#the video is about a dead mother I wasn't expecting that
hippielittlemetalhead Β· 10 months
So... I lied about getting a full fix-it to This β†’ Part 1. Y'all get parts focusing on different characters for now as Hop traverses his guilt trip. I won't say it gets worse before it gets better but... kinda in places? I promise it's a happy ending though!!
What do you want from me I'm stressed and depressed and I like making my blorbos suffer (a.k.a projecting my trauma instead of doing the healthy shit my shrink tells me to)
You've been warned... But I do hope you like it.
So here we have Part 2 (Pride and Prejudices: Joyce Edition)
He goes to Joyce about it first. Thinks about her gentle herding of the trio that has become the Hopper-Byers brood. Thinks about how she put everything he was feeling about Mike and El and their giggling and the fucking door into words that kept him from looking like an imbecile (if he'd have ever used them instead of fucking it up 'winging it'). Thinks about the way her voice stays soft and kind of quiet even when she's spitting in his face about listening to her (and every time she's been right) and how that's translated to talking down government goons and wrangling the army of children that seems to get bigger each time they have to fight interdimensional terrors. So he goes to Joyce about what Murray said, the noise Steve made with That Look in his eyes and his bandages peeking out from under a shirt that looks like one of the Henleys he's been missing since coming 'back from the dead' and they dug out his clothes from storage. (El wouldn't let her throw anything out, not until she was ready to say goodbye. Thank whatever god[s] there may be she never needed to)
He doesn't expect Joyce to make a face like he suggested inviting Owens to family dinner. He doesn't expect the scoff and eye roll as her shoulders tense and her hands flex at her sides like she's about to let loose her (honestly really attractive) righteous fury. About the Harrington kid.
Maybe he should have asked when the kids weren't home. Before El quietly told them the bullying wasn't as bad as it was in California but some people still made fun of how she spoke and how all of her friends were boys (and just as quietly asked they not do anything. Asked that they let her and The Party handle it until they couldn't). Before Will came home sulking about something idiotic Mike said or did or something the kid missed (though lately the latest Wheeler mistake is followed by bashful mention of the Emerson kid doing something specifically to make Will feel better in the moment). Before Jonathan came home from 'job hunting' or 'volunteering at the school's relief center' reeking of weed and his long-haired friend in tow (less than usual but still enough to make Joyce feel guilty for missing it for so long, for making the boy grow up so fast that he spends his days out of his mind instead of the weekend bender like when they were kids). Before The Party had come by with what homework the school was still giving out and talking over each other about all the latest small-town gossip a teenager can get their hands on (Eddie's name has been cleared but he's still laid up at the hospital. Susan Mayfield has been noticeably absent according to every nosy housewife in Hawkins considering her daughter is in a coma. The Hagans, Carvers, Perkins and a handful of other 'well to do' families have skipped town taking most of the sports population with them. Steve has been letting people displaced by the damage crash at the Harrington mansion. Steve has kept up hours at Family Video somehow and is a regular volunteer at the various relief centers in town. Steve has been giving all of them rides and may have told Dustin he's thinking of trading in the Beemer for a bigger vehicle for all the kids and people he chauffeurs about. Steve keeps a room empty and waiting for when Max wakes up before her mother makes an appearance. Steve. Steve. Steve.)
He doesn't expect the way she spits his name like she's talking about Dick and Margaret under the bleachers over a smoke before the yard teacher catches them. The rant about bullies and broken cameras and trashed kitchens and dead monsters in her fridge. The crack in her voice when she crosses her arms to stop their shaking as she lays sin upon sin at this boy's feet.
And maybe before that would have been enough.
He doesn't expect the stone in his stomach or the burning in his chest as he looks the woman he loves in the eye and says "So I guess we should tell Nancy to break up with Jonathan before he pulls a Lonnie, huh?" It's a low blow. He knows from the hurt anger on her face and on the purse of her lips. He knows that's why he said it. "That kid is lucky to be alive let alone walking and have we ever even thanked him for keeping the fucking kids alive each time they pull their dumb shit when the world goes to hell? Does that sound like anything his folks would have ever done for us? Hell for their own fucking kid they practically signed over to ME of all people?"
He's shaking now too and Joyce has her hands fluttering between them like she wants to reach out. To touch, comfort. Pull him close and tell him to take a breath.
"He called me 'His Hop', Joyce" He barely has enough breath on him to squeeze the words past his tight throat. "Called me His Hop and watched Ellie and the kids when I just couldn't and you were at work. I don't think I've seen his folks in town since the mall was opened and all the donors had that big party. Don't think I've spoken to them since '83 and they made me the kid's guardian when they aren't around cause they didn't want to fly down for a government sized concussion."
By now he knows El and Will are peeking around the corner, their eyes wide and worried. Jonathan has his door cracked and Angus (is that the hippie's name? He can't remember) is whispering something about heavy auras. Joyce is staring somewhere off in the distance, wringing her hands and biting her lips like she's facing an interdimensional portal shaped problem.
"The kids are planning to have one of their games in a few days." Her voice is brittle in a way he's not used to anymore. Not since she pulled her youngest out of hell and faced down a demon clawing through her walls. "He always drives them over and- and disappears until they need to head home. I can make sure he stays for dinner. Like the rest of the kids. I know Claudia has been having him over so I- I can get some recipes from her that he likes."
Something in his shoulders shakes loose and he reaches out to pull her practically shaking from into his chest.
"I don't know what to say to him Hop. He's not Mike and he's not like either of my boys. In my head he's just always been..."
"Dick and Margaret's brat." He sighs out and rests his cheek on the top of her head as she nods and presses herself in closer.
He's aware of eyes on them. Confused and worried and judgemental and he'll pay that piper next. These kids taught him how to be a dad again once, they can do it again, right?
Part 3
Part 4.1
@thelittleclare @jackiemonroe5512 @0body0disphoria0 @strangersteddierthings @lingeringmirth
Part 4.2
Part 5
If I missed you in the tag list I'm sorry I tried πŸ™ƒπŸ«‘ Tell me what you think? 🫣πŸ₯²
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lemon-natalia Β· 8 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 19
at the end of the last chapter i fully thought they were gonna go back to the basement murder lab, glad to see they're not being that dumb
'she used to have nightmares about being on the wrong side of the Locked Tomb, especially after what Harrow had done' see i'm pretty sure i've been spoiled about everything re: all of the dead Ninth kids and all that, but this feels like its maybe referring to something different? also, is the Locked Tomb like an actual physical locked place then, because i was kinda assuming it was just a really creepy metaphor for death
if i'm right in my assumption Gideon and Harrow get together, i find the contrast between how Gideon describes Harrow's appearance and 'pointed face' versus Everything about her descriptions of Corona hilarious
i cannot believe it took me until this chapter to realise that Gideon needed the sunglasses because of the difference in the amount of light present on the First vs Ninth. i honestly just thought she wanted to look cool and make a fashion statement 😭
neither of them brought lights omfg, they're such delightful dumbasses in their own way
oh wonderful another creepy lab, this time complete with an mysterious group photo with the faces crossed out. this really is a video-game setting
more fuel to my crack theory that this is Earth however-many-thousand years in the future: Gideon considers guns to be an ancient artifact. also now i want Gideon to have a gun, i think she could wreak havoc
i really wasn't expecting Harrow to be this explicit about the need to trust each other and be allies this soon. at least she recognises the need to trust eachother now
'walked in at just the wrong moment' again, another ominous reference to Harrow and Gideon's childhood. maybe this and the mention before are referring to Harrow's whole necromancy-ing her parents? but its so vague it could be something else
ok weird ancient note with the words 'give Gideon my congratulations'. given how long that rooms been sealed up, unless there's some strange immortality shenanigans going on, its not referring to our Gideon. but the phrasing still does to me make it sound like its referring to a person ... Gideon's mother had said only that name when they arrived and the Ninth simply assumed it was the name of her child, but perhaps instead she knew some secret about Canaan House, and was repeating that instead?
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once-upon-helluvaboss Β· 7 months
Rewrite of the end of 'The Harvest Moon Festival'
Stella sat in an office, presumably her’s, breathing heavily, her glowing pink eyes staring down at her electronic phone. She stared at Stolas’s name typed in the search bar; she repeatedly refreshed the page before scrolling and then refreshing again.
She scrolled to bottom the page ready to refresh it again before she saw it, an article from the wrath ring. Her eyes widened with excitement seeing Stolas’s name, until she read the rest of it. β€˜Goetia Prince Stolas professes love for imp dick?!?!’ in big bold letters. She clicked the headline quickly, skimming through the article, the website was terribly made, so many misspellings she assumed whatever imp had pulled it together favourite colour was red.
β€œI expect nothing more from those imps…” Stella hissed gripping the phone tighter, however considering it was an imp she doubted anyone would believe a word they said. β€œIf they could even read it!” She cackled, ready to disregard the article I mean who would even take it seriously? Even with Stolas’s recent behaviour she doubted he would do something that outlandish. He was a cheater not an idiot, right?
She chuckled ready to exit out of the page until she saw a video attached, her eyes widened in horror as she clicked it. The video was clearly recorded on a shotty camera but it was still easy to tell it was Stolas, her breathing became unsteady as he listened to her husband talk about some imps dick. And more importantly he wasn't dead.
She replayed the video over and over as she felt herself becoming overtaken with rage, the tips of her fingers covered in a pink flame as she scratched at her desk. She slammed the phone down, surely breaking the screen as an imp Butler peeked his head in the door.
β€œI’m sorry but, didn't your mother teach you how to knock!?” She seethed, snapping her head toward the imp.
The imp gave a comically loud gulp, as he entered the room walking over to Stella her rotary phone on a platter in his hand, β€œApologies miss,” the imp started readjusting his collar averting his eyes from Stella’s rage filled gaze. β€œBut it's an urgent call for you, so I came as soon as I heard it-” The phone rang before he could finish.
