#the second max is like hey i’m really upset by this
cyberfunsupporter · 14 days
people acting as if chloe doesn’t love max is always so funny to me because every single time max feels slightly bad she jumps to make it better. just like idk i feel like she’s always reassuring max you know
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no-144444 · 21 days
catch-up- l.norris (no.4)
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summary: lando after Monza.
pairing: land norris x fem! reader.
warnings: talk of workplace harassment
Lando walked into your apartment with a sour expression on his face. You’d been waiting for him all night. P1 to P3, not exactly a good result. 
“Hey darling,” you sighed, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. He didn’t hug you back. You tried to press a kiss to his cheek, but he shrugged you off and moved further into the apartment and left you in the living room as he went to your bedroom. 
Your day hadn’t been great either, if he’d cared to ask, but you didn’t really think faulting him right now was a smart idea. Emotions were high, you’d seen the interviews, you’d seen his face on the podium, and you’d seen him. It still stung.
You followed after him and leant against the doorframe, watching him take off his clothes to be left in his boxers. He didn’t look in your direction once. He lay down in the bed, his back to you, and that was that. 
“Great discussion,” you mumbled under your breath, and closed the door. Imola to Monaco was only a 3 hour flight and he’d left Imola at about 10pm. It was only about 2am now, and you had work in the morning. Work that you didn’t want to go to. The new co-worker you were teaching was probably the creepiest guy you could ever imagine, and he decided that you were his to touch all day on Friday. Disgusting. 
You saw the door open as you settled on the couch, just hoping to drown out the worried and upset thoughts that ran through your head. You were worried about Lando, worried about the Driver’s Championship, worried about Oscar, worried about Lando and Oscar’s relationship, worried about Lando’s confidence, worried about going to work, trying to think about a strategic outfit, worried about the other girls in the office, worried about-
“Hi,” his soft voice invaded your senses, and you turned to face him. There he was, beside you, his hand in yours. 
“Hi,” you answered, your voice hoarse and tired. “I’m sorry about today.”
He nodded. “It’s my fault,” he shrugged. “Oscar made the pass, and I was allowed to race him-”
“Lando, you’re not seriously blaming yourself for today, are you?” You asked. He didn’t answer, just staring down at where your hands connected. “It would’ve been a 1-2 finish if Stella and the team didn’t take a page out of the Ferrari handbook of how to fuck shit up. Papaya rules can fuck off, and so can Zak Brown. You deserved that 1-2. Both of you do. P3 is still good, but I know it’s not enough for you. But Lan, think about where you were last year, or the year before. The progress you’ve made this year alone? Unimaginable. Don’t get tunnel-visioned into hating yourself because of one bad race result when you know how talented and skilled you are, and how you won against Max with a fucking 22 second gap. Monza wasn’t your weekend, but next weekend will be and that’s what matters. Also, P3, standing on the podium being a bad result? I’d say you’re doing pretty well then.”
He smiled softly as you reminded him of who he was, but also how important you are to him. Speeches like that from you made him feel a thousand times better than any consolation pity pep-talk he could’ve gotten from someone in the team. “Thank you,” he pressed his lips to your cheek. “Please come to bed.”
You chuckled softly. “I doubt I’ll be sleeping much tonight.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Just… head busy,” you shrugged. “But I’ll come in if you want me to.” 
He pressed his lips to your neck in a soft kiss. “I always want you near me.”
You chuckled. “Ok Romeo,” you scoffed, getting up. 
“How was work this week?” he asked, following you into your bedroom. 
“Shit,” you sighed, lying down. “But probably better than yours.”
“What happened?”
“It’s fine Lan,” you brushed it off. “You’re tired.”
“Not enough to not hear what you have to say,” he sat up, waiting for you to speak. 
You sighed and turned to him, resting your head in his lap as he ran his fingers through your hair. “I was training this new guy at work and he decided to make it his personal mission to make me as uncomfortable as possible. He just kept touching me, and not seeing how it was inappropriate. Now I have to think about what I wear even more, and tell the rest of the girls at the office, and-”
“Baby, you shouldn't be dealing with that,” he sighed. You could tell he was angry. “You need to tell HR.”
“That’s the worst part, he’s the HR guy,” you groaned. “Anyways, I just want to sleep, and I know you do too.”
He nodded, lying beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you close. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whispered. “Please don’t come to my place of work and threaten this guy Lan.”
He scoffed. “I wasn’t going to threaten him, I was going to get Max to do it.”
You chuckled. “You’re a child.”
“I’m a problem solver,” he shrugged. “Ok, but he needs to be fired. I can come in and I’ll pretend like he’s insulted me massively as a customer, boom, he’s gone.”
“Ok Superman, whatever you say,” you giggled.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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theemporium · 1 year
Idk if you like to write about like real life events but maybe a daniel fic or a daniel x sunshine about Daniel and his injured hand and just like looking after him and sunshine fussing over him super fluffy🥺🥺
it doesn't really fit with the daniel and sunshine timeline, but i made it a normal danny blurb! thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Oh, baby.”
Daniel’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice, something in his chest easing when he saw you standing in the doorway of the hospital room. Everything had been a blur since the crash. His focus had been on the pain in his hand, the uncertainty of whether he would be able to drive this weekend or not. He had been going back and forth between different doctors and nurses and medics, it exhausted him. 
But now, here you were and something about the whole situation felt so much easier. 
“Do I really look that rough?” He asked, his brows raised when he noticed the small moment of hesitance in your step. 
“I just…I was so worried,” you admitted as you slowly made your way to his bedside. “Nobody knew if you were okay, and they wouldn’t tell me anything—”
“Hey, baby, shhhh, it’s okay,” he murmured as he lifted his good arm to reach for you. The second you were close enough, he tossed his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side. “I’m fine. They did an x-ray, it’ll be fine.”
“That doesn’t make me feel much better,” you grumbled with a sigh. “They wouldn’t even let me see you in the medic tent.”
His brows furrowed together. “How did you even get here?” 
“I…borrowed Max’s car,” you said slowly. 
Daniel glanced at you warily. “Borrowed?”
“He may not be aware I borrowed it but I’ll thank him nonetheless,” you said with an innocent smile.
Daniel snorted as he pressed his lips against your temple. “I’m glad you’re here.”
When the doctor came back with the news that his wrist was broken, you could see how disheartened and upset he was. He was trying to put on a brave face for everyone: for the nurses who were putting his cast on, for the team he felt like he let down, for the cameras so the fans wouldn’t suspect anything.
But the second you made it to the hotel room, you saw the way his shoulders sagged in defeat.
His head turned to look at you, his eyes a little glossy and his smile shaky, but it was enough for you to open your arms and let the boy sink into your body.
“Let it out, baby,” you cooed softly, rubbing your hands up and down his back as he let out a small sniffle.
“I just wanted to prove them wrong,” he murmured against your shoulder.
“I know, honey,” you sighed, turning your head to press a soft kiss against his cheek. “How about a night in? We can watch some Ace Ventura, order some room service…anything you want.”
Daniel let out a soft chuckle. “That would be nice.”
“Go get changed into something comfy, big boy,” you grinned before nudging him towards the bathroom. “Better yet, wearing nothing at all.”
He snorted. “Subtle, baby, subtle.”
“It’s my specialty,” you said with a shrug.
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gentlebilady · 2 months
Even MORE of Casual
Steve’s phone rang just as he was pulling the meatballs out of the oven. He slid the pan onto the range top quickly, tossing the towel he used as an oven mitt over his shoulder as he grabbed the phone off the wall. 
“Yello,” he greeted the caller.
“...Steve?” The voice was young, feminine, familiar.
“Max? Hey. How are you?”
In response, the young woman sobbed.
Oh shit.
“Oh shit. Max? Are you okay?” Steve was frozen. He and Max were not exactly close and Billy was still keeping very mum on their…non-relationship. Despite this Steve’s first thought was that there must be something wrong with Billy.
“Billy told me to call you.”
OH SHIT. Steve’s blood ran cold. If Billy told his little sister to call him, things were bad.
“What’s going on, Max? Is Billy okay? Did something happen in California?” Billy had left to visit his mom’s family earlier that week.
“Oh. Yeah, he’s fine. He told me to call you if I, um, if I needed anything while Billy was gone?” The statement sounded like a question. Steve was stunned, then felt heat flood his system - Billy had told Max to call him. Before he let himself get lost in the knowledge that Billy trusted him with his family, Steve refocused on Max.
“What do you need, Max? I’m here.”
She sniffed, hard.
“Um, my mom and Neil are having a huge argument, and usually when this happens I call Billy and he’ll come pick me up and we’ll go to his apartment, but he’s gone, and mom is REALLY upset, she’s, like, trying to kick Neil out of the house? And-,” she hiccuped. “- I know I’m, like, a little old for this, but I hate it when they fight, it reminds me of when Billy lived here and Neil would, would-. Steve, I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m gonna come get you, okay? Can you get out of the house and wait for me somewhere? There’s a park nearby, go to the swings and wait there and I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Okay, Max?”
Her voice was small but relieved when she whispered “Okay,” back.
“I’m leaving right now, Max. I’ll see you soon.” He waited for her to hang up, then grabbed his keys and wallet, barely remembering to turn off the oven, leaving the meatballs on the stovetop, and running out of his front door. 
Ten minutes later he was pulling into the park. It was dusk and the area had only a few older kids hanging out. Max was sitting on a swing, casually pushing herself with one leg back and forth. She spotted Steve as soon as he pulled in and jumped up to run to his car. He had barely parked before she was throwing open the passenger seat and sliding in.
In the brief glow of the overhead light, Steve saw her eyes were red but dry, and she looked calmer than she had sounded earlier. As soon as she was buckled in, Steve put the car in drive.
