leans down, doing just what Tommy showed her, spreading pussy lips open with her thumbs and licking gently, first along the plush softness of her inner lips, just tasting, feeling it out. The whine her exploration earns must spur her on, because she dives in with abandon then, gathering her viscous wetness direct from the source and bringing it with her before lathing her tongue over her clit again and again, lapping and swirling, moaning into it, both women losing themselves in the pleasure of the moment, unworried about the sounds emanating from their throats.
“There you go, baby, doing such a good job. Such a quick learner. You like that? You like eating pussy?” His mouth is filthy, egging her on, watching as she whines into it and nods her head. He laughs at that, “Alright, now, come up for air, got more to teach ya.” She pulls away, taking a few labored breaths, mouth shiny, corners turned up into a pleased grin, and he can’t help but to pull her in, share a deep, slick kiss, get his second helping from her tongue.
Tommy resumes his earlier position between their partner’s thighs, giving the one in his grasp a sweet kiss. He turns back to his student and continues his instruction. "Now, if you really wanna make her sing, you gotta multitask, get your fingers in her while your tongue works on the outside. Watch, here,” he looks down at the messy, open cunt in front of him and slides his index finger inside gently, letting a guttural groan leave his throat at the feel of her. She’s hot, soaking wet, and tight. This is going to be so much fun, he thinks to himself. He gives her a few slow pumps, watching her like a hawk, making sure she’s feeling good and relaxed before he pulls his finger out, offering it to his bed neighbor and she opens immediately, welcoming it into her mouth and sucks the now familiar milky slickness clean.
“Mmm, good girl, baby, thanks for cleaning me up. Sugar, you ok to take another?” He checks in.
“Yes, yes, please, more, Tommy,” she responds eagerly.
“Happy to oblige,” he smiles before getting back to work. He slides in his first two fingers together this time, letting her unfurl her muscles and pull him inside, holds steady for a moment, leaving kisses on her thighs, the top of her mound, nosing at her curls. Once he feels her totally relaxed, he starts to withdraw, shallowly at first, before pumping back inside slowly. He steadily adds length to each stroke, until she’s easily taking all of his thick, long fingers without resistance. The sounds reverberating through the room are obscene. Pussy absolutely squelching, moans unabashed as he hits her just right every few strokes, then he adds more.
He drops her leg, letting her open for him like she did for their partner, giving him access to his other hand. He uses his newfound freedom to curve above where his face hovers and pulls back the little flap of skin hooding her sweet clitoris. He leans his face down and points his tongue, pressing firmly, directly onto her fully exposed button for a second before flicking it at a rapid pace up and down, back and forth, all the time never ceasing his movements inside her.
“Tommy, Tommy, fuck I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna–” she nearly shouts, feeling her tense, squeezing his fingers like a vice, before she releases, walls of her cunt pulsating in time with the pounding of her heart, slickness coating down to his palm.
“There you go, sugar. Gorgeous when you fall apart,” he praises. “You ok to keep going, or you need a break?”
She sits up, phone forgotten for a moment, dropping it to her side while she answers, “Give me like 30 seconds. I wanna do that again, with her this time,” she points at their partner who is looking at the scene in front of her with poorly concealed awe on her face, never seeing another woman orgasm up close like this before.
“Think we can do that, sugar. You up for it, babygirl?” He turns to check on his other partner.
“Ye–mmh,” she starts, voice thick, before clearing her throat and trying again. “Yeah, yes, please. I would like that very much.”
“Alright, sweetpea, hop on in here. You get stuck, you wanna stop, you need anything, just say, ok? We got you,” he reassures her with his words, clean hand running over her hair gently and down to cup her cheek.
She situates herself between her partner’s thighs and looks up, offering a shy, “Hi, again,” and giggling. Her partner giggles back and waves a little wave. “I’m just gonna…” she starts, and presses in her first two fingers, knowing the feeling of her own cunt, but finding the feeling of another woman’s entirely new at the same time. She starts a slow and easy rhythm, building her confidence with every new sound she drags out of her partner.
“Want to try adding your mouth?” Tommy encourages. She leans down, hovering right over where she’s most wanted, and looks up and makes direct eye contact with the camera in her partner’s hands before she licks. Her partner throws her head back and groans, something deep and real, almost animalistic. She continues, alternating between a pattern of flicking like Tommy and lapping like before, absolutely devouring the juicy pussy in front of her. The loud squish squish squish she’s drawing from inside her cunt causing her own core to pull tight and hot, the liquid of her slicking her nearly to dripping onto the sheets below.
Tommy watches on absolutely rapt. Cock angry at him for not sinking into the nearest tight, hot, wet hole immediately. He staves off his primal desire, giving it a harsh squeeze at the base, tell it to behave a little while longer, the chastity will be worth the reward they have planned.
“God, baby, sugar, so sexy, look so goddamn gorgeous together, sound so gorgeous together, fuck,” he rambles, knowing he doesn’t have long until he needs to come.
He squeezes the base of his cock once more, taking his lower lip between his teeth and bites down hard as he gets lost in the mix of obscene moans coming from his two partners. It’s like a symphony to his ears, (and his cock). He makes the executive decision to remove himself from the scene momentarily and swipes a bottle of water from a nearby table and twists the cap off in a haste.
The mushroom head of his cock is red, angry and engorged as he downs the entire bottle, a few stray drips of water roll down his chin, neck, and between his pecs.
When he makes his way back to the bed, both women are coming down from their highs, bodies slick with a sheen of sweat coating them like a sultry mist. They’re a mess of giggles and praises when Tommy situates himself once more. He presses a warm kiss to the shoulder blade of his bedside partner, nipping playfully with his teeth.
“How are we feelin’, ladies? Can teacher Tommy getcha anything? Refreshments? Need a breather?” His tone is light and carefree, genuine.
His bedside partner who has her cheek resting against the pelvic bone of the other woman, looks over at him with a newfound confident grin. Her face and lips are covered in slick that glistens on her skin. She makes direct eye contact with him briefly before her eyes slowly drift southwards to his cock. She coyly smiles and peers back upwards to him. “Well, there is one thing you could get for me..” she trails off.
He’s proud, it’s written all over his face and he does his best to contain his genuine smile and craft it into a convincing smirk. But it’s moments like these where he’s reminded just how much he loves his job. The reward of a satisfying orgasm is almost always certain, but to see a woman come out of her shell so naturally? Now, that’s a spectacle that he holds onto dearly.
“What is it that you want me to do for you, doll?”
“Teacher Tommy, can you please fuck me while I eat her pretty pussy?” She asks sweetly, eyes glazed over, pussy drunk undoubtedly, but the way she’s eyeing his cock has Tommy nearly combusting right there on the spot.
“You want teacher to fuck you now? Mmm. Think I can manage that, baby. You okay with me goin’ in raw? S’what I prefer, but whatever the lady wants.” He reassures her.
This type of conversation rarely ever takes place in mainstream porn. Most people would end up skipping through to get back to the main event, but Joel’s and Tommy’s viewers were different. They thoroughly enjoyed all the real bits of dialogue and relatable moments.
She giggles and pushes herself up into a sitting position between the other woman’s thighs. “Fuck me raw, please.”
“Atta girl.” He grins and gives the base of his cock a few slow pumps. He’s at the point where he’s hoping, praying that he can last through this without coming too soon. Despite his years of built up stamina, sometimes pussy is just that good.
He watches with hooded eyes as his bedside partner rolls back over onto her stomach, back arched as she dives right back into what Tommy taught her about the art of pussy eating. There’s no hesitation on her end as she laps at the other woman’s clit, eyes fluttering shut as she savors the tangy taste on her tongue.
The bed dips down slightly as Tommy situates himself behind her. His hands slide around her hips, yanking her back towards him in a sudden motion. Her weeping hole is pulsing, pushing out a drool of slick that gathers between her thighs, and he marvels at the sight of it.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous pussy you got, babygirl. Fuckin’ drippin’ all over the goddamn sheets.” He whistles low. “Eatin’ pussy really turned ya on, huh? Mmm. Your little hole is just beggin’ to be fucked.” He rasps and drops one hand from her hip to spread open her thighs further so that he can get a proper look.
“Such a needy lil’ cunt. Fuck. Don’t worry, baby. Teacher Tommy is gonna take real good care of ya, I promise.”
“Please, please, please fuck me, Tommy.” She mumbles against the woman’s cunt, mouth full of pussy. She presses her ass back towards him, desperate to feel the sweet stretch of his cock.
“Alright, alright, darlin.’ I know how eager you are, baby. Trust me, I know.” He chuckles before spitting directly onto his cock. He rubs his saliva in for extra lubrication (not that he needs it) before he notches the head of his cock at her entrance. He’s so painfully hard that he has to press down on it with his thumb to get the angle right as he slowly guides it into her wet warmth. She hugs him like the tightest fucking glove, pulling him in further and further till he’s bottomed out with his hips firmly pressed against her ass.
Vulgar, crude, filth tumbles past his lips as her pussy squeezes him like a vice he never wants to part from. He lets out a puff of hot air, before he chuckles, tone deep and raspy, “Jesus fuckin’ christ, doll. This pussy made outta liquid gold or somethin’? Lord have mercy, goddamn.”
Between moans both women couldn’t help but giggle at his comment, but those giggles transformed into cries of pleasure when Tommy almost immediately set a grueling pace, thrusting in and out of her. His skin slapped against hers wildly as the entire length of his impressive cock disappeared and reappeared again. Her jaw went slack and the movements of her mouth on the other woman’s pussy had soon become uncoordinated and messy.
“Don’t you stop eatin’ her pussy on my account, doll. I know how fuckin’ good it feels to have my cock stretchin’ your pussy apart, but c’mon, baby. You can do this.” He encourages her, leaning down with the breadth of his shoulders pressing into her back as he leans over, cock buried so deep inside of her, she can feel the head of him kissing her womb. “Want you to suck her clit into your mouth, babygirl. Remember to be nice n’gentle. It’s a sensitive little thing, and she’s so-so close. Make her come for me, baby, c’mon. Make her come for Teacher Tommy.”
She nods fervently, trying to focus back in on making the other woman feel good, while also enjoying her own pleasure. By god, Tommy Miller has a nice fucking cock, and he sure as hell knows how to use it. She suckles her clit into her mouth as instructed, rolling her tongue over the little pulsing bud. She uses her hands to keep her thighs spread apart when they threaten to close in around her skull.
“That’s it. Good fuckin’ girl.” He growls praisingly. “Makin’ her pussy sing, baby. Makin’ her feel so fuckin’ good. Teacher Tommy is so-so proud. But y’know what would make him even prouder, babygirl? Makin’ her pretty pussy squirt all over your face. C’mon, baby, you and me. Let’s get her there.”
He receives a chorus of enthusiastic “yes, yes, yes, teacher Tommy.”
He grinds his hips deep into her ass before pulling back shallowly and thrusts back in, repeating the pattern as he instructs. “Now to get her there, baby. Y’gotta do somethin’ extra special. Want you to slip your fingers back inside of her, and crook your ‘em inwards. Keep ‘em right there and do that as fast as you can. Drag ‘em n’ shake ‘em just right while you suckle on that sweet lil’ clit, and she’ll really sing for ya then.” His southern twang is thick and raspy, his own orgasm impending, but he’ll be damned if he comes too soon.
She obeys enthusiastically as she remembers just how Tommy taught her how to eat her out and finger her at the same time. She slips two fingers inside of her pulsing hole, scissoring them open before she crooks them inwards, right against that soft, spongy warm spot. She curls them at a rapid quick pace while she sucks on her clit just like she did before. The other woman wails and keens her hips forward into her face, chanting her name as her fingers grip her head tightly, nails scraping her scalp.
“O—oh—oh fuck!” She cries out, throwing her head back, “I’m gonna cum! Oh god, don’t stop! Please, please, please!” She sees stars behind her eyes as white hot pleasure shoots from the top of her spine and down to the tips of her toes.
“Come for us, sugar. C’mon, soak her fuckin’ face!” Tommy’s voice is commanding, dominant as his own carnal need for release seeps in, and they get a little taste of what Brazzer’s era Tommy was like for a moment.
The three of them come at nearly exactly the same time, orchestrated by the maestro himself. There’s a shared moment of real vulnerability as they let themselves go. He shoots hot ropes of his cum into her pussy from behind when he hears the telltale hiss of liquid shoot out of their sweet sugar, giving her a taste of the divine nectar for the first time. Her cunt milks him fucking dry, her orgasm fluttering for a long moment after the first handful of tight squeezes, and when he slowly begins to slip out, his cock is gleaming in a creamy mixture of both of their releases.
When she finally comes up for air, she’s coated in the other woman’s release and the space between her face and the other woman’s pussy is positively drenched.
Tommy preens at the sight, gently pulling the woman he was fucking up into a sitting position as she falls back against his hard chest. He kisses all over her face, tilting her head to the side so he can chase her lips and taste their partners cum on his tongue. “Did so good, baby. So-so fuckin’ good. M’so proud.” He kisses the tip of her nose before his attention is drawn to their other partner. “Let’s go and give her a well deserved cuddle, shall we, babygirl?” He wiggles his brows playfully as she reaches up to push back his sweaty, messy black curls that have fallen over his face.
They move in a languid motion to settle against either side of the other woman who appears to be in a post-orgasmic haze when she feels two pairs of soft, wet, lips peppering endearing kisses up her arms and to her face.
She giggles, eyes peeking open, glazed over as Tommy gently cups her face and strokes her cheekbone with his thumb.“Did so fuckin’ good for us, sugar. So fuckin’ good. Teacher Tommy is so proud of his star students.” he preens.
