#the way Chilli tackles him
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ifwebefriends · 11 months ago
I am not the same person I was before seeing this scene in particular (Major Spoilers for The Sign!!!!!!)
[Video ID. A clip from the Bluey episode “The Sign,” Lazarus Drug by Megan Washington is playing which drowns out all other sounds and dialogue. Bandit looks sad as he’s about to open the drivers side door to the family car. Chilli is in the front passenger seat also looking sad. She looks at Bandit just as gets a call on his smartphone and silently excuses himself to take it. The phone conversation starts as Bandit walks around to the other side of the car from the front. He continues to the sidewalk a few yards away from the car. Chilli looks at Bandit right before the phone call ends and Bandit puts down his phone with a surprised look on his face. He slowly walks to the large “For Sale” sign in the front yard before ripping off the big yellow “Sold” sticker, which confuses Chilli and gets the attention of Bluey and Bingo in the car, Bingo with a raised brow looking confused. Then Bandit turns to look at his family in the car, contemplates for a moment, then dons a determined expression. He then turns back to look up at the “For Sale” sign with clenched fists as we see the sign tower over him, casting a shadow. After a moment, he looks level at the sign and then fiercely grabs the sides of it as Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo look on in shock. He starts to gradually pull it out of the ground with all his might with clenched teeth, a furrowed brow, and a slightly quivering lip. After he finally gets it out, Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo stare at him, eyebrows raised and mouths agape. As the lyric “as I start to break into a billion pieces” plays, Bandit looks backwards, turns a bit, hobbles backwards a bit, and then throws the sign into the middle of the cul-de-sac with what seems like a yell, looking down angrily at it. Zoomed in, Bandit pants for a moment before Chilli tackles him to the ground when the word “shatter” is sung in the song. From an aerial view, Chilli and Bandit are on the ground and Chilli seems to be crying into Bandit’s neck while he grins, putting a hand on her arm. End ID]
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hollandsfavbabe · 5 months ago
Heart Over Hooves
pairing: tyler owens x reader
synopsis: in which you and tyler recount to the wranglers how exactly you began dating at a local rodeo in your home state
warnings: established relationship, cliche mean girl, cowboy charm, slight enemies to lovers
word count: 6.8k
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I just saw Twisters in 4dx and I know I'm late to the trend, but I have finally joined the Glenissance!! Please send me all of your Tyler Owens requests, I literally can't stop thinking about him. Here I present to you the fruits of a sleepless night. I hope it's decent!
The Oklahoma air was unusually chilly for a summer night as you felt a light breeze brush against the skin of your bare arms, raising rigid bumps in its wake along any part of you that wasn’t concealed by your tank top and denim jeans. But it didn’t matter how much of your body was covered; in all honesty, you could’ve been in your favorite bathing suit. The cool air was no match for the warmth of the toned arms of your husband that wrapped around you, keeping you glued tightly to his lap so that he too wouldn’t fall victim to the cold. Your cowboy, Tyler Owens, could never inhabit his own chair alone so long as you were around.
“You doing okay, baby?” he whispered into the cusp of your ear as the heat from his breath spread all the way down to your neck. Though a cluster of goosebumps had sprung from a patch of exposed skin on your forearm, it wasn’t long before the discomfort was extinguished by the gentle caress of Tyler’s wandering hand and he leisurely traced the length of your arm in an attempt to keep you content within his embrace.
“I’m just fine, thanks.” you smiled, though the summoned words weren’t nearly as effective at communicating your gratitude for him as your attempt to snuggle closer to him despite the fact that it wasn’t physically possible. Tyler got your message all the same, the clear sign that you couldn’t imagine a place on Earth that would fill you with an equitable amount of enjoyment.
Though you couldn’t see his face, you could picture Tyler’s grin more clearly than the speckled tile bottom of a shallow pool before his lips met your hairline to place a soft kiss near on your temple.
“Alright lovebirds.” Lily stated abruptly, interrupting your moment of intimacy as you were suddenly reminded that you and Tyler were not the only two people gathered around the dim glow of the small bonfire.
It had been a long day of chasing storms for all of you. In Tyler’s case, he had been the leading man in three Wrangler live streams that day as EF1s and EF2s sprouted from the clouds like flowers in the spring. His team had worked just as hard, aiding in each chase and keeping all channel content at its peak. While there were occasions when you enjoyed joining Tyler in his pick up as a special guest, the reason for your exhaustion was not quite as intense as chasing after tornados, though the role you assumed was equally as vital.
Lacking in Tyler’s lust for natural disasters that was very much necessary in order to tackle twisters head on, you became the team’s marketing expert instead. While it was considered more of a bench seat compared to the other Wranglers duties, you had proven yourself to be most useful during the recovery process once the storms had vanished in something you liked to call the ‘After Effect’. Backed by your wit and Bachelor’s degree in psychology, you maintained the channel’s engagement levels and ensured that there was more international visibility for your cause as well. The numbers added up overtime and you were proud to boast that you had managed to raise thousands of dollars from online donors that went entirely towards helping the people of Oklahoma rebuild their destroyed homes.
Such a busy day had left all of you much too tired to make it to the nearest motel that was more than a couple hours away and instead you resorted to gathering around a bonfire in the dirt ridden clearing of a wheat field. It wasn’t ideal, but you were all more than used to camping together after years of being as close as a family.
Traditions had formed after countless nights just the same. Tyler always placed his chair directly beside yours as it was never long before you gave in to sharing with him. The other Wrangler’s sat further away from each other scattered around the fire, but always in the same arrangement. The seat next to your discarded one was occupied by Dani, with the next supporting Dexter, and the one after belonging to Lily who was eagerly leaning towards you as she brought her can of beer back to her lips. Boone completed your inverted circle as he planted his chair dangerously close to the fire in between Lily and your husband who doubled as his longtime best friend.
Usually your group consisted of only the six of you, but tonight you welcomed an extra guest into camp. Ben, a British investigative journalist, had been traveling with your crew for months now and though he preferred to linger behind as an outlier, you could tell from the way he sunk into his seat that he had grown to be very comfortable with you all. You weren’t sure if he would ever leave at this point, but none of you minded his extended stay.
“Something wrong?” you asked Lily, lifting your head to gaze at her as the flames seemed to lick at the sides of her face from your perspective. You worried the team had grown tired of Tyler’s need to share his seat with you (as well as your reluctance to turn him down), but of course no one paid any attention to your couplish antics.
“I just can’t go on one more minute without knowing the story,” she explained.
“Story?” Tyler repeated, sharing your befuddlement.
“What story?” you asked.
“Your story,” Dani clarified, pointing to the foreign man that had settled just behind her outside of the circular formation. “Ben here wants it for his tornado piece.”
“It’s just intriguing,” Ben reiterated, his stumbling British accent a stark contrast from the southern you were so used to. He cleared his throat before continuing, eyeing you and your husband. “Everyone else here met while you were forming your chasing team. Everyone except you two.”
“And me!” Boone shouted, raising the hand that wasn’t occupied by his second beer of the night. “I knew Tyler before any of you.”
“Easy Boone, no one’s forgotten.” Tyler laughed, not bothering to point out the inaccuracies in his best friend’s claim. While Boone had befriended Tyler decades before you’d shown any interest in him, the three of you all grew up together in the same tiny Arkansas town.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to your paper.” you pointed out as Ben had made it clear that he wanted to write only about Oklahoman tornados and the recent uprise in storm chasing tourism that was a direct result of your husband’s online presence.
“It isn’t,” Ben admitted. “But it would be helpful for context. Just so my readers can better understand your dynamic. It frames how your team operates.”
“And I’ve always been dying to know!” Lily added with such enthusiasm you would’ve guessed a tornado had suddenly formed right behind you.
You sat up from your nestled position on Tyler’s lap to look back at him, delighted as you discovered an expression matching the one upon your own face: a knowing smile. He was more than happy to share how the two of you ended up together. All he needed was a signal of your approval, one you gave him with the loving squeeze of your hand against the taunt muscle of his bicep. 
“Alright,” you agreed, turning your head to face the group once more. “But I get to tell it.”
“Fine by me.” Tyler nodded to your condition.
“With help from me at least!” Boone interjected to which you sent him a playful glare.
“You best not.” you threatened as Boone broke out in laughter beside you.
“Fine,” he grinned. “Woo, y’all are in for a real treat!” he hollered, already very well versed in the tale as he was there to witness its unfolding.
“Just start already.” Dexter demanded as he spoke for the rest of the group. Even with the whole night ahead of you, there was no time to waste.
You thought back to the moment at once, recalling the fateful day as if it had only happened just yesterday rather than several years ago. You sighed happily at the memory, collecting your thoughts enough to be able to share it justly.
“It all started in our hometown,” you began setting the scene as you rose from your husband’s lap, standing beside the fire so that everyone could see you. “Y’all know that Tyler and I grew up together, but we had what you might call a rocky start. He liked to bull ride and I was too busy caring for my horses to pay any attention to him. I used to barrel race back then and I got so into it that it was all I ever thought about. It wasn’t until much later that we finally got together, during the biggest rodeo in all of Arkansas…”
“Whoa, Cyclone!” you shouted to your horse as you yanked back on his worn leather reins. Your mighty steed, a chestnut brown stallion that had been racing at his fastest gallop, halted at your command just in front of the last yellow barrel. Dirt flew from the power of his mighty hooves and at once he neighed in protest to the sudden loss of speed. He was just as bothered as you were when the sound of nasally cackling came from outside of the practice corral, your head turning in sync with your horse towards the disturbance even though you already knew who it was.
Propped atop her luxury racing horse and adorned in a custom made, spotless, metallic pink riding outfit was your arch nemesis, Addisyn Claire, with a wicked smirk so evil it could wilt rose petals and an ugly laugh that echoed even out to the hills that surrounded the rodeo set up.
“Looking rusty out there!” she called out to you.
You scoffed at the remark, narrowing your eyes at the girl before clicking Cyclone towards her.
“I’d rather look rusty than like I skinned a pageant girl for my clothes.” you nodded at her sparkling get up though really you wished you had enough money to buy new clothes for every competition. At least you didn’t waste so much money on something so needlessly tacky.
You and Addisyn had been in competition since you were old enough to stay on a saddle, your hatred for her bubbling at just eight years old from the first moment you had suffered at the hands of her ego. It only got worse as the years ticked by as she transformed from a bratty little girl into the spoiled bitch she was today and now as a young adult, you weren’t sure how much more of her classic mean girl attitude you could take. It just wasn’t fair. She had the money and the privilege to buy her way into winning most of your past races with horses just as prissy as she was. But even so, you hoped that this year everything would be different.
You had happened across Cyclone by complete accident during a storm that eventually became his namesake. After saving him, you’d searched endlessly for his owner, but as luck would have it, he remained unclaimed.
Your family joked that it was almost as if he had been gifted to you, pushed into your life by a deadly storm so soon after the tragic passing of the horse you had grown up riding. You didn’t plan on riding him, not after all he had been through, but after his minor injuries and habit of being spooked by the very non-threatening barn latch had cleared, you discovered that you didn’t really have a choice. He was the sweetest horse you’d ever cared for, never ornery and always affectionate. It was curiosity that finally convinced you to saddle him up for a morning ride.
Much to your delight, Cyclone was a natural at taking commands and so morning rides turned into teaching him how to barrel race. He was quick for a stray, so much so that you were sure he was the fastest horse in the whole state. But of course with such a gift, he had the only stipulation that prevented you from beating Addisyn in so many previous races where her professionally trained horses always stole the blue ribbon. He struggled with each turn.
It wasn’t entirely his fault, such a feat was hard for the average horse to pull off. With Cyclone’s super-speed, it became damn near impossible. Regardless of the facts, you trained every chance you got and without fail, your horse was forced to slow to a losing time in order to make the tight turns.
”If I had known it was gonna be so easy to win, I wouldn’t have bothered training this one at all. You can’t even make it to the last barrel.” laughed Addisyn as she flipped a handful of long blonde curls behind her shoulder.
“That’s funny coming from a gal who doesn’t even know how to use a coat brush.” you shot back. Cyclone snorted and tucked his head down as if he had understood your come back.
“Mark my words,” she snarled with gritted teeth. “You’re going to regret speaking to me that way. There’s a lot more on the line today than some flimsy ribbon.”
You hated that she was right. Not only did the winner of each rodeo event get massive bragging rights, but the first place spot came accompanied with a large sum of money this year. While Addisyn had enough cash to fill the colossal space inside her skull a million times over, you weren't as fortunate living off a small farming family’s wage. After a long two years out of high school, you finally had the longing to continue your education, but even admission into the local state college came with a tuition that was too big for you to pay all on your own. You needed the prize money to cover the rest.
You bent over to stroke the white stripe that covered Cyclone’s nuzzle, attempting to calm him knowing that he could feel the animosity steaming from the blonde. “Don’t listen to her,” you whispered. “You’re gonna do just fine.”
“Petting your horse ain’t gonna make it any better.” Addisyn smirked.
“And talking at me ain’t gonna make you any smarter, but you’re still trying.”
Addisyn huffed as she took hold of her own pristine white horse's reins, kicking it hard in the side until it was facing the direction of the rodeo arena.
“Whatever,” she spat, tossing her perfectly styled hair in retort. “You know you’re not going to win.”
Your steel glare faded as she trotted away, resting in a hopeless frown as you realized how right she was. You hopped off your horse and led him to the edge of one of the wooden fences to tie his reins to. “I know.” you mumbled sadly.
“Hey, stranger,” sounded a deep voice from beside you, in fact it was the same voice that had plagued you since your first acquaintance long ago. “What’s with the frown?”
You turned to face him, the only person you'd ever avoided at the rodeo besides Addisyn. The cockiest bull rider to walk on Arkansas dirt, Tyler Owens. And while the hatred you felt around Addisyn didn’t bubble through your veins around Tyler, you considered him just as annoying. The worst part about him: he never could leave you alone.
“Don’t you have anywhere else to be?” you asked, commenting on the impending closeness of his event as you guided Cyclone’s head to the nearest water trough that was only a few inches from Tyler. He shrugged as he answered.
“My event’s not for another hour,” he paused to check the time on his nonexistent watch, something cowboys never wore for fear that it would break under the pressure of the thousand pound beasts they endured riding. “I wanted to stop by and say hello.”
“I hope you don’t mean to me.”
“Of course not. I meant your horse,” Tyler grinned as his hands tickled beneath Cyclone’s ear forcing the horse to lift his majestic head and give a hearty neigh. You never understood your horse's bond with the man as, though it sounded insane, Cyclone tended to reserve the same opinions about people as you. Even so, they got on so well for a cowboy and an animal that didn’t even live remotely close together.
You rolled your eyes at the pair.
“C’mon, you better leave us be,” you climbed over the fence to shoo Tyler away, ignoring the sign of discontent from your horse. “We’ve got a big race today and Cyclone has to be in the best condition possible.”
“Well, if I’m being honest,” Tyler began, holding his ground. “- there might be another reason for my coming here.”
You waited for him to explain, leaning on the nearest fence post as Tyler sent you a signature grin.
“And?” you prompted.
“I’d like to propose a little wager, just something to help motivate ya.” smirked Tyler.
As annoyed as you were by his cocky grin and suffocating charm, you couldn’t lie, his proposition intrigued you.
“I know you’re really fixing to beat Addisyn today, even more than usual, but I don’t think you have enough on the line. I was thinking maybe I could help raise the stakes a bit.” he explained.
While you and Addisyn’s rivalry didn’t qualify as even partially a secret, you weren’t sure how he found out about the significance of today’s race. You sent him an expression of confusion as you tried to figure out how he knew. Tyler seemed to understand immediately.
“Boone.” he shrugged.
You rolled your eyes.
“Of course.”
Other than being Tyler’s best friend since middle school, Boone harnessed the talent of figuring out people; their likes and dislikes as well as their desires and motivations. Though he was a few years younger than you and Tyler, he preferred your age group over his own.