“Where to, Mad Max?”
“Can we get something to eat? I’m starving. This ALWAYS fucking happens at dinner, I swear.”
“Language,” Steve muttered, unthinking. Max scoffed then giggled.
“You’re such a grandpa.”
“Yeah, yeah, smartass,” said Steve the hypocrite. He smiled. “Spaghetti and meatballs sound good?”
“Are you kidding?! Holy crap that sounds perfect. I have been CRAVING pasta.”
It took the full 15 minutes to get back to Steve’s place. Max filled the drive with chatter, about Lucas, the classes she was taking, and the car she was saving up for. She carried on when they got into his duplex. While he heated sauce (his mom’s) and cooked the spaghetti (store bought), she complained about her job at the arcade. As she scoured his kitchen cabinets for plates and cutlery, then loaded up their plates, she bragged about her high scores on five of the games they carried. When they sat down in front of the TV and Steve put on the news, Max had something to say about every story. An hour later, after she’d gotten seconds, perused his VHS collection, and told Steve about a book she was reading (in detail), she finally seemed to lose steam. It was getting a little late, but Steve didn’t want to take her back to someplace she didn’t feel safe. Before he could figure out how to broach the subject, she piped up.
“Could I use your phone?”
“Of course!” Steve stood up to take her to it, then sat back down when she whizzed past him to grab it from the wall. As she was dialing, Steve gathered their plates to take to the sink. He didn’t want to eavesdrop but also felt a strange responsibility for the girl that demanded he stay near, so he leaned back against the counter to wait with her. 
Max was tense, but she shot him a grateful smile when he took up his post. Whoever she was calling answered, and Max relaxed.
“Hey mom. … I’m at Steve’s. … What? … I don’t know! … Can’t I- Okay! I’ll ask! Hey, Steve, can I stay with you tonight?” 
Steve was flabbergasted. His face must have shown it.
“Please? Mom doesn’t want me going home.” Max was putting on a strong facade, but there were large, obvious cracks in it; Steve could not turn her away.
“Of course.” 
She nodded quickly, her eyes wide and wet.
“He said yes, mom. Will you tell me what’s going on?” Max got quiet as she listened, and Steve decided that this was something he could leave her to. He went to his bedroom to change his sheets - Max could sleep in his bed, and he’d sleep on the couch. He found a pair of Dustin’s sweats that the boy had left here the last time they’d had a movie night and an old tshirt of his own that he’d grown out of before it got too ratty, and put them aside for her to sleep in if she wanted. Then he changed into his own pajamas - flannel pants and a too large shirt.
He made his way back out toward the kitchen. Max was still on the phone and she looked like she had cried, but there was a lightness to her face. She saw Steve and gave him a small smile.
“Yeah, mom. I love you, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Max hung up the phone and walked to Steve, then surprised the hell out of him by throwing her arms around him and hugging him tight.
“My mom’s leaving Neil,” she whispered.
“Oh. Um, wow. Is that-?” Steve did not know how to respond to this.
“It’s a good thing. He isn’t a good person.” Max burrowed her head into Steve’s chest. “Something bad happened tonight, she won’t tell me what, but. Mom says she’s getting a restraining order against him for her and me.” Steve didn’t know what to say to that. A restraining order? Jesus. 
“Are you going to be able to go back home?” He asked. She shrunk in on herself. “Sorry! I don’t know what happens with restraining orders. I don’t know how they work.” He awkwardly patted her back; strangely, it seemed to help.
“Mom says the sheriff says Neil will have to leave the house and find somewhere else to live. I guess there’s a lot of court stuff involved? I don’t know, but she said I should be able to go home tomorrow.” 
Steve nodded, then asked the question that had been burning in him.
“What about Billy?”
Max looked up at Steve, her face worried.
“I- I don’t know. Mom didn’t say anything about him! Oh god. Do you think Neil will hurt him? Can Billy get a restraining order?” She seemed to be genuinely asking Steve, who was left grasping for calm.
“Billy’s not going to be back until next week, right? Your mom needs to call him and tell him what’s going on. I don’t know- he doesn’t tell me-.” Steve took a deep breath. “Max, does Billy need a restraining order against his dad?”
Her voice was small and her eyes shifted away when she said, “I don’t know.” She was quiet a moment, chewing on her lip, before she finally met his eyes, held them, and nodded her head. Steve nodded back, his mind racing.
“Tomorrow, we’ll talk to Billy. For now, I think we should watch a movie, eat some ice cream, and get some sleep.” 
Max obviously wasn’t expecting this response, but she agreed readily. Steve offered her the sleep clothes, which she accepted, and gave her the spare toothbrush that had come in the two-pack he’d bought last time. She closed herself in the bathroom to change, and appeared moments later, demanding ice cream and to watch Fright Night. Steve sighed at the movie - not his first choice, especially after an emotionally wrought night, but if that’s what would take Max out of her head, then that’s what they would watch.
Thirty minutes into the movie Max was nodding off against the back of the couch. Steve paused the tape and chivvied the girl toward the bedroom. She didn’t argue, drifting sleepily down the hall and climbing into the bed, face soft and eyes half closed. She laid down and turned over with a quiet “Night.” 
“Good night, Max.” Steve left the door open and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and prepare to sleep. He kept the light in the bathroom on and pulled the door almost fully closed, so Max could find it if she needed it in the middle of the night. Then he grabbed a spare pillow and blanket from the closet. After making sure the front door was locked and the kitchen wasn’t a disaster, he made up his couch nest, turned off the lights, and put on Sixteen Candles. 
This came in fits and spurts after a long day on the road. I read over it to check for any glaring errors but I know I missed some stuff.
ANYWAY!!!! I really enjoyed writing this scene. It would definitely come after the last scene I posted, but I'm not sure if there will be anything in between.
I have a good bit written for this story, but I'm kind of just writing as it comes to me, and posting little bits here and there. I will be editing it into a cohesive THING at some point and posting it in its entirety.
I really hope y'all are enjoying this! Cause I am LOVING writing it.
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Post a blurb for each draft you have
bet lol but i’m only gonna do the ones i feel pretty confident with/small blurbs/ones that night never get posted :’)
nima squeals, running straight to neteyam. “daddy! daddy! 'nuk teasin' me!”
neteyam scoops nima up in one swift movement, glancing down at txonuk unamused.
“txonuk. what have i told you? no riling your sister up before bed.”
"does he ever have you like this?" jake's words come from above you, while his glistening skin smacks against yours in sharp, rough thrusts.
"hey...hey. what's wrong? what is it, talk to me, baby." you encourage, gently rubbing his cheek, but it's no use. his strong arms scoop you up carefully, carrying you over to the woven mat you both sleep on.
"hey. hey. look at me. keep those pretty eyes open f'me.”
jake scoffs at your silence, continuing to try and get you to speak. “c’mon, you're still upset with me from earlier when I left you all hot n bothered?”
“i think the clan members could’ve spared you five minutes.”
norm laughs at this. "we will, tomorrow. Don't you remember what day it is?"
"….it's sunday, right?"
“jake, it's father's day. go spend some time with the kids.”
“father's day, huh? haven't remembered any of those stupid holidays from back on earth.”
“really? you seemed to remember valentine's day just fine!”
jake chuckles at this, fondly recalling the night your second son was conceived. “all right, all right. i’m goin.”
the olo'eyktan that is very closed-off, reserved. never smiles. only speaks when he has to. who's presence makes other clan members slightly uncomfortable. but he wasn't always this way, of course. no, neteyam used to be happy. used to smile. hell, he even used to laugh. but all of that changed that day. that damned day.
neteyam opens the flap to your marui then, flashing you a cheeky smile as he's attacked by three sets of little hands reaching for him.
jake looks out of the corner of his eye, noticing neteyam fiddling with his old polaroid camera.
“where'd ya find that? thought i lost that thing years ago.” jake smiles, reaching out to take it.
his smile matches yours, full of love as he moves to place a gentle kiss to your lips.
"ewwww! they're doing the sex!" txonuk yells, running to the mat he sleeps on with se'ayl.
neteyam's eyes nearly pop out of his head as he pulls away from you, staring at his youngest son in shock.
"tonuk. what did you just say?" neteyam asks, getting on one knee to be eye level with him.
who were you to come in between an olo'eyktan and his duties? stupid, stupid girl.
jake can’t stand being away from you, but you both know he has to leave when duty calls. even as he’s currently at high camp with norm & max, he can’t help but let his mind drift to last night. the way your innocent eyes were squeezed shut, lips parted just enough to let your desperate moans escape, begging for him to—
“jake? that sound okay to you?” norm’s voice brings jake back to the lab, waving his hand in front of his face.
“…huh? sure, yeah.” jake replies, raising an arm to scratch the top of his head.
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captainnameless · 11 months
here to request grumpy little Max upset about having to share Daniel with Austin please >.<
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asks as soon as he closes the door to Max’s drivers room behind him, catching Max’s eyes but only for a second before the younger turns away from him. Arms crossed, lips pouted, Leo clutched tightly in his arms.
“Max?” Daniel frowns walking over and crouching down, putting a hand on Max’s knee.
“No.” Is all Max says, taking Leo and hiding his face into the soft plush.
Daniel wrecks his brain, surely Max isn’t this upset about qualifying. Not with both championships in the pocket and a really good chance to still move through the field. GP hadn’t given him much information either; a simple text saying. “Maybe go see Max when you get the chance. 🦁 ” The lion emoji means it’s something to do with regressed Max, a little code to let Daniel know who he’s dealing with before entering a situation.
Daniel rubs his hand softly into Max’s knee. “Muffin?” He tries again. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
“No.” Max huffs, voice muffles from behind his lion hand coming up to smack at Daniel’s arm.
