#pocky café
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robsterskellington · 11 months ago
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So the first snippet you all wanted was for Soukoku, so I guess we shouldn't have been surprised that you all wanted Shin Soukoku next!
Context: Vanitas has been in Yokohama for over a month now, still has amnesia, and has managed to cure some of the Vampires created by Bram's Ability by using the Book of Vanitas (disclaimer: that is *not* Vanitas' Ability, its just something the book can do- instead of curing Vampires of malnomens, it turns Vampires created by Bram back into Humans). Akutagawa is slowly healing and wants to know exactly how he feels about Atsushi, so now that he's human again, he has been trying to spend time with Atsushi. This is one of those times. Vanitas is not in this piece, but he is mentioned a bit.
*Ugh, it's the full moon again tonight...* Atsushi was grateful for the affects of All Men Are Created Equal, however the one thing that it couldn't stop was Byakko coming out completely every full moon. It was difficult to lock himself up or hide, though he was always grateful that Dazai had that storage container for him to use. He was mostly moody because...
Atsushi wasn't stupid, obviously he knew at some point Akutagawa and he would have to fight properly, but he couldn't deny that hanging out with Akutagawa outside of everything had been fun. They would spar, they would discuss things about work, though talking about the past was difficult for both of them. They both had their scars, but that was okay- it was a sign that they'd survived so much terror.
As if his thoughts had manifested the man in his thoughts, Akutagawa had sent him a text; Atsushi had wanted to keep in touch officially, since when they weren't fighting each other, they actually defended one another, Akutagawa's neck was proof of that claim. Shaking his head, ridding himself of that nightmarish image, Atsushi opened the text:
*Jinko, I know what tonight is, but I still want you to meet up with me today. If you trust me enough, meet me at the teahouse near the Red Brick Warehouse, in one hour.*
"You should trust him," Ranpo said before Atsushi could even gather his thoughts- he just looked towards the detective, who had a pocky sticking out of his mouth, and was looking through some drawings that Vanitas had made, "Akutagawa's obviously up to something, and I can confirm it's nothing nefarious. Even if it was, you'd still go, right?"
"I don't need to confirm that, you already know you're right." It was like Ranpo was a mind-reader. *Not Gifted, my ass.* Still, he was right, of course he was. If Akutagawa asked to meet, then he'd go, even if nobody else trusted him. The deadline was now four months away, but it didn't matter to him- he could only live in the present for the time being, so he wouldn't let the thoughts of his and Akutagawa's inevitable fight to the death bother him.
Besides, he wasn't needed at the office anyway. Vanitas was probably at the café with the Tanizaki's, the President was at a meeting with Special Operations, and Dazai was likely causing problems. Kyouka and Kenji were enrolled at the local school, so they were likely at their apartments doing their homework. Though Ranpo essentially gave him the go-ahead, Kunikida frowned at him, "Akutagawa's just trying to get you to drop your guard, make it easier for him to kill you."
"No, he isn't. Even if he was, he's still gotta keep his promise for another four months, he won't fight me until then..." Wait, was he actually *defending* the guy who was going to turn him into a tiger skin rug? Atsushi had caught himself but cleared his throat, "I don't believe there's malicious intent. Besides, I can handle myself. I promise, Mr. Kunikida."
Kunikida looked at him from over the top of his glasses and sighed, "Fine. I may not trust that wretched dog, but I trust *you*. Try and stay safe."
"I will!" He ran off after that, though he had the sense to keep his location on his cell in case anything did happen. He doubted Akutagawa would break his promise and kill him early, but one can never be too careful.
The teahouse was one that Akutagawa frequented with Gin, since it was a nice halfway point between the Port Mafia base and their apartment. Akutagawa felt a bit more relaxed than usual- Vanitas had found that despite his Ability being unrelated to the book, which apparently showed illnesses and maladies in Vampires, he could still use it- Vampires were turning back to human, though it was a slow process, since Vanitas was only one man, and Fukuchi had turned about 38% of the entire world into Vampires.
He saw Atsushi heading in his direction and gave him his full attention, "Weretiger. How are you feeling?"
"...same as I always do on days like this." Akutagawa gave him a look of pity; the full transformations weren't something Atsushi had control of, and containing a wild tiger was about as easy as it sounded. Byakko never hurt anyone, but it would break into places that had food, or rummage for scraps. It was a good thing that the Municipal Police and the Military Police had agreed that he wasn't a risk, otherwise he'd be shipped off to Mersault, or put to death.
Morbid thoughts aside, Akutagawa just nodded sympathetically, "I'm going to help you with that. For now, let's get something to eat so you're not suffering later. What's your favourite?"
"I, uhh... chazuke... wait, why are you help-"
"Chazuke. Alright, I'll order us a few bowls, you're going to need the energy."
That *always* happened. Atsushi would ask Akutagawa why he was being nice, or why he was helping, or even why he was so determined to wait for months before they fought to the death, but there was never any answer. Akutagawa had changed since Vanitas reversed the Vampirism... though he also changed in a few other ways. Lungs aren't able to be healed completely once damaged, but the pain could be eased and living with painful lungs could be fine if handled correctly.
Vanitas had apparently been a doctor in his world, and had developed some herbal medicines and remedies, since his world was more advanced in some ways, less advanced in others. Astermite meant that Vanitas' world had a more advanced fuel source while this world would be royally fucked eventually. While hospitals were more advanced here, some of Vanitas' medicines were far better for so much, including a remedy to soothe Akutagawa's lungs, chest and throat.
It wasn't difficult to see all the changes. Akutagawa's coughing had all but subsided, and because of this, he was going out more often since the air didn't feel like smoke was filling his lungs every time he breathed, though he still wore a face mask whenever he went to the beach. The sun was having an affect on him as well, as he'd actually been going out and walking, so he'd developed a slight tan. Finally, the most obvious change was that he'd put on a slight bit of weight- who knew it was easier to enjoy food when you weren't constantly coughing up everything you swallowed?
Atsushi could finally see just how much Akutagawa could eat in a sitting now, and despite him obviously not gorging himself, it was apparent that it was more than he'd usually eat. They both ate until they had a small pile of bowls each, then Akutagawa paid the bill. The time was going faster than Atsushi had liked, since he honestly just wanted to sit here and talk with Akutagawa. It was like they could be normal kids for once. Akutagawa may point out that at 20 years old, he was no longer a child, but Atsushi wasn't buying that.
Once it had evidently reached the right time, Akutagawa stood up and held his hand out to Atsushi, "Are you willing to trust me?"
He shouldn't. Akutagawa had hurt him so much, and yet... when everything looked bad, and Atsushi was at his lowest moments, Akutagawa was the one to help him. Sure, Dazai had done a lot, but that was more because he must have felt obligated, Akutagawa didn't have that same issue.
Atsushi took his hand.
"I didn't know you could drive!" It took around an hour, but Akutagawa had driven them both to what looked like a forest just outside of town. Akutagawa had a simple black car, complete Mafia style, and Atsushi had wondered how he never knew. After all, most of the Port Mafia of a higher station, like Akutagawa, Kouyou, Chuuya and obviously the Boss, were normally driven around.
"It's a skill that a lot of people need to learn, Jinko. I learned to drive at 14." He smirked when he watched Atsushi grow pale and simply nodded, "Illegal, of course. But we are the Port Mafia for a reason. The Boss and some of the execs teach any young recruits the basic criminal stuff, like how to kill, steal, manipulate. However, we are also taught first aid, how to drive, how to cook and to protect ourselves and the Port Mafia."
"...did Dazai skip the learn to cook tutorial? And the driving one?" Atsushi winced at remembering the slop Dazai once served to them, calling it his *Super Stamina Hot Pot Curry*. Yosano's Ability worked overtime that day. And Kunikida had told Atsushi about Dazai's driving- his eyes still looked haunted by the memory, and he ended up throwing up. Driving so bad that even the memory causes motion sickness? Impressive, if not horrifying.
Akutagawa failed to hold back his laughter this time, and Atsushi stared at him; this was the first time he'd ever heard the sound of Akutagawa's laugh, and it was enough to make him smile. In that moment, with him holding his stomach and shaking with a grin on his face, Akutagawa looked younger. It was truly a sight, though Atsushi hid concern over the fact that his heart had skipped a beat, and he wasn't quite sure why his thoughts turned to just how *beautiful* Akutagawa looked with-
"No, he tried to learn," Akutagawa said while wiping a few stray tears from his eyes, continuing to giggle, "However, it was quickly decided that some things shouldn't be taught to some people. Meaning, only Dazai. Is he still bad?"
"Less said the better." Atsushi laughed, wincing at the memories. He looked around, at all the trees, flowers and listened to the birds chirping from above. It was so peaceful here, and the setting sun kept them warm for the time being. Akutagawa had picked up a backpack from the trunk of his car before they had started walking, and Atsushi knew better than to ask. Eventually, they reached a clearing, where there was a giant tree, lying on its side with its roots revealed. Atsushi glanced at Akutagawa who just stared at the tree before asking quietly, "Akutagawa, what is this place?"
"...we've known each other a long time. Obviously things are a little strained between us, but I know I can trust you. So, you can call me Ryū, if you'd like." That had made Atsushi flinch, but he couldn't deny that being told he could use not only Akutagawa's given name, but a shortened version to make it more casual, felt really good.
"Ryū. Okay, deal... though I don't think I'd get used to you calling me Atsushi. That freaked me out enough when you had the flu." They both looked embarrassed at that and Atsushi rubbed the back of his neck, "Weretiger and Jinko are fine."
"Agreed. And to answer your question... this is where I met Dazai." Atsushi froze and stared at Akutagawa, who had a warm smile on his face, "I was 14 years old. I came here, tracking down some men who had attacked Gin and I's street family."
It wasn't a secret that the Akutagawa siblings grew up in the slums, mostly the ones in Suribachi City, but to hear Akutagawa openly recounting the memories was strange. Atsushi wasn't sure he could ever actually tell anyone about his time at the Orphanage- the burns, the stabbing, getting nails hammered into his hands, the time he was nearly crucified? He ignored his thoughts as he continued to listen:
"One of the boys had stolen a diamond from those men, and Rashōmon proved that it was real. We were all so excited, thinking about where to sell it, knowing that with that money, we could buy a place of our own and enough food to live off until we could heal, get cleaned up, and find jobs to continue living a decent lifestyle." Even as desperate, starving children, they weren't willing to be stupid or wasteful with money. "However... those men hunted us down, and attacked."
"All for one diamond?!" That was disgusting. He winced and looked at Akutagawa, "How many of you were there?"
"Seven. Then suddenly, it was just Gin and myself. When I'm afraid or panicked, I can't control Rashōmon properly, so I was unable to avoid getting shot in the stomach. Gin was the only girl, and the men saw it. So they took her with them when they couldn't find the diamond, with the intent to sell her." Atsushi's body went cold, yet he couldn't imagine how Akutagawa must've felt.
A 14 year old boy, who had watched his friends die, got shot, and had his only family stolen from him. Obviously he would have wanted revenge, acted like a rabid dog who had lost too much and decided to go truly feral. Atsushi understood now why Akutagawa made sure to keep as calm as possible with fighting- if Rashōmon can't protect him, nothing can.
Again, thoughts manifested as Rashōmon took a small form, appearing as a demonic head on Akutagawa's shoulder, nuzzling its master's cheek, which made him smile. Not many people understood that Rashōmon was a Living Ability: a Gift that was literally alive. Capable of its own thoughts and feelings, but still under the control of it User. Demon Snow was an example of this, and while Byakko was as well, it was more independent and didn't do what it was told when fully out.
"I tracked the men down, to here. They didn't have Gin with them, so I demanded to know where she was. That was when they made the mistake of lying to me. They told me that she had been killed on her way to the person who bought her." He took a breath, trying not to let the memories consume him completely, "I hurt them, screamed obscenities, demanded to know who killed her. But they only screamed, or told me to kill myself if I wanted to see her again. I killed them all."
