#the steve saga theory
shadow-genesis-yay · 4 months
Purple here with a thought I just had 🟪🎃
So we all know Nightmare was a normal Yellow Steve before absorbing a Red Steve, right? And we also know he did experiments in his castle (which in my opinion, could have been made a bit better but he probably just wanted something good enough to do stuff in so he didn't care for the quality)
Well, two experiments of Nightmare that Sabre, Lucas, and Rainbow encountered, were Positive and Negative Steve. And what were their colors? Red and Yellow. The exact colors of Nightmare.
Nightmare obviously has some connections to those two colors, and for known reasons. But why specifically did he try and make Positive and Negative Steve. He could use any other color to make hybrids, but he chose a Yellow and Red Steve to make those two. But for what reasons?
Did he want clones? Did he want a new successor other than Dark? What did he want, and why?
And what did those two go through? While being scared seems like an obvious reason to attack the Rainbow Town, Sabre and his friends never showed a threat to them. Did they attack out of fear? Jealousy? Control? What did they experience and was it why they attacked the town.
They also had a chance to become their normal selves when making a machine. But instead they chose to merge together to make Infinity. They could have been free as soon as they finished the machine, and maybe even sooner if they didn't attack the Rainbow Town.
What were their goals? Why were their goals that way? Why didn't they just escape or something? If they feared Nightmare, then they could have ran and asked Sabre, Rainbow, and Lucas for help. But they decided to attack, and merge themselves.
They had so many opportunities to be free if they had a hatred for Nightmare, that they never took. Even if they never wanted Nightmare dead, and just wanted to be away from him, they could have asked Rainbow and his friends because Rainbow's whole goal is to stop Nightmare.
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morganbritton132 · 8 months
Eddie is just trying to sneakily film a Tiktok of Steve complaining about missing another day of work despite the fact that for the better part of the last fifteen hours, he’s been down for the count with a migraine. Eddie barely gets any of his truly ridiculous rant because Steve’s moved on to talk about the commercial faintly playing on the tv.
The song in the commercial is 1985 by Bowling for Soup and Steve is like, “That was a good year, yeah?”
Eddie: …Weren’t you in a fire in 1985?
Steve: Yeah, but it was still a good year
Eddie: All those people died that summer
Eddie: And that was the year that your dad cut you off because you didn’t get into college and you had to get a job dressed as a sailor.
Eddie: And you got beat up and stuck in an elevator
Eddie: You hit a guy with a car
Steve: And it was still a good year! That’s when I met Robin.
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Wait a minute, hold on, I know that in some of the In-Between episodes (pre Elemental's betrayal), Elemental seemed so confused sometimes when talking to Sabre. Elemental said that he got confused because he was functioning in a different understanding of time and continuity from Sabre.
But what if Elemental was actually just confused as part of the long-term consequences of his memory loss, just like how Galaxy is confused because of his memory loss?
Or even sadder, what if it's actually because Memory is still tormenting Elemental to this day? And every time we see Elemental confused when talking to Sabre, that was because Memory had recently attacked Elemental off-screen?
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bullbobb · 6 months
Im realizing that the reason cc!Sabre changed prof.red’s obsession with mushrooms to an obsession with salmon is probably because the mushrooms would’ve made it seem like he did drugs. Like if he was off the rails insane AND obsessed with shrooms…it’d raise some eyebrows
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honesttoglob · 6 months
Meta-overanalysis incoming: When Steve is listening to Weird Al on Foodtruck Radio in the season 1 supercut, he's listening to a Weird Al parody of his own backstory. And um. ????? Does the song UP exist in universe for Weird Al to have parodied it? Is Cup a Weird Al original and then Steve liked it so much he made up his own song based on the tune? Did Steve's backstory and UP come to Weird Al in a psychically-influenced dream but upon waking he could only half remember it and the plot didn't make much sense so he changed it to be about trying to get a solo cup at a high school party? Only Ian knows. And he will Never Tell.
