#the song is Stars by The Weepies
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usedtobeguest123 · 9 months ago
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Tangerines are hanging heavy
glowing marigolden hues
teasing the half-pale moon
and I feel a pull to the blue velvet dark and stars
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scalpelsister · 10 months ago
im right btw 👍
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pinkkittysaw · 2 years ago
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jedi master!suguru x f!princess reader. part of the jjk star wars au! we meet mimiko and nanako and get to see a little more of jedi suguru bc im sickeningly in love with him. wc 2.7k
divider thanks to @/saradika
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Clacking through the hallway of your family’s estate, dress hiked up far above your ankles and knees to allow less prohibitive movement, you rush back to your chambers. Shocked you can walk and wobble in the shoes picked out for you, the worried handmaiden attempting to keep up with you concerned about what put you in such a hurry to start with.
“Is everything alright, your highness?”
Nodding, you try to brush off any further questioning but fail while fumbling into your bedroom, trying to toe off your shoes at the door and toss them to the side. Quickly ripping the intricate headpiece keeping your complicated braided updo in place, you stop your rapid dash as soon as she stands and quirks her brow in your direction. She holds out her hand and you place the delicate metal in her palm, the actual piece hanging off of her hand and glinting in the light.
“I assume you’ve heard the Jedi is here?”
Immediately, you try to explain yourself away but she just laughs, pretty waves swaying with each shake of her head. She knows you better than anyone, having been by your side since you were both children, and it’s written all over your face.
You’re about to go bend some rules.
Which ones are entirely up to your whims and how much deeper your feelings have grown for Master Suguru since his last departure. Those who know about your dalliances support you and your affections for the man but the election is coming up and the words of Senator Nanami stick in the forefront of their minds regardless of how brightly you smile to get out of trouble.
“Report her recklessness to me, please,” he asked months ago. The entire group of your handmaidens and attendants and pilots have yet to turn you in, several meetings between yourself and the man you were to be avoiding arranged secretly.
The sweet way that you speak about Master Suguru makes you practically glow and this is enough to convince them to turn the other cheek or to at least pretend they aren’t actively facilitating two rule breakers following their hearts rather than their duties.
Defeatedly, she sighs and walks across your chambers to your closet, sliding the door open and digging through the garments inside. She knows you keep your disguises toward the back but wonders if you’d be so bold to attempt to disguise yourself on your own home planet where people have known you from your dimples to your beauty marks since the day you were born.
“How much sneaking are you doing tonight? Do we need to put you in Jedi robes again?”
Laughing, you shake your head and move to untie the laces at the back of your dress and you’re stopped by another handmaiden who reaches where your arms fall just short of being able to touch and you whisper your thanks. Turning back to your unimpressed attendant, she awaits your answer while rubbing fine fabrics between her index finger and thumb.
“No hiding tonight. In fact I’d rather wear something to really turn his head,” you joke and she gasps, shocked by your brazen admission of wanting to capture the Jedi’s attention rather than demurely rebuff him as you’ve been instructed to do by every person with sense around you.
“I’m joking.” You clarify quickly with your brows raised and she nods, her face giving away her disbelief. There’s a little truth to every joke, after all. “I am going to introduce him to the twins, though, so perhaps something informal.”
On a daily basis, you don’t care what you’re laced or fastened into. You don’t take pains to think about the fabric, the shoes, the accessories - that’s what everyone standing around you does - but you always feel compelled to try and impress Suguru despite his insistence he’d find you breathtaking in mechanic shop rags.
Your palms sweat at the thought of seeing him again after several months apart, much less introducing him to the young girls you recently plucked from the local orphanage after getting a call from the minder of all the children, a friend of yours.
“These girls belong elsewhere,” she explained sadly and you knew in a moment this was a decision as difficult for her as one could be. You nodded understandingly, knowing exactly what she meant after looking around at the faces of the other children. They weren’t any more or less important than the rest of the children but they had something different about them - Force sensitivity.
The orphanage is well funded thanks to your tireless efforts to divert funding to support them and the other children will eventually be sent to school or apprenticeships if they choose to become mechanics or pilots or anything they want - the beauty and power of choice is something you’ve insisted they be given. Life is meaningless without the opportunity to choose, a fact you are all too familiar with.
These girls were different in a way that made them stand out even to the other children, deeply worrying for their minder.
She disclosed that she believed them to both be Force sensitive but didn’t want to immediately let the Jedi Council know, wanting to look into other options first. The girls recently lost everything including their parents in an unfortunate raid on their home and had become withdrawn as a result.
You attempted to encourage them out of their shells and only succeeded after asking them if they’d like to come and stay with you on your estate. You made this decision to keep an eye on them until Suguru’s return. He’s the person best equipped to evaluate their potential and you, again, wanted to give them the opportunity to choose.
Would they like to be Jedi? Would they like to stay with you as attendants in training?
Tonight will be the night you’ll hopefully be lent the slightest bit of clarity either way and you rush to slip into a breezy dress with hem that hits right at your ankle. Just as you slip into your far more comfortable and practical sandals, a knock on the door makes all eyes turn toward you.
Your handmaiden makes her way to the door and offers a polite bow to the man standing on the other side who bows in like. The sight of them is hard for you to make out from where you stand but you hurry toward the door and meet the cautious glance of your attendant with a smile.
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head but relents. There is no point in telling you what you already know - be careful, be safe, be smart. You have already defied all three requests, doing so since the day you decided to follow your heart and carry on your secret affair.
“Master Suguru, how wonderful to see you.”
It is wonderful. In fact the sentiment feels almost shallow as you regard him, gray tunic and matching pants wrapped around his body snugly with a new addition of an olive colored outer robe.
“The pleasure is mine as always, your highness.”
Eyes dancing across him for longer than you should allow anyone to see, you can’t help but wonder if he picked the color knowing it’s your favorite. He is one of few people to know such information, after all, and you’ll be sure to ask him later after it has been chucked off and discarded on the floor of his accommodations.
Extending his hand in your direction, you take it and brush your pinkie along the outside of his thumb as you always do. It’s the smallest touch but the most intimate the two of you share where others can witness, the soft curving pad of your finger almost too familiar with the knuckles. He smiles, meant just for you, and you assure your handmaiden that she is to stay behind in your quarters as you step through the door and it shuts behind you.
