#the volleyball girl was a little mean at first but i gave her a flower so she would calm her ass. and she's been nice now
wlw-cryptid · 2 years
it's my birthdayyyyyy
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darlingsfandom · 11 months
Can I resquest for a drabble? Maybe something where Cillian is dating an athlete? Maybe he watches a game of hers? I would also love it if the reader plays volleyball ☺️ thank you, lovey!
I'm going to be honest... i don't remember the last time I've played a sport, so I used google to look about information on Volleyball! So if it's not completely right, I'm sorry !!!
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You stood on the sideline biting your fingernails as you waited for the game to start. Cillian was no where to be seen and it made your heart break a little bit. Your thoughts disappeared when you heard the sound of the whistle being blown. You ran out with the other girls as your sneakers made some noise on the gym floor. You did one final scan of the large crowd and to be fair, there were a bunch of people so it was heard to see but you could spot his eyes a mile away.
"Hey! You okay?" Your team mate asked as you line up for back line player positions.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine! Just overthinking about Cillian." You shrugged and before your team mate could answer the ball was coming at you , so you ran forward as fast as you could to dive and spike it over the net. You got it over and scored the first point for your team. Your team mates gave you high fives as you all repositioned. As you looked around, your heart stopped when you seen Cillian sneaking in and he gave you a smile wave which made you pay more attention to him than the ball which hit you on the side of the head. A loud sea of gasps were let out as you stood there with your jaw on the floor. Your hand went on the side of your head and gave it a rub before you shook your head.
"I'm fine!" You yelled out and held up your hands. Your coach double checked that you were okay before he let you play again. Back in the game, you were giving it your all. You made two more scores for your team!
Cillian kept his eyes on you and cheered you on when you got the ball over the net . "That's it baby!! WHOO'" he clapped his hands together before he sat back on the bench . You looked over at him with a bright smile and focused back on the very close game. Cillian watched as you bent forward. He shouldn't be turned on but the way the shorts fit your ass was a nice view. The game came to an end and your team won as your best friend made the winning spike!
Your team ran and hugged each other in a giant group before you seen Cillian walking towards you. "And you thought he wasn't coming!" Your best friend smirked at you before she pushed you into his direction. "Have fun love birds!" She teased you while making kissy faces.
Cillian stood there holding a small bouquet of flowers. "These , they're for you!" He handed you the flowers before giving you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed a little bit before he wrapped his arms around you and swayed back and forth before he walked with you to get your bag. Once you had your bag, he took it from you, put it on his shoulder and held your hand as he took you back to his car.
"Ya hungry love?" Cillian tossed your stuff in the back.
"I could eat... but I do believe that since I won.... you owe me something." You leaned in and Cillian kissed you hard before his tongue slipped inside your mouth.
"Mmmhmm but I mean actual sex cillian!" You mumbled against his lips.
"I know baby, I know. Dinner first and then I'll take ya home and give ya everyting ya want!" Cillian kissed you heavier this time before he pulled away to start your very adventurous night.
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snowmantita · 2 years
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“Who does not move does not feel the chains”
Kanji: 伊弉冉 花.
Romanji: Izanami Hana.
MC Name: Zanni.
Occupation: Actress.
Birthday: April, 12th.
Age: 21.
Zodiac: Aries.
Height: 164 (5’4).
Weight: 55 kg.
Blood Type: A.
Voice Actor: Sumire Morohoshi.
Stage Actor: Minami Hamabe.
An acting student at one of Tokyo's art schools, she is the younger sister of Hifumi Izanami (member of Matenrou). At first glance she gives the impression of being serious but when you get to know her well, Hana radiates confidence and charisma. She is quite affectionate with the people close to her. She usually comes across as somewhat masculine as she decided to somehow support her brother due to his trauma.
Hana is right handed and has some hobbies like watching Manzai comedy shows and cooking.
Hana has known Doppo and Rikka since she was little so she sees them as older siblings. Upon learning that Hifumi was in Shinjuku Division, she decides to try to confront him.
Hana has blonde hair with light blue underparts and golden eyes.
Hana wears a black sweatshirt, a blue leather jacket with yellow, black pants with white and black sneakers with cyan trim. She wears many accessories: A choker with Materno's cross, pins with Hifumi and Rosho's face (She wears them occasionally), rings on both index fingers, one on her left ring finger and one on her right thumb.
During the TDD Era, Hana had longer hair and wore a purple ripped T-shirt that showed part of her black dungarees, a coat with a synthetic fur trimmed hat, dark blue ripped jeans and black sneakers.
Hana's hypnosis microphone has a black colored body with the D0BERM4NS logo in gold with a mitten border. Hana's speaker takes the shape of roses with speakers inside and a pair of theater masks.
Externally, Hana shows herself as a serious and unemotional girl, she is responsible and is quite grateful to people who help her. She dislikes when people she doesn't know cling to her and tends to be quite angry so she gets to insults and even hits, usually involving her friends in her problems.
Despite being partly problematic, she is quite kind when she shows her softer side, giving the impression that she is not the same person.
Rap ability
Illusion: Makes your opponent see illusions until he is confused and attacks his allies.
Hana means "flower" (花).
Izanami is written "that one" (伊) (i), "large, powerful, stout, thick" (弉) (za) and "red, tan" (冉) (nami).In Japanese mythology, Izanami is the female creator goddess who gave birth to the islands of Japan.
Hana's quote was originally coined by philosopher, activist and economist Rosa Luxemburg.
Hana is right-handed.
According to the guide, she likes pistachio macarons, food made by Hifumi, and volleyball, while she dislikes presumptuous and fake people, people who don't try hard, and the Party of Words.
She enjoys drawing and writing.
She usually prefers to be called "Izanami-kun" or simply by her name, only people close to them call her "Hana-chan".
She has a dwarf flying squirrel, her name is Momo.
She has an older sister.
She doesn't usually wear makeup or take much care of her skin, yet her skin is smooth and soft due to her healthy lifestyle.
Hana has lesions which she covers with her clothes most of the time and she usually makes them up when she has to film.
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equallyshaw · 9 months
liona and alex's relationship. (plus mom!) | little lion au!
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↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc au! ↠ au masterlist!
↠ she does musicals and plays too! (Forgot to add to about her post.)
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that's his girl
he's given up a lot to be in her life (foregoing trips home to russia when she was a child, dropping out of some important games to be there for her for whatever, and not dating after him and her mom broke up)
the two have not had the best relationship, especially growing up. because of how much her mom and him used to fight and argue, and him threatening to take her to russia at times- jr high and highschool is what brought them together
when she got to 7th grade, her mom moved on with her ex fiance, and had a child with him. thus, leaving washington to nyc to be with him. it it really hard for the girl, and in a way she felt abandoned by her. so alex stepped up big time, and let the organization know that his daughter came before hockey, every. single. time.
though her relationship with her mom is much better, after she came back home before they both moved to nyc for different reasons, she still has some obvious resentment over how her mom up and left her
he was there for almost all of her volleyball games up until her jr year of highschool, and would travel the states and europe during the summertime for her equestrian competitions. Always front row to her opening night, and gave the biggest bouquet.
despite her and her dad having a rocky relationship, they call each other every day.
he's also one of the first people she texts or calls when something funny happens, or something she experiences.
used to joke that the only reason she comes home from college, is to brush up her russian and get some homemade family recipes. that's it. (which malkin always responds with, "isn't that what i do?")
ALSO, malkin is old friends with her mom as well so she is extra close with him, and considers him an extension of her home/family.
alex calls her lily tiger, after the meaning. ( courage, strength, and confidence.)
calls her little lion, because of her spunky and sassy side. she is the second coming of alex
he also got her obsessed with flowers, especially tiger lilies and chamomile (which ties into luke's nickname for her.)
despite her dad being from russia, she has only been to russia three times. once when she was a toddler and she went with her mom, the second time being for the 2014 Olympics (with her mom again) and lastly, her summer between freshman year and 8th grade.
oh yeah, one of the main points of alexs argument with her mom when she was a kid, was that he he used to threaten to take her to russia (which her mom didn't want, and has since been retired)
alex has kept her away from the media and public as well, sending her to ultra private schools and limiting the exposure she had at games. she had a full time nanny when he was on the road, who would also take her to home games. and when national televised games happened, he made sure to hide her as much as possible. everybody wanted to know about the little girl that people rarely saw. (that was one of the first times luke saw her, when she was shown during his cup run in 2019)
yin and yang
cant go more than a month or two without seeing eachother
alex will fly her anywhere that he is, but she usually just flies to dc unless he is coming to new york for a game
last year they had a horrible fight, in which alex said some horrible things about her mom and she cut him off for a few months. she had just moved to nyc and that was the last thing she wanted to happen
she missed her birthday, christmas and new years with him because of it.
her mom and her became much, much closer during that time too
because of that fight, she sometimes has anxiety telling her dad about some things, because she doesn't want him to get mad
she can never get the version of him she saw during her childhood out of her mind, just because of how much he and her mom fought. (and when jack asked about her childhood, she just said 'russian anger' and that was that.)
and because of that, she didn't tell her dad for months until there 6 month mark, because he had always said no hockey guys
she ends up calling her dad in a panic, after something that involved luke and even though she didn't say or confirm it, he knew it was about a boy. and had a feeling it was about a certain devil.
the two of them have a love for old russian and british literature
alex for sure has regrets of what he did during her childhood
had wished him and her mom had worked things out, and stayed together and built a family around liona
but only having liona is what was meant to happen, and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world
after her mom breaks off her engagement with her ex fiance, her and alex have a truce. and get along well with one another now
at times, liona wishes that the two of them would get together, and has made it known to both of them.
they always brush it off though, and don't want the past to repeat itself
a running joke for liona, is that shes gonna go gray at 28 just because he did (which malkin about dies every time he hears it)
despite her hard childhood, she'd never change it. because it shaped who she was and loves where her relationships are at with her parents. (most of the time)
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weneedhelp · 7 months
i made this yesterday BUT you asked if we had ever been in love before so
here are the girls assigned as boys that could have broken me (there are about 4 boys - convenient - and i just assigned one thing they did/said/were like from each of them.
and i'm giving them taylor swift songs as code names
wildest dreams - everytime i succeeded in something, even the most mundane things like putting on sunscreen he used to boast about it and praise me for hours like it was ridiculous but also made me feel crazy good and people started telling me that my skin and shit looked unreal.
enchanted - pretended to start a fight with me just to make me smile and he was on the other side of the room with all his friends teasing the fuck out of the both of us.
august - had a sulk when we weren't anything because i called him 'buddy' and we weren't even dating or nothing. at least at that point.
lover - used to tease me because he caught me trying to compare hand sizes with him 'oh you can just ask to hold my hand you know?' and he never let me live it downnnnn and (his sister was one of my best friends at the time and when i went to see her...) he would say nothing except hold his palms up with mine and kind of giggle or say some shit like 'just in case you were thinking about it'.. grr
wildest dreams - 'you're my favourite girl and i'm going to spoil the SHIT out of you'
enchanted - i accidentally made his lips bleed (not like that..he gave me a fright and i took a swing) but I freaked out and wiped it away and like i held his face and everything. but he was just staring at me babying him and the way he was staring at me....
august - said he wanted to pick me up and take care of me when i got home from this school trip to europe and i was super jet lagged and i brought him a jersey that did not fucking fit him btw so i kept it..
lover - he's super protective and angry and then he'll be super soft the next and the fact that he's so gentle with all the shit he and his siblings have been dealt with... it made so attracted to him and i've liked these type of men ever since.
wildest dreams - he was like 'you're so fucking ifo' and i had no idea what it meant for the longest time and he would NOT tell me so i had to ask my COUSIN's friend because he just would not tell me and he kept saying it? what else was i supposed to do? (it means yummy)
enchanted - i accidentally punched him in the balls and the girls were like 'oooh he would've liked that' but he like leaned over me and was like 'you owe me' and then kind of shoulder nudged me with his shoulder before walking away.
august - he told me he liked making me shy because he liked how i reacted and everyday he tried to fluster me just because.
lover - brought me flowers and pizza because he didn't want me to settle for just anyone.
wildest dreams - i had a little jealous moment over him and literally tried to assert my dominance in the comments (it worked btw) but there was a girl hitting on him and like he didn't entertain it at all. made my fucking pride soar. nevermind the fact we weren't dating but there were times where we were both a little too involved with each other.
enchanted - i used to train him for volleyball. train is a bit much but i was the only one he could play volleyball seriously with because i did it competitively and he was considering it as a summer sport.
august - the very first day i met him he told me he loved me and asked me if i loved him. his first message to me when he got my socials was 'niwa do you luff me?'
lover - so his youngest sister (i was friends with the middle child) is deaf and we were on facetime and he was signing and i was signing and we were having a lil argument over the 'correct' way of how to sign things (for context both australia and new zealand sign language derive from british sign language but of course there are differences, approach it like a dialect) and his sister who's about five/six going on 17 was rolling her eyes and telling us off.
and i couldn't help myself and assigned my kpop boys as ...saucy/spicy things that's shaped me so beware of that underneath the 'keep reading' below
minho - i was at a basketball game and this guy tripped while saving the ball and i was by the hoop and he like landed on me by grabbing onto me and help, he was breathing hard and his hands were like huge on my thighs.
yeonjun - i jumped on him and his hand was skimming along my thigh and i was like hyper fixated on it and he fucking knew i was too but he pretended nothing was happening.
hyunjin - this is fairly recent but my cousin's friend (a bit younger than me) is like kind of stone cold and whatever but he's a bit...subby. there's subby in there. so i tested it and like played with his throat and choked him. and i've got this thing about the contrast of skin colours and like how people blend in with each other and.... he had finger prints kind of..there for awhile after. I think about it every now and then.
sunwoo - i went out to the supermarket with my dad after volleyball practice and there was this guy with his friend, i can't even remember what he looked like but i remembered everything else, but like he looked at me and was not afraid to do so in front of my dad and that is the hottest thing i've ever seen. he didn't do anything inappropriate, he just stared at me and my dad was like '.. he was staring at you.' he gave me like butterflies.
haechan - really had a thing with oral and giving girls oral. thinks it's important. also had a thing for female orgasm. but anyway..without giving too much information, he told me 'THAT's an orgasm, I hope you don't doubt it.'
