#the themes............. where did you go
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bitnopa · 4 months ago
the biggest plot twist in arcane season 2 is that it was a marvel show all along
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menlove · 1 month ago
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HOWARD STERN: Here's what the book claimed- your sexuality was so powerful over him, he was so enamored of you, so attracted to you, almost- PAUL: Wow. STERN: -that you could have your way with him. Not sexually- ROBIN QUIVERS: Did you feel a power over him? PAUL: [rapidly shaking his head] No. STERN: -but in business. That you had a- that he was sort of at your mercy because he was so in love with you. That was the theory in the book. PAUL: Well, you know, I mean- I like that theory. [laughs] STERN: Wish that could've been true. PAUL: No, man.
(x- translation from portuguese by @todayesterday here) (x) (x)
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serotonin-dose · 1 month ago
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AsaDen x Metaphor Re:Fantazio
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somegrumpynerd · 11 months ago
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Dust's nightmare
Dust has nightmares about fighting and killing here and there, but the ones that really stick with him are the ones that are just... memories. Things he can never have again.
What he can have though, is a distraction when he wakes up to help him settle and make sure he's not alone with his thoughts for too long
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agentc0rn · 11 months ago
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Lonely earth-bound monarch figures whose existences and legacies extend past the bounds of time and space.
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arttsuka · 6 months ago
Draw Banda (Bill Cipher possessing Wanda Maximoff (mcu, specifically the Multiverse of Madness 616 Wanda/Scarlet Witch not 838 Wanda)
Merman Deadpool and Human Wolverine
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Based on the infamous blobfish
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multiheadcanons · 4 days ago
mikhail did not want to do this.
he has been avoiding the infirmary like the plague, and avoiding its sole inhabitant moreover. it’s too much to even be in there anymore. he can’t think, he can’t reason, he can’t speak, he can’t exist in there anymore without looking like a fool. without feeling his face flush.
he can’t even go in for a visit anymore without his mind wandering. without slipping away into some asinine fantasy of him, and his own doctor.
it feels so stupid. they were fine as friends. they were fine as friends and mikhail got desperate. seemed fritz was too. and then they just… never stopped past the desperation.
and he knows it’s just him. it’s just him who’s feeling this way. the doctor never seemed to skip a beat. even as he wiped the fluids from his face, thanked the russian for a good time, ensured the cleanliness of his uniform and promptly exited whatever bedroom, bathroom, closet, or vehicle they had momentarily commandeered. even as mikhail stood alone, dazed from the flurry of action, the moment they were done the doctor was too, and they were to never speak of it. he never stayed long enough to talk afterwards. it pissed him off that he even thought about aftercare. what would they even have to talk about?
he can’t go in there anymore.
but he has to.
he took a deep breath and shut his eyes. he can’t blink in there or he’ll lose himself.
the swing of the infirmary door was silent. he was thankful for that. it meant he didn’t have to speak until he was ready to. he took stock of the infirmary. clean. organized. a dull scent of chemical, a whisper of blood under that. it smells too clean. he could change that.
but that’s not what he’s here for.
“ah, heavy! lovely to see you here, it’s been a while. you’ve been avoiding me. is there something i can do for you today?” well, there went his element of surprise. and the jab didn’t go unnoticed either. and that desk. that stupid desk. purposefully moved where it was not visible from the door, but the door was visible from its location.
a passing thought of whether the desk was free from paperwork entered mikhail’s mind, and exited just as quickly. he fully entered the infirmary and allowed the door to swing shut behind him. it’s cold in here. he could change that.
but that’s not what he’s here for.
“i need to speak with you. spare me a moment.”
“ah, i’d love to, but i can’t. i’m busy.”
busy? he walked towards the sound of the voice, rounding the corner to see stacks of paperwork.
“…with paperwork. you’ve never denied me before.”
the doctor gave an uninterested stare over his lenses. “well, the lack of denial towards you, specifically, is why i have all this paperwork. so i can’t today. perhaps another time? i’m sure i can fit you in tomorrow—”
“i am not your patient. we need to speak. today. now.” the doctor’s eyes narrowed, and his response was calculatedly slow. the ice they stand on was already melting, and neither seemed to care about the repercussions of falling into the deep.
“if i’ve never denied you before today, why would you continue to press the matter when i insist i don’t have the time? is it a medical emergency? are you dying? i could’ve caught it if you had come in to your scheduled visits.”
“alright, then one more day of waiting won’t hurt, will it? i’ll see you tomorrow.” and with that, the doctor was done with the interaction. just that simply.
if mikhail were an emotional man he’d scream. but he isn’t. so he took a deep breath, and looked around. the blue clad doctor may not be an absolute psychopath like his counterpart, but he’s sure the man has something lying around here somewhere.
