#the sickly sweet psycho speaks
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the-sketched-squad · 4 months ago
ooOo we might try something like this
We currently have no inner world and [we think] it would be really hard to make one as we have aphantasia [we can’t see stuff in our head basically] but we might try anyway
Oh also like other aphantasia systems you should definitely talk to me about your experiences /gen /silly /not forcing
[bee + Jude]
It is okay and normal if you have to invent or decide things about your headspace/innerworld. Building your innerworld isn't less meaningful than inherently having one. It's normal to NOT have an innerworld at all for that matter!
We've had problems with getting "deeper" into our innerworld, so we invented what is essentially a grounding technique for specifically our innerworld. It's just an object, a simple white orb we call the Tether. We just hold it and focus on the sensory experience - you could give any object any qualities you like really. Ours is like glass, smooth and cool to the touch. Holding it gives us something to focus on while also keeping us grounded to our inner selves rather than "stuck" in the front. It works best if we're in a more meditative state, so our attention isn't divided between front and innerworld experiences. Front always takes priority it seems.
This strategy has allowed us access to innerworld areas we were not able to get to before! System hall pass. Sometimes inventing new rules tricks the brain into following them. You can make shit up!
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year ago
Passing Through - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: Being the new kid in a small town like Hawkins is tough. One late October day though, you meet Eddie, and he’s always looking out for those lost sheep.
Note: Happy Halloween 🎃
Words: 2.8k
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In the great game of life, you have been given a shitty hand of cards to play this round. Starting at a new high school for junior year is an agonizing yet hazy experience. You have to start over in a place where cliques have already formed, and most people have known each other since kindergarten. The best shot you have at making friends is praying there are souls kind enough to include you in their group. Or maybe there are other pariahs you could collect along the way and have your own island of misfit toys.
On the other hand, even if this experience is completely horrible, it’s only a short two years that you have to endure it. It will feel like a lifetime, but maybe you could keep your head down and push through. 
School has been in session for about two months now. The leaves are changing to the browns, reds, and yellows that always accompany the smell of fireplaces burning for the first time in months and the sickly sweet scent of apple and pumpkin permeating everything. 
Late October is always a nice chance to wear comfy sweaters and cute scarves, bundling up as you take in the views of this time of year. Jack-o-lanterns litter the sidewalks, a few even placed around the high school campus. Children laughing and jumping in any pile of leaves that would permit them to make a mess. The outside aesthetic clashes with the churning, icy storm inside of you. 
There are a few people you’ve met that you’d consider friends, yet not anyone you feel you can confide in about how alien you feel around the other teens of this small town. 
Of course, there are mean girls everywhere and they never miss a chance to pounce on fresh meat. You’ve lost count of the things you heard said about you, but some of them even made you laugh. You wish you were cool enough to be here because your family is on the run. At least it would be something exciting. It’s also better than the other rumor that you taxidermy animals in your basement and now you’re looking for people to practice on. Someone obviously watched Psycho the night before they came up with that one.
Once in a while you’ve tried to sit with some of the friends you made at lunch, but you always felt out of place. You decided to start exploring the school during your lunch period instead. Sometimes you’d have your sandwich on the bleachers in the gym or have your cup of noodles under the large oak tree next to the science building. 
Today, there’s a gentle breeze and, bundled up in your soft brown sweater, you decide to perch yourself on the short wall in front of the school. You settle yourself on the sun-faded bricks and open your lunch on your lap. Students go by, some of them in a hurry, some of them looking like they’d rather be anywhere else. It’s nice to people watch; sometimes it makes you feel less alone. You take a bite out of your peanut butter sandwich and let your eyes slip closed. The wind ruffles your sweater and brings a smile to your face as it kisses your skin. When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by a scene of two basketball players seeing who can burp the loudest. 
With a sigh you take another bite of your sandwich. Is there anyone at this school that will just get you?
As the thought crosses your mind, you feel a heavy weight plop down next to you on the wall. You turn your head and see the cutest guy you’ve seen yet in Hawkins. His curly hair is frizzy, but in the most endearing of ways. The brown of his eyes perfectly matches the atmosphere of autumn around you. But it’s his smile that has your heart racing. It’s big, bright, and most important of all, it’s genuine. 
“Ah, I can spy a fellow Hawkins outcast when I see one.”
Warmth burns your cheeks simply by making eye contact and having this man speak to you. The air around you might be getting cooler, but your body is heating up. It makes sense; he’s really cute. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess that’s me.”
“New kid?” He leans back and narrows his eyes slightly, as if he’s appraising you, but in a joking manner.
“As I’ll probably be referred to until I graduate, yes,” you admit with a breathy chuckle. He laughs in return, and it sounds like music, the melody of it being swept away by the breeze. 
“I was known as the ‘freak’ to most people. You’d think ‘Eddie’ was merely a suggestion of what to call me, not my actual goddamn name,” he says with an overdramatic shrug of his shoulders. “Didn’t really bother me after a while.”
“I wish I didn’t let things get to me as much as they do,” you admit. Why? You’re not sure. Maybe because this is the first person in Hawkins that seems to be interested in what you have to say. Eddie smiles and shakes his head, eyes turning down to gaze at his lap. 
“The assholes aren’t worth it.” Eddie waves a dismissive hand in the air, multiple chunky rings glinting in the afternoon sunlight. “But trust me, you find the right friends, and everything will be smooth sailing. They’ll have your back, and you’ll have theirs—none of the other shit matters.”
“You’re pretty wise, Eddie.”
“Don’t know if I’ve ever been called that before,” he tells you through a guffaw of laughter. 
“Well, it’s fitting,” you say. 
“Eddie the Wise,” he tries out the name, but wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Nah, doesn’t work.”
“I like your pick necklace,” you say, just trying to keep talking and have Eddie here for as long as you can. 
“Huh?” He looks down at it. “Oh, thanks. You like music? Good music, I should say. Because I’ve got the all-time best band right here.”
Eddie shrugs off his denim vest layered over a leather jacket, your eyes trailing every movement his body makes. Bare, pale arms come into view once he’s finally rid himself of the article of clothing. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the dark ink that contrasts against his alabaster skin. A small colony of bats taking flight. 
“Ta-da,” Eddie says, presenting his Metallica t-shirt to you and bringing you back to reality.
“Not bad, not bad,” you acquiesce, once you’ve refocused.
Eddie just grins and puts his layers of clothing back on. 
A couple of cheerleaders walk by and look you up and down, trying to be as obvious as possible about it. Because they know it will get even more under your skin, they lower their heads and start whispering together.
Eddie gives them a saccharine smile and flips them off as they go by. It makes you giggle, and it brings you satisfaction that those girls didn’t rob you of your happy afternoon. 
“Take it from me,” Eddie says with a sigh. “You’re gonna be just fine here in Hawkins. This school is a shit show, but it has its bright spots. Friends mostly. Clubs—you should look into those for sure. Some teachers aren’t half bad either. Take Mr. H. He’s a bit of a smartass, but he’s a good guy.”
“Yeah, I have him for physics and he’s great.”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth quirk up in a smirk and he pushes himself off the wall.
“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat with you—and seriously, I really wish I could—I’m not even supposed to be here right now.”
“Oh, you don’t have this lunch period?” you ask.
“Nah,” Eddie says as he slides his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “I’m supposed to be somewhere, doing something, I don’t know.” Eddie’s lackadaisical nature makes you giggle. “But I saw a pretty girl sitting here all by herself and I took a detour.”
His words make you feel flushed and flustered, unable to come up with anything to say in response. Eddie goes to walk away but turns back and gives you a smile; almost as bright as the very first one he gave you. 
“Everything’s gonna be alright. This is your year. I can feel it.” He offers you a quick wink then he’s on his way.
The bell rings, breaking you out of your daze watching Eddie walk away. You hasten to clean up from your lunch so you can make it on time to your French class on the other side of campus. 
When you’ve got everything situated and ready to get to class, you look around but there’s no sign of Eddie. No curly hair, no dark delicious eyes, nothing. 
In class, it’s a fight not to tap your pencil against your desk incessantly. You’re itching to ask someone, anyone, if they know Eddie and where you can find him. At this moment more than ever you wish you’d made better friends here already. 
Screw it, you think as the bell rings to signal the end of the class. I’ve got to ask about him. 
“Mrs. Daaé?” 
Your petite French teacher gives you a kind smile. “Yes, dear?” 
“Do you know a student named Eddie?” You feel so stupid asking this; asking a teacher if she knows anything about the cute boy who came and talked to you.
Mrs. Daaé thinks for a moment, her long mauve fingernails tapping against the top of her desk.
“I don’t believe I do,” she says with a sympathetic smile. When you’re the new kid you get used to people giving you that look very quickly. 
“That’s okay,” you say, eager to be out of there. “Thank you anyway.”
It’s the same answer from everyone you talk to. The few friends you’ve made, people who sit near you in class, even your teachers. No one seems to know who this guy is or have any idea what you’re talking about. 
By the time you get to your last class of the day, you’re half convinced that you’re crazy. Gone mad, absolutely bonkers. 
Physics isn’t your favorite class, but it does have your favorite teacher, so that’s something. 
You pay enough attention to get by, but your mind constantly wanders back to the only person to make you feel welcome in this town. 
The sound of your name jars you out of your thoughts. You look up and realize the last students from your class are walking out the door. Now that you think about it, you did hear the final bell ring, it just didn’t register. 
“Sorry,” you say, but you’re not sure who to. Your teacher who snapped you out of your daze? The students you’ve been bombarding with questions today?  
Maybe you should ask this teacher. It’s the last one of the day, you might as well. But you also don’t want to look like an idiot again. 
“Something I can help you with?” The soft voice and kind smile shake you out of your thoughts. You’re the only student left in the room.
“Oh, no, I’m sorry,” you repeat the apology. As you step out the door, you change your mind, remembering Eddie referenced “Mr. H.” Taking a deep breath, you turn around and walk back into the classroom. “A-Actually… Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“I talked with this guy today, outside while I was eating my lunch. He was really nice—nicer than any of the other kids have been since I came here, honestly. But when I’ve asked around about him, no one knows who he is. He seemed to know you, though.”
Your teacher’s eyebrows furrow together, and he sits down in his chair behind the desk. “What’s his name?”
He shakes his head as he thinks. “I don’t know if we even have an Eddie in this school. We’ve got Ed Sweeney, the football coach. But I doubt it was him.”
“No,” you say with a disappointed, but not surprised, sigh. It’s the same answer you’ve been getting all day. “This was definitely a student. Curly hair down to his shoulders. Big, infectious smile, a dark red pick on a chain around his neck…”
Your teacher’s eyes widen exponentially, and you must give him an odd look without realizing it because he quickly composes himself and clears his throat. 
“Did he, um, have any tattoos?” the teacher asks. 
“Yeah!” You get excited, this being the first real hint of someone knowing what you’re talking about. “He had a bunch of bats—”
“On his right forearm?”
“Yes! That’s him!”
Your teacher slumps back in his seat and rubs his hand over his eyebrows.
“Holy shit,” he mutters under his breath. You’re surprised to hear that kind of talk from a teacher; you’re not even sure if you were meant to hear it or not. 
“Is everything okay?” you ask timidly.
A grin from ear to ear looks back up at you and your teacher leans forward on his desk, resting on his elbows. 
“You talked to him today?”
“Yes. I don’t understand, what’s–”
Before you can finish your question, he’s shuffling in his pocket and pulling out his phone. Frantically, he starts to look for something on it, obviously searching for something he deems as important as his fingers tap against the screen. Evidently, he finds what he’s looking for because his search comes to an end, and he takes a deep breath. The phone clacks down gently onto the wood of the desk and he slides it in your direction.
“Was this him?”
You take a few steps closer to the desk and peer down at the screen. Looking back at you is Eddie, tongue sticking out and hand held up in devil’s horns, standing beside your teacher–only much, much younger.
“W-What is this?”
“Is this him?” His voice is firm, but not aggressive.
“Yes, but I’m confused.” If you thought your brain was already jumbled up from no one knowing who you were talking about today, now it feels like it was put in a blender and puréed. 
“This is unbelievable,” your teacher mumbles, a smile starting to appear on his face once again. “Still taking care of lost sheep, huh?” The question is obviously not directed at you.
Confusion is starting to turn to irritation, and it isn’t like your favorite teacher to not answer your questions. He’s always willing to explain things as many times as needed in class.
“Mr. Henderson, what’s going on?”
The initial response is a chuckle and shake of his head, clearly amused by something.
“Eddie Munson. He, uh, used to go here.”
“Did he graduate?” You try to hide the pang of disappointment in your voice that he isn’t a fellow student anymore. 
The smile on Mr. Henderson’s face turns melancholic.
“Yeah. Yeah, he graduated.” Your teacher is clearly lost in a memory, and you can’t tell by his expression if it’s a happy one or a sad one. 
Now you can’t help but feel a little petty and whiney about the one person who seemed to understand you not being around. In spite of yourself, you frown and cross your arms over your chest.
“Why was he here?” you can’t help but ask, poking the bruise.
Mr. Henderson seems stumped by this question at first. He thinks for a silent moment, then his eyes spark as if something just came to him.
“Probably here to give me a message.” He doesn’t elaborate on that before looking back up at you. “Eddie doesn’t…live around here anymore. He was probably just passing through.”
“Somehow he could tell I was the new kid,” you say with a slightly embarrassed shrug—as if being the new kid is something people can smell on you.
“Yeah, Eddie always had a knack for finding new kids. Even kids who’ve been here for years but didn’t have many friends.”
“He definitely came to the right person then,” you admit sadly. In front of anyone else you would feel stupid speaking these thoughts out loud, but Mr. Henderson has seemed like a safe place ever since you arrived at Hawkins High. 
The man tilts his head and gives you a look of understanding—but not sympathy, like everyone else.
“Making friends can be hard. I was lucky I had friends coming into this school with me. Even so, I’m glad that Ed—uh, this upperclassman took me under his wing. Made a world of difference. Joined a club and made tons of new friends.”
The words spark a memory from your earlier conversation.
“Eddie mentioned that, actually. That I should join a club or something.”
Mr. Henderson chuckles softly to himself and mumbles of course he did under his breath. You’re not sure what’s so funny but it seems impolite to ask.
“I think that’s a great idea,” he says. He stands up from his chair and narrows his eyes. “I think I have a pretty good recommendation, too. Tell me, do you know anything about Dungeons and Dragons?”
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pervysenpaix · 3 years ago
Whisper - K. Bakugo
MDNI | tw! angst, implied smut, suicide, y/n has an unspecified illness, sad boi hours, dark ending 🖤
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The stars illuminate the night sky, pouring through the windowpane onto the bed where Katsuki lies awake and misses you. It’s eerily quiet in the home—a kind of soundless horror that makes his ears burn. The silence wasn’t so bad until he looked at his hands and started to feel sad because the spaces between his fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.
He’s thinking of the day you met; the same day his life went up in flames.
