#Rashid School for Boys
iwtv ep 5 rewatch thoughts
opening with the scene within which i have built a home and become a permanent resident. right here in the moment rashmand smiles stupidly and louis slonks (🤭) every last drop of his blood. how anyone thinks they’re boring idk idk idk
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they are being clear here that this isn’t consumption for the sake of sustenance. this is bloodletting as sex play and as power play. Danny is not having dinner. so its clear that this isn’t feeding as a meal but it is feeding as sexual exhibition at its most delicious. Danny is reading about claudia’s violent acts via the written recording of her victim’s last words while loumand basically vampire fuck at the other end of the table. this is also setting up the sexual violence to come for claudia and also for louis.
i think it is intentional that louis is the one feeding from armand for several reasons. one being because of what lestat does to him, which we see later on. this is power play for louis in a setting where he has voluntarily and possibly in some aspects dubiously relinquished control over to his lover armand. also bc of the connection between daniel and armand. they are revealing rashid as armand slowly here and his and louis’ involvement with daniel in the past. Daniel isn’t dumb. they know he can figure out the inconsistencies of louis drinking from armand and louis drinking from damek. this leads to daniels curiosity about how armand tastes like and his weight and louis puts daniel’s hidden attraction out on display against his wishes to throw him off. and daniel orders rashid around to take back some power.
i also think it’s a call back to the power dynamic of their first meeting. louis has power over daniel, and it seems he’s the one in control of the entire situation but then he checks in with armand before moving forward. in this moment in the present dubai 2020 setting louis has power over daniel (regardless of him no longer being that naive young man) and he plays the role of the one with the power over rashid, but the power he is receiving is from armands 500+ year old blood that he is offering to louis as the character he is playing. lord take me.
i think it’s interesting that daniel is feasting on claudia’s private memories but objects to louis reading and exposing his personal thoughts. even tho louis has shown time and again that he does that and would do it again. choices/consent is the big issue in this episode.
Daniel: man with green vest: please no. man with fat fingers: please stop. window washer: i can’t die like this. woman with purple shoes: please. boy with inner tube and dog: let my dog live. please no. please stop. stop. oh here’s a good one—man in the last row of The Son of Sheik picture show: You said you had cigarettes.
this is the first recounts we hear him read from claudia’s journal—claudia, who did not get a say in whether her voice and story be used by louis, armand and daniel in this way. He reads this and it’s clear that he [daniel] hadn’t actually consented to being the voyeur of loumand’s sex play given his visible discomfort/agitation. He continues anyways, trying his best to focus on the task at hand and not his bisexual longing for the men at the other end of the table bc even with everything he is reading and witnessing he is still attracted to them in all their insanity and monstrosity.
im interested in the fact that he pointedly reads out (“here’s a good one”) the misleading nature of the last one. “You said you had cigarettes.” i think it speaks to the fact that daniel came here to dubai for a supposed second interview and is slowly but surely realizing he is getting something else entirely. he continues “School teacher, guard your heart. i’m trying to think of something more fucked up than this.” he could be just talking about what claudia has written, but i think it’s also the fact that this is the section of his reading that loumand have chosen to be overtly sexual in front of him for as he reads. all this and he doesn’t even know yet of rashid being armand and his role in claudia’s death, though i’m sure he’s having suspicions of everything by now. also that louis, with being faced with the piece of claudia he doesn’t like to acknowledge, the monstrosity of her vampire nature, focuses of drinking from armand the man who killed his beloved daughter (something he said about “i run to the bottle” etc. etc). it does in fact get more fucked up danny.
and when armand implies that daniel is no better by revealing the danger it poses on louis and exposing louis’ suicidality without his permission (“he lives to share these opinions even when they are not solicited”) and revealing he doesn’t even want this book to happen, louis fights back by leaning into his power over daniel and exposing his thoughts about armand, and continues to, even when danny makes it clear his thoughts were not being voluntarily shared—that he did not want louis in his mind at all. he even interrupts rashmand in the middle of telling daniel he wouldn’t let him near his neck to offer up more information abt rashid (much to armands annoyance) that clearly isn’t even true after reading daniel’s mind again when daniel just explicitly told him not to. and when louis does that daniel fights back by leaning into his perceived power over rashid—louis’ servant—by demanding more of something to drink without even looking at him. and at this armand picks up his lil ipad and leaves without even picking up daniel’s glass, being the one who is actually the most powerful in the room. this is crazy. this is actually insane.
all this and armand is the one who killed claudia!!!! the only one who doesn’t get to fight back against her agency being taken from her in this scene!!! i’m going to fucking throw up. who is bored with them!? they are literally putting on thee insane sexy bdsm emo freaks show like…
“ The Son of Sheik” also alludes to the upcoming sexual assault btw. It’s a sequel to “The Sheik” where the protagonist is the son of the sheik in the first film who falls in love with a traveling dancer Yasmine. He rapes her out of retaliation for having been kidnapped and later whipped, which he believes to be her fault bc she is falsely accused of it. like in this episode and like claudia, yasmine’s rape is strongly implied in the movie with the use of pointed language and a scene cut.
this scene closes out with daniel pointing out he can’t get to accurate statistics of claudia’s murders to corroborate her accounts whether he thinks its more or less than what she recounts im unsure. louis points out that he wouldn’t be able to get an accurate account anyways bc of their disposal practices and how cities tend to downplay the dangers within them. daniel wanting all the details and louis making it clear he will have to accept that he can’t always have all the details will be a point of contention later on as we know.
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lou-iz-stat · 5 months
So……. 2 MORE WEEKS!… and it still does not feel real to me that we are going to get season 2 so soon. I am sure it will destroy me and create an everlasting wound deep in my soul.
Anyway episode 6! I won’t lie this the episode that I have watched the most out of the rest. I have probably watched it over 15 times and that is not an exaggeration. It’s my fav episode because there are just so many iconic moments in this one.
Let’s not waste another moment. Get into this!
IWTV S1 E6: Like Angels Put in Hell by God
This ep starts with Louis looking real bad as he tries to recover from the drop inflicted on him by Lestat.
He definitely has PTSD from the fall 😔
At least we get the ‘cloud gift’ name drop.
We also have Dr. Fareed which is a character that is most prominent in the Prince Lestat trilogy I believe. I do not know if this is true I have not read that far yet.