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lovebykai · 3 years
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Pairing: Alpha!Oikawa x Omega!Reader
Warning(s): Suggestive. Angst.
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Authors Note: Reposted.
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Courting an alpha like Oikawa was stupid. He was popular, so every omega in the vicinity had the exact same idea; he was so focused on his volleyball career it was almost like he didn't even see when someone was legitimately interested in him. It had been that way since the two of you were kids.
And yet.
You pressed your face deeper into his jacket, ignoring the sympathetic look Iwaizumi gave you from the court as the rotten scent of jealousy flooded the air. Oikawa didn't even realize -- or maybe he did and just didn't care -- how much drama his existence in your life stirred up around you. It didn't matter, though.
You'd put up with just about anything as long as he'd stay.
* * *
You’d been friends since you were kids. Maybe that was why he never saw you the way you saw him. After all, he’d been around since the two of you were in diapers; by the time Iwaizumi was added to the mix, the two of you were hitting that weird age when girls were gross and guys were bullies and, honestly, it was shocking the friendship held up at all.
Because Oikawa was mean.
You’d seen the dead-eyed looks he gave to the girls who pushed just a little too hard; heard the snarky comments he’d learned to keep to himself over the years. He’d left a trail of heartbreak and longing through your childhood, so it was almost a relief when he managed to pull on that obnoxious mask of his. Even if it did mean that the tactics for getting close to him had taken on another form.
“Hey, Y/N!” You paused, turning to the grinning girl from -- your math class, you believed -- and tried not to look as confused as you felt. The two of you had been in the same classes since your first year of middle school, and she’d never shown an ounce of interest in talking to you before.
“Wanna walk home together?” Oh, right. You guys were neighbors. Hesitantly, you nodded, and it was the start of a beautiful friendship. One of the few that you’d managed outside of Iwaizumi and Oikawa, and that was its own form of comfort.
For a while, anyway.
Slowly, the friendship began to wilt as her fixation with your childhood friend became clear; by the time the two of them started dating, you’d realized -- albeit a bit bitterly -- that you’d been a stepping stone to getting what she’d really wanted. You weren’t the only one, though; when you presented as an omega later that year, and she a beta, you’d taken some satisfaction in the fact that she was intimidated by what that would mean for her relationship. Y’know, since Oikawa was an alpha.
* * *
“She really doesn’t like you.” Iwaizumi commented softly, a bit amused as the two of you settled in to eat lunch; you smirked a bit to yourself, shrugging.
“She should’ve been focusing on Oikawas fanclub instead of me; not my fault she thought I was in the running to be his mate.” They’d made it a year before she’d gotten sick of his attention to volleyball, and when they broke up and he promptly began humoring the advances of her little friends, she’d been very open with her seething.
“Aren’t you?” Iwaizumi asked curiously and you fumbled with your spoon, wincing when it clattered onto your desk.
“Of course not.” The mutter wasn’t very convincing, but he didn’t push again that day.
* * *
You were never the jealous type. Oikawa had spent your entire life trying to find the person who would stay -- trying to find someone who would be content to wait for his love and attention. Someone who would put up with his late practices, and the way he snapped at them when he was hurting from overdoing it.
And he found her.
She was patient, and kind, and her smiles were like sunshine. You’d never felt truly afraid of his flings until she’d looked at you -- so genuine and smelling like flowers -- and smiled. When she said she wanted to be your friend, she meant it; you tried hard not to hate her for being perfect. You knew immediately she was the one; you couldn’t help but look at Oikawa to gauge his reaction -- did he see it too?
The little omega fit into your friend group easily; since he usually dated betas, you weren’t used to having someone around that could take your place. When she became the team manager, you’d gone home and screamed into your pillow; unaccustomed to the agony of realizing you were being left behind in favor of someone just a little softer. A little kinder. More open about how she felt.
Silently, your resentment grew until it was unbearable. Every touch, and laugh, and gift-- you’d never wanted so badly to see Oikawa break someone's heart, and that was wrong. If anyone had noticed your spiraling, they didn’t comment; by the time she finally worked up to asking Oikawa to be her boyfriend, you’d started trying to put as much distance between yourself and the alpha as possible.
* * *
“Y/N!” Oikawas voice garnered your attention and you rolled your eyes heavenward, already plotting your escape. When you turned to him, his fingers were laced with hers, and you willed yourself not to start pumping out disapproving pheromones.
“What’s up?” You tried to sound casual, despite knowing you were going to deny whatever request he had. It had been months since the two of you had hung out, and you didn’t plan to stop now. You just had to last another year or so and then you’d be off to university; you could make up some kind of excuse to dodge their wedding.
“Wanna grab dinner with us?” She was the one to ask and it took you by surprise.
“I’m alright, but thanks for thinking of me.” Her smile was understanding and you wondered if she knew how badly you wanted her alpha.
Maybe it was some kind of cosmic justice for being so smug about your position in Oikawas life; every time you’d smirked to yourself when he dumped another one of his little beta girlfriends. Before anything else could be said, you were already walking away, and telling yourself not to read too much into his disappointed expression.
* * *
“So you’re really going to let her have him, huh?” Matsukawa asked as you inhaled and you managed to choke on smoke.
“The fuck are you even talking about?” You wheezed as he snickered, plucking the joint from your fingers.
“Oikawa. We always thought you’d work up the nerve to confess if we just left it alone, but we’re third years, now, and you’re still pretending that you haven't been pining for him since you guys were kids.” Iwaizumi hummed his agreement from the couch, giving you a look and you could feel yourself warming uncomfortably.
“I’m not a homewrecker, guys; if he was interested in me, he would have said something by now.”
“Maybe he’s been thinking the same way.” Hanamaki shot back as you waved off their prodding, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m the omega, here, I’m not supposed to do the chasing!” You whined playfully and they howled with laughter; the subject was dropped, and you passed out on the floor a little bit later.
* * *
“She… she broke up with him?” You asked, tentatively, and Iwaizumi nodded. “Why?”
“Because he’s an idiot--” He grunted when you smacked his chest. “Why do you think? He spends all his time on the court; she got sick of waiting around for him.”
“How stupid.” You immediately huffed, internally seething because you’d been so sure she was going to be his omega for the rest of his damn life. The two of you hadn’t spoken in… well, you honestly couldn’t remember how long; you’d been so starved to even lay eyes on him that when he’d come in late to the Karasuno practice match you’d almost melted.
“Shouldn’t you be happy?” Iwaizumi teased, and you gave him a glare.
“For what? He’s probably hurting over it, and I’ve been dodging him for months--” You let out a groan, pressing your hands to your face and feeling awful for your behavior.
“He’s practicing late today.” The words were tossed out casually as the other alpha headed home, smirking when you immediately headed towards the gym.
* * *
“...’Ru?” You called softly, slipping inside with a wince as his serve bounced off the wall.
The smell of distressed alpha was almost overwhelming; he clearly hadn’t been expecting to be interrupted. For a moment, you felt stupid for even coming -- what were you supposed to say, even? -- and when his icy gaze landed on you, there was a moment where you just knew he was going to bite out something caustic.
“What, Y/N?” It wasn’t said with any warmth, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought, so you risked heading his direction. Everything in you was clawing at you to soothe him, and it was almost physically painful when you came within arms reach of him.
“I’m sorry.” The smell seemed to dissipate slightly as he ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a long sigh.
“Don’t be. It’s not like you did anything wrong.” There was a long silence where the two of you just stared at one another, uncertain as to what should be said after such an awkward situation.
“I missed you.” After working up the nerve, you managed to spit it out on a whisper, hands curling into fists at your sides.
Believe it or not, Oikawa gave the best hugs.
* * *
The next one didn’t like you.
She was pretty, and popular, and very open about it. You tried not to take it personally when he kept dating her. They made it a month, and only broke up because she caused a scene about you showing up to one of his games -- never mind that you were friends with all the other third years, as well -- and it had embarrassed him.
She hadn’t known that, because she couldn’t smell the fluctuating scents in the air like alphas and omegas could, so naturally it was your fault as far as she was concerned; she made it her personal goal to make you miserable.
Honestly, she was doing a pretty shit job of it until she started spouting off about how you were the reason they broke up. Because you were in love with him, and needy, and clingy-- and it hit just a little bit too close to home, making you fumble over your denials; even long after she got over it, the rumors were there, whispered among your classmates.
It had always been something that was thought but never said, and once the words were out in the world they couldn’t be taken back.
* * *
“Your heats coming on, huh?” Hanamaki snickered, ruffling your hair as you tried to align the edge of your notebook with the edge of your desk.
“Gonna ask Oikawa to help you out this time?”
“Shut up, Makki.” You hissed, baring your teeth at the cooing alpha. He just laughed off your attitude, and you were so fixated on organizing your space that you didn’t even realize that the man in question was standing just in earshot, turning a pretty shade of pink at the idea.
* * *
“For the love of--” You let out a distressed whine as you tore down your nest for the nth time, just about in tears because it wouldn’t do what you wanted it to. The blankets weren’t right, and everything smelled off and--
“I’m coming in!” The call made you tense, already preparing to chew out whoever was interrupting you, until the distinct smell of alpha washed over you. Your alpha. Except he wasn’t -- not really -- and it wasn’t like you could just--
“How’re you feeling?” Oikawa’s pretty voice seemed to completely overtake your senses; you resisted the urge to whine for him.
“How do you think?” You huffed, wiping at your eyes furiously and throwing the pillow you’d been fighting with onto the floor. The alpha snickered when you spun around to glare through misty eyes, just about ready to throw in the towel and settle for your bed instead of a proper nest.
“Hey, whoa, don’t cry!” He cooed, dropping his duffel bag beside your bedroom door as he let himself in; kicking the door shut behind him. Long arms looped around you and you couldn’t resist whimpering into his chest, nuzzling into the embrace for comfort. His purr made your legs tremble; the smell of your want would have been humiliating at any other point in time.
“Tooru--” You keened as your thoughts began to grow foggy, and he ran his fingers through your hair, shushing you.
“I’ve got you, ‘mega,” Soft and sweet and self-assured-- his tone alone had you purring for him.
“Want help with your nest?” You nodded eagerly and he chuckled, squeezing you a bit tighter for a minute before stepping back far enough that you could look him in the eye.
The brown of his eyes was almost completely shrouded by his blown pupils and it gave you goosebumps; neither of you acknowledged the weird tension, though, and he started gathering your mess of nesting supplies.
* * *
School the next week was embarrassing. Your whole room stunk of Oikawa for the entirety of your heat, and the scent was clinging to you even after it was over. Even though he didn’t do anything.
Helped you make your nest, and scented some stuff for you. He was there until you’d started stripping -- shamelessly -- and then he’d made a hasty retreat and part of you was absolutely humiliated. The rejection had made your heat particularly painful, even though you knew he hadn’t meant anything by it.
He never did.
“Feelin’ better?” Hanamaki teased, and you flinched, picking at the loose strings of your sweater.
“Uh. Yeah.” The dry response had all of the third years stiffening in alarm; you could see Iwaizumi glaring at Oikawa from the corner of your eye. Looking to save your friend from his teammates, you forced a grin and batted your eyes a bit.
"Just taking a while to bounce back, I guess! Don't worry, I'm good."
* * *
But of course they worried.
"Talk to her!" Iwaizumi was hissing somewhere behind you, and you rolled your eyes at the drama of it all. Your emotions were so raw, still; you were really hoping you weren't gonna snap at them for just trying to fix the situation. Thus, you tried your best to speed walk away from them, despite their long-ass strides.
"Y/N!" Oikawas voice gave you goosebumps, and you tried to shake off the urge to wait for him. Pretending you hadn't heard, you picked up your pace, now just about jogging to escape the incoming conversation.
"I know where you live, you dumby!" He called as you scampered to turn down a nearby alley, trying to recall the shortcut you'd only used a handful of times. Regardless, you finally came to a stop, realizing you could have this uncomfortable conversation in front of your parents, or in a dimly lit alley with some semblance of real privacy.
"What, Oikawa?" You demanded, pouting as he came to a halt across from you.
"Ouch, no "Tooru" or "Ru"?" He tried to tease you, and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest. He rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a weak smile.
"Look, about last week--"
"I cannot express to you how much I don’t want to talk about this." You interrupted softly, already feeling anxious about whatever it was he was going to say.
"Well, we need to." He sighed, and you grew even more tense, if that was even possible.
"Fine." You grit your teeth, already preparing yourself for his rejection; you tried to contain the emotional outburst you could feel coming on.
"I'm sorry I left you like that, I just didn't want to… make things weird, y'know? We've been friends for so long, and--"
"Yes, 'Ru, yes, I get it. We're just friends, can I go now?" His pretty brown eyes widened as you bit out the words, and you could see the gears slowly turning in his head.
"... why are you upset?" Oikawa asked, voice soothing as he inched closer; you took a step back to keep some distance between the two of you.
"I'm not. I just don't need to get the "we're just friends" speech when I've been giving it to myself for fucking years, okay? I didn't expect anything from you, and there's no hard feelings. Goodnight." You tried not to spit it with all the pent up frustration you had, turning on your heel and leaving him there.
* * *
Courting an alpha like Oikawa was stupid.
You reiterated it to yourself over and over and over to yourself throughout the years. Even though you wanted to, like every other dumb omega and beta girl who'd laid eyes on him. You’d stepped aside for every girlfriend; kept your mouth shut with every confession. Never pressured him for anything more than he was willing to give you.
And yet.
School was so fucking awkward. You dodged the entire volleyball club for most of the week  before Iwaizumi got sick of it and cornered you in the hallway.
"I don't know how I could make it any clearer without just telling him I'm in love with him, alright? And I don't care if it makes me a coward, I just… I can't, okay?" You sighed, and he sighed, and then you went on dodging all your friends for another day before deciding to just stay home for a while.
Perks of being an omega.
* * *
Your bedroom door rattled the walls when it was flung open, and you let out a low whine of disapproval. Buried beneath the remains of your nest -- that still smelled deliciously of Oikawa -- you didn't even realize who it was who'd come into your space. Not until long limbs shuffled beneath your fortress of blankets and pillows, anyway.
"Y/N." Oikawas voice set your teeth on edge, making you flinch away as he laid beside you.
