#the sexiest prime ministers list
georgiansuggestion · 7 years
21. William Petty, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne 20. The Right Honourable George Canning 19. Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford 18. The Right Honourable George Grenville 17. William Pitt, “the Elder”, 1st Earl of Chatham 16. The Right Honourable Henry Pelham 15. The Right Honourable Spencer Perceval 14. Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne and 1st Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme 13. Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington 12. Frederick John Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon 11. William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire 10. John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute  9. Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool  8. William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland 7. William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville 6. The Right Honourable  William Pitt, “the Younger” 5. Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham 4. Augustus Henry FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Grafton 3. Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington 2. Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth 1. Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford
Dispute at your Leisure, and your Peril.
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tinyphantomsalad · 4 years
Shit My Friends And I Say On The Group Chat:
k so because our group chat is full of comedy geniuses i’ve compiled this list of zero context sayings that you lot need to see
enjoy this monstrosity :
- “oh fuck was that confidence? unsubscribe”
- “I can’t get over the fact that there’s a whole sky movies channel dedicated to Tom fucking hanks”
- “I still want to know what happened to Gen Y”
- “ughhhhh my tongue hurts”
- “my brother reckons our cat used to be Tupac in a previous life”
- “I just ate the sexiest salad alive like it tasted so good”
- “i know how i want to dress but how i want to dress is not socially acceptable”
- “God intended for you to sleep on the floor??”
- “there’s clapping outside and it sounds like bad sex”
- “can you imagine a goth bbq?”
- “hello there” [unfortunately was not met with General Kenobi]
- “everybody hates each other and it is beautiful”
- “yah he’s just murdering villagers”
- “I’m the biggest bitch in Britain”
- “just existing and waffle”
- “I nearly choked to death on a Yorkshire pudding during dinner just cos my stepdad made me laugh so much by saying we should have called the cats “spaff” and “smeg” (“smegma” for full)”
- “Spaff Allen?”
- “Imagine that cat running away and you having to go round the neighbourhood yelling “SPAFF! COMMERE SPAFF””
- “the only incriminating things i have are on my laptop and phone or in a secure P.O. box in Loughborough”
- “why would i voluntarily do work that other people will do for me?”
- “that’s the shirt of the gays”
- “Why are we saying random words?”
- [about cookies] “there's worst addictions to have”
- “lmao there’s gonna be a horrible histories episode about 2020”
- “I would make a great prime minister”
- “jesus fucky ducky doo i’m tired”
- “there’s cats you can get from the rspca called “Catrick Swayze” and “Catilie Portman””
-“those sound like answers on jeopardy”
- “also I’ve found the greatest sentence ever written: “vaginal eggs are no more real to me than penis toast or anal pancakes””
- “last time i drank gin i woke up in a park hanging off the monkey bars”
- “if i tell you guys “i’m gonna smack some scrambled eggs” i get three wildly different replies from each of you in varied degrees of excitement i love it”
- “I just woke up confused”
- “I’m either the skeletons thrilled by their recent impulse purchase or Virgin Mary regretting all her choices”
- “tell him to fuck off like the nasty little gremlin fucker he is”
- “my brother just described mange tout (tiny lil pea things) as “a pathetic excuse for a green bean””
-“and he’s absolutely right”
- “you can smack it and it’ll wobble”
- “a dilf if i ever saw one”
- “so i wacked myself witch a big stick
and not the good kind”
- “Couples come dine with me always consists of the same three types of couple: the gays, the couple where one is old enough to be the others parent, and the forty-somethings trying to inject some life and happiness into a loveless dying marriage”
- “The guy spent half his life in prison and the other half doped up on opium.”
- “sounds like my kinda man”
- “Dr Christian jessen has eyebrows more expressive than my entire being”
- “who would willingly read animal farm again lmao”
- “i had a nightmare about fucking Mario” [ensue very confused replies]
there are so many more
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sapphicambitions · 5 years
My Favorite / Underrated Lines of Red, White, and Royal Blue:
Just did a second read through and marked all of them. We all know and love lines like “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?” and “History, huh? Bet we could make some,” and “America: he is my choice,” but this books is a goldmine for fucking fantastic and romantic lines, so I made a list of them. Long post so under the cut!!
-Alex’s kind of love story is much more Shakespearean.
-”I’m trying to understand why you’re so committed to acting like someone you’re not, considering you just told the little girl in there that greatness means being true to yourself.”
-...and when he turns and catches his reflection in the mirror by the closet, he’s right back in his teens, caring too much about his parents and helpless to change his situation. Except now he doesn’t have any AP classes to enroll in as a distraction.
-Alex tries to imagine what they look like: the prince and the First Son, the two leading heartthrobs of their respective countries, shoulder to shoulder on their way to the bar. It’s intimidating and thrilling, living up to that kind of rich, untouchable fantasy.
-Maybe he can absorb some of the “much” from the place where their shoulders are pressed together.
-He thinks about Henry, and something twists in his chest, like a stretch he’s been avoiding for too long.
-”I don’t know, man. I was in my junior year of high school, and I touched a boob. It wasn’t very profound. Nobody’s gonna write an off broadway play about it.”
-How dare Henry come into Alex’s house looking like the goddamned James Bond offspring that he is, drink red wine with the Prime Minister, and act like he didn’t slip Alex the tongue and ghost him for a month.
-He feels himself standing at a very tall, very dangerous precipice, with no intention of backing away.
-He laughs into Henry’s mouth, instantly caught up in his own dramatic mental portrait of the two of them painted in oils, young icons of their nations, naked and shining wet in the lamplight.
-He rolls onto his side and listens, trails the back of his hand across the pillow next to him and imagines Henry lying opposite in his own bed, two parentheses enclosing 3,700 miles.
-”You have so much in you, it’s almost impossible to match it. But he’s your match, dumbass.”
-...because Alex has never met a challenge he didn’t love, and he--well, Henry is a challenge, head to toe, beginning to end.
-All those nights Henry can’t sleep, just knocking around these endless, impersonal rooms, like a bird trapped in a museum.
-Henry lets Alex take him apart with painstaking patience and precision, moans the name of God so many times that the room feels consecrated.
-He wants to call Henry. He guesses it makes sense--they’ve always been fixed points in each other’s world, little magnetic poles. Some laws of physics would be reassuring right now.
-He looks like something soft and downy Alex wants to sink into, and he realizes the knot of anxiety in his chest has finally slacked.
-If Alex’s head is a storm, Henry is the place lighting hits the ground.
-He truly is a picture, wearing an expression of bewildered panic and absolutely nothing else.
-”The phrase “see attached bibliography” is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me.”
-”I do think I got a gut feeling about you, I just didn’t have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star?”
-”If I’m north, I shudder to think where in God’s name we’re going.”
-That long. That much.
-He wears the key to his childhood home around his neck, but he doesn’t know the last time he actually thought about the boy who used to push it into the lock.
-The lines of him are long and languid in the moonlight, just skin and skin lit soft and blue, and he’s so beautiful that Alex thinks this is the moment, the soft shadows and pale thighs and crooked smile, should be the portrait of Henry that goes down in History. There are fireflies winking around his head, landing in his hair. A crown.
-He wants to match the new freckles across Henry’s nose to the stars above them and make him name the constellations.
-That, he realizes suddenly, is the danger of allowing love into this--the acknowledgment that if something goes wrong, he doesn’t know how he will stand it.
-What if it was never his decision to make?
-He’s spent too much of his life talking, talking, talking not to know the signs when someone doesn’t want to hear him anymore.
