#the star on the forehead in that fandom is one of the more popular marks of a leader
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cervidaecorpse · 10 months ago
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I now understand why they didn't make the carded people more cat than they already were.
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One with whiskers but I'm not sure, if I like it better than without.
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rewirenova · 3 years ago
Warrior Cats design headcannons 2: The Empire Strikes Back
My last design headcannons post got super popular, so to thank you guys here's another round of headcannons
Ravenpaw is a decendant of Ravenwing, who he was named after for looking so much like him.
Yellowfang almost always has at least a few stray sticks and leaves caught in her fur. Sagewhisker, Runningpaw/nose, Spottedleaf, and finally Cinderpaw/pelt would try to help her get them out, but to no avail.
Speaking of Yellowfang's fur, it's really big and fluffy which makes her look like an absolute unit. In reality though, she's 75% fur and is a twig underneath it all. (The same goes for her son Brokenstar)
It was somewhat of a conspiracy in Thunderclan for a while that Rosetail and Redtail were related in some way, due to how similar they look - not to mention their names.
Dovewing's eyes are are a blueish - turquoise color that look different depending on the angle. Her clanmates are always arguing about what color they really are because haha funny fandom memes.
Also, the three's eyes change when using their powers: Dovewing's turn gold, Lionblaze's turn red, and Jayfeather's turn a dark blueish - purple.
For some unknown reason, having one forepaw be a different color than the others (usually white) runs in Jake's family. Jake, Scourge, Sqirrelflight, and Alderheart all have a white forepaw, while Flamepaw has a dark red one.
Medicine cats always have leaves, feathers, flowers, etc as accessories (usually kept tucked behind an ear) to symbolize their deeper connection to nature. For example: Ravenwing, Goosefeather, Hawkheart, Kestrelflight, and Jayfeather all wear feathers of the birds they were named after.
Though she had long stopped training to become a med cat, Hollyleaf still wears the holly leaves Leafpool had given her as a memento. Even when she found out the truth of her parentage, she could never bring herself to part ways with her mother and mentor's gift.
Cloudtail inherited some of his mom's and grandma's brown and his grandpa's orange, which are on the tips of his ears and tail. Basically, he looks like a toasted marshmallow :)
Blackstar has vitiligo and was born completely black, hence the prefix. When he became leader, the black started to spread out on his body more.
In a similar vein, Yellowfang was born with a (fictional) rare condition where her fur started as light yellow, but later became dark gray.
Every (official) clan leader has a star marking somewhere on their body. Bluestar, Blackstar, Pinestar, and Rowanstar all had their mark slowly fade away as they lost faith in Starclan or stepped down as leader, respectively. Blackstar and Bluestar both got theirs back when their faith was restored.
Instead of a star marking, Bloodclan leaders have the skull of a small animal attached to the front of their collar; Scourge's was a bird skull, while Claw and Fury had a rat skull.
Warriorclan's leader Monkeystar just wears a star shaped leaf on her forehead.
Dark Forest spirits become more decayed and monterous the longer they are trapped. Antpelt had only been there a few weeks at the most, so he looks the same save for the black sclera and bleeding death wounds. Maggottail, however, is one of the oldest DF cats, and as a result looks like a demonic zombie.
Starclan cats look like mystical beings when appearing to the living, with star - shaped pupils, constellations along their body, and wisp like fur. Only other spirits can perceive Starclan cats in their normal forms.
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years ago
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Original prompt request (part 1) here. 
Fandom: Richard Armitage RPF
Summary: You have been chatting with a man named Justin on Tinder, knowing that your insecurities of being single are becoming unbearable, and your need to comply with society. Justin is constantly talking about sex, and you want more than that in a relationship. Your friendship with Richard takes a very serious turn. Can he offer you what you want? Part 1 was written as a prompt request; requested by @wolfavatar17​ Back by popular demand. 
Pairings: Richard Armitage x Fem!Reader, Richard Armitage x OFC
Warnings: Insecurity, a bit of angst, language, fluff
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be added to my tag lists for a particular fandom, character, or even everything, please send me an ask or a private message and I will add you. Written in first person, but still a reader insert. Not really that much of a plot, but finishes the previous part nicely. 
Masterlist of fan fiction here
**Reader POV**
I still couldn’t fathom why Richard had kissed me. Not that I didn’t want him to; far from it. I’d been constantly fantasising about kissing the man for months now, and sometimes my fantasies had been more intimate than that, but it was all becoming a reality. How? 
By now and things had become silent between us. I’d moved away, trying to regain my focus. Richard looked at me and I could see how confused he looked. He seemed just as puzzled as me and not quite sure which direction to take next. 
“I...erm.....” I stuttered. 
Richard began rubbing his face, his fingers tracing a line around his lips. I’d noticed over the months we’d been friends that he did that often. Sometimes he touched his nose. Maybe it was his defence mechanism or just a subconscious quirk that he’d developed. 
“I’m sorry if I was too forward...” Richard apologised, his cheeks beginning to glow crimson. 
“No, you weren't,” I said quickly. “I’m glad you...kissed me.” The words ‘kissed me’ were quieter than the rest of the sentence, as if I was emphasising my disbelief in what had just happened. 
“I was just terrified I was on the edge of losing you,” Richard replied softly. This time his hand left his face and dug deep into his jeans pocket. He looked away, his embarrassment becoming even more evident now. 
Just as he had taken charge, I knew that I needed to now. Fear had been part of me for so long, overwhelming me to the point that I was frozen and cornered in situations that I hated. And now I had the opportunity to step out. But I was terrified of going too far and not being what Richard wanted. 
This time I kissed him. Our lips moulded together so perfectly, becoming synchronised, along with our movements as I felt his body press against mine. Despite our size differences, our bodies fit, like awkward puzzle pieces; so different, yet so right to be together. I felt sheer joy and began smiling under the kiss, and as my kiss got broader, I could feel his lips turning upward as well. He chuckled, cupping my cheeks and pressed his forehead gently to mine. He let out a gentle exhale, which sounded like one of relief and contentment. 
“Do you still want something to drink?” I asked stupidly, not sure how to direct the conversation. It was all I could think of. The mugs of coffee that I had started preparing had remained untouched for the last few minutes. 
