#the seer. (iris)
darealsaltysam · 2 years
looking at current ego stuff the contrast is SO funny to me
like on damien’s side, you can almost say he’s a tragic hero. he’s just trying to get revenge on mark for everything he did to him and celine. he usually seems pretty chill with the other egos and he’s always been very honest and almost polite with the viewers. he’s fucked up but it’s not really his fault and he’s trying to fix everything to the best of his ability
anti, on the other hand, is just a cunt who has made “tormenting chase brody” his whole personality
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arctic-rising · 1 year
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draw a dragon a day 29: an old dragon
dawn is the first imperial i ever bought on fr! she's still got her iridescent/shimmer/gembond genes and has been around for forever. she turned 8 this month and is still, imo, one of the prettiest dragons i have :D
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auroralynne · 1 year
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Chaswyn - Iris
The Iris represents faith, courage, valour, hope and wisdom.
It matches Chaswyn perfectly, he's very wise and despite being shy, he blooms under the right circumstances. He's currently winning as the favorite character of most DS readers! And rightfully so, it's hard not to love him <3 You can learn more about Chas in @skaylanphear's wonderful book "Deathborne", the first from the Dragon Seer series.
Get it here:
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homoeroticvillain · 9 months
hmm vampire slayer mizuki and watcher date
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anthologyoflucas · 1 year
Iris’s breathing was shallow. She dropped the glasses she had been carrying and stared wide eyed at the entrance to the bar. She was no stranger to seeing these specters, but usually she could ignore them, let them fade away into the background. This was different, she recognized this spirit.
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He was the one who followed her so closely when she was a child, the scary man that haunted her even in the safety of her bed. He was the reason her parents felt so concerned and decided to move.
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She was only dragged out of her daze by Pete snapping to get her attention, clearly concerned. “Iris, Iris! Are you okay?” Pete looked over where she was staring seeing nothing, and worried that she was having a medical emergency. As she snapped back out of her trance, he let out a sigh of relief. He then gently held her wrist, looking over her hand, “you’re bleeding..” He wasn’t worried about the drinks or cups, Talia could take care of that. Right now his granddaughter looked terrified, and pale like a ghost, and he wanted to help her.
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Iris pulled her hand back from him looking over her wound, “I..I’m okay.. I just need a minute. I’m sorry.” Iris walked towards the back of the bar, exiting to sit outside and get fresh air, bringing the first aid kit with her to patch up her hand.
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spacecore-clown-men · 2 years
I'm working on an Au called Of Gods and Mortals. Or OGAM. Anyways this is y/n. They're the child of the king. It's an au based vaguely on Greek mythology. I have four gods that are sun and moon as well as two ocs, however I'll post them when I finish their designs
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slobstation · 7 months
marauder (greek) demi-Gods
marauders godly parents assigning, (in my fic)
these are the cabins in my Marauders x Percy Jackson AU i am in the process of writing!! some of them do not have assigned godly parents because i am keeping it private until the fic is started.
James Potter [ Apollo , Cabin Seven ]
Regulus Black [ Hades , Cabin Thirteen ]
Sirius Black [ a surprise. ]
Remus Lupin [ Athena , Cabin Six ]
Lily Evan’s [ Artemis ; Hunter / Maiden , Cabin Eight ]
Mary McDonald [ Aphrodite , Cabin Ten ]
Peter Pettigrew [ Unclaimed , Cabin Eleven ] [ Parent , Undecided ]
Marlene McKinnon [ Ares , Cabin Five ]
Dorcas Meadows [ a surprise. ]
Pandora (unknown) [ Iris , Cabin Fourteen ]
Evan Rosier [ Nike , Cabin Seventeen ]
Barty Crouch Jr [ Dionysus , Cabin Twelve ]
Gideon Prewett [ Hermes , Cabin Eleven ]
Fabian Prewett [ Hermes , Cabin Eleven ]
Molly Prewett [ Seer ]
Author Weasley [ Satyr ]
Frank Longbottom [ Demeter , Cabin Four ]
Alice Fortescue [ Hephaestus , Cabin Nine ]
Emmeline Vance [ A Surprise ]
etc etc…
opinions? recommendations? other more fade into the background characters?
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lucienarcheron · 6 months
Spirit Meets the Bones - X
Genre: Angst/Romance  Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse. Please be mindful: some implied language may be found triggering. ​​
shoutout to my darling @abruisedmuse for being on this journey with me <3
Tagging: @climb-the-mountian | @vanserrass | @positivewitch | @readthelastpaage | @zenkindoflove | @animezinglife | @clockwork-ashes | @stormycleric | @eastofatlanta | @carolynmezzosoprano | @carnythian | @runningwiththeoceans | @readychilledwine | @goldenmagnolias | @thedarkinmansfield | @mali22 | @maidr-00 | @electromagnetic-waves | @theeternalstruggle | @devilsfoodcake22 | @the-midnightwriter | @moonfawnx | @weesablackbeak | @ladywhilemia | @illyrianshadowhunter | @alohaangels | @moobell55 | @bibliophiliaxvignette | @easchies | @thelovelymadone | @corcracrow | @feysandfeels | @aboggoblin
Find it all here.