-He thought he was reckless before, but he understands now--holding love off was the only thing keeping him from losing himself in this completely, and he’s gone, stupid, lovesick, a fucking disaster.
-And that is, officially, too fucking much.
-”When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you? Are you so fucking self-absorbed as to think this about you and whether or not I love you rather than the fact that I’m an heir to the fucking throne? You at least have the option to not chose a public life eventually, but I will live and die in these palaces and in this family so don’t you dare come to me and question if I love you when it’s the thing that could bloody well ruin everything.”
-Don’t miss it this time. He’s too important.
-”If there’s any legacy for me on this bloody earth, I want it to be true. So I can offer you all of me, in whatever way you’ll have me.”
-...and looks at his fingers and thinks about holding the Bible at his mother’s inauguration with the same hand. 
-He wonders what Santa Chiara would think of them, a lost David and Jonathan, turning slowly on the spot. 
-”Let me know if I need to start practicing gazing wistfully out the window, waiting for my love to return from the war.”
-”I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire.”
-Alex wants to go to war for this man, wants to get his hands on everything and everyone that ever hurt him, but for once, he’s trying to be the stead one.
-”You and me and history, remember? We’re gonna fucking fight. Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. So, I promise you, one day we’ll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.”
-It would be a lie because it wouldn’t be him.
-”but i’ve kissed your mouth, that corner, the place it goes, so many times now, i’ve memorized it, topography on the map of you, a world i’m still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria.
-The president stands on the edge of a career-ending scandal, measures her breaths evenly, and waits for her son to answer.
-And there’s no room left to agonize over it, nothing left to do but say the thing he’s know all along.
-One. One. One.
-Alex hasn’t been a good Catholic in a long time, but he knows confession is a sacrament. They were supposed to stay safe. Fuck.
-If Henry’s voice on the phone was a tether, his body is the gravity that makes it possible, his hand gripping the back of Alex’s neck like a magnetic force, a permanent compass north.
-”And he is prepared to give it all to you, which is far more than I ever, in a thousand years thought I would see him do.”
-”Are you so determined to believe nothing could change? That nothing should change? We can have a real legacy here, of hope, and love, and change.”
-Never tell me the odds.
-This is it. October 2, 2020, and the whole world watched, and history remembered.
-It’s been one long, long year of learning Henry inside and out, learning himself, learning how much he still has to learn, and just like that, it’s time to walk out there and stand at a podium and confidently declare it all as fact.
-The way Henry’s looking at him in the pitcher is so affectionate, so openly loving, that seeing it from a third person’s perspective almost makes Alex want to look away, like he’s staring into the sun. He called Henry the North Star once. That wasn’t bright enough.
-All at once, Alex is in love all over again.
-From his side, Henry, whose eyes are wet, seizes Alex’s face roughly with both hands and kisses him like the end of the movie.
-...Alex thinks his heart’s going to break trying to hold the size of this entire moment, the completeness of it, a thousand years of history swelling inside his ribcage.
-Goddamned forever.
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
It's now a CRIME for Thai students to wear short skirts
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In the latest bid to save girls from sexual violence by blaming their attire, amendments to the Child Protection Act pushed by the Education Ministry have made it illegal for students to dress “inappropriately.” 
What had been left to school administrators to obsess over skirt lengths and blouse tightness has now been codified into law. Though the specific legal language published Friday was vague, the amendment seems to only target female students, who are routinely admonished for pushing – or outright ignoring – dress-code boundaries. It was the first amendment to the part of the act detailing “appropriate student behavior,” introduced in 2005. The revision, signed by newly appointed Education Minister Nataphol Teepsuwan, makes the culturally rooted argument that enforcement will improve the behavior and safety of students. No specific incidents were cited to justify the move. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/10/18/thai-schoolgirls-facebook-behavior/ And it was unclear if or how the new law would be enforced with male students. Several calls to the Education Ministry’s public relations office for additional information went unanswered. The amended section also prohibits students from joining groups or gangs that disturb the peace, and causing a “public commotion” outside school or dormitory grounds. Though no specific penalties were laid out for slipping on short skirts, the Child Protect Act calls for parents or guardians “inducing, encouraging, assisting or supporting” a student who breaks regulations are liable to fines of up to THB30,000 (US$980) and/or three months jail time. Reactions to the law appeared mixed online, largely between those who think “kids need more rules” and those interested in effective public policy, with the latter saying they will be ineffective and, worse, oppressive. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/03/02/thai-schoolgirls-facebook-prostitute/ “I really like this amendment. I want everyone to abide by the regulations so these problems can decrease,” Facebook user Calla N Lilly wrote Saturday of the law. Pimnara P Major said it was the latest example of solving the wrong social problems. “Instead of teaching students how to live by educating them about social sciences and the rights they have, why are you making a deal out of their school uniforms?” Pimnara wrote. Universities tend to have strict dress codes that are flouted by a portion of the student body, despite frequent awareness campaigns and half-hearted enforcement efforts. While first-year girls tend to wear the prescribed ankle-length skirts, many wear them increasingly shorter as they advance through their programs. Thailand could also consider changing schoolgirl uniforms, which by entirely subjective measures, are considered the most fetish-tastic and sexually charged in the world. Even the reliably kinky Japanese think so – they voted them world’s sexiest in 2011. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/11/11/thai-schoolgirls-drinking-culture/ Still, socially conservative Thailand has a deep tradition of slut-shaming and victim-blaming when it comes to violence against women. Soon after he seized power in 2014, Prayuth Chan-ocha, now prime minister, famously told people women in bikinis may not be safe – unless they’re ugly, after two British holiday-makers were murdered on Koh Tao. The very notion of consent is not ingrained in society, fueling attitudes that women are to blame for enticing attackers with their fashion choices. Those attitudes haven’t let up post-#MeToo, either. In recent years, the authorities have taken it as license to aggressively warn women to cover up during the annual Songkran festival, saying it is for their own good. - Coconuts – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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izatrini · 7 years
My sweet Island Trinidad & Tobago
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If u didn’t know... here is a chance too find out about our sweet Island
Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🔴⚪⚫
I've seen a lot of rant videos about this USMNT loss. I laughed at some of the hurt, but most of all I shook my head and was disgusted by some of the ignorance.
No, we don't run around barefoot all the time. No, we don't play football with watermelons. Yes, people have plumbing and electricity. Yes, people have eaten since f'n Christmas.
The underdog may not win all the time, but they DO win sometimes and in those cases it should be respected.
We're a happy, talented, intelligent, creative, diverse, resourceful, beautiful, funny, determined group of people. That's what you should know.
Here are a few facts....educate yourselves...
- Trinidad and Tobago is one of the oldest hydrocarbon producers in the world, with commercial production dating as early as 1908. Trinidad and Tobago is also a major petrochemical hub and is the one of the world’s largest exporters of ammonia, ethanol and liquefied natural gas. The two largest methanol plants in the world are found in Trinidad.
- In the Americas, only the USA and Canada have a higher GDP per head than Trinidad and Tobago.
- Education in T&T is entirely free, contributing to the over 98% literacy rate. Children are expected to have basic reading and writing skills before starting school at age 5. Most start preschool at 2 ½ years of age.
- The novels “Robinson Crusoe” and “Treasure Island” were based on these islands, and the movie “Swiss Family Robinson” was filmed here.
- The limbo originated in Trinidad and Tobago.
- Trinidad and Tobago is the birthplace of calypso.
- The oldest rain forest reserve in the Western Hemisphere is located in Tobago.
- Trinidad and Tobago’s Dr Joseph Lennox Pawan achieved international acclaim for the discovery of the transmission of the rabies virus by vampire bats.
