#the stinky cheese man
fairytale-poll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Her fairy godmother abandons her, so her mouse friend is the one who ends up casting the ballgown spell. He messes up, transforming himself into a human woman, and Cindy into a horse. They go to the ball anyways, and it turns out the Prince is a massive horse kid who ignores all the women at the party to hang out with horse!Cindy, so they end up together in the end anyways
[Click here to an propaganda ask comprised of images]
When she is approached by Rumpelstiltskin who offers to teach her to spin straw into gold if she guesses his name, she declines, because she needs a dress to go to the ball. Rumpelstiltskin gets pissed and begins shouting his name. When Cinderella tells this story to her step-mother, she renames her Cinderumpelstiltskin
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Do you think The Endless Tale works as a sort of mirror image of the 1001 Nights frame story? What with the narrators gender being flipped and the strategy being to make his audience grow to hate his story instead of wanting to know what happens next?
In a way, that does make sense. Especially because the storyteller's end goal in both is to avoid being killed.
By the way, The Endless Tale still reminds me of "Jack's Story" from The Stinky Cheese Man:
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Jack has a problem. He’s successfully grown an enormous beanstalk, scaled to the top, and stolen a golden harp and gold-laying goose from the sleeping giant. However, the giant has now awoken and Jack has scurried back down the beanstalk in the hopes of chopping it down before the giant can catch him. Jack could possibly even make a clean escape if only the Little Red Hen would quit harping on and on about all the lazy animals who refuse to help her with her wheat.
As the hungry giant catches up to Jack, Jack is forced to find ways to divert the giant’s attention in order to avoid becoming an afternoon snack. When he is unable to find a suitable hiding place, Jack convinces the giant that a good story or two would be the perfect way to begin a meal.
And so it happens that Jack begins telling his own versions of some very familiar stories. With each tale the giant becomes more and more dissatisfied, and Jack becomes more and more determined to make it up to the giant by spinning a new yarn.
The giant (and the audience as well) is treated to some new treatments of some old favorites, such as a tortoise racing a hair-growing hare, Cinderumplestiltskin, Little Red Running Shorts, and a couple of princesses who kiss frogs and sleep on peas. Jack must not only tell tales as fast as he can for as long as he can to avoid being eaten, but he must also overcome the disturbances caused by that pesky, bread obsessed Red Hen and a very smelly hero made of cheese.
The Stinky Cheese Man & Other Fairly Stupid Tales, both as a book and stage play, shares with its audience the joys of making stories your own and creating new possibilities for the familiar.
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stone-cold-groove · 1 year
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The Stinky Cheese Man & Other Stupid Tales - 1992.
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greatpistachiopie · 1 year
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you know him, you love him. he's colin provolone
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sp1derc1der · 2 months
I finished Dragon!Ghetsis’ art!
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inn-witch · 1 year
Colin Provolone is going to make me actually lose my mind. I am no longer rotating him in my mind, I am holding on to him and begging to the uncaring Bulb. Come on, Provolone.
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infohazardouz · 2 years
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ace copular in 2022?!?!?!
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nebulacritter · 6 months
important crayzar photos i took today
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No thoughts, head empty.
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He looks like a cheap action figure that's been in the microwave for way too long.
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He looks so triumphant here.
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glavilio · 2 years
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cerberus, illustrated by lane smith for the time warp trio, 1999 (via archive.org)
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technovillain · 8 days
If we're talking memorable children's book art styles, I have to shout out Lane Smith
OHHH YES!!! I remember the Stinky Cheese Man!!! Looking at his other illustrations I love in particular when an artist brings an art style like surrealism to children's illustration, it's so unexpectedly effective and charming ^_^
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elfangel94 · 2 months
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tiny tim
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dornonthecob · 10 months
God I can’t wait to tear into this good book this weekend.
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foodandfolklore · 4 months
Book Recommendation: The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales 
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I remember reading this book in class while in grade school and thought it was the funniest thing ever. Like peek humor for 8 year old me. It's a book, first published in the 90s, that is basically a parody of popular fairytales.
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka
It retold well known fairytales like the Ugly duckling. Who never became a swan, he just stayed ugly. Or chicken little being crushed by the table of contents. There's a narrator and some 4th wall humor. For some reason, this book popped back into my mind after literal decades. So, if you happen to enjoy this kind of thing, or want to give someone a unique gift, look up this book.
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rainebownerd · 1 year
From +5 to -2
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lemonlikeslimes · 7 months
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i love the stinky cheese man!
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