Katsuki hasn’t always been a good man. It’s taken years for him to get to a place where he could move on from the man who he once was, went out of his way to apologize to the ones that he once hurt. Deku had forgiven him—had told him that past should remain there, and they should move on as friends and equals. It was supposed to be that way; it looked so on the surface, but there was always an edge to Izuku’s smile whenever Katsuki achieved something that was unsettling. He tried to tell himself that it was all in his mind. Izuku is his friend now—he’s been forgiven. Or so he thought … because he’d never expect to find Izuku in bed with his fiancé on the same day as his debut as a full-fledged hero.
He was a wreck—didn’t know what to do or where to go. All he knew is that he didn’t want to be home, and as if by magic a solution appeared. Roommate wanted—move in today!!** Katsuki called the number on the flyer and was surprised when met with your sweet voice. He didn’t know if it would be smart to be roommates with some strange girl especially given the circumstances. It seemed a bit unethical, but you assured him that it was fine, claiming that you weren’t worried cause there’s nothing that could hurt you at this point. He didn’t pry. If you had some issues, it surely wasn’t his business. But when he saw you, he started to reconsider—
You didn’t look good.
Well, that’s a bad way to put it. You were beautiful—long braids, chubby cheeks, dazzling eyes and a bright smile, but he wouldn’t be much of a hero if he couldn’t recognize a sick person. Though your eyes shone bright they were rimmed with dark circles. Though your voice was light he could hear the slight wheeze at the end of each word—as if speaking took your breath away. Though you were animated and bubbly—your movements were slow and careful, as if you didn’t want to upset some kind of injury. He really didn’t want to pry but why the hell was a sickly girl letting some strange man move in with her? He could be a psycho serial killer—even told you this but you just laughed, joking that he couldn’t kill you if he tried. You explained your situation and it was kind of a sad story.
 Your quirk was complex, it was called Whisper—it allows you to manipulate feelings and leave impressions on people and places, you could also sense fluctuations in emotion; it was a handy quirk to have as a psychologist which is what you were studying at grad school. You were set to graduate in a year and things were fine, but you were in a rough spot because your boyfriend left. You’d been sick your whole life and it’s only gotten worse as time progressed. It’s hard to control your quirk when you’re feeling low and sometimes it flares out of control which imposes the pain that you’re feeling on others. You’ve lost friends and a lover because they couldn’t stand being burdened by you. So now you were left in an apartment that you couldn’t afford on your own because you weren’t physically able to pick up a job outside of school.
His heart broke for you. He didn’t think that it was possible for anyone to be having a worse day than him, but you won that hands down. This made you laugh—a really loud rib clutching snort that made Katsuki smirk until you doubled over in pain. He rushed towards you and helped you settle on the couch. You tried to push him off and apologize for exerting your horrible quirk already in the twenty minutes that you’d known him. Katsuki quirked a brow saying that he didn’t feel anything, too which you tilted your head to the side and said “weird”.
That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. You were a breath of fresh air for Katsuki. Unlike his ex that was attention seeking and superficial—you were kind and caring, always checking in to make sure that he was doing okay. Always fixing him tea, listening to him vent, being a shoulder to cry on, offering a facetious joke about your illness in attempts to cheer him up. He always scolded you for this, told you that you didn’t have to be strong for him all the time. He wanted to take care of you too.
And he’s convinced that your ex is just some piece of shit liar because he’s never felt your quirk and he’s found you really sick a few times. One time was really bad and he spent the whole night watching your breathing because he was afraid that you might slip way away. Your smile when you woke up the next morning in his arms breathtaking. It was in that moment he knew that he was in love with you.
God—things were going so well! You seemed to be getting better. Stronger. Yeah, you still had your nights when you’d open the balcony doors and stare up at the stars, crying because you felt like something was wrong with you, but Katsuki would wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle his face in your neck, telling you that you were perfect.
And one day he just couldn’t take it anymore. The two of you had been living together for almost a year and Bakugo felt like his heart would explode if he didn’t tell you how he felt and thank God you felt the same. You kissed him so sweetly, tears spilling onto the shirt that was clutched into your chunky little fingers. Katsuki wanted you so bad, but he was afraid that he’d hurt you. But you being you reminded him of what you said on the day that you’d met and pulled him into his bedroom.
The night was magical—more than sex. Katsuki could only describe it as an outer body experience. It was like he could finally feel your quirk but it didn’t cause him pain, he felt nothing but peace and joy. So, of course he was surprised when he woke up to an empty bed. The silence unsettled him; you’d always told him that silence wasn’t so bad but this felt different. He called out to you and got no response. His hands started to shake. He called again afraid to move because he didn’t know what too expect. After an agonizing five minutes he crept out into the living room but there was no trace of you except for a steaming mug of tea on the kitchen counter. He went to your room, but you weren’t there. Nothing was there. Schoolbooks, laptop, pictures of the two of you… it was all gone. He panicked. Did you leave him? Why? Did he hurt you? WERE YOU AT THE HOSPITAL? Katsuki was frantic, he didn’t know what do so he called his mentor/boss Best Jeanist who told him that he’d put out an APB with the local force.
Best Jeanist called five minutes later, and Katsuki could barely answer the phone because his hands were shaking so bad.
“Bakugo…can you come to the agency?”
His heart dropped.
“Fuck no! I’m not leaving until I know where she is—I have to be here when she gets back!”
A long pause.
“Bakugo… I don’t know what’s going on exactly but she’s dead” .
There are no words to describe the state of his heart. It felt like he’d imploded. Tears fell freely and he sobbed, momentarily forgetting about the phone call. He did hurt her. He pushed her too far. She must’ve tried to go to the hospital alone and just….
“W-where is she? Need to see her.”
Another pause.
“That’s why I’m confused Bakugo … because Y/N L/N jumped from her balcony a year ago today”.
I was feeling angsty friends | @xogabbiexo , @chaichaiiskai , @mhathotfic , @yo-nn, @nasty-quillz, @bookwormsenpai , @plussizeficchick, @tenyaiidasslut
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barrenstars · 2 years ago
twin? it lingers for a few moments until she hears him speak up again, greeting the person on the other side of the street. ran. she's heard that name before, hasn't she? when...? where...? they were brothers... a sickly feeling envelopes her in an uncomfortable heat and she finds herself shifting her stance, eyes widening the slightest bit as she realises just who she's dealing with. ran... haitani? the haitani brothers? she's overheard many stories, ones she wished she hadn't. her mind goes a thousand miles a minute as she watches the figure in the distance mouth words into his phone that she can't hear. the palms of her hands begin to sweat and her breathing increases. ❝ haitani-? ❞ the name slips by her lips so quickly she wasn't so sure she said it internally or externally, but either way, it doesn't matter. these were those two psychos from roppongi.
while emma begins her spiral, ran is watching from the distance, humming into the phone. ❝ are you even sure it's her? all i heard was that she was cute, there are plenty of cute girls in tokyo. ❞ granted, she was spitting image of mikey, despite what his brother thinks. ran thinks she looks just like him, without the stupid hair style and being dead behind the eyes, this girl looks like she was actually enjoying her life. or was, until they showed up. but he trusts his brother and his impeccable talent of breaking liars down and digging out the truth, it was a trait ran, himself, was too impatient for. ❝ aw, how sweet! is there any ice cream left for me though-? never mind, i'll head over and get one myself. i may as well. ❞
rindo watches carefully for her reaction, silent as he watches her mind drift / sees the way she stalls and proves him right while trying to to act as if he didn't hit the nail right on the head. tragic for her, rindo's better at reading people than she is pretending to not be bothered. " so i was right, " he muses softly, smirking as he allows his arms to fall, finishing the ice cream instead of reaching for her again. as he shoves the rest of it in his mouth, he first looks at her, then across the street towards his twin. " oh him? that's my twin. "
he allows her to ponder that thought as he picks out his own phone out of pocket, easily dialing up his brother and when he answers, he nods his head up, still watching. " hey ran, get this, miss priss here says she's not our girl. " eyes then fall back to her, head settling to the right. " lied straight to her teeth, too. she also said to either come over or get lost. whatcha wanna do? "
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bluefirewrites · 4 years ago
‘Wake Up’
May have been inspired by WandaVision...
Julie rolled out of bed that morning in high spirits. Despite having to wake up early for school, she had a bright smile on her face the moment the alarm rang. 
She went for her closet but, as she passed the mirror, was quite confused to find herself already wearing the outfit she was planning to wear. 
But she still opened the door to her closet, sliding her hangers around to find her jacket while humming some nonsense tune. Every few articles or so she sifts through, Julie would keep coming across a white shirt. 
“Sunset Curve?” she read the logo aloud, not sure why that sounded so familiar... 
She didn’t think any of it.
Her jacket was right next to this white shirt she didn’t remember owning. 
Shrugging it on, she ran downstairs were Carlos was already going on to her dad and her aunt about whatever this week’s obsession was. 
“I’m telling you dad, there’s proof!” 
Her dad laughed as he cooked breakfast (or more like burnt it...), “Whatever you say, mijo,” 
“What is it this time?” Julie groaned, already picking up a banana from the bowl, forgoing whatever mess her dad was making in the kitchen. 
Carlos was already by her side, shoving his tablet in her face, “I saw it online! These guys went into this house at like 3AM and caught a ghost on camera! A ghost!” 
She didn’t so much glance down on the screen, already dismissing her brother’s words, but before she could open her mouth, a new voice butted in their conversation, coming from the front door. 
“Oooh a ghost? Now that’s interesting...” 
“Luke!” Julie beamed at the arrival of her boyfriend and their two friends, who had just walked in. 
He waltzed over, dumping his backpack onto the couch, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, “Mornin’, Jules. Now what’s this I hear about ghosts?” 
Reggie pushed past Alex, who was still kicking his shoes off in the foyer, “Oooh. Show me!” he said excited, huddled over Carlos’ tablet, “Woah. That’s creepy!” 
“Do not encourage him, Carlos,” Alex finally made it to the table, “Reggie’s convinced aliens are real too.” 
“They are real!” 
“Just cuz you watch Star Wars-” 
“-Not because of Star Wars! Ask NASA-” 
“-Wh-okay. I just go and ask NASA-?” 
“-Yes. Just go and ask-” 
Luke rolled his eyes at his friends’ arguing. He reached over and picked up a piece of overcooked bacon on Carlos’ place. He took a bite. 
Julie’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight. 
“You can eat?” 
Luke raised one of his own, finishing off the bacon, “Yeah. Of course. Why? Am I not supposed to?” he joked. 
“Yes,” Julie found herself saying, “You can’t... you’re not...” 
She stopped. 
She didn’t even know what she was going to say next. 
She looked up, not realizing that she had been staring off into space, “Yes, Alex?” 
The blonde wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Back me up here, would you? And tell this guy” he points to Reggie, who stuck his tongue at them, “that ghosts (and aliens) aren’t real.” 
“Um... er...” 
Julie... couldn’t answer that. Finding the question, and this conversation, completely absurd. 
Luckily she was saved from answering when her two besties rounded the corner, talking animatedly between each other. 
She didn’t remember hearing them come in... 
“Julie!” Carrie chirped, hugging her from behind, “Love you. Good morning, but we have a situation.” 
“What’s up?” 
Flynn settled next to her on the table, “We need a band to play at the dance this week. I’m DJ-ing of course. But we need like a killer closer.”
“But I thought Dirty Candy-?” 
“We can’t,” Carrie interrupted, and that was all she could explain, “Any chance Julie and the Phantoms could fill in?” 
“A school dance?” Luke grimaced, “Not exactly the Strip...” 
Julie couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of deja vu when she heard him say that... 
“I don’t know,” a woman’s voice carried over, appearing behind Ray, “You gotta start somewhere right? Build a following?” 
Julie nodded, “Mom’s right.” 
“She always is,” Ray remarked before kissing his wife, making Carlos gag but making Julie feel...
There was something so bittersweet about this moment, but Julie couldn’t put her finger on it. Even when she stood up and hugged her mom, something was telling her... to not let go. Not even for a second. 
“What’s wrong, Julie?” she asked, realizing that they have yet to break their hug. 
Julie blinked away tears that started to form against her better judgement. 
She pulled away, straining a smile, “Nothing. Mom.”
Julie took a look around the room, where all her loved ones were watching her with fondness in their eyes. Her gaze lingered on the three teenage boys, her boyfriend Luke among them- her boyfriend of... how many months? Years? 
Weird. She couldn’t remember how long they had been together. 
She shook her head to rid of that slightly distressing thought. And she took in the room again. 
“Nothing’s wrong...” she reiterated aloud, “Actually, everything’s... perfect.” 
Her mom beamed at her, rubbing her shoulder, “Glad to hear it. Now I think we should all get some breakfast before we send you kids off to school.”
Suddenly, Julie was back at the table, that had somehow grew in length and had just enough chairs for everyone. 
Looking down, she was surprised to find a yummy looking breakfast, completely different from what her father had cooked before...
Julie lifted the forkful of fluffy looking pancakes to her mouth when she heard the doorbell ring. 
Everyone froze. 
Julie did too. 
She turned to Luke, who clenched his jaw staring at the front door. In fact, everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare at the door, acting like the ringing was some sort of... hindrance... 
“Um... is anyone gonna get that?” she asked tentatively, put off by everyone’s reactions... 
“Why?” Victoria said, voice cold, “Everyone that’s supposed to be here is here.” 
“I know but-” 
The doorbell rang again. And Julie made the move to get up. 
“Hey,” Luke uttered softly, hand holding hers, “Just ignore it. They’ll go away. Let’s finish our food-” 
“You can’t eat,” Julie blurted out again, which only upset Luke more.  
His grip on her tightened, “Yes... I can.” 
The doorbell kept ringing. In short intervals, repeating in an almost desperate pattern. 
Her curiosity got the better of her. Julie wrenched her hand away from Luke’s hold and practically ran to the door, much to the loud protests of everyone. 
“Julie, get back here right now!” 
“It could be important!” she shouted back at them, hand on the handle and opening. 
A guy with long hair and a hoodie was standing there. His eyes had a frenzied look to them, he kept taking short, ragged breaths- all in all he looked like hell. 
Eyes widened and hands already on her shoulders, “Julie! You got to listen to me-” 
“Who even-?” 
“Don’t fall for it, Julie. We have to-” 
The strange boy tried pulling her along, but she stood her ground. 
“I don’t- I don’t know you.” 
The boy sighed, kept looking wildly around himself, “You- you don’t have to. He’s gonna find-” 
“She said she doesn’t know you,” Alex was now by her side, staring down the stranger, “What seems to be the problem here?” 
The stranger stumbled backwards, eyes widening, “A-Alex?” 
“You know him?” Julie gaped at the stranger. 
“Yes- I mean, no.” The guy shook his head furiously, “No! That’s not- That’s not Alex, Julie!” 
“What do you mean?” 
“He’s not real! This isn’t- this isn’t real. It’s all in your head,” 
Julie shook her head, “No. That’s not- this has to be, Willie.” 
The guy straightened up. 
“Yes. Yes! That’s me!” 
How- how did she know his name? But once it spilled out.. it felt right. 
It was the only thing that had felt... right. So far. 
The guy- Willie, took her by the hand again, and this time Julie wasn’t wary. She sort of wanted to follow him. 
“Look, we don’t have much time before he figures out what I escaped-” 
“Escape? He-?” 
“But we need to get you out of here. We need to-” 
Willie whirled around and a man stood there. In a dress shirt, holding a cane. 
