#the text in the speech bubble says “yeah” and in the box it says “the end”
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just-emerald · 8 months ago
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According to Google, most hearing aids aren't waterproof, and it got me thinking about how Mariechan would want to go to the beach with Komaki but wouldn't be able to go swimming with him🥺And how Komaki would definitely problem-solve and find a place where they can hang out in a shallow area. I drew this comic a few years ago but it's still cute💗🏖️🌊🐚
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sinnabum45 · 8 months ago
Regrets and Apology
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Link to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
[Image description: Black and white digital comic of Ace Attorney characters Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth.
Page one: Phoenix is facing away from the viewer with a speech bubble: “I was angry that [red text] you didn’t even bother telling me [end red text], or anyone, that you were suffering so much…” A memory of a tired Miles looking to the side saying, “I’m tired, Wright. I feel as if… something inside of me has died.” Phoenix’s hand is holding Miles’ crumpled resignation letter. Phoenix: “But the truth was that [red text] you did. [end red text] You did tell me and [red text] I left you to deal with it alone. I even hurt you. [end red text] I just… Couldn’t take the fact that [red text] I could’ve helped you, but I didn’t. [end red text] Finding a reason to blame you was a lot easier than facing the fact that [red text] I couldn’t save you [end red text] from your past.” Phoenix is on the far left of the page with an angry expression. Pearl is holding onto his arm and looking back at Miles. She has a worried expression. Miles is on the far right of the page. He is holding his right arm with his left hand and looking down with a hurt expression. Page one end.
Page two: Present Phoenix is smiling sadly, facing away from the viewer at Miles. Phoenix: “haha Pretty pathetic, huh?” Miles reacts with an uncomfortable shift while looking at Phoenix. They look away from each other in silence. Miles, facing away from viewer: “You’re not pathetic, Wright.” Phoenix twitches with a guilty expression. A memory of Miles sitting at his desk with crumpled paper all over the desk. He is crying with a blank expression while holding a pen over a sheet of paper. Miles: “I was too deep in my own pain that [red text] I justified disregarding everyone and everything else… I was a coward and ran away without saying a word. [end red text] How can one not feel grief from such selfishness?” Page two end.
Page three: Miles, facing away from the viewer, looks down. Miles “… Wright, I’m sorry for running away. I’m sorry for abandoning everything I used to be… For abandoning you.” Phoenix is surprised. Phoenix then puts his hand on Miles’ shoulder and Miles looks up at him. Phoenix: “I’m sorry for abandoning you, too, Edgeworth… And I’m sorry for saying those horrible things to you.” Page three end.
Page four: Phoenix starts to lean closer to Miles with tears in his eyes. Miles’ expression stiffens. Phoenix: “ I… I don’t want to lose you again.” Phoenix is right in front of Miles’ face and a tear falls. Phoenix: “I’m glad you came back, Edgeworth.” Phoenix hugs Miles and they start crying. Phoenix: “ I missed you…” Page four end.
Page five: Doodles of different scenarios. Top left: Miles is holding Phoenix’s arm while looking away and blushing. Phoenix is shocked, but smiling. Miles: “W-Wright… Would you like to have dinner together?” Phoenix: “HUH?! Oh- um… Yeah!!” Top right: Miles is looking away and holding his right arm. He looks pained. Phoenix is looking at Miles with a worried expression. Miles’ thought: “How could I have done that? He must be so disappointed in me… It’d be better if I wasn’t here.” Phoenix’s thought: “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re stronger than you think, Edgeworth.” Bottom left: Phoenix is facing the viewer with a scared expression, sweating. Miles is glaring at Phoenix from behind with a menacing aura around him. Text: “Hyping himself up to talk to Phoenix [arrow pointing at Miles]” Bottom right: Phoenix is wearing his beanie with a stubble. He is talking on the phone with a smile on his face and his eyes are closed. Trucy is next to him happily yelling something. There is a split to where Miles is. Miles holding his book and smiling while talking to Phoenix on the phone. Box text “They’re not perfect, but they’re trying.” End description]
This is supposed to be a part 2 of the comic where Miles spirals. You don't have to read that one to understand this one, but I'll link it if you want to see it! (TW// suicide ideation, graphic depiction of suicide attempt) Link to the comic
Some of my opinions/thoughts below! I tried my best to make it make sense-- 🙇🏻‍♀️
There was supposed to be a whole scene where Miles calls Phoenix, they talk over the phone for a bit, and decide to meet up. I didn't know what they'd say and I didn't the energy, so I skipped to their conversation-- 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Also, I was skimming through case 1-5 again and I noticed that Miles was actually very open and communicative about what he was feeling and going through. Even Phoenix (and everyone tbh) noticed how badly Miles was suffering. They saw it with their own eyes, too. I hear a lot of people in the fandom talk about how Miles doesn't communicate his feelings at all, so I was surprised to see that.
Although it doesn't excuse Miles hurting his friends, it made me understand more of why Miles probably felt alone and had to deal with his problems himself. It'd be hard to trust people/ask for help when they've either betrayed you in some of the worst ways possible, ignored you, minimized your feelings, or is a literal child. I love Lana, but imo she was probably one of the worst person at the time to be the one telling Miles to trust people. From Miles' POV she just betrayed and traumatized him, so I find it hard to think that Miles could listen to her about trust even if he wanted to.
Even with Phoenix. They're not close at this time and so far, no fault on Phoenix, Miles hasn't had many good experiences with Phoenix in adulthood. Yes, Phoenix solved DL-6, which Miles seems really grateful for, but he leaves Miles to deal with the aftermath alone. Of course, it's hard to know how to help someone suffering with trauma. (I really don't like the whole "saving" Miles from his trauma, cuz you can't just do that?? Like they both say that... 🤨) Regardless, Miles didn't really have anyone he felt like he could trust there. At least according to the games, Phoenix drops everything because Maya left. He didn't get in contact with Miles until case 1-5. Throughout the OG trilogy, Phoenix thinks a lot of things, but rarely says them out loud to comfort/reassure his friends. It's common for people to be uncomfortable with having to verbally comfort others so they choose to not say anything at all, but that will have its consequences, too.
I like to think that they did apologize to each other or something. Phoenix seems to put in more effort to verbally show his concern and comforts Miles. He even thought about "hugging it out" with Miles when he thought that Miles would need it. That scene was so cute 🥺
I get that realistically, a lot of people struggle with proper communication, but people have the ability to learn and grow, so I want to portray these characters with that in mind. They don't have to be perfect, but they don't have to be completely toxic either. I like it when characters like each other (romantically or platonically) and actually show it. Which I do notice that AA portrays a lot! I do think the characters could be a bit harsh to each other for no reason, too, but that's just me cuz I'm sensitive-- 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ lol I haven't gotten into AJAA yet, but I did see some scenes. I love how Miles and Phoenix could just have random conversations now. They seem so much more comfortable with each other than the earlier games. I want to see more of how the all of the characters' relationships changed over time throughout the games! 😆🤲 (Might take forever cuz my brain is already bursting with just part of the 1st trilogy)
If you have read until here, thank you for your time! As always, I love seeing people's interpretations/thoughts, so that's why I want to share mine, too. If you want to share your thoughts on this post, feel free to do so! Just please be respectful 👍
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purpdrawsthings · 5 months ago
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Yippee less goooooo, you can now know how the hell this man's outfit finally works now.
