#the vibes of the whole show are so charming and fun and warm
pien-art · 2 months
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constance hardbroom. her autism has bewitched me.
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kylos-starlight · 2 months
.: Charmed & Guarded :.
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A Jamie and Kaden fic (listen he's like a crush or whatever-)
Words: 1,538 (I don't know how this happened. Help? lol)
Summary: A café meeting and a need to act "tough"
CW: Sickening banter.
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Per Josh's suggestion, Kaden agreed to meet Jamie at a cosy little café tucked away in the city. Kaden arrived first, their nerves a jumbled mess. They fidgeted with their snake bite piercings, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. When Jamie walked in, Kaden couldn't help but notice his hipster vibe, complete with a fedora and tattoos peeking out from under his rolled-up sleeves.
Kaden had heard quite a bit about this Jamie guy, he seemed pretty nice and outgoing but some people have mentioned that Jamie sometimes has a tendency to be manipulative and make friends with others solely to benefit himself. He apparently has a very intimidating energy when he's very quiet, people usually see a spark of something maybe a little darker in his eyes, Kaden would keep their guard up as best as they could at least for the time being.
Jamie spotted Kaden and approached with a confident stride, his GoPro in hand. "Hey, you must be Kaden," he said, a friendly smile playing on his lips as he extended a hand.
Kaden shook his hand, trying to keep their cool despite the butterflies in their stomach, okay nobody mentioned that he was insanely attractive… "Yeah, that's me. And you're Jamie, the filmmaker wannabe right?" They gestured towards the camera.
Jamie chuckled softly, his laugh was distinctive and somewhat deep, matching his baritone speaking voice. It started with a breathy chuckle, The sound was warm and rich, carrying a sense of genuine amusement… "Guilty as charged. I like to capture moments, you know? Might use them for my future masterpiece." His eyes twinkled with enthusiasm, and he didn't miss the slight blush that crept onto Kaden's cheeks.
"So, you just record people without asking?" Kaden challenged, crossing their arms in a defensive posture, but their eyes betrayed a flicker of intrigue.
Jamie's smirk widened, finding Kaden's feisty demeanour endearing. "I always ask permission. Consider this my way of getting to know someone. It's like showing you my sketchbook." He held up the GoPro. "Besides, it's not every day I meet someone as interesting as yourself." Jamie clearly eyed Kaden up and down.
Kaden scoffed, but their lips curved into a small, involuntary smile. "Interesting, huh? Flattery won't get you anywhere with me, you know." They started heading towards the counter to order their drinks.
Jamie laughed heartily, the sound filling the café, His laugh felt unrestrained and natural, giving off a sense of authenticity and sincerity, it was endearing and infectious and it was taking everything for Kaden to not smile themselves… "Duly noted. So, tell me about yourself, Kaden. What gets your motor running?"
Kaden raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in their eyes. "Well, I'm not sure this is the place to discuss my… preferences, especially with a stranger." They took a sip of their coffee, deliberately avoiding Jamie's gaze.
Kaden was a little worried, they weren't very good at the whole casual conversation bit, they hated when a conversation led to nowhere and died before it even really began, it was always like that, especially whenever Josh introduced them to someone new, it never worked out. Kaden always wondered why Josh did that, maybe he felt sorry for them, they really didn't have many friends or maybe he thought Kaden needed a date or something. Either way, Kaden was surprised when the conversation flowed effortlessly, with Jamie's easygoing nature balancing their own guarded yet sometimes flirtatious or sarcastic responses, they easily matched each other's energy and could keep up with one another.
As they parted ways, Jamie smiled at Kaden. "This was fun. Let's do it again sometime, minus the camera if it makes you uncomfortable."
"I've yet to make a decision on that.." Kaden playfully rolled their eyes despite the smirk tugged to their lips.
"Which? The camera or seeing me again?" Jamie asked, his brow raising quizzically.
Kaden couldn't help but grin, "See you around Jamie."
Back at his apartment, Jamie sat surrounded by screens, reviewing the day's footage. He paused as Kaden's image filled the frame, their purple hair contrasting against the café's muted décor. A soft grin spread across Jamie's face as he replayed scenes of Kaden's reactions, their sassy retorts, and the subtle signs of interest they tried so hard to hide.
"You're cute when you're trying to act tough," Jamie murmured to himself, watching as Kaden fidgeted with their piercings. The way Kaden's eyes lit up when talking about their passions made Jamie's heart skip a beat. "And that blush…" Jamie paused the video, zooming in on Kaden's face. "It's like you're wearing your emotions on your sleeve, even when you're trying so hard not to."
He stopped on a frame where Kaden was laughing freely, their guard down for just a moment. "There you are," Jamie whispered out softly. "That's the real you, isn't it? The you that doesn't hide behind walls and barbs."
He let the footage roll, each interaction revealing more about Kaden—their passion for life, their intelligence, and yes, even their vulnerability. Jamie felt a pull towards Kaden that he hadn't experienced in a long time. It wasn't just physical attraction; it was an appreciation for the person they were.
"I think I might have just found my muse," Jamie mused aloud, his fingers dancing over the keyboard as he saved the clips featuring Kaden. He couldn't wait to see where this might lead, both on and off the camera.
Jamie turned off the screens and sat in the darkness of his apartment, the afterglow of their meeting still lingering. He knew then that he wanted to get to know Kaden better, to understand the stories behind those guarded eyes, and maybe, just maybe, capture their essence on film in a way that only true connection could allow.
With a newfound sense of purpose, Jamie picked up his phone and typed a message to Kaden, keeping it simple and to the point:
<- Had a great time today. Would love to hang out again, camera-free if you prefer. –Jamie
He hit send before he could second-guess himself, hoping that Kaden felt the same spark of potential that he did. Now, all he could do was wait for a response, the anticipation making his heart race with the possibilities that lay ahead.
Jamie's phone dinged and for a second, all he could do was stare at it. After what felt like minutes but were mere seconds, Jamie grabbed his phone and opened it.
-> Firstly, I'm going to ring Josh's neck for giving you my number. Secondly, next time we hang out I'm going to bring my own camera. see how you like it! >: D"
Jamie read Kaden's message with a growing smile. He could practically hear their playful tone and saw the smirk on their face as they typed. Picking up his phone, he quickly tapped out a reply, his thumbs flying over the screen with practised ease.
<- lol, I'll be sure to warn Josh about the impending neck-ringing. 😄 And I'm all for a role reversal! Just remember, turnabout is fair play. But hey, I'm glad you want to hang out again. How about we meet up at that bookstore downtown? It's got a great vibe, and I promise, no cameras unless you change your mind and want to document our adventure. Looking forward to it!
Jamie hit send, his anticipation building. He enjoyed the banter with Kaden and was genuinely excited about the prospect of spending more time together, exploring shared interests and discovering new ones. The bookstore seemed like the perfect setting for their next encounter—neutral ground where they could both feel comfortable and at ease. Now, he could only hope that Kaden would agree.
Jamie's phone buzzed a short while later, and he eagerly checked the notification. Kaden's response was waiting for him, and he opened it with bated breath.
-> A bookstore, huh? Sounds like a trap to learn more about me. But I like books, so I'll take my chances. No cameras got it. But if I catch you sneaking in a GoPro, I swear I'll… actually, I'll probably just tease you mercilessly about it~ Set a date and time, and I'll be there.
Jamie chuckled at Kaden's message, relieved and thrilled by their acceptance. He appreciated Kaden's sharp wit and the way they kept him on his toes. Typing out his reply, he made sure to maintain the playful energy between them.
<- No traps, I promise, just a mutual love for books. Maybe I should sneak my camera in— your teasing is becoming one of my favourite things about you. How about Friday at 7 PM? Does that work for you? Also, just so we're clear, the only thing I'll be sneaking in is my undivided attention. See you then, Kaden. -Jamie
-> What did I tell you? Flattery will get you nowhere with me ;3
<- How about food? would that get me somewhere? ;)
-> See ya on Friday at 7.
Jamie read Kaden's latest messages, a wide grin spreading across his face. Kaden's attempt at playing hard to get was adorable, and he loved how Kaden's texts ended with a definitive agreement to meet up. It was clear that beneath the surface, Kaden was warming up to him, and that thought sent a ripple of excitement through Jamie.
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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Tagging people. Sorry!!!: @deathnot-e || @Kylilah || @heatobrienswife
@faerie-circle-ships || @dragonsmooch || @mauls-waifu || @mahitosoulmate
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liyawritesss · 9 months
ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀᴄ!ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴍᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Peter Parker, Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: General headcanons for the main protagonists of Insomniac’s Spider Man 2 on PS5.
Warnings: probs some cursing somewhere, and ofc spoilers for the spiderman 2 game! You’ve been warned!!!
A/N: This game is definitely up there as one of the best games I’ve seen/played in 2023, so it wouldn’t be right for me to go into 2024 and still not have much written for it; so I’m correcting that! Take this as a spoiler for those who have not finished playing the game/watching a full gameplay of it to the end.
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @niyahwrites @marsfunzon22 @briology @honeybleed @romiantic @onlyperc @starsoirees @yasminisbroke @asensitivecookie @kdyance @sussybaka10 @famedrs-blog @milesismyhubby @foreclosure--of--a--dream @ykimobessed @soilmayo
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Peter Parker
Oh poor Peter, he’s just got so much going on. With Aunt May and the house, him tryna find a stable job, his relationship with MJ, and now prioritizing his friendship with Harry, he’s being pulled in so many different directions it’s honestly dizzying!
There’s so much going on in his life that I wouldn’t be too surprised if he developed some anxiety around it. Like we know Peter for being this quirky, goofy kid who’s got hella jokes and can rock your ass in a science test, but when he’s alone, the turbulence of his life gets to him a little. And it’s not like he can let anyone really know - he’s Spiderman for crying out loud! If he goes down, who knows how the rest will take it.
