#the spoilers that really killed me were spiderman no way home and maybe the most recent spiderman too
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b0ydyke · 2 years ago
u really have to watch media immediately as it comes out or delete all social media i’ve seen like 10 different barbie spoilers and i only go on the same two apps i’m not even super hyped to go but it would have been nice to not see certain things before without dedicating to dodging all socials for a week
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cityoftheangelllls · 2 years ago
Soooooo the Mario movie was awesome! Definitely the best movie-going experience I've had since Spiderman No Way Home! Illumination really outdid themselves and I think that this has to be the best movie they've done, even more so than the first two Despicable Me movies and Sing! And I can tell they and Nintendo put so much effort into this and making it a giant fan to Mario fans everywhere, from the kids to those who have been there from the beginning. It wasn't perfect (I mean, what movie is, and is there really such a thing as perfection?) but it was still a lot of fun!!!!
Below is what I loved about the movie and what I felt could have been better! Just a heads-up, there ARE spoilers. Even though it has pretty much the typical storyline of most Mario games and is therefore somewhat predictable, I don't want those who haven't seen it yet to miss out on being blown away as I was about it.
The Ups:
MARIO. HE IS THE BIGGEST SWEETHEART. HE LOVES HIS BROTHER SO SO MUCH. HE WOULD FETCH A STAR FROM SPACE FOR HIS BROTHER IF HE COULD. I WOULD DIE FOR HIM AND THE LOVE HE HAS FOR HIS BABY BRO. And from the beginning, he's so determined and motivated and never gives up! And it's his brother that motivates him to do most of what he does! I also liked the little details they added to his character that we never got to see before, such as the fact that he initially hates mushrooms.
Peach was amazing! At first I thought that they girlbossed her a bit too much to the point where she was a carbon copy of Daisy, but now I see her as a kind, maternal, and feminine young woman who fights when she needs to and is just doing her job protecting her kingdom. I hate how people are bashing her characterization here, like, have they forgotten how she was in the DIC cartoons, the 1986 anime, and SUPER PRINCESS PEACH? I also like her backstory and she's so cute as a baby! Also, since I HC that she and Daisy are super close, maybe she learned a thing or two from her!
Toad was so silly and chaotic, and he stole every scene he was in!
Luigi was precious and Charlie Day was perfect for his voice, as I predicted! I can tell that he was totally channeling Tony Rosato at times. I loved so many of his moments on screen, especially when he protects his brother during the final battle!
Jack Black KILLED IT as Bowser! He made him a villain who's hilarious but intimidating and ferocious at the same time and not many people can pull that off effectively!
Donkey Kong was a bit annoying and Illumination-y but they did a good job with him here. Also HE DID THE SETH ROGEN LAUGH TWICE FACK YES
The voice cast in general was fantastic! Charlie Day, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Jack Black were literal perfection in particular, Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong was lit, and Keegan Michael Key was great for Toad, as I predicted! He's a very versatile comedian and voice actor, after all! Also, Chris Pratt's Mario has grown on me in a good way. Although I vastly prefer Charles Martinet, as well as Lou Albano (who has my favorite Mario voice ever), Chris really didn't do that bad of a job! He DID TOO put effort into voicing him, and his "Wahoo!"s and cries of delight and triumph were on point! The only voice that I still feel like I have to get used to is Anya Taylor-Joy as Peach. She's a talented actress but I don't think she entirely suited Peach's soft, feminine, and maternal nature, but that's just me.
Mario and Luigi's parents are so precious! In fact, their whole family is so cute and hilarious! They remind me of my own proudly Italian (mostly) family. And Charles Martinet voicing their dad was the icing on the cake! I'm just so glad we finally got to see their family in general.
I also like how the boys' situation of still living with their parents, (presumably) not pursuing college and working blue-collar jobs while in their 20s-30s wasn't portrayed in a negative way. It's a great way of telling audiences that it's okay if you haven't gone off on your own yet in adulthood or attended college, that life isn't a sequence of steps that everyone has to follow exactly and at the same time, and that patience, hard work, and a positive attitude will lead you to great opportunities in life when you least expect them, like with what happened to the bros.
And then them teaming up together to defeat Bowser and his forces, AS IT SHOULD BE.
I mean seriously this movie was a slap to the face of everyone who thought Mario hates his brother
Mario and Luigi getting their own little house in the Mushroom Kingdom! AND COFFEE CUPS THAT MATCH THEIR HATS!!!!
Mario and Peach's relationship thus far! I love how close they are by the end of the movie, even though they haven't developed a romance yet, and how Mario was telling her all about Brooklyn and how he'll get her a pet turtle once he gets to take her there. D'awwwwwww.
Peach completing the trainer course ALL WHILE WEARING A FULL LENGTH BALL GOWN AND HEELS. AND her admitting that she didn't master doing it until she had tried multiple, multiple times was such a great addition to character, proof that while she may be more of a girlboss here she still has more character development than Rey in the Star Wars sequels.
Peach telling Luigi that he's brave was so sweet :3 Even though they didn't really have a proper meeting scene like I hoped, I'm glad they got to at least interact a little.
Although I wish they would have used the wedding dress from Odyssey or even Paper Mario, Peach's wedding dress here is so pretty!
Donkey Kong becoming an ally of Mario and them helping each other get to the Mushroom Kingdom was super nice, although I do feel their friendship could have been built on a little more and that DK should have apologized to Mario for insulting his brother.
THE MUSIC!!!!! Brian Tyler NAILED the orchestrations of all those iconic themes! I especially got so happy when I heard the SNES Rainbow Road theme, the DK rap, and Toad's House from SMB3! I can only imagine how Koji Kondo, the man who composed so many of these melodies for chiptune almost 40 years ago and is STILL composing music for the games, is feeling now that they have these epic, sweeping orchestral renditions.
They outdid themselves with the animation and visuals as well! ESPECIALLY the visuals. They're so colorful and whimsical and just scenery p0rn all around, from the Mushroom Kingdom giving off major Alice in Wonderland vibes and Bowser's incredible floating lava castle to the Jungle Kingdom and the rainbow road! And I can't think of a single character (re)design that I didn't like! They all look so good!
Bringing back such an obscure and relatively forgotten character as Foreman Spike was awesome!
Every time that Diddy Kong was onscreen was so funny!
ALL THE EASTER EGGS, GOOD GOLLY. From the references to the SUPER SHOW OF ALL THINGS to the guy who's supposed to resemble Jumpman (Mario's first incarnation) at the beginning!
That one bit where Mario is sitting in his room playing a video game also felt really reminiscent of the beginning of The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach (1986). If Nintendo was going for that I'm so glad they acknowledged such an obscure piece of Mario media!
The Downs:
Goddammit, you SERIOUSLY had to include minions in the Illumination logo.
It honestly felt a bit rushed in places and I wish more scenes could have had more time devoted to them. Some characters, ESPECIALLY Luigi, didn't really get as much screen time as I felt they needed, and that kind of sucked.
I was really hoping for Bowser to have a hard rock-style villain song, as that really suits his aesthetic and Jack Black could totally have done it! I mean he was in School of Rock for crying out loud and he's proven afterwards that he can really belt out classic rock tunes! Despite that, I'm glad he got to at least sing in the movie, and his song dedicated to Peach was hilarious.
I'm bummed that the movie wasn't really a musical as I had heard around the net so many times; only two characters sang (Bowser and Toad, even though the latter's wasn't really an actual song) and there were a bunch of pop/rock hits from the past few decades sandwiched in. They were still good songs that I like though, such as Thunderstruck, Take on Me, and Holding Out for a Hero (although I wish it could have been the original Bonnie Tyler version). I was ESPECIALLY pumped to hear Mr. Blue Sky!! But still, a lack of songs sung by characters bummed me out.
I don't like how some lines were changed (such as Bowser's "NOW WHO'S GONNA STOP ME?!?!") or cut entirely (e.g. Mario's "I'm not afraid! I'll do anything for my brother!") I'm especially bitter about the latter, since hearing that line in the final trailer made me super emotional and cutting it meant less devotion to how much Mario loves and misses his brother.
It was kind of a wasted opportunity to not see Mario and Luigi's family (and the rest of Brooklyn for that matter) bewildered over their sons bringing back a princess in a wedding gown, a little mushroom man, and an ape wearing a necktie. I bet their dad would have been wondering what someone put in his coffee, and their mom would have taken one look at Peach and been all like, "OMG IS ONE OF MY SONS GETTING MARRIED ALREADY??" It just would have been nice for them to interact a little.
The blue star/Luma was honestly so annoying and gave me an unsettling identity crisis, I just thought that was not fitting for a family friendly movie. Also, why was he/she in Bowser's dungeon in the first place?
As Donkey Kong should have apologized to Mario for fighting with him, Spike should have apologized to Mario and Luigi for doubting them. It didn't really make sense for him to just abruptly cheering for them.
Part of me kind of wishes it had taken place in the 1980s. It kind of makes sense, given that the Mario and Luigi characters formally debuted in 1983 and this is an origin story for how they came to be.
But despite all this, there were way more ups than downs, and the "downs" are just little nitpicks from me that don't take away from the movie being one hell of a ride. It was fantastic, and definitely one of the best animated movies I've seen in a while. 9/10 from me!!.
Some of my several VERY high hopes for the sequel:
Also, if I have to predict a voice actor for Yoshi, it would have to be either Frank Welker or Kazumi Totaka reprising his role.
Luigi getting more screen time and also getting to share in his bro's adventures! Dude deserves way better!
Mario having second thoughts about Luigi accompanying him in dangerous situations because he's terrified of losing him again, and Luigi reminding him that "nothing will harm them as long as they're together"
PLEASE just more brotherly love!
Mario and Peach developing a romance and vowing to protect each other!
At least one callback to the "Mama Luigi" episode of the Super Mario World cartoon series. I mean, it would only seem right now that Yoshi is joining the gang, right?
Heck, I bet it's going to be chock full of references to the Super Mario World game, the Yoshi's Island games, and the Super Mario World cartoon.
Bowser's backstory (and possibly redemption)! It's clear to me that he's just a big softie that needs love and friendship in his life. And, since he's really their friend who likes to engage in role play just for fun according to word of mouth, I wonder how they will incorporate that into the Mario Cinematic Universe.
Some evidence that Mario and Luigi alternating between their lives in Brooklyn (probably just so that they can spend time with their family) and the Mushroom Kingdom
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xmalereader · 3 years ago
Peter Parker X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: Hi! I love your post and can you maybe do spiderman no way home peter x dom spiderman reader pls? Like thw vallians and other spiders are very suprised when they see scary reader.(the reader have powers like miles morales)
Warnings: NWH SPOILERS!! Fluff, angst, reader is a year older than Tom! Peter. Reader is sassy and dark, Tom! Peter is shy around reader, slight kissing, memory loss.
Tags: @perfectlybigkitty
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He didn’t believe much on the multiverse but knew that it was possible. He never had a big interest in science but used it when necessary, most people envied him for being smart and knowing many different calculations when in reality he was too busy focusing on other things.
Yet, somehow he ended up in another universe with different versions of himself or what he thought was himself. The other Peters were all different but also the same, when Y/n crossed through they found out that he had the same abilities as him but not the same name or personality. Y/n’s suit was different too, his was mainly black and red and less of the blue. His mask didn’t cover his entire face but only his eyes, keeping his hair out and still exposing a small amount of skin.
His abilities were different too, the first time he became invisible, the others had freaked out. Peter three would stare in awe, his eyes wide in amazement as he circled him. “That is amazing.” He remembers him saying.
Y/n couldn’t only roll his eyes.
After explaining to them that he was from a different universe, he let them know that there was no Peter in his world. That he was the only one with spider abilities, each Peter had a tragic story and have lost many loved ones. Y/n didn’t reveal much of his life story, it wasn’t sad or happy it just wasn’t something worth sharing. He simply provided them his name and abilities before agreeing to helping them return home.
So, here he sat in a lab room of a school. All three Peters were working on ways to stopping the villains while Y/n sat at an empty desk, watching them work. They didn’t need his help, he didn’t know much about the villains and how to stop them since he didn’t deal with many back at his universe.
“So, are you like—a different spider?”
Y/n shifts his gaze towards Ned who stood next to him, he tilts his head to the side and smirked at him. “Something like that.”
“And your name isn’t Peter?”
Y/n chuckled at Neds confusion, he found it cute on him. He slowly stands from his seat and approach’s Ned who watches him. He stands in front of Ned and gently pinched his cheeks. “Your adorable.” He blurts out, causing Ned to blush deeply as he winks at home and walks over to the other Peters.
“Do we have everything ready?” He asks. All three Peters look up and nod there heads. “Yep! Got my antidote done.” Peter three gives off a cheerful smile as he finishes up, Peter two was still working on his while Peter one got his finished.
“I’m good to go.” Peter approached Y/n and sets his invention down, one to use on elector as he waits for the others. Y/n tilts his head, crossing his arms over his chest as he asks. “I have sensed any villain from my universe here, I don’t think anyone crossed through so I’ll be able to help out without much complication.”
Peter raised a brow. “What kind of villains do you have?”
Y/n hums to himself. “Well, there’s this one guy who’s a serial killer and psychotic, killed many people for dumb reasons—yet, somehow, we had a thing.” He explains.
A startled look appears on Peters face. “You dating a serial killer?”
“Not date, guy was obsessed with me. We��well, I didn’t know his civilian identity so we went out a few times. Until I witnessed him murdering someone, that’s when I connected the dots and found out who he really was.” Y/n gives him a better explanation not wanting to freak him out. “He’s crazy and obsessive.”
Peter slowly nods. “That sounds insane.”
“Yeah, but I was good at keeping myself hidden. Didn’t deal with him much.” He shrugs at him, smiling as if nothing happened before there attention is taken by the others finishing up.
“All done.” Peter three says, approaching the table where everyone gathered up. They all began to form out a plan on luring the villains to them and making sure that they can take them down one by one.
“Okay, MJ and Ned will stay here along with Y/n on keeping the box safe.”
“Wait what?” Y/n cuts in. “Im not staying here, I agreed to help you three in taking down those guys.”
“I know but—“ Peter began but is cut off.
“I’m not staying.” Y/n hissed out, towering over Peter. “If you try to force me to stay I won’t hesitate to take you all down and maybe join the other side.” He threatens out.
Peter bites his lip. “I just—“ he clears his throat. “I just want you to keep my friends safe and I—I trust you.” He looks up at him with those big brown puppy dog eyes.
Y/n stares into them and groans to himself. He always had to fall for the cute ones. He rubs his face with his hands and sighs. “Fine, I’ll stay here and keep them safe.” He nods towards Ned and MJ.
Peters sad face quickly morphs into a happy one as he smiles. “Thank you.” Y/n looks away, avoiding the look on his face. He couldn’t let him have his way, again.
After he agreed to keeping Peters friends safe, the rest of the Peters took a portal to the situate of liberty where they were planning on bringing the others in. Y/n stays back with Ned and MJ, slipping his mask on as he leans against a desk. Both friends were watching closely. MJ was still cautious around him due to the way he acted around others and was different than the others.
Ned on the other hand could stare and start asking questions. “Do you have any friends back at home?”
Y/n shakes his head. “I don’t have anyone, been alone since I was born.”
Ned frowns. “That’s sad, maybe we can be your friends!”
MJ clears her throat. “Ned—“
“I don’t think you’d like me as a friend, I’ve made terrible choices and what I do isn’t something you’d like.” Y/n cuts in, pushing himself off the desk he was leaning against.
“We’ve all made mistakes once, wouldn’t be surprised.” MJ finally speaks out, gaining the courage to speak to him as Y/n eyes her and chuckles. “Really? So you wouldn’t be surprised if I told you that I’ve killed people before or that I’m an orphan? I grew up alone and never made friends, I was born with my powers, they weren’t given to me.”
This catches the two friends attention. “Wait, you were born with your powers?” Y/n nods at Ned. “I didn’t figure it out until I was ten, I keep them hidden for years. But, yeah—I always had these abilities.” He stares at his black gloves hands, balling them into a fist as he thinks about the first days he figured out about his abilities.