She lets out a pleasant sigh, and stretches her legs out, causing her pussy to squelch from the movement, and they laugh at the sound. “That was fucking incredible.” She finally says, catching her breath as Tommy’s free hand slowly wanders down between her thighs. When she feels his fingers drag through her folds, her hips jolt up against his hand and she lets out a soft yelp of surprise.
He chuckles and says, “Easy now, sugar. Jus’ wanted to see the mess you made s’all.” he rasps warmly.
“Jesus, dude!” She laughs and swats at his hand. “I’m fucking sensitive!”
He laughs again, withdrawing his hand and lets it rest on her hip instead. He feigns disappointment as their other partner tucks herself up around her side, draping her arm across her middle. “So does that mean you don’t want my cock?” He teases and she giggles.
“Fuck. I think I’m spent, Teacher Tommy,” she jokingly tacks on the nickname. “Maybe next time?”
“S’alright, sugar. Teacher Tommy understands. And besides, I think it’s snack time anyway. Y’all good with eatin’ out?” He coyly winks at the camera and the girls groan and roll their eyes. “What?! I meant orderin’ pizza s’all.”
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Joel is working in his office, the door left open in case anyone needs him. He’s updating their channel page when he hears the familiar sound of Tommy’s footsteps approaching. Tommy is a repeat offender of strolling around the studio naked after a scene, so Joel doesn’t even look away from the screen, just hollers from his seat to avoid being confronted with the image of his brother’s bare cock and balls.
“Boy, if you don’t put on some fuckin’ pants...” He scolds with a tight shake of his head.
The younger Miller brother scoffs playfully and fights the urge to roll his eyes, “What? I just needed to grab my wallet! We're ordering pizza, you want anything?"
Joel pauses his typing as he leans back in his chair before saying, “Yeah, for you to put on some fuckin’ pants, you imbecile.”
“Cool, cool, so extra sausage?” Tommy teases and Joel threatens to throw his pen at him.
“No, you fuckwad. Pepperoni.” He emphasizes, “and none of that thin crust shit, Tommy. I’m serious.”
"I keep tellin' ya, Joel, just give the sausage another chance! You might actually like it!" He winks. “Speakin’ of giving things a chance, I had a proud teachin’ moment back there! Taught one of ‘em to properly eat pussy, and my god, she did fantastic! Even made her squirt!”
“Tommy, I tried it, and I didn’t like it, and I ain’t ever gonna like it.” He huffs before a grin begins to tug on the corner of his lips. “S’that so? Sounds like y’all had a party. Good job, little brother.”
“Oh, we had a party alright. Anyway, extra sausage, and super fuckin’ thin crust, anythin’ else?”
“I swear to god—” Joel threatens but Tommy is quicker than that so before Joel can throw his pen directly at his head, Tommy takes off down the hall gleefully.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 🤍
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications!
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rorysbrainrot · 7 months
Headcanons for Lorenzo Berkshire
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• He doesn’t have the best grades, but he does try hard.
• With his mother being Bellatrix. I think her main focus would be on Mattheo, so Lorenzo always shows her what he did better than Mattheo on.
• He is incredibly cocky like the rest of the “Slytherin boys”, since he is a Berkshire, a wealthy pure blood
• He doesn’t really have opinions on Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but the way he grew up around people who weren’t to fond on Gryffindors it wouldn’t be a house he likes. (Same as Theo’s)
• Most of his crushes would probably be Slytherins.
• Slytherin Keeper, joined in 5th year.
• Has a strained relationship with his father, and tries to please his mother even if she’s ashamed of him.
• He likes someone who is sweet and willing to do outgoing activities with him.
• Is probably one of the nicest out of his group of friends, but still incredibly arrogant.
• Doesn’t get into fights much, but if he really has something against you, he’ll bully you to know end.
• Loves fish, all types.
• Excessive skincare routine, like 30 steps.
• Will flirt with anything that breathes, very flirty.
• Best dressed out of everyone he’s friends with, but is oddly attracted to people who tend to not go over the top. Like more into comfy than nice.
• Favorite color is definitely light green or grey.
• In 3rd year he secretly has a crush on Fred Weasley because Fred winked at him once while passing him in the halls.
Lorenzo Berkshire as a boyfriend
• Would be a bit awkward with physical touch at the beginning of the relationship; unless you had something going on before the dating started.
• Boys you anything he sees you glance at, one look in that general direction and he’s in the checkout line.
• Would sneak up behind you and give you small kisses anywhere on your skin, neck, cheek, temple, jaw, etc’.
• If you aren’t a Slytherin would have you sit next to him at his house table anyways, if you are he would walk down with you and serve your food.
• Always invites you to come study with him in the library.
• Calls His partner Sweetheart, Sweetie, honey or love/lovey.
• The second he confirms you both love each other he’s planning your future, house, kids, pets, etc’.
• Stares at you randomly throughout the day.
• Always wants to be holding your hand. (I think he would have somewhat clammy hands, so when you let go he gets whiny.)
• When he gets whiny, be it in class or just hanging out he will want to cuddle you immediately, making sure you won’t leave and holding you in his arms.
• Likes to see you with his coat on, so his favorite month is winter just so he could give it to you.
His Red Flags 🚩
• Would feel so conflicted if his mother didn’t approve of you.
• He doesn’t like you talking to other guys (or girls).
• Hypocrite, he flirts with other people all the time; when you ask him to stop he says he will, but doesn’t.
• If he doesn’t like your friends will try to get you to stop hanging out with them.
• If you’re a muggle born, he would refuse to learn anything about muggles or lula want to meet your family.
• Hates you having friends that you’re super close to, like if he sees you and your best-friend since 1st year, holding hands or touching each other he would get really jealous.
• Gets jealous so easily.
• Most definitely has clammy hands.
-I don’t say anything about the characters sexuality, due to the fact I don’t know the gender of my audience.-
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Sirius Black - Sweet Rubbish
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Pairing : (F/M) || Sirius Black x Reader Word Count : 5.2k Warning : I don’t know, nothing I suppose. Synopsis : Their game of love hate pretend has to put to halt as Sirius gazed into the crystal ball. Notes : Post number 1 for my 7-days post celebration. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
“Divination is rubbish.”
Sirius whines as he drags his feet to the class, spiteful mumbles escaping his lips with every step closer to the dreadful lesson. He loathes Divination class, to say the least. Other than the fact that the Professor always rambles about nonsense Sirius could never comprehend, sharing the hour with her irks him to the bone.
“Just because your pea-sized brain couldn't compute the knowledge given does not mean the class is rubbish, Black.”
Sirius sent dagger eyes at the girl who now walks past him with her head held high. There is no unit in this entire universe that could measure the level of hatred he has for her. She's the bane to his existence. Not a day passed without him seeing her face and wanting to take out his wand to mess her beautifully combed hair or to hex her to trip from her graceful walk. Pity she is the way that she is. He would have admitted she's magnetising if she wasn't.
“Didn't your parents ever teach you that it is improper to reply to someone when they weren't talking to you in the first place?”
“You were yelling for the whole corridor to hear, I was only doing it out of pity from the lack of feedback. Even your friends look like they've had enough of your moans.” She replies, stopping her pace to turn at him with an unamused smile “You're not denying your pea-sized brain, then?”
“My brain isn't pea-sized, it's huge! Humongous even!”
“Of course it is.”
With another toxic laced smile, she turns away and continues her journey to the class. A complete contrast to the sulking boy, she seems to be in her best mood today. Divination has always been one of the many classes she excels at. She has a clever mind and witty brain, complementing her charming personality. Just another trait of hers Sirius detests.
“One way or another I will rip off that ever so brilliant smile off of her face.”
James scoffs, “Right, mate.”
“What was that?” Sirius turns to his friends, looking incredibly offended at the unamused expressions his friends were showing “Why don’t any of you ever believe it when I express my despise to that girl?”
“Because you’re all bark and no bite, Pads.” Remus chimes “You’ve hated her since you first laid eyes on her yet you never did anything. You even got mad at Wormy for accidentally pranking her back in 3rd year.”
“Indeed,” Nods Peter, looking rather pissed at the flashback of Sirius’ overdramatic anger at him a couple years back “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re secretly in love with her.”
“Me? In love with her?” He asks with a bewildered expression “I’d rather drown by the Black Lake than to ever imagine being in love with her.”
“If you say so, Pads.” James says, patting on his best friends’ shoulder as if he understands the underlying message Sirius was implying “If you say so.”
Sirius stares blankly at the Professor’s face. His mind wanders elsewhere, completely detached to his surroundings. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her sitting just a few tables below him on the right. Her posture was straight as always, complete focus and attention poured to the lesson taught. Her house coloured headband glimmers under the light of the class, enhancing the beauty of her hair. Sirius has imagined running his finger through the soft strands of her hair every once in a while, wondering what scent her shampoo would be but he would rather be jinxed with the cruciatus curse than to ever admit it aloud.
He doesn’t love her. No, love is the complete opposite of the emotions he holds for her. Sirius hates her, loathes her in fact. He couldn’t pinpoint the fundamental reasoning behind his strong abhorrence for her, he just does. Perhaps the fact that she’s too good at everything, or that she’s genuinely loved by everyone including his best friends, or that she’s simply too perfect of a girl to ever be real. 
Perhaps the idea of someone being too perfect that he couldn’t ever dream of being deserving of her, makes him hate her.
“This is horse shit.” James mumbles. The bespectacled boy then turns to the thick textbook laying on their table, skipping through the pages to find any interesting rituals they could do to fill in the time “Pads, do you want to see your future?”
Sirius glanced at James, confusion filling in his eyes, “What do you mean?”
“This,” James points at a spell on the Crystal Ball reading chapter “Looks a lot more fun than whatever mambo-jumbo the professor’s talking about, doesn't it?”
“Looks like another lark, that is.”
James rolled his eyes, “Shut up and stare at the ball. I’ll say the spell and you tell me what you see, alright?”
Sirius huffs, clearly wanting no part but hearing the Professor’s lecture for another minute would certainly burst his brain out. Reluctantly, he stares at the crystal ball with a hand supporting his chin. A small frown decorating his face. James’ whisper of the spell begins to enter his eardrums, making the slightest flame of intrigue and curiosity spark in his chest.
The once cleared crystal ball now turns cloudy, some kind of mist begins to pollute the inside of it. Sirius brows furrow, completely taken aback by the effect happening. He certainly didn’t expect James’ mispronunciation of the latin spell to work, yet here they are.
“What do you see?” James asked.
“Nothing yet,” He answers “Just some ugly grey fog.”
“Look harder!”
“I’m trying!”
And as if on cue, Sirius begins to see some sort of vision. He wasn’t even sure if it was truly happening or was his brain just playing tricks with him, but either way the grey mist now turns into shapes, slowly forming what seems to be a ceremonial venue. There were chairs lining up in front of him with flowers decorating them. He was wearing a suit, the most elegant suit he’s ever worn and there have been plenty of dress robes he’s worn in his life yet nothing compares to the grandeur of the one he’s wearing at the moment. He looks to his side, noticing the mists that now become James, Remus, Peter, and Regulus standing a couple metres away from him.
His gaze now averted to where the rose petaled aisle ends. A woman was standing with her bouquet of flowers in her hand. Her beautiful silk dress sweeps the floor as she takes the first steps closer to him. Her face was still blurred, as if the mist was still trying to craft the person’s face. A small smile now tugs on the corner of Sirius’ lips, feeling proud and content of the setting he’s in. Whoever this person is, it pleases Sirius to know that the crystal ball predicted a pleasant romance in his future.
The vision felt real now as Sirius’ heart began to palpitate, feeling the warmth of her gloved hands as it reached for his. His smile grows wider, cheeks warm from the fulfilment. It no longer feels like he was watching a prophecy, no, it feels more like he was in the scene, slowly occupying the body that is now reciting the vows the priest was saying. The feeling only gets more intense as he finally shares the kiss with his bride. He swears he could feel her soft lips on his, the hint of cherry from her lip gloss and her warm heavy breathing on his skin. It feels too real to be just a forecast.
After what seems to be the shortest forever, they finally pull away. She was smiling, her warm eyes gazing back at him with love and admiration. Her features were soft, much more beautiful than how he always thought now that he no longer had to deny the beauty of his wife. She giggles, calling his name
“Sirius!” James silently yelled, nudging his best friend with an annoyed expression “You completely ignored me for the last five minutes!”
Sirius blinks, trying to comprehend his reality.
“You were gone,” His best friend continued “What happened? What did you see?”
The raven haired boy cleared his throat, “Nothing. I– Uh– I saw nothing.”
“Bullshit, you definitely saw something.” James scoffs “Your cheeks are red!”
“I didn’t see anything, alright!” Sirius defends with more persistence “Must be because of your shitty pronunciation or something, I don’t know!”
James frowns, muttering his confusion on how his spell fails when it wasn’t the most tongue-twisting one he’s done before. Sure he wasn’t the most brilliant out of them four with charms, but he was still better than most and nailing a spell in the first trial wasn’t a new thing for James. He wanted to argue more about the hunch he has that Sirius was lying but the boy looks like he’s seen a ghost. Perhaps the spell did work and the vision Sirius had was just something he’s not ready to talk about. Whatever it is, James has made it his mission to find out, be it today or tomorrow.
The next couple of days the strange behaviour Sirius tries his best to hide is becoming more and more visible. He would skip his meals and turn the other way when she was around. Even when she was busy with her group of friends and completely unaware of his presence, Sirius would still avoid her like the plague. He would exchange seats in classes he shares with her, occupying the furthest spot from her and blocking his view physically from her.
And such action didn’t go unnoticed for too long.
“Have you been sick or did the dementors kidnap you, Black?” She mused, taking a seat opposite of him and next to Remus “I haven’t seen you lately.”
