#the vet said that once she stops enjoying her 3 favorite things it's time
gynandromorph · 1 year
The worst part about the dog dying isn't that she's gone, even though that's pretty miserable. It's knowing how much pain she was in and being unable to do anything to help. The only thing that would help was something she veritably didn't want
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tumbleweed-run · 2 months
Meet My Zoo
Marco and Polo
(Polo is on the left, Marco on the right)
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Marcito the Dorito and Pollo
My old boys, they’ll be 10 this September. They are some of the most bonded cats I’ve ever met. They got their names because my big kids were little when we got them and the kittens would begin yelling as soon as they lost sight of one another.
Marco loves everyone, wants to be pet RIGHT NOW. And then proceeds to drool all over you when you do pet him. He has nakey legs because once, SEVEN YEARS AGO, our dog brought home fleas and he’s compulsively taken his hair off ever since. The vet says he’s fine, just neurotic (same bud, same).
Polo loves Marco and my oldest son. He tolerates everything else.
Odin and Freyja
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Obediah G Finklesnarf and Wheezy
They just turned 4 in July.
We got these two as bottle babies after their mom rejected them.
Odin is a big cat. Like really the kind that makes people stop and comment on how big he is. While he’s currently on a diet but the vet estimates he’ll never be below 15-16lbs, currently he’s 18lbs. He’s a big baby and truly believed our dog was his mother. I now get the joy of waking up to his murder paws bearing all his weight onto my ribs every night. He loves being brushed and playing fetch with hair ties.
Freyja is the prettiest cat I’ve ever seen. She’s soft and silky, with a gorgeous feather plume tail. She’s the tiniest adult cat we have weighing 9.5lbs. She enjoys being looked at but not touched. The only person allowed to brush her is my middle son, and she rewards him by sleeping in his bed. Freyja has 6 confirmed critter kills despite being a strictly indoor cat, she once caught a live bat in our basement. She’s our only cat to have ever caught and killed something. (She’s also our most expensive cat because she’s very sensitive to vaccinations but due to her bloodlust I’m terrified she’ll contract rabies so she gets vaccinated and then spends 24hrs in observation at the vet. Every. Time. )
Luke & Leia
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Lukey Dookey and Leiabeaia
They are our newest babies at only 3 months. They’re only babies yet and very much growing into their personalities but I love them so much already.
Luke is the sweetest boy, loves cuddles and being held. The boy has absolutely no self preservation instinct. He’s often found being held upside down or trying to fight Odin. His only saving grace is that Odin thinks the kittens are the coolest things. Luke IS smart enough to run to a person when he’s scared, which he often is.
Leia is a strong independent woman. For their own safety the kittens used to sleep in a large crate until we felt everyone was comfortable. She would scream her whole way to the crate and make it impossible to catch her. She is the reason they earned night time freedom. She can often be found beating the crap out of her brother.
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Charles T Bunneh
We have zero idea how old Charlie is, he’s at least 3 but possibly as old as 6. Charlie was an unintentional acquisition. A family member did that very cliche thing of getting pregnant and no longer having time for him. My youngest son’s favorite animals are rabbits. I’m sure you figured out what happened. Our vet actually laughed at me when I said I was done collect animals during his first visit. (It was not, he was actually gotten a month before the kittens)
Charlie is the goodest bunny. Has no problem with our cats, will occasionally chase Luke but it’s definitely playful. He sits so nice for nail trims. He’s learned my husband’s schedule and the only time I’ve ever heard him thump was when my husband was home late and therefor late giving Charlie his snack.
WE ARE DONE with new animals for a very very long time.
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Holy crap this episode was funny as hell until it wasn't and then we were plunged right back into the intensity. But great episode!!! I don't lb so I don't get spoilers but man I had a lot of reactions as I watched. Ngl, a lot of cursing and caps ahead but damn was this such a good episode:
“One minute before the blackout” - now we’re to 1 minute from 1 week last week
“The place where this heart’s from, it was a tragedy. But once we land, it’s gonna turn into a miracle, right?” “Yeah, I like that” -- so once we land and settle after all of this craziness, a tragedy will turn into a miracle? I like that *looking at you Eddie*
Bobby going in to save the heart, hmm...
Oh, thank God - Eddie, Hen, and Bobby are all safe
Dr. Salazar - we need more of her. I love her so much.
4 Days later - hmm...
Wow, they’re really bringing Harry to the forefront here, this whole kidnapping thing is going to happen isn't it?
Harry charging neighbors and Michael and David in a sort of co-parent situation - first of all, Harry you are a GENIUS and love that Michael and David with Harry are being focused on in this episode, ahem, is there possibly a reason...?
Lou survived!!!! THANK GOD
Nearly 5 days Lou was in hospital
5 day head start for Hudson - is there something with 1, 3, 4 and now 5? I'm keeping track here, Tim
Buck is the power czar LOL - omg I love this man so much
Ravi!!! We need MORE Ravi!!! but where is Albert???
CHIMNEY!!!!! OMG I LOVE YOU - "Give me a charger or Uncle Buck will never see his niece again" - "Give him a charger" - "Well played" - "Let this be a lesson, never give that man a clipboard" - "Excuse me for being efficient" - "That’s one word for what you are" - okay #1 I will forever be in love with Chimney, probably one of my top favorite characters on this show & #2 LOVE this whole brothers interaction, Albert may not be there but Buck and Chim are still going with the whole older-brother-is-exasperated-with-the-younger-brother's-shit vibe
Oh God, here comes more cringe, yay... not so much
Eddie kisses Ana on the cheek AGAIN (Eddie, can you hear me? This is your subconscious speaking, when are you going to end this, my man?)
Ana says going to visit was Christopher’s idea since he missed Eddie and thought he was hungry - muy interesante
Buck rushing over to greet Christopher and hugging him tight is a moment I live for - outside of the whole Buck and Eddie story, I LOVE this relationship with all of my heart, I am so glad Christopher has Buck, he really is his second dad (with or without Eddie being involved)
Eddie not introducing Ana to Ravi (nor Buck saying hi) - Buck’s expression - “You must be Eddie’s wife” Christopher: “Not yet” I FUCKING LOVE THIS KID, OKAY!!!! Buck’s smile, he loves Christopher, too - love how Ana and Eddie don't say anything to dispel or clarify this
SAME FUCKING TRIGGER AND THIS TIME BUCK SEES IT!!!! OMG (Eddie, this is your subconscious again, you need to listen! The universe and I are trying to tell you something, please before any more shit hits the fan like me having to watch more uncomfortable interactions between you and your placeholder friend!)
Eddie sending Ana and Christopher on a tour with Ravi IN THE DARK at his work place so he can put SALADS AWAY
Buck’s expressions the entire time - Buck knows something's up
Ana’s expressions the entire time - she KNOWS
Thank God Bobby wasn’t around - hear me out, I have a reason for this that I am still working on in this long ass meta
Buck makes sure to not make eye contact with Ana (except quickly when Ravi is waiting to be introduced), even when Ana laughs at his “Constantly”
Eddie being a probie when Shannon came back in season 2 (and Eddie pulled her into the locker room to talk) & Ana being left to tour the station house with Ravi aka Probie - hello parallels & contrasts, my old friend
“I don’t want these things to wilt” - interesting choice of wording there, Eddie (newsflash, it's already wilting, Eddie)
I almost feel a little bad for Ana here because she did do something nice and she gets the brushoff and some discomfort/embarrassment in return (I mean the woman brought three salads in the middle of a blackout that she most likely made herself, come on - I'm sure some people think salads are easy to make but to those of us in the inexperienced/uninitiated cooks' club, it's not that simple)
Lila dead - hmm...are we surprised? (Hudson didn't give a fig about her and what's sad is Lou would have saved her)
“I think she was smitten like those other fools. I think she saw him being led away in cuffs and she intervened on his behalf” - interesting line there, Athena...
I need more scenes with Athena and Elaine - I know Elaine is the captain and Athena is on her own with no partner but I gotta say I am enjoying this
Athena! Why are you not warning the survivors!!! I mean I get it but still!!!
OMG “He takes Christopher all the time, he’s got the place memorized” - BUCK LISTENED TO EDDIE IN 3x03 - OMG!!!
Oh Buck my poor baby, he knows what they’re walking into - I LOVE Hen’s line of “Just smile, Buck” and then Eddie and Chim both smile wide at him - OMG I AM LIVING FOR THESE SCENES WITH THE 118
“Welcome to the Jungle” - nice touch 911
OMG Buck you are cracking me up - no animals are getting past him
1 hawk or eagle or raptor maybe? I’m not good with bird species okay!!!
3 emus again
1 bird I have no idea what kind (wondering if that’s what we saw the back of last episode near the emus)
Giraffe again
3 wolves
3 camels
“The animal makes a move, control it” - YOU GOT THIS BUCK (yes we are finally getting that scene we saw filmed!!!)
Buck’s expression when the camel runs by is KILLING ME 'yeah, that's right Camel, back up, back up, you don't want any of this, yeah that's right'
Stuffed animals in the souvenir store, interesting
2 for $5 sign - even more interesting
1 alpaca
I guess I kind of wonder why Hen didn’t become a vet at one point in her life? Like I’m glad she’s a first responder and about to be a doctor but damn she knows so much about animals, she’s like the 118’s resident animal expert, that’s my girl
“We were gonna get one” - um...what? Hen...
“I wouldn’t” LOL oh Bobby you slay me
Is it just me or do we hear ET almost type music in the background as Hen lays chips down for the alpaca? Bobby mentioning the Reese’s Pieces, the flashlight shining on the Alpaca when it steps into view...are we getting an ET reference?
“It’s calling its friend!” *another Alpaca appears through coats “Clever girl” - a Jurassic Park reference - It’s a fucking Steven Spielberg reference, holy shit!!!!
Okay so that scene was Eddie looking over at Bobby, got it, near the fire trucks
Oh Buck I love you so much “So you ran from an Alpaca?” “Two Alpacas and no one was running” - both Buck’s and Eddie’s faces and then laughter are freaking hilarious
Chimney: “After careful consideration, I have decided not to endorse this park” - OMG I have not stopped laughing for like five minutes straight, can you imagine a Jurassic Park AU for this team? - shot of T-rex above Ripley’s Believe It Or Not (nice one, 911)
Weird looking bird that I've never seen before and 2 emus and 2 vulture, 1 hawk/raptor bird, 1 rhino
May is awesome!!! And so are those neighbors!!!!
Eddie in the tank top!!! Buck with a clipboard!!!
“Hey are you sleeping or just pretending?” Buck is taking no prisoners today
Buck is trying to make sure he’s not having any symptoms, omg, seriously how do you not love this guy???? Eddie you better make an honest man out of him soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can take this
“You don’t give up, do you?” Oh Eddie you did not just say that, to Buck of all people, come on man (hello season 3 Eddie, my old friend)
Get him, Buck! Get him!
“Since when do you panic?” “That’s what I said, I don’t panic” Buck once again out there proving that he knows Eddie better than anyone else
Oh wow!!! Eddie came right out and said it “If I’m being honest with myself I think it was Ana”
And there it is folks “She’s been a constant through all of this, staying with Christopher”
“Somehow we became a ready made family and I don’t know if I’m ready for that” - wow, this is an excellent scene, he’s totally letting that wall down to talk candidly with Buck, nice - and him being stripped down to a tank top for this scene just reiterates that fact, he's baring some things
“I think I’m gonna stick it out. Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” - oh Eddie, you really need to shit or get off the pot my friend, this isn’t good for you, Christopher or Ana - how can you sentence all three of you to this? come on
“My kid loves her” but YOU DON'T - okay my heart is breaking, Eddie is making the same goddamn mistake all over again just like we predicted - Eddie please, what did Carla just say to you three episodes ago? Where the hell is Carla btw????
“Stick it out? That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with” “That enough?” - thank you Buck, seriously THANK YOU
Okay my heart just broke again but for Buck this time “Eddie, I have been Ana” - aww =( I love my chaotic firefighter son with all of my heart
And of course Denial!Eddie aka repressed!Eddie are back, sigh - 5x03 has to be where it all comes to a head, it has to be, now even Buck is forcing him to face what he's trying so hard not to - word of advice Eddie, my repressed firefighter son, you can try to deny it mentally/emotionally all you want but it will come out one way or another, just like it's coming out in panic attack symptoms and anxiety - you have to end this, sweetie
And I think it’s very interesting that Eddie looks right at Buck during “If I’m being honest with myself” *looks away then right back at Buck* “I think it was Ana”, “staying with Christopher”, then right after “I don’t know if I’m ready for that”, “I think I’m gonna stick it out”, “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” “My kid loves her”
OMG Eddie’s expression when Buck says “I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who’s not all the way in and deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth” — RYAN WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMN EMMY??? If anyone ever doubted that Eddie was in love with Buck, there’s the freaking proof written all over Eddie’s face at Buck’s line!!! It’s not something he thinks he can have and it hurts
Okay seriously, Eddie saying “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with Shannon” — VERY PURPOSEFUL MENTION OF A WOMAN HE’S WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH, EDDIE PLEASE, CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!!
Then they go right to Chim calling Maddie, uh huh, I see you 911
I really love Hen’s full support of Maddie btw & I love how Chim is able to talk to Hen about it all
Oh no!!! Maddie please don’t fall asleep!!!
Oh thank God!!!! It’s going to be okay, Maddie, you got her, it’s going to be okay - I seriously want to give my girl a hug and tell her it's going to be okay
Omg Jee-Yun is so cute!!!
Day 4 or day 5 hmmm - I'm still keeping track, Tim
“Why is it every time the world ends, it ends some more?” “It just keeps us on our toes” “More like knocks us on our asses” - Universe is that you?
Awww Bobby just called Athena “baby” <3 I'm not crying, you're crying
YES more Athena and Elaine
Lou is awake!!!!
Awww Lou =( I may or may not be ugly crying rn
I cannot tell you how relieved I am that Lou is alive
Oh God!!!! Athena get the cops there now!!!!
Yeah you should have let Harry charge them Michael lol, of course they were there to just use the generator power (though I love and appreciate the contrast they gave us in the neighbors who helped the boy with the ventilator so we know not all people take advantage)
On a side note, it’s nice to see more Michael and David but at what cost, Tim? Can we please get more of them and especially David in a more lighthearted episode for crying out loud? Is that too much to ask???
Go Bobby!!!!
Good for you, Athena!!!
Omg this is practically Athena’s nightmare come to life, shit
Omg Hudson unplugged the goddamn generator, THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
Okay that was super intense, I really hope Athena is the one to take Hudson down, just like Bobby said
I have a few more rewatches to do before breaking things down but damn, I think I need a drink after that one.
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
hi!!! i noticed you also do headcanons and I was wondering if you could do mc's cat cockblocking the boys?? i really love your writing, and tysm!!!
I’ve never owned a cat, but I’ve watched enough videos on YouTube
MLQC Headcanon - Please do something about that cat
He’s not much of an animal person
And you know that
But that doesn’t mean you’ll throw away your cat after moving in with him (the one you’ve raised for nearly 12 years)
So you’re determined to make him accept little Whiskers
One of the biggest peeves he has is the fur
He doesn’t like having the hairs stick to his clothes (AND in the food)
He just doesn’t find cats that adorable like you do?
He doesn’t complain when you take him to buy stuff (he actually enjoys watching your face light up while picking things out)
But he regrets it because you were taking too long looking at everything in the store
So he now makes you shop online (so he doesn’t have to actually be there)
“Victor...! We HAVE to get this banana bed!!”
He doesn’t see the necessity but buys them for you anyways
There’s a lot of things he wants to say about that cat, but he stops himself
But he DOES want to say something about your cat continuously cockblocking him?
Every time he goes to kiss you, Whiskers is always there
She keeps meowing to get your attention (to which she always succeeds)
Damn cat.
He doesn’t like how you give her more affection than to him
She’s such an angel when you’re around
But is the devil’s incarnate when you’re not
He swears your cat gives him a look sometimes
“Victor, you’re being ridiculous” (if only you knew)
Damn cat.
You’re usually the one to take her to the vet
But you were busy with wrapping up a shoot one day (so HE had to take her)
Boy, did he hate every minute of it
Meowing like no tomorrow (he thought his ears would start coughing hairballs)
The appointment wasn’t all that splendid either
He thought about accidentally leaving the cat at the vet’s 
But he was able to refrain from doing so
When he gets back, you’re waiting for him
He suddenly picks you up bridal style (doesn’t forget to glance at Whiskers)
He thinks he wins this round (but she’s the one in your arms when he wakes up the next morning)
Damn cat.
He loves animals
He REALLY loves animals
But sometimes they don’t love him back (poor sunshine boy)
And your cat was one of them
He literally tries everything to make Whiskers like him
But it doesn’t work
“My evol......” (absolute charm doesn’t work on animals, apparently)
He becomes so sulky afterwards
Savin has to stop by the house to drag him to his next schedule
He gets up to leave, but then sees Whiskers come up to Savin’s leg
She starts purring so loud? (like she wants Kiro to hear?)
“Wha— No! That’s not fair!”
He sits back down, exclaiming that he won’t budge until he MAKES Whiskers like him
Savin is crying, once again
Kiro uses his knowledge as Key to create the most complex system you’ve ever seen in your life
“Ki..Kiro? What’s all this?” (you’re almost afraid to ask)
“It’s an automated treats dispenser. Whenever she passes by any of my things, this bad boy (he taps on a device) will drop her favorite treat. You can think of it as training her to associate me with food!”
“And....this is supposed to make her like you?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment (he’s desperate, isn’t he?)
“Just watch, MC! Don’t come crying when she no longer follows you everywhere”
You sigh (I’ll have to apologize to Savin again)
So the treat dispenser idea worked in the beginning
Or at least, it seemed like it did
Whiskers figured out the trick pretty quickly (she was old, but not stupid)
She could care less about becoming familiar with Kiro’s scent, and was only interested in the snacks
He’s devastated now (he’s curled in the corner of the sofa)
Seriously, what made you marry this man?
Just then, Whiskers comes up to Kiro and sits on his lap (he’s squealing)
“MC! Look! I told you this would work!”
He doesn’t particularly hate animals
But can’t imagine raising one himself
He was supportive when you said you wanted to adopt a stray cat (the one that’s been wandering around the orphanage)
He helps you buy the supplies to prepare the house
He even offers to take her for her shots (while you were working)
He was looking forward to expecting the cat to fall in love with him
As did the hundreds of animals in the past
He never thought this stray cat would become so attached to you
And attached as in ATTACHED
She literally gave him no room to come between the two of you
He pretends it doesn’t make him faze one bit
But he’s actually plotting using that sexy brain of his
He’s laughing at his own childishness
But when it involves your love, it’s a little different (he’s willing to play this game)
She’s a formidable opponent
As a pet, she has the upper hand in a lot of situations
For example...
She’s allowed to sit on your lap and stay there for who knows how long
She’s able to follow you into the bathroom (something Lucien wishes)
Theoretically speaking, she’s much more huggable than he was
Whiskers was smol and fluffy, but Lucien?
Alpha male was just BIG (his hair is fluffy, though)
He doesn’t like how he’s losing on so many levels
But he DOES have advantages as a husbando human 
He can cook you breakfast
He can pick you up in his arms and swing you around
Even though he can’t sit on your lap (he’ll crush you if he does), he sure can rest his head on it
He can actually communicate with you? (this is the BIG ONE)
He understands your body language, your speech, and any changes in between
And he KNOWS that he is the only one in your life who will be able to get this intimate with you
Inside and outside
He’s more of a dog person, himself
You already knew about Flyer (*see Rehearsal Date)
And you knew Gavin wasn’t actively looking for a pet
But he is more than willing to take in a stray cat you brought home
You ask him to name the cat, to which he appropriately names Whiskers
It’s not original, but I suppose it’s still cute
What did you expect 
This is a man who names his motorcycle Sparky
Slowly but surely, he begins to love this cat as if she was his own
And Whiskers seems to love him the same, as well
You often find the two of them napping together, curled up in the sofa
When he comes back after a long mission, she’s always there by the door (she knows when he’s coming before you do?)
Despite all this
He loses it whenever she gets in the way of his affectionate moments with you
Other than that, the two have a great relationship
He has small scratches on his legs and arms 
He gets new ones whenever he tries to kiss you
You end up cutting her nails more frequently than before (but she always finds a way to make them sharp again)
Minor makes fun of him when he tries to explain his dilemma
“Bro! You’re fighting with a CAT” (Gavin had to punch lightly nudge Minor’s stomach)
He knows it’s dumb, but he can’t help himself
He has his reasons for being so jealous over Whiskers
It’s because you’ve become so much more lovey-dovey after taking in the cat
Well, he’s not complaining (you were more adorable now)
But it would be nice if all that love was directed towards him
Right now, it was 7:3 (Whiskers : Gavin)
In order to fight back, HE becomes the affectionate one now
Kisses become a lot more........extravagant
It’s not like he’s not embarrassed about it
If anything, he wants to hide in a hole every time he slips his tongue in your mouth
“Gavin, if it’s gonna make you blush that hard then you don’t have to do it, you know?”
I’ve always wanted a cat, and this just solidifies my point
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bisexualbuck · 4 years
911 & Buddie Fic Rec
I’ve been reading a lot of fics lately as I pretend that nothing is happening in the world, and so I’ve put up a list of a few that have stuck with me.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment! They’re all amazing and they deserve it.
Let’s spread some positivity around here!
In no particular order
Knocking On Heaven’s Door by MomentsOfWeakness
Summary: Buck isn’t sure where he is. The last thing he remembers was being out on a call. Now he’s here, in a place he has never seen before surrounded by people he doesn't know. It's bright. That's all he can really tell.
Based on a Tumblr prompt where someone asked for Buck and Chris both ending up in purgatory at the same time before they ever met in life. Buck has a ticket back to the living world but he gives it to Chris who is supposed to die. An old man, seeing what Buck did for Chris, decides to give his own ticket for the living world to Buck, because the world needs more people like him.