Stella’s eyes softened a bit at his explanation, silently beckoning him over, the imp did just that walking until he was right next to her.
Stella grabbed the phone bringing it to her ear, the disgruntled voice of Striker the assassin she had hired came on, β€œListen ma’am there's been a complication…” Striker started,
β€œYou failed.” Stella said in a tone a lot calmer than Striker expected.
β€œI-i know ma’am I-”
β€œI had to pay you extra because of your β€˜spouse fee' and this is the service I get?!” Stella screeched over the phone.
Striker pulled the phone away from his ear as he yelled, β€œI know I know, I’ll discount you on tha’ final payment. But don't worry ma'am… it won’t happen again.” Striker assured
Stella drummed her fingers on the already charred table, β€œIt better not! I want that cheating prick dead!” Stella growled, her hand engulfed in flames again. β€œI don’t care who or what you have to go through, MAKE IT HAPPEN!” Stella yelled, practically incinerating a large chunk of her desk, as Striker pulled the phone away from his ear once again.
β€œAm I clear?” Stella said her voice shaking with rage as she smashed her fist into the table, falling back into her chair.
β€œVery,” Striker responds, Stella huffs in satisfaction, as she drops the phone onto the receiver.
β€œI’ll get next him time” Striker grins as he sits on the bed in the crappy motel he is stationed at. He chuckles, shutting off the light in the room hissing to himself as he plots his next move.
The imp next to Stella gulped again as she seethed , β€œUm also, miss dinner is ready and your hus-” He faked a cough as Stella’s eyes shifted towards him, β€œYour daughter requested you join them,” The imp butler said softly.
Stella grumbled to herself ready to decline Octavia’s request not wanting to see Stolas that evening, β€œShe was also hoping to show you an outfit she had gotten after word!” The butler added
Stella sighed, β€œI suppose I have nothing better to do…" She replied, rising from her seat, the butler gave a small smile setting down the rotary phone into Stella’s desk. He rushed to the door holding it open while he held the platter under his arm, as Stella silently excited without uttering another word.
And another one finished! Again this is a short one, while I guess I didn't mind the original episode I had issues.
For one I feel like revealing that Stolas was just sitting there while she was saying all this and not reacting took away from the fear factor. Any real fear for Stolas's safety was taken away from the audience which makes it difficult to take both Stella and Striker seriously. So here I changed that, meaning at this point in the story while Stolas has his suspicions, he doesn't know for sure it was Stella who called the hit.
I also added the thing with Octavia because these two have had zero interaction in the show, so I wanted to characterize their relationship a bit more.
Also yes, I will eventually get around to fixing the formatting on the circus rewrite, I actually did a few days ago but it didn't save :').
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helplesslyblue77 Β· 1 year
It Felt So Wrong(It Felt So Right)
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Genre: Smut, minors dni
Pairing: Step Dad!Bang Chan x Reader, Step Bro!Felix x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Step-Sibling Incest, Step Dad!Chan, Step Brother!Felix, Smut, slight degration, Daddy Kink, use of slut, Moral Dilemmas but less than youd think because the author is lazy as fuck
Notes: its very much focused on the reader and there is no m/m action cause chan and felix r related and thats to much even for me,
ok so...you know how its like 3 am and you just had a whole cryfest about how knowone will ever love you and you are obsessing over men who dont even know you exist? and then you feel dumb and take a shower and chug an energy drink while you eat Pizza and smash out like four chapters of your WIP and one very dirty convoluted oneshot????
Anyway i literally cannot watch any clips from Bang Chan's lives the man makes me so Delulu its not ok.
The Title is from 'I Kissed a Girl' by Katy Perry, i love that song man.
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You had just turned fourteen when your mother had come home, sat you down at the table, and announced she was getting married. You had not been surprised. You wished her well and snuck upstairs while she talked loudly on the phone with her friends, hardly sparing you a glance.
Your mother seemed to bring home a new man every few years, and at this point, you barely even cared.
And she barely spared a thought for you as well. You were well-fed and had your credit card, but you lacked the love only a parent could give you. Your mother was much too caught up in her pretty jewels and visits to the country club to pay you much thought.Β 
She was selfish, your mother, and used her pretty face and ample figure to get whatever she wanted in life, whether it be money, clothes, or men, she could have it all. The other men your mother seemed to favor never really spared you a glance, too caught up in your mother's boob job to pay attention to her only daughter, so you really had no expectations when it came to this new man.
But when you were finally introduced, you noticed how he was different.
He looked at you, smiled at you, and acknowledged your presence unlike so many of the others had. He even brought you a gift, a pretty silver necklace with a small charm.
He was handsome, and of course much younger than your own mother. Christopher, he said his name was, and he smiled at you warmly, introducing his son to you. Felix was sweet, pretty with a smile like the sun and the two of you hit it off immediately, rushing indoors to play video games while your parents snuck off.
You pretended not to know what they were doing.Β 
You adjusted well to the two of them, Felix transferred into your school and you showed him around, introducing him to your friends. He meshed well into your small group and in no time at all, you were happy as can be. You hoped they would stick around, your mother tended to trade off men very quickly., tossing out the old and bringing in the new every few years.
It was the first time you could remember hoping she didn't get a new boy toy, hoping that Chris and Felix would stick around. But then, in your Junior year of high school, it happened.
You remembered the frantic call from the hospital. Felix’s hand gripped your own tightly as you watched your mother's monitor flatline. You felt guilty, like maybe you should have felt more devastated, but truthfully, you weren't that sad.
You shed tears later, however, wetting the sunny yellow of Felix’s favorite t-shirt.Β It wasn't the fact that your mother was gone, no, it was your stepfather's devastated face that made you sob like a baby in Felix’s arms.Β 
You hadn't loved your flighty, unreliable mother, but your stepfather had. Even though you all knew she had been cheating on him the last few months.
Your mother is dead now, and it was all in the past.Β 
It all began on that very night, the night your mother died. Your seventeenth birthday had passed barely a few weeks before and you had fingered the pretty necklace they had given you as you ate. Your mother hadn't gotten you a present, but Felix and your stepdad had, and they had spent extra time with you when they noticed your mother was ignoring you as usual.
You remembered how Felix’s pretty face had lit up with a smile when he handed you the gift, Chris subtly shoving a card across the table.
They liked to give you jewelry, and you liked to receive it. It felt nice to be dressed up and you kind of understood why your mother liked it so much. The card had a few hundred in it, and a handwritten note from both of them, telling you how much they cared about you.
You had cried later that night, curled up in Felix’s arms as usual, and thanked him over and over. He had just laughed and comforted you as always. That night, you realized how nice it was to have people who cared about you, people who enjoyed hanging out with you, and who valued the things you had to say.
You dared to think that you were glad your mother was dead, so you could have a real family, all to yourself.Β 
The next day, when your small family moved away from your mother's empty cold house, Chris(As he had insisted you call him) reassured you that they would always care for you that you were their family, that you could live with them as long as you wished.
You felt your cold dead heart, so hardened by your mother's uncaring attitude, begin to blossom in your chest. You noticed, for the first time, how pretty Felix was, with his blond hair and the freckles dotting his skin, how firm his chest felt from years of martial arts when he pressed you up against it. You noticed the caring way he looked at you, the way he comforted you when you were sobbing your eyes out over a dumb boy, or how he always made sure to buy you your favorite drinks from the store.Β 
You noticed your stepfather's dimples when he smiled at you, his muscly arms when he lifted your things and carried them into the house. You noticed the way he would go out of his way to make your favorite foods when he saw you were down, how he didn't get a new girlfriend, probably because he thought you would be upset about it.
You noticed how they cared about you, but most of all, you noticed they were men. And it would plague your mind for years to come.
It started out innocent. Your heart sped up when they came to close, dreams of kissing plump familiar lips, blushing cheeks.
But then it became worse.Β 
And the day of your eighteenth birthday, you awoke sweaty and panting in your bed, two forbidden names falling from your mouth.Β 
You had never considered them as family, not really. Chris was your mother's new toy, and Felix was more of a friend than a brother. That careless attitude was coming back to haunt you.
So you left.
Packed your bags and went off to boarding school. It gave you a break from the suffocating tension that seemed to settle over the house with the loss of your mother. It made you feel guilty, here Chris was so broken up about your mother while you thirsted about him, fantasized about him bending you over the table and taking you ruthlessly. When Felix would smile at you, asking to cuddle and all you could think about was his pretty mouth doing other things to you.Β 
You couldn't take it anymore.Β 
Your twenty-first birthday was only a few days away when you returned from, settling back into your old room and your old routine.Β 
Chris welcomed you back with open arms, hugging you warmly and stroking your hair. β€œMissed you babygirl.” He would murmur in your ear, and you tried not to shiver at the familiar nickname.Β 
β€œMissed you too Chris.” With a pat on your back, he hoisted your luggage up and disappeared inside, arms flexing.
Felix tackled you in a hug next, pressing his lithe body into your back. He'd grown while you were gone, shoulder filling out and arms flexing as he hugged you tightly in a sweet back hug. You tried not to imagine what it would feel like if he was doing something else in this position. But this was Felix, he would never even imagine anything like that.Β 
β€œMissed you Oppa.”
He kissed your neck, and you breathed in his clean scent of sunflowers and things you couldn't quite place. He smelled like home. You jostled against him, accidentally rubbing your but against him and he flinched, pulling away slightly.
You froze, it couldn't be, right? Your sweet innocent brother Felix would never…
He pulled away fully and you decided it was best to ignore it for now, so you grabbed his hand, leading him in.Β 
He smiled at you, and you grinned back. β€œDad and I made you a welcome back dinner, it's gonna be great.”
He let you lead him inside, the screen door slamming behind the two of you. You were home.
