#bathena mention
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whateverthedragonswant · 2 years ago
Madney, Bathena, and Henren are all made for each other. LOVED this episode, right down to the equal partnerships being shown between the rings and flowers props.
So Natalia walked out on Buck after finding out about the baby. Kameron and Connor are having issues. I knew it. This baby is coming into Buck's life in a big way. And even though he tried to keep Natalia from leaving, he didn't turn Kameron away.
Then Eddie sees Marisol again, a woman he met at an emergency, something he just told Buck a couple of episodes ago that wasn't a good thing. Though this time, Eddie is the one who got an injury on his hand (from his attempts at trying to meet women) before he saw this woman again. Even though he appears to be attracted to her, supposedly having his moment, he still leaves without saying another word.
And the universe and signs are mentioned AGAIN.
In the episode where all of the canon romantic couples are having their lovey-dovey moments, we have Buck seeing an ex-flame on TV (selling her story, shocker, who didn't see that one coming) while with Natalia, and an ex-fling? ex-kiss? while out with Natalia. Neither of those situations or anything else he tells her scares her away. The baby does. A baby that has been hinted at Buck wanting very badly (aka being a dad/having a family) all season. And instead of Kameron eating the pickles, Buck sits on the couch eating them while looking up to where she's asleep. In this same episode, we learn that Pepa is setting Eddie up on dates because he won't do it himself. When he does take the initiative, it doesn't go well no matter the situation or circumstances. He also gets splashed with coffee (think 4x06 Jinx with Ana getting injured by spilled coffee & Buck burning his tongue with coffee). Then he sees a woman he met once and he and Buck helped her fix her house together. And instead of asking her out or asking for her number, he acts all twitterpated and leaves. Where he earlier talked to Bobby about wanting to find what he had with Shannon, which we found out last episode wasn't this big romance that it was all cracked up to be.
I mean, it's pretty obvious here that these two characters aren't real love interests. If they decided to have either guy pursue a relationship with either woman, it doesn't bode well. Especially for Buck and Natalia. Unless she's ready to be a mom (or create a family), she and Buck are on very different paths. (to be fair to her, she just met the guy but you get what I'm saying)
This is all very telling, I think. Especially when you have Madney, Bathena, and Henren being set up as the contrasts (the successful love relationships) to Eddie's and Buck's single exploits in this episode. Even Ella and her husband as well as the bride and groom who reconnected after so much time had passed. And then you also have the beginning emergency where the fiancee lies to her boyfriend and accepts his proposal and pretty much plans to do the same to him that Tatiana did to Chim. When Chim is going through it this episode (and last).
This episode couldn't be louder.
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demisexualifyingeddiediaz · 2 months ago
They need to let Bobby talk more like a midwestern dad. I want him to ask the firefam "jeet yet?" and for them to go "what" I want him to have the pop vs. soda argument with Hen I want him to say "ope" when he accidentally runs into Chim during a call I want him to teach Buck how to make the various non-lettuce salads I want him to talk about false springs to a bewildered Eddie I want him to say "yeah no yeah" and "no yeah no" and all other combos of it while the team keeps a tally of each I want him to mention how he's grilled while it was snowing before I want him to be so Minnesotan Dad and for Athena to just adore it all
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morganski-19 · 3 months ago
They have set themselves up for a perfect parallel if Buck is the one actually getting kidnapped in spring premier instead of Maddie.
Let me set the stage, Eddie is in Texas doing some final views and meetings for the house he wants to buy. He's not in LA when Buck initially goes missing.
The 118 are on a 48 off, and considering that Buck has been actively and loudly avoiding his phone and they all have their own problems to deal with, they wouldn't necessarily notice if he had gone missing. It wouldn't be until Buck didn't show up to his shift that anyone would notice what went wrong.
However, there is one person that might notice, but can't do anything because he's in Texas. And I think that fact that they very clearly showed Eddie's call history, and that he has no missed calls with Buck (while Buck is avoiding his phone), means that he would notice if Buck missed his phone call.
So Eddie gets a sign that something is wrong with Buck and can't either contact anyone about it, or they all brush it off.
You know when that has happened before?
