#the sexy tree task will always be famous to me
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kiwitaskmaster · 2 months ago
Episode review of Taskmaster New Zealand, Season 1, Episode 3:
> Jeremy as Paul is drinking chocolate milk hidden in his suit: :| 
> ‘You really don't wanna get a DAP. Dry Ass Pussy’ (Madeleine)
> Guy accusing Brynley of burning down the Sky City Convention Centre bc she cut the end off of a condom 
> ‘It's quite scary when she does that’ he says, leaning closer to Paul for protection LMAO
> ‘Grind up like its… mince’
> Paul Williams the man you are
> ‘Id argue that when people go to a strip club they don't leave going, wow, those poles,’ (Paul) ‘What if it's a Polish bar’ (Angella) 
> ‘Have your nipples recovered?’ (Jeremy)  ‘I kissed them better’ (Angella)
> ‘Feminism is sexy. And if you don't agree with me? You're a sexist. Do you want to be a sexist Jeremy Wells?’ (Brynley)
> Cricket = very sexy (apparently)
> Paul you poor poor man having to pull down his own brother's pants
> ‘There's a guy who looks like Guy Williams possibly masturbating in a tree.’ (Angella)
> ANGELLA GOT ONE POINT???? To be fair she did make Paul more sexy than the tree but STILL
> ‘Might be your night tonight. Probably won't be. (Jeremy)
> Augh I love Paul and Jeremy so much my pookies :(((
> ‘Get the grape in the tuba from the furthest distance’ and then they stayed inside the whole time
> ‘Guy you didn't do much but you helped a little bit’ Why does he have this grudge against Guy 
> ‘Get out there and get yourself checked. Kia Kaha. God Defend New Zealand’  (Guy) ‘I don't think anyone has done anything less for men's mental health awareness.’ (Jeremy)
> Surprise surprise (Christmas hat fit Paul’s head)
> Fabio the pinata! Jeremy’s a hater both of Brynley’s names have been great (call back to Sriracha the squirrel from E01)
> ‘Thank you Paul you sexy thing’ YEAHH PREACH 
> ‘Leigh was still writing’ (Guy) ‘So were you!’ (Jeremy?)
> This live task is absurd bc how are you meant to portray a colour with just your body
> Leigh got a point for doing jack shit LMAO Jeremy this is absurd /pos
> How did Jeremy manage to get red from whatever Madeleine was doing this is incredible
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theestervashti · 8 months ago
"The Goddess of Israel." From Esther 1: 13-15.
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Esther, also called Astarte, and Ishtar is the National Goddess of Israel, the Goddess of Love, War, and Lightning reveals there is a way to be cool, sexy, powerful, and in love in a way that is neither too controlled nor not controlled enough.
The pinnacle of judgement a queen called Vashti, who is synonymous with the I AM, decides the arguments over who does what with their cadre of happy princelings is not an argument that needs to involve her.
This causes problems because as we read, people become too chaste. The God of Israel is not at all a prude. Prudent, perhaps but not frigid. Frigidity in Jewish culture is heavily frowned upon. But so is random promiscuity. The root of all that goes wrong in society goes wrong early in life because man does not understand what the Torah says about human sexuality. Sexuality must be demonstrated and encouraged in appropriate ways, or as we are seeing inappropriate dictates affect the balance of life on this world.
Our story continues with a discussion as to why the I AM abstained from the onset of an argument pertaining to this: the age old contest between what is customary, what is legal, and what is absolute about human behavior: This we must figure out according to stated, proven principals, and these must always result in greater human potential. We are inclined towards the opposite in spite of numerous statutes and religious statements to the contrary:
13 Since it was customary for the king to consult experts in matters of law and justice, he spoke with the wise men who understood the times 14 and were closest to the king—Karshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memukan, the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had special access to the king and were highest in the kingdom.
15 “According to law, what must be done to Queen Vashti?” he asked. “She has not obeyed the command of King Xerxes that the eunuchs have taken to her.”
To go on we must discuss what are called the Persia Medians, the Seven Celestial Falcons.
Karshena= the vetch (livestock fodder)
The verb קש�� (qasha I) means to be hard or severe, and is most often deployed in conjunction with the yoke carried by oxen (1 Kings 12:4). This came to symbolize any hard or oppressive task or burden or the resistance against that (Genesis 49:7, Nehemiah 9:16), and is even referred to by Jesus in his famous saying, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me [ . . . ] for my yoke is easy and my load is light" (Matthew 11:28-30).
Shethar=clean yourself
The verb שית (shyt) means to give, set or place firm. Noun שית (shyt) refers to occupational garb, the dress upon which the profession stands. Noun שת (shat) describes a national foundation; whatever a nation is set on. Noun שית (shayit) collectively describes a kind of plant (perhaps a bottle tree?).
Noun שת (shet) probably also derives from this verb, and appears to refer to human buttocks. It's not often emphasized but our buttocks truly signify our species (apart from our brain). No other animal has buttocks like man, and this handsome feature allows humans to trot literally for days. Given time, humans can outrun pretty much any other animal (including horses and antelope.)
The noun שי (shay) may or may not be related to the previous verb. It denotes a devotional offering made to the Temple by foreigners.
Admatha= her land the farm, blood is life
The root דמם (ddm) is all about beginnings — or rather the simplicity from whence complexity arises — from being still before the noise starts to being monochromatic before color vision starts. Verb דמם (damam) means to be still, noun דממה (demama) denotes calmness and דמה (dumma) denotes a silenced person. Noun דומה (duma) describes the silence of death, noun דומיה or דמיה (dumiya) the silence of waiting and noun דומם (dumam) the silence of inertia or inactivity.
Verb דמה (dama I) describes making a (still) image. Nouns דמות (demut) and דמין (dimyon) mean likeness. Verb דמה (dama II) means to stop, halt or arrest. Noun דמי (domi) means a halting. Whatever the unused verb דמן (dmn) might have meant, noun דמן (domen) denotes refuse and מדמנה (madmena) a manure pit.
Unused verb אדם ('dm) may have meant to produce or begin to produce. Noun אדם (adam) is one of a few words for man but means literally probably "product" or likeness-made-from-soil; man as corporeal unit of humanity. This word is never used in plural, and its feminine equivalent, namely אדמה (adama), denotes arable soil or clay-red earth.
Red is the first color a baby learns to see and red or ruddy is indeed the color of rudiment: verb אדם ('adom or 'adem) means to be red, adjective אדם ('adom) means red, noun אדם ('odem) denotes a ruddy gem, possibly quartz, noun אדם ('edom) denotes a kind of red stew, adjective אדמדם ('adamiddam) means reddish, and adjective אדמוני (admoni) means red or ruddy.
The ubiquitous noun דם (dam) means blood; the seat of life, whose circulatory system always sits inside an organic body, isolated from the world at large. When a river turns to blood, it not so much assumes the color and thickness of blood but becomes isolated from the greater hydrological cycle. The life that is seated in the blood is therefore primarily an issue of waste-management. Without it, the organism pollutes and dies.
Tarshish= the aquamarine
Meaning His Excellency Breaking, Subjection White Dove, Search For Alabaster Courage, Confidence Etymology. From a Persian phrase. From the verb רשש (rashash), to beat down, shatter. From (1) the noun שיש (shayish), white alabaster, and (2) the noun תר (tor), dove.
Meres=in advance, "the emeritus myrrh of es"
"Who will be the most caring at the top."
The noun μερος (meros) means share, part or portion. It ultimately derives from a vast Proto-Indo-European root "(s)mer-", which is traditionally presented as having two separate branches:
(s)mer- I, meaning to remember or care for, hence the Latin noun memoria and thus our English word "memory", and
(s)mer- II, meaning to assign or allot, hence the Latin verb mereo, to deserve, and thus the English words "merit" and "emeritus".
Marsena=to bow, incline to tilt, "to have the strength to change, especially that which resists change."
The verb שנה (shana I) means to change (Lamentations 4:1) or to create a difference (Esther 1:7). It may be used to indicate a change of clothes (Jeremiah 52:33), or a change of mind (Psalm 89:34). It may also denote a perversion of justice (Proverbs 31:5) or even the act of disguising oneself (1 Kings 14:2).
This verb's sole derivative is the feminine noun שנה (shana), meaning year (שנת means 'year of' and שנים means 'years'.). The temporal unit year primarily denotes the repeating cycle of seasonal change, and in plural it is used to indicate a period that spans several years (in the formula "during the years of" this or that king).
There are several expressions in the Bible that use this noun שנה (shana) to indicate a certain (prolonged) event that marks a profound change: The "year of favor" (Isaiah 61:2), the "year of release" (Leviticus 25:10, Ezekiel 46:17), the "year of Jubilee" (Leviticus 25:13), the "year of remission" (Deuteronomy 15:1), the "year of vengeance" (Isaiah 63:4).
The meaning of root שנה (shana II) is officially obscure. BDB Theological Dictionary submits that there is an Arabic verb, which is somewhat similar to this Hebrew root, which means to shine. And in Ethiopian exists a comparable verb that means to be beautiful. A Hebrew audience, however, would probably have associations with either שנה (shana I) meaning to change, or שנה (shana III) meaning to repeat.
The sole extant derivative of our root שנה (shana II) is the masculine noun שני (shani), denoting the color scarlet. Perhaps the Hebrews figured this noun to match שנה (shana I) because cloth dipped in scarlet dye changes from being ordinary to something worthy of God's tabernacle (Exodus 26:1, 26:31).
Scarlet also seemed to have symbolized the process of purification (Leviticus 14:4, Numbers 19:6), and in the case of Rahab the prostitute, showcasing scarlet meant salvation (Joshua 2:18). But why?
HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament suggests that "since shani was the color of blood it would be its natural symbol in such a ceremony". But why would Israel need to symbolize blood with a dye while there was so much real blood readily available, and the dispensing of this prescribed in so much ritual? The prophet Isaiah seems to disagree with HAW as he doesn't link scarlet to blood but rather to sin: "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow . . . " (Isaiah 1:18).
Here at Abarim Publications, we guess that a scarlet item was known as something that had changed from natural to permanently tainted, and obviously through a process of repetition.
Snow, on the other hand, covers everything in minutes but is easily removed by warmth and vanishes without a further trace. Sin, Isaiah seems to say, is not an isolated event but a condition of repeated failure that leads to permanent alteration and ultimately death. Confessing sin, as Rahab did, is the first step to having this persistent dye changed into utterly elusive snow."
Memukan= mechanized at being profound, not depraved.
The root עמק ('amoq) has to do with being deep, and is used in pretty much the same literal and figurative ways as our English verb to be deep is used.