“Yeah, please.”
I turned from Richard, and so many emotions were racing around me. Happiness and joy, yet fright at what was about to come, embarrassment because I felt like I was handling the situation absurdly, and worry. 
“You’re quiet,” Richard said, his voice direct and stern, as if wanting an immediate answer. “Something’s different between us now.” 
I turned back and looked up at him, the coffees still remaining unprepared. I looked up at him, seeing sadness in his features. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m just scared of fucking this up. I don’t want to be overbearing or something.” 
**Richard POV**
How could she possibly think she’d ever be overbearing? The longer I looked at her and the more I wanted to kiss her again, hold her, protect her. If anyone had any overbearing intentions, it was me. I wanted companionship, love, intimacy, and I wanted it with her, desperately. 
“Why would you think you’re overbearing?” I asked her. 
“It’s been ages since my last relationship, and I don’t want to somehow come over all clingy towards you.” 
I couldn’t help but laugh at her remark. Clingy? I’d seen clingy, and she was nowhere near the meaning of the word. Unless she was referring to her forms of physical expression between us. Because that was the thing I was beginning to question. How far was she willing for me to go? Would touching her be overstepping the mark? 
Even though I felt my own anxiety for the situation, I recognised that I would need to be the leader here, to help her find her own comfort zone and so she would know that I was open towards her advances. 
I leaned towards her and put my hands on her hips, feeling the warmth begin to swell between us. “Be yourself,” I said, smiling at her. Her large eyes met mine and I felt like I was melting at such a sight. 
We took our drinks into the living room and sat down on her sofa. She’d remained so quiet, but then her actions spoke words that she didn’t need to vocalise. She scooted towards me and placed her head on my chest and then as I looked up at her, I couldn’t help but kiss her again. Everything was moving at such a natural pace; it felt like we had always been together. Normally, kissing a new person meant bumping noses and teeth, but with her, it was pure synchronicity. 
I was sure I heard her moan quietly as my lips began to trail over her face and down her neck. The warmth was beckoning me and my hands wanted to be in such intimate places, to show her how special she was and that our intimacy was also for her pleasure, not just mine. 
She straddled my lap and rubbed between my legs. I had to close my eyes to contain the surge in arousal. I knew I was getting hard and had to bite my lip to stop myself going any further. My self control was hanging by such a thin, almost invisible thread now. 
Then she stopped. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She was smiling, and light from the window was pouring around her, making her look like an angel surrounded by golden rays. 
We rested together, her head against mine and our hands laced in a gentle lock. 
“Thank you, Justin,” I said, chuckling. “Without him, we wouldn’t be here now.” 
@himoverflowers @shikin83 @theincaprincess @deepestfirefun @nowiloveandwilllove @houseofrahl​ @mynameisnoneya1991 @blankdblank  @cd1242 @c-s-stars​ @thorins-magnificent-ass @patanghill17 @inumorph @leah-halliwell92​ @msjava1972 @bespectacled-bunny @ghostlyandee @raindancer2004 @dottiechan @captain-almighty @hobbitlover23 @catthefearless @epicallychrissy @nelswp​ @adaliamalfoy @spn-obsession @armitageadoration @peneigh-dzredfohl​ @here2have-fun @greendragonette @thorinsraven @thophil2941btw​ @princessoferebor94 @banlaochranda @wilhelmyna @gabrieleaquaman @rachel1959 @serpensortia06 @rcrispina @kategorically-challenged @tigereyesf​ @jumpingmanatee @tschrist1 @inlovewithamantwicemyage @aspiringtranslator @princessofthefandomrealm @letsbeinspiredby @lilith15000​ @lealina-scarsdale @scarsfanfictiontrash @mechromancing-cinnamon-roll @ra-of-light @jassy2101 @durinsqueen @hariclea @onewithleaf @michelem703 @bthtallmadge2​ @mariannetora​ @valuedabovehoardedgold @tiredwritersworld @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706 @fuck-off-you-stupid-goat @legolaslovely @meganlpie​ @dashesofink​ @buckysalefty @reignofglitter​ 
Richard Armitage tag list: @inkededucatednnerdy@crazytxgradstudent @birdkeeperklink
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random-fandom-ramble · 6 years ago
What kind of elf is “Tinker”?(part 2)
This is the way overdue part 2 of my “Tinker is half sunfire elf” head canon. I originally only planned two parts for this, but because tumblr decided to be difficult with me, I’ll have to splitt it to three😐. This is why this part will constist of my multiple analysis(I don’t know the plural of analysis yIKES) of the fashion, appearance and the markings of all the elves we’ve seen in the show so far. I’ll also try to make a “basic set” of motives for the markings of each elven group.
My approach to this goes as following:
I look at a couple of different “examples” of elves. Then I try to break down their markings to a couple of simple shapes, aka motives. With the sunfire elves for example it was pretty clear that all of their markings mostly consist of circles, stripes, triangles and curves.
Now, without further a due, let’s start with everyones favorite/beloved MOONSHADOW ELVES
The thing with the markings of the moonshadow elves is that you can’t really break them down into nice and simple shapes like with the sunfire elves. A couple of the elves seem to even have markings that are unique to them.
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Rayla for example has these curved thorn-shapes under her eyes, which no other moonshadow elf in the series OR the concept art seems to have. Heck, even the lady with the crescent moon on her forehead isn’t unique. What I can say though is that the shapes of their markings usually don’t touch each other, and that the markings on the face tend to be allot less elaborate as the ones of the sunfire elves.
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What’s much easier to pin down though is their fashion. Though the designs of their clothes were apparently inspired by celtic desings, I would argue that the creators also got some inspiration from some east-asian styles. Moonshadow elves don’t seem to go for (what we would consider) casual clothes, instead opting for clean-cut well fitted attire. They also stay pretty clear from any flashy fabrics, since we’ve only seen them wear dark colored outfits with very moderate patterns on the fabric, if any at all. But they do seem to have a liking for really edgy hair styles, and you gotta love em for that.
Let’s continue with SKYWING ELVES, who have become quite popular in the fandom, despite the fact that we’ve only seen ONE.