And of course the Venom Symbiote doesn't make things any better - Pete’s whole acting like an ass thing wasn’t intentional by no means necessary, but I think that would also play into his anxiety as well. He doesn’t want to ever hurt his friends the way he did with that symbiote in him - they’re the last thing he has.
On a completely not depressing note, I feel like having the house to himself gives Peter the opportunity to really figure out his own aesthetic. Sure, he’s the cute nerdy heartthrob guy, but he wants to expand himself! I feel like he wouldn’t be into the super modern high tech home decor that’s been sweeping through every interior designers palette - I see him as a mix of warm country house vibes (courtesy of Aunt May), with a hint of the technological advantages that he’d implement into certain appliances and spaces (*coughcough* at home lab *coughcough*) and a finishing touch of midcentury modern for a pop of color….it won’t stop him from being a bit of a slob though unfortunately.
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Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson
If i were her I’d be one critique away from giving Mr. J.J.Jameson a taste of his own desk, because oh my god the self-centeredness he possesses makes me want to vomit. But it’s a good thing I’m not, and our darling redhead angel has enough patience to deal with him for the sake of a bag - I applaud her for that.
I know a lot of people don’t like the MJ segments in the game but i actually appreciate them! Shows that she’s not just a pretty face that Pete falls in love with you know? And I like to think she actually likes the moments she gets to take down the Hunters because it makes her feel like a badass - which she totally is!
As a destresser from being a prime member of the Spider Team (yes, I’m claiming them as the Spider Team since Spider Squad is already taken) and her journalism job, I’d like to think she’s into something so niche like jewelry making - specifically little charm bracelets that she gifts to the others. Yknow, on some ‘friendship lasts forever’ type shit.
Also in her freetime she has writing projects on the side that she wouldn’t consider viable enough to send in as a story, but just fun little stories she’ll write for the hell of it. There’s nothing too specific about them, but they also serve as a way to track how her writing is progressing, and she’s in a group of beta readers of sorts that give her feedback on how much better she’s getting.
Another poor boy that just has way too much on his hands, good lord. Granted, I never saw the hype around Harry, but I think after this adaptation of him I might be warming up to him a little bit.
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Harry Osborn
Getting on the bandwagon of adopting new hobbies, I see Harry as getting into drawing, especially during the period in which he doesn’t have the suit. Since his health is deteriorating and he isn’t able to be as mobile as he would like, he needs something to keep his mind and hands busy. And drawing does the trick for him. He starts off with just basic drawings like items in his room, but he advances very quickly and starts drawing portraits of himself and MJ, who spends a lot of time taking care of him. He symbalso sketches a picture of him and Peter when they were in highschool over and over again, especially when he runs out of muses.
Harry also spends a lot of his time thinking. Thinking about his life thus far, his friends, the legacy he wants to leave behind. He doesn’t just want his last name attached to something to make it great - he wants to earn his keep and his place in society. It was the whole reason he started the Emily-May Foundation; it would have been his mark on the world, and yet, here he was, tied down to his bed once again. Then again, who knows if the symbiote would have done the same to himself, had he let his own convictions get too far?
Considering what happens at the end of the game, though, I suppose we won’t ever know…until the next installment that is.
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Miles Morales
Why are there so many poor boys in this game? Like I got enough sympathy to go around but Jesus save these guys!!!
He is a HEAVY romantic, especially when it comes to Hailey (so so SO happy he got his girl in the end was rooting for them so hard in his game). He plans their dates according to the mode and vibe of the day, whatever the two are feeling, whatever is mentioned in fleeting conversations, etc. He’s in love and proud of it!
He’s getting better at dividing up the attention to the important people in his life, as well as school and his Spiderman duties. Sundays are for him and his mom to lounge in their pajamas and catch up with each other on the weeks events; he hangs with Ganke throughout the week and sometimes goes out with him to science expo’s every now and then. He’ll pop up on Hailey whenever she’s in the neighborhood and just sits and chills with her (and if she’s working on a street piece, even better! He’s her no. 1 supporter!)
He, Peter and Ganke get into rubix cubes competitions to see who can complete the rubix cube the fastest. Right now Ganke is ranked number one and Peter and Miles are tied for second place, but they’re getting another, more difficult cube to compete again soon.
He’s got a big heart, and knowing the effects of everything that’s happened with Harry, Miles makes it a point to check in with Peter every now and then. He’s lowkey worried that if the older Spiderman’s worry for his best friend doesn’t do him in, then somehow the effects of the Venom symbiote on Peter’s psyche will turn him cold again, and that doesn’t end well at all. He does this well with MJ, and they talk frequently on how they can be better support for Pete and Harry in the aftermath of everything that’s happened.
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kuroppiii · 2 months
DON’T FILE THOSE DIVORCE PAPERS. but i thought emma was boring i desperately need ur full take geek out plz tell me what I don’t see
i would NEVER divorce you pookie??
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(us actually)
everyone gets film freaky in their own way!!! its ok!!!
two film essay posts in less than 24 hrs by ro, someone needs to sedate me or something
( sort of spoilers for emma (2020) under the cut , but nothing explicit , really )
!!! disclaimer i think to really fw regency-ish movies, kind of inherently calls for being into things like their original source material. and trust!! i know its not for everyone!!!
personally, i'm actually a big fan of reading those old and classical kind of books. as in, i have a full, clothbound, BOX SET, of jane austen's novels (emma being one of them). my literature teacher recommended me to read pride and prejudice ONCE and i've been hooked ever since.
yknow people joke that back then that it was all "oh my god you can't show your ankles!!!" and yeah, that's pretty much what it's like when you get down to reading novels from that time 😭 but that's what makes it so entertaining for me! the bridgerton series (which i also really like by association) is an easy example of this. i once saw someone say bridgerton plays out like a kdrama and YES!! that's the level of yearning and pining and slow burn i feed off of
upfront, i liked the movie–even from when its first trailer came out–because its aesthetics visually were just so nice. like yes!!! pastels!! pretty flowers!!! hats with feathers!! tea parties!!! big poofy dresses!!! (and anya taylor joy)
but it was when i watched it for a second time, i found a lot of why i like this specific adaptation of emma is because i think it really got across the vibe of jane austen's writing–especially the humor.
ok now stay with me: i'm not saying you have to read the whole original novel to get it, bc basically i would summarize the reason why the humor is so dry (when usually you would think this rich and old-fashioned vibe of a story should be much more over-the-top and dramatic) is because jane austen was always trying to make fun of all the social constructs of her time. especially for women! (heavy on how her works were ones of satire!)
like it all plays out so bare-bones that you just can't ignore how ridiculous everything sounds, which is what austen felt about all the rules and expectations emma and the other characters were trying to uphold the whole story. i also find that kind of humor from the movie very charming in a simple way, too.
the whole vibe of watching the movie and its characters is very much unserious, and it's a personal favorite in that watching it and listening to the soundtrack makes me feel ok to wallow in my emotions like the characters do. it's very cathardic in that way to me. but yeah by no means is it very action-packed or even conventionally "dramatic", so i get how it can wind up boring.
the character development of emma is always so interesting to me though. it's subtle, especially on the first watch, but it always warms my heart when she goes from thinking she's got everything figured out, to seeing the value of true friendship in harriet and even mrs. bates (MY FAV CHARACTER I CANNOT LIE SHE'S SO FUNNY), and that making her more open to questioning her and her life more, including not being as perfect as she once thought she was.
and that's really why we get that payoff with her and knightley, because he's known her all this time but when she finally recognizes her imperfections and embraces them, that newly found self-awareness us what pushes him over the edge in love. then we get that BEAUTIFUL confession scene under the tree. 🤭🌳
it very much fits the genre of a "romantic" movie, in that it romanticizes everything. but not to the point where it lets you forget what everyone's wants were, and that there were genuine struggles grappling with all those societal rules at the same time.
bc at the end of the day those rules were efforts meant to promote values that could hopefully lead a life of morality, responsibility/duty, and respect to others and yourself (arguably there are rules we face today that try to promote the same things, but they just look much different than rules about showing your ankles lol). i think in emma it's interesting to see just how each character tries to navigate those rules to get what they want out of life from them, and i think it's just a very beautifully-made film overall as well.
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ducktracy · 10 months
It really is a shame that Daffy’s positive traits would slowly be more and more downplayed over the years (I think even his characteristic “WOO-HOO!” would be solely used by McKimson either after or even starting in the early 50’s?) because he makes for SUCH an enthralling character when he’s not typecasted as just “the guy that loses (to bugs bunny)”
YEAH… i AM happy to report that i’ve been considerably warming up to what i call Chuck’s Duck™️ (which is slightly unfair because Freleng’s duck falls under this category. but Chuck Duck is fun to say and works in its immediacy with its connotations), especially given that the… less “glowing” traits of his Daffy have been present long before the sudden transformation of Rabbit Fire (which isn’t really that sudden of a transformation. he even HOOHOOs in that one!)—Bob Clampett’s duck is often touted as the very antithesis of Chuck’s Duck, but what’s so different between The Great Piggy Bank Robbery and Drip-Along Daffy? Duck Dodgers? Piggy Bank has him acting as some big hot shot he is completely unqualified for—he’s egotistical! he’s a craven little coward! you could argue that this even goes back as far as something as Scalp Trouble (from 1939!) which also has him acting as a big shot authority figure who thinks he’s the greatest, only to spend a part of the cartoon cowering off screen when the climax happens
BUT to directly address your ask, i was rewatching Tom Turk and Daffy (of course) and reflecting on how Daffy is pretty insensitive in that one, but there is still this reigning innocence via oblivion that the later entries really don’t embrace as much. which is such a shame! because it makes for an incredibly captivating balance. A Pest in the House falls into a similar category—so much so that i’ve seen people show confusion as to whether or not his heckling is purposeful. it’s not! and neither is his assaulting of the turkey in Tom Turk! he’s just that unaware, but his lack of awareness is almost endearing in these shorts. it’s usually the butt of the joke later on
i have so many thoughts about Daffy and how he is characterized (and mischaracterized!) that i’ve come full circle and am completely blanking here because there’s just so much i could say, and too much for my mind to comprehend! i’ve softened on my opinion is the Bugs and Daffy shorts in recent years, particularly when accepting that the shorts are clearly made for Daffy. you do not watch a Bugs and Daffy pair-up because you want to view the intensely interesting antics of Bugs Bunny. you save that for Yosemite Sam or Elmer or whichever else adversary he runs into. Daffy unequivocally takes the spotlight—Bugs is just something for him to react to, and so that’s sort of subdued my prickliness towards those shorts realizing the directors still very much loved Daffy. not to imply they ever would feel the opposite, but it can feel suffocating with the whole “Daffy is such a stooge isn’t he. LAUGH” vibe.