- Trinidad and Tobago-born Stokley Carmichael (also known as Kwame Ture) was a member of the United States Civil Rights Movement who rose to prominence as the Honorary Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party. He popularized the term “black power” as a social and political slogan.
- The Steelpan: The only new acoustic instrument to be invented and accepted worldwide in the 20th century originated in Trinidad and Tobago.
- The Pitch Lake in South Trinidad is the largest natural deposit of asphalt in the world.
- World acclaimed artist and Carnival Designer, Peter Minshall helped design the opening awards ceremonies for the 1987 Pan American Games, the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, the 1994 Football World Cup and the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.
- Miss Trinidad and Tobago 1977, Janelle Penny Commissiong, was the first black contestant to be crowned Miss Universe in the chronology of the Miss Universe Competition.
- Trinidad and Tobago’s Brian Charles Lara holds the record for the highest individual score in a test innings (400 not out against England, Antigua 2004). He is also the only batsman to have ever scored a hundred, a double century, a triple century, a quadruple century and a quintuple century in first class games over the course of a senior career.
- CNN listed the Trinidadian accent as one of the sexiest in the world. In the same year, a poll released by Gallup ranked Trinis the fifth most positive people in the world!
Don't even get me started on Carnival.......
Written By Ah Trini
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datingdaily360-blog · 5 years
Top 10 Most Handsome in World
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Top 10 Most Handsome Men In The World Our world is full of beautiful people, but there are some guys who are just a class above in the looks department, being handsome is not just about having a good-looking face, but rather it’s about the body, looks and appeal.Who is considered the most handsome man in the world?
10) Robert Pattinson
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? Robert Pattinson earned huge fame with his Twilight movie series. Pattinson was named as one of the “Sexiest Men Alive” in 2008 and 2009 by People Magazine. He was also titled the “Sexiest Man Alive” by Glamour UK.
9) Brad Pitt
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? The list of most handsome men is not complete without a mention of Brad Pitt. He was placed 9 th in the world’s sexiest men list. His deep eyes and appealing smile speak for his name amongst our list.
8) Noah Mills
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http://www.facebook.com Noah Mills is a well-known Canadian model and actor who was born on April 26, 1983. Because of his good-looking heighted personality, he made amongst most handsome men in the world. His hazel color eyes add more attraction in his personality.
7) Salman Khan
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? India’s most favorite handsome guy – Salman Khan comes at 7th spot in the ranking of top 10 most handsome men. Though he was born on December 27, 1965 He still looks very young and has great fashion sense and his well-built body is certainly in great shape. He has become the trend setter and fashion icon in India.
6) Omar Borkan Al Gala
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? Any guy who had to be sent away from the Saudi Arabia Kingdom on speculation that he was too handsome and attractive has to be on this list. In 2013, Omar was the most searched personality on google. His dashing looks and eagle eyes have made him the favorite of the media.
5) David Beckham
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? The Famous footballer was once known as the sexiest man alive, and after looking at him, no one can disagree. David Beckham is considered as one of the most marketable athletes in the world of sport. Even at the age of 44, women go gaga over him.
4) Hrithik Roshan
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? Hrithik is known as the most handsome face in the world, he was born on January 10 1974, He is a famous actor and an amazing dancer, He gets the spot of number 4 because of his good looks and charming personality.
3) Chris Evans
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? He might be Captain America, but he is also one of the most good-looking humans on the planet. Chris Evans is an American actor famous for his Captain America role in the marvel movies. His eyes and hairstyle give him the spot of number 3.
2) Justin Trudeau
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Who is considered the most handsome man in the world? He is the prime minister of Canada and also the second most handsome man in the world. The gentleman is not only handsome, but also, very nice and sweet. He is adored for his good looks and also for the hand of humanity.
1) Tom Cruise
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Tom Cruise is an American actor and producer, known for his role of Ethan Carter in the movie series Mission Impossible. Tom Cruise is the most handsome man in the world. Although, he was born on 3rd July 1962, but does not matter for him. Women from around the world crazy for his charming look and dashing personality. He is one of the most dashing and good- looking guys. Read the full article
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rieshon · 6 years
Best of 2018
Holy shit was this a hard year to write this. There were a few standouts that were always going to be at the top of this list, but that second tier of "really good" shows was really dense this year, and some series I absolutely loved weren't able to make the cut. Here are the ones that did.
10: Mitsuboshi Colors ∥ Silver Link. ∥ Dir. Kawamura Tomoyuki: Even as someone who watches children's anime, I have to say Mitsuboshi Colors was the purest celebration of childhood this year. Not only does this series let you see some of the most adorable girls this side of Ichigo Mashimaro, it really invites you to see their world through their eyes, creating a nostalgic and genuinely wholesome experience not common for anime series featuring little girls. Of course, there is still plenty on offer for the lolicons in the audience: Yui is too pure angel, and Sacchan is one of the best bokes of the year. Just remember: in the end, we're all poop.
9: Zombie Land Saga ∥ MAPPA ∥ Dir. Sakai Munehisa: If you told me a year ago one of the best shows of the year would be about moe zombies, even an anime veteran like myself would have been surprised. Yet here we are, where a show about moe zombie idols is not only one of the best shows of the year, but one of the best idol anime I can remember seeing. For what seems like it is going to be a one trick pony of a gag anime, the character development in Zombie Land Saga is shockingly good, from Junko's discovery of her own aidoru-do to Lily's whole thing with being transgender... This show really throws its weight behind its characters and that's what makes the completely-in-earnest idol anime aspects of it work so well. Moe zombies made me cry real tears, and I love anime.
8: Darling in the Franxx ∥ A-1 Pictures & Trigger ∥ Dir. Nishigori Atsushi: This is probably the biggest 'event anime' of the year on this list and it certainly was an adventure. Darling in the Franxx is an epic robot anime very much in the vein of its great predecessors: genuine sci-fi, attempts to be deep, and of course the always relevant themes of "parents just don't understand" and "puberty is hard." The heroines are wonderful, of course, and the characters' rather significant growth over the course of the series is compelling. It's the kind of show you'd expect from someone who had their hands deep in Gurren Lagann. It also features some great hand-drawn(!) robot action--visually, it's overall one of the best shows of the year. But sorry 57th prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, this will not increase Japan's birth rate.
7: SSSS.GRIDMAN ∥ Trigger ∥ Dir. Amemiya Akira: I'm honestly not sure which of the Trigger robot shows I enjoyed more; Gridman might just be higher because it's more recent, but it's probably fair to say it's the more "fun" show, what with it being an Ultra series spinoff and everything. Even though it gets pretty dark and deep towards the end, the series is definitely imbued with the playful spirit of tokusatsu. Hiding behind that, though, is a thematically solid series boasting a couple of fantastic female leads in Akane and Rikka. You're never going to be able to get me to stop shipping it.
6: Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight ∥ Kinema Citrus ∥ Dir. Furukawa Tomohiro: If I was rating series on style alone, Revue Starlight would probably be my anime of the year on the basis of the digital stage lighting effects alone. This show is both a sharp-edged satire of the cut-throat world of Japanese womens' theater and a love letter to the spectacle of the stage. It seems fitting that it would be a protege of Ikuhara Kunihiko's who would take on this project; the show's style is certainly evocative of Ikuhara, and that sort of ostentatious presentation is also perfectly evocative of theater, which is itself an inherently larger-than-life endeavor. Yeah, it's pretentious as hell, but that just makes me like it more. Style aside, there is also a good yuri anime lurking in the background (Japanese womens' theater is gay as fuck so there had to be) and Hikari definitely earns the right to be called "this show's Homura." Lots of good lesbians in this show.