"Tooru." You murmured back, meeting his gaze beneath the blankets. His touch was almost reverent as he cupped your cheek, thumb tracing patterns just beneath your eye.
"Can I kiss you?" The question was almost inaudible over the sound of your own heartbeat.
"Only if it means something." The corner of his lips curled as he leaned forward and sealed his lips to yours.
* * *
"Alpha!" You whined, squirming as Oikawa pressed your hands to the mattress, fingers laced through yours as he chuckled against your neck.
"Shh, baby, I've got you." His hips ground against yours and you let out a keening moan. His teeth teased the tender scent glands on your neck and you came undone, earning yourself the rare growl from your boyfriend. Your alpha. Yours.
“Mine.” He sounded feral, barely managing to form words between his own growls and huffs; then, to your shock, he drew blood, biting down on your neck-- marking you-- and you whimpered, bowing into him.
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
Part One :Home
Atsumu x Reader(fem)
Summary: Atsumu Miya had always been your home. But what if things changed
Tags: Fluff, Angst, cheating
2k words
Part Two: Silence
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Atsumu Miya showed you the most love and care. Being with him felt like you were home. And it’s funny because in the beginning you wanted absolutely nothing to do with the setter.
Seeing his hords of fan girls crowding his desk every morning made you want to gag mainly because it interfered with you claiming your own seat. Everyday it was the same when you were in high school. You’d make your way to class only to find you seat inaccessible. After finally being able to shoo away the path to your desk just in time for class to start you’d deal with Atsumu incessant chattering or what he’d refer to as flirting. You honestly didn’t understand how he thought those lame lines would work on anyone. But every class with out fail he’d always have some lame line to spew at you. It made no sense in your eyes why you out of the sea of girls and some boys he could pick from why did he have his sights set on you.
You paid no mind in the beginning rolling you eyes at all his advances. You figured it was just some game to him it’s not like any of what he said genuine at least not to you. Apparently the volleyball player thought these attempts were the most romantic things ever when he finally cornered you after class one.
“ Aye I have been trying my best to get your attention for the last month,” he said as he laid his hand on your desk trapping you in your place, “What’s y’er deal?” You cocked you head to the side in disbelief. Moving his arm to the side you stood straightening you paper to put in you bag. Turning back to face him.
“Miya-San you can’t actually expect me to believe that was your “best effort” in trying to win my affection” you chuckled. Atsumu there with a look of confusion dawning his (what you couldn’t deny) extremely handsome face. Decided to cut your fellow second year some slack you continued. “None of your lines were meaningful, you showed no authentic interest in me,” you gave him a soft smile starting to make your way out of the class room. You stopped at the door turning and presenting him with a wicked smile “ it won’t be that easy, make sure to give it y’er all next.” And with that you we’re gone leaving him in disbelief he’d never been turned down before. He gave a small laugh to no one but himself as he decided in that moment he’d do everything to make you his.
Sure enough he put his all into trying to win your heart. While he wasn’t rude to his fan girls he definitely didn’t indulge them as much which eased your morning commute to your desk. Next were the notes he would leave. The first few were longer and almost made you want to laugh your ass off they were his love letter to you that you could tell he tried to make sound poetic. ( failing epically) but still you send him a small smile and a nod in acceptance. The other were little notes, some stating small facts about what he liked about you or little jokes about the day. Next was the gifts he would leave you. Once it was a small flower, another time a candy bar, most recently a delicious piece of milk bread. All of these little tokens definitely grabbed your heart but the moment you knew you had fallen for him was the day after you came back to school after having a cold. After sitting in your seat next to him you saw him rummage through his bag he turned to you and present you with all the notes he had taken for you through your absence. Seeing this boy who’s mind only ever focus on volleyball and cared little for his own grade do this broke down all your wall. You stared at the notes for a moment before leaning over and place a small kiss to his cheek. A blush crept up both of you faces. And from that moment forward you were his.
But that was then. It was now six years later and not only was Atsumu Miya your home he was also your fiancé. You had each been there for each other through everything. You were there through nationals and comforted him through his loss. You were there with him to celebrate every win. He stood by you side as you stared college and you stayed by his side as he joined the professional league. Through the years you had your highs and lows but your love for him never wavered. Not through the distance his job would bring and the scheduling conflict with your schooling and his training. In the end none of that mattered to you because you were his and he was yours. The nights you spent in each other’s arm were the best thing you could have ever wished for.
As of recently though even if he was your home. You were beginning to feel less like his. It started with small things like extra practice which wasn’t anything you werent used to Atsumu had the habit of over working himself. You don’t say anything yet because you knows he gotten better and knows his limits. It progresses to though he’s becoming more distant always heading straight to bed after meals.
“Hey Tsumu wanna watch a movie tonight?” You smile weakly from the couch.
“Not tonight YN I’m really tired,” he reply’s placing a small kiss on your forehead as he head to bed.
It doesn’t stop there although you wish it would. He starts being out later claiming to have extra practice. But you notice the smell of alcohol on his breath when he climbs into bed believing you are asleep. And honestly you wish you would be alseep so maybe some nights you wouldn’t see the signs. The next clue was when he now put a lock on his phone. Something he had never done before. But still you don’t question him. The “late practices” become more frequent and it more often he gone than when he’s around.
Part of you wants to complain to you friends but for one your friends were his friends after spending so long together it’s hard for your lives not to be connected in such ways and two if you do it will make it all to real. You aren’t stupid. You know the truth you know the one reasons you both haven’t been intimate lately is because his body has marks on it from another. You realized that when you had gone into the bathroom real quick while he was showering. It was the tiniest glance but you still saw the scratches on his back that weren’t left by you. Yet you still say nothing and you doubt he realizes you saw them.
You aren’t ready for this to be real. You aren’t ready for your home to be gone. Tomorrow is your birthday and your hoping that this will be it . Tomorrow you will both spend the day together like you used to you’ll laugh and smile everything will be right. Everything will go back to the way it was. Even though deep down you know the truth. And the truth is that you’ve cried yourself to sleep every night the past month wondering where you went wrong. Wondering how you weren’t good enough. Wondering what you should have done to make him stay. But he’s never home to see those tear you cry.
The next morning you wake and go to start some breakfast leaving Atsumu in bed. You wonder when he got home but you know it doesn’t matter. You hear the shower start as you made your coffee. Shortly after the setter appears wearing his training clothes and his duffel bag packed. “ I’m heading to the gym,” he states giving you a quick peck to the temple before heading to the door. Those little kisses always cause your heart to squeeze in hope. He doesn’t wait for a response as he leaves. A sigh leaves you lips as you realize he hadn’t said anything to you about your birthday. You shake your head and fool yourself into thinking he’ll surprise you later.
You continued you day getting little birthday messages from friends and family. Osamu had a box of Onigiri sent to you for lunch with a note saying Happy Birthday. You have a nice call with your best friend Suna and he tells you he’ll come see you soon to celebrate. You were on the phone with Suna longer than you expected seeing the time now said 5:37. After ending the call you see one missed messaged from Tsmu 💕 : practicing late tonight don’t wait up.
You heart stops. He really forgot. You really mean that little that he forgot your birthday. It was the final straw. Although part of your body wanted to break down into sobs you remained calm as though working on auto pilot. Slowly you make your way to your room grabbing your luggage and started packing all of your essentials and anything you couldn't bare to leave behind not knowing if you’d have the courage to return. After finally loading your car it was now 7:20. You knew you shouldn’t that you’d only get hurt more but you pulled out your phone and did something you never could bring yourself to do before. You checked his location. A chuckle leaves your lips as you see he’s at your favorite restaurant. The one you both loved so much and had spent countless anniversaries dinners at. Not thinking you run back into your condo that you shared with the twin. You dug to the back of you closest and quickly change into one of your favorite dresses. Your hair was already nice and you didn’t need much make up so as you finished getting ready you left. Heading straight to the restaurant.
You can’t say for sure what cause you to want to go there. Maybe a small part of yourself needed to see it. But sure enough you can’t mistake that yellow hair sitting toward the back of the restaurant is your fiancé with another woman. His back is to you and her attention is all on him enraptured in whatever garbage he’s spewing. In that moment a calm rage settles over you. You look at the hostess and requested a table a little ways away from them one where your still out of his view. As you sit you place an order for a glass of wine still setting up how you want to approach this. Then an daring thought crosses your mind. You called for your waitress.
“Excuse me but you see that couple over there,” you said motioning towards them. “Yes ma’am” she nods. “Well that’s my best friend over there and I really love to do something nice for them it’s their birthday!” The waitress smiles as you explain your plan. You sit and wait as you sip your wine when finally the waitress walks over to their table.
“Hi” the waitress greets them before setting down the dessert. A look of confusion crosses their faces and you can’t help but grin. Atsumu smiles politely before looking down at the cake. His smile drops immediately as he read the cake “Happy Birthday YN”. You giggle as you see the panic in his eyes. “I’m sorry we didn’t order this,” the unknown woman states to the waitress. You can see the waitress smile as she points to your table an explains your friend ordered it for you. You not quite sure how to explain the emotions written on Atsumu’s face as he watches you walk up the table.
“Y-YN,” he stutters. You can see the look of confusion on the girls face and for moment you feel sorry for her maybe she was just as clueless as you. “Hi Tsmu,” you smile leaning over to take a bite of your birthday cake. “Mmm Chocolate, delicious,” you smiled before looking him dead in the eyes as you removed your engagement ring and dropped it in his glass of champagne. “You can have this back,” you state bitterly before turning around and handing your waitress a big bill to cover your drink the cake and a nice tip. You start to walk of as you hear him call for you. But you refuse to turn back. You know your moment of strength is fading and you won’t let him see you tears. So you keep walking straight to you car and drive away. Not sure where to go. You just left your home.
This my first time writing angst and also my fist time writing in a while.
Also unedited
Home Masterlist
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qtieswrld · 3 years
volleyballplayer!jaemin au
genre: fluff jaemin x fem!reader
• you knew jaemin as the popular volleyball player who all the girls were in love with.
• you didn’t really care about him
• he was friends with your best friend renjun (renjun also played volleyball btw)
• you thought he was pretty annoying
• i mean every time your with renjun, jaemin happens to invite himself and start a conversation with renjun.
• he acted like you weren’t even there which annoyed you even more
• you were like ??? how rude
• you decided to leave every time he was with renjun.
• and stay by yourself until he left.
• renjun never understood why you hated jaemin
• “jaemin is so nice to everyone” renjun says
• “WELL NOT TO ME.” you said.
• renjun tries to invite you to watch them practice volleyball
• you decline because
• “he’s not that bad just come to watch me”
• you decline anyways because you don’t like sports
• renjun asks again the next day since jaemin has been bugging him to ask you
• you wonder why he asks you every day
• renjun can’t tell you why
• so you decide to go THIS ONCE because you don’t want to come anymore.
• as you and renjun were walking to the gym
• of course… jaemin shows up
• jaemin decides to walk with y’all to the gym
• you want to leave SO BAD but for the sake of renjun not asking anymore
• you ignore them the whole time
• then y’all are finally at the gym
• you sit down at the bleachers taking out a book to read since you didn’t want to watch them practice
• you literally came for nothing
• you look up once in awhile
• after practice ends you tell renjun you’re leaving
• after you left, jaemin says
• so jaemin decides he should ask you now
• how is he when all you do is leave whenever he goes with you and renjun
• he already bothered renjun by asking him a bunch of questions about you like “what are her favorite flowers?” “does she like coffee?” “what’s her favorite show?”
• renjun was tired of him
• the next day he sees you by yourself in class
• so he yells “hi y/n!”
• you look to see jaemin in the desk next to you
• and your like what i don’t even like you
• you try to ignore him but he is literally right next to you staring at you
• you mumble “hi”
• he smiles even more like this is the first time he is speaking to you!!
• and your like bro you ignore me every time i’m with renjun
• you want to ask him why but you decided to stay quiet.
• “so… i was thinking if you could come to our volleyball game on friday? i really want you to go”
• um why is the person you thought hated your guts asking you this
• you shrug “i don’t even know you”
• “but you know renjun? he’s gonna be there even though i want you to watch me”
• “you literally ignore me every time i hang out with renjun, you don’t even look at me or notice me at all, what do you want from me??”
• you said that a little to loud
• maybe you shouldn’t have said that cause his smile faded quickly
• “i only hang out with renjun because i like you”
• woah you weren’t expecting that
• you sigh in defeat
• why did he like you out of all people???
• you look away not responding because you literally don’t want to say anything.
• renjun has been saying this whole time that maybe you like jaemin that’s why you were so bothered by him
• jaemin still staring at you, you didn’t respond. does that mean you don’t like him back?
• he gets up to leave but then you grabbed his arm
• “i’ll go to your game on friday.” you said avoiding eye contact
• you starting to regret it cause like you didn’t like him or so you thought but you still wanted to watch him play volleyball
• renjun’s like did you not see jaemin staring at you in class or that one time you went to see them practice that jaemin kept on looking at you to see if you were watching then got sad when you weren’t??
• but of course you are oblivious
• “well?? do you like him back”
• “uh yes i mean no”
• “y/n it’s so obvious you do”
• “all you did was talk about how much you hate him every time i’m with you”
• “do you not catch yourself staring at him too”
• your like oh shit how do you know
• “ANYWAYS help me renjun how do i tell him i like him back”
• “that’s on you i’m out”
• it’s now friday
• jaemin has been talking to you more
• now renjun’s left out lol
• so you’re nervous cause he literally gave you his jacket and you’re like w h a t your face was so red
• ANYWAYS you sit by yourself on the bleachers with everyone else since your only friends are playing volleyball
• you see jaemin and he waves and smiles at you
• you were like me?? but of course the fangirls yelled behind you thinking he waved at them
• you were annoyed already
• but still you wanted to watch them even though you weren’t into volleyball
• jaemin would get sad if you looked away
• they won the game and you were excited!!
• everyone started leaving and jaemin runs up to you and gives you the biggest hug
• you kiss his cheek and run away yelling “I LIKE YOU TOO”
• jaemin was shocked and froze after you kissed his cheek and even better HIS CRUSH LIKES HIM BACK!!
• then he runs after you catching up to you
• when he does he asks you “y/n will you be my girlfriend?”
