#the same is a thief and a robber.
terrytiger · 7 months
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littlemissbiatch · 1 year
Ready for it by Taylor swift is so kanej coded
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Yknow the only problem I've noticed with being able to write Garion is that his only like romantic involvement is his shitty flirting with Paresse and I don't even ship them that much. And everyone else I ship more with someone else, like, yknow, Fussa. I need to find a ship for him to write........
Maybe Muryama....
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thestuffedalligator · 2 years
The duchy was founded - unofficially - when some enterprising little thief had read through the royal lawbooks, looking for loopholes like a worm trying to wriggle its way through a brick, and had discovered that while the king's men could follow a man across mountains, forests, and plains, they were not granted the same jurisdiction over bodies of water.
This had started the popular idea amongst the kingdom's criminal underbelly that if a thief took a boat and paddled out into the middle of a pond, the king's men technically couldn't do anything about it.
Of course, the realist interjected, it'd never work; if you tried it, then you'd be one thief in the middle of a pond, with all those guards waiting on the shore for you to either wash up with the flotsam or die of starvation.
Still, the idea was alluring. It hung around the popular consciousness as a thought, an untested hypothesis, an interesting fact.
It would've remained so if it wasn't for Edmund Snood, an enterprising young thief who hadn't quite enterprised an escape plan, and with the guard closing behind him had grabbed a rowboat and cast himself out into the largest of the kingdom's lakes so fast that he had skipped like a thrown stone.
And as Edmund fended off the banks and the horrible, grinning, patient faces of the guards waiting for him there, word had spread across the kingdom. Soon enough, thieves and thugs were all paddling up to the little rowboat with a sandwich and a few words of encouragement, attaboy, Eddie, show them who's boss, eh? We're all rooting for you back home!
And after four days, the duchy was founded - unofficially - when Jack "Jackal" Jaseroque had lashed his rowboat to Edmund's and took over the duty of paddling while Edmund took the first sleep he had in half a week.
After that, another boat lashed together with the two. Then another. Then four more. A lean-to shelter was built, torn down, and rebuilt bigger. Walkways were tied together. And then in a wave of tidal force, the thieves and thugs, bandits and brigands, vandals and vagabonds of the kingdom all sailed out to the little assemblage. Leather bladders were inflated to help with bouyancy. Ramshackle halls were raised. A strict rotation of paddling duty was arranged to fend off the banks.
And the tune of the realist had changed - they can't be watching all the shores, right? So if we just spend a couple days here, keep an eye out, and head out again once we've spotted a gap, then who cares about a little bit of paddling in the meantime, right?
The duchy was founded - officially - when Edmund Snood took on the role of dukedom to universal acclaim. This was also when the name of the little commune had been agreed on, as the makeshift structure bobbed gently on the water's surface.
It was called the Robber Duchy.
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00-jammy-00 · 10 months
Hii jammy!! Dunno if You could do hcs of a yandere! Lovesick! Detective?
Bonus points if he is plainly intimidating, like scary dog privilages of smth, and has already planned to kidnap the reader, also he is strong and buff and hell
Bye bye pooks! <3
Oh and also, can I be 😾 anon?
Yan!Detective HC’s
Yan!Detective x GN! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, obsession, murder, isolation, gaslighting, nsfw mentions
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Yan!Detective who was assigned to help you for his new case. Your house was broken into? They only took your valuables and didn’t even touch you?? What a wasted opportunity.
Yan!Detective who promises you he’ll find your robber, using the pad of his thumb to brush away those pretty tears. His coworkers sit behind you both with a shocked look on their faces. Last time someone cried in front of him, he had rolled his eyes and scoffed.
Yan!Detective who starts to get to know you, this is a simple case, the robber was clumsy and left his fingerprints everywhere but he can’t let you go so soon.
Yan!Detective who offers to let you stay with him until he catches the thief. You’re not bothering him, don’t worry. He offers to sleep on the couch, desperate for you to sleep in his bed so when you’re gone he can hump the pillows but you offer him something even better.
Yan!Detective whose jaw physically drops when you offer to just sleep in the same bed as him and just stick to each other’s side. He knows what you’re doing, he can see the little blush on your face you naughty thing.
Yan!Detective who holds you tight when you get closer, burying his nose in your hair, inhaling the scent of your shampoo, just the smell had his cock aching.
Yan!Detective who has already killed your robber yet he still pretends to work the case, just so he can see you in his kitchen, in his shirt, sipping coffee from one of his coffee mugs. He doesn’t care if you’re a guy or not, he’s going to make you his pretty little housewife.
Yan!Detective who started isolating you from everyone after he finally closed the case, pretending to get in a brawl with the robber. Who’s that? Your friend? No she’s not? What if she was working with that thief?
Yan!Detective who doesn’t feel a single bit of guilt, not for isolating you, not for practically keeping you locked in his house and especially not for fucking you into the mattress. He’s gentle, sometimes, he knows you prefer it rough anyway.
Yan!Detective who refuses to buy you clothes, you can wear his clothes, no underwear though, it only gets in the way, especially when you’re in the kitchen and he’s got you bent over the counter where you had been doing the dishes. Fuck, you’re just the perfect housewife for him aren’t you? ——————————————————————————————————
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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jakeperalta · 5 months
knew i was a ROBBER first time that he SAW ME stealinheartsandrunninoffandneversayin SORRY but if i'm a THIEF then he can join the HEIST and we'll move to an island and and he can be my JAILer burton to this TAYLor everyloveiveknownincomparisonisa FAILure i forget their NAMES now I'm so very TAME now never be the SAME now
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thatgirlwbraids · 1 year
you are limitless , you can manifest anything
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when it comes to LOA you can have whatever you want literally WHATEVER you are completely limitless as everything literally EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE’s existence is because of you , you are the cause you are the creator of this world .
