#the update broke my armor skins >.<
afkintheark · 11 days
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Last couple pictures before the Aberration spam starts. XD
I love the beach-resort view from our N&A balcony. Holy cow.
Aras started the kibble event and when I went to torment the diplos again I found another bear. This one wasn't a great level but those colors.
We got a super-late start because we severely underestimated how much work we had to do before we felt it was safe to leave. Everyone on the Center is packed up, we brought a bunch of tames back to the Island, and everyone there is either also packed up, or left with plenty of food in the troughs. Honestly most of the work was just making sure we had enough cryos (and running out to make more when we were short >.<).
No Ab pics yet but we found our base spot already and got a starter shack up, and we have a pair of bulbdogs, a raptor and moschops, and a pair of iguanodons. Gonna go look for a good stego first thing tomorrow, and there's a 90 doedic in our "yard" that we'll grab if she's still there, too. That should do us for gatherers and we can start building our real base. \o/
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mothandpidgeon · 3 months
ave atque vale (Marcus Acacius x f!reader)
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Moth's Masterlist // follow @mothandpidgeon-updates and turn on notifications to stay updated with my fics!
pairing: Marcus Acacius x f!reader
rating: E 18+MDNI
summary: Marcus leaves without saying goodbye. Ave atque vale meaning hail and farewell
contents: angst, yearning, allusions to sex moth never uses y/n.
wc: 500
a/n: I'm breaking my own rule here about not writing for characters that aren't out yet but Daddius Acacius broke my brain yesterday. I hope you won't hold it against me. I am just a baby. Not beta'd.
The sleepy whimper that you make when Marcus slides out of the bed is enough to make him regret this. His resolve slips, just for a second, and he considers slotting himself back beside you. Holding you just a few minutes longer.
Dawn is just breaking, gray light filing in the shadows. There’s still enough time for a little more. You’re still slick from the night before. It would be easy to fit himself inside of you, feel your velvet grip around him, your soft shoulder against his lips. But waking you is the last thing he wants. 
His cowardice got the better of him. He couldn’t bear to see you with tears in your eyes, knowing you had a thousand questions he couldn’t answer. This was his last chance to see you before he’s sent away and this time, he’s not so certain he’ll be coming back. There's nothing he can do to change his fate. Duty bound to the empire– to wage war, taste blood and ash.
He wanted to have you, to remember you just the way you always are. One night of bliss. If he’d told you where he was going, it would have ruined it all. So he didn’t. 
He made love to you for hours, until you were both marked and sore. He held your face between his palms, pressed his cock deep inside you as if he could hide himself inside of you. His lips and hands mapped the planes of your body, memorizing every detail. The freckles on your skin, the sounds of your pleasure, the taste of your cunt. It wasn’t enough. He felt like he’d lost you and he hadn’t even left. 
Marcus stands frozen at your side, watching your bare chest rise and fall in peaceful sleep. Your hand is stretched out across the place on the bed where he’s just been, the spot cooling beneath your touch. Thank the gods you haven’t sighed his name in that drowsy rasp. It would surely bring him to his knees.
He aches to kiss you. Just once more, something to remember in the dark days to come. A respite through pain and cold and horror. But if he kisses you the way he wants to, the way he needs to, you’ll become suspicious. And he might not be strong enough to stop. He’ll go on kissing you, abandoning it all to live between your legs.
Despite how much it pains him, he’s steadfast. The same strength that has won him countless victories in battle keeps him from putting his lips to yours. He gives you a few more moments of peace, lets you go on dreaming that your lover is beside you though when your eyes finally open, he’ll be gone. 
He carefully pulls on his tunic and collects his armor, strewn about as you’d unlaced each piece and tossed it aside. Guilt twists in his gut as he lingers in the doorway. Your naked form glows in the weak light and he’s sneaking out like a thief in the night without even a goodbye. 
You’ll hate him for it. But perhaps that will save you from mourning him.
Thanks for reading. Your comments are always appreciated!!
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headspace-hotel · 2 months
Dwarf fortress update:
My population is 300+ now and i've been amusing myself with conducting raids on the elves. The loot from the elves is crap, the main purpose of raiding is to steal their animals.
The first couple raids I did yielded several dingoes and a couple of grizzly bears (which apparently can be trained for war). Since then, I've gotten large numbers of: weasels, badgers, moose, leopards, jaguars, cougars, wolves, great horned owls, black bears, and armadillos, plus a pair of tigers and one cheetah.
The benefit in having lots of animals is that you can make them adoptable as pets, and dwarves that like a certain species will be very happy to adopt them. One of my miners likes wolves and he has 4 pet wolves now. Dwarves can also have preferences for a certain species as food or the skins and bone thereof as a crafting material.
I finally broke and made dungeons and appointed a dungeon master, but as it turns out incarceration in dwarf fortress has about the same benefit to public health and welfare that it does in real life. I was able to convict and imprison the dwarves that keep throwing tantrums and killing other dwarves, but while caged their mental state declined. Furthermore a bunch of my other dwarves were caged for reasons I do not know, and a couple of them went stark raving mad or slipped into melancholy from the isolation.
It has been a consistent feature of my fortresses that I have a few dwarves that are constantly depressed and violent, and nothing seems to improve their state. I can't kill them because it makes me feel bad. Troublingly, a factor in the development of this phenomenon seems to be acquiring a disability. One of my murderous dwarves has apparently permanent nervous system damage and has lost the ability to stand, and I suspect that his inability to move quickly between areas to meet his needs helped precipitate the development of misery. It seems like the dwarves would be clever enough to construct mobility aids beyond crutches.
Most of my dwarves are stressed because of unmet needs, and I have been wringing my brain over how to convince the dwarves to meet them. For example most of them are stressed by the need to pray to one or more of their gods, but I already have temple complexes established for those gods!!! Sometimes they are stressed over not praying to their god while standing in the temple to another god. I'm thinking of putting an array of levers in each temple and telling dwarves to pull them in order to make dwarves visit the temples regularly.
The other major unmet needs are "Acquire object" and "Be extravagant," which is a source of total perplexment for me, because there is high quality jewelry and items everywhere. I have been trying to encourage them to pick up items by making finished goods stockpiles for them to fill everywhere, but it doesn't seem to help.
Many dwarves also have a need to "Craft object/Be creative," which I don't know how to fix either, because it takes like, a whole week in-game for anyone to pick up a crafting job assigned at a workshop. Everyone wants to "craft object" nobody wants to stop "socializing" and craft the object.
Since dwarves like waterfalls so much, I have a waterfall going through my fortress that drains into the caves below, and the area where it drains into grates has a well and soap stockpile and I've designated it a meeting area. I also have 4 separate taverns each with musical instruments.
In order to run so many raids, i have to have a large number of militias. Being in militias seems to initially boost mental health and then cause negative mental health impacts, so I am forced to rotate dwarves in and out of the militias; I regularly disband squads and re-form them with approximately half experienced dwarves and half new recruits. Setting them to train does virtually nothing to develop their skills, but it does make them keep their armor on, so I have set them to train pretty much constantly.
I wish I hadn't raided and destroyed the necromancer tower so soon in the save; the undead hordes were great target practice for my military.
Being at war with every elf civilization has a similar effect, since there are ambushes, but the trouble is, I'm also at war with the goblin civilizations. Last night, a goblin siege started in the middle of an elf raid, which meant my military had to fight off both at once. Around 20 dwarves were killed, including one of my Legendary fighters. The rest were pretty severely wounded.
The hospitals were full of patients, and then I realized I had fallen victim to the dreaded supply chain disruption. Despite having a constantly running soap industry, I was completely out of soap.
A common source of supply chain distributions in my fortress is my permanently depressed dwarves, which regularly topple workshops causing work orders to be destroyed. At some point my lye making work order had gone to be with Jesus, and I hadn't had soap in a long time. I quickly loaded up lots of orders to make lye, but even marking orders as top priority doesn't make them happen much faster, as dwarves are always doing important shit like "Socialize" and "Pen/pasture some fucking baby gosling that wandered downstairs" and "Listen to Poetry" in the middle of a crisis.
(Cleaning raw fish and collecting webs in particular are more important to dwarves during an emergency situation than anything else in the world, which is why both of those activities are restricted).
I ended up canceling basically every other work order in the fortress to try to get someone, out of the 300 dwarves in my fortress, to work on making soap, but as soon as the soap was made, it was appropriated to clean up random blood puddles on the floor. By the time ANY soap made it into the hospitals, everyone had infected wounds, and no one could be bothered to clean them, because it was more important to do some random chore or mope around.
In other news, I've had to install stairs next to the trees in the fruit gathering zone, because the dwarves keep removing stepladders while other dwarves are up in the trees, causing them to get stuck up there and starve/thirst to death.
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lalalian · 7 days
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aethergarde academy: interior pt.1
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date: september 13, 2024
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I just found a bunch of images that fit my image of aethergarde; feel free to add these into the script if you'd like!
dorm rooms
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Ok so there's two versions of the dorms, this is one reserved for noble students. These dorms were built ~37 years ago through increased pressure by noble families-- hell, even the royal family donated millions of marks just for Aethergarde to expand their dorm units to be more... comfortable. Aethergarde Academy does not accept bribes... so... why were these dorms built?
Okay well first of all, I at least want to sleep like a god after training my ass off.
Secondly, the royal family ordered for these dorms to be built (an outside construction group built it, nobody in Aethergarde did so). They did not tell Aethergarde in advance; they literally just built it because the heir to the throne was found to be a dragon rider. Other nobles scrambled to negotiate with the royal family to let them have a spot in this building.
This is why there are fifty rooms, fifty nobles who had dragon rider children negotiated with the royal family to add more rooms to the dormitory.
These rooms are first come first serve. About a third of the student population will be able to live in these dorms.
what is included in these dorms?
1 small tea table area near a window (for like personal meetings)
1 king sized canopy bed
lots of storage!!!
one large chest at the end of the bed
another large chest
2 chippendale chests
1 large wardrobe
2 weapon display stands
2 armor stands
1 child dragon bed (they're about as large as a dog bed meant for large dogs)
1 personal bathroom
personal bathroom
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It’s a medium sized bathroom that fits the aesthetic of the bedroom, so the colors would be different.
1 white clawfoot bathtub with gold 'legs'
a blue rug that dries as soon as your feet leave the carpet (they're enchanted) under the bathtub
a towel rack next to the bathtub
2 chippendale chests
a sink + a mirror mounted on the wall behind the skin
a full body mirror
a toilet with a toilet paper rack next to it
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guardian heights
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These are the regular original dorms. The vast majority of the student population will sleep here, and there are four beds to each room. Each room comes with their own personal bathroom.
the keepers
Due to security restrictions, none of the dorms had servants (yes, including the noble dorms). ~3 years ago, Aethergarde finally hired servants to tend to the student quarters. Servants in Aethergarde are held to a very strict standard of both skill, cleanliness, tact, and secrecy. All cleaning staff are formally called the keepers. A keeper must sign a blood contract to never report anything important about Aethergarde Academy to outsiders (including family). A small black dragon symbol is apparent on their tongues, but it does disappear when they leave campus to allow them to engage in light spy work.
If a keeper decides to break this contract, a large black rune will emerge on their skin-- spanning from the upper neck down to the collarbone. A keeper cannot speak (their lips are stuck shut) until the Head Keeper releases the curse on them. Once information is extracted from the keeper regarding why they broke the contract, they'll either be re-admitted into the keepers (if the reason for their conduct is reasonable), or they'll be taken to court for breaking the contract. Due to the nature and prestige of this contract, the keeper has to either pay an egregious fine that is pretty much impossible for them to pay off in their lifetime, or they have to do 7-10 yrs of prison time. Before punishment is enacted, the keeper's memory is wiped of Aethergarde to further protect Aethergarde from outside forces.