He was afraid and alone, with no one to talk to about them. He didn’t want anyone to know, so he forced himself to remain in control until he reached the legal age to do as he pleased. He left once he turned eighteen and had been on his own sense, finding work was difficult for him at a young age but somehow made it this far.
“Like I said, I was born with them. Maybe the parents I never knew had them and were passed down by genetics.” He shrugs, giving the two a small sad smile. He didn’t like talking about his past, he always out that behind him and focused on his future on what’s to come next.
Before MJ can ask another question the sound of there alarm going off alerts them, meaning that it was time to open up the portal. “Ned hurry!” MJ nudged him as Ned nods and begins to open up the portal in order to catch the box that Peter had thrown at them.
Y/n quickly rushes towards the other two, taking notice of the portal of closing. “Why aren’t you closing it?”
“I’m trying!” Ned whines as he tries to close the portal.
Y/n looks towards the other side, seeing the Peters struggling as he cursed under his breath and turns to the other two. “Focus on getting that closed!” He instructed as he rushed to the other side, running towards Peter three who is pinned down by Dr. Conners. Turning invisible he jumps behind Conners and wraps his arms around his neck, pulling him back and away from Peter three.
“Hold him!” He hears Peter three shout as Y/n grunts. “I am trying!” He calls back out, pulling Conners further back as he lets him go and slides down between his legs and out, using his own webs to tie his legs up and knocking him down while Peter three webs up the rest of his body.
“Perfect, now stay right there! Will come back for you!” The two of them run off while Peter collects the antidote. “Take this to Peter One.” He instructs Y/n, nodding at him as he takes the antidote and jumps off the building and uses his webs to swing towards Peter who was struggling with sandman. “Pete!” He shouts, extending his hand out for Peter to take as the other grabs his hand. He uses his strength to pull him out.
Once Peter is out he is quick to wrap his arm around his waist. “Take this!” He shows Peter the antidote who takes it from him, swinging him towards Peter two he lets him go and swings back onto the towers. He hears shouting above him and looks up to see Conners running towards Ned and MJ.
“Well shit.” He mumbles out as he climbs up the building and runs after Conners, tackling him from behind as they fall inside the portal, crashing into desks and cabinets. He uses his webs to pull him back out but is pinned down him.
“You know, I’m not much of a monsterfucker but I know someone back home who is a pretty good lay, venom was his name to be exact.” He chocked out as Conners growls at him, holding him up by the neck as he’s thrown away.
“You are a disgusting human.”
Y/n coughs. “Hey! Not my fault he was attractive and understanding.” He hissed back, running back to corners as he goes invisible, shocking the large lizard as he’s shoved off the side of the building. The doctor holds onto the side of the building, reaching out with his claws to grip Y/n’s leg, digging his claws into him.
Y/n screams in pain, looking up to use his other good leg and kicking his jaw. Anger fills his veins, he uses his webs to wrap them around Conners neck and drags him down with him, the two falling off the building. “You fucking—“ He gasps. The two are shoved back inside the building by Peter one.
Peter used the cure on Conners while Y/n winced in pain. He checks his leg to see some blood and claw marks, damn doctor got him good. As he stands up he feels Peter wrap his arms around him and helping him walk out. “Are you okay?” He asks, voice full of worry as he checks his leg.
“I’m fine, I heal quickly.” Y/n reminds him, he would be limping for a few minutes but will be back to normal soon. Peter stayed by his side, knowing that the others would need there help and he still decided to stay with him.
“Think you can walk.”
Y/n sighs, applying pressure on to his leg. He winced at the sharp pains but quickly grows used to it as he looks up to face Peter. “All good.” He reassured him, not wanting to worry him any longer.
“Good, let’s go before—“
“Look who it is!”
Both Y/n and Peter look behind them to see Max towering over them, a grin on his face. “Looks like I can’t kill two spiders today.” Y/n groans. “I am really tired of your bullshit, Max.” He stands in front of Peter, protecting him from Max.
“You can’t stop me.” Max prepared to strike at the two as Y/n adjusts his webbing. Max strikes lighting at them. “Watch out!” Peter shouts behind him and flinches when Y/n is hit but instead of going down. He stays in place, both Peter and Max’s eyes widen at the sudden realization of Y/n stopping the lighting stroke.
Y/n smirks at Max. “We all have some neat tricks.” He absorbs the energy and steps forward, suddenly pushing it back out to max and using it against him as the older man falls back by the strike, slamming down onto the ground.
Y/n pants, glances over his shoulder and groans. “You should probably get back to him before we gets back up.” He nods towards Max.
Peter stutters and hesitated before Peter three lands next to Max. He looks at both him and Peter. “What you did was amazing!” Peter Three points at Y/n and laughs. “How did you do that?!” He asked with excitement after restraining max and cutting his power off.
Y/n limps forward as he explains quickly. “I have bio electrical energy. I can absorb it and use it against my enemies.”
“That was awesome.” Peter three laughs out again as he claps his hands. “I struggled taking Max down before but what you did—“ He just couldn’t believe the abilities that Y/n has. “Just—wow.” He stares at him in awe, causing Y/n to grin. “I think you should help your other friend.” He points up to Peter Two waiting for them at the top where Strange stood.
“Right!” Both Peter one and three say In unison as they swing back up to meet up with strange. Y/n stays behind, still in pain from using all of his energy and his leg still healing. He makes his way towards the top but freezes, his own senses going off as he hears an evil laughter from a distance.
His eyes widen as he jumps off the building before it explodes, causing the whole place to tumble the ground. He tries to hold onto something or anything to stop himself from slamming onto the ground, he’s able to hold onto one of the metal poles before his grip loosens, causing him to land roughly onto the ground.
Y/n groans from the impact, struggling to get up. He hears MJ and Ned rushing to him and calling out his name as they helped him up. “Thanks.” He whispers out, leaning against Ned. A hand on his leg and the other on his side, he was badly injured and needed some rest but knew that he didn’t have much time.
He slowly glanced up to see the sky changing, his eyes widening softly. “What the hell.” The three of them were staring at the sky, taking notice of many different universes trying to come through. Y/n winced, looking up to see Strange and Peter talking.
“Stay here.” He instructs the two as he shoots a web up the building and swings up, finding a good place to land.
“—then make them forget.”
Y/n froze, heading Peters voice.
“Peter, they just won’t forget that your Spider-Man but they will also forget about you. You would be erased from everything.” Strange explains as he tries to close up the universes.
Peter is quiet before giving him a sad smile. “I know.” He knew the consequences and is willing to take the risk.
Strange returns a sad nod. “Best you go say goodbye.” Peter nods back and jumps off the statue to go meet up his friends and say his goodbyes.
Y/n bites his lip and decides to make his appearances to Strange. Stephen eyes him up and down. “Think you can do me a favor.” Y/n says softly.
The world returned back to normal but, Peter was still alone. After Strange had erased his existence he had tried to help his friends remember but instead decided not to in order to keep them safe from his hero life. He didn’t want to get them involved but maybe soon he’ll be able to see them again.
He remembers watching both Ned and MJ laughing at each other’s jokes as they spent time together, Peter can’t help but feel jealous and lonely. After losing everyone he was back to square one, figuring things out on his own.
It took peter some time to find a job, once he had enough money he finally purchased his own apartment. After that he went back to his old ways, being a hero of New York and keeping the streets safe. Peter was spending the winter alone, watching over his friends from a distance as they continued in with life.
He sighs deeply as he watched them before pushing himself off the ledge and walking towards the other side of the roof.
“Hey there Spidey.”
Peters head shot up and froze when his eyes landed on Y/n.
He stood a few feet away from him, he was wearing his own spider suit but had also made adjustments himself. Y/n placed his hand in his hip and gives Peter a small smile. “Sorry for taking long.”
Peter was still staring in shock, not believing his eyes. “I thought you went back home.” He croaks out, tears running down his face behind the mask.
Y/n sighs. “Before strange could send everyone home I asked him for a favor. Told him that I wanted to stay, that my own world didn’t need me and I had no one waiting for me. I—“ He shakes his head. “I saw myself in you and I couldn’t leave you alone, not when everyone forgot about you.”
Peter couldn’t say anything, after spending months alone he finally had someone who remembered him. Who knew who he was and stayed for him. Without thinking, Peter hugs him. He wraps his arms around him as he sobs into his shoulder.
Y/n returns the hug and buried his face into his neck, whispering soft words to him. “Your not alone anymore, I remember.” He gently pulls away and lifts up Peters mask, chuckling at Peters sobbing mess as he uses his gloves to clean his face.
“Come on, why don’t we catch up with some dinner?” Y/n offers, causing Peter to chuckle with a nod. “Sounds good.”
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bugflies00 · 2 years ago
obviously dsmp spoilers ahead
…holy fucking SHIT
like. okay so everything up until punz went about how i expected. the fight was honestly even more intense & dramatic than i thought it would be (oh my god both tubbo and tommys acting improved SO MUCH they did so fucking good), then i was kinda uneasy for a while after dream died because. well yknow its too good to be true. but i kinda let my guard down during the whole nation talk because i got overwhelmed with the cclingy emotion (also a little bit of ccrime because. nations) BUT THENNNN oh my god when punz was taking them down those stairs and the walls started changing to blackstone. OH OOOO I WANT TO RELIVE IT the dread and excitement and suspense. like somehow i didn’t see it coming (most people probably did idk in my defence its 1am) but i was still like. uneasy with it all especially punz being so calmly accepting so like. have that tension explode was so good.
AND EVERYTHING ELSE. i’ll say it i teared up at the sam nook scene. i also got Very Teared Up when cclingy were walking to the prison, yelling out the creeper song and laughing to try to spell away the sadness that came with letting sam nook go, to hype themselves up to head into what’s basically a death trap, and singing a fucking minecraft song like its just c!clingyduo down to the core and well it got to me. okay. and they kept repeating they’re not kids anymore they’re adults (tubbo’s “STOP BABYING ME” in the middle of the fight oooooooh we are gonna see that one resurface in analysis posts) but they are kids. they are kids but theyve changed so much since the first time they sang together walking along the path, since the first time they went to try and fight dream, since the first time they tried to start a nation. they’re still kids Ok maybe i cried a bit👍
ctommy saying “look how green these leaves are” i need several years to recover from this. the boy who used to sing to flowers who’s now free to love nature and take in the world around him without fear of it being ripped away. the fragile unsure hope in his voice, the disbelief, the overwhelming relief. and then it’s ripped away again. after all that, that hope still gets killed. kms as we speak
ALSO, BROTHER. DID CTUBBO SIGN AN NDA THAT FORBIDS HIM TO SPEAK THE NAMES OF HIS FAMILY MEMBERS OR…? like he just accepted csam’s candidacy for vice president HE KILLED YOUR HUSBAND AND KIDNAPPED YOUR SON…? and when talking about the revival book at no point does he bring up cranboo head in my hands. idk if this is all because of that elusive ccbeeduo mystery but if we get absolutely no mention of cbeeduo again i will kill someone
and LORD. THAT FINAL SCENE. oh my god they’re kids they’re KIDS this is what o meant they were so terrified ctubbo had TEARS IN HIS VOICE like i need that to sink in. not just ctommy who always gets like that in traumatic situations. CTUBBO had TEARS in his voice. and i really thought for a second idk they were gonna like repeat that scene where ctommy pushed ctubbo off or something as a way to? idk escape? well it crossed my mind. ALSO TOMMY’S A FUCKING SPIDERMAN NERD LIKE WE KNEW THIS BUT. NO WAY HOME???? REALLY????
anyway. see yall tomorrow at 6pm gmt i fuckin guess. 
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myimaginarywonderland · 3 years ago
Okay, I actually want to try to do this, so: I have seen New Way Home two times now.
I have formed my opinion. If you haven't seen it spoilers. This is me trying to explain why I think the movie does yet doesn't work. If you just want fun posts, please scroll past.
I think a main problem with me is (and I think others feel this too): I don't know Tom's spiderman. With Tobey's and Andrew's spiderman I got a glimpse into their life. I was introduced from the very beginning into their life by themselves. They told their stories. Tom's spiderman comes in as Tony Stark's soldier to fight his battle. I am introduced to him from a perspective that isn't his own. And it continues to be like that until he gets his first movie. And still, Tony Stark is in that. I still don't get to know Tom's Peter by seeing Tom's peter on his own. He is always a toll in someone else's story.
And that feels like that the first two spiderman movies. I have to be honest I barely remember anything. That shouldn't happen. And it happens because I am watching him from someone else's perspective the entire time. And it has worked before! The first time we got introduced to Bucky, it was only from Steve's point of view. But, here comes to major difference, that character was also shown from other perspectives after he was established from on. We saw how Tony hated him,how Sam misstrusted him. We never get this with Peter. Why? Because he is never developed until he gets his first movie. The entire time he is just referred to as a kid, the spider boy, nothing more. There's no one besides Tony who he ever has any close interactions to or whose point of view from him we ever see. And then Endgame/the first spiderman happens. And the first really doesn't do much in terms of story telling. I get to know he is a teenager, he has a crush on some girl and so on. I get to know details but I still don't get to know him. And in Endgame he once again is just a pawn. Also, he barely interacts with strange and I am supposed to believe this all powerful wizard who meet him once tells him the location of his super hideout and offers to fix his life at their second meeting? Before anyone brings up the second movie, that one is entirely about Tony Stark. From the villain to the grief there's still no Peter.
Now, obviously the best for me have to be Ramis because of the story telling but I hold Andrew's movies close to my heart. And there, boom: I get Peter's outsider view, I see his family etc. I see him but most importantly he tells his own story.
The reason why the third movie doesn't work is because Tom has never had to carry a movie with this character on his own and yet he becomes the focal point. And not just a focal point like Andrew/Tobey where but he becomes the vocal point, the reason for all the old character coming back. And it doesn't work.
Now there's other flaws but this is a main one for me that I have felt since the second movie which was just meh for me.
The other flaws.
Let's start with the other person who made this mess, strange. Once again, I feel like he wasn't ready to be the center of the movie. Dr. Strange has his own back story and while I can absolutely believe that he would keep his eyes on Tom!Peter in some way, it just seems so far stretched to have them make this close relationship suddenly when they have interacted maybe twice? Their just isn't enough build up for it. I also feel like this was one of the worst ways to create the multi verse problems for strange by trying to fix a teenager life who quiet honestly should not have had any nuclear weapons and is in well enough of a developed state to know not to use them unless he wants to draw a giant amount of attention on himself.
So really, what this Peter should have had to deal with and I say this as someone who adored the cameos as they were the only good thing, was having to own his actions. Because while he didn't kill Mysterio, he did use those. And he can't just play with deadly things like that without excepting consequences. And they still could have had DareDevil there! He still could have been a lawyer and they could have actually used him for more than one season had the whole legal case (which should not have been the public thing that it was) actually been more than a mere mention.
Coming to the legal case and now I say this as just me: If a random teenage boy and some 30ish dude destroyed the tower bridge with a video like that, I could not have believed the old dude less or cared less. It's a bridge. Fix it. Most importantly, did no one check that it was faked? Because I feel like with modern scans you could easily detect that. Why does everyone just choose to gang up on these 16 year old to hate him when by now, he surely had to have had a reputation. Do you all remember the Green Goblin bridge scene from spiderman 1 or the iconic train scene from spiderman 2? Maybe the people of New York don't love him that much yet but surely had to have been some who would have reacted similar to that.
Furthermore, why is Happy the person of Stark Industries? Why is it him and not Pepper in that legal scandal? Where is she? This is her husband whose entire company is getting sued world wide and she just takes care of her child? Sure and let's happy handle everything.
Now let's get to MJ who once again has zero background. With Tobey's MJ we saw her home life, we saw her Hope's for a future and her relationship and for Tom's Mj we know nothing that isn't outright stated in the movie. She has a bad relationship to her mom? Okay why? What does she like? Why does she want to get into MIT? The absolute best backstory for a character will always be Andrew's Gwen but even Tobey's Gwen we knew more about than Mj.
What about Ned? Why is he literally only there to be a best friend and comic relief? What's the deal with his living conditions? Why couldn't we have gotten to know more about that? What are his plans? Where does he want to go?
