#the thing is i've had crushes on all of these 3 people but i physically do not want to initiate a relationship bc we just aren't compatible
dykeinthedark · 3 months
i wish i could already exist in a dynamic (homoerotic) with someone i'm totally compatible with without the tedious ordeal of Intentionally getting to know them. like going into the relationship wanting to be romantic? booooooooo. dating apps are not for me. i prefer courting people the old fashioned way by framing them for murder and gutting them on my kitchen floor
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oofthwoods · 6 months
INTRODUCTION! ── ˙ ̟ the echo !!
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :: get to know porsche's bet for the newest legend in the making in formula one, dubbed as the echo.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: i've been absolutely hooked in @disneyprincemuke vettel reincarnated's series and i have always loved fem!drivers so i decided to give my own take on this <3. | can definitely be read as a reader insert, but the driver will driver under a specific flag and related to a famous driver! even so, physical descriptions will not be given, so you can definitely picture yourself
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our fem!driver has a few titles to her name! the most well known, echo, comes from her championship winning f3 & f2 seasons, where she was consistently the fastest driver in the grid, leaving behind only a faint trace of her presence for the other drivers to see.
other nicknames include "lightning" due to her great performances on wet races (as the media says, the only thing faster than the rain is the lightning.), "pg" (stands for both princess of the grid, which is an old karting nickname, and parental guide, given due to her young age), and the legacy.
she is the daughter of ex- formula one driver, rubens barrichello. she drivers under the brazilian flag. i picture her as the middle child, so that would place her date of birth between '01 & '04.
has a streak of four consecutive championship winning years: the italian formula 4 in 2019, freca in 2020, formula 3 in 2021 and formula 2 in 2022.
art grand prix girlie! has been with the french team for both her f3 and f2 seasons.
she was a red bull junior, but was suddenly cut from the team after her formula 3 season. helmut mark claimed that she wasn't consistent enough to justify a contract renewal, which was clearly bullshit as she had literally won the championship.
competed in formula 2 without an academy, but was in talks with porsche to join their team.
committing to her lightning nickname, she chose 95 as her number!
grew up in the paddock! her dad loved to take her around the world with him, and she became a familiar face to all crew and drivers. although she is the youngest of the current grid, she is closer to the oldest guys due to knowing them since she was very young.
outside of formula 1, her closest friends are gabriel bortoleto, felipe drugovich, frederik vesti, liam lawson and clément novalak.
within formula 1, she is closest to fernando alonso, lewis hamilton (both who met her when she was a baby), mick schumacher (her teammate at porsche), lando norris, alex albon and oscar piastri. but she is friendly with everyone, and tries to know them better — it does help that she is a social butterfly who could talk to the walls even if they don't answer.
about porsche: have been in the talks of joining the grid for a long time, and finally got their approval for 2023. they could go for veteran drivers but decided against it, placing their bets of mick schumacher, who had just been dropped from haas, and y/n barrichello, the f2 champion.
when the news dropped, it was the talk of the town! not only she would be the first female to compete in formula one in several years, but the duo barrichello-schumacher would be present again in the grid!
actually loves doing grill the grid and other challenges. some people think it's the rookie rush, but she has always loved playing those games.
has the biggest fat girl crush on susie wolff. would kiss the ground she walks if she could.
still needs a lot pr training due to amount of cursing and off-pocket things she says. apparently saying "i'll throw myself in front of verstappen's car and change the trajectory of his entire life" is not socially acceptable, neither is saying that she's plotting his accidental death.
sponsored by vivienne westwood, which she claims is probably the coolest thing to happen to her.
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Good Omens: Lockdown and Crowley not mentioning his living situation in S2*
*till S2E6 when he asks if he can have his apartment back bc he's bored of living in his car but Aziraphale doesn’t hear bc mentally he’s in Alpha Centauri.
Having read the 'Crowley doesn't tell him' Neil Gaiman ask close to when I first listened to Lockdown (I lived under a rock until recently), my initial thought was HAS HE BEEN LIVING IN HIS CAR FOR YEARS?! but I think he was still in his apartment in 2020:
as far as Hell knows, Crowley just had a pool party in holy water (the holiest) so the higher-ups are probably willing to give him some space (plus Beelzebub is busy going on pub dates w Gabriel)
while there should be ~8 months between the end of Season 1 events (The Very First Day of the Rest of Their Lives on Sunday, Aug 25, 2019) and the Lockdown phonecall (on or near the 30 year anniversary on May 1, 2020), I can't imagine that's a very long time for Hell, especially if you're understaffed and busy dealing with fallout from Almostgeddon / going on pub dates
Shax dropping off mail and asking about the boiler seems like something one does in the first few months of living somewhere, not ~3 years in (if S2 is in 2023)
That said, I think the phone call underlines why Crowley never directly tells Aziraphale that he is living in the Bentley in S2, and it's just a great conversation (all hail Gaiman) sooo I wrote about it:
***Note: This post analyzes the Lockdown phonecall from Crowley's perspective only. Our heroine is feeling quite emotionally vulnerable at this point in time so things are going to hit him harder than they normally would.
I do not think Aziraphale meant to cause him pain (!!) but Crowley can't see that yet and I've written this post in a way that reflects that missing insight. (I explain in more detail in this reblog if you are interested) I am working on a companion post for Aziraphale's side of this conversation and how I think it affects his behavior in S2 because if we know anything about these two, it's that their exactlys are different exactlys.***
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Crowley’s habit of sleeping to skip time like an RPG character by a campfire amuses me to no end, but in this context it feels heavy. Crowley already worries about losing time with what he loves and he probably hoped things would be different between him and Aziraphale after the events of S1. But things don’t change much. Then lockdowns start, and Crowley is trapped in his apartment alone, transcendentally bored, and unable to make his brain shut up. Sleeping a month away starts to sound less awful.
But Crowley hasn’t given up yet; he’s still awake when Aziraphale calls, and he’s even giving it two more days. Was he waiting for Aziraphale to call? Is it even possible not to at least kind of wait for someone’s call when you are cut off from everything and the caller has been your only friend and crush for millennia?
Aziraphale asks why Crowley isn't "out and about" tempting people or setting a bad example and he responds:
C: Everyone's so miserable and cooped up right now anyway, and I just… well… don't have the heart for it. A: *glowing audibly* I'm not miserable~ C: Really?
Crowley sounds genuinely surprised at Aziraphale's happiness and quickly assumes it's because the angel has been around people. He's so lonely/depressed/in his own head that he hadn't even considered someone enjoying being 'cooped up'. *sob*
Aziraphale goes No actually I put the closed sign up in the window and I'm having the Time of My Life, never had so few customers, not in 200 years!, etc. Although, he says:
A: …There were a few young lads a couple of nights ago who broke in through the back and tried to steal the cashbox! But they soon saw the error of their ways~ C: *clearly amused* Did you smite them with your wroth? A: Well I certainly gave them a good talking to, and I sent each of them home with cake~ C: *annoyed, swooning* Cake? A: Quite a lot of cake, actually. C: *physically ill from having such a giant crush on this dumbass baker/security guard* eeeekkkgghhh I'm gonna regret asking but.. ...rrgh.. *30 seconds of Aziraphale joyfully describing his baking while Crowley probably tries very hard not to imagine the angel eating each item in sensual slow motion* I stg you can hear him struggling in the background once or twice
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A: …And once I've baked them, I have to eat them all myself, which was why I was so delighted— C: To send your burglars home laden with baked goods, yes, nnyeaayeah I follow…
Crowley interrupts, finishing Aziraphale's sentence in his nervous hurry to say the next bit:
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C: *loud inhale* You know, I could.. hunker down at your place. … Slither over and watch you eat cake. I could bring a bottle--a case of… something… drinkable…?
He's trying to sound so casual about it but this is someone who was rejected/abandoned by actual literal God after asking what he thought were welcome, uncontroversial questions. Asking makes him vulnerable. He's supposed to be the rescuer, not a demon in distress. He does not feel casual about asking.
Crowley knows it's unlikely but he's so miserable and desperate for company that he can't help but ask, just in case. Even the smallest chance of spending time trapped indoors with Aziraphale—with nothing to do but drink, watch him eat, and talk about things they'd normally avoid—is too tempting.
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A: *panicking* Oh I— I— I— I— I'm afraid that would be Breaking All The Rules! *nervous breathing* Out of the question! I'll see you… when this is over. C: Right. gnnehh. I'm setting the alarm clock for July. Good night, angel. *dial tone*
And just like that, Crowley doesn't need two days to decide. The depression nap doubles in length. He doesn't hear how badly Aziraphale wants to say yes behind the fear, or maybe he does and it hurts worse because why isn't Crowley enough for him? You can almost hear the spiralling:
SHOCKING, asking made it worse. It always does doesn’t it? Why even bother? you just embarrass yourself.. SLITHER over? why did I say that *grumble grumble* of COURSE His Holy Holiness, your only friend in the universe, would rather eat cake by himself while everything goes to shit than ~deign~ to have you in his presence. "AsK aND yE sHaLl ReCeIvE" bugger this for a lark im going to bed
(a bit dramatic but we've all been there)
I imagine sleep doesn't come right away. Maybe his thoughts drift to when he sat beside the angel at a dark Tadfield bus stop after a rather eventful Saturday. Crowley must've felt a tiny bit hopeful when he invited Aziraphale to stay with him: Heaven had withdrawn its favor and the bookshop was gone; Aziraphale was like him now. Didn't that mean things would change?