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Lucien and Elain looked up from their breakfast as Eris paused at their gate, glancing at them seated on their front porch. They had been residing in a beautiful home on the outskirts of the Day Court Palace for a few months now, choosing a life separate from the previous ones they’d both known.
Of course, it was also because his brother was the heir to the Day Court and a very limited number of people aside from himself knew this information now.
To everyone else, Lucien and Elain lived here courtesy of his emissary connections and Helion’s sudden interest in Elain’s seer abilities. Nothing more, nothing less.
Eris swallowed, frozen where he stood, fists clenched at his sides as he debated whether to move forward or go back with the way his brother and sister-in-law watched him, concerned.
“You’ll have to come a little closer for breakfast. If I throw it at you, I don't think you would catch it from over there.” Elain coaxed gently and Eris glanced at her then with a breath, he began walking towards them. 
“Is mother alright?” Lucien asked immediately, standing as Eris joined them.
“She’s fine,” Eris said tiredly, sinking into a chair between them. “As fine as she can be with my father still, unfortunately, alive.”
Lucien and Elain exchanged a glance.
“Then what’s wrong? Has your wife kicked you out already?” Lucien said as he took his seat again, eyeing Eris.
“Lucien!” Elain reprimanded and shot him a scowl, but Lucien only grinned at his mate and blew her a kiss. Elain rolled her eyes but allowed it before turning back to Eris. “Should we be worried you’re here so early?” 
Eris scowled, quiet for a moment. It was probably a mistake to come to his brother and his brother's mate who were disgustingly and happily mated and married, when he was currently not feeling the happiness of matrimony. His face heated.
Elain slowly pushed a cup of tea towards him, watching him with wide eyes. Lucien kicked him under the table. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked his brother again and Eris sighed.
He sat back in his chair and looked up at the morning sky — so peaceful, the sun so bright in this spacious court. His lips went into a thin line debating how much he should share. How much should he say?
A lifetime ago, he would’ve rather choked on faebane than discuss anything with Lucien, but things were different now. They had reconciled in an unexpected way, mostly thanks to Elain whom he truly cherished like a sister. Every single thing he had kept to himself over the years about his father, about his own feelings towards Lucien, about any involvement he had with Lucien’s life — had all come out and Lucien in return, hadn’t held back. It had been a slow mend, but it was one Eris held dearly.
Three years had passed and so many things had changed between them all for the better. They were better. 
Still, he balked at the idea of talking about Iris. Talking about his feelings. His mother was one thing but this…
“My wife is a delight.” he said dryly.
Lucien and Elain exchanged another look, both holding back slight smiles.
“Is she pretty?” Elain asked and leaned towards him, resting her chin in her hands. It reminded Eris of when Iris had done that same gesture and he frowned.
“How can that be unfortunate!” Elain asked with a laugh and shoved him lightly. Eris gave her a reluctant smile.
“It’s unfortunate because he can’t decide if he likes her or wants to throttle her,” Lucien said with a snort and Eris waved a hand towards his brother as Elain gave them both a reproachful look.
“Don’t talk about her like that! That’s rude,” she said and pointed at Lucien who held up his hands with a chuckle. 
“He’s not wrong,” Eris said with a snort of his own. “She’s breathtaking but has quite the temper and frankly, kind of a pain in the ass.”
“Is her temper the reason why you left your breathtaking wife and joined us here early in the morning?” she asked, and Eris paused here. He debated once more, exactly how forward he should be.
He pursed his lips, his cheeks reddening slightly before he very, very quietly said, “It’s…not going quite well at the moment.” 
A beat of silence passed then Lucien slammed his hand on the table.
“Pay up, dove. I told you he would be a little bitch about it.” Lucien said and held out his hand, but Elain smacked his hand away with a scowl and turned back to Eris who flipped Lucien off with a glare.
“What do you mean?” she asked calmly, now sliding a plate of food toward him.
“My father,” Eris said dully and all mirth left Lucien’s body as he sat up slowly.
“What did he do?”
“What he does best — ruin my life.” he muttered and with more of Elain’s gentle coaxing and Lucien’s very aggressive shoving, Eris recapped snippets of what happened, leaving out all the details he didn’t think Iris would appreciate anyone else knowing. 
“We had a lovely continuation of the bitterness this morning. Which made everything worse.” Eris muttered. “Whatever fragile thing we had went up in flames because my father is an asshole, and she couldn’t take it. And then she was an asshole to me, and I was an asshole right back.”
“Just two peas in an asshole pod, huh?” Lucien asked and Eris scowled at him. Lucien held up his hands again, but the twitch of his lips had Eris rolling his eyes. 
“Mother keeps talking about kindness but I’m unsure where the hell that’s supposed to come from.” he said dully and frowned, pushing his teacup around. 
Elain pursed her lips, watching him. “But didn’t you say it was going well at first? You two were getting along?”
“Then the problem isn’t the two of you.” Elain said simply and Eris blinked at her. 
“Did you miss the part where I said we were being assholes to each other?”
“We all know who triggered that,” Lucien said with a snort. “Our — your father is the source of every single problem within our family.”
Eris frowned again. “That’s fair.”
“Where did you tell her you were going this morning?” Elain asked. 
“I didn’t tell her.”
“You just...left?” Lucien asked with raised brows.