When the 911 dispatch center was taken hostage and no one believed initially believed Chim that something was wrong.
When the cruise ship was in danger and no one initially believed Hen that something was wrong?
Like, it's happened before, it will happen again.
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buddiesronance · 4 months ago
how sleeping tonight feels being a buddie and madney stan
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cbartonscoffee · 1 year ago
So I just watched 9-1-1 1x01 again, and...
This is Bobby and Athena the first time they're seen together on screen.
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Athena is pissed because Buck refuses to let a kid on the same ambulance as her newborn because she threw him down the toilet. And Bobby is upset because he sent Buck ahead so he could get the newborn to the ambulance quicker and he comes down and finds out they're still there. So basically, the first time we see them, Athena is trying to save someone and Bobby is worried because that baby needs a hospital and the ambulance is just sitting there.
So he takes it into his own hands. He ignores Athena and Buck screaming at each other and just picks the girl up and carries her into the ambulance.
And then this happens:
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FIRST TIME we see them on screen. Literally the first time they partake on the same scene. And don't forget, tensions are running high. Like, up until this point? They've only heard each other shout. Not a each other, but still.
Like, it's such a tiny detail, not many people are going to pick up on it, but I find it so cool and endearing. Here you have a character that we know it's closed off to people and who probably has something heavy in his past being supported by a character who (by what we've seen up to now) is assertive and empowering.
I'm not going to say foreshadowing or anything, because anything is possible. But what an acting choice. Kudos to Angela Bassett.
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stupid-fungus · 7 months ago
Okay just realized smth that’s probably stupid and just a coincidence haha but I’ve been reading a bunch of buddie posts (aka feeding my delusions aka coping) but the entire 118 is paired off (except for Ravi ofc) as a couple who’ve kinda coparented or adopted kids at one point.
Buddie um yeah very obviously Buck coparents with Eddie for Christopher.
But then also Chimney and Maddie at one point coparented Jee after their split (which they got back together bc it’s Madney and yeah).
Then HenRen, where Denny is I guess technically Hen’s kid bc yk the situation with Ava. But Karen chooses to adopt and raise Denny with Hen cuz love!!!! And they become a family.
And then Bathena where Athena splits with Michael and then Bobby comes in and basically adopts Athena’s kids as his own and becomes a family.
Like. There’s a billion ways two ppl can be besties and just besties only. But coparenting? Like this? Being each other’s rocks, guiding the kid together and both being that kid’s rock, and the kid having EQUAL care and attention from both ppl? Dude.
And I’m not saying that coparenting can never be platonic or that it doesn’t work if the parents are split or that it will never last and the partners will have to get together eventually. I’m not saying that. But in the context of this show. Come on man.
(So sorry for the long ass rant which continues in the tags but I need to get this out 🥸)
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ebenelephant · 4 months ago
every single relationship within the main cast is so ride or die I love it
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dawntainbobbynash · 2 years ago
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Well, the next time you’re out there running through the world, you should invite me along.
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makorragal-312 · 1 year ago
Wow, this episode is REALLY focused on relationships, huh?
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disaster-j · 6 months ago
911 S8E1 Speculation
(This is stuff I think is likely to be in the first episode)
A Mara-centric scene likely with all four Han-Wilson parents
Athena getting a phone call about either the guy who killed her fiance or someone else related to that case
Maddie Han mention
Bobby complains to Athena about Hot Shots
Buck complains to Tommy about Gerard
Some joke about the 'stache
All the scenes in the trailer except plane collision happen in ep1
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daniwib · 1 year ago
Musing on the cruise explosion
Call me insane but I really want Bobby to be the one that causes the explosion. Accidentally, of course. Just, Bathena on the case to thwart the evil pirates and save the innocents. Bobby saying he'll create a distraction and running off, not seeing the side eye Athena sends his way. He's a firefighter, after all. They shut engines and motors down all the time so they can rescue people. So he shuts down the big ships engine, but he misses something vital. Letting pressure release or something, and it causes the explosion. And Bobby's like... "Oops. My bad" (as the ship is slowly rolling onto its side).