As said, there’s not allot to work with when it comes to skywing elves, because we only got one in canon (in the intro) and a few concept desings. Out of the concept desings, I decided to only use the ones that kinda look like the canon skywing elf for reference
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Now there are a few obvious differences from the other two elf groups. A) they have wings (duh), B) they have blue skin(* crickets*), and C) they don’t have a very extravagant or regal appearance. Fashion wise they obviously prefer much looser and comfier clothes like baggy pants, crop-tops, ponchos and scarves. They just seem to like it way more casual and unrestricted, which fits pretty well to the description we got of sky-primal creatures.(loving their freedom and so forth). Compared with the markings of the sunfire and moonshadow elves, the markings of the skywing elves look very simple. So simple infact, that there isn’t really an actual common set of shapes for them. Though they tend to have a ruff resemblance with feathers
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Now, on to some of the most mysterious elves of all...
Or elf I should say, since we only have one so far, that being Aaravos.( I made a whole theory about how he’s probably teaching viren new magic and how he might be the elf in the mirror, so HE’LL be fun for SURE!* insert worried sarcasm*
Since I only have one reference, I can sum up his appearance rather quickly: he has a star and a crescent moon shape on his chest, diamond shapes on his cheekbones, blue-purple skin, white hair and lots of sparkle. He also wears tops with necklines so low he might as well go shirtless. That combined with his glowing markings makes him look rather fabulous, don’t you think?
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Now, if you remember the first part of this theory, you know that I already concluded that Tinker must be part sunfire elf, based on his markings on his shoulders and the fact that he’s a craftsman, something that sunfire elves are apparently really good at being.
Now if you payed really good attention to my analysis of him and the other elves, you’ll hopefully notice the same thing I did...
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His clothing style AND his markings on his face combined just don’t fit to any of the other elves that we’ve met so far!(exept partially sunfire , but I covered that in part 1).He HAS to be either part ocean-or part earth-elf, because all of the others simply don’t fit well enough. His clothes would mayyyybe-maybe fit to the fashion of a skywing elf, but the markings are completely different. His fashion style is way to loose and comfy-looking to be that of a moonshadow elf. And I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s not a star-something elf.(though that would be “an interesting theory” 😎👉👉). #rayla is awesome
Now I KNOW I know, many of you think that Tinker MUST BE a moonshadow elf because “how else could he have made runaans pendant !”,To which I say...
I’ll answer exactly that question in part three!
Part one|
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iscoliya · 6 years ago
The Thunderbird’s Call - Prologue
First time posting anything in this fandom. Hope you enjoy!
Feedback is always appreciated ♥
Chapter 1»
read on AO3
Taken in by the Miyuki family at a young age, Eijun grows up at the royal court of Seidou without any recollection of his actual origins. But intrigue is brewing and while struggling with his omega nature and dealing with that thing between him and the crown prince, he soon has to learn that not everything is as it seems. Well, it’s not like he doesn’t have enough on his plate already.
All he remembered was the cold darkness.
Although he couldn’t see it, he felt the warmth of his breath leaving his lips in a cloud of white.
Why was it so cold?
Still, no matter how hard he tried, no accompanying sound would leave his throat, his vocal chords silent as if non-existent.
Where was this? Why couldn’t he speak? Why couldn’t he move?
Gradually, his ears noted a singular sound, rhythmical and turning louder by the second. Drums? Hooves? No – as the pounding noise grew to a level that appeared almost unbearable, he recognized it as his own heartbeat, frantic and screaming.
Just why was he so afraid?!
All at once, everything seemed to crash down around him. The shrill neighing of horses, yells of pain, anger, despair. The clanging of swords colliding in a shower of sparks, arrows finding their targets with dull thunks or sickening squelching sounds. Slowly, colours blended in as well, brown and grey, green and just so much red–
A woman’s voice this time, clearly audible amongst all the other noises, and when he turned towards its origin, all he could see was gold – deep pools shining like molten precious metal. Immediately, he was hypnotized by the sight, beautiful despite the tears brimming in the eyes of the woman who was now crouching before him.
“You have to hide, do you understand me? You have to stay safe!” Her voice was begging him to listen, yet he couldn’t for the life of him make sense of her words. Only when the icy skin of her hand closed his much smaller one around a cool piece of jewelry apparently dangling from around his neck did he startle out of his numbness.
“Run and we will find you,” she implored him again, calm yet with an undercurrent of desperation. And even though everything within him bristled at the idea of following this beautiful woman’s order, he found himself nodding. Frozen lips placed a fleeting kiss on his forehead, one last whispered “Go” in his ears and without another second of hesitation he turned his back on the person he somehow knew loved him more than anyone else.
As if he were chased by an armada of malevolent spirits, he ran – ran from all the chaos, the bloodshed happening around him. He didn’t stop when he reached the first trees of the nearby woods. He didn’t turn around when he almost tripped over a root slick from the rain pouring down on him. He had to keep going.
“Eijun, run!”
He had to–
Eijun startles awake with a voiceless scream lodged in his throat. It takes him a while to recognize the wooden panels his golden eyes are fixated on as the ceiling of his room and the soft surface underneath him as his futon. As he lies there, panting and his skin cold from sweat, images keep replaying in his head, already growing fuzzier by the second.
“Just a dream, silly,” he whispers to himself while his heart rate gradually goes back to normal. Another nightmare, although they have been getting more frequent and intense in nature lately; maybe he should fetch a potion from the healers again. Absentmindedly, he lets one of his hands travel upwards, until it reaches a spot right underneath his clavicle. The strangest sensation takes hold of him, as if something is missing there. Something he should remember.
“Arrgh!” With a frustrated huff, he throws his arms high above his head. “Stupid dreams don’t tell me anything!” Deep down he has entertained the possibility of these nightmares showing him snippets from his past, but he discards that thought seeing as all he can ever remember is that voice screaming his name and telling him to run; that and a sense of sheer and utter fear. Turning onto his side, he decides to let his mind wander for another minute or two since the sun hasn’t even come up properly.
