#the turtle in blue has always hated the abuse of authority
yellowhollyhock · 3 months
in mirage when they get into a car chase and April is upset about people getting hurt
And Leo's like 'hey now let's not forget who started this thing. we didn't do anything wrong'
(it was the police chasing them)
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TMNT Fanfic Complaints
As this blog is mostly a space to vent, and I am currently obsessed with pretty much every iteration of the TMNT, I thought I'd throw together a list of things that make me close a fanfic instantly. If you like any of these things, then that's totally fine, but for the most part, any of these things will have me dropping a fic in minutes. A few of these are aligned with posts I've made in the past, but I am noting them down anyway as this is a way of me getting out a lot of my major complaints at once 😅
No.1 Having all the brothers be abusive (particularly towards Mikey), with bonus points for any crossover that will then have one version of the turtles chastising the others for the way they treat their brothers. It just doesn't work, every set have very specific dynamics, but none of them are abusive.
No. 2 Crossover fics that make it impossible to tell who is who. This can occur in a few different ways. One of which is that the authors completely fail to differentiate different universes, making every single version of the turtles talk and act in the same way. Another is when a fic gets flooded with nicknames/pronouns/usernames, without a decent key. If you have a crossover fic with even just 3 or 4 universes, but every single turtle has multiple sets of pronouns, multiple nicknames, and multiple usernames, you really need a way to make it clear who is who.
No.3 The 'poor baby Blue' phenomenon in which every version of the turtles seemingly forgets all of the horror they have suffered because of what the Rise boys have gone through, particularly Leo. I honestly hate it when I am reading a crossover fic and all of the trauma from every series is disregarded in the face of the Rise Shredder and Rise Krang, which brings me on to my next point...
No.4 Essentially an extension of No.3, but can we all finally drop the idea that the Rise Boys had the scariest villains? Sure, their Shredder and Krang were intense, but for the most part, their villains are all pretty much played for comic relief. Either 03 or 12 had the scariest villains. And before anyone comes at me like 'Oh, Rise Shredder was a demon, the Rise Krang managed to take over the world, etc', may I remind everyone that 03 also had a demon Shredder who took over the world (and multiple others including the one who took over in SAINW), and the 12 Triceratons straight up destroyed the Earth with a black hole?
No.5 Fics that give away traits from one turtle to another e.g. making any of the other turtles better at science/math/tech etc than Donnie. Each of the turtles has their own thing, and Donnie will always be the smartest academics wise. It annoys me to no end when people try and make any if the others, usually Rise Leo or 12 Mikey, out to be a genius like him. I actually once read a fic where Rise Donnie asked Leo to help someone with a chemistry question that he couldn't handle. It's ridiculous, and usually carries over from the headcanon that Rise Leo is the medic (is there genuinely any evidence for this in the show besides Leo having a pouch? Because the only time I can recall anything medical related being brought up was when Donnie mentioned Raph's allergies). I have also seen people talk about Rise Leo loving to dance more than Donnie, even when the show explicitly states on multiple occasions how much Bootyyyshaker9000 loves to dance (also making Leo a massive theatre kid when Donnie breaks into songs and dance numbers on multiple occasions.) Or when 12 fans make Mikey the artist when it is actually Raph.
No. 6 (people will probably be mad at this one) Stop making everything about Leosagi, please! He doesn't even exist in the Rise verse, yet the entire fandom is absolutely swamped with Leosagi content. It's annoying when you are reading a Rise fic, and then out of nowhere it all becomes about Leo's relationship with Usagi. These fics also tend to make Usagi the most bland character in existence, with his two defining traits being samurai and Leo's boyfriend. They even do this to Bayverse!! Or bizarre crossover ships that start taking over everything (Why is Mikey being shipped with pretty much all of the spiderman iterations now??(
No. 7 Any fic that has all of the Donnies despise each other. I don't know if this is bias, but I feel like most of the Donnies would enjoy having people on their level to discussbthings with, people who would respect their boundaries and listen to each other's rants. And before anyone brings up their egos, most of the Donnies are shown to be able to and even enjoy working with others who are around their level (Aprils, Leatherhead in 03, Fugitoids etc). I actually think that, aside from the Mikeys, the Donnies would probably get on the best.
No. 8 One of my biggest pet peeves (that I have complained about before) is acting as if any version of the turtles is far superior to the others in terms of intelligence, fighting skills, etc. The Rise boys do not solo every verse. If they had had more training, then yeah, they would be probably some of the strongest characters. But they haven't had the training of the other verses, and mystic powers cannot compensate for everything (considering the fact that they got absolutely bodied by their Krang, you think more people would realise this). The other iterations pretty much all have more formal training, more experience fighting a variety of opponents (Bayverse and the 90s are perhaps an exception to the greater variety of opponents here, but as Bayverse Raph alone can yeet a shipping container singlehandedly with no powers, I think they're good). In no universe should the Rise boys be giving any of the other characters fighting tips.
I will probably write more of these at some point, this was pretty cathartic 😅 I also promise that I do not hate Rise, I just have more issues with the wider Rise fandom than most of the other shows.
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 6
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 1,987
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: food, (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: I hated writing this chapter because I love Logince and I'm intentionally writing this story so that Logince doesn't work and I just- my heart and my creativity have a conflict of interests here :')
Roman was left alone in his room, staring at the door where Virgil had slipped out silently a few minutes ago. He'd turned off his music, and was sitting up, staring, thinking.
What was even the point of asking Logan out? I didn't have any interest in him before, he was just a nerd who i never bothered, and he never bothered me... perhaps for the challenge? when I saw him in class today something just sparked, and i felt the need to pursue him. I didn't think he'd entertain it, especially so quickly. And what of Virgil?