I’M SO FRUSTRATED BECAUSE I LOVE THIS ASK. and i have so many more in depth thoughts about this that aren’t coming to mind and it’s making me so mad. maybe that’s more motivation for me to speed through my reviews so i can get to the shorts where i can express my feelings in a more collected manner. but for now, did leave these thoughts about Ali Baba Bunny a few months ago that somewhat applies to this ask. maybe. but i really really really strongly agree with you, and am definitely thankful for McKimson’s duck sticking with “tradition” throughout the ‘50s. i’ve always enjoyed his take on Daffy and felt he strikes a really strong balance between that sort of “innocence” and being a bit of a hard ass, while still maintaining his charm and charisma that i feel is lost in some of the later Chuck/Friz efforts (at least for me).
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memurfevur-archive · 10 months
A question for the mun; May I ask what are your favorite trolls in the ftc as a whole?
Oh geez, I feel like this is always changing for me because I keep getting to know amazing new people and amazing new characters. I think I'll just name a few blogs and list my favorites from there, as I don't think I can pick out of the entire community when it's full of people I also don't know or haven't interacted with (yet!).
Quite a few of them belong to my partner @mageofspacemultiverse as I've known those the longest and have quite a few ships between us. A few of my favorite characters from him are Zomson, Hidelord, Devaron, and Pixcel. Each character of his is unique and has interesting backstories and personality, and yet every one of them is so on-brand for his blog.
From @thestarlightbrigade I have always adored Deltra and MY LIL MAN HIBUKI. Special shout out to Iiboye too. Lots of edgy angsty characters but each one is a specific flavor that never gets tiring. Avery's vibe is I'm shaking him by the shoulders and biting him affectionately. That is to say, he's a fun guy and silly to talk to. Prepare to get cat-gif'd.
@stuckstucktrolls I thirsted after Viktor since day 1 bruh. He's the Troll I am most familiar with besides Teagan. Creative characters and also very pretty, the lot of them. Cool cat boy cryptid gets the seal of approval from royal moth cryptid.
@goddesstrolls Kairos and Kairne. Ik Kairne isn't on the blog anymore but I thought he was pretty damn neat tbh. One of the first characters I knew Bast by. Also um... my (ex)wife Akidis, I love her to bits and pieces, and my male-wife Darvai. Buff women and bastard men run this blog, and all the world build and narratives Bast has come up with over the years are SO -chefs kiss- .
@miks-fantrolls Antemh <3 Sticking him under a microscope fr. I don't know a lot about anyone else, but maybe that'll change sometime. I don't know a lot about Mik but I personally think he's cool af. Mik if you're reading this I'm staring at you with wet pathetic eyes and offering you an egg in these trying times.
@roetrolls Veylin <3 She makes my heart happy. Also Franky, I would give him the world. Mallum is up there, too. Roe makes a lot of characters that are compelling, friend-shaped, and possesses you with the Funny Horrors (aka I can't stop laughing every time I see 'Dominion' on a street sign or pub. Like, it's the kind of joy that's like 'I know that guy! That guy belongs to this really cool person that I look up to! How silly that he has a bar named after him!' )
@sasster ...................... Redivi.................. Look, one could argue and say it's because he's a vampire and I'm absolutely a vampire simp 100%. But. But he's *terrifying* and that's a big reason why he's a favorite Chase Troll of mine. Compelling, scary, but recognizable as people we may know in our every day lives. An ever so loved face and name, but there's always something behind the scenes that we can't see. There's a performance for the world, while on back stage the true colors show. Mind you, I am extremely behind in the lore of the blog, but that guy? Man. That guy.
@windy-trickster -slaps the top of this guy's blog- This blog can fit so many funky lil dudes filled with unique lore and fantastic personalities and oh my god the angst. My favorites among them are Doleos, Rastho, and Althor. Windy is a creative writer and puts SO much love into his characters. Like for real, it's always a pleasure listening to him talk about them. It's clear he puts in a lot of love and effort into his guys, and I think y'all should go and see that for yourself.
@askthehiddencaste Shuska and Ashoal. I feel like Shuska is the face of the blog (i mean, the entire theme is a library, so), and she's such a charming character. Warm, friendly, but she's STRONG in spirit. Ashoal and Shuska are the two I'm most familiar with aside from Heliel (I want that goopy man carnally). Kanny has a lot of fascinating characters that all feel like a natural family to me. I could hang out with their characters and feel right at home.
@experimental-failures The only one I'm familiar with is Nix, so I guess he's my favorite by proxy-- BUT! I've always thought Nix was very neat. He feels like a guy I can run into out on the street irl. He feels so real to me, and it's always a pleasure.
@the-rainbow-overflow Elnric and Viroxa. Two very interesting characters for vastly different reasons, lol! I love the alternate timeline stuff Elnric has going on, and I feel soft for this guy mostly because it's the first Troll I knew Dusk by. Viroxa is... oh boy, god damn, a bastard? Such a manipulative and cunning guy where the ends justify the means, and I am OBSESSED. Bonus points that he's a scientist guy, ya know? We all love unhinged scientists. Kissing him on the cheek even if he may take my lips as donation and sew it onto someone else. Special mention to Makona as well, I am unwell about HISStory of Violence <3
@trollbreak Um, Bladed, teehee -twirls hair- Jonah has SOOO many lil guys. Silly lil guys! Some of these silly lil guys commit murder and treason! Some of them will give you plushies and Autism Creature stare at you as a means of friendship. Heehoo is my ultimate favorite, and Bladed is close second, but I adore Jonah and all of their characters.
@clown-fuckers-r-us Montague!!!! MONTAGUE!!!! MY BELOVED!!! CRYING WEEPING AAAAAAAA-- ahem. So um Montague is my favorite, he's so cool? I'm so invested in his story and not just because I have a ship going with that guy but his concept is so intresting??? A Purple with anger issues, rich and privileged but kind and loving-- now ruined by a broken mind and psyche, his one scrap of salvation that keeps him from fully losing himself being the memory of a lover that he hasn't seen since before the war on Limebloods... You should definitely go share some love with Bun, the mun of the blog; she's an AMAZING person, truly a wonderful friend, and one of the most nicest people I know.
@moonlit-trolls Tythus by far. It's been SO neat seeing Tythus grow and develop as a character. Moona and I made Ptillo and Tythus together, and while Tythus had some shaky beginnings as Moona was figuring him out, it definitely solidified and paid off in the end. Tythus is a compelling villain imo with complex goals and ambitions. Not to mention what a SILVER FOX HE IS GOD DAMN. You go girl, make that man hot and pathetic <3
I'm running out of steam for this post; if you're not listed on here it doesn't mean I don't have favorites or that I don't like you. There's A LOT of trolls to keep track of in the community and a lot of members too. Everyone has such amazing characters that I cannot possibly list them all off. Keep doing what you're doing, and remember that even if it feels a little pointless at times or that nobody cares, there ARE people who enjoy the content you put out-- whether its art, writing, silly little tidbits, or whatever else! There's people out there who will think about you over the smallest of things and smile, people who will think about you and your characters and feel inspired, people who may be too shy to interact but love and appreciate you and what you do. Whether you're a big or small blog or something in between, thank you for being part of the FTC.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
Tonight’s bill is a big one! Little Shop of Horrors at the @GuthrieTheater! Break a leg to the entire cast and crew! And a special “Welcome to Minnesota” to the wonderful @will_roland! pic.twitter.com/5Nsq3i2ykr
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— Joe (@joescranium) June 29, 2024
followed by this review:
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at the Guthrie Theater Hosted by the Guthrie Theater
A strange and unusual new plant is being featured on the Guthrie Theater’s Wurtele Thrust Stage and it’s got an appetite for blood. Yes, Little Shop of Horrors is back on the Twin Cities stage in flashy, yet campy, fashion. The 1980’s classic musical based on the 1960 film of the same name, tells the story of a down-on-his-luck florist, Seymour, who spends his days in a florist shop in Skid Row, tinkering with odd plants and counting down the days until the store closes from lack of customers. Without warning (and with the help of a total eclipse of the sun), his luck changes when he stumbles across a “strange and unusual” plant that, when placed in the shop window catches the eye of passersby. Feeling like the tides are turning, Seymour’s boss, Mr. Mushnik, demands that he take care of the plant at whatever costs to keep business booming.
