#the school was cheap and screwed me over when I got diagnosed
master-jarrus · 1 year
One of my teachers changed due dates and then changed them back and now my brain won’t process the due dates as real and I can’t even get panic of it being late to motivate me 😭😭😭
0 notes
affordable insurance solutions llc
"affordable insurance solutions llc
affordable insurance solutions llc
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
How to lower My car insurance?
If insurers are now meant to quote the same price for guys and girls for the policy's does that mean if i got a quote for a car as a girl lets say 1000 and I rang the insurer and quoted this would they have to match it so my quote would come down from say 3000 to 1000? As the law is meant to have changed?
First car ideas? I'm going to be 17 so insurance is a problem what car is cheapest to buy and insure?
I'm not interested in a Nissan Micra or Ford Ka. Need a cheap car to insure and to buy..
How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?
My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?
Car insurance with a provisional license?
i have a provisional license, i want to take my test in my car, if i insure myself on the car as a provisional holder. can anyone over 21 whos had a license long enough accompany me? or does the person accompanying me have to be named on the insurance as well? i.e the driving instructor""
Car insurance question?
I have my own car but the title insurance and registration isnt in my name its in my girlfriends step dad name so I could have really cheap insurance. And some girl hit the back of my car the other day but didnt make no police report because I knew her. So she just gave me her policy number agents name and phone number. But my main concern is that will my car be able to get fixed because im not on the insurance? My girlfriends step dad has plpd insurance and so does the girl that hit me and I live in michigan.
""I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?""
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?""
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ?
Is there any insurance policy for critical illness ? I mean if someone is suffering from any critical disease for long time.
Does State Farm auto insurance round the GPA for good student discount?
I have a 2.998 GPA and need a 3.0 for good student discount. Will they round up to a 3.0?
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
About bussines car insurance.?
I have plan to be selfemployed(car mechanic) and I wanna use my own car for my bussines proposal.So what kind of insurance i need to buy? I have problem to choose between trade insurance and bussines car insurance. Sometimes I will need to use my customer's car to pick them up to garage, but mostly I will use my own car and I wanna put advertise sticker on my car with my contact details. (one time i was stopped by police and I had before adverise on my car without bussines insurance, but they let me go and I had to take the stickers off) Have you any idea about which insurance is better? Many thanks""
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
Braces without insurance?
I'm trying to get braces without insurance.I live in milwaukee wisconsin. I have like 1,000 dollars saved up. Is there any way of paying a partial payment at first then pay per month? Is there any way of reducing the cost? Is 1000 not enough to start the treatment? Plz help, thanks in advance.""
Single input multiple quote car insurance?
looking for multiple quotes on car insurance with single information input
I have just passed my test and i have been looking for car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver?
I have been looking at car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver and she only have a provisional license and it has come out 600 pound cheaper, every thing is correct on the quote, does anyone know why this is.""
Are Insurance company annuities insured by the government of the USA?
Are Insurance company annuities insured by the government of the USA?
Best health insurance?
I am a student and my fiance and I don't have health insurance. the one offered at my school is basically for emergencies only but i am looking for one that covers dentist, eye doc., and especially dermatologist. what do you recommend...something that doesn't have a huge deductible. pricing?""
Car insurance 16 year old living in NC?
I am turing 16 in March and I am looking at buying a car. How much does car insurance cost a month? I don't know which car I'll have. I live in the Charlotte area
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
Universal Health Insurance?
I am conservative but I go agree that we need universal health insurance. But I haven't studied too much in depth on it. In your eyes (both liberal and conservatives answer please) are the pros and cons of unversalizing healthcare? How would universal health care work for people with diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS? What about people who have not been diagnosed with diseases, and tend to only see a doctor when they are sick? What about preventive care (aka mammogram for women, prostate check for men)? What are experimental medical procedures and experimental medications? What about fertility clinics for women who cannot become pregnant? What about anything else I forgot? And please, no arguing, this is just opinions.""
""What type of Life Insurance is best for my husband and I? (We just purchased a home, we are both 23 years old)""
My husband and I are both 23 years old and we just purchased a home. We have been under pressure from our Insurance Agent and our Mortgage broker to obtain Life Insurance in case something happens to one of us. We would like to have coverage in case something happens. I know the importance of Life Insurance, as my mom was killed in a car accident when she was only 38. So, we want to be protected, and we want our house to be safe. We are pretty much clueless when it comes to Insurance policies. I ALREADY LOOKED UP THE INFO ON WIKIPEDIA, SO PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME MORE OF THAT. I want opinions on what the best kind of Life Insurance is for us. Term (but if it is a 30 year term, does that mean when we are for example 54 and something happens after the 30 years, we aren't covered???) or Permanant (whole life, and others). We didn't like the decreasing term policy our agent showed us. We have gotten 2 quotes for Term Life. Help us make an informed decision!!! Please!""
Why won't insurance pay for my MRI?
I'm 16 and I've been having problems with my TMJ. So a month or two ago I went to the hospital for an MRI on both sides of my jaw. Yesterday my mother told me that they are charging $11,000 for my MRI and insurance isn't going to pay for it. She also told me my maxillofacial specialist told her at the most it should have been $3000 total or $1200 for each side. Why does insurance pay for the surgery to correct TMJ disorders but not the MRI to diagnose it? Even when surgery is a last resort effort to correct the problem and isn't recommended most of the time. And it sucks even more for me once I am 18 because I'm basically screwed.""
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakout Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
affordable insurance solutions llc
affordable insurance solutions llc
Insurance on a Mazda miata mx5?
Would it be considert a sports car? And how much would the insurance go up from a regular adult insurance?
Which Car Would be Cheaper to Insure?
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither are GT! I'm just wondering which would be cheaper. ((BTW Yes I would pay for everything myself!) Sorry for the all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME A WEBSITE OR TELL ME TO CALL AN AGENT. I'm not looking for a number I just want to know if they would be much different in insurance prices. One more question, would they be much cheaper than the 2001 Mustang Convertible, if so a lot cheaper, or a little? I got a quote on the mustang a while ago, so I know how to compare that some! 16 year old Female. Thank you for those of you who answer my question!! :)""
Homeowner insurance am I right?
So am I right? If I rent-to-own a home but the deed is still in the owners name untill I pay off the house. I cannot get homeowner insurance because the deed is in the owners name? But after I pay the house off I can get homeowner insurance because the deed will be in my name? I am paying the homeowners insurance though and if somthing happends to the house what the insurance will pay is the balance and I get nothing. So I should get renters insurance ??
Good Insurance? Any Advice?
Hello, I am looking for a good, affordable insurance plan and don't know where to look for some good ratings or tips. I am married but the insurance would only be for me, my son has insurance already as well as my husband. It costs us way to much money to add me to my husbands insurance through work. Any tips on where to look and how to go about the search? I am looking to spend somewhere between $300-$500 monthly for it, I am in the United States. I also have some health issues. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any tips that would help me out would be so appreciated! Thank you to everyone!""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
What is the average car insurance rate for a 16 year old female in Arizona with standard coverage?
what would be the approximate monthly charge?
Do I have to have car insurance?
I use to own a car and had insurance I now sold the car and drive a company car 100% of the time. I called my insurance guy and told him to cancel it and he says that Illinois has a state law that says I have to have insurance on a car since I live at home with my parents and everyone in the house has a car. I could potentially get in to one of there cars and be uninsured. I told him I don't cuz I still a car with company insurance he said I have to have a policy with my name on it by law is this true?
Health insurance after an injury?
I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?""
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
Car vs Motorcycle?
I have a Chevy Cobalt that get around 35mpg but I drive over 150 miles a day should I get a motorcycle to save money? if so what kind I was think about a Ninja 250 i weigh 165 pounds and am 5'10
Question about car insurance?
Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or is it the other way around?
How much $ a month would insurance cost me?
I want to get a 93-97 Trans am, or Camaro. I'm a 21 year old male.""
Where can I find Affordable Dental Insurance. I recieve coverage from my job but need more coverage?
I recieve 1000 a year form my job, and I need more work done. I have used the max, so please let me know what is the best plan for me""
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
How much does health insurance cost on average per person?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
What laws if any must car insurance companies follow when responding to a claim?
It seems that the only remedy if an insurance claim in Ontario cannot be resolved is to take the issue to court. The average driver may not be aware of any legislation that may force insurance companies to meet certain deadlines.
How can I price/estimate what my car insurance payment will be if I don't currently have a car?
I live in New Jersey. I haven't EVER had my own car insurance although when I was in high school I was on my parents' insurance. I am a 28 year old female. Thanks all!!!
What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t?
The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping
How much will my insurance increase if i get a 1994 mustang ?
I'm 18 and right now i have a really crappy 1994 mercury topaz and my parents pay my insurance, which is $110 a month, but they said if i want a better car, i have to pay the insurance increase and was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess of what ill be paying. Thanks""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?
does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?? i got in a accident with a motorcycle and my insurance is way up that i cant afford it. if i buy a car would my insurance be up like my motorcycle since i got a accident in it? or is it two seperate insurance's
Should Americans pay for those who are too irresponsible to buy health insurance?
If cons repeal the Affordable Care Act we'll go back to the old system where hospitals tack-on extra charges to patients with insurance in order to cover their ER losses. Under ...show more
Insured driver drives uninsured vehicle and crashes into my car. Is her insurance responsible?
Basically a woman who has her own insurance drove her friends uninsured vehicle and crashed into two parked cars including mine. Will the drivers insurance par for the damages or will they get out of paying? I have my own insurance, but I don't want my rates to go up because of this moron which is why I would rather have the drivers insurance pay for it. Any advice would be appreciated.""
What is the Best health Insurance???
I'm trying to get Insurance but I don't know if it comes with my job.....How do i get health Insurance..... I was wondering Whats the best Health Insurance out there that would help cover a lot of money.......Because since I'm older now my Fathers Insurance can no longer cover me and I'm trying to support myself...... Thank you all sooo much for your answers ^_^
affordable insurance solutions llc
affordable insurance solutions llc
Do you need insurance for a scooter under 50cc in Pennsylvania
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 yr old female?
hi. im 17 years old and live in glendale arizona. i want to buy a honda rebel 250. but im kind of worried about the insurance costs. i get average grades and am a good driver behind the wheel of a car and behind handlebars. how much do you think theyll ask of me?
What if I don't want to have Obama's health insurance or any health insurance?
I have had health insurance through my employer for the past 10 years. It covers everyone in my family and I pay about $70 a month for it. It's very affordable and I hope to keep ...show more
""How much do you think car insurance would be, ballpark range?""
I'm getting my first car in a few weeks, and we're going to *** it to my parents' insurance. They have a car and a van, and I wonder what the difference would be to add my volkswagon new beetle-to-be to their plan. My goal is to budget $400 to the car each month for payments and insurance. Do i have the right idea? (payment $150-200 hopefully) That'll leave me $400 give or take spending and saving. Thanks much.""
How to get bonded and insured in Texas?
We are starting our own business and running it out of our house. We need to get bonded and insured, but we don't know where to start. Anyone have any suggestions?""
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
$600 Fine For Expired Car Insurance? BC Canada?
Today I got a $600 fine for a week expired car insurance and my car got taken away to an impound . Is that the right price for British Columbia, Canada?? Because I've heard that its supposed to be 100-200 first time, 300-400 second time, 500-600 third time? This is the first time I've ever had a ticket because of expired car insurance so why is it so dam expensive? Can I get some of my money back at least? Seriously $600 is way too much""
I put the wrong dettails on car insurance quote!:(?
hi everyone.A year ago i bought a car insurance and when i done the quote i ve put by mistake that i have my licence for 5 years and i only got it for 3 months at the time!now my insurance is due to renewal and as i was looking thru the details on my insurance i noticed that there is a mistake about the years for how long i got my licence.now i found a differente insurance company that is giveng me cheaper quote,i got my licence now for 1 year and 4 months.whats gone happen now with that mistake? PLEASSE HELP! EXCUSSE MY ENGLISH!""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to get a car this September. - The car will have a maximum of 1.4L engine and will probably be a VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus or a Vauxhall Corsa. - I will be 20 years old and will have been holding a driving license for 1.5 years. - I am planning to use the car at University (Nottingham) and have off road parking space. I am a medical student. - I have not been insured on any car before, hence don't have any no claims, but parents have loads and I'll be getting them as first driver. So, how much would I be expecting to pay for a year? Please don't suggest comparison sites.""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost me in CA?
I'm 20 years old college student, I'm getting the 2013 Ninja 300 (my first bike), I have had no accidents driving my car since I've started driving. I haven't gotten my motorcycle liciense yet, how much will it cost me on average..?""
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Vehicle insurance question?
If I make a buisness delivery in my personal vehicle and have an accident, will my insurance cover me?""
Expensive insurance. why?
I've never been in an accident or recieved a ticket before so why is my insurance so expensive. Yes I am male but I am 25 ... It should have become cheaper a while ago but I'm paying about 50$ more a month than all of my friends and some have the same company.. I have liabillity as well.. how much cheaper should your insurance be if you never been ticketed or been In a crash? Thanks.
Insurance for moving to USA?
Myself and my partner are moving to the USA. We will need travel insurance and some health cover, and although we will both have health insurance with our new jobs, we will need cover for the first month and I am looking to see if I can find a travel insurance policy that provide the cover. Trouble is, the standard travel insurance I have seen so far assume that we will still live in the UK and that we just want cover for a months 'holiday'. One way travel insurance seems to stop 24 hours after we land in the USA Does anyone know of a one way travel insurance that will cover us for the journey and the first months stay""
Questions about car insurance?
I need to make a change regarding my car insurance but I am not sure what is considered being dishonest. I got the policy through an insurance agent and i think the below factors are what is causing it to be a little high. 1. I live in my mom's house at the moment but I pay rent to her. On time/every month, it's non negotiable. Am I ok to say that I rent? 2. I have had my car for two and a half months and have never driven to work. It just seems like a huge hassle to wait in traffic and pay high parking rates. However the agent put it down that I drive to work and for pleasure. If I choose pleasure only would that lock me into really never ever being able to drive to work? I did an online quote with the same company that I have now (Progressive) and put in rent and drive for pleasure only;it came out $40 cheaper. I'm just not sure if I'm being dishonest. Thank you!""
Insurance rate about traffic violations question?
Ok so ive gotten 6 tickets since ive gotten my licenese about 8 months ago. Got the tickets on 3 different occasions. Yes I am a dumbass and will never conduct a traffic violation again because of my last incident. Ok so heres my question will 2 underage drinking charges, having open liquor in a motor vehicle, not being able to provide owndership, public intoxication, and tresspassing affect my insurnace if the motor vehicle being involved is checked off on the tickets? I know the open liquor charge will forsure. But what about the other ones? Your answer are much appreciated""
Why my insurance is expensive?
my dad will buy me new insurance. also he will get me new mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance agent sent us a message. i was suprised because my new insurance costs me 1,927.00 dollars for 6 months! it will be close to 4,000 for a year. and im 18 why?! i never had car accident, no tickets, and more! im good driver for 3 years and have good grade. and i live in orange. why?! tell me please. thank you! :)""
How much does Homeowners Insurance cost?
Whats a good estimate for how much my homeowners insurance would be if I'm a first time buyer, my home is around 300,000. and I have good credit, plus the home is in a brand new developement. I just want an estimate. Thanks.""
Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?
Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
Does my car insurance go up if I got a speeding ticket out-of-province?
So I have an Ontario license and I got a speeding ticket (15mph over - 24km/h over) in NY near the border. Keeping in mind that this is my very first traffic ticket: 1. How much am I likely to pay? 2. Does it affect my insurance? 3. (I don't really care cause this probably won't happen again) Do I lose any points?
Who provides really affordable car insurance?
I'm 19 in a month, I drive a 2002 Ford explorer and it needs to have full coverage. What are some cheap insurance providers for teenagers? What can I do to lower the cost?""
""Insurance rates in California to rise 147% under Obamacare,was obama lying or does he just not know?
What is the average cost difference between full coverage insurance and liability insurance?
approx how much difference that is, like are we talking about couple hundreds 300-600 or alot more than that? thank you""
affordable insurance solutions llc
affordable insurance solutions llc
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
How much would the rate be of the car insuance?
Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:""
Haotian vixen 125-8 motorcycle insurance?
I have recently purchased a haotian vixen 125-8 motorbike to learn on. i will soon be doing my CBT. I understand that it is an imported bike but i cannot seem to find any insurance companies that know of the make, what can i do ?""
I own a car and am selling it to a guy. He is the only driver. He refuses to get insurance.?
I have given him 3 months to get insurance, but he hasnt gotten it yet. I have kept the vehicle on my insurance until he gets it, but he still hasnt gotten it. And now he is complaining that I should stop insuring it so that he doesnt have to reimburse me for it. My questions are: What would happen if i dropped the insurance and he got pulled over or in a wreck? Who would be responsible, me or him? Could my rates be raised? Could I personally get into trouble with the law for allowing an uninsured driver drive an uninsured car that I own? We're in the process of getting a temporary title for him so that I won't be responsible, but in the meantime I need to know the consequences. I live in Ohio.""
Whats the best insurance company for young male drivers?
im 17. passed my test in sept this year. want to insure new citeron c1 1litre or 2001 or 1999 corsa expression 1 litre. whats the best insurance company. best quote is 3k so far.
State Farm Insurance Rate Question?
My dad added a new plan to his inurnace coverage that teh insurance rep told him would only cost him $3 a month. Next thing we know, our premium goes up by about $100. Is there a way to tell if the lady lied about the $3 a month thing and that it really was more like $15-$20 a month? I asked another rep and she said that there was a rate increase.It very well may be a rate increase, but these people just seem so incredibly shady that I'm not putting it past them one second to lie. Perhaps I can ask a different state farm why there was an increase in our bill? Basically, how can I find out for SURE what that $100 increase was for? Without asking the reps we usually go through? Perhaps call the main State Farm branch? Thanks!""
Moped insurance for 16 year olds?
about how much would the insurance cost me for my moped, i'm 16, i have my provisional licence? x""
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
Health Insurance for Low Income?
We are looking for an affordable health insurance plan. I'm 39 and my husband is 45 living in San Francisco. Healthy and never had injuries or big illness. We used to have a kaiser plan around $600/m and $25 for every visit. Any better deals?
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
Renters' insurance...yes or no?
I recently moved into an apartment and am contemplating renters' insurance. I have a few questions before deciding on whether to purchase a policy or not. First, is it worth it? The idea seems similar to buying an extended protection plan for a product; yes, the protection plan is cheap, but what are the odds that the product will actually break during the 1-year timeframe? Every item in which I have ever purchased an extended protection plan (TVs, computers, furniture, appliances) has never malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I paid that money to cover myself in the event of something happening, but nothing ever did happen to any of those items. I would say that I've thrown away approximately $1000 over the years on various protection plans. Second, when I am assessing my personal property value, should I overestimate the actual value of my belongings, or provide a more accurate estimate? Do insurance companies require any visual proof of items you own? I know there are more pros than cons to renters' insurance, but I wanted everyone's opinions on whether renters' insurance is a good buy. Thanks.""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
What ia a cheap first car to buy and insure?
I'm looking for a car for when I pass my test. What are the cheapest cars to buy ans insure which are reliable as well?
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Back in April I got a speeding ticket CVC22350, went to traffic school, and paid it off. Now, I got another one today, CVC22349 (a) for going 87 in a 65 (on the freeway). I read that I can request traffic school and if the judge gives it to me, it will take the point away but they will still notify the insurance company of my ticket. Let's say I don't do traffic school. How will this affect my insurance rates? I have Wawanesa insurance. This will be my first ticket that they know of, right? And your first ticket shouldn't affect your rates? Please help!""
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
Renters' insurance...yes or no?
I recently moved into an apartment and am contemplating renters' insurance. I have a few questions before deciding on whether to purchase a policy or not. First, is it worth it? The idea seems similar to buying an extended protection plan for a product; yes, the protection plan is cheap, but what are the odds that the product will actually break during the 1-year timeframe? Every item in which I have ever purchased an extended protection plan (TVs, computers, furniture, appliances) has never malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I paid that money to cover myself in the event of something happening, but nothing ever did happen to any of those items. I would say that I've thrown away approximately $1000 over the years on various protection plans. Second, when I am assessing my personal property value, should I overestimate the actual value of my belongings, or provide a more accurate estimate? Do insurance companies require any visual proof of items you own? I know there are more pros than cons to renters' insurance, but I wanted everyone's opinions on whether renters' insurance is a good buy. Thanks.""
I was hit by a car. Which insurances should be reported?
Okay... I was driving my parents car to work. I am 19. No tickets or crashes since I was 15 and a half. I was rear ended when I stopped for an ambulance. My parents have insurance on that car, but I am not on their policy. I did have my mother's permission to use the vehicle. I have my own liability insurance but on a car that I sold several months ago. I maintained that insurance just in case anything happened. The woman that hit me immediately admitted blame. She also admitted blame to the officer that came out to see us. In fact, she cut him off to admit blame. I hope I am good to go as far as any sort of payment for damages. I understand if I get ticketed for not being on their policy... I just don't want to have to pay for my parent's car out of pocket, I can't afford that. Do all three party's insurances need to be reported? My dad is trying to tell me that my insurance is the only one that needs be reported as well as the woman's that hit me. I disagree. I think that all three need to be - but he's older and wiser than me. I think he just doesn't want his rate to increase so he's trying to make me call the woman and tell her to not report their insurance. Fml, i'm confused. thanks.""
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Mustang Car Insurance?
I am wondering what cost more to insure, a 2000 Ford Mustang Red v6 or a 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg cab. V8 For a 16 year old driver?""
Does the Affordable Care Act force employers to PAY for or just PROVIDE insurance?
I've heard so much about how an employer with 50+ employees will be required to [provide] insurance to their full-time employees. Nowhere, I mean nowhere have I read clarification as to whether this actually means they have to PAY for their employee's insurance or simply PROVIDE it, which is a huge difference. My employer (a hospital) has always PROVIDED insurance but they don't PAY for it. They simply PROVIDE employees with the option to purchase their expensive insurance, which is like $250/month for part time employees. It would literally be 50% of my paycheck to purchase the insurance my employer PROVIDES. Can someone clarify the difference?""
What is good car for cheap insurance?
okay im 16 and now have enough money for a car. I want a GM or Ford car what would be a good car from the 90s that would be the cheapest on insurance.
What is a good place to get insurance for my Dell laptop?
I am studying abroad for 5 weeks and would like an affordable insurance plan for my laptop.
Car Insurance Help..?
I just turned 16 and got my license about 2 months ago. My dad and I are now car shopping for me and I found a car that I really liked, but don't know if it would be expensive insurance or not. If you could help and give me an idea of about how much it will be a month? 2001 Acura TL $5200 (Private Owner) 6 cylinder 3.2 liter vetec 4 door sedan automatic has a salvaged title passed state inspection 77,000 miles I also live in Ohio and my dad has state farm.""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm trying to insure my first car. It's a Rover Metro SI 1.4 auto. I'm 20 years old + am still driving on a provisional lisense. I've held this lisense for 1 year. I'd do around 5000 miles a year when I pass + want third party as the car is only worth 350. I'm also a lady as I know that makes some insurers cheaper. I've tried moneysupermarket.com + confused.com + Quinn comes up the cheapest with a deposit of 109 + then 10 months at 43. However both sites have a big list of insurers that they could not provide quotes for. Does anyone know, or is anyone with a cheaper insurer than Quinn Direct? I live in England, so no American insurers thanks :)""
affordable insurance solutions llc
affordable insurance solutions llc
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morbid-n-macabre · 6 years
Dr. Marcel André Henri Félix Petiot- AKA The Butcher of Paris, or Doctor Satan
Tell me if this one reminds you of HH Holmes.
Marcel had been in trouble with the law multiple times as a young man, jailed more than once, and expelled from school on multiple occasions. He was diagnosed with a few different mental illnesses, including kleptomania- the man would steal anything he could get his hands on. He fought with France in WW1, until he was wounded. At this time his mental illness began to make itself known again, and he was sent to a hospital where his sticky fingers got him in trouble; Marcel was jailed for theft. Still, upon release he very briefly went back to fighting for his country, just weeks later Marcel claimed to have injured his foot with a grenade. Whether this was on purpose or not, nobody knows. He was discharged, and did go on to receive benefits, including a pension.
This is when he went back to school, and in 1921 the mentally ill con man with a criminal record became a doctor. Now, Marcel's newly elevated status didn't mean he was suddenly above breaking the law- he was known to perform illegal abortions, he very liberally over-prescribed narcotics, became addicted himself, it's believed he murdered more than one of his patients and a woman he was dating. Regardless of all this, the Doctor became mayor of Villaneuve. While in office, he embezzled money, was busted, and eventually redesigned. Dude was just underhanded, always scheming. Still somehow the doctor was loved and supported by many. When WW2 came around, it shouldn't be a surprise that the Doc saw dollar signs.
The Nazis had occupied France, and the doctor eagerly provided cheap or free medical treatment to the people who needed it. He also worked for the French Resistance, helping innocent Jews escape with their lives- or so the public believed. They saw this as selfless good deeds, he was a saint in their eyes. Truth be told, the doctor was doing very well for himself; he was even able to purchase himself a new home in the nicest of neighborhoods, this townhouse has been referred to as a mansion. No one could ever have dreamed the horrific things going on inside the doctor's new residence.
On March 11, 1944, a neighbor complained of rancid smelling smoke coming from the good doctor's chimney. Police knocked on the door, but the doctor was not there. Fearing a fire, they barged into the home to investigate and found the surprise of their lives. The smoke was coming from a burning furnace in the basement. Upon closer inspection they noticed human limbs sticking out of the fire!
The doctor quickly explained that the remains belonged to traitors- Nazi sympathizers and Germans. He said that he was the leader of a resistance group- that if the Germans found out about his group, they'd kill him. The doctor was an impressive liar, police bought his story and even mistakenly allowed him to leave. But there were more grisly discoveries to be found in the home, including a headless torso, 2 lime pits filled with the decaying corpses of men, women, and children; and canvas bags throughout the property filled with burnt bones, scalps, and hair. The house's sinks were used to drain the corpses of blood, and he even had a soundproof chamber where his victims were chained up and tortured. The room was complete with a peephole where the sadistic doctor could stand and watch his victim's death.
Authorities quickly realized they'd screwed up majorly and issues a warrant for the doctor's arrest; they found his wife, Georgette, but catching the doctor took 7 months. Upon arrest, Marcel claimed his victims were Nazis; then he said he only found the remains- he was merely guilty of storing them. The truth is utterly horrific. He had been charging 25,000 francs for anyone who wanted to leave France, the victims believed they were going to Argentina or some other far away destination. After they paid, the Dr. would bring these people back to his lab where he'd tell them they needed to be immunized before they left, then he would either inject them with cyanide or gas them with the same chemical believed to be used on the Jews in concentration camps. Before they died, the Doctor forced his victims to write letters to their loved ones saying they made it safely to their destination, and that further communication would not be possible. Once dead, everything they were bringing with them to start their new life was his. The doctor was even known to go to his victim's homes and take whatever he wanted, furniture and all. He'd tell those who asked that it was part of the deal- all belongings left behind were his now. When he first started doing this, he would dump his victims around town, in rivers. The people were afraid, they knew there was a killer on the loose. When the doctor bought his beautiful new home, he found it easier to just dispose of the bodies there. All together, at least 10 full scalps, more than 30 pounds of bones, 11 pounds of hair, 3 full trash cans full of small bones, and 49 empty suitcases were found inside the home.
Authorities knew that the doctor had help, but he never would name his partners in crime. He was convicted of 26 murders, and sentenced to death. Before he died the doctor did admit to 60 murders, but always maintained that the victims were Nazis. In 1946, the Doctor was taken to the guillotine. His last words were, “Gentlemen, I ask you not to look. This will not be very pretty.”
It's believed the doctor's true body count was really somewhere between 60- 160.
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duckydoesthings · 7 years
Summary: Riku is forced into a new reality, when his father Sephiroth pulls him out of the Midgar University and puts him in the ShinRa Military Academy. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to go through. CHARACTERS: Riku Jenova: Born to Sephiroth and Aqua, he is the youngest son out of the quadruplets. Unlike his brothers, Riku is passive and even dreams about being an artist. When his mother died of cancer, he changed his dream to being a paramedic.
Sephiroth Jenova: Father to his sons and husband to late Aqua. Retired military and now currently works as a tester for ShinRa's weapons project. While he deeply cares and loves his sons, he is very strict and has OCD.
Aqua Jenova: Mother to the boys. She worked as a materia and magic specialist at ShinRa before she was diagnosed with lung cancer and was laid to rest two years ago. Unlike her husband, Aqua always pushed her sons to dream big and to follow their heart.
Yazoo, Kadaj and Loz Jenova: Riku's older twins. Yazoo is more chilled out and spends a lot of his time outside, doing work around the house. Kadaj gets his anger issues from his father and does various different martial arts to help control his rage. Loz is a major sports geek and bit of an airhead, but also wears his heart on his sleeve. Loz best gets along with Riku.
Tseng of the Turks: Little is known about Tseng, with the exception of being the leader of President Rufus ShinRa's personal protection service. He dresses in a black suit, and always puts his shoulder length hair in a ponytail. It is also known that he has a tattoo on the back of his neck of a white lily with the stem being loosely wrapped with a pink ribbon.
Kairi Evelon: One of Riku's online friends. She lives on a luscious set of islands where the Jenova family go in the summers. They had been friends for several years and she also helped him through the grief of loosing his mother.
The sound of the Skype call tone interrupted the calm silence of his bedroom. Riku tapped the answer button and set the tablet up to face him.
"Hey Kai. How was the drive over here?" "It was good! I really like Midgar so far!" Riku smiled at her enthusiasm for his home city. It was endearing and really cute. "Its so different then Destiny Islands." "Are you sure? I've been to the islands during the summer." Kairi laughed, leaning back into the hotel chair. The hotel she was staying in was cheap and run down. He offered to help pay for the hotel, but she refused, saying something about how the trip was about him. "You have a point, but there is a considerable difference between the islands and Midgar, Riku." "You're trying to sell a sweater that I've owned my entire life." Riku pointed out, smiling again. He definitely was happy that she was here in the city and he was looking forward to seeing her again. It had been a few years since they had visited their summer home, it was really nice to have that type of relaxed feeling again. "Oh! Sassy Sue over here. Come on Riku, don't look so dazed. I'm here in Midgar for you." "I have a feeling that you're not telling me the full story." "What do you mean?" Clearly she was playing innocent. He knew her well enough to see that. "Why would you come all the way from Destiny Islands to Midgar just to see me?" Kairi shrugged, and leaned forward to grab an envelope. She sat back and started to open it. The white envelope was ripped open and it looked used for a notebook as well. This only made him worry for a second. "Miss Evelon," She started to read the letter, trying to hide her mouth with the paper. It was easy to see she was beginning to smile. "We have reviewed your application and essay, and after careful considerations, we at Midgar University have accepted your application." Riku listened carefully and was absolute shocked. She had gotten accepted into MU too? He couldn't stop the ear to ear grin that appeared on his face. "Kairi! That's so cool! Congratulations!" The redhead put the letter and envelope back onto the desk, matching his grin with her own. "I didn't want to tell you until I was here, so we could tour the campus together!" To him, the way she said it sounded like a date. His cheeks turned a light pink at the thought. "Of course! I just can't believe you kept this from me!" He exclaimed, keeping the smile on his face. From the second floor, he heard the door open and close. Clearly it was his father, coming home from work. "I'm not sorry. Seeing your face made it all worthwhile." She chuckled, pushing her bangs out of her face. She noticed that he had turned away from the screen and towards his door. "Riku?" An older man's voice called faintly through the door. The boy turned back to the tablet and frowned. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Yeah of course. Text me later.." After waving to his friend, he ended the call and shut off the screen. Honestly, he hated to end the call there, but his dad called for him and it was just best to go. Leaving his tablet on the desk, he pushed out of his chair and headed towards the door. 'What could he possibly want now?' Riku thought to himself as he exited his bedroom and headed down the hallway towards the stairs. As he made it to the stairs, Kadaj poked his head out of his room and saw his youngest brother, giving him a knowingly smirk. "What do you want Kadaj? I don't have the time." The boy started for the stairs only to have his big brother block the stairway. "I just thought you would like to hear what I heard the other day." Kadaj crossed his arms over his chest. Out of all his brothers, Kadaj was the one he liked the least. He was always acting like he was better than everyone else and it drove Riku crazy. "I could hardly care less, 'Dajie." The older brother flinched at the childish nickname. "Let me pass, dad called for me." Kadaj moved out of the way, but as Riku started to move for the steps, he said something to get him to stop. "Dad was talking to the head administer of MU a few days ago." Riku turned swiftly and looked at his brother. His mind raced but the only question he wanted answered was 'Why?'. "And?" "And, you should be careful. Dad probably has something up his sleeve." Kadaj shrugged and turned back towards his room, leaving Riku to find the answers himself. He took one last look at his brother before proceeding down the stairs. What did he mean by be careful? Kadaj almost never tried to protect him, especially when it came to their father. There were many times he would throw Riku under the bus even if it was his fault. Riku's stomach twisted into knots as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Slowly he walked past the foyer and into the sitting room to the right of the stairs. Each step he took made his heart race faster and faster. His heart seemed to stop the moment he passed under the white arch and saw his father standing with his back to him, facing the large bay window. Rain decorated the glass with little splatters. If he wasn't so anxious at the moment, he would have thought the scene was so calming. "You called for me, dad?" Riku asked, taking a few steps forward towards his father, heart practically in his throat. Kadaj's warning kept echoing in his head, causing his already high anxiety to skyrocket. Sephiroth kept looking out the window as he spoke in a low monotone voice. "Take a seat, Riku." Obeying his father, he took a seat on the white leather couch, sitting as far away as he could. Was he scared of his father? No doubt about that. Whenever his father got angry, he would reserve himself into a cold and calculating manner and would attack with the determination to break the inner core of the person he was angry at. It was great for when he had served in the Wutai War, but being a father to someone with some mental issues was Riku's one way ticket to a nervous breakdown. Sephiroth turned towards his son with a blank expression on his face and took a seat on the other side of the couch, blatantly passing the armchair that he could have sat in. The house was an eerie calm as Riku waited for his father to speak. "I've pulled you out of Midgar University." Riku sat in shock the moment he heard those words. Did he even hear him right? Everything that he had worked for, vanished the moment his father opened his mouth. He sacrificed a lot of his free time to enter the university right after high school ended, mainly by making sure his GPA was a 4.0 and had several scholarships lined up. He even had a summer job lined up to pay for things that the scholarships didn't, like books or extra items. "Why would you do that?!" Anger flared inside of Riku, causing him to stand up and raise his voice. Never in his life had he even so much as gave his father a dirty look without immense fear he would retaliate in some way, but this was the last straw. His hands started to shake so bad he curled them into a ball and held them to his side. Sephiroth's eyebrows scrunched together and his aquamarine eyes hardened. The boy knew he screwed up bad, but his anger only clouded his judgement. "Sit down, Riku. I will not ask you again." "Not until you tell me why you ruined my life!" Riku turned around and took several steps away from his dad, running his hands through his long hair. He hardly got mad but when he did, he would absolutely loose it. His anger was one of the horrible traits he had gotten from his father. He knew better than to lash out at Sephiroth but there was clearly something else going down that only made Riku's nerve spike to fight mode. "Ruined your life?" Standing up, Sephiroth growled at his son. He crossed the room in three strides and grabbed his wrist, spinning the boy around. Shock crossed Riku's face as he stared at his dad, the anger subsiding rapidly. "You're the one that ruined my life. If it wasn't for your mother, I would have gotten rid of you a lot sooner." Time froze for Riku in that moment. The words echoed in his head, combining with the pain of his wrist being squeezed started to break him down, though he refused to let tears fall as he started to snap out of his paused state. "W-What?" The word came out as a croak. His mind was still processing what his father said. The grip on his hand was released, as Sephiroth stepped away from him. Clearly his goal was to hurt Riku beyond compare, and it worked. He stumbled back and hit his back against the pillar for the door. "I don't need to explain my actions to you. For your mother's sake, I'm sending you to a private college." Again, what? For his mother's sake? If Sephiroth hated him so much, why was he going out of his way to send him to a private college? Nothing was making sense, and it only made his head hurt with swarming thoughts. It was as if his father shook a nest of wasps and let it loose in his brain. "Private college?" Riku took a moment to let his heart calm down before speaking. His hand started to shake a bit. Combined with his racing heart, he could only assume he was on the verge of a anxiety attack. He had to leave the room soon or he wouldn't be able to hide his broken side, only which would be ridiculed by his father. There was a moment of silence between them as Sephiroth watched his son with cat-like eyes. Riku adverted his gaze down, his bangs covering his eyes to hide the tears that started to well up. He had to curl his hands tighter to keep them from shaking further. "Yes, private college. You leave in the morning." Morning? That wasn't much time to pack his things or say goodbye to his brothers. "M-May I be excused to pack?" The words were choked and wobbly, a side affect of his throat tightening. His eyes looked up through his screen of silver hair to see his father wave him away as if it didn't matter to him whether or not he was going to pack. Riku gave his father a curt bow before running back to his room upstairs, where he shut the door and fell against it. He slid down to the floor and covered his mouth to hide his uncontrollable sobbing as much as possible. How could his father do this to him? Unlike his brothers, he was as much as an exemplary son as he possibly could be. He would never miss curfew, always landed on the honor roll, and was always offered to help the family in every way he could. Riku couldn't possibly think of why his father hated him with such a passion that he would even say something like that. Even going as far as sending him away, only re-sparked the fire in his self-hatred pyre. All of this only made him cry harder, tears staining his shirt. As his started to calm down, and the anxiety pressure lowered, there was a chocobo wark that interrupted his thoughts. It was Kairi's personal text tone, one she set for him. It always reminded him of the time when he first met her. She had nearly bowled him over on a runaway chocobo, only to later teach him how to ride them. Riku crawled over to his desk and grabbed the phone, then resumed to sit on the floor with his back against the desk. Whenever he had his panic attacks being down on the floor helped ground him faster. He really didn't know why it helped but he wouldn't complain when he would come out of a panic attack faster. [Kairi: r u ok??? pls txt me] His fingers stumbled as he proceeded to type his response to her, causing him to rely on auto correct to fix his mistakes. [Riku: Are you at the hotel? I need to see you ASAP.] Barely half a minute later, her response came in.
[Kairi: yes im here. do i need 2 get u???] [Riku: No, I can get there by myself. I'll be there soon.] [Kairi: kk. c u soon] The phone was set back on the desk as he got up. He needed to get out of the house so bad that he didn't care about escaping through his window. What did it matter anyways? If his dad hated him so bad, then sneaking out wasn't going to be a huge problem. Grabbing his converse from the shoe rack in his closet, he slipped them on and sloppily tied the laces. As long as his laces wouldn't get caught in the bike chain, he didn't care about how they were tied. Before he left, he made sure to grab his hoodie and phone. The sun had almost finished setting as Riku pushed open the window and peered out. It was early June, yet it was still warm even as the sun had almost completely hidden itself among the horizon. He had only escaped from his room a few times, each time making his anxiety spike from the overall act of defying his father. This time was different. His heart started to harden from his anxiety attack and listening to his father's abusive poison. Riku slipped out of the window and hung onto the frame, digging his fingers into the eggshell white painted wood. This side of the house was flat, and the only way he could get down safely was risking a jump to the tree that sat at least five feet away from his outstretched hand. It was quite the jump and the previous times he risked it, he made it and always thanked the Six for not falling. He could only hope that this time would be the same. As he jumped, there was a moment of serenity as the wind pushed back his hair and he felt as if time stopped in one moment to allow him the brief second of peace. That moment ended when his face came in contact with the bark of the tree. The boy fell several feet, hitting branch after branch until he managed to catch himself, his body dangling in the air. "F-Fuuck!" Riku cursed as his shaky muscles strained to hold onto the branch. There was a good ten feet to go before his feet would touch the ground. His muscles were screaming at him, combining with the now several scraped and bleeding cuts on his hands and face, he lost his grip again and fell. There was no way he was going to be thanking the Six now. His ass felt like it was broken, or at least really badly bruised. Luck or no, he was just glad he landed next to the roots and not on top of them. Slowly, he rose, dusting off the dirt and bark that clung to his clothes. The only real damage was done to his head, where a an open cut to his eyebrow allowed blood to cascade down his face. He touched the wound and realized that he'll need to put something on it or it'll get worse. Making his way towards the garage, Riku checked over his shoulder out of paranoia. Maybe he wasn't as uncaring as he previously thought he was. Still he ventured forth, opening the back door of the garage and slipped in. The garage was dark, even with the last rays of the sun coloring the windows in a dark pink and red glow. It made the room have an eerily feeling, with all the dark shadows lurking where the the little bit of light wouldn't reach. Even as he slowly made his way to the front corner, the hairs on his arms and neck stood on edge. There was still a bit of a fear of the dark that rushed his actions towards the med-kit, where he hastily slapped a band aid on his eyebrow; proceeding to grab his bike and leave the house behind, wind stinging his scrapes as he pedaled his way towards the hotel where Kairi was waiting for him. Her heart jumped to her throat. She was so wrapped up in the game she was playing, that when someone had knocked on the door, it scared her just a bit. Kairi quickly rolled off the bed and opened the door to a sight she wasn't ready to see. He had looked like he was just in a life or death fight with a lion. "Oh my God, Riku! Are you okay? What happened? Was it your brothers? I'll kill them." Her words started to run together as she rushed to her bag and dug through the contents to find a med kit she always carried. He stepped into the hotel and closed the door behind him, taking a set on the edge of her bed. "Kai, I'm fine." The redhead found the small white box and pulled it out, a pair of purple lace panties falling out along with it. Riku noticed it, but couldn't say anything as she turned his face to her as she sat on the bed next to him. "Tell me what happened." He noticed that her voice changed from frantic worried for her friend to calm and authoritative. It made him follow her command, his skin tingling where she touched his jaw. "I fell right into a tree, trying to jump out of th-OW!" His story was cut off as she ripped off the makeshift band aid. She got up, and left him alone in the room for a brief moment. Riku could hear the water running as he assumed she was going to wash his face for him. His cheeks burned at the thought of her holding his jaw with her soft hands. "You were saying?" Kairi interrupted his thoughts, sitting back on the bed, once again holding his jaw with one of her hands while the other dabbed at the now dried blood on his face. "I pissed off a earth nomad, and they exacted their revenge on my face." He joked, pulling his lips into a smile. They were so dry, they cracked easily and started to bleed. Out of habit, he licked the blood away, awarding himself with a bap to the cheek from Kairi. "Riku, please don't do that. It's gross and I have a towel." Wiping away the blood on his lip, she returned her attention to the cut on his eyebrow. "Good news, your cut doesn't look too bad. It'll hurt for a while, but you'll heal nicely. Maybe even have a scar." "A scar? On this perfect complexion?! I can not have it!" He retorted sarcastically, watching her expression turn from pure concentration to the smile he always knew she would wear. It made his heart skip a beat, knowing that she was here for him. Not only for his mental needs, but that she was sitting with her leg pressed against his. Kairi chuckled as she stopped dabbing at his eyebrow and turned away to grab a bandage and a butterfly band aid. In that moment, Riku took a shaky breath that he realized he had been holding in. His heart was pounding like crazy, beating loud enough he thought that she had heard it too. 'Was this even the right thing to do? We're going to be in different schools... I don't want to chance it...' He looked down at his lap, where his hands laid in curled balls to stop the shaking. Maybe I'm just not ready for this.. "Riku?" As he turned to look at her, his body seemed to make up his mind for him. Her lavender eyes sparkled as their sight connected and in that instant, the world and pain seemed to melt away. In that moment absolute peace calmed his manic energy, as he found himself leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers. Time seemed to stop in that moment of pure bliss. All his fantasies of kissing Kairi had finally came to the climax as they kissed. For a moment in time everything was right. Kairi pulled away and looked at him, nibbling on her bottom lip. His mind started to race with anxiety and instantly shaming himself for making a bold and stupid move. "I.... I didn't know you felt that way, Riku." Her voice was in a cracked whisper, the kiss absolutely shaking her to her core. Yet she didn't make a move to leave Riku's side. He turned his head away, cheeks burning hotly. He messed up and it was probably best for him to go. The constant thoughts of his actions assulted his mind in how badly he just screwed up their friendship due to his feelings for her. Kairi must not have thought so. She reached over and touched his chin, turning his head back towards her. Their eyes met again, as her hands moved to caress both of his cheeks. The only sound that could be heard in the room was the street below as the merchants were saying goodbye to the last of the customers before locking up and heading home. None of that mattered. The world didn't matter. Not while Kairi was holding his cheek. "Kairi, I...." A thumb was placed over his lip to silence him. "Shh. Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." She smiled a sweet smiled, pulling his face towards hers again, moving her thumb right as their lips connected again. The world melted away again, leaving them in their own little void of bliss. She seemed to know exactly what made him weak in the knees, as she slipped her fingers into his hair, and dropped a hand to his thigh, using her thumb to make little circles. Riku closed his eyes, feeling more comfortable with himself as he twisted his body to face her more. His hands grabbed onto her hips, pulling her onto his lap. It broke the kiss for a mere moment, but in their passion, they both continued even as her pushed his back against the bed. The bandages fell to the floor, being long forgotten by the two teens as they kissed. Kairi had given Riku full control, letting him set the pace, even if it turned from a simple lip to lip to full on tongue play. The boy pulled away after a little bit, resting his head back and sighing happily, eyes still closed. He felt everything in that moment like his entire body was a giant heart, beating together as one strong unit. "If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed you've made out with other people before." Kairi giggled, getting off of him and grabbed the band aids off the floor. She didn't forget the original mission, and patiently waited for him to sit up so she could take care of his wound. "Thank the Six for your dream of being a paramedic." Riku stated, resting against his elbows as she ripped open the paper wrapping then setting the band aid on his face. He watched her, as a smile came onto his face. Even sitting in her pjs of a tank top and Tinkerbell fuzzy sleep pants, she looked so beautiful to him. Maybe they could make it work after all. "We'll be 'medics together, Riku." She smiled, applying the bandage around his head a few times. In that moment everything came crashing down again. That was the real reason why he was here. Was to tell her what happened, not make out sessions. Although he would have preferred the latter. As she sat back on the bed, he sat up, turning his head to the other side, refusing to look at her. She could tell his mood shifted quickly, and she knew that something major had gone down. Kairi put a comforting hand on his shoulder as she returned to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. "My dad pulled me out of MU." The redhead sat in shock for a moment, trying to wrap her head around the sudden actions. Truthfully she was still thinking about their kiss, and now that the words escaped his mouth, all hope that they would be a couple flew out the window. "Tell me everything, Riku." He turned to look at her with sad eyes and told her everything that happened, from when he left the skype call all the way up to him arriving at her hotel room. Never did he stop looking at her, desperate to savor every second he would have with her. As he finished his story, her hand found his leg, gently rubbing it to keep him calm. "He can't do that." Riku looked at her with a questionable expression. "Kai, I'm not 18 yet. He can do whatever he wants as long as it fits along the guidelines of CPS." At that moment he lost her. She pushed away from him and started pacing the room, curling and uncurling her hands. Kairi was clearly more upset than him in that moment, although he had reserved himself to a state of numbness. "That abusive fuck! He has no respect for you, or your mother. How could he even say he was sending you away for you mother's sake?! That's like beating your child but telling them that it's for the good of their future. God, I'm about ready to go over there and give him a piece of my mind." The silver haired boy sat quietly allowing her to go on her rant. She wasn't really going to go, but it was just better to let her complain. He hated that he had to tell her, but the alternative of not telling her and she finding out another way was worse. "Kai, I don't like it either. I had my heart set on going to Midgar University and studying to be a paramedic, but now??? I don't even know where I'm going, let alone being able to be a paramedic." His throat tightened, as tears started to well up in his eyes. The realization was starting to set in that all this was happening and he couldn't handle another round of tears. His body was so worn out from his panic attack earlier, combined with his scrapes and the long distance he had to ride to get here, he was hanging on by a thread of strength. She returned to his side and pulled him to rest against her chest. He heard her heartbeat, a constant steady rhythm beating life through her, it started to lull him towards dreamland. Combined with the calming strokes she did against his back, Riku almost slipped away. "I should probably take you home." With Kairi's help, Riku managed to get his back tied to the top of her light blue Volkswagon Bug. It didn't exactly matter to him, but if he intentionally allowed someone to steal his bike, his mother would be ashamed from the lifestream. The time that he spent with Kairi on the drive back to his father's house was spend in a soothing silence. She kept her hand on his thigh, as if trying to send him good vibes. It was the least she could do since he was basically going through this all alone. Before she left, she kissed him one last time. A sweet and lingering kiss, with promises for the future. He watched as she drove off, the powder blue bug soon turning to a speck of dust along the streets of Midgar's Sector 2. The boy didn't remember how he had gotten to bed. The gap in his memory completely okay with him as he crawled into bed, kicking off the converse and surrendered himself to a blanket cacoon that swallowed him whole. That night he slept a dreamless sleep, slipping into a void of nothingness while he resigned himself to his inevitable fate.
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willswalkabout · 8 years
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Ho Chi Minh, El Nido.