“Hey.” Daniel frowns, hand moving from Max’s knee to wrap around Max’s wrist. “Don’t do that please.”
“No touch!” Max whines, face appearing with a disgruntled pout, trying to tug his wrist free.
Daniel lets go, tries to catch Max’s eyes now that they’re there. “Thank you for telling me, using your words is much nicer than using your hands.”
Max’s eyes are wet with unshed tears, glaring daggers at Daniel, his foot kicks out in a weak kick.
“Max.” Daniel warns, raising an unimpressed eyebrow, trying to figure out his next move. Clearly something is wrong, Daniel would much prefer finding out what that is without a tantrum.
He decides to get up, moving back a little back to give Max some space, hopefully prevent having to put the younger in a time out. Max seems less fond of that idea.
“No, stay!” He cries out, distress taking over his features. It upsets Daniel, confuses him even more.
“I’m not leaving.” Daniel soothes, sitting down with his back against the wall, crossing his legs. “Just giving you a little space.”
“No space!” Max whines, a tear rolling down his cheek, clutching Leo tight to his chest while a sob sneaks out.
Daniel’s heart aches a little more, trying to contain his frown of confusion. “Muffin, you can come to Daddy any time you want, I’m right here.”
“Daddy.” Max just cries, so Daniel scoots a little closer, holds a hand out.
It’s enough for Max to flop himself forward, dropping all of his weight in Daniel’s lap who lets out a huff wrapping his arms around the younger. “Good boy.” He hums.
Max just cries, buries himself into Daniel’s chest, body shaking with heavy sobs while Daniel rocks them, presses soft little kisses to the top of his head.
“You don’t like me here.” Max eventually gets out, hiccupy breaths still shaking him while he looks at Daniel with wet eyes.
Daniel cannot hide his confusion this time, face contorting in surprise and a little bit of hurt. “Max- what? I like you everywhere.”
“Not as much here.” Max pouts, hand coming up to rub at his eyes.
Something clicks in Daniel, he has barely spent time with the younger ever since Max had stepped foot on American soil. With this being his first race back, media duties for both Alpha Tauri and RedBull, the circus that is Austin for him and his merch drop they had barely seen each other.
Daniel feels like a dick, Max had expressed his excitement about Daniel being back but also voiced a little bit of nervousness about Daniel possibly hurting himself again and Daniel had done absolutely nothing to soothe him.
“Oh muffin, I’m sorry.” Daniel breathes, arms wrapping around Max in a tight embrace, lips pressing onto his temple. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles into the soft skin.
Max just sniffles into the embrace.
“I should’ve checked in sooner, I’m sorry.” He repeats. “It’s been a little crazy, but I promise you,” Daniel gently tips Max’s chin up. “I promise I like you more than Austin.”
“Pinky promise?” Max whispers, eyes wide and wet.
“Pinky promise.” Daniel nods, holding his pinky out for Max to take.
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smashboxgirl26 · 1 year
washing machine heart
college student! jean kierschtien x college student! reader a/n: late but for my bby jean's bday bc he's little secret bf <33 (also i know that the song washing machine heart is not implying this scenario at all but i thought it was cute and it's 12 am so i dont care)
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It was about three am when you stumbled into the laundromat, immediately blinded by the fluorescent lights (and you could just feel the way they buzzed into your eyebags) with your stupid laundry basket that was filled to the brim tucked under your arm. Your dirty, old converse squeaked across the linoleum floor as the doorbell chimed, alerting the only other guy who was there — tucked in the corner at the table by the washers, hunched over to do his homework — but you couldn’t really find the energy to care about your disturbing presence: not when you hadn’t done your laundry in almost a month and needed a pair of panties for the next day. 
You went through the sluggish motions of dumping all your clothes into washer (trying to separate lighter and darker colors but ultimately leaving the couple of white socks that got thrown in with the dark clothes because you just didn’t care at that point) and adding the detergent and softener before plopping yourself down at one of the tables near the front.
You’d made sure to stick your laptop on top of your clothes before you left your dorm so you could try and finish your final project that you’d been procrastinating for way too long; but even as it sat in front of you on the table, you couldn’t really find the will to open it. Not when you’d been sleep deprived for this long. 
Instead, you let your eyes wander towards the guy who was sitting at the table across from you, studying the crinkle in his eyebrows as you let yourself stare off into space — only the sound of the washers and dryers running in the background. 
Something about his brown eyes and mullet looked familiar, maybe you both took a class together; or you both stayed in the same hall? 
Eventually, your eyes landed on the dog bed that was laying on the seat next to him — wrinkling your nose in surprise. You hadn’t seen any dog when you walked in.
But your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of huffing coming from your feet, and you peered down to see a tiny black chihuahua staring back up with needy eyes. As soon as you made eye contact, he jumped up onto your lap and sat down — like he’d picked you to go home with — before pawing at your arm as if he was urging you to pet him.
The guy noticed after a couple seconds, rolling his eyes at the dog as he apologized. 
“Ah, sorry about him. Max, c’mere.”  He tried to lure Max back with a treat, and when that didn’t work, he stood up from his table to come pick the little dog up. But as soon as he got close, the dog growled from his spot in your lap — and the guy just frowned.
“Hey, what’re you growling for?” you looked to the little dog, who’d now taken to staring up at you with his big, empty looking eyes.
“I've been dog sitting for my sister for the past week,” the guy groaned, watching as Max made himself comfortable again in your lap. “And he doesn’t really like me that much for some reason. How’d you make him so comfortable with you in like, five seconds?”
“I didn’t try to,” you shrugged, just letting out a small laugh. “I guess I’m just the dog whisperer.”
“Lend me some of your powers then,” he shook his head. “Max hasn’t let me touch him all week, let alone coming and sitting in my lap like that.”
“I honestly don’t know why, but dogs have always liked me,” you let your hand fall over Max’s head, letting out a small chuckle as he moved his head under your hand to insinuate for you to keep petting him. “My sister used to get so upset when she realized our dog liked me way more than it liked her.”
“Well, guess I can’t go against fate now can I?” he let out a small smile, watching as Max continued to push for you to give him attention — eventually sitting down at your table and sticking out his hand for you to shake. “I’m Jean, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you reciprocated the action, though Max appeared distressed at your hand leaving his head.
“I feel like I'm taking a class with you or something.” Jean stared off like he was thinking. “You just look really familiar.”
“Do you say that to every girl you meet?” you teased, watching a flustered expression jump up to his face.
“What? I wasn’t — That wasn’t… I didn’t mean it like that.” He corrected himself before letting out a small laugh. “I was being serious, I swear.”
“I’m just joking,” you laughed. “I was actually thinking the same thing. What dorn do you live in?”
“Harrison Hall.”
“That’s where I am too.” You couldn’t really help the cutesy little smile that rose up to your (probably exhausted looking) face. “I knew I saw you around there somewhere.”
“I always come here ‘cause the washers and dryers on my floor are basically broken,” Jean let his elbows rest on the table. “I think it’s also cheaper to do it here anyway.”
“That’s the same reason I do it here,” you nodded. “And there’s no parties going on in the background when you’re trying to study and do laundry at the same time.”
“That’s true,” he laughed. 
“All right Max,” you turned back to the round eyes staring at you from your lap and patted his head softly. “I’m gonna give you back to your uncle now, so I can finish my project and turn it in.”
Max protested at first when you put him into Jean’s hands, but he seemed to calm down when Jean stroked his ears and placed him back in his bed where he promptly fell asleep.
You sent Jean a small smile before finally opening your laptop, for perhaps the thirtieth time that night, ready to finally finish your conclusion and get your project over with.
You had to stop halfway in between when the washers you used alerted you that your clothes were done and had to be stuffed in the dryer. All of Jean’s clothes were basically done by that point, which he stood at one of tables to fold them — while only one remaining batch tumbled in the dryer. He’d be done soon though, which you were envious of.
When you finally finished your stupid paper, submitted it, and slammed your laptop shut, you looked back to see that there was still a while for your clothes to finish drying; immediately, in your sleep depriven state, you let your head fall to the table to take a short nap while whispering lies about how you’d wake yourself up in five minutes.
It wasn’t until the doorbell chimed once more that you woke up: needing to shield your eyes from the sun coming in through the windows of the little laundromat
You groaned, realizing you had to get your clothes out of the dryer before someone took them out and just dumped them somewhere, but stopped when you noticed them all neatly folded and placed in your laundry basket — sitting right next to you on your table.
On top, though, laid a little sheet of paper with Jean’s number and a smiley face.
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miahxrrington-blog · 11 months
Tumblr media
I miss, you
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ ⋆ ˚。⋆
steve Harrington x henderson reader
warnings- angst (and un prof read work promise I’ll do it later I’m just really tired
also feel free to leave feed back this is my first time writing anything like this and feed back would be great fully appreciated practice makes perfect!
summary: steve and reader had broken up they now have to fight these supernatural beings together what happens when dustin confronts steve while y/n’s in the car and asks him about how he basically threw himself at nancy
I had broken up with steve a month ago its not that i didn’t love him still. it’s more that i knew he didn’t love me. his heart belonged to someone else. and i was foolish to think that someone was me.
because how could steve harrington ever love me. when he still not over his first love. at first I thought it was in my head. but i see the way they look at each other. the stolen glances here and there. and who was i to deny him the person he truly wants to be with.
so i had to let him go. because i loved him. and he loved her. he always has and always will.
it was the spring of 86 and once again we had gotten sucked into fighting the supernatural once again.
we had just been in the shed that eddie was staying in when we started hearing sirens with confused glances towards each other we look outside and see a bunch of police cruisers. we quickly tell eddie to hide under the tarp while we go investigate.
we all get in steve’s car and I get into the front seat while robin and the kids sit in the back. dustin and max look shaken up.