Chaos Bobby is the captain of the 118 after all. Who do you think taught them all their ways? Then after it's all over we get some delicious guilt and angst on his part for sinking a god-damned cruise ship and causing yet more deaths and maybe some lingering trauma / throwback to his first big loss... please. Give us the throwbacks for all of them! Those who've read my fic know that I adore lil nuggets of humour amidst my angst and whump and dammit I want that in this emergency too! Reblog if you agree!
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eddiewithcat · 1 year ago
just because someone creates a theory and they end up being wrong …. does not mean they are gaslighting! theories are fun! and silly! you do not need to attack someone if they end up being incorrect!
and also!!
you are allowed to ship whatever ship you want long as it isn’t inappropriate/problematic (ex: pedophilia, incest, teacher/student, canon gay character with girl / canon lesbian character with boy, etc)
ships are meant to be fun and just something you get excited over, make silly little head-canons etc etc
this could go for absolutely any fandom ever but i am specifically talking about 911 because Wow the amount of hate i have seen is crazy when it is really so easy to not be a dick! hope this helps <3)
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johanna-swann · 4 months ago
I actually have sooo many issues with 911 lately that haven't even got much to do with any ships.
Like. They wrote out almost all of the side characters. Chris is gone, Linda and Sue are gone, Athena's kids are gone (even though Harry just moved in with her and Bobby again? Seriously, where is Harry?), Ravi is gone, Carla is gone. I know the GA maybe don't care that much, casual viewers might not even have noticed that this many characters have just vanished from the show, but in my opinion this is one of the things that give a show running as long as 911 life. Having a big cast is a good thing. Otherwise things are going to get very monotonous very soon.
Actually, that's my second point. They keep repeating storylines! Every season Hen and Karen have to fight a custody battle over one of their kids.
Every season Eddie ends up realising he has a lot of repressed trauma and issues which keep him from leading a healthy happy and free life.
Every season Bathena realise that they have communication issues and they fight about it, but then something traumatic happens and they forgive each other without ever really talking things out.
Every season we are reminded that Maddie's most prominent character trait is "traumatised", the writers just alternatingly bring up Doug again and sometimes the ppd arc.
Every season we see Buck being somewhat restless, looking and searching for something that will bring him true happiness and cycling through love interests that never stick around and each time when you think "oh, there it is, he's getting somewhere now" the writers go "BEEEP! WRONG!" and we start all over again. [This is not just about recent events aka Tommy, the break-up and Buck potentially going back to his 1.0 ways, this also happened in season 6 when he had his "it doesn't matter what other people see in me, I'm enough" revelation only to suddenly be like "omg, Natalia just sees me".]
And Chimney- he had his moment last season with the wedding episode, Kenneth Choi really ate that episode up, but his most prominent character trait is "Maddie's supportive husband". There's really not that much going on with him otherwise.
Another point I briefly touched upon above is consistency. Like Harry moving back in with Athena and Bobby and then just vanishing. Or Gerrard being more like a slightly unfriendly grandpa than an actual antagonist in season 8 when he was still spouting slurs in season 7.
And the timeline! We talked about this before ("last March", Mara's fostering to adoption timeline, Tommy tranferring to harbour "5 years ago"), but the newest "Tommy was actually Abby's Tommy" twist just adds to that. Tommy was with Abby for over 2 years. They were engaged. This was at a time when he was still at the 118. Tommy dated Abby presumably because he was in denial or maybe because he was hiding. In either case, wouldn't his team at least have heard about his fiancée, Abby the dispatcher? Wouldn't that have rung a bell when Buck eventually brought her around only a year or two later? Tommy did talk about his private life at least a little at work, even under Gerrard. It just doesn't make sense. (Not to mention this seems wildly out of character for Tommy who around the same time also said about himself "being single is easier".)
Then there's the pacing. This was a huge issue in season 7. They jumped from one personal soap opera drama to the next without taking any breathers, had almost no procedural in their drama the whole season, still somehow decided to spend one third of the entire season just on the opening disaster and also squeezed in a "Bobby begins for the third time now" episode. But okay, it was a shortened season, there were strikes, they switched networks, they were under a lot of pressure - I'll cut them some slack. At least they set up a bunch of interesting stuff for the following season.