You are free at least for a little while and giddiness runs wild when you rush to his side, his long hair brushing the backs of your elbows with how close together the two of you are walking.
“I have some girls I’d like you to meet, Suguru. I believe they’re Force sensitive but wanted to allow you to assess them first before contacting the Council.”
He nods from beside you, hands grasping his belt as they always do and your stare lingers over them ensuring you see no trace of new injury. They appear clear, no scratches or burns. He understands the inspection and also the hidden meaning of your words - you want him to mind probe and see how they feel.
It isn’t a painful or intrusive process, something they’d have to go through if they were to attempt to join the order anyway. You picked him for his lack of discipline and rigidity which is something he perhaps should be offended by but it’s also the very thing that will have him tracing his long fingers over the curve of your spine later. He can hardly complain.
“Have you noticed anything specific in either of them that you find concerning? Anything threatening?”
Contemplating his words for a mere moment, it doesn’t take long for you to shake your head.
“No, nothing like that,” your voice lowers in volume and you lean closer to Suguru who fights the urge to put his hand around your waist and hold you there. “I simply worry because of their bond. I don’t believe they could ever meet the standards set for them.”
Ah yes, a twin bond. It isn’t enough they can practically communicate without words but it has happened more than once during his time as a learner and now a master, twins often find themselves struggling with the attachment bonds between them. A Jedi is not to have them, the most ardent rule they’re all to follow, but how can one break a bond with someone they shared a very womb with?
“I’ll see what I can find out for you.” He means it and you smile at him warmly.
Walking a few more paces down the corridor, you arrive in front of the quarters you know that the twins have been staying in and knock at the door with a smile. A small voice comes from the other side, barely audible.
“Who’s there?” Smiling, you lean closer to the door and speak quietly. “It’s me,” you announce just loud enough for the girl to hear and the door cracks.
Nanako peeks around the doorframe, large brown eyes widening as she sees you. She returns your smile with one of her own as her gaze darts behind you to Suguru, her smile fading as she leans closer to you and you close the gap to ensure she feels comfortable speaking.
“Is that the man you told us about?”
You nod and she looks between you and him before pulling the door open enough for the pair of you to enter. Suguru cautiously steps behind you and bows before the young girl, bending his knees slightly to meet her eyes.
“Thank you for allowing me to come in Miss…” he trails off and the bolder of the sisters smiles at him, leading the way into the bedroom. “Nanako. My name is Nanako and this is my sister Mimiko.”
She motions toward a small table and chair set in the corner where a darker haired girl who looks nearly identical to her sits, looking up through her lashes and hiding a smile in her shoulder seeing you. You don’t have to instruct Suguru to stay standing where he is, he knows given how cautiously she stares, and you approach her and sink to your knees beside her with a smile.
“This is the man I told you about,” you clarify to Mimiko who looks around your shoulder and nods. Suguru takes the opportunity while they’re distracted to use the Force to gently gauge the girls and their feelings. They seem comforted by you, the lighter haired twin gravitating toward where you kneel beside her sister.
The three of you have a conversation he cannot hear between yourselves but he can see the girls’ memories gradually fill in a blank silhouette that lived in the moments you’d described to them to give them a frame of reference for what Suguru means to you with him. His hair, his robes, his serene smile.
Fondness nearly chokes him up as he sifts through the memories, you described the first night you met him in storybook detail. You told the girls about the time he saved your life on Corellia, back when he was still a Padawan learner. You even told them about the time he gifted you his Padawan braid upon passing his trials, a symbol of his great affection toward you even if you downplayed the symbolism of receiving the gift.
It’s humbling to witness the way someone speaks about you while you aren’t there and he feels overwhelmed with emotion as he delves deeper into the girls’ minds while they’re chattering about their day to you. You’re practically glowing in their memories, a warm tinted haze coloring each moment they remember sharing with you. He believes if they could do the same to him, probe his mind, they’d see you colored in the same light within his subconscious.
You’re his sunlight and it appears that you are theirs as well, laughing through their memories and letting them gather in your lap to read to them in the evenings.
The truth he worried about the most is soon revealed to him - the girls are inseparable. What one does the other will follow and he knows in that moment what must be done to ensure the pair live a life full of their own decisions.
They must stay here with you.
He clears his throat and you smooth your hands over the back of each girls’ head, smiling while excusing yourself and leaving them to watch the two of you attempt to stay separate and neutral despite the urge you have to lean against his shoulder or plant your palms on his chest while listening to him speak.
How you manage to exercise such restraint even surprises you at times but alas, you haven’t ever been given the option to do otherwise. You clasp your hands in front of you and he smiles, dark eyes meeting yours and making you shiver.
“They should stay with you,” he whispers. “They’re too old and their bond is too strong to be bent and broken.”
Nodding, you understand immediately what he means and you invite the girls to come and stand next to you. They rush to your sides, arms wrapped around your legs, and look up at Suguru expectantly who crouches in an instant.
“The two of you are happy here with the princess, right?”
They nod in unison and press their cheeks against your thighs, your hands coming to once again comfortingly cup the back of their heads. He smiles and nods in return.
“Stay where you’re happiest, it will always lead you in the right direction.”
Your own heart flutters at his words, wisdom one of the many things you adore about the man, and Nanako sticks her hand up to announce she’s about to speak.
“Is that why you came back here, Master Suguru?”
He tips his head to the side as if to ask what she means and she clarifies, stepping forward and putting her hand on his shoulder. “Are you happiest where the princess is?”
Children never miss a thing, he thinks while contemplating the best way to answer the question. His heart yearns to be wherever you are, no matter where you are and he knows it’s true. Suguru is many things - an oath breaker, a rebel, a romantic to his core - but he tends not to be a liar unless he has no option left so he nods.
“Yes, yes it is.”
The girl nods her own understanding and backs away from him, returning to your side with a grin as she looks up at you.
“I think he likes you, Princess.”
Giggling, you pet the back of her head again and look directly at your love in front of you. Years you’ve spent wanting him, it feels as if you’ve done it for more years than you’ve been alive sometimes, and you wonder if you shouldn’t be so indulgent in the presence of your charges. Perhaps you should demur like you always do, downplay the relationship between the two of you, pretend he doesn’t know you from the very inside out.