“hey it’s gonna be okay.” I console them turning around to look at them.
once we get to the scene, we quickly recognize a familiar face. nance. what was she doing there? I wondered. she gives steve a little wave and nods at him.
which steve returns.
we all make our way to the trailer park in which most of these events have taken place. we all sit at a picnic table I take a seat by steve being as thats the only seat that was left. I smile at him and then return to the conversation at hand. it doesn’t have to be awkward.
“so you’re saying this thing that killed fred and chrissy is from the upside down?” asks nancy
“if the shoe fits.” mentions steve
“our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. and whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the mindflayer or just love killing teens, we don’t know. ” dustin says trying his best to fill her in.
“all we know is that this is something different. something new” I mention.
“this doesn’t make any sense.” said a confused nancy
“it’s only a theory” reassures my brother
“no fred and chrissy don’t make sense. I mean why why them.” said nancy trying to figure out what the connection was.
“maybe they were just in the wrong place.” I answered
“they were both at the game”
“and near the trailer park” said dustin and max listing things on how this could all be related
“were at the trailer park. should we maybe not be here?” asks a concerned steve
“fred started acting weird the second we got here” said nancy
“acting weird as in??” asked robin
“scared, on edge, upset.”
“max said chrissy was upset too.” said my brother
“yea but not here. she was crying in the bathroom at school” adds max
“serial killers stalk there pray before they strike right? so maybe fred and chrissy say this vecman ” asks robin
“vecna” corrects my brother.
“i dont know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” says steve I nodded agreeing with him
“maybe they did. I saw chrissy leaving ms. kelly’s office. if you saw a monster you wouldn’t go to the police they’d never believe you. but you might go to your.”
“your shrink” I said finishing max’s sentence
once we were all done talking we headed to steve’s car. nancy clearly taking a different direction. i started opening the car door when i heard a
concerned steve yell over at nance
“whoa. whoa, nance, nance! where you going.” he asks. ouch. i try not to let this affect me. I mean isn’t this what I wanted. and more importantly what he wanted. I ignore the pain in my chest.
“something I wanna check on first” she answers
“something you wanna share with us?” asks my brother
“I mean yea I thought we were all in this together.” I say
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“yea, okay are you out of your mind? flying solo with this vecna creep on the loose no it’s too dangerous, you need, you need some to” steve tried to think of something
robin stares at me and clearly sees my discomfort.
steve then tosses his keys to robin.
“here. I’ll stick with nance, you guys take the car, check out the shrink.” if only he was that persistent when we broke up. I thought rolling my eyes at his behavior.
“I don’t think u want me driving your car” says robin
“why?” asks steve
“I don’t have my license.”
“why don’t you have a liscense”
“because im poor.”
“I can drive” says max
“no, no, no never again. please. anybody but you no.” said steve persistently
“alright just give the keys to henderson.” my brother raises his eyebrows and reachers for the keys.
“no obviously not you dipshit your sister”
“I mean yea I could drive but I don’t necessarily have my license either. are you sure you want to trust me with your car?”
“you’ve driven my car plenty of times I trust you.” said steve reminiscing those times he would teach you how to drive when you were first considering getting your license.
robin then stares at me obviously noticing I didn’t want him to leave with her. robin didnt really understand steve and how so clearly he could’ve chosen you the girl he loves but he keeps doing stupid shit like this.
“alright this is stupid.” said robin grabbing dustins walkie to insure we have communication she smiles and winks at me.
“us ladies will stick together. unless you think we need you to protect us.” I snort which then causes steve to glare at me they both make there ways to nancys station wagon.
my heart aches.
“be careful.” steve yells
ouch. see I was okay with them being together but them rubbing it in my face like this hurt. and maybe it wasn’t intentional all I knew is I never wanted to see this again.
“your just gonna stand there and gawk harrington.” noticing the same thing i noticed
“shut up.” answers steve
I enter the front steve of the car while dustin and max head for the back. I roll my eyes.
“why don’t we go okay?”
“shut up and get in the car and wipe your feet.”
“on the outside not the inside.” says steve in a disappointed mom tone I laugh
steve eventually get in the car.
“always the babysitter. always goddamn babysitter!” he hits the steering wheel.
we arrive at ms. kellys house and we watch from the car as she goes inside
“okay. she’s in”
“we can see that. im missing collarbones not my eyes.”
“so…. dustin continues. we gonna talk about it?”
“im sorry talk about what?” asks steve
“your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at nance.”
i snort.
“that’s not what happened.” steve mutters
“pretty sure that’s what happened it was pretty public. there were a lot of witnesses including my sister.”
“don’t bring me into this.” I say
“are you implying I have a thing for nance?” asked steve
“no im not implying. im stating as it relates to your steadfast refusal to get back together with my sister it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“no way your the one putting these ideas in your sisters head henderson? that im still into fucking nancy”
“I don’t know steve you tell me”
“why are we talking about this situation as if I’m not here.” You mention
“no because you and your brother seem have this stupid idea that im still in love with nancy when so clearly the only person i care for is u.”
“steve can we not do this while my brothers in the car. please.” you pleaded tears threatening to fall out of my eyes
“alright so get out and cover your ears henderson. the adults need to speak ” he rolled his eyes looking out the window
“steve i promise we’ll speak later can we just focus on max.” I asked he nodded and we continued on our journey.
later in the day we made to nancys house we all had to keep an eye on max after everything we had just found out.
once all the kids were sleeping and only me and steve were awake he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door.
“ we’re talking and I swear to god if henderson is putting ideas into your head that I’m in love with nancy-“
“steve it’s not dustin it’s everyone, we all notice the way you look at her you never look at me that. ever.”
“I don’t want to be in the middle of that you deserve better.”
“baby…..” steve whispers holding my face as he sees the tears I push him off.
“no steve i can’t keep dating someone who is still in love with someone else. I mean look crazy you got back at the trailer park”
“because she’s a friend and I care about her. I don’t see a future with her y/n I see it with you.”
“steve you can’t say things like that.”
“y/n im serious I see you being mrs. harrington one day and carrying my babies. I don’t see that with nancy I see it with you. and im tired of fighting because I miss you. and im sorry if I haven’t been verbal about how much you mean to me y/n but your my entire world..” I stare at him letting him console my cheek while starring into my eyes
“not nancy. you henderson. and I’d kill my self before I’d ever let anything happen to you.”
“im sorry…”
“it’s okay baby it’s, okay just come here.” he says pulling me in for a hug.
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
So I saw you wanted more diverse requests for Wednesday characters and I was thinking...
Imagine Enid being so distressed about the not wolfing out thing and her mother's pressure that she just snaps at reader and they have a fight and it's really angsty but with a happy ending, also maybe a kiss? Idk just thought I'd give the ask thing a try ^^
Wolfing out - Enid Sinclair x reader, you asked for angst it’s gonna be there 😈 I hope none of the fight seemed OOC for Enid I just feel like with all the pressure building she was bound to explode on someone.
It’s parent’s weekend and your girlfriend is stressed to the max. She’s pacing in front of your bed ranting about how her parents are going to be so upset with her. You’ve been trying to calm her down but it’s not working. “Enid it’s gonna be alright, okay?” You said trying to provide some comfort. “It’s not gonna be alright, you just don’t understand” She said brushing your hand off her shoulder. “It will be alright, if your mom says something I’ll just fight her” You say jokingly.
“You’re not getting it, my mother is the worst person ever, you wouldn’t understand cause your parents are great, you make even a smidge in your powers and they’re proud of you. Hell, I saw you put a leaf on a vine and they were cheering. I mean are your abilities even that good if the most you can grow is a small flower” She said raising her voice at you.
Trying not to let the tears show you turned around and walked towards the door. “You know what you sort it out then” You said walking out of the dorm. You weren’t exactly sure where you were going but eventually ended up at Xavier’s paint shed. The lights were on so you assumed he must be in there. While you weren’t one to normally interrupt his painting time, you need your best friend.
“Xav?” You called as you opened the door. He stopped painting and looked up at you. Seeing the tears on your face he immediately pulled you into a hug. “Hey what’s wrong” He asked rubbing your back. Xavier’s been your best friend since kindergarten. He’s the first person you came out to and the only person who believed you when you said the scar on your head came from when some kids in second grade pushed you onto the sidewalk.
“Enid and I got into a fight” You said sitting on the bed he had managed to smuggle into his art shed. “What was it about?” He asked wheeling his chair to stop in front of you. “She’s having problems with wolfing out and her mom keeps putting her under so much pressure and I guess I don’t really understand that because my parents are supportive, but she didn’t need to tell me my abilities aren’t good cause I can barley even grow a flower and she knows I was struggling with even doing that” You said ranting.
“Hey deep breaths, yeah? Come on breathe with me” He said exaggeratingly slowing his breathing down. You took a few breaths in with Xavier before finally calming down. “Look as long as your proud of yourself with your powers then I say you’re doing great. And your abilities aren’t useless there are hundreds of reasons we need plants.” He said trying to cheer you up. “Thanks Xav, I’m gonna go on a walk, I’ll keep my phone on. Don’t tell Enid where I am please” You said hugging him again before getting ready to leave.
“You’re welcome, you know you can come here anytime and I won’t tell her but you guys do need to work this out.” He said moving back to his painting. You walked out deciding to just walk around the forest. Continuing down the makeshift path you found a big tree. Sitting underneath it you closed your eyes. Eventually you drifted off to sleep. Back in Nevermore Enid was practically running through the school looking for you. Asking anyone and everyone if they’ve seen you. “Ah! Xavier! Have you seen y/n?” She asked practically jumping on him.