What about May? Since when does she work in a shelter? Why couldn't we have seen that? What has she been doing? Why is she letting her nephew run around with grown ass man to fight monsters? Everyone Aunt May was always so concerned about Peter but trusted him which just feels like blind trust for this one.
Why was Spiderman able to overpower Strange?
Why does Ned have to have magic?
How were the Peter's actually drawn in.
What are the timelines for the characters?
Why does Peter want to cure them? Why was that a plot? Why did they undermine the great villain that was Doc Ock? I always wanted a redemption but they reduced him to a joke. You know how scared the entire city was? You know what made him great?
He wasn't crazy. He was a genius. A genius with no care. He was dedicated and ruthless which was such a big contrast to the Goblin who was crazy and emotional, a creature craving chaos and seeking revenge. Doc Ock was never about revenge, he was about power. And while I get that maybe Alfred Molina didn't want to do fighting scenes to show that, he wouldn't have to since his great acting already did!
But no, we just cure him and make him into...
Yeah. Not even a helper. He got cured, dipped and came back last minute to be seen as a redeemed. Great. We love a developed redemption.
And the Green Goblin. The only villain used right and he stole the show. The moment Willem DaFoe was there, there was no one else even close to being interesting. And I know this is partly because he is a legendary actor but he also just had such a great character. In fact, he might be the only one to get even more fleshed out. But it just feels so flat when the spiderman here is so set on kindness. The entire second chances speech is a mess. Because in the essence spiderman isn't kind. I wouldn't say that. He saw his rage, we saw him ready to hurt and kill people as soon as his loved ones were in danger. No, what makes spiderman a great hero is that while he is not kind, he cares. He cares so much about people and doing what is right. Kindness isn't really a play here. And I think that is what also throws me off. With Tobey we see him doing what he can with his power because it's right to him. With Andrew we see him doing what he can because he cares about people. He cared about Max, Harry, even Dr. Connors. But why does Tom do what he does? I don't know because I have never seen it.
Tom's spiderman was already established but they tried to do it again and it felt horribly. Why?
Because he couldn't change. He couldn't change because the entire movie was just about this person who know doing what they do and not facing the consequences. Which is why I like the Lizzard so much. He was so underused. Both Peters know that you can't always save people. Sometimes people don't want to be saved. But Peter had never learnt this lesson and he still doesn't because he just keeps trying to cure them. And in the end, are there really consequences? Yes he loses May. But she doesn't really die because of his actions. She dies because that's what she wanted to do. She dies because she believed that everyone could be saved? And does Tom!Peter learn? Does he realize that sometimes people are too far gone? That sometimes you can only stop people from doing worse?
No because in the end he still wins. He still cures them and he still gets them saved at least as far as he knows. (Which is also stupid because we never learn what actually happens. Does curing them save them or should we trust Strange when he says that sometimes people just die?)
And then the end hits us. Peter fucked up, the multiverse is breaking and ...
And we reverse it. Now, before you say anything: This is a huge consequence to his action, absolutely. But it also erases any progress he might have made. Why? Because he just gets forgotten. No one remembers. And that's not the point!
Because in Spiderman 1 and 3 we saw Tobey try that. We saw him trying to reverse the bad by killing a killer. And we saw how it did nothing.
And we should! Because something doesn't magically get fixed by something worse happening or someone trying to reverse it. But obviously it does because now we forget Peter and everything is fine, everyone is happy and we are back to what? Square one?
Was there ever a square one?
No because we never got to see his origin. And we didn't have to! But we also never got to see him live his life as spiderman while it wasn't for someone else.
And the rewinding feels a bit like just erasing the responsibility? Because while it doesn't change what happened, it once again takes away all blame from him at least to us as a viewer. There's guilt but that is bound to happen.
Remember The Amazing Spiderman 1? When Gwen lost her dad? And nothing was rewinded? And we saw the responsibility of what it means to be spiderman. Because not only was he not coming back, he was also lost from a family and he had asked a promise of Andrew. He had asked him. And the responsibility, the consequences were clear in so many ways. The police where missing their leader, kids where missing their father etc.
But with Peter erased? That burden is not shared. The guilt is just gone at least if we ignore it expect for him.
And also some other things:
Why get 5 great villains and not use them expect 2 one liners?
Why bring the spiderman back to have them fight Tom's fight? Another huge thing I had am tissue with. Because that's what it comes down to. While he might have had Gwen or Harry once, it was always Spiderman, Peter's job to fix those things alone.
And here he just gets two baby sitters?
Two people who clean up his mess?
Why did they not led up to Ned potentially fighting alongside Peter like Harry did? Or supporting him from the sidelines like Gwen? If MJ and Ned are so smart, how come they could not just have been developed more? We could have actually seen a team working with spiderman, something was have not seen before (at least not in the sort of Marvel irl spiderman.)
And now to my last point which was a problem I already had in Endgame and Infinity war: There were too many characters. There were too many storylines they tried to explain and couldn't because the movie did not just have the space. And to be honest, not wanting to talk down Tom at all because I think especially during the end of the movie he did amazing, if you have such a great actors as Wilem DaFoe and Andrew Garfield plus a beloved character like Tobey's spiderman return, you are just making sure no one actually cares about the main character since they all steal the show. They are one of the sole reasons why the movie did as amazing as it did. (And of course we can't forget Alfred Molina, Jamie Foxx or any of the other OGs returning.) They made the movie and that should not be the case when none of them were ever even supposed to be the main character. (Or the main villain in most cases.)
This movie just felt like it was coming from 5 different directions, wanted to go everywhere and see all, get everything and instead turned around half way and left.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years ago
Okay. Im back with more No Way Home thoughts so BIG SPOILERS!!
It's such a love letter to Spiderman. Just every second of it is just being in love with Spiderman.
So so glad everyone was right about Matt Murdock that was everything. And it made it feel so much more authenticity Marvel than any other film I can think of. One of the staples of Marvel comics has always been characters randomly bumping into each other or dropping in to be like "hey, you got this bud? Okay, see you at game night!" Without actually offering any real help. I need more of it. More random heroes please.
They really had Norman say "I'm something of a scientist myself" and I was the only clown in the theater to laugh.
Peter was not afraid to acknowledge Oc's tentacles and yes I did notice how his eyes lingered...
I love how you could tell immediately that it wasnt Tom standing in that portal, but I didn't want to hope, i wasn't ready yet for the heart break, and then he came through and he was so tall and I just knew. I have never felt such joy.
The way Stephen teared up as Peter asked him to make everyone forget him, holy shit. I feel like we all willed Stephen into loving Peter the way Tony did and someone actually listened for once.
Also, why did no one say the words I love you? Like only MJ said it and thats weird to me. Is my family the weird ones? It was bugging me.
Also, they really put so much emphasis on calling her MJ. I dont think anyone called her Michelle even once. Maybe they were just afraid to call her MJ before because of the backlash idk
Watching Tom Holland cry will never not make me cry, he makes everything look like agony and my heart cant take it.
Also, can we talk about Green Goblin? When I was a kid I didn't know about misogyny as a concept so it went right over my head, but that's his whole thing. Goblin hates women. He hates femininity. Anything perceptivly feminine, like compassion and kindness, sets him off. I think we all knew Goblin wasn't going to let Peter cure Norman, but I really didnt put together what his whole shtick was until then. Norman is soft and loving. He's a man who isn't afraid to ask for help, who loves his son deeply. And Goblin is the opposite. And that's why Goblin is the most terrifying Spiderman villain.
Tobeys Spiderman felt a little more Spiderman than ever before, like was it just me or was he different? Not sure but I liked it.
I live for younger characters being the utmost respectful to little only ladies. The whole scene with Ned's Lola gives me life. It is my reason to live.
MJ: Crawl
Andrew: 🤨
Ned's Lola: Crawl
Andrew: Yes, ma'am I will do it for you, no need to ask twice, I got it Lola
The trope of killing a superheroes loved one so that they go all dark and have to face their inner demons is one we can do without. Comicbook spiderman once went on a darkside rampage because a villain killed like 30 people. It didn't have to be May. Goblin could have blown up his highschool or killed three random people and it would have been in character for Peter to go ballistic.
Big appreciation for sane Doc Oc. The man is a genius and he loved Peter so much and I'm glad he was there to save the day.
Also, Elektro's costume. Chef's kiss.
But I feel like Sandman had no real motive to do bad guy stuff. He was all, my daughter my daughter, and then suddenly he doesn't care. Sure.
Criticism aside, 10/10 film. I am obsessed. I will probably see it again before it leaves theaters.
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yuttikkele · 3 years ago
Here’s some of my thoughts about the movie:
First of all, I LOVED IT!!! If you’re scared of watching it because you’re not sure if it’ll do justice, just know that IT WAS AMAZING!!!
Ok now definitely spoilers.
Honestly this might’ve been all in my head, but I kinda felt like Andrew’s Peter was treated like the lesser Spiderman? Maybe that was just him being unsure of himself and still recovering from Gwen. He was still super cool though.
I feel like Tom’s Peter REALLY needed this movie. A lot of the criticism about Tom’s Peter is that he was best friends with a billionaire, so he got an easy start. In this movie, he loses his aunt, he’s mentored by himselves that have been through the same thing as him, he battled classic Spiderman villains that end up helping the other two Spidermen learn, but the thing that I feel shows his growth the MOST is at the end of the movie when you can see a sewing machine that shows that Peter made his own suit from hand. That was something a lot of people said made a Spiderman, and now Tom’s Peter has done it. He’s living on his own and he has no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE to be with him through it. So, Tom Peter haters, what do you have to say now?
I wonder how in the future Tobey’s and Andrew’s worlds have gotten. Both Peters have shown growth, but since Tom mentioned that technology there is more improved, I wouldn’t think that they would be past 2020.
This could also be because Stark wasn’t a thing in the other universes, which leads me to my next point.
Stark Industries and the Avengers don’t exist in the other Spidermen’s universes, and Oscorp doesn’t exist in Tom’s universe.
Which begs the question that we’ve never asked because we thought it was unnecessary: how did Tom Peter get his spider powers? Was it like Miles Morales in the spiderverse movie? A spider from another dimension? First of all, I sure HOPE not. I’d hope it’s something more creative. If Oscorp doesn’t exist, WHERE WOULD THE SPIDER COME FROM??? I don’t think Stark Industries delves into biotechnology, though idk.
Another thing, Uncle Ben is never really mentioned, so we just assumed he died and gave Peter the message like all the other spidermen. But that was Aunt May, in the third movie no less which is very interesting. So that begs another question, did Uncle Ben die or did he and Aunt May just get divorced? Or did Aunt May ever get married at all? (There might be signs to this in the first movie idk I can’t remember rn)
I wish Doc Ock got more character participation. He does a little, but not as much as I wished from his character.
I guess out of all the versions of Norman Osborn, Tobey Maguire Norman Osborn probably had the best intentions and best heart. HOWEVER, most versions of Norman Osborn are really cruel men. He’s a businessman after all. And I dislike him very very much. Even without the serum, Norman was never a good father and did sketchy things all the time.
I didn’t like how Norman didn’t say anything at the end of the movie when he was cured. We don’t know what exactly is going on in his head and it’s kinda just like??? You ok bud???
Poor Tobey Peter too, just, yknow, casually stabbed. Going back home casually stabbed.
Also Tom Peter didn’t tell the other Peters that people in their universe were gonna forget about them too? Like what about MJ in the other universe?
Also I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the scene where Ned was like, “I won’t betray you and try to kill you,” and what made it funnier was Tobey and Andrew just like, “MAN LEMME GIVE YOU A FOST BUMP, A HANDSHAKE, A HUG, SOMETHING, CAUSE YOU THE BOMB MAN.”
My favorite scene was Andrew saving MJ though. BEST SCENE HANDS DOWN. I don’t feel like I even have to explain in words how many strong emotions this gives off. It was PERFECT AND WELL DESERVED.
I was smiling like a goof the whole movie I loved it so much.
I can’t even use the nostalgia thing for my explanation. I’ve only been loving spiderman since like 2019, and I didn’t watch the live action movies until 2020.
I still loved it so much. It was the best birthday present I could’ve asked for.
I think my favorite character was Andrew’s Peter. Idk, I never really had a favorite spiderman out of the three, but in this movie, Andrew’s really stuck out to me.
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lettingtimepass · 3 years ago
Spider-Man: No Way Home thoughts and feelings under the cut!
Okay so I just got back from my second viewing and have had time to digest. I went on the opening Thursday night so I couldn’t say anything!!! 
First of all. My immediate thought at the Three Peter interactions were: Elder Millennial, Millennial, and Zillennial Solidarity!!!!! Tobey!Peter with the bad back. Andrew!Peter being bitter towards the world and vaguely unhinged, and Tom!Peter just trying his best!!!! 
Okay, for my first viewing on opening night, our crowd was ROWDY in the best way. I’m talking when the trailers were playing when there’s that 2 second pause and another would play they would boo and yell 😂 When Uncharted played they were like “WRONG MOVIE PETER!” 😂 So we were off to a great start. Then when Matt came on screen all hell broke loose. I was genuinely shocked and so happy!!!!! Like I’m so happy for Charlie!!! And so sad that this whole time he was like “Idk if or when I’m gonna come back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” And we also got the Kingpin reveal the day before so I was soooooo hyped. I really hope they get brought back into the fold more soon. Then everyone cheered for each of the villains getting revealed, it was SO FUN! And then when that portal opened.... OH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING!!! IT’S FUCKING HAPPENING!!!! 
I was NOT expecting May to die but it made a lot of sense because Tom had said this movie was really sad and emotional 😢 But May being HIS BEN ughhhhhh 😭 Which brings me to... Does Ben exist in the MCU? I always assumed Ben was killed in the same manor that we know pre-Civil War, and of course was one of the reasons why Peter goes out to try to be Spiderman. In Civil War when Tony is recruiting him Peter says something to the effect of “When you can do what I can do, and bad things happen, they happen because of you.” I always assumed he was talking about Ben but maybe not? Either way May delivering the line was incredible and heartbreaking. 
Everyone forgetting about Peter was a questionable plot device, but I’ll accept it. At the end of the movie when Peter goes to see MJ, it looks like she’s still wearing the broken Black Dahlia necklace, so I still have hope that they’ll be reunited! But oh the moment when Peter realizes no, I can’t put her in danger - heartbreaking. 
And finally the end where Peter makes his own suit. It’s funny, rewatching the previous movies in prep for this, I found it funny that the other Spiderman suits don’t really serve a purpose besides hiding his identity. We don’t see Tobey!Peter making his suit, but we see him sketching it while he’s coming up with his Human Spider/Spider Man identity. In TASM, we see Peter building his web shooters and suit from spandex because it’s the most aerodynamic, but neither of these suits actually serve as protection. This is in stark (pun not intended) contrast to MCU Peter’s suits, which of course he got from Tony. But as we saw in Far From Home, have a connection to Stark isn’t always a good thing. I wonder if Tom!Peter saw the other Peter’s homemade suits and was inspired. That, coupled with the trouble with Mysterio and the Damage Control, Peter realizes he doesn’t want to be the next Iron Man, he wants to be the next Spider Man. And that’s what we do. 
Also.... You’re telling me Tony really didn’t leave any money for Peter?? I mean I guess he left him the suits and the fabricator which are great but what, he couldn’t at least have covered his tuition??? I feel like Pepper is definitely holding out on him 🙄 And, who do we think is running Stark Industries now a days? I feel like Pepper would have retired, but idk who else Tony would have trusted to run it? Maybe we’ll find out in the future?
Other random thoughts!!! 
People are saying they think Ned is going to go evil/become the Hob Goblin and NO!!! I REFUSE!!! 
I also saw someone theorize that Peter will meet Harry Osborn when he goes to college, but Norman straight up says Oscorp doesn’t exist in this world so how would Harry and Norman exist?? 
And them getting really meta when Andrew was like wow, I’m lame compared to you guys. And Tobey being like no, you’re AMAZING! Because everyone knows Andrew was the least-beloved Spiderman. Not that doesn’t change the fact that his fans love him, that he still belongs, that he’s apart of this legacy. Gah.