We then go back to the story and Claudia is making Louis chase a goat for his recovery.
And here comes Lestat being where he is not wanted. The throwing of his coffin out the balcony is everything 🤣
When Lestat comes to give the car to Louis I must admit he looks so so good 😩 But I still don’t want Louis to let him back in! Because I know he has not changed even though he says so.
But I do believe that if Louis did tell him to leave and to never see him again Lestat would listen! But he doesn’t tell him that because he still can’t let Lestat go even after everything he has done. It’s too much!
Lestat is crazy for what he does with ‘Come to Me’ but I love when Sam sings it ❤️
And this what. I am talking about when I say that so much of this episode is so iconic! Swimming a dirty ass river to break into your exe’s place and telling Antoinette to leave HER HOUSE so that you can have violent hate sex while she is just outside listening to it all. It’s just so messy and insane! Gotta love it
Sam Reid is just so so good in the scene where they are questioning Lestat! His acting is just *chef’s kiss*
And everything he tells them of how he became a vampire is true 😭
“…I loved Lestat with a wounded one.” 😭😭😭
Yes Claudia you should baaaaaa at him!
Nooooo Claudia what he said about Magnus was true!
More Nicky name dropping this episode. And knowing the backstory with that I just wince at the whole conversation they are having. But what can I say she really is her father’s daughter
And of course he didn’t kill Antoinette being a brat so much so that he did not like being told what to do. And yes Louis he is ‘all kinds of fucked up’ and this why I love this show. Everybody is fucked up just some more than others.
Ugh the scene where Claudia tries to get Louis to leave with her breaks my heart.
Then we go back to modern day and this is where in the original interview Daniel wanted to be turned. And ohhhhh Armand is not happy that Louis offers to turn Daniel now hehe
The utter shock I had when Claudia is just sitting in the townhouse instead of on a train. 😱
But oh, oh! The train scene is everything. It is just so fucked up and scary! This show is in the horror genre after all. And that doesn’t stop this scene from being iconic.
From “Tickets, please!” To “Claudia, you left without saying goodbye…. Again” it just lives rent free in my head.
God he such an asshole to her!
And she defeats him at chess at the same time that she is plotting his murder! That’s some queen shit honestly.
When Lestat is shouting in French, if you ever look up what he is saying it is actually so unsettling
Awwww our boy (Daniel) is eeppy
I don’t care what anyone says I love the 70s flashback.
And boom! As we all know Rashid is actually someone Daniel has met before! Shocker! Yeah yeah it’s Armand we know this.
Yay! I got through another one! We only have one more rewatch then s2! I cannot believe it and again it does not feel real at all! I am sure by next week I’ll be able to write more since I won’t have as much school work left to do.
Thanks for reading
14 days!!!!! Life is worth living!
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Reflecting - Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Nineteen
After Micki and Johnny helped Rashid into his apartment, he insisted on being left alone, claiming that it would be easier and faster for him to take care of himself. He promised to call if he needed help, and said he would be back at the shop as soon as he could. Reluctantly, they left and drove back home.
As Johnny parked the car, Micki walked over to Birdie’s house and retrieved Ryan. She thanked the woman for helping them, but couldn’t help notice the way Birdie looked at Ryan. She was suspicious, Micki thought. No time to deal with that now.
Micki and Ryan walked back to the shop, entering it from the front in a couple of minutes. Micki had asked Ryan to wait until they got home before asking questions, and he had begrudgingly complied. But as soon as they were inside the store, he asked the question she had dreaded.
“Did you find my mom? Is she okay?” he asked, his eyes trying to read hers. “Where is she?”
Micki put her hand on the boy’s shoulder and gestured toward the couch. “Ryan, let’s sit down, okay?”
She saw the look of fear in his face now, one she had seen often before he had changed. The next few moments were going to hurt him so much, she wished she could just take in all his pain. She couldn’t, though. They sat together on the sofa.
“My mom?” he asked, looking at her face once more. “She’s not okay, is she?”
Micki put her hand on Ryan’s cheek, then pulled it away. “No Ryan, she’s not okay. Something happened after we got away from there.”
“She’s dead.” Ryan said suddenly, looking down at his hands in his lap. “My mom is dead.”
“Yes, honey, she’s gone.” Micki reached for his hand and held it in her own. “But, you know she loved you so much, right? She loved you more than anything else in the whole world.”
Ryan was crying now, silent sobs, his body shaking.
Micki pulled him close to her, hugging him. She ran her hand over his head, smoothing out his hair. “I know, I know.”
“Micki?” Ryan asked, his sobs subsiding a bit. “Can I go upstairs and lay down for awhile? I‘m not feeling too good.” He pulled his head away from her.
“Uh, sure Ryan. That’s fine, let me come up and help you settle in.” she said, standing.
“No, no thank you.” he said, standing as well. “I’ll be fine, it’s just a headache or something.” He turned away towards the stairs, but stopped. Turning back to her suddenly, he threw his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.
“Ryan, I promise you, it’s going to be okay.” she said, again smoothing out his hair, hugging him back.
He broke off the hug and turned, running quickly up the stairs and disappearing into his old room.
Micki wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. She walked over to the counter and put both hands on the wooden surface. Anger building up, she raised her fist and pounded down once, twice. “Damn you!” she yelled, to Casares, to her Uncle Lewis, to the store, to everyone.
Johnny came into the store from back in Jack’s room. “Mick, you okay?” he said.
She spun around, her red hair framing her face, tears down her cheeks. “No, Johnny, I’m not alright! And Ryan’s not alright, and Jack’s not alright, Rashid is hurt and Ryan’s mother… Well, she’s dead. More death! When will it end, huh? When will this be over and our lives will be ours again?”
Johnny walked up to her and hugged her. She cried into his shoulder. After a minute, she broke off, wiping her face once more.
“Where were you, anyway?” she asked, grabbing a tissue from the behind the counter.
Johnny sat on the desk, stretching his neck. “I figured you would want to talk to Ryan alone, so I went to Jack’s room and called one of my old friends from high school. He works at the DMV now, so I asked him for a big favor. He is going to run the name ‘Catherine Chandler’ in as many databases as he can find, and he’ll let me know what he finds out.”
“Good, good. Thank you.” Micki said. “I wonder who she is? The name doesn’t sound familiar.”