Sirius gulps, completely frozen in his seat.
“Morning, Love.” Remus greets her “He’s been avoiding everyone, don’t take it personally.”
“Has he? Here I thought I was a special someone to be receiving such treatment.”
“He’s been acting strange since divination class,” James says as he swallowed the bits of food in his mouth “We were fooling around and tried to read his future through the crystal ball and– Oof! What was that for?”
James yelped at the sudden nudge to his rib. Sirius glares at him, sending him a death threat.
“Really? I thought you said Divination is rubbish, Sirius.” She teased, her playful smile decorating her face “What did you see? Anything interesting?”
Sirius lowers his gaze to his plate of food, not daring to spend another second staring at her face. His skin feels warm, like the temperature somehow raised a couple degrees and he’s the only one boiled. 
The lack of response from him somehow twisted a knife she didn’t know was stabbing her heart. It was evident that he was avoiding her, for whatever reason he might have. His silent treatment now only proves the effort he’s made to keep his distance that she so hard convinced herself was nothing more than a mere illusion. Sirius, as loud and apparent as his claims of vexation for her all these years, still holds a soft spot and that their love-hate relationship was nothing more than a silly game of pretend. Perhaps she was wrong all along.
“Well, I’ve got to go,” She fakes a chirpy persona, taking his mute to be her cue to leave “I’ll see you gentlemen around.”
As if a splinter’s been taken off of his toe, Sirius lets out a relieved sigh once she leaves their table. The audible huff made his friends raise their brows high, completely lost at the charade he’s playing. The two would always bicker, picking fights and arguments over the slightest most trivial matters that more often than not the boys would wish that they could hex the two with some stunning spell. Yet for the first time in their lives, they’re left wondering why Sirius would zip his mouth shut in her presence.
“What?” Sirius asks, noticing the questioning eyes glued on him.
“Do you really expect us to look past the fact that you didn’t spare her a word for the first time in your life?” Peter asks, fully suspicious of his friend’s antics “Are you ill, Padfoot?”
James whines, “Come on, mate, tell us what you saw on that crystal ball.”
“I saw nothing, Prongs.” Sirius says with a more stern tone “And I’m not ill, Wormy.”
“Well you’re certainly not straight in the head.”
“Oh yeah, Moony? And what makes you say that?”
Remus shrugs, “You’ve been acting strange for days and now that she’s here you’re completely ignoring her. Did she break your heart or something?”
“No, no she didn’t.” Sirius fidgets, tapping on his cheek as he looks at Remus accusingly “Say, when you call her ‘Love’, do you just– You know, casually call girls that or do you mean it like.. I don’t know.. Like my Love kind of thing?”
Remus turned to James with a baffled expression while Peter now had his jaw hang low. The three boys are now whisked deeper into the maze, trying to decipher Sirius’ true intention. He was never as cryptic and never held secrets from the boys before, always been the most open and true to others yet he’s acting like a completely different person now.
“Oh Merlin, is that what you see?” James asks with a shocked tone “Moony and her? Did you see them snog each other?”
“What? No!”
“That wouldn’t make sense, Prongs. If Moony was snogging her then it should be Moony who’s seeing the prophecy, not Padfoot.” Peter comments, slowly understanding the riddle as the smirk grows on his face “Did you see your future with her, Pads?”
Sirius cheeks heat up, shaking his head vigorously, “No.”
“You totally did, you tosser!” Remus points out with a victorious smile “You actually saw a future with her, didn’t you?!”
Sirius buries his face to his palm, trying to cover his now crimson face.
“You are so pathetic, Pads.” James laughed, completely entertained by the sight in front of him “All these years expressing your disdain for her only to have the universe pairing you two all along.”
“I don’t know Prongs, he’s always been in love with her for me.” Remus pours more salt “He’s just too embarrassed to admit it.”
Peter chuckles, circling his arm around Sirius’ shoulder to make him come out of his shell, “So what exactly did you see, Padfoot?”
Coming clean to the boys only made Sirius more conscious. They have been acting as persisting bees in his head, lecturing him non stop and urging him to let go of the cat and mouse game and just come forward with his feelings. Crystal gazing is one of the most conceivable forms of divination, as Remus notes, yet the chance of the prophecy being false was never zero. No kind of divination is 100% false proof and Sirius still couldn’t tell if the vision he saw was a true prediction of his future or was it just a manifestation of his deep desire for her.
And if all this hype was caused by the latter, Sirius wouldn’t know how to survive from the heartbreak.
So now he finds himself walking to the other side of the castle, taking small steps as he climbs the stairs to the Divination class. He has to see the prophecy once more, make sure that the spell James uttered that day was right and that the crystal ball was truly predicting his future with her. He needs to know that his head wasn’t playing tricks with him just because he’s been turning deaf to what his heart has been yearning for all these years.
Coming inside the class, Sirius' pace was put to halt when he spotted her, sitting on her usual table as she gazed into the crystal ball. She looks up to him, probably hearing the sound of the creaking wooden floor when he enters and flashes him a smile, looking surprised to see him yet appreciative at the same time.
“Sirius,” She calls with a pleasant tone “What a surprise.”
He gulps, “I– Uh, I think I left my textbook here.”
“Did you? I think the Professor stacks the left textbooks on that corner, perhaps you’ll find yours there.” She points at a cupboard, seemingly buying the lie Sirius came up with.
“What are you doing here?”
“Crystal gazing.” She answers “Would you like to join?”
Sirius hesitated but found himself sitting next to her, heart pounding loud inside his chest from the close space. Sure it wasn’t the first time they sat next to each other, but it certainly is the first time they’re together with no other soul present. This is the first time they act civil, if not friendly, to each other. This is the first time, after seeing their wedding prophecy, they’re at each other’s company.
“Should we see yours or my prophecy?”
“Yours.” Sirius answers.
“You’d like to see mine?”
“Can we do that?” He asks, completely oblivious of the topic “When I tried it with James he couldn’t see my prophecy.”
“Well, I am not James, am I?”
Sirius smiles.
“Put your hand just above the ball.. Yeah, just like that,” She instructed him, utterly unaware of the nervous havoc Sirius was feeling when she touched his hand and positioned it above the ball “Are you ready?”
He nods.
She begins to cast the spell, something similar to the one James uttered but this one was lengthier. Like she knew a different, more advanced, spell to use for their fortune telling ritual. Sirius' eyes now travels from her to the crystal ball, trying to see what her prophecy would be.
The clear ball slowly turns misty, just like when he did the gazing with James. He could see the Great Hall forming, with its long tables now exchanged with seats filled with who seemed to be graduating students. He could see her, sitting among these students with her eyes glued to the podium where he was shaking Dumbledore’s hand. He could see himself, jogging back to the empty seat next to her with a big bright smile, pulling her close to his embrace once he reached her and sealing her lips with his.
The vision was short. Much shorter than the one he saw with James but the intensity was just the same. He could practically feel her lips on his, the pressure of her body as he pulled her close, and the sweet scent of her perfume that he has just now learned much lighter than a fine spring breeze. It was too real to ever just be a vision.
He looks up to her, noticing her lack of expression, “You don’t look disgusted.”
“Why would I be disgusted?”
“I kissed you,” Sirius says with an unsure tone “You saw that too, didn’t you? Or was that just me?”
She narrows her eyes, “What are you talking about?”
Sirius turns pale, gulping at the fact that he just blurted out what he saw.
He opens his mouth, only to close it again in the lack of words. His brain stopped functioning at the very time he needed to explain something to her. His blood turns cold, scared to death that he’s making it awkward between them but before he could actually pass out, she lets out a heartfelt laughter.
“Merlin, you’re so pale right now!” She says between her laughter “I’m only joking, Black. I know.”
He raised an eyebrow, “You know?”
“Yeah, I know.” She affirms with a nod, resting her hand under her chin as she watches him intently “This isn’t the first prophecy I have that involves you in it.”
“It wasn’t?”
“Nope. I had one too many about you, if I’m being honest.”
“Did you?”
“Yes,” She answers with a smile “Are you going to continue with your two worded question? I mean it’s cute, but certainly out of character from the typical Sirius Black.”
Sirius’ cheeks turn red, turning silent this time.
The glee from her face waters down fast, noticing the silence she’s caused between them. If he didn’t know better, Sirius would’ve sworn that he saw a glimmer of disappointment and heartbreak in her eyes, but why would she feel such feelings, right?
“I– Uh– I just remembered I have this thing to do,” She says abruptly as she she stood from her seat, evidently trying to flee from the situation and packing her belongings “I hope you’ll find your textbook, Sirius.”
And with that, she left.
To say that he feels horrible from how their encounter ended would be an understatement. Something about her departure feels off, like he just did a grave mistake he wasn’t sure what about. The way her smile dilutes and the dimmed glint of spark in her eyes as she left haunts him.
He tries to recall the last moments before disaster strikes. He couldn’t look past the strangeness of how she called him cute one moment and bolted out the door the next. What went wrong?
“Someone’s pinching your bird,” James coos.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”
“We just saw Lucius asking your girl for a Hogsmeade date.” Remus adds, taking a seat next to him “She didn’t say yes, though. Wait, did she or did she not? I’m not sure, we left before she could give an answer but I’m betting she said no.”
“I bet 5 galleons she said yes.”
“Wormtail!” Sirius says with a pure betrayed expression “I thought you were on my side!”
“I was, but you’re slacking mate.” Peter reasoned with a shrug “Whatever issue you think you have with her is certainly more important to you than the prophecy you’ve seen before your own eyes. I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“I’m with Wormy,” James nods “I bet she says yes to ugly snobby Lucius.”
Sirius lets out a gasp, completely surprised at his friends’ betrayal.
“You know what, maybe you’re right. Maybe she said yes.”
Remus shrugs.
“She said no.” Sirius says with confidence, firmly “She said no, you wanna know why? Because she too saw her prophecies with me. Yeah, prophecies, meaning multiple times. Loads of times. She saw her future with me so she would not say yes to Lucius’ invite.”
The boys look at each other, confused and surprised at the new information dropped.
“I don’t know mate, it seems like she said yes.”
Sirius turns his sight to the direction James was pointing at. There they were, her and Lucius entering the Great Hall with what seems to be the most intriguing conversation ever. She was smiling, her cheeks red from all the laughter. Her eyes were glued on Lucius, as if no one else were present in the room, as if Sirius wasn’t in the room.
Jealousy was never in his dictionary but for the first time in his life, Sirius has never ever wanted to pluck someone and hex them to disintegrate until now. Exactly what can a guy as arrogant and grim as Lucius say to make her laugh like that? No one should deserve to see her bright smile and hear her melodious laughter. No one but him.
“Better work your way soon, Padfoot.” Remus comments “Or else your vision would turn into nothing more than a mere fantasy.”
“Wait, wait!” Sirius shouts as he runs, trying to catch her before she vanishes again “Wait!”
She turns, looking surprised to see the boy with sweat laced skin coming to her. His hair was dishevelled, not that Sirius ever combed it neatly, but much more messy than the usual. He looks as if he’s run through every corner of the castle, trying to find her.
And in reality, he did.
“Black,” She calls, hands folding in front of her chest “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” He nods, catching his breath “Tell me you did not say yes to Lucius’ invite.”
She blinks, looking completely appalled at his request.
“My friends told me Lucius asked you for a date. Please tell me you said no to him.”
A frown forms on her face, “Why do you care what I said to him?”
“Well you’re my future, aren’t you? Of course I care about what you said to him.” Sirius reasoned “Now will you please release me from this torment and just say that you said no to him.”
She stares at him as if he’s grown an extra head. Sirius could feel his feet cold, shrinking down under her gaze. There’s nothing he wished he could do more than to read her mind right now. Something went wrong that day, Sirius knows it he can feel it, he just doesn’t know what it is and he fears that it would only be the gasoline to the supposedly budding romance between her and others.
“I don’t get you, Sirius.” She begins with a disappointed tone “First you act like you didn’t want me to be your future and yet now that someone asks me to be their date, you suddenly want me? How is that fair?”
“Wait, what?” He asked, appalled “When did I ever say I don’t want you to be my future?”
“You’ve been ignoring me ever since you saw that prophecy with James, whatever it may be about, and you went silent when I told you that I know about our prophecies.” She reasoned, her nostrils flaring from the vexation she could finally burst in “It's pretty clear to me that you don’t want me to be in your future.”
“You– You think I was avoiding you because I didn’t want you to be my future?”
“I don’t know, do you have any better explanation than that?”
“Yes,” He answers, only to shake his head the next minute “I mean, no, but–”
Sirius runs his hand through his hair, looking visibly frustrated at the misunderstanding they somehow got entangled in. He looks at her, who's still waiting for his explanation, and flashes her a sad smile. He was never good with words, not at crucial moments like this, but he knew that if he didn’t try tonight, he might as well say goodbye to the prophecies that have turned into the dreams he’s seeing every night in his sleep now.
“Do you even remember when we started to be so hostile to each other?” He asks gently.
She shakes her head, unsure on where the conversation is being directed to.
“I don’t either but I’ve always known why I could never be friendly with you.”
She gulps, asking with a voice barely above a whisper, “Why?”
“Because I don’t believe that someone as perfect as you exists in this world. I just can’t.” He confessed, a shameful smile shown on his face “I just couldn’t believe that someone as smart, as lovely, and as beautiful as you is real and I don’t think anyone is deserving of that. Even for someone as narcissistic as I am.”
“As you are?”
“Especially as I am.” He repeats “And I thought, if I couldn’t love you I should just hate you. Maybe that would water down the affection I have for you over the years and I have been doing just fine with denying my feelings for you until James stupidly made me gaze into that stupid crystal and I saw it. I saw us.”
