#the way bucks yelling at eddie the whole time letting him know hes coming
wannabemylover · 3 months
I'm sorry, but Eddie was shot in broad daylight and thought, "this is it, this is the last moment of my life," and he reached for Buck. He thought he was dying, and all he could do was look at Buck and reach.
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cherthegoddess · 8 months
Request for Evan Buckley, Y/N is a trainee paramedic doing her externship under Hen and Chimney at the 118 before she takes the paramedics exam and Buck is so smitten and has such an obvious crush but Y/N isn’t giving him the time of day and the whole crew finds it hilarious but she eventually agrees to go on a date with him
Thank you so much for this request! I got sick midway through writing it and I am still sick butttt I hope you enjoy!
Evan Buckley x Reader
Warning: This was written with a black reader in mind but anyone can read it!
Word Count: 1.5k+
Join my taglist and rate the story here! (New taglist coming soon)
“Hey Eddie, who’s that?” Buck asks, pointing a finger. He watches Chimney and Hen laugh with a woman Buck has never seen before. Eddie looks up with an eyebrow raised, looking at the direction that Buck is pointing. “Oh, that’s Y/n. She came in yesterday when you were off shift. She’s doing an externship with Hen and Chim before her paramedic exam, I think.” Buck’s eyes have yet to leave Y/n and Eddie notices. Eddie lets out a breathy laugh. “You’re going to burn holes in that girl if you keep staring, Buckley.” When he doesn’t stop, Eddie bumps Buck's shoulder. “She’s beautiful.” Buck gets up to talk to her but groans when the bell begins to ring. Eddie gets up finishing his last bite of food. He taps Buck’s back. “At least you get to see her in action soon.” Eddie rushes off to get his gear on. Buck watches for a minute as Y/n grabs things for the ambulance and then hops in. “Come on Buck!” Cap yells out putting Buck back in reality. He rushes to get ready. 
The scene was cold and bloody with a few missing fingers in between. A few ice skaters had a collision after one of the skaters lost balance. Y/n felt like she was on cloud nine because of how much praise she was receiving from both Hen and Chimney. She had just finished wrapping the second to last person when she saw a guy slipping across the ice. Y/n giggles slightly as he struggles to catch himself. “Hey Hen, Chim? Who’s that?” She asks still looking at the handsome man as he finally stands up straight. They both look up to see who she’s looking at. “That’s Evan Buckley. But everyone calls him Buck.” Hen answers first. Chim looks at the way Y/n is looking at Buck. He bumps Hen’s shoulder as she fixes up the last person for transport. Hen looks up seeing where Y/n’s eyes are. “Oh no. Don’t tell me,” Y/n looks over, worried that something happened with the patient when there’s nothing she’s confused. “We know that look. That’s all.” Y/n is even more confused by Chim’s statement. “You’re making googly eyes kid.” Y/n shakes her head. “I am not! But a separate question, not that I care at all, is he single?” Chim and Hen laugh at her statement as they walk with the gurney, taking their last patient to the ambulance. When they get them settled and have the doors closed, they turn to Y/n. “Y/n we’re going to warn you for both you and Buck. Buck is or was a bit of a player. He’s tried the long-term thing and to put it simply it hasn’t worked out. I know your externship is only for a few months and you’re going to go off to who knows where. I just don’t want either of you getting hurt.” Y/n nods her head in thought, the other two walk forward. Behind her, Buck runs up to her. “Hey.” Y/n looks to her side and notices the handsome firefighter. She smiles slightly and nods her head. “Y/n right? Nice to meet you, I’m Buck.” Buck puts his hand out for her to shake. She accepts his handshake. “Nice to meet you, too, Buck.” Buck grins at the mention of his name, he loves it way it sounds. “Planning to be a paramedic, huh? From what I’m seeing you’re a natural.” Y/n smiles and nods. “Well if you ever wanna talk about the job over coffee…” Buck pauses looking at Y/n for a response. “Maybe some other time,” She smiles and makes her way onto the van with Hen. “Catch you later.” She says with a wave. Buck frowns disappointed, he grins when he remembers she said some other time. 
It had been a month and a half since Y/n started her internship and a few minutes since Buck last flirted with her. Ever since the warning from Hen and Chim, Y/n did her best to ignore Buck’s constant flirting and to try to push down the feelings that she had for him. Everyone found her rejection funny even Cap. There was even a drinking game that the others, each person taking a shot every time Y/n rejected Buck  (besides Cap who played with shots of water). The game was usually cut short because it would happen 5 times in a minute. Y/n couldn’t help but admire Buck’s commitment. Buck grew to like Y/n for more than just her looks over the past weeks. It was her determination to do the job, her kindness to everyone around her, and the empathy she showed, she even had Chris wrapped around her finger, even if Y/n was for sure to say it was the other way around. He watched her and Chris currently at the cookout that Cap was holding. Y/n’s face lit up as soon as he came over to her. Buck had no idea what they were talking about but it had Chris laughing. “She’s really good with him,” Eddie said walking up to Buck. “Yeah she is,” He said without his eyes leaving her form. Suddenly Chris gives his best subtle thumbs up to Buck and Buck returns it. And Y/n definitely misses the exchange but Eddie doesn’t. “Please don’t tell me you’re using my kid for your flirting.” Buck smiles as Eddie groans. “I am not using your kid for my flirting.” Eddie shakes his head. 
“What do you think about my Uncle Buck?” Chris asks randomly. Y/n laughs and pulls the boy closer tickling his sides. “Are you scheming for your Uncle Buck?” Chris laughs. “Maybe.” Y/n tickles a bit more. “Okay! Okay! He bribed me to ask. He said he’d give me 10 bucks!” Y/n releases him with a smile. “You’re supposed to be on my side Chrissy.” Chris looks serious for a moment. “You should go on a date Y/n/n. He’s really nice! And he saves people like you! You have a lot in common!” She gives Chris a small smile. “We’ll see Chris,” Y/n says. Chris gets up quickly and makes his way over to Buck. “Buck! Buck!” Buck picks Chris up by his legs. “What’s up, buddy? Did you complete your mission?” Buck says with a smile. Chris nods his head. “She said ‘We’ll see.” Buck turns his head towards Y/n for confirmation. “We need to talk first,” Y/n says to Buck. “Outside?” Y/n nods her head as he puts Chris down. “Wanna take a walk around the block?” Buck asks and Y/n confirms as Buck grabs his jacket. 
The sun was slowly starting to set when they got outside. There were a few minutes of silence. “So…” They both say at the same time. They laugh. “You go first.” Buck motions. “When I first got here Hen and Chimeny told me something about you.” Buck raises an eyebrow. “What did they tell you?” Y/n looks up at the sky. “Don’t tell them I told you, but they said that you hadn’t had anything serious for a long time and you’re a bit of a player.” Buck wipes a hand over his face groaning. “I’m not really a short-term girl and I didn’t want to try anything if I was going to go to a further station. I wanted to wait to ask you what you were looking for after I got the confirmed assignment.” Buck pauses looking at her. “I guess you got your assignment back?” Y/n nods with a smile, “Cap informed me today that I will be staying with 118. Don’t tell Hen I told you first. I was supposed to tell her.” Buck grins congratulating her. “Thank you, but that means that it’s time for my question. What are you looking for here? I don’t want to be just one of your conquests or something. I like you and I don’t want to get hurt-” Buck cuts her off, “You like me?” Y/n nods sheepishly. “I like you too. And I don’t want something short with you Y/n. The player thing was from a while ago and even then since I met you, I haven’t been with another woman. I can’t even if I wanted to, you’re all that’s on my mind Y/n. I wouldn’t embarrassingly get rejected all the time if I didn’t want something with you.” Buck stands right in front of Y/n now. They’re close, only breathe apart. “You wanna try?” Buck nods, “I wanna try.” Y/n then breaks the gap between them and pushes her lips against his. They fit perfectly against each other. It is slow and sweet like no kiss either has ever had before. They release. “Remind me to give Chris $1,000.” Y/n laughs. “Me too.”
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emilybahu · 5 months
Buck coming out to Maddie:
Just kinda pure chaos, total sibling energy, as it should be, he’s talking about his date with her and about how it went horribly awry…
Maddie immediately assumes that Buck was on a date with a married woman!? Like ok, but WHY THOUGH?
Then Buck says “he left me outside the restaurant”, and Maddie’s like “hold up…back this up a second, let’s go back to the pronoun” because Buck kept leaving out that he was on his first date with a man (Tommy).
Buck being like “yeah, ok I was on a date with a guy, but that’s not the point” HOW IS IT NOT THE POINT EVAN! Then Maddie starts to get why Buck is so worried about lying to Eddie.
Buck bringing up that he’s an ally again and Maddie saying “so now, you’re more than an ally”. Which is exactly what we all yelled at the screen the first time we saw the date scene, because it’s true! (Like come on now Buck! You kissed the guy!)
And of course this moment:
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And I’m sure this had us all laughing our heads off, because no Evan it is not normal straight male behavior to “check out a hot guy’s ass”! 🤣
Sir, are you openly admitting to possibly checking out your best friend’s ass at some point, because I think he definitely counts as a hot guy and he definitely has a cute butt! 🫠🤭
I digress… after the second shock of her morning of learning that Buck had a date with Tommy, (the same Tommy he was complaining about to Maddie only a couple days ago)…
The scene, of course, ends off with Maddie being the wonderful, supportive QUEEN of an older sister she is and tells Buck to tell her everything about the “hot pilot”. l love them so much!
And Buck gets all smiley and shy and adorable because he really likes Tommy! 😊
Buck coming out to Eddie:
Then we have this scene, and I feel like it’s the complete opposite from how he came out to Maddie…
Eddie is over at Buck’s place trying to avoid his girlfriend and his catholic guilt and doesn’t know what to do about it.
Eddie says, that Buck and Tommy got the right idea of just hanging out (guys being dudes), he however, is completely oblivious of the (dudes being gay/bi) part of their plans.
(Please tell me you know what I’m referencing in the red text)
Buck somehow manages (in a much smoother way than how he told Maddie) to tell Eddie that when he ran into them at the restaurant that they were actually on a date!
I think that the first thing Eddie said was “wait, Tommy’s gay?” Like he’s shocked about Tommy, but not Buck?
(I suppose though, it makes sense that Eddie and Tommy didn’t talk about their sexuality when they hung out, like it’s not necessarily something that needs to be brought up purposefully. It shouldn’t matter anyways. If Tommy felt like it would have effected their friendship he probably would have said something…)
Clearly, Eddie’s totally fine with that and goes on to reassure Buck that nothing will change between them. As we can see a few seconds later when Eddie teases Buck a little after hearing he basically got dumped halfway through the date.
And of course that brings us to these wonderful moments:
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Eddie being a supportive KING! We love that for him! And of course Buck and Eddie, the sensitive, vulnerable guys they are now start to have a nice little heart to heart chat about Buck’s feelings for Tommy.
Buck says “I kinda can’t stop thinking about him”and gets all smiley and shy and adorable again because he really likes Tommy! 😊
We get Eddie telling Buck to call Tommy because there’s no way that once Tommy actually gets to know Buck that he won’t love him like the rest of the team! Also talking some sense into himself along the way…
And the hug! It’s my life, it’s my everything!
(other than Buck and Tommy being super adorable and holding hands at the end of the episode, anyway…)
Just this whole scene between Buck and Eddie was so warm and soft and loving… but like this hug was just so beautiful, chefs kiss. The way Eddie turned as he was about to leave and just thought ‘I can’t leave without giving Buck a hug’ I CAN’T!