“We weren’t exactly on the best-speaking terms.” he grumbled, and Elain exchanged a look with Lucien then chuckled. 
“Do you want my opinion?”
“No, I just came to steal your food and kick Lucien.” he replied with a snort and promptly kicked Lucien, who kicked him right back.
Elain shot them both a look before she stirred her tea and spoke, “I think you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself. The last serious relationship you were in was so long ago and it didn’t end well. But Iris is different. She’s your wife but she’s also not used to your family dynamic. She’s not used to you.” she said quietly, and Eris’s fingers clenched. “You can’t be surprised that she reacted that way. Being told about Beron is one thing...experiencing him is another. It was a stressful situation for the both of you.”
“I know this. I know.” he said quietly and looked at Lucien. “But you know he’s going to make things worse. How much more sneaking can I do? How much more hiding? Every move I make is a risk. On myself. On mother. And now on her. I can’t even pretend to tolerate my wife because he’ll twist it. I can’t even be nice to her in front of him —”
Elain squeezed his hand as his volume rose and Eris leaned his head back and took a deep breath. 
“Eris, remember that he needs you.” Lucien said quietly, shooting his brother a sympathetic look. “He needs you and that kills him. Make Iris a boundary he can’t cross. Force it if you have to.”
Eris swallowed and was quiet for a moment, his eyes up at the sky. “I can only force so much before he thinks she’s too important. There’s so much more to lose with her in the picture. She’s an unexpected variable now and I don’t know how to —” he paused and glared at the sky. “I don’t know what I was expecting but this wasn’t it.” 
“What exactly were you expecting?” Elain asked him with a small smile and Eris shrugged.
“I don’t know. A viper only interested in money I can give her and leaves me alone. Or maybe a cowering thing that cried at the sight of me who would also leave me alone.” he muttered. “I don’t know which would be easier to ignore.” 
Lucien rolled his eyes at his brother. “So, either one as long as you had nothing to do with her?”
“That doesn’t seem like a happy marriage.” Elain remarked and Eris looked at her with furrowed brows.
“Who said anything about happy?”
Elain and Lucien exchanged another glance before turning to look at him. 
“So, you’re telling me,” Lucien began and gave his brother a knowing look. “That all this time you’ve spent with Iris so far, there wasn’t a moment you could see yourself being truly happy with her?”
Eris pursed his lips and immediately, the moment of them at the piano popped into his head. He scowled. He had known from that first night that he wanted it to work. That there was something about her that was...more.
His scowl deepened. “It doesn’t matter. My father will ruin anything. There’s no point in trying.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong, you fool.” Elain chided, swatting his hand. “Trying is the most important part of it. Nothing works without effort.”
“Besides, the Eris I know wouldn’t wait for me to tell him to do something about Beron.” Lucien added. “You would’ve already done something.”
“I did already,” Eris replied with a wave of his hand. “You know how easily I can annoy him with little things. I’m sure he’ll call on me the moment I return to yell at me.”
“Good,” Lucien said, sitting back. “You’re good at annoying him all on your own but if you need anything from me, let me know.”
Eris shot him a small smile. “I can’t even ask you for relationship advice since you’re so terrible at it. Why would I ask you about anything else?”
“My wife is literally sitting right here.” 
Eris turned to Elain. “He’s terrible, isn’t he?”
“Just the worst.” Elain said with a grin and Lucien rolled his eyes. 
Eris had to look away as they exchanged a look too full of love for him to witness. He was starting to regret his visit. He shouldn’t have come here and burdened anyone else with his problems. It was like his mouth had gotten used to sharing things and now he didn’t know how to shut the fuck up. Clearly —
A swift kick to his shin had Eris swearing as he glared at Lucien. “What the fuck was that for?”
“You’re overthinking. Shut the fuck up.”
“Honestly, Eris. You know we want to be a part of your life and love when you share things with us.” Elain said gently with a knowing smile. “I know we couldn’t be at the wedding but that doesn’t change that we want to have a relationship with Iris too.”
“I’m still trying to have a relationship with her.” he said with a scoff and Elain rolled her eyes as Lucien chuckled.
“Well, ask yourself this,” Lucien began. “Since you are, generally, a giant pain in everyone’s ass on the regular —”
“Well, fuck you too brother.”
“— do you want to be a pain in the ass for her too?” 
Eris pursed his lips. Of course, he didn’t. He wanted it to work. Badly. The tips of his ears heated just thinking about how badly he wanted to have an actual relationship with his wife.
“Not on purpose, I guess.” was the only answer he was willing to give, and Elain rolled her eyes at him.
“The world won’t end if you say you want to be nice to your wife.” she said with a small laugh.
“Didn’t want to give anyone a cardiac arrest with that sort of confession.” he said dryly, and Lucien snorted.
“My dear big brother, the worst of our court with his sinister smile and wrath of the gods,” Lucien said dramatically, and Eris scowled. “Be nice to his wife? By choice? The world as we know it is ending.”
Eris just turned to Elain. “Can I still have food if I stab him?”
“I’m afraid not, no.” Elain said with a smile. “I like having him around.”
Eris made a gagging sound as Lucien blew Elain a kiss that she returned. 
“Mated freaks.” he mumbled but Lucien only gave his brother a knowing smile.