Sounding like an easy task for him, Seymour attempts to perk up the little plant, Audrey II as he has named it, but there is one catch: Audrey II prefers a different kind of plant food. Blood, and lots of it. Running out of fingers to prick, Seymour must turn to other methods to feed the plant and as Audrey II grows, so does the admiration of the people around him, including his co-worker Audrey. Though she is a nice girl, her dentist boyfriend is anything but. Torn between the new found fame of having such a strange plant that requires extreme measures to keep alive and the love he has for Audrey and a life he dreams they could have, Seymour must make a serious of decisions that will affect every single resident of Skid Row….and perhaps the world. While Little Shop of Horrors has been produced hundreds, if not thousands, of times throughout the decades, the Guthrie has taken a new approach to their production. Instead of basing Audrey II off of a normal Venus fly trap, they have opted to base it on the aptly named Corpse Flower. A flower that only blooms every few years and when it does, omits a startlingly grotesque smell. Seemingly the perfect flower to base a man-eating plant off of and maybe not so coincidently, the Como Park Conservatory in St. Paul, Minnesota has one on display periodically when it is set to bloom. Not only has the Guthrie changed the type of flower but they have leaned very heavily into the B-Movie vibe of the story that seems to be scrubbed away in most productions. Even though the production is flashy, loud, and a spectacle to watch, it carries a fresh campy-ness that makes the show feel fresh and new. Even for patrons who think they know what to expect will find a plethora of fun surprises waiting behind the doors of Mushnik’s florist shop. Bringing charm and nerdiness aplenty to the role of Seymour is Broadway actor, Will Roland. Known for his roles in Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill, Roland tackles Seymour with his iconic comedic timing but offers a large splash of humanity across his whole performance. He brings out the raw emotions that Seymour feels with every breath and note. Whether he is elated with the success he has stumbled into or horrified at the lengths he has to go to, to maintain that success. Roland takes us on that journey with ease and it is a treat to enjoy, even if he does have to get a tad murderous.
Standing side by side with Roland every step of the way is China Brickey who brings Audrey to life with incredible vigor and camp. If there is anyone in this production that throws themself fully into the B-Movie vibe of the show, it is Brickey. She is hilarious, heart warming, and heartbreaking all at once. Brickey clearly knows the precedent that actors before her have brought to Audrey but she doesn’t give a recreation of any of them. She breathes her own life into the role and her delivery is sensational. The physicality and facial expressions that she is able to deliver, especially in the final moments of the show, are beyond impressive and memorable. Playing off one another with such ease, Roland and Brickey have such chemistry together as Seymour and Audrey and that is shown to high acclaim when they deliver their truly show stopping edition of Suddenly Seymour. Suffice to say, it may be one of the best performances of the song in recent memory. The delivery that they bring to the tune is both goofy and touching but it ends on such a triumphant note that the audience was practically jumping out of their seats to laud Roland and Brickey’s dynamic performance. It is worth the price of admission just for this moment. It would be unfair to single out one other member of the company who certainly delivers some of the highlights of the show. David Darrow. Embodying the sadistic and maniacal dentist, Orin D.D.S., Darrow is an absolute star. From his mischievous laughs as he inhales copious amounts of nitrous oxide to his aggressive and abusive attitude towards anyone, and everyone, he deems his victims…um…patients. There is no shortage of devilishness in Darrow’s performance and even though the audience despises him and waits for his inevitable demise, they can’t seem to lap up enough of his performance. While his main role is portraying Orin, Darrow takes on a slew of other roles throughout the production and he nails every single one of them without missing a beat.
It seems to be a rare feat now days to have a complete smash hit show in this day and age but the Guthrie Theater’s production of Little Shop of Horrors is firing on every cylinder. There are laughs, spectacular musical numbers, and plenty of horror to go around. So grab your friends, family, neighbors, and anyone else that you wouldn’t mind sacrificing to an alien plant and check out this can’t miss show of the summer because, if the opening night crowd is any indication, the run is sure to sell out and fast. Oh and remember, whatever they offer you, don’t feed the plants (unless you want all of your dreams to come true).
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
Song I'm fixated on: 1am freestyle by Joji - I like listening to his music to relax and that song is really beautiful and sad. Idk what that says about me
Enneagram: my basic understanding is a six idk this system well
Video essays: not my thing, after about an hour I'm bored even if it's an interesting topic
Imaginary friend: I don't remember any specific ones but I can tell you about my first oc from elementary school which feels basically the same - she was a ninja and a cool older sister who was always traveling for secret missions... and that's about the extent of my memory
Fall asleep: usually I can just fall asleep after imagining the scenarios in my head, but when I really struggle I put in headphones and listen to classic ASMR
Name change: I'm pretty cool with my name but if I had to pick a new name I would probably pick something with deep symbolism. Thing is, I'm terrible at coming up with names so this would take forever
Favorite redacted vid: one of my favorite playlists is Vega, I just let him talk and talk and talk and get so relaxed. If I had to pick a video, questioning a sadistic demon is nice to listen to
No appeal: sorry not sorry.... it's hush. I don't get it.
Movie: frozen, but not of my own free will
Platonic redacted boy: Asher is cool, just not really my type. He's goofy asf so I think we could be friends
Sleepy ramble: I don't think I ramble when I'm tired...? To give you something when I'm drunk I ramble about how much I love my friends though
Gas station: I want either a mango arizona, the tropical citrus vitamin water, or a liquid death and chips
Favorite playlist: I have a chill/jazz/lofi playlist I've been playing a lot at work lately, easy listening type stuff
Guilty pleasure media: am I allowed to say redacted? If not, I secretly watch those dumb reality shows about rich people to make myself laugh
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Hmmm… Something about you makes me want to put you in the DAMNily. I think you’d make good friends and integrate with them really well as Damien’s partner.
Type Sixes are characterized as being responsible, trustworthy, and loyal, aiming for security and support in their lives to aid them in achieving their dreams. Damien, and the family that you’d become a part of by being with him, would more than give you that. I also like the chill vibes you and your music choices give off, which I think would be a good counterbalance to Damien’s more driven temperament.
The two of you would have such a lovely life together built on trust, cooperation, and support. I could see the two of you quietly working side by side, sharing your playlist with Damien. I can see the whole group stopping by 7/11 for snacks at Damien’s behest and you two being the only ones that got any water. (He also strikes me as a Liquid Death fan.) I can see all y’all going out for drinks and Damien pretending to be done with the way you fawn over him and your friends but actually thinking it so charming and heart-warming.
We can talk here on the floor/ On the phone, if you prefer/ I'll be here until you're okay/ Let your words release your pain/ You and I will share the weight/ Growing stronger day by day/ It's so dark outside tonight/ Build a fire warm and bright/ And the wind, it howls and bites/ Bite it back with all your might
I like this song for y’all for two reasons. One, a song about trust and vulnerability, about only having to be the truest version of oneself fits Damien and any partner of his really well. Two, the soft, melodic cadence of Cavetown might appeal to you and be good for working!
In the same vein of you fitting in with the DAMNily, I think you and Huxley could be a good pair; he’d also be a good match for a Type Six. Outside of that vein, Aaron and you would be cute, because y’all would have the same taste in fun, comfort tv.
note: thank you for waiting 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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someone1348 · 2 years
Okay okay sooo this is going to be a rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles (or rottmnt 2018) kind of tickle rant post /pos because I got lots to say and no where/one to say it too! You can ignore this if you want to but I promise my next post we will be back to our regularly scheduled program of the glorious Dreamsmp!
Sorta spoilers ahead I guess! I just detailed some scenes and gave the episode it's from!
Also they are brothers everything is platonic thank you and enjoy!
My boysssss!! Ahh!
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Where do I even start!!
Okay okay! I am going to start off with my boy!!!
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-Mr Primetime!
-I love him wayyyy to much!
-When I started watching the show a few days ago and I saw him I said "oh no, here we go again another blue character with a great sense of humor, charm and a playful attitude, my one weakness!" And I was RIGHT! He is fantastic! /pos /hj /lh
-IM SO MAD WE GET NO LER!LEO we got Lee!Leo in the show cannon, so I'm not complaining but STILLL the lee in me wants something! A few crumbs is all /hj /pos /nsrs
-He's such a bratty switch I swear! I can never tell what side he's leaning more towards by the end of it, he's just smack dab in the middle and I love it!
-I headcannon that he loves making people laugh and hearing them laugh because of one of his one liners or something he did just makes him all warm and happy inside, although he would never admit that, so tickling is a perfect win in his books especially when it comes to his brothers/the people he cares about the most
-Leo is absolutely 1000% the type to not only tickle someone just for the fun of it but he is also GREAT at cheer up tickles!
-He is everyone's personal hype man! So his cheer up tickles, most of the time, he can adapt lol, are a one way train ticket to compliment ville! Woop woop! All aboard people! Captain Leo coming through! /lh /pos
-He's a squirmy lee as we've seen in the 'Mystic Library' Season 1 episode 20, his giggles are all over the place and just so amazing! He quite literally loses all control of his body so tickle him with caution! And he will always get revenge so be prepared to run! And good luck!
-Whenever he does get tickled it's most of the time Donnie being the ler. Or Raph but yeah, With the siblings bond they share it's bound to be him most of the time if not all of the time! Donnie gets some much needed Revenge time and Leo gets tickled, It's a win win regardless!
-He will always provoke, never EVER will he ask for it, unless raph tells him to say it or else he won't get tickled, but other than that he refuses to admit it! Especially not to Donnie!
-Have I mentioned how teasy he is! I can't stress that enough!
-Also he 100000% uses puns/jokes in his tickling as a part of his teasing and or provoking but yeah it's simply Leo!
-He also has/can do that teasy voice where a person can soften/lower their voice and drag out syllables and just AH! (Okay okay I'll stop I just ahhh leoo!!! *clears throat* anyway! /lh /pos)
-OH one last thing! He absolutely uses his portals to tickle people, he's used it to scratch his own back the possibilities are endless, he has definitely tickled people that way!
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-I have A LOT! to say about Donnie so strap in people!!! Here we go!
-Imma start off with Ler!Donnie because I haven't seen many talks/thoughts on it! And I have a lott! to say!
-SO! Starting off with what we know, Donnie is the tech man of course but in the one tickle scene from 'Many Unhappy Returns' Season 2 episode 2! HE HAS A TICKLE MECHINE JUST ON DECK TOO! Sorta its a feather attached to his bo staff but he just HAS IT UMM HELLO! /pos That was so awesome! He's so a ler lean! Like ah! Amazing!