People petitioning for an Amazing Spiderman 3 like ehhhhh we should have gotten it years ago not now!!! Plus Peter said he was really bitter and basically implied that he’s been taking his anger out on the bad guys (ie killing them???) so that would be super interesting if they wanted to explore that. 
Electro being like “I thought you’d be black” hahaha 
My head canon is that Tobey!Peter is married to MJ and they have a kid together 🥺 Like he had big dad energy and was clearly out of practice Spidermanning and it was so endearing! Also the Youth Paster energy hahaha. 
Anyway I’m sure there’s more but I’ll end it here for now. Overall I really loved it and am so happy I got see it in theaters!! 
Also on the second viewing I noticed the end song - Three is Magic Number - Three because three Spidermen but also the movie is Spiderman 3!! Just a cool double meaning 🙂
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years ago
Movies With Trish: Spiderman No Way Home
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I finally watched Spiderman: No Way Home, and I loved it so much!! I just wanted to share my thoughts on the movie and the things I liked the most and everything.
Spoilers under the cut, just in case someone hasn’t seen it yet!! Also, long rant because I have so much to say and fangirl about this movie.
As careful as I was, I had spoiled myself a lot of things about the movie: that aunt May died, that Tobey and Andrew were on the movie... and of course, I had seen the trailers and knew that Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe were reprising their roles as Doc Oc and Norman Osborn. Still, even if I knew about many of the surprises, the movie still made me super excited.
I really enjoyed the beginning where Tom!Peter is trying to come to terms with the fact that his identity has been revealed, trying to live a normal life and realizing how much his secret affected his loved ones.
But then, when the spell was cast and the villains were starting to arrive, it was so fun! I was already enjoying the movie, but it only became cooler! Otto Octavius is probably my favorite Spiderman villain, especially in live action, so I was so happy to see him. I also really liked the explanation they give as to why those villains made it to Tom!Peter’s universe.
Tom!Peter’s arc is so so good in this movie too! First, he shows empathy and compassion when he tries his hardest to save the villains once he knows they would die if they returned to their universes. It’s the essence of Spiderman that he always tries to save everyone, he always believes in people, even if they’re his ‘enemies’, even if they’re trying to kill him. That’s who he is.
While he’s trying to cure them (also love that they show his smart and science loving side), it’s also so well done, how all the characters interact with each other and the interesting conversations they have. I felt that Sandman was maybe a little bit off character (maybe that’s just me?) but overall it was great to see. And I adored Otto being his own kind, intelligent self once the robotic arms didn’t have a hold on him anymore. And his interactions with Norman and everything.
And then... Norman of course goes full Green Goblin and kills aunt May. Damn, I knew it was coming and it broke my heart nonetheless. The fact that she’s dying and she’s still asking Peter if he’s okay, insisting that she’s fine. Peter begging her to look at him and say something? Him not wanting to leave her and getting shot and ugh! It also starts his change to defeat and apathy and it’s so well done.
But then the most exciting thing in the movie happens, just in time to give some relief to the emotion from May’s death. Andrew and Tobey!! Their arrival was absolutely perfect, and their characterization was flawless! 100% Peter Parker in their own way.
I used to think that Andrew Garfield wasn’t especially memorable as Peter / Spiderman, but this movie made me realize that the problem I had was with the writing from The Amazing Spiderman, because Andrew is perfect! He was definitely one of my favorite things about the entire movie, I love him so much.
Every single moment that Andrew and Tobey were on screen, especially interacting with Tom, was beyond perfect. The fact that they’re like siblings, supporting and understanding each other, their cute little dialogues, the fact that they’re so similar even if each one has their own thing. Amazing, Spectacular!
And I gotta say, that moment where Andrew!Peter saves MJ? That made me tear up, because he was so happy that he could at least save Tom!Peter’s Gwen, that he could forgive himself just a little bit for saving the girl that time, and Andrew’s acting? My heart! Probably my favorite scene from the movie.
The side characters were pretty good too, even if I do wish they gave Ned a little more to do. I was seriously worried that he would become Hobgoblin because he was starting to be a bit distanced from the others and kind of felt like a third wheel. Who knows, maybe he will eventually become Hobgoblin.
But Michelle and Doctor Strange, as well as Happy and May, were great. They supported Peter and played really well off him as usual.
Now, I knew part of the ending, but the fact that Peter told Strange to cast the spell even if everyone would forgot about him... that was so good even if utterly heartbreaking. But it finally shows Peter growing up, depending only on himself like Spiderman usually is, and starting over with all those lessons learned. It was the ultimate sacrifice, and it was perfectly in tune with Peter Parker’s characterization, because he’s selfless and only wants to do the right thing, and it’s great that Tom!Peter is finally at that point where he’s now an adult instead of just a kid like Strange told him.
I just... this movie was so so good, I know I’m gonna be rewatching it so many times because it’s so fun, so heartfelt, so genuine, so lighthearted and heartbreaking at the same time! I loved it ♥️💙
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nyxetoile · 3 years ago
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My Top Posts in 2021
Mom’s nuanced reaction/review of Captain America: Civil War
“Did they get an actor that looked like young Robert Downey Jr or was that effects?”
“Can you imagine being on your commute and seeing Captain America running past you?”
“Winter Soldier is much cuter than Captain America.”
“Black Panther is cuter than both of them.”
“That motorcycle thing? When he grabbed it and flipped? That was nice.”
“Is Spiderman Marvel? I thought he was something else.”
“I didn’t know Ant Man could do that! I guess he is relevant.”
“It was good. I liked the Star Wars and Manchurian candidate lines.”
25 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 23:29:56 GMT
Y’all ready for Mom’s in depth Infinity War review?
“It’s all action and no plot.”
“I’m not done yet, I fell asleep and had to rewind.”
“Why did Josh Brolin even do this movie? Money, I guess.”
“Is this the one you had to wait a year to see what happened?”
“I was promised Idris Elba and I barely saw him!” (Gotta watch Ragnarok for prime MCU Idris, Mom.)
“All in all, I don't think I liked it.”
Edited to add, since I forgot: “Well, that’s most of my day I’m not getting back.”
29 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 00:00:04 GMT
More spoilery Black Widow review
Told in bullet points, train of thought style
There were 7 previews and 2 different commercials reminding us that theaters were open again and this was how movies were made to be seen. A) We’re already in the theater Cinemark, chill and B) When I watch movies at home they start with I hit the godsdamned play button.
Flashback to 90s Ohio with adorable spy children. All my head canons of Nat knowing random 90s trivia is now valid.
Excellent use of American Pie.
The opening credits are more harrowing than any Marvel movie so far.
General Ross will never not be an idiot.
Hello attractive British fixer guy. I suspect you to be evil but you are not and that is a relief.
“People with friends don’t call me.” Dude all her friends are in prison, way to rub it in.
No, Nat! Don’t just put the McGuffin in your back seat!
Taskmasker is a Taskmistress, calling it now.
SHOOT HER LEGS NAT. Her shield is the size of a dinner plate. Don’t you meme?
I feel like the fact the gas is glowing is, like, a health hazard warning? Is there radium in it?
Nat and Yelena have an all out brawl when they reunite, which, based on sisters I know, seems accurate.
So Budapest is code for “that time we blew up a building in an attempt to kill my old boss and had to lie low for 10 days” I’m with Clint, here, that doesn’t resemble the Battle of New York at all.
Maybe plan an escape that is less likely to cause bodily harm.
Taskmaster shoots an arrow to remind us she can copy ALL The Avengers, even the ones without solo movies.
I REALLY don’t think either of you survived that car crash. Especially considering it’s Nat’s second major crash in two days.
So Clint DOES like hanging out in vents? That’s amazing. Which writer’s been hanging out on Tumblr?
So THAT’S where they took Sherif Hopper.
This is the most badass yet stupid prison break in cinema history.
“This is an awesome way to die.” I love Yelena, she’s my new favorite.
Don’t make period jokes to Black Widows, apparently.
“I was about to talk about Fallopian tubes.” I AM ADOPTING YELENA.
Alexei trying to give the girls a fatherly pep talk. Insert Will Smith “He’s got the spirit” gif.
Please let the pig breathe morally grey Rachel Weisz!
That being said, heavy Amanda vibes from Melina. They’ll get along.
“Pain makes you strong.” I feel like that’s supposed to feel like and inappropriate thing to tell a kid but that’s like, one of my family mottos.
Keep trying Alexei, you’ll get one of these right.
My biggest beef with this film is “No one has noticed a floating fortress over Russia only 4 years after aliens invaded New York.”
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33 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 05:48:28 GMT
I turned 40 yesterday. According to the Young People™ on Tumblr, I am well past my expiration date and should sit quietly in a hole somewhere doing taxes and emotionally abusing my children.
Instead I’m going to play Sims and write some Captain America porn. Maybe listen to some Jimmy Buffet.
Age is just a number, kids. It will take years, if not decades to figure out who you are and what you’re good at and what brings you joy. Don’t stop your interests just as you find them. Life is a banquet and most people are starving to death.
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35 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 20:03:58 GMT
It’s been a few days so can we all appreciate that Vision beat his evil clone not with force but with a philosophical thought experiment? Like we still got the over the top shiny lights battle with Wanda and Agatha, but even THAT was won with Wanda out smarting her. WandaVision said brains over brawn and I’m living it.
98 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 21:42:25 GMT
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katoodlez · 4 years ago
i tried to be productive this morning but i dont think my brain will let me until i do this, so sam and bucky show episode 4 letS GO
i would like to preface this post by saying that I literally got spoilers (before i watched the episode) from liTERALLY EVERYTHING from youtube to gOOGLE CHROME when i was trying to read the nEWS so in order to avoid spoiling it for anyone that hasnt seen it, STOP READING because this episode is inSANE and you don’t want it ruined for you.
Okay with that being said, let’s get started.
1. the first scene in wakanda absolutely deSTROYED ME. ayo helping bucky clear the winter soldier programming from his mind and then the silent shift of emotions on his face as the flashbacks happened and then when he realized he was free was just-- KDSFKSD the aCTING WAS SO GOOD thank you mr sebastian stan
2. bucky telling ayo that Zemo was a means to an end, especially in Wakandan, gave me chills bc it’s a direct parallel of Zemo telling Bucky that he was a means to an end. this show is just so carefully crafted omg
3. karli morgenthau got so much more screentime and development in this episode and i am hERE FOR IT. it’s really intriguing to get a deeper look into the Flag Smasher’s motivations and see a more personal side of their cause as well, especially in the memorial scene.
4. can we just take a moment. we need to take a moment. to just appreciate sam. hIS DIALOGUE IN THIS EPISODE. actually, in the whole show, but eSPECially in this episode just absolutely POPPED OFF. after this episode, I’m fully convinced that sam is 100% without a doubt the best character in this show. whoever wrote his lines is a genius. i love the scene where he talks to Karli, and I hope that they can have another chance to talk without *couGH* jOhn waLKER *coUGH* butting his head in because that conversation was just amazing. i loved how they discussed things they had in common, and a mutual understanding and how sam said “i agree with your fight, but not the way you’re fighting it.” this line was so good. and literally every other part of that conversation. the entire plot would have fallen to shambles by now if it wasn’t for sam so let’s give this man a round of applause please.
5. while we’re talking about sam, I might as well mention that i was very happy to see him in the falcon suit/wings again. he didn’t fly in episode 3 and i missed the action scenes with the wings. i think I gotta give Sam the most creativity points for the fight scenes in this show because he can fight both in the air and on the ground with a set of wings and weaponize them either way and that’s really cool
6. the dora milaje. I LOVE THEM. omg. i was so happy to see Ayo at the end of episode 3 and they just aSSERTED DOMINANCE in this episode and i loved it. their fighting style and weapons and clothing/armor design is just so elegant and mesmerizing to watch. “the dora milaje have jurisdiction wherever the dora milaje find themselves to be” omg. they took no crap from john walker and it was sO SATISFYING
7. on that note, watching walker get his butt kicked by the Dora Milaje while sam, bucky, and zemo just stood there was hilarious and probably one of my favorite scenes in this entire show so far.
8. WHEN AYO DISARMED BUCKY’s VIBRANIUM ARM. OMG. bucky was *surprised pikachu face* and so was I. I really, really hope they run into the wakandans again because there’s definitely a broken trust between them and i want that relationship to be more fully fleshed out and brought to closure too
9. there’s no way i’m making this list without talking about zemo singing to the kids and giving them candy at the beginning of the episode. that kinda gave me “creepy guy who kidnaps kids at the park” kinda vibes but it was also hilarious since Zemo was the only one making any progress on getting info in that scene xd
10. zemo getting away had the same energy as Loki yeeting with the tessaract in Endgame lmao
11. BUCKY WITH A KNIFE. when he caught the knife askdjfk i’ve been waiting for a bucky knife fight this enTIRE SHOW and i finally got it and me very happy  : >>>> (i’m determined to learn how he does the flippy trick w the pocketknife in Winter Soldier)
12. when Karli called Sarah Wilson i got chills. first of all sarah is an absolute fearless qUEEN but also the fact that Karli threatened Sam’s nephews akdfjaksdj pls dont hurt them Marvel
13. the parallel discussions between Zemo and Sam, Lemar and Walker about taking the super soldier serum were really neat. they both hark back to the conversation between Steve Rogers and Dr. Erskine in First Avenger, and i think that was the key turning point in revealing/completely clarifying both Sam and Walker’s true colors, which will now directly contradict each other for the rest of the show. 
14. people say that sam is the character who always tries to reason things out until he has absolutely no options left. i think that really shows through in this episode, and it’s also a good reference point/marker of the other characters’ development. Sam’s determination to talk things through with Karli actually brought them closer together (until sOMEONE decided to intervene coUGH) but his equal determination to keep peace/negotiate with Walker only drove them further apart, which makes me feel that even though karli and the flag smashers are the “villains” in this story, they are definitely not the antagonists (that would be walker, who’s directly trying to work against Sam and Bucky, the protagonists)
15. bucky’s “i know crazy when i see it cuz i am crazy” sent me LOL
16. when lemar died i think everyone just went 0 _ 0. i don’t think Karli intended to kill him when she kicked him into that wall, judging by the way they all ran off after they realized he was dead. tbh i’ve been netural towards lemar this entire time, tho i do appreciate his more pacifist attitude to walker’s explosive impulsiveness. he’s sort of like sam to bucky. but his death really felt like an accidental cross-fire casualty that cause walker to reach his breaking point
17. and lastly the scene with the bloody shield. 0 _ 0. the whole world was watching indeed
alright that’s it for this week. i can’t believe there’s only two episodes left 0 _ 0. to be honest, from our current point of view as fans i feel like this show needs another season, maybe 2. the reason being, I can’t really see a space that Sam and Bucky would fit into in the future of the MCU. Sam, maybe, if he resolves the deal with the Captain America mantle at the end of this show, but I feel like Bucky’s end goal is just to like, retire lmao. but also, the future of the MCU is gonna be really focused on like the more magicky characters like Wanda, Loki and Doctor Strange, and ofc Spiderman, Thor/Guardians and Captain Marvel, and then ppl are saying something abt the young avengers or something. But yeah, as near as i can figure this show seems like it should bring closure for Bucky at least, except i have no clue how they’re going to wrap all this stuff up in 2 episodes. in addition to the mess with Zemo and Walker and Sharon’s whole deal in Madripoor, I hope they also get back to America to bring their issues there full circle, like Bucky’s issue with Nakajima, Sam’s family and their home, and Isaiah Bradley. guess we’ll see, can’t wait for next week already ahhhh
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writing-appreciation · 6 years ago
Broken Boy
SYNOPSIS: After losing your father, you don't go to school for two weeks. One night Ned begs you to come back because apparently Peter is in pretty bad shape. Nothing could've prepared you for when you saw him. One day it all just snaps.
WARNINGS: ☡ ENDGAME SPOILERS ☡ Panic Attacks ☡ Night Terrors ☡ a poor attempt at angst ☡ Stream of conscious writing ☡
PARING: Stark! Reader X Peter Parker
GIF NOT MINE: @tommybabyholland
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"Ned, what are you doing here. It's 2:56 in the morning." I grumbled as I answered the boy's frantic knocks. "I'm worried about Peter." I said as he quickly entered my house and sat on a couch. "Why? What's going in with him?" I asked, now slightly worried myself. "I don't know, but he's just different." He replied. 