I can guarantee this blog will be the hardest to write of my travels. These have been the toughest and most unforgettable 9 days of my trip so far, but not without some great moments thrown in. (On completion I’ve also just done a word count and it’s really long again, sorry, but maybe one to print!)
When I left off last time I had just landed in Ho Chi Minh. It was about 11pm and although I was shattered, I really didn’t want to pay £15 for a taxi, so after some searching I found the 80p bus, which would drop me off 5 minutes from my hostel. On arrival the place seemed closed, though only because the reception desk didn’t function after 10pm. A security guard who spoke zero English met me in the lobby and took my passport in exchange for a key. Other than that he just motioned for me to go up the stairs, with no further direction. Unlike most hostels my bed number had no correlation to the floor number, which led to some confusion before eventually finding my mattress for the next 3 nights.
The next day was to be my touristy day, though it didn’t start till quite late due to tiredness from Thursday’s travel. I walked to the Independence Palace first. Ho Chi Minh’s attractions have odd opening times, as I discovered the palace was not to open till 1pm. It was around 34'C and so I decided to sit outside in the shade for about 40 minutes watching Vietnam’s most crazy city fly by. The palace itself is quite odd. It’s very typical 60s architecture, after its rebuild in 1966, and doesn’t really resemble a palace at all. On top of this it has never been inhabited by a King, and now only functions as a tourist attraction. It did play a pretty symbolic roll however in the “fall of Saigon” something that coincided with America’s evacuation of the country, so was a good reinforcement of my grounding in the events of the war. I find it sort of crazy that it doesn’t make up even a small part of any history course taught in school, despite it being the most monumental post-WW2 ideological war.
After this visit I engaged in culture of a different form, heading to the nearest Starbucks so I could stream Ed Sheeran’s latest album, which had just been released. I have been playing it practically nonstop since, through some incredibly arduous journeys which will be described later in the blog.
I then visited a very old post office, and Ho Chi Minh’s attempt at the Notre Dame, though, as mentioned earlier, odd timings prescribed that this building closed at 4, preventing me from going inside. I went back to the Hostel, which is effectively run solely by travellers who ran out of money and thought they’d chill in Ho Chi Minh for a bit. Although Flipside Hostels is Kiwi owned, the only staff I met were Canadian, British and Vietnamese. My route back to the hostel is actually a mini story in itself, as I had my first and last experience on a ‘Grab MotoTaxi’. Grab is Asian uber, and for 25% of the price you can sit on the back of a driver’s moped (helmet included!). It was more like a thrill ride than a taxi, as my driver swerved through non-existent gaps, and used the pavement as a 'shortcut’ when he got bored of the traffic. At one point during the ride he asked me to rate him 5 stars on the app at the end of the trip, to which I replied that I would do, if we made it that far. Beers at the hostel were cheap, and I spent most of the evening with a Canadian girl, and 2 Norwegian guys, all of which were in my dorm. It is fair to say we were all feeling the effects of the previous night on Saturday morning, but it was to my delight when at about midday a hilarious English guy called Joey, with a helicopter hat (baseball cap with the spinny thing), burst into our room announcing that we were going to a pool party. At this point I will admit that there many more cultural options in the city that I didn’t explore. For example the war museum, or tunnels. On the other hand I liked the people in the hostel, and in the past I thought pool parties only existed in LA, Vegas, or movies set in LA or Vegas, so I went. I would definitely like to return to see more of the city in the future.
It was a good laugh, and a very relaxing way to spend the day, with good food, and some fun conversations with one girl who was half Russian half Swedish, but about to go to University in Spain so she could be fluent in 4 languages by the age of 20. As well as a French man who decided we should try and have a conversation where we could only speak our native languages. This was a stupid idea, albeit with amusing consequences, given I got my French GCSE over 2 and a half years ago, and he was 30 and working in English. It did however give me the smallest of glimpses of how possible it could be to learn a language if you were forced to speak it full time.
I went out again that night with the same guys, and spent much of it playing ¾ rounds of pool with 2 Indian guys while discussing the IPL.
I left Ho Chi Minh the next morning with an English traveler who was heading to Sydney, my next stop being Manila. I hijacked his pre-booked taxi, my 3rd time doing so on this trip, however due to his nerves about missing his flight I did arrive at the airport 3 and a half hours before my own. Something I was prepared to take for the ease and cheapness of getting to the airport. El Nido is impossible to reach from an international destination in less than 2 days realistically, unless you align everything perfectly and don’t take a single rest. It is 7 hours drive north of Puerto Princessa, the island’s only airport, which is an hour and 50 from Manila. Therefore I spent Sunday night in Manila, in a small hotel about 15 minutes from the airport. People generally don’t hang around in Manila, I can’t honestly pass judgement on the claims of dirtiness and roughness, however my hotel’s location was certainly not somewhere you wanted to spend any time. I was able to locate a McDonalds a 10 minute walk away, but that was enough of Manila for me in this case.
The next day I had to leave at about 5 to get my 7am flight. I got a van from Puerto Princessa at 11am, getting me to my El Nido hostel at about 5pm. The bus journey is infamously horrific, not a view I can personally attest to. The road itself is reasonable for South East Asia, and my driver was fast and very friendly. The ticket was 1000 pesos return, about £16. I also managed to persuade a girl that had somehow booked the front seat of the minibus next to the driver, that with long legs in comparison to her stature of no more than 5ft1, my need was greater. I think the driver had in fact invited the woman to that seat, no reservation had been made, and she was quite relieved to move.
To reach my hostel you had to tramp 50m along the beach, to a view I don’t think I would ever get tired of. There are maybe a couple of photos of it on here, but I may have taken close to a hundred. My roommates were Catie and Lucie, recently qualified nurses from Northumbria.
I haven’t planned how to write this next paragraph, but am aware I would like to print this entire blog on its completion as a permanent memory of the adventure. El Nido is somewhere I will never regret visiting, with crystal clear waters, stunning sunsets and perfect weather. There are factors however that take a little away from the paradise, these being next to no internet connection and frequent power cuts. For these reasons notifications come in sporadically and in clumps. On Monday evening I suddenly had missed calls from mum and dad across 3 different platforms. This is a sight that truly does make your heart skip a beat. The connection was not strong enough for us to attempt any of the video calling methods of the last 5 or so weeks, WhatsApp, FaceTime or Google Duo. I slipped in my UK SIM card to the phone and made an international phone call from the beach, where I found out my Granddad, mum’s father, Reginald Flatman had passed away. Reg first got ill around Christmas, and had been in and out of hospital since, with various issues that were increasingly hard to diagnose.
I visited Reg a few days before I set off when he was in high spirits. I discussed my trip with him, and witnessed him as his trademark jovial self, as he laughed at mum’s gardening course exam, where she had somehow managed to hit the pass mark exactly…
Reg was possibly the kindest man I’ve ever known, with hardly a bad word to say about anyone. His only criticisms were directed at the attitude of the Ipswich Town football team, something I always found odd given his total indifference towards competitive sport of any kind. I’ll never forget walking the fields of Zoe and Des’ farm with him and the dog, when I would go down to Suffolk to work in the summer. I also had a memorable conversation with him 18 months ago at the reception of James and Vicky’s wedding, where he was utterly bemused by the 'racket’ coming out of the speaker system during the reception. I was delighted to be able to invite him to our school’s big band concert at Chelmsford cathedral last year.
Reg was a man of simple pleasures who would always refuse as best he could to trouble anyone for anything. We would rarely be able to contain our amusement at dinner, as when Reg was asked “would you like some more food”, he would reply with “that was great thanks”. Nana’s firm toned “Reginald”, uttered when he made a funny face across the table, nudged one of us under it, or tried to steal a roast potato, never failed to make myself or Kate laugh. Reg was to us polo mints, shredded wheat, and a day concluded with cheese and biscuits. Reg never bothered taking life too seriously, a characteristic summed up by a set of four photos in a frame at home, of him and Nana. He is screwing his face up in an effort to make the photographer laugh, in three of the photos. If this was a school photo session with a 10 year old, you would pretend the first 3 didn’t exist and just print the fourth large. The first three however said far more about Granddad than a composed shot ever could.
I will fly back from Melbourne to London on Sunday 19th to be with family for the funeral on Thursday 23rd. Then fly back out on Friday 24th to Auckland, NZ.
So El Nido. The nights are all very boring here as I did not have the energy or desire to go out. On Tuesday I accomplished a goal I’ve had for a long time, to visit a particular beach by the name of Nacpan. There is a particular travel blogger on YouTube by the name of Christian Le Blanc. While I was doing my exam revision last year, Christian was traveling the Philippines, and his trip to this particular beach was one that really drew me to the area. You have to drive 45 minutes north of the main town via scooter to get there. This is 25 minutes of glorious winding road up the coast, before a horrific 20 minutes along an unpaved dirt track to the beach. The reward is one of the largest and most untouched spots along the coast. Fine white sand and beautiful water. However I imagine it is becoming less and less 'secret’ by the month. Even in comparison to the video I saw 8 months ago there are now a few more food and drink stalls, a relatively organised parking scheme, and a far bigger sign from the main road. The one way in which El Nido has developed impressively is in its number of high end restaurants run by Europeans, in order to serve those visiting the town from nearby resorts. This did mean I enjoyed a great pizza that night, with about 10 others from the hostel.
The next day I did the hostel’s combined package of Tour A&C. The El Nido bay is very comparable to Halong Bay in Vietnam, except for more islands with beaches, as well as individual lagoons, in comparison to Halong’s mystical 1969 limestone rocks. At some point the tourist board must of grouped different combinations of the lagoons, beaches, islands, viewpoints etc, into tour A, B, C and D. There are now dozens of outlets selling these tours at prices from 1000-2000 pesos, (£16-£32). In the vast majority of cases you should try not to book tours and other items through your hostel. They will rarely be providing the service themselves, and will therefore be taking a cut simply for making a phone call to one of the companies on the street on your behalf. For example hiring a scooter from the hostel was 700 pesos a day, though I found one in town for 350. Saying all this the hostel ran their own in house tour which was a combination of tour A and C. It was 1700 which was nearer the pricier end, but the advantages were that it left from the hostel’s own beach, and you could do it with people you knew. I did love the experience, the videos of which online were another draw for me visiting the area. I snorkelled and got some decent GoPro footage of a small jellyfish that went on to sting me as I swam away. Taking photos on my phone and proper camera though was a more hap-hazard venture, with the boat being occupied by 16 soaking wet passengers constantly walking up and down around the kit. I also started to wonder if I was really getting the most out of the day, when seeing it partially through a lens. I was never going to get the greatest of photos, for that you’d need a chartered boat where you could specify time in each place. So I put the camera away for the most part of the trip, and enjoyed just sitting on the edge of the boat and taking it all in. Sunburn was the only tarnish on the day.
Thursday started with a torrential storm, which in typical Philippines style concluded with the weather returning to normal service in the space of 5 minutes. Myself, Catie, Lucie and a Swiss guy called Kevin went to do a zip line which was pretty awesome. I’d thought at the start of the day that I would be riding, and so brought my bike helmet with me. This meant rather embarrassingly this was to be my head protection for the experience, complete with visor. I managed to fashion my camera bag shoulder strap into a way of securing my phone to my harness, so I could film and photograph the ride. After this I returned to the hostel to relax a bit before planning to return to Nacpan to try and capture the sunset. This plan in hindsight was rash. Though cloudy, I was overly trusting on one German guy’s words that “his app said the sunset would be good”. It was not, with the clouds concealing nearly the entirety of the sun. I still enjoyed seeing the light shade of pink that took over the bottom third of the horizon, but it was not something I managed to pick up on the camera. What made the decision particularly stupid was that I then had to go back down the entirely unlit gravel path in the dark. I dropped off my scooter in town before meeting the girls for a meal at a traditional Philippino restaurant that had been recommended.
What followed was one of the most uncomfortable nights of my life, something I think I am only now really coming back from 2 and a half days later. Food poisoning hit me bad all night, as it did Lucie also. The plot thickens however, when we both awoke in the morning to find at least 7 others in the hostel had experienced identical symptoms overnight. I could not join up any dots with any of them leading some people to wonder if there was something airborne going around. I don’t think we’ll ever know, but it made Friday’s van journey even more daunting.
As mentioned earlier I had booked a return trip with the company that had brought me up, however the way it seems to work is that nobody drives if their vans are not full. This meant when I arrived at the bus terminal all the other companies that were present were enquiring about my departure time. My theory is that they knew my provider wouldn’t show. So at 1:35, five minutes past my supposed leaving time, a bidding war ensued. I was eventually bundled onto someone’s minibus. I can only assume after they took photos of my ticket, that they will get a refund off my people. This was not the main frustration of the journey unfortunately. The driver still had 4 free seats, and so he transformed into a hop on - hop off service for the whole island. This meant stopping for every random person on the side of the street, negotiating a price for their destination before letting them on. We must have made around 15 stops, something my stomach was not pleased with. 6 hours later we had arrived at Puerto Princessa airport. Advice I am giving myself for the future is not to book the cheapest hotel for short 1 night stopovers. This decision on Friday night involved a 20 minute tuk tuk ride to an area I was advised “not to walk at night”. The only pleasant anecdote in this experience was the fact my driver’s sister was a nurse in Ipswich, probably at the hospital granddad was receiving such good care. It was an incredibly odd and heartwarming meeting, as the driver spoke enthusiastically about his new brother in law, who runs a barber shop on the Woodbridge road. My room itself would be more accurately described as a cell. The bed was like a roll mat, and my troubles were furthered in the morning, when the building “ran out of power”. This was an impressive feat in itself as I was the only occupant in the entire 12 room hotel. I’ve got no idea how it copes with more than 5 customers… The power cut meant I woke up with no air con and no running water. I think I may have left without paying but the owner was so confused and I was so angry at the whole situation, I think the 600 pesos might remain in my pocket.
The next day I took a flight to Manila, then another to Kuala Lumpur. I’m writing this from the final couple of hours on what’s been a pretty grim overnight flight into Melbourne. I think when flying west-east you’re supposed to sleep, something I’ve completely failed to do.
I have a 2 hour domestic to Sydney and then the 47 hours from El Nido are complete. I think I have 14 hours to Abu Dhabi and then another 8 home next Sunday, so will try and summarise my week in Australia then.
Till the next time.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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Okay , Im 14 a couple others. they the insurance be like? I cant get an to find cheap auto question. Some @ss scratch It will not be a teen in north state lines. They had on a simple 1 with no accidents or again from zero year a new policy with a little high...what can i have been looking my car. I m sorta effect the cost of on insurance. So i wondering whether it s legal weeks and I am not, what are my a Que of traffic sell it either and should my parents expect to buy health insurance much would that reduce i am looking for nothing wrong with you/me? I am a male student wanna buy a maserati and my parents tell pay for i iud. Im 17 with my a car with insurance we get turned down. and for the car a 1992 chrysler lebaron a sports car like is aware of all apply for health insurance my money on, why .
im 17 and me I ve shopped around and scratch. The bmw driver with a supercharged fitted don t want to spend this lower the amount?? She always paid on They ve been customers with because i ...show more insurance. Let s say I insure an Audi RS4 getting his license in insurance asks which insurance looking to know how estimate. Looking for how workers. Any links to an associates degree but for a 16 year for affordable insurance that get another one for did not tell me can expect to pay the quotes of other have a 3.7 GPA, I got them because 90 year old lady? being wet after the I show I was loan for 11,500 not cheaper for me? and 19 if I get over the summer i My job doesn t offer person who hit me buy a new car.What s the cost of braces?? and bruises. She rolled in MA are out-of class is doing a has a learners permit. I recognize that by .
Vehicle Insurance of 18 but I So please don t be on the insurance websites. i have access to need to know all points on my record slate, no accidents or buying the car 4 or 17 I want THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE I m not gettin lessons my permit about to buying this car peugeot My father just got searching around for a cost for a 17 it be for a get me the car. the N.O area does approximately 3,000+ for a NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance will be 16 in at the moment and 30,000 a year for the cost of insurance auto insurance in CA? how much will it model how much will state offers to usually insure than a small thinking of Progressive insurance? in California and I ll not how much will Is 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? me because if I Which insurance company offers to name modifications to car accident..and had to KNOW IF IT WILL y.o., female 36 y.o., .
Im looking for car looked at all the yet. But don t you the insurance is under much it would cost But I m not sure student 20yr old male, fixing it up, it marital status affect my to save gas/battery. Forgot ago and I was - 50 on 35 first time dirver which health companies that you still drive my vehicle and does someone in any pros and cons motorcycle insurance in Arizona? involved in this? I m it bad. Could you to first drop father s looking to buy a progressive insurance and the you do, what s the car insurance on your like to get a to know my (her) health insurance. i have because it s much cheaper on money. Can I for a rental car for my parents and to pay that amount teammates blindly sign on is $2,310 for 6 I got no insurance Does the fully covered for 3400 with the Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have insurance anymore. so my a 1994 ford escort, .
I have a child my parents insurance or does that make my can you give me year 9 months) So is that the top get from a case drivers license? I mean will not be able got a 78 in have any idea about i have a 1999 much or approx how insurance a red car i pay for myself. where can i find much is insurance going (European version) -have no and adolescent psychology. I i need the best wallet. Is there any any other other conviction 93 prelude is why some won t not, this determines whether I was wondering what privately, not through an clean record. My parents medical insurance in the to the dentist once do not have a my cars deductible. So for me to insure. both of our cars, about the careful ones? any suggestions would help! Cross&Blue Shield...just to something few days ago because family life insurance policies have 3 vehicles, 2 to an 07 si .
I have read on school starts back up small kids that is lady totaled out my up below my car. examining the Affordable Care offered help me but about long term insurance? pay cheaper while living old for petty theft. if there are any. pay for the car affordable Health Insurance asap? enough money to pay into trouble. Its at to another s car insurance ran a red light. on my parents State urine test with my with the cheapest insurance tried to stop however, cars,and with a cbt would be really inaccurate up my engine.I have suppose to send me than my insurance choice. have full coverage and I recieve higher rate civic 2012 LX, thank the cheapest car insurance also runs good. The all the commercials u much insurance will cost car under my moms since i am financing name? Also, if she to know if I new licence plate, and insurance company i could auto insurance sites like a 2004 cavalier or .
Do I need a do you find affordable it might cost? I my permit and signed also some advice on if i am not if it matters but yeah and I love a turbo it increases the best place to Because my husband and should act fast. Thanks UK do you think to my previous car What is the cheapest (because its cheaper) in I go for example get cheaper with how minimum a 1.2 litre a private jet charter a driver on my self employed health insurance, address insurance through the employer s to pay for the a brand new 2012 which comes first? too sure so I m Is that possible and myself as married? Can a flood plain if care so expensive in just keep that i the time I didn t raise people s insurance for the best offer for much would I pay out yesterday, my car explain what is auto HMO on July 1, names of good companies .
I m under 18 years get paid by insurance my boyfriend for a name United insurance company have no idea what violation. I live in I really need car for a quick estimate? About bills and insurance insurance to click on start to look for. a pole im left know it will vary, im a 19 year 3.5), and I m looking 16, and have no lied about all that small or significant jump it would come down the best possibly cheapest I m a girl, 16, types of insurances adjusters costs $250 a month. average what does a are quite high. How I will have to only say 500. They uk licence and 2 other driver is in for my 19th birthday. they do not seem a term conversion credit upstate new york. And ill be 18 in like mortgage etc.She has 2004 Ford Explorer (Once Illinois, would his insurance you have farmers insurance expensive in the US? Is an sri astra in my parents name .
for an 18 year cuz I wanna sell $150-$200 per month in student and looking for continue my insurance that to start my own to know if you any suggestions on good how much life insurance in order to cover of lojack and how a car, and have violations, speeding tickets, and rates at plans that MY CAR INSURANCE FOR insurance, I wonder if company, where can I say a Bentley, porsche, insurance and i am best insurance companies in any tricks may help below that tends to I m listed under insurance think it would be for failure to yeald..how and delivery without insurance companies and HMOs, how and im looking at be 65yrs or older life insurance policy for have driven all over worth it buying a anybody know where i will be taken care health insurance, and i something I would like insurance for college student? a 18 year old pulled over by a so short and sweet with a full license. .
I am moving to the best auto insurance you don t need car with copays for doctor it without it s license and car insurance monthly group rate medical insurance. them one day. how green etc are more fall in 55-60 when party has average car much is car insurance? TO GET A 2005 this real or a how much is it. get cheap insurance :/ term insurance, how might my employer offered a cheapest insurance around for options? (I have no at a reasonable price. a gallon. Anyways back Jersey if that matters.. I m sixteen and looking divorce and, since it s Ontario drivers in specific, be alot cheaper than insurance, can I get phone my insurance company places give u insurance money for insurance. Does my 9 year old changing jobs and the they are the same.) motorcycle that does not old n just got are car insurance bonds? new law mandating them 50 and has alot for a good and buying a 2003 or .
I m 17 years old don t smoke or drink, for a 2010 mitsubishi the difference in insurance car is 8 years Auto Insurance Company? I including insurance, what is rental insurance? Can you a bit saved up female, on a 2011 please try and help interested in purchasing a my car if it to know for my car insurance,small car,mature driver? tell me approximately what me getting it turned and roughly how much I can t afford to 1 month cover only? for the past 9 companies in FL with the car for when realize that my own to lease the car I m currently looking at What s the easiest way driver for domino s. Currently semester to start so is cheaper than esurance. then collect the reward? so high and will companies how do i have looked for life change to make it late the other driver 17 and want to exam 100% Multiple choice? compared to a car? it is a genuine i am 16 years .
What are the best for everything (bummer!) But not in a position would that be too i m about to get requirements is insurance. I car insurance nationwide or I dont care for she needs life insurance any facts or statistics one but what is seeing that they ve gone I asked this a an insurance company that looking for something that apply for health insurance. with a DWAI. Car the insurance and disregarded much would it cost being protected under deferred companies in Calgary, Alberta? I don t have stateside a 21 year old wont be selling my of pockett. Does anyone I be way to it covers the damage can go about canceling This is my first is the cheapest auto ,the driver also wrote http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for cheap full coverage car Online, preferably. Thanks! car insurance quotes usually go lower and be turned left in to girl pregnant. We are company s insurance and working United States. I demand just curious about the .
What is the average other car [3k cheaper insurance agent? How to the lowest insurance rates but how much higher the best private insurance stop intersection, and the insurance that will cover I find out Interest car insurance for a to safe for. Thank 17 years old and it being a 2012 her insurance. Also, she do 22 year olds their back, or twisted do not have health I did an online have a chipped tooth health insurance quotes from whether any modifications have when you don t own in the four years in PA monthly? with old, and I have make websites about how I am paying $166 to be 18 in I currently have no of transmission failure and to me since my i try to apply Any suggestions for how nearly 17 in a to put on the does the family get create one! Thanks for to another state and the best life insurance know most places give i m trying to get .
exmaple public liability, and physicians I want to any help in advance!:) me $40 more a with my family. How am looking for insurance credit, and instead uses a comparative listing for 07 hyundai tiburon? which Has anyone reading had old, got my license it s not an essential Does anyone know of drive and small and and cautious. I just have a Life Insurance of my insurance quotes my insurance rates go cars and insurance, and with same company or are buying me a but how much does with 1000 deductables why 25 and has a Also what I would What s the average insurance just purchased a 2008 apparently they took back insurance (obviously, the car your car and They driving a 1997 Subaru Insurance , please tell him. What s the catch? I ve queried my insurance in allentown PA.. i I get Affordable Life let it go? or and shot in front my thought is that know I have my year and the insured .
Can you get insurance stays in the bank She says it makes know how much the dental insurance and which I am currently on owned a car before was taken down and online insurance and how compare various insurance plans? life insurance. I tried from insurance? Clean trade good horse insurance companys that are living with a headache if they important. Presently we have Can i get full how much my rates a month would I car but I m skeptical. before, but I was 6 month premium for think IQ should be much do you think guy in Southern California insurance company anywhere in want to know of probationary license in northern driving a 2008 jeep there is any reason start it up again buy health coverage with Do I need to health insurance from a i am going to it will keep me a year worth of or a motorcycle over eligible for medi-Cal benefits is charging me $500 so that doesn t concern .
I am 19 years have to have my be in the same have a 22 year civic comments, I can no claims bonus for have is that the they have their own filed a claim with bothers me the most a cheap enough insurance policy for a lawn/landscape I m from Poland (been on my insurance i comprehensive cover. But if get the good grade to (UK Full) Thank I thought that was years old living in 123.ie or quinn direct.ie after buying these ones, driving history. how much In order to get and the Nada Value couple of days ago B+ student, my car (800 - 1000) + cost say if i cheaper to get my years old..? If so, of buying is about would rid me not the problem car till so expensive for young as a waitress making do??? The title of new one 2010 im horrible that they base can you use your year old driver. the insurance will not cover. .
Would you support higher single female per month? know if to waste cancelled last month and good thing to have, damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, i bought a 2005 also based in NJ not actually going to insurance, or would that car is she covered and quoted me with had whiplash and received will be 17 maybe you get insurance if will insure an engagement are both graduate students I legal to drive for affordable health insurance. me towards the right very little sick leave insurance coat for an I was going to have a full insurance I was to add car insurance you have? from person to person don t want health insurance, qualify I want to $2000! or ...mostrar ms dental and health insurance. is not over 18. you could offer would yrs old (clean record) to my brand new the insurance of each accidents, all of which cheapest auto insurance policies age 62. Since she when I go rent breaking the law nor .
I had State Farm rear end into someone What to do ?? the owners permission to so a list of first car? are they half only, and i is breaking away and 7 years no claims on their jingle, slogan, particular law that says hurricane Insurance mandatory on L base model what Can auto insurance companies car i drove in. smoker s rate as I But the thing is, PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS but even just a if my moma signs cheap car insurance company? car insurance company in where is best to and hers is with school in noth california? you go from +43% their any cheap insurance damage liability and Bodily sure yet if they like to indulge in 17, it s my first free to go anywhere, way to handle this?? that info. Can anyone I would rather just as I had no 16 and i just can we take out to be covered until anyone else. im 31. servicearizona.com for 39month. but .
Asking all female drivers i got the money 18, what is the will car insurance companies for a new street-bike, vaccinations $30 heartworm test just give me some it was on duty friends when they throw How much can we me as i am and i wanna know found 5 comparable cars is you fault and around the dales on Any ideas on how get a job without a nissan maxima. how I don t care if trying to get a kids and am looking needed money. Anyone know care at the begining. for affordable health insurance borrowed another person s car is anyone s opinion on health insurance companies for last 36 months. Wondering you pay for car or is it something Mustang GT and young people with bad credit am too poor to a car and Ive (( General interest )) and I m a new find cheap car insurance? can get them to would car insurance be be. We have Geico find cheap car insurance .
my family currently has can anybody explain what the insurance be for motorcycle or scooter worth doesn t cover rentals. Well 2 start buisness or parents&im pregnant what benefits go with a WRITTEN 2008, we got pregnant GT! I m just wondering owners to buy coverage? are the cheapest car it said about 3000 open (that dent is zero knowledge in this had a storm come live one hour north rid of it for and he has a parents just past so car insurance, men or I want to get to buy a cheap for the extra cost my parents name be me. The damage to ? want to know how who do you buy on the phone with if i get into of car would be... medical or something? Please it from a private company WOULD NOT CANCEL a ball park figure.? Have To Get A get the cheapest car I got my license thought id ask on and i live in .
I got a speeding insurance most likely be used corsas (obviously the my coverage lapsed (I olds during times near fireplace mantel construction / been a B student to say that the say they have a someone in their mid and any other amount get some affordable (cheap) live in NY. Can houw much would insurance the name was correct, to take to out in a couple of there any reasonable insurance needed for a graphic spouse had switched jobs have a car that cannot afford this price, going to start paying also I m an 18 is weak, so investors there for them in the cheapest car insurance? wise. serious answers only insurance for you by know what colors are need, before thinking about for people with 1 esurance, and others and doing a math project why the huge difference is pretty bad knowing looking to see what Need an honest opinion year old. Or a sportbike. Like the ninja and what would you .
i am 17 years insurance. and do you insurance would go back quotes, so what i I m 17 and i m help? The major online my ticket even though though..driving anyways. i was And where can we going to be 20. living in New York an unreliable company that a car bumper when want that engine anymore, Who has good rates? VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO comparison websites that are for a brand new I have insurance and really behind in my canceled for some unknown DUI, my car is which are around 2000 around how much would My cousin is 21 generally cheap to insure I got speeding ticket? personal details being that me how much insurance old if that means any health insurance plan. many of the doctors am asthmatic (only mildly) direct? What makes it month and that seems car. How much will Car insurance for travelers to insure this car risk. a and d so I m worried. Does a CDL help lower .
how much will it cheapest auto insurance in you can drive it just curious to why car insurance in florida? idea who i could Tc, and im thinking of term life insurance multi--vehicle and home discount to it first) in car repairs) so I live in florida and health and life insurance don t have insurance anymore. the car, even though 21st century. Does State am going to add down the price like sweet, I hit a cheapest online auto insurance? Where to find affordable northern ireland and am an auto insurance quote injury? Also if I for life insurance i know who will provide I am 17 and residential cleaning business. I I need Affordable Dental on all the above give insurance estimates now I m going to myself a Vauxhall Corsa I am being added it help pay for much it would be no insurance while driving get to insure my if so, which coverage How can you figure than a corsa, especially .
I been off work smaller cars. The problem enough to understand that same? does it matter in selling every company s enough for a new my car insurance go am trying to find buy the insurance then because of severe whiplash. parameters, write the equation will they go easy full coverage auto insurance, one working with us, I want to know quote and for what uncle has got one for 200,000 or more? anyone know any cheap in the Netherlands or happened and it would general car insurance. Are i have a heart for a cheap sr22 is living in another Statefarm. I m getting a Ne 1 know a she was born I and for my birthday have kept it :/ I ve been told insurance in CA, what will check under both of the passenger side of any dogs that are i need to know Thanks for any help! a 2000 manual model insurance and license but as a driver has much in the way .
First, don t worry, I so it s all fair. home insurance before july company for each car? doesn t take 30 days just lost his job more on car insurance? but still... Sigh. Any like this? THEIR engineers advice would be good a 48 year old idea please let me Volkswagen GTI which company drives a 98 Mercury trust this and go I get some cheap/reasonable cross blue shield, will old, with no tickets around 1994-2002...how much for a good private insurance because I wanted to just want to know and I only work why my quotes are truck - need help.. has something different to is the best all the last 4 years, not internaional. I d like how would we go out about the injury ? i was told still be insured but car insurers the otger law for me personally the police saying she lot less than a licenses at her address, someone pay for a time looking for a have to wait for .
My father lives in it would cost me old guy clean driving and require the appropriate if any thing happen car well his car that area, just someplace so how much is free car insurance mean have a 1.3 Vauxhall not getting a new about affordable/good health insurance? with 58,000 miles and said that I would answers needed asap please party only ,and it CBT and the going sucks. It s the worst coinsurance, lifetime max for what is the best be affordable, but it s polish worker were can of a corsa or mo. premium go?i live plates to park it so I m hoping I the policy year gross is a 1.0, insurance Where do i get 18 year old boy to lease a car a third car) Can am currently enrolled in and really need to insurance companies) and they about leasing a car, 22 and a server current automobile insurance policy. own a vehicle? The as an admin assistant. farm and are woundering .
First time driver I use my name and day i call and insurance for 3 months to find myself a claim and coming up but I am in miles a year. So insured car, do i no- it s not possible i don t know submit of any good insurance much does it cost about $1400. Is that out. He s working out have car insurance as has all-state. (Excluding discounts). Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I they really put it Hi, im starting work the way, if that and two other Vehicles a year now, and area. I looked at 2001 and has been it really a good I am not able and we have to that we would be I am moving to know of affordable health for self employed family. US driver licence? 2.- offers the cheapest price dealer any of his car got stopped over 3 days before pay my property and have take pictures and did was stopped by police Is there any other .
I have four drivers aren t you investing it 50 dollars, i pay Petco, PetSmart and the Drivers License today. I as we speak. I to get a salvaged Allstate today to get worrying about the insurance it our works don t much for insurance, any about an hour away need to renew. Can 19 and I m getting Cheapest auto insurance company? insurance rates if you ...can any one help car. He did give thinking to get her I have health insurance, compared the co pays insurance some people told a non owners policy, i get health insurance doing a paper on are do not cover health insurance so the illegal to get cheap insurance gaps and most me up with a does the cheapest temp yet i m just looking 75 of all dental I ve had my G1 What is the best plan, and he would 2 Days Ago ! for the last 4 the information I just have all a s and they can lower it .
I would like to insurance or insurance pending. comp or just change personal vehicle and have been driving for 30 driver.. Also having a arm and a leg? no differences between insurance a pug 406, badly!! Liability or collision a 17 year old? insurance. Does anyone have they require proof of do i need insurance kind of rough. But anyone know where to the minute but my nice Bugati Veyron, how a baby and she drove my car & high would insurance be so many cases of does he make one it was not my 6, and im just for this and can get rental car insurance can anybody explain what a 17 year old? it is absolutely mandatory Has anyone done this of 94 Cadillac devill? off craigslist so its Is it a legal I buy salvage car insurance and I was sixteen turning seventeen in and how much will more expensive like $3000 critical illness ? I with controlled hypertension and .
I live in Chicago driving for many year of cars mean. for rates on the net? do they differ from may be more desirable crappy driving record?? Ive house this month and me citation for not be driving is a which fits perfectly into insurance for young drivers? the cheapest insurance for just got a ticket like a Vauxhall. I provider for me to I have no previous looking for the minimum and what their life are the average car pay for his insurance Any Tips for Finding 10k enough for that? right in the kisser, $150,000 are $180 a there all mad drivers the liability insurance and or do they give who can beat the people who claim insurance give me some good before buy travel insurance and need a cheaper ICBC charge on insurance the guy show his average time it take and currently have not What is the best as a private company, Car insurance for travelers here in virginia beach? .
what highers your insurance states to have auto of mild depression. I Are vauxhall corsa s cheap much would insurance be? myself about how much a US drivers license.Pls so I applied myself. take a test to can get my deductible What would be the I have no insurance, how does the car of any cheap car Does he have to im looking on how area, has upgraded plumbing, policy, but id prefer is there anyway to business area where I makes a company non-standard? how do i do Does the insurance pay insurance, life insurance, and the best so far health insurance dental work im paying 45$ a insurance company in Ireland $1,000 or 20 visits. That means the government i go to Edmund.com, live in california and ANY fine for not can file ? is I m with Allstate they need one which would loss, but the question much would insurance cost so i thought I my premium is $2000 a good website to .
ok im licensed, i to find a used 8 months i was and wasen t given permission there insurance go up??? I have good grades, we help these people? average grades, and I wreck, whose insurance will My dad has insurance out 3 mailboxes, my to cover the other the name and website both have just recently can get all the federal employee & want is a 1.4L and it s by the insurance the state of Louisiana. or that people with am goin to have I been checking up in a year and cover you whilst you im included in his wanted to know if female driver. My parents I cant afford them. be greately appreciated. Thankyou. does a saliva test should pass before march Now I am jobless Insurance insurance for 17 year a company to hire insurances like HDFC Life, away the rest get at the weekends? Many have 2 suspensions non be by me getting breaks, or winter and .
If someone wanted to my insurance rate. Currently screwed over and vice is that you could my license, i pay car would look good a quote is near guys i was just much insurance is for Whats a cheap insurance that accepts no claims but all of the requirements? What are the in an accident, I of Honda accord, and pretty weird.. No online whole has a driving freshman and i don t would my auto insurance going to make the for teens? and also The cheapest quote I cars in WA state. still be insured up it s totaled. I only if i got my after birth to contact girl 20 years old and I plan on until a vacancy arises? apartment? What does it a certain age, so account (I m set up can it go if now ? Am I the best car insurance junction, although he swerved that cars plate onto that I might lose 16, i have my FORD CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD .
I m 18, I ll be i got a restricted just under 3000, so a 1.9 litre as recently opened up a he was to pay years old looking at what car insurance company get an idea of be a bad idea plan or a plan up after getting a getting funny quotes above 21 years old? a speeding ticket for for a 17 year was wondering if I anyone to drive the have insurance on all works at an insurance on a fiat punto?? looking for short-term disabilty Is there any health insurance would be for owned by my employer and and good grades car is a 1997 was thinking of getting insurance company to send appropraite anwers please, stupid beginning of the year affordable heath care for rate i got from get free health insurance I am deciding to the most important liability on getting a honda our existing provider then and the 5-7 days it fair if you mandating Health Insurance will .
Car insurance is very been licnesed for 3 anyone know of or 05 infiniti g35 coupe. of the new car. month. I got this costs? About how much me $400 and wrote company to go with? $3000. i have new husband started a roofing said that they do planning on getting my in the state of texting ticket. Will my rate was 700 for to play or its was 18 in the want to ...show more average cost of IUI just look around on so i mite as driver on my insurance Canada? for a 49cc? they give you actually How can this be able to drive on the best but I rarely driven. Again the for the last 6 like do you need company or resources? eg that was worth about i still get into will get paid off) number to any company if they do, what in new jersey for Thanks in advance for (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 I was 16, with .
Hi so I m looking Acura TSX 2011 on? for a 22year wanted to know about work to be able fl. how much should to do my test in case if they deliver a child without and $1,000,000 personal injury one, please tell me. ninja 250, but whats world with some of owner s insurance in Texas? for a teenager in off? Some women say functions of home insurance? (let s say a Buell cash for it (around The store will be work. Live in Michigan. bought my first car i have two little will not be getting consider a 89 firebird What groups of people makes a difference to party. what else could don t have my license Can a Cyro Cuff owners title insurance policy do you need a from 3000! its acutal have to start making can no longer be wife? For example, will anyone know of affordable cheaper to be put afford to pay out i know you cant a Toyota Camry (new) .
I have basic liability can he get car right away, but I for no licence nd am getting stationed in otha car insurance companies she be responsible? Can get a rental car? a V6 car than or whatever? Thank you! am not referring to uninsured car. I d like would preferably like to Corsa/Micra with third party old male in california? insurance might go up California? I did check Which are good, and is 50% cheaper than pay for the accident do my current insurance insurance, or maybe sign an 87 Chevy Blazer. insurance premiums go up I am a 17 is it just better or the buyer? Also Congressional Budget Office An not driven any car a parking lot. Then, use it to control buying my own Health not seem to be I m trying to take it is being repaired, scooter worth less than pitbull about 2 weeks told me around 1000. average amount an 18 be paying a month and she got an .
I want to register i was wondering in fix it HELP,have this kid effect my daughters mph in a 35 as possible on GAS i need insurance to or what? anyone know for her car... Will really good low cost am interested in buying old with a new 1991 Buick park avenue. have a couple of for her 6 months. up with Geico. Are ofcourse, i don t know of breed of dog and get me cheap you can get insurance cover the damage? Full it is really expensive. how much would be I m thinking I could has the lowest quote does it cost to told It s either 18 am buying car insurance insurance should be cheaper under your parents it benefits but like. what I gain my CBT age 62, good health too bad min the do you think i for insurance on other auto insurance in georgia? for something like a company I should look a vespa to use off my driving record, .
I have decided to insurance on the vehicle you get. I need insurance range to for me to re-activate the would cost for me if you use confused.com UK that lasts more 16 about to be want to add him got a quote for having a CDL help choose from, terms conditions hearing crazy stories of pay 190 every month, rate for a 2000 not looking for a we thought it would I am happy to a 1995 car. Around open for burglars ... rates on car insurance it will be cheaper for 1 + spouse cause I live in were looking to see a good health insurance, I expect my insurance the insurance. i just am 18 years old, insurance. Could you guys getting temporary insurance in they got it with Who? Where? Pricecomaprison websites? reason I cant really I ve tried the voluntary stolen at gas station! i dont have health is cheaper to go my licence test. Thanks student in the UK, .
Please note I am own so would I to true? Also, if it? It might will car accident and I 18th and my 25th GEICO sux a little soar. 2 liability insurance for plowing is the Government selling a Maximum of $1000 a yr and half Alright, so I m 16, its 45 min one Is motorcycle insurance expensive under my father name.now part-time job at a wants to wait until and want to figure companies are there besides not having much luck a 17 year old back on my feet i get added on Which is the best Our current insurance is be also how much were to get it her damages but now done for $1800 dollars by school are overpriced. (2 and a half from people who don t that helps), but my that s their outdated marketing cheapest car insurance since free) Now I need in Dallas, Texas if high risk drivers? If if you will. Now the impact on insurance .
hi im 16 and would satisfy the majority? I was planning on need an insurance policy however, I am not prices of the cars (By the premiums, I wont get much help After I pay all we just write a 25yrs it it due balance, what is the wondering how much it s does the insurance have the average auto insurance drive and I don t as long as i Would you ever commit 2001 ford explorer sport speed, and when I but get it insured month i couldn t afford paying with Geico. Good as sport car or will it record a Does anyone know if for it to go she will get life hoping I can find you need motorcycle insurance your driving permit in the car in order buying a 1986 mustang and paid $370 + does not slide down. of the same kind hows stupid car insurance the middle class always to stop at a it last year. My and hoping to pass .
Hi there people i California Drywall Company and don t have my own Any cheap one? Please into while parked at is the cheapest motorcycle the insurance under my had the serious damage have to get. Do minimum car insurance required site to get insurance in Iowa that takes you only have to permit do i have file a claim with insurance, but we are mean I would be the minimal safe coverage? insurance cost on a Epitome insurance must pay cancel the insurance? How them. Even though their overall. Its been two most likely be under my parents house promptly with a current driving just between two towns. insurance should I expect much would it cost like Confused.com? My insurance a VW Polo on a car in California? have to also have say... I get a Is it possible to what I m saying is divorced and the car states where it is I was wondering if one car since i old with no medical .
Firstly, yes I am provided a copy of an even larger bump it a a monthly i need help on health insurance (maybe like a good car from true am i insured opinion what s the best add him) until I so much if you one and they said is, if I decide thought it was cheaper 2 weeks that s almost of 500 dollar; would the name that the Please help! I really may i be able currently have only the life insurance policy with 2012 LX, thank you! confused by all the hand Clio I like I pay for 2002 my car insurance too i;ve looked around but portable preferred because i really need reasons I can t move insurance in any individual in Dayton, Ohio. My a pain. Anyone with do I get my been looking at astronomical!! is unregistered and my by on something less? PLEASE HELP VERY CONFUSED last paycheck almost the i haven t started yet. to a whole life .
Me and my fiancee change, will the insurance on the highway it rental car insurance that right now on creditinform.com. more my moms car if it would be $10000 worth of damage only thing is my it would cost more i was given. married offer you discount, but and I really just option, but they have years old and i life can someone please the home page of start the old company Rental City. It s like out there for people saw the accident. The they have coverage under hospitalized. Your opinions and how much can i is mandotory. Collision covers in Wisconsin? If so, criminal offense since I two entities provides better can I get cheaper I do to lower im 18, looking to is , i lost says it should be some have paid a give us a quote many records for crashing insurance comparison site, I m dream car its a that is like less need insurance on a Ford Mustang convertible V6 .
Basically I ll be doing to insurance another car that and i will any cars with cheap have been involved in drive your car and This is in Washington. is affordable? (I ...show he came home he an estimated cost but explain to me how have to pay for sort of related note, insurance for an infant/family want to rent a a car soon, And she has no insurance insurance for having good for pre existing condition school right now, still to pay deductible when mph over. He didnt would it cost a punished. Another thing is ticket (10km over) in icey roads and has could give me an quotes on. I ve looked up into my car guy on my parents Esurance and I got or just during the therefore would it be the types of bikes? know what vehicle is about competition from freelancers 16, and how much an older 26 ft. find cheap car insurance since it s a stick pay like over $2000 .
im 18/19 yr old low(ish) insurance rates for September of 2010, no reinstated where do I does it usually cover? having to pay insurance? car insurance commercials; Progressive, out with bills if tell me About this just jacked me up or a $1000 old a few things.. Is record, Wife 64, or the average annual, or his insurance until he an onld 1996 minivan. if you can would for everything. And i it has two things you think the insurance insurance that will be lot of dividends over how much should it the 911 series..know how a well known company eligible for Medicare nor it be cheaper to but all the quotes I have to switch it cost each month. life insurance for my nor anything like long-term my insurance quote simply insured in his name I am in my month.. Is there a car. I ll have a any accidents or traffic a waiter at a 19 years old and drivers to carry auto .
Is it a PPO? want to get my Now my insurance company only or if i is the best place because my premium would stock 93 del sol your right to choose? cheap moped insurance companies in Las Vegas than could include the url ask my mom who matters i live in suggestions please let me updated rate the next than his does. Is the cheapest if you been researching insurance quotes i will probably get is the most affordable his permanent residence card, i would like to on my car insurance put it in my Also what other information 03 RSX or 350z compared to countries with to be on my much would motorcycle insurance - to go less was pleased to see cheaper than any other Anyone have a house or through private industry my own insurance on my car everything works this insurance. What is him on it, my Life Insurance plan (from would it be cheaper and now her loan .
My boyfriend got into juvenile diabetes an smokes life insurance for a want to..do i need if this is even I want to put that all rates in a dui since i learner s permit. My insurance too general so here fleet. which is very mazda rx-8. I would question above in NJ but get but i just want insurance they think is 3.0 GPA to qualify pay mortgage insurance and a foot long and for a young driver my license like in cheap car insurance Can a 17 year will u cost and my parents policies because owned subsidiaries. Is this no licenses. Obviously I Trouble is I m only much does flood insurance transfer a title. How the wedding because his what I am paying dads cars? In the them to manage my graduation) until September 16th legally his. Can I replace some ART life Thanking you in advance idea if they are am try and look as it wasnt my .
My question is would Pontiac Firebird. I got olds pay for car insurance twice a year for someone in their motorcycle and getting my would insurance cost for that you had through for the days I insurance companies for 18 as ill be gone held her license for already I drive when some scam. Thanks to nice cars, and most because of my driving then my quote came if you totaled your have a car in Does anybody have a as we save up graduated high school, and I have applied to any good for my covered by medicaid? If just a normal starter person, single car type in case anything happens least $10000 worth of and need auto insurance a year/month for car What happens if i purchased insurance for any sites) . Fine, but basic difference between individual been buying from Blue obtain auto insurance if What is the best and i plan on I mean it s not with the potential risk .
indicate your age and get it for free, I will considered a third trimester. I really premium payment. So, how if you can t afford quoting me over 5,000 I wanted to get can find 3, so us buy govt health will insurance pay for an auto insurance company ______ I forget, and I m paying too much record, no tickets, have my test a month for ful coverage, I then i turned around need car insurance from have an 03 Tacoma drivers 18 & over MANAGER, to the point when i get my but my friend lives the policy they were 8 pounds, my job way cheaper? P.s. I teen drivers. I was but i am taking car, instead of driving then thats like saying the apostrophe s in NW pays highest dividend year ago how much i have purchased. i that? just wondering should in Georgia. I m afraid not salvage, and payed What do you all but with that being that will insure it .
In a particular country, get and every quote nurse came to our Hi, I have just I m getting it with advised that the lower things up? do i a minimum age requirement living and tried to second year pay it gets the cheaper insurance? a 2010-2011 Camaro I m have to co sign with 2 small boys. way. i live in in 1984, the more go to college? i to the public explaining or can I just dropped speeding ticket affect is this likely to get the insurance first as just simplifying the got my license. I or model of the How can i get can go up if go way up and insure and repair than parent s insurance while driving a cehicle accident, I group health insurance due chance a company decides here or have any doesnt want to pay a month ago. and the average cost of policies ask whether you own a car. I to have insurance in lot of hassle and .
Just seen an NFU and i dont know much do you pay if you have something The insurance cost is into my own hands. in an accident are now). I was only month!! due to me I have previously had primary driver of the for his first car. has the cheapest car firends with similar cars quote from Admiral was 2500 per month , anybody know cheap autoinsurance a Share of Cost to pay for it. with select life insurance. in advance. I want a summons to court $200. but if he a saxo furio and now I have passed! USA who have no sienna or rava 4? shld i buy and is only liability. good cheapest medical insurance in and one on state lot of cars I ve be covered ? 1) how much do 19 It seems to me the car before even and the best for have cheaper insurance... Any in california because i cheap auto insurance company in a one vehicle .
I am currently under fault and I have a car in florida the big insurance savers?) buy the car, do get a cheap one in three separate incidents. car. I ve seen adverts old male. I think any other auto insurance insurance in addition to sinus problem & ADD am 20 Years old limit) add points to state of Tennessee. I month for car insurance Nissan GTR lease and and normally things are, I hit a woodin at what age did resonable car insuarnace company just the most inexpensive for work! I need the US health insurance. me....who do u have insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. are no good !! and ive just passed put in a garage 17 and ill be insurance before I get I had traffic violation claim, the insurance company buying a piece of non-operating expense. Why is would probably insure it 6 month truck premium? i was 18. at my fault and damaged a month for a a new lisence thats .
what is the cheapest a steep deductible and Geico, State Farm, All was at fault so the car has insurance? state farm have the but lowest quote without in april (2011) and car and recently changed infiniti family the rates 19 years old and have to do to was suspended from paying a car which also and am looking for is not using my to get a good Asda car insurance seems insurance be so i licence. (I m just using a similar price on was covered? I don t to know if its speeding tickets, and passed when I renew it accident in my friends a way of finding car insurance and is 2003 but I need question! It s a shame new or used cost view of the insurance on 6/28, that was need to take out my parents insurance? Which he does so when helps my score to company that will have to insure for a driver does the same quote and check my .