You guys can actually make him, with ✨COLORS✨
Honestly, making colors that would match him was really hard. It took me about a week to actually figure it all out just because of how hard it is and how I wanted it to be close to a star aesthetic.
Buttttt I got it all sorted out and to be honest, the result isn't too bad if I do say so myself.
After finishing the colors, it went all easy thankfully, I didn't really have to think that much about his Mario recolor form.
FUN FACT : He came right after the Revelations arc ended =3333333
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Relationship chart because yes
Some of the characters uhhh text things are kinda meh cuz my brain ain't braining rn.
Sadge =[
But heyyyyy, at least y'all can now know his relationships yippee =DDDDDDDD
But I don't really mind if you actually-
Uhhhhhhh deez nutz he can be shipped with anyone, as long as it's not someone he hates, like a certain tv someone =3
So now that that's done.... LET'S HAVE AT IT SOME FUN FACTS!!!!!
He was actually meant to be a silly villain, something like Storms oc, SMG8 =3 buttttt I saved that for later and changed him into a different character.
That human form you're looking at right now ain't even his true form, his true form is that weird star thing!!! Crazyyyy
Speaking about his star form, while in that form, he only speaks in speech bubbles, and is inaudible.
He was meant to be a ✨blondie✨ but after a test I found out it wasn't really the best color so why not use that uh.... Random ass hair color =D
He's got powers to fend off viruses ofc, but I'll do that for a later post, maybe I'll link it from here if I post it =]
Anddddd that's about all =DDDD
I'll probably think of more and probably update this post behind yalls backs lmao
But it'll probably not happen soon.
Anyways, you can now draw him, AND ask question for this man through my ask box, yippeeeeeee =DDDDDDDD
And uhh.... Yeah. Yeetus!!! =3
Naive people /silly
I actually just wanted to add some special thanks for some people that deserve to be here for a sec =3
The first insp for this man!!! He helped me form GSP the most. I remember that one post he made and I think it was a question thing. I think the question was how did he make 8 or something. Idk I don't remember it much.
But in that post, he stated that he made 8 by making an opposite or something, and that sparked an idea for some reason lmao.
You can see some opposite accessories from him that are opposites of both 4 n' 3. Like the weird ahhhh shaped hat, him having glasses, him actually wearing a suit or something, and him having long, beautiful hair ✨
Oopsies I'll get back to the thing =3
Anyways, yeah, as you can see, 8 was a big inspiration for this man, even sparking the idea of making him the same silly lil villain like 8 =3
I thank Storm so much for the huge insp, really helped make him!!!!!
This man was literally inspired by TSB... GUHH... This man is everywhere I swear....
TSB helped me arrange some of the colors, especially taking some inspiration from the orange and yellow =3
Funny thing but I sometimes accidentally draw GSP with a propeller like TSB on his head because I sometimes mistake him with TSB kshsisuwosossh
The name 'GSP' was also inspired by TSB! Seeing as the name meant TiredSmashBros, I thought if using PurpDrawsThings but when I realized that didn't fit, I just made up random shit lmaooooo
Sooooo yeah! Thank you Tomm for TSB helping me on how to arrange colors and also making his name =3
Not really seen here but when I said he was supposed to be a blondie and it didn't fit, I suddenly thought of Mango's hair 😭
I was like "Am I really sure I wanna use that"
Then I tested out different hues... Saturations... Andddddd nothing worked 💀 so I was like- "y'know what? Fuck it. I'mma just do it."
Anddddd that's how his hair was born ❤
Also another huge thanks for Mango is insp for the relationship chart! I remember Mango's relationship chart having some text so I decided to do that =]
Sooooo uh... Yeah! Thank you Mango for helping me make his hair and relationship chart idea lmao 😭😭
And that's about all!!!
Like actually fr this time.
These three were just huge inspirations on making him, and I can't thank them enough 😭
anyways, I'mma go and rest my fingers because I feel like they're actually breaking /silly
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scribbleboxfox · 2 months ago
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Some lighting, pose, and expression tests I did with my Warlock OC, Striker.
I'm gonna do some more of these with some other OCs of mine that don't get enough love, because this was really fun!
Alt text under the cut:
Begin alt text. A collection of drawings I did of my Destiny 2 Warlock OC, Striker. Striker is a white male with slicked back grey hair and cyborg augments that extend from his face and ears to his neck and hands. Instead of normal ears, he has silver disks with antennas sticking out of them that he uses to emote. He has blue eyes and is tall and thin and generally very angular. In the top left, there is a bust of him tinged in greenish light. He is wearing a red turtleneck. He is looking up and to the right. In the center-top, Striker is wearing his usual Warlock garb of a black and blue robe with silver accents, and a gold bond and gauntlets. He is turned partway to the left and is coughing into his fist. He is blushing and has a flustered look on his face. His other arm is behind his back. There is text bubble with an arrow pointing to him stating "Just heard Lars [his boyfriend] say something inappropriate." In the top right, Striker is shown in his Warlock gear. He is in profile and his arm is extended, casting a Chaos Reach (a beam of electric energy) towards the center of the page. In the middle-left, Striker is in his Warlock gear and is facing the viewer with a concerned expression. He is against a dim green-grey background with snow falling around him. In the middle of the canvas, Striker lays on his back and scrubs at his eyes with his hands after a good floor-cry session. His face is obscured by his hands. He is wearing a red turtleneck. In the middle-right of the canvas, Striker hugs himself while looking forlorn. Both he and the background are greyed. His antenna are pinned back and he is wearing a cream turtleneck. He is hunched over and looking down at the ground. In the bottom left, Striker is posing with his shoulders perked, looking very cute. He has a smile on his face and a sparkle emoji next to him. He is colored in a pinkish tone and is wearing a blue turtleneck. In the bottom middle, Striker is wearing his Warlock gear and is violently dismantling a Vex. The Vex is mostly off-canvas, with only an arm raised up towards him, flailing desperately against the assault. With one hand, Striker puts his fist through its chassis, sending a spurt of radiolarian fluid shooting upwards. With the other, he rips cables from the Vex's body. There is a snarl of rage on Striker's face. To the right of this drawing is a bug-eyed doodle of Striker poking his index fingers together. There is a box with the words "GAY LOSER" next to him and an arrow pointing from it to him. He is wearing a red turtleneck. In the bottom right of the canvas is a drawing of Striker in his Warlock gear sneering at someone not pictured. He has an annoyed expression on his face and his antenna are pinned back. One of his hands is on his hip. In a speech bubble to the left of him, he is saying the words "Yeah. Sure."
End alt text.
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ace1diots · 7 months ago
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you WILL look at my gay minecraft fanart
(Comic ID & Transcript of text under cut!)
Page One:
Panel one: Viking is large and on the left side of the screen, facing right, while avid is crouching to place a shulker box down. Avid says “Haha, you’re the worst!” and Viking replies “Oh yeah? Well you wanna kiss me sooooo bad it makes you look stupid!”
Panel two: Avid (large and on the right side of the screen) looks up and turns towards Viking and says “HA! Well maybe I do!”. The “do” is underlined.
Panel three: Viking, with his hands on his hips, winks at Avid and says “Prove it then.” as Avid walks towards him with his hands behind his back, laughing and saying “Haha, Ok!”