Atsushi found himself walking over to Akutagawa and putting his hands on his shoulders, "Ryū, if this is too much, I-" He watched as Akutagawa put a hand on top of his, before shaking his head.
"I'm okay, Jinko. Anyway, after that, I heard a voice from behind me. It was a boy, a little older than me, his eye wrapped with bandages. Rashōmon thought he was going to hurt me, and lashed at him, only to be dissipated by his Ability." Dazai, of course. Atsushi tilted his head and Akutagawa smirked, "The men were jewel smugglers for the Port Mafia, but found out they could make more profit by selling them to other organisations. Dazai came to eliminate them, but saw that I had done his job for him. I was lost, a scared child with nothing left. So I asked him: *can you give me a reason to live*? And he did. He lead me to the Port Mafia."
That explained Akutagawa's earlier jealousy. Dazai had saved Atsushi, too. Though the circumstances were very different. Atsushi concentrated on the story though, "Did he also lead you to Gin?"
"He did. She'd been sold to a child fighting ring." At the sight of Atsushi's jaw dropping, he sighed, "*Yes*, that's a thing. *No*, the Port Mafia doesn't allow that. We train children to work with us, we'd never force them to fight to the death for profit."
"Okay, thank God." He took a breath to relax then nodded towards the backpack, "Sorry to change the subject, but..?"
Akutagawa answered by removing the backpack and emptying its contents: a few blankets, some food, hot tea in flasks, and some spare clothes. He looked towards Atsushi and spoke gently, "There's a second reason I brought you here. I know your Tiger causes issues in town, so... now it has a whole forest to explore. I'll stay with you, make sure you don't wander off, and you can transform without fear."
Atsushi moved without thinking. He wrapped his arms tightly around Akutagawa, feeling as if he could cry. This beautiful forest was perfect for Byakko to wander and explore, and with nobody around, there was zero chance of anyone getting hurt. Akutagawa could easily protect himself if the Tiger was hostile, but he doubted that it would be. Mostly because...
Fun fact: tigers aren't able to purr like cats do, and yet- here Atsushi was, a soft rumbling sound coming from his chest, that only got louder when Akutagawa wrapped his arms around Atsushi. He made no comments about the purring, and Atsushi suddenly understood why as Rashōmon began to make a similar sound. The Tiger and Rashōmon purred together, and they made their Users want to laugh, but they were also getting their Users to relax.
After a little longer, Akutagawa pulled away, to set up the blankets. Atsushi also noticed that he'd brought a book about birds, seeing that some of the birds on the cover were actually in the forest. It would be good to see what birds they could spot while the sun was still providing light. He also had another book for entertainment- Atsushi recognised it as one Kyouka read, and while he thought the language used was a little vulgar for her, he saw that it was obviously a love story and let it slide.
They ate snacks and bird watched, but then Akutagawa decided to ask: "Do you remember how you got your Ability?" At his puzzles look, Akutagawa elaborated, "Were you born with the Tiger, or did you inherit it? Or... did the Orphanage experiment on you, or traumatise you enough that the Tiger was the result?"
Atsushi frowned to himself, having to really think about that. The first option of being born with the Tiger made sense, though it was certainly an unusual Gift to be born with. Not unheard of, just unusual. The only experiment that he went through was with Shibuzawa, but he already had the Tiger by that point. Maybe the trauma did create the Ability, but at the same time, weren't they beating the shit out of him *because* he could turn into a Tiger? He had nobody to inherit the Gift from, so that was out of the window. "...I have no idea. If I had to guess, I'd say I was born with it."
"I see. Forgive my curiosity, I just couldn't help myself!" Akutagawa wanted to know more about Atsushi, it felt better to. The boy had tried to save him so many times, even when he was verbally and physically assaulting him. Even when Fukuchi killed him, the last thing he saw was Atsushi trying to reach out to him. The mind may trick people, but eyes don't lie- Atsushi had been devastated by his death, and Akutagawa would have been as well if their positions had been switched. Not that he could admit that, yet.
"...what about you?" He found himself asking meekly. When he saw Akutagawa's face drop, he hurriedly spoke while waving his hands, "You don't have to answer, I just-"
"Inherited." He said with a soft voice. Atsushi blinked and Akutagawa sighed, "Well, I took Rashōmon from its original master- mistress, actually- though it chose me to wield it."
Atsushi found himself sitting up and giving Akutagawa his full attention. He chuckled and looked up at the sky- once he'd verified that there was enough time, he told his story:
When Gin and I were young, I think I was about 6, so Gin was 4, our parents decided that they didn't want kids anymore. So they dumped us at our grandparents doorstep, and we never saw them again. Our grandmother was Gifted with Rashōmon- a Living Ability that turns cloth into a blade, armour, and a beast.
She didn't want children, nor grandchildren, she wanted servants. So Gin and I were forced to take that role. Our grandfather wasn't any better- we couldn't even call them our grandparents, we had to refer to them as Master and Mistress. So we became their help, having to cook, clean, go shopping. We weren't allowed to spend a penny on ourselves, and we could only eat the scraps that they didn't eat.
Years were spent like that, but things changed one day; the Master had developed a lung disease, one I found out later that the bastard knew he would develop and pass on to any offspring. He didn't bother to get treatment, refused any medication Gin and I bought... we hated him, but we still didn't want him to die. But he perished. That was when the Mistress decided she was done with "being nice".
She sought out any excuse to beat us, and slash us using her Gift, but what she didn't count on was the fact that Rashōmon was *alive* and had morals of its own. One day, she was whipping me, I think I didn't scrub the floor well enough, but Rashōmon just... wrapped around her wrist and stopped her. That was when I learned that it was alive.
Tachihara once made the joke of me being vulnerable when naked, but the truth is, Rashōmon is a part of *me* not just my clothing. I just can't use the Ability with no cloth. However, Rashōmon does take a while to transfer from cloth to nothing, so if I have Rashōmon in my coat and take it off, it takes a few moments before I can use it on my shirt. Thats what happens when we use Kokko Zessō, I make sure that Rashōmon stays with you, Weretiger.
The Mistress was so angry at Rashōmon for refusing to hurt me, that she stripped naked then and there, so that Rashōmon was still in her kimono. From there, she cast it into a fire. That's the thing with Living Abilities- they feel pain just like us. And it's screams were horrible to hear. She just watched it burn, and left. That... was how I developed a bond with it. I saved a scrap of the burning cloth and managed to douse the flames. It was such a relief to see the beast's tiny head rise from the cloth, and I assured Rashōmon that it would be okay. It reformed back on the Mistress later, but something had obviously changed.
The beatings were mine to take, but clearly the Mistress had enough. She decided that I'd never be perfect, no matter how many beatings I took, so she decided she'd take away the one thing that mattered most to me: Gin.
She'd grabbed a kitchen knife, and went to stab my sister, but Rashōmon made her sleeve so tight that her wrist broke. After she dropped the knife, I grabbed it. One stab to the chest was all it took; I was furious, I wanted her to suffer, but I also wanted to be *better* than her. She laughed at me, even when she was dying, calling me weak and pathetic. My weakness in that moment died, and I finally spoke, words I'd never needed to use before, but it was fitting now.
"*Rashōmon: Jaws of Endless Gates!!*"
There was nothing left of her. I thought Gin would think I was a monster, but even she had a moment and spat on the bitch's remains. Rashōmon had purred, calming us both down. That was the day I became Gifted.
"After that, we stole everything we could and ended up living in the slums." Akutagawa was sat, holding his knees to his chest, and he saw that Atsushi had no expression on his face, "I'm sorry if I look more like a monster to you now, I and my Little Beast."
"No, you don't. You look like a caring brother who just couldn’t handle any more abuse." Atsushi held out his hand, summoning his Tiger's claws, "Besides, I can't judge. If I knew what I was capable of when I was younger, I probably would have killed the Headmaster myself, and I admit that I don't regret killing Shibuzawa. Both times, I didn't actually feel bad."
Taking a life was never easy, not even for the Port Mafia. Assassin's, mercenaries and usurpers, but still human. Sure, one can become distant and indifferent, but at some point, stomachs turn and you can't handle it. Even the Agency carried guns, but actually shooting someone was a different story. Shooting, slashing, hurting in general, everyone is physically capable, but not mentally.
Atsushi shivered as he realised that the sun had set, and the moon had begun rising, though he felt... calmer. Byakko was calm, this forest was peaceful. Maybe being able to run around, stretch its legs would do him the world of good? It didn't take long for it to become a reality.
White fur, bright yellow eyes, and giant claws formed, with a mouth filled with razor sharp fangs. But Byakko didn't growl or roar, it... sniffed.
The fearsome, supposedly man eating Tiger, was holding its head down, sniffing the ground like a puppy! It prowled, smelling the air, scratching trees, before breaking off into a run, climbing aforementioned trees or rolling around on the soft grass.
Akutagawa watched with a stunned expression, he couldn't help but take some photos and videos, completely awestruck. Atsushi was likely buried deep inside, and Byakko was the one completely in control. He briefly imagined that this must be what it's like for Chuuya using Corruption, having to let Arahabaki take the wheel as it were.
Hours were spent like this: Byakko explored the forest, not hunting since the only pray were the birds, plus because Atsushi had eaten a lot, the Tiger didn't feel the need to eat. Akutagawa went between watching, filming, taking pictures and reading his book.
He'd gotten a little *too* relaxed, he realised, when Rashōmon suddenly hissed- the Tiger had strolled up to them, though it seemed calm. Akutagawa trusted Rashōmon to protect him, as he held his hand out. Byakko seemed to recognise Akutagawa as someone that it's User cared about, and placed its head in Akutagawa's hand, letting out a soft purr.
*Incredible...* Akutagawa thought to himself as he pet the Tiger, feeling the soft rumbling of its chest. Byakko eventually laid down beside Akutagawa, falling asleep. It was really late, at least for them, it was about 3am now. Akutagawa didn't know how well this would turn out, but he laid beside the Tiger, pulling a blanket over himself and letting sleep consume him.
Atsushi woke up the next morning feeling *warm*. He was still a little sleepy, but he became aware that he was wrapped in a blanket and... being held? But the only one with him was-
His eyes snapped open as he registered the fact that he was with Akutagawa last night. And right now, Akutagawa was asleep, *holding Atsushi in his arms*!! Atsushi tried to stay calm, and to not panic, trying to think about how to explain all this, when he felt his chest rumbling. Oh, did the Tiger decide to betray him?!
No, apparently not. Akutagawa's arms held him a little tighter, keeping Atsushi warm and secure. It was nice, *really* nice. He found himself yawning, and snuggling into Akutagawa's embrace completely.
Maybe five more minutes wouldn't hurt?
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hotarutranslations · 4 months ago
Kitakyushu and Memories
Kitakyushu performance! Thank you very much!
Ikuta-san seemed to be having a lot of fun~💚 It had the feeling like it was a hometown performance💚
Lives is something that's alive.. I really felt that today It was fun, righttt
Today, I'm happy I was able to perform, something I've been alwaysss practicing lately🤫🤫
Even though I've been seriously practicing,
When I was practicing in the dressing room, everyone laughed
Even Ako-chan laughed at me
I've been practicing pretty seriously?
The ramen everyone ate was delicious, right?
Also today everyone also did an Erairi🤎 Tomorrow, Rairi, happy birthday--🤎
I also ate pino with Maira today And I also had a café latte We took a video like it was a vlog
Riding in the car yesterday, The backrest of the seat Akanechin was sitting in, was at a right angle lol
I wanted to recline my seat but couldn't find the lever, Akanechin's whining was funny,
I was going to turn the video, but Maria, who was sitting next to me, found the lever and was able to fold the seat down, Then I said, aah..it wasn't recording.. and so they did a take 2 for me
I've watched it many times already, its so funny I'm crying🎈
When I started talking I thought I was being funny, When I was laughing like an orangutan, Nonaka and Akanechin super laughed at me🎈
Staff-san gave us pocky (balloon) Since I was taking a plane (to avoid it bursting), Ako-chan was doing her utmost to deflate the balloon in the dressing room
The way to pump air into was through a straw, Therefore the straw would probably let the air out, But there wasn't a straw, Apparently the air was released with a toothpick 🎈lol
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Having 4 concerts over the weekend, Its amazzinggg lol But I've been doing the wholleee time,
Its just a bit more
Is there any cool Ishida left for everyone😌
Thank you very much for your support today as well!