"I don't think my side would like that." Apparently not.
In the end, Aziraphale did ride the bus back to Crowley's apartment and stayed till the next morning when he caught a cab, but only to sell the illusion. Crowley understood that as far as sides went, the angel was still on Heaven's, even if Heaven wasn't on his.
And now this: the entire world is shut down; there is nothing for Aziraphale to do but stay in and read and bake in his magically reconstituted bookshop and he still won't invite Crowley in. Burglars and un-fallen angels only—nobody who asks questions.
So... of course Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale when he loses his apartment. He already knows what answer he would get; the angel has told him so many times. Aziraphale is a company man first, a companion to one very sad owl when convenient.
If Crowley works up the courage to say 'please take me in, I have nowhere else to go' and Aziraphale goes 'sorry, no, far too political, but I WILL risk being erased from the Book of Life to protect this nude amnesiac former coworker who always hated me,' it's going to be too much. You can't sleep long enough for that type of hurt to go away. Better not to say anything.
"Then nothing has to change, does it?"
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freakoont · 3 months
❝𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬❞
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 【SFW and NSFW included】
REQUESTS ARE OPEN ! check the bottom of this post for information <3
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When you first start to begin noticing signs of having a crush on him, Ranpo immediately picks up on it.
Does he actually say or do anything about it? No . . . Not for a long while.
He's not embarrassed or nervous about it, actually he uses your little crush as a advantage to tease and mess with your cute little brain !
"hey, (Y/N) can you get me some pockys? I'm about to die from hunger, y'know!"
"..I'm busy, Ranpo."
"oh, fine."
"oh yeah, (Y/N) I seem to recall you were staring a lot at me earlier, which is kind of odd for a friend-"
"I'll get those snacks now"
Ranpo's never had a crush or significant other, so there are some things he doesn't know what to do. but he mostly treats your relationship the same way he treated you back when you were just friends
At first, he was a little nervous about saying things like 'I love you' because he thought it sounded cringe, but after a short while he needs to hear you say it 30 times a hour with lots of kisses💋
Ranpo can be a little shit at times, but he makes up for it for his good memory and always being able to understand you better than you know yourself.
Example: Ranpo will always remember little things about you! He noticed you staring at a T-shirt in the mall once and suddenly you've got it gifted to you, "from the worlds greatest detective; to my favorite assistant"
A lot of times when you're working in ADA, Ranpo will just hop onto your lap and keep still and silent as he eat snacks.
He loves being in your presence, just being around you is enough.
He's not crazy on PDA, usually holding your hand and dragging you along with him. He'll occasionally tease and embarrass you in public though, most of the time it isn't intentional
"(Y/NNNNN) :( can we please go to that bakeshop !"
"we were just at one. Besides, you still have that cake to finish at home."
Ranpo is a BIG cuddle bug! He loves being little spoon especially. Just laying on top of your chest or besides you as you caress his hair and kiss his forehead
He'll melt from your touch
He's a baby
Ranpo doesn't usually get jealous. It's a rare thing actually, he's a chill guy and just uses his deduction to know you love him 110%
He's probably gotten used to Dazai flirting with you, before you two got together, that he's unbothered by other people
TXT: "Ranpo ! Some guy is flirting with me !"
TXT: "👍"
TXT: "do you not care that someone is trying to get with me?"
TXT: "woah there. FIRST OF ALL☝️ I've already deducted that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. You care to much. SECOND OF ALL☝️ I've also deduced that he's drunk"
TXT: "I'll go buy you some ice cream now..(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)"
TXT: "👍"
TXT: "ily"
TXT: "I love you too(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡"
I feel like Ranpo isn't good with feelings and his words. When he notices that you're angry or upset, he'll kind of just be lost on what to do to cheer you up
He'll make some unhelpful comments here and there, trying to cheer you up and joke around... But then it might piss you off a little more
HE'S TRYING(⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
He's bad at reading emotions, and when he does understand he'll share his snacks and keep quiet...
His love language is: words of affirmation and physical touch
He's not one to use pet names, just usually call you by his own nickname for you and that's it. Occasionally he'll call you his 'favorite assistant' or his 'watson'
Ranpo gets a boost in his confidence whenever you praise him. You and Fukuzawa are definitely the most important people in his lives, meaning your words mean SO MUCH to him
If you're the type to like cooking and cleaning, you've won him over. He hates chores and loves just sitting around and eating snacks
If you feed him as he sits or lays on your lap he'll literally die a happy man
Ranpo is a switch, but definitely leans towards a bottom more
He'll be a very loud person in bed when you're on top of him.
If you tease him and poke at his sensitive parts, Ranpo will get flustered. You will catch him blushing and trying to keep quiet, just poke at him some more
Of course, don't be mean to him though. He only likes it when you praise him for doing good, because he's very inexperienced.
Ranpo is good at giving oral, he knows how to read you and where you like to be touched the most
Whenever Ranpo has a rough day, he'll either want you to ride him to make him feel better or he'd want to eat you out
"Mmmm... You look so good riding me like that,"
"just like that, Aah~"
"Love, I'm gonna- A-Ah"
He's noisy, but you can shut him upಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Ranpo doesn't have that strong of a sexual desire. Sex isn't the most important thing to him. it's you🫵
If you ask him enough, praise him all day, and have a little teasing at eachother, maybe your lucky enough to walk home with him pulling you into the bed(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
His favorite positions are cowgirl/reverse cowgirl, anything with you taking control
He's very lazy and will let you do most of the work
Ranpo actually doesn't have any kinks, and I know a lot of you will be like "no he'd have a praise kink☝️" but I'm sorry to say that, Ranpo would 100% find the idea of kinks disgusting
LIKE I KNOW. I can see him having a praise kink too but it just fits so well for him to find 'kinks' disgusting
He doesn't like using toys either. Well, specifically for himself
If he feels like teasing you and edging you on, expect him to be using a vibrator on you and moving it around to get you moaning, but that's it really
If you're a easily-embarrassed or awkward and shy person, he'll definitely tease and mess with you when he's taking the lead
He's definitely had you doing things with him in the office and after you're finished you'll be like, "did... Did that really just happen?🧍‍♀️"
"Ranpo, the others are gonna be back any moment, please let's just finish at home.."
"Mmm, not a chance... Now, if you're so worried about it, you better start moving faster for me, sweet one.." he spoke, his hand on your ass as he straddled you on his lap as he sucked on a lollipop, his eyes were on yours. His other hand moved up your back and caressed your body.
How did you ever get dragged into this with him? Oh wait. It's Ranpo.
Ranpo loves face sitting
He'll eat you out like a unspoken religion, digging his teeth into your inner thighs just to hear your sweet noises as he knows he's doing good
He also loves it when you leave lipstick kisses all over him
YOU'LL LITERALLY MAKE HIM ALL NERVOUS AND BLUSHING. He'll be at a loss for words and start to ignore all eye contact
REQUESTS - I am accepting any requests for any character for the following fandoms:
Bungo Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Danganronpa, Ninjago, Southpark, Obey Me, 7 Deadly Sins, Tokyo Revengers, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Death Note, Walking Dead, Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, Hunter X Hunter, Komi Can't Communicate, Diabolik Lovers and Doki Doki Literature Club
I will write any of the following: smut (all characters WILL be aged up), fluff, crack/joke, specific plot, angst, HC's, BL, GL
Do not expect me to write any of the following: intense gore scene, sexual themes that are disturbing to most people and anything that will get me banned for a specific and obvious reason.
I accept requests for any character from any of the fandoms I have named :)
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olivianyx · 3 months
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Heyy all! I've been focusing on my senior professional medical year and it has been stressful. So here are some things I manifested effortlessly and a few things without me thinking about it. Long ass post ahead! ⚠️⚠️
1. Getting more pocket money than usual. Like my parents usually transact in my account like a $80 or $100 AUD per month. But in both feb and march this year, they transacted me $500 and $700 AUD! Plus! I occasionally find $10 or $50 cash in my classroom or on the streets sometimes (and they come lie next to my feet 😭) I'd ask everyone in my class if it's theirs, and they say no. What do y'all expect me to do? Like go and give it to the university management?? 😭 hell no, so i kept it lol.
3. My crush giving me hints that she's obsessed with me 😭 like she literally told me 'you're so sweet and caring, I've never met a person like this after my grandma' cus her grandma passed away recently and she was so depressed. She even had an eye infection, so she stopped coming to the uni. So i had to make sure she's alright, and met her everyday cus she needed someone real bad. Like she needed to talk to someone and get that thing bothering her outta her head. I was there all along whatever she was going through (don't come at me y'all, ik if we help someone they would say all these things but she's my crush lol so) She's also getting real close to me, like she tells me how annoying people are lol. She loves skin ship, physical touch, being clingy around me, and complimenting me 😭😭 so these are the hints 😭 like friends wouldn't do that right? Would they?? (My friends diss me right in front of everyone 😶)
4. I've always been the type to care too much for the silliest things, nowadays I don't really put my energy into it and become all anxious. My anxiety levels have completely gone down like I'm literally cool asf?? Even while being in public?? Literally yess
5. Manifested getting my hair coloured next week! and my mom permitted me! For my cousin's engagement in april, I wanna be there like the hot younger sister I am lol. I just wanna make my relatives and their kids jealous cus they made fun of me when I was younger (my younger self has been dreaming for this moment) so why not a revenge glow up?? 😭
6. Losing weight even though I eat like a pig due to my study stress. Like literally I ate a 5 course meal one day and lost 2 kgs the next day? (cus I randomly checked my weight for 2 days cus I had to submit my height and weight to the university student records)
7. Getting a natural blush on my face! Like it's such a game changer, I look like a movie star y'all 😭✋🏻
8. My teachers complimenting me for my discipline and high scores. As yk uni professors don't even give af bout students and they complimented me??