Page Two:
Panel one: Avid has cupped Viking’s face in his hands. Viking, who seems to have not expected this and has eyes wide in panic, says “Wait just a-“ before getting cut off.
Panel two: Vikings last sentence was cut off by Avid kissing him. Viking, who can no longer talk due to being kissed, just makes a “Mmf!” noise. The speech bubble has little hearts on the edge of it. Viking looks incredibly surprised and very flustered. His eyes somehow get even wider.
Panel three: A wide shot of Avid and Viking kissing. Viking has his eyes open and is pulling on Avid’s coat somewhat forcefully. Viking’s tail is pointed up, and he seems to still be somewhat in shock. Avid has his eyes closed, is still cupping Viking’s face with his hands, and has put his left leg between Viking’s legs. Avid’s monkey tail is somewhat shaped like a heart. There are several small hearts drawn around the two of them, and a somewhat long squiggly line with heart shapes at the end of it near the two of them.
Panel four: Avid and Viking pull away from the kiss. Viking is out of breath and breathing heavily, still looking shocked. Viking says “Avid?”, but stutters a little. He’s still very flustered. Avid has his eyes open now and is looking somewhat smug, but is still cupping Viking’s face in his hands. Avid says “Haha! Look who’s turn it is to be all flustered now! Ahah….”
Panel five: Vikings face (with Avid’s hands on it still” is large and in the left hand corner of the wideshot panel. He still looks to be shocked, nervous, and catching his breath. Avid, for the first time in the comic, has a shocked expression, like hes only just processed what he did. In the middle of the panel, Avid and Viking can be seen still sort of holding eachother, though Viking’s hand has moved fully to Avids waist, and they are looking into eachothers eyes. Neither of them says a word until Avid says “Huh? Oh.” While stuttering a little.
Panel six: Viking and Avid have moved apart from each other, looking in the other direction from one another and both clearly very flustered. Viking has his right hand over his mouth and his left over his chest, and is facing the left side of the screen. Avid has fully burrier his face in his hands and is running to the right of the screen. Avid sputters saying “Oh my gosh I’m so so sorry um um I’ve got things! To do today!”. Avid continues, saying “I’ve got to go to my base now!”. Viking replies “Yeah, um. Me too.” and then follows up with, “Do you want to um. Do this again sometime?”. Avid responds “Yeah yeah, um of course!”
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cerealforkart · 2 years ago
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Dungeons and Daddies the Manga Lesson 35: Apollo Four Teens
Read right to left
[first] [prev] [next]
Transcript under the cut
Transcript reading guide / key
[xxxx] =  identifier of text source
- =  break between panels
(xxxxx) = text outside of normal speech bubble
Moving On (Page 137)
[Link]: Scary, this isn’t a real marriage okay? (It’s important to me that you understand that)
[Terri]: What…?
[Effect]: POOF!
[Link, internal]: The fight was just a fight… Chris will forgive me… This new marriage is real.
[Text box]: Time Rem: 36 Hrs
[Effect]: zzz…
[Effect]: POOF!
The Crush of a Woman (Page 138)
[Hero]: I can help you for a price. I need you to get me a date with Taylor. 
[Normal]: Oh! Okay!
[Hero]: I want him. 
[Normal]: Taylor, can I see you in the hallway? This vending machine has pocky in it!
[Taylor]: Strawberry?! Strawberry!?!! Green tea??!?!
[Terri]: Since we’re married, we shouldn’t have secrets anyone!
[Normal]: Hero! I’m back! (Sorry I took 12 hours)
[Hero]: I changed my mind. I’m into Link now. 
[Normal]: What?
[Text box]: Time rem: 24 hrs. 
Team Stunt Teens (Page 139)
[Effect]: Roll
[Terri]: Did I hear, “Get sponsored by Red Bull?”
[Normal]: Taylor! You were saying something about the Red Bull guy?
[Taylor]: Ah. Felix. 
[Normal]: So that's what you can expect from all three…All four of us!
[Effect]: Poof!
Hero’s Journey (Page 140)
[Normal]: So I found out about the whole “Chosen One” thing…
[Hero]: Yeah, the first child of the ones who summoned The Doodler is supposed to bring balance back. But I just don’t…wanna…
[Hero]: Our parents are really unhappy, they’ve been training me since I was a kind, and I don’t like it!
[Hero]: I know you think you’re a worthless piece of shit, but youuuuuuu… You’re fine!
And you found something I didn’t with your weird horrible support system.
[Normal]: You aren’t just saying that like when we were kids and didn’t want to wash the dishes, and you would say: “Normal, you’re so good at doing the dishes, you should so what you’re good at…!”
[Hero]: Things can be multiple things.
Transcript provided by @confusedfoam
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kentokrazy · 1 year ago
a/n: something i wrote because i love texting fics !!
content warnings: none! maybe ooc choso
choso x reader (i tried to get it as gn as possible!!)
teaching choso how to text might've been the worse, or best thing that's ever been done. it's sweet, really. the half curse hadn't been around since the end of the 19th century. sure, being able to used cursed energy and technique was a feat in itself- even today - but the idea that you could hold a magic box and send a message that could be received instantly instead of a few days, somehow was mind blowing.
he doesn't ever say if it's magic or instinct, but he somehow has a way of knowing. moods, behaviors and habits. he's observant; a care taker. he cooks, cleans, walks on the side closer to the street, carries the grocery bags and whether it's misogynistic or genuine; urges resting after even the most minimal movement.
teaching choso to text means getting hourly texts requesting updates on the day. which is sweet in itself. but it almost means enquires of worry. when a text isn't answered in appropriate time, with a word he doesn't know or seems particularly unhappy.
it's... human.
it's endearing. this his worry can go so deep that even a period can riddle him back to his human nature instead of the intimidating stature of the curse he is. because deep down choso is a sensitive and deeply loving guy. one that... what's that noise?
the phone chimes again. the slight vibration rattles against the desk then lights up. it's midday, almost lunch when it's time for the hourly choso text.
work has been busy. very busy today, meaning that on your end, it's choso's worst nightmare.
lack of texts.
because, to choso, the sweet boy firmly believes that any thought, any feeling should be communicated immediately. especially with the blessing of texts and phone calls. not only that, it's gives him the direct answer to any question he may have, the chance to speak to the one he cares about most and when that open line is stunted, it's leaves him muddled with stress.
it's time to relent to the beast.
with a heavy yet affectionate sigh and work set aside. it's time to check the array of messages from choso.
chichi 💜 (2:17pm)
did you eat lunch at least?
the answer was no. lunch had gone untouched. email after email, meeting after meeting there was no time to stop and eat the homemade lunch. choso, bless the lover boy, had gotten into the habit of cooking lunch. naturally, he had fallen into what could be classified as a stay-at-home boyfriend. every lunch was delivered with a heartfelt kiss, nourishing and fresh expecting for the bento to come back empty. but today, it was untouched and choso's heart would break completely.
chichi 💜 (12:34pm)
is everything okay?
again, sweet, sweet choso. his worry is palpable. it's so simple, the easiest question possible and yet knowing him, knowing how he operates the image of him trembling as he texted imbued a seed of guilt.
chichi 💜 (10:08am)
did you get to work okay?
a deep sigh and the guilt blossomed into a flower. an inhale and the speech bubbles popped up instantly. fingers hovering over the keyboard in anticipation.
chichi 💜 (now)
can i please call you?
a break couldn't hurt. absolutely couldn't have a grueling first half of the day. listening to choso, eating lunch together. it could wrap up everything and bring relief, for the both of them.
a simple yes and his name is flashing across the screen. a simple yes and choso, in all of his goodness instantly calls.
when the call is accepted his voice is shaky. "are you okay?" he asks. "is everything okay?"