"Ned, my dad died 2 weeks ago. Peter's definitely still gonna be feeling som…" "No, you don't get it because you're not seeing him. Something is wrong." Ned interrupted quickly. "Ned, that was his choice. He said he didn't want to see me." I stayed calmly. "Please, just come to school tomorrow and you'll see." I debated it. I hadn't really spoken to Peter since dad's funeral. According to him, I reminded him too much of my dad and he just couldn't deal with that right now. Originally, I was going to ignore his request. I knew we could've helped one another through the grieving process; but ultimately I decided to give him some time. I was able to mourn with Pepper and Morgan, but now that I'm thinking about it: Peter didn't really have anybody to share his grief with. Besides me, who did he have? May and Ned could've sympathized with him, but I could empathize with him in a way they just couldn't. Maybe, I shouldn't have listened to him. "Fine." I said while crossing my arms. My thoughts made me worry about him. The state Ned was in didn't do much to ease that worry. "Oh, thank you." He let out a heavy sigh and quickly hugged me. "Now get out of here before Pepper calls the cops." I gently nudged him out the front door.
--The next Day--
I anxiously fiddled with my outfit. I haven't physically been to school in three weeks. It was scary. The staff knew why I was gone, but only select students knew I was a Stark. To the rest, it probably just looked like I was using the snap as an excuse to not return to school. "You sure you wanna do this?" Happy asked from the front seat. "No." I answered truthfully. "But I gotta start somewhere." He sent me a small smile through the rear view mirror. As he pulled up in front of the school, I suddenly got overrun with anxiety. Happy caught on when it took me more than 30 seconds to open the door. He continued and parked in a staff parking spot. I saw him open his door and step out. I took a deep breath before he opened mine. "Scooch." He said and made a motion with his hand. I did. "(Y/n). I'm getting flashbacks to your first day of school." I faintly smiled. That was certainly an interesting day. I refused to get out of the car then too. "Listen, I know you're scared of people seeing you again, but it'll all be okay." He smiled. I couldn't help but hug him. Happy's always been there. When dad wasn't available, I had assurance that Happy would be with me to be the fatherly figure I needed. Even now, he's been 100% dedicated to us. "If you don't want to go, then I will gladly turn this car around and drive you straight back home." He said, still hugging me. I looked out the window for a second. I saw a boy that I thought looked like Peter. Expect he was skinnier. His hair was messier. His eyes looked dull and bags were piled under them. It didn't hit me until I reflected on what Ned told me last night: That was Peter Parker. "No, Hap. Thanks for the offer though." I ended our hug. He slid out of the car and held the door open for me. As I exited, I continued to look in Peter's direction. Happy followed my eyes and also looked in disbelief. "He's not going too great." Happy said while handing me my backpack. "I see that." I breathed out. Suddenly he took off. He sped walked in a completely different direction. My assumption was to class. "Alright, all set?" He asked. "Yeah, see you at 2." I said and began walking towards the school. I looked back briefly. I saw him still standing there. He gave me an embarrassingly goofy wave. I laughed and continued on.
I walked in with Peter on my mind. It helped ease the looks I was getting. I received quite a few greetings in the halls. Most from students I never even noticed until now. Strange. I walked down the hall where my locker used to be. I only assume our lockers were the same. "(Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice call to me. I turned around and was instantly 10 times happier when I saw MJ. "Michelle!" I greeted her with a simple wave. I still remembered that she didn't like touching people. "Hey, so a lot had happened since the last time you were here." She said quickly. "Well, hello to you too." I joked, "Our lockers are still the same or not?" "Yeah, but that's not the point." "Well, walk and talk then." I said as I continued for my locker. It looked like there were papers tapped to it. As I got closer I noticed some were pictures of dad. "MJ, what the hell is this?" I asked when we were standing at my locker. "There's more inside." She replied quietly. I did the combination and watched as dozens of cards, letters, and photos, slid out of my locker. I wanted to cry then. "How did they find out?" I asked MJ, panic now growing by the minute. I could feel the students in the hall watching me. No doubt some were recording me. "Students, carry on!" I heard another familiar voice. It was Dr. Kemp. Our principal. Suddenly the hallway was empty, save for MJ, myself, and two teachers. "Welcome back Miss. Stark." Dr. Kemp smiled kindly. "(L/n)." I corrected bitterly. "You two better get to class. We wouldn't want you to be late." His condescending voice echoed the hall. As he clicked away, I stared at the mess of papers piled around my feet. "(Y/n), I don't have a first, you can put this stuff in here and I'll write you an excuse for being late." "Thanks Mrs. Amber." I replied smally and began to pick up some of  the papers. There were too many to pick up all at once. "Do you need help?" MJ asked. "Nah, it's fine. I'll see you in 2nd." I blankly said. She hesitantly left for class. I sighed and walked them to Mrs. Amber's class. "Here, just put them in your lab drawer. You can pick them up at the end of the day." I thanked her and dumped the stuff in the drawer. I went back out to the hall. Somehow there appeared to be more items. This was going to take a while.
-----Peter's POV----- I quickly walked into class before the first bell rung. It helped to be early. It helped the noises settle in more rather than just walking into a loud room. I saw Ned was already sat in his seat next to me. "Dude, did you hear, (Y/n)'s back?" He asked excitedly. I blanked. She was back? Great. She was going to hate me. "Peter, Hello?" Ned waved his hand in front of me. I couldn't help it. I quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it away. I didn't really even process what I did until I heard Ned's little yelp of pain. "Oh my God. I am so sorry, Ned." I said, immediately releasing my grip. "No, Peter it's fine. Just chill, we're in class. You can't be Spiderman here." He whispered to me. I took his words seriously. There was absolutely no reason for me to be Spiderman at school. Not one. We were safe here. But weren't safe when half the school was snapped out of existence. Were we ever really safe? Anybody could just walk in here and kill students. I had to be ready at a moments notice to be Spiderman. I wasn't going to fail again. The first bell ringing made me flinch. I prepared myself to hear everybody walking into class. 
'Loud. Loud. Some gossip about (Y/n). Squeaky shoes. Opening a locker, slamming another. Ned's breathing. The heartbeat of a kid who just ran into class. Pencils falling to the ground It was all so loud. Too loud. '
It was hard to focus in lessons because of the noise. Today wasn't any different. 30 minutes of class went by and I didn't see (Y/n), but knew she was here from the conversations I was over hearing. She apparently had opened her locker and the cards fell out of her locker. According to some girl in the class next to us, the stuff was everywhere. I felt responsible for it. It was my fault everybody knew about (Y/n). It's only a matter of time before she found that out and ended our friendship. I felt it. With five minutes of the period left, Mr. Kerzic allowed us to pack up. It was fine until the hairs on my arms stood up. Something was about to happen. Suddenly a soft knock on the classroom door caused everybody's attention to move. I could hear her holding her breathing and smell her light perfume from here. There was no doubt it was her, but I needed confirmation. When Mr. Kerzic opened the door he smiled and said, "Welcome back." He stepped aside and let her in. (Y/n). Just how deadly silent the room fell was overwhelming to me. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. She avoidied all eye contact as she made her way to her old seat. She sat on the other side of Ned. She silently sat and pulled out her phone. The air began to taste salty. Tears. She had likely been crying. I began fidgeting with my fingers in an attempt to distract myself from the noises. "Peter." I heard her voice as if she said it right next to me. I turned to the left to see her. Her face instantly fell when she saw me. When the bell rung I debated between talking to her and running to class. Ultimately I decided to head to class. She didn't seem to be in a mood for conversation. ----------(Y/n)'s POV---------- Mrs. Amber did all she could, but I still was required to check in with my 1st period class to not be considered absent. I took a deep breath as I walked to my Trig class. I was trying regain my composure. If there's one thing us Starks are good at, it would be repressing our emotions to oblivion. So I did. Save for a few stress tears. I refused to believe MJ, Ned, or Peter would let my secret out, so that meant a staff member leaked the information. I made a mental note to ask MJ about it during lunch. I was beyond pissed. I stood in front of Mr. Kerzic's door. There were still 10 minutes left in class. I didn't particularly want to show up for that much time. Time meant students could ask questions. So I waited until there were five minutes left. I hesitantly knocked on the door and debated taking off when I did. Mr. Kerzic opened the door and welcomed me back. I gave him a small nod and walked by him. I made my way to my old seat, next to Ned. The whole time I was avoiding the stares by staring at the back of the room. I couldn't help but notice Peter's intense stare at a book he had in his hands. His left leg was bouncing up and down frantically. His eyes were also shaking. I can see what Ned was talking about more clearly now. I sat down and immediately pulled out my phone to look busy.  Usually, I scolded people for doing this, but I needed something to keep people from talking to me. I figured it would be a good idea to check in on Peter. I opened my text messages and texted FRIDAY (After some modifications, yes, she was accepting texts now) to check Peter's heart rate. "110 bpm." I looked at her response in disbelief. Why was he so nervous? No, scared. He's definitely scared. I looked to my side to see him now twiddling his thumbs watching the clock anxiously. "Peter." I barely whispered. To any normal person, they wouldn't have heard me, but I knew Peter heard me. His gaze fell to me briefly. Now that he was looking at me, I could make out just how tired he looked. He obviously wasn't getting much sleep. Then he ran off as soon as the bell rung. Before a crowd of people could begin to talk to me, I called Ned. He turned around and helped block off people from me. "What the hell was that?" I asked when we left the class. "He's not doing well, (Y/n). He's not sleeping, barely eating, and has been burying himself in bei…" "Ned, shh. We've talked about this." I warned him. 
He was, yet again, say something about Peter being Spiderman. It's how MJ found out. Ned Leeds had a problem with indoor voices. 
"I'll try and talk to him during Chem." I said as he stopped by his locker. "I think that will help a lot." He said while grabbing his english book.
I smiled softly and leaned against the lockers adjacent to his. I saw people "sneakily" snapping photos of me as they passed. 
"Ned, how do they know?" I frustratedly asked while trying to hid my face with his locker door. He close his locker and avoided eye contact. He definitely knows something. "Ned, who was it? I'm not mad, I'm just frustrated." I tried to ease his conscience. Maybe he'd tell me he knew I wasn't planning on getting them fired. "Get lost you greedy bastards!" I turned around and saw MJ telling the developing crowd off. "Everybody to class now!" I couldn't tell who's voice it was, but I wanted to thank them. "People suck." She stayed simply as she began to walk with us to class. 
MJ, Peter, and I had British Lit this period, but Ned had English Lit. We all still walked together though as the classes were side by side. 
"I'm over it. I should just have Pepper call me out today." I sighed. "No, you said you'd talk to Peter!" Ned exclaimed. "Oh thank God because he's slowly killing himself." MJ interjected. I cringed. I figured Peter would be going through a tough time, but it was almost ridiculous just how messed up he was. As we reached our respective classrooms we waved bye to Ned, and MJ led the way in. Brit Lit was a much smaller class. Myself, MJ, and Peter included, there were only 12 students. Most of which were upperclassmen. Nobody particularly paid much attention to us sophomores, but today was different. As we entered an abrupt cheer erupted in the classroom. I noticed Peter flinch at this sudden explosion of noise. Shouts of; "Long live Stark!" "Your dad's a hero!" "Your dad died a hero!" "Were you there when the fight broke out?" "Are you going to be the next Ironman?" The questions, while they did bother me, didn't set me off. It was the flashing. This also seemed to affect Peter. He took off. He pushed past me and ran out of the room. I quickly looked at MJ. "Go." She said and turned her attention to the crowd. As I took off I heard her say something about them being asshats. "FRIDAY, find me Peter." I said while tapping on my glasses. "Courtyard at the south side of the building." "Thanks, FRI." I went in the direction of the courtyard. Before I even opened the doors I saw Peter gripping his knees and rocking on a slab of pavement. He was hidden by a few bushes. Without my glasses, I undoubtedly wouldn't have seen him. He's well hidden there. I tried to pull open the doors, but they wouldn't budge. "FRI?" I asked, annoyed. "Peter appeared to web himself in there." I sighed and tapped on my nanotech bracelet. This make a small glove for me. I used a laser to cut around the webbing. "Hey, FRIDAY, remind me to pay to have this fixed." "Of course." I slowly approached Peter. He was mumbling something to himself. It wasn't quite clear. He was just blankly staring at the pavement just above his shoes. "Peter?" I asked, lining myself in his line of sight. This only caused his breathing to quicken and he rocked himself more. "(Y/n), two classes teachers are approaching." I got up to inform the teachers of the situation, but Peter stopped me by latching his hand on my right arm. "Don't go." He shakily pleaded. With my other arm, I grabbed onto his shoulder. I realized he was having a panic attack. I knew I had to anchor him. "Peter, breath." I commanded. He tried. He inhaled for 2 seconds, but began breathing unevenly soon after. His eyes were wondering again. His hand squeezed my arm harder. "Good, okay, try for longer." I moved my hand from his shoulder and to his curls. I noticed his grip on my arm loosened a bit. He was calming down slightly. "Okay, out for 5." I guided him. His eyes were now burning deeply into mine. He nodded and breathed out. After a few rounds of this he was breathing at his normal rate. Through the screen on my glasses, I saw his heart rate was now down to 89 bpm. Not ideal, but much better. When he released his grip I took the moment to sit beside him. "Peter, what's going on?" I asked, still lightly running my hand through his hair. It seemed to calm him the most. ----------PETER'S POV------------- I couldn't take it. The class planned this welcome back party for when (Y/n) returned a while ago. But I didn't expect for it to be so loud. So sudden. So bright. I heard Her, MJ, and Ned walking together. All their breathing made it obvious they were together. Ned has the most uneven breaths. They're never consistent. MJ's breathing was deathly silent. I often wondered if she actively held her breath. And (Y/n) actually does hold her breath. Especially when she's nervous. I wanted to jump up and warn her about what she was about to walk into, but I was busy preparing myself for the commotion. Then MJ entered first. Followed by (Y/n). When she came in, the yelling began. I struggled to cope with the noises, but they weren't the worst part. The flashes were. They reminded me of the battle. I couldn't take it, I ran out of there. I ran down the hall and to the south courtyard. Without even thinking, I webbed the doors behind me. I needed to be alone. I needed time. I walked to a corner that nobody could see me in. I sat down and hugged my knees. "You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're safe. You're safe. You're safe." I mumbled to myself through shaky breaths. My brain wasn't believing it. "Peter?" I didn't move. She came to me. She forced herself to be directly in front of me. I heard FRIDAY say something, but my own breathing drowned her out. Whatever it was, it caused (Y/n) to get up a begin to walk away. I didn't process that I grabbed her arm until I was begging her to not go. I felt her grab my right shoulder. The tight grip helped a little. "Peter, breath." She said with authority. I tired to breath in, but I let go. This only made my breathing become more uneven. "Okay, good, try for longer." She moved her left hand to the top of my head. This instantly began to calm me. Just the back and forth movements she was doing were enough to significantly soothe me. I met her eyes. Her usual (E/c) was more dull than I remember. Her sparkle was still there, but not as prominent anymore. They were always so calming. They still are. After a few breathing exercises, I felt normal again. For the first time in 2 weeks, I actually felt okay. "Peter, what's going on?" I watched her sit by me. She kept her hand in my hair, still slightly running her fingers through my hair. "God, how are you?" I asked. She was a bigger victim than me. She lost her dad. I only lost my mentor. "Peter, I'm fine. And I say this from a place of love, you look like crap." She wasn't wrong. Since that day, I haven't had a good night's sleep, my grades were starting to drop, I wasn't eating as much. "It's nothing." "Peter, clearly it's not nothing. Ned convinced me to come back because he's worried about you. Now I am too." Oh God, she came back for me and she's going to hate me. I'm going to lose her too. This caused my breathing to speed up again. I couldn't bare to lose her. We've been friends for years. Losing her would be just as bad as losing Mr. Stark. "Peter, please, talk to me." She turned my face to face her. She dropped her available hand and grabbed a shaking hand. This and her eye contact grounded me momentarily. "I can't. You'll hate me." I choked out, trying to keep my composure. "Peter Parker, I could never hate you." She smiled.