“So how’s about this,” Tyler started as he pulled off his sunglasses to stare you down with daring eyes of emerald, briefly wetting his lips. “If you win today, you can ask me for any favor. And nothing’s off the table. I’ll even leave you alone if that’s what you’d want…”
You tried to imagine a world where Tyler Owens didn’t pester you at every waking moment.
“Okay,” you agreed. “And if I lose?”
You were sure that no punishment from the brilliantly smooth brain of the cowboy before you could ever be bad enough to motivate you to win. Boy, were you wrong.
”If you lose,” Tyler repeated as he paused to lean in closer to you, pulling on the tension between the two of you like a rope around a bull’s neck. “- you have to kiss me.”
You backed away with wide eyes disgusted by the grin that seemed to stick on Tyler’s mouth like dirt on a dew drop.
“You heard me.” Tyler shrugged. “If Addisyn beats you today then you have to kiss me. A long one too, mouth to mouth.”
“And why on Earth would I ever do that?” you asked, forcing the urge to gag at the mention. You couldn’t even think about voluntarily kissing Tyler, not to mention being forced to do it after a devastating loss.
“Simple. I know you hate me and I know that you want this more than anyone else here and he’s good enough to win it,” Tyler nodded towards Cyclone who was loudly drinking from the water trough. “But I know from experience that as badly as you want it, you‘ll never try hard enough if you’re not risking more.”
“I don’t think you understand how much is on the line already.” you glared.
“Sure I do,” Tyler argued and you knew that he was telling you the truth. While the Owens family owned the property neighboring your farm, they had as much as your family did. Everything they earned went back into their crops leaving nothing for Tyler or any of his siblings to go to college, if that was something he even wanted. You doubted he ever would. “Losing the money alone would be tough, but it’s just not enough.”
“Why are you doing this?” you couldn’t help but question.
“I thought that was obvious,” he chuckled softly. “I want to see you win today. And if I’m being honest, I’m sick of seeing Addisyn win on her professionally trained horses. Lord knows you deserve it more than her.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You knew from casual eavesdropping that your worst enemy had a terrible crush on Tyler, one so bad that she had nearly begged her father to pay a dowry for him until one of her cronies informed her that purchasing people was very much unethical and illegal.
It was one of the reasons you couldn’t stand the cowboy. Any man that caught the attention of a brat like Addisyn wasn’t worth more than a second of your time. If you had known that Tyler shared your disliking for the blonde, perhaps you would’ve grown up closer. But the past was in the past and changing it was a feat best left unattempted.
“If I win,” you began, crossing your arms and staring him down. “- then starting tomorrow, you can never talk to me ever again.”
You thought you saw a hint of regret in Tyler’s eyes as remorse bloomed in your gut, but he hid it behind acceptance before you could comment on it.
“Fine,” he nodded, holding out one of his hands for you. “Shake on it?”
You took his hand in your own, taking in the leathery calluses on his palms that matched your own before you let go to jump the corral fencing once more and untie Cyclone’s reins for another round of practice.
“What about your event? Why aren’t we betting on you too?” you wondered aloud.
“Oh darlin’,” Tyler smiled which caused you to flush into a heated fury of both annoyance and embarrassment as the name slipped from his lips. “I’m gonna win. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. You need a boost?”
You glared at him as he held out his hands in a makeshift step exactly in time with you as you expertly mounted Cyclone, snapping his reins so he would return to the start of the course, dodging all three barrels as you called back, “Good luck Owens!”
As promised after a long hour of anticipation, Tyler Owens had taken first place in bull riding by a landslide, not only earning him a ripple of cheers from the giant crowd (along with a few girl’s numbers), but also his share of the coveted prize money.
You had taken a break from the more and more dreary barrel practice to watch him do it, sitting in one of the nosebleed seats surrounded by far too many girls who couldn’t have been there for any other reason besides to see Tyler. Still, you were amazed by his talent. More surprised still when he had a whole arena of girls screaming for him and his roaming eyes still managed to find you clapping quietly near the back. He sent you a grin as soon as he caught sight of your unenthused scowl, brushing the dirt from his chops and sending a wink your way as if to playfully say, told ya.
It was then you noticed another woman in the audience jumping for his rewarding gaze, though it was never won. Tyler was simply too busy looking at you to pay any attention to swirling Addisyn.
Heat blossomed in your chest as you felt a sensation like a swirl of wind blow throughout your stomach, a feeling you horrifically identified as affection.
It wasn’t often that people chose you over Addisyn; you were confident that most of her friends were hired. And while there was no doubt that Tyler was the cocky bastard you couldn’t stand, perhaps you had judged him too harshly as there was evidently more that lay beneath the surface. As much as you hated to admit it, the charm he had been using on you for months was starting to work.
You fled the stands, not wanting to delve into your change of heart any longer. That was one of the best parts of barrel racing; training Cyclone served as a great distraction. And you had much to figure out before he could compete.
It was the same problem over and over again, Cyclone’s speed being both his greatest asset as well as his worst setback. He would build up so much speed that by the time he had to round the barrel, it was virtually impossible for him to slow down enough to finish the race. There had only been two outcomes during practice, both of which were not nearly good enough to win. Your horse was forced to either stay at a slow, but steady pace or face flipping over a barrel, both of which kept you from winning the title by making you too slow or disqualified.
You felt hopeless as you walked your horse to the arena, as no amount of practice could cure your dilemma. You had only managed to sire one good run out of Cyclone, but even then, it wasn't nearly fast enough to beat Addisyn past times on her purebred horses that were bought at the highest price with intent to win.
She and her horse were just before you in the lineup, sending you dirty looks as you sunk glumly into your saddle. The line was moving too fast for your spinning head to keep up with, the dread pooling in your gut intensifying by each lost second. You and Cyclone were going to be the most disappointing finale act in history, this you were sure of. A horrid ending for what had been a fantastic rodeo. At least until this point.
It was by pure chance that you found Tyler in the crowd.
He was all the way on the other side of the arena from the entrance closest to you, seated at the front with a big blue ribbon pinned to his button up flannel shirt. Despite the distance and the spectacle playing out before him as Addisyn began her race, he only had eyes for you.
Though he was too far away for you to make out his grassy green irises from the deep black of his pupils, he acknowledged you with a simple tilt of his head that was neither patronizing nor teasing. The cocky bastard you thought you knew was nowhere to be found. Comfort swirled around you like a gush of warm wind in the field by your farm. Familiar, yet something completely foreign all the same. An indescribable mix between encouragement and understanding that you didn’t think a cowboy like him was capable of. It sent a wave of excitement through your spine, a damper on the constant anxiety you had been suffering from, that he knew you were suffering from. Maybe your race wasn’t hopeless after all.
If Tyler Owens thought you could do it, certainly the win was well within your reach.
His motivating expressions were so distracting that you had nearly missed Addisyn’s fatal move if not for the large gasps that erupted from the arena crowd. Her horse, so pristine and primed to be absolutely perfect, had turned just slightly skewed too far to the right, kicking over the last barrel with its hind legs as it attempted to recover into a sprint. But there was no coming back from the five second penalty.
As Addisyn finished, her time shone above the dirt arena in the digital shine of red numbers and it would’ve been perfect if not for her mistake. You could hardly believe it as the bitter sting of karma finally bit the girl who deserved it the most.
You fought the urge to cackle as Addisyn exited the arena, sending her a taunting smirk instead. It was as if she was waiting for it, shooting you a scowl so nasty that you were certain all she wanted was to hurt you. Her face had turned so red that even the expensive power couldn’t hide her reaction and her premium pick riding gear started to seem much less impressive.
“Hard to beat, Addisyn.” you joked. While it wasn’t like you to poke fun at the people going through the worst of times, you didn’t exactly count Addisyn as human. Only equal to the devil with too much money for her own good.
“Can it,” she hissed as she hopped off her horse to drag it back to the corral, dirt scuffing up her shiny new boots as she stomped away.
“C’mon, boy.” you whispered to Cyclone, a wave of new motivation washing over you. Even if he didn’t win, at least you couldn’t do much worse than Addisyn. No matter what, you'd walk away victorious over her. “Let’s show her.”
Steadying your foot in the stirrup, you swung over him and pulled his reins back before leading him a lengthy distance away from the entrance of the arena. You knew what would happen as soon as you crossed it, the Cyclone would instantly set off the motion sensor and officially begin your time. While many liked to build as they raced, you found starting in a sprint to be more efficient. That is, if Cyclone could make every barrel.
You tried to block out any last minute doubts that tried to claw through your mind as the announcer called your name and your hometown.
“The duo from Atlas, she’s riding her trusty horse Cyclone!”
Eyes fluttering closed, you searched for any last second serenity as you sucked in a breath, the last before you would find out the results of the competition. There wasn’t anymore time for you to obsess over everything that could go wrong and you tried to not let that bother you. A sudden flash of Tyler’s face popped into your mind forcing you to grin as you were reminded of his faith in you. With no more inhibitions left to act as a hurdle between you and your goal, you tightened your grin on Cyclone’s reins and gave them a hearty tug. He was off at once, soaring through the open gate and into the arena.
Everything felt like it spun by in a flash as Cyclone rounded the first barrel. It was as rough as expected, but he was able to recover faster than before, no doubt motivated by the pressure of the competition and encouraged by your commands that were accompanied by guiding kicks to his side.
Focused on your race and entranced by Cyclone’s quick adaptation, you didn’t think to look over to Tyler as you rounded the second barrel. He was up from his front row seat, hollering for your success and beaming with pride as Cyclone sped up again, an even steadier repeat of his last.
“Cmon Cyclone!” you cried as he galloped towards the last barrel, utilizing every skill you’d taught him during practice to the max. He’d only lost some of his speed and not an ounce of his momentum as he steered straight for the last.
It was as he began the final loop that you realized he was going too fast, speeding into the circle so quickly that there was no sustainable way for him to complete the turn without flipping the barrel. You braced yourself for the mistake, heart skipping a beat as your horse nudged the orange plastic with his flank. Though it all happened in a flash too quick for you to keep up with, you swore the sound of it toppling into the dirt echoed through your mind and you couldn’t bear to look back.
“Fast!” you commanded, hoping to end on a high note despite the fact that you had failed. The fact that you weren’t any better than Addisyn anyhow. You hadn’t proved yourself. The least you could do was lessen the losing time as Cyclone sprinted for the finish line at your command.
The deafening beat of your heart pulsed so loudly in your ears that you could barely hear the cascade of cheers in the arena you had left behind. You turned Cyclone around, collapsing upon your saddle as you saw it. The last orange barrel had miraculously stayed in place. You couldn’t believe it. You’d actually done it.
“And it looks like we have our winner!” the voice of the announcer boomed from the speakers. “With an Arkansas State Rodeo record of 13.62!”
“We did it!” you screamed in disbelief as you dismounted Cyclone, turning to the horse with a wide grin and new found energy. Your exhaustion faded away like the moon with the sunrise. Every hour put into training, all the hard work for the best of outcomes. You were going to be able to afford your education. “You won, boy!”
Not only had you won, but your horse had run a state record time. It was almost like a fever dream, but the pang of your heart in your chest was all you needed to know that it was all real. Now all that was left was to remedy your bet with Tyler.
You were obligated to be honored with your prizes before you could search for him. He seemed to appear out of thin air as you tied up Cyclone back in the corral with a wide smile on your face, turning to find just the cowboy you’d been searching for.
Tyler Owens didn’t have his usual confident swagger as he approached you, the loss heavy in his two booted feet. While he was proud and rooted for win, it seemed the weight of the cost was starting to get to him. He hated that you wanted him gone, but if that was the price you wanted him to pay, he’d do it solemnly and willingly.
“Good race out there.” he congratulated your success, his face tinged with the slightest shade of pink. It was a strange sight for you to see, a cowboy blushing at the thought of your loss.
“You too, champion.” you grinned.
“That’s nothing to a record holder. You could go pro with a time like that.”
“True, but I have some bigger dreams.” you admitted as you started to picture how Tyler could fit into them.
 “You’re not gonna stick around another season to torture Addisyn come more? I just know she’d be devastated.” he jested.
“As much as I love the sound of torturing her, I’m afraid my calling is elsewhere now.”
“Right,” Tyler nodded, his smile dipping. There was no doubt he was wrapping his head around the outcome of your bet, how as requested, he’s no longer be allowed to speak to you once the sun would set down on the grassy horizon. Dusk was already upon you as the lights around the arena shone a little brighter, casting an artificial glow on the darkening sky. “Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll see you.”
Unlike Tyler, your grin only intensified, but not for the reason he must of suspected. The more you started to ponder the prospect of him truly never speaking to you again, the longer you wanted the day to last. You weren’t ready to let him go, and maybe you didn’t really have to.
“Uh huh, because I won,” you stated with a knowing smile, stepping just a hair closer to the cowboy.
“You sure did. And now I’ll leave you alone like you wanted. Just like I promised.” Tyler agreed, but you could tell his heart wasn’t in it.
His discontent reminded you of what he had requested from the bet had it turned in his favor. At the time you thought it was all one big joke, another way to motivate you by making fun of you. But now, seeing him trying to hide the tears in his soul from the thought of leaving you increased your certainty that it was more than that. Perhaps the consistent years of harmless teasing and never leaving you a moment of peace were in lieu of the words he really wanted to say.
“Right.” you took another slow step closer, leaving only inches of space between the two of you.
You thought your excitement had made your intentions obvious, but as Tyler pointed back towards his truck, you realized he was completely misinterpreting the message.
“So I’m just gonna do that now…” he stumbled over his words, waiting for you to give him a reason to stay. Just like in your race, you didn’t waste another second.
“Just kiss me already,” you ordered, watching as his folded features brightened at the invitation.
“Thank god.” he breathed as he finally closed the gap between the two of you, sealing his lips to yours with a searing kiss.
“That’s when I knew Tyler was my home,” you finished your story, looking away from the camp of your friends and towards the cowboy who had captured your heart. “We went to college together the next year, sharing a couples dorm and when Tyler proposed moving to Oklahoma, I knew I’d follow him wherever he wanted.”
Tyler reached out for one of your arms from his chair, pulling you in to press a kiss into your knuckle, touched by your interpretation of the story.
“Even if it meant facing God's wrath everyday,” he chuckled, referring to the storms you chose to spend your life chasing alongside him.
“Where’s Addisyn now?” Ben inquired, looking up from the scribble of notes he had jotted down in his worn notepad. You doubted much of it would make it into his article with all the rush of storm chasing that was intended to be the focus, but it was a flattering gesture nonetheless.
“Exactly where you’d expect,” Tyler shrugged, answering for you. “Housewife to some politician. She quit racing after she failed to beat Cyclone’s record time.”
“She even tried to buy him off me the season after we’d left for college,” you explained. “It was more than 15 times the prize money amount, but I couldn’t sell him. He still lives with my folks back home, happily grazing wherever he pleases.”
“What did you have to do with any of this?” asked Dani pointing at Boone who had moved onto his third beer of the night.
“Who do you think gave Tyler the courage to make the bet? I orchestrated the whole thing.” he claimed, smiling with such pride, you would’ve thought he was in on the whole thing.
“Did not!” your husband protested. “There would’ve been nothing to orchestrate if I hadn't liked her in the first place.”
“Yeah and it was my decision to kiss him in the end.” you added.
Boone only rolled his eyes. “Sure, take the credit,” he groaned drunkenly. “-that’s what they all say.”
Shaking your head at the display, you couldn’t help but chuckle as you found your seat again in Tyler’s lap. No matter who the credit went to, a better outcome to your’s and Tyler’s childhood feud was impossible to imagine.
“Last time I saw her,” Tyler began, changing the subject back to your past arch-nemesis. “- was when we invited her to our wedding. She wasn’t doing too hot, nearly had to kick her out for all the trouble she caused.”
“That reminds me!” Lily straightened in her seat. “Y’all have never told me the story of how Tyler proposed. I’ve been wanting to hear it for ages!”
“Well, that’s definitely a story for another time.” you laughed, as a whirlwind of memories played in your head from the day you two got engaged.
“How about instead, Boonie shares the time he got so plastered that he woke up backstage at a Dolly Parton concert.” Tyler suggested.