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thebeingmerf · 8 months
Yo Steve saga/RQ/etc. people- I have a discord server if y’all wanna join 👁️👁️ it’s mostly centered on my own projects, but there’s still art and general (and etc.) channels y’all can share art/stories/theories and stuff in. Lemme know if y’all want an invite!
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spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes part 3, e11-15.
would derail the alien attack to call about bad chips
has seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
wants a grappling hook foe swinging/climbing purposes
admits he keeps doing stupid things. Love a man with self awareness
has a passing understanding of spiderman
does Not try to save the guy in the elevator shaft
has seen willy wonka and the chocolate factory
whistling count three
would love to scare people by crashing through the roof
doesn't feel like climbing anymore! Gasp!
willing to touch a possible death laser. Seems only mildly confused when it doesn't hurt
turret bullets are worse than paintballs
breaks alarm clocks
up to 800 problems a minute solvable with dead man's gun
limbo... TWO
Admires the HEV suit construction
his roommate in college used to intrude on his half of the room. Implies he'd have liked to kill him
"hope, love, and submachine guns"
Tarzan yell :> simian instincts yet to subside
finds the turrets redundant
does a silly lil jump on the slippery floor
no longer cares about the donuts
does at least know the origin of zombies
gman sighting.
willing to own an undead servant
though i can't recognize it by sound alone, I can only assume the language he speaks here is Haitian Creole.
wishes he couldn't care about living or dying
Slur count: three.
wants other people to die for him
fully expects the HECU to pin the blame for the murder on the victim
given the way gordon frequently runs his mouth when scared he genuinely does seem scared here. He was all set to have a rescue team, and now he's left hanging. Ground swept out from under him!
rambles about how he definitely isn't going to think about having killed a guy
stresses to the soldiers that he has a DOCTOR'S DEGREE
limbo mention
seems somewhat bothered by murdering people. Only somewhat but he clearly isn't just brushing it off immediately
climbs some stuff :>
delighted to find surface access
ah yeah the law he references about murder being legal in texas under absurd circumstances? No clue about that. Cool though if at all true
plans to get drunk that night. This of course does not happen
implies he gets drunk every night
...you can't tell people you're on their side by killing them, Gordon
"I JUST WANT TO GO HOME" i getcha, buddy
keeps saying inane things when panicking
"Ehhh," nervous lil noise
repeats "fast climb" or "climb fast" until they blur into each other
just wants to LEAVE
detours to kill another bug. With bullets this time.
saga of impact damage continues
first generation morlok... Says he'll hold off on the cannibalism until the vending machines run dry. Cannibalism lose
thinks you really can't have too many guns
bugged by making the proper choices leading to more danger
FHE SYLLABLE COUNT WAS OFF MY MAN KNOWS RHYME SCHEMES. he's so smart. So snark. If you'll excuse me being a little incoherent for fun
fifteen counts of self defense with an automatic weapon. Of course.
accepts he'll have to get a new job
wants cheetos :'(
he HATES daylight savings time. It's employed by The Man.
expects to be polygraphed at another company
wouldn't mind being a corporate spy and selling out Black Mesa
wants to retire early
oh dude don't pay any mind to freud
string theory crowd includes one Steve and Richard, who may or may not be sacrificing goats, possibly for use in their cookouts. String theory crowd are cultists.
Steve and Richard have called the cops on Gordon. Rude. Probably warranted.
would LOVE to scare people in their offices from the vents. Especially to get the office for himself.
gives up on dying in a hole to get food. this seems to be the only reason he leaves, because he'd get hungry. Is. Is he okay
considers putting an alligator in the air ducts
does NOT like the accusation that he's responsible for the mess
lead can't lie to you
"do you know if leptons are really compound particles?" They are Not! It's a very nerdy way of saying "No!"