“should i leave?”
“if you want.”
jesus christ, he hates this man. if this man were to drop dead within the hour mikhail would celebrate. he perused the infirmary, opening cabinets, purposefully not shutting them, moving things out of the meticulous order the doctor kept them in, waiting for a reaction. and nothing came but silence and the scratching of pen on paper.
very well, he’ll up the ante.
he started peering through files. brute forcing the locks on the filing cabinets to go through them. leaving them open. rearranging the papers with others.
“are you having fun over there?” the doctor called out, the scratch of the pen never stopping. a crack in the stone. maybe.
fritz was not going to be happy when he realizes the extent of the damage. this is not a new tactic for mikhail to pull when he attempted to get his way, but the absolute decimation of the doctor’s filing system was grounds for death.
this is a hurdle he will handle later. he needs to focus on the task at hand.
“you don’t have a file for yourself?”
“i don’t need one.”
“hm.” this tactic was a no-go. it’s time to up the ante again. he looked around again. “where do you keep your bonesaw?”
“just curious.” the silence told him that he probably should look elsewhere.
“if i give you the bonesaw will you get out? you’re distracting me.” oh, that’s perfect. he gave a satisfied smile.
“yes.” he heard the desk drawer open and metal skid across the floor, stopping at his feet. he grabbed it, finding the most comfortable way to hold it in his hands. “thank you, doctor. i’ll leave you be.” a neutral noise of acknowledgement came from the doctor, and with it, mikhail left.
and all fritz could do was put the pen down, and rub his temples. great. now his infirmary was trashed. he had just cleaned it. did he want to know the extent of it? not right now. he’ll explode if he dared look up now.
there wasn’t enough time to stew on it or let it go when something slapped the desk; spattering red across the stacks of paperwork. he did not bother to look at whatever was just thrown. he knows the sight of blood. his eyes slowly trailed upward. and he was absolutely unsurprised to see the russian standing before him, a pleasant smile on his face. the doctor’s eyes twitch.
“are you kidding me.”
“medical emergency. i need your aid.”
“you are an unequivocal nuisance.”
“i have feelings for you.” and the infirmary went silent. they stared at each other. “will you sew my hand back on?”
“get. on. the fucking. table.” mikhail complied. holding his stump out as the doctor grabbed a needle and thread.
“i don’t know why i like you so much. you’re horrible, when i think about it. you’re rude, and a liar, and—” he played up a wince as the doctor began to harshly sew his hand back on. “heartless.”
“shut up.” the doctor snapped. “i can’t focus.”
“really.” he honored the man’s request with a moment of silence. “i have feelings for you.”
“everyone has feelings for everyone. the sky is blue today. i’ve surgically removed two thousand four hundred and thirty seven various organs from a minimum of eight hundred twenty people and four hundred thirty two cadavers before i lost count. is there anything else obvious we would like to state today?”
“you are a cruel bastard.” that got a smirk. he liked that smirk. “i won’t repeat myself. i know you like hearing things repeated. sad little man with bad hearing.”
“i am already at my limit with you.”
“should i leave?”
“i’d say yes, but knowing you you’d just come back in five minutes.” they stared at each other, and the doctor took a deep breath and refocused on his task at hand. “i don’t want to know what feelings you have. we are coworkers. we shouldn’t be having sex with each other at all.”
“that’s an easy exit.”
“why make it hard?”
“ah. right. your need for efficiency. why live at all?” that stopped the doctor. he took a deep breath.
“you have no. idea. what i know about our lives. if you want to live, go. live freely, live wildly, kill yourself in the effort. be my guest. but that’s not what we’re here for and it will never be.” and he continued to sew. “i liked you better as a friend.” he added, softer.
“as a friend?”
“friend, teammate, coworker. whatever you want to call it. i liked you better then. you were happier. we worked better together. we talked more. but this?” he couldn’t help the snort that left him, though none of this was funny. “i— i hate this! i’m anxious, and i’m irritated, and i’m annoyed, all the time! and it feels like nothing helps, because all i think about is you! and you— you can’t help me. because you are anxious, and irritated, and annoyed. and we are fools.” he tied off a knot on the string, and gave the man’s hand a tug to ensure the stitches were tight. but he didn’t let go. “i’m infatuated with you, if it makes you feel better.”
mikhail processed the doctor’s words as he turned for his medigun to finish the job. they didn’t hurt as much as he thought they would, but he also wasn’t sure if this could be considered a rejection. he wasn’t sure why he was so concerned about this conversation.