Her facial expression softens, yielding to the sweet words he’s uttering, “What did you see?”
“I saw you walking down the aisle.”
She smiles.
“And I was there.” He continues “As the groom, if that wasn’t clear in the first place.”
A laughter broke from her lips, easing Sirius’ mind that he could finally diffuse the tension.
“You were beautiful in white.” He adds, eyes full of love and affection “And I can’t wait to finally be on that day so please, for the sake of my pathetic tottering heart, please tell me that you said no to Lucius.”
She begins to sniffle as the beads of tears that were decorating her tears started to fall. Her eyes were still glued on him, watching him as if he was the one thing she ever asked the universe to give and have finally been granted of it. Her shoulders were relaxed yet no matter how beautiful the sight he’s seeing right now, Sirius still couldn’t find peace until she gave him her assurance.
“Please tell me those are happy tears and not because you said yes to Lucius.”
“Oh, bloody hell, can we please stop talking about him? You’re ruining our moment!”
“Well I can’t really enjoy our moment with the possibility of you going on a date with someone else still hanging now, can I?!”
“Are we seriously arguing right now?”
“I don’t want to but it just feels so natural to argue with you.” Sirius huffs “So did you or did you not agree to his date, woman?”
“I did not.” She finally says, mirroring his exasperated expression “Happy now?”
“Doesn’t seem like it.”
“You are very annoying, do you know that?” Sirius asks, his brows still furrow in irritation.
“No, not really. Must have slipped off my mind, just like every other million times you utter it.” She says with her hands now resting on her hips “Is that all?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “How do you mean?”
“Well did you look for me just to ask if I said yes to Lucius? Or do you have something else you wanted to do with me other than confessing your, as you claim, pathetic tottering heart?”
Sirius opens his mouth, taking full offence at her mocking of his confession, but her question birthed a new urge in his heart. He’s confessed to her and she has accepted it, so it seems, would it be proper for him now to ask for a kiss? Would it be a proper time for him to ask for them to seal their future romantic endeavours?
His cheeks begin to turn rosy at the thought of finally kissing her. The emotions from the prophecies start to fill his chest, now feeling much less satisfying than how they used to. With her standing in front of him now and giving him the same heart eyes, the image of them kissing now could barely mean a thing as the possibility that such a pleasant gesture could happen any time soon. And he prays to whoever deity up there that it would happen sooner than later.
“So? Do you really just want to confess?” She asks, giving him hints now that she too wanted the delightful image to come to reality “Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Sirius, don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet now.”
“You just never know when to shut up, do you?”
With that, Sirius takes his bold steps to her, finally sealing their lips together. He could feel his soul bursting in flames, melting into one with her. He never knew that he was so deprived of such fortune until he finally tastes her, until he finally feels his body pressed into his, until he finally has her.
“Do you still think Divination’s rubbish now?”
“Still rubbish,” He answers between their kisses “Sweet rubbish.”
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
You are ours (Yandere! Tonowari x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Ronal)
Requested by anon.
Summary: Y/n was a normal Metkayina fisher until certain couple laid their eyes on her. You were already mated or so you thought.
Content warnings: this hasn’t been proofread yet, English isn’t my first language, your mate’s name is Upxa (thanks randomnamesgenerator/avatarnames)
General warnings: yandere behavior, Yandere! Ronal, Yandere! Tonowari, character death (not you), small age gap between Tonowari/Ronal with you, graphic descriptions of violence, Tonowari and Ronal ripping open your mate without you seeing it, both of them manipulating you,
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[ 3rd person POV ]
Y/n was quietly cleaning her fishing tools, she had caught a bunch fish and she felt proud of herself. She straightened her posture when she saw Tonowari walking close to where the fishers were. He was looking closely at their catch.
[ Y/n’s POV ]
“Hey, I haven’t seen you around before” Tonowari greeted me. “I am Y/n” I greeted back, shyness getting the best of me. He smiled fondly. “You seem like the best fisher around. Why haven’t I seen you before?” He questioned me.
“Usually Upxa is waiting for me, I leave my catch here for the rest of the clan and go to him. He always has something for me to eat” I said. Tonowari’s expression darkened a little bit. I gave him a questioning look.
“Who is Upxa?” He faked a smile. “My mate, we mated before Ewya a year ago” I responded, I got nervous because he was acting weirdly and he was awfully close. He clicked his tongue. “Nice”. The conversation died there.
I went to Upxa right away and told him about it. He felt weird and that night didn’t come down to the comunal dinner. I sat between some of my friends, feeling someone’s gaze all over me, piercing through me.
When I turned around I saw no other than Tonowari and Ronal looking at me. After dinner they approached me. “See, this was who I was talking about, she is the best fisher around, I swear to Eywa” Tonowari said. I smiled sheepishly until I felt Ronal’s hand on my tail. She was going around me, inspecting me.
“She looks strong” she said “it is settled!” She then stated. “Settled what? If I may ask” I asked, dumbfounded.
“Isn’t it obvious?” She said. “You are going to be our mate”. Tonowari looked at his wife. “We should have told her in any other way”. But I didn’t listen, I went back to my hut while they were bickering.
[ 3rd Person POV ]
For the next couple days, Tonowari and Ronal appeared everywhere Y/n went, and soon her mate got tired of that. One night, Upxa was so tired of it, seeing his wife always so stressed about it, that he went to Tonowari’s and Ronal’s hut.
They said that they should talk outside, the kids were sleeping. What Upxa didn’t know was that Ronal and Tonowari had something planned for him.
Once they cornered him, they settled things straight. “Look, this is easy, she is ours from now on and you won’t be an obstacle” Tonowari’s voice was quite stern. Upxa gulp down and swallowed thickly.
“I am truly sorry, but it is Eywa’s way” Ronal smiled wickedly. Soon enough, Tonowari’s fighting spear ripped Upxa’s chest open. Both of them making sure he was dead before throwing him deep in the ocean.
The next day Y/n woke up with a bad feeling in her gut. She knew something was up. And she felt a hurting pain in her braid, her bond couldn’t be broken, why should it hurt?
Early in the morning she was greeted by Ronal, who faked concern for her. “Follow me, Tonowari and I have something to tell you” she said, starting walking. Y/n followed close behind. “If it’s something about the mating thing, please forget it”. They had reached the hut.
“It is not of our mating” Tonowari’s voice boomed through the thin walls “it is of YOUR mate”.
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked. “we saw him, early in the morning, leaving with another Metkayina woman and his ilu” Tonowari said, looking down.
“He bonded with her during the night” Ronal ‘cried’ “I couldn’t believe someone would do this to you! You are so sweet and caring!” She continued on.
Y/n took a minute or two to think about it, he didn’t know any other Metkayina woman that well did he? And leave her all of the sudden wasn’t his type of thing.
“He was such a bastard” Tonowari said “he always had you going on fishing trips to have time with his lover”. That explained everything. Y/n suddenly started crying.
“Shh, Shh, don’t cry, don’t spill your precious tears over someone who doesn’t deserve it” Ronal said, pulling her in for a hug. “We are here for you, baby” Tonowari joined the hug, their strong warrior muscles sandwiching Y/n.
“My love, we are here for you, Eywa wanted this” Tonowari said, cupping her cheek while she hiccuped. “We will always be here for you” Ronal continued.
Tonowari’s lips captured Y/n’s in a sweet kiss. She was still crying, Ronal drew soft circles on her back while trying to calm her down. After Tonowari felt satisfied, Ronal kissed her, her kiss was more forceful, a lot of emotions in such a small action.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
i see a prompt request 👀 what about “stop trying to help me it’s just hurting you” with feral reader… maybe joel is the one helping her with the adjustment to settlement life in wyoming? or they’re out on a run and she gets hurt? anything tbh you decide
Yesssss I am all for this one. I had some downtime and managed to write this so fast. So have some angst and maybe some lore and both of them fighting lol
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Left Behind Joel Miller x f!Reader/OFC The Last of Us 2.5k Words (3rd POV) (Lots of callbacks to Monsters but not necessary to read first. Feral Reader's name is used sparingly so yes, she's technically more an OFC as you get lore in this one) Summary: Settling into life in Jackson wasn't going so easily and Joel is hit with the possibility she may not be welcomed to stay.
“Joel, she’s trouble, man,” Tommy ran a hand through his hand exasperatedly, pacing the hard packed ground in front of both their homes, “I know shit was rough out there. Hell, the three of you were practically hissing at everyone when you came through that first time, but it’s been a couple months. She’s scaring half the town and you’re scaring the other half acting like her goddamn guard dog.”
The older Miller brother clenched his jaw, hands on his hips and trying not to show how much his split open knuckles smarted, “I wouldn’t have to if those assholes would stop treating her like a fucking pariah or giving her shit every time she tries to stand up for herself.” “You have got to admit it’s not exactly like she’s giving them much reason not to act that way,” Tommy sighed and spread his hands pleadingly, “She threatened to stab Johnny at the lumberyard through his hand for looking at her weird, not to mention I’ve already had to take her off patrol duty with anyone but you after she beat Grant-” “That boy learned the hard way to keep his hands to himself,” Joel cut him off.
Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head, before glancing back at his house where his very pregnant wife currently was, “Brother, I can’t have her acting this way. I get it’s not perfect here, but we can’t have trouble like this. Maria…she’s already considering that if Red doesn't get her shit together she may not be welcome to stay.” Silence fell between the two, boiling and tense. He didn’t have to even look up to know the look on his older brother’s face at his words, could feel it as if flames were on his skin. It was like lighting a match around gasoline, waiting for the whole thing to ignite. He knew that as much as his brother cared about the young girl in his charge, he also cared about the woman that came along with them. And when Joel Miller cared about something, he’d go through hell for them. “That’s not gonna happen,” Joel bit out harshly, snarling. His irises had darkened to almost black, the hints of hazel swallowed almost entirely. His body was tight, a wire begging to snap. But the younger of the two could only shake his head, feeling lost and unable to comprehend what to do. Torn between the home he had helped create and protect, his wife who had the weight of the community on her shoulders while preparing to give birth to his first kid, and his brother’s protectiveness over the rough woman currently inside the house. “Just get it sorted. Talk to her. My hands are tied, I can only do so much,” Tommy sighed, turning and heading back across the lot to his own home and life. Joel didn’t watch him leave. His eyes were trained on the ground, blood roaring in his ears as he replayed the words over and over again. They were considering kicking Red out. He’d dragged her all over the country, to Wyoming then Colorado and Salt Lake and back to Jackson, forcing her to settle down only for her to get kicked out. He knew she was having a hard time. She’d never stayed in a QZ, had stayed out in the world too long alone or with the wrong people and didn’t know how to deal with a community like this. Normal people who didn’t have to tear each other apart for scraps. While he and Ellie didn’t have the smoothest transition and were still rough around the edges, they’d managed while the woman had hit wall after wall. She was defensive, quick to react and bare her teeth. It was fine out beyond the gates but inside Jackson where everyone was trying to find a new normal it had caused issues. One of the steel workers was Grant’s brother and hadn’t taken kindly to her beating the shit out of him. He had refused to give her some parts they needed for the house and then called her a bitch when she’d slapped his payment down and went to snatch the items. But he hadn’t registered Joel around the corner listening and before they all knew it his fist was flying into the man’s face. He’d have done more if Tommy hadn’t broken them up. But his brother was right and she did have a reputation, had scared a lot more than half the town. He’d seen the way mothers had pulled their kids away or the looks some of the guardsmen gave her. Ellie had told off more than a few, shouting across the plaza when she’d catch it, defensive. He’d watched Red shrink in the settlement, only fully confident like she usually was outside of Jackson. He’d figure it out. He had to. 
With a deep sigh, he turned and went inside. Ellie had been sent to take care of the errands and get the groceries they both knew Red wouldn’t be able to get. The teenager was understanding and was doing the best she could to help, keeping any complaints to herself or to him when they were alone to not burden the woman. She was as protective of her as he was of both of them. The house was quiet. It was all something he was still getting used to. Having a house again, a home where he didn’t have to worry about getting attacked or FEDRA raids, no more furniture salvaged from garbage dumps and pipes that rattled without a drop of hot water. Jackson made it easy to get comfortable, to feel like it was before the world was ravaged. Easy for him at least. He paused and waited a moment, hearing the almost imperceptible sound of breathing on his good side before he rounded the kitchen counter and looked down. Red sat on the tiled floor, knees pulled up to her chest, head resting back against the cabinet doors. Her face was blank but he’d learned to read the small hints of thoughts on her face. Lips pressed tight, eyes focusing on her nails even as he hovered. She’d heard. He knew she had. “Should I start packing my bag now or wait for Maria to give me the word?” she chewed on her lip, feigning nonchalance. “Neither. You ain’t going nowhere,” Joel bit out with a furrowed brow. She laughed humorlessly, mouth turning into a grimace, “That’s not up to you, Tex.” Those eyes looked up finally, met his, and he could see the resignation there. This wasn’t something she was going to fight if they made her leave. She’d do it and he knew why, knew it was for them, but refused to accept it. “Like hell it ain’t.” “Stop,” abruptly getting to her feet, she hissed at him, “Just stop it. Stop trying to help me. It’s only hurting you and Ellie. You have actual family here, Joel. Flesh and blood family. You could murder someone and they’d still keep you here and Ellie as well, but I’m a liability. To you, to her, to all of them. I get it.” “I don’t give a fuck if you get it, Red,” Joel was angry, getting into her face, “They’re not kicking you out. End of conversation.” “Not end of fucking conversation,” she growled, “I’m not risking yours and Ellie’s only chance at a safe, stable life. If that means I go back out there then so be it.”