"yeah, yeah choso, i'm okay."
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nanistar · 2 years ago
do you think we could get a sneak peak of saltburn's clan production? like the scripts or the sketches? (of pages already posted of course) i really like seeing how different people approach the comic making process
sure thing!
so i usually post the next 2 sketches on my patreon for the $1+ tiers on tuesday or wednesday, so they get an advanced little view of it before hand. so the ones here are all gonna be older pages.
my entire script and notes i keep in one long google doc. and i send myself feverish notes on discord to be copy/pasta'd into the doc later. i also have a rough estimation of my progress in the story and how much longer i have per chapters, since im trying to keep it to about 30-36 per chapter. i don;t want to spend longer than 2 years on this comic (though im not gonna speedrun it or anything if it ends up going long, im just hoping it stays shorter lol).
i don't script things line-by-line or like a stageplay. i tried doing it early on but i found i made too many deviations depending on how i placed panels and looking back at the script was really annoying.
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earliest script i have^
i tend to do dialogue on the fly when actually sketching out the pages, because i know what i'm looking for, so unless i have the specific dialogue that i want to remember to add, i don't write any of that down. although sometimes i get on a roll writing and dialogue flows, so i write it down and change it as needed. i have scenes in my head rather than pages, and i translate those notes later when i need to work on that scene. i very rarely get actual page ideas in my head, but i will say today's update with saltburn flying thru the air and recalling some memories i;ve had in my head for months, along with the one where salt sees the angel i had planned for a while. (i'd LOVE to be able to get a ton of pages sketched at once so i can not worry about it, but the nature of the way that i work is that i just can't think in that much detail far ahead of me. so i can only really do 2 at a time)
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^so it tends to look more like this, fast back and forth dialogue to get my point across that i will make fit their voices later on. also i don't use linebreaks or anything just because im lazy so my notes are a fuckin disaster
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my god.
as for the actual drawing of the pages, i literally just do it i dont know how to explain it. i sketch things as fast and loose as possible , i try not to have the same size boxes next to each other unless i'm showing the passage of time or a very minor detail change between panels. large panels for establishing shots. ect. sometimes if needed i will do a secondary sketch to figure stuff out, like i needed to do a bunch when working out the first few coyote drawings since ive never drawn dogs in action before. but usually i just whip it out
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this one is still my favorite, and despite looking much better than my normal sketches i did whip it out like normal (i just looked at refs for the other critters so it looks nicer lol)
additionally, i do every single page in the chapter on the same canvas because i love it when procreate crashes. i do all my panel boxes, and any "weird" shaped speech bubbles by hand. i only have one layer for flats, one for BGs, merge them together and do one overlay layer. if i need some extra definition i will add an additional shading layer but i dont like to. once im done with all the art i merge every layer together, send the page to myself on discord, and open it up on my 'puter and do the remaining text and normal speech bubbles in clip studio.
oh yeah people sometimes ask why i do 2 pages instead of one per update, or just do a bunch and upload it less often and the answer is because i don't want to be working on this comic for a very long time, and 2 pages gets me thru faster. if i spend too long working on a scene it starts getting boring for me and im more likely to cheese it which i dont like doing, but if i do two at once i can get stuff done faster. additionally, i cant just do a bunch and upload them all at once because i like the feedback, and it's better for readers to have consistent updates. i have the deadly autism/adhd combo, and my life is literally scheduled week by week and i have to stay consistent or i will die.
but yeah. my process is nightmarish and fast (despite spending like 4-8 hours per page) and loose and crazy but it works for me and keeps me engaged.
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hazelnootnut · 2 years ago
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You got a new toy, “Crayons”!
So I stumbled on Meg’s Monster via an ad on my work laptop, played the demo and fell in love with it, before buying the game and finishing it within a day. This particular scene really jumped out at me, specifically when Roy turns around to stare at the drawings before answering. I’ve been really into doing comics lately, so I illustrated it!
[id under a read more because the old post editor does not allow alt text to be inputted; the post consists of 11 images]
[image id 1 start]: A cover of a comic page that is mostly white except for a lime green horizontal line passing through the middle. In the middle of that are three crayons of red, yellow and green. It seems to be selected. The caption reads "you got a new toy! 'crayons' - a comic by @ashleys-doodle-corner. spoilers ahead for Meg's Monster". [end image id 1]
[image id 2 start]: The first page of the comic. Panel 1: Roy approaches Meg who is offscreen as he speaks, eyes closed. "Okay, kiddo, time for bed-" Panel 2: There are impact lines from behind Roy as he yells "WAIT, WHAT THE HELL?!" Meg is drawing on the wall, though you can't see the drawing. Panel 3: Meg turns around and says "Look, Roy! I drew-" before being cut off by Roy shouting "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN', KID?!" Panel 4: Meg frowns, facing Roy fully, and says "but you said-" before being cut off again by Roy, who shouts, "I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD TRASH MY WALLS WITH WHATEVER THIS IS!". Panel 5: Nancy, suddenly bursting through the door into Roy's house, points dramatically and shouts "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Roy turns to look over his shoulder, scowling. [end image id 2]
[image id 3 start]: The second page of the comic. Panel 1: Nancy massages her forehead with one hand. She says, "You really don't have any idea how to be a parent, do you?" Panel 2: Roy glares down at her. He says "'scuse me?" Panel 3: Roy puts a clawed hand to his chest as he speaks, "you come bargin' into my house, and now you wanna lecture me?!" Nancy stares at him, arms crossed, unimpressed. Meg stares at Roy blankly. Panel 4: Nancy replies "o, just shut up and come here for a sec" as she gestures to a corner of the room. Meg and Roy look at her, though Roy stares at her with more of a frown. Panel 5: A shot of Roy and Nancy's feet as Nancy speaks, "now listen up..." [end image id 3]
[image id 4 start]: The third page of the comic. Panel 1: Nancy begins the start of her long winding speech, a finger in the air as she begins. She says, "When you discipline a child, you need to be VERY careful to not let your emotions take control." Roy interrupts, "Again, who the hell even ARE you?" She continues, "The goal is not to make the child fear you. It's to make them understand WHY what they did was unacceptable. Got it? I know it can be tricky at times but it's quite possibly the most important thing when it comes to a child's development". Roy grumbles. "Lady, seriously, I didn't ask". Panel 2: Some time has passed, and Nancy keeps going, "-and then another thing you want to be careful not to do is to never compare them to other children. When you do that, most kids tend to-" Roy mumbles, mostly to himself, "but I never did that though..." Panel 3: Nancy keeps going. Her speech bubble fades into the words- "-that being said, if you ever REALLY need to reprimand your child... like, for example, if they ever put their own life in danger, or hurt another child? In THOSE situations, yes, be stern, but also remember..." She continues to speak. The end of the page shows some darkened boxes to show more time passing. [end image id 4]
