#the shadows of avalon
juliasfanart · 1 year
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Romana III: Lady President, the War Queen and Mistress of the Nine Gallifreys.
Digital painting.
From The Shadows of Avalon, by Paul Cornell.
Originally painted on April 2023
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What is Tumblr’s EDA Ranking?
the EDA ranking tournament you’ve not been waiting for! this is not an elimination bracket! this is to determine a ranking of 1st to 73rd place.
The Shadows of Avalon by Paul Cornell
Eater of Wasps by Trevor Baxendale
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a-wartime-paradox · 2 years
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heimeldat · 2 months
Eight should be a lot more broken by his TARDIS's perceived death in Shadows of Avalon. I mean, yeah he builds a wooden police box and hugs it, and sure he's suicidal for half the book (not that that's unusual), and ok I guess her death might feel unreal to him since they are literally in dream-land...
But he'd better be a grieving mess in the next book, that's all.
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eightdoctor · 2 years
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nouveaumoon · 3 months
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my (maybe) final character for artfight, avalon!
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clankhead · 4 months
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Avalon Hill
Here and back again with the horrifyingly best thing about HeroQuest:
Deep Ones
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avalon-knightly · 3 months
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...So. I had planned to draw Vil... and I did, but not until after making a grumpy little Shadow sketch. Which I had not planned.
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braddocklegacy · 5 months
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X-Force #8 (2011)
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lettersfromavalon · 1 year
I so vibe with Krobus
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pl9090 · 11 months
Impurities and Mutations
Constructive feedback and criticism is welscome as always. (I'm not happy with this draft but I've spent too much time on this post already at the expense of others).
The idea of a, (for lack of a better term) biological connection between The Other and both renagade Timelords, (eg: The, "Affected Generation" and the Deca) and the subsequent newblood generations. But is there any clues in the expanded lore as to how and why?
Basic looms summary
Looms work by combining, "weaving" together biodata material from both the House's own stock from past Cousins, (80%-90%) and the wider distribution system, (10%-20%) to form either a fully ground adult or a baby. (The percentages are a guess based on the idea that the distributor biodata exchange is intended as a degredation prevention measure as each House was essentially endlessly recycling the same biodata for millions of years which along with Rassilon's later intelligence reduction modification resulted in the: stagant, unvaried, and elderly civil servant mentality civilisation seen in, "The Deadly Assassin"). Just before the start of the Second War in Heaven the new stasis tube like looms were introduced and used to mass produce Timelord soldiers aswell as Timelord citizenry. The Other's Plan
In Lungbarrow chapter 30 The Other threw himself into the loom network's prime distributor, the open progenitive cascades unravelling his biodata. His plan is generally considered to be rebirth millions of years later via a random loom, (the term "huanting the network" has been used) because he was overcome with a deep self loathing depression over: the way Gallifreyian society had changed to become stagant, Rassilon's increasing despotism, and his self perceived partial blame for both.
However this interpretation doesn't make sense for the following two reasons:
The first is that as the co creator of the loom technology with Rassilon, The Other would know that as opposed to loom jumping this would not result in ressurection regardless of how long he, "waited" as his unravelled biodata would be irrevocably lost by being dispersed throughout the entire loom network mutating when it combines with those in each individual House's store which is shared resulting in each generation accumulating more of it. This is backed up by: a.Both the appearance and increased impurities, (ie: Biodata, "errors" and thus personality eccentricities) starting out very minor with barely any effect on the status quo about 1,000,000.B.T.W. to the more widepsread renegade upheaving the status quo, "Affected Generation" about 700,000.B.T.W.. b.The term reconstitution is specifically used instead of ressurection and has a defintion of, "the act of changing something so that it has a different form". In this case his self sacrifice so his biodata could change future loomborn's biodata makeup so that they are more wombborn like, (eg: Varied individualistic personalities) and thus more open to change. c.The fact that as one of the four main mutations of the, "Affected Generation", (replacing Avus/Grandfather Paradox as a Lungbarrow Cousin when he retired himself from history) holds and can access only some of the Other's memories while not knowing who most of the people in them were despite the .V.N.A. guidelines clearly stating he isn't the Other.
(It is interesting to note that both Avus/Grandfather Paradox and The Doctor share key apects of The Other's known personality, (cultural beliefs and a sort of restlessness/bohemianism) specifically public questioning of the protocols/implying that change was the most important tool of any culture. Maybe the Lungbarrow loom has a higher concentration of Other tainted biodata?) .
"'Millennia later, Cavis mused that travel, extreme violence, and "Murder, sex and adventure in exotic frocks' were the zenith of what the Other had envisioned", The Shadows of Avalon.
The second is that The Other's dialogue with himself and others, (see the quotes below) this was not a spur of the moment ressurection plan but a pre thoughout last resort suicidal contingency plan to maybe ensure that future generations of loomborn would eventually have the varied individualistic personalities as the wombborn had as explained above. Did he know it would work? Maybe but it's clear that he was so depressed that he probably didn't care. While his order that Susan leave Gallifrey was to save her from Rassilon's wombborn ethnic clenasing it could also been an attempt to preserve a fully wombborn Gallifreyan for later study and for her to become an inspiration example for the surviving Interventionalists.
"I warned him. I warned Rassilon that if force was used against the dissenters, if their sanctuary in the Pythia's temple was violated, then I would leave his accursed planet to its own devices!".
"But if I go, there will be no way back. Rassilon will be left with absolute control. No checks, no balances. Gods, how I long to be free. Free of schemes, ambitions, and free of my dark, brooding self".
"But there will be much to prepare for my departure and one impossible farewell to make".
Whether or not Rassilon knew what The Other planned to do is ambiquous though his relevant dialogue, (ie: Asking him not to leave) and actions, (ie: Activiating a forcefield and ordering the guards to prevent his departure) suggests he thought The Other was simply going to physically leave Gallifrey never to return which makes sense given he founded the Interventionist movement, (the Azazel/Eblis mini diasporia could have been one of his schemes).
Texts Used
.8.D.A. Lungbarrow.
.8.D.A. Shadows of Avalon.
Gallifrey, Notes on the Planet's Background.
.F.P. The Book of the War.
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thefoxlingsontherun · 6 months
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Sorry it took me this long to get around to getting some art up on here! Here are the Foxlings, outfitted for this Welcome Home Fan Fic and AU! I'm pretty thrilled with how their outfits came out, they're definitely gaining a very strong chance of becoming the default clothing for them to wear.
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What is Tumblr’s EDA Ranking?
the EDA ranking tournament you’ve not been waiting for! this is not an elimination bracket! this is to determine a ranking of 1st to 73rd place.
The Shadows of Avalon by Paul Cornell
Coldheart by Trevor Baxendale
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Fitz being eaten by the skin of the Cold like. Bit chilly here idk
Played around with that Adobe drawing app's brushes. I see the Cold more as pitch substance actually but the Acrylic brush was so sexy so here we are
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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Three bad witches and a high fairy
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johannesviii · 2 years
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Shadows over Avalon volume two is out!
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