What of Virgil?
Roman shook his head and stood, leaving his room to see what his parents were doing, and if he could help with dinner. He needed a distraction, and he knew homework wasn't going to do it.
The next few days at school were strange, to say the least.
Patton was the same, as far as the others could see. He tried figuring out some of the routes Logan took to different classes, just a few so as not to seem suspicious, but Roman was more often than not already there and bombarding Logan with his charms. Patton still caught him alone sometimes though, and did his best to make conversation about little things, just wanting to get to know Logan. They had an engaging conversation about Logan's surprisingly extensive knowledge about drug abuse, and Patton was thankful for the bits of advice he could get. They'd also run through proper methods for caring for various species of turtles.
Logan continued to hound himself about why he had accepted Roman's courting after such a short time knowing him, let alone that they were very... different people, to say the least. He'd told his father that one of his friends had requested an outing to a cafe to study for an upcoming calculus quiz. His father was reluctant but upon Logan's presentation of evidence of such atmospheres increasing the effectiveness of studying and concentration, his father granted him permission to go. Logan knew his father would never permit any,, frivolous activities, when Logan had so much academic potential. And Logan made himself feel the same way, acquiring knowledge and more importantly incredible accolades was all that mattered until he was out of school. And yet, here he was, about to go on a date behind his parents' back with a jock, very stereotypical of a teen and yet very atypical for him. He couldn't explain to himself why he'd allowed himself to get into this situation, but it wasn't causing any immediate problems, so he decided to try and let the topic rest.
Virgil was acting stranger than ever, at least from Roman's perspective. He seemed even more cold and distant, except on occasion he'd strike up a conversation. Sometimes they got rather lively, debating about which were the best Disney movies, even if they had very... differing perspectives on what messages they portrayed. Roman was baffled, Because he didn't think someone who was previously unconcerned with Roman for the most part could become so black-and-white, switching between completely ignoring and/or glaring at him, and coming into a room and immediately proposing a topic of conversation.
Roman had his hands full with courting his new love interest, and trying to figure out what was going on with Virgil. Virgil himself was very conflicted. Any time he saw Roman, his feelings became intense and he never knew how to act.
The group's dynamic had shifted accordingly whenever they were in class together. In Biology, Logan was usually hard at work on their report, Patton doing his best to help. Roman often attempting to fluster Logan in any possible way he could, and Virgil, ever unpredictable.
Finally Thursday came, and Roman got into his mustang to pick up his date. He drove quietly up to a large white house, with a very systematic garden laid out in the front. He got out and leaned against the closed passenger door, and messaged Logan, letting him know he was there to pick him up.
Logan had hoped Roman would have the sense to pick him up around the block, but upon exiting his house and seeing him directly in front of the house leaning against his red mustang with a single red rose in his hand, Logan brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and massaged it, trying to keep from getting aggravated before their date even began. He walked over slowly, trying to keep an open mind instead of letting his logical self shut everything about Roman's love language down.
Roman had to keep himself from staring. Logan was dressed... well, typically his own style, but... he had gelled his hair back so it became one big dark tuft instead of it's usual gentle messiness, and he had on a silk navy button up and a black bowtie instead of his trademark necktie. He had on Black corduroy pants that accentuated his slender legs, and white and blue converse that complemented his shirt and pale skin. Roman was impressed at the attention to detail yet the simplicity of his date's outfit, and was indeed that much more attracted to him.
"Well hello there," Roman said as Logan neared, looking him up and down, "don't you look ravishing."
Logan's cheeks glazed a bit. "As do you," was all he could think to reply. Roman had on a dark red v neck and a black and gold baseball jacket, dark grey ripped skinny jeans with a silver chain, and red checkered vans. Logan realized he'd let his eyes linger on Roman's exposed collarbone a moment too long. God, why am i acting like this?
Roman just smirked and stood aside, opening the passenger door he'd been leaning on and making way for Logan. Logan sat, his knees nearly touching the dash. Roman got on one knee and dramatically presented Logan with the flower. Logan smiled gently and took it, examining it. Roman shut the door and made his way around to the driver's side and got in.
"Will you relay the whereabouts of our destination or will it remain a mystery to me?" Logan asked as Roman opened his door, not looking up from the flower.
Roman smiled with a glint in his eyes. "Well it would be no fun if i were to spoil the surprise, now would it?" He put the key in the ignition and started the car, and the engine hummed smoothly to life. "Completely unrelated to said surprise, but have you had dinner?" Roman rolled down his window and rested his forearm on it.
"Yes, unfortunately I follow a strict meal plan." He adjusted his glasses.
"Well, i wont question that, but that works for me." Roman left it at that and pulled out his phone.
"Would you happen to have a music preference?" Roman asked as Logan smelled the rose, and finally set it down in his lap.
After a moment of thought, Logan replied, "Well I suppose not. I don't listen to much music other than classical on occasion, and at this point i find it rather..."
"Boring?" Roman mused.
"Insufferable," Logan smiled.
"Alright, I'll enlighten you to something other than Beethoven and Bach," Roman reached for the aux chord, plugged his phone into it, and picked a particular song he felt was... fitting for the moment. The song intro began, and Roman pulled the e-break down and shifted into first gear, pulling out onto the road.
he said "let's get out of this town,
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds..."
I thought "heaven can't help me now,"
Nothing lasts forever...
Logan watched things pass on the road, absentmindedly tapping his ankle to the beat. He didn't recognize the area of town they were heading to, but he didn't expect Roman to kidnap him or anything, so he just observed.
But this is gonna take me down
He's so tall, and handsome as hell
He's so bad, but he does it so well.