But we're in season 8 now. The renewal was announced very early, they had a lot of time to plan this time. Also they have almost double the episodes they had last season, there's really no need to rush any of the major plots. I am done cutting them slack.
They wanna do a 3 part opening disaster again? Okay fine, you have the time now. I feel like they could've easily done it in 2 episodes (especially 8x02 felt a little "eh"), but okay. Better than the breakneck speed you were going at befo- Oh, what's that? 8x04 flying in with a steel chair. You resolved 70% percent of the plots you set up last season in one single episode with no build up, no emotional pay off and no lasting consequences? And you also squeezed in multiple unrelated calls at the same time? Damn, okay then. Good-bye potentially interesting storylines. Fuck me for being invested I guess. I thought there would at least maybe be some follow up in 8x05, but no.
Now that Halloween episode wasn't bad, it was actually the best episode of this season imo, but instead of following up on previously established conflicts and developments they just hit us with new Wilson family trauma and conflict that was also immediately fixed again. And now 8x06 has speedrun and dumped another storyline that had potential to go to deeper and interesting places. Not gonna talk too much about that though because this post is about the show as a whole, not ships.
And I am not yet convinced that there will be much more to come on the only thing that's left from last season: Eddie's deep dive into his trauma and repression. It's totally possible at this point that being told "you deserve nice things" by a random stranger actually solved all of his problems, it would be very in tone with 911's new style.
What are they even gonna do with the rest of this season? Revisiting the Hotshots set sounds fun, but ultimately inconsequential. You know what's great about a regular old procedural drama with ~20 episodes per season that comes on weekly? You have time. You can let the viewers sit with their emotions and thoughts for a week and keep them engaged by stretching things out a little.
But why should I bother getting emotionally invested in problems the characters are gonna solve within the same episode anyway? Or rather, even if I wanted to, how am I supposed to care if you don't give me the time to develop any feelings about anything that's happening? "Henren lost in court and are now completely forbidden from seeing Mara at all!" Damn, that must be so har- "JUST KIDDING! Ortiz is exposed and everything is perfect again now." Oh. Okay then, I guess.
Bottom line: The characters are all stuck in their own hamster wheels, they keep cutting side characters that could bring a breeze of fresh air (I'm honestly surprised they even kept Josh until now), they rush through all the storylines a such a ridiculous speed that I don't even have time to feel any sort of way about it, they don't even try to keep a consistency or sensible timeline going and they seem to strongly prioritise random funny bits that'll entertain the very casual viewers right now in this moment (tiger call, Billy Boils, Bee-nado, the 'Stache tm, "wait, it's the same Abby?", Gerrard being a fangirl at heart) instead of playing the long game and catering to people who actually pay a little attention to the show.
[On that last remark: I'm not talking about hardcore fans who analyse every single frame here, I mean casual fans who've watched the show on and off again for a while and who may not be involved in fandom but genuinely care about the show.]
I mean. What am I even still doing here? The show is treading water and I end up disappointed more often than not. I'm still holding out a little hope that they actually will do something interesting with Eddie and his sea-monkeys, but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
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kinardsboy · 3 months ago
Ive solved the timeline problem. You see
Every character is simply on a different one!
Eddie? Yeah in Eddies timeline Chris only left three months ago.
BuckTommy? Nope its been six months !
Henren? Its been ten months, thats why Denny and Maras traumas are never mentioned again despite JUST happening in the show
Bathena? Its been ten years, Harry and May are married with families of their own or in college ! Which is why Harry is never brought up again despite being a minor last time we saw him!
Madney? Madney exists on another plane entirely, Chimney is intrinsically bound to Maddie and will leave if she has to. For them its been both twenty years and also just two days
And finally the main character, brad. For brad it has always been and always will. Brad has always existed and will never cease to exist. He is here there and everywhere. He is in the breeze and in the sea and
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lover-of-mine · 4 months ago
Blue and yellow coding of Eddie's arc this half of the season just because I feel like making this post.
As usual, the theory is that Eddie will work his way to his yellow in the same way that Buck worked his way to his blue, his blue being the coming out scene blue. (Overview and links to all the posts I made on that here).