"beep" as he presses a button
apologizes repeatedly to some guy he almost shoots
wants to own a water park but considers this far-fetched enough to require a wish
more guns = higher qol
cthulu dogssss makes me wanna pet em
yes the coverup is impractical that's correct. It's happening anyways
"beep beep beep" :)
likes the red lights telling him of the doom ahead
hums AGAIN. first reminds me of a shitty imperial march
he wants to build a house, have a fast elevator, servants.
happy to have a vehicle
doesn't WANT to be fighting nonstop
keeps repeating the alarm beeps
shocked at the giant radioactive PUDDLE i love to launch myself into in game
does seem unconcerned at the thought of going to the doctor. Just resigned.
worst case scenario brain cancer. Cancer mentions up to two
cthulu dogs now named SNOT MONSTER
ticks off all the near death experiences he's had today. clearly thinking about em
contemplates that the spill from the trams is the same one as with the giant tubes
slaps himself TWICE. SIR.
always wished he could ride pneumatic tubes everywhere
he is a gopher! :D
doesn't think dog catchers get given shotguns. They have to bring their own.
would like to prank call a dog catcher with a SNOT MONSTER. and tape the results
knows better than to get bit by a radioactive animal
further analysis and hate on spiderman science
hates awkward pauses
laughs at sending houndeyes flying with shotgun blasts
physics still has priority over shooting stuff
doesn't want to join the military for Two (2) reasons. They'd order him around. They'd make him shave his beard.
very good at hide and seek.
has never tried or wanted to kill the president
wasnt worried about missing a jump, but the catwalk collapsing as he hit it
doesn't know Morse code. Loser.
noise music hater. Incorrect.
grossed out by meat yet again
buddy your grenade won't do shit here
"that's not a rope" sick hlvra- (shot dead)
soooooooo irritated at his blood shell
wants earplugs
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kanerallels · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Found this one in the depths of my inbox and I am ABSOLUTELY on board with playing this again! So here we go:
Really, the Steve Miller Au in general is a favorite. But if I had to choose just one... "Tips For Your Hot Date: Don't Take Her To A Waffle House" is really quintessential Steve Miller Au. So let's go with that one!
"Disproving The Love At First Sight Theory" was one I was kinda nervous about at first, because Trill is an OC and Jacen's personality is so made up he might as well be one. But a lot of people seemed to really enjoy it!! And I had a lot of fun. Especially with the Wingfeather Saga references
"Catch", one of my only fics for The Rookie, is honestly pretty great. Feels pretty in character, and while I never thought I'd write something like it, I'm very glad I did!
I lied. I have to choose another Steve Miller Au fic, and while it was ALMOST the one where Hera loses her memory, I had to go with "Kanan's Adoption Thing Supersedes Canon. That Is All" aka the fic where Kanan adopts Jyn. Thanks to Jedi Survivor it's probably gonna need a rewrite, but I still ADORE it
And last but not least, I really can't skip "This Is The Story Of How I Died", one of my all time favorites. Because Tangled is my beloved. But honestly I love ALL my fics
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kskitten · 1 year
I came up with a wild Steve Saga conspiracy theory while I was trying to sleep, do y'all want to hear it?
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slashtakemylife · 9 months
I am BACK rambling about Peggy's character because DAMN, even Bucky of all ppl managed to fck over her character and it only took one scene.
I dislike any interpretation of Peggy as evil or even secretly a nazi, that's a no, just NO.
Cap 2 made us well aware on how deep the Hydra infiltration was in SHIELD via Fury, he trusted Pierce, he even said he would've taken a bullet for him and Pierce confidently said he knew.
Fury, while shady sometimes, is irrevocably a hero and a good spy, the same would've naturally applied to other characters such as Howard and Peggy.
That should've been end of discussion, period but of course the What If 1988 Peter Quill episode happened and just in one scene, it got fcked over.
Now I honestly don't take What If to heart but it is technically canon realities and possibilities and technically they are the same core characters but in different circumstances that just happened to make one different choice or react to what that reality throws at them so what we see in there is easy to interpolate to the MCU timeline.