• you’re like “uh yes”
• then he gives you another big hug practically crushing your bones
• it’s official!!
• “can you let go now i can’t breath”
• renjun’s like i told you so thank ME for putting this relationship together
• now everyone is jealous of you too
• renjun was right, maybe jaemin wasn’t so bad after all.
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ushidoux · 4 years
He, Hercules - Ushijima x Reader
Summary: What is Ushijima if not strong? (~2.0k words)
Warnings: accident, temporary disability, implied depression, some suggestive themes, hurt/comfort
A/N: I have limited experience with athletic injuries and mental illness so bear with me. If there is anything you find inaccurate or insensitive in my depiction, don’t hesitate to pm me! <3
“Mr. Ushijima?”
You perk up when you hear the secretary’s voice call out your husband’s name, only realizing now that in your long semi-long wait you’d ended up dozing off, resting your head against his shoulder. Clearly, you must have been exhausted, because it takes you a moment to remember where you are, and why you’re here.
There are very few others in this small office aside from the single middle-aged man in the corner who you realize is staring quite hard at you, and you wonder briefly if it’s because you somehow looked inappropriate or acted inappropriately while you were asleep. There shouldn’t be anything very noteworthy about a young couple inside a therapy practice.
You glance at Ushijima who is barely moving despite the fact that his name was just pronounced. He’s as still as a statue and his expression is neutral as is typical of him, but you still perceive the lack of intensity behind his eyes, a constant reminder that no matter how much he acts as though he’s fine, he’s not.
Why else would you be here in the first place?
You nudge him gently.
“Love, they called your name. It’s time for your session,” you whisper into his ear.
He had been staring off at a fixed point across from him, but he does still respond to your nudges. When he rises, it’s done slowly, and he walks besides you with a slight limp in his left leg. He doesn’t wince with any step but the arm you hold onto as you walk with him through the hallway down to the provider’s office is stiff. You wonder if he resents how clingy you’ve gotten since his injury, handling him with kid gloves as though he were the most fragile of glass. You can’t help it. You’d almost lost him.
The office is open when you arrive, and a man who looks only a few years older than Wakatoshi is seated in a cream armchair, waiting, a measured smile on his face. Ushijima doesn’t smile back but he doesn’t frown either. 
“Welcome! Please come in and make yourself comfortable,” the man says without missing a beat, rising to shake his hand. He also shoots a glance at you, but before he can ask you to introduce yourself before politely shooing you out of the room (this is not couples’ therapy after all, even if it will help the two of you), you squeeze your husband’s hand before quickly exiting.
“I’m his partner, I’ll see myself out, thank you!”
You worry slightly about leaving him alone in this stranger’s care, but Ushijima is not a child and this isn’t the first day of kindergarten, he’s a man recovering from a life-altering injury and has finally agreed to go to therapy. 
You’re not sure how optimistic to be, but you’ve done an extensive amount of research and this particular therapist boasted credentialing in sports psychology, was highly recommended and had worked with a lot of current and former athletes alike. 
Of course, this would all be meaningless if Ushijima refused to talk, but as you started your car to pass the next hour at a nearby mall, you gave yourself a little bit of hope.
“Tell me about yourself,” is the first question the therapist asks, after offering not much more than his own name, and Ushijima is slightly annoyed by the question.
He does not want to be here in the first place, he doesn’t need to be here, and now he’s asked a question as vague and audacious as ‘tell me about yourself’ like he’s expected to pour out his feelings to this stranger from the very second he sits in this admittedly comfortable couch.
He pauses. He’s not sure exactly what he would say. 
He’s nearing 30. He’s married, no kids. If it’s not obvious, he’s from Japan. He plays volleyball professionally… well, played, up until recently. 
He frowns. That’s why he’s here. Because you don’t think he is okay, even if all of his injuries have essentially healed aside from this annoying limp that makes it obvious that he’s in some way not in optimal shape, broken, vulnerable. This  limp is the reason why he can no longer play even if he feels fine otherwise, and why he’s not exactly sure what to do next. 
But that’s beyond the point. The question is about himself.
What else can he say? How would others describe him?
His friends call him serious, just as the media describes him. Quiet and serious. Dedicated. Strong. 
Maybe he’s not that last thing anymore, but that too is beyond the point.
You think he’s sweet; you say this repeatedly. You tell him that he’s kind and considerate.
He thinks for a moment that maybe he was too kind. Kindness is what got him in this predicament in the first place, isn’t it?
A moment of compassion - a likely exhausted mother whose eyes leave her child for a split second to rummage through her purse, a little girl whose tiny legs take her just a bit too far out into an open intersection, a speeding car that shows no signs of stopping…
He remembers the exact moment he is no longer jogging but sprinting to take the child out of harm’s way, as well as the exact moment he hears his bones snap on impact, and he’s too shocked initially to feel pain, eyes frantically searching for the kid who now is standing on the opposite side of the street, looking at him in curiosity because the toddler is too young to understand what it means to see a body crumple. She’s unharmed, so he’s successful.
A woman screams and she sounds nothing like you. He’s not sure if that’s a good thing.
The car speeds on.
You sit in a food court, poking at some fries, but you’re not exactly hungry, just anxious. Is the session going okay? 
Even if the man is a professional at getting people to talk, Wakatoshi is a hard nut to crack. You could envision him sitting silently until the hour passed completely, before getting up to bow and exit stage left. It had taken you months to get him to agree to go to anything other than physical therapy.
You hope this is not an exercise in futility.
“I’m fine,” he grunted, just a couple days out of the hospital, once you’d started nagging him for weight-bearing on the leg that had just been operated on.
“Your leg was literally shattered!” You shouted. “You’re lucky they didn’t amputate!”
He gave you a mildly fatigued look. All he’d wanted to do was walk to the kitchen by himself, without crutches in his own house, and he’d barely made it a couple of steps before you were standing in the bedroom, looking all sorts of stressed and concerned. 
He figured your concern was temporary, so he attempted to quell his stubbornness. He had already been benched for the season, possibly to likely forever and pouring out his frustration on you wouldn’t be helpful.
“What do you need? I’ll get it for you.”
He frowned but he let you help him anyway.
“My name is Wakatoshi Ushijima. I moved here several years ago from Japan to play volleyball professionally. I was in a bad car accident a few months ago and my wife is concerned that I’m not adjusting well.”
The therapist offers a small smile again.
“Do you disagree with that assessment?”
Ushijima tilts his head slightly. He does disagree… he doesn’t? He’s not sure. He’s frustrated of course, who wouldn’t be, he had just been in the Olympics after all, but he’s fine. He’s strong.
He’s strong.
“We just wanted to thank you again.”
Wakatoshi glanced at the gifts the couple before them had brought,  a bouquet of flowers and stacks of cookies and pastries in boxes on the living room coffee table, before looking back at you. Your face remained polite and smiling but you were clearly uncomfortable from the way you were perched on the seat, nodding carefully as you listened to your visitors, your arms crossed over your midsection as you leaned forward in your chair.
He knew you wanted to be angry at them, well, her, the mother who looked at him pitifully initially then averted her eyes out of shame. But it wasn’t her fault but yet, it was her fault and still, it wasn’t. It was very complicated. No one was at fault. Her daughter was safe.
Everything was fine.
You’re back in your car again, ready to drive to pick up your husband from therapy. Things should get better from here on. 
Maybe he will no longer shut down like a brick wall when you suggest that now is a good time to start transitioning away from sports for the future. Maybe he’ll be less upset with small things like not being able to run as far, or lift as much or please you as much in the bedroom as he used to. 
They’re small things compared to losing his life.
“I would like to go back to playing but I’m told at every turn that it’s too dangerous, maybe even after a year of healing.”
The therapist nods, and scribbles something on a sheet of paper.
“How does that make you feel?”
The therapist notices even through Ushijima’s accented Polish that he’s naturally eloquent, but regardless he still lacks the words to appropriately talk about his feelings. 
His hands grip at his knees, the good and the bad one. The word ‘useless’ comes to mind but he can’t bring himself to say that to this stranger, even if these four walls come with the promise of understanding. 
For once, silence is uncomfortable for him, and the therapist is surprisingly good at staying quiet. They sit in silence for moments longer and surprisingly, Wakatoshi speaks up first.
“Weak,” he ekes out in a voice that is so small he barely recognizes it.
To that, the therapist leans just slightly forward, focusing his eyes on the man’s restricted range of motion and slightly hunched shoulders. It’s the posture of a man who’s normally stoic and confident, now made uncertain about the future.
“What’s wrong with weakness?” He says quickly, and Ushijima is somewhat stunned which then lends way to a small measure of anger.
Everything is wrong with being weak. Weakness was for other people. How could he protect himself, his livelihood, his team, you?
What is he if not strong?
“I love you.”
He says it less often than you do to him, but every time he does, he means every word. You shifted beneath him, weary from the lovemaking of just prior but still nevertheless craning your neck up to reach his lips. 
Your hands traveled down his shoulders and along the length of his bulky arms, playing with his biceps, drinking in the sight of his muscles flexing as he moved. He smiled and wrapped his arms tight around you, laying his head on your chest. 
“Aww, Toshi, you’ll crush me if you hold me so tight. You barely know your own strength,” you teased with a laugh, prompting him to loosen his grip ever so slightly, and lift up his head to show you the smallest of pouts.
“I love you more,” you added, giggling.
Pleased, he lay his head back down on the softness of your bosom, clinging to you more. He’d protect and take care of you forever.
You hold Ushijima’s hand tightly as you walked out of the building to your car, holding in your curiosity about the session the entire time. 
Would he go again?
He gives your hand a squeeze suddenly which surprises you, and when he turns to you, there’s a small upturn in the corner of his lips that approximates more of a smile than you’ve seen in recent weeks.
You’re elated enough that you immediately give him a hug, and maybe you’re a bit overzealous about it, but he stops and holds you close for just a moment.
“Thank you.”
There’s a lot in the thank you, and you shed a tear.
Strength is relative and inconstant, so our first task is to work on your definition of strength. 
But I would say, coming here in the first place is already evidence enough.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 16: 6PM Walks
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
“What did you call me a while ago?” Kiyoomi asks Kia, not listening to what you’re saying.
“Kiyoomi, this isn’t our issue right now.”
“No, it is. She has to call me that again.”
“She won’t.”
“She will. She did it a while ago.”
“Kia’s probably playing with you,” you mumble to yourself, but you leave the two of them to continue making breakfast before the whole fiasco. You figure that Sakusa is too excited being called papa that he won’t listen to anything you will say at the moment.
“Kia say it again. What you called me a while ago,” Kiyoomi asks Kia. They are on the couch in the living room, Kia’s eyes stuck on the television screen. She ignores Kiyoomi. He takes the remote and turns the TV off. The little girl looks at him in disapproval. “Say it again and I will turn the TV on.”
“What?” Kia asks, obviously not hearing Kiyoomi’s pleads a while back.
“What did you call me a while ago?” Kiyoomi pushes, his eyes piercing through hers, begging.
“Kyo,” Kia deadpans.
Kiyoomi pouts, turning the TV back on. He leaves Kia on the couch, then goes to you at kitchen. You don’t notice him so he just leans his back on the counter, admiring you from behind. You looked so cute with his shirt and boxers on, the apron you’re wearing is the cherry on top. He’s trying his best not to jump on you especially that Kia is just there.
You, on the other hand, are slicing the apples, Saki in your mind. “That fucking bitch,” you mutter, slicing rougher than needed. “She better not show up here again.”
“Have mercy on the apples,” Kiyoomi chuckles. He wraps his arms around your waist, his chin on top of your head. You continue to slice, Kiyoomi carefully watching your hands. “Where’s the ring I gave you?”
“It’s in my bag. I took it off when we were in Universals since it was slipping off my finger. I was scared I’d lose it,” you reply. His hug feels comforting so you slow down in slicing. “Have you given up on Kia calling you papa?”
“No,” he huffs, his chin now on your shoulder. You giggle at his determination. “You’re probably shocked about what happened.”
“Didn’t know your fuck buddy was psycho,” you respond. He starts leaving small kisses on your exposed neck, so you put the knife down and turn to him. “Kiyoomi, why are you so touchy today?”
“What do you mean? I was also touchy yesterday,” he corrects you. His hands intertwine with yours as he brings it close to his. He gives all your fingers soft kisses, completely calming you down. “You seem so stressed. You should get a massage or something.”
“That sounds nice.” You smile at the thought of simply relaxing. Ever since you had given birth to Kia, time for yourself was impossible.
“Then take a day off from being a mom today,” Kiyoomi mumbles, planting a kiss on your forehead. You look up to him in confusion. “I’ll drop you off at the mall. I actually booked you an appointment at a salon and spa a week ago.” You stare at him in suspicion but he seems solely genuine about wanting you to relax.
“What about Kia?” You ask hesitantly.
“I’ll take good care of her,” he responds. “Get changed. I’ll continue making breakfast.”
After eating breakfast with Kiyoomi and Kia, they send you off to the mall. You are so excited to relax. “Me time” is rare as a mother. You shall cherish it without questions on how and why you got to do it.
As you left the car, Kia and Kiyoomi drive to another street in the city of Osaka. They leave the car, and go to a small cafe that doesn’t have a lot of customers. A woman waves at him and he goes to where she’s seated.
“Kyo who’s that?”
You finish your appointments at around 5:30 PM. Kiyoomi really wanted you to relax. He had appointed a full body massage for you, a hair treatment appointment, manicure and pedicure and lunch at a 4-star sushi place; he’s spoiling you.
You see his car at the driveway outside the mall. You enter his car, then you sanitize your hands. Kia is asleep so you keep quiet. You take a look at him and he looks nervous.
“Are you okay?” You ask him and he nods. You eye him warily as he starts driving off without a word. “What did the two of you do today?”
“We went to a cafe, then met up with my nutritionist. Kia is also gave him a checkup. Apparently, Kia is taller than most of her peers. She’s 8 centimeters away from 100cm and she’s only 30 months old...” Kiyoomi states in a stressed manner.
“Are you afraid she’ll get bullied by other kids for her height?” You look at him and he seemed upset about it. “On the brighter side, with her height she can be a volleyball player like you.” You reassure him, he still looks like he’s on the edge.