“Oh c’mon, you know I hate telling that story.” Boone sighed.
“No you don’t.” you and Tyler argued in true couple unison.
“Ahh who am I kidding. It’s the coolest thing that ever happened to me. It all started when we were pregaming in Dallas…” Boone began rambling, recounting the event with such detail and focus that it was difficult to tell that he had been drinking.
You and Tyler were silent for your best friend’s story, though neither of you were really listening as it was an event you had been present for. Instead you held your cowboy close, grateful that fate had thrown him so far into your path that you never couldn’t pass him by.
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hwaightme · 2 months ago
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🐟pairing: bsf!yeosang x gn!reader 🐟genre: fluff, friends to lovers, long distance 🐟summary: during what you think is a simple trip to visit your best friend, some not so simple feelings come to light, but what can you do when the one you adore is just oh so sweet? 🐟wordcount: 3.5k 🐟warnings/tags: unedited, and they were besties, who yearn, but don't want to ruin things so they keep yearning, yeosang is too precious, yeo and reader live in different countries, no specific locations mentioned, bungeoppang appreciation, confessions, eating, food, much love language-ing, one mild curse word 🐟taglist: at the bottom <3 🐟a/n: to the wonderful, beautiful lheo, i love you. the happiest birthday to you, @starrysvn
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Have you ever fallen in love?
Sometimes, it could be as simple, but beautiful, as the rays of sunshine that come to rest on thousands of eternal green leaves on a chilly winter day. Other times, it could be as brutal as the freezing, merciless gusts of wind that carry flurries of snow across abandoned city streets. For you, well, for you, you were not sure if you even wanted to dive into those feelings and explore them, but when faced with love in every way, shape and form, you could add to the definition.
Sometimes, love could be unexpected, but at the same time, something you have always subconsciously known, much like the taste of a pastry you have never tried, but could imagine in astonishing detail.
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Between countries, between what felt like huge stages in your life, you were caught between a rock and a hard place. Whether it was reality that looked so threatening or the admonishing voice inside your head, a swift escape to something, or rather someone you adored turned out to be not just something you desperately wanted, but also needed. Or at least that was what you had told yourself - no strong feelings, just the comfort of someone who knew better than you knew yourself. 
The flight was a blur, the train ride to the hotel, too, was much the same. Of course, your friend was very adamant on you coming to stay with him, but you did not want to impose. After all, out of the two of you it was you who was on vacation, while he still had to commit to the daily grind of waking up at seven in the morning at the latest and tackling commuter hell in the underground tunnels. But that ‘enticing’ picture did not stop your friend from immediately booking a couple of days off, despite your insistence that ‘you would be fine’ and ‘you would find your way’. Apparently, Yeosang could be stubborn when he wanted to be. Not that it was a surprise for you after having known him since you had cried over multiplication and division together.
Had it really been that long? The question plagued you as you regarded the view out of your hotel room - it was a challenge to find a hotel that was not extortionate but still had some visual breathing space, but worth it. You wondered where Yeosang was right now. You had messaged him as soon as you landed, and then again as soon as you arrived at the hotel, but still, nothing. Perhaps it was a sign that what you thought to be polite talk was in fact the reality, and you would be mainly alone.
Jet lag and overall fatigue hit you like a sledgehammer, and you allowed yourself to finally collapse on the bed. While massaging your temples, you pondered whether to brave the freezing outdoors or to laze around this evening and embark upon an adventure tomorrow. Apparently, a certain someone else had the answer ready for you. Incessant vibrations of your phone startled you into semi-wakefulness, and you quickly realised that the dialler was none other than your best friend. In one swipe, you were met with this face, barely visible behind a thick scarf and hat. Clearly, he was outside. His voice was muffled, partially by the clothing and partially by the traffic. But with one flip of the camera, you were met with the facade of your hotel. You did not need to be told what to do.
Foregoing any outerwear, you rushed down the corridor and into one of the many elevators to hurry to the lobby, where you agreed to meet. You spotted him faster than he could spot you, and slowing to a more socially acceptable amble, you stalked towards Yeosang until you could tap his shoulder. You swore if you could see the smile he graced you with upon turning around every day, you would be in an eternal paradise. He was the sun to your moon, the summer to your winter, the calming waves, the freshly fallen snow. It was too easy to construct poetry about him in your mind, but far too challenging to ever let the lines slip, so you resort to giving him a gentle, but meaningful embrace. 
“I’m so happy to see you, I missed you-” you whispered, eyes tracing every feature of his face as if you wanted to memorise them all.
“I missed you more, it has been too long,” this voice that you could listen to forever. You sighed. This was your home. 
“Shall we go up?”
“Oh! Am I allowed?”
“Why not?” he simply shrugged, happily following you with a smile dancing on his lips. You made a note of the bags that he was diligently carrying with him, wondering if he had done some shopping for himself before going home.
When in the room, you made a beeline for the suitcase to search for presents you had packed for Yeosang: all the snacks he had fallen in love with when he was a kid, and those he missed dearly when he settled into work in the big city halfway across the globe, along with some accessories and trinkets that screamed “Yeo” to you. Once you were done and Yeosang had finished his miniature balancing game of trying to get his large puffer coat to hang on one of the wall hooks and not succumbing to gravity, you cheerfully beckoned him closer, only to be met with the two bags.
“Gift exchange!” you mildly hated yourself for how fast your heart started beating.
Somehow, it only got worse when you and him sat down on the bed to give in-person reviews and impressions, and you had to bear witness to every delighted exclamation, restrain yourself from staring at the sparkles in Yeosang’s eyes as he stumbled upon some hair clips in his favourite red, down to the shade, and had to bite down on your lower lip when he enthusiastically adjusted his hairstyle to accommodate one of them, and immediately launched into the other presents.
His gifts for you looked like a dossier, in all honesty. It was a study of what you adored and what you had expressed your interest in to him over one call or other. You attempted to discreetly place a heart over your chest to make sure that you were still somehow alive. So far so good, but when you spotted a box, and within it, a leather bracelet with intricate metal studs, one of them having a quote from one of your favourite songs engraved, you could not help but whisper out your friend’s name.
“What’s wrong? What’s up? Ah, if that’s not okay with you I can go take it ba-”
“I LOVE IT. HOW DARE YOU. KANG YEOSANG,” you shot back, a hand resting on his shoulder. 
His benevolent nonchalance had always astounded you. Clearly, this quality of his never left him, for even now, his demeanour did not change, aside from the redness appearing on the very tips of his ears, and a soft pursing of the lips. And there it was. His laugh. Your music. 
“Wel, I am very glad. I’m sorry it isn’t too much, you literally brought life back to me through your gifts I-”
“Again, don’t you- YEO IS THIS A TRAVEL CARD?!”
“...yes, I set it up and topped it up and everything, so you should be okay to travel all the-”
“Yeosang let me just-”
“Hm?” you faltered. What did you want to do? What were you about to say?
“Ah, nothing.”
“Okay,” another quality in Yeosang that you could not help but adore. 
You knew that he was fully aware that you were on the verge of spilling a kind of truth that you did not even have a wholehearted awareness of, but in the split second that you changed your mind, he did too. He was not interested in what you were uncomfortable with sharing, and at lightning speed, erased it from his memory. What you did not say to him was not yours to ache over, and not his to pry out of you. Certainly there were moments when he had been insistent and you had your fair share of deep conversations, but Yeosang could strike a magical balance, reassuring you with a soft smile. He was a gift. You looked at him as he opened one of the snacks, feeling the gears turning in your head.
This trip was going to be a lot more than you had anticipated.
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Oh you could not be more wrong. If you had anything in mind before, you should have amplified it by infinity, because you were not prepared for what Yeosang had in store. From taking you to historical parks to raiding shop after shop to indulging in the most delicious dishes at family owned restaurants, your day to day was nothing short of spectacular. Every other photo in your camera roll was Yeosang or the two of you together, not that you minded, and your suitcase was rapidly starting to protest against the sheer volume of things that you were adding to your return luggage. What had made you begin believing that this was all a fever dream, however, were the changes that you had observed in your friend.
He was more attentive than you had ever known him to be, more open to initiating conversation and so actively taking the lead to show you around the city he now called his home that you were left breathless. He was in his element, but he was trying his hardest to make this your element too. Your pre-flight demands for yourself to not feel were demolished, and with every step you took by his side you could feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into the chasm that was your infatuation with Yeosang that you could not bear to combat the orchestra-worthy arrangement of premonitions, conclusions and assumptions any longer.
Time flew past. There were still a few days left, yet you were already mourning. Truth be told, you had been in that state upon your arrival, but you had a stronger resolve and the desire to spend your time with value and positivity. Nothing in the world could convince you that you would be happier in the trenches of routine life, and away from whoever Yeosang was to you. In the weeks that you had spent with him, it was harder and harder to figure out the limits and lines. It had been easy in school when you would focus more on your studies and were essentially each other’s free therapists. It was difficult in university when distance separated you, but even then, you had gotten used to it. Or maybe, in hindsight, it was simply a wound that you had put a bandaid on and decided that you could walk through life just fine, and now, seeing Yeosang again, talking to him again, being with him again, opened this wound up to show that it had never healed.
He meant too much to you, to put it simply. Yeosang was too entangled in your soul for you to ever disregard the impact he had made on you and the effect that he continued to have on your life. His every text mattered, every silly reel he would send mattered, even the wildest photos were priceless to you. You cared about the colour of his hair, about whether his company had his favourite lunch on offer today. You felt uneasy when you sensed that something was wrong with him, and you felt like you were on cloud nine when he shared good news with you. For the longest time, you thought that this was normal for friendships, but now when he was holding your hand as he led you through one of the many street markets, it hit you. No, friendship was not enough.
You felt greedy. Yeosang had been in your life for so long and you still wanted more. How could you? The evil thoughts in your brain were yelling at you ceaselessly - you should quit him while you still could, you should let him do what he wanted to do, and that was nothing to do with you. A burden, a burden so big that you did not even even realise it. Yeosang was just too nice to ever tell you all of this. You could feel tears starting to well up in your eyes; with a shaky breath you tried to blink them away before your friend could see them. Your hand started to slip, or maybe it was your busy mind trying to pry you away from him, but much to your dismay, Yeosang only gripped it tighter and urged the two of you on. 
He had mentioned that there was a specific stall he wanted the two of you to visit, but the market only opened closer to night time. So, after a lot of stumbling about the city, hopping from neighbourhood to neighbourhood and enjoying local life, he led the way to this bustling haven. You could not help but feel selfish, drowning in your own misery while Yeosang was trying with all his might to share with you what you could see was a piece of his heart. Everything in you ached. You did not want this to end, you did not want to let Yeosang go, but you had to, for everyone’s sake, or at least this was the idea that you had convinced yourself was the only correct path.
“We’re here! Wait a moment, I’ll get a couple for us!” Yeosang let go of you, and with a quick gesture of the hands and a grin, walked to the lady selling what you knew to be bungeoppang. Sweet pastry filled with whatever the heart desired, traditionally with red bean, of course. Of course, Yeosang would bring you to try the one thing you mentioned you never had gotten. You glanced at the night sky.
“So, I got one red bean and one choux-cream, the first one as you probably know is the original, but the cream one is quite tasty too. There are some other flavours, so, if you like these we can get some others too,” he was rambling, but it was far too endearing to ever pause. It was like a beautiful melody that flowed and flowed, soothing you.
“Sorry?” he tilted his head while stretching out his hands, waiting for you to choose which pastry to try first.
“Bung-yeo-ppang, isn’t it?”
It did not take long for Yeosang to erupt in a fit of giggles. You managed to take the red bean bungeoppang out of his hand before he leaned forward slightly in an attempt to compose himself.
“Maybe time for a rebrand, my name is made for it,” he was all smiles, biting into the other pastry and savouring the rich, warm flavour, “delicious as always, what do you think?”
“Fantastic, give me fourteen of them right now,” you joked, but when you noticed Yeosang’s brief rise of the eyebrows and a tentative hand reaching into his pocket to find his wallet, you had to very rapidly track back, “Yeo, I was joking I-”
“Oh do you not like them? I’m sorry,” with full understanding and sincerity he answered you, immediately confused why you started to wave his remarks off.
“No!! I mean about the ‘fourteen’ part… I don’t think I am ready for that kind of an investment yet.”
“Not until I open my own stall, that is,” he answered back, grinning playfully, “you’d visit, right?”
For some reason, this question seemed to carry a lot more weight than what one would expect of an innocent play-pretend. Would you visit him? In general, sometimes, at all? When? Judging by the sudden intensity of his gaze, it was clear that you were not alone in your ruminations. 
“I know I’m not really… to everyone’s tastes but-” you could see that he was drifting between meaning one thing and another. Your heart hurt deeply. What was he assuming you thought of him?
“I- I am just. Happy. Yeah. Happy, like this. I’m sorry I-”
“Me too,” you captured his hand in yours before he could turn away. You saw he was misty-eyed, but chose not to comment, instead emphasising, “I’m always happy with you. And yes, I would visit your stall. Hell, I would live in it,” he smiled at your words, though there was a hint of melancholy that settled in his features. 
Your gaze drifted down to your hands - a rather bold move on your part since you rarely ever initiated more personal contact. A touch here, a touch there, sure, but this? This was you listening to yourself for once. Instead of racing away from the sensation, you lightly bit the inside of your cheek and intertwined your fingers with his. 
“If anything, it is me who is being very silly right now,” you mumbled, taking another bite of the pastry, noticing it having rapidly cooled down. You couldn’t meet Yeosang’s eyes, nor could you look at your hands, so you just studied the depths of red bean paste, wondering if you could dissolve in it right this second.
“I mean… Look at me, a loon who flew across the world to waste your time. How’s that?”
“What are you saying-”
“And for what? I mean, yes, I am having the most amazing time but you must be so tired playing tour guide and working and doing all these other things-”
“You’d do the same for someone you love, right?”
You froze. With a quick tug, you followed Yeosang out of the market towards the side streets where there were noticeably less people. Upon finding a quiet alley, he stopped, and lowered himself a little to find your face. His words were ringing in your head and you were trying to make sense of them. It was agonising to try and decipher whether it was pity or reciprocation, and you barely registered a soft “right?” being repeated to you, this time right next to your ear. Unknowingly, your fingers clasped Yeosang’s hand tighter, and he stepped closer towards you.
“It’s okay,” you knew exactly why he was saying this. Again, caring, gentle Yeosang, precious soul. He was giving you a way out. One that you were not going to take, not this time, not ever.
“I would.”
“I would do the same. I’m sorry. I sounded so damn ungrateful it is-”
“I understand, really, I do and-”
“I am horribly in love with you, Kang Yeosang.”
You took in his expression. His mahogany eyes that you could bet contained flecks of gold and sunshine. His rosy lips that were parted ever so slightly. His hair, now a cherry red that you had helped him dye it to peeking out from under a black, fluffy bucket hat. Your heart was on the table, along with the many years that you had spent with and thinking about your friend, and the many years in the future that you were either going to cherish, or curse, or spend comfortably numb in the absence of the one who would always have your heart.
“I hope it’s not too horrible, because loving you, for me, is magical, and very sweet,” you blinked once, twice before asking:
“Huh? Since when-”
“Hm… university, give or take? I think? Maybe earlier. Either way I kind of accepted that whatever happens I would love you anyways. So…”
“So… uhm, shall we try? I don’t know… I mean I am leaving in a few days and the distance is-”
“Since when did that stop us? Besides, we can figure things out as we go. That is what we have always done. Main thing is to not hide things. Isn’t that what you tell me all the time?” You nodded. Indeed, after a few too many occasions when Yeosang had not shared his troubles with you or denied your help, you had made it a point to check in on him, and this habit had never stopped even with many countries separating you.
As you glanced at one another and, with a timid “may I?” you closed the space between the two of you, you realised that, no matter the filling, no matter the sugar content, no matter what, nothing could ever be as sweet as him. You really would travel all those miles again and again even if just for one single moment like this, knowing that he would always do the same for you - your favourite, your only, yours truly, Yeosang.
