#the village learns of jack’s shooting
bobbie-robron · 1 year
Why would Andy shoot him? He’s got nothing against Jack! (Part 1)
Looks like Katie and Daz slept in Jack’s room. Robert’s yelling his head off to be released to be with Jack. Katie whispers to an unconscious Jack how she’s been telling all the shooting was an accident. Andy calls Donna to pick up clothes for him and that’s how the village learns of the shooting and death of Jack but hang on… Siobhan sets everyone clear about Jack’s live status.
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 months
The Dragon Prince Au Masterpost
So since i got so many ideas and thoughts for this au, imma just make a masterpost for this since i plan on expanding and adding more to it in the future. Thought it’d make context a bit easier to understand. There's quite a bit so buckle in fellas
Berk is an outpost village that lies along the border of Katolis and Xadia. The people and battalion there are known for their duty to ward off dragons and drakes when they get too close to the border, and they are based right on the edge of the border where both lands meet at the Gulf of Tenebris. 
The events from the first movie still kind of play out. Hiccup shoots down Toothless and hides it from everyone, but after learning about dragons and seeing that they’re misunderstood and that Berk has been provoking them, he then creates a disguise to help the dragons.
Of course, now everyone thinks that there’s a Sunfire elf out there fighting against them and why do they think he’s a Sunfire elf?? Because he creates Inferno in an attempt to mimic a Sunforge blade and paints his helmet to look like elf markings and builds in horns.
Jack is a Skywing elf, and a mage-in-training. He’s doing his best and lives with his mother and sister, Emily. Their village is to the north of the Ruins of Elarion and resides in the mountains.
He's out flying one day when he hears a dragon's roar and when he flies down to investigate he sees a human trying to catch a dragon. Filled with anger he jumps down and pulls up a spell, aiming it at the human, who stares back with his eyes wide and hands raised.
Hiccup was only trying to wrangle Toothless to try and put on a new and improved tailfin when out of nowhere a Skywing elf leaps out and points lightning at him???
So they get off on the wrong foot. But after seeing that Hiccup wasn't harming Toothless and Toothless was friendly towards Hiccup, did Jack lower his staff. He truly thought the human was going to try to kill the dragon to take it apart to send to the dark mages of the Katolin court. He'd heard stories of human "mages'' and their brand of "magic". But no. All that was in front of him was a startled human who had only been wanting to help a creature of Xadia.
and from there, their friendship begins.
Jack tells Hiccup about Xadia and Hiccup tells Jack about his home. They sneak off to hang out and take Toothless out flying. Jack uses Sky magic to make them go faster and higher and blows snow flurries their way to mess with Hiccup.
Hiccup brings pastries and food for Jack to try from home and gets him to try brown morning potion. It ends with Hiccup laughing on the ground and a cup frozen to the ground as Jack sputters in distaste at the bitterness
Jack manages to find a real Sunforge blade and gifts it to Hiccup. "Now you can pass off as a real Sunfire elf. Or at least close enough."
Toothiana is a Skywing elf. One of Jack’s friends and a family friend to the Frost-Overlands. She’s helped teach Jack some Sky magic but it’s not much. She tries to help him by hunting down books, tomes, and scrolls in her free time when she’s not busy
Bunny is an Earthblood elf who doesn’t stay in one place too long. But he does have a place on the outskirts of their village and sometimes lingers for a few weeks at a time before going back to his travels. His real home is in the Uncharted Forest.
Sandy is a Sunfire elf who passes through occasionally and is Tooth's source for magic books for Jack. Sandy lives near Lux Aurea but his work keeps him traveling around. He's a Sun mage and is currently hunting for the source of whatever magic has been corrupting creatures in Xadia and turning them into monsters made of nothing but shade and decay.
North is a human dwelling in Berk. He and Gobber run the smithy and create the defenses for the outpost and take turns running the shop. But North is actually a friend to Xadia (*cough* Bunny *cough cough* Tooth *cough* Sandy). It was the time before he came to Berk and he keeps these opinions to himself until he discovers what Hiccup has been doing in his spare time.
Astrid is the top-cadet in the training program at the outpost. Best in her class and has the highest chance of joining the Outpost Guard right off the bat. She and Hiccup are friends and she has trouble understanding his sudden reluctance to want to fight dragons and keep enemy forces at bay. This is their home. Doesn’t he want to protect it? Surely he must understand what’s at stake if creatures from Xadia were to invade. 
the rest of the teenagers are in the training program a well. Snotlout has aspirations to join the Katolin army at the Breach, Fishlegs just wants to study the flora and fauna of Xadia without it trying to kill him, and the twins... well they're the twins. They want to learn primal magic for pranks and get chased by a drake and cause havoc in general.
Jamie Bennett and his family live in Berk and Jamie has a secret that he's never told anyone. His best friend's an elf.
Jamie and Emily become friends before the events of the story start. And have been friends for months at this point. They've been lying to everyone to keep their friendship. So when Jack starts acting suspicious at home, claiming to go see some friends (he doesn’t have friends aside from her and Tooth) she starts paying attention to what he’s trying to hide. She fills Jamie in on it as well during one of their hangouts and he’s like “Oh weird, you know I've been noticing the Commander’s son has been disappearing as well.”
At one point Jack manages to get his hands on an illusion necklace, and gives it to Hiccup so that he can be fully disguised as an Earthblood elf. He wants to show him the beauty of his home and Xadia without the worry that he’ll get captured or killed and they spend a whole day going through Jack’s village and showing him everything. Emily follows along and keeps a sharp eye on Hiccup. 
She brings it up in their following recap. "So my brother had a friend over the other day... it was an Earthblood elf i had never seen before... he acted really weird." "Huh that's weird... Hiccup was gone the other day... no one could find him..." ".... Hiccup?"
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and Pitch is a dark mage :)
At some point i may add more, but for now this is the base context for the Au. it was hard not to get carried away with adding even more but i think that about sums it up for now! Below is the art that's been posted already. I'll edit it as i post more but for now that's it!
Jack, Hiccup, and Toothless designs
Sunfire Elf Hiccup disguise
Jack's Wing Maintenance
First Meeting (and misunderstandings)
Questions Ask
Ask #2
Jack and His Sister
Astrid, Jamie, and Tooth Designs
Earthblood Elf Hiccup Illusion
Some Plot
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
~Tim ‘drake’ Drake~
Tim is a drake. Well, not a ‘Drake', Drake, but a drake. Let’s try that again- Tim Drake is a dragon. A scaly shapeshifting menace of a creature that terrorizes humans and burns villages. Not that he knew that from the beginning.
It all started when Janet and Jack Drake found an interesting rock at an archeological site, that seemed to be some sort of massive fossilized egg based on the tough pitted shell. True to their habit of hoarding interesting finds to themselves, they brought it home with them.
And then it hatched.
And the large wingless lizard turned into a baby.
Now, admitting that the baby wasn’t theirs would be a problem in the sense that they would have to admit that they’ve been stealing from dig sites for over a decade. Getting rid of the child wouldn’t be an option either, Janet’s always been squeamish about these sorts of things, and Jack wouldn’t want to upset her like that. So the only option left to them was to keep it and claim the child was theirs.
And thus, Tim the drake became Tim Drake. Irony at it’s finest if you’d ask him.
It wasn’t easy growing up in a household where any adults would be out for months at a time, but Tim made do. It was hard for him, always turning around expecting someone to be there, and it always just being him all alone. He dove into his hobbies to take his mind off of it, learning to play the violin and piano at a frightening rate and picking up knowledge as fast as he could get his claws on it.
He particularly loved the ancient folktales of the dragons, whatever part of the world they were from. Feeling the shivers of his scales rattling underneath his skin as the mythical beasts fought to defend what was theirs. Even if it was rather disappointing when they lost.
Starting school was probably the first time Tim had ever been able to compare himself to the humans of his age.
It was horrible. The children attending his classes didn’t see things the same way. On top of that they weren’t as… well developed you could say. They were soft and fragile, and had trouble comprehending the simplest of things, that Tim has been aware of for years.
It didn’t take them long to move him up a few grades to better learn at his current level, but that didn’t help anything. While the children of the higher grades were much more mature than his former classmates, they detested having someone so much younger than them thriving in the class they thought was difficult. Tim didn’t make any friends there either.
The only solace for Tim was going out at night. It felt better being awake under the stars rather than the sun’s harsh light, and hopping between the roofs of Gotham felt so right being that high off the earth. Everything from the wind in his hair to the smell of the sky so high from the general smog of the lower city levels. It felt more like home that the Drake Manor ever did.
He started taking his camera out with him to shoot photos of the skyline and trying to capture the joy of flying across the rooftops. That’s when he first saw the Bats. They were out very nearly every night, doing the exact same things he was doing, and fighting the dangers of their territory while they were at it! Tim knew he would learn a lot following them on their patrols.
So that’s exactly what he did.
He didn’t put the pieces together until he saw Robin do a quadruple somersault, and realized that he was Dick Greyson. It was easy enough to figure out who Batman was after that. All it really meant to Tim though was Bruce Wayne was a much better ‘prince’ of the city than he had thought previously. Every gala he went to where the two were at he watched them interact with the rest of the 1% who attended the galas. His parents even had him shake hands with them once!
It really upset him when the first Robin split from Batman when they started fighting, but then Jason became Robin afterwards. Tim was overjoyed. Dick may have been a wonderful Robin, but he was different than Jason. Jason was kind and witty in ways he wasn’t, and was clearly a born Gothamite. It made him feel that much more relatable.
It hadn’t really set in before now how dangerous following them could be. Sure, before there would be an occasional bullet whizzing past his hiding spots, or a thug would get just a bit too close, but the thing that really cemented it was dangling by the scruff of his neck being held by Batman of all people.
He had raced after Robin too fast to try and get a better action shot of him swinging on his grapple, and just about flew off the edge of the building. It still didn’t feel scary to Tim, the falling that is, he’d fallen from higher up with only some bruising to show for his troubles, but Batman clearly thought differently.
The terror of being caught in someone else’s territory was causing Tim to panic just a little, and Bruce’s deep raspy growl wasn’t helping him at all. He wriggled and kicked at the arm holding him as he was lectured, and eventually got fed up and pulled himself up and sank his teeth into Batman’s gauntleted arm. The shock of his teeth going right through his armor caused him to drop tim(a measly three stories), and he was back on his feet and sprinting away before Batman could get his wits about him.
The nights after they kept looking for Tim. Tim kept hiding, only coming out for the best pictures. Who knew if Batman would be man at him after all.
Eventually the search died down though, and the usual routine fell into place. Tim chasing them with the camera, The Bats taking down criminals, and Then all of them returning to their homes, with none of them realizing Tim lived just down the street.
They kept going to the galas and Tim even became friends a bit with Jason, albeit in the way people just talk to each other out of a shared hatred for large events. Tim’s parents come home and leave barely a week later, and Tim fights the urge to ask to go with them. They won’t say yes.
Then the unthinkable happened. Robin disappeared.
At first Tim thought it was the same kind of spat that Bruce and Dick used to get into with the increasing level of violence Batman put on criminals. And then the news broke about Jason’s death. They were never truly friends or even met in any memorable capacity(for Jason), but Tim couldn’t imagine the boy not in his life patrolling the gotham skyline and grumpily sulking around the buffet tables at galas.
Batman continued to get worse and worse and Tim didn’t know what to do except try and get the Justice League to realize what was happening in Gotham. He called and called and left so many hundreds of messages and letters and emails, until they told him to stop trying to contact them. With them cut off, Tim turned to Bludhaven to try and convince Dick to take up being nightwing again. He didn’t want anything to do with it either.
That night tim lost control of his form with the extent of his emotions for the first time in years.
With no no other options left, he walked the mile-and-a-half trek to the Wayne Manor to talk to Bruce himself. It took a lot of convincing, but he finally allowed Tim to help him, even just as a temporary Robin. Tim could do that. Just until Bruce got back on his feet and no longer.
He didn’t treat Tim like either of the other Robins, but that was fine. He wasn’t part of the family after all, no matter how often he stayed over, or Alfred made food for the both of them instead of just Bruce. Dick was over a lot to see him, and Tim figured this was his way of missing Jason. Just like being Robin for Batman was Tim’s.
Tim didn’t know what set it off, and told him something was wrong.
Nothing seemed wrong in the tower, even if it was quiet since none of the rest of his team was in there, there was nothing out of place and no odd smells in the air, but something was setting off his instincts anyway.
His eyes flicked back to track a shadow for a moment before it disappeared back down the hallway. The lights flickered and went off right at that moment, and Tim realized something must be seriously wrong.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness quickly as his daylight filters receded into his eyelids and he tried not to breathe too loudly in case he missed something vital. Tim finally gave up on whatever the threat was coming to him and set off down the pitch black hallway. Every single footstep echoed creepily and he would shudder if he wasn’t able to tell exactly where the sounds were coming from.
He wandered towards the stairs to get down to the zeta tubes, but froze when he heard a single breath that wasn’t his own. Before he had time to process it, Red Hood was already on him and had him in a headlock that was rapidly cutting off his air.
“You really think you’re tough shit, huh replacement?” The modulated voice ground out far too loud next to his ear. Tim struggled and kicked, but couldn’t wriggle his fingers between the Hood’s arm and his neck. He didn’t stop struggling even when he felt a blade rest against his neck, or when Hood kept talking about something or other. He could feel the burning in his core creeping its way up his throat and had to get free.
suddenly a line of pain opened up on his neck, and he hit the ground in a pile. Red Hood didn’t wait to make sure he wasn’t bleeding out before he started beating Tim up where he was lying on the floor. Tim watched in horror as he took off his helmet and revealed the face underneath it. That was Jason, the same Jason who Tim used to follow around obsessively, and idolized before he died. And now he was here, back, to oust Tim from the territory he stole and reclaim his spot.
Tim cried out as Jason stomped on his fingers and the scales under the bruised skin ground together with a sound like bones snapping.
And then Jason.
Kicked him.
It bruised his outside skin terribly, and the false nerves still sent his brain the same pain signals. Tim groaned from his place on the floor, and shrieked as a gunshot went off and a bullet buried itself under the skin of his thigh as the wound bled sluggishly. The damned thing had ricocheted up underneath his scales and his brain was fuzzy with the agony of it. It was so much worse that any damage to his human skin.
Jason hovers around for just a few minutes, smearing something on the walls, and then takes his leave without another word to Tim. Maybe he thought he had passed out. Figures he would think Tim is that weak.