Anyway, a keeper must be well trained in Aethergarde's emergency procedures; this includes herding students and dragons into safe places during drills and actual emergencies. Keepers are usually former knights from low-noble (baron) families, and tend to have a lot of admiration for dragon riders. They clean, protect, and another unit of keepers, the Scale Keepers, tend to older dragons (the ones that aren't in the nursery anymore) when their riders are in classes.
this is the uniform for all the keepers, they also have their own keystones.
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closing notes
no pets are allowed-- dragons are easily angered by pets (especially in their first few years of life) due to general territorial instincts, jealousy, and of course... primal needs. They'll often see your pet as food, essentially.
Aethergarde did allow students to have pets at one point (only small birds, canine, and feline animals) but this privilege was promptly taken away due to the heavy toll it took on the keepers and the (small) number of casualties caused by stupid hungry dragons. Imagine having to clean a whole building, walk at least 50 dogs and cats, clean shit and piss every 10 minutes, hunt and feed dragons, cook, and prepare baths for 150 students... every single day.
There was also a problem with dragons terrorizing pets.
So yeah. Pets aren't allowed. No, fish aren't allowed either.
Part 2 here!
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wanna know more about my aethergarde academy dr? here's a masterlist with everything I've posted about it!
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Paz Vizsla x fem!reader (no use of y/n) Word count-4.5k
Summary- Paz saves your life when the pirates attack Nevarro. And then you find out he likes it when you’re bold...
Warnings- 18+ ONLY minors do not interact, takes places on Nevarro during "The Pirate," protective!Paz, mutual pining, smut, handjob, fingering, breast play, oral (f receiving), cumplay, size kink, competency kink, praise kink, squirting, creampie, multiple orgasms, "good girl" Notes- This one is dedicated to the Paz girlies. This started as more towards the action and protectiveness and then I had the idea to add the smut and I ended up spending more time on that lol! Enjoy! @flightlessangelwings-updates​ is my update blog to also follow and turn on post notifications to stay up to date on when I post!
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You let out a deep sigh as you scanned the rubble that was once the capital city of Nevarro. You and the others counted yourselves lucky to be alive, but nerves still pulsed through your veins that you had just been through. As you helped the others clean up the mess and start to rebuild your homes, you relived the past day in your head. But it was the liberation and the rescue of your home that stuck with you the most.
It all happened so fast. The Nevarro sky rained with blaster fire as ships poured out of the large pirate vessel that descended on the city. You tried to run, but the pirates grabbed you and a few others and held you hostage, forcing you all to act as their bartenders as they enjoyed their victory over your largely defenseless city.
But just as you felt the feeling of despair threaten to overtake you, a light in the atmosphere brought hope. Ships carrying Mandalorians swept through the city and they easily took out the pirates. The other trapped girls quickly ran for cover, but one of the pirates grabbed you before you could join them.
“You’re coming with me, pretty girl,” he sneered at you. 
You screamed as you tried to break free, but it wasn’t until a blast hit his face that he finally let you go. A gasp escaped your lips as the biggest man you had ever seen decked out completely in blue armor grabbed you by the wrist and told you in an urgent tone, “Stay behind me. I’ve got you.”
You didn’t want to leave his side even for a moment, and you easily complied with his order. Not wanting to be a burden, you grabbed a blaster from the fallen pirate and shot as whoever you could from the safety of your Mandalorian shield. He protected you throughout the blaster fire until the dust settled and the last pirate was taken down. Even when your two groups of people met and your leaders came to an agreement to share the land of Nevarro, you stayed close to him. 
As the conversation came to an end, and yours and his people broke off to go their own ways, you let out a heavy sigh of relief, “Thank you,” your voice was just a whisper but you were sure he heard you, “You saved my life back there.” After a beat, you gave him your name.
The large blue Mandalorian turned to you slowly and gave you a nod, “You held your own back there well,” his smooth, low voice sent a shiver up your spine as he took your hand. He raised your arm up to the bottom edge of his helmet as he tapped the back of your hand to it. “Paz,” he gave you his name shortly before he let go of your hand and went to join his people.
You stood dumbfounded for several moments just cradling your hand as if you felt his lips against your skin. It wasn’t until your friends called your name and ran up to you, engulfing you in warm embraces that you let go of your breath and were brought back to the present. 
The citizens of Nevarro all decided to camp out together that first night and get to work rebuilding the city the next day. You spent the morning helping some others clean out the school before you decided to walk to the further edge of the city and see how bad the damage was to your home. Living closer to the outskirts, you hoped that the little neighborhood where your house sat in a row of other dwellings wasn’t hit too badly.
“Thank the Maker,” you let out a sigh of relief when you turned the corner and saw all the buildings still sood mostly intact. But you scrunched your brows when you saw that a large piece of rubble completely blocked your front door. “Ok…” you breathed as you stretched and tried to work yourself up and muster the energy to move it.
But as hard as you pushed and as much as you strained, the piece of rubble just would not budge. 
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath as you tried again, lunging at the stubborn rock. Maybe you thought that you could catch it by surprise and it would move.
Then suddenly it did move.
You yelped as the heavy boulder slowly slid away from you and you almost tripped over yourself when it lifted off the ground and moved to the side. Finding your footing, you looked up from the ground and saw the familiar blue Mandalorian grunting as he used every ounce of his strength to move the boulder out of your way.
“Paz!” you breathed in relief as you watched him set the rubble down out of the way of your front door. Even if you had wanted to, you couldn’t hide the way your face lit up when you saw him again.
“A valiant effort,” Paz tilted his head to the side as he looked you up and down, “But I think that was too big for you to move on your own.”
You bit your lip as you fiddled with your fingers, “Well good thing I have a Mandalorian that seems to find me at just the right time.” 
A short huff escaped his lips and you wondered if he hid a smirk underneath that helmet. You were sure you imagined it, but you thought you saw his gaze subtly drift down along your figure, as if he studied every inch of you, every curve of your body. It made your skin tingle and heat up as you snuck a glance at his imposing figure whenever you could. You only hoped he didn’t catch your wandering eyes. 
If he noticed, Paz didn’t mention it and he redirected your thoughts when he spoke again, “Your door is damaged,” he seemed to force himself to concentrate on anything but you as he turned his attention to your front door. He ran his gloved hand up and down the doorframe and you couldn’t help but wonder what his hand would feel like if he touched you like that. Again, though, his voice brought you back to reality, “I can fix it for you,” Paz said plainly before he pulled out a tool from his pack and made quick work of your front door.
The world felt like it spun around you as you watched the big, strong Mandalorian fix the front of your house like it was nothing. Just like he lifted that boulder like it was nothing. Thankfully, the damage wasn’t too bad, but you found that you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. The way he was able to move the boulder that blocked your way, the way he easily shot down the pirates and kept you safe the day before, the way he competently fixed your door… you were a goner before you even realized it.
“Done,” Paz huffed as he straightened his posture and pushed your door open.
Your eyes went wide as your gaze trailed from his armored silhouette to the inside of your home. Paz stood to the side as you carefully stepped inside, your breath trapped in your chest as you anticipated the worst. But, you let out a deep sigh of relief when the inside was completely intact. Only some things scattered the floor that had fallen from the tables and shelves when the city was attacked, but otherwise, the damage was minimal. 
“You got lucky here,” Paz moved to stand at your side, closing the door behind him, “Your home seems to have escaped the damage,” he turned to you as your gaze stayed forward. His hand clenched and unclenched as he longed to reach out to you like he did the way before. Even from the moment he first saw you, Paz felt an instant pull towards you. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, and when he saw the way you fought back against the clutches of that pirate, he felt compelled to protect you. 
Unaware of Paz’s inner turmoil, you let out another deep sigh as you met his vizor. Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt his gaze on you, even if you couldn’t see it. You had no idea where it came from, but your next words caught even you off guard, “It’s not the first time I got lucky… Maybe it won’t be the last…” your tone dropped as you made your intentions obvious to him.
As he stared at you, you instantly regretted your words and you dropped your gaze and turned away from him, “I’m sorry,” you blurted out, “That was bold… I don’t want to cross a line…”
But your rambles of embarrassment were cut off when a gloved hand gently cupped your chin and guided you to look back at him, “No,” Paz’s voice was soft as his tone matched your low one, “I like boldness,” he growled as his grip on your chin tightened slightly.
The tension in the room was palpable as you both stared at each other. Nerves made your skin tingle and your breath tremble, yet the way Paz held your chin brought comfort to you. Finding your bravery, you broke the silence, “The bedroom is back this way.”
“Lead the way,” Paz replied in a low tone as his thumb brushed across your face.
You stepped backwards, knowing your home by heart, so you didn’t have to look away from Paz as you slid your hand in his. He immediately wrapped his fingers around yours as he caressed your side with his free hand. Paz’s grip landed on your hip and he used the leverage to yank you up against his armored chest.
A gasp escaped your lips as you found yourself flushed against his broad body, and your hand landed on the cool plate of his armor. You felt weightless as you took tiny steps back into your bedroom while Paz hands his hands up and down your body. After repeating the motion a few times, he grabbed your shirt and held still, the fabric balled in his fist as his gaze bore into you through the vizor.
“Do it,” you breathed, knowing exactly what he asked without the words needed, “I want this.”
Paz let out a low growl as he made quick work of your clothes. With every step towards your bed he exposed another sliver of your skin until you were completely bare by the time your legs hit the bed. He grunted as he pushed you backwards so that you landed on your mattress, and he was mesmerized by the way your breasts bounced when you did. 
“Beautiful…” Paz groaned as he looked you up and down, this time less subtly.
You laid out on your back completely exposed to him. And Paz couldn’t help but notice the glisten between your parted legs as you anticipated his next move. His gaze ran up your body as he leaned forward, memorizing every dip and curve of your figure until he got you your face and noticed the glazed over expression in your eyes and the way your lips were parted.
Feeling nervous under Paz’s strong gaze, you suddenly became very aware that you were naked and he remained fully covered. Swallowing hard, you whispered, “Can I see your hands?” Your eyes fluttered up to meet his vizor as he hovered over you.
Paz said nothing, and only tilted his helmet to the side slightly.
Somehow, you knew exactly what the gesture meant and you rephrased in a stronger voice, “I want to see your hands.” 
“Good girl,” Paz groaned. 
He stayed hovering over you even as he lifted himself up to slowly remove his gloves. Paz took pleasure in the way your breath trembled and your body shook in anticipation. He teased you as he slowly took one glove off, one finger at a time. And it didn’t go unnoticed when you gasped at the first glimpse of skin or the way you licked your lips when you noticed how thick his fingers were.
But then your next words took you both by surprise, “And your cock.”
Paz stilled, his hands bare for you as he hovered over you between your parted legs. But, he did like the boldness in your request… command… and Paz felt himself stiffen in his pants. With a growl, he complied, and his bare hands quickly freed his cock for you.
“Fuck…” you breathed when you saw how big he was. 
Moving before you could stop yourself, you reached out for him and wrapped your hand around his cock. Paz leaned forward more, planting his hands on either side of you as you gave his length a soft squeeze. You glanced up for a moment, and when you felt his energy flow through your body, your eyes drifted back down between your bodies as you pumped his cock.
Paz growled your name as he tilted his head forward so that his helmet rested against your forehead. He felt cool against your heated skin, and when he rocked his hips in time with your hand, you worked him faster, squeezing all the spots that made him groan more. Heat rose in the room as you pumped him as he covered your body with his own, and you let out a soft moan when Paz growled your name.