They love and care about each other so much you can see it in how they look at each other, they’ve been through so much together their friendship is amazing and beautiful and I love it so much!
Who knows what could happen in the future with Buddie… maybe they become romantically involved, maybe they don’t. I don’t care as long as we get more moments like this between them in the future!
The situation they find themselves in at the end of the episode though… well I guess we’ll be waiting until May 2nd to find out what exactly happened there… 🫠
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911is · 1 month
There’s no way you could make me like Any of the main characters parents in 911
Like all of them suck ass, why try redeeming them if they have no redeeming qualities.
Like Maddie and Buck’s parents are insane, not only do you have Buck to only save Daniel; you told your probably 9-12 yr old daughter to never bring him up again, to act like he doesn’t exist..
Then you ignore Buck for all his life and make him feel as if he did something wrong; making him feel like a burden like a loser..
Then you get upset with Maddie when buck finds out about his dead brother that he failed to save. And you’re yelling and crying at him saying he never made your life easy.
And like was he supposed to ? He didn’t ask for any of that and Maddie didn’t either.
You practically abandoned her too because she ‘ran off with Doug’ you literally never gave you daughter a reason to stay or to trust you.
It’s them never thinking about Buck and his feelings and making him feel like a disappointment. Making him think that the only way to ever get their attention as a kid was to put himself in a bunch of dangerous situations.
And to get hurt because that was the only time that they ever showed him that they cared about him.
It was them always putting their feelings about the past first and thinking about their future with Buck.
Then you have CHIMNEYS DAD !! Like let’s talk about this man.
Not only do you neglect your wife and kid- your son who tried to build some—any type of relationship with you. And you just flat out refuse to acknowledge him. Then you guys move out to a different country/state whatever…
You guys stay out there for some years and you’re ready to go back but your isn’t and you’re like you know fuck you and bye ✌🏾
Then while you’re back at home your WIFE ! Your wife falls ill with cancer; and your first thought isn’t hey let me go be there for my wife and kid or anything- it’s like ‘what can I do vibe’ then your wife dies and you move on and have another kid.
You don’t comfort your son during his time of grief or anything, you just move on. Then years later the kid you have with your now current wife; is now moving out to where Your first son stays and you’re like watch him and help him..
You never really apologize or anything, you just move on with your life.
For Eddie I have a whole other post for him
But it’s like for the moment the guy can even think- it’s was Eddie being there for his mom when his dad wasn’t.
It was Eddie at the Age of like 9 stepping up and being the man of the house. It was Eddie being there for his mom and trying to drive the car and get her to the hospital because shes in labor with Sophia, and he was probably did same thing with Adrianna.
It’s Eddie growing up way too early; it’s Eddie having Christopher and both Helena and Ramon are pressing Eddie to marrying Shannon and step up (which Yeah he’s got to take care of his kid) but Eddie and Shannon were literally teens and making them get married at that age just added a whole lot of pressure on them.
Even though Eddie doesn’t regret the marriage or anything; And still it’s Eddie going out to war and then coming back— to stay with his kid and it’s him move miles away from his parents—And it’s them saying ‘you can’t do that you’ve barely been around and he need and your son needs the best’ implying that Eddie isn’t what’s best for his kid ?
And them constantly after that telling eddie in their own way that what he’s doing isn’t enough- that he’s going to bring his kid down and he needs to do right by his kid..
And it’s never about Eddie and it’s never how’s Eddie (their son) doing— and how can they help be there for him or nothing. It’s always about Chris and never him.
-They didn’t comfort him when Shannon died and they definitely didn’t comfort her when she was alive and Eddie was out serving.
And they don’t comfort Eddie with the whole Kim thing either- like I get it Eddie messed up by seeing her and all that; but there this lady was with his whole dead ex wife’s face and he didn’t know what to do but to go talk with because— he’s so clearly hasn’t gotten any closure in her death,but I digress.
So with the whole Kim thing they don’t think to be like oh OUR son is clearly going through something and has been going through something for quite a long time— let’s take this moment and talk with him.. NO ITS
“ how could could you do this around Christopher”
“And what were you thinking”
“ he called us—and we think it’s best for Christopher to come with us”
So Much Much more for all of them
Like it’s not even funny when you out all of this to thought.
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mischiefbuckley · 3 months
see it’s the fact that even despite their rocky beginning, buck grew to be an important person not only to eddie but to christopher as well and the fact that ryan in his latest interview said that, “‘I believe there’s an offer of comfort to Eddie knowing that even though Shannon isn’t there, he has somebody else in his life that he can kind of pass the reins to and say, ‘Hey, I need another perspective. Please help my son out,’” he said. “And Buck always shows up.”’
see I was also thinking earlier of the first time when buck finally learns about christopher. like eddie had started his day prior to the earthquake happening, taking his son to school in the morning and christopher being the adorable he is asks eddie “hey dad, do you think dogs know they’re dogs?” very cute adorable behavior from him and him being so in love and in admiration of his son he listens to him and tells him he loves him as christopher walks away to class. then we get the 118 in the truck heading to help out after the earthquake and eddie is in the truck trying to get ahold of the school to find out if anything happened. buck asks eddie “who you trying to get ahold of?” and that’s when eddie responds with “my son. I’m trying to reach my son.” and buck being buck responds with “whoa, you got a kid?” “and super adorable. I, uh, I love kids.” and eddie responds with like the most heartbreaking thing ever in like only the second episode of knowing him that “I love this one. I’m all he’s got.” little did you know the 6’2 gorgeous blue eyed handsome guy in front of you would be your co-parent to your son and someone that you could rely on for anything and everything regarding you and christopher including yk putting him in your will
while they are getting into the building, buck being buck and his random bits of facts and knowledge goes on to tell eddie “after northridge, FEMA spent $200 million retrofitting every school in the LAUSD. Ceiling tiles, lighting fixtures… Eddie, your kid is in the safest place he can be.” buck already starting that bond with eddie to reassure him that everything is fine and not to panic while they are on the job and eddie being eddie responds with “thought that was a high rise” referencing something Buck had said earlier when they arrived on the scene
and again this is the first time we see buck and eddie team up as friends after the whole tension from the previous episode. this is the first of what would become a normal work dynamic of them always being teamed up together because they do work well together as a team
and in the third episode we see them more of how they work together as a unit and how they fully start to trust each other and we do see other dynamics as well like their silly little banter/worry towards each other as when the elevator shaft is coming towards buck and allie we hear eddie yelling at buck “let’s go buck! move your ass!” and after buck and allie land on the floor where eddie and the man with a spinal injury are that buck says “I told you I liked our chances” again referring back to when buck was the one that had came up with the idea of going down through the elevator shaft
and the buck and eddie show up when chimney and bobby are planning on how to rescue hen and it starts to show the dynamic of how much each member of the 118 cares for one another and their safety and well being and how the 118 has gone from being a firefighter crew to being a family
and as buck and eddie are putting supplies away on the truck before leaving the scene buck’s phone buzzes indicating a message from maddie but buck goes on to tell eddie “hey. service” just giving eddie some peace of mind that he could finally get in contact with his son after the day that they both have had
and the final kicker to this disaster earthquake episode arc is that buck drives eddie to christopher’s school and we see two different perspectives here in the way where we see how much eddie loves and cares for his son and the way that now buck sees eddie in a new light. prior to knowing he had a son or even liking him in the slightest, all he had thought of eddie was that he was someone that was new in the 118 but also someone he was threatened by because he was this new person who had all this knowledge and confidence and buck was ultimately jealous of having another guy around his age around the team because again buck has his own problems with his insecurities and the way he raised growing up in his family dynamic (but that’s for another discussion)
but again just the way that buck stares at eddie while he’s hugging christopher after the day they both have had
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 3 months
Working on the Fourth of July is always an adventure at the 118. Whether that’s a good or bad thing really depends on who you ask.
But when they get the call to a structure fire at an abandoned building with two victims… no one can really say it’s a good thing.
Buck is fidgeting on the way to the scene enough that Eddie nudges his knee as an encouragement to speak what’s on his mind. Buck gives in immediately. “Isn’t it a little early for people to be setting off fireworks?”
“They didn’t specify the cause of the fire,” Bobby replies.
Buck frowns. “But it’s the Fourth of July.”
“It’s also still daylight out,” Hen deadpans.
“And just because it’s the Fourth of July doesn’t mean that all fires are related to the holiday,” Chimney adds, raising his finger. “Remember last year when B shift responded to a house fire caused by a Christmas tree still up during the Fourth of July?”
“It’s what they deserve for leaving up the tree past New Year’s,” Eddie comments flatly.
Buck smiles to himself but can’t help saying, “Don’t let Eddie come over to your house if you do. Unless you want him to take the tree down for you.”
Eddie points his finger at Buck. “Next time, I’ll refuse to come over until it’s gone.” Hen raises an eyebrow at him. Eddie sighs, “Chris would leave up the tree and all the decorations year round if it meant he could get out of cleaning up. Every year he insists on putting up more decorations…”
“And every year, he forgets how much he hates packing them up again,” Buck finishes. “So Eddie gives into the puppy dog eyes until New Year’s Eve.”
Hen laughs. “Denny wishes we gave him that long, but Karen has a strict clean-up schedule two days after Christmas that no one messes with.”
“Athena’s second favorite Christmas activity is putting away all the decorations,” Bobby says with a bright smile.
“And the first?” Chimney asks.
Bobby just smiles. Buck exchanges a look with Eddie. They definitely don’t want to know.
Before anyone can press Bobby for an answer, they begin to approach the scene.
It’s a bit of chaos, but luckily they get things under control while Hen and Chimney tend to the two victims - a blonde girl and a brunette guy - who… very quickly appear to be victims of their own consequences.
As Buck and Eddie are bringing the hose back to the engine they quickly get cut off by the young blonde girl yelling, “Can you get my phone from in there?!” while desperately tugging on Buck’s arm as if she’s begging him to save her cat.
Before Buck can say anything, Athena is at his side, charred phone in hand. “I would say yes, but unfortunately, your phone is going to be placed in evidence.”
“Evidence?” The girl asks. “But we were just doing a TikTok trend!”
“A… what?” Eddie asks.
The girl rolls her eyes. “You know. All these couples are talking about how excited they are to get videos of them kissing with fireworks in the background. And we thought we would beat them to it.”
“By trespassing, setting off fireworks in a building you don’t own, and subsequently committing arson?” Athena asks in disbelief.
The girl shrugs. “It was dark enough inside for the fireworks to show up on camera, and we thought it was tall enough for the fireworks!”
Eddie glances back at the building and frowns. “It’s only two stories tall.”
“Yeah! That's more than tall enough!"
Buck, Eddie, and Athena all stare at her with varying degrees of confusion. Then, Athena shakes her head and leads her away.
Back in the engine, Buck nudges Eddie’s knee. “I was right about the fireworks.”
Eddie rolls his eyes but he can’t wipe the fond smile off his face. “I’ve never gotten that trend.”
“You know about a TikTok trend?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No. Just the whole... kissing and fireworks being compared trend.” Buck frowns at him. Eddie continues, “Like… people saying that when you kiss someone fireworks go off. Or the whole 'kissing feels electric' thing. I mean. Do people really buy into that?”
Buck’s face falls when he realizes Eddie isn’t joking. “You’ve never had a kiss like that?” Eddie shakes his head. “You’ve never had a kiss that set every nerve in your body on fire or a kiss that made you get butterflies in your stomach?”
Eddie laughs. “You watch too many romcoms, Buck.”
Buck scoffs and stares out the window for a few moments wondering what it would be like to never experience that type of rush when kissing someone. Sure. Most kisses don’t feel that way, but those with a build-up and all the long-lasting tension that finally snaps the moment you lay your lips on the other person…
“I’m going to make you experience it,” Buck blurts out.