[image id 5 start]: The fourth page of the comic. Panel 1: Nancy crosses her arms, tilting her head as she finishes her speech. She says, "you got that?" Roy, though looking away, replies. "Y-Yeah, I think so." Panel 2: Nancy's eyes widen, eyes landing on something out of frame. Panel 3: Meg is asleep on the moss floor, her drawing behind her. Nancy speaks, "oh dear. I got a little carried away with that, didn't I?" Panel 4: Nancy crouches down, smiling with her hands in her lap. "What a cutie... teehee..." she giggles as she watches Meg sleep. Panel 5: Nancy tilts her head again as she speaks, the perspective changing to look at the drawings Meg made, which are child drawings of Roy, herself, and Golan. Nancy speaks, "and look at these drawings too..." [end image id 5]
[image id 6 start]: The fifth page of the comic. Panel 1: A closeup of Meg's doodle of Roy, coloured in red crayon. Nancy's dialogue drifts out of the comic panels. "They're awfully cute, don't you think? Here's you," Panel 2: A close up of Meg's doodle of herself. Nancy continues, "and that's her," Panel 3: A close up of Meg's doodle of Golan, as Nancy finishes her sentence. "-and is that supposed to be one of your friends?" Panel 4: Roy murmurs to himself, "She was trying to draw me...?" Panel 5: Roy looks down at Meg, who makes a small "mmgh..." Panel 6: Meg mumbles in her sleep, "I'm sorry for doodling on the walls, Roy..." Panel 7: She turns over to face the wall, as Nancy and Roy look over her. Panel 8: Nancy gets up and shoots a stern look at Roy. "Tomorrow, you're going to tell her that she did a very nice job," she says. "Got it?" Panel 9: Roy stares at Nancy, silent. Panel 10: Roy turns to look away, scoffing, but he says "... fine". [end image id 6]
[image id 7 start]: The sixth page of the comic. Panel 1: Nancy giggles, pressing a hand to her mouth. "Teehee... that's a good boy." She says. Panel 2: She turns, waving goodbye as she heads for the exit. Golan has appeared at the entryway, a bit confused at Nancy. Nancy pays him no mind as she speaks, "Okay then! You two play nice, now!" Panel 3: A bust shot of Roy, equally baffled as he speaks, "why the hell did she even come here in the first place..." Panel 4: Nancy hums to herself as she leaves, while Golan heads in, turning to look at her with a confused expression. Panel 5: Golan scratches his head, starting "Hey, man", before bleeding into Panel 6, where he turns to face the door, pointing. "Who was that chick just now?" Golan asks. "Since when have you been the sorta guy to bring women back to the house with you-" Roy, with a deadpan expression, instantly replies "dumbass, it ain't like that". Panel 7: Roy asks, "why are you here?". The shot is focused on Golan's back. Panel 8: The same pose as before, but Golan shifts his shoulders and tilts his head slightly downward. Panel 9: The same pose, but Golan turns his head slightly to the right, though not facing Roy. He says, "... well, I just figured Meg would probably be asleep by now". The page bleeds into dark at the bottom right of it. [end image id 7]
[image id 8 start]: The seventh page of the comic. Panel 1: Roy cocks an eyebrow, confused. Golan speaks, "... listen, man," Panel 2: Golan grips his arm bracelet, sweating a bit as he continues, "I was just thinkin', man..." Panel 3: A shot of Meg's head, as she sleeps. Golan says, "the girl's asleep, y'know..." Panel 4: A shot of Golan's side profile, not showing the eyes. Sweat drips from his chin, a hand gestured in front of him as he finishes, "this might be our chance!" Panel 5: Roy looks down at him, shadows framing the front of him. "To do what?' he asks. Panel 6: Golan is still facing away from him, the background of the panel getting darker. Panel 7: Golan looks downwards just a bit, in the same pose. "If we just kill her super quick while she's asleep..." he says, "Maybe nothin'll happen, y'know?" The page, continuing from the previous one, is greyed out before descending into black at the end of the page. [end image id 8]
[image id 9 start]: The eighth page of the comic. Panel 1: Roy stares down at Golan. A shadow is cast onto his face to his torso. He says nothing. Panel 2: Golan quickly turns around, speaking. "L-Look, I get it-" he starts. Panel 3: He gestures with two hands, flinging them upwards slightly. "You're probably getting cold feet about it, right?" He continues. Panel 4: Golan bows slightly, hand with the arm bracelet pressed to his chest. "But don't worry!" he says, "I'm willing to step up and do the deed." Panel 5: A shot of Golan's back as he faces Roy, on the other side of the panel, looking at him as Golan finishes, "Why don't you just go on a nice, long walk, somewhere far away?" The page fades from black to the top back to white again towards the bottom. [end image id 9]
[image id 10 start]: The ninth page of the comic. Panel 1 and 2: Roy stares at Golan, and Golan smiles back, sweating a little. Panel 3 and 4: Roy turns away to face the wall, before speaking, "... that's the dumbest idea, I've ever heard." Golan, in the same pose as before, deflates a little, losing his smile. Panel 5: Roy continues, still looking at the wall. "Quit talkin' nonsense and go get some sleep," he says. "You need it". Panel 6: Golan looks to the side, not knowing what to do. Panel 7: Golan fully turns around, one hand holding onto his other arm. "... yeah." he replies. "alright". The page is now fully white again the bottom.
[image id 11 start]: The end card of the comic. Roy continues staring at the wall with Meg's drawings of him, her, and Golan. Meg is still sleeping soundly next to it. The word at the corner of the frame reads "end."
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xuanelle · 2 years ago
i miss them so bad
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[id: comic panel of Jo Mullein and Syzn of the Cliffs from DC. They're covered completely in shadow and shown from behind as they are sitting on grass and leaning into eachother. There is a tall pink tree infront of them that is surrounded by thin pink circles that encircle the tree. Jo says "Oh. Well, yeah, of course." Syzn replies, "Good. Then let's begin." /end id]
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[id: three more panels of Jo and Syzn. 1: a closeup of them kissing and Syzn is holding her hands in Jo's hair. Petals are falling down all around them. 2: black background with a speech bubble from Jo that says, "So, is it any different with feeling?" 3: A yellow narration box over a background of a building with a green trail heading out of it, the text inside the box says "Oh, yes, Jo. It is better. Much, much better." /end id]
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dafukdidiwatch · 1 year ago
And the Gauntlet was put down again
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Well that was....odd. A bit cheesy, lots of cliches both actively and passively being used. And definitely took a lot of references from Anime/Manga of the time. Designs, themes, setting, jokes, etc. Not in a bad way, just a lot being thrown out there at once.
There was a super lot of text boxes speech bubbles everywhere. I think that works for 4 panel comic strips better because you don't need as much backgrounds when it's the characters in focus. But having a full page with no color and a lot of lore/info being dumped on me, it took a while to get into.
It also feels weird that we were right into seeing the set up for Mango and her story line since....yanno, it's in the title, Dragon Mango, etc etc. Then after the first chapter where she tries to get approval and success only to be just screwed over at the end unintentionally, we just jump into something completely different with new cast, new setting, new lore, new story line, new everything. You only know it's the same world because of Dragons and the end bit of "hey we need an investigative team to look into this other thing on DragonSlayer homeland."