-this is the other thing on my mind BUT! In Season 1 episode 5 when splinter steals the tank and he goes "Oh Papa if you surrender now! There Shan't be any consequences!" THAT FELT SO LER CODED! like that whole scene gave me such ler vibes/energy!! You can't tell me after hearing that that the bros have hid from him before and he's tickled them out of it! Also Splinter saying "I am not taking the fall for this, purple is a monster!" Uh yeah a huge tickle monster who should never be messed with, do not underestimate bootyyyshaker9000 that's the lesson of the day!
-Mikey is his favorite to tickle, you would think it would be Leo But it's really Mikey! I could talk for hours about the bond those two share but I'll keep it down for now!
-He absolutely (other than the one we saw) Absolutely has invented more tickle tech things! Honestly an adorable thought to go with this headcannon is that he's made something like that for Mikey, like a peice of amor that only activates when Mikeys being silly or something (Like the Donnies gifts episode) and it just tickles him before he even understands what's happening
-He's a genius! You mix a smart guy and a ler in one! Boom Tickle Tech!
-He absolutely made more too after that battle seeing as how effective it was against the enemy, he keeps it in his battle shell now cause' you never know when you might need to use it!
-He will absolutely use tickles to cheat in video games too! Anything to be #1!
-Also his Nicknames for everyone!
-Donnie is just so amazing!
-Now Lee!Donnie! I've seen a lot and I agree with most of it! So here's what I'm adding! He's Lee moods are rare but the only person he feels comfortable with going too when a lee mood does set in is Mikey! Little by little He's slowly warming up to everybody but it's just perfect!
-Lee!Donnie to me, what I picture at least is just giggle city! He doesn't squirm much/at all but he's just full of giggles! If you hit the jackpot though it's loud, genuine and amazing! Go Donnie!
-PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR AND SAY YOU'RE PROUD OF HIM! Compliment him! Especially in the middle of tickling him he will GLOW!
-He absolutely has a ticklish shell
-I feel like he wouldn't want it touched/isn't comfortable with that but he gives you the go ahead I think that is the jackpot
-He's so amazing!
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-Deserves more attention I swear!
-This man cannonically has Autophobia (The fear of being alone) and I think that just adds an extra layer to him but also lee!Raph
-With this being Cannon I feel like one of the ways the boys would snap him out of his crazy state is to tickle him and remind him that they are here and that they are never going anywhere and that he's not alone and I just think it's so cute!
-Another thing with this to me is if they are ever playing hide and seek (with or without the tickle twist) he has to hide with someone every time if he's not seeking
-Because of his oldest brother role and overall strength he doesn't get tickled as often he's normally the one doing the tickling but I really feel like he enjoys tickles, give him some, He deserves them! He's doing great!
-Random thought but I feel like the spikes he can grow on his shell are really ticklish!
-His brothers have all absolutely tickled him to calm his emotions when things start getting out of control
-OH and Donnie has absolutely tickled him until he actually came up with a plan, Donnie said it was "training" it technically was but he also used it as an excuse to tickle him
-Now Ler!Raph! Oooo boy!
-He has absolutely used his mystic forms hands to tickle people! (Like Leo and his portals!) I think he did in the 'Many Unhappy Returns' tickle scene I don't remember but still!
-He's so gentle when he tickles most people (Leo is the exception, and bad guys of course!) He doesn't want to accidentally hurt anyone but he's also just a more gentle guy! We love him so much!
-His tickles are a bit all over the place too as well as his teases because he's not good with plan making and teases in general but he'll always leave you giggling and sometimes your face reder than his bandanna
-He just loves making people happy so tickling people is just a total win in his books!
-Such a sweetheart AH! Just don't make him mad! Haha!
Last but not least!!!
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-Dr Delicate Touch
-Starting off with that! "Dr Delicate Touch" as we know, there is nothing Delicate about it! Haha! But as my Segway he ABSOLUTELY has used that name before tickling others It's their equivalent of the "Tickle monster" Like to his brothers (*Cough* Donnie *Cough*) He would say something like "Uh ohhh I think someone needs a visit from Dr Delicate Touch" and then proceeds to tickle them
-A lot of people see him as a lee! And I agree! He is very Lee coded being the youngest and everything, just by the way he acts! But I see him more as a Lee-Lean rather than just a full Lee
-My reason for this is because in the "Many Unhappy Returns" episode when the tickle scene happened he was the first one to call it out the whole "We found a tickle spot!" Bit and he seemed really happy about it so I think he does enjoy being ler but because of the way he is he's more of a lee
-Mikey is so fun as a Ler! His tickles are fast and all over the place but in an organized way if that makes any sense at all
-He's the type to point out little things the lee is doing and tease like that but in different voices
-He'll play different characters or put on new voices when he's tickling someone just to keep it interesting and upbeat
-Oh and he's absolutely used a paintbrush to tickle someone, art is his thing! He's gotta have done it once!
-Very vocal teases
-Now as a Lee! Ohoho boy!
-He has been targeted by everyone so there is no set Ler for him but he would argue that it's Donnie!
-He's got the loudest laugh out of them all, Leo is a close second, but his laugh is also all over the place when he's tickled, he can go from big loud laughs to sweet honey giggles! Either way he is a walking tickle spot!
-He gets tickled for everything, Here's how the list goes, When he's doing something reckless and someone needs to stop him it's Raph on the case! He outright just provokes Leo and For Donnie it's for comfort
-He absolutely has hidden in his shell to make the tickles stop or to just get his ler mad but either way it's always a giggle fest when that happens and it takes every ounce of teasing in the Ler's arsenal to get him out of his shell
-We've all collectively agreed that his death spot is his underarms right? Fantastic yes! /pos
-He got a taste of his own medicine once with being tickled by a paint brush and he absolutely lost it he can't handle his own medicine!
-Physical teases get him the most though, stuff like stopping mid way through and then starting up again or those fake attacks where they look like they're going to tickle you and then stop just inches before they reach your tickle spots, and just slower tickles in general he can't handle that!
-He's so great!
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I just wanted to share my thoughts so I hope you enjoy! :]
-K :]
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devdirt · 11 months
It just felt like a lower quality "Bikini Bottom Day" &/or "The Whole Being Dead Thing" from the Spongebob Squarepants musical & the Beetlejuice Musical respectively.
BBD is about 8 minutes long, but it's the intro song to its show, just like how (I think) HDIH is supposed to be for HH? It introduces the MC being very optimistic, & the rest of the town doesn't match the MC's cheerful vibe, & there's some music/tone changes to the song (for Spongebob, it's to match to the other main characters' vibes for their introductions (Sandy's is noticably country-like, for example.)
I'd imagine the idea was supposed to be a mix of "Classic Disney 'I Want Song'" & probably the fun "tone?" changes in "The Whole Being Dead Thing," (since Viv seems to be a fan of the Beetlejuice musical) but didn't have the charm or catchiness they were hoping for.
The jokes in the full song & the short animated clip we have so far just don't land, for me anyways. Nearly all of them just seem to be general children's cartoon gross-out humor I thought we left to rot in the 2010's or so, but with a "I know about sex now that I'm all grown up!" sort of glee radiating off of the jokes from whoever wrote them.
I'm still gonna watch HH, even dumpster fires can keep you warm, after all. The person voicing Charlie did a lovely job, I'm hoping she'll get a much better song or two we can actually find getting stuck in our heads because a voice like that is asking for a great song to sing! Generally, I'm hoping for a diamond in the rough song to pop up in the series, HB seems to have a few gem songs of its own, so we know SOME good stuff can come from Viv &/or Spindlehorse.
Love the way you explained the comparisons to the other songs. It is 100% most definitely supposed to be a classic Disney "I want" song, I don't know if I like it as the intro though? We'll see.
Also pirate the fuck out of that show buddy. She doesn't deserve your money with the way she acts. I'll probably pirate an episode or two 🏴‍☠️🦜
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softlyapocalytpic · 2 years
My interpretation of Deacon is very much in the camp of, “every good lie has a seed of truth”. Got no idea if that what makes a good lie, but I think it’s a fun story telling device so idc. I never want to take away from him being a liar because it feels like it’d be a disservice to his character, but from his dialogue it feels like there’s always that grain of truth. Rather than just flat out lies, he twists the truth. The only time it ever feels flat out is when you’re supposed to doubt him, (like that he’s been to Greenland or played cards with Mr. House). It’s wacky, outlandish, and he plays it straight because that’s apart of the joke.
Because at his heart he’s a goofball! I think that Deacon shows more of who he truly is than he realizes by the mere fact that he doesn’t really know who that is anymore. If you spend sometime time as the lie, when does it become the truth?
He’s so edgy in own head, but I think that his true colors show from his actions which are usually spent either a) protecting the people he loves, or b) keeping their spirits high. He may be cynical, but he doesn’t want to be. He admires optimism and hope and surrounds himself in it, and I think some of it rubs off on him when he isn’t looking.
How can he not? The way that I can hear his voice SPARKLE after you blow up the Institute… Like the whole world has just taken on a new brighter shade. But also the way that he fights, and he fights, and he fights even in the darkest hours of the Railroad. At times I think he feels beaten down and broken, like he couldn’t get up again, but then he looks at these beacons of hope like Dez, Glory, and everyone else and he can’t help it! While he definitely has the “man loses last bit hope he didn’t know he had” moment, he doesn’t stay in the darkness. He’s magnetized to the light. Something something a lantern in the dark hehe.
I’ve fallen in love a little bit with almost all of the Fallout 4 companions, and Piper is the latest 💞. I made a conscious effort to spend more time with her on my survival play through and she’s just so charming. Bethesda knew what they were doing and they got my pansexual ass hook, line, and sinker. She’s sweet, and awkward, and passionate, and quirky, and goofy, and driven. What’s there not love?
I think my Piper is definitely a reflection of what I’m feeling like in my early twenties, except a more fantasized “country girl in the big apple vibes” version. Life is an adventure, and oh fuck being an adult with responsibility is difficult. I care so much about my community yet feel so isolated for one reason or the other. She’s fighting for justice but doesn’t have it all together yet. She trips, stumbles, and is learning.