The verb עמק ('amoq) is mostly used in the figurative sense, either of being deep in the sense of being profound (Psalm 92:5) but mostly in the sense of being deeply hidden (Isaiah 29:15, Jeremiah 49:8), and that usually because of deep rottenness or depravity (Hosea 5:2, Isaiah 31:6).
This verb's derivations are:
The masculine noun עמק ('emeq), a frequently occurring word meaning vale, valley or lowland (Genesis 14:17, Isaiah 22:7, Psalm 65:13).
The masculine noun עמק ('omeq), meaning depth (Proverbs 9:18 and 25:3 only).
The adjective עמק ('ameq), denoting the unintelligibility of foreign speech (Isaiah 33:19 and Ezekiel 3:5-6 only).
The adjective עמק ('amoq), meaning deep in a literal sense (Leviticus 13:3, Ezekiel 23:32) or figuratively (Psalm 64:6, Job 12:22).
The masculine plural noun מעמקים (ma'amaqqim), denoting again mostly figurative and distressing depths (Psalm 69:3, Isaiah 51:10, Ezekiel 27:34)
Our analysis just got very complicated. The Seven Eunuchs are "the intelligence corps" they have exhausted the need to control their urges and have repented of the circus, the need to provide others with entertainment with their antics. Really sexy persons do not need to flaunt what they've got or what they can do, they know they have a secret power over others and they use it in ways suggestive of the Shabbos.
The Seven Celestial Falcons are ways one can attain to seduction. Now the text calls these "lawyers" but the text pertains to the Goddess of Love so if we take that into account, these seven new laws make more sense. The final goal of the Kabbalah is found in the proper tanslation of Astarte, "the the binding of the law with arrows", AKA, "a consistent way of thinking."
"The verb עשת ('ashat) probably describes the process of how loose elements contract and become a smooth, solid union: to be or become cohesive.
Noun עשת ('eshet) appears to describe a "solid" or "cohesive" body part, possibly the sexual organs. Adjective עשות ('ashot) means smooth in the sense of uncontaminated (of iron).
Nouns עשתות ('ashtut) and עשתון ('eshtona) describe a mental function, and particularly a consistency of thought or consciousness.
Noun עשתי ('ashte) means one.
The verb ירה (yara) describes the bringing about of a unified effect by means of many little impulses (arrows, stones, words, instructions, rain drops, and so on).
Noun יורה (yoreh) refers to rain that falls during the first period of the agricultural year, when seedlings bud but don't bear fruit yet. Noun מורה (moreh) may either also refer to early rain, or it means teacher, who is a person who teaches children who can't think for themselves yet. Noun תורה (tora), refers to any set of instructions (hence the familiar word Torah).
The verb ירא (yara') describes the same process, but rather from the perspective of the receiving "soil": to revere, to pay heed to, and in extreme cases: to fear. Nouns יראה (yir'a), מורא (mora') and מורה (mora) cover the broad spectrum between reverence and fear, between anything awe-inspiring and anything terrifying."
SO the I AM refused to enter the fray but was siding with the Eunuchs because the Princes of the Provinces had not yet gotten past their moth eaten points of view; they were not ready to be adults with penises, a requirement for Jewish elite society.
To understand how such Jewish men and women are expected to behave, one must know:
"While it sounds severe, man must not think with his rear. He must be able to refuse the manure and adhere, devoted and pure. The most caring, the most daring, not enslaved or depraved."
There is a reason Astarte's or Ishtar's story was the entity that introduced the God Yah to humanity. As the one thought that excludes the others, She is the evidence of what is called the I AM, which cannot be deemed practical until after one falls in love and lives through its trials.
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yoongsisbae · 3 years ago
Disco Winter Ball | JHS
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You and your friend Hoseok are best friend buddies going on a date to the annual disco winter ball. But it's not a date date, okay? You and Hoseok just love music and you love dancing and Hoseok loves watching you dance. Wait not love, not in that way! A friendly love. Just friends. Just two friends who drink a little too much eggnog.
radioDJ!Hoseok x reader / soulmate childhood friends roommates AU set in the past (retro feel)
FYI Hobi uses a wheelchair in this story. This story is based on Hobi’s handshake from my soulmate AU HOAL. I wrote it in a way so you do not have to read it to enjoy this story, but if you want to learn more about what happened to Hobi and their relationship, it’s still one of my most favorite pieces I’ve ever written!
Trigger Warnings: drunken sex!!! They are both drunk, fingering, slight praise kink, angst
Word count: 4.8k
Hoseok’s smooth tenor voice drips through the studio airwaves as he keys up the next Christmas track.
“Now, let’s play a little something to warm up your hearts this winter, a sm-ooh!-ooth Christmas classic, yeah! Dedicated to all our listeners who’ve been good little girls this holiday season.”
Your best friend catches your eyes from across the studio and he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
‘Oh my God!’ you mouth back at him, scrunching your face in mock disgust. He covers his mouth to stop his laughter.
Hoseok turns down the studio mics, spinning his wheelchair around. “Oh c’mon, the listeners love it!”
Eartha Kitt’s seductive voice plays softly in the background. ‘Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me...’
“Oh, trust me I know,” you mutter, rolling your eyes, sorting records, smacking one of the record sleeves against the back of his head as you work.
“Ow! Hey!” he laughs. He pokes you in the side, trying to distract you from your task and you fall into a fit of giggles. It’s a wonder either of you get anything done working together.
‘Been an awful good girl, Santa baby...’
You lean over his chair, arms draping over his shoulders, “I’m the one who sorts through your fan mail, remember? ‘Your voice is sooo sexy, I could listen to you allll day’,” you mimic. You give him a tight lipped smile and eyebrow raise, patting him on the shoulder as you go back to working.
Even if you were only teasing, hearing those words said in your voice had Hoseok’s heart skipping a beat. He watches you reach for the top shelf, corduroy skirt pulling up over your thighs, his fingers twitching, wishing he could help you. “You sound jealous,” he teases, hiding his smirk behind his hand.
“No!” You squeak, turning around. You pat down your skirt, recomposing yourself. “I’m happy for you, I think it’s cool, my best friend is famous,” you smile. And then you hit him one more time before running away laughing.
‘So hurry down the chimney tonight...’
“Want to go get some cider?”
“It’s not even that cold!” Hoseok laughs.
“Oh you scrooge, I was just trying to get into the holiday spirit!” you huff.
“Alright,” Hoseok concedes, “but let’s get hot cocoa instead.” You nod excitedly. You wanted to hug him, but the busy sidewalk made you hesitate, and instead you awkwardly gripped his lapel, cursing your timidness. This had only just started happening, your growing awkwardness around Hoseok, a new development you couldn’t make sense of.
When you were in high school you and Hoseok were connected by the hip almost literally. You had no boundaries with your best friend. You’d regularly sit in his lap and let him roll you both around the mall, or lay together in his room, help him brush his teeth just because he’d let you.
But somewhere along the way, growing up, even if you stayed close, you and him just...stopped. Maybe it was the way your families always joked that the both of you were going to get married one day or the way everyone who knew you called him your boyfriend. Now in your adulthood you would often stop yourself from touching him, pull back when you thought you might have overstepped another invisible boundary your mind had started to create.
The weather today was actually pretty warm, and you couldn’t help but smile as you head towards the local cafe to grab the hot drinks with Hoseok. Since you were kids Hoseok would always go along with your crazy ideas. Even if it meant throwing his wheelchair straight out his bedroom window during your teenage years because you wanted to sneak out late at night after fighting with your parents. Or that time he agreed to go to the town’s carnival with you, sucking up his embarrassment and fear of going on rides just to see how excited you were, to hug you close and hear you squeal when you both stopped at the top of the carnival’s ferris wheel.
You sat at the corner of the bench nursing your hot chocolate while Hoseok talked about the station’s plans to host a Christmas food drive. You listened quietly, mesmerized as always by your friend’s passionate articulations.
There was always a growing tension you couldn’t explain when you were close to him like this, without the distractions of life, that made you want to reach out for his comfort like you did growing up. However, you didn’t think it would be appropriate now as a grown woman to sit on your grown best friend’s lap…even if you wanted to.
Times like this you missed your childhood, when everything was simpler and you didn’t second guess your actions. When did it start to change? Was it in college?
“Hey, are you going to answer me?”
“Huh, sorry, what?”
“The Winter Ball, remember? The one that happens every year.”
“Oh yeah! It’s the weekend before Christmas. D-Did you want to go?” You were surprised because you knew Hoseok felt self-conscious at events like that, even if you loved dancing, you never pushed him to go.
“Well, everyone at the station is going, and we’ve never gone before, and I know how much you like dancing-”
“It’s fine!”
“You don’t want to go?”
“I-I mean, if you want to-”
“I thought we could go together, as friends obviously!” Hoseok quickly adds. “I mean like we could go and if you wanted to dance with other people-”
“What?! No, I want to dance with you. I-I mean, I want to go with you and dance with you, only if you wanted to!” You quickly sip the hot chocolate, using the cup to hide your face away, trying to read the unfamiliar expression on your best friend’s face.
“I can’t-”
“Don’t.” You glare at him behind your cocoa cup. “You taught me the hustle, didn’t you?”
Hoseok rolls his eyes, thumb rubbing over his own cup, “I helped you…anyways, do you want to go…with me?”
You nod enthusiastically, and Hoseok can’t help but laugh softly at the excitement sparkling in your eyes.
“Ooh! Where did this come from?” You jump on the couch and reach over to steal a chocolate from the box Hoseok opened.
“One of our viewers-”
“Ooh a secret admirer!” You hit your shoulder into Hoseok. “Let them know you like those chocolates with the cherries inside.”
“You mean you like them?” he laughs. “I also got-” he reaches over the couch's armchair, “-this!” He holds a bottle of peppermint schnapps over his head, a huge smile across his face.
“You’re really hitting it big now,” you joke, stealing another piece of chocolate.
“Now imagine if they get a good look at this face.” He lowers his register, speaking in his radio voice, and you choke on your chocolate.
You glance over at your best friend, eyes reaching as high as his chiseled jawline and the smile you love so much, unable to look him in the eyes. “Just don’t forget about me when you become super famous,” you tease.
Hoseok watches you, suddenly serious. “How could I forget you when you’ll be right there with me...right?”
You were only joking, but thinking about one day when your lives might diverge felt so alien, even if some days you worry he won’t need you around anymore. You pull your legs up, leaning against the couch, smiling, grabbing a chocolate you eat half, offering the other half to him. “Right.”
“Do you need help?!” You run around your room of your shared apartment, yelling at the wall that lies adjacent to Hoseok’s room.
“No, I got it!” you hear his muffled voice yell back.
“Well, when you’re done I’m going to need some!”