Johnny shrugged. “No clue, but he may turn up something. How is Ryan?”
Micki wiped her face once more. “Pretty much what you’d expect. I think he kind of knew something was wrong. But he is strong, he will get through it. He has to, right?”
“Yeah, the poor kid. Talk about having your share and then some. Ryan’s had more than enough misery.” Johnny said, looking up at Micki.
She nodded. Wanting to change the subject, she said, “Okay, what about Jack? We can’t just leave him there, who knows what that madman will do with him. Jack said himself that he couldn’t break the curse on the mirror. If he can’t do that, what use will he be to Casares?”
“I don’t know Micki. I don’t know. Jack is pretty resourceful, but this Casares guy must be getting desperate to break the curse. I wonder why. Maybe this Chandler woman is his wife or something?” Johnny wondered.
Just then, the phone rang. Micki picked it up, saying “Curious Goods. Can I help you?” almost out of habit. She handed the phone to Johnny. “It’s for you.”
“Hello?” Johnny said into the receiver. “Right, hold on, let me get a pen.” Micki handed him one, along with a notepad. “Okay, go. Yup. Really? New York? Okay, okay. Really? Okay, thanks man. I owe you one.” He handed the phone back to Micki, who returned it to it’s cradle.
“Well?” she asked. “What did he say?”
“He said that the name ‘Catherine Chandler’ came up a few times, but one stood out above the rest. Assistant District Attorney Catherine Chandler from New York City was killed last year, right after having given birth. Her baby wasn’t found, but someone was pegged as her killer. And he himself wound up dead a few months later.”
“Who was her killer?” Micki asked.
“A man named Gabriel Casares.” Johnny said, tossing the pen onto the counter.
“Gabriel Casares? He must be related to Raphael somehow, it’s too much of a coincidence. But she is dead, they are sure?” Micki responded, working it over in her head.
“As far as they reports are concerned, yeah. She is dead and buried in New York City.” Johnny added. “Somehow, she ended up on the wrong end of a cursed antique. In this case, a cursed mirror.”
Micki nodded, then said. “I don’t know how this will help, though. Maybe we can find someone who knew her? Someone close to her? I don’t know what they could do, though, that we can’t.” She walked over to the small sofa and dropped down onto it. Feeling the soft cushions under her, she realized she hadn’t slept in over a day, at least.
Johnny noticed her heavy eyes. “Micki, why don’t you try and get a nap in? I am going to take a quick run to my place, grab a shower and a change of clothes, and I’ll be right back, okay? We can figure out what to do about Jack then.”
Yawning, Micki wanted to protest, but exhaustion overruled her. “Okay, Ryan is upstairs sleeping anyway. Just a quick nap, but come right back, okay?” she said, already stretching out on the sofa.
“Sure thing, Mick.” Johnny said. He pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and draped it over her. He smiled down at her, already fast asleep. He then walked out the back door, heading for his own place, not far away.
Micki dreamt of the day she met Ryan, the day she came to the store for the first time, when the sign still read ‘Vendredi’s Antiques’. She had thought him so immature, a kid. And this place was a burden to unload and be free of.
Then her dream took her on a journey, remembering the good times with Ryan, the fun moments. She had learned so much about him, learned he wasn’t immature at all, just a free spirit with a love of life. They became friends, good friends. Then one day she realized she was feeling differently. She was feeling jealousy when Ryan went out on a date, and she couldn’t explain it.
And then came France and the horrors there. Before she knew it, Ryan was gone, out of her life. She called for him, but he was gone, lost to her.
Micki woke to a scream. At first, she thought it was her own. She sat up on the sofa, tossing the blanket aside. Had she been dreaming? She couldn’t remember. She couldn’t remember screaming, either.
Then she heard it again, another scream. Definitely not from her. Then another scream.
She stood up, looking around, trying to wipe the confusion of sleep from her mind. Where was the screaming coming from?
Johnny came in the back door now. He looked at her, confused.
“Micki? What’s wrong?” he said, coming up to her quickly.
“I don’t know, I heard something. A scream or something.” she said, her hand running through her hair.
A fourth scream came then, more like a mournful wail.
“Ryan!” she remembered suddenly, and the cloud of confusion was gone in an instant.
They both made for the stairs, grabbing the railing. But just as they were about to head up, a figure appeared at the top, wrapped in a blanket.
Micki gasped and Johnny’s mouth fell open.
Standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at them, was Ryan. The adult Ryan.
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
The Cruel Choice
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"Enough of your sniveling. You have only proven yourselves you can utilize him in battle and reaping souls. But you have not done all to my satisfaction. I will not accept a halfway done job.
"Give me the rest of the souls within these grounds. I order you as your Master."
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“Please, no…!!”
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“Are you all defying me? You know what happens when you do. And what will happen to your little friends and paramours once you’ve vanished eternally from their lives?”
That last part was enough to convince the rest of the Crew to act. Each of the Seven looked at each other, anxious to move from their spots as that question was taken in as a threat. In taking the Pact, the Seven have forfeit their place among humanity, eternally bound to the sea; the Master surely would have no qualms in correcting those who stray from their place in this life.
They have to act. Nothing gets done with standing around. Nothing good, at least.
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“We shall do as you say, Master…”
And so, they make their way to the basement. And the Master follows.
Many souls are held in the basement. Scared souls who were tricked or coerced into forced labor… much of it unethical. It was either to service strangers for naught a penny, or face the wrath of their captors. All knowing they may never see their families and freedom again.
They can see the terror in their eyes, the everlasting dread of the end with only regrets to their names. Many of them are so young, not having experienced love or independence in the world. A boy who just graduated high school. A girl who gained her first boyfriend. A young lady who just discovered her love for other women. A fellow who was just a few days away from obtaining his first house. An immigrant who didn’t understand the country’s language. A refugee who simply wanted to start a new life away from war.
Scared. Lost. Alone. With only themselves for comfort and strength.
And the Master wants them to destroy them all.
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“I am waiting,” he mutters, his arms crossing as he stands behind his thralls.
There is hesitation still. The Seven knew these hostages witnessed the worst of them, by their ears or their eyes. They knew they were facing monsters. They knew they were facing their possible doom.
Ohh… if only they can tell them… they are not so different at all…
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“I’m still waiting.”