“so, how do we go back to friendship? is it possible?” he asked.
“to tell the truth, i don’t know.” he said, flicking the medigun on.
the rays were cold. they are usually cold. it felt nice.
“… friends it is. we can be friends. i can treat you better. we can see what happens from there.” he slowly clenched his now re-attached hand, the feeling returning, and with it, the realization that the doctor never let his hand go.
“don’t say you’re going to treat me better. just do it.” the doctor regained the sense to release the man, turning to shut off the medigun and put it away.
“very well… friend.” the doctor could not help the gag that escaped him. and the stare he gave was palpable.
“actually, i hate you. vehemently. get out.”
mikhail laughed. this stupid little man. how could he ever avoid him? he’s never been so humored. and the smile the doctor fights.
perhaps they would be better off friends.
“so. honest question. do we stop having sex.”
“oh, god, no. that’s the best part of the day.”
“so, what, twice a week?”
“…that’s the best part of the day.”
…what kind of friends does the doctor keep? “you are… strange.” and the doctor’s brow quirked. “i like it.”
“aren’t you sweet. clean your mess and get out. i have to finish— ugh. i have to restart this.”
ah, right. that hurdle he said he’d handle later. he really thought this would go differently. but somehow this still ended up being the repercussions of his actions. so he supposes it went exactly how he expected it to. mikhail gave the doctor a final glance as he returned to his desk, and looked around at the infirmary. the files haphazardly stuffed into already overfilled drawers, the papers within the files no longer matching. this will take him a while.
he’s okay with that.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months ago
the training montage in crossroads re-ignited a headcanon i had of geralt waking up and doing gymnastics, performing kickflips and mid-air spins around on a fencepost outside an hour before sunrise to ‘limber up,’ and bleary-eyed dandelion wrapping himself up in a blanket to be like "heyyy... what the hell are you doing 💖"
#if you're wondering what kind of moves he's doing he's standing on a fencepost and doing your typical flexibility stretches#but alternating between reps of stretches with kickflips from one post to the other#like ciri training in kaer morhen#i'm not going to lie witchers are cool but fandom ruined them a bit for me and now crossroads has given me that childlike wonder back#because fandom heard 'physical ability and stamina' and did you know what with it#but the agility and precision of witchers remain so underrated. as part of the deconstruction of the superhuman trope#geralt doesnt really show off as much in the books and does cool stuff only when needed but#like when (mentioned) he hit the rat in the darkness with his thrown fork... as a party trick#and killing renfri's men in the market at blaviken... and killing the scoia'tael on thanedd#and RUNNING ALONG THE BRIDGE on the battle of the bridge#and the nilfgaardians were amazed and they WERE AMAZED AS THEY DIED!!!!!!!!#and killing rience's mercenaries who didn't know who they were fighting so they were like hey what the fuck... what the fuck#i'm literally back to witcher 101 basics here. nothing interesting to contribute but like a little boy i am just smiling and saying#'dude geralt of rivia is soooo cool he can like fight a bunch of guys with his sword'#half of me wants to seek deeper themes and half of me is just like YOOO GERALT SO COOL !!#listen... there is a time to plant a time to reap#a time to analyze and a time to geek#i should probably just watch a bunch of ballet or best of gymnastics comps and i'll find what i'm looking for#also sorry CROSSROADS OF RAVENS SPOILERS artamon dying was a hilarious moment i know it was like oooh this will have consequences#but it was nice to have the evil antagonist get merked in the sme chapter as he's fucking introduced#and not even by mature experienced geralt but by some literal eighteen year-old who he tried pulling a fast one on#1) i was happy that sapkowski didn't drag it out terribly. this was humorous and refreshing after in season of storms#2) geralt almost riding off but having a feeling to go back... listen i know it's so cliche and it's giving lady of the lake chapter 4#where he eavesdrops in the caves under castle zubarran and just happens to hear stefan skellen reveal that vilgefortz was in castle stygga#but it also was satisfying to me because after reading the hussite trilogy#where reynevan (stupid and young man; like geralt here) DOES NOT LEARN after several. SEVERAL lessons#i was honestly worried for a second that we were going to get a reynevan moment. but no. because this is geralt and not reynevan#and seeing geralt develop critical thinking skills in real time was not only satisfying but a bit funny#and yes nostalgiabaiting me#like omggggg yesss his detective skills yesss that's so geralt of him
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greyedian · 4 months ago
MAN I'm seriously so sad about season 2. Bc I wish act 2 had the same emotional impact on me as it appears to have on so many others. But rn I'm just somewhere between unable to care and actively annoyed by some of those writing decisions. Seriously the more I think about it the less I like it.