I can see the end as it begins
My one condition is
Logan looked straight ahead at the road now, wondering if Roman had selected this specific song for any reason.
Say youll remember me,
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your
Wildest dreams, ah, hah...
They were driving up a hill now, and the road was getting steeper. Logan was beginning to wonder if he should have just rejected Roman from the beginning.
Roman sensed his unease, and turned the music down so that it was just background noise. "I promise I'm not about to murder you in the woods," he said with a small laugh, "There's just a nice spot up here to... observe," he assured vaguely, glancing at Logan.
He nodded with a small smile from the passenger seat, returning to looking around as they passed sloping driveways and mossy-trunked trees.
Just moments later, they emerged into something of a clearing, with a cul-de-sac and a large meadow. There were clusters of small flowers and clovers all over, and the trees cleared perfectly to display the sun was crawling toward the horizon.
They parked and Logan got out, and turned to realize Roman was still in the car, seemingly reaching behind his seat awkwardly and rummaging around. He emerged with a plastic bag and a rolled up plaid blanket. Roman locked the car and led them to the meadow, where he dramatically unrolled the blanket and laid it out, after ruffling it in the wind. Logan sat cross-legged facing what would soon become the sunset, the bottom of the sun's visible sphere nearly dipping itself below the horizon.
Roman sat as well, beginning to dig through the mystery bag, Logan now paying him attention. Roman pulled out two large paper cups, with plastic tops and straws in them. He handed Logan one of the cups, and Logan began inspecting it. It appeared to be a milkshake, likely chocolate flavored due to the brown hue... It looked rather delightful. Logan took a sip and was not disappointed; he'd never actually had a milkshake, at least not since he was very young, so he had to attempt to hide his enjoyment.
"That is quite tasteful," He looked back to Roman, who was tasting his own milkshake.
"Yeah, you struck me as a chocolate type," he leaned back on one hand. "Hope you like the view. I thought it would be nice as a first date to watch the sunset and talk."
Logan gazed out at the sky that faded from blue to purple to red to orange and a bit of yellow, clouds peppered around and absorbing the hues. He certainly did appreciate the view.
"Alright, let's talk then."
A few hours later, it had gotten dark and stars were spattered across the sky. Logan was laying with his hands behind his head, watching the sky, and Roman was laid next to him, leaning up on his side and watching Logan's eyes. They'd talked about anything, from childhood memories to opinions and briefly about their home lives. Roman felt very... usual. Everything was going perfectly, and he could feel that fact slamming against his chest. Do I actually like him or is this all just a game to me? Am i being fake, or completely real?
Soon Logan checked his wristwatch and informed Roman it was time he be heading home. They stood, and Logan shivered as Roman collected the blanket. He sighed upon seeing Logan's arms loosely held around himself, trying to keep warm.
Roman rustled his baseball jacket off and draped it over Logan's shoulders.
They made their way back to the car, and as Roman drove them, all Logan could do was lean his head on the window and stare up at the hazy white moon.
Roman dropped him off, walking him up to his door. Logan thanked him for the evening, and tried to return Roman's jacket, but Roman insisted he hold onto it. They shared a small kiss on the doorstep, and bid each other goodnight. Roman drove off into the night, pondering heavily.
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the-sweetest-dragon · 5 years
Character Sheet
This is a character that is old but has been reworked.  She’s close to my heart and I know the fandom doesn’t really like original character stories, but I’ve decided I don’t care.  I want to tell this story so I will.
A huge thank you to @incorrectbatfamiliaquotes for helping flesh out a good portion of my characters.  I think you may have fixed my writers block again because I’m really hyped to start this story over.  So, hope you enjoy what I’ve added and changed about my darling Kaia.
Full Name: Kaia Elaine Hale
Meaning of Name: Hawaiian for the sea
Ethnicity: Hawaiian
Birthday: August 13, 1994
Age: 25
Zodiac Sign:  Leo
Basic Personality:  Intellectual, hates mess, wants to be a lawyer, is an awful driver, has anxiety, can’t wait to graduate law school so her real life can begin.  Spent a good portion of her teenage years mute because it was easier to not speak at all than to get beat for saying something wrong.  Hates her family and left when she was eighteen, refuses to speak to them.  
Deeper Personality: Anxiety:  After years of abuse, she has anxiety attacks when people raise their voice. She Is very good at compartmentalizing her childhood trauma and hates talking about herself.  Has refused to go to therapy several times but takes medication that helps keep her calm.    
Inflexible:  Kaia is set in her ways and will not budge for anyone or anything.  Once you’re in her life, there are very few ways to get out of it.  
Lawyer aspiration: Her father isn’t a good man, what so ever.  Kaia knows he does illegal things on the side and is slowly gathering evidence for a case that will finally put him in jail where he belongs.  
Best Friends: Timothy Drake and Mirabella Kostas.  
Mirabella is the daughter of Kaia’s mother’s friend and they had a weird relationship until Kaia turned seventeen.  Mirabella was the only person who bothered to learn ASL to speak to Kaia (her first sign to her was at a dinner party, asking for more cake) and their friendship blossomed after that.
Tim’s father and Kaia’s father were trying to marry them off because neither were wanted and it would get them out of their parents' hair.  Kaia hated that their fathers pushed it so much, especially since Tim was already in love with Stephanie Brown.  They eventually became good friends after Kaia left her family and moved to Gotham.  