It has been almost twelve years now. Twelve years ago, the royal family saved his life and took him, a strange child without memories and with nothing but the clothes on his back, in to live with them at the palace. The king’s entourage found him lying somewhere in a ditch in the pouring rain, soaked and injured and more dead than alive. Suffering from a severe case of pneumonia, many healers didn’t expect him to last through the first few days, but somehow, he lived through a week, then two, and slowly, his strength seemed to return. When he opened his eyes for the first time, after barely three weeks, his stare was met with that of a young boy, tiny in stature and with a pair of spectacles on his face. That was the first time he met the crown prince of Seidou. Only later did he discover that it was only due to his insistence that he was allowed to stay at the palace instead of going to the capital’s orphanage. From the first time he laid eyes on him, Miyuki Kazuya had taken an unexplainable liking to him, the reasons of which he still hasn’t figured out completely until this day. Speaking of which…
Only then, as he finishes his musings, does Eijun notice the first rays of sunshine peeking in through the window – the sign for him to get going. “Yosh!”
After getting dressed and washed up in his usual speedy fashion, he sneaks out of his room and strolls along the by now all too well-known corridors of what was generally dubbed as the ‘omega wing’ of the castle. Even though it is one of the greatest honours to be living here, seeing as it usually only houses the quarters of the highborn omegas of the court, he can’t help but feel a little miffed at being separated from others like this due to his secondary gender. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t certain advantages involved, especially regarding heat facilities. Unwillingly, he blushes at the thought and at the same time thanks his lucky stars to be born male, since he only has to suffer through that period of time every four months instead of every two like female omegas do.
His determined steps lead him around the bend of one corner, then another where he greets the two guards usually posted at this spot with a loud “Good morning!”. While they were a little wary of his presence and his energetic nature in the past, they have gotten well accustomed to him over years marked by the same procedure. Thus they respond to his regards in kind, if a bit more subdued, and without further ado grant him entrance to the palace’s royal wing. Fleetingly, he notices the subtle change in decoration and design, the wall scrolls and paintings which are just a little grander than those everywhere else.
Reaching the quarters right beside a canvas depicting a magnificent bird in gold and white, he enters without knocking and closes the door behind him carefully. Dim lighting greets him and the soft sound of breathing as well as the noticeable lump underneath the futon’s blanket tells him that the room’s sole inhabitant appears to be still asleep. Unconsciously, he takes a second to note the slight aroma of leather and sandalwood in the air and feels himself calming almost immediately. How this person’s scent can have such an effect on him even after all these years, he can’t for the life of him explain.
Shaking himself out of his rigour, Eijun marches over to the windows located on the far side of the room and throws the shutters open with a satisfying ‘bang’.
“Rise and shine!” He doesn’t stop in his doings even as it gains him a distinctive sound of discontent from the direction of the bed. “It’s perfect weather for morning training!”
“What time is it?” comes a mumbled response, although the voice’s owner doesn’t seem to have any inclination of following his demand. Instead, the figure attempts to bury even further into the safety of his sheets.
“High time for you to wake up, Your Grumpiness!” he retorts, unimpressed, and turns to face his counterpart with his hands on his hips.
“That’s Your Royal Grumpiness to you.” At last, after several more moments, a head of mussed light brown hair surfaces from the mess of blankets and a pair of amber eyes blink up at him sleepily. “And why exactly did you have to wake me up so early?”
“Because you have a meeting to attend before practice and Toku-san will have both our hides if you’re late again! Don’t tell me you have forgotten about it already, Miyuki Kazuya!”
Groaning, Kazuya buries his face back into the pillows. “You’re way too diligent with your work.”
“Well, at least one of us has to be,” Eijun sniffs indignantly. “Now get your royal ass into gear!” Assuming he has driven his point home sufficiently, he stomps back over to the door and makes to leave, when a call of “Hold on!” makes him pause and turn around again. “What?”
“C’mere for a sec’,” the prince, still lying down but keeping himself half upright with his elbow, beckons him with a slight hand gesture, and Eijun has to stop himself from ogling him too openly. Due to his new position, the sheets have slid down right to his waist, leading to the whole of his muscular torso being on display.
It is no secret that Miyuki Kazuya is one beautiful alpha specimen. Not only known for his prowess in sword fighting and strategy but also his cunning wit and overall brilliant mind, he has been on the radar of most of the kingdom’s noble families, who from an early age on didn’t hesitate to send marriage proposals for their children and the crown prince. Especially young omegas tend to be drawn towards his exceptional looks and turn admiring eyes on him whenever the opportunity arises. Unsurprisingly, it has turned into one of the more popular topics in common gossip why the sole heir to the throne, in the prime of his life at eighteen years old, still hasn’t been married, not to mention betrothed. To the knowledge of the general public, the man himself has never shown any interest in anyone, man or woman, alpha, beta or omega, apart from polite conversations, despite the fact that many would fall at his feet should he wish so. And the bastard knows it.
Swallowing to get rid of the sudden lump in his throat, Eijun forces his features into a frown when he notices the slight smirk playing around the other’s lips. Still, his curiosity wins over his wariness and he decides to comply with the strange request, though grumbling all the while. “If Toku-san knew how his heir acts and talks in private–“
Lightning-swift, Kazuya’s arm shoots out as soon as he is within reach and Eijun can’t react with anything other than a surprised “Wha–“ as he is pulled down by a vice-like grip on his wrist. The force causes him to tumble right onto the soft bedding and before he can even attempt to catch his bearings, two strong arms close around him from behind and plaster his back to the broad chest he has been staring at just moments before. His body suddenly stiff as a board, a thousand possibilities run through Eijun’s mind in his uncertainty on what to do. Yell? Wrest himself free? Punch Kazuya in the face?
He is relieved of the decision when an all too well known scent reaches his nostrils, infinitely more intense than when he entered the room, and almost instantly, his omega senses kick in and force his thoughts into submission. He can feel himself downright melting within the alpha’s warmth and unconsciously, he begins to relax, even more so when the other starts to nose gently at his neck, directly above his scent gland. A shudder passes through his body when he feels more than hears a light groan leave Kazuya’s throat.
“You smell so good in the morning,” is whispered against his ear and he can’t help but sigh at the sensation.