“If you can conceptualize it, it must exist. These are so minute in detail that we will never truly question the nature of our reality. It is best to view this reality almost like a frame by frame video. However, Consciousness does not have to be the watcher of this video, but can stop the frame and redirect the video to where Man sees fit. Since there are infinite Versions of yourself, being Specific on how you want to be is achievable. Take where you are now. Maybe you are 18 years old, maybe 48, it does not matter. Go back one year and realize that one year ago, the Version you are now, existed when you were 17 or 47 years old. Did you not have the freedom to be a different version? If so, do you not have that same freedom now? “ - edward art
Man can bring things into existence through his thoughts and consciousness .
Consciousness has the power to resurrect or bring things into existence . nothing exists without your consciousness or imagination
This truth is common to all men, but the consciousness of it – and much more, the self-consciousness of it – is another matter. The day I realized this great truth – that everything in my world is a manifestation of the mental activity which goes on within me, and that the conditions and circumstances of my life only reflect the state of consciousness with which I am fused – is the most momentous in my life.
you are always going to be greater than anything that is expressed in your reality be it good or bad because ofc ? like you created it and the creator is always greater than it’s creations .
“ The power conceiving and the thing conceived are one but the power to conceive is greater than the conception. Jesus discovered this glorious truth when he declared, "I and my Father are one but my Father is greater than I." The power conceiving itself to be man is greater than its conception. All conceptions are limitations of the conceiver. Consciousness precedes all manifestations and is the prop upon which all manifestation rests. To remove the manifestations all that is required of you, the conceiver, is to take your attention away from the conception. Instead of "Out of sight out of mind," it really is "Out of mind out of sight." The manifestation will remain in sight only as long as it takes the force with which the conceiver — I AM — originally endowed it to spend itself. This applies to all creation from the infinitesimally small electron to the infinitely great universe. Be still and know that I AM God. Yes, this very I AM, your awareness of being, is God, the only God. I AM is the Lord— the God of all Flesh— all manifestation. This presence, your unconditioned awareness, comprehends neither beginning nor ending; limitations exist only in the manifestation. When you realize that this awareness is your eternal self you will know that before Abraham was, I AM.“
“ Only through one door can that which you seek pass into the world of manifestation. I AM the door. Your consciousness is the door, so you must become conscious of being and having that which you desire to be and to have. Any attempt to realize your desires in ways other than through the door of consciousness makes you a thief and a robber unto yourself. Any expression that is not felt is unnatural. Before anything appears, God, I AM, feels itself to be the thing desired; and then the thing felt appears. It is resurrected, lifted out of the nothingness. “
“ I AM wealthy, poor, healthy, sick, free, confined were first of all impressions or conditions felt before they became visible expressions. Your world is your consciousness objectified. Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the impression; and the without or expression will take care of itself. When the truth of this statement dawns upon you, you will know that you have found the lost word or the key to every door. I AM (your consciousness) is the magical lost word which was made flesh in the likeness of that which you are conscious of being “
bibical analogy :
“ Your unconditioned awareness or I AM is the Virgin Mary who knew not a man and yet, unaided by man, conceived and bore a son, Mary, the unconditioned consciousness, desired and then became conscious of being the conditioned state which she desired to express, and in a way unknown to others became it. Go and do likewise; assume the consciousness of that which you desire to be and you, too, will give birth to your savior. When the annunciation is made, when the urge or desire is upon you, believe it to be God's spoken word seeking embodiment through you. Go, tell no man of this holy thing that you have conceived. Lock your secret within you and magnify the Lord, magnify or believe your desire to be your savior coming to be with you. “
"A man can receive nothing (no thing) except it be given him from Heaven." Remember heaven is your consciousness; the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. This is why you are warned against calling any man Father; your consciousness is the Father of all that you are. Again you are told, "Salute no man on the highway." See no man as an authority. Why should you ask man for permission to express when you realize that your world, in its every detail, originated within you and is sustained by you as the only conceptional center? “
- neville , your faith is your fortune
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wszczebrzyszynie · 10 months
Okay so in this post, you said this of Scar & Grian: Highway robbers. Specialize almost exclusively in armed robberies, but take commissions every now and there
I don't know if thats just the aUtism tm but i read this as "they specialize in armed robberies but sometimes take commissions where the robbery is NOT armed as a lil challenge" little to add to that, this was a very funny image this conjured in my brain. Ok but seriously, what did you mean by that? What else are they doing with their time? Are the commissions specifically NOT robberies? Like infiltration sneaky spy stuff?