Family:  Makoa and Alani (father and mother), and her two sisters Lani and Nalani.  Makoa made his money selling diamonds and other precious gems, as well as illegal mutant power enhancement drugs.  Alani was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who basically sold her to Makoa to get himself out of debt. Lani and Nalani are older than Kaia by three years (twins).  Kaia is hated throughout her entire family because she is not a boy and therefore will not inherit her father’s company.  The company will go to her nephew, Alexander, when he comes of age.  Her sisters are bitches and got married as soon as they could and started popping out children like freaking rabbits.  Her father didn’t know what to do with Kaia, so he threw her into as many extracurriculars as he could.  He would also beat her for speaking out of turn or incorrectly, causing Kaia to be mute for many years.  
Love Life:  refuses to date, identifies as bisexual, and used to have a small crush on Mirabella.  
Political Viewpoint: very liberal, believes that what she does with her body is no ones business but her own, wants to advocate for better treatment for indigenous people of both her home and continental United States.
Favorite Color: pale blue, like the sky on a clear day.  
Basic Description:  Kaia is a very intimidating woman.  She’s incredibly tall and muscular from years of training.  Her mass of dark curls are usually held in a tight bun or styled to perfection, will rarely see her not looking well put together.  Kaia has deeply tanned skin all year ‘round and gorgeous dark eyes that are framed by long, dark lashes.  She has several scars from her childhood abuse, including a large burn scar on her hand when her father forced her to touch a hot oven.  Kaia has a single tattoo that Mirabella talked her into when she turned nineteen; the tattoo is of a small sea turtle that’s balanced on her hip bone in black and white.  She wears neutral colors most of the time and keeps her makeup minimal.  
Favorite song: drugs by EDEN
Favorite Outfit: a soft blue sweater that Mirabella made for her paired with khakis and heeled boots, has a fairly preppy dress sense.  
Hobbies: reading, working out, cleaning, playing the piano, studying
Fatal Flaw: Doesn’t trust anyone until she knows them completely.  Growing up in an abusive home gave her severe trust issues, so she’s always on edge when meeting new people.  It’s something she’s trying really hard to overcome, but things aren’t always as easy as they seem. 
Short Term Goals: Pass her bar exams and become a lawyer 
Long Term Goals: Bring down her father’s drug ring legally, work on herself so she can feel like a person again.  Finally be able to attend therapy regularly.  
Pets: two dogs, Juniper and Pua
Juniper: a Golden Retriever and German Shepard mix with big brown eyes.  She was a birthday gift from Tim and Stephanie for Kaia’s twenty-first birthday.  Juniper still acts like a puppy; she’s very energetic and loves to play with any and everyone.  Gets along really well with Pua, and will often be spotted cuddling with him in the same bed.  
Pua: a pitbull mutt that Kaia found abandoned by the road when she first moved to Gotham.  Pua has heterochromia, with one blue eye and one brown eye.  He’s stocky and athletic, with a mostly brown coat.  A little skittish around new people but otherwise a very loving dog.  He loves to cuddle and run with Kaia.  
Habits: Kaia pulls on her hair quite often when she feels nervous.  It’s something that her father and her trainers could never stop her from doing.  
Fears: Kaia has a fear of being abandoned.  She doesn’t like being alone, which is why she keeps the dogs close to her at all times.  Kaia is scared of closed places and spiders.  She likes to pretend that those things don’t scare her, but they do.
Favorite Movie: She’s All That because it’s escapism in its best form and Freddie Prince Jr. is a real snack.  
Life Motto: Only look back to see how far you’ve come.  
Prized Possession: A pair of pearl earrings that Tim gave her on her sixteenth birthday.  She had found the pearls on the beach one day when they were forced to hang out and he had them made especially for her.  Kaia never leaves the house without them.  
Religion: Kaia is agnostic but occasionally goes to church with Mirabella.  
Favorite Food: Pulled pork tacos with pineapple slaw.
Favorite Snack: Kaia is a sucker for Milk Duds and will eat them until her stomach aches.  
Role Model: Patsy T. Mink, the first woman of color and Asian American to be elected into Congress.  Authored Title IX, which banned gender discrimination in education programs as well as convinced two-thirds of the Democratic party to continue supporting the Civil Rights movement.
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Title: Family
Word Count: 3675
Summary: for asofterfan’s Punk!AU. Patton is protective of his little brother, Thomas. ““Pat,” Virgil says in a low voice as he steps closer, alarm twisting his stomach. “Are you hurt?””. Platonic/familial dynamics all around.
Warnings: discussion of violence, injury (lots of bruising mostly), cursing (more than normal in my fics…Punk!Logan curses a lot okay), mention/hints at abuse and neglect, nausea mention, some angst/hurt/comfort, let me know if I forgot anything else.
Author’s Note: Long AN is long, sorry - Behold, the fic that caused me tremendous self-doubt and second-guessing. I am in love with @asofterfan’s Punk!AU. (Special thanks to them for letting me and others create within the context of this awesome AU) I tried to do as much research through their headcanons and art as I could, but I’m sure there are inaccuracies. This will also inevitably pale in comparison to the development of their AU so please check it out if you haven’t because it’s awesome. I kinda wanted to explore Patton’s relationship with Thomas a bit but also the Analogical dynamic and this is what happened. Yikes. The self-doubt and writing insecurity never really went away with this fic (can you tell from how I’ve been rambling?) but like might as well post it, yeah? No? *drops this here and then sprints far away*
Also, editing done by yours truly so all mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Tags: @creativenostalgiastuff, @helloisthisusernametaken, @ren-allen, @lizaelsparrow, @princelogical, @random-pianist, @ravenclawicecream, @erlenmeyertrash, @milomeepit, @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes, @rileyfirstname, @pinkeasteregg, @sassy-in-glasses, @vigilantvirgil, @generalfandomfabulousness, @lacrimosathedark, @thepoolofthedead, @monikastec, @heir-of-the-founders, @yourworstnightmare999
Virgil shakes the can of spray paint as he surveys the brick wall in front of him. He has the image in his mind of the final product, but it always takes him a moment’s pause to figure out where exactly to start. A light, late afternoon breeze tugs at the loose strands of his hair. Logan sits on the ground in the alley with a book in his lap, his back against the wall and one knee propped up.