As his companion nuzzles his temple, then his hair, a deep feeling of affection accompanied by a flood of memories assaults Eijun’s senses. Memories from growing up with the other boy, back when none of them had presented and they used to cuddle together like this on a regular basis – when their quarters had been next to each other and Eijun sneaked into the safety of Kazuya’s room after another garish nightmare or when the other slipped into his bed as storms thundered outside. All of that stopped after Eijun hit his first heat at thirteen and was moved to live in the omega wing, ‘for his own safety’. He remembers how miserable he used to be, crying himself to sleep for weeks without the comfort of his childhood friend next to him; how hurt he was by the sudden distance between the two of them, the other standoffish and distant from one day to the next.
And how all of it changed again when Kazuya reached his maturity only a few months afterwards. All sharp angles and developing muscles, confidence and just so alpha.
Suddenly, there were small gestures of affection sneaked in between their usual banter and teasing, gentle touches and above all the scenting. At some point in time, especially after that incident, the alpha took to scenting Eijun at random intervals, again under the notion of his safety since no one would dare to touch someone smelling so blatantly of the prince. At first, it confused the hell out of the young omega, but as he grew increasingly comfortable with the other’s soothing scent and presence, he stopped thinking to deeply about the whole issue. Who was he to deny himself something that felt just so right?
He doesn’t delude himself – right from the start he knew that him and Kazuya couldn’t have something like a future together, him being of royal descent and himself a common stray taken in through a simple act of kindness. But as long as the other boy doesn’t show interest in anybody and is willing to let him share in these moments of contentment, Eijun will take what he can get. It doesn’t have to mean anything more than that, anyway.
He only notices that his eyes have closed when a well known sensation takes hold of him and a periodical noise reaches his ears along with an amused huff from behind him. ‘No, please no…’ Immediately, his cheeks turn a burning crimson at the realization that he has started to purr slightly – and not for the first time. Silently, he begs for a hole to open up and swallow him whole, when a soft kiss is placed on his cheek.
“Ah, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.”
Annoyed that the alpha would tease him like this, he struggles free from the comforting embrace and ignores the pang of disappointment his action causes. “Ugh, you’re the worst!”
Kazuya’s response is a peal of laughter as he allows him to escape from his hold without any kind of protest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m a delight,” he retorts, his usual Cheshire cat-like grin firmly in place.
“A royal prick is what you are,” Eijun mutters under his breath and makes sure his clothes are smoothed out in order to be presentable again. He doesn’t want to give anyone false ideas, after all.
“What was that?”
“I said you’re gonna be late!”
“Thought so.”
Flipping the other off for good measure, the omega takes the opportunity to escape the embarrassing situation, slamming the door shut behind himself. As he makes his way towards the direction of the outside training area, he thinks about how Kuramochi will no doubt tease him for smelling like Kazuya yet again and has to stifle a frustrated groan. He swears, sometimes he doesn’t even know why he puts up with the prince’s antics. Though, he muses silently with a light blush and a fond smile he would forever deny sporting, that’s not exactly true, is it?
Even after the other’s dramatic exit, Kazuya snickers to himself. Sometimes he can’t resist teasing Eijun, his reactions are just too priceless. Stretching lazily, he turns onto his back and basks in the sudden silence of the room. The mesmerizing smell of petrichor, glowing embers and sunflowers still lingers and he can’t help inhaling it greedily. In all his life, he has never met another omega whose scent fascinates him as Eijun’s does, nothing like the usual sweet fragrances but powerful and maybe even a little harsh – truly suited to its owner’s persona.
Affection wells up at the forefront of Kazuya’s mind as he remembers the feeling of holding the other in his arms and the way he started to purr contently. Rationally, he knows he shouldn’t give in to the demands of his alpha side so easily, but this early in the morning his instincts tend to override his brain more often than not. And his instincts tell him to keep the omega as close as possible and never let go. A sigh leaves him at the thought; how he longs to do just that. If only…
Recalling the meeting he has to attend, he decides that he has put off the inevitable long enough and rises from the warmth of his sheets. A slight breeze enters through the open windows and causes him to shudder inwardly as he gets dressed in his formal wear, the motions almost on autopilot.
Looking back, his thoughts still revolve around his childhood friend and the perpetual riddle he poses. Before smelling that intriguing and somewhat alluring scent for the first time, he never would have guessed him to present as anything but a beta or even an alpha. His brash and loud nature coupled with his independent mindset doesn’t really fit the image many would typically associate with omegas – not that Kazuya is particularly prone to indulge in stereotypes like that. But when Eijun’s first heat hit right in the middle of one of their joint study lessons, he knew, even though he himself hadn’t presented at that point in time. Instinctively, he knew what that tempting scent meant and when the other’s first reaction was to look to him, his face flushed and his golden eyes filled with both confusion and so much unadulterated need–
Interrupting his train of thought, Kazuya closes his eyes and takes a long, deep breath in an attempt to calm down. It wouldn’t do for him to give into these feelings, not now or anytime soon.
Successfully banishing the notion to the back of his mind, he allows himself one last detour and makes his way to the far side of the room. Pushing aside both the tatami mat as well as the floor boards reveals a small hidden space located underneath where he keeps only his most priced possessions, safely hidden away from prying eyes. From amongst them he pulls out something attached to a delicate broken chain and when he opens his fist, lying within is palm is a golden pendant in the shape of a lordly rock ptarmigan* in flight. Thoughtfully, he caresses the finely crafted piece like he has done so many times before. Without looking, he could describe the exact shape of the two characters engraved on the back, ones that changed his life so profoundly all those years ago. As did the person whose name they represent.
A dark look enters Kazuya’s eyes as he clenches his fist, the cold metal of the trinket biting into his palm. He knows about its meaning just as he knows of its significance to not only his but to other kingdoms as well. Yet he has never wasted a second thought on divulging its existence to anyone else, much less on returning it to its rightful owner.
For twelve years he has kept this secret. And he will keep it for as long as is necessary if it means keeping Eijun by his side.