I think the biggest roadblock for loving her character had been the contradiction of being ostensibly pro-synth but also lambasting McDonough for being a synth publicly. However, when I took a look at that as a character arc I really began to appreciate her!
Piper’s point was never to promote synth hate, and I’m so compelled by her grappling and dealing with the fact that she did. That her constant strive to deliver the unabashed truth, along with her (rightful) disdain of McDonough as a person meant that she helped the paranoia. That she made synths the bad guys rather than the Institute at large. Her seeing the toll of a full out war with propaganda from all sides, and developing another layer to her belief system. An awareness of her words and how they effect people.
I know that for some character arcs it’s about learning to be okay in your own body, on your own, but it’s SO important to me that Cait ends her story with someone absolutely smitten for her. It doesn’t matter the gender (although I’m personally partial to a girlfriend for her), she needs someone to hold her. To be patient with her. To call her out on her shit when she’s being dumb, and stand by her through the roughest parts of her journey. I want her to feel warm, and safe, and held and to be surrounded by people who love and appreciate her.
Also want her to have a complicated relationship with drugs that isn’t easy, but that she feels like she has agency and choice over. That she doesn’t need to feel ashamed for her drug use! That sure she’s got baggage but she’s so worth carrying it. I want Cait to live an easy breezy life where she’s surrounded by laughter.
(Man I guess this was less meta and more me wanting to give Cait nice things lmao).
In such a bad mood after reading something that I won’t say more about because I don’t care for engaging in internet discourse! So instead I wanna post something positive! These are just some thoughts on a couple of the companions. Definitely not the full breadth of my thoughts, but I’m kinda just not in the mood to be critical right now. Just need something good to cheer me up. Hope it can do the same for you!
My interpretations generally tend towards the sweeter more optimistic end, and I’m aware of that. But I stand by them none-the-less. I want the wasteland to become a softer place, not a harder one, and I think that while characters start out in dark places they can be lifted out of that. Fallout already spends so much time really showing off the depths of the horrors of humanity and I think that it needs to foster hope. Hope and growth give meaning to the struggle. The violence may be pointless but then we can choose to be different. Idk y’all it’s nearly two in the morning and I just want some feel goods after being absolutely STEAMED.
If you wanna join in on the fun and add your own thoughts I’d love to hear them. About these guys or any others. I just picked a random three myself. It can be angsty! I just ask to keep things respectful and compassionate in how you talk about it.
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kingsofneon · 3 months
tagged by @xamaxenta
amazing to make fun of xam's fic titles but also be incomprehensible lol (i normally just access them via links lol)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have
31-ish kinktober reqs
45 general writing reqs
5 writing trades or smth
Maracebo + exhibitionism 
Marco/ace + loving bdsm
Cobydrake + fake aphrodisiac 
Sabolucci hate fucking
boop le boop
kiss n tell
Play this my way
prince charming in your mind's eye
put on a show for me
teacher's pet
when you have teeth and claws (be prepared to bleed for it)
dragonfucking au
cobyshanks fake aphrodisiac
Acebo + giving Marco nipple piercings
zoro/law/luffy demon law getting dicked down, dicking down?, his boys.
below the cut is literally just copy-pasted asks lolol
im sure i have more but i confess my docs are a messs so. god knows where anything else is. also soz but i dont want to tag anyone, if u want me to tag you just pretend i did cackles
everyone in the revo wants a piece of their chief
Haunted or Not, Here I Cum - Ace's porn reality show 
Fuck the Truth + Sabo asking why Ace came to watch
Acebo + giving Marco nipple piercings
Zolu + Zoro waking up hard and cuddly luffy doesn't help
+ cat!sanji Sanji + praise + Luffy getting Sanji a collar
servant tashigi and pirate princess nami / royalty/servant + library + angry
NamTash + FWB + Nightclub + quickie sex
NaVi + needy, clingy sex + dirty talk/spanking
Marco/Shanks + dirty talk/spanking
DraSabo + Sabo regaining his memories
Zolu + post workout sex in the crow's nest
MAS + wedding night
"Owner" Ace + MarSabo who are competitive and he has to teach them to be nice
Sabo/Ace + "Beg for it"
Marco's foot kink
Sabo asking Ace to tie him up
Ace + Marco or Sabo + "Don't come until I tell you to." + Ace has been teased all day but mar/sab like seeing him fucked up
Troublemaker Ace + Marco teaching him a lesson
Sabo waking up to Koala fucking him + ""aw nice of you to join us".
Saboala + bondage/muzzle/obedience bc Sabo fucks up
kinktober day #1 I'm just gonna be the 4th person who asks for Sabo being spanked until he begs 😂 (MAS, Marco does the spanking and Ace comforts him and encourages him to beg already)
may i ask for sabo with pussy and huge tits - double penetration and overstimulation, shanks and ace having their way with him, humiliating and fucking our pretty boy till he's a crying mess? pull his nipple piercings because fun? hmmm
somno with saboala cause sabo getting ridden within an inch of his life while sleeping sounds so good. just like koala being a bit of a shit and sabo getting all red faced and squirmy in his sleep, dreaming about being buried in warmth
marshanks oral/training mmmm. A little cockwarming vibe? Shanks "training" Marco to properly service him and just keeps Marco's mouth around his dick for ages. OH and if it's an exasperated "when will you learn?" moment, maybe also a ring gag? just, mouth open, warm hole, constantly available, good birdie
katalu, belly bulge. ., stretchy boys, but how does he make luffy actually *feel* it, seastone?? haki dick??? luffy being so used to his stretchiness that he's completely caught off-guard and punched out by getting stuffed like this *~*
NAMI/CONIS CHASTITY??? i'm imagining very bad girl/good girl temptation vibes, Conis kind of desperate to give it up but Nami playing it slick and cooing about how she knows the importance of chastity to Conis, so don't worry about it, you can sit this one out while I have all the fun....
forced to beg with sabo -////- pretty please. and koala?
ZoLu, exhibitionism: Luffy just can’t stay quiet so the whole crew can hear them fucking.
Zoro is amazed that Luffy can fit all three of his sabers.(It’s most probably been done before, but I haven’t read it so far!)
ZoLu Orgasm denial and Luffy is the one being denied~ Zoro being soft and horny because Luffy is someone that not even the world can deny anything from, yet he hands over that control to Zoro freely and I just cant stop thinking bout these boys since your tweet >0<
CNC with marsab? where Marco is trying to make him submit and sabo is a mouthy brat, but Marco will have to fuck out the anger out of him. feat sabo begging to be let go and Marco won't, sabo tearing up and Marco complimenting him how pretty he looks. mm
“I think you need to be spanked.” marcosabo if u r ok with it and has inspiration <333
“I wanna fuck you hard, right up against the window.” “Damn, if I’d known how much you liked to be watched I would’ve invited them sooner.” “That’s right, put your chest against the window and spread your legs, arch your back, and beg me to fuck you.” Marco fucking Sabo and Ace walking into and joining please
“oh please continue on my lap.” or “beg for it.” (with Marco saying beg for it. embarrassed / ashamed ace?) 👌 👌 👌
sabo is spanked by marco after losing a bet 😏
but no really he has too much pride to back out and marco is all too happy to have him over his knees willingly, maybe make him bend over the table and bring out a paddle 🤤 his ass is red nd bruised and he has to wear a short skirt for the rest of the day
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
🎃🦇👻Jeepers Creepers! (Monster Manor) 🎃🦇👻
I can't think of a better name for this!
This is a double-feature! You get some headcanons for both Rainier and Casimir, and a whole mini fic! All in the spirit of Halloween: What would they do, how do they go about celebrating Halloween for the first time?
I hope you enjoy! As always, thank you @taptrialmegamix for supporting me! <3 I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween! 🎃🦇👻
-Casimir is endlessly fascinated by the holidays you bring up to him, and Halloween is no different. 
-And when he finds out it's something upcoming? Of course he wants to help decorate! 
-He finds it really fun to sort through the cheesy decor, and piecing together the overall vibe of Halloween through fuzzy spiders and blankets with eye-holes. It's charming! It's cute!
-I think he would decorate in a way that's more fun, quietly avoiding the blood and gore, although he finds that pretty interesting, too. He likes the devilishly grinning pumpkins and smell of cider a little more than the blood-stained, decrepit atmosphere he's already lived in for 250 years. 
-Casimir is more of a pumpkin spice man. He likes Autumn, the warmth and slight chill, the coziness and comforting aspect of being with his loved ones in the evening. I'm getting emotional.
-Imagining Casimir as a vampire? Drinking red wine with his fangs- Long hair and his voice? His clothes ruffled in just the right way??? Zoo-wee mama- 
-Also also imagine him a little closer to evening, after the excitement has worn down. He's getting ready for bed, but can't yet bear to snuff the candle in the pumpkin. He keeps a tiny one for the night, as a good luck charm and a reminder of the wonderful experience he had with you and Rainier. 
-Rainier is the one you go to for all the spooks, ghouls, and screams! He loves the idea of trick or treating, the treat part especially! 
-But he will absolutely ask for help in decorating his cave. Show him the dark lights, the fog cauldrons, and the prop gravestones! 
-He gets a kick out of the fog. The whole floor can just be cloudy and cooling? Can that happen all year round??? And it can change color based on the light you use!
-Rainier also loves the feeling of autumn, but he loves the drop-down spiders, the screaming witches, the dragons!
-It doesn't scare him, but he's taking notes on how to scare you! (Affectionately) 
-He absolutely respects the boundary between tricking and treating. He knows Casimir isn't quite as into certain things, so he doesn't ever cross any boundaries. But if you're into that kind of thing...