#act 3 come through please 🙏#I don't think it can salvage some of the things I have contentions with but still... please...#don't ask me about the silco vander flashback with jinxs + vis mom#or the bizzare choice to do so much of the storytelling through this weird music video format they've got going on#completely stripping it of the weight these plot beats could've had if they were... normal scenes#and also missing the point of how the music was used in season 1 and what made it so effective#bc it was complementary to instead of replacing the storytelling#seriously don't ask me about these things I will spontaneously implode on the spot#whyyyyy would they recontextualize season 1 like this with that flashback#to me it kind of ruins the character dynamics and themes in s1. it just makes me so sad you have no idea#also what even are they doing with Jinx rn for real#aaarghhhh just... so many things that are making me scratch my head#also I'm so terribly sorry but I could not care less about Isha sorry lol#like i get that its sad conceptually but she was such a non-character that i struggle to feel impacted at all#same with sky tbh. i thought her role in s1 was alright but there is so much emotional weight put on her now#in terms of her relationship to Viktor but that was barely established so it's weird to have her around#and clearly you're supposed to care but they haven't given me much reason to#isha and sky were non-characters just there to die to further the development of other characters#they didn't really have anything going on on their own and that's just a type of character and plot device that does nothing for me#also i thought the war between zaun and piltover + internal struggles in zaun bc silcos gone would be the main focus#but that stuff seems so sidetracked rn#also sorry i dont like what they did with vander and warwick either. that man should've stayed dead lol#it honestly just makes his death feel less impactful and i dont know what this is supposed to do for the story or the themes???#that just feels like a pointless plotline that is taking up time that could've been spent on other things#i just... i could go on like this for a while like there are so many things that just puzzle me#it's so weird considering how tight and thematically consistent season 1 was#let's see where act 3 goes but... i kinda have a bad feeling about it ngl#obv im glad others are enjoying it and this is just my opinion! also a lot of this are probs just my personal tastes anyway#arcane spoilers
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thorough-witness-enjoyer · 4 months ago
Haven’t been keeping up with Revenant, but seeing people hold Eramis to a similar level of villainy as beings like Savathûn and Rhulk to argue against her treatment in the story (or even the fact we haven’t killed her yet) is so… I’m tired guys
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doodlingwren · 4 months ago
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☝🤓 What if 🤨🤔! I was back 😨🤯 after some months 😞😤😲... ahahah jokes 🧐🤣😂... unless 😳👉👈
#wren text tag#wren draws stuff#it has been a while ^_^ guess it's time to remove the dust from this blog eheh#anyway gaslighting all of you so I can pretend I didn't go on hiatus every 2 working days lol next year it will be the year I am sure 💪#I say while I'm waiting to get the appointment to have my wisdom teeth removed (as if I didn't have enough bullshit in the past few months)#did the check up some days ago and they really went “yeah. ur old. those are your wisdom teeth. we have to remove them sorry 😅😬😔💔💔”#I guess karma didn't know what else throw at me “idk make her bones annoying this time lol” so unoriginal man ugh wish I could unfollow 🙄🙄🙄#idk what else to add. Look at the drawing of my sona and wait (she's so silly omg 😖🤭🥰💖💕✨)#Speaking of ✨art✨ I have some stuff that were supposed to be posted this summer but UHM I will post them here nonetheless#imagine they were posted in time alright. I'm still working on learning how to warp the time-space continuum 🙏#and then I'll be back posting fresh cringe 🥰💖 can't wait to draw all my stupid silly little dumb angular blorbos#I also have memes to redraw with the StS characters tehehehe I'm so evil. nefarius. wicked. foul. villainous if you will#where's that emoji of the cat looking mischievous#😼😼😼#OH YEAH I also I have a bluesky. it's doodlingwren so uhmn. do what u want with this information. I'll make a decent announcement later on#there is no art for now over bsky. But you can see me blabbling abt my own forgetfulness (?)#also I changed the color theme for this blog. It's not that important but I think it's nice#logged in after some time and when I went to change my age in bio I got blinded by the light color combo 😂😭#I might do some lil changes in the next few days but so far it's good :3 the blue looks nice
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
Can we talk about how fcked up Charles can be sometimes? Can we talk about how Charles can sometimes be actually scary as a person? Like he can legit be nefarious sometimes, but those moments are not as talked about as Erik's warcrimes (aside from the holocaust visions from TAS)
girlfriend i promise we're all very aware about how wack charles xavier can be and i assure you his nefarious moments are talked plenty from what i run into. like outside of this inbox most times you breathe charles' name to someone they'll be prepared to start swinging