* The rock ptarmingan is the official bird of Gifu, Nagano and Toyama Prefectures. In Japan, it is commonly known as raichō (雷鳥), which literally translates to thunder bird
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crownoyami · 6 years ago
Chapter 4 Writing the Stars
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural) Sam Winchester Chuck Shurley Ellen Harvelle Jessica Moore
Additional Tags:
Public Display of Affection
Anal Sex
Anal Fingering
Angst with a Happy Ending
Switch Sam Winchester
Switch Gabriel (Supernatural)
Rimming (mentions)
Fluff and Angst
Famous Sam Winchester
Famous Gabriel (Supernatural)
Author Gabriel
Actor Sam Winchester
Actor Jessica Moore
Author Chuck
Gabriel is a famous author who has been known for his multiple blockbuster hits. He never misses his mark and keeps out f the spotlight but for one interview given per movie/book. Until his newest novel adaptation has him spending time on set, and with the leading male actor Sam Winchester a newly discovered star. Gabriel may have tried to avoid the spotlight, but he’s thrown into the media whether he likes it or not.
Warnings: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering.
  ***This has been beta’d by JDL71
   Chapter 4
Waking up before socially acceptable in the morning was an occupational hazard Sam had grown accustomed to. While he enjoyed sleeping in as much as the next guy, it just wasn’t in the cards if he wanted to get things done before leaving to go to work. Which was why the actor wasn’t shocked he was up before his alarm. What he was surprised about was the warm body snuggled up against his chest. It had been a long time since he had taken someone to bed, even longer since that someone was male, judging from the morning erection resting against his thigh. For a second, Sam merely let himself enjoy the feeling of having someone against him, right up until he heard a soft sigh and it all came back to him.
Gabriel Novak. He was in bed, naked, and curled around Gabriel Novak. Cracking his eyes open, Sam looked down at the form laying on him; one leg was thrown between Sam’s own while his head was resting on his chest. The author had his face relaxed in sleep, his arm wrapped around Sam and leaning loosely against his side while the actor had his hand splayed on Gabriel’s hip as if trying to keep him in place. Flashes of the night before came to him, it had been everything Sam had ever fantasized about, and he wanted more. Sadly, a glance at the clock told him he didn’t have time to try and entice the smaller man into having a round of morning sex.
Easing his way from where he was happily laying with Gabriel on top of him, Sam nearly made it out of bed when he heard a raspy voice from behind him. “We’re you goin’?” Gabriel sounded wrecked, his throat probably a bit raw in the morning. Turning from where he had been about to swing his legs over the bed, Sam looked at the man. The author was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to wake up while still curled on his stomach. The blanket had moved with Sam while he was trying to leave the bed, exposing Gabriel’s back to the dim lighting of the room. While the sun had yet to rise in the sky fully, it cast a glow from the gap in the curtains which illumined the room enough for Sam to see. The blanket rested against the soft curve of Gabriel’s ass, hiding the pale flesh from his view, and without thinking, Sam tugged the covers down.
 Instead of protesting, the blonds chuckled before wiggling, causing both his ass to move and for his cock to rub against the sheets, still aroused from sleep. “You should come back to bed, shouldn’t have to go in for a few hours yet,” mentioned Gabriel, arching his back a bit and spreading his legs wide. By then the blanket was well past his ass from Sam’s tugging and his moments, now just above the backs of Gabriel’s knees.
Sam licked his lips, reaching out and pressing a hand against a solid cheek, squeezing as Gabriel pressed his pelvis down onto the mattress. It would be so easy, the author was obviously willing, but Sam knew he only had a limited window to finish his morning ritual of working out before he had to shower and be on set for hair and makeup. “Fuck I want to… but I have to go back to my hotel and get ready for the day.”
 Gabriel hummed absently before pushing his hips up into Sam’s touch. “What all do you need to do?” he asked, head turned toward the taller man to watch while the actor bit his bottom lip, hand still kneading Gabriel’s ass from one cheek to the other.
 “I need to do my work out before getting ready to go down to the studio.” Leaning forward, Sam moved to his knees on the bed, now both hands on Gabriel’s flesh while he spoke.
 The author smirked before moving his legs under him, raising his ass into the air. “I think you can get your workout done here; I promise to have you all cleaned up in time to keep makeup happy.” Unsurprised at the sound of the bedside drawer opening, Gabriel turned so he could see Sam behind him, taking in every glorious inch of the taller man. “Besides, I fully intend to switch this around, so you should take advantage of having my ass while you can.” The actor let go a soft moan, the hand which wasn’t fishing for the condom and lube in the drawer digging his fingers into Gabriel’s ass.
Burying his head in the pillow, Gabriel groaned as he heard the cap popping open and the foil of a condom packaging being torn. Yeah, he would make sure Sam got his workout, and maybe after their shower, they could figure something out, cause the author fully intended to have the man for a while longer before he let him go. A long finger rubbed against his rim causing Gabriel to lose his train of thought, his mind focusing on the pleasure Sam created in him. Instead of the digit pressing inside him, the smaller man found himself with a moment of vertigo as he flipped onto his back, Sam looming above him with a grin.
Though dazed, Gabriel happily kicked what was left of the blanket from around his feet while Sam slid between his legs to capture his lips. Tangling his hand in the actor’s longer locks, the author only had a moment to enjoy the sensation before Sam was pulling back.
 “My workout is an hour at least, Gabriel… think you can keep up?” matching Sam’s grin with his own, Gabriel laughed before stretching his arms above him to display his body to the man, arching, so their chests were pressed together for a moment.
 “Do your worst, Kiddo.” The way Sam smiled down at him made Gabriel feel something in his chest he hadn’t in a while, and though he was soon distracted by large hands playing him like a damned instrument, the author wondered if perhaps this could be more than a fling.
Sliding into his seat next to Chuck carefully, Gabriel couldn’t help the broad smile which seemed to have been permanently etched onto his face. Looking over at his friend and fellow author, Gabriel laughed softly at the look Chuck was throwing him. The man had his eyebrows drawn together with a frown on his face; his nose was scrunched up like he had smelt something offensive. “Morning Chuckie! A beautiful day isn’t it?”