As soon as the sounds disappear, Tim digs into the bullet wound and allows two of his claws to slice through the skin of his fingers to use as tweezers. His vision keeps flashing with white throughout the whole process, and as soon as the bullet plinks onto the ground, Tim really does pass out.
And then he wakes up in the Batcave, with Leslie Thompkins hovering over him, Waiting to grill him for answers as to how he has smooth midnight blue scales underneath his skin.
Tim stayed in Doc. Thompkin’s care for three more days, in which he had to explain his suspicions about his origins. She was a good listener and only noted down the important medical issues in his folder of nothing else. She kept Bruce mostly out of the medical wing past the report of what happened, and put away any of his medical records as soon as any of the family walked in.
Alfred worried as good as the best of them, offering Tim soup and drinks and obviously trying to take his mind off the fact that Jason was back. Tim appreciated the attention anyway, most of the time he just came over to patrol and then went back to the Drake Manor. He sobered quickly at the thought that Jason wanted his spot back.
He knows logically how he would feel if someone came out of nowhere and stole what was his, so he can’t even be truly mad about it since he understands where he’s coming from a bit. For some reason, though, Bruce and Dick don’t see it the same way. Tim just didn’t get why they were so upset about it, as soon as Jason got what he wanted or Bruce put an end to it, it would all be over. That’s how it’s supposed to work.
Maybe Tim was just the one confused. The dynamics of the Wayne family seem so different than what he’s used to after all. The Drakes would never treat him this kindly- especially if he was injured. This kind of coddling would be unheard of, and they would get frustrated and leave for another dig within a few days.
Bruce and Alfred and Dick and now Cass and Stephanie- they weren’t like that. They hovered and wouldn’t let him go on patrol until it was safe and Jason was caught, and they cared! they cared so much about Tim’s safety and health and he wasn’t even a part of their family, he was just placeholding until a new Robin could be chosen.
He can’t help but wonder how they would react if they knew.
Red Hood ended up probationally re-joining the Batclan and Tim was suddenly almost murdered a lot less. He knew that would happen when he finally got told by Bruce that he wouldn’t be getting the Joker’s head on a stick or whatever it was he was so set on.
However now Bruce has brought home his blood son from where he’s been living with the League of Assassins.
Damian was loud and obnoxious about how ‘he is the only blood son’ and ‘the rest of you are only placeholders and not worthy of Father’s attention’ which may be true in Tim’s case, but it’s entirely unfair to say that to the others, who are in fact Waynes, whether Damian likes it or not.
And he seems to be leaning heavily towards ‘not’ based on how he’s begun to take it out on Tim. He sets traps and Outright attacks him during training, and if Tim’s senses weren’t as good as they were then he definitely would have succeeded in killing him in his sleep one night. He’s even been thrown off the dinosaur and the railing of the cave.
Damian will just. Not. Quit.
It was fine, everything was still fine until Bruce disappeared. He was gone. Everyone was convinced that he was gone for good. Red Hood disappeared back to Crime Alley, Cass left for Hong Kong, even Dick took up the mantle of Batman and gave Robin away from Tim to give to Damian to appease him.
But Tim could still smell him. Bruce’s scent floated around in odd places, seemingly from nowhere. And whenever Tim brought up Bruce being potentially alive it just upset everyone more and more, until Dick outright threatened to put him in Arkham.
And then Tim struck out on his own. Partially to find Bruce.
Partially because he knows where he’s not wanted.
About two months three days and eleven hours into his journey, Tim starts to get an unbearable itch whenever he’s in his human form. Whenever he even thinks of staying in his false skin, even for a minute his scales itch like they’ve got termites underneath them.
And so he hunkers down in a cave and waits for it to pass.
Soon the itching comes back, on his shoulder blades and down his spine the itch settles into what feels like his bones, and he takes to rubbing on the stone walls of the cave to get rid of the godforsaken itch, even just for a moment.
After what could only have been days of unbearable suffering at the hands of the itching, the skin of his back splits upon, and gives his new wings the chance to open fully for the first time. He cranes his neck back as he fans them, catching the air and drying the skin of the clear slime that they had burst from. Tim’s surprised to be proud of his wings that he didn’t know he would have, the way the blues catch the sunlight from the opening of the cave when the scales are angled just so.
He wished he could show them to Bruce.
The thought surprised him as he crouched in the cold cave on the mountainside, and he couldn’t help but wince at the knowledge that Bruce would probably chase him out of the city.
He doesn’t like metas after all, so why would he want a dragon shifter meta anywhere near his city. Tim shook his head and test flapped his wings a couple times to gauge how they caught the air.
It’s time to find his Bruce.
Tim found flying to be his new favorite thing.
The night winds carried him farther and faster than any vehicle could before in the direction he caught Bruce’s scent, hiding as plain old Tim at dig sites and grabbing any evidence he could.
Because Bruce was alive, and he was trapped in time.
Tim had already found several clues in different eras and time periods that could only be Bruce letting him know where he was. Even after so long, on some of them he could still catch some of his scent.
Everything was going alright until he caught the attention of Ra’s Al Ghul, Damian’s grandfather. The old bastard has been hiding out in Nanda Parbat for decades, commanding assassinations all over the world. And now he’s noticed Tim, and potentially what he is as well. At least given the assassins he sent to retrieve him, to discuss information about Bruce.
And Tim can’t refuse for that.
Ra’s is almost a good host, despite definitely having him drugged on the way there.
Tim woke up in what he presumed would be his room, complete with clothes in the closet and servants waiting on his needs. Ra’s called for him immediately after he woke up, and as he walked behind the assassin sent to fetch him, he couldn’t help but notice the growing unease he felt as he grew closer to Ra’s guest area. There was a strange heavy smell that lingered in his nostrils, and he fought the urge to growl as the warmth in his belly built up to be stiflingly hot.
Tim realized why as soon as he was deposited in what could only be a throne room. The decorations all sparkled and smelled of what Tim immediately recognized as gold, and the tapestries and carpets were of the highest quality he had ever seen. They were nothing to the huge deep forest green dragon lounging on the throne.
Tim hadn’t exactly spent much time looking at his true form in the mirror, but he knew for certain that Ra’s looked very different from him. He had a heavy crest over his eyes for one that Tim lacked, and he had two pairs of horns, one of which swooped out behind his head and the other curled behind his ears, and his head was much boxier of a shape, but had a regal curve to his snout regardless. disregarding all of that, he was almost four times Tim’s size.
He was incredibly dangerous.
Ra’s let his head drift from side to side like a snake getting ready to strike as he watched Tim, before lounging back on his throne as if Tim wasn’t truly worth his time.
“Well? It’s considered rude among our kind to address one another in disguise, little Robin.” Ra’s hissed and flicked his tail at Tim in disdain. “Did your dam never even teach you proper etiquette?”
Tim shuddered as he tried to make sense of what was going on, heaving breaths as he locked eyes with the massive beast across the room from him.
“Ah, she didn’t. I presume that you’ve never met her then. Don’t worry little Robin,” Ra’s rumbled “This will prove to be very educational.”
And then Tim fainted.
The next months he spent learning from Ra’s what it meant to be a dragon, how all the weird impulses and oddities he’d had over the years was his instincts, and he was never truly human in the first place. It took tim a very long time to grow used to being in another dragon’s territory without any immediate risk of being chased out, but ra’s assured him that was normal.
With every month Tim spent out in Nanda Parbat learning about his true form and instincts and what all that means, he grew to miss the Wayne’s more and more. Bruce was still out there and he had to get him back to Gotham where he belongs.
One night tim sneaks out of the temple and is halfway back across the alps before Ras even notices.
Soon, with the evidence that hes collected on his quest he finally reaches gotham to deliver everything they need to get bruce back to the league. He doesn’t stop in gotham, but flies directly to the zeta tubes in the tower and summons his second skin just to zeta up to the watchtower and deliver his information.
But they already knew.
Throughout all the time he had been gone they had also been collecting the information and they were very nearly where tim himself was at when he brought his evidence back. Downcast, Tim returned to Gotham to see how the Wayne's were doing.
It felt odd after all this time to travel the human way. He’s gotten so used to flying everywhere that it seems ridiculously inconvenient now that he has to hide his form again.
He's suddenly drawn back to the fact that Bruce and the others have no idea that he’s a dragon. the imaginings of the looks of horror on their faces as he sheds his skin takes over his mind. He can’t do that to them. can’t let them cast him out like that. Tim makes up his mind about it one last time
He won’t tell them.
it’s for the best.
Tim makes it back to the manor at the same time that dick and Damian leave for patrol, just missing them. entirely purposely on his part, but he's not ready to face them before alfred. to his shock, Cass is back in the manor, her stuff is right where it used to be in her room, and there’s even evidence of Jason having been around lately.
Tim doesn’t know what to think about the fact that everyone seems to have moved on without him and Bruce there with them. It hurts because they’re his people and they don’t need or want time there.
Turning a corner to go back to the room he used to spend the night in, he realizes downcastedly that it seems to have been repurposed as an art studio of some kind. his scales itch under his skin at the idea that they wanted him gone so much that they would actively erase every trace of him from the house.
Tim decides it’s not worth it before anyone gets back from patrol, he sneaks back out the way he came in and sulks all the way back to drake manor, empty as always where he can brood and be himself.
A place that he could never do at the house he considers home.
A house that has very visibly stated that it wants him gone. Tim wouldn’t be surprised if they changed out all his gear and even changed the zeta in the cave to keep him out at this point either, tears starting to prick at the edges of his vision.
It’s not home.
It’s not home it's not home it's not home anymore.
They replaced him.
No that’s not right, he was the one that replaced someone else, and now that he’s back there’s no more need for Tim to hang around, he’s outlived his usefulness. He’s come to terms with the fact that his parents never wanted him either, so with a heavy heart he starts packing his bags to go back to nanda parbat to be either the manipulator that at least understands how it feels to be tim
It's time to go back to the demon's lair.
Dick catches him on the way out of Drake Manor to tell him they’re getting Bruce back and he was vital to the mission.
He claims to have missed Tim a lot along with the rest of the family, but Tim struggles to believe in his words with Damian scowling like a little demon behind him. Tim tries to explain that he’s just getting out of their hair when Red Hood pulls up on his motorcycle asking if they’ve found Tim and then stops dead when he sees him. it’s like they actually missed him
Tim hesitates for just a moment before pushing his way out of the hug and turning away. He has unfinished business with rad and he can’t let this stop him no matter how much he wants to stay. At the very least he will be returning this time and he tells them that before he goes and boards the bus to take him to the airport for appearances sake.
On the plane he glances out the window and wonders if they’ll still miss him the same once Bruce is back or if they’ll just discard him again once there’s no longer a place missing in the family.
Tim still doesn’t know.
After getting back to Nanda Parbat to face down Ra’s he’s greeted with a frantic swarm of servants dragging him down the hall away from where he can hear terrifying roars and snarls and crashes coming from.
It could only be Ra’s, and Tim realized he was right when he walks into the stone room containing the lazarus pits and Ra’s is thrashing and howling in rage. Rage at Tim for thinking he could leave without his permission, or that he would take his hospitality for granted like that.
Ra’s had gone completely mad once he realized Tim was gone and couldn’t be calmed down until they had found him again. Tim had had enough of this
Ra’s had treated him nothing but coldly and contemptuously since he had requested he come to nanda parbat, and tim was boiling with enough rage to raise the temperature around him.
Ra’s seemed to notice this and only got more angry at tim, and he lunged at the smaller dragon without warning to fling him by the neck into a nearby wall, tim staggered to his feet and threw himself at ras, using his small side to his advantage as he scrabbled over the larger dragon leaving deep bites and scratches as he went, and just as ras lunged towards him with open jaws as he was tossed from his back, tim finally opened his jaws and let loose the flame he had been holding back for the last 16 years. It stuck to the sides of Ra’s face and ate away at the scales and flesh like some sort of potent acid as he shrieked and writhed in agony as Tim watched.
Figured he didn’t know that Tim could do that.
Serves him right.
Tim watched until the bleached white bones showed through more than flesh and then left, the lazarus pits couldn’t repair that kind of damage and he knew it. Tim figured it was time to pack up and go home.
It was time to try and be with his family again.
Two days after Bruce was returned they got the news of Ra’s death. Talia had been the one to step up to become Demon’s head instead of Damian, and she filled the role better than Ra’s ever had.
Damian wasn’t handling it nearly as well and Tim kept finding him listless about what to do now that he wouldn’t be the demon head, until he started really pursuing a life with the Waynes.
Nobody else knew what had happened at Nanda Parbat, nobody else was in the base at the point of Ra’s death, except Tim And Ra’s and Ra’s had killed most everyone that had known about tim and who he was.
Bruce was actually glad to have Tim back and thankful about how he had helped get him out of the time stream.
The others never got over being happy that Tim was back either, even Damian grew to actually seem to like his company after a while. alfred told him that it was because they all actually considered him part of the family, which only drew him deeper into the family circle the more often they would repeat it to him.
Everything was good, everyone was together, and Tim was happy.
They still didn’t know about him and Bruce was still adamant about not allowing metas in the city. Sometimes when a meta rogue would slip into the city Bruce would go out to take care of them personally just to reinforce the assumption that metas weren’t safe in Gotham. That meant Tim wasn’t safe in gotham either
But that was fine. He didn’t have to tell them and they didn’t have to know. everything would work out in the end, even if tim has to hide in his skin the remainder of their natural lives. He has forever after all.
And Tim is great at lying.
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amiharana · 2 years
Ok here's my headcanon. I always thought Link's first love was archery, he seems to be a jack of all trades but I think the first weapon he picked up was a bow. I think (besides Nintendo giving botw so much emphasis on the bow) within Hyrule Kingdom Hateno has a strong archery culture with all the hunting and the horseback archery range. And Links early proficiency with a bow basically made a future in combat necessary for him so he practiced with a sword as well and learned spearmanship from Mipha (and he was remarkably quick to pick up on those) but after he pulled the Master Sword he spent most of his time with a sword..