Personal opinion: This is just so good. It’s so well-written it almost reads like poetry.
Eddie Diaz and the Cat-astrophe at the 118 by SquaresAreNotCircles
Summary: It’s Chimney who rescues her from the tree, but it’s Bobby’s arms that she curls up in on the drive over to the vet to get her checked out. Right from the start, it’s as if she knows who she needs to cozy up with to secure her spot at the station.
“Come on, that’s crazy,” Buck says, but he does so while laughing not at Eddie, but at the grey tabby cat trying to get her claws on the fake mouse on a string that Buck bought with his own money, so Eddie doesn’t put too much stock in his opinion.
Or: The firefam adopts a mascot and Eddie has a minor crisis about it.
Personal opinion: This is just too sweet and too funny!!
Whatever you say, Buck by nanasteiger
Summary: Tumblr prompt: I'd love to see a fic where they start dating but decide to keep it private for a bit, except literally everybody knows because they're not secretive at all and everybody catches them here and there kissing or being affectionate with each other.
 The first one to talk about it was, and it wasn’t really a surprise, Captain Nash. “So,” he said, approaching him in the locker room, “what’s going on between you and Diaz?”
Personal opinion: The softness... unparalleled.
Love Language by red_to_black
Summary: The one in which there's too much pollen around, Eddie pines, and Buck is oblivious.
Or - Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
Personal opinion: I have melted... too good!!
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things
Summary: Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.
But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”
—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—
So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Personal opinion: Y’all. Just - do yourself a favor and read this. A masterpiece!! Just *chefs kiss*
dying lol by itsmylifekay
Summary: Based on the meme: i'm dying lol
Buck is...Buck. And that means chaos, angst, laughs, and pining over Eddie. Bobby just wants his son to stop ending up in the hospital. Enjoy.
Personal opinion: I have no words to say how much I love this
i want your heart (i hope you do too) by chocobos
Summary: Buck can’t stop thinking about those words, about the way Eddie had said them, eyes open wide and earnest, hand searing a hole into his shoulder, never once breaking contact with him in any regard.
Personal opinion: One of my favorite fics in this fandom
Roll Down This Unfamiliar Road by altschmerzes
Summary: The big 'welcome to the family, sorry I tried to shut you out of it' dinner at Eddie's winds down, and Chimney decides it's time for him - and Albert - to go home. But, as he stands there and looks at his kid brother, half dozing off sitting at Eddie's dining room table, Chimney finds himself frozen, plagued by sudden doubt. What if he's not cut out for this?
It's Buck, of all people, who's there with an answer.
Personal opinion: This is a Chimney-centric fic and it’s an absolutely gorgeous piece.
a diary highlighting dysfunction (adhd) by @evaneddie
Summary: adhd!buck - headcanons into loosely linked one shots
Personal opinion: I’ve just reread just now and wow... still amazing... chefs kiss
I still don’t know my heart by attolians @getbvcked
Summary: I am SEVERELY late for Evan Buckley Week so I rolled these prompts into one fic! • March 23rd - Day 1: “That’s my family.” + fluff • March 24th - Day 2: “Why are you naked?” + fun • March 25th - Day 3: “Please don’t close your eyes!” + hurt • March 26th - Day 4: “You want to marry me?” + love • March 27th - Day 5: “You’re a good liar.” + comfort • March 28th - Day 6: “I won’t let you do this.” + angst
Personal opinion: As I said before, we’re here living in 2020 while Amber’s living in 3020... The genius *chefs kiss*
(hurt) thy neighbor by autumnchills
Summary: “He’s armed,” is all he says into the phone before standing from his spot. He shoves his phone into his pocket and steps out, hands raised. Sure enough, the man has a gun pointed at him, but if he looks closely enough… Buck squints. Color him surprised. “Is that you—” “Don’t!” The man yells, jerking his hand with the gun aggressively. “Don’t you dare fucking say my name, Buckley.”
— In which things get bad fast when Buck's neighbor breaks into his apartment thinking that he isn't home.
Personal opinion: You need to read all of autumnchills’ work actually because guess what... chefs kiss!!!
(There’s) No Time Like The Present by NobodyKnows_U
Summary: "Marry me."
The words flew out of his mouth before he could fully comprehend what he was doing. It came out as a shaken whisper, but everything around seemed to go hopelessly silent. He's pretty sure he heard a few choked gasps but all he could focus on was Buck.
Or, Buck nearly dies saving a baby during a call and Eddie ends up asking Buck to marry him.
Personal opinion: I cried, this is just gorgeous.
5-4-3-2-1 by elisela
Summary: For all the times that Eddie has practiced getting into his turnout suit in record time, he never bothered figuring out how to get out of it just as fast. He would be regretting that if he could think about anything other than the fact that Buck went over the pier rail twenty-six seconds ago, and disappeared into the dark water seventeen seconds ago.
Personal opinion: The intensity... The talent... I’m speechless.
what a man gotta do? (to be your last good night and your first good day) by diazevan
Summary: He is gonna woo Eddie. He is gonna woo him so fucking hard that the other man has no other choice but to be his boyfriend and declare his eternal love for him. Buck is gonna be that good.
Buck is the best boyfriend and he doesn't even know it.
Personal opinion: Soft!! Cute!! I’m !!!!!!
Won’t Be Lost Forever by @lionheartedghost
Summary: “Bobby said you wouldn’t talk to him last time he came in.” The chair by the side of the bed scraped back against the linoleum. “You want to tell me what’s going on?” Buck opened his eyes. Eddie looked patiently back at him, passing a hospital canteen cup of coffee back and forth between his hands. “I won’t let you do this,” Eddie said when he didn’t answer, setting the paper cup on the little table beside him. “I won’t let you shut us out.”
Eddie helps Buck with his recovery following the ladder truck incident.Written for Evan Buckley Week, Day 6: "“I won’t let you do this.” + angst
Personal opinion: I’m overwhelmed by so much perfection what the hell
I also want to give a shout-out to @eddiedeaz because her fics for the Evan Buckley Week were, you guessed it, *chefs kiss*
180 notes · View notes
argylemnwrites · 5 years
It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment - Chapter 15
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (Canon Divergent from Book 2, Chapter 15)
Word Count: ~4900
Rating: R (all the adult language - what can I say, Drake swears)
Summary: A much needed conversation, part two.
Author’s Note: Thought I would have this up yesterday, but my Vikings broke my heart, so I couldn’t bring myself to do final edits. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! This chapter is not even remotely holiday themed, but it contains one of my favorite scenes in this story, so I hope you enjoy it!
This series diverges from TRR canon, where instead of waiting to discuss his relationship with Riley until their last night in NYC, leaving her a note while Liam is proposing to her, Drake tackles this topic as soon as possible after Tariq makes his statement and Riley’s name is cleared. To catch up on this series, you can find the previous chapters in my masterlist (link is located in my bio).
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It was pitch black out when Drake awoke to a faint tapping sound. He checked his phone. It was 3:26. He figured he must have imagined the noise and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep, but the noise returned. It was a knock on his door - light, but insistent. Drake was tempted to ignore it, but deep down, he knew who it was. So he shuffled over, flipped the lock, and cracked open the door. 
“You know it’s 3:30 in the morning, right?”
Liam nodded. “I apologize. I couldn’t sleep and I thought maybe… But you’re right, it was rude of me to come by at this hour. I’ll just-”
Drake cut him off with a groan, swinging the door open fully and gesturing for Liam to enter. “No, come on in.”
But Liam didn’t enter, instead pausing in the doorway for a moment before he spoke, “Actually, I was hoping you might want to go fishing.”
Drake blinked a couple of times, trying to clear the fog of sleep from his mind. They hadn’t gone out, just the two of them, in a long time. And given their most recent… conversation, it seemed like an odd choice. But Drake had stuck around to support Liam, so if he needed to go out fishing in the middle of the night, well then Drake would be going with him. “Yeah, okay. Just gimme ten minutes.”
So Drake brushed his teeth and got dressed, grabbing the fishing rods, the lawn chairs, and the tackle box before making his way down to the private garage. It was just Liam there when he arrived, so either Bastien had cleared a private outing, or Liam was ducking out without his security team knowing. It didn’t matter much to Drake either way. He just loaded their gear into the back of his car and moved to hop into the driver’s seat, but Liam called out, “Actually, do you mind if I drive?” Drake shrugged and walked around, sliding in on the passenger's side and settling in for the short drive to their usual spot. Except instead of turning right after passing through the palace gates, Liam turned to the left.
“Uh, where are you going?”
Liam glanced over at Drake before returning his eyes to the road ahead of him, “There’s a different lake I want to visit. I hope you can forgive me this break from our typical routine.”
Once again, Drake found himself shrugging. Not knowing how long of a trip they’d be taking, he leaned his head against the side window. It was dark enough out that he couldn’t see much of the scenery, but he knew they were basically heading east. They drove for well over an hour, not talking, just listening to Liam’s classical music playlist, the one he used when he needed to think. Drake didn’t know what was going on, so he let Liam drive on without any questions about where or how or why. They just drove and drove, and eventually, tinges of orange and pink started to appear in the sky. As the sun began to peek above the horizon, Liam turned off the main road onto a smaller frontage road. After about five more minutes, he pulled over to the side and stopped.
“We’re here,” was all he said before he got out of the car and went to grab his half of the gear from the back. Drake followed his lead, carrying his rod, chair, and the tackle box down a gravel path, Liam just a few paces ahead of him. It was a short and easy hike, leading to a large, crystal-clear lake. The area Liam had chosen was basically a meadow, but there were thickly forested patches along the shoreline, giving rise to large hills and mountains just beyond. Across the lake, Drake noted a grand estate.
He had no idea why they were here and not at their usual lake just west of the capital, but Liam had already set up his chair and was threading his line through the guides. So Drake placed his own chair next to Liam’s, opened the tackle box in between them, and started prepping his own line. Soon enough, they were casting out, the sky lightening in color by the second as the sun continued to climb upwards. They were both silent at first, but after several minutes, Liam broke the ice.
“So, Olivia’s aunt is behind the attacks.”
Drake whipped his head over to the left, trying to gauge Liam’s mental state. That must have been why Olivia came to the palace two days ago. It certainly explained the surge of activity triggered by her visit. Liam didn’t make eye contact with Drake, choosing instead to stare out over the water as he continued to fill him in on the situation.
“She wore a wire yesterday, securing recordings of her aunt talking about the whole thing. Lucretia’s initial plan was to kill any degree of public approval I had before I abdicated, leaving Olivia poised to take the throne. Olivia somehow managed to convince her that we were sleeping together and to give her more time so that she could eventually get pregnant and a Nevrakis would become the heir to the throne.”
“Wait, her aunt thought you two were sleeping together?”
“Olivia didn’t disclose how that even became a point of conversation with her aunt, but Lucretia brought it up unprompted very early on in Olivia’s surveillance, so it must have been part of her ploy to get the initial confession out of Lucretia. Regardless, it was effective. While Olivia was informing me of her aunt’s aims, Lucretia was scrambling to strike deals with her co-conspirators since they were no longer a necessary part of her scheme.”
“How’d that work out for her?” 
“About as well as you would expect. Turns out people who are willing to destroy and kill to gain power don’t respond kindly to being cut out of a coup. Lucretia started naming them all without Olivia even asking because she was planning on having the two of them take out the other key agents in the attacks, all of whom were looking to kill Lucretia at the first opportunity after she dismissed them from her plan.”
“Ah, classic Nevrakis family bonding.”
“Heh. Olivia made a similar remark. Regardless, the strike teams will deploy today to bring the parties involved into custody. Hopefully, things will be well coordinated enough that no one will be forewarned and able to flee. One other insurgent in particular is someone we absolutely need to arrest. His name is Anton Severus, and he and Lucretia seem to be the ringleaders.”
“I’ve never heard of him.”
“We hadn’t either. Initial research turned up some… strange connections to Olivia that we’ll need to investigate further. However, this photo was even more interesting.”
At that, Liam grabbed a small piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and passed it over to Drake. He nearly dropped his fishing rod when he saw the face on the paper.
“It’s that Justin prick!”
“Indeed. Seems he was working under an alias.”
“What the fuck, Liam? He was Liu’s press secretary. He spent a shit-ton of time with her one-on-one. He could have-”
“Drake, this whole situation is a disaster. If you have concerns about the vetting that went into hiring this man, I suggest you take it up with Bertrand. There is something else I thought it prudent you know regarding him, though. He arguably stood to gain the most from the initial scheme concocted by him and Lucretia. Understandably, it sounds like he is the most upset by her recent change in strategy.
“From the way Lucretia talks about him, not only is he highly dangerous, but he also has access to key information Lucretia has been collecting. This includes the findings obtained by the PI that was following you in New York. Apparently, the goal there was a titillating piece surrounding you, me, and Riley. Unfortunately, we think it is highly probable that he will have leaked the information obtained thus far to the press given Lucretia’s description of her conversation with him. So I apologize, but it is likely you and Riley will gain some media attention.”
“So will you.”
Liam shrugged at that, “Yes, well, that comes with the job description for me. That’s not exactly the situation for the two of you.”
“Was warning me about this why you brought me out here?”
“No, that was something I obviously needed to do, but that’s not why I wanted us to go fishing.”
“Why, then? Why today?”
“It's all just been... It's been hard to handle all the…” Liam trailed off. Drake couldn't remember the last time he was at a loss for words.
“Yeah, you've had a lot of shit to deal with.” 
Liam chuckled. “I think that safely qualifies as an understatement.”
Drake smiled softly, letting the quiet of the surrounding nature keep the moment still and peaceful. When Liam got like this, it was best not to ask a lot of questions. just let him talk when he felt like it. So they sat there, lines dipping below the surface of the water. The fish weren't biting, but that didn't really matter at all. They were both silent for many minutes, but eventually Liam started talking.
“My mind is just so full all the time. As soon as I think I have a handle on one topic or issue, another one just worms its way deep into my brain. Being out here, it's nearly like all those conflicting ideas can just float away from me. For the first time in weeks, I feel like I can breathe, that I can decompress even slightly. I know that I can't escape the realities of my life forever, but this is a nice reprieve. So thank you, Drake. Thank you for indulging me, even if I did wake you before 4 o’clock.”
Drake nodded, “Of course, Liam. you know I'd do…”
Liam's eyes drifted over to Drake's as Drake trailed off. He wasn't sure if he had the right to finish that thought. A few months ago, there was literally nothing that Drake wouldn't have done for Liam. He couldn't imagine a single thing. But now, after everything with Riley... Well, saying something like that seemed pretty fucking disingenuous.
But Liam just shook his head sadly, “Even after I said horrible things to you the other day.”
Drake frowned at that, “Liam, I deserved nearly all of it. I should be the one apologizing. You have a shit-ton of crap to handle everyday, and my pissy attitude should not have to be part of it.” He kept his eyes focused on the water, ashamed that he couldn’t even figure out how to be the first one to apologize. But Liam chuckled lightly, seeming to be oblivious to Drake’s pain and guilt.
“Drake, since when are you worried about your attitude around me?” 
He let out a sigh before he responded, “Pretty much whenever I can tell you’re stressed.”
“But that shouldn’t be how this works,” said Liam, “We are supposed to be equals, my title be damned. That can’t happen if you are tiptoeing around me when my life becomes stressful.”
“See, I knew you would see it this way. But you’ve gotta understand that the shit you face is so much worse than the shit any of the rest of us face. I gotta be more careful with you than you are with me. Besides, you look out for me, too. You gave me a place to stay, you let me duck out and do my own thing when I get antsy, you find me lots of high quality whiskey.”
“Are you kidding me, Drake?”
He smiled at that, glancing over at Liam, “Just a little. My point is that we both have been there for each other.”
Liam shook his head. “But don’t you see, Drake, that everything you just listed didn’t really impact my life in any major way. Doing those things for you required very little sacrifice. You, on the other hand, just aggressively reminded my brother that you have uprooted your entire life for me. You put long-term plans on hold to be there for me.”
“You were a prince, Liam. Now you’re the fucking king. You made the best accommodations you could for me given the situation. I did the same. It’s no one’s fault that your life doesn’t allow you the flexibility that mine does.”
“Be that as it may, I worry I’ve taken you for granted, that I’ve treated your support as a given. You altered major life plans for me. That shouldn’t be taken lightly.”
Drake waved his hand through the air, almost as if he could swat away Liam’s concerns, “Trust me, it’s really not a big deal.”
“Your screaming match with Leo would suggest otherwise.”
“Eh, Leo was just being an ass and things got outta hand.”
Drake dropped his eyes to the lake’s surface, watching his line cut through the water. He could feel Liam’s stare on the back of his neck, but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. Maybe, if he just sat there quietly, Liam would let it go. Accept his statement as the truth.
“So this is what you meant about keeping your attitude from me when you think I’m too stressed to handle it.”
Drake sighed slowly, rolling his head around to look at Liam. He didn’t know what to say, but his silence kind of confirmed Liam’s statement.
“I don’t need you to turn yourself into an emotional martyr for me, Drake. I would never want that for you.”
“That’s not what this is, I just-”
“Drake, I think you do it without even thinking about it. It’s become nearly reflexive for you. Remember at my coronation, after Riley was forcibly removed from the palace?”
Drake nodded. While the overall events of that night were burned into his brain, he honestly didn’t remember the details all that well. He’d been a mess. Chasing after Riley. Thinking he’d fly out to New York. He’d gone from being convinced that she was going to be this gnawing presence in his life, happily engaged to Liam and just out of reach, taunting him as the possibility that was never meant to be, to being terrified she would not even be a small part of his life anymore. It was in that moment that he decided if he ever saw her again, he would be grateful to fill whatever role she wanted for him in her life, even if that meant opening himself up to excruciating pain in the end. “Yeah, that one was pretty hard to forget.”
“As soon as I got visibly upset, you jumped into action, planning and organizing. You even told me you would go to New York, and I just assumed that you were doing that for my sake. But that wasn’t your primary motivation, was it?”
Drake closed his eyes and shook his head, “I needed to make sure she was okay. I just wanted to be there for her.”
“You loved her already, didn’t you?”
Liam’s question gave Drake pause. He’d never really bothered to think about when he’d fallen for Riley. It was just one of those things, where one day it had just hit him out of nowhere that he was completely gone on her. They’d been eating breakfast with Hana and Maxwell at Applewood the day after finding the photographer’s ID badge. She’d been giving him shit in response to some comments he’d made about mimosas and after a few moments of bickering, she’d stuck her tongue out at him, as if that would win her the argument. It had just been so stupidly silly, so damn playful, so completely her that he’d just known. And that had been it. He’d never really bothered to try and figure out when he actually fell in love, at least not until this moment.
“I think so,” he finally spoke, barely getting the words out. It felt so shameful, to admit out loud that he was in love with Riley. That he’d been in love with her for a long time at this point. It was stupid to get hung up on this. He’d moved to a new country for her. Of course Liam knew he loved her. But to explicitly state it felt wrong. Dirty. Cruel.
The silence of the surrounding nature felt unbearable. But after a painful minute or two, Liam finally responded to Drake’s confession.
“I wish you would have told me how you were feeling. I wish both of you would have told me, but I really wish you would have told me.”
“Liam, I-”
“Let me rephrase that. You should have told me. The rejection would have never been pleasant, but I would have handled it. Romantic feelings go unrequited all the time. But you lied to me, if not outright, then certainly by omission. And that Drake, is the aspect of this whole mess that I am struggling with the most. I always trusted you to be the one person in this world who was honest with me, to never have an ulterior motive during our discussions. And I’ve lost that faith, Drake. That is what hurts the most.”
“I know, Liam. I’m so sorry.”
“See, this is why you can’t just decide that you need to hide your actual emotions from me. Regardless of whether or not my royal obligations are intense, there needs to be mutual honesty between us.”
Drake shook his head roughly, “It wasn’t all about protecting you. That was part of it, sure, but it was more complicated than just that. I wasn’t exactly trying to be noble.”
“Why then?”
“I don’t want to make excuses here, Liam. I know I fucked up.”
“I just need to understand, Drake. I need to make sense of all of this. So please, just talk to me openly.”
Drake took a breath, trying to organize his thoughts before he started, “It was self-preservation really, and I know that’s selfish of me, but it’s the truth. It was going to be bad enough in the end when she chose you. That alone was going to hurt like hell. I just couldn’t stand the thought of you knowing about it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I was convinced that she was going to choose you once she cleared her name.”
“Is there some reason you thought that, or…”
“Previous experience mostly. It’s not important, though.”
“It kind of is, Drake. You are talking about this like it was some foregone conclusion that she wasn’t as interested in you as she was in me, when all I have is evidence to the contrary.”
Drake let out a huge sigh, his shoulders sagging in the process. He wasn’t sure if this topic was wildly embarrassing or just uncomfortable, but they were here now, and Drake didn’t see a way out of it at this point. “Over the years, there have been quite a few women who’ve tried to use me to get close to you. Some just feigned interest until you guys were introduced. Others seemed to have researched me and my interests pretty extensively, letting things escalate between us for quite a while before they suddenly didn’t have time for me. Usually, that was right after they met you. It didn’t take long for me to learn the drill.”
“And you thought Riley was doing the same thing? Drake, she hadn’t even heard of Cordonia when we wandered into that bar.”
Drake mustered up what was left of his courage before continuing, “I think she would have accepted your proposal that night. We snuck outside for a bit. Talked a little. We kissed. I don’t know. We both made it pretty clear that was it for us. It felt a lot like goodbye.
“Then after you got engaged and she came back, I don’t know. Things were different. She kept bringing up us actually being together. It was a strange shift, and part of me just couldn’t believe that she really wanted to be with me. I  kept wondering if she was just looking for comfort after being publicly rejected and I was the best option. So I kept telling her we should wait until she cleared her name to talk about our future. And I braced myself for the day that would happen and she would realize she could have you again. That she could go off and be with who she actually wanted.”
“You told me about your relationship the day after she cleared her name.” Liam’s voice was quiet, but calm. Understanding. Gentle.
