#stuff with trish
engravedlives · 2 months
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misc jjba graphics stamps
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More from my collection of ghastly cishet Jojos
Polnareff with dudebro eyebrows, Jotaro as a tired college student, Trish and Bruno as fancy mafiosi, Hermes and Jolyne not having fun in orange
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samijey · 2 months
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Tatum Paxley & Lyra Valkyria /// Mickie James & Trish Stratus requested by @the-hanged-lover
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astronomiaa · 2 months
Dante brings Trish to a planetarium, intending to blow her mind with knowledge of just how big the universe is, but instead accidentally gives her a crisis because she found out about the possibility of the sun exploding.
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hecatialapis-lazuli · 3 months
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good evening dmc enjoyers
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thenorwalkagent · 2 years
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Finding out Trish is a pop star in Purple Haze Feedback gave me a lot of feelings
Wasn’t originally supposed to be broken into frames, but I needed the text to be readable. Single image version below the cut anyway:
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nothingbizzare · 2 years
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Waiting ur own fate
Sooo thsi Trish sketch was an spontaneous idea after I saw a gorgeous antic greek statue of afrodite
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nekrosdolly · 25 days
vergil and dante bite affectionately. nero gets cuteness aggression. lady always keeps a hand on her partner regardless of where they are. trish kisses you like it's your last. v doesn't cling to you, but he's always close by.
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citronlad · 2 years
i think he would quite like doraemon 🐣
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dmc-questions-anon · 4 months
While I obviously want Vergil and Lady to get along, I am in a way more adamantly on the Trish and Vergil can get along train. I genuinely understand why people have Vergil and Lady as hostile towards one another, I even imagine them to be that way initially, but with Trish and Vergil I genuinely do not understand the take of them being hostile towards one another at all, not even at first. I can see some initial awkwardness, but I can't see either acting full on hostile towards each other.
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sunkupng · 3 months
yew do yur jojo graphics so beautifully so erm
Trish Una graphicz paawlease ♥︎〜 Havw fun
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♡ Trish Una graphics
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╭╨╮⿻ For some reason the Jojo reqts are my favorites
╿░╿ F2U . . . credits if you repost ◌
╿░╿ ✷ ⭑ pink pink pink pink pink ⊰
╰╥╯ 𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟 𓏲𝄢 𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟
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boomboxboi · 9 months
The GangStars at the Roller Rink Headcanons! 🛼
Bruno Bucciarati
He always starts off a little wobbly.
But soon gets the hang of it.
He can’t really do tricks.
He has a lot of fun, though.
Will participate in the chicken dance after much pestering.
Only because he doesn’t actually know the chicken dance.
He does not buy snacks from the snack bar.
But he brings his own in a little zipper pocket dimension.
He helps out those who aren’t the best at skating.
Leone Abbacchio
A professional.
But not in a trick sort of way.
Likes roller derby sort of way.
He is an aggressive skater.
He will NOT do the chicken dance.
But he will out-speed everyone in that rink.
He finds it very entertaining that Giorno cannot roller skate.
“What a loser” he thinks.
Until he realizes that Giorno is getting help from Bruno!!!
Pannacotta Fugo
Another aggressive skater.
But not good at all.
He slips and slides and curses.
He doesn’t do the chicken dance.
But it’s because he literally can’t even get away from the entrance without sliding around.
He is angry the entire time.
Has a death grip on the bars on the edges.
Snack bar?
The perfect excuse to get out of this hell hole.
Narancia Ghirga
An absolute pro.
He knows ALL the tricks.
He will show off all the tricks.
He always does the chicken dance.
He forces Guido to do the chicken dance.
Has tried to show Fugo how to skate.
It didn’t go well.
Fugo had a death grip on him.
He does like the snack bar.
But he likes doing his tricks even more.
Guido Mista
He is also good at skating.
He doesn’t know as many tricks as Narancia.
And isn’t as speedy as Abbacchio.
Also the Pistols have their own little skates.
They’re made from Tech Decks.
He has taught them all how to skate.
Also the snack bar is usually where he’s at.
Because the Pistols will try to steal from it.
Also he does the chicken dance.
Giorno Giovanna
He has wobbly legs.
No tricks.
But he does get the hang of it after a while.
Is bullied by Abbacchio who aggressively skates around him.
He thinks Narancia’s tricks are neat.
And is thankful that Bruno helps him skate.
When he leaves the rink and starts to walk again, it feels funny.
He also eats the snacks from Bruno’s zipper dimension.
He will do the chicken dance but wobble the entire time.
Trish Una
A natural.
She picks up on Narancia’s tricks very fast and can do them just as well after her first few attempts.
She also can skate fast like Abbacchio.
But she does NOT do the chicken dance.