They already have it figured out, though, so there’s no sense in lying.
“Luckily for Master Suguru I’m awfully fond of him as well.”
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skzdomin8 · 4 days ago
I’m making playlists for the LnDS guys, but as a new player I’m struggling a little, so if anyone has suggestions I’ll happily take them!! The current playlists are as follows:
Fairy of Shampoo - TOMORROW X TOGETHER
Yellow - Coldplay
Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
Meteor Shower - Cavetown
My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
Past Lives - sapientdream & Slushii
All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar, SZA
Starboy (feat. Daft Punk) - The Weeknd
Rewrite the Stars - Zac Efron & Zendaya
Starman - David Bowie
Star Lost - Stray Kids
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
Snowman - Sia
Winter Song - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Me and My Husband - Mitski
Here Always - Seungmin
Love Like You - Steven Universe
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Somethin’ Stupid - Frank & Nancy Sinatra
From The Start - Laufey
I Get a Kick Out of You - Frank Sinatra
Lose My Breath - Stray Kids & Charlie Puth
How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris, Disciples
Muse - Isabel LaRosa
Swim - Chase Atlantic
Sailor Song - Gigi Perez
Soaked - Shy Smith
Hard 2 Face Reality - Poo Bear
Sirens - The Weepies
ocean eyes - Billie Eilish
Railway (Bang Chan) - Stray Kids
Slow Down - Chase Atlantic
Harleys in Hawaii - Katy Perry
Gangsta’s Paradise (feat. L.V) - Coolio
Killshot (Slowed + Reverb) - Magdalena Bay
1 Shot - DPR IAN
older - Isabel LaRosa
Feeling Good - Micheal Bublé
My Oh My - Camila Cabello
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
Dirty Cash - The Adventures of Stevie V
A Gangster’s Wife - Ms. Krazie
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Sex Money Feelings Die - Lykke Li
Rude Boy - Rihanna
Blind Eyes Red - MINNIE
Heaven - Julie Micheals
Drive (Bang Chan, Lee Know) - Stray Kids
Good Little Girl - Adventure Time
Gravity - Lyric
Best Friend - Rex Orange County
Boyfriend (Japanese Ver.) - Shayne Orok
If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin
Mind Games - Sickick
HAUNTED - Chris Grey
Animals - Maroon 5
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis
Like Him (ft. Lola Young) - Tyler, The Creator
Just the Two of Us - Grover Washington, Jr.
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? - Tyler, The Creator
As It Was - Harry Styles
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chaoticbardlady99 · 4 months ago
Could I request a fluff fic for Astarion falling for a tav reader who's a bard and an amazing singer? Maybe he can't sleep, so he goes for a walk and finds reader singing to themselves, and he sits and listens, slowly realizing how hard he's fallen for them?
Thank you so much for putting this in my inbox! I hope you enjoy!
Astarion x GN! Bard Reader
I used the songs Nobody Knows Me At All by the Weepies and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls because I am a cliche.
  The moon glows brilliantly throughout the night sky and the stars don’t seem to realize how lucky they are that they don’t have to deal with feelings and masters and all the other terrible side effects of being a person. 
 In spite of his name sake, Astarion does not have the luxury of being blissfully unaware of the horrors life has to offer. It didn't bother him so much- he took each terrible thing as it came and rolled with the punches. Whatever it takes to keep him alive until the next day- it’s essentially his life motto. 
  Another thing stars aren’t burdened with- the need for rest. 
 Traversing into the Shadow Cursed Lands is the last thing Astarion wants to be doing and while he was already worried for himself, he found he has an entirely other worry weighing heavily on him. 
 Where in the hells are they? He thinks, its been an hour and a half now since they wandered off! 
 He is trying to not be so clingy and weird- you don’t seem to mind his company and his overbearing ness, but the others had been teasing him and he was rather sore about it. 
 They called him a lovesick bat amongst other things and he is not lovesick. You are a means to an end, nothing more and nothing less. Granted, no one else needs to know that.
 Sleep continues to elude him as he waits impatiently to hear your footsteps walking back into camp or your scent to come rolling over him from the breeze.
  It’s probably only been 30-45 minutes- realistically- but Astarion has found himself becoming very preoccupied and aware of your safety. 
 You are a squishy mortal- your heart needs to beat and you need to breathe or he will lose you and he can’t fathom the idea of not having you by his side.
 His idle feet drag him to the forest, no longer able to sit and wait for you to make a reappearance.
 I just need to make sure they are safe, he thinks, because otherwise I am not sure they would keep me in the group- yeah! That’s why I’m doing this. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
 While most feel terrified of the darkness of the wilderness at night, he feels comforted and engulfed in it. He loves the sun, but unfortunately, at the end of the day, he is still a creature of the night and that is where he technically belongs.
 He supposes that’s another worry he’s had lately- an intrusive thought really- but what happens when this journey ends? You and the others assured him that they will free him from Cazador forever- Astarion even became a bit emotional when Gale said, “and he won’t find you alone!” when Astarion brought up the dangers of keeping him in the group. 
 You have rallied around him this whole time and stuck your neck out for him more often than not. The two of you have indulged in each other and been enjoying each other’s company, but right now he’s here and you may just not be attracted to the others.
 What happens when everyone gets back to Baldur’s Gate? He’s seen you in pubs before and playing so the bar goers can stay on tune with the singer. You have your own little following of people who crave your attention and while you have told him it all makes you uncomfortable- those people would be a far more appropriate life match for you than a Vampire. 
 Astarion’s ears droop on their own at the thought. He thought he got out of the childish elven habit of slouching his ears long ago when Cazador beat it out of him- you seemed to have brushed off some of the vines. It’s like old parts of a factory are slowly being restored and as it is, he finds pieces of himself he subconsciously knew were there, but are new to him again. 
 For example- he loves a good practical joke just for good fun. He bought a cushion of sorts from Mol and put it where Lae’zel sits- covered with a blanket. She sat down on the log for her watch as quite literally everyone was sitting down to eat dinner. He fell off his seat he was laughing so hard- it was worth being chased up and down a few trees. 