You finish putting the last touches on your makeup and find Hoseok in the living room straightening his collar. He is dressed up in a bright red suit, jacket emphasizing his broad shoulders, white dress shirt underneath buttoned low, showing off his muscle. All the physical strength training Hoseok has been doing at the hospital is doing your best friend wonders.
“You look great, like a, uh, sexy Santa.” Why would you say that? You inwardly groan, even when your best friend laughs boisterously.
“We match.” You looked down at your own clothes, you wore a tight low-cut jumpsuit showing off your curves, the shade of red definitely (unintentionally) matches his.
“Can you help me zip it up?” You were holding the pieces of your top over your chest. He nods as you crouch down, presenting Hoseok with your uncovered back. You can already feel the goosebumps forming where his fingertips graze your skin as he pulls the fabric together. You try not to let your thoughts wonder, your best friend has always been attractive, but tonight he is shining.
You can feel his hands on your hips, adjusting your position so he can pull the zipper up. You hold your breath and Hoseok stays quiet, concentrating. The silence starts to feel heavy while each metal prongs steadily clicks together.
You turn your body around, still crouched down to his level, noticing he hasn’t put his shoes on. “Want me to help with your laces?” You reach for his shoes in his hesitation. “Please?” He nods.
Working on lacing up his shoes, you’re too focused to catch how he stares at you between his legs, but the sudden silent tension you can most definitely feel. You look up at your best friend, he looks so handsome with his hair done, silver jewelry adorning his neck and fingers.
“That’s really low cut,” he gulps, looking down at you.
“Yeah,” you laugh, adjusting the front, “I-Is it too much, you don’t like it?”
It’s not that Hoseok doesn’t like it, he just worries others will like it a little too much. “No, I, uhh, like it. Just don’t forget to grab a coat, it should be cold tonight.”
The city’s recreation center stood transformed into a winter wonderland. The whole city block was converted to look festive. And though it was a bit gaudy, there was a certain homey quality about everything that made it cozy and cute, you loved it.
The inside was decorated with silver and white, glittery streamers hung from the ceiling, and of course a disco ball hung right in the center of the dance floor, sparkling the most, red and green lights lighting up the dance floor. If you were being honest, it sort of reminded you of a high school dance, but no one seemed to mind the decor, because the dance floor was bustling with festive dancers.
As soon as you entered there was a flash of cameras. “Whoa whoa, back it up!” One of the photographers motions to your friend. “Look up!”
Placed in the entrance where you both stood hung a bouquet of mistletoe.
“W-We’re not!-”
Before he could question you, you bend down and kiss Hoseok’s cheek.
He turns his head towards yours in surprise and you can feel the stubble of his chin brush along your cheek. You whisper into his ear, “Just go with it, it’s easier than arguing with them,” offering him a shy smile.
Hoseok swallows down his apprehensions, staring at you with wide eyes. He ignores the egging the photographers are throwing at the pair of you, instead focusing on the happiness etched across your features, and places a quick soft kiss onto your lips.
You straighten your clothes, “Ready to party, yeah?”
“Whoa, you look great!” Your friend from the station finds you at the buffet table as you grab more drinks for you and Hoseok. “So where’s your boyfriend?”
You roll your eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you mumble, quite used to this line of questioning.
“Oh, you came alone?”
“Well n-no,” you stutter, “I came with him, y-yes, but you know we’re just friends!”
He nods his head, grabbing drinks for himself. The way he presses himself closer into your space doesn’t go unnoticed. “Then does that mean I get to dance with you tonight?”
“Oh, um,” you laugh in surprise, “yeah, maybe, I’m not that great of a dancer-”
“I can teach you!” He steps to the beat of the music, his overzealous movements making you laugh.
“We’ll see.” You yell over the music, retreating away from him.
“This eggnog is strong!” you laugh, taking a seat next to Hoseok and handing him his drink.
“So who was that?”
“The man you were talking to,” Hoseok frowns.
“You saw that?” you laugh. Hoseok always acted so protective over you. “It was one of our coworkers, dummy.”
“Oh, what did he want?”
“He asked me to dance. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Hoseok downs his eggnog, “You looked like you were having fun.”
You could feel the shift in your best friend’s mood. “You’re not having fun?” you pout, already knowing the answer.
“It’s been so long, I can’t remember…I just sometimes…being able to, you know…I just want to be able to dance with you,” he confesses.
You grab his hand and his fingers shift to interlace between yours. You still remember the day he had first been able to do that again. You still remember when he couldn’t even grip your hand in his. You remember everything in between. Hoseok had come a long way, relearning how to use his hands and body, but he still couldn’t walk, no matter how hard he tried or trained, the damage from the crash had been too severe.
“Come on, let’s go dance then!” He grips your hand harder, pulling you back. “You can dance! You showed me this!” You turn your free wrist, elbow, then shoulder, bending in a wave, and follow through to the other side, shaking his hand. Hoseok cackles with laughter at your stiff movements.
“First of all, it’s like this.” He moves his arms smoothly, curving his joints from one arm and to the next.
“Whoa, see! Please, let’s just have fun together tonight, just you and me,” you quietly plead Hoseok, “What’s the phrase, dance like no one is watching? Want me to grab some more eggnog?”
And that’s exactly what you both do. Maybe it was the low lights concealing your embarrassment, the people around you having fun without a care, the copious amount of eggnog you both ingested, the fact that you both loved music so much or the fact that in all the years growing up together you never got to dress up and go on a proper “date” like this with Hoseok, but you really danced like you were the only two people on the dance floor.
You practiced all the dance movements you knew, clumsily copying your friends hand movements. You let him spin you around while you sang to the music. It reminded you of when you were kids again, when you just didn’t care about anything but having fun with your best friend.
And then a slower tempo-ed song came along, and you saw the lines you drew appearing, and hastily stepped back over into the decorum of maturity you were supposed to exhibit.
“Can I cut in?”
“Yeah, go ahead,” Hoseok’s voice flatly answered, noticing the man from earlier and the way you hesitate to answer. You watched your best friend turn away, leaving you on the dance floor. You didn't know what to do, you wanted to follow, but your coworker had already placed himself between you, a happy smile across his face that made you feel bad for wanting to leave.
It felt wrong when your coworker’s hands snaked around your waist. You couldn’t see Hoseok anymore. You just wanted to be by his side, to make sure he was okay. You didn’t enjoy the way your coworker's body pressed in closer, enveloping your frame. Everything felt suffocating. It felt wrong!
You excuse yourself before the song finishes and go to find Hoseok.
“I looked everywhere for you,” your voice came out small and weak, tired from walking the entire hall. “Why did you leave?”
“I’m just getting some air, go back inside, enjoy yourself.” Hoseok smiles up at you, but you can tell he’s upset. Why is he lying to you?
You exhale, trying to contain your growing frustration. “Why are you being like this? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! I did this for you!” Hoseok raises his voice at you, surprising you.
“Did what for me?!”
Hoseok bites his tongue, muttering, “Nothing. Just go back inside already.” He couldn't explain why he was so upset, he didn't want to think about it, instead he pushed down his thoughts, his feelings, his pain.
“No!” You yell stubbornly. “Tell me what’s wrong. I thought we were having fun, and then you just left me with that creep-”
“What? Did he do something?” You grab the arm of Hoseok’s chair to stop him from going back inside.
“No, I didn’t mean it–I just–I didn’t want to dance with him,” you pout, and the sour expression on your friend’s face softens.
Hoseok looks away. “Fine, let’s go.”
“Well, um, I can’t go back inside now.”
“Why not?”
“Because I stole this.” You hold up a bottle of brandy, forgoing the egg in the nog.
Hoseok laughs. “You can’t do that! What year?”
“Where are we going!” You slur, before falling into a fit of giggles.
“Home!” Hoseok yells too loud.
“Should you be drinking and driving?”
“You’re not funny! And I’m not drunk!” Hoseok yells, definitely not sounding sober in the slightest.
You continue to laugh, lying your head back on Hoseok’s shoulder, turning your head and unabashedly smelling his neck. Hoseok keeps one hand secure around your waist, the other tries to steer his wheelchair, but the knob keeps catching, or perhaps Hoseok’s reaction time is shot to hell after drinking the entire contents of the brandy bottle with you.
“Mmm where’s your coat? Aren’t you cold?” Hoseok forgot you left your coat as a new permanent fixture in the town’s manger because you thought baby Jesus needed something more comfortable than hay to lie on.
“Beauty is pain, baby!”
“Shit! Where did that come from?”
“The light pole?” you laugh, kicking the metal as Hoseok steers your bodies away.
“Stop wiggling, you’re going to fall off!” Hoseok means to still you, but his hand grabs your head instead, his palm resting on your neck.
You let out a soft moan without thinking, circling your hips against Hoseok, too drunk to care about things like boundaries or shame. Luckily for you, and Hoseok's thinning composure, you were almost home.
You stumble into your shared apartment, falling on the couch. Your tired legs are lifted as Hoseok pulls off your boots.
“Come on, get up!” Hoseok tries to get you to change, pulling on your arms as you flop around. “Why did you pick a jumpsuit?” he whines.
“Mmm I wanted to look pretty for you,” you mumble into the couch.
“Well you do.”
You stumble off the couch at his words, falling into his lap again. “I missed you!”
“We live together,” he laughs, holding your swaying body closer to him.
He knew he was playing with fire, letting you get so close in your drunkenness, he knew he should push you away, but he wanted to feel your body on his a little longer, keep you to him just a second more. He should have left you alone, but he thought about the way that man had cut in, remembered the way you laughed when you thought no one was watching, and a burning grew inside him, possessive and envious. Which is why instead, you were in his room with him, cuddled in his lap, sleeves slipping off your body, revealing too much skin. If you wouldn’t push him away, he wasn’t going to either, he wasn’t going to extinguish what was happening between you.
You roll your head up, grabbing his cheeks in your hands. You missed him, you weren’t just being drunk and silly, you meant it with all your heart. Full of liquid courage, you didn’t understand why you had been pushing him away, your sweet, kind, ridiculously handsome best friend who smells so good, and tastes so good, you now realize, your lips pressed against his mouth, tongue playing with his.
“You’re drunk.” he murmurs, breaking this kiss. Even in the haze, he knew he had let it go too far.
“I’m…not…” you mumble, kissing against his jaw, fingers clumsily pulling at his shirt buttons. Hoseok inhales sharply, telling himself only a little bit more will he allow this, indulging in your sweet kisses and soft body, recklessly believing he could stop himself.
You unbuckle his belt, licking the sensitive skin under his jawline and Hoseok knows he can’t let you keep going. He grips your wrists, pulling your hands away from his hardening length. You kiss him undeterred, whining into his mouth.
“We have to stop.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice, so full of yearning.
“You’re drunk, you d-don’t know what you’re doing.” He tries to speak between your relentless kisses.