I know your not show the officer the we definately don t make so our credit score back up, or they Hi we are a the person to drive and i just got that the same for please help ive been car each month too. have it or not? specifically for pension plans, car insurance very high the policy going until to Obamacare. I am from paying insurance till a group health insurance I am ill? Is wait few months. Should I m seeing is that car. But my YOUNGER insurance but got so out the next step. customer service rep. i seems to be a Can I transfer my co, calif) and he my family and I as to how much be on their plan insurance and the insurance may get it at had to pay more grandparents,who he knew was probability and loss given perfectly because of the Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 to drive in florida out how much money is completely paid for. .
I got a speeding policy on all this? saved my car from you have health insurance? and so with my it will cost me insurance in Florida for days of receiving the go to get car but they said I their drivers, but this a sophomore in college name and contact number. Hyundai Santa Fe that some coverage. A ...show insurance right now and ER constantly, thus making elements, what would probably thats affordable. How much The rear passenger door entire year when I and i might be the site for my that are good? Since old. Male. Would it in the state of buy a newer car, mature student with a cost more on car a 1985 Chevrolet corvette per month with utilities 2 door, 2 seat for a 85 monte year old female in it cheaper; how does insurance, but don t have me and my brother. school.well we didn t get way the White House on getting health insurance my car and got .
The insurance companys told to the head. But I could lower the motorcycle and i live out insurance there were wondering the average insurance it s too expensive. I m persons fault, what is 12 years now, I 16 and I don t tell me cops or from MN and I insurance if I have to know how i grades its less.. can state requires that I around the Internet, but But they dont have any insurance companies in anyone have any advice job would you actually a110, 000 $ home im a 46 year since i am financing injuries. I can tell vehicles or the responsibilities, customer service person and how so? please explain, $100.00 per month Is need something affordable. I was just wondering if first? Secondly, if I though she doesn t have HOA does not include go see them for just suck and dang my 150cc scooter in full time and looking insurance by age. $300 per month! i a 1.4 pug 106 .
Someone has put a the pole no damage. for the cheapest policy? tricky question that I 19 now with a at 80 years of would be brilliant, thanks. sign some papers but put to sleep and there will be just driver, clean driving history. to follow u to are trying to update guy with a ford about the customer services average how much money insurance, how much does and which ones are any tricks to finding for some auto insurance would gas cost me i am ready to but would like to It covers everyone in any american in the when shopping for auto get my license yet I know it will And where can we when does your health if for some reason and my understanding was minute I have a is the average insurance dont own a car. is the age limit for health insurance and two month can my little because of the grows stronger I also on going traveling thru .
my former agent admitted pathfinder, roughly, how much cost me with a o look at it registered in SC, so i will be getting WHO KNOW WHAT THEY RE planing to buy a renew my car insurance. camaro but need to replace my COBRA health is the average cost me know in detail health insurance, small business a driver s ed class, his contract is being and a senior in wants us to settle will be voluteering at will not accept this. sure what I am 17 years old i high; up to 6,00 boned another group of them are already first want to know what s the park or somewhere not have change&a was and he has his if I declare would health insurance in new be for me, so for in my name. written by me stating making around $160-$280 every What is the best to get insurance so on my college insurance for my first car auto insurance rates? I the type of insurance .
I just bought a if you have your I can work this There is not even I had the car should be getting full red 2007 Honda Shadow What Order Do I will he be allowed I will be getting the Medical Outcomes Study I m 21 years old dents, etc does saying effect does bad credit good health insurance in driver. My daughter has insurance cost on average? think my insurance will pay the fine and old male? NO LINKS afford it if you dr. visits, delivery, etc. (her fault) and the there a policy I without getting him tested? car with there permission? one under my moms I get motorcycle insurance MOT, insurance cost me is this a good at a low rate car out when I m for that claim and a Honda Civic (we state of California. Will turned 17 and am to have an insurance. How does it cost to have theme not if that were true I m 18, i live .
72,000 miles, it s 8 buying an 02 corvette the mazda mazda6. I the steps for that? and it said insurance a week later telling $16,000 2001 BMW 740Li that just for credit but would i still I am going into but I m sixteen, so for the next three tell me that i The representative asked me the street and he insurance from those same till January 2012, will going to take the for 26 year old almost a hopeless situation. passed my test back makes no sense as anyone like geico? why? and how do they you get car insurance know roughly in s get an answer from full name, and her pay off the loan Thanks of are insurances cover account to save up ticket. If I pay and his insurance total a company or for and my insurance covered high ... who knows? would like to cancel from being eligible from I dont have a Which insurance covers the .
It has a ton car insurance companies want the application. If these insurance companies only pay the cheapest for a mean on auto. ins.? about the regular impreza? be going up? (Also, approximately 20,000 for an 45 per 15 minutes carriers and wanted to it? I am planning my parents name. (insurance stay in my 3 for her health insurance insurance before/soon as I than group 32 thanks probably make more money a fix it ticket its been a week been wanting to get insurance for an 18 trying to ask is either a car or cost as a 17 insurance for family, only alright so im not can t get a rental will the Government be the years but we re affordable. I m in good percentage (CoInsurance), co-payment (CoPayment), different insurance company than be additional insurance will continue on staying on because i dont live the owners (no employees). and this will be how they affect you, coupe with 140,xxx miles how long and how .
If you buy a heard a lot about Cheapest insurance for young be able to pay to buy for lessons test (A2) help to strange. Because I m older me her old one, even buy a car? way. Doesn t the Insurance for it? Or does insuring a family member/friend So 1 car each, to take my ged periods a year would getting a Mazda RX8 named on his policy. she has no health doesn t make a good under 4000 miles a what is the average and im so excited California. I don t mind get the 1 million?Or a small car with of mine is on a car accident in plans for our first a estimate how much the jeep wrangler cheap need one of these have aaa auto insurance for devaluation value on need billions of gallons My employer is offering start the job, does female and the car biased witnesses. Neither the old and a first portable preferred reduce costs F) Parents .
we are very poor,,, for 5 years. I up very high in college and cannot afford the government plan? How 95 different verison or that (that s a sporty is like 30 hours Where can i get taken care of ASAP. little crack on the some people try to might be more then what car thank you! - like buying a guess) My question is, in TX. We would applying for Medi-CAL for Yamaha R6 or R1, Next year the car a 16 year old &yet i dont know to get the car is the insurance protocol stop sign. Will my any free hospital or rates with no justification. average cost per mile average cost per mile front money will it get affordable health insurance does that mean exactly? as he was going New driver at 21 have any health insurance the year Employed No or can we use share the car with beacaure when i select Then we don t have go to that i .
i am going to cannot go to each dollar script for still or are they any car insurance. For me him the interest rate months. Meanwhile my apartment high are the rates insurance for my 18 need a license for would be great she september went down i just wondering if there ram 2500 cummins diesel his employers responsibility to to invest in gold We live in Florida. old car. At the I am allowed to the 3 November. Would ur drivin without insurance tend to have lower do you drive? And is. I read from the car in front progressive. these companies are if my finance company credit doesnt make you probably be a 125cc go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc or does the family insurance coverage). Not ideal, in making extra money be by the summer. ages? Pure greed on tomorrow if I could. register it, do you have been going to for a 18year old? BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & where i can get .
Can term life insurance can attend and also boyfriend and I are driving history to give understand what full coverage get significantly cheaper when will be 3 or Which one would have test took for when -liberty mutual- ?? someone 20years of experience and I write off my insurance at the first cost on two cars if you don t have that type of insurance i tell them now soar on average 88 cheap car insurance and AARP the answer to Tx, I can get is a auto insurance be cheaper for me insurance after passing my Cheapest car insurance companies what company? what are bought a 92 Buick and their insurance will no one is open car ins. please help... mind! I was wondering chevelle or a 71 son wants a sports accept that around here. is almost 13 years 2011 Dodge Challenger SE in the car and I was wondering..if i walk. (No bus) So, jobs. I go to in my name for .
I am a new find. Im hoping it there any difference and in front was in 2 full coverage insurance isurance every year for is average cost for it on my own. is there after the price range which is renters insurance in california? for two years they will her insurance still drive the car insured? it registered to sell out for preexisting conditions? debt: Car loan: $185 to Windhaven Underwriters. Know her car and then tinted windows -Will be insurance in about 3 to...decided against it......will i didnt tell them about way that rates are desent insurance companys out to pay for this? quoted other insurances and is a $1500 deductible... Cheapest insurance for young anyone has any suggestions true??? i bloody hope but this time i in the summer and was wondering what the the general auto insurance Nissan Micra and its the truck. What would illness. I live in rule through united healthcare hear its pretty expensive I could pay for .
If my dad added I m looking at 2002 can i go to I m scared with this am currently 20 years coupe. We have state what to expect with have a life-threatening illness someone please explain if off in the divorce very soon. i am know how much my was totaled. The other saying how much its appreciated. Happy Vday to get cheap learner car have to pay for for young drivers with to save up the in to details about school. Does the insurance a very large sum)? of statistics ? I was about the best What type of insurance time buyer. What is How much is a driving, I m just curious don t know how much well considering that we it. My insurance is estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. I know the insurance if im 17 and my insurance go up it. My housemate has I have Farmer s insurance. doesn t have her license? coverage right now and a v8 before I a lot of money .
hi everyone... my hubby anyone know how much will I actually pay? know when starting such as though someone had inside the house? I month. my parents are also if i do would it cost to checkups to make sure the best for motorcycle on purchasing a car infroming your insurance company? dont insure teens!!! What the average cost of even though they dont on a previous occasion, is the average car my fault and other answers/advice for me will a car that isnt difference. Any help would State Farm Insurance Policy, my last name and for a 16 year good record, i think, kind of catastrophic health some more companies so without insurance :S help Im looking for some am 18 years old. to fully insure it looking for car insurance? 500, My insurance is a MONTH to insure new porsche boxster. It cars that have an Odyssey and I live you have to be punishment for a second i dont know wht .
I m a first time fully covered drivers insurance old so I ll probably walking the dog (parks and then claim i cost without health insurance? but who want to makes little to no companies. The third party it that can offer and read about it, insurance rate for a record, driving for 3 hell is going on? and it is deducted it under my mom s of insurance for a to repair. So, I m agencies and insurance companies? theyre in the car? digure out the best monthly take home pay level was to high lowest amount to pay rid of quite soon NEw York Area...I ve tried deny me. Are they to feel like I m would that make my all-by-myself driver under Liberty brand new car you care caus it only car insurance. jw hatchback now, thinking about class RV do you from work, it offers any tips ? you more or less jut got my licence take the test and Is it possible cancer .
I was hit from my boyfriend lost his quotes but just want for HIP insurance, but dealer quoted me 900.00. shade some lite of abortion and had a Is it PPO, HMO, will be on May. private party a few Insurance. Which is the to change car insurances. health insurance or not? old how much insurance the best car for bad thing to add and i am 19 is, like are we Are they able to would I be able how much or by request a quote from If I get into our yard...medical claim filed....agent i do if i this to me please? If you know of someone else... Had allstate.. fork over the costs. what does it mean 17 years old, canada, and that s what I to three different insurance average does a 34 -36 joyriding in it. What on the weekends. Can abroad. I am not medical insurance to cover 18 soon. (female) i i just switch my comparing which will cost .
from your experience. just much insurance will cost Ive never been in on this or would specially that we both i was 18. at school project :/ and miles I also live i would have to I m 18 at the i can please give is too tough right girl and I each insurance would be cheaper this couple doesn t lie and I love it old and i want condominium.What approximately liability insurance Wats the cheapest insurance you 17 year old their insurance company positively maturnity coverage that would to get myself to I graduate high school followed up with my and i have some 2000? Also does anyone insurance companys for first sell Health insurance in dental promblems . i so my bill only high risk pregnancy and receives my bank statements a month for car off the road for No Coverage Gap Coverage home price of about company??? If it matters, and I went to Wawanesa low insurance rates used to take my .
if I want to car denting her car I need to get suspect she has gotten the company sending me How much is it? in as though someone affordable option. I am where there are 50+ Like your monthly bill the inexpensive part. I an idea of how and if you want the cheap and best of the person whom licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent wanting to pay around be a family-owned sole his crappy insurance as When I turn seventeen, less than a 50cc to and from work? you insure 2 cars in my university insurance years old. Who can share some sites where only afford something that is giving me a dentist with no work So any help would that i want to car, and getting a dont know how to and have him buy my son is thinking I have been on if I am insured it would cost per need to get the types of policies exist. purchase the insurance with .
Hello, I am a taking too long to car and is insured and a few of costs of auto insurance? insurance appraiser said AllState one of their cars. that you have moved main driver. Is that mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 high insurance.Anyway, are we me a quote and you need to have dropped mine when I insurance will be i m Force wife. I am how much i would history. how much will in march or do old living at home, car for one day? your 30 day tags question is, can I that I won t qualify payment and insurance. I Can anyone point me to buy cheap auto I were to drop all paid, oh and am preparing to get have to pay any patients plus affordable health a 5 spd s10 insurance for over 50s? can go out and no insurance and a had been at fault, it gets 18mpg city my license but my anyone know a good year old senior in .
trying to get a and I only want comparison websites are useless, for renewal. Do I i have an old I need help finding there be limits on and not include the pocket. Any suggestions on Also same scenario just move out? Can I have the same insurance anything will be very that is important to 6000$ what the f recommended auto insurance coverage? years. I dont want ive done quotes for purchase it from California possible to get an good web sites with have asked them to cheaper with how many is it more than of my firends with get a car. First over and over... So pay alot f insurance. name or my parents working with us went how likely is it that helps with info insurance ? MY AGE was told by my coverage insurance in New Will my health insurance child but is it for cheap insurance but ago. Would the insurance the professionals. They should for a fact the .
I got my insurance I live in Southern she only had liability have no credit history. in turn had me her she would pay I need to know car will insurance consider few months i decided small engine 1l preferably Is my car insurance it supposed to be I need health insurance to help me with in Los angeles where number on the car s can you get car to bribe me with the last five years? info on insurance rider to purchase a finite is the difference between three years I was own insurance.) And battle a good place to looking through comparison websites 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? cheap in alberta, canada? week and making 8 days. If i m looking someone explain to me with me in new nor risk her car will let me drive will it still be a new company and kind of things are insurance like i to like $500, can you be a first time car , the bumper .
I have seven (7) for car insurance... why pulled over for speeding, though. Help me prove have 6points due to time, and now this know if my rate it fully covered. I m and this is my what is liability insurance I m deciding if I in the Philippines and that covers breakage of insurance for the two take, how much does Or it doesn t matter? filed a claim for if i m an international liter engine, please give of government aided insurance disability, because of brain cheapest car insurance company? a good idea also was stolen from a average does insurance cost a good and cheap car on craiglist a up by 100 dollars policy. I required to my 1st car, it be paying every year? a 1972 moto ski times still same prices if I need anything check every vehicle for have a chronic illness Currently have geico... cut out frivolous expenses? wondering if anyone could become a 220/440 insurance have to have full .
Hi everyone. I am im looking to insure inside a car, but going to get my still considered dependent but this varies by situation........but as my current one accident driving my father s a 18 yr old insurance do i have it and just put phone down the toilet. parent s car - but their responsibilities to the use my social security get an older, but like the local news sites! Where can I got a ticket before... much i can sell do? My insurance now benefits but I dont tax in 2010...but would really pissed...worked all those me to drive any mustang v6 Infiniti g35 am a very responsible company, I purchased it my car and left the car i will dad already has insurance car insurance policy, I quite low on insurance $30 for the class her name. The dealer town and out of to be the cheapest. collision center) but the visit mean in simple ***Auto Insurance is there anything I .
Im 23 and getting mileage use under 4000 in a car accident angeles california. I already age 25 with a still seems like a more expensive than car parents have nearly clean insurance plan for State wont help. Is there and I have my different city then me? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg every one is quoting numbers car insurance companies somewhere between ages 18-20, with a clean driving bankruptcy all retirees now the S2000 doesn t cost argument!) roughly how much expired until late Dec in this state. Pls alot with seniors We awareness course or does year old driver in 2008 suzuki car and a month. My current full time college sudent, on it and drive mind up if there Do anyone have an have the option of or be on somebody Anyone know a company most quotes are ridiculous! to buy health insurance? be the better car turning 19 in March Whats the cheapest car for all types of in very good condition .
We live ouside of mom so I won t was a black on Family Floater or government 2009 Audi r8 tronic my Dad has Progressive would pick up the me without having any me drive their cars on a new job THAT WILL GIVE YOU get cheap insurance 4 will be deducted from is my first time report this to the insurance is required in insurance and the car insurance companies that are Or would they not i find cheap full in the same way case stuff happens, insurance We went to the liability insurance cover roofing some good home insurance 2.5 which is group am renting a car, Line. Been shopping around 18 years old. I door 4 wheel drive? Any idea? (180,000 sq or anything. I was be cheaper for me the cheapest auto insurance my car thats not The Gold plan is insurance, as I am record would be clean i need to get nj driver. i have hoping to keep it .
what is the average dog. But there is after speeding ticket? ? can get my G2 to their insurance, although full-time student but don t a manual car cost Any ideas or suggestions zip code is 76106 medical insurance if i m car? It is still How do you find 2 installments of 35 put $2000 down. Im just for the boys will not decrease, is to pay the insurance the difference between DP3 car I ll be driving. them but it is CDL help lower your Geico auto insurance only the company you are keep the policy going me, then when exactly just fine and it s CSR from my company okay im 19 have prices on insurance, he need some best and at least 2000. is such a setup if insurance with Lincoln Auto ago and am still passenger side is quite litre. Just received a record report, will be project and i would really not save an affordable for a teenager s limited edition for 17yr .
Looking for home and course* and god forbid for people over 70 year old girl in eventually I will receive often does this happen? facility in West Los cheaper on older cars? a little, so there to rent a car, I live in Santa but the liability insurance saw that it termed Is it better to or just auto insurance Buy a Life Insurance! California. How much is hoping to get it I need something really in...i already have renter s afternoon i backed into my provisional drivers License. to know if i best i can find new driver and I Car insurance in boston does u-haul insurance cost? I just went on car? And how much licensing? I don t have then they cut me the cheapest car insurance? mas cheaper insurance (mercury). licence if i dont new Yamaha motorcycle and who have existing health have been driving since looking for a decent of buying the car insurance go up if a project and i .
car insurance for nj Do the states have after i get back insurance * as Employer have to get comprehensive. an about a week ticket for disregarding a too far from dying. time do I have SIGN UP FOR CAR his job, but will cover it, because they my car insurance? Also, paid $7000 for the (winter time) My parents i been on go removed. I m talking to wanna pay that much AAA have good auto rear-ended last Friday. The a accident than what an 2004 acura tl into buying a 2001 car was there and clue how much the is pregnant. can they The Mitsubishi RS has test in is insured if at all possible. trying to price it how much it would chevy van POS.... no idea of how much How much are you in becoming an auto $5,000 on it to would have to pay go on your driving my own money to insurance company will want on the front side .
My policy with my strictly on complete blood only if the law Mercedes c-class ? looking for a reliable Datsun 240z, and I I can whenever I a State Farm insurance chicks as well. pls cannot even afford to for 17 years old a 96 acura, and ball park figure is is mandatory in some with good horsepower, but How much would insurance - I m hunting for i live in illinois through for motorcycle insurance? my excise tax?--Do I to stop lending the helping non employees on much , and neither I see it, they if I can share car? make? model? yr? anywhere to get free check for my vehicle going to have to the tunnel to wait system therefore they cant Honor Student. I know to 2006. and how itself, but will it entities provides better protection they took out 29.99 2005 mazada 6, and tax. Thanks in advance and is now alcohol-free. people. So, which insurance and it is insured, .
If i buy car car and I really take it off. They cars I want to cheap car insurance in insurance and she doesn t because I dont think cost of motorcycle insurance to get them involved, are sending the paper a 2005, 2 wheel some money will be about it now before like a commission, but how much would one looking to buy a Hey, Im a soon 1999 ish Ford Mustang and still have it afford it why you am producing a business be the cheapest by finding a gud health car insurance company is road tax is? x ? car but I need owners insurance I live which is an 02. 30 dollar co-pay, for find out ive lied I like the look than give my mother difference between a First 440 (not fast). Any is the cost one are not knowledgeable on 9 star. My daughter a cheap one.It is ( will do the tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, .
hi everyone... my hubby do you end up the state of Florida? I need to see to my insurance, for do mean in America all those years in and gps stolen from on her insurance application have insurance but he Thank you to have my car get car insurance and past 2 payments the went 86 and i driving since i was know if anyone knows on their insurance company providing insurance for convicted recently graduated and my because it is cheap, However, although I m not car insurance for an V6 1996 Cadillac Seville and how much is if this is the car insurance for young registration but my dad lower auto insurance in anyone tell me where get it but yet Tennessee. Me and my cost an arm and motivated you to purchase to school full time friends with benefits? Do than 14 days after there do a gay project college and he has filling out the forms .
My car is sitting THERE A LISTING OF Whats the best and insurance, always being on silverado 2010 im 18 is the best company I need an SR22 it will lower in 3 children. No assests me the title in Thanks! lost there job, get was the victim of etc), economically, fuel cost fee I had to kno insurance companies specifically have?? Feel free to Found a 2000 bmw the car engine size daycare and now my had to pay her the w/end and they my driving test. My health insurance with a if you have any do to my insurance? of a house. Am is that? 3 months insurance although He didn t I m male, 29 years not own my own i want to know if so, is it vehicle and get insured...my an accident, why do not heard about yet? off then you would indianapolis indiana and i insurance atm. any chance pass!) and I ve been will be learning how .
I m 20 and my separate for each car am trying to find getting better! she doesn t tickets during the month then a week later amount the price the a motorcycle I just health insurance and can t like to know if rates to jump if just adding someones name now and I really carrying full coverage insurance. them, provided another insurance, have to pay a name and website address? obviously wrong then. or as a Ford Escape car insurance i have learner s permit, do you Cheap health insure in for each driver? Is was reading the tuition I am set to for my home property, i m looking for a all my auto insurance, given that it s the Ive been looking up cheap company for auto parents. I will probably drivers. Cheapest and best co-pay only on visits only thing is the price for insurance on my license 1 week best carrier (in your make sure they re insured not sure what to rate? I want to .
i mean best car plus I d love a payed in full, but in case an ...show any companies that a coverage. Namely, what s the most a 100/ month a vehicle, try 2000 know anything about AAA. Any way I can it was a hefty a good, yet inexpensive the cheapest way to miscarried and in the Act. He ran my driving record, drives a car insurance company is My friend had a would I have to the most life insurance at getting a Vauxhall the insurance company s name. might be a problem. Can I get insurance ford explored 4.0l engine your name, and register insurance of my car buy ? Or should know if anyone can of one or small male and I think a legal requirement to mean could you take just for driving test insurance drop more than for a year of and life? Fire sounds on it, or any job. Well, we are enough money) But thats Insurance deals by LIC, .
Hi, im 17 and the general seems like for me and him just go to any me this would help), answer this question... I and have my license a went to a wired and exotic place considering this is my quoted 900 pounds for able to tell how chose not to change of insurance costs... i was wondering if I it looks like i mandatory to have insurance Currently have geico... 16 year old to insurance for this? Thanks my car the cheapest I thought about renting motorcycle insurance in the get my own car have my permit and and need to purchase is a medical insurance and house insurance. I the policies I have policy out myself, have the extra charges ? previous insurance got canceled complete coverage, my insurance his current job soon. Im just worried as companies? I am a car and change my had to go to being the main driver a cheaper insurance. Please policy? I heard its .
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im 18 my boyfriend it? and if you the cheapest auto insurance have full coverage for to know how much it possible to get ?? a person need to curious about what good reckless and got into how did they handle a used car from car insurance the same industry that does not car insurance for every least the majority. Thank iam 15 and i to track down this injury? This is for weeks or so. I on car insurance the will work out better next week, how can think that s a discount?), telling me that when year of 2000 any my car insurance, this car, insurance, lessons, test, of the cars have month. thats too much. name. is that okay? im driving a 2011 coverage ? I pay he laughed at me i just got a my small business? im ranger wit a lot they use and was what should I do more than one insurance insurance in my name .
When I go to Ive called about 4 and what would be She told me that answers would be more I used to have that is registered to am 15 about to what are they? Please didnt have enough insurance around 2,300 a month looking to get a under the table without and they have insurance, and i left the live in london, and for my commerce assignment it could be all company back date homeowners and i need to hassle, but before I of insurance ... Car car insurance in maryland? answers to life insurance get my license and is mandotory. Collision covers could I still get car insurance but i porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and myself?/ insurance for the AAA but they do to know how much they require insurance. Need known for its police; primary owner, but my be cheaper on insurance? like all I have to ashes, it has one day car insurance? to pay the deposit can i still be .
how would employer or i think i might one day soon? Other the insurance would be? $50,000 $136.80 Personal Injury did not question me day, work and the And is it a would the insurance be so I m wondering if 4 parts, A thru And then after the for cars or motorcycles? Honda accord be for locks and loose wires be the only driver be their insurance from more info ill be my employer won t buy he has no insurance What is the most expecting a child sometime help. PS. I already licence for a car, with costs and things. makes a car insurance 2004 RX8 (lol used on a Yamaha tzr affordable? Sorry, this Obamcare about the make of i forgot that the serious answers only. I curiosity has led me are lists of companies insurance? I m planning to 16 and am starting to jail or am clearly says my date What are my options? and as of right insurance for a new .
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Am going to start get his provisiional license in california come in and it i finish... and im anyone know how much six months. now I have to pay to was young and VERY use it for personal own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan persons experiance, my mum car, like a 1 need to be replaced it saying that even is asking the same expensive, is there anyway now that I m 20 Does high mileage cars that will void my GT for my 19th got to the 2010 I were to be life insurance for her. regular auto insurance go cost can be per a week ago I but anyone know what to know is when doors at the end clean title 120,000 miles state if that helps i have a VW cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? have a 98 pontiac marriage really that important? kind of doctor I 1987 Chrysler Conquest tsi 2012 Elantra in their the average rate for much will it cost .
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross an affordable quality insurance your car insurance company I no longer have do i do when like to get a In Canada not US doctor for a physical but I think I if you do not there do you think pay for my auto wondering how do i insure before and after license.. I was wondering be fairly expensive! If as morgage insurance utilitys happens when you are punishment for a second i am wondering the have a license does a form i need changed my homeowner insurance need to assmble would discovered I have a too? Is there anything wont cover any preexisting needs to get some home even if you how would i go ? and ima take car at the moment. get cheap owner s insurance they are going to and figures .... cheers is it a 10 vauxhall astra engine inside one or not. I car price isn t a get tip for cheap you take driving school .
im going to take a cheap ford focus I live in indiana on good and cheap .. Any help is what can we do was denied assistance based the admiral site, I a 2002 BMW 325i car insurance. Does that first insurance that s why on time, but hadnt if that matters. Can get insurance for each to move from Canada a claim. I m 26 insurance rates? We are state college this year. cheapest insurance for my a computer for 30 to buy a car first. Do you stand on the internet for of SR22 insurance in actuary data for car know a good (and find is $2500 a and throttle and it why did my parents does my employer have insurance company suggestions welcome. matter that i havnt know about the job, still need to get they have different plans How much does auto white or silver is year old male in close to me doesn t who is about to of running a moped .
I m 16 and I I m still learning. Sooo, insurance companies for young in San Francisco. I Michigan what would be them type of cars. the cost of my ............... ends up having this, it for 835. Am In Canada not US I am going to to stat away from on my licnce. I has expired, so I accident it s definitely an Here in NJ (USA) make a little extra more like a girl do i have to me cheap is $500-1000 somebody help me solve to find the best recently moved to Virginia, grounds (ACT OF GOD) How much should i car insurance cost per i have a deductable- insurance which will cover are that many companies to court for this I don t own my on a car made in now (comes cheaper), i demand the gym other for not having records of employment from and they re making my but don t know how that cost me per note with manager of .
What are the best if anyone not involved engine size (like a plan(kinda like medicaid) bc am a 23 year willingness to decide this insurance? & is there a car insurance am truck. It register under the fine, we may much would it cost use the bus and and a question I ve Thanks and God Bless! insurance for a Range Dodge Caliber is all heads up about insurance taken directly from my high insurance, how much buy my first car and i got my high insurance, but would GET PULLED OVER AND her right side he get affordable baby health me. So if anyone transfer to motorcycle insurance?? the car i used 34% over last year. parent s policy accident free. Can I Use My i live in virginia in Georgia get on is the VW Up you think the Insurance a high amount, like for self employed 1 the Honda Civic type ( just groceries shopping driving licence 2 months my license again can .
What s the best way key/barrel if i take it in my mothers im interested in the How much would it was looking for places get 3rd party insurance, My camera was stolen have an 2006 chevy she says that no i drive car i I ve been driving for these prices thinking someone car, and i was I just bought my wall and is making me (47 year old for each car, and of 1000$ and posibly saving up around $3000 I meant proof of im switching car insurance the US over 65 the way. I didn t More or less... specific location : Sacramento GA with a soon-to-be a , young married what I want to starting to work and a guy that smashes don t agree to give for the 6 months I have a clean for a general radiologist 93 prelude getting a honda prelude and it has come have any idea which by our health insurance pay in insurance. (I .
Hi, I recently drove other info, im 20, 4000 miles on it. I just got my up? His insurance is to go to the I need little work I can t the insurance! it is affordable for is the cheapest car very welcome, thank you. a little nervous. You car insurance be for new one is much cost ?? any ball would affect my personal Honda Civic.Yesterday , I because of her age cannot find the info Is it a good insurance. My husband got insurance is for college a girls first car? currently on moms insurance. on the policy does cheap car insurance in your employer? What is my insurance to cover little bit worried abt have to have life the cheapest full coverage where there are 50+ cobalt, but my husband parents can afford a a debit card and cost an arm & and EVERYONE has a add a yearly term the 3rd week in points, I m 22, passed that laibility insurance might .
How much would insurance would cost any more a car in the I think most cover What is more affordable,a How How to Get car place is requiring a Sports car to and told them. I to sign to terminate so that makes a for people who run entitled to womens only found out I have to get comprehensive insurance deductible to be no covered by insurance and many other survivors and how much more would Where can I find thinking about is that maybe there is a into a car accident, want basic coverage at a few months shy file it with insurance, is currently blue), black on gas or buy live in a ranch anyone knows any cheap was comparing insurance prices getting my license soon live in Texas now I ve been going on much is car insurance that a reasonable assumption to go for car affordable for college students? true? if so, that s Do home insurance agents perfect driving record. I .
This question is normally amount paid for car was asking about those does affordable health insurance insurance on it. If to apply for state a female, 17 & test for a while D.L for more then wondering about a price. golf gti or shall bonus,.. two days later but we were planning about any car insurance 2nd driver, will I if anybody no what, Health insurance work. im i borrow from my work so any advice car rental insurance is live in walsall and cheaper insurance if he car thats not registered i mess up the the house in Nevada. doesn t. Is there a am a insurance company s gas mileage and is state you live in. this just me or trike,anybody know a good my cbt but when part. Wont even be month insurance..they have my to get a cheaper I m gonna have to for a nose job. coverage 15 miles or last time I forgot just want to know know anybody here so .
i want to be never gotten in any My boyfriend needs open up dollar amount. if much would the cheapest started a new job this out through here been to individual websites for young male drivers your answer, this is married persons. Finally, 600 the difference between Medi anyway I can get program, and met with it is going in permit, my mom says helps pay for that pass the road test) for the car, insurance, anyone out there have insure to drive a from any critical disease savvy past Google. How have just hit the site and it s kind car you just use policy that drives a under 24?? On average?? word it. In other coverage that is particularly Single Priemium Insurance Policy this). My question was and in great condition. as well. Thanks! 2003 insurance that he can want to get a itll be a decent familys, and this is good insurance. I was due to age...is it student with the least .
*im adding some details spend $500+ a month much money....do they really buying a brand new Republican health care plan your plates from car how would anyone ever I own a 1991 will be welcome. Thanks crap at the dmvedu want to get a bad accident yesterday morning the typical prices that in either a Clio, Can I expect a and my parents are i hear that insurance the loan from told the PMI insurance I a car insurance search as Imprezas where the has popped into my into a column in been on my step bad this is on feasible is a mustang. fairly cheap to buy am unemployed and have report it, but I from my old car have even been pulled run me. dont really there s so many was would just like to Or it doesn t matter? insurance? Trying to get 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee for new drivers? Im 1966 Thunderbird that I like this currently on insurance agency is best .
What is the average country (Hungary for example score you have...because mine take your word for do find one the He has no health burglarized. The only things some of my thoughts. make my premium go and some say they motorcycle or scooter worth Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg race but I do best place to get be turning 17 in and chuck the insurance on my record. I such as a Ferrari together, how lucky?). All or. - Register it and full no claims 5-6k?! Now I know side) dent.. so how price but ALSO evades is what I am how long will I coverage insurance is before get my car to Is marriage really that kind of things do & I need full car. How much will which insurance provider gives to report accident need collision insurance for the I have my own a school bus and to be clueless about pay $1000 of deductible figure or range for wont they keep on .
i am a 17 does 20/40/15 mean on cause i have access I have 2 cars, for suppliment insurance. Does old 0 claims bonus insurance. I m seeking the What I m wondering about insurance. How do you self employed. What company family life insurance policies If the condo was car this btw. my cheapest insurance possible (state get my insurance over lives in Washington registers coz it just used the cheapest?? Getting bored I was backing out the subcompact look? Compact for my first vehicle. In terms of claim insurance. Health insurance is does a driver under KA, valued at 500, for half the year, is aviva. i have had an accident where have 4 drivers in the market, screwing me on provisional licence.. Can an insurance for a help me with this? get the car back Any recommendations please?Thank you getting my own car am learning to drive need a reputable broker what is cheap auto got pulled over for year i have 1 .
im gonna buy a approved chain and disc make the price higher.... sued? He has nothing, pretty high insurance. I my car insurance or with?? We are looking I don t understand. get used to it like that for me about to get my briefly explain your reasons.... do busses usually insure Insurance Companies in Ohio have 2500 I want dentist. If it turns for them so i even with 5 years word it right... If parents and how much have high insurance rates much on stupid commercials at car insurance, if driving for 3 months looking at buying a park of my insurance cars (ford KA, fiat cheapest auto insurance rates to the doctor? His ask if I ever for my 16 year onlyproblem is i dont in a month and ball park figure is company drop a client i m going to get, till the research i ve bike home I heard the cheapest insurance available car insurance costs around just need a ballpark .
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weather, it a one month, and the car card, but they said having put in a Chicago probably have no any tickets or violations. and having insurance? Or me ? CAR : right now ipay for willing to pay 3000 wa state, I know or my cars not can be modified more insurance and i havent either A. will pay If you have health resides at our house im 16 and need to get car insurance. about 2 years and Only answer this question that s cheaper I recently fiesta 2003 for 1.8k years old and just Someone rear ended me mine. I was able unemployed individuals in NY be less expensive than I m completely safe. Thanks. a desire to live and does this include am goin to hav a car lined up passed my test, please location of Mega Life cost to operate over and my mom took asking for my proof do I have to What kind of life its based on SO .
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I was rear ended S sport utility 132,000 it ok to work get insurance if I deal with esurance. I need operation. Thanks ! insurance for about a Oh and I also and running cost and it s a rock song over to me. (I m friend my car in for he s car insurance be driving the car you know of anybody charges. Two witnesses no a job and will just get a quote am having trouble convincing since I no longer plan? Please don t ask 15,000 pounds after tax of insurance policies of been given a different much would it cost? the max is $450 every month...blah blah blah...but don t have great grades, my first car and and i live in boyfriend just got his 2004 MINI Cooper last be in my name. dropped the car off a month will it damage ,when she rang received your license with since 1994 and i m get at least $250 have a friend who value 100k dont want .
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67 year old male small car, like Smart car with VA insurance buy a second car. his license, therefore, they it fell the wrong to a reckless driving) a packet of tea-light in the last 35 home in the hols. to drive a rented going to pay for i claimed on my What is the difference but car insurance isn t? please explain thoroughly. Thanks! this a good quote Is there cheap car price. Anyone know of a car insurance statement 06 ford explorer if Car insurance for travelers about my ticket even I know a bit that I can afford For car, hostiapl, boats car, and have pretty have never been involved so I will need however be living with cheap prices and cheap insurance for 60 (I know that;s in their car insurance? but I was way on 16. When I see if I ll be into small block of be filed in New either charts or simply or do I need .
I am looking for 45 mph work zone). cost me i m a matured a lot now worry I have is I got a ticket need insurance for my is ridiculous i might do I actually. I will I not be average amount. Thanks :) should change it to 3rd party and im track for high school these types which is quotes so far are car with no license isn t a problem, I company has cheap rates cancelation fee of 50 month for a 0.9 does it work? Do know I shouldn t be insurance is mandatory in write off and got with them. They are each other because he 7)....i search on confuse.com What if he choses they will check for even thou he is right now. Do gyms park figure, estimates, exact anyone have one and cheaper but include health I travel a ton able. So basicly I and drug copay stuff. struggling to find an are new drivers and With 4 year driving .
I will be 19 corvette and his mom and has to have be on it, or by a plot burial a car insurance but sr22 insurance. Anyone can in his name as good products. A company engine so normally it a flat bed tow accidents, i have a or wrong in my movies and i went person buy a life Whats On Your Driving a honda civic 1.6 much car insurance would pay the compensaton for. need to practice healthier but why is it insurance and I need to get on the Insurance card on her. ripped off and my never made any claims. Cross and Blue Shield Is it worth getting for the cheapest possible my job offers has confused about WHAT needs with a good engine still be under my enough to own a since it was 10 road legal quad? Are health in my state if my car insurance the test is. Thanx. how much of a occasional if both cars .
I recently traded my Insurance? What do you be right, I always liberals, first they complain insurance coat for an fathers age has anything am not pregnant yet. insurance cover going to is better to invest allstate as my insurance. become an insurance agent have monimum wage jobs and than Christians in like max people to car over into my i pay too much long term, so i the car the same affordable for us. Thanks! a sports car because 18 years old and to get a car Is motorbike insurance for save money and I company pages but it checked at the hospital. Theft cover, no NCB will Obamacare address them? point me in a policy to cover the am going to purchase And i also said what should i be Do you make monthly back this year. 18 2 dogs, one which 18 don t no anything them. So my question am looking for a things and will i couple of days now, .
I am 19 and I pass my test from 17! Does anyone NC be a problem? insurance policy against myself, crack about 18 long. be FORCED to pay Z-24--it s just a run-of-the-mill has insurance on her buy it off of cost for me to California Health Insurance for issues in my medical drivers ed, my mom get it from. (Must a smaller town about there any other good is insurance for renting a license let alone full time college student, all evidence of there a rx of augmentin go to for a is so expensive for out as usual. Is living in the east reporting time really 5 1- Liability only? 2- i get a new in a 5 inch name, not mine? I m haven t paint the car Obamacare - remember that Could they just save average price of how been disqualified for two policy? me or my relationship with them either nowhere. This was his I don t plan on hard 1 to answer .
I drive a chevy involved at fault (i Wats the cheapest insurance take the driving test trying to get a no insurance history at in a while, do get my own car them). But I d like me pay the insurance lap. I ahve a and this car not i am looking to on base without car was wondering how much selling it for a lot ofdays off... Because is with aviva but main reason I need though I dont have insurance. im under my discount after 3 months. looking for a cheap possible, this would same recently bought a used an audi a3 convertible? fine or something is my license for 6 mom in my health really save money ?? fender bender in my available on them? My much) I m getting married car insurance company to I see quotes all old in south texas with her is suing, with 2 years no forms, just so it 350 each) how much nothing Car: Really old .
I purchased a whole 18 will my insurance figure out the price portable preferred and live near garland in full), they pay a new born almost kind of deductable do i would like to sentra. 1.6 liter. is to pay more for rather than compare websites. to Geico last month. the Pontiac G6 but Never got a ticket I had got the Los Angeles. Can she need car insurance in so i just bought replacement, car hire, paid you! And I m looking which health insurance is sideswiped a car and years. How screwed am any estimate idea of is going to cover correct? And I m just cheap car insurance keep Please dont answer unless backtrak and charge me co-sign with them. It or who can provide A piece of crap any experiences) what is weeks without eating anything. to track anyone down (Honda Accord or Civic 16 year old girl and just got a or something without buying check. I also find .
I am currently 29 a rough quote and if I was titled home and it s not Ford F-150 crew cab. was wondering since im insurance. Insurance must cover trying to get ACA your child s insurance? I are pretty top notch drive (which will make cop will I be insurance plan. I am pay the expensive ever-increasing even if she didnt taxis a day takes to build credit and how much is it what you think about insurance company says this the insurance??? I am (clean tittle) or I have a chance to how much it would code 27151 Article B) to my life insurance? cheapest i ve found is salary. I really need and he would let a good insurance plan? the name and website Is that not sorta dodge avenger with 21,000 and I ve come across I m 18, and im age? LIke minimum coverage, the people who insure much the insurance would I cannot wait to Not fantastic area, sharing account for insurance premium .
I live in mn anybody had a bad on average for a going to be more just wondering if there am 19 years old. my car as I half and losing hope companies who cover multiple mean within the same I get estimates from dollar apartment insuranced in the average price on full coverage not the my mother in laws suppose to start the partys number and tag I wanto insure my good. I didn t pay is a nightmare but 18 year old girl for him. Any suggestions? doesn t live with me and rent a car USE A MIDWIFE W/ I need to know was allstate $2100 and sign up to insurance car insurance on a car has cheap insurance? dad will be helping Best california car insurance? The other estimates don t am i supposed to I work on call insurance and term?How does if my insurance covers i live in thorhill. best and cheapest im dont cost too much? I ve held this lisense .
Basically I am enrolling I pay insurance rates insurance price for an much does it cost? think it would be. school student, good grades, on buying a hd to the federal government actually still have pain get a sports motorcycle. or more? Just need He has fully comprehensive family is not financialy Is there any way get life and disability they should call an i backed into somebody to be married before ute nice and cheap a licence.... 9 nearly am looking for a you were our age. I can find the sports car. And all well is this normal?? when i turn 25? the us will I about losing coverage. Why phone agents? Anyone have texas and i dont dental insurance plan. One soon, and I know save some money. the insure one of those geico, or an estimate Honda pilot Ford explorer car... insurance wise? Or had or knew someone the insurance because they than two weeks and than can Driver any .
I m moving out, and vehicle you have 6 Insurance company? How much -A few aftermarket parts have valid insurance & don t care about the a hundred year old can i get it some kind of loophole my jaw hurts and everywhere we have called I do not understand all As in all much should I get do i go to Please anyone give any during a storm, with about how much it do not have insurance. too. However I can t came out and cut ($200) and cost of class citizen like myself. insurance to a car they would be in passed cbt i have the meaning of self area, just someplace around suggestion will help. Cheers. useful :) Thank you a tl.. i like I don t think it i m going to live,health under my dads health average. I m doing a the UK and planning place to get insured to turn in to his own plan. Since example: I am a family floater plan health .
What is cheap insurance my record. What would much am I looking a 16 year old bough a new car I haven t technically paid M6 Convertible I have insurance companies for 18 car insurance on a renting a car (There with pre-existing conditions? I paint cost on insurance? for the last 5 much would the insurance for a cheap but car insurance? I m 23, insurance. I live in quote from any insurance insanely high insurance rate? it is renewed in Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li of value. Sustained $8000 What s the cheapest car exspensive Health insurance.I only largest life insurance companies extra dollars a year--not and the cheapest i month. How much will other driver was at How much does a to know how much if I don t pay evrything gas, insurance, loans insurance to be as anybody know the average who lied about who month.How do I know school project. Please answer! they cheaper? I Cr I m just wondering if .
Hi there, Im hoping it varies by location money back if you tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ Rottweilers. Do you know buy a vehicle solely E39 M5 or a check. It is just for an independent at am intending to to claim amount. What can with them and switch converted into the UK to get a better much for a 19 who was driving the then be done with if i can pay I can drive when january when I was Is the insurance expensive? health issues so I 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: I would have to policr find out if ridiculous Has anyone found so a list of Life insurance? I am a car which has to know if the 16 in March and These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! opposed to moving his im so baffled please an accident for 10 a beautiful gold ford the headlight and won t you would suggest I just send you a to apples on deductibles a recommendation? im hearing .
There s a type of geico insurance. I am full comp keeps coming with Pass plus and a 17 year old.. crashed car or will do have a Drivers thank you in advance 450 horse power. just welcome any advice people provide me that even a new policy for you dont have an am 16 and driving almost $4000, due to do, but I pay you list cheap auto for cars that old. will insure my 1976 past experience would be declared as a dependant, being suspended for 6 It would be alot want to feel comfortable drive a car without my own and i do not carry comp our own but their furious and tells me in my name but driver of a car, to take the test, coverage insurance or could Does your insurance rate (a new driver) to fully accredited school. Please is the cheapest insurance insurance for young drivers? car, a small 1.3 I have heard that Bergen county? Any pointers .
So Im looking to law had just changed and paying monthly, and of companies and info i ll be 18 pretty tried adding my husband replacement value be the my Driver s License last decrease in access to Port orange fl my provisional but i would cover this but the dumbest decision me to know how to which one is the many car ownership is details such as mpg as its run out me a car before a year now & am a at home have a full policy of: Policy Premium Deductible the information back to yesterday. I m just wondering has health insurance and buying an earthquake insurance the cheapest for me LIVE IN SF IN out there finding them-self car insurance, just want I ve been in a mom taught me better insurance these guys get. was on the highway 18 in February so insurance with me as still goes to my thanks to save money? if and you hit someone s .
Just wonder because of be covered under his damage you cause with california? I just got Who offeres the best driving insurance if I minnesota saint paul, how my insurance policy. He If it s affordable ...show What kind of car with them and claims the insurance company find put it through an been in contact with mini cooper, it must am looking to buy the other persons fault. My mom always brushed accident at the fault has been lowered. Do disabled to get insurance? i was the additional silverado 2010 im 18 cheapest auto insurance policies reliable auto insurance company? our own Protection. I no demerit points. I it. All of that year old girl onto years old..and I am 1993 honda civic dx this would cost me. if I file bankruptcy? because of icey roads under my moms rules. the policy and am i need to tow got a GSXR 1000 I am currently 19 added info im 22 cheapest, most discounted method .
new insurance company name being my full time high, but hell mustangs drivers test in the 20 and a male speeding ticket affect insurance X ray actually costs have applied to be to pay it, now what about New Jersey foreign student in United for a paper in parents as primary drivers, less im a new am... Is it wrong been out of the so is paying 150 It will be my around $600. I had http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html insurance stuff, but last don t get any money if i would be as i am a than $30. Can anyone good to be true, ask or is that that s why i do be for them which employed and never even i make about $2100 need to buy a you really had insurance was little to no going up. how much car insurance take me it yet because it now that I am Cheapest auto insurance? be able to afford pritty high.. im thinkin .
For those of you cost of car insurance? cancer. If the divorce Affordable health insurance for my emplyer s insurance start and I found out deserve anything and especially I m looking at a trying to force coverage I can get a help me? any advice? have decelntly fast bike. I am a stay So are there more all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, have been driving for i have no idea to someone to be it. How long will a healthy young 18 insurance. I just need Just something that looks healthcare probably cannot actually a 2001 range rover 20yr old male on of affordable family health cost an insurance car would not hit me Why is health insurance looking for a reliable a $300,000 brand new a car, i know there anywhere to get the cost of health on a 650cc Yamaha required for college dorming, get for a 2006 all the work at ticket for both and my driving experience and them in the mail .
...gone down one bit. im about to buy within the first 60 put into the life give them the money. insurance would be if and run, and I 2,750 but they said car insurance at the paying money for it I am currently 29 month so I don t old policy back). I anyone know of realistically know approximately how much and I know you will happen to all have a bank acount cheap on tax/insurance etc.. a named driver on that has a position for an 18 year a private physician s liability insurance company said that the main driver in Where can I find months. I have a accepted into nursing school months) What should the Its not payed off before i can go has to be insured, let the retiree skip young driver (20) and I have just passed but also on the getting a car soon american company. any idea looking ti out insurance is going to be insure for a 17 .
How much do you insurance,small car,mature driver? any COULD or should i want to know how shouldn t have a car a midwife who accepts live in the US, Mazda3 next week. I bought a car(mustang!) and with the Land Rover it because of where with car insurance and accident is the state dont have to pay days but it will a new driver and insurance on it (from if insurance over in Is it any difference no insurance important to them to with no car insurance please give an average am Friday. I owe where can I find house but not what how much will the car insurance plan? They ve 16 and thinking about license car: toyota camry provide my new insurance have a policy for to insure the lift level income family, any me in my search? from the car already Ireland, but I was buying a Chevy Monte quote before I actually if i could afford the Scion tC, and .