 He also enjoys dancing for fun- you dragged him around the fire during the night of the Tiefling party and taught him more informal dancing and less of the stuffy shit Cazador forces him to partake in. You growled at anyone who tried to cut in- it was rather funny.
 You are also quite the fan of the occasional shenanigan and he finds himself smiling at the memory of your baby hairs stuck to your sweat slicked skin as he kept watch for guards while you graffitied Vlaakith’s painting or when you waved at her instead of bowing.
 Life is fun with you- he forgot why people enjoy being alive so much outside of not feeling ravenous all the time. He feels alive with you and the idea of you and him never seeing each other again for your entire life scares him. He doesn’t want to stumble upon an obituary some time in the future and ‘remember’ the person who saved him.
 He wants to be at your side and it terrifies him, but it would be worse to be away from you.
 Feelings- it’s disgusting and he does not like it. 
 Your scent becomes stronger on a more beaten path and he feels his alarm bells going off- jolting in the direction he believes you are and praying that every God actually hears him as he silently begs for you to be safe. 
  Your melodic voice and the sound of the babbling brook melts the worry in his body. Astarion’s pace slows slightly and he feels that annoying warm glow spread through his body. 
  You are sitting near the bank with your laundry in hand- Scratch and the Owlbear cub are laying down together nearby, one of the pup’s ears upright to hear any intruders. 
 It brings him some comfort that you have Scratch and the little cub- he isn’t sure he would fuck with an Owlbear Cub or approach a Bard with a bewitching voice calling out into the night like a Harpy’s song.
 “When I was a child
 Everybody smiled
No-body knows me at allllll
 Very late at night and in the morning light
  Nobody knows me at all
 I got lots of friends, yes, but then again- nobody knows me at all-“
 You stop suddenly and stare up at the moon and Astarion is completely enraptured with you and your singing. He feels charmed and he is entirely okay with it. 
“I suppose that’s not necessarily true,” you say softly, picking at the grass and smiling to yourself. 
 Oh your smile- he feels himself slowly melt into the grass like a smitten school boy and his own grin dances across his lips. 
 They are talking about you, the thoughts sends shocks of happiness and twinges of guilt, your plan worked.
 He should be thrilled, but he could honestly give a shit less. He is too busy listening.
 “And I’d give up forever to touch you
 Cause I know that you feel me somehow
 You’re the closest to heaven, that I’ll ever be
And I don’t wanna go home right now.”
 If his heart beat it would be pounding in his chest right now. 
 Your face is so relaxed, but he adores the furrow of your brow as you concentrate on hitting all the right chords and remembering the lyrics.  The song is beautiful but he is certain it’s only because you are the one singing it. Anyone else singing a love song would make him feel nauseated. 
 Astarion feels centuries of heaviness roll off his body with every note and sweet omission of trust. 
 He is hypnotized by your lovely fingers plucking the chords and he feels the ghost of your hand in his- you had taken it in your hand while everyone walked through the forest. Your hand had felt perfect in his own and he felt like a young, giddy, new person again. You always make him feel like that though lately. 
 “And I don’t want the world to see me
 Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
When everything’s meant to be broken
 I just want you to know who I am.”
  Astarion had lost all hope- truly lost it all- before the Mindflayers had kidnapped him. He felt more hopeful once he landed on the beach, but that hope was also laced with overwhelming fear. 
 Lately, he has been more present in his day to day. He is happy and full most days. He wakes up near you or to the sound of your laugh instead of the screams of his siblings or angry commands from Cazador or being yanked out of bed by either Cazador or Godey to be dragged off to the Kennels or Gods only knows where. 
 Astarion has actually been trancing for four hours straight without interruption these days and he even fell asleep a couple of times- his body finally feeling safe enough to completely shut down for a while. He woke up feeling stronger than ever and your heartbeat echoing through his ribs. 
 You had been more than happy to let him share your tent at night after he had barged into your tent after a particularly bad trance. It had been shortly after killing Nere in the Underdark and before entering the Crèche. He has basically been sleeping there every night since and he gets to enjoy your company- and all to himself!
 You with your wild morning hair and sleep ridden breath- it’s a gift he has never been given before. Astarion is grateful for every morning he has gotten to wake up next to you and you are alive- so vulnerable and warm with sleep. 
 He adores the way you tiredly blink at him as you become more aware of the world. You have begun to leave a sleepy kiss on his lips in the morning and he finds himself looking forward to it; and the mornings you forget, he steals a lazy morning kiss from you. It’s like Gale and his coffee, he can’t start his day anymore without that first kiss in the mornings. 
 You continue to sing- your voice strong and full of passion. Happy tears make your eyes glimmer and sparkle under the moonlight and for once, he doesn’t hate being a creature of the night because you make nighttime seem ethereal and lovely; enchanting and whimsical; a luxury to witness. Astarion is positive you could make even the most dingy corners of the world look beautiful from blessing it with your presence alone. 
 You finish your song and he decides he cannot take being away from you for another moment longer so he backtracks just a bit.
“Darling?” He calls out with a fake worried voice, “are you okay?”
“I’m over here!”
 With a big, stupid grin on his face, he half skips half walks over to your spot under the tree.
 You are delightfully rosy with blush and your eyes light up upon seeing him- Astarion doesn’t think that will ever get old. You are the first person to ever genuinely be happy to see him and he laps it up like Scratch drinks water after he has a fit of zoomies. 
“I am so grateful it’s you singing- I began to feel charmed and feared the worst!”
 You roll your eyes at his comment, but smile widely anyway and put your luteto the side, taking his outstretched hand. 
“I am so glad you find my singing appealing,” you say breathlessly, “I will have to work harder to truly charm you next time.” 
“Oh- you may consider me thoroughly charmed, my Sweet,” he presses a kiss to your forehead and you giggle, “anymore and I might become your Thraul.”
“That wouldn’t be good at all!” You exclaim, “you would agree with me on everything and it would be terrible!”
 Astarion throws his head back with laughter- it’s not even all that funny, but the way you embrace his personality and find it enjoyable fills him with so much joy. 
 You pull him out under the moonlight and he cocks an eyebrow at you- you respond with a cheeky grin.