“God, you’re so fuckin’ stubborn sometimes,” he all but yelled through his teeth. A laugh tore from her, sharp and loud, her brow raised, “Oh that’s hilarious coming from you.” He wanted to beat his fist through the fucking wall, pick up a glass and shatter it if only to release some of the frustration dealing with her gave him. That damn martyrdom that he hadn’t ever been able to get rid of, scream out of her no matter how many times he told her to stop it. She was so willing to throw herself away for his or Ellie’s sake as if what happened to her didn’t matter and it drove him insane every single time. “You better quit that shit,” Joel ground out between clenched teeth, “That stupid fucking selfless bullshit. For what? As punishment because you lost some people? That…fucking Harry you were with?” He hadn’t ever brought up the name she had mentioned once because he knew what it was like for someone to bring up the past. She hadn’t offered much of her background and he never asked, but there had been small moments. That name had stuck in his brain though, like the little stars tattooed on her collarbone and the “love ya” on her skin in someone else’s handwriting. 
The silence following his words were deafening, all emotion wiped off her face. It was as if someone had scrubbed away anything that made her a person, human, in seconds. 
Then something darker took over and twisted and she smiled, a showing of teeth, and eyes so hollow they seemed like caverns, “Is that what you think? That I’m punishing myself over some boyfriend that died when the world fell apart as if most of the fucking population didn’t also die too? That I’m what? A sad little heartbroken girl pining over some lost love?” A laugh left her lips and it felt like poison, dripping venom. He clenched his fist, anger burning hot, but he knew better than to say anything or approach her when she was like this. Dangerous. Sometimes she was so dangerous he wondered how he had ever thought it was safe to turn his back on her. “That’s real sweet, Tex…I shot him, you know?” she laughed again, not a bit of humor on her face, “Not because he was infected. No. He wasn’t even bit, didn’t have a scratch on him. He was fully alive and healthy before I blew his face right off.” She’d mentioned the man’s name long ago on the road when they’d gotten drunk out. It had slipped out of her covered in pain and regret, Harry and her younger sister, how she'd been barely starting her life when the apocalypse hit. A singer. Ellie had mentioned she had been trying to be a singer and he���d always pictured a bright eyed girl unprepared for what was to come. He had wondered if that death had been what had broken her, guttered her and tore out her soul to the point she lived on instinct only, how that girl had become the hissing creature before him. Now he wasn’t so sure.
Stepping closer to him, he resisted the urge to back away, to show that he was like the rest of them and scared of her too. She almost smiled wider and he knew she was expecting him to, a test almost, “You see we were on a run. Harry, me, and Annie. Spooked some runners so we booked it out of the building because back then I wasn’t much of a fighter, hadn’t learned yet. So I trusted him to keep us safe. Yet, lo and behold, when we get through the front door and I turn around, I see him.” Her words were made of broken glass that cut her apart and made her mouth bleed, devastation and rage coating each one but he didn’t move or try to comfort her lest he got cut too, “Harry had shoved my sister behind so he could get through first then shut the door in her face. I watched them through the glass tear her apart, screaming my name, because I had trusted him to have her back. Instead he got her killed. So I killed him.”
There was no smile then.  He remembers how they met. Ellie had fallen behind while running from scavengers because he hadn’t put her in front of him. It had been Red who had saved her and like a missing puzzle piece, he could see the picture come together. Knowing her now and how it wasn’t normal for her to go out of her way to help strangers, but she’d helped them.
Because Annie had fallen behind once before and she couldn’t save her. Blamed herself for her death.
“It was my fault and I’ll be damned if I ruin both of your chances at staying here where you are safer. Not because of me,” the snarl had left her face, hackles dropping until just the woman was left. Exhausted and a little sad and lost. It’d broken her, he knew that. In the same way Sarah’s death had left him a shell. But he’d kept going for Tommy, Tess, and eventually Ellie.
She hadn’t had anyone until them and now she thought she was putting them at risk.
Joel frowned and stepped forward, their chests almost pressed together, before cupping her face between his hands. His knuckles were bruised and bloody still, but neither of them cared, had never cared about getting blood on the other, “I hate to break it to you, darlin’, but if you think after that I’d still let you go then you’re wrong. I learned my lesson last time we were in Jackson. We stick together. No one’s getting left behind.”
Her eyes squeezed shut, a broken sigh leaving her lips. Her hands came up and gripped his waist, fingers wrapping around his belt tightly like he was a lifeline. Resignation wrapped her entirely in its embrace and he knew the fight had gone out of her, “I…I don’t know how to be around these people. There’s too many of them and they all stare…I’m going to mess up.”
The admission brought a slight smile to his lips, a crack in the defense she had attempted to put between them and a sign that she was giving in, “Well I think as long as you don’t try to maul or kill anyone and maybe limit to punching one or two people a month, that’ll be good enough.”
She huffed exasperatedly, head falling forward and leaning against his chest. His thumb traced her cheek, the other combing through the tangled mess that was her hair. For all she used to gripe at Ellie for taking care of her own, she wasn’t much better. But the strands were still soft and he took advantage of it when he could, feeling her relax against him.
“I’ll talk to Tommy and Maria. You just give yourself time to adjust and try,” Joel murmured, “We’ll figure it out, but you’re not going anywhere.” She nodded against him and at last wrapped her arms fully around his body, sinking into him while he held her tightly back. They both stayed there for a while, arms tight, standing in the middle of the kitchen.
Joel would pull every string, get every ounce of leverage he could get to ensure she stayed. No one was going to take her away from them.
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 months
Chapter Eight: Stealing Hearts, Broken Souls
The Pariahs That Saved The World
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Word Count: 4k
Warnings: mentions of death, father issues (like, severe), horror elements, blood, angst central.
[A/N: Good news!! I have returned with a new chapter!! Bad news... you're not gonna like it...]
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Stealing Hearts, Broken Souls
“Which one is it?!”
“Do we know if she likes Kate Bush?!”
“Guys, she’s getting worse!”
A cacophony of panic flooded the Winnebago, rushed footsteps and heavy breathing echoing through Robin’s mind as she stands with her hands on your shoulders, tears streaming down her face. She convinced herself holding onto you would stop you floating to the ceiling. She didn’t want to be stood here long enough to find out.
“I’m telling you, her favourite songs won’t be here!” Eddie practically screams at them. They all stop their chaotic rampage of the stolen vehicle, snapping their heads to him.
“Check her bag.” Robin’s hoarse voice cut through the silence, eyes unwavering from where yours were screwed shut, shifting left to right beneath your eyelids.
Steve is the one to swipe your bag tucked into the corner of the table seat, rooting through it with such haste, items clattered to the floor without care. His eyes light up in surprise when he pulls out a familiar object. You had your own Walkman.
“Fuck me, that’s lucky.” Dustin breathes out, and Steve frowns at it. Luck. Yeah, right.
He checks the tape deck, scribbled lettering of ‘stand by me’ on the white space and he runs back over to Robin, carefully slipping the headphones over your ears and pressing play.
A faint melody is muffled against your ears as they all stand there, waiting. Steve’s hand finds its way onto Robin’s shoulder, observing that concerning look on her face. He had expected her usual look of horror, an unfortunate expression Steve has seen too many times. This one was different, however.
This one was guilt.
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July 3rd, 1985: The Hospital Incident
The white flickering lights were alighting every nerve, stuttering beams raising three individual heart rates into panic and anxiety.
It was no mystery why you were acting this way when even your surroundings eluded paranoia.
“I shouldn’t be here.” You keep muttering, biting your lip. “I should find her. I- I haven’t heard from her in days.”
Nancy and Jonathan were leading you through the hospital, dragging you along their latest quest. You supposed it wasn’t their fault; you had told them you were willing to help. But you haven’t seen Heather, or even heard from her. That was all you could think about.
“I went to the pool and they said she hasn’t shown up in a while.” You continue, scrunching the ends of your cardigan into your fists. “That’s bad, right? Maybe I should check her house. I’m sorry, I can’t- I need to-”
“We don’t have time right now.” Nancy insisted, but you weren’t really listening, turning back with only the thought of your girlfriend. Their little journalist project would have to wait.
“I’ll be back to help once I-”
“She’s not there.” Jonathan says and the mood shifted. You turn to look at him, his wide eyes implying a guilty nature. Nancy was frozen to the spot, eyebrows furrowed.
“How do you know that?” You ask, walking back to them. “Did you go to her house? Why… why were you there?”
“I was investigating Holloway.” Nancy says hurriedly, “I- We wanted to see where he was.”
You could tell when Nancy Wheeler was lying. She always forced eye contact, her face unusually stoic as to hide the truth. Maybe would find Nancy’s technique in deceit flawless and somewhat inspiring. You always thought she was a terrible liar.
“Her dad is missing too?” You frown, looking between them with nothing but suspicion. They were keeping something from you. “Well now I’m definitely going back.”
You turn around again and Nancy leaps forward.
“No, Nance.” You snap, talking over your shoulder. “Something is seriously wrong and I can’t do anything until I know she’s safe. Her dad is missing, her mom probably is too, and I haven’t seen her in days, what if-”
“She’s gone!”
Nancy suddenly says and you stop, meeting Jonathan’s startled eyes.
“I-” Nancy can’t bear to look at you, sharing a guilty look with her boyfriend. “I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“What does that mean?” You shake your head, stepping away from them. But you had already been through the scenario in your mind. And, even worse, you expected this ending. You just couldn’t force yourself to believe it. “Why were you at her house? Why? Nancy!”
“Y/n…” Her forlorn expression spoke louder than any of her mistrusted words could.
“I told you, guys.” You say, blinking against foggy vision as tears started spilling down your cheeks. “I told you something was wrong, and you said I was being paranoid. That I was getting emotional.”
“We didn’t-” Nancy shakes her head, biting her lip. Whatever she had to say, it was useless.
“I can’t believe you.” You place your hand over your mouth, muffling your sobs.
“We could be wrong.” Jonathan interjects, moving closer to you. You take a step back, ignoring the hurt on his face. You and Jonathan may have been friends since you were kids, but that gave him no right to lie to you.
“Look, Y/n, we just need to figure out what’s happening.” Nancy nods almost pleadingly, holding out her hands in surrender. “If we do, we can help Heather. I’m sure- we just need to talk to Mrs Driscoll-”
“I don’t care about Mrs Driscoll!” You almost scream at her. Your unusually steady hands wipe away the tears on your cheeks, taking a deep breath. “Go ahead, Nancy. Finish your article. That’s all you seem to care about anyway.”
“That’s not fair.” She says, but Jonathan places a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.
“I can’t be here.” You finally whisper. The words felt like a scream, however, as you turn away and start marching back down the hall.
Any sadness you had was shifting into anger. It coursed through you like it powered your every nerve, balling your hands into fists, eyes red and hot withstanding the tears you could no longer pity yourself with.
The last time you saw Heather, she had asked you to meet her after work. Three days ago, you were saying ‘see you later’ as she drove herself away from your house and to the community pool, dressed in a swimsuit and shorts that would always earn her a light-hearted tease about a jazzercise cosplay. Three days ago, you left a voicemail with her manager, cancelling your plans.
You had bumped into Jonathan at the Post, one of the only days your shift schedules aligned in the week. He told you about Nancy’s new journalist endeavour, his scepticism. You admired her determination to be treated fairly in this place, lord knows you’ve been trying for respect for some time too. And then, soon enough, Nancy begged you for help, claiming it was your last chance to be taken seriously as a reporter. Your heart wasn’t even in it, but you said yes. You left a message at the pool, and you followed the couple to Driscoll’s, not even sparing another thought to the girl at the pool.
Now you’re walking back through the hospital knowing that if you had just declined Nancy’s offer, if you had just stuck with your plans and met Heather, would you have saved her?
No, you think to yourself, shaking your head, she can’t be dead. She isn’t dead.
But where would you even start? Maybe Hopper could-
A shadow cuts in front of the doors down the hallway you’ve just entered. You’d seen enough nurses and doctors wandering around, ready to ignore it. But the figure just stood there, blocking the exit.
You squint at the person, slowing your footsteps. You couldn’t tell by the busted lightbulb above their head, dimming their features into the shadow. Your arms were littered with goosebumps, gut twisting. You should turn around.
Nancy’s scream echoes through the hospital floor, hitting you with severe impact.
Something was very wrong.
The lights along the hallway start flickering, and the figure is finally cast in unsteady light. Your feet stay frozen to the ground.
“No.” You whisper as he smiles, taking slow steps towards you. He wasn’t meant to be here.
Your dad was meant to be working late at the Post.
Another cry for help had you running back the way you came, hearing the slam of a door not far from you. You skid to a stop in front of the stairs, caught in indecision. Surely they would run for the stairs. Right?
Footsteps running in from behind you set in your flight or fight, pulling open the door and darting down the staircase to the lower floor, heartbeat flooding every one of your senses.
You burst out of the door and just keep moving, not looking back in fear of seeing him following you. He hadn’t looked right, too alien to his natural demeanour, too coincidental to be here at the same time Nancy started crying out. For the second time in your life, you found yourself running away from a man meant to love and protect you unconditionally.
And when you finally found Nancy, her stammering voice talking about a plan to take care of the flayed, you realised you’d have to stop running now, and face the man that loved you with conditions, and never protected you from himself.
“Nancy…” You shake your head at her as you slowly start walking backwards down the hallway.
She barely gave you a moment to think before she was telling you her idea, her stubborn mind fixed to what she believed would work. You weren’t so sure.
“Just stay in position, Y/n.” She hisses at you from behind and you trust her, you really do. But she was foolish to think you were the right person for this.
“I can’t.” You whisper back, tears falling down your face. The lights overhead start to flicker and you grip the metal pole in your hand tighter, praying he doesn’t walk around the corner, that it was all a misunderstanding.