But of course all the best archers in the world are in Rito village. And as a kid Link always wished to one day shoot with a Rito bow and he definitely knew all the names of the famous Rito archers and when news came of a young archer near his age that was quickly becoming one of the greatest of all time of course Link remembered that name too😌
Anyway it's funny to imagine if when Revali and Link first met Revali already held a grudge because of the sword while Link was completely starstruck, left speechless, didn't know whether to ask for an autograph.. well that was my headcanon. Can you revalink-ify it🙂
anon this ask is so cute thank you, i will revalinkify it to the best of my ability 🫡
i never actually thought about how much emphasis there is on bows in botw's hyrule and when you mentioned hateno having a strong archery culture, i was like What are you talking about... but then i remembered the abandoned equestrian course just in front of the village and ur so true about the horseback archery range. maybe link's mother was a horseback archer and ran the equestrian course back in the day, so link inherited that skill from her? thinking about teeny baby link feeding his mother's horse for the first time, the horse gently taking the apple from his hand, and link's eyes widening in awe at the tenderness of such a gentle beast. thinking about him riding a horse for the first time, learning to shoot with his mother and getting a bullseye on his first try. baby archer link 🥺
i can totally imagine link really wanting to go to rito village and live among the best archers of hyrule, knowing the names of all the legendary rito archers and begging his parents to take a trip there, or begging his father to work his magic as a knight of hyrule and somehow get him a swallow bow, or even a falcon bow!
a traveling merchant once came through hateno with a book on the history and legends of the rito, and link used his entire allowance to buy it... thinking about link memorizing every rito legend by heart, and infodumping to everyone he knows like his mom takes him and his sister to the market and the shopkeeper is like Hey link how are you doing? and link is just like Did you know the legendary Rito Warrior Dronoc, for which Dronoc's Pass is named after, was rumored to have the longest wingspan of any Rito who's ever lived? or going to school to cut off the teacher being like Actually Teacher, Kilsie of the Rito is regarded as one of the pioneers of the art of archery, and— 🤓 the teacher tells link to go sit outside, to which he just shrugs and takes his little book of rito legends with him to read for the rest of the class.
when link gets a hold of his first swallow bow, he cries. he almost refuses to shoot with it because it's so pretty and he doesn't want it to break. he eventually does use it, because his dad is like What was the point of me getting you a bow from literally across the country if you're not gonna use it. it's link's favorite bow and he maintains and polishes it very frequently, he's almost never seen without it.
just link being a little fanboy for rito legends 😭 i just know he was pissed as fuck when the master sword chose him and he had to use it all the time. the master sword comes out easy in his grip and while everyone else there is oohing and aahing and clapping, link is there like >:[ yelling ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!! with it echoing in throughout the korok forest like yeah he's good at using literally any weapon, but bows really are his first love <3
now link being a fanboy for revali...... mmmm what a refreshing concept. it takes a whole different spin on the revali's flap memory
i think they would find out about each other around the same time, when they're both about 14-15. of course, revali would know about link, the person who pulled the legendary sword that seals the darkness at the tender age of 13, the person who's prophesied to save hyrule from the oncoming evil. revali scoffs and dismisses the news when it reaches rito village; he's a sword-wielder who probably knows nothing of archery and has no appreciation for it. and most importantly, he's one of those flightless, fleshy hylians. ugh. (spoiler alert revali, you fall in love with that flightless fleshy hylian) he goes back to his training and endless victories in archery competitions, and does his best to forget link even exists. he knows he can prove himself to be better than a stupid hylian prophecy.
meanwhile, link is now living in hyrule castle town with his father after he pulls the master sword and he's pretty miserable. he's far away from home with classist city kids in a strange place, and he misses the brisk air of his home, he misses his mother and sister and the horses and the archery range at home; he doesn't like it in castle town very much. at least there's an archery range here, both static and horseback, and he's brought his favorite swallow bow with him. it's actually easier to keep updated with news from rito village here though, since castle town is the center of the country and all news comes through here, especially when link hears about the seven-time winner of rito village's archery competitions, the rito child who's broken nearly all of the rito's legendary archery records.
link's interest is piqued and he grabs for every paper about it and talks to every journalist who's covered the story and every rito who visits the castle. alexa play OMG by new jeans because link just keeps on asking "who is he?" (he's the one that's living in your system, baby 😩🎶)
he finally finds out the name of this rito child prodigy after a week of endless searching and asking around. his name is revali, they tell him. he's just about your age. and link just stares with wide glimmering eyes. revali. it's a pretty cool name for a rising legend. he says it again, over and over to himself, liking the way forms in his mouth. (and if link blushes thinking about revali being the same age as him and wondering if the rito is as pretty as his name, he did not shut up aryll i didn't say that NO give me that article back)
some time passes. revali is now a 15-time winner of rito village's seasonal archery competitions and is now in the ranks of participating in the national competitions, where all races across hyrule can show off their skills and compete. it's the first time that link gets to see revali in action.
and whew, when link sees revali for the first time at the hyrule national archery competition, a sleek-feathered rito boy standing tall and proud, the sun reflecting off his gorgeous navy blue plumage, tossing his braids over his shoulder... he blushes so hard that aryll asks him if he's getting sunburned. "no!" link nearly yells, covering his face with his hands. his face really is burning, oh goddesses this is embarrassing.
aryll follows his line of sight then rolls her eyes. "of course it's the bird boy that's got you redder than batch of sunshrooms." link tells her to shut up, albeit still through his hands, and she rolls her eyes again and complies.
the competition starts with another division, but link can't bring himself to care, keeping his eyes only on revali, who's off to the side with the rest of the rito village team. he is as pretty as his name.
link is on the edge of his seat when it's revali's turn to shoot and he is not disappointed. revali hits over 30 bullseyes in the span of a few seconds, completely destroying the targets and even splintering through the arrows that had been previously shot, all without breaking a sweat. revali must have aimed an arrow of love at link through all of that somehow, because link is deeply, completely, absolutely in love in with the rito now ❤️ revali tosses his braids over his shoulders again to look up at the audience and link swears they made eye contact, his breath catching at the emeralds revali has for eyes glinting proudly in the sunlight.
at the end of the competition, link rushes down the stands, hoping for a chance to see the rito, get his autograph, talk to him even, but alas it's not meant to be. the rito gets swarmed by many others from the audience and the entire rito village team moves away from the field to retire to their rooms. it doesn't bring link's spirits down, though. he'll meet revali again, he knows it, he can feel it in his heart.
can you guess when the next they meet again is? :)
more time passes, and link is now a champion and zelda's personal knight and is going through his self-imposed silence era. his love for archery remains strong and alive, but he's forced to use the master sword more often these days and he hasn't had a chance to take his favorite swallow bow to the bower and have it maintained. he doesn't want to risk breaking it on the field, so he keeps it at home hung on the wall by his bed. he still thinks about revali, the rito boy who's completely captured his heart at every archery competition, with his dark glossy feathers and piercing green eyes. if link was like the other city girls, he'd be sighing and daydreaming about revali all day (he totally does and he gets whacked in the head during training for slacking off. aryll laughs her ass off at him for it). he wonders when they'll meet again, hopefully soon.
so when zelda mentions that they're going to rito village to check on the rito champion's progress with the divine beast and do diplomacy with the elder, link perks up. he still hasn't been able to visit the village he's desperately wanted to see as a child, the village where the legends of archery were born. maybe he can bring his swallow bow and have it fixed by a rito bower there! even though zelda fucking hates his guts, it can't bring his spirit down. link feels like a child again :) though, link wonders who the rito champion is. zelda didn't mention them by name, only by title, and they're the only champion link hasn't met yet. he wonders...
when they reach rito village, zelda sends him off so she can go talk with the elder and tells him that she doesn't need his protection because she'll be in the hands of the rito guards, so scram. he rolls his eyes when she turns away but does as she says and wanders. rito village is more beautiful than he imagined. the cold air and the breathtaking view of the hebra mountains in the background reminds him of home at hateno which was close to the ever-snowing mount lanayru. the rito people are kind and welcoming and greet him as champion, offering him all sorts of things. he denies, of course, because it's not necessary but indicates that he's very grateful for their hospitality. they smile and seem to have no problem with his silence. he likes it here a lot. he could see himself living here, after the calamity is defeated...
as he wanders, link ends up on a rather large platform with a rito insignia on it, but compared to the other symbols of the rito in the village, this one has wings on it. when he looks up to the sky, the grand divine beast vah medoh is soaring above him in all its ancient stone glory. of the divine beasts he's seen, link thinks this one is the most beautiful. maybe the insignia is representative of medoh?
but as he stands in the center of the platform, staring at the beast of sky, a strong gust of wind begins to swirl at his feet, stronger and stronger until a twister forms in front of him just off the lip of the platform where a dark blue figure shoots up and—
surprise! it's none other than his one and only years-long infatuation, the master archer revali of the rito. as revali lands on the railing of the platform, he crosses his arms and stares down at link with narrowed eyes. link thinks he's going to faint; the rito is so much more beautiful up close. he wills himself not to blush or pass out as revali begins to speak to him (oh god even his voice is nice—)
anyways revali goes through his whole spiel as he does in the revali's flap memory, and link just stares with wide eyes trying not to drool or blush or make a fool of himself because oh my god it's him it's revali he's the rito champion oh my god are we going to be working together ohhhh my god why didn't zelda tell me this i'm going to throw up (positive)
at some point in the memory, revali hops off the railing to circle link, goading him and basically being like I'm Better Than Just Being Your Sidekick Just Because You Have Some Special Little Sword and challenging link to settle the score or whatever, but here link is not paying attention to any of that and is just staring with stars in his eyes because revali is really close to him and he can see just how glossy and shiny revali's feathers are, he can count just how many of his cheek feathers are red—
"hey! are you even listening to a word i say?!" revali snaps and it breaks link's fanboyish haze. he stares at the rito who stands in front of him now, glaring at link with those piercing emerald eyes. he's so beautiful. "you're not even listening to me, are you? well, you—"
"can i get your autograph?" link blurts suddenly. oop. he was not supposed to break his silence. his face immediately flushes pink and his hands fly to cover his mouth, eyes wide.
revali blinks. "...what?" he says, caught off guard, his stance faltering.
"um. your autograph," link repeats, his voice considerably meeker. god this is so embarrassing he's embarrassing himself, revali probably thinks he's a freak. "um, uh i was... i've been a big fan. i watched you at your first hyrule national archery competition. you were amazing."
"you... you did?" revali says, still stunned. his eyes have widened, staring incredulously at link. "you thought i was...?"
"yeah," link whispers. he's practically hiding behind his hands now, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment through his skin. "yeah, of course you were! you completely destroyed the competition, you're basically a legend yourself! you hit more bullseyes in a few seconds then i've ever been able to do in few minutes..." link trails off, hands falling to his sides then hiding behind his back. he looks away shyly, still feeling the burn of embarrassment on his cheeks.
"i've always been more of a bow guy," link mumbles, "and read all about legendary rito archers as a kid. my dad even got me a swallow bow, um... being able to visit rito village was always something i wanted to do as a kid and after i saw you at the competition, i... um... well, i, err—"
"what about the sword?" revali interrupts. link looks up at him and revali's face has an imperceptible expression on it, one that link can't place. revali tilts his chin at the master sword on link's back. "i'd have thought you were more of a sword-wielder than an archer."
link looks away again and scratches the back of his head, sighing. "i mean, it's fine? i have some sort of prodigal skill with all kinds of weapons, and swords are probably one of my stronger suits. but i've loved archery since i was a kid, so..." link looks in a different direction; he can't bear to make eye contact with revali, he might melt. "i'm not gonna call myself a master of it in front of an actual master like yourself, but... i'm not too bad at it."
link kicks at the wooden floor of the landing. "this particular sword has too much responsibility weighing it down anyway," he mumbles.
when he does decide to look back at the rito, revali is staring at him, watching link's every movement and studying his face. "you mean to tell me that the hylian champion actually prefers bows and that you're a fan of mine?" he says. there's no bite or scorn in his voice; it's a genuine question.
link nods. "if it was up to me, there should be a master bow, or something. i'd rather wield that than a sword."
revali stares at him for a couple moments, before snorting and tilting his beak up, tossing his braids over his shoulder. "well," revali mutters, "if you were actually interested in such, i'm working on creating exactly that."
link's eyes widen and suddenly the embarrassment dissipates out of him. "really?" he says, breathlessly, excitedly.
revali glances at him and his prideful expression melts a little. "yes," he says carefully. "it's better than a swallow bow or a falcon bow, or both of them combined. it's going to be the strongest bow in the entirety of hyrule."
"can i see it?" link says excitedly. but then he remembers— revali doesn't seem to like him very much because of the master sword :( so his face falls and he takes a step back. "or— never mind, it's okay if you don't want to. i'm overstepping, you're the master revali, i should—"
"i didn't say no," revali says abruptly. he seems to regret speaking so harsh, and his voice softens a margin. "i didn't say no," revali repeats, more gently. "i wouldn't be averse to... showing you my precious craft. after all, it seems you have some semblance of intellect to appreciate the art of archery, after all." revali looks away, crossing his arms.
"really? you'll show me?" link whispers, eyes impossibly wider. revali looks back at him and they maintain each other's gaze for a moment before the rito gives one slight nod. link could cry from happiness right now. "oh. oh, thank you master revali, i'm really grateful—"
"just 'revali' is fine," the rito says, voice significantly softer than before. "we'll be working together as champions... it's better we establish some rapport and familiarity with each other now." somehow, revali's eyes seem to be less piercing as he keeps link's gaze. link can't pinpoint what it is, but he thinks he likes it a little more.
"okay," link says, quiet and breathless and still starstruck. "okay. thank you then, revali. i look forward to working with you, and getting to see your master bow."
revali hums and bows his head slightly in response. "and i you," he replies. and they're quiet, staring at each other for a couple more moments until revali speaks again.
"you said your archery skills were sufficient," the rito says. "i wish to see what such sufficiency looks like from the wielder of the master sword and someone who claims to have prodigal talent over every weapon."
link tilts his head to the side. "you... want to watch me shoot?"
revali nods once. "most rito train at the flight range, but that place isn't meant for your flightless kind. fortunately, we have plenty of space for grounded archery as well." revali looks away. "only if you wish to."
"i'd love to," link whispers, with stars in his eyes again. "when do we...?"
"now, if you'd like," revali replies. he pauses, looking like he wants to say something else. "i'll... take you there."
"okay," link says. "i'd like that. i'm fine with that."