God, what I wouldn't do to keep that smile there. But I knew it would be better for her to find out straight from the horse's mouth than from somebody else. "It was me." I said quickly, avoiding her gaze again. "What was?" She asked, cocking her head to the side in adorable confusion. "I accidentally let it slip that you're Tony's daughter." Her hand fell from my hair. It hit my shoulder on the way down. She immediately looked hurt. "What?" She whispered, tears now ready to fall. Panic. I went back into panic mode. "It was an accident! After I got back to school, I was talking to Ned about everything. I mentioned that it was Mr. Stark that saved the universe and how you weren't gonna be at school for a while because of it, and somebody overhead me. Then everybody spread rumors, then Dr. Kemp confirmed it all. I am so sorry." I said, now lightly crying. She was too. I realized I couldn't lose her, but I was clearly about to. After what I did, I probably don't even deserve her. But I hate that years of friendship is going to end like this. I still haven't even told her about how I feel about her. No doubt that would matter now. "Everyday, Morgan has me tell her a different story about him." She spoke up. "I'm afraid of the day that I run out of stories to tell her." I looked at her in surprise. "You're not mad?" I asked while wiping my tears away. She let out a breathy laugh. "No, Pete. I'm not mad. I just wish I could've done it my way, you know?" She said. After a beat she lazily tucked her head on my shoulder. I felt my heart rate increase.   "Could you…" She paused. Probably thinking. "Do you think you could visit and tell Morgan some stories about dad one day? She loves them so much, and she misses you, and...." "Yeah, of course. I'd love to." I replied and laid my head on hers. 
Two weeks without her and I missed her like crazy. I was stupid for suggesting not seeing her. I just figured she'd want to cope with Pepper and Morgan, not me. 
"But we seriously need to talk about you and this little thing called self care." I laughed and suddenly realized just how bad I must've looked. "We can do that later. I actually have a gift for you." She excitedly said and took her backpack off. "(Y/n), you didn't have you get me anything." I stopped her by gently grabbing her hands to stop her from rummaging through her bag. "It wasn't mine to you. Dad worked on all sorts of projects during those five years. I went through his files and found them. He actually had a few for you in Particular." She took a folder out. The label read 'Mark II 17A.' I remember 17A being the code for my Ironspider suit. 
"It still needed a few modifications. So I worked with it, but I remember him saying something about wanting you to learn how to build suits, you know, before everything went downhill. So, if you want we can hash this out together sometime." She nervously rambled on. "Plus, I saw you in that gang bust, how the extra legs just snapped off. So you do kind of need a new one." She quickly added. "Yeah obviously I want to, but I don't know when I'll be free though." I frowned.
I missed hanging out with her. To us, those who snapped away, only minutes passed. But being told we were gone for five years still notably impacted people and their relationships with others. Not to mention, the last time we hung out was when Tony was still alive. It was a basic movie night. Ned, (Y/n), and I would always try to find a day in a month to binge watch crappy movies. (Y/n) always hosted because she had a whole private theater to herself. Ned and I always suggested our places, but we couldn't argue with a popcorn bar she could supply. This was actually the day before everything happened. I remember Tony and Pepper came home late. Tony made some offhand comment about his daughter being on a date with her two nerd boyfriends. She laughed and threw popcorn at him. He insisted they would join as soon as he and Pepper would get changed. They did. Little did any of us know it was the last time we would all be together and having fun. When the New York attack happened, (Y/n) had been sleeping on the bus. When I saw the huge flying doughnut, I figured it would be okay to wake her up. When she opened her eyes, they went wide. She immediately said we had to be there to help. I agreed and we went. Except eventually we got separated. Next thing I knew I was in Space and she was light years away from me.
As I got all dusty, I asked Tony to tell her I loved her. He just nodded and smiled. He definitely already knew. But obviously as (Y/n) also dusted away, she never got to hear it. 
"Hey, FRI, can you call Happy? Tell him Peter and I want to leave."   I chuckled. Her confidence pulled me back to reality. There's no way Happy would willingly pick us up when we're at school. Especially if there's no special reason for it.
"Mr. Hogan said he will be here in 20 minutes." She smirked at my disbelief. "What? Did you doubt me, Parker? Now let's sneak out." Yep. She definitely is a Stark child. -----(Y/n)'s POV)------ Getting him alone allowed him to speak freely. I discovered that after Happy dropped us off at the old Avengers Tower. The tower was beginning to be furnished again, but some floors still appeared barren. Fury began to settle in for a new HQ for something. I didn't bother to ask. The labs were equipped though. They always were. It was something dad always made sure of. In case a lab were to be destroyed, like when Ultron hit, we still had another. More recently when the Upstate HQ was blown to high hell, we still had this lab. "What do you want to eat?" I asked. It was an honest question, but still had some intent behind it. I wanted to see Peter eat. If he would eat a complete meal. "Uh, whatever you want is fine." He said absentmindedly. He was engrossed in the blueprints of his suit. "Thai is it then." Still no response from him. Even if Thai was his favourite. This worried me a bit. "You know, food can wait for later." I said, still gauging his reaction. "No, (N/n), you should get something to eat." Interesting. Telling me I should eat, but clearly isn't as excited about food anymore. Extremely strange for him. Peter has always been a food junkie. I mentally checked that off of the Peter Parker self care list. ... 12 hours. We spent 12 hours working on Peter's suit. From 10:30 in the morning to 10:30 at night. I was beyond tired at this point. It was harder to tell if Peter was tired. He already has severe bags under his eyes, any new ones wouldn't cause a difference. "You should get some sleep." He said while slightly shaking my shoulder. Apparently I fell asleep at the table. "Are you?" I raised my eyebrow. "No, not yet." "Then, I guess I'll go on a coffee run." I yawned. "(Y/n), you're obviously tired." He took a seat next to me. "As evident by the bags of bags under your eyes, you're not sleeping. So you're undoubtedly tired too." I snapped at him. He tilted his head at my comment. "I can't sleep. People may need Spiderman." "And Spiderman may accidentally screw up due to sleep deprivation. Seriously, Peter have you even slept well since?" I knew the answer, but I needed him to open up to me before I try to help him. His silence was evidence enough. "That's what I thought." I jumped off the stool and turned to face him. "Well, come on." I said and waved him over to a monitor I was walking to. 
I went into the settings and pulled up music playlists. My dad and I previously made these ages ago, but never told anybody about them. It was kind of a joke. In a sort of messed up Stark way anyway. "Pick one." I said and stepped aside for him to mess with the screen. 
I saw his eyes flick to the 'Sleep Soundly brat' playlist. He also perked up at the '(Y/n)'s top picks for an old man who is obsessed with ACDC and needs to expand his music choices :). ' We had a lot of playlists with ridiculous names like that, but that was part of the joke. He looked at the selection for a good minute. He finally chose 'Stark Songs Selected by the Starks.' "Nice choice." I smiled softly. We made that specific playlist after he became my legal guardian. "What now?" He asked, now "subtly" twiddling his thumbs. "Sleep." I said and made my way to the lounge just outside the lab. 
It had pillows and blankets and couches so we were set. It was also a good thing we both decided to dress lazily today. He was wearing his school sweater with sweats. I was in an oversized jumper and leggings. Both equally cozy outfits. 
"(Y/n), I don't know. May's probably worried about me, and I…" "Peter, I already texted May. She said you needed a night to chill. So please, just chill. Catch up on sleep. Happy said he'd bring us a change of clothes for tomorrow. For now just rest." I explained as I sat on one of the couches. 
He still looked reluctant, but did eventually sit on a couch opposite from me. As soon as he sat down he commented on how comfortable the couch was. Almost immediately after he was out. I dragged myself up and gently covered him with a blanket. It was supposed to be colder tonight. I didn't want him catching acute frostbite. I smiled and tucked a stray curl off of his forehead.
I missed him. Truly. But I wanted to give him time to grieve. I know how close him and my dad were. He definitely needed time to process. So did I. But to go two weeks without seeing somebody you previously saw everyday was a lot. 
Seeing him now at peace was different than before. Before he just had simple problems falling asleep. Nothing a quick TV show binge couldn't cure, but now he looked exhausted. It was nice to see him have some semblance of peace in this moment. I was about to doze off myself until I heard mumbling coming from Peter. "No… stop. Let h..er go." I didn't want to eavesdrop, but it was distracting. "No.. (Y/n), get.. out of the way…" "No!" He shouted and threw himself up. The action made me jump up and run to him. "Peter, hey. It's  (Y/n.)." I snapped my fingers near his ears in an attempt to wake him up. His eyes jolted open and his hands tightly locked on both sides of me. His breathing was rugged and hard. He did a once over. I assume he was checking to see if I was alright. Before I knew it he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug. I patted his back softly as I heard his sobs fall out of his mouth.
"You were… and he just s-hot you." He said in between breaths. "Hey, I'm okay." I pulled us apart for a second and observed him. 
His eyes were bloodshot, which made him appear even more exhausted. His lips were quivering. He was broken. I could only imagine the past two weeks have been filled with his night terrors. 
"I can't lose you too." He said in one breath. It only prompted him to fall into a fit of sobs again. 
I just held him. I placed my chin on the top of his head. I didn't know how to fix this. If it was even possible to fix. The once hopeful, joyful, optimistic Peter Parker was currently buried beneath so much carnage that all what remained was the empty husk of who he once was. How was I supposed to help him when he can't even sleep for 3 minutes without his subconscious attacking him with worst case scenarios? I don't know. And that scares me.
A/N: I couldn't figure out how to format this for some reason. Tumblr started acting up, so sorry for the inconsistent spacing. 
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controloffandoms · 6 years ago
Nova (P.P./S.M.)
Prompt: Another Endgame fic (kind of). I promise to write for other fandoms after I get all of these ideas out!
Pairing: older!Peter Parker x reader (eventually)
Words: 3501
Warnings: Violence, family betrayal, cursing, Not really but kind of Endgame spoilers, Planet death
Notes: Anyone that’s seen Ultimate Spiderman, I’m taking the idea of Nova and his powers for the reader’s powers (though this is not going to be completely like Nova on the show). Peter’s 25. Nova Corps is not gonna be accurate to MCU standards or comics. Serafino means ‘the one that burns’.
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Three Years Ago
You soared above Nova, your home planet, laughing. You’d finally cracked the code...finally built the tech that would help you to defend your planet. Nova, in the past, had become overrun by tyrants who did nothing good for the planet. Currently, the people of Nova had control of it, but there was chatter of an impending threat. One that had been making its way across the galaxy ‘cleansing’ the planets. 
With your newfound powers, you should be able to fight off any that would mean harm to Nova. You entered the atmosphere again, heading through the city, waving to those that looked on in amazement. You landed in front of your house, smiling at your parents and siblings. “It works, it actually works!”
They bring you into a hug, “we are so proud of you,” your parents exclaim. You take the helmet off, allowing the glow around you to dissipate. 
“Now all I have to do is make enough of these to properly defend Nova. I’ll need to give the power only to the most trusted. Then no one will be able to run over us like we’re nothing but shit on the bottom of their shoes.” 
Nine Months Ago
You now had an army of people to defend Nova and her culture. Surprisingly, they looked to you as their general. It made sense considering you’re the one who gave them the power, but they were also so much older than you. You were only a young adult and everyone you trained were in their thirties and forties. 
Where you were in the cosmos, no intergalactic forces would come to help you in time if you sent out a signal for help. It had always been this way. No one was ever stationed in this part of the galaxy, you had to learn to defend yourselves. That’s why you created the Nova Corps. 
You watched as the sky darkened. It was midday, it should be as bright as could be. “Incoming,” you stated in the communicator as you put your helmet on. “Look alive, looks like our impending threat had arrived.”
You headed straight towards the darkness descending to your planet. You let gravimetric beams rip from your hands at everything that moved towards you. This was the fight you’d been preparing for. You couldn’t fail. 
You bit back the groan at moving your limbs to allow you to stand again. Thanos was more powerful than you could even imagine. You absorbed the energy he threw at you, letting it change recharge your gravimetric beams. Once you had enough, you sent out a large blast from your whole body, taking down all the aliens in the vicinity. 
You stumbled slightly, seeing your downed Nova Corps. “You will lose. They all do,” Thanos stated.
“Then I will die trying to prevent our loss,” you growled. 
“(Y/N), there’s no way for you to win. It’s best to join him. He will take mercy.”
Your eyes burned with tears of frustration. “Serafino, how could you join him? He will kill us all,” you shouted, pointing your hands as to blast him. 
“I’m sorry that it’s come to this. He was the savior of our planet. A way to keep surviving without running out of resources.” He raised his own hands. “I am sorry, sister.”
You barely moved out of the way of his blast. “You would betray your own people? You would betray your family? For what? What’s to say that Thanos would let you live after he is done with us?”
“Thanos is not the bad guy sister! He is here to save us!”
“Look at what he has done to our home! It is in ruins because of him and his army!” You couldn’t dodge your brother’s next blast. You tumbled over the ground, hissing out in pain. 
“There is nothing I can do for this world. It is too far gone, Serafino. It is best to just wipe it clean.” Thanos stood above you, foot on your chest. “You have doomed the fate of your planet, so I will let you live with what you have done.”
One snap was all it took. You watched as everyone in your family other than yourself and Serafino turn to dust. You watched your people disintegrate. You screamed and fought against him, but he was too powerful. “We will be going now. I have other worlds to attend to.”
“Look at what you’ve done, brother!” You managed to get to your knees.
He looked at you, anger crossing his face. “This is what you have done, sister. He would have saved us had you called it off.” 
Present Day
You had tracked the energy that Thanos had been using to fight your people off and had finally reached the source. You had no home because of him and your brother. You wouldn’t allow them to do the same to this world they were visiting. Maybe you couldn’t save your world, but you could keep others from feeling the pain you did. 
Every step along the way, you had been just too late to stop everything. The countless worlds you went to after the snap on your planet were already gone when you got there. It didn’t stop you. You knew you would eventually get there on time. You would eventually stop them. You entered the atmosphere, your targeting system leading you to where the stones’ energy was being pumped from. 
The battle was in play by the time you caught sight of it. You immediately saw Thanos and Serifino. You had one good shot at either of them knowing that your element of surprise would be gone the second you were spotted or used your powers. Serafino was pinning down some of the people fighting against the army and Thanos seemed to be evenly matched at the moment, so you made your brother your first target. 
You pointed your fists, hitting him and taking him off guard. “We are not through, Serafino,” you growled. You raced towards him, sending a punch to his face and knocking him even farther back. You both traded blows as you noticed the shocked warriors slowly go back to battle. 
It seemed as if you were in the middle of the battle ground. Everywhere you looked there was another alien from the army that invaded your planet. You saved all of the energy that you were absorbing from your brother’s blasts. If you timed it just right, you could send the pulse out over the whole battle field. If you got the wavelength just right, it would take care of all of the aliens that were currently out in the open. 
You knew your tech better than anyone. You knew the capabilities better than your brother did...and when you were through with him, you’d have your tech back and would abandon him on your desolated planet to live out his life alone. You let your brother hit you as you adjusted everything to the right calculations. 
“This battle is over,” you stated as you hovered in the air and sent out the wave of energy you’d built up. While your brother was knocked down, you took his helmet, rendering him powerless. You used the extra energy to destroy his helmet. “I trusted you and you burned me. You don’t deserve to wear the Corp’s helmet.”
“You think that is all of the aliens that I command?” Thanos called as more aliens came through portals that he opened. “I have an endless army, Child. This planet will end as your own did.” 
“I don’t think so. I’ve learned from my mistakes,” you dodged his attacks, knocking him away from the injured man in the armor. 
As you had done with your brother, you let Thanos hit you. This both brought your energy levels up, but also gave you enough of a distraction to steal the stones from him. Without the stones, you could beat him. 
Thanos sent you flying backwards with his last punch. You got up after getting your breathing back under control. The energy around you glowed brighter as you felt the power flow through the tech on your arm. “I told you this world would end like your own.”