 “Magistrate Ancunín,” you say sweetly with a bow, “I thought I might have seen you across the dance floor this evening.”
 Astarion smiles, “Ah! Your highness- how lovely it is to see you, my Dear. I was so hoping you may be here tonight- everyone else is so dreadfully dull, as you already know.”
“Believe me,” you roll your eyes and wave your hand, “none of them find my jokes or my stories entertaining.”
“Perish the thought!” He puts a hand to his chest in faux surprise, “They should all be sentenced to death!”
 Your eyes widen for a moment before you snort and join in.
“I so agree,” you snap your fingers, “there- it’s all been magically taken care of. I am the most powerful Highness known to the realms, after all.”
“Oh your majesty,” he pretends to be on the verge of feinting, “no one has ever done something so wonderfully romantic like this for me before- however can I repay you?”
“You could repay me by giving me this dance?”
 He hears your heartbeat race slightly and you look a bit nervous. It’s such a bizarre thing for you to feel. Of course he will dance with you. It would be criminal not to.
 Taking your hand- he pulls you to him and wraps your arms around his neck. His fingers greedily cling to your hips as you sway together back and forth. 
 You hum as the two of you have your foreheads pressed together and your eyes closed- the only individuals privy to the moment being the moon and the sleeping animals. 
 Astarion appreciates how your voice always reflects your feelings- the happiness in your tune is pleasant to his sensitive ears. 
 Eventually it’s the sound of the river that you both sway to and he barely catches your sentence.
“I am surprised you came looking for me,” you say with a yawn, “I thought you would be asleep by now.”
 He shakes his head, “I couldn’t.”
“Bad trance?”
“Something like that,” he quickly tries to change the subject, “why are you still awake?”
“I wasn’t able to sleep and decided I wanted to enjoy the moon and the ability to sing so freely,” you sigh, “Gods only knows when we’ll see it again.”
 Astarion hums in agreement- taking your callused hands in his and tracing the line of your hands. This seems to help you relax and it does bring him quite a bit of happiness to be able to help you relax as much as you help him. 
“I- I am really scared,” you look up at him with tears in your eyes, “I’m scared to go into the Shadow Cursed Lands. I have heard the stories and the lands are haunted by the cursed dead- people who had lives- who had stories.
“I am scared I could end up joining them,” your lower lip quivers so adorably, but he doesn’t like the words you are saying at all, “if I make one wrong move or we all get separated-“
“Stop,” he says, his voice thick and his chest heavy with an emotion he can’t identify, “I won’t allow that to happen. I can assure you that you will be rather irritated with me by the time we kill Ketheric- I don’t think I will be able to allow you to be out of arm’s reach.”
 He says it, but the actual reality of the comment doesn’t hit him until a couple seconds later. 
 You smile brilliantly at him, “I hope you are ready for the same treatment.”
“I would be offended if you didn’t!”
“Well, we certainly can’t have that!”
 You lean forward and leave a kiss on his lips that takes his breath away- he follows you as you pull away, not ready to be without your lips on his. Astarion smiles against your mouth when your breath hitches- he loves that sound.
 And he is terrified to lose you.  
 Astarion fucked up his own plan- well okay, not really, but he did kind of. You have fallen for him, that much is obvious, but he was never supposed to fall for you! 
  The swaying continues- even as your body becomes heavier and heavier with sleepiness, Astarion feels like he’s dreaming and also simultaneously having a nightmare.
 He needs to rid himself of these feelings before they become all consuming- before he goes and does something stupid. 
 Maybe I give myself some space- sleep in my tent tonight? His chest tightens and he cannot breathe,  no, that won’t work. I- I don’t want to do that. I could push them away- get them to break things off with me.
 That thought makes him feel even more ill. Being near you brings happiness, comfort, and warmth- even when he is feeling extremely confused and uncomfortable with his feelings towards you. 
 You see the pieces of him he doesn’t often let others see and instead of despising him, you smile at his jokes. You laugh the loudest out of everyone- even at the jokes that maybe don’t deserve it. You are patient when he is grumpy, unreasonable, and rude. 
 You have become important to him- more important than he ever intended for you to be.
“Let’s go back to camp,” you say with a large yawn, “I need a little bit of sleep- we have a hell of a journey ahead.”
 Astarion helps you pick up your things and he carries your bag for you. You hold his other hand and you both chat as if you have spent years together rather than mere weeks- both of you grinning from ear to ear.
 You eventually wind up in each other’s embrace in your tent and you are snoring softly. Always making music as he likes to say. 
 The nighttime eventually pulls him back into his own trance, but this time, his trance is filled with happy memories of your adventures together with every melody you have ever sung prancing through his head.
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distance-does-not-matter · 8 months ago
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If no one’s got me, I know The Weepies do!!!!!
sincerity is perhaps the most important thing in the world
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oceansarepink · 4 months ago
Trying to analyse apology tour just feels like sorting through slop
The opening is bizarre. A silent treatment has blitz crawling back to be listened to, his personality has done a large backflip from the angry pained person he was the day before. To a grinning idiot trying to make his first fan like him again.
He is used in the same way now as he was in the stupid opening song of the previous - for “mean” careless sex jokes, to be contrasted against the overly sensitive weepy, whiny, half self pitying half self aggrandising “woe is me” Prince. Who is just so above that sort of thing because he’s a deep, generous, kind, occasionally naive and silly innocent romantic precious baby boi with sad backstory. Oh brother. Bring out the violins.
This type of bias from the solo author, Medrano, is just embarrassingly obvious. She gives stolas every win, all of his points are framed as right, she only lets the other character argue if he incriminates himself by warped facts, in a way that can contribute to stolas being right. She doesn’t even try and write this as an “argument.” It’s a case of her favourite OC evar educating and schooling the OC she is less fond of right now, with his superior mind and superior super deep beautiful emotions always put in a background of stars and constellations. Feelings that in truth, don’t go beyond “I want you around cause I’m lonely.”
In between making him cry and weep for our pity, she adds in moments of unfounded indignant behaviour, rage that his privilege dare be questioned, moments of malicious torment, and shaming. Copious amounts of shame. All to pleasure her audience with the satisfaction of stolas winning.
