323 posts
i write for the haikyuu boys HAITUS | she/her
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
Hi, I'm confused on the orders so uhmm.. could you tell me please?
if this is for the valentines café... i’m not currently taking any requests!
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
(anyways kita shinsuke 😍)
thank you love mwah hopefully i can start up soon but i’m having such writers block!
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
for the head canons how about a s/o who sleeps a lot? maybe w seijoh 4? thank you
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“sleepy s/o”
iwaizumi hajime x reader, oikawa toru x reader, matsukawa issei x reader, hanamaki takahiro x reader (reader is gender neutral!)
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iwaizumi hajime
he worries his head off trying to keep up with you
it honestly gives him a heart attack when he knows you’re going to be taking the train/ bus alone because you’ll most likely fall asleep
but he does go a little soft if you manage to lean on him while you sleep
he’d never admit it tho
“babe?” he looks down at his lap as godzilla plays in the background. every time the two of you sit down to try and watch it, you always end up falling asleep. though, you promised him that it wasn’t because the movie was boring and this time you would sit through all of it.
iwaizumi notices how your eyelids are gently closed as your head rests on both his thighs and a pillow. your hands are in small fists as your chests rises and falls. he could wake you up and scold you for falling sleep again but he doesn’t have the heart: too wrapped up in how cute you look.
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oikawa toru
he doesn’t mind how you fall asleep a lot
he also doesn’t really care that when the two of you hang out it’s just sleepy cuddles
in fact it’s what he needs and that convinced him that the two of you are like soul mates
once again, oikawa was practising late again . but it seems like you didn’t know this, deciding to wait for him in order to walk home together. long story short you fell asleep on the front steps of the gym.
so when he finds you, at first he’s scared, screaming as he thinks you’re dead. though it turns out you’re just asleep and with a guilty heart oikawa apologizes endlessly. he figures it’ll be enough compensation to give you a piggy back ride home, to let you muzzle into his neck and snooze while he walks.
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matsukawa issei
he’s a laid back person in general but he doesn’t care about your tendencies
but he’s volunteered to be your personal teddy bear whenever you wanna nap
y’all recharge together 😌
study hall was boring— and you found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open as you flipped through the pages of the textbook. next to you was your boyfriend, issei and you found yourself inching closer and closer to him. he glanced at you, knowing what you were doing: in turn wrapping his arm around you and letting you rest against his side.
“gross happy couples,” makki, who sat at the opposite end up the table, gagged jokingly. matsukawa put a finger against his own lips, telling makki to be quiet though it didn’t even matter because you’d already tapped out and drifted asleep.
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hanamaki takahiro
another one who doesn’t really care
that doesn’t mean he won’t tease you relentlessly tho
makki still stressing a little bit over you because of the absurd places you manage to fall asleep
your head had fallen against you desk, mouth slightly hanging open as your teacher had their back turned away from the class. it wasnt your fault you’d fallen asleep, this class was excruciating to sit through.
but still, makki didn’t want you to get any trouble, the only problem being that he sat about two whole desk rows away from you. so his best solution was to crumple a piece of paper and toss it at your head. you woke up startled, and a bit grumpy. un-crumpling the paper it read; ‘stop falling asleep loser -hiro <3’
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
hi guys as some of you have noticed i haven’t been active a lot recently. i have been on a bit of a hiatus and i don’t know what i am going to come back in general, though i slowly want to get back into it. i hope you guys can understand but i’m always up for a few hc requests :)
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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we’re having a good time 🥴 lmaooo
@karasunosbottlewater and ig who ever else wants to do it!
roommates game!! inspired by someone on tik tok
the last four fictional characters in your camera roll are your new roommates
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tag: @sofi-yeager @jaegerbombb @eremiie and anyone who wants to. i wanna see who y’all roommates would be lmao
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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“ hands ”
akaashi x reader
genre: fluff.