“It’s the flower field Kia and I went to a while ago. Do you wanna take a walk?” He suddenly suggests, looking out the window of his car. You hum as a yes, then he parks his car somewhere near the flower field.
“Baby...” You coo at Kia, taking her seatbelt off. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she smiles when she sees you. You lift her off her chair then close the car’s door.
You look around, and notice that there aren’t a lot of people. No wonder why Kiyoomi wanted to take a walk. The place is peaceful and breathtaking. Rows of different kinds of flowers, but mostly roses and tulips. You look down to Kia and see that she is staring at the sun setting over the flower field.
You finally sense Kiyoomi beside you, but the energy he’s giving is off. You take a glance at him and he isn’t wearing his mask on. Now your suspicion has risen to the highest level. You want to ask him about it but Kia suddenly wriggles out of your hold. You run after her but stop when you see two familiar boys.
“Mu-chan! Ki-chan!” She squeals in excitement, running towards the said boys. You greet them with a wave as they are standing from a far. You watch Kia run to them before walking towards them too.
“Mama! Turn around!” Kia shouts but you don’t hear properly.
“Turn! Around!” Atsumu shouts this time, signaling you turn with his hand. You raise an eyebrow at them before turning around.
3rd Year, Itachiyama Academy
August 19
“Omi... I suddenly thought of something,” you spoke, watching the sunset. You two were at his backyard, enjoying your first anniversary in the comfort of his home. “How will you propose to me?”
“Are you really thinking about marriage just because we’ve been dating for a year now?” Sakusa squinted his eyes at you. You shrugged, leaning on his shoulder.
“I’m just curious since you hate surprises. You might tell me to get my nails done a week before so it’d look good in pictures,” you joked. He let out a chuckle in agreement.
“I might do that.” He saw the excitement in your eyes. Now, he’s curious about your dream proposal. “How do you want me to propose? Do you want a grand one or a simple one?”
“I want you to propose just like this,” you replied, eyes glued on the setting sun. “You, me, on our anniversary, with the sun setting.”
“Do I have to be on my knee? The ground might be dirty,” he rambled so you pouted.
“How is it a proposal if you don’t go on one bended knee?!”
“Then I’ll do that,” he replied, determined. There was no hesitance in his response so your heart beat faster.
“Really?” You asked, hopeful. You were now looking at him and so was he.
“Sakusa Kiyoomi, why?!” You exclaim as you cover your face with your hands, tears already falling from your eyes.
The Sakusa Kiyoomi who well known as a germaphobe is on his knee in front you, with a ring in his hand. You check your phone to see the date, just to make sure. August 19. You cry even harder, not able to process what’s happening. Your heart is about to jump out of your chest. How does he remember even that?
“Will you marry me?”
Unable to answer due to too much emotions, you pull him up and kiss him deeply, hooking your arm on his neck, pulling him close to you. He wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up the ground in excitement. He puts you back on the ground, then gives you another chaste kiss before slipping the ring in your ring finger. He gives it a kiss, before kissing you once more.
“Mama!” You hear Kia run to the two you. Kiyoomi lifts Kia with one arm, his other arm not leaving you. “Look! Kyo proposed to me too!”
“Kyo who’s that?” Kia asked as she and Kiyoomi sat in the same table with a strange woman.
“Is this your daughter?” The woman asked Sakusa. He nodded. Kia was still looking at her weirdly. “Hi, I’m Nako. I’m a jewelry maker. I make necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Do you wanna see?”
“Sorry, I’m late,” a familiar voice spoke, catching Kia’s full atention.
“Mu-chan!” Kia greeted him with a kiss. He sat down beside her, greeting Nako and his teammate with a smile and wave. Nako was Atsumu’s classmate in high school that has become a famous jeweler in Japan.
“Here’s the ring and necklace you have requested to custom made,” Nako told Kiyoomi, handing him two black velvet boxes. “Just as requested, a palladium engagement ring with a 2.4 carat round cut diamond. And in this box we have a 14k white gold ring attached to a 14k white gold chain. I also made sure that this won’t choke your daughter. But to be extra careful, take it off during her sleep or if she’s playing without you or your wife around.”
They finished their transaction and Nako left, leaving the boys with Kia in the cafe. “So we’ll wait for at the flower field near your house and Kia will run to us, then you’ll propose?” Atsumu clarified.
“Yes. That’s right,” Kiyoomi approved. “Please thank Kita-san for me.”
“I will. I will. We’ll meet you there.” Atsumu bid his good byes, leaving the father-daughter duo.
“Papa what’s the rings for?” Kia asked, staring at the shiny jewelry set in front of her.
“Baby, I’ll propose to your mama,” Kiyoomi started to explain. “I’ll give her this ring so we can get married and we’ll be together forever.” He tried to explain in simpler words so the child could understand.
“Why do you want to be with mama forever?” Kia questioned, which made Kiyoomi smile.
“Because I love your mama.”
“How about Kia? Do you love Kia?” Kia tilted her head to the side, her hopeful eyes peering at his. He cupped her cheek, planting a kiss on her forehead.
“So much. I love Kia so much,” he replied. “That’s why I’m giving you this.” Kiyoomi took the necklace out of the box, presenting it to her.
“You’re proposing to Kia?” She asked in an excited manner, her hands clasped together, pressing them close to her chest. “You wanna be together with Kia forever?”
Kia started crying in joy so Kiyoomi picked her up from her chair, giving her a tight hug. Her sobs quiet down so Kiyoomi put the necklace on her. She hugs him again, giving him a lot of kisses.
“I love papa, too.”
The idea and tradition of engagement rings dates back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed circles were symbols of eternity.
The truth is the most popular engagement month in a year is December. 
In all, about 70% of brides wear their rings on the fourth finger of their left hand; a tradition that comes from the Roman belief that the vena amoris, or vein of love, was located there.
Wedding rings were traditionally made of gold because it was considered the most pure and valuable metal, and was thought to perfectly symbolize marriage.
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Taglist:  @elianetsantana​ aoi-turtle ptv-hades  aquzairus a-applepi justoneofthefangirlsarianna-r13 morenabambinii chaelysian loser-keiji mxngy ne-kuroon1fangirlsblog d-efendmissalicebaskervillemarvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea​ bonkyandloki kimi09 ntimacy @mkazuyuh  ushi-please minty-mangos-world @dearest-kiyoomi​ yeehawslap  onlyshinji obsessedwhxre
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Go Go Nekoma! Push it, Push it Nekoma! Coaches Chemisty (pt. 1)
Warnings: Angst, breakups, mention of virginity loss, Swearing
Word count: 6000+ (split into 3 parts)
"I'm really sorry Y/N. I just don't see this going anywhere. We are both leaving for college soon and going to different schools at that" your boyfriend of the past 2 years, Naoi Manabu said as he looked down to the ground kicking the dirt below his feet.
Your eyes watered as you drown out the words he's saying.
"B-but we can make this work. I can come see you on weekends and we can still see each other over holidays and school breaks" you plead trying to save a relationship you know is doomed.
The past weeks had been rough to say the least. Manabu had been growing distant from you. Making excuses and staying later for volleyball practice to avoid walking home with you. To say it hurt would be an understatement. It broke your heart.
"Y/N I'm sorry, I just can't do this" Manabu said as he looked up seeing tears welling in your eyes.
"I love you. Doesn't that mean anything?" You say sternly as tears roll down your cheeks.
"Y/N-" he starts saying as you place your hand in front of his face.
"No. Don't. I gave you everything. I stuck by you through it all! I stayed late to walk with you home from volleyball practice. I came to as many games as I could! I stayed up late helping you study! Fuck I gave you my virginity!" You scream.
The emotions are just too overwhelming.
"Y/N-" Manabu tries to say as you turn.
"No. I'm done. Good luck with your life Naoi" you turn away letting the tears flow as you start to jog away.
Almost on cue the sky opens up and rain pours down on your head. This is just like one of those awful romance novels. The girl gets dumped by the love of her life only for rain to continue to dampen her day. Just fucking fantastic.
This was quite literally the worst day of your life.
*8 years later*
"Y/N darling can you please water the flowers outside. I forgot to have Vee do it this morning" Your boss asks you politely with a smile.
"Of course! Let me just finish this arrangement and I'll get to watering. You can head home if you like Bella. I know your poor husband must be starving waiting for you" you giggle as Bella rolls her eyes.
"Let him die. No good worthless piece of crap. Couldn't even take the garbage out last night like I asked him too" Bella huffed as she walked over to your table.
"Stay single Y/N, trust me getting married is for the birds. Sure you meet some handsome young man and he charms his way into your life but the MINUTE he says 'I do' its all down hill from there" Bella says to you as she sternly shakes her finger.
You can't help but laugh. Bella is in her 70s and has been married to the same man for 50 years. He's really very kind and helpful in the shop when he comes and visits. Sometimes you think Bella expects too much from her husband but she's quick to shut you up.
"If you don't establish dominance Y/N, these men will walk all over you! You are young and beautiful. You don't want any man. And if you do, find one who will worship the ground you walk on. A man who will lay his coat over a pile of manure for you to walk. A man who will put your pleasure before his own" she says as she lectures you for the 10th time this week.
Bella loved you like her own daughter. Her son had moved away years ago and wasn't around much. She often invited you and Vee to have dinner with her and her husband. The dinners were entertaining to say the least. Usually ending with Bella ranting about how naive women now a days are or how shallow men are.
You enjoyed your time with Bella and her husband even if you didn't share the same sentiment as Bella did.
You hadn't been on a date in over a year. Every relationship seemed to go the same way. There was never a connection. You tried hard through college and after to find someone but always managed to come up empty.
After you graduated college, you took a high paying job in Tokyo. While you were more than qualified for the job, it provided you with little pleasure. It wasn't until you stumbled into Bella's flower shop that you found yourself truly happy.
Surrounded by beautiful flowers and arrangements. It was like heaven. You returned to Bellas weekly to get a bouquet. Soon you found yourself becoming friends with Vee and Bella. It wasn't until Bella mentioned needing help that you made the decision to quite your job and start anew. While the jobs pay was much less than you had become accustom too, your lifestyle really didn't change. You sold your suits in exchange for overhauls, shorts and t-shirts. You got accustomed to dirt below your fingers rather than finely manicure nails. Sure it was a big change but you were so much happier.
You're days were long and busy. Often starting early and closing late. You didn't have family close by, and no significant other so you often took extra shifts and offered to help so the other two ladies could enjoy their husband's.
Both ladies knew about your past dating relationships and the "one that got away" as they so ironically referred to it.
You couldn't lie to yourself. You often thought of Naoi Manabu.
What was he doing?
You were sure he had to be married by now. It had been 8 years since you had last seen him.
After you broke up, you avoided the man like the plague. It helped you only had a week before school ended and you graduated. It didn't seem like he was too worked up over your break up. You had spent far too many nights crying over him.
You felt like you had lost the love of your life.
You, in fact, had.
"KENMAAAA" Coach Nekomata screams "stop running from the ball! We've been over this a million times!"
"I'd like to keep my limbs thanks" Kuzome Kenma whispers as he turns back to see Kuroo Tetsuro snickering.
"Kenma you act like you've never blocked a ball in your entire life" Kuroo teases the setter mercerously.
"Well I wouldn't have to if someone had read into the switch" Kenma glares at Kuroo who's smile drops.
"Alright that's enough" Naoi shouts as the boys return to their practice match.
He sits next to Coach Nekomata as he sighs "do you think they will be ready for nationals? We've only got a month before we leave. They've still got a long way to-"
"Naoi have faith. They will be ready. They are strong" Coach Nekomata smiles as he watches the boys continue to practice.
The game ends as the boys begin to pack up the gym.
Yaku Morisuke sighs as he finishes his stretches.
"Yaku what's got you bothered" Kuroo says as he kneels down to the team libero.
"I'm just thinking about Mai. I really like her but how do I even tell her. Confessing isn't really my strong suit" Yaku says as he rubs the back of his head.
"How about chocolates? Or maybe flowers?" Kuroo says with a smug grin "girls love flowers!"
"Tsk like you'd know Mr. Periodic Table" Kenma says non-chalantly as he walks by.
Yamamoto Taketora and Haiba Lev laugh at the rooster headed team captain as he glares at the 2nd year setter
"Are you even sure she likes short guys Yaku?" Lev laughs as the team shakes their head.
Yaku runs up to Lev kicking him straight in his back.
"Dumbass" Yamamoto shakes his head as he puts the remaining volleyballs away.
"Why don't we go check out that flower shop on the way home? What's it called like Bella's or something. It looks pretty nice" Kuroo says as he gestures to Yaku.
"Kai, you coming?" Kuroo says to his fellow third year and co-captain, Kai Nobuyuki.
"Sure I'll tag along" Kai speaks softly with a smile.
"Alright guys good practice! Remember we have practice this Saturday as well in preparation for nationals" Naoi shouts as the boys groan.
"And Kenma no skipping out. I'll have Kuroo drag you here if he has to" Naoi glares at Kenma who shakes rolls his eyes and huffs.
The boys showered and change, preparing to head to the flower shop as they wave their fellow teammates off.
Naoi boards the train heading home to his small apartment. To say things have gone to plan in his life would be an understatement. While he was doing what he loved, his love life was lacking to say the very least. He had tried numerous relationships, only to have them fail because he could never fully commit. He often found himself in a one-sided relationship where his partner would confess their love but he couldn't.
It became draining for the people he was with so he ultimately stayed single. He knew, in fact, what the problem was. The problem was that he had messed up the only relationship that mattered to him. He'd blown his chances with the only person whom he ever truly loved.
He had blown his chance with you.
When he decided to break up with you, he really thought it was for the best. He knew you had a bright future ahead of you and he couldn't help but feel like he was weighing you down. He thought it would be best to let go before it became impossible. Not that it wasn't hard to do. It broke him.
He found himself unable to date for years. You had been his first everything and you had been it. He eventually forced himself to move on. Having one night stands and short term relationships but never more. Commitment was hard when it wasn't you. He still kept the ring he had wanted to give you for your third anniversary.
Unfortunately he never got the chance to after he inevitably broke you heart. He often found himself staring at it, wondering how life would have been if he had in fact stayed with you.