"okay," revali responds and they're staring at each other again in silence. as much as he doesn't want to, link can feel the pink flush of shyness return to his cheeks, as much as he wills them away. something changes in revali's expression, something link can't name.
but he's met his idol, the master archer revali, who's also the champion of the rito who he'll be working alongside to save hyrule. they'll be around each other a lot, hopefully, and perhaps they could even become friends... or even closer... anyway, this is the best day of link's life!
i imagine they start spending a lot of time together and getting to know each other, revali asking questions about how link came to love archery and discussing rito vs hateno archery, what make up the best qualities for bows and arrows, talking about their favorite rito legends, revali recommending his favorite bower to mend link's swallow bow, revali giving link tips on his form and how to shoot more accurately... revali showing link the flight range even though he can't train there really and link wistfully wishing he could (and the idea of the paraglider is beginning to formulate in revali's mind teehee). when link has to leave to the next place with zelda, they don't really want to part ways but they do and both link and revali are somewhat low-spirited after they do.
link who starts writing letters to revali from wherever he is in hyrule and telling revali not to write back because he doesn't stay in the same place for too long, but that he hopes he can visit again soon. they still both have that odd one-sided rivals to friends tension happening, especially with revali who does a lot of analytical staring before he allows himself to relax and interact with link, and link, who now has to come to terms with his huge crush on revali and trying desperately trying to hide it. they're both fawking freak weirdos lawl but they're cute weirdos trying to get to know each other better and maybe be friends :) maybe be more :))
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
sooo do you mind fleshing out more info about Jaguar Faes?
Well let's start it off by saying the population if currently split. There are fae jaguars living in the Treetop Hidden Village and some who served under Ambert during his possession and returned to the Valley of Thorns after he was freed.
The time of day of how Fae Jaguars get their abilities:
Fae Jaguars born at night have more telepathic powers, example being Duke who is a mind reader and a prophet and Cobra who has weak prophet abilities. Fae Jaguars born during the day(Livia, Thea, etc), get more destructive powers like venom shooting, camouflage, emotion/aura sensing(If they have light fae blood), Super sonic etc.
Most are also born with wings while some are not, it's rare to see a fae jaguar with wings which is why both Livia and Duke are called defective by some.
Fae jaguar also fight/hunt like animals, they'll fight on all fours and hunt that way too since it's instinct for them.
Back to the day and night thing. Night fae jaguar tend to have darkened hair color, Duke has dark gold, Cobra has swamp green hair. Fae jaguars born during the day have lighter hair colors(Livia being an exception), like Thea who has pink hair and Honey who's hair is blond. And day fae jaguars enjoy lounging in the sun as it keeps their hair bright and gives them the energy they need to do daily tasks assigned to them.
They're group species, who enjoy having a community around them to interact with and help. Some fae jaguars are solitary but they don't mind asking for help every once in a while.
They're also smart with nature and building, as they're aple to make tranquilizers with Sleeping Thorns, and were the ones who created the Draconia Castles even though they had no idea what they should build.
The community also helps raise orphans or kids with disabilities, working together when teaching them an example being Handy who had a small case of autism but Lenia and the others helped him learn to live with it.
Some notable powers that fae jaguars have are: Venom shooting, Mind reading, Prophetic powers, Camouflage, Flight, Super hearing and smell, emotion sensing, venom claws, stingers hidden in the fur of their tails, Shadow control, talking to plants and fire breathing
When It comes to mating fae jaguar prefer other cat species as its easier to bring new life into the world. Some partner with canines and other species but it's slightly harder for them to have offspring and some come out slightly defective(Marrone, Duke's son). Though others are able to have offspring with ease due to stronger bodies and fertility(Future Livia and Jack, alongside Future Meena and her partner).
Fae Demon Jaguars are a whole species of their own, they're related to fae jaguars but not exactly the same species. Some notable powers from them is fireproof wings, hypnotic voices, fire bending, and venom teeth(None of these Livia has, only Virda and Theema, they're lost abilities to the current fae demon jaguars)
Known abilities for each fae jaguar
Thea: Emotion/aura sensing, venom claws, camouflage, several unknown abilities
Livia: Emotion/Aura sensing, nature speaking, venom firing teeth, super sonic, fire breathing, flight, camouflage, super smell, several unknown abilities
Virda: Fireproof wings, hypnotic voice, venom teeth, fire bending, camouflage, flight
Theema: Fireproof wings, hypnotic voice, venom teeth, fire bending
Handy: Camouflage, flight, poison stinger, fire breathing, two unknown abilities
Lenia: Flight and camouflage
Duke: Mind reader, prophet, shadow control, flight
Cobra: Weak prophet powers
Honey: Flight, venom firing teeth, camouflage, nature speaking, super hearing
All add more to them but for now this is everything about them.
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dalekofchaos · 11 months
Undead Nightmare 2 pitch:Vampire Hunter Arthur Morgan or Vampire Arthur
Nothing will ever piss me off over the fact we never got Undead Nightmare 2 when they had so much fucking material to work with.
But ONE THING I think would've worked was centering Undead Nightmare 2 around Vampires.
Vampire Hunter route.
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Imagine this. The Vampire of Saint Denis is not just a easter egg, but the big bad of this DLC story. If you ever saw the movie Nosferatu, you will know that when Count Orlock came to the village, he brought the plague to the town.
So this is how the story could go. Arthur, John and Dutch arrive in Saint Denis to look for Jack and what they find is hell on Earth. Every building is quarantined and warning everyone of the plague. Zombies and Vampires run the streets of Saint Denis and eventually the whole country. They eventually see there is only one building that is full of life. Bronte's. They get Jack out, but there is a problem. Bronte was bitten and you know what happens to those who don't tell about being bit. Bronte turns, attacks his men and Arthur, Dutch, John and Jack flee.
Shady Belle is in ruins. The monsters attacked and there are barely survivors. Only Abigail, Sadie, Charles, Bill and Micah survived. The rest have to be put down.
Throughout the game we are tasked with learning just what the hell is going on. The dead walk the Earth and it's up to the survivors of the Van der Linde gang to put an end to this Undead Nightmare.
Arthur becomes a Wild Western Van Helsing. A wide variety of ammunition in fighting the undead. Silver Bullets, holy Water, Stakes, phosphorus bullets and more to fight the Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Witches, Ghosts and even Aliens. Final fight is against the head Vampire of Saint Denis and after Arthur kills the Vampire, the Undead Nightmare will be over....or will it? After the deed is done, Micah is there with yellow eyes and bearing his fur and fangs showing he's become a Werewolf and Arthur with his revolver full of silver bullets drawn, Micah lunging for Arthur and Arthur prepared to shoot, leaving Arthur and Micah's fates ambiguous.
Vampire Route.
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The Saint Denis Vampire would've been the perfect launching point for Undead Nightmare 2, especially if it's during chapter 6. Because back in the day people thought that TB made you a vampire (Vampire Panic of the 1800's) so it fits perfectly with the narrative as we have it.
Imagine Arthur just learned of his condition with Tuberculosis. He's dying and he hears all the voices during his journey and what he's done. But instead of seeing the Buck/Coyote, he instead hears a voice calling to him in the dark alleys of Saint Denis and guiding Arthur to the writings and as he reads the final writing, the sun goes out and Arthur is met face to face with the vampire. Offering him a way out of his slow agonizing death. Arthur refuses, but the vampire doesn't give him a choice. Arthur shoots him but he doesn't die and you get close and he bites you and the story is Arthur trying to not become a vampire instead of dying from TB.
If you play it High Honor, Arthur can resist his vampiric bloodlust and stay true to who he is. Arthur can stave his lust for human blood by feeding off on animals. Arthur's TB is gone and he has the choice. Kill the Vampire and be rid of the curse or continue to live and use his powers for the good of the gang?
If you play it Low Honor, Arthur becomes a foul creature of the night. Feeding and draining people around him, even members of the gang if he so chooses. He remembers the stories of the power of the Vampire. So he decides to put that to a test. Go back to Blackwater for the money and carve a bloody path for the money. He brings the money back to the gang, but with him, he unwittingly creates an army of the undead that threatens to consume the world. Can Arthur and the gang survive this Undead Nightmare and find their paradise or will Arthur's bloodlust destroy everything?
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People are asking for random ratings from people so I request a ranking of Chase Young's top 5 attempted murders
Not sure what criteria to use to rank attempted murder... but I'm game?
A lot of the time Chase doesn't bother with actually trying to merk someone since he'd rather use them as pawns or intimidate and rule over them. So I'll only use the genuine, unambiguous times he was definitely trying to end someone's life on-screen.
5 - Jack, by trying to crush him with a boulder
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The best part about this one was all the facial expressions we got. From Chase's smug smile as he says he's "finally about to get rid of him" to the look of absolutely shock and disappointment he shares with Wuya when Jack manages to get up. It’s golden, especially coming from someone as composed as Chase. It feels almost like a Swiper "aw man" moment, but about murder instead of petty theft.
He's pretty flippant about holding a life in his hands. He revels in it, in fact, says that Spicer’s painful death has been a long time coming. So seeing him so confused at not actually pulling it off was funny. This isn’t someone who’s used to messing up his assassinations.
Also, it's quite cute how the Xiaolin monks were the ones who saved Jack from this untimely fate.
4 - Raimundo, by almost biting him in half
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It is a good thing Clay is a quick thinker, because Chase was really going for it. He was fully primed to bite someone in half for trying to take back Omi. 
It gives us confirmation that Chase will eat a human without hesitation, and the moment had some excellent tension in it. A nice quick show of the bond between the monks and how hard they try for each other.
A nice glimpse of how Chase's thoughts, too. The look on his face switching from that smug smirk as he caught the punches, into the murderous glare right before he shifted his dragon form, is very interesting to read into. It’s fun to get that occasional reminder that Chase is capable of being very brutal and evil, just in case him burning down that entire village for a laugh and plunging the world into darkness doesn’t quite doing it.
3 - Guan, by pushing him in the pit of fire
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The first time we really see how far Chase is willing to go. It was a neat way to set the tone for what kind of villain Chase Young is, and the scene is definitely harsher in hindsight once we learn the history between Guan and Chase.
The other monks all on the sidelines reacting with such abject horror, and the visible beads of sweat on Guan's face while he struggles, before he finally managed to free himself just in time... This fight felt fun and intense to watch.
2 - Hannibal (disguised as Clay), by pinning him down and trying to stab him in the face
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The only time on this list where I was actually rooting for Chase.
Usually Chase’s staff has blades at its ends, so I assume Chase was about to shoot out the blades and stab Hannibal? I’m not entirely sure that would even work on Hannibal, but Chase sure hoped it would.
This whole scene was such a great use of dramatic irony. It hurts all the more that this was their last chance at preventing the evil that is Hannibal Roy Bean from being released into the world and the monks themselves accidentally got in the way. Chase waiting by the temple gate and Ying-Ying being so happy to see Hannibal again that she flies straight to him really elevates the moment. It establishes a lot of interesting dynamics in just a minute.
1 - Dojo, by almost making him into Lao Mang Lone Soup
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I love Dojo but this was just too hilarious.
Dojo sat in a simmering pot of soup and still needed more hints to figure out what was happening here. 
Chase introduced himself into the story by getting ready to murder Dojo’s legendary dragon, and he even makes a thinly-veiled threat to throw the monks into the soup and eat them, too. 
The usually cautious and skittish Dojo has lost his sense of self-preservation because he was given a nice cookie. And Chase has been planning this for apparently so long. Comedy gold, truly.
The animosity between Chase and Dojo is set up and stays consistent for the whole rest of the series after this. Chase puts the blame for his finale plan falling apart squarely on the fact that he was robbed of the chance to eat Dojo then and there.
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allergic-to-semen · 5 months
15 questions, 15 people
I greatly appreciate @kinslayersadvocate for tagging me; I also really enjoyed reading your responses (o´▽`o)
are you named after anyone? Yes, my great great something or other, Alexander. I have the feminized version of his name, Alexandra. My parents are big on family names. But no one ever calls me by my full name, not really.
when was the last time you cried? I can't remember. I think I cried all of my tears as a child. Now as an adult, it's really hard to cry, even when I really want to.
do you have kids? No and I likely won't ever... I'm at peace with that.
do you use sarcasm a lot? Good heavens no! Most sarcasm goes completely over my head and I take it literally.
what’s the first thing you notice about people? Noses, teeth, or hands, or any quirks like beauty marks or wrinkles or the like. In art school when I was learning portraiture I always liked when a model sitting for us had something a bit unconventional to their appearance. It looks so beautifully lived in.
what’s your eye color? Hazel. I have my grandad's eyes, my mom says.
scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings all the way! I have always been too much of a weenie to tolerate scary movies. I used to be ashamed of this, but eh, now I think life is a bit too short to sit through things you find intolerable.
any special talents? I consider myself a jack of all trades. But as the saying goes, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes is better than a master of one." I know a little this and a little that, but I'd rather have a semi-shallow interdisciplinary knowledge of the world than a super deep understanding of one particular subject.
where are you born? About an hour away from my hometown, because my rural little village did not have a hospital. (It does now, all these years later. Things have changed).
what are your hobbies? I read quite a lot. Books, comics, fanfiction, newspapers, anything. I also enjoy TV, though not as much as I used to (I find the amount of shows and streaming services too overwhelming). I also garden a little, and write when I can.
do you have any pets? I have two cats, Bulgogi and Granite. They are terrors. But I love them. Here is a pic of them if you want to see them. Bulgogi is the black one and Granite is the tabby. I found them in the street. They are my lil baby gremlins.
what sports do you/have you played? I absolutely do consider dance a sport, as it involved pushing your body to your limits. I did that for a few years, and I also tried hapkido and fencing and softball and gymnastics and competitive shooting (yes, with guns. although I did try my hand at archery as well). Uhhhh quite a weird mixed bag of activities. My parents really wanted me to have better coordination by any means possible and also believed sport improved socialization.
how tall are you? 5'1", but for the rest of the world that's roughly 158 centimeters I think.
favourite subject in school? I was such a nerd, I really enjoyed most of my classes. But I'd have to say the classes that had the most impact on my life were my art history classes. Really changed the way I think about art and the world.
dream job? Even as a child, I did not dream of labor. When adults asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I shrugged and said I didn't know. And now, I am a stay at home spouse, and I would say that truly is the dream job. I no longer contribute to capital for a corporation- instead I am the boss of my own domain. I have leisure time, which is something I never had when working a 9-to-5.