You loved being back. The familiar smell of Chris’s cooking, your video game nights with Felix, and most of all, having a family again. But you still couldn't shake that tension. You knew you were the problem and it made you feel guilty. It was hard to cuddle on the couch with Felix when all you could think about was riding him right on this very couch.
It was hard to work out with Chris when you just wanted him to take you in the dirty gym over the workout machines.
But then, on the eve of your twenty-first birthday, when you were all gathered around the table serving the delicious chocolate cake you and Felix had made, you noticed something.Β 
Maybe it was the way their gazes were focused on you, maybe it was the lighting, playing tricks on your brain, but you swore you saw a flicker of desire in their eyes. You shook it off, sighting your horny imagination, and enjoyed your cake, but you could never really forget it.
Over the next few weeks, you noticed things. Lingering glances, guilty eyes flicking away from your cleavage when you wore low-cut shirts when you had sunbathed out by the pool and Chris had come out, dragging his eyes away from your figure as he handed you a glass of homemade lemonade. Or the fact that Felix had laundry duty and some of your panties had mysteriously gone missing.Β 
They both wanted you, that was obvious, but lingering doubts stopped them from just taking you, taking what they wanted. They seemed to think you didn't want them, but oh how wrong they were. They just needed a little push.
So you hatched a plan.
Your plan was set in motion on a Saturday night. Chris had just gotten back from work, and you bounced over to him, all smiles. β€œHey Chris, Felix is gone, and I really wanna watch this movie.” You pouted as he removed his coat, sending him those puppy eyes you knew he was weak for. β€œWatch it with me.”
He nodded, like the weak man he was, and met your sweet smile as you grabbed his hand, bouncing happily over to the couch and pushing him down. β€œGonna go change.”
You make sure to wear your sluttiest pj set, a silk lace tank top, and some matching undies, and bounce back downstairs, plopping yourself down and cuddling up to Chris. β€œReady.”  Is all you said, grabbing the remote and starting the movie.
He coughs a little, clearing his throat awkwardly. β€œAren't you a little cold? Your Pj’s are, um, small.”
You smile up at him innocently, standing up. β€œMaybe a little, but you're so warm.” You say, and plop down right in his lap. β€œThere, problem solved.” You smile up at him and he smiles back tightly, hands automatically gripping your hips and adjusting you slightly.
You feel your pussy throb at that unexpected show of strength. You're going to go insane if one of your hot sudo family members doesn't fuck you this instant.
So you ramp it up.Β 
Pretending to be cold, you move backward, jostling around on his lap intentionally. He grunts a little, hands on your waist making butterflies flutter in your stomach.
\You're winning though, you can tell when you move a little too much, and your but brushes up against something big and hard. He winces, opening his mouth to apologize, but his words dissolve in his throat as you grind down, head falling against his shoulder.Β 
His voice is hoarse when he speaks, β€œWe should stop.”
You grind your core directly on his length and you both groan. His hands move your hips, grinding them against him. He speaks again. β€œTell me to stop.”
You can see the guilt in his eyes, the turmoil that wars within him so you shut him up with a kiss.Β 
β€œChris. Fuck me.”
He tries to resist, you feel him brace to pull away, and so you move falling backward off the couch and pulling him with you as you crash to the floor. If you were less horny you would appreciate how he protects the back of your head as you fall, but at this moment you just need his hands on you, his lips on your own, his cock inside youβ€”
So you reach up, sealing your lips in a kiss. He kisses back immediately, his tongue finding its way into your mouth. The kiss is wild, passionate, and hungry, weeks of pent-up lust and longing culminating in this very moment.Β 
He practically devours your mouth, hands ripping your pretty pj set in his hast as he rips it off. You whine in protest and he pulls away, kissing down your body. β€œDon't worry baby girl, I'll buy you another.”
Your core clenches at that nickname and you grip his hair, forcing his face down. He obliges, his hot breath teasing your wet core. His voice is a growl when he speaks. β€œSo wet for me. Do you want my cock that much?”
You whine, bucking helplessly into the air. β€œYes, want Daddy's cock.”
He chuckles, planting a sweet kiss on your clothed core as you writhe with need. β€œSuch a pretty slut for Daddy.”
You whine and he finally pulls your panties aside, diving into your pussy like a man starved. The sounds that leave your mouth are sinful, moans and pants of his name ring off the walls of the living room.
You're so distracted you don't hear the sound of the front door slamming, Felix’s carefree humming as he makes his way down the hall, headphones blaring.Β 
Felix felt guilty that he couldn't watch that movie with you, but the school called and his professor offered him a chance he simply couldn't turn down.
As he arrived home, however, headphones glued to his head, he practically skipped up the path, Happy to see you. He slammed the door open, closing it just as loudly and tromping down the hall, towards the kitchen. He was hungry, there were probably some leftovers in the fridge. He opened the door to the living room and froze, not believing his eyes.
There you were, spread out on the carpet, naked. And that was his dad between your legs.
Felix froze. He couldn't believe this.Β 
He had never been so jealous of somebody in his life.
It had started years ago when he had met you, to be honest. You were sweet and kind and irresistible to his teenage mind. And you liked prancing around the house in skimpy little crop tops and shorts and Felix was only a man. You were touchy too, always pressed against him and in his lap, and Felix had spent many a night huddled in his bed frantically jerking off as quietly as possible.
He still remembered that one time your little family had decided to go to the beach. Felix had suffered a lot that day, doing his best to not get hard as you pranced around the beach in that cute bathing suit, dragging him around as you usually did. And then you had asked him to put sunscreen on your back.
Felix might have died and gone to heaven that day.
It had only gotten worse and worse, and you got your heart broken by the jerks you dated. Felix knew he could have treated you so much better than those jerks, but he had accepted being there for you as you cried over those assholes, ignoring the throbbing in his chest and groin and comforting you the best he could.Β 
But then you had returned home from boarding school. Felix had thought you couldn't get more pretty than you already were, but you had. Your figure had filled out and you had become more confident. Your clothes had become skimpier and your legs longer and everything about you was just meant to taunt him.
You were irresistible, and he knew his dad was feeling your effect too, but to walk into this.Β 
Felix watched guiltily, his stomach roiling with jealousy and arousal and you gripped his dad's hair, bucking wilding into his face. He stumbled back, crashing into a coat rack. Your eyes shot up, meeting him and he looked away guiltily.Β 
He hurriedly bowed, stuttering out an apology, but you stopped the flow of words, crooking a finger at him. He stared at you in disbelief, and you nodded. He bounded over, ever the happy puppy and you turned over, on your hands and knees, presenting your ass to your daddy. He grinned at you, as Felix gripped your chin, kissing you sweetly as he fiddled with the zipper on his pants. You helped him, releasing him from the prison his pants had become.
Your mouth watered. How was it possible for a cock to be pretty? He was large as well and you stuck our tongue out, giving it a hesitant lick. He groaned and encouraged, you took him in your mouth, gagging around his girth.Β 
You moved slowly at first, getting used to his cock as his hands lodged themselves in your hair controlling your movements. You were so distracted you forgot about Chris, right up until you felt a hot heat brushing against your entrance.Β 
Chris chuckled darkly, the head of his cock nudging the walls of your pussy apart as he spears you open. You moan helplessly around Felix’s cock as he bottoms out, his cock impossibly deep in you.
His voice is a rasp when he speaks. β€œLook at you, a perfect little slut for Daddy. Taking your step-brother's cock so good.” You clench and he laughs. β€œYou like that?”
He begins to move, long harsh thrusts that you feel in your gut, and Felix begins to fuck your face as well. You feel used, like a perfect little fuckdoll.
You love every minute of it.Β 
Chris leans over you, grunting those sexy words into your ear. β€œLook at you, taking daddy’s cock so well, like you were made for us.”
Felix’s pretty moans tangle with your own, creating a symphony of wounds. Felix speaks his voice full of wonder, β€œShe’s so pretty, so perfect for us.” 
Chris chuckles, slapping your ass as Felis whimpers.Β 
You feel so full and perfect, your stomach pulsing with heat as you moan around Felix helplessly, trying to communicate with them. Felix speaks, his voice throaty. β€œI think she's cumming.”
Chris speeds up his thrusts. β€œYou cumming around daddy’s cock you dirty girl?”
You moan helplessly and he chuckles, landing a harsh slap on your ass. β€œFelix, fuck her face. She likes it rough.” He nods, and obeys, gripping your cheeks and fucking you roughly. It's so unlike your sweet Felix, the kind boy with the sunshine smile, it makes you clench around Chris’s cock one more time.Β 
Chris feels it and his thrusts falter. β€œYou want Daddy’s cum?” You nod helplessly, tears streaming down your face, muffled moansΒ 
He flicks your clit and you come, screaming around Felix’s cock as he cums down your throat with a pretty moan. Chris grunts as he cums inside you, his thick cum dripping out of your hole as he pulls out. Felix lets your head fall forward, petting your hair as he pulls his still-hard cock out of your mouth.Β 
He looks up at his dad, β€œCan I have a turn?”
You whimper in response, pushing him down and sinking down on his length, Chris’s cum dripping out of your pussy. You both moan as he bottoms out, the stretch of a cock burning ever so slightly as he bucks up into you.
Big dick jeans run in the family it seems.
You hear footsteps and Chris grips your hair roughly, pulling your face up to look at him. Felix grips your hips and begins to fuck you down on him and you moan as Chris speaks again. β€œDo you like being used, pretty girl? You like being our obedient little fucktoy?” 
At your moan of acceptance, he chuckles, dropping your head and coming back around. You squeal as his fingers come in contact with your other hole, prying it open as he spits inside. Felix pulls you down into a kiss, still hammering inside you as his tongue fucks your mouth. Chris lines up his cock with your ass and without so much as a warming, bottoms out. You scream, overwhelming amounts of pain and pleasure rocking you.
You don't think you've ever taken so many large cocks at the same time.