Eddie laughs in disbelief. “What?”
“I’m going to make you experience the fireworks and butterflies and electricity and all that stuff,” Buck decides. His eyes widen as he realizes his blunder. “I-I mean. With your consent of course. I’m not just going to… lay one on you randomly. That’s… not cool. More than uncool! Like… really uncool.”
Eddie glances out the window and laughs as if that's his way of ending the conversation. But then he shrugs and says, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Buck asks.
“Why not? It’s fun to prove you wrong.”
Buck cocks his head to the side and straightens up in his seat. “And what makes you think I won’t have that effect on you?”
Eddie shrugs. “Well, given your history…”
Buck shoves him lightly before leaning over to whisper, “I’ll have you know that none of them ever complained about a lack of spark.”
“Is that so?” Eddie asks, brows slightly raised. His eyes flicker down to Buck’s lips, and Buck thinks he’s got this in the bag already.
“Why don’t you find out?”
There’s a choking noise then Ravi pleads, “Can you please at least do this out of earshot?”
Hen and Chimney complain the rest of the ride about Ravi ruining their free entertainment, and Buck only feels mildly embarrassed that he forgot there was anyone else around. Mainly, he’s relieved that it didn’t happen quite yet. After all, a build-up was required to get the necessary results.
The next few hours of the shift are - dare they say - slow. They only have to respond to one incident at a firework stand where a nasty fight broke out over some firework that turned out to be illegal in the state of California. Bobby ended up lingering around the scene for longer than needed just to provide Athena with some much-needed emotional support.
As for Buck… he’s trying to be as normal as possible. But after a heated gym session of constant longing stares between him and Eddie that caused Chimney to uncomfortably announce his departure… Buck is feeling that familiar tension. That overwhelming desire to risk every sane thought he’s ever had and instead give in to all his desires.
And yes. They have a bet going on now that Buck is very much going to win. But at what cost to him? Because after this… Buck thinks any other kiss will be ruined for him.
But he thinks it’ll be worth it to feel everything at once. Or maybe he’ll feel nothing and things don’t have to change. Luckily, he’s sure he and Eddie could get through anything - even Buck’s potentially unwanted feelings.
While the sun is still out, they only get a few calls, and Buck is grateful for the breather they get before the sun starts to set.
Only, he can’t really get his breath to even out when he’s taking every moment he can to linger in Eddie’s space for longer than necessary, eyes dipping down to settle on Eddie’s lips. Their - thankfully - uninterrupted lunch is almost unbearable because Eddie chooses to sit next to him. And of course, when Eddie gets some sauce on his lip, Buck can’t hesitate to wipe at it with his thumb. Just to sell the moment, he licks the sauce off his thumb, and he swears Eddie is about to jump him at the table.
But before anything can happen Bobby calmly says, “Please don’t make me do unnecessary paperwork today.” And Buck immediately turns red and focuses back on his food. He’s pretty sure he sees Chimney hand a ten-dollar bill to Hen, but he’s too distracted thinking about the way Eddie’s eyes had darkened.
“Buck,” Eddie says bringing him back to the current moment, hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Buck glances around the now-empty locker area and nods. “Just preparing for tonight.”
“Are you sure this isn’t about the whole kissing thing?” Eddie asks with a small smile. Buck glances at him nervously. “Because we can call the whole thing off if you’re getting uncomfortable. But trust me. Even if you make me feel fireworks or it’s the worst kiss of my life, nothing has to change between us.”
Buck laughs loudly partially in relief. “You really have such little faith in me.”
Eddie shrugs and steps closer to him. “Maybe I’m just wondering what you’re waiting for.”
The air between them shifts and Buck wonders if Eddie can feel the tension between them and that unexplainable electricity. He thinks the way Eddie’s hand shakes as it reaches up to cup Buck’s face is an indication that he does.
Then, the bell goes off and ruins the moment.
Buck’s nose brushes against Eddie’s as they both step away only to find Chimney and Hen watching them through the glass.
“Can’t experience fireworks with them there,” Buck says dryly. Eddie laughs.
During the drive over, Buck notices the sun is starting to set. Luckily it’s only a twelve-hour shift so they only have a few hours before B shift takes over. But he still has a bad feeling.
And he’s right.
The next few hours are filled with call after call of Fourth of July related accidents. Including not one, not two, but three different couples failing to execute the TikTok trend correctly.
During one of the less serious incidents, while Hen is treating a couple with slight burns to their arms, Buck is able to grab Eddie and ask the couple for advice about the best poses for the trend. He tries each on Eddie who rolls his eyes but allows Buck to go as far as hold him in a dip.
When he catches Bobby's eye, Buck has a full speech prepared about how he’s being a professional by taking their victims' minds off the pain and keeping them entertained. He and Eddie are definitely not just engaging in public displays of affection, and Buck definitely isn't getting distracted by Eddie. But Buck doesn’t have to utter a single word because all Bobby does is give him a fond look before lecturing the couple about firework safety.
From there it's nonstop calls. Between a firework thrown in a grill, a Roman candle fight gone wrong, an allergic reaction to red face paint, and a random case of rat poisoning in a batch of brownies, Buck isn’t able to really do much about the whole kiss situation.
Well, the air between him and Eddie is heavy, and every time they have a moment to look at each other, they nearly forget where they are. But there’s no moment where the actual execution of the kiss is possible.
And before Buck knows it, the next shift comes in to relieve them, and everyone is getting changed into the clothes they came in. For once, Buck doesn’t hesitate to check Eddie out as he strips his shirt off, and Eddie takes an unnecessarily long time to put his blue Henley on - not that Buck is complaining.
Then, they’re walking out of the station together, Eddie rushing so he can get back to Chris in time to see some fireworks together.
They get to Buck’s jeep first, and Buck hesitates for a moment. His heart is practically beating out of his chest when he realizes this is the last moment today that he can really go through with things.
Eddie’s staring at him as if he’s thinking the same thing.
So, Buck takes a deep breath and says, “Who said I had to make you feel fireworks today? Maybe I need to build up to it more.”
There’s a slight look of disappointment on Eddie’s face that he quickly masks when he replies, “Yeah, man. No worries at all. Happy Fourth of July.”
“You too, man,” Buck says and climbs into his Jeep without a second thought.
He watches as Eddie walks away from him, fireworks in the distance giving him a perfect silhouette. And Buck realizes more than anything, he wants to feel those fireworks. And he needs to know if Eddie will feel them too.
“Eddie!” Buck yells as he scrambles to get out of his Jeep. “Eddie!” He yells again as he runs to Eddie just before he gets his truck door open.
Eddie drops his bag onto the ground immediately and lifts his hands to cup Buck’s face as Buck crowds him against his truck and kisses him.
There’s that feeling of the tension finally snapping. The fireworks. The electricity. The butterflies. The fire.
But Buck feels something he’s never felt before.
It feels like taking his first breath of air after being stuck in the middle of a fire. Like the first beat of his heart after stopping for three minutes and seventeen seconds. It feels like coming home.
It’s with great hesitation that Buck breaks the kiss, needing to gauge what Eddie is feeling.
Eddie just stares at him for a few moments, expression mixed with so many emotions it's nearly impossible to read. He nods and says, “Yeah, I get it now. Shit. I get it.” Then he’s pulling him in again only to break the kiss to say, “This absolutely changes things between us but in a good way, right?”
“Yes please,” Buck says with a giddy laugh.
Eddie laughs and tries to kiss him again but finds that they can’t properly kiss when they’re smiling so hard.
Later that night, they get a text in their small 118 group chat of a video from Chimney of their kiss illuminated by the fireworks going off behind them with the caption Looks like you guys won this trend.
Eddie begs him not to post it and encourage people to try to replicate it after the day they had. Buck laughs when Bobby sends them a selfie of him and Athena giving them a thumbs up while holding up paperwork. Thanks for putting off the paperwork until tomorrow.
Secretly, Buck and Eddie love the video and want to post it everywhere - with a PSA on firework safety of course. But they ultimately keep it between themselves and the rest of the 118 family because that’ll always be enough for them.
(Ao3 Link woooo)
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Buck & Eddie: Chris has been looking for Dad!Buck since the Tsunami
After 6x11 aired, I always thought the scene from Buck's coma dream with Chris asking Buck to help him find his DAD meant Chris was looking for Buck and I believe I can prove my theory with the scene that happened after the Tsunami.
While writing the next chapter in my multi-chapter fic titled “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”, I realized the scenes from 3x3 and 6x11 illustrated how Chris was in fact looking for Buck both times but Buck didn't understand.
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In 3x3, the woman who had been carrying Christopher around all day after him and Buck got separated asked Eddie, "You're Buck?" to which he replied, "No, I'm his father Eddie." Then she said, "He was looking for Buck" and Eddie looked at Buck and Buck looked at Eddie🙃🤪.
Eddie is Christopher's BIOLOGICAL FATHER! It's a fact that will never change. Eddie called himself Chris' FATHER twice in that episode instead of calling himself Chris' dad. Chris calls Eddie "Dad" all the time, he even yelled "DAD!" when Eddie saw the woman carrying him and Eddie yelled "CHRISTOPHER!" in response. So why didn't Eddie identify himself as his dad instead of as his father? 🧐
Let's proceed.
Reminder at the end of 3x3, after Eddie brought Chris back to the loft, Buck said, "I was supposed to look out for him" and Eddie replied, "And what you think you failed? I've failed that kid more times than I care to count and I'm his FATHER but I love him enough to never stop trying and I know you do too. Buck! There's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you!" He used the word FATHER again instead of saying DAD!
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In 6x11, Buck's coma dream happened more than three and a half years later and Buck still believes his place in Chris' life as his second DAD/PARENT is not real. He said it himself, when Chris asked, "Can you help me find my DAD?" Buck replied, "Sorry but you're not real and I gotta go. I'm always going to feel sorry for that one".
Chris didn't ask Buck to help him find his father (EDDIE), he asked him to help him find his dad (BUCK) 🤪.
Even after the Tsunami, Chris running away to Buck's loft during the pandemic, the shooting, the will reveal, Eddie's breakdown and Chris asking Buck to come back after he was struck by lightning, Buck still didn't get it and he didn't SEE IT!
I stand by the comments I made in a post at the beginning of season 6 (linked here), both Eddie and Chris have been waiting for Buck but he's STILL TOO CONCERNED WITH THE WAY PEOPLE SEE HIM to understand it.
"Dead Bobby" told Buck in his coma dream that he hadn't learned a damn thing if he still cared about the way people see him. Well, he didn't learn anything since he's still trying to get people to like him. He wants Margaret and Phillip to like him the same way he wants all the women he dated to like him. Reminder, ND walked out and when she came back, she said, "I like you" and he said, "I like you too".
WTF was that supposed to be? 🙄
Buck's been trying to get people to like him his whole life and it started with his parents, especially his mother. Full disclosure I don't like TK but in 4x8, she told him "You just can't stand it when someone doesn't like you". She was right and he's doing it again with ND, making the same mistakes by trying to convince her to like him.
In 5x18, he told TK he didn't want to make the same mistakes well, he certainly made the same mistake again for the fourth time with someone else who likes one thing about him but not all of him.
Why didn't the show just let Buck admit he needed time to focus on himself instead of hooking up with another woman who doesn't know him? He'll never SEE the family he's been looking for is right in front of him if the show doesn't stop throwing RANDOM women at him.