“If you don’t stop now…” Paz grunted, “I’m going to cum all over you…”
You looked up from where his cock captivated your attention to meet Paz’s vizor. A challenge glistened in your eyes as you gave him a slight smirk and pumped him faster in response. A low curse hissed out of Paz’s lips as he thrust his hips into your hand more. Grunts and whimpers filled the room as Paz felt his climax hit him before he could give you any warning. A gasp escaped your throat as he came hard, splashing his seed all over your stomach, but you kept going until Paz grabbed your wrist and yanked you off of him.
Heavy breaths filled the space between your bodies as you and Paz stared at each other for several moments. Your wrist stayed in his grip as you were content to be held by him. And for a moment, you swore you saw a glimpse of his eyes behind the darkness of the vizor…
But that moment quickly vanished when Paz let go of your wrists to grab onto your breasts firmly. You dropped your head onto the mattress as you let out a loud scream as he squeezed and fondled your breasts. His rough fingers pinched your nipples as he kneaded the soft flesh and savored every little sound of pleasure you made under his touch. 
“You look so beautiful with my cum on you,” Paz groaned as he gave your breasts another firm squeeze. 
“Paz…” you panted as your eyes fluttered closed. 
He ran his hands down the sides of your body, careful to leave the evidence of his release on your skin. When he reached your thighs, Paz grabbed your legs and parted them more, and his breath hitched in his throat when he saw how your pussy glistened. 
“So wet for me already, mesh’la,” Paz growled as he scooped just a little bit of his seed and trailed it down the mound of your public bone, “But I need to prepare you for my cock…”
“Please Paz,” you begged as you shifted to make yourself comfortable, “I need you… Don’t make me wait.”
“Shhh,” he cooed as he parted your lower lips, “Patience, mesh’la… I’ve got you.” 
Your heart skipped a beat as he repeated his first words to you, only this time they held even more meaning, “I trust you,” you whispered your reply as you relaxed your body under his expert touch. Vaguely, you wondered what that nickname meant, but just by the way he said it with fondness was enough to make your heart flutter. 
But any thought you might have had vanished from your mind as Paz coated his finger with his seed and pushed into your pussy. You clutched at the sheets as his thick digit entered you inch by delicious inch. Paz groaned as he watched his cum-coated finger disappear inside you and your warmth engulfed him. His cock already started to stiffen again as he slowly reeled back and thrust his finger fully into you again.
“Paz!” you cried out as he repeated the motion again and again, “Another finger… Please…”
He growled your name as he complied with your request… demand. You felt so good around his fingers and he felt your wet tightness grip him hard as he crooked his fingers up and hit your sweet spot with precision. You bucked your hips and screamed loudly as you felt like you would fly off of the bed.
“Oh fuck…” you cried out as Paz hit your sweet spot over and over again ad he thrust his fingers harder and faster.
“Show me how beautiful you are when you cum,” Paz growled as he watched you fall apart with intense satisfaction. His cock screamed at him, but he ignored it in favor of pleasuring you.
It didn’t take long for Paz to get what he wanted and you came with a loud scream. Your legs trembled on either side of him as you rode out your climax on his fingers as Paz savored the way your mouth dropped open to allow the beautiful sounds to flow freely. When you were spent, you flopped down limp on the bed and Paz stayed still inside you for a few moments as he watched your breasts rise and fall.
Carefully, paz pulled his fingers out, and he caressed your body with his free hand when you let out a soft whimper. You kept your eyes closed as you spread yourself for him in a wordless invitation… but Paz had other plans for you.
“Turn over, mesh’la,” he ordered softly.
You blinked your eyes open and were met with his armored figure, just his hands and cock out for you. You gasped as you felt a fresh wave of need crash through you at the way he looked at you with fondness, even through the helmet. You flashed him a grin as you eagerly complied.
Feeling flirtatious, you wiggled your ass a little as you positioned yourself on your hands and knees. Any embarrassment was gone after you both came for each other once, and all that was felt in between the two of you was need and desire.
“Put your face down,” Paz said, “Keep your eyes covered.”
That caught you off guard and the nerves rushed back. But, you did as you were told with a meek, “Yes.” You leaned forward, burying your face in the sheets until your world went black. And your skin warmed as the motion made you lift your ass in the air, putting yourself on full display for the Mandalorian.
To test you, Paz slapped your pussy without warning. You screamed into the mattress, but your face stayed buried. You felt dizzy from the impact but it only turned you on more.
“Good girl,” he growled as he dipped down behind you, “Stay just like that no matter what.”
Before you could answer, you felt the cold touch of Paz’s helmet against your ass. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as you heard the hiss of his helmet and you realized what he had planned. You let out a loud moan as you felt the tip of Paz’s tongue against your folds as he licked your pussy from behind. 
Your muffled moans filled the room as you clutched tightly to the sheets, lost in the pleasure that was Paz’s tongue. Even with your face buried, you saw stars every time he hit your clit, and you were sure you weren't going to last long.
“Fuck… Paz… You’re gonna make me cum,” you whimpered before you fell apart again.
He slurped loudly as he gripped your thighs tightly, licking and sucking at your cunt while you came on his face. Paz savored the taste of you, and he smirked against you as he felt you gush against his face. And while he kept his helmet tilted off just enough to expose his lips, Paz was proud of you for keeping yourself down just like he told you to.
Breaking away with a pop, Paz lowered his helmet back down and licked his lips as he did so, “I think you’re ready for my cock now, mesh’la,” his voice was low as he stroked himself, “You can lift your head now.”
You didn’t have the energy to pick yourself up completely, but you lifted your face and took in a deep breath.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes,” you breathed as you trembled in anticipation. 
But as wet as you were, the stretch of Paz’s cock still took your breath away and you gasped loudly as the tip pushed into you. Slowly, Paz entered your pussy with a groan of his own. Fuck you felt even better around him than he thought. But, he didn’t want to hurt you by letting himself go.
“Are you alright?” Paz asked as he caressed your back and your ass.
“Yes,” you replied immediately, “Fuck… Please, don’t stop. Feels so good.”
Paz growled as he kept going, “You look even more beautiful on my cock than I thought,” he groaned as he pushed the rest of the way inside you, “And you feel even better too.”
You whimpered as the feeling of Paz’s cock was overwhelming in the best way. You had never felt fuller, never been more stretched out, and you had never felt a pleasure like this ever in your life. Maker, you were already addicted to him and he had just entered you. 
He grabbed onto your hips as he rolled back and thrust forward gently. Slowly at first, Paz rocked back and forth, but the more you moaned and cried out in pleasure, the faster he went. Skin slapped against skin as he reached forward and grabbed your arms, lifting your chest off the bed as he thrust into you over and over again.
Moans and screams filled the room as your mouth hung open while Paz fucked you. Your eyes rolled back as you surrendered yourself and gave every inch of yourself to him. Not only did his cock stretch you out more than ever before, but the way Paz held you tight made you feel safe and protected as he pounded into you.
Paz groaned your name as he craved even more of you. He grabbed you and yanked you back so that your bare back was pressed flush against his armored chest. Paz wrapped his arm around you and grabbed your breast with one hand and pinned you against his body and rubbed at your clit with the other.
“Oh! Fuck!” you screamed, “Paz!” you reached up behind you and grabbed onto him wherever you could. Only your knees stayed on the bed as you arched your back and let Paz hold you tightly as he fucked into you with an ever faster pace.
“Cum, mesh’la,” he groaned in your ear, “Cum on my cock.” Paz’s own orgasm wasn’t far behind, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he would last like this. Holding you in his arms while he thrust into you was just as overwhelming for him as it was for you. 
“Cum in me,” you whispered before your climax hit you.
That was all it took for both of you to completely fall apart. You screamed loudly as your inner muscles squeezed Paz’s cock. His grip on you tightened as he filled you to the point where you thought you would burst, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was Paz and the ecstasy he brought you. Your entire body shook as he held you close and you both rode out your intense highs on each other.
You felt yourself gush as your release dripped down your inner thigh. Paz noticed too, as he felt you soak his cock while he spilled himself inside of you until that too dripped out of you. With one last grunt and thrust, Paz sheathed himself completely inside you as he tipped you both forward until you both collapsed down onto the bed. 
Neither of you moved for a long time. Heavy breaths filled the room as you laid in Paz’s arms, his cock still buried deep inside you. Tears filled your eyes from the waves of emotions that crashed into you suddenly. As much as you tried to keep them hidden, Paz heard a soft sob and immediately pushed himself up.
“Are you alright, cyare?” Paz hissed as he pulled out of you, but his focus was quickly redirected to your needs.
You whimpered at the loss of him inside you, “I’m fine, Paz,” your voice was soft as he wiped away the tears from the corners of your eyes, “More than fine actually,” you gave him a bright smile as you leaned into his touch. Closing your eyes, you kissed the palm of his hand and you heard his breath hitch. 
Paz let out a heavy sigh as he looked at you. He felt an even bigger need to keep you protected as you looked so vulnerable in his arms. A glow surrounded you as you let out a contented sigh of your own. It was a tender moment neither of you would ever forget. 
But, Paz knew he couldn’t stay like this forever, “I should go,” he said abruptly.
“Wait,” you grabbed his wrist before he could get up, “Stay?” you pleaded with your eyes before you repeated in a stronger voice, “I want you to stay.” 
He let out another sigh, “Alright.” Paz wouldn’t admit how little it took to convince him to stay. But he also didn’t want to deny how much he already craved the feeling of you securely in his arms. The rest of the world could wait as Paz settled back down and held you tight. He wondered what would happen moving forward. How could he keep you by his side while still remaining loyal to his tribe? Would Ragnar like you? Would you like him? 
But for now, those questions would wait, and all Paz wanted to do was hold you close.
SImilar questions ran through your mind, and you wondered if he would want to stay with you, if he would allow you to stay with him. Somehow, you had a feeling you could make it work from how strong your feelings were already. You could figure it out somehow. And you had never been happier that you were bold as you sighed contently in Paz’s strong arms. 
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assassyart · 8 days
What are your favorite outfits for Ratchet from the games?
Good question!
As far as the armors go, I usually never actually use them in the majority of the games I play (unless they're forced onto me, like Deadlocked's or 2016's). But I do have my favorites.
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Shocking probably no one, Holoflux is the best. People often say it's their favorite, and that's for good reason— it looks incredibly good on Ratchet. I definitely don't enjoy drawing this armor that much, but I still will do it from time to time because I like it that much, and Ratchet gets pretty privilege.
It's also cool that this armor matches Azimuth pretty well, and I like that it has the "powered down" version in cutscenes. It makes the finale hit that much harder. This is the only armor where I know it's my favorite. The others are in no particular order.
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Quest for Booty's armor was always rather charming to me, but it got even better once I recognized it had the Apogee insignia on the belt. I am a Talwyn and Ratchet stan at heart, so this pulled this armor above some others just because of that detail. But putting that aside, it also really fits the game it's in and makes Ratchet look like an explorer. He matches Talwyn quite nicely, too, which fits since she's his companion in this game.
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Oh my god this armor stole my HEART for so long. I am begging Insomniac to give us more casual fits in the next entry because this armor spoiled me so much. I love the graffiti Clank on the left hand, I love the little jacket, I love how the full gear doesn't cover his face... it's just adorable. Such a good fit that suits Ratchet so much and it's definitely my favorite new armor in Rift Apart.