You giggle softly. “I love you.”
“I k-know-” His grip on you wanes, too distracted by your soft lips, entranced by your whimpers and the heat of your body.
“Let me love you then,” you purr, looking into his eyes and challenging him to deny you.
Before he could stop himself he was pulling you down by your hair, licking into your mouth, starving to taste more of you. He wanted to blame the alcohol and not the desire to claim you that he tried to ignore. He wanted to...taste you more.
He yanked on your zipper, pulling the fabric of your clothes down your chest.
You hold his one hand in both yours, slowly moving it over your skin, placing it on your breast, shuddering when he squeezes.
“Take this off,” he groans, “Get on the bed, now.”
Stumbling towards the bed, you clumsily pull off your clothes, seeking out Hoseok’s warmth again.
Lying down your vertigo worsens, you don’t know which way is up anymore, but you do know Hoseok’s solid body in between your thighs is all you want to think about, lost in the way his long calloused fingers caress your skin. You feel the familiar metal of Hoseok’s buckle press against your core and you rush to remove it and the layers of clothes that prevent you from fully feeling him.
Hoseok now only has one objective clear in his cloudy mind, to hear you fall apart and be the reason why. It was what he fantasized about, thought about in the shower while water steadily streamed against his bare skin and his hand worked over his dripping cock, pulling out his release to the very few scandalous memories he held of you in college.
He had grown a lot since college, gotten stronger, found more control. Physical control at least, his mental control had gone out the window at sight of your half naked body. He took no time in finding your dripping center, fingers slipping under your panties, pressing inside you hastily, wanting to hear you moan. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” Hoseok wants to fuck you, he wants to kiss you, he wants to make you scream for him. His mind is a jumble of nerves, everything about this situation is too much and not enough for him. He wants more of you, all of you, always.
You fall against his chest, shaking as his fingers pump in and out of you, crying out his name. He holds the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss, as you squeeze his hard cock, unable to do more than shake in ecstasy over him. “You’re doing so well, baby, so good for me, you feel so nice and tight around my fingers.” Hoseok presses deeper into you sex, groaning as you cry out how close you are.
“Going to cum, yeah?” He moans, pulling your head up so he can watch you. You nod, body shaking, cunt tightening around his digits until your blurry vision goes white hot with your release. You come back to the sexy sounds of Hoseok moaning, “You taste so good, fuck.”
You sway as you lift your torso up, adjusting your body to meet his hard cock, sitting down suddenly on his length, the both of you mirroring each others moans from the sudden pleasure.
Right now you’re numbed to any pain in your lust filled inebriation, but you’re going to feel sore in the morning by the way you’re bouncing on his cock, too fucked out to care about anything but fucking yourself full of Hoseok’s cock.
“You feel so fucking good, baby. You like being stuffed full of my dick?” Hoseok groans, hands gripping your sides so tight you can feel the pressure of each finger. “God, you’re beautiful. So. Fucking. Perfect.” Hoseok throws his head back, feeling you pulse and grind down on him.
“Keep going, baby,” his voice sounds so smooth and sexy, and all because of you. “Just like that, just like that,” he grunts, close to release, “Fuck yes. Good girl.”
His stomach tenses underneath your fingers, his hands dig into your ass, pulling you down, you can feel the warmth of his release, your body quivering from the pressure.
You can’t remember anything after that, except his warmth, his softness, and your jumping heartbeats, one on top of the other.
Your head throbs, pounding, everything is too bright, too loud. You check for knives buried in your skull. The sun rays feel like they are microwaving your body. You cover your temples, your eyes sting, your dry mouth aches. Is this death? Are you dying?
Hoseok flinches against you, half naked body pressed against your half naked body.
“W-What h-happened?”
Hoseok’s eyes widen with worry at your state, body tensing against yours. “I, uh, we, u-uh-”
“I can’t remember…what happened?” you groan.
“Oh, oh...oh. You, uh, passed out in my bed.”
You roll over, burying your face into his shoulder, covering your eyes from the light, steadily breathing in your friend’s overwhelming scent.
“Did we really finish the entire bottle together?” you whisper.
“Yeah, I almost left your butt.”
Your hand reaches over his face, covering his mouth, “Shhhh no more talk. Sleep only.”
“Are you okay with, uhh, want me to grab you a tee-”
“Shhhh!” You pull the bedsheet up higher, wrapping it around your body. “Did we-” you murmur into his shoulder, your voice giving out before you could finish your question, but Hoseok knows what you’re trying to say.
He looks at the top of your head, he can smell your shampoo and heady scent, skin glowing under the sunlight filling his room. Even if he has you in his arms, he doesn’t really have you...not anymore...and all his liquid courage is gone. “No, we didn’t.”
You hum, whispering softly, “Okay.”
You snuggle closer to him, your tired eyes already closing. You hold Hoseok close, your best friend, your protector. Even in your hungover state, you saw how uncomfortable Hoseok looked waking up next to you, like you had ruined everything you had together.
So to protect him like he always protects you, to keep your cherished friendship, you blurted out a white lie. You pretended not to remember.
Even if your heart ached inside, you were going to keep your secret, because your friendship with Hoseok meant more to you than anything in the world. You rest your hand against his, falling asleep, remembering the first time he protected you with a sad smile.
Hoseok’s grip on your hand is comforting as he leads you away from the playground. You sniffle, keeping your head down. Your bully, who sits in the sand holding a growing black eye stares at the two of you walking away.
“What’s your name?” Hoseok asks. “Y/n,” you whimper.
He looks over his shoulder and yells, “And if you touch my friend y/n again, I’ll punch you in the other eye!” The two of you keep walking together, he doesn’t let go.
The last part is from my HOAL story, read here to learn more about their friendship :3
Naughty Girl Christmas Masterlist
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hualianff · 4 years ago
More Than This
Modern AU where famous actor HC and landscaper XL meet through a dating app. HC had a reputation of being a massive flirt who bedded people left and right, which wasn’t completely wrong–just blown out of proportion. His partners were usually other celebrities who mutually swore to keep their mouths shut in the preservation of their own images.
When HC received a message on the dating app asking about the brand of the wristwatch he wore in his profile pic (which only showcased his hands), the other user hoping to purchase a cheaper, similar style for his friend’s birthday, HC responded for the first time since downloading the app.
What could he say? The other man was gorgeous and if he were simply asking just to slide into HC’s DMs, the actor wasn’t opposed.
Turns out XL asked out of genuine curiosity. FX’s birthday was still a month away. Why XL thought about gifting him a watch similar to the one the stranger wore when XL should’ve been paying attention to the sheer strength those large hands seemed to possess was beyond him.
The name in the bio read: San Lang. The few pictures that were displayed on his profile were minimalistic yet downright sexy. XL blinked in wonder as he typed out another message, hoping to continue the conversation.
Two weeks after chatting back and forth through the app, XL asked if he could meet HC in person. The actor pondered this for a grand total of thirty seconds before agreeing to meet. XL seemed like a sincere character, someone who put other peoples’ comfort above any task at hand–if his emoticon overkill and frequent check-ins with HC were anything to go by.
HC figured he’d cross the bridge once XL recognized him as a well-loved actor starring in the hottest films in the media.
Except when HC arrived in his expensive jeep that screamed wealth, dressed in appropriate clothes for a hike with a baseball cap concealing his features from far away, XL did not have an aha! moment.
“Hello, San Lang! It’s me, Xie Lian,” XL waved as he bounced his way over. “I hope the ride up the mountain wasn’t too scary. You get used to it once you begin visiting more often. Thank you for meeting with me today.”
“It’s no problem at all. Nice to meet you, Xie Lian,” HC greets, guiding them away from his car as soon as he locks the doors, not wanting to draw any onlookers’ attention.
XL gives him a kind smile, adjusting the clasp of his bamboo hat. He explains that there are three main trails and he was thinking they could take the medium-level route. Judging from his white work-out T, jean shorts, and hiking boots, HC deduces that XL spends much time outside, even when he’s not gardening for his clients.
“Lead the way, Gege,” HC says, the title naturally falling from his lips. In XL’s dating profile, his age read thirty-two, just under three years older than HC. (This was followed by a dozen tree, flower, and water emoticons.)
“Okay! Onwards.”
Following their initial meeting, HC met up with XL numerous times after, attracted to XL’s mellow and eccentric personality. Whenever it was XL’s turn to plan their time together, he brought HC to different places each time. National parks, plant nurseries, museums–places that could be considered unconventional compared to the standard meetups from dating apps.
HC’s fondness for XL only grew because of this.
Their chemistry flourished in the bedroom as well, both HC and XL eager for giving and receiving pleasure. In addition to being fuckbuddies, they quickly developed a wholesome friendship that HC never saw coming.
But then again, this was XL. Once HC got a taste, his infatuation with the landscaper shouldn’t be surprising. HC stopped seeing his other speed dials after he met XL.
One of their nights ended by watching a film, XL mentioning off-handedly how he doesn't keep up with pop culture–including popular films–but his friend SQX had begged XL to watch this one. Of course, this had to be a film HC was in, one of his most recent projects. There was no avoiding the impending reveal.
They sit side-by-side on XL’s lumpy couch, watching the movie when XL gasps as the antagonist comes into view.
That is his San Lang! On the screen!
When XL pokes HC on the bicep, asking why the actor hadn’t told him, HC simply says that “My fame isn’t important to who I am.”
To HC’s surprise, XL accepts the answer without protest, nodding.
“San Lang is San Lang, who happens to be a marvelous actor,” XL solemnly says, flashing HC a delighted smile. HC hums in content, subtly repositioning his arm so it rested on the back of the couch, curling around XL’s shoulders.
Except after the movie ended and a google search later, XL finds out that San Lang isn’t San Lang after all.
“Should I call you Hua Cheng from now on? Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I’ve been calling you the wrong name for three months now-” XL rushes out, guilt painted across his face.
“Gege, it’s fine. I used it as an alias for my profile to protect my identity,” HC explains. He reaches forward to tuck a long strand of XL’s hair behind his ear. “Besides, I quite like it when you call me San Lang.”
“Really?” XL sheepishly asks.
From that moment on, HC and XL clicked perfectly, learning more about each other when time permitted them to meet up. XL felt a little foolish for not knowing who HC was as a celebrity. But like HC said, his fame did not define him as a person, which XL clearly saw from the playful way he held himself when there were no cameras around.
HC matched XL’s enthusiasm in whatever activity they were doing, even if it was something XL’s previous partners couldn’t care less about. Eight months into their arrangement, XL finally admitted to himself that he had deep feelings for HC.
While they had great chemistry as friends, XL selfishly wanted more.