9. Getting into a new friend group! My old one was too toxic and they would always bully me (verbally) my new friend group is literally soo damn enjoyable! Like they're the cool kids of the year 😭 and now I'm one too!
10. As I mentioned in my older post that I'm moving into an apartment. We moved in and it was too difficult for me to sleep as the place was new and also there we're disturbances in the night time like stomping noises or playing loud music at night. So the neighbors there were too sweet that they introduced and comforted us that it's okay and if something's bothering us they'll take care of it. And they literally made the people who we're causing those disturbances to vacate out 😭😭✋🏻
11. My hair getting shinier! It was brittle before as I was severely anemic, now my baby hair is back and it's shining ✨
12. I overheard my parents conversing that they should make me audition for an entertainment company....like what? 😭😭✋🏻 when I asked them once years back they denied giving me a 4 hour lecture and now they wanna make me audition?? Like literally 😭 y'all watch me at the Grammy's (after 5 years lol)
13. Getting into the void on command or intention.
14. I literally get free foods everywhere I go 😭😭
15. I got free gifts from my uncle who's living in France! He works at a fashion company and he sent me perfumes and a few outfits (I can't reveal it I'm sorry)
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I've decided to respawn to my waiting next month. I'm still scripting how my waiting room should be... So it might take time for me. So till then I'm gonna be strengthening my self concept even more, and also getting more and more excited to be in my waiting room! I want my waiting room to be like a more like a sci fi movie and a princess fairytale combined 😭 (ik I'm weird). Like I just want my favorite anime characters to be there to help me script my DR ✋🏻 So I'm kinda in a more excited mode lately to script my waiting room! Will give you updates on how my waiting room will be in a future post! So until then take care, love you, byeeee byeeee!
- olivia 🤍
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skyesdaisys · 4 months
Hi! Love your work, could you write a dick Grayson fanfic abt him and a quiet female reader warming up to each other (set between season 1 and 2)?
yes, of course!!!! god, i've wanted to write for titans on here so bad i just didn't have the inspo so thank you<333
talk to him
titans dick grayson x fem!reader
sunmary: you weren't exactly much of a people person. especially since you were 1 of 2 adults living in a huge tower in san francisco, watching over 3 kids you don't really talk to outside of training. and the only other adult being closed off so who knows what'll happen when he decides to talk to you out of no where
cw: not much, there's just some fluff with a teaspoon of angst because of communication issues (they both suck at small talk and beyond)
a/n: idc what anyone says about this show, it's given me so much comfort and a lot of fun and likable characters. so i'm so glad i can write for them as long as you guys send requests for them. as well as other characters from other shows like yellowjackets and etc. also i love dick grayson, even though he can be a bit annoying in this show (that i can admit) but he's hot so ajsjfndmfmf. also, i'm sorry it took sooooo long, writers block got to me badly these past few months, so i apologize if it's cringey and awkward. but i do give the benefit the doubt here because this story is suppose to be like that (also the fact i'm projecting my "bad at small talk" trait here). two grown adults that can't seem to have a normal conversation, like at all
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after the trigon incident you were dragged in by circumstance, you were the only other adult to volunteer to help dick with... whatever he was doing. you didn't have any life to go back to anyways, and you made a connection to everyone else so why part ways and it be unlikely to see them again. sure, you weren't particularly close with the kids, but, what are you supposed to do in order to bond with them? so that left dick in titans tower, but he wasn't as much of a talker as you outside of training.
everyday for the past few weeks have been, eat, train, sleep, repeat on a loop, no 'how was your day' questions, because the days are always the same so there wasn't any point of asking. and you could tell the kids were getting bored of it, very fast, and you could not blame them. being stuck in a repeating pattern with nothing else happening started getting old after the first couple weeks. so, you didn't really know how long it would take til something changed, it couldn't be like this forever.
during this time, you admired the grayson from afar, he was attractive, what else could you say? you weren't an idiot. and you also were aware of his previous entanglements with kory and you didn't wanna be involved in that. and, well... you felt like a teenage girl having a crush on a guy who was going through some shit, so it was better not to bother him.
and not being much of a talker doesn't make the conversation about feelings be any better. like, maybe this was attraction and nothing more? you were aware of the difference between liking someone physically and liking them emotionally (specifically in a romantic sense). but even as you admired him, you learn things about him, paying attention to the little things. deep down, he cared for other people, if he didn't, he wouldn't have taken rachel in and helped her, and he wouldn't have done the same for gar or jason either. people just have their own way of showing their love and care.
but your admiring wasn't exactly subtle. rachel had noticed it when you were looking at dick from across the room, talking with jason. the roth wasn't sugarcoating anything when it came to this, "you keep staring, you're probably gonna be capable of shooting lazers from your eyes." and you knew she was joking around but she caught you by surprise, making you face the young girl. "why is it any of your business?"
"because it's kind of sad seeing you pine for him like this." she points out, "and also, gar and jason made a bet whether or not you'd confess. we have eyes, you know?" and she lightly bumped your shoulder with hers with a smile on her face, "and i'm sure dick feels the same way, though he's not very good of showing it."
"that is ridiculous." you shake your head, "one, i don't like him. not like that. i just think he's cool."
"are you sure about that?" the roth rose her eyebrow, "talk to him." but you were not moving from where you were so rachel decided to take matters into her own hands, she then gave you a push (a literal one) towards him, and now you couldn't run away. all you could say was, "hey..."
"hey." he responded. jason just stood there awkwardly in between the two of you, "okay, well uh—" he pretends to look at a watch that's not even on his wrist, "look at the time, i must be going." and he had immediately ran out of there before dick tried to stop him. there was an silent pause and you were trying to figure out what to say, but before you could, he asks, "do you want some coffee?" all you did was nod. after that, there was even more silence, you two haven't had a conversation that wasn't training related in like, a while. it just felt like you were both strangers who didn't know each other nor were you fond of one another.
"you're just as bad at small talk as i am, huh?" you finally had spoken up. and dick just shook his head, "i don't know what you're talking about, i know how to make small talk."
"oh really?" you rose up your eyebrow, "okay mr. 'i know how to make small talk', what do you wanna talk about? and please, don't let it be training related. because if i have to hear you talk about that one more time, my head is gonna explode." you tried to look irritated, but he could notice a small smile on your face. then he immediately went into the 'deep, emotional' stuff, "you never told me why you came here. you just did, and i'm surprised you stuck around as long as you have."
you answered it anyway, because why not, "well, it's not like i have anywhere else to go." you set down your drink, making direct eye contact at him, "besides, the second i got here, and realized how big this place is and i have my own room... what, did you expect me to pass it up?" and you ended up making him laugh, which was surprising, "what is so funny, i'm just being honest." you were unsure why he was laughing, so you just took a sip of your coffee. he explained, "your honesty is refreshing, that's all."
"really?" and he nodded as a reply. you just sighed, taking your coffee and leaving. it's not like you had anything else to talk about and just sitting there would make it more awkward, so you just left. does it make it any less weird? absolutely not.
you guys didn't talk much after in the next few days, up until you decided to play hero on solo when you see a woman getting mugged by this guy in a mask. it was like one of the many movie cliches that you see brought into reality.
too bad it didn't turn out like expected, where you got shot in the leg. thankfully, the kids were able to track you down and bring you to the infirmary, gar was trying his best to patch you up and rachel was there for emotional support. as for jason... there wasn't much else he can do than just stand watch, up until dick had walked in with a worried expression, and the three teens immediately rushed out of there as soon as he walked in the room. you could've left if you wanted too but, obviously you couldn't.
"jesus fuck, you could've gotten yourself killed, what were you thinking?" all of his emotions were being let out in that moment, it was the most emotion you've seen him express towards you in like... ever. yet you couldn't help but be a bit sarcastic, "yeah, keep yelling... it's not like i'm literally a few feet away from you or whatever."
dick sat on the edge of the bed and started to explain, "sorry, it's just... when i heard what happened, i didn't know how to feel, or express it correctly." he gently set his hand on your injured leg, softly, "just if anything happened to you, i—"
"i'm tougher than you think, grayson." you reassured him, and you noticed a tiny smile creeping up on his face.
"i know it's just... i don't wanna lose anyone else."
you lean up a bit to set your hand on his shoulder, "i'm not going anywhere, dick." you then stopped for a second as you come to realize, "and we just had a conversation that didn't involve small talk. maybe i should get myself hurt more often." you were obviously joking at that last part, but dick's reaction to it was priceless, "i'm kidding. you are just... not what i expected."