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As far as armors that cover Ratchet's face go, Infernox was always one of my favorites as a kid. Something about its color palette and overall "flame" vibe just screamed early-Ratchet to me. I really like this one, and I definitely prefer it over the more popular Carbonox armor. Then again, I'm also a sucker for Up Your Arsenal. :P
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Not an armor but an absolute classic look. Of all the ones here, it's my favorite to draw since it lets me draw more of Ratchet's fur. It broke my heart to know that IG really wanted to put it in to Rift Apart, but was unable to find a way. I hope they try to do it for the next game, but I'll understand even if they can't. It's just one of the best looks for Ratchet. So iconic.
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Listen. This armor is really cool looking, and I like it, and I especially like that Deadlocked lets me take off the helmet too... but boy, this bitch is painful to draw. Simplifying it almost feels heinous to do, since it's just so cool looking but GAH!!!! If you ever wonder why I never update the Deadlocked Together AU, it's because of this!!! This painful armor!!!!!!
That aside, this armor fits the tone of the game so well. It's edgy, it's brooding, it's dark. I love it. The only thing I don't like is the fact they hide his tail :(
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Despite always playing Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal exclusively without armor when I play, you would never be able to tell because I love wearing the tuxedo Ratchet skins. Somethin about formal Ratchet makes me have heart eyes. Very kissable.
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Robot Pirate
While I obviously prefer rebel, this was one of the only other armors in Rift Apart that I found myself using for Ratchet. The scarf really looks good on him, and I'm very fond of the chest plate. If it weren't for Quest armor's inclusion, I would always wear this armor when going to Ardolis.
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Last but not least (because tumblr says I should stop adding images)... the comic outfits. Once again, the casual Ratchet outfits are always going to score higher for me. I loveeeee seeing my boy look more casual. And while the left image looks a lot like his normal outfit, I prefer it more for keeping it loose. That, and something about that blue chest piece never sat right with me. In a perfect world, I think it would have stayed green to keep his earthy tones in tact even after Tools of Destruction.
And the overalls are just. Mwah. Chef's kiss. What a dork. He's so cute. I love him.
Thanks for the ask!
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Translation of q!Cellbit's final monologue
The tribunal is this wednesday, 24/05. Cucurucho has no interest in the Creative blocks and revealed that when it didn't even think once before accepting Bobby's negotiation. 
It will not accept to give the blocks for armor and every information we try to extract in exchange for the blocks will be processed and mitigated so that it means nothing to us.
But if we had a new surprise, that not even our side expects, maybe things will change. Cucurucho made a mistake amidst the chaos and the fights. Maybe that's the secret.
The plan is to try to use Forever's breaking of the rules as currency exchange to create a direct conflict between ME and FOREVER, surprising Forever just as much as Cucurucho in the negotiation, and asking for Richarlyson's paternity as a form of "treason", showing that I'm willing to join the Federation and don't have a problem with antagonizing my friends to protect Richarlyson and have him only for me.
After this, the idea is to purposefully distant myself from everyone for a day, create something like an evil castle of darkness far away from everyone just to see the reactions from the Federation/Cucurucho, the codes and any possible impostor among us.
If anyone decides to join me, they could be a possible suspect or someone that wouldn't be trustworthy for the Order.
Things went a bit differently than expected, but the main plan went well. Instead of surprising everyone with the treason at the auction, I used as an excuse the fact they lied to me and tried to blackmail me with the Vivo meme to make a scene.
Took the opportunity to change my skin of defense attorney to district attorney to add to the drama
It's a positive point because it makes it look like I have a genuine motive/grievance in relation to my friends and diminishes the Federation/Cucurucho's  suspicion towards my intentions. It doesn't look like I betrayed them "out of nowhere".
Considering that the Federation watches the streams canonically to acquire information, I think it was the best option to make a whole narrative arc to have a big twist later.
As proof that the plan wasn't a lie, I left only one signed book for Richarlyson revealing my plan, and didn't want to risk it by showing it on stream.
It's still risky, considering the Federation still has access to the items of the eggs, but honestly it broke my heart to see him sad and disappointed like that. I hope I don't regret that.
I also blocked the access of the others to Sofia to see how Max reacts. I don't want to suspect him, but everything in relation to both of them is weird. I'll avoid mentioning her existence to the Federation, and if they bring the subject up, I'll try to bypass it. 
THE CODES attacked me not long after I "joined" the Federation.
"01000011" - C
A code made exclusively to kill me? It practically ignored Richarlyson
It strengthens the theory that the codes attack those that seek to keep the others on the island
With luck, the Federation will also wake me up at the hospital Max woke up on. I'll try to persuade them the best I can to acquire new information.
Continue the plan with the members of the Order and try to charm the other members of the island with explanations on how I realized that the life and the people on the island are better than what I had before and I don't want to lose that. They don't need to involve themselves with this.
Use the eventual tribunal of Richarlyson, where everyone will probably be present and watching, to reveal all the information of the Federation I managed in front of everyone.
Thus, if they kill/arrest me, I'll become a martyr and all those present will know the truth about the Federation.
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mooniebunny · 1 year
Here I tried to translate to English all Cellbit's plan he showed on stream for people who don't understand Portuguese. I apologize if there's any misspelling i tried my best and English is not my first language :)
The trial was on Wednesday, 05/24. Cucurucho has no interest on the creative blocks and revealed that without even thinking twice during Bobby's negotiating.
They (Cucurucho) will not accept trade the blocks for the armor and any information we try to get in exchange for the block won't be a serious one and it will be useless for us.
But if we have a new surprise that even our side isn't waiting for maybe things will change. Cucurucho was the wrong one in the middle of the chaos. Maybe that's the secret.
The plan is to try use Forever rule break as a currency trading to make a direct conflict between FOREVER and ME, surprising Forever and Cucurucho in the negotiation and asking for Richarlyson custody as a way of "cheating" showing that I am willing to join the Federation and I don't have problems at antagonize my friends to protect Richarlyson and have him only for me.
Later, the idea of isolating myself from everybody for a day, create a castle of the evil darkness far from everyone only to see Cucurucho/Federation reaction, the codes and any possible impostor between us.
If anyone decided to ally with me it can be a suspect or someone who can't be trusted in the Order.
Update - Trial Day
Things got a little bit different than I have planned but the main plan worked. Instead of surprising with a betrayal during the trial, I used as an excuse the fact that they lied to me and tried to blackmailed me with the "Vivo" meme just to make a scene.
I took the opportunity to change my skin of defense lawyer to a district attorney to add more drama
It's a positive point because make it seem like i genuinely have a motivation/grudge with my friends and makes the Federation/Cucurucho less suspicious with my intentions, it doesn't look like i betrayed them "out of nowhere".
Considering that maybe the Federation watches the streams canonically to get the informations, i think that it was the best choice to do a narrative arc to have a big twist later.
As a prove that the plan wasn't a lie, I left a signed book for Richarlyson revealing my plan and i didn't risk to show it on stream.
Still very risky, considering that the Federation may have access to the items from the eggs but honestly it broke my heart see him (Richarlyson) sad and disappointed. I hope I don't regret this.
I also blocked people's access to Sofia to see how Max would react. I don't wanna suspect I suspect him but everything regarding her is very weird.
I will avoid mentioning her existence for the Federation and if they talk about this subject I'll try to avoid.
Important - The Codes
THE CODES attacked me a little after I "join" the Federation.
"01000011" - C
A code made exclusively to kill me? Practically ignore Richarlyson.
It strengthens the theory that the codes kill the ones who want people to stay in the island.
Final Plan
Luckily the federal will also wake me up in the hospital Max woke up. I'll try to persuade the best i can to get new informations.
Keep the conflict with the members of the Ordem and try to please to other members of the island with explanations on how I noticed life and the people on the island are better than the ones i had before and i don't wanna lose it. (They won't need to get involved into this.)
Use the event of the Richarlyson trial where maybe everybody will be there watching to reveal all the informations that I gathered from the Federation in from of all.
There, if they kill/arrest me I'll become I will become a martyr and all present will see the truth about the Federation.
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fakegingerrights · 1 year
Crash and Burn
[Mayday time, folks. GN reader, only use of nicknames. I write with feminine in mind but no real identifiers in the nicknames either. TW for starvation, injuries, non-sexual nudity and bathing together can you tell that's one of my favorite tropes][mid writing updated: it turned angsty. Adding disassociation, panic attacks, and heavy trauma response to the trigger warnings.]
It was cold on Barton IV.
You knew that. Mayday made it incredibly clear that he was always cold. You sat on a choppy and distorted call with him for hours after a surgery to remove two frostbitten toes.
Your home felt cold too, the same cold as Barton IV as you stared at the marking next to your clone husband's name.
The three letters sucked the wind from your lungs, leaving you gasping on the tile floor.
No 'sorry for your loss,' no burial you could go to, nothing that any other military spouse would get. Mayday was just gone, and as the last of his men you didn't even have his squad deliver his helmet.
And all you had to remember him was the fading scent on an old shirt, the commlink he gifted to you, and those damn. three. letters.
In the grey static that was the following days, you couldn't leave your bed. You could hardly get up to use the bathroom. Torn between sleeping with his shirt or keeping it so it wouldn't lose his scent, it stayed in a plastic zip bag in your closet for the dark nights where the hole he had filled seemed to swallow you up.
On the eighth day of your depression, his comm rang, and rang, and rang. The first times you didn't pick up. It was a cruel prank, it had to be. It kept going off though. On the fifth time, you finally answered the comm. It was a poor connection, like the caller was on a ship without long distance amplifiers.
"Rancor station, darling. Please."
Three letters broke your world. Four words put it back together.
Rancor station was on the lower levels, where it was unlikely anyone had seen a clone out side of the propaganda, let alone a helmetless one with grown out hair and a beard that he insists is trimmed, even if sometimes it looks like a mynock's nest.
You scanned the area, looking for a glint of dark eyes, white armor, tan skin... A shred of hope. Hours pass and nothing. The static fills your ears again at the cruelty of the apparent prank when a hand settles on your shoulder from behind.
"Motherkri-" Your fist connects with the stomach of your assailant as you whip around, only to find Mayday doubled over, wheezing with a wet and painful sounding rattle.
"Guess I didn't have to worry about protectin' you while I was gone as much as I did." He jokes softly, wincing as he stands upright. There's fading bruises across the side of his head, a shaved patch of hair and a neat row of stitches across his right temple.
His armor was shattered, being held on by tape and rags. It was more a tan than white color now. The left side of it was stained dark and crusted with what looked like blood, and was even more broken.
"Mayday?" Your voice came out a choked whisper. Mayday's eyes softened as he pressed the palm of his right hand to your cheek and your face upwards to press a too light kiss to your forehead.
"Not here. Not out in the open like this."
He led the way back to your apartment, but it was becoming increasingly more obvious that something was wrong. He limped, and the farther you got from Rancor station the more his right arm shifted until it was wrapped around his side, supporting his ribs. As you unlocked the door and let him inside, he was out of breath and panting softly.
“What’s going on?” You asked, hand coming up to cup his rough cheek as you help him out of his battered armor. The chestplate practically disintegrates as you pull it off but Mayday, who would rather die than let his armor fall into disrepair, doesn’t even give it a second glance as he stares at you, searching for something. “May-“
“I defected.” He says at last, his voice hollow. “They… the empire… left me to die. Raiders picked up my body. And I haven’t gone back.”
Stillness falls between you. While you had never been ok with how the republic, and especially not the empire, treated the clones you were still an avid supporter of the government trying to better the galaxy for it’s citizens.
“I’m sorry.” He says after a second, half armored hand crawling around his middle to support what was looking more and more like broken ribs.
“They left you to die?” Your voice is dealthy calm, a stony anger.