It doesn't matter how ANYONE tries to spin his relationship with ND and make it into some big and fantastic romance because the truth is, IT'S NOT A ROMANCE, IT'S TOXIC. She was only interested in his DEATH and that's creepy AF. She was supposed to help him accept his death but instead she came back talking about she liked him which was no different from the way Dr. Wells treated him after he lost Devon in 1x2. They don't have some "Gone with the wind" or "Romeo and Juliet" type of love affair. It wasn't that; it still isn't that and it'll never be that unless the show forces the narrative to make it work.
If the narrative doesn't change, then Buck will suffer through yet another boring AF lackluster relationship with the fourth woman who only wanted to use him for his "Firehose" until she gets bored like the rest of them did. If he was meant to be with any of them, the relationships would have lasted instead of them running for the hills when his life got difficult. TK told him she wanted him in 4x14 which is just like ND saying she liked him in 6x18.
Eddie and Chris love Buck for who he is not for what he can give them but he's still ignoring the family who has been beside him this whole time for two trifling parents who only show him any attention when he's hurt along with all those women who like Buck the firefighter instead of Evan the "Good man".
What's it going to take for him to understand he's part of the Diaz Family and has been for years?
At this point, who knows but HOPEFULLY things will be different in season 7 or it'll be another wash, rinse and repeat season with Buck's love life and Eddie being sidelined until ND gets the boot like TK did in S5 which was EXHAUSTING AF to watch for a whole season!
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lonelychicago · 1 year
buck/eddie | drabble | idk how many words i just wrote this and then here we are.
eddie's been agonizing about telling buck how he feels for weeks, he's been making this speech in his mind and changing it a thousand times. and it's not that he's scared or he's nervous (although he is a bit) bc he knows buck feels the same... he is 90% sure.
okay! fine! maybe 85% sure, whatever.
but! eddie is pretty sure it's mutual. it's just that there's a lot on the line, the risk is so high and everything needs to be perfect.
buck deserves perfect.
so anyway, the point it's been almost a month and he's had so many opportunities but somehow he always chickens out at the last second. the words stay lodged in his throat.
until one night he just blurts it out— they're in the kitchen, because of course they are, their most important moments always seem to happen there nowadays. and buck looks so beautiful, so... out of a dream, straight out of eddie's most secret fantasies. and buck turns around and he smiles at eddie, that lopsided kind of smirk that makes him feel things. what was he supposed to do?
the words come out before he can fully think about what he's doing. one minute they're just best friends, hanging out in the kitchen... and the next, eddie changes them forever.
he says the words and something shifts, something changes and he knows deep down there's not turning back.
they can go from there, right?
but then— buck doesn't react like he thought he would. and listen, in a perfect world buck would feel the same and he would beam at eddie and then he would lean in to kiss him. and yet, eddie would've still accepted buck letting him down gently. it would've hurt, but eddie could've take it.
none of those things happen, though. no.
instead, buck frowns at him and he takes a step back like eddie just physically slapped him in the face.
"what the hell, man?"
and then buck—
buck leaves. he walks away and eddie can only stand there in the middle of his kitchen with a million of questions haunting him and his heart broken to pieces on the floor.
in the thousands of scenarios he pictured in his head of how this would go, it never even crossed his mind that buck would react like this.
he never thought buck would leave him.
and you know what? fuck this, eddie won't let him do this.
by the time he arrives to buck's loft, the jeep is already parked and the man is nowhere in sight.
eddie spent the whole way here working himself up, thinking what he'll say to buck and now he's just so—angry.
and hurt, and sad and a lot of other emotions he doesn't want to unpack right now. so, we're going with angry.
when buck opens the door to his apartment, eddie charges in.
"what the fuck, buck? you can't just leave like that! and not when—"
"not when what, eddie?" buck slams the door closed and turns to him, matching his anger.
his blue eyes are dark, red and puffy around the edges like he's been crying, his hair looks disheveled like he's passed his fingers through it a thousand times and his cheeks are flushed a slight red. his jaw is locked and his shoulders are so tense, his posture is stiff...
buck is pissed.
and eddie doesn't get it.
"what the fuck? why are you mad at me?"
"because!" buck yells. "because you were mean and honestly eddie? it was unnecessary and i never thought—"
"you think my feelings for you are unnecessary?
"stop saying you have feelings for me!"
"but i do! what do you want me to say, buck? i do! i'm so in love with you it hurts, i'm so in love with you that it's a little pathetic sometimes." eddie groans, rubbings his hands over his face and then facing buck head on once again.
the blonde now looks more shocked than anything and he's blanking rapidly. "w-what? no, y-you're lying."
"why would i lie?"
"because it's april's fools and if you're playing some kind of cruel prank on me, i swear to god, eddie—"
horror dawns on him and eddie hates himself a little for not realizing it.
"buck—" he sighs.
"it's come too far, okay, man? ha ha i get it, now just—"
"i'm not pranking you!" eddie cuts him off, stepping closer and closer until their noses almost touch and their breath mix in the small space between them. "i'm not pranking you, okay? this is real. i'm sorry my timing made you think i was pranking you, but i'm not." eddie cups buck's cheek, his thumb ghosting softly over his birthmark above his eye. "i'm not, buck. please."
"you love me?"
"i do."
and then buck it's kissing him, hard and demanding but it quickly turns soft, and careful. exploring.
eddie makes a soft noise at the back of his throat and returns the kiss.
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Eddie has a cold?! That’s it. That’s the prompt! 😆
After the ninth time, Eddie finally gives up. He's insisted Buck to go home ever since he laid eyes on the man - he wasn't even supposed to be there in his day off -, but he won’t budge. Alas, his will power is stronger than Eddie's, so he throws in the towel. "Alright, okay, if you wanna stay, stay."
Buck snorts. "Th-thank you, Eddie, I really needed your permission."
He has to dodge Eddie's weak punches. "You're an asshole" he says, slapping Buck wherever he can find skin. It doesn't do anything, really. He feels like a feather. In the wrong way.
The moment is over soon, when Eddie has to put his feet on the ground and bend over slightly to cough, nearly losing vision. Buck puts a hand on his back, patting him softly. "Are you okay?"
It takes a minute for Eddie to answer, his heavy and erratic breathing worrying his partner. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good."
Buck sighs, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand on his side and handing it to Eddie. The man yanks it, blowing his nose. Nothing but empty air comes out and he groans in desperation. Buck stares with pity. "Let me take care of you, yeah?"
"I'm okay" he says, although it's hard to take him seriously, his voice way too nasal. Buck bites back a sad grin.
"Let me make you soup. It's almost lunch time."
Eddie finally turns around, and Buck pouts. The man's eyes are red and glassy, his nose is peeling, and his mouth is ajar. He clearly can't breathe that well and if he didn't know any better, he'd say he has a fever.
"Oh, c'mon, don't give me that look" Eddie whispers, pushing him off softly.
"What look?"
"Like I'm sick and dying."
Buck frowns. "You are sick, Eddie. You're not dying, though, I wouldn't let you."
"I'm just," he starts, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, "a litte under the weather."
Buck raises his eyebrows, grabbing another tissue without turning around this time, and cleaning Eddie's wrist softly. "Yeah, if the weather was a tornado."
The shorter man slouches, letting his whole body fall back onto the bed. He stares at Buck and licks his lips. "Okay, you can bring me soup."
Buck smiles, getting close to the man to kiss his cheek. Eddie recoils, pulling up the sheet between them. "Stop. Are you crazy? You'll get sick."
"Oh, grow up" he barks, kneeling closer to the man and grabbing both sides of his face before forcefully pulling him in for a peck. "If I get sick you'll return the favor." He kisses him again. And again. "I don't love soup, though."
Eddie acts like he doesn't enjoy it, pushing him off with the little strength he has left - which, again, is practically nothing. "Will you just go be annoying in the kitchen? Where my germs won't reach you?"
Buck rolls his eyes playfully, scooting over to the corner of the bed and standing up. "You're a medic, Eddie, you should know your germs have this house infested. They'll reach me in any and all corners of it."
"All the more reason to leave!" he half yells, his voice cracking. Buck turns around, opening the door, and puts his thumb up to shush him.
"You're impossible, Buckley."
"Just pick a damn movie!"
some mutuals & loves who I think might enjoy this drabble sjdjs @lover-of-mine @eowon @911onabc @eddie---diaz @cowboy-buddie @cowboy-buck @princessfbi @alyxmastershipper @bucksbirthmark @eddiediaztho @disasterbuckdiaz @buckleyobsessed @fortheloveofbuddie @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves (sorry if u didn’t wanna be tagged!! let me know)💗
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sibylsleaves · 2 years
i’ve got the feeling you’re the right thing after all
3k | rated T | read on ao3
“It’s not a big deal,” he says, which obviously Eddie doesn’t buy for a second.
“Not a big deal?” Eddie echoes. “Is that what you’re trying to tell yourself? Have you thought about what it’s going to feel like? What it’s going to do to you, to see them with a kid that shares your genes but isn’t yours?”
“Hen said the same thing,” Buck says into his lap.

“And what does it matter, Eddie?”
or, Buck tells Eddie about his decision. Eddie has some feelings about it.
After Connor and Kameron leave—after their copious hugs and outpourings of gratitude—Buck sits in his silent apartment alone.
It’s a good thing, what he’s doing for them. He knows it is. They were so happy when he agreed.
So what if his stomach twists a little when he thinks about them and the little child that might one day toddle around their new house, with bright blue eyes and unruly curls.
They get to have that. They deserve to have that, even if Buck doesn’t.
The buzz of his phone cuts through the quiet. Buck fumbles to look at the screen, and sees Eddie flash across it.
He answers without thinking. “Eddie!”
“Buck, hey,” Eddie’s voice comes through. Buck feels instantly less jittery. “I just dropped Chris at school. You wanna come over in a bit? Missed you at work yesterday.”
It does something funny to Buck’s insides, the casual way Eddie says Missed you.
“I know Chris would like to see you, too, if you want to stick around for pick-up,” Eddie continues. “He’s been pretty upset about the whole no video games thing, and he could use the company.”
“Yeah, of course,” Buck says. As if he would ever say no to seeing Chris. “I’ll be there in an hour?”
“See you soon,” Eddie replies, his voice so warm it makes Buck not want to hang up, even though he’d be hanging up in order to go see him.
“See you,” Buck echoes, and ends the call.
This is good. This is just what he needs—the perfect distraction from his own thoughts.
Forty-three minutes later, he’s plopping himself down on Eddie’s couch and Eddie’s handing him a mug of coffee.
“So, how is everything with Chris?” Buck asks, before Eddie can say anything.
“Better,” Eddie says, sipping his own coffee. “I think. I caught him playing video games with his friends the other night and we kinda had it out. He called me a jerk.”
“Ouch,” Buck says with a wince.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. He tells Buck about the whole conversation, blow by blow, and then he says, “Do you think I handled it okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” Buck says. “You didn’t yell. You opened up with him, instead of just getting mad. You got to the root of the issue and laid down boundaries. It sounds like you did great. You always do, Eddie.”
“You don’t think grounding him a second week was too harsh?” Eddie asks.
Buck blinks. Eddie asks him to weigh in on parenting stuff all the time, this isn’t anything new, but something about the question catches Buck off-guard.
He’s not Chris’s parent. He doesn’t get a say, not really.
He shrugs. “You’re his dad, Eddie. If you think it’s fair, then it probably is.”
Eddie scrunches his lip a little, like he’s not sure he likes Buck’s answer.
Buck hastens to change the subject, “So, tell me about that dog OD the other day. Kinda mad I missed it, to be honest.”
Eddie’s eyes narrow. “Yeah, too bad you and Hen were busy getting drunk at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You wanna tell me what that was all about?”