Photobook On Sale🤍
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Morning Musume '24 Ishida Ayumi Graduation Commemoration "Graduaton Memorial CD"🍀
Preorder Deadline is November 22nd🍀
Also, older photos are being rereleased
📚 Released October 30th "Gekkan Entame" Ishida x Oda
→Thank you very much to the many who have already voiced having read it🎈
Releasing November 9th "BOMB" Ishida x Oda
→It has the atmosphere of loungewear~ so by all means🎈
Releasing November 15th "EX Taishuu" Ishida x Inoue x Yumigeta
→We had a talk about the album release, and towards my graduation🎈
Releasing November 22nd "Up To Boy" Ishida x Oda x Makino
→Everyone is wearing a blue outfit, There was dancing, emotions, and fun🎈
Preorders Ongoing Please Definitely Check It Out
. 🫶🏻
📺Morning Musume Happy Daisakusen
Show titled as such on Hulu-san👑 Streaming starts on October 19th
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
Season 12 will start airing, On October 17th (Thurs)🕺
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
Thank you very much 🏅 For Oricon Weekly Chart #1🏅
💿November 27th New album✨
This is the last CD release for Ishida "Yuukan na Dance" is being performed at autumn tour It Includes 8 new songs, with a total of 13 songs
Look forward🕺
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin<3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12874554756.html
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helloescapist · 2 years ago
To See His Smile
Word Count: 5,598
Setting: slow burn oneshot, Amajki x GN!reader; SFW
Content Warning(s): none
Summary: From your first encounter with the seemingly stoic hero, Suneater to the aloof senpai of The Big 3, and all of the pieces in between, you adored the many sides of Amajiki Tamaki, but what you loved most of all was the smile he rarely shared.
[Not my art, credit goes to the artist!]
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There were so many sides to him, more than just the stoic emerging hero the public knew and adored. More the embodiment of anxiety and social recluse U.A. students were familiar with. There were so many sides to him, layers wrapped delicately and protectively like a rosebud who dared not yet blossom. The first glimpse beneath the surface was enough to have you hooked, not that you had ever intended to meet that fated day.
The train set for the Kansai region bustled with energy having departed on a school excursion. The optimistic chatter amongst classmates. Assigned groups knitted closely together. Some compared brochure notes, dedicated themselves to sight-seeing, the thrill of exploring neighboring temples and aging castles claiming their attention; others simply swapped treats amongst themselves pocky for senbei, health snacks packed by doting parents lost amongst the bargaining, all too willing to subject themselves to a wayward tour. Although based off of the composed members, it was likely their bellies would be their guide. While one group discussed desired activities, hearts poured into escaping to the shopping districts and local fashions, another could be heard just as eagerly plotting buoyant romantic rendezvous, daring to sneak into co-ed hotel rooms. The distant views of sakura trees passing them by, Mount Yoshino’s beauty left astray. Gentle waves of white and pink blossoms framed against a sky outline before the inevitable drawing of the destined station. Your own group partners adored in their perspective uniform, having chattered away as you watched the flowers disappear from view. Of all the things you had considered would happen that day, hanging off the side of a building was not in mind.
                The arrival was swift and full of excitement to the prospect of independence. Quick to disburse luggage at the school-selected onsen, not having bothered to change out of uniforms, and barely having the time to snug a scarf around your neck to protect from the chill the region offered before your group ushered you forward. Your heart practically humming in your eardrums, beyond excited at the prospect of visiting the sky gardens in person. From the shopping opportunities, restaurants, cafes, adorable mascots, and so much more, you were thrilled at the opportunity to immerse yourself in the botanical gardens, and be swept away of the composition of traditional Japanese flora, the even more tempting opportunities to interact with rare species accumulated from other countries, alluring for someone of your particular quirk. And the very reason you had crossed your fingers, prayed to every shrine and every God you could surmise, hinted at your group peers in the hope that they would consider it a stopping place for your voyage—your opportunity mostly provided by Yuki’s enthusiasm for pudding peeked at the mention of a famous café that was hosted by the botanical garden. The hearts were practically shined in her eyes as her hands clasped your own tightly, yanking you forward impatiently and excitedly. Her sunshine yellow hair printed with orange pats, her grin brighter than the sun, and the red plaid of her skirt ruffled as she urged you to run, tossing all decorum to the side. Behind you, the opposite to her energy were your companions, Aoi being pushed forward. Uneasy, murmuring about heights, and Mizuki’s hands pressed firmly across his shoulders as he urged him forward, half bothered to share words of reassurance but not dedicated enough to hide their exhaustion from the train. Your group parting upon the entry of the premise. Yuki pudding bound, her gusto radiating causing her tail to tap eagerly against the ground. Aoi tucked closely behind her, doing his best to remind her of her manners much like a motherly hen. Mizuki having found a fondness for the building’s mascot, and you slipped off to the gardens.
                And it was worth it. So very worth it. The gardens were nothing short of breathtaking. Tiers of gardens coordinated and widespread amongst the indoor radius. Its extensive variety flora captivating viewers. Waves of colors, symphony of scents. The occasional delicate floral notes orchestrated from roses, a tropical hint from palms, spicy white dianthus caryophyllus, and citrus notes from lemon balm. The calming effects of nature at your beck and call, and the colors that graced the sites. Reds derived from ginger plants and celosia. Oranges tinted from fruit bearing trees, kalanchoe thrysiflora, and yellows painted with devil’s tongues, and marigolds. Greens gifted from various ivy types, and dusty hues from barberry, agave, and even Chinese Jujube. Blues of many varieties ranging from lavenders to hydrangeas, and then there were the purples. Mystical wisteria, magical foxglove, and masquerading nightshade. Peaceful, and opportunities you could ever dream of, as you breathed in the warmth. Acknowledged the passing by of viewers. Groups of students that frocked pass you, whispers of romantic proposals, lovers that dared to sneak kisses from prying eyes, and even families on an outing. The only real question was, were to start. Hours poured over studying the brochure and information pamphlets, there were so many wonderful beginnings, opportunities to dive into study. But where? Where? There. Perfuming the air as you inspected petal after petal, delicate to the plant as you leaned over on bent knees, tucking your heart intentionally behind your ear as your lashes grazed your cheeks. The current specimen at your fingertips, dracaena. Careful to avoid any pricks as you inspected its pores, examined soil textures, and took notes on its surrounding, and potential uses. How difficult it would be to manifest this particular plant, and how tasking it might be on your stamina, body, and potential side-affects it may have on the environment, targets, or even yourself. Biting your lips, you were too absorbed in the specimen to notice your surroundings. The rush of students and onlookers peering from windows. Distant noise of explosions that lightly vibrated the spikes upon the Dracaena causing you to glance up, but for later than you would like to admit. Intrigue had turned to terror, people fled from the windows, the shattering of glass, and crumbling of walkways beneath your feet. Stationed at the edge of the sky botanical, visitors flooded the exits, and your heart thrummed in your ears. Eyes locked on the busied exit. A familiar pump of adrenaline in your muscles, but the distant ebb of a wail tore your gaze from escape.
                A little girl dressed in overalls that hung loosely on her shoulders, hung desperately to the ground. Her fingers giving out beneath her as the building swayed with some unseen collision. Her eyes wide as tears rolled from her cheeks. Trembling as she screamed for her guardian, but amongst the growing tragedy, her voice was lost amongst the crumbling rubble. A bite of your lip, and quick calculations in your thoughts as you scanned every flora in your immediate knowledge before devising a half hazard plan drawn from necessity. Drawing yourself forward, you stretched your hands out, manifesting the strength of Chocolate Vines, its scent carried on the smoke as you wound it around a steel beam, the end coiled snug against your wrist as you dived for the child.
                Nope. Of all the possibilities the day offered, it had never occurred to you that you would be hanging from the side of a building, snagged against the side of the building with scratches marring your flesh. Shattered glass and crumbling concrete, and a child secured tightly at your side. Her sobs echoing your ear drums as she buried her nose into the flesh of your ribs. Given the circumstances, what with the life-threatening consequences one wrong move could provide, you hadn’t suspected that of all the whispers of romantic endeavors your classmates had dreamed of would star you. You.
                His mask, adorned in gold trim across his brow pass the bridge of his nose. Indigo tinted, his temple drawn, eyes squinted, and tentacles??? While the information is relatively unsurprising looking back on that fateful day, at the time, it was the quite the shock as he hoisted the combined weight of the child and you towards him before snagging onto your torso. Your vines beginning to wilt and snag, growing weak stressed from the demands. Around you, the building was unstable, the child anxious and trembling, and the boy who held you snug against his gaze followed a distant fight tumble about as he navigated his way to the ground. He seemed sure-footed, his bare feet delicate and adept at mobilizing his body in the quivering structure. It was in that time you etched his figure into your memory. The tips of his ears flushed against the changing winds. Hair the color of fresh blueberries, bangs that hung over baptisia australis eyes that threatened the shade of blue wild indigo blossoms as they refused to meet your own. Focused on the security and the safety of his passengers. What a cute misconception that was—the poor boy was horrified. His stomach had been in the pits, trembling at the close proximity to you, didn’t dare face the humiliation, and even worse, the situation and maneuvering had left him with little choice in positions to support your weight. He didn’t dare meet your eye, too stuck on calculating whether he should adjust his hold and risk dropping the child and you, or risk you believing that he, Suneater was a degenerate that had grasp on your chest, and the inevitable, deserved slap that would accompany it. What would Fat Gum do?
That had been the first of many encounters, and your first glimpse at the man behind the mask, adorned by the alias Suneater. Your initial introduction has been surprising; it wasn’t every day you get flung from a building, and are rescued by a cute elven boy. Let alone one so stoic. You hadn’t missed the gentle glimpse he had given you at the time, as you drew forth a small flower crown for the little one as you awaited the return of her guardians. The sight of its petals giving her a smile as you did your best to manifest other floral distractions. The gentle peek before tugging on his hood, shielding his face, and capturing your heart, but the second layer, the one that you tucked dearly to your heart was as much of a chanced opportunity as your introduction, and a rarity that you suspected only Togata Mirio.
The entrance exam for U.A. was… a lot. It was exhausting. Rounds of machinery hell bent on crushing you and your competitors. If the grueling exam wasn’t one thing, the practical was another. The point system had drawn out the fierce drive in everyone, not to mention the freak situation with that one kid with green hair—what on earth was that? The mere thought of it bore out a sigh from you as you drew yourself outside, searching out a water source and sunshine. Anything to recharge your battery. After all, the number of vines and ivies you had utilized to catapult yourself into the air, and how many rows of thorns you had weaponized itself—you honestly couldn’t count, but were well aware of the drain your body had endured. Your bones ached, and you felt fatigued as you stretched under the shade of a nearby tree, giving yourself a moment before preparing to drag yourself home. Sweat clung to your brow as you breathed in the soft day’s air, languidly wiping it away. You could feel the way your seat suit had clung to your form, not having considered how cutesy they appeared with the cat figure, and the other applicants hadn’t considered you a competent candidate, and admittedly, you felt a little embarrassed by the cat ears that adorned the hoodie, your cheeks burning at the thought. But how could you refuse to wear it? It had purchased with love, a symbol of good luck from your family, and sort of all the more reason why you had chosen a secluded area to cool off before the trek home.
                “Ahhh, that was GREAT!” A booming voice cheered. Deep and enthusiastic, stretched out over taunt muscles, and a wide smile far bigger than the sky above, and bright hair that dared to reach the clouds. Round eyes that squinted and heavily patted the back of his comrade as he heaved marked boxes for the U.A. faculty, “reminds me of our entrance exam! And that one kid! Man, the new first year class is going to be amazing. Don’t you think?”