“Another soldier, a specialist actually, dug me out of an avalanche and drug me three klicks to the outpost. I lost consciousness on the landing pad there, but the natborn lieutenant denied me medical care because I hadn’t been able to secure stollen goods.” His voice had a dull, wooden tone as you helped him out of the rest of his crumbling armor and to the sofa, but he refused to sit.
“Not yet. I’ll fall asleep as soon as I do and I need… I need…” His monotone suddenly turned desperate, the full colors of the trauma of the last week making itself known. Understanding, you stepped slowly into his space, winding arms around him.
“It’s ok to rest. You’re not going anywhere. I won’t let them take you from me again.” You murmur into his shoulder. Mayday gives a strangled sob, then winces as his ribs make themselves known. “Bath time, May’.” You tell him, leading him to your room and into the attached refresher, having him sit on the toilet as you get a mildly warm bath running, being generous with your precious stock of bath oils and the gentle, expensive soap.
Mayday stares blankly ahead until you step into his field of view, his head snapping up to look at you before he relaxes, rubbing his neck with a sharp inhale. “M’ sorry, Darling.” He mumbles, looking at the floor.
“You’re home, Mayday. You’re safe.” You reassure him, helping him out of the layers of tattered blacks and rag cloths, becoming increasingly more concerned as you see the extent of the damage done to his body. Not just injuries, which there were plenty, but the emaciated form of someone suffering from dehydration and starvation. Neglect.
“Have you seen someone for these?” You ask, trailing a feather light touch down the ridges of his ribs, taking in the mottled blues and purples and blacks of his broken bones. He shrugs.
“The raiders’ medic looked at me. Apparently they’ve been smuggling clones away from the empire for a while. My-“ He cuts off, choking down something between a laugh and a sob. “Some of my own men were among them. They were alive. They were healthy… and they gave away information about the empire for freedom. My men are traitors. I’m a traitor.”
You don’t say anything. What could you say? His world had been shattered and he hadn’t even begun to pick up the pieces yet. You just help him out of the rest of his clothes and into the tub. He moans softly as the hot water hits his bruises and broken bones. You help him lay back, kneeling beside the tub and supporting his head and neck as he sinks into the water.
And he lets you, turning his head into your hand after a few seconds to press a kiss to your palm.
“Thank you.” His voice is so tired, and he begins to doze softly as you gently wash his hair, combing out matts and pulling out the dead clumps of his thinning hair from the lack of nutrients. You had a suitable pile when you were done before you started working conditioner into the mess. You trimmed his beard and hair up for him too. Not the best job in the world, but closer to something he would have had before Barton IV.
His beard did a good job of hiding it, but his cheeks were sunken hollows. His skin was paper thin under your touch, and ashen. His stomach was a concave dip, his internal organs forming a knot that stood out obvious against his ribs and the remnants of what once was a wealth of muscle.
Unable to help yourself, your eyes welled up with devastated tears as you cared for his wasted body the best you could. He was alive, but he may as well have been dead the last few months his quality of life was so poor. You leaned down and pressed a salt stricken kiss to his forehead, causing him to crack one eyelid open to watch you lazily, fully relaxing in your hands.
“Don’t cry.” He rasps softly, a wet hand brushing away a stray tear from your face and making more of a mess in the process. “You said it yourself. I’m home now.”
His voice had regained some of it’s previous drawl rather than the dry, choked rasp it had been only an hour ago. You let the water out of the tub, helping him into the fluffiest robe you owned and into your bed with a bottle of water for him to sip on while you listen to the rest of his story, him eventually talking himself to sleep against your chest as he gets actual sleep for the first time in maybe months.
Mayday recovered both slowly and quickly at the same time. His body healed, and he took up odd jobs as a mechanic on lower levels where he was less likely to be recognized. It was easier working in a place where everyone had a past, where everyone had dirt on everyone so nobody said a word. Or so he told you.
At your request, he started seeing a holohealth therapist who was willing to work with a clone, swearing patient confidentiality for his every word.
And you began to see your husband shine through the shell that had stumbled into your apartment after you that wretched day both a moment and a lifetime ago.
“Easy, Darling.” He murmured as you hugged him tightly after a rough day at work. “You’re home now.”
Home had become synonymous with safe.
You woke Mayday up from a nightmare, rubbed his back as he came out of the awful dream. “You’re home, it’s ok.”
When several years later your daughter skinned her knee at the playground, he was quick to hoist her onto his shoulders. “It’s ok, cyare’ika. We’ll be home soon.” He would tell her, setting her on the kitchen counter and kissing her clean and bandaid covered booboos.
He smiled up at you, grinning even as your little girl hid her face in his neck and hugged him tightly. Your little family was ok. You were home.
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terrified-spider · 2 years
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Aust got a redesign! (:
The Curse of Strahd campaign I was originally part of broke up after scheduling issues, but I recently started to run a new CoS campaign myself! (:
Both Aust and Doctor Stein will likely make an appearance in my new campaign as NPCs, hence Aust's updated design.
I've included the design notes and changes I'm making to Aust & Stein's story under the cut! (:
Click on the image for better quality!
Stuff I'm Keeping From the Original Campaign:
(not in chronological order)
I only ever got around to drawing two of the PCs because the other player's character died after Dr. Stein accidentally incinerated him with a couple of fireballs.
The player's replacement character was a lizardfolk warlock, who died at the dinner with Strahd, after insulting Strahd then getting his skull crushed in with a candlestick.
In the time between the old PC dying and new one joining the party, Aust and Stein opened a small apothecary in Vallaki.
Just before the campaign ended, Aust was reconsidering his thoughts about Strahd, debating if fighting against him was even worth it.
Setup for the New Campaign:
5-10 years before the start of the new campaign, Dr. Stein, Aust, and other members of their party came to Barovia. They survived for long enough for Aust and Stein to create the apothecary, and for Strahd to invite the party to dinner.
At the dinner, Strahd invited the party to join him or be killed. The lizardfolk and other party member were both killed. Aust sided with Strahd, and Dr. Stein was the only one to escape the castle.
Stein returned to the apothecary, and remained there, focusing on laying low and eager to assist adventurers as they travel through Barovia before Strahd has his way with them.
Aust joined the druids, wandering the forests and tricking both the usual commoners and unusual adventuring parties.
Design Notes:
His color palette, skin included, has been darkened significantly. He originally looked very similar to a moon elf, but one of the players has never played D&D before, and I want Aust to be easily recognizable as a drow for him.
While originally working alongside the wereravens for some time, Aust's armor in now decorated with feathers from those he's fought against.
The skull strapped to his shoulder used to belong to a party member.
The glasses became brighter so I could pretend to have some kind of contrast around the face. Darkening everything messed with the contrast that was present in the original design.
Critique is very much welcome with this piece! There are quite a few visible issues with this one, I rushed completing it, and I think it shows.
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justaviber · 2 years
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Black Kyurem gijinka Alternate Design Update
More info here
Design Changes:
Added forearm armor
Added "chains" to bottom torso portion of outfit
Boots are fully shown
Art Info:
White Drawing Paper
Nearly Dried Coloured Pencil Blenders
White Gel Pen for Corrections & Lineart
Black Micron Pens
Assortment of greyscale & skin-coloured alcohol markers
Coloured Pencils from Prismacolor & Crayola
Sketching Pencil
Time: ~5 hrs total split b/t 2 days
Notes: My 01 micron pen's nib broke while linearting them due to me not knowing you had to use it at a 90° angle. I was able kinda fix it, but I really can't use it for lineart anymore.
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ectonurites · 3 years
I was confused about Cassie being labeled the daughter of Zeus in the chapter, personally. I thought she was the granddaughter?? After being granted magic shoes?
So- this is one of those 'it's different pre-flashpoint vs post-flashpoint' things.
First of all, to go over stuff pre-reboot, Zeus granted her actual powers- the Sandals of Hermes that first let her fly were actually Diana's that she'd just been borrowing. Anyways tho, when Cassie approached Zeus asking for powers, them being related to one another was not at all established yet. She just... went up to a god like that.
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(Wonder Woman (1987) #122)
Later, after her identity went public and she'd received a letter from someone claiming to be her father, she approached Zeus about it- thinking that it might be him.
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(Wonder Woman (1987) #181)
While he denied it to her face when asked, it was shown to us as an audience when she went to see the person who'd sent the letter... that is was in fact Zeus.
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(Wonder Woman (1987) #183)
A while later she finally gets told the truth, that he is in fact her dad:
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(Wonder Woman (1987) #217)
So pre-reboot she was his daughter.
However, the New 52 changed that.
During N52 Teen Titans since ya know, everyone's history and development got sent backwards and altered yadda yadda, Cassie once again didn't know who her father was. In this version of continuity she initially believes her powers solely come from the Silent Armor she wears, but later when Trigon fights the team and digs in her brain a bit he implies there's things she doesn't know about who she really is- having to do with the father that didn't raise her.
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(Teen Titans Vol. 4 #19)
Now from some clues in the picture, one could piece together that this is Lennox, one of Zeus' children, (primarily that his general appearance matches how he looks in the Wonder Woman comic around the same timeframe, and that he has those cracks on his face- he's got skin that behaves like it's made of stone) but that's not something Cassie knows. So the whole 'who is my father and what is my true lineage' thing remains a question she's grappling with, but doesn't really get addressed in detail for a bit.
Later when the Titans are on the run after the whole 'We broke into a prison to try to clear Superboy's name but whoops he actually did do the murders he was accused of, and we escaped after being arrested,' situation, Cassie begins hearing what she thinks is her father calling out to her. Unfortunately Lennox is already dead at this point, ya know how it is, but when she follows the voice and finds his severed statue head we do get it clearly stated by her aunt Cassandra that she is a granddaughter of Zeus.
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(Teen Titans Vol. 5 #17)
Now... in general Cassie showed up so little in the Rebirth era (like... she was in Young Justice! And uh... not much else!) that it's very unclear how much her origins were altered at that point, and throwing Infinite Frontier into the mix now just adds more questions... BUT both YJ 2019 and Wonder Girl 2021 have stuck with her as Zeus' granddaughter now like in the N52 rather than her as his daughter like pre-reboot.
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(Wonder Girl (2021) #7)
So WFA labelling her as his daughter was just them using her original connection to Zeus rather than the updated one.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I absolutely love your fics!!! Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. If you're interested, do you think you could write a fic where Finn gets injured in a game against Tampa? O'Hara brothers ftw ♥️♥️♥️
Ohohohoho yes. It's 'missing your big brother so you write siblings' hours, and all of you are trapped in here with me. Combined with prompts for cubs hurt comfort/ poly love (@hi-im-phoenix) and distraction hurt/ comfort for AJ. Sorry about your manager <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bone inJuries
The crowd was roaring. Finn couldn’t catch his breath. His arm was on fire.
Something like a sob broke free in his chest, but he could do little more than hiccup in pain and fear from his place laying flat on his back atop the unforgiving ice. He couldn’t move his fingers. His elbow throbbed. Everything in between just hurt.
“—fuck is wrong with you?” an angry voice shouted, followed by a flash of blue and white shoving at the man whose late hit had left him suspended in shock. Finn didn’t know if it had been on purpose, but he didn’t really care anymore as a tear tracked down to his ear. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the bright lights overhead.
A hand cradled one side of his jaw, warm and clammy on his cold skin. “Talk to me, mon amour, what’s wrong?”
“Lo,” he croaked, swallowing hard. “I’m okay. ‘m okay, promise. I’m okay.”