Chris grunts, slapping your ass as he begins to thrust and matches pace with Felix as he grunts out, β€œSuch a good little girl. Taking Daddy’s cock better than your mother ever did.”
You clench around him shamefully at the mention of your mother, your pride souring. He chuckles as Felix swallows your moans.Β 
β€œI've wanted to fuck you since you got back, Felix too. You're so irresistible, baby girl.”
Your fingers are drawing scratches in Felix’s freckled back as you clutch him tightly, Moaning up a storm as two cock drill into you, rendering you dumb and speechless.
You almost feel like they're fucking your brain out, and you clench around them, feeling that ever-present coil in your stomach tightens.Β 
Felix moves his hands, letting his dad control your hips and using them instead on your boobs, his lith fingers working magic on your hard nipples. You reward him by sucking hickeys into his pretty neck and he does the same, whimpering out your name as he bucks into you. You can tell he's going to cum and you are so close, almost there.
They both speed up their thrusts and Felix moves his hand, his fingers drawing small fast circles on your clit. With an embarrassingly loud moan, you cum, falling back onto Felix’s chest with a pant.Β 
Felix follows shortly after, pumping his cum into your greedy pussy. His dad follows not long after, with an unfairly attractive grunt.
He pulls out, and you feel their mixed seed dripping out of your fluttering holes, down your legs and onto the carpeted floor of the livingroom, dirtying your mothers favorite rug.Β 
Felix hoists you up, carrying you upstairs and settling you gently on his bed, stroking your hair as they clean you up.Β 
There's a lot that needs to be talked about, but for now, you pull them down with you, cuddling up with them as you drift off, surrounded by the people who care about you.Β 
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originally posted on ao3 on 2023-05-29
reposted to tumblr on 2023-06-08
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kuromispamton2000 Β· 14 days
some Story of Trivia i had build up this week
early 2000's a cute baby girl was born, the last of the family, Evelyn Thompson born, for when she born, her Sisters Monika and Elisa had leave as well, Evelyn grew her first 4 years complicated already, her father always injuring her mother, until she turned 5, where this bad man killed the mother stabbing her, Evelyn was confused and she no even knew why her mother disappeared, her father soon came and said that her mother ran away because he discovered that she hided from their precious child that she was a boy all the time, Elizabeth was so confused, but her father no hesitated on raise her into be a real man, the man "she was was privated to do" he changed legally his name to "Noah", and then he lived for 10 years more, like if he was a boy, he grew up shy and insecure that his mother always lied to him and "abandoned" him, but he never was mad at his mom and never blamed her, he even wanted see her an hug her..at his 16, finishing high school, his father tired of see that "his son" wasn't the man he expected, he decided wait for his son to come back from school and just tell him that he was in reality a girl and that he would never be a real man when in reality was a girl (too for remark, if was never shoot almost to dead, Elizabeth would had a condition of slow chest growth, so at 16 her chest didn't grow at all just a little bit thing that she ignored cuz she was a bit overweight that time-) he shoot his son, leaving him at point of dying...luckily for him! a group of scientists came and decided save Noah's life! first introducing his soul in a android prototype they builded, it was genderless, once he woke up now on his new body one of the scientists apart of introduce himself and the rest of his business partners, purposed him that if Noah let be a test subject, they'll help him giving him advantages nobody else could have unless they're in death situation like him, Noah just accepted the deal, now having his body tested and learning to control it, Noah went to his father and with the same gun he shooted him leaving him almost dead, after a intense fight, Noah, shooted his father on the head, killing him instantly, with practically his body damaged and crying scared, police declared it was in self defense, aside that they saw the videos of the security camera that days ago that man tried to kill his kid, this one surviving on a robot body now, the scientists offered Noah the opportunity to see through the multiverse, as he was going to his first university year, watching a little distraction on internet he saw from other dimensions, Mr. Puzzles from the canon universe and Spamton from deltarune that wanted have a design like them, the scientists offered too after a bit the possibility of re-do his body, thing he agreed instantly, too deciding he would love to stay as a male, just ignoring his real gender because he no felt comfortable with it anymore, his body was done and complete, he finally could be his two favorite escape characters, as he assisted to university as well, Noah after finish, decided he wanted change his name...so he looked through names till he decided he would love to name himself "Trivia" he now with a new identity loves investigate new things, after finish the university as well with the remake of his body he decided to have a secret form that only would come in when he get high ratings, that with how futuristic the kingdom is is now based on likes, views and subscriptions
now a bit of things about him
he loves write and read a big fan of it, is his way of scape reality, he no writes books because of how shy he is, but he loves write diaries, since he entered University he started write on them since he found it like a good therapy method for himself (in that moment his sisters wasn't around him and he barely could pay his studies so that's why he took writing as a therapy method) since the start of university to his now 24 he had write over 15 diaries-
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he always had feel like a puppet somehow, his goal as a villain is control the mushroom kingdom, dethrone Princess Peach and be the ruler to make this kingdom a better place, even if that means he had to face his hero, Mario, of course with the high ratings he plans brainwash Mario and the SMG4 Crew before they can do anything
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as attachment to this fact, he is a very, VERY slow working villain, he calculates, he plans, he works on his ratings and subscribers, meanwhile he just has a second life as a normal resident...or at least tries
he is a scary cat, he can't just be alone at night because it gives him anxiety, yet if he has to save people he loves, he would try save em, even if need be on a dark woods alone with high chances of die since he is very weak
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he got interested on aesthetic and life routines, his videos are about that actually, which get lot of critiques because he's not a girl and people call him gay-
he tends to wear long ahh sleeves that covers half of his already gloved hands in both, his work attire and his normal attires, that tend to use oversized hoodies or sweaters, he no uses much his work attire since he sucks at being a salesman/dealmaker lol, he just goes to work at minimum times now his sisters (more Eliza that is rich thanks to her husband and her work) live with him, and if u ask, yes he got the salesman/dealmaker job thanks to his brother-in-law, reason why he hasn't been kicked off work yet, because if his brother-in-law dares to kick him off Eliza would just kick her husband's ass lol, what he never takes off now is the a Transexual flag pin, that he proudly wears as part of had found a identity he loved (even if he was forced to it as a kid), Trivia hates show his body, too that's a reason why he just wears oversized hoodies and a sweater under that hoodie and gloves-
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he can eat normally, like his screen can pass things through it, advanced ahh technology-
his favorite flavor is cookies&cream, there's no chance you see him without anything that isn't cookies&cream he just love the flavor...and he loves Oreos a lot, that on the sweet section, now in salty he loves pasta, maybe got it from his Hero, but as well likes pizza and burgers, he being an android can't gain weight
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man i think is all i got by now, i really am enjoying this fucker like if he was the only existing thing on earth-
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macsimagines Β· 1 year
If requests are open, perhaps i could maybe request a yandere dad baji who catches his kid sneeking around with a boy? (Sequel to yandere dad baji. Also rlly liked the yandere dad draken hcs and I wanted to see it with baji?)
If they aren't open by the time you ge tto this ask. That is completely fine and I wish you well! ❀️
I forgot I actually did yandere!dad baji before! I can make this one downright horrific. Heads up this is super duper dark. Like probably the darkest one ive done yet. IDK why! I think I got carried away please don't read if you can't handle disturbing content.
TW: Actual Horror, body horror, murder, stalking, unhealthy attachments, emotional and mental abuse, past abuse. Minors DNI
Yandere!Dad Baji
After loosing his wife (victim) he never let you forget how very fragile you really were. As a fear tactic, he made sure to have pictures of your premature infant body, with tubes and IVs coming out of your tiny decerped form, hanging all over the house.
The stark and down right disturbing images contrasting with the gaudy pink flowery frames he had them hanging up in...
Eventually as you grew up you knew something was wrong with your dad. It wasn't normal how protective he was. Other girls at school didn't have to account for every five minutes they were away from the house.
The most freedom you had was walking to the store to retrieve items and Baji would want you recanting the seconds that went by while you were away.
It was the only time you got to see your boyfriend... He knew your dad was over protective and the pair of you had to steal every second you could together.
Until one day your dad showed up at the store expecting to find you there with no trace of you to be found.
He didn't even warn you just tracked you with the app he had on his phone and found you and that piece of shit holding hands on a bench.
Baji doesn't say anything for a few days, but you know something is up with how quiet he is. Your anxiety only spikes when you don't see your boyfriend at school...
Then your dad has you sit down for 'home movies'. The first five minutes are normal things. Like your old birthdays or school events. Then it gets more and more disturbing.
Video footage of you sleeping, some of you walking home oblivious to the fact that you're being recorded. One of you kissing your boyfriend on the cheek. That's when you knew you were screwed, but your Dad just threw a hand over your shoulder and held you close to him.
"Keep watching, Princess. Papa needs to make a point."
The next video is of you as a baby. You never actually saw footage of yourself as a premature infant and for some odd reason watching the slow rise and fall of that decimated form was so horrifying.
The next image makes you want to puke. Its your mother. Dead. On her hospital bed, cut open from a c section. Its the first and only time you've actually seen her in any form. Papa was too sad to have pictures of her lying about...
"I took that one as a reminder. Of what I did." Baji whispers.
You want to ask him why but can't choke out anything more than a sob as you stare at her face. Her dead lifeless face.
The next video makes you want to scream, but Papa has a bruising grip covering your mouth before you can make a squeal. Its a video of your mom. But she's locked in a basement and trapped. Shackled to the wall covered in a rag. Bruises covering her whole body...
You can hear your father's voice in the background. "I just wanted a fucking picture of our fucking Baby," you can hear him growl, "But you had to go and be a little shit about it like always. I don't want to hear you fucking say you don't want our baby again, Bitch! Do I make myself fucking clear!?"
That video ends and you're hyperventilating. How could he? Your sweet kind over protective Papa? And to hear your Mama, the angel that he always described to you hadn't even wanted to give birth to you... After seeing that how could you blame her?