“You know what you want isn’t out of your reach.” he said. “You already know how you want this relationship to go. Make it work. Even when you’re embarrassed about it.”
“Like mother told you, get to know each other away from everyone else,” Elain added. “It’ll help more than you know.”
“More importantly, put your father in his place. You play your role too well.” Lucien said with a pointed look and Eris sighed as Elain patted his arm. 
“Patience. Give yourself more time with her. Nothing is going to happen overnight.” Elain added and though Eris nodded, the attention was starting to make his self-loathing fester again, so he squinted at Elain.
“That’s rich coming from you.” he teased, and Elain smacked his arm.
“Don’t be a jackass, that was long ago.”
Eris put a hand over his heart and smirked. “But who am I if not a jackass, little acorn?”
“If that’s the side you’re showing Iris, you’re lucky she hasn't slit your throat yet.” Lucien said with a grin then laughed when Eris smirked shamelessly.
“She desperately wants to. With my own dagger, no less.” he said and couldn’t help the small chuckle that slipped his lips — which was a mistake because Lucien and Elain exchanged yet another look and then turned back to him.
“Eris. You’re not who Beron keeps trying to make you to be.” Lucien said quietly and Eris’s smile faded. “You just need to be honest with her.”
“I’m trying,” he said with another sigh. “She doesn’t trust me yet.”
Elain gave him a small smile. “Communication takes time. It’ll work itself out,” she said and patted his hand. “I’m going to make you a bouquet to take back for Iris and smooth things over so you can talk it out. What flowers does she like?”
Eris blinked and pursed his lips, fingers drumming on the table. “At the risk of sounding like a complete imbecile, I’m going to go with irises?”
Elain snorted and stood. “I’ll make a mix but if she hates it, blame yourself and ask her what kind she likes for next time.”
“How many apology bouquets are you expecting me to give her?” he asked with a scoff, turning to watch her as she walked away then turned back to Lucien with a frown. “She was mean to me too, you know.”
Lucien rolled his eyes. “Suck it up. She has to deal with Beron now.”
“He’s my father.”
“You had no choice in the matter. She did and still landed in our miserable family.”
Eris made a noise. “She didn’t really have a choice either, you know. Her father is as big of a piece of shit as mine,” he said then waved his hand. “Speaking of fathers, how are you and Helion?”
Lucien’s lips twitched and Eris raised a brow.
“He got me a whole wardrobe of just togas.” Lucien said quietly, flushing lightly. “It is very...breezy.”
Eris snorted then started laughing. “I bet Elain loves those.”
“That she does.” Lucien said with a grin when Eris laughed again. Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, he added, “He’s trying though. It’s been...an adjustment but he’s a good male.”
“Overbearing mother hen, huh?” Eris asked, running a hand through his hair with a small smile.
“Just a smidge,” Lucien said with a chuckle. “But Elain and I really like it here.”  
Lucien paused here, looking away for a moment then gave Eris a sad smile. “He’s never stopped loving her, you know. He’ll wait for her forever.”
“I know.” Eris said quietly. “It’s the least of what she deserves.” 
Lucien licked his lips before quietly adding, “The letters she sends me...she’s careful when she includes those...extra ones, right?”
Eris let out a small breath. Alongside Elain’s packages, his mother loved sending letters to Lucien and her letters often had other letters hidden to a specific someone that would cost his mother her life should his father find out. 
“As careful as she can be. Even though it's a huge risk and I don’t like it,” he replied and rubbed his bottom lip. “I can’t bring myself to stop her when I know it’s bringing back some small ounce of her happiness.”
And Eris would hand-deliver the letters to Helion himself if it meant his mother’s eventual happiness. He would bring his mother right to Helion’s fucken doorstep right now if he could and get her away from his father. 
But not yet. It was enough she was finding her spark again, rekindling herself slowly.
Lucien’s lips tightened into a thin line as he asked quietly, “He knows for sure now, doesn’t he?” 
Eris nodded tightly. “He does but hasn’t actually said anything. Helion hasn’t openly claimed you either, so he won’t be the one to expose anything.”
“He’s not going to risk it until Mother is safe because this time, she won’t be going back,” Lucien replied tightly. “He’s waited too long for her to be with him. He will shred Beron to pieces the moment she says so.” 
“She’s ready to shred him to pieces herself but not yet.” Eris replied quietly. “Soon.”
Lucien nodded then looked his brother over once more.
“I know it’s hard, Eris, but keep being honest with Iris. You being vulnerable lets her want to be vulnerable with you.” He advised gently and gave his brother a small smile as Eris scowled, his face coloring lightly. “You have to be the one to guide this relationship until she’s more comfortable. She’s going to need that from you.”
“It’s...hard.” He said through clenched teeth and Lucien nodded again. 
“I know. It makes you feel like you want to hurl your insides and then shoot yourself with six arrows. Repeatedly.” he said with a chuckle. “But if you want to get anywhere with her, you need to build trust.”
“I tried that and the first chance she got, she threw it in my face.”
“She was angry and scared. It doesn’t make it right but with time, it will get better.” Lucien said, standing with a smile as Elain made their way back to them. “I would know. And I tell you, it’ll be worth it.”