“Out of my way!” The blue and white blob pushed closer before kneeling next to him. A helmet hit the ice, followed by a glove; heavy hands settled on his shoulders, and the one on his face disappeared. “Finn? Finn, look at me.”
Finn’s chest hitched once, twice, hard. His head was pounding, and everything hurt. He may have been able to reassure Logan, but he had never been able to hide from his brother. “Alex.”
“Hey, buddy,” he soothed as Finn finally regained enough breath to gasp around his tears. “No, no, shhh. You’re gonna be just fine, yeah? Can you tell me what happened?”
“Hurts,” he choked out, squeezing his eyes shut. The pain had reached his shoulder and every movement was agony. “It hurts, it hurts—Alex, it hurts.”
“What hurts?”
He could hear people calling for medics. His friends, his family. But Alex stayed right there next to him, holding his good hand and brushing his tears away. “My arm,” Finn said, feeling as pathetic as he ever had. “Alex, it hurts so bad.”
“Can you wiggle your fingers for me?” Finn sobbed again as he shook his head and saw the encouraging smile slide of Alex’s face. “That’s alright, buddy, just take some deep breaths.”
“I don’t wanna be out,” Finn blubbered. “I gotta play.”
Alex gave his hand a light squeeze. “It’s not that bad, Fish. Deep breaths.”
He managed a handful—and admittedly felt a little better—but the alarms in his head were still blaring when Remus arrived with the medic, all but carrying him across the ice to get to Finn. He had a smudge of a bruise beneath his eye, but the worry creasing his brow overtook anything else. “I’m good, Loops,” Finn panted as the medic sat next to him. “Totally cool.”
“28, I’m going to need you to make some room,” the medic ordered. Fear spiked in Finn’s heart when he met Alex’s gaze, but he found only determination looking back.
“I’m not leaving,” Alex said simply.
The medic glanced down. “Can you stand?”
“I think so?” Finn said hesitantly, trying to get cool air back into his lungs. “It’s—I think I broke my arm. Everything else is okay.”
“What’s your pain level?”
“Eight. And a half,” he added. Alex frowned.
“Let’s get you off this ice, yeah?” The medic patted him gently on the shoulder. “O’Hara, can you get him up?”
“Keep that one close,” Alex murmured, sliding his arm under Finn’s shoulders. He clenched his teeth around a cry of pain as his bad arm was jostled, but Alex was strong and steady, and within a few seconds he was on his feet. “Easy does it, bud. I’ve got you.”
“Fucking shit,” Finn wheezed as he tried to close his hand. The fear and adrenaline had faded, but involuntary tears sprang to his eyes anyway. Alex held him upright without faltering despite his wobbly legs; they made it to the bench in a blur of movement that made Finn dizzy.
“We can take him from here,” the medic said to Alex.
“I’ll be fine,” Finn said, cutting him off just as he opened his mouth. “Go play. Your boys need you.”
Alex pressed his lips together in obvious frustration, but tapped their helmets together and skated back to his own bench. Finn let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes for a moment. “O’Hara?”
“I’m good,” he assured the medic.
“If you feel like you need to throw up, let me know.”
“No. No, I’m good. Just hurts.”
He caught a glimpse of the clock as they headed down the tunnel—ten minutes left in the period. Finn steeled himself for a long stretch of being alone in a medical room and tried to focus on something over than the unbearable heat and throbbing in his arm.
Leo traced the edge of the splint with a deep-set frown, but said nothing. His other thumb ran in gentle lines up and down Finn’s waist, kept there by Logan’s side pressing close. “You’re sure you’re alright?” Logan asked softly as he placed a kiss on the corner of Finn’s mouth.
“I promise.” They had barely traded ten words—both had shown up the second the game ended, stripping off their pads and skates in the entrance to the medical room before sandwiching Finn between them. Leo had been unusually quiet. They had won the game; from what Finn saw on the television in the corner of the room, Alex had reamed out the guy that hit Finn with a vengeance. Tampa had been disjointed, and the Lions swept in as a cohesive pack, out for blood.
“I was worried about you,” Leo said at last, resting his temple on Finn’s shoulder. He sighed, then shifted impossibly closer. “Couldn’t get through the crowd.”
“I thought Talker and Loops were gonna kill that guy after he hit you,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “Looks like Alex did it for him.”
“What, you didn’t get into your shining armor for me?” Finn teased, nuzzling his nose against Logan’s cheek to draw even a slight smile from him.
“Maybe next time.”
“No,” Leo mumbled, linking his fingers with Finn’s purple ones and lifting them to his lips for a brief kiss. It was a clean break, but would still take weeks to heal. Big blue eyes landed on him, melting his heart like they always did. “No ‘next times’, okay?”
“Aw, Knutty,” Finn said, barely above a whisper. He wrapped one arm around each of them and held them tight, soaking in the feeling of having both crushed against him. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
Logan tucked his face into Finn’s neck. “Nothing to be sorry for, mon rouge. We’re just glad you’re alright.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” a voice said from the door. Alex shifted his weight back and forth, twisting his baseball cap in his hands like he always did when he was nervous. Finn didn’t hesitate before extracting himself from the cuddle pile and crossing the room; Alex met him halfway and engulfed him in a hug. A shudder ran through him under Finn’s palms. “Jesus, Finn, you scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry,” Finn mumbled into his hoodie, letting himself be cocooned by distilled safety. Even out of his skates, Alex had a good two inches on him, and he had always been the broader of the two—Finn suddenly felt about six years old, as if he had just skinned his knee on the sidewalk.
“What’s the diagnosis?”
“Closed break, clean fracture. I’ll be out for a month or two.” He stepped back and swiped a hand under his nose, then tilted his head toward Leo and Logan with a wry smile. “But I’ve got these two to look after me.”
Alex scanned his face for a moment; his mouth dipped on one side. “I called mom and dad, told ‘em you’re okay. You should tell them yourself, though. They were freaking out.”
“I will,” Finn promised.
The worry creasing his brow didn’t diminish as he wrapped Finn in his arms again, holding him tight. “Keep me updated, yeah? If I don’t hear from you, I’ll get the captain on your ass, and he won’t be as nice about it as I will.”
“Knutty, Lo, drive safe. If he tries to pull some stupid shit, I’m counting on your survival skills to stop it.”
“Survival skills?” Leo half-laughed.
Alex pulled away and raised his eyebrows. “They don’t call me Hurricane O’Hara for nothing.”
His eyes flickered back to Finn, who was horrified to see slight redness around the rims despite the teasing in his voice. “Alex,” he said softly. “I’m okay, I swear.”
“I know.” His voice was gruff, but it poorly hid a sniffle as he bumped their foreheads together. “But I’m your brother. It’s my job to worry about you. I hate that one of my guys was at fault here.”
Finn tried for a smile, socking him on the arm. “Six weeks, and I’ll be good as new.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” With a final survey of his face and a kiss to the top of his head, Alex headed back out into the hall with his shoulders up near his ears. Finn sighed; he hated it when Alex was upset, and even more when there was nothing he could do to fix it except wait. He didn’t know what he’d do if one of his teammates broke his brother.
“Fish?” Leo was smiling when he turned around. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“What kind?”
“The kind where I pull out all the sob story pity points on Cap’s soft heart and get us babysitting privileges for his incredibly fluffy dog after three months of constant begging.”
Finn’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”
“Make sure you look extra sad when we leave,” Logan advised. “We can’t lose this opportunity because you were too perky about a broken arm.”
“Quick, someone make me cry.”
Leo’s grin turned to horror. “What?”
“No!” Logan said at the same time.
“You guys are killing me here,” Finn groaned. “Just, like, hit me in the arm or something.”
“No!” they shouted in unison.
“You said I need to look sad!”
“I meant pout and sigh!” Logan pulled him over by the hem of his shirt in clear distress. “You’ve already cried too much tonight. No more.”
“Alright,” Finn agreed, already wracking his brain for any smidgen of drama skills he might have acquired over the years. Younger siblings were always the best actors, of course—he had given some Oscar-worthy performances to his mom when Alex got on his nerves as a kid—but Sirius was tough to fool. Maybe if he stayed quiet and didn’t risk opening his mouth they would get away with it.
Leo let out a slow exhale against his chest and snuggled closer before standing. “Come on, darlin,” he said with a kiss to Finn’s forehead. “Let’s get you settled. We’ll take a shower, have some dinner, and then we can put a movie on.”
“Mighty Ducks?” Finn asked hopefully.
Logan rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
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Ktober 2023 Day 6- Bondage
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Boba Fett x fem!reader
Word count- 1k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), restrains, dom!Boba, established relationship, no use of y/n
Notes- Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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“Do you trust me, my love?” Boba purred.
“Yes,” you breathed.
You looked up at him from your position on the bed as he peered down at you with pride. Boba had chained you to the bed, your wrists and ankles bound to the four corners, holding your body open and exposed. Your chest rose and fell with your heavy breaths as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“My love, you have never looked more beautiful,” Boba praised as he leaned forward and kissed you deeply. He cradled your head as he devoured you, and his cock stiffened at the sound of the chains rattling when you tried to move.
He let out a soft laugh as his bare hands roamed all over your chest, giving your breasts a firm squeeze. You dropped your head back and loudly moaned as his calloused hands grazed across your nipples. Arching your back into his touch, you silently begged for more.
“Eager already, love?” Boba teased as he broke away from your body to admire you once more.
“Please, Boba,” you begged.
“Shh, in time, love,” he said as he stood up, “All in good time,” he cooed as he slowly removed his armor and clothing. Boba enjoyed making you wait like this, and even when you just let out little whines, he could tell you were eager. And he felt your heavy, needy gaze on him at all times.
When Boba turned back to you, he was just as bare as you were, and his cock stood at full attention. You whimpered and strained in your chains as you involuntarily tried to reach for him.
“Oh I like it when you beg for me, love,” his tone dropped as he kneeled on the bed between your bound, spread legs.
“Please,” you pleased more, hoping to get sympathy from him.
“Patience, love,” he purred as his hands ghosted along your legs. Starting at your hips, he trailed along your inner thighs out to your calves and reaching the shackles at your ankles before he ran his hands back towards your pussy.
You moaned as you felt his warm hands get closer and closer to where you wanted him to touch you, but let out a heavy sigh when he skipped your cunt and instead ran his hands up your stomach and cupped your breasts once more.
Any disappointment you had vanished when he kneaded your breasts with his hands, and then leaned forward and took one of your nipples in his mouth. You cried out in pleasure as you tugged at your restraints while Boba’s tongue swirled around your nipple. You writhed and squirmed as much as you could, but Boba tied you tightly to the bed, greatly restricting your movements.
“Fuck! Boba!”
He hummed as he kissed his way along your chest and sucked at your other nipple even harder, Boba used his teeth to graze the sensitive skin slightly a few times before he flicked it with his tongue once more. His cock screamed at him to fuck you- Boba loved when you were loud and needy for him like this- but he had other plans in mind for you tonight. His own pleasure would wait.
Breaking away with a loud pop, Boba murmured your name and waited for you to open your eyes. “You’ve been a good girl, my love,” he hummed in a tone that made your pussy clench, “And you look so deliciously tempting like this…” his voice trailed off as his eyes landed on your dripping cunt.
“Boba…” you murmured.
Instead of teasing you more with slow movements, Boba launched himself into your pussy, immediately licking and sucking at your clit. You screamed and tried to move your hips at the sudden assault, but the bonds kept you still and you were wonderfully helpless against Boba’s expert tongue.
Boba groaned into you as he devoured you. The chains rattled as you squirmed while his tongue explored your pussy, and the sounds mixed with your moans only turned Boba on more. 