                “There-there’s so many of them,” a weak voice mumbled. Struggling unlike his counterpart, standing shorter as well, the delicate boy had been roped into assisting the staff amongst the U.A. entrance. A doing of his friend’s own enthusiasm, who had often enjoyed watching the entrance exam, but this time, he had insisted, or rather dragged the timid boy. Volunteered him as well, and in doing so, exposed him to the upcoming class, and another reason to fret over his own capabilities. His soft complexion complicated as he gazed down at the contents of his luggage.
                A girl playfully responding to the blonde’s statement as she pushed forward, the smile on her face evident and humming. Her periwinkle blue hair long and buoyant. What she said, you hadn’t heard, and became increasingly realized that they were not aware of your existence. Their comradery drawing your attention as you watched both the bright boy, and beautiful girl speak to one another, heaving supplies towards the distance, and the boy strayed, dragging behind languidly. His movements stiff, full of worry. His face revealing his unease as his brow wrinkled. His thoughts claiming his attention, causing a thrum of chill down his spine and gloom over head. The stark difference from the hero who had rescued you. A complicated look etched across his features, his bangs looming over his face and high cheek bones. “I-I just want to go home,” he whispered.
                Adorned in the shade of the tree, you could make out the tense way he carried himself. Aware that his companions had led the way, perhaps unintentionally leaving him behind, or perhaps giving him a moment to breathe. You weren’t entirely sure, but having witnessed to his distress. You found yourself standing, considering whether or not to check in on him, you mean… was he okay? His eyes drawing swiftly up, wide. You could feel your heart slam into your throat, your stomach occupied in the place in which it used to rest as it threatened back flips. Shuffling you backwards, seeking further shade to hide as though you had done something so indecent as spying. Y-you could explain. It wasn’t that you were intentionally spying! You were here first! You were? Right? Yeah, of course, it was a simple explanation, and then when the group had passed you by, you didn’t want to be rude--- oh no, you were spying. Practically snooping, and preparing to apologize, and bend yourself down so far as to touch your knees with your own forehead. Forgiveness. You needed forgiveness, but would he give it? Oh no, no, no one wants to be seen at such a low, but it was the soft hum that caught you off guard. Encouraged you to stay tucked against the tree that offered a shield from sight. “ah, but Mirio asked this of me…. I should- I should do it.” His smile was as soft as his voice. Tender as the look in his eyes that traced the fluttering of wings. Its delicate hues danced playfully near him as if greeting his grace, and enjoying his equally pleasant aura. A pailo demetrius butterflied that dared to skim the ends of his hair, testing its landing spot. Undoubtedly having confused him for a wild flower, his hair having deceived the butterfly, or rather welcomed its attention. Not that the butterfly seemed to mind, greeted with a smile, nor did your rescuer. The most delicate smile creased his lips, met his soft eyes as he resolved himself to the task. “Thank you,” he whispered warmly to the butterfly before following after his companions. The setting of the sun basking in his soft glow.
Spying wasn’t right, and in part, maybe you had blossomed a questionable pass time hobby, but for all the luck in the world, you had witnessed something rare, unfathomably valuable, and equally breakable, and you would do everything in your power to witness it, if only for one more time.
The third time your paths had crossed was more conventional, orchestrated by Aizawa-sensei, and the first time you had officially heard his name, his true name rather than the one he had dubbed as a hero. It had been the demonstration provided by The Big 3, although it wasn’t intended to be so. It was simply supposed to be an explanation of the Hero Work-Studies that had escalated further than intended.
The class had been a murmur of excitement, curiousity, and drive. There were those who were star struck, like Midoriya, who was drawn into his own world, composed of strategy break down, quirk application, and overall… fanboyism. Others such as Bakugo and Kirishima were eager to hear about the opportunities the program offered, the prior setting himself bars above and eagerness, and confidence. Then, there were the skeptical, the ones with questions and considerations such as Asui and Tokoyami. The range of the classroom was wide, and diverse, each hero-to-be hanging on every word, and every action of The Big 3, and then there was you. Your eyes landed on him, the one dubbed the alias, Suneater, and introduced as Amajiki Tamaki. Just like that fated day, his eyes strayed. Shook underneath the gaze of others, quivered uneasily. His frown growing, and the quiet mumblings that from your seat, seemed incomprehensible. The soft of his skin revealing his anxiety, and trembles as he inevitably turned his back to the class once more. Miserable, and out of place, it was a side of him that U.A. as a whole had grown accustomed to, and perhaps familiarized themselves with, but the transition of anxiety to the sheer acknowledgement of his companion, Togata-senpai. The amount of pride in someone else’s accomplishments, and joy of the memories he shared to the class. Perhaps, it was the real him, a complex mixture of anxiety and pride in friends, and yet, it was that gentle smile of that fateful day that would not leave your heart, and whispered the reality to you. You were determined to see every side of Amajiki-senpai that you could.
And there it was, the mission. The determination and the drive to capture that smile once more, just to witness it again. You had left the Hero-Work program explanation with admittedly two goals in mind: the first to be accepted by a Hero, and the second… to see Amajiki-senpai’s smile once more! Lucky for you, this goal was thankfully intertwined in execution in skills.
The hours you subjected yourself to studying, poured yourself over tomes. Thumbed your fingers across spirals, exhausted your eyes into the late nights. Accidentally falling asleep at your desk. Worrying your family in more ways than you dared to admit, and missed out on a number of opportunities to engage in extra-curricular activities. The days felt almost like a blur of coursework, class hours and week days spent pouring yourself amongst the pages of botany pages. U.A.’s library offered so much valuable information, but your quirk required work. Knowledge, practice, and practical application… To be honest, going about blindly and testing out plant after flora, after specimen, and cacti would wreak havoc across Japan, and give rise to invasive species, that you suspected would endanger your potential hero licensure. Something you longed to avoid at all costs, after goal all, the first goal was to achieve a Hero-Work study, but that didn’t mean that you would be thorough in your investigation. After all, that’s what the practice fields were for, right? Principal Nezu, please forgive you for any future transposing’s your practice may inflict on the U.A. gardens. Thus, the library hadn’t been enough, drawing information from various internet sources, and on the weekends, daring yourself to outings dedicated to your research. Garden visit after garden visit, touring nursery after nursery, you were dedicated, and in time, your first goal had been achieved, but it wasn’t what you had hoped for. It wasn’t what any of you had hoped for.
It should have brought you joy, a sense of pride and recognition in your skills, and to some extent, it did. At least, initially. To have been selected for the Hero-Work program and to have been placed under Kesagiri Man’s care was one that desired praise, and an extra serving of tonkatsu at dinner. How you had beamed in your hero uniform, specially tailored to your form. Leaves that gathered and crawled up right your right leg, blossoming to cover your form naturally before trailing around your left shoulder until coiling at your wrist. Admittedly, to the few, it bordered risky, but remained modest. The intricately delicate head mask that had curved to the shape of your brow, slipping behind your ears into your hair as though fitted for royalty gave you the impression of having slipped from the pages of a fairytale, and how you had painstakingly thumbed through names, landing on the trial run of Danu. In addition to the praise, well, you really had felt excited for the weeks to come. After all, to have garnered a Pro-Hero’s attention wasn’t something to be easily dismissed, it was quite the accomplishment as well as noteworthy key point on any resume, and when it had been decided you would play a role in the Shie Hassaikai Raid, you were beaming at the opportunity to work alongside pro-heroes, and even better… the opportunity to see Amajiki-senpai adorn the alias Suneater. You were practically beam like a sunflower in summer, so much so you had even accidentally blossomed Indigoletta rose buds, rich in lavender petals and devoid of thorns, but now, all of that joy was nullified. The creeping sensation that crept up your neck, raised the hair on your forearms as fumes filled the air. The sound of rubble, and stone clashed in a chaos of elements. Gunfire that radiated amongst the surrounding area, breaths of wind and smoke. The stray attacks that grazed pass you. The numbing realization of how serious, and out of hand the situation had become. What had been a strategic plan, with intention and a clear route: those infiltrating had faced far dangerous circumstances than expected while you were left on the side lines. Charged with defending the injured, and supply those in need of immediate medical assistance—how you had stayed up hours expanding your knowledge into medical herbs. Rosemary, lavender, cloves, ginger, dandelion, eucalyptus—you named It, you had mentally filed it away, practiced manifesting it in your home (your home would smell of herbs and spices for months to come, not that your family had hinted any frustration, even going so far as to add leftovers in recent dishes). All the anticipation, and all captivated feelings of accomplishment had been diminished like a flame left in the rain as your fingers hesitantly traced his cheek, far paler than normal. How had this happened? The heroes…. You had pro-heroes. How had it become the Hassaikai Incident? Strained features, taunt lips that pursed and winced. The faintest of groan carried on dwindled sharp breaths, and eyelashes clasped between squeezed eye lids. A feeble warmth beginning to blossom across his features, as the color drained from his blanched complexion. Evidence littered across his cloak, carved into his features. His quirk beginning to mollify, octopus tentacles withdrawing, chicken feet and wings extracted, and the oddest traces of gemstones. Blood that stained, and rubble that threatened open wounds. The trembling in your fingertips undeniable as anxiety thrummed through your body, panicked heart beats that claimed your ear drums, and dulled your senses and response time. All you had wanted was to see him smile.
                The recovery had been better than expected, although truth be told, it was perhaps the anxiety that had convinced you it was worse than it truly was. You couldn’t bring yourself to admit how many trips you had made to the local hospital, peaking in on his progress. This is where you had witnessed, yet another side of the elven hero. The soft humility was commendable. The way he expressed concern for others involved in the incident from the loss of a mentor, inquired about Togata-senpa’s condition, and even yours—how that had sent your heart into fits. The sweet care for others, shifting attention to those who he deemed worthy even if it was at the cost of his own care—the way the tips of his ears would blush upon being fretted over by his attendant. The tender gazes out of the window when he achieved a moment, free of further probing. It was enough to elicit a soft sigh from you, and a bubbling of melancholy. Spying, when had you become such a snoop? You promise your parents hadn’t raised you this way, and imagined your siblings would chastise you if they had known, but for all the stolen glimpses between the hospital door, the shuffle of the occasional nurse, and even Recovery Girl’s reassurance that he was certainly recuperating just fine, and even awkwardly dodged your elder’s insistence that while he was a cumbersome boy, he wouldn’t reject a visit from a companion. Yet, you could never bring yourself to knock, merely leaving random visitation flowers with the nurse in the charge of him for the day, sputtering out some clumsy excuse to leave without greeting him. The last visit having been total humiliation that had you buried in your pillow. You really hadn’t mean to escalate from mere snoop to pervert. The adrenaline of the nurse having rejected your delivery request under Recovery Girl’s insistence you were amped up! You could do it! You could! Until the door popped open, the distinct giggle of Hado-senpai emitting from the room, and thin muscles that impacted your face. Your rush having dragged you straight into his chest, to both of your horror. “She-she didn’t see me,” he had stammered, yanking his bandaged form against the door frame, resting his forehead against it, and shielding his features. Failure. Complete and total failure, and even worse. Contact. The flowers in your hands smooshed against you. Hado-senpai’s periwinkle curls caught in the air, practically thrumming with the electric current personality radiated. Her bags practically bouncing with her, as her delicate blue topaz eyes found the bouquet caught in your fingers, a presumptuous grin spreading as she attempted to draw Amajiki-senpai’s attention. You noped out of there as fast as your legs could carry you, pushing the floral arrangement into her hands before disbursing down the hall, eliciting knowing giggles from medical staff.