He turns the page, then glances up at Virgil. “It helps if you actually, y’know, use the spray paint.”
The corner of Virgil’s mouth twitches. “You don’t say?” he quips dryly.“You know, you said you’d keep a look out for me.” He looks at the wall a moment longer before beginning. The hiss of the canister cuts through the sound of birds chirping and tires rolling on pavement as cars passed by, oblivious to the two teens deeper in the alley.
“And I am,” Logan replies. His gaze narrows at the page for a moment before looking back at Virgil. “Although I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. Nobody around here cares much about artists painting on the walls unless they’re police, and those guys don’t really do much around here. There’s about a 99% nobody’s going to even notice us, let alone care to do anything about it. ”
“Yeah, but with my luck?” Virgil sprays another line. “I don’t love those odds.”
Logan smirks and flips the page. He brushes a strand of blue hair out of his eyes. Virgil eyes the book in his lap as he grabs a different color and resumes painting. He coats the red brick in a glistening dark black streak. “What are you even reading?”
Logan glances up, adjusting the frame of his glasses. “Judith Butler’s Bodies That Matter. It expands on the gender performativity argument she proposed in Gender Trouble.”
Virgil arcs a skeptical eyebrow at his friend. “You’re reading advanced gender theory? For fun?”
“Nothing is binary and everything is gay,” Logan replies with a lift of his shoulder. “They want proof? This book offers it, or tries to. At least, the binary part. I’m still reading.”
Virgil continues working, hesitating less between lines as the image starts to take form. Distantly, the wail of police sirens cut through the air; it’s too far away for either of the punks to even look up.  For a while, the only sound between them is the hiss of Virgil’s spray paint cans and Logan turning pages. The sound of footsteps makes both boys pause, but as they glance down the alley to the street, the two girls walking by don’t even glance in their direction.
Virgil doesn’t usually tag in broad daylight. But he was trying a new design that he wanted to see in daylight, and sketching it out over and over only made him feel most antsy about finding out what it would actually look like. Before he placed it anywhere that would actually get noticed, Virgil wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing with it. And even though a part of him was more on edge due to the fact that the possibility of him getting caught was higher without the cover of dark, his shaking hands stilled as soon as he’d begun. He supposes art was funny like that sometimes.
It’s almost an hour later when Virgil takes a few steps back and surveys his own work. Logan looks up at him for a moment before marking the page and jumping to his feet to stand by Virgil.
Virgil purses his lips, his gaze narrowing. “That line isn’t straight,” he says, pointing it out to Logan. “It curves a bit to the left.”
“So? I’m never straight,” Logan replies, almost deadpan save for the slight smirk that pulls at the corner of his lips. “It looks good, Virge.”
Virgil is quiet, then reaches for the canister at his feet. “I’m just gonna fix one thing.” He steps back up to the wall, adding a few strokes of the purple to add some dimension where Virgil felt it was lacking. “Hey,” he says as he works, “Logan?” He tries to keep the nervousness out of his voice.
“Mind if I maybe crash at your place tonight?” he asks without turning around. He can never look Logan in the eyes when he asks, and he hates how often he does so. But last night had been… rough, to say the least. He had a feeling that Logan had seen the bruise on his arm during lunch, even though the teen had tried to keep his sleeves pulled down.
“C’mon,” Logan says. “You know you don’t need to ask.”
By the time the two boys get back to Logan’s house, it’s almost five. The sun is low in the sky, just about ready to set. Logan’s driveway sits empty, as usual, as they get closer. It’s not until they’re walking up the driveway when they notice someone sitting on the front steps of his porch.
Logan and Virgil share a glance as they get closer. The familiar head of pastel blue-purple-pink hair is leaned back against the railing, his eyes closed.
At the sound of his name, Patton opens his eyes.
“Hey, Logan,” he says, his voice sounding oddly strained. Virgil looks at him closer, and notices the way the pastel punk has his arm wrapped around his chest. The way he’s curled in on himself a little. Something is wrong.
“Patton, don’t take this the wrong way but what are you doing here?” Logan asks.
“I, uh…” Patton gives them a pained smile that looks a lot more like a grimace. “I need your help.”
“Pat,” Virgil says in a low voice as he steps closer, alarm twisting his stomach. “Are you hurt?”
“I… yeah.” Logan is already unlocking the door, but his gaze flashes back to them at the answer. Virgil wraps Patton’s arm around his shoulders. He winces as Virgil—who is being as gentle as he can—pulls him to his feet.
“What the hell happened?” Logan demands as Virgil helps Patton inside. His brown eyes are practically blazing with fury. It’s not that Logan isn’t used to patching people up. Usually himself or Virgil after a late night call. (They were both used to that particular arrangement, Virgil thinks with a bitter taste in his mouth.)
But Patton is an entirely different story. Everybody loved him; and if you didn’t love him, then you had done something to get on his bad side and you were afraid of him. Patton was almost a perpetually warm person, sincere and well-meaning even if his love and affection could feel like a bit… much, at times.
Logan may have the sharper temper, but Virgil can feel his own anger bubbling in his chest as the reality that someone had hurt Patton sinks into him.
“I’m sorry,” Patton is saying quietly as they make their way up the stairs. “I didn’t mean to bother you guys, I just…”
“Shut up, Pat,” Virgil tells him, but not harshly. “You don’t have to talk about it unless you want to.”