“I know it’s not an excuse, Liam. But I just didn’t really think that she had any deep feelings for me until she told me she loved me that night. Some part of me couldn’t shake the thought that whatever the hell was going on between us was about to come to an end.”
“But it didn’t.”
“No. It didn’t.”
They both sat there, still and silent. It was tense, to be sure, but unlike the other day, Drake didn’t sense any anger rolling off Liam. He knew he was much calmer, too. Maybe they had just needed to purge their more toxic thoughts before they could have this conversation. Or maybe it needed to happen outside of the confining, binding walls of the palace. Out away from pressures and obligations, away from nosy servants and nobles. Maybe that was why Liam had wanted to go fishing. Maybe deep down he knew this was the only way either of them would talk. But that didn’t explain his choice of location.
“Why here?”
“What was that?”
“I am just trying to figure out why you wanted to come out here to… wherever the hell we are to have this conversation.”
“Valtoria. That’s where I brought us.”
“Okay, so why Valtoria?”
Liam sighed, looking around and fully taking in the surrounding woods and meadows. He was silent, with only the lapping water and the hum of last of that year’s cicadas filling the air. Eventually after several painfully long moments he answered.
“You know how Valtoria has been vacant for decades? Well, it was going to be hers.”
“What are you talking about, Liam?”
“I was going to offer her the title of Duchess of Valtoria.” He kept looking around, almost as if making eye contact would be unbearable.
Drake's mind raced as he tried to figure out what the hell he was talking about. It only took a few seconds for him to realize the truth behind it all. “You couldn't marry a commoner. You had to make her fucking suitable match.”
Liam winced at that, finally turning his head to face Drake. “I was trying to give her a home. I wanted Cordonia to feel like her country, not my country. But yes, Drake. I was also looking to appease her critics on the council. Titling her was a needed formality.” 
Drake let Liam's words wash over him. He knew that Liam himself didn’t really care that Riley came from poverty, had clawed her way to a working class lifestyle. But somehow, the fact that he would have elevated her to noble class before marrying her rubbed him the wrong way just the same. His discomfort at the idea must have shown on his face, because Liam spoke again after a brief moment.
“Come on, Drake. I know it’s your reflex to hate the nobility, but surely that wouldn’t apply to her?”
Drake shook his head. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it? Why would the mere formality of titling her upset you?”
“That’s not…. It’s just… No one needs to change anything about her.”
A faint smile crept across Liam’s face at Drake’s reply, even as he squinted his eyes in disbelief, “My god, who are you and where have you hidden Drake Walker?”
“That was dangerously close to romantic, my friend. Certainly more saccharine and sweet than anything I have ever said.”
“Bullshit, Liam.”
“Fair enough, but you have to admit that was far more sentimental than you usually act.”
“Jesus, Liam. I’m not saying that to be romantic. I just don’t like the fact that you wanted her to change who she is to marry you.”
“It was never about changing her. It was merely adding a formal title.”
Drake squinted at Liam, trying to figure out how he could be so oblivious, but then it dawned on him. Riley hadn’t let Liam see her as she really was. She’d kept things light and polite. She’d never laid into him. Never opened up to him. She had kept playing at being princess the whole way through.
“Tell me, Liam -  how many times have you heard Liu swear?”
After a couple of seconds, Liam said, “My answer is that I can’t recall her ever swearing, but I can guess that is not her typical behavior based on that question.”
“She called me a ‘goddamn motherfucking asshole’ within her first few days here,” Drake responded, shaking his head with a smile, “You may not have asked her to change who she was, but…”
“You’re saying she just felt compelled to act differently around me.”
“I think so.”
Liam was quiet for a few moments, likely thinking about everything that had been said. Eventually, he shook his head, “Well, I think there’s some form of irony buried in this whole situation. Apparently, there have been many women out there who acted differently around you to get to know me. The one woman I actually wanted to get to know was acting differently around me as she fell in love with you.”
“Liam, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, Drake. At least not for that part. I will certainly accept your apology for hiding your feelings from me and prolonging the uncomfortable situation. But the rest of it is just life. I fell for someone, but she fell for someone else. There’s no reason for her not to be with the person she loves if he loves her in return.
“I’m not blameless in this whole mess. You were right; I just assumed she was interested in me. I could blame the entire dynamic of the social season, but that wouldn’t be proper. I am a grown man, and I should have recognized her waning interest in me.”
“No, you were right. We should have talked to you sooner.”
“And I probably shouldn’t have offered up being my mistress without asking about her feelings surrounding my relationship with Madeleine. There is plenty of blame to go around.”
“Excuse me, you what?”
“It’s not my proudest moment, Drake, but I was desperate and grasping at straws. Looking back, I certainly could have done better there. However, I am guessing you have some moments you wish you could redo in this whole debacle?”
Drake was still trying to process the fact that Liam had apparently asked Riley to be his side piece, but he knew his overall point was valid. They both had made mistakes here. And maybe it was time to leave those mistakes in the past and start moving forward. So Drake just nodded, a gesture Liam returned with a smile before he looked out over the lake again. The silence between them wasn’t entirely comfortable, but it certainly felt closer to normal than it had in a long time.
Riley poured the couple at the bar two more IPAs, then quickly glanced around the room, trying to see if there were any other customers who needed another round. Not seeing any obviously empty glasses or anyone trying to flag her down, she started loading up a tray with dirty glassware to bring into the back to get cleaned.
After her breakdown her first night back in New York, she’d resolved to not think about Cordonia, and she honestly felt like she’d done a pretty good job. One of the afternoon bartenders had quit unexpectedly, so she volunteered to pick up some extra shifts, which not only kept her busy and distracted, but also helped her earn some much needed cash.
She gotten some texts from Maxwell and Hana, but she’d kept her responses light and casual. She really was doing fine. She just had to convince them of that fact. If they kept asking her how she was doing, she would fixate on everything that had happened, and the would be the opposite of helpful. She needed to keep moving forward, and then she would be able to move on with her life.
Riley carried the heavy tray into the backroom and loaded up the industrial dishwasher. After washing her hands, she went back out front, but the sight in front of her stopped her dead in her tracks. She knew that hair. She knew that face. But that hair and that face were supposed to be in Cordonia, not scanning the room awkwardly, clearly looking for someone.
“Hana?” she finally called out when she found her voice, “What the hell are you doing here?” 
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Tags: @addictedtodrakefanfic @kingliam2019  @dcbbw @mfackenthal @jovialyouthmusic @iplaydrake @gibbles82 @drakewalkerisreal @riley–walker @thequeenofcronuts @notoriouscs @butindeed @thesumofmychoices @texaskitten30 @yaushie @cosigottahavefaith @thequeenchoices @katedrakeohd @feartheendlesssummer @sirbeepsalot @ladyangel70 @ao719 @ooo-barff-ooo @octobereighth​
@sunnyxdazed @lilyofchoices
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Something really bummed me out so when life gives you lemons… write stuff about it right? I admit this is more of a... “I just want to comfort myself” fic or Drabble but I still wanted to share
How would RGB comfort their crush in certain situations. Scenario is overthinking another person’s reaction. I have a preference for writing scenarios where the reader is the crush rather than an established relationship (BECAUSE I LOVE THE PINING. Its my favorite trope flavor!!), hmmmmmmmmmmm….
Also warning... I give really stupid nicknames, you’ll know what I’m talking about soon.
Python tried as his best to read the message displayed on your screen as objectively as he could. He didn’t know your childhood best friend personally so there was hesitation on his end to say anything negative about them. He glanced at you sitting on the bleachers, then returned his focus on message.
You: sent an image
You: BESH! BESH! remember that competition I joined??? the writer’s thingy! well I WON. i thought i’d get an honorary mention but i got first place!
Their response came after thirty minutes
Besh<3: oh that’s great congrats
A bit dry, even for him, but he wasn’t about to jump to conclusions. You on the other hand rode that overthinking train hard and fast. More tears started streaming down your face, your sleeves could barely keep up with their flow.
“Maybe I’m overthinking things. I just I don’t know…” you managed to say through the stream of tears. “Ya expected a different reaction?” you nodded at his input.
He rubbed the back of his neck, he hated seeing you cry, double this time around since that writer’s competition meant a lot to you. Python witnessed how much effort you put into your submission, you even asked him to read it. You had talent, he’d told you time and time again but you always second guessed yourself.
Getting you to join the competition was a collective effort from him, Forsyth, Lukas, and your best friend, so even he was stumped with their flat reaction. He handed your phone back and pulled out a few more tissues, wiping your tears with them. “Geez sunshine, I ain’t gonna pretend I know what’s up with your bestie.” He sat himself right beside you on the bleachers, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. “Maybe you could ask them later? Get their side of the story first, I get that this stings. This is your big win and you wanna celebrate it with them.”
“Am I being selfish? I want them to be happy with me, for me. Maybe I’m asking too much? Maybe… my win means nothing…”
“Hey.” You turned your attention to him, more tears streaming down your face. Python reached out and wiped  away the waterworks as best he could while a sigh escaped his lips. “You worked your butt off for that piece, its your time to shine, and shine you did. A victory party is in order, enjoy yourself, easier said than done given the situation but sunshine… don’t let one person rain on your parade m’kay?” he opened his arms slightly, motioning if you wanted a hug. You went in for a quick side hug then pulled away. “Sunshine…” he lightly tapped his knee against yours a few times “I ain’t the best stand-in for your best friend but I’m here for you. We could grab a bite to eat after class. Let’s drag Fors and Lukas into our little celebration if you’re up to it eh? Whaddya say?” he tapped his knee against your while wiggling his eye brows at you.
Hard to refuse that offer, seeing how much effort Python put into cheering you up. Your schoolmate always looked overworked and tired, a bit grumpy too. Like if you wasted his time he wouldn’t hesitate to tell you off but after getting to know him, he really did care about his friends and was supportive in his own special way. “A little party sounds like a great idea Py…” talking to him lifted some of the anxiety and sadness you were feeling, its nice to be reminded that there are other people out there who are rooting for you.
Later that night, after the victory party, you followed Python’s advice and calmly messaged your best friend.
You: hey besh, i want to talk to you about something , its been on my mind for awhile
It took a while for them to respond
Besh<3: what about?
You: remember when I texted you about my win? i don’t want to sound demanding but i just want to be honest. i was kinda disappointed with your response. kinda expecting you to be happier for me but something tells me you have something on your mind… you wouldn’t reply like that to me.
Besh<3: …
Besh<3: oh besh… i just didn’t want to ruin your moment. i really am happy for your win but a lot of things happened around the time you messaged me.
You: hey… talk to me okay? what’s going on?
Besh<3: well… we rushed Gouda to the vet cause he just refused to eat anything
Now that made sense, Gouda was their cat they’d had for as long as you could remember, no wonder they weren’t as enthusiastic.
Besh<3: vet said it could be old age and we might have to put him down
Besh<3: i really wanted to be happy for you. i’m so sorry, i should’ve tried to be happy for you. please forgive me…
You: OMG BESH, Gouda is  family! No! No! don’t apologize, you had a lot going on. i should apologize for not checking up on you first
Besh<3: i’m sorry…
You: i’m sorry too… i felt like something was off with your message but i went ahead and started overthinking things
Besh<3: i don’t want to play blame games besh but i am happy you opened up to me about your feelings. this could’ve been avoided if i’d been more open about what was going on my end
Besh<3: i just want you to know i’m so happy for you
Besh<3: you worked hard on that and you deserve first place
You: ;A; BBBBBEEEEEEEEESSSSSH!!!! i’m sorry for not checking up on you first
You: i want to give you a hug so bad right now! is it alright to ask about Gouda? its totally fine if you don’t want to talk about him. wanna FaceTime? i’m here for you okay, need to cry it out over the phone id gladly listen okay?
They FaceTimed you, you both had a good cry and talked for over an hour. That call made you feel a lot better and they promised to keep you updated on Gouda’s condition.
AAAsunshine: hey py-py thanks for cheering me up. talked to my bestie, they had some stuff going on but we sorted it out
mightyanaconda: glad to hear it sunshine and happy to help
AAAsunshine: ill see you at school tomorrow, night cobra
mightyanaconda: ugh… i have to see your face again tomorrow??
mightyanaconda: JK
mightyanaconda: ait see ya and sweet dreams sunshine 😘
mightyanaconda: btw just wanna say this. congrats on your win sunshine. ya worked hard and you deserve the win m’kay? yar a winner sunshine
AAAsunshine: ooooh praise from you??
mightyanaconda: heh savour it, praise from me is worth more than bitcoin 😎
AAAsunshine: 😒😒😒
AAAsunshine: wow such praise much wow. anyways, thanks again cottonmouth. night night
mightyanaconda: happy to serve… i guess. Sweet dreams 😉😘
Fosryth couldn’t have been happier for you, while you didn’t win the school talent show both the Glee club and Chorale group were battling it out to convince you to join either of them. All you wanted to do in that moment was to savour your accomplishment. Stage performance had always given you anxiety but their was this desire in you to perform as well. Fosryth, your sister, Lukas, and even Python had advised you to give it a shot, you had talent after all and that was worth sharing with the world.
You couldn’t help but smile at both the Glee and Chorale leaders but “I’ll have to think about it” was your response to their passionate invitations, Forsyth had to politely ask them to leave after they’d begun heckling you once more.
Once your “recruiters” left you poked Forsyth on the cheek “Thank you Fors.” You said in a sing-song manner, he came in for a big hug “Congratulations! I haven’t the clue why you didn’t win first place!! But you were amazing on stage!” he released you and took the guitar case from you.
“Oh you exaggerate! But I’m glad that’s over with, it wasn’t so bad.” You giggled to yourself “I might even try it again.”
You could feel Forsyth beaming with excitement “If that’s the case, the next time we have school event and in need of an intermission number you’ll be first on the list! I promise that! Why I’ll even plan more school events so you can perform more!!” he balled his fist in excitement. Without skipping a beat Forsyth changed the direction of the conversation “Oh! Do you want to stop by the café before going home? Just a small celebration, I know you must be tired but I’d really like to celebrate…” he paused for a bit, a very faint blush painting his cheeks ”… This with you.” He finished his sentence sheepishly
Either you were too dense or didn’t want to color Forsyth’s thoughtfulness. He treated everyone cordially and was always happy to help so you had assumed he was this nice to everyone. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, making you focus elsewhere.
mightyanaconda: sent a video
mightyanaconda: here’s a short video of your number bubbles, its got all the good bits in it
mightyanaconda: if ya want the full vid let me know
bubz: thank you python~
Your sister had always been your supporter ever since you were children. She wasn’t musically gifted herself so when you picked up singing and guitar, she backed you up by 2000%. That video would thrill her
You: sent a video
You: hey sis eat your heart out, your younger sibling’s a star!!
Focusing your attention back on Forsyth who’d been waiting patiently for your response, he gripped the handle of your guitar case nervously “I’m so sorry Forsyth.” you rubbed his arm “Python just send me the vid. I just had to send off to my sister right away about the café thing, I’d love to but don’t you want to drop off the guitar case at my place first?”
“Oh oh! Don’t you worry about me! I can carry this around.” He lifted the case like a dump bell. You silently admired how he had just flexed his rather toned arms at you but you more worried about accidentally breaking the guitar.
“I’m sure you’ve lifted heavier things Fors but I’d like to keep that as safe as possible? Minimize chances of damage.” He turned beet red. “I didn’t mean to-! Your things are important and I’d want to avoid anything that would damage-“ you pressed two finger on his lips “I get it Forsyth, its fine.” You smiled to reassure him
You set your case at the corner of your apartment’s living room and decided to check your phone as you made your exit. “Weird.” You thought, your sister had seen your message but no response came. Was your performance so dazzling that it left her speechless? You were sure the green haired bouncing ball of energy outside would agree but something about this didn’t settle well with you. Flipping through your contacts, you dialed your sister’s home phone right away but there was no answer. Your face began to dark as you stepped out the door, greeting Forsyth with a serious expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“Maybe I’m just overthinking things but she hasn’t responded to me, I wonder if she’s okay?”
“Your sister I take it?” you nodded in response while you gave her cellphone a ring. Your call went straight to voice mail that prompted you to give her a call a few more times. After six called she finally picked up
“What do you want?” that’s not the greeting you had hoped for, she sounded really irritated
“Uh…” there was a negative vibe that seeped through the call but you tried your best to remain chipper “I sent you the video of my number for the talent show. I did it! Finally ��“ you heard an exasperated sigh from the other side, stopping you from saying anything else.
“Look… you picked a really bad time. I’m just not in the mood right now okay?” that broke your heart, you were expecting her to be happier and excited like Forsyth but that wasn’t the case. Sadness and disappointed slowly began turning into mild anger.
“I don’t get you… you’ve been pushing me to do this since we were kids and now you just…”
She cut you off with another sigh that was much louder “I told you now is a bad time okay? Just leave me alone for a bit okay!?” and with that your sister hung up.
Forsyth tried his best to fish out his tissues to catch your falling tears but you’d already started crying a river.
He wasn’t sure how to comfort you, he had no words and he was careful not to say anything mean or negative about your sibling. The only thing he could offer you was a hug and you clung to him, crying it out into his shoulder.
“I shouldn’t be this upset!” you were a blubbering mess “Its just a stupid performance, I’m blowing it out of proportion like a spoiled brat!!”
“Its understandable that you’d be upset. Your performance is NOT stupid or unworthy of praise! Don’t discredit yourself like that!” he hugged you even tighter, he could feel you getting hiccups from crying so much.
You pulled away, wiping both tears and snot off your face with another tissue. Your living was now littered with used tissues and another one was added to the pile “Was it wrong for me to expect her to be happy for me?”
“NO!” he shook his head furiously “I don’t know what’s going on with your sister but…” he took a long pause to gather his thoughts “You were amazing while you were performing. You’ve got both the talent and the passion for it, it really shows. The way you put so much effort when you practice and the emotion your voice carries when you sing. A voice like that should be shared with the world if you ask me so I’m really happy you went ahead and performed in spite of your nervousness. I’m really, truly proud of you.” He hugged you again, it was warm, sincere, and comforting. “I’ll… always be one of your adoring fans.”
Forsyth realized how over the top and mushy what he just said was, his face burned. “I-I-I know what else we can do to help you feel better! We never got to go to café, I’ll step out for a bit and grab some food there! I’ll come back of course!” he quickly let you go, grabbed his jacket and made a mad dash for the door. He was redder than a tomato, heart drumming rapidly against his chest.
You had very little time to process what had just happened, right on cue your phone started buzzing. You checked the screen and saw your sister’s name, you took a deep breath before answering the call.
“Hey… I’m really sorry about earlier. You could tell I was angry but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
You felt the tears well up once more “I should’ve been more sensitive to you, I could tell by your voice you weren’t in the mood, should’ve just given you sometime and talked to you once you were ready.”
“Nope kiddo, this is all on me. I suck at being your number 1 fan but I’m proud of you. You’ve moved on from singing on top of the bed to singing on an actual stage.” That was fond childhood memory, you both would pretend your parents’ bed was a stage or stadium, and you lip sync to your favourite songs while your sister pretended to be a fan in the crowd. “I watched the video, its not the full video so you better send me that so I can put that on repeat! You did an even better job at the song than the original artist! Can I put it on my tiktok and make you famous?” you could tell she was doing her best to make up for her outburst a while ago.
“Aw c’mon that’s laying it on too thick.” You breathed in deeply as you held the phone closer to your ear “Hey… I am worried about you, you know that right? So what’s up on your end?” you heard her scoff on the other side
“Don’t worry about that for now, I’ll fill you in later. I don’t want to think about anything negative and just want to celebrate this with you!” a beat passed “Also… I’m really curious who that green haired guy is in the video… your boyfriend? When did you learn to keep juicy secrets from me?”
Boyfriend? Green hair? Only Forsyth came to mind and then the memory of him holding you close and getting all sappy a while ago rushed through head. A hot blush raged across your face “He-HE isn’t my boyfriend!” you managed to sputter out
“Hohoho! He seems quite taken by you!” the relentless teasing continued
“What makes you say that?!” you tried to fan yourself to calm down the blush.
“Seriously? You saw the video right?”
Actually, you hadn’t watched the video of your performance. You swiped out from the call and checked the video Python had sent you. It started normal enough, you in frame, the video would cut out to a different portion of your performance but one segment really stood out. Who would’ve guessed that Python would mischievously add a clip of his best friend gushing about you.
“Oh…” you heard Forsyth sigh affectionately in the video “They sound like an angel Python. I can’t take my eyes off them… I could watch and listen to them all day and night…” the video transitioned back to you on stage.
You could hear your sister making kissy sounds on the other side of the line while laughing hard. Embarrassed beyond reason, you tried your best to clear things up with your sister. Forsyth could come back any minute with the food and you didn’t want to get caught talking about him. Your sister continued to tease you and ask you to call her back once you were done with your “date”. Circumstance must’ve been playing tricks on you, Forsyth so conveniently returned at that moment with food.
“Hoh? You left the door unlocked? I’ve returned with food though, sorry I took so long. I passed by another shop and bought you something from there as well.” You could hear your sister cackling maniacally before hanging up. Keeping calm after seeing the video was going to be challenge but you managed to have a small food party and update Forsyth that you and your sister were okay now. As it was getting late, he said he’d have to go but not before giving you one last hug. You bonked yourself on the head for being so oblivious to the possibility of him having feelings for you.
Superman: Happy to announce I’ve made it back home!  I’m glad I was able to cheer you up even a little bit. I’m even happier to hear you’ve spoken to your sister. 
You: Glad you’re home safe! Thanks Forsyth, I’d probably be sulking all night long if it wasn’t for you
Superman: I’d do anything to cheer you up. I’ll even act like a clown if it means putting a smile on your face!
You: Don’t over do it green bean.
You: Oh, I spoke with my sister. Apparently, she lost her job that’s why she was all bummed out.
Superman: !!!
Superman: Maybe I could help her out with job hunting? Although my contacts are from around our area, is she particular about the location?