by commissions i mostly meant contract killing, to be honest. Its not something Grian really does, but Scar has his bounty hunter sniper experience and Grian doesnt mind helping him with a hitman buisness for some extra money
a bit more in depth info about both of them below. Bonus Grian headshot as i already posted the bounty hunter Scar drawings... he has normal goggles and noise-cancelling earmuffs
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Scars bounty hunting experience really is very handy to both of them; Grians main speciality (other than hobbyist illegal racing, i suppose) are robberies and all sorts of explosives-related buisness. His earthian upbringing made him a great thief, his first years in space made him great with explosives, but its Scar who really made him a great high-stakes highway robber. When Scar first joined him, Grian wasnt nowhere near Pearls bounty yet, being freshly out of earthian organized crime and trying to become someone in the new space world (a fun fact is, he was pretty popular in illegal racing circles. Its something he picked up really fast and likes to do). Scar on the other hand had years of experience fighting crime, but was pretty new and naive when it came to being a criminal himself; what doesnt help is that its a choice he made by himself and not a consequence of something bigger, like in Tangos case. He was just dissatisfied with centralized bounty hunting and the way everyone treated him, to a point where he decided to not only leave but also turn against them. While he isnt great at it first, he knows how hunting works and what to avoid, keeping himself and Grian safer. His knowledge is what saves Grian after his encounter with Martyn (Grian finds the tracking device Martyn put on his ship and destroys it; something Tango doesnt do when the same thing happens to him near the finale, which leads to everyone getting captured). Not to mention Scars extreme proficiency with riffles and bows is what makes these robberies truly possible in the first place; they are a great duo. Through Scar Grian also met Cub, who isnt a criminal himself, but doesnt mind helping Scar with whatever he needs, and is a tech guy to them in a way (before Cub, Grian only had Mumbo, who doesnt exactly... understand the criminal world. I really need to draw his ship at some point its so extra and fun. But this isnt about him)
At some point both of them went into specifically highway robberies. When i say highway i want you to imagine something like the astral gates from cowboy bebop; literal circular "gates" in space that allow to travel through space in a much shorter time. Grian and Scar usually attack their targets in strategic places between the guarded gates. Its worth mentioning that the reason theyre doing a fairly risky kind of robbery is that they need the money to pay back Doc; so much so that they actually try to rob a space train, which is the thing they needed Tangos help with
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portraitsofsaints · 6 months
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St. Dismas
Feast day: March 25
Patronage: repentant thieves, prisoners, undertakers
Saint Dismas was the good thief crucified with Jesus on Calvary. This is what St. Luke writes about him: 39 And one of those robbers who was hanged blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering, rebuked him, saying: Neither dost thou fear God, seeing; thou art under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly: for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man hath done no evil. 42 And he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee: This day thou shalt be with me in paradise. Luke 23:39-43
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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jacepi-time · 22 days
Our glorious Miku is a beacon for human creativity and musical composition
Their traitorous Ai music is a soulless thief and a robber with no human creativity they are not the same
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 2 months
Hey Jonny! Is there anything to the term for pirate having the same structure as the terms for the various "tribes"? Like if the Minks are the "Mink-zoku", would that make pirates the Sea People's? (The Sea Peoples are also a mysterious group of pirates that famously destroyed a civilization and then vanished from the historical record irl)
i don't think so! they're different kanji, they just happen to be pronounced the same. the zoku in 海賊/kaizoku (pirate) is the kanji 賊, which has a meaning of like 'thief/robber/rebel.' if you broke the word kaizoku down into its components, it would be 'sea thief.' meanwhile, the character pronounced zoku that's appended to the names of groups like the minks or lunarians is 族, which means 'tribe' or 'clan.'
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kaisacobra · 1 year
New City, New Rules - Lottie Matthews
Summary: You always knew you needed a change from Gotham City, you just didn't knew that this change was a person with spider powers and a secret identity
Warnings: Robin!reader, Spider!Lottie, lots of Batman references, some violence and a bit of suggestive content
Word Count: 3.7k
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It's funny how big cities can be both so similar and so different at the same time.
As you calmly gazed upon the grandeur of New York during your stroll, the similarities seemed clear. The tall and imposing buildings forming a jungle of concrete and glass, people in a hurry flooding the streets without even sparing a glance at each other, the constant noise of footsteps, cars, and unintelligible shouts. It was almost like being at home. Almost.
New York buzzed with hope. The city appeared to have countless colors, and its people allowed themselves to dream and have expectations of a better future. It was an absurd contrast when compared to the coldness and darkness of Gotham City, which submerged its citizens in eternal misery.
Being away from that place was better for everyone. Perhaps that's why Bruce had arranged everything for your move to college. Perhaps that's why you had eagerly accepted the offer. The pursuit of something better.
Your eyes were fixed on the path, but your hands clung tightly to the black mask tucked in your pocket, like a reminder of home and who you were. Or who you used to be.
Suddenly, your route was abruptly diverted to the side with a pull. You didn't have time to react as a ragged man pressed you against the cracked wall of the alley, wielding a strange object against your throat.
"Hand over everything, kid," he demanded, and you grimaced as you felt his terrible breath so close to your face. Looking now at the object in your assailant's hand, you let a sly smile escape. "A shard of glass? Seriously?"
The man grew irritated, gritting his teeth and pressing his torn glove even closer to your neck. You could almost feel the coldness of the glass touching your exposed skin. "You think this is a joke?! If you don't hand everything over right now, I'll cut up that pretty face of yours, got it?!"
You analyzed your threat more closely. Just as the weapon was makeshift, it was evident that the guy was an amateur robber. You could tell from the slight tremble in the hand holding the glass shard and the unstable posture that left his back leg unprotected against any attack.
Some small-time thug thought he could rob a Gotham City resident? Even more so, a resident with your training? Ha. What a joke.
Raising your hands slowly in the air, you decided to put an end to this shit show. "Okay. I'm just going to reach into my pockets for my things," you announced, slowly lowering your hands to your sides, with each movement followed by the aggressive gaze of the man.
Reaching the outer part of your pocket, you could already feel the outline of the last gift your older brother gave you before you moved away. The retractable escrima stick with the energetic power of an ultra-potent taser. Oh, how you had been looking forward to using it.
But before you could do anything, the thief was jerked away from you at an incredible speed, almost as if he had been dragged by a strong gust of wind. Following the sound of his frightened screams, you looked to the side and witnessed a scene that almost didn't seem real.
The man was now suspended about 4 meters above the ground, against the same cracked wall he had pressed you against earlier, caught in a gigantic spider web.
You watched in shock as the man struggled, unsuccessfully, to free himself from the grip. "Come on, seriously! Get me out of here!"
"My bad, dude. Just doing my job."