Eris watched his brother’s smile widen as Elain beamed back and his heart clenched. He hated this feeling. This stupid, foolish feeling of longing. Of want.
Sighing, he stood as well, turning as Elain held out the bouquet to him and Eris blinked rapidly. 
“How the fuck am I supposed to walk into our court with this? It’s a smoke signal.”
“Do you want to make up with your wife or not?” she asked sharply, and Eris nodded quickly. “Then shut up and take the bouquet.”
Eris reached out to take the flowers then paused. “Elain, look away.”
Rolling her eyes, Elain turned with a huff and the brothers grimaced at each other before awkwardly and very quickly hugging with a pat on each other’s backs. Before Lucien could stop him, Eris swiftly punched him in the gut. 
“Eris!” Elain reprimanded, whirling around.
“That was for the punch last time. You’re a piece of shit.” Eris said and patted his brother’s shoulder.
“Fuck you, asshole.” Lucien wheezed, flipping him off. 
Taking the flowers from Elain, Eris leaned in to kiss her cheek then pulled back with a sigh. “Thank you. For listening to me.”
“Anytime, shitface.” 
“Always.” Elain said with a smile. “Now bring Iris over soon. We insist!” 
Eris nodded his thanks again with a tight smile and walked the few steps away from them before he winnowed back home. Even after they’ve been working on their relationship for so long, it still embarrassed him to be so open with them. To be...affectionate. He didn’t hate it though. The back of his neck heated at the fact that he liked it too much for his own good.
He took the path with the least traffic, not wanting to run into anyone to see him holding flowers like an idiot. He glanced at the bouquet warily, wondering if Iris even liked flowers. But he’d try anything not to have that bitterness between them.
Eris made his trek slowly back to their wing, all the while thinking of his father and his conversation with Lucien and Elain. Eris knew better than to let Beron get away with talking to both of them that way, but yesterday’s conversation triggered bad memories and bad memories caused a spiral of more negative emotions. It wasn’t like he had too many healthy coping mechanisms.
He rolled his shoulders back. He wouldn’t let it happen again. It was his job to protect his wife and Eris would be damned if he let Beron take another thing away from him.
Eris could be a thorn in anyone’s side at the drop of a hat, especially his father. He could remind Beron exactly how soft he could be.
Taking a deep breath, he opened the doors to their chamber and stepped into his living space, his eyes darting across the room. But no Iris in sight. 
Placing the flowers on the table, he walked towards their bathroom and put an ear against the door.
“Iris?” he called out. He heard a small rustle and waited a few minutes with no response. Eris rolled his eyes and just as he opened his mouth to call out again, a knock came to their door.
Abandoning his attempt to talk to his wife, Eris stalked to the door and opened it to find one of his sentries standing there.
“Lord Eris.” he said with a nod.
“He got the report?” Eris asked, leaning against the door with a small smirk.
“He did. He’s requested you in his chambers.”
“But of course. Who am I but an obedient son?” he said, and his sentry’s lips twitched at the tone. Glancing once more behind him, his eyes flickered to the space at the bottom of the door and the shadows shuffling behind it. The corner of his mouth ticked up. He’d give her a few more minutes. And when he returned...they would have better words.
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The entry list is complete
I said that I might have a hard time finding 40 entries with which to pad myself. Well, as it turns out, once I started, I had a hard time stopping, and had to restrain myself to not overshoot the 256.
So on top of the 216 user submitted tracks, I also have 40 of my own submissions. The bracket will be seeded on YouTube views, but I will however default to seeding my 40 submissions lower than your 216 user submissions.
Actual bracket (hopefully) soon to come.
User submitted tracks
A Faint Hope
A Formidable Enemy
A Friend on My Mind
A Life Become Distant
A Life Overflowing
A Life Sent On
A Life Sent On (Flutes)
A Life Woven Together
A Moment of Eternity
A nopon’s life
A Step Away
A Tragic Decision
After Despair and Hope(Final Boss Theme)
Agniratha (Day)
Agniratha (Night) (XC1)
Agnus Battle
Agnus Castle Day
agnus colony (night)
Alcamoth, Imperial Capital (Night)
An Obstacle in Our Path (XC1)
At Our Life's End
Battle In The Skies Above
Battle on the Seas
Battle!! - Torna
Battle!! (xenoblade 2)
Battlefield ~ The Scramble of Life
Beyond the Sky
Beyond the Sky (acoustic arrangement) XC1 FC
Bionis Shoulder
Bionis’ Awakening
Black Tar
Blade~Those Who Know Fear
Brilliant Wings
Bringer of Chaos! Ultimate (XC2)
By My Side
Carrying the Weight of Life
cent-omnia region (day)
Central Factory - Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Chain Attack!