“Take him to my room,” Logan says. “I’m gonna grab the first aid kit.” Virgil nods his understanding and leads Patton to the door at the end of the hallway.
Virgil flips the light switch as they enter Logan’s bedroom. The room admittedly helps ease some of the uneasiness in Virgil’s stomach. Logan’s room—with its dark blues and blacks on the walls and bedding—always felt safe to Virgil. The teen smiles faintly to himself at his stuffed turtle John and Logan’s octopus Tsugarensis sitting side by side amidst the pillows near the headboard. Bottles of hair dye sit on his desk.
Patton is quiet as he sits down on the edge of the bed, glancing around the room. He catches Patton’s quiet hiss as Virgil extracts himself out from under the other punk’s arm. He notices then that Patton’s hands are bruised, the knuckles split. The teen also has a dark bruise forming along his cheekbone.
Virgil shoves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. He’s used to the one being hurt. It’s not often that he finds himself on the other side of the situation, and if he’s being honest, he hates it. It’s tying his stomach in knots despite the familiarity and vague sense of safety Logan’s room provided.
“I’m sorry, Virge,” Patton says softly, staring at his hands in his lap. “My mom isn’t home and I didn’t want to scare Thomas. But I needed help and I wasn’t sure where else to go, and Logan lived closer, so...”
Logan interrupts the conversation as he comes into the room with a box in his hands. “Patton, you’re gonna need to take off the vest at least.” There’s a surprising and rare gentleness in the request that Virgil has only ever hear Logan use when Virgil had been injured.
Patton nods, then hesitates. He sucks in a bit of a breath before shrugging out of the turquoise garment. Virgil bites his thumbnail, watching the way Patton clenches his jaw against a wince. Logan glances at the pastel punk out of the corner of his eye, setting the box on the bed beside Patton and kneeling in front of him.
The unasked questions hang heavy in the air of the bedroom. Virgil wants to ask what happened, but he is too well acquainted with injuries one would rather not talk about to force that kind of conversation on Patton. From the subtle glances Logan keeps tossing to him, he’s pretty sure the blue-haired teen feels the same way.
“Can you raise your shirt, Pat?”
Patton presses his lips together, not answering at first. Slowly, he reaches for the hem of his shirt and—visibly gritting his teeth—pulls it up and over his head. He averts his gaze as he sets his shirt beside him.
The sight of Patton’s chest is one Virgil is too well-acquainted with, but seeing it on Patton makes a faint nausea rise in Virgil’s throat before he swallows it down. Across his ribcage is a brilliant—painful—smattering of purple, yellow, and a very angry red. Something that looks suspiciously like a footprint marks his right side. Logan goes suddenly very still for a moment, his eyes widening ever so slightly.
Patton swallows. He offers a weak smile, even though he isn’t looking at either one of them. “Is this where I say ‘you should see the other guys’?”
Guys plural? Virgil thinks, anger sparking all over again in his chest.
“You’re damn right,” Logan replies, his voice deceptively even. “If not after you, then after me.” He looks up at Patton, who still won’t meet his eyes. “Is anything broken?”
“I don’t… I’m not sure,” Patton whispers.
Logan nods stiffly. “Then this might hurt.” Gingerly, he starts prodding around Patton’s chest. Feeling for any broken ribs. Virgil winces in sympathy as Patton sucks in a sharp hiss.
“It was because of Thomas,” Patton says after a long moment of silence, as Logan continues to press around his chest.
Virgil’s gaze flies up. “Thomas did this?” That definitely didn’t make sense. Thomas and Patton adored each other.
“No, no, no!” Patton says quickly. “I…” He sighs, some strands of his pastel hair falling into his eyes. “Thomas has been struggling with some kids in school. This morning when I went to get him up, he yelled at me. I don’t even remember what about. He’d… never yelled at me before. But I told him he had to go to school. He said I…” Patton cuts himself off suddenly, shaking his head. Virgil’s brow pulls together at the unfinished thought, but Logan cuts in before he can ask about it.
“Well, shit, Pat,” Logan replies, pulling his hands back from Patton’s torso. “You could’ve told us. We would’ve backed you up.” He pulls the wrapping off the bandage.
Patton lifts a shoulder. “I didn’t even know. He didn’t tell me what was happening. I waited for him for a while after school but when he didn’t show up, I went looking for him. Found him cornered by a few guys who had him shoved up against the locker.”
Virgil’s brow furrows together. As bubbly and warm as Patton was, one thing you did not do was mess with someone he cared about. Especially his little brother. “You and Thomas fought some guys?”
Patton shakes his head. “I got their attention, and told Thomas to get out of there. He didn’t exactly want to, but he knows I would’ve kicked his ass harder if he’d stuck around. Thomas isn’t much of a fighter.” Patton’s hands curl into fists on his knees. Virgil isn’t sure if it’s in anger or something else.
Logan secures a bandage over the pastel punk’s ribs. “No offense, Patton,” he says, “but you’re hardly the most likely one to throw a punch yourself.” He glances at the bruised and split knuckles along the other teen’s hands.
Patton looks at them too, relaxing his fists and flexing his hand before wincing. “Yeah, well. That wasn’t exactly my intention either.”
Logan takes his hand, cleaning up the abrasions along his knuckles before wrapping them. “You had your knife with you, at least?”
Patton glances up. “You know I don’t bring it with me to school.”
Virgil’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he fishes it out and checks the ID. It’s a text from Roman.
Have u seen Pat?
The purple-haired teen sighs to himself and texts back. Yeah. He’s at Logans. Why?
R: Thomas just called me. He seemed worried bc Patton didn’t come home.
Thomas had recently gotten involved in theatre alongside Roman in the second half of his freshman year. Roman had given Patton’s little brother his number in case he needed a ride to rehearsal.