You spun around as you heard the sound of a female voice, but there didn't seem to be anyone else in the alley besides you and the man. Deciding to look up this time, you witnessed the exact moment a red figure detached from the wall and landed softly in front of you, as if they didn't even feel the impact of falling from several meters high.
The voice gained a body as you took in the presence in front of you. Hidden from head to toe in a red and blue outfit, there stood the slender and toned feminine silhouette of your mysterious savior. You couldn't resist and gave her a top-to-bottom glance before scolding yourself for your lack of discretion, shaking your head to stop further impure thoughts. It wasn't the first time you had seen someone wearing such a form-fitting outfit, accentuating every muscle, but it was the first time the sight left you mesmerized.
You decided to shift your focus to other areas and began to notice more of the other details of her outfit. Some points were highlighted with a metallic golden gleam, while others had black lines forming a web pattern, converging to the center of the chest where a spider symbol was highlighted.
You were already aware that New York had its own heroes; Bruce himself had contact with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, but you had never been interested enough to learn more about them. Now, you slightly regretted that decision, desperately wanting to know more about this mysterious person.
"Are you okay? Did he take anything?" She asked, getting closer. Her voice was calmer than you had expected, carrying a soothing and sweet tone.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You crossed your arms and glanced back at the thief who was still struggling in his web prison. "He wasn't much of a threat, anyway."
The girl also crossed her arms and shifted her weight from one leg to the other, looking between you and the tied-up guy. "He didn't- He had a knife to your throat."
Though you couldn't see her face through the mask that covered her entire head, you imagined she had an expression as perplexed as her tone of voice. You smiled. "A knife? That was a glass shard. Is it really that hard to see from up there, or are you just a rare case of a superhero with nearsightedness?"
She shifted her posture slightly after your response, trying to mirror your playful tone and expression. "You know, most people thank me after being saved."
"I wasn't that defenseless." You smirked. "But thanks, Ladybug."
Winking at the heroine, you turned toward the alley's exit, walking away before she could retort, yet you still heard her voice reverberating off the walls in an indignant tone. "What? Lady—There's a spider on my chest! I shoot webs! Of course, I'm Spider-Woman!"
"Whatever you say, Ladybug!"
It was expected that an apartment on the top floor of a 20-story building with the large doors to the balcony open would be cold. Still, it didn't stop you from shivering as a strong gust of wind whistled into the room, along with the faint natural moonlight.
Bruce had been more than generous in buying this place for you to live, and you were grateful, but maybe he overestimated how much space you needed in a home. In the morning, when you rushed off to your classes, you didn't have time to notice the emptiness of the house, but at night, when you were awake out of habit, the silence and darkness of the corridors were unsettling. At least in Wayne Manor, Alfred was always present.
The discomfort of solitude led you to the living room during the chilly early morning, propping up your laptop on your lap and getting more comfortable on the couch. The screen had been open for a few minutes, displaying images and news articles of her. Spider-Woman.
You blamed your curiosity for wanting to know more about the girl, eagerly reading through all the reports about her doings, from preventing accidents to her involvement in the Avengers missions, which seemed to be a kind of Justice League for New York.
Reading about the heroine's adventures only made you more restless. It had been a month since your last patrol with Batman, and you had to admit you missed the adrenaline, missed spending your energy fighting criminals. It was what you had been trained for. It was in your essence, and being away from it made you feel like an addict struggling with abstinence.
You glanced at the balcony view, observing the dark buildings and the waning moon slightly veiled by a layer of mist. Your computer indicated it was 1:20 AM. You had hidden your uniform in a secret compartment of your closet, along with some weapons. It wouldn't hurt to ensure the city was safe for a few minutes.
It felt strange to be in your full suit, patrolling a city you barely knew. Your gadgets could only assist you to a certain extent. The grappling gun allowed you to move swiftly from building to building, your adapted mask granted you night vision and real-time amplification, and your Bo staff was secured in your utility belt alongside other useful items.
Still, it was an odd feeling trying to locate a crime scene in an unfamiliar city, especially without your mentor by your side. Batman's imposing presence gave you a confidence that would be very fitting now.
Your moment of contemplation was interrupted by a loud crash not far away. You advanced to the edge of the building you were on, using your enhanced vision to locate the source of the noise. With night vision, you spotted four green dots three streets away, engaged in what seemed to be a fight, with one of the figures conveniently stuck to a wall a few meters above the ground.
Seems like Spider-Woman needs your help.
You aimed the grappling gun at a nearby building's surface and pulled the trigger, waiting for the hook to latch onto the structure before you pulled the rope. The swift wind brushed against your face as you crossed the sky, your heart beating excitedly with the familiarity of the situation.
You landed slightly behind one of the criminals, giving you a broader view of the scene. Beside you, the shattered windows of the jewelry store indicated the motive of the crime, while the sight of the superhero dodging the punches of two of the robbers hinted at what prevented the crime from being committed.
In front of you, one of the ski-masked men reached into his pocket, pulling out a metallic gray revolver and aiming it at Spider-Woman. Your fighting instincts kicked in before you could think twice, and soon one of your Batarangs was launched, embedding itself into the back of his hand, causing him to drop the gun and cry out in pain.
All eyes turned to you, especially those of the criminals, who seemed even more disheartened upon witnessing the injury you inflicted on one of their partners. For a split second, your eyes met the heroine's mask, and she gave a quick nod that you returned.
Shaking off the momentary shock caused by your sudden arrival, the two of you began fighting side by side like a true team, synchronizing your attacks—electrocuting them with your Bo while the masked girl entangled them in webs, paralyzing their movements.
The police arrived shortly after you paralyzed the three. You and your now-fighting partner watched from a distance as the three men were taken into custody, both still catching your breath from the intense action. Seconds later, she turned toward you, looking downward, and suddenly the height difference between you two became noticeable.