-I think Rainier would also be down to be silly, too, and if you have a goofy costume idea, he'd love to help out! He likes to hear you laugh and smile
-Rainier would absolutely keep candy all year long to occasionally snack on, and it's all in a Halloween bowl still. It's too cute to get rid of, and it holds a lot of stuff! 
Ghouls in the Graveyard (Scenario)
But, even with spooks and fun inside the House, there's something even better that you figure both of them can enjoy. With some yard work, there's enough afternoon light for a little outdoor time! You can picture the crackling sound of fire, the smell of roasting wood, and practically the taste of sweets and warm stew.
The House leaves you a note inside in the evening, saying that there's one thing left missing outdoors; It's a giant pumpkin that will be perfect for carving, baking, and decorating. Yes, all three. Your job is to find it and bring it back inside!
"Don't we have plenty of pumpkins here already?" Casimir raises an eyebrow, and you glance at the jack-o-lanterns already lit, grinning happily.
As true as it is, you can't help but feel excited, waving the note at him and Rainier.
"It's a game! Like the haunted corn mazes!"
"Oh, I get it! That's easy!" Rainier is quick to join the party.
"Will there be scares?" You ask, and your phone dings immediately.
"You'll find out soon enough." The House says. "It is getting dark, though. And it is All Hallows Eve."
You both turn to Casimir with pleading eyes.
He can't say no to both of you! How dare you team up like that?
"Alright, I'm in." Casimir chuckles, and it's begun!
The House has done its part in the maize; The corn reaches taller than Rainier, so far that even he can't peek over the thick stalks.
"Who wants to lead the way?" You ask. Casimir goes first, with you behind and Rainier following closely.
A breeze is in the air, and dusk is approaching faster than usual. Even with the chosen clothes, it still doesn't do much regarding the chill.
"Gah!" Casimir jumps as he turns a corner; A fake zombie is snarling, with a crow tending to its feathers. It quickly takes off with a caw when it catches sight of you.
"Are you alright, Casimir?" You grin.
Casimir brushes off his shoulder, his expression a little embarrassed as he carries on. "Of course. It was unexpected, is all."
He still reaches for your hand, though. Rainier can't help but try to hover over the corn, but his eyes go wide quickly.
You turn back, and your gaze rises immediately. Casimir comes to a halt.
All around you, the corn is rising, growing up until it nearly blocks out the sun, throwing the three of you into darkness.
"Was that a bad idea?"
"I think this was all part of the plan." You blink, reaching for Rainier's hand next. "Now we really need to stay close."
Carefully, you continue, winding around narrow paths of thick corn; Even darker shadows pass through between the gold stalks, and rustling in the distance sends chills up your spine.
"Aah!" You jump back as something spindly catches your hair, stumbling into Rainier and swatting at your head. "What is that?!"
A high-pitched cackle rings over your ear, and Rainier and Casimir pull you back away from the gnarly skeleton with glowing neon-green eyes. Its fingers wave tauntingly, head turning slowly between the three of you.
"Are you alright?" Casimir reaches for you and the flyaways of your hair.
"I didn't even hear it sneak up!" Rainier stares at the skeleton, poking at its wrist curiously. "That's pretty cool."
"I had no idea what that was." You chuckle, fixing your hair and clothes. "That was a good scare, though."
Rainier jumps in front this time. "I'm not scared of anything! I'll protect you both!"
The maze isn't over yet, though; the night is only getting darker, with more rustling and howling coming from the depths of the corn. Casimir keeps watch of anything behind you, and Rainier protects you from any ghouls that jump out in front.
"I wonder if we'll get chased out of here." You wonder aloud.
"Pardon??" Casimir glances at you with a worried frown.
"Yeah! Like a guy with a chainsaw, a really loud and dangerous weapon. It makes a sound like like BRRRRR and then he chases you! He screams and you scream and it's all chaos!"
Rainier grins, his tail wagging a little. "Does he catch you?"
"I've never been brave enough to see what happens! Once it's showtime, you just take off with the rest of your group."
"Aw, I want to try that!" Rainier laughs, but the cheer is cut short by a new sound; A wailing, too close for comfort.
Rainier's wings flare out to bring you and Casimir closer as you all look around.
"I don't think that's the Great Pumpkin." You mumble, and Casimir frowns. But not at your joke...
"Is that-?"
Casimir ducks under Rainier, heading straight toward the noise. You share a baffled look with Rainier before you chase after him.
"Hey, wait up!"
You follow Casimir's auburn hair through the corridors; Left, right, right, straight--Not even he is fazed by the scares and jumps; His curiosity for the noise is stronger than the ghost and skeletons.
You almost trip right over him when he crouches to the soil, staring focused into the gaps.
"What is it?" You whisper, squeezing Rainier's hand. "Is it an animal? Is it a monster??"
"It's..." Casimir reaches out and scoops up someone you never thought you'd see in the maze.
"Mimi!" You and Rainier exclaim. Casimir grins, satisfied as he turns to you with Mimi, confused but ultimately content now that she's found the group.
"Awe, how did you get out here, Mimi?"
She's warmed up to you considerably, less quick to run away so fast.
That is until she headbutts Casimir's arm and leaps from his hold, returning to the path in a slow, unhurried manner.
"She's not going to get lost in here?" Rainier asks, but Mimi looks back at you and walks further.
"I believe she's our guide out, tonight."
Mimi leads the way through the rest of the maze. Above you, the last sunlight glazes over your head as the corn stalks shrink, letting the darkness fade into a golden sunset.
"Does this mean we made it?" You ask, and your eyes fall onto a clearing. "Oh, the exit!"
Casimir's never looked happier as he steps out, taking a deep breath and another. "Thank God."
"Aw, you didn't enjoy that?" You chuckle, patting his back consolingly. "I think that was fun! No killers, but maybe that's for the best."
Rainier's eyes light up as he runs forward. "Is that the pumpkin?"
It takes him no effort to pick up a giant pumpkin, round and cute, but ultimately the biggest pumpkin you've ever seen.
"This is it! We found it!" He grins, holding it up.
Your phone rings. "Congratulations, you three. You can head inside, or enjoy the snacks I've provided by the fire."
A stepping stone path leads around the maze, but an outdoor picnic with a fire pit in the center is among the pumpkins and grasses. Cushioned seats surround it, and a table of different drinks, cups, and snacks is set out neatly for the taking.
Mimi has already made herself comfortable near the warmth of the fire.
It doesn't take long for you to follow, cuddling up in your own space with your hands warmed by your favorite Autumnal drink.
Rainier guards over the pumpkin as he relaxes by the fire, and Casimir sits between you with a quiet sigh of relief.
"Wasn't that delightful?" You beam, sitting next to Rainier, and leaning your head back on Casimir's leg.
"I can't help but to agree. It was...Very enjoyable." Casimir hummed warmly.
You could feel Casimir shift slightly, pausing, before deciding to bundle up with you and Rainier on the ground instead. You guided his arms around your waist, grinning.
Rainier's tail moved to comfort the both of you. "Can we do this next year? Oh, are there any more holidays we can celebrate like this?"
"Absolutely. But I'd like to spend the night with you both, like this. Just a little longer before we start taking things down again."
A full moon shone down, but neither it nor the dark night could smother the heat of the fire. Your voices all passed around, sharing stories, laughs, and plans for the next holiday.
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timeofjuly · 1 year
So sorry if this is intruding, but you stated that Mc is a charming person and in the fact that she was very sociable during high school and that gives me a funny headcannon that Mc has a wide variety of friends, some of them perhaps having a worse criminal record or did worse things having their positive biases towards her ( if that made sense?). Like she could tell them about her criminal record and that friend(s) could be like, " Oh, you were arrested for assault and battery? Girl, that's a fake a$$ crime no worries. " Or funnier yet friends who have cleaner records than even Quinn ( idk if she has ever done anything, I'm not sure), and know what about Mc's mistakes in life and still show warmth and kindness to her. Those friends possibly reacting to the hostility from the skeletons (perhaps showed in public by accident) with confusion and anger. MC seems like a person that's easy to like and easier to invest emotionally in. I know I am!
Not intruding at all! Ask me all of the questions, I love sharing my thoughts.
MC definitely has a very wide and varied social circle and I think, had addiction not been a massive part of her life, that that circle would be even larger. Unfortunately, mc actually lost a whole bunch of her childhood friends due to addiction; when your drug use goes from something your friends view as fun and casual into something ugly and serious, you burn a lot of bridges and people don’t want to be around you. Plus, the friends you do keep in your life tend to also be addicts, because you get to a stage where all you want to do is use and talk about using. It’s one of the reasons recovery can be so challenging: you’re literally constantly surrounded by drugs and people doing ‘em. I do have Plans for some of these friends to show up later on in the story, so stay tuned! “Oh, you were arrested for assault and battery? Girl, that's a fake a$$ crime no worries.” Is a very good representation of how blasé some of these friends will be lol
There’s definitely going to be a moment of realisation when certain skeletons see how mc interacts with others and think, we really screwed up here, like mc is funny??? And warm??? People like her??? Shit.
I have this idea in the back of my head that the skeletons are the first people to ever dislike mc on sight, like in her whole life lol. People haven’t liked her, sure, but it’s never been literally at first sight before. She has good vibes! That would be hard for a person to grapple with mentally and would be a bit of a reality check, and I think her friends would be baffled by it, too.