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🐟pairing: @charreddonuts @preciouswoozi @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @wooyoungjpg @yeonjunnie @ren-junwrld @asjkdk
enjoyed? i would love to hear from you, it means the universe to me. thank you.
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hoshifighting · 9 months ago
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— Synopsis: Where you find out you were a bet. — Preview: "So it was all a bet Seungkwan? Who makes you feel like this, hm?" you taunted, "Who else are you going to find out there that can do the things I do to you?" "That's right," you continued, your voice low and fierce. "No one. No one can fuck you like I do. No one knows your body like I do. No one else can make you beg like this. And you know it!"  — WC: 3.3k — WARNINGS: Smut, RAGE SEX, humping, penetrative sex, angst, hair pulling, riding, possessive words & etc.
For the past few months, you and Seungkwan had been living a secret life filled with youthful exuberance and passion. Despite your differences, there was an undeniable chemistry that kept pulling you back together. It all started innocently enough, with shared interests in theater and park outings, but it quickly escalated into something much more intense.
You and Seungkwan had a routine. You’d meet up after work or on weekends, sneaking off to hidden corners of the city to spend time together. The theater was your favorite escape. There, you could lose yourselves in the drama unfolding on stage, only to create your own dramatic scenes afterward, both playful and passionate.
One chilly evening, you both found yourselves at the local theater, watching a comedy play. You sat next to each other, sharing a bag of popcorn and exchanging sarcastic comments about the actors’ performances. Seungkwan leaned over, whispering a joke in your ear, and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter, drawing a few irritated glances from other theatergoers.
“Shh, you’re going to get us kicked out,” you whispered, trying to stifle your giggles.
“Oh, please, like you can keep quiet,” Seungkwan shot back, a mischievous glint in his eye.
After the play, you both headed to the park. The night was cool, the stars shining brightly overhead. You walked side by side, occasionally bumping into each other on purpose. It was your little game, a way to provoke and tease.
“Bet you can’t catch me,” Seungkwan said suddenly, breaking into a sprint.
“Oh, you’re on!” you shouted, chasing after him.
You ran through the park, laughing and shouting, until you finally tackled him to the ground. You both lay there, panting and laughing, the world around you forgotten.
Your relationship was like a roller coaster. One moment you’d be laughing and joking, and the next you’d be bickering like children. Your friends found it amusing, but they also knew it could escalate quickly.
“Seriously, you two are like an old married couple,” Mingyu said one evening, watching as you and Seungkwan argued over who had won the last game of mini-golf.
“Am not!” you both shouted in unison, glaring at each other before bursting into laughter.
Despite the arguments, there was a deep connection between you. When you were alone, the bickering turned into something else entirely. The passion between you was undeniable, each encounter more intense than the last. You’d find yourselves in the most unexpected places, unable to keep your hands off each other.
One evening, after another heated argument, you found yourselves in Seungkwan’s apartment. The bickering had turned into something more playful, and before you knew it, you were kissing, the tension melting away.
"You're impossible, you know that?" you said breathlessly between kisses.
"And yet, here you are," he replied with a smirk, pulling you closer.
The night was a blur of passion. Your bodies moved together with a familiarity that came from months of secret meetings. You’d always been able to push each other to the edge, and tonight was no different. The intensity of your lovemaking was a stark contrast to the playful bickering that usually defined your relationship.
But just like you said. It could escalate quickly. 
You and Seungkwan had always been able to handle your arguments with a playful edge, but this time was different. You didn’t even remember what sparked the fight, but the words that came out of his mouth stopped you cold.
“It was all a bet.”
You froze, staring at him in disbelief. “What did you just say?”
Seungkwan’s eyes widened as he realized what he’d said. “No, I didn’t mean—”
“You didn’t mean what? That this,” you gestured between the two of you, “was all a joke to you? A bet?”
“No, it’s not like that—”
“Then what is it, Seungkwan? Explain it to me!” Your voice rose, trembling with fury. “Because right now, it sounds like you’ve been using me this whole time.”
Seungkwan’s face paled. He reached out to you, but you stepped back, your anger intensifying. “Don’t touch me,” you snapped. “I trusted you. I thought this meant something.”
“It does mean something,” he insisted. “I swear, it started as a stupid dare from the guys, but then—”
“Then what? You decided you’d string me along for fun?” Your voice was loud now, echoing through the room. “Do you have any idea how humiliating this is? To know that I was just a game to you?”
Seungkwan looked panicked, desperate to make you understand. “Please, just listen. It started as a bet, but it’s not like that anymore. I care about you. I—”
“Stop,” you cut him off, tears of rage and betrayal filling your eyes. “I can’t believe I let myself fall for this. For you.”
The venom in your words made him flinch. “Please, don’t say that. I care about you more than anything.”
“Caring about me? Do you even know what that means? Because right now, it feels like you’ve just been laughing at me this entire time.” Your fists were clenched at your sides, your whole body shaking with anger.
Seungkwan took a step towards you, his own eyes glistening with tears. “I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.”
"Fuck you, Seungkwan," you spat, pushing him back until he was sitting on your bed. He looked up at you, shocked and uncertain, as you began unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with trembling hands.
"What are you doing?" he asked, but his voice was weak, almost pleading.
You ignored him, pulling your panties off and straddling his lap, feeling his length harden beneath you. You started to grind against him, your movements hard, and fast. "It was a bet, huh? It was all a fucking lie, right, Seungkwan?" you snarled, your teeth gritted with rage.
His hands instinctively went to your hips, but he didn't try to stop you. "No, it wasn't like that—" he began, but you cut him off, swirling your hips hard, causing him to gasp.
"Fuck you," you repeated, your voice shaking. "You think you can just apologize and make it all better? You think you can just say sorry and I'll forget everything?"
Seungkwan's grip on your hips tightened, his breath hitching as you continued to grind against him. "I never meant to hurt you," he whispered, his eyes locked on yours, filled with regret and sorrow.
"Too late," you hissed, moving faster, your anger boiling over. "You already did." You could feel the heat building between you, the wet friction driving you crazy, but you were determined.
Seungkwan's face contorted with a mix of pleasure and anguish. "Please," he begged, "don't do this."
"Why not?" you shot back, your voice breaking. "You did this to us. You made me feel like a fool."
He tried to speak, but you silenced him with another hard hump, making him groan. "Just shut up, Seungkwan. Just shut up and take it."
As you continued to move against him, you could see the conflict in his eyes. He was torn between the pleasure you were giving him and the guilt he felt for what he'd done. It was a twisted form of revenge, but in that moment, it was all you had.
As you sank down on him, stretching yourself to take all of him inside, Seungkwan gasped, the air leaving his lungs in a rush. You gripped his hair roughly, yanking his head back. He hissed, the pain mingling with pleasure, making his eyes flutter shut for a moment.
"Who makes you feel like this, hm?" you taunted, your voice dripping with venom and lust. "Who else are you going to find out there that can do the things I do to you?"
Seungkwan's eyes were wide, filled with a mix of pain and desire. He tried to speak, but you cut him off with a harsh roll of your hips, drawing a guttural moan from his lips, he could only whisper a "No one." his voice leaving weak from the position you held his hair, head back. "Only you. Only you, please."
"That's right," you continued, your voice low and fierce. "No one. No one can fuck you like I do. No one knows your body like I do. No one else can make you beg like this. And you know it!" 
You rode him harder, your movements fueled by a blend of anger and desperation. "Do you regret it, Seungkwan? Do you regret fucking with me?"
His hands gripped your hips, his nails digging into your skin as he tried to ground himself in the storm of sensations you were unleashing on him. "No!" he gasped, his voice strained. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
But you weren't done. You pulled his hair harder, making him look up at you, his eyes glazed with lust and guilt. "Sorry isn't enough," you spat. "You're going to remember this. Every time you try to touch someone else, you're going to think of me. You're going to remember how I made you feel. How no one else could ever compare."
Seungkwan's breaths were ragged, his body trembling beneath you as you continued to ride him with a furious intensity. "Please," he begged, his voice cracking. "Please, I can't—"
"You can't what?" you snapped, your pace relentless. "You can't handle it? You can't handle what you started? You're going to take it, Seungkwan. You're going to take every bit of it."
His eyes fluttered closed, his mouth falling open in a silent cry as he teetered on the edge of release. "Fuck, I'm going to—" he started, but you cut him off again, tightening your grip on his hair.
"You're not coming until I say so," you growled. "You don't get to have that. Not yet."
Seungkwan's body shuddered, his muscles straining as he fought to hold back. "Please," he whimpered, his voice barely more than a breath. "Please, let me—"
His lips parted, a moan escaping as you ground against him, your nails digging into his scalp. "I-I need you," he stammered, his voice cracking with desperation.
You leaned in closer, your breath hot against his ear. "Need me?" you whispered, your tone mocking. "You think needing me is enough? After everything?"
Seungkwan shuddered beneath you, his grip on the sheets tightening. "I'm sorry," he pleaded, his voice a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Please... I need you so much."
"Pathetic," you spat, pulling his hair harder, making him groan. "You don’t deserve me, Seungkwan. You don't deserve this." You punctuated your words with a sharp thrust, making him gasp.
His eyes were wild, filled with a mixture of regret and lust. "I know," he breathed, his voice barely audible. "But please... please don’t stop."
You felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at his desperation, at the way he was unraveling under you. "Remember that," you said, your voice low and dangerous. "Remember who makes you feel this way. Who owns you."
Seungkwan's breath hitched, his eyes wide and pleading. "I will," he promised, his voice a broken whisper. "I promise."
You could feel him getting closer, his body tensing beneath you. "Say it," you commanded, your voice a growl. "Say who you belong to."
"You," he gasped, his hips bucking beneath you. "I belong to you."
Seungkwan was prepared for the best orgasm of his life. He was trembling, his entire body on the edge of ecstasy, every nerve ending alive with sensation. As you rode him with unmatched ferocity, his breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with the effort to keep up.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, pleasure and overwhelming emotion. He cried out loud, unable to contain the sheer intensity of what he was feeling. His voice cracked as he moaned your name, each syllable filled with a desperate longing.
His eyes were fixed on you, drinking in the sight of you above him, your body moving with a rhythm that drove him to the brink of madness. He fought to keep his eyes open, wanting to capture every moment, every sensation, every flicker of emotion that passed between you.
His legs quivered beneath you, his muscles straining as he struggled to hold on. But even as his body trembled with the effort, he knew he was powerless to resist. You were taking him to heights of pleasure he had never dreamed possible, and he surrendered himself completely to the overwhelming ecstasy coursing through him.
Seungkwan couldn't hold on anymore. The sensation of you clenching around him, the sound of your voice echoing in his ears, it was all too much. With a final, desperate cry, he let himself go.
His body tensed, every muscle straining as he reached the peak of ecstasy. He cried out your name, his voice raw with emotion, as he spilled himself inside you, the release so intense it bordered on pain.
You steadied yourself on him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath you. Your head rested against the side of his, hiding your face from view as you waited for your nerves to calm down. 
But then it hits you, the reality of what just happened, the anger and hurt resurfacing. You get off him, his cock slipping out of you, leaving you both feeling empty and exposed. Without a word, you start to dress yourself, your movements quick and determined. Seungkwan watches in desperation, his eyes wide with panic as he realizes what you're doing.
Seungkwan, sensing the shift in your demeanor, gets desperate. "Wait, what are you doing?" he asks, his voice tinged with panic. He sits up, trying to reach out to you, but you pull away, focused on gathering your things.
You walk to the living room, ignoring his pleas. "Please, just listen to me," he begs, following you. "We need to talk about this."
You grab your bag and turn to face him, your eyes cold and determined. "There's nothing left to say, Seungkwan," you reply, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you. "This...whatever we had...it's over."
On the week, you received multiple calls from Seungkwan—you didn’t answer any. Even his friends—who you suppose to be the ones who participated in the bet—called you, messaged you.
And now you are doing your dinner, didn't even have time to take off your work clothes, when you hear your doorbell. You dry your hands on the dish cloth, to open the door. It was Soonyoung. You frown, Soonyoung had contacted you during the week, but showing up at your door?
You lean on the doorframe, and ask him, "What are you doing here, Soonyoung?"
Soonyoung shifts nervously, his hands shoved into his pockets. "I know I called and messaged, but you never responded. I needed to talk to you in person."
You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms. "About what?"
He takes a deep breath, looking genuinely distressed. "About Seungkwan. And the whole bet thing. You need to know it wasn't what you think. He didn't mean it like that."
You scoff, feeling the anger bubbling up again. "Didn't mean it like that? How else am I supposed to take it, Soonyoung?"
Soonyoung steps closer, his expression earnest. "It started as a stupid joke, but for Seungkwan, it changed. He fell for you, really fell for you. None of us thought it would turn into something real, but it did for him. He's been a wreck since you left."
You feel a pang of something—not quite guilt, but a heavy sadness. "So he sends you to do his dirty work? Why isn't he here himself?"
"He wanted to come, but I thought you'd slam the door in his face," Soonyoung admits. "He's been miserable. Just...can you talk to him? Please? Hear him out?"
You sigh, the weight of the week pressing down on you. "I don't know, Soonyoung. I'm still so angry."
"I get that," he says softly. "But just give him a chance to explain. If after that you still want nothing to do with him, then fine. But at least you'll have heard the truth from him."
You hesitate, the conflicting emotions warring inside you. Finally, you nod. "Fine. I'll talk to him. But this better not be a waste of my time."
Soonyoung's face breaks into a relieved smile. "Thank you. I'll let him know." He heads toward the door, pausing before he leaves. "And for what it's worth, I'm really sorry about everything. We all are."
You nod again, closing the door behind him. As you lean against it, you take a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself for the conversation ahead.
It didn’t even take twenty minutes after Soonyoung left for another knock to echo through your apartment. You sighed, already knowing who it would be. With heavy steps, you walked to the door and opened it.
Seungkwan stood there, looking disheveled and anxious. Normally, he would give you a hug, but he seemed to sense that this wasn’t the right time. Instead, he stood there awkwardly, respecting your space as you stepped aside to let him in.
You closed the door behind him, folding your arms defensively. “Soonyoung was just here,” you said, breaking the silence.
Seungkwan nodded, his eyes filled with guilt. “I know. He texted me. I came as soon as I could.”
You walked to the living room, sitting down on the couch, and gestured for him to do the same. He hesitated but then sat down, maintaining a respectful distance.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Seungkwan said, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m so sorry, for everything. It was never meant to be a bet, not in the way you’re thinking.”
You raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. 
He shook his head vehemently. “It started as a stupid dare, something the guys and I joked about. But from the very first moment I spent time with you, it stopped being about that. It became real, so quickly, and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
You looked away, the anger and hurt still fresh. “And you didn’t think to tell me? To be honest about it?”
Seungkwan sighed deeply. “I should have. I know that now. But I was scared of losing you. I was scared that if you knew how it started, you’d never believe how much you mean to me.”
The vulnerability in his voice made you pause. “Soonyoung said you love me,” you said quietly, not meeting his eyes.
“I do,” Seungkwan replied instantly. “I love you more than anything. I was an idiot for letting it get this far without being honest with you.”
You finally looked at him, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit. All you saw was regret and sincerity. “I don’t know if I can trust you again,” you admitted.
Seungkwan nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. “I understand. And I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. Just please, give me a chance to make it right.”
The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging between you. Slowly, you began to nod. “Fine. I’ll give you a chance. But this is going to take time, Seungkwan.”
Relief washed over his face as he nodded. “Thank you. I promise, I won’t let you down.”
You leaned back on the couch, the exhaustion of the week catching up with you. Seungkwan stayed there, a respectful distance away, but his presence felt different now—more honest, more real.
As the minutes ticked by, you both sat there in silence, the first steps of healing beginning to take place. There was a long road ahead, but for the first time in days, you felt like things could be okay again.
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maraudersilver · 8 days ago
despise you (Sirius Black x Potter!Reader)
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Sirius Black x Fem!Potter!Reader - Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
wc: + 3,5K
cw: angst, broken moral compass. I'm really sorry.