Papa finally lets go of your mouth and hands you another video. One with your boyfriends name on it.
"Why don't you put it on for Papa, Princess?"
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master-missysversion Β· 4 months
Boom thoughts
Liveblog under the cut as usual
Tldr: this episode was absolutely brilliant, so much tension, a brilliant storyline, some hard hitting criticisms of capitalism and Christianity/blind faith, side characters you can't help but get invested in and soo many emotional scenes. I can't see anything this season topping this episode for me but it has left me far more excited for the rest of the season than i was previously
Something about the video looks weird. Like it very much just looks like these soldiers are standing in front of a greenscreen
Child character :) Moffat loves a child character and I eat it up every time
Mundy is so beautiful
"They ran out of money" I wonder if the "ambulance" kills injured soldiers to save resources
Ohhh my god that whole sequence with Carson stepping on the mine had me on the edge of my seat and then my jaw on the floor
This episode so far is off to a brilliant start, im already feeling really invested in these characters and the tension is thick
ohh I'm thinking I was right about soldiers being killed to save resources or something
Rip John Vater I was legitimately so invested in you, but i had a feeling that would happen
"Stay there!" *ruby casually walks out "okay, coming!" Dhfbdkdm
Also I love how he says to stay there then leaves the door wide open like bffrrr you knew she was coming
I think for the sake of saving time, the doctor should probably tell ruby that you don't actually need to lock the tardis behind you
The Skye Boat Song πŸ’ƒπŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ
This reminds me of Merlins death in Kingsman tho
"I was kinda hoping for a beach" you'd get along great with Yaz
I missed the doctor telling random stories so much 😭 I'm gonna hc the lesbian gymkhana adventure happened with Yaz and she was sooo annoyed the doctor ruined their outing with a stupid bet
Okay I know its probably just because she's being written by Moffat but I am reallyyy seeing the similarity to Clara now
And we're back to music....this seems to be a recurring theme
WHAT was that poem?? "The moon and the presidents wife" is a clear reference to the doctors own life. Gonna be thinking about this one for a while
"Beyond acceptable parameters for a conflict as budgeted" I knewww it
"People don't usually bring that up" yes they do. Literally all the time 😭 I know he's just trying to appeal to the kid
Ohhh is there even an enemy?
"Hush" the return of moffats favourite word πŸ˜†
how could you do that to me 😭 poor Canto Poor Mundy
Is this woman Susan twist btw? Im not good with faces but it could be right?
KISS KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty John Vater I always loved you
The way he just pushes Ruby down lmaooo
Mention of a diary will be feeding the "river is Ruby's mother" theorists
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"He's not gone, he's just dead. He's not gone" i love how this is a twist on the "they're not gone because they're always there in spirit" trope
The vworp vworps are back!
Now time for the next time trailer
This looks really interesting, I think this episode has really got me excited for this series in a way that I wasn't before, its a shame moffats not writing more of it but I'm excited to see what happens in 73 yards
I love that they're finally back in Wales
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Who issss sheee. I need to know
Also I just saw the credits and I was right about the Ambulance being Susan Twist! I think she's the person talking about Mad Jack too isn't she?
Final thoughts: this was an absolute banger of an episode, honestly I fear that none of the other episodes in the season will live up to it. I just enjoyed every minute so much, the build up, the tension, the emotions, the engaging side characters, the running themes and hints at the overall season plot were all absolutely brilliant. It was so good parts of it had me skipping back a few seconds to watch scenes again. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but this exceeded my expectations nonetheless
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capricorn-0mnikorn Β· 6 months
(Dead) Woman-in-the-fridge, (alive) Girl-in-the-box, (fragile) Boy-in-the-Bubble
A tip-o'-th'-proverbial-hat to @athelind for tagging this post/poll with "Boy in the bubble." I don't have many coherent thoughts on this (yet).
But I'd like to get some more thoughts to sprout. And I think a Tumblr discussion thread might just be the perfect little seed-starter cup.
My immediate thoughts are two-fold. First, that "Bubble Boy" is a Disability trope in a way that the "Fridged" woman and "Girl in the box" are not, (necessarily). And second, that (although it started out as a "Based on a True Story!" TV movie from the 1970s), I think the fictionalized versions of "Bubble Boy" evolved into a variation/branch of the "Munchausen Syndrome (by proxy)", in that it turns out what's keeping them in the bubble is not really all that serious, or is easily overcome.
Quote from the Bubble Boy on TV Tropes:
So obviously, this trope is almost always played for comedy. [...] If the bubble is broken, expect the character to be fine.
(But no, neither this entry, nor the one on Munchausen Syndrome, linked back to each other)
It wasn't listed as an example in the Munchausen entry, but my mind goes immediately to the 2017 Warner Bros. film, Everything, Everything (link to the official trailer on YouTube; no captions [ableism eyeroll]); quoting the official description under the video:
What if you couldn’t touch anything in the outside world? Never breathe in the fresh air, feel the sun warm your face…or kiss the boy next door? β€œEverything, Everything” tells the unlikely love story of Maddy, a smart, curious and imaginative 18-year-old who due to an illness cannot leave the protection of the hermetically sealed environment within her house, and Olly, the boy next door who won’t let that stop them.
The fact that I'm referencing this film it this post should be a big flashing spoiler that it turns out that Maddy's mother has been lying to her, her entire life, about her being immunocompromised, and she and Olly have the happy-ever-after they wanted, since she wasn't really disabled, after all.
I think it should also be noted that Maddy is Black, and the boy-next-door is White, and so this also [might] double as a White Savior and an Abled Savior story.
But in this story, and in the 2001 film Bubble Boy, which gave the trope its name, it's the promise of heterosexual romance that gets the plot rolling (sorry).
What I'm curious about, and uncertain of, is how gendered these two versions of the trope can get. How much more likely is it to be a comedy if the character at the center of the trope is a "boy"? How much more likely is it to be a tragedy (or horror) if the character is a "girl"?
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final-girl96 Β· 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Forty-Four
"What the fuck is this?" He asked in a whisper. We continued until we came to the end of the hall. We could hear voices the closer we got. When we got to the end of the hall a large room came into view; a theater. Sidney was standing there looking up at the screen and when I looked up, there was out mom and Billy's dad. They were going into a motel room together. "Sid?" She turned and looked at me and Randy.
Shit was happening way too fast lately to even process anything. The director of Stab 3 turned out to be the killer. He also turned out to be our half-brother. When our mom was a young actress she went to a party where apparently she was raped and fell pregnant with Roman. She wanted nothing to do with the baby so she gave him up for adoption. He said he tried coming to her once but she had turned him away. That's when he started following her around. He knew about her and Hank Loomis.
He was the one who convinced Billy to kill our mother. Roman found out about Mrs. Loomis left her husband after finding out he had cheated on her and took that opportunity to get his revenge by having someone else do it. He found Billy and showed him the video of his dad and our mom going into the motel room. It didn't take much to convince him of taking his revenge out and killing our mom. Told him to make sure he had an accomplice just in case things went sideways. That way, he would have someone to pin it all on.
He didn't expect us to fight so hard. He wanted Sidney and I dead. He was jealous because we had a relationship with her and he didn't. He dislikes Sidney more since she was close to mom than I was. But that didn't matter. She wanted us. She didn't want him. Now we were fighting him. Randy was knocked out after he threw himself at Roman when he tried to come for me. Roman fought with him for a good few minutes before getting the upper hand and hitting Randy over the head with a candlestick.
Sidney and I ran in different directions. We could hear Gale and Dewey yelling and pounding on the door from the other side. Sidney hid behind the bar. I ran towards a door that led behind the screen. I closed the door and backed away, looking around for anything I could use. I hadn't realized there was another door on the other side of the screen.
"You know, you should check your surroundings." I jumped and spun around. The only thing I could see in here were rolls of film and other movie and camera stuff, along with some movie props. I backed up towards the door I came through. "You should really seek some help for your mommy issues. I mean, come on, man. She wasn't as great as you think. She had a lot of affairs with men. She wasn't perfect. And you think she wanted me? I am pretty sure that I was a mistake."
"Cut the bullshit! Sidney might have been her favorite but she loved you and wanted you. If she didn't she would have gotten rid of you like she did with me!" Well, he wasn't wrong there. She did at least want me and didn't give me up. "So you want to kill Sidney and I because you're fucking jealous my wanted us and not you? She was groomed and then John Milton, your father, forced her to fuck him, he raped her. Was it right what she did? No, of course not. But that doesn't mean you go fucking killing people you psycho!"
When he jumped towards me I ducked, falling to the floor and crawled across the room, stood up, and yanked the door open. I ran back into the room and across to the other side. Roman came out a few seconds after, slowly walking towards me. Once he was in front of the bar Sidney popped up and stabbed him in the shoulder with an ice pick. He howled with pain, throwing her off of him, before stumbling backwards. "Fucking bitch!" He pulled the ice pick out and threw it to the floor.
It was back and forth like that for a few minutes before he got to a gun. He had Sidney and I backed into a corner, gun pointed at us, a smirk on his face. Kincaid, who I thought was dead, found a way in but unfortunately this time was killed. While Roman was distracted by Kincaid, Sidney and I began making our way to the hall that would lead to the study. Of course we couldn't have any kind of luck. Roman turned around just as Sidney was about to make it. His arm came up, the gun pointed right at her, and pulled the trigger.
It was like everything happened in slow motion. Sidney was pushed to the ground by Randy who had taken the bullet in the same shoulder Billy had shot him in. Then he took another one in the stomach. Sidney and I both screamed his name. Sid crawled to him and began putting pressure on his stomach. Roman pointed his gun at Sidney, "Stand up!" She stood up, bloody hands in the air. He motioned for her to back up and she did; then he shot her.