Tagging is always a little awkward because I don't know if you guys like it, so no pressure to play:
@bluesey-182 @clarascuro @elon-musks-disrespectful-nipples @idkaguyorsomething @uzazi
Anyone who is not tagged is welcome to play! This is me tagging @everyone @mutuals @all @followers
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confess-thy-sin · 5 months
dnd character lore thing dont mind this
basic info: peony, 25yo, elf, 5’9, magic user and she can like shoot flowers and vines out of her hands and wrap up her opponents
background lore/info: at the age of 9 her dad left her and her mom to help try to find his brother who was a traveler who got lost. when he didnt return her mom fell ill and ever since, peony had to help take care of her. at the age of 11 she took up learning flower magic to try to cure her mothers disease. when she started to get good she got a new mentor. his name was beau caldwell jack. over the next few years he helped peony with her magic. she started getting better and better and then when she turned 18 she got chosen to go on a quest by her towns people. she had to leave her mother and beau all alone so she denied. her mothers state started to worsen quickly and peony didnt know how to help. her mother was on her finale days when peony finally accepted the quest. once she started to train her mother finally died. peony ignored everyone around her. she didnt speak to beau for weeks on end and she ignored his letters. once training was over she set off on her quest. at the age of 22 she stumbled upon a village. she spoke to people around the village but one man stood out to her. when she asked his name he said, “oh, my name? its john pepper.” peony didnt say anything for a couple seconds. “what..?” he said. “pepper?” peony said in disbelief. “yeah? what you dont like it?” john laughed. “that was my dads name.” peony said. john stared at her. “peony?” “yeah...” they stared at each other is shock. “i should get going now.” john said. peony headed the other way. tears formed in her eyes. she sat down next to a tree in the forest right outside the small village. a goat walked up to her. he layed next to her. peony didnt say anything. in that moment she felt like he understood her pain. a goat, she thought, how stupid of her. she stood up but the goat followed. she walked away from the little village that held her dad. her and the goat walked side by side for the next few years to come. she ended up naming him johnnie after her dad.
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solarsonsmp · 9 months
The Torch
symbolises motivation, ideals, light, Learning, purpose, clarity, freedom and luck.
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Heroes of the Torch are The Dreamers, Ones of Light, Ones of Day, The Shining Ones or The One of Gambit They glitter gold dust as they walk with Lore Armour
Observer Haki
you have glow on everything within a 30 block bubble of yourself
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
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when below 20% health, gain immunities to most negative effects (burning, poison and weakness) and give you strength II and fire aspect punches
Holy Knight
attack damage and speed double when defending allies
Destiny Child
The Hero has become something entirely new. They are the central pillar, the point that things revolve around. They’re special. Their presence alone could turn the tide of a battle and their name or visage would hold serious weight, a living legend. They don’t have the title of legend or divine or sublime they are it. you get a special weapon after sleep at level 100
Sun Paper- 3 Pieces of paper that mix between different Lore Weapons and effects being 90 different outcome
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given to Jesters, Jacks, Servants, Merchants and Oracles
Sparkalibur- The Holy Sword of Captain Sparkle's and only drawn from the ones that sleep in the Mine's for 5 long night if has 19+ without enchantments and is a unbreakable Golden Sword that creates light if held and the sword will kill the unworthy
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given to Striders, Kings, Knights and Doges
Prism of Light-giving the user the ability to shoot a laser of rainbow doing the same damage as a there experience level
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given Wizard, Witch and Cleric
Challenge from the Gods: Here comes the Sun You
need to kill the Wither King in the nether with a Iron Sword that you used to save a village from a Raid and write about your journey
Quest of Knights, Doges, Servants and Striders
Challenge from the Gods: Paperback Writer
You need to find the Bastion Remnant collect 5 gold blocks at the Bastion Remnant and write about your journey than bring it back to the Lapis Library
Quesr of Wizard, Cleric, Jesters, Merchants and Oracles
Challenge from the Gods: Sun King
Become Experience level 1000, after that become the riches in the server with 200,000 emerald block in your inventory, become the most famous by killing 1 king and writing about your stories and become the most powerful with the Orphan Slayer after beating the Blood God
Quest of a King, a Queen and Jacks
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Fun and Modded Games with 035, Or... Did You Just Caboose Me? So Wrong, Dude.
My first test with 035 aka Dyo. Just little ol me, the Possesive Mask, and a modded to hell copy of a quasipopular 4 v everyone zombie shooter. What can go wrong? Everything.
Well, it's time to meet the Possesive Mask, for a few "friendly" games. 035 walks in, and sees me setting up my gaming rig. If he could raise an eyebrow, he would have.
"What's going on? I was told I'd be testing. Didn't expect to test with 049's girl."
"Yeah... it's not really an official official test. And I thought since the Doctor is important to me, thought we should actually meet on less formal terms." I smile, extend a hand. "I'm Rabbit, nice to finally meet you, Dyo. Wanna blow up some boomers?"
"Big, nasty explody undead bastards. It'll be fun, I promise. And, since we're not being overly monitored, feel free to swear at the lumbering sacks of boom and acid."
I fire up the game, hand him an extra controller. And... break out laughing. My dumb ass forgot to switch off my mods. So, the shamblers are all Bernie Sanders, the spitters are dilophasaurs, the boomers are all the heavy from Team Fortress 2, and the witches... are the most demented version of Princess Peach ever seen. Hell, I still left my character mods on, meaning I'm stuck as a neon green Amongus and Dyo is... Caboose from Red vs Blue. Our weapons are modded, Dyo running with the BFG 1000 from Doom, I picked dual plasma cutters. Our online teammates are modded up too, 'Sarcasm&4Gauges' is ready to wreck shit as Lord Heisenberg from RE Village, and our last teammate is fucking Sailor Moon. Yes, Usagi is in the house. We get to it. After an initial learning curve, Dyo is on it. He took out Peach one shot. Massive legend. But... not without cost. My Amongus died, after Sailor Moon shot me in the back. Twice.
"Ayo, Sailor Moon? You Caboosed my ass. So wrong, my dude. Don't hate on your squaddie for being better as a rook than you, not our fault you suck with aiming."
"Kiss my disco medallion. Not my fault YOU were in my way."
Dyo pipes up. "Dr. Bright? Don't you have more rules to break before they're written? Teamkilling is almost as low as teabagging. Get your worthless ass back to Crystal Tokyo, heard Queen Beryl is on her bullshit again." Sarcasm&4Gauges loses it on the in-game chat.
"Damn, that was both thematic and cold as fuck, dawg. I can see why 049 chills with you. Savage."
"We do work well together, kind of a Beauty and the Beast deal. Of course, I'm the Beauty."
"Not in this chat, Dyo. Rabbit be fiiiiiine."
"And the Killer Rabbit is good with her honey. Back off her, Jack. Go perv on Rights again."
"Damn, Cleffy be dropping bodies without a shot. Thanks, Uncle Alto. Nice spot job on the herd of Bernies. Not into that kind of getting ate out."
We're back on our zombie slaying grind when... a wild tank appears, modded into a mini 682. Clef dies laughing on mic.
"Maybe I need to chill with the mods, the prospect of soloing a mini 682 brought out Clef's Scooby-Doo villain for real. Oh shit... Caboose dropped the BFG, Clef grab that big fucking gun and get nutty with it."
"Naw, Rabbit. I'm gonna Thor this punk ass. Time to drop the hammer." Clef runs up, the wind up is good... but mini 682 tail-yeets his ass into a wall. Dyo nods at me, and I drop a nice little surprise... a Juggernaught from COD. I toggle on theme music, Dyo pumps his BFG, and we see who kills the Unkillable Lizard first. Just as Dyo lobs the first volley, an Enderman pops up behind him, ready to drag him off. I shoot him with my cutters, Ender fall down, go immobile. Bright is back up... throwing his fucking tiara at 682. Who just laughs in 'what part of hard-to-fucking-KILL do you not get, bitch?' He drops like a bad habit after getting stomped. After several rounds of fire, multiple revives, and several death threats against Dr. Bright for friendly fire, the big scaly butt-ugly undead asshole dies.
"I don't even want to play this game anymore."
"Fine by us, Jack. You suck."
"Yeah, well at least I'm not cuddling up to 049."
"You. Did. Not. Just. Besmerch. The. Doctor's. Rabbit. If I get out of Containment, I am going to curbstomp both you and that tacky as hells medallion into the next reality. And not even 343 will save you. Be ready."
"Dyo, chill. Let me handle him. I have a plan."
"Please tell me you're going to freeze his mouth shut."
"Of course not. Why debase high magic for such low intellect?" I give Dyo an evil grin, and mute my mic. "First, I've arranged a nice Tinder date for him, and he won't even have to leave site. I know a young lady who would love having him over for dinner. Then, after dinner... how about a nice 963 under 60 meters of ice, floating in deep space? Far, far away from our galaxy."
"Rabbit, you're cold-blooded, evil, vindictive... and too bad 049 met you first. I'm honestly impressed."
"I learned at the sandaled feet of THE masters of dirty tactics, 076-2 and Clef. Let's just say I'm rolling the Mastermind perks up in here 24/7. After all, you gotta bring your A game to even match Abel. And Clef? Dude literally wrote the book on reality warpers, and I paid attention. After all, it's hard to learn much from the dead, let alone as one of them." I sense my new gaming buddy is a bit nervous. "Tell you what, you play a few rounds of Modern Warfare with me, we'll call it a non-aggession pact. Hey, maybe we can stomp Bright on and offline, heh?"
"Non-aggression pact? Meaning?"
"You don't kill me or 049 attempting to bail, I look the other way as much as I can. Maybe accidentally drop a few helpful items."
"I'll think about it."
"The pact, or the game?"
"The pact. I honestly like playing with you, you're in it to win via chaos. Very entertaining."
"Thanks, Dyo. You're pretty good yourself." I turn my mic back on. "So, gents... who's up for COD?" Clef opts in, but Bright backs out.
"You bailing, Bright? Can't handle playing unmodded?" Clef teases him.
"More like I can't deal with Rabbit. She's brutal, more so than Mongolian death metal, and she scares me."
"Can I train, or can I train? Not my fault you got no game, zero drip, and lo! No maidens."
"Why are you guys so mean to me?"
"Uh... my dude. You. Have. An. Over. 800. Item. List. Of. Things. You. Specifically. Are. Forbidden. To. Do. Do you really need us to tell you that alone got you disinvited from ALL official functions not directly related to your job? Plus, you have all the culture of garden soil 073 danced on."
"Ouch. That wounds me, 035."
"I have not yet begun to wound you, you backshooting idiot. Now, get off our server." Sonic rings, then a message: Admin Clef has booted G04tedwth963 from the server. "Thank you, Doctor Clef. You get dibs on my first care package should I die before getting it."
"The other team better pray to 343 it's not a gunship."
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liamthemarowak · 1 year
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It was a starry night at the pokemon village, and Liam is looking at the telescope to find some planets that he can find. "Have you found any of the planets yet Liam?" Jack asked. "Not yet, I still looking out for them, and If we are Lucky, we could be able to see a shooting star to make a wish!" Liam said. Jack felt very interested about the shooting star. "A shooting star? That would be my lucky day, and also yours Liam!" Jack said. "If I make a wish, I could have a new elemental upgrade like the fire scatter shot! We better search for some planets that we need to research because you used to do science about the planets Jack." Liam said. "Yes, I might become a great scientist and learn everyone about the science of space!" Jack said. Then, Liam noticed tatooine again in his telescope. "Hey, it's that planet again that we been to!" Liam said. Jack was surprised about what Liam saw "Wait, are you talking about tatooine? We been here for star wars day, and now it's here for star wars day!" Jack said. "You're right, so let's go there again! So, would like to hold my hand while I use the wind teleportation to get there?" Liam asked. "Sure, let's go to tatooine and have some star wars fun!" Jack said as Jack holds on to Liam's hand and Liam uses his wind teleportation to go to tatooine. They have arrived at tatooine, and it's a different scene as well. "Last time, we are at the moisture farm, looking at the binary sunset, and now this is different." Liam said. "Yeah, and also that building over there, that must be that slimy creature named Jabba the Hutt that lived here." Jack said. "Jabba the Hutt? He sure is slimy about the bounty, just like the bounty hunters of star wars!" Liam said. Then, they could see their own lightsabers lying on the sandy ground. "Hey, is that our lightsabers on the ground? They must be waiting for us." Jack said as Liam and Jack picked up their lightsabers and turn them on. "Well, it could be useful that we could do some lightsaber training. It will make us use our lightsabers more and become a jedi master." Liam said. "I would love to teach you Liam, but we need someone to help us, but who?" Jack said. Meanwhile, The Mandalorian was walking on tatooine, with his companion grogu, looking around if no stormtroopers are trying to get him. "Seems there is no sight of the empire, so the coast must be clear." The Mandalorian said. Just then, he can hear Liam and Jack talking. "Stormtroopers! Stay here, I'm going to deal with this situation." The Mandalorian said, but Grogu wanted to come with him. "No, you have to stay, I don't want you to get hurt just like last time." The Mandalorian said. Grogu became very angry and he wanted to see Liam and Jack. "Fine, You will come, but be sure to cover yourself when they try to attack you." The Mandalorian said. He took out his blaster and quickly ran to shoot at the stormtroopers, but they aren't stormtroopers, they are new species that he never seen before. Liam and Jack turned around, and they saw The Mandalorian and Grogu, and they walk to them. "I never seen those species before, and what is your names?" The Mandalorian asked. "Oh, Hi there! I'm Liam the Marowak and this is my Brother Jack the Cubone. We are so happy to meet you here with grogu. We came from the pokemon village, and we just saw the planet tatooine for star wars day, so I decided to use my wind teleportation to travel to there for star wars day." Liam said. "Interesting, and also, you have lightsabers in your hands. How did you get them?" The Mandalorian asked. "I'll explain this, first, we found them on the moisture farm, while we was taking a view of the binary sunset, and now they are here. It's like they are following us when it's becoming on star wars day. So we need someone to train us to use our lightsabers for combat." Jack said. "Well, I could teach you how to use those lightsabers because I have my darksaber in my hand." The Mandalorian said as he takes out his darksaber. "You will help us train? Thanks! I will go first, you can watch me train with the Mandalorian Jack." Liam said as he takes out his lightsaber and begins his training. Liam uses his dodge moves to avoid the attacks, and also swing his lightsaber around fast enough with his quick reaction timing. Jack and Grogu decided to watch them as they learn how to use the lightsaber. "Good work Liam, now I want you to deflect yourself to the blaster bolts with your own lightsaber, and remember to pay attention on where the remote training droid on where it's going to shoot at." The Mandalorian said as he takes out remote training droid out. "Ok, Gonna stay focused and get ready to deflect them!" Liam said as the deflects the bolts from the remote training droid. After a couple of deflects from the bolts, the remote training droid has been destroyed, and Liam completed his lightsaber training. "Wow, what a good training session that is!" Liam said. "That was some good training there, Ok Jack, it's your turn now." The Mandalorian said. "Ok, hope this training will be good just like Liam's training!" Jack said. But before Jack begins his lightsaber training, The Mandalorian hear something coming to him. "That noise, it's the stormtrooper transporter! Quick, I want you to hide so I don't want you to see you." The Mandalorian said "Yes, Jack and Grogu, we need to hide right away!" Liam said. "But I haven't done my-" Liam interrupted Jack's speech. "You can do your training later, so let's hide!" Liam said as he, Jack and Grogu began to hide. The Stormtrooper transport has been landed, and the stormtroopers came out to see the Mandalorian, but they are also looking for Grogu. "Where is that child of yours? We need to see it now!" The Stormtrooper said. The Mandalorian was perfer not to say about it. "Why are you being so silent? Tell us right now, or else we will find him!" The second stormtrooper. Liam was thinking about that he could defeat the stormtroopers. "Liam, what are you doing? They are going to see you!" Jack said. "Don't worry Jack, If those stormtroopers take out their blasters, I will be able to use my lightsaber to defeat them, will you help me Jack?" Liam asked "Sure, I will happy to help, and Grogu, you will stay here ok?" Jack said. Grogu gave a thumbs up to Jack that he will stay behind the rock. Suddenly, the stormtroopers are getting impatient and they decided to take their blasters out. "Ok, you asked for it!" The Stormtrooper said. Quick as a flash, Liam and Jack came into the action and the stormtroopers aim their blasters to Liam and Jack to shoot them down. They deflect every single bolt, using the force and swing their lightsabers at the stormtroopers. All of the stormtroopers have been defeated, but the stormtrooper transporter is getting more reinforcements. "Quick, destroy the ship before it gets more reinforcements!" The Mandalorian said as Liam and Jack try to destroy the Stormtrooper transporter to prevent it from having more stormtroopers coming. "Ok, ready to destroy this ship?" Liam asked. "Sure Will, lets slice this machine up!" Jack said as they sliced up the stormtrooper transporter. "We have to get out before this blows up!" Liam said as they ran out of the ship. "Stand back, because it's going to blow!" The Mandalorian said as the ship blows up with a big explosion. "Phew, that was a close one!" Jack said. "Yes, but where is the child? Hope he didn't wander off." The Mandalorian said. Just then, Grogu came out, and the Mandalorian was relieved that he didn't get lost. "Thank goodness that you are safe!" The Mandalorian said. "Ok, to celebrate our victory, we have to raise our lightsabers in the sky, and yell out happy star wars day! Are you ready to do it?" Jack asked. "Sure, I will use my darksaber to raise it up in the sky." The Mandalorian said as he took out his darksaber. Liam, Jack and the Mandalorian raised their sabers up and they shouted "Happy Star Wars Day!" For their victory.