"the feeling is mutual."
a part of you wanted to kiss him, that it felt right, but another part was saying how the timing of it all wasn't. and maybe these feelings you're having are actually real. because now, there was something in your heart that was growing that wasn't just admiration, and it felt weird, but a good weird.
maybe when the timing is right, they'll get to it, but until then, your growing friendship in the moment is enough for now.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 8 months
HAIIIIIII okay so. i've had an idea rattling around in my walnut for a few days now, and wanted to see what you thought :3
so. like. fae!hyrule yaknow. i love that little guy. i'm capital 'o' Obsessed with the idea that reader does those little things from fae folklore for him (ex. offering him honey, mead, milk, jewlery, fruits, etc.) and like. he doesn't really know how to reciprocate.? like he's never gotten so many gifts and offerings from someone before and just doesn't know how to react and it just flusters him so much and he has to mentally and physically restrain himself from smothering reader with affection in return because? what if they don't like it?? what if this is just normal human behavior???? (news flash! it is not)
i just. adore fae!hyrule and his (not so) subtle crush on reader because theyre just so nice to him. and he doesn't know how to react.
also! i love your writing its so silly goober biteable. (may i claim 🧃anon?)
Hello 🧃Anon!! Opening with Fae!Hyrule, I look forward to your next request.
TW: None!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Fae!Hyrule falling
Hyrule couldn’t really place why he didn’t make people aware of his… background. He wasn’t ashamed of the faeries nor the way he was raised, but people had their assumptions about them and their magic. He always assumed that people would take those assumptions over his word and would end up being disrespectful to both him and his sisters. But you on the other hand were not. He couldn’t even really pinned when you started gifting him things but he has especially fond memories of you giving him milk tea and honey after particularly magic-draining battles or you sharing fruit with him when you had spare. In hindsight, that fae part of him latched to the idea that you cared so deeply about him through the mundane. Perhaps that’s why those were the memories he held closest. But there were more subtle things that he began to pay attention to. Like how you drank mead with him despite not being fond of it or singing for him at his request. The ladder making him especially flustered for reasons he couldn’t even pinpoint. Sure, you were the beauty of the world personified, but that didn’t change that this was all perfectly platonic behaviour. But as you got more comfortable, he only dug himself a deeper grave in his own feelings. Every flower you gave him, every please and thank you, every promise you made. He braided your hair while muttering blessings, embroidered your clothes with enchantments and he’d take the stars from the skies because their light would highlight you perfectly. The others teased him for his love sickness, but to see you smile, to hear the blood rush through you, that was worth it. He’s aware that this may be normal behaviour for humans, but he wants nothing more than to court you. Nothing more than to douse you in his magic and keep you close. He so badly wants to learn every bit about you, down to the way you breathe.
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drdemonprince · 27 days
I went to visit my friend from high school for spring break in college one year. I'd had a crush on him in hs, it was not reciprocated but we remained close. I was also a late bloomer sexuality wise so it wasn't until college that I even would have been up for anything physical. ANYWAY. Decided to visit, figured this was my shot to try and act on that crush again. On the drive from the airport he came out to me as gay so, I figured, that's that. Explains why he wasn't into me in hs and why he didnt really have a reason back then.
I'm determined to hook up w someone on this trip though, so that's always simmering. We hang out with his local friend who is having a will-they-wont-they thing with a guy in their grad program. She is desperate to hook up but he's hot and cold.
We concot a plan to bait him with a possible threesome, spend an evening texting and sending him pics of us making out in a pool. (It's Miami, it just seemed like the thing to do lol) This guy is into it but he's busy that night and nothing comes of it.
A few days pass then it's my last day in Miami, my flight leaves at 6 am the next morning. She calls my friend after dinner like, holy shit it worked, he's coming over now, can you guys get here?
I'm like, fuck it, let's go. I'll bring my luggage and you can just drop me at the airport at 4 am or whatever. Forgot to mention, my friend from hs also has a crush on this other guy, so he's been down to help however he can haha
We arrive, the other guy isn't there yet, the three of us are drinking that whipped cream vodka that was popular at the time while we wait. Dude finally shows up AND HE BROUGHT A FRIEND. Unclear if he warned her ahead of time. Friend is... less cute but whatever, they brought weed. We smoke and dance some bachata and flirt etc...
Tbh my memory gets a little hazy here but somehow she ended up taking grad school guy and his buddy up to her bedroom, and I'm alone w my hs friend, we are smasheddd. I ask him, hey I know you're into guys but do you wanna fool around anyway? And we ended up making out in the bathroom, I tried going down on him but he was too drunk to keep it up so we petered off, then decided to go check on the others bc we realized we left this girl alone w two dude we barely knew.
Well they we having a merry little threesome upstairs and when we came to the door they invited us to join in!
That is how I ended up with my ass in the air getting railed by two strangers while I ate this girl out like a starving person. Grad school guy actually did us a solid w his friend bc that guys cock was huge. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to suck that guy off ;(
Eventually, they headed home and my hs friend and his friend stayed up w me until 3 am when I called a cab to the airport (idk why I ever thought we'd be sober enough to drive). Again, this was Miami but I'm fairly sure I won skankiest person in the supershuttle, which the exhibitionist in me loved. Slept it off on the plane home!
No regrets, best spring break of my life, opened my eyes to group sex and I still got to hook up w my hs crush :) and we stayed great friends!
ANON this is the most late 2000's story fucking ever. pinnacle whipped cream vodka. messily negotiated threesomes. people showing up to the sex party with surprise extra guests. gay guys fucking women. everybody being notionally bi but also not really. near drunk driving. i've been at parties exactly like these. my first apartment in college in 2007 had a pool and we were skanking it up in there miami style all the time. cheers dude
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#3 Shoto Todoroki
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Bro does not care 😭🙏 I personally believe that romance is very hard for him to understand and emerse himself in, so whenever he finally meets someone nice he barely pays attention to the physical ✋😌
Besides that I still gotta provide some grounds of his attraction so to start I think he likes slim women, not like super skinny, he's okay with some chub but he prefers athleticism (I blame his dad), someone who looks like they run cross country 🫡
LEGS LEGS LEGS you got long legs? Folded. 8 different ways. 🫡 He likes em bigger, skinny, muscle, bro does not care, he just likes them 🙂‍↔️ Finds himself laying next to you at night rubbing them, not even in a sexual way, just like giving massages and touching them 🧍‍♀️
Long hair 😉 He prefers someone with natural color, just any natural color honestly, BUT AN ABSOLUTE SUCKER FOR LONG STRAIGHT BLACK HAIR ‼️(momo cough cough) He's a very traditional man and finds beauty in traditional women 🤧
Small boobs ✋😌 He's never been a sexual person but loves em, something easy to grab 🌚
If you dress like a mom or a teacher he's puddy 🧍‍♀️ I believe he has a hard time expressing his feelings and understanding his own thoughts so this, he just kinda rolls with 😭 You got a thin maxi skirt, cardigan, SOME GLASSES? He's done for. K.O.‼️
Features don't matter a lot for him buuutt HE LOVES BEAUTY MARKS‼️ Like a lil mole on the face like Marilyn Monroe, he's checked out. His fav random feature he likes 🌞
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Smart women 🙇‍♀️ Loves a big brain and someone who can just as logical as he is, seeing things for what they are on face surface 🙂‍↕️
motherly women 😭 He doesn't get it either but if you cook and clean for him ✋ Play with his hair til he falls asleep in your arms ✋ KISS HIS FOREHEAD ✋ He's a pile of puddy for you to play with bro 😭 He loves it 😌
SWEET AND GENTLE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND THEIR OWN STRENGTH‼️ He loves to give reassurance to the people he loves and ABSOLUTELY LOVES giving compliments, making you feel good about yourself, so when you often doubt yourself he kinda likes it 😭 Gives him an excuse to constantly tell you how great your doing and when you accept his compliments with warmth and love he practically dies 🫶
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Had a crush on Kiyoko from HAIKYUU 🧍‍♀️ Watched it when he was like 12 and that was the first time he ever had a lil crush on somebody 🤭
LOVED watching the Geisha as a kid, always admired them so much, thought they were the most beautiful women he's ever seen too ❤️
BOARD GAMES‼️ Loves playing some board games with his s/o 🤩 Loves to play Mahjong, complex card games, even some of the new stuff like cards against humanity, but only when someone there to help him understand what's so funny about the game 😭🫶
Making tea and sweets are fav past time for him and his girl, Indulging her in her baking fantasies 😚 (stealing his dad's credit card information and buying her all the expensive supplies she needs) 🌝🎂
TRADITIONAL CLOTHING ‼️ GETS THIS BOY GOOOOIIIINNNGGGG ‼️ He loves it so so much, in an innocent way even, something about it lights the fire in his soul 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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THATS THE POST ‼️‼️Again, I've never been a huge fan of SHOTO but trust me ✋ I get it so HERES SOME HEAD CANNONS FOR YALL ‼️ Hope you enjoyed, I've always loved the idea that he's OBSESSED. with traditionalist things so writing about it was SO MUCH FUN ‼️
the Geisha thing is my fav ☺️ Just little SHOTO watching them go down the street with his mom, awestruck by their beauty 😭🫶🫶
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soongtypehuman · 2 months
Boo-hoo update
I’m sorry to say I have an update I was hoping to not ever have to make. Some of you already know that I have some serious health issues, but I've been pretty quiet about the extent of what I'm dealing with.