“I saw her earlier, like four hours ago, she said she was going on a walk, why? Is she not back?” He questioned looking at Enid. “No I haven’t seen her at all since she left the dorm and I’ve been searching for her and no one has seen her either” Enid said beginning to walk off before Xavier grabbed her arm. “Take Yoko with you, and I’ll take Ajax and then Bianca and Divina can go together and we’ll search till we find her alright?” He said splitting their group into pairs. Walking off with Ajax, Xavier left and Enid grabbed Yokos hand to make her move faster.
Xavier and Ajax went to Crackstones Crypt, didn’t see you there. Bianca and Divina tried the lake, you weren’t there. Yoko and Enid went from Xavier’s art shed and started walking the path. After about twenty minutes they came across you sitting underneath the tree, asleep. Enid knelt down next to you, checking your pulse, just in case, there is a monster going around. You were indeed still alive, shaking you slightly she began to wake you up. Looking around for a minute, taking in your surroundings you realized you were still outside. “Are you okay?! Gosh, you’re freezing” Enid said when she saw you were awake.
“Is it cold?” You said still out of it. “I mean yeah, you’ve been out here for hours, it’s night time now” Enid said wrapping you in her scarf. You stood up brushing off Enids hand. “Yoko? When did you get here” you said finally turning to them. “I’ve been here” She said linking her arm with yours as you started walking back to the school. You walked ahead of Enid and she walked in silence behind you and Yoko. “You know she was super worried about you, we all were” Yoko said pulling you a little closer so Enid couldn’t hear.
“She was worried?” You said smiling. “I mean yeah, you disappear for four hours only saying something to Xavier of course she was worried, like I said, we all were.” She said wrapping her arms around you. “Oh my gosh! I forgot about Xavier, he probably feels so bad” you said rubbing a hand down your face. “Come on let’s go faster” She said pulling you faster. You walked faster and eventually arrived at the school. Your friends were all waiting for you when you got there. “Oh god, y/n/n, I was so worried” Xavier said pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back just as tightly as he was hugging you before moving on to hug the rest of your friends.
You did your best to ignore Enid but she was making it very hard. “Y/n/n, can we talk” She said tugging on your sleeve, “alone” she said jerking her head back toward your dorm. Xavier looked at you and you just nodded to confirm you were okay. Following Enid down the hall and back to your dorm in silence, you wondered what she could possibly say. Entering your dorm you sat on your bed and she crouched in front of you. “I’m sorry, I was a jerk, my mom was stressing me out and I was taking it out on you and I didn’t mean it, you know that flower you grew is my favorite I mean I even put into my scrapbook of us and I love you so much and I’m so so so so sorry” She said ranting.
“Enid, hey calm down, it’s okay, I know you didn’t meant it, I just needed some time alone” you said grabbing her hands. “I’m glad you’re alright” she said rubbing the back of your hands. “Thank you, and I love you too” you said leaning down to kiss her. “I’ve been deprived of your kissed for four hours you better kiss me more” She said moving off the ground and into your lap. “I can do that” you said smirking.
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luna-is-lost · 10 months
Mentions of blood
Slight, non-descriptive injury…
Panic Attack (hemophobia)
Papyrus POV:
What is that…?
It sounds like…
I sit up suddenly and turn to my side. Sans has tears brimming from his eye sockets. He’s shaking… “Brother, Are Y-You Okay? I gently try to shake him awake… It doesn’t work… I think I remember him being a heavy sleeper… “Sans! Please wake up.” I pick him up and hug him. He doesn’t wake up… He’s making a sort of strangling noise. He’s trying to get away from me. Mumbling something about being a ‘dirty brother killer’. I don’t believe I’ve killed anyone’s brother. “Sans! Wake up!” It’s hard to get loud. Makes my scar sting… He finally opens his eyes, slowly. With a whine of lethargy he finally comes to. “…papyrus…?” He asks slowly. “Are You Alright, Brother?” He wipes his eye-sockets with a very confused expression. “yeah… guess i had a bad dream again… heh…” He seams disheartened, well, more than usual… “sorry, didn’t mean to ‘rattle your bones’” “That Was Awful…” “your smilin’” “I Am And I Hate It.” Maybe a bit too swiftly I scoop him into a big hug. After a few seconds he returns it, though his prosthetic arm painfully scrapes the burn mark on my shoulder. I don’t say a word. I don’t want to upset him… His mental state is fragile enough. It really didn’t hurt that much. “Sans?” Instead of a response all I get is a quiet snore. I don’t remember much, but this feels very familiar… I’d like to think we were always close. Maybe, with enough optimism, I’ll remember everything… Maybe…
Undyne’s POV:
It’s currently FIVE in the morning and PAPYRUS IS CLEANING THE BASE! Nobody even told him to! “Hey, Papyrus!” I smile at him, then laugh when he drops the broom he was holding and jumps up startled. “O-Oh, Hi, Undyne!” He tries to smile (rather painfully) and brushes himself off like he didn’t just float like a cartoon character. “What Are You Doing, Nerd?” “Just Cleaning, It’s Going Pretty Well!” He picks back up his broom to finish sweeping the room. It DOES look a lot better now. Though, I want to hang out with him… “PAPYRUS!” He jumps ( not as much as last time) “I’m Joining You, We’re Going To Have A Competition! Who ever Cleans The Most In The Least Amount Of Time Wins!” He looks at me and nods excitedly. “Let’s Do It!” We both count down from three and begin cleaning faster than ever before! He’s more meticulous than fast. THIS’LL BE AND EASY WIN! I EASILY Wipe down counters with max speed. Sprint around while I gather trash. I even sweep THE CEILING! He’s probably still trying to remove mud tracks from the entrance HA! I walk into the room where we sleep to see Papyrus silently and carefully cleaning. Seeing him so quiet is kind of weird. I… I’ll… leave him be… He can have the room, I’m winning anyway! I’m almost finis- “OW!” A piece of metal cut my hand while I was running by…! “Undyne, Are You Okay?!” Papyrus says, louder than he’s been in a while, as he rushes in. “HA! Yeah Just A Small Scratch.” I look down at my hand to see a drop of crimson. I hiss slightly… “Oooh That’s Going To Need A Bandage…” At the sight of blood Papyrus’ body wavers. “Are You Alright, Paps?” He looks pale for a skeleton. Tears brim at his eyes… What’s going on?!
Papyrus POV:
She’s bleeding, I feel sick. My head hurts. She’s bleeding, I feel sick. There’s blood! No, NO, Nope, n-no, NOT ok,…!
I can’t breathe! ! !
It hurts!
I don’t like this, I feel sick! PLEASE STOP!
No! Stop! Please! Blood?!
No more, please! No more!
I don’t like this!
I feel sick
It hurts
I can’t
I ca-
Undyne’s POV: I watch as his breath quickens, tears falling to the floor… He’s shaking… Murmuring under his breath. Papyrus sways for a moment. He falls… “PAPYRUS?!” I catch him before he crumples to the floor… “Hey, Papyrus?…” I lower my voice… “It’s okay, Paps, it’s just a small cut…” He doesn’t respond… I feel awful… It’s not my fault, but still… My best friend just FAINTED!! “Come on, Papyrus… Wake Up!… Please?…” I pick him up a bring him to a hammock… Please… Wake up…
Maybe I should tell Sans…
Sans’ POV:
-ans! Wake Up! Pap… Ainted!”
“what happened?!”
“I-… He… Well… I Got A Scratch And When He Saw Blood…He Just… Yeah…!”
He passed out when he saw blood… I don’t remember him doing the before… Just another thing humans did to my bro, huh… I getting pretty sick of that…
“i’m gonna check on him…”
Undyne looks uncomfortable and guilty. Huh… Guess I can’t blame her… Anything happening to Papyrus makes us feel guilty… Especially when we were the last ones around… (and you slept as he was taken…) As soon as I go to the hammock Undyne put him down on I notice to things…
1. When was the bunker ever this clean
2. Where is Papyrus?!
“ hey, pap, you over here?” I find myself looking up at the 6’1 skeleton cleaning as if nothing was wrong.
“Hello, Brother, Is Undyne Alright?” “yeah, are you?” “I Think, I Just… Felt A Bit Worried… It Made My Soul Hurt…” “that scary huh? … need a hug paps?” “…Yeah”
Papyrus has always been the best at hugs
Chapter 12 soon…
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love2write2626 · 2 years
I Wouldn’t Be Complete Without You 4
Read Chapter 1 HERE
Read Chapter 2 HERE
Read Chapter 3 HERE
I Wouldn’t Be Complete Without You One-Shot Masterlist HERE
Ok! Here is the final chapter before we begin the Spin off one-shot series. Hope you enjoy!!
Chapter 4
Y/N’s P.O.V
17 Years ago
I am pacing around my room, I am so nervous. Fuck, where is Tom? He promised to be here. Maybe I should call him? He has been traveling all day… I really don’t want to bother him.
“Y/N?” I heard his voice down the hall, there was a light knock on my door “Hey, I knocked on the door, and you didn’t answer so I let myself in… I got your message… are you ok? You seem upset about something.” I walked over and pulled the door open
“I’m so glad you’re here” I said pulling him into a hug “How was your flight? Oh, and don’t worry about letting yourself in Tom that’s why I gave you the key”
“My flight was good… sweetie what’s going on?” he asked, I wanted to melt when he called me sweetie.
“I have a date tonight… and I need your help… I am torn between two dresses” I said. He stared at me with wide eyes
“A date? With whom?”