By now you must be married with babies he thought to himself. It hurt to think about but he knew it would never be. You'd never be his. And he'd never be truly happy.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: How you met Akaashi, Iwaizumi & Suga! + How things go down when you two realize you go to the same school!
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’m kinda shy on posting bc my notifs are on and y’all are so nice to me 🥺 feel free to send requests at any time and I’ll get to them ASAP! KITHES ❤️
Update: I’m posting twice today! Check out my other writings below or just find your way around my page! 💞
✿ Masterlist ✿ ✿ Find Your Way Around ✿
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• It was one of his rare days off of Volleyball and babysitting so he went to pick up a new book to keep himself distracted on bus rides and downtime
• You were Visiting the book store to pick up a new book as well after reading so many good reviews about it - you loved reading with all the downtime you had
• As you reached the book store you made your way to the isle the books genre was, before picking up the book - the last copy!
• You smiled before hearing a sigh behind you and turning to see a boy your age looking at the book in your hand
“Looks like the last copy.”
• You looked down at your hands before handing it to him smiling slightly
“I can just purchase it on my phone.”
• You wouldn’t because it wasn’t the same but you could always come back and buy it another time, you were feeling nice today
“No no, you were here first I can find another book.”
• He smiled at you returning it but you didn’t accept it, you held your smile coming up with an idea.
“You can read it and if we ever meet again, you can let me borrow it?”
• He smiled, nodding and walking off with the book before stopping in his tracks before looking at you again.
“Akaashi.... My names Akaashi.”
• He continued walking as you smiled turning around and scanning through more books to buy.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Yeah you began seeing Akaashi everywhere around school now - it’s not that you didn’t know he existed you just never knew him personally.
• You also didn’t know he was so popular with the girls, sadly now known to you.
• He’d also notice you more, walking and reading your book, eating and reading your book. Definitely thought it was cute
“And I didn’t even spike it hard enough to break a vase- what are we looking at?”
• Once Bokuto found out, he was so excited to meet you.
“I’m captain and ace!”
“That’s so cool!”
• Akaashi loved how much enthusiasm you had talking to Bokuto, and he was glad the crazy owl haired boy befriended you because now he could too.
• Bokuto got Akaashi to ask you on a date to which you obviously said yes to
• You two spent a lot of time sharing thoughts about certain books, going on dates and taking care of Bokuto
“I’m just saying Hinata and Tsukki could be your kids!”
“No ❤️ we have enough with you 🧚🏻‍♀️✨🥰💞”
“Akaashi 😔”
• One certain date confused you as Akaashi brought you flowers and a gift
“What is it?”
“If I tell you it ruins the surprise - that’s what wrapping papers for hun.”
• You rolled your eyes playfully only to have a book left in your hands with wrapped paper on the floor
“The book! Aw I never got to read it!”
• He watched you gush over it and smiled, he swore he fell in love with you all over again
“Stop staring at me I’m shy!”
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• It was a New Year and what did that come with? New Years Resolutions!
• January 2nd, you began to regret saying everything about going on a morning run every morning
• but here you were, dressed in your running clothes with a hoodie to help the cold
• As you started running you felt your body temperature warm up as you got tired after a few minutes but still pushed yourself
• you looked to your right to see a certain brown haired boy pass you
“Bruh rude.”
• you picked up your pace and passed him - as you should queen 😗
• This turned into a competition of who could continued to run longer
• He won, but only because you began dying on all the air you weren’t getting 😣
• This became a daily thing because you two wanted to see your cute running partner every morning during you twos winter break!
• Neither of you spoke a word to each other though - it was just constant running and pushing each other to your limits.
• It wasn’t until you saw his friend jog up to him on your last morning running day and noticed who his very popular friend was, Oikawa, that you remembered who he was, but it was too late because Oikawa dragged him off.
“Oi! Shittykawa let me go!”
“Iwa-Chan you don’t have to be so mean!”
“Then stop being shitty!”
• You giggled at their banter before running back home, Iwaizumi watching your retreating figure, sighing.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• When Oikawa approached you a few days after school resumed - you hated it here 💞 not because of Oikawa but because of all the ugly looks from fans that came with him approaching you
“Y/N! Please you have to meet with Iwa! He’ll shred me to pieces for not letting him catch your name! Please!”
• You looked at the setter who was on his knees
Y/N: 👁👄👁, Oikawa-San please get up!
• What a weird sight this would be, Oikawa on his knees begging for you to just go to the gym after school and you frantically waving your arms around saying ‘alright’ and ‘Oikawa get up PLEASE!’ He’s so dramatic but Iwaizumi was holding a grudge against him
• You kept your promise and walked to the volleyball gym after school and mentally prepared yourself
This is a bad idea, What if he doesn’t want to see me?, stupid Oikawa what if he’s pranking me? I could be eating a good sandwich right now on the way home-
• Your own thoughts were cut off by the door swinging open and knocking you down ❤️
“Shit! Are you okay?”
• You looked up to see your classmate Mattsun with his hand out, which you took. Oikawa was laughing like a manic right about now
• Iwaizumi asking what Oikawa was laughing about before he saw you, his face now glowing a bright red as you gave him a shy wave
• Oikawa laughed even harder and called for a break to which Iwaizumi walked over to you
“Y/N, I don’t think I ever told you but my name is Y/N.”
“I like that... The names Iwaizumi.”
“Yeah your friend practically kept screaming Iwa-Chan while on his knees asking me to come here.”
“No! No I didn’t-“
• Makki and Mattsun had teased Oikawa for getting on his knees and begging to which Iwa just yelled at him for being embarrassing
• That became your life as his girlfriend soon, hearing the bickering and the taunting. You sometimes felt bad for Oikawa so you stood up for him at times
Y/N: Boys don’t be so mean
Oikawa: Y/N-Chan loves me! Unlike you guys!
Iwazumi: I’ll choke you trashykawa, she’s my girlfriend
Oikawa: Not without my help!
• Yeah this was a common argument
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• You and Kiyoko were friends and you met Suga at Kiyoko’s birthday gathering!
• It happened when Noya and Tanaka saw you and Kiyoko hug and noticed you were her best friend
“Please date me!”
“Get me a date with my beautiful Kiyoko!”
• as you slowly backed away scared for your life Suga gabbed the two by their collars and yanked them back
“I’m sorry about them, they can be quiet a handful.”
“I told you two not to be weird during Kiyoko’s birthday party!”
• You spent a lot of time that night celebrating Kiyoko’s birthday at chatting with the sweet boy who saved you earlier
• He definitely had to get hyped up by Daichi to ask for your number
• You obviously gave it to him and Kiyoko was making fun of you
Noya: Not fair Senpai - why do you get to ask for her number but when I ask for a date everyone freaks out
• you two made plans to hang out in the future and definitely were both excited about it
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Things don’t always go as planned and you ended up seeing him at school
• How you hadn’t seen him before was beyond you but he saw you when you were walking with Kiyoko and laughing with her, he was giving you big puppy dog love eyes when Daichi sighed and pulled him to go say hi to you
• He got really happy when he saw you smile a bit bigger as they approached
• What he wasn’t expecting was to see you looking through your backpack all the sudden
“I put it in here somewhere - there’s that fork I was looking for earlier- AH HA!”
• He died when you pulled out a little volleyball keychain with a tiny crow you hooked onto it and a #2 charm
“I made this for you the other day! You were telling me all about how you played and I just thought you’d like it...”
• His eyes twinkled with adoration and he immediately took it and put it on his bag thanking you with a hug Kiyoko had to drag you to class because you were love struck and frozen
• he keeps it on his bag and he makes sure he has it for every game - he wouldn’t trade it for the world
“This? Y/n made it for me! It’s awesome huh?”
• It wasn’t too long after that he had finally asked you on a date and you guys made it official - so you would spend a lot of time next to Kiyoko at games
Noya: They’re like Goddesses...
Suga: Yeah 🥺🥰💞
• This man is a simp for you don’t let him get away
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pockyxx · 4 years
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“ how the haikyuu captains confess ”
daichi x fem! reader, kuroo x fem! reader, ushijima x fem! reader, bokuto x fem reader and oikawa x fem! reader
genre: fluff.
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people already though the two of you were dating
he always does typical boyfriend things i.e holds bags, compliments, the only thing that was missing was  physical intimacy 
he’d be on the fine line of romantic and straight forward 
he kinda already knew that you knew he liked you 
he got the team’s advice on what to do but it was useless bc they’ve never been with a girl RIP 
“Y/n, I’m glad I caught up to you!” He seemed a little more nervous than normal but you brushed it off as just nervous for his up coming practice match. 
“Hey Daichi-san, what’s up?” You closed your locker, finishing up with your own club activities. The two of you continued to walk while also keeping up the conversation, Daichi holding the door open for you. 
Your heart slightly fluttered as you walked so close with them, wondering if today was the day that Daichi was finally going to confess. One of the first years had accidentally let it slip one day when you stopped by his practice. 
“Well, actually, there’s been something on my mind. It’s been on my mind for a while, honestly.” He stopped walking, nervously opening his backpack to grab something. 
You gave him an innocent look even though it’s been a moment you’ve been waiting for for a long time. 
“I like you, y/n. Like a lot.” He extended his hand and offered you your favorite candy bar, something that he always carried around with him. “I like when I get to see your bright smile, and your laugh makes me feel so warm inside. I just like the person I am around you and how you make me want to be a better person all together.” 
It had been clear that he hadn’t exactly planned what he was going to say but it was still meaningful nonetheless. 
“It took you long enough.” You flashed a cheeky grin, “Hinata told me by accident, I’ve just been waiting for you to finally spill the beans.” You laughed, filling his heart with joy. 
“So this means you’ll let me take you on a date?” He wondered, blushing and making a mental note to make the younger boy run extra laps. You nodded rapidly, taking his hands in yours, proceeding with your walk. 
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have you seen how he talks to his team 
he would have his confession planned for a week 
He’d be rehearsing that shit in the mirror every morning
he’d probably get really freaked out the day of though 
when you say you like him back and confess in a similar manner he’s as red as a tomato 
he practiced on kenma and get his advice
“Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you-” Kuroo was instantly cut off by his younger friend who was still glued to his game. 
“You’re really going to finish off such a sentimental confession with a stupid chemistry pick up line. That’s gross.” He commented as Kuroo was left scratching his head. He’d been planning on confessing to you for a while now but was still stuck on what to say. 
“But she loves when I made chemistry jokes.” His face dropped, conflicted with what to do. Was his friend right? Do girls not like that sort of thing? 
“Well you better decide quick because her she comes.” You had turned the corner with all their refilled water bottles and his heart began to race up. What would happen if you said you didn’t like him back? It would create such an awkward relationship between you two; which wouldn’t be good between a captain and a team manager. 
“Here are your waters.” You passed both volleyball players their drinks as you rested your hands on your hips, “what were you guys talking about?” 
Kenma kept a straight face while Kuroo flushed slightly. Pressing a finger to your lips, you thought of a way to lighten the clearly tense mood. 
“You’ve defiantly being improving your serves, Kuroo-san. I’ve been keeping ion you!” You covered your mouth, not wanted to let out a laugh at such a cheesy joke. That was Kenma’s cue to walk off, giving Kuroo the thumbs up to proceed-- it was now or never. 
“Well, there’s something you should know too, chibi-can.” He swallowed any anxious nerves he had, “You make my heart flutter every moment I see you; you just take me breath away and not just because of you looks. I like how funny you are, and you always seem to put a smile on my face. I know this is very random but I’ve been holding in my feelings for a very long time and I thought I was going to explode not being able to tell you.” 
You smiled, bashing your eyelashes, you never knew your captain had feelings for you. Heck, your crush had feelings for you. 
“So basically, what I’ve been meaning to ask is; are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you?” He held his breath, wondering if Kenma was going to be right. His heart pounded even faster at the sight of your lips twisting to an even bigger smile (if that was even possible). 
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it could go one of two ways 
either he could be super blunt and hit you with the ‘I like you y/n.’
OR it would be over the top and only because he consulted tendou
tendou’s probably watched a handful of romance animes and has ushijima prepares chocolates, flowers, the whole 9 yards 
ushi is just nodded and taking notes like... 
just confess to her at the summer festival, girls love that, bonus points if you do it under the fire works.
tendou’s words rang through ushijimas head as he walked side by side with you at the summer festival. he’d done everything tendou had instructed him to up until that point. he’s bought you the best taiyaki, he’d let you hold his hand as to not get lost in the crowd and he’d even won you a small stuffed animal that now rested under your arm pit.
“I think the fireworks are about to start.” you hummed as wakatoshi realized he needed to get into the right position.
“then why don’t we go someone more private.” he offered you a rare smile as your cheeks started to burn up with fluster.
it wasn’t like ushijima was a cold heart person but seeing him suggest something so thoughtful, your heart fluttered with the idea that someone greater was about to happen.
nodding, you let ushijima pull you off as the two of you got a better of the sky that was soon to be filled with a display of lights. he’d taken you away from the crowd, up on a small empty lot of gross that was elevated compared to the rest of the festival.
“y/n, I enjoyed tonight.” he cleared his throat, catching your attention. you nodded in agreement,
“hopefully we can go to more festivals today, of course if your not busy with volleyball!” you smiled happily. ushijima was quick to respond.
“I’d like that very much.” he paused, “y/n, i’m often told that i don’t show emotions well or that i’m very blunt.”
you watched him with curious eyes, stating that that wasn’t all ways a bad thing.
“that’s right. this is a time where i think it’s good to be blunt. you see, y/n, i enjoy spending time with you and that i like you, very much.”
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it accidentally slipped out 
he always gets a little shy when he think about it so he simply doesn’t 
you’ll be something fairly mundane and he’ll just pause and go 
“you do that so well, that’s why I think I’m in love with you.” 
you’d get flustered because it was so out of the blue 
he’d fill akaashi in the next day and akaashi would make him re-do the confession
“You’re so good at cleaning the white board, y/n, but I guess everything you do is good because that’s why I like you.” You and Bokuto had class room chores together after school and he was watching you, in a hazy spell, resting his hand on his head. 
You blushed, not knowing if Bokuto was actually being serious or if he was just being overly kind. You just pretended like you didn’t hear him, continuing with what you were doing. If you can confessed your feelings back and he wasn’t serious, you would’ve died of embarrassment. 