“How do you plan to do that,” you asked, holding up your hand with the infinity stones on it. “I think it’s time you met fate. This is for Nova,” you snapped your fingers, willing the army and Thanos to turn to dust just as your people had. 
The power from the stones sent you flying into a bolder which caused you to groan. You hissed as your arm burned. You quickly threw the tech and stones off your arm, holding it gingerly until the stinging subsided. You looked up just in time to see Thanos turn to dust. 
You beamed a bubble around the gauntlet you had used and flew back over to your brother. You dropped the gauntlet next to a large green man and placed a foot on your brother’s chest. “While you deserve to be turned to dust as much as Thanos did, I have a better punishment planned for you, Brother.” You pulled him up by the front of his shirt so that you were face to face. “I have built a prison on our ruined planet. You will serve the rest of your days alone and imprisoned on a planet you helped to destroy.”
“You would abandon your brother? What I did was misguided. I was afraid for my life.”
The punch you sent to his face sent him reeling away from you. “You brought Thanos to our planet. You pretended to fight on our side! You used all the training I gave you against our people! Against me! I trusted you with my life, Serafino, and you betrayed me! You helped to kill our people.” You sent another punch, this time hitting his chest. “You killed your own family. You helped to annihilate other planets! I made this tech to protect our world from Thanos and you used it to aid him. That I can not forgive. You are to be imprisoned on Nova for the rest of your natural life.” 
You imprisoned him in a bubble of energy just as you had done to the infinity stones. Someone cleared their throat behind you and you turned to be met with the army you had found fighting Thanos. “Apologies. You did not need to hear all of that.”
“I’m-uh, I’m sorry about your planet, what Thanos did to it.” A timid voice called. You found a young man in a red and blue suit to be the one who spoke. 
“I am glad to have helped you to stop Thanos from doing the same to your world.” You turned to you brother who was screaming at the top of his lungs, banging on the energy bubble surrounding him. “Quiet, we will get a move on soon enough.” 
A woman in red white and blue with short hair stepped forward. “I heard you mention Nova. Is that the same Nova that sent out the distress signal nine months ago?”
Your face hardened. “One in the same. Let me guess, you arrived and there was no one there?” At her nod you gave a sad laugh. “No one gets there in time. It’s why I made the Nova Corp. I made the tech to protect our planet. I trained them on how to use it...but in the end, Thanos mowed through us all. Serafino turned out to be the traitor in the group. He told Thanos how to beat us. My world suffered because of it.”
“Where were you when we came,” the woman asked.
“Trying to track down Thanos and Serafino. The trail ran could a month after and I returned to Nova to build the prison for when I finally found Serafino. When my tracker picked up the infinity stones being used on planets on the other side of the galaxy, I hurried to them, but they had been desolated or cut in half. Finally I found this planet where the stones were active.”
“Thank you for your help. But how did you survive using the stones,” the man in the red metal suit asked. 
You gave a small shrug. “I assumed that if I gathered and stored enough energy that the stones would feed off of that instead of off of me. Honestly, it was a gamble either way. I would have happily died if it meant Thanos would be gone.” 
You lifted your brother up in the bubble, preparing to take off. “Wait,” the one in the red and blue suit with the spider on the front called. “How did you do that energy thing where you wiped out all of the aliens that we were fighting?”
You landed right in front of him, showing him the arm band you had on your left wrist. “Frequencies and wavelengths. After having fought Thanos before, I already had a scan of the aliens. I used those frequencies and wavelengths to program who my blast would effect. For the blast, I let Serafino fill me with energy. Once I was sure I had enough, I just pushed it out of my body. I could go into the specifics, but I don’t think everyone would understand.” 
A man in a cloak approached. “Since your world is going to be a prison for your brother, you need somewhere to stay. May I suggest coming back to Earth? I can open a portal between both worlds to allow you quick access.” 
You looked at the man, scrutinizing him. “You wielded the green stone. Time, I believe it was. You have seen how this battle played out, have you not?” At his nod you continued, “I assume that by your offer, I am supposed to come back then. I accept your offer, Sorcerer.” 
One Year Later
You placed your helmet in the safe you’d gotten right after settling in to the ‘Avenger’s Compound’. It’s not that you didn’t trust the others after all this time, but that you just wanted to be extra safe. One day you’d left it out and found Tony and Peter examining it to figure out how it worked. You’d tried to explain it to them, but the technology wasn’t as advanced as it had been on your planet.
You walked out of your room and to the common area, finding some of the Avengers sitting around the Television set which you still didn’t understand. Others were in the kitchen, talking and eating dinner. You made your way into the kitchen. “What have we got for dinner tonight,” you asked.
“(Y/F/F). Peter made it,” Sam called. 
You turned to Peter, eyebrow raised. “Thank you Peter. Much appreciated.”
“No problem at all,” he responded with a bright grin.
Out of all of the Avengers, Peter was your favorite. He was near your age and had been the most accepting of you when you’d first come to stay on Earth. Peter reminded you a lot of your best friend from Nova. 
“On Nova we use to have this race type of competition every year.” You sat at the table across from Peter. “Each year you would have to build a contraption to use on the track that they set up the day of the competition. You never knew what would be on the track or what kind of obstacles you faced. The goal was to have a contraption that could get you through any possible obstacle.”
You took a sip of the drink you’d gotten, raising your head to meet the eyes of everyone at the table. “My best friend, Darien-meaning good and wealthy protector, and I always entered the competition. We would critique each other’s vehicle a day before the race and make any changes the other saw fit. We worked to make each other’s vehicle the best that it could be. Then, we would race to see who’s was better.” You looked at their faces, “I know what you’re thinking, but we didn’t take advantage of each other and make the other’s vehicle worse. We made them the best we could because we wanted to see who was better.”
You laughed, staring down at your plate. “The last race we had, we had this one part where we went from land to air to sea in a matter of minutes and then the rest of the track did different variations of those three ideas with obstacles meant to take your vehicle down. It was one of the most savage courses that had been built. This was around the time that I was perfecting the tech that I was going to use to protect Nova, so I used it in my vehicle...this was also the year that Serafino decided to enter.”
“Competition was something friendly in Nova. It was just for a fun and good time, but Serafino wanted to show our parents that he could best me in something...so he sabotaged my vehicle to the point that it became a danger to others. In these competitions, if your vehicle is stopped by an obstacle, someone comes to pull you out, but I couldn’t leave the vehicle to possibly hurt others. So, I was trying to control it enough to crash it into something, but nothing I seemed to do worked.”
A small smile bloomed on your face. “Darien came back. He turned around, went through the track backwards and came back to my side. We were trying to figure out how to shut the vehicle down, but with the modifications Serafino made, we couldn’t.” You laughed slightly, shaking your head. “So Darien just pulls me into the contraption he built and crashes into the one that I built.”
You looked at the slightly horrified faces around the table and raised an eyebrow. “The best part of the whole thing was that Darien and I still won. That was the most fun I’d had on the course in a long time.” You chuckled, looking back down to your plate. “Mom and dad fixed this as the winning meal. Bonus, Serafino absolutely hates this stuff.”
“How long had you been doing the competition,” Sam finally asked. 
“Ever since I could understand mechanics. I think the first time I entered was when I was six or seven. Darien and I worked as a team to build our car. It was the first race we’d ever won. Couple years after that, we started to compete against each other.”
“Darien sounds like a quality friend. You don’t find many of them,” Peter stated. 
You gave him a sad smile. “He was. I’d do anything for him and he’d return the favor. You kind of remind me of him, Pete.” 
“Is that a good thing,” he asked. At your nod, he sent you a small smile. “Let me know when you want to build something, and I’ll be there.”
You laughed, eyes sparkling from the amusement. “I have a few ideas to upgrade your suit.”
His eyes widened, “the last time you upgraded my suit, I went flying off into space.”
“It was only a minor technicality.”
“I was in space!”
“Not for long. I got you back and fixed the problem.”
“Then you decided you didn’t like one of the functions of the suit, so you changed it and suddenly instant kill mode was always on.”
“Karen didn’t take the upgrade too well.”
“I almost instant killed you,” he exclaimed. 
You placed your hand on his that was resting beside his plate. “But you didn’t and I had it under control the whole time. Your planet’s tech isn’t up to par where my planet’s was...I had a learning curve.”
Peter looked like he wanted to say more on the subject, but he dropped it. He turned his hand over under yours and locked your fingers together. “Fine, we can work on the suit, but only in a controlled setting and on one condition.” You raised an eyebrow, telling him to go on. “I get to take you out on a date first.”
You were sure your confusion showed on your face by the way the table started to laugh. Even Peter was chuckling. “What is a date?”
A full blown smile encased Peter’s face. “When you like someone as more than a friend, you ask them out on a date. It’s so you’re able to get to know the person better and show them how interested you are in them. I would like us to become more than friends.” 
A smile spread across your face. “I believe I would like to go on a date with you.” 
“That was one hell of a segway, kid,” Sam stated. “You went from talking tech to dates in one smooth go.”
Your brows furrowed again, “segway?” 
“I’ll explain later,” Peter stated with a laugh.
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@miraclesoflove @way-ward-whale @avengersss-assembleee @nocturnalherb16
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Some thoughts on Spider-man: Far from Home
In no particular order. Some significant spoilers below.
1. I love the face that the events of Infinity War/Endgame are referenced multiple times. I thought it was going to be a bit of hand-waving at the start and then ignored, but no, it kept coming up. May was running a charity for people left homeless after they came back, the kids discuss how weird it was that a guy who used to be five years younger than them was now in the same class, the teacher talking about his wife, MJ tattling on Flash when he was being served alcohol (“He’s actually sixteen, not twenty-one”). Given the comment about how they were forced to restart the school year and that it’s now summer vacation, this film presumably takes place a good nine or ten months after the events of Endgame. People have settled into a new normal, but everyone’s still feeling the impact of what happened and it’s nice that that got acknowledged.
2. The Getty Images watermark in the stock footage during the memorial video. :)
3. “You speak really good English.” “Welcome to the Netherlands.”
4. Peter and Happy’s relationship was awesome. The change from Homecoming is noticeable, but it makes so much sense. And the hug in the tulip field! Amazing.
5. That said, I really wish Happy’s speech about how Tony wasn’t perfect included the words “Remember Ultron?” Peter was fretting about how he’d screwed up in a major way and wasn’t a worthy successor, etc. Happy should have said something along the lines of, “Yeah, you screwed up, kid, but you’re a kid. Tony build a robot that tried to drop a city from orbit to wipe out humanity and he didn’t have that excuse and people still thought he was a hero. You’ll be fine.”
6. On the subject of still thinking Tony was a hero, the EDITH acronym!
7. MJ hitting the drone with the mace. I liked MJ in general in this. She’s intelligent, she acts independently, she was responsible for Peter figuring out what was really going on. She felt like a person and not just a designated love interest.
8. On the other hand, I wish Betty had gotten more character development. She and Ned were adorable together, but I didn’t really feel like I knew her at the end of the film. Ned made a comment about how they had a lot in common. Like what? Other than a propensity for cutesy nicknames and matching hats?
9. Mysterio to Peter: Never apologise for being the smartest person in the room. *Hill gives him a dirty look*
10. That little moment with Mysterio felt genuine. He seemed to actually like Peter, which gave his character some depth. I couldn’t help thinking of the parallels to Thanos and Gamora and Mysterio’s “He was a nice kid, I didn’t want to kill him,” felt more real than Thanos crying about killing Gamora. Maybe it was because the way it was framed made it clear we weren’t meant to sympathise with Mysterio.
11. Mysterio was just a good villain in general and I liked his interactions with his crew.
12. I kinda love that Mysterio’s villain origin story was basically, “Tony gave my tech a stupid name.”
13. The Iron Man zombie was seriously creepy. That thing was in shot for, what, about ten seconds? But those ten seconds were seriously disturbing, especially with the spiders crawling all over it.
14. I was a bit annoyed while watching this by Fury’s characterisation. He was very hard on Peter, pushing him to save the world when he’s just a kid, putting so much pressure on him, snapping at him, etc. Then you have things like Hill saying Fury wasn’t at all suspicious of Mysterio, despite Fury being one of the most suspicious people in existence. Then the post credits scene! Suddenly all that made sense. He wasn’t really Fury, he was a Skrull shapeshifter who was only supposed to hand over the glasses to Peter and then found himself caught up in all of this mess. He clearly didn’t have any clue what to do and was just winging it, and so putting pressure on Peter makes sense because he’s there going, “Fury didn’t tell me how to deal with this and I’ve no idea where the other Avengers are, you’re the only one I can find, please fix this for me.” He was completely out of his depth the whole time and that explains everything. It also retrospectively makes the line about Captain Marvel all the more meaningful. (I now want an AU where Peter figure out that Fury is acting out of character, thinks he’s another illusion, and then the Skrull guy is forced to come clean).
15. Mysterio’s first fight against Peter was really cool, with Mysterio messing with Peter’s head in so many ways and using their surroundings to mess with him physically.
16. Happy’s little smile when he sees Peter using Tony’s tech.
17. Happy announcing he’s in love with Spiderman’s aunt when they all think they’re going to die (made even better by the fact that only two of the people present know exactly who that is).
18. Happy: “I work with Spiderman not for him.”
19. Happy in general.
20. Flash getting so excited when he finds out that Spiderman watched his live stream.
21. Flash getting London Bridge and Tower Bridge mixed up.
22. I really want to see how Flash reacts now that he knows who Spiderman is. It’ll probably never be shown in the films because presumably there will be another large time skip between the end of this one and the next one, so I guess fanfic will have to fill the gap, but I would love to see who Flash takes the news and what he does with the information. “This is clearly an effort to discredit the greatest hero there is by comparing him to a puny wimp like Parker. It’s obviously a lie. He’s a hundred reasons why you can tell the video is faked.”
23. The constant interruptions when “Fury” was trying to talk to Peter in the hotel room.
On the whole, I very much enjoyed it. It’s not up there with Thor Ragnarok or Black Panther, but it’s a solid, enjoyable superhero movie and certainly better than Endgame. There were a couple of moments that had me cringing (the drone strike on the bus) rather than enjoying it, but overall it was good and there were a lot of great moments both in terms of humour and drama.
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karmade · 6 years ago
okay... i didnt like far from home.
well, spiderman far from home spoilers ahead.
i honestly never expected that I’ll type up something like that after spider man movie... after homecoming, that comforted my tortured by civil war soul in best way possible, i hoped that far from home will help me, and peter, to cope with endgame.
well, it made me feel worse. 
Starting with: NICK FURY. I always had up and down relationship with him, but after Captain Marvel I was really cool with him. Yet in FFH, he hit the bottom way too fast: Fury demands Spider Man to help take down creatures that supposedly destroyed the earth of other dimension: water and fire element creatures. Spider Man, who’s abilities include super strenght, agility, stickiness and webs... is simply just not fit to help with this kind of villians. What exactly Dr Strange is doing, when other dimentions are actually his shtick? Where’s Wanda? What about Hulk, Wakandian soldiers (and tech), hey, where’s Rhodey? There was fucking battalion of superheroes at the end of Endgame, but this supposed apocalyptic villian is only fit to fight by 16 years old teenager? Okay.... Well, I get it that it’s a plot point, that there will be no Spider man movie if this plot point didnt exist, but they could have at least designed a villian more fit to make Spider Man’s abilities essential. ANYWAY: Fury decides on this 16 years old and uses tranquliser on his 16 years old friend (which was not creepy and unnecessary at aaaaaall).  But then Peter says no (we’ll get to that later) and Fury? Fucking tries to guiltrip him by using Tony. I am so completely livid about it, Fury saying some shit about ‘oh I guess Stark was wrong about you’ TO A KID TONY LOVED, OBVIOUSLY HAD A HIGHEST REAGARD FOR AND NEVER DOUBTED AND WOULD HAVE NEVER FUCKING ASKED SOMETHING LIKE THAT FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE, FUCK YOU. Fury using Tony to make this KID feel bad about himself, reminding Peter about death of his friend and mentor and, yeah, possibly father figure, basically by implying that apparently Tony would have been dissapointed... that shit was low. The fuck. But Peter still says no, so Nick Fury goes and steers a WHOLE BUS OF TEENAGERS TO EPICENTRE OF DANGER. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING MEEEE. If I’ll hear one more WORD about tony kidnapping peter to berlin after this, I’m going to fucking explode.