And basically, just for ONE Bucky CAMEO they decided to fuck over both Peggy's and Howard's character by having Peggy not only recognize Bucky with his full mask and eye paint, something not even Steve could do, but to also recognize that they knew or there where rumors that Bucky was alive and was the winter soldier and evidently did nothing.
This all for the quickest representation of the winter soldier saga with Bucky getting out of his programming merely by hearing Steve's name when in the movie and other iterations he needed much more, he fought Steve directly and I believe in the comics Steve had to use a cosmic cube to bring his memories back.
Fck even in the same episode Bucky is shown without his mask, Marvel's writers could've easily deleted the first scene and have Peggy and Howard recognize him when he took it off.
Which also why did he take it off? He's russia's biggest secret and he just showed his face to a bunch of americans, one being their direct enemies (SHIELD).
And furthermore, that episode wasn't even about him! It was about Peter Quill and an '80s rendition of the Avengers, Bucky's Winter Soldier subplot wasn't really necessary, they just wanted a very popular character to be in there..
Did I like seeing him? Absolutely
In fact I just watched that episode because of him, I went crazy when he showed up on the trailer.
What really bothers me is that for some time I've seen criticism of other people towards Peggy's character due to Hydra's infiltration on SHIELD and how they had Bucky under their noses but for me those were easy to swat since they were theories with no substance or any evidence other than implications and even the movie provides better evidence against it but in one line, one scene, they manage to hand over just the slightest hint of it and of course you know haters are going to pull it hard.
And they could've easily solved it if they showed they recognized Bucky when he took off his mask later in the episode.
I enjoyed that episode, I did, but I don't take it seriously, there's a lot of evident inconsistencies and you can tell it's rushed.
Firstly on why Bucky was handed over so easily, again he's the russian's biggest weapon and secret, it would've made more sense for him to be sent secretly and the team crossing paths with Bucky when he inevitably tried to murder Peter and being put to light by Peter himself instead of being neatly handed over to a bunch of americans
And how he was able to neatly and quickly reset to being Bucky or some sort of Bucky just by Steve's name alone, it doesn't make sense so naturally I don't take that episode to heart much but it is technically canon and furthermore it does taint Peggy's image a little, just before she's about to be made one of the biggest stars of What If!
I know Captain Carter and Peggy Carter from that episode are different but for fcks sake they are technically the same person but different realities and they smudged her character just to have a Bucky cameo, like seriously???? REALLY?!?!?
I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling but I do feel that yet again another male character has a say on Peggy's character.
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blue-aconite · 2 years
tagged by @antiquitea @therebeccaw @imjess-themess thank you lovelies!
3 ships: jake seresin x bradley bradshaw (top gun maverick), steve rogers x tony stark (mcu), saul silva x andreas (fate winx)
1st ever ship: edward cullen x bella swan (twilight saga)
last song: don’t let me down - the chainsmokers ft daya
currently reading: the crusades trilogy - jan guillou 
last movie: top gun maverick
currently consuming: sparkling water
currently watching: the big bang theory
currently craving: bacon
no pressure tags: @ereardon @anniesocsandgeneralstore @yanna-banana @hollandorks @call-sign-jinx @top-hhun @gigisimsonmars @bobfloydsbabe @seresinhangmanjake @a-reader-and-a-writer and anyone else who wants to do this
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shadow-genesis-yay · 10 months
Alright, if any of you Steve Saga fans remember the episode; Visions of Disaster, you'd remember there was a echo-y voice, with a bunch of comments speculating who it was.
For those who speculate that it's Memory, here's my reasoning for it being correct:
TL:DR; With piecing lore together, Memory is the voice as all others with a voice aren't able to achieve it and/or are voiceless or dead.
First: to get rid of the obvious, no it wasn't a warning. It was a threat.
The voice said
-"No where safe" (Spoken through Rainbow)
-"No one can escape it"
-"You cant stop it" (Spoken through Rainbow)
-"You need to be destroyed"(Spoken through Rainbow)
+ more
These don't seem like warnings to me but i dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, it wasn't a good guy. It was a villain. Like Memory.