You: Thanks Fors but my sis has a plan and sent her resume to several prospective employers. I appreciate the effort and concern though
Superman: Well anything to help you out
Superman: I mean anything to help someone in need out
You: I’m heading in for the night. Forsyth, thank you so much for being there for me, you’re the sweetest and the best. Night night. 😙
Superman: 😳
Superman: Sleep well and sweet dreams, can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Superman: UH I mean, its always great to see you because I know you’re okay and not sick… and… and
Superman: You know what… I’ll just stop talking… Good night.
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” Lukas gave you a gentle smile “I read your paper, your passion and grasp of the topic shined through. Professor Evans echoes my opinion, you wrote an excellent paper.” You couldn’t help but stare at the post-it your professor stuck on your hard copy.
“Your final research summary paper was an excellent application of all the concepts we’ve learned in class. I want to congratulate you on your effort and dedication, you’ve earned the A+ and, if you’d allow me, I’d like to add your work to a journal I’m working on. You will be fully credited of course, its just my personal collection of student’s work.”
You’d lost count at how many times you’d re-read the note, how many times you’d replayed the commendations. The high you were feeling was difficult to complain and you found yourself tugging Lukas’ sleeve “You helped me too! You proofread my drafts and pointed out areas of improvement. Professor also commended your paper!” he shook his head in response
“My input was probably only worth two-percent of your mark, everything else was your hard work. With that being said our A’s could only mean we’ve passed the course with flying colours.”
“That calls for a celebration! So another coffee party or…” you fished out your phone and hurriedly looked up something up “Do you want to try this place out?” he inched closer to you to look at your screen “This place has started selling coffee jelly but they’ve got other items on the menu.”
His eyes perked up at the word “coffee”, his favourite “drug” of choice “I do like the sound of that, I’ll just drop off something at the learning center and we can head out. I believe you don’t have anymore classes for the day?” you gave him a thumbs up in response and told him you’d wait for him outside the school. Perfect opportunity for you to text your cousin about your “little” academic victory. You’d always been close with your cousin, granted that you grew up together. Both of you lived in the same area, so you’d alternate sleepover parties in each other’s houses. For college though, you’d gone to different institutions, you’re cousin chose a place in your hometown while you went to a busier city’s university. Though you’d gone different paths, you still texted each other almost everyday
YouAbu: Cuz! I got an A+ on my final psych paper! When I visit for break you better treat me to pizza!
kingkong: What’s new? You’ve always been the smarter one so that isn’t news to me heh 😜
YouAbu: LOL What’s with that? You can’t weasel your way out of treating me with pizza!
kingkong: uh 🤨 why would I reward something that comes naturally to you? Learn to drive stick then come back to me xD
YouAbu: whatever 😒… you owe me pizza🍕🍕
What was that about? Everything your cousin said just irritated you for some reason. Granted they always had a certain “edge”, as you would describe it, in the way they talked that didn’t really bother you because you’d gotten used to it through the years. But something about this situation coupled with what they said irritated you.
Lukas was far too preoccupied trying to read your mood than enjoy his coffee jelly. He watched as you playing with the metal straw in your mouth as you drummed your fingers on the table. He cleared his throat to break the silence “Something’s bothering you I take it, I’m all ears if you’re willing to share.”
Pushing the metal straw away with your lips as you let out a dry laugh “Last time I checked I’m the one studying therapy…” he quirked an eyebrow at your response but continued to observe you, the way Lukas would look at other people, it always seemed like he was putting others under a microscope. You’d grown used to that habit of his, you didn’t find it off putting at all. “Have you told your family about you’re A?” you quickly changed the subject
“I doubt they’d care. You know my older brother wants nothing to with me, my father on the other hand would simply respond with something along the lines of getting good marks are what’s expected of me.” He gave a smile, the kind that was all show, the kind that masks something underneath.
You could relate to his situation at the moment “I know how that feels…” you took a long sip of your drink “I thought this person would celebrate with me but their reaction simply irritated me.” Stirred your drink with the straw
“Sounds like we only have each other to celebrate our personal victory.” He leaned in a bit “If it helps you take the edge off things, I don’t mind you venting to me.” You slid your phone to him, the exchange between you and your cousin on the screen. Lukas read through it, took a quick glance at you before closing his eyes with a sign. That was your cue, he signalling you to start venting.
“I just… everything they said rubbed me the wrong way. Especially that bit about me getting A’s expected, I don’t just sit down ,write a test or paper then manifest an A.” you tapped the table as you spoke “Good grades don’t just ‘come naturally’ to me Lukas neither does it ‘come naturally’ to you.” you crossed your arms in front of your chest with a huff.
Lukas would be lying if he said he didn’t understand how you felt. “You don’t like it that people have a certain expectation of you.” You nodded in response “But you did expect your cousin to react in a certain way, did you not?” you flashed an angry look at your companion. Did he just defend your cousin? “I don’t mean to exacerbate your irritation. What your cousin just said, that good grades come naturally to you and are to be expected of you, failed to consider all the hard work and effort you put into your studies. As you said, we don’t just sit down and conjure up A’s.”
“What are you getting at Lukas?”
“I don’t know your cousin as personally as you do but I think they’re unaware that you find such comments disagreeable.” He tilted his head
“They’ve known me since we were kids.” He noticed your shoulders tense up as you said this
“You thought they’d react in a certain way and they thought you’d be okay with a comment like that.” He took a bite of his coffee jelly “The best option to take is to talk to them and let them know how they made you feel. The fact that you’re reacting this way, I can only wager a guess that your cousin means a lot to you and you put a great amount of trust in them.”
“Lukas… you’d make a good counsellor.” To which he shrugged “You don’t believe me? Would I lie to you?”
“You wouldn’t… I trust you a great deal, so my expectation is you wouldn’t say anything to deceive me.” He glanced at you before flashing a faint yet genuine smile. This was a rare occurrence, Lukas was showing vulnerability. Though he was very popular and well-liked in school, he didn’t have many friends and had trouble connecting with others. Something you’d observed was that he kept a lot of people at arm’s length and never truly opened up to anyone.
He looked at your sincerely “I think you need to hear this again. Don’t let the words of others undervalue your effort. You are a responsible, intelligent, and a hardworking person, I’m witness to those virtues and I admire you for them. All your successes happen by your own hand and not because you were born to succeed.” After speaking, he clinked his glass to yours. “So for now, let’s ignore those people who don’t understand and let’s celebrate our hard work?”
A smile cracked through your face, Lukas was right. It wasn’t fair to yourself, letting the words of others get you down and spoiling your day. “Thanks Lukas, I’m glad you’re here to celebrate with me.”
YouAbu: could we talk for a bit? You said something awhile ago that didn’t settle well with me
kingkong: yeeesh I treat you to pizza m’kay?
YouAbu: its not that, you said good grades are expected of me and that really irritated me for some reason
kingkong: but you’re smart
YouAbu: Cuz… I’m not just smart. I study really hard and put in a lot of work into my schooling. It really hurt me that all my effort was just swept under the rug. I might be coming off as sensitive but I just wanted you to know how I feel
The text bubbles below kept appearing, as if they were typing and re-typing what they wanted to say. Took a minute for them to respond
kingkong: just… growing up you always got good grades and made it look so easy but now I realize its not easy. You were always reading books or going over school stuff
kingkong: and I gotta admit… I was kinda jealous of you’re A+ and let the green-eyed monster talk for me… I’m sorry
YouAbu: Hey… we’re cool and if you ever got the impression that I was showing off or something, I’m sorry for that
kingkong: I don’t mean anything bad with what I’m about to say but cuz, you were born to stand out ya know? You’re smart, killer work ethic, and have a way with words. You’re not showing off, you’re just dazzling peeps by being you
YouAbu: You are laying it on thick there cuz, you might just get away from treating me to a pizza
kingkong: HAHAHAHA that was the plan! But, when you get another A+, what should I say to you?
YouAbu: nothing, just gimme a pizza
kingkong: that’ll break the bank cuz, maybe for every four A+’s I’ll treat you to a pizza
You: Hey Lukas thanks again for cheering me up and offering a different take on the situation
LukaJava: That’s no problem, I’m always here for you. How are you and your cousin if you don’t mind me asking?
You: We talked things through and they understood where I was coming from. We had a good laugh after
LukaJava: (“⌒.⌒”)
LukaJava: Glad to hear it
You: Hey Lukas, I didn’t get to say this cause I was so caught up with my troubles
LukaJava: ( ・◇・)?
You: I’m proud of you for getting that A+. We both put our blood, sweat, and tears into our final papers and got our hard earned grades. I know you have a complicated relationship with your family and you don’t open up to a lot of people but I’ll always be here when you need someone to share your achievements with okay?
LukaJava: ೕ(˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ๑)
LukaJava: That’s music to my ears. I don’t open up to a lot of people, that’s correct, but I consider you to be one of my closest friends. Your support, friendship, and understanding is worth more than gold to me.
LukaJava: Its getting late though, if my memory serves me well, you have a class tomorrow morning. Best we call it a day. Good night and sweet dreams
LukaJava: |[(*´ェ`)]|zZZ
You: Okay Lukas! See you tomorrow, good night and sweet dreams
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the-canary · 6 years
Good Timing - S.R (3/10)
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Summary: The music always starts at 5 am every morning since your new neighbor moved in leading to your dog promptly as soon as he wakes up. What will you do with that time spent with him? (Modern!Reader/Steve Rogers)  
Prompt: The guy living below me has a really loud alarm clock that always wakes me up at the crack of dawn.
A/N: This is for @sebashtiansatan ‘s writing challenge.
Feedback is always welcomed.
The work week comes and passes you by once more, as you take Sugar to the little place near Central Park where they have specialized treats and meats for dogs. It was a little bit on the more costly side, but with the golden retriever hitting her tenth year soon you were more than willing to put a little bit more extra cash in order to keep her healthy and strong for as long as possible.
Sugar enjoyed it as well, as she got extra treats from the owner of the shop --a man by the name of Clint that tended to feed any stray dog a slice of his homemade pizza- and got to hang out with her second favorite person, Pietro, since he lived on top of the shop with his current love interest, and while she didn’t enjoy the addition to Lucas --said girlfriend’s Australian Shepard-- she was always happy to see her second parent -- as Pietro tended to call himself.
Eventually after spending most of the early evening there and getting some things you needed, the both of you head back to your little apartment on the other side of the bridge. However, as you enter said building, you can’t help but immediately notice the defying silence that is only disturbed with Sugar’s barks.   
“I hope he’s all right,” you can’t help but murmur to yourself as you pat Sugar’s head to calm her down before heading up the stairs without anyone to welcome you and to be completely honest it felt a little strange.
 What you don’t know is that Steve comes home from the VA a little later than usual with a bag full of treats and a leash. His bag full of some training regiment and other speciality books that he had gotten from the library, as he stops in front of his all-too familiar apartment and looks up at one window, specifically before heading inside.
He just really hopes his plan will work because rushing forward with all of this after talking with Bucky and Sam -- he really has no other alternative to the situation.
 Thump Thump!
5 am in the morning on a Saturday welcomes you once more, as there is some rushed knocking at your door which leads to Sugar jumping and moving her way towards the door, though in a more cautious way than when she hears Steve’s music. You groan in annoyance, hoping that whoever is bothering you in such a godforsaken time would eventually go away, but at the sound of someone familiar --you don’t know who just yet in your sleepy daze-- Sugar starts barking in excitement as you let out a soft sound of defeat before you rush and get up before someone starts to complain about your girl.
“‘M going, I’m going,” you yell out as your slippers slide you across the old wooden floor as Sugar is running in circles in front of the door. You as you open it and are meet with a bashful looking blond.
���Steve?” your question turns into a nod, as Sugar sees something red and familiar in his hand as your sleepiness starts to fade away. You see that Steve is dressed differently from his usual running outfit, “What are you doing here so early in the morning? What about your run?”
Steve pats Sugar first before saying anything else, as the dog tries her hardest not to jump him right then and there -- a trait of hers that you had tried to curb early on, though didn’t always work. He coos her name like someone would a child and for a moment you almost want to forget the slow simmering anger and confusion that man has given you.  
“Morning,” he answers first off, clearly remembering his manners unlike someone else, “I was just wondering if I could take Sugar out with me today.”
That one statement clears any leftover sleep that you might be feeling, as you look straight into his blue eyes and he gives you a nervous smile. It’s then that you notice that the man is carrying a new red leash and that his usually tight shirt and sweats are replaced by sweats and a hoodie and a small black backpack. And as much as you want to say no, Sugar is already to go as she circles around Steve like she does with you when she’s ready for a walk.
Clearly the old dog didn’t worry about her personal safety like you did.
You motion for him to follow you into the kitchen, just for a moment as you see him rub the back of his neck nervously -- and he should be nervous, New York dog owners were super protective of their pets and you counted yourself among them.
“Why do you wanna take Sug with you, Steve?” you ask as you take a seat on the small counter seating that you had for the kitchen, as both the man and dog looked at you for a second like you were spoiling their fun. However, you loved and worried about Sugar deeply, especially since she had been the runt of the litter when you got her from the shelter all those years ago.
“My music has been bothering the other neighbors and my friend suggested that I get a running partner,” Steve starts off where you keep watch for his lips moving, as he bites into them for just a moment, “Sugar is ready to run every morning when I see you guys...and it might be a good break for you.”
Steve gives you a sympathetic smile, as Sugar barks once more as if trying to get her own statement in. They both seem to be giving you that sad, kicked on the curb look and you know deep down that you were a weak woman towards that weapon.
“Suga really likes her running,” you admit as her ears perk up for just a second,”And sometimes, I can’t keep up with her.”
“So, maybe we can give this a test run,” you state with a sigh of defeat as he gives you a toothy smile and you swear that both of their tails are thumping on the floor in happiness, “But, first you have to have somethings -- like that leash won't work”   
“Oh,” is all he can manage to get out, as you get up and walk around the kitchen while getting all the things that he will need -- her real leash, her treats and water, alongside some plastic bags. You end up asking him for his phone and adding in both yours and the vet’s digits.
“If anything happens, call that number and head over there as quickly as you can,” you state in all seriousness, as he nods at your instructions.
“This sounds more complicated than I thought it would be,” Steve states in awe and maybe a little fear as you hand him back his phone.
“Well, it’s like taking care of a child,” you declare, “So, I hope you’re ready for it.”
“Yes, ma’am,” is all he can say with a cheeky grin as Sugar barks once more before you put the leash on her and let them go on their way -- hoping that you didn’t make a mistake.
 Three hours. You are waiting three hours for your dog to come back and in your anxiety you have made breakfast, eaten it, and even started on some chores you have been pushing back for sometime now, though Sugar is never too far behind in your train of thought since her toys and other belonging are scattered about the apartment.
You hoped you didn’t make a mistake and as you are vacuuming the living room area -- you finally hear it, that excited barking over getting home and without another word you run to the door and opened without a second a thought. However, you are instead welcomed with the sight of a very dirty Sugar with an equally dirty Steve.
There is only one place that she could have gotten so filthy, as the man lets out a tired sigh.
“Did you take her to the park on Vine?” you question as you look at the mess of a dog in front of you before looking at the blond.
He nods and you sigh: “She loves that one damn puddle.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve states, feeling that he has done something wrong, but you just wave your hand as Sugar sits there completely proud over whatever she has done in her time away.
“I didn’t tell you. Don’t worry about it, Steve,” you smile and take her leash and bag of things from the blond before laughing, “Looks like someone is gonna need bath today!”
Sugar barks, not fully knowing that she is going to have to deal with the dreaded bath time as Steve just watches the two of you for a moment.
“Thank you for letting me take her,” he states sincerely, the ache in his bones a good feeling that he hasn’t felt in a long time, “She’s a handful, but it helped a lot.”
“Tell me about it,” you let of a short huff of air, though slightly happy that Sugar was able to help the man just a little -- you had a feeling that he was dealing with a lot from what you had seen with your interactions with him thus far,”If you ever wanna walk her again, you have my number.”
“Thanks,” he simply nods as you close the door on him and Sugar huffs.
Steve stands there for a good moment before smiling and going up the stairs -- the walk with Sugar letting him fall into a deep sleep (after a quick shower) he hasn’t gotten in ages.
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This is my new child, Pythia. She is an albino ball python. I rescued her from Petco. I say rescued because this poor baby has lost over half her body weight while in their “care”. She had a large piece of her bedding lodged in her upper lip making it impossible for her to flick her tongue and smell her surroundings. She also has a small case of untreated dermatitis.
I went to Petco a couple weeks ago to get new leads for my dogs and decided to have a look at the reptile tanks to see the cuties. When I saw her, my heart just melted. She was all coiled up in her log hide. She poked her head out when I approached and came out, slithering around the front of the tank. I was in love. She is absolutely gorgeous but I noticed how small and thin she was. I also noticed her poor conditions (low heat and humidity in her tank, a dirty water bowl, lack of hides, etc). I brought this up with the employees but they dismissed my concerns. I asked to take her out to hold her. She curled up around my wrist and rested her head on my thumb. There was no turning back now. She had wrapped herself around my heart.
I spent the next few days in and out of Petco, keeping an eye on her and asking employees the standard questions. I asked when she’d eaten, how old she was, etc. They said she had just eaten on Thursday (a couple days before I’d come in), she weighed 67g, she was 6 weeks old, and had already shed. Happy with these answers, I left with a lot of decision making to do.
After a lot of hard thinking and planning, I decided to bring her home. On the day of purchase (St. Patrick’s day, appropriately), I asked to physically see her feeding log. Then the truth began to come out. I knew I should have asked sooner.
She had not eaten on the Thursday prior to me seeing her (7 March). In fact, Petco had allowed her to go 4 weeks without eating (last feed on 20 February). A baby her age should be eating once a week. She was not 6 weeks old, she was 5 months old! She didn’t weigh 67g, she weighed 58g! The worst of all: when they received her in November, she weighed 105g and in 5 months had lost nearly half her body weight. She had eaten maybe five times in her time there. I was told she was in shed which was why she wasn’t eating and that I should wait another two weeks before feeding her. I’ve cared for snakes before.
I know how to tell when a snake is in shed. She had already shed. I could see the stuck pieces of shed on her neck. When this was brought up, they said it was completely normal. I continued to examine her and noticed a bit of black stuff on her mouth. I pointed it out and the employee laughed at me and said that was her “mouth hole where the tongue comes out”. Seriously? It wasn’t. I could tell there was something there but I wasn’t going to try to open her mouth to see. I also found a few red marks on her neck. At first, I thought mites but I thoroughly checked her tank and the rest of her body and couldn’t find anything else.
When I asked to have a copy of the feeding log for the vet, they would not allow me to have it because it was “company property”.
I was told she was in shed which was why she wasn’t eating and that I should wait another two weeks before feeding her. I’ve cared for snakes before. I know how to tell when a snake is in shed. She had already shed. I could see the stuck pieces of shed on her neck. When this was brought up, they said it was completely normal. I continued to examine her and noticed a bit of black stuff on her mouth. I pointed it out and the employee laughed at me and said that was her “mouth hole where the tongue comes out”. Seriously? It wasn’t. I could tell there was something there but I wasn’t going to try to open her mouth to see. I also found a few red marks on her neck. At first, I thought mites but I thoroughly checked her tank and the rest of her body and couldn’t find anything else.
Some snake people would have turned away from her because of her problems but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t let that baby suffer anymore. I had to get her out of there.
I took her home, got her new tank all cleaned and set up for her. She seemed curious but happily coiled up in her log above her heating mat. I let her acclimate for a few days, gently adding a few new bits and bobs to her tank. She loves exploring. Her favorite areas are her sphagnum moss rock hide and a dense area of plastic plants. And, of course, her water bowl. I’ve never had a snake that enjoyed soaking, let alone would do it themselves but she clearly enjoys it. She loves to get in when I’ve changed the water and put nice, warm water in. She even seems to enjoy blowing bubbles in the water. I’m hoping that will help that little bit of stuck shed she had. I also thought she was trying to get that thing out of her mouth. Her tank is a decent 85 degrees F and the humidity stays at around 60%. She has a warm side and a cool side and uses both about equally. I chose coconut fibre as the substrate because that’s what she had at Petco.
With how thin she is, I could not allow her to go more than 4 weeks without feeding. I attempted to feed her a frozen/thawed fuzzy but she was not interested. After three hours of waiting, I decided I needed to assist her (meaning I opened her mouth, placed the food inside, and then she swallowed it by herself). I would not have made this decision if I did not think it was absolutely necessary. It broke my heart to have to hold her like that and see her struggle  in my hands. She ate just fine after I gave her the fuzzy, though. When I opened her mouth, I did try to remove the black thing in her lip but could not get a good angle on it with the q-tip to dislodge it. I determined it was substrate and would have the vet look at it.
The vet I took her to yesterday said that the decision to assist feed her may have saved her life because waiting two more weeks like Petco suggested could have led to her death. She is now on a feeding regimen of 2-3 pinkies every 3-4 days that will hopefully have her gaining weight in the coming weeks. The vet was disgusted at Petco’s lack of care. He removed the large piece of substrate lodged in her upper lip and for the first time since I had seen her, I saw her flick her tongue! He examined the red dots and determined it was a small case of dermatitis and gave us a cream to put on twice a day for a couple weeks. In two weeks, we will check back in with him and see how she’s putting on weight and if the dermatitis has begun to clear up.
I fed her again today. I wanted to see if she would eat on her own but she wasn’t really interested so I had to assist again. After getting the thawed pinky in her mouth and setting her down, she had to have a long think about whether or not to take it down but she decided she would eat to make mommy happy. Right as she finished the first pinky, I presented her with the second with a pair of feeding tweezers. She bit down on it all by herself and the coiled around it, giving it a nice, firm death hug (3rd to last photo). She had not done that before so I was so proud of her. When she determined the dead pinky was dead, she slammed it down in just a few seconds. Since she still hadn’t pooed from the fuzzy I gave her, I decided we’d stop at two pinkies today.