#snap chats#its kinda funny tho. like out of all the charas ive fave'd over the years its funny how charles incites the most violence#and i get it i aint sayin it unfounded !!! just funny alright i stand with my problematic wife and all his wrongdoings. sometimes.#six decades of writers and writing decisions will lead to a lot of Girl What decisions#like marvel ruins. where charles is president. sorry girls im bringing it up if we wanna talk bout Fucked Up Charles#i mean those issues arent really. good. not just cause its grotesquely dark I Can Enjoy Dark And Gruesome Themes#the art's also hauntingly beautiful to look at its sad it's attached to such a nothing series. theres no real story ..#like i doint MIND dark or morally-dubious charles im a fan of it even when its done right or interesting#but thats where marvel ruins fumbles It Doesnt Do Anything Interesting with a morally corrupt charles#it just goes 'yeah hes fucked up and does terrible things now' like ok and .......... wheres the rest of the sauce ...#a less Gruesomely Fucked decision comparatively charles did was plant a virus on david because he didnt trust him Not to fuck things up#he regrets it like five seconds later after he realized How Fucked Up That Was but still ... charles ... im going to chokeslam you...#back to the main topic tho. its very funny because charles be catching strays on xmen twitter too#and i mean The Sincerest Of Strays tho i guess if you try Any xmen topic can go back to charles#but the post'll be bout an entirely different bloke or lass and theyll be wishing ill will on cue ball like girl he aint even HERE#anyway. yeah charles' imperfections is what makes him really interesting. to me. thank you#now for my next post to be an awkward juxtaposition to this one unless someone ones to throw in an ask last minute#and i mean very last minute i think i have all the tags typed up ont he other one vjeLKEJA
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 29 days ago
My barren land, I am ash from your fire // I'm getting tired even for a phoenix // If you knew where I was walking, to a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there // I've got a lot to live without // I've got nothing left to believe unless you're choosing me // I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free // How much sad did you think I had in me, how much tragedy? // Our field of dreams engulfed in fire // Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter // And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign // But even statues crumble if they're made to wait, I'm so afraid I sealed my fate, no sign of soulmates // It was freezing in the palace // I'm lonely but I'm good
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screamingwiththewolves · 8 months ago
I generally don't make posts like this, cause I don't wanna start an argument or disagreement, but I do find the "Is Hyde really a person?" discourse, a bit odd...I know it's a comic, and maybe I'll be proved horribly incorrect but...
Does he have emotions, with personality traits and preferences? Yes.
Does he insist he's a person? Yes.
Then he is, in fact, a person.
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mbat · 2 months ago
basically i was trying to make a post talking about the theme of family and the humans in steven universe and how basically all the humans are parents and their children and like, never one or the other, and how we can literally talk about the relationships all the kids have with their parents and stuff
and it was supposed to be how that reflects on stevens life and his human half since gems dont have families and blah blah blah
but holy shit i dont know how to say all that in a smart way and i kept going in circles and triangles and squares
#i am so passionate about being against the people who disregard all the human stuff in the show dude like#what a way to throw away literally half the damn show and half of the main character#and to ignore what is actually a lot to talk about and analyze! also the characters are just fun!#everyone loves the show for the gem stuff and hates it for the human stuff. fucking skill issue.#thats like such a reflection of stevens own life too#like. the two main humans in his life... yall...#greg was a space themed rockstar and connie loves fantasy books.#and they either get really involved in gem stuff or leave steven to be basically all immersed in gem stuff#just like steven the audience neglects the human stuff#and man? its not filler. it never was. fuck all of yall. fuck every steven universe 'critic' i dont give a fuck#i bet you this goes back to lily orchard doesnt it. fuck lily orchard dude shes fucking weird as hell.#its like what happened with rwby where everyone just blindly hates it because they heard it was bad#instead of forming opinions for themselves separate from the popular opinion#rwby is good! steven universe is good! the human episodes ARE GOOD!! I DONT CARE ANYMORE BRO ITS ME AND THIS SHOW AGAINST THE WORLD#im going insane bro im fuckin losing it i hate it here#my post#su#fuck it#steven universe#forcing the people in the main tag to behold my words#this is just like with cassandra where people refuse to actually understand it and just disregard it instead#'why did cassandra go evil it came out of nowhere' no it FUCKING DIDNT ITS BEEN THERE SINCE THE START SHUT UP#JUST ADMIT YOU DIDNT PAY ATTENTION AND REFUSED TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND AND STOP ACTING LIKE YOURE BEING OBJECTIVE
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ishq-itar · 12 days ago
hello winsnow
did you know I saw a death in the gunj just yesterday
how did you like it omg
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