“Just a little longer.” She promises, her soothing voice holding more worth to you than she knows. If only you had seen her face.
Two loud footsteps echo out from around the corner and you hold your breath, waiting for the man to show himself and force every fibre of your body not to run. But it wasn’t him. It was Tom Holloway, Heather’s father, and he was smiling at you.
“Ah, Y/n.” He clicks his neck, smirking, “I knew I’d find you here.”
You shake your head. It wasn’t meant to be him. He was supposed to be dead.
“It’s such a shame no one checked to see if they finished the job.” He laughs, pulling a scalpel you hadn’t even seen protruding from his neck, shrugging when no blood comes rushing out. “Someone should really go check on that poor boy, though. Such a wuss.”
“Nancy.” You try and whisper, but you hear nothing back, only the echo of her retreating footsteps as she rushes to find her boyfriend. You understood, you really did, but you’ve never felt so scared.
“Just the two of us, now.” Tom clears his throat, walking forward with intent and you hold out the pole. “That won’t do anything.”
“Stay back.” You cry out, noticing how dark the black veins were appearing now. Was Heather like this too? “I’m warning you.”
“Or what? You’ll trick me?” He laughs maniacally, stopping just short of you reaching the end of the hall, the corner just behind you. “Or should I say… us?”
Your eyes widen, but it’s too late. A sharp and searing pain digs into your shoulder and you scream, dropping your only weapon out of shock and jolting forward. You stumble, cradling your shoulder as you spin around on the floor, another pair of soulless eyes staring down at you. A sob leaves your lips.
“Join us.”
You start scrambling away, pushing your legs out beneath you to keep yourself moving back as they stare down at you. Your shoulder was throbbing, blood trickling between your fingertips. You think about calling out for Nancy and Jonathan, but you weren’t even sure if they’d come to save you.
As you start to crumble into the corner, two pairs of soulless eyes prepared to make you one of them, your chest starts to hurt more than any wound could. Whatever friendship you had before was shattered now. With Heather gone, there wasn’t much left for you to care about in Hawkins.
In the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of something shining under the flickering lights. It was close, close enough to reach out and grab.
“There’s no reason to be afraid.” Tom smiles, an unnatural curve to his lips. “When you join us, it’ll feel like nothing ever happened.”
Your father smiles with him, and you raise your head.
“No thanks.”
You lunge for the metal pole and manage to grab hold, spinning onto your back and striking it upwards just as one of them pounced at you, the sharp end piercing skin and slipping directly up into their chin, splattering blood on your face.
Tom stumbles back, grabbing at his throat as black veins suddenly burst from the wound. But he wasn’t the one you caught.
“Dad?” You whisper, watching his eyes slowly droop towards you, body slumping against the ground. If you had expected some sort of humanity to return to him, you weren’t going to see it. He was gone, not an ounce of his soul left.
They both finally drop to the floor, exhaling a final breath. You pull your legs out from beneath the body, trying to prop yourself up but crashing back down when the muscles in your arm give out.
You can hear Nancy and Jonathan calling for you, echoing footsteps approaching from further down the hall. The pain in your shoulder was excruciating now, and you were never great at dealing with pain.
You slump against the wall, closing your eyes, unknowing if you would ever want to open them again.
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Everything felt normal when you opened your eyes. You were used to the pounding headache in the morning, a flicker of whatever nightmare you endured leaving a scar on your brain. It didn’t happen this time.
You tried to remember what happened. You vaguely recall seeing Robin, her smile. And then…
Everything is thrown back into focus, head darting around the room as you panic against the white lights. It looked like a hospital, the plastic sheet trailing around your bed for privacy. It looked scarily like the bed you woke up in after the flayed incident.
You try and sit up, but your arms can’t move. You try and shift your legs, nothing. It felt like you were tied down to the bed. You managed to angle your head to look down, the panic rising spectacularly.
Vines were slithering around your wrists and ankles, keeping you in place.
Struggling against their strength, you start crying out for help, lights around you flickering wildly. Your top lip still feels wet from the nosebleed. Vecna had you again, and you knew this time was different. This time, he didn’t want you to escape.
The plastic sheet surrounding your bed is suddenly pulled back, and it was like you couldn’t even breathe anymore.
“Hi, honey.” Your father says, mouth dripping black blood, veins stretching around a wound underneath his chin.
You try and ignore him, looking anywhere but where he stood and tugging at your restraints. This wasn’t real. He’s dead. He died-
“Because you killed me.” He growls. Your eyes widen. How did he-
Vecna, you tell yourself, it’s Vecna.
“You didn’t even try to save me.” He creeps closer, first curling around something you couldn’t see. “You cared more about that stupid Holloway girl than you ever did your own flesh and blood.”
A tear escapes your eye, scrunching your face in fury. You hate how much this is affecting you.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
He wants this, you remind yourself, still relentlessly pulling at the vines. Vecna wants you to feel guilt, he wants you to feel like you’re responsible for his death. And he’s using your dead father to do it.
You frown, stopping your attempts of escape.
Can Vecna really win if you didn’t believe his lies?
“I’d do it all over again if it meant I could save Heather.”
He looks taken aback- Vecna looks taken aback. Like he wasn’t expecting you to be so… heartless.
“My father was an asshole, and a bitter man. He never cared about his own flesh and blood. And I’m glad he’s dead. I never wanted it to be this way, but I will never, never, let myself feel guilty over something that wasn’t my fault.”
“And what about me?”
You turn your head to the other side of the bed, a girl leant against the wall in the shadows. You didn’t need to see her. You’ve been haunted by her voice for months now.
“I couldn’t have done anything.” You say, mostly to convince yourself what everyone has been telling you for ages. It wasn’t your fault.
“You could have chosen me over your friends.” She spits bitterly, not moving from the dark corner. “They used you. You’ve known Jonathan your whole life, and he didn’t care about you. Nancy didn’t even care if she left you for dead. You were nothing but a pawn.”
“I stayed. That was my choice.” You squeeze your eyes shut. “I might never forgive myself for what happened to you, but I won’t let it ruin my life.”
“But you’ll let it ruin mine?”
Your eyes fly open, shock taking your breath.
She finally steps out of the shadow, voice warped into someone else. Because she was someone else.
“You don’t even like me, do you?” Robin asks, tears running down her face but her expression was emotionless. “You want me to be Heather. You want her.”
“No.” You whisper, tugging against the vines on your wrists.
“You knew this was happening to you, and you let me fall for you.” She shakes her head, leaning over the bed so she was staring down at you from an uncomfortable distance. “And I know if you survive, you’re never going to look at me again. You just used me to feel better about your bitter life. You don’t think you should be loved. And you’re right. Your father never loved you. Your mother hated you so much she left. Your gran doesn’t even want you here.”
“Shut up!” You scream, breaking free your right hand to push her away.
She stumbles back as you claw at your other wrist.
“It was only a matter of time before you hurt her”
Everything was plunged into a dark red, the bed disappearing from beneath you and you land hard on rocky ground, coughing.
“You should have left when you had the chance, Y/n”
You try to scramble to your feet, but a flick of his hand throws you against a protruding staircase, making you cough from the impact.
You manage to grab hold of a spindle, slowly pulling yourself up. He starts to walk over to you and then abruptly stops, looking across the barren sky. At first, you don’t understand, confused with his sudden change of posture.
And then it slowly drifts in. A melody.
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we’ll see
Vecna snarls, turning back to you. You look surprised, you felt surprised.
This was your favourite song blasting through a crimson nightmare. A song you held so close to you, you never told anyone about it.
Well, no one except the school counsellor...
No, I won’t be afraid
Oh, I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me
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The faint melody from Ben E. King starts drifting around the Winnebago, filling the silence with an unsuspecting song. One that was meant to be saving your life right now.
“Does she even like this song?” Nancy asks, her chest heaving unevenly as she stares at your catatonic state. She was panicking, and to see Nancy panic like this was rare.
“It was in her bag, she obviously put it there because she likes it.” Lucas points out, and Steve tries to ignore the pit in stomach that told it that wasn’t the case.
“Then why isn’t it working?” Nancy stresses, snapping at the boy before immediately apologising.
“Woah, Nance.” Steve puts a hand on her shoulder, “It took Max a minute to get out, okay? She’s going to be fine.”
As she opened her mouth to argue, Steve was proven right.
Nancy and Dustin are the ones to catch you, ensuring a comfortable fall in an uncomfortable circumstance. Nancy quickly wipes away her tears, smiling.
���You’re okay.” She says as you reach out for a hand to hold. “We’ve got you.”
Steve smiles at that for some reason, feeling relieved and terrified. He thought Max was his last victim, so why did he need you?
There’s a soft click of the Winnebago door behind him, quiet enough to not disturb the others from their emotional celebration. Steve wouldn’t have noticed if he weren’t painfully aware of his best friend’s absence beside him.
He sneaks out and finds her stood in the field, arms wrapped around herself in comfort. When she noticed he had followed, he was surprised she didn’t say anything. Robin was rarely speechless. And so, in consideration, he decided to let a minute of silence pass.
A choked sob eventually cut through the peace.
“Robin?” He frowns, reaching out. His heart sinks when he sees the tear rolling down her cheek. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Everything.” She whispers and he pulls her into a hug.
“She’s okay. He didn’t win.”
“No, she’s not.” Robin sobs, but he only holds her tighter, letting her cry. “It’s all my fault.”
“How could it be your fault?” Steve dismisses with a soothing tone.
He feels her pull away, the eyes above mascara stained cheeks settling on his. Steve has known she’s been acting weirder than usual for a while now, too quiet, holding back secrets. And right now, she looked like she was going to burst.
“I knew all of this was going to happen.” She whispers it like a crime. He doesn’t really understand.
“I lied to her.” She covers her mouth, muffling the next few words. “I didn’t ask her to come here because we needed her help.”
Steve shakes his head, trying to make sense of her confession. “What- why did you bring her here?”
“I…” She takes a step back, her posture practically fighting the truth as it came out.
“Robin.” He persists.
“I found her file in Ms Kelley’s office!” She blurts, panicking at the volume of her voice. “Shit. I-” Her hands run down her face. “It wasn’t meant to happen like this. Max said she was cursed and I- I panicked. I thought maybe we could buy some time, bring in a distraction...”
“You…” Steve blinks, not bothering to quieten his own words. He was too panicked now. “You brought her here because you knew Vecna would go after her.”
Her silence said everything she couldn’t.
“Oh.” He breathes. “Okay.”
“Okay?” She frowns. “I-”
“You knew?”
They both spin around to where you’re stood, a Walkman you’ve never touched before gripped in your hand. Robin’s eyes widen, shell-shocked at your presence.
“Y/n, please.” She runs over to you, grabbing your hand in hers. You don’t remove it, or push her away. You just stand and stare. “It wasn’t meant to get this far. I just- I hoped it would all be over by now. I never meant to hurt you. I was just scared and I… Y/n?”
You slowly slip your hand out of hers, staring down at it like it was the problem. Robin’s mouth parts in surprise.
Nobody spoke. You all just stood surrounded by air poisoned with lies and deceit, your betrayed eyes resting on the girl you trusted with your life. The girl who was quite literally bartering your life this entire time.
You walked away when your heart started beating again, a tight grip around the song box currently keeping you alive.
Chapter Nine: coming soon...
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taglist: @kryztalglear @learninglinesintherainn @officerrrfriendly @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean @spacedoutdaydreamer
@endurexxsurvive @em16cor @gray-cheese @chaosofmanyfandoms @kitdjarin1
@some-day--some-how @cultish-corner @marirxse @amnoisysstuff
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Mrs. Floyd's class | Robert 'Bob' Floyd
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Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Teacher!Wife!Reader
Summary: Bob helps his wife on Read Across America day.
Word count: 966 (it's short, sorry)
Warnings: nothing! just fluff.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all
(if you want to be in the 'All TGM' tag list, send me an ask!)
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“Honey, it’s late already. You can finish this tomorrow” says Bob, trying to pry you away from your laptop. 
“Let me just write one more email, maybe this time they will answer me” 
“Alright, that’s it” he takes your laptop away from you. 
“Robert! I need to get someone for the reading day. This author just bailed out on me" you say, feeling sad that you promised your students to bring someone to read a book for them. You had been talking to this local author for weeks now, and he just emailed you that he is not coming. 
"It's too late. Nobody is going to answer today" 
You let out a sigh of defeat, getting up from the sofa and opening your arms. "Hug me?" 
Bob smiles softly and hugs you, his hand caressing your back. "Your kids will understand it, y/n. They love you and know you always do what you can for them. They'll understand it" 
You hug him closer, and Bob kisses your hair. "I prepared a bath for you" he says, pulling away from you and kissing your forehead. "Go relax while I finish dinner, okay?" 
You nod, walking away with heavy feet, your body fully envisioning defeatedness. He knows how important your 3rd graders are to you, and how you try to give them the opportunity to live different experiences in life if you can make them happen. He remembers last Valentine's day when you were adamant about making heart-shaped cookies for every student in your class. Bob knows how much you care, and he feels terrible to see you this way. 
And then he realizes he has the solution right in front of him. 
When he hears the soft click of the bathroom door closing, Bob pulls out his phone and immediately FaceTimes the whole Dagger Squad. He knows it's late, but he also knows that his aviator family wouldn't leave him behind. 
"Bob, have you called us with your butt or something?" Asks Hangman, knowing very well that Bob wasn't usually the one initiating a FaceTime call. 
"I honestly thought the same thing" agrees Coyote. 
"Guys, can you let him speak? Maybe it's something important" Phoenix, always caring about her wizzo, makes the two men stop talking so Bob can tell them the reason for this call. 