I’ve already noticed a difference in her dermatitis. The red dots were much lighter today and the one on the top of her head has completely disappeared. And that’s just in one day!
Pythia is a super sweet noodle and loves to explore her terrarium and all the cool hides and plants I’ve given her. She’s very calm and friendly and loves being held. With all the harassment she’s had from people picking her up and opening her mouth and traveling to and from the vet, I’ve never seen her show signs of prolonged extreme stress. She just loves to chill. I’m so glad I got her away from that horror house. We’re best pals and hopefully she’ll live a long and happy life with me!
TL;DR Petco neglects its animals and allows them to starve. My baby is already doing better. I will be posting updates and lots of baby pictures here soon. (If parents of human babies get to, then I get to post pictures of my child too).
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naruto--imagines · 6 years
Kankuro x Reader [Clumsy Day]
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[A/N] I do not own any of the characters present in this story, nor do I own the GIF that is featured. I do hold ownership over the story itself, please do not re-post it anywhere. Thanks! <3
To say you were a clutz was an understatement. You could barely go a day without spilling some form of food or drink on yourself. More often than not you managed to trip on the air. And it was typically a miracle if you went without breaking something. Usually your mishaps were caused by your eagerness to do something. Wanting to get to a shop quickly, rushing to put away your plate, just being easily excited in general. But according to your boyfriend your clumsiness was one of your charming features.
For whatever reason Kankuro simply adored the small mistakes you made. He  would frequently laugh when you would slop food and patiently help you clean up messes that happened from you breaking something. You truly loved Kankuro and all his patience and support he provided you.
Today was the first day  that the two of you had off from work in a while. Not only that, but it was the warmest day of April so the two of you were walking around the city. You animatedly talking while holding Kankuro’s hand and swinging your arms between the two of you.
Your first stop was at your favorite restaurant. The two of you talked from the time you were seated, to when you ordered through eating up until an hour after you finished your food. It was so easy to talk to Kankuro. You never ran out of things to talk about between the two of you. Infact, during your first date the two of you went out for coffee and spent hours talking. And once the coffee was gone and the shop was closing the two of you then walked around the park talking more before it was so late you two had to part ways.
After lunch the two of you walked down the street to said coffee shop from your first date, grabbed some drinks and continued on your way. Simply enjoying the day and each others company.
“How has work been?” You asked him while swinging his hand with yours as you walked.
“Really good, I actually have a student, 13 years old, that’s gonna be coming in and learning about crafting.” “13? That’s about when you started.” You replied smiling at him. Kankuro ran a shop of all odds and ends. He sold dolls and puppets along with offering repair services, fixing broken parts, repainting worn dolls. Kankuro also did puppet show performances when requested, along with dabbling in ventriloquism. “Yeah, she’s really talented too, wants to learn how to make her own puppets. So I’ll be instructing her after school for a couple of days a week.” Kankuro explained glancing down at you.
“That’ll be fun. This will be your first student.” You replied grinning back.
“Well aside from you.” He fired back.
“Ha, that was a failed attempt and you should not consider me as one of your students.” You joked with him. The two of you laughed remembering your failed attempt to help Kankuro make a puppet earlier in the year.
The two of you continued your walk, simply enjoying the weather. Lost in your own thoughts you casually followed Kankuro’s lead. Not really paying attention to your surroundings you just floated along sipping your drink and thinking about the man walking next to you. In fact, you were so zoned-out you hadn’t realized you had almost walked into traffic until  you felt Kankuro’s arms wrapped around your waist holding you to him.
“What am I gonna do with  you.” He sighed, dropping his head on your shoulder. You simply shrugged causing your boyfriend to chuckle.
“You dropped your coffee.” You said now looking at the spilled drink on the ground. Kankuro let out a full blown laugh before pressing a kiss you your head.
“C’mon, the light’s green” He replied taking your hand again and walking along side you once more.The two of you walked a while more until you pulled Kankuro to a stop in front of an alley.
“What’s wrong?” He asked looking at you.
“I thought I heard something.” You replied looking down the alley. You stood there for a moment before you heard the noise again. “There it is!” You exclaimed taking off down the alley.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!’” Kankuro shouted grabbing the back of your shirt. “Wait a second, don’t just run off.” He said standing next to you.
“Then come with me.” You said  as you drug him into the alley along side you. You looked around before you heard the noise again. Kneeling down by the dumpster you reach under and pull out the thing making the noise. Well, the two things making the noise. Two small, dirty, and shivering kittens. “Oh, look at them! These poor babies.” You say cooing over the small kittens.
“Babe, no, put ‘em back.” Kankuro told you crouching down to your level.
“But, look at them,” You say holding up the two kittens. “They’re all alone, and need help.” You pleaded pulling out your best puppy-dog eyes. He stared at you for almost a minute. Then he gave in.
“Agh, fine.” He said looking away from you slightly defeated.
“Yay!” You exclaim jumping up from your spot on the ground. You shoulderd up next to your boyfriend to show off the kittens.
“Let’s head to the vet’s office and get them checked out.” Kankuro told you taking one kitten from you, then lacing his free hand with yours walking out of the alley with you.
“Aw, you’re the best boyfriend.” You said pressing a kiss to his face.
The two of you continue on your way, cutting your date short to head to the Inuzuka clinic to have the two kittens checked out. You and Kankuro discussed names for the two kittens as you walked. You chose the name Kaede for the girl for the maple leaf pattern on her back) and Kankuro picked Akio for the boy. No other reason than he liked the name.
That’s how the two of you spent the rest of your day. You dropped the kittens off then went shopping for supplies for your new son and daughter. Since Hana was going to keep the kittens overnight for observation, that left the two of us some time to go home and get everything set up for the two of them. You set up the litter box near the laundry machine while Kankuro struggled with the cat tree. Then , you set up the food and water containers before walking into the main room to relax on the couch. Kankuro pushed the fully constructed cat tower into the corner before collapsing next to you resting his head on your shoulder. The two of you rested for a bit before deciding to go and grab dinner.
Once you came back from dinner the two of you got ready for bed and were laying down. You tucked yourself against Kankuro’s side and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks for letting me take in the kittens.” You murmured to him.
“Well, if we didn’t then who would.” He replied wrapping his arm around you. “Now get some sleep. We’re gonna have a handful going on starting tomorrow.”
And with that the two of you fell asleep. Both of you excited for the kittens that will soon be living with you.
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kpopfromtheblock · 6 years
a/n ⇾ to be honest with you all, this isn’t my best work but i’m posting it anyways because it took me forever to write and i know there are a few readers who were waiting for this installment… although it’s not my favorite, i hope you still enjoy it! friendly reminder: if you click the title, it will take you to the series masterlist <3 thanks for reading! 
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genre ⇾ comedy (bts crack? i guess) + fluff
pairing ⇾ bts x fem reader
summary ⇾ you’re not great at cooking but you’re not the worst either and one night you have the brilliant idea to cook for the boys… unfortunately for you, some of them are not impressed by your cooking skills.
warning ⇾ the usual: swearing, a lil’ dash of cringy-ness, idfk… it’s shit show.
words ⇾ 4,9k 
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“Fuck!” You mumble to yourself as one of four pots on the stove begin to boil over in front of you. You rush to turn the heat down in order to stop the water from spilling out and onto the floor. 
You’ve already made a mess of the kitchen… Run-away vegetables scattered across the counters, sauces splattered on the tiled floor and kitchen mats… 
Jin is going to kill you when he sees the state of his kitchen but you don’t really have time to worry about it. You have very crucial task at hand: Cook dinner for seven very hungry men. 
You lift your arm up and use the sleeve of the oversized hoodie you’re wearing, that previously belonged to Jimin, to wipe the sweat off your forehead.
‘Do people normally sweat this much when they cook?’ You sigh heavily before picking up the large knife, which you’re sure is not meant for chopping veggies, off the counter. 
You begin cutting up the remainder of carrots you have laying on a wooden cutting board. 
When you’re done, you stand there for a few minutes and stare at the orange vegetable in disbelief... “This doesn’t look right.” You say out loud as you drop the knife and grab your iPad that was propped up against a container of sugar. 
You are trying to follow a recipe that your Mother so kindly sent to you via email. She was so thorough that she even included pictures of what the food was supposed to look like before, during and after. 
Though you were a bit thrown off by the length of the email, you weren’t in the least bit surprised… You expected nothing less from your Mom, as she is the head chef and partial owner (alongside your Father) of a well-known restaurant back in your hometown…  Her line of work kind of requires her to be thorough. 
The carrots in the picture your mom emailed you, look nothing like the carrots you just finished cutting.
Your carrots are cut into weird shapes. Some too big, others too small. Some are not peeled correctly, others are peeled so thinly that you could almost see-through them, where as your Mother’s carrots were cut to perfection. 
All the same circular shape and about the same thickness.
‘How did I manage to fuck up cutting carrots?’ You think. You were embarrassed with yourself.
If only Jin were in here to see you now. He’d probably laugh loudly in your face then try to repair the damage you’ve made but luckily for you, you were successful in forcing Jin and the rest of the guys into the confinement’s of Taehyung’s room.
Tae’s room was the largest in the dorm and could fit all seven members comfortably. 
It was also the furthest away from the kitchen which meant that you were able to work in peace without any of them prying over your shoulder or so you thought. 
Jin came in twice and Yoongi, once to check on you and see if you needed help… You rejected them both, determined to finish cooking all your own. 
A whole hour has passed now and you are regretting your decision to turn their help away but you have too much pride to ask for help now especially since you were the one who offered to cook in the first place…
You remember it like it was yesterday: 
After a long day of work and practice, the eight of you piled into a van to head back to the dorm for the night. You spent the day playing BTS’ personal assistant as their usual assistant (who just so happen to be your older cousin) had called out because of a family emergency. 
You were no stranger to being a P.A. for the boys as you were the one who took over when your cousin had gone on Maternity leave… Working for Big Hit was obviously how you met the idols (but thats a story for another time). 
Although Big Hit Ent has a shit ton of staff members that could have filled in, your cousin had request that you be her back up if anything happened to where she couldn’t make it into work. 
Big Hit had agreed to your cousin’s request, not only because she is a well respected senior member of BTS’ staff but also because you were exceptional at the job. 
You handled the boys’ schedules and tasks with such care and attention to detailed that the company offered to hire you full time but when things started to get serious between yourself and the guys, you turned down the position, wanting to be with them more than wanting to make money from the company. Plus being a P.A. wasn’t what you wanted to do for the rest of your life… No matter how well it paid… It wasn’t your passion.
It was a rare occasion that you got a call from Big Hit to come into the office for the day but when you did, you jump at the opportunity because it was a way for you to spend more time with your boyfriends and it was a nice little break from working in the small, very noisy and sometimes smelly Vet’s office you usually worked in… 
“Okay kids. Buckle up.” You say enthusiastically as up slip into the drivers seat and shut the door after you. 
You felt bad that either Jin, Hoseok or Jungkook would’ve had to drive home after having a full day of practice… You saw how hard they worked and you knew that without a doubt, their bodies were sore and worn out from the day so you offered to push the whip back to their dorm in order to give them some time to rest. 
Of course Jin was the only one to argue with you for five whole minutes about driving. He insisted that he wasn’t tired and maybe that was true but still… You didn’t want to hear it. 
You dismissed him and stole the van keys right out of his hand. He knew he had lost the argument once the keys were in your possession. 
Yoongi sat in the passengers side, while the others piled into the back. You finished strapping on your seat belt then went ahead to put the key in the ignition so you could start the van. 
The ride home was relaxing. 
Namjoon had fallen asleep fairly early on during the ride. He was sat beside Jin who scrolling through his phone in the very back seat. 
Hoseok was sat in the middle seat, closest to the window. His head thrown back and his lips slightly parted as his chest rose and fell softly. He was out like a light, much like Namjoon was. Jimin and Taehyung were beside him, Jimin in the middle. The two younger boys conversed amongst themselves and Yoongi was sat beside you, curled into himself against the window, snoring quietly. 
You were keeping your eyes focused on the road while the sounds of the men’ around you, kept you relaxed.
“I’m hungry.” Taehyung suddenly mentions. “Me too.” Jimin chimed in. “Do you guys want me to stop somewhere?” You asked, looking back at them through the rearview mirror. “Or Jin could make us something when we get back home?” Tae suggested, looking back at the older male with hopeful eyes. 
They really enjoy Jin’s cooking. He doesn’t cook that often for them anymore since they’ve been so busy and he hasn’t had time to cook a full meal.
Long practices and busy schedules usually mean they have to either eat out or order in… 
The boys long for a home cooked meal. 
You take a minute to glance at Jin’s face through the mirror again… You can see how tired his eyes are and you suddenly felt a bit of guilt pushing against your chest. You know he’s exhausted and to have to go home and cook a meal for the eight of you, at this time of night? It’s a bit much. 
“I can cook...” You offered. The words left your mouth before you really had time to process them in your head... 
Jin, Jimin and Tae all snap their heads over to you. 
When you don't hear any responses from them, you took a quick look up. You don't miss the way their faces twist in a mixture of amusement and confusion, before placing your eyes back on the road. “What?” You asked, genuinely puzzled by their facial expressions. 
“You’ll cook?” Tae asked, just to make sure he heard you correctly. “Yeah…” Your voice is quiet and laced with uncertainty but it was too late for you to take back your words back. “Dinner? You’ll cook dinner?” It was Jimin’s voice you heard this time. “Yes.” You said sternly. “For us?” Jin questioned you again in disbelief. “Oh my god! Yes!” You semi-shout. 
You felt a bit annoyed with them for asking you the same questions. You were just offering to cook dinner for them, not build them a boat… Why are they so pressed about it?
You look over at Yoongi to make sure you hadn’t woken him as he was the closest to you and when you saw that he hadn’t moved from his position, you continued. 
“I’ll cook dinner. For you all. Tonight. Why are you guys being so weird about it?”
“Because you never offer to cook.” Tae reminded you. 
“Thats not true! I always offer, Jin always says no.” 
“That’s because you’re not good at cooking Princess.” Jin is blunt and it kind of throws you off guard but then you realize he does have a bit of a point. You’re not the best at cooking but you have the basics down and you can make a mean pot of ramen… That counts right?
“I know how to cook.” You tried defend yourself but even you know the words sound bland leaving your lips. “Baby, putting rice in the cooker and turning it on is not cooking.” Jimin told you in a matter of fact tone. A little gasps leaves your lips at his insult. 
‘How dare he!’ You think to yourself. 
You rolled your eyes when you heard Taehyung chuckling next to Jimin.
“Mr. Jimin…” You said warningly. “Don’t you start with me. You barely know how to boil water…” You clapped back at him. Taehyung is throwing his head back whilst holding his stomach. He is laughing so hard, his shoulders are visibly shaking. He loves with you and Jimin bicker with each other. It’s the funniest thing in the world to him. 
“Out of the two of us, I am the better cook.” You said confidently. 
“My bullshit senses are tingling.” Jimin joked and you scoffed at him. 
“How about tomorrow tonight?” Jin suddenly suggests, causing both you and Jimin to cease your petty arguing.“Why not tonight? I really don’t mind.” You told them, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly.
 Now you were determined to prove a point to Jimin. You were the better cook. You have to be… Your mom is a chef for crying out loud, knowing how to cook should be in your DNA
“Well, we’ll have to stop at a grocery store, right? To get ingredients and it’s a bit late to start cooking now so how about we go home and order something then tomorrow you can cook for us? Sound good?” Jin asked you and you nod your head in agreement. “Tomorrow it is.” You said. 
You were sure you’d be able to cook a perfectly good meal for your boyfriends. Cooking isn’t hard. You were knowledgeable about the basics and you’ve seen Jin cook plenty of times too. 
’It’ll be fine.’ You think to yourself, boy were you wrong…
. *     ✦     .      ⁺   .  * ⁺        ⁺
The rice cooker beeps loudly behind you. You turn away from the stove and walk over to the counter to shut the cooker off. You open the lid then take up the paddle spoon. You scoop up some of the rice and pop it in your mouth. It’s steaming hot and it almost burns your tongue but you chew with caution then swallow. You smile happily at the taste. “If all else fails, at least there’s rice.” You giggle to yourself as you think about how you should get those words printed on a t-shirt or something.. And you know Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung would agree with you because the four of you have been dubbed (by the rest of the boys), the official rice fairies since you all eat it some much.
“It smells good…” You’re startled by the sound of Jungkook’s voice. You whip your body around to see him lifting one of the pot covers. 
Were you so impressed by your rice cooking skills that you didn’t notice him slide into the kitchen behind you. “Jungkook!” You slap his hand and he drops the pot lid, it falls perfectly back into place. “Get your ass out of here!” You say sternly. You put your hand on his shoulder and begin to push him away from the stove. 
You’re strong but not as strong as him and your small hand is no match for his large shoulder. When you push him, he barely moves an inch. 
“But I’m hungry~” Jungkook whines and you can’t fight the smile that forms on your lips at the cute way he drags his words. 
“And Namjoon won’t let me eat any of my snacks… He says it’ll ruin my dinner.” Jungkook complains as he turns he’s body around to face you. His tall frame towers over your shorter one. 
“Joon is right and I’m almost done Kookie.” You try to reassure him but the look on his face tells you that it isn’t working. 
“How much longer?” He asks as he turns his body to finally face you.
“Twenty minutes.” You say, looking up at him adoringly.
“But you said twenty minutes, when Jin came in to check on you an hour ago.” He protests and you chuckle. “Kookie…” You call sweetly as you step closer to him. You wrap your arms around his waist and press your face to his chest. Maybe a little affection and sweet talk will do the trick… “I promise I’m almost done. If I’m not finished in twenty minutes, you have permission to eat all your snacks. Okay?” You look up at him to find that he is already staring down at you. When your eyes meet his, he quickly looks away in that cute way he does when he knows he’s been caught staring. You giggle and you can see a smirk forming on his lips as he tries to avoid eye contact. He wants to be upset with you because of how long you’re taking with dinner but he can’t…
“Do we have a deal?” You ask him, keeping your eyes on his sharp jawline. 
When Jungkook realizes that you aren’t going to stop staring his glorious side profile, he looks down at you. “Fine. But please move faster. We’re all starving and I think Yoongi s going to bit off Jin’s head soon because he keeps talking.” Jungkook informs you and you nod. “Okay, okay. I’m going as fast as I can.” You tell him. You stand on your toes to peak his lips. “Now go.” You say whilst patting his butt a few times as a way to usher him out of the kitchen so you can get back to work.
Two hours pass and you’re finally done cooking. You can’t believe it’s taken you two whole hours to cook fiour dishes that you started all at the same time. It has never taken Jin this long to cook anything and that’s a dead giveaway that you’ve screwed something up… 
After you finish setting the table, you call for the boys. They youngest members come tumbling into the dinning room with the older ones following closely behind. “Wow~” Jimin and Jungkook say in unison as they see the meals you’ve prepared for them… It looks and smells amazing but the taste is the most important thing and you aren’t sure you’ve done such a good job in that department… You’re almost positive you haven’t.
“Look! There’s rice!” Taehyung points excitedly at the huge bowl full of steaming hot white rice. “The seaweed soup looks so delicious.” Hoseok comments and you smile at his words. “Does it?” You ask eagerly. Hobi nods at you then walks over to kiss the top of your head, lovingly. “I’m sure it’ll taste great.” he assures you. “Wow, look at the pork belly.” Namjoon has hearts in his eyes as he sees the mountain of juicy pork belly sitting on a plate. 
You are starting to feel a little bit more confident about your cooking since the reaction from your boys so far has been good but you have to keep in mind that they haven’t actually tasted anything yet.
You look over at Yoongi when you hear him chuckling from where he stands. Even though you have no idea what he’s laughing about, you smile at him. “Whats so funny?” You question. “We’re acting like we’ve never seen these kinds of foods before.” Yoongi explains and it causes the rest of the boys to laugh too. “It’s because we’re starving…” Namjoon says and you immediately feel guilty for taking so long to cook them a proper meal. 
You know they must be starving. “Well, the wait is over. Eat!” You encourage them as you take the empty seat in between Jungkook and Hoseok. 
The boys begin to fill their plates. You’re too nervous to eat, so you just sit there and watch, like a creep. “You’re not eating Angel?” Hoseok asks you as he scoops some rice into his plate. “You guys eat first.” You use your hands to urge him into adding more food to his plate. 
Jungkook uses his chopsticks to grab a piece of pork then he pops it into his mouth. You smile as he hums contently while he chews. “How is it?” You ask him, expectingly. He’s silent for a little bit while he chews but after he swallows, he smiles and gives you two thumbs up. “Really?! Two thumbs?” You exclaim and Jungkook nods his head. He begins filling his plate with more meat. “Wow, not one but two thumbs up.” You say in amazement. Receiving two thumbs up from Jungkook is big accomplishment for you. 
“Cooking pork belly is easy though.” Jimin says sourly in an attempt to tease you. You cut your eyes at him before sitting up straight in your seat, ready to give him a piece of your mind. “Listen here…” You start. “Don’t try to discredit me! Let me have this victory, okay!” You say sternly and he holds his hands up in defense, giving you a small smirk.
Park Jimin just loves to rile you up.
Hoseok goes for a piece of pork this time. He takes a few minutes to chew before his eyes widen like saucers. Your stomach drops, thinking he’s in shock because of how bad it taste but you’re wrong… “Delicious.” He tells you and now your the one with the widening eyes. “Seriously!?” You ask in disbelief and he nods. “Holy shit.” You mumble under your breath, as you sit back in your seat. You are stunned. 
Two out of seven have given you praises on your food. You can’t believe it… You thought for sure, they would’ve banned you from the kitchen after tasting one bite.
You feel proud that you managed to cook something that the boys seem to be enjoying. You were sitting high on your horse at this point but little did you know… You were about to get kicked right off… 
Whilst you are conversing with Hoseok and Namjoon, Jimin is scooping a hefty amount of seaweed soup into a bowl you provided for him. He is excited to eat it as he hasn’t had seaweed soup in a while. He was looking forward to it. 