Now whether it was Rainbow freaking out or as speculated, getting possessed, I don't know. But with how sometimes panicking works, sometimes people repeat what happend.
Second: No voices matched up, even if voice changers were used.
The voices all have distinct and unique indicators, even with voice changers. We knew Hypno was voiced by Sabre, Origin, Galaxy and the Overseer voiced by Tewtiy, etc.
(sure we have illusion who people disagree on the voices, but thats different)
-future/past/present known voices didn't match up with those we heard
It wasn't a future voice, as Void's didn't match up with the one Sabre heard. Void's is deep, slightly echo-y but not by a lot, and sometimes has inaudible tendencies. The one we heard was crystal clear, more pitched, and more echo-y. It also wasn't Origin (no surprise.) He didn't interfere, and was voiced by Tewtiy.
It wasn't a past voice, as the only characters who would of most likely been able to pull the visions, was dead/at an unknown location at the time.
And it wasn't a present one as, well, come on you knew Rainbow and Galaxy couldn't do that. Plus Rain was freaking out about it more.
Third: Process of elimination of voices (Sorry if I forgot any)
Characters mentioned + explanations:
-Time Steve
I love Time, but he wasn't the one talking. He's canonically mute/voiceless, and uses chat. The first one Sabre met actually who used chat. If he did most likely have a voice though and prefers keeping it hidden or such, it would be more similar to Elementals. Especially with the British accent. They're twins similar to Positive and Negative, how would they not have slight similarities.
-Void Steve himself
I won't put it past Void to pull something like this, but his canon voice doesn't match the one Sabre heard. Void has a voice, and would most likely have a minion (Memory) threaten others before he did. Void was the mastermind, with Memory just being the puppet he worked through plan wise before getting reveled when Memory was killed. Sure this would technecally make Void the one who said it, with Memory repeating it, but Void more worked behind the scenes in terms of coming up with a plan to stop Sabre from helping Galaxy and such.
-Elemental Steve (for some reason)
I'd like to believe this, but no. Elemental was dead before this happend, and lost his voice to Galaxy at the same time Rainbow's changed. So no, it wasn't him.
-Nightmare Steve
I don't even know, but no. It wasn't him for once LOL. Bro finally took a vacation or something. Most likely working on unmerging himself as we see in a future video.
-Rainbow Steve (somehow as well)
Someone saying it's through his memories, but no, it's not. Rainbow didn't even know about Void, and the voice was talking about him.
We've also seen other mute characters suddenly talk. Faceless' voice is raspy and can blend with whosevers voice he stole, if any. Sure we may not fully know his voice, but we know part of it. It's raspy. Kind of reminds me of Pseudo from the 2015 version of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. They'd be great friends lol.
While I probably missed some, I'm not gonna scroll through a bunch of comments LOL. Especially since they're mostly repeating the same characters or wanting new steves introduced.
Anyways, by process of elimination, and piecing the lore together, I can say, it's Memory. He's just mostly quiet, and prefers to speak when he feels its right. Not shy, I guess. Just doesn't believe it's worth talking unless it's to Void.
Thanks for reading this long ramble <3
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Living for conspiracy Steve. You know if they tried anything Joan the Disservice cat would be on the case. You also know Diane clocked it during her looky loo walks and she’s got tea. An alliance is forming.
What’s funny about Steve’s paranoia with the electric company van parked outside is that it’s definitely just the electric company.
If SoMeBoDy would just listen to reason then maybe they might remember the bad weather they’ve been having. They live in a suburb just outside of Chicago. It’s windy and wind messes with powerlines, but Steve isn’t dumb. Thank you very much.
He knows that.
Just like he knows what logo Mike said was on the van that El flipped. And like he said, “It’s spycraft 101. Of course, they’re here after a storm. It’s inconspicuous.”
“Big word,” Eddie replies appreciatively. “How do you know that?”
“I took the SATs?”