I also want to say.....ok I cheated. A Bit. (just a tiny bit). I wanted to see if the speech bubbles were still a consistent thing with text/talking so I jumped to the latest page. 1) it is. But more importantly, this comic is still going on in 2024.....it has 11 chapters. That is not a lot of chapters. That's not even a Year per chapter. Hell if they did a page a day that's still only 2 years, not 20. I guess this comic is just a free time thing? Or they take a Lot of hiatuses.
I think on my Fibonacci scale I would give this a 5. It's hard because a 20 year comic probably suffers from the "Seinfeld isn't Funny" curse where they were ahead of the times but now everything ripped off of them. Which is ironic since most of their jokes/plots is just them taking reference to anime tropes of the time. Nice to see an all female cast, and the jokes still land when they can. But yeah, I've just seen a lot of this type of plot/behaviors so it just isn't new to me, so it isn't as interesting as it could have been.
So yeah, if I do keep blogging this, it will be for the novelty of saying I caught up to a 20year old comic that's just 11 chapters. But will still be awhile.
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cerealforkart · 2 years ago
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Dungeons and Daddies the Manga Lesson 30: Mrs. Swallows-Oak-Garcia’s Home For Peculiar Teenagers
Read right to left
[first] [prev] [next]
Transcript under the cut
Transcript reading guide / key
[xxxx] =  identifier of text source
- =  break between panels
(xxxxx) = text outside of normal speech bubble
The Anchor of Love (117)
[Link]: I just can’t anymore.
I don’t know who to trust…
But Scary, I can’t have you not with us anymore.
[Link]: I don’t want to push you away anymore. 
[Glenn]: That’s love baby. 
[Dice roll]: Love, 17
All The Way To The Top (Page 118)
[Normal]: Mom! I’m home!
[Rebecca]: Normie?!
[Rebecca]: Where were you?
Your dads- I mean- your dad and your uncle have been looking all over for you!
[Normal]: We were in hell, it’s complicated. What’s going on?
[Off Screen]: Eeugk!
[Rebecca]: Your sister is out there, I don’t know where she is, and Willy has the whole town on lockdown to deal with The Mayor. 
[Normal]: Okay, so The Mayor’s causing problems? That’s what’s going on? 
(Idc about Hero)
[Rebecca]: That’s the story they want us to think. 
[Taylor]: You have my attention…
Aye (Page 119)
[Normal]: All in favor of expelling Scary from the group, raise your hand.
[Rebecca]: Or say “Aye.”
(In care there’s someone out there who doesn’t want to draw your hands)
[Taylor]: Aye!
[Normal]: Aye!
[Scary]: Aye!
[Link]: …
[Taylor]: Well- Wait- I’m not sure if that counts.
[Norma]: She can vote. Women can vote.
[Jodie]: Hermie. You have a vote too. 
[Hermie]: I’m protesting!
[Jodie]: You’re giving your father a new reason to be disappointed in you is what you’re doing. 
[Rebecca]: Three would be enough. Scary is expelled from the group.
History Repeats (Page 120)
[Taylor]: Is the International Space Station still floating around Earth?
[Nick]: Yeah…? Oh! Okay. I love this plan.
[Nick]: Oh. I just realized this is the first time we’ve done something as father and son.
[Taylor]: I have such a good relationship with my dad! 
[Link]: (I peed myself)
[Tally Box]: Close Family: II
Stampler Family: II
Transcript provided by @confusedfoam
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fricklefracklefloof · 3 years ago
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(1/5 slots filled)
HELLO HELLO!!!! SO! fun fact i am going to art school this fall. and fun fact that costs a lot of money. so . it is time for me to sell myself out for that sweet sweet profit. for a small price i can draw whatever you like as long as it's not messed up and it's within my means :) you can message me if you're interested and if you can please reblog! your support means a lot to me! thank you very much <3
[image description: five images describing my art commissions.
the first image is a drawing of me, taro, behind his drawing tablet. text in colorful bubble letters reads, "TARO'S COMMISSIONS", with hearts and stars around it. taro is a thin, light-skinned, mixed white and filipino boy with short brown hair and round glasses. his fursona awa sits on his head. awa is a white ferret with blue markings. the background is blue with pink clouds.
the second image shows a drawing of a character in various stages of finish. the character is a fat, tan-skinned, mixed white and filipino man with short black hair, wearing a hoodie.
next to a lined drawing of the character filled in with blue is a speech bubble that says, "LINEART". text next to a line at the character's shoulder reads, "BUST", and "$10". text next to a line at the character's hip reads, "HALFBODY", and "$15". text next to a line at the character's feet reads, "FULLBODY", and "$20".
for the drawing labeled "FLAT COLOR", a bust is $20, a halfbody is $35, and a fullbody is $45.
for the drawing labeled "SHADING", a bust is $25, a halfbody is $40, and a fullbody is $50. in a pink cloud in front of the characters, text reads, "+50% for extra characters, double for background".
the third image has three pink boxes over a blue background. a box with pink clouds labeled "I WILL DRAW" in blue bubble letters contains a bulleted list: "fanart, furries (anthro + feral), cartoon gore, you or your characters or whatever yeah". a box next to it labeled "I WILL NOT DRAW" in yellow bubble letters has a list that reads: "nsfw, mecha, hate speech". a box below this reads, "if you have any questions, just ask! i take payment via Venmo, Cashapp, & Paypal".
the third image contains a drawing of awa with a large pink speech bubble. awa is wearing a pink shirt, and he says, "please feel free to contact me if you'd like me to draw something not listed! my art is highly experimental so we can totally work out a price :)" a circle above him labeled "comic" shows an example of a comic i made with tma characters, and a heart next to him labeled "fursona commission" shows an example of a pallas cat fursona i designed for a friend.
end id]
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happyk44 · 7 months ago
[ID: Digitally illustrated lineart comic.
1: Bear wears glasses and a hoodie. Smiling with their eyes closed, they tell Snake, "...So we decided to go on a family trip next month."
In a black box next to Snake, the caption reads in all caps white text, "Input: Information (Positive)"
2: The black box sits above Snake's head. Thought bubble indicators lead to Snake. The box has leading lines from the text inside to the appropriate text within their speech bubble, indicating which thought, or "command", aligns with their vocal response.
Smiling, Snakes grips the straps of their backpack tightly. Like a machine, their thoughts read, OUTPUT: REACT > Facial expression: Widen eyes.
Their eyes widen.
> Reiterate information. Outloud they say, "You're going on a family trip?" > Appropriate interjection. "That's great!" > Statement about your emotion regarding topic. "I'm so happy for you!" > Statement about [FRIEND NAME]'s emotion regarding topic. "You must be very excited." OUTPUT: CONTINUE CONVERSATION > Followup question. "Have you decided on where to go?"
3: "Yeah!" Bear replies. "We were thinking..."
The rest of Bear's response is blurred out as Snake thinks to themself, ASSESSMENT: > Did it sound too artifical?
The white caption box under Snake read, "She may as well be talking to a chatbox."
4: Snake stares down at their phone in a dark room. The text chat shows their friend has texted, "Something really bad happened... I feel miserable..."
INPUT: INFORMATION (VERY NEGATIVE), Snake thinks. OUTPUT: COMFORT > Appropriate interjection. They text back, "That's horrible." > Statement about your emotion regarding topic. "I'm so sorry to hear that." > Statement about [FRIEND NAME]'s emotion regarding topic. "It must feel terrible having that kind of thing happen to you." > Reassure > Pull sentence from REASSURANCE data pool. "I know you're a very strong person. It'll get better. I promise." OUTPUT: CONTINUE CONVERSATION > Suggest solutions. "Do you think you could try doing...?"