"Thanks, Nat. I know it's late. Like, really late. But I need your help" 
"It's something wrong?" Rooster immediately asks, very concerned. 
"Do you have anything to do on Read Across America day?" 
"Isn't that in two days?" questions Fanboy, looking at his watch. 
"Yeah, but Y/n had planned for a writer to read something for her students but…" 
"Wait, is this for Bobette?" Bob nods at Hangman's question. "Alright, buddy. Tell us when and where" 
He knew the Dagger squad would always have his back. 
Two days later, you're explaining to your kids how you tried to bring someone to read for them, even though it had been impossible. The kids seem a bit upset about it, but they know you have tried your best. Mrs. Floyd always did her best. 
You're looking for the book in your bag when a sudden knock on the door makes you turn. 
"Excuse me, it's this Mrs. Floyd's class?" says Phoenix, smiling at you. She's wearing her uniform and has a Dr. Seuss book in her hands. 
"Nat? What are you doing here?" you're completely shocked by her sudden appearance. "Come in, let me introduce you to my kids!" 
And when she enters, Hangman, Payback, Coyote, Fanboy, and Rooster walk in behind her. You're about to cry. Your friends, the ones you consider a second family, have come to help you. 
Bob, it's the last one to enter, a bright smile on his face. He is next to you in a heartbeat.
"Good morning, Mrs. Floyd" 
"Did you call them?" You ask, wiping away a tear. 
"Of course. Everyone was more than happy to help Bobette, you know" he chuckles a bit. 
"I wish I could kiss you right now" 
"Mrs. Floyd, care to introduce us?" says Rooster while waving to a few kids. 
"Of course!" 
You introduce all of them, and when it's Bob's turn, a few kids begin whispering and gossiping between them. One of the girls is the first one to speak. 
"Mrs. Floyd, is Lieutenant Floyd your husband?" 
These little kids love gossiping. More than their parents. 
"Yes, he is. Now, I know you want to know about their jobs and how cool it is to fly aircrafts, but let's read Phoenix's book first, all right? Then I'm sure they will be very pleased to answer all the questions you may have" 
It's funny seeing Payback and Fanboy reenacting a scene from the book as if they were the characters. You see the smiles on your students' faces and on your family's faces too. You can't say for sure who are the ones having more fun with this, aviators or students. 
After the book, you decide to make small groups, 4 or 5 kids are sitting in a circle with one of the aviators, talking, asking, and learning something they won't learn in their books, hearing stories, and maybe, dreaming of their future. 
"You know, I've always known you're a hell of a teacher but these kids look at you with devotion in their eyes. One of them even told me that he was to be like you when he grows up" confesses Bob, sitting next to you while watching the kids. 
"Was it Josh?" you laugh. He wants to be a teacher and he tries to help other students when they don't understand something. 
"Thank you, Bobby. Thank you so much. They will remember this in the future." 
"Anything for you, darling" 
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aakariiiii · 11 months
I kept tellin’ her to piss off ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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features: Draken x fem!reader
contains: Draken and reader are arguing in front of all toman members
a/n: yaaayayy my 3rd story since i’ve gotten back!!!! uts draken this time since iys been a while since i’ve written a fic ab him (mostly cuz last time was bad n i keep making him ooc n its so annoying ugh) but yeah i hope u guys enjoy this and i hope i see some requests in my inbox soon!!!!.!.!
____________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a fighting with my boyfriend during a Toman meeting. Never.
So why is it that we are currently yelling at each other, caught in a storm of emotions, while hundreds of eyes glare at both our faces?
“Well, you started it, Ken,” I argue, my body filled with heat as anger curled inside of my guts, burning. Or maybe it’s sadness, because the sight of her arm hooked around his stung, a pang of hurt I couldn’t shake.
“Haa? Are you fucking serious right now? I started it? Entertain me, dumbass,” he yells bewilderingly as a bulging vein appears out of his forehead.
“You know damn well what you did,” I whisper as my emotions threatened to spill over, but I fought to keep them at bay.
Whispers and piercing gazes felt like relentless spotlights, each adding weight to the already burdened air. To make it worse, being surrounded by an audience with menacing curiosity felt suffocating.
A chilly whisper of the passing wind delicately teased my senses, I found solace in its fleeting touch. I could feel Draken’s unbearable yet contradictingly reassuring presence creep up near me. A callous but soft grip embraced my wrist and pulled me out and away from the intrusive crowd, pumping a sense of relief within me. The hushed whispers and murmurs faded away into nothingness as Draken pulled me further away.
As if a thousand feathers took flight from my shoulders, carrying with them the burden that had settled there, I had felt much more comforted.
So why is it that unbidden tears raced down my cheeks, tracing an unexpected river of emotion, painting the canvas of my face with the silent tales my heart refused to voice. The tails that would carve unwanted scars from the truth unveiling within Draken’s awaited words.
Surely, he didn’t cheat right? is what I’d like to tell myself but his arm hooked around hers tells me otherwise.
A despondent sob escaped my mouth shattering the fragile silence as my feet came to a halt, and his grip released my pale wrist.
“Y/n, look at me,” he breathed, his voice tangled with a mess of melancholy.
I shake my head as my sobs continue to dash out of my mouth and my hands involuntarily start rubbing at the tears cascading down my cheeks.
But then I feel the touch of his benignly crude fingers tilt my chin so that his eyes can meet mine. His eyes, black as night, contrarily exuded a soothing presence, urging trust with their serene and comforting gaze.
“Y/n—I swear it’s ain’t what you think. I’d never cheat on you, dumbass. Promise—she was buggin’ me the whole day and I kept tellin’ her to piss off. I was so ready to punch the hell outta her tell I reminded myself that she’s a woman—I swear. I have never talked to her after that day, y/n. You gotta trust me, because both you ‘nd I know that I’m not the typa person to do that kinda shit,” he exhaled, arms falling down to my waist.
I didn’t know how to react, deep within me, I knew Draken would never do that to me. He’d never do that, so why did I not go and ask him about it instead of pulling the shitty move I did by going around his team members and sparking up unwanted conversations with them, while Draken was watching me. He must have felt awful.
I curse at myself as I bring my head to his solid, toned chest, wrapping my arms around his torso.
“I’m so—so sorry, Ken,” I sniffled.
“I do trust you—I just didn’t know how to react after I saw her arm wrapped around yours—I’m so sorry for trying to get back at you the way I did earlier,” I mumble in a muffled matter as my head is buried into his chest.
“I didn’t know you get easily jealous, babe” a teasing chuckle echoed through Draken’s body as he ruffled my hair.
“Oh, shut it! Of course I’d get jealous over you!”
“Of course I’d get jealous when I like you this much,” I mumble, flustered as heat spread into the apples of my cheek.
And with that, he broke our warm embrace to pull me into a kiss that blazed with the fervor of our shared affection, each touch a spark igniting an inferno of love between us.
“I’m joking, babe. I love you so much” he said while pulling away.
____________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Hii can i request Billy x fem reader x Stu (nothing romantic between boys they only share girlfriend) smut when reader went to party but boys told her not to go so when she got back she thought they were sleeping but they were waiting for her but they wanted to scare her a bit so they called her on phone as Ghostfaces and after that came smut part
Thank you
Oooo I like thissss sorry if it's bad tho(its only my second time writing full on smut-and sorry that it's HELLA long I hate smut with no plot sorry of I went all out I got carried away-
Paring: Billy Loomis, Fem reader, Stu macher
Warning: smut! Choking, knife play, degrading, P n v, unprotected, oral (male receiving),ever so slightly drunk Y/n,slow burn,teasing,slight blood kink????that's all I think-
(This is only my 3rd time writing smut-)
Bad girls don't get rewards
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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
When Billy and Stu came up with their little idea to get revenge on Sidney, thoughts flooded their minds..
Since middle school, Billy and Stu both had a crush on Y/n, I mean who wouldn't? She was pure perfection in their minds..
They both loved how her hair flowed in the wind, how her eyes sparkled when she seen something she liked, and how her hips swayed when she walked in pants or a skirt that she felt confident in.
Their crushes carried over to high school, and soon, they knew that if they didn't at least try to confess, seeing her with her boyfriends or girlfriends would hurt even more.
So one day, late into the summer, Billy told Y/n to meet him at Stus house.
The request wasn't odd to Y/n..the three of them typically hung out together without Tatum, Sidney, and Randy.
So when she came over, she was expecting to see the pile of snacks on the table and the couch prepared for a long movie night, but instead she was greeted at the door by Stu, who seemed nervous, maybe even scared.
She had asked him what was wrong but all he did was tell her to come inside, that him and Billy had to talk to her.
That same night was the night both Billy and Stu had confessed to the girl they had both liked since middle school.
Billy and stu thought that only one of them could have her..because that's how relationships worked...right?
Both guys were shocked when she said that she liked them too, but couldn't just choose one.
After maybe 30 minutes of talking
Y/n ended up dating the both of them.
Ever since Y/n has agreed to date both Stu and Billy, they had both grown rather possessive over Y/n. They didn't like it when other guys talked to her, and it took everything in Stu not to murder every man and women other then Billy that looked at her. in a way he didn't like.
But soon...y/n got tired of it all..and decided to go against what they had said.
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
"Heyyy Billyyyy! Stuuu!" Y/n called out as she walked into Stu house, where they all had started staying.
It took less then a minute before Stu ran down the stairs and engulfed her In a tight hug and starting peppering her face in slobbery kisses. "S..stuuu!" She cried out laughing as he continued his assult on her face.
Billy walked from the kitchen and wacked Stu in the head with a wash cloth "knock it off" he snapped out causing stu to groan, rubbing the back of his head as he let Y/n go "your a dick" Stu whines out.
Y/n giggled as she wipes her face with her sleeve.
Billy walks over and plants a small kiss on her forehead. "Did you get what I asked you to?" Billy asked, cocking an eyebrow up at her.
Y/n nods happily as she hands him a tan plastic grocery bag, filled to the brim with stuff he asked for, and some stuff he didn't.
Y/n had went and bought what Billy asked her too while also picking up thinks he and Stu liked, so maybe, just maybe they'd say yes to her request.
"Billy can I ask you something?" Y/n asked as she followed Billy into the kitchen like a baby duck following their mother. "Hm? What?" He asked not looking back at her as he unpacked the grocery bag. "Can I go to a party tonight?"She asked hesitantly, trying to sound as innocent and persuading as possible.
Billy looked back at her with a look she didn't quite know, a look he had given Stu multiple times when he asked or said something stupid.
"Umm..why would you wanna go to a party?" Billy asked looking away from her again.
"Well...I wanna get out of the house and have fun" she muttered, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.
Billy rolls his eyes slightly "we're gonna have our own little party here....why would you wanna go to a shitty party thrown by shitty people when you have us?"
When Billy said this, y/n knew it practically ment no, that she'd be stuck inside the house with Stu and Billy....again.
Y/n loved the boys but sometimes she wanted to break free.from her cage and run off to have fun without them looming around near-by.
"Yeah..your right I guess" she mutters as she turns on her heels and walked off, joining Stu on the couch as she awaited for the 'party' Billy and Stu had planned....
The night was drug out long as Billy and Stu had their own mini party, but..y/n felt herself longing for the adrenalin of a real party. Being in a house she didn't know, swaying to the music that hurt her ears, drowning her liver in cheap alcohol, then having one of her sober friends drive her home.
"God I'm already fucking tired" Billy muttered as he plopped down on the couch next to Y/n while stu continued to rush around, most likely in a sugar rush from consuming over half of the.candy they had for their 'party'
"Me too" y/n played along as a simple little thought played its way onto her brain. Billy was tired from chasing Stu and dancing with her, meanwhile Stu would soon hit a sugar crash and end up asleep too...and what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them...right? Right.
"Wanna go lay down?" Y/n asked as she moves herself closer to Billy.
"Yes please....hey..Stu! Me and Y/ns gonna go lay down...when ever your done with your little....energy high..you can lay with us too" Billy said as he stood up, and started walking not Even waiting on Y/n.
"I..I'll be there sooooonnnn!" Stu yelled as he gave Y/n a small wink before she walked off, following loosely behind Billy.
Once y/n had made it to hers, his, and Stus shared room, Billy was already laying on his side. "Don't just stand there" he asked, his voice holding a playful yet annoyed tone to it. It was a tone that made Y/n shiver as she kicked off her shoes and laid down beside Billy, who was quick to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her too him, burying his head into the crook of her neck, pressing a tender kiss to the soft flesh that dawned on her neck.
Y/n shuttered at the feeling as she nuzzled herself up to her boyfriend...
An hour passes..
Stu had crawled into the bed 30 minutes ago and Billy was already asleep with his arms wrap around Y/n and his legs intertwined with hers.
Stu had thought that Y/n was asleep when he crawled into the bed, so all he did was gently kiss her temple and wrap his arms around her torso, a few inches above Billy's arms.
But..little did Stu know, y/n was wide awake, waiting till he had drifted off to sleep..which didnt take long...only 7 minutes and 25 seconds.
Y/n glanced back at Stu, confirming he was asleep before she gently peeled his arms off of her body.
Stu didn't hold a tight grip on her, which made moving him the easiest part...but then she was posed with the next task...moving Billy off of her.
Billy always held a tight grip on her, holding her almost flush against his body.
Y/n gently grabbed one of Billy's wrists and tried to pry him off of her without waking him. Everytime Billy moved or moaned in his sleep she would stop and stare at him, hopeing(geeze I can't spell-), praying, that Billy didn't wake..but..his breathing stayed steady, and his eyes remained closed as she lifted his arm from her.
She quickly yet gently shimmed out of the bed, being as quiet and not moving more then she needed to till her feet gently touched the carpeted floor of their bedroom.