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It started slow. Disappearance of quills, shredded clothes, shut curtains that hid the first rays of sun during the week… Nothing too obnoxious, yet stressing enough to have the four Marauders trundling around the castle in less than a week. Oh, how delightful it was when you heard from Dorcas that the four of them had been assigned detention after two undelivered essays to McGonagall. 
You had seen Remus roaming the library more often than not, his hair matching James’ disheveled level of messy. In other circumstances, you could have sympathized with him, being the only tolerable one of the toll. However, if one knew, the others too, so in your page Remus Lupin was as guilty as the other three twats. 
Nothing would have made you happier than priding yourself in their misery produced by you and you alone, though Barty had been a participant in a handful of the pranks; the stink-bombs in the Gryffindor common room had been his own piece of art. 
Pandora had pointed out a few times the glares you were receiving from the core of the Gryffindor table in every meal, and had been concerned when you laughed maniacally. Of course they suspected you, they thought you did it, but they just couldn’t prove it. 
“Still tormenting them?” Regulus asked about a week after your revenge started, both of you perched on the branches of a billowing chestnut tree near the Black Lake. 
“Until I have what I want? Yes.” You shrugged your shoulders absentmindedly, and your friend just snorted.
It was chilly, the wind nippy against your covered skin. If the obscure clouds surveying the castle were any indication, snow would be blanketing the lands soon. You shuddered when the breeze mixed with that of the lake caressed your face in a sharpened tune.
“Have you considered that —and I can’t believe I’m defending my tosser of a brother— they have nothing to give you because they haven’t poisoned you?” Regulus tackled, as if he had been meaning to say it for long, and a peeved sneer made its way to his mouth, nose scrunched up, at the mention of Sirius.
You pinched your brows, narrowing your eyes towards Regulus, who had kept his eyes fixed on his book. “You think I’m making shit up?”
The boy sighed tiredly, putting the book down in his lap. “No,” he drawled. “But I do think you might be confusing those… symptoms.”
Bemused, you tilted your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Look—” Regulus started before voices raucously cut through the wind beside you. Looking down, you saw the four Marauders paddling to the shore, clothes disheveled and ties forgotten who-knows-where. 
And there he was. Sirius was strutting down the path as if he owned the place, confident steps paving the wave of his dark hair, which was dancing to the beat of the breeze beautifully. Your heart fluttered against your chest, belly churning with a feeling you couldn’t quite place. The air around you turned warm, caressing your skin ablaze. It had to be poison. Regulus, who you had forgotten for a moment was on the same bough as you, gave you a pointed look.
Disregarding him, you took out your wand, fiddling it between your fingers. You considered hexing them. They were near the sloshing water, which rippled due to the awful weather. It would be easy to stagger them to the awaiting mouth of the Giant Squid, yet the looming threat of being expelled thwarted your efforts. And in death they would never be able to provide you the awaiting antidote. 
“Merlin’s saggy balls,” cursed Regulus, craning his head toward the trunk of the tree in vexation, voice sharp and tight.
You threw him a knitted glare, afraid the four Gryffindor boys had heard his not-as-quiet-as-required tone. For your relief, they were too engrossed in whatever terrorist mission they were planning by then. 
Suddenly, more footsteps crunched the remaining leaves scattered on the floor. By the sound of it, just one person was approaching your hidden fort. It didn’t take long for a Ravenclaw girl to jag down the path towards the Marauders, who, for the most part, looked as annoyed as ever at her presence. 
And then, the girl -who you had recognised as a fifth year- made her way towards Sirius. From where you stood, you could see his characteristic charming smirk that he used whenever he had a new conquest, the one that until very recently made your skin crawl. He leisurely placed one arm around her shoulder, perching her against his chest. She giggled, strutting along with him towards the water. Her screeching voice ringed across the forest, birds flying away at the sound.
Something in you shifted at the sight, your stomach dropping into a void you had never been aware of in your own body. It was morose, the way claws were scratching the inside of your chest as if your heart needed medical attention, bleeding out at the very branch you had plopped yourself on with Regulus an hour before. 
When Sirius pressed a quick peck on the girl’s lips, your mind snapped. A daunting fear settled on the pit of your stomach, and the blood rushed into your ears. You could hear your heart’s frantic pulsing. With sweaty hands, you grabbed your wand tightly and pointed it towards the target, all previous wishful thinking retired to the back of your frenzied mind. 
“Y/N?” Regulus' voice came in as if he was underwater, muddled by the white noise fuzzing your eardrums. 
With a flicker of your wand, you murmured, “Sacrificiaque pellis”. Your voice was laced with seeth, and a blue light left your wand and hit the focus of your wrath.
Regulus’ lips pressed into a line as he saw the Ravenclaw’s skin covered in a disgusting, cornflake texture. When Sirius noticed, he grimaced and pulled himself away from her, a chagrin countenance stretching on his lips.
It didn’t take much time for the girl to see her measly state, gasping in horror at the sight of her own hands. Antsy and with tearful eyes, she scampered up the path from where she came from, the snickering from the other three Marauders following her up until she disappeared. You still saw red, but the pride looming on your chest was greater than the fury that had taken over you.
“The hell was that!?” Sirius gagged, and James howled in laughter.
“I promise it wasn’t our doing,” Peter added, still chuckling and face pink from the effort of restraining himself. “Although it would have been hilarious.”
Sirius groaned in annoyance. “There goes my date.”
James patted his shoulder sympathetically, Remus smirking widely next to him. “There are more mermaids in the lake, dude.”
The three of them laughed again at Sirius’ wry face, sulking on the shore while the others went back to their previous task, not at all worried about the jinxing of the girl. A very tiny part of you wondered what kind of person could be so indifferent to the attack of someone nearby, yet it flitted away from your mind as soon as the thought had appeared. 
Regulus shook his head with a lazy smirk. “Jinxing muggle-borns now? Didn’t know you had it in you, Potter.”
Those words pulled you out of your tantrum vendetta. Your stomach was still churning. However, the void had disappeared and your heart just fluttered as it usually did whenever Sirius was nearby. You didn’t know what had come over you, why you had that impending need to hurt a stranger girl. And the most sickening part of it all, was that you didn’t regret it.
It wasn’t because she was a muggle-born, though you didn’t feel like bringing it up to Regulus. After years of being friends, you had come to the conclusion that to maintain said friendship it was best to leave the purity of blood out of any conversation. The same happened with half of your group of friends. So you just nodded, tackling your wand back in its place before anyone saw you.
A few minutes later, when the Marauders were too distracted to notice any of you, both Regulus and you bounded down the tree and silently hiked towards the castle. And there, loitering in the roots of the chesnut, was a white cat, blue eyes surveying you with uncanny curiosity. 
Back at the Common Room, you fell into easy conversation with Pandora and Dorcas, your mind dribbling back to that afternoon, to the impending doom of seeing Sirius with another girl. Maybe what Evan had suggested a week prior was the right thing to do: brewing your own antidote would be the only way to escape the torment. 
From the entrance of the Common Room, a jaunty roar called your name. “You really did it!” Barty sauntered towards you with open arms, a grin as wide as the entrance of the school. “I’m so proud of you, Potter.” He launched to your lap, and you squealed in annoyance. 
“What are you talking about?” you snarled, both girls now looking at you two in bemusement. 
“You jinxed a muggle-born! Regulus recounted everything, I wish I had been there to see it.” He sighed in delight, while you bent down, asking for the couch to swallow you. More eyes than you had expected had fallen over you. “At last you turn to the good side, Potter. Oh, we should definitely celebrate! Meadowes, do we have any booze left?”
Dorcas, who had remained quiet for the whole interaction, just swindled her eyes from you to Barty once and time again, scrutinizing you. You flinched at her hard stare, and she opened her mouth to reply sharply, “No.”
“Fuck,” Barty cursed, standing up rapidly from your lap and running towards Evan, who had been quietly reading in the loveseat by the fire.
You could feel the girls’ eyes burning on you, as if trying to pierce your skin with their stare. You turned around slowly, almost unnerved.
“Care to explain?” Dorcas asked, her voice laced with judgement.  
You knew you were on a winding path and had to be careful with your words. However, at that time, it was risky enough to speak about purity matters, especially in a Common Room where you knew of the existence of You-Know-Who supporters. Pressing your lips tight, you sighed through your nose, swamped by the possibility of a scuffle coming from both sides of your group of friends. 
“I’ll tell you in our dorm,” was all you said, fiddling with the loose threats of your sweater. At least most people had turned back to their own affairs. However, the silent prejudice of your friends was enough to make the hairs of your nape stand. 
Out of the corner of your eye, a brown cat was stretching lazily on the carpet underneath you.
“So you didn’t do it out of hatred to muggle-borns,” Dorcas stated with narrowed eyes, glaring at you with an unnerving incredulity.
After an hour or so of loitering in the Common Room, you had deemed it appropriate to leave to your dorm without raising any suspicion on the others. You had tried to narrate the blip with as much clarity about your reasons as you could, leaving out the crestfallen ache that had wrapped around your heart at the sight of Sirius with another girl. 
“The doubt offends me,” you scoffed, keeling down on your bed with an arm draped over your eyes. “Of course not!”
Pandora hummed, and even if you couldn’t see her, you knew she was tilting her head the way she always did whenever confusion settled on her mind. “Then why?”
You shrugged your shoulders uncomfortably. “Why not?”
“But did she do something to you or what?”
“More or less.” Dorcas huffed at your answer, and you pulled your arm away from your eyes in time to see her shake her head. “What?”
“I think you’re spending too much time with Junior, that’s all,” Dorcas said with worry laced in her voice.
“I don’t enjoy torturing muggle-borns,” you drawled your words tiredly.
“Just- be careful, okay? Some people here can be… influential.”
You knew it very well, one of them being your best friend. You never enjoyed their hatred towards muggle-borns, but you had yet to see them torturing one. There were rumours around the castle, about your friends and some older students' love for dark arts and their effect on those they considered impure. However, it was all speculation, you had never witnessed any attack from them. So, if you didn’t see it, certainly it didn’t happen, right?
“Everything’s under control.” Your tone didn’t leave space for any counterargument, deeming the conversation finished. Why you had hidden the effects of the poison from your friends, you didn’t know.
For some reason, now it was Umbridge who looked in your direction rather than the other way around. You hadn’t asked again about the army of cats Regulus was so sure about, but the wind-up gleam on Miss Pinky Winky’s eyes whenever she laid her eyes on you was starting to get on your nerves. During classes that day, you had caught her staring at you with a haughty look more often than not.
“The hell is wrong with Strawberry Cupcake?” you grumbled while walking down the corridor towards DADA with Regulus.
He just shrugged his shoulders. “Dunno. Only Merlin knows what crosses her mind.”
“Strawberry syrup. I thought we had agreed on that.” 
Regulus just chuckled silently, his shoulders shagging with restraint. 
There weren’t many students in the hallways, most of them making the most of the very few rays of sun that pierced through the clouds that seemed to never leave.  
One moment, you were laughing with Regulus, and on the other, you were grabbed by someone by the wrist and pulled into the closest broom closet. You were about to scream, but a hand placed itself on your mouth, thwarting your efforts.
“I’m going to drop my hand. If you scream, I’ll jinx you like you did with Pen.” Sirius' voice was warning, almost leaning on a threat. 
You didn’t nod your head nor did you make a sound. He may think he knew things, yet as a Slytherin, you knew exactly how to proceed to blackmail. Especially because blackmailing was your thing. You also hoped the erratic drumming of your heart ceased and that he couldn’t feel the warmth of your cheeks underneath his palm. Thankfully, it was so dark inside you could barely make out the shape of his body, so hopefully it would be the same with you. 
Slowly, almost reluctantly, Sirius dropped his hand and waited for you to make any frenzied movement. Amateur. When he was sure you would stay quiet, he proceeded to yell-whisper.
“Why on Godric’s saggy balls did you jinx my date!?” he snarled, grey eyes lost to the darkness glaring at you frantically.
You kept yourself steady, face neutral and breathing as calm as Sirius’ presence would let you, not wanting to give any clues. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Don’t play coy, Potter,” he hissed, and by the shuffling of clothing, you could only assume he had crossed his arms over his chest.
“I really have no idea what you’re on about. So, if you excuse me, I have classes to attend.” You were about to grab the handle, but Sirius gripped your wrist with more force than before. “Hey!” You tried to pull away from his hold to no avail. “I know you don’t give a fuck about your grades, but I do. So drop my hand or I-”
“You what? You’ll hex me?” he mockingly cooed. “Poor Pen is still at the Infirmary, you know? Poppy’s having a stroke trying to heal her.”
You wanted to laugh at his hypocrisy. Acting all worried when he had sulked by the shore at the potential loss of a snog. “Who’s Pen?”
“My date.”
“What date?” You knew you were getting under his skin, but with Sirius the best way to proceed was setting him ablaze until he lost control of his own body. Then, you would escape.
“The girl you jinxed at the Black Lake yesterday afternoon. Recalling now?” he spat with obviousness lacing his voice.
You rolled your eyes, still trying to pull your wrist away from his scorching touch. “You should quit drugs, Black. You’re starting to trip.”
“Careful, sweetheart,” he snarled again, although it sounded more like a purr of a cat. “You’re not as good of a liar as you think,” he whispered against your ear, goosebumps arising in your skin.
You stepped back as much as you could on that tiny space, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. You hated what their prank was doing to your body whenever Sirius was present. “I’m not lying, you’re just nuts.” Sirius breathed in, as if preparing to argue his defence, yet you beat him. “And sincerely, since when do you care about the girls you date? Acting as if you were ‘boyfriend of the year’ when you’re actually a manwhore.”
Your breath was taken away from your lungs brutally when Sirius shoved you against the wall. You could feel his breath fanning over your face, and in such a short distance you distinguished his snarling fangs and infuriated grey eyes, darkened by his own wrath and the lack of light of the closet. Your heat betrayed you when it pulsed in pleasure.
“That you don’t get any bitches doesn’t mean the rest of us have to live as hermits.” A black curl teased your cheek, gentle in contrast to the man before you. “Blood purist and fucking muggle nun behavior. You’re disgusting.” Your stomach dropped against your will, a pang punching your chest. “You really have nothing to do with the Potters. It wouldn’t surprise me if they disowned you once I tell them how you love torturing muggle-borns.”
His words were as sharp as a knife, and you tried to keep your tears at bay for the sake of the little dignity you had left. Sirius had never been on your good side. However, cruelty wasn’t something he tended to lay on you. Your hands were shaking, even the one still clasped with his, and your mind was starting to get foggy. “You have no proof,” was all you could whisper, voice clipped and heart bleeding by his hands. 
“I don’t need any. Since the moment you were placed in Slytherin, your brother already knew what you would become.”
It hurt. And it hurt more that they didn’t know you enough to have their brain ingrained with the knowledge of your stand on the oncoming war. How could a house determine your whole moral compass? It was just a schoolhouse. 
“Always hanging around blood purists that take pleasure in torturing others. Pen has only been the first one, hasn't she?” Sirius continued, unaware -or uncaring- of the trembling of your body in distress. “Don’t get near me. Stay away from your brother. And if you ever harm anyone close to me again, I’ll make sure your body’s never found. Surely your parents will be glad the disappointment of the family disappears for good.”
You didn’t have time to assimilate his words before he stormed off the closet, leaving you alone with an aching heart. Dropping to the floor, you sobbed. You had never felt any rejection on your parents side. Yes, having been placed on Slytherin hadn’t been the jauntiest surprise, but you had yet to hear a degrading comment towards you.
How could a person who had been abandoned and tortured by his own family had such cruel words for someone in his same situation? His house of Hogwarts had been his downfall on the Black household. So, why did he take it all on you? Was that Ravenclaw girl so important to him that he felt the need to threaten you so wickedly? Especially because you had been positive no one had seen you. His opinion on you had to be worse than you thought for him to reach the conclusion that it was you who performed the jinx.