City Day
Colony 6 - Future
Colony 9 (Day)
Colony 9 (Night)
Converging Emotions
Death Match With Torna
Don't Worry
Drifting Soul
Drifting Soul(Instrumental)
Driver VS
Elysium In The Dream
Elysium, In the Blue Sky
Engage the Enemy
Eryth Sea (Day)
Eryth Sea (Night)
Erythia Sea Day
Ever Come to an End
Everyday Life (XC1)
Feelings Risen to the Sky
Feelings Upon This Melody
Field Kaijou
Fogbeasts (Future Connected)
Forest of the Nopon (Day)
Forest of the Nopon (Night)
Four-limbed Titan - Gormott
Frontier Village (Day)
frontier village (Night)
Future Awaits
Gaur Plain (Day)
Gaur Plain (Night)
Gramps (Fonsett Village) Night/Day XC2
Great Cotte Falls (Day)
Great Cotte Falls (Night)
Hometown (Day)
Hometown (night)
hope for the future
How the Future Endures
Impending Crisis
In the forest (XZ ver,)
In the Refugee Camp
Incoming! (XC2)
Iris Network
Irregular Bound
Jump Towards the Morning Sun
Kaleidoscopic Core
Keves Battle
Kingdom of Uraya
Land of Morytha
Lasaria Woodland-Day
Life's Fading Flame ~ Holding These Thoughts
Lost Days of Warmth
Malevolent Hollow
Mechanical Rhythm
Mechonis Field
Melia ~ Ancient Memories
Millick Meadows (Day)
MNN + @0 (both halfs)
Mobius Battle M
Moebius Battle
Mor Ardain - Roaming the Wastes
New Battle!!!
Nia ~ Towards the Heavens
NLA Shigai
Noah and N (Phase 1)
Noah and N (Phase 2)
off seer crys
off seer mio
off seer miyabi
off seer noah
Off-Seer - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Once We Part Ways
One Last You
Origin Ascending
Origin Battle
Our Eternal Land
Our Paths May Never Cross
Over Despair and Animus
Over the Sinful Entreaty
Past From Far Distance
Praetor Amalthus- The Acting God
Prologue A
Prologue B
Rage, Darkness of the Heart
Redeem The Future
ribbi flats (day)
Riki the Legendary Heropon
Riki’s Kindness
Roar from Beyond
Satorl Marsh (Night)
Shadow of the Lowlands
Shining Aspiration ~ Inherited Melody
Ship In A Stormy Sea
Shulk and Fiora
So nah, so fern
Soldier's Paean
Something's Beginning to Move
Still, Move Forward
Suffocating Reverberation
Syra Hovering Reefs Day
Tactical Action
Tantal (Day)
Tantal (Night)
Tephra Cave
The Awakening (XC2)
The Battle is Upon Us
The Beginning of Our Memory
The Bereaved and Those Left Behind
the bereaved and those left behind (ver. 2)
The Decision
The End Lies Ahead
The Fallen Land
The False Queens
The God Slaying Sword
The Great Sea Stirs
The key we've lost
The Monado Awakens
The Power of Jin
The Tomorrow With You
the way (xenoblade x)
Theme X
Thoughts Enshrined
Time to Fight (Bionis' Shoulder)
Time to Fight!
Unfinsihed Business
Valak Mountain (Day)
valak mountain (Night)
Walking With You
Wanted Nia
Where it All Began - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Where We Belong
Where We Used To Be
White All Around Us
Wir Fleigen
Words That Never Reached You
Xenoblade Chronicles Main Theme
yesterdale (night)
You Will Know Our Names
You Will Know Our Names (Finale)
You Will Recall Our Names
Young Warriors
Your Voice
Z10 Briefing
z15f20i12e09l14d (first half, aka Celica's theme)
z15f20i12e09l14d (Second half, aka Divine Roost)
z15f20i12e09l14d (Vocal Stem)
z29ba2t0t1l301e17 (z29 battle)
Z30 Free Battle
Z39 B Comical
Zanza the Divine
My own additions
Argentum (Day)
Argentum (Night)
Auresco, Royal Capital
Bionis' Interior (Pulse)
Bionis' Shoulder (Night)
Black Mountains
Cent-Omnia Region (Night)
Cliffs of Morytha
Colony 6 - Ether Mine
Crossing Swords
Enemies Closing In
Eye of Shining Justice
Fonsa Myma (Night)
Galahad Fortress
Gormott (Night)
Gormotti Forest
Gran Dell (Night)
Hidden Machina Village
Immediate Threat
Kingdom of Torna (Night)
Kingdom of Uraya (Night)
Leftheria Archipelago (Day)
Leftheria Archipelago (Night)
Omens of Life
Prison Island
Song of Giga Rosa
Spirit Crucible Elpys
Sword Valley (Night)
The Abandoned City
The Fallen Land (Night)
The Towering Yggdrasil
Towering Shadow
Ultimate Enemy
Urayan Tunnels
Visions of the Future
Yesterdale (Day)
You Will Know Our Names Finale (Climax)
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booksanddarkchocolate · 8 months
Anyway here are my live reactions on episode 6:
- Did they- did they cast Kronos already?
- Iris messages!!
- Luke what are you doing in Chirons office 🤨
- They really do act like an old married couple 😭
- “Everyone is picking sides” SO YOU BETTER PICK A SIDE (live, love, laugh tlt musical)
- Nooo they didn’t have the “because I’m your friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?” interaction 😭
- And they’re not showing that Percy can talk to horses yet? I wonder why they put that off and when we’re gonna see it
- Okay I love book!Grover, but show!Grover is toptier, Aryan is so amazing and Grover is such a mood
- Especially the ‘oh yeah people.. but the animals are safe!’ part
- Percabeth 🥹 I love their friend era so much too
- Levitating is not what I was expecting to hear, I don’t know what I did expect, but it’s not that lol
- No but why do they suddenly have to know everything before they experience it? I understood it with the other monsters, but why here? Like surely they would know about the loti (lotuses?) in the Odyssey but the connection is not that obvious here
- Wait so is Sally a Seer too? Or will they specify the difference between seeing through the Mist and seeing the future?