Upon hearing that Amajiki-senpai had decided that the laughter was directed at him specifically, you had determined to keep your distance for the time being. Well, at least until the shame had dissipated. In that absence, you struggled, and remained vigilant. You really, just wanted to see his smile again, and while Vermilion’s had survived the onslaught despite the odds, Suneater’s had practically been banished into the shadows. More late hours dedicated over books, anything to see that captivating smile resurface. The determination to have that very same smile directed your way having taken root at the school festival.
Class 1-A had found themselves determine to win over the student body while the beauty pageant fostered growing tensions amongst competitors. The ever-boiling tension between Hado-senpai and Kenranzaki-senpai had ushered in wave after wave of stomach aches on your behalf. Having been allocated a sewing position in the costume creation for 1-A’s performance, you had definitely developed a whole new appreciation for the hero uniform department, and received a few private requests as well. That’s how you saw it, the growing crushing realization that if you didn’t land every stitch on Kenranzaki-senpai’s gown with a dedicated level that reached her expectations, you suspected you would be receiving end of her tank, or much worse given her talent as a member of U.A.’s Department of Support. The terror sending you reeling as you sat to the side, panicked, rushed, and wary of every scuffle between the two upper classmen. In this time frame, you had bore witness to a gentle reassurance. The warmth Amajiki-senpai in attempting to consul his friend’s feelings, and on the day of the pageant, as you wearily mended a snag on Kenranzaki-senpai’s dress (seriously though, a tank? In a DRESS?), there he was, front and center. Braving the crowd. A fond smile that graced his lips, one so warm you suspected it could thaw even the coldest winter day, perhaps could even still the ever-driven Kenzranzaki-senpai. Imagine, all of the students who had gathered, pressed against the stage in anticipation to see beauty. Blissfully unaware that a true vision of enchantment was not Hado-senpai that twirled in the air, but her supporter, Amajiki-senpai squished amongst viewers, happy to see her achieve her goal.
The burning desire to have that smile, that mythical smile directed your way had led you here. Fingers covered in dirt; the soil wedged between your nails. Your hands delicately cupping the earth between your digits. All the hours of being Hatsume Mei’s test subject had come to bare fruits, and to the gods above, it had been trying. How Midoriya had endured her assertive personality, and well, risky decision-making skills were beyond you—you suspected it would be weeks before all of your bruises and scrapes healed, but here it was. The full soil report across the school grounds, targeted to more secluded areas. Each region mapped consistently. Hatsume may be a bit fanatical in her own unique way, but she was extremely thorough. Your smile expanding as you examined your surroundings. From Hatsume’s report, you were able to determine the soil type was a match, from the drainage needs, the pH balance, and even the sun exposure. “it’s perfect,” you whispered to yourself as you yanked out your water bottle, chugging it as quickly as you could before threading your hands deeper into the ground, making sure to clear the topsoil. “I can do this.” With closed, tight eyes, you dedicated your all to envisioning the roots strong and sturdy. Its shrub structure encompassing the area, healthy, dark green leaves, and felted form. Lance like stems that gave way to various shades of purple, deep violets, and light and delicate lilac. Grow. Grow. Grooooow. Spreading across the opening, tucked away on U.A. grounds were only students who wished to have a moment alone would wander, out of sight, and out of mind. The perfect escape. Murmuring praise to encourage its growth, after all, everything grows with kindness. Its blooms reaching towards the sky, enjoying the high sky, and stretching slowly, but surely before maturing at ten feet tall, wide spread and the heavenly sweet scent of honey beckoning the environment. Your grin spread, a soft shade of scarlet spread across cheeks.
You had done it. Buddleja japonica. A native variety of butterfly bush. The delicate flutter of wings, emerging colors drawn from all surrounding areas, enticed by the promise of nectar. Exhaustion weaved on your features, and admittedly, you knew that latter, you would need to provide another round of foliage to entice the butterflies to remain, but for now, you could only bask in the scenic view of your makeshift butterfly garden, and approaching figure. Thin, and taller than yourself, long fingers that grasped the note you had slid into his genkan cubby at school, the telling shade of the envelope and cute sticker you had attached. The surprise on his face, admittedly because he had steeled himself to facing a challenge head-on, some part of him believing someone hated him enough to call him out to a secluded area of the school—not that anything in the note had suggested as such, although you had to confess that the vague request to meet you here regardless of the daring heart addition may have sent the wrong impression, and had the poor boy reeling into a variety of panic attacks before he had worked up the nerve to appear.
His deep-set amethyst hair catching the glimmer of sunlight, his eyes deeper than the sweetest Murasaki tart now wide as the glow of a blush spread from the tips of his ears, danced across his cheeks, and landed on the tip of his nose. His mouth opening in wonder, and awe as the butterflies danced across flower petals. The occasional one straying to greet his arrival before his eyes found you, knelt on the ground. The exhaustion as evident as the dirt that marred your hands with the level of dedication your quirk and feelings had nurtured, your hair falling just right in the iridescent of the day creating the faintest of halo glows. The coy expression you bared, gazing ever so affectionately at… him? The realization causing his form to shake and him to advert his eyes, the blossoming of warmth in his heart and smile that threatened to break. His wrist drawn up to hide himself from view. Doing the best to conceal the growing blush that had claimed his delicate features, his almond eyes widened as they traced your silhouette. “B-beautiful,” whispered shyly across the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.
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yoakenouta · 1 year ago
Neuvillette finally found Furina, although he seemed to be contemplating something before catching her attention with a wave and a small smile that forms upon his lips. "Lady Furina, good evening. I had an encounter with the traveler not too long ago, and although they have run off elsewhere, I was told by them to share these with you when we would run into eachother." He offers her a box of pocky! "The Traveler had mentioned it is a unique, erm... holiday? In Inazuma, so if you would like to share, I would not mind with you." ( Neuvilette to Furina)
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ㅤㅤFURINA truthfully hadn't been up to much other than running some errands -- that is until a familiar voice approached her in the busy street. Her eyes widened in shock to see Neuvillette out of all people, entering such a bustling area just to greet her. She turned to him, dumbfounded but her expression soon softened at the realization that he specifically came to look for her.
ㅤㅤ" Didn't I tell you to just call me Furina ? You can cease with the formalities now that I'm no longer the Hydro Archon but ... huh ? Pocky ? I'm surprised you came all this way just to give this to me ... " Holiday ? Which holiday was today again ? " Ahh. That's right. I suppose it is pocky day. It's unusual that the traveller would give such ... a small box for us to share when I'm certain it's enough for one person. Very well. If they insist on having us share then we might as well enjoy the gift. Why don't we have some tea at Café Lutece ? I'd invite you over but I'm sure you're aware that my home isn't exactly the most flattering to house any guests. "
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astrehours · 2 years ago
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SYNOPSIS.  she really got lucky, didn’t she?
STARRING.  song mindeulle .. fujimori yumeko 
DURATION.  387 words
CW + NOTE.  food & fire (candle) + happy birthday to our pocket-sized leader!
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a chime, followed by two knocks.
mindeulle looks up just in time to witness yumeko nudging the door open, hands obviously full. curious, she tries to ask, “what's that-”
-only to stop herself when the younger begins to sing happy birthday, a slice of cake sitting prettily in the box. her gaze hastily flits to the corner of her monitor where 3/20/23 is displayed.
it's true, it really is her birthday.
“sorry it's not much, this was the best the café had.” yumeko apologizes, a sheepish smile drawn on her lips.
nevertheless, mindeulle pats her head. “it's fine baby pocky, i still appreciate you doing this for me.”
before they end up with a moment of deja vu, the maknae sets the cake upon the desk and takes a seat. she pulls out the lighter that she had borrowed from hajime and lights the candle. the flame dances while yumeko whispers, “go on unnie, make a wish.”
the birthday girl clasps her hands together and shuts her eyes. she stays like that for at least a minute before blowing out the candle.
yumeko cheers, clapping as she does so. “what did you wish for, unnie?”
“i can't tell you, or else it won't come true, remember?” mindeulle teases her, the pout that makes its way on the younger's face eliciting her to laugh.
“and now-” the rose-haired member groans when she feels no cutlery in her pocket. “‘be right back, i'll go to haji-kun to exchange this lighter for a fork.”
and before the leader can remind her that they have cutlery stored in the practice room, yumeko's already out and down the hall.. oh well.
mindeulle's gaze catches on the polaroids hung on her studio's wall. she's collected quite the number of them, but none stick out as much as the two wedged in her notebook do.
she takes them out, her finger instinctively indenting itself by pressing on the edges. her brother rarely takes pictures seriously, hence why he's pulling a funny face. her members aren't that different, they're having fun modeling with their first trophy.
these are the faces she doesn't want to forget; the people she will hold onto as tight as she can. because regardless of blood, they're her family.
and i wish that it will always stay this way.
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꒰ TAGLIST. @stealanity @thelargefrye 𐬹 send an ask if you’d like to be added ꒱
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spicykaraage · 1 year ago
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Jirou Akutagawa
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Birthday: May 5th (Taurus)
Blood Type: AB
Relatives: Father, mother, older brother, younger sister
Father’s Occupation: Self-employed (dry cleaning company)
Elementary School: Hyotei Academy Primary School
Middle School: Hyotei Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-C | Seat 2
Club: Tennis Club (regular)
Committee: Community Activities Committee
Strong Subjects: Engineering, PE
Weak Subjects: Classic literature, Chinese literature
Most Visited Spot at School: Courtyard, rear garden, rooftop, infirmary
Favorite Motto: “All things come to those who wait.”
Daily Routines: Changing his pillowcase
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Hobbies: Reading manga (in magazines), sleeping, going to collaboration cafes [TP]
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Music: He falls asleep no matter what he listens to
Favorite Movie: He falls asleep no matter what he watches
Favorite Book: Any shounen manga (he’s recently borrowed one from Yuuta [TP])
Favorite Food: Lamb, mousse pocky, Country Ma’am cookies [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: “During Autumn when I was a first year~… What day was it?”
Preferred Type: A bright and fun girl
Ideal Date Spot: A manga café ➜ A bookstore you can sleep in [TP]
His Gift for a Special Person: “The sheep alarm clock I use.”
Where He Wants to Travel: He doesn’t care where, just as long as he can stay at a nice hotel
What He Wants Most Right Now: “I want a big sofa in my room.” ➜ “A summer house… So, whaddya say? Atobe!” [TP]
Dislikes: Tomatoes, the stairs at Gakuto’s house [23.5]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Reciting all the Stand names from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, performing the Kamehameha from Dragon Ball [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Buying new flavors of pocky
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Routine During the World Cup: Doing high fives with Marui
Height: 160cm | 5’2”
Weight: 49kg | 108 lbs ➜ 51kg | 112 lbs [23.5]
Shoe Size: 26cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: Serve & Volleyer
Signature Moves: Magic Volley
Number of Days He Goes to Morning Practice: Twice a month
Equipment Brands:
Shoes: WILSON (SURGE DST 02 Mid S1234W)
Overall Rating: Speed: 3 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 3 / Technique: 5 / Total: 17
Kurobe Memo: “A player like Akutagawa who relies on his instincts is a little hard to train… He also often oversleeps. If he would at least finish the regular training program, I would be able to give him some quantifiable results and feedback.” <Official Description>
What’s in His Bag [40.5]
Pocky: Three different kinds: strawberry, Winter Melty, and chestnut. A girl in his class put it in his bag while he was asleep since he had said he was hungry
Manga: An issue of Jump SQ. He likes reading manga in magazines rather than the actual books. His older brother likes manga too and lends it to him once he’s done reading it
Marui’s wristband: He forcibly took it from Marui during the newcomer’s tournament when they were first years. It’s Marui’s favorite brand, Wilson
Cell phone with GPS functionality: His parents gave it to him since they’re worried about him falling asleep anywhere, but it’s rarely turned on
Copies of class notes: His classmates were worried about him sleeping before their test, so they worked together and prepared them for all subjects
An alarm clock that adjusts the time using radio waves: The club members had put their money together to buy it for him as a birthday gift. He was happy to receive it, but there are no signs that he’s used it
What’s in His Locker [C&S]:
Two plastic water bottles (he uses them as pillows)
Wall clock
Towels: There’s a large pile of them inside his locker. It may be that he’s using them as pillows or bedding so he can sleep in his locker…
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ilikehellokittysworld · 2 months ago
A Peek Into My Pink World… 💖🎀
💖 Pink Everything! I am totally obsessed with pink. My room? Pink. My notebooks? Pink. Even my snacks are sometimes pink (strawberry Pocky is my go-to 🍓). If I could live in a cotton candy cloud, I totally would. But sometimes, even with all the pink around me, my world feels a little gray. 🌫️
🌸 Hello Kitty! She’s not just a cartoon—she’s my vibe, my bestie, and my inspiration. I have Hello Kitty plushies, pens, and even a tiny keychain I take everywhere. 🎀 When I’m feeling down, she’s like my comfort, reminding me to find a little sweetness in every day. But even then, there are moments when I wish she could hug me back. 🙈💔
🎶 Music! I love listening to soft, dreamy songs that make me feel like I’m floating in a fairytale. Think Lana Del Rey, Clairo, or lo-fi beats to relax to. 🎧🌷 But sometimes, I’ll put on a sad song just to let myself feel all the things I try to hide away. It’s weirdly comforting to know someone else has felt the same sadness I do sometimes.