/end ID]
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I have empathy I swear
But if you accused me of insincerity I don't know what I'd say
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 3 years ago
Asking for hendery or lucas x yn with the LMAO You don’t know how to code + WHY WOULD I KNOW HOW TO CODE? Ship type
Also i 💜 your work
Code Heart Breaker
Non-Idol AU, Hacker AU
TW: Language
Dynamic: LMAO You don’t know how to code + WHY WOULD I KNOW HOW TO CODE?
Pairing: Hendery x Reader
Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified
Genre: Fluff
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Info] | [Request a Ship Dynamic]
Word Count: 1.4K
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"(Y/N)! You're just in time!" Hendery's door flew open next to you and he dragged you in.
"Whoa, what's going on?" You asked, completely used to the mayhem by now, as Hendery pushed you onto his chair.
"Watch this screen for me, I've needed to go to the bathroom for like three hours now, tell me if anything bad happens, okay? Cool, bye!" Then he was gone. You turned to the computer screen, seeing what had to be some tamagotchi emulator except with pixel avatars people who oddly resembled your boyfriend and his close friends.
Now, your boyfriend was a strange guy, and his friends even stranger. Not in the sense that they creeped you out, but more in the sense that you knew they were hiding something from you. Whatever it was, you figured it was best that you didn't know. Some relationships do need secrets. You leaned against the chair, watching the boys run amok the screen, the one who looked like Hendery noticeably sleeping with a 'Ø' in a speech bubble above him. You noticed a pair of toggle buttons off to the corner and decided, well, fuck it. You leaned over and clicked on the right toggle and watched the screen change into what you had to compare to a pacman grid, except more complicated. You could see icons of Hendery's friends running amok the map and you could only laugh. Who knew that he was working on such a cute game?
Then, you noticed the all of them running towards each other in the center of the map, they stayed that way for a while, until quickly moving towards an end of the map.
"Huh... I wonder what this is supposed to be?" You hummed. Then, maybe you were imagining it, but you swore that you could hear screams. They were faint, as if they were a long distance away, but you could hear them right next to you. Right next to you, you turned to your side and saw Hendery's headphones, still on, and carelessly tossed aside on the floor. You picked them up, you could vaguely hear the voices coming from it. "Oh... maybe it's some sort of video game?" You hummed, slipping the headphones over your head.
"Aaaaaah!" You were immediately greeted by Ten's shriek.
"Hendery! Goddammit, where are you?!" That one had to be Yangyang.
"Hendery! The code! Enter the code!" Dejun now. You froze, how were you supposed to do this? You didn't want them to lose the game because of you, so you did the only rational thing and pulled the mic down.
"Um... hello?" You responded. The screaming ceased and all the avatars on the screen in front of you stopped moving.
"(Y/N)?!" All of them now.
"Oh, fuck, run!" Sicheng's voice was clear, ushering them forth.
"(Y/N), where's Hendery?!" Yangyang shouts.
"He went to the bathroom and told me to watch his screen," you explained.
"That fucking idiot, the one time we needed him to stay put!" Dejun shouts. "Not you, (Y/N), you're an angel and we're thrilled to have you sit in for him."
"Thank you," you grinned. "But what kind of game are you playing? Seems a bit intense."
"Game?" Sicheng's voice, despite sounding tired, was quizzical. You heard him wince. "Game! Right, we're playing Bank Robbery. It's a new multiplayer, it's great! Every time we play someone new is the 'Hacker' and they have to guide us to the objective. Easy, right?"
"Huh, yeah, sounds fun," you nodded to yourself.
"(Y/N), hey, we're going to need your help, don't worry, it's easy," Kun says. "What do you see on the screen in front of you?"
"Looks like pacman but with your avatars?" You said.
"Okay, good, click the right toggle, what do you see?" He asks. You click it again.
"Looks like a bunch of text boxes," you scroll across them all.
"Okay, good, any of those boxes empty?"
Front Entrance [••••••••] Back Door [••••••••] Front Office [••••••••] Main Vault [••••••••] Side Vault A [••••••••] Side Vault B [••••••••] Side Vault C [••••••••] Side Vault D [••••••••] Emergency Exit [| ]
"Just one, it says Emergency Exit," you say.
"Okay, that's the last one we need, (Y/N), you're going to need to open that one. To do that you have to access that system's backdoor and override it's security protocol, it's easy." Your mind went blank. Override? Backdoor? Speaking of doors, the one behind you slammed open.
"(Y/N), I'm back- Oh, shit," he rushed up to you, pulling the headphones from your head and putting them over his instead.
"Hey!" Your shout fell on deaf ears.
"I'm sorry, guys, my hand froze up, I can't type anything right now," Hendery shouts. You noticed the wrap around his hand and wrist now, it was faint, but you could still make out the other end of the conversation.
"Dammit, Hendery! We keep telling you to take better care of your wrists! What are we going to do if you get carpal tunnel?" You're pretty sure that was Ten.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, don't worry, I'll have (Y/N) do the typing," he says while he pushes his mic back up. "(Y/N), remember when we played 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes?' Yeah, this is like that, I have the manual, and you have the bomb," he says. You nodded your head slowly.
"Got it, okay, we're good at that game," you say.
"Yeah, we are! Okay, so first, right click on the Emergency Exit," he says. You do so. "Okay, so see the line with a ton of random symbols?" You looked at the screen, all of the lines had a ton of random symbols. You turned to him and he pressed his lips together. "Shit, the firewall's harsher than I thought, okay uh..." He grabs a thick book from the shelf next to him and starts flipping through it with his good hand. "Try the third line." You clicked on the third line and the whole screen flashed red.
"What the-"
"Crap, crap," Hendery curses behind you. "Uh... how do I explain this, urgh," he instead reaches over and starts rapidly tapping things with his good hand, just narrowly stopping the anti-hack system. "Okay, try the fifth line," he says. You clicked it and, luckily, it expanded into a dark screen with green text.
"Is this good?"
"Very. Okay, you just need to open the backdoor into the code now, it's easy," he says. You stared at him and he stared back. Then a small laugh escaped his throat. "You don't know how to code?"
"Why would I know how to code?!" You shout.
"Fair, fair, okay, I'll just tell you what to type and you type it out," he says.
"Okay," you muttered, watching the avatars on the screen next to the black one still running. Hendery flipped through the pages of the book behind you and started reading off numbers and symbols and you easily kept up, making sure that everything you typed matched everything he said until...
"Bingo!" Hendery grins. He scribbles down the set of numbers that appeared. "Okay, back to the main page," he says. You clicked on the game and hovered over the empty textbox, "Ready?"
"Eight, five, two, one, one, nine, zero, two," he recites. You typed it in and you watched one of the walls of the maze open and the avatars run through it. "Good job! Wow, you did amazing!" Hendery cheers, immediately hugging you against his chair and grinning.
"Yes! Yes, thank god, tell (Y/N) that we're buying dinner tonight to celebrate!" You heard Yangyang shout.
"(Y/N), you're a life saver, Hendery, you're not invited."
"Hey!" Hendery shouts. "That's not very nice!"
"You abandoned your post!"
"My hand was about to fall off!"