His lips are curled in an amused smile, but there’s a crease in his forehead that tells Buck he’s more concerned than he’s letting on.
“Oh, you know, I just went over there to check up on her,” Buck answers easily.
“And wound up doing shots?”
Buck shrugs.
“Okay,” Eddie says, putting his coffee up aside, clearly at the end of some rope Buck hadn’t realized he was climbing. “What is going on with you?”
(keep reading on ao3)
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bucks-little-hop · 5 months
let it burn 1.6k
Buddie Week Day 4 - Eddie calling Buck 'Evan' - falling asleep on each other - "Because I fucking love you!
read on ao3 here
“Because I fucking love you”  Buck shouted at Eddie. The second he processed exactly what came out of his mouth he felt the anger drain out of him. This was somehow always how it was going to go. When things were easy, he could keep his love under wraps. It still spilled out sometimes, but the friendship lines had been blurred long ago. Their casual domesticity had been through enough that Eddie could overlook the love overspill as just their friendship. But now, there was no real going back. It was out there, and Buck would have to deal with the consequences. 
It hadn’t been Buck’s intention to end up in the hospital again. Given the choice however, he would do it all again. He and Eddie had been sent back into the crumbling building for one final sweep. There were reports that there should still have been a family in the building. Neither man knew at the time, but the family wasn’t even in the state at the time of the fire. The two had searched where they could before the orders were given to evacuate. Eddie ran in front, with Buck close behind in. The creaks were ominous in the building. Buck only saw the ceiling starting to cave because he was further back. There wasn’t enough time to do anything. He knew Eddie would be mad at him. It was a risk Buck was willing to take to be sure Eddie was safe.
Buck sped up and shoved Eddie outside the door. He watched for a split second as Eddie stumbled but made it out. His relief was brief, as Buck felt one of the ceiling beams hit the side of his helmet and fall onto his shoulder. He had broken enough bones to know that he definitely broke his collarbone and potentially his shoulder. He considered himself lucky that it was only the end of the beam and he could get himself out. He did know if he hadn’t shoved Eddie, odds were Buck would not have been hit, but Eddie would have. 
It didn’t matter to Buck if he got hurt. What was another broken bone. It was more time off work, probably some grueling physical therapy, a session with a therapist to remind everyone he was fine. Yes, Buck did always calculate the risks, it was just he would rather he get hurt and see all of his friends safe. 
The two made it far enough from the building they could have a second to recover without worrying about the building. They both ripped off their helmet and mask, taking deep breathes. Buck saw the anger brewing behind Eddie’s eyes. He knew Eddie would be mad at him. Eddie almost always was a little mad when he got hurt, especially when it was at the expense of someone else. Safest course of action here was to avoid the confrontation now. He could handle being yelled at once they were off the scene, once he knew for sure Eddie would be safe from the building. He could never explain to Eddie why he did what he did. There was no way to express his feelings on it that were healthy. It was something he should eventually address, but he sometimes just wanted Eddie to hear him out. Let him know that yes, he knew he was important to those around him but it was always just easiest for Buck to be the one getting injured. He could tell Eddie was about to start yelling, but their radios crackled to life.
“Buckley, Diaz. Come in.” Bobby’s voice came through the speaker. 
Before Eddie could even think of saying anything back, Buck made sure to speak first. “We both made it out before it came down Cap. Whole place was empty, so the family must have gotten out a different exit. We’re heading back your way.”
Buck started walking back towards the trucks. They were on the far side of the building, so it wouldn’t be the quickest walk. He did not need to say anything to Eddie, knowing he would be following behind. The dull throbbing on his right side was getting worse. He could have told Bobby over the radio, but it wouldn’t have done any good. Hen and Chim could take care of it when he got back to the ambulance, as long as there weren’t any patients who needed it more. He was pretty sure he could help still. He couldn’t man the hose, but he could be in charge of the water flow. He only needed one arm for that. 
“Buck. Stop. You can’t keep doing this!” Eddie shouted. He still hadn’t started to follow Buck yet. Buck kept walking. He really did not want to have this conversation right now. Based on the heavy footfalls, he didn’t get much of a choice in that. Eddie was suddenly in front of him, blocking his way forward. “We would have made it out fine, you didn’t need to risk yourself to make sure I got out.”
“We both got out fine, we need to get back to Cap to go help with the rest of the fire.” Buck was trying to keep his tone level, but he could tell he probably had a concussion. Between Eddie’s voice and all of the other sounds that came with a structure fire he knew what the pounding in his head meant. He tried to step around Eddie, but the older man moved into his way. “Eddie, we have to get back.”
“No Buck. This is the third time in the last week you’ve done something like this. I can’t keep standing by as you just keep putting yourself in harms way.” Eddie was trying to reason with him, Buck knew that. He just didn’t want to hear it. Not now at least. He could let Eddie be upset once they were back with the team.
“We have a job to do. You can yell at me later.” Buck started to walk around Eddie, but there was suddenly a searing pain in his arm. He stifled down his cry he wanted to let out, but a whimper slipped past his lips. He prayed that Eddie didn’t hear it over the other sounds. However, his luck for the day had run out. 
“Are you injured? Did something catch you? Why didn’t you say anything?” Eddie’s anger turned to worry. He tried to start undoing Buck’s turnout jacket so he could inspect whatever damage it was hiding. 
Buck pushed his hands away. Eddie looked hazy, but it must have been smoke from the fire. “I’m fine Eddie, Cap’s going to send someone to look for us if we spend much longer here and it’s not safe for them.” 
“You always say how you hate when I’m hurt. Why can’t you understand it might be the same for me. Please just let me look.” Eddie was pleading now. 
Buck got it, normally. He knew that Eddie cared. He wanted Buck to be safe. It was one of the many things he loved about Eddie. But he was in pain, and he could feel all the adrenaline crashing completely only making it worse. If he was able to think straight, he would have realized that the concussion was worse than he thought. It was a real miracle Eddie wasn’t picking up on the symptoms. 
“I know it isn’t the same Eddie, and you know it.” Buck spoke through gritted teeth. An wave of nausea came over him. He swallowed the bile down. He couldn’t read the emotions in Eddie’s eyes now. Normally he could. He knew what he was looking at, but his head was fuzzy. It was just outside his grasp. 
“What do you mean it isn’t the same? We’re partners. We look out for each other.” Eddie’s tone was soft. That was a bad sign. It meant he knew something was up. Buck was not going to be able to hide his injury. At this point he didn’t plan on it, but he just wanted to be away from the roaring fire. 
“Because I fucking love you”  Buck shouted at Eddie. Buck’s anger drained out of him, and so did his consciousness. He remembered falling to the ground. He could hear Eddie yelling at him again.
Buck didn’t remember much besides flashes of the ambulance, and the bright white lights of the hospital. When he finally came back to some level of consciousness, he didn’t want to open his eyes. He did slowly crack them open. The lights in his room had been significantly dimmed. He felt floating in the way that indicated he was on the heavy painkillers. He didn’t love being on them, but from what little he remembered it was probably best to not feel whatever was going on with his shoulder. It was in a hard cast that he could feel wrapping around his torso. Must have been a pretty substantial break. 
It was then Buck noticed the figure next to the bed. Eddie’s head was resting right next to his hip on his left. His head was on his left arm, his right resting on Buck’s thigh. There was still soot in his hair, indicating he stayed after the fire. Buck was shocked he hadn’t woken when Buck did. He was usually a light sleeper, especially in the hospital. The edge’s of his thoughts got hazier and hazier, probably because he needed more sleep. He laced his fingers with Eddies before falling back into his slumber. 
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Coffee shop AU, Christmas edition
(AO3 link)
It was Christmas Eve and Robin hated her life. Not because she hated Christmas, no, she actually loved Christmas, but because she had to work during the most festive days of the year. Days, plural. Correct. She had to work through all of Christmas. She really shouldn't have taken that random weekend off with Steve, of course Keith would want to punish them for that; she just hadn't thought he'd be evil enough to make them work all of the fucking Christmas shifts instead. But here she was.
She had been in a terrible mood for the whole day, driving Steve absolutely crazy, but finally, the pointers on the big clock behind the bar started creeping their way towards 10 o'clock and she could start fantasizing about the leftover turkey that would be waiting for her at home.
Steve kept glancing at his watch every ten seconds, and Robin felt sorry for him. It was kind of her fault that he had to work today and miss out on the majority of his first Christmas with his boyfriend, and she hadn't exactly been in a festive mood today.
'You know what, why don't you get out of here already?' she suggested.
He looked up from the coffee machine that he was cleaning, a dishcloth draped over his shoulder and that ridiculous Santa hat they both had to wear as part of their uniform during all of December still on his head.
'We still have twelve minutes and eighteen seconds till closing,' Steve pointed out.
Robin snorted. 'I think I can handle those by myself. I'm serious, don't worry about it. Eddie probably needs you more than I do on this fine Christmas Eve.'
The mere mention of Eddie's name was enough to bring a completely lovestruck smile onto Steve's face.
Robin grabbed the dishcloth from his shoulder and pushed him away from the coffee machine, ready to take over.
That was enough for him to take off his apron and give Robin a hug and a kiss on her hair – she had ditched her own Santa hat hours ago, that thing was way too sweaty and uncomfortable to be wearing all day and Keith wasn't around anyway.
'You're my hero. Love you, Buck. Happy Christmas.'
Despite her bad mood, she couldn't help but smile at him. 'Happy Christmas, dingus.'
He rushed his way out of the door, into the darkness outside.
'Steve, wait!' she called out, just when he was about to close the door behind him. 'Your hat.'
'Oh, fuck, forgot about that.' He took off his hat and tossed it towards Robin – it landed right onto the counter surprisingly gracefully – before he combed his hands through his hair to make it all puffy and gravity-defying again. 'You just saved my life, you know that, right? Eddie would've never let me forget if I showed up at his place with that thing on my head.'
'Tell him merry Christmas from me.'
'Will do.' He saluted at her and closed the door behind him, leaving Robin alone with soft jazzy Christmas music playing through the speakers and eleven minutes left until she could finally lock the door.
She quietly hummed along to the music as she finished cleaning the coffee machine and got the last couple of cups out of the dishwasher.
Five minutes left...
Three more to go...
Just one minute...
 The doorbell chimed. Goddamnit.
'We're closed!' Robin yelled without looking up from the dishwasher.
'Sorry. Just a cup of tea, please,' a clear girl's voice said.
 'You know, I was just getting ready to get out of here, I've been here all day while literally everybody else in this town is getting ready for the most amazing time of the year and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the turkey that's waiting for me at home since noon, and honestly, it's kind of shitty to come in here and bother minimum wage retails workers in the literal last minute of their shift, getting them to work about ten unpaid minutes just because  you  decided at the most inconvenient time ever that you wanted a cup of tea real bad, and usually, I'd do it, and even smile while doing so because that's our store policy, but right now, it's Christmas Eve and I wanna go home because I have to be back here at 8am tomorrow morning,  on Christmas,  so no, no cup of tea for you today, miss. My apologies. Why would you even  want  to get a cup of tea on fucking Christmas Eve all by yourself, do you have nothing better to do?'
It wasn't until then that Robin was finally ready to close the dishwasher and looked up from her work to meet whoever was standing at the counter.
'Oh, shit,' she uttered when she saw the customer: the girl had very clearly just had some kind of nervous breakdown. Her curly hair was all messed up, as if she'd been desperately pulling it, and her big eyes were puffy and as red as the tip of her nose.
'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to you,' she quickly said, quietly cursing herself for being such an idiot.