"Thanks. I guess we're even now," she expressed her gratitude, and you raised an eyebrow in confusion. You were wearing your full suit, she couldn't have recognized you.
"Uh... I don't think we've met," you tried to deflect, deepening your voice slightly, which added a touch of comedy to the scene. "I'm Robin. Just arrived from Gotham City."
"Yeah, right," the heroine chuckled, pointing at your face. "You know, if you really want to be unrecognizable, maybe you should wear a mask that covers more than just your eyes. I could recognize you from afar."
"That worked in Gotham," you admitted, defeated, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Trying to change the subject, you crossed your arms and put on a playful expression. "So you would recognize me from afar? Saw me once and you're already obsessed?"
The masked woman burst into loud laughter, throwing her head back. "You made quite the first impression, you know? Most people recognize me, I should've figured you weren't from New York."
"Surprised not everyone's a fan of yours, Ladybug?" You teased, and she shook her head, taking a step back.
"So, you're like Batman's sidekick, right? How about trading a bat for a spider?"
You laughed and caught the hint she was about to leave, retrieving the grappling gun from your utility belt. "I didn't come to this city to be anyone's sidekick, but who knows, if I'm feeling generous, I might save your ass again."
Before she could respond, you shot the grappling hook to the top of a distant building and let yourself be pulled by the rope, relishing in the satisfaction of having the last word once more. As you made your way back home, observing the now fully shining moon in the sky you navigated, you couldn't help but notice that you felt more excited by that simple conversation than the entire battle.
That had never happened before. Damn Spider-Woman.
"Your brother's name is Dick?!"
It had been a few weeks since you and the mysterious girl had begun this odd crime-fighting partnership. With each passing day, you grew more attached to someone you didn't even know the face of, drawn in by her appealing personality and fighting skills (and of course, her very sexy body covered in that suit).
You were resting on the rooftop after an intense night of patrol, lying on the cold concrete, gazing up at the stars. She had gotten two milkshakes from somewhere, and the two of you were sipping them between laughter and conversation. It was almost humiliating to think that your heart raced just from the rare sight of the heroine's uncovered mouth, with rosy lips that looked extremely soft and inviting every time she parted them to take another sip.
At the moment, that beautiful mouth wore a wide smile after you casually mentioned one of your brother's gifts. You averted your gaze to respond, trying to prevent her from seeing your reddened face, but you still maintained a smile. "Of course not! His name is Richard, Dick is a nickname."
"Still, couldn't your parents have thought of a better nickname?"
The laughter ceased, and you adopted a slightly more serious tone. "We're not real siblings. We just had the same mentor."
The girl adjusted her posture upon hearing the change in your voice, sitting up to observe you better. "You mean, Batman?"
"Yeah, him." You sat up, following her lead, but your gaze was fixed on the horizon of the city buildings. "He's not exactly a father figure, but he's also all I have as family."
"You lost your parents too?" She spoke so carefully that you felt tears welling up in your eyes. You struggled to control them before you reached that level of vulnerability.
"Yes. They died in an accident caused by one of the Joker's attacks on the city. Bruce saved me from the car and adopted me. Maybe out of pity, or because he related to it." You explained. "Either way, he trained me and turned me into the new Robin. Dick had already become Nightwing, and Jason was in a different phase, but they used to visit me because they knew how lonely life in the mansion could be. That's why I consider them my brothers."
A second of silence passed before you processed her full question. "Too? Did you lose your parents?"
You turned fully toward Spider-Woman, noting that the previous scene seemed to be reversed. Now, she was the one avoiding your gaze, choosing to stare at her own feet swinging as if attempting to distract herself. "I was raised by my aunt and uncle. I never knew my parents, they died very early."
"I'm sorry," you replied gently. The girl's gloved hand was very close to yours, both using them to remain seated. Your fingers itched to hold hers and feel the warmth radiating from her body, or as close as you could get through the uniform.
She shook her head and adopted a more playful tone of voice. You could tell it was some kind of defense mechanism, but you didn't comment on it. "It's okay. Do you miss them? Being so far away?"
"Sometimes." You admitted. "But I know this was the best for me. Bruce wanted me to take a breather after my near-death experience."
"What?!" She turned toward you abruptly, and if it weren't for the mask, you were almost certain you'd see surprise widening her eyes.
Chuckling at her reaction, you pushed your hair back and pointed to a still-visible scar near your jawline. "I was kidnapped by one of Batman's many enemies recently. His plan was to slit my throat and let me bleed to death as a threat against Bruce. Luckily, he found me in time, and Alfred was able to close the wound as quickly as possible. I lost a lot of blood."
In an unexpected move, the girl leaned in closer to inspect the mark. The breath leaving her mouth touched your skin, sending shivers down your spine. You closed your eyes in an attempt at self-control as she gently touched the area, very close to your pulse point.
With a clearing of her throat, she quickly moved away, allowing you to try to breathe like a normal person again. "If it makes you feel better, I have one too. It's on my forehead. A guy crushed my head in a glass door, and a shard got through the mask."
Your eyes gleamed as you realized the perfect opportunity in your hands. "Can I see?"
You waited for the heroine's response. She opened her mouth and closed it, seeming to hesitate in her movements. Feeling impatient, you stood up and faced her, for the first time being the taller figure between the two. "Come on, Ladybug? Don't you trust me?"
"It's not that! It's just—"
"Well, I trust you." Turning to the edge of the building, you leaped into the air without any guarantee that you would safely reach the ground, simply enjoying the rush and placing all your confidence in your patrol partner's abilities.