 Chuck for his part didn’t answer for a second, taking in how Gabriel was shifting in his seat and wincing. With a long-drawn-out sigh, the brunet took a drink of his coffee “I take it you had a late night last night? Find someone at the bar?”
Just as he was about to answer, Sam walked into the room. While Gabriel had dropped him off a few hours ago, the author had only just managed to come in, having to put in a few hours writing before he could do anything else with his day. Seeing the blond, Sam gave Gabriel an almost shy grin before turning to respond to whatever Jessica had said. There must have been something in his expression as Chuck groaned, hitting his palm to his forehead before hushing his voice due to the director calling the first take of the day.
“Sam?” asked Chuck, his eyes wide and darting between Gabriel and the tall actor. “You’re sleeping with the star of the damn movie? Do you have any idea what it could do to your career, to his? Damnit Gabriel, I know he’s hot, but seriously I thought you had more control than this!” while his voice was hushed in a whisper it was easy for Gabriel to tell that his fellow author wanted nothing more than to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him while yelling. Gabriel wanted to be insulted, his judgment was excellent, and he knew exactly what he was risking when he came onto the younger man, but underneath it, all Gabriel could hear the genuine concern in Chuck’s voice.
Shaking his head slightly, Gabriel -also with his voice hushed- answered while reaching over to place his hand on Chuck’s arm reassuringly. “It’s fine, nobody saw us, and it wouldn’t be that big of a deal even if they did. Spending some time with one of the leads isn’t uncommon, even if someone did suspect something, it’s not that big of a deal now, not like it was before. I’ll talk to Sam about it, but I’m sure he knows the risks the same as I do, he’s a professional.” This time it was Chuck’s turn to shake his head, brushing off Gabriel’s hand and leaning closer so they could keep interest away from the people circling them while working.
“It’s not the gay thing, you know I would never give you shit about that… it’s his limelight; you hate the media. Sam isn’t just the lead actor of this film, but a hot topic on any channel or magazine. If you are going to keep him around then you’re going to end up having to do more than just one interview per book or movie, you’ll be swimming in paparazzi and people clambering over themselves for your attention, are you okay with that?”
The question wasn’t something Gabriel had thought about. While he knew coming out of the closet was a genuine possibility he would be forced to do, he hadn’t thought about what it meant for his popularity level. Watching as Sam played out his role, the perfect embodiment of Jared, Gabriel nodded his head slightly before speaking. “It doesn’t matter, so what if I need to do a bit of damage control? Besides who says I’m keeping him around?” though he tried to keep it low in respect to those working, Chuck laughed at the question.
 “By the way, you’re sitting, man. You never let your conquests top… no, if you’re sitting tenderly then you have every intention of keeping this one, just don’t forget to invite me to the wedding.”
Gabriel didn’t have anything to say. Instead, he snorted, a bit too loudly and turned back to watching the set. He wasn’t planning on having any damn wedding. While he observed, alternating between answering Chuck’s questions, taking his notes and working with the director, Gabriel couldn’t help but think about the tall man playing his character. Sam was something else; he had a knack of being able to absorb the character, unlike anything Gabriel had ever seen. Any corrections were for Jessica’s sake or the other actors around them; Sam had Jared down completely. It was a heady feeling knowing that Sam put so much time and effort into perfecting the character.
Before too long, Gabriel was pawning off Chuck to the rest of the team so he could follow Sam who was done for the day. Getting an eye roll from his friend, the blond stuck out his tongue for a split second before trying to find his actor. It didn’t take him long to see the moose of a man, his tall frame easily identifiable through the crowd of people in the area. Once again Sam was talking to Jessica, relaxing or trying to go over their next scene Gabriel didn’t know, all he cared about was getting Sam’s attention. Placing his finger to his lips to tell Jessica to remain silent, Gabriel snuck up behind Sam and caught the tail end of what the taller man had been saying.
“…need to figure out how we’re going to do the next scene, I mean it’s coming off a bit awkward, but you would think after years of being around his brother Jared would know how to at least talk to a girl.” Gabriel laughed slightly, placing his hand on Sam’s lower back which made the man jump before turning around to face him. The slight yelp Sam let out made both Jessica and Gabriel laugh, the author unable to help but grin up at the man who was now focused on him. That was something else Gabriel noticed in-between takes, while the day before Sam had been avoiding his gaze, today the brunet had done nothing more than to try and catch Gabriel’s eyes. There was heat in his gaze this time, something the author wasn’t about to pass up.
“You know, if you have any questions, while I may not have written the script I bet I could answer them… want to show me to your trailer, and we can go over it?” Hearing the snort from Jessica, Gabriel knew he wasn't as subtle as he could be, but by the grin, Sam soon was wearing, and how the tall man had to clench his fist as not to reach out for him, Gabriel didn’t think Sam minded.
 “Yeah… I would like that, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Jess, okay?” asked Sam, his eyes never leaving Gabriel while they began to walk toward where the trailers were set up. Gabriel made sure to walk, so they were close enough that his arm brushed against the other man’s while they made their way to his trailer. Gabriel easily stepped up into the area once it was unlocked, wiggling his ass while he did so to which Sam sucked in a sharp breath.
The slide of a lock clicking into place was the only warning Gabriel had before he was pulled back against a firm chest, Sam having wrapped his impossibly long arms around him and was unfastening his belt. Chuckling, Gabriel leaned back and let Sam manipulate him how he wanted, smoothly going with the taller man when he made to open his jeans. “Slow down there, Samsquatch you would think you were desperate for it.” One of those giant hands made its way into the now opened pants causing Gabriel to gasp and throw his head back as long fingers wrapped around his hardening dick.
Once his head was tilted back, Sam leaned over, placing his mouth on Gabriel’s neck while the author reached up to hook his hand on the back of Sam’s neck to hold him close. “I am desperate… fuck it was torture being able to watch you all day and having to pretend that I didn’t want to throw you down and take you all over again.” The hand which had been stroking along Gabriel’s chest vanished before the blond felt it behind his back, with the unmistakable movements of someone trying to undo their pants with one hand. With the fingers still wrapped around his dick, slowly driving him mad, Gabriel wasn’t much help though he did let go of Sam who was carelessly sucking on the base of his neck to tug on the buttons of his shirt. Between the two of them, they managed to get their clothes off, though it was made harder by the fact that Sam wouldn’t part from the author long enough to move appropriately.