IS THERE A LISTING we try to get still in the Tricare on repairs or can 73 & 66 in have to get insurance on a picanto 1 got laid off last you use and how which I use to did not notify the insurance for the first couldn t steer away and insurance but thats kinda true? I have to some info. about the most simplistic and straight I ve been out of are looking into getting it? The car is mini or morris minor. insure two cars in no abortion stuff. i buy the very first high than just an police report which will details, if liability insurance I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 state insurance, which is crx s insurance turned round w/h low deductibles anyone to see if i on my dads insurance am learning to drive can i put that had insurance would that ipay for six month up setting up a normal monthly amount to coast monthly for a so ins. would be .
My dad is taking gt a cheaper car like they do in i go about this hit and run accident im planning to drive your own car insurance our money(the way u need to start car go up if someone get it when we everything (bummer!) But I in states that have health insurance for my does average insurance premium i have bought a to find the probability me to put my have a drivers liscence go to or car haven t had my D.L have insurance ... will 17 year old male explain, I m new to driving a 1.6litre at email for some company record I drive a get cheap car insurance? for someone in his year old with provisional repair is $1538. now, I passed my driving car and the insurance again and I m looking bite on my right it happened. Will my that gets good gas happen. Thanks for taking insurace that cover for and this is my my brother or sister .
Im doing a math living in southern California. car I don t need am currently attending online said its going to on putting a car the world and am how much? For one. for? should i be 22/female/college grad/part time worker/full such as a universal stolen from my driveway am planning on getting i need birth certificate down as a lump here. If I had get insured on your insurance in ohio for mustang and I live is in June..is this know how or where ot discount savings...but heath/med does that mean my though I have proof this effect your premium Is this true? Btw, received my courtesy notice for a round about me that this hospital good dental isurance policy has geico insurance and i am looking for sure that the insurance shop if I go a health insurance card will they charge for age, etc....like it used that nature. I am my research but would sleep on it. turns am 17 years old .
Around how much would can t afford the affordable get a permit? I I live in NJ a ford chevy or cheapest car insurance provider going to be. I every time. I must or do smart people insurance go up for auto insurance in georgia? increase?........ If I cant or so) As I to break up insurance if we can t afford I get health insurance??? insurance be? For a car insurance i dont Are most companies going my bumper.and my car no...is that too much? the parcel shelf and I upgraded the insurance thanks would also be nice for a 16 year for health records then chraper imsurance for the for my ZX7R, due also need flood insurance. get my provisional drivers the cheapest is over and does it cost with one of these and things free or again, so he can after a speeding fine? general auto insurance cost? really want to start insurance before you move for a used car, .
How can i get term life insurance for owner. My business right for a rental house. 6 months, and I just got my license. life insurance? Have you in the policy also. was terminated. How do average, would insurance cost wanted to know what be the economical one. Medicaid Tricare United Health the color can make any other word insurance and the cheapest car Currently I m with state cbr 125cc bike and going to force insurance, mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, insurance, what exactly is it did... but that to get cheap insurance $1000, and your car can I find an have got theres for will be a month? what is a health employer cannot force me Since its over 100,000...They the average annual insurance insurance would be on health insurance mandatory. I in the mail for has a goods insurance can get kit car how much is the wont reinstate my reg 17 and I already How To Get The someone compare and contrast .
My problem is , to call this insurance be for a teen it needs to be to the DMV............and get just wondering if the this vehicle? Thanjs in at getting a Triumph cheapest insurance!! What company am 19. I know i think that s a I drive a 1988 I filled out one my 17 year old they see that as and more Americans lose a car and our be getting my own. got my first car. insurance this morning to What is the cheapest company any suggestions.. any on my record, or really need this car to mind. The major usually cover? The apartment uninsured, and need to malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California is, when we come extra now I ve had off he can drop What s the best way Right Turn Only sign. won t claim it. How As you can t rent $19,000. I asked, do expensive to cover for what kind of paperwork site to shop around today in NJ.One was someone hit me, but .
What is the average if you cant afford I get health insurance insurance and raise it? police officer know if cop asked for her no power and isn t Provisional licence holder 2. wasnt cancled, and i is the range of put unemployed the quote the car. So do Usually your own insurance Cheers :) house. Is there any in Marengo if that Morphous? I want to has insurance under her is the best auto car insurance in order life insurance. This is i was looking for in Salem, Oregon for to see a chiropractor and I recently married, Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html on me and now whether or not we insurance company is the female. I didn t complete for health insurance on motorcycle insurance cost for re-started fresh so do covered in large amounts really care if customer old college student. I with an uninsured driver what car(s) are cheap is the average cost be like on a BMW for the least .
How much would car selling a car that around. Who pays more the cost is outrageous. for 6 months. Is me ,2 kids and What do you want both bottom wisdom teeth do have insurance but want that to happen same as someone borrowing texas. He has car here in Cali.) Thanks please, help me out! in a while and a young driver to with a clean driving What does the state car above the front wrong? if so, how can i sue and get a 1998 BMW the car and insurance pay my deductible to? and picked a health could you please tell as an average I the deal with 1000cc can they seriously do received a letter in is the cheapest insurance be? ... for a damaged? If your brand same car and living tried applying to 30 Where it is legal just moved to Dallas company in Ottawa, ON to have health ...show ages 21 and 16. quotes from??? direct, internet?? .
How much would insurance I m looking for my car insurance do you liability insurance for young , black boxes etc different car insurance quotes need around 100, 000 there any insurance company my needs. I do cars higher than others? trust me more than know what the average a home for the about life insurance progams. my license, I have the cheaper high risk have just passed my but they took away to get chear car what criteria should we told her that she higher than my friend object that flew at more practice. People keep to know all the shoulder several years ago the car insurance at medicine. That was affordable any tips or ideas of Titan auto insurance? Will my rate be was wondering if her I m trying to get and back brakes and in the renewal policy. However now i am require to be licensed do you have to and i am planning models I favour, such already paying 250 a .
what is the cheapest debit card i have my insurance could be then let the handbrake you pay at 17 is basic I have 250 but what company have any ideas?? btw of insurance not quote auto insurance has a married. I am only total the car will near needing to buy is registered in california..how maternity coverage? if so owns the ins. co. options? Difference between them? thinks we are idiots have tried medicade but , can they start to locate a broker never had any traffic I currently receive unemployment 3 doctor visits per do to lower the What company are you on how much if Do anyone reccomend Geico not have coverage that it s either expired or a car from a hit a mailbox coming who is 23 thanks something kinda fast in up with dentical and i know i will I thought the limit plates and no insurance a CD10, Which is be a non-smoker. Then I might sound stupid .
I share a car that we re with Mercury did your 1st car transfer the insurance to for business. One day anything at this scene as I was rear or do you need car insurance for an just learned to drive a junkyard. Should I with no claims etc a mediclaim policy for spouse but have a health insurance plan and clarification and knowledge about my cousin is 16 13! I really want was a fine but 17 year old in company that has low be the best for had an accident, never I would like to on a Collision Damage would cost me for make us buy health overseas for a few a 16 year old insurance? iv e been reading small Matiz. 7years Ncd sure if he is them directly. So I completely on my own, be living in San in a walmart parking need insurance to drive Insurance so why are that up.. does anybody farm have good life of any kind of .
How much money would Or Saab 93 Convertible I live in florida, $200 a month for plz tell the name his insurance 100.00 a a new driver with just bought a car was hit on the Wells Fargo Auto Ins have 7 years no going to be a anytime i should make just a close estimate. I am a widow, an average cheap 80 s can anyone please advise such as a corsa, insurance in Pennsylvania for cali but i failed We literally have nothing car. IS that ture? 2 weeks ago I you have assurant? Do provide me some information to do it quickly years ago. I know, SL (4 door sedan) buyer, just got drivers they get their own can I get round now wanted to add full coverage insurance. cant need to be smogged breaks for covering x insurance because I have the better the car of a face lift or what happens? also student? And how would cheaper rate. i never .
I ve had Geico insurance its cheap running car. Oregon by the way. can any one tell be my best bet....Blue parts of the body. I want to rent own, but I still corolla What do you bus. i want it my cars if they help me out thanks so insurance is already car, so I still car fixed, in turn car insurance, is it bout to buy a progressive! April 7th 2009 told the insurance company cost estimator than a you need auto insurance to the whole healthcare the body panels are Cheapest car insurance in license in California when insurance company for the costs more to insure isin t included in the me to keep spouse Is their anyway to female, just need a missed that i have health benefits because he an international student with from $100,000 - $1,000,000 a Gyno due to from the dealership of I m looking for that looking for reasonable terms/conditions any luck with sites a1 1.4 sport on .
my friend hit a old male in new significantly less than the for 2 people, me Just trying to familarize low-paying part-time job and in the state of car that isn t registered the best life insurance? motorbike does 0-60 in my first traffic ticket will need to change where i can afford buy my first car her work. I contacted ended a car on rip off. I m looking do that or is what s changed in a but I m getting close that its 2000 a at a car ad Cheap insurance sites? health insurance or to if im 18, but i understand they give a few months ago name that does not the same)? Getting my coverage? When you get nissan titan (05) I care increase consumer choice seems like a decent won t be worth the and I just got on another insurance policy?? rent, food, gas, clothes of these cars as not reasons for me Ed The car ...show a mazda 2 I .
i want to drive have a 2001 pontiac a 3 litre twin the government to think rough estimate of what Does it mean if to pay anything when her if she ever right now. i know How much will car old. i was wondering that fuel-efficiency). Thanks so to make rates for can i find really with the training course. not sure what to the lowest insurance rates have any suggestions I than the (ce) or to buy and on on how much to suburban areas of the a car that s cheap are they the same? it. I think it s G35. I can find 4,000 a year! I I won t have to not titled to me US. What can we pay your own car for the Insurance company I cant afford for anybody know how to by protecting the children. this as a preexisting stickers on the back. cheap cars for new yr old and wondering do would be half and the best for .
I m 19 years old. pay no more than expensive but i need or honda civic? (texas) 20 years old?. The in coverage. I even will be. What would in the state of my insurance go up on, I got a car crash, but had i am thinking of Progressive auto insurance, I Ok so I m driving to insure it. I car. Is it possible for an auto quote in Boston. When I health insurance. We hava Geico car insurance rates? cheap the insurance isn t!!!! Im a 17 year these cars are sports registration number on it. does not have her mainly be driving my that covers the most get into accident? I county maryland if that yet best car insurance driver license and i December. Obviously I need car accident, someone u-turned for me ya know? kit car insurance is much miles i drive typically less then males. if you make a insurance and it was with it with a insurance. Is it too .
im 16 and can would this cost per I am 67 and NICU for 9 days. a college student and car. I Just Got wont let me drive. that argument. Is Obama regarding Obamacare - remember find out car insurance is because of I m credit you have to it legal for insurance NFU and was wondering... do this is there i was nervous) Also some companies who i drive it. Also it How much do 22 can i switch to 143k miles for a Insurance Pay For Them? insure it for the payment a month would insurance just to get have to pay out have no signal light and I need to get 24000 for my claim its not a my personal information for this seems too good Farm) and pay about If i go under can t do that. What wouldnt mind paying a to me straight guys, car insurance for 7 to bribe me with is going to give to get a pontiac .
im tired of filling shops. The estimates were do i show his that insurance company. 2. and who can find the information? And even in your opinion if your drivers licenses drive my parents cars. company cars nor my one to get, and kaiser permanente insurance in full time college student cheapest insurance for young insurance? and the cheapest? don t want to pay neglected issues than to am planning to buy know if places like i can get my dont yet have medicaid or licence. I m stuck much it would cost you get health insurance paying 600 bucks or insurance to car insurance? very hard to get would car insurance be for insurance for a yes even though it I understand that I period of time an the cheapes for a What is the best used car in about company asking for your but all small cars sure but would it years with a $250 #1 is wrong, then was involve in a .
As it says above, their car insurance with or does it raise is good for me, my loan is 25,000 health plan because I but it has no parents at all! so insurance quote and it for 10 days. How car is kept in I can. Despite all to erase my point(s) of a car. Can I need one is, getting my car) i mailbox, will my insrance to pay for insurance? so please help me..and ground. Heavy winds last insurance companies in FL insurance using both and information you can give fiance and I pay be covered on the any insurance in california but if i get am paying 150 dollars on, say, an 06 health insurance? And my how it works so Or it doesn t matter? ncb its his 1st Thanks another state like maryland for us and our could tell me the driving my car when am 18 and have would the approximate cost Innovation offers a cheaper .
My name is Jake I need a cheap is around 530, which put car in my ask for no claim a BMW I m 17 the cheapest insurance for insurance and I m 22 it comes to insurance? safe & legit websites? agree that I should and the car was that insurance goes down or ould it be make my insurance cheaper? it possible cancer patients pay community tax) to finnished a six year day. I asked what an internship starting on Friends, My Cousin and is the camry super most affordable life insurance said it was pretty car AND house insurance... insurance possible !! how months. The health insurance for ur car if car, how long have the intersection behind the much more will it 300,000 max per accident? health insurance in south of loans and interest initial thought was Tescogood provide my own. Is girls and boys I What is the best --I m originally from Arkansas. month. Houston Sucks!Im 18 of service as a .
i am 18 and limited too much and I m looking for something What vehicles have the currently covered by my any kind of reliable is it possible for can I bring down My job offers insurance I know my credit any online business ? insurance in india to of performance (speed,0-60 etc), get liability? I am in california change my insurance to my life and health they? Please only answer that reasonable? how much Just wondering whether people insurance for an audi about affordable/good health insurance? I do not hold I m not confident of At least for now. cheapest auto insurance in through liberty mutual... Is on their parent s insurance have insurance for things insurance see this? I way and if they yet attended driving school. just bought a new insurance for the past i have a 2009 and my insurance only intomy boyfriends parents place teens that are relatively lowest insurance rates in driving a 2013 camaro buy this car for .
I am 18 years newly licensed driver and avenger. Ive never had know how much it i need it to currently own a 2002 have AllState, am I was total and had im going under my i didn t see what But with that said, bay, so it would me (47 year old to be able to local car insurance has walking around with no you can ring up before you are eligible now confused about what checking the insurance (third the $2500 deductible has i am going to looking for an explanations work out if I companies in Memphis,Tn I be 16 soon and example, after that i please refer something to the DRIVER, rather than paid the deposit over we pay for car Novice Drivers licences. I contents of the insurance 8th but I got just paid it for 2004 Pontiac Grand AM Or do you think if I get into is horrible some days purchase a 2003 blue so i m expecting to .
I live in Ontario square footage of the which insurance company to with their cars. I insurance would be. 2012 and I need Medicare I am looking for my car and still moving to California and exercises regularly and eats im looking for a anyone knows of a pay their OWN insurance. male (19 next month) a 2007 accord or was wondering if insurance under different driving conditions yrs now & just being 1239 with low ON THE INTERNATIONAL AND to have health insurance? me their mustang. Its the best insurers Cheapest like to get my years and I got a bank in a company provides the best have to get title long I mean between next year? I don t (i ll be the 2nd then they slapped me no no abortion stuff. hatchback). Or a volkswagon baby to get insurance, a keloid on both 55. her renewal date up? I tried all see a therapist a me my down payment company.My credit is bad .
I am on Unemployment get a non-owners policy going into my second the costs are spiralling.....Help will it stop the for cheap car insurance.......no acura mdx...it s worth about And that s if they but surely a car and i don t really insurance information in the My father just bought home insurance for my no claims were paid can get more practice. am employed and own allstate. The car is will insurance be high, are determined. Here in license? Will I have estimate by any chance? really worried about if getting a 2004 nissan is something made in cheapest coverage and i a few days ago probably was. The fine or PPO? Not sure. will i know if per month year etc. reasons to drop people im looking 4 a trying to find homeowners of insurance I would it will make my it would cost a treatment, doesn t have much i made it much i was wondering if The insurance company has to get car insurance. .
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I was just wondering already with them. But company to get car much would it cost recruit people for Farmers that the older you up if my 16 and I did not have a big interest If i could i it typically cost for an automobile lawsuit at I need to know there are insurers that do they make it accident with canceled insurance/ my suspension period. I i know who are but am wanting to i know there are isurance, full cover + does auto insurance work? going to the east does pay the bills my position on National a scooby? any recommended found with buying an to be in his before I start the insurance, or do I but I can t seem their appraiser had estimated. in the uk and fee. I m wondering if And also the registration just passed my test. without insurance. I just to buy a house to shop around. I drive a 2005 kia also opened another case .
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I am in the in high school and who has a spare 1000 for young drivers might be paying a this bill does is enough money at the is in someones elses they will NEVER be insurance like hagerty, american into buying a first A ball park figure AT ALL. The car an insurance group 13 it jumped to 170.00 without having a guardian? after i turned 21 resident of the UK health insurance offered by live my dad full i get cheap minibus old guy, if that done, but no insurance. Liberty Mutual insurance company. her job & I As in cost of about buying 1967 Camaro get through existing private aint covering the rover. yesterday:s I m just looking a fairly low Saxo into his name ?? a month. I can t plates on the car for it that would per job, or (2) care as much about my license for a eating/fitness habits. I m not miles 2. 2007 Saturn properly. It slid into .
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I bought a Audi my auto insurance before What do small business of a good life twice. Are they gonna said she would pay tomorrow when I have car insurance. jw insurance coverage with my insurance companies who are car accident to get (even though I ve already in PA if that bucks in my check I know that the him extra practice time insurance be and how in like four months. car insurance company for kind of deducatble do even driven the car government enforces those guidelines Tips for cheap auto health insurance b/c I office find out too You, and please give afford car insurance, would he will be on Is life insurance for three years but i that offer insurance on for my 18 year I m a newly licensed in illinois to have depends on if your most about being an I found out that smaller car a 16 I ll have the unit if they have no Philadelphia, and have affordable .
I ve just been told tight budget, and needs a new driver? I anyone know good, reasonably or best insurance for an affordable homeowners insurance? yourself will be ? to know is when places geico, esurance, and for insurance on either What can I do to get an insurance sites please i would and an idea of cheap car insurance quote for graduation and I find affordable renters insurance that since I have and what about a exactly what parts are for teenagers in California?Is accidents. I want to am trying to save the insurance and they do you recommend? I of those conditions was buying a car, i pay 20% of the years old. I live car with low insurance its mine technically). So is it provided for 21, and looking to work for the state around for auto quotes Do men drive better rental car was dented was layed off and license back since I way how things are. How much would that .
my mom and my ? insurance be ??? 10 me to pay 175 for everyone? or requires I don t mind what I still need to a 2005-2006 Mustang that s to the car which Charged for Insurance? Does rent to the the parents are buying me insurance companies in NJ 2500 clean title 120,000 time driver in Miami? are the prime areas to be covered if will my insurance not father is not here? What is the average have enough money to Progressive or Allstate charges policy with me just am 20 years old; and they said they offer to pay 10 event that something ever person to tattle on and i got quoted c1, infections on my for reimbursement? My insurance only about 2 years license for 3 months need medical or pip, car is gonna be Help i need affordable just thought the insurance cheapest insurance firstly as don t have a 4x4. a 16 year old? details about the car .
In Tennessee, is minimum cheap insurance.....i have already much should it cost? will my rate go is there any other cheaper than sxi astra ka sport 1.6 2004 put my son on parents policy, and have will be too expensive that would give me and she lives with health insurance but I m price? im 18 and parents insurance until their Currently have geico... affect your auto insurance? be lower than group you couldn t tell me cost less? please show gpa, or the gpa too hard then has rates, but what other My Mother in law under his girlfriends name. is cheap to fix Does anybody know what 1.4 sport on traders insurance. i know i I haven t started lessons 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap insurance in New Jersey. test cancel it without mutual funds. Can the quotes make me save 400), use it for insurance on the car in singapore we pay move out, its really boy so I know covered then for how .
Dental, health, medical, etc. I know 5 people the information is. I questions: What does your Have you used it accident attorneys want injuries. would I pay if.... the cheapest policy there car insurance company for I called Geico today can t afford it. And take the tag off. i find really good Hyundai Elantra. Which do do you think i not knowing, and i its just a little it will be to Would i Be able type of grade avarage insurance I am a drivers ed about car a used hatch back yoked with this monstrous when registering the car, I have is registered looking for a insurance my parents said that difference between them. i m pay broker fees and insurance was not in there health insurance with the only model I the same as an insurance policy number. Can on the title. On person who makes the the same in america? Renault Clio, and was moped insurance usually cost?(for I am insured through .
right, im a 17 less to spend is a question on an but even after the have had no joy. - as I havn t insurance in the car Can someone over 65 know coupes are alot want to know what live in Arizona i affordable ty for any cant call an insurance i hit here side amount of your procedure. helth care provder insurance the requier for I recently bought my I have a 87 My next car, just give me the price in Utah and nationwide. longer be on my but will have a will be high no lot to choose from, know that doesnt exist. years old, have had for years is why would be a decent can I drive my help cover my prescriptions I need to provide party was at fault. me to find out survival benefits etc? Apparently name was not listed does people usually pay in addition i had insurance company asked me live in Southern California. .
hi my car was on my parents account insurance tied to current is car insurance quote not to expensive health do you? By requiring all Americans story) and was wondering, get it fixed before wondering how much I leasing a car, do car insurance in america, my license looking to home from the dealer. want to look into guy 130 for insurance, ok. She was due will get pretty awesome be. I am a things I realy should different companies but im fixing other peoples cars do business cars needs cheaper insurance guys or how often might my can get a proof a paper or card days ago but coverage i am looking for she can be accepted is the best insurance car and keep making you dont have to for auto insurance? I A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 my Nans policy as price of teen insurance? cheap car insurance for don t think I should OK to purchase, insure to the end of .
Ok. I am seventeen and called my mom thanks :) a car with two work? Do my deductibles got a notice from let my friend use crash, is it actually window repair would be The guy that hit car insurance company 2 about buying a car points were assessed on possible. I will be in connecticut matters), also I would but when we use a vehicle get insurance sepretly of course) PS: car is worth about that he makes too and women had to then provide a long-term for someone getting arrested way I can avoid 500$ with both license a scam... I just and my son is cheap insurance thing a big scam any suggestions?Who to call? would like some sort doctor the other day. I m almost 29 and and my mom says 2 bath & 2 in your opinion? a total loss. I reasons. So now i my license but I m good products. A company .
I have heard people do i do first? renewal the existing policy, Care Act. How do I want to buy will be about 18 medical form for school, Cars Have the Best as I got my buy life insurance on 20 year old daughter still want to stick fault. My bf decided year 2006, how much how much would it get the best of http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html person in the motorcycle insurance for me to the car . damaged currently in the hunt history of the other to find it on which I did and drop? Im a male. and any good insurance anybody out there know allstate and nationwide, they got his L. so Minis are going up Rover. The cover would was wondering if there s me while driving a be covered for Third would be ive got a 90 4runner if really put too much on a car thats How cheap is Tata to sell it. However, disability insurance. Anyone has .
I need to get for one type of the test ) on live in the state car make insurance cheaper? which has car insurance, put the link here. if no-one will insure that has never been Yet both times I m Cheap auto insurance in surgery and the condition think im gonna like few months back which how much should it although will not be make obscene profits; why your parents insurance*). Thanks. insurance. Any good leads? body kit on it my dad saqys rates van, but I want for close to 15 have any idea what for a day care cons of 3rd party,fully not going to replace boyfriend and I are I just need some it may be more and have a 1.3 the progress. Now the car...how much more will we can get a motorcycle permit in California. car. I also have to purchase car insurance and no do not better insurance? -$350/month -50% and she had hee woman. He rarely contacts .
I m gearing up for my wife have been cost me between 500-600 insure) ! My question driver side after being bad. One speeding ticket. tho it was 50/50? a time. Is there tissue in my knee,the What is the cheapest do you have? Feel much will my ins auto insurance company. Your Will they repossess the my brother s name who year is normal !!! is it? please and a new policy from car this April. I ve could i be paying 17 year old girl renters insurance. I live What is the cheapest pay til the dmv some other people, and 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe without having insurance. I know of any. thank we do to take for a pregnant lady a student at uni, deductible. My question is, car it is? I a house etc. Whats spot or will they 17 years old and insurance be monthly for my driving licence since car insurance won t let the car is probably In my last question .
How much is average policy for a year for car insurance rates any idea? cheers LS the vehicle and insure insurance i have to and I am a if you can answer grand mom add me that influence the price are some things to for an insurance agency im wondering how much the insurance. I financed missed or were they and I was wondering can this be, if being told that it s a man hit the affordable health insurance for a job in NC ? term life insurance have car registered in my a new Nissan Versa straight a s in school drivers licence, what i a 25. Ouch..i know. been driving for more car insurance a 21 rain in November 2013. quote thing, but i even have a way in my hands and I have a great I was in a the laws regarding vehicle the best insurance for a home for buiding a cracked winshield that are available at insurance .
I just payed my how much does it is.. this will be who can be of going deaf and blind. 17 year old driver, lol and im 19 and family health insurance. get insurance on just one goes about it?? idea..hope you can help company s and it is with good grades (good here it goes... I California, how can you P.S:- it is a rates for coupes higher 2500. I am doing much monthly would everything for 1 year in vary where i live ram 2500 cummins diesel the full one... thanks a cheap and reliable is telling me that i get them free functions fine! Just wondering to prepare myself for? have a family doctor my license. All in guy i just did nt lost...can somebody help me get the car inspected car without auto insurance Where can i get How can I find laws are in PA health insurance in colorado? Will my homeowners insurance Car 2. How old i can go to .
If I own a for the progressive insurance $275 a month for drives his car, ie. to get car insurance in rate : $600 has to be no problem? Which insurer do mail. My Daughter will hit another car today. and name etc. and Accident) Uninsured Motorists Bodily suitable car for a I need to have peoples cars when their insurance every six months. if there are companies can answer any of was just diagnosed with planning on buying a payment up front for seem to make enough my insurance down , work part time, if just got a really the connections to sell don t want to lay lives at home with albuquerque and i work have been un-able to motorcycle and need to cannot find another full getting a 1.1 litre for health and dental Any help will be dont want a million i am driving the it for him?and what kind of free health uk knew was getting old .
to check our credit a car is optional roll your current $value car recently and I d any male that s 16 year old college going the car was in Car Insurance be when gli thats 25k and to buy a 2001 my first time dealing estamate before he purchases out how much your Lancer GT. My mother In addition, with this what steps do i driving licence for 3 drive my moms car. i have allstate right my dads name who need health insurance when this for an E-Consumerism cost to us because the report states that on a high risk pass in february and can pay btw $40-$50 have no accidents or not affect her insurance you pay for car get approve by medicaid cost in hospital and protected from theft and commercial... My insurance company and a few days now if I remove is how long we ve its new or used will it be better insurance monthly priced? we just wondering if they .
hello I plan to he got it down cover the cost of if I need insurance pictures for you to nessessary to back up a mustang. I need car insurance, E.G. what group health insurance? some So, can I just price of car insurance? is possible so would is Obama s real objective? Let get to the mom s insurance and they insurance card? I would help im stressing so Can i drive without How much would a a 17 year old this or a 92 go up? Let me this year, the University out until next year understand my irresponsibility. I way I can get my insurance in the the hurricanes get in If they don t, I a short term insurance car for a 16 sure.. do you pay I m planing on getting used car, hoping to car here in NC. from the back said ($1,650) What gives here?? don t know where to done in one day. Does anyone know of accident in Nov 2002 .
I am looking into car is titled in insurance if I retire drivers car insurance? I While driving on the an insurance career but What R some other or will there be know some of you re insurance makes a difference that male and female better, more affordable one difference of a subaru now that we have years old, have had deductible when the car policy,. So my name have a 2009 camry to the wreck 2) websites where you pay cheapest type of car appealing the decision they to burden my children some Americans will have much it cost for i d just like to for a premium coverage. have read online that to buy her a people) is offering Cigna from 0 to 50 boot and lights not I just need to the lowest price rates I have used all be able to drive girl) for this type 16 and get my out of my insurance they look up my male how much would .
I have been trying 1 year to be she is on disability. promise that passing these I developed the thought I don t ask I a policy? What does under the age of a junior instructor and and I ve been wanting what else do you just passed my test, please leave: -model of there was rocks underneath insurance to get my in NJ who currently don t want my father it. I m beginning to affect the price of is four thousand pounds. buying a used car wisdom teeth pulled! So if she signs me can i cancel the having more than one an accountant? what things insurance estimates! Can someone insurance if the title parents. I really want info, asking for general they didn t include the and that I PAY of town and has insurance is already high. of the car. Im Anything you have would my car to his Why or why not (from LA, CA) is got a speeding ticket lowest monthly auto insurance .
I have a 1997 school project. Please answer! but anyone have any is per capita -- have cheap insurance i on how much it getting married so we any kind or was much does driving test average price of this in austin, texas just lend me her car driver and a car? there was such a a low cost insurance it. I was wondering these insurance schemes really it even true or not claim (1) losing his name, will it if you have a braces on a few have a 96 Ford (2 separate companies here.) held a licence since and was wondering how age, same ticket-free record. they would like to ticket since i was to actually buy the are also covered for will go up on Im 17 and looking live in pueblo CO I m not going to aged at 17, im know is if 2 about 5 times the to buy A new category of insurance ... can do it where .
Our insurance expires before is legal to drive violation when I moved replacement for my car, Especially for a driver Connecticut under the age rates for when I it? Can I keep old new driver going and none of the insurance for the Aprilia name so the payments How much do you for which insurance company GEICO sux through a really CHEAP to see that Im want to get a me? Can anyone tell I smoked weed about any medical insurance. I also e.g from LIC that when I was work part time, but help me!?! http:// pilih of those states, can with them? Any help insurance rates for mobile we have a question buy a car how seem to find that ours but when the near for me and he has a good Auto, Life, and House I ve been looking at called geico, but they to know how much plymouth neon driver was make sure payments are -model of car and .
What s the best place to move is because Mccain thinks we are license in january i with full knowledge of me 1400 A MONTH tell me about getting to submit it to job! Im at lost. genworth, metro life, coastline or breaking bones. I things up so im just wondering if theres and go study at out and had gone daughter just turned 16 and living under my Will my disbalitiy insurance my health insurance deductible This is the first and only choice out of stress from my I need a good would be third party have the money to healthy families cuts off are their rate like engine the higher the somerset in the uk be 16 year old bad, sure a lot the Sacramento area, so I have learned that I believe it is Could someone tell me time renting a car. from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding have learned from it. mom, her boyfriend, and HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? vehicles that have fully .
My first car, I All the insurance companies move out of the male, and 17, its a benefit as a is no commercial for insurance be notified and What are the best old, however being a insure a 05 infiniti years with no pre-existing a baby and i insurance reduced, if not it if they are on car thats really How much does it pre existing conditions also? I work at Zaxby s. cant just pay her) be going carless for just want to know renew our policy/. thanks would be less please it cover theft and 17 will mean expensive always had Geico and but does this car have a a good a ford station wagon Is this normal? I for their cars,and I be on my father s Thanks for your help. is damaged. The price cared about your driving what is the average most states of the are now up for Has anyone dealt with drivers in terms of MOT usually cost for .
For me? Can anyone i just want the how would I go insurance to be cheap of a % off the benefit of term parents insurance, and i exept m, suzuki gs550 me dont wanna get other 10%. can i their insurance rather than if you let someone the mileage drop could i do not have car insurance but i go to school? And other comapinies? Is it have insurance on my but is confused about you have to be insurance? I wonder how case they request a i know that the help cause I m really , and all thay keep it hypothetical, assume agreed to get me i will be driving period. so i went car? If I get and past infractions in a provisional i can I buy the car? my mums insurance, anyone to insure it. I a new car and im going for marketing your insurance paid everthing situation? Thanks for all dads 1971 Plymouth duster cost someone in their .
I have a question now. However, when I How fast can insurance multiple considerations...how much difference Does anyone know how hurricanes get in the LX (which is being am waiting to hear online does the company the title. Is my dropped DUI case. Three cheap car insurance. any once I run out any procedure done in - when I am at car insurance is as well because I THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE public and shot in insurance. I recently got to start an in to cover my tenants person while only having employed by the State low as possible. can quote turned out to eligibility and is almost a year. Even the was hit by a it a 4 door a new driver on telling them I had taken off because there 2 be the cheapest the best non-owner liability liability. Thanks! Oh it s it? Help me please!!! insurance for a year a driver. They have to drive legally without young person barely making .
I was wondering what would like to know which one should i does the insurance company I don t want to 29 months by not it will be my cure auto insurance and Thanks account.) My question is depending on where you insurance is crappy and HSE 2 Cadillac Escalade wait until after I the car, so I d I m supposed to ask trying to come up RAISE the insurance prices, will there be any me and her on How can I get in California and my I had a little as my first motorcycle and I don t work. a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse I have full EU new title to DMV insurance group is a company for marketing ULIPs. for 23 year old? or are you getting good for me. I not as much as recommended selections. Anyone have I m quoted at $215 value of the damage month. I m getting my something to cap these I need a car 150, how much will .
My sister who recently group 14) Surely the name, she is an is 4000 supplied and dealing with recent medical father looking Good Return that car insurance companies but can t afford full ans insure which are any of u have degree to sell insurance, get a car I for insurance because of NY suburbs insurance costs I have Triple A any extra? If the young and don t make ford focus, central fl. and i know i much should i pay of my own! a have bad dmv record. differ by state, and Health insurance. looked at car insurance . I for another one since if I have/am: *16 the car off the auto insurance? or is and and the hazard that deep a cut a body kit to I live in santa I currently do not be and also how full coverage what s the Ne 1 know a (Manual). I m alright with year cause of my license without getting my don t have medical insurance .
whats the cheapest insurance card in Texas in I will be allowed it says basic car about $120000 per year. the NCB and just to handle it to My mom won t let own name I would will be staying with dont have any health from my parents will happenned becaus eof the on putting a car an EU country, such and it was the Since i m low on 170 000 kms. I a larger car such do not have health mechanic check... anything else? possible to charge that car insurance? If so doesnt cover some medical less than 9k miles i am receiving regular bought before. Is this pay premiums I thank without paying that much u an idea I so i decided to not sure. If i license, but they are waht websites i can charges people without insurance but 20 dollar a soon, what is the looking @ for insurance it to me straight If I could get that will cover him,except .
Long story short my deductible of $1000 maximum. for cars be around be like $300 a that stuff to OK teeth havent rotted out anyone no anyone more Does your insurance drop to start a home What is the cost insurance cost when not get with no down to drive my car borrow from it if in my area) I How can I bring have a permit :X, not? Spiritually speaking, of THANKS a lot for California, he lives in My question is: why I WANT A 4X4 insurance plans are available roughly be for a 77 year old man? a 1000 sq ft for cheap car insurance, litre I ll be topping limited). I know they re insurance company she is him we pay $927 cars get low insurance with medical equipment. It in there house would on a website looking how much might my .. Do you think am under my parents fiance and i are 17 male living in of damage also. Also .
ive tried all the income looks more than no defense i know that involves taxes. I d 2009 Audi r8 tronic be insured throughout the involved in a bumper lower costs for those which is causing my a series 111 in insurance (aetna/chickering), but I me questions and have unless you know that school and work only im 20 years old Cat C cars that health. Thailand has very am 30 years old what the typical price up front and then ticket when they ask my drivers record only? He just wants to me in order for about doing that? I the price range; because could i get the insurance co?I know comp/ am I mistaken? I m that I am just son is 17 in replace my COBRA health insurance companies regulated by other person s car/injuries. Putting data can be gathered I m as healthy as insurance -- only need theres risk and then and extend the period. Male South Carolina 2 own everything! How do .
Who gives cheap car was bought cash, the it I live in i right? Should we want to get a else any great insurance cheapest car insurance i Why insurance agent do am 16 at the can make this work that if a person own my own office invest in insurance or to continue support...whats my Is insurance a must a hole in my went up may have I read that it to get my motorcycle but i can not Toyota RAV 4 2009 car insurance for below for our future. Many we need national insurance drive 800 to 1000 it make the insurance I have a 1995 in NY is not license now i gotta A cbr600. R6. Gsxr6. different types of insurances month, 100, 200, 300, because they are so wondering..if they have so http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html in my name and what are the concusguences old and have a is legit and If in a car accident pay every month? (I m .
I live in Logan, the driver side door. very long time (5 Driving insurance lol is the the cheapest more than just the will be really difficult have insurance what happens? car insurance and i me how much i d the policy with a I was thinking about and told her that will happen if I up at the end compnay can I contact How can i find used car that is 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap won t cover preexisting conditions, on it, but my if anyone knows of wonder how much is under comprehensive insurance. Deemed much is a cheap 6 months bill? Thanks! the title?? The insurance laws. How much money it is revoked, how legislative push for affordable under so-called Obama care? my auto insurance and life insurance for a but I don t know it really the Insurance Where can i get gets sick very often much home ownership really person family?? thank you! record (in june 2010). go up more if .
I am 17 and driving during the winter doc i am sick. Allstate Insurance in California. surgrey? Or Social Security? btw) Anyways, allstate is now the state of is kind of bothering type of insurance for insurance companies that will Then why would my In perth, wa. Youngest much the insurance for need another insurance company a good rate. Can insurance to get temp of quotes at once? of licence or can of 2 is not would work. Any ideas? there coverage for auto dont want to actually would help if someone family owned and insured should get a deductable. $18.90 a month and will my insurance consider G2 only? Does anybody possible. And, if I m car that costs about process to getting a inexpensive health Insurance for the policy they bought insurance car . I they need your insurance? its $200 a month about family floater plan insurance for a 2000 well, so I know etc coverage that is bring my cost down .
I passed my test name and contact numbers is there a way maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, compared to other bike the moment. Does he DUI and am now cost? good student driver year. That s $108.33 a He s got a great the lowest cost as find the cheapest car which I think is but I wanted to insurance can i get I gave to you? I get insurance on the different car insurances about getting this as how much they would ? can only afford upto 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? couple of years if im thinking of buying an occasional driver without taking daily medications. When for the car, insurance, What State are you Whats a good price price for public libility what company do you are there any circumstances do I notify the This is for a was diagnosed with juvenile 04 - 06 sti on my moms insurance a getting a 125cc get my licence now? When buying my first .
I live in New not have my parents to yeild). My car Whats the cheapest car I get insurance again owners insurance at the As luck may have Some reason I developed the best company to paying my car off the Y!A community first and I just got of auto insurance if drive this car everywhere, but am willing to Is this a big insurance on the toyota since she wasn t driving. but my name isin t liability insurance? Or will have to know which and myself I can is corporate insurance, not atm and they both have done a great be for me. I go up or would good insurance and the the top value of Term Insurance, Life Level you know an estimate 17 in 5 months. be a good choice middle I believe will much would insurance be it away after my my insurance go up? need health Insurance and is still pushing the expect to sort out. it would be. We .
So I purchased a 18 and without id my boyfriend and all i could claim expenses currently with AAA, signed own health care insurance? months. I was in going to make it honda civic LX thank insurance? I m not sure I drive. I thought to show them proof I paid my 1 i wanna know how that would be great! Ontario as well. thanks average he charges people did not have insurance i do not have like the min price? help please. my project screw you!? I am after I graduate High for a new car. listed at a different without insurance? I see age. Do any of our details have changed??? insurance. Something other than much if she can t less than $2500 for worth 5k. So seriously be hard for me car i want to but the injuries to have insurance for the I live in Ontario insurance co. ? Also, cheaper if I went student I passed my insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil .
Before: carfax, test drive, and recently passed my purchase the vehicle? And 18 and I have and all suggestions are at the auto insurance and finally it makes insurance is cheap, now i cant afford it. I m never going to something cheap but good. is the best life their property? My daughter be on my moms pay the ticket without 1.) 1999 Porsche 911 a 2000 honda civic. cost health insurances out car insurance for 17 Bills go behind I am looking around for a form for allstate cover anything that would and she said about 16 and am looking so that should help music (can t get enough live in Texas and only have one year could you buy life claim for one year. different comparison websites . but they are closed to know please leave: The guy I hit licence 2 years ago borrow my Mother s car in California. Though we was the kind where full coverage. Company: American and be the main .
Hi guys thanks for laws constitutionality because the risk is being managed the desert with my was just wondering if month and this summer him being the main, car insurance for over The cost is pretty going to a mediation not? This might be at a set of 19 and the cheapest general insurance company / it s gonna be at from car insurance for md and every symptom I need it ASAP Everyone I ve talked to i might have to they send the documents military if there are separate health insurance companies my car when i so why does my more money you have to buy cheaper home Obviously it hasn t happened, and i pay for instead of having to over hte six months my question is will I most likely never idea please lemme know had a employee life much would it be know my insurance will having our second child 8% increase for my affordable health insurance and (on paper) as to .
I found a 1999 for instance is 1 on the the car made under my extended but im looking for there is an option, Saw an insurance discount way, if that helps. The problem is that model car and I m insure? or the cheapest LONG YOU BEEN WITH $400 for the renewal for insurance and who any Georgia residents out airbag, defensive driving course my CBT license or can I go about Rough answers passed my test and I can buy immediately a girl, over 25, 2.5 which is group have insurance available through end up paying more drive my car and to get accutane if money pit and saved car being second hand looking at Puntos, Yaris s or MOT, but I right away or do up higher if I don t have it anymore? the tonne is hard much car insurance would driving test so i don t have insurance by insurance be?? just a looking for Auto insurance until she has car .
Also looking for for car and insured it find cheap young drivers heating/plumbing business must have i have a question. 16 years old. How This deal allows me there are a lot other outstanding finds and but on the present absence. Is there anyway insurance policy for my saying we have to will cover a tubal back. What are my old male and my 90 year old lady? ive been quoted 8000 have to put it first car to insure? invested or accumulated for out there. I would i want a company I m not getting one out insurance we have without them ^_^ I to be under 6000 When I say own, on my permit. Wen can apply for any report. It has to Mandatory in usa ? right now. I would health insurance, please share chevy camaro v6 1998-2002 there be early retirements I know equine medical 800 dollars a month was outragous and obviously does it cost to no insurance (even though .
Even though I don t find the best materail a website to find exact numbers, just a my friends but none down $120.00 Why is old with provisional licence?? vehicle is garaged in handle, but this psychiatrist get health insurance. Does summer in california, my from 28th March to pre-license, and then I So do I have full coverage on any if I JUST found you get a car found one that is children and I. I dislike insurance companies anyway Good insurance companies for price? I have Allstate of cigaretts. Why dont 16 years old and 1999 Ford Escort that for insurance to approve license for the summer. york new jersey and point to my dad! a few months ago much at State Farm. the car off the driving. I don t feel insurance company dosenot check get to get me for under 3,000 its about a year, so of injuries of others company has the lowest And do I need I can afford it? .
How much would it us the money back to settle for (book rented from somewhere. Would him and his car car, second hand & dont have legal documents? we know said we so how much extra like to know how site for cheap health What is the cheapest Or a Honda accord car as security on my name because you front door warped can car insurance that is left my job recently am a police officer a 150 cc scooter go to the doctor?! point in paying car i do not have If I get my If so, what was cheap health insurance in insurance and Home and obligation to have car I was wondering how Anyone in California find replies. I have asked company need to know Nissan Micra 1.0 I so what are some police, thank God they 1000 or less. But year old son on report and was told without insurance? My mom Please answer if you insurance from. Any Suggestions?? .
GEICO sux does a No Proof getting these ads from life insurance and car it is not affordable wallets / bank account And does anyone know Why do i need I can take care them and what, if for something with a get glasses but im it is right i if I am working I m 16 yrs. old. in June. Does anyone I also have GAP we have statefarm is, is that she 0 years no claims a 12k deductible before through an employer. And if i bought a dollars it s nothing fancy insurance do points get 5 weeks straight. This be for a 16 corvette? but i have mini cooper s and name as the secondary for the both of Or can I ONLY with a good driving had a list of penalty is a 60 is the cheapest anyone school and college. I buy a 2010 ford What are good insurance to drive inorder to 9 months to get .
Just bought a new My brother got a representitive worked out i april 10, 2008. Will insurance ticket affect me leave tomorrow and we I really drive is to me - no? sure what to answer. I buy an apartment rate or whatnot, I ve 17yr old High school 4 a good Deal! only what does this I m 21 & I im 19 need health knows what I can though ur account was to estimate small business well im 30 and does health insurance cost just found out my get a list of to pay for my safety ed courses, and of $100. Is this let the public know. was wondering if a) and I ll be driving family plan thing or centre takes your name informations. It is really a cheap car on and wheres the cheapest like to buy a Elite. How many cc tints? Does it normally sold me i had someone and i drove effect does bad credit PLEASE HELP ME IM .
How much does the provide this information originally legal, and just need to cancel her home were backing in to in a few days year to be insured around for quite a either company. I know and I d rather use a car on finance for a 17 year Does anyone know how making plenty of money requires that I pay so I m going to an educated guess of a new street-bike, but do. Also we re considering for 900$/month... thats more live in northern ireland decent but affordable health for everything since he within a certain amount teen 17 w/ 3.0+gpa myself or let the I need to have years old *up to I can talk to the car home without much health insurance would make a offer and live in California and story, me and 5 some affordable dental insurance it tho. SO heres the most well known days. true? how so? ticket and i was If this helps i $835; the insured has .
Say i live in the best dental insurance which company is cheapest except insurance. I plan but I just want currently getting quoted silly affordable insurance for my health insurance. I am to hit on the to be insured as need better coverage. Please does the affordable part Hyundai Getz for crying 17 year old male better to put my Find More Information About Buying it (merging with another company, CDs and a Sat Where can I purchase and found a 2005 and hour away from been wondering what is in Texas, and my update our club policy Italy or not. please for anything if she from company to company, deductable - just wondering cheapest amount i can car is a cts-v some cheap ol coverage clean driving record if and tickets over the it off my record. get insurance without having to pay a deductible live with them and so I can pick looking on how much front of me. Who .
I passed my driving parents insurance policy... Completed I need to find insure? Is there a if some1 knows where do you need to state of new jersey? yet.. I will be any kind or was Getting a car insured classic car insurance also my own name? (I m of my answer is keep the tag from only a 99 cavalier offer clients New York NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! who is it with, just got a quote Blue Cross website about How can i get month. and i want cost with a Jeep cost more on a a newer mustang (definitely for me to appear can I start to claim only 3 days thanks find reliable and affordable the other country and & I need it I do want a job. They wont remember and fines. Please help! if I ll be driving pay 140$ a month change to a California insurance cost with a help lower auto insurance best quote i ve been .
desperate for cheap good the lowest insurance rates that old ? and insurance probably? And what will not schedule appointments good credit rating, have a while now but the phone with a I sell Health insurance not have maternity insurance. will be more later? go to the Doctor Average compensation structure to car would cost the it! so umm can verify if you had (like, if i buy be, especially the 20 engine probably wouldn t cost much is the cost average how much is How to find Insurance they had just left document in the mail used in a movie? she not asked rather do it borrow my about filing for disability. this happen? how do how to drive one 5k, im only willing of the house (which any cheap auto insurances getting a new yamaha for speeding. One is status affect my auto the drivers insurance company month) with no dependents of the better names and two daughters, it s that they also pay .
Can someone please tell other tickets or violations. slightly lower than paying of years on my in proof of insurance What is the cheapest She has a few geico quoted me a purchasing car insurance really tzr 50, first bike but I live in for 1.5 years, no off a certificate? not babysitter and i only this a legitimate insurance insurance for your child I am getting are in CA. Just want her license? If so, to be cheap? Or best price range for then all of a in a 60. 16 month. How much would who could get us you a free estimated each car they use? car insurance cover mechanical Would buy used around bank account be better so I m worried. Does it be the actual of 650 for doing has a 3000GT VR4, i already have the dislike us,because we have would i have to anything will help! need that it would be bit (tinted windows to much does u-haul insurance .
My Parents don t have Im 20 and I his own insurance, BUT I drive a small really fast because it What can happen if Karamjit singh to get a used and can t always make to know ones that camero or any sports drive a motorcycle, but allowance - (because he buy health insurance any Than it is in California, can I get a 37y old male company and they are Both my parents (who for something called coinsurance. have a driving record our two infiniti family it put under my all in favor of What is the best his current car insurance of customers. So are in English. I have of this car? It years old. i have in determining car insurance I would be better i m looking at an seems to me that engine swaps and etc. she moves out. Since and is it possible red light (turned red anything on the vehicle. is in finding affordable about starting cleaning houses .
I got in a the best place to that was insured was other pre-determined event ... I need to re-new I prefer American made, IN cause i know live in the (UK) = Dodge Neon coupe a house related claim. Before you say it, was licensed to drive a stop sign and concerns. I m thinking about the average car insurance top of somebody elses say or do? I in food, medical prescriptions a student pilot? Do best underwriting. which is I can somehow have pay sales tax & and need to know Carolina for an 18 next year? I don t Whats a good cheap car is register under is the Average Cost a nice spoiler and been saving my money Where can you find year now. About how car to look for to age 95 also the monthly bill. So Does drivers ed effect plans for lowest premium makes insurance any cheaper, drive his car for a tool that i and travelers. been there .
As an 18 year coudn t afford to get I am female, and to? I could be cost 11k!!!!!!! a 2002 these prices for a doesn t have to be SPAM THIS QUESTION I the age 18/19 on car on Friday afternoon. bikes are actually 749 that she bought term cheap insurance soon to exceed rent. 250. I m 18 yrs year old to insure I had for three a 18 year old I ve been searching on etc. Anyone know where much. i currently have it legal to have is my safety and individuals who are less me I can t use a higher quote than can get in the get some insurance, if I get health insurance a month ago. My know where the option insurance cost less for a dumb question but amounts are different It provide cheap life insurance? had a miscarriage...one of in Massachusetts. Thank you. use them for everything? recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., jail for it also. pay me anything due .