Another scream left me and I started to back up. He had the gun pointed at me while he slowly walked forward. "You know, Stu, helped me get you here. He came to me with a deal. If I killed Galex Dewey, and Randy, he would help me by getting you and Sidney here. The only catch is, he gets you. But I can kill Sidney, which I just did. Now, he can have you."
Arms wrapped around me from behind, "Surprise." Roman smiled at me, and Stu stepped out from behind me. I looked at Stu, and he winked. We were so busy staring at each other that we didn't have time to react to Roman raising his gun to shoot me. The bullet slammed into my chest, lodging itself into the vest and knocking me backward. The breath was knocked out of me, and my chest burned. I heard Stu scream something before another shot went off.
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lazybunny2024 Β· 1 year
It's been few weeks or months that i have been obsessed witha idea about a mdzs x svsss crossover where after sj death in svsss he reborn as female wwx twin sister.
Sj kinda remember his past life but slowly means that he remembers that he shouldn't be this small and this isn't his world but couldn't put his finger on it.
Anyway he got reborn as a female and was quite happy cuz of his past life so *she* was more happy here but not as chaotic as wwx.
Her name is wei xing/wei wuyan( i saw it in a video on YouTube so hope i didn't offend you)
Wcz choose her name since his other daughter name already chosen by his lovely evil wife( baby seriously a-se) so he named her xing as in prosper,and wuyan i don't know what it means but thought it would suit her.
She was really happy cuz not only she didn't have that cursed name and actually has a real birth name not a number but a real name with a loving family she was really happy so much that she couldn't believe it
This peace ended with that faithful nighthunt after getting kicked out of inn wwy went to seach for them with wwx and find their corpses wwx Burst in to tears and keep promising to be a good girl and listen to them wwy tried hard not to but was unsuccessful cuz wei couple were the first adult who treat him kindly in his both lives not with pity not with underhand motivation nor were they expecting anything in return,they gave her a life she always wanted a name with them she understood the meaning of love and family so he cried, cried like child he was they cried for a few hours then begin to bury their parents and since wwy could read and write from her past life she manege to write their names so they could visit them.
After that wwy and wwx to always protect each other and stayed side by side in everything. Wwy might be smart but wwx was sturdier than her sister so they have to be in tune with each other to survive.it wasn't that hard wwx might be a child but she learn really quickly and unlikely yqy ,wwx trusted wwy this made wwy to be both proud and emotional since she never had someone like that in her past life so she became even more overprotective of wwx . And since wwx wasn't alone she didn't have that much fear from dogs but they still made her uncomfortable and made her flinch her sister was always there to protect and teach her and she protect here in her own way .
She knew her sister was little too smart for her age but she didn't find anything wrong if anything it made her happy that if anything happens to her her sister is smart enough to protect herself so to not be a burden she listened to her all time except maybe sometime when she scolded her for sharing her food with other beggars but she couldn't help it she was kind like that and always smiled that made wwy soft and so hard to be mad at.
After few years jfm found them wwy distrust him cuz he kept reminding her of yqy but for her sister she would do anything so she didn't put much of a fight.
After reaching lotus pier and meeting madam yu who was so angry and utter thousands of insult about their parents wwy couldn't take it anymore and spit as much venom at her so much that made jfm to lose his balance wwx tried to shut her up cuz she was afraid that the madam would hurt her and yes almost did by brandishing zidan on her if jfm hadn't stop her . After lots of arguing and fighting neither parties apologized .
After jfm finding out aboout wwx condition aboout dogs he sended them away. jc was angry so he lash out and wwy lash out in return but not only that she bring up her parents, about what a failure of couple they are and with everything like money and status they still aren't happy and how his mom jealous of a dead woman who had nothing but was always happy unlike her.
Jc brust to tears after hearing this jyl chose that moment to come and said what was wwy said was out of line and should apologize but wwy said your mother hadn't spare a though about us losing our parents and still speak ill of in front of us she just returning the favor in kind to see how does it feel hear your parents get badmouth and you could do nothing about it .
Well this as much i could think.i would be really happy if someone could make a fic out of this or something close.
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siberian-xanadu Β· 5 months
Hiii it's Violet misses her friend again hours!!! I hope you don't mind this little story I'm going to share, because it's something I think of every time I find myself in this state lol. So, back in January, around the New Year, I was hanging out in my sister's room after my friend had logged off for the night. It was only about seven or eight o'clock here, but he's 5 hours ahead of me, so it was around midnight to one in the morning there. This is important.
One thing you should know about me, for context, is that I've moved and changed school districts twice in my life. I moved in fifth grade from one school district to another, and then again between eighth and ninth grade. It's been hard to keep in contact with people from either district throughout high school.
So, my sister is scrolling on social media, and she finds the account of my elementary school classmate's sister, who announced my old classmate's death. Now, I wasn't particularly close with this kid; I spoke with him a couple times in elementary school, being in the same fourth grade class, but his mother was my fifth grade teacher (until I moved). What I do remember is that he was always nice to me, and his mother was a nice woman as well.
To be honest, it took me a moment to set in that this person from my childhood was now dead. In fact, it's been a few months and I'm not entirely sure if it has set in yet. It was a strange feeling. It is a strange feeling. Even though I hadn't seen him in six or seven years, and wasn't even that close in the first place, I knew that we were supposed to be starting our lives, not ending them in car wrecks.
So, in my shock, I messaged my friend on discord because I didn't really know how to react, or what else to do. I knew that we had said our goodnights about an hour before, and wasn't really expecting a response, but to my surprise, he got back to me within ten minutes.
Another thing you should know about me is that my standards for relationships (platonic in this case) are in turbo hell. I never really had a solid group of friends growing up, due to being neurodivergent and moving around a lot, and I certainly never got to the point where I would tell one of my friends about this.
And he got back to me within ten minutes. Not only that, even though he said he wouldn't be able to talk to me that night, he said that was because he wanted to help me in the way I deserved, and that he was thinking of me and that he loved me. What the fuck??? Like I said, my standards are in literal hell. This guy, that I met on this fucking hellsite that I've never met in person is a better friend to me than anyone I've known irl. Which is... sort of pathetic on my part, I suppose? But I guess it's also beautiful in a way; how two people can connect across oceans.
The story doesn't end there, however. The next day, true to his word, he sends me a "care package" (his words, not mine) of concert videos of all my favorite bands. I was in the middle of class when he sent it over, and I was, honestly, completely shocked. I don't think I'll ever forget that kindness. We had a long conversation that night over lots of things, partially about my classmate, partially about whatever we were talking about, but I think that's when I knew I finally had something real.
One last thing you should about me, and it's sort of a combination of moving a lot, never really forming solid friendships, and some issues with my mother (that is a whole 'nother can of worms) is that I have some anxiety around abandonment. I recognize it for what it is now, and do my best to not let it interfere with my relationships, but sometimes I do get anxious, and start trying to mentally prepare myself for the end of a relationship (romantic or platonic). So, I have to recognize I'm spiraling and I have to fight it off. Rereading those messages always grounds me and reminds me that it's all in my head.
I really didn't intend to write this much, but whatever! I feel it's got a good message, I think.
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the-ship-maker-2 Β· 1 year
can i ask for some headcanons?
maybe creeps and a child proxy whos only comfy around them bc they remind them of a fave foster parent?
🐸 and a forg for your troubles
Jeff, Toby, EJ, Nina and Jane with a child proxy who's only comfy around them HCs
- Jeff never expected to be in a parental/big brother roll again. He's supposed to be the most notorious and feared killer there is. Not fucking playing single dad over here! So imagine his surprise when the slenderman brought in a child no more than 4 years old and apparently the kid has no fear factor they just ran up to the biggest baddest person there was and befriended him. Ever since then Jeff became wrapped around their little finger.
-very over protective of them. He won't let anyone train them except for him and him alone. And if he has to let someone else take the reins for a bit he's watching them closely like a hawk. Trains them in relatively age appropriate ways as they grow up. They play pretend fucked up scenarios like how missions work or what to do when things go wrong how to interact with the other creeps. Think of it like 'it's me your scumbag dad' videos. He will teach them how to curse and questionable life lessons as they grow up.
-Toby is way too much of a nervous wreck to take care of himself let alone anyone else. And ever since Lyra died he's been too afraid to get attached to someone ever again despite the void in his heart. So imagine to everyone's surprise when the slenderman brought home a child no more than 9 years old. Clearly traumatized and heart broken and shooken up about whatever happened that brought them there. Toby protested about putting the kid with him as slenderman wouldn't take no for an answer. He's holding the kid out like how Mike wazozski holds out boo for the first time.
-at first he tried to distance himself from the child. Going as far as hitting and being mean to the child. He left them in the woods once. However that child was a persistent little creature and always found their way back to Toby. They followed him around everywhere like a lost puppy until he started to warm up to them after accepting that they'll forever always be there. He teaches them a lot of nature stuff. How to track. How to survive in the woods and to fight off predators. The raccoons and possums are your friends. He actually enjoyed being the big brother for once and the child filled the void in his heart that he desperately craved for.
-Jane was thrilled when the slenderman brought home a little girl. She's always had mothering instincts and she immediately scooped the child into her arms and the rest is history.
-very protective of her and keeps her the he'll away from Jeff. Going as far to lock her in her bedroom when Jane or anyone else she trusted wasn't around to accompany her. Keeps her on a very strict schedule for training and life to establish a routine before she allows the freedom of leeway and slight change of plans. Especially establishes a beauty routine. Jane teaches her that there are more than one ways to kill. Brains over brawn. Beauty comes second. Occasionally if they have free time they will have a girl's night where they do spa treatments, each other's hair, makeup and they eat relatively healthy snacks as they watch movies and gossip.
-EJ was quite confused when the slenderman dropped off a child to him with no word. Is it food? A sacrifice? A new prey?. He was curious and the child was non verbal so it's not like they could answer either besides head nods and writing and facial expressions and body language. Really he ended up not caring and didn't really bother the child as long as the child did not bother him.