The gist of it is that I have a rare bone disease called fibrous dysplasia that turned certain bones in my skull into tumors and then those tumors grew inward and started crushing my brain, so I had a craniotomy last year to remove as much as was safe and got a cool new titanium implant in my head to replace the removed bone/tumor. The unfortunate result was encephalomalacia, which is the end stage of liquifying necrosis, and now part of my brain is liquid instead of solid (it’s dead, in a nutshell). Most people don’t survive encephalomalacia, much less remain able to function, and most who survive the initial stage don’t survive the three year mark. Even when you do survive it, it often continues spreading. The last MRI showed it had already taken over about 1/3 of my brain. But I’m a stubborn asshole and am still hanging on.
Unfortunately, things aren’t getting better.
I have to have constant MRIs, EEGs, physical and cognitive therapies, and have been on more meds than I’d like to be in order to control seizures and various cognitive issues. I didn’t mention this before, but I had to go through a series of speech therapies just to learn to talk properly again. And the most unfortunate part of this is that my ability to write has been affected. Since the surgery over a year ago, I’ve only made 10 new posts in the Positronic Rivalry series, totaling around 87k words. For reference, I posted over 200k words in 2022. I’ve posted even less this year, and it’s not improving.
With that said, I have to take a step back. I’m not quitting and I’m not walking away from the fandom. I’d like to think I’ll still be able to post here and there. I just don’t know when and under what circumstances that will happen. I most certainly can’t handle the longer multi-chapter fics I once could. Maybe one day, but not this day. Since I started posting on AO3 back at the end of 2021, I’ve posted every Sunday more often than not. I’m sorry to say I can’t make that happen right now, and can’t say when I’ll post again or what it will be. I won't be able to continue with season 4.
But I’m most definitely not leaving the fandom and the people and the characters I love so much. I’ll still be here interacting and posting when I’m able. This fandom and the people in it are incredible and mean a lot to me. Data and Lore and Star Trek in general are integral to my life and general enjoyment.
But!! I’ve nearly completed compiling seasons 1-3 of Positronic Rivalry as well as 2022/23 Kinktobers into files that will be ready to print in physical book format (completely free, obviously), which I’ll make available for everyone to download in various print sizes, complete with covers, which you can then have printed at various POD sites if you’re so inclined. Digital versions will also be available (you can already download various formats from AO3, but they’re not compiled into seasons, don’t have covers, etc.).
I’m also continuing with the Trek-themed crossword puzzles because those are fun and my therapist thinks making them is good for my cognitive rehab.
This update is a massive bummer for me, but I felt it was better to just admit my limitations instead of constantly trying to convince myself that I could continue the way I had been pre-surgery and beating myself up when I couldn’t.
Lastly, I’ve finally taken the suggestion I’ve gotten repeatedly and set up a KoFi. If you’d like to buy me a coffee or toss a coin to your android porn witcher, you can do so right here and I’d be giggling and kicking my feet in gratitude.
Anyhow, I want to thank all of you for being amazing and coming along on this ride with me for as long as you have, and for as long as it might continue in whatever form it takes.
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isa-ghost · 3 months
do u have pissa hcs
YES I have one set here (platonic/deathduo) and a second here (more Missa-centric, based on my fic)
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Because you requested Pissa, these will jump between /p and /r though,, I guess most people would prob assume as much from a qpr LOL. I will definitely be referring back to ones I made in that blue set.
Phil is a damn good kisser and it lives in Missa's head rent free
But Missa's lips are soft as hell and that lives in Phil's head rent free so actually they're both winning here
It's no secret Missa's down abysmal. He wants Phil the way Fitza has had each other. Phil knows he has a romantic crush, he does not know he is desired that carnally.
Missa has an innate talent for unintentionally reminding Phil how nice it is to be hugged and held and physically loved, especially when dealing with extensive amounts of stress
Dare I say they are the "babe hold my flower" "I've got your flower babe, go kick their ass" couple. And that works both ways, they will both hold the flower AND beat someone's ass
It took a long time for Phil to get fully comfortable with it, but he trusts Missa enough to help him preen his feathers and take care of his wings
Speaking of wing care, Missa is going to be so horrified and guilty at the sight of Phil's wings post-possession bc he wasn't there to help Phil :) It's not his fault, but he'll think so anyway, just like Phil does with things <3
Phil has yet to see Missa genuinely pissed off at something for an extended period of time but those who have known him longer like Roier have told him stories and he wants to see it SO BAD. Angry life partner hot.
Phil absolutely loves how easy it is to fluster Missa. And it's not only easy bc of the crush. Which makes Missa SO salty bc if Phil could understand Spanish well enough, oh my god the shade of red Missa could make him turn.
These two love holding hands so much. Top tier sign of affection to them. (They will die a little if it's pointed out /pos)
Phil can and will pick Missa up like he weighs nothing. And carry him. Missa will screech every time he's picked up without fail bc he's never expecting it. And then he'll swoon about how his husband can carry him so effortlessly.
They both can get jealous sometimes, which is funny bc it's never problematic, the moment the other clocks they're getting jealous they're dramatically all over each other like OoOuUuUHUSBAND
They have an unspoken competition to one-up each other with gifts every time one wakes up and does something without the other (Phil's winning)
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Bro, the noise I just made. I literally cannot stand the fanon for Stiles or Derek. It is so so soooo bad, I think these people literally have only seen the 2 hour sterek compilation. Every day I am like "who fucking told you people that Derek never smiles and has no sense of humor?"
Stiles gets turned into this big eyed, kitten twink who wouldn't dare to misbehave because he's the sheriff's son (the kid who gets drunk in the WOODS, and gets his dad drunk so he can steal casefiles!!)
Derek like... He is either completely useless and cannot dress himself for a date without fanon!Laura (do not get me started) telling him what to do, or he is so emotionally repressed and damage that he can barely handle someone kissing him without him falling to pieces.
LIKE. Derek smiles. Derek makes jokes!! Derek laughed at Stiles right before the pool scene. Derek knows how to use a cellphone and a laptop. Derek is a goddamn millenial, he knows what grumpy cat is. He knows he's hot, he has a mirror!!
Also... the man lived in New York fucking City. He's not afraid of crowds or talking to people or making out, he uses sex to get his way (Erica and the deputy at the front desk!!)
i know.
like, there's a period of fics that are usually from the s1-2 period that lean pretty hard on derek's dark, brooding and grumpiness from season 1 but of course he was like that. he was going through The Horrors during season 1. he was grieving laura, he was being retraumatized by kate and dealing with scott, stiles and fucking jackson.
he wasn't one dimensional though. his anger was a mask for all the fear, confusion and trying to be in control.
do you know how many fics i've read where people have stiles think about all the apparent physical violence derek has done to stiles as if he's always slamming him into surfaces? way too many to count and it's incorrect. off the top of my head i can count 3 times derek did something like that to stiles. the shove into the wall and slam into the steering wheel in wolf's bane both of which had a point to them. whether or not it was a good emotional response doesn't matter. what matters is that they were not random or part of derek's personality. he didn't just shove stiles into things every time he saw him. the wall shove in s4 with de-aged derek was a deliberate call back to that very instance in wolf's bane. it was literally coupled with the whole cousin miguel bit.
fandom doesn't like to acknowledge that derek hale isn't particularly violent over the course of the show. he hardly even wins the fights he engages in and he is often forced into fights knowing he cannot win.
our boy mostly ends up on the fucking floor.
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derek also does make jokes. dry ones usually he thinks they are hilarious too. he thinks he's a funny guy. his dad joke game must've been off the charts, sorry eli.
he and stiles trade barbs a lot and he thinks stiles is funny. stiles amuses him and he indulges it a few times. he shows off to stiles too like a loser.
he likes to fuck with scott and stiles and enjoys taking the piss out of peter. he genuinely enjoyed fucking with liam in s4.
he's not a luddite either. he has a cellphone and we see him use it. i bet he plays games on it. i bet he plays candy crush and words with friends.
and fanon evolved to strip away that stiles is an asshole. he a violent little freak. he threatens people, he expresses regularly his desire to kill people or have them die, he cares about a very small selection of people in his life and if you're not in that circle than god be with your ass because stiles most definitely won't.
he loves and respects his father but this doesn't mean stiles respects the law which is why i don't know why the law enforcement route was chosen for him. stiles hates rules and boundaries. he chafes at them.
stiles casually helps kira and scott break into evidence to get her cell phone. he tells scott's fbi agent father to fuck himself. he got his dad drunk to get access to case files. he copies people's keys. he's a nosy shit.
the whole show started because stiles was a nosy punk kid who wanted to see a dead body.
but i digress.
fanon stiles had a lot of scott's characteristics projected onto him so they could bash scott. i know there's a lot of people who don't like scott which is fine or whatever but there are so many that do it so they can make a pinata out of a character they've extracted all the good points from and give to their favorite little white boy fav.
stiles "i will beat you with a bat" stilinski is a freaky little shit who will bite you.
do you know how hard i laughed when in s3 stiles and isaac genuinely just like could not stand each other? they couldn't be in the same room with out insulting one another and it was the complete opposite of stiles being oh so sensitive to isaac's past and history than straight up in 3b stiles the epitome of insensitive says to isaac something about still milking it (his abuse). stiles is a dick.
i also genuinely have umbrage with the pack mom trope that stiles gets saddled with. the way fandom has oft feminized stiles leaves a bad taste in my mouth too.
derek and stiles are both assholes and i love them very much.