That they know what it’s like to be trapped in a bogus promise with no escape.
The Master steps forward. Captain Frascona sharply looks back. They have to act, and they have to act fast. Perhaps they can do what Ruixiong did to San-Gwong in Guangzhou–make it quick and painless. Spare them the torture expected in the wicked when raiding their souls. Perhaps they can find friendship and solidarity among other innocent souls in the Devil’s Locker. Perhaps they can find comfort in the endless sea….
….No. No. No more.
There was no coordination needed, no plan made–it was all a unanimous decision within their hearts. Captain Frascona begins with a fog that obscures everyone’s sight, his form seeping into the walls and ceiling as to make it collapse. Ruixiong flings furniture about, ramming into walls hidden beneath the fog. Abena commands the souls within her web to gather tighter together, to make everything quick as Rashid’s demon-like mirages rush through. And to finish everything off, Guy envelops the entire basement with fire, hoping to char everything and anything through.
The building falls apart.
Except for a tunnel out to the surface made of gold.
Once the Master emerges from the rubble, no soul was given to him to complete the task. The hostages, guided by Abena’s whispers, made their way to the city on foot, scrambling for the safety of society beyond the docks. Alive. And safe.
The Master then looks upon the rest of the Crew as Giovanni assists the others beneath the debris in his golden form. Much to his surprise, Phoebus is still safe; he was kept beneath a steel-like barrier formed by Rashid. The task to prove they can work with Sloth and keep him safe is finished. And while there were souls that escaped… one can say, on a technicality, the raid is thoroughly complete.
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Frascona pants as some drywood slips off his back. “We’ve done as we were told.”
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“I tried to crush them with my gold, Master. They escaped too fast.”
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“They broke through my fire. There is no one to raid anymore. Master.”
The sun rises, and the Master looks upon the horizon. Indeed… the raid is complete. There is no one now.
At least…. For those short moments. Until gunfire begins to rain on them from the other side of the coast.
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The Master smirks. He simply tucks his hands beneath the small of his back as armored trucks and helicopters come in. “That’s not on me, my loves. If you expected a reward for being heroes… now you’ve gotten it.”
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vegasvictor · 9 months
Congrats on taking care of yourself this year! What book brought you back to reading?
wah thank you so much !! so it was actually several. i realized that i needed to do what i used to do in school and start reading like... seven books at the same time in order to focus on any of them.
the hundred years' war on palestine by rashid khalidi was the first book i finished ^^ i'm still reading how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie, inkheart by cornelia funke (rereading), except for palestine by marc lamont hill, the raven boys by maggie stiefvater (also rereading), the starless sea by erin morgenstern, and this boundary will not bind us by erica xenne (btw she's a friend of mine so def recommend (: )
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karinyosa · 10 months
OOBH this looks so fun thank you for the tag @sleepy-katz
three ships: like just any 3?? in that case jontim, genebrinker (for reasons which have nothing to do with anything i’m writing), and doctormaster
first ship: like knowingly? something from my little pony but i could not tell you which, i do not remember. i was a rarijack stan if that counts for anything. before i knew what shipping was? po and tigress i think fkfhkd. they would make such a great pair regardless of what kind they are so much more than wacky jokes boy and serious girl they are like nearly the same breed of daddy issues and mentally ill to me. sorry
last song: a girl like me by flowerovlove
currently reading: (technically listening to) the 100 years war on palestine by rashid khalidi (someone uploaded the entire ebook for free on youtube) + to be taught if fortunate by becky chambers, for school
currently watching: rewatching succession 🫡 want to get into the new scott pilgrim as well do not tell anyone i haven’t actually seen it yet
consuming: rice noodles and chicken 👍👍 from the rest raunt
currently craving: milano milk chocolate cookie…
current obsession: sadly i don’t think i’m obsessing over any media at the moment, but succession might be making a comeback soon. perhaps the asp fic i’m writing. jcs and a separate peace and by extension gore vidal are always kinda on the backburner regardless. and kfp to an extent as well if you say the right words to me. i am like a sleeper agent
currently up to: lying in bed (CAT SLEEPING ON MY SHINS ATOP THE COVERS!!!!!)
tags: the mutual reading this 💋 i know you want to. tag me so i can see
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María domark
Nacimiento: 25 de diciembre de 1995 (edad 28 años), San Petersburgo, Rusia
Estatura: 1,7 m
Pareja: Roy Kornblum (2018–)
Shael Selvia
Modelo del ejército femenino de Israel .
harén, harem
nombre masculino
En casas musulmanas, zona en que viven las mujeres.
nombre masculino
Entre los musulmanes, conjunto de todas las mujeres que viven bajo la dependencia de un jefe de familia.
título de origen árabe aplicado a líderes religiosos o políticos a nivel local
Jeque[1] (del árabe: شيخ [shaij o sheij] ‘anciano’) es un título de origen árabe, etimológicamente comparable al arquetipo de viejo sabio.
Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
príncipe heredero y jeque dubaití (n. 1982)
El jeque Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, más conocido como "Fazza" (en árabe: حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم‎; Dubái, 14 de noviembre de 1982); es el príncipe heredero de Dubái y presidente del Consejo Ejecutivo del Emirato de Dubái. Es el segundo hijo del jeque Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vicepresidente y primer ministro de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y gobernante de Dubái.[1] Como equitador, Maktoum es múltiple campeón mundial en los Juegos Ecuestres Mundiales.[2][3]
Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Información personal
Nombre completo
Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Saeed bin Maktoum bin Hasher bin Maktoum bin Butti bin Suhail Al Maktoum
Nombre nativo
حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم
14 de noviembre de 1982 (41 años)
Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Islam suní
Lengua materna
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Hind Bint Maktum Bin Juma Al Maktum
Educado en
Rashid School for Boys
Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Escuela de Economía y Ciencia Política de Londres Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Poeta, empresario, comerciante, jockey y político
Cargos ocupados
Príncipe de la Corona de Dubái
Su Alteza el jeque
1 de febrero de 2008 - actualidad
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Carrera deportiva
Turf Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil (2008) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
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Títulos y tratamientos
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El contenido está disponible bajo la licencia CC BY-SA 4.0, salvo que se indique lo contrario.