“Fuck! Boba!” you cried out in pleasure as your mind swam. Heat built up in your body as your limbs shook in your restraints. You were helpless to move to free yourself, both from your binds and Boba’s mouth, and you didn’t want to be anywhere else.
Boba broke away for a moment with a deep and heavy breath. He looked at you and you collapsed down onto the mattress and your breasts rose and fell as you also caught your breath. You looked stunning.
“Love, you are a meal fit for a king,” Boba growled before he dove into you again.
“Oh fuck!” you screamed in pleasure as Boba’s assault on your clit with his tongue resumed. 
He ran his tongue along your folds before he dipped it into you, tasting you from the inside and thrusting his tongue in and out a few times. With a needy groan, he placed his hands on your thighs to pin you down even more as he darted his tongue up and wrapped his lips around your clit.
Sucking hard, Boba hummed into your pussy and savored the cry you let out as tears formed in your eyes.
“Boba! Please! You’re gonna make me cum,” you moaned as your legs trembled.
All he did was groan into you as his cock throbbed with need, but Boba couldn’t break away from you. The sounds of your whimpers mixed with the chains was music to his ears and he devoured you with fervor.
With just a few more licks, you fell apart as you came hard into Boba’s mouth with a loud scream. He growled something that sounded like your name mixed with incoherent preside while he sucked every ounce of your climax from you until you let out a soft whimper.
Boba broke away reluctantly, but he was rewarded with the sight of you lost in pleasure and bound to the bed. He was wrong earlier, now you had never looked more beautiful.
“Love, I have a confession to make,” Boba’s tone was low as he licked his lips.
You blocked your eyes open and felt a wave of nerves from the way he looked at you with such admiration.
“I still need more,” Boba groaned as he hovered over you once more. 
“Boba…” you whined as you tried to wriggle free.
“What? Have somewhere to be?” Boba teased as he tugged at your restraints. 
You were in for a long and wonderful night.
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Rushing off set
Pairing: Henry x reader
Warnings: language, a lot of fluff
Words: 1783
Summary: Henry is in the middle of filming the Witcher when he gets the call that his girlfriend is in labor. He rushes off set, completely forgetting that he is in full Geralt wig and costume...
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Marcie, Henry‘s PA on the set of The Witcher, was watching the dialogue scene around the camp fire behind camera, holding his coat for when the director yelled cut. They were shooting outside in the nearby forest. It was dark and cold, not unusual for fall in England.
When Marcie shifted her weight from one leg to the other, she also transferred the coat from one arm to the other and that’s when she felt the vibration at her leg. It must be Henry’s phone. She opened the zipper and pulled out the actor’s phone. Normally, she wouldn’t do this but Henry gave her the permission as his little girl was due any minute now.
When Marcie activated the front screen, the phone almost fell out of her hands. 21 missed calls, 15 messages. And that minute seemed to be right now. A new message just popped up on the screen.
“Oh fuck”, she mumbled to herself. Marcie took a step forward, but then stopped herself. She knew she should tell him right away, but she was also so new to set that she didn’t dare to interrupt a scene. With restless feet, Marcie waited in her spot for the director to finally yell cut. It was probably just 5 minutes, but it felt like 5 hours to her.
“CUT! Thank you”, the director finally called out and Marcie rushed over to Henry, who was sitting on a log at the camp fire. She basically threw his phone at him and held the coat up for him to get in. “Y/N’s water broke. She’s on the way to the hospital”, she immediately said. It took Henry a second to understand what his PA just told him. “Shit, fuck, okay”, he said as he jumped to his feet, but then didn’t move an inch. “GO!”, Marcie yelled at him.
Henry finally rushed off set, people turning their heads as they watched him leave. Marcie ran after him. “The baby’s coming. The baby’s coming”, she told everyone she passed to explain Henry’s sudden exit. Amid the applause of the people crowding the set, Henry headed towards his car. Only on the far edge of his conscience, he noticed people congratulating him and patting his back.
Marcie had trouble keeping up with him. She only arrived at his car when he closed the door behind him and started the engine. “Good luck, Henry. Congrats!”, she shouted at the car driving off the parking lot.
When she turned around to walk back to set, she suddenly stopped and her eyes went big. Henry was still in his full Geralt get-up. Leather armor, wig and everything. “That’s gonna be interesting”, she mumbled to herself when she continued walking.
 “Hello, I’m looking for my girlfriend. She’s having our baby, probably right now”, Henry said to the nurse at the receptionist’s desk. She only looked at him with big eyes, her mouth falling open but not a word coming out.
“Henry!”, he heard the voice of his brother Nick. He was coming at him with fast steps. “Vicki and I brought her in…hahahaha”, Nick started laughing. Henry didn’t think there was anything funny about his girlfriend giving birth and he might be missing it because his brother rather laughed in the middle of a hospital than showing him the way to Y/N’s room.
“Oh, she’s gonna love that”, Nick said and with that led the way to your room. Henry could hear you before he could see you.
“You’re doing so good, Y/N, keep breathing. Deep breaths”, Vicki coached you through another contraction. They were coming every minute now and getting heavier by the second.
“He’s here! I found him down in the lobby”, Nick exclaimed as he entered the room, Henry right at his heels. Vicki turned around and suppressed a laugh as she spotted Henry in his Geralt wig and outfit. She let go of your hand and made way for the daddy-to-be.
“I’m here, baby. I’m here”, Henry said and rushed to your side, grabbing your now empty hand. Just as the contraction washed away, already bracing yourself for the next one, you finally looked over at your boyfriend. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me!”, you breathed out. Your forehead was sweaty, little strands of your hair sticking to your skin.
“I rushed right off set when I got the news. I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier”, Henry explained and kissed the back of your hand apologizingly.
“Please tell me you have your other clothes in the car?”, Nick asked his little brother before you were able to. “No, I forgot it in my trailer”, Henry said after recollecting his memory. “My bag”, you just nodded as you felt another contraction coming. You packed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for Henry as you feared this might happen. Vicki got your bag out of the little closet and pulled out said clothes shortly after.
The CTG started beeping a little hectically as the next contraction started. You squeezed Henry’s hand hard to relief some of the pain. You were taking deep breaths and releasing it in short, quick breaths just like you had learned in your classes. Henry was doing it with you, but besides that there wasn’t anything he could do. He never felt more useless.
“Ah, the White Wolf has joined us. Finally”, your doctor said as she came through the door. In previous appointments, you have established that your OB/GYN was a fan of the show, but, thank god, was not fangirling over Henry.
“Y/N, I’m going to check on your dilation real quick. The rest of you have to leave for a minute, okay?”, she told everybody. Henry went into the little bathroom adjoined to your hospital room to change his clothes and Nick accompanied him to help him out of his costume. Vicki stayed with you to hold your hand.
When Henry and Nick came back out, the doctor was gone. “She said, Y/N’s at 9 centimeters so it’s gonna be any minute now”, Vicki updated the men and Henry took his place by your side again.
Just then, a bunch of nurses and your doctor came back in and it started getting hectic. Vicki and Nick left the room, but told you they would wait outside.
Henry was now dressed in his sweatpants and shirt, but still had the wig on. Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed a fake scar on his arm. But you had other things to worry about.
The doctor sat down on a little chair right in front of the bed and had you scooting down a bit. “Alright, with the next contraction, I need you to push with everything you’ve got, Y/N”, your doctor told you. A nurse lifted and bent your legs, showing Henry how to hold it to help you as best as he could. Then she walked around the bed to the other side and held your other leg.
You gripped the handle bars of the bed and braced yourself. The CTG in the corner started beeping hectically, but you didn’t need that reminder. “Now. Push, Y/N, push”, the doctor said. You bent forward, putting your chin on your chest and pushed with everything you got. Henry put his hand on your upper back, helping you to push forward while his other hand still held your leg.
It took a few good pushes before your little girl was finally out. The doctor put her on your chest while a nurse cleaned her face. She was crying at the top of her lunges and it was the best sound you had ever heard. You cried out of relief, looking down at the little baby on your chest.
Henry kissed you and you found him crying as well. All you two had ever wanted in life had just come true.
“Would daddy do us the honors?”, the doctor asked and held up a pair of medical scissors for Henry to cut the umbilical cord. With shaking hands, Henry made the cut and quickly handed off the pair of scissors, already fearing he could hurt his baby girl in any way.
“What will the little girl’s name be?”, the nurse asked as she was filling out the birth certificate. “Amanda”, Henry said for you as you were still busy crying.
“Alright, Helen will take Amanda to her first check-up”, the doctor explained as a nurse came over, wrapped a blanket around your baby and took her off your chest. “Daddy, you can go with your little lady. Mama and I still have a few things to do here”, the doctor continued. You already missed your daughter but you knew she was in good hands.
 After the check-up, nurse Helen led Henry back into your room. There was nothing left from the little chaos that had just happened a few minutes before. You were resting in your bed, barely able to keep your eyes open, even though you felt like you could finally beat Henry at arm wrestling.
Helen sat Henry down in a chair next to your bed, asking him to take his shirt off. He would now have his first skin-to-skin with his baby girl. With quick and trained fingers, the nurse gently wrapped your baby out of the blanket and put her on Henry’s chest, showing him how to hold her best. Then, she wrapped the blanket back around the two of them.
And then the three of you were alone for the first time. You looked over at your boyfriend holding your daughter at his chest. You felt your eyes tearing up. You had never seen something more beautiful. Even thought he was wearing the Geralt wig and the fake scars.
“We did it, baby”, you mumbled with a big smile. Henry looked up at you, tears in the corners of his eyes. “You did it. You were amazing, baby”, he said and looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. He didn’t dare to move an inch ever again.
Only a little while later, Nick and Vicki came into the room, congratulating you on becoming parents and meeting their new niece. Nick took a picture of Henry with his little girl which Henry later posted on his Instagram with the caption, “Geralt met our little girl before me. The past hours where the most life-changing I had ever experienced. As you can see, I rushed off set to not miss the birth of our little girl. Mother and child are healthy and absolutely perfect. Let the new chapter of our lives begin, @Y/I/N”
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mandalore-s · 4 years
The door — Darth Vader x fem OC
WARNINGS: burned vader, smut, fingering, thigh riding, death, the OC is a nightsister.
ALSO: It is not corrected, I will fix it as quickly possible.
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Vader gracefully guided Annika's steps in the planet's hall. The music sounded at a fast pace and the two moved perfectly. After a few more steps, the noise stopped and a new song started, this time, slower and more melancholy.
Vader ran a hand around Annika's neck, making her body shiver, he realized the effect it was transmitted and decided to continue. His hands went around her arms until Vader reached her waist, where he landed with a firm grip. The girl's body reacted, arching slightly in front of Vader. With the soft rhythm of the melody echoing throughout the room, Annika rested her head on Vader's chest, feeling her soft breath enter her ears. Little hands of hers slid down her back and found lightly on Annika cloak and left this time on her chest. Vader tugged at the girl's chin, making her face the same.
“Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" —His robotic voice from Vader filled her ears making her smile. “You look beautiful, as always."
His gloved hands traveled and caressed every possible part of the girl's body discreetly so that no one would notice. A slow sigh was found in Annika's mouth.
“As much as I'm enjoying this ... stop. They will notice.” —Annika spoke, placing her hands in Vader's. The size difference was noticeable.
“No one would dare face me." —Vader whispered behind the mask, caressing the girl's neck making her close her eyes taking advantage of the situation. "And I don't care. There is only one person I care about here and she is not complaining about my...touches.” —He continued to caress her all over her body, discreetly placing one of his hands between Annika's thighs, which made her open her eyes and look at the Lord in fright.