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halucynator · 11 months
hii love, could you write a mattheo riddle x reader fic based on the song someone will love you better by Johnny Orlando where reader and her bf (maybe Draco? Idk you can choose) fall out of love and reader falls for mattheo instead. Draco realises this and breaks up with them so they can get with Mattheo. thanks!
Someone will love you better
Hope this is to your liking xx
Part 2
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader/draco malfoy x fem!reader? (ish)
Summary: draco and reader fall out of love as draco realises the reader fell in love with mattheo.
A/n: The red italic writing are the lyrics xx the green text is extra stuff I put in because it felt smarter to do that than pile it all up at the top. It's kinda long xx idk the word count bc I have no idea how to figure it out bc I'm an idiot help pls 😭 I'm kinda happy with how this turned out :))
Warning: angst angst angst, kissing, unrequited love, shouting (kinda), mention of periods, not proof read, lmk if I missed any
Reader is Slytherin bc let's be honest draco prolly wouldn't date anyone who wasn't whether it was because of his father or just him. Theo and reader are best friends.
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You and your friends were in the Slytherin common room. It was pretty much empty apart from some other students that lingered there. Your head was on Draco's lap. Just like everyday. Except the feelings weren't the same anymore. The spark was gone. The butterflies that you used to feel every single time his skin made contact with yours, even if it was an accidental touch, were gone.
You'd known Draco ever since you were in year 3 and you'd fallen in love with him ever since. So of course when Draco asked you out, you said yes.
It was perfect.
It was the greatest romance that sent a lightning strike to your heart.
(The orange text is an alteration I made in the lyrics to suit the text. )
Your mind that used to be on Draco was now occupied with thoughts of a certain brunette boy.
Where did it go, you asked yourself. We would slow dance, in the headlights in the parking lot, you told yourself, reminiscing the good times you had with Draco.
But as Draco held your waist now, all you could feel was guilt. There was no chance of ever falling apart. But you've noticed, that I'm here but I'm so far. Those were the thoughts that clouded your mind as you stared into the blonde boy's eyes.
You hoped he didn't realise. But sooner or later you'd have to tell him.
"Theo I have to tell Draco! I can't bear lying to him anymore." You told your best friend, Theodore, as you burst into his dorm. He was the only one who knew about your crush on Mattheo and also your best friend. He'd figured it out by himself, but in all fairness, you didn't shut up about Mattheo around him.
"Are you crazy?! Just yesterday Draco was going on about how loyal and perfect you were for him! You should've done it sooner! You can't drop that bombshell on him now! You have to wait!" Theo said, calmly. (im sorry I had to)
"But I've been running from the sun but I've got nowhere left to hide. Every night, I close my eyes and wish I was still in love. Trying to fight at war with my mind, it's gonna kill me to give him up. He's eventually gonna find out!" You reasoned.
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"Hello love." Draco exclaimed as he saw you enter the great hall.
Your heart was heavy. You didn't want to hurt him, but the truth would be better than emotionally cheating on him, and, eventually, physically cheating on him.
Darling this is gonna hurt. No, I won't regret it. 'cause I loved you first, but someone will love you better. You repeated those words inside your head as you looked into his eyes trying to console yourself that you were doing the right thing telling him the truth.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Draco asks you, looking at you with lovesick eyes.
You blushed slightly. Draco was known to be mean to people, so, him giving you the special treatment made it hurt even more to tell him the truth.
You share a "I can't do this" look with Theo. As a response, Theo gives you a "I told you so" look which makes you roll your eyes.
You look at Draco and the following words fill your head:
Last time I hold you, just cause you needed heart to console you, when I can't give you reasons.
Draco goes to hold your hand seeing that you looked nervous. His touch makes you tense up. You hope he doesn't notice. But he does. He noticed the time you rejected his kisses which you used to love. He noticed the time you were in a hurry to leave. He noticed everything despite your efforts in hiding them.
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You went to your dorm early as the rest of your group stayed in the Slytherin common room. You weren't, however, aware of the conversation that happened after.
"I think there's something wrong with y/n" Draco says, not realising how passive aggressive that statement sound. Everyone one in the common room stared at him. Only then did he realise how wrong that statement sounded.
"I mean like- like she isn't feeling well." Draco corrects.
"Why's that?" Pansy asks.
"Well, she flinches at my touch and refuses my kisses!" Draco responds.
"I think there might just be something wrong with you." Lorenzo states matter-of-factly.
Pansy smacks his arm.
"ow!" Lorenzo exclaims.
"Anyways, it's clear she's not in love with you anymore." Pansy says.
"OR she's just tired or sick. Or maybe she's- she's on her period!" Theo says trying to make up an excuse to save your ass.
"You're not wrong." Pansy replies. "Us girls do tend to get mood swings on periods."
"You should read her mind. You know since you're a legilimens." Lorenzo suggests.
"That's not a bad idea." Draco says.
"NO- I mean, no. That's idea sucks. You're violating her privacy." Theo replies.
"I guess but you gotta do what you gotta do." Pansy says.
Theo couldn't say anything anymore in the fear of them getting suspicious.
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"Hate that love can be a thing you lose. There's nothing him or I could do. We were fools to fall! And it's nobody's fault, no." You barged into Theo's dorm yet again.
"Good to see you too." Theo said, scared by your entrance and slightly frustrated at the lack of introduction or even permission.
You death stare him annoyed at his priorities.
"Anyways, you should break up with him" Theo says, noticing your death stare and being slightly intimidated.
"Well, yeah! No shit Sherlock! But it's too fucking hard. He's making it too fucking hard!" You exclaim.
"if you're not going to break up with him, you could atleast pretend to be in love with him" Theo says.
"what?" You ask raising an eyebrow.
"he's suspicious. says you refuse his kisses and flinch at his touch."
You stand there silent, not realising how Draco paid extreme attention to detail.
Fuck. This was bad.
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You woke up the next day and entered the Great Hall. You walked over to your friends. That's when you noticed the looks on everyone's faces.
Theodore gave you a worried look. Disappointment plastered Draco, Blaise and Pansy's face. And Mattheo had a... shocked look on his face?
Draco hit you with the classic "we need to talk."
Was he going to break up with you? You felt sad but if he was then you wouldn't have to feel guilty about breaking up with him. You wondered what the reason could be.
Draco and you walked out of the Great Hall and into the barely filled corridor.
"What's wrong?" You asked. Anticipation hung in the atmosphere.
"Why didn't you tell me." Draco said. It sounded like a statement more than a question.
"that you like my cousin, Mattheo."
Your breath caught in your throat. He knew. But how? Your mind wandered to a certain chestnut haired boy. No, he wouldn't. Theodore would never.
"how did you-"
"it doesn't matter."
"yes it does! Who told you?" You asked feeling betrayed, but by no one in particular.
"I found out myself. I- I read your mind."
"What?! Do you know how violating that is?" You asked half-shouting.
"Well, I am so sorry that you aren't satisfied with me! I had to find out why you were acting weird!" Draco says, joining in on the shouting.
Guilt clouded your mind.
"Look, Draco i- I've been running from the sun but I've got nowhere left to hide. Every night I close my eyes and wish I was still in love. Trying to fight at war with my mind, it's gonna kill me to give you up!" You begun. "Darling this is gonna hurt. No, I won't regret it. Because I loved you first. But someone will love you better"
It felt good to tell him the truth, but that feeling was replaced by guilt when you say the look on Draco's face.
"I loved you. I can't control who you love but I really did try my best." Draco said, his voice cracking.
"lt wasn't your fault." You replied. "it was mine. I am sorry. I hope we can be friends."
No response. Ouch, that hurt.
"Does Mattheo know?" You asked Draco.
He nodded.
Your cheeks flushed. Mattheo knew. To say you were embarrassed would be an understatement.
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Thanks for reading! I prolly will make a part 2 x lmk if I should xx hope you enjoyed reading it 💞
Also if anyone can tell me how to establish word count, it will be a huge help! I feel stupid lmao.
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
The Letter Pt. 1
Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem! reader
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used, Outing
Summary: Ellie and Y/N are in two very different social groups at school. One day when Y/N's crush is cruelly exposed in front of the whole school, Y/N is brutally shot down. Finally, five years later the two run into each other again.
High School AU
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Ellie. Williams.
Star basketball player and Student Council Vice President, all while being in multiple clubs. There's nothing she can't do.
Ellie's done literally everything. She's played every sport, been in every club, been in multiple art shows. She's one of the coolest people there is. Obviously everyone loves her. Who wouldn't? She's talented and pretty.
" You're staring again. " Dina teases.
" Oh shut up. " I grumble, poking at my suspicious school lunch. I'm not quite sure what it is but I don't think I want to find out.
" Just go ask her out already. What's the worst that can happen? " Jesse asks between mouthfuls of a sandwich. " I mean, I asked out Dina and here we are three months later. "
I roll my eyes. " It's different. I don't even know if she's into girls. "
" Just ask. " Jesse states in a 'duh' tone.