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sharkrocket · 1 year
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by: @zu-zup! Thanks for tagging me, I feel so honored! 😁
Last song: I'm going to cheat a little a talk about some loose songs I would love to put on a Patho playlist but don't have enough songs to make a full playlist, I think people would be more interested in that ahaha
BODY/PRISON by HEALTH for Rubin - Okay so, my impression of Rubin is largely informed from his P1 version, and when he's going around dressed in leather like that and has a banging warehouse theme, my mind translated that into dark club music, and it's been stuck there every since. I keep joking about making a Rubin playlist but it's just HEALTH songs because their whole discography is just kinda like that.... Big recommend from me
Glass by Blood Cultures for my fashion model Rubin agenda - Man, this is harder to explain, but BASICALLY, I feel like Rubin would make a fantastic model. Not that he would be one in modern AU, but I think he has some traits that would be very good for an alternative fashion model. MAYBE I'LL ELABORATE ON THIS ONE DAY.... But anyway, this is the song I would love to see him do a runway walk to (Blood Cultures is fantastic btw, also a recommend)
Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes for Artemy - The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory.... a man struggles with growing up and his finding his place in life, and I feel like it's pretty fitting.... Love this song a lot
There There by Radiohead - SO I JOKED ABOUT SEEING HOW MANY RADIOHEAD SONGS I COULD SHOVE INTO PLAYLISTS, but I had a really complex Burda comic I was trying to plot in my head. Unfortunately, I think animation is the only way to really convey the vision, and that's a bit out of my league.... 😔 I can talk about it more if anyone is interested, though
I'm trying to create a creepy Polyhedron playlist just for fun, but I'm having some trouble finding the right vibes.... I feel pretty solid about these two though, they feel creepy enough:
Carol N°1 by Woodkid
Spring But Dark by Clark
Favorite color: I have lots! Big fondness for salmon pink and my art tends to run in on the warm, vibrant (sometimes neon) side
Currently watching: Trying to watch Bad and Crazy on Netflix but I'm not a huge TV show person unfortunately 😔 Too time consuming and most of the stuff I do wanna watch needs subtitles, which I can't pay attention to when I'm multi-tasking
Last movie: HOO BOY, I watched Marry My Dead Body on Netflix, and basically the premise is that an aggressively straight homophobic cop accidentally gets married to the ghost of a gay man, and they need to cooperate to solve a series of crimes and find the murderer. It's a fun premise and it's supposed to be an action comedy but I can definitely see how your mileage may vary depending on what's your sense of humor might be.... Not a super terrible movie, but ehhh....
Before that, I saw The Lure (Córki dancingu) which was more interesting to me.... It's supposed to be a modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, but with flesh eating mermaids and discothèque flair.... I know people have mixed feelings about this movie, but I enjoyed the style and music... The music is SO catchy
Currently reading: NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, I just returned some library books not too long ago, and these are my recommendations
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher - A sort of retelling of The Fall of the House of Usher from the POV of a nonbinary solider in fictional mid 1900s Europe... a VERY easy read.... The characters are charming and the narrator is really funny, witty and sarcastic... Reminds me a bit of Artemy in that regard... Good body horror to be had here
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw - This is more a traditional, dark fairy tale narrative.... It's told from the POV of a man-eating mermaid who burns her husband's kingdom to the ground... She takes on a nonbinary Plague Doctor as her traveling companion and they roam together before stumbling across a village of children who keep dying and coming back to the life thanks to the aid of 3 surgeons who conceal more sinister purposes...
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - I enjoyed this one a lot.... A supernatural haunted house horror/drama where a woman returns to her childhood home to take care of the estate of her estranged dying mother while confronting the dark history that her father left in the basement.... Excellent characterizations and I was really invested in where the story was going
Sweet/spicy/savory: BIIIIGGGG savory person.... I like sweets but I love a good savory.... Fries and chips are a big weakness of mine
Relationship status: In a relationship! 🥰
Current obsession: I'm still drawing Patho, so that's still sitting on my mind.... I just finished watching a playthrough of Dave the Diver though, so that's been sitting on my mind too.... UNBELIEVABLY cute and charming.... Sort of scratches the same itch Animal Crossing does
Last thing I Googled: Different kinds of biological slimes.... I never thought about categorizing them before, but now I really want to know what qualifies as a slime
Currently working on: Portfolio stuff.... 😞 I want to leave my current job, so a necessary and time consuming evil, unfortunately
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wattwrites · 8 months
January 2024 in Movies and TV
A collection of mini-reviews about the movies and TV shows I've watched during the past month.
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A lot of these are 2023 releases I didn't get round to when they released, So I'm playing catch up a little bit this month. Please note that I only watch things I'm personally interested in and please remember these are just my opinions. If you would like to read my reviews in full, Please go to my Letterboxd.
09.01 - Hercules (1997, Ron Clements.) 3/5
Beautiful animation, some really under-rated visual sequences. Meg and Hades are the best characters, They have so much charm. Plot is a little stiff but the characters for sure make up for it.
10.01 - The Boy and the Heron (2023, Hayao Miyazaki.) 3.5/5
A powerful piece about grief and displacement, Our protagonist continues to venture through the world despite his loss. Breath taking animation and some superb voice acting, just really beautiful.
10.01 - Saltburn (2023, Emerald Fennell) 3/5
I didn't think this was as crazy or as good as it was made out to be, Casual movie watchers need to stop misunderstanding artsy films. There were a few moments that gripped me when I first watched it but seeing it all be picked apart on social media ruined this movie for me. I found Felix really likeable and I went into it knowing that Oliver was a piece of shit; Rosmund Pike and Alison Oliver gave some of my favourite performances.
12.01 - Poor Things (2023, Yorgos Lanthimos) 5/5
My favourite movie I saw in Janurary, A visual treat for anyone who likes traditional gothic horror, the visual effects and the set design was beautiful and I genuinely felt so emerged in the world. Kinky and gorey and does not hold back on a single punch, Bella is unashamedly herself and learning to find her way in the world and I've never experienced such a well rounded character arc before.
13.01 - Fantastic Mr.Fox (2009, Wes Anderson) 3.5/5
The first of several Wes Anderson movies I watched this month, I really like the flare in his movies. George Clooney plays the character so well and all the characters are so charming - I did think it got a bit overcomplicated in the middle but isn't that just Wes Anderson to a T. Beautiful animation and genuine well done slapstick comedy, a family treat.
14.01 - Wish (2023, Fawn Veerasunthorn) 2.5/5
Disappointing is the best way to describe Wish, It did have some merit but for what was supposed to be Disney's 100 Year movie it fell extremely short. Flat animation, boring characters and generic plot progression. Fine for kids who don't pay attention but there is very little of actual worth, I can't believe this came from Disney the same year as Across The Spiderverse.
15.01 - Arrietty (2010, Hirosama Yonebayashi) 3/5
Pretty music, great animation as usual but not quite to the scale of some other Ghibli productions. The voice acting really blew me away on this one, Mark Strong was a great choice for the stoic father but Olivia Coleman really went above and beyond in her performance. Neat, warm and cozy - The ending felt really simple but it was a good middle of the road Ghibli movie.
19.01 - The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014, Wes Anderson) 4/5
Fun, silly and warm. The whole movie felt like it took place in a toy box. Loved seeing all the usual Anderson offenders, I've started playing guess who when I watch one of his movies. I would give anything to hang out with M. Gustave of the Grand Budapest Hotel. Ralph Finnes was a fantastic choice, He embodied the role so well.
20.01 - Princess Mononoke (1997, Hayo Miyazaki) - 3.5/5
Easily the most brutal Ghibli I've seen, Doesn't hold back on its message at all and it was a fantastic visual metaphor for Man vs Nature. Great animation for the time, solid secondary characters and good voice work.
24.01 - Ghostbusters (1984, Ivan Reitman) - 4/5
My first time properly watching this movie and I loved it, can't believe it took me so long to watch. Oozes with charm and tone, The goofy spooky vibes are on point and every character is very unique. Fun popcorn cinema, It's extremely silly but takes itself seriously when it needs to. I found myself wanting more of the four Ghostbusters just bouncing off each other, All these big personalities play off each other so well.
26.01 - All of Us Strangers (2023, Andrew Haig) - 3/5
I completely misunderstood this movie and didn't go into it knowing it was a sixth-sense / supernatural movie so my first viewing left me very confused. Its full of very heartwarming moments, Claire Foy and Jamie Bell play the parents very well and there is genuine connection between the characters. Confusing and a little disappointing but it does pack a punch with some of the emotional moments, There was a few times it genuinely chocked me up. 
27.01 - Watership Down (1978, Martin Rosen) - 5/5
I personally don't know how to put into words how much I love this movie, It was a favourite of mine during childhood and it still holds up. The music and the tone is so strong and never once does it lose its pacing, You can tell the animators and production team really cared about the story. The commentary on nature and war was cleverly done, Not in your face but very present and the voice work was fantastic for the time.
27.01 - Raiders of The Lost Arc (Steven Spielberg, 1981) - 3/5
Goofy and fun but packed with really well executed and well directed action. The monkey broke my heart, I was rooting for her and she was a snake! Indie is kind of a scumbag but Harrison Foord plays him so well I can't help but love him, He'd make me crush on him too tbh.
28.01 - The Holdovers (Alexandar Payne, 2023) - 4.5/10
For a movie with such hurt and wounded characters at this core, This movie continually upholds the message that life can go on. Three protags all grieve something; a different life, a family, a child and all come together in this beautifully human story. Paul Giamatti, Dominic Sessa and Da'Vine Joy Randolph all play off each other so much, hats off to them all.
31.01 - Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget (2023, Sam Fell) - 2.5/5
Big tonal change from the original tbh, I liked how gritty and dark and actually hopeless things felt. The uncanny valley vibes (for chickens) are kinda on it and the animation is pretty good but the over saturated colour pallet really doesn't do anything for these characters.
17.01 - Ted (2024, Seth MacFarlane) - 3.5/5
Packed with laughs and surprisingly human moments, the characters are all very fleshed out and I genuinely get the chaotic family vibes. Actual comedy and not just Family Guy-esque jokes, The whole season felt like a nicely wrapped gift. Not sure if I want more but I enjoyed it for what it was.
21.01 - Hazbin Hotel (2024, Vivienne Medrano) - 3/5
I was really conflicted going into watching this show as I don't have the best opinion of the creator but I was surprised. Good characters, fluid animation and some musical bangers. It hasn't quite blown me away yet but as of time of writing the finale hasn't aired yet.
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