“That cute guy Max, I told you about… he asked me out” I said with a smile
“Oh, that’s great” he said with a half-smile… there was something about the smile that was different it wasn’t Tom’s usual smile. He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed “Ok, what dresses?” he asked
“I’ll be right back” I ran into the bathroom, and put on my black dress “I really like this one… but it might be a little too formal” I said as I walked out. Tom looked up at me
“That’s a nice dress… where is he taking you?”
“To that new Italian restaurant, in downtown”
“Show me the other one you picked out” I quickly went back in the bathroom, and put on my favorite blue sun dress. I walked out and Tom’s mouth went wide
“Well?” I asked
“You look… wow… um I mean beautiful” I smiled
“You think he’ll like it?” I asked
“He would be a fool to not love it”
I walked back into my apartment a few hours later, feeling like a complete fool. Max, only asked me out… because he was hoping to get lucky. I mean… I have never even been kissed… I know… I know pathetic 20 years old and never been kissed.
“Hey, how was your date?” I jumped when I heard Tom’s voice
“Tom… I didn’t know you were still here”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure you got back safely” I smiled “So how was your date?”
“I want to get changed… I’ll be back in a second and I’ll tell you all about it” I said. I walked into my room, and put on some sleep shorts, and grabbed the first shirt I found, quickly took off my makeup and walked back into the living room and sat next to Tom on the couch
“So…?” he asked
“It was a disaster” I mumbled
“Did that bastard do something to you?” Tom asked angrily
“No, he um… he asked me out hoping to get lucky… he wasn’t interested in dating me, he just wanted to buy me dinner before taking me back to his place for… you know.” I saw rage in Tom’s eyes
“That prick… I should give him a piece of my mind”
“Tom… I’m so embarrassed”
“Why? He is the ass… he didn’t try and force himself on you did he?”
“No… I mean he tried to kiss me… but I even chickened out at that. Tom I’ve never even been kissed, what if… what if I’m bad at it?”
“Impossible” he chuckled
“You don’t know that… hell I don’t even know”
“Sweetie kissing is different for everyone…”
“Tom, it’s easy for you to say… you’re an actor you get to kiss women all the time” he chuckled. Then I got an idea, I sat up and smiled brightly at him
“What?” he asked confused
“Can you teach me to kiss?” I asked, his eyes went wide
“Y/N… I…um”
“Please Tom? You do it all the time… please help me”
“Sweetie those are my co-stars… you know actresses… its fake… I mean you’re my best friend… won’t it be… I don’t know… weird?” he couldn’t stop stuttering
“Tom, it’s only weird if you make it weird” he sighed “Tom, please?” I said with a pouty face
“I hate that I can never say no to you” I smiled
“Do you remember the first time we kissed?” I asked, Tom and I are laying in his bed, after having mind blowing sex. It was better than I ever imagined it would be. He chuckled
“Yeah… and that wasn’t a kiss… it got hot in heavy especially when you got into my lap… I found it incredibly difficult to leave… I went home and had to take a very, very cold shower” I giggled
“Really?” I asked
“Baby, I was so turned on… I mean you have no idea how difficult it was to know fuck you that night” I smiled.  I ran my finger up and down his chest biting my lip. He growled and flipped us over so he is hovering above me
“Don’t do that”
“What?” I asked
“Don’t bite your lip like that, as much as I don’t want to leave this bed… I have meetings downtown in an hour… and if you bite your lip again, I wont be able to walk away” I smiled
“Sorry” I said, he leaned down and brought his lips down to mine. The kiss is slow, sweet, passionate, and full of nothing but love.
“I have to go” he said when we broke apart, and I giggled
“Do you really have to go? Can’t you post pone them till tomorrow?” he chuckled, and rolled out of bed, pulled his pants and turned around to face me.
“You have no idea how difficult it is for me to walk away knowing you are here, naked, in our bed” I sat up on my elbows
“Our bed?” he smiled brightly
“Yeah” he noticed the confusion on my face, walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “After that mind blowing sex… do you honestly think I’m ever going to let you sleep in another room?”
“Well… I mean” he chuckled again
“Baby, you are mine” I couldn’t help but smile “I’m never letting you go” He leaned over and kissed me lightly “I can’t wait to make you my wife” he said when we broke apart
“What?” I asked giggling “I’m sorry did I miss the proposal?”
“Oh, baby I’m going to give you the most romantic proposal ever… when you’re least expecting it”
“Tom, we literally just got together” I said
“We’ve know each other for 20 years, we know everything about each other, we’ve lived in the same house for a very long time… you date someone to get to know them…I already know you” I felt a tear roll down my eye
“I know you Tom… I’ll know when you plan to propose” I said
“I wouldn’t be so sure” he said, and I rolled my eyes
“I love you so much” I giggled
“I love you too baby” he got up again and put his button up shirt back on “I’ll be back in about 2 hours or so… why don’t you take a nap?” he asked and I nodded I am truly exhausted especially after not sleeping for 2 days, he leaned over and tucked me in “See you later baby” he said before walking out of the room. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me
I woke up when I felt the bed shift, felt Tom wrap his arms around me, and I quickly turned myself around to face him. He smiled brightly
“How was your meeting?” I asked, and he gave me a playful smile
“I have a confession… I didn’t have a meeting… I went downtown to do some shopping” I giggled
“Tom Cruise… shopping?”
“You want to see what I got?” he asked
“Sure” I said
“Close your eyes” he said I gave him a ‘are you kidding me?’ look “It’s for you” he said
“Tom, you didn’t have to buy me anything” I said
“I know, I wanted to… know close your eyes” I did as he asked, I heard him open the bed side table and he grabbed my hand, I quickly snatched it away
“I swear Tom, you put some bug or something in my hand…” he laughed loudly
“I did that one time… let it go” he said “Now give me back your hand” I put my hand out, he grabbed it and ran his hand over my palm “You have such soft hands” he brought my palm to his lips and kissed it lightly, before turning my hand over. I heard him open a box, and then I felt him slide a ring on my ring finger, my eyes flew open.
I examined the ring on my finger, it is so beautiful. Tom, knows exactly what jewelry I like, and he really got this right.
“Tom?” I asked
“Marry me?” he asked “I love you, I’ve always loved you… please say you’ll be my wife” I felt tears running down my face, he reached up and wiped them away.
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you” he leaned down and kissed me, during the kiss he flipped us over so he his on top of me again. When we broke apart he whispered “You didn’t suspect that proposal… did you?” I giggled
“Shut up” and he kissed me again. For the first time in my life, I am truly happy.
@luckyladycreator2 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @blue-aconite @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @peaches-1999 @callsign-blue @dempy @roostersforevergirl @allivingstone01 @harper1666 @crimeshowjunkie @back-tooo-black
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constantvariations · 1 year
Here it is, folks. Season finale of the worst RWBY season to ever be made. Yee to the haw
Post Ep: nowhere near as offensive as what I was expecting but holy exposition dump Batman
Noticing this one is 26 minutes long as opposed to last ep’s 16. Thank fuck, I was genuinely worried the finale was going to be bite sized
I swear on every god ever made that if I hear that damn question again I Will Find People
Having this flashback right after the numerous cliffhangers of the last episode is really strange. Unless this is something Ruby is seeing after touching the axe, then this should not be front and center
Is Summer’s hair even long enough to pull off that rose knot? As the y/n protagonist always throwing their hair in a messy bun, I’m no expert on hairstyles, but every time I’ve seen a hair design like that, it’s always been with hair down to the shoulder blades at least
What the hell is that line “I always prefer discretion”? It sounds so unnatural coming from these people and that awkward chuckle afterword cringed my spine into a pretzel. This couple with a child and possible marriage feel like awkward dates at the prom
Why are the mouth animations for smiles this season so damn weird? I wouldn’t be surprised if the animators forgot what a smile looks like considering their circumstances Also does Raven look off to anyone else? I can’t put my finger on it but it’s not quite the same as her V5 model Also also, this makes it really fucking stupid that Yang’s original purpose to finding Raven was to get information on Summer and IT WAS NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH
OKAY Ruby was seeing it! Thank fuck they got SOMETHING right
Someone put some damn captions on this bitch. I should not be hearing the kits messing with the recycling more than the dialogue
Ruby hasn’t been violent when upset since Weiss and the tree in V1 iirc. Strange trait to bring back now, but aight Also, how the fuck do you get “give up” from “maybe you ain’t the only bitch with this problem.” That’s some Reed Richards stretching right there
Aaaaaaaand back to fucking Jaune. It amuses me that characters who ire me intensely get “fucking” added to their name like an honorific
Alyx’s hair straight up looks like the dusters I use to clean fiber out of the machines at work
Blake straight up did nothing for the solid ten seconds Nyeo attacked her lmaooo
Hey, look! Team attacks! When the fuck did those get strategized?
Listen, I genuinely feel bad for Neo here. I don’t care about the bullshit of last episode; no one deserves to have their body violated like that
Holy fuck that is a visual monstrosity my eyes are fucking burning
“Your time is running out” bitch the caterpillar got a whole day or two, why does Ruby get like. 2 hours max?
God can they stop with the bees we get it theyre canon stop the fucking bees I’m developing a goddamn allergy at this point
Hey, Weiss ain’t the first one to have her aura broken for once!
Feels stupid cheap to have Ruby choose herself because of a thing her mom said while she was asleep a decade ago instead of Ruby actually going through options and debating until she realizes that she can’t/doesn’t want to be anyone else Like. Nothing really happened to make her switch from suicidal to accepting? She saw a flashback, had a vague conversation with the blacksmith, and looked at some weapons. Where is the development? Why is she suddenly okay with being Ruby Rose again when five minutes ago she drank the tea? The biggest thing so far is the flashback, but that’s stupid. Her mother’s impact should NOT be that great considering she a) hasn’t been around for the majority of Ruby’s life, therefore the only tie between them is blood relations and b) was JUST revealed to have left the family willingly for secret reasons
The music is dope though. Red Like Roses has always been one of my favorites
The “We Love Ruby! <3″ lines delivered one by one is so damn awkward. Is this an after school special? Weren’t these the exact kinds of lines that Weiss said LAST EPISODE were unhelpful to Ruby due to the pressure they inadvertently put on her?