Dina shakes her head. " Jesse stop. Let Y/N take her time. "
I glance back at the long table across the room. Ellie eyes crinkle slightly as she laughs at something one of her friends says. She slaps the guy on the back, her short hair falling into her face.
She's so pretty.
I've heard rumors from my classmates. I've heard about her hooking up with a couple of the cheerleaders after games. She's never had a girlfriend though. At least one she's talked about.
Even if they weren't rumors, would she go for a girl like me? We run in two different circles. She never hangs out from anyone outside of her clique unless it's to help tutor other students.
Even then it's because it looks good on college applications, not because she wants to. She's admitted it when helping me out with science homework.
The bell rings and students begin to scatter. I make my way towards one of the small rooms behind the library where our study sessions our held. I pull out my notebooks and get ready to see Ellie.
I pull out my sketch book, flipping through the pages. One page catches my eye.
The Letter.
I spent all night working on it, figuring out the perfect thing to say. I ended up deciding not to give it to her when I saw her hanging out with some guys from the football team. I chickened out.
Maybe some day.
I turn to the next page, deciding to doodle while I wait.
" Hey! Sorry I'm late. " Ellie drops her bag onto table next to me, starting me. " Had to grab my books. "
" Fuck. " I mutter, blinking.
Ellie smirks at my shock.
" It's fine. " I shut the book, pushing it to the side.
Ellie sits down next to me, pulling her chair next to mine. " Alright, where were we? "
_____Third P.O.V._____
" I'm gonna go to the restroom. Be right back. " Y/N hops up, heading towards the door.
Ellie nods, not bothering to tear her eyes away from the textbook in front of her.
" Hey, Els. " A voice greets.
Ellie glances up to spot one of her friends. " Oh hey, Viv. " Ellie greets.
Vivian glances around the room. " Tutoring another dork? " She asks, picking at Y/N's items.
Ellie frowns slightly. " Well, yeah but I think she's okay, ya know. Like, she's pretty smart. Just not doing so well with AP physics. "
Vivian rolls her eyes. " You're too...nice, Ellie. You're too kind to say what everyone thinks. " Vivian lifts up a small black book. She flips through the pages in, clearly unamused at what's inside. " She's no Davinci. "
Ellie's unsure what to say. Sure, what Vivian's doing is fucked up. She'd hate it if someone looked through her shit, but she worked so hard to make it into the popular group. She spent months trying to fit in. She wasn't going to lose it now on a random girl because she feels a little bad.
Deciding not to feed into Vivian's antics, Ellie remains silent.
" Oh my god. " Vivian's eyes widen as she pauses at a page.
" What? " Ellie asks, curiosity getting the best of her. Whatever Y/N drew can't be that bad, right? Then again, she didn't really know the girl. Maybe she had some fucked up mind or some shit. She seemed normal though. How bad could it really be?
Vivian shakes her head, a giggle slipping through her lips. " This is Y/N's book, right? " She tears out a page from the book before setting the book back where it was before.
Ellie slowly nods. " Yeah...why? "
Vivian smirks. " No reason. You'll find out at the assembly. Speaking of assembly, I've gotta get to the gym. It's gonna start soon. Be there. Make sure Y/N's there too. " Vivian turns to leave. " She's not gonna want to miss this. "
Ellie doesn't respond. She watches as Vivian leaves the room with the paper in hand. What the fuck was on that paper?
Y/N makes it back into the room a few minutes later. " Alright. " She grins. " Let's get the worksheet done. "
Ellie nods, her mind otherwise occupied.
The next ten minutes seem to fly buy quickly. All Ellie can think about is the paper. What was Vivian going to do? What did Y/N have on that paper? Should Ellie bring Y/N to the gym? If she didn't, what would Vivian do?
The bell rings, signaling the end of study hall. Y/N and Ellie gather their things.
" Hey, are you going to the Assembly? " Ellie asks, trying to keep her tone calm.
Y/N shoots her a smile. " Yeah! I am. My friend's in the orchestra."
Ellie nods. " Nice. I'll see you there? "
Y/N's heart begins to quicken. Usually their conversations don't stray further than homework or classes. " Yeah. I'll keep an eye out for you. "
Ellie shoots Y/N a small smile, causing butterflies to erupt in Y/N's stomach.
The two break apart for their next class, both of their minds racing. One mind full of excitement at the thought of possibly running into Ellie at the assembly and the other full of dread at what's to come from the assembly.
------- First P.O.V.-------
I look around the gym, my hands slightly clammy. I eventually spot Dina in the corner, preparing her violin. I quickly send her a small wave before returning to my search.
" No need to search. You're favorite person's arrived. " Jesse jokes, taking a seat next to me.
I roll my eyes. " Ha ha. You're just who I was looking for. "
Jesse's eye brows quirk in surprise. " Really? "
With a laugh I shake my head. " Fuck no. "
" Ouch. " Jesse places a hand over his heart. " Straight to the heart. "
I grin. Finally I spot a familiar auburn haired girl a few rows below. Beside Ellie is the Vivian Logan, the student body President. Aka the school's resident bitch.
Ellie doesn't seem to notice me. She takes a seat next to Vivian, immediately crushing my soul.
I knew it was a long shot she'd sit next to me but a girl can dream, right?
" Finally. It's starting. " Jesse grumbles impatiently.
The orchestra and band play their pieces ending in the school erupting in applause. Finally, the principal makes his way towards the center of the gym.
" Students! Thank you all for joining us today! I'd like to welcome this year's student body who helped put together today's assembly! Give them a hand, will you? " Principal Clark claps while the student body filters down to the middle of the gym. " Now, your president, Vivian, has a few words to say. Take it away, Vivian. "
Principal Clark hands the microphone over to Vivian who accepts it happily.
" Hey guys! First of all, I just wanted to say I'm so excited to be up here today! " She excitedly states.
" So excited! " Jesse mocks.
I gently slap his shoulder. " Be nice. " I chuckle. " She hasn't done anything. "
" Yet. " Jesse mutters. " She always pulls something. How the fuck did she get elected? "
" Because she was voted hottest on the hottest vs nottest list last year. " I remind him. Stupid list. Why the fuck would someone waste their time making something like that?
" Guys...I know last week was the talent show but we have a late entry. A very late entry. " Vivian pulls out a small piece of paper. On the back is a familiar drawing.
A snake.
My heart stops.
No fucking way.
How the hell could she get it?
It has to be a different paper. Right?
" This person wrote something so beautiful I just had to share. This is actually to you, Ellie. " Vivian looks over to Ellie who furrows her eyebrows in confusion. " Lucky ducky. "
" Jesse. " I whisper.
" What? " Jesse asks in confusion.
I never told him about the note. I never told anyone. Fuck fuck fuck.
" I wrote that. " I begin to panic. " I fucking wrote that. "
Jesse's eyes widen. " What? Fuck, are you sure? How do you know? It could be anyone's. We haven't even heard it yet. "
" It's mine. Jesse it's fucking mine. "
Everyone's going to know what I fucking wrote.
Vivian clears her throat. " Let's begin. " She smiles brightly. " Dear Ellie, gosh, I'm so nervous writing this to you right now. I just can't keep it in. I feel like I need to tell you. I've thought about telling you for months. Actually for a couple years. I've just been so nervous. " Vivian mocks. With every word she acts it out, her words exaggerated. " I really like you. I don't know if you like me back. I just feel like I need to tell you. Whenever I see you my heart begins to race. I really like you Ellie Williams. And if there's any chance you possibly like me back, please let me know. Sincerely, Y/N. " With that, Vivian points at me.
I feel the stares of everyone around.
Giggles and whispers flood the room. The sound of people mocking me bounces off the walls.
" Fuck, Y/N... " Jesse says, obviously mortified for me.
None of that matters though.
All I can focus on is the horrified expression on Ellie's face. Her eyes stare straight into mine, burning a hole into my body. Her body is tense and unmoving underneath her jeans and open button up.
Vivian's laugh brings me back into reality. " Ellie, what do you have to say to this out burst of love. Do you feel the same? Personally, I think it's cute. She has a little crush. A little cringy but hey, it's flattering. " Vivian shoves the microphone in front of Ellie.
Ellie's cheeks turn a dark shade of red. She blinks. " No! Fuck no. " Ellie shakes her head, taking a step back. " Y/N, this would never fucking happen. " She gestures at the two of us. " No fucking way. No, Y/N. You're not my type. "
My heart shatters. She's not gay. She doesn't like me. Fuck.
Suddenly everything feels worse. The laughter gets louder. The points and stares become more obvious. The room seems to close around me, leaving me trapped in a room full of people making fun of me.
" That's enough! " The principal shouts.
His voice seems far away.
It's too late. The damage has already been done. Everyone knows I like Ellie. Everyone knows I like girls. What the fuck am I going to do?
I feel a strong arm pull me up.
Jesse leads me down the bleacher stairs. He pushes open the doors and ushers me out. The laughter of my classmates slowly dies out as the door shuts. Not completely though. I can still hear bits and pieces.
" Fuck, Y/N. Are you okay? " Jesse asks while rubbing my shoulder to console me.
I shake my head. " My life is over. "
My life might not have actually been over but at that moment it truly did feel like it was.