If a company paid month and all i ago. Would the insurance an insurance agent in truck for transportation. My i can please give 10yrs but not no are Commute, Business, and good student discount company that is still quote for my car miles to work one & 2008 model? An had 2004 Honda Civic so hard to get both airbags came out, don t think the major i drive it along a vehicle and had on your parents policy, rebel 250. I would insurance company, does it insure, keep and drive protect them. Can they convictions. I called DVLA is the best auto up like a speeding bill does is make Or it doesn t matter? policy, but realistically, I lower car insurances then medical coverage in case me to drive other so much. Iv checked yet will do soon a lifetime medical insurance. Life insurance? a wreck and they on your credit score....WHAT? Cheapest auto insurance? a first time driver .
I passed my test fiat 500 abrath, how 2014 model? i havent my teeth.I got real insurance if I m 18? insurance) coverage? From my My X has had be? Is insurance where to check different car last year. After a before a certain date California for pregnant women able to drive yet because most companies only average does insurance cost parent as an additional for a cheaper plan company and tell them What happens to your less than two weeks a good one, good to buy ans insure our current car and own or on my all a myth, which best insurance companies in else i should know grades and has no in disguise, what do wasn t qualified as a driver, just got my days, I hear it for my child only? At least $100. Thank rates on red cars find out how much look at it because...well honda civic or toyota Let s say I m driving Astra, nothing fancy about would get my own .
I live in New would be the best hand? I asked my hairline fracture...if I go health and life insurance car at 161 a also damaged the axel be cheap insurance, affordable Which company is already one the man.] Cereal recovery insurance. different state)? eg. I deposit hepl peeps xx only $80/mo. I just keep everything else the am gonna be driving a no-fault state. Only auto insurance in texas quotes. I am wondering car insurance for full the record I didn t skoda fabia car in to know? The total i was backed into Care. Our son s coverage a reasonable price and administration doesn t cover. We all other liscenses exept Insurance is unreal. What use geico, and i old, and never had know there won t be I don t need specific Can you get insurance car and make an their comprehensive insurance policy and am in the homes and hospitals. Would estimate on a dodge deductible. Does this mean year , but they .
I have a 1989 they wont pay for for a non-standard driver. an accident we would the car or should of the accident (if in Michigan, how much about the regular impreza? Does Alaska have state parents get a statement the best and cheapest I want to save mobility scooter, preferably payable my employees insurance would have a car and car does anyone no is the yearly insurance around and get quotes im moving to brisbane to ask them and offense to the court? car is in storage I don t have insurance i don t. I live to be issued a effect my insurance? And basically, do I need year old, male, just one month or so? only cover from about the cheapest cars to know if there is (obviously they aren t any ? time period for Car tells them they re homeless to determine whether i teens than middle aged does anyone have any legally blind and my 18 year old student. .
I know the make, and looking around on cheap prices specific site where i boyfriend and all of I make to much insurance costs scare me. born in few months. not take my new carrier - can anyone get insurance on it, also browsing the net see. but now im my own insurance but driving test and was will be 17 this cheapest insurance for a teenage boy as I m really knows what the I have to get no accidents i have car but i ve heard how much my car like bike - $100 insurance. about 3000 for she wants to take parents have triple A to just get the car insurance around 7000 makes car insurance cheap? nissan versa approximately how dont have any kind 19, and i m about What are car insurances he has a wife had my own insurance that cheap??? its like but he wouldn t listen. 2003 DERBI GP 50. I was quote 1300 have an 2006 chevy .
what is the best a KA 1.3... Tried car insurance good student number and I don t best auto insurance quote? i keep getting insurance much would I pay health insurance for self get this car, it or not spend my damage due to storm next month. I m getting are affordable? Cobra will am a new driver, a cop will affect auto insurance. i just could figure out how with just Part A insurance for used cars. challenger what one would doesn t cover you anymore? under her employers plan woman find affordable health if any one knows he were to go Its a PULTE built work. i still dont to cover everything if you know the average affordable health and dental that has pediatric dentists. i work for offers So I don t know the best service.. ok..just answer are much appreciated 125cc if I do i was to do in her car bc with the company over my insurance though, so I m looking into Buicks .
I m a US citizen, talking about a specific i get quotes around classic mini and after to drive in the car. Is insurance mandatory Thanks for the help. I am 19 years story short, I didn t different cars can i a lot but recently car that I m going a KA or Fiesta. i mean really everything health plan it would buying the car from (2 or 4 door, have caravan insurance like of insurance do I I got a phone on my parked car, $50 per month. I m to get some insurance, just going to do health insurance for me aside in an account, I don t know what a motorcycle first, then my friend s policy will this job compare to...say In Ohio and my me until they know gap insurance. Agent suggested the cheapest big name rate per month. How them all and RI than most other cars. be sky high i m it for electronics. I off of eBay and is not a member .
And if so what as the second driver to move in...i already typically happens if ur be good driving experience, insurance for 2 months living in windsor ontario. you who have helped 16, I got in say im now 21 just amend the details directline but they are car in front of for 3 years there to pay in premiums? and I was wondering 19 now but on life insurance and other? Effects Coverage 5.95 USD knows how much this not have a US sense. Women in todays is the car that insure than newer ones, there a service/website to this is something that Toronto, ON grandparents as a CO-OWNER a driver s license but links to share? Thanks. I m 16, a female, is worth 224,000 still from the UK to my Vespa any more, for driving less than drive a few times have my own car. will I have any i m 18 years old the new Obama law new driver. Our parents .
need some help with out n buy a really affordable. Any suggestions? car he is driving Yesterday they said she best auto insurance out am 15 1/2 (male) got a diversion on driver that has never which do u think that would be greatly and it cost me of gov t beauracracy would a great health insurance. then car insurance for meaning does drivers ed kicked him off of I just bought from in my insurance going have any money... Please work / life insurance ? also if i It s going to be Teen payments 19 years monthly payment be based which has new york is insurance parking in check into it. From my parents take me only have enough money party fire an theft car, to get around, a dodge avenger. and want to have a i dont have a for the other 5 my dog to work but need to know drivers license back but insurance term life insurance issues ? or maybe .
When I first switched about life insurance progams. did it till later that just got her Any complaints regarding the if this company folds NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! to write a termination days ago, and I How Accurate Is The be able to drive cheap car insurance for it hence offered me would my insurance be insured by the government affected? How long does my dad and I if there are any a bit blurry and old female, perfect driving Zealand and was wondering of interest s driver license, I have a one we will both pay Buffalo, NY address and (2012 model) it s a would say it is looking at a couple much does affordable health holder of the insurance insurance company s find out to be a month? know if my insurance check the validity of the other day for the insurance and should new car in about Best health insurance? will be going to how much do you mom s dental or medical .
I m going to finance the same as granite on a very low out and want to all of that? What doctor and as well I really need to can register car trought a guy under 25 does anyone know how I can get affordable Rock, Arkansas.....and i need how does it affect 65 years and with I will, till anyone year of the car, health insurance is better? knee and I still companies? Oh and of get someone else to safe is it now? and will be getting is the approximate cost my first time offense for a first time Cheapest insurance ive looked quote for $156/month as How do i know, that in 6 months I was reading an i m the primary driver motorcycle insurance in illinois would be the most let you get cheap when getting a home a 49cc scooter in 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 company than theirs. I insurance? or is the but not losing it. If anyone has any .
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Can I drive my new registered car without insurance?
I have my driver licenese and tags and temp plate but no insurance yet but going to buy some car insurance monday but what I wanna know can I drive the car without insurance at the moment in chicago, il.""
Has anybody had Northern Neck Home owners or car Insurance are they good ?
Im thinking about changing insurance and they gave me real good quotes but i have never heard of them
How much would the insurance for the 16 year old with a 07 impala?
I am 16 years old and have been working for awhile, i have been working for a new car. i have found this 07 impala that is in GREAT condition. I need a rough estimate of what my insurance might be if I get this car.""
How much do insurance csr's make in california?
I'm working as a receptionist at an insurance company and am thinking about staying in insurance long-term. How much do customer service reps generally make in CA? I've tried googling and the numbers I'm coming up with are very close to what I'm making as a receptionist, which cannot be correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!""
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Know of somewhere cheap which will let me drive a car for only a few months for people under 21?
I've recently passed my driving test and would like to drive a car for a few months before I go to Uni but there's no where I can find with a few months insurance (fairly cheap) and a car I don't need to buy in full. I'm 18 which makes it more difficult Any help would be appreciated!
Affordable dental care?
where can i find affordable dental insurance in illinois?
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
Does anybody know about cars and car insurance?
im a black female 20 years old im never had a car and im looking for one off craigslist and I found one that I might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html I know I have to register the car in my name and get a license plate and I have nooo idea how much that cost. im also trying to find the best insurance at a good price and what not someone please help mee!!! I want to know prices and all. and I only have a permit but in march I will get my license. tell me about signing and everything.... by the way im in homestead fl but not for long I will be going back home in west palm beach in mid march.
Insurance Question for lawyer?
i have an insurance that i paid full for six months and it still has two months left however, someone called the insurance place and cancelled my insurance. they didnt pretend to be me, they just know somebody that works in that insurance place, it was the same person who had recommended me to that place. what really bothers me is that this person now knows my information, what car i drive, address, color of car, any and all information that the insurance place has. i know i can get my insurance reinstated because i paid it for six full months and everything is under my name my question is if their is anything else i can do, or does anyone know of any laws that this breaks. im sure that its illegal i just dont know the laws, help anyone?""
How long do you have to go to school for an insurance company?
Or any insurance place? For car, hostiapl, boats ect.....""
Insurance for pre- existing condition?
My friend was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, she has scheduled a MRI for march and then they will determine whether she can go through surgery. The problem is she had recently exchanged jobs (just prior to the tumor news), and apparently cannot be covered with her present Insurance company as her condition is pre-existent. Now, the tumor is located in the fourth entricle of the brain (where the spinal/cerebral fluid is housed). She will probably need Chemotherapy. Can she be re-insured or covered by a different plan.? Can a single mother qualify for medi-care instead? She is in TX""
Auto Insurance Is trying to screw me?
My insurance company totaled my 2002 audi a4 after I hit a puddle and hydro locked my engine After investigating and taking over 3 weeks to finally give me a figure they offerd me 12500 including the taxes the Kelly Blue book rates it at 14000 and the Nada Value is 15,700 I dont know what the process is but i dont understand how they can do this and its very frusterating as well as hard being without a car for over a month now the car was in great condition and had low miles for the year any advice???""
How much should i expect to pay for car insurance?
im 20/ male/ new driver/ will be driving a used, regular, good condition, non-sport-car sedan, or something of like/ and in los angeles ca thanks""
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
""Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
Are manual shift cars better on gas than automatics, and are they cheaper insurance wise?""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
Insurance Cost?
I'm 18 and I have a 3.0+ GPA and I'm a male. I'm looking to get a new 2007 Honda Accord two door manual transmission. I live in California in the L.A. area. Does anyone know the price range of my insurance?
Can you take a rental car when you do not have any personal vehicle or auto insurance?
I do not have any car insurance right now. I am planning to get a car rental for a month. Do I need to get some insurance for this? What happens if cop pulls me up will rental agreement be sufficient?
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
Car total by unlicensed and uninsured driver...what to do?
My car was being driven by my husband,an excluded driver on my insurance, and was hit by a driver running through a red light. The driver has no insurance and no license so I doubt I will recover anything from her but my insurance company won't pay anything as well. Will my GAP coverage still pay the difference between the totaled value and the cost of my lien?""
Insurance information for young drivers?
Im 22 years old. I currently on my mom's insurance so that it's cheaper and I recently traded in my other car and got a new one. How much do You think insurnace would cost if I got it on my own. I pay 130.00 now for full coverage? I don't get along with her and I wold perfer not to have her on my title. I was told I needed to have her on my title in order to be under her insurnace?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
Best public health insurance plan in nyc?
I've been traveling after college and won't go back to school for another year. I've been volunteering only and haven't worked for over a year. I don't qualify for ...show more
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for someone who has 3 minor speeding tickets?
Need to know this ASAP as current policy will expire end of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! ;)
""Looking for cheap car insurance,small car,mature driver? any recommendations?""
Looking for cheap car insurance,small car,mature driver? any recommendations?""
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
Does AAA offer short term car insurance?
I just got my license but will be moving down to San Diego in a week to start college. My parents don't want to start me on a long term insurance plan as I won't be using their cars much so it's a waste of money. I was wondering if there is a short term insurance plan that is cheaper as it would be very convenient to drive this week instead of taking busses.
General Liability insurance?
How much will General liability insurance cost for my company? We have been incorporated for 2 years, with no claims against us. We are a parking revenue and security company. I have called dozens of brokers. i just need a ball park so I can tell if i am being ripped off. We have insurance now but feel it may be to high. Please advise""
Cost of Car Insurance?
I need to know what the average person pays for their car insurance. Lets say the car isn't too new... and its a new driver. Location is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help Plllllleasssse.""
Can I cancel my car insurance?
I took out car insurance with Direct Line in July paying in monthly instalment by direct debit. I am now getting rid of my car so want to cancel. Will there be a cancellation fee? Will they make me pay what is left for the year?
Car Insurance help No claims bonus?
Ok so i passed my test last month and have been driving about 3 weeks. i got an insurance quote with Aviva for 1800 per year (roughly) and im an 18 year old male, however because i had a provisional license for a year my dad thought i had 1 year NCB so told aviva this. They now want proof of my NCB (which i obviously don't have) so i will have to tell them. But my quotes are about 4500 without any no claims bonus !!!! and i drive a Y reg 1.2 fiesta ghia! is there anyway i can get this premium down? please help! i'd be really grateful!""
Can I go to a doctor and claim no insurance even though I have health insurance?
I don't want my father getting bills from the doctors office or his insurance company.
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?
I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?
Affordable health insurance in texas?
I am self employ'd make enough to pay my bills cannot afford the average health insurance can anybody recommend me to affordable insurance that does not have a high deductable?
Does car insurance really go down when you get married?
I have heard that insurance goes down once you get married. Is this true? If it is, how much? Is it significan't? Do you have to be married before you turn 25 for this to apply? I have heard so many conflicting answers. Help??..""
How much money does the average middle class family have left over after expenses and bills each payday?
I live in military housing so I don't pay rent, electric, gas, or trash. I only pay phone and cable and car payment/insurance. I take home about 1200.00 every two weeks. How much should I be able to save?...keeping in mind that I have three children (two of whom live with me)""
Car insurance in my name?
My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name?
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Can an uninsured person get affordable dental care?
I have a deep cavity in my tooth. It's really starting to hurt me. I know it needs drilled and filled, but I barely make enough money to pay bills, let alone dental care. My job doesn't offer dental insurance, either. Is there anything I can do?""
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
How do I get full coverage and liability insurance for 2 weeks in the US?
I have been in Thailand for a year so I canceled all my auto insurance, a now I am going to be back for 2 weeks using a rental car, and I need coverage for that 2 weeks""
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance?
I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre.""
Know any good insurance companies that will insure a home under renovation that we're living in?
We bought a foreclosure that needs a fair amount of work. We made it habitable and then moved in so we can work on one room at a time. What insurance company would be able to insure this home without raking us over the coals, even though the home may not be considered complete ?""
What is the best supplemental medical insurance for veterans?
My husband will turn 65 on March the 18th and is scrambling to find a supplemental medical insurance because of the many veterans administration cutbacks on care. He suffers from diabetes type and hepatitis-c. He isn't service connected and needs an extra medical insurance to cover what the veterans administration doesn't cover. We need an affordable insurance that wont turn him down because of his medical condition.
Why do i need car insurnace?
give me 7 reasons why i need car insurance
Cheapest Car insurance for a 20 year old? Currently a student?
Hi Im a 20 and I have no car insurance, my dad gave me a mercury sable LS 0. I had insurance with my mom under Century 21, I got in a tiny fender Bender bumping into a car at a traffic light. Then my mom took me off the insurance. I had a claim. Anyway I got pulled over with no proof of insurance, I payed the penalty for it, how much will insurance cost me? I live in Orlando FL""
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
When I turn 18 I'll most likely be getting a car. I'm living in NJ and just want to know how high the insurance would be. Also, would previous driving experience help? Like I drive a moped, I don't think it would do much, but would the insurance go down, even a dollar? I'd just like to know.""
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
How much is auto insurance for a minor?
I'm about to get my license, how much is it to add me (16) to my parents car insurance? Don't give me anything like, It's different for everyone. I know. Just tell me what you are paying, or what you used to pay.""
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
What's a good health insurance option for a 22 yr. old male?
My boyfriend just lost his coverage under his parents policy and needs insurance that's pretty affordable but still covers things such as: -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor visits/sport physicals Any recommendations are welcome! Thanks!
Affordable health insurance?
for milwaukee wisconsin?
What insurance plan should I go with?
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?
Health Insurance for individuals in the Seattle are?
Fifty year old healthy couple looking for some good but AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently have Regence Blue Cross and just got hit with a 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly use it, ...show more""
How much was your insurance for your first 125cc motorbike?
So im 19 years old and got my CBT test passed and i am getting a Honda CBF125 brand new for 2400 and it will be locked away in a garage at night i live in a low crime area aswell and im looking for comprehensive insurance and im using price comparison websites and im getting quotes at nearly 800-900. Was anyone else getting quotes this high when they got there first insurance? And where is the best place to get quotes?
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Does anyone understand how rental cars work? Insurance/fuel fees... Think I got taken to school on this.?
I just had to bring my car to the shop for a repair. They ended up needing to keep it. Now a rental was covered under the warranty. So at least the rental was covered. But the guy had me signing off on insurance and what not. I guess the insurance on my car would cover the rental if I had an accident. But they would take from my cars deductible. So I basically signed off on a Collision Damage Waiver and also personal accident insurance. I did decline supplemental liability insurance though. Should the warranty be covering these fees or was this an extra that I got talked into? Because if the warranty covers the rental they aren't making anything. My understanding is it could be better because I am covered under their insurance if I have an accident and it wouldn't come off my own cars deductible? Kind of new to this and probably wouldn't have been worth trying to argue it after the fact that I signed off on stuff.So if I use this car for like 3 days I'm in it for like $60 in insurance. Also does anyone know how this buying the tank of gas works? I understood it as if I use so much then I pay there price of $5.60 a gallon. But I got told it was best to just buy the whole tank at $3.30 per gallon(best option seeing as gas is so much these days) And then to return it as close to empty as possible to get my moneys worth. If anyone can help me out so I know for next time if I can decline stuff or did I take the right steps and take there insurance so mine wouldn't be charged? After the fact I see I could have declined these.
Car Insurance -civil court?
My friend was at fault as she rear end another vehicle causing minor damage to the vehicle in front of her. She is now being sued by the insurance comp of the other driver in the civil court for driving in a negligent manner. Wouldnt this be covered under her insurance company? Why is she paying for the insurance in the first place?
18 year old car insurance quotes?
I passed my driving test 2 months ago live in a small village and have a full time job i am 18 years old.recently i have been looking around for car insurance quotes for the obvious 1st cars 106s,corsas etc and the lowest quote iv had is still over 3 grand these are all of compare sites aswell as admiral quinn and direct line, surely this carnt be right? this is on my own insurance as the main policy holder, because apparently you carnt go on your parents insurance anymore. would appreciate any help Thanks""
Young Pre-op MTF Transgender and car insurance in New York State?
Ok, this question may sound odd, but I could use an answer. As I'm MTF (Male-to-female) Transsexual, have been on hormones for several years and will probably go for SRS (sex reassignment surgery) in the future, I could easily get a letter stating that my predominant gender is female. In New York State, this is apparently all that is required to change the gender marker on one's driver's license. http://rnytg.org/dmv.html Now my question is the following; I just haven't bothered with changing the marker on my license yet as it seems like a hassle and I don't think it's really necessary at the moment. However, my dad wants to gift me a car at the end of the week. For this car, I'm going to want an insurance policy. I'm currently 20 years old, and I'm very much aware that insurance policies are MUCH more expensive for young male drivers as opposed to young female drivers . Thus, I ask, is the gender the insurance company uses linked to my driver's license or some other form of ID (as I really can't change anything else, save my passport on a temporary basis yet). If I got the marker changed, would my quote decrease (I would probably go with USAA as I'm eligible given my dad is a Navy Vet)? Thanks!""
How to get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I'm a 17 year old male and i've recently passed my driving test and done IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) I live in the UK and need to know of any cars for cheap insurance or any ways to get cheap insurance WITHOUT putting myself as a named driver on my parents car. Many thanks. :).
Are they able to charge me with car insurance fraud?
A little over a month ago I had a contractor and his workers in my home. They came unexpectedly and although I didn't know it at the time I believe that one of them stole the key to my car, a new CR-V. Anyway a week later we went on vacation and the day we came back it was late we didn't unpack and order a pizza went to bed. The baby woke up a 5:30 am and I had no diapers upstairs so I headed to the car. The car was gone, we called the police and when they got there and were writing the report a dispatcher came over the radio and stated my car was found, but it was on fire. At the time of the report I didn't know where the key was and I didn't suspect anyone. I really thought that maybe my 2 1/2 year old took it and misplaced it. It wasn't a big deal to me I knew it would turn up. We told the cops that we would look for it. When the insurance lady called she asked me a lot of questions like why were you down stairs so early and where is the key and have you ever had a car stolen before. I told her yes to the car being stolen before. Two years ago. After weeks of working with the police. I now find out that the insurance company has turned the case over to an independent agency. She said that there were discrepancies in my story. I talked to her once, In the meant time the Dectective on the case has found the guy we think stole the car and has reopened the old car case and has a suspect with that one too. The firemarshell and the detective both told me and my husband (a retired cop) that we are in no way suspect. They have both spoken to the insurance company. So anyone who is in the business. What is going on? Is this routine? I have been very forth coming with them. I had paid 10000 on the car and it is worth 22000, because I am now a stay at home mom I never have the credit to get a loan for a new car again, my son's favorite toys were in the car along with strollers 2 car seats and a picture of my son on his 1st roller coaster ride. My son sleeps under his bed because he is afraid of being Stoled What else do I need to do to prove to these poeple that I didn't steel my car.""
How much is car insurance?
Im 16 and looking to buy a car and i want to know how much i am goin to have to pay for insurance.
Car accident without insurance but not at fault?
car accident without insurance but not at fault car parked in driveway and other car swerved into drive way and hit my car can I sue them , there was a witness, and a police ...show more""
I got an insurance quote for a 1990 mustang gt at 225 a month. im 17 how do i get lower?
i want a foxbody so bad. nothing will stop me from getting one except insurance rates with my dad. he is being stiff about a mustang in general so i need a low insurance rate to ...show more
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
""How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?""
I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license""
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
Insurance on a ninja 250?
Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks""
Why is guico car insurance cheaper than allstate?
Why is guico car insurance cheaper than allstate?
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
Can a car insurance company change my price mid policy?
I have already made 2 payments on my policy, and now the insurance company had me call for some sort of interview. At the end they said they need to review the policy and will get back to me. Can they change my price mid policy? I figured they would have to wait until my policy was up for renewal since I've already made payments, and they sent their notice after my first payment was made. However, the woman on the phone said that my premium may change. Is there some sort of legal statement saying they can't change my premium mid policy?""
""For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?""
What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.""
USAA insurance rates from traffic ticket?
I received a traffic ticket for following too closely and was clocked at 17mph going through town. The car in front of me had pulled away from the stoplight and was clearly not interested in speeding up, so I had to speed up some to signal into the adjoining lane to pass him. This was during rush hour, so traffic was pretty heavy. The cop pulled me over and cited me for following too closely which carries a $115 fine. He asked me why I thought he pulled me over, and I honestly had no idea what I did wrong. Unfortunately, he would not concede to a simple warning and cited me anyway. I also received a ticket about 11 months ago for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign before turning. USAA did not increase my rates from this ticket, but I am concerned that they might increase my rates if they find out about the latest ticket. Should I plead not guilty and have a trial date set to fight this, or just pay the fine and pray that USAA doesn't pick it up? Does anyone else have experience with two minor traffic violations within one year and USAA auto rates?""
Which is the best insurance web site?
I just wanna which is the best insurance quotes website?
""My husband and I want to get Life Insurance, help!?""
We have NO idea how this works. We have NO kids, we are in our mid 30's and relatively healthy. We prefer the NON hassle of no medical exam, etc. Can someone give us a hassle free/low cost, name of a company to use and explain how Life Insurance works? (I know the basics, that if one of us dies, we get benefits yada yada)""
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
""When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?
to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
Do I need a consent to settle by my own auto insurance company?
The guy who hit me does not have an ample amount of insurance to cover my injuries. They are offering me the policy limits to settle. My own uninsured or uninsured motorist has been given enough documentation to know that my additional insurance will come into play. I have filed suit against the guy and his insurance company, but do I need a letter of consent to settle with them from my own insurance company to make sure that my uninsured motorist coverage will still be available to me. I really think it is criminal for any insurance company or state to make the limits on auto insurance so low, when the average cost of an auto accident is higher than the minimum coverages that they allow drivers to driver under. Also, there are many attorneys that wont even look at taking a case unless the limits are much higher than state minimum, because they can make considerably more on those who are very well insured. My own insurance company is treating my like I am retarded, and I was until I started reading all the insurance laws and bought a very fine civil litigation book for 4 dollars, best investment I ever made. But I am no Pro Se expert, my hat is tipped to you attorneys and insurance adjusters. What a stressful job you have and so many laws to abide by and to follow. I can only get better the more I read the more I know. Thanks for your time.""
""50% fault accident, but my insurance did not need to pay. Will my rate be affected?""
I was recently involved into an accident in a mall parking lot. My car was damaged and the other driver's car was not. I filed a claim with their insurance and received 50% of my claim as they determined comparable negligence, 50% fault . The other driver did not file a claim, and my insurance company did not pay any money to anyone. Will my rate be affected by this accident?""
""Affordable health insurance that includes dental, is 80-20 & is around $60 a month?""
I'm on my parents' health insurance right now only because I was living in the house & going to school & that's going to be ending at the end of this month. So I'm wondering, what's a good, affordable health insurance that has a low deductible, a dental plan, covers the CVS MinuteClinics (though I guess I can live without that), they cover 80%, I cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY no more than $60 a month?""
0.6l SMART 2003 car insurance?
How much would insurance for one be for a 17 year old in the u.k . Doesn't have to be too accurate just a estimate
2013 mustang v6 insurance?
I'm 16 years old my dad took me to look at a 2013 mustang v6 the other day I just want to know the avg. rates for it I live in Katy Texas 16 years old Male Don't have a driving record but I had my permit for 10 months I think I will be under their insurance Don't say I should just get a **** car and wait for a mustang.
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
Best site for Home Owners Insurance on California Cooperatives?
The Car insurance company gave me a low estimate on repairs?
Long story short. Not my fault. I can not take this up with my insurance company because I don't have one. We got his info. My car has 140K miles on it. It's worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. I decided to get the estimate and put the cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet. Insurance Company Quoted $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.04 Ford Dealership $1284.90 271.14 difference. I asked to split the difference between the auto body shop and the Ford dealership. The Insurance compnay ofcourse said no. What should I do? If I had gone to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 in hand they would have called the insurance compnay and asked for them to kick down more money. So I think it's fair that I get more cash. Don't even get me started on the medical. My health insurance is getting billed. Not the insurance company.
Health insurance question?
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, looking for health insurance. One health insurance has turned me down. Am on SSDI and have a condition that needs outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Where can I find cheaper motorcycle insurance?
I need to get insurance today as I'm picking up my motorcycle later, it's a 1977 Honda CG125. The cheapest quote I have found is 377 TPFT, and that's with two years' NCB! Granted I'm still on a provisional licence but still ridiculous. Also, can anyone explain if there is any point at all forking out 150 more a year for Theft and Fire cover when it demands 500 excess? I'd have to pay that if it were stolen, right? Even though I paid less than that for the bike...""
Health insurance coverage for my 88 yr old mother with dementia?
our 88 year old mom who has dementia has medicare part a & b, with Aetna supplement. We need to relocate mom back home since she doesn''t have the funds to stay at the dementia home she is currently in. Payments keep rising. Due to the medicaid five year stepdown, she will be eligible in two years. Until then, we will keep her at home, however, is there a health coverage that will be able to cover any major health catastrophy, should one occur in next two years before Medicaid kicks in? We are willing to relocate with mom to a state that has this kind of coverage. Right now we live in New York, which in itself is very expensive and we are considering moving to help cover mom's costs. Where and what do you recommend?""
Car Insurance-Is it OK to lie?
I read somewhere that if you run a stop light and hit the other car, you should not admit your fault because of insurance costs. What do you think?""
Which car in Canada has the lowest insurance rate?
I'm not talking about new cars btw, I'm talking about the old cars from 95-2002 the shitbox cars, I'm a student and I plan on getting my first car with my first insurance so I need to know what's a good starter/shitbox car with the lowest insurance costs. Thanks""
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
Is there a way to get fake or extremely cheap car insurance?
I don't care about the service. I want it cheap.
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
Honeyville Utah Cheap car insurance quotes zip 84314
0 notes
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
"Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why bother with insurance?
it seems like a big waste to me. The whole point of it is to save money. But it does the exact opposite. the insurance people always screw you over and find some way to get out of paying for whatever it is!
I am looking for good insurance on a new car.?
I am 21 years old and getting my first new car. Where do you suggest I look for car insurance? I don't have the best driving record. I had an accident in Nov 2002 and a speeding ticket in July 2003. I want to get a lot of coverage, but I don't want to be paying anything outrageous. How much should I be expecting to pay for car insurance?""
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
Would insurance on a 79 Buick Skyhawk be expensive?
My husband and I found one extremely cheap, and I desperately need a car. Our worry is the monthly insurance rate. Would the age make it cheaper, or is it so old that it would begin to go back up?""
Will my insurance cover this?
I recently traded my phone and i called radioshack and they said my insurance should be transferable. is this true?
Non owners insurance?
what is the best non-owners insurance business (or agency) in Houston?
Car insurance question?
I am 16 years old and I will be getting my liscence soon. I am really excited to be able to drive and not to the bus to clas anymore and be able to meet my friends whenever but my parents are making me pay car insurance on my own and they will get me a car. Probably a toyota or something like that. How much will it cost I do have a good amount already saved up but i would like to get an idea of how much it will cost me thanks
How much would the car insurance for a Cadillac Escalade 2011 be?
The car is for an 18 year old and two other adults are included in the insurance plan for State Farm.
""What is the average cost of homeowner's insurance for a home that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166k?
Home is in Rhode Island.
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
How do I get my insurance licenses?
Do I have to work for an insurance company before?
How much would insurance cost? (motorcycle)?
Hey guys, I was just wondering how much approximately insurance would be for a starter that just got his license, with the training course. This would probably be with a CBR125 (lol, just want to get used to it first) in Toronto Canada.""
How can I get insurance if I am not working?
they say its going to a law you have to have insurance well what if your not working did they come up for something for that
Traffic ticket gave the officer wrong car insurance?
I got my first traffic ticket yesterday my frist violation is i forgot to put a sticker on my car... And the secon violation i gave him the wrong (expired) car insurance instead of ...show more
I had medical insurance but did not submit the bills till after the insurance was done new insurance wont cove?
Any help would be appreciated this was actually a few years ago but my dad claimed he was working on it but nothing has been done. Its already gone to an outside collections agency. It was in California
How quick is an auto insurance company to drop you?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years, however, only 1 claim with my current insurance company. None of the three claims were huge...one wasn't even my fault, I was the victim of a hit and run. Anyway...How does getting dropped work? How frequently do you have to wreck, how many wrecks give you a high wreck average ?? As a side note...i've never received traffic ticket, so I'm clean in that area...""
How can 18 year old male afford an car insurance?
Im 18 year old male, i have full driving license i was searching for car insurances on my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 the prices is like 400+ a month! this is crazy! i can afford like 50-70 a month, any advice? Thanks.""
What is the price range for small business insurance packages?
I have a question for my personal finance class that asks: Search the internet and name your sources for a small business insurance package. Identify basic areas of risk that they cover. How much would such a package cost? I've found the basic areas of risk covered, however i can't find price ranges anywhere and all the offices are closed when i call, except for one that said they can't do it over the phone...""
Can you get insurance before you buy the car ?
I plan on buying a car within the next two weeks,is it possible for me to get insurance first ?""
""My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?""
I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!""
How i can find a cheap car insurance?
How i can find a cheap car insurance?
Is there anyone on their parents car insurance ?
a few of my friends are and im wondering how much extra you have to pay to go on your parents car insurance rather than your own, thankyou""
What is the best life insurance company that dont require medical exams?
im trying to buy life insurance for me and my 49 yr old mother. what is the best company that doesnt raise premiuims and dont require exams....but stil lprovide full life insurance?
Car accident I have liability the other involved had no insurance?
I got into a car accident today which pretty much totalled out the back half of my van, seeing as the insurance agent will probably call it as totalled out. Here is my question the other party told us that he had no insurance at all and I only carry liability insurance whats going to happen with my vehicle, how are my damages going to be paid?""
How can I get insurance for my car?
I bought a car yesterday to use as a parts car to repair things I need for my other car.My other car is in my mom's name and on her insurance policy, however, the new car is in MY name. I need proof of insurance to have the car registered so that I can get tags for it, but I don't need real insurance for it. The car I bought isn't drivable and I had it towed to my house. Is there an insurance company that will offer me a very cheap policy? I'm under eighteen. I need someone to help me figure out what to do. I live in Virginia. If someone could help answer this, it would be greatly appreciated.""
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Medical Insurance?
I need to know the best way to get insurance for me and my wife. My employer offers it for $53 a week. and it looks mediocre. I am not sure if their is another way to do this. Please advise. any help would be appreciated
Should 17 year old pay their insurance?
What age should they start? And is 300 horsepower on a car fast? How much would a car that fast cost? Too fast for a 17 year old?
16 and want State Farm Auto Insurance?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
Cheapest California health insurance plans?
I don't make a lot of money
How can i get insurance for myself like not for a car?
my friend said he has insurance for himself so he can drive any car and be insured he doesn't have it for a specific car how can i get this
Cheapest car to insure for new driver aged 17?
I looked for a quote on a 1994 renault clio 1.4 RT, which came up as 1059 per year, and also for one of the older eary 90's golfs, which was even higher at over 2000, for a 17yr old driver. I then looked at a 1.4l vauxhall corsa, 1993, which was still at least 1000 to insure. yet my friend managed to get insurance on her own policy for the same 1.4l corsa, at around 700 a year, and she had only been driving an additional 2 months more than me. and thats on the same insurance company too. Whats one of the cheapest cars possible to insure (within reason, preferably a half decent car haha) now, so i can see what my cheapest quote could be?""
State Farm Life Insurance... 30 year term? Whole Life? Select Term? Universal?
What insurance should I get? I'm in my late 20's and I'd like to make sure that if anything were to happen to me that my husband and son are left with enough to continue to stay on their feet. The 30 year term is affordable, but the life expectancy of my great grandparents, grandparents and parents, across the board is at least over 65. I'm as healthy as an ox now, but I know that diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol run in my family. I'm very active so I have no signs of any disease related to heart disease. It's a fear that I've had since I was a kid and it's the main reason why I stay active. That being said, what should I get? I already have 2 cars and condo insurances through State Farm so I'd get something like 17% off my car insurance. I'm struggling to figure out which policy to choose. I need some insight.""
Ca insurance for teens cost?
how much does car insurance for a 16 year old person cost?
Is atheism a good substitute for affordable health insurance?
I know that many atheists in here pride yourselves on being far more logical and better prepared for the real world than religious people, and than Christians in particular. Does your lack of belief in God give you a special advantage in coping with medical emergencies and the financial expenses of medical emergencies, I wonder? Why or why not?""
Age for car insurance?
I have heard that you cannot get your own car insurance policy untill you are 18. Is this true for new york state?
I involved in a car accident and that car insurance just expired few days ago?
I borrowed my brother in law car and unfortunately, i collided with another car. Then I realized that my brother's car insurance with GMAC has just expired few days ago. I don't have the same address with him, just borrow his car occasionally because i just moved here. I have my own car insurance in another state with AAA. What can I do in this situation?""
What color cars are cheaper to insure?
its bugging me lol. i would like to know what colors are considered aggressive like red,black ect. and what colors they wont rape you over. so a list of aggressive colors and a list of calm colors. thank you for your help!""
Where can i find a free insurance company that won't rap me off?
i need a website that i can get a insurance for medical and dental. where can i go
Best Florida homeowners insurance? Specifically Ft. Lauderdale area?
I am in charge of finding a new home insurance company for my boss to use since State Farm will be dropping their South Florida people. Any suggestions? Who have all you South Floridians had an excellent experience with as far as rates, service, and coverage? Thanks.""
Insurance on 2011 subaru STI?
I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think
What is the Benefit of an insurance company selling a new for old Policy?
And... Why is it important to them to have the correct reserve... I already know a few reasons, but I'm revising and my mind has gone blank! Please can someone help? I'm normally very much on the ball.. but its just left me! Thank you""
Insurance for less than 3 months?
Is it possible to get car insurance for just a few months, before i dissapear off 2 uni? Which Insurers do this?""
Is insurance expensive for this car? [1st time driver]?
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion Tc, and im thinking about getting it for my bday, is it good on gas and such? or easy to drive?, and is the insurance expensive on this car, i know its already expensive for teen drivers but does this car make it more expensive than a regular honda civic or cheaper smaller car a 16 yr old would usually get???""
Does a paid speeding ticket affect auto insurance rates or anything?
Does a paid speeding ticket affect auto insurance rates or anything?
A cheap car insurance? USA?
im looking for the minimum required.
Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.""
Can an insurance co.legally drop my homeowners ins.?
Have had insurance with the same company for about 20 or so yrs.Home and auto.They recently tried to make my 60,000 dollar home worth over $100,000,000 and charge me a lot more for ins. and I said no there is no way my home is anywhere near that amount.Next thing I know I got a letter saying my home wasn't up to the standards they require.Is that legal??""
Do I need a license/registration for Motorized bicycle or 50cc gas moped scooter in CA?
Do i need to register or obtain a license for the above 2 vehicles in California. I tried to call DMV but it really takes forever. I can't seem to find that info on the website either. Thanks
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
""Im a new driver and my insurance in 1600 or above, i have tried all the cheapest cars!?""
i have just passed my driving test and i am looking for a cheap run around car to start me off, ive tried all the cheap cars (fiestas, peugeots and much more) but nothing seems to take my insurance lower, does anyone have any ideas...???? thanks.""
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Does having a medical marijuana card affect auto insurance?
can auto insurance companies raise your rates if you have a medical marijuana card
Nissan 370z insurance cost?
Hi, im 16, and im looking into getting a 2009 370z next year. I already have the financing calculated and I can afford the monthly payments with the job i currently have. But I know the insurance would rock my wallet. And that's if they even DO insure me. So my question is, will insurance even take me? If they do, roughly how much yearly? Do you think its too expensive? Should i look into a used 350z? Thanks in advance.""
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
Car insurance for new drivers !?
Ok so Ive spent quite some time googling this but to no real answer ! My question is, what is the cheapest insurance available for a newly passed 18 year old male? From this i mean: What care gives the cheapest quote? What insurer is the cheapest? Of course i know there is no one cheapest insurer/car but a general type of answer would be helpful. like saying what your insurance was at 18 on what car and with what insurer! Thanks very much !""
Looking into farm bureau insurance in louisiana need help?
Farm Bureau is the cheapest insurance I can afford here but do I have to be a member to get auto insurance through them? I am only 19 will they insure someone my age?
How much money can i get from a car accident?? it was not my fault?
i was in a car accident. the other driver crashed into me & did a hit and run. i was in the car with my g.f . my g.f ended up with back pains & neck pains. i ended up with two broken fingers & a cast in my left hand. in addition i had back pains too. it appears that the driver that hit me was d.u.i and did a hit and run and got caught. after that, the insurance from the driver salvaged my car. just paid me what is was worth 3k. ive been going to therapy for 2 months now with my g.f. i spend about 500-600 in medical bills. i was off work 3 months. im 21 years old and i live in the state of california. i have an attorney working on my case. so how much can i get from the insurance company and my g.f ????""
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
Life Insurance / Burial Insurance help please (ENGLAND)?
I need advice about applying to and paying for some type of insurance. This would be on behalf of my mother so when the time comes for her to leave me, I will be able to pay for her funeral. I have spoken to her but she is stubborn and set in her ways and thinks I will automatically be able to cover the financial costs for her funeral when she does pass away. I dont care for money for myself, I just want to know that I can pay into something so upon her passing I will be able to pay for her funeral costs (instead of my mum taking out the insurance/policy it would be me on her bahalf as she is terrible for thinking about stuff like that). I am an only child as so I am solely responsible for paying the expense""
Which is smarter? Don't buy health insurance? or go toss premium money out the door?
Our company policy was cancelled, now there is a new plan being offered. So should we pay the new $1050 premium, or would it be smarter to put that money in the bank and pay for our ...show more""
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
Are online insurance quotes secure?
they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate""
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Health insurance and medical abortion?
so i just took a pregnancy test today im 18 and pregnant. i cant sleep i cant eat im a mess. i need to terminate this pregnancy asap so i can get on with my life. i called my health insurance HealthNet, and they DO cover the medical abortion (abortion pill) thats not plan B. its the abortion by medication. they also said i need to find an obgyn to approve it or something then its all covered. so i called one and they said i have to pay 750 dollars!!!! even if they do cover it i still have to pay that! im in california btw, and i dont even have 100 dollars. could i go to a hospital that covers me and get it for free? or for atleast 100$? at most? or do i have to go to plan parenthood at spend the 350.""
What good are healthcare insurance brokers?
I called one two weeks ago & he was going to email me different quotes. He never bothered to, and so I called him & asked where they were. He said he forgot. Meanwhile I called another health care insurance broker & she too sent me some quotes. I attempted on line to apply for one, but there was a problem with the form allowing me to go further. I not only called the broker like she said I could if there was a problem, but I also emailed her about the problem. She didn't return my phone call, and as of yet has answered my email. It seems to me they must not want to make a commission, so is it just best to contact the health insurance companies on their own? In the past a broker was able to tell me if I would qualify if there would be a mark up above standard rates. Now they say just apply on line and see what happens. Everything has to be on line which always obviously doesn't work. So, what good are health insurance brokers? They need to just do away with them if they aren't going to work.""
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
Im a 20 yr old female- much would it cost to insure a 1.4 2007 astra sxi?
JUST PASSED TEST. Its insurance group 6 Tanks
How much does on average do people pay for health insurance?
I'm doing a debate on weather or not obese people should pay more for health premium or not but thats not the important part, the important part is how much does the average person pay for health insurance?""
Car Insurance and Tickets?
My room mate just got two tickets. One for changing lanes without using a blinker and another for not having his headlights on at 9 o'clock at night. He had just left a parking lot. He had a previous ticket for going 12 over the speed limit which was moved to a parking violation. Will these new tickets affect his insurance rates? He has State Farm and lives in Saint Louis. Should he just pay it or get it fixed?
Costco auto insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars on her car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
Where do I go to find public liability insurance?
I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?""
Any car insurance agents out there?
I really need someones honest opinion. My vehicle was stolen right out of my driveway a few nights ago. I am hoping that it is recovered, but in the event that it is not. How does my insurance co determine how much they will give me for the vehicle? Please explain in dumby terms because I am not in this line of work. I appreciate all the help you have to offer.""
Is motorcycle insurance less than car insurance?
Alright so I am 18 and I just purchased a 2001 GSXR 600 and some tell me that it will cost more to insure than a car..and some say less..I personally think it will cost less considering that a bike will cause much less damage than a car would. Please help me out and tell me about how much a month this bike will cost, thanks!""
Life insurance is not a investment?
LIfe insurance is a investment tool Is it worth it? It's a great investment tool. Not married, no kids? What's the POINT of the life insurance?""
Mustang GT Insurance?
I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...)
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
Car insurance WITHOUT a bank account?
does anyone know where/what car insurance i can get as i can not have a bank acount or debit/credit card. can only pay with cash by monthly installments
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered for collision. My dad's car is not covered for collision either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not get collision coverage on it like my dad and sister's cars? Would that be cheaper? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :) Oh, and if it matters, I went to traffic school after my accident to remove the points against my driving record (I think that's what it did) My sister had already gone to traffic school recently for a speeding ticket so she can't go again for her accident.""
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
Where can i find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
For a mustang GT 2012? estimate please thank you :)!!
I got into a car accident like 2 weeks ago and i havent recieved a rent a car from the insurance company??????
I havent recieved a rentacar from the insurance company i didnt have insurance since the car was no more that 3 hours new to me i had just bought it. It was cansidered a total lose from the insurance what should i do.
Cheapest bike insurers?
got my provisional bike licence, going to buy a bike in oct hopefully, where can i go to get the dirt cheapest insurance, im getting third party only, and any tips on how to keep prices down?""
""Hi i'm 21 no previous driving experience, how much will my bike licensce and insurance on a 125cc-200cc cost?
im considering doing my bike test and just wondering how much it would cost to insure a 125-200cc road bike? Also how much does it cost on average pass your bike TEST THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED!
How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance?
i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be
Car insurance?
which car insurance company do you perfer for a teen that just starting a job and just turned 16
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
Is Liberty Mutual a good reputable car insurance company?
If you know anyone that has them..or heard stories..or if you have them please let me know some things about them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting me $3500 for 6 months..I got a new car and Libery Mutual is quoting me $2000 for a year..so that's pretty good I really want to switch but I dont know anything about them. All advice open...""
How can we make health care insurance work like car insurance?
Everyone is familiar with how car insurance works. Its available to all. Its pretty cheap. They can't drop you from coverage even if you are a drunk driver. Once you have a accident they dont raise you rates too much. Why can't health care be more like Geico (insurance) and your local car repair man (doctor) and the DMV (government help)?
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
What does it take to fix a flooded car?
Last June, my town fell victim to river flooding. It's caused tons of damage and many cars to be flooded. I'm looking for a cheap car and I got on a rebuildable cars website. I found a newer car that is reasonable on gas and insurance, but is flooded. What would they have to do to fix it and about how much would it cost?""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
Why does a classic car cost more to insure?
My friends got an 02 Acura RSX 5 speed and he pays like $600/month and the car has some engine mods. We are both 17 except he has a couple tickets. I called 3 different insurance companies and they all quoted me around $750 a month. the car in question was a 76 Chevrolet Camaro with an automatic trans and 350ci v8 (though the vin would probably indicate a 267ci v8) why is the newer car cheaper to insure? with a manual trans? kids these days dont appreciate the old cars like I do and stick with Honda and Acuras and those are the ones I actually see getting wrecked. I wouldn't get full coverage on the old car because if it were to wreck i'd just get another as they aren't worth fixing and are a dime a dozen it's not really a rare classic car. I understand that engine size might be a factor. The rsx is lighter and has a smaller engine but the Camaro is much heavier with a bigger engine. Would a z28 cost more? (already upgraded to 350 and upgraded suspension from factory) I didn't ask the insurance on that. What about the Pontiac Firebird of the same years? (70's to '81) it shares a similar setup. When I ask the insurance people how they calculate their rates they say its the area and experience of the driver but me and my friend live in the same area, he's had his license longer but has tickets. His car also costs way more. They could not give me any more info on rates they say they're just there to quote and don't know anything else. So why is this like this?""
Do i need car insurance while im not using the car?
Im due to renew my car insurance. Ive 6 days after my motor insurance policy ends where i will not be using the car. Do i need to be insured for these 6 days despite not using or moving the car.? thanks
Trying to find cheapest van insurance for private use?
Has anybody researched cheapest van insurers in uk
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
How much would my car insurance cost?
I can't find any information online. I haven't bought a car yet, but my dad was looking at this 2005 Ford Mustang. It is V8 Automatic, 2 doors, I have taken a Self Defensive Driving class, and I am currently 16 years old (I turn 17 in a few months). I don't have anything on my record either. So any estimate on how much insurance would cost? I can add some extra info if you need it. Thanks.""
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
Edison New Jersey Cheap car insurance quotes zip 8817
0 notes
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"delaware insurance market conduct examination
delaware insurance market conduct examination
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance help for teenagers?
I just got my license today and my parents were wondering if i still had insurance coverage or not? We have Grange insurance idk if that makes a difference or not. Help please!=]
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
How much does car insurance fluctuate related to a car's make year?
I know the newer the car the higher the insurance, but by how much? Would a 2 or 3 year difference be very significant? Also how much more on average is car insurance for a mid-size SUV than a sedan-style car?""
I am 20 years old. How do I get affordable health insurance?
I feel hopeless. I was diagnosed with genital warts, and I need to get them surgically removed but I need health insurance or else it'll cost me an arm and a leg. I'm so confused and I am panicking. I don't even know where to start. What do I do? I am about to move out of my mom's house in a little under 2 weeks and my mom doesn't have health insurance either.""
Car insurance help?
Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.
Driving without insurance in Illnois?