'No, I'm sorry,' said the customer before Robin could continue rambling apologies or start firing all kinds of impertinent questions at her. 'You're clearly having a shitty Christmas Eve, I don't wanna take up any of your time. It's just... I saw that the lights were still on in here, and I was kind of freezing outside, so I thought... Sorry. I'll leave you to it.'
'No, wait,' said Robin, when the girl was already turning around towards the door. 'Let me get you that tea. Don't worry about it. I'm gonna have to reheat that turkey anyway, so those ten minutes won't make that much of a difference, honestly.'
The girl shot her a hesitant look. 'Are you sure?'
'Yeah, of course. Come on, take a seat, your tea will be right up, it's on the house. What flavor do you want? I'm guessing you could use something calming, how 'bout chamomile?'
'Chamomile sounds good, thanks,' the girl said, taking a seat on one of the stools at the bar. Her voice sounded small and Robin couldn't help but wonder what her story was, but she knew she probably shouldn't pry, no matter how badly she wanted to.
'How long have you been outside for?' she asked, settling for what seemed like an acceptably non-prying question.
'You said you were freezing outside. Have you been, like, walking around, or...?'  Are you homeless?  She didn't look homeless; the woolen coat she was currently disposing onto the stool next to her looked expensive, and underneath it, she was wearing a tight jumper in a dark shade of red, and even though her hair was disheveled, it seemed to be a perm exactly following the latest trend.
'Thanks,' said the girl when Robin handed her her tea, not answering the unfinished question that was still hanging in the air between them.
'Jeez, your hands!' Robin couldn't help but blurt out: her fingers were white as a corpse.
'Yeah.' The girl held her hands over the cup, warming them on the steam that was emerging from the hot water. 'I lost track of time out there.'
Robin shot her a worried look. 'Did you get hypothermia? I could check in the back if we have, like, a blanket or something to get you warmed up?'
'I'm fine, don't worry about it,' the girl said. 'It's nice and warm in here. And the tea helps.'
When looking past the redness around her eyes and the heartbreakingly sad look in them, the girl was actually very pretty, Robin noticed. Her eyes were a dark shade of blue and huge in her fine-featured face. She had a cute nose, even though it was red from the cold outside, and beautifully shaped lips.
'D'you wanna talk about it?' Robin asked.
''Bout what?'
''Bout why you were taking a hike all by yourself on this cold Christmas Eve, showing up here looking like you've been crying for hours...'
The girl wrapped her hands around her cup – her fingers had turned from that deadly pale shade to a burning red – and blew into the steam.
'I take it you're not having a great Christmas, huh?' Robin continued when she didn't get any response from the girl. She should probably stop prying.
The girl grimaced. 'Yeah, you can say that much. I um... We were having this family dinner, with my grandparents and all. I said something I shouldn't have. And even though my parents are generally supportive of me, my grandparents...' She paused to sigh. 'They're from another generation, you know? So they didn't really like what I said when they asked me when I'd finally bring a boyfriend home for Christmas, and my parents didn't exactly back me up like I hoped they would, so I just – I had to get out of there.' New tears were appearing in the girl's eyes, making Robin feel guilty that she even asked about it in the first place.
She drew in a shaky breath before she continued. 'I just want them to – to love me the way I am, you know?'
Robin nodded. Usually, she wasn't great at picking up on subtext and hidden meanings, but when it was about this kind of subject, she was a true master in reading between the lines.
Acting braver than she felt, she stretched out a hand and covered the girl's cold fingers with her own.
The girl looked up from her tea, big blue eyes piercing into Robin's, making her breath catch.
'I know,' Robin said, quietly. 'I know exactly what you mean.'
Suddenly, it felt like too much, too overwhelming; those huge doe eyes gazing up at her, the sensation of her skin against the palm of Robin's hand, the quiet around them, only disturbed by the background Christmas jazz...
Robin took a step back and cleared her throat, then took up a cloth to start wiping the counter, which had already been cleaned, but she needed something to keep her hands busy, to pretend like she had something to do in there other than staring at the beautiful girl in front of her.
'So what are you gonna do?' she asked, when the silence started weighing onto her too heavily.
The girl shrugged, didn't quite meet Robin's eyes. 'Finish my tea,' she said.
'And after that?'
She sighed. 'I don't know. I really don't wanna go back home yet. But they'll probably get worried at some point, and I can hardly stay outside in the cold for another hour, and I don't really feel like crashing any of my friends' family dinners with my gay drama.'
'You could come with me.'
There was a silence, a somewhat aloof look in the girl's eyes.
'I'm sorry,' Robin said immediately. 'We barely know each other, that was weird. It was a terrible idea, forget I said that. Just – you can finish your tea and I'll close off and –'
'No, it's um – it's really sweet that you offered that. I don't wanna impose, though. Your parents...' She didn't finish her sentence, made some kind of undefined gesture with her arms.
'Don't worry 'bout it, they won't mind. There's probably enough leftover turkey for the both of us, anyway. You can use the phone here to call your parents, say that you're staying at a friend's or whatever...'
The girl bit her lip. A cute blush was appearing on her cheeks. 'Would it be okay – would you mind calling them for me? I really don't know what to tell them and I don't wanna get into some huge fight over the phone, you know?'
'Yeah, of course, sure thing.'
The girl dictated the number for Robin to dial, and not long after, she was met with a woman's voice at the other end of the line.
'Hi, um, I’m a friend of –' She turned around to look at the girl sitting on the other side of the bar, realizing she had no idea what her name was.
'Nancy,' the girl whispered.
'Nancy! A friend of Nancy's. Robin. Um, I just wanted to let you know that she's okay and she's with me, so you don't have to worry about her. She won't be coming back for a little while longer, though. Is there anything I can pass on to her?'
Robin heard Nancy's mother sigh into her ear.
'Can you please tell her that we love her very much? And that we try to support her as best as we can, but that her grandparents – it's complicated. We love her, but we love them, too. Can you tell her that, please?'
Robin wanted to make some petty remark about unconditional love, but swallowed her words, thinking it wasn't her place, and instead said that she would deliver the message to Nancy, which she did after she hung up the phone.
'It sucks, doesn't it?' she added. 'They always say that it's complicated, but I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it really doesn't seem that complicated to me. Right?'
'Thanks –' Nancy's eyes flashed downwards for a second, to the button on Robin's apron. '-Robin,' she said with a shy smile around her lips. It was the first time Robin saw her smile, and it looked beautiful on her, revealing a whole maze of tiny soft lines and dimples around her mouth and nose.
Robin cleared her throat, realizing she was staring. 'Come on, time to head home,' she said.
When they got outside, both wrapped in their coats, they were met with an icy night: the wind was stinging in Robin's face and their breaths formed tiny clouds in front of their faces.
Robin glanced down at Nancy's bare hands. 'Don't you have any gloves?'
'I kinda left in a rush,' Nancy answered. 'Is it far to your house?'
'Couple blocks. Here, let me keep you warm.' She held out her hand, which was wrapped in a warm mitten.
The girl opened her mouth as if she wanted to protest, but Robin just took her hand before she could say anything.
'Does this help?'
Another smile lit up Nancy's features. 'Yeah, it helps,' she said, suddenly sounding shy – which made Robin feel shy, too, because now she was holding Nancy's hand and she hadn't really thought this through because she was also bringing her home with her and she didn't even know her but she knew she was into girls and what was she actually doing here, exactly?
But Nancy gently squeezed her hand and that simple touch was enough to pull Robin out of her spiraling thoughts and stop her from losing her mind; she looked down to their linked hands and couldn't help but grin. It felt safe, somehow, and if Nancy hadn't been so sad, it could even have been cozy. Suddenly, the December air around them didn't feel so cold anymore.
'You wanna go home?' Robin asked after they had finished their turkey and chatted with her parents for a while. Her parents were in the kitchen to do some last dishes, leaving Nancy and Robin alone at the table.
'You don't have to,' she quickly added when she saw the look in Nancy's eyes. 'You can stay for as long as you need. Seriously, I don't know how to say this without sounding creepy, but you can totally stay the night – not meant in a creepy way.'
Nancy chuckled. 'Maybe I'd like that, if you truly don't mind. My grandparents are leaving tomorrow morning, and I don't really feel like having another confrontation with them...'
'Yeah, I get that,' Robin mumbled.
And that's how she ended up sharing her bed with Nancy. She couldn't stop herself from shooting a glance over her shoulder when Nancy was getting changed into some borrowed pajamas which were way too big on her. She looked amazingly pretty, her pale skin almost glowing in the dim light, and Robin quickly averted her gaze. She had promised Nancy it would be a non-creepy sleepover and she was planning on keeping that promise.
But when they were in bed together, she could hear Nancy's breathing and feel the warmth she was emitting, and she figured she wouldn't be getting a whole lot of sleep that night.
Her alarm woke Robin up before the sun had properly set. The first thing she noticed were the arms wrapped around her; apparently, Nancy had snuggled up to her back while they were sleeping, and now she was clinging onto her while softly breathing into her ear. Robin's breath caught and she lifted her head to look behind her.
She didn't know if Nancy had already been awake or not, but Robin's movement made her stir and disentangle her limbs from Robin's body. It left Robin feeling empty, like she lost something important, and she turned around completely so that she could face Nancy.
'Merry Christmas,' the girl said to her. It was barely more than a whisper.
She looked more content than last night, as far as Robin could see in the half-dark of the dawn: well-rested, less distressed, with a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.
'Merry Christmas,' Robin murmured back, her voice as hoarse as it was every morning.
She felt Nancy's arm slide around her waist again, and she moved a little bit closer in response, resting their foreheads together, just taking in the peace and quiet of the early Christmas morning. Almost subconsciously, her breathing aligned itself with Nancy's.
'Thank you for everything, Robin,' Nancy whispered into the few inches of space between them.
Her lips fluttered against Robin's, so softly that Robin wondered if it really happened or if she was still caught in a dream.
'Is this okay?' Nancy looked at her attentively, a questioning look in her big blue eyes.
It was real, Robin realized. Nancy was really kissing her. In her bed. While wearing her pajamas. On Christmas morning.
Her heart rate was speeding up, but she knew what she wanted and she wasn't afraid, not as long as Nancy was looking at her like that: she tangled her fingers into Nancy's messy curls and leaned in to kiss her properly.
She supposed it should probably be gross, sharing their first kiss while both of them had morning breath and smelled like sleep, but it wasn't, it really wasn't – it tasted like Nancy, and Nancy was perfect, so this was perfect, too. It was warm and sleepy, getting more heated as seconds passed, and Robin didn't think she would ever get enough of it, of that feeling of Nancy's soft lips against hers, their tastes on each other's tongues, their bodies pressed against each other under the warm covers. She could stay like this forever, and even though she would have to get back to work in less than an hour, she knew that she had still gotten the perfect Christmas.
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dinogoose · 2 years
don’t blame me (love made me crazy)
He’s reckless, impulsive, careless- he can’t help it, it’s who he is. But seeing Eddie here, furious, makes Buck want to be better, he just isn’t sure he’s capable of that.
“God Buck! What about the people who are waiting for you to come home? Your family?” Eddie releases his fists, a defeated sigh escaping his lips.
“What about me?” Eddie whispers, eyes now burning holes into the floor.
(or, buck and eddie argue after the whole bike-car debacle.)
His front door slams shut, the force of it vibrating throughout the whole loft. Buck swears he can feel his teeth buzzing.
He knows it’s Eddie. Of course it is, there’s not many people Buck trusts with a key to his place. And there’s also not many people mad at Buck. Okay fine- this mad at Buck.