“No.... no,” Willie held his arm out in front of Julie... as if he was trying to protect her, “Caleb. Stop this right now! Let her go, you psycho!” 
The man, Caleb, smiled a sickly sweet smile, “Now that isn’t a way to speak to your old man, is it?” 
Julie blinked and Willie faced her now, cleaned up and wearing new clothes, clothes more... befitting for the time. He stood next to Caleb, who had an almost death-like grip on the boy’s shoulder. 
“Apologies for that, miss,” Caleb greeted, “My son and I just moved in next door.” 
Willie wiggled under the Caleb’s hold, “You’re not my-!” 
“Anyways, it’s nice to make your acquaintance...?” 
“Julie,” she said, eyes on Willie the whole time. He appeared to be afraid. 
And somehow Julie knew that she should be afraid too..
She was slowly stepping backwards into the house, “Nice to meet you... But I have to go-” 
“Ah yes, get back to breakfast. Hopefully no more...” The glanced down at Willie, “interruptions.” 
“Right,” She was already inside, ready to close the door... she didn’t like how Caleb looked at her. She wanted him gone. 
“We’ll be making our leave now. Have a lovely morning, Julie,” 
With that Caleb was dragging Willie by the scruff of his shirt down her steps, the boy kept bucking trying to escape. 
“Julie! Julie!” he kept calling out to her, “You need to get out!” 
“Quiet, you!” Caleb hissed. 
Julie’s heart beat rapidly, hands shaking the doorknob, “What-? H-how?” 
“Wake up!” 
Wake up. 
Wake up?
“... if it’s all you do...” she sang softly, the words coming out along with the melody that she had been humming earlier. 
Both Caleb and Willie stopped. 
“No,” the man uttered, “Stop that.” he ordered. 
Willie grinned, “Yes. Julie! Snap out of it!” 
“Look out, look inside of you...” 
Julie turned her head, Alex was no longer next to her, back with everyone in the kitchen, who stared at her in disbelief. Her mom had rose from the table, telling her to stop. 
That made Julie’s blood run cold. 
Her mom. 
She would never... she would never to tell her to stop singing. Especially not with this song. This song that she had written for her before... before she-
Julie gasped in realization. “You’re dead.” 
Luke got up, making his way towards her, “Julie, what are you talking about?” 
She backed up, “No. You’re dead too!” 
This wasn’t real... 
None of this was real. 
She had to leave. 
This wasn’t- this wasn’t what was supposed to happen... 
Emboldened by the revelation, she kept singing, “It's not what you lost... It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain...” 
The house, her house, began fading away, replaced with any inky blackness that gave Julie more relief upon seeing it. 
She could hear Caleb shouting at her, and Willie’s encouragement to keep doing what she was doing. “It’s working! It’s working!” 
“Wake up your dream and make it true... Look out, look inside of you...” 
One by one, her friends, her family started to fade too, getting lost in the darkness.. 
Her eyes met her mom’s, and she almost stopped.
But no. 
Her mom wasn’t there. She was already gone... 
Swallowing hard, shutting her eyes, she... kept going... “It's not what you lost... Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark...” 
She took a deep breath...
“...Wake up...” 
When she opened her eyes, she found herself tied to a chair in some luxurious looking office. Jazz music playing faintly in the background. 
Caleb glowered at her from his place behind the desk. 
The memories came flooding back to her. 
The flowers, Nick- 
To the club. She was in the Hollywood Ghost Club. 
She had been there for hours. 
Julie struggled in her bindings as Caleb stalked over to her menacingly, “Now, now, now. You shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Where’s-” she looked around, “Where’s Willie? How did he-?” 
“Somehow he had found a way out of his little holding cell and came up here to cause some trouble...” he knelt down in front of her, “I’ll make sure that won’t happen again.” 
Julie scowled at him, wanting to slap the smug grin off the ghost’s face, “Again?” 
He wagged a finger at her, “You need to be preoccupied, my dear Julie. While I figure out a way to relinquish your hold on those boys.” 
“I told you, I don’t even know!” 
“Ah, but there is a way to break it. I will find out. And since you’re here” he procured a velvet bag from his back pocket, “the boys would come running in trying to save you.” 
The perfect trap... 
Julie wanted so badly to tell Caleb off, to tell him that they wouldn’t fall for it. 
But they would come barging in to come get her no hesitation. They had risked everything for her before. 
And they would do it again. 
“Now,” Caleb stuck his hand inside the bag and gathered up some purple dust, “We’ll do this one more time. And don’t fight it,” 
Her eyes widened, realizing what was happening. She squirmed some more, but to no use, “No no no-” 
“You should be grateful. I could have easily made it... unpleasant,” 
“I’ll find a way out!” 
“Let’s see how you fare without Willie’s help,” 
Then Caleb blew the powder into the face. And her eyes fluttered closed. 
“Nighty night...” she heard him say before it all went black. 
Julie jerked, hunched over her plate of breakfast. 
She felt Luke’s hand on her back, “Are you okay, Julie?” 
Lifting her head, she saw her loved ones laughing with each other, enjoying the morning. The sunlight dancing behind their heads, and her mom- 
She lifted her cup of orange juice in her direction, smiling before taking a sip. 
Julie nodded, “Yeah... I’m fine.” 
“Something wrong?” 
“Uh... no.” she said, ignoring that nagging feeling in the back of her head, “Actually everything’s great.” 
Luke smiled at her, “I’m glad. Now, pancakes?” 
“Right,” she smiled back at him. 
Then she dug into her breakfast, marveling at how good it all tasted. 
Yes, it tasted perfect. 
Everything was just... perfect. 
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agustdef · 4 years ago
Tiptoeing: Around You | m.
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✰ Pairing: Christian Yu/Reader 
› Genres: Smut, Fluff, Mildest of Angst
✰ Rating: 18+ 
› Warnings: Language
✰ Status: Oneshot 
› In Collaboration: With @shadowsremedy​ who altered my plans a little, but I don’t mind it. Here is his fic, they’re both in the same universe: Tiptoeing: Around Love.
✰ Beta Read: @suhdays​ and @ppersonna​
›  Banner: @shadowsremedy​
✰ Summary: YN has pined after Christian for a while, but after one more kick in the butt by her best friend and an evening in the same room she finally acts on those feelings.
›  A/N: This fic was written for the sweet and mildly chaotic @dee-ehn​ for her birthday. You deserve the world, but since I cannot give you that we’re going to have to settle for some fictional content starring the ever handsome and rude Christian Yu. I hope you enjoy it love and I hope your day was great!
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“Pft, you’re no better than me,” YN whispered into her phone.
There was a loud chuckle on the other side and then it stopped abruptly.
“Yeah, but at least I have a girlfriend. You’re out here acting like a lovesick puppy for a guy who is clearly into you. I don’t know how much sadder this can get at this point. It’s been months, YN,” Yoongi said.
Naturally, she rolled his eyes at his words. The fact that all of that was true mattered not. Or at least most of it was true, she wasn’t quite sure if Christian was into her. Everyone said he was and there were some signs, like flirting and being touchy but he was like that with a few of his close friends. That alone couldn’t be the indicator for his feelings. If they were feelings at all. For all she knew she and everyone else were seeing the signs of lust and not romantic feelings that led to a monogamous relationship.
At least that’s what the voice in her head told her when she got up the courage to think he actually liked her and planned to act on it. The pesky ass voice couldn’t let her have nice things.
Despite her clear acknowledgement of the factualness of what he said she couldn’t let him have the last word. It just wasn’t a true testament to their friendship if she didn’t try to gain the upper hand.
“Well, at least I’m not using fuckboy antics to get out of telling the person I’m dating I love them. You can’t use that psycho bitch, who tried to kill me might I add, as an excuse for why you don’t say it forever, Yoon. Especially since you know Jamie isn’t like that. But you gotta take the plunge and talk to her before too much time has passed and she won’t want to listen anymore.”
There was a brief silence before a dramatic sigh left his lips. YN could imagine the look on his face as he did it too. A mix of sadness, resignation, and annoyance at the fact that she was right. They wouldn’t be such close friends if they both didn’t hate being proven wrong while also understanding the other enough to know when it was the right moment to push it.
“Okay,” he whispered.
“What was that?”
“Okay! You’re right. But you need to stop tiptoeing around the subject and just tell him already. He likes you, let him know you feel the same way,” he said.
That got YN to sigh with about as much feeling as Yoongi had. Her body felt tired as she thought of having to speak those words, but she realized she really needed to get it over with. Even if she threw up in the process, it had to happen.
“Okay,” she mumbled.
“Hm? What was that?” he mocked her.
“Okay, damn. I’ll do it. So annoying.”
Again, he laughed and it made her happy to hear him not so down like he’d been for days. Of course, the laughter could only help so much, but it was better than nothing.
Biting her lower lip her head turned so she looked at the studio door where the man who she was losing it over was. He waited for her to bring in snacks and she’d stopped part way to call Yoongi about something unrelated to the conversation they had. One that she was so lost in that she didn’t realize twenty minutes more than needed had gone by.
“Shit, I have to go. I should have been back already. I’ll call you later. Love you. Bye.” she said.
Yoongi laughed. “Love you too.”
With that she hung up the call and took a deep breath before walking towards the studio door. Her hand grasped the knob for a few seconds as she took a deep breath and thought over Yoongi’s words. Maybe the all-nighter they planned was the right place or maybe it was the worst possible place for her to do that since she’d still have work to do if he reacted negatively.
When she finally opened the door and stepped in she’d decided to just see what happened. There would be no forcing herself to say anything about it or actively stopping herself. For once she’d go with the flow, with a bit of hope that she’d randomly get the urge to blurt it out like she sometimes did.
Upon her entry Christian’s head whipped up to look at her. He stared her down as she kicked off her shoes and made her way to her seat. The expression on his face didn’t give way to his thoughts, but she assumed he was confused as to why it took her so long to get back.
“You get lost?” he asked, taking the bag from her.
“Nope. Just had a phone call.”
Christian paused for a second, his brow raised in question.
YN didn’t stop what she was doing for many people, especially when it came to work related things needing to be done. But Yoongi was her oldest friend and she’d hop on a plane without a moment's notice if he needed her. That meant that usually people could guess who she’d been talking to easily.
“Yeah. He wanted to whine some,” she said.
Her attention moved to the computer in front of her, which still held the work she’d left off on. Christian had messed with something a little, but for the most part had seemed to be focused on what went on upon his own screen. Something about what he was doing reminded her of a thing she’d forgotten with the clip was editing and despite the hunger that plagued her she went straight into work. Of course, she felt Christian’s eyes on her the whole time and heard him chewing away at the snacks in the bag but her mind hyper focused so none of that matter.
About fifteen minutes passed before her hands stopped moving and Christian used that to pull her chair for the desk. Her immediate reaction was to tell him off, but he shoved half of a sandwich towards her mouth and she found herself biting it without a thought. That brought a smug expression to his face, but she merely rolled her eyes and snatched the sandwich.
There was some small protest from him, but it stopped as she took another bite of the sandwich. YN was so hungry that she hadn’t really chewed anything or tasted it for that matter. She’d had little to eat throughout the day because they’d needed some last-minute shots and that left her running here and there. Anything consumed was burned off within an hour or two. Which is why Christian had offered they go get dinner first, but she knew a heavy meal would make her focus on editing harder. Food made her sleepy most of the time.
“Slow down,” Christian said, his Australian accent thickening with the worry in his tone.
But his warning was too late because she’d shoved the last piece into her mouth and swallowed it. Her hand reached for the other in his hand, but he gently pushed it away and handed her an opened water instead. She glared at him but drank down the water; though with the way he stared at her she stopped herself from downing half of it in a few seconds. Sips were slow and small until she felt her throat less dry.
“Now can I have the other half?” she asked, her voice sickly sweet and a pout on her lips.
For a moment Christian just stared his eyes focused on something on her face. At first, she wondered if she’d gotten anything on it while eating, but then she watched him bite his lower lip and his eyes flicker up to her’s and then down again. She thought that he had to be looking at her lips and her heart did a thing, though her mind wasn’t sure if it was him wanting to kiss her or something being on them. In a moment of uncertainty, she wiped at the lip and came up with nothing, but that seemed to be enough to snap Christian out of whatever trance he’d been in.
Without a word he passed her the other half of the sandwich and then got busy unwrapping his own. Silence followed with a few words spoken here and there when one of them stared at either screen long enough to have a question rise up. It was a good little break from YN’s thoughts about what happened minutes before and also got her mind ready for what she was going to do for the next several hours. Dread filled her, but knew it wasn’t impossible by any means.
“Ready?” Christian asked after finishing off his tea.
YN nodded and just like that they got to work.
Christian was to focus on piecing together a visual that would encompass the entire comeback the Dabin planned, while YN was focused on getting through the main music video. There were some others she had to do, but they were all shorter and didn’t need some of the magic that the main one did. Part of her cursed the team for being so damn ambitious, but it kept her on her toes so she couldn’t complain. Well, wouldn’t complain until she felt the urge to pull out her hair because something wasn’t working.
But for once she went through her edits without any real roadblocks. She navigated the things that they’d talked about adding and her own ideas for things to flow seamlessly. There were a few snags here and there, but they were nothing that she couldn’t fix in a few minutes or that Christian couldn’t help her with.
They’d long learned to work together fluidly so all of it came easily.
A few hours in YN pulled her headphones off and pushed her chair away from the desk. Carefully, she stood up and stretched her body since it got a little stiff from sitting in one position for so long. Once she’d properly given them the movement they needed a yawn ripped free from her lips and she felt a wave of tiredness hit her. Of course, she wasn’t done by any means.
“I’m going to get something hot and something with caffeine from the kitchen, you want anything?” she asked.
Christian didn’t respond so she poked him hard and repeated herself, he shook his head no without ever glancing her way. She knew he’d complain later, but she didn’t have it in her to pester him, so she slipped on a pair of slides near the door and ventured out.
The kitchen in the building DPR was set up in wasn’t too far from Christian’s studio, in fact she walked back fifteen feet to get to it. Something she was thankful about because despite being in motion she felt her body grow more tired as each second passed. It’s why she was quick to grab an energy drink from the fridge and down that thing. It was followed by the consumption of red ginseng because it always helped her in some way. Or at least she placebo effected herself into that thought. After she moved to make herself some hot chocolate. Thankfully, they had a Keurig, so she didn’t have to worry about heating water herself. By the time it was done she’d gotten a few large marshmallows from her hidden stash and happily deposited on top of the hot, chocolatey liquid.
With her energy drinks consumed and her hot beverage ready she made her way back to the room. She took care not to spill any of the drink and sat it down on the small table that Christian kept over on her side. It was where she sat all her drinks or food out of fear that she would knock it over if it were on the desk with all the equipment.
The moment her butt hit the chair there was a frustrated grunt and Christian all but threw his headphones down. His right hand moved to card through his hair and his eyes closed as he let out a harsh breath.
“What’s wrong?” she asked as she moved closer.
There was no response, but she waited for him to get his bearings. Sometimes editing made you so annoyed that words failed to come together right away. There had been many instances where someone asked her questions and all they got in return was grunts or her starting a word only to scream halfway through.