I’m the kind of girl who dreams a lot. Sometimes it’s about silly little things, like having my own Hello Kitty café ☕🎀. Other times, it’s about big, magical moments—like falling in love under the stars or traveling to a city filled with cherry blossoms. 🌸✨ But on my lonelier days, those dreams feel so far away, and I wonder if they’ll ever come true.
I also dream about finding my person. Someone who thinks my shy blushes are adorable, who doesn’t mind my love for all things pink, and who makes me feel like a princess in my own fairytale. 💕 But sometimes, I wonder if anyone would really want to know the real me—the me that hides behind soft smiles and daydreams because I’m scared to let people in.
Since I’m so shy, I don’t send selfies or pictures—it makes me a little nervous! 🫣 My DMs are always open, though, for sweet people who want to chat or make a new friend. 💬✨ But even there, I worry: What if I’m not enough? What if I’m too quiet, too dreamy, or just… too much?
Even though my location is a secret (gotta keep some mystery, right? 👀), I love making the world feel a little smaller through kind conversations and daydreams. 🌟 So, if you’re reading this and feeling lonely, too, maybe we can remind each other that even in the gray moments, there’s still a little pink magic left to find.
Kisses, hugs, and all things cute,
Ellie 🎀✨
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
hello!! can i order a black coffee and apple strudel with strawberry pockeys, with someone (you choose, i cant choose i love them too much :D) on the pretty setters squad please! happy early valentines <3
place your order here
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being the manager for nekoma, you made a promise not to take anyone on the team. it would probably start up drama and some of the boys would think who ever you chose to date was getting special treatment.
you laughed at the promise, it’s not like the person who you ended up falling for actually liked you back. having a crush on kenma was like a curse.
every time you’d try to talk to him, he’d only make a sour face and walk away to place his game or to talk to kuroo. he was usually like that but it was the rare moments where he wasn’t being rude that you started to crush on him.
“kenma, you should use the stretching time to actually stretch.” you encouraged him as he was sitting playing a game on his phone. “you’re going to pull a muscle.” you wanted but he didn’t seem to care.
at this point, you’d gotten used to him blantantly ignoring you. it wasn’t like there was anything you could do about it either.
it only made your heart squeeze in an uncomfortable way whenever he’d roll his eyes and say something under this breath.
practice went by as usual, nothing out of the ordinary but that also meant kenma ignoring you.
you told the team that you’d be staying late to lock up for them, to which everyone thanked you except kenma. you turned the keys at the door and heard the the voice of your caption.
“you should start being nicer to our manager, they work hard and they only want the best for you.” he was talking to kenma, you could tell by his words. who else acts like you’re a nuisance?
“why should i?” kenma sneered. “i dont like them, they kept bothering me and telling me what to do.”
you felt your heart drop and tears well up in your eyes. you continued to hear him continued, “i never even wanted a manager.”
you sniffle, couching down and resting you door against the gym door. you hated that he was the one breaking your heart. that you had never really given him your heart yet he had so much control over it.
you silently cried, listening to their footsteps get further and further away.
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punidrag0n · 4 years ago
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pocky emoji
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leorawright · 2 years ago
Overwatch Masterlist
Junkrat crush headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who is hurt on the battlefield
Overwatch with s/o who had a nightmare
Overwatch jealousy
Soldier 76 with a graduating s/o
Overwatch confessing
Hanzo with intimidating s/o
Reaper with rabbit reader
Overwatch s/o gets kidnapped
Overwatch with cat s/o
Junkers fluff
Junkers with an s/o who loves Halloween
Overwatch cooking with you
Junkers with affectionate s/o
Junkers with s/o who loves to cook and bake
Overwatch being introduced to pocky sticks
Moira soulmate AU
Junker with s/o who loves winter and arson
Junkers with s/o who wants to marry them
Talon with immortal friend who used to be a Pharaoh
Terms of endearment for the Junkers
Soft Kiriko headcannons
Shimada brothers with s/o who has crow wings
Overwatch's s/o patching them up
Overwatch with vampire s/o
Shimadas with s/o who loves giving gifts
Overwatch with s/o who experiences phantom pains
Overwatch being taken care of when sick
Genji x shy reader
Junkers with naturally cold s/o
Overwatch finding their s/o decorating their weapons
Overwatch with s/o who runs a cat café
Shimadas with s/o who loves animals
Overwatch with chainsaw user s/o
Shimadas/Talon terms of endearment
Talon being friends with a parental but feral reader
Reaper with friend who's chill about murder
Talon with cryptic friend
Shimadas with s/o who makes self depricating jokes
Overwatch cuddling s/o after a long day
Mercy and Hazno with s/o who has family issues
Blackwatch Genji with sunshiney crush
Junkers/Shimadas with s/o who has different reactions to doing something right or wrong
Overwatch with vampire s/o
Overwatch being friends with someone who has shark features
Overwatch Halloween couples costumes
Overwatch with s/o who had many pillow/blankets
Lucio with s/o who loves music
Mercy x depressed reader
Overwatch seeing their rabbit s/o get shot in the leg
Junkers/Shimadas with s/o who doesn't eat much
Lucio finds out reader has a crush on him
Overwatch with s/o who hates crowds
Overwatch with s/o who has a 180 personality
Junket Queen with s/o who looks up to her
Mercy's s/o proposes to her
Hanzo adopting a child
Kiriko with short s/o
Mercy with s/o who's loopy from medicine
Moira's friend gets her new lab rats
Kiriko with s/o who wants to learn sign language
Kiriko and her s/o making donuts
Talon seeing their s/o lose an arm mid battle
Overwatch adopting a kid
Overwatch with s/o who makes dark jokes
Overwatch with tall s/o
Taking Kiriko to a fox sanctuary
Kiriko fluff headcannons
Moira having a crush on a autistic coworker
Moira with s/o who's loopy from medicine
Sigma acting like an older brother to his best friend
Overwatch coming home from a long mission
Overwatch with s/o who has night terrors
Overwatch with s/o who doesn't feel pain
Overwatch's s/o naming a cat after them
Moira fluff
Overwatch with s/o who has an obvious crush on them
Overwatch Omnics with reader who was hurt by omnics
Sojourn fluff headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who's always cold
Overwatch with a sick s/o
Sombra with a reader who isn't very healthy
Moira relationship headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who fights with a scythe
Mercy's s/o is an actor
Overwatch omnics get a crush on reader
Kissing hc's with Overwatch
Reinhardt with reader who was also a crusader
Overwatch with sleep walking s/o
Overwatch's s/o has cartoon physics
Overwatch Omnics with reader who calms down from panic attacks through nature
Baptiste having a crush on you
Overwatch with s/o who is cat themed
Moira's crush falls asleep on her after a mission
Moira kissing headcannons
Overwatch accidently hurting their s/o
Characters with s/o who can never open the pickle jar
Halloween with Overwatch
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quanblovk · 2 years ago
The greatest warrior in the galaxy goes shopping with the shadow of the greatest swordsman.
▪︎Chapter 1: A mysterious encounter!
▪︎Chapter 2: Shadow Cashier Dee's fate.
▪︎Chapter 3: A new friend or foe?
▪︎Chapter 4: Shopping spree!
Throughout Dark Meta Knight's life, he had never experienced anything like this before. Nobody had ever held his hand and invited him to go shopping with them...up until now.
-reccomended reading music-
Dark Meta Knight was lost in thought, there was just too many things to consider ever since his realization earlier. Galacta Knight was the key to the completion of his project and he needed to play his cards right. Even if that includes temporarily masquerading as Meta Knight's brother and going on this shopping trip with him. Usually this would annoy him but strangely, it didn't. Rather, it was amusing to see how the temporal warrior acted towards him, not to mention those snacks look awfully delicious...was pocky supposed to have that many flavors?
And was he still holding hands with Galacta Knight the entire time? The dark knight looked down and confirmed his suspicion then quietly pulled his arm away. He still wasn't used to such physical affection, it made him.....recall too many unnecessary memories.
"So, if you don't mind me intruding on your personal business, what happened between you and your brother?"
"We had a fight, that's all."
Maybe it was a mistake to lie about this matter, but it was much more convenient than explaining how he was Meta Knight's mirror counterpart. That would've made things too complicated and wasted too much of his time.
"So...physical or verbal?"
"Oh...were you mad at him?" Galacta Knight asks as he comedically pushes as much pocky into the red basket as he could. Dark Meta Knight just stares, choosing to not question the other's actions.
"I-....I don't..know."
"...was he mad at you?"
"Definitely." The knight scoffs.
"Hm, that's unusual. I've never heard of Lord Meta Knight being so angry. There's still so many things about that little radscal that I haven't got a clue about!...*sigh*."
Meta Knight.........When they first met, what was he truly feeling? It had been so long since they fought, so it was hard to recall. The feeling of immense bloodlust was clear but...was he angry at Meta Knight? Did he really hate him that badly? Despite him enjoying picking fights with his counterpart, he never felt it as something truly malicious. When Dark Mind ordered him to "get rid" of Meta Knight, the dark knight merely followed it just to fight him. Once he had his fill, he would kick his counterpart into some random mirror and shatter it to please his "boss". Indeed, they had a fight. But it was more of a mock battle than anything. Not to mention Dark Meta Knight wasn't fully conscious back then. When Dark Mind's influence corrupted the mirror, its residents were nothing but a husk of their former selves, including the knight himself. Their souls were replaced with fragments of his evil, completely transforming their original function. Instead of good wishes and dreams, they'd reflect the most awful, vile features of their counterparts. They could only act based off what consists of their personality traits, unable to truly think of themselves. To think....he and his crew nearly didn't suffer the same fate and was somehow kept conscious enough to do Dark Mind's bidding-
"Hello? Earth to......oh right, you never told me your name."
And he lost his train of thought.
"...just call me Dark Meta Knight, that's what everyone does."
"Hmmmm...you have to stand up for yourself, you know?"
Galacta Knight picks up the basket and turns to the dark knight, giving him a sympathetic look. This heavily confused him, why is he looking at him with those eyes? What's wrong with that nickname? Was it too blunt?
"Well, if you let everyone think you're just his shadow, wouldn't that make your life miserable?"
""Dark Meta Knight", I don't like that name!"
The warrior huffs and crosses his arms in a rather silly manner. Was he....pouting?
"It just implies that you're some evil twin, that you're just the complete opposite of Lord Meta Knight."
"It won't affect me. I have no reason to care."
"But I do. It's cruel."
"But It also doesn't concern you. Or...does it?"
He raises an eyebrow at Galacta Knight, wondering if his nickname somehow was related to something he didn't know about.
"Of course it doesn't but...I don't want to call you that. It's degrading!"