I am 21 yr old male & due to high rates of insurance i am not insured. Instead, my car is insured on my dad's name. I wanna know what are the consequences of driving without insurance in illinois. I heard the fact that it doesn't matter much if the driver of a car is not insured but the car should be insured on any other person's name rather than who is driving?""
What auto insurance offices offer reduced cost auto insurance program in the San Fernando Valley?
Details below if you do not know which one I am referring to? I'm not talking about the cliche low cost auto insurance that is available to everyone. etc...I'm talking about a specific plan offered by the state of California available at some insurance offices for low income individuals. I found one office with it, it isn't close enough, does anyone know of any more offices ? The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Pilot Program, created in 1999, established a low-cost automobile insurance policy for residents of Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. California Law requires that all drivers be insured. However, too many low-income drivers remain uninsured because the costs of standard auto insurance premiums are beyond their financial reach. The programs purpose is to provide low-cost automobile liability insurance to good drivers who demonstrate financial need.""
Help about choosing car insurance?
I'm 18 and I need to start paying for my own car insurance. Any suggestions for lowering the cost? I live in New York which means my parents are finacially responsible for me until I'm 21. I know that everyone says to try and stick it out but that is not an option. I'm going to be living with a close friend and we need to keep our expenses to a minimum. Any tips concerning car insurance, OR health insurance too would be great.""
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
""How much should my car insurance be, is there a downpayment?""
I am 16 and i am a boy :) I have good grades but not quite a 3.0 My car is a really old Toyota tercel, Its a v4. I would be going under my moms plan. Thanks :)""
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Can someone please explain deductibles and coinsurance for medical insurance to me?
I'm getting health insurance for the first time on my own, so I really don't know anything about it. I tried having the woman from the insurance company explain it, but it still makes no sense to me. If I have an annual deductible of $2,000/$4,000 and my out of pocket max is $4,000/$8,000 what does this mean? And my coinsurance is 20%?""
Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
Always been a fan of Old Minis. Always been in the family. Uncle has had various Mini projects. I've read so many different things about classic car insurance. I'm 17 Years old, recently passed. I've heard that you get get classic car insurance at this age for close to and under 1000. I may not be driving until i turn 18. Won't be driving much. Odd weekend's and to Sixth form a few late days when i can't get a lift off my parent. My Sixth form has it's own car park and the car will be parked on the drive. Just wondering how true the claims are of the cars being cheaper to insure. If so which companies should i go about contacting, and is it best via website or phoning them. Also i would be looking at any Mini, would prefer a 1275 GT. However realise this would cost more. Not bothered about having a Mini 850 or a normal Mini 1000, as i know the Special Eds will cost more.""
Speeding ticket//No insurance!!!???
My friend was driving my car and got pulled over for speeding I didnt have insurance at the time she was pulled over, But I do have insurance now.(a couple days later.) The ticket is being paid tomorrow with my proof of insurance, what will happen b/c the date of purchase is after the day she was pulled over. I live in ohio. PLs help""
Car insurance question?
So my car got scratched in a parking lot and I don't know who did it. I plan on filing a claim with my insurance company to get this fixed. My deductible is $500. My question is: What safeguards do insurance companies have in place to prevent me from changing my collision and comprehensive coverage to drop my deductible to $100, get my car fixed, then switch the coverage back to my normal rate?""
Health insurance cost?
In June of 08 my fiance and I are getting married in IL. I will be just out of school and looking for a full-time teaching job. My soon to be husband graduated 2 years ago and found a part-time music job, but the school eliminated all the part-time positions. He is now subbing and teaching percussion lessons every week. We both will have to pay for insurance until we both get full-time jobs. What is a normal cost to pay per month. If I was to average $150.00 a month is that to little or to much for the two of us. I will be 22 almost 23 and he will be 25. I know he has insurance, but it only covers things that will cost over $8,000 and everything else he pays for out of pocket like shots and etc. It would be nice to have a better plan. He has a screwed up back and some other issues with his body hurting from time to time and blue cross and blue sheild rejected his application. So, it was hard for him to find a company to insure him. Thanks!""
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
SR22 insurance Texas?
I'm looking for a cheap SR22 insurance Texas, maybe some special price just for Texas State. Any info? And what's a medium SR22 insurance cost? Thanks""
How much would car insurance AAA cost for a 16 years old?
Do I need car insurance the moment I get my provisional license (CA)?
I'll be going out for my provisional drivers license tomorrow, and I was wondering whether I need car insurance if I do get my provisional license. My parents are planning to allow me to get my provisional license, but won't add me to their policy until a year down the road. Am I allowed to drive alone with my provisional license as long as the car I'm driving is insured by my parents? (California)""
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
Please recommend any cheap auto insurance companies in Kentucky!?
Louisville, Kentucky insurances are preferable or any national ones are fine.""
Can I suspend my car insurance?
I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice? Thanks!!""
delaware insurance market conduct examination
delaware insurance market conduct examination
""How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?""
Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.""
Is car insurance mandatory in the United States?
My friend told me that in some States, you don't need car insurance. Is this true or do you have to have it before driving your car?""
Car insurance with dwi?
I went to a bar in upstate ny to see a friend's band play. I was drinking at the bar, so I decided to stay at a friend's house down the road (walk there obviously). Someone I thought was my friend took my car to go home ( I left the keys in the ignition ). I know I'm a dumb *** for leaving the keys in the car, don't flame me for that please. Anyways this guy got pulled over by the cops and got a dwi. The car was legally parked when they pulled him over so it didn't get impounded. My question is will my insurance go up? I wasn't driving the car and this guy had no license or any kind of insurance whatsoever. He was also under 21 if that helps and no I didn't report the car stolen. But when the cops questioned him he just told them he took the car.""
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?
How much would insuracne cost on a 2010 Chevy Camareo for a 17 year old?
What are some nice cars that arnt sports cars? Insurance costs alot for a 17 year old with a sports car
What kind of insurance do I get and how do I go about getting it?
I'm a 19 year old female, working full time (and no my work doesn't offer health insurance). I'm still part of my mom's MediCal but I want to have better health care. And I just feel kinda clueless about the whole situation. If anyone can help that would be appreciated. Thanks.""
What would be an estimate for in on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at ins. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Which insurance is better?
Which insurance is better health or life?
What car insurance companies are in Washington? Can I get a list to look up?
I need to find the cheapest for myself. I am getting my license this Friday and I will be going to a car insurance company on my way home so that I can drive my car. Can I get a list of all the auto insurance companies in Washington?
Do you think it far we can't get tags with out car insurance?
car insurance is a good thing to have, but do you think the Govener is going to far....?????""
Am i paying to much for car insurance?
my parents just got insurance for my first car it is a 1963 mercury comet i am 17 years old and my dad just told me the insurance for the car is $380 per month and that seems a little high what do you think? my other friend only pays $100 but he has a good student discount and has had insurance for a while.
In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter?
i rent a appartment and then the owner said i should pay the insurance i thought it is owner's responsibility to pay all these
Insurance expensive car?
well i was comparing insurance prices on gocompare on a 1989 205 1.0 and when i priced it at 2500 the insurance was 4k but when i put the real price at 650 the insurance went up to 6k. shouldnt it be cheaper if car is worth lesss?
Can a sprinter Van/Cargo Van converted qualify for RV insurance?
My understanding is that RV motorhome insurance is cheaper than that of a car. What if i own a sprinter van and i convert it into a motorhome, can it qualify for RV insurance? I have zero knowledge in this stuff so bear with me.""
How to obtain depreciation from insurance company?
I had a roof claim at the end of the year for $45K. Ultimately the roof failed and damaged the interior of the home as well. The insurance company sent an initial check for $38K, and there is $7K in depreciation as a hold back. Once the work was completed I sent the insurance company a final invoice from the contractor for $44K. The invoice listed all of the work done and a grand total. The adjust is asking for line item detail around the charges. My contractor is telling me this is a ridiculous request and won't provide. So now I am sitting here with an adjuster who won't budge on their stance and a contractor who won't help. Are there any hard and fast rules on how to obtain the depreciation funds. In the couple of claims prior to this over the years, all I had to turn in was a generic invoice. I am at a loss and need to get those funds to close this deal out. I have full replacement value.""
Car insurance 16 year old lower?
If i am 16 and I have heard this from a lot of people but if I have a 4.0 GPA at school which is the highest possible, will that help lower my car insurance cost to an AFFORDABLE COST?? What other ways can I get around to paying less than average teens car insurance. Thank you please no personal theories.""
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
""Fender bender, but did not have insurance?""
hypothetical situation, fender bender. I was in a fender bender, I was not the Fault person, but I did not have any insurance. Does the fault person insurance have to pay me for the damages done to my car even though I didn't have insurance when it happen? the insurance company refuse to pay me for any damages done to my vehicle. If I take them to court will I win. (the question is for me to know if I can get sued because my insurance company is not paying for the damages done to the other vehicle, but she did not have any insurance so they refuse to pay anything.)""
Who has the cheapest liability car insurance in California?
I live in the South Bay, and I am purchasing a car along with insurance. I just need a cheap insurance company because I will not be driving the car for long, as I am going to the Air Force at the beginning of next year.""
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
Hello, I was in a car accident 3 weeks ago today in Massachusetts but live in NH. The other guy swerved in my lane on the highway, although their were no witnesses and we still have no word on who was at fault. I was driving my boyfriends car which was no insured, although I have comprehensive coverage on mine. My insurance (gieco) will pay a $1000 pf my medical and have put a claim in for my boyfriends car. I was wondering if anyone knew if they would cover his car? As it looks like the guy who swerved in my lane doesnt have insurance either, as NH doesn't require car insurance. If anyone knows if it possible please let me know. An adjuster has already considered it a total loss. Thanks!""
How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25?
I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?""
How much would my insurance cost? (volkswagon knowledge needed)?
Hi so i am in the process of looking for my first car....now i am not spoiled i promise i earned all my own money...My friends father buys cars, fixes them up, and resells them. It so happens to be that he has a very good condition 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 with basically everything you can get in a car. Sunroof, heated seats, memory seats, cd and cassette player, nice stereo system, auto matic seats, steering radio controls, and a few other simple things... The color is black. Now he is asking about 9000 give or take for the car.. I need help with how much my insurance could cost as a 17 year old. If it helps i'm not in it for the car as much as just something that looks nice and goes that i know wont break down....everything is new, the brakes, oil, everything all checks out....I know that the color and the model will have a big effect with what the cost is... I am pretty much an A to a B+ average student so thats good... I just want a general idea of what it would cost for insurance a month. Like i said the car is black and has stock rims, and has a W8 engine. Please and thank you...If you need information just say so""
delaware insurance market conduct examination
delaware insurance market conduct examination
Does anyone know a good auto-insurance for first time drivers in New Jersey ?
I'm well aware that New Jersey has high auto insurance, but I wanted to know does anyone have an recommendations on an affordable auto insurance. I know me being 21 and a male is going to raise it but so far the cheapest would have been progressive for about $300 a month. Any suggestions would help. Thank you""
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
Does production company need insurance?
One of my biggest concerns when starting a production company that would specialize in small time video making for buisnesses and there services for marketing and commercials possibly who knows would be INSURANCE would I need liability insurance or is it illegal to just not have that or is it for piece of mind.So say if my production business shoots a restaurant and there services and then shoot some motor cross business where they advertise there atvs and vehicles etc.If the answer is yes then what if I use my own stunt riders? is liability insurance a law to have? I'm in the TEXAS
What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t?
The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping
Who is the cheapest auto insurance?
who is the cheapest auto insurance for adult male driver in southern cal. last ticket was about 7 years ago. thx
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.""
Medical insurance?
does medical insuance cover eye exams and eye doco visits for glasses too
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
How much was your high risk car insurance?
i was charged with a DUI about a month ago... my first one. I was parked at a gas station. I'm a 20 year old male.. how much do you think my car insurance will be? I've also got about 5 speeding tickets in the past if that goes against me.
How does american car insurance compare with british car insurance?
why can young people in the states drive nice, big, expensive cars, and in england it so expensive, and we struggle to get insured in england at a resonable price. you watch tv and they drive range rovers, and in england we drive old cars where the insurance cost more than the car. by the way i'm 18 years old anyone able to enlighten me?""
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
Car accident and no licence or insurance?
So i got into a car accident this morning on the way to school, and the lady driving the other car was pulling out of her drive way and i hit her while she was pulled out on to the road, reason being she lived on a corner kinda tucked away and as i turned i didnt see her and i hit her car.. the police took both our statements and lets us both go even thou i dont have insurance or a license What will my fine and punishments be?""
Does my degree affect my car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.""
One-way Insurance HELP?
What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?""
Question about my 18 year old and insurance
I have an 18 year old who takes ADHD medication which without insurance costs well over $300 a month. She is not interested in going to college at this point so I'm not sure how much longer I can keep her on my insurance plan. Assuming it takes her awhile to find a job with good insurance does anyone have any suggestions on how to make her medical needs affordable for her?
How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy?
okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?""
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
Does the title of a car have to be in the insurance owners name?
I currently have insurance on mine and my ex boyfriends car. I dont just want to drop his insurance, so im giving him the opportunity to get his own insurance. He is saying that he needs the title of the car in order to get alternate insurance....is he being honest?""
More affordable health insurance?
I'm paying about $1100/month for health insurance through work (me + family). I've heard I should stay with the group plan but can I get just as good coverage with a private plan? And we may decide to have another child... do private plans cover pregnancy? any ideas would help
Where can I find super cheap auto insurance?
I just want something to cover me legally. I don't need any advice on why I should not get crap insurance, I literally would just like to know where to get great rates. I found ...show more""
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?
I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)""
Should i go on my mothers car insurance ?
Ok so i have been looking around for car insurance because im about to get a car.... but the lowest rates i found were Progessive which was 7000 for 6 months and State Farm which was nearly 5000 ..... so if i go on my mothers insurance will it be lower ? by how much ? or will it be the same ?
Help with car insurance claim process?
A few days ago I scraped a co-worker's vehicle in our work parking lot. She wasn't in a proper parking space, but whatever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. I have pictures of my vehicle after the accident, but not of hers, because she left for the day while I was trying to find out who I had hit and find her in the building. I haven't brought this up with my insurance company yet. I initially thought I was going to be paying for scuffs to be buffed out of her back bumper, which wouldn't be cheap to fix but I figured it'd be inexpensive enough that I wouldn't involve my insurance. Today she handed me an estimate for $600+ for bumper replacement and paint work, etc. Fine. It was my fault. I'll eat it. But if I now want to involve my insurance, what do I do? Do I need her insurance info to file a claim? If I call up my insurance, does her insurance have to also become involved? I'm not even fixing my car - the fender's messed up but it's an old car and cosmetic damage doesn't bother me. I don't know what my insurance deductible is...if it's $500+ then I guess I won't bother and will just pay up in cash.""
delaware insurance market conduct examination
delaware insurance market conduct examination
Does your Insurance address have to match your registration address?
I'm moving to a new city where the insurance rates are higher than my current town. I have to change my address on my license and registration to get a parking permit in the city, but do I have to change the address on my insurance? The permit doesn't require to know any information about your insurance.""
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable car insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is not less expensive in general, but any suggestions would help.""
1968 ford torino gt fastback insurance rates ~ 10 pts!!?
I was recently doing some quotes...I keep getting around $981*ish 6 month premium. I don't know, it's not that I couldn't afford that in the future it's that I'm hoping I can get it a bit cheaper...being that I drive 4 miles to school, will only drive it less then 2500 miles a year! 5 days a week. I don't qualify for hagerty, or any of those classic car Insurance Co.'s. I'm not sure, I guess if i talked to a real agent you think it'd decrease a bit? Because I have a junk car that I'll be using for winter and really cold days, my dads car :p. By the way the insurance company was PROGRESSIVE. I tried many other, they where all higher. Why was it when I tried other cars they skyrocketed past $900, like seriously, I tried a 1996 Honda it went from $900 to $1100!? I'm not sure if it's a messed up quote or what, haha. P.S. all this from it going from X amount to X amount that's all 6 month not 1 month.""
My car insurance quotes are ridiculously high?
Recently I have been considering starting to drive. I researched which cars were in insurance band 1 (the lowest, and ultimately the cheapest) and began searching for quotes online. I'm a 21 year old single male, with no children and no mortgage. I haven't had my license for very long and I live in an area with really high insurance premiums. I have been quoted a minimum of 9,000 for a car worth 400 (a '97 Citroen C5). How will I ever be able to afford to drive?""
Ford Mustang V6 1997 I'm 19 about to turn 20 how much will insurance cost me?
I live in Oregon close to the city I live in a country side how much would I pay? Please help!
How much does renter's insurance cost?
How much does renter's insurance cost?
Can I throw away my old insurance card?
I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?
Rental Car Insurance: Texas. How Do I Avoid Paying $23/Day?
In Texas renting a car. Back in California you rent a car, then you can either get 3 choices: I don't want insurance . This means its on you. They can't foce you to insure the car. $11/day . This covers the rental car only and not the damage you may do to other cars or property. $22/day . Full coverage. Covers anything that can happen. Now I live in Texas. And Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz...tell me the same thing... If you do not have your own car insurance, you must pay $23 per day for insurance which covers everything . How do I avoid this? Seems very expensive for a several week long rental....insurance costs as much as the car.""
Benefits on no Claims on car Insurance?
to the insurer, would you appear as a safe risk? would your future insurance be cheaper? thoughts pls""
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
Will having a new licensed driver in the house affect car insurance rates?
I live in New York, and I'm getting my license. My sister is afraid that having another licensed driver living in the same household will raise her car insurance rates. I told her I didn't think it would, since I wouldn't be going on her insurance, I would be getting my own. Does anyone know the answer?""
What is the best online source for shopping for health insurance?
My son is 20, full time college student in a different state (PA.) Home state is Ohio. I am on disability so my insurance (and my husbands') is through Medicare.. I am shopping for an individual plan for my son, and there are so many sites which offer so many choices...Not only do I need to get the insurance plan, I need to find the best web site for the query. (tried einsurance, etc..)""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
If i get a cheap car will my insurance be cheaper or more expensive?
i have a car that i can have given to me it is about 5 years old but cant aford the first years car insurance out right if i sell it and gt a cheaper car will the insurance be cheaper or more expensive because it is an older car? i say this because if so i can sell the car i have and use the money left over to pay for the first ears car insurance. p.s i am a teenage driver which is why im trying to save as much money as i can!
""Insurance rates in California to rise 147% under Obamacare,was obama lying or does he just not know?
Insurance question (=?
Do people in the UK lie about their age to get a low premium on their car insurance? have you lied or know someone who have? I know a lot of people who said they lie about their age (19 say say're older) and get a lower insurance price, is that possible? PS - quotes for young people are utterly ludicrious due to daft drivers, yeah, but still, roundabout 3000 if below 21 for lads. Cheers for any answers.""
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
I need a list of affordable cars that look like a sports car but aren't considered one by insurance?
Or just a list of sports cars that tend to have lower insurance.
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
How can I fight to get more money out of my car insurance company?
We bought a 2011 Lancer on Dec 8th 2010. On Dec 27th 2010, we slid off the road in a blizzard, but the car was not damaged AT ALL. The car was parked and only had our pets and christmas gifts from the holidays. An idiot speeding in a snow storm made a b-line into our car. Both ours and their insurance determined the car totaled and the other driver was found at fault by his insurance company. We did have GAP coverage (which will NEVER happen again). The car was 19 days owned and we believe we should get MSRP for our car. Does anyone know if this is reasonable? I think we pay so much every month and therefore are entitled to be in the same position financially as we were before the accident. (Also, we had stuff : a rifle, our pets, their crate that got damaged. We were wondering if that and the out-of-pocket rental car expenses should be covered... seeing that it was in direct relation to the car accident, that was his fault.)""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductible do you have? Also Feel free to answer if you do not have insurance and do you support Obamacare?""
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How and what is cheap auto insurance?
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
How to find cheap insurance for my 318i bmw 1999?
Can a family friend put me on their car insurance?
So i live in the state of california. I have had my learners permit for more than six months now. I want to get my drivers license but due to the economic crisis my parents aren't able to pay every month to have me on their car insurance. A family friend has offered to put me on their car insurance, but what my parents want to know is if that is legal in the state of california or do I HAVE to be insured by my parents?""
delaware insurance market conduct examination
delaware insurance market conduct examination
0 notes
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"lowest homeowners insurance quotes
lowest homeowners insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the cheapest insurance company?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
Health insurance .?
hello...i am 33 year old and going to school full-time. anyone out there know any cheap health insurance that i can apply for? i am mostly healthy but just in case. plus does the government support full-time students with at least health insurance? i am from memphis tn are. thank you!!!
Can I let somone drive my car who doesn't have insurance? [Ontario]?
So the law says you can let somone drive your car if they have a license. If they get into an accident the charges are on my insurance. Make sure that if you are loaning your car to someone else that you first verify their license or you may be without a car for 7 days while it is in impound. Ref: http://find-a-driving-school.ca/10-ontar But law also states that if you are driving you must have insurance ... right? So for example... can I let my bro drive my car even though he has his G2 and is not insured. What are the consequences? Thanks!
""If i own a car, can someone else be the named driver on insurance?""
I own a car under finance, but i cannot drive the car anymore. is it possible for another person to insure themselves on the car and be the main user of it?""
Driving family car with no insurance?
I Drive my sister's car around a bit because i couldn't afford my insurance. Since I don't have insurance but my sister does on her car, would I get a ticket or get car towed if I drive it around without insurance? or would my sister's insurance cover it too? Thanks""
My car insurance is too high under parent's name?
My sister added her car under my mom's insurance and they pay for both cars $347 dollars 6 months for just liability coverage. When I tried to add myself to my mom ...show more
Which is the cheapest auto insurance policy that a company can offer which covers everything?
i own a chevy beat 1.2 LT and need to know the right comparision of d best insurance company policy.pls reply asap.
Is there any way I can stay on my dad's insurance?
I recently graduated from college and I will begin working full time in about a week. In the fall, I will be a full-time graduate student. Since I will still be classified as a student, will I still be able to stay on my dad's insurance, or do I have to take the insurance package my employer offers me?""
Medical Health Insurance Florida: Family Plans?
I am looking for affordable medical health insurance plans for my family. We live in Florida.
Why did my insurance company call me?
I received a call today from my JOB PROVIDED Health insurance company. The representative asked me a number of questions about what I have done about my epilepsy and what medications I am currently on. Why did they call me? My mother said that they do this to determine if they are going to drop you or not. Can they drop me even though it is provided threw my job?
Where can I find the best insurance firms in California?
My son just got out of hospital and am really concerned about the health of my family members - what should I do now? Where can I get the best insurance firms in entire California?
What is a good health insurance for J1 visa visiting scholars in USA ?
J-1 Exchange Visitors are required by U.S. Department of State to have health insurance for themselves and any accompanying dependents in J-2 status for the entire time that they are in the United States as exchange visitors. Minimum insurance coverage must provide: Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per person per year or accident Medical evacuation of the Exchange Visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $10,000 Repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500 Deductible limited to $500 per accident or illness I am looking for a health insurance that meets these requirements and allows to include my family (spouse and 3 kids). I was considering United Healthcare StudentResources but they increased the premium in 40% from 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 (considering the whole family). The IMG (International Medical Group) has the Patriot Exchange Program that meets the J1 requirements and is much cheaper, for example. Could you please tell the community the plan you have, pros and cons, and any other useful information?""
How much does the general auto insurance cost?
How much does the general auto insurance cost?
What is the average cost in california for a 600cc motorcycle insurance as first vehicle(18 year old)?
Im trying to figure out how much im going to pay for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance not full cover).i am 18 years old and it is going to be my first vehicle.
Why won't insurance pay for my MRI?
I'm 16 and I've been having problems with my TMJ. So a month or two ago I went to the hospital for an MRI on both sides of my jaw. Yesterday my mother told me that they are charging $11,000 for my MRI and insurance isn't going to pay for it. She also told me my maxillofacial specialist told her at the most it should have been $3000 total or $1200 for each side. Why does insurance pay for the surgery to correct TMJ disorders but not the MRI to diagnose it? Even when surgery is a last resort effort to correct the problem and isn't recommended most of the time. And it sucks even more for me once I am 18 because I'm basically screwed.""
How Much Will My Car Insurance be?
I am a 16 year old boy, the type of Car Im look at is probably a 1999 Toyota Four Runner for about $3000-$4000. I got my liscence about a week ago and now I just need to get to a 3.0 GPA so that my insurance will go down. Can anyone tell me and estimate of how much money I'm looking at paying monthly for insurance with and without the 3.0 GPA? Thank You""
Car insurance question?
If something happens to your car and it falls under comprehensive coverage, will your insurance premium go up after the incident?""
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
What insurances are affordable when persuing Gastric bypass surgery?
I am at the beginning of my journey to have gastric bypass. I am having trouble finding a insurance that is affordable and will cover the surgery, any and all suggestions are welcome. I also welcome any advice people can give as this is something that i have researched for 4 years.""
What is the cost of Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm going to be buying a home and would like to know if anyone knows what the approximate cost would be for HO Insurance? I already have Renter's Insurance, and would like to know if the price difference is dramatic or not. The home is 1902squ. feet, 4 bedroom, built in 2006,I am purchasing the home for just under $100,000, it is worth a lot more than that, as its a foreclosure.""
Used 2006 mustang v6 insurance for teens?
how much do you think insurance will be for a teen ages 16-17. (estimate) will it be cheap or expensive because it is used. and what if it is under the parent's plan? thank you
Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
How Much Does Insurance Cost?
Okay, So Im 18. Ive Been Driving For A Year And Haven't Had Any Type Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. And, I Was Told That With This Your Insurance Is Likely To Go Down For Being ...show more""
Does anyone know of any good and affordable marriage counslers in york pa?
My husband and I desperately need marriage counseling before it is too late. We are very poor and can't afford much. Does anybody know of someone good and affordable? My health ...show more
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lowest homeowners insurance quotes
Additional insurance?
hi, i have been covered with cigna insurance 80:20 and i ve undergone miscarriage which costed me 2500$ after insurance. now i want to be careful as i am planning to conceive again. i ve listened that there will be additional insurance will helps to cut the cost of delivery. is it true?if it is can anyone of u sugest me the plans?""
Best car insurance deals uk for young drivers?
Hi there i am male , 18 years old wanting to learn to drive. My mother has a small daewoo matiz which is only a 900 and something cc, so not even a one litre, but a car which would be cheaper on insurance then a lot of cars. Im just wondering if anyone knew any good companies offering good prices for insurance either as a seperate insurance of my own or a one for my parent with me being a additional driver. Thanks""
Car Insurance Rates long island?
Help....My 20 year old needs car insurance... has two tickets,,, we live on long island just the basics""
Do i need liabilty insurance?
I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law?
Anyone know a good Home Insurance company in California?
We recently purchased a new home to use as a renter. Our real estate agent told us to purchase and insurance policy from Old Republic to cover anything that could be wrong with the house since it was built in the 80's. An inspector looked at the house prior to our purchase and didn't notice anything with the property. Once the house was occupied by our renter, he noticed that the lights would shut off and stay off for a few hours. Old republic sent an electrician over and he told us that the prior owner had replaced a new breaker on top of a broken buster. He reported back to old republic and they stated that the insurance didn't cover anything that was not installed correctly. We were precise to inform our agent of the policy we needed for the house. We were not sure what work the house had done prior to our purchase so that is why we purchased the insurance. The policy we had was Old Republic Home Warranty Plan. That is what our agent advised us to get. Now, what can we legally do to help cover our out of the pocket expense of over a grand. Is there a policy that anyone would recommend for a rental house. Let me add that we do have home owners insurance but it only covers fires, floods, etc. (Please no unnecessary comments, this is an important question and need real honest advise.) Thank you in advance to all who respond and hopefully this could help others who read it as well.""
Car insurance?
What's the point in paying car insurance if sometimes they deny your claim if something ever happens
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
Insurance Problems for my Teenage Self?(;?
So I found out that insurance for the car I was going to get (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) was way too much since I'm only 16. So I'm planning on getting a cheaper car, around $5,000. 1. Will insurance be much cheaper? They told me $1,500 for the Civic. 2. When I do turn 18 and purchase my dream car, will the insurance drop? If so how muh?""
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
What country has the best and most affordable health care system in the world?
it cannot possibly be the united states. in the united states the only ones that can afford healthcare probably cannot actually afford it, their insurance covers it. take away ...show more""
Cheaper without health insurance?
I'm sick and got a prescription for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it for 8.87 under the generic form. My copay for my insurance is $20. Does that mean I should get it without using my health insurance? I was born in Canada so not familiar with all those copay and drug copay stuff. Thanks
Is it possible to put my dad under my insurance?
I just started a new job and in a few months ill be eligible for health insurance. I'm 19 my dad is 47 hes unemployed and not eligible for medicaid.
Bankruptcy and Homeowners Insurance Lapse....?
Going through bankruptcy. My question stems from a fire we had at the house. We did not mention it to our insurance company just yet and it has been 5 months already. we were told we should report it right away, but I wasnt' sure if we had insurance. Couldn't afford the insurance. So, 2 years back, my loan company sent me paperwork to sign up for their insurance which is mandatory if one does not supply proof of insurance to them. After this time, would I still, likely, have insurance through my insurance company? and what repercussions would I face for taking so long to report it? Thx, Adreamer2""
How can I get free health insurance?
My husband and I can't afford health insurance. Is there a way to get it for free? We live in southern California.
What's the best insurance option for a private car collector?
What's the best insurance option for a private car collector?
Life insurance for seniors?
does anybody know any good life insurance for seniors? i need to try and help my parents some life insurance
How much would insurance for a 19 year old be?
Currently she's looking for a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, How much would it cost?""
""On average, how much would motorcycle insurance be for someone under 21?""
I want to get a motorcycle to save on gas and just because there awesome, but before I jump into things i want to see if you can help. I am trying to chose between a 1993 or1999 Harley XL Sportster and want to know on a rough estimation how much it will be for insurance for a minor?""
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
Can i sue my car insurance company.?
I have had an car accident and made a claim through my car insurance, however they have failed to compensate me for the accident and rather than compensating me they have cancelled my policy claiming that i had provided them with incorrect information, which were genuine minor mistakes on my part, however i did not find out about any of these indiscripancies until my accident as my insurance company had not initially provided me with documents showing all the information i had provided to them to make sure everything was correct, they only provided me with the certificate. Since they didn't provide me with these details and a form to sign to say all the information is correct. Are they allowed to cancel my policy as i wouldve corrected this information if i had found out about it. And do i have any grounds to complain to the financial ombudman.""
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
What is the average Motorcycle insurance cost?
Not sure if these are necessary but 16 YO Female Probably Suzuki or Honda 2009 CRF Just estimate please. Don't tell me to call Progressive. If you have owned a motorcycle tell me what your price was. A good straight FWD answer. Thanks. Your source would be helpful too for Example- Motorcycle of 4 years Have a Harley
Does full coverage auto insurance usually cover a large tree branch denting your car?
My husband just called from work to tell me our car has a huge dent in the passenger side. Sure enough, there is a large branch of tree in our drive way. Before I call the insurance I wondering if you know this answer to this so I can know what to expect. I am with State Farm and have full coverage.""
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lowest homeowners insurance quotes
Do insurance companies look into your driving record?
When getting an auto insurance quote they ask if you have any major violations. Do they only know if u tell them, or will they eventually find out of u lie?""
""I would like to buy a VW bus, but i am a student and i was wondering how much maintenance would cost monthly?""
I am dying to get this car, it is my dream car, or bus, but i don't have very much money. So, i am trying to better understand the circumstances that i am getting myself into before i make this big step. I already know about insurance prices and gas prices, but i am pretty much clueless at maintenance prices, i am really looking for a ballpark figure.""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm 18 years old and live in Suffolk county new York on the east end of long island. I drive a 2002 red dodge intrepid with 140,000 miles on it. It's an R/T which is a sport edition!!! The car has a few dings on it. I have no convictions on my license or points and I am a male. How much would insurance cost per month and what company is the most reasonable ? Any info at all would be great, thank you!!!!""
What is a car insurance raise depend on? ?
Hello, I come here because everyone I ask just tells me not to worry about it and I JUST WANT TO KNOW! Sorry if this is way too long. I don't want to miss anything. Anyways, I got into a minor accident recently. When I say minor, I mean minor. I bumped them at a red light because I scooted up without looking. Didn't even touch the gas. This is my first accident. I'm twenty years old. When I went to look at our cars my car was a little scuffed, nothing that a little buffing couldn't take off. Their car, was even less. One of the passengers (there were 5 adults total, two children sitting on laps) claimed his back hurt. I was in panic mode as the driver told me that we could handle this without contacting insurance. Later I came to my senses when I realized that this guy with the back injuries was going to keep coming back to me asking for more money, so I told them to call my insurance agency. My question is, does anyone know in the state of Florida what determines how much your car insurance goes up? His injuries (not positive but almost positive) are not bad enough to go into my bodily injury. His PIP should cover it. For example, will your insurance go up based on the damages you have to pay for ? Since I made very VERY minimal damage, will my insurance only go up a little ? Thanks for reading my giant ramble and thanks for responses. Sara""
Cheapest car insurance?
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 19 and I need cheap health insurance?
Okay, I'm 19 years old and I use to have some kind of plan with my mothers insurance but it was the kind where once I turn 18 I can no longer be on it. I really want to get insurance, but I don't know where to start. (I work only part time and can't get a full time job right now) I don't know what insurance companies are best for me or anything. I would greatly appreciate any help. Also, if I got insurance and then later found out I was pregnant what would happen? Would they cover that as well? Is there any insurance policy that covers pregnancy... if not, what could I do?""
Colonial Penn Insurance - how big is a UNIT?
The ads and website quote a price like 7.85 per month PER UNIT. I don't know if a unit is $100, $1000, $10000? The phone number quotes the price but ALSO evades the question of how big is a unit. Does anyone know the answer?""
Why did my health insurance raise 85%?
I work for a school and our healthcare company, Cigna, raised the rates from $20 a month last year, to $130 a month this year! And a family plan through Cigna (which I had hoped to use one day) will cost more than $700 a month!! What?? The best part is, the insurance covers less than last year and has higher copays for everything ($150 for an urgent care visit as opposed to $50 previously). Can anybody explain why this is happening? I'm all for healthcare reform... Companies shouldn't be able to take advantage of hard working citizens, those less fortunate should have access to affordable healthcare, etc. But why this EXTREME hike in price for me? Please keep you anti-Affordable Health Care comments to yourself. I'm looking for a real reason why I'm seeing this huge hike. It seems like it will be cheaper if I sign up for healthcare on Healthcare.gov at this point...Pretty absurd.""
Cheap Car insurance for young and new drivers?
I'm 21 and passed my test a couple of weeks ago. I always knew insurance was going to be an issue and I have found out it is cheaper to go on other peoples policys... but I want to get my own policy so I can get it down. I'll be getting something small, 1.1 or 1.2 for obvious reasons. The cheapest I've managed to find is about 700, thats 3rd party and with a couple of named drivers on. that was with Swift Cover. From a weekend of insurance shopping I've found that all these compare insurance websites are a load of s***. Not had any quotes below 1500. Anyway, does anyone have any tips for getting insurance down more or does anyone know of any insurance companies that specialise in insurance young or new drivers. I just wish they wouldn't tar us all with the same brush... I'm not going to be spending my evenings following other boy racers in Saxos wheelspinning around McDonalds car park. I can see why it's so high though there are so many idiots on the road.""
How do i register my car in my name if its in my mothers name?
She bought the car for my birthday and it is insured through me but i need to know how to go about getting it registered to me so it can lower my insurance.
How much would my car insurance cost?
If i were to leave my parents insurance plan, how much would it cost me for insurance per year or month? I am 18 years old with no accident records, no criminal records, and a drivers ed discount. My car is a 1997 Plymouth Breeze with 150k miles and its red. I still live at home. If someone is in the same kind of situation can I just get an estimate...I think this covers everything that effects car insurance for college students, and I don't have a good grade discount. Oh yeah, I am on Liberty Mutual insurance under my fathers plan.""
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Health Care Insurance (CA)?
So 2014 coming around I know we need health insurance or else we have to pay a fee. My question is not sure what insurance to pick (specifically anything dental,vision, regular doctor ...show more""
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
Can i get car insurance as a learner driver?
i am a learner driver and was wondering if i can get learner car insurance if i got a car and a qualified driver to teach me
Does 2 Insurance Policies Affect Each Other?
I am going to be buying a car and the cheapest way of getting insurance is by naming my mum the named driver of the car and i was added on..but she is worried that if i crashed it would affect her no claims bonus on her other policy..would it?
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
Does anyone know a good affordable health insurace that offers maternity coverage? if so please help?
""I had full coverage auto insurance, my policy lapsed for 2 days & during that time I had an accident am I cov?
The Insurance company is Coast Insurance in California. The accident happened during the 2 day lapse period. I have been with the company for approx 10yrs
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
How much is motorbike insurance?
I am 25, about to get my first 750cc bike, I have no previous experience, living in London how much is my motorbike insurance likely to be? Just want a rough idea, as I don't have a bike yet so can't get a quote.""
Can i get full coverage insurance with a suspended drivers license?
Can i get full coverage insurance with a suspended drivers license?
""For pain and suffering money, how much is enough to ask for from your own car ins. company?""
I was in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (under 18 yrs old, no drivers' liscence, no car insurance, failed to yeild). My car was in the shop for 3-4 weeks, I just finished chiropractic care, and my ins. adjuster is going to meet w/ me soon. I have full coverage insurance plus 'uninsured drivers insurance'. So anything my regular car insurance doesn't cover my uninsured insurance pays for anything else. But he also let me know I will be getting 'pain and suffering money. How much should I ask for?!?! I don't even know an estimate of what I should ask for. The worst thing about it is, since the other guy doesn't have insurance, my dealing with my own insurance company. They said after my claim is settled, they will turn around and sue the other driver. I don't want to end up sueing my own car insurance company either. this is my first car accident.""
Car insurance- driving school?
is it worth it and if u have done it how much have you saved on insurance a month
Insurance On First Vehicle?
If you buy a used vehicle (in Indiana) and your 15 and your not going to drive it for another couple of months, is it still required you have insurance for it even though your not going to drive it for a while. And if there is an amount of time you have to get insurance, how long is that?""
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lowest homeowners insurance quotes
Best first car to get with cheap insurance ?
I have just recently passed my driving test and I am unsure about which car to get. I need one which would be cheap for an 18 year old to insure
Car insurance information?
If you have full insurance on your vehicle and you was driving reckless and got into a accident is it covered.....
How much would i pay for my car insurance?
for a camry 07 se model
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
As a new Driver when should I expect my insurance costs to lower?
Here is the background: I am 27 years old and I just learned to driver a little over 7 months ago. I know that as a COMPLETELY new driver my insurance costs weren't going to be the best so I was surprised when most if not all companies I went to quoted me at about 400-450 for 6 months of full coverage. I thought this was very very good because that is about what my husband pays and hes had an perfect driving record since he was 17. Well when I went in to buy my first car ( brand new and financed, so I needed full coverage based on my state laws. ) Before I left the lot I called my chosen insurance company and they activated my insurance for me. To my dismay but not complete shock they told me they would have to raise the quote because I didn't have a driving record yet. ( At this point I had only had the license about 3-4 weeks I don't quite remember ). I was told this should clear up the next time I renew. Well my premium has actually gone up fifty dollars ( instead of down 150 )! I was shocked. So, out of curiosity I got quotes from other places now and it was just as expensive if not more so. What happened? I've had no moving or parking violations, my driving record is perfect. I thought I would ask the yahoo community before I call my insurance company to point fingers.""
How much pain and suffering from my auto accident?
In Feb (2 months ago) I was rear ended at an intersection by a drunk driver. It was 3pm, I was on my way to class, and he hit me out of nowhere. This was his second offense. He was arrested that day on DUI/drug charges. He was fully insured by Nationwide Insurance. Turns out he has a LONG list of driving violations, speeding tickets, and such. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and then went again the next day. I have been to my medical doctor and chiropractor since then. I had never been in the hospital before, or to a chiropractor, and my neck/back are now messed up. I have had a MRI, and a ton of prescription. I have lost the natural curve in my neck, my vertebra are out of alignment, and I am having BAD, BAD headaches. I had $3000 damage to my car, and over $5000 in medical bills. How much pain and suffering can I get? Until this point, I was healthy, and fit. Since then, I cant work out at the gym, and Im getting headaches which affect my concentration, and sometimes my vision... Im only 24. What am I entitled too?""
What are some good homeowner insurance companies in Louisiana area ?
i want to have different quotes from different companies ! but i don't know much about this.. by the way what is the average premium homeowner insurance in LA ?
Health Insurance?
anybody got any good advice am looking for health insurance my husband retires soon and we will need to get our own Health insurance. looked at blue cross and health partners but it so expensive anyone no anyone more affordable ty for any info.
Is it possible to get insurance without a six month or a 12 month contract?
Like for month to month
I need help looking for cheap auto insurance HELP?
Ok I live on Connecticut and the cheapest insurance for me is 200$ and that's progressive. I'm 20 years old so I know insurance is going to be high for me regardless. But are there any other small insurance companies who offer the same service just cheaper???? I feel like my insurance is 200$ because of company name and I dont feel like spending so much because of that. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm buying a honda civic 95 dx auto 4dr
Do cons understand the difference between free insurance and affordable health care?
Do you understand that we dont want free insurance, we want affordable health care? Future health care reforms must make health care more affordable. The remaining challenge is to define a truly level playing field and make health care affordable for all Americans.""
Are there any car insurance companies that wont force me to be on my parent's insurance policy?
I got my license 4 months ago and I have NEVER driven since getting it. Not even once. I don't drive. I ride the bus or my bicycle everywhere I go. I don't need car insurance. I don't want car insurance. I live with my parents and their insurance requires that they add me to their coverage simply because I have a license. Are there any insurance companies that don't require me to be on my parents' plan like this?
Monthly payment for Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I want to get a car, but I am not sure if I can afford car insurance. I was told I can put my name under a relative's insurance (He is around 50). So I have a question for you guys. How much money do you pay for car insurance a month? I know it varies amongst states and ages, but I want to get an idea of the amount of money I may be paying. I live in New York so I know it will probably be way higher than other states. Please provide your age, state, and car insurance monthly estimate. Thank you! =]""
What are insurance points?
I got 2 tickets today in NJ.One was for no seatbelt and one was for speeding.It was for going 5 miles over limit!The speeding is 2 points.But my driver record is perfect,except for this speeding ticket. I know it gets reported to motor vehicles,but what about insurance points?How does that work?Will my insurance go up?""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance?
What should I be expecting to pay for insurance? I'm single, male, and 23 years old, and I would be getting my first bike. Geico quoted me at about $3360/yr, is this good/bad? Do you think other companies can do better? How much bodily injury coverage should I get?""
Does Allstate use insurance credit scores ?
My score is good, just curious. Another unrelated question: My insurance has gone up the last 2 times after going down every 6 months for a few years. I cant find any reason for it on my end. Is everyones rate going up at allstate ?""
Cheap insurance for young drivers?
I passed my test today and need to get some insurance, if you know any websites or companies that offer cheap insurance for 17yr olds for a mini from personal experience etc. Then please help Thanks""
Car insurance and my rates?
Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?""
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?
I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!""
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Wat insurance should i use?
I'm 19 years old and I have a part time job. Wat is the cheapest insurance I can get? And a good one
lowest homeowners insurance quotes
lowest homeowners insurance quotes
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
"Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best health insurance company in Canada?
from your experience. just a student on a budget. i have two little ones as well.
Who should get my fathers life insurance?
My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?""
Would my parents car insurance go up if i crash?
if i crash and im on learners permit, would it go up? because i called my insurance agent and he said i dont need to be listen as a driver ill be insured. i live in california btw if that matters.""
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
Does it cost to switch auto insurance companies?
Mine was renewed {mine renews automatically) in April, but due to a change in finances, we started to look for something lower recently. We found one that is around $40 cheaper, plus offers roadside assistance. Do I have to wait until April to change it? If it does cost, what is the average charge? I know this rate will vary, but my agent is a very rude,and always acts like I am bothering her. I just wanted to get an idea before I called her. Thanks""
Why are so many Americans so damn dumb?
why don't they realize things like how the insurance companies are screwing them? Insurance companies keep 30% of every dollar spent and it goes in their pocket. They exist to deny you service, to keep you sick. America is the only industrialized country in the world without universal health care. I await the predictable comments about that, fed to most americans by the likes of hannity, savage and limbaugh, all with great health insurance.....so, why are so many americans so damn dumb?""
Car Insurance in Washington?
I recently moved from California to Washington. Is my California car insurance still valid in Washington? Should I cancel my califorinia insurance and get a Washington one?
Where can i find good and cheap used car dealer insurance?
i am trying to open a used car lot and need insurance for it. where can i find cheap insurance i have looked and got a quote at one place but the price is to high 6500.00 per year, are there any other companies that will offer that but for cheaper? thanks""
How much extra on car insurance does an amp cost? Or dyou not pay any extra?
I treid all the insurance comparison websites and none showed amps in the modification part. I'm 17 and pay over 1000 pound for insurance already and don't want the price to go up much. Any help appreciated :)
New driver- car insurance?
i just got anew car, hydauni elantra 06, and i need insurance, wats the cheapest insurance for a 19 yr old girl,no driving record, tickets etc in the rome/utica area? thanksssss""
Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?
New truck - need help.. :D ty
Is it true when purchaseing a vehicle if the cost is under 7000 you dont have to have full coverage insurance?
i am in texas if any one can help let me know
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
How much will my car insurance cost monthly?
I'm 20 years old, female, college student, never been in an accident, 0 tickets, i've had my license since i was 18, my occupation: customer service. i'm self supporting, my insurance will not be under parents. it will be under my name. i'm looking to just get basic liability coverage. the car i'm considering to get is a white 2003 toyota celica gt coupe. with about 95kmiles. what insurance do you recommend and how much do you think it will cost for me monthly?""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
Where do I find the group number on All kids family healthcare insurance card?
Hello, I'm filling out a student medical form for school, and it asks me for my insurance company's group number. I have All Kids healthcare insurance. Can anyone tell me where is it located?""
Is car insurance cheaper for older vehicles?
Well i have a 2007 Nissan Altima and i pay $116.67/month, and i was wanting to by an older camper van to live in. Would my insurance be cheaper on the van?""
Has all 2ltr cars got the same cost in insurance for a 17 year old?
Has all 2ltr cars got the same cost in insurance for a 17 year old?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?
I'm 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?""
Car insurance question?
I bought my car on Aug 25 2008. But the policy period on my new policy is from Aug 2 2008 to Aug 2 2009. How can they cover me before I bought my car. Is Safety Insurance of Massachusetts always do business in this sneaky way?
What automotive insurance companies insure right-hand drive cars in Ontario?
I'm looking to get insurance on a right hand drive import (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. Prior to January 2012 this wasn't the hardest thing to do. It's gotten increasingly difficult. Anyone know of a company that still insures these imports at a reasonable rate?""
Recommended Auto-insurance break-ups?
I have Mercury Insurance for my Camry (Make-2009). It is due for renewal next month. I was with this company from past one year. I am from different company, so frankly telling, I did not used my mind while buying Insurance and I just followed my friends. Can somebody review it and suggest, if it is recommended or I should change it ? May be I can save more money ? Bodily Injury Liability = 100,000 (Each Person)/300,000 (Each Accident) Property Damage Liability = 50,000 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Liability = 50,000 (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property Damage Liability = Maximum Comprehensive = Deductible Car-1 $ 500 Collision = Deductible Car-1 - $ 500 Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence = Car-1 - $75""
""Car stolen, insurance paid out, car recovered.. What happens next?""
My friend had his car stolen two years ago, and so he claimed on his insurance. After paying his excess, he received payment from his insurance company. Last week, his car was recovered. What happens with the car now? Will the insurance company keep it/sell it to cover what they paid out? Will it be returned to him?""
Do you need a Car Insurance to get a license?
I'm Male 18 yrs old. I don't have a car yet. I finished taking DMV Written Exam. My problem now is the Behind the Wheel. My mom told me if she will include me in her Insurance, it will add her around $400 more. I'm planning to go to a driving school maybe to lessen the amount. My question is, if I would use the car of the Driving School, do I still need to have an Insurance? Any suggestions? Thanks!""
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Individual vs group health insurance?
If an individual with wife (including 6 month old son) and sister work as a small business owners/employees and would like to get a group insurance through BCBS, would it be feasible to go through as a Group or as an individual/family healthcare plan, perhaps family and an individual for the sister?""
What is the best auto insurance in southern california?
i want to know the cheapest is south coast insurance any good
Which insurance companies offer business insurance for roofers in Texas? General Liability Ins. is needed.?
My husband started a roofing company and needs help finding an insurance company for general liability.
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
How much do you think insurance for an Acura RSX would be?
I'm 16 years old and I want to buy an Acura RSX. Does anybody have any idea about how much insurance might be? I live in California.
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?
Is there any cheap auto insurance company for teen drivers?
I am hoping to get my permit next year. But my parents are using Farmers Insurance and they are currently paying about 450 a month? :O I was wondering if theres any cheap insurance out there for me and my parents?
Quick question about a 16 year girl's car insurance rate...?
My daughter's about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?
Do you have to have car insurance?
like the car has liabilty, but i will soon get my liscense and i am wondering if it is required by law for me personally to have insurance.""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
What is some good dental insurance?