"This was a fun game, you all should invite me to play it again soon," you grinned.
"Game? What game?" Hendery asks.
"This one?" You pointed to the screen.
"Oh, no, this isn't a game, this is a program I coded to help with breaking in and entering places," he says. Your breath caught in your throat.
"Hendery... you fucking dumbass," you heard Ten groan.
"What... what did you just say?" You asked. Hendery grinned.
This was going to take a while.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @eggoyu
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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liu-anhuaming · 3 years ago
Reading Manga as a Stepping Stone to Novels
So recently I made a post about how I started reading Chinese novels, and gave some suggestions for how to find native content that would be enjoyable but not overwhelmingly difficult. One of the tips I gave was to try reading comics or manga in you TL, especially if novels were too hard for you. What I wanna do in this post is further break down the pros of reading manga, explain how I used manga as a precursor to reading novels, and give some ways to find manga in Chinese!
Why you should read manga
If you want to get into reading in your TL, but you find novels too hard or too-text heavy for you, manga is a great place to start for a few reasons. Note: everything I say here is based on my personal experience reading manga; I’m not, like, a manga scholar or anything, so I might not be 100% correct in everything I say.
First of all, it has less text than most other written works. Manga is more dialogue than anything else, whereas novels tend to be the opposite. Even when an author’s writing style tends to be dialogue-heavy, they still have to add in non-dialogue parts to explain who’s talking, where people are, what things look like, etc. Manga doesn’t need as much of this (more on this later), and this really cuts down on how much reading you have to do to understand what’s happening. 
Also, even when there is a lot of text in manga (e.g., someone’s giving a long speech, there’s a long section of narration) it’s usually broken up into smaller chunks. It’s rare to find long paragraphs in manga. Instead, you’ll usually find a couple sentences put in individual boxes or dialogue bubbles. Compared to a long paragraph, this is way less intimidating. Opening up a novel in your TL and seeing endless blocks of text can be scary if you’re new to reading (especially if your TL uses a different writing system than your native language). Put simply: less words on a page=less suffering. 
Less text on each page also means that manga are quicker to read than novels, so that’s another plus!
Second, it’s got pictures. Like I said earlier, the fact that manga is a visual medium means it doesn’t need to use as much time describing setting, and it doesn’t need dialogue tags. In addition to cutting down on the amount of text needed, pictures also help with comprehension! Say, for example, a character says something you don’t quite understand. In addition to reading all the text before and after that sentence for context, you can look at the pictures for clues. You’ll probably see whoever is talking, or the person they’re talking to, and thus see facial expressions/body language that can help you figure out some important things, like: 
What is the tone of this statement (funny, serious, light-hearted, etc.)? 
Is it something that affects the plot in a major way (this is where the reactions of other characters can be important to watch)?
Are any important actions occurring (e.g., grabbing a love interest’s hand might indicate something romantic/mushy is being said)? 
Of course, there are always exceptions to these sorts of things, but there’s still a lot of context clues to pick up on. 
Also, the pictures are pretty, so. Yeah.
They’re fun. Yeah, pretty self-explanatory. I’ve seen this perception shift a lot in recent years, but I know some people tend to think comics and manga are for kids. This is false. Manga can be written for any age range. And even if you’re reading a children’s manga as an adult, so what? I love reading kid’s books from time to time because they’re fun! No matter what you’re reading or what language you’re reading it in, the most important thing is to have fun.
How I used manga to help me read novels
I actually didn’t start reading Chinese manga until I’d already read three whole Chinese novels, and I kinda regret doing it this way. Fall of last year, I somehow heard about the app/website 快看漫画 and I began to read manga every day. When I first started, I was explicitly doing it as a way of studying outside of my classes. However, after a couple months, I realized it had become less of a studying thing and more of a thing I did for fun. 
But how did I use it as a study tool?
Well, it was fairly simple: I just spent a shit-ton of time browsing through manga until I found ones I liked, and along the way I wrote down words I didn’t know. I’d then put those unknown words into an Anki deck and learn a few each day. I’d say I did this for about 4 months before I slowly stopped writing down new words, because I had reached a point where I was able to guess meaning from context with decent accuracy. Of course, there are still times where I need to look up words I don’t know, but it’s way less frequent than when I first started.
I also read a fairly diverse array of manga. I read everything from romance to fantasy to horror (tho 快看 tends to be dominated by the romance manga imo). This way I am exposed to a broad array of vocab. Like I just finished up reading a manga about basketball, and while I don’t remember any of the technical vocab, I do remember the more general sports stuff like 传球 “to pass” and 进球 “to score”. 
The most important part of this, though, wasn’t necessarily how I tracked new words and learned them or anything like that. Rather, it was the fact that I was consistent. When I say I read manga every day, I mean every single day. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, I still read something. I made it a routine to check 快看漫画 every day at around 5 or 6 pm in my timezone, because that’s the time most manga updates are posted every day. 
If you want to improve your reading in you TL, you need to be consistent. Whether you decide you read manga or novels (or even just social media posts), you need to build it into a routine. If you just read a little bit here and there and aren’t consistent about it, you aren’t going to see much improvement. 
The easiest way to ensure you can make reading in your TL a regular activity is to make sure you’re reading something you enjoy. If you’re reading something just because you see a lot of other people learning your TL reading it too, you’re less likely to have a good time imo. There is an endless supply of native materials to be found, so go forth and find what you enjoy.
How to find Chinese manga
It’s actually super easy to find Chinese manga online if you know where/how to look! So, here’s the places I have gone in the past or currently use to read manga:
How to find manga via Google: if you are looking for a particular manga (this will most likely be one that is translated from one language into Chinese), it’s actually really easy to find them through a quick search. First, you’ll need that manga’s Chinese name. I’m gonna use Gintama to demonstrate how I usually find this name. English is my native language, so I usually start my search by inputting the manga’s English title. So.
I would start by looking up “Gintama” on Google, and then look for the manga’s Wikipedia page. Once I get to the wiki page, I go and change the language to Chinese (photo 1). Wikipedia’s Chinese articles will default to traditional characters, specifically for Taiwan, so I’ll change the article to simplified characters. I do this for a couple reasons: 1. it’s faster and easier for me to read simplified, and 2. some of the manga titles will actually change depending on what region you select. To change this, you’ll go up to the top of the page where there’s a dropdown menu that currently has 台灣整體 selected (photo 2). You’ll click on that menu and select which option you want. I always select 大陆简体 because my focus has always been mainland Mandarin and simplified characters (photo 3). And voila, you’ve got your manga title! (photo 4)
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***Like I said, it’s important to select the region before you start searching. If you’re studying traditional characters you want to type the right title so you know you’re more likely to get the right version of the manga. Recently, I was looking at the manga Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun and I noticed the Mainland version’s title was 《月刊少女野崎君》 whereas the Taiwanese version’s title was 《月刊少女野崎同學》.
Anyways, once you’ve got the title, just pop over to Google and type ”[manga name]漫画” and start browsing the results. So for Gintama, I’d type 银魂漫画. Sometimes you have to look through a couple websites before you find one that actually has the manga, but that’s actually not all too hard. 
Since 快看 has such a large selection, I don’t tend to use other platforms that often, so if you have suggestions for other places to read manga in Chinese just let me know!
This got long so I’m gonna leave it here. Happy reading!!
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