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kimsmuse · 1 year
Hiii, I just came across your blog, and I L O V E it! Since you said you were looking for a recommendation, here's one from me. Yandere school president. They have immense power at their school because not only are they the president, but their parents own the school. Their word is quite literally the law at this school. He just so happens to be head over heels in love and obsessed with you. Give in to their obsessive and possessive love or suffer the consequences. Since he holds so much power, he can make you a school outcast in less then a week, and he can have teachers fail you or pick on you for the stupidest reasons ever, he'll make your life a living hell at school if you don't accept his twisted and fucked up love, it's best to just be a good darling, and let yourself be loved on his own terms. It's a concept I've thought about a lot, but I haven't seen much of it. Anyways, thank you for your time, and keep up the good work!!!
okay okay omg first of all your brain???? this way too good and oml now i'm sad i spent my entire school life without a class prez like this :( but let's talk about this !!! this is mildly inspired by this one guy from the kdrama called taxi driver (ep 3) !!!
gender neutral!reader. warnings for obsessive behavior, mentions of killing someone but it's nothing graphic. blackmail/coercion type thing?? and typical yandere behavior.
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okay so yandere!class president who is so focused, he's the top student of the grade and he's good at sports too?? captain of the basket ball team?? i don't know how he does it because i really couldn't but anyway even apart from that he keeps on taking part and neatly scoring in debates, and writing contests, you name it and he's doing it. it does happen sometimes that he ends up getting silver or bronze but he's there on the list somehow.
and obviously if you've ever been a teenager then you know how attractive this type of people are, because they're good at everything, because they look very unattainable and bonus for our class president is that he's super hot as well. so obviously he had a classroom filled with admirers. and he loved the attention, who doesn't? but he's never thought more of it than that, the aspect of romance is kinda alien to him, he's had his fair share of physical relationships (if they can be even called that) but none of them too good to stay.
so he keeps on with his day, his cram school, having lunch, dinner, studying, more studying.
and when he bumps into you from his way back from the library, he just stops dead in his tracks as you attempt to pick up the books you both dropped, and when you look up at him he's literally frozen. who are you? why has he never seen you around? why do you look so pretty? hey, where's that romantic instrumental playing from? why-
"hey, mister, are you okay? i didn't hit your head or anything right?"
and trust me when he's the literal embodiment of the ":0" emoji.
anyway, but that guy has never had a crush before so at first he just feels like its some kinda internal intuition? that there's something wrong with you or something.
but then he finds himself trying to find your class, sitting there on the excuse of talking to some friends and obviously he's welcomed there.
and he figures that his initial impression might be a wrong because you were such a sweetheart. not as popular as him, and you stuck to your 2-3 friends but he saw the way you would smile at people - a gentle, warm one. and he quite literally died when you greeted him that way once, surprised that you would know about his existence
it wasn’t that he forgot he was famous but having a crush really does wonders to your self esteem.
also you best believe he's digging up all your information, your past schooling if you've transferred, your parents' background, your social media and duh, where you live, where you work.
and if you work somewhere like a cafè or a convenience store, he's there for half the day, "studying" for exams and stuff, he claims it helps more than studying at home. and all the time his eyes barely register a page because he's looking at you as you're hard at work, helping customers, greeting them with that damned, charming smile and then in rare moments he looks at you as you lose that demeanor and sigh out of exhaustion. poor baby, he wished he could something for you so bad in those moments.
and then comes the part where his friends (he has a lot of friends but he believed that when you have a crush you shouldn’t tell everyone? also given his popularity... he figured it wouldn't be a greatest idea ever. so he only told like a guy or two) they adviced him to just go up to you and ask you out? what's the problem even? he's literally the golden boy of the school, why would someone reject him ever? you shouldn’t even be worried about that, dude! but with that confidence in himself, he decides on a day, nothing too significant and he looks at himself in the mirror.
"uh, actually, i do have a partner," did you hear that? the glass shattering? uh, that was his heart. that was his reaction when you told him this. but it was true, you had a partner in another country (which made sense that the yandere did not come to know of this before because he had been following you, just to make sure you were safe ofcourse, and he did not see a persosn who could classify as a romantic threat) and you loved them very much! no matter how cute and great this guy was, you were loyal to them.
and now cue the yandere's sad era. but only for like a day or two. until he realizes something. this was absurd, you were rejecting him? when so many people would literally kill for something like this? it was unbelievable. but he was deadset, this was the first time he felt this way for someone and he was determind to make you feel the same, or at least keep you with him, and he would do it with any means necessary.
he realized that your friends' parents were mere employees in his dad's company so all it took was one meeting. "stop talking to y/n." for them to start ignoring you and they did not even try to keep it lowkey and you had to resort to sitting alone at lunch, giving an easy access to the guy who used it as a time to sit beside you and tell you about his day, nevermind the fact that for the first few times you would just up and leave. and then you finally decided to just snap.
"what the fuck do you want?" you look at him, frustrated by all these things, and changes happening in your life in less than a week.
he just smirked, that mf had the audacity to smirk? "you, ofcourse,"
now he wasn’t quite violent because he'd just entered adulthood, he did not want to fuck up and spend the rest of his years in jail (not that he actually would because his parents would be hiring the world's best lawyers for him) but he did imagine it, murdering your s/o. he did not know what they looked like, but all they saw was you happy in their arms and as much he loved that little smile of yours, he wanted it to be for himself! not someone else!
so anyway, after you storm out on him after the last conversation, you get your english test results back and a big, red F is staring at you.
and normally your parents weren't grade obsessed but you would boast to them about how good you were at english and how much you loved the subject and even the teacher agreed thaf you were good at it.
when you meet with the teacher after class, he just removes his spectacles and rubs his eyes, "listen, y/n, you're one of the smartest students i've had the pleasure of teaching. so make the right choice, it's good for your future. just say yes to him. he's not bad, you know,"
he was behind this???????
you felt even more utterly helpless when you found that the yandere's parents fund almost more than half of the school so there’s nobody who would be willing to go against them and help you, no matter how much you would plead them.
"a transfer? don't even think about it, baby, nobody is going to issue that certificate unless i say so,"
chills run down your neck as he whispers this. you were truly stuck with him.
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i23kazu · 5 months
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these are all my ocs !!! do be nice :-) i've worked hard on them hehehe and i'm glad they get to come out of the basement now, please click on the picrews for better quality ! ! !! | post best viewed in light mode
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he/him | 24 y.o. | modern au genshin !!! | ✦✦✦✦
fontainian intern at tianquan co ( a government agency dealing with policies ) !
lucien is originally from the court of fontaine but studied in liyue for law (ex-classmates with yanfei heheeee) and is now working as an intern ( because the government companies in liyue won't let him full time :") )
he hopes to create a stronger support group for foreigners in liyue to connect them with job opportunities & resource broking heh – he and yanfei work together to try and find loopholes but liyue law is TIGHTT
wishes he could do more though ngl poor bebs
hydro polearm :3 !!!!
it was his flex for a while that he got the same element as the one from his homeland mwahaha
love language : words of affirmation
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she/her | 20 y.o. | slight modern au genshin !!! | ✦✦✦✦
LIYUEAN SOCIAL WORKER !!!! <333 she's my representation /cope
masc girl ever
works in liyue's youth sector for the ministry of social affairs !! covers up her tattoo when she goes to work (everyone always asks her why she's wearing a turtleneck in office)
has a wolfcut - mullet - thingy ?? ?? ?
super boisterious like this girl is loud. she's one of beidou's friends & is close to shuying ( my self-insert oc !!! )
yongjia's twin !!! younger than him by 4 mins
does boxing in her spare time
u'll find her organising peaceful protests when she can btw #advocate
pyro claymore !!!
love language : physical touch
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he/him | 20 y.o. | slight modern au genshin | ✦✦✦✦
communications manager for a supply company that works with the restaurants of liyue!
kailah's twin !!!! older by 4 minutes
the more reserved sibling – but certain people definitely bring out certain parts of himself
dyed his hair bc he went through the phase of not wanting to look like kailah ..
ask him out with drinks after work, why don't you?
this man has really good memory ... remembers the little things about everybody + analytical ass brain
the brain of the twins, while kailah is the heart
well liked by the aunties of liyue what can i say
geo sword !!!
love language : quality time
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she/ her | 18 y.o. | slight modern au genshin | ✦✦✦✦
studying social work!!! kailah is her mentor & is one of her good friends
she wants to work with little kids in the future!!
is baizhu’s daughter :3
absolutely adores the twins, they’re like the older siblings she never had
has tried to pick up crocheting. never again. her hands were shaking the entire time and she couldn’t do anything
loves giving gifts!!!
tbh shuying is my self insert soooo. if i continue any longer it’ll just be “hey isnt this just ying”
dendro polearm !!!!
love language : physical touch
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he/him | 25 y.o. | modern au genshin | ✦✦✦✦
a librarian at the house of daena :3
loves making friends honestly!! he's down if you're down.. except that some over-excited students take him a bit too seriously and get their hearts crushed
local sweetheart i'm ngl. good with old ladies and good with children. very sweet
family man! will introduce his family one day
heuheuehuue i love him so much,,, this sweetheart,,,
also his name was inspired from a typo btw. just saying
anemo catalyst !!!!
love language : acts of service
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picrew one | picrew two
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