5: Hanebado! ∥ Lidenfilms ∥ Dir. Ezaki Shinpei: Sports anime are not really my thing--I have no interest in watching Slam Dunk, Tennis no Oujisama, or 'the basketball which Kuroko plays,' but even so, is Hanebado! one of the best sports anime ever made? It's hard for me to imagine a better-executed tale of self-discovery through athletic competition. This is certainly the only sports anime I've seen where the audience is made to root against the protagonist in the sport because we're rooting for her outside of it. It also features stellar animation for the badminton parts that really sells the idea of badminton being 'the world's fastest racquet sport." Erena was the best girl though, and she doesn't even play badminton.
4: Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho ∥ Madhouse ∥ Dir. Ishizuka Atsuko: When the end credits finally rolled on Yorimoi, the first words that came to mind were "what a journey." I don't know if I've watched another show that made me feel so much like I had truly gone 'there and back again' with the heroes. The treasure really is the friends we found along the way, and you accompany these friends from the very beginning to the very end of their journey to and from Antarctica, watching them mature and learn things about each other and themselves... The result is a series that is immensely satisfying in a way few others are. Hanada Jukki's usual brand of sentimental melodrama is pitch perfect for a show like this, and I'd be lying if I said this show didn't make me cry on like four or five completely seperate occasions. Please let Ishizuka Atsuko direct more anime.
3: Yagate Kimi ni Naru ∥ Troyca ∥ Dir. Katou Makoto: I went into detail about what makes Yagakimi so great just a couple months ago, but suffice it to say this show is my favorite yuri anime of all time. The characters' relationships are just so genuinely fascinating, especially in a genre where 'will they or won't they' is often as far as the dramatic tension goes. It is really a show about two girls discovering themselves through each other, and it's just so beautifully done, especially when accompanied by Ooshima Michiru's soundtrack. I liked this story so much that I downloaded the manga to read through, and I don't even read manga.
2: Violet Evergarden ∥ Kyoto Animation ∥ Dir. Ishidate Taichi: Figures that a show I was so certain would suck would end up here. Violet is the only show this year that made me cry even more than Yorimoi, and although it's a little hamfisted about it at times, I love the earnestness with which it pursues its themes about loss and love. Violet is not just the interloper who allows us to experience the various stories happening around this world, but also a fascinating character to watch in her own right as she tries to learn what exactly it means to love someone. It's sappy and sentimental as hell, which is why I love it. It also has probably my favorite soundtrack of the year, courtesy of Evan Call, which I've probably listened to over a dozen times.
1: Yurucamp ∥ C-Station ∥ Dir. Kyougoku Yoshiaki: Cute girls taking it easy? Hell yeah. There's nothing on this Earth more comfy than watching these girls go camping in the gorgeous Japanese countryside and just being the best of friends. Shimarin is the best loner who absolutely knows how to live life, and all I want is to ride scooters and eat instant noodles with her. It's a cute girl anime of the utmost quality, and the only reason I still have a will to live is because a second season has already been confirmed.
1. Yurucamp 2. Violet Evergarden 3. Yagate Kimi ni Naru 4. Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho 5. Hanebado! 6. Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 7. SSSS.GRIDMAN 8. Darling in the Franxx 9. Zombie Land Saga 10. Mitsuboshi Colors
Honorable mentions... Hinamatsuri is probably the show I feel worst about not including, given its hilarity and its surprisingly well-done themes on poverty and homelessness, but someone had to be 11th. Asobi Asobase was another comedy I wanted to include, another one which was riotously hilarious at times and also included one of the cutest girls of the year, Olivia. As far as joji anime this year go, Aikatsu Friends exceeded all my expectations to finally be the Aikatsu series I stuck with, and Aine and Mio are the ultimate lesbian idols. I also have to give a shoutout to the Seishun Butayarou show, which is exactly the kind of 'snappy dialogue and adolescence problems' show that makes me love series like Oregairu and ef.
The awards go to...
Best Actress: Ueda Reina as Shinjou Akane, SSSS.GRIDMAN. I've been a big fan of Ueshama's since she turned up as the ridiculous Ajimi-sensei in Pripara. She can do some vocal gymnastics and has a great comedic delivery, but it was fantastic to hear her dramatic chops really leveraged to their full potential in Gridman. I think Ueda has one of the sexiest voices going in the business today, and some of the segments in Gridman where her character tries to seduce the male lead were truly yabai... And of course the more emotional segments with Rikka were also immensely impactful. (Credit to Miyamoto Yume for also doing some great work as Rikka in that series.)
(Honorable mention: Touyama Nao as Shima Rin in Yurucamp. Naobou has been one of my favorites for a long time now but her work as Rin is probably my top role of her's. Her aloof delivery is just so perfect for the character and her voice makes the show even more comfy than it already was. It's like a voice you want to hug.)
Best Actor: Miyano Mamoru as the manager from the moe zombie show I guess. I give up on doing the men every year. Kono baka zombi.
Newcomer Seiyuu of the Year: Shiraishi Haruka. Behind pure acting ability, versatility must be the most desirous trait in a voice actor, and it really feels like Shiraishi can do it all. She's had a couple major roles before this year: Motoba Kirie in the Umaru series, and Ruri in Anhapi, but her three main roles this past year really highlight the breadth of her abilities. She was the cool and collected Asirpa in Golden Kamuy, the impudent loli Misha in Uchi no Meido ga Uzasugiru, and the sexy tsundere Kana in Animayell... Yeah, that's some diversity in performances. It seems like I'm seeing this girl's name pop up everywhere recently and it's easy to see why: she seems to be able to excel in almost any role. She has two more major parts lined up for later this year, and I'm excited to see what she can do yet.
(Honorable mention: Hondo Kaede. Man, it felt like this girl was everywhere this year. Wikipedia counts her as having had no less than eight major roles, and that's following on from a 2017 where she had three leading roles. She certainly has a flair for the dramatic: probably my favorite role of hers was as Kanami in Toji no Miko; in a show where the animation didn't often keep up with the demands of the story, strong voice acting from Hondo and her leading partner Oonishi Saori really helped carry the show. I also really enjoyed her as Kohaku in Irozuku Sekai no Ashita Kara... She doesn't get the award, though, because most of her major roles so far have tended to sound the same. I'd really like to hear her branch out beyond her standard voice.)
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phillipcole · 7 years
Post-AGT Appearance 805: Scott Shannon in the Morning May 15
team.  Stay tunedAll 3 songs would sink last week with the John Williams Medley at 25, My Homeland 26 and Please vote for Avonelle 33..  I’d be tired at home Monday morning when Shannon called for a sleepy interview.
Shannon: That was the John Williams Medley, a collection of campaign songs for Avonelle Hector Joseph from her unsuccessful bid to unseat Trinidad’s Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley.  Did I get that right Phil?
PBC: Almost! (yawn) He was not Prime Minister at the time.
Shannon: Well, maybe you can explain how the political system in Trinidad and Tobago works.
PBC: Sure!  (yawn) each party has a leader.  The leader of the majority party is Prime Minister.  Rowley was the leader of the minority party.  They don’t run against each other, just run for another term in their home district.  In that election Rowley beat my wife’s cousin to remain in Parliament and remain party leader.  His party also took a small majority making him Prime Minister.
Shannon: So if your wife’s cousin had won...
PBC: She’d be a giant killer.  His party-with or without a majority would need a new leader.  The leader of her party was already PM.