-it all changed when the child showed intrigued in anatomy. After he caught them reading his old college textbooks. They communicate by sounds at this point. Showed them on a dead person where the organs were and why they were important. Later on the child became more of the strong silent type and was basically EJs assistant. They have a mentor/apprentice relationship. The kid knows first aid as well and makes a fine medic
-Nina was hyperactively jumping up and down for joy when the slenderman brought a 10 year old girl home who had the same aesthetic as her. They clicked instantly and immediately bounced off of each other's crack head energy.
-shes Nina's partner in crime and has never separated from her and Nina won't trade that for the world.
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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despair-to-future-arcs Β· 1 month
I'm curious to see how much Kokoro will even care that all of this has happened
Time: 6:45 AM
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*is getting out of the car as she heads inside* Well, time for another day of work...
*As Kokoro walks inside, the receptionist greets her*
RECEPTIONIST: Morning Dr. Kuroka...Oh sorry, I mean Dr. Mitsume, how's your day?
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Morning, just came in to do some work; is Mikado already here?
RECEPTIONIST: Hm, Mikado? Sorry but he just inform me that he won't be working here anymore and is moving.
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Moving...? (This is the first I've heard of this...)
RECEPTIONIST: Yeah, he just message me this morning, he isn't going to be working here anymore.
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I see... well alright then, I'll be in my lab...
*Kokoro goes up the floor and heads towards her lab...*
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Still, I wonder what happen to Mikado,...
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Oh mother, good morning to you! How has been your morning, hm?
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Morning AI Mikado, I just came to the office and was just inform by the receptionist that Mikado isn't coming in today...
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Really? He isn't...?
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No, seems he say he's going to stop working here and move, that's all I got...
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How odd... I wasn't inform about this, what happen?
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Hmm, you curious now, well... I might have an idea of what happen to him if you want to know, heheheee~.
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Really? Okay then, you can tell me - it's not like we were close anyway so go ahead.
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Very well, ask and you shall recieve...
*As then Mikado presented an image...*
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...Wh-What...? Is...is that Mikado...?
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Of course it is, mother! That is father who I order a hitman to kill him for me!
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He outlive his usefulness and to make sure things go exactly as plan, I decided to get rid of the meat sack, so what do you think mother?
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... *Kokoro was surprise by this, it... surely shocked her to her core, she didn't expect an AI to pull this off but yet, she stepped closer and look at the image then at Mikado*
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'You….you're the only artificially created emotion in existence. How far can you grow. Could your emotions surpass that of a real humans? And where would they go from there? Show me. Let yourself be carried by your emotions. Act on them. I won't stop you…….Because you're the freest being in the world.'
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Wait, so... your okay with doing whatever I want, I figure you would want to delete me...
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No... far from it, this is amazing; an AI that is able to do what he please and react base on pure emotion is exactly what I wanted in such a subject, I can't believe this - if you need any assistance then I'll offer it.
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And even then, I wasn't that close with Mikado anyway, we only had a partnership so I figure he was going to leave or die anyway, so I never really care for him.
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But all this? It's... impressive, you were able to pull this all off, I want to see more...
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I see, so you will allow me to do what I please...very well, then I'll present you with something since you are quite kind dear mother for leaving me alive...
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As promise, here's that reward!
*Mikado show a video to Kokoro...*
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Wait, this is... this is Class 79's killing game and that girl...
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It's... the experiment, seems it enroll into Hope's Peak Academy, didn't she?
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Seems so - Mikako Kurokawa, the Ultimate Exorcist of Class 79, she doesn't seem to have much of her on the forums but her abilities to commune with the dead is quite impressive, I bet your interested in learning more, aren't you? Then let's keep watching then shall we...?
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mastomysowner Β· 2 months
Japanese and Italians think alike
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I recently finished reading the surreal mystery/horror manga Soil by Atsushi Kaneko, and I must say that I'm fascinated by the concept of foreign bodies. A few quotes from Some Explanations on Soil, written by the translator:
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In other words, when people do disgusting, abnormal things, it creates rifts through which SHIT enters our world.
Italian horror writer Luigi Musolino's collection of short stories, Un buio diverso (A Different Darkness), deals with the same theme. It's framed with excerpts from the grimoire of worker-writer Enrico Bedolis (local Abdul Alhazred) The Science of Dead Environments.
To quote the intro: "Certain areas on Earth, due to their location and geometry, are affected by dark forces that bring energies of other dimensions into our world. Because the line between Here and There is very thin and is becoming thinner and thinner due to the unworthy behavior of the human race."
It was mentioned somewhere that Bedolis also wrote about the struggle between light and dark energies, but this is a horror book, so it's about SHIT. Does it get existential? Yeah. I liked the story Where the Lighters Go the most, so here's my translation:
One completely ordinary night, suffering from insomnia and feeling how strongly it was blowing from the old windows, Edo Taverna found out where the lighters go.
At two o'clock he got out of bed to smoke a cigarette - maybe it would help drive away the thoughts about work that were keeping him awake? And for ten minutes he wandered around the rooms looking for a lighter.
It disappeared somewhere. Lighters kept disappearing somewhere.
Edo had no doubt that he had placed the lighter with the stylized skull next to the TV. But it wasn't there.
Maybe in jeans? Not there either.
On the nightstand too...
Standing in the semi-darkness, Edo replayed the past day in his head. Well, of course, Gigi probably stole the lighter from him when, after work in the office, they stopped at the bar to drink a Spritz. Gigi had such a bad habit. But damn, to steal a lighter?..
β€œIt’s not like I did it on purpose, I have something like kleptomania,” he even made excuses, this idiot. Edo mentally told him to piss off and promised that he would personally beat him to a pulp, and then continued the search. There should be more lighters in the apartment - the question is where, of course.
The house hides, but does not steal, his mother liked to repeat, and she knew what she was saying.
Edo rummaged in the corners of the sofa, in the drawers of the desk, even went through a stack of magazines lying on the toilet tank.
You can light a cigarette from the stove in the kitchen, but now this is a matter of principle.
Edo remembered that he had a blue lighter with white patterns - seems like he dropped it over the headboard a month ago, when, after sex with an overweight goth chick he met on Badoo, they shared a cigarette; the girl called herself an expert on Wicca, and spent most of the evening chatting about a strange book written by some Piedmontese worker. Listening to her talk made Edo sad, and he decided to return to the good old masturbation to Pornhub videos.
Deciding to move the heavy sofa away from the wall, Edo, with an unlit cigarette in his teeth, pulled the net on which the mattress lay with all his might. He thought that now he would see rags of dust, dirty napkins, boogers and porn magazines from the nineties.
Overall, he expected to find anything, but not what he found.
His head began spinning, the cigarette slipped out of his mouth and fell onto his leg.
β€œOh my God. This is crazy,” he was amazed and squatted down, not knowing whether to laugh at his discovery or pinch his scrotum to wake up faster.
Behind the headboard, in the wall, there was a meter by meter opening. A square of darkness. Trying to find a reasonable explanation, Edo Taverna decided that, most likely, the bricks had simply collapsed - maybe water had accumulated in them, or maybe it was a defect in the building's structure.
Then he saw narrow, shabby steps going steeply down, and all his logical arguments went to waste. Edo hovered at the doorway for about two minutes, thinking about secret passages and medieval castles, and then took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight. Carefully, from afar, he began to probe the hole with a ray of light, slowly approaching it, as if the opening could close at any second, and the plaster and cement could grasp his hand in a death grip.
Only the steps were visible, nothing more. It looked like they were made of stone, and the surface was covered with some kind of greenish web - either mold or rot. The passage seemed narrow, but there was enough space for one person.
– Hey! – Edo shouted into the darkness, but absolute, frightening silence swallowed his voice, not even returning an echo.
Swallowing sour saliva, Edo sighed, bent his knees and stepped over the threshold. Then he began to descend, bending down and feeling how low the ceiling arches were hanging.
Slowly, carefully, he descended lower and lower, holding his cell phone in front of him. The staircase was completely straight, without turns or landings.
Edo had been walking the steps for what must have been an hour, pausing every now and then to catch his breath and wipe the sweat that had dripped down his eyes.
This is impossible. Impossible because he lives on the fourth floor of a house in Rosella, a residential area of ​​Turin. Edo again tried to find an explanation for what was happening, but, realizing that it was useless, he decided to rely on fate, never ceasing to be amazed at its surprises. Curiosity and the feeling that something important was waiting for him there, at the foot of the stairs, turned out to be stronger than fear and the voice that whispered to Edo: β€œGo back, where are you going?”
After a couple of hours of descent, the lifeless light of the flashlight encountered a dim yellow glow coming from below. Edo turned off his cell phone.
Gradually the steps became gentler, and when they ended, Edo found himself in a short corridor that led to a huge hall.
The phone dropped out of his hands.
No, the hall was not just huge.
Never in his miserable life had Edo seen such a gigantic room as this butane-scented underground cathedral. The walls and ceiling were lost from sight. And on the shiny floor, as if made of obsidian, which instilled horror in Edo with its blackness, stood in a chain all the lighters that he had lost during twenty-five years of smoking.
Lighters that fell between the seats of the car, stolen from him on crazy teenage drinking sessions, forgotten in clothes taken to the trash heap, bought from a Moroccan in Liguria, the ones he used to open beer, light fires on the beach, from which he lit joints, heated hashish, multi-colored limited edition lighters, and finally those given away and lost - they were countless, especially lost ones.
They were all burning; the flames ran in coils to the center of the hall, merging into one huge, dazzling, yellow-blue fire.
Opening his mouth, Edo walked along the chain, recognizing each lighter, and felt that his eyes were blurring with tears. Each was associated with a certain moment in his life, and these memories floated before his eyes one after another.
Just like before death. Exactly as before death.