A minute or two went by before he opened his eyes and spoke up.
“I just can’t get it to transition like I want. I’ve been trying different methods for the last hour and assumed I wanted to try out all the options, but they just fuckin’ suck. I don’t want it to suck. It needs to not suck.”
“I doubt it sucks, let me see,” she said as she moved even closer.
However, Christian was having none of it and knocked his chair into hers so she’d go back onto her side. He was stubborn as hell when in a mindset of defeat, so she had to be persistent. She knocked chairs with him a few more times before getting up. Before he could steady himself she pushed it back and it rolled almost to the door. Standing she leaned over and looked at what he had. Nothing sucked per se, but she could see what his issue was.
She got several clicks in before he protested again.
“I’ll just choose one and come back to it tomorrow or something. It’s fine, you have your own stuff to work on.”
“Did you just shh me?” he asked incredulously.
Rolling her eyes she turned around to glare at him but froze up when she realized he was standing and doing it awfully close to her. His head was tilted down as he stared at her and with the way she’d held her head up high their faces where maybe an inch apart.
In an instant the atmosphere changed and YN did not know what to do. Part of her screamed to back away quickly and the other part of her wanted her to close the gap. The voices in her head were at war and then she noticed his eyes on her lips again and threw out all fear.
As she leaned closer Christian did too and soon enough their lips were pressed against each other. The initial kiss was chastise, something to test the waters, but once they got comfortable with it the intensity grew. Their heads tilted and their bodies pressed closer together. Soon enough YN’s fingers were threaded in his hair and his hands caressed her hips and ass.
With her lips on his all thoughts kind of left her, besides how soft they were and how she wished she’d kissed him sooner. And how she didn’t want to stop doing it.
Christian squeezed her ass a little too hard though and in retaliation she slowed the kiss and bit his lower lip. When he stilled she worried about if he didn’t like that, but then he released a sound akin to a growl. His lips were on hers again in seconds and she got so wrapped up in the kiss that she didn’t realize that he’d started lowering onto his chair and bringing her with him. She didn’t start to pay attention until he had her straddle one of his thighs.
He wasted no time with subtlety bouncing that thigh causing a bit of friction between her legs. It was bearable for a while but then he pressed a little hard and her lips parted as a gasp escaped them. Christian took that as a chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, swirling around hers. Though compliant with all his actions YN did try to gain control of the kiss, but all it took was another firm grazing of her crotch to have her moaning out. One bounce in particular had her pulling away from his lips.
But just because she stopped didn’t mean that Christian did, his lips went to kiss along her collarbone which was readily exposed in the off the shoulder top she wore. The feeling of them on her skin sent a shiver up her spine and inadvertently had her grinding down on his thigh, which only got her even more excited.
Her pleasure must have been apparent because once again Christian’s hands were on her hips. Unlike before though he used that leverage to move her along his thigh. With his lips still kissing across her shoulder and neck he moved her back and forth, ensuring he was pressing down enough that she could feel the friction despite her shorts.
The pace was slow at first, but it was enough to ensure that YN was growing wetter by the second. Her body felt on fire and it didn’t help when Christian began to suckle hickies onto her. She felt very stimulated and that’s what caused her to cry out in pleasure when he began to speed up the pace.
“Fuck,” she said.
“Oh, we’ll definitely get to that, but why don’t you take over and ride my thigh, baby? Get yourself worked up for me,” he whispered in her ear, slowly pulling away but not before biting gently on the lobe.
YN did not need to be told twice. Her hands moved to his shoulders and she sat firmly on his thigh before dragging herself back and forth. At first, she was frustrated because she couldn’t find the right amount of pressure to feel anything worthwhile, but before she could give up Christian started guiding her.
“Just like that. Yeah, you’re doing so good for me. Keep going and you can pick up the pace. Make yourself feel good,” he said.
There was no verbal response from YN besides the moans she released when the friction truly started up. Goosebumps covered her skin the more she got into, her body tingled and she wanted more. Craved more.
But the look in Christian’s eyes as he watched her get herself off was too good a sight. His eyes had darkened a bit and she could see the lust in them. It didn’t help that he was biting his lower lip as his eyes remained firmly on the thigh she was on. He was enjoying the show and she wanted to give him more, so she kept going and her pace quickened again.
Though her pace change was also out of desperation. She’d gotten worked up quickly and despite how good his thigh felt her orgasm felt out of reach. Getting closer to it was all she wanted, so she moved with a vigor that could get her there.
That didn’t fly with Christian though, his hands held her still.
“No, no. You are not cumming on my thigh. You’re doing that with me inside of you,” he said.
YN groaned. “Then get inside of me.”
That elicited a laugh from him and made YN finally look directly into his eyes. He appeared very amused by how she’d responded.
“I should have known you’d be just as bossy like this.”
Naturally, that ended with her lightly slapping his shoulder which brought on more laughter from him. She was ready to get off his lap after that but yet again he held her in place.
The thing was that unlike before the expression on his face was softer and less like that of a man who said she would only cum on his dick.
“I know this is ruining the moment, but before I bend you over this desk and fuck you until you can’t walk I want to be very clear with you. I want to be with you. This is not me just fucking you because I find you attractive as hell. Got it?” he said.
Though she wanted to roll her eyes at his delivery she couldn’t help but smile as happiness filled her. Hearing him say it made her night and she would stay like she was or cuddled up to him for the rest of the evening, but there was a persistent problem still between her legs.
She leaned forward and leaned towards his ear to whisper, “And I want to be with you, but we can discuss that later. For now you have a problem to fix and a lot to prove if you think you’re going to put me on bedrest tomorrow.”
It didn’t take long for him to get her off his lap. He barked orders about getting off her shorts and panties while he ran out of the room for a moment. By the time he returned she was undressed on her lower half and bent over on the desk. Her legs were spread slightly and it gave him the view of her glistening pussy, just like she wanted.
“Shit,” he mumbled.
YN tried to keep the laughter from escaping her at his reaction knowing he’d probably tease her if she did. There was no time for all that, she needed him inside her as soon as possible.
Once she heard the sound of pants unzipping and dropping she felt herself perk up. Her ass rose up a little more and that seemed to pull another groan from Christian who sounded like he was fumbling with something behind her. She was going to ask if he needed help but then she felt the head of his dick press against her slit and she moaned.
Slowly he moved it between the lips of her pussy causing her to push back wanting more. The feeling was so good, but she still needed him to go further. Thankfully, he didn’t keep her waiting for long. Before she could fully process it he’d pushed inside of her completely. There was some discomfort from the sudden intrusion–one that was the first of its kind in a year–but he didn’t move and she adjusted fast. The stretch still felt a bit odd, but not something she hated. In fact, she loved the feeling of being full of him.
“You can move,” she said.
He didn’t need to be told twice because in the next second he was moving at a moderate pace. His hips moved back and forth, while one hand on her back kept him balanced.
YN’s eyes fluttered closed as she focused on the feeling of him. She’d been worked up enough that she was more than prepared for him, but also enough that she was sensitive. It wasn’t the same level as if she’d orgasmed, but it was enough to have her feeling extra with every stroke.
After several thrusts at that speed Christian suddenly sped up out of nowhere. It was enough that her hips moved away from the desk and hit against it every time he slammed back into her. It was a little painful, but the feeling of his dick pushing into her and hitting just the right spot made up for it. Her moans had been soft before, but with each thrust she grew louder.
At some point she was almost screaming out because of the brutal pace, but that didn’t mean that he slowed down. In all honesty it felt like he went harder and she loved every second of it. Wanted him to never stop.
And because she was so focused on how he felt she didn’t notice the tightening in her stomach and the way she was close to the edge until she was over it. Her eyes opened wide as her orgasm crashed through her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said.
Despite the clear indication that she’d come Christian didn’t stop. His pace slowed down some, but he kept pistoning into her. As she finished the last moment of her high the sensitivity set in, but she found herself building up again. Her pussy wanted a break, but she wanted him to keep going.
While she was ready to stay bent over for him until he came, Christian had other plans. Using his right arm he wrapped it around her torso and pulled her up so her back was against his chest. That hand moved down to rub her clit, something that had hips bucking because it felt like too much. She squirmed a lot, but then his left hand came around to wrap around her throat and she stilled.
“You’re going to give me another one, right?” he asked, though she knew it wasn’t up for discussion.
“Good girl.”
Without another word spoken by either of them he kept her how she was and continued to thrust into her, but his intense pace from before returned. His hand continued to rub and pinch her clit, which caused her to vibrate in pleasure. Plus, his hand remained around her throat squeezing every so often and she loved it more than she cared to admit. So much that her next orgasm came a little quicker than the last.
There was a weird feeling in her stomach though, but she had no time to assess it before she came. Her pussy spasmed and then she felt an intense pressure before she felt her thigh grow wet.
She’d squirted all over his dick and herself.
“Fuck, definitely going to have to do that again some other time,” he murmured.
YN didn’t even have it in her to respond to him, she just relaxed against her body as he continued fucking her. It took a minute or two before his precision slipped and she heard him moan out. He didn’t stop until he finished cumming and then he just stood there, his chest rising and falling heavily against her.
Three minutes passed with them like that before YN said something.
“We can’t stand here all night. Also, I’m so tired from this and working, we gotta rap this up.”
Christian laughed, but pulled out. From there YN leaned against the desk trying to orient herself. In that time Christian had discarded the condom and pulled his pants back up. He helped her do the same, though he didn’t bother fixing her pants completely. H
Carefully he turned her around to face him and smiled at her clearly exhausted, but happy face.
“How about we take showers, get changed, and call it a night? If you want you can stay at mine and we can start first thing in the morning,” he said.
Not one second was wasted debating it, YN just nodded in agreement.
“If I can shower and sleep I’ll be happy.”
That made Christian smile wider and then he leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips. He moved away to lead the way out, but YN took one step before reaching out to grip his arm. Worry colored his expression and then when he noticed the way her legs seemed to shake a little a smirk made its way onto his face.
“What was that about me having to prove something?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
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falcor-thee-luck-dragon · 5 years ago
Klaus x Powered Reader
Summary: Reader is part of the umbrella academy but came when they were 12 due to parents needing help for them, ya know controlling powers and whatnot. They can shapeshift into any animal and their senses are heightened n such.
Warnings: bloody, fighting bad guys, bit of Klaus fluff
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You know that moment in a movie where they freeze frame and then the character says something like “you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”
Yeah with Klaus you have those moments more times then you could count. In fact, if you had a dollar for every time Klaus has gotten you into a freeze frame moment. (And you’ve thought about this often.)
You could probably afford a real nice apartment with actual food in its fridge. Instead of living at the Academy with some apples and Klaus’ latest alcoholic beverage.
But alas, here you are in a back alley as Klaus’ bodyguard waiting for some Italian mafia members to come get their money that he owes them. Well that’s what you’re assuming but Klaus insists they’re just some moody tough guys. Okay sure.
You watch Klaus as he paces back and forth in front of you counting his cash for about the 50th time in the past 10 minutes.
Klaus stops abruptly and turns to you with a smile, “You know what I love about you, Y/N, every time I think things could get worse I look at your pretty face and I know you got me.”
Sighing in knowing annoyance you look up at him, “Are you short.”
Klaus snorts, “No actually I’m pretty long.” He says with wink.
You look up to the sky trying not to crack, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction even if it was funny, not the time or place. Especially considering his dumbass is short some cash he definitely owes very soon.
You look over to Klaus again and raise an eyebrow.
“Alright how much?”
He twiddles is fingers while avoiding your curious gaze. “Oh you know...a couple hundred or so.”
“So that’s why I’m here, emotional support my ass”, You say rolling your eyes a bit amused nonetheless.
Klaus may be an idiot but he’s funny and kind and you love him. Also you do enjoy beating up gangsters or whoever these thugs of the hour are.
Folding your arms while giving Klaus a smirk you tell him, “Well your friends better get their asses here cause when they do. I’m gonna knock their teeth in for making us wait in this shit ally. I’ve been suppressing the urge to vomit for 10 minutes.”
He nods in agreement, glad you’re not about to rip him a new one for his latest antics.
“Wait, does it really smell that bad, I mean the dumpster is at the other end of the ally.” He says in confusion.
You put your hands on your hips glancing at the dumpster and then focusing on Klaus.
“I’ve got the whole animal kingdom inside me Klaus, I know you can kinda smell that dumpster from here, but listen. For me it’s 1000x worse and let me tell you it doesn’t smell like a bath and body works around here.”
Klaus laughs scratching the back of his head, “Right, right, sorry.”
Suddenly a sketchy looking black car rolls into the ally, coming to a halt as three angry looking men walk out. Clearly hiding something within their coats, the “leader” it seems steps up and speaks.
“You betta have that 1,000 you owe us right fucking now you little theif, I don’t appreciate you takin’ my mother’s gold necklace, rest her soul.” He growls.
Klaus raises his hands up, “Listen buddy, you stole that from your own mother at her funeral...and let me tell you she’s not to happy about it.” He says looking to his left where you assume this guys dead mother is standing.
The bald guy behind him shakes his head and says, “So fuckin what? We needed that shit for other important purposes raccoon eyes.”
Klaus now lost as to where this situation is about to turn looks over at you clearly needing assistance. While mouthing “help me”.
Walking past him you hold your hands up showing you have nothing to hide, “Now that’s not very nice, a real shit personality, your mother would be very disappointed in how you’ve turned out. Cause let’s be honest it’s not like your looks are doing anything for you either.” You say snickering trying to see how they’ll react.
The first guy smirks reaching into his coat to pull out a nasty looking knife. “See this right here, I’m a good old fashioned man, I don’t believe in guns.”
You raise your eyebrows at him, “Oh well in that case we should all be quite relieved then.”
Looking behind him you notice as his two friends pull their own weapons out, which consists of a hammer and some type of meat hook.
“Klaus couldn’t have picked an easier bunch of idiots to fuck up then these psychos.” You thought.
The bald one begins to move brushing past the first guy looking like he’s seeing red.
“Jesus, man I didn’t mean to offend, I’m just making friendly conversation.” You muse.
Baldy begins to charge holding up his hammer ready to strike. “Come here you bitch, that’s my husband you’re talking to.”
He swings as you side step him, tripping him as he falls directly onto the concrete. Conveniently dropping the hammer in the process. Klaus being the ever troublesomely fantastic sidekick, picks up the hammer and throws it at you.
Gripping the hammer tightly, baldy rises from the ground faster then you’d expected mouth bloody and boiling with rage.
But in a hot second his bearded buddy in crime sprints towards you with his meat hook seemingly out of nowhere.
Klaus yells for you to watch out but you didn’t even need to look, this guys heart beat is louder then a firework and you’re faster then a viper, your senses on overload. As you turn around in record time to grab the guys right arm with the meat hook.
With your left hand tight around this guys beefy one you hold on and push his assault giving him more power. Effectively fulfilling your plan and leading the hook right into baldys chest. Who was fortunately running towards you.
A split second later with the hammer in your right hand you swing it forcefully into the guys shins. Hearing a sweet sickly crunch sound and the wild howls protruding from your assailants throat.
“Sorry I didn’t know you were married.”
“Fuck you!” He screams.