Shannon: I see.  So how are your songs doing this week?  I understand there’s been a little shakeup.
PBC: Yes, that one, the John Williams Medley, is now the highest of the 3 at 25.
Shannon: But still on the way down.
PBC: I’m afraid so.
Shannon: What was the peak?
PBC: Williams peaked at...16 a month ago and My Homeland, best yet, hit number 5 in March 4.  They divide the week funny, but that was it.
Shannon: And your other release with Celine Dion?
PBC: Oh, uh.  It’s 33 now and was up to...28.
Shannon: So you think you can go all the way with Dolly Parton?
PBC: On the country chart I hope we can.  If I can’t hit number one with Dolly Parton I doubt I’ll get there any other way..
Shannon: We’ll find out soon.  How’s the family?
PBC: Fine.
Shannon: Did you have a good Mother’s Day and everything?
PBC: Pretty good, lots of little celebrations lately.
Shannon: And...do you have a routine for us?
PBC: So many choices, more pop songs like last week, movie flops, the Time Magazine most influential people, helicopters...
Shannon: Time Magazine!
PBC: Alright!  I’ve got to be careful.  Norbert had some lines when I was working on it.  Rupert, start it while I get the list of pronunciations.
Rupert:  Granpa Cole, I didn’t know you read Time Magazine.
102-Year-Old: I’m looking to see if I made the list of most influential 100-year-olds.
Rupert: First of all, you’re only 99.
102-Year-Old: That’s in real years!  In fictional years I’m 102.
Rupert: In fictional pounds I’m the richest man in England.
Brad: And in fictional pounds I’m the fattest man in Tennessee. 
PBC: Thanks guys!  Every year Time Magazine makes its list of most influential.  It’s hogwash like all the others.  People Magazine does most beautiful.  Others do sexiest.  Folks, if there really was such a thing as prettiest, sexiest or most influential it would change by only a few names per year, like Forbes richest people.  A few die; a few get ugly or overtaken by a newcomer.  The thing is when Time started doing these lists they could make a good case their magazine staff belonged on it, but now that their 25-year plan to make Hillary President failed they influence no one except people like me to gag!  So I started reading their list from page one.  That’s right!  I actually read the magazine itself.  They don’t go 1 to 100 but divide it by categories, because 75 businessmen 23 politicians and 2 freaks would be boring.  So the first name is...Riz Ahmed!
I’m sure everyone listening to this right now wakes up every day thinking, “How can I be more like Riz Ahmed today.”  I have no idea who this guy is, but when he heard I was writing this joke my agent told me I met him!  I guess I should pay more attention when I sign autographs.
Shannon: Ha ha ha ha ha!
PBC: Next comes Gus Velders.  He’s an atmospheric chemist.  He got us all worried about climate change and stuff I guess.  At least they didn’t put Al Gore on the list this year.
The interesting thing about the top 100 issue is it’s not written by real reporters but by past winners.  Leonardo Da Vinci...I mean Di Caprio...wrote this one.  He did ok but some of the others...I get to the end of the article knowing no more about the guy than when I started.
Next comes someone I’ve heard of: Samatha Bee!  She finally got her own show after being bypassed time and again on comedy Central.  I guess the management there goes on the list of dumbest.  I like Samantha Bee, but I doubt she’ll ever make the list again.
Conor McGregor is next, written by Arnold Schwarzeneggar.  Conor, Conor..isn’t that the kid who wasn’t supposed to be born?
They got a chef, a transgender.  SNL won’t let me use that joke.  Hamdi Ulukaya...
Cole: Can Hamdi Ulukaya play the ukelele.
PBC: If he could he’d make my list.    He’s big in yogurt.  Time Magazine is a lot like yogurt these days.
Next they’ve got the 4 ladies who organized the women’s march.  I don’t think that counts as a march, just a walk.  It’s a lot of pages until they get to someone I know: Jordan Peele.
Brad: I know a stripper named Jordan Peal.
PBC: Yes, Then we get the big ones, a hot dog maker, a bad model, Then John Legend and Demi Lovato so they can sing at the awards party.  This proves what I’ve been saying for years:
Shannon: Phil, we’re running out of time.
PBC: Bye.
Shannon: I mean, how many more jokes in this routine?
PBC: Near infinity.
Shannon: A few more quick ones then more next week, ok.
PBC: Good: Ben Platt makes the list.
Cole: How ya been, Platt?
PBC: Ed Sheeran!  He kept me off the list!  Emma Stone!
Brad: She influences a part of me every time I see her.
Shannon: That’s enough ha ha.
PBC: bye.
Shannon: That was Phillip and Cole’s Variety team.  Stay tuned.
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political-affairs · 11 years
Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
  Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Arabic: الشيخ راشد بن محمد آل مكتوم, styled HH Sheikh Rashid) (born on 12 November 1981) is the eldest son of UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum.
Sheikh Rashid was educated in Dubai at the Rashid School for Boys, H.H. then attended Sandhurst Military Academy in the United Kingdom and graduated in 2007.
 Roles and positions
On Jan 2008 Sheikh Rashid was appointed to his current Official post as President of the UAE Olympic Committee.
Sheikh Rashid is also a Principal, Partner or Owner in the following listed Companies :
Noor Investment Group : Principal Partner
Noor Islamic Bank : Principal Partner
United Holdings Group Dubai : Owner
Zabeel Racing International : Owner
Dubai Holding Company : Principal
Sheikh Rashid is a well-known sports figure in the UAE. He has participated in a number of International and local Endurance competitions winning a number of laurels for the country. His greatest achievement thus far was winning 2 Gold medals in the 2006 Doha Asian Olympics 120 km Endurance individual mixed as well as 120 km Endurance Team Mixed events.
As the owner of Zabeel Racing International, H.H. Sheikh Rashid has led the individual owners list an unprecedented 5 times with over 428 wins to date.
 Personal life and family
Sheikh Rashid is the eldest son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's 22 children. He is known for his Athletic prowess both as a competitive horse rider as well English football and swimming. He maintains a "Strict" daily physical regimen so as to always be at his peak physical condition to represent the UAE at any time in any myriad of Athletic sports competitions. Sheikh Rashid shares his Fathers relentless passion for Horses both in purchasing (The Maktoum family own the most extensive stable of race horses in the world as well as having amassed the largest and most successful racing stables the world has ever seen) as well as riding. It is rumored that the Dubai Royal family owns over 1bn (US) in race horses.
In 2010 Sheikh Rashid was voted one of the 20 Sexiest Arab Men for the 5th year in a row. [1]
In 2011 Sheikh Rashid was elected by Forbes as one of the 20 Hottest Young Royals in the world.
In 2010 Sheikh Rashid was voted by Esquire magazine as one of the 20 Most Eligible Royals in the world.
Sheikh Rashids personal net worth, as estimated by Forbes magazine in 2010, is estimated at approx 1.9bn US dollars.
 Titles, styles and honours
Titles and styles
Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum (12 November 1981 – present)
His Highness Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (12 November 1981 – present)
All information listed came "Directly" from His Highness Sheikh Rashid or his personal advisors.
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georgiansuggestion · 7 years
I protest that, in his Ranking of Prime Ministers, the Editor is humbugging us in ranking those exalted persons for almost every conceivable attribute or deed EXCEPT their accomplishments as the Chief Ministers of this Great Nation! The List could have been entitled Noses of Great Statesmen or Parliament's Bucks (or some such nonsense)! It is galling to see such men numbered according to Looks or Personality instead of their Deeds while holding that Great Office. Shame on you, sir!
At last, Shame is applied to me–I have so long lived with so Little of the Stuff!