You could just cry ghastly on the floor of a broom closet, more than probably late for DADA and with trouble to get an ooze of oxygen in your lungs. They had poisoned you, and now Sirius had stabbed you straight to your heart with sharpened words. The theory of the slow murder was making more and more sense in your hazy, upset mind. 
The irony of your situation almost made you laugh mirthlessly. They could prank half the school and expect no consequences, yet the moment you took vengeance you were deemed a Death Eater in process. Maybe Snape was right, and the Marauders were the worst people to meander the school, even worse than those who had already taken the mark. At least, the latters were open on their position.
Drunk in your misery, you almost didn’t notice the black cat strutting out of the broom closet.
Tag list: @moonlightremblack @mysteriouslyperfecttiger @siriusement @azure-drag0ness @theravenphoenix26 @hisparentsgallerryy @yourmom1092 @canthavetoomuchchaos @xluansstuff
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eddieswritinghell · 26 days ago
König x Reader: Warmth
Reader and König return to their apartment for designated leave together.
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“It's a bit chilly here, isn't it?” You glance over toward the towering Austrian man standing behind you. The apartment, which was left empty for quite some time while the both of you were on active duty, was cold and dusty from not being lived in. However, the two of you finally scored some leave time together after trying for a year.
“Ja, just a bit. I'll go get the thermostat figured out and you can take our bags to the bedroom.” König pats you on the shoulder and sets his bag on the thrifted couch you acquired a few years back. The bag flung some dust up into the air and the man winced. That would definitely need to be cleaned amongst everything else.
“On it. Make it a mission.” You laugh and shrug his bag across your shoulder and move toward the back of the apartment where the door to the bedroom resided.
Upon opening the door, you found an equally dusty bed, which would be the first thing you'd tackle. Setting the bags to the side of the room, you began to strip the bed of its covers and sheets to wash later. Grabbing a new set for the bed, you begin to carefully make the bed and to tuck the corners in as if it were your bunk bed back on base. Habits die hard.
König eventually joined you in the bedroom to take the bed covers out of the room to put with the rest of the laundry that'll surely need to be done before returning to begin dusting off spaces with a duster he had managed to pull out of somewhere. You didn't even know you had a duster. Having the man around seemed to be becoming more and more useful.
Eventually, the room was cleared with the precision you were trained for. All ledges, tables, desks, and drawers were dust free and reorganized. König had chosen a side of the bed for himself, placing his belongings on it in a way that made your heart flutter. Knowing this was his space as well as yours, that it was shared, made you happier than you had ever remembered being.
“Can we order from that one place?” His accented English was charming, you knew he was asking for you to call the order in because he was really wanting food from the grill place down the street. You smile and nod your head in agreement.
“Yeah. You want the chicken with the rice again?” You unzip your bag on the floor and pull out your phone to begin hunting through the contacts to find the number.
“Of course. I'll place the order and run to grab it. You stay here and see if you can get that TV working. We can eat while we watch TV in bed, we've gotten enough cleaning done for today.”
With the food ordered and picked up, you returned to the house to find König snuggled into your bed with the covers pulled up to his chin. Upon seeing you, he sits up and makes grabby hands toward the bag of food. He laughs when you place the bag next to him and he eagerly begins to pull out his food as you get into bed beside him. He had chosen some sort of documentary about sea creatures to watch, which was fine with you. Within the covers, you snuggled up to König and pulled a spate blanket around both of your shoulders as you ate each of your chosen meals.
The apartment felt warm again, whether it was the thermostat regulating the temperature or the man worming his way into your life, it wasn't certain.
As always, requests are open.
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twiixr4kidz · 6 months ago
had a specific vision of giving the members of la squadra hugs......... have me being sappy over my boys
shoutout to those of you who followed during my naranchuu days when i was just a jjba blog LMAO (when my requests open back up please send me jojo asks i miss writing for jjba) (also assume that sorbet and gelato are still together in this i just wrote them seperately for the sake of giving them personalities outside of each other)
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risotto nero:
a hug from the capo is a special thing to get.
they're suffocating in the best way from just how tall and strong he is
he'll let you bury your face into his chest as his fingers run through your hair
he always smells so comforting; he smells like home
some of his hugs will be coupled with a kiss on the forehead
others will be coupled with a "you're alright, i've got you"
he says he's not a hugger, but the fact that he indulges so often says otherwise
prosciu's hugs are tender; so impossibly calming, you could melt in his arms
he keeps a hand resting on your lower back, the other running through your hair
he smells like fancy wine, expensive cologne, and cigarettes
he rocks you back and forth, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you
although nervous about them, he's such a huge hugger
he's big, warm, and so fucking cozy
pesci truly gives some of the best hugs imaginable
he hugs you to make sure you know you're safe with him; he'd never let anything bad happen to you, and if something bad DID happen, he'd make sure it'll never happen again
his fuzzy coat is just a plus!! take advantage of it and nuzzle your face into it, he thinks it's adorable
he's a big hugger, and all of his hugs feel almost playful
he likes to jump out at you and tackle you to the floor, peppering your face with kisses as he tickles your sides
formaggio hugs you a lot for his own comfort
he likes to shrink you down when he hugs you - it's like he's trying to swallow you whole
he's always so warm and cozy, and you if you aren't standing up, you'll be able to fall asleep on him
believe it or not, he's shockingly clingy.
yes, he's a giant, cocky asshole who thinks he's better than everybody else. no, he can't get enough of your touch. those concepts can coexist...................
he likes to pop out from behind dark corners and wrap his arms around you tightly
illuso will bury his face in your hair, mumbling what you can only assume are compliments that he's too embarrassed to say out loud
his hands press tight against your sides, thumbs rubbing small circles on your waist
he gives some of the most comforting, genuine feeling hugs
sure, he might seem a little creepy on the outside, but he can read you like a book
he'll come up from behind you and wrap his arms lazily around your neck
"come here, tesoro. i know you need it."
and he's right damn near every time
sometimes he'll give you a gentle kiss on the cheek before wandering elsewhere
other times, he'll drag you to the couch and force you to cuddle with him
he's not good at hugs; he gets nervous and then he stiffens up and freezes
ghiaccio gives you the biggest hugs when you come back home from rough missions, though
his arms wrap around you tightly, face buried in your neck as angry worries pour from his lips - he thought you were a goner
he's scared that you're going to disappear on him, but hugging you makes him feel better
he's nice to hug in the summer months when the heat's getting to you
he's always nice and chilly and if it's you asking, he's happy to oblige (but he'll never say it)
similar to risotto, sorbet's hugs feel like he's suffocating you
he's built like a fucking wall; tall, broad shoulders, wide chest, very muscular
his hugs are few and far between, but he always hugs you like he's trying to kill you
he likes when you're giggling over being stuck in his arms, playfully scratching him and begging him to let go
he gives you a tight squeeze before letting you go, ruffling your hair before wandering off
he gives some of the most playful, gentle, warm hugs you could ask for - ironic for such a cold-hearted killer
he likes picking you up and spinning you around before pulling you into his chest
he'll tickle you side with one hand while the other arm stays wrapped around your body so you can't escape his torture
he also likes to bite :3 every hug comes with a little nip on your neck just to hear your squeal
he drags you to cuddle with him after every hug though - you're just sooooo cute and cozy, he can't help it
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whitecreekvalley-if · 1 year ago
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[ Demo TBA ] • Character descriptions • Pinterest •
Genres: Slice of life, drama, mystery, romance
WCV is rated 18+ for explicit language, violence, alcohol and drug use, and explicit sexual content.
Life's taken a nosedive—no apartment, no job, no friends. Desperation pushes you to cling to a chance from a kindly stranger offering a ticket to a town hidden beyond mountains and plains, a place people don't seek but always seem to need.
Welcome to Whitecreek Valley, where the Brass Pine Ranch needs your unique skills to mend a crumbling homestead, and a crumbling family. As you tackle the decay of the ranch and the town alongside the rancher's son, deeper troubles emerge—livestock falling ill sparks fears of a town on the brink of extinction. Can you navigate this community, help them rejuvenate, or will it become another link in the list of ghost towns of America's Wikipedia page?
Customization: Appearance, personality, gender & sexuality, what job they had before, their hobbies, etc. Choose how they feel about being a farmhand, how they're adjusting to the rural life, and - with your choices - how the town as a whole sees them. Are they part of the community or an perpetual outsider?
Skills: Depending on your previous job, you'll have a unique set of skills to help the community. Choose to learn new skills, like woodworking, bronc riding, or sheep shearing, to mention a few.
Animal husbandry: The distances around Whitecreek Valley are hefty, so it's necessary to have at least a horse to get around. Choose your favorite out of a cast of individual equines, each with their own personalities. Also, help a calf into this world and realize how fun it is to raise a baby cow! As long as you're in good standing with the rest of the herd, of course.
Rebuilding: Try your best to rebuild the Brass Pine ranch, and the town adjacent. The better job you manage, the more opportunities (and challenges) come your way.
Community outreach: A dying town is still home, and there are stories to be heard, problems to solve. Lend a helping hand to your new community and see how one kindness can pay itself back.
Romance: Not everyone in town is adverse to strangers, and if your heart yearns romance, there is a chance for a spark along the way. Just be careful as to who you're trying to woo in front of whom. Small town gossips, we've all seen it.
Mystery: There's something hanging over the valley, like a rot in the air. Why are people moving out? Why are exports not moving out? And who's behind the animals getting sick? Don you detective hat and lend a hand to the entire four local police officers working the bizarre case.
Mason "Mace" Gannon - 27 - he/him
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He used to be so much fun. I miss hanging out with him, out by the bonfires. He'd always make everyone feel so included and happy, and oh, that homemade cider he'd bring? Warmed us up on those chilly late fall nights, when we had nothing else to do. Did I tell you about the time he got us all to go skinny dipping? He was such a charmer, I wonder --
Imagine Mace as your human golden retriever – the guy who's a blast to be around, a bit mischievous, and the first to rush to your aid whenever you need it. After being gone for five years to live his rodeo dreams, he's back, now the sole caretaker of the family ranch in his hometown. He goes to great lengths to keep his personal issues personal, and it's the butt of many jokes how he's always there to help others but has the worst time asking for help himself.
He's you boss, and probably one of the best you'll ever get. Just don't pay mind to the spats between him and his dad.
Alice Marks - 25 - she/her
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Alice, she's a feisty one! Like her poppa, rest his soul. How I love the drinks she comes up with at the bar, and that horse of hers! She could go into rodeo, but I don't think after what happened with her pa... Oh, but she's a wonder! Always there with a quip, how they drive her suitors mad. Good thing she stopped with the talk about moving away, the town would be so dull without her!
Alice is the town's most known inhabitant, running the show from the only bar in town, which she just happens to own. Her mind is like a machine for fun, and she's the brain behind all the pop-up events and happenings around town. Sure, she can be a bit like a hurricane of enthusiasm, but hey, that's Alice for you. If the town had a social heartbeat, it'd be Alice – the vibrant, smartass soul making everyday life feel like a blessing.
Word of the wise: Never challenge Alice to a drinking game. You will lose, spectacularly, and it'll all be on film.
Judge Gannon - 34 - he/him
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Judge is a bit strange, don't you think? He just vanished as soon as he turned eighteen and popped back out of nowhere! That must've been, let's see... Five years ago? He doesn't spend much time with us commoners though, but I think I've seen him at the bar once or twice. I don't actually think he knows how to make nice with people, he always has that glower on. Gets it from his dad, let me tell you --
Bold and straight to the point, Judge isn't out here trying to be intimidating – it just kinda happens. If his brother is a golden retriever, he's definitely the doberman of the family. He's got this brash, no-nonsense vibe that some folks mistake for arrogance, especially when they try laying on the charm and he's not having it. He steers clear of small talk unless it involves his job, and when duty calls, he's more than ready to throw down to protect his town and county.
There's this local urban legend that he cracked a smile once, but it's like spotting a unicorn – not everyone's buying it.
Mercedes "Sadie" Diáz - 32 - she/her
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The new girl, yes! Oh, a beauty! And so curious. I do love sitting down with her though, oh the stories she brings from the big city, so intriguing! I hear she finds our town intriguing too, the mayor once - don't tell anyone I told you this - the mayor once said he caught her breaking into the city hall archives! I know, scandalous, but good on her, maybe now someone will argue that my neighbors fence post --
Sadie, the big-shot lawyer from the city, doing her solo act in town. When she's not in court, folks are lining up just to get a piece of the urban tales she's got. A trailblazer and truth-seeker, she's got this knack for poking her nose where it probably shouldn't be, and surprise, she knows more local secrets than the town gossip. Sure, she's all passionate and calculated, a bit out of sync with the town's warmth, but hey, that logical mind of hers might just shake things up and get the town back on track.
It's a well known fact that she could get access to places with the right documents, but she herself has said it's more fun to pick locks. Go figure.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 9 months ago
You're Still The One ♥️
Coupled up Virgin Eddie and Virgin reader having their first times with each other, and - from both love and in defiance of the people who said they'd eventually get bored with each other - ending up married and/or with a couple of kids, and still as in love with each other and as horny for each other in their 40s/50s/60s/+ as they were in their late teens/early 20s?
Request by anon.
Also this request reminded me of the Shania Twain song-You're still the one so the lyrics are at the end of this fic 🥰
Mdni. 18+. A little bit of smut at the start, fluffy and sweet. Eddie and you being utter simps for each other.
Eddie's hand gently clasps yours, the two of you are nervous, entwined together and naked in more ways than one but there's so much love and trust, the eagerness to give each other everything.
He's gentle, so very gentle as he thrusts into you. Well as gentle as he can be and holds your hand whispering words of love as he moves in and out of you, only begins to move faster when you assure him you're okay.
The sharp pain you felt at the start dulls and in its place is an all-consuming need for Eddie, you're begging him to move faster and meet his lips in a clumsy but perfect kiss.
"You okay princess?" he strokes your cheek and you nod clenching around him, he lets out a guttural moan and his thrusts become harder, a little bit sloppy at first but he gets into the most perfect rhythm that has you seeing stars.
"You feel so good, so tight sweetheart, I can't believe you're mine"
The pleasure is like nothing you've ever felt before and you know Eddie feels that way too, moans issuing from the both of you as you both reach your climax.
You're giddy and on a high, so is Eddie and the two of you kiss, giggling and so in love with each other.
"That was fucking incredible princess" he sighs then he pauses his eyes flashing with anxiety, "Was it okay for you too?" You rest your forehead against his and smile, feeling like you're on cloud nine.
"It was perfect Eddie"
People warned you that the two of you wouldn't last.
"You'll never last, you'll grow bored and move on. You're young and being so head over heels in love doesn't last forever"
All of the naysayers were proven wrong, through utter love and defiance you and Eddie fell more in love with each other and that love lasted.
Eddie proposed one beautiful spring day, he had the ring for a long time while trying to think of the perfect time to propose. He had big ideas for doing it, maybe a campaign where at the end he would propose or he could take you to a fancy restaurant and propose to you there.
In the end, though the proposal came on that spring day while you and Eddie were enjoying some quiet time together after a busy week. It was windy and a little chilly, with blossom trees in full bloom (a sight you always loved) and Eddie tearful and struggling to get the words out.
You had pretty much screamed yes and nearly tackled him to the ground when you hugged him. He was grinning widely, all dimples and glee as he slipped the ring on your finger. It was perfect.
The two of you married in the autumn, with just Uncle Wayne, very close family and friends in attendance. It was outside, in the park you and Eddie loved so much, under pretty autumnal trees painted in golds, reds and rich browns.
It was one of the best days of your life and Eddie's too.
Adelaine was the first of you and Eddie's kids to arrive, from the minute you found out you were pregnant you and Eddie pored over every pregnancy book the two of you could find. He was extremely protective and completely enraptured with your growing bump, talking to the baby and telling the baby stories.
"I want to be the best dad sweetheart. Better than my old man ever was" he murmurs as you both look at lists of baby names. Gently you squeeze his hand and press soft kisses on his forehead.
"You're going to be the best daddy Eddie Munson, you're already the most amazing husband, I know our little one will be loved and so lucky to have you" he still looks anxious so you climb onto his lap and hold him close to you.