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Also please remember that in the search for yellow, yellow means gold/honey/sunlight, orangy/yellow type tones.
First of all, no place like home (I made a detailed post on the episode that you can read here), but all the scenes about Eddie include blue and yellow elements and we got out first sandy yellow color when he was talking to Bobby.
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His 2 part confession in confessions is also yellow and blue. How warm the actual confessional is, is also an interesting point when you add in the amount of blue elements in the juice shop.
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Something that I keep talking about Buck's arc is that he does not match the background during his discovery, but he matches when it's about Eddie (aka the right choice), so the fact that Eddie already matches is worth noting. That's also true for when he's in the 804 yellow, bathenas apartment is very warm and he matches the background pretty well.
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That yellow shirt also happens to be the shirt Eddie is wearing during the 601 dinner which happens to be 1 of 2 explicitly blue and yellow buddie scenes. When I say explicitly I mean that's part of the color of their shirt/jacket because that's usually the focus of an outfit.
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The other one is the will reveal.
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And we have all the blue and yellow elements during the conversation he has with Brad during wannabes.
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Something worth noting here is the way everyone is wearing gloves while cleaning. The hose and rags are usually yellow but the addition of the gloves for the blue is intentional, take buzzkill for example, no gloves while cleaning.
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Something I think it's particularly interesting is the way that he works as a divider almost, behind him to the left there is no yellow, just blue, but to the right we have all the yellow equipment and the people behind him with the rags. Also because the shelf of white hose highlights the way that the one behind Brad is supposed to be noticed.
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There's also that rope behind him hanging in the dining room that weirdly looks like caution tape. That and the little yellow elements in the fridge.
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Honorable mentions include: yellow organic fruit leader.
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And the blue and yellow coding of the well callback in 806. I put this down here because technically this call is about Chim's plotline but it is an eddie begins callback that is very blue and yellow, so...
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But something else I wanna point out is the way that in my post explaining the Eddie finding his color theory (that post can be found here), I mentioned the way that Chris is red. His crutches are red, his glasses are red, he's in yellow and red when he leaves.
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And the scenes tend to have all 3 primary colors, most of the scenes also have a lot of red elements, so if we have Chris as the red, Buck as the blue, and Eddie as the yellow and the red keeps being included in the conversation, it's almost as if they are keeping Chris involved because Eddie can't make the discovery without Chris.
That is interesting with the buddie's parenting crisis maroon.
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And the red and blue for parenting as a whole that was solidified once again with madney's pregnancy (meta on that applied to buddie and 710 here).
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So if we consider the possibility that they are doing some really elaborate color theory game here to make sure Eddie finds all his colors, they are basically making the Buckley-Diaz family its own little group of primary colors so Eddie can make all of them. And considering that my base statement is that they are trying to show that Eddie can't live his life as a secondary color, especially since a lot of us associate green with Eddie, or earthy tones in general, this is a fun theory to think about.
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He can't figure it all out without Christoper, but the addition of the blue means he also can't figure it all out without Buck. So the idea that he's stuck right now because he doesn't have one-third of the equation and if he does move to Texas he would also be missing a piece, but choosing to go get Chris and stay in LA will give him all the elements.
Anyway, this got way longer than I expected when I started typing aoksasaok, as usual, if you read this I love you 💜
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months ago
ok i have to dump all my thoughts i am having you can play with me if you want. angela bassett forever first of all. eddie being so beautiful. literally the funniest episode i think they’ve had since literally JINX and this was honestly funnier like i laughed out loud multiple times. unfortunately i am accepting the reality that i really enjoy tim minear’s writing like maybe he has a point. jem is the character of all time. also i am so so scared by the pretty explicit jem/chris parallel like what are they going to do There. eddie hen chim all triaging and guiding people while buck is saddled with yelling at a PA. has anyone considered that jick (josh and nick from atc) could be the ship ever. ALL the plane characters being so so likable. i am tentatively developing hope for the athena storyline. have i mentioned that i laughed multiple times like i was howling. especially the fucking race banner pipe baby callback. brad want bobby’s cookie why did he bite his lip like that. and. BATHENA 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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