"Well maybe I deserve it. We just met, there's a lot you don't know about me as well. I could've done terrible, evil things that a hero like you would despise. You said there was gossip about me, right? What if I commited sins much worse than what they speak of me?"
"Well, I also don't know if what you're saying is true so..... we're even~!"
He groans at this warrior's attitude towards him. How could he trust him so bindly? Why was he doing this? Question for later, he should just follow along and try to think of ways to rope the conversation into the jamba hearts.
-POV change: Galacta Knight-
As the two talked, they walked down many different asiles, almost covering the whole shop. This was intentional on Galacta Knight's part, as he wanted to spend as much time with Meta Knight's "brother" as possible. This mysterious stranger, claiming to be his twin. The temporal warrior heard many stories about him, especially from the Meta-Knights.
"Dark Meta Knight!!! That fiend!!"
"How dare he hurt our boss?!"
"That coward ambushed him too!! Doesn't he have any honor?! Yet that bastard calls himself a knight!!"
Galacta Knight could only stare far into the distance while standing on a canon placed considerably elevated platform, looking cool as they continued their chatter on the Halberd's dock.....ah...when were they going to leave? He really wants to stop standing there....it's actually pretty uncomfortable to balance on these shoes, you know? Please leave.....leave already...........hey....don't stare at him like that. Do they want him to voice his opinion on this..."Dark Meta Knight"?
"What do you think, Sir Galacta Knight? He's the worst, right?!"
Aaaaaaaaahhh please stop...please.....maybe he'll just say something really cool and fly off. Yeah, he'll do that.
"Mm, I haven't met him. So I cannot say for sure. It's rather rude to judge others based on gossip alone."
YES YES HE SAID IT! HE CAN LEAVE!!! Unfurling his wings, he quickly spreads them out, sending out impressively strong winds onto the dumbfounded Meta-knights and bails out. Another victory for the galactic warrior!
...but he really did mean those words.
So he was going to try to get to know this knight as much as he could.
"You buy an awful lot of food..."
"Of course! It takes a lot to sustain this strong body of mine, I assume the same goes for you?"
"...Yes, that is true. Usually I would need to consume a considerable amount of food. But maxim tomatoes make up for it."
"Hm? Oh, those tomatoes? Mm, I can see. They can give you as much nutrition was 2 meals would. It is truly mystery. I also eat a few when i'm in a hurry. Usually it takes me quite a while to finish my meals."
"Really? How long does an average meal take for you?"
"About 2 hours."
"I- that's.....VERY long."
"Mhm, you have to savour each and every piece you consume. It's the joy of eating! In fact, it's one of the reasons why I haven't-!.....nevermind."
Probably shouldn't bring that up.
"Why? It'd all be digested anyways. It shouldn't matter how the food tastes. As long as it's edible and has enough nutrients to mantain your health."
"Hey, you wouldn't be saying that if you ate something REALLY good. Just think, what's the best thing you've eaten?"
"........maxim tomato soup cans."
"See? Th-....wait, just tomato soup? I mean, it tastes good but......the cans?"
".........I come from a place where all the best quality products were hogged by a selfish monarch. All the best chefs and cooks were forced to work for him, so I never got to experience something that had really "taste". Maxim tomato soup is the only item that had the best nutrious value. So by default, it is much better than anything else that was in store."
[-music stop-]
How dare......how dare he- how dare that selfish monarch hog all the good food! No wonder "Dark" looks so grumpy. It's because he never got to experience the pleasures of eating good food! This made the warrior extremely livid. He could never forgive that tyrannical brute for causing so much suffering to his subjects.
It was unforgivable.
"Galacta Knight?"
-POV change-
Dark Meta Knight noticed a horrific change in the atmosphere. His nerves were on edge once again....did he somehow infuriate the temporal warrior? Cautiously, he took a step back, unconsciously hovering his hand above the handle of his sword. Galacta Knight's eyes were bloodshot, his entire body tensed up.
He approaches closer to Dark Meta Knight, only adding more to his caution and anxiety. Things weren't looking good at all-
"What are you doing all of the sudden? OY-!"
Galacta Knight's hands suddenly grabbed onto his shoulders, completely surpassing his guard. This was the first time the dark knight ever let out a yelp, it was extremely humiliating. But now wasn't the time to think about that- now he couldn't draw his sword properly, he was left completely vulnerable-
"This....this is....UNFORGIVABLE!! How could that FIEND do that to his subjects?! How could you bear through it?! I understand...I understand completely. The suffering you had to go through..."
[-music start-]
Soft sniffles and hiccups came through the warrior's mask...w-was he crying? This is getting more ridiculous by the minute- why would he have such- SYMPATHY for him!? It was unbearable to think that such a warrior like Galacta Knight would cry for him just because good tasing food wasn't available to him!
"Y-you.....*sniff*....never even got to taste the wonderous foods in this galaxy...*sob*...you don't deserve that...."
The dark knight spits out, aggresively shrugging his pauldrons to get Galacta Knight's hands off. His eyes widen in anger and confusion, looking straight at the other knight with mixed feelings.
"What does it matter?! It's just food- Way to make a star out of an asteroid! I simply cannot understand you."
Galacta Knight quickly wipes his eyes and immediately stopped shedding tears. His mood took a complete 180° turn.
"I'll show you.... All this food I bought, we'll eat it together once we're done shopping."
"You never got to eat anything better than maxim tomatoes right?"
"That can't be good for you, eating too much of one thing is never good for your health, even I know that!"
"I can't stand the thought that you never got to eat spicy curry...or wagyu steak...or coffee cake or other amazing foods!"
"So much joy and wonder from just one bite alone, you must experience it. It's a must!"
Why does he CARE. Why does it MATTER SO MUCH TO HIM?! Dark Meta Knight........he didn't know....he couldn't figure out why...so he chose to stay silent, no matter how worked up he was. Getting information on the jamba hearts still remained his top priority, why did he get so....frustrated earlier? It shouldn't matter, all he had to do was to follow along. Yet....this....this bird brain- had to- No, he needed to keep his composure.
The dark knight takes a deep breath and calms down before facing Galacta Knight again.
The warrior's face immediately lit up, he was back to his cheerful self a few moments ago.
"Trust in me, I won't let you down~!"
Confidence was clear through the astral's words, as if he was sure to blow his mind away with a few snacks and sandwiches he's never tasted before. This entire ordeal was ridiculous and yet...the way the warrior looks at him somehow managed to give a part of him hope.
Hope for something new.
[-new music-]
".....don't disapppoint me..."
"Hm? What was that?"
"Well alright, let us resume our little shopping trip." He lightly chuckles as he playfully nudges the other's elbow. Dark Meta Knight could only sigh in defeat once again and walks along Galacta Knight as they continue shopping.
Some time pass and they finally check out. At the counter, the two knights were met with the tired eyes of a waddle dee and one of them instantly recognized who it was.
Dark Meta Knight could only pull his cape higher. Trying desperately to blend in Galacta Knight's side to be insignificant enough to not be noticed much. This was...very awkward.
As the cashier scans the products, all the stuff they brought flood into a star cut dimensional portal at the end of the counter's conveyor belt. It was rather interesting to see.
"That'll be........1000 coins, sir. Gee, you really bought a lot. Stocking up for the apocolypse?"
Galacta Knight only tilts his head lower in response, he would look cold but it was infinitely better than small talk, something he wasn't the greatest at. In silence, he hands the cashier...Meta Knight's credit card? Dark could recogbize it. Where did he get that?
"Not much of a talker huh? I get it, talking tires me out too sometimes."
Oh thank void Galacta Knight finished paying- he really didn't wish to face Cashier Dee any longer. The knight had to pratically bury himself in the soft feathers of Galacta Knight's wings. It was....rather pleasant actually. But now they had to leave, immediately.
As they head to the entrance, Galacta Knight returns the red shopping basket.
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"What are you doing?"
"Returning the...basket?"
"You're supposed to return those?"
"...Yes. It's for the other customers to use once you're done."
"But then how would you hold your purchased items?"
"Usually the cashier bags them, so you wouldn't need it."
"Hm, I see."
The two quickly stepped out. Galacta Knight took flight first and gestured the other to follow suit. Together, they flew across the skies peanut plains and reached a rather high cliffside near a forest. It was small, but big enough to support the both of them. The view provided by the cliff's height was enough to encompass the entire town, giving them something pleasant to watch as they feast upon the mountain of food products.
The pink astral finds a suitable place for them to sit on and lightly dusts off the rocks and other various things in the way for Dark Meta Knight to sit besides him. He comfortably opens his cape and takes a seat, leaning backwards towards the warrior's angelic wings behind him. In response, it spreads out even further and gently wrap itself against Dark Meta Knight. He immediately notices this and gets extremely flustered, but decides not to do anything about it for now.
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"I can't believe i'm doing this..."
"Here, let's start off with the fruit sandwiches."
Dark Meta Knight still couldn't believe that he agreed to all of his just for information he won't even obtain for sure today. However....he never ate a fruit sandwich before. Were they supposed to be sweet as well? As Galacta Knight hands out a sandwich for him, he hestitantly reaches out and takes ahold of the product. Then, the temproral warrior takes off his mask as Dark Meta Knight holds the sandwich.
The other knight was taken aback on how quickly he ate the sandwich despite emphasizing the importance of savouring food earlier. Nevermind that, he tore open the package and carefully examined the sandwich. It looked...appetising. The strawberries were evenly spread out across the cream, the bread felt soft and cold...
Then...a bite.
It's......this flavor...but it's just a fruit sandwich?! How...how does it taste so...good?!
The sweetness of the whip cream combined with the plain soft bread play so well together...along with the sour, juicy strawberry! The abudance of flavours flew right into his mouth with just one bite-
"So? How does it taste?"
He reluctantly turned around to face the dumbest face ever, smiling smugly at him. Dark Meta Knight growls and glares at the warrior, not wanting to admit defeat.
"....it's alright."
"Come on, I saw your eyes when you took that bite! Those were the shining pupils of someone who just ate something so good that they could never experience taste the same again~!" He huffs and smirks at the dark knight, satisfied that Meta Knight's "brother" was proven wrong about food.
"Fine, you were....right." He says through clenched teeth, squeezing the sandwich's strawberries out. It was truly ridiculous that such a simple item could completely change his view on something. But....it wasn't something to get so worked up about. He released his grip on the poor fruit sando and quickly eats it, enjoying its deliciousness once more. Galacta Knight gleefully watches him eat, glad that he gets to see a different side to this mysterious stranger.
"Galacta Knight."
"Back at the store, I yelled at you right? I'm...sorry."
"Ah?? Hey! What are you apologizing for? Its fine. I know you hold no ill will torwards me~ (playing along with my games...)"
This feeling of guilt, he hasn't felt it for such a long time. The dimensional mirror's recovery must be going smoothly if he's starting to feel so many different emotions now. Anger, confusion, happiness and guilt.....it made him feel....
"You say...you live under a brute? Lead me to him! I will make short work of his royal butt!"
A snicker escapes from him, which quickly escalates into a short laugh.
"You wish to fight my king? How ridiculous...you're ridiculous. Hmph."
"Don't patronize me, i'm serious! I'm a hero~! I need to save all that good food from his evil clutches! *snicker*"
Dark Meta Knight only laughed harder, barely managing to properly form his words. "Haahaah..If you're so serious, then why are you laughing?!"
"I don't know!!" The knight's laughter was too contagious, Galacta Knight couldn't help but join in! They were both laughing messes in just a few seconds, barely holding it in.
"How are you even going to do it anyways you big buffoon?!"
"I'll just- *pffft*- break in and punch him real hard!!"
And they're laughing even harder, Dark Meta Knight started to feel abit scared now, but the thought of that giant penguin being PUNCHED was just too golden-!
This knightmare carried on for a few minutes until the laughter died down. They both looked at each other, seeing their smiling faces. Dark Meta Knight immediately realized what expression he was making and quickly went back turned around, which only amused Galacta Knight even more. Some time passes and Dark Meta Knight has his fill, the food they bought- well...Galacta Knight bought....were all incredibly flavorful. He decided that it was time to leave.