Once again, I am asking what the fuck the Neojabbers are since her semblance is MIRROR ILLUSIONS not PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION. Like, glad that even the heroes are horrified by someone being eaten alive, but it still doesn’t make any sense Also what’s going to happen to Wonderland without Curious as its monitor or whatever? How are the folks who can’t reach the tree without help going to ascend? Is this a good thing or is it going to send Wonderland into an unbalanced nightmare?
“[Neo] will find herself.” Uh huh. Sure MKEK. That’s the reason Neo’s staying in Wonderland instead of charging after Cinder with the force of a thousand suns. Y’all really dragged my dead gay son into this mess for this horseshit
“I like to think we did at least a little good.” Exactly when did you guys help anybody? All I can think of is that stupid cheese root from the first episode
If Little follows them into Remnant I’m throwing RT into the ocean. Especially if they don’t let Juniper come along. That dude is the only mf in this season that didn’t get fucked over
Is this one-by-one dialogue about another character’s traits going to be a thing? I’m already sick of it
Somewhat. That’s the new name. Why couldn’t they go with the standard Socks or Blue or Kai or insert other silly common nb name here. Do you know how difficult it’s going to be making that sound natural?
I genuinely am uncomfortable at this reunion. Ruby’s incredibly emotional but Somewhat is just kinda there. Reminds me way too much of meeting someone who knew me as a kid and get way too intimate because of that (it happened a lot since my grams raised like. half the town back in the day) Did they really just throw this in to throw it in? What’s the point of this deeply creepy scene other than answering the question of “what happened to Little?”
Nooo bring Juniper with you!!! They’re the only good character!!!
Hold hands and jump at the same time. Reach the ground at different times. Aight
So the gods were originally Afterans? “The tree’s earliest blossoms.” That raises so many fucking questions: how did Remnant come to be if it’s an entirely separate dimension(?) from Wonderland? What connects the two? Are the entities in the relics Afterans as well? If so, are they in the relics willingly? Were they created by the brothers or the tree? Does this make the tree the source of all life as they know it? What powers the tree? If Wonderland goes to shit, will that affect Remnant and any other playgrounds the brothers or other gods might have made?
These mfs really using Mr Monty’s words to justify their shitty god tier writing?
Why did the brothers build modern human houses for the animal creatures instead of creature specific housing (a dam for beavers, a nest for birds, etc)? This seems to be early stages of life so I don’t think you need to delve straight into Craftsman architecture
The jabber origin is so dumb. These idiot brothers tried to design a lawnmower and made Jason Voorhees Also, that doesn’t even make sense. Wonderland is a self contained ecosystem where all energy essentially gets recycled. The jabber disrupts that by permanently ending whoever it gets its chompers on. This would make more sense if we saw new life coming in, but so far it seems like all the tree creations happened back in the day and everything now is a brother creation. Since we’ve yet to see any evidence of their return, this means that there is a finite amount of life in Wonderland, meaning that the jabber, given enough time, could end all life within because it has no other purpose and no counterbalancing force Though, since Neo killed(?) the jabber, does this mean there is no force working for or against the living in Wonderland? Seriously, what the fuck is going to happen here?
“True balance requires only love and the patience to see things through to the end.” Tell me you’re begging for a v10 greenlight without telling me you’re begging for a v10 greenlight That’s not even remotely true because balance, especially among the sentient, requires EFFORT and COOPERATION. Or did y’all already forget your “trust in love” season got people murdered?
Jaune is young again. Many shocking. Much wow
“When you are needed most.” It better be in that fucking desert y’all dumped two whole ass cities in with only like. 4 trained warriors against a horde of grimm in a sandstorm
Nope! That would’ve been too straining on the budget much of a downer to end on. Still shot of Sepia - I mean, Vacuo and that’s it! Show’s over, folks!
I can’t discern a single word but I like the ending song lol
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sohmiya · 1 year
Nikka! I’m crying and banging my head against the wall at how talented you are when it comes to songwriting because I could neverr have the skill set 😫 however I do have angst & Evren lyrics for you <3 (they’re shit though so don’t perceive me!!)
Less angsty to start with—after Second Coming and Evren meet and become friends, I see him happily name-dropping them in their new song (I’d like to think the song is just a fun vibe, it’s currently title-less though):
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More angsty! Evren going to the studio at like 3am after that ‘breakup’ argument with Max, and he’s hurt and pissed off.
I imagine he called Cypress on the way there because ✨rant about the girl you love to your best friend✨ and Ev’s all like “Cy, you’re awake!” “I’m more worried that you are” “it’s cute you’re concerned about me, I’m driving to the studio anyway” “why…? Evren, wait, are you still hung up over Maxine? you can come over and we can chat, my siblings are asleep” and Cypress is genuinely upset and concerned bc he’s seen Evren heartbroken before “Cy, as much as I’d love that, I do need to let some frustrations out”
He calls his band and FaceTime’s them whilst he’s at the studio too—and they all pretty much know about Max and him—but also that when any of them call each other at stupid o’clock it means that there’s a song idea brewing.
Obvs had to name the song after their ship name:
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I imagine when he performs this on stage that the fans sing back the bits that are in italics.
And when he has to go on talk shows and social media and promote the song, the question he gets every single time is “who’s the pretty red head?”, and he’ll just genuinely smirk and come up with witty answers like “well, listening to the song won’t be fun if I tell you”
And when nice interviewers ask how he’s doing I imagine him saying, “oh, yeah, I’m okay now. it happened, I wrote a successful song about it, and the good things I said about her are true and that won’t change”
But also him being nervous af to contact Maxine bc she could absolutely hate the song and he’d be ready to apologise for the argument in the first place, but he’d text after a few days like ‘hey, are we good? x’ and then like another one an hour later like ‘by any chance, do you know if your ex hates me??’
no wait cause after the second coming name drop i can imagine max hitting evren up as soon as she hears the song and tease him like “if you wanted to collab all you had to was ask” NDJSJSKSKSK and the tennis references mhm i think he did it for me 😌🥂
and oh my god the cypress cameo 🥹 my favorite boys talking about love problems 🥹 no cause you don’t understand. i love ev’s friendship with everyone but his bond with cy just sits SOOOO right with me. it’s like cy acts like a big brother to him and evren acts like a cool uncle to the mini de veras <3
knows i’m better than her ex, ain’t even talkin bout the sex
like after every ride we weren’t fucking high and she hits me with “we should be friends”
and the miracles verse….. “prayed to lady jesus in church”……… i just know your pen was on fire like i’m not kidding i wish i wrote that verse i’m gonna steal your brain
and the “calm during our storms” he really said OUR 😭😭😭😭😭😭
evren acevedo if things also don’t work out with miko i’m single and ready to mingle
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But also him being nervous af to contact Maxine bc she could absolutely hate the song and he’d be ready to apologise for the argument in the first place, but he’d text after a few days like ‘hey, are we good? x’
i don’t think maxine could be pissed at him calling her out at the “we should be friends” line even if she tried like. she’d be impressed tbh 😭😭😭😭 like she would reply with a spotify screenshot with stw on repeat then she’d quote that line in the first verse to him and go “YOU DID NOT” NDNSMSKS but before evren could think she was serious she’d send another text “JK YES WE’RE GOOD EVREN THIS IS SOOOO GOOD” and considering the emotional weight of the argument that inspired the song, maxine 100% would stop herself from making a joke about how he “prayed to lady jesus in church” because she definitely had him kneeling a few times 🫢 sdhdjskkaks
‘by any chance, do you know if your ex hates me??’