“Bokuto-san are you going to help or not?” You turned around seeing Bokuto covering his face as he rested his head on the desk. “Uh, Bokuto-san are you alright?” 
He looked up at you only for you to see what you recognized as his emo mode. You frowned your eyebrows as he jumped up, bursting out with emotion. 
“No! I just confessed to the girl that I like and, and, and I wasn’t ready!” He grabbed his bag and ran for the door, “please forgive me for not doing my share of the work, y/n.” 
You were left speechless, watching as the gray haired boy ran away. You laughed realizing what he meant and put you into such a happy mood you didn’t even care that you had to finish all the chores. 
The next morning, you were greeted at the gates of Fukuordani by Bokuto who held a box of you favorite snack and a small teddy bear. Shyly extending the gifts out to you. 
“I bet you know what I’m going to say, so just, uh, please take these.” It had been what Akaashi had instructed and you took them with pleasure. 
“These will make up for all my hard work yesterday keeping out classroom spic-and-span.” You giggle, Bokuto looked at you with pouty eyes as you continued, “and if you didn’t run out so quickly you would’ve know what I like you too.” 
His eyes gleamed as you covered your slightly blushing face with your hand. Bokuto engulfed you in a hug and the two of you becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. 
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he’s been confessed to so much that confessions make him nauseous tbh 
he’d make it very personal and romantic, though 
if not romantic he’d want it to be just the two of you 
he knew if he told any of the third years about if his plans, they’d ruin the moment; showing up to film the whole experience (mattsun and makki) 
he would secretly be the most nervous out of all of them 
You were helping Iwaizumi and taking over his cleaning shift with Oikawa. Oikawa was kinda glad the ace had a dentist appointment, so he could finally get you alone with out his team mates or fan girls there to ruin the moment. 
“Say, y/n-chan, I’m pretty lucky to have such a pretty girl helping me clean up.” His eyes were on the ball he was rubbing the marks off of, not really seeing your expression, defended by the sound of his heart thumping rapidly. 
You frowned, liking Oikawa was no easy task because everyone seemed to like him. Sure, he complimented you now, but he always compliments girls. It hurt your heart not knowing how sincere he was. 
“Don’t worry about it Oikawa-san, I’m always happy to help.” You sighed, finishing pumping a deflated volleyball. The Oikawa you had grown to love wasn’t the pretty, flashy volleyball player but the determined captain who always brought out the best in his teammates. It was the hard working, smart and passionate Toru that made your heart do flips. 
“Y/n...” His voiced trailed off, you noticed there wasn’t a cute little ‘chan’ following it. You turned to face him, not realizing your vision had gone blurry from tears pooling in them. 
“Are you alright?” Out of concern he placed his hands in your shoulders and that seemed to snapped you out of the spell you’d fallen under.
Rubbing your eyes, you nodded, looking down at your feet to avoid Oikawa’s gaze. You wished he’d let go of you, so you heart could just go back to its normal pace.
“Y/n did I say something to upset you—Im sorry.” He seemed to be holding his breath until he saw you shake your heard, reassuring him he’d done nothing wrong. Toru sighed.
“I hate seeing you upset, do you know that?” Surpised, you looked up at him, almost beckoning him to eleborate. Oikawas mind was racing— he wasn’t planning on confessing right there and then but he decided to sieze the moment.
“Out of all the girls I talk to, you’re the only one that makes me feel like this...” With your mouth gapping he took your hand and directed it to his chest where you could feel his rapid heartbeat.
“Oikawa-san...” You trailed off, at a loss of words. Between the hand touching his toned chest and the honey-like words coming out of his mouth, it sent you into over drive.
“Everything about you makes me crazy and-and well y/n... i like you!”
Nodding off, your brain couldn’t fully comprehend what your body was doing. leaning forward, reaching up to his lips you. kiss. him.
“Woah.” Oikawa breathed out, shocked at how you reciprocated his feeling until he was brought back to his usual behaviour, “so... you wanna go out with me?”
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
The Odds of Us All
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Chapter 2 Pt 5/5: Food & Tea- But Not The Drink Kind
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It was finally lunch time, Y/n was more than ready to leave her classroom and head to the twins class. Saying goodbye to some of her new friends, she departed from class 2-5 and headed down the hallway to class 2-3. While she was in college prep, the twins and Suna were in the other classes below her. The girl didn’t hold it against them, some people were made for different fields- academics didn’t define anything besides a persons academic intelligence. 
Several people stared after her as she walked, everyone was intrigued with the new transfer student who was the soulmate of Itachiyama’s star ace and the cousin of Shiratorizawa’s famous Ushiwaka. It got on her nerves at first but she got used to the attention eventually. If she was rude to her “fans” then it’d look bad on Sakusa and Wakatoshi.
“Ushijima-san!” Someone called after her, stopping her in her tracks, Y/n turned and looked over at the person. It was a first year from class 1-2, if she remembered correctly he was in her “fan club.” (Honestly she was a little flattered at how fast she gained a following here, back at Nekoma it took her a whole two weeks before some classmates formed one for her.) “I was wondering if you would be willing to accept this... I made it just for you!” She was about to thank him for the horribly wrapped bento, when someone decided to stop her. 
“Y/n.” Suna said from across the hallway, phone in hand, “come on we’re eating outside.” He gave the first year a deadpan, daring him to speak, Y/n smiled apologetically at him, thanking him for the bento and accepting it. The first year hurried away, but not without a pleased blush coating his cheeks. “Told you- you’re Ms. Popular.”
“Maybe... but it doesn’t really matter.” Y/n replied, tucking the bento into her satchel. “It’s always been this way, but not for the reasons you might think.” Seeing her soulmates inquisitive gaze she continued. “I mean maybe they start genuinely liking me eventually, but initially they follow me around and try to befriend me in an effort to know about all the drama in my life. Having a famous cousin and soulmate does that to you. Oh- but I’m sure you deal with it too- I mean you and the twins are famous on the volleyball scene for a reason.”
Suna hummed noncommittally, pocketing his phone and shoving his hands in his pockets with it. “I get it- people only want to get to know me cuz of the twins or my looks... but I don’t really pay attention to them... neither do Atsumu or Osamu.” He gave her a side glance. “You shouldn’t either, people like that just aren’t worth the energy.” 
“You make a good point Suna- but I can’t. I got to make a good impression for them. Oh wow, Inarizaki sure has everything doesn’t it?” They were in the schools private garden, it was a large plot of land- with rows or fresh vegetables and countless beds of flowers- Y/n could even spot several wisteria trees. “I think it’s even prettier than Itachiyama’s greenhouse.”
“Itachiyama? I thought ya went to Nekoma.” Atsumu asked, popping up in front of her. Osamu walked over to them, they had just arrived too. 
Y/n nodded, “Hi Atsumu, Osamu; I did, but I was initially planning on going to Itachiyama- I toured the campus, passed the entrance exams and everything too. But my friends went to Nekoma so I followed.” Osamu said ‘hi’ in response.
“Interesting.” Atsumu said, his mischievous smirk never leaving his face. “Hey follow me will ya?” He grabbed her hand gently, leading her to a round, stone picnic table below the wisteria trees, leaving Osamu and Suna to trail after them. 
“There he goes.” Suna whispered, earning a sigh in response from the gray haired twin. “So touchy... surprised no one reported him for harassment yet.”
“I’d thank 'em if they did.” Osamu huffed with an eye roll. “Maybe then he would learn ta keep his hands ta himself.” The four of them settled at the table, Atsumu on Y/n’s left, Osamu to her right, and Suna in front of her. 
“Y/n got a bento from a first year earlier.” The brunette gossiped (but in his weird deadpan way), he hid a grin at the matching scowls the twins wore. “Hey Y/n what did you think of him?” 
“He was sweet.” She pulled the bento out and plopped it on the table. “But I’m not going to eat it- he’s still a stranger and I’m not the type to eat food from just anyone.” She didn’t notice the glances the three shared at her words.
“What if I made it?” The younger Miya muttered, staring at the h/c (hair color) girl. Atsumu did his best to hide his snort- meanwhile Suna subtly recorded the moment. 
“Oh? Well you’re not just anyone are you?” Her words seemed flirtatious, but in actuality she was just being genuinely blunt. “I wouldn’t mind if it were you.” Let’s just say Suna was very glad he was recording- because the pink hue that overtook Osamu’s cheeks was HILARIOUS. 
“Good, cuz I made ya some f/f (favorite food).” Osamu pulled an expertly wrapped bento from his bag and placed it in front of Y/n, who looked pleasantly surprised at his kind gesture. 
“Look at him flirtin- almost as good as me. I’m so proud.” Atsumu grinned, not the least bit jealous (shockingly). “Never thought I’d see the day.” 
“Not you getting a big head over this.” Suna teased, earning himself a mean scowl. “If it were you, Y/n would have said no... maybe even eaten that first years bento instead.” 
“Ya know I’m startin to think ya spend too much time with ‘Samu.”
Y/n took a bite of the food, meanwhile Osamu watched her from the corner of his eye- pretending to be occupied with his own serving of f/f. Her e/c orbs widened as her tastebuds registered the burst of flavor that was overtaking them. The entire dish was seasoned to the point of near perfection- of course there was some fault, but that was probably due to Osamu’s inexperience with this specific food. Even if it wasn’t a first for him, this was still some of the best damn f/f she had ever tasted. It was tempting to scarf it all down at once, but she forced herself to savor the taste. 
“So... how is it?” All eyes were on her, each of them eager to see what she thought of Osamu’s cooking. 
“You cooked this by yourself?” She questioned, swiveling to the right to look at the younger twin. Osamu nodded, fidgeting ever so slightly.
“Yeah... m’sorry if it’s not that good- was my first attempt at makin’ f/f.” 
Shaking her head and placing her chopsticks down, Y/n smiled at him cheerily. “When you told me you could cook I was expecting something like a simple tamagoyaki- but this is what it’s like when you’re just experimenting? Miya Osamu you are seriously talented- this is some of the best f/f I’ve had in a long while- and I eat this a lot.” 
“Thanks so much, means a lot-” Osamu began, a small, genuine smile slipping on his face.
“IDHOISA Y/n yer so cute! Can’t believe I thought ya were a total jerk on Twitter-” 
“How tf did he say that out loud?” Suna wondered, referring to the verbal version of a keyboard smash.
“NO I WAS HOPING YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT TWEET.” Y/n screeched, appalled at the expected- but completely unwelcome- news.
“Pfftt-” The brunette snorted at her expense.
To put it simply it was pure chaos, their chances at a peaceful lunch completely dashed. For the rest of the lunch break the twins argued, meanwhile Suna live streamed their idiocy, and Y/n enjoyed the chaos while simultaneously savoring her delicious meal...
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Y/n was actually pretty popular in Nekoma- but it took a good two weeks before she had her own fan club
So majority of her fan club actually liked her for who she was as a person and not because of her cousin
Her new Inarizaki fanclub is not like her Nekoma one
This club was only formed because people want to get to know her in order to meet Sakusa and Wakatoshi
Some people like first year kun are apart of it because they think she’s attractive
Yes some girls left Atsumu’s fanclub in order to simp for Y/n
Atsumu may not care for his fans but he does like the attention 💀
Any peace between the twins is ruined because Atsumu can’t stfu
Osamu and Atsumu are actually pretty good at sharing and not getting jealous over partners
Suna never helps stop fights
Good thing Y/n’s here now
Fyi the ramen incident is filed on Osamu’s highschool record 😭
It took all of Atsumu’s willpower to not ask Y/n to be their manager when she talked about cheering for him
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), stupid people in love
a/n: I love one(1) libra man!! I love Atsumu’s character and the way he’s developed in hq and I think that this is a very probable way in which he finds love !! thank you all so much for loving the first installment so much <3 I-I went a little overboard with this one but ,, xoxo Chlo
━Miya Atsumu
Let’s start with a little background; I think we can all agree Atsumu is and always has been popular with the ladies
…But that doesn’t necessarily mean the ladies are popular with him LMAO
He’s truly the emotionally unavailable heartbreaker and he built himself quite a reputation without even knowing it
This dude doesn’t even really fuck around with girls, maybe a few meaningless flings his senior year but besides that, he only has eyes for one lady and her name begins with the letter V and ends with ball
So you’ve known Atsumu for years unfortunately,,, and you surely know about how he treats the girls that approach him with confessions and boxes of chocolates
You don’t approve of it at all, but your family is practically family with the Miya’s and you’ve literally spent every major holiday with them since you can remember
You: Atsumu would it kill you to show some respect towards these women
Atsumu: If she breathes, she’s a thot
….smh… a fucking mess someone please put him in his place
However your mom was always happy that you could be around the twins since you were an only child, and she loved the idea of you having two brothers who would protect you from the evils of college men little did she know,,
You hate to admit it and we hate to see it, but you started to develop a crush on him your freshman year of high school.. you suppose it was because you spent so much time with him and you saw parts of him that a lot of people didn’t get to see I mean you also saw him with his jersey on and off pretty often how could you resist
For example, every Halloween you had a sleep-over tradition where you watched horror films after trick-or-treating and Atsumu was scared SHITLESS every year, I’m talking ripping your favorite blanket off you and burying his face in it to block out the movie, he would threaten you and Osamu about telling people at school about it
Him, a 17 year old teen standing in your doorway at 3:40 am: c-can I sleep on yer floor I LOVE HIM SKAKAKAJSW
You, filming him and sending it to Suna on snap: sure Atsumu <3
You found yourself entranced when he automatically gave you his school cardigan on the walks home from school when it was cold or raining, and completely enraptured by his cute little accent
Atsumu: did ya know yer a fuckin’ idiot bimbo stupid butt crack for not bringin’ yer jacket
Atsumu: yer lucky I’m a gentleman
You: ...
Osamu: god…..
It was naïve to think he would ever reciprocate feelings especially with his entire life being his volleyball career, and you convinced yourself it was a tiny high school crush and eventually you managed to repress it
Too much was on the line; you didn’t want to make both of your families awkward, and you needed to focus on your studies as one of the top students at Inarizaki yes ma’am
Besides you loved him like family right ???
The twins are a year older than you, and Atsumu had just signed to play professionally for MSBY!!