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toddrogersfl · 6 years
Contemporary fragrance houses flying the flag
Who can lay claim to being ‘the birthplace of perfumery’? France and Italy regularly duke it out for the title, but British scents have been going strong since 1730 – with whispers of Yardley London‘s heritage in fact going all the way back to the reign of King Charles I, supplying royalty with lavender-scented soaps. Sadly, these records were lost in 1666’s Great Fire of London, but many British houses have archives bursting not only with records of their fragrant wares, but the customers who bought them – including royalty, film stars and prime ministers along with the many millions who flocked to their historic doors.
We decided to dedicate the latest issue of our award-winning magazine, The Scented Letter, to these Best of British. The emphasis being on heritage houses who have made our name and are still some of our favourites to this very day, and with a selection of newer houses mentioned – inluding Miller Harris, Angela Flanders, Ormonde Jayne and Floral Street – all of whom have their own boutiques you can visit to stock-up on those perfumes, both historic and ground-breakingly new. The streets of London may not be paved in gold, but perhaps they are with perfume…
To be frank, the feature was practically an entire book’s worth of material, and we still didn’t have room for every single one we’d have like to mention, which goes to show how many we have to be proud of. Also, we are thrilled that so many contemporary houses are continuing to fly that fragrant flag, being sold online and stocked in independent perfumeries that stretch the entire globe.
What better time, then, to continue our celebration of the diversity, ingenuity and creativity British fragrance houses display, and share with you a list of some contemporary houses your nose should definitely get to know…?
Ruth Mastenbroek
Born in England, graduating with a Chemistry degree from Oxford University, Ruth trained and worked as a perfumer in the 70s – both in the UK and Netherlands with Naarden International (which later became Quest and is now Givaudan – one of the largest perfume suppliers in the world…) Ruth then went to work in Japan and the perfume capital Grasse before returning to England to work for a small company, where she created fragrances for up-and-coming brands like Kenneth Turner and Jo Malone – including her Grapefruit candle. Setting up her own perfumery company, Fragosmic Ltd., in 2003 – the year she became president of The British Society of Perfumers, it was in 2010 that Ruth launched a capsule collection of scented products featuring her signature fragrance – RM – the first to use advanced micro-encapsulation technology in a scented bathrobe…! Still creating bespoke fragrances for brands, Ruth’s own fragrances allow her to bottle memories, she says, ‘…of childhood in England and America – chocolate cookies, fresh earth, blackberries… Of Holland – lilies, narcissus, hyacinth and salty sea air… Of France – orchids, roses and wild herbs… Of Japan – cherry blossom, lotus and green tea…’ Believing that fragrance can uniquely move us, and with a wealth of knowledge at her fingertips; Ruth distills olfactory flash-backs into perfumes that everyone can enjoy and form their own, highly personal connections with. And with her latest, the sulty, smoking rose of Firedance, shortlisted for Global Pure Beauty and Fragrance Foundation Awards this year, we suggest you allow yourself the pleasure of connecting with them, too…
Quintessential Scents: Launching tomorrow (Friday) on our site, we’re giving you a sneak-peek of how you can indulge in a whole box of emotionally uplifting scents. From the sparkling secret-garden fruitiness of Signature, through the romantic, rolling landscape of Umbria captured in Amorosa. A furtively-smoked Sobranie with notes of jasmine and cashmere evoke the dreaming spires of Oxford, while a classic rose is transformed with hot leather in Firedance, to become quite swaggeringly swoon-worthy. Have a chaise-lounge at the ready…
Ruth Mastenbroek Discovery Set £17.95 for 4 x 2ml eau de parfum
4160 Tuesdays
Founded: If we live till we’re 80, we have 4,160 tuesdays to fill, and so the philosophy of copywriter-turned-perfumer Sarah McCartney is: better make the most of every single one of them. Having spent years writing copy for other people’s products, and writing for LUSH for 14 years, Sarah wrote a novel about imagined perfumes that make people happy, with such evocative descriptions that readers began asking her to make them. Ever the type to roll up her sleeves and take on a new challenge, Sarah explains she’d ‘…tried to find perfumes that matched what I was describing, and they still weren’t right, so I set off on my quest to make them myself. I became a perfumer!’ Proudly extolling British eccentricity, the ever-increasing fragrances include Sunshine & Pancakes, which Sarah made to evoke a typical 1970s British seaside family vacation, opening with a burst of sunny citrus, with jasmine to represent sun-warmed skin – alongside honey and vanilla (the pancakes element). The Dark Heart of Old Havana is based on a 1998 trip to Cuba: brown sugar, tobacco, rich coffee, fruit, warm bodies, ‘alcohol, exuberance and recklessness,’ as she puts it. Maxed Out and Midnight in the Palace Garden were both shortlisted for the coveted Fragrance Foundation Awards 2016 in the ‘Best Indie Scent’ category, and an army of devotees now relish every day, scented suitably eccentrically.
Quintessential Scent:  Named for a comment made by a Tatler beauty editor who smelled it, a dash of bergamot, a soft hint of creamy vanilla, velvety smooth woods, musk and ambergris make for a dreamily decadent ‘your skin but oh, so much better’ affair. Like wearing a magical potion made of lemon meringue pie and fancy pants, if they don’t fall at your feet after a whiff of this, they aren’t worth knowing.
4160 Tuesdays The Sexiest Scent on the Planet Ever (IMHO) £40 for 30ml Buy it at 4160tuesdays.com
  Nancy Meiland Parfums
Founded: Nancy’s background as a bespoke perfumer began with her apprenticeship to one of the UK’s experts in custom perfumery, creating signature scents for those coveting ‘something highly individual and special…’ Before launching Nancy Meiland Parfums, her decade-long journey through fragrance had already included co-running the former School of Perfumery, acting as a consultant for independent perfume houses, working on collaborations with Miller Harris, and speaking on the subject of fragrance at events nationwide. Now dividing her time between town and country (Nancy’s based in East Sussex), she explains that ‘the creative process of gathering sensory impressions and honing them into a formula is a vital one. Once a blank canvas, the formula sheet acts as a metaphor – and gradually emerges essentially as a kind of poem, with body, light and shade and a life of its own.’ It amuses Nancy, looking back, that she often had school essays returned to her emblazoned in red pen for being “too flowery”. ‘It figures!,’ she says. Thank goodness, say her extensive base of fragrance fans, in love with these portrayals of often traditional ingredients, composed with elegant modernity and beautiful harmony.
Quintessential Scent: Definitely not your grandma’s drawer-liner, this is a rose in all its glory, with the entire plant evoked – pink pepper, for the thorns, stalky green galbanum for the leaves; geranium, jasmine, white pear and violet delicately sketching the tender bud. As Nancy observes: ‘I wanted to depict both the light and the dark shades of it, as opposed to this pretty, twee and girly rose that’s become slightly old-fashioned.” Rambling roses entwined with brambles, if this scent surrounded Sleeping Beauty, she’d never forgive that meddlesome prince for cutting it down…
Nancy Meiland Parfums Rosier £62.50 for 50ml eau de parfum Buy it at nancymeiland.com
  Tom Daxon
Recalling his childhood and growing up ‘in fragrant surroundings,’ Tom Daxon rather understates how perfume practically ran in his blood. Lucky enough to have a mother who was creative director at Molton Brown for over 30 years, and therefore ‘would often give me new shower gels to try, fragrances to sniff’ his scented destiny was sealed by frequently accompanying his mother on her business trips to Grasse. There he met the father-daughter duo of Jacques and Carla Chabert, who worked for Chanel, Guerlain and L’Oréal, with Jacques the nose behind Molton Brown’s ground-breaking Black Pepper and Carla creating the hit follow-up, Pink Peppercorn. Having esteemed perfumers in his life from such an early age was a connection that would bravely – still in his twenties – lead Tom to launch a brand new British fragrance house. Clearly a chap who doesn’t like to hang around when he’s got a bee in his bonnet, by the end of that same year, he was already being stocked in Liberty’s. Not a bad start, all things considered, and describing the impetus behind him starting his own line of fragrances, Tom says ‘I wouldn’t have bothered if I thought I couldn’t offer something a bit different.’ Uniquely intriguing, the entire range celebrates a luxurious kind of British modernity in their pared back, clean lines, the oils being macerated and matured in England for at least six weeks before they’re bottled here. Harnessing Tom’s Grasse connections but remaining resolutely British in their spirit, it’s just the beginning for this exciting house.