He is just enraged that his ‘feelings’ of attachement that define his identity at this point, are not being returned adequately with acts of servitude, praise, flattery, and gratitude. And while this biased scene is bad enough, Verosika has to be inserted to enable stolas and build him up as if Vivziepop isn’t doing it enough herself with this writing. Because as we probably all know, stolas doesn’t have any friends of his own. He only has Blitzøs adversaries to join with, or a loved one who Blitz is arguing with, to back him up because doing that makes blitz pissed off.
Nobody can defend stolas without just projecting their own feelings about something else, onto him. Or regurgitating his frankly irrelevant tragic backstory. Because this writer knows this is a very bare bones argument she’s trying to make. You have to squint terribly hard and erase a lot of events to make the owl look good and most importantly, look right. Because he isn’t. He’s a creep who believes he fell in love with his object and has never stopped treating him as just an object to throw gifts at in exchange for his loyalty.
He speaks in this whimpery, shaky but loud and overpowering voice, commanding the whole situation. But is given tears in his eyes between each breath enough that you don’t question it. It’s very hard to watch.
The party. What ensues is vivziepop having a slightly worrying fixation with torturing blitz and wishing death on him, using countless nameless voiceless characters as props. And all of them exist, of course, to be enablers of stolas and make him look morally good and correct. But they’re also made into such filthy commoners that the dear pretty clean beautiful prince is terrified of their barbaric rituals. Verosika while rich, is still his emotional support poor.
“He is better than him, he is better than all of them, he is better than everyone. He cries, he gives gifts, he sings songs about his lovely love. Stinky blitz only talks about penises and cloaca’s and says fuck. Stol’s is just so silly, he is baby. Poor baby. Speak from your heart baby.He deserves so much. He sings so fantastic. If you don’t think so, kill yourself.”
Definition of trying too hard. If you’re a writer and one of your OCs takes this much of an emotional hold over you, you need to stop writing and re-evaluate.
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starleska · 3 months ago
Ok since the topic of holiday characters being smoochable is in the air- can I say something about the toy taker from rouldoulph and the island of misfit toys?
Young me was very disappointed by the reveal of his identity as a teddy bear and now I know why baby snail was so upset is all I'll say
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omfg YESSSSSS THE TOY TAKER!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
absolutely ancient crush reawakened oh my God 🙈🙈🙈 Snails, you always have the best taste in bad guys!!! i also love him...he's such a sweetheart!! 🥺🥺 and Rick Moranis absolutely ate with his performance 😂💖 in true Star fashion, finding out he was a teddy bear didn't dissuade little me in the least. i just wanted to give him a big ol' hug...after all, his real name is Mr Cuddles, right? 😭💖💖 i always used to get a little fluttery in the heart when he gave that little doll a handkerchief and some flowers...!!!!
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the thing i've been saying about the Toy Taker for years is that...he was RIGHT!!!! what a harrowing fate for toys, to be loved so dearly and then discarded after so many years!! of course he shouldn't have been stealing toys who were going to children in the first place, but i never understood how him being 'fixed up' and taken to a new child was a happy ending...all i could think about was how he was going to feel when it happened again!! 😭😭😭
surely a more fitting ending would've been Mr Cuddles finding community on the Island of Misfit Toys, and toys being able to live their own lives after their time with children? making the choice to be sent off to a new household if they wanted that love again? it would've been amazing if the Toy Maker could've become the Toy Saver - rescuing toys from rubbish heaps and car boot sales and giving them a new lease of life on the island after being fixed up by Camilla!!!
gah...i have so many feelings about him and The Island of Misfit Toys in general 🙈🙈🙈 honestly he may be the reason why i collect/restore vintage toys and get so weepy when i see people doing the same...!!! i firmly maintain that the Toy Taker did nothing wrong except for putting the toys into a trance, and should've given the toys the option to choose to come with him once they learned the truth 💖 you know before i went and downloaded a copy to get the high quality version of the song, i found lots of people over on YouTube admitting they had a crush on the Toy Taker...an early Tumblr Sexyman for many of us, i'm sure 😂💖 i believe he was on the Sexypedia before it got shut down!! i'd love to see someone selfshipping with him, what a sweet f/o choice :3c (i mean...i already have the Toymaker...😳😳)
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windsroad · 3 months ago
32, 43, and 12!
32 - Nobody Knows Me At All by the Weepies - this song makes me cry.
43 - Do You Want To Die Together? by Stars - on my Armistice playlist, I believe, but also. 🥺
12 - Winning Move by Joshua Kyan Aalampour - an instrumental track! it's very exciting. I think it's on Kat's playlist. I felt it was good for a spy.
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neuvifuri · 1 year ago
sharing my neuvifuri playlist! cover art by @kingskyless ⚖️💧
the playlist roughly follows an interpretation of their relationship from focalors/furina asking neuvillette to be iudex as part of the plot to make him love humans, the beginning of a romantic relationship during their co-reign of fontaine, the trial and focalors death, furina leaving, and then reuniting 💕
i’d also like to give credit to whoever it was who suggested evermore as a neuvifuri song, but i believe the post was deleted :(
EDIT: i found the post! thank you @cinnamonbirb534
Beauty Will Save the World by Dirt Poor Robins
Come into the Water by Mitski
Remember My Name by Mitski
Come Alive by Rachel Taylor
Deep Water by American Authors
13 Beaches by Lana Del Rey
Me and My Husband by Mitski
C’est La Mort by The Civil Wars
Geyser by Mitski
All This And Heaven Too by Florence + The Machine
Gravity by Sara Bareilles
Intertwined by dodie
Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift
Curses by The Crane Wives
everything i wanted by Billie Eilish
The Sword & the Pen by Regina Spektor
I’m Your Man by Mitski
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
What The Water Gave Me by Florence + The Machine
Dance Me to the End of Love by The Civil Wars
Maybe by Lily Kershaw
Death Stranding by CHVRCHES
Bigger Than The Whole Sky by Taylor Swift
All Things End by Hozier
In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars
Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
Evermore by Josh Groban
Her Embrace by Jeremy Jordan
Castles Crumbling ft. Hayley Williams by Taylor Swift
Marigolds by Kishi Bashi
World Spins Madly On by The Weepies
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Who We Are by Hozier
Love Love Love by The Mountain Goats
Old Gods by Emily Scott Robinson ft. Alisha Amador and Violet Bell
peace by Taylor Swift
Francesca by Hozier
This Is A Life by Mitski, Son Lux and David Byrne
This Love (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
Fair by The Amazing Devil
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ayeleye · 4 days ago
10 things for 10 people you’d like to get to know better
Thank you @dancingonmoonbeams @stumbling-away @femmefacetious and @becomethesun for the tags 🥹💕🙏
Last Song: Bulls On Parade- Rage Against The Machine
Last Book: Reeling in the Queers by Páraic Kerrigan (I haven’t finished lol I am a sporadic reader)
Last Movie: Shrek 2 babyyy💚
Last Tv Show: Parenthood
Favourite Colour: Today it is Blue
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Savoury
Relationship Status: I will be celebrating my 6 year anniversary on Sunday :)
Last Thing I Googled: ‘what are the stars doing mercury retrograde’
Current Obsession: Parenthood! I’ve been absolutely steamrolling through it and I’m weepy about it
Looking Forward To: Seeing my niece tomorrow 🥰
No pressure tags💋 @wordspinning @hypnotisedfireflies @chronicallyonlinewriter @renegadeknight @lauronk
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year ago
10 Songs, 10 People
tagged by @arendaes to put a playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs!! thanks for the tag, i'll take a page from your book and use one of Piper's playlists for the shuffle!