EDITH: the first ever Tony Stark’s AI that had no emotions. I used to think that it was Friday operating Tony’s glasses, watch and everything, but it’s beside the point: unlike her brothers and sisters, Edith shows no hints of having her own mind, she’s a THING that can be simply transferred to the wrong guy and dont mind it. JARVIS was able to tell that Ultron was hostile, AND when he was hurt and disentegrated he STILL had a mind to protect nuclear codes without being ordered to. Yet Edith is fine with destroying cities, harming people and killing Spider Man. I guess it’s a small point to be peeved with, since she’s artifical, but it sure would have been nice if Edith (created by Tony who LOVED to be prepared for everything)  had protocols to prevent her from being used against civilians (AT LEAST be familiar with Spider Man and Peter Parker to NOT shoot him on command) and they would have had to hack her to remove it. But oh well. 
What REALLY hurt me about Edith tho, was how easily Peter let the glasses go. It was unexpected and sad and I’d say rather poorely executed. Again, giving up the glasses was a plot point, but the scene itself, it was done in such way that I felt no reluctance from Peter. It was a thing Tony left for him, a parting gift, yet Peter gives it away like it didnt matter, even more so, it felt like he was happy to part with it, phew, thanks god it’s not my burden anymore! Also, Tony was really, really protective of his tech: his suit, his watch, his AIs, his bots, his glasses... all of them were part of him, never intended to be given over to goverment or military or some stranger. He gave Peter those glasses because Peter could use them like Tony did, discreetly, while out of costume, and because he knew that Peter would NEVER use them to harm people. But seeing Peter giving over those glasses to some stranger he met only two days ago, as some kind of sacrifice to not feel bad about not joining Fury’s new superhero team, that left a bad taste in my mouth. So bad, in fact, that I still feel it.
(And while we’re on topic of AI, what about Karen? Where is she? Peter used 3 different types of costumes in this movie (minus black one that wasnt stark tech) and she never said a word. Thats... weird, dissapointing and sad.)
BECK: That piece of shit. Yes, I hated that it was yet another ‘IT’S ALL TONY STARK’S FOULT!’ origin. Just.. how many more villians ranting about how and why they hate tony marvel wants me to endure? Because I honestly lost count by this point. And yeah, movie didnt try to make Tony problematic, yeah, they did not try to make us sympathetic toward Beck, they kept enforcing the idea of Tony being good and selfless superhero Peter should aspire to be, but. I still hated it. I hated that they dragged Tony into it, I hated villains cheering that Tony is now dead, I hated that they used stark tech to destroy cities and harm people, I hated Beck wearing or just touching Edith... I hated it, okay. And people WILL now use this 'tony steals tech!' agenda out of context how they happily blame tony for 'kidnapping and blackmailing' peter, 'trying to kill bucky in cold blood', 'siding with ross and splitting avengers apart', 'creating murderous bot'... it's now out there, even if BARF is obviously property of SI and Beck is obviously a psycho.
PETER: I love Tom Holland’s Peter Parker. I love him, I never stopped. But. But. In homecoming, Peter’s inner tremor of wanting to be of use so badly but not called up or trusted to be of help was a very well executed theme of the movie. Peter had a bravado of I’M NOT A KID, I CAN DO IT! in the first half of the movie, that led him to failing big time on the ferry, to him having this big emotional choice of WHO, IF NOT ME on homecoming night, to declining an Avenger title. It was so so so so so well done emotionally. And I was so ready to cry my soul out in FFH, expecting Peter to have so much inner struggle between wanting to distance himself from superheroing after endgame and wanting to help people and trying to fit in in tony’s shoes and not seeing himself capable of it... I searched for those undertones so much in every scene, but all I really felt was Peter not really wanting to be in this movie at all. He’s a kid! I get it! He’s a kid I love and want to protect, okay! But after 4 movies of knowing Peter Parker who jumped in the MOMENT someone was in danger, it baffled me how reluctant he was to help in FFH, basically forced to do it. We could theoritise about him having trouble coping after endgame all day long, but after IM3, brilliantly showing Tony struggling to cope after traumatic events, FFH did not deliever. They tried, but, it was some bland dialogue and barely any subtlety, just a kid wanting to go on his date, already, can you please ask someone else?
Scene with Happy was good, tho. How Peter goes to him but is scared to trust him at first, how Happy is gentle with him, the talk, the in plane lab, the music. It was good bit, but. It was just small bit.
Another thing I loved was MJ, who was a delight, her scenes were good and pure, and Zendaya did perfect job on portraying her struggles of liking Peter and worrying about him being Spider Man and still not being sure about it and trying to appear indifferent and above it all... she was really great and endearing and her scenes with Peter were lovely. The kiss(es) scene was one of the purest kissing scenes I witnessed in a superhero movie, god bless it.
HOLOGRAMS: They were scary, I guess. They were disorienting and difficult to follow and 100% made to whoa you with 3D effects. But I felt completely detached from feelings that those illusions should have summoned up, because for the most part Peter wore the mask and thus we could not see his face or read his emotions. Ironman zombie was by far most unnecessary bit, I was scared that Beck would use Tony in his illusions, barely breathing whole thing, but then ironman zombie showed up and I actually relaxed, cringing. It was just that, a scene that makes you pull a disgusted face, not touching your emotions at all. Somehow...disappointing. Also... Tony CONSTANTLY used heat signature scanner to check up where civillians and villians were. It's a feature that exist and could have been greatly used against holograms. But oh well.
POST CREDITS SCENE: So Beck was even more shitstain of a person, okay. So his grand plan B was to frame Spider Man, okay. The scene was supposed to make me jump from my seat with WHAAAAT and kickstart thirst for 3rd movie, but... I just stood up and walked straight out of cinema feeling strangely hollow and disappointed. I guess... it wasn't bad movie? I won't try to change the opinion to those who liked it. I look forward to seeing gifs and reading thoughts of those who liked/loved the movie. I might change my mind on some bits. But I waited for this movie so much and in two hours I barely enjoyed maybe about 15 minutes of it and it's something i never expected after adoring homecoming and all the peter scenes in other movies. Maybe it's that they murdered Tony and I lost ability to enjoy marvel movies anymore, maybe it's just that.
(finally, I guess it’s too picky of me to be peeved by this, but science school teenagers coming up with ‘i will always love you’ google search grainy picture tribute video was so anticlimatic it was uncomfortable to watch. There’s nothing hillarious about death of those characters, and it did not lighten the mood at all, it only made me uncomfortable and wrong footed. It’s also not how teenagers novadays make tribute videos.)
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tempestaurora · 6 years ago
endgame opinions
spoilers under the cut. i’ve opened my dms so feel free to come and scream/yell/cry/whatever with me. this turned out really long because i start speculating half way through as well as talking about opinions.
let’s start with harley keener, my son, who was literally only in the movie for a second, at the fucking funeral. are you kidding me. and a lot of people don’t know what ty simpkins looks like now?? so even my friend didn’t know who he was until i started physically vibrating in my seat
HOWEVER, he and peter are in the same location, which totally opens up a plausible reason for them to know each other, become best friends/brothers/roommates at MIT
it’s sad that it was just him standing alone though, like no one stood with him, like his mother or anyone. that’s sad.
i wrote a harley keener infinity war fic so like,, feel free to read that to get the harley keener endgame feelings we DESERVE
aNYWAY, good film
i enjoyed it a lot for the most part, like i have so few complaints its unreal
it’s a genuinely funny film that didn’t feel like it was shoehorning in comedic relief, but like the movie was SUPPOSED to be lighter and funnier and drama was happening in between
i didn’t care for the ending in the slightest fuck that
i’m pissed about being lied to by the directors about a canon gay character. they sat up there on their high horses, congratulating themselves for a job well done for diversity, when it was just a fucking extra with no name, referring to a male partner twice. that’s it. you’re fucking kidding me if you think that’s diversity, if the russos truly think that was worth getting our hopes up for.
you know who could’ve been confirmed lgbt? valkyrie. steve. bucky. tony. (and no, tony appreciating steve’s ass doesn’t confirm our bi father, son and holy spirit on screen, unfortunately.)
that’s a fucking joke, russos. i hope they’re fucking ashamed of that.
(i really was watching that final bucky/steve scene and hoping for some hint of, it was always you, you know and got fucking nothing. i barely even ship stucky and i know that it should’ve been them)
the clint/natasha fight on vormir was the best scene, hands down. there’s no competition here. it was the best moment of the film, and despite my annoyance at the russos seeing that the audience didn’t appreciate gamora dying to further a man’s arc, and then fucking doing it again, i really did like that scene
i figured nat was gonna die but i didn’t think i’d actually be sad about it
as soon as they said they were going to vormir i knew the fight would happen and it lived up to every expectation and some
the barton home cold open was fantastic
why the ever loving FUCK was carol danvers so forcefully advertised to us?????? why were we told over and over and over that carol was gonna kill thanos, that she was gonna save the day, that the avengers literally had zero chance without her????? she had four minutes of screentime what the fuck
i appreciate her and peter’s interaction though that was cute and he was wrecked
the peter/tony reunion was cute af, glad they finally got their hug
also, i always wanted peter to call him tony but like that???? nah
side note, don’t remember in the slightest what rhodey and peter said as tony died because i was sitting there going, he’s not actually gonna die, obviously, that’s not gonna happen, they’re gonna make us think he will and then he’ll come back so i missed both their goodbyes
i know it was a 3 hour film but there was space for... more. there should’ve been more. where was rocket and groot’s reunion? where was bucky and steve’s?
where did valkyrie get a fucking pegasus from
bruce and hulk’s new system is hilarious but the fact that he dabbed pains me
bruce wielding the gauntlet was so incredibly left field i loved it, like no one guessed that he’d be the one to bring everyone back. no one
scott did great
i’m not sure if i can settle myself with this five year time jump for a whole host of reasons
1. do we have, officially, a new cassie lang actress? is our iconic abby ryder fortson leaving us for an older actress???
2. far from home takes place, supposedly, a week after endgame. it was one of the reasons i believed tony wouldn’t die, because it seems like a wholly upbeat film - and y’all saw his face at the funeral, he was fucking gone - and it’s even been confirmed to be lighter and funnier, so there better be some fucking low blow that takes peter out on the tony front (but did the writers/directors even know tony had died when they made the film? will it be ignored altogether?) back to the main point:
2a. it’s around the year 2023 and as soon as the entire world comes back, there’s a two week field trip to europe that peter and all his classmates have somehow paid for, signed permission slips for, and arranged, despite the fact that they’ve all been dead for five years. and i mean all. literally the entire main cast of spiderman is still in peter’s class, they haven’t grown up and moved on. the entire fucking cast got dusted.
3. we didn’t really get to see tony and steve make up??? they kinda just brushed over everything
i almost cried seeing ned leeds and peter reunite
okay now the biggies:
i’m Not Okay with tony stark dying
i’m not
it’s not just that he’s my favourite character and i care about him above all others, it’s that his entire arc has been about first, accountability, and second, leaving the fight. yes, it’s also got a lot of heart motifs and mentions of sacrifice too. i understand that. but tony has been wrestling with his father’s legacy and the kind of father he’ll be since day one.
he deserved his happy ending.
not just five years. not just a daughter who will know OF him but not know him, who’ll forget the short time of memories she has in due course. he deserved to grow old with his daughter and his wife and the kid whose photo he placed on the shelf in the kitchen, where he could see it every day.
he does deserve rest. but he deserves the kind of rest where he’s alive.
i have said before that if tony stark dies, i stop watching the mcu, and tbh, might actually go through with it. i don’t know if i really want to watch the films, knowing he’s gone? (and that they could’ve used either the time stone, or, you know, their time travel machine, to go two weeks back, grab that tony and bring him into the present. say, hey, you died, but now you can keep living.)
and steve.
oh steve.
i love steve rogers, i do. i absolutely adore steve rogers. but i’m about the same level of angry about his ending as i am about tony’s.
and honestly? it’s only because it’s not him. it’s not the him we know. my friend said that cap went and settled down because he’d finally learnt the lesson tony had been teaching; that maybe there is a reason to set down the shield and live a quiet, good life. but i don’t like it. it opens time anomalies, inconsistencies. it doesn’t feel like him.
since cap came into the 21st century, his story line has had a motif of moving on. about getting with the times, learning new music, new references, finding old friends and having to decide whether he should hold onto them and risk what he has now, or let them go. he’s been staring at a photo of peggy carter since 2011, he made peace with her life when he visited her in hospital, he let her go when she died. he watched her, through her office window, be director of shield, knowing she was about to have a life that she loved. she has children, a family. 
it doesn’t feel like the steve rogers i know to take that away from her
but at the same time, i understand that sometimes, he should get to be a little selfish. he was selfish when it came to protecting bucky over all else, and it ended with mixed results.
i loved the final scene, of he and peggy dancing and kissing, but i think i would’ve loved that scene just as much, if not more, if it had happened in the afterlife. with an about time from peggy.
on the same subject: bucky and sam.
i’m super happy with sam being the next captain america (does this mean we’ve been lied to about the whole falcon and winter soldier tv show? is it actually a captain america and winter soldier show?)
i think bucky knew what steve’s plans were, though it would’ve been nice to have some on-screen confirmation. i think that’s why he seemed relieved that steve was sitting on the bench; he knew what steve was going to do and was glad he’d lived long enough to pass the torch once and for all
HOWEVER, the time anomalies i mentioned:
peggy carter’s established timeline is broken
does sharon carter exist? if yes, does this timeline’s steve rogers still make out with her
if steve goes into the past, the steve that he already was and his whole existence in the 21st century will still happen. that means he’ll look for peggy. that means he’ll find her. with him. in the future/present. steve is therefore made aware of the future - would that then effect how he acts with civil war/infinity war etc? would that then erase the events that happened, limiting steve from going back?
does he tell anyone that hydra is in shield
does he get bucky the fuck out of hydra or does he let his best friend be tortured for 70 years
i think bucky should’ve been a part of the sam/captain america torch conversation. if only because steve’s narrative has focused around bucky since 2011 and it ends with a don’t do anything stupid while i’m gone / you’re taking all the stupid with you - that’s not a satisfactory ending lads
much of me thinks steve and tony’s outcomes should’ve been switched. tony wants a quiet life, steve has said many times that he can’t imagine giving up the fight, living as a civilian in obscurity. i think it’s a cruel way to end it.
plus steve is ALWAYS the one making speeches about sacrifice, but he’s never the one to actually make the sacrifice. it’s always tony.
i’m happy for steve, i am.
i think i’d just be happier if morgan could grow up with her father and if pepper wasn’t a single parent and peter didn’t have to navigate the rest of his life - super powered and not - alone
side note, far from home taking place a week after endgame: nick fury wasted no fucking time jumping on spiderman. like, tony absolutely protected him from fury before infinity war, and the dude’s barely buried and fury’s making his move on peter - not cool
anyway, i genuinely did enjoy the film. i find it incredibly difficult to believe this was shot immediately after infinity war because the tone is so different, and i was remembering all those photos we had from reshoots and realised none of those scenes made it in the final cut. 
it was a good film. probably the most emotionally mature of the mcu. not my favourite. i’m angry about the ending. nebula should’ve killed thanos at least once. cool that gamora’s back. sad about nat. devastated about tony. happy for steve on the surface, until i spend 2 seconds looking deeper. loki’s probably alive because the timeline changed and they replaced the tesseract in 1970, not 2012, so officially, loki never goes to asgard jail anymore
but for real: how does steve replace the tesseract in the past when it’s now the space stone? how does he get that past anyone at all?
edit: I SOMEHOW forgot about rescue, the moment i’ve been waiting for for a decade
i love her, i love the suit, i love the pepper was incredibly badass with it with zero hesitation. i wish someone had said the name rescue like i wish someone had said captain marvel - but no dice. it’s such a rad suit and seeing her and tony fight side by side was so cool
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