Quintessential Scent: Lushly narcotic, it’s a hyper-realistic big-hitter – like sticking your entire face in a buxom bouquet, the better to get another dose of its lascivious charms. Using traditional, headily feminine notes like lily of the valley, carnation, rose and oakmoss might have become ‘vintage’ or even a bit old-fashioned smelling in the wrong hands, but the Chaberts and Tom vividly evoke just-bruised, silky petals with a futuristic drama that never fails to shake you out of the doldrums.
Tom Daxon Crushing Bloom £105 for 50ml eau de parfum Buy it at tomdaxon.com
  Marina Barcenilla Parfums
A rising star of perfumery, Marina Barcenilla is one of the talented ‘noses’ driving the strong trend towards natural perfumery. As the name may suggest, her birthplace may not have been in the UK – in fact she was born in Spain – but it’s where Marina chose to make her home, and to set up her now thriving perfume business. Marina recalls being intrigued by the aromatic notes in the Herbíssimo fragrances and in her grandmother’s lavender water. Having always been fascinated and inspired by scent – when the chance came to branch out from her aromatherapy roots into the world of perfume, Marina rose beautifully to the challenge. In 2016 Marina won the coveted Fragrance Foundation (FiFi) Award for Best New Independent Fragrance with India. Against incredibly stiff competition, judged blind by Jasmine Award-winning journalists and bloggers, this prompted her to take the next step on her journey – what had formerly been called The Perfume Garden became Marina Barcenilla Parfums. But although the name had changed, the ethos remained the same – ‘to create the finest fragrances, using what nature has to offer.’ More awards followed, including a Beauty Shortlist Award for Patchouli Clouds, an International Natural Beauty Award for The Perfume Garden, and the Eluxe Award for Best Natural Perfume Brand. In 2017, for the second consecutive year, Marina won Best New Independent Fragrance for the opulent Black Osmanthus – which truly put her on the radar of journalists and perfumistas. From sourcing rare and precious aromatic essences from around the world to blending fragrances by hand in her own perfume studio, after years of study, Marina’s long-awaited olfactory journey to ‘rediscover the soul of perfume’ is off to a rousing start – and all from the suitably mystical base of Glastonbury. More than simply reaching for the stars, parallel to her perfumery career she’s also studying to become a Planetary Scientist and Astrobiologist, at the University of London; recently combining her twin passions by creating AromAtom – creating the imagined scents of space as a way to make space science more engaging for children – which Marina regularly tours through schools. What else can we say for this exciting house, but “up, up and away…!”
Quintessential Scent: Silky smooth sandalwood is enticingly laced with flecks of fragrant cardamom, dotted with coriander, huge armfulls of rose and woven with incense for an all-natural scent that’s soothingly spiced, earthily grounding and yet erotically tempting; so you’ll be wanting to dance barefoot (perhaps comletely bare) and wrap yourself around a Maypole, have no doubt…
Marina Barcenilla Parfums India £130 for 30ml eau de parfum Buy it at mbparfums.com
  St Giles
Rarely do founders of fragrance houses come with such experience, passion and dedication to the industry as Michael Donnovan. With a career thus far helping stock the shelves of such cult fragrance-shopping destinations as Roullier White, running his own PR company, representing such luminaries as Fréderic Malle – every time we’ve met Michael, he’s been bubbling with enthusiasm about a perfume we ‘…absolutely must smell!’ or a nose who’s ‘a complete genius!’ And you know what? He’s always been right. He’d been badgered for years by fragrance experts and enthusiasts alike to launch his own range, but the idea had tickled his brain for some decades before being fully explored as a reality. As Michael explains, the concept he just couldn’t let go of was to have a collection that truly represented ‘scents as complex as you are.’ And so, the St Giles fragrances have ‘…been created to stimulate and amplify the many different aspects of our character. This wardrobe of fragrances celebrates the parts that make us who we are, fusing the reality and the fantasy.’ And the nose he sought out to compose them just happens to be one of the greatest of our time. ‘The perfumes are made in collaboration with Master Perfumer Bertrand Duchaufour, whose vision I have long admired and whose friendship I cherish.’ Having spent many years working alongside Bertrand, but always in regard to his work for other houses, Michael admits he was ‘…extremely nervous’ about approaching him, but it turns out Bertrand was more than enthusiastic in his acceptance. The only question you need ask, now, is which fragrant character you want to embody, today…
Quintessential Scent: Rosemary absolute – now proven to stimulate memory performance – adds an aromatic, drily green note while fresh ginger warmly fizzes alongside Champagne-like aldehydes, herbaceous clary sage and the uplifting, fruity zing of rhubarb. There’s a sigh of soft leather and frankincense at the heart, slowly sinking to the inky-tinged base of castoreum absolute, sandalwood, Atlas cedarwood and a salty tang of driftwood. Absolutely unique, you’ll want to cover yourself in it while seeking your muse, perhaps while enjoying a sip or three of something refreshing, wearing nothing else but a velvet smoking jacket and an enigmatic smile…
St Giles The Writer £130 for 100ml eau de parfum Buy it at stgilesfragrance.com
With a strong heritage behind us, and many of those houses still not only surviving but thriving, it seems British perfumery is once again blooming with a fresh crop of forward-thinking (and often self-taught) perfumers shaking up the scent scene. No fuddy-duddy fragrances, these, they’re flying the flag not only for British niche perfumery, but for the art of fragrance itself. Hoist the bunting!
For further reading, we suggest getting your hands on a copy of British Perfumery: A Fragrant History by The British Society of Perfumers, £30 including UK delivery.
Written by Suzy Nightingale
The post Contemporary fragrance houses flying the flag appeared first on The Perfume Society.
from The Perfume Society https://perfumesociety.org/contemporary-british-fragrance-houses-flying-the-flag/
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iftekharsanom · 8 years
Top 10 Hot & Gorgeous Lady Politicians Of The World.......