You at his official signing: wow, looks like you don’t have to resort to living on the streets after all
Him: yeah ❤️
You kind of forgot about how you felt about him since you weren’t seeing either of the twins consistently anymore with how busy both of you were; you stayed in contact, but nothing really serious
It was weird because you were still in high school while the boys were experiencing college and doing their own thing… you drifted apart honestly and you felt a bit awkward talking to them sometimes, you felt like you were bothering them Atsumu would probably tease you and say that you were
Another year passed and you were heading to college! You are living your best life, meeting new people, and then you got the text from your mom that you were doing Thanksgiving with the Miya’s,, you weren’t sure if that meant you would be seeing both twins but something about the possibility of seeing Atsumu again made something stir in your chest
Fall break hit and you found out both the twins and you were back at home since Atsumu also had a rare break from training and his regular professional season
You were helping Osamu out at his shop, since it was his first time dealing with the overflow of Thanksgiving season as a new business owner
You’re helping close the shop, when you hear the door jingle; you turn to say a polite “sorry we’re closed for the day,” but you’re met with what seems like a new and improved and muscular Atsumu OH NO
He looks amazing and so much older than you remember??? And he’s thinking the same thing about you!!! Like wow she’s changed a lot since she started college, I’ve missed a lot apparently ??
You immediately fall into his arms, inhaling his familiar scent, Osamu rolling his eyes at the two of you and telling you to get lost before he yaks
You leave the shop with Atsumu, inviting him to your house; as you enter, you catch your mom leaving to pick up some last-minute groceries for the Thanksgiving meal
She’s acts way happier to see Atsumu than she acted when you came home LMAO later she doesn’t shut up about how handsome and manly he’s become, but you just pull him away to your room and lock your door behind you
He goes to sit on your flower-patterned comforter from your childhood, newly washed thanks to your mother
Atsumu: so…. what’s up with you..?
You can’t control the churning of your stomach all of a sudden; you can’t remember him ever looking at you this way, like he’s looking at a woman
The feelings come rushing back, and literally all you can think about is kissing him
You lean back on your dresser in front of the bed, and a wave of need to express yourself washes over you,
“Atsumu, I missed you.”
You don’t even know what’s happening until you’re trapped in between Atsumu and the door, his mouth gently pressed against yours, his warm hands caressing your hips
He asks if this is okay, and all you can do is moan back a yes in response
Let’s just say your mom might need to clean your comforter again lmaoo
It’s complicated and you’re both kinda confused after… like no one admitted that they had feelings for the other and its not like either of you can just disappear from the other’s life like a random hook-up
Like he’s literally cuddling you and kissing you and asking you about college in your childhood bedroom naked what
And it ISN’T uncomfortable at all
It feels so right to be in his arms, and you’re in disbelief about what happened??? What even like how have you gone all this time without doing anything honestly
You suddenly hear your dad pull into the garage, and you’re both up and putting your clothes on as fast as possible
It’s embarrassing when you look back on it, how long the hook-ups went on, but this was a common occurrence whenever the two of you were home
It was basically like you were dating and doing long-distance without the label
Osamu during next year’s Thanksgiving meal: I think we should go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, I’ll go first. I’m thankful that two people at this table are getting laid despite the fact that I’m not 😊
Your parents:
Atsumu, in many ways, is oblivious to what his feelings mean after not really being in any real relationships and blocking out all the girls during high school,
He would find himself texting you after each of his matches, hoping you had watched him and his heart would flutter when you complimented him on his sets
Atsumu on the phone with you: yeah I’m just chillin’ with the boys rn 😏
Sakusa: get the fuck off my bed and get off the phone with your girlfriend so I can sleep
Atsumu: she’s not my girlfr-
Sakusa, talking loud enough for you to hear: I literally don’t care but don’t you have her picture saved as your lockscreen?
He tried to hook-up with someone when he was away playing a tournament in the summer, but it wasn’t the same and it was only good if he imagined it was you
He never did it again and before coming home for Christmas, he called Osamu to finally ask him what to do
Osamu: about time you meathead
Osamu literally spells it out to this man; he has been and is in love with you and he needs to do something about it asap before someone else snatched you away
Atsumu: why didn’t ya just say somethin’ ? Ya know I’m not good at these typa things !
I can’t he’s something else
So it’s Christmas, and he asks if you would want to go see the town square’s Christmas lights with him
Of course you say yes, you’re just really excited to finally see him after so long !!
Atsumu with rosy cheeks ugh spare me
He picks you up and greets you with a kiss to your temple, and he has a little gift baggie with him; he hands it to you to open and you pull out his old school cardigan
“I-I thought maybe you would want it since ya always stole it from me in high school, and since I’m half-way ‘round the world most of the time”
It smells just like him, you thank him with a kiss to his cheek and you tuck it away in your bedroom before leaving hand-in hand to see the colorful lights dazzling in the night sky
You talked to Osamu about your relationship with his brother and you want Atsumu to make a move honestly; you want to be sure he wants this since you’ve literally liked him since high school
You’re not sure what you are expecting, but when Atsumu has you in his arms, your back against his chest and his chin on your shoulder as you watch the Christmas carolers, you don’t expect him to whisper into your ear,
“hey, will ya be my girl?”
You turn around to give him a surprised look, his hand bringing yours to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on your knuckles this is his favorite place to kiss fight me
After getting over your dream-like shock, you say yes and pull him into a kiss
I’m crying he tells you afterwards that you were his girl since the first time he met you, we’ll let him have this one because did he really know until like a week ago? no
Whew, all of your friends and family let out a relieved sigh when they hear the news LMAO
Suna, hearing about Atsumu finally making it official: thank god I was about to start blackmailing him with those Halloween videos
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ushiwakatrash · 4 years
Payback is a bad bitch
Pairing: Ushijima x f!reader, Tendou x f!reader
Warnings: Making out, Cheating, cursing, slight angst
Word count: 1.7k
So I came across this idea when I was scrolling through my fyp on Tiktok and I wanted to write about it so bad. The idea belongs to rand0m.p0vz_anime on Tiktok! I hope you all enjoy reading ♥
School was going pretty normally and (Y/n) was striding down the halls of the glorious Shiratorizawa to go pick up her best friend from his class. 
She spotted the crazy red head and called for him. Tendou immediately grabbed his things and said his farewells to his classmates. Since their first year, they had always been together but this year’s class ranking separated them.
Tendou couldn’t keep up his balance of sports and school which resulted to his grades dropping just a wee bit. (Y/n), despite being the strategist of the girl’s volleyball team had no hard time in excelling in both the academic and athletic field. 
Her dedication to the sport and her talent managed to get her a boyfriend, who by the way, was the captain of her best friend’s team. And because even the demon coach Washijo himself had acknowledged her smarts, she had often paid trips to the men’s gym-- where Ushijima had laid eyes on her.
Wakatoshi and (Y/n) got together during their second year. The stoic and intimidating captain had a blush on his face when he asked the girl out. The proposal had a bouquet of flowers and small pricey chocolate to add to the romance. 
People who saw the cooed at how a girl could melt the captain’s coldness and things went uphill from there. Tendou was of course happy for both of his best friends but he couldn’t help but feel a small tingle in his chest every time he’s reminded of it all.
Speaking of Ushijima, they were on the way to his class when (Y/n)’s phone vibrated. The captain just sent a message saying that he had a meeting with the captain of the girl’s volleyball club and he couldn’t eat with them. 
(Y/n) did not like the sound of a meeting with that smug faced bitch but what could she do, right? The duo went to the cafeteria to grab food and sat at their usual table. The seats around them slowly got occupied by other members of the men’s vball team and only the captain was missing.
You had gotten close to the team having spent time with the others during practice as well. At first the members were just curious what kind of genius you are to add to their curiosity, what kind of girl could easily catch the captain’s heart?
Their curiosity then bloomed into an unexpected friendship where you all became one heck of a family. “Oh right (Y/n), where’s the captain?” (Y/n) frowned a little before answering. “He said he had a meeting with the girl’s volleyball team’s captain, Semi-Semi.”
The setter’s face scrunched as he sent an accusing glare towards a smirking Tendou. “Stop teaching her shit you jackass!” “But Semi-Semi is fun to tease!” The others laughed but a few noticed your stiff mood.
“You alright, (Y/n)? Looks like something’s ticking you off” “No I’m good. Thanks for asking, Yamagata-san” A small smile was sent to the libero’s way and he shrugged it off and kept on with his meal.
Of course being the bestest best friend he is, Tendou already knew what was wrong and it only took a glance from him to tell her that he knew. (Y/n) just shook her head slightly to acknowledge that what he thought was right.
(Y/n) stood up from her seat and said her goodbyes to the team as break period was almost over. Tendou followed and walked her to her class. “You know Satori, being a guess monster must be quite the reputation, huh? You can even read me” you giggle at your statement and he follows suit. “I think I’ve known you for long enough to figure out how your mind works”
“Yeah yeah. See you later at practice Satori. I’ll come pick you up again.” “See ya (Y/n)-chan! I’ll be waiting!” with your last waves, you both went to your respective classes.
The last bell finally rung and it was about time for everyone to release the sighs they’ve been keeping in the past hours. You took your time in stretching before getting up and packing your stuff.
“Any longer and weeds might start growing from where I stand, (Y/n)-chan!” Oh you knew that voice all too well. “Satori, I thought I told you I’ll come pick you up instead?” Tendou entered your classroom, took your bag and swung it over his shoulder. “Let’s go shorty, Coach Washijo might make me run laps again if we’re late”
“Oh, I forgot how strict the old man was with you, he’s so nice and gentle with me” You stuck out a tongue at him and he made faces in return. “Have you talked to Toshi today? He wasn’t answering my texts.” That’s when Tendou began to think. “Now that you mention it, I haven’t heard from him either.”
As they made their way to the men’s gym, a familiar back could be seen from where they were standing. Even if she only saw a glimpse, (Y/n) knew well that it was her lover’s back. What she didn’t expect was another pair of feet just a few inches away from Ushijima’s.
With trembling hands (Y/n) quietly went near with Tendou trailing not far behind. With the right view of the angle, it was clear as a day that the captains of the girl and boy’s volleyball team were locking lips.
Tendou could feel the rage seeping from his best friend and for once, he was scared of her. The guess monster couldn’t tell what his captain was thinking and why would he waste the girl he’s always wanted? He was all for supporting the captain whenever he could but things may start to change today.
(Y/n) calmed herself and took deep breaths. Making a scene would do nothing but harm her reputation. So instead of throwing a fit, she let out a loud chuckle. “Oh hey, ‘sup?”
The two captains were caught by surprised but Ushijima was quick to recover. Before (Y/n) or Tendou could say anything, Ushijima spoke first. “It was just a kiss, (Y/n), no need to be dramatic.”
If Tendou could beat the shit out of the olive haired man in front of him, he would but it wasn’t his call to make. A nonchalant expression painted (Y/n)’s face before she swiftly placed her arms around Satori’s neck to pull him down for a kiss.
“(Y/n), what the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!” The captain’s voice had a mix of jealousy, anger and nervousness in his tone. Tendou had wide eyes but quickly melted into the kiss he has been dreaming for so long, even if it was in a situation like this.
To fuel the fire, (Y/n) reached to tug on the red head’s roots and deepened the kiss by sliding her tongue to explore Tendou’s mouth. Small grunts were made by both parties and by the time their lips parted, a small string of saliva could be seen.
Ushijima did not take his eyes off his girl. She used to do that with him, she would give the best kisses, be it soft or heated ones just like what he witnessed in front of him. Everything he had slipped out of his grasp because of his own stupidness.
“Calm down Ushijima, it was just a kiss, no need to be dramatic.” His words backfired on him and now his mind was a complete mess. “Damn Wakatoshi-kun, I didn’t know your girl could kiss that good. If I knew, then I would have snagged her a long time ago” Tendou didn’t mean what he said, or maybe that’s what he wanted himself to believe.
“I gotta admit Satori, you’re kinda tasty, I couldn’t resist myself. I mean after all, it’s just a kiss. Nothing to get worked up about” She walked towards Ushijima with her head held high. She tilted her head and inched it towards his as if she was going to indulge him with a kiss.
A few inches before their lips could meet, she let out a small sarcastic smile “Oh sorry I almost forgot how dirty your lips became!” (Y/n) cocked her head to the side to take a good look at the captain of the girl’s volleyball team who was quiet all through out the encounter. “Oh and you, enjoy my sloppy seconds! Enjoy him all you want ‘cause he’s all yours now!” She smiled sweetly before turning around.
Wakatoshi couldn’t bear but grab her hand to stop her from leaving. She just gave a confused look “Huh, are you dense or are you just fucking dumb? We’re over fuckface. Oh sorry, I meant Ushijima”.
The captain cringed at the word and for once hated his family name. “It’s Wakatoshi. Please wait, let me explain!” His hand gripped hers even tighter and for Tendou, it was the last straw. 
“Hey cap, hands off. She’s not your girl anymore” “Wow, you really want me to spell it out for you, huh Ushijima-san? We’re done. I’m breaking up with you. I’m not your girlfriend anymore. There, what else should I say? God, you’re so fucking dumb!”
Tendou slung an arm around your shoulder and you gave a last glance to your now ex, back still facing him. “I quit being the strategist for both teams. Thet’s final. We gotta go. I hope I don’t see your faces around!” (Y/n) fully turned around and held up a hand to sign a goodbye.
“Thanks Satori, sorry about kissing you without asking you first. It was nice though” Tendou smiled at this, his friend was far stronger than he had ever imagined. 
It was not a good time but he still had to shoot his shot. “S-say (Y/n), wanna hang in my place. We can maybe uh... continue where we left off a while ago, or somethin” It was rare to see Tendou flustered and the look on his face right now was priceless.
A genuine hearty chuckle sang from (Y/n)’s mouth. “You sure you can handle me, big boy?” She teasingly traced his jaw with her finger. They linked pinkies and headed towards the Tendou household.
A bitter taste was left in Ushijima’s mouth. It was real, he really lost everything. His team would also be greatly affected by it. The worst part of it all, your pained, hurt face was sure to haunt him. He was the biggest idiot indeed. 
After losing their best strategist, they lost to Karasuno. On a brighter note, Tendou won something far better than anyone ever could. 
He found his paradise.
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