But how could XL ask for something more? They already agreed to keep things casual, to remain as friends who used each other to release their sexual urges. It didn’t matter how delicate HC cleaned XL up or always ran him a bath after their climaxes. It didn’t matter how HC always set out his clothes for XL to stay the night. And it didn’t matter how close HC held onto him as they slept.
XL was simply a landscaper with a passion for nature and helping others. He wasn’t built for the limelight. He was barely in the loop with societal trends, and only recently began watching the latest movies with HC–many of which HC himself acted in.
Frankly speaking, HC could have anyone he wanted. XL was the one who should be grateful HC even sought him out a second time.
XL is thirty-three now. He wanted to find someone to settle down with, to spend the rest of his life with, falling deeper in love with every single day. He was not sure HC, who was just entering his thirties and continuing to make a name for himself, would want something like that with someone like XL.
Even when every one of HC’s actions alluded that he truly cared for XL, XL had learned that hope was a dangerous thing to mindlessly cling to. XL has had past partners come into his life, then leave him like he was nothing, like none of him was worth staying for. XL didn’t think he could bear it if HC became just another name on that list.
Furthermore, XL didn’t want to put HC or his career on spot, nor put his heart in a position where it was bound to be broken.
As XL grappled with his perceived one-sided feelings, HC only allowed himself to yearn when laying on the bed in his penthouse. It was much larger than XL’s bed. It was also much lonelier.
HC was unable to grant XL the verbal confirmation of where they stood, held back by the weight of his status, which had always been his selling point alongside his hypersexualized image. Not only did HC not want to risk pressuring XL into pursuing a relationship with a celebrity, but somewhere deep inside, HC didn’t believe XL could want him for who he is–even after the year and a half they’ve known each other.
Much of HC’s self-worth had come from his accomplishments as an actor, untouchable yet fantasized by the public. Peeling back all the layers he hid behind, HC saw his true self as too ugly, damaged, and undesirable; phrases many people in his past have spat to his face, including his parents.
In HC’s mind, he had already tied XL down to their routine no-strings-attached meet-ups. While HC savored every moment he spent with XL, he didn’t want to further intrude on XL’s simple life and have the other man resent him in the end.
(Thanks to @no-one-says-hi for helping)
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sugar-petals · 5 years ago
I know you've been getting tons of requests for more tarot readings, but OH DEAR LORD, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Also, I luv ur blog have a blessed day!!!
i had a sexy idea. what about i take you to date night with SuperM 👀
That card has major prince in extra shining armor energy. It’s a highly decorated guy riding a star-spangled wagon pulled by two sphinxes. Pretty extravagant is an understatement. It can’t get any more glamorous and it’s perfectly Taemin. Especially because THE CHARIOT traditionally symbolizes being famous. Rings a bell right there. Date night will go down in a fancy car or limousine, or you will spend a major part in some kind of expensive vehicle getting you where you planned to go. Safe to say the overdressed one will not be you. Yep, no matter how hard you try. And it can’t be any other way. Taemin will stun with glitter, high fashion, perfect hair, jewelry, makeup, lavish fabrics, a perfect body, anyways. So expensive, lord. You date the Prince of Korea. Taemin might get into trouble with fans or frentic paparazzi when he shows up like that man. So it only makes sense the venue is likely a bit out of town because the chariot card is set with a city backdrop that fades in the distance. It’s gonna be next to a body of water which is depicted behind the chariot. Really a more secluded and remote area. That also tells me it’s you he dresses up for after all, not the public. And, either way. That the main theme of the card is the vehicle, that’s where you’ll be cheek to cheek. Driver, roll up the partition, please. 
Powerful card. Either of you, I suspect it’s Baekhyun, takes responsibility to organize everything to the very last detail. It’s more head over heart energy, a hurricane, literal brain-storm even. He will surely think it through a thousand times. You gotta be the one who says easy easy, it’s about you and me and not some management job where the setting and timing and whatnot gives you all kinds of pressure. Now you understand that Baekhyun’s serious, performance-like mode is at full throttle because he’s nervous as fuck, cares about you, and doesn’t want to make any mistakes. But that contradicts what date night is all about. It’s not supposed to be stress or a task. Rather than making a good impression and being perfect, you remind him to let go a little more and return to his goofy personality. The lesson of the card might go as far as having both of you realize that racking your brains to hard is a sign to do something else. Staying at home is not a bad thing, you might even enjoy yourselves much more because everything is already taken care of. Sword energy cuts, especially if it’s the King wielding it, in this case the cutting might refer to canceling plans short notice to pursue what you’re really in the mood for as a couple. Which in turn will be rewarding and something healthy to do because you don’t force yourselves into an obligation.
So… to state the absolute obvious right away. Even if you aren’t too familiar with Tarot at all, you know for a fact that this card is a darn good one to pull for a relationship question. Lo and behold: Lucas is your #1 address for date night. If I were unsure whom to pick, THE LOVERS are the most unequivocal sign like, pack the condoms, bring out the perfume, feel good, make out… wait, too fast. First things first: Oh my, he’s gonna be amazing as your kind of date consort. The chemistry! Explosive. Since the card depicts Garden Eden, that���s gonna be your overarching theme if you will. Cloud nine essentially. This evening will be blessed and sheer paradise. Adam on the card is surrounded by flames on a tree so you bet Lucas is gonna be on fire. There are also quite a few fruits depicted so I guess your food will be sweet and light rather than heavy. Now, as for the elephant in the room. Adam and Eve are more than stark naked on that card. Sex will be involved 10/10, out of all member’s he’s the one guaranteed to lay that pipe. The Lovers card also symbolizes a decision. It might be the day Lucas chooses to propose to you, even. Your relationship will be bound for the next level there. The angel on the card tells me you are safe and protected.
Unexpected! That card is just way too dramatic for a light romantic reading. Seeeriously. Especially with Mark as a member who’s known for being super goofy and cute instead of serene and grumpy. What it’s about is plain ole doom and destruction, bringing down the old to build and restart the new. Natural catastrophe and firestorms, even. Yeah like imagine sitting together with Mark eating chipotle and some bloody earthquake hits, that’s the scenario and… actually, no. Worry not, I think the card wants us to take the image literally. The date will be in or close to some kind of tower. Or any elevated structure for that matter. Eiffel Tower much? Tower of Pisa? Sounds very romantic to me. That we have a huge thunderstorm raging on this card tells me you’ll be inside watching the huge grey clouds and thunder which is gonna be quite spectacular. Summer might be the time of the year that date goes down since it’s the season most prone to thunderstorms. Note also how dark the tower card is, that date night will go on past midnight and it will be steamy, too.
Instantly when I drew that card, I knew it’s him on it. The four of cups shows a young black-haired man with closed eyes, sitting under a tree. Whether he’s dozing, sulking, meditating, or ignoring what goes on around him isn’t entirely clear. To me, and for Ten, I feel like it’s more of a worn-out day he’ll experience. Not the date itself, mind you, it’s the social circumstances. He’s tired from dance practices and all those schedules. All the fan interactions and SNS to be taken care of. Lots of stuff going on in the group. Truth be told, the card says date night isn’t the best way to go about it. He wants to be in a state of full energy when being with you. That works best if he has a separate day planned. And not date night as an addition to an existing schedule. Cramming it in seems like deprioritizing his partner so he won’t easily consider even if you yourself suggest date night. He has his reasons but might not always care to elaborate which is interesting given how outspoken Ten is otherwise. Maybe he’s not keen to burden you with his stress and his main strategy is to stay indifferent to keep things at bay, he really values relaxation time — nothing against you, just virtue of his business.
Interesting and simple, beautiful card! It shows a young man juggling two pentacles inside an infinity symbol, acting as a scale. That tells me two things: a) you’ll split the bill and b) this is a long-term relationship. Random I know, but makes for interesting context. The main theme from the card is the following though. It’s gonna be a date by the sea. There are water and ships pictured. You’ll see the anchorage and freight ships, even take a trip across a river alternatively. Who knows, the River Han is a popular dating spot in Seoul, I am sure someone so fond of all things nature will gravitate towards that. Looking at the waves is like a meditative experience. I also got an idea looking at that card once more, something more small scale: A pool date, super sexy. Like, imagine that. Taeyong is just an avid swimmer in pools, we’ve seen it. A bit of refreshment, some games with a ball, a bit of accidental exercise along the way without it feeling like a chore? Sounds about right. Plus you automatically get frisky in your swimwear. He’s not afraid to show his body. Whatever it is, a body of water will be involved for sure. If it’s by the sea an not inside water: Taeyong will wear either a red or even orange suit, we’re going fashion forward tonight babey, he can pull it off.
When I drew this I was like oh nu why :/ But we gotta roll with it. It’s not a seriously scary thing or something, just a more strenous, not 100% smooth romance card. The Ten of Wands is more of an indicator that there’s an obstacle or strain involved. It might be the kind of date where Kai is clumsy, someone doesn’t make it on time, it’s a hassle to find the parking lot, and so on and so forth. Consistent bad luck I do not associate with the TEN OF WANDS, however! It’s more of a what effort you put in is what dictates the result energy. The card shows a hunched guy carrying ten huge wooden sticks toward a town in the backdrop. And you can really see it’s heavy and he’s struggling because he has to carry so much. So, it might be a scenario where like, say Kai and you get stuck in traffic before you arrive. Which, you know, can be super annoying but can easily turned into a perk if you know what to do with the extra time. Or, Kai takes up so much responsibility with planning that he gets exhausted with the rest of his work in the mix. Though remember, effort always comes back tenfold (it’s the ten of wands after all) so it might be worth it and be a wholesome evening after some initial stress. Something unrelated I picked up from the imagery is that the date will be in a castle, because that is pictured in the backdrop!
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abdostoryblog-blog · 5 years ago
The Beginning
As the night is getting closer, more and more travellers are to be found in camps and cities, and I was always a social butterfly, but I guess they are not so talkative. I guess they all have their worries and maybe they do not have time to relax a bit and have a chat… I hope that the people in Velia will still remember me. I miss my friends from there.I will begin first by introducing myself and sharing a bit of my background. I am Arilisu, a 28 year female, born in a mediocre family, but with a great intellect. My mother was a skilled warrior in her early days, then she met my father and she quit her dangerous life to take care of our cute house in Loggia Farm and tend the crops. My father was a skilful trader and managed to put the basis of a small business… he had as friends some interesting characters, or this is what I remember since I was a child. He was mostly gone with his trading and sometimes going on adventures, but he wasn’t a skilled combatant like my mother. However, one night, someone knocked at our door back home and told us that he was found dead in the forest near the main road to Heidel…. And told that he was probably killed by thieves that sometimes steal from wandering people…. It does not make any sense to me, as he was a good man with no real enemies, so his death is still shrouded in mystery…
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However I spent most of my life helping my mother and having fun with my friends. I also took up some combat skills from Itai (my mother) as she taught me some of her moves… she always said to me that I have that special something inside me.