And before you could feel the impact of the ground breaking your ribs, a hand passed over your back, grabbing you by the waist and slowing the fall.
"You must be crazy!" Spider-Woman exclaimed exasperatedly. Now that you looked up, you could see that she had secured a long web on the side of the roof, using it to lower the two of you safely. You could feel the strong muscles of her arm tensing from the effort of holding you.
She set you down when you were close enough to the ground and remained suspended on the web, now hanging upside down, allowing your heads to be at the same level.
You smiled. "I'm not crazy, I just know I can trust you."
She was extremely close. In two steps, you would be resting your forehead against her still uncovered chin, causing you to lower your gaze to her plump lips. A thousand thoughts raced through your mind as you whispered delicately. "Please. Can I see your face, Spider-Woman?"
Surprising you (and perhaps herself as well), the heroine slowly began to remove the mask, gradually revealing the features of her face. From her lips, she revealed her perfectly shaped nose and prominent, flushed cheeks, then moved up to her big dark eyes, which shone like onyx under the moonlight. Finally, she took off the entire mask, letting her long wavy hair escape and cascade down due to gravity.
As if in a trance, you approached and affectionately brushed your thumb over the scar on her forehead she had mentioned, noticing how she closed her eyes to savor the touch. Taking another step forward, you felt your breaths mix due to the closeness.
"Can I kiss you, Spider-Woman?" You moved your hands to her neck, feeling her skin tingle beneath your touch.
"Lottie. My name is Lottie Matthews." She replied almost breathlessly, her gaze fixed on your lips.
"So, can I kiss you, Lottie Matthews?" You whispered provocatively, earning a whimper from the brunette.
"Please." Lottie whined, and you finally succumbed to the temptation of tasting her lips against yours.
Despite the unusual position, you still felt like you were floating as you kissed the girl. Your hands had moved to the nape of Lottie's neck, while she had dropped the mask on the ground to hold your face with both hands. Her lips tasted of the strawberry milkshake she had been drinking a few minutes earlier, and you sighed when you felt her cold tongue touch yours.
You kissed until you lost track of time. Minutes, hours, and days could have passed, and nothing would be as important as the heavenly fire that consumed you as you kissed Lottie.
Unfortunately, you were still human and needed to pull away to catch your breath. The girl took the opportunity to release her web, standing up in front of you and picking up the mask she had dropped on the ground. A smile spread across your face when you noticed her state: completely disheveled hair and a deep shade of red covering her face.
You couldn't resist teasing. "Do I kiss that well, Ladybug? Looks like you got struck by lightning."
"Very funny," she retorted with a playful smile, rising to your level. "You had my name right just a few seconds ago, you know? Oh please, kiss me, Spider-Woman! I'm so in love with you, muah, muah, muah!"
"Shut up." You gently pushed her away, still smiling even at her poor imitation of your voice. "My name is Y/n, by the way. Y/n Y/l."
"Pleasure to meet you. Again, I mean." She gave a shy smile, and this time, you noticed the cute detail of her crooked teeth.
Getting lost in Lottie's eyes for a few moments, you suddenly realized that the magic of New York had finally caught up with you, and now you were looking forward to a future with a beautiful tall girl with spider powers.
Maybe changes were good, after all.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
Cookie Run Webtoon EN TL
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NEED TO SHARE THIS HERE... A few days ago Korean cookie run fandom was buzzing because 3 chs of an official cookie run webtoon had been uploaded... the pages have since been taken down (there's speculation that they might've been released too early by mistake??) BUT someone archived them so they can still be read!! And I did a (rough) english translation of all 3 chapters!!! (it was fun🥺 pls enjoy)
(Link to Ch 1) (Link to Ch 2) (Link to Ch 3)
CH 1:
note: Roguefort cookie's name in Korean(괴도맛 쿠키) is literally Phantom Thief(mysterious thief) flavor Cookie, and this 괴도 is the same thing Kaito Kid from Detective Conan is called (괴도 키드)
🌶:Yep, I really am a genius.
🌶: uhaha! instead of robbing a bank, it's much faster and easier to just rob bank-robbers, ya know~!
🌶:With this, my bounty will go up another level...
🌶: what, what's going on? (suddenly)
Reporter: As for Roguefort cookie's previously announced target, a 60 carat Yellow Diamond:
This jewel has been passed down from the Golden Cheese Kingdom for generations, and is said to be a symbol of good fortune, bringing(lit: wishing for) prosperity and longevity to the nation.
🌶: (Hmm, that's a puny gem.)
The jewel's owner adds that they will compensate the cookie who captures Roguefort Cookie, a payment of 1,000,000 coins as a reward to whoever captures this phantom thief...
(jolt)🌶: (A million coins?!)
🌶: (Then Roguefort cookie's bounty is higher than mine, isn't it!!) (1000000 vs 700000)
🌶: (I'll have the pride of a thief and steal it first!!)
(Title:) Who is the best thief?
Ep 1: Who is the best thief?
-That night
🌶: WAIT, YOU THERE! (suddenly)
🌶: I heard the yellow diamond was at this mansion. Know where it is?
butler: (EEP) ch, chili pepper cookie?!
butler: This is a very tightly guarded place, How in the world did you get in?
🌶: Psh, this is mere child's play to me. (lit: chewing gum)
butler: I'm calling the guards/security.
🌶: ......
🌶: What are you doing? Roguefort Cookie. (pause)
Roguefort🧀: A sloppy disguise, I suppose.
Roguefort🧀: ...How did you know?
🌶: A thief's intuition?
🧀: Haha... how interesting.
To think you'd see through my disguise. (riiip)
🧀: Then I guess you're also aware that I have the jewel with me.
🌶: WHAT?!
GHH! (whish) (whish)
🧀: I wonder if you can catch me?