She let a gentle sigh leave her parted lips as she quickly redressed herself and slipped on her shoes, not knowing that in the process she had woken up the same man that told her not to go..
Oblivious to the fact that he was awake Y/n quickly yet silently creeped out of the room, trying not to let her feet touch any of the squeaky floor boards that loved to surprise her.
Her breathing was slightly unsteady as she walked down the stairs and to the front door, opening it as slowly as she could, minimizing the amount of noise she made doing so. She opened the door only enough for her to slip out before she closed it behind her...
^^^y/n P.O.V^^^
I lifted the red solo cup up to my lips and let the liquid rush down my open throat. The alcohol stung my throat every so lightly, feeling myself go numb to the feeling the more times i refilled the cup.
My body swayed wildly to the music as I clinged onto my friends shoulder.
I had only been here for 2 hours and I already felt my mind go woozy as the cup stayed pressed to my lips.
"Oh...girly we dont need you drunk...you know how your boyfriends get...we need to get you home" my friend, Bsf/n (bestfriends name) says with a concerned tone intertwined with her voice "n...nooooooooo" I whined out, leaning onto her shoulder as my legs threatened to betray me.
"No..come on" and with that she led me to the front door and straight to her car..
Bsf/n had drove me all the way home before parking and letting me out, watching as I stumbled to the front door and entered carelessly.
I fumbled slightly as I shut the door behind me, giggling softly like a kid who had just gotten away with something.
My droopy eyes servalianced the area as I kicked off my shoes and went to go up stairs...however...the ringing of the small box phone of my counter caught be off gaurd..
I stepped off the first step and walked to the phone, picking it up and pressing it to my ear "hello?"
"Well hello.." a deep yet distorted sounding voice rung out from the other end
"Who's is this?"
"Who is this?"
The voice repeated the words I had said, confusing my woozy mind.
"I..ima hang up..."
"Don't you hang up on me!" The voice yelled, Making me jump, their voice help a eerienss to them that made my drunken body shiver
"Who the hell is this?!" I said, almost demanding a answer..but...the next thing I heard didn't come from the phone...
"Don't be so demanding you bitch" the same distorted voice said, but..it wasn't over the phone
I felt my whole body tremble In fear as I forced myself to turn around, coming face to face with clothed black eyes.
I opened my mouth to scream but the person was quick, pushing me against a wall and covering my mouth with their gloved hand.
I screamed into their hand, desperately trying to get them away from me.
The persons free hand cupped my cheek, stroking it lightly with their thumb.
That's when my eyes wondered,landing on the mask that covered the persons face, it was the same mask featured on the news when Casey Becker and her boyfriend Stevan Orth were killed.
I felt tears swell in my eyes as I squirmed causing the person to press their body flush against mine, keeping me against the wall.
"Just wait till my partner gets here" the person said as they tried to make their voice hold a more seductive tone to it.
As those words left the persons lips a taller, yet skinnyer person walks in, holding a knife in their left hand.
Fear was the only thing I felt as my body trembled violently.
"Awwww why so scared?" The taller person said, a hint of playfulness hidden in the distorted voice.(in my mind the voice changer is taped to the inside of the mask fight me on it)
I stayed quiet as the taller one pressed the knife he had against my cheek gently. Causing my breathing to pick up drastically.
I wanted to scream our, cry for Billy and Stu but I knew the second those cries would leave my lips my head would be detached from my shoulders.
"Mhmmm if only you wouldn't have gone out..." the one with the knife said as they pressed the knife deeper into my cheek, drawing blood.
I whined and sucked air in through my teeth, feeling light droplets of blood trickle down my cheek.
The one without the knife gently lifted the bottom of his mask, exposing the bottom part of his face to me, then it hit me on who these two were.
As the man leaned forwards, pressing his tongue against the small cut on my cheek as he licked up the blood.
"B..billy?" I whined out, whincing at the feeling of hid tongue swiping across the cut.
"Shh..girls that don't listen dont get to talk" Billy muttered as he fully pulled the mask off, letting it fall to the floor with a small thud as he planted soft kisses on my jawline
My eyes dashed over to the other person as they unmasked themselves, revealing themselves to be my other boyfriend...Stuart Macher.
Stu instantly walks over to him, motioning for Billy to move out of his way.
Billy inches over moving his assault of kisses on my jaw, slowly moving himself to my neck.
Once Stu was closer to him, he hooked the knife under the shirt I had worn to the party and started to carelessly pull it up using the knife.
The knife graced over my skin, leaving small cuts along my torso.
"I think this shirt would look better on the floor..what do you think Billy?" "Mhm" Billy agrees as he kisses along my neck, biting and sucking on the tender skin. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to stay still, slight fear bubbling in the pit of my stomach as my eyes trailed down to the knife stu used to lift my shirt, exposing my stomach to them.
Soon, without warning, Stu carelessly used the knife to cut open my shirt, almost fully exposing my upper body to them.
I felt my breathing grow quicker as I started to squirm slightly, but as soon as I moved, stu was quick to reach his hand up and grab my throat. "Aw..heh...Girls that don't listen also dont get to move...at all..." Stus grip around my throat tightened slightly. His actions caused me to gasp for air slightly. "They got to take whatever punishment their lover has planned for them" Billy whispered in my ear as he roughly grabbed my breast.
"What were you thinking going out all alone to a party when I told you not to?" Billy voice sounded harsh but seductive at the same time as Stu loosened his grip of my neck, but when I failed to answer Billy's question, he squeezed my throat again. I let out a string of coughs as I gasped for air, trying desperately to take in a full breath of air.
"You really need to learn to follow orders darling..now..are you ready to answer my question?" Billy gently caressed my cheek as I felt my body grow weak from not being able to breathe due to Stus grip on my neck.
As soon as Stus hand left my neck is started taking in deep greedy gasps of air, tears filling my eyes due to a buring feeling in my air deprived lungs. "I..I wanted out..o..of the house" I managed to choke out
"Aww are we not good enough for you anymore? Are we so annoying to the point you had to leave us?" Stu fake pouts at he gently pressed the knife to my throat
I felt myself tense up despite the fact I knew that they'd never hurt me. "N..no" I let out a one worded answer for stus questions, not daring to move alot due to the knife pointed at my throat.
Before I knew it, I felt a hand creeping up my skirt, gently brushing against my thigh. "Now...your going to listen to every word either me or Stu say....got it?" His voice was harsh but oddly enough it held a gentle tone to it. "G..got it" I felt my body start to tremble from both fear and excitement..
"Walk to the bed room" Billy ordered, his voice loud and demanding as I looked at him. Billy eyes held a look of lust and another look...one that I didn't know but it was one that sent shivers down my spine.
I soon complied with Billy's order. As I walked up the stairs, Stu kept his knife pointed to my back, as if making sure I wouldn't run away.
I soon opened the door to our shared bedroom and walked in.
"Take the rest of your clothes off, well..almost all of your clothes" Stu said, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, he seemed excited for this. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly excited either.
I slowly reached behind myself, unclasping my bra, letting thr staps fall gracefully off my shoulders as I kept my eyes to the floor.
"Eyes on us darling" Those words rolled off of Billy's tongue like honey, this tone of voice almost had me in a trance. Myeyes glide upwards, dashing back and forth between stu and Billy before locking eyes with Billy for a moment and alternating every so often.
I slip my fingers under the waistband of my shorts and pull my shorts off, gently kicking them to the side.
I look at Billy then Stu, both boys eyes wandered over my almost nude body hungrily, their gaze lingering everywhere they could see as if it was their first time seeing me naked.
"Get on the bed" Billy orders and I comply.
I sit on the bed, sitting their looking at them both.
I felt my body shift slightly as my eyes darted from Billy to stu as they started walking towards me. Billy took the knife from Stus hand. I felt the tip of the knife on the bottom of my chin as Billy used the knife to make me look up at his eyes, eyes that were laced with Lust and a hint of Evil.
"Your so pretty when you listen" he whispers with a slight smirk as he brushed his fingers across my jaw.
My eyes peeled away from Billy and went over to Stu, who seemed to grow more and more excited as he eyed me up and down.
My mind felt woozy, both from lust and from the cheap alcohol in my system. I head was throbbing as I listened to their voices.
"Get on all fours for us" Billy says as his rubbed my inner thigh.
I felt my cheeks burn as I shifted and moved till I was on all fours on the bed.
"Such a good little slut" Billy whispered. "Front or back Stu?" Billy asked Stu. "I want the back this time" Stus voice was full of excitement and eagerness as Billy gave the knife back to him as he moved out of sight to go behind me.
I felt his weight drip down on the bed behind me.
Billy moved so he was standing right infront of me, his clothed erection only inches from my face. My mind went blank as Billy's hand went back to my hair, jerking my head back, forcing me to look up at him.
As I looked into Billy's eyes I felt Stus gloves hand groaping at what parts of my ass wasn't covered by my underwear. He wasn't grabbing Me as roughly or as harshly as Billy was, which I was grateful for.
After a good moment I felt Stus slender fingers grip the waist band of my underwear and slowly slip them down.
I squirmed slightly, feeling the cold air hit my lower area's. "Jesus.." I heard stu whisper. I could feel his eyes staring at me. Once my underwear were off Billy let go of my hair, moving both of his hand to the long, yet slightly sparkly robe he had on in order to play the role of 'spooky murder'.
Billy lifted off the robe, and from the sound of fabric hitting the floor carelessly, I could tell Stu had done the same.
Once Billy's robe was off he was left in a simple t-shirt and the short he had worn before I left.
I felt Stus hand wander along my hips, ass and thighs before his fingers gently ran across my pussy, making me whine ever so slightly as Billy moved both of his hands down to his shorts, slipping them off, and letting them fall around his ankles.
Stu started to rub the pads of his fingers across my clit, causing my body to tremble slightly as I tried to push myself closer to his hand, which only made him stop and grab my hips roughly. "Don't move" he said harshly.
I turned my head around to look at Stu, but Billy grabbed my head and turned it back to look at him. "Eyes on me" his voice quieter then Stus. I looked up at Billy as he looked down at me.
Billy's free hand reached back down, finding the waistband of his underwear, pulling them down, freeing his hardened cock from its restraints.
"You know what to do" Billy whispered his hand going back to my hair.
I could barley focus on anything as Stu rubbed hid fingers across my clit, causing my body to shiver with pure pleasure.
I whined ever so slightly as I shifted closer to Billy. His throbbing cock was only an inch away from my lips.
My lips parted and I slowly went and gently licked the head of his cock.
Billy's grip on my hair instantly tightened and stu started to rub my clit faster before stopping again.
The only noise that filled the room other then the sound of a zipper being unzipped was heavy breathing.
As Stu threw his pants and underwear aside, I went back to attempting to please Billy, but before I could even go back to what I was going to do, Billy harshly shoved his cock into my throat, the head of it hitting the back of my throat, causing my mouth to close around his cock as I gaghed slightly.
Billy stroked my hair as he started thrusting himself in and out of my mouth, never once breaking eye contact with me.
After only a second of Billy starting, I felt Stu press himself against my thigh as his hands squeezed at my ass.
My body felt as if it was on fire. Every nerve in me seemed to be lit up as the boys did as they pleased.
Billy pulled at my hair, definitely breaking a few strands as Stu pushed his cock inside of me, stretching me out.
I moaned around Billy cock, causing him to let out a groan as he pushed himself farther into my throat.
I gripped onto the blankets tightly as Billy kept fucking my face while Stu started to thrust into me harshly, causing my body to violently jerk everytime he did.
I was moaning, which seemed to only please the man infront.of me more. The vibrations from my moans causing more stimulation for his cock.
As they continued I felt metal gently run across my back, before gently pushing into my skin, breaking it open.
I let out a whine from both pain and pleasure as i felt the knife leave small cuts along my back and as Stu and Billy both started thrusting harder and faster.
I felt blood trickle down my back and not even seconds later I felt Stu press his tongue against the cut, licking the blood off of my skin. The feeling made goosebumps arise on my skin.
Both boys were panting heavily as they continued.
I felt my body tremble as they continued. Billy was forcing my head down farther onto his cock and Stu was roughly pulling my hips back to meet his.
If sneaking out got me into situations like this..I might would have to sneak out more often.
I felt my stomach tighten slightly as Stus thrusts grew sloppy and lost there rhythm. My body started to tremble slightly and before I knew it, stu had pulled himself out, leaving me feeling empty. And the feeling of my climax faded, causing me to whine from discomfort. "Girls that don't listen dont get what they want" Stu whispered in my ear as he soon went back to finish himself, jerking off till he ended up Cumming on my ass and thighs.
After a bit, Billy pulled himself out of my mouth and did the same as Stu, this time Cumming on my face.
I felt my body trembling, feeling myself get more and more needy, but neither boy dared to touch me again.
"You can move now" Billy says as he pulls up his underwear and shorts and walks to the bathroom.
Stu puts back on his pants and underwear as he looks at him. "Your so pretty like thattt" he said with a giggle as I practically collapsed onto the bed then turned over so I was laying on my stomach, too tired to grab my clothes.
Billy came back after a few seconds with a wet wash cloth and gently cleaned my face and thighs off. "Promise you'll listen next time I say something?" He asked as he finished cleaning me off, he knew I could clean myself but I guess it was one of those nights where he just oddly enough wanted to help me.
"I promise" I whispered my voice sounding scratchy
"Good" Billy says as the threw the wash cloth into the laundry room and he laid down next to me, stu did the same.
Stu gently placed kisses along my jaw line as Billy wrapped his arms around me, pushed my back up against his chest while Stu wrapped his arms around my waist moving close enough to rest his head next to mine.
"I love you" both boys whispered to me
"I love you guys too.."
That was all I could manage to say before I ended up difting off to sleep....
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