With their clothes on the floor, shoes, and socks toed off, Gabriel turned for the first time, his eyes eagerly taking in Sam’s labored breathing and flushed skin. Giving the taller man a crooked grin, Gabriel reached out and brought the actor’s mouth to his own. The kiss was more teeth and tongue, though the author moaned from the sensation. “You have condoms and lube close? I need you in me.”
 Instead of answering, Sam brought their mouths together again, this time wrapping his arms fully around Gabriel and pushing until the shorter man was walking back toward the small bed. Once the back of his legs hit the mattress, Gabriel fell, breaking the kiss while Sam reached in one of the dresser drawers before joining him. Laying back in the middle of the small bed, the blond grinned as Sam covered his cock before opening the bottle of lube.
“I don’t think I can wait, we can take our time next time, right?” asked Sam while slicking his fingers.
 “Yeah, next time… get those fingers to work, been watching you all day wanting to show everyone just who was taking you home.” The words had slipped from his mouth, ones Gabriel wasn’t sure how they would be received. He hadn’t been lying, but it had been a shock to his system. This wasn’t how it typically worked, he never came back for more, but with Sam it was different, and from the broad smile he got in response, Gabriel thought perhaps it was the same for the actor. Lifting a leg to hook over Sam’s shoulder, the smaller man was damn-near bent in half while Sam leaned forever for a kiss, his hand slipping between the author's cheeks and rubbing a slick finger around his rim.
“You could have, I wouldn’t have minded.” While the words were spoken with truth, Gabriel couldn’t deny. Pressing back against the finger which was slowly slipping inside him, Gabriel closed his eyes and relaxed into the mattress. It didn’t take long for one finger to become two, Gabriel reached out to tangle his fingers in Sam’s hair while the man stretched him open. As the brunet slipped a third finger into him, Gabriel who had been rocking his hips, opened his eyes to look up at the man who was hovering above him. Their lips, which had been barely separated for more than a split second since they tumbled into bed, parted while the blond hooked his other leg around Sam’s waist.
Pulling back, Sam grabbed the lube once again to spread it over his covered cock. Now on his knees, the taller man kissed the inside of Gabriel’s knee before lowering the leg to wrap around him and positioned himself at the puckered rim. Pressing inside, both moaned at the feeling of their joining, Gabriel struggled to keep his eyes open while he watched Sam above him. He couldn’t see how they connected at the angle he was resting. However, Gabriel couldn’t help but watch the expression on Sam’s face while the other sunk into him. It was something else, seeing those hazel eyes blow wide in pleasure while the author himself could barely contain the loud moan that wanted to escape.
Mindful of the fact that they were inside a trailer around still-working people, Gabriel tried to contain his moans as Sam began to move. The actor had no such reservation. With every thrust, Sam would let go of some sound of pleasure, a grunt, a moan, a gasp as he filled Gabriel over and over again. Biting his bottom lip, the blond clenched his eyes closed tightly as his body started to warn him of his building orgasm. It wasn’t the heavy, rough sex Gabriel had thought they would have, but the feeling of Sam slowly taking him, the sensation of being cherished by the man with every slide of their bodies together was more overwhelming than the author had dreamed. Reaching between them, Sam having braced himself above Gabriel, pressing their bodies together, the blond wrapped a hand around his dick and started to jerk in time with the slow roll of Sam’s hips.
“Sam… Sam…” the only word Gabriel could find himself saying was the actor’s name while they moved, the answering kiss was his only response as Sam jerked his hips harshly for a second, moaning into Gabriel’s mouth. It didn’t take long for them to reach their release, Sam emptying into the condom first with a loud groan. The taller man was quick to reach between them, not allowing himself to bask in the afterglow while he partner wasn’t satisfied. A second later the author was coming into their combined hold, his body tensing while he did, which caused Sam to jerk his hips again before pulling out. The next few minutes were spent with Gabriel placing soft kisses along whatever skin he could reach while Sam wiped away the sticky mess with a wipe and got rid of the used condom.
When Sam lay down beside him, Gabriel turned to snuggle into the taller man’s chest, with Sam wrapping an arm around him. It was warm enough in the trailer that they were laying above the blankets, although Gabriel knew their sweaty skin would soon pick up the slight chill in the air. Closing his eyes, the author relaxed into the soft feeling of Sam rubbing his hand along Gabriel’s clammy back. “We should talk…” Instead of tensing as he was half-expecting Sam snorted slightly, his light rubbing on Gabriel’s back never stopping.
 “Yeah, correct me if I’m wrong but this… whatever this is, between us is more than a quick fuck.”
Nodding his head, knowing Sam would feel the motion, Gabriel placed a soft kiss on the peck before speaking again. “Yeah Kiddo, the last thing I want to do though is put a stop to your career.” That got the tense reaction the blond had been expecting earlier.
 “You wouldn’t listen this is still new… how about we give it a few months and see if this is still… this. Then we can talk about maybe going public? I want to give this a try Gabriel, and unless I’m mistaken you seem to want me too, don’t you?”
There was a touch of insecurity in the actor’s voice that Gabriel never wanted to hear again. Quickly the author moved to take the nearest nipple into his mouth and bit down slightly causing Sam to suck in a breath. “Course I want you, we can date behind the scenes and in let’s say three months? We can talk about letting the vultures know that we’re both taken.” The body beneath his relaxed again making Gabriel smile before resting his head on Sam’s chest once again. “Give me another ten minutes, and we can take this back to my hotel room, I have yet to know what you look like all spread out under me while I break you apart, we should fix that.” The laugh that came from the actor warmed Gabriel, suddenly having a boyfriend didn’t seem so bad. Closing his eyes, Gabriel thought about how in a slightly round-about way he now had a boyfriend to call his own, it was a nice feeling.
  P.S. If you want to keep up to date on my writing add me to Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter or Instagram as CrowNoYami ;-) Also, if you want to see what I’m reading (I always review so you know what you’re getting into) I’m on Goodreads as well, the same name as always.
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