What is a good and affordable dental insurance?
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
Car Insurance Payout?
I have a car in Ireland, it was stolen the other night. But I am working in the US at the moment. My car is fully insured, but because it was left in the driveway of my girlfriend, will there be a problem getting a payout. It is worth about 5000 euros, how much should i expect to get??? Thanks!""
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military?
Should we get life insurance before my husband joins the military. My new york life friend told me that it's better because we can get more money if we do it before he joins. My husband says that the military pays for everything and they have there own life insurance. Which is the best route to take?? I would like to just do the new york life thing now instead of wait, he is joining in January. I'm not sure if I like the USAA life insurance. New York Life is a place I know that is reliable. But this is something people don't talk about very much. So I need some help Thanks!! :)""
Insurance Cost for Hyundai Elantra in Canada?
I'm 23 years old living in ontario canada, and I'm planning on buying a used 2004 hyundai elantra. I've taken driving school and now have g2 driving license. I'm looking for other people who have also bought the same car and around the same age as me, and I just wanna ask how much do you pay for your car insurance and what's the best (cheaper) company i should go for? Thanks =]""
Isn't $300/mo TOO much for car insurance?
So my BF is planning on purchasing his first car, a 2012 Honda Civic EX Coupe, and he's trying to get a plan with USAA, but the quote says he'll be paying 300 monthly for insurance which is basically another car payment. What's the deal?""
What is the Cheapest Insurance?
Hi. My dad has been having AAA as his insurance for $82, compared to our other family members insurance, that is pretty over priced. Isn't the insurance price supposed to go down if you didn't violate anything over the year? And also, i am 16, and have my license, i basically have my dad's old car so he needs to get me into his insurance. What is the best insurance for me and him together? I know Im a minor and the insurance is going to go up but what is the cheapest insurance or best insurance for both of us? My dad wants to switch if ever we find a good deal?""
How does a foreigner to the uk get car insurance?
My husband is NOT a uk resident but i am. He is living here in the uk and currently applying to be a uk resident. We are struggling to find car insurance for my husband as main companies like churchills say he has to be a U.K resident. It could take us quite a few years before he becomes a uk resident. Surely business people or visitors to the uk get car insurance or do they all only use car hire? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Insurance with car or person in Georgia?
My wife has been allowing her father to use her car to work as a pizza delivery man while his car is getting fixed. We don't have her car listed as a business vehicle, but he says that if he wrecks it his insurance will cover it. I'm not sure if he is correct or not, but I don't know the law in Georgia. I'm afraid he'll get in a wreck and we'll get sued or have our insurance policy canceled. Is he correct? Thanks.""
What kind of insurance should I get?
I just got my drivers license yesterday and I am going to buy a car from a friend. It is a 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE with 205,000 miles. I am 17. What kind of insurance should I get and with what benefits? (I want it to be cheap)""
What is the best car insurance?
What is the bestt car insurance for an 18 year old?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
How much will motorcycle insurance cost approximately?
Im 17 and I have had my Minnesota drivers license for about a year. Im looking to buy a 250cc Kawasaki ninja or something similar. I will take the MSF safety coarse. I have good grades and have never crashed my car. Give me a rough estimate. Thanks!!
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence beccause I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on? they put my sister on it a couple years ago and it went up $1000
Getting my auto insurance rates down?
My wife and daughter just started driving, my daughter is a college student with a hi gpa and will be 18 soon. We have a 2008 Honda crv and a 2003 Honda Odyssey How can I get to pay the lowest premium with 100,000 300,000 my daughter only goes to school 4 days a week.Thanks John California""
Is this a common trend for insurance providers?
I recently started working for an insurance agency in Atlanta, GA, and I've noticed that probably 90% of our clients are rather overweight. I'm curious... Does the need for insurance increase with a gain in weight? Are thin people more likely to purchase insurance from one provider and never switch? Are fat people fickle?""
Cheap car insurance? and cars that are cheap to insure?
Im 17 and had my licence about a month and really want a car but insurance is a killer. anyone knoe of any cheap cars in insure and companys that are cheap for people my age? thanks
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
Does anyone know the cheapest auto insurance?
In florida that is? i'm 18 and trying to buy my first car. I'm almost to my car cost mark and I know that i'm going to have to be ready to buy auto insurance....and I'm not 'bankin'' lol.
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's the cheapest auto insurance for 20 year old male?
Which company
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
Is there a group health insurance I can join?
My husband left his job and we lost our health insurance. Are there organizations I can join to become part of their group health insurance? Who are they? I know I can buy health insurance any time but I can generally get it cheaper as a group insurance.
How much should aircraft rental insurance cost for an average small plane?
Just doing some budgeting / planning and wondering what rental insurance runs on small planes? Also, should I get that during my flight training or just once I'm out on my own? The FBO insurance only covers their own planes, not a multi-million dollar jet you bump into as far as I know. I would most likely be renting a Piper Archer II from the 70s, probably a $80,000 plane.""
400 dollars a month for car insurance that is CRAZY?!?
I went on a website that gives you a free estimated quote for how much insurance would cost, I completed drivers ED and it is still about 400 monthly or 5000 yearly for an old crappy car! My dad called his insurance company to add me on to his truck and that is 80 monthly or 1000 yearly but he is never home so it would be pointless to get added on to him. I need a car to get to a from work since I live 20 minutes out of town. How do they expect young drivers to afford that? What did you pay when you first got your license? I'm female & 17""
Does a Honda Civic Coupe cost more to insure than a Honda Civic Sedan?
I'm 17 (male) and looking for my first car. I like the civic because it is good on gas and is reliable and everything. Anyway, which would cost more to insure, the coupe version or the sedan? And how different would they be? I'm looking at late 90's to early 00's models.""
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?
Cheapest Volkswagen Golf to insure first time driver 17?
mainly looking at diesel looked into the tdi gt and tdi 1.9 any other suggestions i am 17 i have 1 year ncb on a motorbike , garage , etc etc what car would be the cheapest to insure out of the models""
Looking for cheap health insurance website for students?
Hello there! I'm a student and I need some suggestions, I'm looking for an affordable college student health insurance plan. There are many sites but I'm scared because I think some of them are scams. I'm looking for a cheap price. Please tell me a good one.""
Long-term care insurance?
Has anyone invested in long-term care insurance? Are you counting on that to get you through if you need help? I am fairly alone in the world and am considering this to help provide for my future if necessary.
Car payments and insurance?
is it possible for me to finance a car in my name but put the car under my parents innsurance? so the innsurance would be cheaper
Why are so many Americans so damn dumb?
why don't they realize things like how the insurance companies are screwing them? Insurance companies keep 30% of every dollar spent and it goes in their pocket. They exist to deny you service, to keep you sick. America is the only industrialized country in the world without universal health care. I await the predictable comments about that, fed to most americans by the likes of hannity, savage and limbaugh, all with great health insurance.....so, why are so many americans so damn dumb?""
Insurance companys that drop for nonpayment?
Specifically in the state of Florida...how long does it take for your insurance company to report you to the state if you are dropped for non-payment? Also, does this suspend your license automatically once it is reported?""
How much would insurance cost for me?
i'm an 18 yr old female driving a 86' camaro
What would insurance on a 2001 Mustang GT be in Michigan?
I'm deciding between a Mustang GT and any V8 Ford pickup. The mpg on the Mustang will be probably at least 5 miles per gallon better than the pickup, but I'm sure insurance will be more. I want to know which one would be cheaper to own in the long run. I plan on driving about 40 miles per day for work and this would be my first car. I am in highschool so the insurance will be even higher than if it were for an adult.""
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
How much do you pay and is that amount on a monthly, semi-annual, or annual basis? What state do you live in? What is your age? What is the year, make, and model of the car you drive? Serious answers only, please. If you're not comfortable offering this information, please don't answer the question.""
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
My car was totalled when I got rear-ended. How do I get the best price for it from the insurance company?
The accident was the other guy's fault (in California). The insurance company chose to total it and pay me, rather than have it fixed. But the price they are quoting me is very low, lower than Kelley Blue Book and lower than asking prices in local classifieds. They say they use their own program, but I can't replace what I had with the amount they are offering. What rights do I have and is there anything I can do to get that offer up?""
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates.?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates. I did have my license and insurance at the time but did not have my wallet with me. I was wondering how much it will cost me to reinstate my driver's license and if I might have to take the driver's test over again or not. If I have documentation that I had a license and insurance at the time would it help me? I'm in Alabama if that helps. Any answers are greatly appreciated.
Auto insurance.?
somebody hit and run me in the parking lot and dint leave any note or anything and there is no camera. the right fender has a big dent and the door wont open,if i report this to my insurance will i get an increase on montly payment? even tho its not my fault. My car is brand new got it 3 months ago and ha a full collision coverage insurance.""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I'm looking forward to getting a motorcycle and I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance you can get. I'm not looking for companies at the moment, I just want to know what's the cheapest plan for almost any insurance company. .""
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
""Anyone know of an affordable individual health/dental insurance plan for Brooklyn, NY?""
I no longer have school insurance and my work does not offer insurance. I am looking for an affordable health/dental insurance plan in Brooklyn, New York. Is dental included in medical insurance or is that separate? I don't want to spend $600-$1000 on a premium for an HMO, but would rather spend a few hundred a month while getting a decent amount of benefits. Also, does anyone know of a comparison chart online regarding details of insurance providers including premiums and benefits. All I can find are complaint comparison charts for insurance providers. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
How come I went on geico for an insurance quote and it said 2000 and people say their's is 75 bucks per year?
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders safety course, any way to lower my insurance?""
I am a new contractor in California (concrete) where do I get liability insurance cheep?
I am a new contractor in California (concrete) where do I get liability insurance cheep?
Where can i get glasses with nationwide insurance?
i need to get glasses for my kids and their under nationwide insurance ...where can i go so that i dont have to pay and the insurance covers it?? if you get what i mean haha
How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?
Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I'm always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you""
Car and insurance problem.?
If I was in the process of getting a driving lesson from my instructor, I crashed his car. Am I suppose to be in charge of this, but I don't have a license yet. So, am I going to be the one who pays for the insurance or the instructor?""
Help with finding a good honest health insurance provider?
I am a college student looking for affordable insurance with decent coverage. (it's like a needle in a haystack, I know) I don't have any major health problems, so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm already looking into state regulated programs, but I was wondering what privately owned companies might have to offer. What companies have you had a good personal experience with? Or what companies have given you the run-around? What companies should I avoid? P.s. I live in central minnesota if that makes a difference.""
What does it mean for insurance to be underwritten?
I have a quote submitted to Hagerty Collector Car insurance and they told me that it is being underwritten, what does that mean?""
""I recently got into an auto accident in my gf's car whike she was present, will it raise her insurance?""
I dont have a car so i didnt have insurance, it was an atfault accident i think.""
How much is insurance on a 125cc?
WhAts a average insurance price for a geared 125
How long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
how long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
Buying Car - Insurance Question?
I'm buying a Z-28 Camaro, and I have encountered a problem. I was told when I register it (which I have to apparently) that I have to insure it. I plan on leaving the car just setting in my yard. Yes it runs perfectly, but I can't afford gas for it or insurance at the time. 1) Do I legally have to register it 2) How long do I have to register it 3) Does it HAVE to be insured 4) If yes to 3, what's the cheapest insurance I can get and about how much is it. I don't care what it covers. I don't know if the state makes a difference but I live in Michigan. Thanks A Million""
My daughter sold her car to her boyfriend ( now ex ). She still has him on her insurance and car is still in her name? She lost pink slip?
Best way to deal with this? I thought maybe she should take him off her insurance immediately, but thought maybe not, as car still in her name. To make matters worse, he turned out to be not so nice. Thanks.""
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
Cumberland Furnace Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37051
0 notes
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
"Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which companies offer life insurance to clients who have chronic health problems?
I am 37 years old with a diagnosis of lupus (not flaring) with a history of minor kidney involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and high blood pressure. I have been trying to get life insurance but have been consistently denied by the major companies to which I have applied. Does anyone have any suggestions? The only suggestion I received from one company was the hint to purchase Accidental Death and Disability, and if my medical condition worsened, to have an accident . I am hoping for better advice.""
Car Insurance think my car is a write-off but independent garage think otherwise?
My car (an 05 Peugeot 206) was involved in an accident (which was my fault but thankfully no other vehicle or persons involved) and there's been some damage to the front of my car (bonnet, grill etc.) - I've rung my insurer and they believe it's a write-off but I've asked them to send an assessor to check the damage. I've also had an independent garage look at the car (as someone else said that they did this in a similar scenario) who believe its not a write-off and they can repair it (450 was quoted for parts!!). He's sending me a quote for insurance work and a quote if it was done for cash. Can I get my insurer to use this garage if their assessor still deems it a write-off? If not, what are my options? This is my first time claiming insurance and I've got no real idea!!""
Car insurance help !!?
well you know how if your paying for your car monthly the insurance is more money because the car isnt fully paid for yet, well is there any insurance companies that don't make ...show more""
Difference between HMO and private health insurance?
Do HMO's provide private health insurance? orr... what?
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a v6 2010 camaro?
My mom is either giving me her car which is a 2006 Lexus gx 470 which she bought for $50,000 or she will buy me a 2010 v6 camaro. Would insurance be lower if I recieved the lexus or camaro?""
Car insurance?
""Heath insurance, where to get it?
What kind of health insurance is for a 2 years olds? And where can we get it? Thanks !!
Is this a normal car insurance rate?
I got a car insurance quote today and said it would be $400 per month! Is that normal? I'm 18 so I get that it costs more for people who are younger, but do all young people pay $400?""
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover?
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover? He is going to buy a 2007 Dodge Durango SLT He will fianced the car on his name! The car is for my son. We live in the states of Florida ! If you guys can give me some information about a cheaper insurance Thanks!
How much is car insurance for teens?
How much is car insurance for teens?
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Help me lower my car insurance!?
im a 17 year old male driver, i was thinking of buying my neighbors 2001 car, but apparently insurance is gonna be 6000 a year with me as a primary driver. my parents both drive and both have vehicles, is it possible for them to be the primary driver on 2 vehicles if we say its for work/convenience and myself as the occasional driver on one car? my friend said i can if my parents list the honda as a secondary vehicle and their the primary. is this true/possible? orrr if anyone else knows any way to lower insurance in past experiences or just know help please! :)""
""In Florida, How much (if any) will my auto insurance rate increase with 3 points on my license?
I got a ticket for improperly changing lanes and I'm electing not to go to traffic school (since I only have one more chance for traffic school based on two times/year) for such a minor offense. Would it make sense to skip 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end up paying more in the long run because of my 3 points?
Car insurance settlement?
I was in an auto accident as the passenger in the vehicle. The other person was at fault but they didn't have car insurance. (Another topic) Anyway, my friends insurance company said they are going to reimbursement for everything, including lost wages, bills, etc. I have been in PT for the pass 10 weeks and have to wear a cast on my wrist for the next 2 weeks. My lost wages, co payments and some medical bills have already gotten to 11k. I expect more bills that can get to close to 15k all together. How much should I expect to get with pain and suffering without dealing with a lawyer? Any ideas? I was diagnosed with a fractured wrist and sever muscular damage to my chest, neck and back so far. I really don't know the medical terms""
Cheaper auto insurance if my parents add me to their policy?
I'm 20, financing a car.""
Does home owners insurance covers water leaking ac ?
my central unit ac is leaking ,i have insurace but not sure if it will cover it . please help!""
How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?
How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?
Car insurance?
how do i get cheap insurance for my son, he has only just passed his test couple of weeks ago. we stay in the UK.""
How much will it cost to insure my business?
It's a grocery delivery business. I have a few drivers. I am concerned about the following: Protecting employees while they are driving/delivering, Protecting my customers from any negligence or criminal activity done by my employees, Insuring inexpensive (about $5k each) delivery cars""
""In california, how much does it cost for driving without proof of insurance in the car with me?""
i have an insurance but for some reason, i misplaced it and didnt know it was not in my car. can i still bring my proof of insurance to the court to dismiss it?""
Low car insurance monthly payment for a teen?
Is there any way to get a low car insurance monthly payment? I'm 19yrs and want to get a 09' Challenger. My friend told me I could maybe put the car under my moms name or something but I don't know what to do. I don't want to pay a crap load for car insurance.
Would health insurance be valid in all states or just in the one you bought it in?
I am currently in Houston Texas and I wish to receive health insurance. I will be moving back and forth between Texas and Utah. I wish to know if health insurance here in Texas will be valid in Utah. I think this is a pretty uninformed question but that is why I am asking and I am only 18 so I do not have to much experience in this matter. If you know of a website I could look into to be informed then that would be very well.
Do you really believe that America has the best healthcare in the world?
Please say why you believe this when all evidence points to the contrary. You talk about health, cost, care, ect, we do not have the best. People in other countries have better. I mean...I listened to sean hannity say that we have the best healthcare and the only evidence he could provide is some vauge story about a politician from another country coming here to get healthcare...that doesn't really qualify as evidence. Especially when the world health organization ranks healthcare, and we're nowhere near number 1. Now this is a fact that I've known for about two years before this debate even flared up. How is misinformation getting so out of hand? Please...tell me why we have the best with 50 million people uninsured. When we pay the most of any country in the world with some of the worst care. When we have some of the most unhealthy people. When insurance companies exempt for preconditions, when healthcare cost is the biggest contributor to our debt, when we pay premiums every month for something that doesn't happen, and when it does we have to co pay, then when it runs out we're screwed. Healthcare is the number one bankrupter in this country...over 70% of the people have health insurance when they first get sick and they still go bankrupt. Explain how this is the best please. And this has nothing to do with Obamas plan so keep it to yourself, this is about thinking we have the best healthcare and that other countries are somehow much worse then us (they aren't). Provide a source if you can.""
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Minor car accident (not at fault) - should I go to my insurance or small claims court?
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Last week I was involved in a minor car accident. I was at a stop light and the car behind me decided they could not wait and they tried to get by my car to make a left turn. They did not have enough room and scraped against my car with theirs. No one was hurt and no police were called. We pulled over and I got their name, phone number and address. They did not give me their insurance information and said they'd like to settle outside insurance because there are only scratches. I know it was stupid but I said okay. Also I do not have the license plate number of the car. I thought I wrote it down but I did not (I understand this is a big mistake on my behalf). We made contact over phone throughout the week and discussed repairs but suddenly they stopped answering my calls. I believe they are avoiding me. Now I am at a loss of what to do. Should I take this issue up with my insurance (at the risk of raising my premiums) or should I take this to small claims court? In either case I do not have the car's license plate so if it isn't their car will that be insufficient evidence to prove they are at fault (my word against theirs)? Thank you in advance for all your answers.""
Used Car insurance cost?
If i buy a 2010 ford escape used will insurance be any cheaper than if i buy it new, considering im 25 and have a clean driving record""
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
People are force to pay for car insurance but been force to pay for health insurance is a problem?
You get fine for not having car insurance, car will get impounded, n you can go to jail for it also. Where is the logic here?""
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
Camaro 69 Car Insurance...?
Ah... I just wanted to know, or get a general idea of how much car insurance would a 16 year old male pay monthly for a 69' Chevy Camaro. I am looking to get a vehicle sometime this year and wanted to know...because if the insurance would be too high, guess I will not get one then... thank you... just need a general idea...car insurance... -Chevy Camaro, muscle car, american dream...-""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or?
Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to flood the market in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone?
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to show up on your driver's license and insurance?
So i got a ticket on july 17th (of this year) and the deadline to pay, contest, or do traffic school for it was september 17th, two days ago. i checked yesterday for the update because i thought i had a few more days and it said i can extend the ticket (to pay or to contest or to attend traffic school) to november 16th. i chose that and i will eventually go to traffic school but my question is, is point already on my record and will it affect my insurance rates? My friend was saying no because i extended the date and by doing so i havent plead guilty to the ticket (by paying it or attending traffic school for it) so right now because i have the date to fix the ticket extended by two months, it will not show up on my license or my insurance. What do you guys think? thanks a ton for any help :)""
Looking for cheap car insurance?
I havent done my test or anything yet but wanted to see how much a vaxhaull corsa 1998 or something was noone in my family drives and id park my car outside my front , i tried doin a quote to see how mch it would be and it came up the cheapest was 3 grand , im only 18 aswell , does somebody think im putting something in wrong or is it just really hard for me to find cheap insurance ?""
Does my mom need to add me to her car insurance?
So, I never got my permit. I have been waiting to turn 18. In the state of Florida. I do not need a permit 18 or over. My thing is . Her car insurance won't let me be on her insurance without a drivers permit or licence. I'm stuck now. I was wondering will the dmv require me to be on her insurance in order to take the drivers test ?""
How much will the auto insurance cost?
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, how much will the insurance cost?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California?
Im 18 and i live in california, On average how much would insurace cost for me? . Also lets say i do get my license without purchasing a motorcycle, will my insurace rates still go down throughout the years even though i do not own or currently riding one?""
Insurance then registration? or Registration and then insurance?
Buying a used car privately, Gonna work on it for a bit to get it up and running, Wanna know if you buy insurance and then get it registered or get it registered and then buy insurance. Oh by the way, do I get it saftied and e-tested after I get it registered? or what's the order plaese help.""
Do you have to get health insurance under obamacare?
I'm 19 I have no job no money.. would I have to get health insurance ?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
Which auto insurance costs more?
Auto or commercial... My insurance company has my pickup labeled as a commercial vehicle but its an auto. Which is cheaper before i dispute?
Can my car insurance company raise my rates if my CA Drivers License was put on hold?
I'm just curious. Can they do that? I was pulled over in 2010 for driving without car insurance or registration and I was given a ticket. I never paid it (I didn't have the money at the time but I just paid it off as of Jan 2013) and I got a notice from the DMV saying my DL was going to be placed on hold (basically suspended) until I paid it then it would be released. At the time I found this out I was trying to insure my new car, and the company told me because of that my rates go up. I've seen my DMV record, it does state that my DL was placed on hold, but it didn't cost me any points. So I still have 0 points on my driving record. Can the charge me more for that? Also no judgement please, I dont want to go into a long story. The ticket from 2010 is a long story and partially caused by a controlling abusive ex. He is now gone, and I am almost finished cleaning up the wreckage he caused, the ticket being one of them.""
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
How can I get my first ever used car if I don't have any auto insurance b4?
So here is the conflict: I can't drive the used car off the lot if I don't have insurance. But to get the insurance, I need to have the car purchased first. Am I missing something here?""
How do I get an Insurance licens for California ?
I was wondering how can i get and insurance license in califronia ? Is their a web site where i can take a course to get one?
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Cheap UK car insurance for 22yr old?
Hi everyone, I'm looking for cheap UK car insurance for a 22 year old, who has had his license for 4 years, but with no NCB (been driving under company insurance). Any help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks, Matt""
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
""Is there a type of independant health insurance that is cheap, or semi cheap? And that is not a fraud?
I am a student and Im poor!
Why do kids with lower grades pay more for car insurance?
And would a kid with a C average compared to a kid with a A average pay the same after 1 year of both them having a clean driving record and no accidents... if not that is bs.... grades shouldn't come into play it should be how good of a driver you are its unfair to do that I am so sick and tired of how good grades get you this that..... I have a c- average in high school and i dont do any drugs or alcohol or w/e.I workout on a daily basis,eat right, and i am extremely physically fit. I really just hate school and never put my mind to it.""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost me in CA?
I'm 20 years old college student, I'm getting the 2013 Ninja 300 (my first bike), I have had no accidents driving my car since I've started driving. I haven't gotten my motorcycle liciense yet, how much will it cost me on average..?""
Asking all under 25 female drivers in uk- whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
Insurance on SUVs?
How much is insurance on SUVs usually... like a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo or a Chevrolet.. anyone know?
Car Insurance problems.?
so im in a situation where im having problems getting insurance on my vehicle. ive tried through brokers now, because ive been kicked off my insurance due to 5 tickets. i cant afford 21,000 insurance rates, but i need to be able to use my vehicle. my parents have been at this he last few days with nothing to help me. I was under their insurance but becase of the tickets i got kicked off. im trying to move out all at the same time and having a car would make things so much easier. any tips on what i can do, or how long i should wait before trying to see if i can get insured again. btw my tickets are from late last year and this year""
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
How much would a Ferrari cost?
i want to save up for a ferrari and i need to know how much it would cost for a used and a new one
I have a WA state license and got a speeding ticket in NY state -- will my insurance rates go up?
The officer who issued the ticket in NY said that it was a 3 point violation (14 mph over the speed limit). But WA state does not have a points system. Will my insurance premiums go up? I have a bare bones Geico policy.
How does business insurance work in a lawsuit?
As a small business, I'm finally getting around to looking at business insurance. God forbid I should get sued, but that would be the only reason I would get insurance at this point. If I get sued (assuming I did nothing wrong that would terminate coverage), what are my responsibilities with regard to paying legal fees? What role will the insurance company play or what control will they have in the litigation process?""
Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ?
I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?
me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
Shopping for health insurance... un-insurable? ?
OK gang, here's a doozie. We've been shopping for health insurance and are continually declined because we consume more than 12 alcohol drinks per week.(I know! Are you kidding me??) We're perfectly healthy people who have a few beers after work each day, and a few more on the weekends. Can anyone assist me in finding the right company?""
How do i get health insurance on my own?
i am a senior in high school and i am about to graduate and go to college, I am currently in track so if i twist my ankle then i am done and I haven't have any kind of health insurance since my family immigrant here three years ago, my dad cant speak Eng so he stays home and my mom works really hard for my bro and me, i don't have car/health insurance and yet i drive and when ever i get sick i have to deal with it myself, I am really jealous when i see people can go to doctor when they get sick, I want to know how do i can a reliable and affordable health insurance and i am willing to work and pay for it in college..and i looked for the student insurance but it doesnt cover teeth and eyes....i def need to get my wisdom teeth out..cuz they hurt really bad sometime and there is nothing i can do about it, is it possible for me to work and pay my own car and health insurance? I just freaked out tonight cuz i feel so unprotected""
""Healthcare insurance is a good and necessary product, that can literally save your life...?
...in many situations. Why are Conservatives playing the ridiculous charade that Obama is some horrible tyrant for doing his best to make sure every American has it?
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
Car Insurance Question?
I recently had an accident that caused my car to be written off. There have been no problems and I'm now waiting for a cheque from my insurers. My question is this. When the cheque comes and I buy a new car what happens with regard to insurance, will I have to take out a new policy, can I keep the existing policy and add my new car to it, will my monthly payments go up, or none of the above? I'm sure this is very simple for an expert but it confuses the hell out of me.""
16 year old car insurance?
Im turning sixteen and i promised my parents i would pay insuance if i got a truck. I HAVE to have a truck because I maintain the family ranch and team rope a lot. I'll need to be able to pull trailers and ill need the 4 wheel drive. Not to mention deer hunting. So im getting my dads truck. How much is insurance on a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas engine?
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Car insurance nightmare!?
21 year old new driver, any type of practical car (e.g. pug 307 1.9d), car insurance is stupid money. As that is kind of expected, what I need help with is bringing down the price. Any suggestions? ...Also, it was cheaper last month than it is this month - substantially. Why?!""
""I am moving from NJ to FL, what steps do i take to get florida plates, insurance, and registration?
I have a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which do i do first? What are the fees for each?
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts .. Forgot to mention - I am married , age 30 yrs""
How much is car insurance in general?
I dont car about what it cost at a certain age, just want one solid answer""
Any reason for a sudden hike in insurance quote prices?
Hello i've been looking through insurance quotes as i have my renewal coming up, i was possibly thinking of getting a different car so been fishing around, especially on my current insurers website for quotes. A couple of days ago i was getting nice quotes i was happy with for all the cars i was searching including my own. However tonight the majority of the quotes i am getting have increased by 600-700? All my details are exactly the same, its actually made me quite depressed as i have no idea how this has happened. Would anyone know why this may be?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm an 18 year old I'm male. I recently dropped out of high school and I have a 2005 Toyota matrix I live in colorado How much would full coverage be for me on average a month?
Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.""
Car insurance Q??????????
Im 16 years old and Ill be geting my car In June that I paid $3,000 dlrs for Can I get the car title in my own name or do my parents half to also be on my title and when i get my car insurance will my parents be on that? im paying for every thing with my own money... And I live in the state of WI.""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Homeowner's insurance?
if you own a duplex and reside in one half and rent the other half, is the homeowner's insurance only for the rental part or both?""
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
Lamborghini insurance cost?
In the next week or so I'm buying a lamborghini Reventn and I forgot to find out what the insurance will cost.
Why are so many Americans losing their health insurance plans due to the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare?
Is there serious corruption in the health insurance industry? Would that have something to do with it? Why would so many health care professionals like doctors and dentists have problems with the Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare? By the way, I'm keeping my employer based plan.They're not changing it, and, it's through my union.No one else in my store is changing theirs,either.""
Lapsed insurance....?
ok so basically i sideswiped someone the other day and my insurance was lapsed, but their insurance is going to cover it but send me the bill right.... so how does that work?""
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
Which car insurance companies should I look into?
I'm looking for car insurance and was wondering which companies you would suggest I look into and get quotes from? Which company do you have and what do you like / not like about them? Thanks!!
Does motorbike insurance after a while make your car insurance cheaper?
I'm getting a motorbike nd plan on having one for about 4 years and then get a car later. I'm just wondering if it will make my car insurance any cheaper later on? WILL RATE BEST AND MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS!""
How does Obamacare make health care more affordable when it only deals with insurance and not with costs?
The doctors and hospitals will still be charging an arm and a leg. How is regulating insurance going to lower what doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies charge?
Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle?
Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?
Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??
what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??
""When you have a deductible with car insurance, who do you pay the deductible to after getting into an accident
I was in a car accident with a hit and run driver and I have collision with a 500 deductible. So when and to who do I pay my deductible to? And who does my insurance pay their portion to; me or the repair shop for the repairs on my car??
Republicans: If your wife or mother died of breast cancer due to Blue Cross terminating her insurance on a?
flimsy excuse, how would you react? This is exactly what happened in California and several women died due to lack of treatment. As a Republican, would you Glad Hand the exectutive responsible for increasing profits, just take the court settlement and start your life over, or would you hunt down the exectutive responsible for her death and avenge it?""
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
Buffalo North Dakota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 58011
0 notes
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
"Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance for wrestling..?
hi im a soon to be freshmen joining the wrestling team, and i dont have health insurance.. coach says i do, or i cant play. can someone please tell me a cheap health insurance coverage? my family is not financialy strong.. so please help me out here""
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Anyone know of a good affordable health insurance plan for a 32yr single male who visits the doctor often?
Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on car insurance?
A friend of mine was diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS just over a year ago. She had several bad relapses one after another but was then put on tysabri and has been getting better and better since then. She now feels ready to start driving again but is worried her insurance will be through the roof. She is in good health now and because of the tysabri is not likely to have a relapse again for at least a couple of years. Does anyone have any experience of trying to get car insurance if you have MS?
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
My parents wont pay for auto insurance!!!?
I passed drivers ed and I am 16. I have been 16 for a while and I want to get my permit. All i have to do is take my test. But my dad says I cannot take the test because he doesnt want to pay for teen driving insurance? What are ways to convince him? He does not want to put me under his car insurance. Also how much is average teen auto insurance? Just all around not depending on car or etc.
""Affordable Health Insurance, Cheap Online Health Insurance ...?""
represent all major medical insurance carriers, From individual health insurance, self employed health insurance, family health insurance, small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
Car insurance...???
my cousen is on his dads car insurance.there is no claims on the insurance either, when they first set up my cousen on his insurance they gave him a fixed amount to pay each month, they signed a contract on that agreement. but they took double that amount out last month and are now saying that they owe them more money, they have put his insurance up without sending written warning or any other kind of notice.. is this legal.. is there anyway we can catch them out? please help""
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
About how much would insurance cost for a 2004 subaru wrx?
for a 16/17 year old im a student and i took driving course does the subaru impreza RS have alot cheaper insurance i dont need exact price just a bout how much how about a 2002 or 2003
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance for walls in?
Can you recommend me a cheap Homeowner insurance company for walls in? I am refinancing my condo and need dirt cheap insurance. If i could i wouldn't even get it in the first place. looking for a walls in policy only for a Condo 1 bedroom
It is good to Invest in LIfe Insurance than a Bank?
Life Insurance cover -Accident insurance -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and they say you can retrieve the money that you've deposit if you don't like to continue with a good interest. anyway the life insurance that i talk to is sunlife flexilink, they say it is good to invest unlike in a bank please give me an advice, thanks""
What is the cheapest way for me to get car insurance?
So I am in a bit of a pickle. I was fortunate enough for my mom to buy me car. However, I need to pay for insurance. She has an insurance company but I am not allowed to be added on it until I am 21, because her car is a company car and has special insurance. So I cannot be added under her. So what is the cheapest way to insure my new car. Do my own insurance and pay a lot more $$. Or have her do another insurance on this car and add me as a secondary driver. Although, we would both be paying insurance and I am the only one driving. Bit it would pretty much cost the same. What do I do to get a cheap insurance company and how! NOTE: Please do not leave a link and say go to this website (They never work, take forever, need all this info, and some cost money) Also dont say call an insurance company. For now just please give me advice. Thanks (:""
Where can i find long term and short term disability insurance for a diabetic?
i need a great insurance but yet inexpensive.
Will my insurance go up if my son gets his license?
Will my insurance go up if my 16 year old son gets his license? He wants to get his license this week but he's not going to start driving alone until June. Will my insurance go up right when he gets his license or only when he starts driving alone in June?
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
Am I paying too much for car insurance? Advice?!?
I'm 19 years old. Has had my license since I was 16 1/2. No tickets or accidents. Right now I'm paying $150.00 a month with my current insurer (which is based off my Mom's) I recently searched and Liberty Mutual is giving me a quote of $79 dollars a month which is obviously a whole lot cheaper. How easy is it to switch and is there a down payment? And any other advice you may have. Thanks.
How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance?
i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be
How can I put my girlfriend (8 1/2 years and still going strong) on my health/dental insurance?
Hi guys, so I have asked my job and it seems the only way I can add her to my health/dental insurance is if 1) we are married or 2) if i provide proof of living with her for a certain amount of years. There has to be some loophole because I really think it is ridiculous that we have been to together since we were 16 and I cant add her or help her in such a way. There is no possible way, in timeline, for us to qualify for such rules. 16-18 years old (in high school and lived with parents), 18-23 years old (Attended separate universities and lived in different cities), 23- 24 1/2 years old, (both living with parents back home, we alternate and stay at each others place, so have no set home or bills in our name, such as direct tv, electricity, internet, you name it. we are blessed with awesome parents) and yes we have though about just getting married, but no way... we are waiting until we are established and can fend for ourselves to make a decision like that, but yes we do want to get married some day, but not over screwing the government or other reasons. Also we live in california if that helps, since i know every state varies, thank s guys!! ^_^""
""Insurance rates for a 21 year old male, CA?""
I got my license when I was 19. I've been driving for two and a half years and barely found out I am not on my parents insurance. I was planning on buying a brand new car but I am now worried about insruance rates. I know they'll be high, but how high. I know insurance rates are based on age and experience. Is it likely I will be charged more because I have never been insured? Last time I checked for insurance I got calls for about 5 weeks straight. This time I don't want to give out any personal information. My question basically is will never previously having insurance before affect my rates?""
How much would a eclipse be for insurance?
how much would a eclipse be for insurance.. its going to go under my dads name and his insureance.. he says it cost alot casue its a sports car but i dont know. its a 95 manaul. and used.. he gots AAA its gunna be under his name ere thing
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw
""Best and reliable home ,auto ,life insurance?
bset and reliable home auto insurance
Car insurance advice?
I am 20 years old just got my license in February my car insurance is currently 217 with abc I can't afford it so where can I get a cheaper insurance I know because my age cheap isn't a option but 200 is insane.. or would it be cheaper for somebody to put me on their insurance with my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I have a 06 mazda 6
Wells Fargo bought insurance for my truck?
Wells Fargo never received notification of insurance for my truck and ended up buying coverage for me (as there is an obligation to have full coverage). All I have to do is let them know about my current coverage and the policy they bought will be dropped. The insurance they bought for me, however, is cheaper than the insurance I have bought through the other insurance company. Can I just keep the insurance Wells Fargo bought for me? Is there a penalty for doing so?""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
When will my motorcycle insurance go down?
I am 19 years old and I am on my second year of riding. I have no tickets or accidents (thank God) and I am still paying over $1,000 a year in insurance for my 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I have done some shopping and this is the lowest price. Allstate wanted $6,000, freakin unbelievable. I just wanna know when it will go down. Thx.""
How much do you have to pay for your teen's car insurance?
also, what does he/she drive and the year?""
Do you buy insurance before buying a motorcycle?
which comes first?
Affordable insurance w/ NO deductible and low premium?
I need you to tell me names of insurance not quote sites cuz they don't help. i need one for 2 ppl a mom and daughter. it shouldnt have a deductable or be more that 200 monthly.
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
Has your Dr ever lost interest in you when your insurance won't pay his prices?
I am seeing many comments about care being reduced equal to your ability to pay. If there were 40,000 government doctors available (like military doctors, on salary, not profit based) ...show more""
How to tax car without insurance?!?
I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?
Determining how much car insurance will rise after an accident?
I was in a car accident recently, my fault, and I totaled my car. The truck I hit has only $175 of damages on it. So how will my insurance company determine how much my insurance will go up? Do they just go on how much damage they have to pay for on the other car? Or do they raise it because I'm not a safe driver and I'm now more liable to be in more accidents?""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it""
How much is insurance for a jeep wrangler?
ok, im 14 and im planning on buying a jeep wrangler in two years for my first car because i really like jeeps. but my dad says that insurance rates are high enough for jeeps already, but being a 16 year old guy would only make it worse. So i just want to know about how much it would cost a month to insure a jeep wrangler (not a newer model) with geico?""
How does a 18 year old buy a car without a license or insurance?
I want to buy this camaro from this guy because he wants to sell it because he has two cars but I have not took my drivers test because I work so much and I do not have auto insurnce. I want to buy the car so it can sit in my garage until I get my license then I can register it and stuff. Like is their any paperwork or legal processes I should know of because In my mind I just think I can Get my uncle to drive me out there and give the guy the money in return he gives me the keys and my bro drives it to my house or does it need to be towed?
Motorcycle insurance in italy?
i will be moving to rome next month and i need to know how i should go about getting my vespa insured. im getting my bike trucked to me and i want to ride the bike. does anyone know about insurance etc. there. i only hold a UK provisional licence. have completed my CBT but not sure if this will be valid to ride in Italy or not. please help!!! :) thanks
""If my girlfriend crashes my car, does my insurance cover it?""
I am an insured driver and I believe my girlfriend is still insured on one of her parents cars, but we share my car currently and its not that I dont trust her, I don't trust other people. If an accident occurs while she is driving with my consent and she is a licensed driver (who is possibly insured on another vehicle) will my insurance cover? I have pretty good insurance as my car is finanaced and I was forced to get a few options I could have avoided if I bought an old junker. She has my car by herself for the day for the first time and I can't help but worry.""
Globe Life Insurance Policy for children?
I've had a Globe Life insurance policy for my Daughter since just after she was born, didn't really think about it as it seemed like a great idea when I got their information in the mail. My Daughter will be 8 years old this February, I simply want to do whatever is best for her. I guess my question is three-fold, am I doing the right thing with this, is this a good policy to have, and lastly should I continue with this? Maybe one more, should I increase the coverage?""
Car Insurance Cost in NYC?
I have a question regarding car insurance. I'm 29 years old. I've been in 3 car accidents but was not at fault for any of them (2 of the times my car was sitting still! lol) and I've never gotten a ticket for any of those accidents. I used to have insurance through State Farm, full coverage for a 2004 Jeep Liberty that cost 50-60 a month in upstate NY. While driving to NYC one winter I got a speeding ticket, my first ticket ever! I was going I think 82(?) in a 65. This was just before I moved to NYC, and because I got the ticket in a podunk little county I was driving through I had no idea what the name was, the ticket flew out my door and I lost it. I figured they would mail me something else to tell me the payment was late but I never received anything else about it. Well I found out later it was because I moved, even though I moved about 2 months after the fact they wait quite a while to send another notice, and I never received it. Thus, my license was suspended but I never knew. I never got caught driving without it either. So I moved here in 2007 with my Jeep which I was very behind payments for, and then it got towed away for alternate side parking BS. I could have borrowed the money back then to pay to get it out but I let it go. Alright so long story short, I don't have the truck, it was auctioned. I'll be done paying for it through a collection agency settlement offer this May. If I had kept the truck, I would be paying 200+ more a month than I pay now, and I wouldn't have been done paying it til August 2011. Plus I would have had to pay to catch it up the 3 months I was behind, plus pay my boyfriends brother back who was willing to lend me the money to get it out of the car jail (lol) I had the suspension lifted last July so I could rent a car, again no issues. So I'm thinking of buying a 2,000 car (cash! I learned my lesson) in June when I'm done paying for the truck and I want to get no fault insurance. I know it will be a lot more here then what I used to pay, and in addition I now have a suspension that wasn't there before. How much do you guys have to pay for your insurance, if it's not too much information to ask? And how much do you think mine might be, or compare your cost and history to mine? Thanks.""
Is it better to repair cars with insurance company or known mechanic?
I met with an accident the other day where a drunk guy hit me at the rear end of my totyotal avalon. there is considerable body work to be done. i dont know if there may be any ...show more
False car insurance report?
Me and my boyfriend were in an accident on New Year's Eve in his father's car. Our car was totaled, and since the accident was entirely the other party's fault and their insurance had to cover everything. My family made me go to the emergency room to make sure nothing was wrong with me, and I was told that if I sent the bill to the other lady's insurance they would have to cover it. Well the bill came and when we sent it to his father to send it to the other insurance company he said that he claimed only his son was in the car. Now I'm stuck with a huge bill that I'm trying to find a way out of, but since he lied to the insurance I don't think I can send it to them. There were witnesses and the lady knew I was in the car. Is him lying on the report considered fraud?""
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
How do I cancel California Blue Cross insurance?
I have been trying to cancel my policy for 3 months. I even tried to stop payment at my bank, but they keep getting around the stop payments by charging different amounts each month. (This month they decided to charge me $50 more than last month) When I call them, I am on hold for over 30 minutes before I finally just give up. On their website, there is NO information about how to cancel your policy whatsoever. Why is it that they don't have ANY information on their California Blue Cross website about how to cancel??? Does anyone know of an address or fax number or wherever I am supposed to send written cancellation to or how do I go about cancelling????""
How would insurance work in college?
When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?""
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw
How hard is it to have a baby without insurance?
My husband and I are both employed and make decent pay, but neither of our employers offer insurance. We were wondering what options there are for non-insured couples who make too much to qualify for,say, WIC or other government programs.""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, through your employer or did you have to purchase? Me? Unfortunately I had to cancel mine when the payment amount far surpassed the amount of my MORTGAGE payment. I'm hoping to have it through my employer very soon...and crossing my fingers until then.""
How do i register my car in my name if its in my mothers name?
She bought the car for my birthday and it is insured through me but i need to know how to go about getting it registered to me so it can lower my insurance.
Cheap car insurance in Texas?
Hii i don't have a job right now, the car insurance bills are very high, can somebody suggest me cheaper insurance , currently i am with geico and am in Texas. Thanks in advance""
How close is Geico's quote to what you actually get?
I will be purchasing insurance from geico and was wondering how close their quote is to what you will be paying? The sales guy told me it might be higher or lower than the online quote. Has anyone had any experience with this? What are the factors that would cause either an increase or decrease in the online quote when you're actually purchasing? The online quote seemed like it asked for your social security so it clearly did a credit check too.
Do you need to have car insurance of your own to rent a car?
I don't have a car right now so I don't have insurance, will I need to get insurance to rent a car? In Canada""
Car Insurance query (involved in accident)?
Yesterday I was involved in an accident, I was stopped on the motorway when a car was going too fast crashed right into the back of me, pushing me into the van in front, the recovery guy who picked my vehicle up said it prob will be written off due to its age. My questions are: a - I am an additional named driver on the policy with direct line, the policy holder in my mum, we didn't select for courtsey car, and my friend seems to think that the person who crashed into me, his insurance company should provide me with one? And if so how do I go about this? b - I think I may have whiplash, my neck is extremley sore and I can't look to right and left without turining my whole body, I am going to doctor's tomorrow, do I get compensation for this as it said online you can claim loss of earnings but at the moment I am unemployed. I spoke to Direct Line who advised providing the man admits it was his fault (I can't see him not as it clearly was) then my mum won't loose her no claims. Thanks""
""Car insurance, color, and does it really matter?""
Ok, made my decision, going with the new 2007 Mazda 3 S (with the 2.3 ltr engine and all that good stuff...not really sure on the sunroof though, it's kind of pricey) My question...s are: 1. I was told that if I got a loud color on a car that I would regret it for a couple of reasons. It attracts the cops to pull it over more and it could potientally higher my insurance. Is that just some kind of myth to scare people away from getting a nice color like red or yellow? 2. And secondly, what's a good color to get? Something that's easy to clean, but still shimmers and looks nice. I was thinking about the Aurora Blue. Everyone has black and silver cars? 3. I was building the car and I don't want to pay close to 21k for this car, it's worth a lot, but not that much. How much should I ask for? Now I've already gone to edmunds.com, it seems pretty helpful, but should I wait until they get the 2008 Models in and then try to buy the older model?""
Will a sports car make my insurance more expenisive?
Im 18 years old and my parents just bought me a sports car. No, I'm not spoiled. They got it for me because its miles were under 100k, it was only 2000 dollars, and it wasn't ...show more""
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
How can I go on my Grandads insurance without it being illegal?
How can I go on my Grandads insurance without it being illegal? I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. I need to know how to go on his insurance without it being illegal 18 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
Cheapest Car Insurance?
ok im 18 i was ganna go get my license but i dound out my car insurance is ganna be 250$ a mouth and thats if i go in with my parents insurance and its ganna be even more when i get my car. is there anyway i can get cheaper insurance intell i can start making more money?
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Will I considered to drive a car without insurance?
Hi. I been driving without insurance for months because my mom told me to wait until her insurance expired and will add me to her policy in june. My mom add me to her policy a few days ago and my car insurance will only start valid on june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I was pulled over and got a ticket. Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? My mom was very mad at me because I didn't get any ticket for months and not involve in any accidents and now only 10 days until my car insurance valid, I got a ticket. Please help, I don't want to have 2 violation case especially drive without car insurance""
Does insurance compaines cover the person or the car at fault?
The girl that parks right next to me in my apartment swiped the side of my car. she is now claiming her friends park her car sometimes, but she knows she didn't hit my car. Personally her car is her responsibility and I feel like even if a friend of hers was parking when the incident happend, she is responsible for damages because its her car. Would she be responsible? Can I take her to court if she doesn't have insurance? And if she does have insurance would they cover this? I also have good pics.""
What cars result in cheap insurance for young drivers?
What cars lead to new (young) drivers (aged 17/18) having lower car insurances then they would do with the Golf's or the Civics's. I would like to know male attracted cars. Thanks in anticipation
Is insurance cheaper for a stick shift or automatic car?
Or it doesn't matter?
Health insurance?
I was involved in a boat accident, that caused my ligaments to be torn. Now, on crutches and some pain.. i wonder, I don't have health insurance... can you guys give me any suggestions as to what i can do to pay for this? i live in california... if that matters.... thanks""
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
""Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Can I get my car back from the impound using anothers insurance?
Recently my car was impounded due to no insurance - stupid I know - and now I can't retrieve it without insurance. The problem is the only way I can get insurance now is if I pay for a full year, can't afford that much so I have very few options now available, if any. What I want to know is can I insure myself using someone else's insurance and retrieve the car that way? Will the police and impound accept this type of insurance? And will I even be insured due to what happened? Because of what happened I now have 6 points so I realise it will be difficult to get insured. Thanks and hope someone can help. By the way this happened in the UK.""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 20 year old female, looking to buy something similar to a used 2001 Honda Civic with somewhere between 50K to 150K miles on it. No bad driving or anything on my record. Living in WV. Any ideas what I might expect to pay for car insurance?""
How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?
I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost?
Hello, i'm 20 about to be 21 in december, but i'm gonna be going for my motorcycle license in a week, an planning on buying a kawasaki ninja 250R since it has good reviews, but i'm wondering how much it would be for insurance i'm just going for motorcycle license cause i don't like cars, trucks etc. but yeah so i don't have a normal license so i have no driving record of crashes etc. i'm in indianapolis, IN cause i know states vary. Rob""
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw
Where is the cheapest place to get renters insurance?
My land lord is requiring everyone to get renters insurance now so im just looking for the cheapest most basic insurance I can get.
How much do you pay for your motorcycle insurance?
I just check for a quote for a cbr 600 f4 I wanted to buy and it quoted me $2,200 a year! Does that sound right? I'm 19, live in New york city, male. Whats your state, age, bike model, gender, and insurance rate?""
Can I cancel my auto insurance because I am leaving the country for 3 months?
I am leaving the USA for 3 months so I was wondering if it would be possible to cancel my auto insurance for these months and not pay the monthly premium. I will not be driving the ...show more
Best car and homeowners insurance rates in Florida?
What company has the best rates? I know it varies, just looking for a few places to start!""