"Eddie you're nothing like your father. He was an asshole, cold and cruel. You're nothing like that, you're so full of love and gentleness, I love you so much and so will our little one. Any anxieties we have we get through together okay?" He nods his eyes brightening and a small smile on his lips that soon turns mischievous.
"Hey, how about the name Gandalf?" you snort and shake your head.
"Absolutely not" he pouts and wraps his arms around you, rests his hand on your bump and grins when he feels a kick.
"It would be so fucking metal babe, Gandalf Munson, we could be on to something. Popularise the name" You can't help but start giggling, Eddie pouts again but lets the name game drop for now.
Five months to that day Adelaine Maria Munson was born and Eddie was wrapped around her little finger which was adorable.
Samuel Munson followed and then Arwyn Munson, completing your little family.
Not to mention the many stray cats and dogs you adopted over the years as well. Ozzy, Sabbath, Midnight, Gandalf and a lot more.
Your house was always filled with love, laughter and a dozen pets, you could never resist a cute kitty or dog and Eddie could never say no to the combined forces of you and the girl's pouts.
"Sammy, they're doing the puppy eyes again dude, help your old man out" he would playfully joke to Samuel who was pretty much Eddie's mini me and idolised Eddie.
The first time Samuel and the girls begged Eddie to teach them about D&D, he almost cried. (He totally did) and rushed to make up a campaign for them.
Sundays were campaign day every week in your house after that and Friday nights were reserved for Eddie's epic bedtime story hour - Lord of the Rings was a hit in your household.
Not to mention he made up stories for the kids and dramatically acted out each one (with your assistance) you think Eddie enjoyed telling the stories even more than the kids.
You and Eddie being still so completely in love year after year made your kids whine that the two of you were "so gross" when you kissed or were particularly touchy-feely, Eddie always over dramatically kissed you even more just to make them laugh.
All these decades later and the two of you were more in love than ever and despite what everyone said the two of you did last.
Soulmates until the end.
Looks like we made it. Look how far we've come, my baby, We mighta took the long way.
We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on. We're still together, still going strong.
Mm (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to, The one that I belong to. You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one), You're still the one that I love.
The only one I dream of, You're still the one I kiss goodnight.
Shania Twain- You're still the one
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drabblesandimagines · 1 year ago
Leon Kennedy x reader Established relationship, fluff, one lil' swear
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You look forlornly at the box of Christmas decorations you’d brought out of the top of the cupboard in anticipation of tomorrow, sat prominently in the middle of the living room, and back down at the text you’d received a few moments ago from Leon.
LSK, 3:28pm: Been held up, sweetheart. Trying to get this wrapped up ASAP but I’m not going to be back tonight. Forgive me? x
It’s silly to be upset, you know that, especially Leon’ll be frustrated enough as it is that they’re making him stay there longer. You flop back on the sofa, take a breath and type out a reply.
No forgiveness necessary, silly. I know it’s not your fault. Be safe x
It was going to be your first Christmas in the new, shared apartment that you’d picked out together for the next big stage of your relationship. Leon hadn’t come with a huge amount of personal effects – a shoebox of letters and photographs had been the sum of anything sentimental amongst the usual boxes of clothes, shoes, bedsheets and towels. You, on the other hand, had come in with a fair bit more, including one solely filled with Christmas decorations.
You'd been sat on the living room floor nearly ten months ago now, unpacking one of your several boxes, a few of them set aside to be deposited in different rooms to tackle, which Leon had graciously been working his way through.
“Where do you want this one, sweetheart?”
You looked up, deciphering the initials you’d hastily written in permanent marker in the corner. “Oh, can you put that one in the top of the hall cupboard, please?”
He nodded, bending with his back rather than lifting from his knees and grunted, not expecting it to be as heavy as it was.
“What’s in here – weights?”
You smiled, sheepishly, getting up to your feet. “Christmas decorations. We don’t have to use all of them, I thought we could combine, you know? Decorations and traditions.”
He looked down at the sealed box, seeming embarrassed as you walked over to him. “That’s okay. Never really did much for Christmas myself, so I'm happy with whatever you wanna do for both, sweetpea."
You stood up on your tip-toes, pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Well, we can get some new ones too – together.”
That had been the plan for tomorrow on the rare, overlapping day off for the two of you in a busy December. You had a whole itinerary in mind, jam-packed with your favourite festive activities that you were excited to share with Leon, see which ones he was taken with so you could start making your own joint traditions going forward. You move the box to the place you’d cleared for the tree, before sitting down on the sofa. You check your phone – no response – and lean forward for the remote control instead, switching on a tacky Christmas movie as a distraction.
You didn’t hear from Leon again that night, which wasn’t unusual if he was in the thick of things, and there was no text or missed call when you awoke in the morning. You’d showered, dressed and were in the kitchen, making a coffee to warm you up on the chilly morning – a very picturesque dusting of snow had fell overnight - when you heard the jangle of keys in the front door. In walked Leon, his suit crinkled, looking tired but smiling immediately at the surprised look on your face.
“Morning, sweetheart.”
“Leon!” You walked over to him as he dropped his duffel bag on the floor with a thud, opening his arms wide to greet you, only for you to yank him forward by his jacket to kiss him.
He slips his arms around your waist, kissing you back in return, though there’s a smirk on his lips when you pull back, “That welcome home makes the red-eye I caught entirely worth it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were on your way back?”
He shrugs, swallowing down a yawn. “Didn’t wanna wake you – knew you’d got the whole day planned." He knew you'd been itching to decorate for Christmas with him, letting it slip that you usually had everything up by the evening of December 1st. "Lemme grab a shower, change out of this suit and then you can tell me what’s first on the agenda, hm?”
“Oh. No,” you shake your head, feeling foolish. “You must be exhausted after everything, as well as travelling through the night. We can just relax today, don’t worry about that stuff – it was a silly idea, really.”
“Uh-uh, I’ve been looking forward to it. Hell, it’s the reason why I got the red-eye.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” He presses a kiss against your forehead before picking his bag back up. “Save me some coffee?”
“Okay.” You can’t help the smile that breaks across your face as he heads through to the bedroom. “Oh, be sure to dress warm!”
“A Christmas tree farm, huh?” Leon reads the sign with a grin, pulling the Jeep into the parking lot. You’d wanted to drive but he was a little nervous of you behind the wheel on the snowy roads. He’d been a good sport though, following the directions you’d programmed into the sat nav dutifully and not questioned where you were going, as you were adamant it remained a surprise.
“Yeah.” You nod, enthusiastically. Leon swears you’ve been bouncing your leg in excitement the whole drive. “We walk through, choose our perfect tree, cut it down and then we take it home.”
“How do we know which one is our perfect tree?”
“We’ll just know when we see it.” You unbuckle your seatbelt and jump out the Jeep, ready to sprint right down to the entrance when Leon grabs hold of your arm, spinning you around to face him.
“Hold on, sweetpea.” He fussed, tugging your hat further down around your ears with gloved fingers. “There. Don’t want you getting sick for your favourite holiday.”
“Thank you.” You smile, lacing your fingers with his and pulling him down the slope towards the tree farm. There’s a wheelbarrow of saws as you enter which you leave Leon to choose his preference – you know he’ll want to do the grand honours – as you grab a sledge to aid with tree retrieval before heading out the forest itself.
“Okay, so as a total tree novice, what are we looking for in particular?”
“Something that’s not too small but not too big, nice shape to it, isn’t already half-dead, has a good smell to it…” You trail off, stopping in front of one that seemed a good size. This first area is a little sparse, only a handful of trees left in the ground but there’s a good acre to explore.
“That’s half the fun of having a real one – the smell.” You give the tree a gentle shake to find it loses quite a few needles, and turn away to find Leon watching you, intently, resting the saw on his shoulder.
“Like the car air freshener?”
“Kinda, but ten times better when it’s not artificial.” You loop your arm through his. “Come on, plenty more trees to see.”
You enter the next area where it’s more of a thicket, trees of various heights and widths and Leon feels a little overwhelmed at the choice. He hangs back, watching you in your element – slowly walking past each tree to first check if it meets your height criteria and if it does, then looking at it from various angles, hands on your hips, tilt your head before giving a branch or two an experimental shake.
He begins to take note of ones you linger on, getting an idea of what you’re looking for in particular. It’s part of his job after all – observing targets, memorizing certain details. He walks on a little further, scrutinizing each tree in turn before, shaking the branch to see how many needles cast off. After a half a dozen, he stops in front of one, mimicking your head tilt from before, giving a few of the branches a shake and steps back.
“Sweetheart, whatcha think of this one?”
“Hm?” You turn in the direction of his voice, locating him amidst the green before trudging over, looking at the tree in question. He watches, silently, as you go through the motions before turning back to him with a smile so bright he swears it makes his heart skip a beat.
“It’s perfect! You’re a natural.”
“Had a good teacher.”
Tree secured safely to the top of the Jeep, you’d pushed Leon into the tree farm’s shop next, a treasure trove of Christmas decorations both classic and tacky and told him to pick up whatever he liked the look of. He’d been quite taken with the rustic wooden decorations – trees, sleighs, woodland animals – and a tin one of a motorcycle, and you’d chosen a standard box of baubles together in colours you’d liked. From there, it was back to the apartment, thankfully the two of you plus tree fit in the elevator, before Leon nipped back down to the Jeep for the new pot and bag of Christmas decorations.
You’d pulled him into the bedroom upon his return, presenting him with plaid pyjama bottoms, a black t-shirt and a Santa hat.
He’d held it between two fingers. “Seriously, sweetheart?”
“Mm-hm.” You nodded, pulling out a pair of reindeer antlers on a headband from behind your back. “Or this.”
He pulled the hat over his head without further complaint.
Between the two of you, now both donned in your pyjamas and festive headgear, and another made-for-TV Christmas film playing in the background on the widescreen, you managed to get the tree situated in its new home for the season before you dived into your box, pulling out a ball of tangled fairy lights and dropping it in his lap.
“Another Christmas tradition you need to experience is untangling the lights.”
He balances it in his palm, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “How about just putting them away properly?”
“I do – always end up like that.” You shrug, getting to your feet.
“Right, and whilst I’m doing this, what will you be doing?”
You lean over the back of the sofa, press a kiss to his crown. “Making you a hot cocoa with all the trimmings. Good luck!”
You watch as Leon stretches up and places the star atop the tree – it’s a smidge crooked, but you love it all the same. You’d spent the last hour wrapping it in lights and tinsel, before nestling new and old decorations upon the branches.
You bend down and switch the lights on, illuminating the tree in all its glory. “Perfect,” you declare, before you close your eyes for a moment, bite your lip in thought as Leon watches on with interest.
“What was that about?” He pulls you into his side, wrapping an arm tight around your waist.
“What was what?”
“Closed your eyes there, looked like you were deep in thought.”
“Oh,” you laugh. “It’s silly – my grandfather said to make a wish after you put the star on top of the tree and switch on the lights and then, with some Christmas magic, it would come true.”
“Mm. Give it a go.” You elbow him in the side, teasingly.
“Nah, it won’t work.” He shakes his head.
“Well, not with that attitude.”
“No,” he twirls you round in front of him then, cups your cheek and kisses you, softly. “It won’t work because my Christmas wish has already come true.”
“Okay, I need to dial back on your exposure to Hallmark Christmas movies cos that was cheesy as heck.”
He shrugs, rubbing his thumb across your cheek with a smug look on his face. “You love it.”
“I love you.” You correct, placing your hands on his chest. “Thank you for indulging me all day.”
“Love you more, sweetheart. However, there is one tradition I do have for this time of year that I’d like to share with you.”
“Really? You said you didn’t have any.”
“Mm.” He pulls you back with him onto the sofa, nestling you into his lap and presses a button on the remote control – the DVD player whirring into action.
“Leon Scott Kennedy,” you start with fake indignation, “are you telling me you have a favourite Christmas movie?”
Leon presses a kiss to your temple before he moves his lips to your ear to whisper with a smirk.
“Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker.”
Silly, festive nonsense. Comments, follows, likes and reblogs make my day!
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
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ifwebefriends · 11 months ago
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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gilbertscurls · 3 months ago
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The mall was alive with the chaos of the season—holiday music playing overhead, shoppers bustling between stores, and twinkling decorations hanging from every available surface. You followed Chris through the crowd, clutching your coat tighter against the chilly draft that seemed to sneak in every time the automatic doors opened.
“So, what’s the plan?” you asked as Chris stopped in front of a store window. “Find something perfect for Nick and Matt and avoid the last-minute panic shopping?”
He grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Exactly. But I’m also multitasking today.”
“Multitasking?” you asked, narrowing your eyes. “What does that mean?”
He didn’t answer, just winked and led the way into the store.
Chris moved with purpose, scanning shelves and racks with a focus that was almost impressive. You trailed behind, offering suggestions when he asked, though he mostly seemed to know exactly what he was looking for. After about ten minutes, he grabbed a hoodie that screamed "Nick" and a beanie that Matt would probably wear every day until summer.
“Alright, that’s round one,” he declared, heading toward the register.
As you waited in line, you felt him slip away. Before you could call after him, he returned, holding a small box wrapped in shiny silver paper. He handed it to you with a grin.
“What’s this?” you asked, taking the box.
“A little something,” he said casually, though the smile tugging at his lips betrayed his excitement. “Open it.”
You carefully peeled back the paper to reveal a tiny snow globe, the inside featuring a miniature Christmas tree surrounded by glittery snow.
“Chris,” you said, smiling as you held it up to the light. “It’s adorable.”
He shrugged, looking far too pleased with himself. “I thought you might like it. Plus, it’s Christmas—Santa’s gotta spread some cheer, right?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hide your smile. “Alright, Santa. Let’s keep shopping.”
The pattern repeated at every store. While Chris shopped for his brothers—picking out a pair of sneakers for Matt at one stop and a graphic tee for Nick at another—he’d inevitably disappear for a moment and return with a little gift for you.
At a quirky boutique, it was a set of peppermint-scented candles.
“You’re always burning candles,” he explained with a shrug.
At a bookstore, he handed you a slim notebook with a festive cover.
“For all those brilliant ideas you’re always scribbling down,” he teased.
By the time you reached the food court for a much-needed snack break, you were carrying a small collection of thoughtful little trinkets, each one perfectly suited to you.
“You know,” you said as you both sat down with your hot chocolates, “you’re making it really hard for me to keep up. I didn’t plan on shopping for you today.”
Chris leaned back in his chair, smirking. “You don’t have to. This is way more fun for me.”
“Why, because you like watching me get flustered?”
He laughed, holding up his hands in mock innocence. “Maybe a little. But mostly because I like seeing you smile.”
You shook your head, warmth spreading through your chest that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate. “Well, mission accomplished, Santa.”
As the two of you finished your drinks and prepared to tackle the rest of the mall, you couldn’t stop glancing at the little gifts he’d surprised you with. It wasn’t the things themselves that meant so much—it was the thought behind each one, the way he’d noticed the little things that made you happy.
And as you walked beside him, listening to him debate whether Matt would prefer a new set of headphones or a novelty mug shaped like a basketball, you realized that this impromptu shopping trip was more than just errands—it was a memory you’d treasure long after the season ended.
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tag list: @stuwniolo, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @matts-myloverboy, @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut, @lizzymacdonald06, @asherrisrandom, @sturniolowhore69, @faith5drpepper, @emely9274, @psychologyloverfr, @lovetaylorrussellgrr, @conspiracy-ash, @helpimateenagerinlove, @ghostlythinggoingaround, @sturmatt, @chris-hallelujah, @goingtojohnkramershouseee, @wurlibydominicfike, @straw8berry
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thedovesaredying · 1 year ago
Zombie!Ghost x F!Reader | Smut
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Synopsis: You and Zombie Ghost play a fun game. Based on a brief convo with @konigsblog I had on my main account.
Words: 600~
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Teratophilia, PnV, Unprotected Sex, Muzzles, Predator/Prey Kink.
Reminder, this is an 18+ account!