Throughout the entire ride back to the station Eddie wouldn’t even look at him, and when their legs brushed, he violently tore his away.
Buck knew he had messed up then.
After they returned, and everyone else had settled, even Bobby, who gave Buck a stern talk about safety protocols (While also telling him he’s never seen someone do something quite so stupid). Eddie didn't.
He brushed Buck off, ignoring his every effort to try and patch things up. He would leave any space Buck was in, not even wanting to see the younger man. It hurt, but Buck knew this was how Eddie got mad. Always letting it boil over, until he inevitably exploded.
While knowing this Buck still made one last venture, at the end of their shift, he had attempted to reach out an olive branch. He invited Eddie over to his place, to talk, to yell. Eddie however said nothing, just storming out. His footsteps are still echoing in Buck’s mind.
Which is why now is a little unexpected.
Buck knew, at some point, Eddie was going to chew him out. God knows he deserves it.
He just thought Eddie needed more time to bubble over. Simmer in his wrath.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Apparently not.
Eddie is standing hovering by the- now shut- front door. Fists clenched at his sides as if he was about to punch someone. Obviously that someone being Buck.
Buck opens his mouth to respond, possibly even throwing himself to the ground and begging for forgiveness. Eddie doesn’t even give him the chance.
“Didn’t you think about anyone else?” He growls out, stepping closer to Buck.
How could Eddie accuse him of that? "Of course I did- that’s all I was doing. Chim was in danger, I had to help him.”
The older man claws at his hair, yanking at the strands in complete frustration.
“Yes, at the expense of yourself. How could you do that?” The question is rhetorical. Eddie knows why Buck did it. Eddie knows he would do it again. Buck answers anyway.
“Eds- Eddie, I couldn’t just stand by and watch. I know it was idiotic- but I just saw an opportunity and took it.” Eddie says nothing. “The bike was right there, and I knew I could find a way to cut the car off. Chimney has a family, people counting on him to come home.” Buck finishes, panting. His nails dig into the palm of his hand, no doubt drawing blood.
He’s reckless, impulsive, careless- he can’t help it, it’s who he is. But seeing Eddie here, furious, makes Buck want to be better, he just isn���t sure he’s capable of that.
“God Buck! What about the people who are waiting for you to come home? Your family?” Eddie releases his fists, a defeated sigh escaping his lips.
“What about me?” Eddie whispers, eyes now burning holes into the floor.
The fight is gone, instead being replaced by heartbreak.
Heartbreak caused by Buck.
Buck rushes forward, taking Eddie’s hands into his own. He waits for a moment, just to see if Eddie will pull back. He doesn’t, his hands remain limp in Bucks.
“Eddie- please look at me.” Buck begs, tightening his hold around the brunette's hands. Eddie keeps his head bowed, not even acknowledging Buck.
He’s still panting, the uneven breaths hitting Buck’s face. His pulse thrums wildly underneath Buck’s fingers.
“Baby,” Buck says, the pet name slipping from his mouth, honey dripping on his tongue. He leans down, attempting to catch Eddie’s gaze. “Please.”
Eddie’s brown eyes meet his.
“I’m sorry. I do have a family to come home to, you and Chris are my family. I’m so sorry if you ever thought I doubted that.” He lets go of Eddie’s hands, reaching up to cup Eddie’s face. “What I did was impulsive, and I can’t promise you I’ll never do it again. But- I can promise you I will always fight to come home to you. To my family. Okay?”
Root-beer eyes burn into his own baby blues. Eddie explores Buck’s face, searching for something. He seemingly finds it when he huffs out a sigh.
Eddie’s hands shake as they reach up to grasp Buck’s wrists, holding them with an unyielding grip.
“You can’t do that. You can’t throw yourself at death every chance you get. There are people- ugh fuck this- I love you! I love you so much I can’t function most days, so seeing you launching yourself into danger, ruins me.” He closes his eyes, tears spilling down his cheeks. Buck swipes them away with his thumbs. Eddie’s face scrunches up, and he makes a move to back away, but Buck keeps hold of him.
“I love you too. More than you’d ever understand. I think you taught me how to be a person, I was nothing before you. And I’m sorry I ever hurt you, that was never my intention. I get tunnel vision whenever people I care about are in danger.” Eddie scoffs, and Buck smiles at him.
“Okay. Fine, whatever, I forgive you.” He says, rolling his eyes. His lashes are still wet, flinging moisture against Buck’s face. Buck knows they have more to talk about, more to argue about, they always will. For now though, he just wants to worship Eddie
He tilts Eddie’s face up, towards him, admiring every little feature. He kisses his eyebrows, his hairline, his nose, his jawline, the little freckle underneath his eye.
He pulls back to just look at this man. This petty, competent, incredible man. Who Buck will love until his dying breath.
“Please just kiss me.” Eddie breathes out.
Who is Buck to deny him anything?
Buck closes the gap between them, two souls uniting at last. The kiss begins tenderly, a barely there press of lips. It doesn’t stay that way long when Eddie begins to press harder, tongue poking out to lick Buck’s bottom lip.
Buck happily gives in, deepening the kiss. The kiss conveys years worth of pining and frustration. Longing looks, lasting stares, never wanting to cross that final boundary.
Eddie breaks away first, a little out of breath. Buck smirks.
“Am I forgiven?” He asks, facetiously. Eddie glares at him, folding his arms over his chest.
“Maybe.” Buck kisses him again. “Yes, you are, I already said you were.” Eddie sounds annoyed, but his soft smile displays how he truly feels. “I’m serious though, if you do that shit again I’ll hit you with my car.”
(more accurately love made him stupid.)
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Tsunami 9-1-1 fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
You're Gonna Be Okay, Kid by abow123456 - Not Rated
The anniversary of the tsunami brings back memories for Buck, who gets some new ink to commemorate it for all the right reasons. It also leads to some long overdue confessions and closure for a group of survivors.
in the middle of a city with a million strangers by zimnokurw - Not Rated
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Buck’s attention once again goes to the brunet Firefighter who saved Kyle. The man seems pissed and worried. He talks with someone on the phone and tries to keep his voice quiet, but he still managed to yell through the whisper.  “¡Por el amor de Dios! My son is out there, somewhere.” he explains through gritted teeth to whoever is on the other side of the phone call. It’s an angry whisper. He runs a hand through his hair, sighing and trying to calm down, before continuing. “And this whole time I thought he was safe.” it’s not really the man’s fault, but Buck can understand his thinking. He gets why the man is so worried, even though he isn’t a father himself, and he unconsciously rubs Chris’ back with his right palm. “I should’ve been looking for him right now.” the Latino raises his voice a bit, most likely not even aware of that, while he emphasizes two last words of his sentence, and his voice wakes Christopher up. or; buck meets a lost boy at the santa monica pier, takes care of him during the tsunami, and then reunites him with his hot-ass latino firefighter dad at the va hospital.
Evan Buckley vs. The Ocean by gardenrose - Not Rated
The day Evan Buckley gets back from deployment, he heads out for a relaxing day at the pier. There, he runs into someone from his past and has to keep both of them and others safe when a devastating tsunami hits. 'He doesn’t waste time, plunging back into the ice cold water and swimming frantically towards where Chris is desperately holding onto a light pole. Buck gets to where he’s about five feet away before he has to stop, the current too strong to keep going. “Let go Chris!” Buck says, and the kid shakes his head frantically. Buck’s heart goes out to him - they’re both fucking terrified and the worst of it isn’t over. “I’ll catch you!” He yells, reaching his arm out to Chris. “Trust me!” Chris squeezes his eyes shut and lets go of the pole.'
Kindness: What Connects Us by FandomLife54 - Rated T
Still off balance, Buck slams his left heel onto the roof, heaving forward to catch the collar of that yellow shirt. And there’s no conscious decision making here. It’s all instinct, and he’s grateful for it. If he’d given his overzealous mind the chance to consider another way, he would have missed his shot. Instead, his arms hurl the boy into the hands of another survivor... And his right foot misses the edge. OR Buck catches Chris before he rolls off the firetruck, and it's him who falls back into the retreating waters of the tsunami. Unconscious and seriously injured, he's unaware that his team has been searching for him, never giving up as the days pass.
come out to the sea, my love by allyasavedtheday - Rated T
“Bobby,” Maddie exclaims. “It’s Buck.” Eddie’s head shoots up, hand immediately going to his own radio. Did something happen? Is it another clot? Did Christopher call 911? Is Buck on the floor bleeding out while his son watches- “He and Christopher were on the pier.” There’s one dizzying moment where Eddie’s vision completely whites out and he loses all control of his limbs but then a strong hand is gripping his arm and he manages to pull himself together enough to focus on Bobby’s face. “Maddie, how do you know that?” Bobby asks and he sounds calm but Eddie can hear the tension hidden in his voice. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening. “A girl with a drone called 911- she sent me the footage and-“ Maddie lets out a hitching breath. “They’re stranded on top of the 136’s ladder truck.” * Tsunami au in which the 118 find out about Buck and Chris being stranded on top of the ladder truck and come to rescue them before they get separated.
So he did. by Maximoff_Wanda - Rated G
Eddie looked up at Bobby and saw the same fear Eddie was feeling reflected in his Captain’s eyes. “What did you just say?” Bobby’s normal composure was slipping, not enough that anyone besides Eddie, Hen, or Chim could see it, but Eddie knew that Bobby was just as nervous as Eddie was. The man from before answered. “Yeah, his name was Buck. He said that the two of them were on the pier when the wave first hit. He uh, he had a weird mark above his left eye, a scar or something. He had a pink shirt on and his kid was wearing a yellow striped shirt, I think?” “The son was named Christopher. Buck had me sit with him while he helped people onto the truck.” Forget the truck bombing. This was the most scared Eddie had ever been. Or: what if Eddie found out earlier that Buck and Christopher were on the pier and Buck was able to find Chris after losing him?
Scratch and Burn by JessicaMDawn - Rated T
Christopher scratches Buck during the tsunami, but the rest of the debris hurts a lot more and Buck thinks nothing of it. The next day, however, Buck experiences a lot of changes that he doesn't know how to handle. Luckily, Eddie is there to help him through it.
Lights Will Guide by SadieYuki - Rated T
When caught in a disaster, sometimes even the smallest thing can happen differently and it changes everything. A what-if fic where Buck is able to reach Christopher right after he falls off the ladder truck and they find themselves in a different situation.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by abow123456 - Rated M
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
i feel like i could die and that'd be ok by InsertUserNameHerePlease - Rated T
He woke up drowning.   It wasn’t the first time and it’d probably not be the last. The sensation of suspension surrounded by water was as familiar as an old friend. ---- Chris didn't fall into the water on the day of the Tsunami but Buck did.
Going Under, But I'm Not Giving Up by Signsofsam - Rated G
Buck is about to answer, about to tell Chris that he intends to always come back, but something in the distance, at the end of the pier, catches his eye.
There’s a wall of water heading their way.
This was supposed to be a nice day.
All Buck wanted was a nice day out with Chris. All he wants now is to get them back to Eddie.
Kindness: What Connects Us by FandomLife54 - Rated T
Still off balance, Buck slams his left heel onto the roof, heaving forward to catch the collar of that yellow shirt. And there’s no conscious decision making here. It’s all instinct, and he’s grateful for it. If he’d given his overzealous mind the chance to consider another way, he would have missed his shot. Instead, his arms hurl the boy into the hands of another survivor... And his right foot misses the edge. OR Buck catches Chris before he rolls off the firetruck, and it's him who falls back into the retreating waters of the tsunami. Unconscious and seriously injured, he's unaware that his team has been searching for him, never giving up as the days pass.
the mortifying ordeal of being known by Polish_Amber - Rated G
The thing was, the 118 was full of gossips.