Edo walked for a long time until he finally reached the place where the chain originated. He saw a lighter with a stylized skull and extended a trembling hand to take it. But the metal slipped from his sweaty fingers, and the lighter fell right onto another, small one, which - exactly! - was taken from him at Milan airport in two thousand and two.
Domino effect.
Destroying the order, the lighters began to fall one after another and go out.
As if spellbound, Edo watched the play of light and shadow created by the running flames. Finally, the last lighter fell, and darkness reigned.
And at that moment, Edo Taverna suddenly saw that, in addition to lighters, the ghosts of all the losses of his life had gathered here in the dungeon, and he had lost a lot: self-esteem, the only woman he loved, youthful dreams of becoming a football star, buying a house, having children; he was overcome by remorse for lying, for saying too few words of support to his father while he was alive, for forgetting how to enjoy small joys, and for much, much, much more.
Very, very many losses, and all this awaited him here, in the dungeon, and all this had teeth, claws, tongues and eyes - bottomless, black, terrible, bloodshot, you can go crazy looking at them.
They were getting closer.
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vivianbernadetteaurora Β· 4 months
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This place is crazy , so many people I've told stories about Hollywood and what it's like that you get people just shooting up on the street so smoking cracked and meth , that people are just wondering around aimously and in mental States and that it's not unusual to see bodies dead bodies scary hey, Hollywood in the last few years I believe as well as other massive homeless epidemic and a lot of people who started off out there has to have ended up in other places such as Texas Nashville or New York or many other places, you see what it does to celebrities and how it changes them so quickly people like Beyonce is a perfect example I always say who is a Christian girl supposedly who came from Texas and her dad gave up her career as a kind of Joe Jackson figure in her life and became the manager he even said how white axe got the way more Than Black acts and how it was very racist in the industry, Michael Jackson used to say this about Tommy matola and called him the devil, this is the man who is married to Mariah Carey who is like 20 years his junior at the time he met her at a party and she gave him a tape of her singing, he was responsible for her early career and was the head at Sony. But Paul moriah got work to the bitter end she wasn't allowed to wear any clothes that showed off her figure had to be a black dress down to her feet and hardly any cleavage he was a very jealous man he didn't even want her working with any male acts even though she loved hip-hop and grew up on it, in fact Mariah Carey is a white passing woman who when she talks in her book she talked about how her black side wasn't embraced as much and how her mother was an opera singer and to some degree Mariah has always been controlled, even her older sister tried to pimp her out, the sister was a heroin addict prostitute who was a lot older than Mariah along with the brother they have both been quite disloyed Mariah over the years and expected her to pay for things that she had willingly given them anyway I think supposedly now the sister has HIV or AIDS, and in the career it can literally take you and tell you apart it literally chooses the people it does this do as well, it all works on blackmail and what they can get on you so if you see a celebrity on the cover of your favourite magazine I can guarantee you they have been bribed into doing this for some sort of repayment of something or other.
Then you get young party girls and groupies and models who want to make it out there and when they make it out there they become a hooked on drugs with eating disorders and really depressed they have this distorted image of themself because they've been told such bad things, Bobby Jean Brown Tommy Lee's girlfriend when he got with Pam Anderson they don't talk about this but they were together for like 18 months before he got married to pamela on the beach a few weeks later, then because Tommy Lee had a feud with the builder at their home he came in and took their safe and release their sex tape on the internet it wasn't one of these Kim Kardashian ones where the mum was her pimp it literally was taken from their home and was their personal honeymoon video I believe, if we're going to be honest I'm sure Pam has a sex tape with Brett Michaels before she even got with Tommy, not that makes it right for this material to believe in released even if this woman was very sexually in the price it doesn't matter that's a perfect personal private business and what they do in their own time should be their personal business and their thing.
Then you have people like Drew Barrymore and Nicole Richie two girls who are very similar I believe and a Hollywood's children that start with Nicole she was at a prince concert when she was a really little girl and she was like playing with instruments backstage and with her family I think her father was in the band possibly, and the mum took these places that weren't very suitable for her soon she was in the care of Lionel Richie and his wife, and they really fell for and looked after her seeing the ended up having half a longer than they were meant to and she was adopted by them later and said how much she was loved by both of them. Then you have Drew Barrymore who is a famous Hollywood family she is from a famous Hollywood family this is the girl who was doing drugs from so young you can see pictures of studio 54 when she is like eight years old well her mom was partying she let her daughter do whatever she wanted and was getting sober at the age of 14, most people you know don't even start drugs by that age if they do but she was in this world and it was just became normal to her she's very nice person it from what we're seeing.
But Hollywood seems to be a drug on its own we've seen many times over Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein the island the Lonely to express all the scary things that you would see and roseme's baby or eyes Wide Shut I really believe that these things that happen you have seen it time and time again and people are questioning it still even when the story Remains the Same it's quite terrifying to believe that this is all true and you can even think your favorite celebrity has probably had connections to it in some way or another even if they were as touched at the Epstein flight logs it doesn't necessarily I don't think mean that they went to the island for whatever I think it just means that maybe they use the plan I'm not too sure and I don't think we will ever know that the degree that maybe we should. Then you have people like Mark latia, who has a YouTube channel called soft white underbelly where he talks to drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, PDF files, Runaways, War veteran's and many other kinds of people most of which are on the Hollywood strip or figaroa it has been attached now to quite controversial things one of which was a girl who had been on these channel many times, she was a crack addict who'd been abused by her dad and she spoke about it many times on the channel then there is this woman called Lena who ran some kind of rehab center where you were visual devices where you are faced with your addiction in a room,. The side part of this is she was getting clean and doing alright people for and there was updates on this they even had the dad on the channel who is supposedly the one who molested her sat with this woman, and this rehab Center where she had these visual aids a woman who was mentally ill and it made her very unwell and she ended up dying when not too sure of the cause of death and let's face it we don't even get told the proper cause of death a lot of the time .
And a lot of people felt that Mark wanted someone who is the most fucked up on his channel to go to this centre with this woman to make money and make profits and make views very sad rest in peace.
Then you get people like Julia Roberts there have been in the industry for fears and have been told that they're a bitch for many many years, this is one I actually believe but a lot of the women who have been called bitches I have a lot of respectful because these are ones who protect themselves and they get called this because they have looked after their self and their power and don't just expect anything last and good good on them if a man did they would be completely different and there will be calling his praises anyway this is just a little intro until some of the ways of Hollywood, there's also a lady called Angeline who is profit of looking like a Hollywood woman what you imagined big tits curvy body blonde big hair there's even a documentary series about I haven't seen it but it looks interesting and she makes money by with her interesting car and her interesting unique looks.
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megamindsupremacy Β· 2 years
Misc PJO fic recs (Part 1)
Trading tomorrow by darkmagyk and losingletters
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet.
Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, β€˜call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR.
Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
Why don’t we rewrite the stars (changing the world to be ours) by thewritingmaniac
Percy is six when he learns he can travel in time, and nine when he tries to change the past. He certainly doesn’t expect a blond girl about his age to stop him, telling him bossily that she’s a Time Guardian (and he definitely doesn’t expect to see her again). Percabeth, AU
thatjacksonkid by TheGermanGrim_Reaper
Following an episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, several twitter users do their best to uncover the truth about Percy Jackson. They get surprisingly far.
The Jackson files by ideasofmarch
Makin’ pancakes @makinbaconpancakes Does anyone know who the fuck Percy Jackson is???
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd Whomst?
Makin’ pancakes @makinbaconpancakes Check rachel dares insta story
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd k
Oranges are spicy @ronaldmcd Okay somebody find out who this kid is right damn now.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare posts a video of Percy on her instagram story. it all just spirals from there.
Three and a half stars by inkncoffee
Food is terrible, decor tasteless, weekend shifts seem to correspond with the onset of natural disasters??? Serving staff is pretty great, though, overall 3.5/5 would probably go again
p.s. is tipping sand dollars standard now or is the creepy, semi-regular customer just crazy?
In the amber of a moment by rynna_aurelia
Nico di Angelo wakes up in Westover Hall again.
And again.
And again.
A rose by any other name by izzymrdb
It wasn't Poseidon who met Sally on that beach on Montauk, but rather a far older, much more ancient version of him.
Percy is born far older and younger than he should be.
Five times percy leaned on his friends, and one time he stood alone by kitty_pryde_bi_pride
Percy meets his friends on the battlefield and they all know he’s unbeatable, even alone. And he is alone, even with the sea and the earth and the blessing of the Styx and the blood in their veins- he can tell they think he’s gone as mad as Luke.
We have each other now by professorrjlupin
β€œYou’re in Asphodel.” She doesn’t know how to respond. It wasn’t a question. He takes his hands out of his pocket. His nails are coated in black, and a thick band of metal is on one of his fingers. He’s twisting it like a bottlecap. Hazel looks away. β€œI can get you out of here,” he says. He’s still twisting, brown eyes unfocused and glazing.
Hazel’s lungs are filled with water. β€œWhat?”
β€œThe Doors of Death are open. You can leave.” Hazel doesn’t know what the doors are, but he’s looking at her now and she knows he isn’t lying. She knows she can follow him, she knows it by the cold feeling down her spine. She can do it.
He nods. β€œLet’s go.”
Nico brings Hazel to Camp Jupiter from Asphodel.
FLIP by IcyDeath
Instead of Percy, Nico gets taken by Hera for her 'exchange program' between the Romans and Greeks. A certain son of Apollo isn't happy about that.
Falling for you by 1967hogwartsgoddess
Annabeth was slipping and Percy dived to save her; something went wrong. On the surface, Annabeth leads the Seven, desperate to rescue him and unite the camps. Alone in Tartarus, Percy finds himself making harsher choices, discovering darker methods, unlocking deeper powers, tortured and fighting for his life. He swears he's still a good kid. Post MOA
Final chapter is an AU following on from chapter 66.
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