Galway Girl - MALINDA
2. A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
3. Pretty Little Head - Eliza rickman
4. Vagabond - Misterwives
5. How You Survived the War - The Weepies
6. Skeleton Key - Dessa
7. A Song is a Weapon - Stars
8. Poet - Bastille
9. Grifters - Charming Disaster
10. Fake It - Bastille
tagging (if you want to, no pressure!) @bugdotpng @cassynite @orime-stories @rannadylin @risualto @ammoniteflesh @big-cheesy-productions @dujour13 @starlightcleric @serenbach86
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starrlikesbooks · 2 years ago
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Happy May! The best month! 💖🌷
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli is one of the few books on this list that I have had the great fortune to have already read, and it easily and quickly became one of my favorite books. I love this story of bi-realization and what queer infighting and virtue signaling does to our community, and I love the tender newness of this love story! Thinking about this book makes me feel weepy, and I desperately want all of you to read it.
To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose is a Native led fantasy about dragon training and colonization. This book sounds really, really cool, and seems like it could be a bit of a more diverse Dragon Prince, but academic.
All the Dead Lie Down by Kyrie McCauley would have made it on this list even if it didn't look so intriguing, because I trust McCauley so much to make a captivating story with strong, vivid characters. This time, however, things are going Gothic! This is a creepy story of nannying and old houses and horror writers that I'm sure will be stunningly atmospheric.
Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee is a queer romance starring two Chinese men and looks so fluffy and cute. This one has a fake dating of convenience to help boost business and just from that cover alone I'm sure it's going to be sweet as anything.
Painted Devils by Margaret Owen is the sequel to Little Thieves, and while it very much does feel like a middle book in a trilogy (which I'm still so excited about!) it gives all the meddling Vanja and low gods vibes as before, now with more romance and absolute need for therapy. I have read this one, and need the next book in my hands like a month ago thank you.
Venom & Vow by Anna-Marie McLemore and Elliot McLemore is the queer romantic fantasy of my dreams! This one has mistaken identities and hidden identities all due to nefarious plots and fluid genders! I love Anna-Marie McLemore and everything about this screams that I would love it, so I'm gnashing at the bit to get this one!
We'll Never Tell by Wendy Heard is yet another book I know I'll probably love based first and foremost on the author. I loved Dead End Girls, and Heard's 3rd book feels like it'll be a similar vibe. This one is about a group of teen investigators accidentally biting off more than they can chew and causing one of their group to get murdered.
Something Like Possible by Miel Moreland I've already read and have been looking forward to seeing it out on the shelf since last year! If you loved the politics of Red White & Royal Blue but would love a YA, sapphic take- grab this book! The politics here are mostly class president based but everything feels more significant and the themes are just heavy enough to do real heavy lifting. Plus, of course, the romance is impeccable.
Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou claims to be a bit of a mix of Percy Jackson and Song of Achilles, following descendents of Greek figures who inherit their power. The main character of this is a descendant of The Fates (amazing concept right there!) and must use her powers to solve a string of brutal murders
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holymad · 1 month ago
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Cassandra Marwood ; a playlist
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Ghosting by Mother Mother
I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along Ghost in the world, ghost with no home I remember, I remember the days When I'd make you oh-so afraid
Darwinism by Halsey
And what if I'm from outer space? And I have fire in my bones and in my veins? I let it show and scare my suitors far away Leave them traumatized with visions of its glow behind my face They say that God makes no mistakes, but I might disagree
Ship to Wreck by Florence + The Machine
And, ah, my love remind me, what was it that I said? I can't help but pull the earth around me to make my bed And, ah, my love remind me, what was it that I did? Did I drink too much? Am I losing touch? Did I build a ship to wreck?
Medicine by Daughter
You've got a warm heart You've got a beautiful brain But it's disintegrating From all the medicine
Heavy by Dizzy
And all of my problems I know I'll solve them I think I'm doing fine The man in the dream said I will feel better yeah, it's only just a matter of time And call off the party, and dampen the rockets It was a trick of light I'm sorry you waited I thought I could make it But it's only just a matter of time 'Til I feel heavier
Lua by Bright Eyes
When everything is lonely I can be my own best friend I get a coffee and the paper Have my own conversations With the sidewalk and the pigeons And my window reflection The mask I polish in the evening By the morning looks like shit
I Of The Storm by Of Monsters and Men
If I could face them If I could make amends with all my shadows I'd bow my head and welcome them But I feel it burning Like when the winter wind stops my breathing Are you really gonna love me when I'm gone? I fear you won't I fear you don't
World Spins Madly On by The Weepies
I let the day go by I always say goodbye I watch the stars from my window sill The whole world is moving And I'm standing still
Cassandra by Florence + The Machine
I used to see the future and now I see nothing They cut out my eyes and sent me home packing To pace around the kitchen for scraps of inspiration Crying like Cassandra, I Used to tell the future, but they cut out my tongue And left me doing laundry to think in what I've done It wasn't me, it was the song
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juniperhoot · 3 months ago
Let’s start with Gao Yang’s fabulous pretty prince(ss) aesthetic and amazing performance! He owned the stage and showed so much personality and charm, I was just blown away.