You look up hearing the sting of metal being swung in the wind, to see a knife heading straight for your throat.
With lighting reflexes you grab his wrist, the knife inches from your vulnerable skin.
Klaus gasps in the background terrified and relieved at not getting your throat slit.
You turn your fingernails to sharp cat-like claws that dig dangerously into his flesh, causing hot blood to drip out. The man drops the knife and grimaces in pain.
“I don’t know about you but I don’t think my boyfriend owes you three motherfuckers shit.” You growl, eyes beginning to glow an electric blue while the whites of your eyes shift to black, something that happens when you start to use your power.
“Fuck you, and fuck that thieving piece of junky shit crying in the corner.”
Your mood darkens, “Wrong answer.”
Letting go of his bloody wrist you grip his throat with your left hand lifting him off the ground. He begins to choke and struggles against your tight grasp.
“I know you’ve heard of me from other friends of yours, so listen very closely. If you touch Klaus again or anyone else around here who’s just trying to survive in this city. I won’t be so generous next time. Or maybe I should rip your fucking face off right now.” You squeeze tighter drawing blood.
“Y/N.”  Klaus says softly.
“Let’s go home.” He asks with pleading eyes and you snap back to reality smelling the iron scent of blood on your hands.
Sometimes you can get carried away feeling the rush of the hunt, a taxing side affect of your power, one you’ve always struggled to control.
Letting the man go he slumps to the ground coughing and sucking in straggled breaths.
“ Alright, me..me and the boys...won’t do nothing....you have my...my word....no bullshit nothing....I swear.”
“Good cause your friends are gonna need more then some stitches.”
You quickly leave the ally and start walking down the street towards the Academy.
Breathing heavily, you look up at Klaus who’s at your side as you start to feel a bit embarrassed that he saw you lose it a little.
He holds onto your arms stopping you, “Don’t worry, we’ll have a bath and watch some movies...hey you like that Museum one?”
“The Night at the Museum.” You say smiling still feeling off.
Klaus’ face lights up, “Yeah that one, with the big T-Rex skeleton and President Roosevelt on a horse.”
He links your arms together and you both begin walking again.
“Y/N, I’m not afraid of you, you know. I never have been, I actually find it pretty sexy of you to beat up bad guys for me and keep the neighborhood safe-er. Ben thinks so too, minus the sexy part of course. Only I get to enjoy that.”
You relax more into his side and once again start to feel a bit more at ease with yourself.
“Oh wait a second, here put these sunglasses on, your eyes are still playing mood rings with us. Don’t wanna freak out the civilians” He laughs.
“Thanks, I did wonder why that kid back there looked like he just saw a ghost.”
Klaus winks, “Maybe he did, cough cough..Ben...cough cough.”
“You’re an ass.” You say while rolling your eyes
“Yes indeed my love but remember I deal with the supernatural of all sorts, from ghosts to monsters, nothing phases me.” Klaus states proudly.
You laugh, “ Okay Van Helsing, this monster wants a bath with her hunter then.”
Klaus kisses your cheek, “That can be arranged my dear.”
Smiling up at him you hold him tighter and think to yourself how weird your life is, but you wouldn’t change it for anything.
- okay wow alright, first story ever I hope it’s good or at least some people like it. It was honestly fun to write ngl.
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night-rook · 4 years ago
Misled | Uraraka Ochako x Reader |
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Word Count: 1973 Reader Type: Neutral Gender, Hanahaki Disease  Story Type: Requested, UA Traitor Uraraka x Reader(?) Beware: Curse words. Summary: The teachers of Yuuei have been during search for the possible traitor. While Reader has been suffering from a violent fit of coughs since the start of the year.  Key terms:  (Y/n) = Your Name (E/c) = Eye Color (S/c) = skin color                             ━━━━━━━✿━━━━━━━ It was a normal day in Yuuei High. The students were studying while teachers were teaching. Instead of joining your classmates, you were on your way to deliver papers to Principal Nezu for Aizawa. The reports were important as each document held classified information from the USJ and Training Camp incidents. Papers filled lined by line of every thing that was recorded to deepen the investigation.
Yuuei staff was conducting a search through classes A and B as those were the prime targets the villains attacked. However, Class A was in a deeper end of the search because the students were involved in both attacks.
As you walk down the hallway, a sudden burn erupted from the depths of your chest. You place your free hand over the center of your chest as the burning grew hotter. Slowing down your pace until you stopped dead in your tracks, the aggressive burn began a boiling trail upwards. Cough Cough Cough A-HA! The release was so powerful your body hunched over as the coughing roared out of you, pushing itself out of your lungs. Pressing a hand against the wall, your other hand covering your mouth while heaving out hot air. The violent coughs continued to ransack your aching lungs. The organs desperately try to clear whatever was inside your system. Your throat receiving a blazing itch while the coughing coursed through. Coughing was normal to everyone, but these violent attacks weren’t. For the past couple of weeks the simple cough turned into assaults. Each pass became harsher than the last one. It wasn’t this bad when you were in class. You would cough here and there, but Uraraka gave you a cough drop before you left to hand the reports. The small strawberry piece was still in your mouth but the assault of coughs was still there. Leaning back against the wall, you closed your eyes to take a moment to think. When was the last time you felt healthy? When was the last time your body didn’t have these violent coughing fits? These thoughts run through your mind as your body eases from having to take a ten minute attack. Carefully inhaling and exhaling, for a split second, the image of the human mochi made an appearance across your brain. “Is it possible you like Midoriya?” a childish voice echoed around the empty hallway. “What! O-Of Course not!” the mochi yelled. Your (e/c) orbs glance over to the brunette as the three of you hold onto the railing. Thirteen using her quirk on the trio, slowly advancing forward. The pink on Uraraka’s plush cheeks grew as she started to overthink before she let go of the railing. Being quick to react, you let go of the metal bar to grab onto her wrist in order to prevent her from getting sucked into the vacuum. The sensation in your throat that day was unbearable. You tried to speak but your voice never came. After the exam, you left to see Recovery Girl on what was happening. The elderly woman was puzzled by your symptoms  because your body appeared to be healthy. She examined you thoroughly and even held you overnight to see for further symptoms. But, in the end, she wrote your cough as seasonal allergy. The days following that were hell on earth to you. The coughing never creased! They were worse when you were in class. Seeing the girl interact with the green boy, the annoying burn would settle in your chest as you walk by. Goosebumps would coat through your (s/c) flesh when she would smile and talk to you. Her cheerful demeanor set a light through you and made you happy. The warmth when her hand would touch yours as your two would study. Shaking your head, you pushed yourself off the wall to head towards the office once your breath had evened out. “Maybe I should book an appointment.. Probably get some medicine to help.” you mumbled under your breath as you continued with the day.                            ━━━━━━━✿━━━━━━━ To say for the least, the coughing assaults only grew more painful. You were training with Bakugou on trying to improve your reaction speed. You were doing well for the past hour. Sweat dripping down your forehead as you blocked the hothead’s ruthless attacks. You got ready to trade fists with the blonde when the soft ring of laughter reached your ear. Taking a simple glance towards the direction of the laughter, your pupils dilated at the sight of the brunette as she laughed at the nervous wreck that was Midoriya. Your heart skipped a beat at the way her ivory cheeks were coated with a light dust of pink. The blonde sent a hook punch towards you when the throat murder came out. The punch collided against your ribs and knocked your body towards the left. Hitting the ground, your body skipped across the floor as the coughing assaulted your throat. The gym that was once filled with yelling and laughter grew quite as the violent coughing reached everyone’s attention. “Dumbass! Your fucking weak body can’t take a hit, huh?! It wasn’t even that strong a punch!” the blonde yelled at your curled form. “Ah! Kacchan don’t yell at them! Can’t you see they-” “Shut it Deku!” “Man, Bakubro, ya could have gone easy on them. Sheesh.” Kirishima chuckled while walking over to the blonde. “Hey, (y/n). Are you okay? Can you stand?” she questioned, reaching out a hand to your fallen form. It was an innocent gesture. The type that held no ill will behind it. Uraraka kneeled as her earthy eyes were shadowed with concern and worry. But, something off. Her eyes were usually warm and filled with cheerful joy. These brown orbs were cold and distant in comparison to the bubbly girl you were classed with. Guard up! Something clicked as your hand pushed hers away from you. Your eyes widen at the bold action before a sharp pain course through your chest. Fisting the fabric material around your chest, the organs in that location started to pound. Your heart pulses out blood as rapid as it could but your throat tightens while your lungs begin to burn. You took a step back as the girl in front of you watched your hunched form. “Get away from me..” it was a hushed mumble. The words forced out of the unbearable tension in your voice box as you tried to glare at the girl. Uraraka’s back was towards the others as she faced you. The shadow look grew darker as you stared at one another. The earthy eyes became cold while her posture remained innocent. Her inner appearance being the opposite of what was presented to the world.  You glared towards the female despite the pain that was being dealt to your body. The boys witnessed the scene. You never once raised a hand or were opposed to a helping hand, especially from the brunette. To see you go cold, it was uncharacteristic to the class. Think now. You were there when that psycho blonde attacked.. Ochako pinned her down but the way she was attacked... It seemed practiced, right? (Y/n), you know fake wastling when you see it! Your inner conscience yelled at you while your eyes focused on the brunette. The memory of when Toga had attacked Tsu and Uraraka. You had rushed to the scene just in time when the blonde had pinned the sweet frog tree. Activating your quirk, you managed to push the blond away from Tsu before Uraraka came in to pin her down to the ground.  That look she had at the blond, it was similar to the one on her face at this moment. “What’s wrong, (Y/n). You’re acting really weird.” her sickly sweet voice rang out to you. Clenching your jaw, you remained quiet while watching her. She wasn’t asking for a response, that was clear with her facial expression. The pain wasn’t ceasing while you had your standoff. If anything, it was escalating by the ticking second. The nerves in your body were pulsing. Blood Cells flowing within veins were burning throughout your body as muscles felt like they were being torn. Your knuckles turned white from the amount of pressure you used to distract yourself from the agony. “Tell me.. ” as hoarse as it sounded, your voice managed to maintain a steady wave. “It’s weird when we pair up, now that I think about it. I get these strange dots in areas you hit…” “What do you mean? Those are probably blood clots-” “Nope. Those dots aren’t clots. I know because I did my research along with some examinations from Recovery Girl.” You cut her off almost immediately. Her composer nearly breaks from the straight answer. “What’s even weirder, my lungs received the most damage. The coughing and hacking got worse by the day. I’m surprised to not be hospitalized at this moment.” Right on cue, the inner assault made and appearance. You wheezed out the violent attack and hunched over only slightly, using your hand to cover your mouth the best you could. As it passes, a trail of crimson leaked out from the corner of your mouth. The eyes of those around you widen at the sight of blood. Everyone knew you had been having fits but not this bad. “I was curious why I had them. The assault of coughs and wheezing after the USJ accident, but I shrugged it off because it could have been from the dust caused by the villain attacks. But, that night with Toga, Tsu tossed you just as I arrived.” There it was. It was tiny and barely visible to the others but it was clear to you. Uraraka flinched at the mention of the blond girl’s name. She gulped down the lump in her throat as a way to calm down. You could be bluffing to her in order to get a reaction. She had nothing stacked against her, and she was sure of that. “What are you talking about? You arrived just as I pinned her down.” “Not exactly. I pushed her away from Tsu before she was stabbed. But it was odd because you pinned her down. Even though you appeared right behind me, when you were tossed a head of us.” Her eyes widen at your words. That was all it took before you activated your quirk to try and trap her, but she regained her composer and dodge. Uraraka floated up with the usage of her gravity quirk. The shock was written on the faces of all the students as they witnessed the brunette not struggle. You were about to pursue her when the next assault comefore, causing you to drop to your knees. Uraraka smirked down at your fallen form. Through the course year, she had grown fond of you out of everyone in class. Getting close enough to make you lose your guard when she came to you, never once refusing her requests of studying. She exploited your helpful nature and made you victim to her mask of innocence.  Black mist appeared next to Uraraka. She floated towards it before turning back to give the students of class A one last smile.  “It was fun while it lasted.” With that, the brunette vanished from the gym. The shock in everyone left them paralyzed from moving. The bubbly girl they all had grown accustomed to, the female who looked to be a cheeky cheerful joy.. She had played them all. Trying to regain your breath, you opened your eyes to see a small pile of saliva in your hands. Your (e/c) eyes darkened at the reddish liquid but that wasn’t what caught your attention. In the center of the goo, a small pile of soft looking petals rested in the center.                            ━━━━━━━✿━━━━━━━ 
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the-sketched-squad · 5 months ago
My mom FINALLY scheduled my next therapy appointment [I can only have them once a month]
And like I’m gonna tell them I’m system
Cuz why the fuck not
And I want to tell someone else
[-🕷️ and -🍭]
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border-spam · 4 years ago
Can I get your take on the hierarchy within the cult? Also any thoughts you might have on basic bandit culture?
Yooo world-building time. 
Bandits are to Psychos as wolves are to predators. They are part of the same overall culture on Pandora, but Psychos? Psychos don’t just come from Bandits.
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Bandits are the roaming clans of wasteland survivors that prey on corporate settlements across the wilds of the dust-planes. They are abandoned workers like the raging ghosts of Dahl’s hidden past, failed settlers deserted on a vicious planet by their patrons who’ve realised you either play Pandora’s game or die trying, and natives who were born within the Bandit tribes and now pass their culture to newfound family. 
They have laws that mean life or death, and they follow their spoken rules with savage reverence. There are clan leaders and figureheads, you’re as likely to come across a Bandit trade mogul as a skull collector. They can be reasoned with as long as you speak their language and understand their ways, and most merchant ports across the docklands have stations there are unwritten whispers about -  that you don’t setup stalls there, those docks are for the ones with no names.
Psychos are something else altogether. Psychos seek out Bandit clans naturally, like they are drawn to the possibility of belonging. They don’t really belong though, they don’t belong anywhere.
Pandora has a reputation across the border planets as being where the mad congregate, like the planet itself will rot your mind over time, leave you a babbling wreck that carves crude eyes into its chest and eats through its own limbs while shrieking about the hunger and the song, but it’s not actually Pandora that’s at fault.
It wasn’t Pandora that commercialised Eridium, it wasn’t Pandora that brought tens of thousands of people to try and eke out an existence on it while hacking crystallised energy out of its rocky crust, and it wasn’t Pandora that drove its inhabitants mad 29 years before BL3. 
That was.. something else. When [Redacted] tore through the minds of the people too close to Eridium, too vulnerable to the song that vibrates through its structure that before had been so silent, it warped their minds into what was after termed the “Psychosis”, the great maddening of Pandora’s civilians. Psychos are doctors, farmers, technicians and housewives. Psychos are bandits born and warped over time, townsfolk who walked too far along abandoned trails that were warned about for reasons, corporate shills and lost children. They are everyone.
It never stopped, and rumors still abound that being too close to Eridium is the trigger, that taking a job in a Slag refinery is practically a death sentence. 