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namunyefoundation · 11 months
School fees hustle
Hello everyone! Welcome to Namunye blog site. School fees has never been an easy task in the underprivileged community where our organization is operating from. Rashid is a very talented young boy whose dream is to become an engineer. He is a very hard working boy. He gets his school fees from collecting empty plastic bottles and scrap because his family can’t afford to pay his school…
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sunkern-plus · 1 year
jamie x luke x rashid x ed is high school boy but somehow they're older than high schoolers yaoi but they also act like real high school boys instead of what yaoi manga thinks highschool boys act
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yuuniee · 1 year
Name: Rashid Alnazar
Japanese: ラシッド・アルナザール (rashiddo arunazaaru)
Dorm: Scarabia 🕌
Birthday: 4th August
Age: 17
Height: 176 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands
Family: Unnamed mother (†), unnamed father, Asif Kadr Alnazar (older brother), Farah Alnazar (younger twin sister)
Voiced by: (TBA)
Nicknames/Aliases: Monsieur Sandstorm (Rook), ??? (Floyd),
Grade: Second
Class: 2-E (no. 09)
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Alchemy
Hobby: Growing herbs in the greenhouse
Favorite Food: Shawarma
Least Favorite Food: Kiwi
Pet Peeves: People sticking their noses to everything
Talent: Making herbal cures
Appearence: Rashid is a young man with messy midnight blue curly hair which its bang covers most of his left eye, honey colored eyes and dark skin.
In his school uniform, he wears a hoodie on his school uniform instead of a vest while he carries his armband on his hoodie’s pocket. The rest of them is the same as standard Night Raven College uniform.
In his dorm uniform, he wears the Scarabia dorm uniform with a slight difference; he doesn’t wear the gold accessories.
Personality: He is usually quiet and reserved, interacts with his siblings for the most of the time, though this doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about anyone. It’s just harder for him to open up to others.
Unique Magic: Wrath Of The Sands
It allows him to control the sand as much as he wants to, but it consumes a lot of magic and needs constant concentration. Minus the downside, it’s actually a very powerful magic. It just needs a lot of practice in order to master it.
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Fun Facts:
He is near identical twin of Farah. (He is eight minutes older than her though.)
In middle school, him and Farah used to trick everyone to think they were the other twin by wearing each other’s clothes or doing their hair similar to each other.
He always carries a vial full of sand with him to use his Unique Magic in case there is an emergency situation.
Although he claims that he joined Science Club because they had access to some of the greenhouse’s parts, the reason why he joined is because he wants to know about the herbs and their effects better.
He has a familiar named Nasya, a black cobra with violet eyes. In his Birthday Boy story, it’s revealed that he took Nasya in when she was an egg and took care of her until she hatched. In return, he earned her loyalty and love. He managed to tame her to not attack anyone.
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lou-iz-stat · 5 months
Well I got to episode 5 in my IWTV S1 rewatch…
Truthfully I probably won’t say much about this episode since there is so much of it in season 2 that I think will be revisited. On top of that I am at the end of my semester at school so I probably won’t say much because of that too. Also out of all of the episodes of s1 this the episode that I have seen the least.
But we still have 3 more weeks until season 2 where I have no doubt that s1 will be tame when compared to it. I’m getting more and more nervous each week not going to lie.
Ok… here we go!
IWTV S1 E5: A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
The episode starts with Daniel reading Claudia’s diary and how she records the last words of the people she kills.
But then Daniel is interrupted by Louis feeding on ‘Rashid’. It is pretty nasty for Louis and Armand to do this in front of Daniel. He even reads his mind to try and throw Daniel off his game. I notice that whenever Daniel tries to talk about something negatively about Claudia, Louis will always try to do something to throw Daniel off that even holds through in the ‘Paris sucks’ clip we have in s2.
It’s funny that Armand tells Daniel he would not let him anywhere near his neck. He must still be mad at Daniel for something maybe Devil’s minion related? 👀
Then we go back to 1923 where Louis thinks that she has gone on a hunger strike because of Charlie but Lestat knows that she is just escaping when they have to go feed. Since they are so similar Lestat knows that Claudia would not skip out on meals.
Also the line “I know what I’d do, but you cut my hands off.” Like!!!!! Fucked up Nikki reference. 😭
Also Lestat reading the diary and the dairy being so graphic ugh… 🤢
Everything is just such a mess… oh boy… with all the bodies coming up
And of course Tom Anderson is trying to distract Loustat since the Police chief is there in the speakeasy.
I feel so much anxiety with all the cops in their home! And Claudia is not helping! 😬
There are still some comical bits such as the “We sell… incinerators.” Louis’s little shrug at Lestat. “To various American cities.” The delivery is actually very funny.
Also what’s funny is Claudia’s acting when the cop opens her door. Her face when she drops the blanket and the closet door opens to show the rotting man.
But all the fun and games stop when the cop is homophobic.
Yes Lestat is a jerk and treats Claudia like shit and still sees Antoinette so Claudia only feels like she has to leave.
Also establishing that Claudia is unable to turn people is a great thing to set up now.
And even though it’s heartbreaking I do love that Claudia gets mad at Louis for not just taking her to a hospital but made Lestat turn her into this monster. Bailey’s acting is just so perfect here.
We go back to Dubai and Daniel is telling Louis some harsh truths about what the public could do with Claudia. Yikes
And their home turns into a ruin after they wake up from their long nap
Man…Fuck Bruce
The part where Louis makes Daniel’s Parkinson’s go out of control as always annoyed me even if Daniel was stepping out of bounce it just never sat right to me. And of course Armand is there to ‘calm Louis down’
We go back once again and we see the scene of Louis saying his final goodbye to Grace and his makes Claudia come home after everything.
Lestat is such a bitch when she comes home. I understand what he is trying to do but it’s just all wrong.
And the fight happens. We will revisit what happened during the fight in the coffin room that we don’t get to see. But as an indication by some parts of the trailer we have already seen a glimpse of it. Hopefully the writers handle it well…
Also the during the drop scene it sounds a lot like what Armand said to Lestat before pushing him off a tower in TVL so I guess we’ll see what comes of it.
Okay good got through that one. Now I can get back to some class work lol.
I cannot believe that we are now 3 weeks away from seeing the premier for season 2 and for some of you, you will be seeing it in about a week and a half. Good luck to the NYC people that get to see it early.