Instead, she will just watch from the sidelines.
She doesn’t eat the snacks that Bruno brings or anything from the snack bar.
Both are very questionable.
She likes the gushy couples skates and will drag out Narancia.
It’s not because she’s in love with him.
But because he’s the only one who will do it with her that’s actually any good at skating.
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porunareff · 2 years
What if Trish had spots in her hair like Diavolo did
Thank you for giving me an excuse to edit this
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Narve Concept Art
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Translation notes and image id under the cut:
Translation notes:
The phrase that I translated as "the cloak" under the first fullbody image of Narve was a word that was phonetically spelled out as "ko ge". I'm assuming it was a variant spelling for coat/cloak.
The little drawing about night school off to the top right on the second page was a little hard to parse. The phrase has a character that indicated it was dialogue, but I wasn't sure which pronoun to use ("I", "we", "he") since none were provided in the Japanese. I went with "We" because it seemed like a pretty catch-all pronoun that either of them could be saying.
Image id:
[image id: Character design documents for Narve from Triangle Strategy. The first page are his fullbody portraits, with the note, "I tried to create a rascal-type character who brings an air of mischief, like Tom Sawyer. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)". The second page is titled "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible) Design Proposal" and has many additional drawings of Narve and his grandfather. His grandfather had two different designs, a "Middle Eastern Style" and a "Western" style. Nearby is the note, "Who is the Great Wizard?" and "Was a wizard of old." An arrow points from the grandfather to Narve and says "Likely to become a great magician." There is a note pointing to the charred bottom of Narve's cloak that reads, "When the town burned down, the grandfather's robe got a little burnt." Another note reads, "Regarding the cloak, I took a reference from a proposal that I once received at a meeting about a town that was burnt down." To the side, there is a small drawing of baby Narve sitting at a chalkboard while his grandfather explains a diagram. Baby Narve is saying "Hmm", and nearby is a note that says "We're doing night school." and an asterisk that reads "Don't do this!" underneath is a drawing of potentially baby Narve or someone else with short hair that reads, "there he goes again." The second half of the page reads, "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible)_Supplementary Design". There is a small pudgy sprite-esque drawing of Narve with the note, "When doing the pixels, I would appreciate it if you didn't put the hat on too deeply and raised the brim enough to recognize the face." There is a front and back image of Narve's outfit, as well as an image of the inner layer, and details on the embroidery on the back of his cape, which is labeled, "Is the embroidery based on something sacred? I'm imagining something like this Elder Tree." There is also a note about his pendant being made out of wood, and another note about the scorched end of his cloak. At the bottom, the designer's note reads, "I sorted out the specifics of Mr. Ikushima's rough sketch and finished the small details, including the pattern of the old tree on his cloak. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" /end id]
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fake fic title: i made me a garden
i made me a garden: trish practices the fine art of making train cars, and gives each of her new capos a gift.
"what do you call this one?" carrie asks.
she's a little startled when trish pivots on one heel to look back at her, seeming overly pleased. then again, carrie's been quiet for most of this tour. she can get away with it when the conductor's inner circle is all together as a group; fugo and jason's bickering alone is enough to save her from any conversational voids to fill. today's been so full of excitement - exclamations, oohing-and-aahing, even some folks (roxas) getting a little weepy - that carrie thought for certain no one would notice her utter lack of input.
but trish did. trish always does. carrie's not sure why it still surprises her, being noticed in that intense way trish has. maybe because she's spent so much of her life being looked at with contempt, or not at all.
"edison lighthouse," trish says brightly, at the same time as jason says, "okay, you can't call it that."
he doesn't elaborate. trish gives carrie a shrug that's a little apologetic, like she doesn't know what he's talking about, and carrie shrugs back. she doesn't see the problem with the name. the car is half lighthouse, half greenhouse, all plants soaking up the sun as it pours in through wide panes of glass. it's wide open and beautiful, and it smells like an herb garden.
"i think it's nice," carrie says, both because she feels like trish is waiting to hear what she thinks and because she does. really. it's not something she'd lie about - and lying's a sin, anyhow.
"good." trish grins. "i mean, i was hoping you would. since it's yours."
carrie has the distinct feeling of being coaxed, as though she's a stray cat trish is leaving out food for and urging under cover from rain. it's a feeling she doesn't know what to do with. she wonders if trish is lonely, staying by herself at the front of the train while everyone else wanders off. if that's why trish is trying to give them more permanent homes to come back to.
"thank you," carrie says, because she's nothing if not polite. she goes silent again for the rest of the walk through the car, trailing her hand through the plants and coming away reeking of rosemary.
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gonchillunchis · 2 years
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2 girlfriends in the early 2000s about to attend one of paris hiltons famous parties
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