#the twisting deceit
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uncannylesbianism · 6 months ago
guys its gonna get weird (the deleted/unused gravity falls weirdmageddon song by neil cicierega) is literally just a representation of what everything would be like if the stranger and the spiral teamed up and took over the world.
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th3b3tt3rd1st0rt10n · 5 months ago
m1ch34l .
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the-witchy-sideblog · 5 months ago
Associations with The Spiral/Twisting Deceit
Arcade style carpets and patterns
Neon lights
Bismuth, iridescent opal, and labadorite crystals
Stained glass
Distorted mirrors
Nautilus shells
Lazer lights/pointers
Casino games/sounds
Paint bleeding (wet on wet water colors, partial mixing of acrylic, etc.)
Iridescent ribbons
Psychedelic-based color themes
Yellow doors
Stachybotrys chartarum (black mold)
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mischa-leper · 4 months ago
Michael Shelley + Michael distortion edit I made :3 all of the art was from Pinterest, and most of it was uncredited ):
I’m going to try and find the artists (:
- The second to last art was made by not!val on Pinterest, the third one is peitalo on tumblr, the spiral hallway one is by leona-florianova on tumblr, and the fourth one is jay.splatbones on insta :3
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yourstruly9489 · 3 months ago
Distortion Fanart (michael centered)
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(saturated version on the left, og on right)
This is long, so a break before closeups start!
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Text reads "The Distortion" (the o has a spiral inside of it)
More closeups but the doors on the left page are open, left to right, top to bottom:
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Text reads: That was very stupid
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Text reads: I am the throat of delusion incarnate
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Text reads: There has never been a door there, Archivist
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Text reads: How would a melody describe itself, when asked?
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Text reads: "MICHAEL" That is a real name
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Text reads: Does your hand in any way own your stomach?
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Text reads: My very existence, tied to my pointlessness
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Text reads: Did you notice which door she left through?
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Text reads: I am not a "who," Archivist. I am a "what"
And that's the end of the closeups :D
All the text inside the doors are quotes from Michael Distortion btw. The only exception being "MICHAEL" bc Jon says that, but Michael does respond by saying "That is a real name" so I think it counts as a Michael quote. At least enough to be included.
I'd also like to thank a couple members of the "michael enjoyers" community for helping me come up with enough quotes. I do not remember your names, but thank you :D
The decision to make this spread was fairly impulsive. It started by me doodling spirals on a scrap piece of paper while trying to design a birthday card for a family member. While doing so, I thought, "why not fill a full page in my sketchbook with spirals?" And that turned into "I could make it into a Distortion spread."
And so, we have ended up here with a full Michael Distortion spread.
It was lots of fun to do, and has possibly gotten me out of artblock. Although, trying to come up with 9 unique doors that weren't yellow was quite the pain. Alongside the 9 different spiral patterns inside said doors. (although a couple of the spirals are copies of another)
And now a couple fun facts.
I am currently listening to "More Doors For Me" by elybeatmaker. I thought the song would be fitting.
I have only watched the first 14 episodes of TMA, and none of the TMAGP episodes. Everything I know about TMA is from my sister and Tumblr. For this reason I did only Michael, bc I know him far better than Helen. (she appears less in fanworks)
This spread took me five days. This is because I was either busy, or didn't have the motivation to work on it. The doors took the longest.
There is so much tape. The black background on the left page is black construction paper taped in, the spiral patterns underneath the doors were taped in, the doors themselves were taped on, the yellow door was also taped in, along with the hand and the wrist, both separately taped. It's a good thing I want a thick sketchbook.
My sketchbook's paper is a bit thin, so you can see the spiral behind the yellow door on the back of the next page. (I have since drawn over it, so I don't have a pic)
Each door has a separate color chosen to be the main color of said door. The colors include: Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple, and Brown. The only one that is a normal door color (brown) has Michael inside it.
If you look closely at the right page, you can see where the lines start to get uneven in the background spiral.
I really like the idea of showing someone this spread and have them randomly open the doors, just to see a surprise Michael. :)
Materials used: generic pencil (for the initial sketch) 05 Micron pen random Prismacolors a cool multicolored lead pencil I don't know the brand of kingart twin-tipped brush pens Sipa fineliner pens scotch tape X-acto knife kid scissors black construction paper yellow cardstock A5 Fabriano sketchbook that I hate with a burning passion
Since you read this far, have some bonus Michael doodles!
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^This one was variations of a scene from a dream.