Liam The Marowak and Jack the Cubone belongs to me
Star wars Belongs to Lucasfilm and Disney
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
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sofioosh · 2 years
Once upon a time, in a small village in the mountains, there lived a man named Jack who was known for his exceptional hunting skills. He was admired by everyone in the village for his ability to bring back an abundance of food that would feed the entire community.
One day, while hunting in the woods, Jack came across a beautiful deer. As he was about to shoot, the deer spoke to him, "Please, spare my life. I have a family to take care of and they need me." Jack was surprised but felt pity for the deer and decided to let it go.
At first, the villagers laughed at Jack, calling him foolish for sparing the deer's life. But as time passed, they began to notice something different about Jack. He became more compassionate, respectful, and honest. He began to treat people with more kindness and consideration.
It wasn't long before everyone in the village noticed the positive changes in Jack and began to admire him even more. They realized that his values were what made him a truly great person, not just his hunting skills.
From then on, Jack's example inspired others in the village to lead a life guided by values. They learned that it wasn't just what they did that mattered, but how they did it. The moral of the story is that having values, like compassion, honesty, and respect, is essential to living a fulfilling and purposeful life.
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ssg-nagareyn · 6 months
Smooth as a cactus flower
Cold as a supernova
A shooting star among dragons
Nigga I was always the jack of odd balls
I'm sorry, all trades and master of one-of-dones
Life really hasn't been a rave considered fun
It's a game that's pay to win
Pay your debts bitch
Money talks
Cash is king
Credit don't mean shit
You're too far in it to quit
I am nothing without my れ
From a time when all I knew
Was a name that stained my soul
As permanent as the tears I've cried
The night I learned too young
What it was like to stain your lips
From an overly curious boy
That you had called your family for hours
And you were deathly afraid of the consequences in telling anyone
Because “Heaven Knows” it was more of a crime “if I turned out gay” than if I was SA’d
Well it's no fun when you're the one tasting the bitter blade
I weep for my previous name because he
Never had a chance but I am thankful
For him because he birthed me
A birth that I spent too long hiding behind the same mask that I was born in.
I was never him, I never knew what me was.
What I saw on my computer screen were friends being free
Guys wearing skirts who would eventually become beautiful women
Bro I wasn't thinking of any of that I was too busy trying not to get picked on for being a weirdo
A quiet MF who stayed in the corner of the class playing on his Gameboy in lunch breaks
Told that piece of shit called my father that it was the village who raised me from a teen
Some of my best homies I met at one-thirteen are still a touch away if I need them
But not even they know the real me
Because I never knew who that bitch was until the eve of losing my life.
My mother. She was my life.
It has not been be same since that eve.
It's ironic isn't it? I spent two years of my life feeling the most liberated I felt.
The one person who I would be terrified and curious of seeing me like this is not here.
How would you feel? What would you react?
You'd tell me to clean my fucking room first off
You'd gasp and have a heart attack for seeing how I treat your wig
You'd see my photos and those focal points of anger would melt away
Even close confidants of us say that we look alike
Heck, we always did even when I was him
And when I told you I was non-binary you still accepted me even though you didn't get it.
I think you would have been a big help in my path of knowing how to use makeup
How to present myself
I've been going to lounges and open mics, bars and house shows with my friends
Isn't this what you used to do during The Garage and Roseland era?
I find myself protecting my homies much like a guard on standby
But I have fun because I know I'm protected.
So what did you do when you didn't feel protected?
When Jeannie passed, what went through your mind?
You left the apartment in a storm, grabbed your Newports, and I stayed up
I had school the next day but I had a stomach virus
But I didn't want to leave your side the following day and nothing you said was going to get me to go to school
I lied, you woulda forced me but promised me you'd be okay
I couldn't face Jeannie on her deathbed. I couldn't face you with the sheet over your body.
This wasn't meant to be a letter to you!
But…you are me, are you not?
When someone asked if my new name is my birthday, I said, I wasn't sure if I could call it.
But when you gave birth to me, you said it was a second birthday to you, right?
So, maybe, this whole Flow thing…was…like a second birthday for me.
When I lost you… Flow was born…
She…and you…became my second birthday.
That is in my name.
Malik was the middle name given to me by my mother.
My father gave me Naquan. In her words, he felt the name sounded cool.
But Malik had meaning. It meant King.
You looked up to Malcolm X.
That was his name. Malik el-Shabazz
I played Elden Ring two years ago
The main antagonist, her name was Marika.
There are no “Ls” in the Japanese language
So you can see the correlation, Malika, which means queen.
A tragic tale as antagonists don't really exists in that game
Just people with their own duties to fulfill.
But even that felt too similar to my old self.
Reyna was the result of weeks of sitting alone after work, high out of my mind
Because it is the only way I have solace these days.
It means Queen but it's so fucking versatile! Reyn sounds close enough to Nay
Reyna is Re:Nay. Rebirth of Nay
And to emphasis that
The middle name’s Renée
The last name’s Nagare
Because that's just how it flows.
No, seriously, 流れ means Flow.
But if you take the れ away…
It becomes 流 (In person imagine me saying Ryu)
And this is also a part of me because there are many Flows to my essence.
I got many styles, all this time this was a poem
But I'm having a conversation with you
On some crazy stream of consciousness shit
Streams and flows, that's what it means when you take away the れ
But the “Re” is what makes me, me!
Without the Re, I'm not Reyna, a sovereign
I'm Nay without a birthright.
Renée without the Re is stillborn, much like how I spent two-thirds of my life
I can be a shooting star among dragons
But that's not my true calling,
That's like in the Street Fighter movie
Where they gave “Ryu” the name “Ryu Hoshi”
He is not a “Shooting Star” he a “Rising Dragon”
I am the Spark to your Soul among the stars
And my Soul is a fucking Satellitare
Pardon my Italian tongue
But I'm as beautiful as a Rose
And I almost fucking forgot that.
If only I wasn't staring at the Torii gates mentally
Mix my soul with the Spirit Realm
Walking around with a halo over my head
Even Lazuli got caught lacking among the Z-Fighters
No one is wasting a prayer on me with the Dragon Balls
It was a good run but all stars fade.
0 notes
evillovelust666 · 2 years
Fictional World Role Play: "All Good Things Come To An End When Evil Lurks Around The Corner"
A while back Celebi and I began recruiting those who are chosen to lived in Fantasy Forest safe and protected from villains threats (from Kimba the white lion, Leo the lion, Leo Ieiri, Jungle Emperor Leo 2009, another white lion from Black Jack, Young Gin, Hiyan, Giyan, Fuji, Weed, Adult Gin, Reika, Sagwa the chinese siamese cat along with her siblings Dongwa, Sheegwa, Rudolph and Clarice Clarice's father, Mr. and Mrs. Donner, with eight of Santa's reindeer, Poke'mon, My Little Pony, 101 Dalmatians, Okami Amaterasu and her son Chibiterasu, Phineas Fox, The Lion King and The Lion Guard, Helios Pegasus, and The Last Unicorn Amalthea) to others being gifted a second chance in life (from jungle emperor Leo 1997, and Actaeon the deer) I had enough magic left to bring six more to live in Fantasy Forest we went back to the year 1985 (Gongitsune) a mother golden fox with her son still living under a borrow by the hill of the tree we walk towards them until the mother fox saw us and cover her son to protect him mother fox: "WHO ARE YOU?!? What do you want with us?!?" Gon: "Mother who are they?" mother fox: "Don't worry Gon that's a human I'll keep you safe from this threat" seeing that they speak in telepathy I sit on my knees and Celebi did the same gaining their trust me: "Don't be afraid were not here to harm you were here to help you and your son" the mother fox stay on guard being cautious me: "Please accept this peace offering as a token of friendship" I use my magic to summon different cooked meats and slowly brought it to them placing it down and backing away the mother fox sniff and took a bite she loved it and let her son have some too Gon: "Whoa! this is delicious I never taste different meat before" the mother fox looked at us and bow down her head apologizing mother fox: "I'm really sorry I thought you were one of them" me: "It's ok I'm on your side my passion are helping animals and learning what the bad kind of humans done to them cruelly, causing pain, suffering, and being spiteful to those who can't speak it makes me want to help them more from those bastards" Gon: "What's your name miss? mine is Gon and that's my mother" me: "My name is Stacy and this is Celebi the time traveler poke'mon" Celebi: "Bi bi!" mother fox: "You came from the future? what brings you two here?" me: "You see we came to show you both your fates of what's yet to come" I summon an orb and it began to projecting of what's about to happen me: "Here you see the hunters came searching for your gold fur because of it's rarity you save your son kept him hidden only for you to be killed by the hunters you sacrifice yourself keeping your son safe as for your son he's been doing well surviving on his own until he saw a village and learning the human ways began copying them after that he steals an eel in front of the villager name Hyoju because he's trying to survive off the food he found in the village Hyoju wanted to give to his sick old mother his mother subsequently dies Gon realizes his mistake and tries to make it up by secretly giving Hyoju gifts he stole, your son means well he has a kind heart although the villagers now accuse Hyoju of stealing and beat him up afterwards, Gon only gives mushrooms and nuts he collected in the forest Hyoju is grateful for the gifts, although he does not know where they come from until that tragic day Hyoju sees the fox sneaking around, and shoots him to death out of anger about the death of his mother only afterwards does he realize to his horror that the fox he just shot gave him all the mushrooms and nuts" their eyes widen learning that what's going to happen to them mother fox: "How can you help us from this horrible fate?" me: "Celebi will open a portal to your new home Fantasy Forest here everyone lives in peace and life there's bountiful food, water, and shelter and there're two protectors that helps everyone a Jungle Emperor a white lion name Kimba and an Akita name Gin leader of Ohu they'll keep you and your son safe from any threats" Gon wags his tail excitedly of their new home Gon: "Mom I believe her she gave us food and she's kind to us I would love to live in Fantasy Forest!" mother fox: "Alright will go to our new home thank you Stacy you're a human but I see deep down that you care for all animals you had a kind heart to come to the past to give us a new chance in life" me: "You're welcome anything to help mythical creatures giving a second chance" Celebi open the portal for them that leads to Fantasy Forest they were about to enter when Gon stop and looked at us Gon: "Are you coming with us Stacy?" me: "You two go on ahead we still have one more place to stop at will meet you two when were done" mother fox: "What's going to happen once we enter through this portal?" me: "You and your son's counterpart of where they died is already being played out once you enter the portal you'll both get to enjoy your new life being a family again never being apart and never being hunted ever again for this is my gift" mother fox: "Thank you Stacy and thank you Celebi we are both grateful for you saving our lives" Gon: "Oh yes thank you! thank you! now we will never be lonely again!" Celebi: "Bi bi!” as Celebi did flying flips happily me: "You're very welcome now go forth to your second chance of a new life" they both nodded and enter through the portal until it disappeared I collapse but still standing Celebi notice this and use Life Dew to help replenish my energy me: "Thank you Celebi this should be enough to go to the next past give them a token of friendship projecting of their tragic fates and leading them to their new homes" Celebi: "Biii" me: "Well let's go there's four to go" Celebi nodded and I open the portal and we enter inside there we went to the year of 1987 (The Foxes Of Chironup Island) me: "1987 never thought I get to see this that's the year I was born" Celebi: "Bi bi bi" we began our search for the four foxes of Chironup Island we stop at the part were they're reunited with their daughter from there we see them at the river I transform into my white lioness form and slowly walk towards them me: "Hey! excuse me I need to speak to all of you" the family of foxes saw me and were cautious they were about to run but Celebi was right there with them Celebi reassure them that we mean them no harm as one of the foxes began to speak telepathy Chin: "I never seen this creature before if what you're saying is true then and that she's on our side then will give you both a chance" Celebi wave to me letting me know that its alright I ran towards them seeing their kits slowly came towards me sniffing my head and they both nuzzle against me the parents were surprise at this Chibiko: "Mother she doesn't smell like any threat" Kan: "Yeah she seems nice if she wants us for something" Ken: "Ok so tell us what do you want from us?" me: "You're all in terrible danger!" they gasp at this message Chin: "In danger? from who?" me: "Follow me" they all began to follow as we all stay hidden in the tall grass I use my magic to make everyone invisible me: "There" I pointed my paw to show them and they see soldiers landing on shore with their guns and traps Ken: "Humans! what are they doing here?" me: "There here because there's going to be a war on this Island" Kan: "War?" me: "Yes humans against humans the traps they're carrying are for you because when the war breaks out they'll need a lot of furs" Chibiko: "That's awful! Mother I'm scare they want our fur!" Chin: "Don't worry Chibiko father and I will not let anything happen to you and Kan" the parents were about to get ready to attack but I crawl in front of them stopping them me: "Wait! there is another way please you have to follow us" they look at each other and were deep in thought then they agree and let us help them Ken: "Alright will follow you lead us" Chin: "Yes lead us to safety" me: "Ok this way Celebi use your magic to cover our tracks" Celebi saluted and began using magic to cover our tracks we stay in the forest and kept running until there's a borrow that leads underground from the tree we stay there and I use my magic to put a barricade spell so the soldiers won't find us me: "That should hold for a while" Chin: "Thank you for keeping us all safe" me: "However you're all not out of the woods yet" they reacted Ken: "What do you mean?" me: "We came to warn you all of your fates on what's about to happen" Chin: "What's going to happen to us?" I began to use my magic and projecting of the events that are about to happen me: "Here the soldiers began their hunt placing the traps under the grass the first victim is your son trying to hunt a frog at the river only to be shot by them they were picky about it and threw your son's body in the river" Kan gasp and nuzzle against mom while they were shock at humans being scums of the