The phone buzzes again. U know what happened?
Long story. Just tell him Pat’s safe and with Logan, Virgil texts back quickly.  
R: Thomas said he might be hurt???
Virgil hesitates a second before replying. Yeah. He is. I’ll explain later. Virgil pockets his phone and ignores it when it buzzes again. He knows Roman is already plotting revenge, and Virgil isn’t too far behind him, but he has bigger priorities at the moment.
He can see Patton’s jaw jump. He hears how shaky the pastel punk’s long inhale is, even though he tries to cover it with a cough and a smile.
“Hey, uh, Logan?” Patton asks as Logan finishes securing the bandage in place.
“Thanks.” Patton flexes his grip and finally locks gazes with the blue-haired teen. “You’re good at this.”
Logan and Virgil exchange a quick glance that Patton doesn’t seem to notice before the teen shrugs. “Don’t mention it.”
There’s a moment of silence before Patton sighs again, and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I just can’t believe Thomas didn’t tell me.”
Virgil slips his hands into his pockets. He leans back against the edge of Logan’s desk. “Maybe he thought he could take care of it himself.”
Patton runs his fingers through his pastel hair to brush it out of his face. He looks unconvinced. “It’s just… I was always supposed to look out for him, y’know?”
Logan sits back on his heels. “The kid’s not so little anymore, Patton,” he says, but not unkindly. “You’re gonna graduate in a few months, and Thomas is gonna have to know how to fight his own battles. Even when he gets in over his head.”
Virgil snorts. “Oh, he definitely will. Kid’s got a bit a rebellious streak in him, I swear. We’re rubbing off on him. In a few years I bet he gives you a run for your money, Logan.”
Logan jokingly puffs his chest out. “Good! Somebody’s gotta call the teachers out on their whitewashing of history when I leave.”
Patton groans, but a small smile is tugging at the corner of his lips. “Great. So my brother is gonna get into even more fights.” His tone is light, but the real concern leaks through regardless.
Logan pushes himself to his feet and crosses his arms over his chest. “So we’ll teach him how to defend himself before we all go our separate ways.”
Something falls in Patton’s eyes at Logan’s words. He opens his mouth to reply, then closes it. Virgil’s gaze narrows as Patton clasps his hands together, seeming to rethink what he’d been about to say.
“Yeah,” he says. “Sure. That… That’d be great.”
Virgil frowns, opening his mouth to ask what was wrong when Patton’s phone buzzes loudly. The teen grabs it out of the back pocket of his jeans and cringes as he answers. “Hey, Thomas. I’m okay.”
Logan closes the first aid kit and steps out into the hallway. Virgil follows him, wanting to give Patton a moment alone on the phone with his brother. Logan heads straight for the bathroom, sliding the kit under the sink before turning to face the purple-haired punk. 
Logan blows out a breath. The spark of fury is back in his eyes. “God damn it.”
“I know,” Virgil says. “But you know Pat got in his fair share of punches.”
Logan’s eyes glance up to the teen across from him. “C’mon, Virge. You saw the same damage I did. That wasn’t a fair fight.”
The corner of Virgil’s mouth twitches humorlessly. “When has anything in our lives ever been a fair fight, Lo?”
“They’re cowards.”
“Yeah,” Virgil agrees. “But Patton’s not.”
Logan opens his mouth to respond, but the sound of the bedroom door opening makes him close it.
“Guys?” Patton asks.
Logan steps out of the bathroom. “Yeah?”
“Thomas is kind of freaking out,” Patton says, his shirt and vest back on, waving the phone in his hands. “I should probably get home before it gets worse. But, uh,” he smiles, awkward and embarrassed. “Thanks, again. For helping me out.”
“Sure. You might want to get some ice on that,” Logan tells him, gesturing at Patton’s chest. “I don’t think anything is broken but it’s still gonna hurt for a while.”
His smile softens into something a bit more sincere, and also a bit sad. “Yeah. I will.” He’s about halfway down the stairs when he stops and looks back at the two of them. “I’ll see you guys at school?”
“Yeah,” Virgil answers for them. “We’ll be there.”
“To beat up some guys if they so much as show their faces,” Logan adds under his breath.
“We might have to wait in line once Roman finds out,” Virgil replies just as quietly. When Patton grins, Virgil can’t quite tell if he heard them or not.
“Don’t know what I’d do without all of you guys,” Patton says, and then he’s down the stairs and out the door.
Virgil smiles a little to himself as the door closes behind him. Logan leans against the wall in the hallway, his eyes still looking at the door Patton had just walked out of. “You think Thomas knows?”
Virgil lifts an eyebrow at the other teen before letting his gaze fall back to the closed door as well. “That Patton would go to hell and back for him? I’m not sure, but I’d bet so.”
The corner of the blue-haired teen’s mouth curls up in something between a smirk and a smile. “I guess Thomas and Pat are kinda like us, huh?”
Logan says it lightly, but there’s a certain weight to his words. Virgil locks gazes with him, expressing the unspoken truth that Virgil would absolutely go to hell and back for Logan. He’d go to hell and stay there for Logan.
For any of them.
And he knows, as much as he sometimes thinks it shouldn’t be true, that they all feel the same way.
Virgil shrugs a shoulder and plays it off as soon as he knows Logan understands. “What? One big happy family?”
There’s a subtle earnestness in Logan’s eyes that catches Virgil off guard. “Sure. Why not?” Logan says. “You know. You, me, Roman, Patton. Hell, even Thomas is practically all of our kid brother at this point.”
Logan pushes himself off the wall, his voice just a little quieter as he continues.