- Grover seeing another Satyr getting sidetracked on the Pan quest 😭
- Oh I’m not sure if I trust Augustus
- Percy being so perplexed when Annabeth admitted she didn’t know lol
- Smooth location transition
- What was that 😳
- Sad baby Percy in a police car 🥺
- Annabeth pickpocketing Hermes is such a slay
- “I’m multi-talented” love that
- Is it my delusion or was Percy lowkey in awe with Annabeth for stealing Hermes car keys
- “Is it dangerous? Not a dealbreaker, just curious” 😂
- “Are we late because of me?” 🥺🥺 Grover better get his memories back soon >:(
- Also Augustus did nothing wrong lol he was just playing a video game 😂
- What’s smarter, giving a random cabdriver a creditcard with infinite money and letting him keep it or driving a cab themselves? I’m not sure honestly lol
- Did they just get hit by a truck?
- Right it’s a magic car
- They are so cute ugh
- Wait why did they pick this chapter title as the title and not show a zebra 😭
- I’m intrigued by the Nereid’s design, not sure if it’s in a good or bad way
- Wait they changed it so that the deadline is already over? Okay 🤨
- “What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea” it’s a seAshell
- Ngl I’m not sure if that was a book quote (it probably is), but the musical will always be the first thing that comes to mind
- Huhhhh four pearls? Sally is allowed to come with them?
- What are they gonna do with the “and you’ll fail to save what matters most” line in the prophecy? This is a change that does actually keep me on my toes lol
- Next episode is gonna be wiiiild
- Someone has a theory that the sandy place in Percy’s dreams is a time turner and I’m so convinced that’s true
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khr-guilded-cage · 8 months
I didn't even finished reading the plot of Trials of Apollo before my mind went 'another identity for Skull! Awesome!'
He's my little purple dude and I love him
Its one trial? We are going with the Amnesic!Skull trope and throw the poor dude in River Lethe?
Apollo may be one of the 'nicer' ones, but we can't forget Achilles, or Marsyas, or Coronis or Niobe or Kassandra...
Kawahira is doomed
And LUCE omg! Seer my ass
Iris would be the one responsable for the Dying Will Flames? Rainbow and all? Or Prometheus?
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help-an-alter · 2 months
hi! thank you so much for doing this!
I have a younger sister fragment who can't figure out a name and I'd like to ask for suggestions for faer. fae goes by Izzy or Zeze right now and uses fae/faer pronouns. fae likes the sound and mouth feel of the letters i, z, and e but doesn't mind other letters. fae is a fairy and has a shy curious nature in a creepy beautiful way.
thank you again!
hello hello! it’s no problem at all! we’re happy to help :)
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names ->
zoe, dear, xixi (pronounced like a more j-leaning “shi-shi”), pop, miko, abby, iris, bree, sage, immi, zee, sherbet, penny, ivy, milk, mimi, kitty, lee, honey, ibby, inky, peep, jacksie, ginger, ari, mira, august, ivory, roux, saoirse (seer-sha), starburst, plum, beep, everest, creampuff, solstice, imp, dahlia, pepper, poppy, vivi(an), alex
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decided to make a pretty long list as you’re just asking for names! i overall went with the sounds you suggested, but added some outside of those! hope one of these catches faer eye, or at least inspires faer in finding a name :)!
- mod sol
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
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“I’m about to ruin some days.”
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“Talia nO-”
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“The FDA categorizes honey as raw meat.”
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Hey it's the rest of the gang!
Tula Mazuki (Seer of Hope) Tula is a gifted performer and loves the limelight, she's able to bring light in to a room and is graceful with her words. She and Seth had a loving relationship but it soon started to sour as Seth drew more into his games and started to ignore Tula's needs. She wishes to end their relationship but can't seem to bring herself to do so. It also doesn't help she has feelings towards Atem but is unable to act on them due to the feelings she still has for Seth, while Atem feels he cannot betray Seth in that way so he too doesn't act on his own feelings towards her.
Seth Kaiba (Knight of Rage) The cousin of Atem and his eternal rival Seth is a lover of games and is obsessed with being the best at them. He convinces Atem and his other friends to play Sburb with him and they make teams as a “friendly competition”. Seth is head strong and can be full of himself but has a sweet side he likes to show off when needed. He and Tula are in a relationship but it's become strained as Seth's obsession with games causes him to neglect Tula and has put their relationship on the rocks.
Mhad Stewart (Mage of Light) Mhad has been Atem's babysitter and friend for years, always trying to keep Atem humble but failing to a degree. He is loyal to Atem to a fault always putting his needs above his own many times, but he is self sacrificing towards many others. With a balanced head and strong sense of justice Mhad does his best to look out for everyone, he also tries to set a good example to his younger sister Mina.