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^This one is from a doodle page I have laying on my desk, hence the scribbles nearby. I did not color in the lines (yes, that is nendou from TDLOSK to his left) This was also the first time I ever drew him.
I love giving him spiral cheeks :)
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puppypop5 · 1 year ago
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Oooooo The Spiral oooooo it Long ^_^
zmaller more drawable verzion under the cut
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The oitty
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solcommitscrimes · 11 months ago
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I FUSED my tma oc with my friend's tma oc (the results will SHOCK YOU)
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fullsaw · 1 year ago
jonny writing spiral statements:
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skell3 · 2 years ago
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You said you'd wait forever But I blinked and the world was gone You wade through the water Slowly your hands grow numb I wish you felt me falling I wish you'd watched over me You said you'd wait forever but I blink And the world was gone
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archivistlesbianisms · 5 months ago
The Spiral
My guilty pleasure right now is watching luxury hotel reviews and I found this british guy who keeps accidentally clipping into the backrooms.
He's unintentionally making the best liminal horror content on youtube
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th3b3tt3rd1st0rt10n · 5 months ago
Eye avatars are uᴉɐd ɐ ɥɔns to deal with..
-🦋 @lepidoptera-spirals
4bz0lut3ly 4gr33d!!
th3y zh0uld l34v3 th3 c0nfuz1ng 4nd unkn0wn 4z 1t 1z!! :^[[
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the-witchy-sideblog · 5 months ago
The Spiral/Twisting Deceit Masterpost
Drinks (non-alcoholic)
Art Styles
Substance Usage and Safety
Substance-based recipes
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rudyardcunt · 1 year ago
When your body clock somehow syncs up to one of Saturn's moons, everybody else seems hard to reach
It Is Not What It Is
Playlist 5 of 14
[I: The Eye, II: The Web, III: The Desolation, IV: The Stranger]
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magnusmadness · 1 year ago
someone please give me art of michael in this shirt
depression is over it’s done it is obliterated look at this fucking shirt i found at the thrift near my house
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i-just-like-crk · 7 months ago
Let us scream into the void for our batshit insane jester into the void together-
What do you think about Shadow Milk Cookie who once had a lover during his days as a cookie free from corruption, and when that day comes where he wreaks havoc onto Earthbread, his lover stood against him and lives freely during his imprisonment.
To see their fragments in the present, whether it's their name or their achievement as one of the cookies who went against a beast... Or to know how they're known as a cookie who loves a beast until their end.
(can I be 🍡 anon?)
Shadow Milk Cookie does not take your betrayal well.
Not agreeing with his philosophies is one thing, but acting out against him— helping those wretched witches seal him away— he won’t forget it. He stews in his rage, replays the moments of your treachery over and over again. He doesn’t blame you, he blames the witches. Those cowardly, despicable, rotten farces of gods. You are incredibly misguided by them, that’s all it is. You just need a little shove in the right direction, and once he escapes, he’ll happily provide that.
While Shadow Milk Cookie does not think you are at fault, he does believe that your actions warrant some sort of punishment. He pours himself over this during his imprisonment; ways to get back at you, make you suffer a little before he feels you’ve earned his forgiveness. Nothing he thinks of ever feels severe enough, there is nothing you could possibly do to mend his broken heart. (Perhaps if you stay by his side; spend the rest of eternity repenting and groveling, proving your loyalty and remorse, never estranging yourself from him again… maybe then, he’ll consider taking pity on you.)
After he breaks free from imprisonment, he’s all smiles and theatrics. Naturally, it’s a deceptive cover. Beneath his conniving grin is a deep-seated resentment. He tears the silver tree asunder with a manic smile and a burning desire for revenge. There are many things he intends to reclaim:
First of all, the other half of his soul jam.
He’ll run circles around that false little hero— as he finds that Pure Vanilla is surprisingly susceptible to corruption. It’s an excellent warm-up after laying dormant for so long, and Shadow Milk Cookie intends on enjoying every second of that thief’s descent into madness.
Then, once that’s out of the way, he’ll come for his silly, misguided, deceitful little lover next.
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jesterjunkie · 7 months ago
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Also called Es Mentiras (It Is Lies), The Twisting Deceit, It Is Not What It Is. The fear of madness, that the world you know is wrong, that your mind is lying to you. Fear of deception, lying, deceiving of the mind and senses. The Spiral appears with imagery of spirals, patterns and fractals, and often manifests as hallucinations or illusions.
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