You’re glad that you managed to convince your lover to wear a muzzle while playing your little game together. For as much as he loves you and would do anything in his power to keep you safe, even he can’t fight down the urge to try and bite at you, his delicious prey. It’s dangerous given his state, but that merely adds to the thrill.  
Adrenaline has his senses clouded and his iron grip on his behaviour slipping. His teeth, inches from your soft, supple flesh, are snapping at you with the occasional growl slipping from between them. It’s instinctive, the way he tries to sink his jaws into your throat. His hips, desperately grinding against your ass is also entirely instinct.  
He wants to devour you, in each and every way he can.  
Zombies lack any kind of impulse control, driven only by the need to survive, to consume. And it seems, reproduce too.  
Ghost’s pure, baser needs are all that matter with his head swimming in a sea of pleasure chemicals. He’ll come back to himself soon enough, but part of the enjoyment is letting him have his way with you when he’s too far gone to even consider being gentle. He’d won the game after all. He deserves a reward for a successful hunt.  
Running through the deserted streets with such a monstrous creature hot on your heels is one hell of a method of foreplay. The other undead pay you no mind, you smell too strongly of Ghost’s musky scent for them to realise you aren’t one of them. But Ghost can still tell, able to track your scent like a bloodhound on steroids. Your arousal just makes it all the easier for him.  
He chases you all throughout the winding streets of the city, always getting close to catching you, before letting you “escape” his clutches at the last second. It isn’t until you start sprinting across a park that he decides to end the game, his broad mass tackling you to the ground. Thankfully, you land in a pile of fallen leaves so the landing isn’t too harsh, but that’s the last courtesy Ghost plans on extending to you.  
It was certainly a good idea to do some prep before your little hunt, considering your partner doesn’t bother to wait, tearing both your pants and panties down in one firm yank. The chilly air meets the wetness of your cunt for only a moment, before something hot nudges at your opening.  
The man curled over you lets out a loud grunt as he pushes inside of your warmth, rough and swift with his strokes. Your breath is punched from your lungs the moment he bottoms out, heavy balls slapping against you as he very quickly picks up speed. He’s still trying to snap his teeth at you, and while the muzzle keeps him from getting too close, that doesn’t stop the drool from his eager snarling and biting from dripping onto your neck.  
He’s been running exceedingly hot ever since the infection took hold, so his every inch feels as though it’s burning you from the inside out. The heat of him only helps feed into the building warmth in your gut, the little coil inside you curling tighter and tighter until, with a gasp of his name, you clench down around him, milking Ghost for everything he’s worth.  
Unfortunately for you, his infection hasn’t damaged his stamina, and he continues to pound into your overstimulated hole. Your pleas for him to slow down fall of deaf ears.  
He plans on breeding you and breeding you good.  
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ravencincaide · 1 year ago
This was supposed to be a good day
Summary:  You haven't seen Chuuya in almost a decade. The humiliation of his break up with you still burned fresh, still hateful. No you never wanted to see his stuck up “I am better than everyone” attitude ever again. Unfortunately for you fate had other plans. And this time it was unlikely that he would leave you alone, even with your threats. 
Pairing: Fem!reader x (ex) Chuuya Nakahara
Inspired by Not today fic by @chuuyaswifeandhoe. So all cred for this thing goes to her. Please check her amazing works out if you're into really painful angst!
Warnings: Cursing, angst, parents
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“ Get back here you little rascals!” 
Children's laughter filled the empty playground as you chased the twins around the slide. Past the climbing net, and all the back to the steps which lead up into the wooden playpen. You were just shy of catching your daughter, your fingers brushed against her ginger ponytail. A little more and– she ducked inside the round playtube with a giggle- just out of your gasp. You could hear her small hands slam against it as she shuffled through to the other side and out of your reach. Before you could follow after; you gasped, stopped and spun around as yet another snowball hit your back. 
You scanned the play area until you caught sight of a head of messy ginger locks belonging to your son. Your little boy full of mischief who was in the process of throwing yet another snowball at you. 
“ Hey don’t even think about it Daiki-” your playful voice was cut off as the snowball made contact with the front of your jacket. You narrowed your eyes at him, watched the way he froze mid motion with a slightly guilty look on his face. Then as you took a step in his direction, the boy audibly yelped before he started running. 
You were not going to let him escape you.
You ducked, narrowly avoided hitting your head on the monkey bars and ran just a little bit faster. “ Gotcha!” you laughed as you circled your arms around the little boy. You lifted him up and spun him once, twice your joint laughter filled the silence until you heard your daughter’s cute yell; “ Me next, mama, me next!” as she ran straight into you with full force. 
If she was older and heavier she might have successfully tackled you to the ground. But being the tender age of seven she was barely strong enough to make you shift weight. Still you acted along and pretended to be brought down to one knee, still holding her twin to your chest. “ Ahh Fumiko you got me” you groaned out as your daughter jumped up and down in glee. Then the two ganged up on you; with giggles small hands tried to drag you down further into the snow while the same small hands tried to tickle you through the thick coat. Your joint laughter filled the empty playground in the otherwise calm park. 
The day was beautiful; chilly but perfect in the sense that you had the entire play area to yourself. Just you and your two precious twins with whom you made heartwarming memories together. Another perfect day, another perfectly sweet–
“ Y/N?” That voice sent shivers up and down your spine. The pleasant shivers of longing which made your heart shred itself in your chest mixed together with painful memories of humiliation. The condescending degrading way he had tossed you aside. The icy blue of his eyes- the twisted smirk- imagines that you had desperately hid in the very back of your mind behind lock and key were slowly coming back. Flashed one by one right before your eyes. 
His words from years ago and the way you cried and begged for him, the way he brought you to your knees and then kept tearing you to shreds. 
Completely humiliated. 
That humiliation was twisted and turned into a tight knit ball of anger in the pit of your stomach. Filled your lungs with air; a suffocating rage. At that moment you did not know what you were going to do if you turned around and actually saw Chuuya. Were you going to yell? Hit him? Demand an explanation for his cruelty? Rub in his face that he had lost years with his children and that this one chance encounter would be the only time he would ever get to be in their presence?
“ Mama are we done playing already?” you were brought out of your trail of thoughts by Fumiko. Her expression was sad; huge blue eyes stared into yours not understanding what happened but being old enough to realize it was not something good. Daiki clung to you tightly, clearly afraid. The anger inside you subsided enough that you could plaster a pleasant albeit forced smile onto your lips. “ Yes but if we go now you can play some video games when we get home.” before the words could leave your lips, the twins were out of your embrace and running throughout the playground to collect their things. 
Their childish innocence warmed your heart. 
The smile on your lips faded the second you saw a gloved hand stretch towards you out of the corner of your eyes, a silent offer to help you off the ground. You ignored it, used your anger as sufficient fuel to stand up in one swift motion. You shook off the snow before you turned to face Chuuya, arms crossed over your chest. 
He looked more stunning than when you last saw him. More of a man; sophisticated suit, a brand new coat and his usual hat now adored with additional accessories. He wore cologne; a musky scent which just barely hid the smell of cigarettes off of him. “ Oj Doll,Why the fuck did you not fuckin’ let m’know?” his tone was accusing, hurt and angry. His blue eyes bore holes into you so clearly demanding an explanation. 
You gave him none. You did not have to; you did not need to. A part of you wanted to deny that the twins were his- but you bit your tongue to prevent that. You knew that even a blind bastard would see the similarities. Still you relished in the idea that this hurt him. You hoped this hurt was even a fraction of the hurt he caused you. 
“ It’s none of your business” you stated icily, out of the corner of your eyes you kept track of Fumiko and Daiki; made sure none of his goons for hire would even attempt to approach the two. 
“ None of my– the fuck?! You sold the goddamn fuckin apartment, kept this from me and just–” 
“-the apartment and all its content which you left to me for wasting my time, effort and looks on you” you cut him off, old hurt surfaced like a steel knife. But no, as much as you wanted to yell and accuse him, to tell him exactly what you thought of him you decided against it. You were not going to stoop down to his level. You were better than that- better than him. And especially not in front of your twins who waited nervously for you at the edge of the playground “ We’re done here.” 
“ Oj Y/N don’t you even–”
Chuuya reached out for you and you sidestepped his touch. His action made you lose a sliver of your self control in the process;“ Touch me and I will call the police; it won’t lead to anything but we both know the mafia doesn’t want to flash in front of the government.” your voice was icy as you watched him drop his hand back to his side. 
His face took on a surprised expression, clearly not expecting the threat. 
You took this moment to continue “ I have never been happier than in these seven years without you. Seeing you today just ruined my day and time with my babies. We don’t need or want you, so make yourself scarce.” You fixed him with a pointed look and made sure he understood each syllable that left your lips. Then you turned on your heel and left the playground. You held your head high, proudly, as you left the playground with your twins safely in your arms. 
You meant every word you uttered to him, every syllable past your lips. You hated him, detested him for everything he had done to you. And yet why did your heart ache so pitifully?  
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Author note: This fic was written today and thus hasn't had a lot of editing. Once again it's all thanks to @chuuyaswifeandhoe. Think of it as an early next-week update ;)
All fics are unique works by ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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amruwa · 10 months ago
imagine spending the holidays with ajax, who seems to be delighted to see that you're getting along well with his family. his brothers and sisters, as well as his parents, adore you as much as he does!
dinner had always been festive, especially the holidays. however, it seems to enlighten the mood twice as much, now that you're by his side. his mother scoops several portions of potlucks onto your plate, a big smile on her face when you ask for more as you gush on how delicious it was.
"auntie, your dishes taste amazing!" your marvel at the taste of their homecooked meals, while ajax gently cups your face and wipes the food that cling onto the corners of your lips with a napkin.
his mother chuckles, a heartwarming smile as she gazes at the two of you, "i'm glad you enjoyed it!"
tonia and teucer both quickly finish their food before making their way to your side, tugging at the hem of your clothing to play outside in the chilly season of snezhnaya.
"can we please go outside, y/nnnn?" the two whined, trying their best to look pitifully under your gaze so that you'd give in.
however, a pair of warm hands cover your sight.
"not until she's done eating!" he says, blowing raspberries at the two as they frown, slumping back to their seats while they patiently wait for you to finish.
you soon finish, standing up and offering to wash the dishes. however, his mother insists and ushers you to play outside with the two.
and, this is where you found yourself... scarily chased by a certain ginger with snowballs in hand, while you and his siblings try to run away.
"i'm going to catch you all!" he laughs, throwing snowballs your way before his siblings screamed and try to throw snowballs as well. you hid behind a tree, an attempt to escape his antics to catch a breather.
tonia trips, and before she could land onto the porcelain snow, ajax takes her into his arms.
"gotcha!" he grins, tickling the little girl.
"nooo!" tonia giggled, struggling against his hold. teucer threw snowballs at his big brother, before ajax lunges at him and tackles him in the snow.
screams and giggles filled the air, until the three realize you were nowhere to be found. as ajax turns his head to look for you, he was met with a snowball onto his face.
needless to say, you were chased by him until you pleaded to make snowmen instead. you, ajax, teucer, and tonia made snowmen replicas of their family members with you.
you surely enjoyed spending holidays with him, everywhere felt like home with ajax.
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starskq · 6 months ago
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Pairing ◊ reader x boyfriend!yujun
Genre ◊ fluff
Warnings ◊ kissing (i think that's it??)
Word count ◊ 1k
Summary ◊ the first time boyfriend!yujun sees his girlfriend in his clothes.
a/n: I'm thinking of starting a boyfriend!xikers series, lmk if you'd be interested!!
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You and Yujun had been dating for a little while now—just a few months, but long enough for you to feel comfortable around him. It was a quiet Saturday evening, and you had both agreed to study together for an upcoming exam. The thought of spending time with him made the stress of the exam feel lighter somehow.
When you arrived at his dorm, you immediately noticed how cold it was. You hadn’t expected it to be this chilly—it was still early fall, and you had dressed in a light sweater and leggings, thinking it would be enough. But as soon as you sat down at his desk, flipping open your notebook, you felt a shiver run down your spine.
Yujun glanced up from his own notes, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Are you cold?" he asked, his voice gentle. You could hear the worry creeping in as he leaned a little closer, his dark eyes scanning your face.
You tried to play it off, rubbing your arms and giving him a small smile. "A little, but it's fine," you said, not wanting to make a fuss.
But Yujun wasn’t having it. He stood up from his chair, rummaging through his closet for a moment before pulling out a sweatshirt—one of his favorites, you noticed. It was a soft, oversized gray hoodie, the one he usually wore when he was relaxing in his dorm.
“Here,” he said, his voice warm and insistent as he handed it to you. “You’ll freeze if you don’t wear this.”
You hesitated for a second, taking the hoodie from him. It was big, much bigger than anything you usually wore, but it was also warm and it smelled like him—like a mixture of fresh laundry and the subtle hint of cologne that was distinctly Yujun.
“Thanks,” you murmured, pulling it over your head. The fabric immediately engulfed you, the sleeves hanging well past your wrists, the hem almost reaching your thighs. You couldn’t help but laugh a little at how oversized it was on you.
Yujun watched as you adjusted the hoodie, his mouth slightly open like he was about to say something. But then he didn’t. His eyes lingered on you for a moment, longer than usual, and you noticed how his expression softened. His breath hitched audibly, and you saw his chest rise and fall, like he was struggling to catch it.
You blinked, confused. “What?” you asked, tilting your head. “Do I look ridiculous or something?”
“No, no,” Yujun said quickly, shaking his head. His voice was a little breathless, almost like he had just run a mile. “You just… you look really cute.” His words tumbled out before he could stop them, and you saw a blush creep up his cheeks, faint but undeniable.
You felt your own face heat up at his compliment, your heart doing an involuntary flip. “It’s just a hoodie,” you replied, trying to downplay the way his words made your stomach flutter. But inside, you were thrilled.
Yujun didn’t move at first, his gaze still locked on you like he was mesmerized. Then, all of a sudden, something changed in his expression. His eyes sparkled with an intensity that caught you off guard, and before you could react, he lunged toward you with a playful grin.
“Yujun, what are you—” you barely had time to finish your sentence before he tackled you onto his bed, his arms wrapping around you as you fell backward onto the soft mattress. You let out a surprised yelp, the two of you landing in a heap of laughter.
He hovered over you for a second, his face inches from yours, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I wasn’t expecting you to look that adorable in my clothes,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. You could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, and your heart was pounding in your chest.
Before you could respond, Yujun leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead, gentle and sweet. Then, he kissed your nose, then your cheek, and then another on your temple. Each kiss was light and soft, and you couldn’t help but giggle as he peppered your face with them, his lips trailing down to your jawline, then back up to your forehead again.
“Yujun,” you laughed, squirming under him as his kisses became more playful. “What are you doing?”
“I can’t help it,” he murmured between kisses, his voice warm and teasing. “You look too cute in my hoodie. It’s driving me crazy.”
Your laughter filled the small room, and you tried to push him away, but his arms were still wrapped around you, keeping you firmly in place. “Okay, okay! Enough!” you giggled, trying to catch your breath as he finally paused his attack of kisses.
He leaned back slightly, resting his forehead against yours, both of you panting softly from the laughter. For a moment, the playful energy between you shifted into something softer, more tender. His eyes met yours, and you could see the affection there, clear as day.
“You’re really something, you know that?” he said quietly, his voice filled with warmth. His hand came up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
You felt your heart swell at his words, and for a moment, the coldness in the room didn’t matter. The only thing you could feel was his warmth, his presence next to you, and the quiet beating of his heart that seemed to match yours.
“Thanks for the sweatshirt,” you whispered, smiling up at him.
“Anytime,” Yujun replied, his lips curving into a soft smile. He leaned down, pressing one last, gentle kiss to your lips before pulling away, leaving your skin tingling from his touch.
For the rest of the night, neither of you studied much, but you didn’t mind. You were wrapped up in Yujun’s hoodie, his scent surrounding you, and every now and then, he’d sneak another kiss as if he couldn’t resist.
It turned out to be one of the best study sessions you’d ever had
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