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welidot · 1 year
Jacqueline Fernandez
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This Biography is about one of the best celebrity of the world Jacqueline Fernandez including his Height, weight,Age & Other Detail... Express info Real Name Jacqueline Fernandez Nick Name Jacky Profession Actress and Model Age (as in 2023) 37 Years old Physical Stats & More Info Height in centimeters- 170 cm in meters- 1.70 m in Feet Inches- 5' 7” Weight in Kilograms- 56 kg in Pounds- 123 lbs Figure Measurements 34-25-35 Eye Color Dark Brown Hair Color Black Personal Life of Jacqueline Fernandez Date of Birth 11 August 1985 Birth Place Manama, Bahrain Nationality Sri Lankan Hometown Colombo, Sri Lanka School Sacred Heart School, Bahrain College University of Sydney, Sydney Education Qualifications Graduate in Mass Communication Debut Film Debut: Aladin (2009) Family Father- Elroy Fernandez (Businessman) Mother- Kim Brothers- 2 (Elder) Sister- 1 (Elder) Best Friends Sonam Kapoor Religion Christian Home Address Bandra,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India Hobbies Travelling, gymnastics, swimming and dancing Like &DisLike N/A Favourite Things Of Jacqueline Fernandez Favourite Food French cuisine Favourite Actress Angelina Jolie Favourite Actor Shahrukh Khan and Leonardo DiCaprio Favourite Colors White FavouriteFilm The Bridges Of Madison, Gone with the Wind Favourite Sports Basketball,Tennis,Cricket Favourite Perfume Issey Miyake Favourite Song N/A Favourite Destination Italy Favourite Book The God Of Small Things Boys , Affairs and More Of Jacqueline Fernandez Marital Status Unmarried Affairs Sheikh Hassan Bin Rashid Al Khalifa (Bahraini prince) Sajid Khan (Director) Marriage Date N/A Children N/A Earning Money of Jacqueline Fernandez Net Worth $9 million Salary per Film 2-3 Crore/film (INR) This Biography written by www.welidot.com Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Police have said a car traveling at extremely high speeds on Highway 427 flew over a concrete ramp, landed in a ditch, and then hit another concrete wall before bursting into flames late Monday night.
A 20-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were pronounced dead on the highway, and a 20-year-old woman sitting in the front passenger seat died after being taken to the hospital, police said.
The three students who died were Arian Alam Dipto, Shahriar Mahir Khan, and Angela Baroi, according to Consul General Lutfor Rahman.
Rahman said the 21-year-old driver, Nibir Kumar, is the son of popular Bangladeshi singer Kumar Bishwajit and remains in a Toronto hospital in critical condition.
"The Consulate General expressed sincere condolences to the bereaved family members of the deceased and prayed for their eternal peace and for the quick recovery of the injured one," Rahman wrote in a statement.
Rizwan Ibn Ahmed, who identified himself as a friend of Dipto, said he loved food, video games, and hanging out with his close friends and family. He has "a very friendly personality, cheering and joyful," and dreams of studying outside Bangladesh, he said.
Another friend of Dipto, Sumaiya Tabassum, said on Facebook she was in "shock, utter denial, and disbelief" over Dipto's death as she had wished him a happy birthday just days before.
"It is not fair that you lived a shorter life than me; you were just a baby," she wrote in a post commemorating Dipto. "You were always there for everyone texting you, hoping for a reply from the other side."
Ayeman Rashid, who identified himself on Facebook as a close friend of Khan, said he was "a very humble guy with manners for everyone."
A visitation for Baroi was set for Monday evening in Toronto's west end, while a service for Dipto and Khan is set to be held Monday in the city's east end.
The victims' families are working to have their bodies repatriated to Bangladesh after the memorial services, Rahman said in an interview.
Nazia Hossain, vice president of the National Bangladeshi-Canadian Council, has said all the international students in the car attended different schools in the Greater Toronto Area.
The crash should be a warning for other international students who come to Canada about how road conditions may differ here, especially during the winter, Hossain said.
"I want to tell them that you are very young; you should be very careful when driving at night; the road conditions in Bangladesh are not the same," she said. 
Last winter, a crash on Ontario’s Highway 401 between a car and a tractor-trailer killed five students from India.
Harpreet Singh, Jaspinder Singh, Karanpal Singh, Mohit Chouhan, and Pawan Kumar, who were between the ages of 21 and 24, were pronounced dead at the scene. Their families have said they all studied in the Montreal or Greater Toronto areas.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Meena Khosla has an bicycle accident with fellow collegian Mahesh Kapoor and after a few misunderstandings both fall in love with each other. They would like to get married, plan accordingly and get intimate. When Mahesh's dad summons him home to get married, Mahesh initially refuses, but subsequently gives in and gets married to Malti Rai. In the meantime, a pregnant Meena is thrown out of the house by her uncle and aunt, gives birth to baby boy and abandons the child in a forest. The child is found by a kind-hearted devout Muslim, Abdul Rashid, who decides to adopt him, much to the charging of the Hindu and the Muslim communities. Abdul re-locates to the city, but is unable to shake the stigma of bringing up an illegitimate child, Roshan, who is subjected to all kinds of taunts by fellow classmates. Roshan then stops going to school, meets with Jaggu, a petty thief, who befriends him and introduces him to a life of crime. Then one day, the police arrest Roshan for theft and bring him before a very disapproving judge who is none other than his biological dad, Magistrate Mahesh Kapoor, who is all ready to impose a heavy jail sentence. Will the knowledge that his youth is his son change Mahesh's mind? Rated ‏ : ‎ U (Universal) Language ‏ : ‎ Hindi Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 Grams Director ‏ : ‎ Yash Chopra Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC Actors ‏ : ‎ Ashok Kumar, Rajendra Kumar, Mala Sinha, Nanda Dubbed: ‏ : ‎ Hindi Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English Studio ‏ : ‎ Moserbaer ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0060TGGAS Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Moserbaer Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 83.2 g [ad_2]
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naanik · 2 years
Project 15:  Ektu Vebe Dekhun (Video production)
Course Code and Name: MSJ4161 Entertainment Education Communication
Name of the Project: Video production
Project Date: Spring 2022
Project Description: Students were required to make a video production as part of this course. The video is based on a social issue. Our topic was “sex education”. The main requirement of this course was communicate people and educate people through entertainment. So, we made an entertaining video to educate people about sex education as a final project under this course.