"Don't pretend you didn't like it. I felt your heart racing. Besides, that dress..— Vader continued to lift her hand while the other slightly squeezed her neck. Annika's legs closed slightly against his hands while he massaged torture-related parts, never getting where she wanted to.
“Easy. They will notice.” —Vader spoke using her words against the same. "Besides... you are in the same rooms as me tonight.” —Vader removed his hand between her legs, leaving the hall and Annika without structures, then following the Dark Lord longing for more.
When Annika entered the rooms, Vader was standing facing the planet's horizon.
"It is not cool to do that to a girl, Lord Vader." —Annika spoke hoarsely emphasizing his name making him slowly turn to Annika in the dark of the starlit room.
Vader robotic breath filled the room and he slowly walked over to face the girl. His gloves went around Annika's bare arms making her shiver.
“There are many things I would like to do with you."—Vader said slowly as he ran his hands over the non-tissue parts of her body.
“And what is stopping you?"
“Perhaps...the noises that will come out of your mouth if I start. We don't want to attract attention, do we, Annika?” —A soft squeeze from the Force ran through the girl's breasts and a slight moan left her mouth. Annika remembered a night before where she had stayed under him...that night. Darth Vader knew every point on her body that yearned for him. She wondered what he would be able to do with her pressed against a wall and all of her armor pressing her body against it.
"I am impressed by your imagination, little witch.”—Vader pulled the girl's heels by the Force making her as low as possible next to Lord. His gloved hand grabbed her chin and stared at her.
"This is your fault." —Annika crashed into the wall when Vader took steps toward her, running his hands over the girl's waist and belly. “Damn it. I would like to kiss you right now.”
Vader froze. He remembered their first day in his chamber.
"You know this is impossible.” —He continued to stroke the girl's thighs and she looked at him maliciously. His familiar hands green with magic and the room closed in a perfect chamber for him. For both. A smile broke out on her face.
“Keep telling yourself that. “ —She motioned silently to take off her helmet and he left her. Her hands came up to reveal his scarred face. "I'm afraid you have to get down, Lord Vader."
“Do I?” —The Sith Lord placed her on the wall, wrapping his arms around her waist and ass, leaving her at his height. He pressured the bodies to take his breath away. Annika's heavy breath beat against his face, but he wouldn't be the first to kiss.
And it didn't take another second.
Annika's lips clasped with his as the Lord walked his hands over every strip of naked girl's request he reached. Annika moaned into his mouth making him let out a slow breath. Their tongues explored each moment and second. Vader was at the girl's mercy and enjoyed the best sensations with her. Annika's hands went to the Lord's cloak and unbuttoned it and dropped to the cold floor. Vader walked away.
“What?” —She looked meaningless with a red face. Vader put two fingers in her mouth making her run her tongue around. His circular, wet fingers massaged Annika's breasts while her mouths were glued together. "Vader...” —He motioned for her to be quiet.
“Are you excited to know that someone can come here anytime?" —The Lord said as she moved with her touches.
“It excites me more to know that anyone who interrupts us you would kill."—Annika spoke purringly.
“The fact that I am the greatest evil in the galaxy makes you like this..." —Vader took his hand to the place Annika wanted and a soft moan escaped her lips. She was already wet before she even entered the room. Vader took his hand away and Annika protested. The Lord's tongue passed over the girl's neck and the entire length of her collarbone, face and neck. Her hand tightened on her body. "Yeah...I was right.”
Her legs were slung around Vader's waist, she tried to move as much as possible trying to create more contact with all that armor. Her thighs pressed against him.
Vader reached the girl's lips again suggesting her tongue and gently removing her dress. He let her out of his grips to throw the fabric on the floor, revealing her breasts and her anguish for feeling more of him. Vader certifies the Force to place it pressed against the wall again.
“No...No, I want you. I want your hands around me. I want your whole body to press against mine. Squeezing me. I don't want you to use your tricks on me.” —Annika spoke and he obeyed.
Vader exerting the Force to tighten her clit and her breasts at the same time. The girl moaned loudly and her eyes closed but the Lord stopped.
“Without using tricks." —He said putting his hand on the girl’s throat and squeezing. He knew she loved it when he did that. “Or should I continue?"
“Y-yes..." —Annika closed her eyes, taking advantage of every sensation he gave, clutching her chest in vain. Her thighs moved around him. Vader ran his fingers down her breasts, belly until he reached her tender spot. Fingers her back and forth movements are shallow.
“Hmm...” —Vader grunted. "I think my fingers will do a better job."
“Vader... I wanted to try something.” —He paid attention to her words and the sweet sound of. Annika held on to the metallic arm he had won during the Clone Wars. She takes the gloves in his mouth and removed them. Vader moaned softly. "Use it.” —Annika lowered her arm and the cold metal in the middle of her thighs resulted in a groan. Vader stroked slowly, surprised by the attitude.
Vader introduced himself when he updated his metallic arm to feel the sensations as if it were the arm he had lost. Without the gloves... it would be an interesting experience.
The metal traveled slowly down her clit before descending further. The cold in contact with his skin made one grumble with pleasure.
“I'm surprised..." —He said, touching her slowly. "I didn't know you were open to that kind of...experience. Particularly I wouldn't have thought of that...”—He whispered in her ear. "But I'm happy to know that I turn you on enough to want each part of me to touch you in different ways."
The Lord's breath tickle her exposed skin. A hoarse cry of pleasure escaped the girl's mouth when Vader discovered another sensitive spot on her body. A sigh left his mouth.
"Vader...” —Her thighs tightened around the metallic arm. The Sith inserted a metallic finger gently and slowly into her. She moaned obscenely almost loud enough. Fuck.
“Take...off...the other...g-glove...P-please.” —She whispered between her moans. And fuck, she was really into it. Once again, he obeyed her: The other metallic hand reached her throat, putting a slight pressure on the area. Her eyes were closed enjoying him. The hand marked her throat and the same hand left her neck and was tightening hers waist and belly.
Vader was no longer moving his hands. She rides on the metallic arm with all the armor suffocating her against the wall. Pornography Illegal. He thought.
“Fuck...come to bed. I can finish your fantasies after. I have another idea on my mind” —Vader said and she opened her eyes, slowly. The feeling of his hands letting off her body made the girl feeling incomplete. He held her naked body tightly while effortlessly carrying her to the huge bed.
Vader reached his helmet with the Force and put it back on, leaving her confused. But she didn’t asked.
“Here is the thing.” —Vader placed her on top of him, with the legs on each side wrapped around his spine. His hands travelled in her body. His robotic breath was driving her insane. “You will ride...my arm. Break it if you need. I don’t care.”
“Vader...Your voice...robotic...makes me feel so much things.” —She said moving in his thighs in a slow back and forth motion. And he felt it. He still had his thighs and he was feeling it. And she knew it.
“Why don’t you tell me?” —The robotic voice again. The robotic breathing. Her heart could explode in any moment. But she didn’t stopped her moves in his thigh. Tease.
“I have to...a lot of self control every day while you're surrounded by powerful and influential people. The way you talk and act...even the way you kill...Once I saw you...”
“Hmm?” —It was like a praise for his ears. He wanted more. His hands tightened her back making her tighter on his thighs as she moved torturously.
“Chocking someone to death...it was...I shouldn’t felt that way...b-but...” —She moaned loudly and his hands covered her mouth. “So…breathtaking.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He was so hard.
Vader’s fingers reached her clit stimulating the movements she was doing, while her other hand covered her mouth. His breathe was driving her. All that she could think was about his breath and his hands.
“Fuck…you’re soaked…Better, than.” —Without warning, Vader straightened up on the bed quickly. The Sith pulled his back together so she was sitting better on his lap. He bent her legs until she was comfortable in that position. Two metal fingers penetrated her and she almost scremed with her eyes closed. By the Force, he sensed that it wasn’t a scream of pain.
Two fingers inside her while the other hand gently massaged her breasts and scratched her waist and spine. She was riding smoothly, getting ready until it was good for her.
And then she did it.
Her breasts pressed against the cold metal of the armor's chest made her move a little faster. The heavy metal breath of him was to close of her ears. Groans escaped her mouth profanely and she bit her lip to try to contain the noises. But Vader didn’t liked it.
“I want to hear. Fuck, I don’t care. Anyone who interrupts us is going to die. Let..Let…—He ran his fingers inside her mouth. “Them out.”
“…You liked it, hm? Knowing that I can throw my lightsaber out the door and decapitate anyone who crosses it…”
She moved faster and stronger against his fingers.
“That’s it.” —Vader thought how good was having a metal arm. Metal fingers. The way she was using his parts for her own pleasure and the way he was feeling it, every movement. Vader wanted to be stuck in that sensation for life. “You could break my whole body and I would reassemble it every time to have you like this.”
His other arm reached around the neck behind her back and was scratching heavily without caring if it was hurting her or not. He didn’t care. The fingers inside her supposed to hurt but it wasn’t. Starts, thanks it wasn’t hurting. His breath behind the helmet was gradually failing. It was too much for him. “Y-you okay?” —She said moaning.
“More than.” —He strongly pressured her clit with the Force, while playing with the rest of the body. She screamed.
“Vader!” —She was losing her energy and so he decided to help.
“Hm…relax.” —Her chest rose and fell very fast and he smoothed her inside his fingers. Then he started to move. “That’s it…I got you.”
And, fuck. He wanted to have his arm broken by her. All the weight of her body deposited on his fingers. Her head fell on the armor's shoulders and she pressed her body painfully against his. The sensation of the breathing and his movements breathing against her was intoxicating. Her breasts accompanied the robotic breathing of the armor. “Vader…” —A robotic groan escaped his helmet and another from her mouth. “Don’t…it’s too much for me…” —The fact that she was saying about his moan made him crazy. Stars. He was feeling her so good under his fingers.
Vader stimulated her with the Force and he knew she was coming. He violently plucked her hair pleasantly by the neck and made her face him.
“Open your eyes.” —Eyes and mouth half closed looking him, the helmet. She was breathing hard and moaning low. Her best look. “Keep them open, I want you looking at me when you cum.”
With final moves on her part and her head propped up on Vader's hands, looking at the helmet, she came looking at him. He couldn’t stop a slow, heavy groan leaving his throat.
“D-don’t move. Please.” —She asked, felling on his fingers. “J-just a little bit…” —She said moving very slowly against his fingers and reaching for Vader’s other hand, guiding to squeeze her breasts. “Feels so…good.”
“Good girl.”
She slowly came out of his fingers and sat down between his thighs, throwing him behind the bed and laying on top of the armor. It took minutes for her to compose herself and be able to return to normal breathing.
“Darth Vader.” —His name was in her mouth. “How can still be so excited listening to the sound of your breath?”
“It makes you more excited to know that I put my gloves…over your cum? That I'm going to walk around there and nobody will know that you were riding so dirty on me?”
Her legs were rubbing against his thighs. Then, in a quick movement he put her under him and pressed half the weight of the armor on her, she moaned looking at him.
“You like it, hm? Being so tight against me.” —He whispered close to her ear. And she was already wet for Vader again. “I'm flattered” —His gloved hands passed close to her tender spot.
“We…have all night…don’t we?” —She asked in a whisper.
“We do. But, not now…just get some rest.I need to kill who's listening behind the door.”
“Wait, WHAT?” —She spoke while he left the bed. Vader walked silently through the door and opened it, revealing a curious look from several employees, now in fear. It only took a gentle movement of his hand to break the necks of the employees. And then, the door was closed again.
“You did know they were here all this time?”
“Didn't you say it would excite you to know that I would kill anyone who came through that door?”
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