The people who lose their sanity to the incessant whispering and scratching at the back of their minds end up seeking out others who understand them, their urge to find belonging drives them instinctively to each other, and so they congregate together around Bandit camps. They may become part of the roving caravans eventually, but they never truly become part of the clan. Bandits are closer to the Psychos than any other denizens of Pandora, but even they hold them at arm’s length, even they know to keep their distance from the muttered frenzy that drives the mad ones.
When the twins began to form the COV, they were rejected straight away by the Bandits and shanty villages they approached. And I mean rejected. We’re talking laughed out of town at the best, and at the worst…
Well, Ty got her scars in that first week, and Troy? He doesn’t remember what happened really, just the tearing smash of the glass bottle slicing across Tyreen’s face, a scream, and then nothing.
Nothing, till he woke into a fever hours later, one that turned septic as he ranted and choked about how even though he closed his eyes, he could still see.
When they tried again in earnest after spending 6 months with Seifa, it didn’t escape either of their notice that while they had to really work for the loyalty of Bandits and townsfolk, the freaks that scratched symbols into the dirt outside the camps while screeching incoherent nonsense seemed to just come to them on their own.
There was no real effort involved, all the Psychos needed was a flash of Siren markings and a promise of family and they followed at the twin’s heels like packs of yelping Skags covered in body fluids and neon paint. The twins never really discussed this -  Tyreen uninterested in challenging her own opinions about her social magnetism and Troy uncomfortable with the taste his inklings on the subject left in his mouth, but Psychos are drawn to Sirens. They always have been, they flock to them like pious worshipers half terrified and half in love with the beings they chant about as ghost mothers, vault touched, the voices of the song…
They eagerly weave Sirens into their own beliefs, they worship them without prompt, and so Psychos became the backbone of the initial COV.
They were never respected, though.
As it grew, the Holy City opened its doors to all. Except them.
The twin’s distaste for them is palpable, Troy’s more than Tyreen’s who suffocates it under layers of sickly sweet reassurances that they are family. That they have belonging here, that they are loved by her. They don’t and they aren’t.  If anything, the COV views them as literal meat shields - living walls that cushion the casualties of their actual followers by taking bullets in their stead.
The Psychos live outside the city, in shacks and crudely constructed shelter towers. Far enough from the Grand Cathedral at the city’s center that the twins don’t have to deal with hearing the shrieking raucous of the sprawl that grows outside the gates daily and robs slum dwellers of decent sleep.
The city itself is filled with Bandits, traders, drug cartels run by shrewd matriarchs covered in clan symbols inked into their skin, gangs in blood feuds, but the Psychos are forgotten till a raid siren cuts across the city scape and the faithful are called to arms. The Psychos don’t matter till they can stand in front of the Twin God’s chosen and die in glory through a hail of bullets.
Tyreen laughs when they are brought up, jokingly calls them her “favourite little snacks” through a grin that doesn’t reach her eyes and shows far too many teeth.
Troy though, he shudders in confused disgust at the thought of their desperate fingers reaching to glance in worship across the warmth of his skin as he passes with a retinue. He’s strangely invested in pushing provisions budgeting to the Holy City’s slums, and rumors are that the Vanguard are instructed to turn a blind eye when food is passed through the gates into eager hands at night.
Bandits have places of importance within the COV, from Saints like Jak-Knife and Mouthpiece, to old war-hands with roles of General within the assault ranks or highly respected traders in the marketing district of the city. Bandits have a life within the cult, they have real belonging and are seen as having some form of value even by the Twin Gods, and the Calypsos barely see most other people as people.
But the Psychos are just bullet sponges, expendable assets that happily march to death in the name of a mother who lies so convincingly about her love for them.
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Mafia HC?
Oh boy. This is gonna be interesting.
In this AU Mc is an entertainer. She got some pipes on her. She can go honey sweet or seductively smoky. Only real issue is her being a tad on the sickly side. Very fragile. Not exactly in body. But her immune system is rather weak. She can thank her parents for that. For the longest time she's never seen the outside her room but to go to the hospital. In fact it took years to convince her parents to let her WALK. (Ever watch that secret garden movie? Basically that.) Singing was the only thing that brought her comfort.
After she turned eighteen she skipped town with the help of her personal doctor Dr Rosen. She moved into the safer side of a mafia run city. Got a job in a small bar as the entertainer. Of course word of mouth spreads fast. Why else the top three mafia bosses be in such a small bar?
Erik is known as the kinder of the big three. Willing to barter favors if a store or apartment can't pay the full due. He mostly deals in stolen shipments. Preferring to keep with old times.
Your eyes are what catch his attention so full of inner strength and life. It's breath taking. He wants you for his hotels bar entertainment just so he can be in contact with you constantly as he runs the hotel and entertainment when he's not looking at papers and doing boss things. He fully intends to woo her slowly and carefully. He's a scary looking guy with a reputation after all.
Hotaru is Erik's right hand man. Often speaks on his behalf when erik decides to go mute. Loves going on raids cause he can let loose and catch shit on fire.
MCs body language is what caught his attention. Not a hint of shyness while on stage. An absolute goddess of seduction. But then you get off the stage and your a cute shy angel. He loves it
He encourages erik to approach Mc with the job offer. Apparently he's not the only one with this idea.
Sweets is the best escort and eros right hand man. He's basically the house mother to the girls that work for Eros. Believe it or not he's met Mc before. When Mc first came into the city. He pointed out where to find apartments after you pepper sprayed one of his stalkerish fans. He wants you to be the entertainer at the escort club. All classy of course. Anything sex related is on an escorts own time.
Sweets is also pretty fucking crazy. Wouldn't know it just looking at him tho. He cleans up all the ruffians and abusers out of his bosses business. The secretly sadistic psycho with a sweet face. Incredibly clever he's eros tactician as well.
Eros is a don that handles sex trafficking and drugs. However cruel and ruthless tho he is, he takes care of his workers and his escorts. After all he himself made his start as a lowly prostitute.
He noticed MCs flawless performance in the face of what was obviously lack of health due to poor conditions. The pure happiness and joy as mc dazzles the crowd. After a couple minutes of having sweets ask the bartender about work conditions he learns that the owner cut the entertainments pay to save a few bucks and it's been hell because the owner doubled hours and still expects the same amount of work as when they were payed more.
Looks like he'll be buying this bar after an 'accident' befalls the owner.
Now quicksilver is absolutely cutthroat. We're talking sweatshops, hitmen, money laundering, illigal foreign items. Black market and dirty business shit.
He's been keeping an eye on mc tho as a request from an old friend (dr. Rosen) to keep her safe. And seeing as the guy he had hire her for a lower protection fee is getting greedy and jipping his future bride. . . Well the man won't need that money where he's going.
QS is absolutely obsessed and possessive of mc. He's killed off potential suitors. He's bribed others. He's even been in your home. He has some real issues that need to be addressed.
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earlysunsetsoverambrose · 5 years ago
Crash and Burn (1/4)
Bo Sinclair x f!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Cursing
A/N: It’s been literal years since I’ve tried writing an actual story. Please forgive my rusty skills! I hope you enjoy! 
You cast a looming shadow on the wall behind you in your room lit only by a bedside lamp. Bo had not yet joined you and so you waited patiently for his return, knowing you’d get no rest without him there. You sat in the middle of your shared bed, legs crossed and gaze fixed on your lap. Your hands shook as you wrung them together. Memories of the event from earlier that day played over and over in your mind, trying to recount exactly what happened and what you had done.
The sun was just beginning to set in Ambrose. As far as you knew, it had been a quiet day. Usually if there were tourists lurking around, one of the Sinclair brothers managed to give you some sort of warning to stay in the house. Not that you complained; both you and Bo preferred it that way. It not only kept you safer, but it also spared you from bearing witness to any of the violence haunting the small desolate town. While the boys had become your family and you loved them dearly, you had no desire to get involved in their work. You knew very well what they did and what they were capable of, but you couldn’t really stomach doing any of it yourself. At least you had always thought that.
You exited the house at the same time you always did in the early evening. In your time in Ambrose, you developed a routine which called for you to round up the boys for dinner every night at sunset, tourist circumstances allowing. Until you had arrived, it was a miracle if any of the brothers made time to eat a real meal, much less sit down together and bond over it. You had brought a light and stability with you when you arrived in their small town, and your dinner call had become a much-anticipated time of day.
You made your way to the gas station first with a skip in your step, excited to see Bo. You’d gone the whole day without a word from each other. This wasn’t uncommon as he often got wrapped up in maintaining the town, but you missed him all the same. You were about to call out to him in a silly voice as you approached the open garage, but paused upon hearing the sounds of screaming and crashes. Bo’s familiar voice rang out in angry curses against another feminine voice screaming right back. You quickly stepped closer to the station, pressing yourself into the wall, trying to remain hidden. This group of tourists must’ve been particularly troubling, so much so that no one had time to warn you they were here. You’d never been around while strangers were present and your heart pounded in your chest, unsure of what to do. Enter the skirmish or leave before you were discovered and get help? You slowly peeked your head around the corner to see a young woman holding her own against Bo. You covered your mouth to mute your gasp of shock as you watched them struggle with one another. Bo’s lip was busted and he had a good chunk of blonde hair he’d ripped from the woman’s head still wrapped in his fingers. The stranger’s nose looked broken and her scalp was angry and red from the stream of blood dripping into her eyes. If looks could kill, they’d both dead in a ditch in an unmarked grave.
“Christ almighty, you put up a hell of a fight.” Bo smirked as he spat blood onto the ground, keeping his eyes trained on his prey “You’d almost give my girl a run for her money, she’s a feisty one too.”
“Shut the fuck up and stay the fuck away from me you goddamn psycho!” the woman screamed, taking one step back for every one Bo took toward her.
“No there’s no need to use name-calling, baby.” Bo taunted in sickly sweet tone that would make anyone’s blood run cold.
“You killed my friends!” the woman shook with wrath, devastation pulling at her vocal cords
“And I’ll kill you too.” Bo hissed through venom
“Fuck you!”
Bo moved to tackle her. You dug your nails into your palms as you watched them crash into everything, narrowly avoiding one another. Suddenly, the young woman managed to grab a wrench and whip Bo across the face. He fell from the impact and the woman wasted no time jumping onto him and reeling back for another blow. Bo caught her wrists and they struggled once more for the weapon. The woman finally ripped one hand from Bo’s grip and brought her fist down onto his face, repeating the action, willing him to let go of her other arm. With every strike, more blood spewed from Bo’s mouth and nose.
Your eyes widened and your breath halted as your thoughts were silenced by a harsh ringing burning in your ears. You were filled with rage, fear, and desperation as your feet silently, but swiftly carried you forward. You felt yourself shout something causing the woman to face you, but you couldn’t hear yourself and you couldn’t recall the words. All you felt was fire. You weren’t even sure how you got the screwdriver you plunged straight into her neck. It was then you realized everything had been moving in slow motion as the realization of what you did hit you like an oncoming train.
You gasped and covered your mouth as tears you didn’t realize were brimming in your eyes fell fast, burning your cheeks. You took a huge step back, as you saw the woman reach for the screwdriver, anger and pain registering in her eyes. Bo’s eyes were locked on you.
“I-I’m sorry-” You stuttered out as she somehow managed to stand and stumble in your direction. You shuttered as the woman let a scream rip through her throat, so raw and tortured it sent chills down your spine. Before she could move any further, you saw Bo scramble to his feet and rip the screwdriver from the woman’s neck, sending a stream of blood pooling down her body, painting her dark crimson in seconds. Bo held the woman up by her hair, and spared a glance in your direction. He must’ve seen your anguish as he threw her body behind him before kneeling down and delivering a few more stabs to her chest for good measure.
Your vision blurred as questions ran rapid in your head. What had you just done? Did she really deserve that? Did you have to stab her? Did you stab her? Was that your only choice? What have you done? How could you? The questions grew deafening in your brain. Your brain pounded with each second and you couldn’t breathe. You clawed at your eyes, begging for any release from your own mind.
“Darlin’… Y/N, look at me, baby girl. It’s just me, come back to me.” Bo’s voice, low and careful for once, echoed in your head, bringing you back from the brink. Warm, rough hands forced yours away from your face. You must have sunken to your knees as you started to process him kneeling in front of you. He brushed your hair back from where it stuck to your teary face before placing a calloused hand on your cheek. He gently used his thumb to wipe away the tears as they continued to fall. He lowered himself to look at you, but he could tell you weren’t seeing him “I got you, sweetheart. I’m right here.” Slowly, both of your hands moved to cling to the one on your cheek for dear life as he grounded you in reality. Though you had an iron grip on him, Bo could feel your fingers trembling. Your sobs came out short and strangled as you gasped for air. You felt like your throat had closed entirely. Your panicked eyes shot to him.
“I-I can’t b-” you were cut off by your own lungs, burning and choking you.
“Y/N, I need you to breathe. C’mon, breathe for me.” He said urgently. He moved his other hand to rest on your neck to turn your stare toward his eyes, forcing you to focus on him. He could feel your pulse racing under his fingertips. It was so fast it startled him “Deep breaths, now.” He took a deep breath for you to copy and thankfully you were able to do so. With a few more deep intakes of air, you were breathing normally again.
“B-Bo, I…I’m sorry-I didn’t-” He cut you off
“Shh, it’s alright, it’s okay. Just breathe. Don’t got nothin’ to be sorry for, you hear me?” He said as he rubbed circles into your cheek “I’ve got you. You’re okay.” He pulled you closer, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, despite the harsh sting it sent through his busted lip. He lingered there only for a moment in silent thanks to whatever powers that be you were safe. He pulled back to take a look at you, his piercing blue eyes scanning for injuries. While he didn’t find so much as a scratch, he’d never seen you so shaken. Your broken expression made his heart drop into his stomach as he knew there wasn’t a damn thing that he could do to make this easier. It made him wish he could kill that woman all over again for putting you through this.
“I didn’t know…but I…” You could barely manage to string your sentences together “She was… kill you. I couldn’t just…”
“Hey, hey don’t go worrying about this, got it?” He heard you trailing off and he jumped to keep you focused on him. “I’m okay. We’re both safe.”
“Bo…” you cried his name as you buried your face in his chest Your body felt so small and fragile against his as you convulsed with silent sobs. He quietly shushed you as his strong arms came up around you to pull to close, protecting you from the world like so many times before. He wrapped you tight against him, trying to soothe your shaking as best he could. He’d never felt so damn helpless and he hated it.
You don’t know how long you sat there in Bo’s arms, only that when you finally pulled yourself from his chest, the sun had set and darkness had taken over. You suddenly didn’t know whether to feel guilty for making him sit with you so long or moved that he done simply that without a word. Just in staying there with you, Bo showed more patience than you ever knew him to possess.
“Why don’t we get you back to the house?” Bo suggested softly, “Get you cleaned up.” You looked down to examine yourself, having not realized your hands were dried in red and flecks of blood stained your shirt. You looked back up and nodded, still not trusting your ability to speak. Bo painfully got to his feet, biting back a wince from the bruises he’d surely find littering his body later. He carefully pulled you to your feet and ushered you into the passenger side of his truck, taking care to keep your eyes off the corpse you both left behind.  