Project Justification: Students were expected to learn how to communicate and educate mass people through entertainment. The core objective of this course was after completing the course the students would be able to deal with an underdevelopment issue in three ways: entertainment, education, and communication.  The topic was opened. We took sex education because it is a taboo in our country. Most of the people are not aware about it. Sex education is a very sensitive issue, and for this reason, we had to be very concerned about our sequences & dialogues at the meantime we tried to make it as entertaining. As our target audiences are school teachers, guardians, and youth we have chosen our language Bangla. Alongside we designed our dialogue sincerely so that it hit the main points and provoke thoughts among the mass audience.
Project Link:
Production Report on
“একটু ভেবে দেখুন‘’
Course title: Entertainment Education Communication
Course code: MSJ 4161
Term: Spring 2022
Department: Media Studies and Journalism
Submitted by:
Shekh Md. Arafat, Ahmed Tanvir Shams, Fawaaz Rashid, Taranna Tabassum Most. Shanzida Khanom, Awry Ehsan Choudhury, Nowsad Ahamed Siddique
Submitted to:
Humayun Farid Adjunct Lecturer
Media Studies and Journalism
Date of submission: 03rd June, 2022.
This production is a final project of our enrolled course titled ‘Entertainment Education Communication.’ We had Humayun Farid as our instructor for the course. The core objective of this course was after completing the course the students would be able to deal with an underdevelopment issue in three ways: entertainment, education, and communication. From the very first day of the semester, the instructor told us what he expected from us at the end of the semester and he guided us accordingly. It was a very tough job to deal with any underdevelopment issue while we had to meet the demands that any content we tended to make must have these three aspects: entertainment, education, and communication. It was very easy to include education and communication in a production script but the real hardship occurred when it came to entertainment. Here we have to mention that the instructor spent four regular classes showing examples of entertainment-education communication, for example, the Meena cartoon series, Sisimpur, Boi Pori Jibon Gori, etc. These screenings would help us when we went to develop our script for this production. Also, our instructor conducted sessions on script writing, shot divisions, and the three stages of production. We benefitted from these while we were working on the final project. It would not be exaggerated to mention that we got enough flexibility from our instructor. We would not be able to make this production unless we get this much flexibility.
We are also grateful to the ULAB Media Lab to help us with providing the necessary equipment and a meeting room during our shooting. Without this help, the production would remain unsatisfactory.
Last but not least, we are thankful to every member of our group to participate and give their efforts in every aspect of this production.
Script writing & development
Undoubtedly, selecting an idea is at the heart of script writing, which narrates the exact story. As we had to work on a development issue with some comic relief we had to brainstorm a lot to find out an idea. Finally, when we finalized our topic ‘Sex education’, Arafat made the first draft of the script. We all liked it immediately when he shared it and started working on improvising it together.
We wanted the script to be thought-provoking as well as entertaining. After discussing for a couple of times the story took this shape:
A student in a renowned school is caught red-handed by a teacher while watching pornography. The teacher is furious and wants to expel the students. From that, all the teachers of that school start a meeting to address this issue to help the students. In that meeting, they argue about the importance of sex education in school. The story ends with a notion that intrigues the audience to realize the necessity of proper sex education.
Following this draft narrative, we worked on our dialogues according to our assigned roles. The story was developed collaboratively and approved by all.
Location hunting
For our project, we needed the environment of an educational institution as it is a school-based drama. We found the ULAB campus B perfect to be the location of our shooting, as it has classrooms, a student corner, meeting room- everything that we needed for our production. Also, the media lab support was right there and the B campus basement is free from noise, which made it our priority. Before selecting this place we thought to shoot at any school or our permanent
campus, but those places are usually chaotic. For portraying our story, the location of ULAB campus B was a perfect and convenient match.
Before starting the shooting we rehearsed the script a couple of times. Except for Awry, none of us had acting experience before. She helped us to improvise our acting. We tried to act naturally rather than memorizing the script so that the end result does not seem monotonous to the audience. We also controlled the camera and boom angle and position according to the requirement during the rehearsal to avoid any interruption during the final recording. When we were satisfied with rehearsing our parts we started recording.
We planned our schedule perfectly so we could complete it within a day. While filming we kept that in mind and managed our time very wisely for each part. All of the team members reached the set on time with the perfect costumes. Hence, without any delay, we could start filming our production. Commitment and regularity of the group members helped to maintain our schedule.
A critical evaluation of our production
Bangladesh is gradually rising from the least developed to a developed country. In the meantime, our country is dealing with many underdeveloped issues that need to be fixed. Our production titled “একটু ভেবে দেখুন” focused on one of the important issues which is sex education. We have chosen this topic because this topic is related to various burning and underdeveloped issues like Child abuse, rape, sexual health, contraceptive method, child marriage, abusive teenage relationship, and so on. “Bangladesh Sishu Adhikar Forum” published data during lockdown where 1,387 child abuse cases have been filed. This article also mentioned 122 children
murdered where 22 children were raped and then killed (Report, 2020). But the matter of great regret is that maximum children do not know what child abuse is? If they suffer then, how and whom they can get any help? This knowledge gap pushes them into the trauma that causes depression. UNICEF noted in one of their web articles that, the transition rate of girls in high school is comparatively better but there is a high prevalence of physical abuse in public places which is another reason girls drop out of school (Children in Bangladesh, n.d.). Even it is scarier when girls blame themselves for this harassment as well as in our culture Bollywood movie plays a great role where abusive relationships get fantasized about, girls are accused of unwanted sexual intimacy or pregnancy (Imran & Fariha, 2018). With this kind of visual presentation alongside a lack of sex education, girls are misguided, and the consequences are very bad for their mental health. Sex education is important here for sexual health also. In our country, people are unaware of STIs or STDs, along with there are very misconceptions about the contraceptive method. Most of the time females have to take pills that are very dangerous for their health. The child marriage rate is higher in our country. During the pandemic, it gets doubled. Bangladesh contains the tenth position for child marriage. This article also mentioned that 51% of females get married before eighteen (Bangladesh: Child marriage rises manifold in pandemic, n.d.). It will be continued if victims do not raise their voices. Teens will raise their voices only when they will know how these are affecting their health and future. When students will be educated then they will be able to make the right decisions about their sexual health, girls & boys will be aware of consent, and contraceptive methods, and will get a healthy sexual life. It will also reduce child rape, abuse, sexual disease threat, and so on.