One day I woke up though out of nowhere near the Forest of Seclusion with this tiny little black spirit talking to me and giving helpful advices …. I can’t seem to remember much about the recent past… the only memory I had was when I was saying goodbye to my mother as I was on my way to Velia to meet a friend…
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There were plenty of other people “appearing” out of nowhere next to me, all talking with their own black spirit … I tried asking them what is happening, but no one seemed to care, maybe they were worried about themselves too.
I was sent to do some tasks and I had to kill Grey Foxes …. These cute little animals I used to play with when I was a kid, I had to slaughter some of them to proceed forward in my journey…. I got sent to the Ancient Stone Chamber to speak with Edan and I can’t believe I lived so many years not knowing about these wonderful artifacts that were so close to me!
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Even though the place was in ruins (seriously?) I could feel a strong energy wanting me to go deeper and search for more. I saw all these skeletons, all this statues and runes …. No wonder the soldiers guarding this place are not getting bored… there is always something new to discover.
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I finally reached the Ancient Stone Chamber where Edan was expecting me. My head started to hurt a bit and my heart was pounding pretty fast… I could feel the energy, or something burning inside me, flowing inside me, trying to reach out, but I was trying to keep calm as I wanted to know what he wants from me and how I can be of aid.
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They “saw” my black spirit … or they felt it. They told me that I am contaminated and I should get rid of it as soon as possible. They wanted to separate us, but the Black Spirit started absorbing the energy from the chamber, getting more intense until he froze time for a few seconds… It was just me and him moving in this timeless space, I could feel the rush even stronger inside me and that is when he grew a bit bigger and everything went back to normal… He told me that we will take care of each other … and to be honest, I trust him. Edan told me that Red Nose, the imp, stole a piece of the artefact and his powers grew stronger, attacking everybody in it’s way… he sent me to discover more about the Black Spirit and about Red Nose to Feinia and Cliff, with some more killing on the side, this time, the poor tree spirits that just want to be left alone in the forest… 
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As I put my foot out of this forest, I was surprised and shocked to see a cruelsome battlefield between the imps and the humans, each trying to give its best, each with their own motive… I took the side of the humans and I helped them recover some goods from a lost Wagon the imps destroyed….
Guess all this killing is making me worthy to reach Cliff, the captain, who is looking for adventurers/mercenaries to do its killing jobs and send me to Red Nose…
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I had to take my time and commemorate the lost lives…. They might have attacked us, but imps are still souls in this living world, whether we like it or not. Yes, I did kill this body, but the path of becoming a great warrior is to also acknowledge your fights and your enemy’s right to live…
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After killing those poor tree spirits and killing more imps, I guess it was enough to earn Captain Cliff’s trust so I can get to know more about everything that is happening. I was invited to meet him at his tent in the Western Guard Camp… I hope that I can at least get some rest here and find something to eat as I am starving from all of these things that happened in less than a day!
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I managed to get some rest in his tent and enjoyed the moment a bit as he was busy with other travellers when I arrived. I was invited to take a seat and enjoy a nice warm meal: a great vegetable soup with some grilled vegetables and a nice steak. I also tried one of their famous cheese! And It was tasty indeed!
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I managed to meet with Cliff, finally, and he congratulated me for helping with the imp problem. However, there is still more of this to come so he sent me to meet with the Blacksmith to get some better gear.
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As I left his tent, I said to myself there is no point in rushing, so I took my time to explore the camp more and found this lovely vendor lady that let me search through her potion boxes and I found 2 health ones! The great thing is that I didn’t have to pay for them, which kinda reminds me … I am kinda broke so maybe I should start doing some more jobs around here… However I seem to get closer to Loggia, where my mother lives, but my memories are still gone. What have I done in the past? How long have I been missing? And why do I feel like I have to strength to do everything?
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I also took a moment to take a look over the field …. So much blood and so many dead bodies …. It is awful what is going on here …
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Miguel, the Blacksmith, was a really nice guy and he helped me repair my equipment. He also said that I can buy gear from him should I ever need, but I guess for now I am just fine. I seem to sometimes get a piece of armor or gear whenever I am completing a quest, besides the silver I am making, and not to add, the experience I get! We had a few drinks in the sun and he sent me to speak with Feinia for more info about what I will have to do. And yes, it involves more Imp killing.
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As I was going through the Western Guard Camp, I met the Stable Keeper and he told me I looked like my father…. I was very curious what was happening so I talked to him a little bit more about this subject. He wasn’t one of my father’s friends, but he knew him as my father was sometimes coming here for trading and to meet with old friends. From what the stable keeper told me, my father knew even Cliff, so I guess the apple is not far from the tree J He told me that my father had helped him with a horse once but he never managed to pay him back. So he gave me one of his young horses, Gold, for free, because he appreciated my father. I guess I am pretty lucky today because all these walking and running will get me tired soon! And this cute horse will surely help me in my travels! It is a good thing my mother owned several, and she still has her best one, Pipi, with her, so I know at least the basics of owning a horse! I am probably sure he will become my best friend!
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As I was on my way to Incas, a Node Manager I was sent to check up on him and see if he needs any help, I met a weird couple(?), a human and a shai, the last one being depressed and sitting in the middle of the road. I later found out they have a weird fetish and a dom/sub relationship, with the shai being hired to fulfil the human’s desires, and to be pretty straightforward, the shai was hired to eat ass.
Guess a lot of things happen in this world, no?
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Incas was a lovely guy, although, the same as other people that give me tasks or quests, he needed my help to kill some more imps and 2 imp altars. Seeing one was pretty extraordinary as I never thought how they would imagine and celebrate their “spiritual life”. Now back on my way to the camp, and this time, by foot, as I forgot to bring my horse with me. Well, I guess walking isn’t that bad…
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As the night is getting closer, more and more travellers are to be found in camps and cities, and I was always a social butterfly, but I guess they are not so talkative. I guess they all have their worries and maybe they do not have time to relax a bit and have a chat… I hope that the people in Velia will still remember me. I miss my friends from there.
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One last glimpse over the battlefield before I will head to get some nice sleep here. The scenery is beautiful and I always enjoyed nature. I am proud of being a Lahn, just like my mother used to be and I hope I will find more about the recent events in my past.
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Had a few drinks before going to bed, guess this was all for my first day in this journey. And yes, I do like making sexy poses sometimes! I will head to sleep in this nice comfy bed and I will get ready for tomorrow, a new day full of adventures!
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ckcker · 6 years ago
Preparations For a Body That Will Accept Anything
At the 3-story leather bar, I was took with the passing memory of the woman at the suburban street art fair who sold prints of her digital collages which mostly layered closeups of leaves with washed out details of a shiny face or medium shot of a nude body, turned away.  “These are all digital collages made with my original images” she explained.  A lily pad leaf with holes and computerized discoloration was placed over the muscled ass and lower back of a blonde man with his profile clipped in atmospheric glow filters.  I completed the perimeter of her booth, which stood out from the woodworking/practical crafts and cityscape photos on wraparound canvas that dominate these kinds of events. In her space, a nymph-like quality and color palette you might associate with the lives of nymphs predominated, communicating the highest rigor of a paganistic fashion shoot.  She turned to a woman approaching her booth and said “these are all digital collages made with my original images.”  
The 3-story leather bar had its own approach to nature.  Importantly, it was named after an animal, and the animal most critical to the identity of the United States.  Conventional urinals were replaced with a long trough, bringing to mind rustic farm life and the day to day experience of domesticated animals.  High on the priority list of the men filling the space was the task of infinite looking around.  Evaluating a face and body in a swarm of people and occasionally speaking to the face and body evaluated.  This was prime nature: silent looking, but not silent in fact as usually a mouth accentuated the other direction of an eye.  A man approached me leading with his lit phone, “has anyone ever told you you look like him?,” the image of a famous and often arrested young actor on his screen.  “Yes, a few times.”  Being spoken to is obviously less interesting than silent looking in a place like this.  Humans enjoy staring at animals, at vistas, at trees, I won’t accept they abuse with curiosity alone, ahahaha, nature’s voyeur, “I’m gay” I thought, as an older man attempted to place his hand in my pee stream before it reached the piss trough.  Our eyes didn’t meet before I said “no” in the tone of disciplining a pet and jerked my cock away.  I did not want his hand in my pee stream and did not even give myself a chance to think about it.
When I was able to observe it, I observed that my neighbor Rob went out a lot.  I usually preferred to stay in and experienced going out by not moving and then by watching people move for me.  Some part-memorized quote on the longevity of the action movie guided this habit of mine, that action movies remain popular because they convince a viewer’s mind that they themselves are catapulting their bodies then holding a gun sideways, punching a face that deserves it until its new form is noticeable, screaming at an approaching animal villain or rock.  The action movie takes our bodies back to a primeval routine of violent exercise and the bodies react by pretending we did something crucial. My experience of watching men reveal both their well-exercised and freely ignored bodies through a sexual broadcast was equivalent to being in the same room as a TV showing the poorly received 9th season of a popular police drama watched by a cousin I hadn’t seen in 6 years, its audio annihilating the interesting chirps of two sparrows outside the window, that I turn and look at directly only once before I decide it’s time to leave the room.  But in some cases such broadcasts were enough surreptitious movement for my body to feel a moment free from the control of my memory and mind. I noticed Rob coming back at various times: 2:33, 1:02, 1:35, 4:21, always in the AM, 1:56, 3:22, 3:06, 5:10, 2:09.  The men coughed, rotated, considered viewers “weak little faggots who need my cock,” 3:46, 12:47, some laid on their sides for several hours, shirtless but not totally sexual in their presentation, some kinda hesitation in their eyes as if testing the world to see if the world thought them attractive.  I felt shanked by what I interpreted as hints of stapled longing in their faces, all of my senses indicated that I was living in the Koyaanisqatsi of porn.  Keeping secrets in the era of social media is an aggressive method of remaining unshared. Yet the spills from certain years stay sticky and even sometimes find a way to tower over me.  Until they are presented to other people, the gore associated with those lost frenzies remains uncleared, yes, freedom fries mist in freezers past like Chrysippus' ass, who made him laugh to death, mhmm.  
Since there had to be an afterimage to the disappearance of an old life, it had to be this: relaxed by the hands off finesse of fate, I lazily controlled myself to decide there wasn’t any other choice but fate.  Always available to the world was my face, to just hide it with a mask or veil would only bring more charged glances or wild guesses.  To be conceived of as sexy was blood-curdling.  I looked up the plastic surgeon with the lowest cumulative online rating, it was Gabe Jenkins and I called the office.  After hearing a high octave off-phone grunt, a voice said
“Dr Jenkins office?”