He dips his spoon into the hot liquid then puts it up to his mouth to cool it quickly before shoving the spoon in. The soup hits his tongue and he immediately cringes at the taste. He shakes his head whilst sticking his tongue out, trying to rid his taste buds of the bitterness. 
Jimin is so distraught by the bad soup that he doesn’t notice the way Taehyung is staring at him with a concerned expression, having seen the way he reacted to your soup. 
When Jimin finally gets over the taste, he turns his head to face Tae. He has warn the younger boy about the soup… 
“What?” Tae mouths to Jimin, not wanting to bring attention to the two of them. “It’s bad.” Jimin mouths back immediately. 
If anyone were looking at them from the outside, they would think the two were communicating telepathically. 
“What’s bad?” Tae ask, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion.  
“The soup.” Jimin points at the bowl with his spoon. “The soup is bad?” Tae mouths again, slightly shocked by the news he’s hearing.
In response, Jimin just takes his spoon and dips it into his bowl, gathering the broth. He then brings the spoon up to Tae’s mouth. Tae leans forward to taste the liquid… He lets the soup swish around in his mouth before swallowing… He frowns when he realizes that the soup, is indeed very bad. “Aw..” He says sadly, feeling extremely disappointed. He too was excited about getting to eat some seaweed soup but after tasting it, he doesn’t feel the same. 
Jimin releases a chuckle at Tae’s reaction then covers his mouth quickly, hoping no one heard him. “Give some to Yoongi.” Jimin encourages Tae, wanting to see the older males reaction to the taste of your soup. 
You’re conversation with Joon and Hobi comfortably subsides when you see Jin, who is sitting at the end of the table, takes a spoon full of the seaweed soup you’ve slaved over. He pushes the spoon into his mouth and lets the warm liquid wash over his taste buds… You’re staring intently at him, after all, his reaction will be the most precious for you as he’s the cook in the house… You don’t miss the way his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows slowly, his nose scrunches up and then he clears his throat. 
This isn’t the reaction you were expecting… 
You can hear Jimin who is sitting across from you, quietly dying of laughter and Tae who is beside him, trying to stifle his own laughter… 
“Well?” You ask. He still hasn’t commented on the food but if his facial expression is anything to go by, you’re sure he’s disgusted by the taste. 
“It’s awful, isn’t it?” You want Jin to confirm what you already know is true which is that soup taste horrible and you’re the worst cook ever. Your previous confidents has gone all the way out the window now. “It’s.. Uh—” Jin starts but stops as he racks his brain for the right words to say. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings but he can’t deny that the soup taste a bit odd. 
“It’s disgusting... You can say it.” You tell him as you pout, disappointed in yourself…
“No Princess… It’s just—” Jin begins again but is soon cut off by Yoongi’s voice. “It’s the worst seaweed soup Ive ever tasted…” He say bluntly and Jimin burst out into laughter. “It’s so bitter. There’s no flavor… It’s like you just boiled water for two hours then added the seaweed in last minute.” Yoongi’s savage confession causes you to freeze in your seat. 
You sit there dumbfounded, your mouth slightly agape… 
‘Is he really going to embarrass me like this in front of the rest of the guys?’ You internally ask yourself
Of course he is. 
“I mean did you even add sesame oil and where’s the beef?” He continues. “C’mon Kitten. This isn’t it…” He says, almost as if he’s disappointed in you. 
Jimin is laughing so hard that theres no sound coming out of his mouth. He is clutching his stomach in attempt to stop the cramping. Tae is trying to avoid eye contact in order to keep it together. He doesn’t want to laugh in your face like Jimin is doing but it’s hard not to when you are sitting there looking like a deer caught in head lights… 
“Is it really bad?” Jungkook is curious. He picks up his spoon and scoops it into the pot of soup. When he feels he has enough on his spoon, he brings it to his mouth to taste. 
He doesn’t react the way the other do. Instead, he slowly places the utensil down and turns to look at you. “Yeah~” He drags out his word. “I’m sorry baby but, it’s pretty bad.” He admits as he brings his hand up to pat your shoulder, feeling sorry for you. 
Namjoon and Hoseok are the only ones holding it together but, you’re sure they won’t last much longer.
Your face is warmer than usual… You are embarrassed beyond belief and it doesn’t stop there. 
“I mean… I wasn’t going to say anything but…” Namjoon speaks up and you snap your head over to his direction. 
‘Not him too.’ You think. 
“The rice cakes aren’t good either.” He adds. “You’ve got to be kidding me?” You’re flabbergasted. You knew that it wasn’t going to taste phenomenal but you didn’t think they would insult your cooking this badly. “Taste it.” Yoongi demands. He needs you to taste it so you can see that it’s the truth they’re telling you. Your soup sucks. 
Yoongi scoops up some of the broth and leans across the table. He holds the spoon to your lips and you open your mouth for him to feed you. 
The minute the liquid touches your tongue, you wince… Not only because it’s still hot but because it actually does taste horrible. “Oh my god.” You groan, wanting to take back the decision you’ve made to cook in the first place. “It’s so bitter.” You gag, sticking your tongue out dramatically, much like Jimin had done earlier. “So. Fucking. Bitter.” Yoongi nods his head. The room falls silent, expect for the quiet chuckling you hear every few seconds from across the table.
“This is so embarrassing.” You say more to yourself than to the men around you as you look down at your empty plate.
When you look up, all seven men have their eyes on you. The smirks on their faces are priceless… They are trying so hard not to hurt your feelings by laughing. 
“It’s okay… You can laugh.” You give them permission and they don’t even spare you for another second as they all burst into laughter. Jimin is now laughing so hard that he can’t see because his eyes are blurred with tears. 
“I can’t believe you spent two hours cooking just for it to taste this bad.” Jin says through chuckles… You don’t fight the smile that is starting to form on your face… As disappointed as you are, you can’t help but find it funny that you’ve failed so terribly. 
Plus, it’s hard not to laugh when the boys are laughing so hysterically at you. Their laughs are infectious.
“Hey!” You shout over their loud mouths. “At least we have pork belly and rice.” You remind them. “That came out okay.” You utter quietly, the embarrassment creeping it’s way back into your system.
“Yeah!” Namjoon chimes in. “Cut Baby girl some slack! She tried.” He defends you and you smile gratefully at him. “Thank you Joonie.” You say sweetly and he winks at you. 
“Okay, okay.” Jin says, trying to calm everyone else down. 
“This wasn’t a complete fail and we appreciate your efforts Princess.” He commends you. “Thank you Jinnie.” You say contently. 
“Of course Princess.” 
“So… What are we going to do with all this soup and spicy rice cakes? Because I won’t be eating it.” You ball up your napkin and throw it at Jimin’s head after he speaks.
“Shut up.” You groan and he laughs teasingly. “Leave her alone.” Tae speaks, although he is still chuckling. 
“I’m sorry okay but why did you offer to cook when you know you can’t?” Jimin raises questioning brow at you.
“I was just trying to do something nice…” You admit.
“And we appreciate it Angel.” Hoseok is sincere with his word. He grabs your hand under the table and gives it a little squeeze. The gesture makes you feel a little bit better. 
You sigh and sit up straight in your seat, finally deciding to accept your defeat. 
“Maybe I should just stick to rice and ramen…” You say out loud. “I like that idea!” The boys clap simultaneously. “Rice and ramen is a good.”  Jimin pips up and you giggle. “And pork belly too.” Jungkook adds. “The pork belly really is delicious.” He pops another piece into his mouth. 
‘Glad I did something right.’ 
You gaze at the food on the table. You’ve only made four dishes but you’ve made a lot… Literally so much. You start to feel sick looking at it.
“Seriously… What to do with this big ass pot of soup?” You ask.  
“Don’t you have someone at school you hate? A professor or something… Give it to them.” You burst into laughter at Jungkook’s suggestion. 
“Thats not nice Kookie… Why would I purposefully bring someone food that taste bad?” 
“But you can poison us just fine with this so called seaweed soup? You heartless woman.” Jimin jokes. You leap up out your seat and dash yourself around the table to attack him but he gets up before you can get to him. He runs towards his bedroom. “I’m going to kill you when I catch Park Jimin.” You yell as begin chasing him around the house. 
You are too preoccupied with trying to beat up Jimin, that you don’t notice when Jin picks up your disaster of a soup and brings back over to the stove. 
While he tries his best to save the meal you’d destroyed,  he thinks of maybe getting you some at-home cooking lesson for your birthday…
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Organization Members at An Amusement Park
Suggested by: 4ddictwithapencil. You can find the original ask here. You mentioned Disney, so let’s just assume that they’re all in Disney world in Florida. The links for the hotels and such lead to either pictures or Youtube Vids that I could find where you can actually tour the room<3  I highly recommend looking up the hotels online if you don’t know what they look like!
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: The Royal Suite in The Four Seasons Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Wildlife Express Train and Spaceship Earth
People move out of his way when he walks toward wherever he’s going. Lines to rides, lines to food, front seats at different attractions? They always move aside for him.
Purposely moves away from most of the Organization members to find stuff he’s interested in. Spends a lot of time in the regular exhibits instead of the actual rides
Likes a lot of the desserts that you can find across the parks, such as the Macarons aux Framboises at Les Halles Boulangerie & Patisserie in Epcot. All the fancy stuff is what he’s all about
Spends most of his time in the World Showcase in Epcot, examining the various countries. Loves going to the different shops and seeing the merchandise he can buy.  He’s the guy that buys the $1000 merchandise you always dream about getting.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: Park View Suite at the Four Seasons Orlando Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Expedition Everest and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Will hit on one of the Disney princesses and get into a near scuffle with Gaston. Doesn’t like to wait in lines, though, but will somehow sweet talk his way to the front of the line
Excellent at any shooting games, like the Toy Story Mania game.  Will always get the highest score out of all of the Organization members.
Never goes to Disney without stopping by Italy in Epcot to get himself a bunch of cannolis or sushi from Japan.  Could honestly just stay there and eat a little from each country.
That guy that uses the gym at the hotel every morning before anyone else wakes up
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom - or Typhoon Lagoon!
Favorite Hotel: The Cabins at the Fort Wilderness Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Jungle Cruise and DINOSAUR
Loves the animal attractions!!!  Nearly gasped aloud when he found out that there was a place in Animal Kingdom where you could actually watch the vets take care of and do examinations on the animals.  He thought it was awesome and super interesting!
Will get up early with Lexaeus and get the two of them coffee to start the day as everyone else wakes up.  Is no longer allowed to get coffee for Zexion because Lexaeus says he gets too hyper.
Also likes the Disney Water Park, even though it gets really crowded and there are too many small children there.  He doesn’t care about the children themselves; it’s just that the parents don’t watch them and he gets annoyed.  Loves all of the water slides, though, and can definitely sit and relax with an ice cream cone at one of the lounge chairs.
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: Any room at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: It’s A Small World and Star Tours
Unapologetically likes it’s a small world and will happily - loudly - sing the song for hours.  Also likes Star Tours or anything to do with space because he finds it interesting.
Likes to spend time at Downtown Disney - and hates that they changed the name to Disney Springs.  Definitely bought himself a fake, light-up lightsaber that he annoys the other members with.
Will definitely go to the spa and get a facial, complete with cucumber over the eyes and a mani-pedi to go with it.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Copper Creek Cabins at the Wilderness Lodge
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Maharajah Jungle Trek and Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor
Gets up early and stays out at the parks late to stay with the other kiddos after the adults have all gone back to the hotels.  Wants to get his money’s worth and wants to make sure everyone has done what they wanted to do that day.
Usually forgets to do what he wants to do, but always has fun watching other people.
Carries one of those giant reusable cups that you can refill at any Disney restaurant so there’s something for everyone to have when they inevitably forget to refill their own drinks.  Also always has a churro in one hand.  He loves the damn things.
LOVES the giant Turkey legs.  Once ate four in one sitting.  The manager of that particular restaurant was so impressed, there’s a small plaque with his name on it next to a picture of him and Goofy both holding turkey legs.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Disney’s Boardwalk Inn
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Mission Space and Mad Tea Party
Will not go on It’s a Small World.  Never again.  Those creepy ass dolls haunted his dreams for months.
When he met Belle for the first time??? Heart eyes.  They talked about books for about twenty minutes until one of the Disney park guys said he had to move on because there were kids who wanted to meet the princess.
Likes to buy souvenirs, particularly if they’re things like puzzles, books, or little Disney science experiments.  Before they implemented the program where they would send your purchases directly to your room, he used to make Lexaeus carry his stuff around for him.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Disney’s Yacht Club Resort, The Captain’s Deck Suite
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Soarin’ and Muppet Vision 3D
Has a plan okay.  Knows when each ride gets super crowded, knows which to go to first, knows what to save for last, knows which they should use their Fast Passes on, and knows when the lines for food are going to be faster and shorter.  He came prepared and is ready to take on Disney World like a WWII soldier storming the Bay of Normandy.
Cannot go to Disney with the whole group.  They will argue all the time and nothing will get done.  Much prefers for them all to separate and go off into groups of two and three so everyone can have a good time and he can stay organized while he has fun.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Animal Kingdom Lodge in the Royal Asante Presidential Suite
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Space Mountain and Test Track
Loves action packed roller coasters and anything that makes his adrenaline shoot up.  Could ride space mountain six times in a row and not get bored.
Usually the guy who helps everyone have fun in long lines by telling jokes and playing games.
Can eat whatever he wants and will not get sick after he rides a ride, but put him on the spinning teacups and he’ll get so ill and dizzy that he’ll be out of commission for the rest of the day.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: All-Star Music Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Festival of the Lion King or Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster
The man isn’t really into the whole rides and excitement.  I mean, yeah, he likes it obviously, and he won’t leave the park without going on all of the exciting rides at least once, but he’s more into the music and the atmosphere.  Loves Hollywood Studios because of the various shows and music things, etc.
Most likely to spend his time taking pictures with and dabbing with the princesses, but Tinkerbell is his favorite person to see.
Always up for seeing any concerts in Hollywood Studios under the mickey hat.
Favorite Park: Epcot
Favorite Hotel: The Grand Suite at the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa
Favorite Ride/Attraction: The Great Movie Ride and Carousel of Progress
Kind of like Xemnas in the sense that his favorite place to be is the World of Nations in Epcot.  He really enjoys just sitting outside at one of the restaurants and drinking cappuccino and people watching.
Will somehow end up spending hours at the golf course at Saratoga Springs with Xemnas or, on one memorable occasion, he joined Larxene at the spa for a massage.
Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: The Treehouse Villa at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Living with the Land and The Oasis Exhibits
His favorite thing is, obviously, the Annual Flower and Garden Festival in Epcot, but he does like looking at the animal habitats in the Animal Kingdom.  Has definitely stolen a few leaves and plant buds to add to his garden at home.
Ends up chatting with someone near one of the nature exhibits and is so informatory that a crowd forms because everyone thinks that he works at the park.
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Favorite Hotel: Bora Bora Bungalows in the Polynesian Village Resort
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (rip this great ride) and Haunted Mansion
Anything that makes her jump and her stomach head up to her throat? She’s totally into.  Will spend most of the time in line at the Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror trying to make the other Organization members jump.
Buys a lot of Disney merch, particularly T-shirts that she can sleep in.  They’re so soft and comfortable and they always last a long time, so she has a growing stack that’s taken up a permanent spot in her closet.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: Pop Century Hotel
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Kali Water River Rapids and Splash Mountain
THE FOOD.  Oh God, the food.  Dole Pineapple Whip, the Gray Stuff at Belle’s Castle, the giant Turkey Legs, the churros, the mickey ice cream cones.... will want to try everything and will have a huge stomachache by the end of the day.
Loves the Lion King Musical Performance Show.  He thinks it’s one of the coolest things he’s ever seen and he will absolutely be singing along with all of the songs
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Hotel: The Art of Animation Hotel
Favorite Ride/Attraction: Kilimanjaro Safari and Illuminations Light Show
A literal princess.  Likes to experience a little bit of everything.  The pretty colors and sights and smells and EVERYTHING are just so wonderful and new to her.
Has to get souvenirs from every single store they pass.  Loves giant stuffed animals and little knick knacks because they are literally too cute for words.
Was extremely disappointed when they told her that she was too old to get a makeover at the princess boutique, but then (surprisingly) Xemnas sent them such a horrific glare for hurting her feelings that they gave her a makeover anyway.  She had sparkles in her hair for the rest of the week.
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gottacatchemallsims · 6 years
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A Wild Legacy Challenge Appears!
Welcome to my index post for the newest adventure I’m embarking on amongst all the other crazy adventures going on on this blog.  This is the My Sims Legacy Challenge which is a legacy style challenge created by Alexis3142 on the Offical Sims Forums.  Basically it’s currently a 16-Gen Legacy Style challenge based on the MySims Trophy collection the game and their character counterparts in the MySims universe.  Right now it’s 16 but of as there are more statues in the game so the creator has said that more Gens could possible be added when stuff shows up that fits the remaining characters.  
You can fin the original post HERE though I will be including the full rules will be below the cut.  I will mostly be following the rules as they’re written but more then likely will be adding extra stuff for More Challenge because...that’s just how I roll.