earth Ken growl at this while Chin began to tears me: "Then you're all being pursued you were all able to outrun the soldiers for a bit only for your daughter to accidently running the wrong way getting her leg in a trap you both try everything to get her out of the trap biting the chain digging up the trap but to no avail the soldiers were getting close so your father use himself as bait to distract them while your mother stay close to her your father ran as fast as he can until he's on the edge of the cliff that leads to the ocean your father fought bravely sadly he got gunned down as he fall into the ocean dead" the kits were sadden at what would have happen witnessing this while Ken shock at his fate Chibiko: "So what happen to me and mother?" me: "After the soldiers left your mother try everything to get you out of the trap but nothing didn't budge she went hunting to get you food but it's scarce and with winter on the way heartbroken of the loss of her mate and son she did everything she can to get you out of the trap she loved you very much and then it starts snowing as she stayed with you keeping you warm with her body only then sadly the daughter died from starvation, hypothermia, and the infection in the leg from the trap grief from the loss of her family she passed on in her sleep staying with her daughter until you're both buried in snow year later when spring comes your remains were nothing but white flowers that spread through the field of the forest" they all were sadden at their fate I summon a tissue and wipe their tears off of them Ken: "So you're from the future a messenger to warn us on what would happen if we take down this path" Kan: "And you came to save us?" me: "Yes were here to give you and your family of Chironup Island a second chance in life you'll all be together never apart and alone again" Chibiko: "Mother! Father! did you hear that? they come to rescue all of us from being hunted!" Chin: "Yes this is wonderful news I'll know that you're all safe" Ken: "Where will you take us?" me: "To Fantasy Forest it's a safe haven a sanctuary were everyone coexist in peace protected from any threats there's bountiful food water and shelter for everyone and there's life" they all smile at this news until I heard a stomach growl Kan: "Sorry" they all laugh and I use my magic to bring cook meats from around the world and gave it to them they all enjoy their meals and we all began to introduce ourselves Chin: "We should all introduce ourselves I'm Chin and this is my mate Ken and our kits Kan and Chibiko" me: "I'm Stacy and this is Celebi please to meet all of you" they all nodded likewise Chibiko: "So what's going to happen once we leave our home?" me: "Your counterparts of were they died is already being played in motion in the meantime will open the portal to your new home and a second chance in life" me: "Well I think it's time we get going" Chin: "Honey do you think will be ok after this?" Ken: "If Stacy and Celebi came all this way to warn us on our fates and save all of us from death I believe we should put our faiths in her" she nuzzle against her mate Chin: "You're right knowing that will be safe in our new home" Ken smile and they all nodded Celebi nodded and we began to open the portal they all got up and went right inside the portal as it open to the other side they all marvel at Fantasy Forest me: "Welcome to your new home" Chibiko and Kan: "Wow!" the families nuzzle all over me giving me their thanks Chin: "Bless you Stacy bless you for saving us" Ken: "We couldn't thank you both enough for what you did for us if there's anything you need we be honor to help you" me: "It's the least we can do" I use my magic to give Celebi red berries as a thank you gift me: "Thank you Celebi for all your help please accept these as payment" Celebi smile and took an armful eating one in enjoyment of the taste Celebi: "BI BI BI BI!!!!!" and began to fly away me: "See you later Celebi!" Celebi: "BI BI!!" and flew off into the forest me: "As a welcome to your new home here's a gift for you Kan" Kan: "Oh?" I embrace Kan's neck and began to use my magic with little I had left as it took form of a sapphire color collar with a gold bell he ran around hearing the bell he jump with excitement Kan: "Wow thank you! thank you! I love it look Chibiko now we match heh heh!" Chibiko: "Yeah!" they ran around each other while the parents smile seeing their kits happy in their new home me: "Come there's someone I would like you to meet" Ken: "Sure Stacy" Chin: "Kan! Chibiko! Stacy wants to introduce us to someone hurry up and don't wander too far" Kan and Chibiko: "Ok mother!" they catch up with their parents as I lead them further down in the part of Fantasy Forest they see all the poke'mon, my little pony, and other mythical creatures that they never seen before until by the Mystic Elm tree there the two golden foxes see us Gon: "Mom look!" she saw them and got up while Gon follows behind me: "It's ok there friends" mother fox: "Wait that voice Stacy is that you?" the Chironup Island foxes tilt their heads confused me: "Yes it's me" Gon: "What happen where's your human form?" Chin: "Wait your a human?" me: "It's a long story I'll tell you everything while I take everyone to the lake" they all agree and we continue our walk after telling everyone of my gift Ken: "So your master gave you this gift to take form in human and animal" me: "Yes I only took my animal form to make you all feel comfortable so I can gain your trust" Chin: "I see your gift does wonders and were ok if your also human I don't see any threats you would do to any of us" me: "Thank you everyone I assure my passion will always be helping animals and all that is nature" as we continue our walk the kits introduce theirselves Gon: "Hi I'm Gon" Kan: "Hey there I'm Kan and this is my sister Chibiko" Chibiko: "Nice to meet you Gon" Gon: "This is great will be best friends playing games and do all kind of fun stuff in our new homes" they all smile and nudge sides at each other the golden mother fox smile seeing Gon making new friends mother fox: "This place is perfect Gon now made new friends this is a happy ending" Chin: "A happy ending for everyone" Ken: "Seeing our kits playing makes me so happy I'm glad Stacy helped us in our dire needs" they all nodded smile and laugh as they talk and were finally at the lake me: "Alright everyone were here!" they all awed seeing different types of water poke'mon and sea ponies interacting and playing as I lead them by the lake they can see my Sakura Akamatsu human form from the reflection of the lake they were all astounding at my human form Chibiko: "Wow she's pretty isn't she mother" Chin: "Indeed a human with a kind heart and passion for all animals" there by the lake were Kimba and Young Form Gin as they watch us come towards them me: "Everyone there the protectors of Fantasy Forest Jungle Emperor Kimba and Leader of Ohu Gin" me: "Kimba Gin they are the golden foxes of Gongitsune and the family of four foxes from  Chironup Island" Kimba (1989): "Welcome to Fantasy Forest" Gin: "We are very honor to give everyone here a second chance in life" all the foxes bow down to them in respect Ken: "It's an honor to meet the King Of The Jungle and the Leader of Ohu to give us a place to live" Gin: "Indeed here there are no killing there's food for everyone so there's no need to hunt everyone here are our friends and families we may be different in species but we are one when it comes to helping to one another" Gon: "Oh that's cool" Kimba (1989): "If you have any questions feel free to ask" Chin: "What about fighting?" Gin: "Fighting is ok its to help with their exercise training sparing in respect helping others to evolve and get stronger to help increase their magic for defense and healing and protecting everyone else from villains threats" Ken: "There are villains here?" Kimba (1989): "Thankfully no the japanese windchimes are there to protect all that is nature of any lands they keep everyone here safe no villains hasn't come here since they've been too busy targeting humans in the cities" Gin: "So you're all safe here" they all sigh in relief as I lay down on my stomach they all notice and were concern Gon: "Stacy! are you alright?" me: "Don't worry everyone I'm just tired use up all my energy recruiting everybody to come to Fantasy Forest with Celebi's help I'm taking my catnap in the meantime Kimba and Gin can show you around help you learn and see if you need anything" Chibiko: "Ok will let you rest and thank you again for saving us" mother fox: "All of us thank you Stacy" they all gave me a group hug while the kits headbutt and nuzzle me me: "You're (yawn) welcome" and I doze off exhausted from saving those who are chosen Kimba (1989): "Will let her rest come there's a lot of land to see and sites to show you all around" and with that they all left to get adjusted to their new home
present day: I'm in the backyard paying my respect and prayers to three spots of the pet cemetery when a portal open and three kits came through it they saw me and walk sitting on each side of me while wagging their tails curiously Kan: "Hey Stacy what are you doing?" me: "Sending prayers to my babies letting them know that I still miss everyone" Gon: "Can we join you?" me: "That's very thoughtful of all of you yes you can pay their respect" the first pet cemetery is in the far left corner where there's a chain fence and a large circle of dirt were some of them were buried as Gon learn to put two paws together to pray like a person Kan and Chibiko try to do the same but fumble I notice and use my magic to help them do that temporary as now Kan and Chibiko can send their prayers with their paws together the second pet cemetery is by an old rotting shed they were buried in the front as we continue sending our prayers Chibiko: "Wow this shed sure is falling apart" me: "In time it will be tear down things had to change around here" and the last one is on the side from the shed there a tombstone engrave Yoshi on it along with my lionhead rabbit Kiara keeping her company in their graves after finishing up I ask me: "So what brings you here?" Kan: "You promise that you'll take us site seeing of the 9th generation poke'mon that finally showed up after you told us stories that you spotted a few of them" me: "I did now with that month here they finally came out and are roaming about your all ready for this as promise?" they all jumped around and cheer in excitement Gon Chibiko Kan: "YAY! WERE GOING! WERE GOING!" I followed them to the open portal as we went through I ask in concern me: "How did you kits open the portal to my home?" Kan: "We ask Thistle to open a portal for us so we can see you and for the promise" me: "Ah that's explain it" and so we all began site seeing the 9th generation Poke'mon from Paldea we all saw 106 new Poke'mon from paldean forms of Tauros and Wooper to new evolved forms of Dunsparce, Primeape, Bisharp, and Girafarig we all watch past paradox forms and future paradox forms roaming different areas of their surroundings the kits aww and whoah at their sizes and forms there in the South Province Area there were two legenday pokemon battling each other Koraidon and Miraidon Chibiko: "Wow look at that!" Gon: "Yeah look at how they counter attack each other!" they fought for a while until both their stomach growl they both tilt their heads at their stomach me: "This is a golden opportunity to make new friends with them" I use my magic to summon bento boxes of berries and Poke'mon treats as there each wrap in a picnic like cloth I gave them each of the kits to carry them as we all walk slowly towards them Koraidon and Miraidon notice us and stay on guard me: "Don't be scare we couldn't help but heard you're both hungry so please accept this as a token of friendship" we drop them in front of Koraidon and Miraidon and I open the picnic cloth bento boxes of berries and Poke'mon treats and we all backed away slowly to make them feel comfortable they both kneel down sniff the four bento boxes and dug right in they eyes went starry at the taste and gobble it all down when there done they came up to us sniff us and they gave us kisses and nuzzle as we gain their trust Kan: "(laughing) hey that tickles!" Gon: "(giggling)" after they gave us their nuzzle and kisses Koraidon was nudging my shoulder to get his attention me: "Huh? what is it Koraidon?" he went to a tree break off a branch and starts drawing with its mouth in a squiggly line Chibiko: "What is it?" I took a closer look at the detail me: "It looks like a sandwich oh! you love sandwiches" Koraidon nodded excited at that response me: "Ok I'll fix that up" I use my magic and summon a classy sandwich and gave it to Koraidon he gently ate it from my hand and thank me me: "Now I know that your favorite food is sandwiches" Koraidon made happy noises   I bow down to Koraidon and Miraidon as the kits did the same me: "Oh noble legendary Koraidon and Miraidon I'm here to give you a gift a place call Fantasy Forest here you'll all be safe from poachers and any evil threats that comes to harm you please spread this message to every Poke'mon of Paldea of a sanctuary and a safe haven were life flourish for everyone" Koraidon and Miraidon nodded and they agree that they'll spread the message to every Poke'mon of Paldea of a wonderful sanctuary as were now friends and they ran off to begin their mission I open the portal that leads to Fantasy Forest and we all went inside Gon: "Whoa that was awesome! did you see the future paradox forms? they were so cool!" Kan: "Yeah and the way they battle so awesome!" Chibiko: "The past paradox forms were amazing there like ancestors to certain Poke'mon" as we walk throughout Fantasy Forest talking and laughing at what we encounter and witness I pick up the three kits held them close and began running they cheer telling me to go faster and then I jump to the highest tree leaping from branch to branch Gon: "WHOOOOO this is fun!" Chibiko: "Higher Stacy Higher!" as I jump landing on the last sturdy branch I place the kits down as we watch the scenery Kan: "Hey Stacy do that signature that Mordecai and Rigby do" Chibiko: "Yeah do it Stacy!" they all cheer excitedly of wanting me to do that me: "Alright alright here goes" I lift my hand in the air and made it the loudest me: "Ooohh!" then the kits joined in lifting their paws to do just like Mordecai and Rigby Chibiko Kan Gon: "Ooohh!" and we all did it together me Chibiko Kan Gon: "Ooohh!" we all laugh until we heard someone from the distance Bert Raccoon: "YYYYYAAAAAHHHHHOOO!!!!" we look and there's Bert Raccoon tarzan swinging from vine to vine me: "Hey it's Bert! hi Bert!" Bert Raccoon: "Hey Stacy watch this I'm going to do a somersault!" he grab another vine and did a somersault landed perfectly on the sturdy branch the kits cheer wagging their tails me: "Huzzah amazing landing Bert! Bert Raccoon: "Yeah if it wasn't for the friendship medallion you gave me I wouldn't been able to make the impossible possible" me: "So how are you doing Bert?" Bert Raccoon: "I'm doing good I was about to head to the city to do some shopping you want to come?" the three kits wagging their tails excitedly ask me Chibiko: "Oh can we come too Stacy please?" Gon: "Please Stacy we promise we won't wander off" Kan: "Pretty please?" they all gave me starry eyes I couldn't say no but their protection is the utmost importance me: "Alright you can all come" Gon Kan Chibiko: "Yay!!!" me: "Lend me your paws" they all place their paws on my hand as I began to use my magic as their paws began glowing in rainbows me: "In the name of all that is nature within thee protect them" me: "There with this magic you'll be protected from any evil threats as long as you stay with me and Bert you all promise not to wander off" they all gave me a hug and vow Gon: "We promise Stacy we will not wander off" Kan: "Thank you for letting us go with you" I smile and we all went to the city Bert took us to the café the kits marvel at the goodies and I took out my wallet to paid but Bert place his hand on my shoulder Bert: "Let me do this you've done so much for your friends and everyone you cared for I insist" me: "Alright but the next stop we pay together" Bert Raccoon: "Agree" we shook hands after paying for the next goodies the kits smile enjoying the new tastes from different variety Chibiko: "Mmmm this is good!" Kan: "I still taste the creamy center in this cake!" Gon: "Oh wow look at the size of this chocolate cover strawberry!" as they each share their goodies to each other Bert pull out his phone and began to took pictures of us laughing posing in each store we went enjoying the treats of each store Gon: "Thank you for letting us bring these treats home for our parents I'm sure they'll love this" me: "Your welcome but you should also thank Bert he also help paying for your treats since we did this together" Chibiko Gon Kan: "Thank you Bert" Bert Raccoon: "(chuckle) Your welcome it's fun to do this with your friends" as Bert carry the treats in a backpack that I summon for him to place them in we all continue to laugh and talk until I stopped in my tracks feeling something Kan notice and call everyone Kan: "Hey Stacy stopped" they all looked in concern Bert Raccoon: "Stacy you okay?" Chibiko: "Why did you stop?" I turn my head and a drop of sweat went down from the side of my head my eyes went wide when I see the familiar red limousine as I began to make haste catching up to them me: "Bert pick up Kan I'll pick up Gon and Chibiko" Bert Raccoon: "What is it?" me: "Someone's here" as we began to pick up the kits and began to walk I let them know me: "Don't look back and don’t pay attention that's how they ensnare you! you must keep walking in order to avoid them and to not make contact" the limousine was still in pursuit catching up me: "RUN!" we all made a run for it going from street after street until we bolted to the corner I spotted a clothing store knowing that will be safe in there me: "Over there!" we all ran inside that store and breathe heavy as we place the kits down me: "We should be safe here will wait until the cost is clear" Gon: "What happen back there?" me: "When I saw the red limousine with the hearts on it that's how I know that it's Valentino's limousine" they all gasp hearing this Bert Raccoon: "How did he get into this world?" as we walk throughout the store me: "He must've found a way to make access to other dimensions like a book or a scroll of spells for all I know he found something to get here" Kan: "Will be safe here right Stacy?" me: "Yeah will played it out for now let's have a fashion spree!" the kits smile and we all began to put on different clothes as Bert took pictures making more memories the kits wearing hats and different shirts while Chibiko has different jewelries on her and me and Bert trying out different outfits as time went by I looked out the door and there's no limousine me: "Ok it's all clear" we went outside as I open the portal to Bert's home of Evergreen Forest and went inside coming out from the other side of the portal Bert Raccoon: "I'll take the kits back to Fantasy Forest your ok making your way home?" me: "Yeah I got it from here thanks for the fun time Bert I'm glad we all had laughs and making memories" as Bert gave me a hug I return the hug back and then the kits they all jump on me nuzzling me giving me their hugs Gon: "Thanks again for this adventure can't wait to tell mom on what we did today!" Kan: "And mother and father are going to love the foods you both bought for them!" we all wave goodbye as I watch them enter to another forest until there gone I open the portal back to the city and it's the evening the sun setting as I'm walking on the sidewalk until the red limousine follow right next to me I stopped as the red limousine halt right next to me the door open and I see the heart-shape sunglasses with that sinister grin Valentino: "Hey there Baby Cakes it's been a while why don't you come inside give Valentino some company?" he chuckle evilly waving his finger as a come here sign I nodded and went inside the limousine I'm sitting right next to him me: "Hi Valentino how did you found a way to get access to here?" Valentino: "I found a way" he laugh best not to keep pushing on the same question Valentino: "Mind if I smoke?" me: "Sure that's fine" he pull out his cigarette light it up and began smoking as he blew the smoke on me I felt the hand of red smoke caressing me as I struggle smelling a little of it and breathe very slowly without consuming it he lean up against me and ask in my ear Valentino: "I saw you walking with someone why did you run away?" I look into his eyes behind those heart-shape sunglasses and told him me: "I can't tell you I had my reasons" keeping my friend and the kits safe is all I care about as Valentino place his cigarette on the ashtray out of nowhere he grab my throat pinning me down on the seat while his lower arms hold me down as his tone went demonic while growling at me   Valentino: "I WILL NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as I'm gagging I was able to move my hand and place it on his arm and told him again me: "I (gag) will not (gag) tell you on that (gag) subject (gag) punish me all you want (gag) no matter how much you hurt me!" he kept choking me until he saw my eyeballs rolling back knowing that he will not get an answer from me he let go of his grip on my throat as I'm coughing while he went back to his smoking looking through his phone as I move further away feeling the bruises on my throat from him the silence went on for a while as Valentino looked at my form and saw the hand marks on my throat he put his phone down and place the cigarette back in the ashtray again and crawl towards me Valentino: "Aw looks like I left my hand prints on you" he touch my neck as I flinch scare of it he grin enjoying my reaction he went to his ice chest and pull out an ice cube he place it in his mouth and began moving the ice cube on my throat as the ice melts slowly wetting my shirt he kept on doing this with a few more ice cubes I feel the cold numbing were my throat was strangle and each ice cubes melts his long tongue slither all over my neck making me gasp from his touch a string of salvia drip on my neck from his mouth as he place his hand on my face making me stare at him Valentino: "So you said I can punish you all I want?" I nodded as his grin grew wider Valentino: "Then as punishment you'll be helping me with a porn shoot with Angel do you agree?" me: "Yes Valentino" Valentino: "Good set a course back to Hell to the Porn Studio we got a shooting to film!" a mysterious dark magic open the portal sending us back to Hell meanwhile inside the Porn Studio he was having a word with Angel as I'm waiting outside the door until there were screaming and noises I open the door and see Angel on the ground but no bruises thankfully as Valentino was about to hit Angel raising his fist I ran towards Valentino catching him by surprise and began kissing him my hand slowly touching his pants as he purrs from this me: "Whatever you two were arguing about I said I'll take the punishment" as I grind my body up and down on him hearing him moan and chuckle at what I'm doing me: "I wouldn't mind if your in the shooting too" licking his lips letting his four arms grope my body and I lean my lips against his and spoke in a seductive tone me: "Valentino" as I continue kissing him Angel watch as this continues hearing our moans as a string of salvia left from my mouth as he look at Angel Valentino: "I'll let this slide Angel only because this cute lovely plaything is keeping me calm without me putting bruises on ya" Angel Dust: "Yes Val" Valentino: "Good now then let's start filming!" as the shooting starts me and Angel both naked began sucking on Valentino's cock as he moans from our tongues as he came we both share his cum in our mouths licking and moaning as I went back to his balls while Angel and Valentino were kissing each other then they started kissing me as Angel saw the bruises on my neck from Valentino and began licking it I gasp saying his name while Valentino went to my cunt and began sticking his tongue inside changing positions giving each other pleasures then I'm on top of Angel while Valentino fucks my ass we kept going after each cum until the final scene as Angel grab my throat pinning me to the ground while fucking me seeing his twisted face while he cackles Angel Dust: "Say ahh" me: "Ahh" and he kept saying that word while his tongue sticking out Angel Dust: "Say ahh" me: "AAHH ahhhh!" Angel Dust: "Say ahhh!" as he came inside me my eyes rolling back again as I cum in climax me: "AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" as the shooting ends he let go of my throat as I'm choking and coughing gasping to breathe I got up trying to get to a couch but started to feel dizzy and fall only to be caught by Valentino’s four arms as I'm unconscious breathing slowly as he handed my body to Angel Valentino: "That will be all for today you can take the night off Angel and she'll pay you when she wakes up" Angel Dust: "Thank you Val" as Valentino move my hair looking at my unconscious form and place a kiss on my lips Valentino: "Thank you for accepting your punishment Stacy" as he laugh while leaving the room Angel got dress and place a towel over me taking me back to the Hazbin Hotel in his suite placing me on the bed while he showers I rested for a bit until I woke up seeing the bruises on my neck I sigh and looked only for Alastor to be there with his wide smile me: "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Angel heard this and open the door seeing Alastor right next to me Angel Dust: "THE FUCK ALASTOR?!?! scaring the living shits out of her!!" Alastor: "I'm sorry my effeminate fellow I couldn't help but notice the hand marks on her lovely neck" as he place his hand on my neck feeling the pulse I gasp Alastor: "Are you alright mon amour?" he leans against me I blush while answer me: "Yy Yeah I'm fine it'll take a while for my throat to heal" Alastor: "Splendid! now Angel would you mind if she use your shower?" Angel Dust: "Sure the water is still warm have at it Stacy" me: "Hey Master Angel?" Angel Dust: "Yeah?" I summon 7 briefcases of money and place them on his nightstand me: "Here as payment" he came up to the other side of the bed and pat my head while I blush from his touch Angel Dust: "Thanks toots" and kiss my cheek enjoying this hearing my reaction Angel Dust: "I'm heading down to the bar you two be good" me: "Uh mmmm (yeah)" while Alastor nodded as Angel left the room leaving me with Alastor I notice I'm naked so I told Alastor me: "Hey um I'm naked just letting you know but I'll wrap myself in a towel so you feel comfortable" Alastor: "How very polite" as I walk towards Angel's bathroom took the towel off and my socks off I went inside the shower the hot water hitting my hair until I heard the door open and Alastor came in taking his clothes off and went inside the shower startling me me: "AH Master Alastor! I thought you don't do this kind of thing!" but felt his hands moving all over my body slowly making me gasp moan Alastor: "I couldn't stand it seeing you all alone it makes my hunger crave you more" as he began speaking in french ensnaring my heart in a trap while he embrace me in a sinister passionate kiss moaning from him touching me and whisper sweet nothingness into my ear Alastor: "I will never let you go ma chérie" he cackle twistedly as we stay in an embrace under the warm shower
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you Mrs. Lefty eyebag Dark chocolate, Naan bread and rice dishes eater lover of pine tree smells and mother of a spoiled but probably amazing child. 😅
Yes, I had to take a deep breath to say all that, so it can make sense hahaha
That's cute, you're getting your dream house haha does it even snow in Oklahoma? Or get really cold? I bet the fire was beautiful to watch. I enjoy watching fire and hearing the crackling of the wood.
Also that's a great tradition you guys are doing, especially collecting Christmas ornaments from places. Would you ever start like a little Christmas village thing? I love the picture with the train under the tree! It is so pretty and magical looking.
Hopefully when you guys travel it won't be hectic since it is the holiday season. Imagine you guys get to CA and you bump into Elizabeth Olsen..😌
I am jealous of Emily. She gets a drum set and a bike! Hahaha are you ready for the music making she will do with the drums. One year I gave my niece a mini piano, her parents didn't want to take it home with them cause apparently it will be too noisy. I told them, that she needs it to learn how to play so she can be a famous pianist and support me when I retire hahahaha.
Hm no royal blue is a bit darker than the dodger blue I think 🤔
Reading all about indian food and sandwiches is making me hungry. I might go out to get a good sandwich from somewhere hahaha
Ok ok. What do you call a potato with gas? A tater toot. Ahahahaha🤣🤣🤣
Same same, I would fly too. After seeing pictures of what could be in the ocean, I noped myself out of being in the water.
Would you rather have an annoying high pitched voice or a deep manly voice?
Hello hello youuu! Hahaha. Oh geez, im glad u caught ur breath back after u call my long nickname.hahaha.
Sorry i was writing then i got tired n fell asleep. I woke up n went to the store so Em can make toll house cookies from scratch after i make dinner.. n i had dinner, then baked the cookie and i just sat.
Hows ur day?
Guess what? I'm allergic to pine tree😅 i just noticed it last night n today. I never cough n sneeze that bad but last night n today i cough and wheezing pretty bad, eyes were watery. It sucks.
Well, this is really not my dream house. I want a simple house with a few extra rooms but mainly hugeee kitchen with full bar and backyard or acres of property that's big enough to have a shooting range or archery range and batting cage to hit some baseball and i want it to be located with no neighbors or a few neighbors thats not too close to my house hahaha. But not too far in country side n not too far from the downtown or the city. So it will be quite but not too much in the middle of nowhere. N i dont have to struggle to break the ice or small talk with the neighbors. 😅🤣 i told u im weird.
Sometimes it snows here. It was snowing last week but not too much but yeah it gets really cold here.. It has tornado seasons too.haha.
Yeah we like to collect them. Maybe when we have more space n em is older i will start buying the village..haha. oh i also like to collect fridge magnet from whereever we travel.
Hahha i wish.. i dont know what i would do or how i would be if i see her. I froze n speechless when i met sally and jack from nightmare before christmas in disneyland, imagine how i would be if i see her 😅🤣
One of my friend sometimes go to the fancy supermarket Lizzie always go,, so he has a chance to see her but he doesnt even know her..he thought she is one of the designer twins. I was like dude?🤦‍♀️ hahahhaha.
Haha im not ready for the noise of the drum when em gets it, but i have to tolerate that. I was in 2 bands in junior high . I played drum n guitar. I want her gets used to musical instrument, i actually hope she plays cello someday. It's one of my favorite instrument.😅 or at least classical piano.
Haha thats very sweet n nice of u to give the piano for ur niece. Imagine someday she becomes a professional pianist.
Ah okay i think i kinda know how royal blue is. Its good color.
Omg, thats sooo funny.. tater toot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 more more more!
Yeah, thats why im not really a big fan of swimming, it scares me even sometimes in swimming pool scares me.haha. i still couldnt believe that i actually snorkled a few times 😅🤣
Oh also here is the picture of my favorite chocolates. Coincidencely all 5 of them are in one same row.haha.
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Also, here is another of my favorites
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The lindt lindor was the one was telling u.
I would choose deep manly voice.. high pitch voice annoys me, im kinda sensitive with noise, so it will be bad if i hv a voice that bothers me.🤣
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