“Hi do you” I experienced a brisk intake, “Do you do all kinds of” here I laughed like I was trying to encourage someone I thought of as insecure after they made a difficult-to-react-to joke during a conversation “plastic surgery?”
“Yes we offer a number of options,” they responded without interest.
My lack of response gave the woman some go ahead to list the procedures, “breast enhancement, fillers, nose reconstruction, face lift, buttocks enhancement, some men like the calf implants, pec implants, jaw reshaping.  What are you looking for exactly?”
“I have some — a few ideas.  I” I looked at a long strand of black hair that hung from the stationary ceiling fan and was not mine “want to…look like — is it possible to make my face look older? I specifically would like forehead lines and crow’s feet.  And if there is a way to get my neck to sag lower than it is now that would be great. I am 27, I would like to look at least 78 if possible, hello?”
The voice had interest in it, “please don’t call here again if you are going to waste our time.”
“I am being very serious.  I would like plastic surgery to look older,” and there was silence.  
I considered what I could say to make it real. “Please, I would like the procedures done as soon as possible, there is a big gala I will be attending in Singapore next month” but I fear-laughed and the woman exited.  
I had no thoughts to live for, and then suddenly in a breakthrough moment I discovered that, after many many months, I had a thought: I should slowly begin to get plastic surgery to look older.  Now I needed money to make this happen.  Because then my disappearance would appear more accurate.  With the jowls of a 92 yr old man I would feel liberated.  But that wasn’t enough — I wanted more than anything to reproduce the appearance of a man well over 100.  In fact my thought revealed to me that I was a futurist because I would only settle for looking as old as someone whose life expectancy extended to at least 173.  I wanted to be old in a way no one had yet even imagined.  This would involve a lot of planning, sketching, file-saving and interviewing, and would likely be the type of initiative that lasts an entire life, and I would start with forehead lines.  An ease-in for the body and for the eyes of those that recognized me, and achievable with a budget eyebrow pencil for now.  Keeping costs down was a second thought that entered exactly behind the first thought that appeared after many months.  The eyebrow pencil could also be used for crow’s feet, frown lines, liver spots; but the application of frail sag on my neck, the indistinct recognition of the world suggested by the droop of eyes, the tint play of bald spots under white hair that is shiny and limp, the lowered vocal octave and general bodily slackening were all protruding costs. If I could not formulate, participate in or witness a revolution then I would elect to suffer a much more minor revolution that you might try to call a celebrolution.  As, though the actions and voices that built up the center of what we celebrate as a ‘political climate’ had shifted in an obvious external pivot towards a ‘something totally else,’ it still stood despite the panic that the country needed to focus on the opinions and physical movements of celebrities, and actually not ‘despite’ but ‘because of.’  And plastic surgery was often used by celebrities to command and maintain the public’s focus by recreating a version of themselves they believed responsible for their entry point into wealth and unhinged visibility. Since I was not known for anything and in fact could even be summarized as a loser or more accurately lost, and that I could barely string a sentence together and sometimes ate peanut butter sandwiches and then looked at my hands to discover I had actually eaten an entire pen — this meant my use of plastic surgery could be a revolution in my opportunities. That is, the opportunities that trickle down from achieving grotesque notoriety.  A celebrolution to solve a chunky lil personal puzzle.  
I knew the lines in my palms very well, and so I looked forward to the inevitable submission of lines all over my face because I wanted to know those lines just as well.  I wanted to know them as well as I knew the tone of no worries found in the whoosh sound effect that separates two segments of an entertainment news TV show.  It became a sound I carried with me everywhere, I’ve looked at birds fly past me and heard the sound, communicating that something is leaving.  It gave me a short leak of light, in a moment, and then I could not wait to see what came next.  It was a sound I would need as a score for the before/after of my first forehead-aging and chest droop surgery.  I can definitely say that I’ve had a bird fly past me before.  I simply wanted more free time to formulate a plan for my future appearances, it filled my thoughts all day long. Monetarily I was forsaken, choked out and in need of unbound frondescence.  I never stopped thinking I had some level of luck, I had two lamps, but then there was the job which was just about all I could handle, and, full-time-as-part-time to its core, it tossed me about, took time away from my obsessions, and so I repressed and regularly said ‘yes’ to survive.  At work there was Rachel, who had been entranced by Tom Hiddleston and who first introduced the word ‘clopening’ to me, and Gifford, whose name I could not disassociate from Gabrielle Giffords, and Steven, whose quick rescuing reaction to an elderly customer’s near dive over an uninhibited bag of packing peanuts resulted in the customer’s maximum level of comfort and safety, considering the stakes.  That lack of hesitation in making a decision, and in making the right decision, the most helpful and societally selfless decision, caused me to immediately respect Steven.  So when he found the time to comment on something to me, I tried very hard to engage.  As he explained to me during a lunch break, “The USA does not exist. The White House does not exist. They are using holograms to deceive everyone. God destroyed Earth by fire. And these demon parasites knew it and fled and hid from God and God’s army. Well, they lost. God rules and is in control. Stop watching media. They are lying to everyone. The media all sold their soul to Illuminati demons and are no more. There is nothing more than demons and clones using holograms to run deception. Better wake up. The Heavenly Bodies are right above your head.”  And then he would laugh like he didn’t care if it was true.
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ollyarchive · 7 years ago
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With Years & Years’ second album ‘Palo Santo’, Olly Alexander is smouldering away all negative energy and shaping communities from the dancefloor.
By El Hunt on 27th April 2018
Years & Years’ ringleader Olly Alexander - clad in a magnificent pair of PVC overalls; his second costume change of the day - is currently milling around an East London photo studio, thoughtfully munching on cookies, and discussing Mariah Carey in great detail. The megastar pop icon has hit the news this same week after speaking publicly about her bipolar disorder diagnosis for the first time, and Olly’s quick to commend her bravery in letting down her barriers. “I think it would be nice to believe that pop stars and famous people are just incredibly happy and fabulous; that they move glitteringly through the world, and that everything they touch turns gold,” he reasons. “But it’s a fantasy. Actually, I think vulnerability - and being able to be vulnerable - is a sign of real strength.”
You sense that Olly Alexander lives by these same words as he navigates the landscape of being a pop star in 2018. In the three years following Years & Years’ rapid rise to the highest echelons of the charts, Olly has gradually morphed into something of a public figure, too. A prominent spokesperson on mental health and LGBT activism in particular, Olly dedicated the band’s landmark Glastonbury show in 2016 - which took place roughly a year on from the release of their debut album ‘Communion’ - to pride, promising to “shove a rainbow in fear’s face” in an emotional speech to the assembled crowds. A year later, Olly took a camera crew back to his unassuming hometown for a moving BBC documentary titled ‘Growing Up Gay’, and was very honest in discussing his experiences with bullying, eating disorders, and anxiety. ‘Palo Santo’ - Years & Years’ second album - is a continuation of this, combining ridiculously overblown, brilliantly lavish sci-fi landscapes and gigantic pop ambition with an amped-up sense of honesty, and a space-reclaiming edge that defies the presence of negative energy. Today, Olly observes that one of his chief goals as an artist is to write the songs that would’ve lifted him up as a teenager still searching for a community.
After spending several years moving around the country living next to a variety of theme parks - the singer was born in Blackpool, where he lived next door to the Pleasure Beach, before moving down the road from both Alton Towers and Staffordshire’s Drayton Manor - Olly Alexander and his mum settled into rural Gloucestershire life when he was thirteen. Trading in the garish Blackpool illuminations for the distant glimmer of the Severn Bridge, it was a drastic change in pace .“It always gets described as sleepy, Coleford,” Olly grins, having swapped his neon-orange PVC vest and chain necklace (another of today’s outfits) for something a little more practical. Up until it became the hometown of Years & Years’ frontman, the small market town boasted a ukulele expert as one of its most famous residents, and was perhaps best known for being the location of the world’s only Ribena production plant. It wasn’t exactly the epicentre of queer culture for a teenager searching for a community, especially given that the nearest gay bar - Flamingos - was thirty miles away in Bristol, and located the other side of a toll bridge.
“I was actually too scared to go to Flamingos,” Olly remembers, laughing. “I love that as a name for a gay bar. Flamingos!” he announces, with grand intonation. ”[Coleford] was never a place that felt connected to anything queer when I was growing up.”
“I did like growing up around trees and fields, pretending I was a fairy,” he adds, chirpily. “I enjoyed getting that experience.”
“Being able to be vulnerable is a sign of real strength.”
Rather than heading to the now-closed Flamingos (R.I.P), Olly surrounded himself with a sea of pop bangers growing up instead, worshipping at the altar of Christina, Britney and TLC. And speaking of worship, he also remembers taking notice of another prominent community in the town: the church next door to his house. Though organised religion wasn’t his bag, the strange rituals - decorating an orange for Christingle, reciting the Lord’s Prayer at his local Church of England primary school - proved intriguing. Later in life, he’d grow to view songwriting as a cathartic and mysterious kind of healing ritual, as well as noticing odd parallels between a church’s sense of belonging, and the celebratory freedom that exists in a space filled with dancing, thrashing bodies, and filthy, sexy pop.
As Years & Years were starting to etch out the first strokes of ‘Palo Santo’ at the beginning of last year, Olly explains he was “newly single”, and reading a lot of books in his spare time. Besides taking on the mammoth task of conquering David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, he also picked up Andrew Holleran’s cult novel Dancer From the Dance; set amongst New York City’s LGBT disco scene in the 1970’s. As well as being flamboyant and fun - presenting a campy, fabulous surface world that’s soundtracked by The Marvelettes and Sister Sledge - it’s also a heartbreaking read, documenting the “psycho-sexual drama” of desire, and touching on both loneliness and immense inequality. It’s a double-edged sword that also exists in ‘Palo Santo’.
“It talks a lot about how the club is like a church; a church for gay people to go and dance, and I was like, yes!” Olly says, excitedly. “This is putting into words how I’ve been feeling for so long, and what I’ve been trying to communicate in music. It really inspired me to write a lot,” he says. One song on ‘Palo Santo’ directly credits the book as an influence. ‘I breathe the rituals of the dancer’s dance,’ Olly sings on ‘Sanctify’.
“When I see dancers, their body is their medium,” Olly notes. “The art is their body. What an amazing embodiment of creativity, to literally be your limbs and your expression and movement! I’ve always been enchanted by dance,” he says. “Plus, I think a pop video should have dance in it, too. It’s a prerequisite! A bit of choreography! You want that fantasy moment where everybody’s going to burst into dance. Some choreo! I just think, if you can’t do that in a pop video, where can you?”