Full Gameplay From the Start * Current
Generation One: Tatum Bright (Chef Gino)
Overall Rules: 1. You must complete the MySims Trophies (Collectibles) Collection by the end of the challenge/legacy 2. Money cheats can be used, but don't go overboard 3. You can live where ever you want 4. You can follow any legacy succession rules you want here is the link: https://www.simslegacychallenge.com/sims-4-legacy-challenge-rules-succession-laws/ 5. Lifespan on normal or long, you can decide 6. Potion of Youth once per generation 7. If you fail to complete the rules for that generation you do not have to start over, you can just leave it up to the next generation to complete Have fun! I really hope you guys enjoy this or find it interesting let me know! I would love to see some pictures and stories! *Your Heir and following do not have to be named or resemble the MySim of that generation if you would like you can but they can look like whatever they want to and be whatever they want to be* Generation One: Chef Gino This Generation is based on the MySim, “Chef Gino” His description is “Gino's skill in a kitchen are matched only by his sense of melodrama. The tiniest thing goes wrong and he's "ruined". To date, Gino has been ruined 9,685 times.” In this generation, you start off from the bottom you have always loved food and loved making messes in the kitchen, and now you dream of owning your own restaurant or being the head chef of one! You strive to be the best chef in the world, exploring different cultures and locations to learn all the best foods the world has to offer. Traits: Foodie, Cheerful, Clumsy Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Culinary (Chef Branch) and/or Own A Resturant Generation Rules: Master the Culinary Career (if you decide this route) and complete the Master Chef Aspiration Master Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and Baking Skills Complete Experimental Food Photos Collection and learn their recipes Unlock the 27 City Living Recipies Generation Two: DJ Candy This Generation is based on the MySims, “DJ Candy” Her description is “ DJ Candy is like a living, breathing dance party that never stops. With her roadies and #1 fans, Zach and Sapphire, she travels the world bringing the party to those who need it most.” In this generation, as a child, you are a Social Butterfly, and hang out with your best friends as much as you can. You loved making music and banging pots and pans together until your parents decided to buy you a digital piano. As you grow up you loved going to parties and DJ-ing sure it doesn’t make your parents proud but you want to make a career out of it. Traits: Creative, Music Lover, Bro Aspiration: Musical Genius Career: Entertainer (Musician Branch) or Freelance Song Writer Generation Rules: Master the Entertainer Career (if you decide this route) and complete the Musical Genius Aspiration Master the DJ skill and instrumental/vocal skill of your choosing (Guitar Skill, Singing Skill, Piano Skill, or Violin Skill). With the Get Famous EP you can also choose the Media Production Skill and use the Music Station to produce songs Generation Thee: Elmira Clamp This Generation is based on the MySim, “Elmira Clamp” Her description is “Elmira is sour, strict, impatient, and fussy. Her favorite sound is absolute silence and her favorite hobby is toil. On the plus side, um... she's pretty good at remembering names? That's something, right?” In this generation, you didn’t have a great relationship with one of your parents (DJ Candy Generation) They were always out partying when they should have been taking care of you and you resent them for neglecting you growing up, and you never really get passed it as you got older. You love reading books because they are a way for you to escape. You want to write books for people so you can inspire them, and you want to have the best relationship with your child(children) Traits: Bookworm, Loner, Family Orientated Aspiration: Bestselling Author Career: Writer (Author Branch) Generation Rules: Master the Writer Career and complete the Bestselling Author Aspiration Master the Writing Skill and Parenting Skill Generation Four: Ol' Gabby This Generation is based on the MySim, “Ol' Gabby” His description is “Gabby's a cantankerous old grump who lives with his junkyards dog, Grit. He enjoys tinkering with things and getting into feuds with his long time frenemy Barney. (Sorry there's no Barney figurine.)” (This generation was hard to write about so it might be a little far-fetched if you have feedback let me know!) In this generation, your parents spoiled you as a child and got you a dog, they have been your best friend since the day you adopted them. You have always been a rather curious child always asking how things work. As you grow up you have a knack of fixing things. Eventually inventing a building your own furniture and statues. You don’t stop there, you want to fix what's wrong in the world, sure it might be hard because you get pretty hot headed at times but you are more than what meets the eye. Traits: Hot-Headed, Genius, Perfectionist Aspiration: Friend of The World Career: Politician Career (Charity Organizer Branch) Generation Rules: Master the Politician Career and Complete the Friend of The World Aspiration Master the Handiness Skill and Charisma Skill Become Companions with your Dog BFF Generation Five: Hopper This Generation is based on the MySim, “Hopper” His description is “BOING! RIBBIT! Hopper is a young boy in a frog suit. How did this character get so popular? SPROING!! In this generation, your parent had a very strong bond with your family dog growing up, you don't know how that dog lasted so long and when they passed away a hole was left in your family. You have always loved helping animals, in fact, your favorite animal is a frog! Traits: Loves Outdoors, Dog Lover, Cat Lover. Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Career: Veterinarian (Own a Vet Clinic) Generation Rules: Master the Critics! Have your Veterinarian Hospital get to 5 stars and complete the Friend of the Animals Aspiration Master the Veterinarian Skill Complete the Frogs Collection Generation Six: Poppy This Generation is based on the MySim, “Poppy” Her description is “Poppy is an adorable little ray of sunshine who love love LOVES flowers. She also loves her older sister, Violet, and is completely unaware that she is usually the source of her sister's constant headaches.” In this generation, you have a great relationship with your parents and your siblings, you have always loved being outside following the (Hopper Generation) around, but instead of finding frogs you loved picking flowers. Traits: Good, Outgoing, Loves Outdoors Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Gardener (Florist or Botanist) Generation Rules: Master the Gardener Career (Florist or Botanist) and complete the Freelance Botanist Aspiration Master the Gardening Skill, and Floral Arranging Skill. Complete the Gardening Collection Generation Seven: Dr. F This Generation is based on the MySim, “Dr. F” His description is “Dr. F is the indomitable mad scientist with PhDs is robotology AND robotonomy. There are many, many conflicting reports as to what the "F" actually stands for. He invented TOBOR.” In this generation, your parents really pushed you to do good in school, every year at the annual science fair you would build a robot, you love robots and you love inventing. As you grow up you get a job as a scientist, inventing and creating potions with the help of your parents garden is right up your alley. Traits: Genius, Erratic, Perfectionist Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Scientist Generation Rules: Master the Scientist Career and complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration Master the Logic Skill, Handiness Skill, and Rocket Science Skill Visit Sixam and the Forgotten Grotto Generation Eight: Chaz McFreely This Generation is based on the MySim, “Chaz McFreely” His description is “Chaz McFreely is the world's greatest extreme sports athlete, according to Chaz McFreely. In his mind, there are only two kinds of people: Chaz Fans and Chumps. Which are you?” In this generation, you didn’t really inherit the love of knowledge and the drive to do good in school, you always focused on playing sports any kind including esports. Your parents always pressured you to do more in life and they pressured you so much to do good in school, it was mad annoying. Sports and exercise were your way to escape and cool down. You love to play basketball and lift weights, so what if maybe you are a dumb jock? You'll prove to your parents that you don't need the brains to succeed in life so you strive to be the athlete. Traits: Active, Bro, Ambitious Aspiration: Body Builder Career: Athlete Career (Professional Athlete Branch) Generation Rules: Master the Professional Athlete Career and complete the Body Builder Aspiration Master the Athletic Skill and Wellness Skill Generation Nine: Lyndsay This generation is based on the MySim, “Lyndsay” Her description is "With an insatiable thirst for adventure, Lyndsay always keeps one eye on the horizon. Her contagious energy often sees her friends swept up in her latest quest. May have had a thing for Buddy at some point??" In this generation, you love to travel. Your family was always traveling for sports events and you got to see the world. Now that you got a taste for adventure you don't want to let it go. You love to explore and travel and you document your travels with your camera. Though you may be a bit low on funds, you don't mind to borrow things you happen to find. Traits: Kleptomaniac, Glutton, Goofball Aspiration: The Curator then City Native (if you decide you would like to) Career: Freelance Explorer Generation Rules: Master The Curator Aspiration and/or City Native Master the Archaeology Skill, and Photography Skill Attend the all the City Living festivals at least once. Complete the Snow Globe Collection Generation Ten: Buddy This generation is based on the MySim, “Buddy” His description is "There is no better sidekick than your ol' pal, Buddy. Supportive, optimistic, and fiercely loyal, he'll stick by your side through any adventure. Last seen moonlighting as a special agent." In this generation, your house was a museum of plum. All these old artifacts and snow globes littered the halls, and the worst part, they don't belong to us. Your parents basically robber their way to riches, and you don't understand how they got away with it. Sure they say they "found it" but it used to belong to someone! You are a goody two shoes and you want to spread justice and solve crimes. However you are a pretty funny person, but sometimes you take jokes a bit too far. Traits: Good, Ambitious, Hot-Headed Aspiration: Chief of Mischief Career: Detective or Secret Agent (Diamond Agent) Generation Rules: Master the Detective or Secret Agent (Diamond Agent) Career and complete the Chief of Mischeif Aspiration Master the Logic Skill, and Mischeif Skill Fall in love with a Criminal Generation Eleven: Morcubus This generation is based on the MySim, Morcubus His description is "Beyond time and space is a world of black fire. From the heart of this maelstrom of horrors was born the infernal Morcubus! As president and CEO of MorcuCorp he advances his dark designs, and he also leads team-building workshops." In this generation, you aspire to gain riches and follow in one of your parent's footsteps, after almost failing school you join the criminal career as soon as possible. Money and reputation mean everything to you, and it's not until you meet "the one" where you finally settle down and correct your old ways. Traits: Kleptomaniac, Mean, Perfectionist Aspiration: Public Enemy and once finished do Career: Criminal (either branch) Generation Rules: Master the Criminal Career and complete the Public Enemy Aspiration then complete the Soulmate Aspiration Master the Mischief skill Marry Your Soulmate Generation Twelve: Goth Boy This generation is based on the MySim, “Goth Boy” His description is “Meet Goth Boy! Nothing makes him feel warmer than wrapping himself in a cloak of emotional darkness. He loves writing bad poetry and hates his job at Turkey-on-a-Fork. Wait a second...is "Goth" even still a thing?” In this generation as a teen, you have a part-time just as a Fast Food Employee, you’ve always loved being alone and felt different from everyone expressing yourself in dark clothing. As you grow older you wonder about the lore of vampires are they real? You find yourself reading romance stories to pass the time, pushing your desire and creativity into art, you spend a lot of time hoping to find yourself a vampire lover that will turn you. Traits: Romantic, Gloomy, Unflirty Aspiration: Master Vampire Career: Painter (Master of The Real Branch) Generation Rules: Work as a Fast Food Employee as a teen writing poetry on the side Master the Painter Career and then complete the Master Vampire Aspiration Generation Thirteen: Violet This generation is based on the MySim, “Violet” Her description is “Dark and dramatic, Violet Darkshade nonetheless has a beautiful heart. She does her best to take care of her kid sister, Poppy, even if it usually gives her one of those headaches that sits right above her eye.” In this generation, you don’t really want to be supernatural, you have always wanted to be cured. Until you can find a way to cure yourself you try to be a good vampire resisting Sim blood. Eventually, under the disapproval of your parents, you find a cure and start a family. Traits: Good, Family-Orientated, Squeamish Aspiration: Good Vampire, Successful Lineage Career: Stay at Home Parent Generation Fourteen: Gonk This generation is based on the MySim, “Gonk” His description is “Gonk is happy and hungry little cave-lad from the Uncharted Isle, which strangely can be found on most maps. His best friends are Bobaboo the dinosaur and a dissatisfied grad student named Sylvia, whom he calls "Girl".” In this generation, your parents let you lived freely, always told you that you can be whatever you want. They only thing they asked was that you stay close to home. Unfortunately for them, you want to explore the world, well in this case, the jungle. Your parents who are very understanding, support you traveling and collecting artifacts, and always welcoming you when you come back home. Traits: Cheerful, Glutton, Clumsy Aspiration: Outdoors Enthusiast Career: Free Lance Explorer Generation Rules: Complete the Ancient Omiscan Artifacts Collection and Omiscan Treasures Collection Master the Archeology skill and Selvadorian Culture skill. Generation Fifteen: Jenny This generation is based on the MySim, "Jenny" Her description is " Jenny was a fan fiction pioneer! Sure, nowadays EVERYBODY gets a publishing deal or a movie based on their self-published stories, but Jenny's "Starcruiser X" fanfic was the first!" In this generation, your parents weren't around that much, too busy going on work vacations to find silly artifacts. So you took to the internet to make friends, as it was fairly easy. You start with fanfiction sites and move your way to SimTube where you start creating content and creating a following. As you get older you continue vlogging and streaming making a living off of it, but your lack of parental affection left a hole in your heart, you need a bunch of realtionships to make you feel content, its not the best way to cope. Traits: Geek, Outgoing, Romantic Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch) Generation Rules: Master the Social Media Career and complete the Serial Romanic Aspiration Have an affair while engaged, leave them at the altar for the sim you had an affair with. Master the Media Production Skill Generation Sixteen: Trevor Verily This generation is based on the MySim, "Trevor Verily" His description is" Trevor is dramatic ac-tor... of WONDERS!! His stirring interpretations of classic works are the very essence of the theater! One time he got stuck in an Astronaut Costume." In this generation, your parent had a huge social media following, so many fans and so many people that supported them. You wanted that, but bigger. You always loved being the center of attention, as you grow older you want to be an actor/actress so that the spotlight is all yours. Traits: Self-Absorbed, Snob, Self-Assured Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity Career: Actor/Actress Generation Rule: Master the Actor/Actress Career and complete the World Famous Celebrity Aspiration Master the Acting Skill
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gobydana · 6 years
The Vet Part 3
A/N: Next part of the Vet. Bruce’s kids trying to help out, much to his displeasure. 
Catch up here: The Vet Part One, Part Two
After a long night of dealing with the stakeout gone wrong, Bruce was ready to head to bed. FIrst he had to make sure Duke and Jason were okay and getting the stake out patrol written. Turns  out Duke was right in that the drugs might come earlier. Next time he was letting him lead.
After making sure everyone was headed to bed or to their respective apartments, he trudge upstairs. As he almost reached the sweet salvation that was his bed, his phone rang. Clark needed him to help with some league items. It happened to be the same day as Alfred the cat’s check up appointment. Well so much for seeing Dr. Y/N again he thought as he plopped onto the bed and fell asleep.
Dick volunteered to take Damian and his cat to the vet while Bruce was off on a meeting. On the way out he joked that he didn’t want to trade Bruce places. Bruce suspected he was using this chance for a day out with his little brother. With both of them in their respective hero activities, they didn’t get as much time together.
After a long, unnecessary meeting, Bruce headed back to the cave from the Tower. He was mumbling on the way up the stairs that the meeting was not needed. A simple email would have worked and Clark knew that. At this point he didn’t have a lot of time before patrol. Dick texted him asking if Nightwing could make an appearance tonight.
He got upstairs to see Dick and Damian with Batburger leftovers. Both were chatting about some video game. He could guess where they were disappearing to next. Apparently there was a two player game they had been trying to beat for the last two months when they saw each other. He cleared his throat to let them know he was there.
“How did the appointment go.” Bruce inquired while grabbing some leftover salmon and rice.
“Good. Alfred is a good kitty.” Dick replied.
Damian nodded. “Also I have invited Dr. Y/N to the gala. After all, you said this gala was to honor those who help animals. They has done well in that category.”
“Some of their collages are coming too.” Dick added in. “It was good seeing them again. Great vet.”
He almost choked on the food he was eating. Bruce couldn’t help but agree. Yet now he was nervous about the upcoming gala. It was his son idea, to raise money to help the local animal shelter and those who helped those animals. It also seemed now he might get some time to talk them. Why did that make him so nervous?
“You are coming to this one, right B?” Dick inquired.
“Yes, I am hosting it after all.” He replied.
“That has never stopped you before.” Damian remarked.
Bruce just hummed in response. The boys headed towards the media room to play their games until patrol. He was lost in his thoughts that at least he would get to see them. Suddenly, remember that Clark was suppose to be the reporter for that gala. Last thing he needed was one of the league's worst gossipers spreading unneeded rumors. Maybe he could ask Lois to cover it instead.  Not normally her reports, but she wouldn’t be snooping in his life.
Thankfully that night was as normal as it could get for patrol in Gotham. Dick teamed up with Damian. It kept Dick from being chatty over the comns. Bruce was once again on his own for his side of town. His children weren’t as chatty on the comns compared to a normal night. Times like this reminding him that they didn’t need him as much. The days of one of the robins next to side almost over.
After patrol, when the others headed their own way, Dick stayed back. He had the half grin that gave away his thinking. He wanted to know something and was going to find out whether Bruce wanted to tell or not. It appeared he was in a good mood, which meant it wasn’t something Bruce had done wrong.
“What is it Dick.” Bruce said as he watched his oldest approach.
“Oh Dr. Y/N was just telling us how Batman helped her the other week. Getting kittens out of behind a dumpster.” He said while smiling.
“Yes. Someone tried mugging them. I was doing my duty.”
“Mmmm hmmm. The kittens are healthy and same with momma cat in case you are wondering.” Dick said.
“Did she tell Damian about the kittens.” Bruce inquired.
“Oh yes. He wants to make sure that someone takes care of them. Dr. Y/N said they were staying with them until they were grown. Warning now, I think he is plotting on taking once they are old enough.”
“I will warn Alfred to watch his backpack. Now was it before or after they mentioned Batman that you gave Damian the idea to invite them.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about. It was done out of gratitude for all they have done for the pets in this family. Amazing skills and should be consider top of Gotham’s vets.”
“Sure.” Bruce said as he headed towards the shower.
“Please make sure to actually come to this gala and stay most of the time. I can take on Batman duties if needed that night.”
“Oh, Alfred didn’t tell you? You are marked as coming to the gala.” He said with his signature smirk.
“You don’t play fair old man. I wonder if Clark is coming. He is usually fun.”
As Bruce headed out of the cave, he texted Lois. It was decided now, he did not need Clark and Dick both there teaming up. 
The night of the gala finally came. Bruce was in a designer tux looking every bit the billion playboy. An imagine that was currently ruined by trying to get his children in line. Cass was in a black dress with a drop back and Stephanie in a dark purple, full length with silver accents. She was helping Tim with his tie as he was muttering ideas for the latest case. Duke was asking if he could have computer duty or even clean the batcave. He must have thought he had a winning idea since he was only in a tshirt and dress pants. His last argument was that Barbara got to miss for patrol, why shouldn’t he.
Jason wasn’t even dressed. Just sitting in a chair reading a book while informing Duke it would never work. Dick was actually dressed and helping Damian who was insisting that his pets should be able to come. Alfred was downstairs checking all the last minute ideas. Harper was commenting that she got in her tux quicker then the boys, while also tossing gummy bears at Cass who was catching in them in her mouth. Time like this made Bruce miss his days of getting dress and going. Now he got bigger headaches and a losing battle.
Once the ever growing family was as put together as they were going to get, they headed towards the main room. Since this was Damian’s idea for the charity, he took over some of the invites. Among the usual Gotham socialites were the top of the animal medical community. He made sure to greet everyone, but truth was he kept looking for one particular person.
Finally, he found them looking stunning. To him, they were the most beautiful person in the room. He started to make his way towards them to be stopped by Lois Lane. She had been trying to find him since he owed her for covering tonights report.
“Good evening Bruce.” She greeted.
“Thank you for coming.” He replied.
“No problem, just remember to hold up your end of the deal.” She pointly said.
“I have already arranged with Alfred to have Jon come over next weekend so that you can cover the UN assembly.” He stated.
“Perfect. Also I am assuming the reason that you didn’t want Clark here, might be  the person Dick and Jason are talking to?” She said while directing his attention towards Y/N.
“Yes, now if you excuse me for a moment.” He said.
Lois waved him off as she made a point to find some of the animal experts to talk to. She could not deal with the socialites at the moment. She couldn’t help but let out a giggle as she saw Bruce’s panic face upon seeing the boys talking to Y/N. The poor man didn’t stand a chance with his children.
“So Bruce is chasing Ace around the house, trying to get him to drop the socks in his mouth. It wasn’t working as Ace was diving under tables.” Jason was saying as Bruce came up to the group, already modified.
“How is it going?” He stated while coming up behind Jason and putting his hand on his shoulder.
“Wonderful.” Jason said with a devilish smile. Dick must have informed him about Y/N.
“We were actually going to grab a drink.” Dick stated while steering Jason in the directions of the bar. Bruce silently hoping they remembered they had patrol tonight.
“Having a good time.” He asked nervously.
“Oh yes. Finally getting to catch up with colleagues. Sometimes I get way too busy for that. Though last I saw Dr. Hans he was explaining to someone the best type of dog to get for young kids.” Y/N said with a small laugh. A laugh Bruce wanted to hear more of.
“Would you care to dance?” He asked while holding out his hand.
“I’d love to.” Y/N replied.
The two of them made their way to the dance floor. The first minute was awkward as they tried to come up with something to talk about. Bruce decided to ask what they liked to do in their spare time. They went into a discussion on favorite movies. They were a movie buff to challenge Bruce. Soon the discussion turned to their love of helping animals. For the first time in a while, Bruce found a genuine smile staying on his face.
They had a few more dances together. Y/N was a wonderful dancer. One of the best he had the joys of dancing with. He was actually getting to enjoy the gala for once. Both talking about everything they could. The conversation flowing easy. He didn’t even bother to put on his Brucie persona for the night.
His and Y/N time came to an end as Kate Kane came up behind him. A slight tap on the shoulder and reminder he was needed for tonight’s speech. She then went back to dancing with her girlfriend. As she went back to dance, she gave a wink to the batkids who had been gathered in a area so they could watch Bruce.
“I am sorry, got to go play host.” Bruce said.
“Have fun. Glad I don’t have that job.” Y/N joked.
“I don’t blame you. Before I go, ummm next week, would you like to grab lunch?” Bruce asked as his heart rate increased.
“Let me check my schedule, but I would love to.” Y/N replied with a smile.
“Just let me know.” He said while going towards the stage were an impatient Damian was waiting.
As he left, he heard them say they would call him. It hit him then as he walked on stage which number they had. He was going to inform Alfred that no one minus him and Alfred were answering the phone. Especially since a few of his children were a little too good at sounding like him. With that he turned towards the audience, ready for next week to come. 
Tagging: @superwhoteen​ @the-shadow-of-atlantis​ @fuckbuckyyy​
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Can I Bar-row Your Attend-tion (Bar & Grill AU)
Pairing: Roman/Patton
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Thomas, Joan, Talyn, Deceit (Dio)
Summary: Roman and Patton are two bartenders at a local bar & grill with some serious chemistry. However, the only people who don’t realize it are each other, and one of them is in a relationship…on the rocks.
Author’s Note: Hey friends! So here’s the next chapter finally in my Bar & Grill AU. I wanted to get it out sooner after seeing all the kind and positive feedback, but you know how it is when you have to adult. Not so conducive for writing time. Anywho, here it is, and apologies for the length. (i really need to keep a more strict word count)  If you’d like to be in the tag list for future chapters let me know. And as always feel free to leave a comment in the messages or reply if you have any notes or constructive critiques. I’m always open to writing advice. Disclaimer: Puns ahead. Many. (muahaha)
Chapter 2: One Roman Coke, Hold the Crush 
(POV- Patton)
Patton knew he should feel grateful, happy even, to have a boyfriend like Dio. After all, they’d been going steady for six months now and there was still a lot to like about him. But he’s not Roman, Patton thought guiltily as his boyfriend drove him to work. They just had a brunch date this morning and Dio offered to give Patton a ride. Even as they sat there eating chocolate chip pancakes (Patton’s favorite), he’d been thinking about his co-worker. What kind of a boyfriend was he?
“Thanks again for the ride sweetie,” said Patton as they pulled up to the curb. “And for brunch. I had a nice time.”
Actually, Patton had spent most of the time trying to tell a funny story while Dio either scrolled on his phone or half-heartedly listened while nodding his head. Patton wasn’t as naïve as people thought he was. He could tell when people weren’t really interested in what he was saying. Roman would have been interested.
“It’s no trouble kitten,” said Dio. “I had time before work anyways, so I’ll probably head to the park and perform for a while before clocking in.”
“Sounds fun. Hope you get lots of tips. People always like watching you dance.”
He sure did. Watching the unusual yet beautiful way the man could move his body was what had drawn him to Dio in the first place.
“I know,” he said.
Dio reached over to unlock the door for him, his lean muscles flexing and the sunlight brinigng out the golden yellow in his snake tattoo. Patton stayed in the passenger seat, waiting (hoping) for some parting sign of affection form the other.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, tapping his lips with a finger.
“Oh of course,” said Dio, his voice silky. “How could I forget?”
Dio leaned in the kiss Patton, his lips tasting faintly like that matcha tea he liked to drink. He even gave another peck on the spot beneath his ear where Patton liked, but the gesture had been tainted by the tone of voice. Sometimes Patton couldn’t tell if he really meant what he said or not. Patton smiled, said goodbye and stepped out of the car. He watched Dio drive away before walking up the block, the taste of his lips still lingering. I wonder what Roman’s lips might taste like?
He stepped through the doors and felt the day’s bad feelings wash away with the familiarity of his workplace. Sanders’ really was such a cozy little establishment. With its seat cushioned chairs and redbrick walls, the sunlight streaming in during the day and warm hanging light bulbs at night. The modern acoustic covers that played in the background loudly enough to enjoy but not so much you had to shout over. Logan had asked Joan to help put together the bars playlist, and good thing too. Otherwise they’d be listening to Mozart or Beethoven all day. Classical music wasn’t exactly Bach in style.
The old place opened at 3pm, so there were only a handful of familiar faces so far. People either came here for a late lunch or were waiting for the bar to open.  Patton smiled and said hi to every one of them, and they smiled back. He’d always been a people person, and why not?  His motto was, strangers are just friends you haven’t made yet.
“Hey Patton,” said Joan. The waiter was setting fresh napkins and silverware.
“Heya kiddo!” said Patton. “Oh! How’s Talyn doing? I hope they’re feeling better after last night.”
Speak of the pastel angel, Talyn popped out from behind him. Their arms were loaded with menus, probably fresh with a list of today’s specials.
“Feeling a lot better thanks,” said Talyn.
“I’m so glad!” Patton said, giving the tiny waiter a big hug. They really were like a colorful little kitten, which made Patton love them even more. “Now make sure you drink plenty of water during your breaks and don’t strain yourself too much.”
“I’ll do my best Pat.”