A quick drive up the hill, Bo had you back home. He carried you from the car to your bedroom, despite your insistence you could walk. When you had tried to convince him to set you down, he ignored you. He silently helped you clean yourself up and change into one of his old shirts before tending to himself. By the time he was done washing up, you had regained a bit more clarity and calmed just a bit. While he was adamant about not leaving you alone, you convinced him to go help Vincent with the cleanup. You needed a little time to process for yourself anyway. So, you sat in patient silence while your thoughts ran wild.  
You were startled out of your staring contest with the wall when you heard heavy footsteps echoing up the stairs. You shifted your stare to the door just as Bo entered looking just about as haggard as you felt. A dark bruise had taken shape around the cut on his cheekbone from where the wrench had hit him and it stretched to just under his eye. You nearly winced just looking at him.
“What’re you doin’ still awake, darlin’. You ought to be resting.” He drawled out; exhaustion laced in his voice as he ran a hand over the good side of his face.
“I wanted to wait for you.” You told him as you moved closer to the edge of the bed. Bo slowly made his way over to where you sat. His limp was more pronounced, his bad knee angry from the brawl he’d gotten into, no doubt. Before you could mention it, he leaned down to your level and silenced you with a warm, firm kiss. You felt the tension in your body dissipate as you melted into his kiss. You sighed into his lips, still tasting a faint bit of copper on them. You knew he was just trying to distract you from his limp, but you let him get away with it this once. He pulled back and ran a thumb over your bottom lip.
“Why don’t you settle in? Won’t take me long to join you.” He said as he stood back up. You pulled yourself up to your knees to take a better look at the damage done to his face. You moved your hands to further assess the injury, but he caught your wrists in a firm grip, “Don’t worry about it, baby girl, just go to bed.”
“Can I at least get you some ice? Or pain killers?” You asked. He’d taken such care with you that evening, it was only fair you try doing the same.
“No, sweetheart.” He said before kissing you fingers and releasing your wrists.
“Y/N.” Bo said sternly. You silently cursed his stubbornness, but relented. You hesitantly sank back into the bed, moving to your side which was farthest from the door. When you began sharing a bed, no matter how you fell asleep, you would wake up to find Bo had shifted so that he was between you and the door. After a few nights, you took the hint and officially claimed that side as yours.
You got under the covers and watched as Bo stripped himself of his hat, shirt, and pants, leaving him in only his underwear. You cringed to yourself at the sight of the bruises along his ribs. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before returning and crawling into bed next to you with grunt of pain. He settled himself against his pillow and pulled you into his side like he did every night. He moved you to rest your head on his chest with his arm wrapped around you. He reached over to turn out the lamp so that the only light left was from the moon outside. After a few moments of silence, you nuzzled into Bo’s side with a sigh as your thoughts began to wander back to what you did.
“Get some sleep, Y/N.” Bo’s gravely, fatigued voice echoed in his chest, effectively silencing your thoughts. It was times like this you swore he could read your mind. He could be so in tune with you when it counted.
“Goodnight, Bo.” You whispered. He mumbled sleepily in response as he buried his nose in your hair, breathing you in. You shut your eyes and tried to focus on his steady heartbeat. After a few minutes, sleep finally welcomed you into its embrace.
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fall-to-rise-98 · 4 years ago
Divergent, Eric+OC
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Kingdom Fall:  Amity Reject
Before choosing Dauntless at her choosing ceremony and becoming a true Dauntless member Amity-born Anna never felt accepted in her faction, but she took a leap of faith and learned fast how to make it through initiation. She took her aptitude test and got Divergent though, having shown an affinity for three other factions: Abnegation, Erudite, and Candor. Peace was something she wasn’t accustom to and she had been known to become violent at times, so that ruled out Amity. Dauntless was for the brave and courageous, which she could manage. Although some fears she thought seemed permanently etched onto her soul. Before choosing Dauntless Anna had also never known true love, then she met Eric. The cold, stone-faced leader of the Dauntless initiates. They butted heads from the moment they met with Anna’s sarcastic, cynical personality and his quick temper. It took some time for Anna to break through Eric’s metal armor and as dangerous as she knew it was to be near him, her being Divergent, it excited her all the same. Her life was at risk being around Eric, but this was what she wanted when she left behind Amity: the chance to finally be free. If she had to die eventually, just for the sweet taste of freedom, then she was determined to go out with a bang. 
A/N: Each post for this story may be short or long, depending on how much creative juice I can squeeze out. Each post may or may not be in order, just enjoy the ride. I will update as often as I can, since I am also writing another fanfic for Little Vampire on my main fanfiction account here  ⎯ https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13791424/1/Sweet-But-Psycho. Also, trigger warnings abound: vulgar language, physical abuse, mental abuse, adult themes (y’all know what that means), mentions of suicide (won’t go into detail), death, and of course  ⎯ violence. 
The Choosing Ceremony: Part 1
Raise Hell
Anna felt her eyelids trying to shut of their own accord, thought she chanted in her mind: stay awake, stay awake. 
Stay, a-fucking-wake. 
She wasn’t quite comfortable though, the position she was in. Wedged between her step-father (abusive asshole) and her mother (the lamb in the lion’s den) in a row of stiff, plastic chairs. Surrounded by smiling, juiced-up crowd of other Amity citizens. 
Fools, the lot of them. 
Hopped up on happy serum. Everyone always gets a dose of the sickly sweet, bright pink liquid once a week. It was a potent potion made to “keep the sins of anger at bay,” which Anna found absolutely ridiculous. 
It felt like a violation of free will. 
She happened to like the idea of free will. It was something she longed for and had wanted for many years. Especially when her mother Kimberly decided she wanted to settle down with the man who tormented them both on a daily basis, which Anna could not stand. At all. 
Sometimes she would lay in her bed at night, unable to sleep and covered in bruises, feeling sorry for her mother. Sometimes Anna thought her mother would have been better off growing a spine, just like she did. 
She didn’t want to accept the abuse any longer, especially after the incident almost a year ago on her sixteenth birthday. It was the most terrifying moment she ever experienced in her life. 
The night was rainy, but it wasn’t noiseless. She could hear the faint melody of the Amity sector. The shrill singing of small children, the merry laughter of adults. It was all outside of her house though. There was a different kind of noise inside her home, where happiness and joy seemed a million miles away. 
It was the sound of silence, a calm before the storm. The atmosphere in the house was thick and could not be cut so easily with a knife. A heavy, ominous presence hung in between the casual “pass the salt” or “how was school today?” chatter. No “did you have a good day?” 
No “happy birthday, sweetie.” 
Andrew sat at her left at the kitchen table during dinner, as quiet and menacing as a snake slithering in the grassy fields. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. 
Strike you dead, if by the look on his face. 
Something was getting under his skin bad and her mother was doing nothing except cowering in her seat to her right, trying to keep up a happy charade with a fake smile plastered on her face. It faltered often, but no one ever commented. 
No one cared enough to speak out and ask some serious questions. 
To involve themselves in our family drama, to help. 
Help was not something the Amity community usually gave out, from kindness of their hearts or just out of pure curiosity. Why does Anna keep to herself and always has a negative outlook on life? Why does Kimberly never talk to anyone? 
To everyone else, Andrew is viewed as an angel. A model citizen with a charming attitude and good soul. 
If only the Amity people would stop turning a blind eye to everything around them. Maybe the world would really be a better place. Everyone just might be able to get along. 
Then Andrew turned to her with a smile on his face, it was sudden and filled with dazzling teeth. He was a handsome man for his age, mid-forties with a head full of thick salt and pepper hair. Green eyes the color of jade, staring her down with malice. Hardened and angry. 
What had she done this time? She was being responsive to every question or comment, asked by either of them. Eating her dinner quietly otherwise, head bent down to avoid confrontation. It was a defense mechanism Anna knew worked best with Andrew and most of the time she tried hard to keep her step-father placate. 
This was how you survived in her house. 
“How was your day, baby girl?” 
Anna snapped to attention, her startled dark-blue eyes meeting the amused expression on Andrew’s face. She was taken aback at the pet name, one she hadn’t heard him use in years, and glanced at her mother. 
She hesitated, a pause of breath which irritated Andrew. 
Kimberly was staring at her second husband with the look of a frightened animal, gaping mouth and teary-eyed. There was something in her eyes, all wide and watery, that made Anna’s blood run cold. 
It was a look she only saw once. 
The first time Andrew took his anger out on them. 
But that was then and this is now. 
Andrew was glaring at Anna now, slamming his knife down on the table. “When I ask a question I expect you to know the answer immediately and respond back to me. Have we not had this conversation before?” 
Her mother surprised her. 
She spoke out against Andrew, although as timid and small as the plea was. 
“Andrew, don’t. Please.”
Andrew turned away from Anna then, but Anna knew it would only be brief and the strike would be swift. Once for speaking out of turn, across the mouth. 
Twice for telling him what to do, on the hand. 
Three times for standing up to him, which Anna only experienced one time. 
It made her angry. He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this. Her fingers gripped tightly to her silverware as she studied the scene before her. 
Prepared to either watch as her step-father descended upon her mother or step in between the two with the threat of a studded belt across the ass. 
Andrew was satisfied only mildly when Kimberly shrunk even further into her chair and raised an eyebrow, “Why not? You never said anything when I brought it up before. So I obviously assumed I had the right to ask Anna herself.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. 
What in the flying fuck was going on between these two? 
Something was off with both of them, a feeling of dread filling the pit of her stomach making it toss and turn the food contents she was previously piling down her throat. 
Though fear crept in there was also confusion and mild curiosity. Alarm bells rang off in her head though. Voices telling her to run away, get up from the table and run away, get away from the whole situation now. 
Kimberly glanced over at her daughter and choked on a sob, “Happy birthday. I love you, baby, I hope you know that.” 
She felt sick suddenly, then jumped to her feet at the feeling of a rough hand brushing her thigh. Anna felt the scream in her throat, but managed to keep it from filling the house. 
Andrew would not like that. 
It could have been a mistake. 
But he was grinning at her now, glancing from the expression on her face to the face of her mother. Kimberly felt anger course through her momentarily and she blurted out, “Stop it! Don’t you touch her like that.” 
In an instant, as fast as a lightning bolt appearing and disappearing, Andrew was on his feet with the knife and leaping over the table at Kimberly. 
Anna felt her vision blur for a moment, then go blood red at hearing her mother’s horrifying scream. She heard the plates fall from the table and shatter, heard the chair her mother was sitting in hit the ground with a thud as he tackled her to the floor. 
It filled her with absolute rage. 
Andrew had only intended on scaring Kimberly, threatening her with the knife against the throat, but enraged as Anna jumped onto his back he flung her off with ease. 
Then turned to her, a frightening smile on his face. 
The smile of a psychopath. 
“You see, I had a little talk with your mother the other night after dinner. It was really interesting. You left rather quickly, talking about how you were going to check up on a friend before bed. That was a mistake, you know. You have no friends.” 
Anna was winded, having hit the table with her shoulders which scraped it’s wooden legs across the oak flooring, and hitched a breath at Andrew’s words. At this point Kimberly was scrambling away, for the stairs, leaving Anna to fend for herself. 
Why wouldn’t her mother do something about this man? 
What was going on this time? 
“As you know your mother is 8 years older than I am and these past couple of years together have not suited her well. But you, my dear, have grown into a fine young woman and I feel it may be time for a change around here.” 
She scrambled to her feet, prepared now to defend herself until she couldn’t. 
This was one battle she wasn’t going down without a fight for. 
What needed to change was his ego, his pride. His sadistic cruelty. 
Andrew was faster, grabbing onto her legs as she started to run. He lunged at her like a football linebacker and they both fell to the floor. He laughed when she wriggled underneath him and fought to turn her on her back. 
“Come on, don’t you want to wrestle with your step-daddy?” 
Since then Anna began to train during her free time. Of course there was no use for gym equipment in Amity because of the farming business, but she had seen videos on her tablet (stolen from one of the Erudite-born at school) on how to build muscle and strength. 
Exercise videos that were played during health class, but not performed in the school. There was no physical education in her school that required actual physical labor. That was saved for after school. Chores, either at home or on the farm. 
She didn’t want to ever be put in that position again. Since that night Anna was preparing herself, physically and mentally, for the choosing ceremony. The choosing ceremony she was finally attending after six months of hard work and waiting. She would be free. 
She would finally be happy. 
Andrew was expecting her to remain in Amity, he had said so himself the night before, but Kimberly had not spoken a word in three days. 
Anna glanced back and forth between them both, hiding behind a curtain of pale blonde hair. It was freshly washed as of this morning and she was wearing tan shorts with a bright, yellow tank-top. She knew once she chose Dauntless she would be running towards the train with the other initiates, she always came to the ceremonies with her “family” and she loved watching the Dauntless run for the fast-moving locomotive. 
They were always shouting and screaming, but out of pure excitement. 
It was their new beginning and now it would be her new beginning. 
Although sitting quiet and stiff among the other Amity she was listening for the names of each new Dauntless initiate. 
Hardy, Ian. Candor.
Higgins, Samantha. Erudite.
Jonas, Zeke. Candor.
Larson, Holiday. Abnegation.
Maddox, Avery. Erudite.
Marsden, Jamie. Abnegation.
“Thatcher, Anna.” 
It was time. 
Her time.
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shieldsecretbase · 5 years ago
All The Right Moves - peter parker x stark!reader
[part eleven] - day two
words: 600 something
summary: After deciding you needed to get away from your home town and everything you know, you move in with your uncle. Who also happened to be Tony Stark. Through him you meet Peter Parker and a blooming friendship forms. Will your life be better with the Avengers? Or will the danger be too much for you?
warning: swearing 
A/N: hope you enjoy!
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“Oh my god, y/n y/ln, is that you?” you heard the shrill voice of Jamie ask as you approached Peter and the blonde bitch beside him. Maybe her voice was shrill just to you, MJ and Ned still holding their blank expressions. Peter was standing there awkwardly, holding his books to his chest as the blonde girl gathered hers from a locker next to yours. Oh you hated this.
“The one and only,” you replied, forcing a smile. “I didn’t know you moved into town.” Stopping in front of your locker, Peter gave you a smile as you opened it and placed your book away. You smiled back at him before turning to look at the blonde. Your smile instantly fading.
“I did. My mother got a promotion and the company moved her here. Did a foster family adopt you? I didn’t think a family from here would be wanting a high schooler. Let alone one that went through what you did.”
“Foster family?” Peter asked, cutting you off from responding.
“I’m not with a foster family,” you replied, swallowing the urge to strangle her right then and there. “My uncle took me in,” you continued, keeping your eyes on Jamie.
“Oh but I thought your mother was your only family?” she asked, doe eyes feigning innocence as she tilted her head to the side.
“No, my uncle is very much alive and well. You may actually know him. Tony Stark?”
For a second, Jamie’s expression dropped and you could see through the facade. She still wanted revenge. Just as quickly, her somber expression was back and she feigned surprise. “The Tony Stark is your uncle? That’s quite a shock. You never mentioned.”
“We were never close, it wasn’t your business,” your words were clipped short and cold.
MJ took that moment to speak up, “It’s kind of rude to be asking about her life, don’t you think? She went through a traumatic experience and you’re fixating on it while she’s clearly trying her best to move forward from it.”