Mana Stewart (Heir of Heart) The younger sister of Mhad Mina wished to be just like him in every way, bubbly and helpful Mina brought joy to everyone she met. As a heart player she did her best to keep everyone in high spirits during the session, she was one of the only people to treat Heba and Kura kindly.
Iris Ishtar (Maid of Doom) The oldest of her family Iris had a lot riding on her to keep her family legacy alive; it was a great burden to her that hung over her for her enter life. This was lessened by her friendship with Mhad who gave her hope for a better future but that too was crushed when Mhad was killed. She soon embraced her Doom role and with it came the clarity needed to find away to save them all form certain failure.
Kmal Ishtar (Rogue of Blood) Iris's younger brother and heir of the Ishtar family Kmal is a wild spirit with a love of adventure, he refuses to be tied down and loves to travel. Unlike his sister he refuses to follow any of their family traditions and has ran away form home only to be brought back with the promise of freedom though a game. He's not very close to any of the other players outside of his sister, but soon starts to befriend Kura and Heba.
Shad Al-Mufti (Sylph of Void) Shad comes form a long line of judges and law makers and has a strong sense of justice and duty. He was expected to marry Iris and join their clans together so a new age of peace would began, but one day something changed and Shad broke the arrangement. He too would join their game but he would keep the shadows and watch upon his entry into the medium.
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Snowdrop Holloway
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Parents: Creek Holloway and Floyd Heath (Adopted)
Siblings: Rosebud (Elder Sister)
Age: 17
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Asexual/Panromantic
Genre: Epic Orchestral
Voice Claim: Merethe Soltvedt (Two Steps From Hell)
The youngest child of Creek and Floyd. Silent, knowing, with an uncanny stare, Snowdrop is the most unique of their cousins.
Snowdrop is an Original Troll, a race that existed before music, that still exists in the Depths. Their egg was found abandoned on the surface in the dead of winter by Rosebud, and when they hatched, Floyd and Creek decided to raise them as their own.
Snowdrop the official Seer of Trollstopia. Their magic ability allows them to sense threats before they happen via strange visions (ala Fiver from Watership Down). This ability has allowed them to circumnavigate disasters before they happen, making them a popular consultant amongst the royals and councilmen.
Outside their eerie persona, Snowdrop is incredibly shy, often sticking close to Creek or Floyd when they go out. They enjoy reading and gardening, and can often be found with Lime or Iris, assisting them garden.
Music wise, Snowdrop is a bit of an enigma. They don't speak much, and when they sing, it's never really with words, just vocalizations. Because of this, they greatly enjoy epic Orchestral music, it gives them good accompaniment to sing to.
Snowdrop currently resides in Trollstopia alongside their family.
Fun Facts!
- Snowdrop is a selective mute and speaks mainly through sign. They and Finley get along well, and are often found gossiping in sign
- Snowdrop loves pranks. Like... LOVES pranks. They officially overthrew Poppy and Branch as prankmaster and is actually BANNED from participating on Prank Day because of how good they are (they're fucking PISSED about that, it's not THEIR fault the rest of the Trolls can't handle their pranks!)
- As seen above, Snowdrop as albinism. It makes them extremely sensitive to the sunlight, and they have poor vision. They don't often go outside unless its late in the evening or early morning. And if they do go out midday, they're dressed to the nines.
- Snowdrop's first ever vision still hasn't come true. In the dead of night, they saw a golden string hanging from the heavens, a young troll reaching out to pluck it, and a shadowy figure crawling out of the earth. They still don't know what it means, and it haunts them
And that's the last Fleek baby, Snowdrop! Snowdrop was a very last minute addition, as Rosebud was originally meant to be an only child. But after creating the Original Trolls as a part of my Depths AU (more on that in the link below ) I wanted at least ONE original troll featured in the main cast. SO, Fleek got Snowdrop xP
Snowdrop is very much a sort of narrator of the story, being able to see cryptic visions about the future. That first vision they had alludes to the "main plot" that occurs~
Family portrait will be posted tomorrow!!
Voice Example: Red (Thomas Bergerson, Two Steps From Hell, Merethe Soltvedt)
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slobstation · 7 months
i want to write a Percy Jackson marauders AU
i have made another post more organized / easier to read !!
but i feel like i am to biased to give them houses without advice.
- (also i have NOT looked to see if there are already fanfics on there because they will cloud my judgement.)
- (also if you saw this on my other blog first, no you didn’t? you’re… crazy…?)
i write a lot on my free time and want to invest in something to regularly write for people to read for once (usually write and then hide it forever).
plus i am genuinely curious on what people believe the marauders houses are, honestly. anyways i am referring to general MARAUDERS ERA- so feel free to share HC about any from that era rather than the main group.
mine so far:
james, apollo. yall had to see this coming.
regulus hades !!!
remus athena or hermes ^^
peter UNCLAIMED?!?!???? bring on the angst. or demeter or hermes tbh!!
lily, artemis. but could also fit with a few other like Iris for example
mary aphrodite ?!
marlene ares!!
dorcas hecate?
barty dionysus!!!!
pandora and evan athena (i love having them as twins recently for some reason?)
as not twins-
evan, NIKE!
pandora as DAUGHTER OF IRIS!!!!?!!?
Gideon and Fabian hermes coded? maybe…?
molly, A SEER? :3
Arthur as a SATYR!!!
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