I am the best phantom thief who has never been caught to this day, after all~ ^^
🌶: Don't make me laugh, I'M the best!!
🧀: (heh) If so...
🧀: How about we admit that the cookie who steals this jewel is the best thief? (sparkle)
🌶: Heh, think I won't be able to snatch it from ya?
🌶: You'll end up regretting this.
🧀: We shall see.
!!! (pause)
(🌶) You?! Cheesecake Cookie?!
🌶: This place is your mansion too?;; (Just how many mansions do you have?!)
🧀: How did you know we were here?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: With all this terrible noise you've been making, wouldn't it be weirder to not know~?
Cheesecake🧀🍰: Apparently, it seems like you want to distinguish who is the best thief between you, but...
🧀🍰: Haven't you two already stolen all the decent treasures anyway?
Try stealing something a bit more difficult~
🌶&🧀: more difficult?
(grin) 🧀🍰That's right. If you're a real thief...
🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶&🧀: !!!
(end of ch1)
cheesecake🧀🍰: How about trying to steal someone's heart?
🌶: someone's... whuh?
RF🧀: Heart. someone's heart.
🌶: What's so great about stealing someone's heart?
🧀🍰: Stealing something tangible is too easy~
Why, don't think you can do it?
(frantically/fiercely) 🌶: WHADDYA MEAN!!
🧀🍰: And you, Roguefort?^^
RF🧀: (Heh) ...Seems like it'll be interesting. Though stealing someone's heart is also too easy for me...
🧀🍰: huhu~ Good, good!
🧀🍰: Then make sure both of you come back here at the same time again tomorrow!
I'll explain the details then~
🌶: ...an invitation to a ball?
🌶: (Where's Cheesecake?)
🧀🍰: Oh my~ Welcome, Chili!
🌶: What about Roguefort?
🧀🍰: Roguefort already arrived first and got started~ (hoho~)
🌶: WHAT?!
🌶: They beat me to it?! I gotta start quickly too, who's my target!?
🧀🍰: Wait, before that- (snap)
🧀🍰: Let's get you changed first!
🌶: GUH? (grab)
🧀🍰: Take her to the dressing room~ (what is that state you're in?)
(thump, crash)
(title: Who is the best thief?)
🌶: What the hell is this!
🌶: guaah!! This dress is too stuffy/suffocating!! (creak creak)
🧀🍰: Oh my, is that so?
🧀🍰: Hold on-- Now where would my new Chocolaté Collection be... (toss toss)
🌶: ...By the way
What are you two doing here?
🥛: A part time job!
🥛: I have to buy Dark Choco-nim's goods, you see~ (hehe!)
💪: They released new protein, so I need money! (flex)
🌶: Ah...
🧀🍰: Chili! Try this on~
🌶: Phew, I think I can live now~!
🧀🍰: It suits you well~
🧀🍰: Here, take this.
🌶: What's this? ??
🌶: A mask?
🧀🍰: Tonight is a masquerade ball, you see.
🧀🍰: Your target is wearing a cat mask.
Between the two of you, the cookie who wins their favor first will win.
🌶: How would we prove that we won their favor?
🧀🍰: You just have to receive and bring back one of their things as proof/indication of winning. (You musn't steal it!)
🧀🍰: I already told Roguefort the same thing, so you should probably get going right away?
🌶: (A cat mask she said... where in the world are you?)
🍮iii: Can't I hold that for a sec?
🧙: No.
🍮iii: just once~!
🧙: No-!!!
🌶: Excuse me...
🌶: By any chance, have you seen a cookie wearing a cat mask around here?
🍓: ! (gasp)
🍓: Huh? Uh...
I, I... (th, that...)
🍓: I-I saw someone that way... (blush~) (note: speaking formally)
🌶: (whish) Ah, thanks!
🍓: 😳.....
🍮iii: trade with meee~!
🧙: I said no!!
🌶: ! (Over there!!!)
(loud footsteps)
RF🧀: ...So as I was saying...
🌶: Hi! Nice to meet you! (whack!) (shove)
🌶: For you to play dirty and go first...
(/ch 2 end)
🌶: ghh...
🌶: (I butted in all confidently but...)
(awkward) 🌶: (what the heck should I say?)
🧀: The moon is flying unusually high tonight... It must be because she is jealous of your beauty.
🐱: Oh my! 🌶(dripping down)
🌶: (Are they crazy?) (I can't say something cringey like that!!)
🍮: 'scuse me!
🌶: Huh?
🍮: She said she's got something to say to you!
🍓: U-um, well...
🍓: I-if it's okay with you... May I have this dance? (lit: will you dance 1 song with me?) (note: speaking very formally)
🌶: No, I...
🐱: My, you musn't refuse an invitation to dance, you know.
Please go on ahead! (lit: go and come back)
(zoned out)
🌶: (Dammit, I can't just leave Roguefort alone like this though-!!)
🌶: At this rate, I'm gonna lose..!
🍓: U-um, excuse me, by any chance...
🍓: Could it be that you didn't want to dance, but reluctantly agreed and forced yourself to for my sake...? (lit: ...pointlessly because of me, reluctantly came out)
🌶: Ah, it's not like that
🌶: To be honest, I don't really know how to dance. Today is my first ball, ya see.
🍓: I-is that so?!
🍓: Wh-what should we do, It's my first too tho...
🍓: I'm so sorry for making things troublesome for you...! (dashing off)
🌶: W-WAIT!
🌶: Are balls such a big deal? We just have to move to the beat, right?
🍓: B-but...
🌶: Look! Those guys are all enjoying themselves dancing, aren't they!
(🍮: You really can't dance!! (stomp stomp) )
🍓: Ah...