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it didn’t matter that you were at the mall, crowds of people rushing back and forth to get their holiday shopping done, all that mattered was the boy in front of you. the two of you tucked away in the booth at the far end of the food court, warm drinks in front of you.
this was only your fourth date, but you already knew you loved him. his black hair with curly tips and bangs that almost draped over his eyebrows. his blue eyes looked like the water in a hidden magic garden. his beautiful brain, that always found such unique ways to compliment you.
“keiji?” you got his attention, his head peering up from what he was reading; the back cover of a book he’d just bought on your mall date. his hands began fidgeting under the table, reminding you of why you bothered to break the silence. he hummed, waiting for you to continue.
“why do you play with your hands?” you asked like a young child, curious on why the sky was blue. akaashi paused for a second, bringing his hands onto the cool surface of the table and laying them out, palms facing the ceiling.
his eyebrows frowned, lines creasing into his forehead. not even he knew how to answer. he looked back up to you, your eyes wide with curiosity.
“well,” he sighed, tilting his gaze back down so he could watch his fingers curl in and out. “i think it’s just because i get anxious about...things.” you watched him press his lips together, deep in thought.
“just things?” your tone became softer, slightly biting your lip and analyzing his response, “but it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.” although he shook his head, meeting your eyes once more. seeing you gave him confidence.
“no it’s okay. it is a bit weird but i guess i just get insecure about them.” your lips pressed together, a small pout forming on your face while akaashi waited for you to reply.
leaning forward, you placed his hands into yours, cupping them despite his being bigger and you gently jolted him forward in order to bring his hands close to you.
“i don’t think it’s weird.” his mouth was open just the slightest bit, taken a back from your sudden movement, his eyebrows raised with surprise as he anticipated what you were trying to do.
you kept eye contact until the moment your soft lips touched the back of his hand. your eyelids fluttered shut, resting lightly. his hands heated up, it was cute you could feel his fluster all the way to his finger tips.
sitting back up, your beaming expression was contagious as a smile rested naturally on his face. “you’re amazing, you know that?” you reminded him, trying to keep any self deprecating thoughts from his mind.
“i always feel amazing when we’re together.” he managed to connect your hands, giving them a loving squeeze. you could feel the tips of your nose heating up at his remark, nodding in agreement.
you were quick to break out into a giggle, feeling the happiest you had in awhile. love had a tricky way of slipping into every situation with him.
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
i’m thinking of writing some fluff and/or angst for the jujutsu kaisen boys. idk i think i might expand my blog.
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
i’ve also realized that i haven’t finished off all the requests for my valentine’s day cafe so maybe soon i can ‘reopen’ the cafe in a sense and finish it off. so for those of you that have requested, i’m sorry that it’s taken so long for me to do. 
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
me not having posted in 2 weeks 👀 but i hope i can get something out soon ive been in a bit of a writing slump.
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
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“sleepy head”
seventeen; pinky promise
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m.list > eighteen
a/n: i’m so sorry for not updating yesterday. i was so exhausted i just fell asleep the minute i laid in bed
taglist: @camcam1617 @yamayoomi @toobsessedsstuff @navymacaroons @minichandelier @skiyoomii @smolmo @doctorspencereid @mkkhaikyuu @ysatrap @duhsies @omijime @boosyboo9206 @drownedbytears @kagebunshiin @bitterrsweetss @orchid-tea-party @ottokenta @xximthefoolxx-blog @matsunshine @sevenlol @blazedbakugou @kodzukken5 @slutawara @lucyheartfilias-wife @mint-mai @420-uwu @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @ppeachygemss @datawesomeprussian @mooni13 @saikishairclip [closed]
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
me: not done writing my current social media au 
also me: start a new one 
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
my big 3
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Haikyuu’s most eligible bachelors: akaashi, sakusa, suna
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
your memes are gold btw just wanted to hop on and tell u that ok i’ll go have a nice day ily muah
awww thank you i try my best 😎
mwahh have a nice day too !!
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
For reasons I can’t state ,,, I rly need that disconnect from society meme 👀 pls drop it 🥰
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