“Great! Welp, my shift’s about to start so I’d better get to work. I wouldn’t want to bar-row your attend-tion for too long.”
Patton grinned as the duo gave a simultaneous eeyyy, then he hopped behind the bar. He got the earlier shift from 4:30-11:30pm and Roman had the later shift from 5:30pm-12:30am; a half hour before Logan closed up shop. So his charismatic co-worker wouldn’t be here for another hour. Oh well. They still got to have six swell hours together, and Patton enjoyed every minute. Heck, seeing Roman’s smiling face every night was honestly Patton’s favorite part of his job.
Customers rolled in and out of the bar. Talyn and Joan went from table to table with orders, Thomas occasionally popped out from the kitchen with food or to chat, and Logan seated incoming customers. Meanwhile Patton made drinks for the small batch of happy hour customers. Patton thought it was a fitting name for that time of day, because so many of his customers at the bar seemed just that- happy.
So far his shift was filled with regulars he knew and a few new faces. Most of them were ladies tipsy with laughter after a few drinks like Valerie, Jasmine and Calypso. Others were men or non-binary folks like Sean and Nellie who shout-swapped stories after a few shots. Once in a while a customer would spill their woes as Patton served them drinks, and he would do his best to either offer advice or just a sympathetic ear. If anyone came in looking like gloomy goobers, Patton did his best to turn that around while he built their drinks behind the bar.
“I juss dunno padre. Maybe after all this time she’s finally *hic * bored or me,” said the near-weeping man in front of him, nursing his fifth Manhattan. “Maybe I should juss let her go. Save her the trouble.”
“Now that’s no way to go about things Mateo,” said Patton. “I’m sure she doesn’t think that at all. Besides, you clearly still love her and I’m sure she feels the same. Maybe it’s all just a miss-communication.”
Mateo looked at him with watery eyes and sniffled. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely kiddo! I think what you need to do is talk to her. Tell her how much you still care and want to work things out. But you also have to be a good listener and hear how she feels. It’s all about honest communication. Once you’ve got that, I’m sure you two can work it out.”
Mateo smiled and finished his drink. Then he handed Patton his credit card to pay with, letting the bartender know he was done.
“Thanks Patton. I really appreciate it,” said Mateo. To Patton’s delight, he also dropped a whole five dollars into his glass tip jar.
“Glad I could help kiddo, and thanks for the nice tip yourself!”
“How much’ve you got for *hic * vet school saving coming along?”
“Aaahh it’s…coming.”
Truth be told, Patton still had a long way to go. Bar attending kept the lights on and food on the table fine, but it wasn’t exactly a scholarship. He would know, given how many he’s tried applying for after Logan has typed him up a list of ones to try.
“Nice guy like you’s sure to get it,” said Mateo, waving goodbye.
Patton had to smile. Despite feeling a bit discouraged about Veterinary School, moments like that make it all a little bit better. Sure this wasn’t his dream job but he still got to help people in some small way and do a little bit of goodness in the world. Until he was finally a Vet, why couldn’t he do that as a bartender?
Dio had chuckled the one time Patton told him so. It wasn’t the nice kind of laugh either. That was the first time his boyfriend had made him feel…wilted inside. Patton couldn’t remember the last time he hadn’t felt wilted with Dio.
A sudden vibrating in his apron pocket pulled Patton out of his thoughts. He took out his cellphone to see who texted him.
Dark Strange Step-Bro: Hey Pat. Out on a parkour run. Can I stop by for a take-out order? Gonna be a long night.
Patton smiled at the message from Virgil. His street artist brother had been doing those parkour runs for the past year and a half now, and it seemed to have been a big help with his anxiety. Sometimes Patton worried about his brother getting hurt from those speedy stunts, but if the positive adrenaline outlet made Virgil happy and mentally healthier than who was Patton to stop him?
Dad-Bro: No problem kiddo! I’ll have Thomas whip up your favorite.
Dark Strange Step-Bro: Cool. See you in a few.
Dad-Bro: Kk. Love you Virge <3
Dark Strange Step-Bro: Love you too Pat >//<
When Patton was in high school, his widowed father had fallen in love with and re-married a kind woman named Beatrice Alighieri. Along with a new step-mom he also gained a new younger (by two years) brother in Virgil. Sure he’d come off as dark, edgy, and a bit prickly at first. But with time and some good doses of love on Patton’s part, Virgil slowly opened up. Sure he was still dark and edgy, but now they were super close and protective of each other. Patton loved the anxious artist like a son, even if they were brothers.
Patton put away his cell phone. He made sure his customers were all taken care of before stepping out from the bar. He knocked on the kitchen windowsill.
“Hey Thomas,” Patton called into the kitchen.
“What up Patton?” said Thomas.
“Virgil’s coming by. Mind making him some mozzarella sticks to go?”
“No problem Pat.” The cook turned to the kitchen and shouted, “I NEED AN ORDER OF CHEESE STICKS IN A DOGGY BAG, BLOOD ON THE SIDE!”
Patton knew that was code for ketchup but still, ew. Being a pacifist, or a Pat-cifist as he liked to say, he didn’t do so well with blood. Logan once asked him how he was going to deal with that later on as a Veterinarian, aaaand he had yet to figure that little detail out. Ah well. He’ll figure it out.
About fifteen minutes later Virgil popped into the bar and grill. He was in his usual ripped black jeans, high tops, eye shadow and his favorite purple-patched hoodie. His satchel filled with spray paint cans hung across his shoulder and Virgil removed his large headphones with loud music blaring as he walked in. In most places Virgil went into what Patton liked to call ‘turtle mode.’ But at Sanders his brother actually relaxed a bit. Another reason Patton liked working there.
“Salutations Virgil,” said Logan, excusing himself from the customers he had seated.
“’Sup Logan. I see the gang’s all here,” said Virgil. “Except for old Romano.”
“Roman had another audition for his professional make believe last night but has assured me he will be at work today. Speaking of work, did you receive my email about employing you to create artistic content for the bar’s Facebook page?”
“The one to ‘get more youths’ in here?” Virgil air-quoted. “Yeah I got it. Web design isn’t exactly my medium but I’ll see what I can do.”
“Excellent. We can discuss commissioning and creative content at a more convenient date.”
Virgil and Logan came over to where they all were and Patton greeted his brother in the usual fashion. With a big bear hug.
“Hey kiddo! Good to see you,” he said.
“He Pat,” he said, one arm hugging him back. Patton was the only person Virgil let hug him. “You really need to stop calling me ‘kiddo’ in public. My order ready yet Thomas?”
“Should be five more minutes. Lucky we just dunked some mozzarella sticks in the grease fryer,” said Thomas.
“Patton kindly retrieve some more olives and maraschino cherries from the back storage,” Logan said to Patton. “You seem to be running low on them. Then promptly return to your duties.”
Patton turned back to the bar and, yes, he was low. Woops! Guess he’d let himself be too distracted. Logan was a really fair and nice boss (and their friend, although he’d never admit it), but he didn’t like them slacking off. It was easier to stay on top of everything when Roman was there working with him. They made up for each other’s weaker areas, which is why they made such a good team.
Take last night when that big intimidating customer got a little too drunk and started disrespecting those ladies. Patton was no good at confrontation but Roman swooped in like the chivalrous man he was as stopped him. Heck, Patton had slipped up and called him his hero out loud. So embarrassing! Not that someone as perfect as Roman would ever be attracted to plain pudgy tummied Patton. He really was a Disney Prince come to life. Bad Patton! Stop it with those thoughts. You’re taken.
“No problem boss!” said Patton, smiling through his troubled thoughts. “I’m berry happy to do so because I love olive my customers and want them taken care of. It’ll be the cherry on top of my day.”
While Thomas and the nearby patrons laughed or, in Virgil’s case, snickered at his top-notch dad jokes, Logan just groaned. He didn’t quite appreciate the fine art of puns, but Patton had made it his personal mission to make his boss laugh at one.
So far, no luck, but he was persistent.
“That’ll do Patton,” said Logan, breathing audibly through his nose.
“I hate to stem off topic,” said Joan, walking up to them, “but we need more bread baskets for tables 4 and 12.”
“They’re right,” Talyn said joining in. “We’ve gotta make sure the customers stay happy and our tips fruitful.”
Logan squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Good Lord, please—stop. I can barely tolerate the word play from one of you.”
“Well that a-pear-ant,” Thomas said, popping out from the kitchen door to join in.
“Thomas, that’s not even the same fruit!”
“Guess it doesn’t a-peel to the boss man,” shouted one of the other cooks Enrique from inside the kitchen.
“Guys come on. Lay off the poor guy,” said Virgil, serious at first but then he smirked devilishly. “We wouldn’t want him to get a pit in his stomach.”
“GrrAAAGHHH!” Logan marched away from them to his office, flames practically steaming off the side of his face.
They all burst into rib splitting laughter. Sure they all worked together but really everyone at Sanders’ Bar & Grill was like a big, happy, sometimes silly family. He could tell that their customers sensed it too and that’s why they kept coming back here. He just knew it.
After calming down and checking on his customers, Patton went to the supplies room for those cherries and olives. He really did need to stay on top of the bar until Roman got here. Finding himself alone in the semi-cramped room, surrounded only by supplies, pantry goods, and two spare chairs, Patton couldn’t help thinking even more about Roman. Specifically how different his co-worker was from his boyfriend.
Dio was a great dancer, but Roman was a talented actor with a voice like caramel. Dio was charismatic but Roman was charming. Dio was cool and mysterious but Roman cheerful and passionate. Dio was attractive but Roman was downright handsome. What with his red leather jacket and black work t-shirt that hugged his strong protective arms just right, his chestnut hair, chocolate brown eyes, dashing smile and perfect soft looking lips…
No! Stop thinking about another mans lips. You’re happily taken. Was he really happy though? He hardly ever laughed with his boyfriend anymore. Sometimes Dio even seemed to laugh at Patton only to convince him otherwise. Plus they hadn’t exactly been intimate in a long time. Only cuddles during the rare movie night at best, and even them they felt halfhearted. Sure they were both busy with work, but Patton at least tried. It was like Dio wasn’t even really there with him half the time...but he was still a loyal partner. Dio never looked at another man besides him. Surely that meant he still cared and found Patton attractive. Maybe it’s just a bump in the road. We’ll get over it. This was the longest relationship Patton had ever been in, his first serious boyfriend, and that was worth staying for, right?
…So then why did he still dream about being with the creative, cheerful, and romantic Roman Prince?
Patton vigorously shook his head. He reached into his apron pocket for his half open bag of mini chocolate chip cookies. He always kept some in there in case he or anyone else at the bar & grill needed cheering up. He treated himself to two cookies; the sweets already perking him back up. Then he grabbed the jars he needed and went back outside, only to find Roman now talking with Virgil. He must have arrived while Patton was in the back. He couldn’t help the flutter in his tummy at seeing the handsome actor/bartender. Couldn’t stop the smile that climbed up the corners of his cheeks like grapevines reaching for the sunshine. Patton was so enchanted by and happy to see Roman that, as he rushed over to greet him, he tripped on a chair.
“Woah!” Ohnothejars! The face-plant crash and shattering of glass never came. Roman had dashed over and caught him beforehand. Being heroic really was second nature to him, wasn’t it?
“Careful there Patton,” said Roman, his face concerned. “I know you get excited but I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
“Whew! Thanks Roman. I guess you just caught me off guard.” The toothy smile Roman gave him was enough to turn Patton’s insides into goo.
“Ehh you didn’t miss much Patton. Sir sing-a-lot here just burst into the bar like his usual dramatic self practically shouting that—
“Oh no you don’t emo-nightmare! Only I get to tell Patton my good news.”
“What news?” he asked, setting down the jars. “Does it have to do with your audition last night? How’d it go?”
“Well as general guy-liner here just heard—
“Along with everyone else in Florida—
Patton gasped with glee, unable to stop himself from attack hugging him. “CONGRADUALTIONS! Roman I’m so proud of you! I just knew you’d get cast.”
Patton savored the sensation of Roman hugging him back, strong arms wrapped around his waist. When Roman let go, he was more disappointed at the loss of touch than he probably should have been. Roman was scratching the back of his neck, and if Patton didn’t know any better, he’d say the other man almost seemed bashful.
“Thanks Patton. That really means a lot to me,” said Roman.
“Guess you’ll be busy talking off your cast’s ears from now on Prince Underarm Stink,” Virgil grimaced.
Roman turned to him serious faced. “Don’t feel too sad, Brad Pit-iful. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to spread your snarky doom and gloom to.”
The two glared at each other for a few seconds, but then laughter spilled out from smirks. Patton smiled at his brother and co-worker. The two had definitely come far from when they first met a year ago. They’d started out as quite the prickly pair, which wasn’t surprising since they were so different. The big icebreaker happened when learned their shared love of Disney. After that they put away their claws, warmed up to each other, and became thick as thieves. It made Patton happy to see them get along. Plus Virgil now had someone who shared the same sarcastic humor that he did.
Just then Thomas popped his head out the kitchen window. He was carrying a brown paper to-go bag. “Order up Virg. Mozzarella sticks with a side of ketchup.”
“Thanks Thomas,” said Virgil, taking the food. The cook then disappeared back to the kitchen.
“Now kiddo, I really wish you would order one of our salads from time to time,” he said, crossing his arms. “You can’t live off of just mozzarella sticks for long.”
“That’s the plan Pat. A quick and cheesy death.” Patton knew his stepbrother was joking, but he didn’t find it funny. His face must have said as much. “Kidding! I promise. Anywho, I gotta split. This mural isn’t going to finish itself.”
“I’ll be invited to the grand reveal I hope?” Roman asked carefully.
Virgil fidgeted with the zipper on his hoodie but said, “Uh…sure Princy. So long as I get good seats to your show.”
“Done and done! Thanks Virge.”
“Don’t mention it. Seriously.” He reached into the bag, grabbed a streaming mozzarella stick and stuck it between his teeth. “Later.”
As soon as he was out the door the anxious artist slipped his headphones back on and broke into a run. Patton watched through the glass of the windows as Virgil flipped over the sidewalk bench. Hardcore parkour.
“I’m so excited for you about the play Roman,” said Patton as they both returned to the back of the bar.
“Yes, I am truly excited to start rehearsals, although it will take time out of my bartending schedule,” said Roman, tying on his apron. “I might have to cut back on my shifts, especially when the tech week and show dates get closer.”
“Oh…” That meant he wouldn’t see Roman as much. The thought made Patton too sad for words.
“It would only be for a couple months,” Roman said quickly. “And I’ll only have rehearsals two or three nights a week until then. So I’ll still be here with you the rest of our shifts.”
‘Here with you’. Patton liked the sound of that. “Great. I’m really glad about that.”
“I’ve already spoken to Logan when I came in. He’s going to have his cousin to fill in for my shifts on the nights I’m rehearsing. So you won’t be left hanging.” Roman placed a strong yet gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’d never do that to you Patton.”
The touch sent a warm shiver through Patton’s body, reawakening the butterflies in his tummy. Here Roman was, taking on a new responsibility on his journey towards his dreams of stardom, and he was worried about Patton. It made him feel so special. He placed his hand over Roman’s.
“I know you wouldn’t Roman. After all we’re…work partners,” he said, trying to smile more happily than he felt.
“Right. Of course.” They broke contact. “Well, let’s get to it…partner. We’ve got thirsty customers to attend to.”
“Hi-ho, it’s off to work we go.”
Roman smiled at him. Then they got back to taking orders and building drinks for their loyal customers. At he poured drinks and shook the shaker, Patton stole glances at Roman. Even though it wasn’t the work he wanted to be doing, Roman still threw himself into the task with flair and fervor. Just like how he did with every task he was faced with. It was something that Patton admired most about the man. Dio was equally creative in a different way, but he couldn’t hold a candle to Roman’s passion for just about everything!
…But he was loyal. Very. And he never did or said a bad thing to him ever. Patton couldn’t betray that by have feelings for someone else. It would be like cheating on him, even if just emotionally. Besides, even if Patton didn’t have a boyfriend, Roman was way out of his league! He was strong, charming, sweet, talented, and super-duper handsome. He could have any guy he wanted. As for Patton, well, at best he got called ‘cute’. Every guy, girl, and non-binary person he’d every had a crush on said so. It was a miracle that Dio had even given him two looks. To hope that Roman ever would see him as more than that, to feel more for him, was just fantasy.
Patton reached into his pocket for another cookie and took a nibble.
Oh Roman…What would a handsome prince like you ever see in a plain old pop-er like me?
Tag List: @altruistic-skittles @thekeytohappiness-is-you @canadian-crofters  @icecoldparadise @bluebloodstains @purpleshipper @patchworkofstars @axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly @pink-and-purple-flowers @jynxlovesluck @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6 @hanramz-the-fander @azlinne
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mylutteoheart · 6 years
Tu llegas como el sol, tan natural
tbh, this is my least favorite fic I wrote for this week and I have no idea why but anyways, here’s my fic for day 3. Also this is not proofread, so I apologize in advance
prompt: "Listen, I really don't like you, but you have kittens, so I'm going to be over a lot."
find my other fics here
Matteo was doing his homework. It was a lot more than he expected but luckily, he was alone at home so he had enough peace and quiet to be able to finish it in time. Uni was a lot harder than he thought.
He was almost finished when suddenly, he heard the doorbell ring. He had no idea who it could be, he didn't invite anyone over and his parents are away. He opened the door to see who it is and to his surprise, it was Luna and his frown turned into a smile all of a sudden.
"What are you doing here, chica delivery?" Matteo asked out of curiosity.
"I was bringing cupcakes that my mom made. I thought it would help you focus on your homework." she said but he somehow knew that was just an excuse.
"You don't need an excuse to come and visit me, you know that right?" he immediately started teasing her, it came natural to him whenever she was around.
She didn't respond to this and instead handed him a box full of cupcakes. She walked further into his house and looked around.
"Are you looking for something?" he asked.
"No, I'm just impressed by the house you live in." she answered.
"Luna, you've been here so many times, how can you still be imopressed by this?" he frowned, she seemed to use a lot of excuses.
"I'm still not used to it." she immediately said.
Right at that moment, his cat, Lyra walked into the living room. Luna immediately went to her and scratched her behind her ear. Luna started to smile the second his cat walked in and all of a sudden, he understood everything. He had to admit that it kind of hurt him. She was here because of Lyra and not him. He was slightly dissapointed.
Not shortly after, Lyra's kittens came in as well. Luna tried to give every kitten equal attention.
"Now I see why you wanted to visit me suddenly." He tried not to show that he was hurt.
She looked up and turned around with a faint smile on her face. "Sorry."
"It's fine, they need some love anyway." he brushed it off like it was nothing.
For the rest of the evening, she played with the kittens and Lyra. Luna was happy to be able to spend some time with them. It gave Matteo the time to finish his homework, when it was done. He joined Luna because four cats were a little much for Luna to handle. He ended up having fun as well and forgot how he felt earlier today.
As it was already getting late, she decided to leave and come back tomorrow and she didn't really expect him to say no to that and he didn't.
When they were at the front door, she stopped and turned around to say one last thing to him: "Listen, I really don't like you, but you have kittens, so I'm going to be over a lot."
Matteo was surprised to hear this and he looked at her in disbelief. "You don't like me?" he had to ask this.
But she just laughed. "I was just teasing you." and Matteo sighed in relieve. "I can't believe you actually thought that was true." her laughing stopped but her smile stayed.
"You did come here just to see my kittens." he shyly smiled back.
"I never said that." she said with a teasing smile and he couldn't help but smile brightly back at her.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." he finally said.
"See you tomorrow." Before she left, he gave her a quick peck on the cheek to say goodnight and when he pulled back, they stared at each other for a while. But then Luna said goodbye and she left.
Matteo went to bed soon after Luna left and when he attempted to go to bed, his cat was already occupying a spot on his bed. He smiled and said: "I can't believe you I would ever say this but I'm kind of jealous of you. Luna gave you so much love today." he got into bed and started petting her. Lyra was clearly enjoying all the love she got today and she was purring.
They both went to sleep content and they both couldn't wait for Luna's visit tomorrow.
Luckily, this time, he didn't have any homework, he finished all of it the day before which meant he was able to spend the entire time Luna was here with her. She was earlier today and he instantly lit up once she saw how excited she was to visit, even though it was because of Lyra.
His cat was lazy today and she just laid down the entire time while Luna was petting him. Neither of them seemed to mind that. They sat their in silence and looked at his cat purring the entire time. The kittens were not here today because they had to be checked at the vet. Luna was dissapointed by this but she still stayed to play with Lyra.
Now that it wasn't as busy as yesterday, Matteo decided it was time to talk to Luna. He's been wanting to ask her something for a while but he always thought it wasn't a good time.
"Luna, can I ask you something?" he asked her nervously.
She looked up from his cat to look into his eyes and for a minute there, he was lost in hers. "What do you want to ask?"
"Were you serious when you said you were joking yesterday?" he was very nervous now.
"Of course I was serious, why would you think that I don't like you?" she said with a sure tone.
"I don't know, I just thought you came for my cats and nothing else." he admitted shyly.
"How could I not want to come here just to see you?" she bumped him on the shoulder to reassure him.
"You are right, I'm great company." he managed to tease her again.
She shook her head and laughed. "You're unbelievable."
"Unbeliavably attractive, I know." they were back to their old conversations and he loved it. It always made him happy to talk to her like this.
They laughed together and it felt like the weight he had felt on his shoulder before lifted and he was so relieved.
Just like yesterday, for the rest of the evening, they played with Lyra and joked around. Now, Matteo didn't mind it whenever Luna interrupted his studying to spend time with both his cats and himself and she was definitely not joking about the fact that she was going to be over a lot and he wouldn't change that for the world. He wanted this to go on. Both he and Lyra loved this arrangement. All he could do right now was be happy that she loved his cats so much and hopefully one day, she will feel the same as he does, he hoped she would love him too. Now whenever she came to visit, it felt like the sun came out and this feeling is something he never wants to let go.
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