“I don’t know what it’s really like to be part of a not fucked-up family, but I’d guess this is pretty damn close.”
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXXXIII
4251. If you could make a new toothpaste flavor what would it be? >> I would not do this. 4252, Have you ever called the police or the fire department? Why and what happened? >> I’ve called the paramedics, but not the cops or fire department. 4253. What's more important, freedom or security and why? >> I think a balance of both (or an interaction between both, as one serves the other) is the most ideal... 4254. Who pays most of the taxes, rich people, or average people or poor people? Who should pay the most? >> As a resident of the United States, I don’t even want to think about the answer to the first question. Obviously the people who make the most money should pay the most taxes. 4255. You are on the weakest link with these contestants: a monkey, Simon Coswell, Hayden Christensen, Cher, a guy in a teenage mutant ninja turtle costume and GW Bush. Who do you vote off as the weakest link and why? >> ---
4256. Do you like: mint skittles? mint ice cream? junior mints? >> I like all of those things. 4257. Does protesting/demonstrating really have any effect? >> I don’t know, I’ve never done any research on it. I assume it does, otherwise people wouldn’t do it (especially considering the possible consequences from the police force...). 4258. After the world demonstrated against war with Iraq, Saddam was quoted as saying america was 'weak and isolated'. Do you believe this is so? >> I mean, I think I could see why he would say that. 4259. Have you ever wanted to be with someone who was off limits? >> --- 4260. Have you ever wanted someone so badly that you would kiss your hand imagining it was them? >> --- 4261. Are there any situations when cheating on someone is okay? >> I assume not. 4262. When you feel empty inside what do you fill yourself up with? Where does it come from? >> There is nothing to fill myself up with. The emptiness is chronic and it largely comes from childhood emotional neglect. There’s no uncashing that check. 4263. Would you rather be loved or desired? >> Loved. 4264. When you remember something do you remember yourself to be more or less graceful/positive/smooth than you actually were? >> I don’t really remember myself, when I remember things. I have an astoundingly difficult time recalling how I was in the past, how I felt or how I behaved or even just... what my personality was like. I don’t know why this is. 4265. How can you tell the days of the week apart without using a calander? Are your days really different or all the same? >> I mean, I just know what day it is in comparison to what day it was yesterday and the day before and what-not. Like... Monday follows Sunday... that never changes. IDK? And yes, most of my days are all the same, but weekends are different because Sparrow doesn’t go to work. 4266. Who started punk rock? Who started goth? Who started hip hop? >> --- 4267. What 3 things about you have shaped your life the most? >> --- 4268. Is your mind awake? Is your soul? Were they always? If not, can you remember a moment or a few moments that helped you wake up? >> I have no idea what this question is actually asking. 4269. Have you ever misperceived what was going on only to discover it when it was too late? >> Probably. 4270. Do you understand the human heart? >> I mean, no, I’m not a cardiologist. 4271. How important is your weight? How important is your partner's weight? >> --- 4272. What color is the wind? >> I assume it’s colourless. 4273. Do you believe children or adults know more? >> --- 4274. Do you believe you are crazy? >> It’s not a word I’d use to describe myself. There are more precise and less pejorative words to use. 4275. Did you predict the ending to Joe Millionaire? Is there something you care about less than you care about Joe Millionaire? >> The what now? 4276. Snow blower or shovel? >> --- 4277. List everything you ate in the last 24 hours? >> Tortellini and sauce, veggie burger and chips, chocolate cookie, toast with butter and jam, turkey with squash and carrots and potatoes and cranberry sauce. 4278. Have you ever plagerized? If yes, what and why? did you get caught? >> Not to my recollection. 4279. Who specifically annoys you? >> --- 4280. What is your favorite blanket like? >> I don’t have a favourite blanket. The one I’m using is extremely annoying and I hate it (because the beans aren’t evenly distributed! they just slide all over the place and then the blanket is always uneven and the weight is always wrong!!! AAAGH), but I have this pretty flower-print cover for it and that’s really why I keep using it. I just like the cover. u__u 4281. How do you feel about teachers coming on to their students? Students coming on to their teachers? >> I mean, obviously that’s inappropriate from either party, but far more so from the teacher, who is in a position of authority and has a responsibility not to abuse that position.
4282. In what ways do you keep yourself entertained? >> A lot of ways?? 4283. Entertainers (musicians, sports players) are the highest paid people in america. Why are we so obsessed with being entertained? >> We -- the consumers -- are not the ones paying them, though. We did not set their salary. I have no idea why the fuck they make quite so much money, and it annoys me. I should probably look it up because now I’m curious again. 4284. Do you want a perfect body? >> --- 4285. Do you want a perfect soul? >> --- 4286. Which do you want more? >> --- 4287. Do you want people to notice when you're not around? >> --- 4288. Are you more of a creep, a wierdo or special? >> Yeah, I really just didn’t want to answer a bunch of song-lyric questions, lol. 4289. Who wrote the bible? >> A bunch of people. 4290. Who wrote the book of love? >> --- 4291. Who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp ba bomp? >> --- 4292. Who rocks the party that rocks the party? >> --- 4293. If you could pick 5 things to study with no limits what 5 things would you pick? >> With no limits? What does that mean? Like... are there normally limits (that one would want to surpass)? 4294. Do you study any of them on your own? >> --- 4295. What's more important, learning or getting the hell out? >> --- 4296. What is your favorite highlighter color? >> I have the highlight colour set to blue on e-readers, usually. 4297. Give everyone some advice: >> --- 4298. Are you practically perfect in every way? >> Of fucking course not? 4299. Are you nasty and tricksy? >> Sometimes. 4300. Where is the precious? >> Oh, god, it was another set of pop-culture-reference questions.
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