Such considerations rule on ‘Palo Santo’, an album that pushes every last bold facet of pop to the maximum extreme. Set in a high-concept, futuristic world which plays on traces of real life to sneaky, allegorical effect, it also sees Years & Years more fearless than ever. One pulsing highlight, ‘Hallelujah’ dives straight onto the dancefloor to find healing in letting loose, while Olly’s current favourite ‘Lucky Escape’ confronts the more unlikeable aspects of our own emotions. “It’s such a petty song!” he reasons. “I was quite sick when I recorded the vocal for it, and I can really hear when I listen to the song that I’m not feeling very well. I don’t like the person that’s saying those words in a way, but it’s an honest reflection of what I was feeling at the time. I’m proud to put that on there.”
“I’ve always been enchanted by dance.”
Over the past three years, Olly says, he has started to realise that pushing his own boundaries reaps creative rewards. “Putting yourself in an uncomfortable position - in terms of the creative process - it usually means you’re going to get something worthwhile,” he adds. “I really had to get past the levels of pettiness…. sometimes it made me laugh. I’d be writing a song when I was so angry at my ex boyfriend. I would never want to present this to the world, where I’m just this bitter ex who’s still hung up on him!’ Olly admits. “[But] actually, sometimes we are hung up! It’s an ugly, but also truthful and beautiful, side to our humanity. I had to be okay with it.”
Another standout track called ‘Rendezvous’, meanwhile, contains hints of Jennifer Lopez’s euro-banger ‘On the Floor’ (“it does!” Olly exclaims in agreement) and explores hook-up culture, along with unpacking his immediate feelings as a relationship draws to a close. “After a relationship you think, maybe the things they did weren’t as well intentioned as I thought they were?” Olly says. “I was in my petty, angry phase. I have had a lot of experiences with guys where the sex has felt like this depressing inevitability. We’re gonna meet up, and we’re going to have sex. That’ll kind of be it, and then onto the next person. What’s happening in that interaction, and what happens in that interaction when it’s someone you want more from?” he asks, pausing. “I also just really wanted to write a song called ‘Rendezvous’!” he adds. “I think I’d smoked a really big joint before I wrote that song, so there’s that, too. Beyonce would have a song called ‘Rendezvous’ and she’d kill it! She has ‘Deja Vu’, of course. Britney loves a French moment, too. With stuff like that, you just need conviction.”
Conviction is a world that springs to mind easily when you’re talking to Olly Alexander. As well as his commitment to sharing his own experiences with unwavering honesty, this new era of the group feels like a step onwards from the anonymous throngs of bodies that once grabbed at Olly way back when the band released their video for ‘King’. Performing solo gyrating routines for a panel of extra-terrestrial judges as Years & Years returned with ‘Sanctify’ - a bit like a filthier Strictly Come Dancing if it were set in an alternate universe - it’s the very definition of conviction. And with his bandmates Emre Turkmen and Mikey Goldsworthy also taking on a slightly different role this time around - acting as behind the scenes production wizards and, as Olly puts it, “his musical husbands” - there’s a sense that he’s also careful when it comes to handling his newfound platform responsibly.
“What is the point of a pop star in 2018? What should they be saying?”
“What is the point of a pop star in 2018?” Olly asks nobody in particular. “What should they be saying?”
Heading into ‘Palo Santo’ with the aim of creating a record that tackles the intricacies of belonging in a world that feels increasingly dangerous and fragmented, the band crafted an entire fictional landscape to explore the darker grit. “It felt too monumental, hard or depressing to set everything in our real world,” he reasons. “I thought a lot about where I could make a place where we take out all the rules surrounding gender identity and sexuality. I thought, well, why don’t we just have everybody be androids?” Olly laughs.
“I’ve always loved artists that take people to their mad world with them, like Bowie, Prince, Gaga. I thought, I want to do something like that, and go as big as possible,” he concludes with resolve.
In ‘Palo Santo’, Years & Years have done just that, flinging open the doors on a vastly ambitious universe that ignites life’s bullshit in a blaze of euphoria. Infiltrating the mainstream with dagger-edged pop - and doing it in fantastical, glittering style - Olly Alexander might just be the most important pop star we have in 2018.
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 8 years ago
Sooooo I heard you do fic recs 👀 what are the best fics you know that have auror!harry? (Bonus points for auror!draco too!) thanks luvvvv
Hello, love! I had to split my auror!harry recs into two parts because there were just too many incredible fics!! So first, go have a look at my Drarry as Auror Partners list! Then enjoy these auror!harry with miscellaneous!draco (haha is that a thing?) fics as well :D
Auror!Harry Recs
tissue of silver by fearlessdiva (76K)- A love story concerning possessed furniture, black silk pyjamas, courtroom drama, premonitions of doom, assassination attempts, Death Eater yoga, absinthe, bare feet and a sensible werewolf. Draco is a seer and somebody is out to murder him, so Harry moves in to protect him. According to the author, an attempt to explain ‘how Canon Draco could turn into Fanon Draco,’ and I LOVE FANON DRACO 
The Full Monty by magpie_fngrl / @cat-wolfe (10K)- Harry poses for a naked Auror calendar and Draco goes batshit crazy with lust.I ALSO WENT BATSHIT CRAZY WITH LUST FOR THIS FIC. So funny. So hot. Baby chick named Arthur. Lawyer!Draco. Has sequel. Perfection
The Good Guys by Frayach (27K)- The Second Voldemort War is limping into its fourth year, and the Forces of Shining Light are slowly turning into the Forces of Expedient Grey. When Draco Malfoy is captured red-handed trying to sell an illegal potion to a clerk at Borgin & Burkes, he is handed over to the Department of Essential and Necessary Truth’s newest interrogator. And as soon as he sees Malfoy, bound and waiting in his cell, Harry Potter knows he’s in trouble. Deep trouble.YO THIS FIC FUCKED ME UP. IT WAS AMAZINGLY GOOD. SUPER WELL-WRITTEN. Not what I would usually recommend because I am bad with endings that are anything but “happily every after,” but READ THIS ANYWAY IT IS ART.
The Unlikely Career Choices of Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy by who_la_hoop (5.5K)- Draco Malfoy is up to something. Something evil. Because he’s certainly not mixing drinks in Muggle London for the good of anybody’s health now, is he?This fic was hilarious and adorable and Draco has all these weird muggle jobs and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT and want to re-read it 27 times.
It Must Be (True Love) by frostywonder (45.5K)- No amount of playing by the rules has made Harry’s life any easier, and Malfoy has matured but also hasn’t. They are who they are, and though they try, neither one can fully change.This fic was super wonderful and compelling and I’ve no idea why it doesn’t have more kudos!! Harry is assigned to watch over Draco’s (dangerous) brewing projects and they both keep almost dying it’s great
On the Turning Away by blamebrampton / @blamebrampton (25.5K)- It’s one thing to be good at not making a besotted fool of yourself over a man when he’s busy being the most famous wizard in the world and you’re tucked away quietly in Wiltshire. It’s quite another when you have to see him every morning.Blaise sends Draco a Christmas Tree in the mail, and somehow this leads to Draco ending up with Harry as his parole officer. Who he has to see every day. Lovely, Christmassy pining!
A Fox’s Bargain by raitala (6K)- Harry made a bargain with Draco. He knew it was going to come back and bite him on the arse, he just didn’t think about what exactly Draco would ask for. Draco would say that Harry must have known deep down what he was agreeing to, but then Draco is a prick and what would he know?AAAH so hot! I don’t care if you probably wanted case fics and this is pretty much just D/S style smut, READ IT SO SEXY.
Partners of the Four-Legged Variety by carpemermaid / @carpemermaidtales​ (18K)- “Training starts in the home, Potter, so your new Crup and I will need to stay with you for a few weeks while I show you how to properly train and bond with him.” The Auror Department is instating a K9 Crup Unit, and Harry is the first to sign up. Turns out the professional trainer is Draco Malfoy, and he has to live with Harry as part of the Crup training programme.Praise kink!!!!! Pining!!!!!! Living together!!!!! PUPPIES!!!!!!
Chains of Earth by dysonrules (90K)- Draco is kidnapped and forced to make a choice between taking his own life or becoming something less than human. Of course, he makes the right decision. Enter Harry, who discovers he has a bit of a thing for wings.This is a great long case fic!! With veela!Draco. Warning for some Weasley bashing.
Interoffice Communication by Snegurochka (10.5K)- Draco has convinced the Auror department to test his new messaging charm for secure communications. Harry really would have preferred that he not find out through messages like, ‘Yeah, tonight you’re going to beg me for it,’ that the system wasn’t as secure as they thought.Soooo Harry accidentally receives a sexy message (or like twenty) from Draco intended for Blaise, and then he obviously can’t stop thinking about it. And it doesn’t help when Harry’s own name starts coming up ;). Super super hot!
Paint it Red by dicta_contrion / @dictacontrion (5K)- Draco’s a graffiti artist with a bone to pick. Harry’s the P.I. tasked with catching him. Or, apparently, stalking him all over town, asking a lot of questions, and showing surprising artistic talent.Harry’s meant to stop Draco vandalizing, and he fails miserably. Or very very happily, depending on your point of view :D
The Auror Method by Lomonaaeren (43K)- Draco has constructed the perfect cover for his activities as a con-man specializing in thefts from a distance: Draco Malfoy, the redeemed Death Eater and Recluse of Malfoy Manor. But now there’s evidence that some people are onto him, and as a consequence of the death threats issued to him, he gets an assigned Auror guard. Maybe Harry Potter, their leader, could be a problem when it comes to Draco’s latest con. Although how could he, when he’s getting all distracted by Draco’s fluttering eyelashes?This was a very thrilling read! I love Draco and Harry trying to con / figure each other out while totally falling in love at the same time, just GIVE ME THIS TROPE A THOUSAND TIMES.
Fight the Starless Midnight by Maab_Conner (22K)- Harry thought that he was going to arrest Healer Malfoy for practicing without a license. Nothing ever goes as planned.Great fic with a really good case element! When Harry goes to arrest Draco, he discovers an even bigger problem involving Mungo’s. Meanwhile Draco is a (still snarky) saint
When Hearts Are Freed by oldenuf2nb (23K. Locked to AO3 Users only)- When Draco Malfoy’s gallery is robbed and a priceless magical artifact is stolen, he finds himself working with Chief Auror Harry Potter to both recover the fabulous necklace, and to prove he didn’t steal it himself.Draco owns an Art Gallery, which is obviously amazing, and Head Auror Harry is sexy and confident, and YEAH. Great case, great build. YEAH AGAIN.
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore (22K)- Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something?Harry suspecting Malfoy of things is just the best, and I love this iteration especially. There are dragons!!! And lots of leather!!! And kinky(ish) sex!!!!
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