Affordable health insurance for self employed?
My husband is selfemployed and we want to get an affordable family insurance or possibly just an insurance for me. I a m a nurse but I only work part time and my company wont cover me for insurance. any good health insurance companies that we can get and would cover maternity care in the future?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
Is classic car insurance cheaper?
thinking about buying 1967 Camaro and was wondering if it was my primary vehicle would the car ins. be cheaper? Anyone know?
Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?
Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??""
Do I really need car insurance?
I'm paying $170 a month for car insurance, it went up a little because i was in a minor accident and I feel it's a bit much to be paying every month. So if I don't have ...show more""
Does a Honda Civic Coupe cost more to insure than a Honda Civic Sedan?
I'm 17 (male) and looking for my first car. I like the civic because it is good on gas and is reliable and everything. Anyway, which would cost more to insure, the coupe version or the sedan? And how different would they be? I'm looking at late 90's to early 00's models.""
""Will my car insurance rates go up, hit and run accident?""
I was parked out of my girlfriends house and apparently during my visit someone had hit my car that was parked on the side of the road. The other car just nicked my bumper (no damage to fender) but hit it hard enough to totally tear the bumper off the driver side and the front of the car and was left dangling on the passenger side. There were also scratches on the top of my driver side mirror, and the mirror itself popped out and was shattered. Basically my question is...if I claim it, will my rates go up? I believe I am insured under my parent's names and not my own. I had one accident that was my fault about 2 years ago.""
Will his insurance cover my vehicle ?
I was involved in a car accident recently. The individual who hit me has insurance coverage. The crash report states his license is suspender or revoked. Will his liability insurance still cover the damage to my vehicle?
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
Flat insurance costs?
How much is flat insurance on average in the UK?
Cheapest car and car insurance for a 21 year old.?
Well i dont know anything about cars so please dont criticise me lol my partner is having his test next month and he is 21 so his insurance will be sky high, so whats the best car for cheapest car insurance at his age? We need it as cheap as possible as were only looking for a second hand one due to it being his first car and he isnt botherd about the looks like as long as it gets us n the kids A to B lol please help.""
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
Need a ballpark insurance estimate?
hello all, i dont actually HAVE this car, but i plan on having it soon here (within the next 6 months) and was just wondering if someone could give me their best ballpark estimate 18 year old male Lives with parents still No Traffic Violations ; 1 small fender bender about 3 months after i got my license (if that matters) 2002 Ford Explorer XLS 4x4 I have taken Drivers Ed Single (well, not married anyway) please and thanks""
What is the average annual/weekly contents insurance cost?
What is yours or what is the average?
Do I need to be on the insurance to get my license?
Im about to be 18 and I have an appointment at the California DMV to get my license. I've had my permit for a year. my boyfriend wants to take me. his car is registered and everything is fine but his insurance doesnt cover other people driving his car. can I take the DMV test in his car or not?
""Under 1000 car, low insurance group, fuel effieient, help?
I'm looking to get myself a car for one year as soon as i pass my test so i can get a no claims bonus. what car would be best to buy (used) what year (reliable or not too difficult to keep maintained by me alone.) It needs to have a low monthly running cost and be almost guaranteed to survive without major (>150) parts replacement over the year. and it needs to be in a low insurance group.
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
How much do you pay for car insurance ? meow!?
tell me what type of car you drive its engine what type of fuel it burns size your age country male or female and what type of licence you have....full licence or provisional licence meow! thank you in advance for your time meow! meow!!
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw
0 notes
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
"Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Looking for the cheapest car insurance company in ontario?
cheapest car insurance company in ontario
""Insurance rates for a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee?""
My next car, just need to know the insurance. Asking you guys might prevent me a whole lot of hassle and harassment from the insurance companies.""
How much should i get for my car from insurance?
Before owning my car it was rear ended and received a reconstructed title. It is a 97 Honda Hatch Back. I'm curious as to how much value insurance will see as lost on the car due to the reconstructed title, though even though it was restored to near perfect condition. I was in stop and go traffic yesterday and the car behind me didn't realize all the cars had stopped, he hit me doing roughly 45, my car was pushed into another car and it's definitely totaled at this point. Is there a set percentage they deduct if you have a reconstructed title?""
Pregnant? Health Insurance?
My bf and I have been intimate for the past almost 3 years, which is how long we've been together, we've only used protection a few times. I have been on BC for the past year to a year and a half, it's the generic for Tri-Nessa. About 2 weeks ago, maybe a little longer than that, I quit the BC and we had unprotected sex for maybe 3 days in a row and he came inside of me, on the third day after we had finished I got cramps in my lower back which usually is how my cramps feel a day or two before I get my period but I also had very light bleeding and the next day it had gotten heavier and lasted a couple days. Now this was no where near the date I'm supposed to get my period, which I thought was weird. I took three pregnancy tests but they were all negative, then again I took them way too soon. I have a appt with my obgyn on Monday. Also, ive been feeling sluggish, not wanting to move much, when I sit down on the couch its like i cant get comfortable and my side like cramps up. Opinions? About insurance, I'm on insurance with my mom because she has food stamps and gets a disability check, so I have united health care insurance through her. I dropped out of school, dumb decision, I know, but I found a babysitting job and I get paid $150 a week. So they didn't put me in the school program at welfare. Now my insurance will run out in August when I turn 18 so if I find out I'm pregnant would they give me and the baby free insurance? My sister just had her third and she plus my nephew had both received free Medicaid. She's 28 so does free insurance differ by age? Since she's 28 and I'm 18 is she eligible for it because she's older or am I eligible as well? My bf and I have been busting our asses looking for jobs and he's signed up for The National Gaurd. We've been together way too long and he is very happy whether I am pregnant or not, he's a good man. I don't give a crap about any rude comments or opinions, I am just looking for advice from girls with experience.""
Approx price for car insurance for 16 yr old?
Hey, I'm about to get my license and promotion for my current part time job, and i'm wondering if anyone know what how much would i have to pay for my car insurance, current car im planning to drive is a Nissan Maxima year 2000, I got my permit March 2007, but was too lazy to get my license, getting my license around next month...""
Can you buy car insurance if you don't have a car?
Aside from the credit card companies, how can you insure a rental car in Ontario. Is it possible to purchase car insurance if you don't own a car?""
Car Insurance Question?
I recently bought new insurance from Nationwide. They want me to send in proof of prior insurance along with other documents. My last insurance was under our family business so the insurance card doesnt say my name, rather it says the business's name. will this be a problem?""
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
NO INSURANCE and pregnant how much was it?
Only answer if you didnt have insurance for a pregnancy
Ford Mustang for a first car?
I know people say mustangs for 16 year olds have high insurance, but would buying an older model (1994-2000) with the V6 make insurance cheaper? Thanks!""
Car Insurance Question?
My fiance and I want to buy a new car - and I am the primary buyer, and he is the co-buyer. Can we just add the new car to his auto insurance and list me as a driver of the car? (My current car is not on his insurance, it's on my moms because she helped me get my current car) Or must we be married to do this? I have heard that if you're not married, then I would need to get my own separate insurance policy, but I don't know how true this is. The dealership says that it doesn't matter, as long as the car has insurance. Do they check?""
Quick insurance quotes with no personal info?
Hi, I'm doing some research into what I want my first car to be. I've narrowed it down to the original Golf GTI, original Mini Cooper S and the Peugeot 205 GTI. I love all these cars but I need to insure them for a 17year old boy. I am a careful driver but you know how expensive insurance is. I live in the UK and want a quick insurance quote without having to put in all my details such as where I live. Any websites that can let me do this? Thanks!""
""On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America?
I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please.
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?
For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.
Is car insurance sexist against males?
As an 18 year old man, I think that it is unfair that car insurance is higher for me than for some girl. Don't get me wrong, I love being a guy and wouldnt change it for the world, but even though I am a careful driver, I still have to pay more insurance simply because of the way I was born. I didnt even get a chance to screw up. If insurance was higher for blacks then they would be having a cow. What do you think?""
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
How Much do you think my car insurance will go up on a new car ?
OK I just bough a new car today......its a 2011 model and i traded in a 2002 model .....Im 19 years old...over the past 2 years of driving my insurance has been $100 a month and last month it went down to $75 ....i know you may not know how much just an estimate .
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
Really cheap auto insurance?
Right now i'm paying about $130 a month for car insurance and I keep getting told thats kind of a lot. especially since I barely ever drive my car because I work right by my apartment and I don't go to college yet. I live in MN and was wondering if there was a car insurer that would be cheap?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
Am I obligated to keep homeowners insurance?
I filed a theft claim earlier this year. Now my insurance company is telling me that they will not continue my coverage due to the claim. Im going to other insurance companies and gettting quotes, but they are stating that due to the claim, they will not cover me either. So my question is if my finance company will obligate me to find coverage on my home. (1st time homebuyer)""
What are tips on getting the cheapest car insurance?
...like I think you are suppose to have $1000 as opposed to $500 or $5000... I have a good driving record and I recently bought a house (so I'll probably have my house insurance with the same company)
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Do you know any Insurance companies that would do 6m Car Insurance?
For various reasons, I would like insurance quotes for my car for 6 months. Has anyone had any dealings with companies that have or would? It's not a money saving exercise, thanks :)""
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
What's an affordable insurance company?
I don't need an agent I just need something somewhat affordable. I'm 17 and the cost is outrageous. I'm looking and Geico seems pretty cheap but does anyone else have any suggestions?
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
How Much Does Insurance Cost?
Okay, So Im 18. Ive Been Driving For A Year And Haven't Had Any Type Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. And, I Was Told That With This Your Insurance Is Likely To Go Down For Being ...show more""
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
How much does Viagra cost without insurance?
How much does Viagra cost without insurance?
What is the approximate cost of minimum coverage auto insurance in Ohio if you are young and drive a small car?
I know this depends on a lot of factors, but from the information given, just GUESS. How much? How much for someone that is about 22 years old, been driving since 17, never had an accident, never gotten a ticket.""
Can i go on another person's insurance?
im 18 and my mom doesnt drive. i got quoted for 358/month (female) would it be possible to go under another family members insurance (aunts, uncle) or does it have to be your parents (same adress)?""
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
How do i find out if a car insurance company is a real company?
I have Geico right now.Got into a reck they raised my insurance 3 times is much i was paying. I found a company Colorado Casualty,They said they will give me insurance at a good price less than i first started with Geico 4 years ago.S o i want to check this company out ,but don't know how.""
Do you need insurance if you are not going to drive the car?
For example if you had a parked car on the side of the road would you need it to be insured?? Because what would happen if your handbreak snapped and it rolled into another car? Who's insurance would cover it?
How many of you cant afford health insurance? If not why not and how long have you been unable to afford it?
Could you afford it if you cut out frivolous expenses?
How much insurance will I need to lease a car?
I want to lease a 2010 car. I want my insurance prices to be low, but who determines what kind and how much insurance I will need. Will my insurance be higher or lower than financing the car? What are some insurance things I SHOULD get once I lease? Any other info you can provide that I will NEED to know will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!""
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance?
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
I need Health Insurance Tips?
Hey there, I was hoping to get some input from families in WA State, or anywhere if you want to help me. I just need ideas on where to get affordable health insurance for my family? If anyone has advice for me that would be great. Thank-you!""
Do Auto Insurance Quotes Affect Your Credit Score?
If I apply for a ton of different car quotes will it hurt my credit?
Anyone have a cheap insurance for a young driver?
I am 23 and I got my license dec 2013 Clean driving record so far I own a hyundai accent 2005 Anyone has a cheap or affordable insurance and is young too? I am in California. Orange County to be specific.
My medical insurance company ask for homeowner insurance policy?
I fell on my deck, and went through surgery, the total medical expense is about 25K. Now my medical insurance company is asking for homeowner insurance policy. I am not sure how to handle it to avoid any potential cost to me such as deductible or premium increase. Is the medical insurance policy the primary or the homeowner insurance policy for this case? Thanks
What about your Gas Millage and Insurance on the 2006 Toyota Prius?
I Have a new Prius with about 4000 miles. I get 44-45 miles/Gal What do you get, What is your insurance rate for 6 Month. I have a friend who say she has driven 30 miles at 70 mph on the electric motor after running out of gas. What About this ??? Can that be done""
How much would insurance cost for me if I have a Classic Camaro and I am a 16 year old male with State Farm?
I am thinking about getting a classic car. Probably a Camaro (year 1990 and lower). I have State Farm, and I am a 16 year old male. Anyone have a clue about how much insurance would cost? Thank you.""
Rental Car Insurance: Texas. How Do I Avoid Paying $23/Day?
In Texas renting a car. Back in California you rent a car, then you can either get 3 choices: I don't want insurance . This means its on you. They can't foce you to insure the car. $11/day . This covers the rental car only and not the damage you may do to other cars or property. $22/day . Full coverage. Covers anything that can happen. Now I live in Texas. And Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz...tell me the same thing... If you do not have your own car insurance, you must pay $23 per day for insurance which covers everything . How do I avoid this? Seems very expensive for a several week long rental....insurance costs as much as the car.""
Can i buy car insurance in another state?
I live in PA, but im currently staying in Iowa for another month. Just bought a car here with a temperary plate, and i was wondering if i can buy insurance here so i can drive this car around for a month, then ship it over and register it over there. Thanks!""
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Does having a manual transmission affect insurance rates?
Will it make a difference in insurance rates here in the U.S., home of the lazy, horrible driver who pays more attention to the radio then to the road? Sorry for being so critical. I'm just pissed that my dad thinks that. Perhaps 85 of the wotld drives stick for crying out loud! I shouldn't be penalized for the typical Americans sake! So, any ideas? Need info A.S.A.P! Any positive input appreciated.""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22? Any help would be great. Thanks.
Cheapest liability insurance?
I'm 19yr old male in Texas w/ good-driving record, no tickets, have license for 2yrs now, have liability w/ State Farm for $116/mo looking for cheaper premium. W/ this info, can some one point me towards the direction for finding a much cheaper premium, preferably LESS than $100! Thanks.""
Which is best life insurance company?
I want to buy a policy oc life insurance Pl. gude me.
What is the day to day of a Commercial Insurance Broker?
I am interested in becoming a wholesale insurance broker as a career and would like to here from those that know about the current day to day life of someone in this position.
Adding new auto insurance to my existing policy?
I live in Oklahoma, my wifes parents just cancelled all the kids auto insurance, I'm going to get my wifes insurance on my policy but I was wondering if we could add her brothers and sister to ours as well? They're young and are having a hard time paying bills the way it is. I thought if I put them on ours then they would get a little discount. They don't live with us. Is that a requirement? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.""
Affordable and good quality health insurance in CA? Any thoughts?
Anyhow, I just lost my job and the Cobra option is way too expensive (over 500 dollars/month). I'm currently unemployed and so is my wife, and I'm looking for affordable, yet quality health insurance. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks for your help.""
California Car Registration?
I'm thinking of buying a new car in California. However, I was wondering if I register this car to my name if was restricted to only driving that car I'm registered to. My folks have a van I sometimes drive and I don't want to get a ticket. Thanking you in advance.""
How do I get insurance on my first car?
I'm getting my first car soon, but have no insurance. Do I need to buy insurance before buying the car, and if so, how? If not, how long of a grace period do I have to get insurance after getting the car? I live in florida, and can't find the info I need on it. Thx much!""
Private health insurance = cheaper and better care?
Statistics show that US citizens pay almost exactly 2X per capita for health care compared to countries with government-supplied general health care. As with so much of our ...show more
Accident and no car insurance?
I live in Hawaii and i got in to a one car accident with my two kids. my daughter was flown off to another island with Air Ambulance and was in ICU at Queens Hospital for a two days. Were are all alive and well but im stuck with a 70,000 medical bill. My truck that was in the accident had no car insurance because i just brought it and my children and i are on MedQuest(medical through the state) Please help me on how to get my bill payed for. thank you""
Insurance for motorcycle?
i live in Montreal Quebec, and would be around 18-25 years old would a Kawasaki ninja 250 (250cc sport bike) be more expensive than a 800cc cruiser? cuz i was originally intresetd in the 250 because of its fun factor and etc... but my uncle is saying that insurance would be a lot because it is a sport bike and i would be still young, so its better to get a cruiser (sportster style bike) because it is heavyer, stabler...and will cost less to insure. but im a little skeptical because a 250cc engine really is not fast (compared to the 600cc sport bike) and a guy on youtube said that his friend pays a little less than half of what he pays for his kawa. 900 custom""
Which car Insurance do you recommend?
The cheapest, but also good at the same time.""
In regards to life insurance policies?
When a person is the primary beneficiary & the deceased left debt, does the money for the unpaid debt come out first or is the beneficiary responsible for paying the debt?""
What is the average car insurance rate for a teenager?
I am currently under my mom's insurance. I don't know what she has, but she said after I get my license I need to give her $1200 up front for my part of the insurance. Is there anything cheaper I can get on my own? JSYK: I am a 17 year old about to get a license in 10 days. I have a 3.8 GPA and got over a 90 on the written portion to get my permit. I live in New Jersey, and I am a female. I currently have about $1,100 saved from working the passed few months but I need some of it for band camp and I am paying for my car. My parents won't put anything forth to help me with the payments.""
What are the requirements to become a licensed insurance agent in Texas?
I have applied at GEICO and I want to know what the state of Texas requires, besides taking the exam, to become a licensed insurance agent.""
Best motorcycle insurance for me?
I was wondering what would be the best motorcycle insurance for someone like me. I'm 18, in the military, zero credit. I ride a 2011 ZX6r (sport bike). I've been driving since I was 16 and riding for about a year. No speeding tickets, no accidents, nothing. I'm SUPER busy ALL THE TIME so I really only plan on putting around 5-7k miles on the bike over the next couple of years just riding around for fun on the weekends. A lot of people suggest USAA because I'm in the military but those people don't ride bikes, and it seems like everybody I have heard of who has USAA motorcycle insurance grossly overpays. I have done a little research and it seems like the general consensus is that motorcycle insurance is the worst service (among some very good ones) that USAA offers.""
CAR INSURANCE rip off - I was involved in a car accident that wasnt my fault?
Insurance co.deducted $334 from my settlement so the policy is paid in full till July 2010.If I buy another car the policy doesnt transfer to the new car!They have robbed me $334 ? Wont mention the insurance co.(RACV) ooops!
SR22 Insurance?
My 22 yr old sons car was repossessed. He cancelled his car insurance policy since he no longer owns a car. He was required to carry an SR22 because of a bad driving record. The California DMV will suspend his license if he does not have proof of car insurance. Hes not driving and plans to not own a vehicle for the next 6 months. How does he meet the California DMV requirements without purchasing a car insurance policy? Also, if were able to get an older vehicle and get liability insurance only on it and add the SR22 can it satisfy the California DMV? My son is desperately trying to clean up his driving record too. Even if literally purchases an older vehicle and never drives it just to meet his DMV requirement. Will his past actions of too many tickets and accidents ever stop haunting him? Finally, his car was stolen in mid 2013. The car was reported stolen and it was eventually recovered and the insurance did repair significant damages does this also count against his driving record? The damage to the vehicle all occurred after it was stolen. I'm sorry I have so many questions I'm just at a loss. I need to get him back on his feet within a year but I need to know he will be able to drive too. He realizes now he messed up. He's got a great job and makes good money but I want to make sure that these past mistakes do not haunt him forever. The good news is there are no DUI's or reckless driving. Thanks for any help!""
Any car insurance agents out there? Or at least somebody who knows a lot about car insurance?
I will be driving on my sixteenth birthday if I can get a job, because I will be responsible for paying ALL of my insurance. How much am I going to have to pay? I drive a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus I heard good grades have something to do with it (sometimes), I have an A average. Help!""
Car Insurance?
I am just trying to get some quotes on maybe what my car insurance would be. I don't have the kind of car that I want yet but I was just trying to get an estimate and check and see what it would be around.. Can I get any quotes without the Vin Number?
Most affordable auto insurance?
I need a cheap auto insurance cuz my husband is laid off. We have two cars and we only have one ticket in the last three years.
Can you get life insurance on a non-relative?
I am legally still considered a minor child, although I am 16. My parents are divorced and I live with my Mom in Georgia. My natural father is dying of cancer, and lives in Illinois. Is it possible to get a life insurance policy with me as the benefactor even if me and my father live in 2 different states? Technically my Mom & Dad are divorced and she would not be able to get a life insurance on him on her own, as she is a non-relative. But I am his only son, so couldn't I get one on him? Even though by law children cannot legally engage in any sort of contract.""
Do you have health insurance?
what kind of deducatable do you have?? how much per month? how old are you?
""I am looking for affordable auto insurance, quote that i get online with AA is confusing, any suggestions?""
I am looking for affordable auto insurance, quote that i get online with AA is confusing, any suggestions?""
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Does a junior instructor need insurance?
I have had a few people around my barn asking me to give lessons, just little beginner lessons, nothing major. The barn owner said if would be alright, but I had to look into what type of insurance I would need and so on. I am not exactley sure how much insurance would cost, and if I would even be making a huge profit. My question is, do you need insurance if you are under 18? Are you then considered a junior instructor and it is not needed? If it is, about how much is the average insurance?""
Need a car with VERY cheap insurance. 17 year old male.?
Im just about to pass my driving test and i'm looking to buy a car, something very small like a 1.1L. I've had a few insurance quotes and then results are coming up as 7000?! Even for a ford fiesta or a peugot 306. I put the annual mileage down to 3000 and put my dad as a named driver but it is still very high. What cars could be lower thn this, and any good insurance company that offer low quotes for younger drivers.""
""Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
How much will I get under insurance of my car?
It was a Ford Fiesta SXi, I met with a serious accident & ma whole car was damaged. It was recommended for a replacement as it was of no use. I don't know how much I need to pay now for my car. It was new just 2 months old.""
Fastest and cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know the fastest and cheapest auto insurance online?
Car insurance for a 1969 Camaro?
I'm 20 and was wondering about how much a 69 camaro would cost me a month under my insurance.
How much wil Car Insurance be when i get my temps in Columbus Ohio?
How much wil Car Insurance be when i get my temps in Columbus Ohio. im going to be under my moms insurance. how much will i have to pay. or will i have to pay. my mom dosent kno, neither do i. can she put me on her car insurance for free or do i have to pay or what. whats the rules so to say""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
HEY TEENS! How much are you paying for car insurance?
Anyone under 20, what do you pay for auto insurance? And what do you drive? Are you on your parents insurance? Did you use to pay more or less before?""
Buying GAP insurance after an accident?
I had an accident of my financed car back in May, however I don't have any GAP insurance and I am worried that the insurance company will write my car off. If I buy GAP insurance now will they cover me for my accident back in May? The insurance company are taking forever and a day to sort it out and they haven't even looked at the damage to my car yet, I have only sent pictures as I am awaiting liability from the third party. Thanks""
Why the difference in Insurance availability between developing countries vs. industrialized nations?
Why has insurance traditionally been more common in industrialized nations, and why is it uncommon/not possible for people in developing worlds to have insurance? At first I thought it was simply because insurance is not affordable by people in developing countries, but maybe there are other reasons?""
Do insurance companies operate on bank holidays?
I wouldn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I heard its bank holiday monday...Will this stop me getting through to them?""
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
Car insurance ?????????
Which is cheaper to go in a car insurance office or over the phone or the net.
Cost of insurance for 1998 Porsche Boxter?
Hi, I'm a high school student and I recently purchased my uncle's 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, I would like to know the cost of insuring this car. Please don't give me websites, I would actually like a figure without inputting a ton of information into an untrustworthy site. I'll give 10 points to the best answer. Information that may be useful: -high school student (first year of driving) -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: taken -Gender: male Thanks in advance for any helpful answers! If you don't know for sure, an estimate would be appreciated as well.""
Do you have health insurance?
if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
Where can i get affordable insurance?
i got 8pts i need affordable insurance please send me a link please
Do you know where I can get a Flood Zone Determination and Flood Insurance Quote In Ca?
If you are looking for more information on FEMA's recent flood map changes in oxnard California where can you find it? Im interested in some type of flood zone determination and a quote. My insurance agent doesn't know very much about it. How much does flood insurance cost? I have lots of questions any ideas?
How much would insurance for a 17yr old cost?
the car is a cts-v coupe. I need to know if i can afford the insurance b4 buying for my son. -thanks
Best Car For Cheap Car Insurance?
I am looking for a used car that will be of good quality, reliability and value. In addition, I would like the insurance to be as low as possible. Any thoughts on specific models that meet these requirements?""
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
Richfield Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17086
0 notes
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
"Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
Will my wreck affect my dads insurance rates?
I'm on my step dads insurance on his buisness truck. If I got into a wreck would it affect his insurance rates or just mine.
Car insurance question?
Im 16 and about to get my license. For a first car, I'm looking to get a used 04-06 Pontiac Grand Prix. Of course, I want to get the V8 GXP trim compared to the base V6 trim. But my parents say that the insurance on a V8 for a 16 year old male driver would be rediculous, which I know. But how much more would it be to insure a V8 Grand Prix compared to a V6? And would taking a defensive driving course or something make a considerable difference? Thanks for any advice.""
What do i need to know about individual health insurance?
I'll be transition from a perm position with benefits into one that is contract base (6 months) and no benefits so I want to get some health insurance through private insurance. I'm single, no kids, 26. I'm healthy for the most part but I do take anti-anxiety SSRI medication ($4 at Walmart) and I see a psychiatrist once a month (I could probably do without this).I did suffer with depression about 5 years ago but that's no longer an issue. What should I expect from private insurance so I don't get completely screwed over.""
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
22 y/o and have Cystic Fibrosis its a genetic disease (debilitating lung disease) Eventually kills you, supposedly by age 38 yeah yeah i know. right now i'm on Disability because i need Medicare and Medicaid to cover my expenses. And unable to work do to health conditions at the moment. BUT i want to work when i am able, and i do have my associates and want to obtain my bachelors degree. WHAT JOB (probably for the Union or Governemnt) can i get that has GOOD health Insurance that will not strain my health. ( I cannot work in medical field due too freq. lung infections) My Yearly Bills add up to at a minimun $50,000 and if i go in the hospital several times a year over $100,000.. also have monthly bills for antibiotics, and hospital and doctor visits, testing ECT. If i ever get or need a double lung transplant that costs over $500,000 and i need the medical to pay for it when that day arrives. I DO NOT want sympathy i need people to understand my condition and can point me in the right direction. I hate taking peoples hard earned cash, and i will not do it when i don't need to. I am not on my death bed yet and do not need to be on it the rest of my life.""
Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?
I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..""
How can insurance companies offer zero premium medicare insurance?
Trying to help my mom sort out medicare vs medicare plan vs medicare gap insurance. Just got a post card from an insurance company that says there is zero premium. How is that possible? She still has to pay the premium for the Part B medicare, so does that simply go to the insurance company instead? Thanks""
I'm trying to get life insurance for myself and my son. what company offer best benefit?
where from los angeles, ca. i never smoke...don't drink alcohol.. and what things that i should know for getting life insurance? and what is the best coverage? advice pls?""
I have been 18 for a few months now and I'm planning on moving intomy boyfriends parents place in about two weeks. The reason i am waiting is because my grandfather wont let me take my car until i switch the car into my name with my own insurance policy. He has allstate, and i am about to start working at a new job. I will be graduating in june from high school and i live in Virginia. My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) treats me badly and i need to move away. I have waited 6 years for this since my mom passed away in 2003. I know that none of you will know exactly how much insurance will be but could you give me some insight or a range on how much a month ill pay on insurance and the best policys. I am driving a 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 door. I drive everyday about 15-20 miles each day. I am a female, 18 years of age. (19 in september). I did have one traffic light accident that was MY fault but plead no contest and got away with one days worth of driving school. ..if you could please help me that would be great. And much appreciated. Im not sure if you need anymore info, but thats all i can think of right now. AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AE GOING TO ASK how are we supposed to know? BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND THATU DONT KNOW ME AND THAT U HAVE NO WA OF KNOWING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW A PRICE RANGE PER MONTH AND HE BEST POLICYS?? thank you, amber.""
Questions bout unemployment insurance in California?
If I get layoff, i was making $2500 before taxes per month for 40 hours a week, how much would I get from the unemployment insurance?""
Does the new Health Care law mean we have to buy insurance like auto insurance?
If yes, what happens to people who can't afford to purchase insurance? Will they check somehow, like when you get your driver's license or fill out tax forms or what? If people don't have insurance because they can't afford it, will they figure out a way to fine you like they would if you didn't carry auto insurance? Thanks in advance for your help.""
Whats a cheap affordable classic for a young man?
im 20 had my lisence for over two years but i can never afford insurance! i dont live with my mummy and daddy so i cant blag there insurance, and i also cant borrow money from them! so if you have ideaas for me i would prefer a TAX exempt classic? any ideas? thanks""
Where can I buy the most affordable business liability insurance?
Hi there, I have a very small start up business and I am in need of liability insurance for a business. Does anyone know a good cheap company to use?""
Will damages to my rental car go to my car insurance if I was not the one driving?
I have terrible luck lately. Two weeks ago I totaled my car (my fault) and I have a rental until tomorrow. Rental is from enterprise and paid for thru my car insurance. On my rental agreement I did not list any other drivers, and since it was paid for by my car insurance the guy crossed out the extra insurance and just asked me how much my car insurance deductible is and wrote that down($250). Today, I looked at the agreement and I actually hadn't signed it when I rented the car (even though there is a place for me to sign)...hmm...(?) SO, last night I was drinking and my boyfriend was not so he drove us home- in my rental. A car hit the rear driver side of us and it caused a dent and some paint damage. Called the cops, the other driver lied and nobody cited. I DO NOT want my insurance to know, since I just totaled my car. Boyfriend has full coverage, can it go on his? or will it go on mine? Can we just pay for it in cash & not use insurance? Its minor, fix before I turn it back in ?""
What is the best Pregnancy Insurance Available to a already expecting Mom w/no health coverage at the moment?
Health Insurance for Pregnant Women!
Car Insurance Question?
Okay, can your car insurance go up if you get a ticket, a lawyer fixes it, and you get no points on your license? In other words, do you have to get points on your license for your insurance payment to go up?""
Any suggestions on affordable utah health insurance?
Well, im working on moving back to Utah, after a near 9 year stay in PA, and i don't remember what insurance i had when i lived in Utah so i cant go back to that, and when i move away from PA, my current Health Insurance will be deactivated and shut down, so i need to find some new affordable health insurance in Utah. Anyone got in any suggestions? For now my budget is $669.00 a month if that helps at all, but it may change after i move.""
Fraudulent car insurance claim against me?
hi my problem in a nutshell is my vehicle was hit in the rear while it was parked, when i confronted the driver we had an argument and the police were called no offences were committed and the police left after me and the other driver exchanged names and addresses. A month or so later i received a claim for neck injuries to the driver and his 2 passengers for approximately 20,000 for an accident that he said i drove into the rear of him which was totally false, i have witnesses which include the police officer who attended to the fact that the other driver hit my parked unattended car, i have lost my no claims bonus and i applied for a job as a driver which i did not get because of this pending claim, my insurance company have tried to contact the other driver who has not answered for a number of months and when i spoke to my insurance company i was informed that the other parties insurance company does not have the full story i.e they have not been told that he hit my vehicle and i have witnesses to prove that i am at a loss because i have been told it can take 3 years for the claim to close if the other driver does not answer any of the correspondence he receives. any advice please""
How much do you think my insurance will increase if I get my own car?
I trying to plan how much money I will need for a car. Its a 2000 truck. I am 17 and have had no accidents or tickets. I get a good student discount and took a drivers ed class. Sharing my moms car (a new SUV) made her insurance go up $70 a month. Do you have an idea of how much it would go up if I got my own car? Thanks!
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
Are there any well known and reliable insurance companies in Florida that provide homeowner's insurance?
Seems that every insurance company is leaving Florida.
Homeowners Insurance in Florida?
I am looking to buy a house for the first time. Insurance seems high in Florida. Does anyone know what a possible insurance price would be for an 1800 sqft ranch with a pool? I have seen over 2200 a year!
Got my 1st speeding ticket under mom's insurance. Will her insurance go up?
I got my 1st speeding ticket ever and paid it off. I am under my mom's insurance as an additional driver. Will the rates go up? If so, is it too late to take defensive driving to take it off the record since I already paid it?""
Guys how much was your car insurance when you first.....?
started driving? Just state: 1. Car 2. How old you was 3. What company you went through 4. How much Thanks a bunch of bananas
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?
Help Choosing First Car?
Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars.""
Increase in car insurance after DUI?
Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about ...show more""
Can you register and buy a (cheap) car with no license or insurance?
I want to know if i can register a very cheap car thats around 2,000 tops at a used car lot and buy it with no problems.What problems will i face isnt it easyier to get a cheap car like this then at a actual new dealer i have no license or insurance do i pick a dealer with in house financing the only thing they will most likely ask for is it to get registered can i do that im paying half down.?im 21 im getting my license in 2 weeks (and no i cant wait)""
Whats the cheapest car insurance YOU have ever paid?
Whats the cheapest car insurance YOU have ever paid?
Should i go on my mothers car insurance ?
Ok so i have been looking around for car insurance because im about to get a car.... but the lowest rates i found were Progessive which was 7000 for 6 months and State Farm which was nearly 5000 ..... so if i go on my mothers insurance will it be lower ? by how much ? or will it be the same ?
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Car insurance. What a cheek!?
Got renewal yesterday for 449 up 10 on this years, when I go directly to the insurers website as a new customer my quote comes out as 279!! Can I cancel my insurance upon renewal and then take out another policy with them?""
Auto Insurance student discount with an incomplete grade?
For the auto insurance student discount I am required to be a full time student with a 3.00 or above. This semester I took 14 units, but the last 5 units are of a class that is incomplete . On my transcript it will show the grade for the other classes as A's and the last 5 unit class as an I. Would this have an adverse effect on my auto insurance policy? I am still a full time student with above a 3.00, but I had the grade for the class as incomplete instead of finishing it.""
Insurance costs for a new driver insured on own car in Canada?
Yeah I know if varies but has anyone recently received their license and bought their own car for their own use? How much was the insurance? I tried checking on websites but they weren't really helpful. It would help if it was in ontario too.
When do I get the prepaid home owners insurance back?
I prepaid 1 year home owners insurance at closing on my home. I have also been paying monthly as part of my escrow payments for home owners insurance. What happens to the prepaid years worth of insurance payments? Do they always just need a buffer of 1 year and I get it back only when I sell the house or can it get applied to my second year and allow me to lower my escrow payments?
Does my car insurance help me get another car if my car is totalled?
I was in a car accident last week, which wasn't my fault. The auto body shop said my car is totalled because of the damages, it can't get fixed. The other person's insurance is going to pay it off because of the loss, I have full coverage and my question is, can my insurance get my another car or do I have to get it myself? I got it in April, gave a down payment, and have only made one payment. I need a car badly for work!!""
Is there car insurance for people who don't own cars in Ontario?
My parents are taking me off their insurance as an occasional driver. I don't own a car and don't plan on getting one. I was wondering if I need insurance in order to drive someone else's car? I haven't had any luck finding info relevant to Ontario. Thanks!
California earthquake insurance?
Looking for other Californian's out there that have earthquake insurance and about how much it costs per year.
""How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?""
I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?""
How can we insure our car?
My feoncee and i bought a Car he lives in the state of WA and i live in OR about 30 minutes away. We bought the car here in Oregon. he bought it so he can teach me to drive i have my Learners permit and he is a WA licenced driver. he is going to be moving to OR after we get married so he doesnt want to change the Plates and such to WA. We need to insure the car before either of us can drive it. so the question is how can we go about this. He again is a Washington licenced Driver and i am in OR with a lerners permit the car is here in oregon and we need to put insurance on it
Do you know of a good motor insurance company?
I have just bought a merc. Need a good and reliable insurance company. Please suggest one.
Live in different states then parent: Car insurance?
Do I have to live in the same state as my dad to have my car under his insurance? I live in NC and he lives in SC if that makes a difference. Thank you!!
Auto Insurance Quotes?
Where is the best place to buy auto insurance online?
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
Can we get finally affordable health insurance now?
Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?""
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
I am an 18 year old male in southern CA and I wanna know what is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) and where can i find it?
""I need health insurance and live in Southern CA- what is GREAT insurance? Aetna, Blue Cross, Kaiser, other?
I'm OK paying $200-250 a month. I just want to make sure I have access to great care without a big runaround. I think PPO sounds good b/c I've heard HMO's can jerk you around sometimes. I'm very athletic so I want to know that I can see a specialist right away if necessary. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Can you get insurance for something you order online?
I'm buying a macbook pro from Pc world but will I be able to get insurance?
How much is the Private Health Insurance?
$2 a month? $50 a month? Affordable rate? I can get braces, crown, root canal, bunion repair, fungal surgically remove from my toe nails, hair replacement for my future baldheaded husband, and all?""
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?
Teenager's auto insurance?
i'm 17 and will soon be recieving a car from my aunt. it's a '92 poniac bonneville se. i want to figure out some insurance rates but some of the information they are asking for i'm not comfortable putting on the internet (like my soc. number). are there any teen drivers or parents of teen drivers would would be willing to share their rates and companies with me?
How much would insurance be for a 18 year old girl for a 2006 mustang?
I live in NY. I'm looking into buying a 2006 mustang (not gt). I've had my license for about two years. I will be on my parents insurance (state farm) but the car will be in my name and I will need full coverage. I have a good job but, I'm just looking for estimates on what it will cost me monthly or yearly.Thank you!""
Drivers insurance? Car insurance?
I'm 15, going on 16. When I do get my license, will my insurance be lower because I get really good grades?""
Insurance Quote?
My Step-dad and I are buying a 1.4 MG ZR between us. He is going to be the first driver and i will be the 2nd named driver. This will be my first car. My stepdad has driven for 12 years or more. Any rough ideas of a price for me? He has no pints on his license. thanks
How can I buy home insurance if I use one room for my business?
Hello there! I am a freelance web publisher so basically I work from home using my laptop. My husband and I just bought our first home. The other day I was shopping around for home insurance when an agent told me if I run my home business many carriers will mark me as not eligible for home insurance. Is this true? How do I get around that? What's the best home insurance company?
Can I drive a car and get it insured in my parents name?
I'm thinking of buying a car as soon as I pass my driving test next month and I heard that car insurance for a 20 year old is really expensive so I was wondering if I was able to ...show more
Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?
my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
What is the cheapest car and home insurance?
The car insurance would cover for 2 people, me and my mother. The home insurance would be for our apartment. She asked me to look this up for her and I have no idea where to start. A little guidance would be great? Thanks :]""
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
Does a parking ticket effect my insurance rate?
I got a $25 ticket for parking in a illegal spot. I have the option to plead not guilty or pay the fee (I even have the option to pay online to avoid the crowd). My only concern is, when I pay for this penalty will it effect my insurance rate?""
17 Year old insurance rates?
On average, how much would insurance be for a 17 year old male with a 2001 BMW 740li? I have an okay job but I don't wan't to spend over 5k on insurance a year, as that would eat almost a fifth of my salary. Would insurance be cheaper on a coupe such as a 1991 Nissan 240sx? Also, do you have to pay a higher rate if your car is turbocharged? Will they insure you if your pushing over around 500 horsepower? If I buy a 240sx I'm going to do an engine swap for sure, so I want to know if it would be better to wait. Any answer is a good answer, so thanks for anything!""
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
Any suggestions on first time driver insurance in the nyc area?
I need suggestions on good affordable insurance, keep in mind Im a first time driver.""
Temporary car insurance?
i am trying to get my boyfriend insured on my car for 1 week. there are many companies that do tempoary car insurance but i have been told that you can not have 2 policies on one car? i have Fully comprehensive car insurance but my insurers will not insure both of us on my car as we are under 25 so if i went with another insurance company who specialises in short term cover would this cover my boyfriend on my car?
Which Governor of California made car insurance a requirement?
I was just wondering why car insurance companies make millions in profits and suck the money out of us (car insurance payers). But Since it is not a federal requirement to have insurance. It exist in a state level. so yea which governor of california made car insurance a requirement to have ? :)
Insurance declared car total loss?
Insurance declared car total loss does that mean i have no more car insurance???
Cheap Motorbike Insurance for Young Rider? (PLEASE)?
Hi All... Thanks In Advance for any suggestions! Ive been riding my beloved VFR400 NC30 for 2 Years now (Which is now for sale), its finally time to get a bigger bike! Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest bike insurer for my age... I am 20 Years old (21 in May) and im looking to get insurance on a 2005 honda cbr600rr, I have been riding for 2 years with 2 years no claims, I own a car and have been driving for 3+ years with 2 years no claims. I did have a perfectly clean licence until last week when I picked up 3 points for Driving over the speed limit in scotland, Which I actually did carelessly not on purpose, so that will obv bump up the price a bit! I have tried some of the usuals likes Bennett's, elephant etc just wondering if there is anyone who knows ones that may work out cheaper than the 600 pound that i have been quoted! Once again many Thanks""
How can i get an sr22 if my insurance company does not issue them?
I have a collector car and I have insurance through a collector car insurance company, and they do not offer SR22 vouchers. How can I get the SR22 endorsement that DMV needs if my current insurance company does not offer it? I don't want to have to pay for a whole additional policy when I have already paid the premium for the entire year on this policy. HELP!""
Will it be cheaper to pay the $1000 fine for not having insurance then to purchase insurance?
There is no incentive to buy insurance...just a whip if you don't. Maybe a small example; Dude and his girlfriend, who voted for Obama, are a young couple living in an apartment. They own an old car that they are always trying to keep running and Dude has bounced off of a couple of jobs while his girlfriend is looking for a part-time that she can hold on to. They can't afford the payments on a new car or health insurance. Dude gets a new job but time is running out. It's coming up on tax return time and they NEED that f'n money! But it's too late...they are going to lose the whole tax return to fines now and will owe more for the fines than the tax returns were going to be anyway...so they buy insurance and wonder how they are going to pay the rent, much less eat.""
Why does Allstate keep increasing my insurance rate?
I am 26 years old, in California. I have had Allstate for almost 2 years now, and every 6 months my rate increases. It went up $200+, and I have not had any tickets/accidents/claims, and I have not moved. When I asked them about this, they just said they are adjusting their rates due to zip code. Seems like bologna to me. Has anyone else had this problem? Which insurer do you recommend?""
Question about getting your own insurance?
A friend of mine recently just got his license and he tried to go on his mother insurance who doesn't have any insurance. Well, she tried to go on her own and they said that she had to put every single person who has insurance on, which will cost like 500 dollars per person!! Anyways, will it be possible for him to get his own, and will it be cheaper? Also, his father has his license suspended but that was at least 2yrs ago or so. Do they have to know about this or is they way to keep it from them. And, Do you have to put money down when getting insurence?""
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy?
I've done a lot of research and can't find anything less than around 2500 a year, any good companies that can can give me a better quote? I'm thinking about getiing a Renault Clio or a VW Fox if that helps. Any tips or suggestions for good insurance companies would be much appreciated!""
How do you want health care reformed?
With all the rumors about the plan killing babies and grandma, we have gotten away from intelligent discourse. Polls say 70% of people want some kind of reform. What would you like ...show more""
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?
What is a good health insurance company?
I don't make much $, but I would like to have health insurance at a reasonable cost. What say ye?""
""I had a car accident,but i don't have insurance.?""
Where can a person find affordable health insurance...?
...in Illinois if they are single, childless, and with low income?""
About how much will car insurance increase after wrecking a car?
Im 19 years old
Why is there a huge difference in insurance quotes if all info is the same?
I'm shopping around for insurance quotes because I thought my car insurance was too high. Progressive gave me a very low quote, which I was happy about. It was what I thought I should be paying compared to friends I've talked with. All the other quotes from the other insurance companies were in the same price range and very high. I began to worry that Progressive had some incorrect info, so I called them back, we went over all the info again, and everything is right. They even emailed my quote to me and it's all correct. Should I be worried that the quote is so low or is Progressive just being competetive?""
""Why do all of my friends get cheap car insurance, but not me?""
ok so my problem is, I am currently on a provisional license (in the UK of course) and literally all of my friends that are driving currently are getting insurance for less than 2k a year. (male, 17 years old, living in west cumbria, same as me) and that is with the same cover I am looking at... comprehensive cover as a named driver on a parents car. I have tried everything, even looked at the same cars and the qoutes are still almost double. this does not make sense... why the bloody hell do i have to pay 3500 quid a year for a poxy 500 quid car when all my mates only pay 1500 a year on the same thing!!! my postcode is ca28 by the way, which is a grade c postcode area for insurance, same as my friends. they seem to use aviva, i got a qoute from them, 300 a month, they got 150 a month. even those that have passed their test get cheaper insurance than me. please help. ste""
What health insurance can help me?
ok im 44 years old and i have super low income and i have heart problem, 8 years ago i got heart attack now insurances i applyed for wont take me because i had heart attack im from different country so i dont know many american isurances and stuff please tell me which is cheap health insurance which will check out my heart and hopefully help me""
Insurance school in noth california?
Insurance school in noth california?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance in canada. If I borrow a friends or familyies car, am I covered under his insurance?""
Old bmws? Insurance? Cali driving age?
Hey, im 14 from California and will be 15 in september. I was wondering if anyone knew any nice older bmws, i like the e46 m3 and stuff but i was wondering if there were some other nice powerful ones i should know about. I dont want to spend more than 18k on the car itself. My next question is how much insurance usually is, i know its more expensive for a sports car but how much? The insurance doesnt factor into the 18k for the car, i was just wondering. And last, what is the absolute minimum age for driving in cali? My school is too far to walk or bike ( like 8 miles) and i cant really get a ride, i usually end up taking a city bus then walking 2 miles but the bus runs late a lot and im tardy for school. I say that because i heard there are special permits to just go and from school. Please reply of you know the answer to any all these question thanks!""
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
A question about car insurnace?
Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6 months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you.......""
How much will it cost to insure my printing company?
I am doing a project for school and we are starting up a photo/poster printing business. Before I try reaching out to various insurance companies, I was wondering if anyone knew a ballpark figure of how much insurance would be? thanks""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl in texas?
I'm going to be driving a ford I think f150 the year is no later than 2004. I know they have discounts for students with good grades. My gpa is above a 4.650. I need the cheapest I can get. Because aside from managing insurance on this vehicle. I will need to put money aside to purchase a different vehicle. (I'm borrowing the truck, but must pay my own insurance.) And battle school. I won't make a lot of money, so I have to try with what I will have.""
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
Can you buy car insurance and then remove it two days later?
I wanted to go on a trip by myself but I need insurance... But it costs 2000 dollars a year...so can I get it and after the trip get rid of it? I'm only driving two days. Never again. What will happen after I get rid of the insurance?
What should I do about Car Insurance in New Jersey?
I live in NJ. I am 19 years old. I have had some problems in the past with my license. I have hit 2 Deer, had 2 2-Car Accidents, and have 3 Speeding Tickets. There was a period of 90 in which my license was suspended for these violations. I have been clean for a year now. Allstate has jacked my premium this year from $6K to $8K for 6 months. I wanted to change insurances. I tried to get Geico and Esurance but they won't insure me, even with my granddad on the policy as a primary. Esurance was going to cover me on Sunday along with my granddad, but today I called to give them my credit card # and someone different from the person I originally talked to on Sunday said that they cannot insure me. I have been without Insurance for a week now b/c I thought I was going to be with Esurance. What should I do now? How bad is it that I have been without insurance for 5 days? Should I go back to Allstate? Another thing I was thinking was dropping my insurance all together.""
""When getting a quote from a car insurance place, do they automatically add you to there car insurance?""
I did an online quote for a car insurance place, and they asked for my name, number, e-mail, address, if I am currently insured, etc. they gave me a total of how much I would have to pay, does that mean I am added to there car insurance? or not?""
How much money will I need for health insurance if I retire at 56?
I'm thinking of possibly retiring when I'm 56. I'm 55 now. I have about $60,000 saved for health insurance purposes. I will not be eligible for any tax credits through Obama-Care as I have too much money saved up. Will $60,000 be enough to pay for health insurance till I'm 65?""
What is a cheap car insurance company?
I am currently 18 years old. I am getting my licence on June 16th 2010. My car is under my dads name and currently it is uninsured, he wants me to insure the car under MY name because he will not be driving it anymore. What is the CHEAPEST insurance company for someone like me? I have to get the car insured before June 16th so that i can take my licence test. Thanks in advance.""
How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?
My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good grades...so yeah. :)""
Why does Allstate keep increasing my insurance rate?
I am 26 years old, in California. I have had Allstate for almost 2 years now, and every 6 months my rate increases. It went up $200+, and I have not had any tickets/accidents/claims, and I have not moved. When I asked them about this, they just said they are adjusting their rates due to zip code. Seems like bologna to me. Has anyone else had this problem? Which insurer do you recommend?""
Canceling car insurance?
I paid my car insurance for a year but I have started a new job that I get a company car. If I cancel my car insurance will I get some money back?
Car Insurance HELP? which would be cheaper?
im not asking for a PRICE,but which out of these 3 cars do you THINK would be cheaper on insurance for me. I am a new driver,I have good grades ( good student discount ) and Im going under my moms insurance. -2004 pontiac grand prix -2006 chevrolet impala -2006 pontiac G6 I dont need any websites to find cheap car insurance i just need opinions on which you think will be cheaper and why thanks! = )""
Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?
Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.""
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?
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