"Thank you for the food. I shall take my leave now."
"Mm, til we meet again.......uh- wait. I never got to know your real na-!!"
And just like that, he pulled up his cape and disappeared into a mirror, leaving Galacta Knight there alone.
"-me.......well. Alright then! May we meet again at the hands of fate since you also never told me where you lived....or gave me any contacts......*sigh*"
Just like that, their little "date" ended. Will Galacta Knight ever meet Meta Knight's edgy brother again? Will he get to beat up his king as well? Those were the questions left unanswered to our dear galactic warrior.
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laitoslittlemacaron · 2 years ago
Things I want to do with Laito:
- Take him to all the amazing Macaron Cafés i found until now
- Stroke through and braid his hair, everytime a different style ✨
- Put Pompompurin ears on him, and Pompompurin's baret as well <3
- Bat watching in the rose garden🦇🌹 (also looking at the moon as well)
- Hug & squeeze him to death (not literally)
- Bake a lot of Macarons for him myself (im good at baking them hehe) //what about blood macarons tho-//
- Since he likes to carry his s/o in princess style around, he can gladly do so, and i got a mermaid tail blanket and a mermaid tail for swimming 👀 so.. One for being carried around the house and one for the beach
- Hand holding and forehead kisses and back rubs and such <3 //heck yes and also boi is literally starved of non-sexual affection//
- Give him a kiss on his birth mark <3
- Going over the fun fair sharing sweets, he also loves rollercoasters as much as I do👀
- Uhh you know CD where you make Omuraisu together?<3
- Or where he does your Make Up?? Yeaaa
- Personal Dakimakura (both ways)
- Sometimes i imagine; when he chooses to play piano, i'd like to follow the sound through the dark corridors, and then sit in front of the door to not disturb him and then.. just listening. (prob going to pick up my scent but oh well)
- Just stare at him bc pretty and tell him how amazing and precious he is to me!
- Pocky Game!
- Im just saying that hes absolutely down for Halloween and costumes
- Tease him with my pillows and plushies of him (ok he would tease me ofc, but as in..today i prefer cuddling this👀)
- Safe him from scary bugs (except spiders, sorry but im not able to-)
- Partner look with matching hats! (Like in my profile pic :'3)
- Boys secretly like recieving flowers as well, so im getting him a cute rose bouquet
- I'd really like to bury my face into the fluff on his jacket while hugging
- and lots of cute dates <3
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blackhakumen · 2 years ago
Mini Fanfic #1032: Teaching Inari Pocky (Persona 5)
1:45 p.m. at LeBlanc Café.......
Yusuke: (Stares at the Three Mini Sticks Futuba is Holding in Front of Him) What am I looking at exactly?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) Pockies! They're Japanese treats that can shared with two partners. (Starts Twisting her Feet Around and Looking Away in a Shy Manner) Annnd I figured since today is a holiday dedicated to the whole thing entirely, that...we could celebrate the occasion by...eating one ourselves. (Blushes a Little) Just the two of us.
Yusuke: I see.....(Gives Futuba a Neutral Smile) Well, seeing that you're more familiar with the custom than I am, i wouldn't mind it if you were to give the proper instructions.
Futuba: (Happily Nodded) No problem, Inari, I got you. (Smirks While Wiggling Her Finger From Side to Side) You just gotta call me Sensei first~
Yusuke: .....How about I just call by your name instead? I don't quite see you as the actual teaching type.
Futuba: (Places her Hands on Both her Hips With a Pouty Look on her Face) Um for your information, Mr Five Star Artist, I happen to be an excellent at teaching things. Last week, I taught the kiddos at the mansion how to execute the inputs on the Raging Demon perfectly and three of them didn't lose a single round ever since!
Yusuke: That is an admirable feat, I must admit. (Crosses his Arms) But I believe my point of the matter still stands on the matter.
Futuba: ('Groans') Fiiiine. You don't have to call me sensei if you don't want to, killjoy.....
Yusuke: (Went Back to Smiling Again) Spendid. Now, shall we begin with the tradition?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly Again) Yep! First things first though: (Pulls Up the Three Pockies in her Hands) Which flavor you wanna try out? We got strawberry, chocolate, and caramel.
Yusuke: (Grabs his Chin as He Stares Closely at his Choices of Pocky) Hmm.....The choices here are already tempting enough as they are.....but in the end, I afraid i would go for the flavor of strawberry for now.
Futuba: Strawberry it is then. (Places the Other Two Pockies Back in the Mini Box Before Taking a Bit of a Deep Breath) Okay, so....after we've chosen the flavor of pocky, we now have to start eating the stick from each sides without having come off from our mouths. Oh and we have to take it slow, so no speeding through this!
Yusuke: Ah, so it's like a friendly competition of sorts?
Futuba: Yeah. Something like that.....(Takes One of the Pocky into her Mouth) You ready, Inari?
Yusuke: (Nodding Once He Already His Mouth on the Other Sode of the Stick)
Futuba: Great. Uhh....L-Let's begin!
And so, the duo begins to eat each sides of their pocky stick as they slowly approaches each other.
Futuba: (So....this is it. I'm actually going to kiss Inari. On the lips... With no turning back or anything....('Groans') Come on, Futuba, get a hold of yourself already! Inari kissed you on the cheek once, and sure, you might've blushed like a tomato after that, but you still survived from dying of flustration after that!.....If that's actually a real word or now, but whatever! All you have to do is wait for the perfect timing for the Kiss, YOU GOT THIS- Wow, his lips looks shiny!....Has he been wearing lip balm or something? Should I start putting some on my lips too? I mean, obviously, mines aren't anything to write home about, but-)
Before Futuba could finish fleshing out the recent thoughts in her mind, her and Yusuke accidentally bonk foreheads with one another.
Futuba: Ow! Damnit! (Winces in Pain as She Starts Rubbing her Forehead) That might leave a mark or two....You alright, Inari?
Yusuke: (Sighs While Rubbing his Forehead as Well) Somewhat....My apologies for headbutting you like that. I was too busy admiring the taste of the pocky that I've started to lose focus.
Futuba: Nah, don't worry it. I got myself distracted along the way too. On the plus, neither of us let the stick out of our mouths.
Yusuke: So the challenge ended in a draw?....(Simply Nodded at the Realization) Hm. I suppose that's something I could get behind- (Suddenly Felt a Viberation in his Body as He Takes his Phone Out of his Pants Pocket and Takes a Good the New Message That Was Sent to Him Before Sighing Again) As much as I would love to stay here a little more longer, I must get going. I promised Hades I would paint a portrait of him for his annual Hellfire Party next weekend.
Futuba: (Grabs her Chin With a Smirk on her Face) Ahhh...now you're doing commissions for the Underworld God now? You've really moved up in the world, Inari~
Yusuke: I wouldn't exactly say that I am, but it is nice for my artistic skills and mindset to gain more attention nowadays. (Toss a Golden Ring into the Air Before Expands into Giant, Dimensional Hopping Transport in Front of Him) Are we still on for Anime Night this evening?
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly at Yusuke) Yep! We're starting off with Chainsaw Man at 7:30. (Wiggles her Finger Around While Winking at the Up and Coming Artist) Don't be late~
Yusuke: (Smirks Fondly Whole Letting Out a Chuckle) I wouldn't dream of missing it.
As she watches Yusuke walk into the giant ring before it starts spinning out of existence, Futuba begins to walk away to the csfé living room and sits down next to Morgana, covered in blue lipstick all around his face, on the Sofa, letting out a huge, heavy sigh in the process.
Morgana: How's the Pocky game with Yusuke went?
Futuba: As well as you expected......
Morgana: (Turns to Futuba) Unsuccessful?
Futuba: (Looks Up at the Ceiling) Yeeeup. We headbutted each other at the last second.
Morgana: Yeesh. It didn't hurt you guys too badly, did it?
Futuba: Nah, it was just an unexpected bump is all. Though, I did thought about how shiny Inari's lips really are up close, so......it's not an (Starts Blushing Again)...entire loss I guess....
Morgana: (Puts on a Bit of a Semi Weirded Out Look on his Face) If you really wanna put it like that....(Gently Pats on Futuba's Knee) Just try not to let it discourage you too much, yeah? There's always next time.
Futuba: Yeah, but I rather try doing that mushy stuff again for at least a year or three. But enough about me. (Turns Back to Mona With a Cheeky Smirk.on her Face) You certainly had a better pocky experience than I did~
Morgana: (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing) Yeah.....But that's only because she was able to figure my motives behind the game by reading my mind at the last second.
Futuba: (Starts Snickering) Getting find out by telepathy, ain't that some crap.
Morgana: (Snickers as Well) Right? But anyways, after that happened, she decided give me multiple kisses all over the cheeks and forehead in exchange. (Starts Smiling in a Dopey Lile Fashion) Which doesn't bother me in the slightest obviously~
Futuba: ('Heh') Yeah, no kidding.
??????: Oh Mona-Chan!~
The duo turns to see the youngest Velvet Girl giggling and happily waving at her boyfriend.
Lavenza: Happy Pocky Day, my dear~ (Blows a Kiss at Mona) I'll be back in the momnet~(Giggles Some More Before Making her Way Upstairs)
Morgana: (Places his Hand on his Cheek While Blushing a Lot More Than Previously) "K-Kay~
Futuba: You really love that girl, don'tcha?
Morgana: (Lays Himself Down on Futuba's Lap) With all my heart and soul~
Futuba: (Giggles Softly While Gently Ruffling the Top of Mona's Hair) Good, good. 'Happy for you, lover boy. (You crazy kids have more luck in romance than I'm having right now....)
Happy Berated Pocky Day Everyone!
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little-fairy-forest · 4 years ago
Soft Bakugou headcanons
soft bakugou, fluffy, too adorable
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When he was younger he was dragged shopping with Mitsuki and in negotiations he was able to get an all might hot chocolate from the local café
He found it lonely when he played by himself so he read alot to keep his mind busy with the stories
When he would make breakfast in the dorms he would always make a little extra and leave it out incase someone was running late
Will make a funny face to a crying child when no one is looking
Will listen to lofi music when studying to calm him down
Has a stash of sweets in his room. Bakugou has a sweet tooth and he makes sure no one can find his favourite sweets : Awadama, pocky, kara mucho, dark chocolate
His dad will ring him every few days and try and meet up for coffee, his dad became very worried for katuski after the constant villian attacks. Katsuki won't mention how much it means to have someone care this much about him
Will check other peoples spotify's to see what they listen too, add it to a group playlist so everyone has a song to sing to during training/ studying
Has a secret folder on his camera roll of pictures his friends sent him of their days out. Can't let people know he is a softie
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pockyxx · 4 years ago
hiiiii can i have mocha coffe and strawberry pocky for tsukishima kei please? thanks 💕
place your order here
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walking around the amusement park you swung your hands back and forth as they interlocked with tsukishimas.
“oh my god! look at that stuffed bear!” you pointed making tsukishima roll his eyes.
“you do know those games are rigged, no one actually ends up winning.” he rolled his eyes but you continued to look at the stuffed bear with such a happy look.
you turned to your boyfriend, “how do you know that? you haven’t even tried the game out yet.” tsukishima sighed, walking up the the game booth. it was one of those games where you need to toss the rings onto the bottles.
“fine, if you really want the bear.” he handed the guy running the game some money, rolling his eyes and tossing the first few rings.
unfortunately, none of them landed and it was clear tsukishima was getting a bit frusterated by it. he bought another round of rings, then another.
“kei, it’s okay if you don’t win anything, i don’t want you blowing all your money.” you told him but he only shook his head, insiting: “no, if your want the bear, i’ll get you the bear.”
after about five more rounds of ring tossing, tsukishima did in fact win you the bear. you placed a kiss on his cheek, praising and thanking him for winning you the stuffed bear.
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punidrag0n · 4 years ago
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