And then sweet Liang Pengjie comes out and delivers that wonderful, energetic, thrilling performance. Every one of his 兄弟们 was radiating their pride and joy at him throughout that song, and made me incredibly emotional. 加油,朋朋!And seeing them all crying at the end, especially Fang Shujian, was so touching!
Of course, seeing the outrageous success of darling Lars Huang Zihongfan (who currently has over 8 million fans on Weibo!) is a delight. He was a dang FETUS on 声入人心, for crying out loud. And now he’s a star. Watching his ascent is thrilling. (Unfortunately, the audio appears to be deliberately distorted during his performance above. Whyyy? Hopefully they’ll post the clip by itself on YouTube, but they did post on Weibo… https://h5.video.weibo.com/show/1034:5111819124277305 )
Frank Ju Hongchuan is one of my favorites for a lot of reasons. His voice is a grounding note that ties the others together and provides a solid foundation for beautiful music. He writes great songs, and can arrange the heck out of a song for an ensemble. But honestly? He just seems so sincere, and like a good friend to the brothers (including Dalong, whose absence is felt every week, but who is always remembered fondly on Frank’s Weibo!). He supports them all in their endeavors, posting about their projects and celebrating their successes. He cries openly out of sheer, unbridled affection, and I’ve gotta say, that’s a beautiful thing.
The presentation of 风声 is something I hoped would happen from the beginning, so I’m so excited to finally get to see what they’ve been working on! Seeing the shadow puppets come into play was so dang satisfying! And hearing all the random snippets of music played at the mystery house, coming to life in this staging? Aaaahhh! I’m a wreck! Every one of them is killing it and all of this is making me want to fly around the world to see this show when it’s produced.
And the rehearsal outtakes of Qi Yu and Liang Pengjie! 😂 Lovable goofballs!
Seeing the four babies come together to revisit one of their wonderful performances from 声入人心 absolutely broke me. I was a weepy mess.
They followed that with a high energy performance from two of the opera bros, Hong Zhiguang and Ma Jia, which I needed to pull myself together after getting so emotional over the boys.
And then… right back to making me cry, with Frank and Gao Yang singing one of my favorite songs, 《大船》. Dear lord, it’s so beautiful. Their voices are so good together. And Ayanga looked as emotional as I was during this song. (Possibly for the same reason…) GAAAAAHHHHH. I am still so worked up over this performance! This arrangement!
We end with a pair of group songs, including the inevitable Auld Lang Syne. A beautiful weep fest. A wonderful episode. I will be rewatching this one repeatedly. And crying. 😭
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iamthecomet · 2 years ago
I just woke up and saw your post!!! We need to hear all about the shirt! The interaction! The guitar pick! We need to see photos if you took any too!
You are so lucky!!!! I'm so glad that you had a good time and you got to go to TWO in a row! So fucking fabulous!!!!
Mine ritual is on Friday and I cannot wait!
This post and all of it's ridiculous extra exclamation points brought to you by the Gremlin.
GREMLIN. Photos/videos coming soon. I just put them all on my computer so I can actually look through them and pick out the good ones. But THE SHIRT. OK. Just for clarity, I'm referring to him as Sodo here, because this entire interaction was very much an interaction I had with The Man and not The Ghoul and I cannot bring myself to refer to him as Dewdrop in this particular scenario. But I'm not mentioning anything else related to unmasked Dew, except for that nickname that everyone else already knows. So, I've been joking around with my partner and a few other people for MONTHS about making a shirt that said "Sodo" on it because A) I adore him for many many reasons (not just Ghost). and B) what if he SAW IT!? What would he do!? So, like a week before my rituals I went to the craft store, found out that the stuff needed to make said shirt would be like...10 dollars, and said "fuck it." I was super nervous about it, convinced he was going to see it and think I was CREEPY or weird or some shit, but several people (including YOU) managed to convince me that it was going to be fine and he would not think that. And he might even appreciate it. So I made it, wore it to the ritual I had pit for. Ended up with the best barrier spot I could have asked for in that situation. Got my pick a few songs in--before he ever saw the shirt. He threw it at me but it fell short but I still got it! Immediately after the He Is solo, he turned toward us. I'd turned my phone light off because I didn't want to blind him, and my partner had angled his down for the same reason--which meant that it was pointing toward me. And I'm like reaching up to him, singing at him, and then he saw my shirt, fucking stopped short. Fucking lights were in my eyes so I could BARELY see him, but he dragged his finger over his chest to be like "your shirt!?!?" and pointed at me, and I mirrored that and nodded, and probably did something else with my hands, who knows. I don't remember, it's a blur. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up, so I threw him the heart hands and I blew him a kiss , and he blew one back. And then it was over and I just stared after him like "was that real?" It was the sweetest fucking thing and I just stood there in shock when it was over, as the guy next to me nudged me and grinned and gave me double thumbs up. I'm just like slack-jawed looking around like "did that ACTUALLY fucking happen?" Gremlin, I love that man so fucking much. His attention was laser focused on me from the second he saw it until he had to turn and leave to go play. And it just felt...genuine? like I had a sign language conversation with him and we were both genuinely happy about it. I'm getting fucking weepy thinking about it again. Like how am I allowed to love him more than I already did? HOW? There is no way for him to know how much those like 10 seconds meant to me. But I really hope that they meant something to him too, even if just for a moment. I feel so fucking privileged to be able to have this interaction, that the stars aligned so he actually saw the shirt. That he paused and made a point to acknowledge it, to appreciate it. To see me. It was really fucking special. TLDR: Dew/Sodo knows I love him. And that I exist. And I am a little unwell about it, and will never recover and I really don't want to.
Also, if anyone happens to have a clip of the end of He Is from the CT show where you can actually see this happen, I will love you for fucking EVER.
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