HE’S SOOOOO 😭😭😭 the contrast between the wild ace and evren is so funny yet so endearing to me he’s such a cutie pie <333
max would say something like “idk and idc. i like you- *backspacebackspacebackspacebackspace* “idk and idc”
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I’m sorry Steve Harrington x Fem!henderson reader
Warnings-cheating Steve,crying break ups and make ups,kissing,swearing,getting drunk if there are anymore feel free to tell me
Note from author- family video reader scoops ahoy Steve
You was finally coming back from California after a year you left to finish your education in a college in California you was on the plane back to hawkins Dustin was so happy he told Steve and Steve forgot you was coming back and he was kissing Nancy (your best friend) and when you walked in the wheeler house you was welcomed to your boyfriend kissing your best friend and Dustin and Mike stood behind them
You stood In shock trying not to cry you walked in and got Dustin and walked out wiping your eyes and Steve saw you and immediately thought oh shit
“Yn your finally back” Dustin smiled
“Mhm best welcoming back fucking gift my boyfriend kissing my childhood best friend” you mumbled
“Yn there’s better gifts at home” Dustin said
You nodded continuing driving
The second you walked back in your house everyone was there and you saw your child hood boy best friend edward ‘Eddie’ munson you jumped straight into his arms hugging him
“EDDIE” you shouted
“Hey yn I’m guessing you missed me but what about Steve” Eddie said
You only replied with a mhm until out of breath Mike ran in warning everyone steve and Nancys coming you and Eddie already stoped hugging and your rolled your eyes and Steve and Nancy walked in
You and Eddie was drinking pretty heavily like lots of drinks and Steve grabbed your shoulder
“Yn you’ve had plenty” Steve said
“Fuck off you cheater go talk to your new girlfriend” you shouted extremely drunk
Everyone’s head turned around when they heard the word cheater knowing how happy you was a year ago with him
“Yn come on you are my girlfriend you’ve had enough to drink” Steve complained
“Your talking to the wrong person” you shouted
You was extremely drunk and was saying a lot of shit like you couldn’t see straight drunk
“Yn listen” Nancy said
“Oh some fucking friend you are go to my I mean your fucking boyfriend” you slurred at Nancy
“Steve go sort yn out” Robin said
“She can go slur herself to fucking sleep I’m not talking to her” Steve snapped his hands on his face regretting what he’s done
The next morning you regretted everything you was sick but still had work you was sat at the family video counter really upset nearly crying when people bought love movies just knowing you was single hurt you not even thinking about Steve cheating you was trying to avoid anything to think of it
Dustin Mike and the party walked in to you sat chewing gum hoping the shift would go by quickly but nope it was going slower than ever
“Hey kiddos” you mumbled
“Hey yn we bought you a drink” dustin said
“It’s gonna be okay I got through mine and els break up when we broke up you can get through this” Mike said
“Yeah but eleven didn’t cheat on you and you got back with her” you whined
Steve walked in and you looked at your watch
“Oh look at the time it’s Time for my break” you said
“Yn come on talk to me you can’t avoid me forever” Steve said
“Oh she’ll try man” the whole party said
You walked in the back hoping Steve would leave but he won’t until you spoke to him so yoh rolled your eyes drinking your water were Steve would jokingly knock your drink spilling it on you just so you could leave and wear some of his clothes
“Yn look I’m sorry” Steve said
“Okay cool im on shift leave” you replied
You hated being a jerk towards Steve but at the moment he deserves it steve left and got flowers and stuff you love he spent the whole rest of the day apologising to the mirror pretending it was you
After your shift you went home and sat on the sofa letting the party doing anything except drink beer
“Max put the alcohol down” you said
She laughed and Steve knocked on the door
You walked and answered it
“Look hear me out yn I know you hate me but you need to listen without closing the door on my face I’m so so sorry I love you so much I just it was a mistake I didn’t mean to kiss her I know you hate m-” Steve was saying before you cut him off
“I don’t hate you I hate myself for being a jerk but I hate the fact you cheated on me I was gon for a year I know it’s a long time but we called over the telephone all the time” you replied to his apolagy
You shrugged your shoulders and kissed him and he kissed you back holding your sides and you was holding his neck
The next week you was the happiest they’ve seen you in the past year and Dustin wouldn’t train the happy you for the world
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hey Layla! I’m curious.. who is a fictional character you find yourself identifying with? And why? I feel like it says a lot about a person 🥰
Hiii <3 i love this question but omg its difficult.
Here me out on this one but
Mole (Wind in the Willows)
🌿 He starts off so quiet/reserved and isolated, he lives his quiet underground life minding his own business and well, i guess staying in his comfort zone... But he does have the desire for adventure, later whenever ratty is shaking his head and not wanting to go along with toads plans, its moley who is like "oo but it could? Be fun" like he's uncertain but he has this kind of want for excitement. Which is very much me as i have been my whole life, im really shy, and I'm anxious about things, but i have a curiosity that means whilst i do prefer my comfort zone and my little house with all my little things, theres still something inside me that craves the excitement and draws me to the wild wood. Like i too would have heard ratty say "we don't go there" and immediately been curious as to why.
🌿He's so anxious but so fiercly loyal to his friends that he faces his fears and puts himself in harms way to save his friends and I'm like that too, anxious, terrified to talk to people, but the moment a friend needs me, i find my voice for them. Also there's like a level of stupid to his loyalty, like when he goes into the wild woods on his own, doesnt even know where he's going but he just goes because he feels he has to for toad, so he just stumbles on in, knowing its a bad idea but doing it anyway. I do that alot haha
🌿 He's younger that badger and ratty and he really looks up to them in every way, like theyre not father figures but theyre older, wiser friends who moley looks to for protection and to learn from too, they show him the riverbank and all these new things like Messing about on boats!! And he really admires them but also trusts them immediately, almost naively, just trusts them and I feel like thats very much what i am like when i make friends with any male my age or above. I look for friends with that "take you under my wing" nurturing side to them. (like how me and B became friends, it was because he really did just keep me tucked under his wing)
🌿He's so earthy (yes i know he's a mole) but hes so earthy and he loves his dark damp mole hole with all of his little things, its his home and he loves it even though it isnt much and then when he's with Ratty and he realises that he can't remember where it is, and he cries and gets so sad. Like hes so me for real, i love my room, i love making myself a little home, a sanctuary kind of place thats mine that feels totally safe and cosy and comfortabke. And i will quite happily stay in it forever and ever like its my little nest if I get things just right.
Unnamed Narrator/second mrs de'winter (Rebecca /daphne du maurier)
🌿 Shes so young and she falls head over for a sophisticated older man who is more well educated, higher class status etc than she is and she is so taken in by him and like, naively swept off her feet. She's desperate for his approval and giddy whenever she gets it and what can I say... Reading this book made my daddy issues ten times worse because it normalised them haha
🌿 She really is like, an over emotional, naive little waif and she spends the whole novel feeling too much about the smallest of things. There are times when Max is a little sharp with her and she gets overwhelmed with sadness and guilt and shame ans humiliation all at once and sits there trying not to cry but crying anyway and like, literally last night i was overtired and sulking and B made a passing comment about me being in a foul mood and I waited until he'd left the room and then burst into tears with the intention of getting it out my system whilst he was gone (but he came back into the room unexpected and saw me and was just like oh...) like idk i feel like im a super dramatic takes everything to heart, really easily upset kind of girl? And also like happy things, people showing her basic kindness also sets her off and i too cry at the smallest kind gesture towards me.
🌿Here are some bits i took photos of when reading because i identified so hard haha
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🌿 Shes also just deeply anxious about pleasing other people, living up to expectations, she thinks so much about everything and she spends so much time deeply embarrassed by her own perception of herself, whilst like, biting her nails over whether or not she is doing things right. Shes so aware of her own naivety and yet also not at all.
🌿Max is constantly calling her a silly little girl, B is constantly saying similar to me, for similar reasons (like he acts a little distant once, or forgets to be soft with me once and i become convinced he hates me haha)
Thank u for this it was fun, i do think ive basically revealed myself to be even more whimiscal and pathetic than we already thought though haha <3
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mymisfitsbabe · 2 years
Demons play
(Happy fluffy times)
“You let them pick a scary movie?” Billy asked from behind them.
Everyone screamed at the sound(aside from El, who had heard him coming), Steve had jumped up ready to defend the kids. Hargrove just stood there looking unfazed. Steve looked back at the kids who mostly looked shocked, aside from El who waved at him then turned back to watch the movie(she had eggos so she didn't care if he killed Steve or not). Looking back amused, Steve caught the hint of a smile on Billy’s face(he thought she was adorable too), he liked the way Billy tried to hide it and found himself looking at Billy with a goofy smile. Once Hargrove’s eyes caught Steve’s he shook it off and remembered he needed to defend the kids(or at least the boys), Billy smirked at him clearly unafraid.
“Hey, Sinclair.” The blond gave him a dark look, it only lasted a moment before he winked at the kid.
“Don’t start Billy.” Steve answered the perceived threat, stepping between Billy and Lucas.
“Calm down Princess, I’m not here to pick on your kids.” Billy laughed, he put his hands up and shook his head letting Steve ‘win’.
Looking back over his shoulder at the kids who had returned to watching the movie, Steve wondered why Billy was so relaxed about everything, just as Steve turned back to speak Billy gave him a dark look that silenced him. Swallowing hard, Steve could almost see what was going on in Billy’s head. He was picturing that night. Billy's eyes flickered to the kids, concern flashing for a split second before returning to Steve and looking him up and down. Shifting uncomfortably Steve gave the kids some distance before he started scolding Billy.
“Stop looking at me like that! I thought you had a date, why are you back so soon?”
“The chick was a cow, besides I knew you were gonna flip when you realized they tricked you.” Billy laughed light heartedly. “Like they were really gonna see Beverly Hill Cops.”
Steve glared at Hargrove, he didn't like the way Billy had it all figured out. Steve was always the last to know things and knowing even Billy Hargrove had outwitted him peeved him off a little.
Settling back down Steve shook his head starting to go back to the kids, Billy caught his arm and pulled him back. Shoving Billy away Steve pointed a finger at him warning Hargrove to back off, the blond growled and Steve walked up on him again. Not today, Steve wasn't having any of Billy’s bullshit tonight, not with his kids sitting a few feet away. Billy sighed, he let his face fall.
“Sit with me.” Billy asked softly.
Steve looked at him confused, he took a step back and crossed his arms, what was Billy’s game? Gently Billy moved Steve out of his way so he could jump up on the hood, looking at the spot next to him waiting for Steve to join.
Seconds ticked passed and Steve didn't move, Billy groaned and slid off the car sitting against the bumper on the ground just behind the kids, hesitantly Steve walked over and sat next to him. Dustin looked back at the pair giving Steve a look he couldn't place, he figured it meant ‘how the fuck did you convince him not to kill us?’ and Steve wasn't quite sure himself.
The kids ignored the pair through the rest of the movie, Max relaxed and cuddled into Lucas. Steve stole a glance at Billy who only looked a little upset. El let Mike cuddle into her and she wrapped an arm around him. Dustin and Will just watched in awe at all the blood.
Looking over he caught Billy staring at him, Hargrove looked away, his fingers sliding over Steve’s(So smoothe). Slowly Billy leaned in and kissed Steve's neck, shivering at the feel Steve bit back a whimper. After a moment they settled into each other, not too close but still touching enough to make Steve smile.
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