Sex education is important, but it is not broadly accepted according to our societal view. Even in our country, NCTB did not approve this subject in their syllabus, any non-governmental school is
not teaching this subject also. Some youth organizations teach students by their own initiative but they suffered from various kinds of obstacles to teaching this sensitive issue. The main question here is, why society did not accept it while it has great importance? Actually, the majority of people do not have a clear idea of what sex education is, and they think it contains sexual arousal things that will ruin teenagers' minds. Our main focus of this production is to deliver the message to society that, sex-education doesn’t contain sexual arousal things. As well as it is important for the growing up children to take the right decision about their sexual health. In our production, we try to show what kind of misconceptions have in society. Also, we give alter logical points to reduce this misconception.
The characters we have in this production are playing the role of school teachers. We have the Principle, the Bangla teacher, the Religion teacher, the English teacher, the Social Science teacher, and the Arts teacher. Each character has their own point of view which we observe in this production. While developing our characters we planned to include two characters who will oppose the idea of providing sex education to the students proposed by the other characters. To include entertaining vibes in the production, we developed the characters like Bangla teacher (Shanzida) and the Religion teacher (Nowshad). These two characters resemble the ‘shopkeeper’ character from the Meena cartoon series who also oppose everything if Meena suggests a good idea to reduce any problem. The characters like the Arts teacher (Awry) and the Social Science teacher (Taranna) resemble the character ‘Meena’ herself. In the production, we observe them suggesting a good idea to teach the students sex education which will help them to understand their own bodies and enable them to identify abuse and rape. Here, in this production, the Principle (Fawaaz) plays an important role as he dismisses the meeting by putting a question in front of the teachers, especially the Bangla teacher and the Religion teacher, and the audience.
We do not want to conclude the production by simply showing that all of the teachers have agreed to include sex education in the curriculum all of a sudden. Rather we planned to conclude it by throwing a question to the teachers and the audience.
In the first sequence, we see a student caught by their religion teacher while he was watching porn.
In the second sequence, the student is in the teacher's room, and the student is grabbing his ears as a punishment. Other teachers are very worried about the method and then decided to fix a meeting with the head teacher.
In the third sequence, all the teachers are in the meeting room to decide what to do with this student? While Religion and Bangla teachers suggest giving T.C. on the contrary Art, English and social science teachers suggest educating them with sex education. Religion and Bangla teachers totally disagreed with that and express their opinion that actually represents a societal view on sex education. At the same time, other teachers who support the subject expressed their logical points of view. During the conversation, two side teachers get involved in a quarrel. Then the head teacher stopped it and delivers his opinion which is very thought-provoking.
Our production is very much inspired by UNICEF's development of digital content. UNICEF makes different digital & audio-visual content that addresses many underdeveloped issues for example, “Ending Child Marriage”, “Meena Raju Internet Journey”, “Ensuring Safe Motherhood”, and “Alo Amar Alo”. This kind of content addressed very serious issues but they present it in an entertaining way. These productions are not monotonous at all, as well as dialogue is very thought-provoking. These content dialogues follow their target audience’s language. They keep designing their dialogue in a way so every people can understand the
meaning. We have designed our production according to this way. Sex education is a very sensitive issue, and for this reason, we had to be very concerned about our sequences & dialogues at the meantime we tried to make it as entertaining. As our target audiences are school teachers, guardians, and youth we have chosen our language Bangla. Alongside we designed our dialogue sincerely so that it hit the main points and provoke thoughts among the mass audience. For example, the head-teacher last dialogue was, “we are social beings we should think about these problems also. We cannot avoid them”. We choose all the characters sincerely and all the characters were significant which is also very common in UNICEF productions. A
We have divided our audio-visual into three major segments: Educative, entertaining, and communicative. Our sequence, props, metaphor, dialogues, and expression has been designed accordingly to these three major points. We kept some dialogues that deliver the message of why sex education is important? How it can save our children's futures. At the same time first and second sequences add some comedy when students are caught by teachers, also in the third scene quarrel between the teachers is also funny. Head teachers' dialogues were thought-provoking that direct raise questions in the audience's mind. So that we can say this production is entertaining, educative, and communicative.
We believe our production holds a great significance. It is based on an important issue that is hidden by society. Even though there are some articles but there is not any significant audio-visual production about sex-education importance. We are highly enthusiastic to bring a change through our production. Though we all were students of Communication and development majors for this reason we did not have much idea about acting, design of the set alongside the budget was very poor. The types of equipment were not enough. For this reason,
We can achieve 70-80% according to our plan. Due to all these obstacles, we have made this product with our heart and hard work.
Bangladesh: Child marriage rises manifold in pandemic. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2022, from https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/bangladesh-child-marriage-rises-manifold-in-pande mic/2184001
Children in Bangladesh. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2022, from https://www.unicef.org/bangladesh/en/children-bangladesh
Imran, F. (2018, April 17). Sex education in Bangladeshi culture: A personal story. The Bangladeshi                                                                      Identity                                                  Project. https://medium.com/bangladeshiidentity/sex-education-in-bangladeshi-culture-a-personal
(2020, July 7) At least 1,387 children faced abuse this year. Dhaka Tribune. https://archive.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2020/07/07/bangladesh-shishu-adhikar-foru m-the-pandemic-could-not-stop-child-abuse
Learning and outcomes (Self-reflection)
Learned about acting on camera.
Learned about script writing.
Learned the three production phase, pre-production, production and post production.
Learned group management skill.
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thegeekx · 2 years
PICTURED: Boy, 12, killed after his electric scooter collided with a bus in horror crash
PICTURED: Boy, 12, killed after his electric scooter collided with a bus in horror crash
A 12-year-old schoolboy has died after colliding with a bus while riding a rented e-scooter. Mustafa Madeem was heading to school on the 15.5mph Voi machine when the collision took place in Belchers Lane, Birmingham, shortly before 8am this morning.  His uncle Wakas Rashid told MailOnline that his nephew was travelling on his scooter to Saltley High School. He added: ‘The family are devastated as…
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