Jamie narrowed her eyes for a moment, ready to kill MJ for even daring to speak up against her. You only smiled sweetly and linked arms with MJ. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“We should head to class,” Ned spoke up, looking uncomfortable. “Before we’re late.”
You and MJ nodded, following after Peter and Ned as they led the way. The walk to class was silent, a few conversations here and there. MJ made sure to check if you were okay. You reassured you were but with Jamie behind you, you were still on the edge of snapping. By the time you all got to your respective classrooms, you, Ned, Peter and MJ were laughing about gods know what. Your classrooms were next to each other and it made it easy talk a little longer. Jamie keep shooting you glares as she tried her best to keep her happy facade. As the bell rang, everyone headed into their classroom. You were about to step into your math class when a hand was on your arm. Turning to face the culprit, you narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. Making sure to take a step away.
“What is it Jamie?” you asked, words cold and short. “Why are you here?”
“Oh I already told you that. I want the total destruction of your life. Which means you and your family dead so I could move on destroy the rest of the world.” Her words were sickly sweet sounding and you clenched your first. “But it seems like there’s a slight bump in the road. A Stark huh?”
“You might wanna rethink your battle strategy. This isn’t the little leagues anymore.” Walking into the classroom, you smiled at Peter as you took a seat between him and MJ, laughing about something already.
Jamie watched with narrowed eyes, her first clenching as she realized the stakes. Tony Stark would get involved. The Avengers would get involved. They would crush her with one hit of that stupid god’s hammer. Unless… her eyes fell on her and Peter as you and him laughed, you trying to push him from his seat. Jamie knew what she needed to do.
tag list: @holland-underoos @fangirlingisajob @viarogers@cubedtriangle @captainstartights @maraudingmaraudeers @hawkxyes @witchyandkin @cautiouscalum @izabellah816 @vinerlover @polishpotterhead@can-i-fangirl-yet @adorluvr @queenmxndes @freddies-fried-chicken@isabella-bby @poorguys-head @sweetboitom @melymarvelgeek @princessizzy36 @marvelouslymedicated @imsuperawkward @marigoldstudy @leo-is-ma-man@multifandomwriter121 @nowheredreamer @gayguysayswhat @stuckonpeterparker @lala-florez @fandoms-all-around-catiel @jesus-jagiya @peter-spider-parker-man @theresultofcaffiene @nerdypartytrashpsychic@luvelyjjk @queenofthearchitect @savedbystark @psycho-on-thephone @samthesnoop @littlelunaticfringe @highfantasymath @marvelousmarauderstrash @rock-androllmadonna@deanismypie0876@rororo06 @quicksilverandspiderlokipokidoki @editsbyjenny @paintingbellarke @musicobsessed1505 @lunatic–charm  @dianadov
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iwouldratherprocrastinate · 5 years ago
Alpha!Troy x Omega!Reader
*Please keep in mind, this is my first time writing smut, but leave helpful advice if you can! ^_^*
Being in the COV was reassuring due to a safety in number thing, but there were struggles as well. Like the fact that you were an Omega, a thing that was almost non-existant in this day and age. On the plus side, the Calypso's ignored your presence in their cult. Being Alphas of such a large cult, they needed to not mate with an Omega. They got monthly 'sacrifices' or so they called them. This was when the priests would pick an alpha or beta to given to each twin. Usually they didn't live through it, the ones that did bragged about it until they were killed for talking about the twin gods. You were lucky that the priests cared enough to give you suppresant pills and hide you away during your heats. It kept you from drawing attention to yourself and gave you some protection during your heat. The twins couldn't risk tying themselves to an omega, but they didn't want their followers to have one if they couldn't. You had heard of people joining who were mated and their mates were killed. You didn't wanna die because some asshole alpha couldn't keep it in his pants.
It was coming up on your heat again soon, so you quickly finished up your mechanic tasks for the day and ran to your housing to grab some supplies to lock up with you. Mostly toys and food. The priests would just lock you in a cell in the basement of the church of Father Troy. Rushing towards the building, you didn't notice that there was a session in progress.
When you saw all the people, you panicked a little. The panick caused your skin to heat up and your breathing accelerate. 'Shit, too early! I gotta find a place to hide!' Before you could barely turn around, you bumped into a firm chest and squeaked looking up to be met with shining blue eyes. They had a fire in them that you weren't used to.
Stepping backwards, you were suddenly shoved into the chest again by a rough feeling metal arm, 'Why today? Of all days?' Troy usually only attended the sermons once a month and you guessed it happened to land on today.
With your face pressed against his bare chest, your heard a low rumble in it as some psychos inched forward. Glancing up into his face again, you saw a face that clearly said 'I dare you to come closer.' All of a sudden, you were being picked up and carried towards the main building with Troy. Feeling nervous about going inside gave you anxious pain which was followed by intense pain in your stomach and more heat. A whimper slipped past your lips which caused Troy to chuckle darkly and tighten his grip on your small body.
When arriving at your destination, you barely had enough energy to notice that it must have been his room. It was darker, with posters on the walls and half of it was a mechanics type station. Gathering the will to speak you looked at his face, "F-Father Troy, we s-shouldn't do this.. T-The sacrifices.."
In response, he growled and stared intently down at you, "Little late for that my Little Omega." A shiver ran down your spine as a whimper came out at the pet name and use of 'my'. He growled and tossed you on the bed making you bounce a bit. He stalked towards the bed licking his lips and purring. You squirmed under his gaze and felt slick come out and coat your panties.
His nose twitched and he pounced on you aggressively tearing your clothes off. A constant rumble coming from his chest, once you were naked his eyes took in your entire form, "Mine." You shivered feeling his eyes and hands slowly drift from your thighs, dipping between them for just a moment before going over your hips. The skin there being softer than most women, something you fought with your self esteem about your entire life. Seeing his eyes take your shape in hungrily like that, makes you believe you are the most beautiful to him.
Once his greedy hands reached your chest, he aggressively gripped them. Massaging them, his face suddenly came to one and he bit down with his sharp teeth. His jaw parted ever so slightly while you moaned in pleasure. It never occurred to you that you would enjoy being bitten or hurt so much. Your reaction seemed to only spur him on further. His growls and your whimpers were the only sound to be heard in the room, soon enough you were covered in bite marks and blood. The heat almost unbareble at this point, "P-Please Troy.. Ahh." He groaned at the sound of his name, "What my Omega? What do you need?" His voice sounded sickly sweet, unmatching to the blood coated parted jaws he sported.
"I need y-you.." He smirked and held his hand up to his ear, "What was that little Omega? You want me to what?" Ashameless moan left your lips as you squirmed your hips about, "I n-need you to touch me..! P-Please.." He chuckled darkly and obliged, quickly dipping his fingers into your slick coated lips. Your back arched as his skilled fingers went deeper into you and curled to hit just the right spot that had your vision blurring. "A-Ahh! T-Troy! Alpha!" He growled almost feral before parting his jaw completely and clamping down on your thigh while allowing you to ride his fingers. He kept them working your sweet spot until you started to see white, he removed his fingers and stood up straight. When you tried to reach down and finish the job, he merely growled staring into your eyes and it stopped you in your tracks. A shiver went down your spine as you groaned watching him slowly peel his clothing off, piece by piece. Once he reached his boxers, he slid them down showing his sizable length. A small squeak left your lips at the thought of that fitting inside of you, however your body betrayed you letting another round of slick to drip out of you.
You reached your hand out to him in a feeble attempt to get him closer faster, wiggling your hips and whimpering. He just licked his lips staring at you, your voice weakly said, "P-Please breed me Troy, A-Alpha.." At this, he lost his composure and pounced on the bed, hoisting your legs around his waist and quickly thrusting inside of you. Throwing your head back, you moaned and tried to match his pace.
The one he set was brutal and rough, but you found yourself loving it, "A-Ahh, A-Alpha, harder please!" Troy snarled and dug his nails in with his human arm, he had his mechanical arm holding him up above you, as to not accidentally hurt you. He didn't understand why, but he didn't want to permantely hurt you, marking you was different. He felt the need to mark you and make sure no one tried to even come near you, let alone try to touch you. Just thinking about it caused a deadly snarl to rip out of his throat, he smirked when you screamed his name in response.
You were getting close and could tell he was as well, his hips were losing their rhythm and slamming into you at an ungodly pace. Gathering a little courage, you pulled him down by the neck to kiss him, he reached down and began rubbing at your clit. Claiming your mouth with his tongue, your vision went white when he growled into your mouth as he swelled. Pulling away from your mouth, you both came and he thrusted through yours as best he could with his knot inside. Once your scent hit his nose, he nuzzled your scent gland and licked it. You let out a small whimper and nuzzled his head as best you could before he bit down with his sharp teeth, claiming you as his.
Settling into the afterglow and waiting for his knot to return to normal size, reality settled in on you, "What will Tyreen say...?" He grumbled and shrugged, "I dunno, she has no choice now though." He licked your claim mark to accent what he said. That was how you two fell asleep, knowing it would continue like this for the next couple days, maybe with a Tyreen thrown in to yell at you both.
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bby-calum · 6 years ago
Real Housewives - C.H
request: You know what why the f not. I’ve had this fantasy (if that’s what you’d call it) with Calum where we’re both married and I’m on the reality show real housewives but im not that dramatic and psycho and that the ladies are a bit jealous of me and our marriage so sometimes there’s drama on the show when when we have the group dinners with the husbands and the husbands are just awkward but sometimes speak up to defend their wives. So I was wondering if I could request that if it’s not too much ❤️❤️
a/n: this was so much fun to write! i have no idea if i have the concept of real housewives down in this lmao i’ve only seen one episode
word count: 1,210
masterlist: link in bio!
synopsis: you, a star of Real Housewives, attend a dinner party with your husband Calum. things get heated and Calum storms out after an argument
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“God, I fuckin’ hate these dinners,” Calum grumbled as he struggled with the buttons on his crisp white shirt. He’d only managed one. “And these button holes are too damn tight.”
You placed your hands on his chest. “Chill, baby. Let me help.” Calum relaxed his tense shoulders as you fixed his shirt, your fingers delicately tickling his chest. He lifted your chin with his finger and placed a soft kiss against your lips.
“I only go to these things so I can see you in a pretty dress,” he said. Even though the two of you had been married for almost five years and together for eight, Calum still managed to make you blush. “You look beautiful.” He tucked a stray piece of hair back behind your ear that had fallen from the sleek low bun you had put your hair into.
The dress you were wearing was a gift from Calum. It was a deep midnight blue satin slip, one that you had been eyeing in the shop window the past two times you and Calum had been at the mall. Although you could definitely afford it, it was still more than you usually would spend on a dress you would probably only wear once. Outfit repeating in the Real Housewife world was a sin deadlier than no other. When you’d arrived home last night the satin number had been left laying on your bed alongside a note from your husband that read ‘for my darling wife’.
“And your ass looks incredible in this dress,” he smirked, his hands smoothing the material of the dress on your butt. He kissed you again, deeper and for longer this time, his tongue teasing you. “We’re gonna be late,” you pulled away reluctantly. “And now you have my lipstick on your face,” you wiped it away with your forefinger before reapplying the lipstick to your lips.
Calum pulled on his jacket, spritzed some cologne and then followed you down the stairs of your Los Angeles mansion. You said goodbye to the sitter who was watching your eight month old son, kissing the baby on the forehead as he slept in his crib. Once Calum said his goodbyes the two of you caught a cab to the dinner party you were to be attending tonight.
When your ride pulled up outside the house Calum leaned against the headrest of his seat. “I don’t want to go in,” he sighed. “It’s all so fake.” “It’s work baby,” you said, giving his hand a squeeze. “A few hours for the cameras and then we can go home.”
Reluctantly Calum followed you up the pathway of Anastasia and Edward’s home. They were filming already and you prepared yourself for the cameras, getting into the mindset of your Housewife persona. Although you weren’t exactly fake on screen, you definitely played up to the cameras, you were encouraged to do so. At home, behind the privacy of your closed front door, you were much more reserved, gentle and kind. In front of the cameras and the group of other housewives you were feisty, protective and a little bit bitchy.
“Y/n! Calum! Come in my darlings!” Anastasia welcomed you into her home. “You look lovely, y/n,” she was sickly sweet as she kissed you on your cheek. “Calum, your shoes, they’re, um, nice,” she managed. Calum, in true Calum style, was wearing his black hi-top converse with his suit. It was his go-to look for these dinners, he knew how much it pissed the other couples off when he entered their magnificent homes in his beaten sneakers.
As the night went on, a delicious four course dinner was served, champagne flowed and gossiping ensued. Calum’s grip on your thigh tightened whenever anyone made a passive aggressive comment at you. He knew you could handle them, nothing phased you. He thought it was hot the way you stuck up for yourself, not taking shit from anyone. He didn’t say much, none of the husbands really did. They were all far too awkward to engage in the conversations between the women of the show. One moment people were best friends, the next they were rowing over the smallest of passing comments. That was the Real Housewives for you.
“How’s Aidan doing?” Emily asked you. “How old is he now?” “He’s eight months as of last Thursday,” you told them. “He’s the best, really. He’s perfect, isn’t he babe?” Calum nodded. “Well let’s hope he takes after you Calum. It would be such a shame if he inherited your real nose, y/n,” Ursula commented. Anastasia nearly choked on her drink. There was a clatter of cutlery next to you when Calum dropped his knife and fork onto his plate. “What did you just say?” He riled up. “What the fuck did you just say?” “I said it would be a shame if your son got y/n’s real nose, the one before the nose job we all know she had,” the producers were loving this. “Don’t act like I’m the only one in this room who’s had a little cosmetic surgery,” you remained calm. Calum was tense next to you. “Apologise to my wife, Ursula,” he was mad. “Now.” Ursula didn’t apologise, a smirk plastered across her face. Calum stood from his seat suddenly, making Edward jump a little. “Apologise you fucking horrible woman. Never talk about my wife or my son again.” Calum ripped his jacket off of the back of his chair so forcefully the chair toppled over. He stormed out of the dining room as everyone sat in a stunned silence.
You cleared your throat. “I think we’re leaving,” you said, following your husband out of the house. “Calum!” You called after him as he paced down the front garden. The cameras were still following you. “Baby, hey. It’s okay,” you told him, your hands placed on his arms to calm him down. He was still so angry. “They can’t fucking say those things, not about our baby, not about you.” His jaw was clenched as he rang for a cab. “They’re just looking for a reaction and you gave it to them, baby. Don’t let them get to you,” you soothed. You didn’t speak much on the way home, leaving Calum to his thoughts now the cameras were out of his face. The two of you undressed in silence once you were home. Hanging your dress back up in your closet, you sighed. “Are you okay, baby?”
Calum was lay on top of the sheets of your bed in his black boxers, scrolling through his phone. “For the record, y/n. I loved your old nose,” he said, making you smile. He caught you gaze and a small grin crept onto his face. “God I’m so glad we left. I was thinking of a way for us to leave for ages.” “Are you fucking serious, Calum,” you laughed. “Did you fake an argument so we could storm out?” He shrugged. “I may have exaggerated my anger a little. They still shouldn’t say those things though,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple as your crawled onto the bed next to him. “Ursula is a fucking bitch.” “You’re incredible,” you told him.
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