Eddie had been at the station less than a week before Hen and Chim wrangled details about his “hot young thing” from him (“Buck is only 4 years younger than me, he is not a ‘hot young thing’!” Eddie complained.)
And Bobby was open about his worries for his son’s lack of direction and the secrets he appears to be keeping (“I just wish I could help Evan find the thing that gives him purpose,” Bobby lamented.)
It just made it all the more ridiculous (and horrifying) when Eddie realizes he’s been dating his Captain’s son this whole time (“Defiling his baby,” Chimney cackled, because he clearly wanted Eddie murdered.)
Or, the AU where miscommunication abounds as Eddie seeks advice about his new relationship, Bobby despairs over his adopted son's career prospects and his refusal to talk about it, and Evan Buckley-Nash juggles training at the fire academy, building a family with his new boyfriend, and trying to work out how to tell his overprotective dad that he's already chosen the life he wants, actually.
It takes a goddamn tsunami, of all things, to get the story straight.
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6B/7A theory/hope/wish for the BEST possible solution for this whole sperm donor story line that still gives us Buddie.
I’ve touched on this in a previous post, but I think that something is going to happen to Cameron when she is giving birth and she is going to die, and Connor (who is freaking out already about being a parent), will decide he can’t parent alone. Therefore, he is going to safe haven baby style drop off his son (Buck’s biological son) at the 118 (probably with Ravi) with a note and paperwork that gives Buck full parental rights over the baby.
Now, to add to that. I also am under the impression that Buck’s loft is going to be crushed in an earthquake during 6x18. With Kristen saying the couch is in danger (which I think Eddie will also be in danger during the finale, physical couch can be too), I see an earthquake destroying the loft. Buck is essentially homeless at this point, although Eddie tells him that he can stay with him while he is trying to find another place.  
However, when Buck gets the baby, he goes over to Eddie’s because he’d freaking out (and can’t go to the loft). Sitting on the couch, holding the baby, he’s talking to Eddie about how he is unprepared to be a father. Eddie kneels in front of him, places a hand on his knee and assures him that he is going to be a great father because he already is one, to Chris. He also tells Buck that he doesn’t have to do this alone, and that Buck can move in with him, and they can raise the baby together (like they have already been raising Chris together). Buck tries to insist that he doesn’t need to do that, but Eddie tells him something along the lines of, “Buck, remember when you said I could have your back? This is me doing that.”
So 6B ends with Eddie and Chris making dinner while Buck is rocking the baby on the couch, Buck looking at them with the fondest look on his place, telling the baby that he thinks he finally found his couch. So no confirmed Buddie yet, but we know it's coming.
Flash forward while I throw some 7A speculation in there for you. 7A Buddie opens with the baby screaming, Buck and Eddie are in bed together, groaning about whose turn it is to get the baby. It’s been months of raising the baby and dealing with new parenting. This kid of parenting being new to both of them since Eddie missed most of Chris’s early days due to the army. Chris, from the other rooms yells back “I don’t care who’s turn it is, just one of you get him so I can sleep!” Eddie eventually gets up to get the baby. At the firehouse, both Buck and Eddie come in exhausted, and the team remarks on how the baby is still not sleeping through the night. Remarks about HenRen and Madney, and Bathena about them remembering when their kids were young and not doing that, some other line about them being young and newly married with this too (Bathena (with their first marriages), and maybe HenRen).  
Also in this episode, you have scenes where Eddie and Buck are constantly being pulled around the house to help with the new baby, Chris is getting annoyed each time because it happens while Buck is helping him with science project, or Eddie is playing a game with him while Buck is cooking dinner, etc. Either way, Chris is growing resentful at the baby and making comments about it throughout the episode. At first Buddie thinks that it’s just Chris being a teenager, but at some point in the episode, Chris snaps completely telling him how he hates the new baby because Buck and Eddie don’t have time for him anymore. “Buck moving in was supposed to be the greatest news ever. But all It is *baby name* this and *baby name* that! You’re both so focused on the baby that neither of you have time for me anymore!” Then we get Buddifer family chat where Buck and Eddie talk to Chris about the new baby and apologize for letting the stress of the new baby get to them, and how they never meant to make Chris feel like they don’t have time for him, or possibly are replacing him.
Also, with some season 7A speculation about Buddie. If it follows this story line, we also have the team significantly making comments about how Buddie is living together, raising two kids together, but aren’t married. “You’re living together, sharing a bed, parenting not one but two kids together, and you’re not in a relationship? I mean come on; you’re married in every way except legally!” This becomes a huge set of comments throughout 7A and by the midseason finale I think we get Buddie actually talking about it and then we get the love confession, and possibly a shotgun courthouse wedding that we probably only know about because Buddie waltzes in to the kitchen at the firehouse and drops off HR paperwork in Bobby’s lap before getting their own breakfast off the island. Then of course, we have a bet reveal where Hen wins, because logically who else is gonna win it? If there is no wedding, then at least we get happy Buddie for 7B.
There. Done.
I’m thinking about making a fic of this because while I love this and want this, I am not delusional and know this will likely never happen. Anyone interested if I can actually get the words from my brain to the word document?
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bekkachaos · 2 years
Hi Bub! Can I please request 39. "isn't this illegal?" for Buddie if it inspires anything xx 😘
Thanks Meegs 😘 here you go!
isn't this illegal?
Eddie stood with his arms folded as he looked up at Buck who was at the top of a ladder, breaking into the power box in Eddie's street.
"Isn't this illegal?" he asked as Buck squinted at the wires for a minute. "Come on, Buck, get down."
Buck had been hanging up lights for the holidays with Christopher, meaning Chris was the artistic director and Buck was the muscle. Eddie had been watching them all afternoon from inside, waving at Chris who stood on the lawn pointing and yelling out instructions like "higher!" and "no, more left!" while Buck shuffled the ladder around.
As Buck passed the window the two looked at one another through the thick glass, Buck beaming through at Eddie, those sparkling blue eyes shining as he reached up and hung the string of lights.
God, Eddie loved him. He loved the impossible hold that Christopher had over him, how he could ask anything and Buck was already two steps into it, how he would do anything to make Chris smile. He loved all of the useless facts he had been spouting about every holiday so far, how they would come out at random times like halfway through dinner or as they were climbing into bed.
He loved the way his bed was always warm now with Buck between the sheets, how Buck would lift the covers up so Eddie could scoot closer and let them fall back over them once he could slip his arm around Eddie's waist. He loved how Buck's lips felt against the spot just below his ear as he nuzzled into him, he loved how he could never tell when that gentle kiss would turn into snoring in his ear or his teeth against his earlobe and fingers slipping beneath the band of his boxers.
It was like he found a new reason to smile every day with Buck, though he did wish the current predicament were a little different.
"Evan!" he hissed up at him, smiling at the little 'humph' sound that Buck made at the sound of his name coming from Eddie's lips.
continue on AO3, or
"Relax!" he said, looking down with a grin. "I've done this before for the kids in the neighbourhood back when I lived in that share house. Plus I'm a firefighter, I know what I'm doing up here. You just change the connections a little and it'll stop tripping out the lights on the house."
"Or," Eddie offered with a shrug. "We just go out and buy a better adapter tomorrow so that we can accommodate the insane amount of lights that you and Christopher put up today. I mean seriously Buck we're going to be inside, we won't even see them. Do we really need that many?"
"Maybe you should have been the Grinch for Halloween," Buck teased.
"Maybe you should know when to say no to a twelve year old."
Buck looked down at Eddie like he was going to argue back with him, but eventually just settled for a shake of his head and a resounding 'nope' that had Eddie putting his head in one of his hands.
There was a soft sparking sound that came from the box and Eddie's gaze was suddenly more nervous.
"Buck, seriously, we can go to the hardware store and grab something to fix this in the morning," he said. "Would you get out of there before you-"
There was a loud zap and Eddie saw the sparks this time, Buck pulling his hands back with a yelp, and slowly they heard the sound of the power in the lines fizzle out, and the houses around them, including their own, and the streetlights up the whole block, went dark.
"Yeah, you really know what you're doing up there," Eddie shook his head.
"Dad!" Christopher's voice echoed from somewhere in the house as Buck looked into the box with confusion, as if he was trying to figure out where he went wrong.
"I'm coming buddy," he called back. "Down. Now."
He pointed to the ground before turning back to the house and Buck rolled his eyes as he climbed down the ladder, quickly pulling it away and stashing it by the side of the house as he followed him.
It wasn't much later when a police squad car showed up by the breaker, Athena getting out slowly and looking up at it. The door was still slightly open, Buck having not quite closed it before getting down.
"Hey Athena," Eddie said as he walked out of the dark house, now illuminated by the few candles they owned.
"Eddie," she said, looking over at him before back up at the box. "Looks like there might have been someone tampering with the electricity, you noticed any suspicious behaviour?"
He has his arms folded, giving her a shrug in reply.
"Not that I've seen," he said, and her eyebrow shot up high with suspicion.
"Uh huh," she said dryly. "And where would Buck be tonight?"
"Right here," he said, walking out to stand next to Eddie, slipping an arm around his shoulder. "Must just be an outage."
Eddie hoped his face wasn't giving them away, though Athena didn't seem to believe them regardless given the way she was narrowing her eyes at Buck.
"And that ladder over there, what's that for?" she asked.
Buck took a moment to reply, and this time Eddie knew his face was dobbing them in because Buck didn't even have to lie and he still hesitated.
"Christmas lights," he said finally. "Me and Chris and been working on it all day."
He was giving her a forced grin and for a moment they were stuck in a stand off, just staring at one another.
That's when Eddie knew she had him.
"Show me the tips of your fingers," she said and Buck sucked in a breath.
"I..." he said, taking both hands and holding them behind his back. "No."
She sighed, shaking her head with exasperation.
"Just when I think you can't find any new Buck things to do, you surprise me," she said, turning to Eddie with a stern glare. "And you..."
"Hold on a minute, I'm just an innocent bystander here," he said, putting his hands up defensively.
"You're supposed to be discouraging the bad behaviour, not enabling it," she said.
"You know as well as I do that he doesn't discourage easily," Eddie said, and Athena gave him a shrug, nodding in agreement.
"I'm standing right here guys," Buck grumbled.
"Good, and stay there," Athena said. "Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground so we can get this power back on."
She gave Buck a look, but it was mostly amusement hidden behind a fond smile as she wished them goodnight. Eddie jabbed Buck in the ribs with his finger and gestured back into the house.
"Minor setback," Buck said as Eddie closed the front door behind them.
"Oh no," Eddie shook his head. "I'm putting my foot down. No more playing around with the electricity. Tomorrow we're going to the hardware store."
"Oh you're putting your foot down, huh?" Buck teased, slipping his hands around Eddie's waist and pulling his hips into him.
"It's down," Eddie replied, rubbing Bucks biceps slowly with the palms of his hands.
"You know you're hot when you get bossy," he grinned, leaning in to catch Eddie's lips between his own, tongue licking at the underside of his top lip.
Eddie hummed appreciatively, letting Buck's tongue explore further as he was backed up slowly against the door.
"Buck!" Chris called from the other room, and Eddie felt bucks lips spread into a smile.
"You Diaz's are super needy," he grinned. "Pick this up later?"
He left a soft peck on Eddie's lips as he started pulling away, Eddie reluctantly letting him.
"If you don't electrocute yourself again before then," Eddie said, making Buck grin as he turned to head into the living room.
"Need electricity for that," he smirked. "I'm coming Chris!"
"Smart ass," Eddie grumbled.
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