“Now the word! Why do you think that they’re tapping our phones?”
“It’s in all the movies, Eddie.”
There’s an unspoken duh tacked on to the end of Steve’s sentence and Eddie kinda loves it. He kinda loves how confident Steve is when he’s convinced himself this shit is real and a little part of Eddie wants to play along, but he knows how quickly it can all go bad so, “Baby, please. Stevie, what are they tapping into? We don’t have a landline.”
Steve pauses to think and then peaks back out through the blinds. He mutters, “You don’t know how wiretaps work?”
“Do you?”
Steve just purses his lips and looks even harder out the window which is just Steve-speak for ‘no, actually. I don’t know how wiretaps works because no one does.’ It makes Eddie grin, sliding up behind him and whispering in his ear, “Don’t you think one of our half dozen nosy neighbors would’ve told us if someone was spying on us?”
“Not if-“
“Baby, Diane came over twice last week because she saw a suspicious car in our driveway,” Eddie hums. “It was our car, Steve.”
Steve relaxes back against his chest a little but he knows the battle is not yet won so, Eddie adds, “Sweetheart, think about it. They’d know.”
“That’s true,” Steve relents just a little and then says, “Unless one of our neighbors is a spy.”
“No, baby.”
“Like a nosy neighbor that’s always in our business,” Steve continues, building confidence. “And who has always been in our business ever since we moved in…and who is talking to the electric company people right now.”
Eddie looks out through the peak in the blinds Steve is making and watches as Diane makes her way down her driveway in her pink house shoes, waving at the man halfway up the telephone pole. She calls something up at him but they’re too far away to hear it.
He can feel Steve pull away and Eddie thinks, damn it.
“Well, that friendship was good while it lasted.”
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
This is a question mainly revolving around Illusion and an AU that goes on with him that I just thought up.
What if he isnt from Galaxies main legacy, as in his children? It would sort of make sense. He doesnt look like Galaxy or most of the children that Galaxy has- silver hair, dialated eyes, just being short in general. He doesnt even act like Galaxy, or any of the known Galaxy Family members. If he was a secret. Like a secret of someone who decends more directly from their grandfather/Galaxy-Void may have had a son created before he split apart?
rrff au illusion brainrot is setting in
That's a really good point! He doesn't even look like a Steve, and the fact that no one questions that he's a Steve or part of Galaxy's family could be another illusion in the works.
The theory of Illusion being a direct descendant of Origin Galaxy intrigues me, because Origin Galaxy is part of the Colors, who are the most powerful entities in the universe. And they can warp reality without anyone noticing. That sounds kinda similar to Illusion 👀
Thank you for contributing to the RRFF AU Illusion brainrot. May the brainrot never leave your brain.
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What do YOU Want from Stranger Things Season 5?
Part 3!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
So, as you guys might know (like all seventeen of you), I'm currently writing a fanon version of Stranger Things Season 5. The idea is to be canon compliant up until the very end of the fourth season, and from there, give all the characters the fifth season that we, the fans, want for them. I've been looking at as many theories and repeated tropes in fan content as I can - but I want to see if I can hear from you guys directly.
So tell me, what do you want to see in regards to:
Jim Hopper?
Hopper had it rough last season, what with being imprisoned, starved, tortured, and made to do slave labor. Also, he had to break his own ankle and foot to the point of being able to get it through a cuff multiple times and then run on it. We saw him bond with Dimitri, revealing the effect the Vietnam War had on him and his life. On the bright side, he finally got together with Joyce and made it home, reuniting with El. So...
How will his experiences affect his actions and behavior now that he's back in Hawkins?
How will his newfound romance with Joyce be a support to him?
How might it be tested?
What might trigger his trauma in the new season?
How can he overcome that trauma?
How might he be forced to address his past?
Who might he confide in and why?
How might his injuries hinder him?
What part does he have to play in defeating Vecna?
How has he changed towards El in the time they've been apart?
How will he react to the danger she'll have to put herself in?