Women are the hot topic in politics, but are they hot? Previously recorded in the primaries, Jack Nicholson a commercial for Hillary Clinton and used a quote from one of his films, in which he said: "There is nothing on earth warmer, believe me Lord, a woman to greet you have tomorrow. "With this, here are 21 of the sexiest women in the world are female. Check out some of these hot women and beautiful women. Beauty with brains. Maria Carfagna – Italy
We started our list of the sexiest politician in the world with the Italian Minister of Equal Opportunities. Although she has been a topless model and an actress in the past, Carfagna is known as a very conservative politician to be. Also claiming an "anti-feminist" prostitution, and convicted and managed to still be criminalize! Mara Carfagna is an Italian politician and is currently Minister of Equal Opportunities. The former TV presenter, model and TV presenter has established himself as "the most beautiful minister in the world" and is known as "Mara La Bella". Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is heard in love with her and has been Since "described if I were not married, I would have married immediately." It is speculated that Carfagna and Berlusconi are involved in a secret affair. Nicole Minetti – Italy
Dental hygienist turned politician has been associated with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the main headlines. She was the center of media attention, when he was being tried for helping women, the parties receive participate organized by the former prime minister. He was also investigated to make fraudulent claims in the exercise of the mandate and therefore was sentenced to three years in prison. But all your sensuality is not lost! Hina Rabbani Khar – Pakistan
Hina Rabbani Khar is a Pakistani statesman and economist, the 26 foreign ministers of Pakistan went. All 34, Hina Rabbani Khar seems destined Pakistani politics with its beauty and intellect to dazzle. Hina Rabbani Khar was the first woman to present a budget speech at the National Assembly in 2009 and grew from there alone .Alina Kabaeva – Russia
Alina is famous for her career in the gym. She is the most successful gymnast in Russia to date and has 18 medals in the world, 2 Olympic medals and 25 medals won in the European Championship. In 2007, after he, Alina member of the Russian parliament, the pro-Kremlin United Russia party was represented by gymnastics retirement. Earlier this year, there were rumors that former Russian President and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Alina had to leave his wife and get married. Both rejected the rumor. Alina is best known for her extreme flexibility - a good quality for a politician. Queen Rania – Jordan
Jordanian Queen Rania Al Abdullah is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in the world. She spent most of her time on many questions and focus on education. Queen Rania also has its own YouTube channel started to collect their views on the Middle East and its vision of Arabs and Muslims. Luciana Leуn – Peru
Supposedly, to attract young voters, Luciana León, he is the youngest member of parliament in the history of Peru. She was the most beautiful woman in the world in 2009. 20 Minutes called by an online survey of the Spanish daily, however, her family has been in some great corruption scandals and the bells are ringing as for her to engage. Belinda Stronach – Canada
Belinda Stronach is a member of the Canadian Parliament and to start a bomb. He was a deputy in the House of Commons of Canada 2004-2008 originally selected as Conservative, then the floor crossed the Liberals to join. From May 17, 2005 to February 6, 2006, he was Minister of Resources and Development of Competencies and the Human Responsibility for Democratic Renewal in the Government of Paul Martin Minister. Setrida Geagea – Lebanon
Geagea is a Lebanese politician famous for its beauty and a favorite of the media in Lebanon. It is an important factor in Lebanon to fight against Syrian oppression. She comes from a prominent Tawk Maronite Lebanese family who owns business in West Africa - Ghana. His political activism began while at the American Lebanese University (LAU) and led to the meeting of leaders of the Lebanese Forces (LF), Samir Geagea, who later married her. Yuri Fujikawa – Japan
Probably the hottest politician in Japan of all time is Yuri Fujikawa. Woman Yuri, 33, is the Hachinohe city council and a member of the Conservative party. She was "too pretty to be a politician", called "Belle Advisor" in Japan, and was named "the most beautiful political world" in a Spanish newspaper. She also has sex implies controversy and has become a topic of conversation on the Internet since she was elected in April 2007. Daughter of a former councilor and deputy mayor of Hachinohe city, she worked as an orderly in a nursing home after graduating from college. In 2007, when she was 27, her father was put through the elections but was not elected. It was then, when he announced that he would introduce himself as candidate, takes place of his father. Not only his father's supporters voted for him, but won many of his own. Most of them were attracted by their youth and beauty, and published many photos of themselves on their blog. Angela Gerekou – Greece
The Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism and Corfu, deputy of PASOK, is wife Angela Gerekou in number. 5 list of the best politicians. She comes from the Greek coast and has a little Puma in it. He studied architecture in Rome before moving to politics.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2mUS18s
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
It's now a CRIME for Thai students to wear short skirts
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In the latest bid to save girls from sexual violence by blaming their attire, amendments to the Child Protection Act pushed by the Education Ministry have made it illegal for students to dress “inappropriately.” 
What had been left to school administrators to obsess over skirt lengths and blouse tightness has now been codified into law. Though the specific legal language published Friday was vague, the amendment seems to only target female students, who are routinely admonished for pushing – or outright ignoring – dress-code boundaries. It was the first amendment to the part of the act detailing “appropriate student behavior,” introduced in 2005. The revision, signed by newly appointed Education Minister Nataphol Teepsuwan, makes the culturally rooted argument that enforcement will improve the behavior and safety of students. No specific incidents were cited to justify the move. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/10/18/thai-schoolgirls-facebook-behavior/ And it was unclear if or how the new law would be enforced with male students. Several calls to the Education Ministry’s public relations office for additional information went unanswered. The amended section also prohibits students from joining groups or gangs that disturb the peace, and causing a “public commotion” outside school or dormitory grounds. Though no specific penalties were laid out for slipping on short skirts, the Child Protect Act calls for parents or guardians “inducing, encouraging, assisting or supporting” a student who breaks regulations are liable to fines of up to THB30,000 (US$980) and/or three months jail time. Reactions to the law appeared mixed online, largely between those who think “kids need more rules” and those interested in effective public policy, with the latter saying they will be ineffective and, worse, oppressive. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/03/02/thai-schoolgirls-facebook-prostitute/ “I really like this amendment. I want everyone to abide by the regulations so these problems can decrease,” Facebook user Calla N Lilly wrote Saturday of the law. Pimnara P Major said it was the latest example of solving the wrong social problems. “Instead of teaching students how to live by educating them about social sciences and the rights they have, why are you making a deal out of their school uniforms?” Pimnara wrote. Universities tend to have strict dress codes that are flouted by a portion of the student body, despite frequent awareness campaigns and half-hearted enforcement efforts. While first-year girls tend to wear the prescribed ankle-length skirts, many wear them increasingly shorter as they advance through their programs. Thailand could also consider changing schoolgirl uniforms, which by entirely subjective measures, are considered the most fetish-tastic and sexually charged in the world. Even the reliably kinky Japanese think so – they voted them world’s sexiest in 2011. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/11/11/thai-schoolgirls-drinking-culture/ Still, socially conservative Thailand has a deep tradition of slut-shaming and victim-blaming when it comes to violence against women. Soon after he seized power in 2014, Prayuth Chan-ocha, now prime minister, famously told people women in bikinis may not be safe – unless they’re ugly, after two British holiday-makers were murdered on Koh Tao. The very notion of consent is not ingrained in society, fueling attitudes that women are to blame for enticing attackers with their fashion choices. Those attitudes haven’t let up post-#MeToo, either. In recent years, the authorities have taken it as license to aggressively warn women to cover up during the annual Songkran festival, saying it is for their own good. - Coconuts – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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jimivaey · 8 years
The incredible life of Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of one of the 'sexiest' men in politics
The incredible life of Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of one of the ‘sexiest’ men in politics
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has gained global fame for his likeable persona, open attitude toward welcoming refugees, and support of LGBT and women’s rights.
He has also been named one of the “sexiest” men in politics, and he even made Vogue’s “Sexiest Man Alive” list.
But little was known about his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, until she came under media fire last week when she…
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jimivaey · 8 years
The incredible life of Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of one of the 'sexiest' men in politics
The incredible life of Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of one of the ‘sexiest’ men in politics
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has gained global fame for his likeable persona, open attitude toward welcoming refugees, and support of LGBT and women’s rights.
He has also been named one of the “sexiest” men in politics, and he even made Vogue’s “Sexiest Man Alive” list.
But little was known about his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, until she came under media fire last week when she…
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