🌶: Let's just enjoy ourselves as well!
🍓: ...Okay!
(Wheee~) (/giggle)
🐱: ......
🧀: Pardon me,
🧀: The lobby is rather chaotic, so it seems like dancing might be difficult... shall we move to a quieter place?
🐱: Yes, sounds good. (footsteps)
🍓: Whew~
🍓: I had fun, thank you so much!
🌶: Me too! (hahaha)
🌶: (Gasp) (This isn't the time for that!)
🌶: I totally forgot I was in the middle of a bet. I have to quickly go back to stealing hearts... (whish whish) Where the heck did they go?
🌶: Hey, have you guys seen Roguefort Cookie?
🥂: Roguefort Cookie..?
🥛: Ah, I have!
🥛: I saw them go out to the garden a little while ago.
🌶: The garden?
(dashing footsteps)
🥂: Roguefort Cookie came to tonight's ball? They're not trying to steal something, by any chance...? (That was Chili Pepper Cookie just now, right?)
🥛: Ah, I heard they're doing a bet with Chili Pepper Cookie.
🥛: I encountered them while I was changing clothes... they really did disguise themself perfectly!
🥂: Aha~
🌶: What garden is this wide? (Seriously.)
🌶: Ah, there they are.
(/ch 3 end)
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velvetvexations · 3 months
People talk a lot about how very very early Golden Age Superman initially attacked abuses of structural power but I really need you to understand how completely weirdly unusual that was at the time.
I've read a fuck-dozen of comics from the 30s through the 60s and almost every single one of them treats Crime, as a concept, as some kinna malevolent force equivalent to Satan and his legions of Hell, as though some people are just born evil and choose to make the lives of their good law-abiding neighbors harder to earn petty cash from numbers rackets. Supervillains in comic books were, for the longest time, just criminals who happen to be really flamboyant about it, they're muggers, jewel thieves, bank robbers. Once in a blue moon one might be ambitious enough to try taking over the world, in which case they're cast in the same mold as Napoleon Bonaparte and the way Western media treated Hitler before the true scale of the Holocaust became known, sometimes buffoonish bullies who need a good kick to the seat of their pants.
Now that's so antiquated that Catwoman is an unrepentant thief and this doesn't really stop her from literally marrying Bruce much less teaming up with him. Some supervillains may still have profit motive, but generally speaking the drama is no longer "how will we get the Hope Diamond back from that dastardly arch-fiend?". But back then, to have Superman going after war profiteers and slumlords was hugely different to anything before or for a very long time after. It's a shame it was forgotten so fast.
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So I saw this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8SQNPe9/
And was wondering what would the skellys reaction to this happening to them (a one time thievery)
A link straight to the video!
Undertale Sans - He's not even mad. He can't believe his eyes and just laughs about it. He will for sure be the one who shares it on social media. That's comedy gold. He's still teleporting to the neighbor's house to get his package back. There are like three houses in the street and it's clearly not the old grandma who did it. Nice try though
Undertale Papyrus - ??????? He's so confused. He got the notification at work, way too late to stop the robber, but he certainly didn't expect to see this as a recording. He completely forgets the robbery, he needs to share this with Undyne.
Underswap Sans - Hell no! He jumps by the window straight on the man who screams in fear as Blue tries to snatch his package out of the robber's hands. He doesn't care about the disguise, his police officer instincts are too strong for you.
Underswap Papyrus - Hum... He's unsure about this. It's annoying, because his new video game console was in that package, but at the same time he's a bit scared to run after a cone. He's not even sure who's hiding under it! What if they're stronger than him? By the time he finally decides to do something, the robber is far away.
Underfell Sans - He growls and runs outside to fetch his package. Both the cone and the skeleton start to play tug-of-war with the package, hoping the other one will give up. However, Red is a dirty cheater and won't hesitate one second to suddenly send a bunch of bones into their legs. He's clever!
Underfell Papyrus - Not on his watch. He runs at full speed behind the cone, eyes injected with determination. The cone thought it was fun at first, but not anymore. That skeleton is crazy and throwing blasters at them! The poor guy hiding under the cone is now running for their life, screaming for help so someone frees them from Edge's murderous chase.
Horrortale Sans - He smiles creepily at the thief, then opens the portal of the farm. 20 very pissed-off roosters in heat start to chase the cone and attack their legs. Oak calmly walks to them to get the package back, then lets them to their fate as they're begging to be saved.
Horrortale Papyrus - Since you're looking at the floor, you didn't see he was literally standing there. The protective cone above your head suddenly... disappears. Willow picked it up. Busted. The thief is a little too impressed by the size of the skeleton and gives him back his package. They're not leaving before a two hours long lecture though.
Swapfell Sans - Lol. He grabs the guy by the soul and brings them back to him. He gets rid of their costume and politely asks for his package. The man obeys. Nox carefully puts the package down at his entrance. He then walks to the thief and kicks them in the knees. That's what you deserve.
Swapfell Papyrus - The guy thinks they're safe after a few minutes and puts the package down. Suddenly, Rus, disguised into a bush, runs to the package, absorbs it with his bush and runs back home with it. The thief is so confused about what just happened.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Lol. A bone flies through the cone's shoulder, pinning them against a wall. As the poor guy cries in fear and pain, Wine picks his package up again, calls the police, and leaves, letting them here. Good luck with that.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - :( But his art supplies... He's sad. He's not fast enough to catch them. He lays on his back on the front step and whines pitifully until Wine notices him and decides to save his art supplies. Yeah! Coffee is back on his feet in seconds!
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Who is the betrayer / who's the killer in the crowd? / The one who creeps in corridors and doesn't make a sound My love has concrete feet / my love's an iron ball...
John 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
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