How can El's story resolve Hopper's guilt over what happened to his daughter?
Joyce Byers?
Joyce continued her epic saga of being the best, most competent woman television has ever seen in season four. She may have topped herself yet again, successfully sneaking into Russia, breaking Hopper out or prison, and then breaking BACK IN. She got together with Hopper and successfully brought him back to Hawkins. So...
How would Joyce react to finding out everything that happened to her kids while she was gone?
How might she change towards the kids, knowing what they did?
Would she trust them more or become more protective?
Was Joyce aware that Jonathan was stoned at the beginning of season 4?
How would she react to the reveal?
What might prove to her that Will is more capable of looking after himself than he was in seasons one and two?
What does Joyce's relationship with El look like since she's been her guardian?
How will Joyce's dynamic with Hopper change now that they're together?
What still needs to be said between them?
What should Joyce's new mission be in season five?
Jonathan Byers?
Jonathan saw a lot of character development last season. He found a new best friend in Argyle, and a sister in El. He showed much-needed support for Will, and he decided that he didn't want to go to college with Nancy, instead applying to the college Argyle plans on attending. So...
How will he tell Nancy about his change of plans?
What prompts him to tell her?
How would he interact with Steve after what Nancy said to him at the cabin?
What led him to change his mind about college with Nancy?
How will his support of Will and his sexuality drive Will's plot forward?
How would he interact with Mike, knowing what he knows?
What actions might Jonathan take to counter his residual guilt for being "distant" ("or stoned")?
How might he be outed to his mom for smoking weed?
How would Jonathan feel about Argyle entering the Hawkins group's dynamic?
How will his dynamic with Argyle change?
Eduardo Franco gave us an amazing portrayal of Argyle as a new addition in season four, even though his character was mostly relegated to comic relief. What we do see of him is that he has a tendency to lose his cool in a crisis, he could be Eddie's new supplier since he has access to the good shit, and he considers Jonathan to be his only friend. So...
What role could he play beyond comic relief and being a supporting character for Jonathan?
How will his friendship with Jonathan evolve?
How will he fit in with the other party members?
What might make him believe he has friends other than Jonathan?
How will he find his place in the party?
How would he interact with Nancy?
How will he react to the Upside Down and the creatures from it?
What is Argyle's home/family situation?
Wtf should his last name be???
I literally don't care how well formed your ideas are - I want to hear your thoughts on as many of these points as possible! Please be kind to each other in the comments; we're allowed to have different opinions and desires for these characters.
(ALSO, I know that weed is like, totally normal nowadays, but in 1986, it was still illegal. Season four made a point of showing us that Jonathan is hiding it from his mom, and that Joyce seemed shocked when Murray suggested that her kids might "smoke some ganja," so it probably does need to be addressed. Tbh, I'd be fine with it if it was just an "oh gosh, I was the same at your age" situation, but I'm curious how y'all think Joyce would actually react.)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Right-wing grifters are fear-mongering about the Chinese spy ballon and then pushing prepper supplies. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/far-right-influencers-are-using-chinese-balloon-sell-prepper-supplies "After days of nonstop coverage of a Chinese balloon crossing the continental United States, far-right influencers are now using it to sell prepper supplies for what they claim is an imminent collapse of the American economy. Right-wing media personalities Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon are hyping the recent Chinese spy balloon saga to sell prepper supplies on their shows. Both Kirk and Bannon have plugged the preparedness company My Patriot Supply during their recent broadcasts, claiming that the balloon incident — which has been a major subject of fearmongering and conspiracy theories in conservative media — should prompt viewers to amass large quantities of food and other supplies in case of an apocalyptic disaster. During an ad read on his February 3 radio show, Kirk mentioned the Chinese spy balloon and told his audience they are “nine meals away from anarchy,” adding, “As the Chinese Community Party takes pictures and spies on you, gets your kids addicted to fentanyl and also hooked on TikTok, at least you will be well fed when anarchy comes.” *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230209__TB01GOP by The Young Turks
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